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[_]Definitive Additional Materials
[_]Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S)240.14a-11(c) or (S)240.14a-12
                              Sprint Corporation
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]No fee required.
[_]Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
  (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
  (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
  (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
      pursuant to Exchange ActRule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
      filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
  (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
  (5) Total fee paid:
[_]Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_]Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
   0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
   previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
   or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
  (1) Amount Previously Paid:
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                                                               PRELIMINARY COPY
                              [SPRINT LETTERHEAD]
                              August  , 1998     
Dear Stockholder:
  On behalf of the Board of Directors and Management, I cordially invite you
to attend a Special Meeting of the stockholders of Sprint Corporation
("Sprint"). The Special Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on
          , September   , 1998, at Sprint World Headquarters, 2330 Shawnee
Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas.     
  At this meeting, you will be asked to consider and approve a proposal (the
"Tracking Stock Proposal") involving (a) the creation of a new class of common
stock of Sprint (the "PCS Stock") in connection with the restructuring of
Sprint's wireless personal communications services operations (the "PCS
Restructuring") and (b) a tax-free recapitalization of Sprint's common stock
(the "Recapitalization"). In the PCS Restructuring, Sprint will become the
sole owner of certain joint ventures that offer wireless personal
communications services ("PCS") under the brand name Sprint PCS SM, by
acquiring the interests of its cable company partners, Tele-Communications,
Inc. ("TCI"), Comcast Corporation ("Comcast") and Cox Communications, Inc.
("Cox," and together with TCI and Comcast, the "Cable Parents"), in these
joint ventures in exchange for shares of PCS Stock. The PCS Stock is intended
to reflect separately the performance of these operations, the PCS business of
SprintCom, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sprint, a joint venture in which
Cox maintains a minority interest, and any other future domestic wireless
mobile telephony operations of Sprint or operations using PCS licenses, other
than activities of the FON Group pursuant to sales agency, resale or other
arrangements with the PCS Group (as defined below), which would be implemented
pursuant to policies of Sprint's Board of Directors (the "PCS Group").     
  The Recapitalization will be effected by reclassifying each share of
Sprint's publicly-traded common stock into 1/2 share of PCS Stock and one
share of a newly created class of Sprint common stock (the "FON Stock"). The
FON Stock is intended to reflect the performance of Sprint's other operations,
including its long distance and local telecommunications divisions, its
product distribution and directory publishing businesses, its emerging non-PCS
businesses, its interest in Global One and other telecommunications
investments and alliances (the "FON Group"). At the Special Meeting,
stockholders will also be asked to vote on a related proposal to amend certain
existing equity-based incentive plans to provide for incentives consisting of
shares of PCS Stock or FON Stock (the "Incentive Plans Proposal").     
  Sprint's Board of Directors has recommended that stockholders approve the
Tracking Stock Proposal for a number of reasons, including the following:
  .  Upon completion of the PCS Restructuring, Sprint will achieve its
     strategic objective of obtaining integrated management control of the
     only 100% digital PCS wireless network in the United States with
     licenses to provide service nationwide utilizing a single frequency band
     and a single technology.     

  .  The creation of the PCS Stock will assist in meeting the capital
     requirements of the PCS Group by providing a publicly-traded equity
     security that can be used to raise capital (subject to certain
     priorities to sell PCS Stock granted to the Cable Parents for a
     specified period in connection with the PCS Restructuring) and can be
     issued in connection with acquisitions and investments. Sprint plans to
     complete an underwritten initial public offering of PCS Stock (the
     "IPO") concurrently with the completion of the PCS Restructuring, with
     proceeds to be allocated to the PCS Group.     
  .  Sprint believes that the creation of the PCS Stock and the FON Stock
     (the "Tracking Stocks"), reflecting the performance of the PCS Group and
     the FON Group, respectively, should enhance stockholder value by
     increasing market recognition of the value of Sprint and its individual
     lines of business represented by the PCS Group and the FON Group.     
  .  The Tracking Stocks will allow investors to invest in securities
     intended to reflect the performance of the PCS Group, the FON Group, or
     both, depending upon their investment objectives.
  In addition, Sprint's Board of Directors has recommended that stockholders
approve the Incentive Plans Proposal which, in connection with the Tracking
Stock Proposal, will permit the use of more effective management incentive
approaches, with the ability to direct business-specific options and securities
to employees of each Group.
  In connection with the transaction, France Telecom S.A. ("FT") and Deutsche
Telekom AG ("DT") have agreed to purchase shares of PCS Stock in connection
with the PCS Restructuring and the IPO so that they will maintain their
aggregate 20% voting power, and to modify their agreements with Sprint to
accommodate the Tracking Stock Proposal. Upon completion of the PCS
Restructuring, without considering the effect of the IPO or issuances to FT and
DT, the Cable Parents will own approximately 47% of the common equity of Sprint
that is intended to track the performance of the PCS Group. The remaining 53%
will be treated as owned by the FON Group and will be reflected in its
financial statements. This 53% interest is referred to as an Inter-Group
Interest, and is similar to the FON Group holding shares of PCS Stock. Taking
into account the purchase of PCS Stock by FT and DT at the closing of the PCS
Restructuring (but without giving effect to the IPO or related transactions),
Sprint's common equity intended to track the performance of the PCS Group will
be held as follows: (i) an aggregate of 46.4% will be held by the Cable
Parents, (ii) an aggregate of 1.2% will be held by FT and DT in the form of
Series 3 PCS Stock, and (iii) 52.4% will be held as an Inter-Group Interest by
the FON Group and reflected in Sprint's publicly-traded common stock and Class
A Common Stock. The number of shares of PCS Stock issued in the IPO will depend
upon market conditions and is in certain cases subject to agreement with the
Cable Parents pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement. Any shares issued to the
public in the IPO will dilute the percentage holdings described above. The FON
Group's Inter-Group Interest will be substantially eliminated in the
Recapitalization, in which holders of Sprint's publicly-traded common stock
will receive separate securities intended to track the performance of the PCS
Group and the FON Group, respectively.     
  Upon completion of the PCS Restructuring and the planned concurrent IPO,
Sprint's publicly-traded common stock will remain outstanding and continue to
trade on the New York Stock Exchange until the Recapitalization, which Sprint
intends to complete 90-120 days after the PCS Restructuring and IPO. Although
Sprint intends to complete the IPO concurrently with the PCS Restructuring,
Sprint may instead elect to complete the Recapitalization concurrently with the
PCS Restructuring, in which case Sprint would intend to complete the IPO within
90-120 days after the PCS Restructuring and the Recapitalization. In this
event, the FON Stock would be created concurrently with the PCS Restructuring.
  Holders of PCS Stock and FON Stock will be common stockholders of Sprint and
will be subject to all risks associated with an investment in Sprint and all of
its businesses, assets and liabilities. In addition, implementation of the
Tracking Stock Proposal will make the capital structure of Sprint more complex
and may give rise to occasions when the interests of the holders of FON Stock
and the holders of PCS Stock may diverge or appear to diverge. Sprint can
provide no assurance as to the degree to which the market price of the PCS
Stock and the FON Stock will reflect the separate performance of the PCS Group
and the FON Group, respectively. At the time of completion of the Tracking
Stock Proposal, the percentage equity interest of Sprint's current stockholders
in Sprint's non-PCS assets will not be affected.     

  Sprint currently intends to pay a quarterly dividend of $0.25 per share on
the FON Stock, which is the current indicated dividend paid on Sprint's common
stock, but does not intend to pay dividends on the PCS Stock in the foreseeable
  Further details of the Tracking Stock Proposal are set forth in the
accompanying proxy statement. I urge you to read the entire proxy statement
IN FAVOR OF THESE PROPOSALS. I am pleased to inform you that FT and DT, the
holders of Sprint's Class A Common Stock representing approximately 20% of the
outstanding voting power of Sprint, have agreed to vote their shares in favor
of the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal. On behalf of
the Board of Directors and Management, I thank you for your cooperation and
continued support.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
                                P.O. BOX 11315
                          KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64112
                      TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER   , 1998     
  A special meeting of the stockholders (the "Special Meeting") of Sprint
Corporation ("Sprint") will be held at Sprint World Headquarters, 2330 Shawnee
Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas on       , September  , 1998, at 10:00 a.m.
(local time) to consider and vote upon the following proposals relating to the
restructuring (the "PCS Restructuring") of Sprint's wireless personal
communications services ("PCS") operations pursuant to the Restructuring and
Merger Agreement, dated as of May 26, 1998, among Sprint, Tele-Communications,
Inc. ("TCI"), Comcast Corporation ("Comcast"), Cox Communications, Inc.
("Cox," and together with TCI and Comcast, the "Cable Parents") and various
subsidiaries of such parties (the "Restructuring Agreement"):     
  1. To approve and adopt the following (the "Tracking Stock Proposal"):
    (a) an amendment (the "PCS Stock Amendment") to the Restated Articles of
  Incorporation of Sprint (the "Existing Articles") which would, among other
      (i) define the "PCS Group," which is intended to consist of all
    business conducted by Sprint for offering or providing domestic
    wireless mobile telephony services or any other domestic PCS services
    (other than activities of the FON Group pursuant to sales agency,
    resale or other arrangements with the PCS Group (as defined below),
    which would be implemented pursuant to policies of Sprint's board of
    directors), as well as all acquisitions of domestic PCS licenses, and
    will initially include the operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
    PhillieCo and SprintCom (each as defined in the accompanying proxy
      (ii) define the "FON Group," which is intended to consist of Sprint's
    other operations, including its long distance and local
    telecommunications divisions, its product distribution and directory
    publishing businesses, its emerging non-PCS businesses, its interest in
    the Global One international strategic alliance, and its other
    telecommunications investments and alliances;     
      (iii) establish the terms of a new class of common stock of Sprint
    designated "PCS Common Stock," $1.00 par value per share (the "PCS
    Stock"), consisting of 2,350,000,000 authorized shares, to be divided
    into three series: (A) PCS Common Stock--Series 1 ("Series 1 PCS
    Stock"), entitling the holders thereof to a vote per share to be
    adjusted prior to each stockholder vote as described in the
    accompanying proxy statement, (B) PCS Common Stock--Series 2 ("Series 2
    PCS Stock"), to be issued to certain subsidiaries of the Cable Parents
    pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, entitling the holders thereof
    to a vote per share equal to 1/10th of the vote per share of the Series
    1 PCS Stock, and (C) PCS Common Stock--Series 3 ("Series 3 PCS Stock"),
    to be issued to France Telecom S.A. ("FT") and Deutsche Telekom AG
    ("DT"), entitling the holders thereof to the same vote per share as the
    Series 1 PCS Stock;     
      (iv) establish the terms of a new class of preferred stock of Sprint
    designated "Preferred Stock--Seventh Series, Convertible," no par value
    (the "PCS Preferred Stock"), consisting of 300,000 authorized shares,
    convertible into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock as
    described in the accompanying proxy statement;     
      (v) reclassify each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock of
    Sprint, par value $2.50 per share (the "Existing Class A Common
    Stock"), that is held by DT into one share of a new class of common
    stock designated "Class A Common Stock--Series DT," $2.50 par value per
    share ("DT Class A Stock"), consisting of 100,000,000 authorized
    shares, entitling the holder thereof to the same vote per share as the
    Existing Class A Common Stock; and     

      (vi) establish the terms of a new class of common stock of Sprint
    designated "Series 2 Common Stock," $2.50 par value per share (the
    "Series 2 Common Stock"), which will only be issued if Sprint converts
    the outstanding shares of PCS Stock into shares of Sprint's Common
    Stock, par value $2.50 per share (the "Existing Common Stock"), at a
    time when shares of Series 2 PCS Stock are outstanding, such Series 2
    Common Stock to consist of 500,000,000 authorized shares, each to be
    identical to a share of Existing Common Stock except that such share
    will entitle the holder thereof to 1/10th of a vote per share;     
    (b) an additional amendment (the "Recapitalization Amendment," and
  together with the PCS Stock Amendment, the "Articles Amendment") to the
  Existing Articles which would, among other things:
      (i) reclassify each outstanding share of Existing Common Stock into
    1/2 share of Series 1 PCS Stock and one share of a new class of common
    stock intended to reflect separately the performance of the FON Group
    and designated "FON Common Stock--Series 1," $2.00 par value per share
    (the "Series 1 FON Stock"), consisting of 2,500,000,000 authorized
    shares, entitling the holders thereof to one vote per share;     
      (ii) redesignate the authorized shares of Series 2 Common Stock as
    "FON Common Stock--Series 2," $2.00 par value per share (the "Series 2
    FON Stock," and, with the Series 1 FON Stock and the Series 3 FON
    Stock, the "FON Stock"), which will only be issued if Sprint converts
    the outstanding shares of PCS Stock into shares of FON Stock at a time
    when shares of Series 2 PCS Stock are outstanding, with each share
    identical to a share of Series 2 Common Stock; and     
      (iii) reclassify each existing share of DT Class A Common Stock and
    each share of Existing Class A Common Stock held by FT so that each
    such share will, among other things, represent an equity interest in
    the FON Group and an equity interest in the PCS Group, together with a
    right to cause Sprint to issue, to each holder thereof, a number of
    shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock (or, with respect to
    certain designated transferees of such holder, Series 1 FON Stock or
    Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively), but only to the extent such shares
    of Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, as the case may
    be, represent a number of unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as
    applicable. Each share will entitle the holder thereof to a vote per
    share equivalent to the number of votes that the share(s) of FON Stock
    and PCS Stock represented by such share would be entitled to receive
    (plus, in certain cases, an increased voting power resulting from
    certain anti-dilution protections);     
    (c) the Restructuring Agreement and the performance by Sprint of all
  obligations of Sprint contemplated under the Restructuring Agreement,
  including, among other things:
      (i) Sprint's acquisition from the Cable Parents of their respective
    interests in Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and MinorCo, L.P.
    (together with their subsidiaries, including Sprint Spectrum L.P.,
    "Sprint Spectrum Holdings") by means of tax-free mergers of newly-
    formed, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint with and into the corporate
    subsidiaries of the Cable Parents that directly or indirectly own their
    respective interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings; and     
      (ii) Sprint's acquisition from TCI and Cox of their respective
    interests in PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.
    (together, "PhillieCo") by means of tax-free mergers of newly formed,
    wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint with and into the corporate
    subsidiaries of TCI and Cox that directly or indirectly own their
    respective interests in PhillieCo;
    (d) the following issuances by Sprint:
      (i) the issuance of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and warrants to
    acquire shares of PCS Stock (the "Warrants") to certain subsidiaries of
    the Cable Parents as consideration for the acquisition of the interests
    in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo acquired from such
    subsidiaries of the Cable Parents in the PCS Restructuring;     
      (ii) the issuance of Series 1 PCS Stock in an underwritten initial
    public offering as described in the accompanying proxy statement;
      (iii) the issuance of shares of PCS Preferred Stock to the Cable
    Parents to purchase up to $240 million of indebtedness advanced by the
    Cable Parents to fund the operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings
    between May 26, 1998 and the closing of the PCS Restructuring, which
    shares of PCS

    Preferred Stock may be issued directly for the purchase of such
    indebtedness or as consideration in the PCS Restructuring with respect
    to any of such indebtedness as is capitalized by the Cable Parents
    before the closing of the PCS Restructuring;
      (iv) the issuance of Series 3 PCS Stock to FT and DT upon the
    exercise by FT and DT of their rights to purchase shares to maintain
    their specified ownership level or voting power (as to any stockholder
    generally, "Equity Purchase Rights") in connection with the PCS
    Restructuring and the issuance of Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 3 FON
    Stock to FT and DT from time to time in the future pursuant to their
    exercise of such Equity Purchase Rights; and
      (v) the issuance of PCS Stock to FT and DT and the Cable Parents (if
    so elected by the Cable Parents) upon the exercise of their respective
    Equity Purchase Rights in connection with the IPO and (subject to
    certain exceptions) any future issuances of PCS Stock or creation of an
    equity interest of the FON Group in the PCS Group (an "Inter-Group
    Interest"); and     
    (e) the creation, pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, of Inter-Group
  Interests of the FON Group in the PCS Group that will have terms equivalent
  to the Warrants and the PCS Preferred Stock, respectively (the "Warrant
  Inter-Group Interest" and "Preferred Inter-Group Interest," respectively).
  2. To approve amendments to certain of Sprint's equity-based incentive plans
(the "Incentive Plans Proposal") that, among other things, (i) authorize
stock-based awards with respect to 10,000,000 shares of Series 1 PCS Stock to
replace the Sprint Spectrum L.P. Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan and
(ii) permit non-employee members of the Board of Directors to participate with
Sprint employees under the 1997 Long-Term Stock Incentive Program.     
  The close of business on       , 1998 has been designated as the record date
for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Special Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.
                                          By order of the Board of Directors
                                          Don A. Jensen
                                          Vice President and Secretary
Westwood, Kansas
      , 1998
                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
   We consider the vote of each stockholder important, whatever the number of
 shares held. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting in person, please
 sign, date and return your proxy in the enclosed envelope at your earliest
 convenience. The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
 Sprint Voting Stock (defined in the accompanying proxy statement), voting
 together as a single class, the affirmative vote of a majority of the
 outstanding shares of Existing Common Stock, voting as a separate class, and
 the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Existing
 Class A Common Stock, voting as a separate class, are necessary for the
 approval of the Tracking Stock Proposal. The affirmative vote of a majority
 of the outstanding shares of Sprint Voting Stock present in person or voting
 by proxy is necessary for approval of the Incentive Plans Proposal. FT and
 DT, the holders of Sprint's Existing Class A Common Stock representing
 approximately 20% of the outstanding voting power of Sprint, have agreed to
 vote their shares in favor of the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive
 Plans Proposal. The prompt return of your proxy will save expense to your

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY
                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                              P.O. BOX 11315     
                          KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64112
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                       TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER  , 1998     
                        STOCKHOLDERS ON           , 1998

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

COMMON STOCK CAPITAL STRUCTURE..........................................      6
PROXY STATEMENT SUMMARY.................................................      7
RISK FACTORS--THE TRACKING STOCK PROPOSAL...............................     37
RISK FACTORS--THE PCS GROUP.............................................     46
THE SPECIAL MEETING.....................................................     52
THE TRACKING STOCK PROPOSAL.............................................     55
DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK............................................     98
FUTURE INTER-GROUP INTEREST.............................................    123
ANTI-TAKEOVER CONSIDERATIONS............................................    125
FT AND DT ARRANGEMENTS..................................................    128
INCENTIVE PLANS PROPOSAL................................................    145
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF SPRINT..............................    152
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION..................................................    156
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS....................................................    165
STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS...................................................    166
AVAILABLE INFORMATION...................................................    166
GLOSSARY................................................................    G-1
INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS..................................................   G-21
  Selected Financial Data...............................................    I-1
  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations................................................    I-3
  Financial Statements and Notes Thereto................................   I-18
  Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements...........   I-44
ANNEX II -- PCS GROUP INFORMATION.......................................   II-1
  Business..............................................................   II-1
  Historical PCS Group Selected Financial Data..........................  II-16
  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations................................................  II-17
  PCS Group Financial Statements and Notes Thereto......................  II-25
  Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined With MinorCo and PhillieCo
   Selected Financial Data..............................................  II-34
  Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined With MinorCo and PhillieCo
   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations................................................  II-35
  Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined With MinorCo and PhillieCo
   Financial Statements and Notes Thereto...............................  II-45
  PCS Group Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements.  II-66
ANNEX III -- FON GROUP INFORMATION......................................  III-1
  Business..............................................................  III-1
  Selected Financial Data...............................................  III-9
  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations................................................ III-10
  Financial Statements and Notes Thereto................................ III-26
ANNEX V -- THE RESTRUCTURING AGREEMENT..................................    V-1
ANNEX VI -- THE TAX SHARING AGREEMENT...................................   VI-1
ANNEX VII -- AMENDED INCENTIVE PLANS....................................  VII-1

                             QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
                        RELATING TO THE SPECIAL MEETING
A: Sprint is sending this Proxy Statement to you in connection with a special
   meeting of the stockholders of Sprint at which the stockholders will be
   asked to consider and approve a proposal (the "Tracking Stock Proposal")
   that would, among other things:
  1. Create a class of common stock called PCS Stock intended to separately
     reflect the performance of Sprint's wireless personal communications
     services ("PCS") operations and create a separate class of common stock
     called FON Stock intended to reflect the performance of all of Sprint's
     other operations (including long distance and local telephone services).
     These stocks are referred to herein as the "Tracking Stocks."     
  2. Enable Sprint to own and control 100% of the PCS network operating under
     the Sprint brand name (subject to a 40.8% minority interest in the
     entity holding the PCS license for and conducting operations in the Los
     Angeles/San Diego/Las Vegas MTA) by acquiring the remaining interests in
     certain joint ventures from its partners, TCI, Comcast and Cox
     (collectively, the "Cable Parents").     
  At the special meeting, you are also being asked to vote on a related
  proposal to amend certain existing employee stock plans (the "Incentive
  Plans Proposal") in connection with the Tracking Stock Proposal. The Sprint
  Board is seeking your proxy to vote in favor of the Tracking Stock Proposal
  and the Incentive Plans Proposal.
A: A tracking stock is common stock of a corporation, in this case Sprint,
   that is intended to "track" the performance of a group of assets or a
   subsidiary. Under the Tracking Stock Proposal, Sprint would, among other
   things, create two classes of Tracking Stock, the PCS Stock and the FON
  .  The PCS Stock is intended to reflect the separate performance of
     Sprint's PCS operations (the "PCS Group"), which are intended to consist
     of all of Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony operations or
     other operations using domestic PCS licenses (other than activities of
     the FON Group pursuant to sales agency, resale or other arrangements
     with the PCS Group (as defined below), which would be implemented
     pursuant to policies of Sprint's board of directors) and will initially
     include the operations of (i) Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and
     MinorCo, L.P., together with their subsidiaries, including Sprint
     Spectrum L.P. ("Sprint Spectrum") and American PCS, L.P. and its
     subsidiaries ("APC"), as well as a 59.2% interest in Cox Communications
     PCS, L.P. and its subsidiaries ("Cox PCS") (collectively, "Sprint
     Spectrum Holdings"); (ii) PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo
     Partners II, L.P., together with their subsidiaries (collectively,
     "PhillieCo"); and (iii) SprintCom, Inc. and SprintCom Equipment Company,
     L.P. (collectively, "SprintCom").     
  .  The FON Stock is intended to reflect the performance of all of Sprint's
     other operations (the "FON Group"), including its long distance and
     local telecommunications divisions, its product distribution and
     directory publishing businesses, its emerging non-PCS businesses, its
     interest in Global One and other telecommunications investments and
  There can be no assurance that the public markets will treat the Tracking
  Stocks as in fact reflecting the performance of these businesses.
A: Implementing the Tracking Stock Proposal will enable Sprint to achieve its
   strategic objective of obtaining integrated management control of the
   operations and buildout of the only 100% digital PCS wireless network in
   the United States with licenses to provide service nationwide utilizing a
   single frequency band and a single technology. In addition, the creation of
   the PCS Stock will assist in meeting the capital     

   requirements of the PCS Group by creating an additional publicly-traded
   equity security that can be used to raise capital (subject to certain
   priorities to sell PCS Stock granted to the Cable Parents for a specified
   period in connection with the PCS Restructuring) and can be issued in
   connection with acquisitions and investments. Further, the Tracking Stocks
   are intended to reflect the separate performance of the PCS Group and the
   FON Group, which Sprint believes should increase market recognition of the
   value of Sprint and its individual lines of business reflected by the
   Tracking Stocks.
A: The Incentive Plans Proposal will, among other things, replace Sprint
   Spectrum's current incentive compensation plan with a plan that permits
   awards of PCS Stock and options to purchase PCS Stock. Implementing the
   Incentive Plans Proposal will enable Sprint to create more effective
   management incentive approaches by having the ability to direct business-
   specific options, securities and other incentive awards to employees using
   a class of stock (either PCS Stock or FON Stock) that reflects the
   performance of a particular group (either the PCS Group or the FON Group).
   In addition, non-employee directors will be authorized to participate in
   the same manner as Sprint employees in certain incentive programs.     
A: The approval of the Tracking Stock Proposal requires the affirmative vote
   of the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting power of each of the
   following voting groups:
  .  the outstanding shares of Sprint voting stock, voting together as a
     single class;
  .  the outstanding shares of Sprint's publicly-traded common stock, voting
     as a separate class; and     
  .  the outstanding shares of Sprint's Class A Common Stock, voting as a
     separate class.     
  The approval of the Incentive Plans Proposal requires the affirmative vote
  of the holders of a majority of the shares of Sprint voting stock present
  in person or voting by proxy.
  France Telecom S.A. ("FT") and Deutsche Telekom AG ("DT"), the holders of
  the outstanding shares of Sprint's Class A Common Stock representing
  approximately 20% of the outstanding voting power of Sprint, have agreed to
  vote their shares in favor of the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive
  Plans Proposal.     
A: Sprint's Board of Directors has approved each proposal, and recommends that
   you vote "FOR" the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans
A: The special meeting will be held on September   , 1998, at 10:00 a.m.
   (local time) at Sprint World Headquarters, 2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway,
   Westwood, Kansas.     
A: Please read the Proxy Statement. Whether or not you plan to attend the
   special meeting, mail in your signed proxy card in the enclosed return
   envelope as soon as possible so that you can be sure that your shares will
   be represented at the special meeting.     
A: If the proposals are approved, Sprint intends to complete the following:
  .  The "PCS Restructuring." Sprint will create the PCS Group and the FON
     Group and acquire the Cable Parents' 60% interest in Sprint Spectrum
     Holdings and the 53% interest of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo in exchange
     for (i) shares of low-vote PCS Stock representing a total of
     approximately 47% of the pre-IPO equity of Sprint that is intended to
     track the performance of the PCS Group and warrants to acquire
     additional shares of PCS Stock and (ii) under certain circumstances,
     shares of PCS Preferred Stock.     
  .  The "IPO." Sprint will, subject to prevailing market and other
     conditions, offer and sell full vote PCS Stock in a public offering for
     cash and allocate the net proceeds to the PCS Group.
  .  The "Recapitalization." Sprint will convert each share of its publicly-
     traded common stock into one share of FON Stock and 1/2 share of PCS
     Stock. The Class A Common Stock will not be converted but     

     will thereafter represent a certain number of unissued shares of Series
     3 FON Stock and a certain number of unissued shares of Series 3 PCS
     Stock, the aggregate number of such unissued shares to be determined on
     an equivalent basis to the conversion of the publicly-traded common
  .  Arrangements with FT and DT. In connection with the PCS Restructuring
     and the IPO, FT and DT will purchase additional shares of PCS Stock so
     that they maintain their current 20% voting power in Sprint. Sprint, FT
     and DT have agreed to make modifications to Sprint's agreements with FT
     and DT to accommodate the Tracking Stock Proposal.
  .  Other Issuances of PCS Stock. The Cable Parents may, but are not
     required to, purchase additional shares of low-vote PCS Stock in
     connection with the IPO to maintain their respective economic interests.
  .  The "Incentive Plans Amendments." Concurrent with the PCS Restructuring,
     Sprint will adopt certain amendments to its equity-based incentive
     plans, together with other amendments adopted by the Sprint Board, to
     take into account the Recapitalization.
A: At the time of the PCS Restructuring, Sprint will determine the total
   number of shares of PCS Stock intended to track the performance of the PCS
   Group. At the closing, Sprint will issue 46.4% of those shares to the Cable
   Parents and 1.2% of those shares to FT and DT (before giving effect to the
   IPO). In exchange, Sprint will become the sole owner of each entity in the
   PCS Group (subject to Cox's minority ownership interest in Cox PCS). The
   remaining unissued 52.4% will be represented on the FON Group financial
   statements, as an ownership interest of the FON Group in the PCS Group.
   This interest will be similar to the FON Group holding tracking stock of
   the PCS Group. Because Sprint cannot own stock in itself, Sprint will keep
   track of its remaining equity interest in the PCS Group as an "Inter-Group
   Interest." Until the Recapitalization occurs, the value of this Inter-Group
   Interest should be reflected in Sprint's publicly-traded common stock. The
   shares of PCS Stock that are issued to holders of Sprint's publicly-traded
   common stock in the Recapitalization will represent substantially all of
   this Inter-Group Interest.     
A: Yes, substantially all. Sprint estimates that the shares of PCS Stock
   issued in the Recapitalization together with the PCS Stock issued to FT, DT
   and the Cable Parents and those reserved for issuance to FT and DT as a
   result of their ownership of Class A Common Stock on the date of the
   Recapitalization, will represent substantially all of the Sprint equity
   that tracks the performance of the PCS Group. Thus, the Recapitalization is
   intended to largely eliminate the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest. The FON
   Group will likely retain a small amount of Inter-Group Interest equal to
   the number of shares of PCS Stock issued in the Recapitalization. Sprint
   expects that any Inter-Group Interest remaining after the Recapitalization
   will be eliminated over time as currently outstanding employee stock
   options that are converted in part into options to purchase PCS Stock are
   exercised and as shares of PCS Stock are issued upon conversion by holders
   of Sprint's existing convertible preferred stock.     
A: As soon as practicable after stockholder approval, Sprint will complete the
   PCS Restructuring, together with either the IPO or the Recapitalization.
  Sprint expects that the IPO will be completed at the time of the PCS
  Restructuring, in which case the Recapitalization would occur 90-120 days
  later. However, Sprint may decide, based on prevailing market conditions or
  other reasons, to defer the IPO and instead complete the Recapitalization
  at the time of the PCS Restructuring. If Sprint defers the IPO, Sprint
  intends to complete it within 90-120 days after the PCS Restructuring,
  although there can be no assurance that the IPO will be completed.

A: No. If the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved, then in the
   Recapitalization, each of your shares of existing common stock will be
   automatically converted into one share of FON Stock and 1/2 share of PCS
  In connection with this conversion, the stock certificate representing your
  shares of existing common stock will represent ownership of the same number
  of shares of FON Stock. Sprint will send to you your certificates for PCS
A: You do not need to do anything to receive your certificates for the PCS
   Stock. Certificates representing whole shares of PCS Stock (and cash for
   any fractional shares) will be mailed to you at the time of the
  Please note, if Sprint completes the IPO before the Recapitalization (as is
  currently expected), there will be a public market for the PCS Stock.
  However, as an existing Sprint stockholder, you will not receive shares of
  PCS Stock until the Recapitalization, which is expected to occur 90-120
  days after the IPO.
A: No. There will be no change in control of Sprint as a result of the
   approval of the Tracking Stock Proposal. The Tracking Stocks will be held
   by the public, the Cable Parents and Sprint's current holders of Class A
   Common Stock, FT and DT. Currently, FT and DT together own 20% of the
   outstanding voting power of Sprint and will have the right to maintain
   their ownership not in excess of 20% (or 30% after July 31, 2010) of the
   voting power represented by Sprint's combined classes of common stock.     
  The Cable Parents will become significant stockholders of Sprint through
  their ownership of PCS Stock. However, because they will receive a special
  series of low vote PCS Stock in the PCS Restructuring (with each share
  carrying 1/10th of the vote of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock), it is
  anticipated that, together, they will control less than 5% of the combined
  votes of the outstanding Sprint voting stock. The Cable Parents will also
  be limited in their ability to acquire additional shares of the Tracking
A: No. The Tracking Stock Proposal will not result in a distribution or spin-
   off of any assets or liabilities of Sprint or its subsidiaries. Holders of
   PCS Stock and FON Stock will continue to be common stockholders of Sprint
   and, as such, will be subject to all risks associated with an investment in
   Sprint and all of its businesses, assets and liabilities.
A: Based upon the facts and the law at the time of the signing of the
   Restructuring Agreement, Sprint has received an opinion from its outside
   legal advisors that, except for any cash received for fractional shares,
   the reclassification of the stock of Sprint into various classes of
   Tracking Stock will, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, be tax-free to
   you. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, cash received for fractional
   shares will likely result in recognition of gain or loss. You should
   consult a tax advisor.     
A: Yes. Until the Recapitalization, Sprint's existing publicly-traded common
   stock will continue to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange (the
   "NYSE") under the symbol "FON," which will be the same symbol under which
   the FON Stock will trade after the Recapitalization. Sprint expects that
   the PCS Stock will be traded on the NYSE under the symbol "PCS."     
A: Each share of FON Stock will entitle you to one vote. The voting power of
   each share of PCS Stock will fluctuate depending on the public market value
   of the PCS Stock compared to the FON Stock. Each share

   of PCS Stock that you receive will be entitled to a number of votes equal
   to the ratio of (i) the price of one share of PCS Stock to (ii) the price
   of one share of FON Stock. These prices will be calculated using an average
   over the 20 trading days ending 10 trading days before the record date for
   any stockholder vote.
  All classes and series of FON Stock and PCS Stock and any Preferred Stock
  then outstanding and entitled to vote will vote together as a single class
  except in certain limited circumstances under which the holders of FON
  Stock or PCS Stock (and, in each case, Class A Common Stock to the extent
  it represents unissued shares of either FON Stock or PCS Stock) will have
  rights to vote as a separate class, including (i) to approve certain
  changes to the Restated Articles of Incorporation of Sprint that change the
  aggregate number of shares of stock of the class, that alter the par value
  of the shares of stock of the class or that adversely affect the rights of
  the class, and (ii) in the case of the PCS Stock (and Class A Common Stock
  to the extent it represents unissued shares of PCS Stock), to (A) approve a
  spin-off of the PCS Group within two years of the closing of the PCS
  Restructuring and (B) amend a provision of Sprint's bylaws relating to the
  Capital Stock Committee of the Sprint Board.     
A: After the Recapitalization, Sprint currently intends to pay a quarterly
   dividend of $0.25 per share on the FON Stock, which is the current
   indicated dividend paid on Sprint's common stock. The Sprint Board does not
   anticipate paying dividends on the PCS Stock in the foreseeable future.
A: Sprint has presented in this Proxy Statement, and will present in its
   future periodic filings, full financial statements of each of the PCS Group
   and the FON Group, in addition to the consolidated financial statements of
   Sprint. The financial statements of the PCS Group together with the
   financial statements of the FON Group comprise all of the accounts included
   in the corresponding consolidated financial statements of Sprint.
   Presentation of the separate PCS Group and FON Group financial statements
   will provide current and potential investors in PCS Stock and FON Stock
   with financial information regarding the underlying businesses of the PCS
   Group and the FON Group, the performance of which the PCS Stock and FON
   Stock is intended to "track." Sprint, however, will retain all beneficial
   ownership (subject to minority interests) and control of the PCS Group's
   and the FON Group's assets and operations. Because the stockholders of the
   PCS Stock and FON Stock will be subject to risks associated with an
   investment in a single company and all of Sprint's businesses, assets and
   liabilities, the PCS Group and FON Group financial statements should be
   read in conjunction with Sprint's consolidated financial statements.     
A: If you have any questions prior to the special meeting, please call
   Sprint's Information Agent, D.F. King & Co., Inc., 1-800 -      OR
   (212)    .

                         COMMON STOCK CAPITAL STRUCTURE
                    Current Common Stock Capital Structure

                                Current Sprint
                               Stockholders (1)

                                    Sprint                    Cable
                                    Common                   Parents


                 Non-PCS           SprintCom          Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
                Businesses                                    PhilleCo
                                                            and Affiliates

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    Proposed Common Stock Capital Structure
        After PCS Restructuring and IPO -- Before Recapitalization (2)

                     Current Sprint           Cable             New Public
                     Stockholders(1)         Parents          Stockholders(1)


                         Sprint                PCS
                         Common               Stock


           FON Group                         PCS Group
           ---------          ----------------------------------------
           Non-PCS            SprintCom      Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
           Businesses                                PhilleCo
                                                  and Affiliates

                          All Transactions Completed

                       Current Sprint             Cable           New Public
                      Stockholders (4)           Parents         Stockholders(1)


                FON                      PCS
               Stock                    Stock


           Tracking                       Tracking(5)

           FON Group                         PCS Group
           ---------          ----------------------------------------
           Non-PCS            SprintCom      Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
           Businesses                                PhilleCo
                                                  and Affiliates

- ------------------

(1) Includes holdings by FT and DT.
(2) Assumes that the IPO occurs at the same time as the PCS Restructuring and 
    before the Recapitalization. However, Sprint may decide to defer the IPO and
    instead complete the Recapitalization at the time of the PCS Restructuring.
    There is no assurance that the IPO will be completed.
(3) Includes substantial Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group.
(4) FT and DT will own Class A Common Stock after the Recapitalization that 
    represent unissued shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock.
(5) Together with the shares of PCS Stock represented by FT and DT's Class A 
    Stock, represents substantially all of the equity of Sprint intended to
    track the performance of the PCS Group. The FON Group will likely retain a
    small Inter-Group Interest after the Recapitalization.

- -------------------------------------------------------
- -------  legal ownership
- -  -  -  tracking stock interest; not a legal ownership
- -------------------------------------------------------

The Common Stock Capital Structure charts set forth above show the legal
ownership interests and the tracking stock interests of the Current Sprint
Stockholders, the Cable Parents and the New Public Stockholders in Sprint, the
FON Group and the PCS Group as they currently exist, as they are intended to
exist after the PCS Restructuring and prior to the IPO (before the
Recapitalization) and when all transactions are completed. In the table entitled
"Current Common Stock Capital Structure," the Current Sprint Stockholders have a
legal ownership interest in Sprint through their respective holdings of Sprint
Common Stock, and Sprint has a legal ownership interest in each of the Non-PCS
Businesses, SprintCom and Sprint Spectrum Holdings, Phillieco and Affiliates.
The Cable Parents also have a legal ownership interest in Sprint Spectrum
Holdings, Phillieco and Affiliates.

In the table entitled "Proposed Common Stock Capital Structure - After PCS
Restructuring and IPO - Before Recapitalization," the Current Sprint
Stockholders have a legal ownership interest in Sprint through their respective
holdings of Sprint Common Stock. The Cable Parents have a legal ownership in
Sprint through their respective holdings of PCS Stock, and the New Public
Stockholders have a legal ownership interest in Sprint through their respective
holdings of PCS Stock issued in the IPO. Both the Cable Parents and the New
Public Stockholders have a tracking stock interest (not a legal ownership
interest) in the PCS Group through their respective holdings of PCS Stock.
Sprint has a legal ownership interest in the companies that comprise the FON
Group and the PCS Group, respectively.

In the table entitled, "Proposed Common Stock Capital Structure - All
Transactions Completed," the Current Sprint Stockholders have a legal ownership
interest in Sprint through their respective holdings of FON Stock and PCS Stock,
and have a tracking stock interest (not a legal ownership interest) in the
companies that comprise the FON Group and the PCS Group, respectively, through
their respective holdings of FON Stock and PCS Stock. The Cable Parents have a
legal ownership interest in Sprint through their respective holdings of PCS
Stock, and have a tracking stock interest (not a legal ownership interest) in
the companies that comprise the PCS Group through their respective holdings of
PCS Stock. The New Public Stockholders have a legal ownership interest in Sprint
through their respective holdings of PCS Stock and have a tracking stock
interest (not a legal ownership interest) in the companies that comprise the PCS
Group through their respective holdings of PCS Stock.


                            PROXY STATEMENT SUMMARY
  The following is a summary of certain information contained elsewhere in this
Proxy Statement, including the Glossary and the Annexes hereto (collectively,
the "Proxy Statement"), or incorporated by reference herein. The term "PCS
Group" as used herein, unless otherwise stated, refers to the entities,
businesses, and interests that will comprise the PCS Group (as further defined
in the Glossary) if the Tracking Stock Proposal is implemented. Unless the
context otherwise indicates, references herein to the Series 1 FON Stock also
refer to the Existing Common Stock before the creation of the Series 1 FON
Stock pursuant to the Recapitalization. Reference is made to, and this Summary
is qualified in its entirety by, the more detailed information contained herein
and incorporated by reference herein. Stockholders of Sprint are urged to read
this Proxy Statement and the documents incorporated herein by reference in
their entirety. Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed
to them in the Glossary which appears immediately before the Annexes.
  Stockholders are being asked to vote upon and approve the Tracking Stock
Proposal to create two new classes of common stock, each intended to reflect
the performance of certain of Sprint's business operations, in connection with
the restructuring of Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony operations
(the "PCS Restructuring") pursuant to the Restructuring and Merger Agreement,
dated as of May 26, 1998, among Sprint, Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"),
Comcast Corporation ("Comcast"), Cox Communications, Inc. ("Cox," and together
with TCI and Comcast, the "Cable Parents") and various subsidiaries of such
parties (the "Restructuring Agreement"). The Cable Parents and Sprint are
referred to herein as the "Parents." In connection with the Tracking Stock
Proposal, stockholders are also being asked to vote upon and approve the
Incentive Plans Proposal.     
                                 THE PCS GROUP
  The PCS Group (singularly, a "Group," and, together with the FON Group, the
"Groups"), which markets its wireless telephony products and services under the
Sprint(R) and Sprint PCSSM brand names, operates the only 100% digital PCS
wireless network in the United States with licenses to provide service
nationwide utilizing a single frequency band and a single technology. The
PCS Group owns licenses to provide service to the entire United States
population, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. See "ANNEX II--
PCS Group Information."     
  The PCS Group initially will consist of (i) Sprint Spectrum Holding Company,
L.P. and MinorCo, L.P., together with their subsidiaries, including Sprint
Spectrum L.P. ("Sprint Spectrum") and American PCS, L.P. and its subsidiaries
("APC"), as well as a 59.2% interest in Cox Communications PCS, L.P. and its
subsidiaries ("Cox PCS") (collectively, "Sprint Spectrum Holdings"); (ii)
PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P., together with their
subsidiaries (collectively, "PhillieCo"); and (iii) SprintCom, Inc. and
SprintCom Equipment Company, L.P. (collectively, "SprintCom"). Certain
information concerning the PCS Group, including the number of Pops covered by
licenses held by the PCS Group, is set forth in the chart below:     
                           PCS GROUP LICENSE COVERAGE

                                            SPRINT OWNERSHIP
                                        BEFORE PCS     AFTER PCS
ENTITY                    POPS (/1/)   RESTRUCTURING RESTRUCTURING              LICENSES
- ------                   ------------- ------------- -------------              --------
                         (IN MILLIONS)
Sprint Spectrum.........     155.9          40.0%        100.0%    30 MTAs
Cox PCS(/2/)............      21.0          23.7          59.2     Los Angeles-San Diego-Las Vegas MTA
APC.....................       8.3          40.0         100.0     Washington D.C.-Baltimore MTA
PhillieCo...............       9.2          47.1         100.0     Philadelphia MTA
SprintCom...............      74.9         100.0         100.0     139 BTAs
    Total:                   269.3
- --------
(1) Based upon 1997 population data supplied by Equifax Inc.
(2) Sprint Spectrum Holdings' current 59.2% ownership interest in Cox PCS will
    not be affected by the Tracking Stock Proposal. Pops data for Cox PCS
    includes 100% of its Pops, not the PCS Group's proportional interest.     

  The Board of Directors of Sprint (the "Sprint Board") has adopted policies
(the "Tracking Stock Policies") providing, among other things, that any
business conducted by Sprint to offer or provide Domestic Wireless Mobile
Telephony Services and any other Domestic PCS Services (other than any
activities of the FON Group pursuant to sales agency, resale or other
arrangements with the PCS Group, which would be implemented pursuant to the
Tracking Stock Policies), and all acquisitions of Domestic PCS Licenses, will
be allocated to the PCS Group. In the future, the Sprint Board may, in its
discretion, allocate additional businesses, assets or liabilities to the PCS
Group, or dispose of or transfer businesses, assets or liabilities from the PCS
Group, subject to the Tracking Stock Policies. The Tracking Stock Policies
generally may be modified, suspended or rescinded and additions adopted or
exceptions made by the Sprint Board at any time, subject to certain limitations
described under "The Tracking Stock Proposal--The Tracking Stock Policies" and
the Sprint Board's fiduciary duties (although there is no present intention to
do so, and Sprint has agreed with the Cable Parents, FT and DT not to do so
prior to the Recapitalization).     
                                 THE FON GROUP
  The principal activities of the FON Group will initially include (i) the FON
Group's core businesses, consisting of its long distance service, local
service, product distribution and directory publishing activities, (ii) the FON
Group's emerging non-PCS businesses, which consist of the development of
integrated communications services, consumer Internet access services,
integration management and support services for computer networks ("Sprint
Paranet") and international development activities outside the scope of Global
One ("Sprint International"), (iii) Sprint's interest in the Global One
international strategic alliance and (iv) Sprint's other telecommunications
investments and alliances.
  Sprint's long distance division ("LDD") is the nation's third-largest
provider of long distance telephone services. It operates a nationwide, all-
digital long distance telecommunications network that uses state-of-the-art
fiber-optic and electronic technology. Sprint's local telecommunications
division ("LTD") consists primarily of regulated LECs serving approximately
7.5 million access lines in 19 states. LTD provides local services and access
by telephone customers and other carriers to LTD's local exchange facilities
and sells telecommunications equipment and long distance services within
specified geographical areas. See "Annex III--FON Group Information."     

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING
General; Time and Place of      
Meeting..................... This Proxy Statement is being furnished to the
                             stockholders of Sprint in connection with the
                             solicitation of proxies by the Sprint Board for
                             use at a Special Meeting of Stockholders of
                             Sprint to be held at Sprint World Headquarters,
                             2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas,
                             on       , September  , 1998, at 10:00 a.m.
                             (local time) and at any and all adjournments or
                             postponements thereof (the "Special Meeting").
Record Date................. The Sprint Board has fixed the close of business
                             on       , 1998, as the record date (the "Record
                             Date") for the determination of stockholders
                             entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special
                             Meeting or any adjournments or postponements
Mailing Date................ This Proxy Statement and a form of proxy are
                             first being mailed on or about       , 1998, to
                             stockholders of record at the close of business
                             on the Record Date.
Vote Required...............    
                             The affirmative vote of a majority of the
                             outstanding shares of Sprint's Common Stock, par
                             value $2.50 per share (the "Existing Common
                             Stock"), Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50
                             per share (the "Existing Class A Common Stock"),
                             Preferred Stock-- First Series, Convertible,
                             Preferred Stock--Second Series, Convertible and
                             Preferred Stock--Fifth Series (such preferred
                             stock, together with the Existing Common Stock
                             and the Class A Common Stock, the "Sprint Voting
                             Stock"), voting together as a single class, the
                             affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding
                             shares of Existing Common Stock, voting as a
                             separate class, and the affirmative vote of a
                             majority of the outstanding shares of Existing
                             Class A Common Stock, voting as a separate class,
                             are necessary for the approval of the Tracking
                             Stock Proposal. The affirmative vote of a
                             majority of the outstanding shares of Sprint
                             Voting Stock present in person or voting by proxy
                             is necessary for approval of the Incentive Plans
                             Proposal. FT and DT, the holders of Sprint's
                             Existing Class A Common Stock representing
                             approximately 20% of the outstanding voting power
                             of Sprint, have agreed to vote their shares in
                             favor of the Tracking Stock Proposal and the
                             Incentive Plans Proposal. See "The Special
                             Meeting--Votes Required; Quorum; Absence of
                             Dissenters' Rights."     
                          THE TRACKING STOCK PROPOSAL
The Restructuring            As part of the Tracking Stock Proposal,
Agreement................... stockholders are being asked to approve the
                             Restructuring Agreement and the performance by
                             Sprint of all obligations on the part of Sprint
                             contemplated under the Restructuring Agreement,
                             including, among other things:
 The Articles Amendments.... An Amendment (the "PCS Stock Amendment") to
                             Sprint's current Restated Articles of
                             Incorporation (the "Existing Articles") that will
                             create the FON Group, the PCS Group and a new
                             class of Sprint common stock intended to reflect
                             separately the performance of the

                             PCS Group (the "PCS Stock"), and another
                             amendment (the "Recapitalization Amendment" and,
                             together with the PCS Stock Amendment, the
                             "Articles Amendment") that will create a new
                             class of common stock intended to reflect the
                             performance of the FON Group (the "FON Stock")
                             and effect the Recapitalization (as defined
                             below). The PCS Stock will be comprised of three
                             series: PCS Common Stock--Series 1, par value
                             $1.00 per share ("Series 1 PCS Stock"), PCS
                             Common Stock--Series 2, par value $1.00 per share
                             ("Series 2 PCS Stock"), and PCS Common Stock--
                             Series 3, par value $1.00 per share ("Series 3
                             PCS Stock"). The FON Stock will also be comprised
                             of three series: FON Common Stock--Series 1, par
                             value $2.00 per share ("Series 1 FON Stock"), FON
                             Common Stock--Series 2, par value $2.00 per share
                             ("Series 2 FON Stock"), and FON Common Stock--
                             Series 3, par value $2.00 per share ("Series 3
                             FON Stock").     
 The PCS Restructuring......    
                             Sprint's acquisition from TCI, Comcast and Cox of
                             their respective interests in Sprint Spectrum
                             Holdings and from TCI and Cox of their respective
                             interests in PhillieCo in exchange for the
                             issuance to subsidiaries of TCI, Comcast and Cox
                             of (i) shares of a special low-voting series of
                             PCS Stock, (ii) warrants (the "Warrants") to
                             acquire shares of PCS Stock representing an
                             aggregate initial PCS Group Percentage Interest
                             of 2.83019% and (iii) under certain
                             circumstances, shares of a new class of preferred
                             stock of Sprint designated "Preferred Stock-
                             Seventh Series, Convertible" (the "PCS Preferred
                             Stock"). Currently Sprint owns 40% of Sprint
                             Spectrum Holdings, approximately 47% of PhillieCo
                             and 100% of SprintCom. The Cable Parents together
                             own the remaining 60% of Sprint Spectrum Holdings
                             and TCI and Cox together own the remaining
                             approximately 53% of PhillieCo.     
                             Upon completion of the PCS Restructuring, without
                             considering the effect of the IPO or issuances of
                             FT and DT, the Cable Parents will own Series 2
                             PCS Stock representing approximately 47% of the
                             common equity of Sprint that is intended to track
                             the performance of the PCS Group. The
                             Restructuring Agreement provides for the payment
                             of shares and warrants representing such
                             percentage interests (rather than a fixed dollar
                             amount, or a number of shares with a set value
                             per share) because the value of the interests to
                             be acquired from the Cable Parents was negotiated
                             and agreed upon by the Cable Parents and Sprint
                             based upon the relative valuations of Sprint
                             Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom. These
                             relative valuations were supported by the
                             valuations of these entities set forth under "The
                             Tracking Stock Proposal--Opinions of Sprint's
                             Financial Advisors."     
 The IPO....................    
                             The issuance of Series 1 PCS Stock in an
                             underwritten initial public offering (the "IPO")
                             for net proceeds of between $500 million and $525
                             million, with additional sales of between $75
                             million and $80 million to cover over-allotments,
                             if any, or larger amounts under     

                             certain circumstances. See "The Tracking Stock
                             Proposal--The IPO." The proceeds of the IPO
                             (together with additional proceeds generated as a
                             result of the exercise by FT and DT and, if
                             exercised, by the Cable Parents, of their rights
                             to purchase shares to maintain their specified
                             voting power or ownership level (as to any
                             stockholder generally, "Equity Purchase Rights")
                             will be allocated to the PCS Group to fund
                             operating losses and capital expenditures.     
 PCS Preferred Stock........    
                             The purchase, upon completion of the PCS
                             Restructuring, for cash and/or shares of PCS
                             Preferred Stock, of certain indebtedness of the
                             PCS Group up to an aggregate maximum amount of
                             $240 million advanced by the Cable Parents to
                             finance the operations of Sprint Spectrum
                             Holdings prior to the closing of the PCS
                             Restructuring (to the extent such indebtedness
                             owed to the Cable Parents is not previously
                             contributed to their subsidiaries to be acquired
                             in the PCS Restructuring).     
 Preferred Inter-Group          
Interest.................... The purchase, upon completion of the PCS
                             Restructuring, of certain inter-Group
                             indebtedness of the PCS Group to the FON Group up
                             to an aggregate maximum amount of $270.6 million
                             relating to certain loans advanced by Sprint or
                             its Affiliates to finance the operations of
                             Sprint Spectrum Holdings and SprintCom, prior to
                             the closing of the PCS Restructuring which
                             repayment will be made by an allocation of cash
                             from the PCS Group to the FON Group and/or the
                             creation of an Inter-Group Interest of the FON
                             Group in the PCS Group that will have terms
                             equivalent to the PCS Preferred Stock (the
                             "Preferred Inter-Group Interest"). The Preferred
                             Inter-Group Interest is similar to the issuance
                             of PCS Preferred Stock to Sprint, which, like the
                             Cable Parents, may advance funds to Sprint
                             Spectrum Holdings.     
 Warrant Inter-Group            
Interest.................... The creation of a right of the FON Group to
                             acquire an Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group
                             that will have terms equivalent to the Warrants
                             (the "Warrant Inter-Group Interest"),
                             representing an initial PCS Group Percentage
                             Interest of 2.83019%. The Warrant Inter-Group
                             Interest and the Warrants reflect additional
                             consideration to Sprint and the Cable Parents
                             which was agreed upon as part of the PCS
 Inter-Group Interest..      The PCS Restructuring will provide Sprint with
                             100% legal ownership of the PCS Group (subject to
                             the minority interest of Cox in Cox PCS). The PCS
                             Stock issued to the Cable Parents in the PCS
                             Restructuring will total 47% of the common equity
                             of Sprint intended to track the performance of
                             the PCS Group (without giving effect to the IPO
                             or issuances to FT and DT). The remaining
                             unissued 53% of the common equity of Sprint
                             intended to track the PCS Group will be reflected
                             in the financial statements of the FON Group as
                             an "Inter-Group Interest" in the PCS Group until
                             the Recapitalization. Thus, an Inter-Group
                             Interest is similar to the FON Group holding PCS
                             Stock, except that no voting or other stockholder
                             rights are associated with an Inter-Group
                             Interest. After giving effect to the exercise of
                             FT and DT's Equity Purchase Rights in connection
                             with the PCS Restructuring (but prior to the
                             Recapitalization and without giving effect to the
                             IPO), the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest in the
                             PCS Group will be 52.4%. The Tracking Stock     

                             Policies provide that the PCS Group shall not
                             have or be able to have an Inter-Group Interest
                             in the FON Group. See "Future Inter-Group
                             Sprint expects to eliminate substantially all of
                             the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest in the
                             Recapitalization. Establishing the number of
                             shares represented by the Inter-Group Interest
                             requires Sprint to estimate the number of shares
                             of Existing Common Stock and Class A Common Stock
                             that will be outstanding on the date of the
                             Recapitalization, and, to the extent that this
                             estimate is greater than the number of shares
                             needed for the Recapitalization, the FON Group
                             will retain a small Inter-Group Interest after
                             the Recapitalization. Between the time of the PCS
                             Restructuring and the Recapitalization, the
                             Existing Common Stock will reflect the
                             performance of the entire FON Group, including
                             the share of the income or loss from the
                             operations of the PCS Group attributable to its
                             Inter-Group Interest. After the Recapitalization,
                             the Inter-Group Interest that will be held by the
                             FON Group will be equivalent to the number of
                             shares by which Sprint over-estimated the number
                             of shares of PCS Stock required for distribution
                             in the Recapitalization, and the effect of the
                             PCS Group's income or losses on the FON Group
                             will be reduced accordingly.     
Arrangements with Holders
 of Class A Common Stock....
                             Sprint has entered into a Master Restructuring
                             and Investment Agreement with FT and DT dated as
                             of May 26, 1998 (the "Master Agreement") which,
                             among other things, provides that FT and DT will
                             purchase from Sprint sufficient shares of PCS
                             Stock to maintain an aggregate voting power of
                             20% of all Sprint Voting Stock, taking into
                             account issuances in the IPO and the PCS
                             Restructuring and pursuant to the Cable Parents'
                             Equity Purchase Rights. The Master Agreement also
                             provides that the existing investment documents
                             among Sprint, FT and DT, including the existing
                             stockholders' agreement and the existing
                             standstill agreement, will be amended to reflect
                             and address the changes provided for by the
                             Tracking Stock Proposal. Pursuant to the PCS
                             Stock Amendment, all shares of Existing Class A
                             Common Stock held by DT will be reclassified into
                             the same number of shares designated "Class A
                             Common Stock--Series DT," par value $2.50 per
                             share ("DT Class A Stock" and, collectively with
                             the Existing Class A Common Stock held by FT, the
                             "Class A Common Stock").     
The Recapitalization...      As part of the Tracking Stock Proposal,
                             stockholders are also being asked to approve a
                             tax-free recapitalization of Sprint's outstanding
                             common stock (the "Recapitalization"). Sprint
                             will file the Recapitalization Amendment to (i)
                             reclassify each share of Sprint's outstanding
                             Existing Common Stock into 1/2 share of Series 1
                             PCS Stock and one share of Series 1 FON Stock,
                             (ii) redesignate the authorized shares of Series
                             2 Common Stock as Series 2 FON Stock     

               and (iii) reclassify each authorized share of Class A Common
               Stock so that each such share will, among other things,
               represent a certain number of unissued shares of Series 3 FON
               Stock and a certain number of unissued shares of Series 3 PCS
               Stock, the aggregate number of such unissued shares to be
               determined on an equivalent basis.     
               Upon the creation of the PCS Group in the PCS Restructuring,
               Sprint's Existing Common Stock and Class A Common Stock
               together is expected to reflect the performance of the entire
               FON Group and the PCS Group to the extent of the FON Group's
               Inter-Group Interest. The effect of the Recapitalization will
               be to provide holders of Existing Common Stock with separate
               securities reflecting the performance of the FON Group and the
               PCS Group, respectively. The Recapitalization will
               substantially eliminate the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest in
               the PCS Group.     
Timing of the
IPO and the
               Sprint currently intends to complete the IPO at the same time
               as the PCS Restructuring and to complete the Recapitalization
               within 90-120 days following the PCS Restructuring and the IPO.
               The Existing Common Stock will not be converted into PCS Stock
               and FON Stock until the Recapitalization.
               In lieu of the above order of events, Sprint may instead elect
               to complete the Recapitalization concurrently with the PCS
               Restructuring, in which case Sprint would intend to complete
               the IPO within 90-120 days following the Recapitalization and
               the PCS Restructuring.     
Reasons for
the Tracking
Proposal.......The Sprint Board adopted the Tracking Stock Proposal after a
               review of various alternatives in order to, among other things:
               . achieve Sprint's strategic objective of obtaining integrated
                 management control of Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and
               . report the results of operations of the PCS Group and the FON
                 Group separately, which should provide greater market
                 understanding and recognition of the value (individually and
                 collectively) of Sprint and its individual lines of business
                 represented by the FON Group and the PCS Group;

                             .  assist in meeting the capital requirements of
                                the PCS Group by creating an additional
                                publicly-traded equity security that can be
                                used to raise capital (subject to certain
                                priorities granted to the Cable Parents for a
                                specified period in connection with the PCS
                                Restructuring) and can be issued in connection
                                with acquisitions and investments; and
                             .  permit the creation of more effective
                                management incentive approaches, with the
                                ability to direct business-specific options
                                and securities to employees of each Group.
                             For additional reasons for the Tracking Stock
                             Proposal, see "The Tracking Stock Proposal--
                             Background and Reasons for the Tracking Stock
Risk Factors...........      When evaluating the Tracking Stock Proposal,
                             stockholders should be aware of certain risk
                             factors. Risk factors include but are not limited
                             to the following:     
                             .  the risks associated with an investment in a
                                single company and all of Sprint's businesses,
                                assets and liabilities;     
                             .  the lack of assurances as to the market price
                                of the classes of common stock following the
                                IPO and the Recapitalization;     
                             .  limited separate stockholder rights with
                                respect to the classes of common stock;     
                             .  the potentially divergent interests of the
                                holders of the FON Stock and the PCS Stock;
                             .  the lack of legal precedent with respect to
                                the fiduciary duties of the board of directors
                                of a company with a capital structure that
                                includes tracking stocks;     
                             .  the possibility that there could be
                                significant inter-Group transactions between
                                the FON Group and the PCS Group (including the
                                creation of a future Inter-Group Interest in
                                the PCS Group on the part of the FON Group),
                                which transactions may involve the transfer of
                                funds from one Group to the other Group;     
                             .  the lack of assurance as to the magnitude of
                                any payments made pursuant to the tax sharing
                                agreement undertaken by Sprint relating to the
                                FON Group and the PCS Group;     
                             .  the ability of the Sprint Board to make
                                changes to the Tracking Stock Policies without
                                stockholder approval (subject to limits
                                described under "The Tracking Stock Proposal--
                                The Tracking Stock Policies");     
                             .  Sprint's ability to issue authorized but
                                unissued shares of FON Stock, PCS Stock, or
                                any other class of capital stock without
                                stockholder approval;     

                             .  limitations on a potential separate
                                acquisition of the PCS Group or the FON Group;
                             .  market "overhang," or the large number of
                                shares of PCS Stock that may be sold and the
                                significant registration rights granted to the
                                Cable Parents with respect thereto;     
                             .  possible election by Sprint not to proceed
                                with an IPO; and     
                             .  the potential effects of a possible
                                disposition of assets attributed to a Group.
                             Stockholders should also be aware of certain
                             risks with respect to the PCS Group operations,
                             which include but are not limited to risks
                             relating to the following:     
                             .  operating losses and negative cash flow from
                                operations to date;     
                             .  substantial continuing capital requirements;
                             .  the significant indebtedness of the PCS Group;
                             .  governmental regulation;     
                             .  competition;     
                             .  certain network buildout and PCS system
                                implementation risks;     
                             .  significant changes in the wireless industry;
                             .  rapid technological changes;     
                             .  customer churn rate;     
                             .  seasonality;     
                             .  radio frequency emission concerns; and     
                             .  Year 2000 issues.     
                             See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock Proposal"
                             and "Risk Factors--The PCS Group."     
Opinions of Financial           
Advisors.................... Salomon Smith Barney and Warburg Dillon Read LLC
                             (each, a "Financial Advisor" and together, the
                             "Financial Advisors") each has delivered to the
                             Sprint Board its written opinion (confirming its
                             oral opinion delivered to the Sprint Board on May
                             26, 1998) that, as of May 26, 1998, and based
                             upon the assumptions made, matters considered and
                             limits on the review undertaken, all of which are
                             set forth in their respective opinions, the
                             consideration to be paid by Sprint in connection
                             with the mergers related to the PCS Restructuring
                             is fair to Sprint from a financial point of view.
                             Such consideration consists of (i) shares of
                             Series 2 PCS Stock, (ii) Warrants to purchase
                             shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, and (iii) depending
                             upon an election to be made by each Cable Parent,
                             shares of PCS Preferred Stock, all to be paid by
                             Sprint to the Cable Parents in exchange for all
                             of their respective interests in Sprint Spectrum
                             Holdings and PhillieCo. Copies of the opinions of
                             the Financial     

                             Advisors appear in this Proxy Statement at Annex
                             VIII. Sprint stockholders are urged to read these
                             opinions carefully and in their entirety. For
                             additional information concerning the assumptions
                             made, matters considered and limits on the review
                             undertaken by the Financial Advisors in rendering
                             their opinions and the fees received and to be
                             received by them, see "The Tracking Stock
                             Proposal--Opinions of Sprint's Financial
Tracking Stock Policies.....    
                             In connection with the Tracking Stock Proposal,
                             the Sprint Board has adopted the Tracking Stock
                             Policies with respect to relationships between
                             the FON Group and the PCS Group, which provide
                             generally that all material matters as to which
                             the holders of FON Stock and holders of the PCS
                             Stock may have potentially divergent interests
                             will be resolved in a manner that the Sprint
                             Board (or the Capital Stock Committee of the
                             Sprint Board acting on its behalf) determines to
                             be in the best interests of Sprint and all of its
                             common stockholders after giving fair
                             consideration to the potentially divergent
                             interests and all other relevant interests of the
                             holders of the separate classes of Sprint's
                             common stock. The Tracking Stock Policies also
                             contain provisions that (i) govern the
                             determination of dividends for each Group and the
                             allocation of tax benefits or burdens between the
                             Groups, (ii) set general parameters for loans,
                             asset transfers and commercial transactions
                             between the Groups and (iii) limit certain
                             repurchases of PCS Stock and certain
                             extraordinary transactions by Sprint.     
                             Subject to certain exceptions, the Tracking Stock
                             Policies may be modified, suspended or rescinded,
                             and additional policies may be adopted or
                             exceptions may be made to existing policies, at
                             any time without the approval of Sprint's
                             stockholders, although Sprint has no present
                             intention to do so, and Sprint has agreed with
                             the Cable Parents, FT and DT not to do so prior
                             to the Recapitalization. Any determination of the
                             Sprint Board to modify, suspend or rescind the
                             policies, to make exceptions thereto or to adopt
                             additional policies, including any decision that
                             would have a disparate impact upon holders of FON
                             Stock and PCS Stock, will be made by the Sprint
                             Board in a manner consistent with its fiduciary
                             duties to Sprint and all of its common
                             stockholders after giving fair consideration to
                             the potentially divergent interests and all other
                             relevant interests of the holders of the separate
                             classes of Sprint's common stock, including the
                             holders of FON Stock and the holders of PCS
                             Stock. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--The
                             Tracking Stock Policies."     
Other Agreements.......       In connection with the PCS Restructuring, Sprint
                              and the Cable Parents will enter into certain
                              other agreements that, among other things,
                              restrict the ability of the Cable Parents to
                              acquire additional Sprint Voting Securities,
                              grant proxies to the Chief Executive Officer of
                              Sprint with respect to Series 1 PCS Stock
                              acquired by the Cable Parents pursuant to their
                              Equity Purchase Rights and provide for
                              registration rights (including certain
                              exclusivity provisions) with     

                              respect to the shares of PCS Stock to be issued
                              by Sprint to the Cable Parents or their
                              subsidiaries. In addition, Cox and Sprint
                              Spectrum Holdings have agreed to modify certain
                              put and call arrangements relating to the
                              minority interest in Cox PCS held by Cox. See
                              "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Standstill
                              Agreements," "--Voting Agreements," "--
                              Registration Rights Agreement" and "--Amendments
                              to the Cox PCS Agreements."     
Termination; Conditions to      
Closing..................... The Restructuring Agreement provides that if the
                             closing of the PCS Restructuring (the "Closing,"
                             and the date of such Closing, the "Closing Date")
                             has not occurred by December 31, 1998 (or at such
                             earlier time that any of the conditions to
                             Closing contained in the Restructuring Agreement
                             become incapable of being satisfied), any non-
                             breaching party may terminate the agreement. The
                             conditions to Closing include approval of the
                             Tracking Stock Proposal by Sprint's stockholders
                             and receipt of all governmental approvals for the
                             completion of the PCS Restructuring. If such
                             termination occurs, Sprint will not complete the
                             transactions contemplated by the Tracking Stock
                             Proposal or the Incentive Plans Proposal.     
Outstanding Common Stock
 Before and After
 Implementation of the
 Tracking Stock Proposal....
                             The following table sets forth the number of
                             outstanding shares of Sprint's common stock as of
                             June 30, 1998 and upon completion of the PCS
                             Restructuring and the Recapitalization (without
                             giving effect to the IPO or the Equity Purchase
                             Rights of FT, DT and the Cable Parents in
                             connection with the IPO). See "The Tracking Stock
                             Proposal--General" for further information
                             regarding preferred stock to be outstanding.     
                         OUTSTANDING COMMON STOCK     
                            AS OF JUNE 30, 1998     

- ---------------------------------------
                              NO. OF
CLASS (HOLDER)                SHARES
- --------------              -----------
Existing Common Stock
 (Public).................. 343,840,537
Existing Class A Common
 Stock (FT)................  43,118,018
(DT).......................  43,118,018
   Total................... 430,076,573

- --------------------------------
(HOLDER)               SHARES
- ------------         -----------
Series 1 FON Stock
 (Public)..........  343,840,537(1)
Existing Class A
 Common Stock (FT).   43,118,018(1)
DT Class A Stock
 (DT)..............   43,118,018(1)
Series 1 PCS Stock
 (Public)..........  171,920,268(1)(2)(3)
Series 2 PCS Stock
 (TCI).............   98,563,924(3)
(Comcast)..........   47,248,435(3)
(Cox)..............   49,281,981(3)(4)
Series 3 PCS Stock
 (FT)..............    2,438,680(3)(5)
(DT)...............    2,438,680(3)(5)
   Total...........  801,968,541
                             (1) Assumes the number of shares of Existing
                                 Common Stock and Existing Class A Common
                                 Stock does not change prior to the
                                 Recapitalization. If there were no change,
                                 the FON Group would retain an Inter-Group
                                 Interest in the PCS Group equivalent to
                                 4,961,714 shares of PCS Stock.     

                             (2) Does not include up to 10 million shares of
                                 Series 1 PCS Stock that will be used to
                                 replace the Sprint Spectrum Long-Term
                                 Incentive Compensation Plan. It is
                                 anticipated that options will be issued for
                                 many of these shares and therefore the shares
                                 would not be outstanding until the options
                                 are exercised.     
                             (3) Does not include Warrants to purchase
                                 6,291,315, 3,015,856, and 3,145,658 shares of
                                 PCS Stock held by TCI, Comcast and Cox,
                                 respectively, or the FON Group's Warrant
                                 Inter-Group Interest to acquire an Inter-
                                 Group Interest equivalent to 12,452,829
                                 shares of PCS Stock, or shares issuable upon
                                 exercise of FT and DT's Equity Purchase
                                 Rights in connection with the exercise
                             (4) Does not include shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
                                 that may be issued in connection with the
                                 exercise of the call and put rights relating
                                 to Cox PCS. The number of shares so issuable
                                 will depend on when the call or put is
                                 exercised, the value of Cox PCS at that time,
                                 and the market price of Series 1 PCS Stock at
                                 that time.     
                             (5) FT and DT have agreed to purchase these
                                 shares at the time of the PCS Restructuring
                                 to maintain their voting power in light of
                                 the Series 2 PCS Stock to be issued to the
                                 Cable Parents. Does not include Series 3 PCS
                                 Stock that FT and DT are obligated to
                                 purchase in connection with the issuance of
                                 the PCS Preferred Stock. The voting power of
                                 the shares of PCS Preferred Stock is
                                 dependent on the number of shares of PCS
                                 Stock into which the PCS Preferred Stock can
                                 be converted, which in turn is dependent on
                                 the IPO price (assuming the IPO precedes the
                             Sprint has received an opinion from its counsel,
Federal Income Tax           King & Spalding, that for United States federal
Considerations.........      income tax purposes (i) the Recapitalization will
                             constitute a recapitalization within the meaning
                             of Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Code, (ii) any
                             outstanding stock which is designated as common
                             stock of Sprint in the Articles Amendment will
                             constitute voting stock of Sprint for federal
                             income tax purposes, (iii) except with respect to
                             cash paid in lieu of fractional shares, if any,
                             the holders of such stock of Sprint will not
                             recognize income, gain, or loss in and as a
                             result of the Recapitalization, and (iv) such
                             stock of Sprint received in the Recapitalization
                             will not constitute Section 306 stock within the
                             meaning of Section 306(c) of the Code. As a
                             result of such treatment, holders of Existing
                             Common Stock will take a tax basis in the FON
                             Stock and PCS Stock equal to their tax basis
                             before the Recapitalization in the Existing
                             Common Stock (reduced by the amount allocable to
                             any fractional share interest for which cash is
                             received), with such tax basis being allocated
                             among the FON Stock and PCS Stock in proportion
                             to their relative fair market values at the time
                             of the Recapitalization. If the shares of
                             Existing Common Stock are held as capital assets,
                             a stockholder's holding period for shares of PCS
                             Stock and FON Stock

                             received in the Recapitalization will include
                             such stockholder's holding period for the shares
                             of Existing Common Stock surrendered therefor.
                             There are no court decisions or other authorities
                             that bear directly on transactions similar to the
                             Recapitalization. It is possible, therefore, that
                             the IRS could assert that the PCS Stock or the
                             FON Stock or both represent property other than
                             stock of Sprint. Any such determination could
                             have a material adverse effect on Sprint and
                             result in adverse tax consequences for Sprint
                             stockholders. Counsel believes that if the status
                             for federal income tax purposes of the FON Stock
                             or the PCS Stock were challenged, a court would
                             agree with counsel's conclusions that such stock
                             represents stock of Sprint, although there can be
                             no assurance that a court would reach that
                             result. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Federal
                             Income Tax Considerations."     
                             STOCKHOLDER'S OWN TAX ADVISOR AS TO THE
                             PARTICULAR TAX CONSEQUENCES OF THE
                             RECAPITALIZATION TO SUCH STOCKHOLDER.
Listing..................... Sprint will file an application to list the
                             Series 1 FON Stock on the New York Stock
                             Exchange, Inc. ("NYSE"). Sprint will file an
                             application to list the Series 1 PCS Stock on the
                             NYSE. There has not been a public market for the
                             Series 1 PCS Stock. There has not been, nor will
                             there be, a public market for the Series 2 PCS
                             Stock or the Series 3 PCS Stock. There has not
                             been, nor will there be, a public market for the
                             Series 2 Common Stock, Series 2 FON Stock or
                             Series 3 FON Stock.
                          THE INCENTIVE PLANS PROPOSAL
                             Stockholders are also being asked to vote upon a
                             related proposal (the "Incentive Plans Proposal")
                             to adopt amendments to certain of Sprint's
                             equity-based incentive plans that, among other
                             things, (i) authorize stock-based awards with
                             respect to 10,000,000 shares of Series 1 PCS
                             Stock to replace the Sprint Spectrum Long-Term
                             Incentive Compensation Plan and (ii) permit non-
                             employee directors to participate with Sprint
                             employees under the 1997 Long-Term Stock
                             Incentive Program.     

  The following summary compares certain terms of the Existing Common Stock
under the Existing Articles and the terms of the PCS Stock and the FON Stock
under the Articles Amendment. In the Recapitalization, the FON Stock and the
PCS Stock will be received by current holders of Existing Common Stock,
assuming that the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved, in exchange for their
shares of Existing Common Stock. Sprint currently intends that the
Recapitalization will occur 90 to 120 days following the completion of the PCS
Restructuring and the IPO, but Sprint may elect to complete the
Recapitalization concurrently with the PCS Restructuring. Upon completion of
the PCS Restructuring, the Existing Common Stock will continue to be traded,
and Sprint expects that the Series 1 PCS Stock sold in the IPO will be traded,
on the NYSE. For a description of the effect of the Recapitalization upon the
Existing Class A Common Stock held by FT and DT, see "The Tracking Stock
Proposal--The Recapitalization."     
  This summary is not intended to be complete. More detailed information is
contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement and the documents it incorporates
by reference or otherwise refers to. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock
Proposal," "Risk Factors--The PCS Group," "The Tracking Stock Proposal" and
"Description of Capital Stock."

               COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
               ------------            ---------              ---------
BUSINESS  All businesses of      The FON Group will     The PCS Group will
          Sprint.                consist of Sprint's    consist of the fol-
                                 businesses and assets  lowing businesses and
                                 not included in the    assets: (1) Sprint's
                                 PCS Group, which cur-  current and acquired
                                 rently include: (1)    PCS operations,
                                 Sprint's core busi-    including Sprint
                                 nesses, consisting of  Spectrum Holdings,
                                 its long distance      PhillieCo and
                                 services, local serv-  SprintCom, and (2)
                                 ices, product distri-  any other business
                                 bution and directory   offering or providing
                                 publishing activi-     (a) Domestic Wireless
                                 ties, (2) Sprint's     Mobile Telephony
                                 emerging non-PCS       Services or (b) any
                                 businesses, which      other Domestic PCS
                                 consist of the devel-  services, other than
                                 opment of integrated   activities of the FON
                                 communications serv-   Group pursuant to
                                 ices, Sprint Paranet   sales agency, resale
                                 and Sprint Interna-    or other arrangements
                                 tional, (3) Sprint's   with the PCS Group,
                                 interest in the        which would be imple-
                                 Global One interna-    mented pursuant to
                                 tional strategic al-   the Tracking Stock
                                 liance and (4)         Policies, as well as
                                 Sprint's other tele-   all acquisitions of
                                 communications in-     Domestic PCS Li-
                                 vestments and alli-    censes. Except for
                                 ances. The FON Group   the foregoing, the
                                 will also include any  Sprint Board may al-
                                 Inter-Group Interest   locate business op-
                                 in the PCS Group. The  portunities and
                                 creation of an Inter-  operations to the FON
                                 Group Interest is      Group, the PCS Group,
                                 limited by the Track-  or to any Other Group
                                 ing Stock Policies     as it considers to be
                                 adopted by the Sprint  in the best interests
                                 Board. Except for the  of Sprint and its
                                 foregoing, the Sprint  stockholders as a
                                 Board may allocate     whole.


                           COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                           ------------            ---------              ---------
BUSINESS (CONTINUED)                         ness opportunities     See "The Tracking
                                             and operations to the  Stock Proposal--The
                                             FON Group, the PCS     Tracking Stock Poli-
                                             Group, or to any       cies."
                                             Other Group as it
                                             considers to be in
                                             the best interests of
                                             Sprint and its stock-
                                             holders as a whole.
                                             See "The Tracking
                                             Stock Proposal--The
                                             Tracking Stock Poli-
RECAPITALIZATION      One billion            In the Recapitaliza-   In the Recapitaliza-
                      authorized shares of   tion, each authorized  tion, each authorized
                      Existing Common Stock  share of Existing      share of Existing
                      of which 343,840,537   Common Stock will be   Common Stock will be
                      shares are             reclassified into one  reclassified into
                      outstanding as of      share of Series 1 FON  1/2 share of Series 1
                      June 30, 1998.         Stock and 1/2 share    PCS Stock and one
                                             of Series 1 PCS        share of Series 1 FON
                                             Stock. The FON Stock   Stock. The PCS Stock
                                             is intended to re-     is intended to re-
                                             flect the performance  flect separately the
                                             of the FON Group. Be-  performance of the
                                             fore the Recapitali-   PCS Group.
                                             zation, no shares of
                                             FON Stock will be is-
                                             sued and outstanding.
DIVIDENDS             Sprint's current       Sprint intends to pay  Sprint does not in-
                      quarterly indicated    a current quarterly    tend to pay dividends
                      dividend on Sprint's   indicated dividend of  on the PCS Stock in
                      Existing Common Stock  $0.25 per share on     the foreseeable fu-
                      and Existing Class A   the FON Stock and an   ture. Although such
                      Common Stock is $0.25  equivalent per share   dividends, if any,
                      per share. Dividends   dividend on the Class  would be subject to
                      on the Existing Com-   A Common Stock (to     declaration and pay-
                      mon Stock and Exist-   the extent it repre-   ment at the discre-
                      ing Class A Common     sents any unissued     tion of the Sprint
                      Stock are limited to   FON Stock). Although   Board based primarily
                      assets of Sprint le-   such dividends will    upon the financial
                      gally available for    be subject to decla-   condition, results of
                      the payment of divi-   ration and payment at  operations and busi-
                      dends under the Kan-   the discretion of the  ness requirements of
                      sas General Corpora-   Sprint Board based     the PCS Group and
                      tion Code and are      primarily upon the     Sprint as a whole,
                      payable at the dis-    financial condition,   the Tracking Stock
                      cretion of the Sprint  results of operations  Policies provide
                      Board based primarily  and business require-  that dividends on the
                      upon the financial     ments of the FON       PCS Stock and on the
                      condition, results of  Group and Sprint as a  Class A Common Stock
                      operations and busi-   whole, the Tracking    (to the extent it
                      ness requirements of   Stock Policies pro-    represents any
                      Sprint.                vide that dividends    unissued PCS Stock)
                                             will be payable only   on an equiva-lent per
                                             out of the             share basis will be
                                                                    payable only out of


                            COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                            ------------            ---------              ---------
DIVIDENDS (CONTINUED)                         lesser of (i) the      lesser of (i) the
                                              funds of Sprint le-    funds of Sprint le-
                                              gally available        gally available
                                              therefor and (ii) the  therefor and (ii) the
                                              FON Group Available    PCS Group Available
                                              Dividend Amount. The   Dividend Amount. The
                                              FON Group Available    PCS Group Available
                                              Dividend Amount is     Dividend Amount is
                                              similar to the amount  similar to the amount
                                              of assets that would   of assets that would
                                              be available for pay-  be available for pay-
                                              ment of dividends on   ment of dividends on
                                              the FON Stock under    the PCS Stock under
                                              the Kansas General     the Kansas General
                                              Corporation Code if    Corporation Code if
                                              the FON Group were a   the PCS Group were a
                                              separate company af-   separate company. At
                                              ter taking into ac-    June 30, 1998, the
                                              count the FON Group's  PCS Group Available
                                              Inter-Group Interest   Dividend Amount would
                                              in the PCS Group. At   have been at least
                                              June 30, 1998, the     $    billion.
                                              FON Group Available
                                              Dividend Amount would
                                              have been at least
                                              $    billion.
VOTING RIGHTS          One vote per share.    Each outstanding       Each outstanding
                                              share of Series 1 FON  share of Series 1 PCS
                                              Stock and Series 3     Stock and Series 3
                                              FON Stock is entitled  PCS Stock is entitled
                                              to one vote. Each      to a number of votes
                                              outstanding share of   (the "PCS Per Share
                                              Series 2 FON Stock is  Vote") equal to: (1)
                                              entitled to 1/10 of a  if the record date
                                              vote. Except as oth-   for determining the
                                              erwise provided under  stockholders entitled
                                              the Amended Articles   to vote is on or be-
                                              or required by the     fore December 31,
                                              Kansas General Corpo-  1998, the PCS Ratio,
                                              ration Code, the       and, (2) if the rec-
                                              holders of the FON     ord date for deter-
                                              Stock and the PCS      mining the stockhold-
                                              Stock will vote to-    ers entitled to vote
                                              gether as a single     is after December 31,
                                              class.                 1998, the ratio of
                                                                     the Average Trading
                                                                     Price of one share of
                                                                     Series 1 PCS Stock to
                                                                     the Average Trading
                                                                     Price of one share of
                                                                     FON Stock computed as
                                                                     of the tenth trading
                                                                     day before the record
                                                                     date for determining
                                                                     the stockholders en-
                                                                     titled to vote, ex-
                                                                     pressed as a decimal
                                                                     fraction rounded


                               COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                               ------------            ---------              ---------
VOTING RIGHTS                                                           to the nearest three
 (CONTINUED)                                                            decimal places. Each
                                                                        outstanding share of
                                                                        Series 2 PCS Stock is
                                                                        entitled to a number
                                                                        of votes equal to
                                                                        1/10 of the PCS Per
                                                                        Share Vote. In mat-
                                                                        ters on which the
                                                                        holders of PCS Stock
                                                                        vote as a separate
                                                                        class, each share of
                                                                        PCS Stock, including
                                                                        each share of Series
                                                                        2 PCS Stock, will re-
                                                                        ceive one vote per
                                                                        share. Except as oth-
                                                                        erwise provided under
                                                                        the Amended Articles
                                                                        or required by the
                                                                        Kansas General Corpo-
                                                                        ration Code, the
                                                                        holders of the FON
                                                                        Stock and the PCS
                                                                        Stock will vote to-
                                                                        gether as a single
                                                 Because the PCS Per    Because the PCS Per
                                                 Share Vote will vary   Share Vote will vary
                                                 from time to time,     from time to time,
                                                 the relative voting    the relative voting
                                                 power per share of     power per share of
                                                 FON Stock and PCS      PCS Stock and FON
                                                 Stock will fluctuate.  Stock will fluctuate.
                                                 It is expected that    It is expected that
                                                 initially the FON      initially the FON
                                                 Stock will have a      Stock will have a
                                                 substantial majority   substantial majority
                                                 of the voting power    of the voting power
                                                 of Sprint. See         of Sprint. See "De-
                                                 "Description of        scription of Capital
                                                 Capital Stock--Voting  Stock--Voting Rights
                                                 Rights of Common       of Common Stock."
RIGHTS ON DISPOSITION OF           N/A           Neither the Articles   If Sprint disposes of
ALL OR SUBSTANTIALLY ALL                         Amendment nor the      all or substantially
ASSETS OF A GROUP                                Tracking Stock Poli-   all (defined in the
                                                 cies specifically ad-  Articles Amendment to
                                                 dress the disposition  mean at least 80% on
                                                 of all or substan-     a then-current market
                                                 tially all of the as-  value basis) of the
                                                 sets of the FON        assets of the PCS
                                                 Group, but Sprint ex-  Group, other than in
                                                 pects that the pro-    a transaction, among
                                                 ceeds of that trans-   others, in which
                                                 action will be allo-   Sprint receives pri-
                                                 cated to the FON       marily equity securi-
                                                 Group as an asset      ties of an


                               COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                               ------------            ---------              ---------
RIGHTS ON DISPOSITION OF                         of the FON Group. No   entity engaged or
ALL OR SUBSTANTIALLY ALL                         provisions comparable  proposing to engage
ASSETS OF A GROUP                                to the dividend, re-   primarily in a busi-
(CONTINUED)                                      demption and conver-   ness similar or com-
                                                 sion rights of the     plementary to the
                                                 PCS Group will apply   business of the PCS
                                                 in the case of the     Group, the proceeds
                                                 disposition of all or  of that transaction
                                                 substantially all of   would be attributed
                                                 the properties and     to the PCS Group and
                                                 assets of the FON      Sprint would either:
                                                 Group.                 (1) distribute to
                                                                        holders of PCS Stock
                                                                        an amount of cash
                                                                        and/or securities
                                                                        (other than FON
                                                                        Stock, PCS Stock or
                                                                        other common equity
                                                                        securities of Sprint)
                                                                        or other property
                                                                        equal to the fair
                                                                        value of the net pro-
                                                                        ceeds of the disposi-
                                                                        tion after deducting
                                                                        amounts necessary to
                                                                        pay transaction
                                                                        costs, taxes on the
                                                                        sale, liabilities of
                                                                        the PCS Group, any
                                                                        amount corresponding
                                                                        to any Inter-Group
                                                                        Interest in the PCS
                                                                        Group held by the FON
                                                                        Group and any amount
                                                                        to be paid to holders
                                                                        of Class A Common
                                                                        Stock in respect of
                                                                        any equity interest
                                                                        in the PCS Group rep-
                                                                        resented by the Class
                                                                        A Common Stock either
                                                                        by special dividend
                                                                        or by redemption of
                                                                        all or part of the
                                                                        outstanding shares of
                                                                        PCS Stock, or (2)
                                                                        convert each out-
                                                                        standing share of PCS
                                                                        Stock into a number
                                                                        of shares of FON
                                                                        Stock at a ratio
                                                                        equal to 110% of the
                                                                        average Market Value
                                                                        of one share of Se-
                                                                        ries 1 PCS Stock to
                                                                        the average Market
                                                                        Value of one share of
                                                                        FON Stock, calculated
                                                                        over a 10-trading day
                                                                        period beginning on
                                                                        the 16th trading day
                                                                        after the consumma-
                                                                        tion of the disposi-


                               COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                               ------------            ---------              ---------
RIGHTS ON DISPOSITION OF                                                transaction (and ef-
ALL OR SUBSTANTIALLY ALL                                                fect a conversion of
ASSETS OF A GROUP                                                       the number of
(CONTINUED)                                                             unissued shares, if
                                                                        any, of PCS Stock
                                                                        represented by the
                                                                        Class A Common Stock
                                                                        into a number of
                                                                        unissued shares of
                                                                        FON Stock on an
                                                                        equivalent basis). In
                                                                        determining whether
                                                                        to select either op-
                                                                        tion (1) or option
                                                                        (2), the Sprint Board
                                                                        will act in accor-
                                                                        dance with its good
                                                                        faith business judg-
                                                                        ment that the se-
                                                                        lected option is in
                                                                        the best interests of
                                                                        Sprint and all of its
                                                                        common stockholders,
                                                                        after giving fair
                                                                        consideration to the
                                                                        potentially divergent
                                                                        interests and all
                                                                        other relevant inter-
                                                                        ests of the holders
                                                                        of the separate clas-
                                                                        ses of Sprint's com-
                                                                        mon stock. See "Risk
                                                                        Factors--The Tracking
                                                                        Stock Proposal--Po-
                                                                        tential Diverging In-
                                                                        terests," "--The
                                                                        Tracking Stock Poli-
                                                                        cies Subject To
                                                                        Change," and "The
                                                                        Tracking Stock Pro-
                                                                        posal--The Tracking
                                                                        Stock Policies."
SALES OF LESS THAN                 N/A           The proceeds from any  The proceeds from any
SUBSTAN-TIALLY ALL                               disposition of assets  disposition of assets
ASSETS OF A GROUP                                that does not com-     that does not com-
                                                 prise all or substan-  prise all or substan-
                                                 tially all of the as-  tially all of the as-
                                                 sets attributed to     sets attributed to
                                                 the FON Group will be  the PCS Group will be
                                                 allocated to the FON   allocated to the PCS
                                                 Group as an asset of   Group as an asset of
                                                 the FON Group.         the PCS Group.
CONVERSION AT THE OPTION           N/A                    N/A           Sprint may at any
OF SPRINT                                                               time after the third
                                                                        anniversary of the
                                                                        Closing Date convert
                                                                        each share of PCS
                                                                        Stock into shares of
                                                                        FON Stock, with the
                                                                        number of shares of
                                                                        FON Stock determined
                                                                        prior to the fourth
                                                                        anniversary of the
                                                                        Closing Date at


                               COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                               ------------            ---------              ---------
CONVERSION AT THE OPTION                                                a rate equal to 110%
OF SPRINT (CONTINUED)                                                   of the Optional Con-
                                                                        version Ratio com-
                                                                        puted as of the fifth
                                                                        trading day prior to
                                                                        the date that notice
                                                                        of conversion is sent
                                                                        to holders of PCS
                                                                        Stock. At any time
                                                                        after the fourth an-
                                                                        niversary of the
                                                                        Closing Date, the
                                                                        conversion rate will
                                                                        be determined by the
                                                                        Sprint Board, subject
                                                                        to the requirement
                                                                        that the Sprint Board
                                                                        must make independent
                                                                        determinations as to
                                                                        the fairness of the
                                                                        conversion ratio to
                                                                        the holders of the
                                                                        PCS Stock, taken as a
                                                                        separate class, and
                                                                        to the holders of the
                                                                        FON Stock, taken as a
                                                                        separate class. In
                                                                        each such case, a
                                                                        conversion of the
                                                                        of unissued shares,
                                                                        if any, of PCS Stock
                                                                        represented by the
                                                                        Class A Common Stock
                                                                        into a number of
                                                                        unissued shares of
                                                                        FON Stock will occur
                                                                        on an equivalent ba-
REDEMPTION IN EXCHANGE             N/A                    N/A           Sprint may redeem all
FOR STOCK OF A                                                          of the outstanding
SUBSIDIARY                                                              shares of PCS Stock
                                                                        in exchange for the
                                                                        outstanding shares of
                                                                        common stock of one
                                                                        or more wholly-owned
                                                                        subsidiaries of
                                                                        Sprint that hold di-
                                                                        rectly or indirectly
                                                                        all of the assets and
                                                                        liabilities attrib-
                                                                        uted to the PCS Group
                                                                        (a "spin-off" of the
                                                                        PCS Group), provided
                                                                        that (i) prior to the
                                                                        second anniversary of
                                                                        the Closing Date,
                                                                        such redemption must
                                                                        be approved by the
                                                                        affirmative vote of
                                                                        holders of a majority
                                                                        of the shares of PCS
                                                                        Stock and Class A


                             COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                             ------------            ---------              ---------
REDEMPTION IN EXCHANGE                                                Common Stock (to the
FOR STOCK OF A                                                        extent it represents
SUBSIDIARY (CONTINUED)                                                any unissued shares
                                                                      of PCS Stock), voting
                                                                      as a separate class
                                                                      and (ii) regardless
                                                                      of the date of re-
                                                                      demption, such re-
                                                                      demption must be tax-
                                                                      free to the holders
                                                                      of PCS Stock or an
                                                                      arrangement exists
                                                                      such that holders of
                                                                      PCS Stock, net of all
                                                                      taxes related to such
                                                                      redemption and such
                                                                      other arrangement it-
                                                                      self realized by such
                                                                      holders, are in a po-
                                                                      sition substantially
                                                                      equivalent economi-
                                                                      cally to the position
                                                                      such stockholders
                                                                      would be in after a
                                                                      tax-free distribu-
LIQUIDATION             Holders of Existing    Upon the liquidation   Upon the liquidation
                        Common Stock are       of Sprint, the hold-   of Sprint, the hold-
                        entitled to receive    ers of FON Stock,      ers of FON Stock,
                        the net assets of      Class A Common Stock   Class A Common Stock
                        Sprint, if any,        and PCS Stock will be  and PCS Stock will be
                        remaining for          entitled to receive    entitled to receive
                        distribution to        the remaining assets   the remaining assets
                        holders of Existing    of Sprint, regardless  of Sprint, regardless
                        Common Stock.          of the Group to which  of the Group to which
                                               those assets are at-   those assets are at-
                                               tributed, divided      tributed, divided
                                               among those holders    among those holders
                                               in accordance with     in accordance with
                                               per share units        the per share Liqui-
                                               ("Liquidation Units")  dation Units attrib-
                                               attributable to each   utable to each class
                                               class or series of     or series of stock.
                                               stock. Each share of   Each share of PCS
                                               FON Stock is attrib-   Stock will have a
                                               uted one Liquidation   certain number of
                                               Unit. The number of    Liquidation Units. If
                                               Liquidation Units for  Sprint completes the
                                               each share of FON      IPO at the closing of
                                               Stock will be ad-      the PCS Restructur-
                                               justed for stock       ing, the number of
                                               splits, reverse stock  Liquidation Units for
                                               splits and certain     one share of PCS
                                               other corporate        Stock will equal the
                                               events. Otherwise,     price of one share of
                                               the number of Liqui-   PCS Stock divided by
                                               dation                 the


                              COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                              ------------            ---------              ---------
LIQUIDATION (CONTINUED)                         Units for each share   price of one share of
                                                of FON Stock will not  Existing Common
                                                change unless the Ar-  Stock, both prices
                                                ticles of Incorpora-   determined at the
                                                tion of Sprint are     time of the IPO. How-
                                                amended.               ever, if Sprint com-
                                                                       pletes the Recapital-
                                                                       ization at the clos-
                                                                       ing of the PCS Re-
                                                                       structuring, the num-
                                                                       ber of Liquidation
                                                                       Units for one share
                                                                       of PCS Stock will
                                                                       equal the price of
                                                                       one share of PCS
                                                                       Stock divided by the
                                                                       price of one share of
                                                                       FON Stock, both
                                                                       prices determined by
                                                                       taking the average
                                                                       price over the 20
                                                                       days following the
                                                                       Recapitalization. The
                                                                       number of Liquidation
                                                                       Units for each share
                                                                       of PCS Stock will be
                                                                       adjusted for stock
                                                 -                     splits, reverse stock
                                                                       splits and certain
                                                                       other corporate
                                                                       events. Otherwise,
                                                Since the market       the number of Liqui-
                                                prices necessary for   dation Units for a
                                                determining the Liq-   share of PCS Stock
                                                uidation Units         will not change un-
                                                attributed to the PCS  less the Articles of
                                                Stock cannot be de-    Incorporation of
                                                termined at this       Sprint are amend-
                                                time, the number of    ed.
                                                Liquidation Units at-  Since the market
                                                tributable to the PCS  prices necessary for
                                                Stock has not been     determining the Liq-
                                                determined yet. It is  uidation Units at-
                                                expected that the FON  tributed to the PCS
                                                Stock will be attrib-  Stock cannot be de-
                                                uted a majority of     termined at this
                                                the Liquidation Units  time, the number of
                                                of Sprint. See "De-    Liquidation Units at-
                                                scription of Capital   tributable to the PCS
                                                Stock--Liquidation."   Stock has not been
                                                Prior to the Recapi-   determined yet. It is
                                                talization, each out-  expected that the FON
                                                standing share of      Stock will be attrib-
                                                Class A Common         uted a majority of
                                                                       the Liquidation Units
                                                                       of Sprint. See "De-
                                                                       scription of Capital
                                                                       Prior to the Recapi-
                                                                       talization, each out-
                                                                       standing share of
                                                                       Class A Common Stock
                                                                       is attributed one


                              COMMON STOCK            FON STOCK              PCS STOCK
                              ------------            ---------              ---------
LIQUIDATION (CONTINUED)                         Stock is attributed    Liquidation Unit.
                                                one Liquidation Unit.  Once the Recapitali-
                                                Once the Recapitali-   zation occurs, each
                                                zation occurs, each    outstanding share of
                                                outstanding share of   Existing Class A Com-
                                                Existing Class A Com-  mon Stock and DT
                                                mon Stock and DT       Class A Stock is en-
                                                Class A Stock is en-   titled to a number of
                                                titled to a number of  Liquidation Units
                                                Liquidation Units      equal to (i) the sum
                                                equal to (i) the sum   of the Liquidation
                                                of the Liquidation     Units associated with
                                                Units associated with  the unissued shares
                                                the unissued shares    of FON Stock and PCS
                                                of FON Stock and PCS   Stock that such
                                                Stock that such        shares represent at
                                                shares represent at    the time of the liq-
                                                the time of the liq-   uidation divided by
                                                uidation divided by    (ii) the aggregate
                                                (ii) the aggregate     number of outstanding
                                                number of outstanding  shares of Existing
                                                shares of Existing     Class A Common Stock
                                                Class A Common Stock   and DT Class A Stock,
                                                and DT Class A Stock,  respectively.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth Selected Financial Data of Sprint
Corporation and its subsidiaries ("Sprint") and should be read in conjunction
with Sprint's Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations and the Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes
thereto in Annex I. The Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1997, 1996,
1995, 1994 and 1993, and for each of the five years in the period ended
December 31, 1997 have been derived from the Consolidated Financial Statements
of Sprint which have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors.
The Selected Financial Data at March 31, 1998, and for the three months ended
March 31, 1998 and 1997, have been derived from the unaudited Consolidated
Financial Statements of Sprint, which have been prepared on the same basis as
Sprint's audited Consolidated Financial Statements and, in the opinion of
management, contain all adjustments, consisting of only normal recurring
accruals, necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position and
results of operations for these periods.

                            AT OR FOR THE
                             THREE MONTHS                      AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          ------------------ -------------------------------------------------
                            1998      1997     1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
                          --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
                                          (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net operating revenues..  $ 3,910.9 $3,578.5 $14,873.9 $13,887.5 $12,735.3 $11,964.8 $10,894.9
Operating income(1).....      668.2    604.7   2,451.4   2,267.2   1,834.3   1,690.7   1,214.1
Income from continuing
 operations(1), (2).....      216.5    290.0     952.5   1,190.9     946.1     899.2     517.1
Earnings per common
 share from continuing
 operations(1), (2)
 Basic..................       0.50     0.67      2.21      2.82      2.71      2.59      1.51
 Diluted................       0.49     0.67      2.18      2.79      2.69      2.56      1.49
Dividends per common
 share..................       0.25     0.25      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00
Net cash from operating
 operations(3)..........  $   988.4 $  700.1 $ 3,379.0 $ 2,403.6 $ 2,609.6 $ 2,339.6 $ 2,007.8
Capital expenditures....      787.9    574.4   2,862.6   2,433.6   1,857.3   1,751.6   1,429.8
Total assets............  $18,891.8          $18,184.8 $16,826.4 $15,074.3 $14,425.2 $13,781.8
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.........   11,914.2           11,494.1  10,464.1   9,715.8  10,258.8   9,883.1
Total debt (including
 short-term borrowings).    4,203.5            3,879.6   3,273.9   5,668.9   4,927.7   5,084.1
Redeemable preferred
 stock..................        9.5               11.5      11.8      32.5      37.1      38.6
Common stock and other
 stockholders' equity...    9,156.2            9,025.2   8,519.9   4,642.6   4,524.8   3,918.3
- --------
(1) During 1997 and 1996, Sprint recorded nonrecurring charges of $20 and $60
    million, respectively, related to litigation within the long distance
    division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations by $13
    million ($0.03 per share) in 1997 and $36 million ($0.09 per share) in
  During 1995, Sprint recorded a nonrecurring charge of $88 million related to
  a restructuring within the local telecommunications division, which reduced
  income from continuing operations by $55 million ($0.16 per share).
  During 1993, Sprint recorded nonrecurring charges of $293 million related to
  (a) transaction costs from the merger with Centel Corporation and expenses
  of integrating and restructuring the operations of the two companies and (b)
  a realignment and restructuring within the long distance division. These
  charges reduced income from continuing operations by $193 million ($0.57 per
(2) During 1997, Sprint recognized gains of $45 million on sales of local
    exchanges and a $26 million gain on the sale of an equity investment in an
    equipment provider. These gains increased income from continuing operations
    by $27 million ($0.06 per share) and $17 million ($0.04 per share),
  During 1994, Sprint recognized a $35 million gain on the sale of equity
  securities, which increased income from continuing operations by $22 million
  ($0.06 per share).
  During 1993, due to the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993,
  Sprint adjusted its deferred income tax assets and liabilities to reflect
  the increased tax rate. This adjustment reduced income from continuing
  operations by $11 million ($0.03 per share).
(3) The 1996 amount was reduced by $600 million for cash required to terminate
    an accounts receivable sales agreement.

                                   FON GROUP
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth Selected Financial Data of the FON
Group and should be read in conjunction with the FON Group Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and
the FON Group Combined Financial Statements and Notes thereto in Annex III. The
Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 1997, have been derived from the
FON Group Combined Financial Statements, which have been audited by Ernst &
Young LLP, independent auditors. The Selected Financial Data at December 31,
1995, 1994 and 1993 and at March 31, 1998 and for each of the two years in the
period ended December 31, 1994 and for the three months ended March 31, 1998
and 1997, have been derived from the unaudited FON Group Combined Financial
Statements. The unaudited FON Group Combined Financial Statements have been
prepared on the same basis as the audited FON Group Combined Financial
Statements and, in the opinion of management, contain all adjustments,
consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair presentation
of the financial position and results of operations for these periods.

                            AT OR FOR THE
                             THREE MONTHS                      AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          ------------------ -------------------------------------------------
                            1998      1997     1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
                          --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
                                                     (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues..  $ 3,910.9 $3,578.5 $14,873.9 $13,887.5 $12,735.3 $11,964.8 $10,894.9
Operating income(1).....      686.8    605.5   2,469.9   2,267.7   1,834.3   1,690.7   1,214.1
Income from continuing
 operations(1), (2).....      359.2    343.0   1,371.6   1,310.6     966.0     899.2     517.1
Net cash from operating
 operations(3)..........  $   786.0 $  650.8 $ 2,906.8 $ 2,267.3 $ 2,590.1 $ 2,339.6 $ 2,007.8
Capital expenditures....      609.3    567.4   2,708.9   2,433.6   1,857.3   1,751.6   1,429.8
Total assets............  $17,169.2          $16,491.7 $15,566.6 $14,100.6 $14,374.1 $13,781.8
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.........   11,466.5           11,316.8  10,464.1   9,715.8  10,258.8   9,883.1
Total debt (including
 short-term borrowings).    4,122.6            3,879.6   3,273.9   5,668.9   4,927.7   5,084.1
Group equity............    7,972.3            7,639.3   7,332.3   3,676.9   4,473.7   3,918.3
- --------
(1) During 1997 and 1996, the FON Group recorded nonrecurring charges of $20
    and $60 million, respectively, related to litigation within the long
    distance division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations
    by $13 million in 1997 and $36 million in 1996.
  During 1995, the FON Group recorded a nonrecurring charge of $88 million
  related to a restructuring within the local telecommunications division,
  which reduced income from continuing operations by $55 million.
  During 1993, the FON Group recorded nonrecurring charges of $293 million
  related to (a) transaction costs from the merger with Centel Corporation and
  expenses of integrating and restructuring the operations of the two
  companies and (b) a realignment and restructuring within the long distance
  division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations by $193
(2) During 1997, the FON Group recognized gains of $45 million on sales of
    local exchanges and a $26 million gain on the sale of an equity investment
    in an equipment provider. These gains increased income from continuing
    operations by $27 million and $17 million, respectively.
  During 1994, the FON Group recognized a $35 million gain on the sale of
  equity securities, which increased income from continuing operations by $22
  During 1993, due to the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993,
  the FON Group adjusted its deferred income tax assets and liabilities to
  reflect the increased tax rate. This adjustment reduced income from
  continuing operations by $11 million.
(3) The 1996 amount was reduced by $600 million for cash required to terminate
    an accounts receivable sales agreement.

                              HISTORICAL PCS GROUP
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth historical Selected Financial Data
of SprintCom and Sprint's investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo. The investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings (which includes Sprint
Spectrum, Cox PCS and APC) and PhillieCo during the periods shown have been
accounted for on the equity basis. The results of SprintCom, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Sprint, are accounted for on a consolidated basis. Subsequent to
the PCS Restructuring, the results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
will be accounted for on the consolidated basis in the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements. The Selected Financial Data set forth below should be
read in conjunction with the PCS Group Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations and the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements and Notes thereto (the "PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements") in Annex II. The Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1997 and
1996 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997,
have been derived from the PCS Group Historical Financial Statements, which
have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors. The Selected
Financial Data at December 31, 1995 and 1994 and at March 31, 1998 and for the
year ended December 31, 1994 and for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
1997, have been derived from the unaudited PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements. The unaudited PCS Group Historical Financial Statements have been
prepared on the same basis as the audited PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements and, in the opinion of management, contain all adjustments,
consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair presentation
of the financial position and results of operations for these periods.

                            AT OR FOR THE
                            THREE MONTHS              AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,       YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                           ----------------  -----------------------------------
                             1998     1997     1997      1996     1995   1994(1)
                           --------  ------  --------  --------  ------  -------
                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Operating loss...........  $  (18.6) $ (0.8) $  (18.5) $   (0.5) $  --    $ --
Equity in loss of Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............    (209.7)  (85.9)   (659.6)   (191.8)  (31.4)    --
Net loss.................    (142.7)  (53.0)   (419.1)   (119.7)  (19.9)    --
Net cash from operating
 activities..............  $  (31.0) $  4.2  $   37.5  $   (0.5) $  --    $ --
Capital expenditures.....     178.6     7.0     153.7       --      --      --
Purchase of PCS licenses.       --     25.2     460.1      84.0     --      --
Investments in Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............      33.5    16.5     405.9     297.5   910.9    51.1
Total assets.............  $1,802.5          $1,693.1  $1,259.8  $973.7   $51.1
Property, plant and
 equipment...............     447.7             177.3       --      --      --
Investment in Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............     792.2             968.4   1,175.8   973.7    51.1
Construction and capital
 lease obligations.......     215.9               --        --      --      --
Group equity.............   1,183.9           1,385.9   1,187.6   965.7    51.1
- --------
(1) The PCS Group had no operations prior to 1994.

  The following unaudited table sets forth pro forma statement of operations
data of Sprint for the year ended December 31, 1997 and the three months ended
March 31, 1998 and pro forma balance sheet data at March 31, 1998. This pro
forma data has been derived from, and is qualified by reference to, the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements of Sprint included
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. The pro forma statement of operations data
gives effect to the PCS Restructuring, the Recapitalization and the proposed
IPO of the PCS Stock as though such transactions had occurred on January 1,
1997. The pro forma balance sheet data gives effect to the PCS Restructuring,
the Recapitalization and the proposed IPO of the PCS Stock as though such
transactions had occurred on March 31, 1998. Sprint currently intends to
complete the IPO concurrently with the PCS Restructuring. The amount of any
proceeds raised in the IPO could vary from the amount assumed to be received.
The information set forth below should be read in conjunction with Sprint's
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations and the Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements and
related notes thereto of Sprint in Annex I.     

                                            THREE MONTHS        YEAR ENDED
                                        ENDED MARCH 31, 1998 DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                        -------------------- -----------------
                                         (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net operating revenues.................       $4,095.1           $15,131.9
Operating income.......................          228.6               872.6
Earnings (loss) from continuing opera-
 tions applicable to Common Stock:
  FON Group............................       $  351.0           $ 1,365.4
  PCS Group............................         (353.7)           (1,124.5)
                                              --------           ---------
  Total Sprint.........................       $   (2.7)          $   240.9
                                              ========           =========
Basic earnings (loss) per common share
 from continuing operations
  FON Group............................       $                  $
  PCS Group............................       $                  $
Basic weighted average common shares
  FON Group............................
  PCS Group............................
Diluted earnings (loss) per common
 share from continuing operations
  FON Group............................       $                  $
  PCS Group............................       $                  $
Diluted weighted average common shares
  FON Group............................
  PCS Group............................


                                                               AT MARCH 31, 1998
                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
Total assets..................................................     $29,172.0
Property, plant and equipment, net............................      15,636.7
Total debt (including short-term borrowings)..................       7,895.8
Common stock and other stockholders' equity...................      14,239.2


                                 PCS GROUP     
                         PRO FORMA FINANCIAL DATA     
  The following unaudited table sets forth pro forma statement of operations
data of the PCS Group for the year ended December 31, 1997 and the three months
ended March 31, 1998 and pro forma balance sheet data as of March 31, 1998.
This pro forma data has been derived from, and is qualified by reference to,
the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements of the PCS
Group included elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. The pro forma statement of
operations data gives effect to the PCS Restructuring, the Recapitalization and
the proposed IPO of the PCS Stock as though such transactions had occurred on
January 1, 1997. The pro forma balance sheet data gives effect to the PCS
Restructuring, the Recapitalization and the proposed IPO of the PCS Stock as
though such transactions had occurred on March 31, 1998. Sprint currently
intends to complete the IPO concurrently with the PCS Restructuring. The amount
of any proceeds raised in the IPO could vary from the amount assumed to be
received. The information set forth below should be read in conjunction with
the PCS Group's Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations and the Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements
and related notes thereto of the PCS Group in Annex II.     

                                            THREE MONTHS ENDED    YEAR ENDED
                                              MARCH 31, 1998   DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                            ------------------ -----------------
                                            (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net operating revenues.....................      $ 184.2           $   258.0
Operating loss.............................       (458.2)           (1,597.3)
Net loss...................................       (353.7)           (1,124.5)
Basic and dilutive loss per common share...      $                 $
Weighted average common shares.............


                                                               AT MARCH 31, 1998
                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
Total assets..................................................     $12,358.1
Property, plant and equipment, net............................       4,170.2
Total debt (including short-term borrowings)..................       3,894.7
Group equity..................................................       6,323.2


  The following unaudited information reflects certain comparative per share
data related to earnings (loss) from continuing operations, cash dividends and
book value (i) on a historical basis for Sprint, (ii) on a pro forma basis for
the FON Stock and the PCS Stock giving effect to the PCS Restructuring and the
Recapitalization, and (iii) on a pro forma basis as adjusted for the FON Stock
and the PCS Stock giving effect to the PCS Restructuring, the Recapitalization
and the IPO. Sprint currently intends to complete the IPO concurrently with the
PCS Restructuring. The amount of any proceeds raised in the IPO could vary from
the amount assumed to be received.     
  This information should be read in conjunction with the pro forma condensed
combined financial statements of Sprint and the PCS Group and the historical
financial statements of Sprint, the FON Group and the PCS Group included
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. The information presented in the table is
not necessarily indicative of future combined earnings or financial position or
of combined earnings or financial position that would have been reported had
the PCS Restructuring, the Recapitalization and the IPO been completed at
January 1, 1997 or, in the case of book value per share, at March 31, 1998.

                                                                  PRO FORMA AS
                                       SPRINT     PRO FORMA         ADJUSTED
                                     ---------- -------------     ------------
                                                 FON    PCS        FON   PCS
                                     HISTORICAL STOCK  STOCK      STOCK STOCK
                                     ---------- ------ ------     ----- ------
Earnings (loss) per common share
 from continuing operations
  Basic.............................   $ 2.21   $      $          $     $
  Diluted...........................     2.18
Cash dividends per common share.....     1.00     1.00    --       1.00    --
Earnings (loss) per common share
 from continuing operations
  Basic.............................   $ 0.50   $      $          $     $
  Diluted...........................     0.49
Cash dividends per common share.....     0.25     0.25    --       0.25    --
Book value per common share.........   $20.99   $      $          $     $
AS OF MARCH 31, 1998
Book value per common share.........   $21.27   $      $          $     $

  This Proxy Statement contains certain forward-looking statements within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect
to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Sprint, the
FON Group and the PCS Group. Statements in this document that are not
historical facts are hereby identified as "forward-looking statements" for the
purpose of the safe harbor provided by Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and Section 27A of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). Such forward-
looking statements, including, without limitation, those relating to the
future business prospects, revenues, working capital, liquidity, capital
needs, interest costs and income, in each case relating to Sprint, Sprint
Spectrum Holdings, SprintCom, PhillieCo, the FON Group and PCS Group, wherever
they occur in this Proxy Statement, are necessarily estimates reflecting the
best judgment of the senior management of Sprint and Sprint Spectrum and
involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to
differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements. Such
forward-looking statements should, therefore, be considered in light of
various important factors, including those set forth in this Proxy Statement.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include
without limitation (i) the effects of vigorous competition in the markets in
which these entities operate; (ii) the costs and business risks associated
with entering new markets necessary to provide nationwide services and
providing new services; (iii) the ability of the PCS Group to establish a
significant market presence; (iv) the risks related to Sprint's investments in
Global One and other joint ventures; (v) the impact of any unusual items
resulting from ongoing evaluations of the business strategies of these
entities; (vi) requirements imposed on these entities or latitude allowed to
their competitors by the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC") or
state regulatory commissions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the
"Telecom Act") or other applicable laws and regulations; (vii) unexpected
results of litigation filed against these entities; and (viii) the possibility
of one or more of the markets in which these entities compete being impacted
by changes in political, economic or other factors such as monetary policy,
legal and regulatory changes or other external factors over which these
entities have no control. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock Proposal" and
"Risk Factors--The PCS Group."     
  The words "estimate," "project," "intend," "expect," "believe" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are found at various places throughout this Proxy
Statement and the other documents incorporated herein by reference, including,
but not limited to, Sprint's Annual Report on Form 10-K (including any
amendments thereto) and Sprint Spectrum's Annual Report on Form 10-K
(including any amendments thereto). Readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date
hereof. Sprint undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to
these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the
date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Moreover, in
the future, Sprint, through senior management, may make forward-looking
statements about the matters described herein or other matters concerning
Sprint, Sprint Spectrum Holdings, SprintCom, PhillieCo, the FON Group or the
PCS Group.

  You should consider the following factors, in addition to the other
information contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, in connection with
the Tracking Stock Proposal. For definitions of certain defined terms, see the
Glossary which appears immediately before the Annexes.
  Notwithstanding the allocation of assets and liabilities (including
contingent liabilities) and stockholders' equity between the FON Group and the
PCS Group for the purpose of preparing the respective financial statements of
such Groups, holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to risks
associated with an investment in a single corporation. Such allocation of
assets and liabilities and change in the equity structure of Sprint will not
result in a distribution or spin-off to stockholders of any assets or
liabilities of Sprint or any of its subsidiaries or otherwise affect
responsibility for the liabilities of Sprint or such subsidiaries. Thus, the
rights of holders of Sprint's or any of its subsidiaries' debt will not be
affected by the Tracking Stock Proposal. Financial effects arising from either
Group that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could
affect the results of operations or financial position of the other Group or
the market price of the class of Common Stock relating to the other Group. In
addition, the incurrence of significant indebtedness by Sprint or one of its
subsidiaries on behalf of a Group, including indebtedness incurred or assumed
in connection with acquisitions of or investments in businesses, would
continue to affect the credit ratings of Sprint and its subsidiaries and
therefore could increase the borrowing costs of the other Group and Sprint as
a whole. In addition, as a result of Sprint's acquisition of 100% of the
entities comprising the PCS Group in connection with the PCS Restructuring
(subject to a 40.8% minority interest in the entity holding the PCS license
for and conducting operations in the Los Angeles/San Diego/Las Vegas MTA), the
current stockholders of Sprint will become stockholders of a more leveraged
entity. As of June 30, 1998, Sprint's aggregate indebtedness totaled
approximately $    billion. Upon completion of the PCS Restructuring
(including the effects of the exercise of Equity Purchase Rights by FT and DT
in connection with the PCS Restructuring but excluding any effects of the IPO
immediately following the PCS Restructuring and any exercise of Equity
Purchase Rights by FT and DT and/or the Cable Parents in connection with such
IPO), Sprint's aggregate indebtedness, as of June 30, on a pro forma basis,
would have totalled approximately $    billion, an increase of $    billion.
In addition, Sprint proposes to issue approximately $6 billion aggregate
principal amount of debt securities in an offering expected to be completed at
approximately the same time as the IPO, subject to market conditions. Although
Sprint currently expects that the proceeds from such issuance will be used to
refinance existing indebtedness, Sprint's aggregate indebtedness will increase
to the extent such proceeds are not so utilized. Moreover, any net losses of
the FON Group or the PCS Group, and any dividends or distributions on, or
repurchases of, FON Stock, PCS Stock, preferred stock or other stock, will
reduce the funds of Sprint legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock. Accordingly, Sprint's consolidated
financial information should be read in conjunction with the combined
financial information for both the FON Group and the PCS Group.     
  There can be no assurance that investors will assign values to the FON Stock
and PCS Stock based on the reported financial results and prospects of the
relevant Group or the dividend policies established by the Sprint Board with
respect to such Group. Events attributable to either Group that affect
Sprint's consolidated results of operations or financial condition could
affect the results of operations or financial condition of the other Group as
well as the market price of shares of both the FON Stock and the PCS Stock. In
addition, Sprint cannot predict the market impact of certain terms of the FON
Stock and the PCS Stock, such as the redemption and conversion rights
applicable upon the disposition of substantially all the assets attributed to
the PCS Group, the ability of Sprint to convert shares of the PCS Stock into
shares of FON Stock or the discretion of the Sprint Board to make various

  Because there has been no prior market for the FON Stock or the PCS Stock,
there can be no assurance as to their market prices following the
implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal. In particular, after the
completion of the PCS Restructuring and the proposed IPO, the market value of
the PCS Stock could decline, without any corresponding increase in the price
of the Existing Common Stock, prior to the Recapitalization. Thus, there can
be no assurance that the combined market values of the FON Stock and the PCS
Stock held by a stockholder after the Recapitalization will equal or exceed
the market value of the Existing Common Stock held by such stockholder prior
to the implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal. Until an orderly market
develops for the FON Stock and the PCS Stock, their respective trading prices
may fluctuate significantly. If an active trading market does develop in any
of such shares, there can be no assurance that it will be maintained. The
market prices of the FON Stock and the PCS Stock will be determined in the
trading markets and could be influenced by many factors, including the
consolidated results of Sprint, as well as the respective performances of the
FON Group and the PCS Group, investors' expectations for Sprint as a whole,
the FON Group and the PCS Group, the regulatory environment, trading volume,
share issuances and repurchases and general economic and market conditions.
  Under the Tracking Stock Proposal, holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will
have only the rights customarily held by common stockholders of any
corporation and will not have any rights related to their corresponding Group,
except for (i) in the case of the PCS Stock, the requirement that a dividend,
redemption or conversion occur upon the disposition of all or substantially
all (as defined in the Articles Amendment to mean at least 80% on a then-
current market value basis) of the assets attributed to the PCS Group, (ii)
fluctuating voting rights and (iii) the right to vote on certain matters as a
separate class, each as described under "Description of Capital Stock," and in
the limited circumstances provided under the Kansas General Corporation Code
or by stock exchange rules. Separate meetings for the holders of FON Stock and
PCS Stock will not be held. In addition, principles of Kansas law and Delaware
law (treated as persuasive authority by Kansas courts when interpreting the
Kansas General Corporation Code, which is based upon the Delaware General
Corporation Law) established in cases involving differing treatment of two
classes of capital stock or two groups of holders of the same class of capital
stock provide that a board of directors owes an equal duty to all stockholders
regardless of class or series and does not have separate or additional duties
to either group of stockholders.
  The holders of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock will vote
together as a single voting group, except as to certain amendments to the
bylaws of Sprint (the "Sprint Bylaws") and the Amended Articles, and as to any
spin-off by Sprint of the PCS Group prior to the second anniversary of the
Closing Date. Accordingly, if a separate vote on a matter by the holders of
either the FON Stock or the PCS Stock is not required under the Kansas General
Corporation Code or by stock exchange rules, and if the Sprint Board does not
require a separate vote, any class of Common Stock that is entitled to more
than the number of votes required to approve such matter will be in a position
to control the outcome of such vote even if the matter involves a divergence
or conflict of the interests of the holders of the FON Stock and the PCS
Stock. For example, if the holders of Common Stock having a majority of the
voting power of all shares of Common Stock outstanding approved a merger or
statutory share exchange, the terms of which did not require separate class
voting under the Kansas General Corporation Code or stock exchange rules, then
(i) the merger or statutory share exchange could be consummated even if the
holders of a majority of any particular class of Common Stock (but less than a
majority of all the outstanding voting power) were to vote against the merger
or statutory share exchange and (ii) the amount to be received by the holders
of such class of Common Stock in the merger or consolidation might be
materially less than the amount such holders would have received had the
approval of the holders of a majority of such class of Common Stock been
required. See "--Potential Diverging Interests--Allocation of Proceeds from
Merger or Acquisition of Sprint."     
  Conversely, if a separate vote on a matter by the holders of either FON
Stock or the PCS Stock is required under the Kansas General Corporation Code,
by stock exchange rules or by the Sprint Board, such holders of either FON
Stock or PCS Stock could prevent approval of such matter, even if the holders
of a majority of the

total number of votes cast or entitled to be cast with respect to both the FON
Stock and the PCS Stock voting together as a group were to vote in favor of
the matter. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal," "Description of Capital Stock--
Voting Rights of Common Stock" and "--Potential Diverging Interests--
Allocation of Proceeds of Merger or Acquisition of Sprint."
  The relative voting power of shares of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and
PCS Stock will fluctuate from time to time. Each share of Series 1 FON Stock
and Series 3 FON Stock will have one vote, each share of Series 2 FON Stock
will have 1/10th of a vote. Each share of Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS
Stock will have the PCS Per Share Vote and each share of Series 2 PCS Stock
will have 1/10th of a PCS Per Share Vote. Each share of Existing Class A
Common Stock will have the Existing Class A FON Vote Per Share plus the
Existing Class A PCS Vote Per Share, and each share of DT Class A Stock will
have the DT Class A FON Vote Per Share plus the DT Class A PCS Vote Per Share.
The formula for calculating the PCS Per Share Vote is intended to associate
the proportionate voting rights of FON Stock and PCS Stock with their
respective market prices at the time of any vote. Accordingly, the relative
voting power per share of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock will
fluctuate based on the respective market prices of the Series 1 FON Stock and
Series 1 PCS Stock. Sprint anticipates that the FON Stock will initially
represent a majority of the voting power of all Sprint Voting Stock entitled
to vote in the election of directors because the aggregate market value of the
outstanding shares of FON Stock is expected initially to be substantially
greater than the aggregate market value of the outstanding shares of PCS
Stock. Market value could be influenced by many factors, including the results
of operations of Sprint and each of the Groups, the regulatory environment,
trading volume, share issuances and repurchases and general economic and
market conditions. Such changes in the aggregate votes or relative voting
power of the PCS Stock or FON Stock could result from the market's reaction to
a decision by Sprint's management or the Sprint Board that is perceived to
disparately affect one class of Common Stock in comparison to another.
  The existence of separate classes of Common Stock could give rise to
occasions when the interests of the holders of FON Stock and the holders of
PCS Stock diverge, conflict or appear to diverge or conflict. Examples include
determinations by the Sprint Board to (i) pay or omit the payment of dividends
on FON Stock or PCS Stock, (ii) allocate among holders of FON Stock and PCS
Stock consideration to be received by holders of Common Stock generally in
connection with a merger or consolidation involving Sprint, (iii) convert one
class of Common Stock into shares of another class of Common Stock, (iv)
approve certain dispositions of assets attributed to any Group, (v) if and to
the extent there is an Inter-Group Interest, allocate the proceeds of
issuances of PCS Stock either to the FON Group (and record a corresponding
reduction in such Inter-Group Interest) or to the equity of the PCS Group,
(vi) formulate uniform public policy positions for Sprint, (vii) establish
material commercial relationships between Groups, and (viii) make operational
and financial decisions with respect to one Group that could be considered to
be detrimental to the other Group.
  Subject to the provisions of the Tracking Stock Policies, in resolving any
given conflict the Sprint Board may benefit, or appear to benefit, the
interests of one Group at the expense of the other Group. See "--Tracking
Stock Policies Subject to Change." Each of the foregoing potential diverging
or conflicting interests is discussed below:     
  No Assurance of Payment of Dividends. The Sprint Board currently intends
that the dividend policy applicable to the FON Stock would be the same as the
dividend policy applicable to the Existing Common Stock and believes that
implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal would not adversely affect
Sprint's ability to pay dividends on the FON Stock. The Sprint Board currently
does not expect to declare any dividends on the PCS Stock in the foreseeable
future. Determinations as to the future dividends, if any, on the FON Stock,
the PCS Stock and the Class A Common Stock (to the extent it represents any
unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock), would be based primarily upon the
financial condition, results of operations and business requirements of the
relevant Group and Sprint as a whole. The Articles Amendment provides that
dividends to holders of Common Stock generally can be declared and paid out of
funds of Sprint legally available therefor.

However, the Tracking Stock Policies adopted by the Sprint Board provide that
dividends, if any, on the FON Stock, the PCS Stock and the Class A Common
Stock (to the extent it represents any unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS
Stock) would be payable out of the lesser of (i) all funds of Sprint legally
available for the payment of dividends and (ii) the Available Dividend Amount
with respect to the relevant Group. Future dividends will not necessarily bear
a direct relationship to earnings and retained earnings as expressed on each
Group's financial statements as determined in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles. Net losses of any Group and dividends and
distributions on, and repurchases of, any class of common stock or preferred
stock would reduce the assets of Sprint legally available for future dividends
on the FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and the PCS Stock. Subject to
limitations under the Kansas General Corporation Code and the Tracking Stock
Policies, the Sprint Board could declare and pay dividends exclusively on the
FON Stock and the Class A Common Stock (to the extent it represents unissued
shares of such stock), exclusively on the PCS Stock and the Class A Common
Stock (to the extent it represents unissued shares of such stock) or on both,
in equal or unequal amounts. Subject to certain exceptions, the Tracking Stock
Policies generally may be modified, suspended, or rescinded and additions
adopted or exceptions made by the Sprint Board at any time (although there is
no present intention to do so, and Sprint has agreed with the Cable Parents,
FT and DT not to do so prior to the Recapitalization). Any determination to
modify, suspend or rescind any of the Tracking Stock Policies, or to make
exceptions thereto or adopt additional policies, including any such decision
that would have disparate impacts upon holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock,
would be made by the Sprint Board in a manner consistent with its fiduciary
duties to Sprint and all of its common stockholders after giving fair
consideration to the potentially divergent interests and all other relevant
interests of the holders of the separate classes of Sprint's common stock,
including the holders of FON Stock and the holders of PCS Stock. If the
dividend policy set forth in the Tracking Stock Policies were so altered, the
Sprint Board could, under the Articles Amendment, declare dividends on the PCS
Stock and the Class A Common Stock (to the extent it represents unissued
shares of such stock) in excess of the PCS Group Available Dividend Amount, or
could declare dividends on the FON Stock and the Class A Common Stock (to the
extent it represents unissued shares of such stock) in excess of the FON Group
Available Dividend Amount (although not in any case in excess of the funds of
Sprint legally available for the payment of dividends). See "The Tracking
Stock Proposal--The Tracking Stock Policies--Dividend Policy" and "Description
of Capital Stock--Dividends on Common Stock."     
  Allocation of Proceeds from Merger or Acquisition of Sprint. The Tracking
Stock Policies provide that the Sprint Board will not recommend any
transaction that would result in a Change of Control of Sprint or a Strategic
Merger without a prior determination that the terms of such transaction are
fair to holders of PCS Stock, taken as a separate class, and holders of FON
Stock, taken as a separate class. Other than this and other provisions in the
Tracking Stock Policies that relate to treatment of holders of the separate
classes of Common Stock, there are no specific provisions of the Tracking
Stock Proposal governing how consideration to be received by holders of Common
Stock generally in connection with a merger or consolidation involving Sprint
as a whole is to be allocated among holders of different classes of Common
Stock. In any merger or consolidation, the percentage of the consideration to
be allocated to holders of any class of Common Stock will be determined by the
Sprint Board in accordance with the Tracking Stock Policies. See "--Limited
Separate Stockholder Rights; No Additional Rights with Respect to the Groups;
Effects on Voting Power" and "The Tracking Stock Proposal--The Tracking Stock
  Optional Conversion of PCS Stock. The Sprint Board may at any time after the
third anniversary and before the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date,
convert each share of PCS Stock into a number of shares of FON Stock equal to
110% of the Optional Conversion Ratio computed as of the fifth trading day
prior to the date that the notice of conversion is sent to holders of PCS
Stock. The Sprint Board may also convert shares of PCS Stock into shares of
FON Stock on or after the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date, and the
applicable conversion rate will be determined by the Sprint Board, subject to
a provision in the Articles Amendment requiring the Sprint Board to make
independent determinations with regard to the fairness of the conversion ratio
to the holders of the FON Stock, taken as a separate class, and to the holders
of the PCS Stock, taken as a separate class. In addition, the Sprint Board
could determine to convert each share of PCS Stock into a number of shares of
FON Stock equal to 110% of the ratio of the average Market Values of one share
of Series 1     

PCS Stock to one share of Series 1 FON Stock, calculated over a 10-trading day
period beginning on the 16th trading day after consummation of the disposition
following any disposition of all or substantially all of the properties or
assets attributed to the PCS Group. Also, if Sprint redeems substantially all
(but not all) of the shares of PCS Stock (or declares and pays a dividend on
the PCS Stock) following such a disposition, the Sprint Board could determine
to convert each share of PCS Stock still outstanding into a number of shares
of FON Stock equal to 110% of the Optional Conversion Ratio prior to the first
anniversary of such payment. In each such case, the number of unissued shares,
if any, of PCS Stock represented by the shares of Class A Common Stock would
be converted into a number of unissued shares of FON Stock on an equivalent
basis. Any such determination could be made at a time when either or both of
the FON Stock and the PCS Stock may be considered to be overvalued or
undervalued. In addition, any such conversion at any premium would dilute the
interests of the holders of the FON Stock in Sprint and would preclude holders
of both FON Stock and PCS Stock from retaining their investment in a security
that is intended to reflect separately the performance of the relevant Group.
See "The Tracking Stock Proposal" and "Description of Capital Stock--
Conversion and Redemption."     
  Dispositions of Group Assets. Assuming the assets attributed to either Group
represent less than substantially all of the properties and assets of Sprint,
the Sprint Board could, without stockholder approval, approve sales and other
dispositions of any amount of the properties and assets attributed to such
Group in compliance with Kansas law and the Articles Amendment, which require
stockholder approval only for a sale or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the properties and assets of Sprint as a whole. The
proceeds from any such disposition would be assets attributed to such Group
and used for its benefit, subject to the Tracking Stock Policies described
under "The Tracking Stock Proposal--The Tracking Stock Policies." The Articles
Amendment also contains provisions to the effect that, in the event of a
disposition of all or substantially all of the properties and assets
attributed to the PCS Group (defined to mean 80% or more on a then-current
market value basis), other than, among others, in a Related Business
Transaction, Sprint will be required to either (i) distribute to holders of
PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (but only to the extent such stock
represents a number of unissued shares of PCS Stock) an amount of cash and/or
securities (other than Common Stock) or other property equal to the fair value
of the net proceeds of such disposition on an after-tax basis, either by
special dividend or by redemption of all or part of the outstanding shares of
PCS Stock, or (ii) convert each outstanding share of PCS Stock into a number
of shares of FON Stock equal to 110% of the ratio, calculated over a 10-day
trading period beginning on the 16th day after the consummation of the
disposition transaction of the average Market Value of one share of PCS Stock
to the average Market Value of one share of FON Stock (and a conversion of the
number of unissued shares, if any, of PCS Stock represented by the Class A
Common Stock into a number of unissued shares of FON Stock on an equivalent
basis). See "The Tracking Stock Proposal" and "Description of Capital Stock--
Conversion and Redemption." The terms of the Common Stock do not require the
Sprint Board to select the option which would result in the distribution with
the highest value to the holders of the PCS Stock or with the smallest effect
on the Common Stock relating to the FON Group. See "--Fiduciary Duties of the
Sprint Board; Potential Conflicts of Interest."     
  Public Policy Determinations. Because of the nature of the businesses of the
FON Group and the PCS Group, the Groups may have diverging interests as to the
position Sprint should take with respect to various regulatory issues. For
example, FCC regulations which may advance the interests of one Group may not
advance the interests of the other Group. Pursuant to the Tracking Stock
Policies, material matters involving potentially divergent interests will be
resolved in a manner that the Sprint Board (or the Capital Stock Committee)
determines to be in the best interests of Sprint and all of its common
stockholders after giving fair consideration to the potentially divergent
interests and all other relevant interests of the holders of the separate
classes of Common Stock. Nevertheless, the Sprint Board could take steps that
may benefit one Group at the expense of another.
  Operational and Financial Decisions. In the future, the Sprint Board could,
subject to the provisions of the Tracking Stock Policies, make operational and
financial decisions or implement policies that affect disproportionately the
businesses of the FON Group and the PCS Group, such as transfers of services
(including sales agency, resale and other arrangements), funds or assets
between Groups and other inter-Group transactions,     

the allocation of financing opportunities in the public markets and the
allocation of business opportunities, resources and personnel. Any such
decision may benefit one Group at the expense of the other. For example, the
decision to obtain funds for one Group may adversely affect the ability of the
other Group to obtain funds sufficient to implement its growth strategies or
may increase the cost of such funds. In addition, any increased overlap
between the businesses of the two Groups as a result of regulatory changes,
technological advancements or other factors will make such operational and
financial decisions more difficult. For further discussion of potential
divergences of interests, see "--Fiduciary Duties of the Sprint Board;
Potential Conflicts of Interest," "--Inter-Group Transactions" and "The
Tracking Stock Proposal--The Tracking Stock Policies."     
  Sprint is not aware of any legislative or judicial precedent involving the
fiduciary duties of directors of corporations having two classes of common
stock, or separate classes or series of capital stock, the rights of which are
defined by reference to specified operations of the corporation. Principles of
Kansas law and Delaware law established in cases involving differing treatment
of two classes of capital stock or two groups of holders of the same class of
capital stock provide that a board of directors owes an equal duty to all
stockholders regardless of class or series and does not have separate or
additional duties to either group of stockholders. Under these principles and
the related principle known as the "business judgment rule," absent abuse of
discretion, a good faith business decision made by a disinterested and
adequately informed Sprint Board, or a committee thereof, with respect to any
matter having disparate impacts upon holders of FON Stock and holders of PCS
Stock would be an adequate defense to any challenge to such determination made
by or on behalf of the holders of either class of Common Stock. Thus, holders
of any class of Common Stock who believe that a determination by the Sprint
Board has disparate impacts upon their class of stock may not necessarily be
able to obtain a judicial remedy for such claim. Moreover, a court hearing a
case involving such a challenge may decide to apply principles of law other
than those discussed above, or may develop new principles of law, in order to
decide such a case.     
  Directors of Sprint will, as a result of the Recapitalization, own shares of
FON Stock and PCS Stock in the same proportion as such shares are issued to
holders of Existing Common Stock. Thus, each director will have a greater
economic interest in the FON Group than in the PCS Group. Disproportionate
ownership interests of members of the Sprint Board in FON Stock or PCS Stock
or disparities in the respective market values of the FON Stock and the PCS
Stock could give rise to potential claims of conflicts of interest when
Directors are faced with decisions that could have different implications for
the different classes.
  The Sprint Board may in certain circumstances determine to transfer funds
between Groups, and any such transfer may result in (i) a corresponding change
in the size of the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group or (ii) a
loan from one Group to the other Group (or the repayment of a prior loan from
such other Group), subject to the Tracking Stock Policies. Transfers of assets
from the FON Group to the PCS Group that are designated by the Sprint Board
(consistent with the provisions of the Tracking Stock Policies) to be treated
as an equity contribution by the FON Group to the PCS Group will result in an
increase in the Inter-Group Interest of the FON Group in the PCS Group.     
  Pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies, loans from Sprint or any member of
the FON Group to any member of the PCS Group will be made at interest rates
and on terms and conditions substantially equivalent to the interest rates and
terms and conditions that the PCS Group would be able to obtain from third
parties (including the public markets) as a direct or indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of Sprint, but without the benefit of any guaranty by Sprint or any
member of the FON Group. The Tracking Stock Policies contemplate that such
loans will be made on the basis set forth above regardless of the interest
rates and terms and conditions on which Sprint or members of the FON Group may
have acquired the subject funds. It is anticipated that interest rates payable
by the PCS Group initially will be higher than that payable by Sprint or the
FON Group.     
  Although any increase in the Inter-Group Interest resulting from an equity
contribution by the FON Group to the PCS Group, or any decrease in the Inter-
Group Interest resulting from a transfer of funds from the PCS Group to the
FON Group, would be determined by reference to the then-current Market Value
of PCS Stock, such an increase could occur at a time when such shares could be
considered under- or over-valued and such a

decrease could occur at a time when such shares could be considered under- or
over-valued. Pursuant to the Amended Articles and the Tracking Stock Policies,
an Inter-Group Interest of the PCS Group in the FON Group cannot be created.
See "The Tracking Stock Proposal" and "Future Inter-Group Interest."
  Federal and state income taxes incurred by Sprint which are determined on a
consolidated, combined, or unitary basis will be allocated between the Groups
in accordance with a Tax Sharing Agreement to be entered into and undertaken
by Sprint. These allocations will be based principally on the taxable income
and tax credits contributed by each Group. Such allocations to or from the PCS
Group are intended to reflect its actual incremental cumulative effect
(positive or negative) on Sprint's federal and state taxable income and
related tax liability and tax credit position, subject to certain adjustments.
Tax benefits that cannot be used by a Group generating those benefits but can
be used on a consolidated basis will be credited to the Group that generated
such benefits. Accordingly, the amounts of taxes payable or refundable, which
will be allocated to each Group, may not necessarily be the same as that which
would have been payable or refundable had the Group filed a separate income
tax return. Tax sharing payments between the Groups will be accrued as of the
end of the tax period to which they relate. Sprint expects that significant
payments pursuant to the Tax Sharing Agreement will be made from the FON Group
to the PCS Group in the near future, in light of the substantial operating
losses that the PCS Group is expected to incur during this time. However,
there can be no assurances that the FON Group will continue to generate
taxable income in amounts necessary to generate substantial benefits to the
PCS Group or that changes in law will not adversely affect the availability of
tax benefits to Sprint, the FON Group and the PCS Group. Therefore, there can
be no assurance as to the magnitude of any payments made pursuant to the Tax
Sharing Agreement.     
  The Tax Sharing Agreement includes a procedure pursuant to which tax sharing
payments to or from the PCS Group will be calculated excluding the effect of
any cumulative combined net loss or credit of (a) all new businesses directly
or indirectly acquired by the FON Group after May 26, 1998 individually having
an acquisition cost in excess of $500 million, taking into account the amount
of any liabilities assumed by the acquiror or to which the acquired business
is subject, and (b) all Other Groups except to the extent that an Other Group
reflects one or more profitable core business(es) of the FON Group that
exist(s) on the date of creation of the FON Group (the "Stacking Procedure").
  The initial Tax Sharing Agreement (including the Stacking Procedure) will
apply to tax years ending on or before December 31, 2001, and will not be
modified, suspended or rescinded, nor will additions or exceptions be made,
for such periods. For subsequent periods, the Sprint Board will adopt a tax
sharing arrangement that will be designed to allocate Sprint's tax benefits
and burdens fairly between the PCS Group and the FON Group. Sprint expects
that tax benefits that cannot be used by a Group generating those benefits but
can be used on a consolidated basis will continue to result in payments to the
Group that generated such benefits based on the value of such benefits to
Sprint on a consolidated basis. In addition, Sprint expects that tax benefits,
if any, pertaining to tax loss or tax credit carry forwards generated by a
Group but not utilized as of the expiration of the initial Tax Sharing
Agreement will continue to result in payments to the Group that generated such
benefits based on the value of such benefits to Sprint on a consolidated basis
when such tax benefits are utilized. Sprint has not determined whether or not
it will continue to utilize the Stacking Procedure for tax years ending after
December 31, 2001.     
  The Sprint Board has adopted the Tracking Stock Policies described herein
governing the relationship between the FON Group and the PCS Group and other
"tracking stock" matters. Certain provisions of the Tracking Stock Policies
relating to tax matters (including the Tax Sharing Agreement) and provisions
regarding the allocation of debt expense may not be modified, suspended or
rescinded, nor may additions or exceptions be made to such provisions, prior
to December 31, 2001. The remaining policies may be modified, suspended or
rescinded, or additions or exceptions made thereto, in the sole discretion of
the Sprint Board without approval of the stockholders, although there is no
present intention to do so, and Sprint has agreed with the Cable Parents

not to do so prior to the Recapitalization. The Sprint Board may also adopt
additional policies depending upon the circumstances. In addition, with
respect to accounting matters, generally accepted accounting principles
require that any change in accounting policy be preferable (in accordance with
such principles) to the policy previously established. Any determination of
the Sprint Board to modify, suspend or rescind such policies, or to make
exceptions thereto or adopt additional policies, including any such decision
that would have disparate impacts upon holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock,
would be made by the Sprint Board in a manner consistent with its fiduciary
duties to Sprint and all of its common stockholders after giving fair
consideration to the potentially divergent interests and all other relevant
interests of the holders of the separate classes of Sprint's common stock,
including the holders of FON Stock and the holders of PCS Stock. See "The
Tracking Stock Proposal--Accounting Matters" and "--The Tracking Stock
  The approval of the stockholders of Sprint will not be solicited by Sprint
for the issuance of authorized but unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
unless such approval is deemed advisable by the Sprint Board or is required by
applicable law, regulation or stock exchange listing requirements.
  If the FON Group or the PCS Group were stand-alone entities, any person
interested in acquiring either of such entities without negotiation with
management could seek control of the outstanding stock of such entity by means
of a tender offer or proxy contest. Although the Tracking Stock Proposal will
create classes of Common Stock that are intended to reflect the separate
performance of the FON Group and the PCS Group, a person interested in
acquiring only one Group without negotiation with Sprint's management would
still be required to seek control of the voting power represented by all of
the outstanding capital stock of Sprint entitled to vote on such acquisition.
See "--Limited Separate Stockholder Rights; No Additional Rights with Respect
to the Groups; Effects on Voting Power."
  The PCS Stock Amendment provides that upon a disposition of at least 80% of
the assets attributed to the PCS Group on a then-current market value basis,
Sprint would be required, subject to certain exceptions, to pay a special
dividend on or redeem the outstanding shares of PCS Stock and shares of Class
A Common Stock (but only to the extent such shares of Class A Common Stock
represent a number of unissued shares of PCS Stock) or convert such PCS Stock
into shares of FON Stock (and effect an equivalent conversion of the number of
unissued shares, if any, of PCS Stock represented by the Class A Common Stock
into a number of unissued shares of FON Stock). If the PCS Group were a
separate independent company and its shares were acquired by another person,
certain costs of such disposition, including corporate level taxes, might not
be payable in connection with such an acquisition. As a result, the
consideration that would be received by stockholders of such separate
independent company in connection with such an acquisition might be greater
than the Net Proceeds that would be received by holders of the PCS Stock if
the assets attributed to the PCS Group were sold. In addition, no assurance
can be given that the Net Proceeds per share of the PCS Stock to be received
in connection with a disposition of all of the assets attributed to the PCS
Group would be equal to or more than the market value per share of the PCS
Stock prior to or after announcement of such disposition. See "--No Assurance
as to Market Price; No Existing Market," "The Tracking Stock Proposal" and
"Description of Capital Stock--Conversion and Redemption--Mandatory Dividend,
Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock."
  Until the Cable Parents have sold securities covered by the Registration
Rights Agreement with an aggregate offering price of $2 billion (or 12 months
after the commencement of registration rights, whichever is sooner), the Cable
Parents will have priority in selling their shares in offerings of PCS Stock
for which the underwriters require a reduction in the number of shares desired
to be offered (whether by Sprint, the Cable Parents or any

other stockholder having registration rights, including FT and DT, except
where FT and DT have exercised their rights to require registration). Such
priority will apply regardless of which of these parties (other than FT and
DT) initiates the offering, and therefore could result in the Cable Parents'
having the right to sell shares in place of shares that Sprint intended to
sell in order to raise capital to fund the operations of the PCS Group. The
existence of these rights could have a material adverse effect on the ability
of Sprint to raise needed capital through the sale of PCS Stock. In addition,
TCI has entered into a merger agreement with AT&T Corp. TCI has advised Sprint
that it has agreed with AT&T Corp. that, if required in order to obtain any
required regulatory approvals in connection with the transactions contemplated
thereby, it will commit to the divestiture of its shares of PCS Stock and
otherwise comply with the requirements of applicable governmental authorities
in connection with obtaining such regulatory approvals. Any requirement that
TCI sell all or a significant portion of its PCS Stock over a specified period
could have a material adverse effect on the market price of the PCS Stock.
  This Proxy Statement describes the Tracking Stock Proposal as currently
contemplated by the Sprint Board. The transactions comprising the Tracking
Stock Proposal, including the PCS Restructuring, the IPO and the
Recapitalization, are subject to various conditions and uncertainties. There
can be no assurance that all or any of such transactions will be completed or,
if any are completed, that they will be completed on the terms described in
this Proxy Statement.

                          RISK FACTORS--THE PCS GROUP
  As of June 30, 1998, the entities that comprise the PCS Group had incurred
pre-tax cumulative losses in excess of $    billion. Sprint expects that the
PCS Group will continue to incur significant operating losses and to generate
significant negative cash flow from operating activities during the next
several years while it continues to build its network and customer base. There
can be no assurance that the PCS Group will achieve or sustain operating
profitability or positive cash flow from operating activities in the future.
If the PCS Group does not achieve and maintain positive cash flow from
operating activities and operating profitability on a timely basis, it may be
unable to make capital expenditures necessary for the implementation of its
business plan, meet its debt service requirements or otherwise conduct its
business in an effective and competitive manner. In any event, there can be no
assurance that Sprint will elect to use funds available to the FON Group to
meet the obligations of the PCS Group. See Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations--Liquidity and
Capital Resources of the PCS Group in Annex II.     
  The PCS Group has significant buildout activities remaining to be completed,
including completion of buildout activities in each of the SprintCom markets.
The SprintCom markets include Chicago, Houston and Atlanta. As the PCS Group
continues the buildout of its PCS network, it must continue to (i) lease,
acquire or otherwise obtain rights to a large number of cell and switch sites,
(ii) obtain zoning variances or other local governmental or third party
approvals or permits for network construction, (iii) complete the radio
frequency ("RF") design, including cell site design, frequency planning and
network optimization, for each of its remaining markets, and (iv) complete the
fixed network implementation, which includes designing and installing network
switching systems, radio systems, interconnecting facilities and systems, and
operating support systems. There can be no assurance that these events will
occur on the time basis assumed by the PCS Group or required by the FCC and on
the cost basis assumed by the PCS Group, or at all. Additionally, problems in
vendor equipment availability or performance could delay the launch of
operations in new markets or result in increased costs in all markets. Failure
or delay to complete the buildout of the network and launch operations, or
increased costs of such buildout and launch of operations, could have a
material adverse effect on the operations and financial condition of the PCS
  The operation and expansion of the PCS Group's network and the marketing and
distribution of its related products and services will continue to require
substantial capital. Sprint currently estimates that the PCS Group's capital
expenditures during the period July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 will
total approximately $3.2 to $3.5 billion. Actual amounts of the funds required
to finance the PCS Group's network buildout may vary materially from these
estimates and additional funds could be required in the event of significant
departures from the PCS Group's current business plan, unforeseen delays, cost
overruns, unanticipated expenses, regulatory changes, engineering design
changes and technological and other risks. The PCS Group may require
substantial additional capital for, among other uses, license or system
acquisitions, system development and volume-driven network capacity, and
technological developments or issues may require additional capital
expenditures. In addition, Cox has "put" rights with respect to its remaining
interest in Cox PCS pursuant to which Cox may elect to require Sprint to
purchase, under certain circumstances, all or a portion of Cox's remaining
interest in Cox PCS, which could involve significant cash requirements. See
"The Tracking Stock Proposal--Amendments to Cox PCS Partnership Agreement."
There can be no assurance that Sprint will be able to arrange additional
financing to fund the PCS Group's capital requirements on terms acceptable to
Sprint or that Sprint would be willing to provide such financing. Failure to
obtain any such financing could result in the delay or abandonment of the PCS
Group's development or expansion plans or the failure to meet regulatory
buildout requirements. See Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations--Liquidity and Capital Resources of the
PCS Group in Annex II.     

  The successful expansion of the PCS Group's network is dependent on its
ability to expand and maintain integrated customer care, network management
and billing systems among companies comprising the PCS Group and external
affiliates. Given the scale and scope of the PCS Group operations and its
centralized systems, vendors frequently do not have systems as large as
required, and as a result, there is often on-going development work associated
with these systems. Although the PCS Group anticipated this need and has
devoted significant resources to internal systems, it is a significant
challenge to add systems capacity, make software enhancements and ensure
uniformity of deployment of features and functions. The failure to expand,
integrate or deploy these systems in a timely manner could have a material
adverse effect on the PCS Group.
  The PCS Group will have significant outstanding indebtedness following the
consummation of the PCS Restructuring. Upon completion of the PCS
Restructuring (including the effects of the exercise of Equity Purchase Rights
by FT and DT in connection with the IPO and the PCS Restructuring, without
giving effect to any exercise of Equity Purchase Rights by the Cable Parents,
and assuming net proceeds from the IPO of $471.2 million, all of which is used
to repay existing indebtedness), the PCS Group's aggregate indebtedness, as of
June 30, 1998 on a pro forma basis, would have totaled     billion, with
$  billion of PCS Group equity as of June 30, 1998 on a pro forma basis. In
addition, Sprint proposes to issue, subject to market conditions, $6 billion
aggregate principal amount of debt securities in an offering expected to be
completed at approximately the same time as the IPO, substantially all of
which will be indebtedness allocated to the PCS Group. Sprint currently
expects that the proceeds allocated to the PCS Group from such issuance will
be used to refinance existing indebtedness. The PCS Group intends to incur
significant additional indebtedness in the future as it implements its
business plan. The proceeds of the issuance of such indebtedness allocated to
the PCS Group will be borrowed from Sprint at rates that the PCS Group would
be able to obtain from third parties (including the public markets) as a
direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Sprint, but without the benefit
of any guaranty by Sprint or any member of the FON Group. The rates for such
borrowings are expected to be higher than the rates at which Sprint may borrow
funds. A substantial portion of the PCS Group's future cash flow from
operations will be required for the payment of principal and interest on its
indebtedness, thereby reducing the funds available to the PCS Group for its
operations, including acquisitions, capital investments and business expenses,
which could hinder its ability to adjust to changing market and economic
  The PCS Group's ability to make scheduled payments of principal and interest
on or to refinance its indebtedness depends on its future performance and
successful implementation of its business plan, which is subject not only to
its own actions but also to general economic, financial, competitive,
legislative, regulatory and other factors beyond its control. There can be no
assurance that the PCS Group's business will generate sufficient cash flow
from operations or that future credit will be available in an amount
sufficient to enable the PCS Group to service its indebtedness. In addition,
there can be no assurance that Sprint will be able to arrange additional
financing to fund the PCS Group's debt service on terms acceptable to Sprint
or that Sprint would be willing to provide such financing.
  The licensing, construction, operation, sale and interconnection
arrangements of wireless telecommunications systems are regulated to varying
degrees by the FCC and, depending on the jurisdiction, state and local
regulatory agencies. In addition, the FCC, in conjunction with the Federal
Aviation Administration (the "FAA"), regulates tower marking and lighting.
There can be no assurance that either the FCC, the FAA or those state agencies
having jurisdiction over the PCS Group's business will not adopt regulations
or take other actions that would adversely affect the business of the PCS

  FCC licenses to provide PCS services are subject to renewal and revocation.
The PCS Group's MTA licenses will expire in 2005 and the BTA licenses will
expire in 2007. There may be competition for the licenses held by the PCS
Group upon their expiration and there can be no assurance that the PCS Group's
licenses will be renewed. FCC rules require all PCS licensees to meet certain
buildout requirements. There can be no assurance that the PCS Group will be
able to obtain the requisite coverage in each market. Failure to comply with
these requirements could cause revocation or forfeiture of the PCS Group's PCS
licenses or the imposition of fines on the PCS Group by the FCC. See "Annex
II--PCS Group Information--Business--Regulation."     
  There is substantial competition in the wireless telecommunications
industry. The PCS Group expects competition to intensify as a result of the
entrance of new competitors and the development of new technologies, products
and services. Each of the markets in which the PCS Group competes will be
served by other two-way wireless service providers, including cellular and PCS
operators and resellers. A majority of markets will have five or more CMRS
service providers, and out of the top 50 metropolitan markets all have at
least one PCS competitor in addition to two cellular incumbents. Many of these
competitors have been operating for a number of years, currently serve a
substantial subscriber base and have significantly greater financial and
technical resources than those available to the PCS Group and offer attractive
pricing options for service and a wider variety of handset options. A major
competitor recently introduced a nationwide flat-rate pricing plan that may be
viewed as more attractive than the PCS Group plans by some customers.
Competition also may increase to the extent that licenses are transferred from
smaller stand-alone operations to larger, better capitalized and more
experienced wireless communications operations that may be able to offer
customers network features not offered by the PCS Group.     
  The PCS Group is relying on agreements to provide automatic roaming
capability to PCS Group customers in many of the areas of the United States
not served by the PCS Group's network, which primarily serves metropolitan
areas. Certain competitors may be able to offer coverage in areas not served
by the PCS network or, because of their call volumes or their affiliations
with, or ownership of, wireless providers, may be able to offer roaming rates
that are lower than those offered by the PCS Group. For a discussion of the
technology risks associated with roaming and handsets, see "--Technology
  The PCS Group also expects that existing cellular providers, some of which
have an infrastructure in place and have been operating for a number of years,
will upgrade their systems and provide expanded and digital services to
compete with the PCS Group's PCS system. Many of these wireless providers
require their customers to enter into long term contracts, which may make it
more difficult for the PCS Group to attract these customers away from such
wireless providers. In addition, the PCS Group does not require its customers
to enter into long term contracts, which may make it easier for other wireless
providers to attract these customers away from the PCS Group.     
  The PCS Group anticipates that market prices for two-way wireless services
generally will decline in the future based upon increased competition. The
significant competition among wireless providers, including from new entrants,
is expected to continue to drive service and equipment prices lower. The PCS
Group also expects that there will be increases in advertising and promotion
spending, along with increased demands on access to distribution channels. All
of this may lead to greater choices for customers, possible consumer confusion
and increasing churn. The PCS Group's ability to compete successfully will
also depend on marketing and on its ability to anticipate and respond to
various competitive factors affecting the industry, including new services
that may be introduced, changes in consumer preferences, demographic trends,
economic conditions and discount pricing strategies by competitors.     
  PCS systems have a limited operating history in the United States, and there
can be no assurance that operation of these systems will become profitable. In
addition, the extent of potential demand for PCS services in the PCS Group's
markets cannot be estimated with any degree of certainty. The wireless
telecommunications industry is experiencing significant technological change,
as evidenced by the increasing pace of digital upgrades

in existing analog wireless systems, evolving industry standards, ongoing
improvements in the capacity and quality of digital technology, shorter
development cycles for new products and enhancements and changes in end-user
requirements and preferences. There is also uncertainty as to the extent of
customer demand as well as the extent to which airtime and monthly recurring
charges may continue to decline. As a result, the future prospects of the
industry and the PCS Group and the success of PCS and other competitive
services remain uncertain. Also, alternative technologies may develop for the
provision of services to customers that may provide wireless
telecommunications service or alternative service superior to PCS. Thus, there
can be no assurance that technological developments will not have a material
adverse effect on the PCS Group.
  CDMA technology has only recently been deployed in the United States and
internationally. Although the PCS Group has selected CDMA technology because
it believes such technology will offer several advantages over other
technologies, CDMA may not provide the advantages expected by the PCS Group.
  Existing analog cellular and other digital networks are not compatible with
the PCS Group's network. The PCS Group's network operates at a different
frequency or uses a different technology than analog cellular or other digital
systems. Additionally, for the PCS Group's subscribers to access automatically
another provider's analog cellular or digital system, that provider must agree
to allow the PCS Group's subscribers to roam on its network, and customers are
required to utilize Dual-Mode/Dual-Band Handsets compatible with that system
to take advantage of roaming agreements. There can be no assurance that
roaming agreements with other providers can be obtained or maintained on terms
acceptable to the PCS Group. The PCS Group's Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets do
not allow for automatic call hand-off between the PCS Group's network and
another wireless network, thus requiring a customer to initiate a new call
when leaving the PCS Group's network. In addition, the quality of the service
provided by a network provider during a roaming call may not approximate the
quality of the service provided by the PCS Group and its affiliated companies,
the price of a roaming call may not be competitive with prices of other
wireless companies for such call and the PCS Group customer may not be able to
use any of the advanced features (e.g., voicemail notification) the customer
enjoys when making calls from within the PCS Group network.     
  The PCS Group has experienced a higher rate of customer churn as compared to
cellular industry averages. The PCS Group believes its rate of customer churn
is the result of several factors, including the absence of long-term service
contracts, a 30-day money-back return policy, network coverage and reliability
issues, customer care concerns and other competitive factors.     
  The PCS Group has implemented or plans to implement strategies to address
customer churn, including expanding network coverage, marketing customized
service and pricing plans to meet customers' specific calling needs and
increasing the number of customer care representatives. There can be no
assurance, however, that such strategies will be successful or that the rate
of customer churn will decline. Price competition or other competitive factors
could also cause increased customer churn for the PCS Group. A high rate of
customer churn could have a material adverse effect on the PCS Group's
competitive position and results of operations.     
  The wireless industry, including the PCS Group, has experienced a trend of
generating a significantly higher number of customer additions and handset
sales in the fourth quarter of each year as compared to the other three fiscal
quarters. A number of factors contribute to this trend, including the
increasing use of retail distribution which is dependent upon the year-end
holiday shopping season, the timing of new product and service announcements
and introductions, competitive pricing pressures and aggressive marketing and
promotions. There can be no assurance that strong fourth quarter results for
customer additions and handset sales will continue for     

the wireless industry or the PCS Group. The number of customer additions and
handset sales for the PCS Group could fail to meet expectations for the fourth
quarter for a variety of reasons, including the PCS Group's inability to match
or beat pricing plans offered by competitors, the failure to adequately promote
the PCS Group's products, services and pricing plans, or the failure to have an
adequate supply or selection of handsets. If fourth quarter results of the PCS
Group fail to significantly improve upon customer additions and handset sales
for the year's previous quarters, the PCS Group's results for the year will
most likely not meet expectations.     
  Media reports have suggested that certain RF emissions from wireless handsets
may be linked to various health concerns, including cancer, and may interfere
with various electronic medical devices, including hearing aids and pacemakers.
Concerns over RF emissions may have the effect of discouraging the use of
wireless handsets or exposing Sprint to potential litigation, which could have
a material adverse effect on the PCS Group's results of operations.     
  The "Year 2000" issue effects the PCS Group's installed computer systems,
network elements, software applications, and other business systems that have
time sensitive programs that may not properly reflect or recognize the year
2000. Because many computers and computer applications define dates by the last
two digits of the year, "00" may not be properly identified as the year 2000.
This error could result in miscalculations or system errors. The Year 2000
issue may also affect the systems and applications of the PCS Group's
customers, vendors or resellers.
  The PCS Group is undertaking an evaluation of its critical systems and is
planning for the remediation and testing to be completed by mid-year 1999.
Based upon management's evaluations to date, it believes that the total cost of
modifications and conversions of the PCS Group's systems will not be material,
but there is no assurance that such cost could not become material. The PCS
Group is also contacting third parties with whom it conducts business to
receive the appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are
or will be Year 2000 compliant. There is no assurance, however, that full
compliance will be achieved as planned by the PCS Group and such third parties
or that the PCS Group will receive warranties and assurances from such third
parties. In addition, the PCS Group uses publicly available services that are
acquired without contract (e.g., global positioning system timing signal) that
may be subject to the Year 2000 issue. While management believes these systems
will be Year 2000 compliant, the PCS Group has no contractual or other right to
compel compliance. If compliance is not achieved in a timely manner by the PCS
Group, such third parties or such services, the Year 2000 issue could have a
material adverse effect on the PCS Group's operations.     

  The Existing Common Stock is listed on the NYSE under the symbol "FON." The
following table sets forth for each calendar quarter indicated the high and
low sales prices per share of Existing Common Stock as reported on a
consolidated basis on the NYSE.
  The following information is not indicative of the Existing Common Stock
prices that would have resulted had the PCS Stock or the FON Stock existed
during the periods indicated, nor is it necessarily indicative of future
Existing Common Stock, PCS Stock or FON Stock prices.

                                  1998                      1997             1996
                            ---------------------      --------------- ----------------------
                             HIGH          LOW          HIGH     LOW    HIGH           LOW
                            -------      --------      ------- ------- -------      ---------
   First quarter........... $75 5/8      $55 1/4       $48     $38 3/8 $38 5/8(/2/) $31 15/16(/2/)
   Second quarter..........  75 5/8       65            52 3/4  42 1/4  44 3/8       37 1/2
   Third quarter...........  75 1/8(/1/)  70 3/16(/1/)  52 5/8  44      42 7/8       34 1/2
   Fourth quarter..........                             60 5/8  48 3/4  44           37 1/2
- --------
(1) Through July 29, 1998.     
(2) Adjusted to reflect the spinoff of Sprint's cellular division in March
  As of May 31, 1998, Sprint had approximately 85,000 Existing Common Stock
record holders and two Existing Class A Common Stock record holders. The
principal trading market for the Existing Common Stock is the NYSE. The
Existing Common Stock is also listed and traded on the Chicago Stock Exchange
and Pacific Exchange. The Existing Class A Common Stock is not publicly
  On May 26, 1998, the last trading date prior to public announcement of the
execution of the Restructuring Agreement, the closing sale price of the
Existing Common Stock, as reported on a consolidated basis on the NYSE, was
$72 1/8 per share.
  Sprint declared Existing Common Stock dividends of $0.25 per share during
the first and second quarters of 1998 and each quarter of 1997 and 1996.
Sprint declared Existing Class A Common Stock dividends of $0.25 per share
during the first and second quarters of 1998, each quarter of 1997 and during
the last three quarters of 1996.

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING
  This Proxy Statement is provided to the stockholders of Sprint in connection
with the Special Meeting. The Sprint Board is soliciting proxies hereby for
use at the Special Meeting. A form of proxy is being provided to Sprint
stockholders with this Proxy Statement. Information with respect to the
execution and the revocation of proxies is provided under "--Proxies;
Revocability of Proxies; Cost of Solicitation." This Proxy Statement and a
form of proxy are first being mailed on or about       , 1998, to stockholders
of record at the close of business on the Record Date.
  At the Special Meeting, Sprint stockholders eligible to vote will be asked
to consider and vote upon the approval and adoption of the Tracking Stock
Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal"
and the "Incentive Plans Proposal."
  The Special Meeting is scheduled to be held at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on
      , September   , 1998, at Sprint World Headquarters, 2330 Shawnee Mission
Parkway, Westwood, Kansas. The Sprint Board has fixed the close of business on
      , 1998 as the Record Date for the determination of holders of Sprint
Voting Stock entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting. On
      , 1998, there were          shares of Existing Common Stock,
shares of Existing Class A Common Stock,          shares of Sprint First
Series,          shares of Sprint Second Series, and          shares of Sprint
Fifth Series, in each case outstanding and entitled to vote.     
  Each share of Sprint Voting Stock is entitled to one vote. The affirmative
vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Sprint Voting Stock, voting
together as a single class, the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Existing Common Stock, voting as a separate class, and
the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Existing Class
A Common Stock, voting as a separate class, are necessary for the approval and
adoption of the Tracking Stock Proposal. The affirmative vote of a majority of
the outstanding shares of Sprint Voting Stock, present in person or voting by
proxy, is necessary for approval of the Incentive Plans Proposal. FT and DT,
the holders of all of Sprint's Existing Class A Common Stock representing
approximately 20% of the outstanding voting power of Sprint, have agreed to
vote their shares in favor of the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive
Plans Proposal.     
  Each of the Cable Parents has represented and warranted in the Restructuring
Agreement that as of May 26, 1998, neither it nor any of its Affiliates
"beneficially owned" (as defined in the Restructuring Agreement) any shares of
capital stock of Sprint. In addition, each of the Cable Parents has agreed in
the Standstill Agreements not to, and to cause its affiliates not to, acquire
any Sprint voting securities prior to the Closing Date other than as a result
of purchases from Sprint pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement.
  Holders of record of Sprint Voting Stock at the close of business on the
Record Date are entitled to vote on the proposals to be presented to
stockholders at the Special Meeting. The presence, either in person or by
proxy, of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Sprint Voting
Stock, the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Existing Common
Stock and the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Existing
Class A Common Stock is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Special
Meeting. Shares of Sprint Voting Stock represented by a properly signed, dated
and returned proxy will be treated as present at the Special Meeting for
purposes of determining a quorum, without regard to whether the proxy is
marked as casting a vote or abstaining. See "--Proxies; Revocability of
Proxies; Cost of Solicitation."
  Abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is
present. However, abstentions or the failure to vote for the Tracking Stock
Proposal will have the same effect as a negative vote because the     

approval of the Tracking Stock Proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the Sprint Voting Stock, the Existing Class A Common Stock and the
Existing Common Stock, each voting as a separate class. Under the rules of the
NYSE, brokers who hold shares in street name for customers will not have the
authority to vote on the Tracking Stock Proposal or the Incentive Plans
Proposal unless they receive specific instructions from beneficial owners.
Accordingly, broker non-votes will be counted as present for purposes of a
quorum but will otherwise have the same effect as a vote against the Tracking
Stock Proposal.     
  Stockholders are not entitled to appraisal or dissenters' rights with
respect to the Tracking Stock Proposal or the Incentive Plans Proposal.
  If a stockholder attends the Special Meeting, he or she may vote by ballot.
However, many Sprint stockholders may be unable to attend the Special Meeting.
Therefore, the Sprint Board is soliciting proxies so that each holder of
shares of Sprint Voting Stock at the close of business on the Record Date has
the opportunity to vote on the proposals to be considered at the Special
Meeting. When a proxy card is returned properly signed and dated, the shares
represented thereby will be voted in accordance with the instructions on the
proxy card. If a stockholder does not return a signed proxy card, his or her
shares will not be voted unless the stockholder attends the Special Meeting
and votes in person. Stockholders are urged to mark the box on the proxy card
to indicate how their shares are to be voted. If a stockholder returns a
signed proxy card, but does not indicate how his or her shares are to be voted
and does not indicate that such stockholder is abstaining, the shares
represented by the proxy card will be voted "FOR" approval and adoption of the
Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal. A proxy submitted by
a holder of Sprint Voting Stock may indicate that all or a portion of the
Sprint Voting Stock represented by such proxy is not being voted by such
holder. This could occur, for example, when a broker or other nominee fails to
receive specific instructions as to voting from one or more beneficial owners
of Sprint Voting Stock held by such broker or nominee, because such broker or
nominee is not permitted to vote such Sprint Voting Stock on the Tracking
Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal in the absence of specific
instructions from the beneficial owner. The Sprint Voting Stock subject to any
such proxy that is not being voted will have the effect of having been voted
"AGAINST" the Tracking Stock Proposal, since the approval thereof requires, in
part, the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Sprint
Voting Stock in the aggregate. Abstentions will have the same effect as votes
  As far as the Sprint Board is aware, the Tracking Stock Proposal and the
Incentive Plans Proposal are the only matters to be acted upon at the Special
Meeting. However, the proxy card also confers discretionary authority on the
individuals appointed by the Sprint Board and named on the proxy card to vote
the shares represented thereby on any other matter that is properly presented
for action at the Special Meeting. No proxies instructing that they be voted
"AGAINST," or "ABSTAIN" from voting on, the Tracking Stock Proposal or the
Incentive Plans Proposal will be voted in favor of any adjournment of the
Special Meeting to solicit additional proxies.     
  Any Sprint stockholder who executes and returns a proxy card may revoke such
proxy at any time before it is voted by (i) notifying in writing the Corporate
Secretary of Sprint at 2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas 66205,
(ii) granting a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or (iii) appearing
in person and voting at the Special Meeting. Attendance at the Special Meeting
will not in and of itself constitute revocation of a proxy.
  The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by Sprint and will consist of
expenses of printing, postage and handling, including the reasonable out-of-
pocket expenses of brokerage houses, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries
incurred in sending this Proxy Statement and other proxy materials to, and
obtaining instructions relating to such materials from, beneficial owners of
stock. Sprint stockholder proxies may be solicited by directors, officers or
regular employees of Sprint, in person, by letter or by telephone or telegram.
In addition, Sprint has retained D.F. King & Co., Inc. to provide information
to stockholders. D.F. King & Co., Inc. will not

solicit any proxies in connection with the Special Meeting. It is estimated
that its fees for services to Sprint will not exceed $10,000 plus expenses.
Such fees and expenses will not be contingent or in any way depend on the
success of the solicitation or the number of votes in favor of the Tracking
Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal that are obtained.
  Participants in the Sprint Retirement Savings Plan and the Sprint Retirement
Savings Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees will receive cards with voting
instructions to the trustees of the plans as to the voting of shares of
Existing Common Stock held in the plans. The trustees will vote shares of
Existing Common Stock allocated to participants' accounts in the same manner
as instructed by participants, but will not vote shares of Existing Common
Stock allocated to participants' accounts for which they do not receive
instructions. The trustees will vote all unallocated shares held in the trusts
in the same proportions as instructions received for allocated shares.
  Participants in the Centel Retirement Savings Plan for Bargaining Unit
Employees and the Centel Employees' Stock Ownership Plan who have Existing
Common Stock in their plan accounts also will receive a form to be used to
instruct the trustees how to vote such shares. The plans provide that each of
the trustees will vote such shares as instructed, and will vote shares of
Existing Common Stock held in participants' accounts for which it does not
receive instructions in the same proportions as it votes the shares of
Existing Common Stock for which it does receive instructions.
  Sprint's policy is that all stockholder meeting proxies, ballots and voting
tabulations that identify the vote of a specific stockholder shall, with
certain specific and limited exceptions, be kept confidential from Sprint's
Directors, officers or employees. One exception to Sprint's confidential
voting policy occurs when a stockholder writes comments on his or her proxy
card. This exception is designed to accommodate the stockholders who express
their opinions and views by writing comments on their proxy cards and expect
Sprint to receive those comments.

                          THE TRACKING STOCK PROPOSAL
  The Sprint stockholders are asked to consider and approve the Tracking Stock
Proposal, relating to the PCS Restructuring. By voting in favor of the
Tracking Stock Proposal, stockholders would approve:
A. The PCS Stock Amendment to the Existing Articles, which would, among other
  .  define the "PCS Group," which is intended to consist of all business
     conducted by Sprint for offering or providing Domestic Wireless Mobile
     Telephony Services and any other Domestic PCS Services (other than any
     activities of the FON Group pursuant to sales agency, resale or other
     arrangements with the PCS Group, which would be implemented pursuant to
     the Tracking Stock Policies), as well as all acquisitions of Domestic
     PCS Licenses, and will initially include the operations of Sprint
     Spectrum Holdings, SprintCom, PhillieCo and Sprint's majority interest
     in Cox PCS;     
  .  define the "FON Group," which is intended to consist of Sprint's other
     operations, including its long distance and local telecommunications
     divisions, its product distribution and directory publishing businesses,
     its emerging non-PCS businesses, its interest in the Global One
     international strategic alliance and other telecommunications
     investments and alliances;     
  .  establish the terms of the PCS Stock, a newly created class of common
     stock consisting of 2,350,000,000 authorized shares, to be divided into
     three series: (1) Series 1 PCS Stock, entitling the holders thereof to a
     vote per share to be adjusted prior to each stockholder vote as
     described under "Description of Capital Stock--Voting Rights--Number of
     Votes," (2) Series 2 PCS Stock, to be issued to certain subsidiaries of
     the Cable Parents pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, entitling the
     holders thereof to a vote per share equal to 1/10th of the vote per
     share of the Series 1 PCS Stock, and (3) Series 3 PCS Stock, to be
     issued to FT and DT, entitling the holders thereof to the same vote per
     share as the Series 1 PCS Stock;     
  .  establish the terms of the PCS Preferred Stock, consisting of 300,000
     authorized shares, convertible into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or
     Series 2 PCS Stock as described under "Description of Capital Stock--
     Description of PCS Preferred Stock; Preferred Inter-Group Interest--
     Conversion Rights;"     
  .  reclassify each outstanding share of Existing Class A Common Stock that
     is held by DT into one share of DT Class A Stock, consisting of
     100,000,000 authorized shares, entitling the holder thereof to the same
     vote per share as the Existing Class A Common Stock; and
  .  establish the terms of the Series 2 Common Stock, which will only be
     issued if Sprint converts the outstanding shares of PCS Stock into
     shares of Existing Common Stock at a time when shares of Series 2 PCS
     Stock are outstanding, consisting of 500,000,000 authorized shares, to
     be identical to the shares of Existing Common Stock except that each
     share of Series 2 Common Stock shall entitle the holder thereof to a
     vote per share equal to 1/10th of the vote per share of the Existing
     Common Stock; and     
B. The Recapitalization Amendment to the Existing Articles, which would, among
   other things:
  .  reclassify each outstanding share of Existing Common Stock into 1/2
     share of Series 1 PCS Stock and one share of Series 1 FON Stock, a newly
     created class of common stock consisting of 2,500,000,000 authorized
     shares, entitling the holders thereof to one vote per share;     
  .  redesignate the authorized shares of Series 2 Common Stock as "FON
     Common Stock--Series 2," which will only be issued if Sprint converts
     the outstanding shares of PCS Stock into shares of FON Stock at a time
     when shares of Series 2 PCS Stock are outstanding, with each share
     identical to a share of Series 2 Common Stock; and
  .  reclassify each authorized share of Existing Class A Common Stock held
     by FT and DT Class A Stock held by DT so that each such share will,
     among other things, represent an equity interest in the FON Group and an
     equity interest in the PCS Group, together with a right to cause Sprint
     to issue, to such holder, a number of shares of Series 3 FON Stock, or
     Series 3 PCS Stock (or, with respect to certain     

    designated transferees of such holder, Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
    Stock, respectively), but only to the extent such shares of Existing
    Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, as the case may be, represent a
    number of unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, each
    share entitling the holder thereof to a vote per share equivalent to the
    number of votes that the share(s) of FON Stock and PCS Stock represented
    by such share would be entitled to receive (plus, in certain cases, an
    increased voting power resulting from certain anti-dilution protections);
C. The Restructuring Agreement and the performance by Sprint of all
   obligations of Sprint contemplated under the Restructuring Agreement,
   including, among other things:
  . Sprint's acquisition from the Cable Parents of their respective interests
    in Sprint Spectrum Holdings by means of tax-free mergers of newly formed,
    wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint with and into the corporate
    subsidiaries of the Cable Parents that directly or indirectly own their
    respective interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings; and     
  . Sprint's acquisition from TCI and Cox of their respective interests in
    PhillieCo by means of tax-free mergers of newly formed, wholly-owned
    subsidiaries of Sprint with and into the corporate subsidiaries of TCI
    and Cox that directly or indirectly own their respective interests in
    PhillieCo; and     
D. The following issuances by Sprint:
  . the issuance of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and the Warrants to acquire
    shares of PCS Stock to certain subsidiaries of the Cable Parents as
    consideration for the acquisition of the interests in Sprint Spectrum
    Holdings and PhillieCo acquired from such subsidiaries of the Cable
    Parents in the Mergers;
  . an underwritten initial public offering of Series 1 PCS Stock as
    described under "--IPO;"     
  . the issuance of shares of PCS Preferred Stock to the Cable Parents to
    purchase up to $240 million of indebtedness advanced by the Cable Parents
    to fund the operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings between May 26, 1998
    and the closing of the PCS Restructuring, which shares of PCS Preferred
    Stock may be issued directly for the purchase of such indebtedness or as
    consideration in the PCS Restructuring with respect to any of such
    indebtedness as is capitalized by the Cable Parents before the closing of
    the PCS Restructuring;
  . the issuance of Series 3 PCS Stock to FT and DT upon the exercise by FT
    and DT of their Equity Purchase Rights in connection with the PCS
    Restructuring; and the issuance of Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 3 FON
    Stock to FT and DT from time to time in the future pursuant to their
    exercise of such Equity Purchase Rights; and     
  . the issuance of PCS Stock to FT and DT and the Cable Parents (if so
    elected by the Cable Parents) upon the exercise of their respective
    Equity Purchase Rights in connection with the IPO and (subject to certain
    exceptions) any future issuances of PCS Stock or creation of an Inter-
    Group Interest; and
E. The creation pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement of the Warrant Inter-
   Group Interest and the Preferred Inter-Group Interest.

  The following tables set forth the number of outstanding shares of Sprint's
common stock and preferred stock: (i) as of June 30, 1998 and (ii) upon
completion of both the PCS Restructuring and the Recapitalization (without
giving effect to the IPO or the exercise of Equity Purchase Rights by FT, DT
and the Cable Parents in connection with the IPO).     

                                                 ASSUMING PCS RESTRUCTURING AND
           HISTORICAL                            RECAPITALIZATION, BUT NOT IPO 
- ------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------- 
Existing Common Stock........  343,840,537    Series 1 FON Stock..  343,840,537(1)       
Existing Class A Common Stock                 Existing Class A                           
 (FT)........................   43,118,018     Common Stock.......   43,118,018(1)       
  (DT).......                   43,118,018    DT Class A Stock....   43,118,018(1)       
Preferred Stock--First                        Series 1 PCS Stock..  171,920,268(1)(2)(3) 
 Series, Convertible.........       40,576    Series 2 PCS Stock                         
Preferred Stock--Second                        (TCI)..............   98,563,924(3)       
 Series, Convertible.........      252,110     (Comcast)............ 47,248,435(3)       
Preferred Stock--Fifth                         (Cox)................ 49,281,981(3)(4)    
 Series......................           95    Series 3 PCS Stock                         
                                               (FT)...............    2,438,680(3)(5)    
                                               (DT).................  2,438,680(3)(5)    
                                              Preferred Stock--                          
                                               First Series,                             
                                               Convertible........       40,576(1)       
                                              Preferred Stock--                          
                                               Second Series,                            
                                               Convertible........      252,110(1)       
                                              Preferred Stock--                          
                                               Fifth Series.......           95          
                                              PCS Preferred Stock.      240,000(6)       

- --------
(1) Assumes the number of shares of Existing Common Stock, Existing Class A
    Common Stock, Preferred Stock First Series, Convertible and Preferred
    Stock Second Series, Convertible does not change prior to the
    Recapitalization. If there were no change, the FON Group would retain an
    Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group equivalent to 4,961,714 shares of
    PCS Stock.     
(2) Does not include up to 10 million shares of Series 1 PCS Stock that will
    be used to replace the Sprint Spectrum Long-Term Incentive Compensation
    Plan. It is anticipated that options will be issued for many of these
    shares and therefore the shares would not be outstanding until the options
    are exercised.     
(3) Does not include Warrants to purchase 6,291,315, 3,015,856, and 3,145,658
    shares of PCS Stock held by TCI, Comcast and Cox, respectively, or the FON
    Group's Warrant Inter-Group Interest to acquire an Inter-Group Interest
    equivalent to 12,452,829 shares of PCS Stock, or shares issuable upon
    exercise of FT and DT's Equity Purchase Rights in connection with the
    exercise thereof.     
(4) Does not include shares of Series 2 PCS Stock that may be issued in
    connection with the exercise of the call and put rights relating to Cox
    PCS. The number of shares so issuable will depend on when the call or put
    is exercised, the value of Cox PCS at that time, and the market price of
    Series 1 PCS Stock at that time.     
(5) FT and DT have agreed to purchase these shares at the time of the PCS
    Restructuring to maintain their voting power in light of the Series 2 PCS
    Stock to be issued to the Cable Parents. Does not include Series 3 PCS
    Stock that FT and DT are obligated to purchase in connection with the
    issuance of the PCS Preferred Stock. The voting power of the shares of PCS
    Preferred Stock is dependent on the number of shares of PCS Stock into
    which the PCS Preferred Stock can be converted, which in turn is dependent
    on the IPO price (assuming the IPO precedes the Recapitalization).     
(6) Assumes the maximum number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock is issued.
  The number of shares that will be issued in the IPO is dependent on the
aggregate proceeds to be raised in the IPO and the offering price of the
Series 1 PCS Stock issued in the IPO. The Cable Parents would have the right
to exercise their Equity Purchase Rights to the extent of approximately 47% of
the shares issued in the IPO.     
  FT and DT have agreed to purchase shares of Series 3 PCS Stock to maintain
their aggregate 20% voting interest in Sprint in light of the shares to be
issued in the IPO. If the Cable Parents also purchase shares in respect of the
IPO pursuant to their Equity Purchase Rights, FT and DT have agreed to
purchase shares of Series 3 PCS Stock to maintain this aggregate 20% voting
interest. In addition, the Restructuring Agreement would permit the     

Cable Parents to exercise Equity Purchase Rights with respect to the shares
purchased by FT and DT and the agreements with FT and DT would permit FT and
DT to purchase shares based on the additional shares purchased by the Cable
  As the Cable Parents sell their low voting Series 2 PCS Stock and the shares
convert into Series 1 PCS Stock with regular voting power, FT and DT will have
to purchase additional shares if they desire to maintain 20% of the voting
power represented by Sprint's outstanding voting stock. Sprint has agreed that
FT and DT can purchase these shares from Sprint. If they choose to purchase
these shares from Sprint rather than on the open market or from the Cable
Parents, they could eventually purchase as many as 48.75 million shares, or
25% of the 195 million shares initially issued to the Cable Parents in the PCS
Restructuring, plus additional shares if the Cable Parents have purchased
additional Series 2 PCS Stock pursuant to their Equity Purchase Rights.
Similarly, if the Warrants are exercised for PCS Stock or the PCS Preferred
Stock is sold by the Cable Parents, FT and DT would need to purchase
additional shares of PCS Stock to maintain their voting interest at 20%.     
  The Tracking Stock Proposal was adopted by the Sprint Board following its
review of various alternatives to, among other things, enhance stockholder
value by increasing market awareness of the performance and value of its
wireless PCS operations and restructure its relationship with the Cable
Parents with respect to Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo.
  Background of the Tracking Stock Proposal. In October 1994, subsidiaries of
Sprint and the Cable Parents entered into the Sprint Spectrum Holdings joint
venture with the intention of building a national wireless telephone network
utilizing PCS technology, as well as offering local telephone services and
specialized data transmission and other services over cable facilities. In
pursuit of this wireless strategy, Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquired A and B
block licenses in the FCC auction covering 155.9 million Pops for a total
purchase price of $2.1 billion and subsequently commenced the construction of
its PCS network.
  In early 1996, Sprint and the Cable Parents determined that the joint
venture would focus exclusively on providing wireless telephony services. With
this shift, the Cable Parents began to view their investment in Sprint
Spectrum Holdings more as a financial, rather than a strategic, investment,
and began to encourage the partners to explore various structures through
which additional equity financing for the venture could be obtained from the
public or other third parties. In addition, Sprint began to explore means by
which its management role in the joint venture could increase.     
  Through 1996, Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo had utilized Parent
capital contributions, and, in the case of Sprint Spectrum Holdings, bank and
vendor financing and the issuance of public high yield debt, to fund their
respective buildout activities, maintenance requirements and operating losses.
By the end of 1996, Sprint and the Cable Parents had begun to seek ways in
which to gain recognition of the value of their investments in the capital
markets while increasing the liquidity of the investments of the Cable
Parents. The Parents considered various methods of increasing funding
alternatives, including structuring a public offering of equity securities,
but were unable to agree on an appropriate structure for such an offering. The
Parents also continued to investigate means for restructuring their relative
governance rights and other relationships so as to better reflect the
investment and other objectives of the individual Parents.     
  Other funding issues had arisen as early as 1996 in light of the
desirability of achieving a nationwide wireless "footprint" of licensed
calling areas. In mid-1996, Sprint Spectrum Holdings owned wireless licenses

covering much of the United States, but still lacked licenses for a number of
significant markets. Because of the significant capital commitment required to
acquire these remaining licenses and disagreement among the Parents as to
timing and cost for such an acquisition, in January 1997, Sprint, acting
individually through SprintCom, acquired licenses covering geographic areas of
the country not covered by any other company within the PCS Group. These
licenses cover approximately 74.9 million Pops (representing approximately 28%
of the U.S. population) and were acquired by SprintCom for $544 million in the
FCC's D and E block auction. See "Annex II--PCS Group Information--Business--
Members of the PCS Group--SprintCom."
  It became apparent to Sprint that the establishment of a truly integrated
nationwide footprint would be facilitated by combining SprintCom with the
operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo, thereby joining all of
the PCS operations and licenses into one focused and commonly managed
organization. During 1997, representatives of the Parents met on several
occasions to discuss and negotiate possible terms of such a combination, but
the Parents were unable to reach agreement due to a lack of consensus as to
the appropriate structure for such a combination and as to the appropriate
valuation for Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom.     
  The need to resolve issues relating to the Parents' interests in Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo escalated in late 1997 and early 1998. Funding
issues were further highlighted by the lack of agreement with respect to the
approval of an annual business plan and budget for Sprint Spectrum Holdings or
PhillieCo for 1997 and 1998. Although no business plan or budget was ever
formally approved for these years, Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo each
was authorized to continue operations based on a proposed budget. However,
under the Sprint Spectrum Holdings Partnership Agreement and the PhillieCo
Partnership Agreement, the Parents' inability to agree as to a business plan
and budget for Sprint Spectrum Holdings and Sprint's, TCI's and Cox's
inability to agree as to a business plan and budget for PhillieCo by January
1, 1998 resulted in "deadlock events," respectively. Thus, as of January 1,
1998, any of the Parents had the right under the Sprint Spectrum Holdings
Partnership Agreement and any of Sprint, TCI or Cox had the right under the
PhillieCo Partnership Agreement to invoke certain partnership buy-sell
  During the 1997 negotiations among the Parents, the Sprint Board considered
a number of alternatives for bringing all of the PCS operations of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom under the control of Sprint. The
Sprint Board's desire for a restructuring of Sprint's ownership of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings was also motivated by the effect of the joint venture on
Sprint's earnings; because Sprint's investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings is
accounted for using the equity method of accounting, Sprint's share of the
joint venture's significant start-up losses had begun to significantly
negatively impact Sprint's consolidated net income.
  In the fall of 1997 the Parents initiated discussions of a restructuring in
which the Cable Parents' interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings would be
exchanged for a new class of Sprint common stock that would track the
performance of the parties' PCS operations. In October 1997 the parties began
exchanging and negotiating term sheets outlining this proposal. During this
time the Financial Advisors began to assist the Parents in determining the
relative values of these operations.     
  At meetings in late 1997 and early 1998, the Sprint Board considered
presentations from management and its legal advisors regarding the
alternatives available in light of the above factors. Alternatives included:
(i) allowing Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo to be sold to the highest
bidder among the Parents according to the buy-sell procedures outlined in the
Sprint Spectrum Holdings Partnership Agreement and the PhillieCo Partnership
Agreement (or liquidated if there were no bidders), (ii) Sprint's direct
purchase of all or a portion of the interests of the Cable Parents for cash or
other consideration, (iii) identifying strategic third-party investors that
would purchase the interests of the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
and PhillieCo and continue to contribute capital as part of meeting such
investors' strategic goals and (iv) creating two classes of common stock
intended to reflect separately the businesses of the FON Group and the PCS
Group, and using the PCS Group common stock to purchase the interests of the
Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. Following
deliberation over and consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of the
various alternatives, the Sprint Board determined that the last alternative,
together with the other elements of the Tracking Stock     

Proposal, was the best course of action for Sprint and its stockholders. See
"--Reasons for the Tracking Stock Proposal."     
  In March 1998, Sprint and the Cable Parents began preparation and
negotiation of definitive agreements relating to the Tracking Stock Proposal.
In April 1998 Sprint commenced negotiations with FT and DT to modify their
existing arrangements in light of the changes to Sprint's capital structure
contemplated by the Tracking Stock Proposal. At a Sprint Board meeting held on
April 21, 1998, Sprint's Financial Advisors, legal advisors and management
made a detailed presentation concerning the Tracking Stock Proposal to the
Sprint Board. The Financial Advisors presented an analysis of the financial
terms of the transaction and indicated that based on their analysis and the
financial terms of the transaction to date they would be prepared to deliver
an opinion regarding the fairness from a financial point of view of the
consideration to be paid to the Cable Parents. At this meeting, the Sprint
Board approved the transactions contemplated by the Tracking Stock Proposal
and authorized the negotiation and preparation of definitive agreements
related thereto, with the directors elected by FT and DT abstaining.
  At a telephonic meeting of the Sprint Board held on May 26, 1998, Mr. Esrey
reiterated to the Sprint Board the benefits of the Tracking Stock Proposal.
The Sprint Board discussed the Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans
Proposal, and the elements of each proposal. The Financial Advisors delivered
their oral opinion that as of such date the consideration to be paid to the
Cable Parents in connection with the PCS Restructuring is fair from a
financial point of view to Sprint, and stated that a definitive written
opinion to that effect would be provided. The Compensation Committee presented
a report to the Sprint Board concerning the Incentive Plans Proposal and
informed the Sprint Board that the Compensation Committee had approved the
Incentive Plans Proposal. After consideration of these presentations and
presentations by Sprint's legal advisors, the Sprint Board approved the
Tracking Stock Proposal and the Incentive Plans Proposal, with the two
directors elected by the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock that were in
attendance at the meeting abstaining only as to the approval of the Master
Agreement among Sprint and FT and DT. At the close of business on that date
Sprint, the Cable Parents and certain of their subsidiaries executed the
Restructuring Agreement and various related agreements, and Sprint and FT and
DT executed the Master Agreement.
  Reasons for the Tracking Stock Proposal. The Sprint Board considered the
following factors in approving, and recommending to its stockholders for
approval, the Tracking Stock Proposal:
  . The Tracking Stock Proposal achieves Sprint's strategic objective of
    obtaining integrated management control of Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
    PhillieCo and SprintCom and efficiently addresses the Cable Parents'
    desire for increased liquidity and financing flexibility.
  . By separating the performance of the FON Group and the PCS Group into
    separate, publicly-traded classes of common stock, stockholder value may
    be enhanced in a number of ways, including:
    (i) the separate reporting of the PCS Group operating losses from the
        results of operations of the FON Group;
    (ii) greater market understanding and recognition of the value
         (individually and collectively) of Sprint and its individual lines
         of business represented by the FON Group and the PCS Group; and
    (iii) the fact that the resulting separate investment vehicles meet the
       requirements of distinct investor groups--those looking for yield and
       income of a relatively more mature business, in the case of the FON
       Stock, and those looking for the growth potential of less mature
       businesses, in the case of the PCS Stock--which should encourage
       proper valuation of the assets in each of the Groups.
  . The Tracking Stock Proposal assists in meeting the capital requirements
    of the PCS Group by creating an additional publicly-traded equity
    security that can be used to raise capital (subject to certain priorities
    to sell PCS Stock granted to the Cable Parents for a specified period in
    connection with the PCS Restructuring) and can be issued in connection
    with acquisitions and investments. Because the Sprint

    Board does not expect to declare a dividend on the PCS Stock for the
    foreseeable future, any issuance of such stock, in connection with an
    acquisition or otherwise, would not reduce cash flow that would otherwise
    be available for capital investments.
  . Completion of the PCS Restructuring with the Cable Parents avoids the
    uncertainty associated with an auction of Sprint Spectrum Holdings
    pursuant to the Sprint Spectrum Holdings Partnership Agreement and allows
    Sprint to effectively acquire Sprint Spectrum Holdings with stock, rather
    than cash as would have been the case in the buy-sell procedure pursuant
    to the Sprint Spectrum Holdings Partnership Agreement.
  . The Incentive Plans Proposal, in connection with the Tracking Stock
    Proposal, permits the creation of more effective management incentive
    approaches, with the ability to direct business-specific options and
    securities to employees of each Group.
  . The Tracking Stock Proposal will retain for Sprint the advantages of
    doing business under common ownership. Each Group would be in a position
    to benefit from synergies with the other, including certain strategic,
    financial and operational benefits that would not be available if the FON
    Group and PCS Group were not under common ownership. Sprint expects
    synergies relating to, among other things, taxes, interest expense and
    overhead costs, and also expects benefits from improved cross-selling and
    bundling of services between Groups.     
  . Operating under a single consolidated structure will provide certain
    advantages of tax consolidation.
  In addition, the Sprint Board considered Sprint's strategic flexibility
after implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal, including the ability to
engage in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, spin-offs, split-offs and
recombinations, and to unwind the tracking stock structure after a period of
time pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement. The Sprint Board also considered
other factors relating to the Tracking Stock Proposal:
  . Implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal will not be taxable for
    United States federal income tax purposes to Sprint or its stockholders.
  . The issuance of low-voting shares of PCS Stock to the Cable Parents
    avoids the creation of a substantial concentrated voting block of
  . In determining the fairness of the PCS Restructuring to stockholders, the
    Sprint Board considered, in consultation with its Financial Advisors, the
    relative valuations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom.
    The Sprint Board considered these relative valuations together with the
    respective ownership interests of Sprint and the Cable Parents in the
    entities comprising the PCS Group. While the Cable Parents hold 60% of
    Sprint Spectrum Holdings and approximately 53% of PhillieCo, they do not
    own any of SprintCom, which is 100% owned by Sprint. The Sprint Board
    determined that, based on these relative valuations, Sprint was receiving
    appropriate value for the PCS Stock and Warrants to be issued to the
    Cable Parents in exchange for the Cable Parents' ownership interests in
    the entities comprising the PCS Group. For additional information
    concerning valuation of Sprint Spectrum Holdings, SprintCom and
    PhillieCo, see "--Opinions of Sprint's Financial Advisors."     
  . Several other large, well-known companies have created equity securities
    that are intended to reflect separately the performance of specific
    businesses. The Sprint Board considered the performance of such
    securities and the performance of other equity securities comparable to
    the newly created PCS Stock.
  The Sprint Board also considered the following potential adverse
consequences of the Tracking Stock Proposal:
  . There can be no assurance as to the degree to which the market price of
    the PCS Stock and the FON Stock will reflect the separate performance of
    the PCS Group and the FON Group, respectively, nor as to the impact of
    the Tracking Stock Proposal on the market price of Sprint's Common Stock
    prior to the Recapitalization.
  . The Tracking Stock Proposal presents certain corporate governance issues
    not present under Sprint's current structure, such as the Sprint Board's
    fiduciary obligation to holders of different classes of capital

    stock representing different lines of business. In particular, in the
    future the interests of the two Groups could diverge, or appear to
    diverge, and complex issues could arise in resolving such conflicts that
    effectively require the Sprint Board to benefit, or appear to benefit,
    one Group at the expense of another.
  . In general, the implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal will make
    the capital structure of Sprint more complex and could cause confusion
    among investors analyzing Sprint's capital structure.
  . Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will continue to bear the risks
    associated with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's
    businesses, assets and liabilities.
  . The use of a tracking stock in connection with a future acquisition by
    Sprint could have various adverse effects, such as the possible inability
    or increased difficulty of receiving a ruling from the IRS in connection
    with the acquisition.
  . The acquisition of 100% of the ownership of the PCS Group in the PCS
    Restructuring (subject to a 40.8% minority interest in Cox PCS) could
    have an adverse impact on Sprint's credit rating and cost of borrowing.
  The Sprint Board determined, however, that, on balance, the positive aspects
of the Tracking Stock Proposal outweighed any potentially adverse consequences
and concluded that the Tracking Stock Proposal should be recommended to
Sprint's stockholders.
  Sprint retained Salomon Smith Barney and Warburg Dillon Read LLC (formerly
known as SBC Warburg Dillon Read Inc.) ("Warburg Dillon Read") as Financial
Advisors in connection with the PCS Restructuring. At the meeting of the
Sprint Board held on May 26, 1998, each Financial Advisor delivered its oral
opinion, subsequently confirmed in writing, that, as of such date, the
consideration to be paid by Sprint in connection with the mergers related to
the PCS Restructuring is fair to Sprint from a financial point of view. Such
consideration consists of (i) shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, (ii) Warrants to
purchase shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, and (iii) depending upon an election to
be made by each Cable Parent, shares of PCS Preferred Stock, all to be paid by
Sprint to the Cable Parents in exchange for all their respective interests in
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. No limitations were imposed by the
Sprint Board upon either Financial Advisor with respect to the investigations
made or the procedures followed by the Financial Advisors in rendering their
respective opinions.     
  In arriving at its opinion, each Financial Advisor reviewed (i) the
Restructuring Agreement and its related exhibits and schedules; (ii) certain
business and financial information, including projections, concerning the
business and operations of Sprint and the PCS Group that was provided to the
Financial Advisors by Sprint and the PCS Group; (iii) certain publicly
available information with respect to certain other companies that each
Financial Advisor believed to be comparable to the PCS Group; and (iv) certain
publicly available information concerning the nature and terms of certain
other transactions that each Financial Advisor considered relevant to its
inquiry. The Financial Advisors have discussed the foregoing, as well as the
past and current operations and financial condition and prospects of Sprint
and the PCS Group, with members of senior management of Sprint and the PCS
Group. The Financial Advisors also considered such other information,
financial studies, analyses, investigations and financial, economic and market
criteria that they deemed relevant.
  The Financial Advisors assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness
of the information reviewed by them for the purpose of their respective
opinions, and neither Salomon Smith Barney nor Warburg     

Dillon Read assumed any responsibility for independent verification of such
information or for any independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets of
Sprint or the PCS Group. With respect to the financial projections of Sprint
and the PCS Group, the management of Sprint and the PCS Group informed the
Financial Advisors that such projections and estimates had been reasonably
prepared on bases reflecting the best currently available estimates and
judgments of the management of Sprint and the PCS Group, and neither Salomon
Smith Barney nor Warburg Dillon Read expressed an opinion with respect to such
projections or the assumptions on which such projections were based. Neither
Salomon Smith Barney nor Warburg Dillon Read made or obtained, or assumed any
responsibility for making or obtaining, any independent evaluation or
appraisal of any of the assets (including properties and facilities) or
liabilities of Sprint or the PCS Group.     
  The Financial Advisors' opinions are necessarily based upon business,
market, economic and other conditions as they existed and could be evaluated
on the date thereof. The Financial Advisors' opinions do not imply any
conclusion as to the likely trading ranges for Sprint's common stock
(including the FON Stock and the PCS Stock) following the consummation of the
mergers in connection with the PCS Restructuring, which ranges may vary
depending upon, among other factors, changes in interest rates, dividend
rates, market conditions, general economic conditions and other factors that
generally influence the price of securities. The Financial Advisors' opinions
do not address Sprint's underlying business decision to effect the PCS
Restructuring or the strategic and operational benefits of the PCS
Restructuring. Further, the Financial Advisors' opinions are directed only to
the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the consideration to be paid
by Sprint in connection with the mergers related to the PCS Restructuring and
do not constitute recommendations to any holder of Sprint Voting Stock as to
how such holder should vote with respect to the PCS Restructuring.
  In connection with their respective opinions, the Financial Advisors
performed certain financial analyses, which they discussed with the Sprint
Board on April 21, 1998 and May 26, 1998. The material portions of the
analyses performed by the Financial Advisors in connection with the Financial
Advisors' presentations to the Sprint Board on April 21, 1998 and the
rendering of their opinions, each dated May 26, 1998, are summarized below.
    (i) PCS Group Valuation Analysis. The Financial Advisors arrived at a
  range of values for Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom based
  on three principal valuation methodologies: a public market comparable
  companies analysis, a precedent transactions analysis and a discounted cash
  flow analysis. No company used in the public market comparable PCS
  companies analysis described below is identical to Sprint Spectrum
  Holdings, PhillieCo or SprintCom or to the consolidated PCS Group, and no
  transaction used in the precedent PCS transactions analysis described below
  is identical to the mergers contemplated by the PCS Restructuring.
  Accordingly, the analysis described below necessarily involves complex
  considerations and judgments concerning differences in financial and
  operating characteristics of the businesses and other facts that could
  affect the public trading value or the acquisition value of the companies
  to which they are being compared.
      (a) Public Market Comparable PCS Companies Analysis. A public market
    comparable companies analysis analyzes a business segment's operating
    and trading performance relative to a group of publicly traded peer
    companies to determine an implied unaffected market trading value. The
    Financial Advisors compared certain financial information of Sprint
    Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom with the following group of
    companies: Aerial Communications, Nextel Communications, Omnipoint
    Corporation and PowerTel, Inc. (the "PCS Comparables"). The Financial
    Advisors reviewed, among other things, the 12/31/97 penetration rates,
    the latest twelve months ended 12/31/97 revenue per subscriber per
    month, the ratio of "License Value" (firm value based on market prices
    less net PP&E) to Pops and the ratio of License Value to historical
    license cost. This analysis showed 12/31/97 penetration rates ranging
    from 0.5% to 0.9% (median of 0.5%) for the PCS Comparables versus 0.6%
    for Sprint Spectrum Holdings (excluding APC) and 0.2% for PhillieCo
    (SprintCom is expected to initiate service in 1998); the latest twelve
    months ended 12/31/97 revenue per subscriber per month ranging from $58
    to $70 (median of $63) for the PCS Comparables versus $66 for Sprint
    Spectrum Holdings (excluding APC), and $77 for PhillieCo (SprintCom is
    expected to initiate service     

    in certain markets in the third quarter of 1998); the ratio of License
    Value to Pops ranging from $18 to $34 (Omnipoint Corporation and
    PowerTel, Inc., determined by the Financial Advisors to be the most
    relevant comparables, suggested a range of values equal to $30 to $34
    of License Value per Pop) for the PCS Comparables; and the ratio of
    License Value to historical license cost ranging from 1.7x to 2.3x
    (median of 2.2x) for the PCS Comparables.     
      (b) Precedent PCS Transactions Analysis. A precedent transactions
    analysis provides a valuation range based upon financial information of
    peer companies, in the same or similar industries as the business
    segment, which have been acquired in selected recent transactions. The
    Financial Advisors reviewed and analyzed the implied License Value per
    Pop ratio paid in selected PCS mergers and acquisitions, including:
    Cincinnati Bell's acquisition of 80% of AT&T's Cincinnati/Dayton
    property (announced 2/3/98), Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquisition of
    42% of APC (announced 1/1/98), Hutchison Telecom's acquisition of 19.9%
    of Western Wireless Corporation's PCS business (announced 10/14/97),
    DT's acquisition of 8.2% of APC (announced 11/21/96), PowerTel, Inc.'s
    acquisition of 100% of GTE's Atlanta MTA (announced 3/5/96) and Western
    Wireless Corporation's acquisition of 100% of GTE's Denver MTA
    (announced 1/16/96). The Cincinnati Bell and Hutchison Telecom
    investments, determined by the Financial Advisors to be the most
    relevant comparables, suggested a range of License Values per Pop equal
    to $40 to $50.     
      (c) Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. A discounted cash flow ("DCF")
    analysis determines the net present value of the projected cash flows
    for a business or segment. The Financial Advisors analyzed business
    plans for Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom that were
    prepared by the respective managements (the "Management Cases"). In
    addition, the Financial Advisors analyzed a sensitivity case which
    reflected changes to the management assumptions for Sprint Spectrum
    Holdings regarding projected penetration levels and EBITDA margins (the
    sensitivity assumptions were based on research analyst projections for
    the wireless industry) (the "Sensitivity Case"). In the DCF analysis
    the Financial Advisors aggregated for each of Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
    PhillieCo and SprintCom (x) the present value of the unlevered free
    cash flows for the 1998 to 2006 forecast period with (y) the present
    value of a range of terminal values. In valuing Sprint Spectrum
    Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom based on a DCF analysis the Financial
    Advisors applied a range of weighted average costs of capital equal to
    13% to 14% and terminal multiples of Year 2006 EBITDA ranging from 9.0x
    to 11.0x (SprintCom was based on terminal multiples ranging from 8.0x
    to 10.0x due to potential future capacity limitations in certain 10 MHz
    markets). A DCF analysis of the Management Cases suggested a range of
    License Values per Pop for Sprint Spectrum Holdings (excluding APC) of
    $60 to $70 (versus $37 to $49 based on the Sensitivity Case), $70 to
    $80 for PhillieCo, and $15 to $25 for SprintCom.
    (ii) Implied Sprint Ownership. Based on the various valuation
  methodologies the Financial Advisors arrived at a range of License Values
  per Pop for Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo of $37.50 to $47.50
  (which translated into equity values of $6.2 to $8.1 billion after
  adjusting for net PP&E, certain investments and net debt). Due to its later
  market entry and potential future capacity limitations in certain 10 MHz
  markets, SprintCom's License Value per Pop was discounted to a range of $17
  to $21 (which translated into equity values of $1.4 to $1.7 billion after
  adjusting for net PP&E and net debt) or a range of 2.3x to 2.8x license
  cost (which is above the comparable ratios for public companies which have
  already initiated service). The reference range values for Sprint Spectrum
  Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom described above suggested a range of
  Sprint ownership interests in the PCS Group (immediately after the
  consummation of the PCS Restructuring but prior to the IPO or the
  Recapitalization) from 49% to 53%.     
  The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process not susceptible
to partial analysis or summary descriptions. The summary set forth above is
not and does not purport to be a complete description of the analyses
underlying the Financial Advisors' opinions or their respective presentations
to the Sprint Board. The Financial Advisors believe that their analyses and
the summary set forth above must be considered as a whole and that selecting
portions of their respective analyses and the factors considered by them,
without considering

all such analyses and factors, could create an incomplete view of the
processes underlying the analyses set forth in their respective opinions.
  In performing their analyses, the Financial Advisors made numerous
assumptions with respect to industry performance, general business, financial,
market and economic conditions and other matters, many of which are beyond the
control of Sprint or the PCS Group. The analyses which the Financial Advisors
performed are not necessarily indicative of actual values or actual future
results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than suggested by
such analyses. Such analyses were prepared solely as part of the Financial
Advisor's analyses of the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the
consideration to be paid by Sprint in connection with the mergers related to
the PCS Restructuring. The analyses do not purport to be appraisals or to
reflect the prices at which a company might actually be sold or the prices at
which any securities may trade at the present time or at any time in the
  Pursuant to an engagement letter dated November 28, 1997 (the "Engagement
Letter"), Sprint agreed to pay to the Financial Advisors the following
advisory fees, to be shared equally between the Financial Advisors: (i)
$250,000 payable upon the execution of the Engagement Letter; (ii) $2,000,000
payable upon the execution of the Restructuring Agreement; and (iii) 0.20% of
the Price Per Share (as defined in the Engagement Letter) of the PCS Stock
multiplied by the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding immediately after
the Recapitalization (adjusted to exclude the impact of any leveraged
recapitalizations and primary offerings of PCS Stock to the public) less the
amounts paid in clauses (i) and (ii) above. In addition, Sprint granted the
Financial Advisors the right to act as sole joint book-running lead managers
in the IPO or, if the Recapitalization occurs before the IPO, any underwritten
public offering of PCS Stock within 18 months of the Recapitalization. In the
event such an offering were to take place, Sprint agreed to pay underwriting
fees customary for such
an offering pursuant to a predetermined range of underwriting discounts as
outlined in the Engagement Letter. The Engagement Letter also provides that an
amount equal to 20% of underwriting fees (after deducting underwriters'
expenses and assuming the amount of underwriting fees received by the
Financial Advisors, before expenses and the credit referred to in this
sentence, equals at least 50% of the total underwriting discounts and
commissions in such offering) earned by the Financial Advisors would be
credited against any advisory fees paid in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above.
Sprint also agreed to reimburse the Financial Advisors for expenses reasonably
incurred by them in performing their services in connection with such offering
(including the reasonable fees and disbursements of the Financial Advisors'
legal counsel) and to indemnify the Financial Advisors and certain related
parties from and against certain liabilities arising out of their engagement
in connection with such offering.
  Each Financial Advisor is an internationally recognized investment banking
firm that provides financial services in connection with a wide range of
business transactions. As part of its business, each Financial Advisor
regularly engages in the valuation of companies and their securities in
connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated underwritings,
competitive biddings, secondary distributions of listed and unlisted
securities, private placements and other purposes. From time to time, each
Financial Advisor has rendered certain investment banking and financial
advisory services to the Cable Parents for which each Financial Advisor
received compensation. In addition, in the ordinary course of its business,
each Financial Advisor actively trades the debt and equity securities of
Sprint and each of the Cable Parents and the debt securities of Sprint
Spectrum in each case for its own account and the accounts of its customers
and, accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short position in such
securities. The Financial Advisors and each of their respective affiliates
(including, in the case of Salomon Smith Barney, Travelers Group Inc. and its
affiliates) may maintain business relationships with Sprint and the Cable
  The following is a general description of the terms of the Restructuring
Agreement, which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex V and
incorporated by reference herein. The following description is qualified in
its entirety by the more specific terms of the attached Restructuring

  The Sprint Board reserves the right to amend provisions of the Restructuring
Agreement or the exhibits thereto pursuant to the terms of the Restructuring
Agreement without stockholder approval before or after approval of the
Restructuring Agreement by the stockholders of Sprint. The Sprint Board also
reserves the right to terminate the Restructuring Agreement in accordance with
the terms thereof. See "--Termination." However, Sprint will resolicit the
approval of stockholders in the event of any material change to the
Restructuring Agreement.
  Mergers With Cable Parent Subsidiaries to Effect the Acquisition of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings And PhillieCo. Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement,
newly formed wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint (the "Merger Subs") will
merge (the "Mergers") with and into certain corporate subsidiaries of the
Cable Parents holding interests directly or indirectly in Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and PhillieCo (the "Cable Subsidiaries"). The only activities of the
Cable Subsidiaries relate to their investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo. On the date and at the time that the certificates of merger with
respect to the Mergers are accepted for filing by the Secretary of State of
the respective state of incorporation of each Merger Sub (or at such other
time specified as the effective time in the applicable certificate of merger)
(the "Effective Time"), the separate corporate existence of each Merger Sub
will cease, and the internal corporate affairs of each Cable Subsidiary will
continue to be governed by the laws of its state of incorporation prior to the
Mergers. Upon completion of the Mergers, Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo will become wholly-owned indirect subsidiaries of Sprint. The
Restructuring Agreement provides that after the Mergers, the charter, bylaws,
directors and officers of each Cable Subsidiary will be that of the respective
Merger Sub which merged with and into such Cable Subsidiary.     
  Issuances Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement. In the Mergers, the
outstanding shares of common stock of each Cable Subsidiary will be converted
into (i) shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, (ii) Warrants to purchase shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock and (iii) depending upon an election to be made by each
Cable Parent, shares of PCS Preferred Stock. Sprint currently estimates that
an aggregate of 195,094,340 shares of Series 2 PCS Stock will be issued to the
Cable Parents. In addition, an aggregate of 12,452,830 Warrants to purchase an
equal number of shares of PCS Stock will be issued to the Cable Parents, and
the FON Group will retain a Warrant Inter-Group Interest representing the
right to acquire an Inter-Group Interest equivalent to 12,452,830 shares of
PCS Stock. If the full amount of PCS Preferred Stock is issued, an aggregate
of 240,000 shares will be issued. If none of the proceeds of the IPO are
issued to repay indebtedness owed by the PCS Group to Sprint, the FON Group
would retain a Preferred Inter-Group Interest equivalent to an additional
270,600 shares of PCS Preferred Stock. At the Effective Time, after giving
effect to the issuance of the Series 2 PCS Stock and the Warrants in the
Mergers and the creation of the Warrant Inter-Group Interest, but without
giving effect to the IPO, the Recapitalization, the issuance of the PCS
Preferred Stock, the creation of any Preferred Inter-Group Interest, or the
exercise of any Equity Purchase Rights, such consideration will represent PCS
Group Percentage Interests of: (x) 23.83074%, as to TCI, (y) 11.42370%, as to
Comcast, and (z) 11.91537%, as to Cox. At the Effective Time, after giving
effect to the issuance of the Series 2 PCS Stock and the Warrants in the
Mergers and the creation of the Warrant Inter-Group Interest, but without
giving effect to the IPO, the Recapitalization, the issuance of the PCS
Preferred Stock, the creation of the Preferred Inter-Group Interest, or the
exercise of any Equity Purchase Rights, the FON Group will retain an Inter-
Group Interest in the PCS Group which together with the Warrant Inter-Group
Interest will represent a 52.83019% PCS Group Percentage Interest. See
"Description of Capital Stock--Description of Warrants; Warrant Inter-Group
Interest." Depending upon an election to be made by Sprint and the size of the
IPO, Sprint will also retain an Inter-Group Interest on the same terms as the
PCS Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Inter-Group Interest"). See "Description
of Capital Stock--Description of PCS Preferred Stock; Preferred Inter-Group
  The number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and PCS Preferred Stock and the
number of Warrants to be received by any shareholder of the Cable Subsidiaries
will be rounded to the nearest whole number of shares or Warrants. All shares
of the Cable Subsidiaries as of the Effective Time will cease to be
outstanding, will be canceled and retired and will cease to exist. Each share
of common stock of each Merger Sub as of the Effective Time will be converted
into one share of common stock of the applicable Cable Subsidiary as the
surviving corporation in such Merger.

  In the opinion of the Financial Advisors, the consideration to be paid to
the Cable Parents in connection with the PCS Restructuring is fair, from a
financial point of view, to Sprint and its stockholders. These opinions are
subject to important limitations and assumptions and should be read in their
entirety. See "--Opinions of Sprint's Financial Advisors."
  Representations and Warranties; Indemnities. In the Restructuring Agreement,
Sprint and each of the Cable Parents make certain representations and
warranties to each other party to the Restructuring Agreement concerning,
among other things, due incorporation, payment of taxes, absence of litigation
and necessary governmental approvals.     
  In the Restructuring Agreement, each of the Cable Parents makes certain
representations and warranties to Sprint and each other Cable Parent regarding
its respective Cable Subsidiaries and other entities owned by such Cable
Parent that will become part of the PCS Group concerning, among other things,
good title to its ownership interest in such Cable Subsidiaries and other
entities and in Sprint Spectrum, the absence of any business or activities or
liabilities of the Cable Subsidiaries or such other entities other than
relating to its ownership interest in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and certain tax
matters. Sprint makes certain representations and warranties to the Cable
Parents concerning, among other things, the PCS Group Percentage Interest that
will be held by each Cable Parent immediately following the Effective Time,
the nature and amount of the Inter-Group Interest that will be held in the PCS
Group by the FON Group immediately following the Effective Time, the
capitalization of Sprint and various matters regarding Sprint's ownership
interest in Sprint Spectrum Holdings. Each of Sprint, TCI and Cox make certain
representations and warranties regarding the operations of PhillieCo, and
Sprint makes similar representations and warranties regarding the operations
of SprintCom.
  Each of the parties to the Restructuring Agreement has agreed to indemnify
each of the other parties to the Restructuring Agreement for any and all
losses, claims, costs, fines, damages (excluding consequential and special
damages other than amounts paid as consequential or special damages to a third
party), taxes, liabilities and deficiencies arising out of or resulting from
(A) any inaccuracy in the representations and warranties of such party, (B)
any failure by such party to perform any of its covenants or agreements
contained in the Restructuring Agreement or the various other agreements
entered into in connection with the PCS Restructuring, and (C) certain tax
matters. Subject to certain exceptions, the right of any party to seek
indemnification with respect to any inaccuracy of the representations and
warranties by another party will terminate on the first anniversary of the PCS
Restructuring. In addition, with respect to any claim for inaccuracy of
representations and warranties, an indemnifying party will not be required to
pay any indemnity (subject to certain exceptions) until the aggregate amount
of the indemnified losses incurred by all of the indemnified parties exceeds
$50 million, at which time the indemnified parties will be entitled to
indemnification for the full amount of the indemnified losses in excess of $10
  Any indemnification payments made by Sprint or any of its subsidiaries under
the Restructuring Agreement will be charged to the FON Group. Any
indemnification payments received by Sprint or any of its subsidiaries under
the Restructuring Agreement will be allocated to the PCS Group.
  Conduct of Business Pending Closing. Each of the Cable Parents has agreed
that it will not permit any of its respective Cable Subsidiaries or any other
entities owned by it that will become part of the PCS Group, pending the
closing of the PCS Restructuring to (among other things): (a) issue any
additional shares of stock or other securities; (b) acquire or dispose of any
property or assets or enter into any contracts, arrangements or
understandings; (c) adopt any amendments to its charter or bylaws; (d) incur
any indebtedness, liabilities or obligations of any kind (subject to certain
limited exceptions); or (e) engage in any conduct or business other than
owning its interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo (as
applicable). The Restructuring Agreement contains similar agreements by Sprint
with respect to the operations of SprintCom and by TCI, Cox and Sprint with
respect to the operations of PhillieCo.
  Tax Matters. All tax settlement agreements and tax sharing agreements
between the Cable Subsidiaries (including their subsidiaries, if any) and any
person or between any entity which will be part of the PCS Group

and any person will terminate prior to the Closing Date. The Cable Parents or
the Cable Subsidiaries will remain liable for consolidated or non-consolidated
taxes for all taxable periods ending on or before Closing. In addition, the
Cable Parents have generally agreed to indemnify/reimburse Sprint and the
Cable Subsidiaries (for the benefit of the PCS Group) for any taxes arising
before the Closing that Sprint must pay as a result of the acquisition of the
Cable Subsidiaries. Sprint shall be responsible for filing all tax returns for
the Cable Subsidiaries after the Closing. If any Cable Subsidiary incurs a
loss or other tax benefit with respect to a tax period beginning on or after
the Closing Date which may be carried back to a period ending on or before the
Closing, and a refund results therefrom, such refund will be paid to such
Cable Subsidiary for the benefit of the PCS Group. Generally, Sprint and the
Cable Parents will have the right to control any audit for which that entity
bears responsibility for the ultimate liability.
  In addition, the Restructuring Agreement includes provisions for
reimbursements by the PCS Group to the FON Group and the Cable Parents for
certain tax benefits (referred to as SRLY Tax Benefits in the Restructuring
Agreement) that were incurred by Sprint or the Cable Subsidiaries before the
Closing, are carried over to post-Closing years, and are used by the PCS Group
to produce a tax benefit that would not otherwise have been received by the
PCS Group. Such reimbursement, which will equal 60% of the net tax benefit
received by the PCS Group, will be made if to the FON Group in cash, and if to
a Cable Parent in shares of PCS Stock.
  Sprint and each of the Cable Parents has agreed to use all reasonable
efforts to cause each of the Mergers to constitute a "reorganization" under
Section 368(a) of the Code. Sprint also has agreed to use all reasonable
efforts to cause the Recapitalization to constitute a recapitalization as
defined in Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Code.
  Other Provisions. Each of the PCS Partners (as defined herein) agrees
pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement not to take any action to trigger the
buy/sell provisions of the Partnership Agreement of Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company, L.P. prior to the earlier of the Closing Date or termination of the
Restructuring Agreement. See "--Background and Reasons for the Tracking Stock
Proposal." In addition, Sprint has agreed to seek the necessary approvals of
its stockholders, file a registration statement on Form S-3 covering the sale
of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock in the IPO, amend its bylaws to create the
Capital Stock Committee, adopt the Tracking Stock Policies and enter into the
Tax Sharing Agreement. See "--The Tracking Stock Policies--Allocation of
Federal and State Income Taxes." Additionally, pursuant to the Restructuring
Agreement, Sprint and each of the Cable Parents agrees to execute at the
closing a mutual release and waiver releasing each other party and its
Affiliates from any and all claims that such party may have in connection with
the operations of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. or PhillieCo (with
respect to the entities in which such parties have ownership interests) prior
to the date of the PCS Restructuring, subject to indemnity provisions and
subject to certain other exceptions.     
  In the event of a spinoff of all or substantially all of the PCS Group or in
case of a redemption of PCS Stock in exchange for stock of a subsidiary of
Sprint included within the PCS Group, Sprint or its subsidiary will enter into
a trademark license agreement with the PCS Group on substantially the same
terms as the Amended and Restated Sprint Trademark License, dated as of
January 31, 1996, between Sprint Communications Company L.P. and Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P., except that, notwithstanding the termination
provisions of such agreement, such trademark license (i) will be non-exclusive
and (ii) will terminate in its entirety six months following the effective
date of such spinoff.     
  Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint and the Cable Parents also
agreed that upon the closing of the PCS Restructuring, agreements between
Sprint and each Cable Parent (the "Parents Agreements") will terminate. The
Parents Agreements restrict the Cable Parents' ability to enter into certain
relationships with competitors of Sprint, and similarly restrict Sprint's
ability to enter into certain relationships with competitors of the Cable
  In the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint further agrees that it will effect
such changes from time to time to the Preferred Inter-Group Interest and the
Warrant Inter-Group Interest as may be necessary to reflect any

changes to the terms, rights, powers or privileges of the PCS Preferred Stock
and the Warrants, respectively, including as a result of the redemption of the
PCS Preferred Stock. Sprint has further agreed that under its Rights Agreement
(as defined herein) following Closing, holders of Series 2 PCS Stock and their
transferees would not be deemed to have triggered the definition of "acquiring
person" under certain circumstances.     
  Conditions to Closing. The Closing is subject to various conditions,
including (i) approval by Sprint's stockholders of the Articles Amendment, the
Restructuring Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby; provided
that the Closing is not conditioned upon stockholder approval of the Incentive
Plans Proposal, (ii) the expiration or termination of any waiting period under
the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and the
receipt of all required FCC consents, (iii) the absence of an injunction or
other order of a governmental authority that enjoins the completion of the
Restructuring and would result in material adverse consequences to Sprint or a
Cable Parent if Closing occurred in violation thereof, (iv) approval of the
Series 1 PCS Stock for listing on the NYSE, the American Stock Exchange or the
National Market Tier of The Nasdaq Stock Market, (v) consummation of the IPO
or the Recapitalization simultaneously with Closing, (vi) the filing of the
PCS Stock Amendment and the Certificate of Designations (as defined herein)
(and, if the Recapitalization occurs on the Closing Date, the Recapitalization
Amendment) with the Kansas Secretary of State, and (vii) the filing of the
certificate of merger for each of the Mergers with the appropriate Secretary
of State.     
  Termination. Any Parent may terminate the Restructuring Agreement upon the
occurrence of certain events. In such case, the PCS Restructuring would not be
completed and, unless further action were taken by the Sprint Board, the
Recapitalization would not occur, meaning that neither the PCS Stock nor the
FON Stock would be created. Termination may be effected: (i) by any Parent, if
the closing of the PCS Restructuring shall be prohibited by any final,
nonappealable order, decree or injunction of any court, governmental agency or
other government body, which would result in material adverse consequences to
any Parent or any of its subsidiaries if the PCS Restructuring occurred in
violation of such order, decree or injunction; (ii) by any Parent (if such
party is not in material breach of any material covenant contained in the
Restructuring Agreement), if the Closing has not occurred on or before
December 31, 1998; (iii) by any Parent (if such party is not in material
breach of any material covenant contained in the Restructuring Agreement), by
notice to the other Parents following the time that any condition to closing
set forth in the Restructuring Agreement has become incapable of being
satisfied on or before December 31, 1998; or (iv) by any Parent (if such party
is not in material breach of any material covenant contained in the
Restructuring Agreement) following a material breach of any material covenant
contained in the Restructuring Agreement by any other Parent or its subsidiary
if such breach remains uncured in any material respect for thirty (30) days
following the giving of notice of such breach.     
  Expenses. Whether or not the PCS Restructuring is consummated, each of the
Parents will bear its own fees and expenses incurred in connection with the
negotiation of the Restructuring Agreement and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated thereby. Any such expenses paid by Sprint will be
allocated to the FON Group; provided that Sprint may (in its discretion)
allocate expenses relating to the IPO to the PCS Group in accordance with the
Tracking Stock Policies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if and only to the
extent that Sprint makes a cash capital contribution prior to the consummation
of the PCS Restructuring to a subsidiary of Sprint that will be a member of
the PCS Group, the fees and expenses incurred by Sprint will be paid by such
subsidiary of Sprint in connection with the transactions contemplated by the
Restructuring Agreement and will be allocated to the PCS Group.
  Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint intends to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") a registration statement on
Form S-3 relating to the offering of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (the
"Registration Statement"). Under the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint will be
entitled to sell in the IPO without any further approval of the Cable Parents
a number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the greater of (i) $500
million divided by the midpoint of the price range indicated on the cover page
of the     

preliminary prospectus that is used to market the IPO, regardless of the
proceeds that would result from the sale of such shares, and (ii) the number
of shares that is required to be sold in the IPO to achieve total proceeds of
between $500 million and $525 million (in Sprint's discretion). Prior to
filing the Registration Statement, the underwriters for the offering will
advise the Parents as to the aggregate proceeds that, in the opinion of the
underwriters, could be raised in the IPO without adversely affecting the price
per share of shares sold in the IPO or the after-market trading price of such
shares. If such recommendation is for proceeds of more than $525 million, and
any of the Parents notifies the other Parents within ten days after such
underwriter advice that such Parent is unwilling to proceed with an IPO of the
size recommended, then the total proceeds raised in the IPO shall not exceed
$525 million (unless a larger amount is permitted by clause (i) above) or a
larger amount of proceeds is thereafter unanimously agreed to by the Parents.
The Restructuring Agreement contemplates the issuance of additional shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock in the IPO aggregating up to 15% of the size of the
offering to cover over-allotments, if any, which additional issuance is not
included in the limitations described above. All of the proceeds in the IPO
will be allocated to the PCS Group. Neither Sprint nor the Cable Parents will
sell shares on a secondary basis as part of the IPO. The Sprint Board has
reserved the right not to complete the IPO even if the Tracking Stock Proposal
is approved by the stockholders.     
  Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint has granted the Cable
Parents certain Equity Purchase Rights to maintain their respective PCS Group
Percentage Interests as a result of the IPO. See "--Equity Purchase Rights."
Pursuant to the Master Agreement, FT and DT have agreed to exercise their
Equity Purchase Rights in connection with the IPO. See "FT and DT
Arrangements--Master Agreement and Related Agreements." The shares of Series 1
PCS Stock issued in the IPO and pursuant to the exercise of Equity Purchase
Rights by FT and DT will dilute the PCS Group Percentage Interests of the FON
Group and the Cable Parents.
  Pursuant to the Recapitalization Amendment Sprint will effect a tax-free
recapitalization by reclassifying each share of Existing Common Stock into 1/2
share of Series 1 PCS Stock and one share of FON Stock. Sprint currently
intends to complete the Recapitalization 90-120 days after the completion of
the PCS Restructuring and concurrent IPO. The effect of the Recapitalization
will be to provide holders of Sprint's Existing Common Stock with separate
securities representing, in the aggregate, substantially all of the Inter-
Group Interest in the PCS Group held immediately prior to the Recapitalization
by the FON Group. Thus, the Recapitalization will largely eliminate the FON
Group's Inter-Group Interest. Prior to the Recapitalization, a ratable portion
of the value of the Inter-Group Interest is intended to be reflected in each
share of Existing Common Stock. In developing the Tracking Stock Proposal,
Sprint analyzed the number of shares of PCS Stock that should be assigned to
the portion of the Inter-Group Interest represented by each share of Existing
Common Stock. The determination to issue 1/2 share of PCS Stock for each share
of Existing Common Stock was driven by Sprint's desire to establish an
appropriate market price per share for the PCS Stock. This determination was
not affected by the consideration paid to the Cable Parents in the PCS
Restructuring because the Cable Parents will receive a number of shares based
upon a fixed percentage common equity interest in the PCS Group. Because the
aggregate value of the PCS Stock issued to the holders of Existing Common
Stock will be the same regardless of the number of shares of PCS Stock issued
in the Recapitalization, Sprint did not seek any opinion from Sprint's
Financial Advisors concerning the Recapitalization.     
  Pursuant to the terms of the Restructuring Agreement, the Recapitalization
may not be completed even if the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved by the
stockholders. However, if the PCS Restructuring is completed, the
Recapitalization will occur.     
  In the Recapitalization, each share of Existing Class A Stock held by FT and
each share of DT Class A Stock held by DT will be reclassified so that each
such share will, among other things, represent an equity interest in the FON
Group and an equity interest in the PCS Group, together with a right to cause
Sprint to issue, to FT and DT, a number of shares of Series 3 FON Stock or
Series 3 PCS Stock (or, with respect to certain designated     

transferees of such holder, Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
respectively), but only to the extent such shares of Existing Class A Stock or
DT Class A Stock, as the case may be, represent a number of unissued shares of
FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable.     
  No fractional shares of Series 1 PCS Stock will be issued as part of the
Recapitalization. If the number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock that a holder
of Existing Common Stock is entitled to receive as part of the
Recapitalization includes a fraction of a whole share, Sprint will pay such
holder the cash equivalent of such fractional share.
  Upon the implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal, the certificates
representing shares of Existing Common Stock (the "Existing Certificates")
will be deemed to represent ownership of the same number of shares of Series 1
FON Stock. Stockholders should not mail their Existing Certificates to either
Sprint or its transfer agents in connection with the Tracking Stock Proposal.
New certificates representing shares of Series 1 FON Stock will be issued upon
the surrender of the Existing Certificates then representing shares of Series
1 FON Stock to Sprint or its co-transfer agents in connection with the
transfer thereof. As soon as practicable after the Recapitalization, either
UMB Bank, n.a. or ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C., the co-transfer
agents for Sprint, will mail to each record holder of Existing Common Stock on
the date of the Recapitalization a certificate representing the number of
whole shares of Series 1 PCS Stock to which such holder is entitled and a
check for any fractional share of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  Because the Recapitalization will affect all holders of Existing Common
Stock in proportion to the number of shares of Existing Common Stock owned on
the date of the Recapitalization by each stockholder, the relative ownership
interest and voting power of each holder of whole shares of Existing Common
Stock will be substantially the same immediately after effectiveness of the
Recapitalization as it was immediately prior thereto (without giving effect to
the shares of PCS Stock issued to the Cable Parents in the PCS Restructuring
or shares issued to FT or DT pursuant to any exercise of their Equity Purchase
Rights or shares issued in the IPO).
  Sprint intends to close the IPO as soon as practicable following the date
that the conditions to Closing relating to stockholder approval, regulatory
approval and listing of the Series 1 PCS Stock have been satisfied (the
"Trigger Date"), assuming that the other conditions to Closing have been
satisfied or are capable of being satisfied at or prior to the Closing. The
determination to proceed with the IPO at any time will remain in Sprint's sole
discretion. If the IPO occurs prior to the Recapitalization, the PCS
Restructuring will occur simultaneously with the closing of the IPO. If Sprint
causes the IPO to be completed simultaneously with the PCS Restructuring,
Sprint will complete the Recapitalization within 90-120 days following the
Closing. In this event, each Cable Parent has agreed, for a period of one
hundred eighty (180) days following the Closing Date, to refrain from engaging
in any public sale or distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible
into, or exchangeable or exercisable for or the value of which relates to or
is based upon, PCS Stock.     
  If the IPO occurs at the same time as the closing of the PCS Restructuring
as provided above, shares of PCS Stock would be issued on the date of the PCS
Restructuring, but the shares of Existing Common Stock held by Sprint's
current stockholders will remain outstanding until the Recapitalization is
completed. Until the Recapitalization, the Existing Common Stock and the Class
A Common Stock would continue to reflect the performance of the FON Group, as
well as the performance of the PCS Group to the extent of the FON Group's
Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group. Therefore, after the PCS Restructuring
is completed and prior to the completion of the Recapitalization, income or
loss from the operations of the PCS Group will continue to be reflected in the
Existing Common Stock and the Class A Common Stock but only in proportion to
such Inter-Group Interest.     
  The Restructuring Agreement provides that if the IPO is not completed on or
prior to the 30th day following the Trigger Date, then Sprint will, on the
earlier of (i) the date which is 10 days following such date after the Trigger
Date that Sprint reasonably determines that the IPO is not capable of being
completed on or before the

30th day following the Trigger Date or (ii) the 40th day following the Trigger
Date, effect the Recapitalization by filing the PCS Stock Amendment, the
Recapitalization Amendment and the Certificate of Designations with the Kansas
Secretary of State, assuming that the other conditions to Closing have been
satisfied or are capable of being satisfied at the Closing. If Sprint causes
the Recapitalization to be completed as provided in this paragraph, the
Closing of the PCS Restructuring will occur simultaneously with the completion
of the Recapitalization. In such event, the Restructuring Agreement sets forth
Sprint's intent to complete the IPO within 120 days after the Closing Date. If
Sprint completes the Recapitalization simultaneously with the Closing and the
IPO is completed within such 120-day period, each Cable Parent will, and will
cause its subsidiaries to, for a period commencing at the time of Closing and
ending on the later of (x) 90 days following the closing of the IPO and (y)
180 days following the Closing Date, refrain from engaging in any public sale
or distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible into, or
exchangeable or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to or is based
upon, PCS Stock. If the IPO is not completed within 120 days following the
Closing, Sprint will not engage in any public sale or distribution of any PCS
Stock or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for, or
the value of which relates to or is based upon, PCS Stock until after the
Registration Rights Commencement Date, and then, only after (1) providing
notices to the Cable Parents (and any required Affiliates) as required by the
Registration Rights Agreement, (2) providing the Cable Parents with priority
in such sale or distribution in accordance with Section 3 thereof, and (3)
amending the Registration Statement (and amending or supplementing the related
preliminary prospectus if preliminary prospectuses have been distributed) if
necessary to register and offer the shares that the Cable Parents have elected
to sell in such sale or distribution in accordance with the Registration
Rights Agreement. See "--Registration Rights Agreement."     
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings. The capital requirements of Sprint Spectrum
Holdings through the Closing Date will be satisfied by capital contributions
from the entities directly holding each of the respective Parents' interests
in Sprint Spectrum Holdings (the "PCS Partners") up to an aggregate amount of
$400 million (the "PCS Contributions"). The chief executive officer of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings may call all or a portion of the PCS Contributions at any
time and from time to time prior to the Closing Date by giving written notice
to each of the PCS Partners. The PCS Contributions will be funded by (i) loans
from the Cable Parents or subsidiaries thereof to certain of their respective
Cable Subsidiaries; provided that in no event will such loans (the "Cable
Parent Loans") be made to a direct subsidiary of the lending entity, and (ii)
loans from Sprint or a subsidiary of Sprint to Sprint's PCS Partner (the
"Sprint PCS Loans"). Each entity receiving Cable Parent Loans will issue to
the lender in consideration for such loans promissory notes. Sprint's PCS
Partner will issue similar promissory notes to Sprint for the Sprint PCS Loans
(the "Sprint PCS Notes").     
  Unless otherwise agreed among the PCS Partners, no further capital
contributions under the Partnership Agreement of Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company, L.P. will be required of any PCS Partner prior to the Closing;
provided that if the Restructuring Agreement is terminated prior to Closing,
the capital contribution provisions of the Partnership Agreement of Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. will be fully restored.     
  If the PCS Contributions are not adequate to meet the capital requirements
of Sprint Spectrum Holdings pending the Closing, the PCS Partners will cause
Sprint Spectrum Holdings to obtain a financing proposal from a financial
institution or an opinion from an investment banking firm as to the terms on
which such additional required capital would be available in a placement of
debt securities by Sprint Spectrum Holdings. Any such financing proposal must
contemplate debt with a maturity of at least three years, except that such
debt must be payable in full at the closing of the buy/sell arrangements set
forth in the Partnership Agreement of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P.
(but shall not otherwise mature or accelerate as a result of a termination of
the Restructuring Agreement) (the "Proposed Term"). Upon its receipt of
written notice specifying the terms of such third-party financing, Sprint's
PCS Partner will have the right to provide debt financing to Sprint Spectrum
Holdings (directly or through an Affiliate) on terms that result in
substantially the same net economic cost to Sprint Spectrum Holdings as the
terms contemplated by such proposed financing (including any expenses that
would be incurred by Sprint Spectrum Holdings in effecting financing through a
third party). Sprint's PCS     

Partner or its Affiliate may elect to provide such financing for a term
equivalent to the Proposed Term. At the Effective Time, any such debt
financing provided by Sprint's PCS Partner or its Affiliate would become debt
of the PCS Group owed to the FON Group.
  SprintCom. Subject to the next sentence, the capital requirements of
SprintCom through the Closing Date will be provided by loans from Sprint or
its Affiliates or third party financing. The loans from Sprint or its
Affiliates will be evidenced by promissory notes with a minimum aggregate
principal amount of (i) $110.6 million times (ii) a fraction, the numerator of
which equals the total amount of PCS Contributions between the date of the
Restructuring Agreement and the Closing Date and the denominator of which
equals $400 million. Such minimum aggregate amount (determined in accordance
with the formula set forth above) of such loans made by Sprint or its
Affiliates is referred to herein as the "SprintCom Loans." Any indebtedness of
SprintCom to Sprint or its Affiliates that was advanced or otherwise existed
prior to January 1, 1998, shall be contributed to the equity of SprintCom on
the Closing Date, and any such indebtedness advanced on or after January 1,
1998 and through the Closing Date (other than the SprintCom Loans), shall on
the Closing Date become inter-group debt of the PCS Group on terms consistent
with the Tracking Stock Policies.     
  Capitalization or Purchase of Cable Parent Loans, Sprint PCS Loans and
SprintCom Loans. Each Cable Parent may elect to capitalize all or any portion
of its Cable Parent Loans, subject to and in accordance with the following
terms and conditions:
    (i) Such capitalization will be effected no later than immediately prior
  to Closing in the following manner:
    (A) to the extent Cox elects to capitalize any portion of its Cable
        Parent Loans, Cox will contribute such portion of its Cable Parent
        Loans to one of its Cable Subsidiaries as specified in the
        Restructuring Agreement, and
    (B) to the extent either Comcast or TCI elects to capitalize any
        portion of its Cable Parent Loans, Comcast or TCI, as applicable,
        will contribute such portion of its Cable Parent Loans as
        sequential capital contributions through all intermediate
        corporations from the creditor to the obligor of such Cable Parent
        Loans, including a capital contribution by the owner of the stock
        of such obligor to such obligor.
    (ii) In the Mergers, the holder of the common stock of the entity to
  which any Cable Parent Loans have been contributed as part of a
  capitalization discussed above will receive, as consideration in the Merger
  of such entity, for the equity representing the Cable Parent Loans
  contributed to such entity, a number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal
  to the aggregate principal amount of the Cable Parent Loans and accrued and
  unpaid interest thereon contributed to such entity, divided by $1,000.
    (iii) If the IPO is to be completed concurrently with the Closing and a
  Cable Parent has elected pursuant to the provisions under "--Election"
  below to receive any Available Cash Proceeds, then such Cable Parent may
  not capitalize that portion of its Cable Parent Loans at the Closing.
  At the Closing, Sprint will purchase any Cable Parent Loans that (i) have
not been capitalized and (ii) are not required to be purchased by Sprint for
cash at the Closing pursuant to (vi)(A) below. Sprint shall pay the purchase
price for any Cable Parent Loans that it is required to purchase pursuant to
this paragraph by delivering to the holder of such Cable Parent Loans a number
of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to the aggregate principal amount of
such Cable Parent Loans, plus all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, divided
by $1,000.
  At the Closing, any portion of the Sprint PCS Notes and SprintCom Loans that
is not required to be repaid at the Closing pursuant to (vii)(A) below will be
repaid by the creation of the Preferred Inter-Group Interest, which will be
the economic equivalent of a number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to
the outstanding

principal amount of such Sprint PCS Notes and SprintCom Loans, plus all
accrued unpaid interest thereon, divided by $1,000.
  In connection with the consummation of the IPO or any initial primary
offering of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock prior to the Registration Rights
Commencement Date, each Cable Parent may elect to require that Sprint purchase
for cash all or any portion of its Cable Parent Loans, or all or any portion
of the shares of PCS Preferred Stock issued to such Cable Parent or any
Subsidiary of such Cable Parent at the Closing, but not any shares of PCS
Preferred Stock issued as consideration in any of the Mergers in accordance
with paragraph (ii) above, subject to and in accordance with the following
terms and conditions:
    (i) Sprint Notice. Not later than twelve Business Days prior to the
  scheduled commencement of the marketing "road show" for the IPO, Sprint
  will notify each Cable Parent in writing (the "Sprint Notice") of Sprint's
  good faith, reasonable estimate of the net proceeds of the IPO (not
  including the proceeds of any exercise by FT, DT or any Cable Parent of its
  Equity Purchase Rights).     
    (ii) Election. Each Cable Parent will, at least seven Business Days prior
  to the scheduled commencement of the road show for the IPO (but in any
  event within two Business Days following the date that Sprint notifies the
  Cable Parents that Sprint is prepared to print the preliminary prospectus
  to be used in connection with the IPO roadshow (but for inclusion of the
  information contained in the Parent Responses)), deliver a binding written
  response (each, a "Parent Response") to Sprint indicating the total cash
  that such Cable Parent desires to have paid to it and its Subsidiaries in
  consideration for the purchase of its Cable Parent Loans or PCS Preferred
  Stock issued at Closing, as applicable (such Cable Parent's "Cash Request
  Amount"). If Sprint proposes to consummate the IPO concurrently with the
  Closing and, after receiving each Cable Parent's Parent Response, (A)
  Sprint elects to postpone commencing the road show or printing the
  preliminary prospectus by more than 10 Business Days from the schedule
  contemplated at the time of the giving of the Sprint Notice or (B) delays
  in consummating the IPO require that Sprint reprint the preliminary
  prospectus, then, in either such case, any Cable Parent may amend its
  Parent Response by written notice to Sprint given prior to the printing or
  reprinting, respectively, of the preliminary prospectus, as applicable, to
  reduce its Cash Request Amount. If the IPO is proposed to be consummated
  after the Closing, a Cable Parent's Cash Request Amount may not exceed the
  product of $1,000 times the number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock issued
  to such Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries at Closing.     
    (iii) Cash Request Amount. Within five Business Days after giving the
  Sprint Notice, Sprint will notify each of the Cable Parents of the total
  cash that Sprint desires to receive in repayment of its Sprint PCS Notes
  and SprintCom Loans or for the reduction of the Preferred Inter-Group
  Interest, as applicable (Sprint's "Cash Request Amount").     
    (iv) Size of Cash Request Amount. If the IPO is proposed to be
  consummated simultaneously with the Closing, neither Sprint's nor a Cable
  Parent's Cash Request Amount may exceed the balance of principal and unpaid
  and accrued interest on its Cable Parent Loans (in the case of the Cable
  Parents) or its Sprint PCS Loans and SprintCom Loans (in the case of
    (v) Allocation. The Available Cash Proceeds will be allocated among the
  Parents in accordance with the following:
    (A) "Available Cash Proceeds" means the amount by which the net
        proceeds of the IPO (not including the proceeds of any exercise by
        FT or DT of its Equity Purchase Rights but including the proceeds
        of any exercise by any Cable Parent of its Equity Purchase Rights)
        exceed $500 million.
    (B) The Available Cash Proceeds will first be allocated (1) to Sprint,
        to the extent of the lesser of 53% of the Available Cash Proceeds
        or Sprint's Cash Request Amount, (2) to TCI, to the extent of the
        lesser of 23.5% of the Available Cash Proceeds or TCI's Cash
        Request Amount, (3) to Comcast, to the extent of the lesser of
        11.75% of the Available Cash Proceeds or Comcast's Cash

       Request Amount, and (4) to Cox, to the extent of the lesser of 11.75%
       of the Available Cash Proceeds or Cox's Cash Request Amount.
    (C) After the allocations pursuant to paragraph (B) above, if all of the
        Available Cash Proceeds have not been allocated and any Parent has
        not been allocated a portion of the Available Cash Proceeds equal to
        its Cash Request Amount, then the portion of the Available Cash
        Proceeds that was not allocated pursuant to the preceding paragraph
        will be allocated among those Parents that have not been allocated
        all of their respective Cash Request Amounts, in proportion to their
        Cash Request Amounts, until (1) each Parent has been allocated its
        Cash Request Amount or (2) all of the Available Cash Proceeds have
        been allocated among the Parents.
    (D) The sum of the portion of the Available Cash Proceeds allocated to a
        Parent pursuant to paragraph (B) above plus the portion of the
        Available Cash Proceeds allocated to a Parent pursuant to paragraph
        (C) above is such Parent's "Allocated Cash Proceeds."     
    (vi) Upon the consummation of the IPO, Sprint will pay to each Cable
  Parent in cash the amount of such Cable Parent's Allocated Cash Proceeds as
  consideration for the purchase from such Cable Parent or any Subsidiary of
  such Cable Parent of:
    (A) in the case of an IPO consummated concurrently with the Closing, a
        portion of such Cable Parent's Cable Parent Loans having a principal
        amount, together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, equal
        to such Cable Parent's Allocated Cash Proceeds, and
    (B) in the case of an IPO consummated after the Closing, that number of
        shares of the PCS Preferred Stock issued to such Cable Parent or any
        Subsidiary of such Cable Parent at the Closing having a Liquidation
        Preference (as defined in the Certificate of Designations), plus
        accumulated unpaid dividends, equal to such Cable Parent's Allocated
        Cash Proceeds.
    (vii) Upon the consummation of the IPO:
    (A) in the case of an IPO consummated concurrently with the Closing, an
        amount equal to Sprint's Allocated Cash Proceeds will be used to
        repay any outstanding Sprint PCS Loans and SprintCom Loans and to
        pay accrued interest thereon (which payment shall be allocated to
        the FON Group), and
    (B) in the case of an IPO consummated after the Closing, an amount equal
        to Sprint's Allocated Cash Proceeds will be used to reduce the
        Preferred Inter-Group Interest, in a manner comparable to a
        redemption of PCS Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (vi)(B)
  Sprint will in no event issue any fractional shares of PCS Preferred Stock.
Any fractional share of PCS Preferred Stock otherwise required to be issued
pursuant to the above provisions will be rounded to the nearest whole share.
  PhillieCo. Sprint, TCI and Cox (the Parents of the PhillieCo Partners) have
loaned to PhillieCo in proportion to their respective interests in PhillieCo an
aggregate of $45 million as of March 31, 1998. Sprint had loaned an additional
$90 million to PhillieCo as of March 31, 1998. Sprint, TCI and Cox have agreed
to loan up to an additional $50 million to PhillieCo in proportion to their
respective interests in PhillieCo prior to Closing. If necessary, Sprint will
arrange for or provide any additional financing required by PhillieCo on the
same basis as contemplated above with respect to Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
Sprint will cause all loans advanced by the Parents of the PhillieCo Partners
or their respective Affiliates to PhillieCo prior to the Closing to be repaid
by PhillieCo (together with accrued interest) on the 90th day following the
Closing Date. If the Restructuring Agreement is terminated prior to Closing,
such financing (and all secured interest thereon) will be repayable to the
applicable PhillieCo Partner or its Affiliate at the closing of the buy/sell
arrangements contemplated by the PhillieCo partnership agreement.

Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, the Cable Parents and their
Subsidiaries holding PCS Stock will have certain rights to purchase additional
shares of PCS Stock ("Equity Purchase Rights"), as follows:
  (a) Beginning on the Closing Date, each Cable Parent and any Subsidiary of a
Cable Parent that holds shares of PCS Stock (a "Cable Holder") will have the
right to purchase from Sprint:
    (i) if on or after the Closing Date (including in connection with the
  IPO), Sprint issues shares of PCS Stock for cash, that number of additional
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any
  reduction in its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately
  prior to the issuance of such shares (which, for the purposes of the IPO,
  shall be determined as if the Mergers occurred immediately before the
  consummation of the IPO) solely as a result of such issuance; such shares
  of Series 2 PCS Stock to be purchased from Sprint at a per share purchase
  price equal to the purchase price paid for such shares of PCS Stock whose
  issuance gave rise to such Equity Purchase Right, which purchase price
  shall be net of any underwriting discounts in connection with a public
  offering of shares of PCS Stock;
    (ii) if after the Closing, Sprint issues for cash options, warrants or
  other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled Affiliates that are
  exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of PCS Stock,
  that number of such options, warrants or other securities sufficient for
  such Cable Holder to avoid any reduction in its PCS Group Percentage
  Interest as in effect immediately before such issuance solely as a result
  of such issuance; such options, warrants or other securities to be
  purchased from Sprint at a price per unit equal to the per unit purchase
  price paid for such options, warrants or other securities whose issuance
  gave rise to such Equity Purchase Right, which purchase price will be net
  of any underwriting discounts in connection with a public offering of such
  options, warrants or other securities;
     (iii) if after the Closing, the FON Group contributes to the PCS Group
  cash or other assets in exchange for an increase in the FON Group's Inter-
  Group Interest in the PCS Group, that number of additional shares of Series
  2 PCS Stock sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any reduction in its
  PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately prior to such
  contribution solely as a result of such contribution, such Series 2 PCS
  Stock to be purchased at a price per share based on the corresponding per
  unit price used by the Sprint Board or its Capital Stock Committee in
  determining the appropriate adjustment to the FON Group's Inter-Group
  Interest in the PCS Group as a result of such contribution of cash or
  assets; and     
    (iv) if after the Closing, the FON Group contributes to the PCS Group
  cash or other assets in exchange for an Inter-Group Interest that is
  convertible into or exchangeable for an Inter-Group Interest in the PCS
  Group, that number of securities having substantially the same terms as
  such Inter-Group Interest sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any
  reduction in its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately
  prior to such contribution solely as a result of such contribution; such
  securities to be purchased at a price per share based on the corresponding
  per unit price used by the Sprint Board or its Capital Stock Committee in
  determining the amount of the FON Group Inter-Group Interest as a result of
  such contribution of cash or assets.     
The additional shares, options, warrants or other securities to be purchased
pursuant to paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above are referred to herein
as the "Additional Securities."
  (b) Sprint is required to deliver to each Cable Parent written notice of any
proposed action that would give rise to Equity Purchase Rights not less than
fifteen days prior to such action, such notice to describe in reasonable
detail the price per share of PCS Stock (or price per warrant, option or
security exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of PCS
Stock) reflected in such transaction and contain the calculation thereof (or,
in the case of a public offering, the anticipated price per share or other
unit); provided, that no such notices need be given (and the Cable Holders
will not have any Equity Purchase Rights) with respect to shares of PCS Stock
issued pursuant to (i) the Recapitalization, (ii) exercises of the Warrants,
(iii) conversion of the PCS Preferred Stock, (iv) qualified or non-qualified
employee and director benefit plans, arrangements or contracts (including
stock purchase plans), (v) dividend reinvestment plans, (vi) conversion rights
under capital stock of Sprint

outstanding as of May 26, 1998 or (vii) purchase rights that are exercised by
FT and/or DT as a result of the issuance of PCS Stock in connection with any
of the matters described in clauses (ii)-(vi) above. In addition, a Cable
Holder will have no Equity Purchase Rights with respect to the exercise of
Equity Purchase Rights by FT or DT that are triggered by sales of Series 2 PCS
Stock by such Cable Holder or any of its Affiliates.
  (c) The Cable Holders may exercise their Equity Purchase Rights by binding
written notice (subject to consummation of the underlying transaction) to
Sprint delivered prior to the fifteenth day after the date of the related
notice provided for in (b) above specifying the number of Additional
Securities to be purchased.
    (i) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with a public offering
  of PCS Stock by Sprint to which Equity Purchase Rights are applicable, at
  least twelve (12) Business Days prior to the printing of the preliminary
  prospectus for such offering, Sprint is required to give written notice to
  the Cable Parents setting forth Sprint's then-current estimate of the
  number of shares of PCS Stock Sprint intends to offer and the anticipated
  per share range for the offering price (the "Price Range"). If the midpoint
  of the Price Range is $15 or less, the Price Range will extend not more
  than $1 above the midpoint nor more than $1 below the midpoint. At least
  seven (7) Business Days prior to the printing of the preliminary prospectus
  for such offering, each Cable Parent will be required to deliver a binding
  notice to Sprint (the "EPR Notice") stating whether and as to how many
  shares the Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries will exercise their Equity
  Purchase Rights as follows:
    (A) for the IPO, whether Equity Purchase Rights will be exercised if the
        actual price per share at which shares are sold in the IPO is in a
        range (the "Decision Range") as follows: (x) if the midpoint of the
        Price Range is $15 or less, the Price Range; (y) if the midpoint of
        the Price Range is $15 or more, then from a price per share 10%
        above the midpoint of the Price Range (but in no
       event more than $1 above the high point) to a price per share 10%
       below the midpoint of the Price Range (but in no event lower than $1
       below the low point);
    (B) for other primary offerings, whether and as to how many shares the
        Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries will exercise Equity Purchase
        Rights without regard to a price range (subject to (c)(iii) below).
    (ii) In the case of (i)(A): (I) if the actual price per share in the IPO
  is greater than the high point of the Decision Range, (1) a decision to not
  exercise Equity Purchase Rights shall nevertheless be binding and (2) any
  Cable Holder that originally exercised its Equity Purchase Rights with
  respect to the IPO, in whole or in part, shall be entitled to rescind such
  exercise, in whole or in part, at the time of pricing of the IPO; and (II)
  if the actual price per share in the IPO is less than the low point of the
  Decision Range, (1) an exercise of Equity Purchase Rights shall
  nevertheless be binding and (2) any Cable Holder that originally declined
  to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with respect to the IPO, or
  originally exercised its Equity Purchase Rights with respect to the IPO
  only in part, will be entitled to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with
  respect to the IPO, in whole or in part (or in greater part, if its Equity
  Purchase Rights were previously exercised), at the time of pricing of the
     (iii) In the case of (i)(B): if the actual price per share in such
  offering is less than 95% of the closing price of the Series 1 PCS Stock on
  the date of pricing of such offering, (1) an exercise of Equity Purchase
  Rights shall nevertheless be binding and (2) any Cable Holder that
  originally declined to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with respect to
  such public offering, or originally exercised its Equity Purchase Rights
  with respect to such public offering only in part, will be entitled to
  exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with respect to such public offering,
  in whole or in part (or in greater part, if its Equity Purchase Rights were
  previously exercised), at the time of pricing of such public offering.
    (iv) With respect to any decision to be made by a Cable Holder at the
  time of pricing pursuant to paragraph (ii) or (iii) above or with respect
  to any primary public offerings by Sprint of securities that are
  exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of PCS Stock,
  the Restructuring Agreement provides that Sprint and each affected Cable
  Holder will cooperate to develop procedures that will permit

  such Cable Holder to exercise its rights under paragraph (ii) or (iii) or
  with respect to such offerings concurrently with the applicable pricing
  decision without any disruption or delay to the public offering.
    (v) Payment for any Additional Securities purchased by the Cable Holders
  that exercise their Equity Purchase Rights are required to be made as
  provided in (e) below. The total number of Additional Securities specified
  by each exercising Cable Holder will be issued and delivered to such Cable
  Holder against delivery to Sprint of the purchase price therefor as
  provided in (e) below.
  (d) If Sprint issues to the Cable Holders upon exercise of their Equity
Purchase Rights Additional Securities on a date after the date the related PCS
Stock is issued, then (i) the per share purchase price paid by the Cable
Holders shall be reduced to reflect the fair market value (as determined by
the Sprint Board) of any dividend or distribution made in respect of the PCS
Stock after the date the related PCS Stock is issued and prior to such
issuance and (ii) such purchase price and the number of shares of Additional
Securities purchased shall be appropriately adjusted to reflect any stock
split, stock dividend or other combination or reclassification of the PCS
  (e) The closing of purchases of Additional Securities pursuant to the
exercise of Equity Purchase Rights by the exercising Cable Holders will take
place on a date specified by the exercising Cable Holders, which date shall be
within 30 days after the exercise of such Equity Purchase Rights or (if later)
within 10 days after the receipt of all required regulatory approvals (in each
case assuming the action giving rise to such Equity Purchase Rights has
occurred), at the executive offices of Sprint, at 10:00 a.m., Kansas City
time, or at such other date, time or place as Sprint and such exercising Cable
Holder may otherwise agree. At such closing:
    (i) Sprint will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to such exercising
  Cable Holder, certificates representing the shares of Additional Securities
  to be purchased by such exercising Cable Holder, in the name of such
  holder, against payment of the purchase price therefor, as provided below;
    (ii) such exercising Cable Holder will deliver to Sprint an amount in
  cash by wire transfer in immediately available funds equal to the product
  of (i) the applicable price per share determined pursuant to paragraph (a)
  above (as adjusted pursuant to paragraph (d) above) and (ii) the number of
  shares of Additional Securities to be acquired by such exercising Cable
  (f) In connection with the occurrence of any issuance or contribution that
gives rise to Equity Purchase Rights and to purchase rights of FT and DT,
Sprint will use its reasonable efforts to coordinate the exercise of purchase
rights by the Cable Holders and FT and DT to avoid a series of successive
exercises of purchase rights triggered by a single issuance or contribution.
  (g) The Equity Purchase Rights of a Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries will
terminate simultaneously with the termination of the Standstill Agreement
between Sprint and such Cable Parent.
  (h) With respect to each action giving rise to Equity Purchase Rights, if a
Cable Holder elects not to purchase all of the Additional Securities that it
is entitled to purchase after such action, such Cable Holder will thereafter
be entitled to purchase, in open market purchases on the New York Stock
Exchange or other applicable exchange or otherwise from a third party:
    (i) as to paragraphs (a)(i) and (iii) above, a number of shares of Series
  1 PCS Stock equal to the number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock that such
  Cable Holder was entitled to purchase from Sprint and elected not to so
  purchase; or
    (ii) as to paragraphs (a)(ii) and (iv) above, either (A) a number of
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the number of shares of PCS Stock
  into which the options, warrants or other securities that such Cable Holder
  elected not to purchase would have been convertible, exercisable or
  exchangeable on the date of the action giving rise to such Equity Purchase
  Rights (disregarding for such purpose any time or other limitations on the
  holder's right to convert, exercise, or exchange) or (B) that number of
  such securities (other than PCS Stock) that such Cable Holder was entitled
  to purchase and elected not to so purchase;

in each case as adjusted to reflect any stock split, stock dividend or other
combination or reclassification of the PCS Stock or other security.
  (i) If after the Closing Date, Sprint issues shares of PCS Stock (or
options, warrants or other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled
Affiliates that are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares
of PCS Stock) other than for cash (including pursuant to a merger,
acquisition, share exchange or similar transaction), each Cable Holder will
thereafter have the right to acquire, in open market purchases on the NYSE or
other applicable exchange or otherwise, that number of additional shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any reduction in
its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately prior to the
issuance of such shares solely as a result of such issuance, assuming that any
such options, warrants or other securities were converted into shares of PCS
Stock as of the date of issuance of such options, warrants or other
securities, and appropriately adjusted to reflect any stock split, stock
dividend or other combination or reclassification of the PCS Stock.     
  (j) Any shares of Series 1 PCS Stock acquired by any Cable Holder will be
subject to an Irrevocable Proxy and Voting Agreement to be entered into by
Sprint and each Cable Parent (each, a "Voting Agreement"). See "--Voting
  General. In connection with the execution of the Restructuring Agreement,
Sprint and each Cable Parent have entered into Standstill Agreements dated May
26, 1998 pursuant to which each Cable Parent agrees that it will not, and it
will cause each of its Affiliates not to, (i) at any time before the Closing
Date, acquire any Sprint Voting Securities, other than as a result of
purchases from Sprint pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, or (ii) on and
after the Closing Date and before the tenth anniversary of the Closing Date
(or the earlier termination of the applicable Standstill Agreement), acquire
any Sprint Voting Securities if, as a result of such acquisition, the Votes
represented by the Sprint Voting Securities owned by the Cable Parent and its
Affiliates would represent in the aggregate more than one and one half percent
(1.5%) of the Voting Power represented by the then-Outstanding Sprint Voting
Securities, assuming for this purpose that all shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
have the same voting rights as the Series 1 PCS Stock. Because the Series 2
PCS Stock received by each Cable Parent in the PCS Restructuring is expected
to amount to more than 1.5% of the Voting Power represented by the then-
Outstanding Sprint Voting Securities, as of the Closing Date no further
purchases of Sprint Voting Securities by a Cable Parent or its Affiliates
would be permitted under the Standstill Agreements except as provided below.
  The above provisions of the Standstill Agreements will not prohibit or
restrict the Cable Parents or Affiliates of the Cable Parents from (i)
exercising their Equity Purchase Rights, (ii) acquiring additional shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock upon conversion of shares of the PCS Preferred Stock, (C)
acquiring additional shares of Series 2 PCS Stock upon exercise of the
Warrants or (D) as to Cox and its Affiliates only, exercising their Equity
Purchase Rights under the Amended Cox PCS Agreement.
  In addition, the Cable Parents have agreed to not propose, participate in or
assist others in any (i) acquisition of Sprint Voting Securities or other
equity interests in Sprint which would result in a breach of the agreements in
the first paragraph of this section; (ii) tender offer for Sprint Voting
Securities, (iii) merger, consolidation, share exchange or business
combination involving Sprint or any material portion of its business or any
purchase of all or any substantial part of the assets of Sprint or any
material portion of its business, (iv) recapitalization, restructuring,
liquidation, dissolution or other extraordinary transaction with respect to
Sprint or any material portion of its business, or (v) any "solicitation" of
"proxies" as such terms are defined under the Exchange Act. Nothing will
prevent any Cable Parent, however, from selling, transferring, tendering or
otherwise disposing of shares of capital stock of Sprint to any person at any
time or from voting on, tendering into or receiving the benefit of any
transaction described in clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) above, in the same
manner as any other non-initiating holder of publicly-traded common stock of
Sprint. The Cable Parents have also agreed in general, and subject to certain
exceptions, not to (a) propose any matter for submission to a vote of
stockholders of Sprint or any of its Affiliates, (b) form, join or participate
in a group (as defined under the Exchange Act) with respect to any Sprint
Voting Securities (except as may arise from the exercise of rights and
performance of duties

contemplated by the Restructuring Agreement and the other agreements executed
in connection therewith), (c) grant any proxy with respect to any Sprint
Voting Securities to any person not designated by Sprint, (d) deposit any
Sprint Voting Securities in a voting trust or subject any Sprint Voting
Securities to any similar arrangement, (e) execute any written stockholder
consent with respect to Sprint Voting Securities, (f) take any other action to
seek to affect the control of the management or the Sprint Board or any of
Sprint's Affiliates, (g) enter into any discussions, negotiations,
arrangements or understandings with any person with respect to any of the
foregoing, or advise, assist, encourage or seek to persuade others to take any
action with respect to any of the foregoing, (h) disclose to any person any
intention, plan or arrangement inconsistent with the foregoing or form any
such intention which would result in the Cable Parent or any of its Affiliates
being required to make any such disclosure in any filing with a governmental
authority or being required by applicable law to make a public announcement
with respect thereto, or (i) request Sprint to amend or waive any provision of
their respective Standstill Agreements, the Rights Agreement or the articles
of incorporation or the bylaws of Sprint or any of its Affiliates.     
  Notwithstanding the above, if Sprint submits to a vote of its stockholders
any Covered Proposal with which a Cable Parent disagrees (a "Rejected
Proposal"), such Cable Parent and its Affiliates will be free to:
    i. either alone or acting in concert with others, make a "solicitation"
       of "proxies" with respect to Sprint or any of its Affiliates in
       response or opposition to such Rejected Proposal;
    ii. make a proposal in opposition to such Rejected Proposal for
        submission to a vote of stockholders of Sprint or any of its
    iii.  form, join in or participate in a group (as defined under the
          Exchange Act) with respect to any Sprint Voting Securities for
          the sole purpose of responding to or opposing such Rejected
    iv. grant a proxy with respect to any Sprint Voting Securities to any
        person with specific instructions from the Cable Parent as to the
        voting of such Sprint Voting Securities with respect to such
        Rejected Proposal; and
    v. subject any Sprint Voting Securities to an arrangement or agreement
       with respect to the voting of such Sprint Voting Securities with
       respect to such Rejected Proposal.
  Subject to the following paragraph, each Cable Parent may issue such press
releases and make such other public communications to the financial community
and to its stockholders and such other public statements made in the ordinary
course of business relating to its investment in Sprint, in each case as it
reasonably deems appropriate and customary. Prior to making any such press
release or other communication, each Cable Parent will use reasonable efforts
to consult with Sprint in good faith regarding the form and content of any
such communication, and will use reasonable efforts to coordinate any such
communication with any decisions reached by Sprint with respect to disclosures
relating to such matters.
  Notwithstanding the provisions of the prior paragraph, unless required by
applicable law or permitted by the provisions relating to Rejected Proposals
above, neither the Cable Parent nor any of its Affiliates may make any press
release, public announcement or other public communication with respect to any
of the matters described in the third paragraph of this description of the
Standstill Agreements without the prior written consent of the Chairman of
Sprint or by a resolution of a majority of the directors of Sprint. Each Cable
Parent and its Affiliates is permitted to make such public communications as
may be required by law, except for public communications required as a result
of, or relating to, activities undertaken by such Cable Parent or any of its
Affiliates in violation of the Standstill Agreement. Nothing in this or the
prior paragraph will prevent the taking of any actions relating to a Rejected
Proposal described above.
  Transfers. Each Cable Parent may transfer shares of capital stock of Sprint
to its Affiliates only if, prior to such transfer, such transferee executes
and delivers to Sprint a Standstill Agreement in the form of the Standstill
Agreement executed by such Cable Parent. If and to the extent that the Cable
Parent elects to transfer shares of Series 2 PCS Stock to one of its
Associates without such shares automatically converting into shares of Series

PCS Stock, the Cable Parent may effect such transfer only if, prior to such
transfer, such transferee executes and delivers to Sprint a Standstill
Agreement in the form of the Standstill Agreement executed by such Cable
  Permitted Activities. Nothing in the Standstill Agreements will prevent any
Cable Parent from (i) selling, transferring, tendering or otherwise disposing
of shares of capital stock of Sprint to any person at any time or from voting
on, tendering into or receiving the benefit of any transaction described in
clauses (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of the third paragraph under "--General," in
the same manner as any other non-initiating holder of Sprint Voting Securities
or (ii) taking any actions necessary or appropriate for the Cable Parent and
its Affiliates to exercise their rights under any of the other agreements
executed in connection with the Restructuring Agreement.
  Termination. The Standstill Agreements terminate (i) upon the consent of
each party in writing, (ii) upon a Change of Control, (iii) upon a termination
of the Restructuring Agreement prior to the Closing, (iv) following the
Closing, if the Votes represented by the Sprint Voting Securities beneficially
owned by the Cable Parent and its Affiliates, directly or indirectly, either
individually or as part of a group as defined under the Exchange Act in the
aggregate no longer exceed one and one half percent (1.5%) of the Voting Power
represented by the then-Outstanding Sprint Voting Securities (assuming for
this purpose that all shares of Series 2 PCS Stock have the same voting rights
as the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock), or (v) upon the occurrence of an Other
Termination Event. As to a holder that is an Affiliate or an Associate of a
Cable Parent and that has executed a Standstill Agreement, such Agreement
shall terminate, in addition to the above circumstances, when such holder
ceases to be an Affiliate (or Associate, as applicable) of a Cable Parent and
all shares of Series 2 PCS Stock held by such party shall have converted to
Series 1 PCS Stock.     
  As a result of the exercise of their Equity Purchase Rights, the Cable
Parents may in certain cases acquire shares of full-vote Series 1 PCS Stock.
In order to avoid any Cable Parent acquiring the right to direct the vote of a
significant block of the outstanding voting securities of Sprint, each of the
Cable Parents has agreed to enter into an Irrevocable Proxy and Voting
Agreement ("Voting Agreement").     
  Pursuant to the Voting Agreements, subject to certain exceptions described
below, each Cable Parent will grant to William T. Esrey (the "Grantee") an
irrevocable proxy, with full power of substitution, to exercise voting
authority and authority to act by written consent over all shares of Series 1
PCS Stock beneficially owned by such Cable Parent and its Affiliates, at the
time of the PCS Restructuring or at any time in the future (the "Proxy
Shares"), on all matters submitted to a vote of all or any class or classes of
the holders of the Sprint Voting Securities, which proxy will be irrevocable
and coupled with an interest for purposes of the Kansas General Corporation
  Prior to the acquisition by any affiliate of a Cable Parent that has not
previously executed and delivered to Sprint an irrevocable proxy of any shares
of Series 1 PCS Stock, the Cable Parent will cause such affiliate to execute
and deliver to Sprint the form of irrevocable proxy attached to the Voting
  Pursuant to the proxies granted by each Cable Parent and its Affiliates
under the Voting Agreements (the "Proxies"), the Grantee is authorized and
directed to vote the Proxy Shares for or against any matter presented for a
vote of the Sprint Voting Securities in the same manner as the majority of
votes that are cast with respect to such matter by the holders of Sprint
Voting Securities (other than the Proxy Shares). Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Proxies shall not be applicable with respect to any of the
Proxy Shares in connection with any matter on which the holders of PCS Stock
vote as a class pursuant to the Articles Amendment or any successor provisions
with the same effect, and the Cable Parents have the power to vote the Proxy
Shares in their discretion with respect to any such matter.     
  The Grantee's appointment as proxy will terminate at such time as the
Grantee ceases to be the Chief Executive Officer of Sprint, at which time the
Proxies shall automatically be granted, without any further act by

the Cable Parents or their affiliates, to the Grantee's successor as Chief
Executive Officer of Sprint and thereafter to each subsequent successor as the
Chief Executive Officer of Sprint.
  If the Proxies are determined to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect,
or the holder of the Proxies is unable or unwilling for any reason to vote the
Proxy Shares at any meeting of the stockholders of Sprint as contemplated
above, then, except in the case of a class vote as described above, the Cable
Parent is required to (and to cause each of its Affiliates to) attend each
meeting of the stockholders of Sprint for the purposes of satisfying quorum
requirements and to vote the Proxy Shares for or against any matter presented
for a vote of the Sprint Voting Securities in the same manner as the majority
of votes that are cast with respect to such matter by the holders of Sprint
Voting Securities (other than the Proxy Shares).
  The Voting Agreement (and the Proxies granted thereunder) will terminate on
the earlier to occur of (a) the consent in writing of Sprint and the
applicable Cable Parent, (b) the termination of the Standstill Agreement of
such Cable Parent and (c) the tenth anniversary of the PCS Restructuring.
  Sprint and the Cable Parents have agreed pursuant to the Restructuring
Agreement to enter into a Registration Rights Agreement on the Closing Date
pursuant to which Sprint will agree to register the shares of PCS Stock that
it issues to the Cable Parents for sale under the Securities Act.
  Registration rights can be exercised by any of the following persons with
respect to each Cable Parent (each a "Stockholder Group"): such Cable Parent,
any Affiliates of such Cable Parent who own Registrable Securities (defined
below) and any other entity (w) to which all or a portion of such Registrable
Securities are transferred by any entity that was, immediately prior to such
transfer, a member of such Cable Parent's Stockholder Group, (x) that
continues to hold such Registrable Securities, (y) to which the transferring
member of such Stockholder Group has assigned any of its registration rights
in accordance with the Registration Rights Agreement and (z) who has executed
a Registration Rights Agreement in connection with the transfer of such
Registrable Securities.
  The Registration Rights Agreement applies to the following securities (the
"Registrable Securities"): (A) the shares of PCS Stock owned on the date of
Closing or thereafter acquired (whether pursuant to purchase rights granted in
the Restructuring Agreement, the exercise of any warrants or upon the
conversion of any convertible preferred stock or otherwise) by a Stockholder
Group other than shares acquired in violation of the Standstill Agreement, (B)
any securities of Sprint or its successors issued to Cox or any Affiliate of
Cox pursuant to the Cox PCS Amendment, (C) any securities of Sprint or its
successors issued or issuable with respect to any shares referred to in A or B
whether by way of conversion, exchange, dividend or stock split or in
connection with a combination of shares, recapitalization, merger,
consolidation or other reorganization or otherwise, and (D) any Registrable
Securities described in A, B or C that underlie any securities of a member of
a Stockholder Group (any such security a "Derivative Security") the value of
which relates to or is based upon the Registrable Securities described in A
through C above or which are exchangeable for or convertible into such
Registrable Securities, in each case to the extent any such Registrable
Securities require registration by Sprint in addition to registration of the
Derivative Securities by the applicable issuer thereof. Registrable
Securities, once acquired by a member of a Stockholder Group will cease to be
Registrable Securities (w) when they are disposed of in accordance with a
registration statement that has become effective under the Securities Act, (x)
when they are sold pursuant to Rule 144 or Rule 145 (or any successor
provisions) under the Securities Act or in any other transaction in which the
applicable purchaser does not receive "restricted securities" (as such term is
defined in Rule 144 under the Securities Act), (y) in the case of securities
not acquired directly from Sprint or a member of a Stockholder Group, (I) if
such securities did not, as of the time of the acquisition of such securities
by such holder, constitute restricted securities, when such securities are
held by a Person that is not an "affiliate" (as such term is defined for
purposes of Rule 144 under the Securities Act) of Sprint and (II) if such
securities did, as of the time of the acquisition of securities by such
holder, constitute restricted securities, when such securities can be sold
without regard to the volume and manner of sale limitations set forth in Rule
144 (or any successor provision) or (z) when they shall have ceased to be

  The Cable Parents may require Sprint to register under the Securities Act
all or a portion of their Registrable Securities for offer or sale (including
the offer or sale of Registrable Securities upon issuance or settlement of any
Derivative Security) (a "Demand Registration") or may include their shares in
an offering initiated by Sprint or another Sprint stockholder (an "Incidental
Registration") on or after the date (the "Registration Rights Commencement
Date") that is (i) if the IPO is consummated concurrently with the Closing,
180 days following the Closing, (ii) if the IPO is not consummated
concurrently with the Closing but is consummated within 120 days of the
Closing, the later of the ninetieth day following the IPO or 180 days
following the Closing, or (iii) if the IPO is not consummated concurrently
with the Closing or within 120 days thereafter, the 180th day following the
Closing unless any Cable Parent shall decide to exercise one of its rights to
a Demand Registration after such 120th day following the Closing but prior to
such 180th day following the Closing in which case the date that notice (the
"Demand Notice") is given. Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, (a) if the
IPO is completed concurrently with the Closing, each Cable Parent will, and
will cause its Controlled Affiliates to, for a period of 180 days following
the Closing Date, refrain from engaging in any public sale or distribution of
any PCS Stock or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable
for, or the value of which relates to or is based upon, PCS Stock, and (b) if
the Recapitalization is completed concurrently with the Closing and the IPO is
completed within such 120-day period, each Cable Parent will, and will cause
its Controlled Affiliates to, for a period commencing at the time of Closing
and ending on the later of (x) 90 days following the closing of the IPO and
(y) 180 days following the Closing Date, refrain from engaging in any public
sale or distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible into, or
exchangeable or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to or is based
upon, PCS Stock.     
  Number of Demand Registrations. At any time on or after the Registration
Rights Commencement Date, each Stockholder Group will have the right to effect
Demand Registrations as follows: the TCI Stockholder Group will be entitled to
six (6) Demand Registrations, the Cox Stockholder Group will be entitled to
three (3) Demand Registrations (plus an additional Demand Registration if Cox
or any Affiliate acquires Registrable Securities pursuant to the Cox PCS
Amendment), and the Comcast Stockholder Group will be entitled to three (3)
Demand Registrations.
  In addition, each Stockholder Group will be entitled to one Demand
Registration to be used in connection with the delivery or sale of Registrable
Securities upon settlement of a Derivative Security (including any sale of
shares the proceeds of which are used to settle such Derivative Security).
Such Stockholder Group will pay all Registration Expenses in connection with
such additional Demand Registration. However, Sprint will pay Registration
Expenses in connection with the settlement of a Derivative Security to the
extent that the a Stockholder Group elects to use one of its Demand
Registrations described in the paragraph above for such settlement.
  A Demand Registration must request the registration of Registrable
Securities (including for such purposes the securities proposed to be included
in such registration by the other Stockholder Groups exercising Demand
Registration rights) with an aggregate market value on the date of the
delivery of the first applicable Demand Notice of at least $200,000,000
(before any underwriting or brokerage discounts and commissions), or if lower,
Registrable Securities with an aggregate value at the price per share at which
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock are sold in the IPO of not less than
$200,000,000, but in no event with an aggregate market value on the date of
the delivery of the first applicable Demand Notice of less than $175,000,000)
(the "Minimum Condition"). The Stockholder Group or Groups requesting
registration may increase the number of securities to be registered by them in
order to satisfy the Minimum Condition.
  Special Priority as to Third Party Demands. During the period beginning on
the Registration Rights Commencement Date and ending on the earlier of (i) the
date upon which the Stockholder Groups have sold Registrable Securities with
an aggregate offering price for such Registrable Securities of $2,000,000,000
or (ii) 12 months after the Registration Rights Commencement Date (the
"Priority Period"), if Sprint proposes to register securities due to a demand
from another stockholder exercising demand registration rights (other than FT
or DT), each Stockholder Group will be entitled to exercise a right to one of
its Demand Registrations (a "Priority Demand"). Upon exercise of a Priority
Demand, such Demand Registration shall proceed as with any

other Demand Registration by a Stockholder Group, and the demand registration
by such other stockholder shall be treated for all purposes as though it had
not occurred.
  Timing of Demand Registrations. Pursuant to the Registration Rights
Agreement, Sprint may be required to effect Demand Registrations every three
months for an initial period and thereafter every six months as described
below. Following the effectiveness of a registration statement filed pursuant
to a Demand Registration, Sprint will not be required to file a registration
statement pursuant to a Demand Registration until: (A) before the Stockholder
Groups have sold Registrable Securities and/or Derivative Securities having an
aggregate offering price of $2,000,000,000 (excluding transfers solely between
or among the stockholders of the Cable Parents and their Affiliates), the
three (3) month anniversary of the date of the applicable Demand Notice which
satisfied the Minimum Condition; and (B) thereafter, the six month anniversary
of the date of the applicable Demand Notice. Registrations effected for the
settlement of Derivative Securities are not considered Demand Registrations
for this purpose. Thus, Sprint may be required to register securities for the
settlement (but not in connection with the original issuance) of Derivative
Securities at any time.     
  Underwriters; Limitation in Underwritten Offerings. In any Demand
Registration for an underwritten offering other than an offering of Derivative
Securities, a co-lead joint "book running" underwriter will be selected by
each of Sprint and the sellers of 50% or more of the securities to be sold by
Stockholder Groups exercising Demand Registration rights. In offerings of
Derivative Securities, such Stockholder Groups shall select the lead managing
underwriter (who shall be the book running manager), and, if there are co-
managers, (i) there shall be at least one non-book running co-lead manager
selected by such initial holder(s) who is reasonably acceptable to Sprint; or
(ii) if such Stockholder Groups shall require Sprint to participate in a
"roadshow" for such offering, Sprint will select a non-book running co-lead
  If the book running managing underwriters of any underwritten public
offering determine that the number of shares to be offered exceeds the number
that could be sold without having an adverse effect on such offering
(including the price at which the Registrable Securities may be sold), then
the number of shares to be offered will be reduced to an amount recommended by
the co-lead joint book running underwriters. Any such required reductions will
be made (i) first, from the securities proposed to be sold by persons who are
not part of a Stockholder Group other than FT or DT, (ii) second, from
securities proposed to be registered pursuant to incidental registration
rights held by FT and DT (together with securities being offered for the
account of Sprint); (iii) third, from securities proposed to be registered by
members of Stockholder Groups registering shares pursuant to their Incidental
Registration Rights; and (iv) last, from the shares to be registered by
Stockholder Groups initiating the Demand Registration.
  Withdrawal. Each member of a Stockholder Group selling securities pursuant
to the Registration Rights Agreement may, no less than five business days
before the registration statement pertaining to such sale is declared
effective, withdraw its Registrable Securities from inclusion therein. If (i)
due to a stop order, injunction or other order of the SEC or other
governmental agency, a registration statement filed pursuant to the
Registration Rights Agreement does not remain effective until the sooner to
occur of (a) the sale of all of the Registrable Securities covered by such
registration statement in accordance with the intended methods of distribution
thereof or (b) the 90th day following the effective date of such registration
statement, (ii) each member of the Stockholder Groups effecting a Demand
Registration has not sold at least two-thirds of its Registrable Securities
registered under such registration statement and (iii) such registration
statement continues to not be effective for such reasons for a period
exceeding an aggregate of 10 days during such period, then such members may
elect to withdraw such registration statement by prompt written notice to
Sprint and such registration shall not be deemed to have been a Demand
Registration by any such member for purposes of the limitations on the number
of Demand Registrations described above, and Sprint shall bear the
Registration Expenses incurred in connection with such registration.     
  Incidental Registration. If at any time following the Registration Rights
Commencement Date Sprint proposes to register under the Securities Act any
shares of the same class as the Registrable Securities (with Series 1 PCS
Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock being considered shares of
the same class)

whether in an underwritten public offering or otherwise and whether or not for
the account of Sprint or for any stockholder of Sprint, including members of
any Stockholder Group registering Registrable Securities in a Demand
Registration (other than a registration statement on Form S-4 (or any other
registration statement registering shares issued in a merger, consolidation,
acquisition or similar transaction) or Form S-8 or any successor or comparable
forms, or a registration statement filed in connection with an exchange offer
or any offering of securities solely to Sprint's existing stockholders or
otherwise pursuant to a dividend reinvestment plan, stock purchase plan or
other employee benefit plan), in a manner which would permit the registration
under the Securities Act of Registrable Securities for sale to the public,
Sprint will provide notice of such registration and each member of any
Stockholder Group will have an Incidental Registration Right to participate
therein on the same basis as the planned method of distribution contemplated
by the proposed registration. Upon receipt of such request, Sprint will,
subject to the provisions of Section 3(b) below, use its commercially
reasonable efforts to cause all such Registrable Securities of such same class
or series requested to be included in such Incidental Registration to be so
  Limitation in Underwritten Offerings. If the lead or co-lead managing
underwriters of any underwritten public offering determine that the number of
shares to be offered exceeds the number that could be sold without having an
adverse effect on such offering (including the price at which the Registrable
Securities may be sold), then the number of shares to be offered will be
reduced to an amount recommended by the co-lead joint book running
underwriters. Any such required reductions will affect any Stockholder Group
participating in such offering as follows:
    (i) in connection with an offering initiated by Sprint, all of the
  proceeds of which will be allocated to the PCS Group, if securities are
  being offered for the account of persons other than Sprint, such reduction
  shall be made:
      (x) first, from the securities intended to be offered by such other
    persons (other than those described in clause (i)(y) below);
      (y) second, from (A) the securities requested to be included in such
    offering by the Stockholder Group and (B) the securities requested to
    be included by FT and/or DT pursuant to their incidental registration
    rights on a pro rata basis, based on the number of Registrable
    Securities and securities of FT and/or DT which are requested to be
    included in such offering; and
      (z) last, from the number of securities to be offered for the account
    of Sprint; provided, that no reduction pursuant to (i)(y) above shall
    be made from the securities of any Stockholder Group until the end of
    the Priority Period;
    (ii) in connection with an offering initiated by any person(s) other than
  Sprint or a member of a Stockholder Group by means of a demand registration
  (each, a "Third Party Demand Holder"), such reduction shall be made:
      (w) first, from the number of securities requested to be included in
    such offering (other than by persons described in clauses (ii)(x),
    (ii)(y) and (ii)(z) below) pursuant to incidental registration rights
    or otherwise;
      (x) second, (A) during the period (the "Secondary Priority Period")
    ending on the earlier of fourth anniversary of the Registration Rights
    Commencement Date or the date upon which the member of Stockholder
    Groups have sold Registrable Securities with an aggregate offering
    price of $3,000,000,000, from the number of securities to be included
    in such offering for the account of Sprint the proceeds of which will
    not be allocated to the PCS Group and (B) during the Priority Period,
    the number of securities to be included in such offering for the
    account of Sprint the proceeds of which will be allocated to the PCS
      (y) third, from (A) the number of Registrable Securities requested to
    be included in such offering by the applicable Stockholder Groups, (B)
    the number of securities requested to be included in such offering by
    FT and/or DT pursuant to their incidental registration rights and (C)
    (1) following the

    Priority Period, the number of securities to be included in such
    offering for the account of Sprint the proceeds of which will be
    allocated to the PCS Group and (2) following the Secondary Priority
    Period, the number of securities to be included in such offering for
    the account of Sprint the proceeds of which will not be allocated to
    the PCS Group, on a pro rata basis, based on the number of Registrable
    Securities, securities of FT and DT and securities included by Sprint
    the proceeds of which will be allocated to the PCS Group which are
    requested to be included in the registration; and
      (z) last, from securities being offered by the Third Party Demand
    Holders; and
    (iii) during the Secondary Priority Period, in connection with an
  offering initiated by Sprint a portion of the proceeds of which will not be
  allocated to the PCS Group, such reduction shall be made:
      (w) first, from the number of securities held by persons (other than
    those described in clauses (iii)(y) and (iii)(z) below) requested to be
    included in such offering pursuant to incidental registration rights of
    such persons or otherwise,
      (x) second, from (A) the number of securities to be included in such
    offering for the account of Sprint the proceeds of which will not be
    allocated to the PCS Group and (B) during the Priority Period, the
    number of securities to be included in such offering for the account of
    Sprint the proceeds of which will be allocated to the PCS Group;
      (y) third, from (A) the number of Registrable Securities requested to
    be included in such offering by the applicable Stockholders and (B) the
    number of securities requested to be included in such offering by FT
    and/or DT pursuant to their incidental registration rights, on a pro
    rata basis, based on the number of Registrable Securities and
    securities of FT and DT which are requested to be included in the
    registration; and
      (z) last, following the Priority Period, the number of securities, if
    any, to be included in such offering for the account of Sprint the
    proceeds of which will be allocated to the PCS Group.
  Following the Secondary Priority Period, the priorities set forth in clause
(iii) of the preceding sentence shall cease to apply and any offering of
securities initiated by Sprint shall be treated as if the terms of clause (i)
of the preceding sentence applied to such offering.
  Withdrawal. Any member of a Stockholder Group may elect to withdraw its
respective Registrable Securities from inclusion in an Incidental Registration
at any time prior to five business days prior to the then anticipated
effective date of the applicable registration statement. Withdrawal will not
affect obligations to pay expenses under the Registration Rights Agreement.
  Underwriters; Underwriting Agreement. In connection with any Incidental
Registration involving an underwritten public offering of securities of Sprint
for the account of Sprint or a Third Party Demand Holder, (i) the managing and
lead underwriters shall be selected by Sprint, unless otherwise provided in an
agreement between Sprint and any Third Party Demand Holder, and (ii) each
member of a Stockholder Group electing to participate in such Incidental
Registration shall, as a condition to Sprint's obligation hereunder, enter
into and perform its obligations under an underwriting agreement or other
similar arrangement in customary form with the managing underwriter of such
  Delay or Withdrawal of Registration. Sprint may, without the consent of any
Stockholder Group, delay, suspend, abandon or withdraw any proposed
registration in which any member of a Stockholder Group has exercised
Incidental Registration Rights; provided, that any such member or members may
continue such registration as a Demand Registration following any such
withdrawal by Sprint to the extent that such registration would meet the
requirements for Demand Registrations.
  Delay of Filing or Sales. Sprint may delay filing or the declaration of
effectiveness of a registration statement and may require such members of a
Stockholder Group not to sell any Registrable Securities pursuant to an
effective registration statement for a period of no more than 90 days if (i)
Sprint has pending any merger,

acquisition, other form of business combination, divestiture, tender offer,
financing or other transaction, or there is an event or state of facts
relating to Sprint in any such case which is material to Sprint (any such
event or state of facts is referred to as a "Material Activity"), (ii) such
Material Activity would, in the reasonable opinion of counsel for Sprint,
require disclosure so as to permit the Registrable Securities to be sold in
compliance with law, and (iii) such disclosure would, in the reasonable
judgment of Sprint, be adverse to its interests. Under this provision Sprint
may delay the filing of a registration statement or the sale of any
Registrable Securities for periods of time totaling no more than an aggregate
of 90 days within any 12-month period.
  General. Pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement, Sprint will, in
effecting any registration thereunder, perform customary acts on the part of
issuers registering securities for selling security holders, including using
commercially reasonable efforts to cause the applicable registration statement
to become effective, furnishing the designated representatives of each
Stockholder Group with copies of the registration statement and amendments
thereto, promptly notifying such designated representatives of any stop order
with respect thereto or of the existence of any Material Activity, entering
into customary agreements to facilitate the sale of such securities,
facilitating due diligence and, in the case of an underwritten offering,
"roadshow" presentations by making officers and employees available therefor,
furnishing customary opinions and letters from auditors, qualifying
Registrable Securities under state securities laws, using commercially
reasonable efforts to cause Registrable Securities that are registered to be
listed on the principal exchange on which publicly traded Registrable
Securities are listed and keeping publicly available information current for
purposes of Rule 144 sales.
  Pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement the members of Stockholder
Groups will, in connection with any registration in which they participate,
cooperate with Sprint in connection with the preparation of the applicable
registration statement and discontinue sales forthwith upon notice of a
Material Activity or the occurrence of an event necessitating an amendment or
supplement to an applicable registration statement or prospectus.
  Holdbacks. Pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement, in an underwritten
public offering of Derivative Securities or Registrable Securities, if the
lead managing underwriter or underwriters advise Sprint in writing that a
public sale or distribution (including a sale pursuant to Rule 144 under the
Securities Act) of Registrable Securities other than pursuant to such
underwritten public offering would materially adversely impact such
underwritten public offering, then each member of a Stockholder Group will
refrain from effecting any public sale or distribution of Registrable
Securities or securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for,
or the value of which relates to or is based upon, such securities during the
ten days prior to, and during the ninety day period beginning on, the
effective date of the Registration Statement for such offering or such shorter
period as may be requested by such underwriters, except as part of such
underwritten public offering, in each case including a sale pursuant to Rule
144. Such limitation will not apply to any public sale or distribution of
Registrable Securities made in connection with the settlement of a Derivative
Security or if such limitation would arise solely due to the exercise of
Incidental Registration Rights by one or more other members of a Stockholder
  Pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement, Sprint (A) will not engage in
any public sale or distribution of any securities of the same class or series
as the Registrable Securities or securities convertible into, or exchangeable
or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to or is based upon, such
securities during the ten days prior to, and during the 90-day period
beginning on, the effective date of any registration statement filed pursuant
to any public offering of Registrable Securities (including any offering of
Derivative Securities to the extent the lead book running managing underwriter
for such offering advises Sprint in writing that a public sale or distribution
during such 90-day period (including a sale pursuant to Rule 144 under the
Securities Act) of Registrable Securities by Sprint other than pursuant to the
underwritten public offering contemplated by such registration statement would
materially adversely impact such underwritten public offering), but not
including the delivery of Registrable Securities to holders of Derivative
Securities upon settlement of such Derivative Securities, except as part of
such registration and (B) that in the Amended Registration Rights Agreement
between Sprint and FT and DT, such parties will agree not to effect any public
sale or distribution of any such

securities during the periods described in clause (A) above, in each case
including a sale pursuant to Rule 144; provided, that such limitation will not
apply to: (w) registrations on Form S-4 or any other registration of shares
issued in a merger, consolidation, acquisition or similar transaction or on
Form S-8, or any successor or comparable forms or a registration statement
filed in connection with an exchange offer of Sprint's securities made solely
to its existing stockholders or otherwise pursuant to a dividend reinvestment
plan, stock purchase plan or other employee benefit plan; (x) sales upon
exercise or exchange, by the holder thereof, of options, warrants or
convertible securities; (y) any other agreement to issue equity securities or
securities convertible into, or exchangeable or exercisable for, such
securities in effect on the date the members of the Stockholder Groups deliver
the applicable request for registration to Sprint pursuant to the Registration
Rights Agreement; and (z) any employee benefit plan (if necessary to allow
such plan to fulfill its funding obligations in the ordinary course).     
  Indemnification. The Registration Rights Agreement provides that Sprint will
indemnify the members of the Stockholder Groups, and that the members of the
Stockholder Groups will indemnify Sprint, against certain liabilities and
expenses, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or will contribute
to payments that the other may be required to make in respect thereof, insofar
as such liabilities and expenses arise out of statements or alleged
statements, or omissions or alleged omissions, contained in the applicable
registration statement (in the case of an offering of Derivative Securities,
also including the registration statement registering the Derivative
Securities of such member).
  Other Registration Rights. The Registration Rights Agreement provides that
Sprint shall not grant to any person any demand registration right, incidental
registration right or other right that would be inconsistent with any of the
rights granted in the Registration Rights Agreement.
  Designated Representatives. The Registration Rights Agreement provides that
all actions by, and all notices by or to, a Stockholder Group or any member
thereof will be taken or made by or provided to, as the case may be, a
designated representative for such Stockholder Group.
  Assignment. Holders of Registrable Securities may transfer any of their
rights under the Registration Rights Agreement, without the consent of Sprint,
to any person to whom such holder transfers any Registrable Securities if such
transfer is not made pursuant to an effective Registration Statement or
pursuant to Rule 144 or Rule 145 (or any successor provisions) under the
Securities Act or in any other manner the effect of which is to cause the
transferred securities to be freely transferable without regard to the volume
and manner of sale limitations set forth in Rule 144 (or any successor
provision) in the hands of the transferee as of the date of such transfer. Any
Person to whom Demand Registration rights or Incidental Registration Rights
are assigned shall thereafter be deemed a member of the Stockholder Group of
which the assigning party was a member immediately prior to such assignment.
Sprint must be provided with written notice by the assigning party at the time
of such assignment stating the name and address of the assignee, identifying
the securities as to which the rights in question are being assigned and
providing a detailed description of the nature and extent of the rights that
are being assigned.
  Termination. The Incidental Registration Rights of each member of a
Stockholder Group terminate when all Demand Registrations of all Stockholder
Groups in the aggregate have been effected.
  Cox PCS is organized as a limited partnership with two partners, Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and a subsidiary of Cox. Sprint Spectrum Holdings holds a
59.2% interest in Cox PCS and is the managing partner, with control over all
day-to-day operations, subject to certain minority partner rights of Cox. Such
minority rights include approval rights over certain matters including (i)
certain interested party transactions that are not in the ordinary course of
business, (ii) purchases or dispositions of assets of Cox PCS in excess of
certain specified amounts, (iii) purchase of any asset or interest not
reasonably related to the buildout of the network in the markets currently
served by Cox PCS, (iv) admission of any new partner to the Cox PCS
partnership, and (v) certain other matters.     

  The current Cox PCS partnership agreement contains provisions (i) granting
Cox the right to require Sprint Spectrum Holdings to purchase Cox's remaining
interest in Cox PCS and (ii) granting Sprint Spectrum Holdings the right to
require Cox to sell such interest to Sprint Spectrum Holdings, in each case
over a specified period of time and for cash or additional partnership
interest in Sprint Spectrum Holdings. In connection with the Restructuring
Agreement, Sprint Spectrum Holdings and Cox have agreed to enter into an
amendment to the Cox PCS Partnership agreement (the "Cox PCS Amendment")
effective as of the Closing, that will modify these put and call provisions to
provide, among other things, Cox with the right to require that Sprint
Spectrum Holdings acquire, for cash, up to a 10.2% interest in Cox PCS in each
of 1998, 1999 and 2000 or, for Series 2 PCS Stock, up to all of its remaining
interest in 1998 and 1999. Beginning in 2000 through 2005, Sprint Spectrum
Holdings has the right to require that Cox transfer up to all of its interest
in Cox PCS in exchange for Series 2 PCS Stock or cash at the election of
Sprint Spectrum Holdings. Purchases pursuant to the put and call arrangement,
if any, will be based upon an appraised market value. In addition, Sprint and
Cox agreed that Cox PCS's obligation to pay an affiliation fee to Sprint
Spectrum Holdings under the affiliation agreement would terminate effective
March 31, 1998, provided that the affiliation fee obligation will be
reinstated if the PCS Restructuring is not consummated. See Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial and Results of Operations--Liquidity and
Capital Resources of the PCS Group in Annex II.     
  FCC Approvals. Transactions involving changes in ownership or control of FCC
licensees are subject to the jurisdiction of the FCC. Transactions involving
substantial changes in ownership or control of FCC licensees require prior FCC
approval regardless of the type of FCC license held. However, transactions
involving insubstantial (rather than substantial) changes in ownership or
control of FCC wireless licensees require only post-consummation notification
to the FCC. With the exception of the transfer of the Section 214
authorization held by the PCS Group, it is Sprint's position that the Tracking
Stock Proposal does not require prior FCC approval, but that Sprint's
acquisition of the Cable Parents' interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo requires post-consummation notification to the FCC. However, while
not disagreeing with Sprint's position, the FCC staff suggested that all
questions could be eliminated with the filing of the Tracking Stock Proposal
for approval. Therefore, Sprint filed a formal transfer of control application
with the FCC, and the FCC put the application on Public Notice on July 17,
1998. Sprint expects that it will be approved in early September 1998. The FCC
also put on Public Notice Sprint's application for transfer of the Section 214
Authorization held by the PCS Group on July 8, 1998. The FCC is giving the
filing expedited treatment and if no objections by third parties are received,
the application is expected to be approved by early September 1998.     
  With respect to the IPO, it is Sprint's position that the IPO is not a
change in ownership or control requiring any transfer of control approvals
because the amount of stock issued in the IPO will be insufficient to confer
control on any party (even assuming a single entity were to purchase all of
the newly issued shares), and because the FCC has never required large
publicly traded corporate licensees to obtain FCC approval for the sale of
minority, non-controlling interests in an FCC licensee.     
  With respect to the Recapitalization, it is Sprint's position that the
Recapitalization is not a change in ownership or control requiring any
transfer of control procedures because Sprint will continue to be owned by
existing stockholders and all Sprint stockholders will be treated equally in
the Recapitalization.
  United States Antitrust Laws. Under the HSR Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder, the transactions comprising the Tracking
Stock Proposal may not be consummated until notifications have been given and
certain information has been furnished to the Federal Trade Commission (the
"FTC") and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (the "Antitrust
Division") and the applicable waiting period has expired or been terminated.
On June 8, 1998, Sprint, Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo filed
notification and report forms under the HSR Act with the FTC and the Antitrust
Division relating to the transactions comprising the Tracking Stock Proposal.
On June 19, 1998, early termination of the applicable waiting period with
respect to the transactions comprising the Tracking Stock proposal was

  The following table shows the number of authorized shares of capital stock
of Sprint if the Tracking Stock Proposal is implemented.

                                                                       NO. OF
  DESIGNATION          CLASS             SERIES        PAR VALUE       SHARES
  -----------   -------------------- -------------- --------------- -------------
  The "Series   FON Stock            Series 1       $2.00 per share 2,500,000,000
   1 FON
  The "Series   FON Stock            Series 2       $2.00 per share   500,000,000
   2 FON
  The "Series   FON Stock            Series 3       $2.00 per share 1,200,000,000
   3 FON
  The           Class A Common Stock N/A            $2.50 per share   100,000,000
   Class A
  The "DT       Class A Common Stock Series DT      $2.50 per share   100,000,000
   Class A
  The "Series   PCS Stock            Series 1       $1.00 per share 1,250,000,000
   1 PCS
  The "Series   PCS Stock            Series 2       $1.00 per share   500,000,000
   2 PCS
  The "Series   PCS Stock            Series 3       $1.00 per share   600,000,000
   3 PCS
  The           Preferred Stock      First Series   No par value        1,742,853
  The           Preferred Stock      Second Series  No par value        8,758,472
  The           Preferred Stock      Fifth Series   No par value               95
  The "PCS      Preferred Stock      Seventh Series No par value          300,000
  There are an aggregate of 9,198,580 shares of Preferred Stock authorized for
issuance that are not shown in the table above, of which two series of
Preferred Stock will be designated in connection with an amended rights
agreement of Sprint. See "Anti-Takeover Considerations--Sprint Rights Plan."
  Holders of PCS Stock and FON Stock will be common stockholders of Sprint
and, as such, will be subject to all risks associated with an investment in
Sprint and all of its businesses, assets and liabilities. Sprint can provide
no assurance as to the degree to which the market price of the PCS Stock will
reflect the separate performance of the PCS Group, or as to the impact of the
Tracking Stock Proposal on the market price of Sprint's Common Stock (or,
following the Recapitalization, the market price of the FON Stock). See "Risk
Factors--Stockholders of One Corporation; Financial Effects of One Group Could
Adversely Affect the Other."     
  Implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal may give rise to occasions
when the interests of the holders of FON Stock and the holders of PCS Stock
may diverge or appear to diverge. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock
Proposal--Potential Diverging Interests."
  After the Tracking Stock Proposal is implemented, securities law reporting
requirements applicable to Sprint and its officers and directors will be
satisfied in a manner that the Sprint Board determines to be appropriate
depending upon the nature of the requirement. For example, Sprint expects that
the individuals considered "officers" and directors for purposes of filing
reports of beneficial ownership of Sprint securities pursuant to Section 16 of
the Exchange Act will be determined at the corporate level rather than by
reference to any individual's duties with the FON Group or the PCS Group.
Sprint expects to provide separate market price performance information for
the FON Group and the PCS Group in its annual Exchange Act filings and other
filings requiring compliance with Item 201 of Regulation S-K. Executive
compensation, biographical data of management, ownership of securities and
certain relationships and related transactions for directors and officers will
be provided in a manner determined by the Sprint Board to be most meaningful
and practicable depending on various factors including the nature of the
filing or report.     

  In connection with the Tracking Stock Proposal, Sprint has adopted and
intends to follow the Tracking Stock Policies.
  General. The Sprint Board has determined that all material matters as to
which the holders of FON Stock and the holders of the PCS Stock may have
potentially divergent interests will be resolved in a manner that the Sprint
Board (or the Capital Stock Committee of the Sprint Board acting on its
behalf) determines to be in the best interests of Sprint and all of its common
stockholders, after giving fair consideration to the potentially divergent
interests and all other relevant interests of the holders of the separate
classes of Sprint's common stock. Pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies, the
relationship between the FON Group and the PCS Group and the means by which
the terms of any material transaction between them will be determined will be
governed by a process of fair dealing. The Sprint Board will not recommend any
transaction that would result in a Change in Control, or any Strategic Merger,
without a prior determination that the terms of such transaction are fair to
holders of PCS Stock, taken as a separate class, and the holders of the FON
Stock, taken as a separate class.     
  Capital Stock Committee. The Sprint Board has adopted an amendment to the
Sprint Bylaws, to become effective on the Closing Date, establishing a
committee of the Sprint Board to be known as the Capital Stock Committee. The
Sprint Board has delegated to the Capital Stock Committee the authority to,
and the Capital Stock Committee will, interpret, make determinations under,
and oversee the implementation of the Tracking Stock Policies. All material
commercial transactions between the FON Group and the PCS Group, including any
transaction that results in a change in the size of any Inter-Group Interest
held by the FON Group in the PCS Group, will be on commercially reasonably
terms and will be subject to the review and approval of the Capital Stock
Committee. If such review occurs before the transaction is undertaken and such
transaction is disapproved, the transaction will not proceed. If such review
occurs after such transaction is undertaken and such transaction is
disapproved, appropriate actions will be taken to reinstate the pre-existing
circumstances to the fullest extent practicable. In making any and all
determinations in connection with the Tracking Stock Policies, either directly
or by appropriate delegation of authority, the members of the Sprint Board and
the Capital Stock Committee will act in a fiduciary capacity and pursuant to
legal guidance concerning their respective obligations under applicable law.
The Sprint Board has also provided the Capital Stock Committee with the
authority to engage the services of accountants, investment bankers,
appraisers, attorneys and other service providers to assist it in discharging
its duties.     
  Each member of the Capital Stock Committee will be an Independent Director
or a person who, except for a relationship with FT or DT or a subsidiary
thereof, would be an Independent Director. Sprint expects that initially the
Capital Stock Committee will consist of each member of the Sprint Board other
than Mr. Esrey and Mr. LeMay.
  Pursuant to the bylaws amendment, the Capital Stock Committee will have and
may exercise such powers, authority and responsibilities as the Sprint Board
may delegate to the Capital Stock Committee in connection with the adoption of
general policies governing the relationship between business groups or
otherwise, including with respect to, among other things: (i) the business and
financial relationships between the FON Group and the PCS Group (or any
business or subsidiary allocated to the FON Group or the PCS Group,
respectively), (ii) dividends in respect of, and transactions by Sprint or the
FON Group (or any business or subsidiary allocated to the FON Group) in,
shares of PCS Stock and (iii) any other matters arising in connection with the
relationships or transactions described in clauses (i) and (ii).     
  As part of the Articles Amendment, the Existing Articles will be amended to
provide that the provisions of the Sprint Bylaws regarding the Capital Stock
Committee will not be amended prior to the fourth anniversary of the Closing
Date by the Sprint Board without (i) the approval of the holders of a majority
of the shares of then outstanding Common Stock and (ii) the approval of the
holders of a majority of the shares of then outstanding PCS Stock, voting as a
separate class.     

  Scope of the PCS Group; Allocation of Business Opportunities and
Operations. The PCS Stock Amendment sets forth the entities that will comprise
the PCS Group as of the Closing Date of the PCS Restructuring. The Tracking
Stock Policies provide that any business conducted by Sprint for offering or
providing (i) Domestic Wireless Mobile Telephony Services and (ii) any other
Domestic PCS Services will be allocated to the PCS Group. In addition, the
Tracking Stock Policies provide that all acquisitions of Domestic PCS Licenses
will be allocated to the PCS Group. To the extent such businesses or licenses
are acquired by the FON Group, the Sprint Board will arrange for an allocation
or transfer of such assets to the PCS Group as soon as reasonably practicable
at a price equivalent to the fair market value of such businesses or licenses.
However, in no event will such allocation or transfer be required at a time
that would adversely affect the availability of pooling-of-interests
accounting. These provisions of the Tracking Stock Policies will not preclude
the formation of commercially reasonable contracts or other arrangements
between the PCS Group and the FON Group or any Other Group for sales agency,
resale, or any other arrangement with respect to businesses conducted by
either the FON Group or the PCS Group. Except as provided above, the Sprint
Board may allocate business opportunities and operations to the FON Group, the
PCS Group or to any Other Group as it considers in the best interests of
Sprint and its stockholders as a whole.
  Relationship Between Groups; Long Distance Pricing. All material commercial
transactions between the FON Group and the PCS Group will be on commercially
reasonable terms and shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Capital Stock Committee. With respect to pricing of long distance services
(whether from one calling area to another, or within a calling area) purchased
by the PCS Group for purposes of enabling PCS Group customers to complete
wireless calls (whether billed separately or as part of other charges),
services will be provided at the best price offered by the FON Group to third
parties in similar situations when taking into account all relevant factors
(e.g., volumes, peak/off-peak usage and length of commitment). The PCS Group
will be permitted to acquire private line capacity from the FON Group to self-
provision long distance services to the extent that such self-provisioning can
be accomplished on terms more favorable to the PCS Group, and will be at the
best price offered by the FON Group to third parties in similar situations,
when taking into account all relevant factors.
  Transfers of assets from the FON Group to the PCS Group that are designated
by the Sprint Board to be treated as an equity contribution by the FON Group
to the PCS Group will result in an increase in the Inter-Group Interest held
by the FON Group in the PCS Group in accordance with the Articles Amendment.
  Pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies, the PCS Group will not acquire an
Inter-Group Interest in the FON Group (or in any Other Group). Transfers of
assets from the PCS Group to the FON Group therefore will not be treated as
creating an Inter-Group Interest of the PCS Group in the FON Group, but may be
treated as a reduction of any existing Inter-Group Interest of the FON Group
in the PCS Group, but not below zero.
  All other transfers of assets between one Group (the "Transferor Group") and
another Group (the "Transferee Group"), not designated by the Sprint Board as
equity transfers and not pursuant to a contract for the provision of goods or
services between the Groups, will be accompanied by (i) the transfer by the
Transferee Group to the Transferor Group of other assets, (ii) the creation of
inter-group debt owed by the Transferee Group to the Transferor Group, or
(iii) the reduction of inter-group debt owed by the Transferor Group to the
Transferee Group, in each case in an amount having a fair market value, in the
judgment of the Sprint Board, equivalent to the fair market value of the
assets transferred by the Transferor Group.
  Notwithstanding the above, the Sprint Board has determined pursuant to the
Tracking Stock Policies that neither the FON Group nor any Other Group will
acquire in one transaction or in a series of related transactions a
significant portion of the assets of the PCS Group without receiving the
consent of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock,
voting as a separate class, and the consent of the holders of a majority of
the outstanding shares of FON Stock or stock of such Other Group, voting as a
separate class. A "significant portion of the business of the PCS Group" is
defined as more than 33% of the assets of the PCS Group, based on the fair
market value of the assets, both tangible and intangible, of the PCS Group as
of the time that the proposed transaction is approved by the Sprint Board.

  Any inter-group transaction that results in a change in the size of any
Inter-Group Interest held by the FON Group or any Other Group in the PCS Group
will be subject to the review and approval of the Capital Stock Committee. If
such review occurs before such transaction is undertaken and such transaction
is disapproved, the transaction will not proceed. If such review occurs after
such transaction is undertaken and such transaction is disapproved,
appropriate actions will be taken to reinstate the pre-existing circumstances
to the fullest extent practicable.
  The Sprint Board has also determined pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies
that the FON Group will not engage in any transactions including mergers,
consolidations, recapitalizations, or similar transactions, that have the
effect of circumventing the rights of the holders of PCS Stock with respect to
the time restriction and the benefit of the premium payable or procedure to
ensure fairness on Sprint's exercise of its right to convert outstanding
shares of PCS Stock to FON Stock, or the benefit of the provisions of the
Articles Amendment limiting redemptions of the PCS Stock in exchange for
shares of a subsidiary (a "spin off" of the PCS Group) for two years following
the Closing Date unless approved by the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of PCS Stock. These provisions will not apply to any
transaction involving a third party the terms of which have been determined in
advance by either the Sprint Board or the Capital Stock Committee to be fair
to holders of PCS Stock, taken as a separate class, and holders of FON Stock,
taken as a separate class. The Tracking Stock Policies also provide that
Sprint will not acquire a number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock such that,
immediately after the acquisition, the number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
outstanding is less than 80% of the sum of (i) number of shares of Series 1
PCS Stock issued to the public in the Recapitalization and (ii) the number of
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock issued to the public in any primary initial
public offering of Series 1 PCS Stock that is completed before the
Registration Rights Commencement Date (all such numbers being appropriately
adjusted for any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization or similar
transaction affecting the number shares of Series 1 PCS Stock outstanding).
  Allocation of Federal and State Income Taxes. Federal and state income taxes
incurred by Sprint which are determined on a consolidated, combined, or
unitary basis will be allocated between the Groups in accordance with a Tax
Sharing Agreement to be entered into and undertaken by Sprint. These
allocations will be based principally on the taxable income and tax credits
contributed by each Group. Such allocations to or from the PCS Group are
intended to reflect its actual incremental cumulative effect (positive or
negative) on Sprint's federal and state taxable income and related tax
liability and tax credit position, subject to certain adjustments. Tax
benefits that cannot be used by a Group generating those benefits but can be
used on a consolidated basis will be credited to the Group that generated such
benefits. Accordingly, the amounts of taxes payable or refundable, which will
be allocated\ to each Group, may not necessarily be the same as that which
would have been payable or refundable had the Group filed a separate income
tax return. Sprint expects that significant payments pursuant to the Tax
Sharing Agreement will be made from the FON Group to the PCS Group in the near
future, in light of the substantial operating losses that the PCS Group is
expected to incur during this time. Tax sharing payments between the Groups
will be accrued as of the end of the tax period to which they relate.
  The Tax Sharing Agreement includes a procedure pursuant to which tax sharing
payments to or from the PCS Group shall be calculated excluding the effect of
any cumulative combined net loss or credit of (a) all new businesses directly
or indirectly acquired by the FON Group after May 26, 1998 individually having
an acquisition cost in excess of $500 million, taking into account the amount
of any liabilities assumed by the acquiror or to which the acquired business
is subject, and (b) all Other Groups except to the extent that an Other Group
reflects one or more profitable core business(es) of the FON Group that exists
on the date of creation of the FON Group (the "Stacking Procedure").
  The initial Tax Sharing Agreement (including the Stacking Procedure) will
apply to tax years ending on or before December 31, 2001, and shall not be
modified, suspended or rescinded, nor will additions or exceptions be made to
the Tax Sharing Agreement, for such periods. For subsequent periods, the
Sprint Board will adopt a tax sharing arrangement that will be designed to
allocate Sprint's tax benefits and burdens fairly between the PCS Group and
the FON Group. Sprint expects that tax benefits that cannot be used by a Group
generating those benefits but can be used on a consolidated basis will
continue to result in payments to the Group that generated

such benefits based on the value of such benefits to Sprint on a consolidated
basis. In addition, Sprint expects that tax benefits, if any, pertaining to
tax loss or tax credit carry forwards generated by a Group but not utilized as
of the expiration of the initial Tax Sharing Agreement will continue to result
in payments to the Group that generated such benefits based on the value of
such benefits to Sprint on a consolidated basis when such tax benefits are
utilized. Sprint has not determined whether or not it will continue to utilize
the Stacking Procedure for tax years ending after December 31, 2001.
  Allocation of Group Financing. Loans from Sprint or any member of the FON
Group to any member of the PCS Group shall be made at interest rates and on
other terms and conditions substantially equivalent to the interest rates and
other terms and conditions that the PCS Group would be able to obtain from
third parties (including the public markets) as a direct or indirect wholly-
owned subsidiary of Sprint, but without the benefit of any guaranty by Sprint
or any member of the FON Group. This policy contemplates that such loans will
be made on the basis set forth above regardless of the interest rates and
other terms and conditions on which Sprint or members of the FON Group may
have acquired the subject funds. The provisions of this policy will only apply
before December 31, 2001 and will not be modified, suspended or rescinded, nor
shall any exception be made to such provisions, prior to December 31, 2001.
Sprint currently does not expect that the Tracking Stock Policies provision
regarding allocation of debt expense will be amended in any material way after
December 31, 2001.
  Dividend Policy. The Sprint Board will periodically consider appropriate
dividend policies and practices relating to future dividends on the FON Stock
and the PCS Stock. The Sprint Board does not expect to declare any dividends
on the PCS Stock in the foreseeable future.
  Pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies, dividends on FON Stock may be
declared and paid only out of the lesser of (i) the funds of Sprint legally
available therefor and (ii) the FON Group Available Dividend Amount.
  Pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies, dividends on PCS Stock may be
declared and paid only out of the lesser of (i) the funds of Sprint legally
available therefor and (ii) the PCS Group Available Dividend Amount.
  As of June 30, 1998, based on their respective financial statements, the
funds of Sprint legally available for the payment of dividends under Kansas
law would have been at least $   billion (however, $   billion of the $
billion was restricted under certain debt covenants), the FON Group Available
Dividend Amount would have been at least $      billion and the PCS Group
Available Dividend Amount would have been at least $      billion. No
assurance can be made as to the continued availability of such amounts.
Dividend payments on the FON Stock or on the PCS Stock could be precluded
because of the unavailability of legally available funds under Kansas law,
even if the Available Dividend Amount test with respect to the relevant Group
is met. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock Proposal--Potential Diverging
Interests--No Assurance of Payment of Dividends."     
  Policies May Be Modified or Rescinded at Any Time. Unless otherwise provided
above, the Tracking Stock Policies may be modified, suspended or rescinded,
and additional policies may be adopted, or exceptions made to such policies in
connection with particular facts and circumstances, all as the Sprint Board
may determine consistent with its fiduciary duties to Sprint and all its
common stockholders at any time with or without the approval of Sprint's
stockholders, although Sprint has no present intention to do so and Sprint has
agreed with the Cable Parents that it will not change such policies prior to
the Recapitalization. Any determination of the Sprint Board to modify, suspend
or rescind such policies, or to make exceptions thereto or adopt additional
policies, including any such decision that would have disparate impacts upon
holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock, would be made by the Spring Board in a
manner consistent with its fiduciary duties to Sprint and all of its common
stockholders after giving fair consideration to the potentially divergent
interests and all other relevant interests of the holders of the separate
classes of Sprint's common stock, including the holders of FON Stock and the
holders of PCS Stock. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock Proposal--Tracking
Stock Policies Subject to Change."

  The following discussion summarizes the material United States federal
income tax consequences of the Recapitalization. King & Spalding, counsel to
Sprint, has rendered an opinion that the following discussion fairly
summarizes the United States federal income tax consequences of the
Recapitalization, and, to the extent such discussion contains statements of
law or legal conclusions, such statements and conclusions are the opinion of
King & Spalding. The discussion does not address all aspects of federal
taxation that may be relevant to particular stockholders of Sprint, and it may
not be applicable to stockholders who, for federal income tax purposes, are
subject to special tax treatment, such as insurance companies, corporations
subject to the alternative minimum tax, banks, dealers in securities or tax-
exempt organizations, persons that hold Existing Common Stock as part of a
straddle, hedging or conversion transaction, persons whose functional currency
is not the U.S. dollar or to stockholders who acquired their stocks pursuant
to the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation. The
discussion does not address the effect of any applicable state, local or
foreign laws or any federal tax laws other than those pertaining to the income
  The following discussion is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code"), regulations and rulings now in effect or proposed
thereunder, current administrative rulings and practice, and judicial
precedent, all of which are subject to change. In particular, Congress could
enact legislation affecting the treatment of stock with characteristics
similar to the FON Stock and the PCS Stock, or the Treasury Department could
change the current law in future regulations, including regulations issued
pursuant to its broad authority under Section 337(d) of the Code. Any such
change, which may or may not be retroactive, could alter the tax consequences
to Sprint or the stockholders of Sprint discussed herein. This discussion is
also based on certain assumptions regarding the factual circumstances that
will exist at the time of the Recapitalization, including certain
representations made or to be made by Sprint and others. This discussion
assumes that stockholders of Sprint hold their shares of Sprint as capital
assets within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code.
  Sprint has received an opinion from its counsel, King & Spalding, that for
United States federal income tax purposes (i) the Recapitalization will
constitute a recapitalization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(E) of
the Code, (ii) any outstanding stock which is designated as common stock of
Sprint in the Articles Amendment will constitute voting stock of Sprint for
federal income tax purposes, (iii) except with respect to cash paid in lieu of
fractional shares, if any, the holders of such stock of Sprint will not
recognize income, gain or loss in and as a result of the Recapitalization, and
(iv) such stock of Sprint received in the Recapitalization will not constitute
Section 306 stock within the meaning of Section 306(c) of the Code. As a
result of such treatment, holders of Existing Common Stock will take a tax
basis in the FON Stock and PCS Stock equal to the tax basis prior to the
Recapitalization in the Existing Common Stock (reduced by the amount allocable
to any fractional share interest for which cash is received), with such tax
basis being allocated among the FON Stock and PCS Stock in proportion to their
relative fair market values at the time of the Recapitalization. Cash received
in lieu of fractional shares will result in the recognition of gain or loss
equal to the difference, if any, between the stockholder's basis in the
fractional shares and the amount of cash received. A stockholder's holding
period for shares of PCS Stock and FON Stock received in the Recapitalization
will include such stockholder's holding period for the shares of Existing
Common Stock surrendered therefor.
  Stock that is received by a shareholder in pursuance of a plan of
reorganization such as the Recapitalization and that is not common stock may
be Section 306 stock. If the stock received in the Recapitalization is
considered Section 306 stock, a shareholder could recognize ordinary income on
the taxable sale or exchange of such stock and dividend income on the
redemption of such stock. Sprint has received an opinion from counsel that
such stock will not constitute Section 306 stock.

  The Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") announced in 1987 that it was
studying and would not issue advance rulings on the classification of an
instrument that has certain voting and liquidation rights in an issuing
corporation but the dividend rights of which are determined by reference to
the earnings of a segregated portion of the issuing corporation's assets,
including assets held by a subsidiary. In 1997 the IRS placed such instruments
on its list of areas in which rulings or determination letters will not be
issued. There are no court decisions or other authorities that bear directly
on transactions similar to the Recapitalization. It is possible, therefore,
that the IRS could assert that the PCS Stock or the FON Stock or both
represent property other than stock of Sprint ("Other Property"). If such
stocks were treated as Other Property, Sprint or its subsidiaries would
recognize a significant taxable gain on the Recapitalization in an amount
equal to the excess of the fair market value of such stock constituting Other
Property over its federal income tax basis to Sprint or its subsidiaries
allocable to such Other Property. In addition, Sprint and the entities in the
PCS Group could lose their ability to file consolidated federal income tax
returns. As a result, the tax losses expected to be incurred by the PCS Group
could not offset the taxable income expected to be earned by the FON Group and
any dividends paid or deemed paid to Sprint by the PCS Group or FON Group
could be taxable to Sprint, subject to any applicable dividends received
deduction. Furthermore, the receipt of PCS Stock or the FON Stock by a
stockholder of Sprint might be treated as a fully taxable dividend to such
stockholder in an amount equal to the fair market value of such stock
(subject, in the case of stockholders of Sprint that are corporations, to any
applicable dividends received deduction) or might be treated as a distribution
in complete liquidation of Sprint, in which case stockholders of Sprint would
have gain or loss with respect to the shares held in Sprint immediately before
the Recapitalization. Counsel believes that if the status for federal income
tax purposes of the FON Stock or PCS Stock were challenged, a court would
agree with counsel's conclusions that such stock represents stock of Sprint,
although there can be no assurance that a court would reach that result.
  Dividend payments received by a Non-U.S. Stockholder (as defined below) on
shares of PCS Stock or FON Stock will be subject to the withholding of United
States federal income tax in the same manner as dividends received by such
Non-U.S. Stockholder on shares of the Existing Common Stock. A Non-U.S.
Stockholder will generally be subject to federal income tax on any gain
realized on the taxable sale or exchange of PCS Stock or FON Stock if (i) the
gain is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business of the
Non-U.S. Stockholder within the United States, (ii) the gain is derived from
sources within the United States and the Non-U.S. Stockholder is a non-
resident alien individual who is present in the United States for 183 days or
more in the taxable year of such sale or exchange, (iii) the Non-U.S.
Stockholder is subject to tax pursuant to the provisions of the Code
applicable to certain United States expatriates, or (iv) Sprint is a "United
States real property holding corporation" under the Foreign Investment in Real
Property Tax Act of 1980 and the Non-U.S. Stockholder has owned, directly or
indirectly, more than five percent of the value of the class of stock in
question at any time during the five-year period ending at the time of the
sale or exchange. Sprint does not believe that it is a United States real
property holding corporation as of the date hereof, although it has not
determined or established whether it will be a United States real property
holding corporation in the future.
  A "Non-U.S. Stockholder" is a holder who, for United States income tax
purposes, is a foreign corporation, a nonresident alien individual or a
foreign estate or trust.
  Certain non-corporate holders of PCS Stock or FON Stock might be subject to
backup withholding at a rate of 31% on the payment of dividends on such stock.
Backup withholding will apply only if the stockholder (i) fails to furnish
his, her or its Taxpayer Identification Number ("TIN"), (ii) furnishes an
incorrect TIN, (iii) is notified by the IRS that he, she or it has failed
properly to report payments of interest or dividends, or (iv) under certain
circumstances, fails to certify, under penalties of perjury, that he, she or
it has furnished a correct TIN and has not been notified by the IRS that he,
she or it is subject to backup withholding for failure to report payments of
interest or dividends. Stockholders should consult their tax advisors
regarding their qualifications for a tax exemption from backup withholding and
the procedure for obtaining such an exemption if applicable. The amount of any
backup withholding from a payment to a holder of PCS Stock or FON Stock will
be allowed as a credit against such stockholder's federal income tax liability
and may entitle such stockholder to a refund, provided that the required
information is furnished to the IRS. Recently issued United States Treasury

that would modify certain of the certification requirements for backup
withholding. The modifications generally will become effective January 1,
2000. It is possible that certain holders will have to provide to withholding
agents new certifications of exemption from backup withholding to remain
exempt after the new regulations become effective. Stockholders should consult
their tax advisors concerning the effect, if any, of the adoption of these new
regulations on an investment in PCS Stock or FON Stock.
  Stockholders should consult their own tax advisors as to the federal, state,
local and foreign tax consequences of the Recapitalization and of the holding
of PCS Stock and FON Stock.     
  General Accounting Matters. If the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved,
Sprint will prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, consistently applied, for each of the Groups, and these
financial statements, taken together, will comprise all of the accounts
included in the corresponding consolidated financial statements of Sprint. The
financial statements of each of the Groups will principally reflect the
financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the businesses
included therein. Notwithstanding any allocation of assets or liabilities for
dividend purposes or the purpose of preparing Group financial statements,
holders of FON Stock or PCS Stock will continue to be subject to risks
associated with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's
businesses, assets and liabilities. See "Risk Factors--Stockholders of One
Corporation; Financial Effects of One Group Could Adversely Affect the Other;
Current Stockholders Will Become Stockholders of a More Leveraged Entity."
  Allocation of Shared Services. Certain costs relating to Sprint's general
and administrative services will be directly assigned, where possible, by
Sprint to each Group based upon actual utilization of such services. If direct
attribution based upon utilization is not possible or is impracticable, other
methods and criteria will be used that management believes are equitable and
provide a reasonable estimate of the costs attributable to each Group,
consistent with the Tracking Stock Policies.

                         DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK
  The Existing Articles provide that Sprint is authorized to issue
1,520,000,000 shares of capital stock, including 20,000,000 shares of
preferred stock, without par value ("Existing Preferred Stock"), and
1,500,000,000 shares of common stock. The common stock consists of 500,000,000
shares designated as Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, and
1,000,000,000 shares designated as Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share. As
of May 31, 1998 Sprint had issued and outstanding 344,324,375 shares of
Existing Common Stock, 86,236,036 shares of Existing Class A Common Stock and
294,328 shares of Existing Preferred Stock.
  If the Tracking Stock Proposal is adopted, pursuant to the PCS Stock
Amendment, Sprint will be authorized to issue 4,070,000,000 shares of capital
stock, including (i) 1,000,000,000 shares of Existing Common Stock, (ii)
500,000,000 shares of Series 2 Common Stock, (iii) 100,000,000 shares of
Existing Class A Common Stock, (iv) 100,000,000 shares of DT Class A Stock (v)
2,350,000,000 shares of PCS Stock, comprised of 1,250,000,000 shares of Series
1 PCS Stock, 500,000,000 shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, and 600,000,000 shares
of Series 3 PCS Stock, and (vi) 20,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock. Pursuant
to the PCS Stock Amendment, all shares of Existing Class A Common Stock held
by DT would be automatically reclassified into an identical number of shares
of DT Class A Stock.     
  Pursuant to the Recapitalization Amendment, (i) each share of Existing
Common Stock would be reclassified into 1/2 share of Series 1 PCS Stock and
one share of Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) the shares of Series 2 Common Stock will
be reclassified into an identical number of shares of Series 2 FON Stock, and
(iii) Series 3 FON Stock will be created. Sprint will be authorized to issue
2,500,000,000 shares of Series 1 FON Stock, 500,000,000 shares of Series 2 FON
Stock and 1,200,000,000 shares of Series 3 FON Stock.     
  The Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock will only be issued to FT and
DT (and certain majority-owned subsidiaries of FT and/or DT which satisfy
certain criteria, the "Qualified Subsidiaries"). The Series 2 Common Stock and
the Series 2 FON Stock will be issued only to the Cable Parents and will only
be issued if the PCS Stock is converted into FON Stock in accordance with the
terms described below prior to the conversion of all shares of Series 2 PCS
Stock into Series 1 PCS Stock.
  The authorized but unissued shares of FON Stock, PCS Stock and Preferred
Stock will be available for issuance by Sprint from time to time, as
determined by the Sprint Board, for any proper corporate purpose, which could
include raising capital for use by either Group, payment of dividends,
providing compensation or benefits to employees or acquiring other companies
or businesses. The issuance of such shares would not be subject to approval by
the stockholders of Sprint unless deemed advisable by the Sprint Board or
required by applicable law, regulation or stock exchange listing requirements.
Neither holders of FON Stock or PCS Stock will have any preemptive rights. The
Cable Parents and FT and DT will, however, possess the Equity Purchase Rights
described under "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Equity Purchase Rights" and "FT
and DT Arrangements--Equity Purchase Rights."     
  After the PCS Restructuring and prior to the Recapitalization, the total
common equity of (i) Sprint will be represented by the outstanding shares of
(A) the Common Stock (and shares of Series 2 Common Stock, if any such shares
are issued), (B) the Class A Common Stock and (C) the PCS Stock, (ii) the FON
Group will be represented by the outstanding shares of (A) the Common Stock
(and shares of Series 2 Common Stock, if any such shares are issued), and (B)
the Class A Common Stock, and (iii) the PCS Group will be represented by (A)
the outstanding shares of PCS Stock and (B) a number representing the number
of unissued shares of Series 1 PCS Stock that would otherwise be issued in
respect of any Inter-Group Interest held by the FON Group in the PCS Group.
See "Future Inter-Group Interest."

  Pursuant to the Recapitalization, the total common equity of Sprint, the FON
Group and the PCS Group will be represented as follows:
  .  The total common equity of Sprint will be represented by the outstanding
     shares of (A) the FON Stock, (B) the PCS Stock and (C) the Class A
     Common Stock.
  .  The total common equity of the FON Group will be represented by the
     outstanding shares of (A) the FON Stock and (B) the Existing Class A
     Common Stock and DT Class A Stock (but only to the extent such stock
     represents a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing
     Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and a Number Of Shares Issuable
     With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group,
  .  The total common equity of the PCS Group will be represented by (A) the
     outstanding shares of the PCS Stock, (B) the Number Of Shares Issuable
     With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest, and (C) the
     outstanding shares of Existing Class A Common Stock and DT Class A Stock
     (but only to the extent such stock represents a Number Of Shares
     Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
     Group and a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
     Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively).
  Effect of PCS Stock Amendment. The Class A Common Stock currently held by FT
and DT will be affected by each of the PCS Stock Amendment and the
Recapitalization Amendment. Pursuant to the PCS Stock Amendment, the shares of
Existing Class A Common Stock held by DT (or any of its Qualified
Subsidiaries) immediately prior to the effective date of the PCS Stock
Amendment will be reclassified into an identical number of shares of DT Class
A Stock. Despite this reclassification, the rights and other attributes of the
DT Class A Stock will remain identical to the rights and other attributes of
the Existing Class A Common Stock. FT will continue to hold its shares of
Existing Class A Common Stock after the effective date of the PCS Stock
  Effect of Recapitalization Amendment. Pursuant to the Recapitalization
Amendment, the Existing Class A Common Stock and DT Class A Stock will remain
outstanding and be reclassified into an equal number of shares of Existing
Class A Common Stock and DT Class A Stock, respectively, each with a par value
per share of $2.50. As a result of this reclassification, the attributes of
such stock will change as follows:
  .  The Existing Class A Common Stock will, at all times, be deemed to
     represent a number of shares of Series 3 FON Stock equal to the Number
     Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
     In The FON Group and a number of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock equal to
     the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A
     Equity Interest In The PCS Group.
  .  The DT Class A Stock will, at all times, be deemed to represent a number
     of shares of Series 3 FON Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable
     With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and a
     number of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares
     Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  The "Number Of Shares Issuable" Concept. Upon the Recapitalization, the
Existing Class A Common Stock and DT Class A Stock will each initially
represent an equity interest in both the FON Group and the PCS Group. The
"Number Of Shares Issuable" terms reflect the number of shares of FON Stock or
PCS Stock that, at any time, might be issued in respect of the equity
interests represented by the Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A
Stock. Accordingly,
  .  the "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A
     Equity Interest In The FON Group" represents, at any time, the number of
     shares of FON Stock that would otherwise be issuable to holders of
     Existing Class A Common Stock in respect of the equity interest of such
     stock in the FON Group;

  .  the "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A
     Equity Interest In The PCS Group" represents, at any time, the number of
     shares of PCS Stock that would otherwise be issuable to holders of
     Existing Class A Common Stock in respect of the equity interest of such
     stock in the PCS Group;
  .  the "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity
     Interest In The FON Group" represents, at any time, the number of shares
     of FON Stock that would otherwise be issuable to holders of DT Class A
     Stock in respect of the equity interest of such stock in the FON Group;
  .  the "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity
     Interest In The PCS Group" represents, at any time, the number of shares
     of PCS Stock that would otherwise be issuable to holders of DT Class A
     Stock in respect of the equity interest of such stock in the PCS Group.
  As used elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, "Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group" means, at any time, the Number
Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
Equity Interest In The FON Group, and "Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group" means, at any time, the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group.
  Right to Cause Issuance of FON Stock and PCS Stock. The Recapitalization
Amendment provides each holder of a share of Existing Class A Common Stock
with the right, exercisable at any time and from time to time, to cause Sprint
to issue the following:
    (i) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
  FON Group, either a share of Series 3 FON Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 FON Stock to a
  designated transferee of such holder; and
    (ii) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, either a share of Series 3 PCS Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to a
  designated transferee of such holder.
Any transfer of such shares to a designated transferee must be permitted under
the Stockholders' Agreement. A holder of Existing Class A Common Stock may
exercise its right to cause any such issuance solely with respect to the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
In The FON Group, solely with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, or in any
combination thereof; provided,
    (x) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class
  A Equity Interest In The FON Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock may be issued pursuant to this
    (y) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class
  A Equity Interest In The PCS Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock may be issued pursuant to this
  right, and
    (z) if at any time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group are both zero, the Existing Class A Common Stock may be redeemed, at
  Sprint's option, at a redemption price of $0.001 per share.
  Similarly, the Recapitalization Amendment also provides each holder of a
share of DT Class A Stock with the right, exercisable at any time and from
time to time, to cause Sprint to issue the following:
    (i) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group, either a share of Series 3 FON Stock to such holder

  (or to a Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 FON
  Stock to a designated transferee of such holder; and
    (ii) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group, either a share of Series 3 PCS Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to a
  designated transferee of such holder.
Any transfer of such shares to a designated transferee must be permitted under
the Stockholders' Agreement. A holder of DT Class A Stock may exercise its
right to cause any such issuance solely with respect to the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group,
solely with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, or in any combination thereof;
    (i) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
  Equity Interest In The FON Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock may be issued pursuant to this
    (ii) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock may be issued pursuant to this
  right, and
    (iii) if at any time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT
  Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group are both
  zero, the DT Class A Stock may be redeemed, at the Corporation's option, at
  a redemption price of $0.001 per share.
  Automatic Adjustment to Par Value Amount. Upon each issuance of any shares
of Series 1 FON Stock and/or Series 3 FON Stock, on the one hand, and Series 1
PCS Stock and/or Series 3 PCS Stock, on the other, in accordance with the
rights described above under "--Right to Cause Issuance of FON Stock and PCS
    (i) in the case of an exercise of such right by a holder of Existing
  Class A Common Stock, each share of the Existing Class A Common Stock will
  be automatically reclassified into a share of Existing Class A Common Stock
  with a new par value amount equal to the Reduced Par Value Amount, and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity
  Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, as applicable, will
  be reduced to reflect such issuance of shares; and
    (ii) in the case of an exercise of such right by a holder of DT Class A
  Stock, each share of the existing DT Class A Stock will be automatically
  reclassified into a share of Class A Common Stock--Series DT with a new par
  value amount equal to the Reduced Par Value Amount, and the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group, as applicable, will be reduced to reflect
  such issuance of shares.
  The Existing Articles do not provide for either mandatory or optional
conversion or redemption of the Existing Common Stock, except for Sprint's
ability to redeem Existing Common Stock beneficially owned by Aliens (as
defined in the Existing Articles) in certain circumstances (although the
Existing Class A Common Stock is convertible into Existing Common Stock under
certain circumstances). The Tracking Stock Proposal will permit the conversion
and redemption of PCS Stock upon the terms described below.
  Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock. If there is a
Disposition, in one transaction or a series of related transactions, by Sprint
and/or its subsidiaries of all or substantially all of the properties and
assets attributed to the PCS Group to one or more persons or entities (other
than (w) the Disposition by Sprint of its properties and assets in one
transaction or a series of related transactions in connection with the
dissolution or

the liquidation and winding up of Sprint and the distribution of assets to
stockholders, (x) the Disposition of the properties and assets of the PCS
Group as contemplated by "--Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary Stock"
described below, (y) to any person or entity controlled by Sprint or (z)
pursuant to a Related Business Transaction), then Sprint shall, on or prior to
the 85th Trading Day after the date of consummation of such Disposition (the
"PCS Group Disposition Date"), (I) pay a dividend on the PCS Stock or (II)
redeem some or all of the PCS Stock or convert PCS Stock into FON Stock (or
another class or series of common stock of Sprint), all as provided by the
following subparagraphs (1) and (2) as the Sprint Board shall have selected:
  (1) provided that there are funds of Sprint legally available therefor:
    (a)  pay to the holders of the shares of PCS Stock a dividend, subject
         to the limitations described below under "--Dividends on Common
         Stock," in cash and/or in securities (other than a dividend of any
         class or series of FON Stock or PCS Stock) or other property
         having a fair value as of the PCS Group Disposition Date in the
         aggregate equal to the product of the Outstanding PCS Fraction as
         of the record date for determining holders entitled to receive
         such dividend multiplied by the fair value of the Net Proceeds of
         such Disposition; or     
    (b)(i) if such Disposition involves all (not merely substantially all)
           of the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem
           all outstanding shares of PCS Stock in exchange for cash and/or
           for securities (other than any class or series of FON Stock or
           PCS Stock) or other property having a Fair Value as of the PCS
           Group Disposition Date in the aggregate equal to the product of
           the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the redemption date
           multiplied by the Fair Value of the Net Proceeds of such
           Disposition (such aggregate amount to be allocated to shares of
           Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock in
           the ratio of the number of shares of each such series
           outstanding to the other series (so that the amount of
           consideration paid for the redemption of each share of Series 1
           PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is the
           same)); or     
      (ii) if such Disposition involves substantially all (but not all) of
           the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem
           the number of whole shares of PCS Stock (which may be all of
           such shares outstanding) as have in the aggregate an average
           Market Value during the period of ten consecutive trading days
           beginning on the sixteenth trading day immediately succeeding
           the PCS Group Disposition Date closest to the product of the
           Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the date such shares are selected
           for redemption multiplied by the Fair Value as of the PCS Group
           Disposition Date of the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, in
           exchange for cash and/or securities (other than any class or
           series of FON Stock or PCS Stock) or other property having a
           Fair Value in the aggregate equal to such product (such
           aggregate amount to be allocated to shares of Series 1 PCS
           Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock in the ratio of
           the number of shares of each such series outstanding to the
           other series (so that the amount of consideration paid for the
           redemption of each share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS
           Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is the same)); or
  (2) convert each outstanding share of PCS Stock into a number of fully paid
and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series
3 FON Stock, respectively (or, if the Series 1 FON Stock is not publicly
traded at such time and shares of another class or series of common stock of
Sprint (other than PCS Stock) are then publicly traded, of such other class or
series of common stock as has the largest Total Market Capitalization as of
the close of business on the trading day immediately preceding the date of the
notice of such conversion) equal to 110% of the ratio of the average Market
Value of one share of PCS Stock over the period of ten consecutive trading
days beginning on the sixteenth trading day following the PCS Group
Disposition Date to the average Market Value of one share of FON Stock (or
such other class or series of common stock) over the same ten trading day
  If Sprint:
    (i) pays a dividend to the holders of shares of PCS Stock in accordance
  with subparagraph (1)(a), then it will also pay a dividend to the holders
  of Class A Common Stock equivalent on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to that
  paid to the holders of Shares;

    (ii) redeems all outstanding shares of PCS Stock in accordance with
  subparagraph (1)(b)(i), then Sprint will pay an aggregate amount to the
  holders of Existing Class A Common Stock and DT Class A Stock equivalent on
  a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to the per share redemption amount paid in
  accordance with subparagraph (1)(b)(i) in respect of the total Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group and Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively;
    (iii) redeems shares of PCS Stock in accordance with subparagraph
  (1)(b)(ii), then Sprint will pay to the holders of Existing Class A Common
  Stock and DT Class A Stock an amount in accordance with subparagraph
  (1)(b)(ii) immediately above but only in respect of the same proportion of
  the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, as the PCS
  Stock redeemed in accordance with (1)(b)(ii); and
    (iv) converts shares of PCS Stock in accordance with subparagraph (2),
  then (i) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group will convert into a Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group and (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group will convert into a Number of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group,
  each such conversion to be on the same basis as set forth in subparagraph
  If the payment of the dividend or the redemption price with respect to the
PCS Stock provided for by subparagraph (1) above occurs prior to the third
anniversary of the Closing Date, then the Sprint Board may convert each share
of PCS Stock remaining outstanding, but only as of a Conversion Date prior to
the first anniversary of the payment of such dividend or redemption price,
into a number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock,
Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON Stock, as applicable (or, if the Series 1
FON Stock is not publicly traded at such time and shares of any other class or
series of common stock of Sprint (other than PCS Stock) are then publicly
traded, of such other class or series of common stock as has the largest Total
Market Capitalization as of the close of business on the trading day
immediately preceding the date of the notice of such conversion) equal to 110%
of the Optional Conversion Ratio as of the fifth trading day prior to the date
of the notice of such conversion; provided that upon such conversion, the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group will convert, on the same basis,
into a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity
Interest In The FON Group and a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group, respectively.     
  Any such conversion described above would dilute the interest in Sprint of
holders of FON Stock and would preclude holders of either FON Stock or PCS
Stock from retaining their investment in a security reflecting separately the
business of their respective Group. In determining whether to effect any such
conversion following a dividend or partial redemption after the disposition of
substantially all (but not all) assets of the PCS Group, the Sprint Board, in
its sole discretion and consistent with its fiduciary duties to all Sprint
stockholders, in addition to other matters, would likely consider whether the
remaining properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group continue to
constitute a viable business. Other considerations could include the number of
shares of PCS Stock remaining issued and outstanding, the per share market
price of such stock and the cost of maintaining stockholder accounts.
  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Sprint will redeem PCS Stock as
provided by subparagraph (1)(b)(i) or (1)(b)(ii) above only if the amount to
be paid in redemption of such stock is less than or equal to the sum of (i)
the amount available for the payment of dividends on such shares to be
redeemed measured as of the redemption date and (ii) the amount determined to
be capital in respect of the shares to be redeemed in accordance with
applicable corporation law as of the redemption date.     

  The Sprint Board may pay any dividend or redemption price referred to in
subparagraph (A) in cash, securities (other than any class or series of FON
Stock or PCS Stock or other common equity securities of Sprint) or other
property, regardless of the form or nature of the proceeds of the disposition;
provided that if such payment is made in voting securities (other than any
class or series of FON Stock or PCS Stock or other common equity securities of
Sprint) of Sprint or another entity, holders of Series 2 PCS Stock will
receive voting securities with voting power equivalent on a per share basis to
such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  For these purposes, "substantially all of the properties and assets"
attributed to the PCS Group as of any date means a portion of such properties
and assets that represents at least 80% of the Fair Value of the properties
and assets attributed to the PCS Group as of such date.
  Conversion at Option of Sprint. At any time following the third anniversary
of the Closing Date, the Sprint Board may convert each outstanding share of
Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock into the number
of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON
Stock and Series 3 FON Stock, respectively (or, if the Series 1 FON Stock is
not publicly traded at such time and shares of any other class or series of
common stock of Sprint (other than PCS Stock) are then publicly traded, of
such other class or series of common stock as has the largest total market
capitalization as of the close of business on the trading day immediately
preceding the date of the notice of conversion) equal to, on the Conversion
Date, (i) if following the third anniversary but prior to the fourth
anniversary of the Closing Date, 110% of the Optional Conversion Ratio as of
the fifth trading day prior to the date of the notice of such conversion, or
(ii) if on or after the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date at such
conversion ratio (if any) as Sprint's Board determines to be fair to holders
of the PCS Stock, taken as a separate class, and holders of FON Stock, taken
as a separate class. Upon such conversion, the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In
The PCS Group will convert, on the same basis, into a Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group
and a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest
In The FON Group, respectively.     
  Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary Stock. At any time, Sprint's Board
may, provided there are funds legally available for such purpose, redeem all
of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock in exchange for the number of shares of
common stock of one or more wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint (collectively,
the "PCS Group Subsidiary") that collectively hold directly or indirectly all
of the assets and liabilities attributed to the PCS Group (and no other assets
or liabilities of Sprint or any subsidiary thereof) equal to the product of
the Outstanding PCS Fraction and the number of shares of common stock of such
PCS Group Subsidiary to be outstanding immediately following such exchange of
shares (including any shares of such PCS Group Subsidiary which will be
retained by Sprint in respect of any Inter-Group Interest of the FON Group in
the PCS Group), such PCS Group Subsidiary shares to be divided among the
holders of PCS Stock pro rata in accordance with the number of shares of PCS
Stock held by each on the redemption date, each of which shares of common
stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary will be, upon such delivery, fully paid and
nonassessable; provided, however, that
    (i) such redemption may not occur prior to the second anniversary of the
  Closing Date unless it is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders
  of a majority of shares of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (to the
  extent such stock represents Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group), voting together as a single class,
    (ii) holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
  outstanding immediately prior to the redemption date will receive on a per
  share basis, pursuant to such redemption, shares of common stock of such
  PCS Group Subsidiary with voting power equivalent on a per share basis to
  such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS Stock, and
    (iii) on such redemption date, the holders of Existing Class A Common
  Stock and DT Class A Stock will receive the number of shares of the PCS
  Group Subsidiary equal to the product of (A) the Existing Class A PCS
  Interest Fraction, in the case of the holders of the Existing Class A
  Common Stock, and the

  DT Class A PCS Interest Fraction, in the case of holders of DT Class A
  Stock and (B) the number of shares of common stock of such PCS Group
  Subsidiary to be outstanding immediately following such issuance of shares;
and provided further, that no such redemption may occur unless (i) the
redemption is tax-free to the holders of PCS Stock or (ii) another arrangement
exists for the benefit of the holders of PCS Stock redeemed such that, net of
all taxes related to such redemption and to such other arrangement itself
which are realized by such stockholders, such stockholders will be in a
position that is substantially equivalent economically to the position they
would be in after a tax-free distribution.
  Effects on Convertible Securities. The following provisions with respect to
Convertible Securities only apply to the extent that the terms of such
Convertible Securities do not provide for other adjustments in the event of a
conversion, exchange or redemption.
  After any conversion date or redemption date on which all outstanding shares
of any class or series of PCS Stock are converted or redeemed, any share of
such class or series of PCS Stock that is issued on conversion, exchange or
exercise of any Convertible Securities will, immediately upon issuance
pursuant to such conversion, exchange or exercise and without any notice from
or to, or any other action on the part of, Sprint or the Sprint Board or the
holder of such Convertible Security:
    (i) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on
  such conversion date were converted into shares of another class or series
  of FON Stock or PCS Stock (or another class or series of common stock of
  Sprint) pursuant to the provisions described above under "--Mandatory
  Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock" or "--Conversion at Option
  of Sprint," be converted into the amount of cash and/or the number of
  shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or property of
  Sprint that the number of shares of such class or series of PCS Stock
  issued upon such conversion, exchange or exercise would have received had
  such shares been outstanding on such conversion date; or     
    (ii) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on
  such redemption date were redeemed pursuant to the provisions described
  above under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock"
  or redeemed for common stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary, pursuant to the
  provisions described under "--Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary
  Stock," be redeemed, to the extent of funds of Sprint legally available
  therefor, for $.01 per share in cash for each share of such class or series
  of PCS Stock issued upon such conversion, exchange or exercise.
  General Conversion and Redemption Provisions. Not later than the 10th
trading day following the consummation of a Disposition referred to above
under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock," Sprint
shall announce publicly by press release (i) the Net Proceeds of such
Disposition, (ii) the number of shares outstanding of PCS Stock, (iii) the
number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which Convertible Securities are
then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or
exercise price thereof and (iv) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Existing
Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the DT Class A PCS Interest Fraction on the
date of such notice. Not earlier than the 26th trading day and not later than
the 30th trading day following the consummation of such Disposition, Sprint
will announce publicly by press release which of the actions specified in
clause (a), (b)(i) or (b)(ii) of subparagraph (1) under "--Mandatory Dividend,
Redemption or Conversion of PCS Stock" it has irrevocably determined to take.
  If Sprint determines to pay a dividend on shares of PCS Stock as described
in clause (a) of subparagraph (1) under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or
Conversion of PCS Stock," Sprint shall, not later than the 30th trading day
following the consummation of such Disposition, cause notice to be given to
each holder of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock and Convertible Securities that
are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock
(unless alternate provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible
Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities),
setting forth (1) the record date for determining holders entitled to receive
such dividend, which shall be not earlier than the 40th trading day and not
later than the 50th trading day following the consummation of such
Disposition, (2) the anticipated payment

date of such dividend (which shall not be more than 85 trading days following
the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the type of property to be paid as
such dividend in respect of the outstanding shares of such PCS Stock, (4) the
Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the
Existing Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the DT Class A PCS Interest
Fraction on the date of such notice, (6) the number of outstanding shares of
PCS Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding
Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and
the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof and (7) in the case of
notice to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to the
effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities will be entitled to
receive such dividend only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or
exercises such convertible securities on or prior to the record date referred
to in clause (1) of this sentence. Such notice will be sent by first-class
mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's address as the
same appears on the transfer books of Sprint.     
  If Sprint determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to clause (b)(i) of
subparagraph (1) under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS
Stock," Sprint shall, not earlier than the 45th trading day and not later than
the 35th trading day prior to the redemption date, cause notice to be given to
each holder of shares of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock and Convertible
Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS
Stock (unless alternate provision for such notice to the holders of such
Convertible Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible
Securities), setting forth (1) a statement that all shares of PCS Stock
outstanding on the redemption date will be redeemed, (2) the redemption date
(which shall not be more than 85 trading days following the consummation of
such Disposition), (3) the type of property in which the redemption price for
the shares to be redeemed is to be paid, (4) the Net Proceeds of such
Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Existing Class A PCS
Interest Fraction and the DT Class A PCS Interest Fraction on the date of such
notice, (6) the place or places where certificates for shares of PCS Stock,
properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, are to be surrendered for delivery
of cash and/or securities or other property, (7) the number of outstanding
shares of PCS Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which
such outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or
exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof, (8) in the
case of notice to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement
to the effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be entitled
to participate in such selection for redemption only if such holder properly
converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to
the redemption date referred to in clause (2) of this sentence and a statement
as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive pursuant to
the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, the provisions
described under "--Effects on Convertible Securities" if such holder
thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities and
(9) a statement to the effect that, except as otherwise provided below,
dividends on such shares of PCS Stock will cease to be paid as of such
redemption date. Such notice will be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's address as the same appears on
the transfer books of Sprint.     
  If Sprint determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to clause (b)(ii) of
subparagraph (1) under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of PCS
Stock," Sprint shall, not later than the 30th trading day following the
consummation of the Disposition referred to in such subparagraph, cause notice
to be given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock and
Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to the
terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1) a date, not earlier
than the 40th trading day and not later than the 50th trading day following
the consummation of the Disposition in respect of which such redemption is to
be made, on which shares of PCS Stock shall be selected for redemption, (2)
the anticipated redemption date (which shall not be more than 85 trading days
following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the type of property in
which the redemption price for the shares to be redeemed is to be paid, (4)
the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the
Existing Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the Class A--Series DT PCS Interest
Fraction on the date of such notice, (6) the number of shares of PCS Stock
outstanding and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which
outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or
exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof, (7) in the
case of notice to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement
to the effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be eligible
to participate in     

such selection for redemption only if such holder properly converts, exchanges
or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to the record date
referred to in clause (1) of this sentence and a statement as to what, if
anything, such holder will be entitled to receive pursuant to the terms of
such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, the provisions described under
"--Effects on Convertible Securities" if such holder thereafter converts,
exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities and (8) a statement that
Sprint will not be required to register a transfer of any shares of PCS Stock
for a period of 15 trading days next preceding the date referred to in clause
(1) of this sentence. Promptly following the date referred to in clause (1) of
the preceding sentence, but not earlier than 40 trading days nor more than 50
trading days following the consummation of such Disposition, Sprint will cause
a notice to be given to each holder of record of shares of PCS Stock to be
redeemed setting forth (1) the number of shares of PCS Stock held by such
holder to be redeemed, (2) a statement that such shares of PCS Stock will be
redeemed, (3) the redemption date, (4) the kind and per share amount of cash
and/or securities or other property to be received by such holder with respect
to each share of PCS Stock to be redeemed, including details as to the
calculation thereof, (5) the place or places where certificates for shares of
PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, are to be surrendered
for delivery of such cash and/or securities or other property, (6) if
applicable, a statement to the effect that the shares being redeemed may no
longer be transferred on the transfer books of Sprint after the redemption
date and (7) a statement to the effect that, except as otherwise provided
below, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock will cease to be paid as of the
redemption date. Such notices will be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid to each such holder, at such holder's address as the same appears on
the transfer books of Sprint.     
  If Sprint determines to convert the PCS Stock pursuant to subparagraph (2)
or as otherwise described under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or
Conversion of PCS Stock" or "--Conversion at Option of Sprint," as the case
may be, Sprint will, not earlier than the 45th trading day and not later than
the 35th trading day prior to the conversion date, cause notice to be given to
each holder of shares of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock and Convertible
Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares
of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such notice to the holders of
such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible
Securities) setting forth (1) a statement that all outstanding shares of PCS
Stock will be converted, (2) the conversion date (which, in the case of a
conversion after a Disposition, will not be more than 85 trading days
following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the per share number of
shares of Series 1 FON Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock, if
applicable) or another class or series of common stock of Sprint, as the case
may be, to be received with respect to each share of PCS Stock, including
details as to the calculation thereof, (4) the place or places where
certificates for shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for
transfer, are to be surrendered for delivery of certificates for shares of
Series 1 FON Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock, if
applicable) or another class or series of common stock of Sprint, as the case
may be, (5) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock and the number of
shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible Securities are
then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or
exercise price thereof, (6) a statement to the effect that, except as
otherwise provided below, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock will cease to
be paid as of such Conversion Date and (7) in the case of notice to holders of
such Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect that a holder of such
Convertible Securities will be entitled to receive shares of common stock upon
such conversion only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or exercises
such Convertible Securities on or prior to such conversion date and a
statement as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive
pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities if such holder thereafter
converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities. Such notice will
be sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such
holder's address as the same appears on the transfer books of Sprint.     
  If Sprint determines to redeem shares of PCS Stock as described under "--
Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary Stock," Sprint will cause notice to be
given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock to be redeemed, and to each holder
of Class A Common Stock and Convertible Securities that are convertible into
or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of such class of PCS Stock (unless
alternate provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible
Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities),
setting forth (1) a statement that all shares of PCS Stock outstanding on the
redemption date will be redeemed in exchange for shares of common stock of the
PCS Group Subsidiary, (2) the redemption date, (3) the Outstanding PCS
Fraction, the Existing Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the DT Class A PCS
Interest Fraction on the date

of such notice, (4) the place or places where certificates for shares of PCS
Stock to be redeemed, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, are to be
surrendered for delivery of certificates for shares of the PCS Group
Subsidiary, (5) a statement to the effect that, except as otherwise provided
below, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock will cease to be paid as of such
redemption date, (6) the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding and the
number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible
Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the
conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof and (7) in the case of notice
to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect that a holder
of Convertible Securities will be entitled to receive shares of common stock
of the PCS Group Subsidiary upon redemption only if such holder properly
converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to
the redemption date and a statement as to what, if anything, such holder will
be entitled to receive pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities if
such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible
Securities. Such notice will be sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, not
less than 30 trading days nor more than 45 trading days prior to the
redemption date to each such holder at such holder's address as the same
appears on the transfer books of Sprint. If any shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
or Series 3 PCS Stock are outstanding immediately prior to the redemption
date, then the notice provided to each holder of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series
3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, pursuant to this provision will also indicate
that such holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the redemption date will receive on a per
share basis, pursuant to such redemption, shares of common stock of such PCS
Group Subsidiary with voting power equivalent to such shares received by
holders of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  If less than all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock are to be redeemed
as described above under "--Mandatory Dividend, Redemption or Conversion of
PCS Stock," then the shares to be redeemed by Sprint
will be selected from among the holders of shares of PCS Stock outstanding at
the close of business on the record date for such redemption on a pro rata
basis among each class or series of PCS Stock (including pro rata among all
holders of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock) or, if Series 2 PCS
Stock is no longer outstanding, by lot or such other method as may be
determined by the Sprint Board to be equitable.     
  Neither the failure to mail any notice described above to any particular
holder of PCS Stock or of Convertible Securities nor any defect therein will
affect the sufficiency thereof with respect to any other holder of outstanding
shares of PCS Stock or of outstanding Convertible Securities or the validity
of any such conversion or redemption.
  Sprint will not be required to issue or deliver fractional shares of any
capital stock or any other securities to any holder of PCS Stock upon any
conversion, redemption, dividend or other distribution described above. If
more than one share of PCS Stock is held at the same time by the same holder,
Sprint may aggregate the number of shares of any capital stock that is
issuable or any other securities or property that is distributable to such
holder upon any such conversion, redemption, dividend or other distribution
(including any fractional shares). If there are fractional shares of any
capital stock or of any other securities remaining to be issued or distributed
to the holders of PCS Stock, Sprint will, if such fractional shares are not
issued or distributed to the holder, pay cash in respect of such fractional
shares in an amount equal to the Fair Value on the fifth trading day prior to
the date such payment is to be made (without interest). For purposes of this
provision, "Fair Value" of any fractional share means (A) in the case of any
fraction of a share of Sprint capital stock, the product of such fraction and
the Market Value of one share of such capital stock and (B) in the case of any
other fractional security, such value as is determined by Sprint's Board.     
  No adjustments in respect of dividends will be made upon the conversion or
redemption of any shares of PCS Stock; provided, however, that if the
conversion date or redemption date, as the case may be, with respect to any
shares of PCS Stock is subsequent to the record date for the payment of a
dividend or other distribution thereon or with respect thereto the holders of
such shares of PCS Stock at the close of business on such record date will be
entitled to receive the dividend or other distribution payable on or with
respect to such shares on the date set for payment of such dividend or other
distribution, in each case without interest, notwithstanding the subsequent
conversion or redemption of such shares.     

  Before any holder of PCS Stock will be entitled to receive any cash payment
and/or certificates or instruments representing shares of any capital stock,
and/or other securities or property to be distributed to such holder with
respect to any conversion or redemption of shares of PCS Stock, such holder
will surrender at such place as Sprint will specify certificates for shares of
PCS Stock properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless Sprint waives
such requirement). Sprint will, as soon as practicable after receipt of
certificates representing such shares of PCS Stock, deliver to the person for
whose account such shares were so surrendered, or to the nominee or nominees
of such person, the cash and/or the certificates or instruments representing
the number of whole shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other
securities or property to which such person is entitled, together with any
fractional payment referred to above, in each case without interest. If less
than all of the shares of PCS Stock represented by any one certificate are to
be converted or redeemed, Sprint will issue and deliver a new certificate for
the shares of PCS Stock not redeemed.
  From and after any applicable conversion date or redemption date, all rights
of a holder of PCS Stock that were converted or redeemed will cease, except
for the right, upon surrender of the certificates representing such shares of
PCS Stock, to receive the cash and/or the certificates or instruments
representing shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or
property for which such shares were converted or redeemed, together with any
fractional payment or rights to dividends as provided above, in each case
without interest. Subject to the next sentence, no holder of a certificate
that immediately prior to the applicable conversion date or redemption date
represented shares of PCS Stock will be entitled to receive any dividend or
other distribution or interest payment with respect to shares of any kind of
capital stock or other security or instrument for which PCS Stock was
converted until the surrender of such holder's certificate in exchange for a
certificate or certificates or instrument or instruments representing such
capital stock or other security. Upon such surrender, there will be paid to
the holder the amount of any dividends or other distributions (without
interest) which theretofore became payable on any class of capital stock of
Sprint as of a record date after the conversion date or redemption date, but
which were not paid by reason of the foregoing, with respect to the number of
whole shares of the kind of capital stock represented by the certificate or
certificates issued upon such surrender. From and after a conversion date,
Sprint will, however, be entitled to treat the certificates for PCS Stock that
have not yet been surrendered for conversion as evidencing the ownership of
the number of whole shares of the kind or kinds of capital stock of Sprint for
which the shares of PCS Stock represented by such certificates shall have been
converted, notwithstanding the failure to surrender such certificates.
  Sprint will pay any and all documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer
taxes that may be payable in respect of the issuance or delivery of any shares
of capital stock and/or other securities upon conversion or redemption of
shares of PCS Stock. Sprint will not, however, be required to pay any tax that
may be payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issuance or delivery
of any shares of capital stock and/or other securities in a name other than
that in which the shares of PCS Stock so converted or redeemed were
registered, and no such issuance or delivery will be made unless and until the
person requesting such issuance or delivery has paid to Sprint the amount of
any such tax or has established to the satisfaction of Sprint that such tax
has been paid.
  Automatic Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 2 FON Stock--Below One
Percent Voting Power. If the total number of Converted Votes represented by
the aggregate number of issued and outstanding shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or
Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be, is below one percent of the
outstanding voting power of Sprint for more than 90 consecutive days, then (i)
Sprint will notify FT and DT of the date on which such conversion will occur
as soon as practicable following the date on which such 90-day period ends
(the "Conversion Trigger Date") but in no event later than ten business days
after the Conversion Trigger Date and (ii) each outstanding share of Series 2
PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock will automatically convert (without the
payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, respectively.
Such conversion will take place on the 90th day following the Conversion
Trigger Date.
  Automatic Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 2 FON Stock--Certain
Transfers. Upon any transfer of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON
Stock, as the case may be (other than a transfer to a

Cable Holder) each such share so transferred will automatically convert
(without the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid
and nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock,
respectively, as of the date of such transfer.
  Immediately upon the conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or, if
applicable, Series 2 FON Stock) into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (or, if
applicable, Series 1 FON Stock), as described above under "--Automatic
Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 2 FON Stock--Below One Percent
Voting Power" or "--Certain Transfers," (such shares so converted hereinafter
referred to as the "Converted Series Shares"), the rights of the holders of
such Converted Series Shares, as such, will cease and the holders thereof will
be treated for all purposes as having become the record owners of the shares
of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, as the case may be, issuable upon
such conversion, provided that such persons will be entitled to receive when
paid any dividends declared on the Converted Series Shares as of a record date
preceding the time the Converted Series Shares were converted (the "Series
Conversion Time") and unpaid as of the Series Conversion Time.     
  In General. Currently, each share of Existing Common Stock and Class A
Common Stock is entitled to one vote per share (subject to certain
exceptions), and the holders of Existing Common Stock and the holders of Class
A Common Stock vote together with the holders of all other classes or series
of capital stock of Sprint which have general voting power on all matters in
respect of which the holders of Common Stock are entitled to vote, voting as a
single class.
  Pursuant to the Articles Amendment, except as otherwise provided by law or
as expressly set forth in the Amended Articles, each share of FON Stock, PCS
Stock and Class A Common Stock will be entitled to vote, in accordance with
the provisions set forth in "--Number of Votes" and "--Temporary Voting
Adjustment For Class A Holders," on all matters in respect of which the
holders of Sprint's Existing Common Stock are currently entitled to vote, and,
except as otherwise provided by the terms of any outstanding series of
Preferred Stock, the holders of FON Stock, PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock
will vote together with the holders of all other classes or series of capital
stock which have general voting power on all such matters as a single class;
provided, however, that
    (i) the affirmative vote of holders of a majority of the votes
  represented by the FON Stock and Class A Common Stock, voting together as a
  single class in accordance with the provisions set forth in "--Number of
  Votes" and "--Temporary Voting Adjustment For Class A Holders," will be
  required to adopt any proposed amendment to Sprint's Articles of
  Incorporation that would (A) increase or decrease the aggregate number of
  authorized shares of the FON Stock, (B) increase or decrease the par value
  of the shares of the FON Stock or (C) alter or change the powers,
  preferences or special rights of the shares of the FON Stock so as to
  affect them adversely, and     
    (ii) the affirmative vote of holders of a majority of the votes
  represented by the PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock, voting together as a
  single class in accordance with the provisions set forth in "--Number of
  Votes" and "--Temporary Voting Adjustment For Class A Holders," will be
  required to adopt any proposed amendment to Sprint's Articles of
  Incorporation that would (A) increase or decrease the aggregate number of
  authorized shares of the PCS Stock, (B) increase or decrease the par value
  of shares of the PCS Stock or (C) alter or change the powers, preferences
  or special rights of the shares of the PCS Stock so as to affect them
  Number of Votes. Pursuant to the Articles Amendment,
  .  on each matter to be voted on by the holders of FON Stock, PCS Stock and
     Class A Common Stock voting together as a single class,
    -- each outstanding share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 3 FON Stock
       will be entitled to one vote (subject, in the case of the Series 3
       FON Stock, to any increase in accordance with "--Temporary Voting
       Adjustment For Class A Holders");     

    -- subject to any increase resulting from the provisions described in
       "--Temporary Voting Adjustment For Class A Holders," each
       outstanding share of Existing Class A Common Stock and DT Class A
       Stock will be entitled to a number of votes (which, at any time, may
       be more or less than one whole vote and may include a fraction of a
       vote) equal to the sum of (A) in the case of the Existing Class A
       Common Stock, the Existing Class A FON Vote Per Share and the
       Existing Class A PCS Vote Per Share (computed as of the tenth
       Trading Day preceding the record date for determining the
       Stockholders entitled to vote, expressed as a decimal fraction
       rounded to the nearest three decimal places) and (B) in the case of
       the DT Class A Stock, the DT Class A FON Vote Per Share and the DT
       Class A PCS Vote Per Share (computed as of the tenth Trading Day
       preceding the record date for determining the Stockholders entitled
       to vote, expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest
       three decimal places);     
    -- each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock will be entitled to a
       number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one
       whole vote and may include a fraction of a vote) (the "PCS Per Share
       Vote") equal to (x) if the record date for determining the
       stockholders entitled to vote is on or before December 31, 1998, the
       number of votes determined by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio and
       (y) if the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to
       vote is after December 31, 1998, the number of votes determined by
       multiplying one by the ratio of the average trading prices, over a
       20 Trading Day period, of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock to one
       share of Series 1 FON Stock, computed as of the tenth trading day
       preceding the record date for determining the stockholders entitled
       to vote, expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest
       three decimal places;     
    -- each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS Stock will be entitled to a
       number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one
       whole vote and may include a fraction of one vote) equal to ten
       percent of the applicable PCS Per Share Vote;
    -- each outstanding share of Series 3 PCS Stock will be entitled to a
       number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one
       whole vote and may include a fraction of one vote) equal to the
       applicable PCS Per Share Vote (subject to any increase in accordance
       with the provisions described in "--Temporary Voting Adjustment For
       Class A Holders"); and
    -- each outstanding share of Series 2 FON Stock will be entitled to ten
       percent of one vote;
  .  on each matter to be voted on by the holders of Series 1 FON Stock,
     Series 2 FON Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock, voting
     together as a single class, (i) each outstanding share of Series 1 FON
     Stock will be entitled to one vote, (ii) each outstanding share of
     Series 2 FON Stock will be entitled to ten percent of one vote; (iii)
     each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock will be entitled to the PCS
     Per Share Vote determined as described above; and each outstanding share
     of Series 2 PCS Stock will be entitled to ten percent of such applicable
     PCS Per Share Vote;
  .  on each matter to be voted on by the holders of FON Stock and Class A
     Common Stock, voting together as a single class, each outstanding share
     of (i) Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON Stock
     will be entitled to one vote and (ii) Existing Class A Common Stock and
     DT Class A Stock will be entitled to the Existing Class A FON Vote Per
     Share and the DT Class A FON Vote Per Share, respectively;
  .  on each matter to be voted on by the holders of the PCS Stock and Class
     A Common Stock voting together as a single class, each outstanding share
     of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
     will be entitled to one vote and (ii) Existing Class A Common Stock and
     DT Class A Stock will be entitled to the Existing Class A PCS Vote Per
     Share and the DT Class A PCS Vote Per Share, respectively; and
  .  on each matter to be voted on by the holders of the Class A Common
     Stock, Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock (the "Class A Stock")
     voting together as a single class, each outstanding share of (i) Series
     3 FON Stock will be entitled to one vote, (ii) Series 3 PCS Stock will
     be entitled to the PCS     

     Per Share Vote determined as described above, (iii) DT Class A Stock
     will be entitled to the DT Class A PCS Vote Per Share and the DT Class A
     FON Vote Per Share, and (iv) Existing Class A Common Stock will be
     entitled to the Existing Class A PCS Vote Per Share and the Existing
     Class A FON Vote Per Share, respectively.     
  In addition to the provisions set forth above, (i) if shares of only one
class or series of common stock are outstanding on the record date for
determining the holders of common stock entitled to vote on any matter, then
each share of that class or series will be entitled to one vote and (ii) if
any class or any series of FON Stock or PCS Stock votes as a separate class
with respect to any matter, each share of that class or series will, for
purposes of such vote, be entitled to one vote on such matter.     
  Temporary Voting Adjustment For Class A Holders. If any conversions of
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock into shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, respectively, as described above under
"Conversion and Redemption--Automatic Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and
Series 2 FON Stock--Below One Percent Voting Power" and "--Certain Transfers,"
or any increases in the per share vote of other Sprint voting securities upon
a transfer of such voting securities, occur on or after the tenth trading day
preceding a record date for purposes of determining the stockholders entitled
to vote or to receive the payment of a dividend, then the per share vote of
the Class A Common Stock, Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock determined
in accordance with "--Number of Votes" will be increased such that the
aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of each holder of Class A Stock (a
"Class A Holder") will not be diluted as a result of such conversions until
12:01 a.m. on the day immediately following the date of such stockholder
meeting or the dividend payment date, respectively.     
  Other Voting-related Matters. Sprint anticipates that the FON Stock would
initially represent a majority of the voting power of all classes and series
entitled to vote in the election of directors (other than Class A directors,
who would be elected solely by the holders of Class A Common Stock, Series 3
FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock).
  If the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved by Sprint's stockholders and
implemented by the Sprint Board, Sprint will set forth the number of
outstanding shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock in its Annual and Quarterly
Reports filed pursuant to the Exchange Act, and will disclose in any proxy
statement for a stockholder meeting the number of outstanding shares and per
share voting rights of each class or series of the FON Stock and the PCS
  The relative voting rights of the FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and the
PCS Stock will fluctuate as described above so that a holder's voting rights
would more closely reflect the Market Value of such holder's equity investment
in Sprint. Fluctuations in the relative voting rights of the FON Stock and the
PCS Stock could influence an investor interested in acquiring and maintaining
a fixed percentage of the voting power of Sprint to acquire such percentage of
both such classes of FON Stock and PCS Stock, and would limit the ability of
investors in one class to acquire for the same consideration relatively more
or less votes per share than investors in the other class.
  Following implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal, the holders of FON
Stock or PCS Stock will not have any rights to vote separately as a class on
any matter coming before stockholders of Sprint, except (i) for certain
limited class voting rights provided under Kansas law described below and (ii)
as described under "--Conversion and Redemption--Redemption of PCS Stock for
Subsidiary Stock." In addition to the approval of the holders of a majority of
the voting power of all shares of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS
Stock voting together as a single class, the approval of a majority of the
outstanding shares of the FON Stock, Class A Common Stock or the PCS Stock,
voting as a separate class, would be required under Kansas law to approve any
amendment to Sprint's Articles of Incorporation that would change the par
value of the shares of the class (other than as already provided in Sprint's
Articles of Incorporation) or alter or change the powers,

preferences or special rights of the shares of such class so as to affect them
adversely. Similar approval of a majority of the outstanding shares of any
series of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock or PCS Stock will be required for
similar changes affecting only such series of stock. Because most matters
brought to a stockholder vote would only require the approval of a majority of
the voting power of the FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock, voting
together as a single class, if the holders of any such class of FON Stock,
Class A Common Stock or PCS Stock have more than the number of votes required
to approve any such matter, the holders of that class will be in a position to
control the outcome of the vote on such matter. See "Risk Factors-- The
Tracking Stock Proposal--Limited Separate Stockholder Rights; No Additional
Rights with respect to the Groups; Effects on Voting Power."     
  Currently, in the event of a liquidation or dissolution and winding-up of
Sprint, after payment, or provision for payment, of the debts and other
liabilities of Sprint and the payment of full preferential amounts (including
any accumulated and unpaid dividends) to which the holders of the Existing
Preferred Stock are entitled, holders of Existing Common Stock and Existing
Class A Common Stock would be entitled to share ratably in the remaining net
assets of Sprint. Under the Tracking Stock Proposal, if any voluntary or
involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Sprint occurs, then
after payment or provision for payment of the debts and other liabilities of
Sprint, including the liquidation preferences of any series of Preferred
Stock, the holders of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock will be
entitled to receive the remaining assets of Sprint, regardless of the Group to
which such assets are attributed, divided among such holders in accordance
with the per share Liquidation Units attributable to each such class or series
of stock as follows:     
    (i) each share of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON
  Stock will be attributed one Liquidation Unit,     
    (ii) at the time of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Sprint,
  each share of Existing Class A Common Stock will be attributed a number of
  Liquidation Units (which may be more or less than one whole Liquidation
  Unit and may include a fraction of a Liquidation Unit) equal to (A) the sum
  of (I) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A
  Equity Interest In The FON Group and (II) the product of the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group and the PCS Ratio, divided by (B) the aggregate number of shares
  of Existing Class A Common Stock outstanding (provided that after the
  effective date of the PCS Stock Amendment and prior to the
  Recapitalization, Existing Class A Common Stock will be attributed one
  Liquidation Unit per share);     
    (iii) at the time of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this
  Corporation, each share of DT Class A Stock will be attributed a number of
  Liquidation Units (which may be more or less than one whole Liquidation
  Unit and may include a fraction of a Liquidation Unit) equal to (A) the sum
  of (I) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity
  Interest In The FON Group and (II) the product of the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group
  and the PCS Ratio, divided by (B) the aggregate number of shares of DT
  Class A Stock outstanding (provided that after the effective date of the
  PCS Stock Amendment and prior to the Recapitalization, DT Class A Stock
  would have one Liquidation Unit per share); and     
    (iv) each share of PCS Stock will be attributed the number of Liquidation
  Units determined by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio.     
  The per share Liquidation Units of each such class or series of stock will
be subject to adjustment as determined by Sprint's Board to be appropriate to
reflect equitably (i) any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of such class or series of
stock or (ii) any dividend or other distribution of shares of such class or
series of stock to holders of shares of such class or series of stock. For
example, if Sprint were to effect a two-for-one split of the FON Stock, the
FON Stock would be entitled to 0.5 of a Liquidation Unit per share in order to
avoid dilution of the aggregate liquidation rights of holders of PCS Stock.
Neither the merger nor consolidation of Sprint, nor the transfer of all or
part of its assets, will be     

deemed to be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of Sprint within the meaning of this provision. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
any transaction or series of related transactions which results in the
distribution of all or substantially all of the assets of the PCS Group
(excluding any portion of such assets retained by Sprint or distributed to
holders of FON Stock in respect of the FON Group's Inter-Group Interest in the
PCS Group) to the holders of the outstanding PCS Stock and Class A Common
Stock (to the extent of any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
Interest In The PCS Group) by way of the distribution of equity interests in
one or more entities that collectively hold, directly or indirectly, all or
substantially all of the assets of the PCS Group (including, without
limitation, the PCS Group Subsidiary) will not constitute a voluntary or
involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Sprint for purposes of
this provision but will instead be subject to the provisions described above
under "Conversion and Redemption--Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary
  The Liquidation Units of the FON Stock, Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock
were determined by Sprint in consultation with its financial advisors and are
based upon, among other factors, each Group's initial level of debt and equity
capitalization, each Group's recent historical financial performance, the
market prices of shares of comparable companies that are publicly traded and
the current state of the markets for public offerings and other stock
transactions. See "Risk Factors--The Tracking Stock Proposal--No Assurance as
to Market Price; No Existing Market." Sprint expects that a majority of its
Liquidation Units would be attributed to the FON Stock if a liquidation were
to occur soon after the implementation of the Tracking Stock Proposal. Sprint
considers that its complete liquidation is a remote contingency, and its
financial advisors believe that, in general, these liquidation provisions are
immaterial to trading in FON Stock and PCS Stock. No holder of FON Stock will
have any special right to receive specific assets attributable to the FON
Group and no holder of PCS Stock will have any special right to receive
specific assets attributable to the PCS Group in the case of a dissolution or
liquidation and winding-up of Sprint.     
  Both the PCS Stock Amendment and the Recapitalization Amendment provide that
dividends may be declared and paid on the FON Stock, the Class A Common Stock
and the PCS Stock out of the funds of Sprint legally available for such
purpose. Sprint's Board, in accordance with this requirement and the Tracking
Stock Policies, may at any time declare and pay dividends (i) exclusively on
the FON Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on a Per Class A FON Share Basis),
(ii) exclusively on the PCS Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on a Per Class
A PCS Share Basis) or (iii) on the FON Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on
a Per Class A FON Share Basis), on the one hand, and the PCS Stock and the
Class A Common Stock (on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis), on the other, in
equal or unequal per share amounts, notwithstanding the amount of dividends
previously declared on each class or series of stock, the respective voting or
liquidation rights of each class or series of stock or any other factor.     
  Share Distributions. Subject to the requirements for declaration and payment
of dividends generally under the Amended Articles and in accordance with the
Tracking Stock Policies adopted by Sprint's Board, Sprint's Board may declare
and pay dividends or distributions of shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock (or
Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock) on shares of FON Stock, Class A Common
Stock and PCS Stock or shares of Preferred Stock only as follows:
    (A) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of Series 1 FON Stock), (ii) Series 2 FON Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  Series 2 FON Stock) and (iii) Series 3 FON Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 FON
  Stock) on shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) Series 2 FON Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 FON Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only in
  respect of the Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), respectively, as well as on Preferred Stock attributed
  to the FON Group exclusively;     

    (B) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock), (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock) and (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock) on shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock, (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only in
  respect of the Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The PCS Group), respectively, and Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS
  Group exclusively;     
    (C) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock), (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock) and (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock) on (x) shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) Series 2 FON Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 FON Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only with
  respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), respectively, or (y) shares of Preferred Stock to the
  extent attributed to the FON Group, but in any such case only if
  immediately prior to such dividend or distribution the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest is greater than
  or equal to the sum of (1) the amount of any decrease in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest required
  under the terms of the Amended Articles as a result of such dividend or
  distribution, plus (2) the number of shares of PCS Stock issuable upon
  conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities to be so
  issued or any other outstanding Convertible Securities that have been
  issued as a dividend or other distribution (including in connection with
  any reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of FON Stock or
  Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of
  Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the FON Group; and     
    (D) dividends or distributions of shares of Preferred Stock to the extent
  attributed to the PCS Group (or Convertible Securities convertible into or
  exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Preferred Stock to the extent
  attributed to the PCS Group) on shares of FON Stock or Class A Common Stock
  (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A
  Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of Preferred Stock to the
  extent attributed to the FON Group, but in any such case only if
  immediately prior to such dividend or distribution the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest is greater than
  or equal to the sum of (1) the amount of any decrease in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest required
  under the terms of the Amended Articles as a result of such dividend or
  distribution plus (2) the number of shares of PCS Stock issuable upon
  conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities that have
  been issued as a dividend or other distribution (including in connection
  with any reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of FON Stock or
  Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of
  Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the FON Group.     
  For purposes of this provision, any outstanding Convertible Securities that
are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any other Convertible
Securities which are themselves convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for FON Stock (or other Convertible Securities that are so
convertible, exchangeable or exercisable) or PCS Stock (or other Convertible
Securities that are so convertible, exchangeable or exercisable) will be
deemed to have been converted, exchanged or exercised in full for such
Convertible Securities.
  If the Tracking Stock Proposal is approved by the stockholders and
implemented by the Sprint Board, any determinations made in good faith by the
Sprint Board under any provision described under "--Description of

Capital Stock," and any determinations with respect to any Group or the rights
of holders of shares of either FON Stock or PCS Stock, would be final and
binding on all stockholders of Sprint, subject to the rights of stockholders
under applicable Kansas law and under the federal securities laws.
  UMB Bank, n.a. is the transfer agent, registrar and dividend paying agent
for the Existing Common Stock and ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C. is
the co-transfer agent and registrar for the Existing Common Stock. If the
Tracking Stock Proposal is approved by the stockholders and implemented by the
Sprint Board, UMB Bank, n.a. will be selected as the transfer agent, registrar
and dividend paying agent for the FON Stock and the PCS Stock and ChaseMellon
Shareholder Services, L.L.C. will be selected as the co-transfer agent and
registrar for the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.
  Sprint will file applications with the NYSE for the listing of Series 1 FON
Stock, which will be traded under the symbol "FON," and the listing of the
Series 1 PCS Stock, which will be traded under the symbol "PCS."
  The Warrants will be issued as part of the consideration to be issued to the
Cable Parents and their subsidiaries in connection with the PCS Restructuring.
The Warrants will be issued pursuant to the terms of Warrant Agreements (the
"Warrant Agreements") to be entered into in connection with the PCS
Restructuring between Sprint and each Affiliate of the Cable Parents that will
be issued Warrants. Subject to adjustment as described below, each Warrant
will be exercisable for a share of PCS Stock at the option of the holder at
any time prior to the fifth anniversary of the closing of the PCS
Restructuring at an initial exercise price (the "Exercise Price") with respect
to each Warrant equal to the first to be determined of (i) the initial price
per share at which shares of Series 1 PCS Stock are purchased by the public in
the IPO and (ii) the average daily closing prices of a share of Series 1 PCS
Stock for the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on the 45th trading
day following the commencement of regular way trading in connection with the
  Concurrently with the consummation of the PCS Restructuring and pursuant to
the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint will create an Inter-Group Interest of the
FON Group in the PCS Group that has terms equivalent to the Warrants (the
"Warrant Inter-Group Interest").
  At the Effective Time, after giving effect to the issuance of the Series 2
PCS Stock and the Warrants in the Mergers and the creation of the Warrant
Inter-Group Interest, but without giving effect to the IPO, the
Recapitalization, the issuance of the PCS Preferred Stock, the creation of the
Preferred Inter-Group Interest or the exercise of any Equity Purchase Rights,
(a) the Warrants held by TCI, Comcast and Cox and their respective Affiliates
will represent a 1.42985%, 0.68542% and 0.71492% PCS Group Percentage
Interest, respectively, and (b) the Warrant Inter-Group Interest of the FON
Group will represent a 2.83019% PCS Group Percentage Interest (which equals
the sum of the PCS Group Percentage Interest represented by the Warrants held
by the Cable Parents and their respective Affiliates).     
  The Warrants will be freely transferable by the Cable Parents and their
subsidiaries. Each Warrant will represent the right, subject to the provisions
of the Warrant Agreements, to purchase (i) if the holder of such Warrant is a
Cable Holder, one share of Series 2 PCS Stock and (ii) if such holder is not a
Cable Holder, one share of Series 1 PCS Stock. Any whole number of Warrants
may be exercised by the holder by the surrender of the certificate evidencing
such Warrants at the principal office of Sprint at any time prior to the fifth
anniversary of the closing of the PCS Restructuring. Such surrender must be
accompanied by any of (i) the payment to Sprint of the amount, in cash or by
certified or bank cashier's check or by wire transfer in immediately available
funds, of the Exercise Price then in effect for each Warrant exercised, (ii) a
request that Sprint withhold from the

number of shares of PCS Stock to be issued upon exercise of the Warrants a
number of shares equal to (A) the Exercise Price multiplied by the aggregate
number of Warrants then being exercised, divided by (B) the closing price per
share of the Series 1 PCS Stock on the trading day immediately preceding the
date of the notice of exercise or (iii) a combination of payment as set forth
in (i) and (ii) in an amount equal to such aggregate Exercise Price.
  The Exercise Price and the number of shares of PCS Stock issuable upon
exercise of the Warrants will be subject to adjustment on the occurrence of
certain events, including:
    (i) the payment by Sprint of dividends (or the making of other
  distributions) with respect to PCS Stock payable in shares of PCS Stock;
    (ii) subdivisions, combinations and reclassifications of the PCS Stock;
    (iii) the issuance of rights or warrants to the holders of the PCS Stock
  entitling them to subscribe for or purchase shares of PCS Stock (or
  securities convertible into PCS Stock), in each case for consideration per
  share of PCS Stock which is less than the then current market price per
  share of Series 1 PCS Stock (as determined pursuant to the Warrant
  Agreement); and
    (iv) the distribution to the holders of PCS Stock of any of Sprint's
  assets, debt securities or any rights or warrants to purchase securities
  (but excluding any cash dividend on the PCS Stock unless the aggregate
  amount of such cash dividend together with the amount of all cash dividends
  on the PCS Stock with ex-dividend dates occurring in the 365 consecutive-
  day period ending on the date immediately prior to the ex-dividend date
  with respect to such cash dividend is on a per share basis more than 5% of
  the average market value per share of the Series 1 PCS Stock as measured
  during a specified portion of such period).
  No adjustment in the Exercise Price will be required unless such adjustment
would require an increase or decrease of at least 1.0% in the Exercise Price;
provided that any adjustment which is not made will be carried forward and
taken into account in any subsequent adjustment.
  In the event Sprint consolidates with, merges with or into, or sells all or
substantially all of its property and assets to another person, each Warrant
thereafter will entitle the holder thereof to receive upon exercise thereof
the number of shares of capital stock or other securities or property which
the holder of a number of shares of PCS Stock for which the Warrant could have
been exercised immediately prior to such consolidation, merger or sale of
assets would have been entitled to receive upon completion of such
consolidation, merger or sale of assets. Sprint has agreed not to effect any
such consolidation, merger, transfer or share exchange unless prior to or
simultaneously with the consummation thereof the successor (if other than
Sprint) resulting from such consolidation or merger or the person purchasing
such assets or other appropriate person assumes, by written instrument, the
obligation to deliver to the holder of the Warrant such securities, cash or
other assets as, in accordance with the foregoing provisions, the holder may
be entitled to purchase and the other obligations under the Warrant.
  Subject to the following paragraph, in the event that the PCS Stock into
which the Warrant is convertible is redeemed by Sprint, then, from and after
the effective date of such redemption, the holders of Warrants then
outstanding will be entitled to receive upon exercise of such Warrants, in
lieu of shares of PCS Stock, the kind and amount of shares of stock and other
securities and property receivable in such redemption by a holder of the
number of shares of PCS Stock for which the Warrant could have been exercised
immediately prior to the effective date of such redemption.
  In the case of (i) a redemption by Sprint of the outstanding shares of PCS
Stock by distribution of stock of a subsidiary of Sprint in payment of the
redemption price of the PCS Stock, or (ii) a spinoff by means of the
distribution of stock of a subsidiary of Sprint as a dividend to all holders
of PCS Stock, then each holder of the Warrants may elect to have the Warrants
thereafter exercisable for shares of stock of the subsidiary (the "Spun-Off
Subsidiary") that is spun off as a result of such transaction (the "Redemption
Securities"). If, pursuant to such redemption or spinoff, the holders of PCS
Stock also receive property or assets of Sprint other than the

Redemption Securities, then each holder of the Warrants may elect to have each
Warrant converted into two separate warrants, one of which will be an
obligation of the Spun-Off Subsidiary and will be convertible into those
Redemption Securities that would have been received by the holder of a number
of shares of PCS Stock for which the Warrant could have been exercised
immediately prior to such redemption or spinoff and the other of which will be
an obligation of Sprint and will be convertible into such other property or
assets that would have been received by the holder of a number of shares of
PCS Stock for which the Warrant could have been exercised immediately prior to
such redemption or spinoff. If any holder of the Warrants elects not to so
convert the Warrant, the Warrant will remain an obligation of Sprint and will
thereafter be convertible only into such property or assets (if any) other
than Redemption Securities that would have been received by the holder of a
number of shares of PCS Stock for which the Warrant could have been exercised
immediately prior to such redemption or spinoff.
  Any Warrants that are not exercised on or prior to the fifth anniversary of
the closing of the PCS Restructuring will terminate and be of no further
  The holders of unexercised Warrants are not entitled, as such, to receive
dividends or other distributions with respect to the PCS Stock, receive notice
of any meeting of the stockholders of Sprint, consent to any action of the
stockholders of Sprint, receive notice of any other stockholder meeting, or to
any other rights as stockholders of Sprint.
  The Warrant Inter-Group Interest will have terms equivalent to the Warrants,
as summarized above and as set forth in the Warrant Agreements. Under the
Restructuring Agreement, Sprint has agreed that it will effect such changes
from time to time to the Warrant Inter-Group Interest as may be necessary to
reflect any changes to the terms, rights, powers and privileges of the
  Sprint has authorized and reserved for issuance such number of shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock as are issuable upon the exercise of
all outstanding Warrants and the conversion of the Warrant Inter-Group
  The following statements with respect to the PCS Preferred Stock and the
Preferred Inter-Group Interest are subject to the detailed provisions of the
certificate of designations relating to the PCS Preferred Stock (the
"Certificate of Designations"). These statements do not purport to be
complete, or to give full effect to the provisions of statutory or common law,
and are subject to, and are qualified in their entirety by reference to, the
terms of the Amended Articles (which give effect to the PCS Stock Amendment
and the Recapitalization Amendment), copies of which are attached to this
Proxy Statement as Annex IV.
  General. The PCS Preferred Stock will be issued to the Cable Parents to
purchase up to $240 million of indebtedness advanced by the Cable Parents to
fund the operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings between May 26, 1998 and the
Closing. Shares of PCS Preferred Stock may be issued directly for the purchase
of such indebtedness or as consideration in the Mergers with respect to any of
such indebtedness as is capitalized by the Cable Parents prior to the closing
of the PCS Restructuring. The Preferred Inter-Group Interest will be issued by
the PCS Group to the FON Group to extinguish up to $270.6 million of
indebtedness advanced by Sprint (and allocated to the FON Group) to fund the
operations of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and SprintCom between May 26, 1998 and
the closing of the PCS Restructuring. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--
Funding of the PCS Group Prior to Closing; The PCS Preferred Stock."     
  The number of authorized shares of PCS Preferred Stock is 300,000. When
issued, the PCS Preferred Stock, and the PCS Stock issuable upon conversion
thereof, will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable. The holders of
the PCS Preferred Stock will not have, by virtue of such ownership, any
preemptive rights with respect to any shares of capital stock of Sprint or any
other securities of Sprint convertible into or carrying rights or options to
purchase any such shares. The PCS Preferred Stock will not be subject to any
sinking fund or other     

obligation of Sprint to set aside funds in order to redeem the PCS Preferred
Stock . If not converted by the holder or earlier redeemed by Sprint, the PCS
Preferred Stock will become mandatorily redeemable on the tenth anniversary of
the PCS Restructuring. The PCS Preferred Stock will not be listed on the NYSE.
The shares of PCS Stock issuable upon conversion of the PCS Preferred Stock
are expected to be listed on the NYSE.     
  Ranking. The PCS Preferred Stock will rank junior as to dividends and upon
liquidation to shares of the First Series of the Preferred Stock, Second
Series of the Preferred Stock, Fifth Series of the Preferred Stock and any
other Preferred Stock designated as senior to the PCS Preferred Stock as to
dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up ("Senior Stock"), and
will have a preference over shares of Common Stock and any other class or
series of Junior Stock. The term "Junior Stock" means any stock ranking junior
as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up to the PCS
Preferred Stock.
  Dividends. Holders of shares of PCS Preferred Stock will be entitled to
receive, when, as and if declared by the Sprint Board out of funds of Sprint
legally available for payment, cumulative dividends at a rate per annum to be
determined and fixed at issuance by adjusting a 3.0% per annum base rate as
follows: for every fluctuation (or portion thereof) of 100 basis points in the
per annum rate of return of 10-year U.S. Treasuries as in effect on the date
of issuance higher or lower than 5.627% (the rate for 10-year U.S. Treasuries
due May 2008), the 3.0% base rate will be adjusted higher or lower, as
applicable, by 0.375, or the applicable proportion of such adjustment.
Dividends will be paid on a specified date in each September, December, March
and June (each a "Dividend Payment Date") or, if any such date is not a
business day; the dividends due on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on
the next succeeding business day. The first dividend period shall be from the
date of initial issuance of the PCS Preferred Stock to but excluding December
31, 1998 and the first dividend shall be payable on the first Dividend Payment
Date thereafter. Dividends on the PCS Preferred Stock will be cumulative and
will accumulate from the date of original issuance of the PCS Preferred Stock.
Dividends will be cumulative from such date, whether or not in any dividend
period or periods there shall be funds of Sprint legally available for the
payment of such dividends.     
  Each such dividend will be payable, net of any amounts required to be
withheld for taxes, to holders of record as they appear on the stock records
of Sprint at the close of business on such record dates, not more than 60 days
preceding the payment dates thereof, as shall be fixed by the Sprint Board.
Dividends payable for any period less than a full quarterly dividend period
shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months and
the actual number of days elapsed in any period less than one month. Dividends
shall accrue on a daily basis whether or not there are funds of Sprint legally
available for the payment of such dividends and whether or not such dividends
are declared. Accrued but unpaid dividends shall accumulate as of the Dividend
Payment Date on which they first become payable, but no interest shall accrue
on accumulated but unpaid dividends. Before any dividends on the Common Stock
or any other class or series of stock of Sprint ranking junior to the PCS
Preferred Stock as to dividends shall be paid or declared and set apart for
payment, the holders of shares of the PCS Preferred Stock will be entitled to
receive the full accumulated cash dividends for all quarterly dividend periods
ending on or before the date on which any dividend on any such class or series
of stock ranking junior to the PCS Preferred Stock as to dividends is declared
or is to be paid.
  Redemption. Except as provided below, shares of PCS Preferred Stock will not
be redeemable prior to the third anniversary of the PCS Restructuring. Sprint
may at its option redeem the PCS Preferred Stock in whole or in part after the
third anniversary of the PCS Restructuring, at any time or from time to time,
upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at a redemption price equal to the
Liquidation Preference per share of PCS Preferred Stock, plus any accumulated
unpaid dividends (whether or not declared) up to but excluding such redemption
date. In connection with a Spin Off or a Redemption Event, Sprint may, at its
option, redeem the PCS Preferred Stock in whole after the second anniversary
of the PCS Restructuring and before the third anniversary of the PCS
Restructuring, upon at least thirty days prior notice, at a redemption price
equal to the premium price per share of PCS Preferred Stock, plus any
accumulated unpaid dividends (whether or not declared) up to but excluding
such redemption date, which redemption will be deemed effective immediately
prior to the consummation of the Spin Off or the Redemption Event. If less
than all the outstanding PCS Preferred Stock is to be redeemed, the shares to
be redeemed shall be selected pro rata as nearly as practicable or by lot, or
by such other method as     

may be determined by the Sprint Board to be equitable, without regard to
whether the shares to be redeemed are convertible into Series 1 PCS Stock or
Series 2 PCS Stock. Shares so redeemed shall be cancelled and upon such
cancellation shall be deemed to be authorized and unissued shares of Preferred
Stock, without par value, of Sprint but will not be reissued as shares of the
same series.
  To the extent permitted by law, Sprint will redeem, on the tenth anniversary
of the PCS Restructuring (or, if such day is not a business day, on the first
business day thereafter) (subject to extension as provided in the last
sentence of this paragraph, the "Mandatory Redemption Date"), all remaining
shares of PCS Preferred Stock then outstanding, at the redemption price of
$1,000 for each share outstanding, plus an amount in cash equal to all accrued
but unpaid dividends thereon to the Mandatory Redemption Date. Prior to
authorizing or making such redemption with respect to the PCS Preferred Stock,
Sprint, by resolution of the Sprint Board will, to the extent of funds legally
available therefor, declare a dividend on the PCS Preferred Stock payable on
the Mandatory Redemption Date in an amount equal to any accrued and unpaid
dividends on the PCS Preferred Stock as of such date and, if Sprint does not
have sufficient legally available funds to declare and pay all dividends
accrued at the time of such redemption, any remaining accrued and unpaid
dividends will be added to the redemption price. After paying any accrued and
unpaid dividends pursuant to the foregoing sentence, if the funds of Sprint
legally available for redemption of shares of the PCS Preferred Stock then
required to be redeemed are insufficient to redeem the total number of such
shares then outstanding, those funds which are legally available will be used
to redeem the maximum possible number of shares of the PCS Preferred Stock. At
any time and from time to time thereafter, when additional funds of Sprint are
legally available to discharge its obligation to redeem all of the outstanding
shares of PCS Preferred Stock required to be redeemed pursuant to this
paragraph (the "Mandatory Redemption Obligation"), such funds will be
immediately used to discharge such Mandatory Redemption Obligation until the
balance of such shares have been redeemed. If and so long as the Mandatory
Redemption Obligation shall not be fully discharged, (x) dividends on any
remaining outstanding shares of PCS Preferred Stock shall continue to accrue
and be added to the dividend payable pursuant to the second preceding sentence
and (y) Sprint shall not declare or pay any dividend or make any distribution
on any Parity Stock or Junior Stock. With respect to any Exchange Preferred
Stock or Mirror Preferred Stock, the Mandatory Redemption Date shall be the
later to occur of (i) the tenth anniversary of the PCS Restructuring, and (ii)
the fifth anniversary of the date of issuance of such Exchange Preferred Stock
or Mirror Preferred Stock.
  In the event that any quarterly dividend payable on the PCS Preferred Stock
is in arrears and until all such dividends in arrears have been paid or
declared and set apart for payment, Sprint may not redeem any shares of Parity
Stock or Junior Stock unless all outstanding shares of PCS Preferred Stock are
simultaneously redeemed and may not purchase or otherwise acquire any shares
of PCS Preferred Stock or any Parity Stock or Junior Stock except (i) by
conversion into or exchange for stock ranking junior as to dividends or (ii)
in accordance with a purchase or exchange offer made by Sprint to all holders
of record of PCS Preferred Stock and such Parity Stock upon the same terms as
to holders of any series and, in the case of offers relating to more than one
series, upon such terms as between such series as the Board of Directors or,
to the extent permitted by applicable law, any authorized committee thereof,
after consideration of the respective annual dividend rates and other relative
rights and preferences of the respective series of stock, will result in fair
and equitable treatment as between such series, which determination will be
  Sprint will redeem the PCS Preferred Stock in whole or in part in accordance
with and to the extent required by Section 6.6 of the Restructuring Agreement.
See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Funding of the PCS Group Prior to Closing;
The PCS Preferred Stock--Sprint Spectrum Holdings" and "--SprintCom."
  Liquidation Preference. Subject to prior payment of preferred amounts to
which any Senior Stock is entitled, in the event of any liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of Sprint the holders of the PCS Preferred Stock
will be entitled to receive out of the assets of Sprint available for
distribution to stockholders, before any distribution of the assets is made to
the holders of Sprint Common Stock or any other class or series of stock
ranking junior to the PCS Preferred Stock upon liquidation, the sum of U.S.
$1,000 per share (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus in each case any
accumulated unpaid dividends (whether or not declared), to the date of final
distribution. If upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Sprint the
amounts payable with respect to the

PCS Preferred Stock and any other Parity Stock are not paid in full, the
holders of the PCS Preferred Stock and such Parity Stock will share ratably in
any distribution of assets in proportion to the full preferential amounts to
which they are entitled. After payment of the full amount of the liquidating
distribution to which they are entitled, the holders of PCS Preferred Stock
will not be entitled to any further participation in any distribution of
assets by Sprint. A consolidation or merger of Sprint with or into one or more
other corporations (whether or not Sprint is the surviving corporation in such
consolidation or merger), or a sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially
all of the assets of Sprint shall not be deemed to be a voluntary or
involuntary liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of Sprint. Notice of a
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Sprint shall be filed at each office
or agency maintained for the purpose of conversion of the PCS Preferred Stock,
and shall be mailed to the holders of PCS Preferred Stock at their last
addresses as they shall appear on the stock register of Sprint, at least 20
business days before any such action, stating the date on which any such
action is expected to become effective. The failure to give or receive such
notice or any defect therein will not affect the legality or validity of any
such action.     
  Voting Rights. Except as otherwise required by law, each outstanding share
of the PCS Preferred Stock shall be entitled to vote on all matters in respect
of which the holders of the common stock of Sprint are entitled to vote, and
the holders of the PCS Preferred Stock will vote together with the holders of
all other classes or series of capital stock that have general voting power on
all such matters as a single class; provided, however, that the affirmative
vote or consent of two-thirds of the votes to which the holders of the
outstanding shares of the PCS Preferred Stock are entitled is necessary for
authorizing, effecting or validating the amendment, alteration or repeal of
any of the provisions of the Amended Articles or of any amendment thereto
(including any certificate of designation or any similar document relating to
any series of preferred stock) of Sprint, which would materially and adversely
affect the voting powers, preferences, rights, powers or privileges,
qualifications, limitations and restrictions of the PCS Preferred Stock;
provided, however, that neither (i) the creation, issuance, or increase in the
amount of authorized shares of, any series of preferred stock nor (ii) the
consummation of any transaction described under "--Conversion Rights" in which
the voting powers, preferences, rights, powers or privileges, qualifications,
limitations and restrictions of the PCS Preferred Stock are addressed as
contemplated thereunder will (in either such case) be deemed to materially and
adversely affect such voting powers, preferences, rights, powers or
privileges, qualifications, limitations and restrictions of the PCS Preferred
  On each matter to be voted on by the holders of the PCS Preferred Stock,
each outstanding share of the PCS Preferred Stock is entitled to a number of
votes equal to the number of votes that could be cast with respect to such
matter by the holder of that number of shares of the series of PCS Stock into
which such share of PCS Preferred Stock could be converted if the requirements
for conversion under "--Conversion" had been satisfied by such voting party on
the record date for determining the stockholders of Sprint who are entitled to
vote with respect to such matter.
  Conversion Rights. Each holder of shares of PCS Preferred Stock may at such
holder's option at any time convert any or all of such holder's shares of PCS
Preferred Stock into (i) if such holder is a Cable Holder, shares of Series 2
PCS Stock, and (ii) if such holder is not a Cable Holder, shares of Series 1
PCS Stock. All references herein to shares of Series 2 PCS Stock issuable upon
conversion of shares of PCS Preferred Stock refer to shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock if the holder of such PCS Preferred Stock is not a Cable Holder. Such
shares of PCS Preferred Stock are convertible into a number of fully paid and
nonassessable whole shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as is equal to the aggregate
Liquidation Preference of the shares of PCS Preferred Stock surrendered for
conversion divided by the Initial Conversion Price (as adjusted from time to
time, the "Conversion Price"). In case of the redemption of any shares of the
PCS Preferred Stock, such right of conversion shall cease and terminate as to
the shares duly called for redemption at the close of business on the date
fixed for redemption, unless Sprint defaults in the payment of the redemption
price plus all accrued and unpaid dividends. If Sprint defaults with respect
to such payment, the right to convert the shares designated for redemption
shall terminate at the close of business on the business day next preceding
the date that such default is cured. Upon conversion Sprint will make no
payment or adjustment on account of dividends accrued or in arrears on the PCS
Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion.

  Holders of shares of PCS Preferred Stock at the close of business on a
record date for any payment of declared preferred dividends will be entitled
to receive the Preferred Dividends payable on those shares of PCS Preferred
Stock on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date notwithstanding the
conversion pursuant to this section of those shares of PCS Preferred Stock
following such record date and before the close of business on such Dividend
Payment Date. Except as provided in the preceding sentence, upon any
conversion of shares of PCS Preferred Stock, Sprint will make no payment of or
allowance of unpaid Preferred Dividends, whether or not in arrears, on such
shares of PCS Preferred Stock, or for previously declared dividends or
distributions on the shares of Series 2 PCS Stock issued upon conversion.
  Conversion of shares of PCS Preferred Stock may be effected by delivering
certificates evidencing such shares of PCS Preferred Stock, together with
written notice of conversion stating the number of shares to be converted and
a proper assignment of such certificates to Sprint or in blank, to the office
of the transfer agent for the PCS Preferred Stock or to any other office or
agency maintained by Sprint for that purpose and otherwise in accordance with
conversion procedures established by Sprint. Each conversion will be deemed to
have been effected immediately before the close of business on the date on
which the foregoing requirements will have been satisfied.
  No fraction of a share of Series 2 PCS Stock will be issued upon any
conversion. In lieu of the fraction of a share to which the holder of shares
of the PCS Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion would otherwise be
entitled, such holder shall receive, as soon as practicable after the date of
conversion, an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the market value
of a full share of Series 1 PCS Stock. For the purposes of this subparagraph,
the market value of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be the Closing Price
of such a share on the day immediately preceding the date upon which such
shares of PCS Preferred Stock are surrendered for conversion.
  Conversion Price Adjustments. The Conversion Price will be subject to
adjustment on the occurrence of certain events, including:
    (i) the payment by Sprint of dividends (or the making of other
  distributions) with respect to PCS Stock payable in shares of PCS Stock;
    (ii) subdivisions, combinations and reclassifications of the PCS Stock;
    (iii) the issuance of rights or warrants to the holders of the PCS Stock
  entitling them to subscribe for or purchase shares of PCS Stock (or
  securities convertible into PCS Stock), in each case for consideration per
  share of PCS Stock which is less than the then current market price per
  share of Series 1 PCS Stock (as determined pursuant to the Certificate of
  Designations); and
    (iv) the distribution to the holders of PCS Stock of any of Sprint's
  assets, debt securities or any rights or warrants to purchase securities
  (but excluding any cash dividend on the PCS Stock unless the aggregate
  amount of such cash dividend together with the amount of all cash dividends
  on the PCS Stock with ex-dividend dates occurring in the 365 consecutive-
  day period ending on the date immediately prior to the ex-dividend date
  with respect to such cash dividend is on a per share basis more than 5% of
  the average market value per share of the Series 1 PCS Stock as measured
  during a specified portion of such period).
  No adjustment in the Conversion Price will be required unless such
adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at least 1.0% in the
Conversion Price; provided that any adjustment which is not made will be
carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment.
  In the event Sprint consolidates with, merges with or into, or sells all or
substantially all of its property and assets to another person, each share of
PCS Preferred Stock thereafter shall entitle the holder thereof to receive
upon conversion thereof the number of shares of capital stock or other
securities or property which the holder of a number of shares of PCS Stock
into which such share of PCS Preferred Stock would have been converted
immediately prior to such consolidation, merger or sale of assets would have
received upon completion of such consolidation, merger or sale of assets.
Sprint has agreed not to effect any such consolidation, merger, transfer or
share exchange unless prior to or simultaneously with the consummation thereof
the successor (if other than     

Sprint) resulting from such consolidation or merger or the person purchasing
such assets or other appropriate person shall assume, by written instrument,
the obligation to deliver to the holders of the PCS Preferred Stock such
securities, cash or other assets as, in accordance with the foregoing
provisions, the holder may be entitled to purchase and the other obligations
under the Certificate of Designations.
  Subject to the following paragraph, in the event that the PCS Stock into
which the PCS Preferred Stock is convertible is redeemed by Sprint, then, from
and after the effective date of such redemption, the holders of PCS Preferred
Stock then outstanding shall be entitled to receive upon exercise of such PCS
Preferred Stock, in lieu of shares of PCS Stock, the kind and amount of shares
of stock and other securities and property receivable in such redemption by a
holder of the number of shares of PCS Stock into which each share of PCS
Preferred Stock could have been converted immediately prior to the effective
date of such redemption.
  In the case of (i) a redemption by Sprint of the outstanding shares of PCS
Stock by distribution of stock of a subsidiary of Sprint in payment of the
redemption price of the PCS Stock or (ii) a spinoff by means of the
distribution of stock of a subsidiary of Sprint as a dividend to all holders
of PCS Stock, then each holder of the PCS Preferred Stock may elect to have
the PCS Preferred Stock thereafter convertible into shares of stock of the
subsidiary (the "Spun-Off Subsidiary") that is spun off as a result of such
transaction (the "Redemption Securities"). If, pursuant to such redemption or
spinoff, the holders of PCS Stock also receive property or assets of Sprint
other than the Redemption Securities, then each holder of the PCS Preferred
Stock may elect to have each share of PCS Preferred Stock converted into two
separate shares of preferred stock, one of which will be issued by the Spun-
Off Subsidiary and will be convertible into those Redemption Securities that
would have been received by the holder of a share of PCS Preferred Stock if
such shares of PCS Preferred Stock had been converted into PCS Stock
immediately prior to such redemption or spinoff and the other of which will be
issued by Sprint and will be convertible into such other property or assets
that would have been received by the holder of a share of PCS Preferred Stock
if such share of PCS Preferred Stock had been converted into PCS Stock
immediately prior to such redemption or spinoff. If any holder of the PCS
Preferred Stock elects not to so convert any share of PCS Preferred Stock,
such share of PCS Preferred Stock will remain an obligation of Sprint and will
thereafter be convertible only into such property or assets (if any) other
than Redemption Securities that would have been received by the holder of a
share of PCS Preferred Stock if such share had been converted into PCS Stock
immediately prior to such redemption or spinoff.
  Under the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint has agreed that it will effect
such changes from time to time to the Preferred Inter-Group Interest as may be
necessary to reflect any changes to the terms, rights, powers and privileges
of the PCS Preferred Stock.
                          FUTURE INTER-GROUP INTEREST
  It is Sprint's intention that, upon completion of the Recapitalization, the
FON Group will have only a small Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group in
addition to the Warrant Inter-Group Interest and the Preferred Inter-Group
Interest. Under the Tracking Stock Policies, however, the Sprint Board could
determine from time to time to contribute, as additional equity, cash or other
property of the FON Group to the PCS Group or purchase shares of PCS Stock in
the open market with cash or other property of the FON Group. In such event,
the FON Group would hold an Inter-Group Interest, representing an interest in
the equity value of Sprint attributable to the PCS Group. The Tracking Stock
Policies provide that the PCS Group shall not have or be able to have an
Inter-Group Interest in the FON Group. In restricting the PCS Group from
creating such an interest in the FON Group, the Sprint Board determined that,
because of the disparity in the relative sizes (based upon asset values)
between the two Groups and the resultant effects that an interest in the FON
Group could have on the value of the PCS Stock, an Inter-Group Interest held
by the PCS Group in the FON Group could adversely affect the ability of the
PCS Stock to reflect the separate performance of the PCS Group.     

  An Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group, because it represents an interest
between two business groups within Sprint, would not be represented by
outstanding shares of PCS Stock and, accordingly, would not be voted on any
matter, including any matter requiring the vote of the holders of PCS Stock as
a separate class. However, the Market Value attributable to the Inter-Group
Interest should be reflected in the Market Value of the FON Stock, which in
turn would affect the aggregate voting power represented by the FON Stock on
any matter on which holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock vote together as a
single class.     
  If an Inter-Group Interest exists and additional shares of PCS Stock are
subsequently issued by Sprint, the Sprint Board would determine (i) the number
of shares of such PCS Stock issued for the account of the FON Group with
respect to the Inter-Group Interest, the net proceeds of which will be
reflected entirely in the financial
statements of the FON Group, and (ii) the number of shares of such PCS Stock
issued for the account of the PCS Group as an additional equity interest in
the PCS Group, the net proceeds of which will be reflected entirely in the
financial statements of the PCS Group. As additional shares of PCS Stock are
issued for the account of the FON Group, the Inter-Group Interest Fraction and
the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group
Interest would decrease and the Outstanding PCS Fraction would increase
accordingly. At the time all shares of PCS Stock issuable with respect to the
Inter-Group Interest are issued, the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The FON Group Inter-Group Interest would be zero and shares of PCS Stock could
no longer be issued for the account of the FON Group without incurring an
inter-Group debt owed by the FON Group. If additional shares of PCS Stock are
issued for the account of the PCS Group, the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest would not decrease but the
Inter-Group Interest Fraction would nonetheless decrease and the Outstanding
PCS Fraction would increase accordingly.     
  If an Inter-Group Interest exists and the Sprint Board determines to issue
shares of PCS Stock as a distribution on the FON Stock, such distribution
would be treated as a distribution of shares issuable with respect to the
Inter-Group Interest, and, as a result, the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest would decrease by the number of
shares of PCS Stock distributed to the holders of FON Stock, resulting in a
proportionate decrease in the Inter-Group Interest Fraction and a
corresponding increase in the Outstanding PCS Fraction.     
  If an Inter-Group Interest exists and Sprint repurchases shares of PCS Stock
with cash or property of the FON Group, the Number of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest and the Inter-Group Interest
Fraction would increase and the Outstanding PCS Fraction would decrease
accordingly. If the repurchase of shares of PCS Stock were attributed to the
PCS Group, the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-
Group Interest would not increase but the Inter-Group Interest Fraction would
nonetheless increase and the Outstanding PCS Fraction would decrease
  The financial statements of the FON Group will be credited, and the
financial statements of the PCS Group will be charged, with an amount equal to
the product of (i) the Fair Value of any dividend or other distribution paid
or distributed in respect of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock and (ii) a
fraction, the numerator of which is the Inter-Group Interest Fraction on the
record date for such dividend or distribution and the denominator of which is
the Outstanding PCS Fraction on the record date for such dividend or

                         ANTI-TAKEOVER CONSIDERATIONS
  The Kansas General Corporation Code contains, and if the Tracking Stock
Proposal is approved and implemented by the Sprint Board, the Amended Articles
and the amended Sprint Bylaws will contain, provisions which could serve to
discourage or make more difficult a change in control of Sprint without the
support of the Sprint Board or without meeting various other conditions. A
summary of such provisions is set forth below.     
  The Existing Articles authorize the issuance by the Sprint Board, without
the necessity of further notice or authorization by the stockholders, of up to
20,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock. The Sprint Board has authorized the
issuance of four series of Preferred Stock, aggregating in total 12,001,420
shares, including 1,742,853 shares of Preferred Stock--First Series, 8,758,472
shares of the Preferred Stock--Second Series, 95 shares of the Preferred
Stock--Fifth Series, and 1,500,000 shares of the Preferred Stock--Sixth
Series. Accordingly, 7,998,580 shares of Preferred Stock remain unissued,
unreserved and available for issuance. The unissued and unreserved Preferred
Stock may be issued from time to time in one or more series and may have such
voting powers, preferences, relative rights, designations, qualifications and
limitations as the Sprint Board may fix by resolution at the time of issuance.
In addition, the authorized but unissued shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock will
be available for issuance from time to time at the discretion of the Sprint
Board without the approval of the stockholders of Sprint, unless such
stockholder approval is deemed advisable by the Sprint Board or required by
applicable law, regulation or stock exchange listing requirements. One of the
effects of the existence of authorized, unissued and unreserved Common Stock
and Preferred Stock could be to enable the Sprint Board to issue shares to
persons friendly to current management which could render more difficult or
discourage an attempt to obtain control of Sprint by means of a merger, tender
offer, proxy contest or otherwise, and thereby protect the continuity of
Sprint's management. Such additional shares also could be used to dilute the
stock ownership of persons seeking to obtain control of Sprint.     
  The Existing Articles contain a provision (ARTICLE SEVENTH) to the effect
that certain business combinations must be approved by the affirmative vote of
the holders of 80% of the outstanding shares entitled to vote in an election
of directors. Transactions subject to such approval (each a "Fair Price
Business Combination") include mergers, consolidations, sales or other
dispositions of assets valued at $1 million or more, and issuances of
securities valued at $1 million or more, between, or otherwise involving,
Sprint or any of its subsidiaries and any Interested Stockholder (defined
generally as the direct or indirect beneficial owner of 10% or more of the
outstanding capital stock of Sprint) or an affiliate of an Interested
Stockholder, certain liquidations or dissolutions of Sprint and certain
reclassifications of securities or recapitalizations of Sprint. These
provisions do not apply if (i) the transaction has been approved by a majority
of directors ("Continuing Directors") who were directors prior to the time the
Interested Stockholder attained such status (or certain successors of such
directors) and who are unaffiliated with the Interested Stockholder if such
approval is obtained at a meeting at which at least seven Continuing Directors
are present, or (ii) the Fair Price Business Combination is a merger or
consolidation and the cash or fair market value of the property, securities or
other consideration to be received by Sprint stockholders is not less than the
highest price per share paid by the Interested Stockholder for its holdings of
Sprint capital stock.
  In order to avoid the payment of "greenmail" by Sprint, the Existing
Articles contain a provision (ARTICLE EIGHTH) that requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the Sprint voting power to approve any purchase,
redemption or other acquisition by Sprint of any capital stock of Sprint at
above-market prices from an Interested Securityholder (defined generally as
any person who beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, five percent or more
of the class of securities to be acquired) who has owned such securities for
less than two years.

Shares beneficially owned by the Interested Securityholder are excluded from
this computation. This requirement for stockholder approval does not apply to
a tender or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of such
  The Existing Articles contain a provision (ARTICLE FIFTH) that provides for
a classified Sprint Board under which one-third of the total number of
directors are elected each year. The Existing Articles provide that the number
of directors shall not be less than ten or more than twenty, as may be
determined by the Sprint Board. The Sprint Board currently has fixed the
number of directors at eleven. The effect of these provisions, may be to
prevent a holder of a large block of voting shares from gaining control of the
Sprint Board for at least two successive annual meetings. Under the Existing
Articles, a director may be removed only for cause and then only by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
in an election of directors. Vacancies created by an increase in the size of
the Sprint Board or for any other reason may be filled by the remaining
directors then in office; provided that if the vacancy occurs as a result of
an increase in the size of the Sprint Board the directors electing such
members must constitute a majority of the Sprint Board.     
  The provision for a classified Sprint Board, together with the limitation on
removal of directors, make it more difficult to remove directors, and
ultimately incumbent management, even if a majority of stockholders desire to
do so, particularly if the only reason for the proposed removal may be
stockholder dissatisfaction with the performance of the incumbent directors. A
person who has gained as much as majority voting control of Sprint will be
unable to gain immediate control of the Sprint Board unless such person can
obtain sufficient additional votes to amend various provisions of the Existing
Articles and the Sprint Bylaws, and even then, under the Kansas General
Corporation Code, an amendment to the Existing Articles may only be presented
to stockholders for approval if adopted and declared advisable by the then-
sitting Sprint Board.     
  Under the Sprint Bylaws, a special meeting of stockholders may be called
only by the Chairman of the Sprint Board, the President or the Sprint Board or
at the request of the holders of a majority of the shares of stock issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote. The Sprint Bylaws require that for business
to be properly brought before a meeting by a stockholder and for nominations
by stockholders for the election of directors notice must be given to the
Corporate Secretary of Sprint not less than 50 days nor more than 75 days
prior to the meeting of the stockholders for the election of directors, unless
less than the 65 days' notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the
meeting is made or given to the stockholders, in which case notice must be
given to the Corporate Secretary of Sprint no later than the close of business
on the fifteenth day following the day on which such notice of the date of the
meeting was mailed or such public disclosure was made, whichever first occurs.
The provision also requires that such notice must contain certain information
(a) about each proposed nominee, including (i) name, age and business and
residence addresses, (ii) principal occupation or employment, (iii) the class
and number of shares of capital stock of Sprint beneficially owned by such
person and (iv) any other information relating to the person that is required
to be disclosed in solicitations for proxies for the election of directors
pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act, and (b) about the
stockholder giving the notice, including (i) the name and record address of
such stockholder and (ii) the class and number of shares of capital stock of
Sprint beneficially owned by such stockholder. This advance notice provision
is not applicable to nominations made by the Sprint Board. This advance notice
requirement, by regulating nominations from the floor at any meeting of
stockholders, affords management the opportunity to consider the
qualifications of the proposed non-management nominees and, to the extent
deemed necessary or desirable by management, inform the stockholders about
such qualifications in Sprint's proxy statement for the annual meeting.     
  On June 29, 1998, the Sprint Board approved an amendment to Sprint's rights
agreement to be effective on the filing of the PCS Stock Amendment with the
Kansas Secretary of State. The amended rights agreement (the     

"Rights Agreement") amends that the existing Rights that are currently
attached to the Existing Common Stock by designating them as FON Group Rights.
Following the PCS Restructuring and prior to the Recapitalization, a FON Group
Right will be issued in connection with each issuance of a share of Existing
Common Stock and, if issued, each share of Series 2 Common Stock. After the
Recapitalization, a FON Group Right will be issued in connection with the
issuance of each share of any series of FON Stock. The amendment also creates
new PCS Group Rights which will be issued in connection with the issuance of
shares of all series of PCS Stock. Finally, the amendment amends the existing
Rights that are attached to the Existing Class A Common Stock by designating
them as Old Class A Rights and Series DT Rights.     
  The FON Group Rights will be traded with the Existing Common Stock prior to
the Recapitalization and with the FON Stock after the Recapitalization, and
the PCS Group Rights will be traded with the PCS Stock. The Rights detach from
the FON Stock and the PCS Stock and become exercisable only if, in a
transaction not approved by the Sprint Board, a person or entity acquires
voting securities representing 15% or more of the voting power of Sprint or
announces a tender offer the consummation of which would result in ownership
by a person or group of voting securities representing 15% or more of the
voting power of Sprint.     
  Once the Rights detach and become exercisable, unless subsequently redeemed,
each FON Group Right then entitles its holder to purchase one one-thousandth
of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series for an exercise price of $350, if
prior to the Recapitalization, or $275, if after the Recapitalization, subject
in each case to certain adjustments. Once the Rights detach and become
exercisable, unless subsequently redeemed, each PCS Group Right then entitles
its holder to purchase one one-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--
Eighth Series for an exercise price of $150, subject to certain adjustments.
If the Rights detach and become exercisable prior to the Recapitalization,
each Old Class A Right and Series DT Right would entitle its holder to
purchase one one-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series for an
exercise price of $350. After the Recapitalization, each Old Class A Right and
Series DT Right would entitle the holder to purchase one one-thousandth of a
share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series for an exercise price of $275 for each
share of FON Stock underlying each share of Existing Class A Common Stock or
DT Class A Stock, and one-half of one one-thousandth of a share of Preferred
Stock--Eighth Series for an exercise price of $75 for each one-half of a share
of PCS Stock underlying each share of Existing Class A Common Stock or DT
Class A Stock, subject to certain adjustments.     
  In the event that a person or group (an "Acquiring Person") becomes the
beneficial owner of voting securities representing 15% or more of the voting
power of Sprint, except pursuant to a Qualifying Offer, each holder of a FON
Group Right and each holder of a PCS Group Right will thereafter have the
right to receive, upon exercise of such Right, FON Stock and PCS Stock,
respectively, having a value equal to two times the then current exercise
price of the Right and each holder of Old Class A Rights or Series DT Rights
will thereafter have the right to receive upon exercise of such Right both FON
Stock and PCS Stock each having a value equal to two times the then current
exercise prices of the Right for Preferred Stock--Sixth Series and Preferred
Stock--Eighth Series, respectively. Following the occurrence of any such
event, all Rights that are, or (under certain circumstances) were,
beneficially owned by any Acquiring Person (or certain related parties) will
be null and void. A "Qualifying Offer" is an offer for outstanding shares of
common stock which a majority of the independent directors (i.e., directors
who are not also officers of Sprint and who are not representatives, nominees,
affiliates or associates of an Acquiring Person) determine, after receiving
advice from one or more investment banking firms, to be fair to the
stockholders and otherwise in the best interests of Sprint and its
  If Sprint is involved in a merger or other business combination transaction
after the Rights become exercisable, each Right will entitle its holder to
purchase, for the Right's exercise price, a number of the acquiring or
surviving company's shares of common stock having a market value equal to
twice the exercise price. Sprint will be entitled to redeem the Rights at $.01
per Right at any time until ten business days following a public announcement
that a person or group of persons has acquired beneficial ownership of voting
securities representing 15% or more of the voting power of Sprint (or in
excess of the shares permitted to be acquired under the Amended Standstill
Agreement, in the case of FT and DT). The terms of the Rights will expire on
June 25, 2007, unless earlier redeemed by Sprint or unless extended by
amending the Rights Agreement.     

  The Rights Agreement is not intended to deter all takeover bids for Sprint
and will not do so. For example, the Rights Agreement does not foreclose an
attractive offer to acquire all the FON Stock at the same price and all of the
PCS Stock at the same price, or a transaction approved by the Sprint Board. To
the extent an acquiror is discouraged, delayed or prevented by the Rights
Agreement from acquiring or from making an unsolicited proposal to acquire an
equity position in Sprint, stockholders may be deprived from receiving a
premium for their shares. The issuance of additional shares of FON Stock, PCS
Stock or Class A Common Stock prior to the time the Rights become exercisable
will result in an increase in the number of Rights outstanding.     
  Pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement, Sprint has agreed that under the
applicable governing documents for any stockholder rights plan in effect for
stockholders of Sprint following the Closing, (i) a holder of Series 2 PCS
Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock) will not be deemed to "beneficially own" the
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (or Series 1 FON Stock) issuable upon conversion
of such shares before such conversion, (ii) shares of Common Stock acquired by
the Cable Parents or their Affiliates pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement
(including pursuant to their Equity Purchase Rights, the Mergers and
provisions for the repayment of certain tax benefits in shares of Common Stock
under certain circumstances), or acquired upon conversion of such shares, will
not result in such holders being deemed Acquiring Persons under such rights
plan, and (iii) if a transferee of Common Stock of a Cable Parent or its
Affiliate did not exceed the applicable threshold as of the time of
acquisition of such shares so as to make such transferee an Acquiring Person
under such rights plan, and such transferee subsequently exceeds such
threshold as a result of the fluctuating vote per share of the PCS Stock, such
transferee will have 30 days to sell enough shares to decrease its ownership
below such threshold before being deemed an Acquiring Person for purposes of
such rights plan.     
  The provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. Section 17-12,101 et seq (the "Business
Combination Statute") limits business combinations (as defined in Section 17-
12,100 of the Business Combination Statute) between corporations and
interested stockholders. However, Section 17-12,101 of the Business
Combination Statute exempts from its provisions business combinations with
interested stockholders who became such in a transaction approved by the board
of directors.     
  The Kansas Control Share Acquisition Statute (the "CSA Statute") provides
that persons who acquire beneficial ownership of the Common Stock of Sprint in
excess of certain thresholds -- 20%, 33-1/3% and 50%-- lose the right to vote
the shares acquired in the transaction ("Control Shares") that resulted in the
person exceeding one of those thresholds, unless the acquisition is approved
by (i) a majority of the outstanding shares of Sprint and (ii) a majority of
the outstanding shares of Sprint excluding the Control Shares and shares held
by Sprint officers and Sprint directors who are also Sprint employees. The CSA
Statute limits the ability of a stockholder to acquire a substantial equity
stake in Sprint without the approval of Sprint's stockholders and reduces the
coercive effect of a front-end loaded tender offer.
                            FT AND DT ARRANGEMENTS
  In General. The following is a summary of the terms of the Master Agreement,
a copy of which was filed as an Exhibit to Sprint's Current Report on Form 8-K
dated May 26, 1998, and certain related documents (the "Amended Investment
Documents"). The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the more
specific terms of the Master Agreement and the Amended Investment Documents.
  The Original Investment Agreement and Related Investment Documents. Sprint,
FT and DT entered into an Investment Agreement, dated as of July 31, 1995,
which was amended on November 21, 1995 (the "Original Investment Agreement"),
and also entered into certain related agreements executed pursuant to the
Original Investment Agreement (the "Related Investment Documents"). The
Related Investment Documents include (i) the Registration Rights Agreement,
dated as of January 31, 1996, among FT, DT and Sprint (the "Original     

Registration Rights Agreement"), (ii) the Stockholders' Agreement, dated as of
January 31, 1996, among FT, DT and Sprint, as amended (the "Original
Stockholders' Agreement"), and (iii) the Standstill Agreement, dated as of
July 31, 1996, as amended (the "Original Standstill Agreement").
  Pursuant to the Original Investment Agreement and the Related Investment
Documents, FT and DT purchased shares of Existing Class A Common Stock from
Sprint. Although the provisions of the Original Investment Agreement and the
Related Investment Documents, along with the terms of the Existing Articles,
set forth certain rights and restrictions with respect to the ownership of FT
and DT of the Existing Class A Common Stock, the existing arrangements lack
certain terms necessary to address the Tracking Stock Proposal.
  Accordingly, one objective of the Master Agreement and the Amended
Investment Documents is to adapt the terms of the Original Investment
Agreement and the Related Investment Documents to Sprint's proposed tracking
stock equity structure. In particular, these documents provide, among other
things, for Class A Common Stock to remain outstanding following the
Recapitalization, but to represent interests in the underlying FON Stock and
PCS Stock, and for the Equity Purchase Rights of FT and DT to apply to FON
Stock and PCS Stock after the Recapitalization has occurred. Another objective
is for FT and DT (and/or certain of their designated subsidiaries) to purchase
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock in connection with the PCS Restructuring and the
IPO. Such purchases are intended to ensure that FT and DT will maintain their
aggregate 20% voting power after the consummation of the PCS Restructuring and
the IPO.
  Purchases of Series 3 PCS Stock. The Master Agreement contemplates a minimum
of one purchase and a maximum of three purchases of Series 3 PCS Stock by FT
and DT. Series 3 PCS Stock will have most of the same voting rights as the
Series 1 PCS Stock (except it will be voted along with the Series 3 FON Stock
and Class A Common Stock for the election of the Class A Directors) and
dividend and liquidation rights that are identical to the Series 1 PCS Stock.
The initial purchase of Series 3 PCS Stock (the "Primary Purchase") will occur
simultaneously with the PCS Restructuring. Subsequent purchases may be
necessary if the IPO occurs after the PCS Restructuring (i.e., the "Secondary
Purchase") or if the underwriters exercise an over-allotment option in
connection with the IPO (i.e., the "Greenshoe Purchase" and, collectively with
the Primary Purchase and the Secondary Purchase, the "Top Up Purchases").     
  Pursuant to the Top Up Purchases and subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the Master Agreement, FT and DT have agreed to purchase a number of
whole shares (rounded up to the nearest whole share) of Series 3 PCS Stock
sufficient for FT and DT to have acquired Beneficial Ownership, in the
aggregate, equal to 25% of the aggregate voting power attributable to the
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and PCS Preferred Stock
issued in the PCS Restructuring and the IPO (including issuances resulting
from the exercise of
Equity Purchase Rights by any of the Cable Parents). Each of FT and DT has
agreed to purchase one-half of the shares of Series 3 PCS Stock to be so
purchased; such purchases would be consummated concurrently and no purchase by
one of FT or DT will be made unless and until the concurrent purchase by the
other of FT or DT is so effected. With respect to each of the Top Up
Purchases, Sprint will use its reasonable efforts to coordinate the exercise
of Equity Purchase Rights by the Cable Parents and FT and DT to avoid a series
of successive exercises of such rights triggered by a single initial issuance.
   The Top Up Purchases made pursuant to the Master Agreement will be in lieu
of the Equity Purchase Rights which FT and DT otherwise have under the
Original Stockholders' Agreement and the Amended and Restated Stockholders'
Agreement (the "Amended Stockholders' Agreement"), which will be entered into
by Sprint, FT and DT on the date of the Primary Purchase.     
  If prior to any Top Up Purchase all outstanding shares of Series 3 FON
Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock have been converted into
publicly-held Common Stock, each share of Series 3 PCS Stock to have been
issued by Sprint pursuant to such Top Up Purchase (and the Master Agreement)
shall instead be issued as one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share
of Series 1 PCS Stock.

  FT and DT will purchase the shares of Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to the
Primary Purchase at the applicable price specified below and determined at the
date of the Primary Purchase:
    (i) if Sprint elects to complete the IPO concurrently with the PCS
  Restructuring, the purchase price per share will be the IPO Price net of
  any underwriting discounts in connection with the IPO, which purchase price
  will be paid in cash in immediately available funds, or
    (ii) if Sprint elects to complete the Recapitalization concurrently with
  the PCS Restructuring and prior to the IPO, then the purchase price per
  share will be an amount equal to the volume-weighted average Closing Price
  for Series 1 PCS Stock for the period of 20 consecutive trading days
  following the commencement of regular way trading in connection with the
  Recapitalization, which purchase price shall be paid by the issuance to
  Sprint by FT and DT of notes of FT or DT (as applicable) ("Top Up Notes")
  or a combination of cash and Top Up Notes.
If the IPO occurs after the PCS Restructuring and the Recapitalization, FT and
DT will purchase the shares of Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to the Secondary
Purchase and Greenshoe Purchase at the IPO Price net of any underwriting
discounts in connection with the IPO. Simultaneously with the Primary
Purchase, Sprint, FT and DT will execute the Amended Investment Documents.
  The number of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock to be purchased by FT and DT
under the Master Agreement and the purchase price for such shares will be
adjusted to reflect any stock split, subdivision, stock dividend or other
reclassification, consolidation or a combination of the Sprint Voting
Securities or similar action or transaction after the date of the Master
Agreement, except that no adjustment shall be made in respect of the
  The Master Agreement--Other Provisions. Each of FT and DT agrees to vote (or
cause to be voted) the shares of capital stock of Sprint it owns (directly or
indirectly) in favor of the PCS Stock Amendment, the Recapitalization
Amendment, the Restructuring Agreement and the transactions contemplated
thereby and the other matters related thereto presented for a vote at the
Stockholders Meeting (including any class vote of the holders of Class A
Common Stock required), and agrees not to exercise any disapproval rights
which it may have with respect to any such matters. In addition, each of
Sprint, FT and DT agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
all consents and authorizations of third parties and governmental authorities
and to make all filings with and give all notices to third parties and
governmental authorities which may be necessary or required in order to effect
the transactions contemplated by the Master Agreement. Each of Sprint, FT and
DT also agrees to use all reasonable efforts to cause the Recapitalization to
constitute a tax-free "reorganization" under the Code. Sprint will, at the
request of FT and DT, use its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain, as
soon as is practicable, any United States regulatory approvals or other
regulatory relief as FT and DT reasonably deem appropriate in order for FT and
DT to exercise and benefit from their rights under the Master Agreement,
certain of the Amended Investment Documents and the Amended Articles.     
  The Master Agreement--Representations and Warranties;
Indemnification. Sprint, FT and DT make certain representations and warranties
to each other party to the Master Agreement concerning, among other things,
due organization, absence of litigation and necessary governmental approvals
and in the case of Sprint, certain changes involving Sprint and certain
actions taken by Sprint's Board. Certain of these representations and
warranties (the "Surviving Representations") survive until the earlier to
occur of (i) 15 months after the date of the applicable Top Up Purchase and
(ii) 90 days after the publication of the results of the first full audit of
the consolidated financial statements of Sprint and Sprint's subsidiaries by
Sprint's independent auditors following the applicable Top Up Purchase. Others
of these representations will survive without limitation as to time. FT and DT
will be entitled to recovery with respect to breaches of the Surviving
Representations and certain other representations only if the aggregate amount
of loss, liability or damage (including reasonable attorneys' fees and other
costs and expenses) (collectively, "Damages") incurred or sustained by FT and
DT arising from or relating to such breaches exceeds $30 million. FT and DT
will be entitled to compensation for Damages only to the extent such Damages
directly relate to the investment in Sprint made by FT and DT pursuant to the
Master Agreement, and except as otherwise provided in the Master Agreement, FT
and DT will have no claim for Damages under the Master Agreement with respect
to any actual or alleged diminution in

value of, or other loss, liability or damage associated with, FT and DT's
existing investment in Sprint or any additional purchases of capital stock of
Sprint made by them pursuant to the Master Agreement (unless the validity of
such shares is affected by the Recapitalization).
  The Master Agreement--Conditions to the Closing of the Primary Purchase. The
obligations of Sprint, FT and DT to effect the transactions contemplated by
the Master Agreement to occur at the closing of the Primary Purchase (the
"Primary Closing"), other than the purchase and sale of capital stock of
Sprint to be acquired by FT and DT under the Master Agreement at the Primary
Closing, are subject to the fulfillment or waiver by the relevant party or
parties of the following conditions:
    (i) The matters presented for a vote of the stockholders of Sprint at the
  Stockholders Meeting will have been duly approved;
    (ii) The CP Closing will be consummated simultaneously with the Primary
    (iii) No injunction or other order, decree or ruling issued by a
  governmental authority, nor any statute, rule, regulation or executive
  order promulgated or enacted by any governmental authority, shall be in
  effect that enjoins certain actions to be effected at the Primary Closing
  under the Master Agreement or the transactions contemplated by the
  Restructuring Agreement;     
    (iv) The IPO or the Recapitalization (whichever Sprint has elected to
  complete concurrently with the CP Exchange on the date of the Primary
  Closing) shall be consummated simultaneously with the Primary Closing; and
    (v) The PCS Stock Amendment and (if the Recapitalization is to occur
  concurrently with the PCS Restructuring) the Recapitalization Amendment
  will have been filed with the Kansas Secretary of State.
  The obligations of Sprint to effect the transactions contemplated by the
Master Agreement to occur at the Primary Closing, including the purchase and
sale of capital stock of Sprint to be acquired by FT and DT under the Master
Agreement at the Primary Closing, are subject to the fulfillment or waiver by
Sprint of the following additional conditions:
    (i) The representations and warranties of each of FT and DT made pursuant
  to the Master Agreement will be accurate in all material respects on the
  date of the Primary Closing with the same effect as if made on such date;
    (ii) All covenants and agreements of each of FT and DT contained in the
  Master Agreement and required to be performed on or prior to the date of
  the Primary Closing shall have been performed in all material respects on
  or prior to such date;
    (iii)  There shall not have occurred any change in applicable law or any
  change in facts beyond Sprint's reasonable control, in either case
  occurring after the date of the Master Agreement, that would prevent
  Sprint's legal counsel from reaffirming to Sprint on the date of the
  Primary Closing such counsel's opinion on certain tax and related matters;
    (iv) Each of the Amended Investment Documents will have been executed and
  delivered by the parties thereto.
  The obligations of FT and DT to effect the transactions contemplated by the
Master Agreement to occur at the Primary Closing, other than the purchase and
sale of capital stock of Sprint to be acquired by FT and DT under the Master
Agreement at the Primary Closing, are subject to the fulfillment or waiver by
them of the following additional conditions:
    (i) Certain representations and warranties of Sprint made pursuant to the
  Master Agreement will be accurate in all material respects on the date of
  the Primary Closing with the same effect as if made on such date;
    (ii) All covenants and agreements of Sprint contained in the Master
  Agreement and required to be performed on or prior to the date of the
  Primary Closing shall have been performed in all material respects on or
  prior to such date;

    (iii) Each of the Amended Investment Documents will have been executed
  and delivered by the parties thereto;
    (iv) Sprint will have filed with the Kansas Secretary of State the PCS
  Stock Amendment and (if the Recapitalization is to occur concurrently with
  the PCS Restructuring) the Recapitalization Amendment and will have duly
  adopted the required bylaw amendment and such amended terms shall be in
  full force and effect;     
    (v) the Sprint Board will have taken appropriate action so that the
  provisions of the Business Combination Statute restricting "business
  combinations" with "interested stockholders" (each as defined in Kan. Stat.
  Ann. Section 17-12,100) will not apply to FT, DT or any person who as of
  the date of the Master Agreement is an Affiliate of FT or DT with respect
  to the purchase and sale of shares of capital stock of Sprint pursuant to
  and permitted by the Master Agreement and the Amended Investment Documents;
    (vi) The Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock issuable upon
  conversion of the Class A Stock to be issued pursuant to the Master
  Agreement will have been approved for listing on the New York Stock
  Exchange, or if not so approved, will have been approved for listing on the
  American Stock Exchange or approved for quotation on the National
  Association of Securities Dealers Inc. Automated Quotations National Market
  System subject to official notice of issuance; and
    (vii) Each of FT and DT will have received certain opinions dated as of
  the date of Primary Closing, from counsel to Sprint reasonably satisfactory
  to each of FT and DT, in form reasonably satisfactory to the parties.
    The obligations of Sprint, FT and DT to consummate the purchase and sale
  of capital stock to be acquired by FT and DT under the Master Agreement at
  the Primary Closing are subject to the fulfillment or waiver by the
  relevant party or parties of the following conditions;
    (i) All consents, if any, required from the FCC in order to permit the
  purchase and sale of the shares of capital stock of Sprint to be purchased
  by FT and DT at the Primary Closing will have been granted, in each case
  without any material limitation, restriction, requirement or condition on
  Sprint, FT or DT;
    (ii) FT shall have received all approvals, if any, of the French minister
  in charge of economic affairs and finance (ministre charge de l'economie et
  des finances) and all approvals, if any, of the French minister in charge
  of posts and telecommunications (ministre charge des postes et des
  telecommunications) required in order to permit the purchase and sale of
  the shares of capital stock of Sprint to be purchased by FT and DT at the
  Primary Closing;
    (iii) DT shall have received all approvals, if any, of the
  Bundeskartellamt required in order to permit the purchase and sale of the
  shares of capital stock of Sprint to be purchased by FT and DT at the
  Primary Closing;
    (iv) All other material governmental approvals, if any, required in order
  to permit the purchase and sale of the shares of capital stock of Sprint to
  be purchased by FT and DT at the Primary Closing shall have been received;
    (v) No Change of Control shall have occurred.
  In addition, the obligations of each of FT and DT to purchase the capital
stock of Sprint to be acquired by FT and DT under the Master Agreement at the
Primary Closing are subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the date of
the Primary Closing, of the following conditions, compliance with which or the
occurrence of which may be waived by FT and DT:
    (A) Certain representations and warranties of Sprint set forth in the
  Master Agreement will be accurate in all material respects on the date of
  the Primary Closing with the same effect as if made on such date;

    (B) There shall not have occurred after the date of the Master Agreement
  any change in applicable law that would cause the Recapitalization to be
  deemed taxable to FT or DT under French or German tax law; and
    (C) Unless FT and DT have otherwise consented in writing, the
  Restructuring Agreement shall not have been amended in a manner which
  fundamentally changes the transactions contemplated by the Restructuring
  Agreement or which is materially adverse to FT and DT.     
  The Master Agreement--Conditions to the Closing of the Secondary and
Greenshoe Purchases During the Anticipated IPO Period. If the IPO occurs
within 180 days following the CP Exchange, the respective obligations of
Sprint, FT and DT to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Master
Agreement to occur at the closing of the Secondary Purchase (the "Secondary
Closing") and the closing of the Greenshoe Purchase (the "Greenshoe Closing"
and, with the Secondary Closing, an "Applicable Closing") are subject to the
fulfillment at or prior to the date of the Secondary Closing and at or prior
to the date of the Greenshoe Closing, respectively, of the following
conditions, which may be waived by the party being benefitted thereby, to the
extent permitted by applicable law:
    (A) No injunction or other order, decree or ruling issued by a
  governmental authority, nor any statute, rule, regulation or executive
  order promulgated or enacted by any governmental authority, will be in
  effect that enjoins the consummation of the transactions to be effected at
  the Secondary Closing or the Greenshoe Closing, as the case may be; and
    (B) All material governmental approvals, if any, required in order to
  permit the purchase and sale of the shares of capital stock of Sprint to be
  purchased by FT and DT at the Secondary Closing or the Greenshoe Closing,
  as the case may be, shall have been received.
  If the IPO occurs within 180 days following the PCS Restructuring, the
obligation of each of FT and DT to consummate the transactions contemplated by
the Master Agreement at the Secondary Closing or Greenshoe Closing is also
subject to the fulfillment of each of the following conditions:
    (i) Certain representations and warranties of Sprint set forth in the
  Master Agreement will be true and correct in all material respects at and
  as of the date of the Master Agreement and at and as of the date of such
  Secondary Closing or Greenshoe Closing, as the case may be, as if such
  representations and warranties were made at and as of such date.
    (ii) Sprint shall have performed and complied in all material respects
  with certain obligations under the Master Agreement; Article FIFTH of the
  Amended Articles (to the extent such Article relates to the rights of the
  holders of Class A Stock concerning, among other things, election of
  directors and amendments to the Sprint Bylaws); certain other provisions in
  the Amended Articles concerning, among other things, various rights of
  Class A Common Stock, the Series 3 PCS Stock and the Series 3 FON Stock;
  and certain Articles and Sections of the Stockholders' Agreement and the
  Amended Stockholders' Agreement;     
    (iii) No Change of Control shall have occurred; and
    (iv) There shall not have occurred after the date of the Master Agreement
  any change in applicable law that would cause the Recapitalization to be
  deemed taxable to FT or DT under French and German tax law.
  Sprint's obligation to consummate the transactions contemplated by the
Master Agreement at a Secondary Closing or Greenshoe Closing is subject to the
fulfillment of each of the following conditions:
    (i) Certain representations and warranties of FT and DT set forth in the
  Master Agreement will be true and correct in all material respects at and
  as of the date of the Master Agreement and at and as of the date of such
  Secondary Closing or Greenshoe Closing, as the case may be, as if such
  representations and warranties were made at and as of such date; and

    (ii) Each of FT and DT will have performed and complied in all material
  respects with certain of its obligations under, among other agreements, the
  Master Agreement, the Stockholders' Agreement and the Amended Stockholders'
  Agreement, the Standstill Agreement and the Amended Standstill Agreement.
  The Master Agreement--Conditions to the Closing of the Secondary and
Greenshoe Purchases After the Anticipated IPO Period. If the IPO occurs after
180 days following the PCS Restructuring, the respective obligations of each
of Sprint, FT and DT to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Master
Agreement to occur at the Secondary Closing and the Greenshoe Closing are
subject to the fulfillment at or prior to the date of the Secondary Closing
and the Greenshoe Closing, respectively, of the following conditions which may
be waived by the party being benefitted thereby, to the extent permitted by
applicable law:     
    (i) No injunction or other order, decree or ruling issued by a
  governmental authority, nor any statute, rule, regulation or executive
  order promulgated or enacted by any governmental authority, shall be in
  effect that enjoins the consummation of the transactions to be effected at
  the Secondary Closing or the Greenshoe Closing, as the case may be; and
    (ii) All other material governmental approvals, if any, required in order
  to permit the purchase and sale of the shares of capital stock of Sprint to
  be purchased by FT and DT at the Secondary Closing or the Greenshoe
  Closing, as the case may be, shall have been received.
  If the IPO occurs after 180 days following the PCS Restructuring, in
addition to the conditions described in clauses (i) through (iv) of the second
paragraph under "--The Master Agreement--Conditions to the Closing of the
Secondary and Greenshoe Purchases During the Anticipated IPO Period," the
obligations of FT and DT to consummate the transactions contemplated by the
Master Agreement to occur at the Secondary Closing and the Greenshoe Closing
are subject to the condition, which may be waived by FT and DT, to the extent
permitted by applicable law, that the representations and warranties of Sprint
contained in the Master Agreement shall be accurate in all material respects
on the date of the Applicable Closing with the same effect as if made on the
date of the Applicable Closing, with certain limited exceptions.     
  If the IPO occurs after 180 days following the PCS Restructuring, in
addition to the conditions described in the third paragraph under "--The
Master Agreement--Conditions to the Closing of the Secondary and Greenshoe
Purchases During the Anticipated IPO Period", the obligations of Sprint to
consummate the transactions contemplated by the Master Agreement to occur at
the Secondary Closing and the Greenshoe Closing are subject to the condition,
which may be waived by Sprint, to the extent permitted by applicable law, that
the representations and warranties of each of FT and DT contained in the
Master Agreement will be accurate in all material respects on the date of the
Applicable Closing with the same effect as if made on the date of the
Applicable Closing, with certain limited exceptions.     
  The Master Agreement--Termination. Sprint, FT or DT may terminate the Master
Agreement prior to the Primary Purchase upon the occurrence of certain events.
In such case, none of the Top Up Purchases would occur and the Amended
Investment Documents would not be executed and delivered, but the Related
Investment Documents would continue in full force and effect until terminated
in accordance with their respective terms, without any amendment to the rights
and obligations of the parties thereto. Termination may be effected as
    (i) by mutual written consent of the parties;
    (ii) by any party, if certain actions to be taken by the parties at the
  time of the Primary Purchase are prohibited by any final, nonappealable
  order, decree or injunction of a government authority;
    (iii) by any party that is not in material breach of any material
  covenant contained in the Master Agreement, if the Primary Purchase has not
  occurred on or before December 31, 1998;
    (iv) by any party that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in the Master Agreement, following the time that certain
  conditions to the Primary Purchase become incapable of being satisfied on
  or prior to December 31, 1998;

    (v) by any party that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in the Master Agreement, following a material breach of any
  material covenant contained in the Master Agreement by any other party if
  such breach remains uncured in any material respect for 30 days following
  the giving of notice of the breach of such material covenant from the party
  seeking to terminate the Master Agreement to each other party; provided,
  that the party seeking to terminate the Master Agreement gives written
  notice of such termination to each other party within 30 days following the
  end of such 30-day cure period; or
    (vi) by FT or DT, if the Sprint Board shall have withdrawn its
  recommendation of the approval of the PCS Stock Amendment, the
  Recapitalization Amendment, the Restructuring Agreement and the
  transactions contemplated thereby, and the other matters related thereto
  presented for a vote at the Stockholders' Meeting or shall have qualified
  its recommendation in a manner materially adverse to FT and DT. If Sprint's
  Board of Directors continues its recommendation and approval of such
  proposals, but reflects in its recommendation additional information, the
  inclusion of such additional information, in and of itself, shall not be
  deemed to be a qualification that is materially adverse to FT and DT or
  otherwise provide FT and DT with a termination right under this clause
If the Master Agreement is terminated pursuant to clause (vi) above, in
addition to any other remedies FT and DT may have under the Master Agreement,
at law, in equity or otherwise, Sprint shall promptly reimburse each of FT and
DT for their actual reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including certain
attorneys' fees) incurred by it relating to the transactions contemplated by
the Master Agreement and the Amended Investment Documents up to a maximum
aggregate amount of $5 million for FT and DT collectively.
  If the Master Agreement is terminated in accordance with the provision
described above, then (i) it will become null and void and have no further
effect, without any liability of any party to any other party, except that the
obligations of the parties with respect to the reimbursement of certain
expenses and under any provision of the Master Agreement that expressly
provides for certain actions to occur simultaneously with or following the
termination of the Master Agreement will survive the termination of the Master
Agreement indefinitely; provided, that no such termination will release or
relieve any party from liability for any willful material breach of any
material provision of the Master Agreement occurring prior to such
termination; and (ii) the Related Investment Documents will continue in full
force and effect until terminated in accordance with their respective terms,
without any amendment to the right and obligations of the parties thereto.
  The Master Agreement--Abandonment of the Primary Purchase of Capital
Stock. The obligations of the parties to consummate the Primary Purchase may
be abandoned at any time prior to such purchase at the Primary Closing:
  (i) by any party, if the Primary Purchase is prohibited by any final,
   nonappealable order, decree or injunction of a governmental authority; or
  (ii) if a Change of Control shall have occurred.
Notwithstanding any such abandonment of the Primary Purchase, the Master
Agreement will not be terminated and such abandonment will have no effect
whatsoever on (i) the obligations of FT and DT under the Master Agreement to
vote (or cause to be voted) the shares of capital stock of Sprint they own
(directly or indirectly) in favor of the PCS Stock Amendment, the
Recapitalization Amendment, the Restructuring Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby and the other matters related thereto presented for a
vote at the Stockholders Meeting (including any class vote of the holders of
Class A Common Stock required), and their agreement not to exercise any
disapproval rights which they may have with respect to any such matters, or
(ii) any other actions to be taken by the parties at the time of the Primary
Purchase, including the parties' obligations to proceed with all of the
transactions and deliveries contemplated to be undertaken at such time (other
than the Primary Purchase itself), and such transactions and deliveries shall
proceed if all of the other conditions to the Primary Closing have been
satisfied or waived.     
  The Master Agreement--Abandonment of the Secondary Purchase and/or Greenshoe
Purchase. The obligations of the parties to consummate the Secondary Purchase
and/or the Greenshoe Purchase may be

abandoned at any time after the Primary Purchase and prior to such Secondary
Purchase or Greenshoe Purchase, as the case may be:
    (i) by mutual written consent of the parties;
    (ii) by any party, if the Secondary Purchase or Greenshoe Purchase, as
  the case may be, shall be prohibited by any final, nonappealable order,
  decree or injunction of a governmental authority;
    (iii) by any party that is not in material breach of any material
  covenant contained in the Master Agreement, if the Secondary Purchase has
  not occurred on or before June 30, 1999;
    (iv) by any party that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in the Master Agreement, following the time that any condition to
  closing set forth in the Master Agreement and applicable to the Secondary
  Purchase and/or Greenshoe Purchase has become incapable of being satisfied
  on or prior to June 30, 1999;
    (v) by any party that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in the Master Agreement, following a material breach of any
  material covenant contained in the Master Agreement by any other party if
  such breach remains uncured in any material respect for 30 days following
  the giving of notice of the breach of such material covenant from the party
  seeking to terminate the Master Agreement to each other party; provided,
  that the party seeking to abandon the Secondary Purchase or the Greenshoe
  Purchase gives written notice of such termination to each other party
  within 30 days following the end of such 30-day cure period; or     
    (vi) if a Change of Control shall have occurred.
Notwithstanding any such abandonment of the Secondary Purchase or the
Greenshoe Purchase, the Master Agreement shall not be terminated and such
abandonment shall have no effect whatsoever on the actions taken or to be
taken by the parties simultaneously with the Primary Purchase, including the
execution and delivery by the parties of the Amended Investment Documents.
  Registration Rights--Number of Registrations. The holders of Existing Class
A Common Stock have previously been granted certain rights by Sprint pursuant
to the Original Registration Rights Agreement to register the sale of the
shares of Sprint voting securities held by them pursuant to the Securities
Act. The Original Registration Rights Agreement provides that the holders of a
majority of the Existing Class A Common Stock will be entitled to demand one
registration in any 12-month period, up to a maximum of seven registrations.
Sprint will be responsible for the registration expenses in connection with
the first five of such registrations; the holders of the Existing Class A
Common Stock requesting registration would be responsible for the registration
expenses in connection with the remaining two registrations under the Original
Registration Rights Agreement. Sprint is not required to effect any
registration unless the market value of the Existing Class A Common Stock
requested to be registered exceeds $200 million. The holders of the Existing
Class A Common Stock also have the right to participate in all registrations
of Sprint Common Stock by Sprint on behalf of itself or any other party, other
than registrations on Forms S-4 or S-8, registrations in connection with an
exchange offer or offerings solely to Sprint's existing stockholders or
pursuant to dividend reinvestment plans or dividend reinvestment and stock
purchase plans.
  Under the Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement, which will be
entered into by Sprint, FT and DT on the date of the Primary Purchase (the
"Amended Registration Rights Agreement") the total number of registrations
that the holders of a majority of Class A Stock are entitled to demand would
be increased to ten, though the limitation to one such registration within any
12-month period remains. Sprint will be responsible for the registration
expenses in connection with the first seven of such registrations; the holders
of a majority of Class A Stock requesting registration will be responsible for
the registration expenses in connection with the remaining three
registrations. Sprint would continue not to be required to effect any
registration unless the market value of the Class A Stock requested to be
registered exceeds $200 million, except if the registration relates to the
sale of Series 3 PCS Stock ("Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS Shares")     

    (i) acquired by the holders of Class A Stock pursuant to the Master
  Agreement in respect of the exercise by any of the Cable Parents of certain
  Equity Purchase Rights,     
    (ii) acquired by the Class A Holders in respect of the exercise by FT and
  DT of their equity purchase rights pursuant to, and on or after the date
  of, the Amended Stockholders' Agreement,
    (iii) issued to FT or DT upon conversion of Series 1 PCS Stock acquired
  by FT and DT from third parties and not in violation of the Amended
  Standstill Agreement, and
    (iv) into which shares described in clauses (i) through (iii) are
  converted pursuant to any recapitalization,
but not any such shares acquired by the holders of Class A Stock in the
Recapitalization or pursuant to the Master Agreement as a result of the IPO or
PCS Restructuring (other than the exercise by the Cable Parents of their
equity purchase rights in connection with the IPO). In the event a request is
made to register Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS Shares, (x) the aggregate
market value of such Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS Shares must exceed $100
million on the date of delivery of the request for registration and (y) the
registration must involve the lesser of (A) Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS
Shares with an aggregate market value of at least $200 million on the date of
delivery of the request for registration and (B) all of the Post-Restructuring
Series 3 PCS Shares owned by the holders of Class A Stock.     
  Registration Rights--Demand Registration Priorities. The Original
Registration Rights Agreement provides that if the managing or lead
underwriter determines that the number of securities requested to be
registered in a demand registration exceeds the number which can be sold in
such offering within a price range acceptable to the holders of Existing Class
A Common Stock requesting registration, Sprint will either (i) include all of
the Existing Class A Common Stock requested to be registered before it
includes any of the securities that Sprint desires to include in the
registration or (ii) include the Existing Class A Common Stock and the
securities Sprint desires to be registered on a pro rata basis. In either
case, securities requested to be registered by third parties will be included
after the Existing Class A Common Stock. If Sprint elects to include
securities it desires to be registered on a pro rata basis with the securities
requested to be registered by the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock and
the managing or lead underwriter continues to determine that the number of
securities to be included in the registration exceeds the number which can be
sold within a price range acceptable to the holders of Existing Class A Common
Stock participating in the registration, such registration shall not be
counted toward the seven demand registrations.
  The Amended Registration Rights Agreement has changed these priorities in
registrations demanded by FT and DT as follows:
    (i) if the registration is effected during the CP Preference Period and
  involves the sale of PCS Stock, unless Sprint exercises its option
  described in clause (iii) below, then (w) the securities proposed to be
  included by the holders of Class A Stock requesting registration (the
  "Selling Stockholders") have first priority to be included in such
  registration, (x) so long as the Cable Parents' Registration Rights
  Agreement is in effect, any securities requested to be included in such
  registration by the Cable Parents have second priority, (y) the securities
  to be included in such registration by Sprint, unless otherwise provided in
  an agreement between Sprint and another person or persons, have third
  priority, and (z) the securities of any other person or persons proposed to
  be included in such registration have last priority, or     
    (ii) if the registration is not effected during the CP Preference Period
  or does not involve the sale of PCS Stock, unless Sprint exercises its
  option described in clause (iii) below, (x) the securities proposed to be
  included by the Selling Stockholders have first priority, (y) the
  securities requested to be included in such registration by Sprint and, so
  long as the Cable Parents' Registration Rights Agreement is in effect and
  the offering involves the issuance of PCS Stock, the Cable Parents, unless
  otherwise provided in an agreement between Sprint and another person or
  persons, share second priority and (z) the securities of any other person
  or persons proposed to be included in such registration have third priority
  (provided, however, in the case of this clause (ii), if the registration is
  during the CP Secondary Preference Period and the Cable     

  Parents' Registration Rights Agreement is in effect, unless the Cable
  Parents otherwise consent, any shares of PCS Stock proposed to be included
  in such registration by Sprint, the proceeds with respect to which will not
  be allocated to the PCS Group, shall be third in priority, and the
  securities of such other persons shall be fourth in priority), or
    (iii) at Sprint's option, (x) the securities proposed to be included by
  the Selling Stockholders and the securities requested to be included in
  such registration by Sprint and, so long as the Cable Parents' Registration
  Rights Agreement is in effect and the offering involves the sale of PCS
  Stock, the Cable Parents, each pro rata in accordance with the number of
  securities proposed to be included by the Selling Stockholders and the
  number of securities so proposed to be included by Sprint and, if
  applicable, the Cable Parents, respectively, have first priority and (y)
  second, the securities of any other person or persons proposed to be
  included in such registration have second priority. If Sprint selects the
  option set forth in this clause (iii), such registration shall not count
  toward the maximum of ten registrations provided to the holders of Class A
  Stock under the Amended Registration Rights Agreement if, due to Sprint's
  (and, if applicable, the Cable Parents') participation, the managing or
  lead underwriter or underwriters determines in its good faith judgment that
  the number of securities requested to be included in such registration by
  the Selling Stockholders, Sprint and, if applicable, the Cable Parents
  exceeds the number which can be sold in such offering within a price range
  acceptable to the Selling Stockholders.     
  Registration Rights--Incidental ("Piggyback") Registration Priorities. The
Original Registration Rights Agreement provides that if the Selling
Stockholders request inclusion in a registration on behalf of Sprint and the
managing or lead underwriter determines that the number of securities
requested to be included in the registration exceeds the number that can be
sold within a price range acceptable to Sprint, Sprint has the right to
include all securities proposed to be registered by it before including any
securities requested to be included by the Selling Stockholders. If the
registration is a registration on behalf of third parties, Sprint may include,
after the securities of such third parties, the securities it proposes to
include on a pro rata basis with the Selling Stockholders unless it has an
equal or better priority with the third party, in which case it may include
securities it proposes to include prior to the securities requested to be
included by the Selling Stockholders.
  The Amended Registration Rights Agreement has changed these priorities in
incidental registrations by FT and DT as follows:
    (i) if the registration is a primary registration on behalf of Sprint
  which is effected during the CP Preference Period and involves the sale of
  PCS Stock, (w) the securities proposed to be included by the Cable Parents
  pursuant to the Cable Parents' Registration Rights Agreement (if then in
  effect) have first priority to be included in such registration, (x) the
  securities proposed to be included by Sprint have second priority, (y) the
  securities requested to be included in such registration by the Selling
  Stockholders have third priority and (z) the securities of other persons
  requested to be included in such registration have fourth priority;
    (ii) if the registration is a primary registration on behalf of Sprint
  which is effected after the CP Preference Period or does not involve the
  sale of PCS Stock, (x) the securities proposed to be included by Sprint
  have first priority, (y) the securities proposed to be included in such
  registration by the Selling Stockholders and, if the registration involves
  the sale of PCS Stock, the securities requested to be included by the Cable
  Parents pursuant to the Cable Parents' Registration Rights Agreement (if
  then in effect), each pro rata in accordance with the number of securities
  so proposed to be included, share second priority, and (z) the securities
  of other persons requested to be included in such registration have third
  priority (provided, however, that if the registration is during the CP
  Secondary Preference Period and the Cable Parents' Registration Rights
  Agreement is in effect, unless the Cable Parents otherwise consent, any
  shares of PCS Stock proposed to be included in such registration by Sprint,
  the proceeds with respect to which will not be allocated to the PCS Group,
  shall be third in priority, and the securities of such other persons shall
  be fourth in priority);     

    (iii) if the registration is a secondary registration on behalf of a
  person or persons other than Sprint or a Selling Stockholder which is
  effected during the CP Preference Period and involves the sale of PCS
  Stock, (w) the securities proposed to be included by such other person or
  persons have first priority, (x) the securities proposed to be included by
  the Cable Parents pursuant to the Cable Parents' Registration Rights
  Agreement (other than the Cable Parent or Cable Parents, if any, which
  initiated such secondary registration) have second priority, (y) the
  securities of Sprint and the securities requested to be included in such
  registration by the Selling Stockholders, each pro rata in accordance with
  the number of securities proposed to be registered by Sprint and the number
  of securities so requested by the Selling Stockholders to be included,
  respectively, share third priority and (z) the securities of any other
  persons requested to be included in such registration would have fourth
  priority; and
    (iv) if the registration is a secondary registration on behalf of a
  person or persons other than Sprint or a Selling Stockholder which is
  effected after the CP Preference Period or does not involve the sale of PCS
  Stock, (w) the securities proposed to be included by such other person or
  persons have first priority, (x) if such party exercising demand
  registration rights is a Cable Parent, then any other Cable Parents
  exercising incidental registration rights pursuant to the Cable Parents'
  Registration Rights Agreement have second priority, (y) the securities of
  Sprint, the securities requested to be included in such registration by the
  Selling Stockholders and, if the registration involves the sale of PCS
  Stock but the party exercising demand registration rights is not a Cable
  Parent, the securities requested to be included by the Cable Parents
  pursuant to the Cable Parents' Registration Rights Agreement, share third
  priority, each pro rata in accordance with the number of securities
  proposed to be registered by Sprint and the number of securities so
  requested to be included by the Selling Stockholders and the Cable Parents,
  and (z) the securities of any other persons requested to be included in
  such registration have fourth priority (provided, however, that if the
  registration is during the CP Secondary Preference Period and the Cable
  Parents' Registration Rights Agreement is in effect, unless the Cable
  Parents otherwise consent, any shares of PCS Stock proposed to be included
  in such registration by Sprint, the proceeds with respect to which will not
  be allocated to the PCS Group, shall be fourth in priority, and the
  securities of such other persons shall be fifth in priority).     
  Notwithstanding these priorities, if at any time Sprint proposes to effect a
registration described above and the Selling Stockholders are entitled to
effect a disposition of their securities pursuant to Rule 144(k) (or any
successor provision) under the Securities Act, the priorities described above
will be changed so that the securities proposed to be included by the Selling
Stockholders have the lowest priority of all securities proposed to be
registered in such registration.
  Registration Rights--Other Provisions. The Original Registration Rights
Agreement contains other provisions addressing Sprint's ability to effect
other public offerings near the effectiveness of demand or incidental
registrations, the filing of all reports required to be filed by Sprint under
the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, and indemnification. The Amended
Registration Rights Agreement has not changed these provisions in any material
  Pursuant to the Original Standstill Agreement, FT and DT have agreed that
they will not make certain acquisitions of Existing Common Stock, Existing
Class A Common Stock or any other Sprint Voting Securities. FT and DT also
agreed to refrain from taking certain actions unless specifically requested in
advance in writing by the Chairman of the Sprint Board or by a resolution of a
majority of the Sprint Board.     
  Due mainly to the need to adapt the acquisition restrictions of the Original
Standstill Agreement to Sprint's new equity structure, the Master Agreement
provides that FT and DT will enter into an Amended and Restated Standstill
Agreement on the date of the Primary Purchase (the "Amended Standstill
Agreement"), which would provide additional acquisition restrictions.     
  Subject to certain exceptions described below, each of FT and DT has agreed
that, prior to July 31, 2010 (the "Initial Standstill Period"), it will not,
and will cause each of its respective affiliates and associates not to,     

directly or indirectly, acquire, offer to acquire, or agree to acquire, by
purchase or otherwise, beneficial ownership of any Sprint Voting Securities
such that the Sprint Voting Securities beneficially owned in the aggregate by
FT and DT and their respective affiliates and associates (including all Sprint
Voting Securities the beneficial ownership of which FT and DT have the right to
acquire under the Master Agreement) would represent in the aggregate more than
20% of the votes represented by the Outstanding Sprint Voting Securities. This
limitation is consistent with the limitation in the Original Standstill
  In addition, each of FT and DT has agreed that, during the Initial Standstill
Period, it will not, and will cause each of its respective affiliates and
associates not to, directly or indirectly, acquire, offer to acquire, or agree
to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, beneficial ownership of any FON Stock or
PCS Stock such that the FON Stock or the PCS Stock, as the case may be,
beneficially owned in the aggregate by FT and DT and their respective
affiliates and associates (including the FON Stock and the PCS Stock underlying
the Class A Common Stock beneficially owned by FT and DT and including all PCS
Stock the beneficial ownership of which FT and DT have the right to acquire
under the Master Agreement) would represent in the aggregate more than 33% of
the votes represented by the outstanding FON Stock or PCS Stock (including as
outstanding the shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock underlying the Class A
Stock). The limitations on the acquisition of Sprint Voting Securities are
referred to herein as the "Percentage Limitations".     
  Following the Initial Standstill Period, the 20% Percentage Limitation on the
ownership of Outstanding Sprint Voting Securities increases to 30%, as long as
the ownership does not exceed 80% of the Foreign Ownership Limitation. For
purposes of the Original Standstill Agreement and the Amended Standstill
Agreement, the "Foreign Ownership Limitation" means the maximum aggregate
percentage of the Sprint Voting Securities that may be owned of record or voted
by Aliens under Section 310(b)(4) of the Telecom Act, without such ownership or
voting resulting in the possible loss, or possible failure to secure the
renewal or reinstatement, of any license or franchise of any governmental
authority held by Sprint or any of its affiliates to conduct any portion of the
business of Sprint or such affiliate, as such maximum aggregate percentage may
be increased from time to time by amendments to Section 310 or by actions of
the FCC.     
  Under both the Original Standstill Agreement and the Amended Standstill
Agreement, FT and DT and their respective affiliates generally will be
permitted, subject to the Rights Agreement, to increase their beneficial
ownership beyond the applicable Percentage Limitations to the extent required
to match the percentage ownership of Sprint Voting Securities owned by any
other shareholder, provided that the beneficial ownership of FT and DT and
their respective affiliates does not exceed 33% of the voting power represented
by either the outstanding FON Stock or the outstanding PCS Stock or 80% of the
Foreign Ownership Limitation.     
  In addition, neither FT nor DT will be deemed in violation of the beneficial
ownership restrictions if the beneficial ownership of Sprint Voting Securities
by FT and DT exceeds the applicable Percentage Limitations
    (i) due to an acquisition of Sprint Voting Securities by Sprint, unless
  FT and DT have previously been notified of such acquisition;
    (ii) due to purchases by FT and DT of Sprint Voting Securities in
  reliance on information regarding the number of Outstanding Sprint Voting
  Securities provided by Sprint to FT and DT, unless FT and DT have
  previously been notified that such information is incorrect;     
    (iii) if FT, DT and their affiliates and associates are in compliance
  with certain provisions of the Amended Standstill Agreement and the
  beneficial ownership of Sprint voting securities by FT, DT and their
  respective affiliates and associates does not exceed the 20% Percentage
  Limitation during the Initial Standstill Period (or, after the Initial
  Standstill Period, the 30% Percentage Limitation) by more than 0.5% and the
  acquisitions which resulted in FT, DT and their respective affiliates and
  associates exceeding such Percentage Limitation were undertaken in good
  faith and such applicable Percentage Limitation was exceeded inadvertently;
    (iv) as a result of any readjustment in the relative voting power of the
  FON Stock and the PCS Stock in accordance with the terms of the Amended
  Articles; or
    (v) as a result of a redemption or conversion of any PCS Stock pursuant
  to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7 of the Amended Articles.     

  Limitations on Transfer. Pursuant to the Original Stockholders' Agreement,
the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock have agreed not to transfer any
equity interests in Sprint until January 31, 2001, subject to certain
exceptions. They have also agreed to certain other transfer restrictions
thereafter. The Amended Stockholders' Agreement provides, however, that the
Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS Shares are not subject to any restrictions on
transfer prior to January 31, 2001 except as follows:     
  . Until such time as the sum of (i) the Committed Percentage of the holders
   of Class A Stock and (ii) the percentage of the Sprint Voting Power
   represented by Sprint Voting Securities which the holders of Class A Stock
   have the right to commit to purchase pursuant to the Amended Stockholders'
   Agreement is less than 3.5% of the outstanding Sprint Voting Power for
   more than 150 days, no holders of Class A Stock may make any transfer to a
   holder of more than 5% of the Sprint Voting Power (after giving effect to
   such transfer), other than in an underwritten public offering. In
   connection with any such public offering, a holder of Class A Stock may
   not to the best of its knowledge (i) sell more than 2% of the outstanding
   Sprint Voting Power to any person or group that, prior to such sale, owned
   3% or more of such Sprint Voting Power, (ii) sell more than 5% of the
   outstanding Sprint Voting Power to any person or group or (iii) sell to a
   person or group required under Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act to file a
   Schedule 13D with respect to Sprint (a "Schedule 13D Filer") or to a
   person or group who, as a result of such sale, would become a Schedule 13D
  . So long as the sum of (i) the Committed Percentage of the holders of
   Class A Stock and (ii) the percentage of the Sprint Voting Power which the
   holders of Class A Stock have the right to commit to purchase pursuant to
   the Amended Stockholders' Agreement is greater than 5%, but less than 9%
   (immediately following a transfer of shares of Class A Stock by the
   holders of Class A Stock) or 10% (for more than 150 days immediately
   following the issuance of additional Sprint Voting Securities other than
   pursuant to a transaction resulting in the issuance of 30% or more of
   Sprint Voting Power), no holder of Class A Stock may transfer shares of
   Class A Stock representing more than 1% of the Sprint Voting Power to any
   one person or group of persons in any transaction or series of
   transactions, except in connection with any such public offering, or
   transfer shares other than in any such public offering to any Major
   Competitor of Sprint.     
  Overview of Current Equity Purchase Rights. Pursuant to the Original
Stockholders' Agreement, the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock have the
right, based upon their Committed Percentage, to acquire shares of Existing
Class A Common Stock upon the issuance by Sprint of any new voting stock
(including upon the exercise of options or warrants or the conversion of
Sprint's securities into Existing Common Stock) generally at, if Existing
Common Stock is issued, the weighted average price paid for such shares of
Existing Common Stock or, if Sprint voting stock other than Existing Common
Stock is issued, at the market price of a share of Existing Common Stock at the
date of such issuance.     
  The Equity Purchase Rights described in the preceding paragraph must be
exercised by the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock by written notice to
Sprint within 30 days of the date of the post-issuance notice of the issuance
of shares by Sprint which gives rise to such Equity Purchase Rights. Payment by
the holders of Existing Class A Common Stock for shares to be purchased in
respect of such rights will be made as follows:
    (i) If the aggregate purchase price with respect to the shares of
  Existing Class A Common Stock to be acquired by the holders of Existing
  Class A Common Stock is less than $200 million, then payment will be made
  in cash within 30 days of the date of exercise of such right.
    (ii) If the aggregate purchase price with respect to such shares of
  Existing Class A Common Stock to be acquired by the holders of Existing
  Class A Common Stock is between $200 million and $500 million, $200 million
  of such purchase price will be paid in cash within 30 days of the exercise
  of such right. The remainder of such purchase price will be paid in two
  equal annual installments beginning on the date which

  is one year from the date of such purchase. The obligation to pay such
  installments will be evidenced by marketable notes issued by the holder of
  Existing Class A Common Stock. Such notes will be designed, taking into
  account the likely manner and timing of resale, to sell at par value
  ("Class A Holder Eligible Notes").
    (iii) If the aggregate purchase price with respect to such shares of
  Existing Class A Common Stock to be acquired by the holders of Existing
  Class A Common Stock exceeds $500 million, then the first $200 million of
  such purchase price will be paid in cash within 30 days of the exercise of
  such right. The remainder of such purchase price will be paid in three
  equal annual installments beginning on the date which is one year from the
  date of the exercise of such right. The obligation to pay such installments
  will be evidenced by Class A Holder Eligible Notes.
  Each of FT and DT may suffer adverse tax consequences if at any time its
ownership of Sprint Voting Power falls below 10%. Accordingly, both the
Original Stockholders' Agreement and the Amended Stockholders' Agreement
contain a mechanism whereby the Equity Purchase Rights of the holders of Class
A Stock will be automatically exercised and Sprint will immediately issue to
FT and DT the shares of, in the case of the Amended Stockholders' Agreement,
Class A Stock which they are entitled to purchase pursuant to such rights at
the same price which would have applied had FT or DT exercised its Equity
Purchase Rights according to the notice provisions described above.     
  Special Equity Purchase Rights also exist in both the Original Stockholders'
Agreement and the Amended Stockholders' Agreement if the Committed Percentage
of the holders of Class A Common Stock is diluted to less than 10% as a result
of a transaction resulting in the issuance of 30% or more of Sprint Voting
Power or, until January 31, 2006, if a Major Competitor of FT/DT obtains
securities representing 20% or more of the Sprint voting power as a result of
a Strategic Merger. A "Major Competitor of FT/DT" for these purposes is
generally a company which materially competes with a major portion of the
telecommunications services business of FT or DT in Europe or the business of
the Global One international strategic alliance, or a company which has taken
substantial steps to become such a Major Competitor and which FT or DT has
reasonably concluded, in its good faith judgment, will be a Major Competitor
in the near future in France or Germany.     
   Amendments to FT/DT Equity Purchase Rights. The Amended Stockholders'
Agreement continues to permit the holders of Class A Stock to purchase from
Sprint shares of Class A Stock upon the issuance by Sprint of new voting
securities; however, for the most part, they must purchase Series 3 FON Stock
when Sprint issues Series 1 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock when Sprint
issues Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock. The holders of Class A Stock
will have up to 2 years from the date of any issuance that triggers their
Equity Purchase Rights to exercise their Equity Purchase Rights to purchase
Series 3 PCS Stock from Sprint. If they do not exercise such rights during the
45-day period after the date of issuance of the shares of PCS Stock giving
rise to the Equity Purchase Right, they must pay the higher of the market
price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock on the date of such issuance giving
rise to the Equity Purchase Right and the market price of a share of Series 1
PCS Stock on the date of exercise of the Equity Purchase Right.     
  The Amended Stockholders' Agreement also allows the holders of Class A Stock
to purchase from Sprint shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, when Sprint issues
higher voting PCS Stock or PCS Preferred Stock on the transfer or conversion
of lower voting PCS Stock or PCS Preferred Stock and when the Warrants are
exercised in exchange for the issuance of PCS Stock. In such event, even
through Sprint has issued PCS Stock or PCS Preferred Stock, the holders of
Class A Stock may, subject to certain conditions, elect to purchase Series 3
FON Stock from Sprint at the market price of a share of Series 1 FON Stock,
provided that the maximum aggregate amount of Series 3 FON Stock which may be
purchased under such circumstances (either in a single purchase or in the
aggregate through purchases over time) cannot exceed $300 million.     
  The payment provisions described above under "--Overview of Current Equity
Purchase Rights" continue to apply to the Equity Purchase Rights under the
Amended Stockholders' Agreement.

  Record Date Blackout Purchases. The Amended Stockholders' Agreement also
provides that, if the holders of Class A Stock are prohibited from purchasing
shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock from third parties in the open market due to
anti-fraud rules during a period of 10 trading days beginning on the ninth
trading day before a record date for a meeting of Sprint's stockholders or a
record date for the payment of dividends with respect to Class A Stock, the
holders of Class A Stock, subject to certain conditions, will have limited
additional rights to purchase Series 3 FON Stock and/or Series 3 PCS Stock
from Sprint in order to increase their beneficial ownership to 20% of the
voting power of Sprint.     
  Automatic Exercise of Equity Purchase Rights With Respect to
Conversions. The Amended Stockholders' Agreement provides that for so long as
the holders of Class A Stock are entitled to exercise their Equity Purchase
Rights under such agreement, each holder of Class A Stock agrees to exercise
its rights to purchase from Sprint, and will so purchase and Sprint will sell,
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to such agreement upon, and
simultaneously with, any issuance of higher voting Series 1 PCS Stock upon
conversion of lower voting Series 2 PCS Stock when such issuance occurs during
a period beginning on the fifth day prior to a record date relating to a vote
of Sprint's stockholders or the payment of dividends to Sprint's stockholders
and ending on the day following such record date. This provision will become
immediately inoperative and of no force and effect with respect to any holder
of Class A Stock upon delivery by such holder of Class A Stock to Sprint of a
notice to that effect.     
  Exclusionary Tender Offers. The Original Stockholders' Agreement provides FT
and DT with certain protections if the Sprint Board determines not to oppose a
tender offer by a person other than FT, DT or their respective affiliates for
not less than 35% of Sprint voting power which does not permit the holder of
Existing Class A Common Stock to sell an equal or greater percentage of their
shares as the other holders of Sprint voting securities are permitted to sell
(an "Exclusionary Tender Offer"). The Amended Stockholders' Agreement
continues to provide for these rights and expands the definition of an
Exclusionary Tender Offer to include each of the following situations:
    (i) if the tender offer involves only Series 1 FON Stock, and the tender
  offer does not permit the holders of Class A Stock to sell an equal or
  greater percentage of their Series 3 FON Stock and Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group (together, the
  "Class A FON Shares") as the holders of Series 1 FON Stock are permitted to
  sell taking into account any proration,     
    (ii) if the tender offer involves only Series 1 PCS Stock, and the tender
  offer does not permit the holders of Class A Stock to sell an equal or
  greater percentage of their Series 3 PCS Stock and Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group (together, the
  "Class A PCS Shares") as the holders of Series 1 PCS Stock are permitted to
  sell taking into account any proration, and     
    (iii) if the tender offer involves both Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1
  PCS Stock, and the tender offer does not permit the holders of Class A
  Stock to sell an equal or greater percentage of their Class A FON Shares
  and Class A PCS Shares as the holders of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1
  PCS Stock, respectively, are permitted to sell taking into account any
Upon the purchase by such person of securities representing not less than 35
percent of Sprint's Voting Power in such tender offer, FT, DT and their
Qualified Subsidiaries, as a group, have the option to sell to Sprint all but
not less than all of the shares that they were unable to tender on the same
basis as the other stockholders, at a price per share (x) in the case of Class
A FON Shares, equal to the price per share of Series 1 FON Stock offered
pursuant to the tender offer, (y) in the case of Class A PCS Shares, equal to
the price per share of Series 1 PCS Stock offered pursuant to the tender
offer, and (z) in the case of Class A FON Shares and Class A PCS Shares, equal
to the price per share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock offered
pursuant to the tender offer. The holders of Class A Stock have no such rights
if, at the date of termination of the period during which tenders may be made
into such tender offer, the holders of Class A Stock have a right to receive
in exchange for all the shares of each class and/or series of Class A Stock
corresponding to the classes and/or series of stock subject to the tender
offer, publicly traded securities with an aggregate fair market value, and/or
cash in an amount, not less than the aggregate price per share of the Series 1
FON Stock and/or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be,     

paid pursuant to the tender offer in a back-end transaction required to be
effected within 90 days after the close of the tender offer.
  Ownership Ratios. Pursuant to the Amended Stockholders' Agreement, FT and DT
have agreed that (i) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest
of the overall Voting Power of Sprint of one of FT or DT (and its Qualified
Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the overall
Voting Power of Sprint of the other of FT or DT (and its Qualified
Subsidiaries) will not be greater than 3 to 2, (ii) the ratio of the aggregate
Percentage Ownership Interest of the Voting Power represented by the Class A
FON Shares of one of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate
Percentage Ownership Interest of the Voting Power represented by the Class A
FON Shares of the other of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) shall not
be greater than 4 to 1 and (iii) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the Voting Power represented by the Class A PCS Shares of
one of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the Voting Power represented by the Class A PCS Shares of
the other of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) shall not be greater
than 4 to 1. Under the Original Stockholders' Agreement and the Existing
Articles, FT and DT have agreed that if the ratio in clause (i) above is
exceeded for more than 60 days after notice from Sprint to FT and DT, then each
share of Existing Class A Common Stock outstanding would automatically convert
into one share of Existing Common Stock, and the rights of the holders of
Existing Class A Common Stock to elect directors and exercise disapproval
rights and the right of FT and DT to participate in a proposed Change of
Control would terminate. The Amended Stockholders' Agreement and the Amended
Articles provide that such consequences will also result if the ratio in clause
(ii) above or the ratio in clause (iii) above is exceeded for more than 60 days
after notice from Sprint to FT and DT.     

                           INCENTIVE PLANS PROPOSAL
  In anticipation of the Recapitalization, the Sprint Board adopted amendments
to Sprint's Long-Term Stock Incentive Program (the "Omnibus Plan"), approved
by the stockholders in 1997, and the Management Incentive Stock Option Plan
(the "MISOP"), approved by the stockholders in 1995, and is asking Sprint's
stockholders to approve the amendments.
  Implementation of the Incentive Plans Proposal is conditioned upon the
receipt of stockholder approval of the Incentive Plans Proposal and the
Tracking Stock Proposal; however, the Tracking Stock Proposal may still be
implemented if it is approved by stockholders and the Incentive Plans Proposal
is not approved. If the Incentive Plans Proposal is not approved by
stockholders and the Tracking Stock Proposal is implemented, Sprint will take
such actions with respect to the incentive plans as it considers necessary and
appropriate, including, among other things, modifying the incentive plans to
the extent it is authorized to do so, adopting new incentive plans or
proposing for subsequent stockholder consideration other incentive plan
  If the Incentive Plans Proposal is approved, the amendments to the Omnibus
Plan, will:
    (1) Authorize, in addition to the number of shares authorized under the
  annual percentage provisions of the Omnibus Plan, the issuance of stock
  based awards (the "awards") covering 10,000,000 shares of PCS Stock. The
  Sprint Board is seeking authority to issue these awards in order to replace
  the current Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan covering employees of
  Sprint Spectrum. If approved, awards will be issued in a combination of
  shares of PCS Stock and options to purchase PCS Stock to replace units
  under Sprint Spectrum's current Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan for
  the years 1996, 1997 and 1998. The Sprint Board expects that most of these
  awards will be in the form of options to purchase PCS Stock.
    (2) Eliminate the current provisions of the Omnibus Plan that provide for
  annual grants to Sprint's non-employee directors (the "Outside Directors")
  of options to purchase 2,000 shares of Existing Common Stock, and instead
  allow Outside Directors to participate in normal, discretionary awards
  under the Omnibus Plan. In order to allow the Sprint Board to have the
  Directors maintain an appropriate balance between awards based on FON Stock
  and awards based on PCS Stock, Sprint believes that the discretionary award
  approach is necessary; a fixed formula provision would not allow the Sprint
  Board to take into account the changing relative values of the two classes
  of stock, the number of outstanding shares of each class of stock, the
  relative market volatility of the two classes of stock, and other factors
  that the Sprint Board may consider relevant to maintaining an appropriate
  compensation mix between the two classes of stock for Outside Directors.
    (3) Eliminate provisions prohibiting the Directors from amending Section
  11 of the Omnibus Plan, which provides that Outside Directors may elect to
  receive all or a portion of their fees in Existing Common Stock. The Sprint
  Board believes the ability to amend the share purchase provisions of the
  Omnibus Plan will provide the Sprint Board with needed flexibility to
  manage outside Director acquisitions of shares of the FON Stock and the PCS
  Stock in an appropriately balanced manner.
    (4) Authorize the issuance to any one individual in any year options to
  acquire up to 3,000,000 shares of FON Stock and options to acquire up to
  1,500,000 shares of PCS Stock. The current provisions permit the issuance
  of options to acquire up to 3,000,000 shares of common stock to any
  individual during any year. As under the existing plan, all employees are
  eligible to receive options under the amended plan and the exercise price
  of the option will not be less than the fair market value of the stock on
  the date of the grant.     
  In addition to the above amendments for which Sprint is seeking stockholder
approval, the Sprint Board, has adopted a board resolution to amend the
Omnibus Plan to take into account the effect of the PCS Restructuring and
Recapitalization (the "Board Resolution"). The Board Resolution amends the
Omnibus Plan,     

contingent on the closing of the Restructuring Agreement, to authorize the
issuance of both FON Stock and PCS Stock and makes other conforming changes.
The Omnibus Plan, as amended by the Incentive Plans Proposal and the Board
Resolution, is set out in Annex VII to this Proxy Statement.
  If the Incentive Plans Proposal is approved, the amendments to the MISOP
    (1) Expand the Sprint Board's ability to adjust the terms of outstanding
  stock options to take into account the effects of the Recapitalization. The
  current provision allows the strike price of options to be adjusted but
  does not provide for changing the classes of securities subject to purchase
  under outstanding options. The Sprint Board needs this authority in order
  to convert options to buy Existing Common Stock into options to buy PCS
  Stock and FON Stock; and
    (2) Permit the Sprint Board to adjust the number and class of shares
  issuable to any individual in any year under the MISOP to take into account
  the effect of the Recapitalization.
  The Sprint Board has, subject to approval of this amendment by the
stockholders, (i) declared that each option to purchase shares of Existing
Common Stock will be changed into an option to purchase shares of FON Stock and
an option to purchase shares of PCS Stock, (ii) amended the MISOP to provide
for the issuance of options to purchase both FON Stock and PCS Stock, and (iii)
made other conforming amendments.
  The MISOP, as amended by the Incentive Plans Proposal and the Board
Resolution, is set out in Annex IX to this Proxy Statement.
  Pursuant to its authority to adjust the terms of the plans to take into
account the effect of the Recapitalization, the Sprint Board has adopted
additional amendments to the Omnibus Plan and the MISOP conditioned on the
closing of the Restructuring Agreement and on the approval by the stockholders
of the Incentive Plans Proposal. These amendments are, with respect to the
Omnibus Plan, being made pursuant to existing authority given to the Sprint
Board by the provisions of the plan and, with respect to the MISOP, pursuant to
the expanded capital-changes authority, the stockholders are being asked to
approve the Incentive Plans Proposal.
  Authority to Issue FON Stock and PCS Stock. Under the amendments, both the
Omnibus Plan and the MISOP authorize the issuance of awards and options with
respect to any class of Sprint's publicly-traded common stock, including the
FON Stock and the PCS Stock. Which class of common stock would be subject to
any given award or options under the plans would be determined by the Sprint
Board or the Organization, Compensation, and Nominating Committee of the Sprint
Board (the "Compensation Committee") at the time the award is made. The
Compensation Committee may grant awards with respect to either class of stock
to employees of either the FON Group or the PCS Group.
  Adjustment of Shares Authorized under the Plans. The number of shares of
Existing Common Stock authorized but unissued as of the effective date of the
Recapitalization (the "Recapitalization Date") would become the number of
shares of FON Stock authorized but unissued (the "Existing Authorized Amount")
under both plans, and the number of shares of PCS Stock authorized but unissued
under the plans would be one-half the Existing Authorized Amount. Similar
adjustments will be made under both plans to the number and class of shares
that may be subject to options granted to any individual in any year, both as
to total shares issued and shares issuable with respect to incentive stock

  Pursuant to its authority to adjust the terms of outstanding awards under
the Omnibus Plan and the MISOP, the Sprint Board adopted a resolution to
provide for the adjustment of the terms of outstanding options to reflect the
effect of the Recapitalization on shares of Existing Common Stock. Effective
on the Recapitalization Date, each option issued to employees to purchase
shares of Existing Common Stock ("Existing Options") will be converted into an
option to purchase the same number of shares of FON Stock (the "FON Option")
and an option to purchase one-half the number of shares of PCS Stock (the "PCS
Option"). Neither the FON Options nor the PCS Options will reduce the number
of authorized but unissued shares as of the Recapitalization Date but will be
considered a continuation of issued and outstanding options.
  The strike prices of the FON Options and the PCS Options will be set to
prices based on the volume-weighted trading prices of the FON Stock (the "FON
Value") and the PCS Stock (the "PCS Value") for the first 10 trading days
beginning on or after the Recapitalization Date on which the FON Stock begins
regular-way trading. A combined value of the two classes of stock (the
"Combined Value") will be set at the sum of (i) the FON Value and (ii) one-
half of the PCS Value. Each FON Option will have its strike price set at the
product of (i) the FON Value and (ii) a fraction (the "Adjustment Factor"),
the numerator of which is the strike price of the Existing Option and the
denominator of which is the Combined Value. Each PCS Option will have its
strike price set at the product of (i) the PCS Value and (ii) the Adjustment
Factor. All other terms of each FON Option and PCS Option will be the same as
the terms of the related Existing Option.
  During 1997, Mr. Esrey and Mr. LeMay each received performance-based options
to purchase Existing Common Stock that will become exercisable only if the
fair market value of the Existing Common Stock reaches a price of $95.875 per
share for period of 30 trading days within a period of 45 consecutive trading
days occurring after June 8, 2001, and on or before June 9, 2003. These
options will be adjusted in the same manner as all other Existing Options
except that the condition on exercise for both the FON Option and the PCS
Option will require that the combined fair market value of the FON Stock and
the PCS Stock reaches $95.875 within the prescribed time. The combined value
of the FON Stock and the PCS Stock will be computed by adding the trading
price of FON Stock to one-half the trading price of PCS Stock.
  Eligible Participants under the Omnibus Plan. Sprint's Outside Directors and
employees of Sprint and its subsidiaries are eligible to receive awards under
the Omnibus Plan.
  Shares Subject to the Omnibus Plan. Subject to adjustment as described below
(see "Administration--Adjustment for Capital Changes"), one and one-half
percent (1.5%) of the outstanding shares of FON Stock and one and one-half
percent (1.5%) of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock (including Series 1 PCS
Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock) as of the first day of each calendar year,
beginning with 1999, will be available for grant during the year.     
  In addition to the foregoing, 10,000,000 shares of PCS Stock will be
available for awards under the Omnibus Plan. Sprint expects that substantially
all of those shares will be allocated to awards under the Omnibus Plan to
replace units granted and outstanding under Sprint Spectrum's Long-Term
Incentive Compensation Plan.
  All shares available in any year that are not granted under the Omnibus Plan
are available for grant in subsequent years. If Sprint acquires another
company, any of Sprint's shares covered by or issued as a result of the
assumption or substitution of outstanding grants of the acquired company would
not be deemed issued under the Omnibus Plan. If any shares subject to any
award are forfeited, or the award is terminated without issuance of shares or
other consideration, the shares subject to the award will again be available
for grant pursuant to the Omnibus Plan. The Compensation Committee may also
determine that outstanding securities other than FON Stock and the PCS Stock
will be subject to awards under the plan.
  The issuance of FON Options and PCS Options in lieu of Existing Options
pursuant to the action by the Sprint Board described above (see "Board
Adjustment to Outstanding Options") will not reduce the number of shares
available for grant under the Omnibus Plan.

  The Omnibus Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee, none of the
members of which may be an employee of Sprint. The Compensation Committee has
the authority to select participants to whom awards are granted, to determine
the types of awards and the number of shares covered and to set the terms and
conditions of such awards and to cancel or suspend awards. The Compensation
Committee is authorized to interpret the Omnibus Plan, to establish, amend,
and rescind any rules and regulations relating to the Omnibus Plan, to
determine the terms and provisions of agreements entered into with employees
under the Omnibus Plan, and to make all other determinations that may be
necessary or advisable for the administration of the plan.
  The Compensation Committee may delegate to one or more Senior Officers or
one or more committees of Senior Officers the right to grant awards and to
cancel or suspend awards with respect to employees who are not officers or
Directors of Sprint. The Sprint Board may amend, alter or discontinue the
Omnibus Plan or any portion thereof at any time, but no such action may impair
the rights of a participant without the participant's consent and no amendment
may be made without stockholder approval that will increase the total number
of shares reserved for issuance pursuant to the Omnibus Plan.
  Stock Options. Under the Omnibus Plans, the Compensation Committee may grant
stock options to participants to purchase, at the Compensation Committee's
discretion, either FON Stock or PCS Stock. The strike price per share of
common stock purchasable under any stock option granted to an employee will be
determined by the Compensation Committee, but may not be less than 100% of the
fair market value of the class of common stock subject to the option on the
option's grant date. The term of each option and the time or times when it may
be exercised will be fixed by the Compensation Committee. The grant and the
terms of incentive stock options (ISOs) are restricted to the extent required
by the Code. Options may only be exercised by payment of the exercise price,
either in cash or, at the discretion of the Compensation Committee, in common
stock or other consideration having a fair market value on the date the option
is exercised equal to the exercise price. Currently, the Compensation
Committee permits payment of the exercise price with previously owned shares
of the same class of common stock subject to the option.     
  Reload options, which are options granted when an optionee exercises a stock
option and makes payment of the exercise price with previously owned shares of
Common Stock, may be granted under the Omnibus Plan. A reload option grant is
for the number and class of shares used in payment of the exercise price and
tax withholding, if any. The strike price for a reload option is equal to the
fair market value of one share of the class of Common Stock used in payment of
the exercise price of, or tax withholding with respect to, the underlying
option on the date the reload option is granted. Reload options may also be
granted at the time an optionee uses previously owned Common Stock to pay tax
withholding on vesting of restricted stock received upon exercise of an
  Section 162(m) of the Code limits Sprint's deduction for compensation paid
to certain executive officers to $1 million per year unless such compensation
is "performance-based." For purposes of satisfying this requirement, the
Omnibus Plan limits the number of shares subject to options that can be
granted to any individual during any calendar year to 3,000,000 shares of FON
Stock and 1,500,000 shares of PCS Stock.
  Restricted Stock. Restricted stock may not be disposed of by the recipient
until certain restrictions established by the Compensation Committee lapse.
Restricted stock may be issued for such consideration as the Compensation
Committee determines; the Omnibus Plan permits the Compensation Committee to
require no consideration other than the rendering of services. The recipient
of restricted stock has all of the rights of a Sprint stockholder including
the right to vote the shares and the right to receive any cash dividends,
unless the Compensation Committee determines otherwise. If employment is
terminated during the restriction period, all restricted stock is forfeited,
subject to such exceptions, if any, authorized by the Compensation Committee.
Shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock issued in the Recapitalization for
restricted shares of Existing Common Stock will continue to be subject to the
same restrictions as such restricted stock.     

  Performance Award. From time to time, the Compensation Committee may select
a period during which performance criteria determined by the Compensation
Committee are measured for the purpose of determining the extent to which a
performance award has been earned. Performance awards may be in the form of
performance shares (valued by reference to shares of stock), or performance
units (valued by reference to cash or property other than stock). Performance
awards may be paid in cash, stock, other property or a combination thereof.
Performance awards may be issued for such consideration as the Compensation
Committee determines.
  Other Stock Unit Awards. The Compensation Committee is also authorized to
grant to participants, either alone or in addition to other awards granted
under the Omnibus Plan, awards of stock and other awards that are valued in
whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise based on, Common Stock or
other securities of Sprint ("other stock unit awards"). Other stock unit
awards may be paid in Common Stock or other securities of Sprint, cash or any
other form of property as the Compensation Committee determines. Securities
granted pursuant to such awards may be issued for such consideration as the
Compensation Committee determines.
  Payment of Outside Directors' Fees in Common Stock. The Omnibus Plan
provides that Outside Directors may elect to receive all or part of their
annual retainer and their meeting and committee meeting fees in any class of
Common Stock in lieu of cash payments. The price at which Outside Directors
may acquire shares is the fair market value of each class of Common Stock on
the last trading day of the month in which the fees are earned.
  In addition, Outside Directors may elect annually to defer receipt of such
Common Stock. Shares deferred pursuant to this election will be transferred by
Sprint to a trust that will hold the shares until the Outside Director's
termination of Sprint Board service. The Outside Directors may elect to
receive payment in a lump sum or installments and in common stock or cash.
During the period the shares are held in trust, the Outside Director will have
voting rights with respect to the shares and the trustee will reinvest the
dividends on the shares in shares of the same class of Common Stock. The trust
will be subject to the claims of creditors of Sprint.
  Adjustment for Capital Changes. In the event of any change affecting the
shares of Common Stock by reason of any stock dividend or split,
recapitalization, merger, consolidation, spin-off, combination or exchange of
shares or other corporate changes affecting the common stock of Sprint, the
options granted to Outside Directors will be adjusted and the Compensation
Committee may make such substitution or adjustment in the aggregate number or
class of shares which may be distributed under the Omnibus Plan, in the
number, class and option price or other price of shares subject to outstanding
awards granted under the Omnibus Plan and in the number and class of shares
that may be subject to an option granted to any individual during any year
under the Omnibus Plan as it deems to be appropriate.
  Change of Control. In order to maintain all of the participants' rights in
the event of a change of control of Sprint, the Compensation Committee, in its
sole discretion, may, as to any outstanding awards, take any one or more of
the following actions: (i) provide for the acceleration of any time periods
relating to the exercise or realization of any such award so that such award
may be exercised or realized in full on or before a date fixed by the
Compensation Committee; (ii) provide for the purchase of any such award by
Sprint, upon a participant's request, for an amount of cash equal to the
excess of the fair market value of the property which could have been received
upon the exercise of such award or realization of such participant's rights
had such award been currently exercisable or payable over the amount which
would have been paid, if any, by the participant for such property, (iii) make
such adjustment to any such award then outstanding as the Compensation
Committee deems appropriate to reflect such change of control; or (iv) cause
any such award then outstanding to be assumed, or new rights substituted for
such award, by the acquiring or surviving corporation in such change of
control. Unless the Compensation Committee determines otherwise with respect
to any award granted under the Omnibus Plan, a change of control is deemed to
occur if someone acquires 20% or more of the combined voting power of Sprint's
outstanding stock or if there is a change of a majority of the Directors
within a two-year period. The Compensation Committee has determined that an
acquisition by FT and DT of more than 20% of the voting power does not
constitute a change in control unless they acquire, in any combination, more
than 35% of the combined voting power of Sprint's outstanding common stock.

  Eligible Participants under the MISOP. The Compensation Committee determines
each year which employees of Sprint and its subsidiaries who participate in
Sprint's annual management incentive compensation plans will be eligible to
receive options under the MISOP. Any salaried employee of Sprint and its
subsidiaries is eligible to be selected as a participant in the annual
management incentive compensation plans. After the PCS Restructuring,
employees of the PCS Group will be eligible to be selected as participants in
the MISOP. Outside Directors are not eligible to receive options under the
  Shares subject to the MISOP. Subject to adjustment as described below, 0.9%
of the outstanding shares of FON Stock and 0.9% of the outstanding shares of
PCS Stock (both Series 1 and Series 2 PCS Stock) as of the first day of each
calendar year for which the MISOP is in effect are available for grant under
the MISOP in such year. All shares available in any year that are not subject
to an option granted under the MISOP are available for grant in the following
years. The shares of stock deliverable under the MISOP may consist in whole or
in part of authorized and unissued shares or treasury shares. If any option is
terminated without issuance of shares, the shares subject to such options
shall again be available for grant pursuant to the MISOP.
  Administration. The Compensation Committee administers the MISOP and is
authorized to interpret the MISOP, to establish, amend, and rescind any rules
and regulations relating to the MISOP, and to make all other determinations
which may be necessary or advisable for the administration of the MISOP.
  The Sprint Board may amend, alter or discontinue the MISOP or any portion
thereof at any time, but no such action shall materially impair the rights of
a participant without the participant's consent and provided that no amendment
will be made without stockholder approval that increases the total number of
shares reserved for issuance pursuant to the MISOP.
  Terms and Conditions of the Options. Each year, the Compensation Committee
set the terms and conditions of options granted under the MISOP, including the
amount of incentive compensation that must be foregone by participants for
each share subject to options granted under the MISOP. After the PCS
Restructuring, the Compensation Committee will also determine which class of
Common Stock, FON Stock or PCS Stock, that eligible employees will be allowed
to purchase under options and may specify different classes of options for
different groups of employees.
  The strike price per share of FON Stock or PCS Stock purchasable under any
option is 100% of the fair market value of the stock on the option's grant
  Section 162(m) of the Code limits Sprint's deduction for compensation paid
to certain executive officers to $1,000,000 per year unless such compensation
is "performance-based." For purposes of satisfying this requirement, the MISOP
limits the number of shares subject to options that can be granted to any
individual during any calendar year to 500,000 shares of FON Stock and 250,000
shares of PCS Stock.
  The options have a ten-year term and become exercisable on December 31 of
the year in which granted. Options can be exercised by payment of the exercise
price, either in cash or in shares of the same class of common stock subject
to the option. Optionees that exercise an option by payment of the exercise
price in shares of stock are entitled to (i) pay withholding taxes in shares
of common stock (either by withholding shares from those issuable in the
exercise up to the optionee's marginal tax rate or by delivery of previously-
owned shares of the same class for withholding above that rate) and (ii) the
grant of a reload option to purchase a number of shares of the same class
equal to the number used by the optionee in payment of the exercise price and
tax withholding, if any. The strike price of the reload option is the fair
market value of the stock on the exercise date of the underlying option and
its term is the unexpired term of the underlying option. Certain optionees are
entitled to receive restricted stock on exercise of an option.
  Exercisable options of employees whose employment with Sprint has been
terminated other than for cause remain exercisable as follows (but in no event
may an option be exercised after the end of the ten-year term): (i) in the
case of involuntary termination by Sprint other than for cause, for ten years
from grant date; (ii) in the     

case of death, one year from date of death; (iii) in the case of retirement or
disability, five years from date of termination of employment; and (iv) in the
case of voluntary termination, three months from date of termination.
  Adjustments. In the event of any stock dividend or split, recapitalization,
merger, consolidation, spin-off, combination or exchange of shares, or any
other corporate change affecting the shares of Sprint's common stock, the
Compensation Committee may make adjustments as it considers appropriate in the
number and class of shares authorized to be issued under the MISOP, in the
number and class of shares that may be subject to an option granted to any
individual during a calendar year under the MISOP, and in the number and class
of shares subject to, and the strike price of, outstanding options granted
under the MISOP.
  Omnibus Plan. Under present law, the following are the federal tax
consequences generally arising with respect to awards granted under the
Omnibus Plan. The grant of an option will create no tax consequences for an
optionee or Sprint at the time of grant. The optionee will have no taxable
income upon exercising an ISO (unless the alternative minimum tax is
applicable), and Sprint will receive no deduction when an ISO is exercised.
Except where the stock received is non-transferable and subject to forfeiture
(as described below), upon exercising an option (other than an ISO), the
optionee must recognize additional compensation equal to the difference
between the exercise price and the fair market value of the stock on the date
of the exercise; Sprint will be entitled to a deduction for the same amount.
The treatment of a disposition of shares acquired through the exercise of an
option depends on how long the shares have been held and on whether such
shares were acquired by exercising an ISO or by exercising an option (other
than an ISO). Generally, there will be no tax consequence to Sprint in
connection with a disposition of shares acquired under an option except that
Sprint may be entitled to a deduction in the case of a disposition of shares
acquired under an ISO before the applicable ISO holding periods have been
  With respect to other awards granted under the Omnibus Plan that are settled
either in cash or in stock or other property that is either transferable or
not subject to substantial risk of forfeiture, the participant must recognize
additional compensation equal to the cash or the fair market value of shares
or other property received; Sprint will be entitled to a deduction for the
same amount. With respect to awards that are settled in stock or other
property that is restricted as to transferability and subject to substantial
risk of forfeiture, the participant must recognize additional compensation
equal to the fair market value of the shares or other property received at the
first time the shares or other property become transferable or not subject to
substantial risk of forfeiture, whichever occurs earlier; Sprint will be
entitled to a deduction for the same amount. Prior to the time the shares
become transferable or not subject to substantial risk of forfeiture, any
dividends received by the participant are treated as additional compensation.
Sprint will be entitled to a deduction for the same amount. Different tax
rules apply to executive officers and Outside Directors who are subject to
Section 16 of the Exchange Act.
  MISOP. Under present law, the following are the federal tax consequences
generally arising with respect to awards granted under the MISOP. The grant or
vesting of an option will create no tax consequences for an optionee or
Sprint. Upon exercising an option and receiving unrestricted shares, the
optionee must recognize ordinary income equal to the difference between the
exercise price and the fair market value of the stock on the date of exercise.
Sprint will be entitled to a deduction for the same amount. Certain optionees
may elect to receive restricted stock from the exercise when they use
previously owned shares to pay the purchase price. These optionees will not
recognize ordinary income until the date the restrictions lapse. The ordinary
income will be equal to the difference between the fair market value of the
stock (i.e., shares received which are in excess of the shares given up for
payment of the purchase price) on the date the restrictions lapse and any cash
paid for the shares. Sprint will be entitled to a deduction for the same
amount. The treatment of a disposition of the shares acquired through the
exercise of an option will result in short-term or long-term capital gain
depending on how long the shares have been held. There will be no tax
consequence to Sprint in connection with a disposition of shares acquired
under an option. There will be no tax consequences to the optionee or Sprint
if an option is canceled or expires.     


          NAME           AGE            OFFICE
          ----           ---            ------
 William T. Esrey        58  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Director
 Ronald T. LeMay         52  President and Chief Operating Officer and Director
 DuBose Ausley           61  Director
 Warren L. Batts         65  Director
 Michel Bon              55  Director
 Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. 61  Director
 Harold S. Hook          66  Director
 Linda Koch Lorimer      46  Director
 Charles E. Rice         62  Director
 Ron Sommer              49  Director
 Stewart Turley          64  Director
 Michael B. Fuller       53  President and Chief Operating Officer--Local
                              Telecommunications Division
 Patti S. Manuel         42  President and Chief Operating Officer--Long
                              Distance Division
 John E. Berndt          58  President--Sprint International
 Kevin E. Brauer         47  President--National Integrated Services
 J. Richard Devlin       48  Executive Vice President--General Counsel and
                              External Affairs
 Arthur B. Krause        57  Executive Vice President--Chief Financial Officer
 Gene M. Betts           46  Senior Vice President--Corporate Finance
 John R. Hoffman         53  Senior Vice President--External Affairs
 Len J. Lauer            41  Senior Vice President--Brand Management and Public
 John P. Meyer           47  Senior Vice President--Controller
 Theodore H. Schell      54  Senior Vice President--Strategic Planning and
                              Corporate Development
 M. Jeannine Strandjord  52  Senior Vice President--Treasurer
 I. Benjamin Watson      49  Senior Vice President--Human Resources
 Don A. Jensen           62  Vice President--Secretary
  WILLIAM T. ESREY was elected Chairman of Sprint in 1990. He was elected
Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors in 1985.
  RONALD T. LEMAY was first elected President and Chief Operating Officer of
Sprint in February 1996. From July 1997 to October 1997, Mr. LeMay served as
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Waste Management, Inc., a provider of
comprehensive waste management services. He was re-elected President and Chief
Operating Officer of Sprint and Chairman of Sprint Spectrum Holdings effective
October 1997. From 1995 to 1996 Mr. LeMay served as Vice Chairman of Sprint.
He also served as Chief Executive Officer of Sprint Spectrum Holdings from
1995 to 1996. From 1989 to 1995, he served as President and Chief Operating
Officer--Long Distance Division. Mr. LeMay served on the Sprint Board from
1993 until he went to work for Waste Management, Inc. He was re-elected to the
Sprint Board in December 1997.
  DUBOSE AUSLEY has served as a Director of Sprint since 1993. He is chairman
of Ausley & McMullen, a law firm, Tallahassee, Florida. Prior to becoming
Chairman of Ausley & McMullen in 1996, Mr. Ausley was Chairman of Macfarlane,
Ausley, Ferguson & McMullen since 1994 and prior to that he was President of
Ausley, McMullen, McGehee, Carothers & Proctor, P.A. for more than five years.
  WARREN L. BATTS has served as a Director of Sprint since 1982. He is retired
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tupperware Corporation, a diversified
consumer products company, Orlando, Florida. Mr. Batts is also a retired
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Premark International, Inc., a
diversified consumer products     

company, Deerfield, Illinois. Prior to his retirement in 1997, Mr. Batts had
been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Premark International, Inc. since
1986 and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tupperware Corporation since
its spin-off from Premark International, Inc. in 1996.     
  MICHEL BON has served as a Director of Sprint since 1996. He is Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of FT, a telecommunications company, Paris, France.
Mr. Bon became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of France Telecom S.A. in
September of 1995. He served as head of France's national job-placement agency
from 1993 to 1995 and, prior to that, as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of Carrefour, France's largest retailer, for more than five years. Mr. Bon is
also a director of DT.     
  IRVINE O. HOCKADAY, JR. has served as a Director of Sprint since June of
1997. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Hallmark Cards, Inc.,
manufacturer of greeting cards, Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Hockaday has been
President and Chief Executive Officer of Hallmark Cards, Inc. since 1985.
  HAROLD S. HOOK has served as a Director of Sprint since 1982. He is a
retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American General Corporation,
a financial services holding corporation, Houston, Texas. Mr. Hook was
Chairman of American General Corporation from 1978 to 1997 and Chief Executive
Officer from 1978 to 1996.
  LINDA KOCH LORIMER has served as a Director of Sprint since 1993. She is
Vice President and Secretary of the University, Yale University, New Haven,
Connecticut. Prior to becoming Vice President and Secretary of Yale University
in 1993, Ms. Lorimer was President of Randolph-Macon Woman's College for more
than six years.
  CHARLES E. RICE has served as a Director of Sprint since 1975. He is
Chairman of NationsBank Corporation, a bank holding company, Charlotte, North
Carolina. Mr. Rice was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Barnett Banks,
Inc. for more than five years prior to its merger with NationsBank Corporation
on January 9, 1998.
  RON SOMMER has served as a Director of Sprint since 1996. He is Chairman of
the Board of Management of DT, a telecommunications company, Bonn, Germany.
Prior to becoming Chairman of DT in May of 1995, Mr. Sommer was President and
Chief Operating Officer of Sony Corporation of America beginning in 1990, and
in 1993, he took over the management of Sony Europe in the same function. Mr.
Sommer is also a director of FT.     
  STEWART TURLEY has served as a Director of Sprint since 1980. He is retired
Chairman of Eckerd Corporation, a diversified retailer, Clearwater, Florida.
Mr. Turley had been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eckerd Corporation
for more than five years prior to his retirement in 1997.     
  MICHAEL B. FULLER was elected President and Chief Operating Officer--Local
Telecommunications Division of Sprint in October 1996. From 1990 to 1996, he
served as President of United Telephone--Midwest Group, an operating group of
subsidiaries of Sprint.
  PATTI S. MANUEL was elected President and Chief Operating Officer--Long
Distance Division of Sprint in February 1998. She was also elected as
President and Chief Operating Officer of Sprint Communications Company L.P.
(the "Limited Partnership"), a subsidiary of Sprint, in February 1998. She had
served as President of Sprint Business, a division of the Limited Partnership,
since May 1997. From 1994 to 1997, she was President of sales and marketing
for Sprint Business. She was named President of marketing for Sprint Business
in 1993.

  JOHN E. BERNDT joined Sprint as President--Sprint International in April
1998. Prior to that Mr. Berndt was President of Fluor Daniel
Telecommunications since January 1997. He was President--Multimedia Ventures
and Technologies for AT&T and Lucent Technologies from 1995 to 1996. From 1993
to 1995, Mr. Berndt was President of New Business Development for AT&T.
  KEVIN E. BRAUER was elected President--National Integrated Services of
Sprint in October 1997. He had served as Senior Vice President since June
1997. From 1992 to 1997, he was President of Sprint Business.
  J. RICHARD DEVLIN was elected Executive Vice President--General Counsel and
External Affairs of Sprint in 1989.
  ARTHUR B. KRAUSE was elected Executive Vice President--Chief Financial
Officer of Sprint in 1988.
  GENE M. BETTS was elected Senior Vice President of Sprint in 1990.
  JOHN R. HOFFMAN was elected Senior Vice President--External Affairs of
Sprint in 1990.
  LEN J. LAUER joined Sprint as Senior Vice President--Brand Management and
Public Relations in April 1998. Before that Mr. Lauer spent more than five
years with Bell Atlantic Corporation, first as Vice President--Sales and
Services in the Large Business Services unit and, starting in 1995, as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Bell Atlantic--New Jersey.
  JOHN P. MEYER was elected Senior Vice President--Controller of Sprint in
  THEODORE H. SCHELL was elected Senior Vice President--Strategic Planning and
Corporate Development of Sprint in 1990.
  M. JEANNINE STRANDJORD was elected Senior Vice President--Treasurer of
Sprint in 1990.
  I. BENJAMIN WATSON was elected Senior Vice President--Human Resources of
Sprint in 1993.
  DON A. JENSEN was elected Vice President--Secretary of Sprint in 1975.

  The following table sets forth as of May 31, 1998, information about the
only known beneficial owners of more than five percent of Sprint's outstanding
voting stock, based solely on Schedules 13G and 13D received by Sprint:

                                   NAME AND              AMOUNT AND
                                  ADDRESS OF              NATURE OF
                                  BENEFICIAL             BENEFICIAL        PERCENT
TITLE OF CLASS                       OWNER                OWNERSHIP        OF CLASS
- --------------                    ----------             ----------        --------
Class A Common Stock(4).  FT(1)                       43,118,018 shares(5)    50%(5)
Class A Common Stock(4).  DT(2)                       43,118,018 shares(5)    50%(5)
Existing Common Stock...  Putnam Investments, Inc.(3) 21,355,530 shares        6%
- --------
(1) The address of FT is 6 place d'Alleray, 75505 Paris Cedex 15, France.     
(2) The address of DT is Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, D-53113, Germany.     
(3) The address of Putnam Investments is One Post Office Square, Boston,
(4) Class A Common Stock represents approximately 20% of Sprint's outstanding
voting shares.     
(5) Excludes 43,118,018 shares reported as beneficially owned as a result of
   shared voting power over shares owned by the other of FT or DT.     
  The following table states the number of shares of Existing Common Stock
beneficially owned, as of April 30, 1998, by each current Director, each
executive officer named in the "Summary Compensation Table" and by all
Directors and executive officers as a group. The number of shares beneficially
owned by all Directors and executive officers as a group represented less than
one percent of the outstanding shares. Except as otherwise indicated, each
individual named has sole investment and voting power with respect to the
securities shown.

                                 NAME                            OF SHARES
                                 ----                            ---------
        DuBose Ausley..........................................     18,944(1)
        Warren L. Batts........................................     23,496(1)
        Michel Bon.............................................      1,500(1)
        William T. Esrey.......................................  1,506,498(1)(2)
        Gary D. Forsee.........................................    196,822(1)
        Michael B. Fuller......................................    154,546(1)
        Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr.................................      1,500(1)
        Harold S. Hook.........................................     34,496(1)
        Arthur B. Krause.......................................    267,880(1)(2)
        Ronald T. LeMay........................................    488,734(1)
        Linda Koch Lorimer.....................................     37,692(1)
        D. Wayne Peterson......................................    188,012(1)
        Charles E. Rice........................................     21,496(1)
        Ron Sommer.............................................      1,500(1)
        Stewart Turley.........................................     21,896(1)
        All Directors and executive officers as a group 27 per-
         sons..................................................  3,768,741(1)(2)
- --------
(1) Includes shares which may be acquired upon the exercise of stock options
    exercisable on or within sixty days after April 30, 1998, under Sprint's
    stock option plans as follows: 11,273, 18,496, 1,500, 1,105,148, 152,952,
    126,735, 0, 18,496, 177,409, 187,496, 36,227, 125,675, 18,496, 1,500 and
    18,496 shares for Messrs. Ausley, Batts, Bon, Esrey, Forsee, Fuller,
    Hockaday, Hook, Krause, LeMay, Ms. Lorimer, Messrs. Peterson, Rice, Sommer
    and Turley, respectively, and 2,581,715 shares for all Directors and
    executive officers as a group.     
(2) Includes shares held by or for the benefit of family members in which
    beneficial ownership has been disclaimed: 16,442 shares held in trust for
    Mr. Esrey's children, 13,644 shares owned by Mr. Krause's wife and 30,086
    shares held by or for the benefit of family members for all Directors and
    executive officers as a group.

                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
  The Compensation Committee, which is composed of independent, non-employee
Directors, has furnished the following report on executive compensation:
  Sprint's compensation philosophy is to link, by using specific objectives,
executives' compensation to the short-term and long-term performance of Sprint
so as to maximize long-term stockholder value. Sprint's executive compensation
program consists of four elements: (1) base salary, (2) short-term incentive
compensation, (3) long-term incentive compensation and (4) stock options. To
develop a competitive compensation package, both base salary and total
compensation (i.e., the sum of all four elements) are compared to market data
from similarly sized companies in the telecommunications industry as well as
other industries from surveys conducted by independent compensation
consultants and from proxy data. The Compensation Committee believes that the
comparison groups accurately reflect the market in which Sprint competes for
executive talent. Eleven of the 12 companies in the S&P Telephone Utility
Index and the S&P Telecommunications (Long Distance) Index, which are used in
the Stock Performance Graph under the heading "--Performance Graph," are
included in the comparison groups. The Compensation Committee's policy is to
target base salaries at the 50th percentile for base pay of similar positions
within the comparison group, and total compensation at the 75th percentile
provided certain performance objectives are achieved.     
  Section 162(m) of the Code denies a tax deduction to any publicly held
corporation, such as Sprint, for compensation in excess of $1 million paid to
any Named Officer (as defined in "Summary Compensation Table") unless such
compensation is performance-based under Section 162(m). Sprint took all action
required under Section 162(m) for Sprint's incentive compensation plans to be
performance-based so as to preserve Sprint's tax deduction for compensation
earned under such plans for 1997.
  Base Salary. Each year the Compensation Committee makes a recommendation to
the Sprint Board establishing base pay for all Named Officers. In making this
recommendation for 1997, the Compensation Committee considered the salaries of
other executives within the comparison group and the executives' performance
during 1996. With respect to the latter, the Compensation Committee exercised
its judgment in evaluating the executives' accomplishments during the year. As
a result of his performance evaluations during his tenure as Chief Executive
Officer, Mr. Esrey's base salary exceeds the median of the comparison group.
  Short-Term Incentive Compensation. Sprint's short-term incentive
compensation ("STIC") is a performance-driven annual incentive designed to
promote the near term objectives of the organization. For the Named Officers,
the material terms of the performance goals under STIC were approved by the
Stockholders at the 1997 Annual Meeting.
  Target incentive opportunity for STIC is based on job level and potential
impact on organization results. The STIC payout is based on the achievement of
six financial objectives--three for LTD and three for LDD. For each objective,
targets were established and compared to actual 1997 financial results.
  . The objectives for LTD related to operating income (55% weighting), net
   collectible revenue (25%), and economic value added ("EVA") (20%). Actual
   results were 70.4% of target on a weighted average basis.
  . The objectives for LDD related to operating income (40% weighting), net
   collectible revenue (40%), and EVA (20%). Actual results were 32.7% of
   target on a weighted average basis.
The weights assigned for a particular executive among LTD and LDD depended on
an executive's responsibilities with Sprint.
  The entire STIC payout for Messrs. Esrey and LeMay was based on the
achievement of these financial objectives. For the remaining executive
officers except Mr. Peterson, 15% of the STIC payout was based on the

achievement of certain personal objectives in 1997. Fifty percent of Mr.
Peterson's STIC payout was based on personal objectives. These personal
objectives included qualitative factors relating to business unit and
departmental results of a nonfinancial nature, the support the executive
provided in furthering strategic and tactical objectives, contributing to the
progress of the quality improvement process, and individual professional
growth and development.
  Based on the financial results described above and the achievement of their
personal objectives, the executive officers earned STIC payouts on average of
56.7% of target. Mr. Esrey's STIC payout was based on the financial results
described above using relative weights for objectives by division as follows:
45% for LTD and 55% for LDD. Based on these factors, Mr. Esrey earned a payout
of 49.7% of target.
  Long-Term Incentive Compensation. Sprint's long-term incentive compensation
("LTIP") is a three-year performance-driven incentive plan designed to promote
the long-term objectives of the organization and to pay out in common stock.
For the Named Officers, the material terms of the performance goals under LTIP
were approved by the stockholders at the 1997 Annual Meeting. Target incentive
opportunity is established as a percentage of the three-year average salary
range midpoint and is based on job level and potential impact on organization
  LTIP payouts were based entirely on the achievement of financial objectives.
These financial objectives related to LTD, LDD, Sprint's former Cellular
Division, and Sprint consolidated.
  . The objectives for LTD related to return on assets (55% weighting),
   nonregulated cumulative net collectible revenue (15%), 1997 nonregulated
   operating income (15%) and EVA (15%). For LTD, actual results were 115.1%
   of target on a weighted average basis.
  . The objectives for LDD related to net collectible revenue growth relative
   to market (50%), cumulative operating margin (40%) and EVA (10%). For LDD,
   actual results were 152.0% of target on a weighted average basis.
  . The objectives for Sprint's former Cellular Division related to
   cumulative operating income (45%), cumulative net collectible revenue
   (45%) and EVA (10%) from January 1, 1995 through March 7, 1996. On March
   7, 1996, there was a spin-off of the Cellular Division. For the Cellular
   Division, actual results were 107.5% of target on a weighted average
  . The objective for Sprint consolidated related to EVA. Actual results were
   80.9% of target.
As with the STIC, the relative weights assigned to the LTIP objectives among
LTD, LDD, Cellular Division, and Sprint consolidated depend on an executive's
responsibilities with Sprint.
  The specific amounts of the LTIP payouts were determined by comparing actual
financial results to the pre-established targets for each objective. The
payout is also adjusted by a stock price factor under which the payout based
on financial objectives as described above is multiplied by a fraction, the
numerator of which is the market price of Common Stock on the last day of the
performance period and the denominator of which is the market price on the
first day of the performance period. The three-year increase in the price of
Existing Common Stock resulted in a multiplier of 263.0%.
  Mr. Esrey's LTIP payout was based on the financial results described above
using relative weights for each objective as follows: 28% for LTD, 55% for
LDD, 6% for the Cellular Division and 11% for Sprint consolidated. Based on
the financial results and the methodology described above, Mr. Esrey received
a payout of 346.4% of target. The LTIP payouts, if not deferred under the
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, were paid in restricted or unrestricted
shares of Existing Common Stock.
  Stock Options. Stock option grants combined with LTIP comprise long-term
incentive compensation awarded to executive officers of Sprint. Total long-
term incentive compensation is targeted at the 75th percentile of the
comparison group. The Compensation Committee does not consider any measures of
corporate or

individual performance in determining option grants and does not consider the
number of options already held by an executive. The telecommunications
industry is going through tremendous changes and industry leaders are in high
demand, both inside and outside the industry. The Sprint Board believes that
granting options and other stock awards to officers and other key employees
enhances Sprint's ability to attract, retain and provide incentives to
individuals of exceptional talent necessary for the continued success of
Sprint. In furtherance of these objectives, a special grant of options was
made to Mr. Esrey and Mr. LeMay in 1997.
  During 1997 certain executive officers elected under Sprint's MISOP to
receive options in lieu of receiving up to 50% of their target opportunity
under Sprint's management incentive plans. For each $3.95 reduction in an
executive's target opportunity resulting from such election, the executive
received an option to purchase one share of Existing Common Stock. The MISOP
is in keeping with Sprint's philosophy of increasing the percentage of
compensation tied to stock ownership. The Compensation Committee believes
stock options more closely align stockholder and employee interests by
focusing executives on long-term growth and profitability of Sprint and its
Common Stock.
                               Stewart Turley, Chairman
                               Harold S. Hook
                               Linda Koch Lorimer
                               Charles E. Rice
                               Ron Sommer

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
  The following table reflects the cash and non-cash compensation for services
in all capacities to Sprint by those persons who were, as of December 31, 1997,
the chief executive officer and the other four most highly compensated
executive officers of Sprint, and by Mr. Peterson, who served as an executive
officer until October 14, 1997 (the "Named Officers"):

                                  ANNUAL COMPENSATION            LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                            -------------------------------- ----------------------------------
                                                                    AWARDS             PAYOUTS
                                                             ------------------------ ---------
                                                   OTHER     RESTRICTED    SECURITIES           ALL OTHER
                                                   ANNUAL       STOCK      UNDERLYING   LTIP     COMPEN-
      POSITION         YEAR  ($) (1)   ($) (1)      ($)       ($) (2)         (#)        ($)     ($) (3)
 ------------------    ---- --------- --------- ------------ ----------    ---------- --------- ---------
William T. Esrey       1997 1,000,000         0    73,134(4)         0     2,536,183  1,221,064  38,880
 Chairman and Chief    1996   987,500 2,280,250    76,480            0       336,468    597,948  33,645
 Executive Officer     1995   937,502   541,200    76,989            0       291,360    768,140  31,506
Gary D. Forsee         1997   474,828         0    12,775            0       176,512    459,447   7,513
 President-Long        1996   412,746 1,177,866     6,172      577,500        88,688    203,570   5,173
 Distance Division     1995   344,237   258,809     6,404            0        50,372    214,524   7,846
Michael B. Fuller(5)   1997   307,864   230,500     1,519      363,750        64,608    204,762  10,511
 President--Local      1996   269,485   298,808     1,569            0        28,720     87,851   7,612
Arthur B. Krause       1997   401,852   192,642     2,840            0        64,608    304,057  23,491
 Executive Vice        1996   373,581   670,321     3,787            0        52,200    153,437  16,302
 President--Chief      1995   349,172   271,518     8,614            0        36,420    204,099  16,134
 Financial Officer
Ronald T. LeMay        1997   602,966         0     9,944    8,896,817(6)  1,603,546    574,008   8,395
 President and Chief   1996   700,002 1,684,142    71,975            0       269,531    315,615   9,321
 Operating Officer     1995   668,122   287,000    10,979            0       160,268    398,676  12,178
D. Wayne Petersen (7)  1997   431,770    92,482     4,427            0       177,107    365,238  21,302
 Former President--    1996   389,355   738,212     7,890            0        64,337    193,364  14,567
 National Integrated
  Services             1995   344,129   382,485     6,198            0        48,935    213,519  14,729

- --------
(1) Includes all amounts earned for the respective years, even if deferred
  under Sprint's Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. All bonuses were paid
  under Sprint's Management Incentive Plans.
(2) The value of the Restricted Stock Awards shown for 1997 is based on the
    closing prices of Existing Common Stock on August 12, 1997 and October 30,
    1997, the dates of grant for Messrs. Fuller and LeMay, respectively. As of
    December 31, 1997, Messrs. Esrey, Forsee, Fuller, Krause, LeMay and
    Peterson held 101,820; 19,801; 9,424; 10,000; 174,876 and 6,133 shares,
    respectively, of restricted stock. The shares had a market value of
    $5,969,198; $1,160,834; $552,482; $586,250; $10,252,106 and $359,547,
    respectively, at December 31, 1997, based on a value of $58.625 per share.
    Each of the Named Officers has the right to vote and receive dividends on
    the restricted shares.
(3) Consists of the following amounts for 1997: (a) $6,365 contributed on
    behalf of each of Messrs. Esrey, Forsee, Fuller, Krause, LeMay and Peterson
    as matching contributions under the Sprint Retirement Savings Plan; and (b)
    $32,515, $1,148, $4,146, $17,126, $2,030 and $14,937 for Messrs. Esrey,
    Forsee, Fuller, Krause, LeMay and Peterson, respectively, representing the
    portion of interest credits on deferred compensation accounts under
    Sprint's Executive Deferred Compensation Plan that are at above-market
(4) Includes the cost to Sprint of providing tax and financial services of
    $15,000, club memberships of $14,717 and automobile allowance of $18,000.
(5) Mr. Fuller became President--Local Telecommunications Division on October
    8, 1996.
(6) When Mr. LeMay left Sprint to join Waste Management, Inc. last July, all of
    his unvested options to purchase Sprint stock and restricted Sprint shares
    were canceled. Upon Mr. LeMay's return to Sprint last October, he was
    granted restricted stock in amounts designed to place Mr. LeMay in the same
    economic position he was in before his leaving Sprint with respect to such
    options and restricted shares. These replacement grants included:(1) 14,876
    shares that vest on March 31, 1999 to replace his canceled restricted
    stock, and (2) 100,000 shares that vest on April 30, 2000 to replace the
    unrealized gain on canceled Sprint stock options.\
(7) Mr. Peterson resigned from his position as President--National Integrated
    Services on October 14, 1997.

  Directors who are not officers of Sprint (the "Outside Directors") are paid
$35,000 annually plus $1,250 for each meeting attended and $1,000 for each
committee meeting attended.
  The Long-Term Stock Incentive Program, which was approved at the 1997 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, provides for the grant of stock options to Outside
Directors. Under the program each Outside Director receives an annual grant of
an option to purchase 2,000 shares of Existing Common Stock at an option price
equal to 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of
grant. The options expire ten years from the date of grant; 25% of the shares
subject to each option become exercisable as of December 31 of the year in
which the option is granted and an additional 25% become exercisable on
December 31 of each of the three succeeding years. For a description of
proposed changes in the Long-Term Stock Incentive Program relating to
Director's compensation, see "Incentive Plans Proposal."
  In 1982, Sprint adopted a retirement plan for its Outside Directors. Any
Director who served five years as a Director without simultaneously being
employed by Sprint or any of its subsidiaries is eligible to receive benefits
under the plan. The retirement plan was amended in December of 1996 to
eliminate the retirement benefit for any Director who had not served five
years as of the date of the amendment. An eligible Director retiring after
March 30, 1989, will receive monthly benefit payments equal to the monthly fee
(not including meeting fees) being paid to Directors at the time of the
Director's retirement. The monthly retirement benefit would be $2,917 for any
Director retiring while the current $35,000 annual fee remains in effect. The
number of monthly benefit payments to a Director under the plan will equal the
number of months served as a Director without simultaneously being employed by
Sprint or any of its subsidiaries, up to a maximum of 120 payments.
  Outside Directors of Sprint and certain of its subsidiaries are also
eligible for a Directors' Deferred Fee Plan under which Outside Directors may
elect to defer all or some of their fees. New Directors, who are not eligible
for benefits under the retirement plan after the December 1996 amendment, will
receive units representing 2,500 shares of Existing Common Stock credited to
their accounts under the Directors' Deferred Fee Plan upon becoming a
Director. Half of these units will vest upon completion of five years of Board
service and ten percent will vest on each succeeding anniversary. Under the
Omnibus Plan, Outside Directors can elect to use their fees to purchase
Existing Common Stock. They can also elect to have the purchased shares
deferred and placed in a trust.     
  In addition, Outside Directors are provided with Sprint residential long
distance service valued in the following amounts for 1997: Mr. Ausley, $4,609;
Mr. Batts, $2,225; Mr. Hockaday, $352; Mr. Hook, $700; Ms. Lorimer, $2,585;
Mr. Rice, $4,228; and Mr. Turley, $4,961.
  The following table summarizes options granted during 1997 under Sprint's
stock option plans to the Named Officers. The amounts shown as potential
realizable values on these options are based on arbitrarily assumed annualized
rates of appreciation in the price of Existing Common Stock of five percent
and ten percent over the term of the options, as set forth in the SEC) rules.
The Named Officers will realize no gain on these options without an increase
in the price of Common Stock that will benefit all shareholders
   Except for options identified as reload options, each option listed below
has a reload feature. Unless otherwise indicated, vesting is accelerated in
the event of a change in control if the change in control occurs at least one
year after the grant date of the option. A change in control is deemed to
occur if someone acquires 20% or more of the outstanding stock of Sprint or if
there is a change of a majority of the Directors within a two-year period. No
stock appreciation rights were granted during 1997.     

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                         % OF TOTAL                            POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                          NUMBER OF        OPTIONS                               VALUE AT ASSUMED
                         SECURITIES        GRANTED                            ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK
                         UNDERLYING          TO      EXERCISE                 PRICE APPRECIATION FOR
                           OPTIONS        EMPLOYEES  OR BASE                      OPTION TERM(1)
                           GRANTED           IN       PRICE   EXPIRATION --------------------------------
         NAME                 #          FISCAL YEAR   $/SH      DATE    0%       5%            10%
         ----            -----------     ----------- -------- ---------- --  ------------- --------------
William T. Esrey             160,000(2)      1.7%     $43.38   2/11/07   $ 0 $   4,364,529 $   11,060,573
                             100,810(3)      1.1%      43.38   2/11/07     0     2,749,926      6,968,852
                             151,899(4)      1.6%      43.38   2/11/07     0     4,143,547     10,500,562
                              91,179(5)      1.0%      44.94   3/15/05     0     1,942,564      4,646,788
                              32,295(5)      0.3%      44.94   2/17/05     0       680,621      1,624,906
                           1,000,000(6)     10.6%      47.94    6/9/07     0    30,147,636     76,400,029
                           1,000,000(7)     10.6%      47.94    6/9/07     0    30,147,636     76,400,029
Gary D. Forsee                55,000(2)      0.6%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,500,307      3,802,072
                              38,354(3)      0.4%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,046,232      2,651,358
                              66,456(4)      0.7%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,812,807      4,594,009
                               3,588(5)      0.0%      55.28   2/16/00     0        23,748         49,034
                               8,217(5)      0.1%      55.28   2/15/01     0        79,746        168,787
                               4,897(5)      0.1%      55.28    3/9/03     0        81,178        181,152
Michael B. Fuller             40,000(2)      0.4%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,091,132      2,765,143
                              24,608(3)      0.3%      43.38   2/11/07     0       671,265      1,701,116
Arthur B. Krause              40,000(2)      0.4%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,091,132      2,765,143
                              24,608(3)      0.3%      43.38   2/11/07     0       671,265      1,701,116
Ronald T. LeMay              100,000(2)      1.1%      51.69   2/11/07     0     2,961,927      7,354,406
                              55,519(3)      0.6%      51.69   2/11/07     0     1,644,432      4,083,092
                             117,089(4)      1.2%      51.69   2/11/07     0     3,468,091      8,611,200
                              81,945(8)      0.9%      51.69   2/12/06     0     2,110,729      5,096,086
                              45,524(9)      0.5%      51.69   2/17/05     0     1,006,959      2,365,970
                              17,757(10)     0.2%      51.69   2/17/05     0       392,773        922,866
                              17,109(11)     0.2%      51.69   2/17/05     0       378,439        889,188
                              91,050(12)     1.0%      51.69   7/12/04     0     1,820,090      4,207,454
                              14,905(10)     0.2%      51.69    3/9/03     0       230,083        513,180
                              62,648(11)     0.7%      51.69   2/16/00     0       384,304        793,127
                             500,000(6)      5.3%      51.69    6/9/07     0    15,455,956     38,731,415
                             500,000(7)      5.3%      51.69    6/9/07     0    15,455,956     38,731,415
D. Wayne Peterson             40,000(2)      0.4%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,091,132      2,765,143
                              32,076(3)      0.3%      43.38   2/11/07     0       874,979      2,217,368
                              56,329(4)      0.6%      43.38   2/11/07     0     1,536,560      3,893,944
                               6,850(5)      0.1%      46.63   2/17/05     0       150,037        358,304
                               5,095(5)      0.1%      46.63    3/9/03     0        79,984        181,205
                               6,475(5)      0.1%      46.63   2/16/00     0        45,723         95,753
                              28,247(5)      0.3%      54.47   2/11/04     0       556,324      1,273,134
                               2,035(5)      0.0%      54.47   2/16/00     0        13,404         27,691
All stockholders(13)     343,323,103          --       46.14   2/11/07     0 9,962,473,482 25,246,863,815
Named Officers' gain as
 a % of all
 stockholders' gain              --           --         --        --                0.08%          0.08%

- --------
(1) The dollar amounts in these columns are the result of calculations at the
    five percent and ten percent rates set by the SEC and are not intended to
    forecast future appreciation of Existing Common Stock.
(2) Twenty-five percent of this option became exercisable on February 11,
    1998, and an additional 25% will become exercisable on February 11 of each
    of the three successive years.

 (3) This option was granted in lieu of a potential award under the LTIP for
     the three-year period ending on December 31, 1999. This option becomes
     exercisable on December 31, 1999. This option is not immediately
     exercisable upon a change in control.
 (4) This option was granted under the MISOP. Under the MISOP, the optionee
     elected to receive options in lieu of receiving a portion of his bonus
     under the management incentive compensation plans. The MISOP benefits
     Sprint by reducing the cash bonus paid to the executive. It further
     increases the percentage of compensation tied to stock ownership, in
     keeping with Sprint's philosophy to more closely align stockholder and
     employee interests. This option became exercisable on December 31, 1997.
 (5) This option is a reload option. A reload option is an option granted when
     an optionee exercises a stock option and makes payment of the purchase
     price using shares of previously owned common stock. A reload option
     grant is for the number of shares utilized in payment of the purchase
     price and tax withholding, if any. The option price for a reload option
     is equal to the market price of common stock on the date the reload
     option is granted. A reload option becomes exercisable one year from the
     date the original option was exercised.
 (6) This option becomes exercisable on June 9, 2002 only if the market value
     of Existing Common Stock equals or exceeds $95.875 per share on any 30
     trading days within a consecutive period of 45 trading days, all of which
     fall after June 9, 2001 and on or before June 9, 2002. Alternatively, if
     the market value of Existing Common Stock equals or exceeds $95.875 per
     share on any 30 trading days within a consecutive period of 45 trading
     days, all of which fall after June 9, 2001 and on or before June 9, 2003,
     this option becomes exercisable on the last day of the 45-day period. If
     no such 45-day period occurs by June 9, 2003, the option will be
     forfeited. See "Incentive Plans Proposal--Board Adjustments to
     Outstanding Options" for the adjustments in these options that will be
     effected if the Incentive Plans Proposal is implemented.     
 (7) This option becomes exercisable on June 9, 2002.
 (8) One-third of this option became exercisable on February 12, 1998, and an
     additional one-third will become exercisable on February 12, 1999 and on
     February 12, 2000.
 (9) Fifty percent of this option became exercisable on February 17, 1998 and
     an additional 50% will become exercisable on February 17, 1999.
(10) This option became exercisable on November 15, 1997.
(11) This option became exercisable on May 20, 1998.
(12) This option becomes exercisable on July 12, 1999.
(13) The amounts shown as potential realizable value for all stockholders,
     which are presented for comparison purposes only, represent the aggregate
     net gain for all holders of record, as of February 23, 1998, of Existing
     Common Stock assuming a hypothetical option granted at $46.14 per share
     (the weighted average price of all options granted in 1997) on February
     11, 1997 and expiring on February 11, 2007, if the price of Existing
     Common Stock appreciates at the rates shown in the table. There can be no
     assurance that the potential realizable values shown in the table will be
     achieved. Sprint will neither make nor endorse any prediction as to
     future stock performance.

  The following table summarizes the net value realized on the exercise of
options in 1997, and the value of the outstanding options at December 31,
1997, for the Named Officers.

                                                    NUMBER OF SECURITIES UNDERLYING  VALUE OF UNEXERCISED IN-THE-
                                                    UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT 12/31/97    MONEY OPTIONS AT 12/31/97(2)
                                                    ------------------------------- -------------------------------
                         ACQUIRED ON     VALUE
                         ----------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------
William T. Esrey........   330,544     $7,466,939      856,694        2,736,344      $21,732,707     $35,258,353
Gary D. Forsee..........    23,836        750,953      184,413          184,412        4,075,005       3,319,224
Michael B. Fuller.......    16,996        450,007      109,451           82,818        3,426,780       1,426,311
Arthur B. Krause........         0              0      165,847          151,105        4,803,963       3,279,384
Ronald T. LeMay.........   368,155      6,112,173      149,751        1,453,795          954,663       9,267,943
D. Wayne Peterson.......   117,683      2,623,292       76,010          211,828        1,248,317       3,805,337

- --------
(1) The value realized upon exercise of an option is the difference between
  the fair market value of the shares of Existing Common Stock received upon
  the exercise, valued on the exercise date, and the exercise price paid.
(2) The value of unexercised, in-the-money options is the difference between
  the exercise price of the options and the fair market value of Existing
  Common Stock at December 31, 1997 ($58.0625).
  The following table reflects the estimated annual pension benefit payable to
an individual retiring in 1998 at age 65. The amounts include all prospective
benefits under Sprint's plans, whether tax-qualified or not.
                            PENSION PLAN TABLE     

                                    YEARS OF SERVICE(2)
REMUNERATION(1)       15           20           25           30           35
- ---------------    --------     --------     --------     --------     ---------
  $  500,000       $114,612     $152,816     $191,020     $229,224     $ 267,428
     700,000        161,112      214,816      268,520      322,224       375,928
     900,000        207,612      276,816      346,020      415,224       484,428
   1,100,000        254,112      338,816      423,520      508,224       592,928
   1,300,000        300,612      400,816      501,020      601,224       701,428
   1,500,000        347,112      462,816      578,520      694,224       809,928
   1,700,000        393,612      524,816      656,020      787,224       918,428
   1,900,000        440,112      586,816      733,520      880,224     1,026,928
   2,100,000        486,612      648,816      811,020      973,224     1,135,428

- --------
(1) Compensation, for purposes of estimating a pension benefit, includes
  salary and bonus as reflected under Annual Compensation in the Summary
  Compensation Table on page 159. The calculation of benefits under the
  pension plans generally is based upon average compensation for the highest
  five consecutive years of the ten years preceding retirement.     
(2) These amounts are straight life annuity amounts and would not be subject
  to reduction because of Social Security benefits. For purposes of estimating
  a pension benefit, the years of service credited are 33, 16, 23, 34, 24 and
  40 years for Messrs. Esrey, Forsee, Fuller, Krause, LeMay and Peterson,
  In addition, Sprint has a Key Management Benefit Plan that permits a
participant to elect a retirement benefit equal to 300% (or a reduced
percentage if the participant retires before age 60) of the participant's
highest annual salary during the five-year period immediately prior to the
time of retirement. More information on the plan is provided in the following
section under "--Employment Contracts."
  Sprint has contingency employment agreements with Messrs. Esrey, Forsee,
Fuller, Krause and LeMay which provide for separation pay and benefits if
employment is involuntarily terminated following a change in control. A change
in control is deemed to occur if someone acquires 20% or more of the
outstanding voting

stock of Sprint or if there is a change of a majority of the Directors within
a two-year period. Benefits will include monthly salary payments for 35 months
(or until the officer reaches age 65 if this occurs earlier) and three
payments each equal to the highest short-term plus the highest long-term
incentive compensation awards received during the three years preceding
termination. In addition, life, disability, medical and dental insurance
coverages will be provided for 35 months. For purposes of the Key Management
Benefit Plan, an officer will be deemed to have remained a Key Executive (as
defined in the plan) until age 60; interest will be credited under the
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan at the maximum rate allowed under the
plan. Retirement benefits will be determined assuming three years of
additional service and no early retirement pension reduction will be imposed.
If any excise tax is imposed by Section 4999 of the Code, Sprint will make the
executive whole with respect to any additional taxes due. The agreements are
not intended as an anti-takeover provision but could discourage an attempt to
acquire control of Sprint by increasing its cost.
  The Named Officers have each signed non-competition agreements with Sprint
which provide that he will not associate himself with a competitor for an 18-
month period following termination of employment. In addition, the agreements
provide that each executive will receive 18 months of compensation and
benefits following an involuntary termination of employment. In connection
with Mr. Peterson's resignation as President--National Integrated Services
last October, his non-competition agreement was amended to shorten his non-
compete period to end on December 31, 1998. Until that date, Mr. Peterson will
continue to receive his pay and benefits as an employee.
  Sprint has a Key Management Benefit Plan providing for a survivor benefit in
the event of the death of a participant or, in the alternative, a supplemental
retirement benefit. Under the plan, if a participant dies prior to retirement,
the participant's beneficiary will receive ten annual payments each equal to
25% of the participant's highest annual salary during the five-year period
immediately prior to the time of death. If a participant dies after retiring
or becoming permanently disabled, the participant's beneficiary will receive a
benefit equal to 300% (or a reduced percentage if the participant retires
before age 60) of the participant's highest annual salary during the five-year
period immediately prior to the time of retirement or disability, payable
either in a lump sum or in installments at the election of the participant. At
least 13 months before retirement, a participant may elect a supplemental
retirement benefit in lieu of all or a portion of the survivor benefit. Each
Named Officer is a participant in the plan.

  The graph below compares the yearly percentage change in the cumulative
total stockholder return for Existing Common Stock as compared with the S&P
500(R) Stock Index, the S&P(R) Telephone Utility Index and the S&P(R)
Telecommunications (Long Distance) Index, for the five-year period from
December 31, 1992 to December 31, 1997. The companies which comprise the S&P
Telephone Utility Index are ALLTEL Corp., Ameritech, Inc., Bell Atlantic
Corp., BellSouth, Frontier Corp., GTE, SBC Communications, Inc. and U.S. West,
Inc. The companies which comprise the S&P Telecommunications (Long Distance)
Index are AT&T Corp., MCI Communications, Sprint and WorldCom, Inc.     
                           [LINE GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

                                        1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997
                                       ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Sprint................................ 100.00 140.20 115.49 169.83 212.51 317.77
S&P 500............................... 100.00 109.92 111.34 152.66 187.28 249.28
S&P (Long Distance)................... 100.00 113.16 103.21 138.74 143.09 201.83
S&P Telephone......................... 100.00 115.35 110.74 165.35 166.64 231.64

                             INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
  The consolidated financial statements of Sprint and the combined financial
statements of the FON Group and the PCS Group as of December 31, 1997 and 1996
and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997 included
in this Proxy Statement have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent
auditors, as stated in their reports thereon appearing elsewhere herein which,
as to the year 1997 for the consolidated financial statements of Sprint and
the years 1997, 1996, and 1995 for the combined financial statements of the
PCS Group, are based in part on the reports of Deloitte & Touche LLP,
independent auditors.
  The consolidated financial statements and consolidated financial statement
schedule of Sprint appearing in Sprint's Annual Report (Form 10-K) for the
year ended December 31, 1997 have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP,
independent auditors, as stated in their report thereon included therein and
incorporated herein by reference which, as to the year 1997, is based in part
on the report of Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent auditors.
  The combined balance sheets of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and
subsidiaries, MinorCo, L.P. and subsidiaries, PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and
subsidiaries and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. and subsidiaries as of December
31, 1997 and 1996 and the related combined statements of operations and cash
flows for the three

years then ended, included in this Proxy Statement have been audited by
Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent auditors, as stated in their report
appearing in this Proxy Statement (which expresses an unqualified opinion and
includes an explanatory paragraph referring to the emergence from the
development stage),
  The consolidated financial statements and the related financial statement
schedule incorporated in this Proxy Statement by reference from the Sprint
Spectrum L.P. and Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 have been audited by Deloitte &
Touche LLP, independent auditors, as stated in their report (which expresses
an unqualified opinion and includes an explanatory paragraph referring to the
emergence from the development stage).
  The consolidated financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company,
L.P. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, not separately
presented in this Proxy Statement, have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP,
independent auditors, whose report thereon (which expresses an unqualified
opinion and includes an explanatory paragraph referring to the emergence from
the development stage) has been included herein and incorporated by reference
from the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Sprint Corporation.
                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
  The Sprint Bylaws provide that Sprint's Annual Meeting of Stockholders is to
be held on the third Tuesday in April of each year. In 1999, the third Tuesday
falls on April 20.     
  In order to be eligible for inclusion in Sprint's proxy solicitation
materials for its Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held in 1999, any
stockholder proposal to be considered at such meeting must be received by the
Corporate Secretary at Sprint's principal office, 2330 Shawnee Mission
Parkway, Westwood, Kansas 66205 on or before November 10, 1998. Any such
proposal will be subject to the requirements contained in the Sprint Bylaws
relating to stockholder proposals and the proxy rules under the Exchange Act.
  If a stockholder intends to bring a matter before the 1999 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, other than by submitting a proposal for inclusion in Sprint's
proxy statement for that meeting, the stockholder must give timely notice
according to the Sprint Bylaws. To be timely, a stockholder's notice must be
received by Sprint's Corporate Secretary at Sprint's principal office, 2330
Shawnee Mission Parkway, Westwood, Kansas 66205, on or after February 4, 1999
and on or before March 1, 1999. Such notice must set forth (a) as to each
matter the stockholder proposes to bring before the meeting, a brief
description of the business desired to be brought before the meeting and the
reasons for conducting such business at the meeting, and (b) the name and
record address of the stockholder, the class and number of shares of capital
stock of Sprint that are beneficially owned by the stockholder, and any
material interest of the stockholder in such business.     
                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION
  Sprint is subject to the informational requirements of the Exchange Act and,
in accordance therewith, files reports, proxy statements and other information
with the SEC. Such reports, proxy statements and other information filed with
the SEC by Sprint can be inspected and copied at the office of the SEC at Room
1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, or at its Regional
Offices located at 7 World Trade Center, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10048,
and 500 West Madison Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois, 60661, and copies
of such materials can be obtained from the Public Reference Section of the SEC
at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. The
SEC also maintains a web site on the Internet that contains reports, proxy and
information statements and other information regarding registrants that file
electronically with the SEC and that is located at In
addition, the Existing Common Stock is listed on the NYSE and similar
information concerning Sprint can be inspected and copied at the New York
Stock Exchange, 20 Broad Street, New York, New York 10005.     

  Statements contained in this Proxy Statement as to the contents of any
contract or other document referred to are not necessarily complete and in
each instance reference is made to the copy of such contract or document filed
as an exhibit to Sprint's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1997 and its Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 26, 1998, each
such statement being qualified in all respects by such reference.
  The following documents previously filed with the SEC by Sprint are
incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement:     
  (i)Sprint's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
  31, 1997;
  (ii)Sprint's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,
  (iii)Sprint's Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 26, 1998.
  The following documents previously filed with the SEC by Sprint Spectrum are
incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement:     
  (i)Sprint Spectrum's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
  December 31, 1997;
  (ii)Sprint Spectrum's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
  March 31, 1998;
  (iii)Sprint Spectrum's Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 26, 1998.
  In addition, all documents filed by Sprint and Sprint Spectrum pursuant to
Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the date
of this Proxy Statement and prior to the date of the Special Meeting shall be
deemed to be incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement and to be a
part hereof from the date of filing of such documents. Any statements
contained in a previously filed document incorporated by reference herein
shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of this Proxy
Statement to the extent that a statement contained herein (or in a
subsequently filed document which also is incorporated by reference herein)
modifies or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so modified or
superseded shall not be deemed to constitute a part of this Proxy Statement
except as so modified or superseded.

  "ADSL" means Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, a method for moving data
over regular phone lines.
  "Affiliate," as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, means, with respect
to any person, any other person that directly, or indirectly through one or
more intermediaries, Controls or is Controlled by, or is under common Control
with, such Person. For purposes of the provisions described under "The
Tracking Stock Proposal--Standstill Agreements--Transfers," "Affiliate" of a
Holder includes any person that is jointly Controlled, directly, or indirectly
through one or more intermediaries, by one or more Cable Holders, or
Affiliates of one or more Cable Holders, without regard to whether such person
would be an Affiliate of the Holder pursuant to the first sentence of this
  "Amended Articles" means the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
of Sprint as in effect upon the filing of the Articles Amendment with the
Kansas Secretary of State.     
  "Associate" means any associate within the meaning of Rule 12b-2 under the
Exchange Act.
  "ATM" means Asynchronous Transfer Mode, a high speed transmission
technology. ATM is a high bandwidth, low-delay connection-oriented packet-like
switching and multiplexing technique used to transfer voice, video, images and
character-based data.
  "Average Trading Price" of a share of any class or series of capital stock
of Sprint on any day, as defined in the Amended Articles, means the average
Closing Price of such capital stock determined over the 20 Trading Days
immediately preceding the date of such determination; provided that for
purposes of this definition only, "Closing Price" of a share of any class or
series of capital stock for such 20 Trading Day period means, (i) the "Closing
Price" of a share of capital stock on any day prior to any "ex-dividend" date
or any similar date occurring during such period for any dividend or
distribution (other than any dividend or distribution contemplated by clause
(ii)(B) of this definition) paid or to be paid with respect to such capital
stock shall be reduced by the Fair Value of the per share amount of such
dividend or distribution and (ii) the "Closing Price" of any share of capital
stock on any day prior to (A) the effective date of any subdivision (by stock
split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of
outstanding shares of such class of capital stock occurring during such period
or (B) any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period
for any dividend or distribution with respect to such capital stock to be made
in shares of such class or series of capital stock or Convertible Securities
that are convertible, exchangeable or exercisable for such class or series of
capital stock, shall be appropriately adjusted, as determined by the Sprint
Board, to reflect such subdivision, combination, dividend or distribution.
  "Business Day" as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, means a day of the
year on which banks are not required or authorized to be closed in the State
of New York.     
  "BTA" means Basic Trading Area, a wireless telecommunications term. The
United States is broken down into 493 MTAs for economic purposes. These areas
were defined by the FCC for the purpose of issuing licenses for PCS. Several
BTAs make up each MTA.
  "CDMA" means Code Division Multiple Access, a digital spread-spectrum
wireless technology which allows a large number of users to access a single
frequency band that assigns a code to all speech bits, sends a scrambled
transmission of the encoded speech over the air and reassembles the speech
into its original format.
  "Change of Control," as defined in the Amended Articles, means a:
    (a) decision by the Sprint Board to sell Control of Sprint or not to
  oppose a third party tender offer for Sprint Voting Securities representing
  more than 35% of the Voting Power of Sprint; or
    (b) change in the identity of a majority of the Directors due to (i) a
  proxy contest (or the threat to engage in a proxy contest) or the election
  of Directors by the holders of Preferred Stock; or (ii) any unsolicited
  tender, exchange or other purchase offer which has not been approved by a
  majority of the Independent Directors,

provided that a Strategic Merger shall not be deemed to be a Change of Control
and provided, further, that any transaction between Sprint and FT and DT or
otherwise involving FT and DT and any of their direct or indirect subsidiaries
which are party to a contract therefor shall not be deemed to be a Change of
  "Change of Control," as defined in the Standstill Agreements with the Cable
Parents, means the consummation of:
    (a) a third party tender offer for Voting Securities of Sprint
  representing more than 35% of the Voting Power of Sprint;
    (b) a sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Sprint in one
  transaction or in a series of related transactions;
    (c) a merger or other business combination that would result in (a) a
  Person holding Voting Securities of the resulting entity representing 35%
  or more of the Voting Power of Sprint or (ii) the stockholders of Sprint
  immediately prior to the record date for such transaction owning less than
  50% of the outstanding equity securities of the surviving Person following
  such combination; or
    (d) a change in the identity of a majority of the directors on the Sprint
  Board due to (i) a proxy contest (or the threat to engage in a proxy
  contest) or the election of directors by the holders of Preferred Stock; or
  (ii) any unsolicited tender, exchange or other purchase offer which has not
  been approved by a majority of the Independent Directors;
  provided that a Strategic Merger shall not be deemed a Change of Control.
  "CLEC" means a competitive local exchange carrier, a company that competes
with local exchange carriers in the local services market.
  "Closing Price," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, with respect to a
security on any day, the last sale price, regular way, or in case no such sale
takes place on such day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices,
regular way, in either case as reported in the principal consolidated
transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed or admitted to
trading on the NYSE or, if such security is not listed or admitted to trading
on such exchange, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction
reporting system with respect to securities listed on the principal national
securities exchange on which the security is listed or admitted to trading or,
if the security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange, the last quoted sale price or, if not so quoted, the average of the
high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by
Nasdaq or such other system then in use, or, if on any such date such security
is not quoted by any such organization, the average of the closing bid and
asked prices as furnished by a professional market maker making a market in the
security selected in good faith by the Sprint Board. If the security is not
publicly held or so listed or publicly traded, "Closing Price" means the fair
market value of such security.
  "CMRS" means Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers, an FCC term for
cellular and PCS providers.
  "Committed Percentage," as defined in the Amended Stockholders' Agreement,
means the percentage of Sprint Voting Power owned by the Class A Holders plus
the percentage they are committed to purchase (but not pursuant to the Master
Agreement until such shares are acquired pursuant to such agreement),
determined on a basis that includes as outstanding the shares such holders of
Class A Common Stock are committed to purchase (but not pursuant to the Master
Agreement until such shares are acquired pursuant to such agreement).     
  "Common Stock" means any class of common stock of Sprint, except the Class A
Common Stock.     
  "Control" (including, with its correlative meanings, "Controlled by" and
"under common Control with"), as defined in the Amended Articles, means, with
respect to a person or group, any of the following:
    (a) ownership by such person or group of Votes entitling it to exercise
  in the aggregate more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of the entity in
  question; or

    (b) possession by such person or group of the power, directly or
  indirectly, (i) to elect a majority of the board of directors (or
  equivalent governing body) of the entity in question or (ii) to direct or
  cause the direction of the management and policies of or with respect to
  the entity in question, whether through ownership of securities, by
  contract or otherwise.
  "Controlled Affiliates," as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, means
the "Controlled Affiliate" of (i) any person (other than a Parent or any
subsidiary of a Parent) means the Parent of such person as of the date of the
Restructuring and each subsidiary of such Parent as of the date of
determination, and (ii) any parent or its subsidiary means such Parent and
each subsidiary of such Parent as of the date of determination.     
  "Conversion Date," as defined in the Amended Articles, means the date fixed
by the Sprint Board as the effective date for the conversion of shares of PCS
Stock into shares of FON Stock (and Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
A Equity Interest In The PCS Group into Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) as shall be set forth in the notice
to holders of shares of PCS Stock and to holders of any Convertible Securities
that are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS
  "Converted Votes," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, on any
particular day, (i) in the case of a share of Series 2 PCS Stock, the
applicable PCS Per Share Vote such stock would have had on such date if such
stock were considered a share of Series 1 PCS Stock and (ii) in the case of a
share of Series 2 FON Stock, one vote per share.
  "Convertible Securities," as defined in the Amended Articles, means any
securities of Sprint or of any subsidiary thereof (other than shares of FON
Stock or PCS Stock), including warrants and options, outstanding at such time
that by their terms are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for or
evidence the right to acquire any shares of any class of series of FON Stock
or PCS Stock, whether convertible, exchangeable or exercisable at such time or
a later time or only upon the occurrence of certain events, pursuant to
antidilution provisions of such securities or otherwise.
  "Covered Proposal," as defined in the Standstill Agreements, means any
proposal by Sprint (i) for a merger, consolidation, business combination,
recapitalization or similar transaction, (ii) to modify or amend either the
Amended Articles or the provisions of the Sprint Bylaws relating to the
Capital Stock Committee in a manner that would adversely affect the rights of
holders of the Series 1 PCS Stock or the Series 2 PCS Stock, (iii) for the
issuance of Sprint Voting Securities, (iv) for the sale of substantially all
assets or a dissolution or liquidation of Sprint, or (v) for any other matter
that would require approval of the holders of PCS Stock, voting as a separate
  "CP Exchange," as defined in the Master Agreement, means the issuance of
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock by Sprint at the Closing in exchange for certain
interests owned by the Cable Parents pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement.
  "CP Preference Period," as defined in the Amended Registration Rights
Agreement, means the period beginning on the CP Registration Rights
Commencement Date and ending on the earlier of (i) the date upon which the
Cable Parents have completed registered public offerings of Registrable
Securities (as defined in the Amended Registration Rights Agreement) with an
aggregate public offering price for such Registrable Securities of $2 billion
or (ii) the date which is 12 months after the CP Registration Rights
Commencement Date.     
  "CP Registration Rights Commencement Date," as defined in the Amended
Registration Rights Agreement, means (i) if the IPO is consummated
concurrently with the initial issuance of Series 2 PCS Stock to the Cable
Parents (the "CP Closing"), the date that is 180 days following the CP
Closing, (ii) if the IPO is not consummated concurrently with the CP Closing
but is consummated within 120 days of the CP Closing, the date that is the
later of the 90th day following the IPO or 180 days following the CP Closing,
or (iii) if the IPO is not consummated concurrently with the CP Closing or
within 120 days thereafter, the date that is the 180th day following the CP
Closing, unless any Cable Parent shall decide to exercise one of its rights to
a demand     

registration after such 120th day following the CP Closing but prior to such
180th day following the CP Closing, in which case it shall be the date the
demand notice is given pursuant to the Cable Partner Registration Rights
  "CP Secondary Preference Period," as defined in the Amended Registration
Rights Agreement, means the period ending on the earlier of (i) the fourth
anniversary of the CP Registration Rights Commencement Date or (ii) the date
upon which the Cable Parents have completed registered public offerings of
Registrable Securities with an aggregate public offering price for such
Registrable Securities of $3 billion.     
  "Disposition," as defined in the Amended Articles, means a sale, transfer,
assignment or other disposition (whether by merger, consolidation, sale or
contribution of assets or stock or otherwise) of properties or assets.
  "Disposition Date," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means the earlier of
(i) the close of business on the tenth Business Day after the Stock Acquisition
Date, and (ii) the close of business on the tenth Business Day (or such later
date as the Sprint Board shall determine prior to such time as any person
becomes an Acquiring Person) after the date of the commencement by any person
(other than Sprint, any subsidiary of Sprint, any employee benefit plan of
Sprint or of any subsidiary of Sprint, or any person or entity organized,
appointed or established by Sprint for or pursuant to the terms of any such
plan) of, or the first public announcement of the intention of such person to
commence, a tender offer or exchange offer, the consummation of which would
result in any person becoming the beneficial owner of Sprint Voting Securities
then outstanding representing 15% or more of the voting power of Sprint.     
  "Domestic," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means geographically
within the 50 states of the United States or the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  "Domestic PCS License," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means a
license to use PCS Spectrum within Domestic areas granted by the FCC or other
applicable authority.
  "Domestic PCS Services," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means any
services offered or provided within a Domestic geographic area using a Domestic
PCS License.
  "Domestic Wireless Mobile Telephony Services," as defined in the Tracking
Stock Policies, means a communications service provided through the use of a
wireless connection from the user to a Domestic terrestrial telecommunications
network that is capable of and generally utilized by Sprint for handing-off
calls from one wireless cell to another and from one wireless sector within a
cell to another and which is intended to allow the continuation of a user's
single conversation, without interruption, as the user travels between cells
and/or sectors within such network.
  "DT Class A FON Vote Per Share," as defined in the Amended Articles, means,
on any date, a number equal to X / Y, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group, and
"Y" equals the aggregate number of outstanding shares of DT Class A Stock.
  "DT Class A PCS Interest Fraction," as defined in the Amended Articles means,
as of any date, the fraction the numerator of which is the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group on
such date and the denominator of which is the sum of (i) the number of shares
of PCS Stock outstanding, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The FON Group Inter-Group Interest, (iii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and (iv) the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The
PCS Group, in each case as of such date.     
  "DT Class A PCS Vote Per Share," as defined in the Amended Articles, means,
on any date, a number equal to (X/Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, "Y"
equals the aggregate number of outstanding shares of DT Class A Stock, and "Z"
equals, in the case of Class A Common Stock and PCS Stock voting together as a
single class, one, and in all other cases, the applicable PCS Per Share Vote on
such date.     

  "Dual-Band Handset" means a handset that will work (transmit and receive) on
either the 800 MHz or 1,900-MHz frequencies.
  "Dual-Mode Handset" means a handset that will work (transmit and receive) for
both analog and digital telecommunications systems.
  "DWDM" means Dense Wave Division Multiplexing, a high-speed version of wave
division multiplexing, which is a means of increasing the capacity of SONET
fiber-optic transmission systems through the multiplexing of multiple
wavelengths of light.
  "ESMR" means Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio communications services,
supplied by converting analog SMR services into an integrated, digital
transmission system providing for call hand-off, frequency reuse and wide-call
delivery networks.
  "Exchange Preferred Stock," as defined in the Certificate of Designations,
means a series of convertible preferred stock of Sprint having terms,
conditions, designations, dividend rights, voting powers, rights on liquidation
and other preferences and relative, participating, optional or other special
rights, and qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof that are
identical, or as nearly so as is practicable in the judgment of the Sprint
Board, to those of the PCS Preferred Stock for which such Exchange Preferred
Stock is exchanged, except that (i) the liquidation preference will be
determined as provided in the Certificate of Designations, (ii) the running of
any time periods pursuant to the terms of the PCS Preferred Stock shall be
tacked to the corresponding time periods in the Exchange Preferred Stock and
(iii) the Exchange Preferred Stock will not be convertible into, and the
holders will have no conversion rights thereunder with respect to, (x) in the
case of a redemption of Redeemable Capital Stock, the Redeemable Capital Stock
redeemed, or the Redemption Securities issued, in the Redemption Event, and (y)
in the case of a Spin Off, the Spin Off Securities;
  "Existing Class A FON Vote Per Share," as defined in the Amended Articles,
means, on any date, a number equal to X / Y, where "X" equals the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON
Group and "Y" equals the aggregate number of outstanding shares of Existing
Class A Common Stock.
  "Existing Class A PCS Interest Fraction," as defined in the Amended Articles,
means the fraction the numerator of which is the Number of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date
and the denominator of which is the sum of (i) the number of shares of PCS
Stock outstanding, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON
Group Inter-Group Interest, (iii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and (iv) the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group, in each case as of such date.
  "Existing Class A PCS Vote Per Share," as defined in the Amended Articles,
means, on any date, a number equal to (X/Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group, "Y" equals the aggregate number of outstanding shares of Existing Class
A Common Stock and "Z" equals, in the case of Class A Common Stock and PCS
Stock voting together as a single class, one, and in all other cases, the
applicable PCS Per Share Vote on such date.     
  "Fair Value," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, in the case of
equity securities or debt securities of a class that has previously been
Publicly Traded for a period of at least 15 months, the Market Value thereof
(if such value, as so defined, can be determined) or, in the case of an equity
security or debt security that has not been Publicly-Traded for at least such
period, means the fair value per share of stock or per other unit of such other
security, on a fully distributed basis, as determined by an independent
investment banking firm experienced in the valuation of securities selected in
good faith by the Sprint Board, or, if no such investment banking firm is, as
determined in the good faith judgment of the Sprint Board; provided, however,
that in the case of property other than securities, the "Fair Value" thereof
shall be determined in good faith by the Sprint Board based upon     

such appraisals or valuation reports of such independent experts as the Sprint
Board shall in good faith determine to be appropriate in accordance with good
business practice. Any such determination of Fair Value shall be described in a
statement filed with the records of the actions of the Sprint Board.
  "FON Group," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of any date from
and after the Closing Date.     
    (A) the interest of Sprint or any of its subsidiaries on such date in all
  of the assets, liabilities and businesses of Sprint or any of its
  subsidiaries (and any successor companies), other than any assets,
  liabilities and businesses attributed to the PCS Group;
    (B) a proportionate undivided interest in each and every business, asset
  and liability attributed to the PCS Group equal to the FON Group Inter-
  Group Interest Fraction as of such date;
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the FON Group from the PCS
  Group (other than pursuant to paragraph (D) or (F) of this definition)
  after the Closing Date pursuant to transactions in the ordinary course of
  business of both the FON Group and the PCS Group or otherwise as the Sprint
  Board may have directed as permitted by the Amended Articles;
    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the FON Group from the PCS
  Group in connection with a reduction of the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest;     
    (E) the interest of Sprint or any of its subsidiaries in any business or
  asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by Sprint or any of its
  subsidiaries outside the ordinary course of business and attributed to the
  FON Group, as determined by the Sprint Board as contemplated by the Amended
  Articles; and
    (F) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other distribution
  with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend or other
  distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to which
  adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest," or in
  securities of Sprint attributed to the PCS Group, for which provision shall
  be made as set forth in the third to last sentence of this definition), an
  amount of assets or properties previously attributed to the PCS Group of
  the same kind as were paid in such dividend or other distribution with
  respect to shares of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (with respect to
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group) as have a Fair Value on the record date for such dividend or
  distribution equal to the product of (1) the Fair Value on such record date
  of such dividend or distribution to holders of shares of PCS Stock declared
  on a per share basis multiplied by (2) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest (determined as of the record
  date for such dividend or distribution);     
provided that from and after any transfer of any assets or properties from the
FON Group to the PCS Group, the FON Group shall no longer include such assets
or properties so transferred (other than as reflected in respect of such a
transfer by the FON Group Inter-Group Interest Fraction, as provided by
paragraph (B) of this definition).
  If Sprint shall pay a dividend or make some other distribution with respect
to shares of PCS Stock payable in securities of Sprint that are attributed to
the PCS Group (other than PCS Stock), the FON Group shall be deemed to hold an
interest in the PCS Group equivalent to the number or amount of such securities
that is equal to the product of the number or amount of securities so
distributed to holders of PCS Stock on a per share basis multiplied by the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest
(determined as of the record date for such distribution) and, to the extent
interest is or dividends are paid on the securities so distributed, the FON
Group shall include, and there shall be transferred thereto out of the PCS
Group, a corresponding ratable amount of the kind of assets paid as such
interest or dividends as would have been paid in respect of such securities so
deemed to be held by the FON Group if such securities were outstanding.     
  Sprint may also, to the extent the securities so paid as a dividend or other
distribution to the holders of PCS Stock are Convertible Securities and at the
time are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS
Stock, treat such Convertible Securities as are so deemed to be held by the FON
Group to be deemed to be converted, exchanged or exercised, and shall do so to
the extent such Convertible Securities are mandatorily

converted, exchanged or exercised (and to the extent the terms of such
Convertible Securities require payment of consideration for such conversion,
exchange or exercise, the FON Group shall then no longer include an amount of
the kind of properties or assets required to be paid as such consideration for
the amount of Convertible Securities deemed converted, exchanged or exercised
(and such properties or assets shall be attributed to the PCS Group)), in which
case, from and after such time, the securities into or for which such
Convertible Securities so deemed to be held by the FON Group were so considered
converted, exchanged or exercised shall be deemed held by the FON Group and
such Convertible Securities shall no longer be deemed to be held by the FON
Group. A statement setting forth the election to effectuate any such deemed
conversion, exchange or exercise of Convertible Securities so deemed to be held
by the FON Group and the properties or assets, if any, to be attributed to the
PCS Group in consideration of such conversion, exchange or exercise (if any)
shall be filed in the records of the actions of the Sprint Board and, upon such
filing, such deemed conversion, exchange or exercise shall be effectuated.
  Reference to the FON Group prior to the Closing Date means those operations
of Sprint other than the PCS Group.
  "FON Group Available Dividend Amount," on any date, as defined in the
Tracking Stock Policies, means the amount, if any, by which (1) the fair market
value of the total assets attributed to the FON Group less the total amount of
the liabilities attributed to the FON Group (provided that Preferred Stock
shall not be treated as a liability), in each case as of such date and
determined on a basis consistent with the determination of the FON Group Net
Earnings (Loss), exceeds (2) the aggregate par value of, or any greater amount
determined in accordance with applicable corporation law to be capital in
respect of, all outstanding shares of FON Stock and each class or series of
Preferred Stock attributed to the FON Group.
  "FON Group Net Earnings (Loss)," for any period through any date, as defined
in the Tracking Stock Policies, means the net income or loss of the FON Group
for such period (or in respect of fiscal periods of Sprint commencing prior to
the Closing Date, the pro forma net income or loss of the FON Group for such
period as if the Closing Date had been the first day of such period) determined
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in effect at such
time, reflecting income and expense of Sprint attributed to the FON Group on a
basis substantially consistent with attributions of income and expense made in
the calculation of PCS Group Net Earnings (Loss), including, without
limitation, corporate administrative costs, net interest and other financial
costs and income taxes.
  "FON Group Right," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means one right for
(i) each share of FON Stock outstanding at the time of filing the PCS Stock
Amendment and (ii) each share of FON Stock issued between the filing of the PCS
Stock Amendment (whether originally issued or delivered from Sprint's treasury)
and the Distribution Date, and in certain circumstances, after the Distribution
Date, each such right initially representing the right to purchase one-
thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series, upon the terms and
subject to the conditions herein set forth.     
  "Frame Relay" means a service which employs a form of packet switching
similar to a streamlined version of X.25 networks. The packets are in the form
of "frames" which vary in length and is completely protocol independent.
Because the "frame" is undisturbed and the conversions are the responsibility
of the user, the transmission speed is faster, up to 1.544 mbps, and less
  "GSM" means Global System for Mobile Communications or Groupe Special Mobile,
an international digital cellular radio standard first developed in Western
Europe. The GSM standard defines the components of the cellular radio network
infrastructure, including base stations, switching centers, signaling system
and interfaces and the radio access protocol. In Europe, GSM operates in the
900 MHz frequency range. It has been upgraded to function in the 1.8 GHz (DCN)
and 1.9 GHz (PCS-1900) frequency ranges.
  "ILEC" means an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier, a company historically
providing local telephone service. Often refers to one of the Regional Bell
Operating Companies (RBOCs) or GTE. Often referred to as "LEC" (Local Exchange

  "Independent Director," as defined in the Amended Articles, means any member
of the Sprint Board who (a) is not an officer or employee of Sprint, or any
holder of Class A Stock, or any of their respective subsidiaries, (b) is not a
former officer of Sprint, or any holder of Class A Stock, or any of their
respective subsidiaries, (c) does not, in addition to such person's role as a
Director, act on a regular basis, either individually or as a member or
representative of an organization, serving as a professional adviser, legal
counsel or consultant to Sprint, or any holder of Class A Stock, or their
respective subsidiaries, if, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee of the
Sprint Board or the Sprint Board if a Nominating Committee is not in existence,
such relationship is material to Sprint, any holder of Class A Stock, or the
organization so represented or such person, and (d) does not represent, and is
not a member of the immediate family of, a person who would not satisfy the
requirements of the preceding clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this sentence. A
person who has been or is a partner, officer or director of an organization
that has customary commercial, industrial, banking or underwriting
relationships with Sprint, any holder of Class A Stock, or any of their
respective subsidiaries, that are carried on in the ordinary course of business
on an arms-length basis and who otherwise satisfies the requirements set forth
in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the first sentence of this definition, may
qualify as an Independent Director, unless, in the opinion of the Nominating
Committee or the Sprint Board if a Nominating Committee is not in existence,
such person is not independent of the management of Sprint, or any holder of
Class A Stock or any of their respective subsidiaries, or the relationship
would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment as a member of the
Sprint Board. A person who otherwise satisfies the requirements set forth in
clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the first sentence of this definition and who,
in addition to fulfilling the customary director's role, also provides
additional services directly for the Sprint Board and is separately compensated
therefor, would nonetheless qualify as an Independent Director. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in this definition, each Director as of the
date of the execution of the Investment Agreement (as defined in the Amended
Articles) who is not an executive officer of Sprint shall be deemed to be an
Independent Director hereunder.     
  "Initial Conversion Price," as defined in the Certificate of Designations,
means an amount equal to (i) 1.28 multiplied by (ii) the first to be determined
of (A) the price per share of Series 1 PCS Stock sold in the IPO and (B) the
average of the daily closing prices of the Series 1 PCS Stock for the 30
consecutive Trading Days ending as of the 45th Trading Day following the
commencement of regular way trading in connection with the Recapitalization.
  "Inter-Group Interest," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, and
"Inter-Group Interest Fraction," as defined in the Articles Amendment, means a
fraction the numerator of which is the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest on such date and the denominator of which
is the sum of (A) such Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group
Inter-Group Interest and (B) the aggregate number of shares of PCS Stock
outstanding on such date. A statement setting forth the Inter-Group Interest
Fraction as of the record date for any dividend or distribution on any class of
PCS Stock, as of the end of each fiscal quarter of Sprint and as of any date
otherwise required under the Amended Articles by the Sprint Board shall be
filed by the Secretary of Sprint in the records of the Sprint Board not later
than fifteen business days after such date.     
  "ISDN" means Integrated Services Digital Network, a switched network
providing end-to-end digital connectivity for the simultaneous transmission of
voice, data, video, imaging and facsimile, over several multiplexed
communications channels.
  "Junior Stock," as defined in the Certificate of Designations, means any
stock ranking junior as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up to the PCS Preferred Stock.     
  "LATA" means Local Access Transport Area, a geographic area in the United
States within which a local telephone company may offer telecommunications
  "LEC" means a local exchange carrier, a company providing local telephone
  "Major Competitor of Sprint" means, in general, a company that materially
competes with a portion of the telecommunications services business of Sprint
in North America or the business of Global One or a company that has taken
substantial steps to become such a Major Competitor.

  "Mbps" means one million bits per second.
  "Market Price," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, with respect to a
security on any date, the Closing Price of such security on the Trading Day
immediately prior to such date. The Market Price shall be deemed to be equal
to, (i) in the case of a share of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as
the case may be, the Market Price of a share of Series 1 FON Stock and (ii) in
the case of a share of Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case
may be, the Market Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock. The Market Price of
(x) any options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or
exercisable for Series 3 FON Stock or Series 2 FON Stock shall be equal to the
Market Price of options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into
or exercisable Series 1 FON Stock upon the same terms and otherwise containing
the same terms as such options, warrants, rights or other securities
convertible into or exercisable for Series 3 FON Stock or Series 2 FON Stock,
as the case may be, and (y) any options, warrants, rights or other securities
convertible into or exercisable for Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
as the case may be, shall be equal to the Market Price of options, warrants,
rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for Series 1 PCS
Stock upon the same terms and otherwise containing the same terms as such
options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable
for Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be.
  "Market Value" of a share of any class or series of capital stock of Sprint
on any day (as defined in the Amended Articles) means the average of the high
and low reported sales prices regular way of a share of such class or series on
such day (if such day is a Trading Day, and if such day is not a Trading Day,
on the Trading Day immediately preceding such day) or, in case no such reported
sale takes place on such Trading Day, the average of the reported closing bid
and asked prices regular way of a share of such class or series on such Trading
Day, in either case as reported on the NYSE Composite Tape or, if the shares of
such class or series are not listed or admitted to trading on such exchange on
such Trading Day, on the principal national securities exchange in the United
States on which the shares of such class or series are listed or admitted to
trading or, if not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange on such Trading Day, on the National Market tier of The Nasdaq Stock
Market or, if the shares of such class or series are not listed or admitted to
trading on any national securities exchange or quoted on such National Market
System on such Trading Day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices of
a share of such class or series in the over-the-counter market on such Trading
Day as furnished by any NYSE member firm selected from time to time by the
Sprint Board or, if such closing bid and asked prices are not made available by
any such NYSE member firm on such Trading Day, the Fair Value of a share of
such class or series; provided that, for purposes of determining the Market
Value of a share of any class or series of capital stock for any period,
    (i) the "Market Value" of a share of capital stock on any day prior to
  any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period for
  any dividend or distribution (other than any dividend or distribution
  contemplated by clause (ii)(B) of this definition) paid or to be paid with
  respect to such capital stock shall be reduced by the Fair Value of the per
  share amount of such dividend or distribution and
    (ii) The "Market Value" of any share of capital stock on any day prior to
  (A) the effective date of any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of outstanding shares of
  such period or (B) any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date occurring
  during such period for any dividend or distribution with respect to such
  capital stock to be made in shares of such class or series of capital stock
  or Convertible Securities that are convertible, exchangeable or exercisable
  for such class or series of capital stock shall be appropriately adjusted,
  as determined by the Sprint Board, to reflect such subdivision,
  combination, dividend or distribution.
  "Mirror Preferred Stock," as defined in the Certificate of Designations,
means convertible preferred stock issued by (i) in the case of a redemption of
Redeemable Capital Stock, the issuer of the applicable Redemption Securities,
and (b) in the case of a Spin Off, the issuer of the applicable Spin Off
Securities and having terms, designations, conditions, dividend rights, voting
powers, rights on liquidation and other preferences and relative,
participating, optional or other special rights, and qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof that are identical, or as nearly so as is
practicable in the judgment of the Sprint Board, to those of the PCS Preferred

Stock for which such Mirror Preferred Stock is exchanged, except that (i) the
liquidation preference will be determined as provided in the Certificate of
Designations, (ii) the running of any time periods pursuant to the terms of the
PCS Preferred Stock shall be tacked to the corresponding time periods in the
Mirror Preferred Stock and (iii) the Mirror Preferred Stock shall be
convertible into the kind and amount of Redemption Securities or Spin Off
Securities, as applicable, and other securities and property that the holder of
a share of PCS Preferred Stock in respect of which such Mirror Preferred Stock
is issued pursuant to the terms hereof would have received (x) in the case of
the redemption of Redeemable Capital Stock, upon such redemption had such share
of PCS Preferred Stock been converted immediately prior to the effective date
of the Redemption Event and (y) in the case of a Spin Off, in such Spin Off had
such share of PCS Preferred Stock been converted immediately prior to the
record date for such Spin Off.     
  "MTA" means Metropolitan Trading Area, an area defined by the FCC for the
purpose of issuing licenses for PCS. Each MTA consists of several BTAs. The
United States is broken down into 51 MTAs.
  "Net Proceeds," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of any date
with respect to any disposition of any of the properties and assets attributed
to the PCS Group, an amount, if any, equal to what remains of the gross
proceeds of such disposition after payment of, or reasonable provision is made
as determined by the Sprint Board for, (A) any taxes payable by Sprint (or
which would have been payable but for the utilization of tax benefits
attributable to the FON Group) in respect of such disposition or in respect of
any resulting dividend or redemption, (B) any transaction costs, including,
without limitation, any legal, investment banking and accounting fees and
expenses and (C) any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of or attributed to
the PCS Group, including, without limitation, any liabilities for deferred
taxes or any indemnity or guarantee obligations of Sprint incurred in
connection with the disposition or otherwise, and any liabilities for future
purchase price adjustments and any preferential amounts plus any accumulated
and unpaid dividends in respect of Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS Group.
For purposes of this definition, any properties and assets attributed to the
PCS Group remaining after such disposition shall constitute "reasonable
provision" for such amount of taxes, costs and liabilities (contingent or
otherwise) as the Sprint Board determines can be expected to be supported by
such properties and assets.
  "Nominating Committee" means the Organization, Compensation and Nominating
Committee of the Sprint Board.     
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In
The FON Group," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of the Effective
Date, a number equal to the aggregate number of outstanding shares of DT Class
A Stock as of the Effective Date; provided, however, that such number shall
from time to time thereafter be:     
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the FON Stock or any reclassification of FON
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of shares of Series 1 FON Stock
  or Series 3 FON Stock issued in accordance with the Amended Articles and
  any reduction required to reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group to the extent allocated
  to shares of DT Class A Stock; and     
    (C) adjusted by the Sprint Board to properly reflect any other necessary
  changes on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis.
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In
The PCS Group," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of the Effective
Date, a number (rounded up to the nearest whole share) equal to one-half of the
aggregate number of outstanding shares of DT Class A Stock as of the Effective
Date; provided, however, that such number shall from time to time thereafter
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS
  Stock; and

    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Sprint Board by (1) the
  amount of any payment made to the holders of DT Class A Stock divided by
  the corresponding redemption price per share of PCS Stock, (2) any
  reduction required to reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group to the extent
  allocated to shares of DT Class A Stock, (3) the amount necessary to
  reflect the conversion of some or all of this number into a Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group, and (4) the amount necessary to reflect the redemption thereof in
  exchange for the issuance of shares of common stock of the one or more
  wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint that hold directly or indirectly all of
  the assets and liabilities attributed to the PCS Group; and     
    (C) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
  or Series 3 PCS Stock issued by Sprint; and     
    (D) adjusted by the Sprint Board to properly reflect any other necessary
  changes on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis.     
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group
Interest," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of the Effective Date,
a number equal to 220,000,000 less the sum of (i) the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Existing Class A Common Equity Interest In The PCS Group,
(ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity
Interest In The PCS Group (iii) one-half of the number of shares of Common
Stock, par value $2.50 per share, outstanding immediately prior to the
Effective Date, and (iv) one-half of the number of shares of Common Stock, par
value $2.50 per share, held as treasury shares by Sprint immediately prior to
the Effective Date; provided, however, that such number shall from time to time
thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, as determined by the Sprint Board to be appropriate to
  reflect equitably any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any
  dividend or other distribution of shares of PCS Stock to holders of shares
  of PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS Stock or any other necessary
  changes required for purposes of accurately determining such number;     
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Sprint Board by (1) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock issued or sold by Sprint that, immediately
  prior to such issuance or sale, were included (as determined by the Sprint
  Board pursuant to paragraph (C) of this definition) in the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest, (2) the number
  of shares of PCS Stock issued upon conversion, exchange or exercise of
  Convertible Securities that, immediately prior to the issuance or sale of
  such Convertible Securities, were included in the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest, (3) the number of
  shares of PCS Stock issued by Sprint as a dividend or other distribution
  (including in connection with any reclassification or exchange of shares)
  to holders of FON Stock and Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to
  any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group) or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be, (4) the number
  of shares of PCS Stock issued upon the conversion, exchange or exercise of
  any Convertible Securities issued by Sprint as a dividend or other
  distribution (including in connection with any reclassification or exchange
  of shares) to holders of FON Stock or Class A Common Stock (but only with
  respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group) or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be, (5)
  the quotient of (a) the aggregate Fair Value of any PCS Preferred Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of PCS Preferred Stock) issued by Sprint as a dividend or other
  distribution (including in connection with any classification or exchange
  of shares) to holders of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock (but only with
  respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be,
  divided by (b) the Market Value of one share of PCS Stock as of the date of
  issuance of such PCS Preferred Stock (or Convertible Securities), or (6)
  the number (rounded, if necessary, to the nearest whole number) equal to
  the quotient of (a) the aggregate Fair Value as of the date of contribution
  of properties or assets (including cash) transferred from the PCS Group to
  the FON Group in consideration for a reduction in the Number Of Shares

  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest divided by (b)
  the Market Value of one share of PCS Stock as of the date of such transfer;
    (C) increased by (1) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock
  repurchased by Sprint for consideration that had been attributed to the FON
  Group, (2) the number (rounded, if necessary, to the nearest whole number)
  equal to the quotient of (a) the Fair Value of properties or assets
  (including cash) theretofore attributed to the FON Group that are
  contributed, by action of the Sprint Board, to the PCS Group in
  consideration of an increase in the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
  To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest, divided by (b) the Market Value of
  one share of PCS Stock as of the date of such contribution and (3) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which Convertible Securities are
  deemed converted, exchanged or exercised.     
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity
Interest In The FON Group," as defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of
the Effective Date, a number equal to the aggregate number of outstanding
shares of Existing Class A Common Stock; provided, however, that such number
shall from time to time thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the FON Stock or any reclassification of FON
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of Shares of Series 1 FON Stock
  or Series 3 FON Stock issued and any reduction required to reflect the
  redemption of Shares Issuable With Respect To Class A Equity Interest In
  The FON Group to the extent allocated to shares of Existing Class A Common
  Stock; and
    (C) adjusted by the Sprint Board to properly reflect any other necessary
  changes on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis.
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity
Interest In The PCS Group," as defined in the Amended Articles, as of the
Effective Date, means a number (rounded up to the nearest whole share) equal to
one-half of the aggregate number of outstanding shares of Existing Class A
Common Stock as of the Effective Date; provided, however, that such number
shall from time to time thereafter be:     
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Sprint Board by (1) the
  number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock issued by
  Sprint, (2) the amount of any payment made to the holders of Existing Class
  A Common Stock divided by the corresponding redemption price per share of
  PCS Stock, (3) any reduction required to reflect the redemption of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group to
  the extent allocated to shares of Existing Class A Common Stock, (4) the
  conversion of some or all of this number into a Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group, and
  (5) the redemption thereof in exchange for the issuance of shares of common
  stock of the one or more wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sprint that hold
  directly or indirectly all of the assets and liabilities attributed to the
  PCS Group; and     
    (C) adjusted by the Sprint Board to properly reflect any other necessary
  changes on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis.
  "Old Class A Right," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means one right for
(i) each share of Existing Class A Common Stock held by FT and certain
subsidiaries of FT and outstanding at the time of filing the PCS Stock
Amendment and (ii) each share of Existing Class A Common Stock issued between
the filing of the PCS Stock Amendment (whether originally issued or delivered
from Sprint's treasury) and the Distribution Date, and in certain
circumstances, after the Distribution Date, each such right initially
representing (A) if exercised prior     

to the filing of the Recapitalization Amendment, the right to purchase one
one-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series of Sprint (subject
to adjustment as hereinafter provided), and (B) if exercised after the filing
of the Recapitalization Amendment (x) the right to purchase one one-thousandth
of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series, for each share represented by the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
In The FON Group, and (y) the right to purchase one one-thousandth of a share
of Preferred Stock--Eighth Series, for each share represented by the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The
PCS Group.     
  "Optional Conversion Ratio" as of any date, as defined in the Amended
Articles, means the ratio of the Average Trading Price of a share of Series 1
PCS Stock to the Average Trading Price of a share of Series 1 FON Stock;
provided, that such ratio would be determined over a 60-trading day period if
the 20-trading day period normally used to determine the Average Trading Price
is less than 90% of such ratio as determined over a 60-trading day period.
  "Other Group," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means any tracked
group that Sprint may designate by future amendment to the Amended Articles
with respect to which Sprint creates or issues tracking stock to which it
attributes or allocates any present or future assets or businesses.
  "Other Termination Event," as defined in the Standstill Agreement, means (i)
a redemption of all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock for the common
equity securities of one or more wholly owned subsidiaries of Sprint that hold
all or substantially all of the assets attributed to the PCS Group (as such
term is defined in the Restructuring Agreement), (ii) a redemption of all or a
substantial portion of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock upon the sale of
all or substantially all of the assets of the PCS Group, or (iii) a conversion
of all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock into any class of Sprint common
stock that is not a common equity tracking security that continues to reflect
substantially all of the business, assets and liabilities comprising the PCS
Group immediately prior to such conversion, but which shall not represent any
business, assets or liabilities comprising any part of the FON Group
immediately prior to such conversion.
  "Outstanding PCS Fraction," as defined by the Amended Articles, means the
fraction the numerator of which will be the number of shares of PCS Stock
outstanding on such date and the denominator of which will be the sum of (i)
the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding on such date, (ii) the Number of
Shares Issuable With Respect To the FON Group Inter-Group Interest on such
date, (iii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date and (iv) the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS
Group on such date. A statement setting forth the Outstanding PCS Fraction as
of the record date for the payment of any dividend or distribution on PCS
Stock and as of the end of each fiscal quarter of Sprint shall be filed by
Sprint's Corporate Secretary in the records of the actions of the Board of
Directors not later than fifteen business days after such date.     
  "Outstanding Sprint Voting Securities" means the Sprint Voting Securities
outstanding as of any particular date.
  "Parity Stock," as defined in the Certificate of Designations, means any
stock ranking on a parity as to dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up with the PCS Preferred Stock.     
  "Percentage Ownership Interest," as defined in the Amended Articles, means,
with respect to any person, that percentage of the Voting Power of Sprint
represented by Votes associated with the Voting Securities of Sprint owned of
record by such person or by its nominees.
  "PCS" means personal communications service. In Canada and the United
States, PCS spectrum has been allocated for use by public systems at the 1.9
GHz frequency range. It is expected that PCS will initially consist primarily
of enhanced voice, two-way data and text messaging services. Such PCS
applications are expected to be followed over time by services offering
integrated voice, data, image and eventually perhaps video capability. PCS
systems operate in a similar manner to cellular systems.     

  "PCS Group," as more fully defined in the Amended Articles, means, as of any
date from and after the Closing Date:     
    (A) the interest on such date of Sprint and any of its subsidiaries in
  any of the following entities or any of their respective subsidiaries
  (including any successor thereto by merger, consolidation or sale of all or
  substantially all of its assets, whether or not in connection with a
  Related Business Transaction) (the "PCS Group Companies") and the
  corresponding interests in their respective assets and liabilities and the
  businesses conducted by such entities: SWV Six, Inc. (fka TCI Spectrum
  Holdings, Inc.); SWV One, Inc. (fka Com Telephony Services, Inc.); SWV Two,
  Inc. (fka Comcast Telephony Services, Inc.); SWV Three, Inc. (fka Cox
  Telephony Partners, Inc.); SWV Four, Inc. (fka Cox Communications Wireless,
  Inc.); Comcast Telephony Services; Cox Telephony Partnership; Sprint
  Enterprises, L.P.; MinorCo, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P.;
  American PCS, L.P.; Cox Communications PCS, L.P.; NewTelco, L.P.; Sprint
  Spectrum L.P.; American Personal Communications Holdings, Inc.; American
  PCS Communications, LLC; APC PCS, LLC; APC Realty and Equipment Company,
  LLC; Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation; Sprint Spectrum Equipment
  Company, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, L.P.; WirelessCo, L.P.; SWV
  Five, Inc. (fka TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc.); PhillieCo Partners I,
  L.P.; PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.; PhillieCo Sub, L.P.; PhillieCo., L.P.;
  PhillieCo Equipment & Realty Company, L.P.; SprintCom, Inc.; SprintCom
  Equipment Company, L.P.; PCS Leasing Co., L.P.; Cox PCS Assets, L.L.C.; and
  Cox PCS License, L.L.C.;
    (B) all assets and liabilities of Sprint and its subsidiaries attributed
  by the Sprint Board to the PCS Group, whether or not such assets or
  liabilities are or were also assets or liabilities of any of the PCS Group
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the FON
  Group (other than a transaction pursuant to paragraph (D) below) after the
  Effective Date of the Articles Amendment pursuant to transactions in the
  ordinary course of business of both the FON Group and the PCS Group or
  otherwise as the Sprint Board may have directed;
    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the FON
  Group in connection with an increase in the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The FON Group Inter-Group Interest; and
    (E) the interest of Sprint or any of its subsidiaries in any business or
  asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by Sprint or any of its
  subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business and attributed to
  the PCS Group, as determined by the Sprint Board;
provided that
      (1) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other
    distribution with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend
    or other distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to
    which adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number
    Of Shares Issuable In Respect Of The FON Group Inter-Group Interest" in
    the Amended Articles or in Sprint securities attributed to the PCS
    Group, for which provision shall be made as set forth in clause (2)
    below), the PCS Group will no longer include an amount of assets or
    properties previously attributed to the PCS Group of the same kind as
    so paid in such dividend or other distribution with respect of shares
    of PCS Stock as have a fair value on the record date for such dividend
    or distribution equal to the product of (a) the fair value on such
    record date of the aggregate of such dividend or distribution to
    holders of shares of PCS Stock declared multiplied by (b) a fraction
    the numerator of which is equal to the FON Group Inter-Group Interest
    Fraction in effect on the record date for such dividend or distribution
    and the denominator of which is equal to the Outstanding PCS Fraction
    in effect on the record date for such dividend or distribution (and in
    such eventuality such assets as are no longer included in the PCS Group
    will be attributed to the FON Group), and
      (2) if Sprint pays a dividend or makes some other distribution with
    respect to shares of PCS Stock payable in Sprint securities that are
    attributed to the PCS Group (other than PCS Stock), there will be
    excluded from the PCS Group an interest in the PCS Group equivalent to
    the number or amount of such securities that is equal to the product of
    the number or amount of securities so distributed to holders of PCS
    Stock multiplied by the fraction specified in clause 1(b) above
    (determined as of the

    record date for such distribution) (and such interest in the PCS Group
    shall be attributed to the FON Group) and, to the extent interest is or
    dividends are paid on the securities so distributed, the PCS Group will
    no longer include a corresponding ratable amount of the kind of assets
    paid as such interest or dividends as would have been paid in respect
    of the securities equivalent to such interest in the PCS Group deemed
    held by the FON Group if the securities equivalent to such interest
    were outstanding (and in such eventuality such assets as are no longer
    included in the PCS Group will be attributed to the FON Group).
Sprint may also, to the extent a dividend or distribution on the PCS Stock has
been paid in Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable
or exercisable for PCS Stock, cause such Convertible Securities as are deemed
to be held by the FON Group in accordance with the terms of the Amended
Articles and clause (2) above to be deemed to be converted, exchanged or
exercised, in which case such Convertible Securities will no longer be deemed
to be held by the FON Group.
  The Tracking Stock Policies adopted by the Sprint Board provide that all
businesses conducted by Sprint for offering or providing Domestic Wireless
Mobile Telephony Services or any other Domestic PCS Services, and all
acquisitions of Domestic PCS Licenses, will be allocated to the PCS Group. The
Tracking Stock Policies generally may be changed by the Sprint Board at any
time after the Recapitalization, although there is no present intention to do
  The "PCS Group Available Dividend Amount," on any date, as defined in the
Tracking Stock Policies, means the amount, if any, by which (1) the product of
(a) the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of such date multiplied by (b) an amount
equal to the fair market value of the total assets attributed to the PCS Group
less the total amount of the liabilities attributed to the PCS Group (provided
that Preferred Stock will not be treated as a liability), in each case as of
such date and determined on a basis consistent with the determination of the
PCS Group Net Earnings (Loss), exceeds (2) the aggregate par value of, or any
greater amount determined in accordance with applicable corporation law to be
capital in respect of, all outstanding shares of PCS Stock and each class or
series of Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS Group.     
  The "PCS Group Net Earnings (Loss)," for any period through any date, as
defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means the net income or loss of the PCS
Group for such period (or in respect of the fiscal periods of Sprint commencing
prior to the Closing Date, the pro forma net income or loss of the PCS Group
for such period as if the Closing Date had been the first day of such period)
determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in
effect at such time, reflecting income and expense of Sprint attributed to the
PCS Group on a basis substantially consistent with attributions of income and
expense made in the calculation of the FON Group Net Earnings (Loss),
including, without limitation, corporate administrative costs, net interest and
other financial costs and income taxes.
  "PCS Group Percentage Interest," as defined in the Restructuring Agreement,
means, with respect to any person, as the percentage of the notional equity
interest in the PCS Group owned by such Person, taking into account (i) the
outstanding shares of PCS Stock, (ii) the shares of PCS Stock that would be
outstanding if the Inter-Group Interest in the PCS Group then held by the FON
Group were represented by shares of PCS Stock, (iii) after the
Recapitalization, the shares of PCS Stock that would be outstanding if all of
the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock were converted into Series 3 PCS
Stock and Series 3 FON Stock pursuant to the Amended Articles, and (iv) the
maximum number of shares of PCS Stock that are issuable upon the exercise,
conversion or exchange of the PCS Options (or that would be issuable in the
case of a PCS Option represented by an Inter-Group interest held by the FON
Group in the PCS Group), excluding from clause (iv) any Pre-Closing Options to
the extent reflected as part of the Inter-Group Interest referred to in clause
  "PCS Group Right," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means one right for
each share of PCS Stock issued between the filing of the PCS Stock Amendment
(whether originally issued or delivered from Sprint's treasury) and the
Distribution Date, and in certain circumstances, after the Distribution Date,
each such right initially representing the right to purchase one one-thousandth
of a share of Preferred Stock--Eighth Series, upon the terms and subject to the
conditions herein set forth.     

  "PCS Options," as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, means (i) the
options, warrants or other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled
Affiliates outstanding at such time that are exercisable or exchangeable for or
convertible into shares of PCS Stock, but excluding (A) any rights of Cox
Pioneer Partnership or its Affiliates under the Agreement of Limited
Partnership of Cox Communications, PCS, L.P., dated as of December 31, 1996, as
it is to be amended pursuant to the Cox L.A. Amendments, (B) the outstanding
shares of Class A Common Stock, and (C) any such options, warrants or other
securities that will be satisfied by Sprint without the allocation of any cost
or expense to the PCS Group or otherwise economically diluting the PCS Group
Percentage Interest of any Cable Parent, and (ii) the Preferred Inter-Group
Interest, the Warrant Inter-Group Interest and any other Inter-Group Interests
held by the FON Group in the PCS Group that have the same effect as the
options, warrants and other securities referred to in clause (i) above.     
  "PCS Per Share Vote," as defined in the Amended Articles, means (i) a number
of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole vote and may
include a fraction of a vote) equal to (i) if the record date for determining
the stockholders entitled to vote is on or before December 31, 1998, the number
of votes determined by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio and (ii) if the record
date for determining the stockholders entitled to vote is after December 31,
1998, the number of votes determined by multiplying one by the ratio of the
Average Trading Price of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock to the Average Trading
Price of one share of Common Stock computed as of the tenth Trading Day
preceding the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to vote,
expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest three decimal places.
  "PCS Ratio," as defined in the Amended Articles means the ratio of, if the
IPO occurs concurrently with the PCS Restructuring, the price of a share of
Series 1 PCS Stock in the IPO to the closing price on the date that the IPO
pricing occurs of a share of Series 1 FON Stock or, if the Recapitalization
occurs concurrently with the PCS Restructuring, the average trading price, over
a 20 trading day period, of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock to one share of
Series 1 FON Stock determined, in each such case, as of the 21st trading day
following the commencement of regular way trading of both the Series 1 PCS
Stock and the Series 1 FON Stock, provided that for purposes of any vote of
Sprint stockholders for which the record date for determining the stockholders
entitled to vote occurs prior to such 21st trading day, such ratio will be
determined by the Sprint Board based on the relative market values of the
Series 1 FON Stock and the Series 1 PCS Stock.
  "PCS Spectrum," as defined in the Tracking Stock Policies, means the
electromagnetic spectrum between 1850MHz and 1910MHz and between 1930MHz and
1990MHz or such other electromagnetic spectrum as the FCC may allocate to
license holders of electromagnetic spectrum between 1850MHz and 1910MHz and
between 1930MHz and 1990MHz in exchange for the surrender of electromagnetic
spectrum within the identified frequencies.
  "Per Class A FON Share Basis," as defined in the Amended Articles, means,
with respect to Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, an amount
per share equal to (X / Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The
FON Group, respectively, "Y" equals the number of shares outstanding of
Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, respectively, and "Z" equals
the per share number of votes or dividend amount, redemption amount or other
payment paid to the class or series of FON Stock to which the Existing Class A
Common Stock or DT Class A Stock is being compared.     
  "Per Class A PCS Share Basis," as defined in the Amended Articles, means,
with respect to Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, an amount
per share equal to (X / Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group or the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A Equity Interest In The
PCS Group, respectively, "Y" equals the number of shares outstanding of
Existing Class A Common Stock or DT Class A Stock, respectively, and "Z" equals
the per share number of votes or dividend amount, redemption amount or other
payment paid to the class or series of PCS Stock to which the Existing Class A
Common Stock or DT Class A Stock is being compared.     

  "Pre-Closing Options," as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, means the
options, warrants and other securities of Sprint or any of its subsidiaries
that were issued prior to and are outstanding as of the Closing and that are
exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of Sprint Common
Stock, which, in connection with the Recapitalization, will become, in whole
or in part, options, warrants or other securities that are exercisable or
exchangeable for or convertible into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (but
excluding any PCS Options held by FT or DT).
  "Pops" means population equivalent. One person residing in a license area
equals one Pop.
  "Publicly-Traded" with respect to any security, as defined in the Amended
Articles, means (i) registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act, and (ii)
listed for trading on the NYSE or the American Stock Exchange (or any national
securities exchange registered under Section 7 of the Exchange Act, that is
the successor to either such exchange) or quoted in the National Association
of Securities Dealers Inc. Automated Quotations System (or any successor
  "Qualifying Offer", as defined in the Rights Agreement, means an acquisition
of shares of common stock of Sprint pursuant to a tender offer or an exchange
offer for all outstanding shares of common stock of Sprint at a price and on
terms determined by at least a majority of the members of the Sprint Board who
are not officers of Sprint and who are not representatives, nominees, or
Affiliates of an Acquiring Person, after receiving advice from one or more
investment banking firms, to be (a) fair to stockholders (taking into account
all factors which such members of the Sprint Board deem relevant including,
without limitation, prices which could reasonably be achieved if Sprint or its
assets were sold on an orderly basis designed to realize maximum value) and
(b) otherwise in the best interests of Sprint and its stockholders.     
  "RBOC" means Regional Bell Operating Company, the five remaining local
telephone companies (formerly part of AT&T) established as a result of the
AT&T Divestiture Decree.
  "Record Date Blackout Period" means a period of ten trading days beginning
on the ninth trading day before a record date for a meeting of Sprint's
stockholders or for the payment of dividends with respect to Class A Stock and
ending on (and including) such record date (which will be a trading day), if
during such period the holders of Class A Stock are prohibited from purchasing
shares of FON Stock and PCS Stock from third parties in the open market due to
applicable anti-fraud rules.
  "Reduced Par Value Amount," as defined in the Amended Articles, means at any
time and only with respect to either the Existing Class A Common Stock or the
DT Class A Stock following an issuance of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock in
accordance with the rights described under "--Right to Cause Issuance of FON
Stock and PCS Stock," the amount resulting from (X - Y)/ Z, where
  "X" equals Z times the par value per share of either the Existing Class A
  Common Stock or the DT Class A Stock, as applicable, immediately prior to
  an issuance of shares of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock in accordance with such
  "Y" equals the number of shares of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock issued in
  accordance with such rights times the par value of such shares so issued,
  "Z" equals the aggregate outstanding shares of Existing Class A Common
  Stock or the DT Class A Stock, as applicable.
  "Registration Rights Commencement Date," as defined in the Registration
Rights Agreement, means (i) if the IPO is consummated concurrently with the
Closing, 180 days following the Closing, (ii) if the IPO is not consummated
concurrently with the Closing but is consummated within 120 days of the
Closing, the later of the ninetieth day following the IPO or 180 days
following the Closing, or (iii) if the IPO is not consummated concurrently
with the Closing or within 120 days thereafter, the 180th day following the
Closing unless any Stockholder Group shall decide to exercise one of its
rights to a Demand Registration after such 120th day following the Closing but
prior to such 180th day following the Closing in which case the date the
Demand Notice is given.

  "Related Business Transaction," as defined in the Amended Articles, means
any disposition of all or substantially all the properties and assets
attributed the PCS Group in a transaction or series of related transactions
that result in Sprint receiving in consideration of such properties and assets
primarily equity securities (including, without limitation, capital stock,
debt securities convertible into or exchangeable for equity securities or
interests in a general or limited partnership or limited liability company,
without regard to the voting power or other management or governance rights
associated therewith) of any entity which (i) acquires such properties or
assets or succeeds (by merger, formation of a joint venture or otherwise) to
the business conducted with such properties or assets or controls such
acquiror or successor and (ii) the Sprint Board determines is primarily
engaged or proposes to engage primarily in one or more businesses similar or
complementary to the businesses conducted by such Group prior to such
  "Series DT Right," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means one right for
(i) each share of Class A Common Stock held by DT or certain subsidiaries of
DT and outstanding at the time of filing the PCS Stock Amendment, and (ii)
each share of DT Class A Common Stock issued between the filing of the PCS
Stock Amendment (whether originally issued or delivered from Sprint's
treasury) and the Distribution Date, and in certain circumstances, after the
Distribution Date, each such right initially representing (A) if exercised
prior to the filing of the Recapitalization Amendment, the right to purchase
one one-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series, and (B) if
exercised after the filing of the Recapitalization Amendment, (y) the right to
purchase one one-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Sixth Series for
each share represented by the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group, and (z) the right to purchase one-
thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock--Eighth Series for each share
represented by the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group.     
  "Shares," as defined in the Amended Stockholders' Agreement, means (a)
shares of Class A Stock, Existing Common Stock, PCS Preferred Stock or any
other Sprint Voting Securities, (b) securities of Sprint convertible into
Sprint Voting Securities and (c) options, warrants or other rights to acquire
such Sprint Voting Securities, but in the case of this clause (c) excluding
any rights of the Class A Holders or FT and DT to acquire Sprint Voting
Securities pursuant to the Master Agreement, the Top Up Rights Agreement dated
as of May 26, 1998 among FT, DT and the Cable Parents and the Amended
Stockholders' Agreement (but not excluding any Voting Securities received upon
the exercise of such rights).     
  "Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON
Group," as defined in the Recapitalization Amendment, means, at any time, the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
In the FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group.     
  "Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group," as defined in the Recapitalization Amendment, means, at any time, the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Existing Class A Equity Interest
In the PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The DT
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group.     
  "SMR" means Specialized Mobile Radio, also known as TMR (Trunk Mobile
Radio), a two-way radio telephony service making use of macrocells covering an
area of up to 50 miles in diameter.
  "SONET" means an electronics and network architecture for variable bandwidth
products which enables transmission of voice, data and video (multimedia) at
very high speeds. SONET ring architecture provides for virtually instantaneous
restoration of service in the event of a fiber cut by automatically rerouting
traffic in the opposite direction around the ring.
  "Spin-off," as defined in the Amended Articles, means any spin-off or other
pro rata distribution of equity interests of a wholly-owned direct or indirect
subsidiary of Sprint to the stockholders of Sprint.

  "Sprint Voting Securities" means the Existing Common Stock, the Class A
Common Stock, the FON Stock, the PCS Stock, the Preferred Stock and any other
securities of Sprint having the right to vote.
  "SS7" means Signaling System 7, a sophisticated network signaling system
that utilizes out-of-band signaling where signaling information is sent over a
separate channel than the call itself. Improves call processing set-up times
and frees circuits for voice, data and video transmissions.
  "Stock Acquisition Date," as defined in the Rights Agreement, means the
earlier of the date of (i) the first public announcement (which, for purposes
of this definition, shall include, without limitation, a report filed under
the Exchange Act) by Sprint or an Acquiring Person that an Acquiring Person
has become such or (ii) the first public disclosure of facts by Sprint or an
Acquiring Person indicating that an Acquiring Person has become an Acquiring
Person; provided, however, that a Stock Acquisition Date shall not be deemed
to have occurred if any person shall have inadvertently become an Acquiring
Person and within ten Business Days after the date upon which Sprint shall
first become aware of the occurrence of such an event, the Sprint Board in its
sole discretion (1) approves the beneficial ownership interest then held by
such person, or (2) provides such person a thirty day period to divest a
sufficient number of Sprint Voting Securities so as to decrease the beneficial
ownership of such person to less than 15% of the voting power of the Sprint
Voting Securities then outstanding and such person has so divested at the end
of any such thirty day period.     
  "Strategic Merger," as defined in the Amended Articles, means a merger or
other business combination involving Sprint (a) in which the holders of Class
A Stock are entitled to retain or receive, as the case may be, voting equity
securities of the surviving parent entity in exchange for or in respect of (by
conversion or otherwise) such Class A Stock, with an aggregate Fair Market
Value equal to at least 75% of the sum of (i) the Fair Market Value of all
consideration which such holders of Class A Stock have a right to receive with
respect to such merger or other business combination, and (ii) if Sprint is
the surviving parent entity, the Fair Market Value of the equity securities of
the surviving parent entity which the holders of Class A Stock are entitled to
retain, (b) immediately after which the surviving parent entity is an entity
whose voting equity securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or
Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act or which otherwise has any class or series
of its voting equity securities held by at least 500 holders and (c)
immediately after which no person or group (other than the holders of Class A
Stock) owns Voting Securities of such surviving parent entity with Votes equal
to more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of such surviving parent entity.
  "Strategic Merger," as defined in the Standstill Agreements with the Cable
Parents, means a merger or other business combination involving Sprint (a) in
which the Cable Parent is entitled to retain or receive, as the case may be,
voting equity securities of the surviving parent entity in exchange for or in
respect of (by conversion or otherwise) its shares of PCS Stock, with an
aggregate fair market value equal to the sum of (i) the fair market value of
all consideration that the Cable Parent has a right to receive with respect to
such merger or other business combination, and (ii) if Sprint is the surviving
parent entity, the fair market value of the equity securities of the surviving
parent entity that the Cable Parent is entitled to retain, (b) immediately
after which the surviving parent entity is an entity whose voting equity
securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or Section 12(g) of the
Exchange Act or which otherwise has any class or series of its voting equity
securities held by at least 500 holders, (c) immediately after which no person
or group, as defined under the Exchange Act, (other than the Cable Parents)
owns Voting Securities of such surviving parent entity with Votes equal to
more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of such surviving parent entity and
(d) in which holders of PCS Stock receive a common equity tracking security
that continues to reflect substantially all of the business, assets and
liabilities comprising the PCS Group immediately prior to such merger or other
business combination together with such additional wireless business, assets
and liabilities which may be included in the PCS Group of the surviving parent
entity, but which shall not represent any business, assets or liabilities
comprising any part of the other businesses, assets or liabilities of the
surviving parent entity or its subsidiaries, including businesses, assets or
liabilities of the FON Group immediately prior to such merger or business
combination, it being understood that no merger or business combination shall
be deemed to meet the requirements of this definition unless the requirements
of each of clauses (a) through (d) above have been met. "Fair market value"
with respect to any property, for purposes of this definition, shall be as
determined in writing in good faith by a majority of the independent directors
of Sprint.

  "Subsidiary" of any person, as defined in the Restructuring Agreement, as of
any relevant date means a corporation, company or other entity (i) more than
50% of whose outstanding shares or equity securities are, as of such date,
owned or controlled, directly or indirectly through one or more Subsidiaries,
by such person, and the shares or securities so owned entitle such person
and/or its Subsidiaries to elect at least a majority of the members of the
board of directors or other managing authority of such corporation, company or
other entity notwithstanding the vote of the holders of the remaining shares
or equity securities so entitled to vote or (ii) which does not have
outstanding shares or securities, as may be the case in a partnership, joint
venture or unincorporated association, but more than 50% of whose ownership
interest is, as of such date, owned or controlled, directly or indirectly
through one or more Subsidiaries, by such person, and in which the ownership
interest so owned entitles such person and/or Subsidiaries to make the
decisions for such corporation, company or other entity.     
  "TDMA" means Time Division Multiple Access, a digital spread-spectrum
technology which allocates a discrete amount of frequency bandwidth to each
user in order to permit more than one simultaneous conversation on a single RF
  "Total Market Capitalization" of any class or series of common stock on any
date, as defined in the Amended Articles, means the product of (i) the Market
Value of one share of such class or series of common stock on such date and
(ii) the number of shares of such class or series of common stock outstanding
on such date.
  "Trading Day," as defined in the Amended Articles means, with respect to any
security, any day on which the principal national securities exchange on which
such security is listed or admitted to trading or NASDAQ, if such security is
listed or admitted to trading thereon, is open for the transaction of business
(unless such trading shall have been suspended for the entire day) or, if such
security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange or NASDAQ, any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a day on which
banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by
law or executive order to close.
  "Vote," as defined in the Amended Articles and the Standstill Agreements,
means, with respect to any entity, the ability to cast a vote at a
stockholders', members' or comparable meeting of such entity with respect to
the election of directors, managers or other members of such entity's
governing body, or the ability to cast a general partnership or comparable
vote, provided that with respect to Sprint, the term "Vote" means the ability
to exercise general voting power (as opposed to the exercise of special voting
or disapproval rights such as those set forth in the Amended Articles) with
respect to matters other than the election of directors at a meeting of the
stockholders of Sprint.
  "Voting Power," as defined in the Amended Articles and the Standstill
Agreements, means, with respect to an entity, the aggregate number of Votes
outstanding as of such date in respect of such entity; provided that, pursuant
to the Standstill Agreements, with respect to PCS Stock, the Vote per share
used to calculate such aggregate number of Votes shall be the Vote per share
most recently established by the Sprint Board, whether for the most recent
vote of stockholders or for a vote of stockholders to be conducted in the
  "X.25" means a standard protocol suite for packet-switched networks, with
which mainframe computers, word processors, mini-computers, VDUs,
microcomputers and a wide variety of specialized terminal equipment from many
manufacturers can be made to work.     

                          INDEX OF OTHER DEFINED TERMS
  Set forth is a list of certain other defined terms used in this Proxy

                                                              PAGE ON WHICH TERM
                                                                IS DEFINED IN
TERM                                                           PROXY STATEMENT
- ----                                                          ------------------
Acquiring Person.............................................         127
Additional Securities........................................          76
Adjustment Factor............................................         147
Allocated Cash Proceeds......................................          75
Amended Cox PCS Agreement....................................          88
Amended Investment Documents.................................         128
Amended Registration Rights Agreement........................         136
Amended Standstill Agreement.................................         139
Amended Stockholders' Agreement .............................         129
Antitrust Division...........................................          89
APC .........................................................           1
Applicable Closing...........................................         123
Articles Amendment...........................................           9
Available Cash Proceeds......................................          74
Beneficially Owned...........................................          52
Board Resolution.............................................         145
Business Combination.........................................         128
Business Combination Statute.................................         128
Business judgment rule.......................................          42
Cable Holder.................................................          76
Cable Parent Loans...........................................          73
Cable Parents................................................           1
Cable Subsidiaries...........................................          66
CALEA........................................................       II-11
Call-Net.....................................................       III-6
Capital Stock Committee......................................           5
Cash Request Amount..........................................          74
Cell Site....................................................        II-4
Cellular.....................................................        II-3
Certificate of Designations..................................         118
Class A Common Stock.........................................          19
Class A Holder...............................................         112
Class A Holder Eligible Notes................................         142
Class A FON Shares...........................................         143
Class A PCS Shares...........................................         143
Class A Stock................................................         111
Closing .....................................................          17
Closing Date.................................................          17
Code.........................................................          95
Combined Value...............................................         147
Comcast......................................................           7
Companies....................................................       II-19
Compensation Committee.......................................         146
Control Shares...............................................         128
Conversion Price.............................................         121
Conversion Trigger Date......................................         109
Converted Series Shares......................................         110


                                                              PAGE ON WHICH TERM
                                                                IS DEFINED IN
TERM                                                           PROXY STATEMENT
- ----                                                          ------------------
Cox..........................................................           7
Cox PCS......................................................           1
Cox PCS Amendment............................................          89
CSA Statute..................................................         128
CSB..........................................................       III-3
CSG..........................................................       III-2
CTIA.........................................................        II-3
Damages......................................................         130
DCF..........................................................          64
Decision Range...............................................          77
Demand Notice................................................          83
Demand Registration..........................................          83
Derivative Security..........................................          83
Dividend Payment Date........................................         119
DOJ..........................................................       II-12
DT...........................................................           2
DT Class A Stock.............................................          12
EarthLink....................................................       III-5
Effective Time...............................................          66
Engagement Letter............................................          65
EPR Notice...................................................          77
EPS..........................................................          30
Equity Purchase Rights.......................................          11
Exchange Act.................................................          36
Exclusionary Tender Offer....................................         143
Exercise Price...............................................         113
Existing Articles............................................           9
Existing Authorized Amount...................................         146
Existing Class A Common Stock................................           9
Existing Certificates........................................          71
Existing Common Stock........................................           9
Existing Options.............................................         147
Existing Preferred Stock.....................................          98
Fair Price Business Combination..............................         125
FCC..........................................................          36
Financial Advisors...........................................          15
FON..........................................................           4
FON Group....................................................           1
FON Option...................................................         147
FON Stock....................................................          10
FON Value....................................................         147
Foreign Ownership Limitation.................................         140
FT...........................................................           2
FTC..........................................................          89
Grantee......................................................          81
Greenshoe Closing............................................         133
Greenshoe Purchase...........................................         129


                                                              PAGE ON WHICH TERM
                                                                IS DEFINED IN
TERM                                                           PROXY STATEMENT
- ----                                                          ------------------
Group........................................................           7
Groups.......................................................           1
Incentive Plans Proposal.....................................           1
Incidental Registration......................................          80
Initial Standstill Period....................................         136
IPO..........................................................           9
IRS..........................................................          92
ISO..........................................................         147
Junior Stock.................................................         115
LDD..........................................................           7
License Value................................................          61
Limited Partnership..........................................         149
Liquidation Unit.............................................          29
Liquidation Preference.......................................         117
LTD..........................................................           7
LTIP.........................................................         153
Major Competitor of FT/DT....................................         138
Management Cases.............................................          62
Mandatory Redemption Date....................................         116
Mandatory Redemption Obligation..............................         117
Material Activity............................................          84
MCI..........................................................       III-1
Master Agreement.............................................          10
Mergers......................................................          64
Merger Subs .................................................          64
Minimum Condition............................................          81
MISOP........................................................         141
Named Officers...............................................         155
NYSE.........................................................           4
NIS..........................................................       III-5
Non-U.S. Stockholder ........................................          93
Omnibus Plan.................................................         141
Original Investment Agreement................................         125
Original Registration Rights Agreement.......................         125
Original Standstill Agreement................................         125
Original Stockholders Agreement..............................         125
Other Property...............................................          92
Outside Directors............................................         141
Parents......................................................           6
Parents Agreement............................................          68
Parent Response..............................................          71
PCS..........................................................           1
PCS Comparables..............................................          61
PCS Contributions............................................          69
PCS Group Disposition Date...................................          99
PCS Group Historical Financial Statements....................          33
PCS Group Subsidiary.........................................         101
PCS Partner..................................................          69
PCS Preferred Stock..........................................           9
PCS Restructuring............................................           6
PCS Stock....................................................           9
PCS Stock Amendment..........................................           8


                                                              PAGE ON WHICH TERM
                                                                IS DEFINED IN
TERM                                                           PROXY STATEMENT
- ----                                                          ------------------
PCS Value....................................................         147
Percentage Limitations ......................................         140
PhillieCo....................................................           7
Post-Restructuring Series 3 PCS Shares.......................         136
Preferred Inter-Group Interest...............................          11
Price Range..................................................          77
Primary Closing..............................................         131
Primary Purchase.............................................         129
Priority Demand..............................................          83
Priority Period..............................................          83
Proposed Term................................................          72
Proxies......................................................          79
Proxy Statement..............................................           7
Proxy Shares.................................................          81
Qualifying Offer.............................................         127
Recapitalization.............................................          12
Recapitalization Amendment...................................          10
Recapitalization Date........................................         146
Record Date..................................................           9
Redemption Securities........................................         117
Registrable Securities.......................................          82
Registration Rights Agreement................................          16
Registration Statement.......................................          69
Related Investment Documents.................................         128
Renewal Expectancy...........................................       II-11
Rejected Proposal............................................          80
Resellers....................................................       II-10
Restructuring Agreement......................................       II-10
RF...........................................................          47
Right........................................................         123
Rights Agreement.............................................         127
Schedule 13D Filer...........................................         141
SEC..........................................................          69
Securities Act...............................................          36
Secondary Closing............................................         133
Secondary Priority Period....................................          85
Secondary Purchase...........................................         129
Selling Stockholders.........................................         137
Senior Stock.................................................         119
Sensitivity Case.............................................          64
Series 1 FON Stock...........................................          10
Series 2 FON Stock...........................................          10
Series 3 FON Stock...........................................          10
Series 1 PCS Stock...........................................          10
Series 2 PCS Stock...........................................          10
Series 3 PCS Stock...........................................          10
Series Conversion Time.......................................         110
SI...........................................................       III-6
SPA..........................................................       III-4
Special Meeting..............................................           9
Spin-off ....................................................          93
Sprint.......................................................          30
Sprint Board.................................................           8


                                                              PAGE ON WHICH TERM
                                                                IS DEFINED IN
TERM                                                           PROXY STATEMENT
- ----                                                          ------------------
Sprint Bylaws................................................          38
SprintCom....................................................           7
SprintCom Loans..............................................          73
Sprint International.........................................           8
Sprint Notice................................................          74
Sprint Paranet...............................................           8
Sprint Spectrum Holdings.....................................           2
Sprint PCS Loans.............................................          72
Sprint PCS Notes.............................................          72
Sprint Voting Stock..........................................           9
Spun-Off Subsidiary..........................................         123
Stacking Procedure...........................................          93
SS7..........................................................       III-4
Standstill Agreement.........................................          79
Stockholder Group............................................          82
Substantial Service..........................................       II-11
Surviving Representations....................................         130
Tax Sharing Agreement........................................          43
TCI..........................................................           7
Telecom Act..................................................          38
Third Party Demand Holder....................................          85
TIN..........................................................          96
Top Up Notes ................................................         130
Top Up Purchases.............................................         129
Tracking Stocks..............................................           1
Tracking Stock Policies......................................           8
Tracking Stock Proposal......................................           1
Transferor Group.............................................          92
Transferee Group.............................................          92
Trigger Date.................................................          71
Voting Agreement.............................................          81
Warrants.....................................................          10
Warrant Agreements...........................................         116
Warrant Inter-Group Interest.................................          11
WSG..........................................................       III-2
Year 2000....................................................          50

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth the Selected Financial Data of
Sprint Corporation and its subsidiaries ("Sprint") and should be read in
conjunction with Sprint's Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations and the Consolidated Financial Statements
and Notes thereto. The Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1997, 1996,
1995, 1994 and 1993, and for each of the five years in the period ended
December 31, 1997, have been derived from the Consolidated Financial
Statements of Sprint which have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent
auditors. The Selected Financial Data at March 31, 1998, and for the three
months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997, have been derived from the unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements of Sprint, which have been prepared on the
same basis as Sprint's audited Consolidated Financial Statements and, in the
opinion of management, contain all adjustments, consisting of only normal
recurring accruals, necessary for a fair presentation of the financial
position and results of operations for these periods.

                            AT OR FOR THE
                             THREE MONTHS                      AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          ------------------ -------------------------------------------------
                            1998      1997     1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
                          --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
                                          (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net operating revenues..  $ 3,910.9 $3,578.5 $14,873.9 $13,887.5 $12,735.3 $11,964.8 $10,894.9
Operating income(1).....      668.2    604.7   2,451.4   2,267.2   1,834.3   1,690.7   1,214.1
Income from continuing
 operations(1), (2).....      216.5    290.0     952.5   1,190.9     946.1     899.2     517.1
Earnings per common
 share from continuing
 operations(1), (2)
  Basic.................       0.50     0.67      2.21      2.82      2.71      2.59      1.51
  Diluted...............       0.49     0.67      2.18      2.79      2.69      2.56      1.49
Dividends per common
 share..................       0.25     0.25      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00      1.00
Net cash from operating
 operations(3)..........  $   988.4 $  700.1 $ 3,379.0 $ 2,403.6 $ 2,609.6 $ 2,339.6 $ 2,007.8
Capital expenditures....      787.9    574.4   2,862.6   2,433.6   1,857.3   1,751.6   1,429.8
Total assets............  $18,891.8          $18,184.8 $16,826.4 $15,074.3 $14,425.2 $13,781.8
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.........   11,914.2           11,494.1  10,464.1   9,715.8  10,258.8   9,883.1
Total debt (including
 short-term borrowings).    4,203.5            3,879.6   3,273.9   5,668.9   4,927.7   5,084.1
Redeemable preferred
 stock..................        9.5               11.5      11.8      32.5      37.1      38.6
Common stock and other
 stockholders' equity...    9,156.2            9,025.2   8,519.9   4,642.6   4,524.8   3,918.3
- --------

(1) During 1997 and 1996, Sprint recorded nonrecurring charges of $20 and $60
    million, respectively, related to litigation within the long distance
    division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations by $13
    million ($0.03 per share) in 1997 and $36 million ($0.09 per share) in
  During 1995, Sprint recorded a nonrecurring charge of $88 million related
  to a restructuring within the local telecommunications division, which
  reduced income from continuing operations by $55 million ($0.16 per share).
  During 1993, Sprint recorded nonrecurring charges of $293 million related
  to (a) transaction costs from the merger with Centel Corporation and
  expenses of integrating and restructuring the operations of the two
  companies and (b) a realignment and restructuring within the long distance
  division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations by $193
  million ($0.57 per share).
(2) During 1997, Sprint recognized gains of $45 million on sales of local
    exchanges and a $26 million gain on the sale of an equity investment in an
    equipment provider. These gains increased income from continuing
    operations by $27 million ($0.06 per share) and $17 million ($0.04 per
    share), respectively.
  During 1994, Sprint recognized a $35 million gain on the sale of equity
  securities, which increased income from continuing operations by $22
  million ($0.06 per share).
  During 1993, due to the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of
  1993, Sprint adjusted its deferred income tax assets and liabilities to
  reflect the increased tax rate. This adjustment reduced income from
  continuing operations by $11 million ($0.03 per share).
(3) The 1996 amount was reduced by $600 million for cash required to terminate
    an accounts receivable sales agreement.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint Corporation (and with its subsidiaries "Sprint") has entered into a
restructuring agreement with the Cable Parents to restructure Sprint's
wireless PCS operations. Sprint will acquire the joint venture interests of
the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the joint venture interests
of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo. In exchange for these joint venture interests,
Sprint will issue to the Cable Parents a newly created class of Sprint Common
Stock, the PCS Stock. The PCS Stock is intended to reflect separately the
performance of these joint ventures and the domestic PCS operations of
Sprint's wholly-owned subsidiary, SprintCom. These operations will be referred
to as the PCS Group.
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
  Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to the risks associated
with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's businesses,
assets and liabilities. Events attributable to the FON Group or the PCS Group
that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could affect
the results of operations or financial position of the other group or the
market price of the FON Stock or PCS Stock. Any net losses of the FON Group or
the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of, FON
Stock, PCS Stock or preferred stock or other stock or interests will reduce
the funds of Sprint that are legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.     
  Sprint includes certain estimates, projections and other forward-looking
statements in its reports, in presentations to analysts and others, and in
other publicly available material. Future performance cannot be ensured.
Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include
(i) the effects of vigorous competition in the markets in which Sprint
operates; (ii) the costs and business risks associated with entering new
markets necessary to provide seamless services and to provide new services;
(iii) the ability of the PCS Group to establish a significant market presence;
(iv) the risks related to Sprint's investments in Global One and other joint
ventures; (v) the impact of any unusual items resulting from ongoing
evaluations of Sprint's business strategies; (vi) requirements imposed on
Sprint or latitude allowed its competitors by the FCC or state regulatory
commissions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996; (vii) unexpected results
of litigation filed against Sprint; and (viii) the possibility of one or more
of the markets in which Sprint competes being impacted by changes in
political, economic or other factors such as monetary policy, legal and
regulatory changes or other external factors over which Sprint has no control.
  The words "estimate", "project", "intend", "expect", "believe" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are found at various places throughout Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking
statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Sprint undertakes no
obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking
statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to
reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Moreover, Sprint, through
senior management, may from time to time make forward-looking statements about
the matters described herein or other matters concerning Sprint.
  The principal activities of the FON Group include (i) its core businesses
consisting of domestic and international long distance communications, local
exchange communications, and product distribution and

directory publishing activities, (ii) its emerging businesses, which consist
of the development of new integrated communications services, consumer
internet access services, Sprint Paranet and Sprint International and (iii)
Sprint's Global One strategic international alliance, as well as other
telecommunications investments and partnerships.
 Spinoff of Cellular Division
  In March 1996, Sprint completed the tax-free spinoff of Sprint's cellular
division ("Cellular") to Sprint common stockholders ("Spinoff"). See
"Liquidity and Capital Resources--Discontinued Operation" for more
information. The Spinoff is accounted for by Sprint in the FON Group Combined
Financial Statements.
  The PCS Group includes Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony
activities and any other domestic PCS services, which include (i) the
investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the investment in PhillieCo, both
of which are reflected on the equity basis and (ii) SprintCom. Upon completion
of the PCS Restructuring, the results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo will be reflected on the consolidated basis in the PCS Group
Combined Financial Statements.     
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom are building the nation's
first single-technology, all-digital, state-of-the-art wireless network to
provide PCS across the United States operating on one frequency. PCS uses
digital technology, which has sound quality superior to analog cellular
technology and is less susceptible to interference and eavesdropping. PCS also
offers features such as voicemail and Caller ID.
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings commenced initial commercial PCS operations late in
the fourth quarter of 1996, and emerged from the development stage during the
third quarter of 1997. SprintCom expects to commence initial operations in the
third quarter of 1998.
  See "Annex II--PCS Group Information--Business--Regulation" and "Annex III--
FON Group Information--Business--Regulation" for a complete discussion of the
regulatory developments that could have a future impact on Sprint.
  Sprint adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 128,
"Earnings per Share" ("EPS"), at year-end 1997 (see Note 12 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements). EPS amounts have been restated to comply
with this new standard. All EPS amounts in the following discussions represent
"basic" EPS as defined in SFAS 128.
  Total net operating revenues for the three months ended March 31, 1998 were
$3.9 billion, a 9% increase from $3.6 billion for the same period in 1997.
Total net operating revenues for 1997 were $14.9 billion, a 7% increase from
$13.9 billion in 1996. Total net operating revenues for 1996 increased 9% over
total net operating revenues for 1995 of $12.7 billion.
  Income from continuing operations was $217 million ($0.50 per share) for the
first quarter of 1998 compared with $290 million ($0.67 per share) for the
first quarter of 1997. Income from continuing operations was $953 million
($2.21 per share) in 1997 compared with $1.2 billion ($2.82 per share) in 1996
and $946

million ($2.71 per share) in 1995. The following table sets forth the combined
income (loss) from continuing operations for the FON Group and the PCS Group:

                                     THREE MONTHS
                                      ENDED MARCH           YEAR ENDED
                                          31,              DECEMBER 31,
                                     --------------  --------------------------
                                      1998    1997     1997      1996     1995
                                     ------  ------  --------  --------  ------
                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
FON Group(1)........................ $359.2  $343.0  $1,371.6  $1,310.6  $966.0
PCS Group........................... (142.7)  (53.0)   (419.1)   (119.7)  (19.9)
                                     ------  ------  --------  --------  ------
Income from continuing operations... $216.5  $290.0  $  952.5  $1,190.9  $946.1
                                     ======  ======  ========  ========  ======

- --------
(1) The FON Group income from continuing operations for the year ended
    December 31, 1997 includes gains of $27 million on sales of local
    exchanges ($0.06 per share) and a gain of $17 million on the sale of an
    equity investment in an equipment provider ($0.04 per share). In addition,
    the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 include litigation charges
    within the long distance division of $13 million and $36 million,
    respectively ($0.03 per share and $0.09 per share, respectively). The year
    ended December 31, 1995 amounts include a charge of $55 million for
    restructuring the local telecommunications division ($0.16 per share).

                              THREE MONTHS               YEAR ENDED
                             ENDED MARCH 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                            ------------------  -------------------------------
                              1998      1997      1997       1996       1995
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues..... $3,910.9  $3,578.5  $14,873.9  $13,887.5  $12,735.3
Total operating expenses...  3,224.1   2,973.0   12,404.0   11,619.8   10,901.0
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Operating income........... $  686.8  $  605.5  $ 2,469.9  $ 2,267.7  $ 1,834.3
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
Operating margin...........     17.6%     16.9%      16.6%      16.3%      14.4%
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
Capital expenditures....... $  609.3  $  567.4  $ 2,708.9  $ 2,433.6  $ 1,857.3
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========

  For further detailed discussion regarding the results of operations of the
FON Group, refer to the "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations" for the FON Group at Annex III.
Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
 Net Operating Revenues
  First quarter 1998 net operating revenues increased 9% from the same 1997
period. This mainly reflects growth of the FON Group's long distance and local
telecommunications divisions.
  The long distance division's first quarter 1998 revenue increased 9% from
the same period in 1997. This growth is a result of increases in all major
market segments--residential, business and wholesale. In general, the increase
reflects strong minute growth and continued growth within the data services
market. The residential market increase reflects growth from prepaid calling
cards and long distance calling card calls made by LEC customers. The business
market reflects growth in data services, toll-free and direct distance-dialing
toll calls, and growth in small and medium business due to Fridays Free. The
wholesale market showed strong growth in the domestic market.     
  The local telecommunications division's first quarter 1998 revenue increased
4% from the same period in 1997, after adjusting for a transfer pricing change
for transactions between affiliates. This growth was primarily due to an
increase in customer access lines. Local service revenue increased 6%
reflecting economic growth in the division's service areas, increases in
second-line service for residential customers and increases in demand for
network-based services such as Caller ID and Call Waiting. Network access
revenues increased 1% primarily due to larger calling volumes partly offset by
FCC-mandated access rate reductions. Toll Service revenues     

decreased 27% due to extended local area calling plans and increased
competition in the intrastate long distance market. Additionally, the division
phased out its interexchange long distance reseller services in 1997. Other
revenue increased mainly due to sales of telecommunications equipment.     
  The product distribution and directory publishing division's first quarter
1998 revenue increased 28% from the same period in 1997, after adjusting for a
transfer pricing change for transactions between affiliates. This revenue
growth was mainly due to increased sales of telecommunications equipment and
distribution services to affiliates.     
  Revenues in the emerging businesses segment increased due to the acquisition
of Sprint Paranet in late 1997.
 Operating Expenses
  First quarter 1998 operating expenses increased 8% from the same 1997
  The long distance division's operating expenses increased 6% largely due to
higher selling, general and administrative costs as a result of increased
advertising costs to promote products and services. Interconnection costs
decreased 4% reflecting lower unit costs for domestic and international
access. Operations expense increased 17% primarily due to increased data
services growth.     
  The local telecommunications division's operating expenses increased 4%
caused by an increase of costs of services and products as well as selling,
general and administrative expenses. Costs of services and products increased
3% mainly due to customer access line growth and increased equipment sales.
Selling, general and administrative costs were higher by 8% due to increased
customer service costs from access line growth and marketing costs to promote
new products and services.     
  The product distribution and directory publishing division's operating
expense increase was mainly due to increased sales of telecommunications
equipment and distribution services to affiliates.
  Operating expenses for the emerging businesses segment largely reflect
activities to develop or enter newly competitive domestic and international
markets, such as internet access and competitive local services.
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
 Net Operating Revenues
  Net operating revenues increased 7% in 1997 and 9% in 1996. This mainly
reflects growth of the FON Group's long distance and local telecommunications
divisions for both years.
  The long distance division's revenue increased 8% in 1997 and 17% in 1996.
This growth was a result of increases in all major market segments--
residential, business and wholesale. In general, the increase reflects strong
calling volume growth and continued growth within the data services market.
The residential market reflects the ongoing success of Sprint Sense(R) as well
as growth in international calls, prepaid phone cards and casual callers. The
business market reflects growth in data services, toll-free and direct
distance-dialing toll calls, and growth in small and medium business due to
Fridays Free. The wholesale market showed strong growth in both the domestic
and international markets.     
  The local telecommunications division's revenue increased 4% in 1997 and 9%
in 1996, after adjusting for a transfer pricing change for transactions
between affiliates. This growth was primarily due to an increase in customer
access lines. Local service revenue increased 10% in 1997 and 11% in 1996
reflecting economic growth in the division's service areas, an increase in
second-line services, an increase due to extended area calling plans, and
increased demand for advanced intelligent network services. Network access
revenues increased 2% in 1997 and 10% in 1996 primarily due to larger calling
volumes partly offset by FCC-mandated access rate reductions effective in July
1997. Toll service revenues decreased 19% in 1997 and 13% in 1996 due to
extended local area     

calling plans and increased competition in the intrastate long distance
market. Additionally, the division phased out its interexchange long distance
reseller services in 1997. Other revenue increased 10% in 1997 and 24% in 1996
mainly due to sales of telecommunications equipment.     
  The product distribution and directory publishing division's revenue
increased 19% in 1997 and 7% in 1996, after adjusting for a transfer pricing
change for transactions between affiliates. This growth was mainly due to
increased sales of telecommunications equipment and distribution services to
  Revenues for the emerging businesses segment increased due to the
acquisition of Sprint Paranet in late 1997 and an increase in subscribers for
Sprint Internet access services.
 Operating Expenses
  Operating expenses increased 7% in 1997 and 1996 largely due to increased
revenue streams.
  The long distance division's operating expenses increased 6% in 1997 and 12%
in 1996 primarily due to higher interconnection costs and operations expense.
Interconnection costs increased 6% in 1997 and 20% in 1996 due to strong
growth in calling volumes, partially offset by lower unit costs for domestic
and international access. Operations expense increased 20% in 1997 and 17% in
1996 due to FCC-mandated payments to public payphone providers, network
equipment leasing costs, costs related to data services growth and equipment
sales as well as overall revenue growth.     
  The local telecommunications division's increased operating expenses were
caused by an increase in costs of services, selling, general and
administrative expenses and depreciation. Costs of services and products
increased 3% in 1997 and 4% in 1996 mainly due to customer access line growth
and increased equipment sales whereas selling, general and administrative
costs increased due to access line growth and marketing costs to promote new
products and services. The increase in depreciation expense is due to
increased plant additions.     
  The product distribution and directory publishing division's operating
expense increase was mainly due to additional costs associated with the
increase in sales of telecommunications equipment and distribution services to
  Operating expenses for the emerging businesses segment largely reflect
activities to develop or enter newly competitive domestic and international
markets, such as internet access and competitive local services.
  The following table reflects the results of operations of the PCS Group,
which for the periods presented are comprised solely of the operations of
SprintCom. Sprint's investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo,
which are included in the PCS Group, were accounted for on the equity basis
and therefore no operations are reflected in the table below. Sprint's equity
in loss from its investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo are
discussed below, see "Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo."

                                          THREE MONTHS
                                             ENDED            YEAR ENDED
                                           MARCH 31,         DECEMBER 31,
                                          -------------  ----------------------
                                           1998   1997    1997    1996    1995
                                          ------  -----  ------  ------  ------
                                                    (IN MILLIONS)
Total operating expenses................. $ 18.6  $ 0.8  $ 18.5  $  0.5  $  --
                                          ------  -----  ------  ------  ------
Operating loss........................... $(18.6) $(0.8) $(18.5) $ (0.5) $  --
                                          ======  =====  ======  ======  ======
Capital expenditures..................... $178.6  $ 7.0  $153.7  $  --   $  --
                                          ======  =====  ======  ======  ======
Purchase of PCS Licenses................. $  --   $25.2  $460.1  $ 84.0  $  --
                                          ======  =====  ======  ======  ======
Investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
 and Affiliates.......................... $ 33.5  $16.5  $405.9  $297.5  $910.9
                                          ======  =====  ======  ======  ======


  For further detailed discussion regarding the results of operations of the
PCS Group, refer to the "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations" for the PCS Group at Annex II.
Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
 Operating Expenses
  First quarter operating expenses were $19 million for 1998 and $1 million
for 1997. These consist of selling, general and administrative expenses
related to the network buildout for those PCS licenses directly owned by
Sprint. The increase in these expenses from 1997 to 1998 is a result of
significant additional network buildout activities during the 1998 period.
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
 Operating Expenses
  Operating expenses were $19 million for 1997 and $1 million for 1996. These
consist of selling, general and administrative expenses related to the network
buildout for those PCS licenses directly owned by Sprint. The increase in
these expenses from 1996 to 1997 is a result of the commencement of the
network buildout in the second half of 1997.     
  Interest costs on borrowings consist of the following:

                                THREE MONTHS              YEAR ENDED
                               ENDED MARCH 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                              ------------------  ----------------------------
                                1998      1997      1997      1996      1995
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Interest expense on
 outstanding debt............ $   54.5  $   35.7  $  159.9  $  161.2  $  231.0
Interest expense related to
 Cellular (1)................      --        --        --       21.5     124.0
Capitalized interest costs...     18.6      29.0      93.0     104.0      57.0
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Total interest costs on
 outstanding debt............ $   73.1  $   64.7  $  252.9  $  286.7  $  412.0
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Average debt outstanding..... $3,977.7  $3,226.4  $3,251.3  $3,604.9  $5,505.2
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Effective interest rate......      7.4%      8.0%      7.8%      8.0%      7.5%
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

- --------
(1) Interest expense related to Cellular is included in "Discontinued
    operation, net" on the Consolidated Statements of Income.
  Sprint capitalizes interest costs on its investment in the directly acquired
PCS licenses and the related network buildout. Through June 1997, Sprint also
capitalized interest costs on borrowings related to its investment in Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. Sprint stopped capitalizing interest costs on
its investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo in July 1997 because
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo no longer qualified as development-
stage companies.
  Average debt outstanding decreased $1.9 billion in 1996, generally because
of repayments funded by a portion of the cash received from FT and DT for
their equity investments in Sprint and from Cellular's repayment of
intercompany debt in connection with the Spinoff.
  Sprint's effective interest rate for the three months ended March 31, 1998
decreased to 7.4% from 8.0% for the same period in 1997 mainly because of an
increase in short-term borrowings as a percentage of total borrowings.
Sprint's effective interest rate increased to 8.0% in 1996 from 7.5% in 1995,
mainly because of the

decline in short-term borrowings as a percentage of total borrowings. Short-
term borrowings at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 have been classified
as long-term debt because of Sprint's intent and ability, through unused
credit facilities, to refinance these borrowings.
  Sprint's investment in Global One is accounted for on the equity basis in
the FON Group. Global One's revenues totaled $265 million in first quarter
1998 compared with $243 million in the same period a year ago. Sprint's share
of operating losses from Global One totaled $45 million in first quarter 1998
compared with $24 million a year ago. The increased losses in 1998 were due to
lower product margins primarily as a result of higher operating costs.
  Global One's revenues totaled $1.1 billion for 1997 compared to $800 million
in 1996. Sprint's share of operating losses from Global One totaled $162
million in 1997, $82 million in 1996 and $23 million in 1995. The increased
losses in 1997 were due to higher operating costs within Global One's existing
global markets due to the slower-than-expected integration of the parent
companies' networks and start-up related costs. Global One is continuing to
review its operations, is implementing expense controls, and is focusing on
improving the network infrastructure in an effort to improve efficiencies and
reduce operating costs and expects to begin implementing various components of
a plan addressing such items in the near future, which are expected to result
in related non-recurring charges being incurred as the plan is executed.
  Sprint's equity ownership of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo, prior
to the PCS Restructuring, is accounted for on the equity basis in the PCS
Group. The combined revenues from Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
totaled $184 million in first quarter 1998 versus $10 million a year ago.
Sprint's share of the combined operating losses from Sprint Spectrum Holdings
and PhillieCo was $210 million in first quarter 1998 compared with $86 million
a year ago. The increase in 1998 losses reflect marketing and promotional
costs to support a growing customer base. In early 1998, the customer base of
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo exceeded one million customers. The
venture plans to continue to aggressively obtain new customers, which will
likely result in higher losses in 1998 compared with 1997.
  Revenues from Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo totaled $258 million in
1997 and $4 million in 1996. Sprint's share of operating losses from Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo was $660 million in 1997, $192 million in 1996
and $31 million in 1995. The increase in 1997 losses reflects marketing and
promotional costs to support a growing customer base.
  Average monthly revenue per customer through the first quarter of 1998
approximated $64, which is higher than wireless industry averages. This higher
average is being driven by marketing plans that both target and encourage
higher usage. Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo customer churn rates and
customer marketing costs have been as expected at this stage of development.
As the PCS markets mature and the PCS Group gains additional scale, both of
these measures are expected to trend toward cellular industry levels.

  Other income (expense) consisted of the following:

                                          THREE MONTHS        YEAR ENDED
                                         ENDED MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                         --------------- ----------------------
                                          1998    1997    1997    1996    1995
                                         ------- ------- ------  ------  ------
                                                    (IN MILLIONS)
Dividend and interest income............ $  15.6 $  27.1 $ 75.4  $ 99.7  $ 12.6
Net gains on sales of assets............     --      --    71.5    15.9     --
Loss on sales of accounts receivable....     --      --     --     (4.2)  (38.6)
Other, net..............................     5.6     7.8   (6.4)    3.9   (12.9)
                                         ------- ------- ------  ------  ------
Total other income (expense), net....... $  21.2 $  34.9 $140.5  $115.3  $(38.9)
                                         ======= ======= ======  ======  ======

  Dividend and interest income for the three months ended March 31, 1998
reflects interest earned on loans to affiliates. Dividend and interest income
for first quarter 1997 and for the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996
reflects income earned on the cash received from FT and DT for their 1996
equity investment in Sprint as well as the repayment of intercompany debt in
connection with the Spinoff. Sprint has since invested these funds in
strategic initiatives and has decreased certain borrowings, reducing the
balance held in temporary investments. For the year ended December 31, 1997,
Sprint recognized pretax gains of $45 million on sales of local exchanges and
Sprint sold its equity interest in an equipment provider, resulting in a $26
million pretax gain.
  Sprint's effective tax rates for the first quarter were 41.1% in 1998 and
40.2% in 1997. Sprint's effective tax rates for the years ended December 31
were 39.8% in 1997, 37.7% in 1996 and 36.1% in 1995. See Note 5 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements for information about the differences that
cause the effective income tax rate to vary from the statutory federal rate.
  Sprint recognized an after-tax loss of $3 million ($0.01 per share) in 1996
and after-tax income of $15 million ($0.04 per share) in 1995 related to its
investment in Cellular. Cellular was spun off to Sprint common stockholders in
March 1996 (see Note 15 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements).
  In first quarter 1998, Sprint redeemed, prior to maturity, $115 million of
debt with a 9.25% interest rate. This resulted in a $4 million ($0.01 per
share) after-tax loss.
  During 1996, Sprint redeemed, prior to maturity, $190 million of debt with
interest rates ranging from 6.0% to 9.5%. This resulted in a $5 million ($0.01
per share) after-tax loss.
  At year-end 1995, Sprint adopted accounting principles for a competitive
marketplace and discontinued applying SFAS 71 to its local telecommunications
division (see Note 14 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements). This
resulted in an after-tax, noncash extraordinary charge of $565 million ($1.62
per share) in 1995.
  Sprint's consolidated assets totaled $18.9 billion at March 31, 1998, $18.2
billion at year-end 1997 and $16.8 billion at year-end 1996. Net property,
plant and equipment increased $420 million since year-end 1997 and $1.0
billion in 1997 mainly because of capital expenditures to support the core
long distance and local networks and expanded product and service offerings.
In addition, this growth reflects an increase in capital

expenditures and new capital leases related to the buildout of the SprintCom
markets. Sprint's debt-to-capital ratio was 31.4% at March 31, 1998 versus
30.0% at year-end 1997 and 27.7% at year-end 1996. See "Liquidity and Capital
Resources" for additional discussions of changes in Sprint's Consolidated
Balance Sheets.
 Operating Activities
  Cash flows from operating activities, which are Sprint's main source of
liquidity, were $988 million in first quarter 1998 versus $700 million in
first quarter 1997 and were $3.4 billion in 1997, $2.4 billion in 1996 and
$2.6 billion in 1995. The growth in operating cash flows over these periods
mainly reflects improved operating results in Sprint's core businesses partly
offset by increased losses from its emerging businesses. During 1996, Sprint
terminated an accounts receivable sales agreement, which reduced cash flows by
$600 million. Excluding this termination, 1996 cash flows increased $394
million, mainly because of improved operating results in all divisions.
 Investing Activities
  Sprint's investing activities from continuing operations used cash of $996
million in first quarter 1998 and $580 million in first quarter 1997 and used
cash of $4.5 billion in 1997, $3.1 billion in 1996 and $2.9 billion in 1995.
Capital expenditures, which are Sprint's largest investing activity, totaled
$788 million in first quarter 1998 and $574 million in first quarter 1997 and
totaled $2.9 billion in 1997, $2.4 billion in 1996 and $1.9 billion in 1995.
Expenditures in the long distance division were incurred mainly to enhance
network reliability, meet increased demand for data-related services, and
upgrade capabilities for providing new products and services. Local
telecommunications division capital expenditures were made to accommodate
access line growth and expand capabilities for providing enhanced services.
Additional capital expenditures relate primarily to the buildout of the
SprintCom markets.
  Investments in and loans to Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo were $124
million in first quarter 1998 versus a reduction of $26 million in first
quarter 1997 and were $706 million in 1997, $561 million in 1996 and $954
million in 1995. These capital contributions, loans and advances to Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo for the first quarters of 1998 and 1997 and
for the years 1997 and 1996 were used to fund its capital and operating
requirements. The 1995 contributions were mainly used to fund payments for PCS
licenses. Included in the loans to Sprint Spectrum Holdings in 1997 is $300
million borrowed from Sprint under a vendor financing facility. In 1996,
Sprint purchased $183 million (face value) of Sprint Spectrum Senior Discount
notes for $100 million. In addition, Sprint paid the remaining $460 million
for the SprintCom PCS licenses in 1997, bringing the total payments to $544
  "Investments in and advances to other affiliates, net" mainly consists of
net contributions to Global One to fund operations.
  In 1997, Sprint purchased the net assets of Paranet, Inc. for $375 million
(see Note 13 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements).
 Financing Activities
  Sprint's financing activities provided cash of $64 million in first quarter
1998, while first quarter 1997 activities used cash of $211 million. Financing
activities during first quarter 1998 reflect long-term borrowings of $290
million, partly offset by payments on long-term debt of $130 million.
Financing activities in the first quarter of 1997 reflect payments of $100
million on short-term borrowings and $38 million on long-term debt.
  For the years ended December 31, Sprint's financing activities provided cash
of $72 million in 1997, $479 million in 1996 and $423 million in 1995. In
1997, Sprint borrowed $867 million, mainly to fund investments in and loans to
affiliates. In 1996, FT and DT acquired Class A common shares for a combined
total of $3.7 billion.

Sprint mainly used these proceeds, and the $1.4 billion of cash from Cellular
repaying intercompany debt, to reduce outstanding debt. In 1995, Sprint
increased its short-term borrowings by $1.1 billion to fund commitments
related to Sprint Spectrum Holdings and repay long-term debt.
  Sprint paid common and preferred dividends totaling $98 million in the first
quarter of 1998, $100 million in the first quarter of 1997, $430 million in
1997, $420 million in 1996 and $352 million in 1995. Sprint's indicated annual
dividend rate on common stock is currently $1.00 per share.
  Sprint purchased 3 million and 10 million treasury shares in 1997 and 1996,
respectively. Sprint may repurchase common shares on the open market through
1998 to meet share issuance requirements for employee benefit plans and for
the conversion of preferred stock.
 Discontinued Operation
  In connection with the March 1996 Spinoff, Cellular repaid $1.4 billion of
intercompany debt owed to Sprint. Prior to the Spinoff, Cellular's investing
activities required net cash of $141 and $325 million in 1996 and 1995,
respectively, mainly to fund capital expenditures and acquire cellular
 Capital Requirements
  Sprint's investing activities, consisting of capital expenditures and
investments in affiliates, and including funds required for Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and PhillieCo as a result of the PCS Restructuring, are expected to
require cash of $6.9 billion to $7.2 billion for 1998. Dividend payments are
expected to total $430 million in 1998.
  Sprint expects to spend $6.5 billion to $6.8 billion on capital expenditures
in 1998. Of this total, the FON Group, primarily consisting of the long
distance and local telecommunications divisions, will require an estimated
$3.3 billion to $3.5 billion. The remainder will mainly be used to fund
operations and continue to fund the buildout of the network for the PCS Group.
Global One will require $300 to $400 million to fund operations and ongoing
development activities.
  Sprint and the Cable Parents have agreed to loan up to $400 million, based
on respective ownership interests, to fund the capital requirements of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings from the date of the signing of the PCS Restructuring
Agreement, May 26, 1998, through the closing date of the PCS Restructuring.
The PhillieCo Partners have agreed to lend up to $50 million to PhillieCo to
fund operating and working capital requirements and capital expenditures prior
to closing. Sprint has also agreed to loan up to $110.6 million to fund
SprintCom's capital requirements during the same period. Sprint has been
financing SprintCom with Sprint's cash from operations, commercial paper
borrowings and leases on specific equipment. Sprint intends to continue to
fund the buildout of the SprintCom markets through the closing of this
transaction. The above mentioned loans, totaling $510.6 million excluding
loans to PhillieCo, may be repaid from the proceeds of an anticipated IPO, as
further discussed below, but only to the extent the net proceeds of the IPO
exceed $500 million. In the event the loans remain outstanding after the IPO,
the remaining balance will be converted into 10-year preferred stock of Sprint
convertible into PCS Stock. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Funding of the
PCS Group Prior to Closing; The PCS Preferred Stock."     
  At March 31, 1998, Sprint could borrow $744 million under a revolving credit
agreement with a syndicate of domestic and international banks. In addition,
in 1997, Sprint negotiated a separate five-year revolving credit facility with
a bank. At March 31, 1998 and year-end 1997, Sprint's unused capacity under
the committed portion of this facility was $100 million. Sprint could offer
for sale up to $1.1 billion of debt securities under existing

shelf registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Any borrowings Sprint may incur are ultimately limited by certain
debt covenants. At March 31, 1998 and year-end 1997, Sprint could borrow up to
$13.5 billion under the most restrictive of its debt covenants.     
  The most restrictive covenant related to dividends results from Sprint's
revolving credit agreement. As a result, $2.8 billion of Sprint's $3.8 billion
of retained earnings at March 31, 1998 and $2.7 billion of Sprint's $3.7
billion of retained earnings at year-end 1997 were restricted from the payment
of dividends. Among other restrictions, Sprint must maintain specified levels
of consolidated net worth.     
  Sprint currently uses the commercial paper market to fund its short-term
working capital needs. Sprint uses four commercial paper dealers to place the
paper at the most favorable rates and maturities. Sprint also uses the medium-
term note and long-term bond markets as well as other debt markets to fund its
needs. Sprint intends to borrow funds through the U.S. and international money
and capital markets and bank credit markets to fund capital expenditures,
operating and working capital requirements and to refinance existing debt
obligations of the PCS Group.
  Financing activities for the Groups will be managed by Sprint on a
centralized basis. Loans from Sprint or any member of the FON Group to any
member of the PCS Group will be made at interest rates and on other terms and
conditions substantially equivalent to the interest rates and other terms and
conditions that the PCS Group would be able to obtain from third parties
(including the public markets) as a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of Sprint, but without the benefit of any guaranty by Sprint or any member of
the FON Group. Such policy contemplates that such loans will be made on the
basis set forth above regardless of the interest rates and other terms and
conditions on which Sprint or members of the FON Group may have acquired the
subject funds. Any difference between Sprint's borrowing rate and the rate
charged to the PCS Group, which rates are expected to be higher than the rates
at which Sprint obtained such financing, will be reflected in the FON Group
Combined Financial Statements. This process will be governed by the Tracking
Stock Policies as overseen by the Capital Stock Committee.
  Sprint intends to file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-3
relating to the registration of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock aggregating total
proceeds of between $500 million and $525 million, subject to market
conditions. Sprint, subject to a disapproval right held by each of the Cable
Parents, may elect an offering netting higher proceeds in the IPO if the Board
of Directors of Sprint determines that market conditions are favorable to a
larger offering. All of the proceeds in the IPO will be allocated to the PCS
Group. Proceeds in excess of the initial $500 million to $525 million may be
used to repay loans from Sprint and the Cable Parents to Sprint Spectrum
Holdings as discussed above. Neither Sprint nor the Cable Parents would sell
shares on a secondary basis as part of the IPO. Sprint intends to complete the
IPO and the PCS Restructuring concurrently, after stockholder approval of the
transaction, subject to prevailing market conditions and other factors. There
can be no assurance that the IPO will occur. See "The Tracking Stock
Proposal--The IPO."
  Sprint intends to file a shelf registration to sell up to $8 billion of
fixed income debt securities, subject to market conditions, to replace its
existing $1.1 billion available amount of shelf registrations. Proceeds from
the sale of these securities will be used to repay short-term borrowings, to
refinance existing long-term borrowings, and to provide funds for working
capital and new capital expenditures for both the PCS Group and the FON Group.
  Sprint is in the process of negotiating revolving credit facilities for
approximately $5 billion which will be used to support commercial paper
operations and replace its existing credit facilities. Sprint believes the
agreements will be negotiated on market terms, conditions and covenants and
will not place any undue burden on the business plan or execution thereof.
  In connection with the PCS Restructuring and the IPO, FT and DT have agreed
to purchase shares of PCS Stock so that they will maintain their aggregate 20%
voting power. Proceeds from the exercise of these Equity Purchase Rights are
expected to total between $225 million and $250 million. See "FT and DT
Arrangements--Equity Purchase Rights."

  Sprint selectively enters into interest rate swap and cap agreements to
manage its exposure to interest rate changes on its debt. Sprint also enters
into forward contracts and options in foreign currencies to reduce the impact
of changes in foreign exchange rates. Sprint seeks to minimize counterparty
credit risk through stringent credit approval and review processes, the
selection of only the most creditworthy counterparties, continual review and
monitoring of all counterparties, and thorough legal review of contracts.
Sprint also controls exposure to market risk by regularly monitoring changes
in foreign exchange and interest rate positions under normal and stress
conditions to ensure they do not exceed established limits.
  Sprint's derivative transactions are used for hedging purposes only and
comply with Board-approved policies. Senior management receives monthly status
updates of all outstanding derivative positions.
  Sprint's interest rate risk management program focuses on minimizing
exposure to interest rate movements, setting an optimal mixture of floating-
and fixed-rate debt, and minimizing liquidity risk. Sprint uses simulation
analysis to assess its interest rate exposure and establish the desired ratio
of floating- and fixed-rate debt. To the extent possible, Sprint manages
interest rate exposure and the floating-to-fixed ratio through its borrowings,
but sometimes uses interest rate swaps and caps to adjust its risk profile.
  Sprint's foreign exchange risk management program focuses on hedging
transaction exposure to optimize consolidated cash flow. Sprint's main
transaction exposure results from net payments made to overseas
telecommunications companies for completing international calls made by
Sprint's domestic customers.
  Sprint's exposure to market risk through derivative financial instruments
and other financial instruments, such as investments in marketable securities
and long-term debt, is not material.
  The "Year 2000" issue affects Sprint's installed computer systems, network
elements, software applications, and other business systems that have time
sensitive programs that may not properly reflect or recognize the year 2000.
Because many computers and computer applications define dates by the last two
digits of the year, "00" may not be properly identified as the year 2000. This
error could result in miscalculations or systems errors. The Year 2000 issue
may also affect the systems and applications of Sprint's customers, vendors or
  The FON Group started a program in 1996 to identify and address the Year
2000 issue. It is taking an inventory of its network and computer systems and
is creating and implementing plans to make them Year 2000 compliant. The FON
Group is using both internal and external resources to identify, correct or
reprogram, and test its systems for Year 2000 compliance. The FON Group is
also contacting others with whom they conduct business to receive the
appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are or will be
Year 2000 compliant.
  The PCS Group is undertaking an evaluation of its critical systems and is
planning for the remediation and testing to be completed by mid-year 1999. The
PCS Group is also contacting others with whom they conduct business to receive
the appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are or will
be Year 2000 compliant. In addition, the PCS Group uses publicly available
services that are acquired without contract (e.g.,

global positioning system timing signal) that may be subject to the Year 2000
issue. While the PCS Group believes these systems will be Year 2000 compliant,
the PCS Group has no contractual or other right to compel compliance.
  The total cost of modifications and conversions for Sprint is not known at
this time; however, it is not expected to be material to Sprint's financial
position, results of operations or cash flows and is being expensed as
incurred. If compliance is not achieved in a timely manner, the Year 2000
issue could have a material adverse effect on Sprint's operations. However,
Sprint is focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of its operations
that may be affected by the Year 2000 issue and is addressing the most
critical applications first. As a result, Sprint management does not believe
its operations will be materially adversely affected.     
  See Note 18 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion
of recently issued accounting pronouncements.

                        REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Sprint Corporation
  We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Sprint
Corporation ("Sprint") as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related
consolidated statements of income, cash flows, and common stock and other
stockholders' equity for each of the three years in the period ended December
31, 1997. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management
of Sprint. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits. The 1997 financial statements of Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P., a partnership in which Sprint has a 40%
interest, have been audited by other auditors whose report has been furnished
to us; insofar as our opinion on the 1997 consolidated financial statements
relates to data included for Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P., it is
based solely on their report. In the consolidated financial statements,
Sprint's equity in Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. is stated at $749
million at December 31, 1997, and Sprint's equity in the net loss of Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. is stated at $625 million for the year then
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the report of other
auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
  In our opinion, based on our audits and the report of other auditors, the
consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the consolidated financial position of Sprint at December
31, 1997 and 1996, and the consolidated results of its operations and its cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
  As discussed in Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements, Sprint
discontinued accounting for the operations of its local telecommunications
division in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," in 1995.
                                          Ernst & Young LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
February 3, 1998, except for Note 1, as
to which the date is May 26, 1998

                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT
Partners of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P.
Kansas City, Missouri
  We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company, L.P. and subsidiaries ("the Partnership") as of December 31, 1997 and
1996, and the related consolidated statements of operations, changes in
partners' capital and cash flows for the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1997. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Partnership's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
consolidated financial statements based on our audits.
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on
a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as
well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
  In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Sprint Spectrum
Holding Company, L.P. and subsidiaries at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for the three years then
ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
  The Partnership was in the development stage at December 31, 1996; during
the year ended December 31, 1997, the Partnership completed its development
activities and commenced its planned principal operations.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
February 3, 1998

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                      (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                              THREE MONTHS               YEAR ENDED
                             ENDED MARCH 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                            ------------------  -------------------------------
                              1998      1997      1997       1996       1995
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
NET OPERATING REVENUES....  $3,910.9  $3,578.5  $14,873.9  $13,887.5  $12,735.3
  Costs of services and
   products...............   1,884.3   1,794.9    7,451.0    6,912.9    6,504.9
  Selling, general and
   administrative.........     891.1     768.0    3,245.2    3,116.4    2,842.1
  Depreciation and
   amortization...........     467.3     410.9    1,726.3    1,591.0    1,466.4
  Restructuring costs.....       --        --         --         --        87.6
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
  Total operating
   expenses...............   3,242.7   2,973.8   12,422.5   11,620.3   10,901.0
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
OPERATING INCOME..........     668.2     604.7    2,451.4    2,267.2    1,834.3
Interest expense..........     (66.7)    (44.8)    (187.2)    (196.7)    (260.7)
Equity in loss of Global
 One......................     (45.2)    (23.7)    (162.1)     (82.1)     (22.9)
Equity in loss of Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo................    (209.7)    (85.9)    (659.6)    (191.8)     (31.4)
Other income (expense),
 net......................      21.2      34.9      140.5      115.3      (38.9)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Income from continuing
 operations before income
 taxes....................     367.8     485.2    1,583.0    1,911.9    1,480.4
Income taxes..............    (151.3)   (195.2)    (630.5)    (721.0)    (534.3)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 OPERATIONS...............     216.5     290.0      952.5    1,190.9      946.1
Discontinued operation,
 net......................       --        --         --        (2.6)      14.5
Extraordinary items, net..      (4.4)      --         --        (4.5)    (565.3)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
NET INCOME................     212.1     290.0      952.5    1,183.8      395.3
Preferred stock dividends.      (0.3)     (0.3)      (1.0)      (1.3)      (2.6)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Earnings applicable to
 common stock.............  $  211.8  $  289.7  $   951.5  $ 1,182.5  $   392.7
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
  Continuing operations...  $   0.50  $   0.67  $    2.21  $    2.82  $    2.71
  Discontinued operation..       --        --         --       (0.01)      0.04
  Extraordinary items.....     (0.01)      --         --       (0.01)     (1.62)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Total.....................  $   0.49  $   0.67  $    2.21  $    2.80  $    1.13
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
Basic weighted average
 common shares............     430.1     430.5      430.2      421.7      348.7
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
  Continuing operations...  $   0.49  $   0.67  $    2.18  $    2.79  $    2.69
  Discontinued operation..       --        --         --       (0.01)      0.04
  Extraordinary items.....     (0.01)      --         --       (0.01)     (1.61)
                            --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Total.....................  $   0.48  $   0.67  $    2.18  $    2.77  $    1.12
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
Diluted weighted average
 common shares............     438.7     435.8      436.5      427.0      351.3
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========
 SHARE....................  $   0.25  $   0.25  $    1.00  $    1.00  $    1.00
                            ========  ========  =========  =========  =========

          See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                      (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                               ----------- --------------------
                                                  1998       1997       1996
                                               ----------- ---------  ---------
Current assets
  Cash and equivalents.......................   $   158.2  $   101.7  $ 1,150.6
  Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
   doubtful accounts of $165.6 (unaudited),
   $146.7 and $117.4.........................     2,519.1    2,495.6    2,343.6
  Inventories................................       378.5      352.0      305.3
  Notes and other receivables................       444.0      443.4      101.9
  Other......................................       406.7      358.7      331.5
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total current assets.....................     3,906.5    3,751.4    4,232.9
Investments in equity securities.............       397.7      303.0      254.5
Property, plant and equipment
  Long distance communications services......     8,403.7    8,245.5    7,467.8
  Local communications services..............    14,241.7   14,011.5   13,368.7
  Other......................................     1,292.8      953.9      574.3
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
  Total property, plant and equipment........    23,938.2   23,210.9   21,410.8
  Less accumulated depreciation..............    12,024.0   11,716.8   10,946.7
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
  Net property, plant and equipment..........    11,914.2   11,494.1   10,464.1
Investment in and advances to Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and PhillieCo......................       903.4      989.6    1,242.9
Investments in and advances to other
 affiliates..................................       499.6      459.1      284.2
Other assets.................................     1,270.4    1,187.6      347.8
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total....................................   $18,891.8  $18,184.8  $16,826.4
                                                =========  =========  =========
Current liabilities
  Current maturities of long-term debt.......   $   127.8  $   131.0  $    99.1
  Short-term borrowings......................         --         --       200.0
  Accounts payable...........................     1,040.1    1,100.1    1,026.7
  Accrued interconnection costs..............       711.9      672.7      709.0
  Accrued taxes..............................       302.2      270.7      189.2
  Advance billings...........................       204.9      202.9      199.7
  Other......................................       936.0      699.4      770.6
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total current liabilities................     3,322.9    3,076.8    3,194.3
Long-term debt...............................     4,075.7    3,748.6    2,974.8
Deferred credits and other liabilities
  Deferred income taxes and investment tax
   credits...................................       925.0    1,016.5      846.9
  Postretirement and other benefit
   obligations...............................     1,061.2      947.4      919.7
  Other......................................       341.3      358.8      359.0
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total deferred credits and other
     liabilities.............................     2,327.5    2,322.7    2,125.6
Redeemable preferred stock...................         9.5       11.5       11.8
Common stock and other stockholders' equity
  Common stock, par value $2.50 per share,
   1,000.0 shares authorized, 350.3 shares
   issued, and 344.3 (unaudited), 343.8 and
   343.9 shares outstanding..................       875.7      875.7      875.7
  Class A common stock, par value $2.50 per
   share, 500.0 shares authorized, 86.2
   shares issued and outstanding.............       215.6      215.6      215.6
  Capital in excess of par or stated value...     4,469.8    4,457.7    4,425.9
  Retained earnings..........................     3,796.0    3,693.1    3,222.4
  Treasury stock, at cost, 6.0 (unaudited),
   6.5 and 6.4 shares........................      (296.9)    (292.9)    (262.2)
  Other......................................        96.0       76.0       42.5
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total common stock and other
     stockholders' equity....................     9,156.2    9,025.2    8,519.9
                                                ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total....................................   $18,891.8  $18,184.8  $16,826.4
                                                =========  =========  =========

          See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                 THREE MONTHS             YEAR ENDED
                                ENDED MARCH 31,          DECEMBER 31,
                                ----------------  ----------------------------
                                 1998     1997      1997      1996      1995
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net income....................  $212.1  $  290.0  $  952.5  $1,183.8  $  395.3
Adjustments to reconcile net
 income to net cash provided
 by operating activities:
  Equity in net losses of
   affiliates.................   255.5     107.0     843.7     273.7      39.1
  Extraordinary items, net....     1.1       --        --        4.9     565.3
  Depreciation and
   amortization...............   467.3     410.9   1,726.3   1,591.0   1,466.4
  Deferred income taxes and
   investment tax credits.....  (101.9)     41.8     165.7     (10.3)      5.8
  Net (gains) losses on sales
   of assets..................     --        --      (93.2)      7.5       4.2
  Changes in assets and
    Accounts receivable, net..   (23.5)    (92.6)   (127.0)   (982.1)   (135.4)
    Inventories and other
     current assets...........   (60.1)     26.0     (94.4)     15.7     (38.6)
    Accounts payable and other
     current liabilities......   246.7     (75.8)     18.0     362.0     178.1
    Noncurrent assets and
     liabilities, net.........   (11.3)     (6.3)    (18.4)    (25.5)    123.0
  Other, net..................     2.5      (0.9)      5.8     (17.1)      6.4
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net cash provided by
 continuing operations........   988.4     700.1   3,379.0   2,403.6   2,609.6
Net cash provided (used) by
 cellular division............     --        --        --       (0.1)    162.5
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net cash provided by operating
 activities...................   988.4     700.1   3,379.0   2,403.5   2,772.1
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Capital expenditures..........  (787.9)   (574.4) (2,862.6) (2,433.6) (1,857.3)
Purchase of PCS licenses......      --     (25.2)   (460.1)    (84.0)       --
Investments in and loans to
 Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo....................  (123.5)     25.6    (706.3)   (561.0)   (954.1)
Investments in and loans to
 other affiliates, net........   (89.1)     (9.9)   (385.5)    (81.4)    (37.8)
Paranet acquisition...........     --        --     (375.0)      --        --
Proceeds from sales of assets.     --        --      292.3       2.1       6.7
Other, net....................     4.3       4.4      (2.3)     42.4     (17.1)
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net cash used by continuing
 operations...................  (996.2)   (579.5) (4,499.5) (3,115.5) (2,859.6)
Repayment by cellular division
 of intercompany advances.....     --        --        --    1,400.0       --
Net cash used by cellular
 division.....................     --        --        --     (140.7)   (324.6)
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net cash used by investing
 activities...................  (996.2)   (579.5) (4,499.5) (1,856.2) (3,184.2)
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Payments on long-term debt....  (130.3)    (37.5)   (135.0)   (433.1)   (630.0)
Proceeds from long-term debt..   289.5       --      866.5       9.4     260.7
Net change in short-term
 borrowings...................     --     (100.0)   (200.0) (1,986.8)  1,109.5
Proceeds from Class A common
 stock issued.................     --        --        --    3,661.3       --
Dividends paid................   (97.7)    (99.8)   (430.0)   (419.6)   (351.5)
Treasury stock purchased......   (48.8)    (22.7)   (144.5)   (407.2)      --
Other, net....................    51.6      49.0     114.6      55.1      33.9
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Net cash provided (used) by
 financing activities.........    64.3    (211.0)     71.6     479.1     422.6
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Increase (Decrease) in Cash
 and Equivalents..............    56.5     (90.4) (1,048.9)  1,026.4      10.5
Cash and Equivalents at
 Beginning of Period..........   101.7   1,150.6   1,150.6     124.2     113.7
                                ------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Cash and Equivalents at End of
 Period.......................  $158.2  $1,060.2  $  101.7  $1,150.6  $  124.2
                                ======  ========  ========  ========  ========

          See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION

                                                      CAPITAL IN
                                                      EXCESS OF
                            COMMON            CLASS A   PAR OR
                            SHARES    COMMON  COMMON    STATED   RETAINED   TREASURY
                          OUTSTANDING  STOCK   STOCK    VALUE    EARNINGS    STOCK    OTHER     TOTAL
                          ----------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------  --------  ------  ---------
                                                        (IN MILLIONS)
BEGINNING 1995 BALANCE..     348.3    $ 871.4 $   --  $   942.9  $ 2,730.6  $   (9.6) $(10.5) $ 4,524.8
Net income..............       --         --      --        --       395.3       --      --       395.3
Common stock dividends..       --         --      --        --      (348.9)      --      --      (348.9)
Common stock issued.....       0.6        1.4     --       13.5        --        --      --        14.9
Treasury stock issued...       0.3        --      --        --        (3.5)      9.6     --         6.1
Change in unrealized
 holding gains on
 investments, net.......       --         --      --        --         --        --     54.6       54.6
Other, net..............       --         0.1     --        3.6       (0.6)      --     (7.3)      (4.2)
                             -----    ------- ------- ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------
ENDING 1995 BALANCE.....     349.2      872.9     --      960.0    2,772.9       --     36.8    4,642.6
Net income..............       --         --      --        --     1,183.8       --      --     1,183.8
Common stock dividends..       --         --      --        --      (346.1)      --      --      (346.1)
Class A common stock and
 preference stock
 dividends..............       --         --      --        --       (74.9)      --      --       (74.9)
Common stock issued.....       1.1        2.5     --       17.5        --        --      --        20.0
Class A common stock
 issued.................      86.2        --    215.6   3,436.3        --        --      --     3,651.9
Treasury stock
 purchased..............     (10.1)       --      --        --         --     (407.2)    --      (407.2)
Treasury stock issued...       3.7        --      --        --       (52.9)    145.0     --        92.1
Spinoff of cellular
 division...............       --         --      --        --      (260.2)      --      --      (260.2)
Other, net..............       --         0.3     --       12.1       (0.2)      --      5.7       17.9
                             -----    ------- ------- ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------
ENDING 1996 BALANCE.....     430.1      875.7   215.6   4,425.9    3,222.4    (262.2)   42.5    8,519.9
Net income..............       --         --      --        --       952.5       --      --       952.5
Common stock dividends..       --         --      --        --      (343.3)      --      --      (343.3)
Class A common stock
 dividends..............       --         --      --        --       (86.2)      --      --       (86.2)
Treasury stock
 purchased..............      (3.0)       --      --        --          --    (144.5)    --      (144.5)
Treasury stock issued...       2.9        --      --        --       (48.8)    113.8     --        65.0
Tax benefit from stock
 options exercised......       --         --      --       26.2        --        --      --        26.2
Other, net..............       --         --      --        5.6       (3.5)      --     33.5       35.6
                             -----    ------- ------- ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------
ENDING 1997 BALANCE.....     430.0      875.7   215.6   4,457.7    3,693.1    (292.9)   76.0    9,025.2
Net income (unaudited)..       --         --      --        --       212.1       --      --       212.1
Common stock dividends
 (unaudited)............       --         --      --        --       (86.3)      --      --       (86.3)
Class A common stock
 dividends (unaudited)..       --         --      --        --       (21.6)      --      --       (21.6)
Treasury stock purchased
 (unaudited)............      (0.8)       --      --        --         --      (48.8)    --       (48.8)
Treasury stock issued
 (unaudited)............       1.3        --      --        --        (3.3)     39.5     --        36.2
Other, net (unaudited)..       --         --      --       12.1        2.0       5.3    20.0       39.4
                             -----    ------- ------- ---------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------
 (unaudited)............     430.5    $ 875.7 $ 215.6 $ 4,469.8  $ 3,796.0  $ (296.9) $ 96.0  $ 9,156.2
                             =====    ======= ======= =========  =========  ========  ======  =========

          See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint Corporation ("Sprint") has entered into a restructuring agreement
with Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"), Comcast Corporation ("Comcast") and
Cox Communications, Inc. ("Cox," and together with TCI and Comcast the "Cable
Parents") to restructure Sprint's wireless personal communications services
("PCS") operations (the "PCS Restructuring"). Sprint will acquire the joint
venture interests of TCI, Comcast and Cox in Sprint Spectrum Holdings Company,
L.P. and MinorCo, L.P. (together, "Sprint Spectrum Holdings") and the joint
venture interests of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo
Partners II, L.P. (together, "PhillieCo"). In exchange for these joint venture
interests, Sprint will issue to the Cable Parents a newly created class of
Sprint Common Stock (the "PCS Stock"). The PCS Stock is intended to reflect
separately the performance of these joint ventures and the domestic PCS
operations of Sprint's wholly-owned subsidiaries, SprintCom, Inc. and
SprintCom Equipment Company, L.P. (together, "SprintCom"). These operations,
which after the PCS Restructuring will be 100% owned by Sprint (subject to a
40.8% minority interest in the entity holding the PCS license for and
conducting operations in the Los Angeles/San Diego/Las Vegas MTA), will be
referred to as the PCS Group.     
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
 Basis of Consolidation and Presentation
  The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Sprint and its
wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries. Investments in entities in which
Sprint exercises significant influence, but does not control, are accounted
for using the equity method (see Note 3).
  The consolidated financial statements are prepared according to generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). These principles require management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the
reported amounts of revenues and expenses. Actual results could differ from
those estimates.
  The unaudited interim financial information presented has been prepared
according to GAAP and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission. In management's opinion, the information presented reflects all
adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring accruals) necessary to
present fairly Sprint's consolidated financial position, results of operations
and cash flows.
  Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current-
year presentation. These reclassifications had no effect on the results of
operations or stockholders' equity as previously reported.
  Sprint applied Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 71,
"Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," to its financial
statements until December 1995. Under SFAS 71, revenues and related net income
resulting from transactions between Sprint's nonregulated operations and its
regulated local exchange carriers were not eliminated from the consolidated
financial statements. Revenues from these intercompany transactions were $262
million in 1995. All other significant intercompany transactions have been
 Classification of Operations
  The principal activities of the FON Group include (i) its core businesses
consisting of domestic and international long distance communications, local
exchange communications, and product distribution and

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
directory publishing activities, (ii) its emerging businesses, which consist
of the development of new integrated communications services, consumer
internet access services, Sprint Paranet and Sprint International and (iii)
Sprint's Global One strategic international alliance, as well as other
telecommunications investments and partnerships.
  The PCS Group includes Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony
activities and any other domestic PCS services, which include (i) the
investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the investment in PhillieCo, both
of which are reflected on the equity basis and (ii) SprintCom. Upon completion
of the PCS Restructuring, the results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo will be reflected on the consolidated basis in the PCS Group
Combined Financial Statements.     
 Revenue Recognition
  Sprint recognizes operating revenues as services are rendered or as products
are delivered to customers. Sprint records operating revenues net of an
estimate for uncollectible accounts.
 Cash and Equivalents
  Cash equivalents generally include highly liquid investments with original
maturities of three months or less. They are stated at cost, which
approximates market value. Sprint uses controlled disbursement banking
arrangements as part of its cash management program. Outstanding checks in
excess of cash balances, which were included in accounts payable, totaled $225
million at year-end 1997 and $127 million at year-end 1996. Sprint had
sufficient funds available to fund these outstanding checks when they were
presented for payment.
 Investments in Debt and Equity Securities
  Investments in debt and equity securities are classified as available for
sale and reported at fair value (estimated based on quoted market prices).
Gross unrealized holding gains and losses are reflected as adjustments to
"Common stock and other stockholders' equity--Other," net of related income
  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (principally first-in, first-out
method) or market.
 Property, Plant and Equipment
  Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost. Generally, ordinary asset
retirements and disposals are charged against accumulated depreciation with no
gain or loss recognized. Repairs and maintenance costs are expensed as
  The cost of property, plant and equipment is generally depreciated on a
straight-line basis over estimated economic useful lives. Prior to Sprint's
discontinued use of SFAS 71 at year-end 1995, the cost of property, plant and
equipment for the local division had been generally depreciated on a straight-
line basis over lives prescribed by regulatory commissions.
 Income Taxes
  Sprint records deferred income taxes based on certain temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purposes and amounts used for tax purposes. Investment tax credits

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
related to regulated telephone property, plant and equipment have been
deferred and are being amortized over the estimated useful lives of the
related assets.
 Capitalized Interest
  Sprint capitalizes interest costs related to constructing capital assets,
and to its investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and affiliates and its
directly owned PCS licenses. Sprint stopped capitalizing interest on its
investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and affiliates in July 1997 because
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and affiliates no longer qualified as development-
stage companies. Capitalized interest totaled $93 million in 1997, $104
million in 1996 and $57 million in 1995.
  The cost of investments in equity securities was $105 million at year-end
1997 and 1996. Gross unrealized holding gains were $198 million at year-end
1997 and $149 million at year-end 1996.
  Investments accounted for using the equity method mainly consist of Sprint's
investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and Global One.     
  Sprint is a 40% partner in Sprint Spectrum Holdings, a partnership with TCI,
Comcast and Cox and a 47.1% partner in PhillieCo, a partnership with TCI and
Cox. Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo are building the nation's first
single-technology, state-of-the-art wireless network to provide PCS across the
United States. See Note 1 for more information regarding the PCS
Restructuring, which will result in Sprint acquiring the interests of TCI,
Comcast and Cox in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and TCI and Cox in PhillieCo.     
  Combined, summarized financial information (100% basis) for Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and PhillieCo accounted for using the equity method is as follows (in

                                  THREE MONTHS           AT OR FOR THE
                                 ENDED MARCH 31,    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                 ----------------  ----------------------------
                                  1998     1997      1997       1996     1995
                                 -------  -------  ---------  --------  -------
Results of operations
  Net operating revenues........ $ 184.2  $   9.5  $   258.0  $    4.2  $   --
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
  Operating loss................ $(388.9) $(192.5) $(1,379.7) $ (357.6) $ (66.9)
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
  Net loss...................... $(514.4) $(217.1) $(1,632.7) $ (444.6) $(112.7)
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
Financial position
  Current assets................                   $   417.9  $  401.8
  Noncurrent assets.............                     6,640.0   4,041.8
                                                   ---------  --------
  Total.........................                   $ 7,057.9  $4,443.6
                                                   =========  ========
  Current liabilities...........                   $   834.5  $  471.2
  Noncurrent liabilities........                     4,289.4   1,412.5
  Partners' equity..............                     1,934.0   2,559.9
                                                   ---------  --------
  Total.........................                   $ 7,057.9  $4,443.6
                                                   =========  ========


                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  At year-end 1997 and 1996, Sprint's investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
including advances and a vendor financing loan, totaled $1.2 billion.
  In 1996, Sprint purchased $183 million (face value) of Sprint Spectrum
Senior Discount notes for $100 million. The bonds mature in 2006. At year-end
1997 and 1996, the accreted cost of the notes was $118 and $104 million and
gross unrealized holding gains totaled $24 and $18 million, respectively. This
investment has been included in "Current assets--Other" on the Consolidated
Balance Sheets.
  Sprint is also a partner in Global One, a joint venture with France Telecom
S.A. ("FT") and Deutsche Telekom AG ("DT") formed to provide seamless global
telecommunications services to business, residential and carrier markets
worldwide. Sprint is a one-third partner in Global One's operating group
serving Europe (excluding France and Germany), and is a 50% partner in Global
One's operating group for the worldwide activities outside the United States
and Europe. At year-end 1997, Sprint's share of underlying equity in Global
One's net assets exceeded the carrying value of Sprint's investment in Global
One by $158 million. This difference is being amortized through January 2001.
  Combined, summarized financial information (100% basis) for Global One and
all other affiliates accounted for using the equity method are as follows (in

                                    THREE MONTHS          AT OR FOR THE
                                   ENDED MARCH 31,   YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                   ----------------  --------------------------
                                    1998     1997      1997      1996     1995
                                   -------  -------  --------  --------  ------
Results of operations
  Net operating revenues.......... $ 496.5  $ 422.7  $1,937.6  $1,723.7  $779.5
                                   =======  =======  ========  ========  ======
  Operating income (loss)......... $(187.9) $(125.9) $ (782.5) $ (436.4) $  8.6
                                   =======  =======  ========  ========  ======
  Net income (loss)............... $(225.3) $(124.1) $ (826.3) $ (399.7) $ 22.1
                                   =======  =======  ========  ========  ======
Financial position
  Current assets..................                   $1,913.6  $  958.9
  Noncurrent assets...............                    4,221.0   2,737.5
                                                     --------  --------
  Total...........................                   $6,134.6  $3,696.4
                                                     ========  ========
  Current liabilities.............                   $1,965.7  $  714.3
  Noncurrent liabilities..........                    2,105.8     629.6
  Partners' equity................                    2,063.1   2,352.5
                                                     --------  --------
  Total...........................                   $6,134.6  $3,696.4
                                                     ========  ========

  Sprint's investment in Global One, including advances, totaled $93 and $38
million at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively.
  Substantially all Sprint employees are covered by a noncontributory defined
benefit pension plan. Benefits for plan participants represented by collective
bargaining units are based on negotiated schedules of defined amounts. For
participants not covered by collective bargaining agreements, the plan
provides pension benefits based on years of service and participants'

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint's policy is to make annual plan contributions equal to an actuarially
determined amount consistent with applicable federal tax regulations. The
funding objective is to accumulate funds at a relatively stable rate over the
participants' working lives so benefits are fully funded at retirement. At
year-end 1997, the plan's assets consisted mainly of investments in corporate
equity securities and U.S. government and corporate debt securities.
  The net pension cost (credit) consists of the following:

                                                      1997     1996     1995
                                                     -------  -------  -------
                                                          (IN MILLIONS)
Service cost--benefits earned during the period..... $  61.7  $  65.4  $  51.8
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation.......   148.9    138.5    129.7
Actual return on plan assets........................  (448.5)  (353.0)  (472.1)
Net amortization and deferral.......................   240.0    159.4    287.9
                                                     -------  -------  -------
Net pension cost (credit)........................... $   2.1  $  10.3  $  (2.7)
                                                     =======  =======  =======
Discount rate.......................................    7.75%    7.25%    8.50%
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets....    9.50%    9.50%    9.50%
Anticipated composite rate of future compensation
 increases..........................................    4.75%    4.25%    5.00%

  At year-end, the funded status and amounts recognized in the Consolidated
Balance Sheets for the plan were as follows:

                                                            1997       1996
                                                          ---------  ---------
                                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations
  Vested benefit obligation.............................. $(1,966.7) $(1,713.6)
                                                          =========  =========
  Accumulated benefit obligation......................... $(2,129.6) $(1,864.1)
                                                          =========  =========
Projected benefit obligation............................. $(2,240.9) $(1,967.0)
Plan assets at fair value................................   2,929.4    2,584.2
                                                          ---------  ---------
Plan assets in excess of the projected benefit
 obligation..............................................     688.5      617.2
Unrecognized net gains...................................    (585.2)    (481.8)
Unrecognized prior service cost..........................     105.4      100.4
Unamortized transition asset.............................    (122.1)    (147.1)
                                                          ---------  ---------
Prepaid pension cost..................................... $    86.6  $    88.7
                                                          =========  =========
Discount rate............................................      7.25%      7.75%
Anticipated composite rate of future compensation
 increases...............................................      4.25%      4.75%

  Sprint sponsors defined contribution employee savings plans covering
substantially all employees. Participants may contribute portions of their pay
to the plans. For employees represented by collective bargaining units, Sprint
matches contributions based on negotiated amounts. Sprint also matches
contributions of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements.
For those participants, Sprint matches their contributions in Sprint common
stock. The matching is equal to 50% of participants' contributions up to 6% of
their pay. In addition, Sprint may, at the discretion of the Board of
Directors, provide matching contributions based on the performance of Sprint
common stock compared to other telecommunications companies' stock. Sprint's
matching contributions were $54 million in 1997, $56 million in 1996 and $51
million in 1995. At year-end 1997, the plans held 20 million Sprint common

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint provides postretirement benefits (principally medical benefits) to
substantially all employees. Employees retiring before certain dates are
eligible for benefits at no cost, or at a reduced cost. Employees retiring
after certain dates are eligible for benefits on a shared-cost basis. Sprint
funds the accrued costs as benefits are paid.
  The net postretirement benefits cost consists of the following:

                          1997   1996   1995
                          -----  -----  -----
                            (IN MILLIONS)
Service cost--benefits
 earned during the year.  $20.8  $21.7  $22.2
Interest on accumulated
 postretirement benefit
 obligation.............   52.3   49.9   58.7
Net amortization and
 deferral...............  (19.4) (13.7)  (9.4)
                          -----  -----  -----
Net postretirement
 benefits cost..........  $53.7  $57.9  $71.5
                          =====  =====  =====
Discount rate...........   7.75%  7.25%  8.50%

  For measurement purposes, the assumed 1997 weighted average annual health
care cost trend rate was 9%, gradually decreasing to an ultimate level of 5%
by 2005. A 1% increase in the rate would have increased the 1997 net
postretirement benefits cost by an estimated $12 million.
  Amounts included in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at year-end are as

                                                                  1997    1996
                                                                 ------  ------
                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
  Retirees...................................................... $328.3  $277.9
  Active plan participants--
    Fully eligible..............................................  145.2   127.6
    Other.......................................................  269.9   320.7
                                                                 ------  ------
                                                                  743.4   726.2
Unrecognized prior service benefit..............................    5.4     5.7
Unrecognized net gains..........................................  190.0   178.7
                                                                 ------  ------
Accrued postretirement benefits cost............................ $938.8  $910.6
                                                                 ======  ======
Discount rate...................................................   7.25%   7.75%

  The assumed 1998 annual health care cost trend rate was 8.5%, gradually
decreasing to an ultimate level of 5% by 2005. A 1% increase in the rate would
have increased the 1997 accumulated postretirement benefit obligation by an
estimated $61 million.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Income tax expense allocated to continuing operations consists of the

                                                          1997    1996    1995
                                                         ------  ------  ------
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Current income tax expense
  Federal............................................... $385.9  $655.4  $437.4
  State.................................................   78.9    75.9    91.1
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total current...........................................  464.8   731.3   528.5
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Deferred income tax expense (benefit)
  Federal...............................................  174.3   (22.2)   45.9
  State.................................................   (4.8)   23.5   (23.6)
Amortization of deferred investment tax credits.........   (3.8)  (11.6)  (16.5)
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total deferred..........................................  165.7   (10.3)    5.8
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total................................................... $630.5  $721.0  $534.3
                                                         ======  ======  ======

  The differences that cause the effective income tax rate to vary from the
statutory federal rate of 35% were as follows:

                                                          1997    1996    1995
                                                         ------  ------  ------
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Income tax expense at the statutory rate...............  $554.1  $669.2  $518.1
Less investment tax credits included in income.........     3.8    11.6    16.5
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Expected federal income tax expense after investment
 tax credits...........................................   550.3   657.6   501.6
Effect of state income taxes, net of federal income tax
 effect................................................    48.2    64.6    43.9
Equity in losses of foreign joint ventures.............    36.4     8.6     --
Other, net.............................................    (4.4)   (9.8)  (11.2)
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Income tax expense, including investment tax credits...  $630.5  $721.0  $534.3
                                                         ======  ======  ======
Effective income tax rate..............................    39.8%   37.7%   36.1%
                                                         ======  ======  ======

  Income tax expense (benefit) allocated to other items was as follows:

                                                        1997    1996    1995
                                                       ------  ------  -------
                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
Discontinued operation................................ $  --   $  7.0  $  31.2
Extraordinary items...................................    --     (2.9)  (437.4)
Unrealized holding gains on investments (1)...........    4.4     1.7     30.7
Stock ownership, purchase and options arrangements
 (1)..................................................  (26.2)  (14.1)    (7.5)

- --------
(1) These amounts have been recorded directly to "Common stock and other
    stockholders' equity--Other."

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint recognizes deferred income taxes for the temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of its assets and liabilities for financial
statement purposes and their tax bases. The sources of the differences that
give rise to the deferred income tax assets and liabilities at year-end 1997
and 1996, along with the income tax effect of each, were as follows:

                                             1997 DEFERRED      1996 DEFERRED
                                               INCOME TAX         INCOME TAX
                                           ------------------ ------------------
                                           ASSETS LIABILITIES ASSETS LIABILITIES
                                           ------ ----------- ------ -----------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS)
Property, plant and equipment............. $  --   $1,488.8   $   --  $1,304.3
Postretirement and other benefits.........  376.1       --     360.3       --
Reserves and allowances...................  111.3       --     115.6       --
Unrealized holding gains on investments...    --       61.7      --       57.3
Other, net................................  108.5       --     106.8       --
                                           ------  --------   ------  --------
                                            595.9   1,550.5    582.7   1,361.6
Less valuation allowance..................   11.8       --      13.7       --
                                           ------  --------   ------  --------
Total..................................... $584.1  $1,550.5   $569.0  $1,361.6
                                           ======  ========   ======  ========

  The valuation allowance related to deferred income tax assets decreased $2
million in 1997 and $4 million in 1996 and 1995.
  Management believes it is more likely than not that these deferred income
tax assets, net of the allowance, will be realized based on current income tax
laws and expectations of future taxable income stemming from the reversal of
existing deferred tax liabilities or ordinary operations. Uncertainties
surrounding income tax law changes, shifts in operations between state taxing
jurisdictions, and future operating income levels may, however, affect the
ultimate realization of all or some of these deferred income tax assets.
  At year-end 1997, Sprint had available for income tax purposes $4 million of
state alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards to offset state income tax
payable in future years. In addition, Sprint had tax benefits of $49 million
related to state operating loss carryforwards. The loss carryforwards expire
in varying amounts per year from 1998 through 2012.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
  Long-term debt at year-end was as follows:

                                                  MATURING     1997      1996
                                                ------------ --------  --------
                                                               (IN MILLIONS)
  Senior notes
    8.1% to 9.8%............................... 1998 to 2002 $  475.3  $  475.3
    9.5%....................................... 2003 to 2007    200.0     200.0
    9.0% to 9.3%............................... 2019 to 2022    350.0     350.0
  Notes payable and commercial paper                --          866.5       --
    5.4% to 8.9% (1)........................... 1998 to 2006    237.5     194.9
Long Distance Division
  Vendor financing agreements
    7.4% to 8.9%............................... 1997 to 1999     23.8      44.8
    6.2% to 8.4%............................... 1997 to 2007     16.5      23.1
Local Telecommunications Division
  First mortgage bonds
    2.0% to 7.8%............................... 1997 to 2002    452.3     487.0
    4.0% to 7.8%............................... 2003 to 2007    346.0     346.8
    6.9% to 9.8%............................... 2008 to 2012    116.7     116.7
    6.9% to 8.8%............................... 2013 to 2017    169.6     169.8
    8.8% to 9.9%............................... 2018 to 2022    244.9     245.7
    7.1% to 8.4%............................... 2023 to 2027    145.0     145.0
  Debentures and notes
    5.8% to 9.6%............................... 1998 to 2020    237.0     275.3
    2.0% to 9.8%............................... 1998 to 2006      4.6       6.2
Unamortized debt discount......................                  (6.1)     (6.7)
                                                             --------  --------
                                                              3,879.6   3,073.9
Less current maturities........................                 131.0      99.1
                                                             --------  --------
Long-term debt.................................              $3,748.6  $2,974.8
                                                             ========  ========

- --------
(1) Notes may be exchanged at maturity for Southern New England
    Telecommunications Corporation (SNET) common shares owned by Sprint, or for
    cash. Based on SNET's closing market price, had the notes matured at year-
    end 1997, they could have been exchanged for 3.8 million SNET shares. At
    year-end 1997, Sprint held 4.2 million SNET shares, which have been
    included in "Investments in equity securities" on the Consolidated Balance

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Long-term debt maturities, excluding reclassified short-term borrowings,
during each of the next five years are as follows (in millions):

      1998............................................................... $131.0
      1999...............................................................   33.4
      2000...............................................................  693.3
      2001...............................................................   40.8
      2002...............................................................  354.5

  Property, plant and equipment with a total cost of $12.9 billion is either
pledged as security for first mortgage bonds and certain notes or is
restricted for use as mortgaged property.
  During 1996, Sprint redeemed, prior to scheduled maturities, $190 million of
debt with interest rates ranging from 6.0% to 9.5%. This resulted in a $5
million after-tax extraordinary loss.
  At year-end 1997, Sprint had borrowed $618 million of bank notes payable and
$249 million of commercial paper. Though these borrowings are renewable at
various dates throughout the year, they have been classified as long-term debt
because of Sprint's intent and ability, through unused credit facilities, to
refinance these borrowings. Commercial paper and certain bank notes payable
are supported by Sprint's revolving credit facility with a syndicate of
domestic and international banks. Other notes payable relate to a separate
revolving credit facility that Sprint executed with a bank in 1997. At year-
end 1997, Sprint's unused lines of credit totaled $1.1 billion.
  Bank notes outstanding at year-end 1997 and 1996 had weighted average
interest rates of 6.1% and 5.9%, respectively. At year-end 1997, the weighted
average interest rate of commercial paper was 6.8%.
  Sprint was in compliance with all restrictive or financial covenants
relating to its debt arrangements at year-end 1997.
  Sprint has approximately 22 million authorized preferred shares, including
nonredeemable preferred stock. The redeemable preferred stock outstanding, at
year-end, is as follows:

                                                                     1997  1996
                                                                     ----- -----
                                                                     EXCEPT PER
                                                                      SHARE AND
                                                                     SHARE DATA)
Fifth series--stated value $100,000 per share, shares--95, voting,
 cumulative 6% annual dividend rate................................  $ 9.5 $ 9.5
Other--stated value $100 per share, shares--19,493 and 22,800, 4.7%
 annual dividend rate..............................................    2.0   2.3
                                                                     ----- -----
    Total..........................................................  $11.5 $11.8
                                                                     ===== =====

  Sprint's Fifth series preferred stock must be redeemed in full in 2003. If
less than full dividends have been paid for four consecutive dividend periods,
or if dividends in arrears exceed an amount equal to the dividends for six
dividend periods, the Fifth series preferred stockholders may elect a majority
of directors standing for election until all dividends in arrears have been

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  At year-end 1997, common stock reserved for future grants under stock option
plans or for future issuances under various other arrangements was as follows:

                                                                   (IN MILLIONS)
      Employees Stock Purchase Plan...............................      6.4
      Employee savings plans......................................      3.4
      Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan........................      1.2
      Officer and key employees' and directors' stock options.....      8.2
      Conversion of preferred stock and other.....................      1.4
          Total...................................................     20.6

  Under a Shareholder Rights Plan, one preferred stock purchase right is
attached to each common and Class A common share. Each right is exercisable
only if certain takeover events occur. Each right will initially entitle the
holder to purchase 1/1000 of a share (a Unit) of a no par Preferred Stock-
Sixth Series, Junior Participating (Preferred Stock) at $225 per Unit or, in
certain cases, common stock. The Preferred Stock is voting, cumulative and
accrues dividends on a quarterly basis generally equal to the greater of $100
per share or 1,000 times the total per share amount of all common dividends.
No Preferred Stock shares were issued or outstanding at year-end 1997. The
rights may be redeemed by Sprint at $0.01 per right and will expire in June
2007, unless extended.
  During 1997, 1996 and 1995, Sprint declared and paid annual common stock
dividends of $1.00 per share. The most restrictive covenant related to common
dividends results from Sprint's $1.5 billion revolving credit agreement. Among
other restrictions, this agreement requires Sprint to maintain specified
levels of consolidated net worth. Due to this requirement, $2.7 billion of
Sprint's $3.7 billion consolidated retained earnings was effectively
restricted from the payment of dividends at year-end 1997. The indentures and
financing agreements of certain of Sprint's subsidiaries contain provisions
limiting cash dividend payments on subsidiary common stock held by Sprint. As
a result, $567 million of those subsidiaries' $1.3 billion total retained
earnings was restricted at year-end 1997. The flow of cash in the form of
advances from the subsidiaries to Sprint is generally not restricted.
  During 1990, the Savings Plan Trust, an employee savings plan, acquired
common stock from Sprint in exchange for a $75 million promissory note payable
to Sprint. The note bears interest at 9% and is to be repaid from common stock
dividends received by the plan and contributions made to the plan by Sprint
according to plan provisions. The remaining $34 million note receivable
balance at year-end 1997 is reflected as a reduction to "Common stock and
other stockholders' equity--Other."
  In January 1996, FT and DT acquired shares of a new class of convertible
preference stock for a combined total of $3.0 billion. This resulted in FT and
DT each holding 7.5% of Sprint's voting power. In April 1996, following the
spinoff of Sprint's cellular division (Cellular) (see Note 15), the preference
stock was converted into Class A common stock, and FT and DT each acquired
additional Class A common shares. Following their combined investment of $3.7
billion, FT and DT each own Class A common shares with 10% of Sprint's voting
power. During 1997, Sprint declared and paid Class A common dividends of $1.00
per share. During 1996, preference dividends totaled $0.16 per share, and
Class A common dividends totaled $0.75 per share.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  FT and DT, as Class A common stockholders, have the right in most
circumstances to proportionate representation on Sprint's Board of Directors.
They may also purchase additional Class A common shares from Sprint to keep
their ownership level at 10% each. FT and DT have entered into a standstill
agreement with Sprint restricting their ability to acquire Sprint voting
shares (other than as intended by their investment agreement with Sprint and
related agreements). The standstill agreement also contains customary
provisions restricting FT and DT from initiating or participating in any
proposal with respect to the control of Sprint.
  Sprint's Management Incentive Stock Option Plan (MISOP) provides for the
granting of stock options to employees who are eligible to receive annual
incentive compensation. Eligible employees are entitled to receive stock
options in lieu of a portion of the target incentive under Sprint's management
incentive plans. The options generally become exercisable on December 31 of
the year granted and have a maximum term of 10 years. MISOP options are
granted with exercise prices equal to the market price of Sprint's common
stock on the grant date. At year-end 1997, authorized shares under this plan
approximated 11 million. This amount increased by approximately 3 million
shares on January 1, 1998.
  The Sprint Corporation Stock Option Plan (SOP) provides for the granting of
stock options to officers and key employees. The options generally become
exercisable at the rate of 25% per year, beginning one year from the grant
date, and have a maximum term of 10 years. SOP options are granted with
exercise prices equal to the market price of Sprint's common stock on the
grant date. At year-end 1997, authorized shares under this plan approximated
20 million.
  Every two years, the Employees Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) offers all
employees the election to purchase Sprint common stock at a price equal to 85%
of the market value on the grant or exercise date, whichever is less. At year-
end 1997, authorized shares under this plan approximated 18 million.
  In 1996, Sprint adopted the pro forma disclosure requirements under SFAS No.
123, "Accounting for Stock-based Compensation," and continued to apply
Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued
to Employees," to its stock option and employee stock purchase plans. Under
APB 25, Sprint has recognized no compensation expense related to these plans.
  Pro forma net income and earnings per share (EPS) have been determined as if
Sprint had used the fair value method of accounting for its stock option
grants and ESPP share elections after 1994. Under this method, compensation
expense is recognized over the applicable vesting periods and is based on the
shares under option and their related fair values on the grant date.
  The following pro forma information will not likely represent the
information reported in future years because options granted and ESPP shares
elected after 1994 will continue to vest over the next several years. In
addition, compensation expense resulting from the spinoff of Cellular
(Spinoff) (see Note 15) will decline over the next several years.
  Sprint's pro forma net income and EPS were as follows:

                                                           1997(1) 1996(1) 1995
                                                           ------- ------- -----
                                                           (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT
                                                              PER SHARE DATA)
Pro forma net income......................................  $ 908  $1,158  $ 388
                                                            =====  ======  =====
Pro forma basic EPS.......................................  $2.11  $ 2.74  $1.11
                                                            =====  ======  =====

- --------
(1) Pro forma net income was reduced by $3 million ($0.01 per share) in 1997
    and $6 million ($0.01 per share) in 1996 due to additional compensation
    resulting from modifications to terms of options and ESPP share elections
    made in connection with the Spinoff.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  During 1996, Sprint employees elected to purchase 2.8 million ESPP shares
with a weighted average fair value (using the Black-Scholes pricing model) of
$10.06 per share. No ESPP shares were offered in 1997 or 1995.
  The following tables reflect the weighted average fair value per option
granted during the year, as well as the significant weighted average
assumptions used in determining those fair values using the Black-Scholes
pricing model:

                                                                  MISOP   SOP
                                                                  -----  ------
  Fair value on grant date....................................... $9.66  $11.74
  Risk-free interest rate........................................   6.2%    6.2%
  Expected volatility............................................  22.8%   22.8%
  Expected dividend yield........................................   2.3%    2.3%
  Expected life (years)..........................................     4       6
  Fair value on grant date....................................... $9.17  $10.96
  Risk-free interest rate........................................   5.2%    5.2%
  Expected volatility............................................  23.3%   23.3%
  Expected dividend yield........................................   2.5%    2.5%
  Expected life (years)..........................................     4       6
  Fair value on grant date....................................... $6.67  $ 8.73
  Risk-free interest rate........................................   6.9%    7.2%
  Expected volatility............................................  23.3%   23.3%
  Expected dividend yield........................................   2.5%    2.5%
  Expected life (years)..........................................     4       6

Stock option plan activity was as follows:

                                                               WEIGHTED AVERAGE
                                                                  PER SHARE
                                                   SHARES (1) EXERCISE PRICE (1)
                                                   ---------- ------------------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT
                                                          PER SHARE DATA)
      Outstanding, beginning of 1995..............     9.3          $24.67
        Granted...................................     4.3           24.69
        Exercised.................................    (0.8)          19.81
        Forfeited/Expired.........................    (0.5)          27.06
      Outstanding, year-end 1995..................    12.3           24.88
        Granted...................................     4.9           36.94
        Exercised.................................    (2.6)          22.28
        Forfeited/Expired.........................    (1.0)          29.22
      Outstanding, year-end 1996..................    13.6           29.42
        Granted...................................     9.4           46.14
        Exercised.................................    (3.4)          27.17
        Forfeited/Expired.........................    (0.9)          38.10
      Outstanding, year-end 1997..................    18.7          $37.85
                                                      ====          ======

- --------
(1) Due to the Spinoff, the shares and related exercise prices have been
    adjusted to maintain both the total fair market value of common stock
    underlying the options, and the relationship between the market value of
    Sprint's common stock and the option's exercise price.
  Outstanding options held by Cellular employees were converted into options
  and grants to purchase Cellular common stock and are not included in the
  above table.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  After adjustment for the Spinoff, options exercisable at year-end 1996 and
1995 were 8.4 and 6.4 million, respectively. At year-end 1996, the weighted
average exercise price for exercisable options was $27.77. The following table
summarizes outstanding and exercisable options at year-end 1997:

                 -------------------------------- ----------------------
                   NUMBER     REMAINING  WEIGHTED               WEIGHTED
- ---------------  ----------- ----------- -------- ------------- --------
$11.92--$14.96       0.1         2.2      $14.31       0.1       $14.31
$15.18--$19.24       0.1         3.7       17.91       0.1        17.91
$20.08--$24.50       2.7         6.2       23.71       1.7        23.30
$25.11--$29.96       1.8         4.7       27.38       1.4        26.80
$30.22--$39.94       5.0         7.6       35.16       3.0        34.28
$40.06--$49.88       7.3         8.5       44.88       1.9        43.33
$50.31--$58.38       1.7         7.4       51.92       0.1        51.69

  In December 1996, an arbitration panel entered a $61 million award in favor
of Network 2000 Communications Corporation (Network 2000) on its breach of
contract claim against Sprint. The arbitrators directed Sprint to pay one-half
of this award to Network 2000. The remainder was directed to be paid to the
Missouri state court in which a proposed class action by Network 2000's
independent marketing representatives against Network 2000 and Sprint is
  Sprint filed an action in federal district court seeking to have the
arbitration panel's award struck down, modified, or corrected, and asking the
court to enter an order regarding the distribution of the award. In April
1997, the court denied Sprint's request that the arbitration award be struck
down and granted Network 2000's request that the award be confirmed.
  In June 1997, Sprint recorded an additional $20 million charge in connection
with the settlement of both the class action lawsuit against Sprint and
Network 2000 and the related claims of Network 2000 against Sprint. The court
has preliminarily approved the class action settlement and final approval is
expected; however, a number of potential class members have decided not to
participate in the settlement.
  Various other suits arising in the ordinary course of business are pending
against Sprint. Management cannot predict the final outcome of these actions
but believes they will not result in a material effect on Sprint's
consolidated financial statements.
  On January 1, 1998, a "Deadlock Event" occurred due to the failure of the
Sprint Spectrum Holdings partnership board to approve the proposed Sprint
Spectrum Holdings budget and business plan. Under the partnership agreement,
if a partner refers the issue for resolution pursuant to specified procedures
and it remains unresolved, buy/sell provisions can be triggered, which could
result in Sprint either increasing or selling its partnership interest.
Discussions among the partners about restructuring their interests in Sprint
Spectrum Holdings have resulted in the partners entering into a restructuring
agreement (see Note 1).

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Minimum rental commitments at year-end 1997 for all noncancelable operating
leases, consisting mainly of leases for data processing equipment and real
estate, are as follows (in millions):

      1998............................................................... $324.1
      1999...............................................................  276.4
      2000...............................................................  174.2
      2001...............................................................  119.1
      2002...............................................................   97.1
      Thereafter.........................................................  243.7

  Gross rental expense totaled $410 million in 1997, $401 million in 1996 and
$402 million in 1995. Rental commitments for subleases, contingent rentals and
executory costs were not significant.
  Sprint estimates the fair value of its financial instruments using available
market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. As a result, the
following estimates do not necessarily represent the values Sprint could
realize in a current market exchange. Although management is not aware of any
factors that would affect the estimated fair values presented at year-end
1997, those amounts have not been comprehensively revalued for purposes of
these financial statements since that date. Therefore, estimates of fair value
after year-end 1997 may differ significantly from the amounts presented below.
The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of Sprint's financial
instruments at year-end were as follows:

                                             1997                 1996
                                      -------------------- --------------------
                                      CARRYING  ESTIMATED  CARRYING  ESTIMATED
                                       AMOUNT   FAIR VALUE  AMOUNT   FAIR VALUE
                                      --------  ---------- --------  ----------
                                                   (IN MILLIONS)
Financial assets
  Cash and equivalents............... $  101.7   $  101.7  $1,150.6   $1,150.6
  Investment in affiliate debt
   securities........................    142.4      142.4     122.5      122.5
  Investments in equity securities...    303.0      303.0     254.5      254.5
Financial liabilities
  Short-term borrowings..............      --         --      200.0      200.0
  Long-term debt
    Corporate........................  2,129.3    2,301.8   1,220.2    1,348.9
    Long distance division...........     40.3       41.7      67.9       69.0
    Local telecommunications
     division........................  1,710.0    1,812.3   1,785.8    1,846.9
Other financial instruments
  Interest rate swap agreements......      --         0.3       --         0.2
  Foreign currency contracts.........     (0.6)      (0.6)     (0.5)      (0.5)

  The carrying values of Sprint's cash and equivalents approximate fair value
at year-end 1997 and 1996. The estimated fair value of Sprint's investments in
debt and equity securities is based on quoted market prices. The estimated
fair value of Sprint's long-term debt is based on quoted market prices for
publicly traded issues. The estimated fair value of all other issues is based
on the present value of estimated future cash flows using a discount rate
based on the risks involved. The estimated fair value of interest rate swap
agreements is the amount Sprint would receive to terminate the swap agreements
at year-end 1997 and 1996, taking into account the then-current interest
rates. The estimated fair value of foreign currency contracts is the
replacement cost of the contracts at year-end 1997 and 1996, taking into
account the then-current foreign currency exchange rates.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Sprint's accounts receivable are not subject to any concentration of credit
risk. Sprint controls credit risk of its interest rate swap agreements and
foreign currency contracts through credit approvals, dollar exposure limits
and internal monitoring procedures. In the event of nonperformance by the
counterparties, Sprint's accounting loss would be limited to the net amount it
would be entitled to receive under the terms of the applicable interest rate
swap agreement or foreign currency contract. However, Sprint does not
anticipate nonperformance by any of the counterparties related to these
  Sprint uses interest rate swap agreements as part of its interest rate risk
management program. Net interest paid or received related to these agreements
is recorded using the accrual method and is recorded as an adjustment to
interest expense. Sprint had interest rate swap agreements with notional
amounts of $150 and $350 million outstanding at year-end 1997 and 1996,
respectively. Net interest expense (income) related to interest rate swap
agreements was $(200,000) in 1997, $2 million in 1996 and $(400,000) in 1995.
There were no deferred gains or losses related to any terminated interest rate
swap agreements at year-end 1997, 1996 or 1995.
  As part of its foreign currency exchange risk management program, Sprint
purchases and sells over-the-counter forward contracts and options in various
foreign currencies. Sprint had outstanding $29 and $46 million of open forward
contracts to buy various foreign currencies at year-end 1997 and 1996,
respectively. Sprint had $14 and $3 million of outstanding open purchase
option contracts to call various foreign currencies at year-end 1997 and 1996,
respectively. The premium paid for an option is expensed as incurred. The fair
value of an option is recorded as an asset at the end of each period. The
forward contracts and options open at year-end 1997 and 1996 all had original
maturities of six months or less. The net gain or loss recorded to reflect the
fair value of these contracts is recorded in the period incurred. Total net
losses of $40,000 in 1997, $400,000 in 1996 and $1 million in 1995 were
recorded related to foreign currency transactions and contracts.
  In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
SFAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share." This new standard simplifies the EPS
calculation and makes the U.S. standard for computing EPS more consistent with
international accounting standards. Sprint adopted SFAS 128 at year-end 1997.
EPS for prior years has been restated to comply with SFAS 128.
  Under SFAS 128, primary EPS was replaced with a simpler calculation called
basic EPS. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing income available to common
stockholders by the weighted average common shares outstanding. Previously,
primary EPS was based on the weighted average of both outstanding and issuable
shares assuming all dilutive options had been exercised. Under SFAS 128, fully
diluted EPS has not changed significantly, but has been renamed diluted EPS.
Diluted EPS includes the effect of all potentially dilutive securities, such
as options and convertible preferred stock.
  Sprint's convertible preferred stock dividends were $0.5 million in 1997,
1996 and 1995. Dilutive securities, such as options (see Note 9), included in
the calculation of diluted weighted average common shares were 6.3 million
shares in 1997, 5.3 million shares in 1996 and 2.6 million shares in 1995.
Dilutive securities represented 8.6 and 5.3 million shares (unaudited) for the
three months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  On September 30, 1997, Sprint paid $375 million to purchase the net assets
of Houston-based Paranet, Inc., a provider of integration, management and
support services for computer networks. Sprint could pay up to an additional
$70 million if Sprint Paranet meets certain financial targets through 1998.
  The transaction was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.
As a result, Sprint's financial statements reflect Sprint Paranet's results of
operations beginning in October 1997.
  The excess of the purchase price over the tangible net assets acquired was
$357 million. This excess was allocated to noncompete agreements and goodwill,
and will be amortized on a straight-line basis over four to 10 years.
  At year-end 1995, Sprint determined that its local telecommunications
division no longer met the criteria necessary for the continued use of SFAS
71. As a result, 1995 operating results included a noncash, extraordinary
charge of $565 million, net of income tax benefits of $437 million. The
decision to discontinue using SFAS 71 was based on changes in the regulatory
framework and the convergence of competition in the telecommunications
  The 1995 extraordinary charge recognized when Sprint discontinued using SFAS
71 consisted of the following:

                                                              PRETAX   AFTER-TAX
                                                             --------  ---------
                                                               (IN MILLIONS)
      Increase in accumulated depreciation.................. $  979.1   $607.9
      Recognition of switch software asset..................    (99.5)   (61.7)
      Elimination of other net regulatory asset.............    123.1     76.3
                                                             --------   ------
          Total............................................. $1,002.7    622.5
      Tax-related net regulatory liabilities................             (43.9)
      Accelerated amortization of investment tax credits....             (13.3)
      Extraordinary charge..................................            $565.3

  In March 1996, Sprint completed the tax-free spinoff of Cellular to Sprint
common stockholders. To complete the Spinoff, Sprint distributed all Cellular
common shares at a rate of one share for every three Sprint common shares
held. In addition, Cellular repaid $1.4 billion of its intercompany debt owed
to Sprint. Sprint also contributed to Cellular's equity capital $185 million
of debt owed by Cellular in excess of the amount repaid.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Cellular's net operating results, as summarized below, were separately
classified as a discontinued operation in the Consolidated Statements of
Income. Interest expense was allocated to Cellular based on the assumed
repayment of intercompany debt to Sprint by Cellular. The operating expenses
as presented below do not include Cellular's share of Sprint's general
corporate overhead expenses. These expenses, totaling $2 million in 1996 and
$13 million in 1995, were reallocated to Sprint's other operating segments.

                                                               1996(1)   1995
                                                               -------  -------
                                                                (IN MILLIONS)
      Net operating revenues.................................. $190.2   $ 834.4
      Operating expenses......................................  156.0     675.6
                                                               ------   -------
      Operating income........................................   34.2     158.8
      Interest expense........................................  (21.5)   (124.0)
      Other income (expense), net.............................   (8.3)     10.9
                                                               ------   -------
      Income before income taxes..............................    4.4      45.7
      Income taxes............................................   (7.0)    (31.2)
                                                               ------   -------
      Income (Loss) from cellular division.................... $ (2.6)  $  14.5
                                                               ======   =======

- --------
(1) 1996 reflects Cellular's operating results only through the date of the
  The FON Group operates in four industry segments: the long distance
division, the local telecommunications division, the product distribution and
directory publishing division and emerging businesses. Sprint's corporate
assets mainly included investments and loans to affiliates, cash and temporary
investments and general corporate assets. In 1995, corporate assets also
included the net assets of the discontinued cellular division. The long
distance division provides domestic and international voice, video and data
communications services. The local telecommunications division provides local
exchange services, access to Sprint's local exchange facilities, sales of
telecommunications equipment and long distance within specified geographical
areas. The product distribution and directory publishing division provides
wholesale distribution services of telecommunications products and publishes
and markets white and yellow page telephone directories. Emerging businesses,
which consists of the development of new integrated communications services,
consumer Internet access services, Sprint Paranet and Sprint International.
  The businesses comprising the PCS Group operate in a single segment. The PCS
Group is building the nation's first single-technology, all-digital, state-of-
the-art wireless network to provide PCS across the United States. PCS uses
digital technology, which has sound quality superior to existing cellular
technology and is less susceptible to interference and eavesdropping. PCS also
offers features such as voice mail and Caller ID.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  Industry segment financial information follows:

                           LONG          LOCAL        & DIRECTORY
                         --------  ------------------ ------------ ---------- -------  --------- ------------ ---------
                                                                (IN MILLIONS)
 Net operating
  revenues(1)........... $8,954.8       $5,290.2        $1,454.3     $ 57.4   $   --    $   --     $(882.8)   $14,873.9
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........    716.7          934.1             8.2       23.3       --       44.0        --       1,726.3
 Operating expenses.....  7,857.3        3,896.2         1,274.4      221.9      18.5       --      (845.8)    12,422.5
 Operating income(loss).  1,097.5        1,394.0           179.9     (164.5)    (18.5)      --       (37.0)     2,451.4
 Operating margin.......     12.3%          26.4%           12.4%       --        --        --         --          16.5%
 Capital expenditures...  1,218.1        1,258.4            10.5       79.6     153.7     142.3        --       2,862.6
 Identifiable assets....  6,464.6        7,609.7           519.0      585.9   1,693.1   1,312.5        --      18,184.8
 Net operating
  revenues(2)........... $8,302.1       $5,126.8        $1,225.4     $  0.5   $   --    $   --     $(767.3)   $13,887.5
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........    633.3          909.1             7.2        0.5       --       40.9        --       1,591.0
 Operating expenses.....  7,378.1        3,789.8         1,123.8       63.8       0.5       --      (735.7)    11,620.3
 Operating income(loss).    924.0        1,337.0           101.6      (63.3)     (0.5)      --       (31.6)     2,267.2
 Operating margin.......     11.1%          26.1%            8.3%       --        --        --         --          16.3%
 Capital expenditures...  1,133.7        1,142.6             9.4       49.9       --       98.0        --       2,433.6
 Identifiable assets....  5,997.7        7,425.4           446.1       54.3   1,259.8   1,643.1        --      16,826.4
 Net operating
  revenues(3)........... $7,277.4       $4,690.0        $1,147.6     $  --    $   --    $   --     $(379.7)   $12,735.3
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........    581.6          835.6             7.4        --        --       41.8        --       1,466.4
 Operating expenses.....  6,570.6        3,649.2         1,060.9        --        --        --      (379.7)    10,901.0
 Operating income.......    706.8        1,040.8            86.7        --        --        --         --       1,834.3
 Operating margin.......      9.7%          22.2%            7.6%       --        --        --         --          14.4%
 Capital expenditures...    861.7          950.8             7.8        --        --       37.0        --       1,857.3
 Identifiable assets....  4,799.0        6,962.0           395.4        --      973.7   1,944.2        --      15,074.3

(1) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1997 of $3.3
    million, $309.0 million and $570.5 million for the long distance division,
    local telecommunications division and product distribution and directory
    publishing division, respectively.
(2) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1996 of
    $30.9 million, $410.5 million and $325.9 million for the long distance
    division, local telecommunications division and product distribution and
    directory publishing division, respectively.
(3) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1995 of
    $38.9 million, $266.4 million and $336.8 million for the long distance
    division, local telecommunications division and product distribution and
    directory publishing division, respectively. Also included in 1995 were
    intercompany revenues of $262.4 million not eliminated under SFAS 71.
  Operating income (loss) represents sales and other revenues less operating
expenses, and excludes interest expense, equity in losses of unconsolidated
ventures, other income (expense) and income taxes.
  Beginning in July 1997, Sprint changed its transfer pricing for certain
transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market pricing. The
main effect of the pricing change was to reduce "net operating revenues" of
the local telecommunications division and reduce "operating expenses" of the
product distribution and directory publishing division. Had this change been
effective as of January 1, 1995, the operating income for the local
telecommunications division would have been $1.3 billion, $1.2 billion and
$1.1 billion in 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively. The operating income for
the product distribution and directory publishing division would have been
$228 million, $198 million and $180 million in 1997, 1996 and 1995,

                              SPRINT CORPORATION

                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                 ENDED          YEAR ENDED
                                                MARCH 31       DECEMBER 31
                                              ------------ --------------------
                                               1999  1997   1997   1996   1995
                                              ------ ----- ------ ------ ------
Cash paid for:
  Interest (net of amounts capitalized)
    Continuing operations.................... $ 57.4 $40.6 $197.9 $212.1 $263.5
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
    Cellular division........................ $  --  $ --  $  --  $ 21.5 $124.0
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Income taxes............................... $200.3 $ 8.2 $365.8 $695.3 $532.8
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
Noncash activities:
  Capital lease obligations.................. $ 80.9 $ --  $ 30.1 $  --  $  --
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Tax benefit from stock options exercised... $  --  $ --  $ 26.2 $ 14.1 $  7.5
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Net book value of assets and liabilities
   contributed to Global One................. $  --  $ --  $  --  $ 73.3 $  --
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Common stock issued under Sprint's ESPP.... $  --  $ --  $  5.2 $ 65.2 $  3.0
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======

  During 1996, Sprint completed the Spinoff (see Note 15) which had no
immediate effect on cash flows other than Cellular's repayment of $1.4 billion
in intercompany debt owed to Sprint.
  Sprint provided various voice, data and administrative services to Global
One totaling $415 million in 1997 and $361 million in 1996. In addition,
Global One provided data and administrative services to Sprint totaling $114
million in 1997 and $130 million in 1996. At year-end 1997 and 1996, Sprint's
receivable from Global One was $154 and $163 million, respectively, and
Sprint's payable to Global One was $104 and $49 million, respectively.
  In 1995, Sprint's local telecommunications division recorded an $88 million
restructuring charge, which reduced income from continuing operations by $55
million ($0.16 per share). The restructuring plan included the planned
elimination over several years of approximately 1,600 positions, mainly in the
network and finance functions. Through 1997, most of the positions have been
eliminated resulting in termination benefit payments of $42 million, with the
remainder to be paid in 1998 and 1999.
  In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of
an Enterprise and Related Information." This new standard requires companies
to disclose segment data based on how management makes decisions about
allocating resources to segments and how it measures segment performance. SFAS
131 requires companies to disclose a measure of segment profit or loss
(operating income, for example), segment assets, and reconciliations to
consolidated totals. It also requires entity-wide disclosures about a
company's products and services, its major customers and the material
countries in which it holds assets and reports revenues. Sprint will adopt
SFAS 131 in its 1998 year-end financial statements. This statement is not
expected to have a significant effect on Sprint's reported segments.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  In February 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 132, "Employers' Disclosures
about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits." SFAS 132 standardizes the
disclosure requirements for pensions and postretirement benefits where
practical. It also eliminates certain disclosures and requires additional
information on changes in benefit obligations and fair values of plan assets.
Sprint will adopt SFAS 132 in its 1998 year-end financial statements. SFAS 132
is not expected to have a significant effect on Sprint's pension and
postretirement benefit plan disclosures.
  In April 1998, Sprint's Board of Directors declared common and Class A
common stock dividends of $0.25 per share payable June 30, 1998.
  In April 1998, Sprint signed an agreement to sell approximately 79,000
residential and business access lines in rural Illinois. Sprint expects to
complete the sale of these properties, which is subject to regulatory
approval, in late 1998.
  As of January 1, 1998 Sprint adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
Income." SFAS 130 establishes new rules for the reporting and display of
comprehensive income and its components; however, the adoption of this
statement had no impact on Sprint's results of operations or stockholders'
equity. SFAS 130 requires unrealized holding gains or losses on Sprint's
available-for-sale securities and foreign currency translation adjustments,
which prior to adoption were reported separately in other stockholders'
equity, to be included in other comprehensive income.
  Total comprehensive income amounted to $224 million during the first quarter
of 1998 and $290 million during the first quarter of 1997.

                                              1ST      2ND      3RD      4TH
                                            -------- -------- -------- --------
                                              (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE
  Net operating revenues(1)................ $3,578.5 $3,667.5 $3,778.9 $3,849.0
  Operating income(1), (2).................    604.7    595.5    640.7    610.5
  Income before extraordinary items(2),
   (3).....................................    290.0    255.9    211.7    194.9
  Net income...............................    290.0    255.9    211.7    194.9
  EPS from income before extraordinary
    Basic.................................. $   0.67 $   0.59 $   0.49 $   0.45
    Diluted................................ $   0.67 $   0.59 $   0.49 $   0.45

                                              1ST      2ND      3RD      4TH
                                            -------- -------- -------- --------
                                              (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE
  Net operating revenues(1)................ $3,335.3 $3,471.3 $3,502.5 $3,578.4
  Operating income(1), (2).................    574.9    580.9    598.9    512.5
  Income before extraordinary items(2).....    309.3    316.8    316.2    246.0
  Net income...............................    309.3    316.8    312.4    245.3
  EPS from income before extraordinary
    Basic.................................. $   0.78 $   0.74 $   0.73 $   0.57
    Diluted................................ $   0.77 $   0.73 $   0.73 $   0.56


                              SPRINT CORPORATION
- --------
(1) Consolidated net operating revenues and operating expenses reflect certain
    reclassifications to conform to the current presentation. These
    reclassifications had no effect on operating income or net income.
(2) In the 1997 second quarter and the 1996 fourth quarter, Sprint recorded
    nonrecurring charges of $20 and $60 million, respectively, related to
    litigation within the long distance division. These charges reduced income
    from continuing operations by $13 million ($0.03 per share) and $36
    million ($0.09 per share), respectively (see Note 10).
(3) In the 1997 fourth quarter, Sprint recognized gains of $45 million on
    sales of local exchanges and a $26 million gain on the sale of an equity
    investment in an equipment provider. These gains increased income from
    continuing operations by $27 million ($0.06 per share) and $17 million
    ($0.04 per share), respectively.
(4) Sprint adopted SFAS 128 at year-end 1997 (see Note 12). All EPS amounts
    comply with this new standard.

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements
are presented to give effect to (1) the proposed restructuring of Sprint's
wireless PCS operations whereby Sprint will acquire the joint venture
interests of the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the joint
venture interests of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo, in exchange for shares of a
newly created class of Sprint common stock, the PCS Stock, including the sale
of shares to FT and DT to maintain their combined 20% voting interest; (2) the
proposed tax-free recapitalization of Sprint's common stock to be effected by
reclassifying each share of Sprint's Existing Common Stock into 1/2 share of
PCS Stock and one share of FON Stock; and (3) the proposed initial public
offering ("IPO") of the PCS Stock, including the sale of shares to FT and DT
to maintain their combined 20% voting interest. It is Sprint's intent to
complete the IPO concurrent with the PCS Restructuring. The amount of any
proceeds raised in the IPO could vary from the amount assumed to be received.
The acquisitions of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo will be accounted
for using the purchase method of accounting.     
  Sprint proposes to issue approximately $6 billion of fixed income debt
securities. Although Sprint currently expects that the proceeds will be used
to refinance existing indebtedness, Sprint's indebtedness will increase to the
extent such proceeds are not so utilized. The pro forma condensed combined
financial statements included herein do not give effect to the proposed debt
  The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of income include the
historical results of Sprint and the historical combined results of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo for the year ended December 31, 1997 and the
three months ended March 31, 1998, and include the effect of the acquisitions,
recapitalization and IPO as though such transactions had occurred on January
1, 1997. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet is based
upon the historical balance sheet of Sprint and the historical combined
balance sheet of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo as of March 31, 1998.
The historical balance sheet amounts have been adjusted to reflect the
acquisitions, recapitalization and IPO as though such transactions had
occurred on March 31, 1998. Certain historical amounts have been reclassified
to conform to the pro forma presentation. These reclassifications had no
effect on the results of operations or stockholders' equity as previously
  The pro forma condensed combined statements of income are not necessarily
indicative of what actual results of operations would have been had the
transactions occurred at the beginning of the periods presented nor do they
purport to indicate the results of future operations. The unaudited pro forma
condensed combined financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
historical financial statements of Sprint and the historical combined
financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo included
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                                 MARCH 31, 1998
                            (Unaudited, in millions)

                                                        PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                         COMBINED      SPRINT                                 PRO FORMA
                                          SPRINT      SPECTRUM                               ADJUSTMENTS
                           HISTORICAL    SPECTRUM   HOLDINGS AND                             FOR INITIAL PRO FORMA
                             SPRINT    HOLDINGS AND  PHILLIECO                                 PUBLIC       AS
                           ----------  ------------ ------------ ---------------- ---------  ----------- ---------
 Current assets
  Cash and equivalents...  $   158.2     $  135.3     $  (24.0)A                  $   269.5              $   269.5
  Accounts receivable,
   net...................    2,519.1        140.8         (8.3)D                    2,651.6                2,651.6
  Inventories............      378.5         91.0                                     469.5                  469.5
  Notes and other receiv-
   ables.................      444.0          --                                      444.0                  444.0
  Other..................      406.7         41.6       (153.8)C                      294.5                  294.5
                           ---------     --------     --------                    ---------              ---------
  Total current assets...    3,906.5        408.7       (186.1)                     4,129.1                4,129.1
 Investments in equity
  securities.............      397.7          --                                      397.7                  397.7
 Property, plant and
  equipment, net.........   11,914.2      3,722.5                                  15,636.7               15,636.7
 Investment in and ad-
  vances to Sprint Spec-
  trum Holdings and af-
  filiates...............      903.4          --        (606.8)B                        --                     --
 Investments in and ad-
  vances to other affil-
  iates..................      499.6        258.2                                     757.8                  757.8
 Intangibles, net
  PCS licenses...........      544.5      2,452.8                                   2,997.3                2,997.3
  Customer base..........        --           --         313.2 A                      313.2                  313.2
  Goodwill...............      363.3          --       3,647.8 A                    4,011.1                4,011.1
 Other assets............      362.6        392.0        185.4 B                      938.4    $  (9.3)H     929.1
                           ---------     --------     --------         ----       ---------    -------   ---------
 Total...................  $18,891.8     $7,234.2     $3,055.3         $--        $29,181.3    $  (9.3)  $29,172.0
                           =========     ========     ========         ====       =========    =======   =========
 Current liabilities
  Current maturities of
   long-term debt........  $   127.8     $   34.7                                 $   162.5              $   162.5
  Partner advances.......        --         135.0     $ (111.2)E                       23.8                   23.8
  Accounts payable.......    1,040.1        247.7                                   1,287.8                1,287.8
  Accrued interconnection
   costs.................      711.9          --                                      711.9                  711.9
  Accrued taxes..........      302.2          --                                      302.2                  302.2
  Advance billings.......      204.9          --                                      204.9                  204.9
  Other..................      936.0        352.1         (8.3)D                    1,279.8                1,279.8
                           ---------     --------     --------                    ---------              ---------
  Total current liabili-
   ties..................    3,322.9        769.5       (119.5)                     3,972.9                3,972.9
 Construction obliga-
  tions..................        --         486.2                                     486.2                  486.2
 Long-term debt..........    4,075.7      4,411.9         75.4 A                    8,329.5    $(471.2)G   7,733.3
                                                        (121.5)C                                (125.0)G
 Deferred credits and
  other liabilities
  Deferred income taxes
   and investment tax
   credits...............      925.0          --         340.2 A                    1,265.2                1,265.2
  Postretirement and
   other benefit obliga-
   tions.................    1,061.2          --                                    1,061.2                1,061.2
  Other..................      341.3         63.2                                     404.5                  404.5
                           ---------     --------     --------                    ---------              ---------
  Total deferred credits
   and other liabilities.    2,327.5         63.2        340.2                      2,730.9                2,730.9
 Redeemable preferred
  stock..................        9.5          --                                        9.5                    9.5
 Common stock and other
  stockholders' equity
  Common stock
   Common stock..........      875.7          --                           I          875.7                  875.7
   Class A common stock..      215.6          --                                      215.6                  215.6
   FON Group.............        --           --                           I
   PCS Group.............        --           --                           I                           G
  Capital in excess of
   par or stated value...    4,469.8      4,211.0      4,418.0 A                    8,999.8      471.2 G   9,596.0
                                                      (2,516.9)A                                 125.0 G
                                                         112.0 F
  Retained earnings......    3,796.0     (2,707.6)     1,620.3 A                    3,794.4       (9.3)H   3,785.1
                                                       1,087.3 B
  Treasury stock, at
   cost..................     (296.9)         --                                     (296.9)                (296.9)
  Other..................       96.0          --         (32.3)C                       63.7                   63.7
                           ---------     --------     --------         ----       ---------    -------   ---------
  Total common stock and
   other stockholders'
   equity................    9,156.2      1,503.4      2,992.7          --         13,652.3      586.9    14,239.2
                           ---------     --------     --------         ----       ---------    -------   ---------
 Total...................  $18,891.8     $7,234.2     $3,055.3         $--        $29,181.3    $  (9.3)  $29,172.0
                           =========     ========     ========         ====       =========    =======   =========

   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                       THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998
                (Unaudited, in millions, except per share data)

                                                       PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                        COMBINED      SPRINT                                 PRO FORMA
                                         SPRINT      SPECTRUM                               ADJUSTMENTS
                           HISTORICAL   SPECTRUM   HOLDINGS AND                             FOR INITIAL   PRO
                             SPRINT   HOLDINGS AND  PHILLIECO                      PRO        PUBLIC    FORMA AS
                           ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------------- --------   ----------- --------
 NET OPERATING REVENUES..   $3,910.9    $  184.2                                 $4,095.1               $4,095.1
 Costs of services and
  products...............    1,884.3       192.1                                  2,076.4                2,076.4
 Selling, general and
  administrative.........      891.1       252.4                                  1,143.5                1,143.5
 Depreciation and amor-
  tization...............      467.3       128.7      $  1.7 J                      646.6                  646.6
                                                        22.8 K
                                                        26.1 L
                            --------    --------      ------                     --------               --------
 Total operating ex-
  penses.................    3,242.7       573.2        50.6                      3,866.5                3,866.5
                            --------    --------      ------                     --------               --------
  (LOSS).................      668.2      (389.0)      (50.6)                       228.6                  228.6
 Interest expense........      (66.7)      (93.8)        2.6 M                     (145.7)     $14.3 M    (131.6)
                                                         8.6 N                                  (0.2)N
                                                         3.6 O
 Equity in loss of
  Global One.............      (45.2)        --                                     (45.2)                 (45.2)
 Equity in loss of
  Sprint Spectrum Hold-
  ings and affiliates....     (209.7)        --        208.0 J                        --                     --
                                                         1.7 J
 Equity in loss of un-
  consolidated partner-
  ship...................        --        (38.4)                                   (38.4)                 (38.4)
 Other income............       21.2         6.8        (3.6)O                       24.4                   24.4
                            --------    --------      ------                     --------      -----    --------
 Income (loss) before
  income taxes and ex-
  traordinary item.......      367.8      (514.4)      170.3                         23.7       14.1        37.8
 Income taxes............     (151.3)        --        120.9 P                      (24.6)      (5.6)Q     (30.2)
                                                         5.8 Q
                            --------    --------      ------                     --------      -----    --------
  TINUING OPERATIONS.....      216.5      (514.4)      297.0                         (0.9)       8.5         7.6
 Preferred stock divi-
  dends..................       (0.3)        --          --                          (0.3)       --         (0.3)
                            --------    --------      ------                     --------      -----    --------
 Earnings (loss) appli-
  cable to common stock..   $  216.2    $(514.4)      $297.0                     $   (1.2)     $ 8.5    $    7.3
                            ========    ========      ======                     ========      =====    ========
 Earnings (loss) appli-
  cable to common stock:
  Sprint Corporation.....   $  216.2                                             $    --                $    --
  FON Group..............        --                                                 355.4                  355.4
  PCS Group..............        --                                                (356.6)                (348.1)
                            --------                                             --------               --------
                              $216.2                                             $   (1.2)              $    7.3
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  Sprint Corporation.....   $   0.50                                             $    --                $    --
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  FON Group..............   $    --                                              $                      $
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  PCS Group..............   $    --                                              $                      $
                            ========                                             ========               ========
 Basic weighted average
  common shares:
  Sprint Corporation.....      430.1                                                  --  R                  --  R
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  FON Group..............        --                                                       S                      S
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  PCS Group..............        --                                                       T                      U
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  Sprint Corporation.....   $   0.49                                             $    --                $    --
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  FON Group..............   $    --                                              $                      $
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  PCS Group..............   $    --                                              $                      $
                            ========                                             ========               ========
 Diluted weighted aver-
  age common shares:
  Sprint Corporation.....      438.7                                                 --   R                  --  R
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  FON Group..............        --                                                       S                      S
                            ========                                             ========               ========
  PCS Group..............        --                                                       T                      U
                            ========                                             ========               ========
   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                               SPRINT CORPORATION
                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                (Unaudited, in millions, except per share data)

                                                       PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                       HISTORICAL     SPRINT
                                        COMBINED     SPECTRUM
                                         SPRINT      HOLDINGS                                     PRO FORMA
                                        SPECTRUM        AND                                      ADJUSTMENTS
                          HISTORICAL  HOLDINGS AND  PHILLIECO                                 FOR INITIAL PUBLIC  PRO FORMA
                         ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------- ---------    ------------------ -----------
NET OPERATING REVENUES.   $14,873.9    $   258.0                                 $15,131.9                        $15,131.9
 Costs of services and
  products.............     7,451.0        574.3                                   8,025.3                          8,025.3
 Selling, general and
  administrative.......     3,245.2        747.1                                   3,992.3                          3,992.3
 Depreciation and
  amortization.........     1,726.3        316.3      $  3.5  J                    2,241.7                          2,241.7
                                                        91.2  K
                                                       104.4  L
                          ---------    ---------      ------                     ---------                        ---------
 Total operating
  expenses.............    12,422.5      1,637.7       199.1                      14,259.3                         14,259.3
                          ---------    ---------      ------                     ---------                        ---------
 (LOSS)................     2,451.4     (1,379.7)     (199.1)                        872.6                            872.6
Interest expense.......      (187.2)      (123.5)       10.7  M                     (273.9)         $57.0  M         (217.3)
                                                        12.6  N
                                                        13.5  O
Equity in loss of
 Global One............      (162.1)         --                                     (162.1)          (0.4) N         (162.1)
Equity in loss of
 Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and
 affiliates............      (659.6)         --        656.1  J                        --                               --
                                                         3.5  J
Equity in loss of
 partnership...........         --        (168.9)                                   (168.9)                          (168.9)
Other income...........       140.5         39.4       (13.5) O                      166.4                            166.4
                          ---------    ---------      ------                     ---------          -----         ---------
Income (loss) before
 income taxes..........     1,583.0     (1,632.7)      483.8                         434.1           56.6             490.7
Income taxes...........      (630.5)         --        383.1  P                     (215.6)         (22.3) Q         (237.9)
                                                        31.8  Q
                          ---------    ---------      ------          ---        ---------          -----         ---------
NET INCOME (LOSS)......       952.5     (1,632.7)      898.7                         218.5           34.3             252.8
Preferred stock                (1.0)         --          --                           (1.0)           --               (1.0)
 dividends.............   ---------    ---------      ------                     ---------          -----         ---------
Earnings applicable to
 common stock..........   $   951.5    $(1,632.7)     $898.7                     $   217.5          $34.3         $   251.8
                          =========    =========      ======                     =========          =====         =========
Earnings (loss)
 applicable to common
 Sprint Corporation....   $   951.5                                              $     --                         $     --
 FON Group.............         --                                                 1,365.4                          1,365.4
 PCS Group.............         --                                                (1,147.9)                        (1,113.6)
                          ---------                                              ---------                        ---------
                          $   951.5                                              $   217.5                        $   251.8
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 Sprint Corporation....   $    2.21                                              $     --                         $     --
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 FON Group.............   $     --                                               $                                $
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 PCS Group.............   $     --                                               $                                $
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
Basic weighted average
 common shares:
 Sprint Corporation ...       430.2                                                    --   R                           --   R
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 FON Group.............         --                                                          S                                S
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 PCS Group.............         --                                                          T                                U
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 Sprint Corporation....   $    2.18                                              $     --                         $     --
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 FON Group.............   $     --                                               $                                $
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 PCS Group.............   $     --                                               $                                $
                          =========                                   ===        =========                        =========
Diluted weighted
 average common shares:
 Sprint Corporation....       436.5                                                    --   R                           --   R
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 FON Group.............         --                                                          S                                S
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
 PCS Group.............         --                                                          T                                U
                          =========                                              =========                        =========
   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
  The following adjustments have been made in the preparation of the unaudited
pro forma condensed combined financial statements:
Pro Forma Balance Sheet Adjustments
A  To record the purchase of the remaining 60% of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   52.9% of PhillieCo. The consideration given in connection with the purchase
   will be shares of PCS Stock (   million shares, par value $1.00) and
   warrants to purchase additional shares of PCS Stock representing 47% of the
   PCS Group common equity following the PCS Restructuring. The preliminary
   purchase price is based on the estimated market value of the PCS Group and
   will be updated at the time of the PCS Restructuring. The excess of the
   purchase price over the fair value of net assets to be acquired has been
   preliminarily calculated as follows (in millions):     

     Preliminary purchase price...................................... $ 4,418.0
     Transaction costs...............................................      24.0
     Net assets to be acquired.......................................    (896.6)
     Customer base...................................................    (313.2)
     Step-up in long-term debt to fair value.........................      75.4
     Deferred taxes on acquired assets and liabilities...............     340.2
     Goodwill........................................................ $ 3,647.8

  The carrying amounts of the assets to be acquired and liabilities to be
  assumed are assumed for purposes of the preliminary purchase price
  allocation to approximate fair market value, except for certain long-term
  debt of Sprint Spectrum that has been recorded at fair value. A portion of
  the purchase price was attributed to the customers acquired in the Sprint
  Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo acquisitions. In addition, deferred taxes
  have been recorded for the difference in the book and tax bases of the
  assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The above assumptions as to the
  fair value of the net assets acquired are based upon information available
  at the time of the preparation of these pro forma condensed combined
  financial statements. A final allocation of the purchase price to the
  assets acquired and liabilities assumed is dependent on a study and
  analysis of the fair value of such assets and liabilities, including such
  items as the PCS licenses and in-process research and development projects,
  as well as the size of the customer base at the closing date. To the extent
  the customer base exceeds the size currently reflected in the pro forma
  financial statements, the purchase price allocated to the customer base
  will likely increase along with a corresponding increase in the
  amortization of the customer base. To the extent that a portion of the
  purchase price is allocated to in-process research and development, a
  charge which could be material to Sprint's results of operations, would be
B  To eliminate Sprint's historical investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   PhillieCo, accounted for by Sprint on the equity method of accounting
   ($606.8 million), and to reclassify interest capitalized as part of that
   investment to other assets ($185.4 million).
C  To eliminate Sprint's investment in Sprint Spectrum bonds ($153.8 million)
   and the related unrealized gain ($32.3 million).
D  To eliminate Sprint's payable to Sprint Spectrum Holdings ($21.9 million)
   and Sprint's receivable from Sprint Spectrum Holdings ($13.6 million).
E  To eliminate Sprint's advances to PhillieCo.
F  To record the sale of shares to FT and DT (  million shares, par value
   $1.00). As a result of the issuance of PCS Stock to the Cable Parents in
   exchange for their interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo, the
   sale of these additional shares is required in order for FT and DT to
   maintain their combined 20% voting interest in Sprint. The proceeds are
   assumed to reduce the long-term debt of Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
G  To record the sale of shares in the IPO of the PCS Stock ($471.2 million
   proceeds and    million shares, par value $1.00). IPO proceeds of $500
   million have been assumed, net of estimated offering costs of $28.8

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
   million, although the actual amount of the IPO may vary based on market
   conditions. Also to record the sale of shares to FT and DT in order for
   their combined 20% voting interest in Sprint to be maintained ($125 million
   proceeds and    million shares, par value $1.00). The proceeds from both
   the IPO and the sale of additional shares to FT and DT are assumed to
   reduce the long-term debt of Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
H  To write off deferred financing costs associated with the assumed repayment
   of Sprint Spectrum Holdings debt with proceeds from the sale of shares to
   FT and DT related to shares issued to the Cable Parents in connection with
   the PCS Restructuring and proceeds from the IPO and the related sale of
   shares to FT and DT.
I  To record the effects of the recapitalization of Sprint's existing common
   stock into one share of FON Stock, par value $2.00 (   million shares) and
   1/2 share of PCS Stock, par value $1.00 (   shares).
Pro Forma Statement of Income Adjustments     
J  To eliminate Sprint's equity in the losses of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   PhillieCo, historically accounted for by Sprint on the equity method of
   accounting ($208.0 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
   $656.1 million for the year ended December 31, 1997). The amortization of
   interest previously capitalized on Sprint's equity investment in Sprint
   Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo has been reclassified to depreciation and
   amortization expense ($1.7 million for the three months ended March 31,
   1998 and $3.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1997).
K  To reflect the amortization of the goodwill recorded in connection with the
   purchase of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   PhillieCo, which is being amortized over 40 years. The goodwill associated
   with the acquisition of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
   and PhillieCo is directly related to the acquisition of the PCS licenses
   and the ability to provide telecommunications services using these
   licenses. The 40-year life for goodwill is consistent with the 40-year
   amortization period being used for the PCS licenses.     
L  To reflect the amortization of the customer base recorded in connection
   with the purchase of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
   and PhillieCo, which is being amortized over three years.
M  To record a reduction in interest expense and amortization of deferred
   financing costs as a result of the assumed repayment of Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings debt with the proceeds from the sale of shares to FT and DT and
   the IPO. The debt assumed to be repaid consists of the following:     

                                            MARCH 31, 1998  DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                            --------------- -------------------
                                                   INTEREST           INTEREST
                                            AMOUNT   RATE   AMOUNT      RATE
                                            ------ -------- --------- ---------
                                                  (AMOUNTS IN MILLIONS)
   Nortel Vendor Financing................. $708.2  8.95%      $630.0     8.98%
   Lucent Vendor Financing.................    --     --         78.2     8.94%
                                            ------          ---------
                                            $708.2  8.95%      $708.2     8.98%
                                            ======          =========
N  To reduce interest expense resulting from the utilization of increased
   current tax benefits (related to the acquisition of the remaining interest
   in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo and the resulting consolidation
   of these entities). The increased current tax benefits are assumed to
   reduce Sprint's tax liability and Sprint's required borrowings. The
   computation of current tax benefit is performed on a quarterly basis, and
   the resulting amount is applied to reduce the debt balance and, therefore,
   interest expense, from that date forward. Interest expense is computed
   using the weighted-average interest rate on the debt assumed to be repaid
   (Sprint Spectrum Holdings' vendor financing loans).     

                            SPRINT CORPORATION     
O  To eliminate interest income recorded by Sprint and interest expense
   recorded by Sprint Spectrum Holdings related to Sprint's investment in
   Sprint Spectrum bonds.
P  To record the income tax benefit, using the statutory income tax rate,
   relating to the consolidation of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings and PhillieCo.     
Q  To record the impact on income taxes of pro forma adjustments L through N,
   using the statutory income tax rate.     
R  The weighted average common shares outstanding for Sprint are eliminated in
   the recapitalization.
S  The weighted average common shares outstanding for the FON Group reflect
   the recapitalization of Sprint's existing common stock into shares of FON
   Stock on a share for share basis.
T  The weighted average common shares outstanding for the PCS Group reflect
   (1) the issuance of PCS Stock to the Cable Parents (   million shares), (2)
   the recapitalization of Sprint's existing common stock into 1/2 share of
   PCS Stock (   million shares for each period presented) and (3) the sale of
   shares to FT and DT related to the issuance of PCS Stock to the Cable
   Parents (  million shares).
U  The weighted average common shares outstanding for the PCS Group reflect
   the items in adjustment "T", as well as the shares assumed to be sold in
   the IPO (   million shares) and the related sale of shares to FT and DT (
   million shares).

                        ANNEX II--PCS GROUP INFORMATION
   The PCS Stock, when issued, is intended to track the performance of the PCS
Group. The following description should be read in conjunction with the PCS
Group financial statements and the notes thereto provided elsewhere in this
Annex. The term "Sprint Spectrum Holdings" refers to Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company, L.P., and to MinorCo, L.P. and their subsidiaries. Currently, the
partners of Sprint Spectrum Holdings are Sprint Enterprises, L.P., which has a
40% partnership interest, TCI Spectrum Holdings, Inc., which has a 30%
partnership interest, and Comcast Telephony Services and Cox Telephony
Partnership, each of which has a 15% partnership interest. The partners are
subsidiaries of Sprint, TCI, Comcast and Cox, respectively. The principal
subsidiaries of Sprint Spectrum Holdings are Sprint Spectrum, Cox PCS and APC.
The term "Sprint Spectrum" refers to Sprint Spectrum L.P., and its
subsidiaries. The term "Cox PCS" refers to Cox Communications PCS, L.P. and
its subsidiaries. The term "APC" refers to American PCS, L.P. and its
subsidiaries. The term "PhillieCo" refers to PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and
PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. and their subsidiaries. Currently, the partners of
PhillieCo are Sprint Enterprises, L.P., which has a 47.1% partnership
interest, TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc., which has a 35.3% partnership
interest, and Cox Communications Wireless, Inc., which has a 17.6% partnership
interest. The partners of PhillieCo are subsidiaries of Sprint, TCI and Cox,
respectively. The term "SprintCom" refers to SprintCom, Inc. and SprintCom
Equipment Company, L.P., which are subsidiaries of Sprint.     
  The PCS Group, which markets its wireless telephony products and services
under the Sprint and Sprint PCS brand names, operates the only 100% digital
PCS wireless network in the United States with licenses to provide service
nationwide utilizing a single frequency band and a single technology. The PCS
Group owns licenses to provide service to the entire United States population,
including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The PCS Group currently
operates PCS systems in 156 metropolitan areas within the United States,
including 37 of the 50 largest metropolitan areas. By the end of the first
half of 1999, the PCS Group expects to operate PCS systems in all of the 50
largest metropolitan areas and 80 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the
United States. The PCS Group already provides nationwide service through a
combination of (i) operating its own digital network in major metropolitan
areas, (ii) affiliating with companies, primarily in and around smaller
metropolitan areas, (iii) roaming on analog cellular networks of other
providers using Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets and (iv) roaming on digital PCS
networks of other providers. Since launching the first commercial PCS service
in the United States in November 1995, the PCS Group has experienced rapid
customer growth, providing service to more than 1.3 million customers as of
June 30, 1998.     
  The PCS Group consists of the following entities: (i) Sprint Spectrum
Holdings (which includes Sprint Spectrum, Cox PCS and APC); (ii) PhillieCo;
and (iii) SprintCom.     

  Certain other information concerning the PCS Group (after giving effect to
the Tracking Stock Proposal), including the number of Pops covered by licenses
held by the PCS Group, is set forth in the chart below:     

         ENTITY              POPS(1)    OWNERSHIP(2)              LICENSES
         ------           ------------- ------------              --------
                          (IN MILLIONS)
Sprint Spectrum Holdings
  Sprint Spectrum.......      155.9        100.0%    30 MTAs
  Cox PCS(/3/)..........       21.0         59.2     Los Angeles-San Diego-Las Vegas MTA
  APC...................        8.3        100.0     Washington D.C.-Baltimore MTA
PhillieCo...............        9.2        100.0     Philadelphia MTA
SprintCom...............       74.9        100.0     139 BTAs
    Total...............      269.3
- --------
  /1/ Based upon 1997 population data supplied by Equifax Inc.
  /2/ Assumes that the transactions contemplated by the Tracking Stock Proposal
      are completed.     
  /3/ Sprint Spectrum Holdings' current 59.2% ownership interest in Cox PCS will
      not be affected by the Tracking Stock Proposal. Pops data for Cox PCS
      includes 100% of its Pops, not the PCS Group's proportional interest.
  Sprint Spectrum. Sprint Spectrum owns PCS licenses covering 30 MTAs, which
were acquired in the FCC's A and B Block auction in March 1995 for $2.1
billion. Sprint Spectrum's licenses cover approximately 155.9 million Pops,
which include 31 of the 50 largest United States metropolitan areas such as
New York, San Francisco, Detroit, Dallas/Fort Worth and Boston. Sprint
Spectrum launched commercial PCS operations in the fourth quarter of 1996.
  Cox PCS. In December 1994, the FCC granted Cox PCS a license for the Los
Angeles-San Diego-Las Vegas MTA, which covers approximately 21.0 million Pops.
The FCC ultimately set a purchase price of $252.0 million for the license. Cox
PCS launched commercial service in the San Diego area in December 1996 and in
the Los Angeles area in November 1997 and expects to launch commercial service
in Las Vegas by the end of 1998. In December 1996, Cox PCS entered into an
affiliation agreement with Sprint Spectrum under which Cox PCS agreed to
market its wireless services under the Sprint PCS brand name.     
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings currently owns 59.2% of Cox PCS. Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and Cox Pioneer Partnership have entered into an arrangement whereby
Cox may require Sprint Spectrum Holdings to purchase Cox's partnership
interests in Cox PCS, which could result in the acquisition by Sprint Spectrum
Holdings of all remaining partnership interests in Cox PCS. Commencing in
2001, Sprint Spectrum Holdings will have the right to require that Cox sell
its remaining partnership interests in Cox PCS to Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
See "The Tracking Stock Proposal --Amendments to the Cox PCS Agreements."     
  APC. In December 1994, the FCC granted APC a license for the Washington
D.C.-Baltimore MTA, which covers approximately 8.3 million Pops. The FCC
ultimately set a purchase price of $102.3 million for the license. APC
launched commercial service in November 1995 using GSM technology, becoming
the nation's first commercially operational PCS system, and in April 1998, APC
launched commercial service on its CDMA system that overlays nearly all of the
existing GSM system. In January 1995, Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquired a
49.0% interest in APC. Through capital contributions, Sprint Spectrum Holdings
increased its interest to 58.3% and became the managing partner of APC in
November 1997. In January 1998, Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquired the
remaining 41.7% interest in APC.     
  PhillieCo. Sprint, TCI and Cox formed PhillieCo to acquire a PCS license for
the Philadelphia MTA. FCC spectrum limitations placed on wireless providers
prevented Comcast, a partner in Sprint Spectrum Holdings that already owned a
cellular license for the Philadelphia metropolitan area, from owning an
interest in a PCS license for the Philadelphia MTA indirectly through Sprint
Spectrum Holdings. The PCS license for the Philadelphia MTA was acquired in
the FCC's B Block auction in March 1995 for $85.0 million. PhillieCo's license
covers approximately 9.2 million Pops. PhillieCo launched commercial
operations in April 1997.     

  SprintCom. Sprint, with the consent of the Cable Parents, formed SprintCom, a
wholly owned subsidiary of Sprint, to acquire PCS licenses for all of the
geographic areas not covered by licenses held by any other entity within the
PCS Group. In January 1997, SprintCom acquired licenses for $544 million in the
FCC's D and E Block auctions to provide PCS service in 139 BTAs, including 13
of the 50 largest United States metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Chicago and
Houston, thereby completing the PCS Group's nationwide license coverage. The
SprintCom licenses cover approximately 74.9 million Pops. The PCS Group expects
to launch service in certain of the SprintCom markets during the third quarter
of 1998 and intends to reach approximately 38.6 million Pops during the first
half of 1999 (or approximately 50% coverage of its licensed Pops). The timing
of launch in individual markets will be determined by various factors,
principally zoning and microwave relocation issues, equipment delivery and
network optimization schedules and local market and competitive considerations.
  Wireless communications systems use a variety of radio frequencies to
transmit voice and data. Broadly defined, the wireless communications industry
includes one-way radio applications, such as paging or beeper services, and
two-way radio applications, such as cellular, PCS and ESMR networks.
Historically, each application has been licensed and operates in a distinct
radio frequency block.
  In the wireless communications industry there are two principal services
licensed by the FCC for transmitting two-way, real time voice and data signals:
"cellular" and "PCS." Cellular, which uses the 800 MHz frequency block, is the
predominant form of wireless voice communications service utilized by
subscribers today. Cellular systems are predominantly analog-based systems,
although digital technology has been introduced in most metropolitan markets.
Analog-based systems send signals in which the transmitted signal resembles the
input signal, while in digital systems the input signal is coded into a binary
form before the signal is transmitted.
  In 1993, the FCC allocated the 1900 MHz frequency block of the radio spectrum
for the provision of a new wireless personal communications service, commonly
known as PCS. PCS differs from traditional analog cellular telephone service
principally in that PCS systems operate at a higher frequency and employ
advanced digital technology. Digital systems convert voice or data signals into
a stream of digits that permit a single radio channel to carry multiple
simultaneous transmissions. Digital systems also achieve greater frequency
reuse than analog systems resulting in greater capacity than analog systems.
This enhanced capacity, along with enhancements in digital protocols, allows
digital-based wireless technologies (whether using PCS or cellular frequencies)
to offer new and enhanced services, such as greater call privacy and more
robust data transmission features, such as "mobile office" applications
(including facsimile, electronic mail and connecting notebook computers with
computer/data networks).
  Cellular service was first introduced in the United States in 1983. As of
December 31, 1997, according to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry
Association ("CTIA"), there were 55.3 million wireless telephone subscribers in
the United States, representing an overall wireless penetration rate of 20.6%
and a growth rate of 25.6% from December 31, 1996.     
  The following table sets forth certain statistics for the domestic wireless
telephone industry as a whole, as published semi-annually by the CTIA.

                                            YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                     1997     1996     1995     1994     1993
                                    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
   Total Service Revenues (in
    billions).....................  $  27.5  $  23.6  $  19.1  $  14.2  $  10.9
   Ending Wireless Subscribers (in
    millions).....................     55.3     44.0     33.8     24.1     16.0
   Subscriber Growth..............     25.6%    30.4%    40.0%    50.8%    45.1%
   Average Monthly Revenue per
    Subscriber....................  $ 41.12  $ 44.66  $ 47.59  $ 51.48  $ 58.74
   Ending Penetration.............     20.6%    16.5%    12.8%     9.2%     6.2%

  Paul Kagan Associates estimates that the number of cellular and PCS wireless
service subscribers will reach 89.2 million by the year 2000. The PCS Group
believes that a significant portion of the predicted growth in the consumer
market for wireless telecommunications will result from anticipated declines
in costs of service, increased functional versatility, and increased awareness
of the productivity, convenience and privacy benefits associated with the
services provided by PCS providers, which are the first direct wireless
competitors of cellular providers to offer all-digital mobile networks. The
PCS Group also believes that the rapid growth of notebook computers and
personal digital assistants, combined with emerging software applications for
delivery of electronic mail, fax and database searching, will contribute to
the growing demand for wireless service.     
  Wireless communications systems, whether PCS or cellular, are divided into
multiple geographic areas, known as "cells." In both PCS and cellular systems,
each cell contains a transmitter, a receiver and signaling equipment (the
"Cell Site"). The Cell Site is connected by microwave or landline telephone
lines to a switch that uses computers to control the operation of the cellular
or PCS communications system for the entire service area. The system controls
the transfer of calls from cell to cell as a subscriber's handset travels,
coordinates calls to and from handsets, allocates calls among the cells within
the system and connects calls to the local landline telephone system or to a
long distance carrier. Wireless communications providers establish
interconnection agreements with local exchange carriers and interexchange
carriers, thereby integrating their system with the existing landline
communications system. Because the signal strength of a transmission between a
handset and a Cell Site declines as the handset moves away from the Cell Site,
the switching office and the Cell Site monitor the signal strength of calls in
progress. When the signal strength of a call declines to a predetermined
level, the switching office may "hand off" the call to another Cell Site where
the signal strength is stronger.
  Wireless digital signal transmission is accomplished through the use of
various forms of frequency management technology or "air interface protocols."
The FCC has not mandated a universal air interface protocol for PCS systems.
PCS systems operate under one of three principal air interface protocols:
CDMA, TDMA and GSM. TDMA and GSM are both time division multiple access
systems but are incompatible with each other and with CDMA, which is a code
division multiple access system and is incompatible with both GSM and TDMA.
Accordingly, a subscriber of a system that utilizes CDMA technology is unable
to use a CDMA handset when travelling in an area not served by CDMA-based PCS
operators, unless the customer carries a Dual Band/Dual-Mode Handset that
permits the customer to use the analog cellular system in that area. The same
issue would apply to users of TDMA or GSM systems. This is also true for PCS
customers seeking to roam in a PCS service area served by other operators that
do not use CDMA as their air interface protocol. In addition, the quality of
the service provided by a network provider during a roaming call may not
approximate the quality of the service provided by the customer's primary
carrier, the price of a roaming call may not be competitive with prices of
other wireless companies for such call and the customer may not be able to use
any of the advanced features (e.g., voice mail notification) the subscriber
enjoys when making calls from within the network of the customer's primary
  The business objective of the PCS Group is to expand network coverage and
increase market penetration by aggressively marketing competitively priced PCS
products and services under the Sprint and Sprint PCS brand names, offering
enhanced services and seeking to provide superior customer service. The
principal elements of the PCS Group strategy for achieving these goals are:
  Operate a Nationwide Digital Wireless Network. The PCS Group is the only PCS
provider in the United States with a 100% digital PCS wireless network with
licenses to provide services nationwide utilizing a single frequency band and
a single technology. Management believes that the PCS Group's all-digital
network provides its customers with consistency of service and features in all
of its markets. The scope of its network also allows     

the PCS Group to provide its customers with flexible pricing and promotions on
a national basis while retaining local flexibility. In addition, the operating
scale of the PCS Group's network is expected to result in significant cost
advantages in purchasing power, operations and marketing. The PCS Group plans
to complete the initial phase of construction in its SprintCom markets,
including Chicago, Atlanta and Houston, by the end of the first half of 1999.
  Leverage Sprint's National Brand. Management believes that using the
established Sprint brand contributes significantly to consumer confidence in,
and acceptance of, the PCS Group's products and services. As competition in
the wireless industry intensifies, management believes that the power of a
strong national brand will play an increasingly important role in consumers'
purchase decisions.     
  Utilize State-of-the-Art CDMA Technology. The PCS Group utilizes a state-of-
the-art PCS network using CDMA digital technology which, management believes,
provides significant operating and customer benefits relative to analog and
other digital technologies. Management believes that its implementation of
CDMA digital technology will eventually provide system capacity that is
approximately 7 to 10 times greater than that of analog technology and 3 times
greater than that of TDMA systems, resulting in significant operating and cost
efficiencies which can be passed on to customers. Additionally, management
believes that CDMA technology provides call quality that is superior to that
of other wireless technologies.     
  Deliver Superior Value to its Customers. In marketing its services, the PCS
Group emphasizes the superior voice quality and functional capabilities of its
wireless service compared to that of analog cellular service. In addition, the
PCS Group bundles its basic service offering with a package of sophisticated
features which either cannot be offered by analog cellular providers or for
which they typically charge their customers separately. The PCS Group also
offers several innovative pricing plans that allow its customers to select
billing plans that suit their usage patterns, none of which requires customers
to sign a long-term service contract. Management believes that its ability to
provide wireless service at competitive prices without long-term contracts is
an important marketing advantage.     
  Grow Customer Base Using Multiple Distribution Channels. The PCS Group seeks
to maximize customer growth in each market by utilizing multiple distribution
channels. The PCS Group's products are currently available at over 5,000
retail locations nationwide, including retailers such as RadioShack, Circuit
City and Best Buy. The PCS Group plans to have approximately 8,000 retail
locations by the end of the first half of 1999. The PCS Group also seeks
innovative distribution channels through which to market its products, such as
the Sprint Store-Within-A-Store at RadioShack which includes an exclusive
arrangement pursuant to which the only PCS products offered by RadioShack-
owned stores in the markets in which the PCS Group has launched operations are
the PCS Group's products. In addition, the PCS Group operates 117 retail
locations and plans to operate approximately 200 retail locations by the end
of the first half of 1999. The PCS Group also uses telemarketing, direct sales
and cross-marketing and continually evaluates other alternative distribution
channels with Sprint, including sales agency, resale, and other arrangements.
  Continue Network Expansion. The PCS Group plans to continue the expansion of
its existing network. In addition, the PCS Group is expanding its wireless
coverage, primarily in and around smaller metropolitan areas where it does not
intend to serve customers with its own network, by pursuing affiliation
arrangements with other companies to build networks in portions of the PCS
Group's licensed coverage area at such companies' own expense and then
affiliate the networks with the PCS Group. Such networks are expected to be
built using the same technological standards as those of the PCS Group
network. These companies will use the Sprint PCS brand name to market their
services in exchange for a fee and will be required to maintain certain
quality standards to be established by the PCS Group. As of July 29, 1998, the
PCS Group had entered into agreements with 10 companies covering an aggregate
of approximately 24 million Pops in 16 states.     

  The PCS Group's principal marketing strategy is to differentiate itself
through its state-of-the-art network, Sprint brand name, a variety of
sophisticated features, attractive pricing plans, superior customer service
and the ability to bundle Sprint PCS service with the telecommunications
services offered by the FON Group.
  The Sprint Brand Name. The PCS Group prominently features the nationally
recognized Sprint brand name and logo on its products and services. The PCS
Group believes that the use of the Sprint brand name will continue to be a
distinct marketing advantage.
  Customer Care. The PCS Group considers quality customer care to be a
critical element of its marketing and operating philosophy. In an effort to
minimize service disruptions to customers, the PCS Group's national network
control center in Lenexa, Kansas continually monitors the performance of its
PCS network and provides rapid response for system maintenance needs. A total
of approximately 1,155 customer care representatives in Fort Worth, Texas and
in other customer care centers located in Irvine, California and Herndon,
Virginia are available to address customers' questions about PCS service,
activation, changing personal options and other service options on a 24 hour/7
day a week basis. The PCS Group also uses a vendor to provide additional
customer care support. Customer care representatives are accessible from any
point within the network on a PCS Group handset at no charge or can be
accessed by any other telephone by calling a toll-free number. All customer
care service representatives undergo a required initial training regimen and
participate in ongoing training programs designed to meet customer needs. In
order to meet the demand for customer care, the PCS Group intends to launch a
fourth customer care center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico by the end of 1998. This
customer care center is expected to add 700 customer care representatives by
the end of 1998.     
  Pricing. The PCS Group's pricing strategy is based on simple,
straightforward service plans. The PCS Group's consumer pricing plans are
typically structured with competitive monthly recurring charges, large local
calling areas, enhanced service features (such as voicemail, caller ID, call
waiting and three-way calling) and competitive per-minute rates. Lower per-
minute rates relative to analog cellular providers are possible because the
CDMA system has greater capacity, thereby enabling the PCS Group to market
high usage customer plans at lower prices. The PCS Group also offers its
customers savings through expanded home service area plans and other special
pricing features, like "first incoming minute free." Two national pricing
plans, Home Rate USASM and Toll-Free USASM, which were launched in 1997, are
examples of how the PCS Group offers customers creative pricing. Home Rate USA
allows customers traveling to other PCS Group markets to have their home
market rate apply. Toll-Free USA essentially eliminates uncertainty about long
distance cost by providing 1,000 domestic minutes of long distance calls per
month for a fixed fee.     
  Advertising and Promotions. The PCS Group leverages Sprint's substantial
investment in national advertising to build its brand awareness. The PCS Group
uses national as well as regional television, radio, print, outdoor and other
advertising campaigns using the Sprint and Sprint PCS brand names to promote
its products. In its advertising and promotional campaigns, the PCS Group
emphasizes its superior voice quality as "the clear alternative to cellular."
The PCS Group also runs numerous promotional campaigns which provide customers
with benefits such as additional features at the same rate or free minutes of
use for limited time periods.
  Sponsorships. The PCS Group is a sponsor of numerous selective, broad-based
national, regional and local events, including the National Football League
and Treadway IndyCar Racing. These sponsorships provide the PCS Group with
brand name and product recognition in high profile events, provide a forum for
sales and promotional events and enhance the PCS Group's local presence.
  Bundling of Services and Cross-Marketing with the FON Group. The PCS Group
intends to take advantage of the complete array of communications services
offered by the FON Group by bundling its PCS service with other FON Group
products, such as long distance and local service. The PCS Group also plans to
actively cross-market with the FON Group's divisions and capitalize on the
size and breadth of its customer base in long distance and local service. Any
benefits that may result from such bundling or cross-marketing will be shared

with the FON Group pursuant to the Tracking Stock Policies. The FON Group and
the PCS Group expect to consider cross-marketing opportunities, which may
include sales agency, resale or other arrangements that would be implemented
in accordance with the Tracking Stock Policies.     
  The PCS Group uses multiple distribution channels to market its products and
services, including its own retail stores, third-party retail stores, its own
direct sales force, telemarketing and other channels. The PCS Group expects
its retail channels to be the largest contributor to customer additions. The
PCS Group will continue to evaluate alternative distribution channels in the
  Sprint PCS Retail Stores. As of June 30, 1998, the PCS Group had opened 117
Sprint PCS retail locations. At a Sprint PCS retail store, trained sales
representatives assist customers in acquiring their PCS handsets and choosing
their rate plan and also offer after-sales support. The PCS Group expects to
have approximately 200 Sprint PCS retail locations in operation by the end of
the first half of 1999.     
  Third Party Retail Stores. The PCS Group currently sells its products and
services in over 5,000 third party retail locations. The PCS Group expects to
increase the number of third-party retail stores to approximately 8,000 retail
locations by the end of the first half of 1999. The PCS Group provides
training and support for the retailer's sales personnel. The PCS Group
launched its third party retail distribution channel in 1995 with RadioShack,
which now sells Sprint PCS products in approximately 2,500 locations and has
approximately 25,000 of its employees trained in PCS sales. Many RadioShack
stores contain a Sprint Store-Within-A-Store which sells PCS Group and FON
Group services and products. In addition to RadioShack, the PCS Group has
third-party distribution arrangements with major national and regional
retailers, including Office Max, Office Depot, Circuit City, Best Buy,
Dillard's, The May Company Department Stores, Car Toys, Fred Meyer, Sam's
Wholesale Clubs, Ritz Camera and The Good Guys.     
  Direct Sales Force. The PCS Group has divided its direct sales force into
the business-to-business sales force and the national sales team. The
business-to-business sales force is locally based and targets businesses
within the local coverage area. The national sales team targets large
companies who purchase their wireless products and services on a national
  Telemarketing and Other Channels. The PCS Group operates an inbound
telemarketing effort and also distributes its services through cross-marketing
efforts with Sprint.
  The PCS Group currently offers several value-added services and features
that generally are not offered by analog cellular providers and are offered by
digital competitors to varying extents:
  Enhanced Features. The PCS Group's standard service includes a number of
enhanced features that are not generally offered on most traditional analog
cellular phones without additional cost, including Call Waiting, Caller ID,
Call Forwarding and Three-Way Calling.     
  Messaging Services. The PCS Group offers a number of message services,
including voicemail and numeric paging. The PCS Group is in the process of
extending the benefits of its nationwide voice messaging service platform by
offering Enhanced Voicemail which will permit customers of the PCS Group to
send, reply to and forward messages to other PCS Group voicemail customers.
Enhanced Voicemail is expected to be available to PCS Group customers by the
end of the third quarter of 1998.
  Call Security and Privacy. Digital wireless communications systems provide
increased call security from fraud and eavesdropping by persons using
scanners, which permits users to make private business and personal calls with
significantly lower risk of cloning and eavesdropping than on analog-based
systems. Customers

(including PCS Group customers) using dual-mode handsets in analog mode do not
have the benefit of digital security.
  Data Services. The PCS Group expects to introduce several data services,
including text messaging and facsimile capabilities, in select markets by the
end of 1998 with full roll out in 1999. Text messaging will allow customers to
receive alpha-numeric messages of up to 100 characters in length. Senders will
be able to create messages via the Sprint PCS web site, e-mail or personal
computer software. Using a data cable, customers also will be able to connect
their handsets to a personal computer and use their handsets to connect to a
landline network at speeds up to 14.4 Kbps.     
  Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets. Through Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets, the PCS
Group offers customers the ability to make and receive calls on both PCS and
cellular frequency bands utilizing the appropriate digital or analog
technology. These advanced handsets allow roaming on cellular networks in
areas where the PCS Group's digital service is not offered. The PCS Group's
Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets do not allow for automatic call hand-off between
the PCS Group's network and another wireless network, thus requiring a
customer to initiate a new call when leaving the PCS Group's network.     
  Extended Battery Life. CDMA digital handsets use advanced battery technology
and have lower power requirements than analog cellular and other digital
technologies. The PCS Group believes that this feature increases usage,
especially for incoming calls, as the handset can be left on longer than
handsets for analog cellular and other digital systems. However, Dual-
Band/Dual-Mode Handsets do not have longer battery life when operating in
analog mode.     
  Network Buildout and Expansion. The initial buildout of the PCS Group's
network involved systems design, acquisition and construction of cell sites,
equipment procurement and installation, interconnection with other
communications providers, microwave relocation and implementation of advanced
management and information systems. As of the end of 1997, the PCS Group's
network was able to provide service in areas covering 105 million Pops or 54%
of its licensed MTA Pops (or 40% of total Pops). Although there continues to
be significant buildout activity, the emphasis and focus in many of the
markets served by the PCS Group shifted during 1997 from an initial network
buildout process to network operations.     
  The PCS Group is actively constructing its network in the SprintCom markets,
which include 13 of the 50 largest metropolitan areas (including Chicago,
Atlanta and Houston). When the initial buildout of SprintCom markets is
complete (which is expected to occur by the end of the first half of 1999),
the PCS Group expects to have network coverage of 38.6 million Pops in
addition to the 105 million Pops already covered by the PCS Group network.
With respect to the SprintCom markets, of the approximately 3,200 sites
budgeted for the SprintCom buildout, approximately 2,950 sites are leased and
construction has commenced on approximately 2,300 sites.     
  The PCS Group's principal network objective is to maximize the quality of
coverage (i.e., sound quality and in-building penetration) and depth of
coverage (i.e., network availability when a customer wants to make a call).
The PCS Group evaluates coverage expansion within its markets in commercial
operation on a market-by-market basis and considers, among other things,
population and traffic density, FCC coverage requirements, capital
requirements and the ability to cluster groups of markets. The PCS Group
evaluates coverage availability through its national network control center in
Lenexa, Kansas.     
  The PCS Group selected CDMA digital technology because of its increased
customer capacity relative to other technologies, higher quality of
transmission and expected long term lower infrastructure and ongoing support
costs. The PCS Group believes that CDMA provides significant advantages over
competing air interface protocols including superior voice quality, cost
effectiveness, increased functionality and greater security and     

capacity. The PCS Group believes that CDMA is the leading digital wireless air
interface protocol in North America.
  Affiliation Agreements. The PCS Group also intends to expand network coverage
by contracting with other companies that desire to build and manage portions of
the nationwide network for the PCS Group. See "--Strategy--Continue Network
  Roaming Agreements. The PCS Group has entered into roaming agreements with
various analog cellular carriers encompassing 90% of the geographic area
covered by cellular service in the United States (85% when counting agreements
that have been implemented). Pursuant to these roaming agreements, PCS Group
customers who have Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets have the ability to roam
automatically in many areas where PCS service is not or will not be available.
In geographic areas not covered by an automatic roaming agreement in which
there is an analog cellular provider, customers may roam manually (i.e. by
providing an operator with a credit card number). The PCS Group also has
negotiated roaming agreements with other CDMA PCS carriers who provide service
in some of the geographic areas not covered by the PCS Group's network. The PCS
Group intends to continue to expand the ability for its customers to roam both
domestically and internationally.     
  Vendors. The PCS Group selected Lucent Technologies, Inc., Northern Telecom,
Inc. and Motorola to provide the PCS technology for its wireless network
because of their extensive experience in wireless technology and their
willingness to guarantee delivery in accordance with specifications developed
by the PCS Group. These vendors provide the PCS Group with infrastructure
equipment including switches, base station controllers and PCS transmitters and
receivers and in certain cases vendor financing. The PCS Group also contracts
with various vendors for the supply of towers, cabling, hardware and software
and other equipment necessary to support the network.     
  The PCS Group has entered into purchase agreements with most major
manufacturers of CDMA handsets, of which two also currently provide the PCS
Group with Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets. The PCS Group intends to enter into
additional agreements with other handset vendors in the future.     
  The PCS Group purchases long distance services from Sprint at wholesale rates
which the PCS Group uses in providing long distance services to its customers,
and intends to continue to purchase such services from the FON Group. The PCS
Group intends to purchase long distance services only from the FON Group.     
  Competition for customers among wireless providers is based principally upon
the services and features offered, the technical quality of the wireless
system, the distribution system for products and services, customer service,
system coverage, capacity and price. Such competition may increase to the
extent that licenses are transferred from smaller stand-alone operations to
larger, better capitalized and more experienced wireless communications
operations that may be able to offer customers certain network advantages
similar to those offered by the PCS Group.
  The PCS Group competes with other two-way wireless service providers,
including cellular and, in some markets, PCS operators and resellers. The PCS
Group also competes with paging, ESMR dispatch and conventional mobile
telephone companies in its markets. Potential users of PCS systems may find
their communications needs satisfied by other current and developing
technologies. One or two-way paging or beeper services that feature voice
messaging and data display as well as tone-only service may be adequate for
potential customers who do not need to speak to the caller.     
  The PCS Group directly competes with existing cellular service providers in
its markets, many of which have been operational for a number of years, have
greater local geographical coverage, and some of which have significantly
greater financial resources than those of the PCS Group and offer attractive
pricing options for service and a wider variety of handset options. A major
competitor recently introduced a nationwide flat-rate plan that may be viewed
by customers as more attractive than PCS Group plans. In addition, certain

because of their calling volumes or their affiliations with, or ownership of,
wireless providers, may be able to offer roaming rates that are lower than
those offered by the PCS Group. Also, the significant competition among
wireless providers, including new entrants, is expected to cause a downward
pressure on prices for service and equipment. The PCS Group believes, however,
that its service and product offerings are superior to its competitors'
service and product offerings because (i) its CDMA technology offers better
call quality and clarity compared to analog and digital cellular systems, (ii)
it offers competitive pricing through a variety of options to suit individual
customers' calling needs and (iii) it is expanding and improving its
nationwide network, customer care system and handset options.     
  The PCS Group also faces competition from "resellers" which provide wireless
service to customers but do not hold FCC licenses or own facilities. Instead,
the reseller buys blocks of wireless telephone numbers and capacity from a
licensed carrier and resells service through its own distribution network to
the public. Thus, a reseller is both a customer of a wireless licensee's
services and also a competitor of that and other licensees. The FCC requires
all cellular and PCS licensees to permit resale of carrier service to a
  In the future, the PCS Group expects to face increased competition from
entities providing similar services using other communications technologies,
including satellite-based telecommunications and wireless cable systems. While
some of these technologies and services are currently operational, others are
being developed or may be developed in the future.
  Over the past several years the FCC has and will continue to auction large
amounts of wireless spectrum that could be used to compete with the PCS
Group's services. Based upon increased competition, the PCS Group anticipates
that market prices for two-way wireless services generally will decline in the
future. The PCS Group competes to attract and retain customers principally on
the basis of services and features, the size and location of its service
areas, network coverage and reliability, customer care and pricing. The PCS
Group's ability to compete successfully also depends, in part, on its ability
to anticipate and respond to various competitive factors affecting the
industry, including new services that may be introduced, changes in consumer
preferences, demographic trends, economic conditions and discount pricing
strategies by competitors.     
  The FCC regulates the licensing, construction, operation, acquisition and
interconnection arrangements of wireless telecommunications systems in the
United States. The FCC has promulgated, and is in the process of promulgating,
a series of rules, regulations and policies to, among other things, (i) grant
or deny licenses for PCS frequencies, (ii) grant or deny PCS license renewals,
(iii) rule on assignments and/or transfers of control of PCS licenses, (iv)
govern the interconnection of PCS networks with other wireless and wireline
carriers, (v) establish access and universal service funding provisions, (vi)
impose fines and forfeitures for violations of any of the FCC's rules, and
(vii) regulate the technical standards of PCS networks. The FCC prohibits a
single entity from having a combined attributable interest (20% or greater
interest in any license) in broadband PCS, cellular and SMR licenses totaling
more than 45 MHz in any geographic area.
  Transfers and Assignments of PCS Licenses. The FCC must give prior approval
to the assignment of, or transfers involving, substantial changes in ownership
or control of a PCS license. Non-controlling interests in an entity that holds
a PCS license or operates PCS networks generally may be bought or sold without
prior FCC approval. In addition, a recent FCC order requires only post-
consummation notification of certain pro forma assignments or transfers of
  Conditions of PCS Licenses. All PCS licenses are granted for 10-year terms
conditioned upon timely compliance with the FCC's buildout requirements.
Pursuant to the FCC's buildout requirements, all 30 MHz broadband MTA
licensees must construct facilities that offer coverage to one-third of the
population within 5 years and to two-thirds of the population within 10 years,
and all 10 MHz broadband PCS licensees must construct facilities that offer
coverage to at least one-quarter of the population within 5 years or make a
showing of "substantial service" within that 5 year period. Rule violations
could result in license revocations or fines.

  PCS License Renewal. PCS licensees can renew their licenses for additional 10
year terms. PCS renewal applications are not subject to auctions. However,
under the FCC's rules, third parties may oppose renewal applications and/or
file competing applications. If one or more competing applications are filed, a
renewal application will be subject to a comparative renewal hearing. The FCC's
rules afford PCS renewal applicants involved in comparative renewal hearings
with a "renewal expectancy." The renewal expectancy is the most important
comparative factor in a comparative renewal hearing and is applicable if the
PCS renewal applicant has: (i) provided "substantial service" during its
license term; and (ii) substantially complied with all applicable laws and FCC
rules and policies. The FCC's rules define "substantial service" in this
context as service that is sound, favorable and substantially above the level
of mediocre service that might minimally warrant renewal.     
  Interconnection. The FCC has the authority to order interconnection between
CMRS providers and any other common carrier. The FCC's authority further
preempts the authority of any state public service commission over the rates
and entry of CMRS providers in the market place. The FCC has ordered local
exchange carriers to provide reciprocal compensation to CMRS providers for the
termination of traffic. Moreover, the FCC has found that CMRS carriers could
use the interconnection rates of the landline companies as proxies for their
own rates, at least until such time as the CMRS carrier conducted its own cost
study to determine its own termination rate.
  Using these new rules, the PCS Group has negotiated interconnection
agreements with all of the major regional Bell operating companies, GTE and
several smaller independent local exchange carriers. These agreements have
lowered rates for interconnection and created revenues resulting from
termination charges on the Sprint PCS network. The PCS Group is continuing to
negotiate agreements with other independent local exchange carriers.     
  Other FCC Requirements. In June 1996, the FCC adopted rules that prohibit
broadband PCS providers from unreasonably restricting or disallowing resale of
their services or unreasonably discriminating against resellers. Resale
obligations will automatically expire on November 24, 2002. The FCC is also
considering whether wireless providers should be required to offer unbundled
communications capacity to resellers who intend to operate their own switching
  The FCC also adopted rules in June 1996 that require local exchange and most
CMRS carriers to program their networks to allow customers to change service
providers without changing telephone numbers, which is referred to as service
provider number portability. The FCC required that most CMRS providers be able
to deliver calls from their networks to ported numbers anywhere in the country
by December 31, 1998. The FCC also has determined that CMRS providers, by June
30, 1999, must be able to offer their own customers number portability in their
switches in the 100 largest metropolitan areas for which they receive a request
for number portability capability at least nine months prior to the deadline.
Capital expenditures required for the PCS Group to comply with number
portability rules are currently estimated to range from $100 million to $300
million. The CTIA has petitioned the FCC to forbear entirely from requiring any
CMRS provider to provide number portability capability to its own customers
until at least after the five-year build-out period (from the date of the
applicable license) for PCS carriers has expired.     
  The FCC recently adopted rules permitting broadband PCS and other CMRS
providers to provide wireless local loop and other fixed services that would
directly compete with the wireline services of LECs. In June 1996, the FCC
adopted rules requiring broadband PCS and other CMRS providers to implement
enhanced emergency 911 capabilities within 18 months after the effective date
of the FCC's rules. In December 1997, the FCC revised these rules to extend the
compliance deadline for phase I until October 1, 1998 and for phase II until
October 1, 2001 for digital CMRS carriers to ensure access for customers using
devices for the hearing-impaired. Currently the PCS Group and other wireless
carriers are in compliance with phase I and are analyzing various technical
methods for complying with phase II.
  Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act ("CALEA"). The
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, enacted in 1994 to preserve
electronic surveillance capabilities authorized by Federal and state law,
requires telecommunications carriers to meet certain "capability requirements"
by October 25, 1998.

CALEA provides that a telecommunications carrier meeting industry CALEA
standards shall have safe harbor for purposes of compliance with CALEA. Toward
the end of 1997 telecommunications industry standard-setting organizations
agreed to a joint standard to implement CALEA's capability requirements, known
as J-STD-025. Although the PCS Group is able to offer traditional electronic
surveillance capabilities to law enforcement, it, as well as the other
participants in the wireless industry, will not be able to meet the
requirements of J-STD-025 by October 25, 1998, given hardware changes that are
yet to be developed and implemented by switch manufacturers. The wireless
industry has petitioned to delay the date that compliance with J-STD-025 is
required. In an enforcement action, a court may impose a civil penalty of up
to $10,000 per day for each day in violation.     
  The continued delay in implementation of CALEA and the inability of the
Department of Justice and the industry to agree on technical standards has
prompted numerous industry and privacy groups to ask the FCC to extend the
CALEA compliance deadline by at least two years. In addition, the FCC is
considering petitions from numerous parties to establish and implement
technical compliance standards pursuant to CALEA requirements.     
  Other Federal Regulations. Wireless systems must comply with certain FCC and
FAA regulations regarding the siting, lighting and construction of transmitter
towers and antennas. In addition, certain FCC environmental regulations may
cause certain cell site locations to become subject to regulation under the
National Environmental Policy Act. The FCC is required to implement the Act by
requiring carriers to meet certain land use and radio frequency standards.
  Review of Universal Service Requirements. The FCC and the states are re-
quired to establish a "universal service" program to ensure that affordable,
quality telecommunications services are available to all Americans. Although
the PCS Group is challenging in federal court the authority of the states to
collect universal service contributions from CMRS providers, at present the
PCS Group is required to contribute to the federal universal service program
as well as existing state programs. The FCC has determined that the PCS
Group's "contribution" to the federal universal service program is a variable
percentage of "end-user telecommunications revenues." Although many states are
likely to adopt a similar assessment methodology, the states are free to cal-
culate telecommunications service provider contributions in any manner they
choose as long as the process is not inconsistent with the FCC's rules. At the
present time it is not possible to predict the extent of the PCS Group's total
federal and state universal service assessments or ability to recover from the
universal service fund.
  Partitioning; Disaggregation. The FCC has modified its rules to allow
broadband PCS licensees to partition their market areas and/or to disaggregate
their assigned spectrum and to transfer partial market areas or spectrum
assignments to eligible third parties.
  Wireless Facilities Siting. States and localities are not permitted to
regulate the placement of wireless facilities so as to "prohibit" the
provision of wireless services or to "discriminate" among providers of such
services. In addition, so long as a wireless system complies with the FCC's
rules, states and localities are prohibited from using radio frequency health
effects as a basis to regulate the placement, construction or operation of
wireless facilities. The FCC is considering numerous requests for preemption
of local actions affecting wireless facilities siting.
  Equal Access. Wireless providers are not required to provide equal access to
common carriers for toll services. However, the FCC is authorized to require
unblocked access to toll carriers subject to certain conditions.
  Deregulation. The FCC is required to forbear from applying any statutory or
regulatory provision if it is not necessary to keep telecommunications rates
and terms reasonable or to protect customers. Correspondingly, a state may not
apply a statutory or regulatory provision that the FCC decides not to apply.
In addition, the FCC must review its telecommunications regulations every two
years to determine if any can be eliminated or modified as no longer in the
public interest as a result of increased competition.

  At June 30, 1998, the PCS Group employed approximately 8,000 people. None of
the PCS Group employees is represented by a labor union. Management believes
that the PCS Group's employee relations are good. The PCS Group engages
independent contractors to perform a variety of functions, including
construction and maintenance of the PCS Group's network, research, advertising,
and information technology.     
  The PCS Group leases space for base station towers and switch sites for its
nationwide network. As of June 30, 1998, the PCS Group had under lease
approximately 70 switch sites and had entered into leases (or options to lease)
for approximately 9,600 cell sites. In addition, the PCS Group leases
approximately 160 other facilities including the PCS Group headquarters in
Kansas City, Missouri, customer care facilities in Herndon, Virginia, Ft.
Worth, Texas, Rio Rancho, New Mexico (scheduled to open by the end of 1998) and
Irvine, California, as well as numerous sales and marketing offices.     
  Sprint owns various trademarks utilized by the PCS Group. Sprint expects to
apply for and develop trademarks, service marks and patents for the benefit of
the PCS Group in the ordinary course of business. Sprint is a registered
trademark of Sprint and Sprint PCS is an unregistered service mark of Sprint,
both of which are utilized by the PCS Group on a royalty-free basis under
trademark license agreements.     
  Pursuant to certain of the PCS Group's third party supplier contracts, the
PCS Group has certain rights to use third party supplier trademarks in
connection with the buildout, marketing and operation of its network.
  The PCS Group's environmental compliance expenditures primarily result from
the operation of standby power generators for its telecommunications equipment
and compliance with various environmental rules during network buildout and
operations. The expenditures arise in connection with standards compliance or
permits which are usually related to generators, batteries or fuel storage. The
PCS Group's environmental compliance expenditures have not been material to its
financial statements or to its operations and are not expected to have any
future material adverse effects.     
  The PCS Group is involved in various legal proceedings incidental to the
conduct of its business. The PCS Group has been involved in various legal
proceedings in various states concerning the imposition of moratoria on the
processing or approval of permits for wireless telecommunication towers, the
denial of applications for permits and other issues arising in connection with
tower siting. There can be no assurance that such litigation, and similar
actions taken by others seeking to block the construction of individual cell
sites of the PCS Group's network will not, in the aggregate, have a material
adverse effect on the PCS Group. In addition, the PCS Group is involved in
eight class actions of which five involve claims arising from network quality
issues, two involve claims arising from the CDMA network overlay of the GSM
network in the Washington, D.C./Baltimore MTA and one involves claims
concerning billing practices. Only one of the cases has been certified as a
class action, and the PCS Group is vigorously opposing such certification and
the certification of any of the other cases. While it is not possible to
determine the ultimate disposition of each of these proceedings, the PCS Group
believes, after consultation with legal counsel, that the outcome of such
proceedings, individually and in the aggregate, will not have a material
adverse effect on the PCS Group's financial condition or results of operations
or cash flows.     

  The following table sets forth the members of the senior management of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings who will serve in similar capacities in the PCS Group. For a
list of the executive officers of Sprint, see "Executive Officers and Directors
of Sprint" in this Proxy Statement. The ages set forth below are as of June 30,

                     NAME                 AGE              POSITION
     ------------------------------------ --- ----------------------------------
     Ronald T. LeMay.....................  52 Chairman
     Andrew Sukawaty.....................  43 Chief Executive Officer
     Arthur A. Kurtze....................  53 Chief Operating Officer
     Bernard A. Bianchino................  49 Chief Business Development Officer
     Robert M. Neumeister, Jr. ..........  48 Chief Financial Officer
     F. Edward Mattix....................  45 Chief Public Relations Officer
     Charles E. Levine...................  45 Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
     Joseph M. Gensheimer................  46 General Counsel and Secretary
  RONALD T. LEMAY was first elected President and Chief Operating Officer of
Sprint in February 1996 and became Chairman of Sprint Spectrum Holdings in May
1998. Mr. LeMay is also a director of Ceridian Corporation, Imation
Corporation, and Yellow Corporation. From July 1997 to October 1997, he served
as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Waste Management, Inc., a provider
of comprehensive waste management services. He was re-elected President and
Chief Operating Officer of Sprint effective October 1997. From 1995 to 1996 Mr.
LeMay served as Vice Chairman of Sprint. He also served as Chief Executive
Officer of Sprint Spectrum Holdings from 1995 to 1996. From 1989 to 1995, he
served as President and Chief Operating Officer--Long Distance Division. Mr.
LeMay served on the Sprint Board from 1993 until he went to work for Waste
Management, Inc. He was re-elected to the Sprint Board in December 1997.
  ANDREW SUKAWATY was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Sprint Spectrum
Holdings effective September 2, 1996. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum
Holdings, Mr. Sukawaty was Chief Executive Officer of NTL, the British
diversified broadcast transmission and communications company, since 1994. From
1989 to 1994, he was Chief Operating Officer of Mercury One-2-One, the British
company which started the world's first PCS service in the U.K. in 1993. Prior
to joining Mercury One-2-One, Mr. Sukawaty held numerous positions for US WEST,
Inc., including: Chief Operating Officer of US WEST Paging, President of
Coastel, a cellular communications company, and Vice President and branch
manager for US WEST Cellular. He also held marketing positions with AT&T and
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. He is a director of PowerWare Inc., a
wireless systems infrastructure component manufacturer, and serves on the
boards and executive committees of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry
Association and the Personal Communications Industry Association.
  ARTHUR A. KURTZE was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Sprint Spectrum
Holdings in June 1995. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum Holdings, Mr. Kurtze
was Senior Vice President--Operations for Sprint's Local Telecommunications
Division. Prior to joining Sprint in March 1993, Mr. Kurtze was Executive Vice
President in charge of strategic planning and corporate development for Centel
Corp. Mr. Kurtze joined Centel in 1972 and served in various positions there,
including Vice President of Centel Communications Co., Vice President-- Staff
of Centel Business Systems, Vice President--Market Planning for Centel Corp.,
Group Vice President of Centel Cable Television Co. and Senior Vice President--
Planning and Technology.
  BERNARD A. BIANCHINO was appointed Chief Business Development Officer of
Sprint Spectrum Holdings in September 1995. Most recently, Mr. Bianchino was
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and External Affairs for Qwest
Communications Corporation. He served as Vice President--Law for Sprint from
1992 to 1994 and as General Attorney, Vice President and Associate General
Counsel for US Sprint Communications

Company from 1986 to 1992. From 1978 to 1986, Mr. Bianchino was counsel to a
number of affiliates of Exxon Corporation in its Enterprises Group, including
Reliance Comm/Tec (now RELTEC) and Exxon Office Systems. Prior to joining
Exxon, he was an attorney with the United States Department of Energy. Mr.
Bianchino is a director of Geoworks Corporation.     
  ROBERT M. NEUMEISTER, JR. was named Chief Financial Officer of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings in September 1995. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
Mr. Neumeister served in various capacities at Northern Telecom Ltd., including
Vice President of Finance, Vice President, and Controller. He also served as
head of various geographical finance organizations including Canada, Latin
America, Asia, and the United States. He also held the position of Senior Vice
President & Chief Financial Officer of Motorola Nortel Communications Co.
  F. EDWARD MATTIX was named Chief Public Relations Officer of Sprint Spectrum
Holdings in April 1996. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum Holdings, he was Vice
President--Public Relations for US WEST Communications, Inc. Mr. Mattix served
in various management level positions relating to public relations or
governmental affairs since joining US WEST, Inc. in 1976.
  CHARLES E. LEVINE was appointed Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings in January 1998. Mr. Levine joined Sprint Spectrum Holdings
in January 1997 as Chief Marketing Officer. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum
Holdings, Mr. Levine was President of Octel Link, a voice mail equipment and
services provider, and Senior Vice President of Octel Services from 1994 to
1996. From 1993 to 1994, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of CAD
Forms Technology a developer of hardware and software products for mobile
computing. Prior to joining CAD Forms Technology, Mr. Levine held numerous
positions with AT&T Corporation from 1986 to 1993, including Vice President,
General Business Systems, Products and New Services; Vice President, Consumer
Products, Product Management; and Director, Consumer Products, Product
Management. Mr. Levine has also served in management positions for General
Electric Corporation and Proctor & Gamble Company. Mr. Levine is a director of
Viisage Technologies.     
  JOSEPH M. GENSHEIMER was named General Counsel and secretary of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings in October 1995. Mr. Gensheimer is responsible for all legal
and regulatory functions. Prior to joining Sprint Spectrum Holdings, he was
Senior Counsel for IBM's mainframe and supercomputer divisions. Mr. Gensheimer
served in various legal management positions after joining IBM in 1988. Prior
to joining IBM, he was General Counsel and Secretary of RealCom Communications
Corporation, a telecommunications services provider. From 1982 to 1984, Mr.
Gensheimer was Senior Attorney and Assistant Secretary for GTE Corporation.
Prior to joining GTE, he was an associate at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius and an
attorney for the United States Department of Justice.

                             HISTORICAL PCS GROUP
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth historical Selected Financial Data
of SprintCom and Sprint's investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo. The investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings (which includes Sprint
Spectrum, Cox PCS and APC) and PhillieCo during the periods shown have been
accounted for on the equity basis. The results of SprintCom, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Sprint, are accounted for on a consolidated basis. Subsequent to
the PCS Restructuring, the results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
will be accounted for on a consolidated basis in the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements. The Selected Financial Data set forth below should be
read in conjunction with the PCS Group Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements and Notes thereto (the "PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements"). The Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1997 and 1996 and
for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997, have been
derived from the PCS Group Historical Financial Statements, which have been
audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors. The Selected Financial
Data at December 31, 1995 and 1994 and at March 31, 1998 and for the year
ended December 31, 1994 and for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
1997, have been derived from the unaudited PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements. The unaudited PCS Group Historical Financial Statements have been
prepared on the same basis as the audited PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements and, in the opinion of management, contain all adjustments,
consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair
presentation of the financial position and results of operations for these

                            AT OR FOR THE
                            THREE MONTHS              AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,       YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                           ----------------  -----------------------------------
                             1998     1997     1997      1996     1995   1994(1)
                           --------  ------  --------  --------  ------  -------
                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Operating loss...........  $  (18.6) $ (0.8) $  (18.5) $   (0.5) $  --    $ --
Equity in loss of Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............    (209.7)  (85.9)   (659.6)   (191.8)  (31.4)    --
Net loss.................    (142.7)  (53.0)   (419.1)   (119.7)  (19.9)    --
Net cash from operating
 activities..............  $  (31.0) $  4.2  $   37.5  $   (0.5) $  --    $ --
Capital expenditures.....     178.6     7.0     153.7       --      --      --
Purchase of PCS licenses.       --     25.2     460.1      84.0     --      --
Investments in Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............      33.5    16.5     405.9     297.5   910.9    51.1
Total assets.............  $1,802.5          $1,693.1  $1,259.8  $973.7   $51.1
Property, plant and
 equipment...............     447.7             177.3       --      --      --
Investments in Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo...............     792.2             968.4   1,175.8   973.7    51.1
Construction and capital
 lease obligations.......     215.9               --        --      --      --
Group equity.............   1,183.9           1,385.9   1,187.6   965.7    51.1
- --------
(1) The PCS Group had no operations prior to 1994.
  Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to the risks associated
with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's businesses,
assets and liabilities. Events attributable to the FON Group or the PCS Group
that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could affect
the results of operations or financial position of the other group or the
market price of the FON Stock or PCS Stock. Any net losses of the FON Group or
the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of, FON
Stock, PCS Stock or preferred stock or other stock or interests will reduce
the funds of Sprint that are legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.     

                                   PCS GROUP
  Sprint Corporation (and with its subsidiaries "Sprint") has entered into a
restructuring agreement with the Cable Parents to restructure Sprint's
wireless PCS operations. Sprint will acquire the joint venture interests of
the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the joint venture interests
of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo. In exchange for these joint venture interests,
Sprint will issue to the Cable Parents a newly created class of Sprint Common
Stock, the PCS Stock. The PCS Stock is intended to reflect separately the
performance of these joint ventures and the domestic PCS operations of
Sprint's wholly owned subsidiary, SprintCom. These operations, which after the
PCS Restructuring will be 100% owned by Sprint (subject to a 40.8% minority
interest in the entity holding the PCS license for and conducting operations
in the Los Angeles/San Diego/Las Vegas MTA), will be referred to as the PCS
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
  Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to the risks associated
with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's businesses,
assets and liabilities. Events attributable to the FON Group or the PCS Group
that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could affect
the results of operations or financial position of the other group or the
market price of the FON Stock or PCS Stock. Any net losses of the FON Group or
the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of, FON
Stock, PCS Stock or preferred stock or other stock or interests will reduce
the funds of Sprint that are legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.     
  The PCS Group Historical Financial Statements include the combined
historical balance sheets, results of operations and cash flows of SprintCom
and Sprint's investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. All
significant intragroup financial transactions have been eliminated; however,
transactions between the FON Group and the PCS Group have not been eliminated.
  Sprint includes certain estimates, projections and other forward-looking
statements in its reports, in presentations to analysts and others, and in
other publicly available material. Future performance cannot be ensured.
Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include
(i) the effects of vigorous competition in the markets in which the PCS Group
operates; (ii) the costs and business risks associated with entering new
markets necessary to provide seamless service and to provide new services;
(iii) the ability of the PCS Group to establish a significant market presence;
(iv) the impact of any unusual items resulting from ongoing evaluations of the
PCS Group's business strategies; (v) the potential impacts of changes in
regulations on the PCS Group; (vi) unexpected results of litigation filed
against Sprint; and (vii) the possibility of one or more of the markets in
which Sprint competes being affected by changes in political, economic or
other factors such as monetary policy, legal and regulatory changes or other
external factors over which Sprint or the PCS Group have no control.     
  The words "estimate", "project", "intend", "expect", "believe" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are found at various places throughout Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking
statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Sprint undertakes no
obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking
statements to reflect events

or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of
unanticipated events. Moreover, Sprint, through senior management, may from
time to time make forward-looking statements about the matters described herein
or other matters concerning Sprint.
  The PCS Group includes Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony activities
and any other domestic PCS services, which includes (i) Sprint's investment in
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and Sprint's investment in PhillieCo, both of which
are reflected on the equity basis in the PCS Group Historical Financial
Statements and (ii) SprintCom, which is reflected on a consolidated basis in
the PCS Group Historical Financial Statements. Upon completion of the PCS
Restructuring, the operating results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
will be reflected in the PCS Group Combined Financial Statements along with
  The PCS Group, which markets its wireless telephony products and services
under the Sprint and Sprint PCS brand names, operates the only 100% digital PCS
wireless network in the United States with licenses to provide service
nationwide utilizing a single frequency band and a single technology. The PCS
Group owns licenses to provide service to the entire United States population,
including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The PCS Group currently
operates PCS systems in 156 metropolitan areas within the United States,
including 37 of the 50 largest metropolitan areas. The PCS Group already
provides nationwide service through a combination of (i) operating its own
digital network in major metropolitan areas, (ii) affiliating with companies,
primarily in and around smaller metropolitan areas, (iii) roaming on analog
cellular networks of other providers using Dual-Band/Dual-Mode Handsets and
(iv) roaming on digital PCS networks of other providers.     
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings commenced commercial PCS operations late in the
fourth quarter of 1996, and emerged from the development stage during the third
quarter of 1997. PhillieCo commenced commercial operations in April 1997 and
SprintCom expects to commence initial operations in the third quarter of 1998.
  See "PCS Group Information--Business--Regulation" for a discussion of
regulatory developments that could have a future impact on the PCS Group.
  The wireless industry, including the PCS Group, has experienced a trend of
generating a significantly higher number of subscriber additions and handset
sales in the fourth quarter of each year as compared to the other three fiscal
quarters. A number of factors contribute to this trend, including the
increasing use of retail distribution, which is dependent on the year-end
holiday shopping season, the timing of new product and service announcements
and introductions, competitive pricing pressures and aggressive marketing and
sales promotions. There can be no assurance that strong fourth quarter results
for subscriber additions and handset sales will continue for the wireless
industry or the PCS Group. The PCS Group's fourth quarter subscriber additions
and handset sales could be adversely impacted by a variety of reasons,
including the PCS Group's inability to match or beat pricing plans offered by
competitors, the failure to adequately promote the PCS Group's products,
services and pricing plans or the failure to have an adequate supply or
selection of handsets. If fourth quarter results of the PCS Group fail to
significantly improve upon subscriber additions and handset sales from the
year's previous quarters, the PCS Group's results for the year could be
materially adversely affected.     
  As stated above, the PCS Group Historical Financial Statements include the
operations of SprintCom while the investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo are accounted for on the equity basis. In order to provide a more
meaningful discussion and analysis of the underlying operating results of the
PCS Group businesses, the following discussion of the PCS Group Historical
Financial Statements is supplemented with     

historical information of the combined results of operations of Sprint
Spectrum, APC, Cox PCS, PhillieCo and SprintCom (collectively referred to in
this discussion as the "Companies") where such information is deemed necessary
to facilitate an understanding of the operating results of Sprint's equity
investments. The information included herein should be read in conjunction with
the PCS Group Combined Financial Statements and the Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company Combined With MinorCo and PhillieCo Financial Statements appearing
elsewhere in this Annex II.     

                                     THREE MONTHS           YEAR ENDED
                                    ENDED MARCH 31,        DECEMBER 31,
                                    ----------------  -------------------------
                                     1998     1997     1997     1996     1995
                                    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
Total operating expenses........... $  18.6  $   0.8  $  18.5  $   0.5  $   --
                                    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Operating loss..................... $ (18.6) $  (0.8) $ (18.5) $  (0.5) $   --
                                    =======  =======  =======  =======  =======
Equity in loss of Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and PhillieCo............ $(209.7) $ (85.9) $(659.6) $(191.8) $(31.4)
                                    =======  =======  =======  =======  =======
Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997     
 Operating Expenses     
  First quarter operating expenses were $19 million for 1998 and $1 million for
1997. These expenses consist of selling, general and administrative expenses
associated with the network buildout for the PCS licenses in the SprintCom
markets, which are directly owned by Sprint. The increase in these expenses
from 1997 to 1998 is a result of significant additional network buildout
activities during the 1998 period.     
 Equity in Loss of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo     
  Sprint's share of combined losses from Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
was $210 million in first quarter 1998 compared with $86 million for the same
period in 1997. The increase in 1998 losses reflects marketing and promotional
costs to support a growing customer base and the launching of service in
additional markets. The Companies are currently operating in 37 of the largest
50 metropolitan areas. Subscribers increased from 192,000 at March 31, 1997 to
more than 1.3 million at June 30, 1998. The Companies plan to continue to
aggressively obtain new customers, which will likely continue to result in
higher losses in 1998.     
  The Companies' average monthly service revenue per subscriber for the three-
month period ended March 31, 1998 was approximately $58. This average is
expected to decline in the future (consistent with industry projections) due to
increased competition resulting from additional wireless service providers
entering the market. The Companies have adopted marketing plans that both
target and encourage higher usage and higher average monthly revenue per
subscriber. The average monthly service revenue for the three-month period
ended March 31, 1998 for Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo, the two
entities in which Sprint had a direct investment, was approximately $65. The
Companies' customer churn rates and customer marketing costs have been higher
than industry averages, but are within the expected range at this stage of
development. As the PCS markets mature and the Companies gain additional scale,
both of these measures are expected to trend toward cellular industry levels.
  Net operating revenues for the Companies on a combined basis were $208
million for the first quarter of 1998 compared with $44 million for the first
quarter of 1997. Revenues include subscriber revenues (including monthly
recurring charges and usage charges), roaming revenues and sales of handsets
and accessory equipment.     
  Cost of revenues for the Companies on a combined basis totaled $254 million
for the first quarter of 1998 compared to $102 million for the first quarter of
1997. This increase was primarily due to increases in the number of markets
launched and in the number of subscribers. Cost of revenues consists
principally of handset and accessory costs, interconnection costs and switch
and cell site expenses, including maintenance, site rental and utilities.     
  The Companies' selling, general and administrative expenses on a combined
basis increased from $176 million for the first quarter of 1997 to $280 million
for the first quarter of 1998. Selling expenses have grown     

due to increased sales volumes and costs incurred in conjunction with local and
national advertising for existing markets. Such costs include costs associated
with a growing sales and marketing function to accommodate increasing activity
levels as well as costs of participation with Sprint in an NFL sponsorship,
development and production expenses associated with advertisements in various
media (i.e., television, radio, print), the development of printed brochures to
promote Sprint PCS branded products and services, and sales incentive programs.
Selling expenses will continue to increase as the Companies expand their sales
and marketing activities.
  General and administrative expenses for the first quarter of 1998 increased
principally due to increases in salary and related benefits, leased computer
equipment and related expenses and professional and consulting fees. Salaries
and benefits and leased computer equipment and related expenses increased due
to an increase in employee headcount. Employees increased from 5,984 at March
31, 1997 to 7,824 at March 31, 1998. These additional employees have been added
over the last year to support the continued growth of the Companies.
Professional and consulting fees increased due to the use of consultants and
other experts to assist with the continuing development and enhancement of
information systems, continued rollout and development of employee training,
and various other projects.
  Depreciation and amortization expense for the Companies on a combined basis
for the first quarter of 1998 was $140 million compared to $48 million for the
same period in the prior year as network equipment in launched markets has been
placed in service and amortization of PCS licenses and microwave relocation
costs in those same markets commenced.     
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
 Operating Expenses     
  Operating expenses were $19 million for 1997 and $1 million for 1996. These
expenses consist of selling, general and administrative expenses related to the
network buildout for the PCS licenses in the SprintCom markets, which are
directly owned by Sprint. The increase in these expenses from 1996 to 1997 is a
result of the commencement of the network buildout in the second half of 1997.
 Equity in Loss of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo     
  Sprint's share of combined losses from Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
was $660 million for 1998 compared with $192 million for 1997 and $31 million
for 1996. The increased losses reflect marketing and promotional costs to
support a growing customer base and the launching of service in additional
markets. The Companies plan to continue to aggressively obtain new customers,
which will likely continue to result in higher losses in 1998 compared to 1997.
  Net operating revenues for the Companies totaled $402 million in 1997
compared to $77 million in 1996 and $5 million in 1995. The majority of the
Companies' revenues in 1997 was generated in the third and fourth quarters and
include both service revenues and the sales of handsets and accessory
equipment. Revenues include subscriber revenues (including monthly recurring
charges and usage charges), roaming revenues and sales of handsets and
accessory equipment.     
  Cost of revenues for the Companies on a combined basis totaled $776 million
in 1997 compared to $179 million in 1996 and $17 million in 1995. Cost of
revenues consists principally of handset and accessory costs, interconnection
costs, and switch and cell site expenses, including maintenance, site rental
and utilities. The increase in these costs from 1995 to 1996 and from 1996 to
1997 is primarily a result of increases in the volume of handsets sold and
increases in interconnection costs related to increased customer usage.     
  The Companies' selling, general and administrative expenses on a combined
basis for the year were $947 million in 1997 compared to $456 million for 1996
and $108 million for 1995. Selling expenses increased due to costs incurred
during the initial commercial service launch in various markets and to costs
incurred in conjunction with local and national advertising for existing
markets. Such costs include participation with Sprint     

in an NFL sponsorship, development and production expenses associated with
advertisements in various media (i.e., television, radio, print), and the
development of printed brochures to promote Sprint PCS branded products and
services. The Companies expect selling expenses will continue to increase in
1998 as the Companies expand their sales and marketing activities. General and
administrative expenses increased due principally to increases in salary and
related benefits, leased computer equipment and related expenses and
professional and consulting fees. Salaries and benefits and leased computer
equipment and related expenses increased due to an increase in employee
headcount. These additional employees were added during 1997 to support the
continued growth of the Companies. Professional and consulting fees increased
due to the use of consultants and other experts to assist with the continuing
development and enhancement of the Companies' sophisticated information
systems, continued rollout and tailoring of employee training, and various
other projects.
  Depreciation and amortization expense for the Companies on a combined basis
was $379 million for 1997, $36 million for 1996 and $3 million for 1995. These
increases occurred as network equipment in launched markets has been placed in
service and amortization of PCS licenses and microwave relocation costs in
those same markets has commenced.     
 Income Taxes
  The PCS Group's effective tax rates for the first quarter were 37.5% in 1998
and 38.9% in 1997. The PCS Group's effective tax rates for the years ended
December 31 were 38.2% in 1997, 37.8% in 1996 and 36.6% in 1995. See Note 4 of
Notes to PCS Group Historical Financial Statements for information about the
differences that cause the effective income tax rate to vary from the statutory
federal rate.
  The Companies' primary uses of cash historically have been to fund initial
operating losses, capital expenditures, the acquisition of PCS licenses and
microwave relocation costs. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
amortization and other were $327 million and $233 million for the three months
ended March 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively, and were $1.3 billion, $558
million and $121 million for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995,
respectively. Capital expenditures totaled $520 million and $438 million for
the three months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively, and totaled $2.6
billion, $1.7 billion and $146 million for the years ended December 31, 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively. Capital expenditures were incurred primarily to
fund the buildout of the Companies' network. The Companies have also spent a
total of approximately $3.0 billion to acquire the PCS licenses.     
  Historically, the primary sources of funds for the Companies have been long-
term public debt, bank facilities, vendor financing arrangements, partner loans
and capital contributions. Long-term debt outstanding, including vendor
financing and construction obligations, was $5.6 billion at March 31, 1998 and
was $4.6 billion, $1.4 billion and $89 million at December 31, 1997, 1996 and
1995, respectively. The Companies have used vendor financing arrangements to
fund the purchase of the equipment and software manufactured by the vendors as
well as a substantial part of the construction labor and ancillary equipment
(e.g., towers, antennae) required to construct the Companies' PCS network.
These facilities serve as a primary financing source for the buildout of the
  The continued expansion of Sprint Spectrum Holdings' network and buildout of
the SprintCom network as well as the marketing and distribution of Sprint PCS
products and services will continue to require substantial capital. The PCS
Group currently estimates that capital expenditures for 1998 and 1999 will
total approximately $4.7 billion to $5.0 billion. Capital expenditures for the
network buildout include switches, base stations, towers, antennae, radio
frequency engineering, cell site construction and microwave relocation. Actual
amounts of the funds required may vary materially from these estimates and
additional funds would be required in the event of significant departures from
the current business plan, unforeseen delays, cost overruns, unanticipated

regulatory changes, engineering design changes and other technological risks.
Additional funds will be required to fund anticipated operating losses, working
capital requirements and debt service requirements. In addition funds may be
required to remain current with technological changes and developments.     
  In addition to the above capital requirements, under the Sprint Spectrum
Holdings' partnership agreement with Cox, Cox has the right to require that
Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquire all or part of Cox's remaining interest in Cox
PCS based on the fair market value at the time of such acquisition. Subsequent
to December 31, 1997, Cox PCS elected to exercise this right and put an
additional 10.2% ownership interest in Cox PCS to Sprint Spectrum Holdings,
which Sprint Spectrum Holdings acquired as of June 8, 1998 for approximately
$80 million. Sprint Spectrum Holdings also became managing partner of Cox PCS
on June 8, 1998. This put gave Sprint Spectrum Holdings a controlling interest
of 59.2% in Cox PCS. Cox may put certain remaining interests in Cox PCS to
Sprint Spectrum Holdings through December 2008. See "The Tracking Stock
Proposal--Amendments to the Cox PCS Agreements."     
  Sprint expects that significant payments pursuant to the Tax Sharing
Agreement will be made from the FON Group to the PCS Group in light of the
substantial operating losses that the PCS Group is expected to incur in the
near future. Such payments are intended to reflect the PCS Group's incremental
cumulative effect on Sprint's federal and state tax liability and tax credit
  Sprint and the Cable Parents have agreed to loan up to $400 million, based on
respective ownership interests, to fund the capital requirements of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings from the date of the signing of the PCS Restructuring
Agreement, May 26, 1998, through the closing date of the PCS Restructuring. The
PhillieCo Partners have agreed to lend up to $50 million to PhillieCo to fund
operating and working capital requirements and capital expenditures prior to
the closing of the PCS Restructuring. Sprint has also agreed to loan up to
$110.6 million to fund SprintCom's capital requirements during this same
period. Sprint has been financing SprintCom with Sprint's cash from operations,
commercial paper borrowings and leases on specific equipment. Sprint intends to
continue to fund the buildout of the SprintCom markets through the closing of
this transaction. The above mentioned loans, totaling $510.6 million excluding
loans to PhillieCo, may be repaid from the proceeds of an anticipated IPO, as
further discussed below, but only to the extent the net proceeds of the IPO
exceed $500 million. In the event the loans remain outstanding after the IPO,
the remaining balance will be converted into 10-year preferred stock of Sprint
convertible into PCS Stock. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--Funding of the
PCS Group Prior to Closing; The PCS Preferred Stock."     
  Sprint currently uses the commercial paper market to fund its short-term
working capital needs. Sprint uses four commercial paper dealers to place the
paper at the most favorable rates and maturities. Sprint also uses the medium-
term note and long-term bond markets as well as other debt markets to fund its
working capital needs. Sprint intends to borrow funds through the U.S. and
international money and capital markets and bank credit markets to fund capital
expenditures and operating and working capital requirements and to refinance
existing debt obligations of the PCS Group.     
  Financing activities for the Groups will be managed by Sprint on a
centralized basis. Loans from Sprint or any member of the FON Group to any
member of the PCS Group will be made at interest rates and on other terms and
conditions substantially equivalent to the interest rates and other terms and
conditions that the PCS Group would be able to obtain from third parties
(including the public markets) as a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of Sprint, but without the benefit of any guaranty by Sprint or any member of
the FON Group. Such policy contemplates that such loans will be made on the
basis set forth above regardless of the interest rates and other terms and
conditions on which Sprint or members of the FON Group may have acquired the
subject funds. Any difference between Sprint's borrowing rates and the rates
charged to the PCS Group, which rates are expected to be higher than the rates
at which Sprint obtained such financing, will be reflected in the FON Group
Combined Financial Statements. This process will be governed by the Tracking
Stock Policies as overseen by the Capital Stock Committee.     
  Sprint intends to offer to the public shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
aggregating total proceeds of between $500 million and $525 million subject to
market conditions. Sprint, subject to a disapproval right held by each

of the Cable Parents, may elect an offering netting higher proceeds in the IPO
if the Board of Directors of Sprint determines that market conditions are
favorable to a larger offering. All of the proceeds in the IPO will be
allocated to the PCS Group. Proceeds in excess of the initial $500 million to
$525 million may be used to repay loans from Sprint and the Cable Parents to
Sprint Spectrum Holdings as discussed above. Neither Sprint nor the Cable
Parents would sell shares on a secondary basis as part of the IPO. Sprint
intends to complete the IPO and the PCS Restructuring concurrently, after
stockholder approval of the transaction, subject to prevailing market
conditions and other factors. See "The Tracking Stock Proposal--The IPO."     
  Sprint intends to file a shelf registration to sell up to $8 billion of fixed
income debt securities, subject to market conditions, to replace its existing
$1.1 billion available amount of shelf registrations. Proceeds from the sale of
these securities will be used to repay short-term borrowings, to refinance
existing long-term borrowings, and to provide funds for working capital and new
capital expenditures for both the PCS Group and the FON Group.     
  Sprint is in the process of negotiating revolving credit facilities for
approximately $5 billion which will be used to support commercial paper
operations and replace its existing credit facilities. Of this amount, $2
billion will be committed for a term of 5 years and $3 billion for a term of
364 days. Sprint believes the agreements will be negotiated on market terms,
conditions and covenants and will not place any undue burden on the business
plan or execution thereof.
  In connection with the PCS Restructuring and the IPO, FT and DT have agreed
to purchase shares of PCS Stock so that they will maintain their aggregate 20%
voting power. Proceeds from the exercise of these Equity Purchase Rights are
expected to total between $225 million and $250 million. See "FT and DT
Arrangements--Equity Purchase Rights."
  For information on general hedging policies, interest rate risk management
and foreign exchange risk management, please see "Sprint--Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations--
Financial Strategies" located in Annex I.
  The "Year 2000" issue affects the PCS Group's installed computer systems,
network elements, software applications, and other business systems that have
time sensitive programs that may not properly reflect or recognize the year
2000. Because many computers and computer applications define dates by the last
two digits of the year, "00" may not be properly identified as the year 2000.
This error could result in miscalculations or system errors. The Year 2000
issue may also affect the systems and applications of the PCS Group's
customers, vendors or resellers.
  The PCS Group is undertaking an evaluation of its critical systems and is
planning for the remediation and testing to be completed by mid-year 1999. The
PCS Group is also contacting others with whom they conduct business to receive
the appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are or will
be Year 2000 compliant. The total cost of modifications and conversions is not
known at this time; however, it is not expected to be material to the PCS
Group's financial position and is being expensed as incurred. In addition, the
PCS Group uses publicly available services that are acquired without contract
(e.g., global positioning system timing signal) that may be subject to the Year
2000 issue. While the PCS Group believes these systems will be Year 2000
compliant, the PCS Group has no contractual or other right to compel
  If compliance is not achieved in a timely manner, the Year 2000 issue could
have a material adverse effect on the PCS Group's operations. However, the PCS
Group is focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of its operations
that may be affected by the Year 2000 issue and is addressing the most critical
applications first. As a result, PCS Group management does not believe its
operations will be materially adversely affected.     
  See Note 8 of Notes to PCS Group Combined Financial Statements for a
discussion of recently issued accounting pronouncements.

                        REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Sprint Corporation
  We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of the PCS Group
(as described in Note 2) as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related
combined statements of operations and cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31, 1997. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the management of Sprint Corporation ("Sprint"). Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits. The combined financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company, L.P., MinorCo., L.P., PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo
Partners II, L.P., (the "Partnerships") have been audited by other auditors
whose report has been furnished to us; insofar as our opinion on the combined
financial statements of the PCS Group relates to data included for the
Partnerships, it is based solely on their report. The PCS Group has a 40%
interest in Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and MinorCo., L.P. and a
47.1% interest in PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.
In the combined financial statements, the PCS Group's combined equity in the
Partnerships is stated at $781 million and $1,032 million at December 31, 1997
and 1996, respectively, and the PCS Group's combined equity in the net loss of
Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and PhillieCo, L.P. is stated at $656
million, $192 million and $31 million for the years ended December 31, 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively.
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the report of other
auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
  In our opinion, based on our audits and the report of other auditors, the
combined financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the combined financial position of the PCS Group at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the combined results of its operations and its
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997,
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
  As more fully discussed in Note 2, the combined financial statements of the
PCS Group should be read in connection with the audited consolidated financial
statements of Sprint.
                                          Ernst & Young LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
May 26, 1998

                                   PCS GROUP
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                      THREE MONTHS
                                      ENDED MARCH      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER
                                          31,                  31,
                                     ---------------  ------------------------
                                      1998     1997    1997     1996     1995
                                     -------  ------  -------  -------  ------
Selling, general and administrative
 expenses........................... $  18.6  $  0.8  $  18.5  $   0.5  $  --
Equity in loss of Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and PhillieCo.............   209.7    85.9    659.6    191.8    31.4
                                     -------  ------  -------  -------  ------
Loss before income taxes............  (228.3)  (86.7)  (678.1)  (192.3)  (31.4)
Income tax benefit..................    85.6    33.7    259.0     72.6    11.5
                                     -------  ------  -------  -------  ------
Net loss ........................... $(142.7) $(53.0) $(419.1) $(119.7) $(19.9)
                                     =======  ======  =======  =======  ======

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   PCS GROUP
                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                                   MARCH 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                  ----------- -----------------
                                                     1998       1997     1996
                                                  ----------- -------- --------
Prepaid expenses and other current assets........  $   18.1   $    2.9 $    --
Property, plant and equipment....................     447.7      177.3      --
Investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
 PhillieCo.......................................     792.2      968.4  1,175.8
Investment in PCS licenses.......................     544.5      544.5     84.0
                                                   --------   -------- --------
    Total........................................  $1,802.5   $1,693.1 $1,259.8
                                                   ========   ======== ========
Current liabilities
  Accounts payable...............................  $   36.9   $   17.8 $    --
  Advance from the FON Group.....................      79.9        --       --
  Payable to Sprint Spectrum Holdings............      21.9       19.0      --
  Accrued expenses and other current liabilities.       0.9       20.8      --
                                                   --------   -------- --------
    Total current liabilities....................     139.6       57.6      --
Construction obligations.........................     135.0        --       --
Capital lease obligations........................      80.9        --       --
Deferred income taxes and other liabilities......     263.1      249.6     72.2
Group equity.....................................   1,183.9    1,385.9  1,187.6
                                                   --------   -------- --------
    Total........................................  $1,802.5   $1,693.1 $1,259.8
                                                   ========   ======== ========

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   PCS GROUP
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                  THREE MONTHS
                                  ENDED MARCH            YEAR ENDED
                                      31,               DECEMBER 31,
                                 ---------------  ---------------------------
                                  1998     1997     1997      1996     1995
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Net loss........................ $(142.7) $(53.0) $  (419.1) $(119.7) $ (19.9)
Adjustments to reconcile net
 loss to net cash provided
 (used) by operating activities:
  Equity in net losses of
   affiliates...................   209.7    85.9      659.6    191.8     31.4
  Deferred income taxes.........    12.8    11.4      175.7     64.2      8.0
  Current tax benefit utilized
   by the FON Group.............   (98.4)  (45.1)    (434.7)  (136.8)   (19.5)
  Changes in assets and
    Prepaid expenses and other
     current assets.............   (15.2)    --        (2.9)     --       --
    Accounts payable and other
     current liabilities........     2.1     5.2       57.6      --       --
    Noncurrent assets and
     liabilities, net...........     0.7    (0.2)       1.3      --       --
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Net cash provided (used) by
 operating activities...........   (31.0)    4.2       37.5     (0.5)     --
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Capital expenditures............  (178.6)   (7.0)    (153.7)     --       --
Purchase of PCS licenses........     --    (25.2)    (460.1)   (84.0)     --
Investments in Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and PhillieCo.........   (33.5)  (16.5)    (405.9)  (297.5)  (910.9)
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Net cash used by investing
 activities.....................  (212.1)  (48.7)  (1,019.7)  (381.5)  (910.9)
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Advance from the FON Group......    79.9     --         --       --       --
Contributions from (to) the FON
 Group..........................   (70.2)   (0.6)     547.5    245.2    891.4
Current tax benefit utilized by
 the FON Group..................    98.4    45.1      434.7    136.8     19.5
Change in construction
 obligations....................   135.0     --         --       --       --
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
Net cash provided by financing
 activities.....................   243.1    44.5      982.2    382.0    910.9
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
 EQUIVALENTS....................     --      --         --       --       --
 BEGINNING OF PERIOD............     --      --         --       --       --
                                 -------  ------  ---------  -------  -------
 PERIOD......................... $   --   $  --   $     --   $   --   $   --
                                 =======  ======  =========  =======  =======
Assets acquired under a capital
 lease obligation............... $  80.9  $  --   $     --   $   --   $   --
                                 =======  ======  =========  =======  =======

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   PCS GROUP
  Sprint Corporation (and with its subsidiaries "Sprint") has entered into a
restructuring agreement with Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"), Comcast
Corporation ("Comcast") and Cox Communications, Inc. ("Cox," and together with
TCI and Comcast the "Cable Parents") to restructure Sprint's wireless personal
communications services ("PCS") operations (the "PCS Restructuring"). Sprint
will acquire the joint venture interests of TCI, Comcast and Cox in Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and MinorCo, L.P. (together, "Sprint Spectrum
Holdings") and the joint venture interests of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo
Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. (together, "PhillieCo"). In
exchange for these joint venture interests, Sprint will issue to the Cable
Parents a newly created class of Sprint Common Stock (the "PCS Stock"). The
PCS Stock is intended to reflect separately the performance of these joint
ventures and the domestic PCS operations of Sprint's wholly-owned
subsidiaries, SprintCom, Inc. and SprintCom Equipment Company, L.P. (together,
"SprintCom"). These operations will be referred to as the PCS Group.
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
 Basis of Combination and Presentation
  The Combined Financial Statements of the PCS Group together with the
Combined Financial Statements of the FON Group (the "Groups") comprise all of
the accounts included in the corresponding Consolidated Financial Statements
of Sprint. Investments in entities in which the PCS Group exercises
significant influence, but does not control, are accounted for using the
equity method (see Note 3). The separate Group Combined Financial Statements
give effect to the accounting policies that will be applicable upon
implementation of the PCS Restructuring. The separate Groups' Combined
Financial Statements have been prepared on a basis that management believes to
be reasonable and appropriate and include: (i) the combined historical balance
sheets, results of operations and cash flows of the businesses that comprise
each of the Groups with all significant intragroup amounts and transactions
eliminated and (ii) in the case of the FON Group Combined Financial
Statements, corporate assets and liabilities and related transactions of
Sprint. Transactions between the PCS Group and the FON Group have not been
  The Combined Financial Statements of the PCS Group provide holders of PCS
stock with financial information regarding the underlying businesses of the
PCS Group. Notwithstanding the allocation of assets and liabilities (including
contingent liabilities) and stockholders' equity between the PCS Group and the
FON Group for the purpose of preparing the respective financial statements of
such Groups, investors in PCS Stock and FON Stock are stockholders of Sprint
and are subject to risks associated with an investment in a single company and
all of Sprint's businesses, assets and liabilities. Sprint retains all
beneficial ownership and control of the assets and operations of the FON Group
and, after the PCS Restructuring, the PCS Group (subject to a minority
interest). Financial effects arising from either Group that affect Sprint's
results of operations or financial condition could affect the results of
operations or financial position of the other Group or market price of the
class of common stock relating to the other Group. Any net losses of the PCS
Group or the FON Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of,
PCS Stock or FON Stock, will reduce the funds of Sprint legally available for
payment of dividends on both the PCS Stock and the FON Stock. Accordingly, the
PCS Group Combined Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with
Sprint's Consolidated Financial Statements and the FON Group Combined
Financial Statements.     

                                   PCS GROUP
  The PCS Group Combined Financial Statements are prepared according to
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). These principles require
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses. Actual results
could differ from those estimates.
  The unaudited interim financial information presented has been prepared
according to GAAP and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission for interim reporting. In management's opinion, the information
presented reflects all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring
accruals) necessary to present fairly the interim combined financial position,
results of operations and cash flows of the PCS Group.
 Classification of Operations
  The PCS Group includes Sprint's domestic wireless mobile telephony
activities and any other domestic PCS services, which includes (i) the
investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the investment in PhillieCo, both
of which are reflected on the equity basis and (ii) SprintCom. Upon completion
of the PCS Restructuring, the results of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo will be reflected on a consolidated basis in the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements.
  Sprint Spectrum Holdings, PhillieCo and SprintCom are building the nation's
first single-technology, all digital, state-of-the-art wireless network to
provide PCS across the United States operating on one frequency. PCS uses
digital technology, which has sound quality superior to analog cellular
technology and is less susceptible to interference and eavesdropping. PCS also
offers features such as voicemail and Caller ID.
 Earnings Per Share
  Historical earnings per share are omitted from the Combined Statements of
Operations because the PCS Stock was not part of the capital structure of
Sprint for the periods presented. See the Sprint Consolidated Financial
Statements in Annex I for information regarding earnings per share based on
Sprint's existing capital structure. Following implementation of the PCS
Restructuring, the method of calculating earnings per share for the PCS Group
will reflect the terms of the proposed amendments to Sprint's articles of
incorporation. Earnings per share will be computed by dividing the net income
or loss of the PCS Group by the weighted average number of shares of PCS Stock
and dilutive securities, such as warrants and options, outstanding during the
applicable period.     
 Property, Plant and Equipment
  Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost and consists primarily of
construction work in progress. Generally, ordinary asset retirements and
disposals are charged against accumulated depreciation with no gain or loss
recognized. Repairs and maintenance costs are expensed as incurred. Once
operations of SprintCom commence, property, plant and equipment will be
depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated economic useful
lives. The PCS Group expects to launch service in certain of the SprintCom
markets during the third quarter of 1998.     
 Investment in PCS Licenses
  The PCS group has acquired licenses from the Federal Communications
Commission ("FCC") to operate as a PCS service provider. These licenses are
recorded at cost and will be amortized over a 40-year period commencing with
the initiation of service in a specific geographic area. The FCC grants
licenses for terms of up to ten years, and generally grants renewals for
additional 10-year terms if the licensee has complied with its license
obligations. The PCS Group believes it will be able to secure renewal of the
PCS licenses that are held by the entities comprising the PCS Group. The PCS
Group expects to launch service in certain of the SprintCom markets during the
third quarter of 1998.     

                                   PCS GROUP
 Income Taxes
  The PCS Group records deferred income taxes based on certain temporary
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for
financial reporting purposes and amounts used for tax purposes.
  The operations of the PCS Group are included in the consolidated federal
income tax return of Sprint. The PCS Group's federal income tax represents the
difference between the Sprint consolidated federal income tax and the FON
Group's federal income tax. The related current tax benefits generated from
the inclusion of the PCS Group operating losses in the Sprint consolidated
federal income tax return have been reflected as contributions from the FON
Group to the PCS Group in the PCS Group combined statements of cash flow. The
PCS Group's state tax is computed using a methodology consistent with that
used to compute federal income tax.
 Capitalized Interest
  Sprint capitalized interest costs related to its investments in Sprint
Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo until July 1997, at which time Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and PhillieCo no longer qualified as development-stage companies.
Amounts capitalized totaled $46 million, $96 million, and $43 million at
December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively. The capitalized interest on
the investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo was contributed to
and is being amortized by the PCS Group.
  In addition, Sprint capitalizes interest costs associated with the network
buildout of SprintCom. Interest capitalized for the year ended December 31,
1997 was $24 million. Such interest was also contributed to and will be
amortized by the PCS Group.
  Sprint has a 40% interest in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and a 47.1% interest
in PhillieCo, respectively. These investments are accounted for using the
equity method. Combined, summarized financial information (100% basis) of
these entities is as follows (in millions):

                                  THREE MONTHS           AT OR FOR THE
                                 ENDED MARCH 31,    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                 ----------------  ----------------------------
                                  1998     1997      1997       1996     1995
                                 -------  -------  ---------  --------  -------
   Results of operations
     Net operating revenues..... $ 184.2  $   9.5  $   258.0  $    4.2  $   --
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
     Operating loss............. $(388.9) $(192.5) $(1,379.7) $ (357.6) $ (66.9)
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
     Net loss................... $(514.4) $(217.1) $(1,632.7) $ (444.6) $(112.7)
                                 =======  =======  =========  ========  =======
   Financial position
     Current assets.............                   $   417.9  $  401.8
     Noncurrent assets..........                     6,640.0   4,041.8
                                                   ---------  --------
     Total......................                   $ 7,057.9  $4,443.6
                                                   =========  ========
     Current liabilities........                   $   834.5  $  471.2
     Noncurrent liabilities.....                     4,289.4   1,412.5
     Partners' equity...........                     1,934.0   2,559.9
                                                   ---------  --------
     Total......................                   $ 7,057.9  $4,443.6
                                                   =========  ========


                                   PCS GROUP
  Income tax benefit consists of the following:

                                                       1997     1996     1995
                                                      -------  -------  ------
                                                          (IN MILLIONS)
      Current income tax benefit
        Federal...................................... $(414.1) $(122.8) $(16.3)
        State........................................   (20.6)   (14.0)   (3.2)
                                                      -------  -------  ------
      Total current..................................  (434.7)  (136.8)  (19.5)
                                                      -------  -------  ------
      Deferred income tax expense (benefit)
        Federal......................................   187.0     59.4     5.8
        State........................................   (11.3)     4.8     2.2
                                                      -------  -------  ------
      Total deferred.................................   175.7     64.2     8.0
                                                      -------  -------  ------
      Total income tax benefit....................... $(259.0) $ (72.6) $(11.5)
                                                      =======  =======  ======

  The differences that cause the effective income tax rate to vary from the
statutory federal rate of 35% were as follows:

                                                        1997     1996    1995
                                                       -------  ------  ------
                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
      Income tax benefit at the statutory rate........ $(237.3) $(67.3) $(11.0)
      Effect of
        State income taxes, net of federal income tax
         effect.......................................   (20.7)   (6.0)   (0.7)
        Other, net....................................    (1.0)    0.7     0.2
                                                       -------  ------  ------
      Income tax benefit.............................. $(259.0) $(72.6) $(11.5)
                                                       =======  ======  ======
      Effective income tax rate.......................    38.2%   37.8%   36.6%
                                                       =======  ======  ======

  The PCS Group recognizes deferred income taxes for the temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of its assets and liabilities for financial
statement purposes and their tax bases and for its share of similar temporary
differences of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. The sources of the
differences that give rise to the deferred income tax assets and liabilities
at December 31, 1997 and 1996, along with the income tax effect of each, were
as follows:

                                             1997 DEFERRED      1996 DEFERRED
                                               INCOME TAX         INCOME TAX
                                           ------------------ ------------------
                                           ASSETS LIABILITIES ASSETS LIABILITIES
                                           ------ ----------- ------ -----------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS)
   Property, plant and equipment.......... $ --     $183.0    $ --      $28.5
   Capitalized interest...................   --       83.6      --       55.8
   Reserves and allowances................   8.2       --       2.2       --
   Operating loss carryforwards...........  24.1       --       8.9       --
   Other, net.............................   --       13.6      1.0       --
                                           -----    ------    -----     -----
   Total.................................. $32.3    $280.2    $12.1     $84.3
                                           =====    ======    =====     =====

  Management believes it is more likely than not that the deferred income tax
asset will be realized based on current income tax laws and expectations of
future taxable income stemming from the reversal of the existing

                                   PCS GROUP
deferred tax liability. Uncertainties surrounding income tax law changes,
shifts in operations between state taxing jurisdictions, and future operating
income levels may, however, affect the ultimate realization of all or some of
this deferred income tax asset.
  At December 31, 1997, the PCS Group had recorded tax benefits of $37 million
related to state operating loss carryforwards. The loss carryforwards expire
in varying amounts per year from 2000 through 2012.
  Following is a reconciliation of the PCS Group's equity (in millions):

                                  THREE MONTHS             YEAR ENDED
                                 ENDED MARCH 31,          DECEMBER 31,
                                ------------------  --------------------------
                                  1998      1997      1997      1996     1995
                                --------  --------  --------  --------  ------
   Balance at beginning of
    period..................... $1,385.9  $1,187.6  $1,187.6  $  965.8  $ 51.1
   Net loss....................   (142.7)    (53.0)   (419.1)   (119.7)  (19.9)
   Contributions from the FON
    Group......................     39.1      69.5   1,052.1     478.3   954.1
   Equity transfers to the FON
    Group......................    (98.4)    (45.1)   (434.7)   (136.8)  (19.5)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------  ------
   Balance at end of period.... $1,183.9  $1,159.0  $1,385.9  $1,187.6  $965.8
                                ========  ========  ========  ========  ======
 Litigation, Claims and Assessments
  The holders of PCS Stock will be stockholders of Sprint and will continue to
be subject to all of the risks associated with an investment in Sprint,
including any legal proceedings and claims affecting the FON Group.
  Various suits arising in the ordinary course of business are pending against
Sprint. Management cannot predict the final outcome of these actions but
believes they will not result in a material effect on the PCS Group's Combined
Financial Statements.
  In the third and fourth quarters of 1997, SprintCom entered into procurement
and services contracts with Motorola and Nortel, respectively, for equipment,
software and certain engineering services. These contracts provide for an
initial term of five years with renewals for additional one-year periods.
Pricing for the initial equipment, software and engineering services has been
established in the procurement contracts. The procurement contracts provide
for payment terms based on delivery dates and various acceptance milestones.
In the event of delay in delivering equipment or services, the procurement
contracts provide for certain amounts to be paid to SprintCom by the vendor.
The minimum commitments for the initial term are approximately $300 million
and $200 million for Motorola and Nortel, respectively, for PCS CDMA 1900 MHz
equipment and software.
  Sprint and the Cable Parents have agreed to loan up to $400 million, based
on respective ownership interests, to fund the capital requirements of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings from the date of the signing of the PCS Restructuring
agreement through the closing date of the PCS Restructuring. The PhillieCo
Partners have agreed to lend up to $50 million to PhillieCo to fund operating
and working capital requirements and capital expenditures prior to closing.
Sprint has also agreed to loan up to $110.6 million to fund SprintCom's
capital requirements during the same period. Sprint has been financing
SprintCom with cash from operations, commercial paper borrowings and leases on
specific equipment. Sprint intends to continue to fund the buildout of the

                                   PCS GROUP
markets through the closing of this transaction. The above mentioned loans to
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and SprintCom totaling $510.6 million, may be repaid
from the proceeds of an anticipated IPO, but only to the extent the net
proceeds of the IPO exceed $500 million. There can be no assurance that the
IPO will occur. In the event the loans remain outstanding after the IPO, the
remaining balance will be converted into 10-year preferred stock convertible
into PCS Stock.     
 Operating Leases
  Minimum rental commitments at December 31, 1997 for all non-cancelable
operating leases, consisting mainly of leases for cell and switch sites and
office space, are as follows (in millions):

      1998................................................................ $18.9
      1999................................................................  13.3
      2000................................................................  13.4
      2001................................................................  13.4
      2002................................................................   8.0
      Thereafter..........................................................   5.1

  Gross rental expense aggregated $4 million for the year ended December 31,
1997. Certain cell and switch site leases contain renewal options (generally
for terms of five years) that may be exercised from time to time and are
excluded from the above amounts.
 Related Party Transactions
  Sprint Spectrum L.P. provides general management, engineering, procurement,
accounting and other related services to SprintCom. Sprint Spectrum L.P. is
currently building out the network infrastructure in certain BTA markets where
SprintCom was awarded licenses. For the year ended December 31, 1997, Sprint
Spectrum L.P. provided $29 million in services to SprintCom, the majority of
which are capitalized as property, plant and equipment within the Combined
Balance Sheets of the PCS Group.
  Certain members of the FON Group provide management, printing/mailing and
warehousing services to the PCS Group. Charges to the PCS Group for such
services totaled $17 million, $12 million, and $3 million, for the years ended
December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.     
  In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 131, "Disclosures
about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information." This new standard
requires companies to disclose segment data based on how management makes
decisions about allocating resources to segments and how it measures segment
performance. SFAS 131 requires companies to disclose a measure of segment
profit or loss (operating income, for example), segment assets, and
reconciliations to consolidated totals. It also requires entity-wide
disclosures about a company's products and services, its major customers and
the material countries in which it holds assets and reports revenues. Sprint
will adopt SFAS 131 in its December 31, 1998 financial statements. This
statement is not expected to have a significant effect on the PCS Group, as it
only operates within one segment under the new standard.
  Subsequent to December 31, 1997, SprintCom entered into leveraged lease
arrangements for certain telecommunications equipment. The leveraged leases
are accounted for as capital leases. Lease obligations of $122 million have
been recorded under these arrangements as of April 30, 1998.

                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following table sets forth Selected Financial Data of Sprint Spectrum
Holding Company, MinorCo and PhillieCo should be read in conjunction with the
Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined with MinorCo and PhillieCo
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations, and the Sprint Spectrum Holding Company with MinorCo and PhillieCo
Combined Financial Statements and Notes thereto. The Selected Financial Data
at December 31, 1997 and 1996 and for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 1997, have been derived from the Sprint Spectrum Holding
Company with MinorCo and PhillieCo Combined Financial Statements, which have
been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent auditors. The Selected
Financial Data at December 31, 1995 and at March 31, 1998 and for the three
months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997, have been derived from the unaudited
Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined with MinorCo and PhillieCo Financial
Statements. The unaudited Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined with
MinorCo and PhillieCo Financial Statements have been prepared on the same
basis as the audited Sprint Spectrum Holding Company Combined with MinorCo and
PhillieCo Financial Statements and, in the opinion of management, contain all
adjustments, consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a
fair presentation of the financial position and results of operations for
these periods.

                            AT OR FOR THE
                             THREE MONTHS              AT OR FOR THE
                           ENDED MARCH 31,        YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                           -----------------  ----------------------------------
                             1998     1997      1997       1996    1995(1)
                           --------  -------  ---------  --------  --------
                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues...  $  184.2  $   9.5  $   258.0  $    4.2  $    --
Operating loss...........    (388.9)  (192.5)  (1,379.7)   (357.6)    (66.9)
Net loss.................    (514.4)  (217.1)  (1,632.7)   (444.6)   (112.7)
Net cash used in
 operating activities....  $ (457.3) $(176.3) $  (848.2) $ (172.4) $  (16.9)
Capital expenditures.....    (295.5)  (367.0)  (2,124.6) (1,419.2)    (31.8)
Purchase of PCS licenses.       --       --         --        --   (2,085.8)
Total assets.............  $7,234.2           $ 7,057.9  $4,443.6  $2,329.3
Property, plant and
 equipment...............   3,722.5             3,538.2   1,441.6      32.0
Long-term debt and
 obligations.............   4,932.8             4,273.8   1,401.2       --
- --------
(1) Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, MinorCo and PhillieCo had no operations
prior to 1995.

  The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the
combined financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and
subsidiaries, MinorCo, L.P. and subsidiaries, PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and
subsidiaries and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. and subsidiaries (collectively,
the "Company" or the "Partnerships") which offer services as Sprint PCS.
  Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. ("Holdings") and MinorCo, L.P.
("MinorCo") are limited partnerships formed by subsidiaries (the "Partners")
of Sprint Corporation ("Sprint"), Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"), Cox
Communications, Inc. ("Cox"), and Comcast Corporation ("Comcast", and together
with Sprint, TCI and Cox, the "Parents"). Holdings is the 99% general partner
of, and is consolidated with, its subsidiaries, including NewTelco, L.P.
("NewTelco"), American PCS, L.P. ("APC") and Sprint Spectrum L.P., which, in
turn, has several subsidiaries. Sprint Spectrum L.P.'s subsidiaries are Sprint
Spectrum Equipment Company, L.P. ("EquipmentCo"), Sprint Spectrum Realty
Company, L.P. ("RealtyCo"), Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation ("FinCo"), and
WirelessCo. MinorCo holds the minority ownership interests of 1% in NewTelco,
Sprint Spectrum L.P., EquipmentCo, RealtyCo and WirelessCo at March 31, 1998,
December 31, 1997 and 1996, and APC at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997.
  PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. ("PhillieCo I") and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.
("PhillieCo II") are limited partnerships formed by subsidiaries of Sprint,
TCI and Cox (the "PhillieCo Parents"). PhillieCo I is the 99% general partner
of, and is consolidated with, its subsidiaries, including PhillieCo Sub, L.P.
("PhillieCo Sub") and PhillieCo, L.P. ("PhillieCo"). PhillieCo II holds the
minority ownership interests of 1% in PhillieCo Sub and PhillieCo.
  The Company includes certain estimates, projections and other forward-
looking statements in its reports as well as in presentations to analysts and
others and in other material disseminated to the public. There can be no
assurances of future performance and actual results may differ materially from
those in the forward-looking statements. Factors which could cause actual
results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in
forward-looking statements include:
  .  the establishment of a market for new digital personal communications
     services ("PCS");
  .  the introduction of competitive service plans and pricing and other
     effects of vigorous competition in the markets in which the Company
     currently operates or intends to market its services;
  .  the impact of technological change which may diminish the value of
     existing equipment which may, in turn, result in the need to incur
     additional costs to upgrade previously sold communications equipment;
  .  the cost of entering new markets necessary to provide services;
  .  the impact of any unusual items resulting from ongoing evaluations of
     the Company's business strategies;
  .  the impact of changes brought about by possible restructuring of
     partners' ownership interests;
  .  the effects of unanticipated delays or problems with the development of
     technologies and systems used by the Company;
  .  requirements imposed on the Company and its competitors by the Federal
     Communications Commission ("FCC") and state regulatory commissions under
     the Telecommunications Act of 1996;
  .  the possibility of one or more of the markets in which the Company will
     compete being impacted by variations in political, economic or other
     factors over which the Company has no control;

  .  the effects of unanticipated delays resulting from zoning or other
     disputes with municipalities; and
  .   unexpected results in litigation.
  LICENSE AND NETWORK COVERAGE--The Company through Sprint Spectrum L.P.
acquired PCS licenses in the FCC's A Block and B Block PCS auction, which
concluded in March 1995, to provide service to 30 major trading areas ("MTAs")
covering 159.4 million Pops. Additionally, Cox contributed to the Company,
effective February 6, 1997, a PCS license for the Omaha MTA covering 1.7
million Pops. The Company has also affiliated with and expects to continue to
affiliate with other PCS providers. Pursuant to affiliation agreements, each
affiliated PCS service provider will use the Sprint(R) and Sprint PCS SM brand
names, trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P. ("Sprint
  In 1997 the Company commenced service in all of the MTAs in which it owns a
license and expects to continue to incur additional construction costs as it
expands coverage in existing license areas. Additionally, the Company will
require substantial working capital to fund initial operating activities,
including the up-front customer acquisition costs. The extent to which the
Company is able to generate operating revenue and earnings is dependent on a
number of business factors, including maintaining existing financing,
generating operating revenues, and attaining profitable levels of market
demand for the Company's products and services.
  AFFILIATIONS--The following is a detail of affiliates in which the Partners
have an ownership interest and to which Sprint Spectrum L.P. provides
management services.
  APC--As of January 1, 1998, Holdings and MinorCo own 99.75% and 0.25%,
respectively, of the partnership interests in APC. APC, through subsidiaries,
owns a PCS license for and operates both a broadband CDMA (code division
multiple access) network and GSM (global system for mobile communications)
network in the Washington D.C./Baltimore MTA, which covers approximately 8.3
million Pops. APC launched CDMA service in April 1998. APC has affiliated with
Sprint Spectrum L.P. and is marketing its products and services under the
Sprint brand name.     
  Cox Communications PCS, L.P. ("Cox PCS")--Holdings also owns a 59.2% limited
partnership interest in Cox PCS, a limited partnership that owns a PCS license
for the Los Angeles-San Diego-Las Vegas MTA covering 21.5 million Pops. Cox,
which previously owned this license, contributed the license to Cox PCS on
March 31, 1997, and is managing partner of Cox PCS. Sprint Spectrum L.P.
signed an affiliation agreement with Cox PCS on December 31, 1996. Through
December 2008, Cox may put certain remaining interests in Cox PCS to Holdings.
  SprintCom, Inc. ("SprintCom")--SprintCom, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Sprint, participated in the FCC's D and E Block auction which ended January
1997, and was awarded licenses for 139 of 493 BTAs, covering approximately
74.9 million Pops, all of which are geographic areas not covered by the
Company's owned PCS licenses or licenses owned by APC or Cox PCS. In
accordance with the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of
MajorCo, L.P. (renamed Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. ) dated January
31, 1996, SprintCom is required to offer to enter into an affiliation
agreement with Holdings with respect to such BTA licenses pursuant to which
SprintCom's systems in such areas would be included in the Company's national
PCS network, although a final agreement has not yet been reached. In the
interim, Sprint Spectrum L.P. has been providing buildout services in certain
BTA markets where SprintCom was awarded PCS licenses and is being reimbursed
for such services, which include engineering, management, purchasing,
accounting, and other related services. SprintCom intends to market its
products and services as Sprint PCS.     
  ROAMING--The Company has entered into roaming agreements with various analog
cellular providers throughout the United States and Canada. Additionally, the
Company has negotiated roaming arrangements with other CDMA PCS carriers who
provide service in geographic areas not currently covered by the CDMA network
of Sprint Spectrum L.P. and its affiliates. As a result, customers with dual-
mode handsets capable of transmitting

over cellular and CDMA PCS frequencies have the ability to roam automatically
in areas where Sprint PCS service is not available and where there are roaming
  EMERGENCE FROM DEVELOPMENT STAGE--Prior to the third quarter of 1997, the
Company reported its operations as a development stage enterprise. During the
development stage, the Company incurred expenditures in conjunction with PCS
license acquisitions, initial design and construction of the PCS network,
engineering, marketing, administrative and other start-up expenses. The
Company has now commenced service in all of the MTAs in which it owns a
license and expects to continue to incur additional construction costs as it
expands coverage in existing license areas. Additionally, the Company will
require substantial working capital to fund initial operating activities,
including the up-front customer acquisition costs. The extent to which the
Company is able to generate operating revenue and earnings is dependent on a
number of business factors, including maintaining existing financing,
generating operating revenues and attaining profitable levels of market demand
for the Company's products and services.
  DEADLOCK EVENT--The proposed budgets for fiscal year 1998 have not been
approved by the Holdings or PhillieCo I partnership boards, which resulted in
the occurrence of a "Deadlock Event" as of January 1, 1998 under the Holdings
and PhillieCo I Partnership Agreements. Holdings is the sole general partner
of Sprint Spectrum L.P. PhillieCo I is the sole general partner of PhillieCo
Sub. Under the Holdings and PhillieCo I Partnership Agreements, if one of the
Partners refers the budget issue to the chief executive officers of the
Parents for resolution pursuant to specified procedures and the issue remains
unresolved, buy/sell provisions would be triggered which may result in the
purchase by one or more of the Partners of the interest of the other partners,
or, in certain circumstances, the liquidation of Holdings and PhillieCo I and
their subsidiaries. Discussions among the Partners about restructuring their
interests in Holdings and PhillieCo I, in lieu of triggering such buy/sell
procedures, have resulted in the Partners entering into a restructuring
agreement dated May 26, 1998. See "PCS Restructuring" below for a discussion
of the restructuring agreement between the Partners.
  BUSINESS PLAN--The Company's business plan will require additional capital
financing prior to the end of 1998. Sources of funding for the Company's
further financing requirements may include additional vendor financing, public
offerings or private placements of equity and/or debt securities, commercial
bank loans and/or capital contributions from the partners. There can be no
assurance that any additional financing can be obtained on a timely basis and
on terms acceptable to the Company and its partners and within limitations
contained in the Notes, the agreements governing the Secured Financing and any
new financing arrangements. Failure to obtain any such financing could result
in the delay or abandonment of the Company's development and expansion plans
and expenditures, the failure to meet regulatory requirements or other
potential adverse consequences.
  PCS RESTRUCTURING--Sprint has entered into a restructuring agreement with
TCI, Comcast, and Cox to restructure Sprint's PCS operations (the "PCS
Restructuring") subject to a Sprint stockholder and FCC approvals. If the PCS
Restructuring occurs as planned, Sprint will acquire the joint venture
interests of TCI, Comcast and Cox in Sprint PCS and the joint venture interest
of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo I and II. In exchange for these joint venture
interests, Sprint will issue to TCI, Comcast, and Cox a newly created class of
Sprint common stock (the "PCS Stock"). The PCS Stock will be intended to
reflect separately the performance of these joint ventures and Sprint's other
PCS interests. The operations will be referred to as the PCS Group.
  YEAR 2000 ISSUE--The "Year 2000" issue effects the Company's installed
computer systems, network elements, software applications, and other business
systems that have time sensitive programs that may not properly reflect or
recognize the year 2000. Because many computers and computer applications
define dates by

the last two digits of the year, "00" may not be properly identified as the
year 2000. This error could result in miscalculations or system errors. The
Year 2000 issue may also affect the systems and applications of the Company's
customers, vendors or resellers.
  The Company is undertaking an evaluation of its critical systems and is
planning for the remediation and testing to be completed by mid-year 1999. The
Company is also contacting others with whom they conduct business to receive
the appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are or will
be Year 2000 compliant. The total cost of modifications and conversions is not
known at this time; however, it is not expected to be material to the
Company's financial position and is being expensed as incurred. In addition,
the Company uses publicly available services that are acquired without
contract (e.g., global positioning system timing signal) that may be subject
to the Year 2000 issue. While the Company believes these systems will be Year
2000 compliant, the Company has no contractual or other right to compel
  If compliance is not achieved in a timely manner, the Year 2000 issue could
have a material adverse effect on the Company's operations. However, the
Company is focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of its
operations that may be affected by the Year 2000 issue and is addressing the
most critical applications first. As a result, Company management does not
believe its operations will be materially adversely affected.     
  The continued expansion of the Company's PCS network and the marketing and
distribution of the Company's PCS products and services will continue to
require substantial capital. Actual amounts of the funds required may vary in
the event of, unforeseen delays, cost overruns, unanticipated expenses,
regulatory changes, engineering design changes and other technological risks.
  The Company currently has limited sources of revenue to meet its capital
requirements and has relied upon capital contributions, third party debt and
public debt. The Holdings Partnership Agreement provides for planned aggregate
equity capital contributions of approximately $4.2 billion by the Partners
("Total Mandatory Contributions"). Total Mandatory Contributions include
agreed upon values attributable to the contributions of certain additional PCS
licenses by a Partner. The Total Mandatory Contributions amount is required to
be contributed in accordance with capital contribution schedules to be set
forth in approved annual budgets. The partnership board of Holdings may
request capital contributions to be made in the absence of an approved budget
or more quickly than provided for in an approved budget, but always subject to
the Total Mandatory Contributions limit. Throughout 1997, the Partners
continued to make such capital contributions by mutual agreement in the
absence of an approved budget for 1997. However, the Partners have no such
obligation in the absence of an approved budget, and there can be no assurance
the Partners will reach such an agreement or approve the 1998 proposed budget.
See "Emergence From Development Stage and Continuing Risk Factors--Deadlock
Event" for further discussion related to absence of an approved subject. As of
March 31, 1998, the Partners have fulfilled their capital contribution
commitments under the Holdings Partnership Agreement. Amounts budgeted by the
Partners in future years will determine the extent to which the remaining
commitments will be available to the Company.     
  In October 1996 and as amended in December 1997, Sprint Spectrum L.P.
entered into a credit agreement with The Chase Manhattan Bank, as
administrative agent for a group of lenders, for a $2.0 billion senior secured
credit facility (the "Bank Facility"). The proceeds of the Bank Facility are
to be used to finance working capital needs, subscriber acquisition costs,
capital expenditures and other general purposes of Sprint Spectrum L.P. The
Bank Facility consists of a $300 million term loan commitment and a revolving
credit commitment of $1.7 billion. As of March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997,
$300 million had been borrowed under the term loan. As of March 31, 1998 and
December 31, 1997, $985.0 million and $605.0 million had been borrowed under
the revolving credit facility, respectively, with $715 million and $1.1
billion remaining available, respectively. There were no borrowings under the
revolving credit commitment at December 31, 1996.
  Also in October 1996, Sprint Spectrum L.P. entered into credit agreements
for up to an aggregate of $3.1 billion of senior secured multiple drawdown
term loan facilities from two of its network infrastructure equipment vendors.
As amended in April and December 1997, the Nortel facility provides $1.3
billion in senior secured

loans. The Lucent facility, as amended in May and November 1997, provides $1.8
billion in senior secured loans (together the "Vendor Financing" and together
with the Bank Facility, the "Secured Financing"). The Company is using the
proceeds from the Vendor Financing to fund the purchase of the equipment and
software manufactured by the vendors as well as a substantial part of the
construction and ancillary equipment (e.g., towers, antennae, cable) required
to construct the Company's PCS network. These facilities serve as the primary
financing mechanism for the buildout of the network. The Company has borrowed
$2.1 billion and $1.6 billion under such facilities at March 31, 1998 and
December 31, 1997, respectively, of which $300 million was syndicated to
  The Bank Credit Facility agreement and the Vendor Financing agreements
contain certain restrictive financial and operating covenants, including,
among other requirements, maximum debt ratios (including debt to total
capitalization), limitations on capital expenditures, limitations on
additional indebtedness and limitations on dividends and other payment
restrictions affecting certain restricted subsidiaries. The loss of the right
to use the Sprint trademark, the termination or non-renewal of any FCC license
that reduces population coverage below specified limits, or changes in
controlling interest in the Company, as defined, among other provisions,
constitute events of default.
  Borrowings under the Secured Financing are secured by Sprint Spectrum L.P.'s
interest in WirelessCo, RealtyCo and EquipmentCo and certain other personal
and real property (the "Shared Lien"). The Shared Lien equally and ratably
secures the Bank Facility and the Vendor Financing. The Secured Financing is
jointly and severally guaranteed by WirelessCo, RealtyCo and EquipmentCo and
is non-recourse to the Partners.
  In August 1996, Sprint Spectrum L.P. and FinCo issued $250 million aggregate
principal amount of the 11% Senior Notes and $500 million aggregate principal
amount at maturity of 12 1/2% Senior Discount Notes (together, the "Notes").
The Senior Discount Notes were issued at a discount to their aggregate
principal amount at maturity and generated proceeds of approximately $273
million. Cash interest on the Senior Notes will accrue at a rate of 11% per
annum and is payable semi-annually in arrears on each February 15 and August
15, commencing February 15, 1997. Cash interest will not accrue or be payable
on the Senior Discount Notes prior to August 15, 2001. Thereafter, cash
interest on the Senior Discount Notes will accrue at a rate of 12 1/2% per
annum and will be payable semi-annually in arrears on each February 15 and
August 15, commencing February 15, 2002. FinCo was formed solely to be a co-
obligor of the Notes. FinCo has only nominal assets and no operations or
revenues, and Sprint Spectrum L.P. will be responsible for payment of the
Notes. On August 15, 2001, Sprint Spectrum L.P. will be required to redeem an
amount equal to $384.772 per $1,000 principal amount at maturity of each
Senior Discount Note then outstanding ($192 million in aggregate principal
amount at maturity, assuming all of the Senior Discount Notes remain
outstanding at such date). The proceeds of approximately $509 million from the
issuance of the Notes (net of approximately $14 million of underwriting
discounts, commissions, and offering expenses) were used to fund capital
expenditures, including the buildout of the nationwide PCS network, to fund
working capital requirements, to fund operating losses and for other
partnership purposes. Sprint purchased, and continues to hold, approximately
$183 million principal amount at maturity of the Senior Discount Notes. The
Notes contain certain restrictive covenants, including, among other
requirements limitations on additional indebtedness, limitations on restricted
payments, limitations on liens, and limitations on dividends and other payment
restrictions affecting restricted subsidiaries.
  The Company is obligated to the FCC for $102 million for the receipt of the
commercial PCS license covering the Washington D.C./Baltimore MTA. In March
1996, the FCC determined that interest on the amount due would begin to accrue
on March 8, 1996, at an interest rate of 7.75%. Beginning with the first
payment due in April 1996, the FCC granted two years of interest-only payments
followed by three years of principal and interest payments.
  In February 1997 and as amended in January 1998, American PCS
Communications, LLC entered into credit facilities of $420 million, consisting
of a term loan facility of $220 million and a reducing revolving credit
facility of $200 million (together, the "APC Credit Agreement"). As of March
31, 1998 and December 31, 1997, $220 million had been borrowed under the term
loan. As of March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997, $152.4

million and $141.4 million had been borrowed under the revolving credit
facility, respectively, with $47.6 million and $58.6 million remaining
available, respectively. The APC Credit Agreement is secured by first priority
liens on all the equity interests held by American PCS Communications LLC in
its direct subsidiaries, including the equity interests of the subsidiaries
which will hold APC's PCS license and certain real property interests and
equipment and a first priority security interest in, and mortgages on,
substantially all other intangible and tangible assets of APC and
subsidiaries. The APC Credit Agreement matures February 7, 2005, with an
interest rate of LIBOR plus 2.25%.
  The APC Credit Agreement, as amended, contains covenants which require APC
to maintain certain levels of wireless subscribers, as well as other financial
and non-financial requirements. The covenants require American PCS
Communications, LLC to enter into interest rate contracts on a quarterly basis
to protect and limit the interest rate on 40% of its aggregate debt
  Both the FCC debt and the APC Credit Agreement relate specifically to the
Washington D.C./Baltimore MTA, however, these agreements should be considered
on a combined basis consistent with other Company obligations.
  At December 31, 1997, the partners of PhillieCo I had advanced $45 million
to PhillieCo I, for general operating purposes. The advances accrue interest
at prime and mature in May 1998. Subsequent to December 31, 1997 and through
March 31 1998, Sprint advanced an additional $90 million to PhillieCo I. These
advances accrue interest at rates from prime to prime plus 1 5/8% and also
mature in May 1998.
  The Company's business plan will require additional capital financing prior
to the end of 1998. Sources of funding for the Company's further financing
requirements may include additional vendor financing, public offerings or
private placements of equity and/or debt securities, commercial bank loans
and/or capital contributions from the Partners. There can be no assurance that
any additional financing can be obtained on a timely basis and on terms
acceptable to the Company and its Partners and within limitations contained in
the Notes, the agreements governing the Secured Financing and any new
financing arrangements. Failure to obtain any such financing could result in
the delay or abandonment of the Company's development and expansion plans and
expenditures, the failure to meet regulatory requirements or other potential
adverse consequences. See Note 10 to the Combined Financial Statements
included herein for a discussion of the PCS Restructuring and its potential
impact on future sources of liquidity.
  For the year ended December 31, 1995, the Company used cash of $16.9 million
in operating activities, which consisted of the operating loss of $112.7
million offset by the equity in loss of unconsolidated partnership of $46.2
million and a net change in working capital of $47.8 million. Cash used in
investing activities totaled $2.3 billion, consisting mainly of the purchase
of PCS licenses.
  For the year ended December 31, 1996, the Company used cash of $172.4
million in operating activities, which consisted of the operating loss of
$444.6 million offset by the equity in loss of unconsolidated partnership of
$96.9 million and a net change in working capital of $140.5 million. Cash used
in investing activities totaled $2.0 billion, consisting mainly of capital
expenditures and microwave relocation costs of $1.6 billion and advances to
APC, prior to acquisition, of $232.0 million.
  For the year ended December 31, 1997, the Company used cash of $848.2
million in operating activities, which consisted of the operating loss of $1.6
billion offset by equity in loss of unconsolidated partnership of $168.9
million, depreciation and amortization of $365.9 million and a net change in
working capital of $217.4 million. As discussed above, the Company has
required (and expects to continue to require) significant working capital to
fund the operations supporting the network buildout and service launch. Cash
used in investing activities totaled $2.3 billion, consisting mainly of
capital expenditures and microwave relocation costs, also discussed above.
Cash flow from financing activities totaled $3.2 billion during 1997, and
included partner capital contributions of $1.0 billion, net proceeds from term
loans and vendor financing of $1.8 billion, and net

borrowings under a revolving credit facility of $605 million after deduction
of long-term debt issuance costs. The Company's available financing sources
are described more fully above.
  For the three months ended March 31, 1998, the Company used cash of
approximately $457.3 million in operating activities, which consisted of the
operating loss of $514.4 million less depreciation and amortization of $141.8
million and a net change in working capital of $136.1 million. Cash used in
investing activities totaled $355.2 million for the three months ended March
31, 1998, consisting of capital expenditures, the completion of the purchase
of APC (net of cash acquired), the investment in unconsolidated partnerships
and microwave relocation costs. Cash flow from financing activities totaled
$822.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998, and included net
proceeds from vendor financing of $479.0 million and net borrowings under a
revolving credit facility of $391.0 million. The Company's available financing
sources are more fully described above. See Note 10 to the Combined Financial
Statements incurred herein for a discussion of the PCS Restructuring and its
potential impact on future sources of liquidity.
  The wireless industry, including the PCS Group, has experienced a trend of
generating a significantly higher number of subscriber additions and handset
sales in the fourth quarter of each year as compared to the other three fiscal
quarters. A number of factors contribute to the trend, including the
increasing use of retail distribution, which is dependent on the year-end
holiday shopping season, the timing of new product and service announcements
and introductions, competitive pricing pressures and aggressive marketing and
sales promotions. There can be no assurance that strong fourth quarter results
for subscriber additions and handset sales will continue for the wireless
industry or the PCS Group. The PCS Group's fourth quarter subscriber additions
and handset sales could be adversely impacted by a variety of reasons,
including the PCS Group's inability to match or beat pricing plans offered by
competitors, the failure to adequately promote the PCS Group's products,
services and pricing plans or the failure to have an adequate supply or
selection of handsets. If fourth quarter results of the PCS Group fail to
significantly improve upon subscriber additions and handset sales from the
year's previous quarters, the PCS Group's results for the year could be
materially adversely affected.     
  The Company incurred a loss of $112.7 million for the year ended December
31, 1995, which included equity in APC loss of $46.2 million. There was no
amortization of licenses during the period as PCS service had not been
launched commercially.
  The Company incurred a loss of $444.6 million for the year ended December
31, 1996, which included equity in APC loss of $96.9 million. Certain network
equipment had been placed in service and amortization of PCS licenses and
microwave relocation costs in the launched markets commenced.
  The Company commenced initial commercial operations for its PCS services
late in the fourth quarter of 1996 and, as a result, had generated minimal
operating revenues. Cost of revenues consisted principally of switch and cell
site expenses, including site rental, utilities and access charges. Such costs
were incurred prior to service launch during the network buildout and testing
  Selling, general and administrative expenses increased from $66.7 million
for the year ended December 31, 1995 to $313.6 million for the year ended
December 31, 1996. Selling expenses increased $36.9 million in 1996 due to
costs incurred in preparation of and during the initial commercial service
launch. Such costs included participation with Sprint in the NFL sponsorship,
development and production expenses associated with advertisements in various
media (i.e., television, radio, print), and the development of printed
brochures to promote the Company's products and services.

  General and administrative expenses increased from $66.7 million for the
year ended December 31, 1995 to $276.7 million for the year ended December 31,
1996 due principally to increases in salary and related benefits, leased
computer equipment and related expenses and professional and consulting fees.
Salaries and benefits and leased computer equipment and related expenses
increased due to an increase in employee headcount. Professional and
consulting fees increased due to the use of consultants and other experts to
assist with the development of the Company's sophisticated information systems
(including systems to handle customer care, billing, network management and
financial and administrative services), development and rollout of training
programs for the Company's sales force, and various other projects associated
with the development of the corporate infrastructure.
  Depreciation and amortization expense increased from $0.2 million for the
year ended December 31, 1995 to $11.3 million for the year ended December 31,
1996 as certain network equipment had been placed in service and amortization
of PCS licenses and microwave relocation costs in the launched markets
 Operating Revenues/Margin
  The Company emerged from the development stage in the third quarter of 1997.
The majority of the revenue was generated in the third and fourth quarters and
includes both service revenues and the sales of handsets and accessory
equipment through multiple distribution channels (including Sprint PCS retail
stores, telemarketing, and business channels) and to third party vendors. Cost
of revenues consists principally of handset and accessory costs,
interconnection costs and switch and cell site expenses, including maintenance
site rental and utilities.
  Average monthly revenue per subscriber for 1997 was approximately $64,
excluding APC and Cox PCS. This average is expected to decline in the future
(consistent with industry projections) due to increased competition resulting
from additional wireless service providers entering the market.
 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
  The Company's selling, general and administrative expenses for the year were
$747.1 million compared to $313.6 million for 1996. Selling expenses increased
$176.2 million due to costs incurred during the initial commercial service
launch in various markets and to costs incurred in conjunction with local and
national advertising for existing markets. Such costs include participation
with Sprint in an NFL sponsorship, development and production expenses
associated with advertisements in various media (i.e., television, radio,
print), and the development of printed brochures to promote the Company's
products and services. The Company expects selling expenses will continue to
increase in 1998 as the Company expands its sales and marketing activities.
  General and administrative expenses increased $257.3 million due principally
to increases in salary and related benefits, computer equipment and related
expenses and professional and consulting fees. Salaries and benefits, computer
equipment and related expenses increased due to an increase in employee
headcount. These additional employees were added during 1997 to support the
continued growth of the Company. Professional and consulting fees increased
due to the use of consultants and other experts to assist with the continuing
development and enhancement of the Company's sophisticated information
systems, continued rollout and tailoring of employee training, and various
other projects.
 Depreciation and Amortization
  Depreciation and amortization expense for 1997 was $316.3 million compared
to $11.3 million for 1996. This increase occurred as network equipment in
launched markets has been placed in service and amortization of PCS licenses
and microwave relocation costs in those same markets commenced.
 Other Income/Expense
  Interest income increased from $8.6 million for the year ended December 31,
1996 to $27.8 million for the year ended December 31, 1997 as the average
daily invested cash balance increased during the comparative

periods due to the receipt in the prior year of partner equity contributions
in advance of capital and operational requirements. Additionally, Holdings
received $15.8 million of interest in conjunction with APC's repayment of
advances from Holdings.
  Interest expense increased to $123.5 million for the year ended December 31,
1997, compared to $0.3 million for 1996. The balance of the Company's
construction accounts eligible for interest capitalization declined during the
year as markets launched commercial service and equipment was placed in
service. Additionally, interest expense continues to increase as borrowings
  Sprint Spectrum L.P. participates in an affiliation agreement with Cox PCS.
Fees earned under this agreement of $1.1 million for the year ended December
31, 1997 and are included in other income. No fees were earned in 1996.
 Operating Revenues/Margin
  Revenues and cost of revenues have increased for the first quarter of 1998
compared to the first quarter of 1997 due to increases in the number of
markets launched and in the number of subscribers. Revenues include service
and the sales of handsets and accessory equipment through multiple
distribution channels (including Sprint PCS retail stores, telemarketing, and
business channels) and to third party vendors. Cost of revenues consists
principally of handset and accessory costs, interconnection costs and switch
and cell site expenses, including site rental and utilities.
 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
  The Company's selling, general and administrative expenses for the first
quarter of 1998 were $252.4 million compared to $118.9 million for the first
quarter of 1997. For the three months ended March 31, 1998, selling expenses
increased $49.2 million over the same period in 1997 due to costs incurred in
conjunction with local and national advertising for existing markets. Such
costs include participation with Sprint in an NFL sponsorship, development and
production expenses associated with advertisements in various media (i.e.,
television, radio, print), the development of printed brochures to promote the
Company's products and services, and sales incentive programs. The Company
expects selling expenses will continue to increase as the Company expands its
sales and marketing activities.
  General and administrative expenses for the first quarter of 1998 increased
$84.3 million compared to the first quarter of 1997 due principally to
increases in salary and related benefits, computer equipment and related
expenses and professional and consulting fees. Salaries and benefits, computer
equipment and related expenses increased due to an increase in employee
headcount. These additional employees have been added over the last year to
support the continued growth of the Company. Professional and consulting fees
increased due to the use of consultants and other experts to assist with the
continuing development and enhancement of the Company's information systems,
continued rollout and tailoring of employee training, and various other
 Depreciation and Amortization
  Depreciation and amortization expense for the first quarter of 1998 was
$128.7 million compared to $34.4 million for the same period in the prior year
as network equipment in launched markets has been placed in service and
amortization of PCS licenses and microwave relocation costs in those same
markets commenced.
 Other Income/Expense:
  Interest expense increased to $93.8 million for the three months ended March
31, 1998, compared to $1.6 million for the same period in 1997. The balance of
the Company's construction accounts eligible for interest capitalization
declined during the period as markets launched commercial service and
equipment was placed in service. Additionally, interest expense continues to
increase as borrowings increase.
  Sprint Spectrum L.P. participates in an affiliation agreement with Cox PCS.
Aggregate fees of $0.7 million earned under this agreement for the three
months ended March 31, 1998 are shown in other income.

                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT
Partners of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P., MinorCo, L.P., PhillieCo
Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo
 Partners II, L.P.
Kansas City, Missouri
  We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of Sprint Spectrum
Holding Company, L.P. and subsidiaries, MinorCo, L.P. and subsidiaries,
PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and subsidiaries, and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.
and subsidiaries (the "Partnerships") as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and
the related combined statements of operations, changes in partners' capital,
and cash flows for the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Partnerships'
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these combined
financial statements based on our audits.
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.
  In our opinion, such combined financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the Partnerships at December 31,
1997 and 1996, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for
the three years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting
  The Partnerships were in the development stage at December 31, 1996; during
the year ended December 31, 1997, the Partnerships completed their development
activities and commenced their planned principal operations.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
May 26, 1998

                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (in thousands)

                                           MARCH 31,        DECEMBER 31,
                                          -----------  -----------------------
                                             1998         1997         1996
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
 Cash and cash equivalents............... $   135,262  $   124,886  $   71,098
 Accounts receivable, net................     105,044      116,415       3,315
 Receivable from affiliates..............      35,774       43,006      13,375
 Inventory...............................      90,986      103,894      72,414
 Prepaid expenses and other assets, net..      41,663       29,648      14,951
 Note receivable--unconsolidated partner-
  ship...................................         --           --      226,670
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
  Total current assets...................     408,729      417,849     401,823
INVESTMENT IN PCS LICENSES, net..........   2,452,794    2,386,799   2,207,903
 SHIP(S).................................     258,205      273,541     179,086
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, net.......   3,722,507    3,538,238   1,441,627
MICROWAVE RELOCATION COSTS, net..........     281,265      271,612     135,802
MINORITY INTEREST........................         --        56,667         --
OTHER ASSETS, net........................     110,739      113,153      77,403
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
TOTAL ASSETS............................. $ 7,234,239  $ 7,057,859  $4,443,644
                                          ===========  ===========  ==========
 Advances from partners.................. $   135,000  $    45,000  $  167,819
 Accounts payable........................     245,547      446,263     214,205
 Payable to affiliate....................       2,187       11,933       5,626
 Accrued interest........................      71,851       59,605      34,057
 Accrued expenses........................     280,244      237,123      49,482
 Current maturities of long-term debt....      34,718       34,562          49
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
  Total current liabilities..............     769,547      834,486     471,238
CONSTRUCTION OBLIGATIONS.................     486,238      705,280     714,934
LONG-TERM DEBT...........................   4,411,855    3,533,954     686,192
OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES.............      63,206       50,103      11,356
 Partners' capital.......................   4,211,025    4,127,244   3,120,479
 Accumulated deficit.....................  (2,707,632)  (2,193,208)   (560,555)
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
  Total partners' capital................   1,503,393    1,934,036   2,559,924
                                          -----------  -----------  ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' CAPITAL.. $ 7,234,239  $ 7,057,859  $4,443,644
                                          ===========  ===========  ==========

                  See notes to combined financial statements.

                                 (in thousands)

                             THREE MONTHS                 YEAR ENDED
                            ENDED MARCH 31,              DECEMBER 31,
                          --------------------  ---------------------------------
                            1998       1997        1997        1996       1995
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
OPERATING REVENUES......  $ 184,213  $   9,487  $   258,029  $   4,175  $     --
Cost of revenues........    192,084     48,658      574,343     36,824        --
Selling, general and ad-
 ministrative...........    252,354    118,925      747,084    313,629     66,719
Depreciation and amorti-
 zation.................    128,721     34,428      316,276     11,297        211
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
   Total operating ex-
    penses..............    573,159    202,011    1,637,703    361,750     66,930
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS....   (388,946)  (192,524)  (1,379,674)  (357,575)   (66,930)
 Interest income........      5,353     17,593       27,817      8,593        476
 Interest expense.......    (93,775)    (1,590)    (123,490)      (323)       --
 Other income...........      1,317      1,124        5,108      1,586        (19)
 Equity in loss of
  partnerships..........    (38,373)   (41,672)    (168,935)   (96,850)   (46,206)
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
   Total other expense..   (125,478)   (24,545)    (259,500)   (86,994)   (45,749)
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
 INTEREST...............   (514,424)  (217,069)  (1,639,174)  (444,569)  (112,679)
MINORITY INTEREST.......        --         --         6,521        --         --
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
NET LOSS................  $(514,424) $(217,069) $(1,632,653) $(444,569) $(112,679)
                          =========  =========  ===========  =========  =========

                  See notes to combined financial statements.

                                 (in thousands)

                              THREE MONTHS                   YEAR ENDED
                             ENDED MARCH 31,                DECEMBER 31,
                          ----------------------  ----------------------------------
                             1998        1997        1997        1996        1995
                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance at beginning of
 period.................  $4,127,244  $3,120,479  $3,120,479  $2,391,801  $  128,795
Contributions of capi-
 tal....................      83,781      51,229   1,018,500     728,678   2,263,006
Return of capital.......         --      (11,735)    (11,735)        --          --
                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance at end of peri-
 od.....................   4,211,025   3,159,973   4,127,244   3,120,479   2,391,801
Balance at beginning of
 period.................  (2,193,208)   (560,555)   (560,555)   (115,986)     (3,307)
Net loss................    (514,424)   (217,069) (1,632,653)   (444,569)   (112,679)
                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance at end of peri-
 od.....................  (2,707,632)   (777,624) (2,193,208)   (560,555)   (115,986)
                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
TOTAL PARTNERS' CAPITAL.  $1,503,393  $2,382,349  $1,934,036  $2,559,924  $2,275,815
                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

                  See notes to combined financial statements.

                                 (in thousands)

                             THREE MONTHS                  YEAR ENDED
                            ENDED MARCH 31,               DECEMBER 31,
                          --------------------  -----------------------------------
                            1998       1997        1997         1996        1995
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
 Net loss...............  $(514,424) $(217,069) $(1,632,653) $ (444,569) $ (112,679)
 Adjustments to recon-
  cile net loss to net
  cash provided by
  (used in) operating
 Equity in loss of un-
  consolidated partner-
  ship..................     38,373     41,672      168,935      96,850      46,206
 Minority interest......        --         --        (6,521)        --          --
 Depreciation and amor-
  tization..............    128,401     34,428      316,854      11,278         242
 Amortization of debt
  discount and issuance
  costs.................     13,423     10,959       49,061      14,008         --
 Changes in assets and
  liabilities, net of
  effects of
  acquisition of APC:
   Receivables..........     15,279      2,596     (132,026)    (16,350)       (147)
   Inventory............     12,909    (57,212)     (27,398)    (72,413)        --
   Prepaid expenses and
    other assets........     (9,220)    (1,933)     (12,965)    (22,513)       (178)
   Accounts payable and
    accrued expenses....   (155,096)     5,828      389,740     251,791      47,836
   Other noncurrent lia-
    bilities............     13,103      4,430       38,747       9,500       1,856
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
    Net cash used in op-
     erating activities.   (457,252)  (176,301)    (848,226)   (172,418)    (16,864)
 Capital expenditures...   (295,525)  (366,965)  (2,124,556) (1,419,216)    (31,806)
 Microwave relocation
  costs, net............     (7,871)   (49,437)    (123,816)   (135,828)        --
 Purchase of PCS li-
  censes................        --         --           --          --   (2,085,794)
 Purchase of APC, net of
  cash acquired.........    (28,815)       --        (6,764)        --          --
 Investment in unconsol-
  idated partnerships...    (23,037)    (3,961)    (191,171)   (190,390)   (131,752)
 Loan to unconsolidated
  partnership...........        --     (28,150)    (111,468)   (231,964)       (655)
 Payment received on
  loan to unconsolidated
  partnership...........        --     246,670      246,670       5,949         --
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
    Net cash used in in-
     vesting activities.   (355,248)  (201,843)  (2,311,105) (1,971,449) (2,250,007)
 Advances from partners.     90,000        --        45,000     167,819         --
 Net borrowing under re-
  volving credit agree-
  ment..................    391,000    200,000      605,000         --          --
 Proceeds from issuance
  of long-term debt.....    478,978    429,214    1,763,045     674,200         --
 Change in construction
  obligations...........   (219,042)       --        (9,654)    714,934         --
 Payments on long-term
  debt..................     (1,841)  (167,830)    (170,809)        (24)        --
 Debt issuance costs....        --     (20,000)     (20,000)    (71,791)        --
 Partner capital contri-
  butions...............     83,781     45,000    1,012,272     728,678   2,263,006
 Return of capital......        --     (11,735)     (11,735)        --          --
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
    Net cash provided by
     financing activi-
     ties...............    822,876    474,649    3,213,119   2,213,816   2,263,006
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
 LENTS..................     10,376     96,505       53,788      69,949      (3,865)
 LENTS, beginning of pe-
 riod...................    124,886     71,098       71,098       1,149       5,014
                          ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------
 LENTS, end of period...  $ 135,262  $ 167,603  $   124,886  $   71,098  $    1,149
                          =========  =========  ===========  ==========  ==========
 .  Interest paid, net
    of amount capital-
    ized................  $  45,873  $      25  $    35,629  $      323  $      --
 .  Accrued interest of
    $32,000 and $51,673
    related to vendor
    financing was con-
    verted to long-term
    debt during the
    three months ended
    March 31, 1998 and
    the year ended De-
    cember 31, 1997, re-
 .  A PCS license cover-
    ing the Omaha MTA
    and valued at $6,229
    was contributed to
    the Company by Cox
    Communications dur-
    ing the three months
    ended March 31, 1997
    and the year ended
    December 31, 1997.

                  See notes to combined financial statements.

  The accompanying combined financial statements present a combination of the
consolidated financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and
subsidiaries, MinorCo, L.P. and subsidiaries, PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and
subsidiaries and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. and subsidiaries (collectively,
the "Company" or the "Partnerships") which offer services as Sprint PCS.
  The unaudited interim financial information presented has been prepared
according to generally accepted accounting principles and the rules and
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission for interim reporting.
In management's opinion, the information presented reflects all adjustments
(consisting only of normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the
interim financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the
  SPRINT SPECTRUM HOLDING COMPANY, L.P.--Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P.
("Holdings") is a limited partnership formed in Delaware on March 28, 1995, by
Sprint Enterprises, L.P., TCI Spectrum Holdings, Inc., Cox Telephony
Partnership and Comcast Telephony Services (together the "Partners"). Holdings
was formed pursuant to a reorganization of the operations of an existing
partnership, WirelessCo, L.P. ("WirelessCo") which transferred certain
operating functions to Holdings. The Partners are subsidiaries of Sprint
Corporation ("Sprint"), Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"), Cox Communications,
Inc. ("Cox"), and Comcast Corporation ("Comcast", and together with Sprint,
TCI and Cox, the "Parents"), respectively.
  The Partners of Holdings and MinorCo, L.P. have the following ownership
interests as of December 31, 1997, and 1996 and March 31, 1998 and 1997:

       Sprint Enterprises, L.P.............................................. 40%
       TCI Spectrum Holdings, Inc........................................... 30%
       Cox Telephony Partnership............................................ 15%
       Comcast Telephony Services........................................... 15%

  Each Partner's ownership interest consists of a 99% general partner interest
and a 1% limited partnership interest.
  Holdings is the 99% general partner of, and is consolidated with, its
subsidiaries, including NewTelco, L.P. ("NewTelco") and Sprint Spectrum L.P.,
which, in turn, has several subsidiaries. Sprint Spectrum L.P.'s subsidiaries
are Sprint Spectrum Equipment Company, L.P. ("EquipmentCo"), Sprint Spectrum
Realty Company, L.P. ("RealtyCo"), Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation
("FinCo"), and WirelessCo. RealtyCo and EquipmentCo were organized on May 15,
1996 for the purpose of holding personal communications service ("PCS")
network-related real estate interests and assets. FinCo was formed on May 20,
1996 to be a co-obligor of the debt obligations discussed in Note 5.
Additionally, the results of American PCS, L.P. ("APC") are consolidated from
November 1997, the date the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") approved
Holdings as the new managing partner (Note 4). APC, through subsidiaries, owns
a PCS license for and operates a broadband GSM (global system for mobile
communications) in the Washington D.C./Baltimore Major Trading Area ("MTA"),
and has launched a code division multiple access ("CDMA") overlay for nearly
all of its existing GSM PCS system. APC includes American PCS Communications,
LLC, APC PCS, LLC, APC Realty and Equipment Company, LLC and American Personal
Communications Holdings, Inc.     
  MINORCO, L.P. ("MINORCO")--MinorCo holds the minority ownership interests of
1% in NewTelco, Sprint Spectrum L.P., EquipmentCo, RealtyCo and WirelessCo at
March 31, 1998, December 31, 1997 and 1996, and APC at March 31, 1998 and
December 31, 1997.

  PHILLIECO PARTNERS--The consolidated financial statements of PhillieCo
Partners I, L.P. ("PhillieCo I") and subsidiaries, included in these combined
financial statements, include the accounts of PhillieCo I and its consolidated
subsidiaries, including PhillieCo Sub, L.P. ("PhillieCo Sub") and PhillieCo,
L.P ("PhillieCo").
  The consolidated financial statements of PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.
("PhillieCo II") and subsidiaries, included in these combined financial
statements, include the accounts of PhillieCo II and its minority investment
interests in PhillieCo Sub, L.P. and PhillieCo, L.P.
  PhillieCo Sub was formed by PhillieCo I and PhillieCo II, both of which were
formed by Sprint Enterprises, L.P., TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc. and Cox
Communications Wireless, Inc. (together the "PhillieCo Partners"). PhillieCo
Sub was formed pursuant to a reorganization under which the PhillieCo Partners
transferred their ownership interests in PhillieCo, which was formed in
Delaware on October 24, 1994, to PhillieCo I and PhillieCo II. The PhillieCo
Partners are subsidiaries of Sprint, TCI and Cox, respectively.
  The PhillieCo Partners have the following ownership interest as of December
31, 1997 and 1996 and March 31, 1998 and 1997:

       Sprint Enterprises, L.P............................................ 47.1%
       TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc..................................... 35.3%
       Cox Communications Wireless, Inc................................... 17.6%

  Each PhillieCo partner's ownership interest consists of a 99% general
partner interest and a 1% limited partnership interest.
Agreement (the "Formation Agreement"), dated as of October 24, 1994, and
subsequently amended as of March 28, 1995, and January 31, 1996, was entered
into by the Parents, pursuant to which the Parents agreed to form certain
entities to (i) provide national wireless telecommunications services,
including acquisition and development of PCS licenses, (ii) develop a PCS
wireless system in the Los Angeles-San Diego-Las Vegas MTA, and (iii) take
certain other actions.
  On October 24, 1994, WirelessCo was formed and on March 28, 1995, additional
partnerships were formed consisting of Holdings, MinorCo, NewTelco, and Sprint
Spectrum L.P. The Partners' ownership interests in WirelessCo were initially
held directly by the Partners as of October 24, 1994, the formation date of
WirelessCo, but were subsequently contributed to Holdings and then to Sprint
Spectrum L.P. on March 28, 1995.
Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of MajorCo, L.P. (now known as
Holdings), dated as of January 31, 1996 (the "Holdings Agreement"), among
Sprint Enterprises, L.P., TCI Spectrum Holdings, Inc., Comcast Telephony
Services and Cox Telephony Partnership provides that the purpose of Holdings
is to engage in wireless communications services.     
  The Holdings Agreement generally provides for the allocation of profits and
losses according to each Partner's proportionate percentage interest, after
giving effect to special allocations. After special allocations, profits are
allocated to partners to the extent of and in proportion to cumulative net
losses previously allocated. Losses are allocated, after considering special
allocations, according to each Partner's allocation of net profits previously
  The Holdings Agreement provides for planned capital contributions by the
Partners ("Total Mandatory Contributions") of $4.2 billion, which includes
agreed upon values attributable to the contributions of certain additional PCS
licenses by a Partner. The Total Mandatory Contributions amount is required to
be contributed in accordance with capital contribution schedules to be set
forth in approved annual budgets. The partnership board

of Holdings may request capital contributions to be made in the absence of an
approved budget or more quickly than provided for in an approved budget, but
always subject to the Total Mandatory Contributions limit. The proposed budget
for fiscal 1998 has not yet been approved by the partnership board, which has
resulted in the occurrence of a Deadlock Event (as defined) under the Holdings
Agreement as of January 1, 1998. If the 1998 proposed budget is not approved
through resolution procedures set forth in the Holdings Agreement, certain
specified buy/sell procedures may be triggered which may result in a
restructuring of the partners' interest in Holdings or, in limited
circumstances, liquidation of Holdings. See Note 10 for further discussion
regarding a restructuring of the partnership structure. As of March 31, 1998
and December 31, 1997, approximately $4.2 billion and $4.0 billion,
respectively, of the Total Mandatory Contributions had been contributed by the
Partners to Holdings and its affiliated partnerships, of which approximately
$3.3 billion had been contributed to Sprint Spectrum L.P.     
  PHILLIECO PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT--The Second Amended and Restated Agreement
of Limited Partnership of PhillieCo, L.P., (the "PhillieCo Agreement") dated
as of March 12, 1997, among PhillieCo Sub and PhillieCo II provides that the
purpose of PhillieCo is to engage in wireless communications services in the
Philadelphia MTA. The PhillieCo Agreement provides for the governance and
administration of partnership business, allocation of profits and losses
(including provisions for special and curative allocations), tax allocations,
transactions with partners, disposition of partnership interests and other
matters. The PhillieCo Agreement provides for additional capital contributions
to be made in accordance with capital contribution schedules to be set forth
in approved annual budgets.
  The PhillieCo Agreement generally provides for the allocation of profits and
losses according to each Partner's proportionate percentage interest, after
giving effect to special allocations. After special allocations, profits are
allocated to partners to the extent of and in proportion to cumulative net
losses previously allocated. Losses are allocated, after considering special
allocations, according to each Partner's allocation of net profits previously
1997, the Company reported its operations as a development stage enterprise.
The Company has commenced service in all of the MTAs in which it owns a
license. As a result, the Company is no longer considered a development stage
enterprise, and the balance sheets and statements of operations and of cash
flows are no longer presented in development stage format.
  Management believes that the Company will incur additional losses in 1998
and require additional financial resources to support the current level of
operations and the remaining network buildout for the year ended December 31,
1998. Management believes the Company has the ability to obtain the required
levels of financing through additional financing arrangements or additional
equity funding from the partners.
  DEADLOCK EVENT--The proposed budgets for fiscal year 1998 were not approved
by the Holdings or PhillieCo I partnership boards, which resulted in the
occurrence of a "Deadlock Event" as of January 1, 1998 under the Holdings and
PhillieCo I Partnership Agreements. Holdings is the sole general partner of
Sprint Spectrum L.P. PhillieCo I is the sole general partner of PhillieCo Sub.
Under the Holdings and PhillieCo I Partnership Agreements, if one of the
partners refers the budget issue to the chief executive officers of the
Parents for resolution pursuant to specified procedures and the issue remains
unresolved, buy/sell provisions would be triggered which may result in the
purchase by one or more of the partners of the interest of the other partners,
or, in certain circumstances, the liquidation of Holdings and PhillieCo I and
their subsidiaries. See further discussions regarding a restructuring of the
partnership structure in Note 10.     
  BASIS OF PRESENTATION--The financial statements are presented on a combined
basis as the Partnerships are under common management for all periods
presented. The assets, liabilities, results of operations and cash flows

of entities in which the Company has a controlling interest have been
consolidated. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been
  MINORITY INTERESTS--In November 1997, concurrent with the acquisition
discussed in Note 4, American Personal Communications II, L.P. ("APC II")
became the minority owner in APC. APC II has been allocated approximately $6.5
million in losses in APC since the date of acquisition. Prior to November
1997, APC II, as majority owner, had been allocated approximately $50 million
in losses in excess of its investment. At December 31, 1997, after
consolidation of APC, the total of such losses, approximately $56.7 million,
was recorded as minority interest in the Partnerships' combined balance sheet.
This treatment reflects that APC II continued to be responsible for funding
its share of losses until January 1, 1998 when Holdings and MinorCo acquired
the remaining interest in APC.
  TRADEMARK AGREEMENT--Sprint(R) is a registered trademark of Sprint
Communications Company L.P. and Sprint(R) and Sprint PCS SM are licensed to
Holdings on a royalty-free basis pursuant to a trademark license agreement
between Holdings and Sprint Communications Company L.P.
  REVENUE RECOGNITION--Operating revenues for PCS services are recognized as
service is rendered. Operating revenues for equipment sales are recognized at
the time the equipment is delivered to a customer or an unaffiliated agent.
  COST OF EQUIPMENT--The Company uses multiple distribution channels for its
inventory, including third-party retailers, Company-owned retail stores, its
direct sales force and telemarketing. Cost of equipment varies by distribution
channel and includes the cost of multiple models of handsets, related
accessory equipment, and warehousing and shipping expenses.
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS--The Company considers all highly liquid
instruments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash
equivalents. The Company maintains cash and cash equivalents in financial
institutions with the highest credit ratings.
  ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE--Accounts receivable are net of an allowance for
doubtful accounts of approximately $15.9 million, $9.3 million and $0.2
million, at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
  INVENTORY--Inventory consists of wireless communication equipment (primarily
handsets). Inventory is stated at lower of cost (on a first-in, first-out
basis) or replacement value. Any losses on the sales of handsets are
recognized at the time of sale.
  PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT--Property, plant and equipment are stated at
cost or fair value at the date of acquisition. Construction work in progress
represents costs incurred to design and construct the PCS network. Repair and
maintenance costs are charged to expense as incurred. When network equipment
is retired, or otherwise disposed of, its book value, net of salvage, is
charged to accumulated depreciation. When non-network equipment is sold,
retired or abandoned, the cost and accumulated depreciation are relieved and
any gain or loss is recognized. Property, plant and equipment are depreciated
using the straight-line method based on estimated useful lives of the assets.
Depreciable lives range from 3 to 20 years.
  EQUIPMENT UNDER CAPITAL LEASES--APC leases certain of its office and other
equipment under capital lease agreements. The assets and liabilities under
capital leases are recorded at the lesser of the present value of aggregate
future minimum lease payments, including estimated bargain purchase options,
or the fair value of the assets under lease. Assets under these capital leases
are depreciated over their estimated useful lives of 5 to 7 years.
Depreciation related to capital leases is included within depreciation

  INVESTMENT IN PCS LICENSES--During 1994 and 1995, the Federal Communications
Commission ("FCC") auctioned PCS licenses in specific geographic service
areas. The FCC grants licenses for terms of up to ten years, and generally
grants renewals in 10-year terms if the licensee has complied with its license
obligations. The Company believes it will be able to secure renewal of the PCS
licenses held by its subsidiaries. PCS licenses are amortized over estimated
useful lives of 40 years once placed in service. Accumulated amortization for
PCS licenses totaled approximately $61.3 million, $46.8 million and $1.7
million as of March 31, 1998, December 31, 1997, and 1996, respectively. There
was no amortization in 1995.     
  MICROWAVE RELOCATION COSTS--The Company has also incurred costs associated
with microwave relocation in the construction of the PCS network. Microwave
relocation costs are amortized over the remaining life of the PCS licenses.
Accumulated amortization for microwave relocation costs totaled approximately
$6.9 million and $5.3 million as of March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997,
respectively. There was no amortization in 1996 or 1995.
  INTANGIBLE ASSETS--The ongoing value and remaining useful life of intangible
assets are subject to periodic evaluation. The Company currently expects the
carrying amounts to be fully recoverable. Impairments of intangibles and long-
lived assets are assessed based on an undiscounted cash flow methodology.
  CAPITALIZED INTEREST--Interest costs associated with the construction of
capital assets (including the PCS licenses) incurred during the period of
construction are capitalized. The total interest costs capitalized in the
three months ended March 31, 1998 was approximately $18.4 million, and was
approximately $100.0 million and $30.5 million in 1997 and 1996, respectively.
There were no amounts capitalized in 1995.
  DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS--Included in other assets are costs associated with
obtaining financing. Such costs are capitalized and amortized to interest
expense over the term of the related debt instruments using the effective
interest method. Accumulated amortization for the three months ended March 31,
1998 was approximately $16.5 million, and was approximately $13.4 million and
$1.9 million for the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
There was no amortization in 1995.
  OPERATING LEASES--Rent expense is recognized on the straight-line basis over
the life of the lease agreement, including renewal periods. Lease expense
recognized in excess of cash expended is included in non-current liabilities
in the combined balance sheet.
  MAJOR CUSTOMER--The Company markets its products through multiple
distribution channels, including Company-owned retail stores and third-party
retail outlets. The Company's subscribers are disbursed throughout the United
States. Sales to one third-party retail customer represented approximately 21%
and 88% of operating revenues in the combined statements of operations for the
years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. The Company reviews the
credit history of retailers prior to extending credit and maintains allowances
for potential credit losses. The Company believes that its risk from
concentration of credit is limited.
  INCOME TAXES--The Company has not provided for federal or state income taxes
since such taxes are the responsibility of the individual Partners.
  FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--The carrying value of the Company's short-term
financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents, receivables from
customers and affiliates and accounts payable approximates fair value. The
fair value of the Company's long-term debt is based on quoted market prices
for the same issues or current rates offered to the Company for similar debt.
A summary of the fair value of the Company's long-term debt at December 31,
1996 and 1997 is included in Note 5.
  The fair value of the interest rate contracts is the estimated net amount
that APC would pay to terminate the contracts at the balance sheet date. The
fair value of the fixed rate loans is estimated using discounted cash flow
analysis based on APC's current incremental borrowing rate at which similar
borrowing agreements would be made under current conditions.

  DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--Derivative financial instruments (interest
rate contracts) are utilized by APC to reduce interest rate risk. APC has
established a control environment which includes risk assessment and
management approval, reporting and monitoring of derivative financial
instrument activities. APC does not hold or issue derivative financial
instruments for trading purposes.
  The differentials to be received or paid under interest rate contracts that
are matched against underlying debt instruments and qualify for settlement
accounting are recognized in income over the life of the contracts as
adjustments to interest expense. Gains and losses on terminations of interest
rate contracts are recognized as other income or expense when terminated in
conjunction with the retirement of associated debt. Gains and losses on
terminations of interest rate contracts not associated with the retirement of
debt are deferred and amortized to interest expense over the remaining life of
the associated debt to the extent that such debt remains outstanding.
  COMPREHENSIVE INCOME--In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued Statement of financial Accounting Standards No. 130, Reporting
Comprehensive Income, ("SFAS No. 130") which establishes standards for
reporting and disclosure of comprehensive income and its components (revenues,
expenses, gains and losses). SFAS No. 130 is effective for fiscal years
beginning after December 15, 1997 and requires reclassification of financial
statements for earlier periods to be provided for comparative purposes. The
Company's total comprehensive loss for all periods presented herein would not
have differed from those amounts reported as net loss in the combined
statements of operations.
  USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
  RECLASSIFICATIONS--Certain reclassifications have been made to the 1996 and
1995 combined financial statements to conform to the 1997 combined financial
statement presentation.
  Property, plant and equipment consists of the following at March 31, 1998,
December 31, 1997 and 1996 (in thousands):

                                             MARCH 31,       DECEMBER 31,
                                            -----------  ----------------------
                                               1998         1997        1996
                                            -----------  ----------  ----------
   Land.................................... $    1,445   $    1,445  $      905
   Buildings and leasehold improvements....    657,962      641,167      86,496
   Fixtures and office furniture...........    171,870      168,301      68,520
   Network equipment.......................  2,597,582    2,335,965     255,691
   Telecommunications plant--construction
    work in progress.......................    666,677      653,133   1,039,620
                                            ----------   ----------  ----------
                                             4,095,536    3,800,011   1,451,232
   Less accumulated depreciation...........   (373,029)    (261,773)     (9,605)
                                            ----------   ----------  ----------
                                            $3,722,507   $3,538,238  $1,441,627
                                            ==========   ==========  ==========

  Depreciation expense on property, plant and equipment for the three months
ended March 31, 1998 was approximately $111.3 million and was approximately
$251.9 million, $9.6 million, and $0.2 million for the years ended December
31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

  APC--On January 9, 1995, WirelessCo acquired a 49% limited partnership
interest in APC. In September 1997, Holdings increased its ownership in APC to
58.3% through additional capital contributions of approximately $30 million,
and became the managing partner upon FCC approval in November 1997. As of
January 1, 1998, Holdings and MinorCo increased their ownership percentages to
99.75% and 0.25%, respectively, of the partnership interests for approximately
$30 million.     
  The acquisition increasing ownership to 58.3% and subsequently to 100% was
accounted for as a purchase and, accordingly, the operating results of APC
have been consolidated since the date of the FCC's approval of the
acquisition. In conjunction with the acquisition in November 1997, liabilities
were assumed as follows with the remaining minority interest acquired on
January 1, 1998 (in millions):

       Assets acquired.................................................... $503
       Cash paid..........................................................  (30)
       Minority interest..................................................   50
       Liabilities assumed................................................ $523

  The purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed based on an estimate of fair value.
  The following unaudited pro forma financial information assumes the
acquisition had occurred on January 1 of each year and that Holdings had owned
100% of APC and consolidated its results in the financial statements:

                                                            1997        1996
                                                         -----------  ---------
   Net sales............................................ $   364,460  $  76,013
   Net loss (before minority interest)..................  (1,716,142)  (554,976)

  Pro forma data does not purport to be indicative of the results that would
have been obtained had these events actually occurred at the beginning of the
periods presented and is not intended to be a projection of future results.
  Prior to acquisition of controlling interest, Holdings' investment in APC
was accounted for under the equity method. The partnership agreement between
Holdings and APC II specified that losses were allocated based on percentage
ownership interests and certain other factors. In January 1997, Holdings and
APC II amended the APC partnership agreement with respect to the allocation of
profits and losses. For financial reporting purposes, profits and losses were
allocated in proportion to Holdings' and APC II's respective partnership
interests, except for costs related to stock appreciation rights and interest
expense attributable to the FCC interest payments which were allocated
entirely to APC II. Losses of approximately $60 million, $97 million and $46
million for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively,
are included in equity in losses of unconsolidated subsidiaries during the
period prior to the acquisition of controlling interest.
  COX COMMUNICATIONS PCS, L.P.--On December 31, 1996, Holdings acquired a 49%
limited partner interest in Cox Communications PCS, L.P. ("Cox PCS") and as of
June 8, 1998 acquired an additional 10.2% for approximately $80 million,
bringing its interest to 59.2%. Holdings also became managing partner on June
8, 1998. The investment in Cox PCS is accounted for under the equity method.
Under the terms of the partnership agreement, CPP and the Company are
obligated to, among other things: (a) upon FCC consent to the assumption and
recognition of the license payment obligations by Cox PCS, CPP is obligated to
make capital contributions in an amount equal to such liability and related
interest (the PCS license covering the Los Angeles-San Diego MTA was
contributed to Cox PCS in March 1997) (b) Holdings is obligated to make
capital contributions of     

approximately $368.9 million to Cox PCS; (c) Holdings is not obligated to make
any cash capital contributions upon the assumption by Cox PCS of the FCC
payment obligations until CPP has contributed cash in an amount equal to the
aggregate principal and interest of such obligations; and, (d) CPP and
Holdings are obligated to make additional capital contributions in an amount
equal to such partner's percentage interest times the amount of additional
capital contributions being requested.
  As of December 31, 1997, approximately $348.2 million in equity, including
$2.45 million to PCS Leasing Co, L.P. ("LeasingCo"), a subsidiary of Cox PCS,
had been contributed to Cox PCS by the Company. Through December 31, 1996,
$168 million had been contributed to Cox PCS. Losses are allocated to the
partners based on their ownership percentages. Subsequent to December 31,
1997, Holdings completed its funding obligation to Cox PCS under the
partnership agreement. Concurrent with this funding, Holdings paid
approximately $33.2 million in interest that had accrued on the unfunded
capital obligation.
  Additionally, Holdings acquired a 49% limited partner interest in LeasingCo.
LeasingCo was formed to acquire, construct or otherwise develop equipment and
other personal property to be leased to Cox PCS. Holdings is not obligated to
make additional capital contributions to LeasingCo beyond the initial funding
of approximately $2.45 million.
  Under the partnership agreement, CPP has the right to require that Holdings
acquire all or part of CPP's interest in Cox PCS based on fair market value at
the time of the transaction. Subsequent to December 31, 1997, CPP elected to
exercise this right. As a result, Holdings acquired 10.2% of its 59.2%
interest in Cox PCS, which gave Holdings controlling interest. The purchase
price was $80 million. Through December 2008, CPP may put its remaining
interests in Cox PCS to Holdings.     
  Long-term debt consists of the following as of March 31, 1998 and December
31, 1997 and 1996 (in thousands):

                                                  MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                 ----------- -------------------
                                                    1998        1997      1996
                                                 ----------- ---------- --------
   11% Senior Notes due in 2006................  $  250,000  $  250,000 $250,000
   12 1/2% Senior Discount Notes due in 2006,
    net of unamortized discount of $167,799 at
    March 31, 1998; $177,720 and $214,501 at
    December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively...     332,201     322,280  285,499
   Credit Facility--term loans.................     300,000     300,000  150,000
   Credit Facility--revolving credit...........     985,000     605,000      --
   Vendor Financing............................   2,091,737   1,612,914      --
   APC Senior Secured Term Loan Facility.......     220,000     220,000      --
   APC Senior Secured Reducing Revolving Credit
    Facility...................................     152,429     141,429      --
   Due To FCC, net of unamortized discount of
    $10,990 at March 31, 1998 and $11,989 at
    December 31, 1997..........................      91,354      90,355      --
   Other.......................................      23,852      26,538      742
                                                 ----------  ---------- --------
   Total debt..................................   4,446,573   3,568,516  686,241
   Less current maturities.....................      34,718      34,562       49
                                                 ----------  ---------- --------
   Long-term debt..............................  $4,411,855  $3,533,954 $686,192
                                                 ==========  ========== ========

  SENIOR NOTES AND SENIOR DISCOUNT NOTES--In August 1996, Sprint Spectrum L.P.
and Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation (together, the "Issuers") issued $250
million aggregate principal amount of 11% Senior

Notes due 2006 ("the Senior Notes"), and $500 million aggregate principal
amount at maturity of 12 1/2% Senior Discount Notes due 2006 (the "Senior
Discount Notes" and, together with the Senior Notes, the "Notes"). The Senior
Discount Notes were issued at a discount to their aggregate principal amount
at maturity and generated proceeds of approximately $273 million. Cash
interest on the Senior Notes accrues at a rate of 11% per annum and is payable
semi-annually in arrears on each February 15 and August 15, commencing
February 15, 1997. Cash interest will not accrue or be payable on the Senior
Discount Notes prior to August 15, 2001. Thereafter, cash interest on the
Senior Discount Notes will accrue at a rate of 12 1/2% per annum and will be
payable semi-annually in arrears on each February 15 and August 15, commencing
February 15, 2002.
  On August 15, 2001, the Issuers will be required to redeem an amount equal
to $384.772 per $1,000 principal amount at maturity of each Senior Discount
Note then outstanding ($192 million in aggregate principal amount at maturity,
assuming all of the Senior Discount Notes remain outstanding at such date).
  The Notes are redeemable at the option of the Issuers, in whole or in part,
at any time on or after August 15, 2001 at the redemption prices set forth
below, respectively, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to the
redemption date, if redeemed during the 12 month period beginning on August 15
of the years indicated below:

                                            SENIOR NOTES   SENIOR DISCOUNT NOTES
   YEAR                                   REDEMPTION PRICE   REDEMPTION PRICE
   ----                                   ---------------- ---------------------
   2001..................................     105.500%           110.000%
   2002..................................     103.667%           106.500%
   2003..................................     101.833%           103.250%
   2004 and thereafter...................     100.000%           100.000%

  In addition, prior to August 15, 1999, the Issuers may redeem up to 35% of
the originally issued principal amount of the Notes with the net proceeds of
one or more public equity offerings, provided that at least 65% of the
originally issued principal amount at maturity of the Senior Notes and Senior
Discount Notes would remain outstanding immediately after giving effect to
such redemption. The redemption price of the Senior Notes is equal to 111.0%
of the principal amount of the Senior Notes so redeemed, plus accrued and
unpaid interest, if any, to the redemption date. The redemption price of the
Senior Discount Notes is equal to 112.5% of the accreted value at the
redemption date of the Senior Discount Notes so redeemed.
  The Notes contain certain restrictive covenants, including (among other
requirements) limitations on additional indebtedness, limitations on
restricted payments, limitations on liens, and limitations on dividends and
other payment restrictions affecting certain restricted subsidiaries.
  BANK CREDIT FACILITY--Sprint Spectrum L.P. (the "Borrower") entered into an
agreement with The Chase Manhattan Bank ("Chase") as agent for a group of
lenders for a $2 billion bank credit facility dated October 2, 1996. The
proceeds of this facility are to be used to finance working capital needs,
subscriber acquisition costs, capital expenditures and other general Borrower
  The facility consists of a revolving credit commitment of $1.7 billion and a
$300 million term loan commitment. In November 1997, certain terms relating to
the financial and operating conditions were amended. As of March 31, 1998,
$985.0 million had been drawn under the revolving credit facility at a
weighted average interest rate of 8.26% with $715.0 million remaining
available. As of December 31, 1997, $605 million had been drawn under the
revolving credit facility at a weighted average interest rate of 8.42%, with
$1.1 billion remaining available. There were no borrowings under the revolving
credit commitment as of December 31, 1996. Commitment fees for the revolving
portion of the agreement are payable quarterly based on average unused
revolving commitments.
  The revolving credit commitment expires July 13, 2005. Availability will be
reduced in quarterly installments ranging from $75 million to $175 million
commencing January 2002. Further reductions may be required after January 1,
2002 to the extent that the Borrower meets certain financial conditions.

  The term loans are due in sixteen consecutive quarterly installments
beginning January 2002 in aggregate principal amounts of $125,000 for each of
the first fifteen payments with the remaining aggregate outstanding principal
amount of the term loans due as the last installment.
  Interest on the term loans and/or the revolving credit loans is at the
applicable LIBOR rate plus 2.5% ("Eurodollar Loans"), or the greater of the
prime rate or 0.5% plus the Federal Funds effective rate, plus 1.5% ("ABR
Loans"), at the Borrower's option. The interest rate may be adjusted downward
for improvements in the bond rating and/or leverage ratios. Interest on ABR
Loans and Eurodollar Loans with interest period terms in excess of 3 months is
payable quarterly. Interest on Eurodollar Loans with interest period terms of
less than 3 months is payable on the last day of the interest period. As of
March 31, 1998, and December 31, 1997 and 1996, the weighted average interest
rate on the term loans was 8.29%, 8.39% and 8.19%, respectively.
  Borrowings under the Bank Credit Facility are secured by the Borrower's
interests in WirelessCo, RealtyCo and EquipmentCo and certain other personal
and real property (the "Shared Lien"). The Shared Lien equally and ratably
secures the Bank Credit Facility, the Vendor Financing agreements (discussed
below) and certain other indebtedness of the Borrower. The credit facility is
jointly and severally guaranteed by WirelessCo, RealtyCo and EquipmentCo and
is non-recourse to the Parents and the Partners.
  The Bank Credit Facility agreement and Vendor Financing agreements contain
certain restrictive financial and operating covenants, including (among other
requirements) maximum debt ratios (including debt to total capitalization),
limitations on capital expenditures, limitations on additional indebtedness
and limitations on dividends and other payment restrictions affecting certain
restricted subsidiaries. The loss of the right to use the Sprint trademark,
the termination or non-renewal of any FCC license that reduces population
coverage below specified limits, or certain changes in controlling interest in
the Borrower, as defined, among other provisions, constitute events of
  VENDOR FINANCING--As of October 2, 1996, the Company entered into financing
agreements with Northern Telecom, Inc. ("Nortel") and Lucent Technologies,
Inc. ("Lucent" and together with Nortel, the "Vendors") for multiple drawdown
term loan facilities totaling $1.3 billion and $1.8 billion, respectively. The
proceeds of such facilities are to be used to finance the purchase of goods
and services provided by the Vendors. Additionally, the commitments allow for
the conversion of accrued interest into additional principal. Such conversions
do not reduce the availability under the commitments. Interest accruing on the
debt outstanding at December 31, 1997, can be converted into additional
principal through February 8, 1999 and March 30, 1999, for Lucent and Nortel,
  On April 30, 1997 and November 20, 1997, the Company amended the terms of
its financing agreement with Nortel. The amendments provide for a syndication
of the financing commitment between Nortel, several banks and other vendors
(the "Nortel Lenders"), and the modification of certain operating and
financial covenants. The commitment provides financing in two phases. During
the first phase, the Nortel Lenders will finance up to $800 million. Under the
second phase, the Nortel Lenders will finance up to an additional $500 million
upon the achievement of certain operating and financial conditions, as
amended. As of March 31, 1998, $760.5 million, including converted accrued
interest of $29.1 million, had been borrowed at a weighted average interest
rate 8.95% with $568.6 million remaining available under the first phase. At
December 31, 1997, $630 million, including converted accrued interest of $18.6
million, had been borrowed at a weighted average interest rate of 8.98% with
$189 million remaining available under the first phase. In addition, the
Company paid $20 million in origination fees upon the initial drawdown under
the first phase and will be obligated to pay additional origination fees on
the date of the initial drawdown loan under the second phase. There were no
borrowings under the Nortel facility at December 31, 1996.

  On May 29, 1997 and November 20, 1997, the Company amended the terms of its
financing agreement with Lucent. The amendments provide for a syndication of
the financing commitment between Lucent, Sprint and other banks and vendors
(the "Lucent Lenders"), and the modification of certain operating and
financial covenants. The Lucent Lenders have committed to financing up to $1.5
billion through December 31, 1997, and up to an aggregate of $1.8 billion
thereafter. The Company pays a facility fee on the daily amount of certain
loans outstanding under the agreement, payable quarterly. The Lucent agreement
terminates June 30, 2001. As of March 31, 1998, the Company had borrowed
approximately $1.3 billion with $523.2 million remaining available under the
Lucent facility, including converted accrued interest of $54.5 million, at a
weighted average interest rate of 8.82%. As of December 31, 1997, the Company
had borrowed approximately $983 million, including converted accrued interest
of $33.1 million, under the Lucent facility at a weighted average interest
rate of 8.94%, with $850 million remaining available. There were no borrowings
under the Lucent facility at December 31, 1996.
  The principal amounts of the loans drawn under both the Nortel and Lucent
agreements are due in twenty consecutive quarterly installments, commencing on
the date which is thirty-nine months after the last day of such "Borrowing
Year" (defined in the agreements as any one of the five consecutive 12-month
periods following the date of the initial drawdown of the loan). The aggregate
amount due each year is equal to percentages ranging from 10% to 30%
multiplied by the total principal amount of loans during each Borrowing Year.
  The agreements provide two borrowing rate options. During the first phase of
the Nortel agreement and throughout the term of the Lucent agreement "ABR
Loans" bear interest at the greater of the prime rate or 0.5% plus the Federal
Funds effective rate, plus 2%. "Eurodollar Loans" bear interest at the London
interbank (LIBOR) rate (any one of the 30-, 60- or 90-day rates, at the
discretion of the Company), plus 3%. During the second phase of the Nortel
agreement, ABR Loans bear interest at the greater of the prime rate or 0.5%
plus the Federal Funds effective rate, plus 1.5%; and Eurodollar loans bear
interest at the LIBOR rate plus 2.5%. Interest from the date of each loan
through one year after the last day of the Borrowing Year is added to the
principal amount of each loan. Thereafter, interest is payable quarterly.
  Borrowings under the Vendor Financing are secured by the Shared Lien. The
Vendor Financing is jointly and severally guaranteed by WirelessCo, RealtyCo,
and EquipmentCo and is non-recourse to the Parents and the Partners.
  Certain amounts included under construction obligations on the combined
balance sheets may be financed under the Vendor Financing agreements.
  DUE TO FCC--The Company is obligated to the FCC for $102 million for the
receipt of the commercial PCS license covering the Washington D.C./Baltimore
MTA. In March 1996, the FCC determined that interest on the amount due would
begin to accrue on March 8, 1996, at an interest rate of 7.75%. Beginning with
the first payment due in April 1996, the FCC granted two years of interest-
only payments followed by three years of principal and interest payments.
Based on the interest and payment provisions determined by the FCC and the
Company's incremental borrowing rate for similar debt at the time the debt was
issued, the Company has accrued interest beginning upon receipt of the license
at an effective rate of 13%.
  APC SENIOR SECURED CREDIT FACILITIES--As of February 7, 1997, American PCS
Communications, LLC entered into credit facilities of $420 million, consisting
of a term loan facility of $220 million and a reducing revolving credit
facility of $200 million (together, the "Credit Agreement"). The Credit
Agreement is secured by first priority liens on all the equity interests held
by American PCS Communications LLC in its direct subsidiaries, including the
equity interests of the subsidiaries which will hold APC's PCS license and
certain real property interest and equipment and a first priority security
interest in, and mortgages on, substantially all other intangible and tangible
assets of APC and subsidiaries. The Credit Agreement matures February 7, 2005,
with an interest rate of LIBOR plus 2.25%. The interest rate may be stepped
down over the term of the credit

agreement based on the ratio of outstanding debt to earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and amortization. Proceeds from the Credit Agreement were
used to repay the outstanding financing from Holdings as of the closing date
of the credit agreement, capital expenditures for the communications systems,
general working capital requirements, and net operating losses.
  The Credit Agreement contains covenants which require APC to maintain
certain levels of wireless subscribers, as well as other financial and non-
financial requirements.
  In January 1998 APC completed negotiations with its lenders to amend the
Credit Agreement. As amended, the Credit Agreement contains certain covenants
which, among other things, contain certain restrictive financial and operating
covenants including, maximum debt ratios (including debt to total
capitalization) and limitations on capital expenditures. The covenants require
American PCS Communications, LLC to enter into interest rate contracts on a
quarterly basis to protect and limit the interest rate on 40% of its aggregate
debt outstanding.
  OTHER DEBT--At December 31, 1997, other debt included a note payable to
Lucent for the financing of debt issuance costs, a note payable for certain
leasehold improvements, and capital leases acquired in the purchase of APC.
Maturities on the debt range from 3 to 10 years, at interest rates from 8.32%
to 21%.
  INTEREST RATE CONTRACTS--As of March 31, 1998, APC had entered into ten
interest rate contracts with an aggregate notional value of $134 million. As
of December 31, 1997, APC had entered into nine interest rate contracts (swaps
and a collar), with an aggregate notional amount of $122 million. Under the
agreements APC pays a fixed rate and receives a variable rate such that it
will protect APC against interest rate fluctuations on a portion of its
variable rate debt. The fixed rates paid by APC on the interest rate swap
contracts range from approximately 5.97% to 6.8%. Option features contained in
certain of the swaps operate in a manner such that the interest rate
protection in some cases is effective only when rates are outside a certain
range. Under the collar arrangement, APC will receive 6.19% when LIBOR falls
below 6.19% and pay 8% when LIBOR exceeds 8%. The contracts expire in 2001.
The fair value of the interest rate contracts at March 31, 1998 and December
31, 1997 was an unrealized loss of approximately $1.4 million and $1.3
million, respectively. The notional amounts represent reference balances upon
which payments and receipts are based and consequently are not indicative of
the level of risk or cash requirements under the contracts. APC has exposure
to credit risk to the counterparty to the extent it would have to replace the
interest rate swap contract in the market when and if a counterparty were to
fail to meet its obligations. The counterparties to all contracts are primary
dealers that meet APC's criteria for managing credit exposures.
  FAIR VALUE--The estimated fair value of the Company's long-term debt at
December 31, 1997 and 1996 is as follows (in thousands):

                                                1997                1996
                                         ------------------- -------------------
                                         CARRYING ESTIMATED  CARRYING ESTIMATED
                                          AMOUNT  FAIR VALUE  AMOUNT  FAIR VALUE
                                         -------- ---------- -------- ----------
   11% Senior Notes....................  $250,000  $280,650  $250,000  $270,625
   12 1/2% Senior Discount Notes.......   322,280   389,300   285,499   337,950
   Credit facility--term loans.........   300,000   300,000   150,000   151,343
   Credit facility--revolver...........   605,000   605,000       --        --
   Vendor facility--Lucent.............   983,299   983,299       --        --
   Vendor facility--Nortel.............   629,615   629,615       --        --
   APC Senior Secured Term Loan Facili-
    ty.................................   220,000   220,000       --        --
   APC Senior Secured Reducing Revolv-
    ing Credit Facility................   141,429   141,429       --        --
   FCC debt............................    90,355    98,470       --        --


  At December 31, 1997, scheduled maturities of long-term debt and capital
leases during each of the next five years are as follows (in thousands):

                                                   LONG-TERM DEBT CAPITAL LEASES
                                                   -------------- --------------
   1998...........................................    $ 29,800        $5,411
   1999...........................................      40,425         3,667
   2000...........................................      53,624           591
   2001...........................................     395,291            42
   2002...........................................     583,113           --
   Less interest..................................                      (898)
   Present value of minimum lease payments........                    $8,813

  OPERATING LEASES--Minimum rental commitments as of December 31, 1997, for
all noncancelable operating leases, consisting principally of leases for cell
and switch sites and office space, for the next five years, are as follows (in

       1998............................................................ $139,890
       1999............................................................  135,940
       2000............................................................  109,081
       2001............................................................   66,168
       2002............................................................   21,655

  Gross rental expense for cell and switch sites aggregated approximately
$27.8 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998, and $97.1 million and
$13.6 million for the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
There was no cell or switch site rental expense for the year ended December
31, 1995. Gross rental expense for office space approximated $8.1 million for
the three months ended March 31, 1998, and $34.1 million, $11.7 million, and
$0.7 million for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995,
respectively. Certain cell and switch site leases contain renewal options
(generally for terms of 5 years) that may be exercised from time to time and
are excluded from the above amounts.
  PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS--On January 31, 1996, the Company entered into
procurement and services contracts with AT&T Corp. (subsequently assigned to
Lucent) and Nortel for the engineering and construction of a PCS network. Each
contract provides for an initial term of ten years with renewals for
additional one-year periods. The Vendors must achieve substantial completion
of the PCS network within an established time frame and in accordance with
criteria specified in the procurement contracts. Pricing for the initial
equipment, software and engineering services has been established in the
procurement contracts. The procurement contracts provide for payment terms
based on delivery dates, substantial completion dates, and final acceptance
dates. In the event of delay in the completion of the PCS network, the
procurement contracts provide for certain amounts to be paid to the Company by
the Vendors. The minimum commitments for the initial term are $0.8 billion and
$1.0 billion from Lucent and Nortel, respectively, which include, but are not
limited to, all equipment required for the establishment and installation of
the PCS network.
  HANDSET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS--In June, 1996, the Company entered into a
three-year purchase and supply agreement with a vendor for the purchase of
handsets and other equipment totaling approximately $500 million. During 1997
and 1996, the Company purchased $332.7 million and $85 million under the
agreement, respectively. The total purchase commitment must be satisfied
during the second quarter of 1998.

  In September, 1996, the Company entered into another three-year purchase and
supply agreement with a second vendor for the purchase of handsets and other
equipment totaling more than $600 million, with purchases that commenced in
April, 1997. During 1997, the Company purchased $147.6 million under the
agreement. The total purchase commitment must be satisfied by April 2000.
  SERVICE AGREEMENTS--The Company has entered into an agreement with a vendor
to provide PCS call record and retention services. Monthly rates per
subscriber are variable based on overall subscriber volume. If subscriber fees
are less than specified annual minimum charges, the Company will be obligated
to pay the difference between the amounts paid for processing fees and the
annual minimum. Annual minimums range from $20 million to $60 million through
2001. The agreement extends through December 31, 2001, with two automatic,
two-year renewal periods, unless terminated by the Company. The Company may
terminate the agreement prior to the expiration date, but would be subject to
specified termination penalties.
  The Company has also entered into an agreement with a vendor to provide
prepaid calling services. Monthly rates per minute of use are based on overall
call volume. If the average minutes of use are less than monthly specified
minimums, the Company is obligated to pay the difference between the average
minutes used at the applicable rates and the monthly minimum. Monthly minimums
range from $40,000 to $50,000 during the initial term. Certain installation
and setup fees for processing and database centers are also included in the
agreement and are dependent upon a need for such centers. The agreement
extends through July 1999, with successive one-year term renewals, unless
terminated by the Company. The Company may terminate the agreement prior to
the expiration date, but would be subject to specified termination penalties.
  In January 1997, the Company entered into a four and one-half year contract
for consulting services. Under the terms of the agreement, consulting services
will be provided at specified hourly rates for a minimum number of hours. The
total commitment is approximately $125 million over the term of the agreement.
  LITIGATION--The Company is involved in various legal proceedings incidental
to the conduct of its business. While it is not possible to determine the
ultimate disposition of each of these proceedings, the Company believes that
the outcome of such proceedings, individually and in the aggregate, will not
have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition or results
of operations.
  Employees performing services for the Company were employed by Sprint
through December 31, 1995. Amounts paid to Sprint relating to pension expense
and employer contributions to the Sprint Corporation 401(k) plan for these
employees approximated $0.3 million in 1995.
  The Company maintains short-term and long-term incentive plans. All salaried
employees of Sprint Spectrum L.P. are eligible for the short-term incentive
plan commencing at date of hire. Employees of APC are covered by the APC
plans. Short-term incentive compensation is based on incentive targets
established for each position based on the Company's overall compensation
strategy. Targets contain both an objective Company component and a personal
objective component. Charges to operations for the short-term plan
approximated $5.4 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998, and $20.3
million, $12.5 million, and $3.5 million for the years ended December 31,
1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.
  LONG-TERM COMPENSATION OBLIGATION--The Company has two long-term incentive
plans, the 1996 Plan and the 1997 Plan. Employees meeting certain eligibility
requirements are considered to be participants in each plan. Participants in
the 1996 Plan will receive 100% of the pre-established targets for the period
from July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 (the "Introductory Term"). Participants in
the 1996 Plan elected either a payout of the amount due or converted 50% or
100% of the award to appreciation units. Unless converted to appreciation

payment for the Introductory Term of the 1996 Plan will be made in the third
quarter of 1998. Under the 1996 plan, appreciation units vest 25% per year
commencing on the second anniversary of the date of grant and expire after a
term of ten years. The 1997 Plan appreciation units vest 25% per year
commencing on the first anniversary of the date of the grant and also expire
after ten years. For the three months ended March 31, 1998, approximately $4.8
million had been expensed under both plans. For the years ended December 31,
1997, 1996, and 1995, $18.3 million, $9.5 million, and $1.9 million,
respectively, has been expensed under both plans. At December 31, 1997 a total
of approximately 103 million units have been authorized for grant for both
plans. The Company has applied APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock
Issued to Employees" for 1997 and 1996. No significant difference would have
resulted if SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" had been
applied. See Note 10 for further discussion.
  SAVINGS PLAN--Effective January, 1996, Holdings established a savings and
retirement program (the "Savings Plan") for certain employees, which qualifies
under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. Most permanent full-time,
and certain part-time, employees are eligible to become participants in the
plan after one year of service or upon reaching age 35, whichever occurs
first. Participants make contributions to a basic before tax account and
supplemental before tax account. The maximum contribution for any participant
for any year is 16% of such participant's compensation. For each eligible
employee who elects to participate in the Savings Plan and makes a
contribution to the basic before tax account, the Company makes a matching
contribution. The matching contributions equal 50% of the amount of the basic
before tax contribution of each participant up to the first 6% that the
employee elects to contribute. Contributions to the Savings Plan are invested,
at the participant's discretion, in several designated investment funds.
Distributions from the Savings Plan generally will be made only upon
retirement or other termination of employment, unless deferred by the
participant. Expense under the Savings Plan approximated $1.4 million for the
three months ended March 31, 1998, and $5.0 million and $1.1 million in 1997
and 1996, respectively.
  APC also has an employee savings plan that qualifies under Section 401(k) of
the Internal Revenue Code. All APC employees completing one year of service
are eligible and may contribute up to 15% of their pretax earnings. APC
matches 100% of the first 3% of the employee's contribution. Employees are
immediately fully vested in APC's contributions. In addition, APC makes
discretionary contributions on behalf of eligible participants in the amount
of 2% of employee's compensation. Expenses relating to the employee savings
plan have not been significant since the date of acquisition.
  PROFIT SHARING (RETIREMENT) PLAN--Effective January, 1996, the Company
established a profit sharing plan for its employees. Employees are eligible to
participate in the plan after completing one year of service. Profit sharing
contributions are based on the compensation, age, and years of service of the
employee. Profit sharing contributions are deposited into individual accounts
of the Company's retirement plan. Vesting occurs once a participant completes
five years of service. For the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, expense
under the profit sharing plan approximated $2.5 million and $0.7 million,
Company established a non-qualified deferred compensation plan which permits
certain eligible executives to defer a portion of their compensation. The plan
allows the participants to defer up to 80% of their base salary and up to 100%
of their annual short-term incentive compensation. The deferred amounts earn
interest at the prime rate. Payments will be made to participants upon
retirement, disability, death or the expiration of the deferral election under
the payment method selected by the participant.
  BUSINESS SERVICES--The Company reimburses Sprint for certain accounting and
data processing services, for participation in certain advertising contracts,
for certain cash payments made by Sprint on behalf of the

Company and other management services. The Company is allocated the costs of
such services based on direct usage. Allocated expenses of approximately $10.5
million, $11.9 million, and $2.6 million are included in selling, general and
administrative expense in the combined statements of operations for 1997,
1996, and 1995, respectively. In addition to the miscellaneous services
agreement described above, the Company has entered into agreements with Sprint
for invoicing services, operator services, and switching equipment. The
Company is also using Sprint as its interexchange carrier, with the agreement
for such services covered under the Holdings partnership agreement. Charges
are based on the volume of services provided, and are similar to those that
would be incurred with an unrelated third-party vendor.
  APC--Holdings entered into an affiliation agreement with APC in January 1995
which provides for the reimbursement of certain allocable costs and payment of
affiliation fees by APC. For the year ended December 31, 1997, prior to
acquisition, the reimbursement of allocable costs of approximately $14.0
million is included in selling, general and administrative expenses. There
were no reimbursements recognized in 1996 or 1995. Additionally, affiliation
fees are recognized based on a percentage of APC's net revenues.
  COX PCS--Concurrent with the execution of the partnership agreement, the
Company entered into an affiliation agreement with Cox PCS which provides for
the reimbursement of certain allocable costs and payment of affiliate fees by
Cox PCS. For the three months ended March 31, 1998 and the years ended
December 31, 1997 and 1996, allocable costs of approximately $5.9 million,
$20.0 million and $7.3 million, respectively, are netted against selling,
general and administrative expenses in the accompanying combined statements of
operations. Of these total allocated costs, approximately $5.9 million, $1.6
million and $7.3 million were included in receivables from affiliates in the
respective combined balance sheets. In addition, the Company purchases certain
equipment, such as handsets, on behalf of Cox PCS. Receivables from affiliates
for handsets and related equipment were approximately $15.6 million, $31.2
million and $6 million at March 31, 1998, December 31, 1997 and 1996,
  SPRINTCOM, INC.--The Company provides services to SprintCom, Inc.
("SprintCom"), an affiliate of Sprint. The Company is currently building out
the network infrastructure in certain BTA markets where SprintCom was awarded
licenses. Such services include engineering, management, purchasing,
accounting and other related services. For the three months ended March 31,
1998 and for the year ended December 31, 1997, costs for services provided of
$6.0 million and $29.1 million, respectively were allocated to SprintCom, and
are included as a reduction of selling, general and administrative expenses in
the accompanying combined statements of operations. Of the total allocated
costs, approximately $3.4 million and $14.0 million are included in
receivables from affiliates at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997,
respectively. No such costs were incurred in 1996.
  PAGING SERVICES--In 1996, the Company commenced paging services pursuant to
agreements with Paging Network Equipment Company and Sprint Communications
Company L.P. ("Sprint Communications"). For the three months ended March 31,
1998 and the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, Sprint Communications
received agency fees of approximately $3.8 million, $10.6 million and $4.9
million, respectively.
  ADVANCES FROM PARTNERS TO HOLDINGS--In December 1996, the Partners advanced
approximately $168 million to the Holdings, which was contributed to Cox PCS
(Note 4). The advances were repaid in February 1997.
PhillieCo Partners had advanced $45 million to PhillieCo I, for general
operating purposes. The advances accrue interest at prime and mature in May
1998. Subsequent to December 31, 1997 and through March 31 1998, Sprint
advanced an additional $90 million to PhillieCo I. These advances accrue
interest at rates from prime to prime plus 1 5/8% and also mature in May 1998.

  Summarized quarterly financial data for 1997 and 1996 is as follows (in

                     1997                     FIRST    SECOND   THIRD    FOURTH
                     ----                    -------- -------- -------- --------
   Operating revenues....................... $  9,487 $ 25,813 $ 75,228 $147,501
   Operating expenses.......................  202,011  310,958  466,537  658,197
   Net loss.................................  217,069  338,719  465,670  611,195

   Operating revenues....................... $    --  $    --  $    --  $  4,175
   Operating expenses.......................   31,029   47,208   87,568  195,945
   Net loss.................................   67,505   91,205  102,035  183,824

  PCS RESTRUCTURING--Sprint has entered into a restructuring agreement with
TCI, Comcast, and Cox to restructure Sprint's PCS operations (the "PCS
Restructuring"). If the PCS Restructuring occurs as planned, Sprint will
acquire the joint venture interests of TCI, Comcast and Cox in Sprint PCS and
the joint venture interest of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo I and PhillieCo II. In
exchange for these joint venture interests, Sprint will issue to TCI, Comcast,
and Cox a newly created class of Sprint common stock (the "PCS Stock"). The
PCS Stock will be intended to reflect separately the performance of these
joint ventures and Sprint's other PCS interests. The operations will be
referred to as the PCS Group.
  If the PCS Restructuring occurs as planned, the Partners will convert their
advances to the Company as of December 31, 1997 to equity. The Partners have
agreed to loan up to $400 million, based on respective ownership interests, to
fund the capital requirements of Holdings from the date of the signing of the
PCS Restructuring Agreement, May 26, 1998, through the closing date of the PCS
Restructuring. Additionally, as part of the PCS Restructuring, certain of
Sprint's equity-based incentive plans are intended to replace the Sprint
Spectrum Long-Term Incentive Plans.     

                                   PCS GROUP
  The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements
are presented to give effect to (1) the proposed restructuring of Sprint's
wireless PCS operations whereby Sprint will acquire the joint venture
interests of the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the joint
venture interests of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo, in exchange for shares of a
newly created class of Sprint common stock, the PCS Stock, including the sale
of shares to FT and DT to maintain their combined 20% voting interest; (2) the
proposed tax-free recapitalization of Sprint's common stock to be effected by
reclassifying each share of Sprint's Existing Common Stock into 1/2 share of
PCS Stock and one share of FON Stock; and (3) the proposed initial public
offering ("IPO") of the PCS Stock, including the sale of shares to FT and DT
to maintain their combined 20% voting interest. It is Sprint's intent to
complete the IPO concurrent with the PCS Restructuring. The amount of any
proceeds raised in the IPO could vary from the amount assumed to be received.
The acquisitions of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo will be accounted
for using the purchase method of accounting.     
  Sprint proposes to issue approximately $6 billion of fixed income debt
securities. Although Sprint currently expects that the proceeds allocated to
the PCS Group from such issuance will be used to refinance existing
indebtedness, the PCS Group's indebtedness will increase to the extent such
proceeds are not so utilized. The pro forma condensed combined financial
statements included herein do not give effect to the proposed debt issuance.
  The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of operations include
the historical results of the PCS Group and the historical combined results of
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo for the year ended December 31, 1997
and the three months ended March 31, 1998, and include the effect of the
acquisitions, recapitalization and IPO as though such transactions had
occurred on January 1, 1997. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined
balance sheet is based upon the historical balance sheet of the PCS Group and
the historical combined balance sheet of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo as of March 31, 1998. The historical balance sheet amounts have been
adjusted to reflect the acquisitions, recapitalization and IPO as though such
transactions had occurred on March 31, 1998. The historical PCS Group amounts
include Sprint's investment in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and its investment in
PhillieCo, both of which are reflected on the equity basis, and SprintCom.
  The pro forma condensed combined statements of operations are not
necessarily indicative of what actual results of operations would have been
had the transactions occurred at the beginning of the periods presented nor do
they purport to indicate the results of future operations. The unaudited pro
forma condensed combined financial statements should be read in conjunction
with the historical financial statements of the PCS Group and the historical
combined financial statements of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
included elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.

                                   PCS GROUP
                                 MARCH 31, 1998
                            (Unaudited, in millions)

                                                          PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                          HISTORICAL                                            PRO FORMA
                                           COMBINED      SPRINT                                ADJUSTMENTS
                                            SPRINT      SPECTRUM                                   FOR
                                           SPECTRUM   HOLDINGS AND                               INITIAL
                              HISTORICAL HOLDINGS AND  PHILLIECO                                 PUBLIC      PRO FORMA
                              ---------- ------------ ------------  ---------------- --------- -----------  -----------
Current assets
  Cash and equivalents......   $    --     $  135.3                                  $   135.3               $   135.3
  Accounts receivable, net..        --        140.8     $  (21.9) C                      118.9                   118.9
  Inventories...............        --         91.0                                       91.0                    91.0
  Other.....................       18.1        41.6                                       59.7                    59.7
                               --------    --------     --------                     ---------               ---------
  Total current assets......       18.1       408.7        (21.9)                        404.9                   404.9
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.............      447.7     3,722.5                                    4,170.2                 4,170.2
Investments in Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 affiliates.................      792.2         --        (606.8) B                        --                      --
                                                          (185.4) B
Investment in unconsolidated
 partnership................        --        258.2                                      258.2                   258.2
Intangibles, net
  PCS licenses..............      544.5     2,452.8                                    2,997.3                 2,997.3
  Customer base.............        --          --         313.2  A                      313.2                   313.2
  Goodwill..................        --          --       3,647.8  A                    3,647.8                 3,647.8
Other assets................        --        392.0        185.4  B                      575.8   $  (9.3) F      566.5
                                                            (1.6) F
                               --------    --------     --------        -------      ---------   -------     ---------
Total.......................   $1,802.5    $7,234.2     $3,330.7        $   --       $12,367.4   $  (9.3)    $12,358.1
                               ========    ========     ========        =======      =========   =======     =========

Current liabilities
  Current maturities of
   long-term debt...........   $    --     $   34.7                                  $    34.7               $    34.7
  Partner advances..........        --        135.0                                      135.0                   135.0
  Accounts payable..........       36.9       247.7                                      284.6                   284.6
  Advance from the FON
   Group....................       79.9         --                                        79.9                    79.9
  Payable to Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings.................       21.9         --      $  (21.9) C                        --                      --
  Accrued expenses and other
   current liabilities......        0.9       352.1                                      353.0                   353.0
                               --------    --------     --------                     ---------               ---------
  Total current liabilities.      139.6       769.5        (21.9)                        887.2                   887.2
Construction obligations....      135.0       486.2                                      621.2                   621.2
Long-term debt..............       80.9     4,411.9         75.4  A                    4,456.2   $(471.2) E    3,860.0
                                                          (112.0) D                               (125.0) E
Deferred income taxes and
 other liabilities..........      263.1        63.2        340.2  A                      666.5                   666.5
Group equity................    1,183.9     1,503.4      3,545.4  A                    5,736.3     471.2  E    6,323.2
                                                          (606.8) B                                125.0  E
                                                           112.0  D                                 (9.3) F
                                                            (1.6) F
                               --------    --------     --------        -------      ---------   -------     ---------
Total.......................   $1,802.5    $7,234.2     $3,330.7        $   --       $12,367.4   $  (9.3)    $12,358.1
                               ========    ========     ========        =======      =========   =======     =========

   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                                   PCS GROUP
                       THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998
                (Unaudited, in millions, except per share data)

                                                          PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                       HISTORICAL                                                PRO FORMA
                                        COMBINED     SPRINT SPECTRUM                            ADJUSTMENTS
                                     SPRINT SPECTRUM  HOLDINGS AND                              FOR INITIAL
                          HISTORICAL  HOLDINGS AND      PHILLIECO                       PRO       PUBLIC     PRO FORMA
                          ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- -------   ----------- -----------
NET OPERATING REVENUES..   $   --        $ 184.2                                      $ 184.2                 $ 184.2
 Costs of services and
  products..............       --          192.1                                        192.1                   192.1
 Selling, general and
  administrative........      18.6         252.4                                        271.0                   271.0
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........       --          128.7           $1.7 G                       179.3                   179.3
                                                           22.8 H
                                                           26.1 I
                           -------       -------         ------                       -------                 -------
Total operating ex-
 penses.................      18.6         573.2           50.6                         642.4                   642.4
                           -------       -------         ------                       -------                 -------
OPERATING LOSS..........     (18.6)       (389.0)         (50.6)                       (458.2)                 (458.2)
Interest expense........       --          (93.8)           2.6 J                       (76.9)     $14.3 J      (63.0)
                                                           14.3 K                                   (0.4)K
Equity in loss of Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 affiliates.............    (209.7)          --           208.0 G                         --                      --
                                                            1.7 G
Equity in loss of uncon-
 solidated partnership..       --          (38.4)                                       (38.4)                  (38.4)
Other income............       --            6.8                                          6.8                     6.8
                           -------       -------         ------                       -------      -----      -------
Loss before income
 taxes..................    (228.3)       (514.4)         176.0                        (566.7)      13.9       (552.8)
Income tax benefit......      85.6           --           120.9 L                       210.1       (5.4)M      204.7
                                                            3.6 M
                           -------       -------         ------                       -------      -----      -------
NET LOSS................   $(142.7)      $(514.4)        $300.5                       $(356.6)     $ 8.5      $(348.1)
                           =======       =======         ======                       =======      =====      =======
 PER COMMON SHARE.......                                                              $                       $
                                                                                      =======                 =======
Weighted average common
 shares.................                                                                      N                      O
                                                                                      =======                 =======
   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                                   PCS GROUP
                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                (Unaudited, in millions, except per share data)

                                                      PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                       COMBINED      SPRINT                                 PRO FORMA
                                        SPRINT      SPECTRUM                               ADJUSTMENTS
                                       SPECTRUM   HOLDINGS AND                             FOR INITIAL
                          HISTORICAL HOLDINGS AND  PHILLIECO                                 PUBLIC     PRO FORMA
                          ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------------- ---------  ----------- -----------
NET OPERATING REVENUES..   $   --     $   258.0                                 $   258.0               $   258.0
Costs of services and
 products...............       --         574.3                                     574.3                   574.3
Selling, general and
 administrative.........      18.5        747.1                                     765.6                   765.6
Depreciation and
 amortization...........       --         316.3      $  3.5 G                       515.4                   515.4
                                                       91.2 H
                                                      104.4 I
                           -------    ---------      ------                     ---------               ---------
Total operating ex-
 penses.................      18.5      1,637.7       199.1                       1,855.3                 1,855.3
                           -------    ---------      ------                     ---------               ---------
OPERATING LOSS..........     (18.5)    (1,379.7)     (199.1)                     (1,597.3)               (1,597.3)
Interest expense........       --        (123.5)       10.7 J                       (91.8)    $57.0 J       (35.4)
                                                       21.0 K                                  (0.6)K
Equity in loss of Sprint
 Spectrum Holdings and
 affiliates.............    (659.6)         --        656.1 G                         --                      --
                                                        3.5 G
Equity in loss of
 partnership............       --        (168.9)                                   (168.9)                 (168.9)
Other income............       --          39.4                                      39.4                    39.4
                           -------    ---------      ------                     ---------     -----     ---------
Loss before income tax-
 es.....................    (678.1)    (1,632.7)      492.2                      (1,818.6)     56.4      (1,762.2)
Income tax benefit......     259.0           --       383.1 L                       670.7     (22.1)M       648.6
                                                       28.6 M
                           -------    ---------      ------                     ---------     -----     ---------
NET LOSS................   $(419.1)   $(1,632.7)     $903.9                     $(1,147.9)     34.3     $(1,113.6)
                           =======    =========      ======                     =========     =====     =========
 PER COMMON SHARE.......                                                        $                       $
                                                                                =========               =========
Weighted average common
 shares.................                                                                 N                       O
                                                                                =========               =========
   See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial

                                   PCS GROUP
  The following adjustments have been made in the preparation of the unaudited
pro forma condensed combined financial statements:
Pro Forma Balance Sheet Adjustments
A  To record the purchase of the remaining 60% of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   52.9% of PhillieCo. The consideration given in connection with the purchase
   will be shares of PCS Stock and warrants to purchase additional shares of
   PCS Stock representing 47% of the PCS Group common equity following the PCS
   Restructuring. The preliminary purchase price is based on the estimated
   market value of the PCS Group and will be updated at the time of the PCS
   Restructuring. The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of net
   assets to be acquired has been preliminarily calculated as follows (in

       Preliminary purchase price..................................... $4,418.0
       Transaction costs..............................................     24.0
       Net assets to be acquired......................................   (896.6)
       Customer base..................................................   (313.2)
       Step-up in long-term debt to fair value........................     75.4
       Deferred taxes on acquired assets and liabilities..............    340.2
       Goodwill....................................................... $3,647.8

   The carrying amounts of the assets to be acquired and liabilities to be
   assumed are assumed for purposes of the preliminary purchase price
   allocation to approximate fair market value, except for certain long-term
   debt of Sprint Spectrum that has been recorded at fair value. A portion of
   the purchase price was attributed to the customers acquired in the Sprint
   Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo acquisitions. In addition, deferred taxes
   have been recorded for the difference in the book and tax bases of the
   assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Cash to fund the transaction costs
   will be contributed by the FON Group to the PCS Group. The above
   assumptions as to the fair value of the net assets acquired are based upon
   information available at the time of the preparation of these pro forma
   condensed combined financial statements. A final allocation of the purchase
   price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed is dependent on a
   study and analysis of the fair value of such assets and liabilities,
   including such items as the PCS licenses and in-process research and
   development projects, as well as the size of the customer base at the
   closing date. To the extent the customer base exceeds the size currently
   reflected in the pro forma financial statements, the purchase price
   allocated to the customer base will likely increase along with a
   corresponding increase in the amortization of the customer base. To the
   extent that a portion of the purchase price is allocated to in-process
   research and development, a charge which could be material to the PCS
   Group's results of operations, would be recognized.     
B  To eliminate the PCS Group's historical investment in Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings and PhillieCo, accounted for by the PCS Group on the equity method
   of accounting ($606.8 million), and to reclassify interest capitalized as
   part of that investment to other assets ($185.4 million).
C  To eliminate the PCS Group's payable to Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
D  To record the sale of shares to FT and DT. As a result of the issuance of
   PCS Stock to the Cable Parents in exchange for their interests in Sprint
   Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo, the sale of these additional shares is
   required in order for FT and DT to maintain their combined 20% voting
   interest in Sprint. The proceeds are assumed to reduce the long-term debt
   of Sprint Spectrum Holdings.
E  To record the sale of shares in the IPO of the PCS Stock ($471.2 million).
   IPO proceeds of $500 million have been assumed, net of estimated offering
   costs of $28.8 million, although the actual amount of the IPO may vary
   based on market conditions. Also to record the sale of shares to FT and DT
   in order for their combined 20% voting interest in Sprint to be maintained
   ($125 million). The proceeds from both the IPO and the sale of additional
   shares to FT and DT are assumed to reduce the long-term debt of Sprint
   Spectrum Holdings.
F  To write off deferred financing costs associated with the assumed repayment
   of Sprint Spectrum Holdings debt with proceeds from the sale of shares to
   FT and DT related to shares issued to the Cable Parents in connection with
   the PCS Restructuring and proceeds from the IPO and the related sale of
   shares to FT and DT.

                                   PCS GROUP
Pro Forma Statement of Operations Adjustments
G  To eliminate Sprint's equity in the losses of Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   PhillieCo, historically accounted for by the PCS Group on the equity method
   of accounting ($208.0 million for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
   $656.1 million for the year ended December 31, 1997). The amortization of
   interest previously capitalized on the investment in Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings and PhillieCo has been reclassified to depreciation and
   amortization expense ($1.7 million for the three months ended March 31,
   1998 and $3.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1997).
H  To reflect the amortization of the goodwill recorded in connection with the
   purchase of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
   PhillieCo, which is being amortized over 40 years. The goodwill associated
   with the acquisition of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
   and PhillieCo is directly related to the acquisition of the PCS licenses
   and the ability to provide telecommunications services using these
   licenses. The 40-year life for goodwill is consistent with the 40-year
   amortization period being used for the PCS Licenses.     
I  To reflect the amortization of the customer base recorded in connection
   with the purchase of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum Holdings
   and PhillieCo, which is being amortized over three years.
J  To record a reduction in interest expense and amortization of deferred
   financing costs as a result of the assumed repayment of Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings debt with the proceeds from the sale of shares to FT and DT and
   the IPO. The debt assumed to be repaid consists of the following:     

                                                    MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                      1998            1997
                                                 --------------- ---------------
                                                        INTEREST        INTEREST
                                                 AMOUNT   RATE   AMOUNT   RATE
                                                 ------ -------- ------ --------
                                                      (AMOUNTS IN MILLIONS)
      Nortel Vendor Financing................... $708.2   8.95%  $630.0   8.98%
      Lucent Vendor Financing...................    --     --      78.2   8.94
                                                 ------          ------
                                                 $708.2   8.95%  $708.2   8.98%
                                                 ======   ====   ======   ====
K  To reduce interest expense resulting from the tax sharing agreement between
   the PCS Group and the FON Group. Under this agreement, the FON Group will
   "pay" the PCS Group for the use of its current tax benefits that the FON
   Group is able to utilize, thereby providing funds to the PCS Group and
   reducing the PCS Group's required borrowings. The computation of current
   tax benefit is performed on a quarterly basis and the resulting amount is
   applied to reduce the debt balance and, therefore, interest expense, from
   that date forward. Interest expense is computed using the weighted-average
   interest rate on the debt assumed to be repaid (Sprint Spectrum Holdings'
   vendor financing loans).     
L  To record the income tax benefit, using the statutory income tax rate,
   relating to the consolidation of the remaining interests in Sprint Spectrum
   Holdings and PhillieCo.     
M  To record the impact on income taxes of pro forma adjustments I through K
   using the statutory income tax rate.     
N  The weighted average common shares outstanding reflect (1) the issuance of
   PCS Stock to the Cable Parents (   million shares), (2) the
   recapitalization of Sprint's existing common stock into 1/2 share of PCS
   Stock (   million shares for each period presented), and (3) the sale of
   shares to FT and DT (   million shares).
O  The weighted average common shares outstanding reflect the items in
   adjustment "N", as well as the shares assumed to be sold in the IPO (
   million shares) and the related sale of shares to FT and DT (   million

                       ANNEX III--FON GROUP INFORMATION
  The FON Stock, when issued in the Recapitalization, is intended to track the
performance of the FON Group. The following description should be read in
conjunction with the FON Group Financial Statements and the Notes thereto
provided elsewhere in this Annex III.
  The principal activities of the FON Group include (i) the FON Group's core
businesses, consisting of its long distance service, local service, product
distribution and directory publishing activities, (ii) the FON Group's
emerging businesses, which consist of the development of new integrated
communications services, consumer Internet access services, Sprint Paranet and
Sprint International, (iii) Sprint's interest in the Global One international
strategic alliance and (iv) other telecommunications investments and
  General. The FON Group's long distance division ("LDD") is the nation's
third largest provider of long distance telephone services. LDD operates a
nationwide all-digital long distance telecommunications network that uses
state-of-the-art fiber-optic and electronic technology. LDD provides domestic
and international voice, video and data communications services.
  The division's financial performance for the fiscal years ended December 31,
1997, 1996 and 1995 is summarized as follows:

                                                        1997     1996     1995
                                                      -------- -------- --------
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
      Net Operating Revenues(1)...................... $8,954.8 $8,302.1 $7,277.4
      Operating Income(2)............................  1,097.5    924.0    706.8
      EBITDA(3)......................................  1,834.2  1,617.3  1,288.4
- --------
(1) Includes net operating revenues eliminated in consolidation of $3.3,
    $30.9, and $38.9 million in 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.
(2) Includes nonrecurring items relating to litigation charges of $20 million
    and $60 million for 1997 and 1996, respectively.
(3) EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
    amortization, equity in loss of Global One and other income (expense),
    net. This measurement is not an alternative to operating income as an
    indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flows from
    operating activities as a measure of liquidity, in each case determined in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. EBITDA is
    presented because it is a commonly used measure by certain investors, by
    the telecommunications industry and by Sprint as an additional measure of
    performance to analyze and compare companies. EBITDA as presented may not
    be comparable to EBITDA defined and presented by other companies. EBITDA
    excludes nonrecurring items relating to litigation charges of $20 million
    and $60 million for 1997 and 1996, respectively.     
  Competition. The division competes with AT&T, MCI Communications Corporation
("MCI"), WorldCom and other telecommunications providers in all segments of
the long distance communications market. AT&T continues to have the largest
market share of the domestic long distance communications market. MCI is the
nation's second largest long distance telephone company. Competition in long
distance is based on price and pricing plans, the types of services offered,
customer service, and communications quality, reliability and availability.
  Strategy. In order to achieve profitable market share growth in an
increasingly competitive long distance communications environment, LDD intends
to leverage its principal strategic assets: its national brand, innovative
marketing and pricing plans, superior customer service, state-of-the-art
technology, and partnerships with other FON Group operating divisions and the
PCS Group. LDD will focus on expanding its leading

presence in the high-growth data communications markets such as ATM and Frame
Relay and intends to become the provider of choice for delivery of end-to-end
service to companies with complex distributed computing environments. The FON
Group continues to deploy network and systems infrastructure which provides
industry-leading reliability, cost effectiveness and technological
improvements. In order to create integrated product offerings for its
customers, the FON Group is solidifying the linkage of its long distance
division with Sprint's other operations such as the Local Telecommunications
Division, Sprint Paranet, the Global One alliance and the PCS Group in the
areas of sales support, marketing, integration of systems and the development
of common products and services.
  Marketing and Distribution. The FON Group's long distance services are
marketed to the consumer, business and carrier customer segments under the
Sprint brand name through (i) the Consumer Services Group ("CSG"), (ii) Sprint
Business and (iii) the Wholesale Services Group ("WSG"), respectively.
  CSG is focused on marketing its products and services primarily to the
residential marketplace. The Sprint Sense dime-a-minute product continues to
be the cornerstone of the CSG marketing effort. Among other channels, CSG's
marketing reach was significantly expanded in the third quarter of 1997 with
the opening of the "store within a store" concept in over 6,000 RadioShack
locations nationwide. CSG also exploits marketing relationships with well-
known consumer franchises such as the NFL and other widely-recognized
organizations or entities. In addition, CSG benefits from Sprint's superior
customer service recognition, having been rated as the number one long
distance provider in 1997 for customer satisfaction by both the Yankee Group,
for the fourth consecutive year, and J.D. Power and Associates, for the third
consecutive year.
  Sprint Business focuses on marketing and distributing LDD's core products
such as advanced global data, voice and video solutions to business customers.
Sprint Business' ATM, Frame Relay and Internet backbone services experienced
annual revenue growth of 70% in 1997. According to International Data
Corporation, Sprint has the leading market share in combined ATM, Frame Relay
and x.25 data services. In addition to leveraging the FON Group's other
operations, such as the Global One alliance and Sprint Paranet, Sprint
Business has introduced innovative marketing products to business customers
such as the Fridays Free program, which has allowed Sprint Business to grow
the number of its small business accounts by more than 15% over the last two
  WSG is organized around three distinct customer segments and their needs
including Reseller Services (selling primarily to other long distance
providers), RBOC Services and Emerging Market Services (focusing on non-
traditional providers such as utilities). Reseller Services has been the
principal driver of WSG's volume and revenue growth. WSG was awarded the right
to provide capacity to two RBOCs as they prepare to enter the long distance
business, and is expected to realize significant volume gains when the RBOCs
are allowed to market long distance services within their regions.
  Network Technology. LDD's advanced, nationwide, all-digital network
currently covers approximately 29,000 route miles. LDD is the industry leader
in the deployment of DWDM, ATM and SONET technologies, which provide customers
with unprecedented survivability and bandwidth capacity. As of May 31, 1998,
over 87% of LDD's long distance traffic was carried on SONET, and by mid year
1999, this number is expected to reach 100%. DWDM can increase the capacity of
a single fiber pair up to 16 times and was utilized on more than 70% of
Sprint's route miles at year-end 1997 with a target of over 90% by year end
1998. LDD is currently deploying DWDM with an even greater capacity
multiplier. As a result of ATM technology deployment, Sprint is transitioning
its network infrastructure to a packet network capable of handling data, video
and voice traffic over common switching and transport electronics. As of the
end of 1997, LDD had deployed 14 ATM core switches on its network backbone
with the throughput capacity of 10 gigabytes per second expandable to 160
gigabytes per second. LDD expects to have deployed in excess of 100 ATM
switches by the end of 1998. In addition to its packet-based technology, LDD
is also developing broadband solutions in select metropolitan areas nationwide
which involve contracting with local exchange carriers to construct high-
speed, SONET-based fiber rings, bringing the advanced technology of LDD's long
distance network to the local market. At the end of 1997, LDD had broadband
metropolitan area networks in 16 of the top 50 MSAs. All of these efforts
combine to provide Sprint's customers with nationwide, end-to-end connectivity
over LDD's state-of-the-art network.

  General. The local telecommunications division ("LTD") consists primarily of
regulated LECs serving approximately 7.5 million access lines in 19 states.
LTD provides local services, access by telephone customers and other carriers
to LTD's local exchange facilities, sales of telecommunications equipment and
long distance services within specified geographical areas.
  LTD's financial performance for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1997,
1996 and 1995 is summarized as follows:

                                                       1997     1996     1995
                                                     -------- -------- --------
                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
   Net Operating Revenues(1), (4)................... $5,290.2 $5,126.8 $4,690.0
   Operating Income(2), (4).........................  1,394.0  1,337.0  1,040.8
   EBITDA(3), (4)...................................  2,328.1  2,246.1  1,964.0
- --------
(1) Includes net operating revenues eliminated in consolidation of $309.0,
    $410.5 and $266.4 million in 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.
(2) Includes a nonrecurring charge in 1995 of $88 million related to a
    restructuring within the local telecommunications division.
(3) EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
    amortization, equity in loss of Global One and other income (expense),
    net. This measurement is not an alternative to operating income as an
    indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flows from
    operating activities as a measure of liquidity, in each case determined in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. EBITDA is
    presented because it is a commonly used measure by certain investors, by
    the telecommunications industry and by Sprint as an additional measure of
    performance to analyze and compare companies. EBITDA as presented may not
    be comparable to EBITDA defined and presented by other companies. EBITDA
    excludes a nonrecurring item of $88 million relating to a restructuring
    within the local telecommunications division in 1995.     
(4) Beginning in July 1997, Sprint changed its transfer pricing for certain
    transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market pricing.
    For a further discussion, see "--Management's Discussion and Analysis of
    Financial Conditions and Results of Operations."
  AT&T is LTD's largest customer for network access services. In 1997 and
1996, 13% of the division's net operating revenues were from services (mainly
network access services) provided to AT&T compared with 15% in 1995. On a
consolidated basis, revenues from AT&T were 5% of Sprint's revenues in 1997
and 1996 and 6% in 1995. While AT&T is a significant customer, LTD does not
believe the division's revenues are dependent on AT&T, since any long distance
provider must pay access charges to LTD related to inter-LATA long distance
telephone service.
  Strategy. To continue to build on its successful track record, LTD has
embarked on a growth strategy whereby it will aggressively market Sprint's
entire product portfolio to its local customers as well as its core product
line of advanced network features and data products.
  LTD has reorganized around its principal market segments: (i) Consumer and
Small Business Markets ("CSB"), (ii) Business Markets and (iii) Carrier
Markets. This new structure provides a more efficient and focused approach to
sales and service for these market segments. Along with this market focus, LTD
has centralized the management of support organizations to provide significant
operational efficiencies and to ensure superior support of LTD's end-users.
  CSB is focused on increasing voice and data product penetration in the
consumer and small business markets, including small office/home office
customers. Consumer initiatives, (including aggressive marketing of advanced
network features such as Caller ID, Caller ID-based telephone sets, and usage-
sensitive features) have been strong contributors to growth in 1997. CSB is
developing as a full-service provider and currently sells the

Sprint portfolio of products and services in 18 of the 19 states in which LTD
operates. Customers who establish new local service with LTD are offered a
"bundle" of products and services including traditional local service,
vertical services, long distance, Internet access, paging and wireless, where
  Business Markets is focused on selling high-capacity data networking
solutions such as ATM and Frame Relay, and marketing the network's SONET
survivability characteristics. Business Markets is partnering with LDD to
provide end-to-end solutions for medium to large business customers.
  Carrier Markets sells and markets LTD's network to emerging resellers of
local telephone services as well as wireless and interexchange carriers.
Efforts are under way to leverage existing strengths, including database,
Signaling System 7 ("SS7"), and billing and collection services, to increase
revenues. Added emphasis is also being placed on growing profits in the now
deregulated pay phone business.
  Network Technology. LTD will continue to emphasize growth by investing in
advanced network technologies including expanded deployment of SONET ring
technology to enhance network reliability as well as installation of fiber
deeper into the network. Rapidly growing demand for higher-speed data
communications capabilities is being addressed through technologies such as
  The product distribution and directory publishing businesses consist of
Sprint North Supply Company ("North Supply") and Sprint Publishing and
Advertising ("SPA").
  North Supply is one of the nation's largest distributors of
telecommunications equipment to wireline and wireless service companies, cable
TV operators, and system resellers. Available equipment includes a wide array
of products for voice, data and video communications, cable television,
security alarm systems, complementary accessories, tools and supplies. More
than 30,000 different products are stocked from 1,300 manufacturers.
  SPA publishes and markets white and yellow page telephone directories in
certain of LTD's local exchange areas, as well as in the greater metropolitan
areas of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois. SPA's revenues are mainly
derived from selling directory advertisement. SPA is currently the nation's
seventh largest Yellow Pages publisher and produces over 320 directories
across 20 states with an annual circulation of more than 20 million.
  The financial performance for the product distribution and directory
publishing businesses for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and
1995 is summarized as follows:

                                                       1997     1996     1995
                                                     -------- -------- --------
                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
   Net Operating Revenues(1), (3)................... $1,454.3 $1,225.4 $1,147.6
   Operating Income(3)..............................    179.9    101.6     86.7
   EBITDA(2), (3)...................................    188.1    108.8     94.1
- --------
(1) Includes net operating revenues eliminated in consolidation of $570.5,
    $325.9 and $336.8 million in 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively. Prior to
    1996, revenues resulting from transactions with regulated affiliates were
    not eliminated in consolidation.
(2) EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
    amortization, equity in loss of Global One and other income (expense),
    net. This measurement is not an alternative to operating income as an
    indicator of operating performance or as an alternative to cash flows from
    operating activities as a measure of liquidity, in each case determined in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. EBITDA is
    presented because it is a commonly used measure by certain investors, by
    the telecommunications industry and by Sprint as an additional measure of
    performance to analyze and compare companies. EBITDA as presented may not
    be comparable to EBITDA defined and presented by other companies.     
(3) Beginning in July 1997, Sprint changed its transfer pricing for certain
    transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market pricing.
    For a further discussion see "--Management's Discussion and Analysis of
    Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

  The FON Group's emerging businesses consist of National Integrated Services,
consumer Internet access services, Sprint Paranet and Sprint International.
  National Integrated Services ("NIS"). The objective of NIS is to enable the
FON Group to be a national provider of fully integrated services across all
customer segments. Its efforts are directed toward the development and
deployment of an Integrated On-demand Network (ION) which will extend the FON
Group's existing advanced network capabilities to customer premises and will
enable the FON Group to meet two critical business needs, namely (i) to
provide the network infrastructure to meet customers' ever-increasing demands
for data, Internet, and video use and (ii) to provide the foundation for the
FON Group to provide competitive local service. NIS believes that this
integrated services capability will generate increased demand for the FON
Group's products and services, while at the same time, substantially reducing
the costs to provide such services. The incremental capital expenditures
required to develop this advanced functionality is projected to cost
approximately $400 million over the next two years. Sprint will be assisted in
this development effort by Cisco Systems and Bellcore. These companies will be
contributing their expertise and assisting in the funding of this development
effort. Additional infrastructure capital will be required as demand for the
services develops.
  Beginning in the third quarter of 1998, ION will initially be offered to
large businesses in metropolitan markets serviced over high capacity fiber
optic/SONET ring networks owned by the FON Group or leased from third party
providers. ION will then be expanded to cover large businesses outside these
areas, followed by small business and residential users, with the expectation
of having ION generally available to the consumer market by late 1999.
  ION intends to rely substantially on the transmission infrastructure of the
long distance division and to a lesser extent on the transmission
infrastructure of the local telecommunications division. Where existing Sprint
facilities do not exist, ION will evaluate whether facilities should be built,
leased or acquired. Because a significant amount of future investment will be
associated with specific customer contracts, the FON Group will be able to
manage its investment in ION to be consistent with customer demand.     
  Consumer Internet Access Services. In June 1998, Sprint entered into a long-
term strategic alliance with EarthLink Network, Inc., ("EarthLink") one of the
highest-rated, fastest-growing Internet service providers in the world. As
part of the transaction, Sprint purchased an approximate 30% economic interest
in EarthLink.     
  As part of this investment, Sprint contributed to EarthLink all of Sprint's
130,000 Sprint Internet Passport customers and will also provide EarthLink
with the following:     
  .  A five-year commercial agreement for Sprint to promote EarthLink through
     its marketing channels, including commitments to generate a minimum of
     150,000 new EarthLink members annually;
  .  A four-year network contract allowing EarthLink to utilize Sprint's
     world-class data Internet Protocol network at favorable prices; and
  .  Agency status to bundle Sprint's telecommunications services with
     EarthLink services.
  Under the agreement, Sprint will become the exclusive telecommunications
provider promoted in EarthLink's channels.
  EarthLink will manage the operations, customer service, technical support
and product development for the unified Internet service. Leveraging the
brands of both companies, EarthLink and Sprint will work together on product
development, sales and marketing.
  Sprint Paranet. At the end of September 1997, Sprint acquired Paranet, Inc.,
a leading provider of integration, management, and support services for
distributed computing environments. The acquisition strengthens Sprint's
position as one of the world's leading data carriers by augmenting the
company's wide area network data products and services with Paranet's
expertise in local area networks and distributed network systems.

  Sprint Paranet focuses on integration, management and support of network and
system components, including network hardware from multiple vendors,
collaborative groupware, multiple operating systems, network protocols, client
server infrastructures, network security facilities and "Year 2000" solutions.
  Sprint Paranet provides a complete spectrum of custom-designed solutions,
including design, integration, implementation, and day-to-day management for
WANs, LANs, Internet/intranets and desktops. Sprint Paranet offers business
customers the ability to quickly and cost-effectively use network technologies
to increase their competitiveness and business growth.
  Sprint International. Sprint International ("SI") was established in 1996 to
enhance Sprint's position as a global communications company by pursuing
carefully selected business opportunities in key countries and markets around
the world outside the scope of its Global One alliance. Complementing the
strategies of Global One will continue to be an important component in
selecting opportunities.
   SI is a 25% owner of Barak, an Israeli joint venture that was awarded an
international long distance license in 1997 and which has since captured 20%
market share of that market. In China, SI has invested in Tianjin Global
Communications, a fixed wireline network operator, and is pursuing other
transactions in major Chinese markets. In the Americas, it is focusing on the
privatization of Telebras, the Brazilian government-owned telephone company
which is expected to be privatized in July 1998. In Europe, SI is
concentrating on developing opportunities with Sprint's Global One partners,
FT and DT, in several markets outside France and Germany.
  Sprint is a partner in Global One, a joint venture with FT and DT, which
provides seamless global telecommunications services to business, consumer and
carrier markets worldwide. Sprint is a one-third partner in Global One's
operating group serving Europe (excluding France and Germany) and a 50%
partner in Global One's operating group for the worldwide activities outside
the United States and Europe.
  Global One's strategic objective is to be the premier provider of global
telecommunications services. To achieve this objective, the Global One
business strategy is designed to achieve maximum global coverage and seamless
global connectivity. Under a single global brand and through a single
interface to customers in each country, Global One offers a comprehensive
array of state-of-the-art telecommunications services, delivered through its
advanced global network infrastructure.
  Global One currently has a sales presence in 65 countries; more than 1,400
points of presence (switching centers) outside of Germany, France and the
United States; four network management sites monitoring traffic on the global
backbone networks; 29 customer service centers; and 1997 revenues in excess of
$1.1 billion of which Sprint's proportional share of revenues was $474
  While focusing on the multinational business user, Global One also serves
carriers seeking cost-effective international solutions and the consumer
market. Global One offers products and services through the respective venture
partners in France, Germany and the United States, and through local business
offices, national affiliates, partnerships and distributor agreements in
virtually all other important markets.
  Sprint's other investments and alliances include a 3.7% interest in Iridium
LLC, a satellite-based mobile communications provider. In addition, in August
1993, Sprint acquired a 25% equity interest in Call-Net Enterprises, Inc.
("Call-Net"), a long distance telecommunications company in Canada operating
under the Sprint brand name. At the end of 1997, Call-Net had a 10% share of
the long distance market in Canada. In February 1997, Sprint entered into a
50-50 joint venture with Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex), the dominant
telecommunications provider in Mexico to market international long distance
services between the U.S. and Mexico with products and services tailored to
the Hispanic community.     

  The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Telecom Act"), which was signed
into law in February 1996, was designed to promote competition in all aspects
of telecommunications. It eliminated legal and regulatory barriers to entry
into local telephone markets. It also required ILECs, among other things, to
allow local resale at wholesale rates, negotiate interconnection agreements,
provide nondiscriminatory access to unbundled network elements and allow
collocation of interconnection equipment by competitors. The Telecom Act also
allows RBOCs to provide in-region long distance service once they obtain state
certification of compliance with a competitive "checklist," have a facilities-
based competitor for both residential and business customers, and obtain a
ruling from the FCC that the provision of in-region long distance service is
in the public interest. The Telecom Act's impact on Sprint remains unclear
because the rules for competition are still being decided by regulators and
the courts.     
  Sprint has filed for CLEC status in 48 states in anticipation of the local
markets opening to competition; however, currently, Sprint is not actively
marketing CLEC services. See "--Emerging Businesses." In those areas in which
Sprint is the ILEC, local competition is expected to eventually result in some
loss of market share. Because Sprint's ILEC operations are geographically
dispersed and largely in rural markets, local competition is expected to occur
more gradually than in more urban markets.
  In accordance with the Telecom Act, the FCC adopted detailed rules in 1996
to govern interconnection to incumbent local networks by new market entrants.
Some LECs and state public utility commissions appealed these rules to the
U.S. Court of Appeals, which prevented most of the pricing rules from taking
effect, pending a full review by the court. In 1997, the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit struck down the FCC's pricing rules. It ruled that the
Telecom Act left jurisdiction over pricing matters to the states. The court
also struck down certain other FCC rules on jurisdictional or substantive
grounds. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the appeals court
  In 1997, the FCC issued important decisions on the structure and level of
access charges and universal service. These decisions will impact the industry
in several ways, including the following:
  .  An additional subsidy was created to support telecommunications services
     for schools, libraries and rural health care providers. All carriers
     providing telecommunications services will be required to fund this
     program, which is capped at $2.7 billion per year. However, LECs can
     pass their portion of these costs on to long distance carriers.
  .  Per-minute interstate access rates charged by LECs will decline over
     time to become cost-based, beginning in July 1997.
  .  Certain monthly flat-rate charges paid by some local telephone customers
     will increase beginning in 1998.
  .  Certain per-minute access charges paid by long distance companies were
     converted to flat monthly charges based on pre-subscribed lines.
  .  A basis has been established for replacing implicit access subsidies
     with an explicit interstate universal service fund beginning in 1999.
  A number of LECs, long distance companies and others have appealed some or
all of the FCC's orders. The effectiveness of the orders has not been
suspended, and the appeals are expected to take a year or more to conclude.
The impact of these FCC decisions on Sprint is difficult to determine, but is
not expected to be material to the FON Group.
  Some RBOCs have also challenged the Telecom Act restrictions on their entry
into long distance markets as unconstitutional. A federal district court in
Wichita Falls, Texas, ruled the restrictions unlawful because they constituted
a legislative act that imposed punishment without a judicial proceeding. The
United States

government, along with Sprint and others, filed appeals of this decision. The
federal district court delayed implementing its decision pending resolution of
the appeals. In 1997, several RBOCs claimed they met the competitive checklist
and sought FCC approval to offer in-region long distance service. These
applications were denied by the FCC.
  Sprint's environmental compliance and remediation expenditures mainly result
from the operation of standby power generators for its telecommunications
equipment. The expenditures arise in connection with standards compliance,
permits or occasional remediation, which are usually related to generators,
batteries or fuel storage. Sprint has been identified as a potentially
responsible party at sites relating to either landfill contamination or
discontinued power generation operations. Sprint's environmental compliance
and remediation expenditures have not been material to its financial
statements or to its operations and are not expected to have any future
material adverse effects on the FON Group.
  Sprint owns numerous patents, patent applications, service marks and
trademarks in the United States and other countries. Sprint is also licensed
under domestic and foreign patents and trademarks owned by others. In total,
these patents, patent applications, trademarks, service marks and licenses are
of material importance to the FON Group's business. Generally, Sprint's
trademarks, trademark licenses and service marks have no limitation on
duration; Sprint's patents and licensed patents have lives generally ranging
from one to 17 years.
  As of May 31, 1998, the FON Group had approximately 51,000 employees, of
whom 21.3% are represented by unions. During 1997, Sprint had no material work
stoppages caused by labor controversies.     
  The FON Group's property, plant and equipment totaled $23.0 billion at year-
end 1997, of which $14.0 billion relates to local communications services and
$8.2 billion relates to long distance communications services. These
properties mainly consist of land, buildings, digital fiber-optic network,
switching equipment, microwave radio and cable and wire facilities. Sprint
leases certain switching equipment and several general office facilities. The
LDD has been granted easements, rights-of-way and rights-of-occupancy, mainly
by railroads and other private landowners, for its fiber-optic network.
  The product distribution and directory publishing businesses' properties
mainly consist of office and warehouse facilities to support the business
units in the distribution of telecommunications products and publication of
telephone directories.
  Property, plant and equipment totaling $12.9 billion is either pledged as
security for first mortgage bonds and certain notes or is restricted for use
as mortgaged property.
  Sprint is involved in various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary
course of business of the FON Group. While it is not possible to determine the
ultimate disposition of each of these proceedings, Sprint believes that the
outcome of such proceedings, individually and in the aggregate, will not have
a material adverse effect on the FON Group's financial condition or results of
  For information concerning the executive officers and directors of Sprint,
see "Executive Officers and Directors of Sprint" in this Proxy Statement.

                                   FON GROUP
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
  The following unaudited table sets forth Selected Financial Data of the FON
Group and should be read in conjunction with the FON Group Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and
the FON Group Combined Financial Statements and Notes thereto. The Selected
Financial Data at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31, 1997, have been derived from the FON Group
Combined Financial Statements, which have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP,
independent auditors. The Selected Financial Data at December 31, 1995, 1994
and 1993 and at March 31, 1998 and for each of the two years in the period
ended December 31, 1994 and for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
1997, have been derived from the unaudited FON Group Combined Financial
Statements. The unaudited FON Group Combined Financial Statements have been
prepared on the same basis as the audited FON Group Combined Financial
Statements and, in the opinion of management, contain all adjustments,
consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair
presentation of the financial position and results of operations for these

                            AT OR FOR THE
                          THREE MONTHS ENDED                   AT OR FOR THE
                              MARCH 31,                   YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          ------------------ -------------------------------------------------
                            1998      1997     1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
                          --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
                                                     (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues..  $ 3,910.9 $3,578.5 $14,873.9 $13,887.5 $12,735.3 $11,964.8 $10,894.9
Operating income(1).....      686.8    605.5   2,469.9   2,267.7   1,834.3   1,690.7   1,214.1
Income from continuing
 operations(1), (2).....      359.2    343.0   1,371.6   1,310.6     966.0     899.2     517.1
Net cash from operating
 operations(3)..........  $   786.0 $  650.8 $ 2,906.8 $ 2,267.3 $ 2,590.1 $ 2,339.6 $ 2,007.8
Capital expenditures....      609.3    567.4   2,708.9   2,433.6   1,857.3   1,751.6   1,429.8
Total assets............  $17,169.2          $16,491.7 $15,566.6 $14,100.6 $14,374.1 $13,781.8
Property, plant and
 equipment, net.........   11,466.5           11,316.8  10,464.1   9,715.8  10,258.8   9,883.1
Total debt (including
 short-term borrowings).    4,122.6            3,879.6   3,273.9   5,668.9   4,927.7   5,084.1
Group equity............    7,972.3            7,639.3   7,332.3   3,676.9   4,473.7   3,918.3
- --------
(1) During 1997 and 1996, the FON Group recorded nonrecurring charges of $20
    and $60 million, respectively, related to litigation within the long
    distance division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations
    by $13 million in 1997 and $36 million in 1996.
  During 1995, the FON Group recorded a nonrecurring charge of $88 million
  related to a restructuring within the local telecommunications division,
  which reduced income from continuing operations by $55 million.
  During 1993, the FON Group recorded nonrecurring charges of $293 million
  related to (a) transaction costs from the merger with Centel Corporation
  and expenses of integrating and restructuring the operations of the two
  companies and (b) a realignment and restructuring within the long distance
  division. These charges reduced income from continuing operations by $193
(2) During 1997, the FON Group recognized gains of $45 million on sales of
    local exchanges and a $26 million gain on the sale of an equity investment
    in an equipment provider. These gains increased income from continuing
    operations by $27 million and $17 million, respectively.
  During 1994, the FON Group recognized a $35 million gain on the sale of
  equity securities, which increased income from continuing operations by $22
  During 1993, due to the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of
  1993, the FON Group adjusted its deferred income tax assets and liabilities
  to reflect the increased tax rate. This adjustment reduced income from
  continuing operations by $11 million.
(3) The 1996 amount was reduced by $600 million for cash required to terminate
    an accounts receivable sales agreement.
  Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to the risks associated
with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's businesses,
assets and liabilities. Events attributable to the FON Group or the PCS Group
that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could affect
the results of operations or financial position of the other group or the
market price of the FON Stock or PCS Stock. Any net losses of the FON Group or
the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of, FON
Stock, PCS Stock or preferred stock or other stock or interests will reduce
the funds of Sprint that are legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.     

                                   FON GROUP
  Sprint Corporation (and with its subsidiaries "Sprint") has entered into a
restructuring agreement with the Cable Parents to restructure Sprint's
wireless PCS operations. Sprint will acquire the joint venture interests of
the Cable Parents in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and the joint venture interests
of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo. In exchange for these joint venture interests,
Sprint will issue to the Cable Parents a newly created class of Sprint Common
Stock, the PCS Stock. The PCS Stock is intended to reflect separately the
performance of these joint ventures and the domestic PCS operations of
Sprint's wholly owned subsidiary, SprintCom. These operations will be referred
to as the PCS Group.
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
  Holders of FON Stock and PCS Stock will be subject to the risks associated
with an investment in a single corporation and all of Sprint's businesses,
assets and liabilities. Events attributable to the FON Group or the PCS Group
that affect Sprint's results of operations or financial condition could affect
the results of operations or financial position of the other group or the
market price of the FON Stock or PCS Stock. Any net losses of the FON Group or
the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of, FON
Stock, PCS Stock or preferred stock or other stock or interests will reduce
the funds of Sprint that are legally available for payment of future dividends
on the FON Stock and the PCS Stock.     
  The Combined Financial Statements of the FON Group include (i) the combined
historical balance sheets, results of operations and cash flows of the
businesses that comprise the FON Group; (ii) corporate assets and liabilities
of Sprint and the related transactions not specifically identified with the
PCS Group; and (iii) all of the allocable corporate expenses not specifically
identified with the PCS Group. These expenses will be allocated to both groups
in accordance with management established policies, see "The Tracking Stock
Proposal--The Tracking Stock Policies." All significant intragroup financial
transactions have been eliminated; however, transactions between the FON Group
and the PCS Group have not been eliminated.     
  Sprint includes certain estimates, projections and other forward-looking
statements in its reports, in presentations to analysts and others, and in
other publicly available material. Future performance cannot be ensured.
Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include
(i) the effects of vigorous competition in the markets in which the FON Group
operates; (ii) the costs and business risks associated with entering new
markets necessary to provide seamless services and to provide new services;
(iii) the risks related to Sprint's investments in Global One and other joint
ventures; (iv) the impact of any unusual items resulting from ongoing
evaluations of the FON Group's business strategies; (v) requirements imposed
on Sprint or latitude allowed its competitors by the FCC or state regulatory
commissions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996; (vi) unexpected results
of litigation filed against Sprint; and (vii) the possibility of one or more
of the markets in which Sprint competes being impacted by changes in
political, economic or other factors such as monetary policy, legal and
regulatory changes or other external factors over which Sprint or the FON
Group have no control.     
  The words "estimate", "project", "intend", "expect", "believe" and similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are found at various places throughout Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
Readers are cautioned

not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak
only as of the date hereof. Sprint undertakes no obligation to publicly
release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or
circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of
unanticipated events. Moreover, Sprint, through senior management, may from
time to time make forward-looking statements about the matters described
herein or other matters concerning Sprint.
 Long Distance Division
  The long distance division is the nation's third-largest long distance
telephone company. It operates a nationwide, all-digital long distance
communications network using state-of-the-art fiber-optic and electronic
technology. The division mainly provides domestic and international voice,
video and data communications services. It offers its services to the public
subject to varying levels of state and federal regulation.
 Local Telecommunications Division
  The local telecommunications division consists of regulated local exchange
carriers ("LECs") serving approximately 7.5 million access lines in 19 states.
It provides local exchange services, access by telephone customers and other
carriers to the FON Group's local exchange facilities, sales of
telecommunications equipment and long distance services within specified
geographical areas.
 Product Distribution and Directory Publishing Division
  The product distribution and directory publishing businesses provide
wholesale distribution services of telecommunications products, and publish
and market white and yellow page telephone directories.
  Emerging businesses consist of CLEC and related activities, consumer
Internet access services, Sprint Paranet, and Sprint International.
 Global One
  Sprint is a partner in Global One, a joint venture with France Telecom
("FT") and Deutsche Telekom AG ("DT") to provide seamless global
telecommunications services to business, residential and carrier markets
worldwide. Sprint is a one-third partner in Global One's operating group
serving Europe (excluding France and Germany) and is a 50% partner in Global
One's operating group for the worldwide activities outside the United States
and Europe. Global One is accounted for by Sprint in the FON Group Combined
Financial Statements on the equity basis.
  FT and DT each own 10% of Sprint's voting equity through Sprint's Class A
common stock. As Class A common stockholders, they have the right in most
cases to proportionate representation on Sprint's Board of Directors.
Following the Recapitalization, the Class A common shares owned by FT and DT
will represent interests in both the FON Group and the PCS Group. FT and DT
each have the right to keep their ownership levels at 10% overall voting power
in Sprint. See "FT and DT Arrangements."     
  The FON Group's long distance division contributed certain assets and
related operations of its international business unit to Global One when the
venture was formed in January 1996.
  In March 1996, Sprint completed the tax-free spinoff of Sprint's cellular
division ("Cellular") to Sprint common stockholders (the "Spinoff"). See
"Liquidity and Capital Resources--Discontinued Operation" for more

  See "FON Group Information--Business--Regulation" for a complete discussion
of the regulatory developments that could have a future impact on the FON
  Total net operating revenues for the three months ended March 31, 1998 were
$3.9 billion, a 9% increase from $3.6 billion for the same period in 1997.
Income from continuing operations was $359 million in the first quarter of
1998 compared with $343 million for the same period in 1997. Total net
operating revenues for 1997 were $14.9 billion, a 7% increase from $13.9
billion in 1996. Total net operating revenues for 1995 were $12.7 billion.
Income from continuing operations was $1.4 billion in 1997 compared with $1.3
billion in 1996 and $1.0 billion in 1995.
  Core results exclude the impact from joint ventures and emerging businesses.
The FON Group's core businesses generated improved 1998 first quarter net
operating revenues and operating income compared with the same 1997 period.
First quarter 1998 long distance calling volumes increased 11% from the same
1997 period. Access lines served by the local telecommunications division
increased 3.6% since first quarter 1997. Excluding sales of exchanges in the
1997 fourth quarter, access line growth was 5.6%.
  For 1997, the FON Group's core businesses generated record levels of net
operating revenues and improved operating results. Long distance calling
volumes increased 14% in 1997, and access lines served by the local
telecommunications division grew 5.6%, excluding sales of local exchanges
during 1997. Excluding nonrecurring items, income from core operations was
$1.6 billion in 1997 versus $1.4 billion in 1996 and $1.0 billion in 1995.
  Core income from continuing operations for 1997 includes pretax gains on
sales of local exchanges of $45 million and a pretax gain on the sale of an
equity investment in an equipment provider of $26 million. In addition, 1997
and 1996 include pretax litigation charges within the long distance division
for $20 million and $60 million, respectively. The 1995 amounts include a
pretax charge for restructuring the local telecommunications division of $88

                                THREE MONTHS              YEAR ENDED
                               ENDED MARCH 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                              ------------------  ----------------------------
                                1998      1997      1997      1996      1995
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues....... $2,367.6  $2,172.4  $8,954.8  $8,302.1  $7,277.4
Operating expenses
  Interconnection............    970.6   1,007.4   3,941.1   3,722.7   3,102.7
  Operations.................    322.6     275.8   1,236.6   1,051.8   1,046.6
  Selling, general and
   administrative............    544.6     471.1   1,962.9   1,970.3   1,839.7
  Depreciation and
   amortization..............    202.0     166.6     716.7     633.3     581.6
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Total operating expenses.....  2,039.8   1,920.9   7,857.3   7,378.1   6,570.6
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Operating income............. $  327.8  $  251.5  $1,097.5  $  924.0  $  706.8
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Operating margin.............     13.8%     11.6%     12.3%     11.1%      9.7%
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========


Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
 Net Operating Revenues
  First quarter 1998 net operating revenues increased 9% from the same 1997
period. All major market segments--residential, business and wholesale--
contributed to this increase. The increase mainly reflects strong minute
growth and increased data services revenue, partly offset by a more
competitive pricing environment and a change in the mix of products sold.
  Residential Market--Residential market revenues reflect growth in 1998
mainly from prepaid phone cards and long distance calling card calls made by
LEC customers. Through various agreements Sprint has with LECs, their
customers use the Sprint network when making long distance calls.
  Business Market--Business market revenues reflect increased calling volumes
for toll-free and direct-distance-dialing toll ("WATS") calls made within the
United States. Growth in the small and medium business market was due to the
continuing success of the division's small business product, Fridays Free.
Data services, which includes sales of capacity on Sprint's network to
Internet service providers, showed strong growth because of continued demand
and expanded service offerings.
  Wholesale Market--The wholesale market showed strong growth in the domestic
market. This increase mainly reflects increased WATS calling volumes, partly
offset by a decline in rates due to increased competition.
 Interconnection Costs
  Interconnection costs consist of amounts paid to LECs, other domestic
service providers, and foreign telephone companies to complete calls made by
the division's domestic customers. These costs decreased 4% from the same 1997
period reflecting lower unit costs for both domestic and international access,
partly offset by strong minute growth. The lower domestic costs are generally
due to FCC-mandated access rate reductions while lower international costs
reflect competition in the market. Interconnection costs were 41.0% of net
operating revenues in the 1998 first quarter versus 46.4% for the same period
a year ago.
 Operations Expense
  Operations expense mainly consists of costs related to operating and
maintaining the long distance network and costs of equipment sales. It also
includes costs of providing operator, public payphone and video
teleconferencing services, as well as telecommunications services for the
hearing impaired. First quarter 1998 operations expense increased 17% from the
same 1997 period. As a percentage of net operating revenues, operations
expense was 13.6% in the 1998 first quarter and 12.7% for the same period a
year ago. These increases were mostly due to increased costs related to data
services growth as well as increases in the volume of operating leases for
network equipment. In addition, costs increased due to FCC-mandated payments
to public payphone providers.
 Selling, General and Administrative Expense
  First quarter selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expense increased
16% from the same 1997 period. This increase was mainly due to increased
advertising costs in 1998 to market and promote products and services. SG&A
expense was 23.0% of net operating revenues in the 1998 first quarter and
21.7% for the same period a year ago.
 Depreciation and Amortization Expense
  First quarter 1998 depreciation and amortization expense increased 21% from
the same 1997 period generally due to an increased asset base. Capital
expenditures were incurred mainly to enhance network reliability, meet
increased demand for data-related services and upgrade capabilities for
providing new products and services. Depreciation and amortization expense was
8.5% of net operating revenues in the 1998 first quarter and 7.7% for the same
period a year ago.

Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
  During 1997 and 1996, the long distance division recorded nonrecurring
litigation charges of $20 and $60 million, respectively (see Note 9 of Notes
to FON Group Combined Financial Statements). In January 1996, the division
contributed certain international assets and related operations to Global One.
For comparative purposes, the following discussion of long distance division
operating results excludes the nonrecurring charges and assumes the
contribution occurred at the beginning of 1995. Operating margins would have
been 12.5% in 1997, 12.0% in 1996 and 10.9% in 1995.
 Net Operating Revenues
  Net operating revenues increased 8% in 1997 and 17% in 1996. All major
market segments--residential, business and wholesale--contributed to these
increases. In general, the increases reflect strong calling volume growth of
14% in 1997 and 20% in 1996 and continued growth in the data services market.
Revenue growth in 1997 was affected by a more competitive pricing environment,
a change in the mix of products sold and an increase in the bad debt
provision. Management continues to monitor Sprint's credit extension policies
to ensure they remain effective. In addition, 1996 includes revenues from
carrying the Internal Revenue Service 800 help line traffic, a service Sprint
no longer provides, while 1997 reflects lower yields on other government
  Residential Market--Residential market revenues reflect the continuing
success of Sprint Sense,(R) a flat-rate calling plan, as well as growth in
1997 from international calls, prepaid phone cards and casual callers
accessing the Sprint network.
  Business Market--Business market revenues reflect increased calling volumes
for WATS calls made within the United States. Growth in the small and medium
business market was due to the continuing success of the division's small
business product, Fridays Free. Data services, which includes sales of
capacity on Sprint's network to Internet service providers, showed strong
growth because of continued demand and expanded service offerings.
  Wholesale Market--The wholesale market showed strong growth in both domestic
and international markets. Domestic increases mainly reflect increased WATS
calling volumes, partly offset by a decline in rates due to increased
 Interconnection Costs
  Interconnection costs consist of amounts paid to LECs, other domestic
service providers and foreign telephone companies to complete calls made by
the division's domestic customers. These costs increased 6% in 1997 and 20% in
1996, reflecting strong growth in calling volumes, partly offset by lower unit
costs for both domestic and international access. The lower domestic rates are
generally due to FCC-mandated access rate reductions that took effect in July
1997--see "FON Group Information--Business--Regulation" for more information.
Interconnection costs were 44.0% of net operating revenues in 1997, 45.0% in
1996 and 43.9% in 1995.
 Operations Expense
  Operations expense mainly consists of costs related to operating and
maintaining the long distance network and costs of equipment sales. It also
includes costs of providing operator, public payphone and video
teleconferencing services, as well as telecommunications services for the
hearing-impaired. Operations expense increased 20% in 1997 and 17% in 1996. As
a percentage of net operating revenues, operations expense was 13.8% in 1997,
12.5% in 1996 and 12.4% in 1995. The 1997 increases were mainly due to
increased costs related to FCC-mandated payments to public payphone providers,
network equipment leasing costs, costs related to data services growth and
equipment sales. The 1996 increase in expense reflects overall revenue growth.

 Selling, General and Administrative Expense
  SG&A expense increased 2% in 1997 and 8% in 1996. These increases reflect
the overall growth of the division's operating activities as well as increases
in marketing and promotions to support products and services. The 1997
increase also reflects increased information technology costs to support
network quality, and customer acquisition and customer management. SG&A
expense was 21.7% of net operating revenues in 1997, 22.9% in 1996 and 24.8%
in 1995. These improvements reflect continued cost control and business
process improvement efforts.
 Depreciation and Amortization Expense
  Depreciation and amortization expense increased 13% in 1997 and 12% in 1996,
generally because of an increased asset base. Capital expenditures were
incurred mainly to enhance network reliability, meet increased demand for
data-related services and upgrade capabilities for providing new products and
services. Depreciation and amortization expense was 8.0% of net operating
revenues in 1997, 7.6% in 1996 and 8.0% in 1995.

                                THREE MONTHS              YEAR ENDED
                               ENDED MARCH 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                              ------------------  ----------------------------
                                1998      1997      1997      1996      1995
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues....... $1,322.2  $1,304.3  $5,290.2  $5,126.8  $4,690.0
Operating expenses
  Costs of services and
   products..................    459.9     446.4   1,888.1   1,842.5   1,769.5
  Selling, general and
   administrative............    277.9     258.2   1,074.0   1,038.2     956.5
  Depreciation and
   amortization..............    233.2     231.4     934.1     909.1     835.6
  Restructuring costs........      --        --        --        --       87.6
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Total operating expenses.....    971.0     936.0   3,896.2   3,789.8   3,649.2
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Operating income............. $  351.2  $  368.3  $1,394.0  $1,337.0  $1,040.8
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Operating margin.............     26.6%     28.2%     26.4%     26.1%     22.2%
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

  Beginning in July 1997, the FON Group changed its transfer pricing for
certain transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market
pricing. The main effect of the pricing change was to reduce "Net Operating
Revenues--Other Revenues." For comparative purposes, the following discussion
of local telecommunications division operating results assumes these pricing
changes occurred at the beginning of 1997. The first quarter 1997 operating
margin would have been 26.7%. Operating margins would have been 25.6% in 1997,
24.5% in 1996 and 22.3% in 1995 (excluding the restructuring charge).
Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
 Net Operating Revenues
  Net operating revenues increased 4% in first quarter 1998 from the same 1997
period. This increase mainly reflects customer access line growth, and
increased sales of equipment and network-based services. Excluding sales of
local exchanges in fourth quarter 1997, net operating revenues increased 6%
and access line growth was 5.6%.
  Local Service Revenues--Local service revenues, derived from local exchange
services, increased 6% (9% excluding sales of exchanges) in the first quarter
1998 from the same 1997 period. This increase reflects strong economic growth
in the division's service areas and increases in second-line service for
residential customers to meet their lifestyle and data access needs. Local
service revenues also increased because of continued demand for network-based
services such as Caller ID and Call Waiting.

  Network Access Revenues--Network access revenues, derived from interexchange
long distance carriers' use of the local network to complete calls, increased
1% (3% excluding sales of exchanges) compared with the same 1997 period. The
1998 first quarter revenues reflect a 6% growth (8% excluding sales of
exchanges) in access minutes of use, partly offset by FCC-mandated access rate
  Toll Service Revenues--Toll service revenues are mainly derived from
providing long distance services within specified regional calling areas or
local access transport areas (LATAs). First quarter toll service revenues
declined 27% compared with the same 1997 period. The decrease reflects
extended local calling area plans and increased competition in the intrastate
long distance market. The decline in toll service revenues was partly offset
by increases in the division's local and network access revenues.
  Other Revenues--Other revenues are mainly derived from telecommunications
equipment sales, directory sales and listing services and billing and
collection services. During the 1998 first quarter these revenues increased
22% compared with the same 1997 period mainly due to increased equipment sales
of business systems and data networks, growth in payphone revenues, and
increased sales of Sprint's long distance services.
 Costs of Services and Products
  Costs of services and products consists of costs related to operating and
maintaining the local network and costs of equipment sales. These expenses
increased 3% (5% excluding sales of exchanges) in first quarter 1998 compared
with the same period a year ago, reflecting customer access line growth and
increased equipment sales. Costs of services and products was 34.8% of net
operating revenues in the 1998 first quarter and 34.9% for the same period a
year ago.
 Selling, General and Administrative Expense
  SG&A expense increased 8% (10% excluding sales of exchanges) in first
quarter 1998. This increase was mainly due to increased customer service costs
related to access line growth and marketing costs to promote new products and
services. SG&A expense was 21.0% of net operating revenues in first quarter
1998 and 20.3% for the same period a year ago.
 Depreciation and Amortization Expense
  Depreciation and amortization expense increased 1% (3% excluding sales of
exchanges) in first quarter 1998. This increase was mainly due to plant
additions. Depreciation and amortization expense was 17.6% of net operating
revenues in first quarter 1998 and 18.1% for the same period a year ago.
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
 Net Operating Revenues
  Net operating revenues increased 4% in 1997 and 9% in 1996 mainly because of
customer access line growth. Excluding sales of local exchanges in 1997,
access line growth was 5.6% in both 1997 and 1996. Net operating revenues were
$5.2 billion in 1997, $5.0 billion in 1996 and $4.6 billion in 1995.
  Local Service Revenues--Local service revenues, derived from local exchange
services, increased 10% in 1997 and 11% in 1996. These increases reflect
strong economic growth in the division's service areas and increases in
second-line service for existing business and residential customers to meet
their lifestyle and data access needs. Local service revenues also increased
because of extended area calling plans and increased demand for advanced
intelligent network services, such as Caller ID and Call Waiting.
  Network Access Revenues--Network access revenues, derived from interexchange
long distance carriers' use of the local network to complete calls, increased
2% in 1997 and 10% in 1996. The increases were largely due to increased
calling volumes of 6% in 1997 and 10% in 1996. The 1997 revenue growth was
partly offset by

FCC-mandated access rate reductions effective in July 1997--see "FON Group
Information--Business--Regulation" for more information. In addition, the
FCC's 1995 interim interstate price cap plan increased network access revenues
for 1996 and had a nominal effect on 1995.
  Toll Service Revenues--Toll service revenues are mainly derived from
providing long distance services within specified geographical areas, or
LATAs. These revenues decreased 19% in 1997 and 13% in 1996. During 1996 and
1995, the division resold interexchange long distance services in some of its
service areas. This reseller service was phased out through early 1997,
accounting for a large portion of the 1997 decline. Some of those customers,
however, became customers of Sprint's long distance division, which has
reduced the overall impact on Sprint. The decreases in toll service revenues
also reflect extended local area calling plans and increased competition in
the intrastate long distance market since interexchange long distance carriers
now provide intraLATA long distance services in many states. The declines in
toll service revenues were partly offset by related increases in the
division's local and network access revenues.
  Other Revenues--Other revenues are mainly derived from telecommunications
equipment sales, directory sales and listing services, and billing and
collection services. These revenues increased 10% in 1997 and 24% in 1996,
mainly because of increased equipment sales. A major factor in the 1996 growth
was the introduction of enhanced telephone instruments, such as Caller ID
 Costs of Services and Products
  Costs of services and products consists of costs related to operating and
maintaining the local network and costs of equipment sales. These expenses
increased 3% in 1997 and 4% in 1996 because of customer access line growth and
increased equipment sales. Both years also reflect savings from the division's
restructuring of the network function. Costs of services and products were
36.0% of net operating revenues in 1997, 36.7% in 1996 and 38.5% in 1995. The
improvement in 1996 compared with 1995 reflects the capitalization of switch
software costs beginning in 1996, as discussed in "Depreciation and
Amortization Expense."
 Selling, General and Administrative Expense
  SG&A expense increased 3% in 1997 and 9% in 1996. These increases were
mainly due to increased customer service costs related to access line growth
and marketing costs to promote new products and services. These increases were
partly offset by savings from the division's restructuring of the finance
function and general cost control measures. SG&A expense was 20.6% of net
operating revenues in 1997, 20.7% in 1996 and 21.0% in 1995.
 Depreciation and Amortization Expense
  Depreciation and amortization expense increased 3% in 1997 and 9% in 1996,
mainly because of plant additions. The 1996 increase also reflects the initial
year of amortizing capitalized switch software costs. At year-end 1995, the
FON Group adopted accounting principles for a competitive marketplace and
discontinued applying Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No.
71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," to its local
telecommunications division (see Note 12 of Notes to FON Group Combined
Financial Statements). As a result, certain accumulated depreciation balances
were increased; plant asset lives were shortened to reflect their economic
lives; and switch software costs, which were previously expensed as incurred,
are now capitalized and amortized over their estimated economic lives.
Depreciation and amortization expense was 17.8% of net operating revenues in
1997, 18.1% in 1996 and 18.2% in 1995.
 Restructuring Costs
  In 1995, the FON Group recorded an $88 million charge to restructure the
division (see Note 14 of Notes to FON Group Combined Financial Statements).


                                  THREE MONTHS
                                   ENDED MARCH            YEAR ENDED
                                       31,               DECEMBER 31,
                                  --------------  ----------------------------
                                   1998    1997     1997      1996      1995
                                  ------  ------  --------  --------  --------
                                               (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues........... $391.2  $309.7  $1,454.3  $1,225.4  $1,147.6
Operating expenses
  Costs of services and products.  303.9   259.3   1,172.9   1,025.7     965.8
  Selling, general and
   administrative................   25.9    21.6      93.3      90.9      87.7
  Depreciation and amortization..    2.2     1.8       8.2       7.2       7.4
                                  ------  ------  --------  --------  --------
Total operating expenses.........  332.0   282.7   1,274.4   1,123.8   1,060.9
                                  ------  ------  --------  --------  --------
Operating income................. $ 59.2  $ 27.0  $  179.9  $  101.6  $   86.7
                                  ======  ======  ========  ========  ========
Operating margin.................   15.1%    8.7%     12.4%      8.3%      7.6%
                                  ======  ======  ========  ========  ========

  Beginning in July 1997, the FON Group changed its transfer pricing for
certain transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market
pricing. For comparative purposes, the following discussion of product
distribution and directory publishing division results assumes these pricing
changes occurred at the beginning of 1995.
Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
  Adjusting for the above transfer pricing change, net operating revenues
increased 28% to $391 million in first quarter 1998 from $306 million in first
quarter 1997. Costs of services and products increased 32% to $304 million in
first quarter 1998 from $231 million in first quarter 1997. The first quarter
1997 operating margins were 16.8%. The growth in revenues and costs of
services and products reflects increased sales of telecommunications equipment
and distribution services to the local telecommunications division.
Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
  Adjusting for the above transfer pricing change, net operating revenues
increased 19% to $1.4 billion in 1997 from $1.2 billion in 1996. Revenues were
$1.1 billion in 1995. Sales to non-affiliates in 1997 compared with 1996
remained relatively flat because of increased competition. Cost of services
and products increased 22% to $1.1 billion in 1997 from $918 million in 1996.
Costs of services and products were $863 million in 1995. Operating margins
were 15.8% in 1997, 16.3% in 1996 and 15.8% in 1995. The growth in revenues
and costs of services and products reflects increased sales of
telecommunications equipment and distribution services to the local
telecommunications division.

                                                THREE MONTHS
                                                 ENDED MARCH      YEAR ENDED
                                                     31,         DECEMBER 31,
                                                --------------  ---------------
                                                 1998    1997    1997     1996
                                                ------  ------  -------  ------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues......................... $ 47.4  $  2.8  $  57.4  $  0.5
                                                ======  ======  =======  ======
Operating loss................................. $(42.3) $(32.0) $(164.5) $(63.3)
                                                ======  ======  =======  ======

  Revenues for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and year ended December
31, 1997 increased mainly because of Sprint's September 1997 acquisition of
Paranet, Inc. Operating losses for all periods presented largely reflect
activities to develop or enter newly competitive domestic and international
markets, such as Internet access and competitive local exchange services.

  During the 1997 third quarter, Sprint stopped actively marketing its CLEC
services until the rules for local competition become clearer, economics
improve, and more effective working arrangements and electronic interfaces
with incumbent LECs can be developed. While Sprint's measured course on
entering the CLEC market has enabled it to avoid significant losses, Sprint
continues to devote significant resources toward developing a distinct
approach. For a discussion of the development of Sprint's new integrated
communications services see "FON Group--Business--Emerging Business--National
Integrated Services."
  During 1996, Sprint began offering Internet services to consumers through
Sprint Internet Passport(sm). During 1997, Sprint launched Sprint Internet
Private Passport(sm), which provides customized, private Internet access
services to businesses. In June 1998, Sprint formed a broad business
relationship with EarthLink Network Inc. (EarthLink), an Internet service
provider. EarthLink obtained Sprint's Internet Passport customers and have
taken over the day-to-day operations of those services. This combination
created a base of more than 700,000 Internet access customers, and will enable
Sprint to build its brand equity and market share.     
  In September 1997, Sprint acquired Houston-based Paranet, Inc., which will
allow Sprint to capitalize on the accelerating demand for network management
services. Sprint Paranet's design, implementation and consultation expertise
should also enable Sprint to maintain and add to its traditional long distance
revenues. See Note 11 of Notes to FON Group Combined Financial Statements for
more information about the Paranet acquisition.
  Interest costs on borrowings consist of the following:

                                THREE MONTHS              YEAR ENDED
                               ENDED MARCH 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                              ------------------  ----------------------------
                                1998      1997      1997      1996      1995
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Interest expense on
 outstanding debt............ $   54.5  $   35.7  $  159.9  $  161.2  $  231.0
Interest expense related to
 Cellular (1)................      --        --        --       21.5     124.0
Capitalized interest costs...     18.6      29.0      93.0     104.0      57.0
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Total interest costs on
 outstanding debt............ $   73.1  $   64.7  $  252.9  $  286.7  $  412.0
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Average debt outstanding..... $3,977.7  $3,226.4  $3,251.3  $3,604.9  $5,505.2
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
Effective interest rate......      7.4%      8.0%      7.8%      8.0%      7.5%
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

- --------
(1) Interest expense related to Cellular is included in "Discontinued
    operation, net" on the FON Group Combined Statements of Income.
  The FON Group capitalizes interest costs related to constructing capital
assets. Through June 1997, Sprint also capitalized interest costs on
borrowings related to its investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo. Sprint stopped capitalizing interest costs on its investments in
Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo in July 1997 because Sprint Spectrum
Holdings and PhillieCo no longer qualified as development-stage companies. The
capitalized interest on investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo
has been contributed to and is being amortized by the PCS Group.
  Average debt outstanding decreased $1.9 billion in 1996, generally because
of repayments funded by a portion of the cash received from FT and DT for
their equity investments in Sprint and from Cellular's repayment of
intercompany debt in connection with the Spinoff.
  Sprint's effective interest rate decreased to 7.4% for the three months
ended March 31, 1998 from 8.0% for the three months ended March 31, 1997
mainly because of an increase in short-term borrowings as a percentage of
total borrowings. Sprint's effective interest rate increased to 8.0% in 1996
from 7.5% in 1995, mainly because

of a decrease in short-term borrowings as a percentage of total borrowings. At
March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997, short-term borrowings have been
classified as long-term debt because of Sprint's intent and ability, through
unused credit facilities, to refinance these borrowings.
  Global One's revenues totaled $265 million in first quarter 1998 compared
with $243 million in the same period a year ago. Sprint's share of operating
losses from Global One totaled $45 million in first quarter 1998 compared with
$24 million a year ago. The increased losses in 1998 were due to lower product
margins primarily as a result of higher operating costs. Global One's revenues
totaled $1.1 billion in 1997 compared to $800 million in 1996. Sprint's equity
in losses from Global One totaled $162 million in 1997, $82 million in 1996
and $23 million in 1995. The increased losses in 1997 were due to higher
operating costs within Global One's existing global markets due to the slower-
than-expected integration of the parent companies' networks and start-up
related costs. Global One is continuing to review its operations, is
implementing expense controls, and is focusing on improving the network
infrastructure in an effort to improve efficiencies and reduce operating costs
and expects to begin implementing various components of a plan addresing such
items in the near future, which are expected to result in related non-
recurring charges being incurred as the plan is executed.
  Other income (expense) consisted of the following:

                                          THREE MONTHS        YEAR ENDED
                                         ENDED MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                         --------------- ----------------------
                                          1998    1997    1997    1996    1995
                                         ------- ------- ------  ------  ------
                                                    (IN MILLIONS)
Dividend and interest income............ $  15.6 $  27.1 $ 75.4  $ 99.7  $ 12.6
Net gains on sales of assets............     --      --    71.5    15.9     --
Loss on sales of accounts receivable....     --      --     --     (4.2)  (38.6)
Other, net..............................     5.6     7.8   (6.4)    3.9   (12.9)
                                         ------- ------- ------  ------  ------
    Total other income (expense), net... $  21.2 $  34.9 $140.5  $115.3  $(38.9)
                                         ======= ======= ======  ======  ======

  Dividend and interest income for the three months ended March 31, 1998
reflects interest earned on loans to affiliates. Dividend and interest income
for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and the years ended December 31,
1997 and 1996 reflects income earned on the cash received from FT and DT for
their equity investment in Sprint, as well as Cellular's repayment of
intercompany debt in connection with the Spinoff. Sprint has since invested
these funds in strategic initiatives and has decreased certain borrowings,
reducing the balance held in temporary investments. For the year ended
December 31, 1997, the FON Group recognized pretax gains of $45 million on
sales of local exchanges and sold its equity interest in an equipment
provider, resulting in a $26 million pretax gain.
  The FON Group's effective tax rates for the first quarters were 39.7% in
1998 and 40.0% in 1997. The FON Group's effective tax rates for the years
ended December 31 were 39.3% in 1997, 37.7% in 1996 and 36.1% in 1995. See
Note 5 of Notes to FON Group Combined Financial Statements for information
about the differences that cause the effective income tax rate to vary from
the statutory federal rate.
  The FON Group recognized an after-tax loss of $3 million in 1996 and after-
tax income of $15 million in 1995 related to its investment in Cellular.
Cellular was spun off to Sprint common stockholders in March 1996 (see Note 13
of Notes to FON Group Combined Financial Statements).

  In the first quarter of 1998, the FON Group redeemed, prior to maturity,
$115 million of debt with a 9.25% interest rate. This resulted in a $4 million
after-tax loss.
  During 1996, the FON Group redeemed, prior to maturity, $190 million of debt
with interest rates ranging from 6.0% to 9.5%. This resulted in a $5 million
after-tax loss.
  At year-end 1995, the FON Group adopted accounting principles for a
competitive marketplace and discontinued applying SFAS 71 to its local
telecommunications division (see Note 12 of Notes to FON Group Combined
Financial Statements). This resulted in an after-tax, noncash extraordinary
charge of $565 million in 1995.
  The following discussion of the FON Group's financial condition, liquidity
and capital resources should be read in conjunction with Sprint's discussion
of financial condition, liquidity and capital resources. See "Annex I--
Sprint--Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations."
  The FON Group's combined assets totaled $17.2 billion at March 31, 1998
compared to $16.5 billion at year-end 1997 and $15.6 billion at year-end 1996.
Net property, plant and equipment increased $150 million since year-end 1997
and $853 million from 1996 to 1997, mainly because of increased capital
expenditures to support the core long distance and local networks. See
"Liquidity and Capital Resources" for additional discussions of changes in the
FON Group's Combined Balance Sheets.
 Operating Activities
  Cash flows from continuing operations, which are the FON Group's main source
of liquidity, were $786 million in first quarter 1998 versus $651 million in
first quarter 1997 and were $2.9 billion in 1997, $2.3 billion in 1996 and
$2.6 billion in 1995. The growth in operating cash flows over these periods
reflects improved operating results in the FON Group's core businesses, partly
offset by increased losses from its emerging businesses. During 1996, the FON
Group terminated an accounts receivable sales agreement, which reduced cash
flows by $600 million. Excluding this termination, 1996 cash flows increased
$277 million, mainly because of improved operating results in all divisions.
 Investing Activities
  The FON Group's investing activities from continuing operations used cash of
$794 million in first quarter 1998 versus $530 million in first quarter 1997
and used cash of $4.0 billion in 1997, $3.0 billion in 1996 and $2.8 billion
in 1995. Capital expenditures, which are the FON Group's largest investing
activity, totaled $609 million in first quarter 1998 and $567 million in first
quarter 1997 and totaled $2.7 billion in 1997, $2.4 billion in 1996 and $1.9
billion in 1995. Within the FON Group, long distance capital expenditures were
incurred mainly to enhance network reliability, meet increased demand for
data-related services and upgrade capabilities for providing new products and
services. The local telecommunications division incurred capital expenditures
to accommodate access line growth and expand capabilities for providing
enhanced services.
  The FON Group's net investments in and loans to Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo of $90 million for first quarter 1998, $(42) million for first
quarter 1997, $300 million for year-end 1997, and $264 million for year-end
1996 were used to fund capital and operating requirements. In 1997, Sprint
Spectrum Holdings borrowed $300 million from the FON Group under a vendor
financing facility. In 1996, the FON Group purchased $183 million (face value)
of Sprint Spectrum Senior Discount notes for $100 million which were recorded
on the FON Group Combined Balance Sheets.

  The FON Group advanced $79.9 million to the PCS Group in the first quarter
of 1998 to fund Sprintcom buildout activities.
  Equity transfers to (from) the PCS Group were $(70) million for the first
quarter of 1998, $(1) million for the first quarter of 1997 and were $548
million in 1997, $245 million in 1996, and $891 million in 1995. These equity
transfers were used to fund the PCS Group's capital and operating
  Net contributions and advances to Global One of $84 million for first
quarter 1998, $200 million for year-end 1997, and $40 million for year-end
1996 were used mainly to fund operations.
  In 1997, Sprint purchased the net assets of Paranet, Inc. for $375 million
(see Note 11 of Notes to FON Group Combined Financial Statements).
 Financing Activities
  The FON Group's financing activities provided cash of $64 million in first
quarter 1998, while first quarter 1997 activities used cash of $211 million.
Financing activities provided cash of $72 million in 1997, $479 million in
1996 and $423 million in 1995. Financing activities for the first quarter of
1998 reflect long-term borrowings of $290 million, partly offset by payments
on long-term debt of $130 million. Financing activities in the first quarter
of 1997 reflect payments of $100 million on short-term borrowings and $38
million on long-term debt. In 1997, Sprint borrowed $867 million, mainly to
fund investments in and loans to affiliates including the PCS Group. In 1995,
Sprint increased its short-term borrowings by $1.1 billion to fund commitments
related to Sprint Spectrum Holdings and repay long-term debt.
 Discontinued Operation
  In connection with the March 1996 Spinoff, Cellular repaid $1.4 billion of
intercompany debt owed to Sprint. Prior to the Spinoff, Cellular's investing
activities required net cash of $141 and $325 million in 1996 and 1995,
respectively, mainly to fund capital expenditures and acquire cellular
 Capital Requirements
  The FON Group's 1998 investing activities, consisting of capital
expenditures and investments in affiliates, are expected to require cash of
$3.6 billion to $4.0 billion. Dividend payments are expected to total $430
million in 1998. These requirements will be funded with cash from operating
activities and external sources. External borrowings are expected to total
$500 million to $700 million in 1998 for FON Group activities.
  The FON Group expects to spend $3.3 billion to $3.5 billion on capital
expenditures in 1998. The long distance division and local telecommunications
division will require the majority of this total.
  Sprint expects that significant payments pursuant to the Tax Sharing
Agreement will be made from the FON Group to the PCS Group in light of the
substantial operating losses that the PCS Group is expected to incur in the
near future. Such payments are intended to reflect the PCS Group's incremental
cumulative effect on Sprint's federal and state tax liability and tax credit
  Sprint and the Cable Parents have agreed to loan up to $400 million, based
on respective ownership interests, to fund the capital requirements of Sprint
Spectrum Holdings from the date of the signing of the PCS Restructuring
Agreement, May 26, 1998, through the closing date. The PhillieCo Partners have
agreed to lend up to $50 million to PhillieCo to fund operating and working
capital requirements and capital expenditures prior to closing. Sprint has
also agreed to loan up to $110.6 million to fund SprintCom's capital
requirements. Sprint has been financing SprintCom with Sprint's cash from
operations, commercial paper borrowings and leases on specific equipment.
Sprint intends to continue to fund the buildout of the SprintCom markets
through the closing of this transaction. The above mentioned loans, totaling
$510.6 million excluding loans to PhillieCo., may be

repaid from the proceeds of an anticipated IPO, as further discussed below,
but only to the extent the net proceeds of the IPO exceed $500 million. In the
event the loans remain outstanding after the IPO, the remaining balance will
be converted into 10-year preferred stock convertible into PCS Stock. See "The
Tracking Stock Proposal--Funding of the PCS Group Prior to Closing; The PCS
Preferred Stock."
  Global One is expected to require $300 million to $400 million from the FON
Group to fund operations and ongoing development activities.     
  At March 31, 1998, Sprint could borrow $744 million under a revolving credit
agreement with a syndicate of domestic and international banks. In 1997,
Sprint negotiated a separate five-year revolving credit facility with a bank.
At March 31, 1998 and year-end 1997, Sprint's unused capacity under the
committed portion of this facility was $100 million. Sprint may also offer for
sale up to $1.1 billion of debt securities under shelf registration statements
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any borrowings Sprint may
incur are ultimately limited by certain debt covenants. At March 31, 1998 and
year-end 1997, Sprint could borrow up to $13.5 billion under the most
restrictive of its debt covenants.
  The most restrictive covenant related to dividends results from Sprint's
revolving credit agreement. As a result, $2.8 billion of Sprint's $3.8 billion
at March 31, 1998 and $2.7 billion of Sprint's $3.7 billion retained earnings
at year-end 1997 were restricted from the payment of dividends. Among other
restrictions, Sprint must maintain specified levels of consolidated net worth.
  Sprint currently uses the commercial paper market to fund its short-term
working capital needs. Sprint uses four commercial paper dealers to place the
paper at the most favorable rates and maturities. Sprint also uses the medium-
term note and long-term bond markets as well as other debt markets to fund its
needs. Sprint intends to borrow funds through the U.S. and international money
and capital markets and bank credit markets to fund capital expenditures,
operating and working capital requirements and to refinance existing debt
obligations of the PCS Group.
  Financing activities for the Group's will be managed by Sprint on a
centralized basis. Loans from Sprint or any member of the FON Group to any
member of the PCS Group will be made at interest rates and on other terms and
conditions substantially equivalent to the interest rates and other terms and
conditions that the PCS Group would be able to obtain from third parties
(including the public markets) as a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of Sprint, but without the benefit of any guaranty by Sprint or any member of
the FON Group. Such policy contemplates that such loans will be made on the
basis set forth above regardless of the interest rates and other terms and
conditions on which Sprint or members of the FON Group may have acquired the
subject funds. Any difference between Sprint's borrowing rate and the rate
charged to the PCS Group, which rated are expected to be higher than the rates
at which Sprint obtained such financing, will be reflected in the FON Group
Combined Financial Statements. This process will be governed by the Tracking
Stock Policies as overseen by the Capital Stock Committee.
  Sprint intends to file a shelf registration to sell up to $8 billion of
fixed income debt securities, subject to market conditions, to replace its
existing $1.1 billion available amount of shelf registrations. Proceeds from
the sale of these securities will be used to repay short-term borrowings, to
refinance existing long-term borrowings, and to provide funds for working
capital and new capital expenditures for both the PCS Group and FON Group.
  Sprint is in the process of negotiating revolving credit facilities for
approximately $5 billion which will be used to support commercial paper
operations and replace its existing credit facilities. Sprint believes the
agreements will be negotiated on market terms, conditions and covenants and
will not place any undue burden on the business plan or execution thereof.

  For information on general hedging policies, interest rate risk management
and foreign exchange risk management, see Sprint's consolidated "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" at
Annex I.
  The "Year 2000" issue affects the FON Group's installed computer systems,
network elements, software applications, and other business systems that have
time-sensitive programs that may not properly reflect or recognize the year
2000. Because many computers and computer applications define dates by the
last two digits of the year, "00" may not be properly identified as the year
2000. This error could result in miscalculations or system failures. The Year
2000 issue may also affect the systems and applications of the FON Group's
customers, vendors or resellers.
  The FON Group started a program in 1996 to identify and address the Year
2000 issue. It is taking an inventory of its network and computer systems and
is creating and implementing plans to make them Year 2000 compliant. The FON
Group is using both internal and external sources to identify, correct or
reprogram, and test its systems for Year 2000 compliance. The FON Group is
also contacting others with whom it conducts business to receive the
appropriate warranties and assurances that those third parties are, or will
be, Year 2000 compliant. The total cost of modifications and conversions is
not known at this time; however, it is not expected to be material to the FON
Group's financial position, results of operations or cash flows and is being
expensed as incurred.
  If compliance is not achieved in a timely manner, the Year 2000 issue could
have a material effect on the FON Group's operations. However, the FON Group
is focusing on identifying and addressing all aspects of its operations that
may be affected by the Year 2000 issue and is addressing the most critical
applications first. As a result, Sprint management does not believe its
operations will be materially adversely affected.
  See Note 15 of Notes to the FON Group Combined Financial Statements for a
discussion of recently issued accounting pronouncements.

                        REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Sprint Corporation
  We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of the FON Group
(as described in Note 2) as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related
combined statements of income and cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended December 31, 1997. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the management of Sprint Corporation ("Sprint"). Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.
  In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the combined financial position of the FON
Group at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the combined results of its
operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally accepted accounting
  As discussed in Note 12 to the combined financial statements, the FON Group
discontinued accounting for the operations of its local telecommunications
division in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," in 1995.
  As more fully discussed in Note 2, the combined financial statements of the
FON Group should be read in connection with the audited consolidated financial
statements of Sprint.
                                          Ernst & Young LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
February 3, 1998, except for Note 1,
as to which the date is May 26, 1998

                                   FON GROUP
                         COMBINED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                             THREE MONTHS               YEAR ENDED
                            ENDED MARCH 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                           ------------------  -------------------------------
                             1998      1997      1997       1996       1995
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
NET OPERATING REVENUES.... $3,910.9  $3,578.5  $14,873.9  $13,887.5  $12,735.3
  Costs of services and
   products...............  1,884.3   1,794.9    7,451.0    6,912.9    6,504.9
  Selling, general and
   administrative.........    872.5     767.2    3,226.7    3,115.9    2,842.1
  Depreciation and
   amortization...........    467.3     410.9    1,726.3    1,591.0    1,466.4
  Restructuring costs.....      --        --         --         --        87.6
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total operating
     expenses.............  3,224.1   2,973.0   12,404.0   11,619.8   10,901.0
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
OPERATING INCOME..........    686.8     605.5    2,469.9    2,267.7    1,834.3
Interest expense..........    (66.7)    (44.8)    (187.2)    (196.7)    (260.7)
Equity in loss of Global
 One......................    (45.2)    (23.7)    (162.1)     (82.1)     (22.9)
Other income (expense),
 net......................     21.2      34.9      140.5      115.3      (38.9)
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Income from continuing
 operations before income
 taxes....................    596.1     571.9    2,261.1    2,104.2    1,511.8
Income taxes..............   (236.9)   (228.9)    (889.5)    (793.6)    (545.8)
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 OPERATIONS...............    359.2     343.0    1,371.6    1,310.6      966.0
Discontinued operation,
 net......................      --        --         --        (2.6)      14.5
Extraordinary items, net..     (4.4)      --         --        (4.5)    (565.3)
                           --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
NET INCOME................ $  354.8  $  343.0  $ 1,371.6  $ 1,303.5  $   415.2
                           ========  ========  =========  =========  =========

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   FON GROUP
                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                                 MARCH 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                ----------- -------------------
                                                   1998       1997      1996
                                                ----------- --------- ---------
  Current assets
    Cash and equivalents.......................  $   158.2  $   101.7 $ 1,150.6
    Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
     doubtful accounts of $165.6 (unaudited),
     $146.7 and $117.4.........................    2,519.1    2,495.6   2,343.6
    Inventories................................      378.5      352.0     305.3
    Notes and other receivables................      555.2      464.6     101.9
    Advance to the PCS Group...................       79.9        --        --
    Other......................................      388.6      355.8     331.5
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
      Total current assets.....................    4,079.5    3,769.7   4,232.9
  Investments in equity securities.............      397.7      303.0     254.5
  Property, plant and equipment
    Long distance communications services......    8,403.7    8,245.5   7,467.8
    Local communications services..............   14,241.7   14,011.5  13,368.7
    Other......................................      845.1      776.6     574.3
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
    Total property, plant and equipment........   23,490.5   23,033.6  21,410.8
    Less accumulated depreciation..............   12,024.0   11,716.8  10,946.7
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
    Net property, plant and equipment..........   11,466.5   11,316.8  10,464.1
  Investments in and advances to affiliates....      499.6      459.1     351.3
  Other assets.................................      725.9      643.1     263.8
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
      Total....................................  $17,169.2  $16,491.7 $15,566.6
                                                 =========  ========= =========
  Current liabilities
    Current maturities of long-term debt.......  $   127.8  $   131.0 $    99.1
    Short-term borrowings......................        --         --      200.0
    Accounts payable...........................    1,003.2    1,082.3   1,026.7
    Accrued interconnection costs..............      711.9      672.7     709.0
    Accrued taxes..............................      302.2      270.7     189.2
    Advance billings...........................      204.9      202.9     199.7
    Other......................................      778.2      659.6     770.6
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
      Total current liabilities................    3,128.2    3,019.2   3,194.3
  Long-term debt...............................    3,994.8    3,748.6   2,974.8
  Deferred credits and other liabilities
    Deferred income taxes and investment tax
     credits...................................      664.3      767.2     774.7
    Postretirement and other benefit
     obligations...............................    1,061.2      947.4     919.7
    Other......................................      348.4      370.0     370.8
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
    Total deferred credits and other
     liabilities...............................    2,073.9    2,084.6   2,065.2
  Group equity.................................    7,972.3    7,639.3   7,332.3
                                                 ---------  --------- ---------
      Total....................................  $17,169.2  $16,491.7 $15,566.6
                                                 =========  ========= =========

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   FON GROUP
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                            THREE MONTHS
                          ENDED MARCH 31,       YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          -----------------  -------------------------------
                           1998      1997      1997       1996       1995
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net income..............  $ 354.8  $  343.0  $ 1,371.6  $ 1,303.5  $   415.2
Adjustments to reconcile
 net income to net cash
 provided by operating
  Equity in net losses
   of affiliates........     45.8      21.1      184.1       81.9        7.7
  Extraordinary items,
   net..................      1.1       --         --         4.9      565.3
  Depreciation and
   amortization.........    467.3     410.9    1,726.3    1,591.0    1,466.4
  Deferred income taxes
   and investment tax
   credits..............   (114.7)     30.4      (10.0)     (74.5)      (2.2)
  Net (gains) losses on
   sales of assets......      --        --       (93.2)       7.5        4.2
  Changes in assets and
    Accounts receivable,
     net................    (23.5)    (92.6)    (127.0)    (982.1)    (135.4)
    Inventories and
     other current
     assets.............    (44.9)     26.0      (91.5)      15.7      (38.6)
    Accounts payable and
     other current
     liabilities........    109.6     (81.0)     (39.6)     362.0      178.1
    Noncurrent assets
     and liabilities,
     net................    (12.0)     (6.1)     (19.7)     (25.5)     123.0
    Other, net..........      2.5      (0.9)       5.8      (17.1)       6.4
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash provided by
 continuing operations..    786.0     650.8    2,906.8    2,267.3    2,590.1
Net cash provided (used)
 by cellular division...      --        --         --        (0.1)     162.5
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash provided by
 operating activities...    786.0     650.8    2,906.8    2,267.2    2,752.6
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Capital expenditures....   (609.3)   (567.4)  (2,708.9)  (2,433.6)  (1,857.3)
Investments in and loans
 to Sprint Spectrum
 Holdings and PhillieCo.    (90.0)     42.1     (300.4)    (263.5)     (43.2)
Advance to the PCS
 Group..................    (79.9)      --         --         --         --
Equity transfer from
 (to) the PCS Group.....     70.2       0.6     (547.5)    (245.2)    (891.4)
Investments in and loans
 to other affiliates,
 net....................    (89.1)     (9.9)    (385.5)     (81.4)     (37.8)
Paranet acquisition.....      --        --      (375.0)       --         --
Proceeds from sales of
 assets.................      --        --       292.3        2.1        6.7
Other, net..............      4.3       4.4       (2.3)      42.4      (17.1)
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash used by
 continuing operations..   (793.8)   (530.2)  (4,027.3)  (2,979.2)  (2,840.1)
Repayment by cellular
 division of
 intercompany advances..      --        --         --     1,400.0        --
Net cash used by
 cellular division......      --        --         --      (140.7)    (324.6)
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash used by
 investing activities...   (793.8)   (530.2)  (4,027.3)  (1,719.9)  (3,164.7)
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Payments on long-term
 debt...................   (130.3)    (37.5)    (135.0)    (433.1)    (630.0)
Proceeds from long-term
 debt...................    289.5       --       866.5        9.4      260.7
Net change in short-term
 borrowings.............      --     (100.0)    (200.0)  (1,986.8)   1,109.5
Dividends...............    (97.7)    (99.8)    (430.0)    (419.6)    (351.5)
Other net change in
 group equity...........    (48.8)    (22.7)    (144.5)   3,254.1        --
Other, net..............     51.6      49.0      114.6       55.1       33.9
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash provided (used)
 by financing
 activities.............     64.3    (211.0)      71.6      479.1      422.6
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS...     56.5     (90.4)  (1,048.9)   1,026.4       10.5
 BEGINNING OF PERIOD....    101.7   1,150.6    1,150.6      124.2      113.7
                          -------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 END OF PERIOD..........  $ 158.2  $1,060.2  $   101.7  $ 1,150.6  $   124.2
                          =======  ========  =========  =========  =========

            See accompanying Notes to Combined Financial Statements.

                                   FON GROUP
  Sprint Corporation (and with its subsidiaries "Sprint") has entered into a
restructuring agreement with Tele-Communications, Inc. ("TCI"), Comcast
Corporation ("Comcast") and Cox Communications, Inc. ("Cox," and together with
TCI and Comcast the "Cable Parents") to restructure Sprint's wireless personal
communications services ("PCS") operations (the "PCS Restructuring"). Sprint
will acquire the joint venture interests of TCI, Comcast and Cox in Sprint
Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. and MinorCo, L.P. (together, "Sprint Spectrum
Holdings") and the joint venture interests of TCI and Cox in PhillieCo
Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo Partners II, L.P. (together, "PhillieCo"). In
exchange for these joint venture interests, Sprint will issue to the Cable
Parents a newly created class of Sprint Common Stock (the "PCS Stock"). The
PCS Stock is intended to reflect separately the performance of these joint
ventures and the domestic PCS operations of Sprint's wholly-owned
subsidiaries, SprintCom, Inc. and SprintCom Equipment Company, L.P. (together,
"SprintCom"). These operations will be referred to as the PCS Group.
  The FON Stock, which will be created in the Recapitalization, is intended to
reflect the performance of all of Sprint's other operations, including its
long distance, local telecommunications and product distribution and directory
publishing divisions, emerging businesses and its interest in Global One.
These operations will be referred to as the FON Group.     
 Basis of Combination and Presentation
  The Combined Financial Statements of the FON Group together with the
Combined Financial Statements of the PCS Group (the "Groups") comprise all of
the accounts included in the corresponding Consolidated Financial Statements
of Sprint. Investments in entities in which the FON Group exercises
significant influence, but does not control, are accounted for using the
equity method (see Note 3). The separate Group financial statements give
effect to the accounting policies that will be applicable upon implementation
of the PCS Restructuring. The separate Groups' Combined Financial Statements
have been prepared on a basis that management believes to be reasonable and
appropriate and include: (i) the combined historical balance sheets, results
of operations and cash flows of the businesses that comprise each of the
Groups with all significant intragroup amounts and transactions eliminated and
(ii) in the case of the FON Group Combined Financial Statements, corporate
assets and liabilities and related transactions of Sprint. Transactions
between the FON Group and the PCS Group have not been eliminated.     
  The Combined Financial Statements of the FON Group provide holders of FON
Stock with financial information regarding the underlying businesses of the
FON Group. Notwithstanding the allocation of assets and liabilities (including
contingent liabilities) and stockholders' equity between the FON Group and the
PCS Group for the purpose of preparing the respective financial statements of
such Groups, investors in FON Stock and PCS Stock are stockholders of Sprint
and are subject to risks associated with an investment in a single company and
all of Sprint's businesses, assets and liabilities. Sprint retains all
beneficial ownership and control of the assets and operations of the FON Group
and, after the PCS Restructuring, the PCS Group (subject to a minority
interest). Financial effects arising from either Group that affect Sprint's
results of operations or financial condition could affect the results of
operations or financial position of the other Group or market price of the
class of common stock relating to the other Group. Any net losses of the FON
Group or the PCS Group, and dividends or distributions on, or repurchases of,
FON Stock or PCS Stock, will reduce the funds of Sprint legally available for
payment of dividends on both the FON Stock and the PCS Stock. Accordingly, the
FON Group Combined Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with
Sprint's Consolidated Financial Statements and the PCS Group Combined
Financial Statements.     

                                   FON GROUP
  The FON Group Combined Financial Statements are prepared according to
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). These principles require
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses. Actual results
could differ from those estimates.
  The unaudited interim financial information presented has been prepared
according to GAAP and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission for interim reporting. In management's opinion, the information
presented reflects all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring
accruals) necessary to present fairly the interim combined financial position,
results of operations and cash flows of the FON Group.
  The FON Group applied Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS")
No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," to its
financial statements until December 1995. Under SFAS 71, revenues and related
net income resulting from transactions between the FON Group's nonregulated
operations and its regulated local exchange carriers were not eliminated from
the combined financial statements. Revenues from these intragroup transactions
were $262 million in 1995. All other significant intragroup transactions have
been eliminated.
 Classification of Operations
  The long distance division provides domestic and international voice, video
and data communications services. The division offers its services to the
public subject to varying levels of state and federal regulation, but rates
are generally not subject to rate-base regulation.
  The local telecommunications division consists of regulated telephone
companies. These operations provide local exchange services, access by
telephone customers and other carriers to local exchange facilities, sales of
telecommunications equipment and long distance services within specified
geographical areas.
  The product distribution and directory publishing division provides
wholesale distribution services of telecommunications products, and publishes
and markets white and yellow page telephone directories.
  Emerging businesses consists of the development of new integrated
communications services, consumer Internet access services, Sprint Paranet and
Sprint International.
 Revenue Recognition
  The FON Group recognizes operating revenues as services are rendered or as
products are delivered to customers. The FON Group records operating revenues
net of an estimate for uncollectible accounts.
 Earnings Per Share
  Historical earnings per share are omitted from the combined statements of
income because the FON Stock was not part of the capital structure of Sprint
for the periods presented. See the Sprint Consolidated Financial Statements in
Annex I, for information regarding earnings per share based on Sprint's
existing capital structure. Following implementation of the PCS Restructuring
and the Recapitalization, the method of calculating earnings per share for the
FON Group will reflect the terms of the proposed amendments to Sprint's
articles. Earnings per share will be computed by dividing the net income of
the FON Group by the weighted average number of shares of FON Stock and
dilutive securities, such as convertible preferred stock and options,
outstanding during the applicable period.
 Cash and Equivalents
  Cash equivalents generally include highly liquid investments with original
maturities of three months or less. They are stated at cost, which
approximates market value. Sprint uses controlled disbursement banking
arrangements as part of its cash management program. Outstanding checks in
excess of cash balances, which

                                   FON GROUP
were included in accounts payable, totaled $225 million at December 31, 1997
and $127 million at December 31, 1996. The FON Group had sufficient funds
available to fund these outstanding checks when they were presented for
 Investments in Debt and Equity Securities
  Investments in debt and equity securities are classified as available for
sale and reported at fair value (estimated based on quoted market prices).
Gross unrealized holding gains and losses are reflected as adjustments to
"Group equity," net of related income taxes.
  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (principally first-in, first-out
method) or market.
 Property, Plant and Equipment
  Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost. Generally, ordinary asset
retirements and disposals are charged against accumulated depreciation with no
gain or loss recognized. Repairs and maintenance costs are expensed as
  The cost of property, plant and equipment is generally depreciated on a
straight-line basis over estimated economic useful lives. Prior to the FON
Group's discontinued use of SFAS 71 at December 31, 1995, the cost of
property, plant and equipment for the local division had been generally
depreciated on a straight-line basis over lives prescribed by regulatory
 Income Taxes
  The operations of the FON Group are included in the consolidated federal
income tax return of Sprint. Federal income tax is calculated by the FON Group
as if it had filed a separate return. The FON Group's state income tax is
computed using methodology consistent with that used to compute federal income
  The FON Group records deferred income taxes based on certain temporary
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for
financial reporting purposes and amounts used for tax purposes.
  Investment tax credits related to regulated telephone property, plant and
equipment have been deferred and are being amortized over the estimated useful
lives of the related assets.
 Capitalized Interest
  The FON Group capitalized interest costs related to constructing capital
assets of $23 million for year-end 1997, $8 million for year-end 1996, and $14
million for year-end 1995.
  The FON Group also capitalized interest costs related to Sprint's
investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo. The FON Group stopped
capitalizing this interest in July 1997 because Sprint Spectrum Holdings and
PhillieCo no longer qualified as development-stage companies. The capitalized
interest on the investments in Sprint Spectrum Holdings and PhillieCo,
totaling $46 million, $96 million and $43 million for the years ended December
31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively, was contributed to and is being
amortized by the PCS Group.
  In addition, Sprint capitalized interest costs related to the buildout of
the SprintCom network. This capitalized interest totaled $24 million in 1997
and was contributed to and will be amortized by the PCS Group.

                                   FON GROUP
  The cost of investments in equity securities was $105 million at year-end
1997 and 1996. Gross unrealized holding gains were $198 million at December
31, 1997 and $149 million at year-end 1996.
  Sprint is a partner in Global One, a joint venture with France Telecom (FT)
and Deutsche Telekom AG (DT) formed to provide seamless global
telecommunications services to business, residential and carrier markets
worldwide. Sprint is a one-third partner in Global One's operating group
serving Europe (excluding France and Germany), and is a 50% partner in Global
One's operating group for the worldwide activities outside the United States
and Europe. At year-end 1997, Sprint's share of underlying equity in Global
One's net assets exceeded the carrying value of Sprint's investment in Global
One by $158 million. This difference is being amortized through January 2001.
  Combined, summarized financial information (100% basis) of Global One and
all other entities accounted for using the equity method by the FON Group is
as follows (in millions):

                                THREE MONTHS ENDED    AT OR FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                                     MARCH 31,              DECEMBER 31,
                                --------------------  --------------------------
                                  1998       1997       1997      1996     1995
                                ---------  ---------  --------  --------  ------
Results of operations
  Net operating revenues....... $   496.5  $   422.7  $1,937.6  $1,723.7  $779.5
                                =========  =========  ========  ========  ======
  Operating loss............... $  (187.9) $  (125.9) $ (782.5) $ (436.4) $  8.6
                                =========  =========  ========  ========  ======
  Net loss..................... $  (225.3) $  (124.1) $ (826.3) $ (399.7) $ 22.1
                                =========  =========  ========  ========  ======
Financial position
  Current assets...............                       $1,913.6  $  958.9
  Noncurrent assets............                        4,221.0   2,737.5
                                                      --------  --------
    Total......................                       $6,134.6  $3,696.4
                                                      ========  ========
  Current liabilities..........                       $1,965.7  $  714.3
  Noncurrent liabilities.......                        2,105.8     629.6
  Owners' equity...............                        2,063.1   2,352.5
                                                      --------  --------
    Total......................                       $6,134.6  $3,696.4
                                                      ========  ========

  The FON Group's investment in Global One, including advances, totaled $93
and $38 million at year-end 1997 and 1996, respectively.
  Substantially all Sprint employees are covered by a noncontributory defined
benefit pension plan. Benefits for plan participants represented by collective
bargaining units are based on negotiated schedules of defined amounts. For
participants not covered by collective bargaining agreements, the plan
provides pension benefits based on years of service and participants'
  Sprint's policy is to make annual plan contributions equal to an actuarially
determined amount consistent with applicable federal tax regulations. The
funding objective is to accumulate funds at a relatively stable rate over the
participants' working lives so benefits are fully funded at retirement. At
December 31, 1997, the plan's assets consisted mainly of investments in
corporate equity securities and U.S. government and corporate debt securities.

                                   FON GROUP
  The net pension cost (credit) consists of the following for the FON Group:

                                                      1997     1996     1995
                                                     -------  -------  -------
                                                          (IN MILLIONS)
Service cost--benefits earned during the period..... $  61.7  $  65.4  $  51.8
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation.......   148.9    138.5    129.7
Actual return on plan assets........................  (448.5)  (353.0)  (472.1)
Net amortization and deferral.......................   240.0    159.4    287.9
                                                     -------  -------  -------
Net pension cost (credit)........................... $   2.1  $  10.3  $  (2.7)
                                                     =======  =======  =======
Discount rate.......................................    7.75%    7.25%    8.50%
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets....    9.50%    9.50%    9.50%
Anticipated composite rate of future compensation
 increases..........................................    4.75%    4.25%    5.00%

  At December 31, the funded status and amounts recognized in the FON Group
Combined Balance Sheets for the plan were as follows:

                                                            1997       1996
                                                          ---------  ---------
                                                             (IN MILLIONS)
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations
  Vested benefit obligation.............................. $(1,966.7) $(1,713.6)
                                                          =========  =========
  Accumulated benefit obligation......................... $(2,129.6) $(1,864.1)
                                                          =========  =========
Projected benefit obligation............................. $(2,240.9) $(1,967.0)
Plan assets at fair value................................   2,929.4    2,584.2
                                                          ---------  ---------
Plan assets in excess of the projected benefit
 obligation..............................................     688.5      617.2
Unrecognized net gains...................................    (585.2)    (481.8)
Unrecognized prior service cost..........................     105.4      100.4
Unamortized transition asset.............................    (122.1)    (147.1)
                                                          ---------  ---------
Prepaid pension cost..................................... $    86.6  $    88.7
                                                          =========  =========
Discount rate............................................      7.25%      7.75%
Anticipated composite rate of future compensation
 increases...............................................      4.25%      4.75%

  Sprint sponsors defined contribution employee savings plans covering
substantially all employees. Participants may contribute portions of their pay
to the plans. For employees represented by collective bargaining units, Sprint
matches contributions based on negotiated amounts. Sprint also matches
contributions of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements.
For those participants, Sprint matches their contributions in Sprint common
stock. The matching is equal to 50% of participants' contributions up to 6% of
their pay. In addition, Sprint may, at the discretion of the Board of
Directors, provide matching contributions based on the performance of Sprint
common stock compared to other telecommunications companies' stock. The FON
Group's matching contributions were $54 million in 1997, $56 million in 1996
and $51 million in 1995. At December 31, 1997, the plans held 20 million
Sprint common shares.
  Sprint provides postretirement benefits (principally medical benefits) to
substantially all employees. Employees retiring before certain dates are
eligible for benefits at no cost, or at a reduced cost. Employees retiring
after certain dates are eligible for benefits on a shared-cost basis. The FON
Group funds the accrued costs as benefits are paid.

                                   FON GROUP
  The net postretirement benefits cost consists of the following for the FON

                                                          1997    1996   1995
                                                         ------  ------  -----
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Service cost--benefits earned during the year........... $ 20.8  $ 21.7  $22.2
Interest on accumulated postretirement benefit
 obligation.............................................   52.3    49.9   58.7
Net amortization and deferral...........................  (19.4)  (13.7)  (9.4)
                                                         ------  ------  -----
Net postretirement benefits cost........................ $ 53.7  $ 57.9  $71.5
                                                         ======  ======  =====
Discount rate...........................................   7.75%   7.25%  8.50%

  For measurement purposes, the assumed 1997 weighted average annual health
care cost trend rate was 9%, gradually decreasing to an ultimate level of 5%
by 2005. A 1% increase in the rate would have increased the 1997 net
postretirement benefits cost by an estimated $12 million.
  Amounts included in the FON Group Combined Balance Sheets at year-end are as

                                                                  1997    1996
                                                                 ------  ------
                                                                 (IN MILLIONS)
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
  Retirees...................................................... $328.3  $277.9
  Active plan participants--
    Fully eligible..............................................  145.2   127.6
    Other.......................................................  269.9   320.7
                                                                 ------  ------
                                                                  743.4   726.2
Unrecognized prior service benefit..............................    5.4     5.7
Unrecognized net gains..........................................  190.0   178.7
                                                                 ------  ------
Accrued postretirement benefits cost............................ $938.8  $910.6
                                                                 ======  ======
Discount rate...................................................   7.25%   7.75%

  The assumed 1998 annual health care cost trend rate was 8.5%, gradually
decreasing to an ultimate level of 5% by 2005. A 1% increase in the rate would
have increased the 1997 accumulated postretirement benefit obligation by an
estimated $61 million.
  Income tax expense allocated to continuing operations consists of the

                                                          1997    1996    1995
                                                         ------  ------  ------
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)
Current income tax expense
  Federal............................................... $800.0  $778.2  $453.7
  State.................................................   99.5    89.9    94.3
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total current...........................................  899.5   868.1   548.0
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Deferred income tax expense (benefit)
  Federal...............................................  (12.7)  (81.6)   40.1
  State.................................................    6.5    18.7   (25.8)
Amortization of deferred investment tax credits.........   (3.8)  (11.6)  (16.5)
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total deferred..........................................  (10.0)  (74.5)   (2.2)
                                                         ------  ------  ------
Total................................................... $889.5  $793.6  $545.8
                                                         ======  ======  ======


                                   FON GROUP
  The differences that cause the effective income tax rate to vary from the
statutory federal rate of 35% were as follows:

                                                       1997     1996     1995
                                                      -------  -------  -------
                                                           (IN MILLIONS)
Income tax expense at the statutory rate............  $ 791.4  $ 736.5  $ 529.1
Less investment tax credits included in income......      3.8     11.6     16.5
                                                      -------  -------  -------
Expected federal income tax expense after investment
 tax credits........................................    787.6    724.9    512.6
Effect of
  State income taxes, net of federal income tax
   effect...........................................     68.9     70.6     44.6
  Equity in losses of foreign joint ventures........     36.4      8.6      --
  Other, net........................................     (3.4)   (10.5)   (11.4)
                                                      -------  -------  -------
Income tax expense, including investment tax
 credits............................................  $ 889.5  $ 793.6  $ 545.8
                                                      =======  =======  =======
Effective income tax rate...........................     39.3%    37.7%    36.1%
                                                      =======  =======  =======

  Income tax expense (benefit) allocated to other items was as follows:

                           1997    1996    1995
                          ------  ------  -------
                              (IN MILLIONS)
Discontinued operation..  $  --   $  7.0  $  31.2
Extraordinary items.....     --     (2.9)  (437.4)
Unrealized holding gains
 on investments(1)......     4.4     1.7     30.7
Stock ownership,
 purchase and options
 arrangements(1)........   (26.2)  (14.1)    (7.5)

- --------
(1) These amounts have been recorded directly to "Group equity."
  The FON Group recognizes deferred income taxes for the temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of its assets and liabilities for financial
statement purposes and their tax bases. The sources of the differences that
give rise to the deferred income tax assets and liabilities at December 31,
1997 and 1996, along with the income tax effect of each, were as follows:

                                             1997 DEFERRED      1996 DEFERRED
                                               INCOME TAX         INCOME TAX
                                           ------------------ ------------------
                                           ASSETS LIABILITIES ASSETS LIABILITIES
                                           ------ ----------- ------ -----------
                                                       (IN MILLIONS)
Property, plant and equipment............. $  --   $1,278.0   $  --   $1,275.8
Postretirement and other benefits.........  376.1       --     360.3       --
Reserves and allowances...................  103.1       --     113.4       --
Unrealized holding gains on investments...    --       61.7      --       57.3
Other, net................................  153.8       --     152.7       --
                                           ------  --------   ------  --------
                                            633.0   1,339.7    626.4   1,333.1
Less valuation allowance..................   11.8       --      13.7       --
                                           ------  --------   ------  --------
  Total................................... $621.2  $1,339.7   $612.7  $1,333.1
                                           ======  ========   ======  ========

  The valuation allowance related to deferred income tax assets decreased $2
million in 1997 and $4 million in 1996 and 1995.
  Management believes it is more likely than not that these deferred income
tax assets, net of the allowance, will be realized based on current income tax
laws and expectations of future taxable income stemming from the reversal of
existing deferred tax liabilities or ordinary operations. Uncertainties
surrounding income tax law

                                   FON GROUP
changes, shifts in operations between state taxing jurisdictions, and future
operating income levels may, however, affect the ultimate realization of all
or some of these deferred income tax assets.
  At December 31, 1997, the FON Group had available for income tax purposes $4
million of state alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards to offset state
income tax payable in future years. In addition, the FON Group had tax
benefits of $12 million related to state operating loss carryforwards. The
loss carryforwards expire in varying amounts per year from 1998 through 2012.
  All of Sprint's borrowings have been allocated to the FON Group and are
reflected on the FON Group Combined Balance Sheets.
  Sprint's long-term debt at year-end was as follows:

                                                  MATURING     1997      1996
                                                ------------ --------  --------
                                                               (IN MILLIONS)
  Senior notes
    8.1% to 9.8%............................... 1998 to 2002 $  475.3  $  475.3
    9.5%....................................... 2003 to 2007    200.0     200.0
    9.0% to 9.3%............................... 2019 to 2022    350.0     350.0
  Notes payable and commercial paper...........      --         866.5       --
    5.4% to 8.9%(1)............................ 1998 to 2006    237.5     194.9
Long Distance Division
  Vendor financing agreements
    7.4% to 8.9%............................... 1997 to 1999     23.8      44.8
    6.2% to 8.4%............................... 1997 to 2007     16.5      23.1
Local Telecommunications Division
  First mortgage bonds
    2.0% to 7.8%............................... 1997 to 2002    452.3     487.0
    4.0% to 7.8%............................... 2003 to 2007    346.0     346.8
    6.9% to 9.8%............................... 2008 to 2012    116.7     116.7
    6.9% to 8.8%............................... 2013 to 2017    169.6     169.8
    8.8% to 9.9%............................... 2018 to 2022    244.9     245.7
    7.1% to 8.4%............................... 2023 to 2027    145.0     145.0
  Debentures and notes
    5.8% to 9.6%............................... 1998 to 2020    237.0     275.3
    2.0% to 9.8%............................... 1998 to 2006      4.6       6.2
Unamortized debt discount......................                  (6.1)     (6.7)
                                                             --------  --------
                                                              3,879.6   3,073.9
Less current maturities........................                 131.0      99.1
                                                             --------  --------
Long-term debt.................................              $3,748.6  $2,974.8
                                                             ========  ========

- --------
(1) Notes may be exchanged at maturity for Southern New England
    Telecommunications Corporation (SNET) common shares owned by Sprint, or
    for cash. Based on SNET's closing market price, had the notes matured at
    December 31, 1997, they could have been exchanged for 3.8 million SNET
    shares. At December 31, 1997, Sprint held 4.2 million SNET shares, which
    have been included in "Investments in equity securities" on the FON Group
    Combined Balance Sheets.

                                   FON GROUP
  Sprint's long-term debt maturities, excluding reclassified short-term
borrowings, during each of the next five years are as follows (in millions):

             1998.............................. $131.0
             1999..............................   33.4
             2000..............................  693.3
             2001..............................   40.8
             2002..............................  354.5

  Property, plant and equipment with a total cost of $12.9 billion is either
pledged as security for first mortgage bonds and certain notes or is
restricted for use as mortgaged property.
  During 1996, Sprint redeemed, prior to scheduled maturities, $190 million of
debt with interest rates ranging from 6.0% to 9.5%. This resulted in a $5
million after-tax extraordinary loss that was reflected on the FON Group
Combined Statements of Income.
  At December 31, 1997, Sprint had borrowed $618 million of bank notes payable
and $249 million of commercial paper. Though these borrowings are renewable at
various dates throughout the year, they have been classified as long-term debt
because of Sprint's intent and ability, through unused credit facilities, to
refinance these borrowings. Commercial paper and certain bank notes payable
are supported by Sprint's revolving credit facility with a syndicate of
domestic and international banks. Other notes payable relate to a separate
revolving credit facility that Sprint executed with a bank in 1997. At
December 31, 1997, Sprint's unused lines of credit totaled $1.1 billion.
  Sprint's bank notes outstanding at December 31, 1997 and 1996 had weighted
average interest rates of 6.1% and 5.9%, respectively. At December 31, 1997,
the weighted average interest rate of commercial paper was 6.8%.
  Sprint was in compliance with all restrictive or financial covenants
relating to its debt arrangements at December 31, 1997.
  Following is a reconciliation of the FON Group's equity (in millions):

                                THREE MONTHS              YEAR ENDED
                               ENDED MARCH 31,           DECEMBER 31,
                              ------------------  ----------------------------
                                1998      1997      1997      1996      1995
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Balance at beginning of
 period...................... $7,639.3  $7,332.3  $7,332.3  $3,676.8  $4,473.7
  Net income.................    354.8     343.0   1,371.6   1,303.5     415.2
  Dividends..................   (107.9)   (108.0)   (429.5)   (421.0)   (348.9)
  Equity issuances...........     36.7      31.6      65.0   3,764.0      21.0
  Equity repurchases.........    (48.8)    (35.9)   (144.5)   (407.2)      --
  Spinoff of cellular
   division (Cellular).......      --        --        --     (260.2)      --
  Other, net.................     12.1      39.4      61.8      17.9      50.4
  Contributions to the PCS
   Group.....................    (39.1)    (69.5) (1,052.1)   (478.3)   (954.1)
  Equity transfer from the
   PCS Group.................     98.4      45.1     434.7     136.8      19.5
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Balance at end of period..... $7,972.3  $7,550.7  $7,639.3  $7,332.3  $3,676.8
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

                                   FON GROUP
  Since the FON Stock was not part of the capital structure of Sprint for the
periods presented, there were no stock options outstanding. See the Sprint
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto set forth in Annex I for
information regarding stock incentive plans.
  The holders of FON Stock will be shareholders of Sprint and will continue to
be subject to all of the risks associated with an investment in Sprint,
including any legal proceedings and claims affecting the PCS Group.
  In December 1996, an arbitration panel entered a $61 million award in favor
of Network 2000 Communications Corporation (Network 2000) on its breach of
contract claim against Sprint. The arbitrators directed Sprint to pay one-half
of this award to Network 2000. The remainder was directed to be paid to the
Missouri state court in which a proposed class action by Network 2000's
independent marketing representatives against Network 2000 and Sprint is
  Sprint filed an action in federal district court seeking to have the
arbitration panel's award struck down, modified, or corrected, and asking the
court to enter an order regarding the distribution of the award. In April
1997, the court denied Sprint's request that the arbitration award be struck
down and granted Network 2000's request that the award be confirmed.
  In June 1997, the FON Group recorded an additional $20 million charge in
connection with the settlement of both the class action lawsuit against Sprint
and Network 2000 and the related claims of Network 2000 against Sprint. The
court has preliminarily approved the class action settlement and final
approval is expected; however, a number of potential class members have
decided not to participate in the settlement.
  Various other suits arising in the ordinary course of business are pending
against Sprint. Management cannot predict the final outcome of these actions
but believes they will not result in a material effect on the FON Group
Combined Financial Statements.
  Minimum rental commitments at year-end 1997 for all noncancelable operating
leases, consisting mainly of leases for data processing equipment and real
estate, are as follows (in millions):

             1998.............................. $305.2
             1999..............................  263.1
             2000..............................  160.8
             2001..............................  105.7
             2002..............................   89.1
             Thereafter........................  238.6

  Gross rental expense totaled $406 million in 1997, $401 million in 1996 and
$402 million in 1995. Rental commitments for subleases, contingent rentals and
executory costs were not significant.
  All of Sprint's financial instruments have been allocated to the FON Group,
the carrying amounts of which are reflected on the FON Group Combined Balance

                                   FON GROUP
  The FON Group estimates the fair value of its financial instruments using
available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. As a
result, the following estimates do not necessarily represent the values the
FON Group could realize in a current market exchange. Although management is
not aware of any factors that would affect the estimated fair values presented
at year-end 1997, those amounts have not been comprehensively revalued for
purposes of these financial statements since that date. Therefore, estimates
of fair value after year-end 1997 may differ significantly from the amounts
presented below. The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the FON
Group's financial instruments at December 31 were as follows:

                                              1997                 1996
                                       -------------------- --------------------
                                       CARRYING  ESTIMATED  CARRYING  ESTIMATED
                                        AMOUNT   FAIR VALUE  AMOUNT   FAIR VALUE
                                       --------  ---------- --------  ----------
                                                    (IN MILLIONS)
Financial assets
  Cash and equivalents................ $ 101.7    $ 101.7   $1,150.6   $1,150.6
  Investment in affiliate debt
   securities.........................   142.4      142.4      122.5      122.5
  Investments in equity securities....   303.0      303.0      254.5      254.5
Financial liabilities
  Short-term borrowings...............     --         --       200.0      200.0
  Long-term debt
    Corporate......................... 2,129.3    2,301.8    1,220.2    1,348.9
    Long distance division............    40.3       41.7       67.9       69.0
    Local telecommunications division. 1,710.0    1,812.3    1,785.8    1,846.9
Other financial instruments
  Interest rate swap agreements.......     --         0.3        --         0.2
  Foreign currency contracts..........    (0.6)      (0.6)      (0.5)      (0.5)

  The carrying values of the FON Group's cash and equivalents approximate fair
value at year-end 1997 and 1996. The estimated fair value of the FON Group's
investments in debt and equity securities is based on quoted market prices.
The estimated fair value of the FON Group's long-term debt is based on quoted
market prices for publicly traded issues. The estimated fair value of all
other issues is based on the present value of estimated future cash flows
using a discount rate based on the risks involved. The estimated fair value of
interest rate swap agreements is the amount the FON Group would receive to
terminate the swap agreements at year-end 1997 and 1996, taking into account
the then-current interest rates. The estimated fair value of foreign currency
contracts is the replacement cost of the contracts at year-end 1997 and 1996,
taking into account the then-current foreign currency exchange rates.
  The FON Group's accounts receivable are not subject to any concentration of
credit risk. The FON Group controls credit risk of its interest rate swap
agreements and foreign currency contracts through credit approvals, dollar
exposure limits and internal monitoring procedures. In the event of
nonperformance by the counterparties, the FON Group's accounting loss would be
limited to the net amount it would be entitled to receive under the terms of
the applicable interest rate swap agreement or foreign currency contract.
However, the FON Group does not anticipate nonperformance by any of the
counterparties related to these agreements.
  The FON Group uses interest rate swap agreements as part of its interest
rate risk management program. Net interest paid or received related to these
agreements is recorded using the accrual method and is recorded as

                                   FON GROUP
an adjustment to interest expense. The FON Group had interest rate swap
agreements with notional amounts of $150 and $350 million outstanding at year-
end 1997 and 1996, respectively. Net interest expense (income) related to
interest rate swap agreements included on the FON Group's Combined Statements
of Income was $(200,000) in 1997, $2 million in 1996 and $(400,000) in 1995.
There were no deferred gains or losses related to any terminated interest rate
swap agreements at year-end 1997, 1996 or 1995.
  As part of its foreign currency exchange risk management program, the FON
Group purchases and sells over-the-counter forward contracts and options in
various foreign currencies. The FON Group had outstanding $29 and $46 million
of open forward contracts to buy various foreign currencies at year-end 1997
and 1996, respectively. The FON Group had $14 and $3 million of outstanding
open purchase option contracts to call various foreign currencies at year-end
1997 and 1996, respectively. The premium paid for an option is expensed as
incurred. The fair value of an option is recorded as an asset at the end of
each period. The forward contracts and options open at year-end 1997 and 1996
all had original maturities of six months or less. The net gain or loss
recorded to reflect the fair value of these contracts is recorded in the
period incurred. Total net losses of $40,000 in 1997, $400,000 in 1996 and $1
million in 1995 related to foreign currency transactions and contracts were
recorded and included on the FON Group Combined Statements of Income.
  On September 30, 1997, Sprint paid $375 million to purchase the net assets
of Houston-based Paranet, Inc., a provider of integration, management and
support services for computer networks. Sprint could pay up to an additional
$70 million if Sprint Paranet meets certain financial targets through 1998.
  The transaction was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.
As a result, the FON Group's combined financial statements reflect Sprint
Paranet's results of operations beginning in October 1997.
  The excess of the purchase price over the tangible net assets acquired was
$357 million. This excess was allocated to noncompete agreements and goodwill,
and will be amortized on a straight-line basis over four to 10 years.
  At year-end 1995, the FON Group determined that its local telecommunications
division no longer met the criteria necessary for the continued use of SFAS
71. As a result, 1995 operating results included a noncash, extraordinary
charge of $565 million, net of income tax benefits of $437 million. The
decision to discontinue using SFAS 71 was based on changes in the regulatory
framework and the convergence of competition in the telecommunications
  The 1995 extraordinary charge recognized when the FON Group discontinued
using SFAS 71 consisted of the following:

                                                              PRETAX   AFTER-TAX
                                                             --------  ---------
                                                               (IN MILLIONS)
      Increase in accumulated depreciation.................. $  979.1   $607.9
      Recognition of switch software asset..................    (99.5)   (61.7)
      Elimination of other net regulatory asset.............    123.1     76.3
                                                             --------   ------
        Total............................................... $1,002.7    622.5
      Tax-related net regulatory liabilities................             (43.9)
      Accelerated amortization of investment tax credits....             (13.3)
        Extraordinary charge................................            $565.3


                                   FON GROUP
  In March 1996, Sprint completed the tax-free spinoff of Cellular to Sprint
common stockholders (the "Spinoff"). To complete the Spinoff, Sprint
distributed all Cellular common shares at a rate of one share for every three
Sprint common shares held. In addition, Cellular repaid $1.4 billion of its
intercompany debt owed to Sprint. Sprint also contributed to Cellular's equity
capital $185 million of debt owed by Cellular in excess of the amount repaid.
  Cellular's net operating results, as summarized below, were separately
classified as a discontinued operation in the FON Group Combined Statements of
Income. Interest expense was allocated to Cellular based on the assumed
repayment of intercompany debt to Sprint by Cellular. The operating expenses
as presented below do not include Cellular's share of Sprint's general
corporate overhead expenses. These expenses, totaling $2 million in 1996 and
$13 million in 1995, were reallocated to Sprint's other operating segments.

                                                                1996(1)   1995
                                                                -------  ------
                                                                (IN MILLIONS)
Net operating revenues......................................... $190.2   $834.4
Operating expenses.............................................  156.0    675.6
                                                                ------   ------
Operating income...............................................   34.2    158.8
Interest expense...............................................  (21.5)  (124.0)
Other income (expense), net....................................   (8.3)    10.9
                                                                ------   ------
Income before income taxes.....................................    4.4     45.7
Income taxes...................................................   (7.0)   (31.2)
                                                                ------   ------
Income (Loss) from cellular division........................... $ (2.6)  $ 14.5
                                                                ======   ======

- --------
(1) 1996 reflects Cellular's operating results only through the date of the
  The FON Group operates in four industry segments: the long distance
division, the local telecommunications division, the product distribution and
directory publishing division and emerging businesses. Sprint's corporate
assets mainly include investments and loans to affiliates, cash and temporary
investments and general corporate assets. In 1995, corporate assets also
included the net assets of the discontinued cellular division. The long
distance division provides domestic and international voice, video and data
communications services. The local telecommunications division provides local
exchange services, access to Sprint's local exchange facilities, sales of
telecommunications equipment and long distance within specified geographical
areas. The product distribution and directory publishing division provides
wholesale distribution services of telecommunications products and publishes
and markets white and yellow page telephone directories. Emerging businesses
consists of the development of new integrated communications services,
consumer Internet access services, Sprint Paranet and Sprint International.

                                   FON GROUP
  Industry segment financial information follows:

                            LONG          LOCAL        & DIRECTORY
                          --------  ------------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------------ ---------
                                                             (IN MILLIONS)
 Net operating
  revenues(1)...........  $8,954.8       $5,290.2        $1,454.3     $ 57.4    $   --     $(882.8)   $14,873.9
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........     716.7          934.1             8.2       23.3       44.0        --       1,726.3
 Operating expenses.....   7,857.3        3,896.2         1,274.4      221.9        --      (845.8)    12,404.0
 Operating income
  (loss)................   1,097.5        1,394.0           179.9     (164.5)       --       (37.0)     2,469.9
 Operating margin.......      12.3%          26.4%           12.4%       --         --         --          16.6%
 Capital expenditures...   1,218.1        1,258.4            10.5       79.6      142.3        --       2,708.9
 Identifiable assets....   6,464.6        7,609.7           519.0      585.9    1,312.5        --      16,491.7
 Net operating
  revenues(2)...........  $8,302.1       $5,126.8        $1,225.4     $  0.5    $   --     $(767.3)   $13,887.5
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........     633.3          909.1             7.2        0.5       40.9        --       1,591.0
 Operating expenses.....   7,378.1        3,789.8         1,123.8       63.8        --      (735.7)    11,619.8
 Operating income
  (loss)................     924.0        1,337.0           101.6      (63.3)       --       (31.6)     2,267.7
 Operating margin.......      11.1%          26.1%            8.3%       --         --         --          16.3%
 Capital expenditures...   1,133.7        1,142.6             9.4       49.9       98.0        --       2,433.6
 Identifiable assets....   5,997.7        7,425.4           446.1       54.3    1,643.1        --      15,566.6
 Net operating
  revenues(3)...........  $7,277.4       $4,690.0        $1,147.6     $  --         --     $(379.7)   $12,735.3
 Depreciation and
  amortization..........     581.6          835.6             7.4        --        41.8        --       1,466.4
 Operating expenses.....   6,570.6        3,649.2         1,060.9        --         --      (379.7)    10,901.0
 Operating income.......     706.8        1,040.8            86.7        --         --         --       1,834.3
 Operating margin.......       9.7%          22.2%            7.6%       --         --         --          14.4%
 Capital expenditures...     861.7          950.8             7.8        --        37.0        --       1,857.3
 Identifiable assets....   4,799.0        6,962.0           395.4        --     1,944.2        --      14,100.6

(1) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1997 of $3.3
    million, $309.0 million and $570.5 million for the long distance division,
    local telecommunications division and product distribution and directory
    publishing division, respectively.
(2) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1996 of
    $30.9 million, $410.5 million and $325.9 million for the long distance
    division, local telecommunications division and product distribution and
    directory publishing division, respectively.
(3) Includes intercompany revenues eliminated in consolidation in 1995 of
    $38.9 million, $266.4 million and $336.8 million for the long distance
    division, local telecommunications division and product distribution and
    directory publishing division, respectively. Also included in 1995 were
    intercompany revenues of $262.4 million not eliminated under SFAS 71.
  Operating income (loss) represents sales and other revenues less operating
expenses, and excludes interest expense, equity in losses of unconsolidated
ventures, other income (expense) and income taxes.
  Beginning in July 1997, Sprint changed its transfer pricing for certain
transactions between affiliates to more accurately reflect market pricing. The
main effect of the pricing change was to reduce "net operating revenues" of
the local telecommunications division and reduce "operating expenses" of the
product distribution and directory publishing division. Had this change been
effective as of January 1, 1995, the operating income for the local
telecommunications division would have been $1.3 billion, $1.2 billion and
$1.1 billion in 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively. The operating income for
the product distribution and directory publishing division would have been
$228 million, $198 million and $180 million in 1997, 1996 and 1995,

                                   FON GROUP

                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                 ENDED     YEAR ENDED DECEMBER
                                               MARCH 31,           31,
                                              ------------ --------------------
                                               1998  1997   1997   1996   1995
                                              ------ ----- ------ ------ ------
Cash paid for:
  Interest (net of amounts capitalized)
    Continuing operations.................... $ 57.4 $40.6 $197.9 $212.1 $263.5
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
    Cellular division........................ $  --  $ --  $  --  $ 21.5 $124.0
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Income taxes............................... $200.3 $18.2 $365.8 $695.3 $532.8
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
Noncash activities:
  Capital lease obligations.................. $  --  $ --  $ 30.1 $  --  $  --
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Noncash activity in Group Equity........... $  --  $ --  $ 31.4 $ 79.3 $ 10.5
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======
  Net book value of assets and liabilities
   contributed to
   Global One................................ $  --  $ --  $  --  $ 73.3 $  --
                                              ====== ===== ====== ====== ======

  During 1996, Sprint completed the Spinoff (see Note 13) which had no
immediate effect on the FON Group's cash flows other than Cellular's repayment
of $1.4 billion in intercompany debt owed to Sprint.
  The FON Group has a vendor financing loan to Sprint Spectrum Holdings for
$300 million at December 31, 1997 as well as advances to PhillieCo of $67
million at year-end 1996. The FON Group also has advances to PhillieCo for $21
million at year-end 1997. In 1996, Sprint purchased $183 million (face value)
of Sprint Spectrum Senior Discount notes for $100 million. The bonds mature in
2006. At December 31, 1997 and 1996, the accreted cost of the notes was $118
and $104 million and gross unrealized holding gains totaled $24 and $18
million, respectively. This investment has been included in "Current assets--
Other" on the FON Group Combined Balance Sheets.
  The FON Group provided various voice, data and administrative services to
Global One totaling $415 million in 1997 and $361 million in 1996. In
addition, Global One provided data and administrative services to the FON
Group totaling $114 million in 1997 and $130 million in 1996. At year-end 1997
and 1996, the FON Group's receivable from Global One was $154 and $163
million, respectively, and the FON Group's payable to Global One was $104 and
$49 million, respectively.
  Certain members of the FON Group also provide management, printing/mailing
and warehousing services to the PCS Group. Charges to the PCS Group for such
activities totaled $17 million, $12 million and $3 million for the years ended
December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995.
  In 1995, the FON Group's local telecommunications division recorded an $88
million restructuring charge, which reduced income from continuing operations
by $55 million. The restructuring plan included the planned elimination over
several years of approximately 1,600 positions, mainly in the network and
finance functions. Through 1997, most of the positions have been eliminated
resulting in termination benefit payments of $42 million, with the remainder
to be paid in 1998 and 1999.

                                   FON GROUP
  In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
131, "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information."
This new standard requires companies to disclose segment data based on how
management makes decisions about allocating resources to segments and how it
measures segment performance. SFAS 131 requires companies to disclose a
measure of segment profit or loss (operating income, for example), segment
assets, and reconciliations to consolidated totals. It also requires entity-
wide disclosures about a company's products and services, its major customers
and the material countries in which it holds assets and reports revenues. The
FON Group will adopt SFAS 131 in its 1998 year-end financial statements. This
statement is not expected to have a significant effect on the FON Group's
reported segments.
  In February 1998, the FASB issued SFAS 132, "Employers' Disclosures about
Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits." SFAS 132 standardizes the
disclosure requirements for pensions and postretirement benefits where
practical. It also eliminates certain disclosures and requires additional
information on changes in benefit obligations and fair values of plan assets.
The FON Group will adopt SFAS 132 in its 1998 year-end financial statements.
SFAS 132 is not expected to have a significant effect on the FON Group's
pension and postretirement benefit plan disclosures.
  In April 1998, Sprint's Board of Directors declared common and Class A
common stock dividends of $0.25 per share payable June 30, 1998.
  In April 1998, Sprint signed an agreement to sell approximately 79,000
residential and business access lines of the FON Group in rural Illinois.
Sprint expects to complete the sale of these properties, which is subject to
regulatory approval, in late 1998.
  As of January 1, 1998 Sprint adopted SFAS 130, "Reporting Comprehensive
Income." SFAS 130 establishes new rules for the reporting and display of
comprehensive income and its components; however, the adoption of this
statement had no impact on the FON Group's results of operations or group
equity. SFAS 130 requires unrealized holding gains or losses on the FON
Group's available-for-sale securities and foreign currency translation
adjustments, which prior to adoption were reported separately in other group
equity, to be included in other comprehensive income.
  Total comprehensive income for the FON Group amounted to $367 million during
the first quarter of 1998 and $343 million during the first quarter of 1997.

                             OF SPRINT CORPORATION
  We, Don A. Jensen, Vice President, and Michael T. Hyde, Assistant Secretary,
of Sprint Corporation (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, do hereby certify as follows:
  1. That the Corporation was originally incorporated in the State of Kansas
on November 15, 1938 under the name of United Utilities, Inc.
  2. That the Board of Directors of the Corporation, at a meeting of the Board
of Directors, adopted resolutions
    (i) approving a plan of reclassification for the Corporation whereby (1)
  each share of the Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock, par value
  $2.50 per share, held by France Telecom SA or any Qualified Subsidiary
  thereof would remain outstanding (and thereafter be designated, for
  purposes of these Articles of Incorporation, as "Old Class A Common
  Stock"), and (2) each share of the Corporation's existing Class A Common
  Stock, par value $2.50 per share, held by Deutsche Telekom AG or any
  Qualified Subsidiary thereof would be reclassified and changed into a share
  of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, par value $2.50 per share,     
    (ii) providing for the adoption of these Amended and Restated Articles of
  Incorporation of the Corporation, which amend and restate the Corporation's
  Articles of Incorporation in their entirety, and
    (iii) declaring the advisability of such plan of reclassification and
  these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation.
The resolutions further directed that the plan of reclassification and these
Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation be submitted to the
stockholders of the Corporation for their consideration and approval.
  3. That thereafter, pursuant to the resolutions and in accordance with the
bylaws of the Corporation and the laws of the State of Kansas, the Board of
Directors called a meeting of stockholders for consideration of the plan of
reclassification and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation, and
thereafter, pursuant to notice and in accordance with the statutes of the
State of Kansas, the stockholders convened and considered the plan of
reclassification and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation.
  4. That at the meeting a majority of the outstanding stock entitled to vote
thereon voted in favor of, among other things, the proposed plan of
reclassification effected by these Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation, and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were
duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. (S) 17-6602.
  5. That these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation shall become
effective on the   day of    , 1998 (the "Effective Date") pursuant to the
provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. (S) 17-6003(d).
  6. That at the Effective Date, (i) each share of the Corporation's existing
Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, held by France Telecom SA or
any Qualified Subsidiary thereof will remain outstanding, and (2) each share
of the Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share,
held by Deutsche Telekom AG or any Qualified Subsidiary thereof will be
automatically reclassified and changed without any action on the part of the
stockholders of the Corporation into a share of Class A Common Stock--Series
DT, par value $2.50 per share.
  7. That the text of the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, as
previously restated and amended, is hereby amended and restated to read in its
entirety as follows:
  The name of the Corporation is SPRINT CORPORATION.

  This Corporation is organized for profit, and the purpose for which it is
formed is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may
be organized under the Kansas General Corporation Code (the "General
Corporation Code").
  The Corporation's registered office is located at 2330 Shawnee Mission
Parkway, Westwood, Johnson County, Kansas 66205; Mr. J. Richard Devlin is the
registered agent at said address.
  The Corporation shall have perpetual existence.
  Section 1. Number of Directors; Increases in Number of Directors. (a) The
number of Directors shall not be less than ten nor more than 20 (unless
increased to more than 20 pursuant to Section 1(b) or Section 6(e) of this
ARTICLE FIFTH) as may be determined from time to time by the affirmative vote
of the majority of the Board of Directors or as provided in Section 1(b) or in
Section 6(e) of this ARTICLE FIFTH.
  (b) If at any time the Class A Holders are entitled to elect a number of
Directors pursuant to Section 2(a) of this ARTICLE FIFTH that exceeds the sum
of the number of Directors elected by the Class A Holders then serving on the
Board of Directors and the number of vacancies on the Board of Directors which
the Directors elected by the Class A Holders or the Class A Holders are
entitled to fill, the total number of Directors shall automatically and
without further action be increased by the smallest number necessary to enable
the Class A Holders (and the Directors elected by the Class A Holders in the
case of vacancies) to elect the number of Directors that the Class A Holders
are entitled to elect pursuant to such Section 2(a).
  Section 2. Election of Directors. (a) Election of Directors by Class A
Holders. (i) Except as otherwise provided in Sections 8.5(b), 8.5(f) and
8.5(k) of ARTICLE SIXTH, the Class A Holders shall have the right, voting
together as a single class, to elect a number of Directors equal to the
greater of (x) two and (y) the product (rounded to the nearest whole number if
such product is not a whole number) of (i) the aggregate Percentage Ownership
Interests of the Class A Holders and (ii) the total number of Directors,
provided that so long as Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (or any successor provision of law) ("Section 310"), remains in
effect, under no circumstances shall (A) the Class A Holders have the right to
elect Aliens as Directors such that the total number of Aliens so elected by
them would exceed the maximum percentage of the total number of Directors of
this Corporation permitted under Section 310 to be Aliens or (B) the total
number of Directors elected by the Class A Holders and serving on the Board of
Directors exceed the maximum percentage of the total Directors of this
Corporation permitted under Section 310 to be elected by shareholders that are
Aliens. Such Directors elected by the Class A Holders shall not be divided
into classes.
  (ii) Upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class A Stock into
Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, pursuant to Section
8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH, the term of office of all Class A Directors then in
office shall thereupon terminate, the vacancy or vacancies resulting from such
termination shall be filled by the remaining Directors then in office, acting
by majority vote of such remaining Directors, and the Director or Directors so
elected to fill such vacancy or vacancies shall not be treated hereunder or
under the Bylaws of this Corporation as Class A Directors. If at any time the
number of Directors that the Class A Holders have the right to elect pursuant
to this Section 2(a) shall decrease other than as set forth in the preceding
sentence, and the Class A Holders shall not have removed or caused to resign,
in either case effective not later than the

fifteenth day following the event that resulted in such decrease, a number of
Class A Directors so that the total number of Directors elected by the Class A
Holders then in office does not exceed the number provided in the first
sentence of Section 2(a)(i), then the terms of office of all Class A Directors
shall terminate on such fifteenth date. The vacancy or vacancies resulting
from such termination of the terms of the Class A Directors shall be filled as
follows: (A) the vacancy or vacancies equal to the number of Directors that
the Class A Holders then have the right to elect pursuant to this Section 2(a)
(after giving effect to the decrease referred to in the preceding sentence)
shall be filled as provided in Section 4(b) of this ARTICLE FIFTH, and (B) the
remaining vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the remaining Directors
other than Class A Directors then in office, acting by majority vote of such
remaining Directors, and the Director or Directors so elected to fill such
vacancy or vacancies shall not be treated hereunder or under the Bylaws as
Class A Directors.
  (iii) (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2, but
subject to paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of this Section 2(a)(iii) and the
proviso set forth at the end of the first sentence of Section 2(a)(i) of this
ARTICLE FIFTH (the "Section 2(a) Proviso"), if the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the Class A Holders is 20% or greater, the Class A
Holders at all times shall have the right to elect not less than 20% of the
total number of Directors, provided that, if the Section 2(a) Proviso prevents
the Class A Holders from electing at least 20% of the total number of
Directors under such circumstances, this Corporation shall increase the total
number of Directors to a number not greater than 20 if such increase would
enable the Class A Holders to elect at least 20% of the total number of
Directors as increased.
  (2) The provisions of Section 2(a)(iii)(1) of this ARTICLE FIFTH (the
"Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions") shall terminate and be of no force and
effect (a "Nullification") unless reinstated in accordance with
Section 2(a)(iii)(5), if either:
    (A) this Corporation delivers an opinion of nationally-recognized U.S.
  tax counsel to the effect that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are,
  with respect to both FT and DT, either not a Necessary Condition or not a
  Sufficient Condition to secure any Treaty Benefit and within 90 days of the
  delivery of such opinion by this Corporation there is not delivered to this
  Corporation by FT or DT an opinion of nationally-recognized U.S. tax
  counsel concluding that such provisions are a Necessary Condition and a
  Sufficient Condition for either FT or DT to secure a Treaty Benefit, or
    (B) this Corporation provides written notice to FT and DT in which it
  agrees to accord FT and DT those Treaty Benefits to which FT and DT would
  be entitled if the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions were in effect (the
  "Continuing Treaty Benefits") and to indemnify FT and DT on an after-tax
  basis against (a)any liability arising out of according FT and DT
  Continuing Treaty Benefits to the extent such liability would not arise if
  the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions were in effect and (b) the loss of
  those Continuing Treaty Benefits that this Corporation cannot directly
  accord; provided that this Corporation by written notice to FT and DT may
  revoke and withdraw such agreement to accord such Treaty Benefits and to
  provide such indemnification following the date of such notice and upon
  delivery of such notice the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall again
  become effective. Notwithstanding any revocation or withdrawal pursuant to
  the proviso contained in the immediately preceding sentence, this
  Corporation shall continue to indemnify FT and DT on an after-tax basis
  against any loss of Treaty Benefits to which FT or DT, as the case may be,
  would have been entitled had the Nullification described in this Section
  2(a)(iii)(2)(B) not taken place.
  If a Nullification occurs under the provisions of paragraph (A) of this
Section 2(a)(iii)(2), then after the date of any such Nullification, and until
such time as a change in facts or Applicable Law requires a different result,
this Corporation shall accord FT and DT Treaty Benefits under the relevant
treaties between the United States and France and the United States and
Germany, but only to the extent FT or DT, as the case may be, would have been
entitled to claim such benefits had such Nullification not occurred.
  (3) In addition to its rights under Section 2(a)(iii)(2), this Corporation
shall have the right, from time to time, to deliver to each of FT and DT a
written notice requesting that the chief tax officer of each of FT and DT
certify that FT, in the case of the request furnished to FT, and DT, in the
case of the request furnished to DT, is eligible to claim at least one Treaty
Benefit, and that such chief tax officer provide this Corporation with other

facts and information reasonably requested by this Corporation that are
reasonably necessary for this Corporation to determine whether the Section
2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are a Sufficient Condition or a Necessary Condition to
secure at least one Treaty Benefit. Unless within 60 days of delivery of any
such request, either FT or DT delivers such requested certificate to this
Corporation, and provides such requested facts or information, the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall terminate and be of no force or effect,
unless reinstated in accordance with Section 2(a)(iii)(5).
  (4) If FT and DT determine that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are,
with respect to both FT and DT, either not a Necessary Condition or not a
Sufficient Condition to secure at least one Treaty Benefit, FT and DT shall
deliver to this Corporation a certification to such effect, and the Section
2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall terminate and be of no force or effect, unless
reinstated in accordance with Section 2(a)(iii)(5).
  (5) Each of FT and DT shall have the right, at any time after the date the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are nullified pursuant to paragraph (A) (but
not paragraph (B)) of clause (2) or clause (3) or (4) of this
Section 2(a)(iii), to deliver to this Corporation a certificate signed by the
chief tax officer of either FT or DT to the effect that FT or DT, as the case
may be, is eligible to claim a Treaty Benefit and an opinion of nationally-
recognized U.S. tax counsel to the effect that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1)
Provisions are again a Necessary Condition and a Sufficient Condition for any
of FT or DT to secure a Treaty Benefit. Upon the delivery of any such
certificate and opinion, the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall again
become effective unless and until they become ineffective pursuant to the
other provisions of this Section 2(a)(iii).
  (6) For purposes of this Section 2(a)(iii), the term "FT" shall include any
Qualified Subsidiary of FT organized under the laws of France and the term
"DT" shall include any Qualified Subsidiary of DT organized under the laws of
  (7) The Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall be a "Necessary Condition"
with respect to any Treaty Benefit if FT or DT would not be entitled to claim
such Treaty Benefit unless such Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are in effect.
  (8) The Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall be a "Sufficient Condition"
with respect to any Treaty Benefit if FT and DT will otherwise fulfill all
other relevant conditions to claiming such Treaty Benefit if the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are in effect.
  (b)  Election of Directors by Other Holders. (i) Subject to clause (ii)
below, the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock shall have the right to elect
that number of Directors equal to the excess of (x) the total number of
Directors over (y) the sum of the number of Directors the Class A Holders are
entitled to elect and the number of Directors, if any, that the holders of
Preferred Stock, voting separately by class or series, are entitled to elect
in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of
Incorporation. The Class A Holders shall have no right to vote for Directors
under this Section 2(b)(i).
  (ii) So long as Section 310 remains in effect, under no circumstances shall
an Alien Director elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock be
qualified to serve as a Director if the number of Aliens who would then be
serving as members of the Board of Directors, including such elected Alien,
would constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted by Section
310 on the Board of Directors.
  (iii) The Directors (other than the Directors elected by the Class A Holders
and any Directors elected by the holders of any one or more classes or series
of Preferred Stock having the right, voting separately by class or series, to
elect Directors) shall be divided into three classes, designated Class I,
Class II and Class III, with the term of office of one class expiring each
year. The number of Class I, Class II and Class III Directors shall consist,
as nearly as practicable, of one third of the total number of Directors (other
than the Directors elected by the Class A Holders and any Directors elected by
the holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred Stock having the
right, voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors). At each
annual meeting of stockholders of this Corporation, successors to the class of
Directors whose term expires at that annual meeting shall be elected for a
three-year term.

  (iv) Whenever the holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred
Stock shall have the right, voting separately by class or series, to elect
Directors at an annual or special meeting of stockholders, the election, term
of office, filling of vacancies and other features of such directorships shall
be governed by the terms of these Articles of Incorporation applicable
thereto, and such Directors so elected shall not be divided into classes
pursuant to this ARTICLE FIFTH unless expressly provided by such terms.
  Section 3. Change in Number of Directors. If the number of Directors (other
than Directors elected by Class A Holders and any Directors elected by the
holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred Stock having the
right, voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors) is changed,
any increase or decrease shall be apportioned among the classes so as to
maintain the number of Directors in each class as nearly equal as possible.
  Section 4. Term of Office. (a) Each Director shall be elected for a three-
year term. A Director shall hold office until the annual meeting for the year
in which his term expires and until his successor shall be elected and shall
qualify to serve, subject to prior death, resignation, retirement,
disqualification or removal from office.
  (b) Any vacancy on the Board of Directors (whether resulting from an
increase in the total number of Directors, the departure of one of the
Directors or otherwise) may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of
the Directors elected by the same class or classes of stockholders which would
be entitled to elect the Director who would fill such vacancy if the annual
meeting of stockholders of this Corporation were held on the date on which
such vacancy occurred, provided that at any time when there is only one such
Director so elected and then serving, such Director may fill such vacancy and,
provided further, that at any time when there are no such Directors then
serving, the stockholders of the class or classes entitled to elect the
Director who will fill such vacancy shall have the right to fill such vacancy
and, provided, further, that, so long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, any
vacancy to be filled by the Director or Directors elected by the holders of
Non-Class A Common Stock may not be filled with a Person who, upon his
election, would not be an Independent Director or would be an Alien, as the
case may be, if the effect of such election would be that less than a majority
of the Board of Directors following such election would be Independent
Directors, or that the number of Aliens who would then be serving on the Board
of Directors would constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted
on the Board of Directors under Section 310.
  (c) Any additional Director of any class elected to fill a vacancy resulting
from an increase in the number of Directors of such class shall hold office
for a term that shall coincide with the remaining term of the Directors of
that class, but, except as provided in Section 2(a)(ii) of this ARTICLE FIFTH,
in no case will a decrease in the number of Directors shorten the term of any
incumbent Director. Any Director elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from
an increase in the number of Directors shall have the same remaining term as
that of his predecessor.
  Section 5. Rights, Powers, Duties, Rules and Procedures; Amendment of
Bylaws. (a) Except to the extent prohibited by law or as set forth in these
Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have the
right (which, to the extent exercised, shall be exclusive) to establish the
rights, powers, duties, rules and procedures that from time to time shall
govern the Board of Directors and each of its members, including, without
limitation, the vote required for any action by the Board of Directors, and
that from time to time shall affect the Directors' power to manage the
business and affairs of this Corporation. Except to the extent required by law
or as set forth in these Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws, no Bylaw
shall be adopted by stockholders which shall impair or impede the
implementation of the foregoing.
  (b) The Board of Directors is expressly authorized and empowered, in the
manner provided in the Bylaws of this Corporation, to adopt, amend and repeal
the Bylaws of this Corporation in any respect to the full extent permitted by
the General Corporation Code not inconsistent with the laws of the General
Corporation Code or with these Articles of Incorporation, provided that
    (i) prior to the fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date,
  ARTICLE IV, SECTION 13 of the Bylaws may not be amended, altered, repealed,
  superseded or made inoperative or ineffective by

  adoption of other provisions to the Bylaws or these Articles of
  Incorporation (any such action, a "CP Covered Bylaws Amendment") without
  the affirmative vote of the holders of record of (i) a majority of the
  shares of PCS Stock then outstanding, voting together as a single class,
  and (ii) a majority of the votes represented by the shares of Corporation
  Common Stock, voting together as a single class, at any annual or special
  meeting of stockholders, the notice of which shall have specified or
  summarized the proposed CP Covered Bylaws Amendment; and     
    (ii) the following provisions of the Bylaws may not be amended, altered,
  repealed, superseded or made inoperative or ineffective by adoption of
  other provisions to the Bylaws or these Articles of Incorporation (any such
  action, a "Class A Covered Bylaws Amendment") without the affirmative vote
  of the holders of record of a majority of the votes represented by the
  shares of Class A Stock then outstanding, voting together as a single
  class, at any annual or special meeting of stockholders, the notice of
  which shall have specified or summarized the proposed Class A Covered
  Bylaws Amendment: ARTICLE III, SECTIONS 2, 4, 5, 8 AND 9; ARTICLE IV,
  SECTIONS 1 AND 2.     
  Section 6. Removal; Changes in Status; Preferred Stock Directors. (a) Except
as provided in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this Section 6, a Director (other than
a Director elected by the Class A Holders or by the holders of any class or
series of Preferred Stock having the right, voting separately by class or
series, to elect Directors) may be removed only for cause. No Director so
removed may be reinstated for so long as the cause for removal continues to
exist. Such removal for cause may be effected only by the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the votes represented by the shares of the class
or classes of stockholders which were entitled to elect such Director.     
  (b) A Director elected by the Class A Holders may be removed with or without
cause. If removed for cause, no Director so removed may be reinstated for so
long as the cause for removal continues to exist. Removal may be effected with
or without cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
votes represented by the shares of Class A Stock or with cause by the
affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the votes represented by the
shares of the Non-Class A Common Stock, the Class A Stock and other capital
stock of this Corporation entitled to general voting power, voting together as
a single class.     
  (c) If a Director elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock who was
not, at the time of his election to the Board of Directors, an Alien,
subsequently becomes an Alien, the effect of which would be that the number of
Aliens who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors,
including the Director who changed status, would constitute more than the
maximum number of Aliens permitted on the Board of Directors under Section
310, such Director shall upon his change in status automatically and without
further action be removed from the Board of Directors.
  (d) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if an Independent Director
elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock subsequently ceases to be
an Independent Director, the effect of which would be that the Independent
Directors who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors would
not constitute a majority of the Board of Directors, such Director shall
automatically and without further action upon his change in status be removed
from the Board of Directors.
  (e) (i) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if a Director elected
by the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock having the right,
voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors (a "Preferred Stock
Director") is an Alien, or after election becomes an Alien, the effect of
which would be that the number of Aliens who would then be serving as members
of the Board of Directors (including such Preferred Stock Director) would
constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted on the Board of
Directors under Section 310, the total number of Directors shall automatically
and without further action be increased by the smallest number necessary to
enable the Class A Holders (and the Directors elected by the Class A Holders
in the case of vacancies) to elect Aliens as Directors to the fullest extent
that the Class A Holders are entitled to elect Directors pursuant to Section
2(a) of this ARTICLE FIFTH without violating the requirements of Section 310.
  (ii) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if a Preferred Stock
Director is not an Independent Director, or after election ceases to be an
Independent Director, the effect of which would be that the Independent

Directors who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors would
not constitute a majority of the Board of Directors, the total number of
Directors shall automatically and without further action be increased by the
smallest number necessary so that the number of Directors then serving who are
not Independent Directors (including such Preferred Stock Director and any
vacancies which the holders of Class A Stock have a right to fill) constitute
less than a majority of the Board of Directors.
  Section 7. Definitions. Certain capitalized terms used in this ARTICLE FIFTH
without definition have the meanings set forth in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  Section 1. Authorized Shares. The total number of shares of capital stock
which may be issued by this Corporation is 4,070,000,000, and the designation
of each class or series, the number of authorized shares of each class or
series and the par value of the shares of each class or series, are as

      DESIGNATION               CLASS             SERIES     NO. OF SHARES    PAR VALUE
      -----------               -----             ------     -------------    ---------
The "Common Stock"...... Common Stock                        1,000,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Series 2 Common
 Stock"................. Common Stock         Series 2         500,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Old Class A Common
 Stock"................. Class A Common Stock                  100,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Class A Common
 Stock--Series DT"...... Class A Common Stock Series DT        100,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Series 1 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock     Series 1       1,250,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Series 2 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock     Series 2         500,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Series 3 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock     Series 3         600,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Preferred Stock"... Preferred Stock      See Section 13    20,000,000    No par value
  Section 2. General Provisions Relating to All Stock.
    2.1. Preemptive Rights; Cumulative Voting. No holder of shares of capital
  stock of any class or series of this Corporation or holder of any security
  or obligation convertible into shares of capital stock of any class or
  series of this Corporation shall have any preemptive right whatsoever to
  subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire shares of capital stock of any
  class or series of this Corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized;
  provided that this provision shall not (i) prohibit this Corporation from
  granting, contractually or otherwise, to any such holder, the right to
  purchase additional securities of this Corporation or (ii) otherwise limit
  or otherwise modify any rights of any such holder pursuant to any such
  contract or other agreement. Stockholders of this Corporation shall not be
  entitled to cumulative voting of their shares in elections of Directors.
    2.2. Redemption of Shares Held by Aliens. Notwithstanding any other
  provision of these Articles of Incorporation to the contrary, outstanding
  shares of Non-Class A Common Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens and Class A
  Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens may be redeemed by this Corporation, by
  action duly taken by the Board of Directors (with the approval of a
  majority of the Continuing Directors (as defined in ARTICLE SEVENTH) at a
  meeting at which at least seven Continuing Directors are present, except
  that no such approval of the Continuing Directors shall be required if (i)
  the Fair Price Provisions have been deleted in their entirety, (ii) the
  Fair Price Provisions have been modified so as explicitly not to apply to
  any Class A Holder, or they have been modified in a manner reasonably
  satisfactory to FT and DT so as explicitly not to apply to any transactions
  with any Class A Holder contemplated under these Articles of Incorporation,
  (iii) the transaction in question is not a "Business Combination" within
  the meaning of the Fair Price Provisions, or (iv) the Class A Holder that
  is a party to the transaction, along with its Affiliates (as such term is
  defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in
  effect on October 1, 1982) and Associates (as such term is defined in Rule
  12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on October 1,
  1982), is no longer an "Interested Stockholder" or "Affiliate" of an
  "Interested Stockholder" within the meaning of the Fair Price Provisions),
  to the extent necessary or advisable, in the

  judgment of the Board of Directors, for this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries to comply with the requirements of Section 310 (each of (i)
  through (iv), a "Fair Price Condition"), provided that shares of Class A
  Stock only may be redeemed if, and only to the extent that, the outstanding
  shares of Class A Stock represent Votes constituting greater than 20% of
  the aggregate Voting Power of this Corporation immediately prior to the
  time of such redemption.
    The terms and conditions of such redemption shall be as follows, subject
  in any case to any other rights of a particular Alien or of this
  Corporation pursuant to any contract or agreement between such Alien and
  this Corporation:     
      (a) except as provided in Section 2.2(f), the redemption price of the
    shares to be redeemed pursuant to this Section 2.2 shall be equal to
    the Market Price of such shares on the third Business Day prior to the
    date notice of such redemption is given pursuant to Section 2.2(d),
    provided that, except as provided in Section 2.2(f), such redemption
    price as to any Alien who purchased such shares of Non-Class A Common
    Stock after November 21, 1995 and within one year prior to the
    Redemption Date shall not (unless otherwise determined by the Board of
    Directors) exceed the purchase price paid by such Alien for such
      (b) the redemption price of such shares may be paid in cash,
    Redemption Securities or any combination thereof;
      (c) if less than all of the shares Beneficially Owned by Aliens are
    to be redeemed, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected in such
    manner as shall be determined by the Board of Directors, which may
    include selection first of the most recently purchased shares thereof,
    selection by lot or selection in any other manner determined by the
    Board of Directors to be equitable, provided that this Corporation
    shall (i) in all cases be entitled to redeem shares of Non-Class A
    Common Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens prior to redeeming any shares
    of Class A Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens and (ii) redeem shares of
    Series 3 PCS Stock (if any) prior to redeeming shares of Class A Common
      (d) this Corporation shall give notice of the Redemption Date at
    least 30 days prior to the Redemption Date to the record holders of the
    shares selected to be redeemed (unless waived in writing by any such
    holder) by delivering a written notice by first class mail, postage
    pre-paid, to the holders of record of the shares selected to be
    redeemed, addressed to such holders at their last address as shown upon
    the stock transfer books of this Corporation (each such notice of
    redemption specifying the date fixed for redemption, the redemption
    price, the place or places of payment and that payment will be made
    upon presentation and surrender of the certificates representing such
    shares), provided that the Redemption Date may be the date on which
    written notice shall be given to record holders if the cash or
    Redemption Securities necessary to effect the redemption shall have
    been deposited in trust for the benefit of such record holders and
    subject to immediate withdrawal by them upon surrender of the stock
    certificates for their shares to be redeemed;
      (e) on the Redemption Date, unless this Corporation shall have
    defaulted in paying or setting aside for payment the cash or Redemption
    Securities payable upon such redemption, any and all rights of Aliens
    in respect of shares so redeemed (including without limitation any
    rights to vote or participate in dividends), shall cease and terminate,
    and from and after such Redemption Date such Aliens shall be entitled
    only to receive the cash or Redemption Securities payable upon
    redemption of the shares to be redeemed; and
      (f) such other terms and conditions as the Board of Directors shall
    determine to be equitable, provided that,
        (1) if any shares of Class A Common Stock are redeemed pursuant to
      this Section 2.2, the redemption price of any such shares redeemed
      shall be a per share price equal to the greater of (A) the Market
      Price of a share of Common Stock on the Redemption Date and (B) the
      Weighted Average Price paid by the Class A Holders for the Class A
      Common Stock together with a stock appreciation factor thereon
      (calculated on the basis of a 365-day year) at the rate of 3.88%
      through and including the Redemption Date, such stock appreciation
      factor to be calculated, on an annual

      compounding basis, from the date of purchase of such Class A Common
      Stock until the Redemption Date, provided, that if this Corporation
      redeems any shares of Class A Common Stock after April 26, 1999, the
      redemption price of any such shares redeemed shall be the Market
      Price of a share of Common Stock on the Redemption Date, and
      provided further that shares of Old Class A Common Stock and Class A
      Common Stock--Series DT shall be redeemed on a pro rata basis under
      this subsection (f)(1);
        (2) if any shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series 2 Common Stock,
      if applicable) are redeemed pursuant to this Section 2.2, the
      redemption price of any such shares redeemed shall be a per share
      price equal to the greater of (A) the Market Price of a share of
      Series 1 PCS Stock (or Common Stock, if applicable) on the
      Redemption Date and (B) the Weighted Average Price paid by the
      holders thereof for the Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series 2 Common
      Stock, if applicable) together with a stock appreciation factor
      thereon (calculated on the basis of a 365-day year) at the rate of
      3.88% through and including the Redemption Date, such stock
      appreciation factor to be calculated, on an annual compounding
      basis, from the date of purchase of such Series 2 PCS Stock (or
      Series 2 Common Stock, if applicable) until the Redemption Date,
      provided, that if this Corporation redeems any shares of Series 2
      PCS Stock (or Series 2 Common Stock, if applicable) after April 26,
      1999, the redemption price of any such shares redeemed shall be the
      Market Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock (or Common Stock, if
      applicable) on the Redemption Date; and
        (3) if any shares of Series 3 PCS Stock are redeemed pursuant to
      this Section 2.2, the redemption price of any such shares redeemed
      shall be a per share price equal to the greater of (A) the Market
      Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock on the Redemption Date and
      (B) the Weighted Average Price paid by the holders thereof for the
      Series 3 PCS Stock together with a stock appreciation factor thereon
      (calculated on the basis of a 365-day year) at the rate of 3.88%
      through and including the Redemption Date, such stock appreciation
      factor to be calculated, on an annual compounding basis, from the
      date of purchase of such Series 3 PCS Stock until the Redemption
      Date, provided, that if this Corporation redeems any shares of
      Series 3 PCS Stock after April 26, 1999, the redemption price of any
      such shares redeemed shall be the Market Price of a share of Series
      1 PCS Stock on the Redemption Date.
    The redemption price to be paid to the Class A Holders shall be
    modified in accordance with Article IX of the Stockholders' Agreement
    if either (i) such redemption is effected on or prior to April 26,
    1999, or (ii) such redemption is effected within the 120-day period
    described in the last sentence of Section 2.11 of the Stockholders'
    Agreement (as such period may be extended pursuant thereto) following
    an election by this Corporation to redeem shares in accordance with
    such Section.
    Any notice that is mailed as herein provided shall be conclusively
  presumed to have been duly given, whether or not the holder of shares to be
  redeemed received such notice, provided that all notices to be given to the
  Class A Holders shall be made and deemed delivered in accordance with
  Section 11 of ARTICLE SIXTH and failure to give such notice by mail, or any
  defect in such notice, to holders of shares designated for redemption shall
  not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of any other
    2.3. Beneficial Ownership Inquiry.  (a) This Corporation may by written
  notice require a Person that is a holder of record of Non-Class A Common
  Stock or Class A Stock or that this Corporation knows to have, or has
  reasonable cause to believe has, Beneficial Ownership of Non-Class A Common
  Stock or Class A Stock, to certify that, to the knowledge of such Person:
      (i) no Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock as to which such
    Person has record ownership or Beneficial Ownership is Beneficially
    Owned by Aliens; or
      (ii) the number and class or series of shares of Non-Class A Common
    Stock or Class A Stock owned of record or Beneficially Owned by such
    Person that are owned of record or Beneficially Owned by Persons that
    are Aliens are as set forth in such certificate.

    (b) With respect to any Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock
  identified by such Person in response to Section 2.3(a)(ii) above, this
  Corporation may require such Person to provide such further information as
  this Corporation may reasonably require in order to implement the
  provisions of Section 2.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (c) For purposes of applying Section 2.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH with respect to
  any Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock, if any Person fails to
  provide the certificate or other information to which this Corporation is
  entitled pursuant to this Section 2.3, this Corporation in its sole
  discretion may presume that the Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock
  in question is, or is not, Beneficially Owned by Aliens.
    2.4. Factual Determinations. The Board of Directors shall have the power
  and duty to construe and apply the provisions of Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of
  ARTICLE SIXTH and, with respect to shares of Non-Class A Common Stock, to
  make all determinations necessary or desirable to implement such
  provisions, including but not limited to: (a) the number of shares of Non-
  Class A Common Stock that are Beneficially Owned by any Person; (b) whether
  a Person is an Alien; (c) the application of any other definition of these
  Articles of Incorporation to the given facts; and (d) any other matter
  relating to the applicability or effect of Section 2.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    2.5. Loss of Voting Rights. If (a) there is a breach by FT, DT, any
  Qualified Subsidiary, any Strategic Investor or any Qualified Stock
  Purchaser of any of the provisions of Sections 3.1(a) or 3.2(b) (as it
  relates to matters described in Section 3.1(a)) of the Standstill Agreement
  or any corresponding provision of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill
  Agreement, Strategic Investor Standstill Agreement or Qualified Stock
  Purchaser Standstill Agreement, (b) there is a willful breach in any
  material respect by FT, DT, any Qualified Subsidiary, any Strategic
  Investor or any Qualified Stock Purchaser of any provision of Section 3.1
  (other than Section 3.1(a)) of the Standstill Agreement or any
  corresponding provision of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement,
  Strategic Investor Standstill Agreement or Qualified Stock Purchaser
  Standstill Agreement, or (c) a Government Affiliate or Related Company
  (each as defined in the Standstill Agreement) takes an action which if
  taken by FT or DT would violate Sections 3.1 or 3.2(b) (as it relates to
  matters other than those described in Section 3.1(a)) of the Standstill
  Agreement, then FT and its Qualified Subsidiaries (except in the case of a
  breach arising from the action of a Government Affiliate of Germany, a
  Related Company of DT or a Strategic Investor in a Qualified Subsidiary of
  DT in which FT is not an investor), DT and its Qualified Subsidiaries
  (except in the case of a breach arising from the action of a Government
  Affiliate of France, a Related Company of FT or a Strategic Investor in a
  Qualified Subsidiary of FT in which DT is not an investor) and each
  Qualified Stock Purchaser shall not be entitled to vote any of their shares
  of capital stock of this Corporation with respect to any matter or proposal
  arising from, relating to or involving, such breach or action, and no such
  purported vote by such Class A Holders on such matter shall be effective or
  shall be counted.
  Section 3. Voting Powers.
    Section 3.1. General. Except as otherwise provided by law or as expressly
  set forth in ARTICLE FIFTH or in this ARTICLE SIXTH, each share of
  Corporation Common Stock shall be entitled to vote, as provided in ARTICLE
  SIXTH, Section 3.2 and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d) (with respect to Class
  A Stock only), on all matters in respect of which the holders of
  Corporation Common Stock are entitled to vote, and, except as otherwise
  provided by the terms of any outstanding series of Preferred Stock, the
  holders of Corporation Common Stock shall vote together with the holders of
  all other classes or series of capital stock which have general voting
  power on all such matters as a single class; provided, however, that
      (i) holders of Common Group Stock, voting together as a single class,
    shall be entitled to vote upon a proposed amendment to these Articles
    of Incorporation if such amendment would (A) increase or decrease the
    aggregate number of authorized shares of the Common Group Stock, (B)
    increase or decrease the par value of the shares of the Common Group
    Stock, or (C) alter or change the powers, preferences or special rights
    of the shares of the Common Group Stock so as to affect them adversely,

      (ii) holders of PCS Stock, voting together as a single class, shall
    be entitled to vote upon a proposed amendment to these Articles of
    Incorporation if such amendment would (A) increase or decrease the
    aggregate number of authorized shares of PCS Stock, (B) increase or
    decrease the par value of shares of PCS Stock or (C) alter or change
    the powers, preferences or special rights of the shares of PCS Stock so
    as to affect them adversely.
    Section 3.2. Number of Votes. (a) On each matter to be voted on by the
  holders of Non-Class A Common Stock and Class A Stock voting together as a
  single class,
      (i) each outstanding share of Common Stock and Class A Common Stock
    is entitled to one vote (subject, in the case of the Class A Common
    Stock, to any increase in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section
      (ii) each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock is entitled to a
    number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole
    vote and may include a fraction of a vote) (the "PCS Per Share Vote")
    equal to (x) if the record date for determining the stockholders
    entitled to vote is on or before December 31, 1998, the number of votes
    determined by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio and (y) if the record
    date for determining the stockholders entitled to vote is after
    December 31, 1998, the number of votes determined by multiplying one by
    the ratio of the Average Trading Price of one share of Series 1 PCS
    Stock to the Average Trading Price of one share of Common Stock
    computed as of the tenth Trading Day preceding the record date for
    determining the stockholders entitled to vote, expressed as a decimal
    fraction rounded to the nearest three decimal places;
      (iii) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS Stock is entitled to a
    number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole
    vote and may include a fraction of one vote) equal to ten percent of
    the applicable PCS Per Share Vote as determined in accordance with
    Section 3.2(a)(ii);
      (iv) each outstanding share of Series 3 PCS Stock is entitled to a
    number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole
    vote and may include a fraction of one vote) equal to the applicable
    PCS Per Share Vote as determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(ii)
    (subject to any increase in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section
    7.5(d)); and
      (v) each outstanding share of Series 2 Common Stock is entitled to
    ten percent of one vote.
    (b) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of Non-Class A Common
  Stock voting together as a single class,
      (i) each outstanding share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote;
      (ii) each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock is entitled to the
    PCS Per Share Vote determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(ii);
      (iii) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS Stock is entitled to a
    number of votes determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(iii) and
      (iv) each outstanding share of Series 2 Common Stock is entitled to
    ten percent of one vote.
    (c) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of the Common Group
  Stock, voting together as a single class, each outstanding share of Common
  Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common Stock is entitled to one
    (d) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of the PCS Stock voting
  together as a single class, each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock,
  Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is entitled to one vote.
    (e) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of Class A Stock voting
  together as a single class, each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock
  is entitled to one vote per share and each outstanding share of Series 3
  PCS Stock is entitled to the PCS Vote Per Share determined in accordance
  with Section 3.2(a)(iv).

    (f) In addition to the foregoing provisions of this Section 3, (i) if
  shares of only one class or series of Corporation Common Stock are
  outstanding on the record date for determining the holders of Corporation
  Common Stock entitled to vote on any matter, then each share of that class
  or series shall be entitled to one vote, and (ii) if any class or any
  series of Corporation Common Stock votes as a separate class with respect
  to any matter, each share of that class or series shall, for purposes of
  such vote, be entitled to one vote on such matter.
  Section 4. Liquidation Rights. If any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of this Corporation occurs, then after payment or
provision for payment of the debts and other liabilities of this Corporation,
including the liquidation preferences of any series of Preferred Stock, the
holders of Corporation Common Stock shall be entitled to receive the remaining
assets of the Corporation, regardless of the Business Group to which such
assets are attributed in accordance with Section 10 of this ARTICLE SIXTH,
divided among such holders in accordance with the per share "Liquidation
Units" attributable to each such class or series of stock. Each share of
Common Group Stock is hereby attributed one "Liquidation Unit" and each share
of PCS Stock is hereby attributed the number of "Liquidation Units" determined
by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio. The per share "Liquidation Units" of each
such class or series of stock are subject to adjustment as determined by the
Board of Directors to be appropriate to reflect equitably (i) any subdivision
(by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse stock split or
otherwise) of such class or series of stock or (ii) any dividend or other
distribution of shares of such class or series of stock to holders of shares
of such class or series of stock. Neither the merger nor consolidation of this
Corporation, nor the Transfer of all or part of its assets, shall be deemed to
be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this
Corporation within the meaning of this Section 4. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, any transaction or series of related transactions which results in
the distribution of all or substantially all of the assets of the PCS Group
(excluding any portion of such assets retained by the Corporation or
distributed to holders of Common Stock and Class A Common Stock in respect of
the Intergroup Interest Fraction) to the holders of the outstanding PCS Stock
by way of the distribution of equity interests in one or more entities that
collectively hold, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all of the
assets of the PCS Group (including, without limitation, the PCS Group
Subsidiary) shall not constitute a voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation for purposes of this Section 4
but shall be subject to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.2.
  Section 5. Dividends. Dividends shall be declared and paid only out of net
income or surplus of this Corporation and may be declared and paid upon each
class and series of Corporation Common Stock, upon the terms with respect to
each such class and series, and subject to the limitations provided for in
this Section 5 and in Section 13, as the Board of Directors may determine.
    5.1. Generally. Dividends on Corporation Common Stock may be declared and
  paid only out of the funds of the Corporation legally available therefor.
      5.1.1. The holders of the Common Stock shall be entitled to receive,
    when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this
    Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Common Stock equivalent on a
    per share basis to those payable on the Series 2 Common Stock.
    Dividends on the Common Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed
    for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2
    Common Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full per
    share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 Common
    Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash
    dividend paid on shares of Series 2 Common Stock, provided that if this
    Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of Series 2
    Common Stock payable in shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS
    Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2
    Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into
    or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS
    Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at
    the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an
    equivalent dividend per share on the Common Stock payable in shares of
    Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent
    corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Common
    Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
    securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Common Stock
    or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively.     

      5.1.2. The holders of the Common Stock shall be entitled to receive,
    when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this
    Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Common Stock equivalent on a
    per share basis to those payable on the Class A Common Stock. Dividends
    on the Common Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
    payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock
    and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full per share amount
    of any cash dividend paid on shares of Class A Common Stock, plus the
    full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid
    on shares of Class A Common Stock, provided that if this Corporation
    shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of Class A Common Stock
    payable in shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock
    or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or
    exchangeable for shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
    then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same
    time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent
    dividend per share on the Common Stock payable in shares of Common
    Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Common Stock or Series
    1 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Common Stock or Series 1
    PCS Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.3. The holders of shares of Series 2 Common Stock shall be
    entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2
    Common Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Common Stock. Dividends on the Series 2 Common Stock shall be payable
    on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on
    shares of Common Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
    full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Common
    Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash
    dividend paid on shares of Common Stock, provided that if this
    Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Common
    Stock payable in shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Common Stock or Series
    1 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for
    shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case, this
    Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares
    and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
    Series 2 Common Stock payable in shares of Series 2 Common Stock or
    Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series
    2 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 Common Stock or
    Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.4. The holders of shares of Series 2 Common Stock shall be
    entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2
    Common Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Class A Common Stock. Dividends on the Series 2 Common Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock and shall be in an amount
    per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
    on shares of Class A Common Stock, plus the full per share amount
    (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Class A
    Common Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay
    any dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock payable in shares of
    Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or
    rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
    or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Class A
    Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation
    shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any
    such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 2 Common
    Stock payable in shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
    respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights
    to acquire shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
    respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into
    or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS
    Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.5. The holders of shares of Class A Common Stock shall be
    entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class

    A Common Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Common Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common Stock shall be payable on
    the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on
    shares of Common Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
    full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Common
    Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash
    dividend paid on shares of Common Stock, provided that if this
    Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Common
    Stock payable in shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Common Stock or Series
    1 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for
    shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case, this
    Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares
    and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
    Class A Common Stock payable in shares of Class A Common Stock or
    Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock or Series
    3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Class A Common Stock or
    Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.6. The holders of shares of Class A Common Stock shall be
    entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
    Common Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Series 2 Common Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Series 2 Common Stock and shall be in an amount
    per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
    on shares of Series 2 Common Stock, plus the full per share amount
    (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2
    Common Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay
    any dividend on shares of Series 2 Common Stock payable in shares of
    Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or
    rights to acquire shares of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS
    Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, then in each case, this
    Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares
    and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
    Class A Common Stock payable in shares of Class A Common Stock or
    Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock or Series
    3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Class A Common Stock or
    Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.7. The holders of shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall be
    entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Old Class
    A Common Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Class A Common Stock--Series DT. Dividends on the Old Class A Common
    Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
    corresponding dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT and
    shall be in an amount per share equal to the full per share amount of
    any cash dividend paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT,
    plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash
    dividend paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, provided
    that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
    of Class A Common Stock--Series DT payable in shares of Class A Common
    Stock--Series DT or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or
    rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT or Series 3
    PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares
    of Class A Common Stock--Series DT or Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each
    case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
    declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share
    on the Old Class A Common Stock payable in shares of Old Class A Common
    Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Old Class A Common
    Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
    securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Old Class A
    Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
      5.1.8. The holders of shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
    be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
    in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect

    of the Class A Common Stock--Series DT equivalent on a per share basis
    to those payable on the Old Class A Common Stock. Dividends on the
    Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall be payable on the same date fixed
    for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A
    Common Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full per
    share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
    Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash
    dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock, provided that if
    this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Old
    Class A Common Stock payable in shares of Old Class A Common Stock or
    Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares
    of Old Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities
    convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Old Class A Common Stock
    or Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall
    declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such
    dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Class A Common
    Stock--Series DT payable in shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
    or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Class A Common Stock--
    Series DT or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent
    corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Class A Common Stock--Series DT or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.
      5.1.9. The holders of the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
    receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance
    with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock
    equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the Series 2 PCS
    Stock. Dividends on the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same
    date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of
    Series 2 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
    full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2
    PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-
    cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided that if
    this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
    Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or in
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or
    in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2
    PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay,
    at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an
    equivalent dividend per share on the Series 1 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or
    equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
    for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.
      5.1.10. The holders of the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
    receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance
    with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock
    equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the Series 3 PCS
    Stock. Dividends on the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same
    date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of
    Series 3 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
    full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3
    PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-
    cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, provided that if
    this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
    Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or in
    options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or
    in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3
    PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay,
    at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an
    equivalent dividend per share on the Series 1 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or
    equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
    for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.
      5.1.11. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled
    to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2
    PCS Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Series 1 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 2 PCS Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per
    share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable
    in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,

    provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
    or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS
    Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare
    and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
    an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 2 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or
    equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
    for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.
      5.1.12. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled
    to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2
    PCS Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Series 3 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 2 PCS Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per
    share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on
    shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable
    in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock,
    provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on
    shares of Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock,
    or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS
    Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare
    and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
    an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 2 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or
    equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
    for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.
      5.1.13. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled
    to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3
    PCS Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Series 1 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 3 PCS Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per
    share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable
    in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
    provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
    or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS
    Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare
    and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
    an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 3 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options,
    warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or
    equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
    for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
      5.1.14. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled
    to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
    accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3
    PCS Stock equivalent on a per share basis to those payable on the
    Series 2 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 3 PCS Stock shall be
    payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding
    dividend on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount per
    share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable
    in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock,
    provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock,
    or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS
    Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
    Series 2 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare
    and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
    an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 3 PCS Stock payable in
    shares of Series 3

    PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
    acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding
    securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS
    5.2. Separate Declaration of Dividends. The Board of Directors, in
  accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 5.1, may at any time
  declare and pay dividends (i) exclusively on Common Group Stock, (ii)
  exclusively on PCS Stock or (iii) on the Common Group Stock, on the one
  hand, and the PCS Stock, on the other, in equal or unequal per share
  amounts, notwithstanding the amount of dividends previously declared on
  each class or series of stock, the respective voting or liquidation rights
  of each class or series of stock or any other factor.
    5.3. Share Distributions. Subject to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 5.1 and
  except as permitted by ARTICLE SIXTH, Sections 7.1 and 7.2, the Board of
  Directors may declare and pay dividends or distributions of shares of
  Corporation Common Stock (or Convertible Securities convertible into or
  exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Corporation Common Stock) on
  shares of Corporation Common Stock or shares of Preferred Stock only as
      (A) dividends or distributions of shares of Common Stock, Series 2
    Common Stock and Class A Common Stock (or Convertible Securities
    convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Common
    Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common Stock) on shares of
    Common Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common Stock,
    respectively, or shares of Preferred Stock attributed to the Sprint FON
    Group exclusively in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13;
      (B) dividends or distributions of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
    Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
    convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 1
    PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock) on shares of
    Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock,
    respectively, or shares of Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS Group
    exclusively in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13; and
      (C) dividends or distributions of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
    Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
    convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 1
    PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock) or PCS Preferred
    Stock (or Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or
    exercisable for shares of PCS Preferred Stock) on shares of (x) Common
    Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common Stock, respectively, or
    (y) shares of FON Preferred Stock, but in any such case only if the
    Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest
    immediately prior to such dividend or distribution is greater than or
    equal to the sum of (1) the amount of any decrease in the Number Of
    Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest required by
    paragraph (B) of the definition of such term in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section
    10 as a result of such dividend or distribution, plus (2) the number of
    shares of PCS Stock issuable upon conversion, exchange or exercise of
    any Convertible Securities to be so issued or any other outstanding
    Convertible Securities that have been issued as a dividend or other
    distribution (including in connection with any reclassification or
    exchange of shares) to holders of Common Group Stock or shares of FON
    Preferred Stock. For purposes of this Section 5.3, any outstanding
    Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
    exercisable for any other Convertible Securities which are themselves
    convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for Common Stock (or
    Series 2 Common Stock or Class A Common Stock, as the case may be) or
    PCS Stock (or other Convertible Securities that are so convertible,
    exchangeable or exercisable) shall be deemed to have been converted,
    exchanged or exercised in full for such Convertible Securities.
  Section 6. No Dilution or Impairment; Certain Tender Offers.
    (a) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 2 Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Common Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
  combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Common
  Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
  the same percentage

  of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 2 Common
  Stock as were represented by the shares of Common Stock outstanding
  immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
  (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Common Stock set forth
  in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the right
  to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
  other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in
  respect of shares of Series 2 Common Stock, subject to the limitations,
  restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
    (b) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Class A Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Common Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
  combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Common
  Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
  the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
  Class A Common Stock as were represented by the shares of Common Stock
  outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
  combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Common
  Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation, including without
  limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions
  (including liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to
  those payable per share in respect of shares of Class A Common Stock,
  subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such rights
  contained herein.
    (c) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly (including
  without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
  effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
  same time the Series 2 Common Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined
  on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2 Common
  Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
  the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
  Common Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 2 Common Stock
  outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
  combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series
  2 Common Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation, including
  without limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions
  (including liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to
  those payable per share in respect of shares of Common Stock, subject to
  the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such rights contained
    (d) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Class A Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 2 Common Stock is reclassified,
  subdivided or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of
  the Series 2 Common Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number
  of Votes representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this
  Corporation relative to the Class A Common Stock as were represented by the
  shares of Series 2 Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to such
  reclassification, subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the
  rights associated with the Series 2 Common Stock set forth in these
  Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the right to
  receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and other
  distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect of
  shares of Class A Common Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions
  and conditions on such rights contained herein.
    (e) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly (including
  without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
  effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
  same time the Class A Common Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined
  on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Class A Common Stock
  (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the
  same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
  Common Stock as were represented by the shares of Class A Common Stock
  outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or

  combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Class A
  Common Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation, including without
  limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions
  (including liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to
  those payable per share in respect of shares of Common Stock, subject to
  the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such rights contained
    (f) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 2 Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Class A Common Stock is reclassified,
  subdivided or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of
  the Class A Common Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of
  Votes representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this
  Corporation relative to the Series 2 Common Stock as were represented by
  the shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to such
  reclassification, subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the
  rights associated with the Class A Common Stock set forth in these Articles
  of Incorporation, including without limitation the right to receive
  dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and other
  distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect of
  shares of Series 2 Common Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions
  and conditions on such rights contained herein.
    (g) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall be effected directly or
  indirectly (including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision
  or combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Old Class A Common Stock is reclassified,
  subdivided or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of
  the Old Class A Common Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a
  number of Votes representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of
  this Corporation relative to the Class A Common Stock--Series DT as were
  represented by the shares of Old Class A Common Stock outstanding
  immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
  (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Old Class A Common
  Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation, including without
  limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions
  (including liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to
  those payable per share in respect of shares of Class A Common Stock--
  Series DT, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (h) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Class A Common Stock--Series DT is
  reclassified, subdivided or combined on an equal per share basis so that
  the holders of the Class A Common Stock--Series DT (i) are entitled, in the
  aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same percentage of the
  Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Old Class A Common Stock
  as were represented by the shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
  outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
  combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Class A
  Common Stock--Series DT set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Old Class A
  Common Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on
  such rights contained herein.
    (i) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 1 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1
  PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 2 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 1 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 1 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including

  liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable
  per share in respect of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, subject to the
  limitations, restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
    (j) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 1 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1
  PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 3 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 1 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 1 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (k) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 2 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2
  PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 1 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 2 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Series 1 PCS
  Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (l) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 2 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2
  PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 3 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 2 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (m) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 3 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 3
  PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 1 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 3 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 3 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Series 1 PCS
  Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (n) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
  (including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
  combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
  unless at the same time the Series 3 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided
  or combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the

  Series 3 PCS Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
  representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
  relative to the Series 2 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of
  Series 3 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification,
  subdivision or combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated
  with the Series 3 PCS Stock set forth in these Articlesof Incorporation,
  including without limitation the right to receive dividends and other
  distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
  equivalent to those payable per share in respect of shares of Series 2 PCS
  Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such
  rights contained herein.
    (o) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the case of any
  consolidation or merger of this Corporation with or into any other entity
  (other than a merger which does not result in any reclassification,
  conversion, exchange or cancellation of the Non-Class A Common Stock) or
  any reclassification of the Non-Class A Common Stock into any other form of
  capital stock of this Corporation, whether in whole or in part, each Class
  A Holder shall, after such consolidation, merger or reclassification, have
  the right (but not the obligation), by notice delivered to this Corporation
  or any successor thereto within 90 days after the consummation of such
  consolidation, merger or reclassification, to convert each share of Class A
  Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock held by it into the kind and amount of
  shares of stock and other securities and property which such Class A Holder
  would have been entitled to receive upon such consolidation, merger, or
  reclassification if such Class A Holder had converted its shares of Class A
  Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock into Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
  respectively, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or
  reclassification. This Corporation shall not effect, directly or
  indirectly, any such reclassification, subdivision or combination of
  outstanding shares of Non-Class A Common Stock unless it delivers to the
  Class A Holders written notice of its intent to take such action at least
  ten Business Days before taking such action.
    (p) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the case of any
  consolidation or merger of this Corporation with or into any other entity
  (other than a merger which does not result in any reclassification,
  conversion, exchange or cancellation of the Common Stock and Series 1 PCS
  Stock) or any reclassification of the Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock
  into any other form of capital stock of this Corporation, whether in whole
  or in part, each holder of Series 2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock
  shall, after such consolidation, merger or reclassification, have the right
  (but not the obligation), by notice delivered to this Corporation or any
  successor thereto within 90 days after the consummation of such
  consolidation, merger or reclassification, to convert each share of Series
  2 Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock held by such holder into the kind and
  amount of shares of stock and other securities and property which such
  holder would have been entitled to receive upon such consolidation, merger,
  or reclassification if such holder had converted its shares of Series 2
  Common Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock into Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
  respectively, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or
  reclassification. This Corporation shall not effect, directly or
  indirectly, any such reclassification, subdivision or combination of
  outstanding shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock unless it delivers
  to the holders of Series 2 Common Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock written
  notice of its intent to take such action at least ten Business Days before
  taking such action.
    (q) Exclusionary Tender Offers. If the Board of Directors shall determine
  not to oppose a tender offer by a Person other than a Cable Holder for
  Voting Securities of this Corporation representing not less than 35 percent
  of the Voting Power of this Corporation, and the terms of such tender offer
  do not permit the holders of Series 2 PCS Stock to sell an equal or greater
  percentage of their shares as the holders of Series 1 PCS Stock are
  permitted to sell taking into account any proration, then each holder of
  Series 2 PCS Stock shall have the right (but not the obligation) to deliver
  to this Corporation a written notice requesting conversion of certain
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock designated by such holder of Series 2 PCS
  Stock into Series 1 PCS Stock, upon which delivery each share of Series 2
  PCS Stock so designated in such notice shall automatically convert (without
  the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
  nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS Stock, provided that (i) unless the
  Series 2 PCS Stock shall have otherwise been converted into Series 1 PCS
  Stock pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5 upon or prior to the
  consummation or abandonment of the transaction contemplated by such tender
  offer, immediately following the consummation of such transaction or the
  delivery by this Corporation to each holder of

  Series 2 PCS Stock of a notice that such transaction has been abandoned,
  each share of Series 1 PCS Stock held by a holder of Series 2 PCS Stock
  shall automatically reconvert (without the payment of any consideration)
  into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 2 PCS
  Stock, and (ii) only those shares of Series 2 PCS Stock related to shares
  of Series 1 PCS Stock that were not so reconverted shall be deemed for any
  purpose under these Articles of Incorporation to have been converted into
  Series 1 PCS Stock, pursuant to this subparagraph (q) and the Series 2 PCS
  Stock so reconverted shall be deemed to have been at all times outstanding
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided, that if the Series 2 PCS Stock has
  been converted into or redeemed for Series 2 Common Stock pursuant to
  ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7, then the terms "Series 2 Common Stock" and
  "Common Stock" shall be deemed to replace the terms "Series 2 PCS Stock"
  and "Series 1 PCS Stock," respectively, in this subparagraph (q).
    (r) Issuer Tender Offers. The Corporation shall not conduct an issuer
  tender offer (as defined on the Effective Date in Rule 13e-4 under the
  Exchange Act) with respect to the Series 1 PCS Stock or the Common Stock
  unless (i) such tender offer provides for the participation of the holders
  of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, on the one hand, or Series 2
  Common Stock and Class A Common Stock, on the other, on an equal basis with
  the Series 1 PCS Stock or the Common Stock, respectively, and (ii) the
  Corporation accepts for repurchase the number of shares tendered by the
  holders of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock,
  on the one hand, or Common Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common
  Stock, on the other, in proportion to the number of shares of each such
  class and series tendered; provided that the terms of this subparagraph (r)
  shall not prevent the Corporation from administering in good faith an "odd-
  lot" program in connection with such issuer tender offer and shall not
  apply to customary acquisitions of Corporation Common Stock made by the
  Corporation on the open market for purposes of maintaining stock option
  plans of the Corporation.
  Section 7. Conversion or Redemption of PCS Stock. Except as otherwise
provided in Sections 2.2, 6(q) and 8.5, shares of PCS Stock are (i) subject to
conversion or redemption, as the case may be, upon the terms provided in this
Section 7 with respect to each class and (ii) otherwise not subject to
conversion or redemption.
    7.1. Conversion or Redemption of PCS Stock.
    (A) If the Corporation and/or its subsidiaries makes a Disposition, in
  one transaction or a series of related transactions, of all or
  substantially all of the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group
  to one or more persons or entities (other than (w) the Disposition by the
  Corporation of all or substantially all of its properties and assets in one
  transaction or a series of related transactions in connection with the
  dissolution or the liquidation and winding up of the Corporation and the
  distribution of assets to stockholders pursuant to Section 4, (x) the
  redemption of the PCS Stock for the stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary
  pursuant to Section 7.2, (y) to any person or entity controlled (as
  determined by the Board of Directors) by the Corporation or (z) pursuant to
  a Related Business Transaction), then the Corporation shall, on or prior to
  the 85th Trading Day after the date of consummation of such Disposition
  (the "PCS Group Disposition Date"), either (I) pay a dividend on the PCS
  Stock or (II) redeem some or all of the PCS Stock or convert PCS Stock into
  Common Group Stock, as applicable (or another class or series of common
  stock of the Corporation), in accordance with the following subparagraphs
  (1) and (2) of this paragraph (A) and, to the extent applicable, in
  accordance with Section 7.4, as the Board of Directors shall have selected
  among such alternatives:
      (1) provided that there are funds of the Corporation legally
    available therefor:
        (a) pay to the holders of the shares of PCS Stock a dividend, as
      the Board of Directors shall have declared in accordance with
      Section 5 of ARTICLE SIXTH, in cash and/or in securities (other than
      a dividend of Corporation Common Stock or other common equity
      securities of the Corporation) or other property having a Fair Value
      as of the PCS Group Disposition Date in the aggregate equal to the
      product of the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the record date for
      determining holders entitled to receive such dividend multiplied by
      the Fair Value of the Net Proceeds of such Disposition; or

        (b) (i) subject to the last sentence of this paragraph (A), if
      such Disposition involves all (not merely substantially all) of the
      properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem as of the
      Redemption Date provided by Section 7.4(C) all outstanding shares of
      PCS Stock in exchange for cash and/or securities (other than
      Corporation Common Stock or other common equity securities of the
      Corporation) or other property having a Fair Value as of the PCS
      Group Disposition Date in the aggregate equal to the product of the
      Outstanding PCS Fraction as of such Redemption Date multiplied by
      the Fair Value of the Net Proceeds of such Disposition (such
      aggregate amount to be allocated to shares of Series 1 PCS Stock,
      Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock in the ratio of the number
      of shares of each such series outstanding to the other series (so
      that the amount of consideration paid for the redemption of each
      share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS
      Stock is the same)); or
        (ii) subject to the last sentence of this paragraph (A), if such
      Disposition involves substantially all (but not all) of the
      properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem as of the
      Redemption Date provided by Section 7.4(D) the number of whole
      shares of PCS Stock (which may be all of such shares outstanding) as
      have in the aggregate an average Market Value during the period of
      ten consecutive Trading Days beginning on the sixteenth Trading Day
      immediately succeeding the PCS Group Disposition Date closest to the
      product of the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the date such shares
      are selected for redemption multiplied by the Fair Value as of the
      PCS Group Disposition Date of the Net Proceeds of such Disposition,
      in exchange for cash and/or securities (other than Corporation
      Common Stock or other common equity securities of the Corporation)
      or other property having a Fair Value in the aggregate equal to such
      product (such aggregate amount to be allocated to shares of Series 1
      PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock in the ratio of
      the number of shares of each such series outstanding to the other
      series (so that the amount of consideration paid for the redemption
      of each share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3
      PCS Stock is the same)); or
      (2) convert each outstanding share of Series1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS
    Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock as of the Conversion Date provided by
    Section 7.4(E) into a number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of
    Common Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A Common Stock,
    respectively (or, if the Common Stock is not Publicly Traded at such
    time and shares of another class or series of common stock of the
    Corporation (other than PCS Stock) are then Publicly Traded, of such
    other class or series of common stock as has the largest Total Market
    Capitalization as of the close of business on the Trading Day
    immediately preceding the date of the notice of such conversion
    required by Section 7.4(E)) equal to 110% of the ratio, expressed as a
    decimal fraction rounded to the nearest five decimal places, of the
    average Market Value of one share of PCS Stock over the period of ten
    consecutive Trading Days beginning on the sixteenth Trading Day
    following the PCS Group Disposition Date to the average Market Value of
    one share of Common Stock (or such other class or series of common
    stock) over the same ten Trading Day period.
    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (A), the
  Corporation may redeem PCS Stock as provided by subparagraph (1)(b)(i) or
  (1)(b)(ii) of this paragraph (A) only if the amount to be paid in
  redemption of such stock is less than or equal to the sum of (i) the amount
  available for the payment of dividends on such shares to be redeemed in
  accordance with Section 5 of ARTICLE SIXTH measured as of the Redemption
  Date and (ii) the amount determined to be capital in respect of the shares
  to be redeemed in accordance with applicable corporation law as of the
  Redemption Date.
    (B) For purposes of this Section 7.1:
      (1) as of any date, "substantially all of the properties and assets"
    attributed to the PCS Group means a portion of such properties and
    assets that represents at least 80% of the Fair Value of the properties
    and assets attributed to the PCS Group as of such date;
      (2) in the case of a Disposition of the properties and assets
    attributed to the PCS Group in a series of related transactions, such
    Disposition shall not be deemed to have been consummated until the
    consummation of the last of such transactions;

      (3) the Board of Directors may pay any dividend or redemption price
    referred to in Section 7.1(A) in cash, securities (other than
    Corporation Common Stock or other common equity securities of the
    Corporation) or other property, regardless of the form or nature of the
    proceeds of the Disposition; provided that if such payment is made in
    Voting Securities (other than Corporation Common Stock or other common
    equity securities of the Corporation) of the Corporation or another
    entity, holders of Series 2 PCS Stock shall receive Voting Securities
    with Voting Power equivalent to such shares received by holders of
    Series1 PCS Stock; and
      (4) in the case of the conversion of Series 3 PCS Stock into Class A
    Common Stock referred to in Section 7.1(A)(2), (i) shares of Series 3
    PCS Stock held by FT or its Affiliates shall be converted into shares
    of Old Class A Common Stock and (ii) shares of Series 3 PCS Stock held
    by DT or its Affiliates shall be converted into shares of Class A
    Common Stock--Series DT, in each such case in accordance with such
    Section 7.1(A)(2).
    (C) If the payment of the dividend or the redemption price with respect
  to the PCS Stock provided for by Section 7.1(A)(1) occurs prior to the
  third anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, then the Board of
  Directors may convert each share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock
  and Series 3 PCS Stock remaining outstanding, but only as of a Conversion
  Date (determined as provided by Section 7.4(E) hereof) prior to the first
  anniversary of the payment of such dividend or redemption price, into a
  number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Common Stock, Series 2
  Common Stock and Class A Common Stock, respectively (or, if the Common
  Stock is not Publicly Traded at such time and shares of any other class or
  series of common stock of the Corporation (other than PCS Stock) are then
  Publicly Traded, of such other class or series of common stock as has the
  largest Total Market Capitalization as of the close of business on the
  Trading Day immediately preceding the date of the notice of such conversion
  required by Section 7.4(E)) equal to 110% of the Optional Conversion Ratio
  as of the fifth Trading Day prior to the date of the notice of such
  conversion required by Section 7.4(E);
    (D) At any time following the third anniversary of the Restructuring
  Closing Date, the Board of Directors may convert each outstanding share of
  Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as of the
  Conversion Date provided by Section 7.4(E), into the number of fully paid
  and nonassessable shares of Common Stock, Series 2 Common Stock and Class A
  Common Stock, respectively (or, if the Common Stock is not Publicly Traded
  at such time and shares of any other class or series of common stock of the
  Corporation (other than PCS Stock) are then Publicly Traded, of such other
  class or series of common stock as has the largest Total Market
  Capitalization as of the close of business on the Trading Day immediately
  preceding the date of the notice of conversion required by Section 7.4(E))
  equal to, on the Conversion Date, (i) if following the third anniversary
  but prior to the fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, 110%
  of the Optional Conversion Ratio as of the fifth Trading Day prior to the
  date of the notice of such conversion required by Section 7.4(E), or (ii)
  if on or after the fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, at
  such conversion ratio (if any) as the Board of Directors determines to be
  fair to holders of the PCS Stock, taken as a separate class, and holders of
  Common Group Stock, taken as a separate class; provided, in the case of the
  conversion of Series 3 PCS Stock into Class A Common Stock pursuant to this
  section, (i) shares of Series 3 PCS Stock held by FT or its Affiliates
  shall be converted into shares of Old Class A Common Stock and (ii) shares
  of Series 3 PCS Stock held by DT or its Affiliates shall be converted into
  shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT.
    7.2. Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary Stock. At any time the Board
  of Directors may redeem all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock, on a
  Redemption Date of which notice is delivered in accordance with Section
  7.4(F), in exchange for the number of shares of common stock of one or more
  wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Corporation (collectively, the "PCS Group
  Subsidiary") that collectively hold directly or indirectly all of the
  assets and liabilities attributed to the PCS Group (and no other assets or
  liabilities of the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof) equal to the
  product of the Outstanding PCS Fraction and the number of shares of common
  stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary to be outstanding immediately following
  such exchange of shares (including any shares of such PCS Group Subsidiary
  which will be retained by the Corporation in respect of the Intergroup
  Interest Fraction), such PCS Group Subsidiary shares to be delivered to the
  holders of shares of PCS Stock on the Redemption Date and to be divided
  among the

  holders of PCS Stock pro rata in accordance with the number of shares of
  PCS Stock held by each on such Redemption Date, each of which shares of
  common stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary shall be, upon such delivery,
  fully paid and nonassessable; provided, however, that
      (i) no such redemption pursuant to this Section 7.2 may occur prior
    to the second anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date unless such
    redemption is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of a
    majority of shares of PCS Stock, voting together as a single class, and
      (ii) holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
    outstanding immediately prior to the Redemption Date shall receive on a
    per share basis, pursuant to such redemption, shares of common stock of
    such PCS Group Subsidiary with Voting Power equivalent on a per share
    basis to such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS Stock;
  and provided further, that no such redemption pursuant to this Section 7.2
  may occur unless (i) the redemption is tax-free to the holders of PCS Stock
  or (ii) such other arrangement exists for the benefit of the holders of PCS
  Stock redeemed such that, net of all taxes related to such redemption and
  to such other arrangement itself which are realized by such stockholders,
  such stockholders will be in a position that is substantially equivalent
  economically to the position such stockholders would be in after a tax-free
  distribution described in the immediately preceding clause (i).
    7.3. Treatment of Convertible Securities. After any Conversion Date or
  Redemption Date on which all outstanding shares of any class or series of
  PCS Stock are converted or redeemed, any share of such class or series of
  PCS Stock that is issued on conversion, exchange or exercise of any
  Convertible Securities shall, immediately upon issuance pursuant to such
  conversion, exchange or exercise and without any notice from or to, or any
  other action on the part of, the Corporation or its Board of Directors or
  the holder of such Convertible Security:
    (A) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on
  such Conversion Date were converted into shares of another class or series
  of Corporation Common Stock (or another class or series of common stock of
  the Corporation) pursuant to subparagraph (A)(2) or paragraph (C) or (D) of
  Section 7.1, be converted into the amount of cash and/or the number of
  shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or property of
  the Corporation that the number of shares of such class or series of PCS
  Stock issued upon such conversion, exchange or exercise would have received
  had such shares been outstanding on such Conversion Date; or
    (B) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on
  such Redemption Date were redeemed pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1)(b) or
  Section 7.2, be redeemed, to the extent of funds of the Corporation legally
  available therefor, for $ .01 per share in cash for each share of such
  class or series of PCS Stock issued upon such conversion, exchange or
    The provisions of this Section 7.3 shall not apply to the extent that
  other adjustments in respect of such conversion, exchange or redemption of
  a class or series of PCS Stock are otherwise made pursuant to the
  provisions of such Convertible Securities.
    7.4. Notice and Other Provisions.
    (A) Not later than the tenth Trading Day following the consummation of a
  Disposition referred to in Section 7.1(A), the Corporation shall announce
  publicly by press release (1) the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (2) the
  number of shares outstanding of the PCS Stock, (3) the number of shares of
  PCS Stock into or for which Convertible Securities are then convertible,
  exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price
  thereof and (4) the Outstanding PCS Fraction on the date of such notice.
  Not earlier than the 26th Trading Day and not later than the 30th Trading
  Day following the consummation of such Disposition, the Corporation shall
  announce publicly by press release which of the actions specified in
  Section 7.1(A) it has irrevocably determined to take in respect of such
    (B) If the Corporation determines to pay a dividend on shares of PCS
  Stock pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1)(a), the Corporation shall, not later
  than the 30th Trading Day following the consummation of the Disposition
  referred to in such Section, cause notice to be given to each holder of PCS
  Stock and to each

  holder of Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable
  or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
  notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to
  the terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1) the record
  date for determining holders entitled to receive such dividend, which shall
  be not earlier than the 40th Trading Day and not later than the 50th
  Trading Day following the consummation of such Disposition, (2) the
  anticipated payment date of such dividend (which shall not be more than 85
  Trading Days following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the kind
  of shares of capital stock, cash and/or other securities or property to be
  paid as such dividend in respect of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock,
  (4) the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction
  on the date of such notice, (6) the number of outstanding shares of PCS
  Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding
  Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable
  and the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof and (7) in the case
  of notice to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to
  the effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be entitled
  to receive such dividend only if such holder properly converts, exchanges
  or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to the record date
  referred to in clause (1) of this sentence. Such notice shall be sent by
  first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's
  address as the same appears on the transfer books of the Corporation.
    (C) If the Corporation determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to Section
  7.1(A)(1)(b)(i), the Corporation shall, not earlier than the 45th Trading
  Day and not later than the 35th Trading Day prior to the Redemption Date,
  cause notice to be given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock, and to each
  holder of Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or
  exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
  notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to
  the terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1) a statement
  that all shares of PCS Stock outstanding on the Redemption Date shall be
  redeemed, (2) the Redemption Date (which shall not be more than 85 Trading
  Days following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the kind of
  shares of capital stock, cash and/or other securities or property in which
  the redemption price for the shares to be redeemed is to be paid, (4) the
  Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction on the
  date of such notice, (6) the place or places where certificates for shares
  of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless the
  Corporation waives such requirement), are to be surrendered for delivery of
  cash and/or securities or other property, (7) the number of outstanding
  shares of PCS Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which
  such outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable
  or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof, (8)
  in the case of notice to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a
  statement to the effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall
  be entitled to participate in such redemption only if such holder properly
  converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to
  the Redemption Date referred to in clause (2) of this sentence and a
  statement as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive
  pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if applicable,
  this Section 7 if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises
  such Convertible Securities and (9) a statement to the effect that, except
  as otherwise provided by paragraph (I) of this Section 7.4, dividends on
  such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to be paid as of such Redemption Date.
  Such notice shall be sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each
  such holder at such holder's address as the same appears on the transfer
  books of the Corporation.     
    (D) If the Corporation determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to Section
  7.1(A)(1)(b)(ii), the Corporation shall, not later than the 30th Trading
  Day following the consummation of the Disposition referred to in such
  subparagraph, cause notice to be given to each holder of shares of PCS
  Stock and to each holder of Convertible Securities that are convertible
  into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless
  alternate provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible
  Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities)
  setting forth (1) a date, not earlier than the 40th Trading Day and not
  later than the 50th Trading Day following the consummation of the
  Disposition in respect of which such redemption is to be made, on which
  shares of PCS Stock shall be selected for redemption, (2) the anticipated
  Redemption Date (which shall not be more than 85 Trading Days following the
  consummation of such Disposition), (3) the kind of shares of capital stock,
  cash and/or other securities or property in which the redemption price for
  the shares to be redeemed is to be paid, (4) the Net Proceeds

  of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction on the date of such
  notice, (6) the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding and the number of
  shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible Securities
  are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion,
  exchange or exercise price thereof, (7) in the case of notice to be given
  to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect that a
  holder of such Convertible Securities shall be eligible to participate in
  such selection for redemption only if such holder properly converts,
  exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to the
  record date referred to in clause (1) of this sentence, and a statement as
  to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive pursuant to
  the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, this Section 7
  if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible
  Securities and (8) a statement that the Corporation will not be required to
  register a transfer of any shares of PCS Stock for a period of 15 Trading
  Days next preceding the date referred to in clause (1) of this sentence.
  Promptly following the date referred to in clause (1) of the preceding
  sentence, but not earlier than 40 Trading Days nor later than 50 Trading
  Days following the consummation of such Disposition, the Corporation shall
  cause a notice to be given to each holder of record of shares of PCS Stock
  to be redeemed setting forth (1) the number of shares of PCS Stock held by
  such holder to be redeemed, (2) a statement that such shares of PCS Stock
  shall be redeemed, (3) the Redemption Date, (4) the kind and per share
  amount of cash and/or securities or other property to be received by such
  holder with respect to each share of PCS Stock to be redeemed, including
  details as to the calculation thereof, (5) the place or places where
  certificates for shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for
  transfer (unless the Corporation shall waive such requirement), are to be
  surrendered for delivery of such cash and/or securities or other property,
  (6) if applicable, a statement to the effect that the shares being redeemed
  may no longer be transferred on the transfer books of the Corporation after
  the Redemption Date and (7) a statement to the effect that, subject to
  paragraph (I) of this Section 7.4, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock
  shall cease to be paid as of the Redemption Date. Such notices shall be
  sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such
  holder's address as the same appears on the transfer books of the
    (E) If the Corporation determines to convert the PCS Stock pursuant to
  Section 7.1(A)(2), Section 7.1(C) or Section 7.1(D), as the case may be,
  the Corporation shall, not earlier than the 45th Trading Day and not later
  than the 35th Trading Day prior to the Conversion Date, cause notice to be
  given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock and to each holder of
  Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
  exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
  notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to
  the terms of such Convertible Securities) setting forth (1) a statement
  that all outstanding shares of PCS Stock shall be converted, (2) the
  Conversion Date (which, in the case of a conversion after a Disposition,
  shall not be more than 85 Trading Days following the consummation of such
  Disposition), (3) the per share number of shares of Common Stock (or Series
  2 Common Stock or Class A Common Stock, if applicable) or another class or
  series of common stock of the Corporation, as the case may be, to be
  received with respect to each share of PCS Stock, including details as to
  the calculation thereof, (4) the place or places where certificates for
  shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless the
  Corporation shall waive such requirement), are to be surrendered for
  delivery of certificates for shares of Common Stock (or Series 2 Common
  Stock or Class A Common Stock, if applicable) or another class or series of
  common stock of the Corporation, as the case may be, (5) the number of
  outstanding shares of PCS Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into
  or for which outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible,
  exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price
  thereof, (6) a statement to the effect that, subject to paragraph (I) of
  this Section 7.4, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to be
  paid as of such Conversion Date and (7) in the case of notice to holders of
  such Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect that a holder of
  such Convertible Securities shall be entitled to receive shares of common
  stock upon such conversion only if such holder properly converts, exchanges
  or exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to such Conversion
  Date and a statement as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled
  to receive pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if
  applicable, this Section 7.4 if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges
  or exercises such Convertible Securities. Such notice shall be sent by
  first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's
  address as the same appears on the transfer books of the Corporation.     

    (F) If the Corporation determines to redeem shares of PCS Stock pursuant
  to Section 7.2, the Corporation shall cause notice to be given to each
  holder of shares of PCS Stock to be redeemed, and to each holder of
  Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
  exercisable for shares of such class of PCS Stock (unless alternate
  provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is
  made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth
  (1) a statement that all shares of PCS Stock outstanding on the Redemption
  Date shall be redeemed in exchange for shares of common stock of the PCS
  Group Subsidiary, (2) the Redemption Date, (3) the Outstanding PCS Fraction
  on the date of such notice, (4) the place or places where certificates for
  shares of PCS Stock to be redeemed, properly endorsed or assigned for
  transfer (unless the Corporation shall waive such requirement), are to be
  surrendered for delivery of certificates for shares of the PCS Group
  Subsidiaries, (5) a statement to the effect that, subject to paragraph (I)
  of this Section 7.4, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to
  be paid as of such Redemption Date, (6) the number of shares of PCS Stock
  outstanding and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which
  outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or
  exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof and (7)
  in the case of notice to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to
  the effect that a holder of Convertible Securities shall be entitled to
  receive shares of common stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary upon redemption
  only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or exercises such
  Convertible Securities on or prior to the Redemption Date and a statement
  as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive pursuant
  to the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, this Section
  7 if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such
  Convertible Securities. Such notice shall be sent by first-class mail,
  postage prepaid, not less than 30 Trading Days nor more than 45 Trading
  Days prior to the Redemption Date to each such holder at such holder's
  address as the same appears on the transfer books of the Corporation. If
  any shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock are outstanding
  immediately prior to the Redemption Date, then the notice provided to each
  holder of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be,
  pursuant to this Section 7.4(F) will also indicate that such holders of
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock outstanding immediately
  prior to the Redemption Date shall receive on a per share basis, pursuant
  to such redemption, shares of common stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary
  with Voting Power equivalent to such shares received by holders of Series 1
  PCS Stock.
    (G) If less than all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock are to be
  redeemed pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1), then the shares to be redeemed by
  the Corporation shall be selected from among the holders of shares of PCS
  Stock outstanding at the close of business on the record date for such
  redemption on a pro rata basis among each class or series of PCS Stock
  (including pro rata among all holders of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3
  PCS Stock) or, if Series 2 PCS Stock is no longer outstanding, by lot or
  such other method as may be determined by the Board of Directors of the
  Corporation to be equitable.     
    (H) The Corporation shall not be required to issue or deliver fractional
  shares of any capital stock or of any other securities to any holder of PCS
  Stock upon any conversion, redemption, dividend or other distribution
  pursuant to this Section 7. If more than one share of PCS Stock shall be
  held at the same time by the same holder, the Corporation may aggregate the
  number of shares of any capital stock that shall be issuable or any other
  securities or property that shall be distributable to such holder upon any
  conversion, redemption, dividend or other distribution (including any
  fractional shares). If there are fractional shares of any capital stock or
  of any other securities remaining to be issued or distributed to the
  holders of PCS Stock, the Corporation shall, if such fractional shares are
  not issued or distributed to the holder, pay cash in respect of such
  fractional shares in an amount equal to the Fair Value thereof on the fifth
  Trading Day prior to the date such payment is to be made (without
  interest). For purposes of the preceding sentence only, "Fair Value" of any
  fractional share means (A) in the case of any fraction of a share of
  capital stock of the Corporation, the product of such fraction and the
  Market Value of one share of such capital stock and (B) in the case of any
  other fractional security, such value as is determined by the Board of
    (I) No adjustments in respect of dividends shall be made upon the
  conversion or redemption of any shares of PCS Stock; provided, however,
  that if the Conversion Date or Redemption Date, as the case may be, with
  respect to any shares of PCS Stock shall be subsequent to the record date
  for the payment of a dividend or other distribution thereon or with respect
  thereto, the holders of such shares of PCS Stock at the

  close of business on such record date shall be entitled to receive the
  dividend or other distribution payable on or with respect to such shares on
  the date set for payment of such dividend or other distribution, in each
  case without interest, notwithstanding the subsequent conversion or
  redemption of such shares.
    (J) Before any holder of PCS Stock shall be entitled to receive any cash
  payment and/or certificates or instruments representing shares of any
  capital stock and/or other securities or property to be distributed to such
  holder with respect to such shares of PCS Stock pursuant to this Section 7,
  such holder shall surrender at such place as the Corporation shall specify
  certificates for such shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned
  for transfer (unless the Corporation shall waive such requirement). The
  Corporation shall as soon as practicable after receipt of certificates
  representing such shares of PCS Stock deliver to the person for whose
  account such shares of PCS Stock were so surrendered, or to such person's
  nominee or nominees, the cash and/or the certificates or instruments
  representing the number of whole shares of the kind of capital stock and/or
  other securities or property to which such person shall be entitled as
  aforesaid, together with any payment in respect of fractional shares
  contemplated by Section 7.4(H), in each case without interest. If less than
  all of the shares of PCS Stock represented by any one certificate are to be
  redeemed or converted, then the Corporation shall issue and deliver a new
  certificate for the shares of PCS Stock not redeemed.
    (K) From and after any applicable Conversion Date or Redemption Date, as
  the case may be, all rights of a holder of shares of PCS Stock that were
  converted or redeemed shall cease except for the right, upon surrender of
  the certificates representing such shares of PCS Stock as required by
  Section 7.4(J), to receive the cash and/or the certificates or instruments
  representing shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or
  property for which such shares were converted or redeemed, together with
  any payment in respect of fractional shares contemplated by Section 7.4(H)
  and rights to dividends as provided in Section 7.4(I), in each case without
  interest. Subject to the next sentence, any holder of a certificate that
  immediately prior to the applicable Conversion Date or Redemption Date
  represented shares of PCS Stock shall not be entitled to receive any
  dividend or other distribution or interest payment with respect to shares
  of any kind of capital stock or other security or instrument for which PCS
  Stock was converted or redeemed until the surrender as required by this
  Section 7 of such certificate in exchange for a certificate or certificates
  or instrument or instruments representing such capital stock or other
  security. Upon such surrender, there shall be paid to the holder the amount
  of any dividends or other distributions (without interest) which
  theretofore became payable on any class of capital stock of the Corporation
  as of a record date after the Conversion Date or Redemption Date, but that
  were not paid by reason of the foregoing, with respect to the number of
  whole shares of the kind of capital stock represented by the certificate or
  certificates issued upon such surrender. From and after a Conversion Date
  or Redemption Date, the Corporation shall, however, be entitled to treat
  the certificates for PCS Stock that have not yet been surrendered for
  conversion or redemption as evidencing the ownership of the number of whole
  shares of the kind or kinds of capital stock of the Corporation for which
  the shares of PCS Stock represented by such certificates shall have been
  converted or redeemed, notwithstanding the failure to surrender such
    (L) The Corporation shall pay any and all documentary, stamp or similar
  issue or transfer taxes that may be payable in respect of the issuance or
  delivery of any shares of capital stock and/or other securities upon
  conversion or redemption of shares of PCS Stock pursuant to this Section 7.
  The Corporation shall not, however, be required to pay any tax that may be
  payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issuance or delivery of
  any shares of capital stock and/or other securities in a name other than
  that in which the shares of PCS Stock so converted or redeemed were
  registered, and no such issuance or delivery shall be made unless and until
  the person requesting such issuance or delivery has paid to the Corporation
  the amount of any such tax or has established to the satisfaction of the
  Corporation that such tax has been paid.
    (M) Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this Section 7.4
  to any particular holder of PCS Stock or of Convertible Securities nor any
  defect therein shall affect the sufficiency of any notice given to any
  other holder of outstanding shares of PCS Stock or of Convertible
  Securities or the validity of any such conversion or redemption.
    (N) The Board of Directors may establish such rules and requirements to
  facilitate the effectuation of the transactions contemplated by this
  Section 7 as the Board of Directors shall determine to be appropriate.

    (O) If notices to Class A Holders are made pursuant to this Section 7,
  then the Corporation will make such notices in compliance with the
  provisions of Section 11 of ARTICLE SIXTH as well as with the provisions of
  this Section 7.
    7.5 Automatic Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 2 Common Stock.
      (a) Below One Percent Voting Power. If the total number of Converted
    Votes represented by the aggregate number of issued and outstanding
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may
    be, is below one percent of the outstanding Voting Power of the
    Corporation for more than 90 consecutive days, then (i) the Corporation
    shall notify FT and DT, in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 11,
    of the date on which such conversion will occur as soon as practicable
    following the date on which such 90-day period ends (the "Conversion
    Trigger Date") but in no event later than ten Business Days after the
    Conversion Trigger Date and (ii) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS
    Stock or Series 2 Common Stock will automatically convert (without the
    payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
    nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS Stock or Common Stock,
    respectively, such conversion to take place on the 90th day following
    the Conversion Trigger Date.
      (b) Certain Transfers. Upon any Transfer of shares of Series 2 PCS
    Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may be (other than a
    Transfer to a Cable Holder), each such share so Transferred shall
    automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
    one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS
    Stock or Common Stock, respectively, as of the date of such Transfer.
      (c) Notice of Automatic Conversion; Exchange of Stock Certificates;
    Effect of Automatic Conversion of All Series 2 PCS Stock, etc.
        (i) In addition to the notice required in Section 7.5(a), as soon
      as practicable after a conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
      (or, if applicable, Series 2 Common Stock) into shares of Series 1
      PCS Stock (or, if applicable, Common Stock), pursuant to this
      Section 7, the Corporation shall notify FT and DT, in accordance
      with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 11, of the number of shares so converted
      and the date on which such conversion occurred.
        (ii) Immediately upon the conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS
      Stock (or, if applicable, Series 2 Common Stock) into shares of
      Series 1 PCS Stock (or, if applicable, Common Stock), pursuant to
      this Section 7 (such shares so converted hereinafter referred to as
      the "Converted Series Shares"), the rights of the holders of such
      Converted Series Shares, as such, shall cease and the holders
      thereof shall be treated for all purposes as having become the
      record owners of the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Common Stock,
      as the case may be, issuable upon such conversion (the "Newly Issued
      Shares"), provided that such Persons shall be entitled to receive
      when paid any dividends declared on the Converted Series Shares as
      of a record date preceding the time the Converted Series Shares were
      converted (the "Series Conversion Time") and unpaid as of the Series
      Conversion Time. If the stock transfer books of this Corporation
      shall be closed at the Series Conversion Time, such Person or
      Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of
      record of the Newly Issued Shares at the opening of business on the
      next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are open.
        (iii) As promptly as practicable after the Series Conversion Time,
      upon the delivery to this Corporation of the certificates formerly
      representing Converted Series Shares, this Corporation shall deliver
      or cause to be delivered, to or upon the written order of the record
      holder of such certificates, a certificate or certificates
      representing the number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
      Newly Issued Shares into which the Converted Series Shares formerly
      represented by such certificates have been converted in accordance
      with the provisions of this Section 7.5.
        (iv) This Corporation shall pay all United States federal, state
      or local documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer taxes
      payable in respect of the issue or delivery of Newly Issued Shares
      upon the conversion of Converted Series Shares pursuant to this
      Section 7.5, provided that this

      Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax which may be
      payable in respect of any registration of Transfer involved in the
      issue or delivery of Newly Issued Shares in a name other than that
      of the registered holder of shares converted or to be converted, and
      no such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the person
      requesting such issue has paid to this Corporation the amount of any
      such tax or has established, to the satisfaction of this
      Corporation, that such tax has been paid.
        (v) This Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
      available, out of the aggregate of its authorized but unissued
      Series 1 PCS Stock, authorized but unissued Common Stock, issued
      Series 1 PCS Stock held in its treasury and issued Common Stock held
      in its treasury, for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the
      Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may be,
      contemplated hereby, the full number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
      and Common Stock then deliverable upon the conversion of all
      outstanding shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock,
      as the case may be, and the full number of shares of Series 2 PCS
      Stock the Cable Holders are permitted to acquire under the
      Restructuring Agreement and the Cable Holder Standstill Agreements.
      (d) Temporary Voting Power Adjustment for Class A Holders. If any
    conversions of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock
    into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Common Stock, respectively,
    pursuant to this Section 7.5, or any increases in the per share vote of
    other Voting Securities of the Corporation upon a Transfer of such
    Voting Securities, occur on or after the tenth Trading Day preceding a
    record date for purposes of determining the stockholders entitled to
    vote or to receive the payment of a dividend, then the per share vote
    of the Class A Stock determined in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH,
    Section 3.2 shall be increased such that the aggregate Percentage
    Ownership Interest of each Class A Holder , including with respect to
    Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock (or stock converting into
    Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH,
    Section 8.5(i)) acquired prior to such record date, shall not be
    diluted as a result of such conversions until 12:01 a.m. on the day
    immediately following the date of such stockholder meeting or the
    dividend payment date, respectively.     
  Section 8. Provisions Relating to Class A Stock.
    8.1. Rights and Privileges. Except as otherwise set forth in these
  Articles of Incorporation, at all times the holders of Class A Common Stock
  and Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled to all of the rights and
  privileges pertaining to the ownership of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS
  Stock, respectively, without any limitations, prohibitions, restrictions or
  qualifications whatsoever, and shall be entitled to such other rights and
  privileges as are expressly set forth in these Articles of Incorporation.
    8.2. Special Rights to Disapprove Certain Actions. At least 40 days prior
  to the occurrence of a Subject Event (as defined below), this Corporation
  shall deliver to each Class A Holder a notice (a "Notice") of such proposed
  Subject Event, setting forth in reasonable detail the nature of such
  proposed Subject Event. This Corporation shall thereafter be entitled to
  effect such proposed Subject Event unless within 30 days of delivery of
  such Notice there shall have been a Class A Action exercising the special
  rights of the Class A Holders to disapprove such Subject Event, provided
  that the Class A Holders shall have no special right to disapprove any
  action (x) which this Corporation is required to take to comply with its
  obligations or exercise its rights under the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement,
  the Stockholders' Agreement, the Standstill Agreement, the Registration
  Rights Agreement or the Joint Venture Agreement or any document executed
  pursuant to any such agreement or the Class A Provisions, or (y) taken to
  comply with Applicable Law or the rules of any exchange or market system on
  which securities of this Corporation may be traded, and provided, further,
  that any action to be taken by this Corporation in reliance on clause (y)
  of the foregoing proviso is the only action commercially reasonably
  available to this Corporation to effect such compliance, as certified to
  the Class A Holders by resolution of the Independent Directors. For
  purposes of these Articles, the term "Subject Event" means only the
  following transactions and only if such transactions are consummated within
  the respective time periods indicated below:

      (a) Until January 31, 1998 or, in the case of clause (iv) below,
    April 26, 1998:
        (i) any transaction or series of related transactions (other than
      Exempt Asset Divestitures or Exempt Long Distance Asset
      Divestitures) that results, directly or indirectly, in Transfers of
      assets of this Corporation or its Subsidiaries with an aggregate
      Fair Market Value (calculated in the case of each Transfer as at the
      date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
      definitive agreement to effect such Transfer) of more than 20
      percent of Market Capitalization (calculated (x) in the case of a
      single transaction as at the date this Corporation or any such
      Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect such
      Transfer and (y) in the case of a series of related transactions, as
      at the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
      definitive agreement to effect the last of such Transfers);
        (ii) any transaction or series of related transactions (including,
      without limitation, mergers, purchases of stock or assets, joint
      ventures or other acquisitions), but excluding any transaction
      constituting an Exempt Asset Divestiture or Exempt Long Distance
      Asset Divestiture, resulting, directly or indirectly, in the
      acquisition by this Corporation or its Subsidiaries for cash or debt
      securities maturing in less than one year from the date of issuance
      of (x) assets constituting or predominantly used in Core Businesses
      ("Core Business Assets") for a purchase price or, in the case of a
      series of related transactions, an aggregate purchase price that
      exceeds 20 percent of Market Capitalization (calculated as at the
      date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
      definitive agreement to effect such transaction or, in the case of a
      series of related transactions, as at the date this Corporation or
      any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect the
      last of such related transactions) or (y) other assets for a
      purchase price or, in the case of a series of related transactions,
      for an aggregate purchase price that exceeds five percent of Market
      Capitalization (calculated as at the date this Corporation or any
      such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect such
      transaction or, in the case of a series of related transactions, as
      at the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
      definitive agreement to effect the last of such related
      transactions), provided that, if any such other assets are proposed
      to be obtained in the course of a proposed transaction in which both
      Core Business Assets and other assets are to be acquired and the
      ratio of the fair market value of the Core Business Assets to be
      acquired to the fair market value of the other assets to be acquired
      exceeds 1.75 to 1, then the holders of the Class A Stock shall not
      be entitled to disapproval rights with respect to such transaction
      except as provided in clause (x) of this Section 8.2(a)(ii);
        (iii) issuance by this Corporation of any capital stock or debt
      (including, without limitation, direct or indirect issuances such as
      pursuant to mergers and other business combinations) with both (x) a
      class vote to elect one or more Directors and (y) rights with
      respect to dispositions of Long Distance Assets or other assets, or
      share issuances, which rights are in scope and duration as extensive
      as or more extensive than the comparable related rights granted to
      the Class A Holders in these Articles of Incorporation or in the
      Stockholders' Agreement, provided that this Section 8.2(a)(iii)
      shall not apply to the extent that (a) such rights are required by
      Applicable Law, (b) the holders of any series of Preferred Stock
      have the right, voting separately as a class, to elect a number of
      Directors of this Corporation upon the occurrence of a default in
      payment of dividends or redemption price, or (c) such rights
      described in clause (y) are granted in connection with borrowings
      and are reflected in a loan agreement, credit agreement, trust
      indenture or similar agreement or instrument;
        (iv) declaration of any Extraordinary Dividends during any one
      year that, individually or in the aggregate, exceed five percent of
      Market Capitalization as at the Business Day immediately preceding
      the declaration of the last such dividend or distribution (other
      than in connection with transactions within the meaning of clause
      (e) of the definition of Exempt Asset Divestitures or clause (g) of
      the definition of Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures); or
        (v) any merger or other business combination in which this
      Corporation is not the surviving parent corporation.

      (b) Until the earliest of (i) January 31, 2001, (ii) such time as (A)
    legislation has been enacted repealing Section 310, (B) an FCC Order
    shall have been issued, or (C) outside counsel to this Corporation with
    a nationally recognized expertise in telecommunications regulatory
    matters delivers to each of FT and DT a legal opinion, addressed to
    each of them, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to FT and
    DT, to the effect that Section 310 does not prohibit FT and DT from
    owning the Long Distance Assets proposed to be Transferred by this
    Corporation, (iii) the delivery by FT, DT, Atlas or any of their
    Affiliates (or a Permitted Designee (as such term is defined in the
    Joint Venture Agreement)) of a notice pursuant to Section 17.2(b) of
    the Joint Venture Agreement indicating the agreement to purchase all of
    the Sprint Venture Interests (as such term is defined in the Joint
    Venture Agreement) following an offer by this Corporation or Sprint Sub
    pursuant to Section 17.2(a) of the Joint Venture Agreement, and (iv)
    the delivery by this Corporation and/or Sprint Sub of a notice pursuant
    to Section 17.3 (a) of the Joint Venture Agreement exercising the put
    right to sell all of their Sprint Venture Interests (as such term is
    defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) to FT, DT and Atlas (or a
    Permitted Designee (as such term is defined in the Joint Venture
    Agreement)), a direct or indirect Transfer (other than in connection
    with an Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestiture) after January 31, 1996
    by this Corporation or its Subsidiaries of Long Distance Assets with a
    Fair Market Value (calculated as at the date this Corporation or any
    such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect such
    Transfer) that, when aggregated with the Fair Market Value of all other
    Long Distance Assets Transferred by this Corporation or its
    Subsidiaries since January 31, 1996 (other than in Exempt Long Distance
    Asset Divestitures) (calculated in each case as at the date this
    Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement
    to effect each such respective Transfer) exceeds five percent of the
    Fair Market Value of the Long Distance Assets of this Corporation and
    its Subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis (calculated as at the date
    this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive
    agreement to effect the last such Transfer).
      (c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH, for
    so long as any shares of Class A Stock are outstanding:
        (i) any amendment to these Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws
      or the Rights Agreement that would adversely affect the rights of
      the Class A Holders under these Articles of Incorporation or the
        (ii) issuance by this Corporation (including, without limitation,
      pursuant to mergers or other business combinations) of any series or
      class of capital stock or debt security with Supervoting Powers;
        (iii) any merger or other business combination involving this
      Corporation that results directly or indirectly in a Change of
      Control, unless the surviving corporation expressly (x) assumes all
      of this Corporation's obligations in respect of the rights of the
      Class A Holders under Section 8.2(b) of ARTICLE SIXTH and the
      provisions of Article III of the Stockholders' Agreement (except, in
      each case, as they may be otherwise terminated pursuant to these
      Articles of Incorporation or the Stockholders' Agreement) and all of
      the provisions of the Registration Rights Agreement and (y) agrees
      to be bound by any applicable Tie-Breaking Vote in accordance with
      Articles 17 and 18 of the Joint Venture Agreement; or
        (iv) any merger or other business combination involving this
      Corporation that does not result directly or indirectly in a Change
      of Control unless:
                (x) this Corporation survives as the parent entity; or
                (y) the surviving corporation expressly assumes all of this
              Corporation's obligations in respect of the rights of the Class
              A Holders granted pursuant to these Articles of Incorporation
              and under the Bylaws, the Stockholders' Agreement, the FT/DT
              Restructuring Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.

  8.3. Special Rights Regarding Major Issuances. So long as any Class A Stock
is outstanding, prior to effecting any Major Issuance:
      (a) occurring on or prior to January 31, 2001, this Corporation shall
    obtain the prior approval of two-thirds of the Independent Directors by
    resolution, certified to the Class A Holders; and
      (b) occurring after January 31, 2001, this Corporation shall obtain
    the prior approval of a majority of the Independent Directors.
  8.4. Special Rights Regarding Holdings by Major Competitors of FT or DT. (a)
Until January 31, 2006, at least 90 days prior to consummating any transaction
or taking any other action that, directly or indirectly, would result in, or
is taken for the purpose of encouraging or facilitating, a Major Competitor of
FT or DT or of the Joint Venture having, or being granted by this Corporation
any right, permission or approval to acquire (other than pursuant to a
Strategic Merger), a Percentage Ownership Interest of ten percent or more (a
"Major Competitor Transaction"), this Corporation shall provide each Class A
Holder with notice of such Major Competitor Transaction in the manner set
forth in Subsection (c) below and, if there is a Class A Action exercising the
special rights of the Class A Holders to disapprove such Major Competitor
Transaction within 75 days of the delivery of such notice, this Corporation
shall not consummate such Major Competitor Transaction.
      (b) Until January 31, 2006, if a Major Competitor of FT or DT or of
    the Joint Venture obtains a Percentage Ownership Interest of 20 percent
    or more as a result, directly or indirectly, of a Strategic Merger:
        (i) if the Class A Holders have not made the commitment described
      in Article VI of the Stockholders' Agreement, this Corporation (or
      its successor in such Strategic Merger) shall, subject to the
      conditions contained in Sections 2.1(a)(ii)(D) and 2.2(a)(iv) of the
      Standstill Agreement, nonetheless take all action necessary or
      advisable to lift all restrictions, contractual or otherwise,
      imposed by this Corporation or such successor on the ability of the
      Class A Holders, at any time after April 26, 1996, to purchase
      shares of Common Stock, Series 2 Common Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock,
      Series 2 PCS Stock or other Voting Securities from third parties
      sufficient to permit the Class A Holders to have a Percentage
      Ownership Interest equal to that of the Major Competitor of FT or DT
      or of the Joint Venture; and     
        (ii) this Corporation shall ensure that the Class A Holders have
      rights with regard to (w) a class vote to elect Directors, (x) class
      approval and disapproval rights, (y) any other special rights in
      respect of the business or operations of this Corporation and (z)
      any rights to receive special dividends, distributions or other
      rights from this Corporation, which are in scope and duration at
      least as extensive as any rights granted by this Corporation to such
      Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture (other than
      rights deriving solely from the number of Voting Securities owned),
      regardless of whether or not the Class A Holders purchase any
      additional Voting Securities.
      (c) Until January 31, 2006, this Corporation shall deliver to each
    Class A Holder notice of its intent to issue Voting Securities in a
    Major Competitor Transaction to any Major Competitor of FT or DT or of
    the Joint Venture at least 30 days prior to such issuance, such notice
    to contain a complete and correct description in reasonable detail of
    the transaction in question, including, without limitation, the
    purchase price for such securities, the nature of such securities, the
    identity of the Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture
    and the rights (contractual and other) this Corporation would grant
    such Major Competitor. This Corporation shall also deliver to each
    Class A Holder notice of any such issuance within five days after it
    occurs, such notice to contain a description of the transaction in
    question and be accompanied by complete and correct copies of all
    agreements, instruments and written understandings of this Corporation,
    its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and such Major Competitor of FT or DT
    or of the Joint Venture and the Subsidiaries and Affiliates of such
    Major Competitor executed in respect of such transaction.

  8.5. Conversion of Shares. (a) Failure to Maintain Ownership. If the
aggregate Committed Percentage of the Class A Holders shall be below ten
percent (i) for more than 180 consecutive days or (ii) immediately following a
Transfer of Class A Stock by a Class A Holder, then each outstanding share of
Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock shall automatically convert
(without the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid
and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively,
such conversion to take place on the next Business Day following the end of
such 180-day period in the case of clause (i) or on the date of such Transfer
in the case of clause (ii), provided that, if the aggregate Committed
Percentage of the Class A Holders shall fall below ten percent for more than
180 consecutive days following the date of a Major Issuance as a result of the
consummation of such Major Issuance, then, unless all of the outstanding
shares of Class A Stock shall have been converted earlier pursuant to this
Section 8.5, (x) the Shares of Class A Stock shall not convert into either
Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, until the third
anniversary of the date of such Major Issuance, and (y) the Class A Holders
shall continue to be entitled to elect Directors pursuant to ARTICLE FIFTH of
these Articlesof Incorporation until the third anniversary of the date of such
Major Issuance, but (z) after the expiration of 180 days following the date of
such Major Issuance, the Class A Holders shall no longer have their rights
under Sections 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH, and provided,
further, that such conversion shall not be considered to be an acquisition of
Shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, for purposes
of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
      (b) FT/DT Joint Venture Termination; Material Breach of Investment
    Documents. (i) Each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock and
    Series 3 PCS Stock shall automatically convert (without the payment of
    any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
    share of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, if:
        (t) the Sprint Parties receive the Tie-Breaking Vote pursuant to
      Section 17.5 of the Joint Venture Agreement;
        (u) there is an FT/DT Joint Venture Termination;
        (v) FT or DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches in any material
      respect its obligations under Section 2.4 of the Stockholders'
        (w) FT or DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches in any material
      respect its obligations under Article II (other than Section 2.4) of
      the Stockholders' Agreement;
        (x) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the
      provisions of Article 2 (other than Section 2.1(b)) of the
      Standstill Agreement or any corresponding provision of any Qualified
      Subsidiary Standstill Agreement;
        (y) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the
      provisions of Sections 3.1 or 3.2 of the Standstill Agreement or any
      corresponding provisions of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill
      Agreement, in each case in a Control Context, or otherwise breaches
      Sections 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) or Section 3.1(g) of the
      Standstill Agreement or any corresponding provision of any Qualified
      Subsidiary Standstill Agreement; or
        (z) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the
      provisions of Sections 3.1 (except Section 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or
      (iv), or Section 3.1(g)) or 3.2 of the Standstill Agreement or any
      corresponding provisions of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill
      Agreement, in each case other than in a Control Context;
    provided that, with respect to an alleged breach of the type described
    in clauses (v), (w), (x), (y) or (z) above, the Class A Holders alleged
    to have committed such breach (the "Breaching Holders") shall deliver a
        (I) except with respect to a breach of the type described in
      clause (y) above, in accordance with clauses (ii)(x) or (iii)(x)
      below, in which case no conversion of the Class A Stock shall take
      place unless such breach fails to be cured within the time provided
      for cure in such clause (ii) or (iii), as the case may be;

        (II) in accordance with clauses (ii)(y), (iii)(y) or (iv) below,
      in which case no conversion of the Class A Stock shall take place
      until there is issued a final nonappealable decision or order of a
      court of competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has
      occurred and, if applicable, was not cured within the time provided
      for cure in clauses (ii) or (iii) below, as the case may be; or
        (III) admitting that such a breach has occurred, and (if
      applicable) cannot be cured within the time periods provided for
      cure in clauses (ii) or (iii) below, in which case each outstanding
      share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case
      may be, shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
      consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
      share of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, upon
      delivery of such notice; and
    provided, further, that if the Breaching Holders fail to perform the
    actions described in clauses (I) or (II) above within the time periods
    provided for performing such actions in clauses (ii), (iii) or (iv)
    below, they shall be deemed to have taken the action described in
    clause (III) above.
    (ii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clauses (w), (x) or
  (z) of clause (i) above, the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within
  five Business Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (ii), the
  "Breach Notice Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to each
  Breaching Holder by this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a
  notice either:
      (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case
    the Breaching Holders shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but
    in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice
    Date (or, with respect to an alleged breach of clauses (w) or (x), if
    such cure cannot be effected within such time period due to the anti-
    fraud rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is
    reasonably necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent with
    such rules), provided that
        (I) the Breaching Holders shall have no right to cure unless such
      breach is susceptible to cure;
        (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as each
      Breaching Holder shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in a
      diligent manner;
        (III) with respect to an alleged breach of clause (i)(x) above,
      this Corporation shall have the right at any time after the end of
      such 20-day period to purchase such number of shares of Non-Class A
      Common Stock or Class A Stock, as the case may be, as is necessary
      to return the Class A Holders to the ownership level permitted by
      the Standstill Agreement or a Qualified Subsidiary Standstill
      Agreement, as the case may be, at a price equal to the lower of (A)
      the Market Price for such shares at the time of such redemption and
      (B) the price paid by the Breaching Holders for such shares,
      provided that this Corporation may only exercise such right if a
      majority of the Continuing Directors shall have first approved, at a
      meeting at which at least seven Continuing Directors are present,
      such a purchase of Shares, unless a Fair Price Condition has been
      satisfied; and
        (IV) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
      shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
      breach has been cured; or
      (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred, provided that during
    such time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent
    jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach has occurred and was not
    cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause
    (ii), the rights provided to the Class A Holders under Sections 8.2
    (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH
    and the right to elect members of the Board of Directors of the holders
    of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
    Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by the Class
    A Holders.
    (iii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (i)(v)
  above, the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within five Business
  Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (iii), the "Breach Notice
  Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to each Breaching Holder by
  this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice either:

      (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case
    the Breaching Holders shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but
    in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice
    Date (or, if such cure cannot be effected within such time period due
    to the anti-fraud rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period
    as is reasonably necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent
    with such rules), provided that
        (I) the Breaching Holders shall have no right to cure unless such
      breach is susceptible to cure;
        (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as each
      Breaching Holder shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in a
      diligent manner; and
        (III) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
      shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
      breach has been cured; or
      (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred;
  provided that, in each case, from the Breach Notice Date until the earlier
  to occur of the cure of such breach and the issuance of a decision or order
  of a court of competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has not
  occurred or was cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of
  this clause (iii), the rights provided to the Class A Holders under
  Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of
  ARTICLE SIXTH and the right to elect members of the Board of Directors of
  the holders of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
  Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by the Class A
  Holders; and provided, further, that following such decision or order, such
  rights shall be suspended during such time as the most recent decision or
  order of a court of competent jurisdiction is to the effect that such
  breach has occurred and was not cured within the time provided for cure in
  clause (x) of this clause (iii).
    (iv) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (i)(y) above,
  the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within five Business Days after
  the date (for purposes of this clause (iv), the "Breach Notice Date") that
  notice of such breach is delivered to each Breaching Holder by this
  Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice disputing that such a
  breach has occurred, provided that from the Breach Notice Date until the
  issuance of a decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction
  finding that such breach has not occurred, the rights provided to the Class
  A Holders under Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
  and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and the right to elect members of the Board of
  Directors of the holders of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these
  Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by
  the Class A Holders; and provided, further, that following such decision or
  order, such rights shall be suspended during such time as the most recent
  decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction is to the effect
  that such breach has occurred.
    (v) For purposes of this Section 8.5(b), an alleged breach shall be
  deemed to have occurred in a "Control Context" if the action or actions
  alleged to have given rise to such breach were taken in the context of
  efforts by any Class A Holder or any other Person having the purpose or
  effect of changing or influencing the control of this Corporation.
    (vi) No conversion pursuant to this Section 8.5(b) shall be considered an
  acquisition for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (c) Deleted.
    (d) Corporation Joint Venture Termination. Unless the Class A Stock shall
  have been converted earlier pursuant to this Section 8.5, if there is a
  Corporation Joint Venture Termination, each outstanding share of Class A
  Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively, on the third anniversary of the date of such
  Corporation Joint Venture Termination, provided that any such conversion
  shall not be considered to be an acquisition of Common Stock or Series 1
  PCS Stock, as the case may be, for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE

    (e) Other Joint Venture Termination. If (i) there is a sale of all the
  Venture Interests of the Sprint Parties or the FT/DT Parties pursuant to
  Section 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 19.3, 20.6 or 20.11 of the Joint Venture
  Agreement or (ii) the Joint Venture is otherwise terminated, in each case
  other than due to (i) an FT/DT Joint Venture Termination or (ii) a
  Corporation Joint Venture Termination:
      (x) on the date of such termination, the rights provided to the Class
    A Holders in Sections 8.2 (except Sections 8.2(c)(i) and 8.2(c)(iii)),
    8.3 and 8.4 of ARTICLE SIXTH shall terminate; and
      (y) unless the Class A Stock shall have been converted pursuant to
    this Section 8.5, each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock and
    Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, shall automatically convert
    (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully
    paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock,
    respectively, on the third anniversary of the date of such termination,
    provided that any such conversion shall not be considered to be an
    acquisition of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be,
    for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (f) Change of Control. If there is a Change of Control within the meaning
  of clause (a) of the definition of Change of Control, (i) the rights
  provided to the Class A Holders in ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
  Incorporation, and Sections 8.2 (except Sections 8.2(b), 8.2(c)(iii) (as to
  rights provided under Section 8.2(b)) and 8.2(c)(iv) (as to rights provided
  under Section 8.2(b)), 8.3 and 8.4 of ARTICLE SIXTH shall terminate upon
  the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby, provided that,
  prior to such consummation, this Corporation shall engage in good faith
  negotiations with any potential acquiror of Control to provide the Class A
  Holders with rights equivalent to those provided in ARTICLE FIFTH of these
  Articles of Incorporation and (ii) all, but not less than all, of the Class
  A Holders shall have the right (but not the obligation) to deliver to this
  Corporation a written notice upon which delivery each outstanding share of
  Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively. Any such conversion of Class A Stock pursuant to
  this clause (f) shall not be considered to be an acquisition of Common
  Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be for purposes of Section
  8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (g) Unequal Ownership. (i) If (A) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage
  Ownership Interest of the overall Voting Power of the Corporation of one of
  FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage
  Ownership Interest of the overall Voting Power of the Corporation of the
  other of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) is greater than 3 to 2,
  (B) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the Voting
  Power represented by Class A Common Stock of one of FT or DT (and its
  Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of
  the Voting Power represented by Class A Common Stock of the other of FT or
  DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) is greater than 4 to 1, or (C) the
  ratio of the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the Voting Power
  represented by Series 3 PCS Stock of one of FT or DT (and its Qualified
  Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the Voting
  Power represented by Series 3 PCS Stock of the other of FT or DT (and its
  Qualified Subsidiaries) is greater than 4 to 1, for 60 consecutive days
  following a notice of such event delivered by this Corporation to each of
  FT and DT, each share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively, provided that any such conversion shall not be
  considered to be an acquisition of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
  respectively, for purposes of Section 8.5 (i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (ii) For purposes of calculating the ratios in this Section 8.5(g), FT
  and DT shall be deemed to own shares of Class A Stock owned by a Qualified
  Subsidiary as follows:
      (x) if only one of FT or DT owns, directly or indirectly, Votes in
    such Qualified Subsidiary, FT or DT, as the case may be, shall be
    deemed to own all of the shares of Class A Stock owned by such
    Qualified Subsidiary; and

      (y) if both FT and DT own, directly or indirectly, Votes in such
    Qualified Subsidiary, each of FT and DT shall be deemed to own its
    respective Applicable Percentage of the shares of Class A Stock owned
    by such Qualified Subsidiary. As used herein, the "Applicable
    Percentage" means the percentage of the equity interests of such
    Qualified Subsidiary owned, directly or indirectly, by FT or DT, as the
    case may be.
    (h) Unauthorized Transfers. Unless approved by this Corporation, upon any
  Transfer of shares of Class A Stock (other than a Transfer to a Qualified
  Subsidiary, a Qualified Stock Purchaser or to FT or DT, in each case which
  Transfer is effected in accordance with the provisions of Article II of the
  Stockholders' Agreement), each share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3
  PCS Stock, as the case may be, so Transferred shall automatically convert
  (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid
  and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock,
  respectively, as of the date of such Transfer, provided that no conversion
  of Class A Stock pursuant to this Section 8.5(h) shall be considered to be
  an acquisition of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be,
  for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (i) Conversion into Class A Stock. Until the conversion of all of the
  shares of Class A Stock pursuant to this Section 8.5, (x) each share of
  Common Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may be, acquired by a
  Class A Holder shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Class A Common Stock at the date of such acquisition and (y) each share of
  Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be, acquired by a
  Class A Holder shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Series 3 PCS Stock at the date of such acquisition.
    (j) Notice of Conversion; Exchange of Stock Certificates; Effect of
  Conversion of all Class A Stock, etc. (i) Immediately upon the conversion
  of shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock into shares of
  Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or upon the conversion of
  shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock into shares of Class A Common
  Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, and in each case pursuant to
  this Section 8.5 (the shares of Class A Common Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock,
  Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock so converted hereinafter referred to as
  the "Converted Shares"), the rights of the holders of such Converted
  Shares, as such, shall cease and the holders thereof shall be treated for
  all purposes as having become the record owners of the shares of Class A
  Common Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock, Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as
  the case may be, issuable upon such conversion (the "New Shares"), provided
  that such Persons shall be entitled to receive when paid any dividends
  declared on the Converted Shares as of a record date preceding the time the
  Converted Shares were converted (the "Conversion Time") and unpaid as of
  the Conversion Time, if such Persons were the record holders of the
  Converted Shares on such record date. If the stock transfer books of this
  Corporation shall be closed at the Conversion Time, such Person or Persons
  shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of record of the New
  Shares at the opening of business on the next succeeding day on which such
  stock transfer books are open.     
    (ii) As promptly as practicable after the Conversion Time, upon the
  delivery to this Corporation of the certificates formerly representing
  Converted Shares, this Corporation shall deliver or cause to be delivered,
  to or upon the written order of the record holder of such certificates, a
  certificate or certificates representing the number of duly issued, fully
  paid and nonassessable New Shares into which the Converted Shares formerly
  represented by such certificates have been converted in accordance with the
  provisions of this Section 8.5.
    (iii) This Corporation shall pay all United States federal, state or
  local documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer taxes payable in
  respect of the issue or delivery of New Shares upon the conversion of
  Converted Shares pursuant to this Section 8.5, provided that this
  Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax which may be payable in
  respect of any registration of Transfer involved in the issue or delivery
  of New Shares in a name other than that of the registered holder of shares
  converted or to be converted, and no such issue or delivery shall be made
  unless and until the person requesting such issue has paid to this

  Corporation the amount of any such tax or has established, to the
  satisfaction of this Corporation, that such tax has been paid.
    (iv) This Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available, out
  of the aggregate of its authorized but unissued Class A Common Stock,
  Series 3 PCS Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Common Stock and its issued
  Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock held in its treasury, for the purpose of
  effecting the conversion of the Common Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock, Class A
  Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock contemplated hereby, the full number of
  shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock then deliverable upon the
  conversion of all outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3
  PCS Stock, respectively, and the full number of shares of Class A Common
  Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock that would be deliverable upon conversion of
  all of the shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, the
  Class A Holders are permitted to acquire hereunder and under the FT/DT
  Restructuring Agreement, the Stockholders' Agreement and the Standstill
    (v) Following conversion of all outstanding shares of Class A Common
  Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock into shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS
  Stock, respectively, pursuant to this Section 8.5, this Corporation shall
  not, directly or indirectly, issue, or sell from the treasury, any shares
  of Class A Stock.
    (k) Class A Stock Held by Qualified Stock Purchasers. (i) If any
  Qualified Stock Purchaser shall become a Major Competitor of this
  Corporation or of the Joint Venture, on the date the writing referred to in
  the definition of Major Competitor in this ARTICLE SIXTH is delivered to
  each Class A Holder, each share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS
  Stock, as the case may be, owned by such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively.
    (ii) Each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS
  Stock, as the case may be, owned by a Qualified Stock Purchaser shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively, if:
      (v) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches in any material respect
    its obligations under Section 2.4 of the Stockholders' Agreement;
      (w) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches in any material respect
    its obligations under Article II (other than Section 2.4) of the
    Stockholders' Agreement;
      (x) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
    Article 2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement;
      (y) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
    Section 3.1 or 3.2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill
    Agreement in a Control Context, or such Qualified Stock Purchaser
    otherwise breaches Sections 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) or Section 3.1(g)
    of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement; or
      (z) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
    Sections 3.1 (except Section 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv), or Section
    3.1(g)) or 3.2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement,
    in each case other than in a Control Context;
  provided, that such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall deliver a notice
        (I) except with respect to a breach of the type described in
      clause (y) above, in accordance with clauses (iii)(x) or (iv)(x)
      below, in which case no conversion of the Class A Stock owned by
      such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall take place unless such breach
      fails to be cured within the time provided for cure in such clause
      (iii) or (iv), as the case may be;
        (II) in accordance with clauses (iii)(y), (iv)(y) or (v) below, in
      which case no conversion of the Class A Stock owned by such
      Qualified Stock Purchaser shall take place until there is issued a
      final nonappealable decision or order of a court of competent
      jurisdiction finding that such breach has occurred and, if
      applicable, was not cured within the time provided for cure in
      clauses (iii) or (iv) below, as the case may be; or

        (III) admitting that such a breach has occurred, and (if
      applicable) cannot be cured within the time periods provided for
      cure in clauses (iii) or (iv) below, in which case each outstanding
      share of Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case
      may be, owned by such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall automatically
      convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly
      issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and
      Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, upon delivery of such notice; and
  provided, further, that if such Qualified Stock Purchaser fails to perform
  the actions described in clauses (I) or (II) above within the time periods
  provided for performing such actions in clauses (iii), (iv) or (v) below,
  it shall be deemed to have taken the action described in clause (III)
    (iii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clauses (w), (x) or
  (z) of clause (ii) above, such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the
  right, within five Business Days after the date (for purposes of this
  clause (iii), the "Breach Notice Date") that notice of such breach is
  delivered to such Qualified Stock Purchaser by this Corporation, to deliver
  to this Corporation a notice either:
      (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case
    such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall effect such cure as soon as
    practical, but in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the
    Breach Notice Date (or, with respect to an alleged breach of clauses
    (w) or (x), if such cure cannot be effected within such time period due
    to the anti-fraud rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period
    as is reasonably necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent
    with such rules), provided that
        (I) such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have no right to cure
      unless such breach is susceptible to cure;
        (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as such
      Qualified Stock Purchaser shall be undertaking to effect such a cure
      in a diligent manner;
        (III) with respect to an alleged breach of clause (ii)(x) above,
      this Corporation shall have the right at any time after the end of
      such 20-day period to purchase such number of shares of Class A
      Stock as is necessary to return such Qualified Stock Purchaser to
      the ownership level permitted by the Qualified Stock Purchaser
      Standstill Agreement, at a price equal to the lower of (A) the
      Market Price for such Shares at the time of such redemption and (B)
      the price paid by such Qualified Stock Purchaser for such Shares,
      provided that this Corporation may only exercise such right if a
      majority of the Continuing Directors shall have first approved, at a
      meeting at which at least seven Continuing Directors are present,
      such a purchase of Shares, unless a Fair Price Condition has been
      satisfied; and
        (IV) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
      shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
      breach has been cured; or
      (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred, provided that during
    such time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent
    jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach has occurred and was not
    cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause
    (iii), the rights provided to such Qualified Stock Purchaser under
    Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of
    ARTICLE SIXTH and the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to elect
    members of the Board of Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock
    under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation shall be
    suspended and may not be exercised by such Qualified Stock Purchaser.
    (iv) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (ii)(v)
  above, such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the right, within five
  Business Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (iv), the "Breach
  Notice Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to such Qualified
  Stock Purchaser by this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a
  notice either:
      (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case
    such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall effect such cure as soon as
    practical, but in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the
    Breach Notice Date (or, if such cure cannot be effected within such
    time period due to the anti-fraud

    rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is reasonably
    necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent with such rules),
    provided that
        (I) such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have no right to cure
      unless such breach is susceptible to cure;
        (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as such
      Qualified Stock Purchaser shall be undertaking to effect such a cure
      in a diligent manner; and
        (III) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
      shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
      breach has been cured; or
      (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred;
  provided that, in each case, from the Breach Notice Date until the earlier
  to occur of the cure of such breach and the issuance of a decision or order
  of a court of competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has not
  occurred or was cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of
  this clause (iv), the rights provided to such Qualified Stock Purchaser
  under Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6
  of ARTICLE SIXTH and the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to elect
  members of the Board of Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock under
  ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may
  not be exercised by such Qualified Stock Purchaser; and provided, further,
  that following such decision or order, such rights shall be suspended
  during such time as the most recent decision or order of a court of
  competent jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach has occurred and
  was not cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this
  clause (iv).
    (v) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (ii)(y) above,
  such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the right, within five Business
  Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (v), the "Breach Notice
  Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to such Qualified Stock
  Purchaser by this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice
  disputing that such a breach has occurred, provided that from the Breach
  Notice Date until the issuance of a decision or order of a court of
  competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has not occurred, the
  rights provided to such Qualified Stock Purchaser under Sections 8.2
  (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and
  the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to elect members of the Board
  of Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these
  Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by
  such Qualified Stock Purchaser and provided, further, that following such
  decision or order, such rights shall be suspended during such time as the
  most recent decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction is to
  the effect that such breach has occurred.
    (vi) For purposes of this Section 8.5(k), an alleged breach shall be
  deemed to have occurred in a Control Context if the action or actions
  alleged to have given rise to such breach were taken in the context of
  efforts by such Qualified Stock Purchaser or any other Person having the
  purpose or effect of changing or influencing the control of this
    (vii) No conversion pursuant to this Section 8.5(k) shall be considered
  an acquisition for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (l) Effect of Conversion. Upon the conversion of all of the shares of
  Class A Stock pursuant to this Section 8.5, each share of Class A Common
  Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, issued by this
  Corporation pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the FT/DT Restructuring
  Agreement, the Stockholders' Agreement or these Articles of Incorporation
  shall automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
  one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock and
  Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, provided that such conversion shall not
  be considered an acquisition of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the
  case may be, for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (m) Exclusionary Tender Offer. If the Board of Directors shall determine
  not to oppose a tender offer by a Person other than FT, DT or any of their
  respective Affiliates for Voting Securities of this Corporation
  representing not less than 35 percent of the Voting Power of this
  Corporation, and the terms of such tender offer do not permit the Class A
  Holders to sell an equal or greater percentage of:

      (i) if the tender offer involves only Common Stock, Class A Common
    Stock as the holders of Common Stock are permitted to sell taking into
    account any proration,
      (ii) if the tender offer involves only Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 3
    PCS Stock as the holders of Series 1 PCS Stock are permitted to sell
    taking into account any proration, or
      (iii) if the tender offer involves both Common Stock and Series 1 PCS
    Stock, Class A Common Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock as the holders of
    Common Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, are permitted to
    sell taking into account any proration,
  then all, but not less than all, of the Class A Holders shall have the
  right (but not the obligation) to deliver to this Corporation a written
  notice requesting conversion of certain shares of Class A Common Stock (in
  the case of a tender offer described in (i) or (iii) immediately above) or
  Series 3 PCS Stock (in the case of a tender offer described in (ii) or
  (iii) above) designated by the Class A Holders into Common Stock or Series
  1 PCS Stock, respectively, upon which delivery each share of Class A Common
  Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock so designated in such notice shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one
  duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock or Series 1
  PCS Stock, respectively, provided that (i) conversion pursuant to this
  clause (m) shall not be considered to be an acquisition of Common Stock or
  Series 1 PCS Stock for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH, (ii)
  unless the Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock shall have otherwise
  been converted into Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively,
  pursuant to Section 8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH upon or prior to the consummation
  or abandonment of the transaction contemplated by such tender offer,
  immediately following the consummation of such transaction or the delivery
  by this Corporation to each Class A Holder of a notice that such
  transaction has been abandoned, each share of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS
  Stock held by a Class A Holder shall automatically reconvert (without the
  payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
  nonassessable share of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
  respectively; and (iii) only those shares of Class A Common Stock or Series
  3 PCS Stock related to shares of Common Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
  respectively, that were not so reconverted shall be deemed for any purpose
  under these Articles of Incorporation, the Stockholders' Agreement, the
  Investment Agreement, the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Standstill
  Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement, or any agreement or document
  related thereto to have been converted into Common Stock or Series 1 PCS
  Stock, respectively, pursuant to this Section 8.5(m) and the Class A Common
  Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock so reconverted shall be deemed to have been at
  all times outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
  8.6. Change of Control Procedures. As long as shares of Class A Stock are
outstanding, but subject to Sections 8.5(a), (b), (f) and (k) of ARTICLE
SIXTH, if this Corporation, directly or indirectly, (a) determines to sell all
or substantially all of the assets of this Corporation, (b) determines not to
oppose a third-party tender, exchange or other purchase offer for Voting
Securities with a number of Votes in excess of 35 percent of the Voting Power
of this Corporation, (c) determines to effect a merger or other business
combination involving this Corporation that would result in a Person (other
than any Class A Holder) holding Voting Securities of the resulting entity
representing 35 percent or more of the Voting Power of such entity or (d)
otherwise determines to sell Control of this Corporation, this Corporation
shall conduct such transaction in accordance with reasonable procedures to be
determined by the Board of Directors, and permit FT and DT to participate in
that process on a basis no less favorable than that granted any other
  8.7. Class Voting. Except as otherwise provided by law, in Section 2(a) of
ARTICLE FIFTH or in the Class A Provisions, the Class A Holders shall not
have, nor be entitled to, a class vote with respect to any matter to be voted
on by the stockholders of this Corporation.
  8.8. Amendment of Class A Provisions and ARTICLE FIFTH. The Class A
Provisions and Section 2(a)(iii) of ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
Incorporation may be amended in any manner which would not materially alter or
change the powers, preferences or rights of the holders of shares of the Non-
Class A Common Stock or Preferred Stock so as to affect such powers,
preferences or rights adversely, by the Board of

Directors of this Corporation with the affirmative vote of only the holders of
at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Class A Stock, voting
together as a single class, and without the affirmative vote of the holders of
shares of the Non-Class A Common Stock or the Preferred Stock. Upon the
retirement of shares of Class A Common Stock, (i) such shares shall not resume
the status of authorized and unissued shares of that class, (ii) such shares
shall not be reissued, and (iii) upon the execution, acknowledgment and filing
of a certificate in accordance with Kan. Stat. Ann. (S) 17-6003 and (S) 17-
6603 (or any successor provisions) stating that the reissuance of such shares
is prohibited, identifying the shares and reciting their retirement, then the
filing of such certificate shall have the effect of amending these Articles of
Incorporation so as to reduce accordingly the number of authorized shares of
Class A Common Stock, or if such retired shares constitute all of the
authorized shares of such class, then the filing of such certificate shall
have the effect of amending these Articles of Incorporation automatically so
as to eliminate all references to such class of stock therefrom.     
  Section 9. Application of the Provisions of ARTICLE SIXTH
  9.1. Certain Determinations of the Board of Directors. In addition to the
determinations regarding Preferred Stock to be made by the Board of Directors
as provided by Section 13.6, the Board of Directors shall make such
determinations (i) with respect to the assets and liabilities to be attributed
to the Business Groups (in accordance with the definitions of "PCS Group" and
"Sprint FON Group" set forth in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10), (ii) with respect
to the application of the provisions of this ARTICLE SIXTH to transactions to
be engaged in by the Corporation and (iii) as may be or become necessary or
appropriate to the exercise of the powers, preferences and relative,
participating, optional and other special rights of the classes or series of
Corporation Common Stock, including, without limiting the foregoing, the
determinations referred to in the following paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
of this Section 9.1. A record of any such determination shall be filed with
the Secretary of the Corporation to be kept with the records of the actions of
the Board of Directors.
    (A) Upon any acquisition by the Corporation or its subsidiaries of any
  assets or business, or any assumption of liabilities, outside of the
  ordinary course of business of the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, as
  the case may be, the Board of Directors shall determine whether such
  assets, business and liabilities (or an interest therein) shall be for the
  benefit of the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group or that an interest
  therein shall be partly for the benefit of the Sprint FON Group and partly
  for the benefit of the PCS Group and, accordingly, shall be attributed to
  the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, or partly to each, in accordance
  with the definitions of "PCS Group," "Sprint FON Group," and "Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest" set forth in
  Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
    (B) Upon any issuance of any shares of PCS Stock at a time when the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest is more
  than zero, the Board of Directors shall determine, based on the use of the
  proceeds of such issuance and any other relevant factors, whether all or
  any part of the shares of PCS Stock so issued should reduce the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest and the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest shall be adjusted
    (C) Upon any issuance by the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof of any
  Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
  exercisable for shares of PCS Stock, if at the time such Convertible
  Securities are issued the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Intergroup Interest is greater than zero, the Board of Directors shall
  determine whether, upon conversion, exchange or exercise thereof, the
  issuance of shares of PCS Stock pursuant thereto shall, in whole or in
  part, reduce the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup
  Interest, taking into consideration the use of the proceeds of such
  issuance of Convertible Securities in the business of the Sprint FON Group
  or the PCS Group and any other relevant factors.
    (D) Upon any redemption or repurchase by the Corporation or any
  subsidiary thereof of shares of any Preferred Stock of any class or series
  or of other securities or debt obligations of the Corporation, if some of
  such shares, other securities or debt obligations were attributed to the
  Sprint FON Group and some of such shares, other securities or debt
  obligations were attributed to the PCS Group, the Board of Directors shall
  determine which, if any, of such shares, other securities or debt
  obligations redeemed or repurchased

  shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group and which, if any, of such
  shares, other securities or debt obligations shall be attributed to the PCS
  Group and, accordingly, how many of the shares of such series of Preferred
  Stock or of such other securities, or how much of such debt obligations,
  that remain outstanding, if any, continue to be attributed to the Sprint
  FON Group or to the PCS Group.
  9.2. Sources of Dividends and Distributions; Uses of Proceeds of Share
Issuances. Notwithstanding the attribution of properties or assets of the
Corporation to the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group as provided in the
definitions of such terms in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH, the Board of
Directors (i) may cause dividends or distributions or other payments to the
holders of any class of Corporation Common Stock or any class or series of
Preferred Stock to be made out of the properties or assets attributed to any
Business Group, subject, however, to any contrary term of any series of
Preferred Stock fixed in accordance with Section 13 of ARTICLE SIXTH, and (ii)
may cause the proceeds of issuance of any shares of Non-Class A Stock or Class
A Stock or any class or series of Preferred Stock, to whichever Business Group
attributed in accordance with Section 13 of ARTICLE SIXTH, to be used in the
business of, and to be attributed to, either the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group in accordance with the definitions of "PCS Group," "Sprint FON Group,"
and "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest" in
Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  9.3. Certain Determinations Not Required. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Section 9, the provisions of Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH or
any other provision of this ARTICLE SIXTH, at any time when there are not
outstanding both (i) one or more shares of Common Stock or Convertible
Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for Common Stock
and (ii) one or more shares of PCS Stock or Convertible Securities convertible
into or exchangeable or exercisable for PCS Stock, the Board of Directors need
not (A) attribute any of the assets or liabilities of the Corporation or any
of its subsidiaries to the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, (B) make any
determination required in connection therewith, or (C) make any of the
determinations otherwise required by this ARTICLE SIXTH, and in such
circumstances the holders of the shares of Common Stock or PCS Stock
outstanding, as the case may be, shall (unless otherwise specifically provided
by the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation) be entitled to all the
voting powers, preferences, optional or other special rights of such classes
of Corporation Common Stock without differentiation between the Common Stock
and the PCS Stock and any provision of this ARTICLE SIXTH to the contrary
shall no longer be in effect or operative and the Board of Directors may cause
the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation to be amended as permitted by
law to delete such provisions as are no longer operative or of further effect.
  9.4. Emergency Use of Business Group Assets. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Section 9 or any other provision of ARTICLE SIXTH, the
Board of Directors may transfer assets or properties from one Business Group
to another on such other basis as the Board of Directors shall determine,
consistent with its fiduciary duties to the Corporation and the holders of all
classes and series of the Corporation's common stock, provided that the Board
of Directors determines (i) that such transfer on such basis should be made to
prevent or mitigate material adverse consequences that would fundamentally
affect the transferee Business Group, (ii) that the benefit of such transfer
on such basis to the transferee Business Group is to materially exceed any
adverse effect of such transfer to the transferor Business Group, and (iii)
that such transfer on such basis is in the best interest of the Corporation as
a whole after giving fair consideration to the potentially divergent interests
of the holders of the separate classes of Corporation Common Stock.
  9.5. Board Determinations Binding.  Subject to applicable law, any
determinations made in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation
under any provision of this Section 9 or otherwise in furtherance of the
application of this ARTICLE SIXTH shall be final and binding on all
  Section 10. Definitions. For purposes of ARTICLE FIFTH and ARTICLE SIXTH of
these Articles of Incorporation, the following terms have the following
meanings (with terms defined in the singular having comparable meaning when
used in the plural and vice versa), unless the context otherwise requires. As
used in this Section 10, a "contribution" or "transfer" of assets or
properties from one Business Group to another refers to the reattribution of
such assets or properties from the contributing or transferring Business Group
to the other Business Group and correlative phrases have correlative meanings.

  "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that
directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, Controls or is
Controlled by, or is under common Control with, such Person, provided that (a)
no JV Entity shall be deemed an Affiliate of any Class A Holder or this
Corporation unless (i) FT, DT and Atlas own a majority of the Voting Power of
such JV Entity and this Corporation does not have the Tie-Breaking Vote (as
defined in Section 18.1 of the Joint Venture Agreement), or (ii) FT, DT or
Atlas has the Tie-Breaking Vote; (b) FT, DT and this Corporation shall not be
deemed Affiliates of each other; (c) Atlas shall be deemed an Affiliate of FT
and DT; and (d) the term "Affiliate" shall not include any Governmental
Authority of France or Germany or any other Person Controlled, directly or
indirectly, by any such Governmental Authority except in each case for FT, DT,
Atlas and any other Person directly, or indirectly through one or more
intermediaries, Controlled by FT, DT or Atlas.
  "Alien" means "aliens," "their representatives," "a foreign government or
representatives thereof" or "any corporation organized under the laws of a
foreign country" as such terms are used in Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or as hereafter may be amended, or any
successor provision of law.
  "Applicable Law" has the meaning set forth in the Stockholders' Agreement.
  "Associate" has the meaning ascribed to such term in Rule 12b-2 under the
Exchange Act, provided that when used to indicate a relationship with FT or DT
or their respective Subsidiaries or Affiliates, the term "Associate" means (a)
in the case of FT, any Person occupying any of the positions listed on
Schedule A to the Stockholders' Agreement and (b) in the case of DT, any
Person occupying any of the positions listed on Schedule B to the
Stockholders' Agreement, provided, further, that, in each case, no Person
occupying any such position described in clause (a) or (b) hereof shall be
deemed an "Associate" of FT or DT, as the case may be, unless the Persons
occupying all such positions described in clauses (a) and (b) hereof
Beneficially Own, in the aggregate, more than 0.2% of the Voting Power of the
  "Atlas" means the company formed as a societe anonyme under the laws of
Belgium pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement, dated as of December 15,
1994, between FT and DT, as amended.
  "Average Trading Price" of a share of any class or series of capital stock
of the Corporation on any day means the average Closing Price of such capital
stock determined over the 20 Trading Days immediately preceding the date of
such determination; provided that for purposes of this definition only, in
determining the "Closing Price" of a share of any class or series of capital
stock for such 20 Trading Day period, (i) the "Closing Price" of a share of
capital stock on any day prior to any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date
occurring during such period for any dividend or distribution (other than any
dividend or distribution contemplated by clause (ii)(B) of this definition)
paid or to be paid with respect to such capital stock shall be reduced by the
Fair Value of the per share amount of such dividend or distribution and (ii)
the "Closing Price" of any share of capital stock on any day prior to (A) the
effective date of any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination
(by reverse stock split or otherwise) of outstanding shares of such class of
capital stock occurring during such period or (B) any "ex-dividend" date or
any similar date occurring during such period for any dividend or distribution
with respect to such capital stock to be made in shares of such class or
series of capital stock or Convertible Securities that are convertible,
exchangeable or exercisable for such class or series of capital stock, shall
be appropriately adjusted, as determined by the Board of Directors, to reflect
such subdivision, combination, dividend or distribution.
  "Beneficial Owner" (including, with its correlative meanings, "Beneficially
Own" and "Beneficial Ownership"), with respect to any securities, means any
Person which:
    (a) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, directly or
  indirectly, the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable
  immediately or only after the passage of time) such securities pursuant to
  any agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether or not in writing),
  including, without limitation, pursuant to the FT/DT Restructuring
  Agreement and the Stockholders' Agreement, or upon the exercise of
  conversion rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or otherwise;

    (b) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, directly or
  indirectly, the right to vote or dispose of (whether such right is
  exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time) or has
  "beneficial ownership" of (as determined pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
  Exchange Act but including all such securities which a Person has the right
  to acquire beneficial ownership of whether or not such right is exercisable
  within the 60-day period specified therein) such securities, including
  pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether or not in
  writing); or
    (c) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, any agreement,
  arrangement or understanding (whether or not in writing) for the purpose of
  acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of any securities which are
  Beneficially Owned, directly or indirectly, by any other Person (or any
  Affiliate thereof),
provided that (i) Class A Stock, Non-Class A Common Stock and Preferred Stock
held by one of FT or DT or its Affiliates or Associates shall not also be
deemed to be Beneficially Owned by the other of FT or DT or its Affiliates or
Associates, (ii) Common Stock and PCS Stock shall not be deemed to be
Beneficially Owned by FT, DT or their Affiliates or Associates by virtue of
the top up rights and standby commitments granted under the Purchase Rights
Agreement (as defined in the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement) except to the
extent that FT, DT or their Affiliates or Associates have (A) acquired shares
of Common Stock or PCS Stock pursuant to the Purchase Rights Agreement, or (B)
become irrevocably committed to acquire, and the Cable Holders have become
irrevocably committed to sell, shares of Common Stock or PCS Stock pursuant to
the Purchase Rights Agreement (with such Beneficial Ownership being determined
on a full-voting basis), subject only to customary closing conditions, if any;
(iii) FT, DT and their Affiliates and Associates shall not be deemed to
Beneficially Own any incremental Voting Power resulting solely from the
increase in Voting Power provided for by the application of ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 7.5(d); and (iv) prior to the conversion thereof (other than during
the 90-day period following the Conversion Trigger Date set forth in ARTICLE
SIXTH, Section 7.5(a), a holder of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock
shall not be deemed to beneficially own the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or
Common Stock issuable upon conversion thereof.
  "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of this Corporation.
  "Business Day" means any day other than a day on which commercial banks in
The City of New York, Paris, France, or Frankfurt am Main, Germany, are
required or authorized by law to be closed.
  "Business Group" means, as of any date, the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group, as the case may be.
  "Bylaws" means the Bylaws of this Corporation as amended or supplemented
from time to time.
  "Cable Holder" means any of
    (i) Tele-Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, Comcast
  Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation, or Cox Communications, Inc., a
  Delaware corporation,
    (ii) any Affiliate of an entity identified in clause (i) of this
    (iii) any successor (by operation of law or otherwise) of an entity
  identified in clauses (i) or (ii) of this definition so long as such
  successor remains an Affiliate of an entity identified in clause (i) or
    (iv) any entity controlled by two or more entities identified in clauses
  (i) through (iii) of this definition or this clause (iv) even if such
  entity is not considered an Affiliate of any individual entity so
  identified and
    (v) for purposes of ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(b) only, with respect to
  any Transfer of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, the transferee of such shares
  if (A) at the time of such Transfer, the transferor was a Cable Holder
  under any of clauses (i) through (iv) of this definition, (B) after giving
  effect to such Transfer, the transferee was an Associate of the transferor,
  (C) immediately prior to such Transfer, the transferee was identified in
  writing by the transferor as a "Cable Holder" under this clause (v), and
  (D) the transferor and transferee satisfied the conditions set forth in
  Section 2.4 of the applicable Cable Holder Standstill Agreements.

  "Cable Holder Standstill Agreements" means the Standstill Agreements, dated
as of May 26, 1998, entered into between this Corporation and each of certain
Cable Holders, and any Standstill Agreements in the form thereof entered into
from time to time between this Corporation and certain transferee Affiliates
and Associates of such Cable Holders.
  "Cellular and Wireless Division" means the former Cellular and Wireless
Communications Services Division of this Corporation.
  "Change of Control" means a:
    (a) decision by the Board of Directors to sell Control of this
  Corporation or not to oppose a third party tender offer for Voting
  Securities of this Corporation representing more than 35% of the Voting
  Power of this Corporation; or
    (b) change in the identity of a majority of the Directors due to (i) a
  proxy contest (or the threat to engage in a proxy contest) or the election
  of Directors by the holders of Preferred Stock; or (ii) any unsolicited
  tender, exchange or other purchase offer which has not been approved by a
  majority of the Independent Directors,
provided that a Strategic Merger shall not be deemed to be a Change of Control
and provided, further, that any transaction between this Corporation and FT
and DT or otherwise involving FT and DT and any of their direct or indirect
Subsidiaries which are party to a Contract therefor shall not be deemed to be
a Change of Control.
  "Class A Action" means action by the holders of a majority of the Votes
represented by the Class A Stock taken by a vote at either a regular or
special meeting of the stockholders of this Corporation or of the holders of
the Class A Stock or by written consent delivered to the Secretary of this
  "Class A Common Stock" means the Old Class A Common Stock and the Class A
Common Stock--Series DT.
  "Class A Common Stock--Series DT" has the meaning set forth in the
"Designation" column in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Class A Director" means any Director elected by the Class A Holders
pursuant to Section 2(a) or 4(b) of ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
Incorporation or appointed by Class A Directors pursuant to Section 4(b) of
ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Class A Holders" means (a) the holders of the Class A Stock, and (b) any
Qualified Stock Purchaser who has executed with this Corporation a Qualified
Stock Purchaser Assumption Agreement (as such term is defined in the
Stockholders' Agreement), for so long as such Person holds Class A Stock.
  "Class A Provisions" means Section 5 (but only with respect to those
provisions addressing the Class A Stock), Section 6 (but only with respect to
those provisions addressing the Class A Stock), Section 8, Section 9, Section
10, Section 11 and Section 12 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Class A Stock" means the Class A Common Stock and the Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Closing Price" means, with respect to a security on any day, the last sale
price, regular way, or in case no such sale takes place on such day, the
average of the closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case as
reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with
respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on The New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. or, if such security is not listed or admitted to trading on
such exchange, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting
system with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities
exchange on which the security is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange, the last quoted sale price or, if not so quoted, the average of the
high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by

the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations
System or such other system then in use, or, if on any such date such security
is not quoted by any such organization, the average of the closing bid and
asked prices as furnished by a professional market maker making a market in
the security selected in good faith by the Board of Directors. If the security
is not publicly held or so listed or publicly traded, "Closing Price" means
the Fair Market Value of such security.
  "Committed Percentage" means, as to any Class A Holder, the percentage
obtained by dividing the aggregate number of Votes represented or to be
represented by the Voting Securities of this Corporation (a) owned of record
by such Class A Holder or by its nominees; and (b) which such Class A Holder
has committed to this Corporation to purchase pursuant to Articles V and VI or
Sections 7.3 and 7.8 of the Stockholders Agreement (but not pursuant to the
FT/DT Restructuring Agreement until such shares are acquired pursuant to such
agreement), by the sum of (i) the Voting Power of this Corporation, and (ii)
the Votes to be represented by any Voting Securities of this Corporation such
Class A Holder has committed to this Corporation to purchase from this
Corporation pursuant to Articles V or VI or Section 7.3 of the Stockholders'
Agreement (but not pursuant to the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement until such
shares are acquired pursuant to such agreement).
  "Common Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column in
Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Common Group Stock" means the Common Stock, the Series 2 Common Stock and
the Class A Common Stock.
  "Continuing Director" has the meaning set forth in the Fair Price
  "Contract" means any loan or credit agreement, note, bond, indenture,
mortgage, deed of trust, lease, franchise, contract, or other agreement,
obligation, instrument or binding commitment of any nature.
  "Control" means, with respect to a Person or Group, any of the following:
    (a) ownership by such Person or Group of Votes entitling it to exercise
  in the aggregate more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of the entity in
  question; or
    (b) possession by such Person or Group of the power, directly or
  indirectly, (i) to elect a majority of the board of directors (or
  equivalent governing body) of the entity in question; or (ii) to direct or
  cause the direction of the management and policies of or with respect to
  the entity in question, whether through ownership of securities, by
  contract or otherwise.
  "Conversion Date" means the date fixed by the Board of Directors as the
effective date for the conversion of shares of PCS Stock into shares of Common
Group Stock (or another class or series of common stock of the Corporation) as
shall be set forth in the notice to holders of shares of PCS Stock and to
holders of any Convertible Securities that are convertible into or
exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock required pursuant to
Section 7.4(E).
  "Conversion Time" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5(j) of ARTICLE
  "Converted Series Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.5(c) of
  "Converted Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5(j) of ARTICLE
"Converted Votes" means, on any particular day, (i) in the case of a share of
Series 2 PCS Stock, the applicable PCS Per Share Vote a share of Series 1 PCS
Stock would have had if the computation described in Section 3.2(a)(ii) had
occurred on such day and (ii) in the case of a share of Series 2 Common Stock,
one vote per share.
  "Convertible Securities" at any time means any securities of the Corporation
or of any subsidiary thereof (other than shares of Corporation Common Stock),
including warrants and options, outstanding at such time that

by their terms are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for or
evidence the right to acquire any shares of any class or series of Corporation
Common Stock, whether convertible, exchangeable or exercisable at such time or
a later time or only upon the occurrence of certain events, pursuant to
antidilution provisions of such securities or otherwise.
  "Core Businesses" means all businesses in the fields of telecommunications
and information technology and applications, and equipment, software
applications and consumer and business services related thereto or making use
of the technology thereof, including value-added consumer and business
services generated through or as a result of underlying telecommunications
services using all technology (voice, data and image) and physical transport,
network intelligence, and software applications, and cable television (but not
including any programming or content-related activities with respect thereto).
  "Corporation Common Stock" means the Common Stock, the Series 2 Common
Stock, the Class A Common Stock, the Series 1 PCS Stock, the Series 2 PCS
Stock and the Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Corporation Joint Venture Termination" means any of the following:
    (a) the sale of Venture Interests by a Sprint Party pursuant to Section
  20.5(a) of the Joint Venture Agreement; or
    (b) the receipt by the FT/DT Parties of the Tie-Breaking Vote due to a
  Funding Default, Material Non-Funding Default or Bankruptcy (as such terms
  are defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) on the part of any of the
  Sprint Parties.
  "Director" means a member of the Board of Directors.
  "Disposition" means a sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition
(whether by merger, consolidation, sale or contribution of assets or stock or
otherwise) of properties or assets.
  "DT" means Deutsche Telekom AG, an Aktiengesellschaft formed under the laws
of Germany.
  "Effective Date" means the date on which these Amended and Restated Articles
of Incorporation become effective.
  "ESMR" means any commercial mobile radio service, and the resale of such
service, of the type authorized under the rules for Specialized Mobile Radio
Services designated under Subpart S of Part 90 of the FCC's rules or similar
Applicable Laws of any other country in effect on the date hereof, including
the networking, marketing, distribution, sales, customer interface and
operations functions relating thereto.
  "Europe" means the current geographic area covered by the following
countries and territories located on the European continent, plus, in the case
of France, its territories and possessions located outside the European
continent: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
  "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
the rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission promulgated thereunder.
  "Exempt Asset Divestitures" means, with respect to this Corporation and its
    (a) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) to joint ventures approved by FT and DT prior to
  January 31, 1996;
    (b) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) to (i) any entity in exchange for equity interests in
  such entity if, after such transaction, this Corporation owns at least

  51 percent of both the Voting Power and equity interests in such entity or
  (ii) any joint venture that is an operating joint venture not controlled by
  any of its principals and in which (x) this Corporation has the right,
  acting alone, to disapprove (and thereby prohibit) decisions relating to
  acquisitions and divestitures involving more than 20 percent of the Fair
  Market Value of such entity's assets, mergers, consolidations and
  dissolution or liquidation of such entity and the adoption of such entity's
  business plan, and (y) Major Competitors of the Joint Venture do not in the
  aggregate own more than 20 percent of the equity interests or Voting Power;
    (c) transactions in which this Corporation exchanges one or more (i)
  local exchange telephone businesses for one or more such businesses or (ii)
  public cellular or wireless radio telecommunications service systems for
  one or more such systems, provided that this Corporation shall not,
  directly or indirectly, receive cash in any such transaction in an amount
  greater than 20 percent of the Fair Market Value of the property or
  properties Transferred by it;
    (d) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) by this Corporation to any of its Subsidiaries, or by
  any of its Subsidiaries to this Corporation or any other Subsidiary of this
    (e) any Spin-off of equity interests of a wholly-owned Subsidiary that is
  not a Subsidiary which, directly or indirectly, owns Long Distance Assets
  (for purposes of this definition, the "Spun-off Entity"), provided that the
  Class A Holders receive securities in the Spun-off Entity of a separate
  class with rights no less favorable to the Class A Holders than those
  applicable to the Class A Stock set forth in these Articles of
  Incorporation and the Bylaws;
    (f) Transfers of assets (other than Long Distance Assets) of this
  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries that are primarily or exclusively
  used in connection with providing information technology or data processing
  functions or services (collectively, for purposes of this definition, the
  "IT Assets") to any Person that regularly provides information technology
  or data processing functions or services on a commercial basis, in
  connection with a contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition,
  an "IT Service Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to
  provide information technology or data processing functions or services to
  this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of substantially the same
  nature as the services associated with the use of such assets prior to such
  Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as
  determined in good faith by this Corporation, provided that (i) the term of
  such IT Service Contract shall be for a period at least as long as the
  weighted average useful life of such assets, or this Corporation or such
  Subsidiary shall have the right to cause such IT Service Contract to be
  renewed or extended for a period at least as long as such weighted average
  useful life upon commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as
  determined in good faith by this Corporation, and (ii) the Transfer of such
  assets will not materially and adversely affect the operation of this
  Corporation; or
    (g) Transfers of assets (other than Long Distance Assets or IT Assets) of
  this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries to any Person in connection
  with any contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition, a "Non-
  IT Service Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to provide
  services to this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of substantially
  the same nature as the services associated with the use of such assets
  prior to such Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms to this
  Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation, provided, that
  (i) the Fair Market Value of such assets, together with the Fair Market
  Value of assets of this Corporation Transferred to such Person or other
  Persons in related transactions, do not represent more than five percent of
  the Fair Market Value of the assets of this Corporation, (ii) the Transfer
  of such assets will not materially and adversely affect the operation of
  this Corporation, and (iii) the term of such Non-IT Service Contract shall
  be for a period at least as long as the weighted average useful life of the
  assets so Transferred or this Corporation or such Subsidiary has the right
  to cause such Non-IT Service Contract to be renewed or extended for a
  period at least as long as such weighted average useful life upon
  commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in good
  faith by this Corporation.
  "Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures" means, with respect to this
Corporation and its Subsidiaries:

    (a) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to a Qualified Joint Venture;
    (b) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to any entity if this Corporation
  and its Subsidiaries after such transaction own at least 70 percent of both
  the Voting Power and equity interests of such entity, provided that if a
  Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture holds equity interests
  in such entity, such Major Competitor's equity interests and Votes in such
  entity as a percentage of the Voting Power of such entity shall not,
  directly or indirectly, exceed 20 percent;
    (c) Transfers of Long Distance Assets pursuant to an underwritten,
  widely-distributed public offering at the conclusion of which this
  Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall own at least 51 percent of both the
  Voting Power and equity interests in the entity that owns such Long
  Distance Assets;
    (d) Transfers in the ordinary course of business of Long Distance Assets
  determined by this Corporation to be unnecessary for the orderly operation
  of this Corporation's business, and sale-leasebacks of Long Distance Assets
  and similar financing transactions after which this Corporation and its
  Subsidiaries continue in possession and control of the Long Distance Assets
  involved in such transaction;
    (e) Transfers of Long Distance Assets by this Corporation to any of its
  Subsidiaries, or by any of its Subsidiaries to this Corporation or any
  other Subsidiary of this Corporation;
    (f) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to FT or DT or any assignee thereof
  pursuant to the Stockholders' Agreement;
    (g) any Spin-off of equity interests of a wholly-owned Subsidiary which,
  directly or indirectly, owns Long Distance Assets (for purposes of this
  definition, the "Spun-off Entity"), provided that the Class A Holders
  receive securities in the Spun-off Entity of a separate class with rights
  no less favorable to the Class A Holders than those applicable to the Class
  A Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws;
    (h) Transfers of Long Distance Assets of this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries that are primarily or exclusively used in connection with
  providing information technology or data processing functions or services
  (collectively, for purposes of this definition, the "IT Assets") to any
  Person that regularly provides information technology or data processing
  functions or services on a commercial basis, in connection with a
  contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition, an "IT Service
  Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to provide information
  technology or data processing functions or services to this Corporation or
  any of its Subsidiaries of substantially the same nature as the services
  associated with the use of such Long Distance Assets prior to such Transfer
  and upon commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in
  good faith by this Corporation, provided that (i) the term of such IT
  Service Contract shall be for a period at least as long as the weighted
  average useful life of such Long Distance Assets, or this Corporation or
  such Subsidiary shall have the right to cause such IT Service Contract to
  be renewed or extended for a period at least as long as such weighted
  average useful life upon commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation
  as determined in good faith by this Corporation, and (ii) the Transfer of
  such Long Distance Assets will not materially and adversely affect the
  operation of the Long Distance Business. Any such IT Service Contract
  involving Transfers of Long Distance Assets, including any renewal or
  extension thereof, shall be deemed to be a Long Distance Asset; or
    (i) Transfers of Long Distance Assets (other than IT Assets) of this
  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries to any Person in connection with any
  contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition, a "Non-IT Service
  Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to provide services to
  this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of substantially the same
  nature as the services associated with the use of such Long Distance Assets
  prior to such Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms to this
  Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation, provided, that
  (i) the Fair Market Value of such Long Distance Assets, together with the
  Fair Market Value of Long Distance Assets Transferred to such Person or
  other Persons in related transactions, do not represent more than three
  percent of the Fair Market Value of the Long Distance Assets of this
  Corporation, (ii) the Transfer of such Long Distance Assets will not
  materially and adversely affect the operation of the Long Distance
  Business, and (iii) the term of such Non-IT Service Contract shall be for a
  period at least as long as the weighted average useful

  life of the Long Distance Assets so Transferred or this Corporation or such
  Subsidiary has the right to cause such Service Contract to be renewed or
  extended for a period at least as long as such weighted average useful life
  upon commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in
  good faith by this Corporation. Any such Non-IT Service Contract involving
  Transfers of Long Distance Assets, including any renewal or extension
  thereof, shall be deemed to be a Long Distance Asset.
  "Extraordinary Dividend" means, with respect to capital stock of this
Corporation, a cash dividend or other cash distribution, other than (a) a
regular periodic dividend payable in cash; or (b) a dividend payable in
accordance with the terms of the Preferred Stock.
  "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to any asset, shares or other
property, the cash price at which a willing seller would sell and a willing
buyer would buy such asset, shares or other property in an arm's-length
negotiated transaction without undue time restraints, as determined in good
faith by a majority of the Independent Directors as certified in a resolution
delivered to all of the Class A Holders.
  "Fair Price Condition" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2 of ARTICLE
  "Fair Price Provisions" means ARTICLE SEVENTH of these Articles of
Incorporation, and any successor provision thereto.
  "Fair Value" means, in the case of equity securities or debt securities of a
class that has previously been Publicly Traded for a period of at least 15
months, the Market Value thereof (if such value, as so defined, can be
determined) or, in the case of an equity security or debt security that has
not been Publicly Traded for at least such period, means the fair value per
share of stock or per other unit of such other security, on a fully
distributed basis, as determined by an independent investment banking firm
experienced in the valuation of securities selected in good faith by the Board
of Directors; provided, however, that in the case of property other than
securities, the "Fair Value" thereof shall be determined in good faith by the
Board of Directors based upon such appraisals or valuation reports of such
independent experts as the Board of Directors shall in good faith determine to
be appropriate in accordance with good business practice. Any such
determination of Fair Value shall be described in a statement filed with the
records of the actions of the Board of Directors.
  "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission.
  "FCC Order" means, with respect to any proposed Transfer of Long Distance
Assets by this Corporation, either:
    (a) an effective written order or other final action from the FCC (either
  in the first instance or upon review or reconsideration) either declaring
  that FT and DT are not prohibited by Section 310 from owning such Long
  Distance Assets or stating that no such declaration is required, and as to
  which no Proceeding shall be pending or threatened that presents a
  substantial possibility of resulting in a reversal thereof; or
    (b) an effective written order from, or other final action taken by, the
  FCC pursuant to delegated authority (either in the first instance or upon
  review or reconsideration) either declaring that FT and DT are not
  prohibited by Section 310 from owning such Long Distance Assets, or stating
  that no such declaration is required, which order or final action shall no
  longer be subject to further administrative review, and as to which no
  Proceeding shall be pending or threatened that presents a substantial
  possibility of resulting in a reversal thereof;
  For purposes of clause (b) of this definition, an order from, or other final
action taken by, the FCC pursuant to delegated authority shall be deemed no
longer subject to further administrative review:
      (x) if no petition for reconsideration or application for review by
    the FCC of such order or final action has been filed within thirty days
    after the date of public notice of such order or final action, as such
    30-day period is computed and as such date is defined in Sections 1.104
    and 1.4 (or any successor provisions), as applicable, of the FCC's
    rules, and the FCC has not initiated review of such order or

    final action on its own motion within forty days after the date of
    public notice of the order or final action, as such 40-day period is
    computed and such date is defined in Sections 1.117 and 1.4 (or any
    successor provisions) of the FCC's rules; or
      (y) if any such petition for reconsideration or application for
    review has been filed, or, if the FCC has initiated review of such
    order or final action on its own motion, the FCC has issued an
    effective written order or taken final action to the effect set forth
    in clause (a) above.
  "FON Preferred Stock" means Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the
Sprint FON Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13.
  "France" means the Republic of France, including French Guiana, Guadeloupe,
Martinique and Reunion, and its territories and possessions.
  "FT" means France Telecom SA, a societe anonyme formed under the laws of
  "FT/DT Joint Venture Termination" means any of the following:
    (a) the sale of Venture Interests by an FT/DT Party pursuant to Section
  20.5(b), 20.5(c) or 20.5(d) of the Joint Venture Agreement; or
    (b) the receipt by the Sprint Parties of the Tie-Breaking Vote due to a
  Funding Default, Material Non-Funding Default or Bankruptcy (as such terms
  are defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) on the part of any of the FT/DT
  "FT/DT Party" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "FT/DT Restructuring Agreement" means the Master Restructuring and
Investment Agreement, dated as of May 26, 1998, among FT, DT and this
Corporation, as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Germany" means the Federal Republic of Germany.
  "Governmental Authority" means any federation, nation, state, sovereign, or
government, any federal, supranational, regional, state or local political
subdivision, any governmental or administrative body, instrumentality,
department or agency or any court, tribunal, administrative hearing body,
arbitration panel, commission or other similar dispute resolving panel or
body, and any other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial,
regulatory or administrative functions of a government, provided that the term
"Governmental Authority" shall not include FT, DT, Atlas or any of their
respective Subsidiaries.
  "Group" means any group within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the
Exchange Act.
  "Independent Director" means any member of the Board of Directors who (a) is
not an officer or employee of this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any
of their respective Subsidiaries, (b) is not a former officer of this
Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any of their respective Subsidiaries,
(c) does not, in addition to such person's role as a Director, act on a
regular basis, either individually or as a member or representative of an
organization, serving as a professional adviser, legal counsel or consultant
to this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or their respective Subsidiaries,
if, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors of
this Corporation (the "Nominating Committee") or the Board of Directors if a
Nominating Committee is not in existence, such relationship is material to
this Corporation, any Class A Holder, or the organization so represented or
such person, and (d) does not represent, and is not a member of the immediate
family of, a person who would not satisfy the requirements of the preceding
clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this sentence. A person who has been or is a
partner, officer or director of an organization that has customary commercial,
industrial, banking or underwriting relationships with this Corporation, any
Class A Holder, or any of their respective Subsidiaries, that are carried on
in the ordinary course of business on an arms-length basis and who otherwise
satisfies the requirements set forth in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the
first sentence of this definition, may qualify as an Independent Director,
unless, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee or the Board of Directors
if a

Nominating Committee is not in existence, such person is not independent of
the management of this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any of their
respective Subsidiaries, or the relationship would interfere with the exercise
of independent judgment as a member of the Board of Directors. A person who
otherwise satisfies the requirements set forth in clauses (a), (b), (c) and
(d) of the first sentence of this definition and who, in addition to
fulfilling the customary director's role, also provides additional services
directly for the Board of Directors and is separately compensated therefor,
would nonetheless qualify as an Independent Director. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in this definition, each Director as of the date of
the execution of the Investment Agreement who is not an executive officer of
this Corporation shall be deemed to be an Independent Director hereunder.
  "Intergroup Interest Fraction" as of any date means a fraction the numerator
of which is the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup
Interest on such date and the denominator of which is the sum of (A) such
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest and (B) the
aggregate number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding on such date. A statement
setting forth the Intergroup Interest Fraction as of the record date for any
dividend or distribution on the PCS Stock, as of the end of each fiscal
quarter of the Corporation and as of any date otherwise required under these
Articles of Incorporation or by the Board of Directors shall be filed by the
Secretary of the Corporation in the records of the Board of Directors of the
Corporation not later than fifteen Business Days after such date.     
  "Investment Agreement" means the Investment Agreement, dated as of July 31,
1995, among FT, DT and this Corporation (and all exhibits and schedules
thereto), as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Investment Documents" means the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement and the
Stockholders' Agreement.
  "Joint Venture" means the joint venture formed by FT, DT, this Corporation
and Sprint Sub, as provided in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Joint Venture Agreement" means the Joint Venture Agreement, dated as of
June 22, 1995 among FT, DT, Sprint Sub, and this Corporation, as amended or
supplemented from time to time.
  "JV Entity" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Lien" means any mortgage, pledge, security interest, adverse claim,
encumbrance, lien (statutory or otherwise) or charge of any kind (including
any agreement to give any of the foregoing, any conditional sale or other
title retention agreement, any lease in the nature thereof, and the filing of
or agreement to give any financing statement under the Uniform Commercial Code
or similar Applicable Law of any jurisdiction) or any other type of
preferential arrangement for the purpose, or having the effect, of protecting
a creditor against loss or securing the payment or performance of an
  "Lien Transfer" means the granting of any Lien on any Long Distance Asset,
other than:
    (a) a Lien securing purchase money indebtedness that does not have a term
  longer than the estimated useful life of such Long Distance Asset;
    (b) Liens or other comparable arrangements relating to the financing of
  accounts receivable; and
    (c) Liens securing any other indebtedness for borrowed money, provided
  that (i) the amount of such indebtedness, when added to the aggregate
  amount of purchase money indebtedness referred to in clause (a) above, does
  not exceed 30% of the total book value of the Long Distance Assets as at
  the date of the most recently published balance sheet of this Corporation,
  (ii) the indebtedness secured by such Liens is secured only by Liens on
  Long Distance Assets, (iii) the face amount of such indebtedness does not
  exceed the book value of the Long Distance Assets subject to such Liens,
  and (iv) such indebtedness is for a term no longer than the estimated
  useful life of the Long Distance Assets subject to such Liens.
  "Local Exchange Division" means the Local Communications Services Division
of this Corporation.

  "Long Distance Assets" means:
    (a) the assets reflected in this Corporation's balance sheet for the year
  ended December 31, 1994 as included in the Long Distance Division;
    (b) any assets acquired by this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries
  following December 31, 1994 that are reflected in this Corporation's
  balance sheet as included in the Long Distance Division;
    (c) any assets of this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries that are
  not reflected in this Corporation's balance sheet for the year ended
  December 31, 1994 as included in the Long Distance Division, which after
  December 31, 1994 are transferred by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries to, or reclassified by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries as part of, the Long Distance Division;
    (d) any assets acquired by this Corporation after December 31, 1994 that
  are used or held for use primarily for the benefit of the Long Distance
  Business; and
    (e) any assets referred to in clauses (a) through (c) above that are used
  or held for use primarily for the benefit of the Long Distance Business
  which are transferred or reclassified by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries outside of the Long Distance Division, but which continue to
  be owned by this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries;
provided that the term "Long Distance Assets" shall not include (i) any assets
that are used or held for use primarily for the benefit of any Non-Long
Distance Business, or (ii) any other assets reflected in this Corporation's
balance sheet for the year ended December 31, 1994 as included in the Cellular
and Wireless Division or the Local Exchange Division (other than as such
assets in the Cellular and Wireless Division or the Local Exchange Division
may be transferred or reclassified in accordance with paragraph (c) of this
  "Long Distance Business" means all long distance telecommunications
activities and services of this Corporation and its Subsidiaries at the
relevant time, including (but not limited to) all long distance transport
services, switching and value-added services for voice, data, video and
multimedia transmission, migration paths and intelligent overlapping
architectures, provided that the term "Long Distance Business" shall not
include any activities or services primarily related to any Non-Long Distance
  "Long Distance Division" means the Long Distance Communications Services
Division of this Corporation.
  "Major Competitor" means (a) with respect to FT or DT, a Person that
materially competes with a major portion of the telecommunications services
business of FT or DT in Europe or a Person that has taken substantial steps to
become such a Major Competitor and which FT or DT has reasonably concluded, in
its good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future in
France or Germany, provided that FT and/or DT furnish in writing to this
Corporation reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps; (b) with
respect to this Corporation, a Person that materially competes with a major
portion of the telecommunications services business of this Corporation in
North America, or a Person that has taken substantial steps to become such a
Major Competitor and which this Corporation has reasonably concluded, in its
good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future in the
United States of America provided that this Corporation furnish in writing to
each Class A Holder reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps; and
(c) with respect to the Joint Venture, a Person that materially competes with
a major portion of the telecommunications services business of the Joint
Venture, or a Person that has taken substantial steps to become such a Major
Competitor and which FT, DT or this Corporation has reasonably concluded, in
its good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future,
provided that FT, DT or this Corporation furnish in writing to the other two
of them reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps.
  "Major Competitor Transaction" has the meaning set forth in ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 8.4.
  "Major Issuance" means any transaction, including, but not limited to, a
merger or business combination, resulting, directly or indirectly, in the
issuance (or sale from treasury) in connection with such transaction of

Voting Securities of this Corporation with a number of Votes equal to or
greater than 30 percent of the Voting Power of this Corporation immediately
prior to such issuance.
  "Market Capitalization" means, with respect to this Corporation at any date,
the sum of the average Market Price over the immediately preceding 20 Business
Days of each share of outstanding capital stock of this Corporation,
securities convertible into such capital stock and options, warrants or other
rights to acquire such capital stock.
  "Market Price" means with respect to a security on any date, the Closing
Price of such security on the Trading Day immediately prior to such date. The
Market Price shall be deemed to be equal to, (i) in the case of a share of
Class A Common Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may be, the Market
Price of a share of Common Stock and (ii) in the case of a share of Series 3
PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be, the Market Price of a
share of Series 1 PCS Stock. The Market Price of (x) any options, warrants,
rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for Class A Common
Stock or Series 2 Common Stock, as the case may be, shall be equal to the
Market Price of options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into
or exercisable for Common Stock upon the same terms and otherwise containing
the same terms as such options, warrants, rights or other securities
convertible into or exercisable for Class A Common Stock or Series 2 Common
Stock, as the case may be, and (y) any options, warrants, rights or other
securities convertible into or exercisable for Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2
PCS Stock, as the case may be, shall be equal to the Market Price of options,
warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for
Series 1 PCS Stock upon the same terms and otherwise containing the same terms
as such options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or
exercisable for Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be.
  "Market Value" of a share of any class or series of capital stock of the
Corporation on any day means the average of the high and low reported sales
prices regular way of a share of such class or series on such day (if such day
is a Trading Day, and if such day is not a Trading Day, on the Trading Day
immediately preceding such day) or, in case no such reported sale takes place
on such Trading Day, the average of the reported closing bid and asked prices
regular way of a share of such class or series on such Trading Day, in either
case as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape or, if the
shares of such class or series are not listed or admitted to trading on such
Exchange on such Trading Day, on the principal national securities exchange in
the United States on which the shares of such class or series are listed or
admitted to trading or, if not listed or admitted to trading on any national
securities exchange on such Trading Day, on the National Market tier of The
Nasdaq Stock Market or, if the shares of such class or series are not listed
or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange or quoted on such
National Market System on such Trading Day, the average of the closing bid and
asked prices of a share of such class or series in the over-the-counter market
on such Trading Day as furnished by any New York Stock Exchange member firm
selected from time to time by the Board of Directors or, if such closing bid
and asked prices are not made available by any such New York Stock Exchange
member firm on such Trading Day, the Fair Value of a share of such class or
series; provided that, for purposes of determining the Market Value of a share
of any class or series of capital stock for any period,
    (i) the "Market Value" of a share of capital stock on any day prior to
  any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period for
  any dividend or distribution (other than any dividend or distribution
  contemplated by clause (ii)(B) of this definition) paid or to be paid with
  respect to such capital stock shall be reduced by the Fair Value of the per
  share amount of such dividend or distribution and
    (ii) the "Market Value" of any share of capital stock on any day prior to
  (A) the effective date of any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of outstanding shares of
  such class of capital stock occurring during such period or (B) any "ex-
  dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period for any
  dividend or distribution with respect to such capital stock to be made in
  shares of such class or series of capital stock or Convertible Securities
  that are convertible, exchangeable or exercisable for such class or series
  of capital stock shall be appropriately adjusted, as determined by the
  Board of Directors, to reflect such subdivision, combination, dividend or

  "Net Proceeds" means, as of any date with respect to any Disposition of any
of the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, an amount, if any,
equal to what remains of the gross proceeds of such Disposition after payment
of, or reasonable provision is made as determined by the Board of Directors
for, (A) any taxes payable by the Corporation (or which would have been
payable but for the utilization of tax benefits attributable to the Sprint FON
Group) in respect of such Disposition or in respect of any resulting dividend
or redemption pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.1(A)(1)(a) or (b), (B) any
transaction costs, including, without limitation, any legal, investment
banking and accounting fees and expenses and (C) any liabilities (contingent
or otherwise) of or attributed to the PCS Group, including without limitation,
any liabilities for deferred taxes or any indemnity or guarantee obligations
of the Corporation incurred in connection with the Disposition or otherwise,
and any liabilities for future purchase price adjustments and any preferential
amounts plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends in respect of Preferred
Stock attributed to the PCS Group. For purposes of this definition, any
properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group remaining after such
Disposition shall constitute "reasonable provision" for such amount of taxes,
costs and liabilities (contingent or otherwise) as the Board of Directors
determines can be expected to be supported by such properties and assets.
  "Non-Class A Common Stock" means the Common Stock, the Series 2 Common
Stock, the Series 1 PCS Stock and the Series 2 PCS Stock.
  "Non-Long Distance Business" means (a) the ownership of any equity or other
interests in the Joint Venture or any of the JV Entities; the enforcement or
performance of any of the rights or obligations of this Corporation or any
Subsidiary of this Corporation pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement; or any
activities or services of the Joint Venture or any of the JV Entities; (b) the
interests, assets, properties and businesses attributed to the PCS Group in
accordance with this Section 10; (c) any activities or services primarily
related to the provision of subscriber connections to a local exchange or
switch providing access to the public switched telephone network; (d) any
activities or services primarily related to the provision of exchange access
services for the purpose of originating or terminating long distance
telecommunications services; (e) any activities or services primarily related
to the resale by the Local Exchange Division of long distance
telecommunications services of this Corporation or other carriers; (f) any
activities or services primarily related to the provision of inter-LATA long
distance telecommunications services that are incidental to the local exchange
services business of the Local Exchange Division; (g) any activities or
services primarily related to the provision of intra-LATA long distance
telecommunications services; (h) any activities or services (whether local,
intra-LATA or inter-LATA) primarily related to the provision of cellular, PCS,
ESMR or paging services, mobile telecommunications services or any other
voice, data or voice/data wireless services, whether fixed or mobile, or
related to telecommunications services provided through communications
satellite systems (whether low, medium or high orbit systems); and (i) the use
of the "Sprint" brand name or any other brand names, trade names or trademarks
owned or licensed by this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries.
  "North America" means the current geographic area covered by the following
countries: Canada, the United States of Mexico and the United States of
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest" means,
as of the Effective Date, 220,000,000; provided, however, that such number
shall from time to time thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, as determined by the Board of Directors to be appropriate
  to reflect equitably any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any
  dividend or other distribution of shares of PCS Stock to holders of shares
  of PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS Stock;     
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Board of Directors by (1) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock issued or sold by the Corporation that,
  immediately prior to such issuance or sale, were included (as determined by
  the Board of Directors pursuant to paragraph (C) of this definition) in the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest, (2) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock issued upon conversion, exchange or exercise

  Convertible Securities that, immediately prior to the issuance or sale of
  such Convertible Securities, were included in the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Intergroup Interest, (3) the number of shares of PCS
  Stock issued by the Corporation as a dividend or other distribution
  (including in connection with any reclassification or exchange of shares)
  to holders of Common Group Stock or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the
  case may be, (4) the number of shares of PCS Stock issued upon the
  conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities issued by
  the Corporation as a dividend or other distribution (including in
  connection with any reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of
  Common Group Stock or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be,
  (5) the quotient of (a) the aggregate Fair Value of any PCS Preferred Stock
  (or Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable
  for shares of PCS Preferred Stock) issued by the Corporation as a dividend
  or other distribution (including in connection with any classification or
  exchange of shares) to holders of Common Group Stock or shares of FON
  Preferred Stock, as the case may be, divided by (b) the Market Value of one
  share of PCS Stock as of the date of issuance of such PCS Preferred Stock
  (or Convertible Securities), or (6) the number (rounded, if necessary, to
  the nearest whole number) equal to the quotient of (a) the aggregate Fair
  Value as of the date of contribution of properties or assets (including
  cash) transferred from the PCS Group to the Sprint FON Group in
  consideration for a reduction in the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
  To The Intergroup Interest divided by (b) the Market Value of one share of
  PCS Stock as of the date of such transfer; and
    (C)  increased by (1) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock
  repurchased by the Corporation for consideration that had been attributed
  to the Sprint FON Group, (2) the number (rounded, if necessary, to the
  nearest whole number) equal to the quotient of (a) the Fair Value of
  properties or assets (including cash) theretofore attributed to the Sprint
  FON Group that are contributed, by action of the Board of Directors, to the
  PCS Group in consideration of an increase in the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Intergroup Interest, divided by (b) the Market Value of
  one share of PCS Stock as of the date of such contribution and (3) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which Convertible Securities are
  deemed converted, exchanged or exercised pursuant to the penultimate
  sentence of the definition of "Sprint FON Group";     
provided, further, that the Board of Directors may make such subsequent
changes to the calculations made pursuant to subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C)
immediately above as may be required for purposes of accurately detrmining
such number.     
  "Old Class A Common Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation"
column in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Optional Conversion Ratio" as of any date means the ratio of the Average
Trading Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to the Average Trading Price of
a share of Common Stock (or the applicable other class or series of common
stock of the Corporation, if so provided by Section 7.1 because Common Stock
is not then Publicly Traded); provided, that such ratio would be determined
over a 60-Trading Day period if the 20-Trading Day period normally used to
determine the Average Trading Price is less than 90% of such ratio as
determined over a 60-Trading Day period.
  "Outstanding PCS Fraction," as of any date, means the fraction (which may
simplify to 1/1) the numerator of which shall be the number of shares of PCS
Stock outstanding on such date and the denominator of which shall be the sum
of the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding on such date and the Number
Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest on such date. A
statement setting forth the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the record date for
the payment of any dividend or distribution on PCS Stock and as of the end of
each fiscal quarter of the Corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of the
Corporation in the records of the actions of the Board of Directors not later
than fifteen Business Days after such date.
  "PCS" means a radio communications system of the type authorized under the
rules for broadband personal communications services designated as Subpart E
of Part 24 of the FCC's rules or similar Applicable Laws of any other country,
including the network, marketing, distribution, sales, customer interface and
operations functions relating thereto.
  "PCS Group" means, as of any date from and after the Effective Date:
    (A) the interest on such date of the Corporation and any of its
  subsidiaries in any of the following Persons or any of their respective
  subsidiaries (including any successor thereto by merger, consolidation or

  sale of all or substantially all of its assets, whether or not in
  connection with a Related Business Transaction) (the "PCS Group Companies")
  and the corresponding interests in their respective assets and liabilities
  and the businesses conducted by such entities: SWV Six, Inc. (fka TCI
  Spectrum Holdings, Inc.); SWV One, Inc. (fka Com Telephony Services, Inc.);
  SWV Two, Inc. (fka Comcast Telephony Services, Inc.); SWV Three, Inc. (fka
  Cox Telephony Partners, Inc.); SWV Four, Inc. (fka Cox Communications
  Wireless, Inc.); Comcast Telephony Services; Cox Telephony Partnership;
  Sprint Enterprises, L.P.; MinorCo, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Holding Company,
  L.P.; American PCS, L.P.; Cox Communications PCS, L.P.; NewTelco, L.P.;
  Sprint Spectrum L.P.; American Personal Communications Holdings, Inc.;
  American PCS Communications, LLC; APC PCS, LLC; APC Realty and Equipment
  Company, LLC; Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation; Sprint Spectrum
  Equipment Company, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, L.P.; WirelessCo,
  L.P.; SWV Five, Inc. (fka TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc.); PhillieCo
  Partners I, L.P.; PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.; PhillieCo Sub, L.P.;
  PhillieCo, L.P.; PhillieCo Equipment & Realty Company, L.P.; SprintCom,
  Inc.; SprintCom Equipment Company L.P.; PCS Leasing Co., L.P.; Cox PCS
  Assets, L.L.C.; and Cox PCS License, L.L.C.;
    (B) all assets and liabilities of the Corporation and its subsidiaries
  attributed by the Board of Directors to the PCS Group, whether or not such
  assets or liabilities are or were also assets or liabilities of any of the
  PCS Group Companies;
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the
  Sprint FON Group (other than a transaction pursuant to paragraph (D) of
  this definition) after the Effective Date pursuant to transactions in the
  ordinary course of business of both the Sprint FON Group and the PCS Group
  or otherwise as the Board of Directors may have directed as permitted by
    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the
  Sprint FON Group in connection with an increase in the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest; and
    (E) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries in any
  business or asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by the Corporation
  or any of its subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business and
  attributed to the PCS Group, as determined by the Board of Directors as
  contemplated by Section 9.1(A) of ARTICLE SIXTH;
  provided that
    (1) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other distribution
  with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend or other
  distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to which
  adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number Of Shares
  Issuable In Respect Of The Intergroup Interest," or in securities of the
  Corporation attributed to the PCS Group, for which provision shall be made
  as set forth in clause (2) of this proviso), the PCS Group shall no longer
  include an amount of assets or properties previously attributed to the PCS
  Group of the same kind as so paid in such dividend or other distribution
  with respect of shares of PCS Stock as have a Fair Value on the record date
  for such dividend or distribution equal to the product of (a) the Fair
  Value on such record date of the aggregate of such dividend or distribution
  to holders of shares of PCS Stock declared multiplied by (b) a fraction the
  numerator of which is equal to the Intergroup Interest Fraction in effect
  on the record date for such dividend or distribution and the denominator of
  which is equal to the Outstanding PCS Fraction in effect on the record date
  for such dividend or distribution (and in such eventuality such assets as
  are no longer included in the PCS Group shall be attributed to the Sprint
  FON Group in accordance with the definition of "Sprint FON Group"), and
    (2) if the Corporation shall pay a dividend or make some other
  distribution with respect to shares of PCS Stock payable in securities of
  the Corporation that are attributed to the PCS Group for purposes of this
  ARTICLE SIXTH (other than PCS Stock), there shall be excluded from the PCS
  Group an interest in the PCS Group equivalent to the number or amount of
  such securities that is equal to the product of the number or amount of
  securities so distributed to holders of PCS Stock multiplied by the
  fraction specified in clause 1(b) of this proviso (determined as of the
  record date for such distribution) (and such interest in the PCS Group
  shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group) and, to the extent interest is
  or dividends are paid on

  the securities so distributed, the PCS Group shall no longer include a
  corresponding ratable amount of the kind of assets paid as such interest or
  dividends as would have been paid in respect of the securities equivalent
  to such interest in the PCS Group deemed held by the Sprint FON Group if
  the securities equivalent to such interest were outstanding (and in such
  eventuality such assets as are no longer included in the PCS Group shall be
  attributed to the Sprint FON Group in accordance with the definition of
  "Sprint FON Group").
  The Corporation may also, to the extent a dividend or distribution on the
PCS Stock has been paid in Convertible Securities that are convertible into or
exchangeable or exercisable for PCS Stock, cause such Convertible Securities
as are deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group in accordance with the third-
to-last sentence of the definition of "Sprint FON Group" and clause (2) of the
proviso to the immediately preceding sentence to be deemed to be converted,
exchanged or exercised as provided in the penultimate sentence of the
definition of "Sprint FON Group," in which case such Convertible Securities
shall no longer be deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group.
  "PCS Group Disposition Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(A) of
  "PCS Group Subsidiary" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.2 of ARTICLE
  "PCS IPO" means the initial primary underwritten public offering of Series 1
PCS Stock conducted by the Corporation.
  "PCS IPO Price" means the initial price per share at which shares of Series
1 PCS Stock are purchased by the public in the PCS IPO.
  "PCS IPO Pricing Date" means the date on which the PCS IPO Price is
  "PCS Per Share Vote" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2 of ARTICLE
  "PCS Preferred Stock" means Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the
PCS Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13.
  "PCS Ratio" means (i) if the PCS IPO Pricing Date occurs prior to the
Recapitalization, the ratio of the PCS IPO Price to the Closing Price on the
PCS IPO Pricing Date of one share of Common Stock, or (ii) if the
Recapitalization precedes the PCS IPO Pricing Date, the ratio of the Average
Trading Price of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock to the Average Trading Price
of one share of the class or series of the Corporation's capital stock that
reflects the financial performance of, among other things, the Sprint FON
Group determined, in each such case, as of the 21st Trading Day following the
commencement of regular way trading of both the Series 1 PCS Stock and such
other capital stock of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of any vote
of stockholders of the Corporation for which the record date for determining
the stockholders entitled to vote occurs prior to such 21st Trading Day, such
ratio will be determined by the Board of Directors based on the relative
market values of the Series 1 PCS Stock and the Common Stock.
  "PCS Stock" means the Series 1 PCS Stock, the Series 2 PCS Stock and the
Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Percentage Ownership Interest" means, with respect to any Person, that
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation represented by Votes
associated with the Voting Securities of this Corporation owned of record by
such Person or by its nominees.
  "Person" means an individual, a partnership, an association, a joint
venture, a corporation, a business, a trust, any entity organized or existing
under Applicable Law, an unincorporated organization or any Governmental

  "Preferred Stock" has the meaning set forth in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Preferred Stock Director" has the meaning set forth in ARTICLE FIFTH of
these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Proceeding" means any action, litigation, suit, proceeding or formal
investigation or review of any nature, civil, criminal, regulatory or
otherwise, before any Governmental Authority.
  "Publicly Traded" with respect to any security means (i) registered under
Section 12 of the Exchange Act and (ii) listed for trading on the New York
Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange (or any national securities
exchange registered under Section 7 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (or any successor provision of law), that is the successor to either
such exchange) or quoted in the National Association of Securities Dealers
Automation Quotation System (or any successor system).
  "Qualified Joint Venture" has the meaning set forth in Article I of the
Investment Agreement.
  "Qualified Stock Purchaser" means a Person that (a) FT and DT reasonably
believe has the legal and financial ability to purchase shares of Class A
Stock from this Corporation in accordance with Article VI of the Stockholders'
Agreement and (b) would not be a Major Competitor of this Corporation or of
the Joint Venture immediately following such purchase.
  "Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement" has the meaning set forth
in the Standstill Agreement.
  "Qualified Subsidiary" has the meaning set forth in the Investment
  "Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the
Investment Agreement.
  "Recapitalization" means the reclassification of, among other things,
certain outstanding shares of Sprint capital stock to be effected pursuant to
the terms set forth in the Restructuring Agreement and the FT/DT Restructuring
  "Redemption Date" means the date fixed by the Board of Directors for the
redemption of (i) any shares of capital stock of this Corporation pursuant to
ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 2.2 or (ii) shares of PCS Stock as shall be set forth
in the notice to holders of shares of PCS Stock and to holders of any
Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of PCS Stock required pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 7.4.
  "Redemption Securities" means any debt or equity securities of this
Corporation, any of its Subsidiaries, or any combination thereof having such
terms and conditions as shall be approved by the Board of Directors and which,
together with any cash to be paid as part of the redemption price pursuant to
Section 2.2(b) of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation, in the
opinion of an investment banking firm of recognized national standing selected
by the Board of Directors (which may be a firm which provides other investment
banking, brokerage or other services to this Corporation), have a Market
Price, at the time notice of redemption is given pursuant to Section 2.2(d) of
ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation, at least equal to the
redemption price required to be paid by such Section 2.2(a).
  "Registration Rights Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Registration
Rights Agreement, dated as of       , 1998 among FT, DT and this Corporation,
as amended from time to time.
  "Related Business Transaction" means any Disposition of all or substantially
all the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group in a transaction or
series of related transactions that result in the Corporation receiving in
consideration of such properties and assets primarily equity securities
(including, without limitation, capital stock, debt securities convertible
into or exchangeable for equity securities or interests in a general or
limited partnership or limited liability company, without regard to the voting
power or other management or

governance rights associated therewith) of any entity which (i) acquires such
properties or assets or succeeds (by merger, formation of a joint venture or
otherwise) to the business conducted with such properties or assets or
controls such acquiror or successor and (ii) which the Board of Directors
determines is primarily engaged or proposes to engage primarily in one or more
businesses similar or complementary to the businesses conducted by such
Business Group prior to such Disposition.
  "Restructuring Agreement" means the Restructuring and Merger Agreement dated
as of May 26, 1998, by and among certain Cable Holders, this Corporation and
the other parties listed therein, as amended or supplemented from time to
  "Restructuring Closing Date" means the Closing Date, as such term is defined
in the Restructuring Agreement.
  "Rights Agreement" means the Rights Agreement, dated as of     , 1998,
between this Corporation and UMB Bank, N.A., as amended or supplemented from
time to time.
  "Section 310" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(a) of ARTICLE FIFTH of
these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Series 1 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 2 Common Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation"
column in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 2 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 3 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Shares" means (a) shares of Class A Stock, Non-Class A Common Stock,
Preferred Stock or any other Voting Securities of this Corporation, (b)
securities of this Corporation convertible into Voting Securities of this
Corporation and (c) options, warrants or other rights to acquire such Voting
Securities, but in the case of clause (c) excluding any rights of the Class A
Holders or FT and DT to acquire Voting Securities of this Corporation pursuant
to the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Purchase Rights Agreement (as
defined in the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement) and the Stockholders' Agreement
(but not excluding any Voting Securities received upon the exercise of such
  "Spin-off" means any spin-off or other pro rata distribution of equity
interests of a wholly-owned direct or indirect Subsidiary of this Corporation
to the stockholders of this Corporation.
  "Sprint FON Group" means, as of any date from and after the Effective Date:
    (A) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries on such
  date in all of the assets, liabilities and businesses of the Corporation or
  any of its subsidiaries (and any successor companies), other than any
  assets, liabilities and businesses attributed in accordance with this
  Section 10 to the PCS Group;
    (B) a proportionate undivided interest in each and every business, asset
  and liability attributed to the PCS Group equal to the Intergroup Interest
  Fraction as of such date;
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the Sprint FON Group from
  the PCS Group (other than pursuant to paragraph (D) or (F) of this
  definition) after the Effective Date pursuant to transactions in the
  ordinary course of business of both the Sprint FON Group and the PCS Group
  or otherwise as the Board of Directors may have directed as permitted by

    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the Sprint FON Group from
  the PCS Group in connection with a reduction of the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest;
    (E) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries in any
  business or asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by the Corporation
  or any of its subsidiaries outside the ordinary course of business and
  attributed to the Sprint FON Group, as determined by the Board of Directors
  as contemplated by Section 9.1(A) of ARTICLE SIXTH; and
    (F) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other distribution
  with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend or other
  distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to which
  adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number Of Shares
  Issuable In Respect Of The Intergroup Interest," or in securities of the
  Corporation attributed to the PCS Group, for which provision shall be made
  as set forth in the third to last sentence of this definition), an amount
  of assets or properties previously attributed to the PCS Group of the same
  kind as were paid in such dividend or other distribution with respect to
  shares of PCS Stock as have a Fair Value on the record date for such
  dividend or distribution equal to the product of (1) the Fair Value on such
  record date of the aggregate of such dividend or distribution to holders of
  shares of PCS Stock declared multiplied by (2) a fraction the numerator of
  which is equal to the Intergroup Interest Fraction in effect on the record
  date for such dividend or distribution and the denominator of which is
  equal to the Outstanding PCS Fraction in effect on the record date for such
  dividend or distribution; provided that from and after any transfer of any
  assets or properties from the Sprint FON Group to the PCS Group, the Sprint
  FON Group shall no longer include such assets or properties so transferred
  (other than as reflected in respect of such a transfer by the Intergroup
  Interest Fraction, as provided by paragraph (B) of this definition).
  If the Corporation shall pay a dividend or make some other distribution with
respect to shares of PCS Stock payable in securities of the Corporation that
are attributed to the PCS Group for purposes of this ARTICLE SIXTH (other than
PCS Stock), the Sprint FON Group shall be deemed to hold an interest in the
PCS Group equivalent to the number or amount of such securities that is equal
to the product of the number or amount of securities so distributed to holders
of PCS Stock multiplied by the fraction specified in clause (2) of paragraph
(F) of this definition (determined as of the record date for such
distribution) and, to the extent interest is or dividends are paid on the
securities so distributed, the Sprint FON Group shall include, and there shall
be transferred thereto out of the PCS Group, a corresponding ratable amount of
the kind of assets paid as such interest or dividends as would have been paid
in respect of such securities so deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group if
such securities were outstanding.
  The Corporation may also, to the extent the securities so paid as a dividend
or other distribution to the holders of PCS Stock are Convertible Securities
and at the time are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares
of PCS Stock, treat such Convertible Securities as are so deemed to be held by
the Sprint FON Group to be deemed to be converted, exchanged or exercised, and
shall do so to the extent such Convertible Securities are mandatorily
converted, exchanged or exercised (and to the extent the terms of such
Convertible Securities require payment of consideration for such conversion,
exchange or exercise, the Sprint FON Group shall then no longer include an
amount of the kind of properties or assets required to be paid as such
consideration for the amount of Convertible Securities deemed converted,
exchanged or exercised (and such properties or assets shall be attributed to
the PCS Group)), in which case, from and after such time, the securities into
or for which such Convertible Securities so deemed to be held by the Sprint
FON Group were so considered converted, exchanged or exercised shall be deemed
held by the Sprint FON Group (as provided in clause (3) of paragraph (C) of
the definition of "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup
Interest") and such Convertible Securities shall no longer be deemed to be
held by the Sprint FON Group. A statement setting forth the election to
effectuate any such deemed conversion, exchange or exercise of Convertible
Securities so deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group and the properties or
assets, if any, to be attributed to the PCS Group in consideration of such
conversion, exchange or exercise (if any) shall be filed in the records of the
actions of the Board of Directors and, upon such filing, such deemed
conversion, exchange or exercise shall be effectuated.

  "Sprint Party" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Sprint Sub" means Sprint Global Venture, Inc.
  "Standstill Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Standstill Agreement,
dated as of    , 1998, among FT, DT and this Corporation, as amended or
supplemented from time to time.
  "Stockholders' Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Stockholders'
Agreement, dated as of     , 1998, among FT, DT and this Corporation (and all
exhibits thereto), as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Strategic Investor" has the meaning set forth in the Investment Agreement.
  "Strategic Merger" means a merger or other business combination involving
this Corporation (a) in which the Class A Holders are entitled to retain or
receive, as the case may be, voting equity securities of the surviving parent
entity in exchange for or in respect of (by conversion or otherwise) such
Class A Stock, with an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to at least 75% of
the sum of (i) the Fair Market Value of all consideration which such Class A
Holders have a right to receive with respect to such merger or other business
combination, and (ii) if this Corporation is the surviving parent entity, the
Fair Market Value of the equity securities of the surviving parent entity
which the Class A Holders are entitled to retain, (b) immediately after which
the surviving parent entity is an entity whose voting equity securities are
registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act or
which otherwise has any class or series of its voting equity securities held
by at least 500 holders and (c) immediately after which no Person or Group
(other than the Class A Holders) owns Voting Securities of such surviving
parent entity with Votes equal to more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of
such surviving parent entity.
  "Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person (the "Parent"), any other
Person in which the Parent, one or more direct or indirect Subsidiaries of the
Parent, or the Parent and one or more of its direct or indirect Subsidiaries
(a) have the ability, through ownership of securities individually or as a
group, ordinarily, in the absence of contingencies, to elect a majority of the
directors (or individuals performing similar functions) of such other Person,
and (b) own more than 50% of the equity interests, provided that Atlas shall
be deemed to be a Subsidiary of each of FT and DT.
  "Supervoting Powers" means, as to the capital stock and debt securities of
this Corporation:
    (a) Common Group Stock entitled to more than one Vote per share (other
  than pursuant to the Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d));
    (b) PCS Stock entitled to a number of Votes per share greater than the
  PCS Per Share Vote of the Series 3 PCS Stock measured as of the same record
  date in accordance with Section 3.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH (other than pursuant
  to the Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d)); or
    (c) Voting Securities of this Corporation other than Non-Class A Common
  Stock entitled to a number of Votes per share or unit, as the case may be
  and measured as of the same record date, greater than both (x) the quotient
  of (i) the price per share or unit, as the case may be, at which such
  security will be issued by this Corporation divided by (ii) the Market
  Price per share of Common Stock on the date of issuance of such Voting
  Securities and (y) the quotient of (i) the price per share or unit, as the
  case may be, at which such security will be issued by this Corporation
  divided by (ii) the Market Price per share of Series 1 PCS Stock on the
  date of issuance of such Voting Securities (other than pursuant to the
  Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d)).
  "Tie-Breaking Vote" has the meaning set forth in Section 18.1(a) of the
Joint Venture Agreement, and shall include any successor provision thereto.
  "Total Market Capitalization" of any class or series of common stock on any
date means the product of (i) the Market Value of one share of such class or
series of common stock on such date and (ii) the number of shares of such
class or series of common stock outstanding on such date.

  "Trading Day" means, with respect to any security, any day on which the
principal national securities exchange on which such security is listed or
admitted to trading or The Nasdaq Stock Market, if such security is listed or
admitted to trading thereon, is open for the transaction of business (unless
such trading shall have been suspended for the entire day) or, if such
security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange or The Nasdaq Stock Market, any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or
a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or
obligated by law or executive order to close.
  "Transfer" means any act pursuant to which, directly or indirectly, the
ownership of the assets or securities in question is sold, transferred,
conveyed, delivered or otherwise disposed, but shall not include (a) any grant
of Liens, (b) any conversion or exchange of any security of this Corporation
pursuant to a merger or other business combination involving this Corporation,
(c) any transfer of ownership of assets to the surviving entity in a Strategic
Merger or pursuant to any other merger or other business combination not
prohibited by the Class A Provisions, or (d) any foreclosure or other
execution upon any of the assets of this Corporation or any of its
Subsidiaries other than foreclosures resulting from Lien Transfers.
  "Treaty Benefit" means:
    (a) the 5% rate of dividend withholding (or any successor rate applicable
  to non-portfolio investments);
    (b) the exemption from income tax with respect to dividends paid or
  profits distributed by this Corporation;
    (c) the exemption from income tax with respect to gains or profits
  derived from the sale, exchange, or disposal of stock in this Corporation;
    (d) the exemption from taxes on capital with respect to stock in this
  under, in the case of (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, either (i) the relevant
  income tax treaty between the United States and France, in the case of FT,
  and the United States and Germany, in the case of DT, or (ii) any
  provisions of French statutory law, in the case of FT, or German statutory
  law, in the case of DT, which refers to, or is based on or derived from,
  any provision of such treaty, or     
    (e) any other favorable treaty benefit or statutory benefit, that
  specifically requires the ownership of a certain amount of voting power or
  voting interest in this Corporation, under a provision of the relevant
  income tax treaty between the United States and France or the statutory
  laws of France, in the case of FT, or the relevant income tax treaty
  between the United States and Germany or the statutory laws of Germany, in
  the case DT, provided that the chief tax officer of FT or DT certifies that
  such benefit is reasonably expected to provide to FT or DT, as the case may
  be, combined tax savings in the year such certification is made and in
  future years of at least U.S. $15 million.
  "Venture Interests" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture
  "Vote" means, with respect to any entity, the ability to cast a vote at a
stockholders', members' or comparable meeting of such entity with respect to
the election of directors, managers or other members of such entity's
governing body, or the ability to cast a general partnership or comparable
vote, provided that with respect to this Corporation, the term "Vote" means
the ability to exercise general voting power (as opposed to the exercise of
special voting or disapproval rights such as those set forth in this ARTICLE
SIXTH) with respect to matters other than the election of directors at a
meeting of the stockholders of this Corporation.
  "Voting Power" means, with respect to any entity as at any date, the
aggregate number of Votes outstanding as at such date in respect of such
  "Voting Securities" means, with respect to an entity, any capital stock or
debt securities of such entity if the holders thereof are ordinarily, in the
absence of contingencies, entitled to a Vote, even though the right to such
Vote has been suspended by the happening of such a contingency, and in the
case of this Corporation, shall include, without limitation, the Non-Class A
Common Stock and the Class A Stock, but shall not include any shares issued
pursuant to the Rights Agreement to the extent such issuance is caused by
action of a Class A Holder.

  "Weighted Average Price" means the weighted average per unit price paid by
the purchasers of any capital stock, debt instrument or security of this
Corporation; provided, that the price paid by the purchasers of Series 2 PCS
Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock acquired on the Restructuring Closing Date will
be the first to be determined of the PCS IPO Price and the Average Trading
Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock as of the 21st Trading Day following
the commencement of regular way trading in connection with the
Recapitalization. In determining the price of shares of Non-Class A Common
Stock or Class A Stock issued upon the conversion or exchange of securities or
issued upon the exercise of options, warrants or other rights, the
consideration for such shares shall be deemed to include the price paid to
purchase the convertible security or the warrant, option or other right, plus
any additional consideration paid upon conversion or exercise. If any portion
of the price paid is not cash, the Independent Directors (acting by majority
vote) shall determine in good faith the Fair Market Value of such non-cash
consideration. If any new shares of Non-Class A Common Stock are issued
together with other shares or securities or other assets of this Corporation
for consideration which covers both the new shares and such other shares,
securities or other assets, the portion of such consideration allocable to
such new shares shall be determined in good faith by the Independent Directors
(acting by majority vote), in each case as certified in a resolution sent to
all Class A Holders or holders of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 Common Stock,
as the case may be.
  Section 11. Notices. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.4, all
notices to Class A Holders made by this Corporation pursuant to this ARTICLE
SIXTH shall be made in writing and any such notice shall be deemed delivered
when the same has been delivered in person to, or transmitted by telex or
telefacsimile communication to, or seven days after it has been sent by air
mail to the addresses of, all of the Class A Holders as indicated on the stock
transfer books of this Corporation. Communications by telex or telefacsimile
communication also shall be sent concurrently by air mail, but shall in any
event be effective as stated above.
  Section 12. No Other Beneficiaries. The Class A Provisions are intended for
the benefit of the Class A Holders only, and nothing in the Class A Provisions
is intended or will be construed to confer upon or to give any third party or
other stockholder of this Corporation any rights or remedies by virtue hereof.
Any term of the Class A Provisions may be waived by the holders of at least
two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Class A Stock, voting together as a
single class.
  Section 13. General Provisions Relating to Preferred Stock
  13.1. The Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in one or more
series, each of such series to have such voting powers (full or limited or
without voting powers) designation, preferences and relative, participating,
optional or other special rights and qualifications, limitations or
restrictions thereof as are stated and expressed herein, or in a resolution or
resolutions providing for the issue of such series adopted by the Board of
Directors as hereinafter provided.
  13.2. Authority is hereby granted to the Board of Directors, subject to the
provisions of this ARTICLE SIXTH, to create one or more series of Preferred
Stock and, with respect to each series, to fix or alter as permitted by law,
by resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such series:
    (a) the number of shares to constitute such series and the distinctive
  designation thereof;
    (b) the dividend rate on the shares of such series, the dividend payment
  dates, the periods in respect of which dividends are payable ("dividend
  periods") whether such dividends shall be cumulative, and if cumulative,
  the date or dates from which dividends shall accumulate;
    (c) whether or not the shares of such series shall be redeemable, and, if
  redeemable, on what terms, including the redemption prices which the shares
  of such series shall be entitled to receive upon the redemption thereof;
    (d) whether or not the shares of such series shall be subject to the
  operation of retirement or sinking funds to be applied to the purchase or
  redemption of such shares for retirement and, if such retirement or sinking
  fund or funds be established, the annual amount thereof and the terms and
  provisions relative to the operation thereof;

    (e) whether or not the shares of such series shall be convertible into,
  or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or classes or of any other
  series of the same or any other class or classes of stock of the
  Corporation and the conversion price or prices or rate or rates, or the
  rate or rates at which such exchange may be made, with such adjustments, if
  any, as shall be stated and expressed or provided in such resolution or
    (f) the voting power, if any, of the shares of such series; and
    (g) such other terms, conditions, special rights and protective
  provisions as the Board of Directors may deem advisable.
  13.3. No dividend shall be declared and set apart for payment on any series
of Preferred Stock in respect of any dividend period unless there shall
likewise be or have been paid, or declared and set apart for payment, on all
shares of Preferred Stock of each other series entitled to cumulative
dividends at the time outstanding which rank equally as to dividends with the
series in question, dividends ratably in accordance with the sums which would
be payable on the said shares through the end of the last preceding dividend
period if all dividends were declared and paid in full.
  13.4. If upon any dissolution of the Corporation, the assets of the
Corporation distributable among the holders of any one or more series of
Preferred Stock which are (i) entitled to a preference over the holders of the
Corporation Common Stock upon such dissolution, and (ii) rank equally in
connection with any such distribution, shall be insufficient to pay in full
the preferential amount to which the holders of such shares shall be entitled,
then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the
holders of each such series of the Preferred Stock ratably in accordance with
the sums which would be payable on such distribution if all sums payable were
discharged in full.
  13.5. In the event that the Preferred Stock of any series shall be
redeemable, then, at the option of the Board of Directors, the Corporation may
at such time or times as may be specified by the Board of Directors as
provided in Section 13.2(c) of this ARTICLE SIXTH redeem all, or any number
less than all, of the outstanding shares of such series at the redemption
price thereof and on the other terms fixed herein or by the Board of Directors
as provided in said Section 13.2(c) (the sum so payable upon any redemption of
Preferred Stock being herein referred to as the "redemption price").     
  13.6. Attribution of Preferred Stock to Groups. As of the Effective Date,
the outstanding shares of Preferred Stock--First Series, Preferred Stock--
Second Series, and Preferred Stock--Fifth Series shall be attributed entirely
of any shares of Preferred Stock of any series after the Effective Date, the
Board of Directors shall attribute for purposes of this ARTICLE SIXTH the
shares so issued entirely to the Sprint FON Group or entirely to the PCS Group
or partly to the Sprint FON Group and partly to the PCS Group in such
proportion as the Board of Directors shall determine and, further, in case of
the issuance of shares of Preferred Stock that are exchangeable or exercisable
for PCS Stock, if at the time such shares of Preferred Stock are issued the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup Interest shall be
greater than zero, then the Board of Directors shall also determine what
portion (which may be some, all or none) of such shares of Preferred Stock
shall reduce the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Intergroup
Interest, taking into consideration the use of the proceeds of such issuance
of shares of Preferred Stock in the business of the Sprint FON Group or the
PCS Group and any other relevant factors. Upon any redemption or repurchase of
shares of Preferred Stock, the Board of Directors shall determine the proper
attribution thereof in accordance with Section 9.1(D) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
Notwithstanding any such attribution of shares of Preferred Stock to the
Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, any dividends or distributions or other
payments which are made by the Corporation on such shares of Preferred Stock
may be made, and as required by the preferences and relative, participating,
optional or other special rights thereof shall be made, out of any of the
properties or assets of the Corporation, regardless of the Business Group to
which such properties or assets are attributed in accordance     

with the definitions of "Sprint FON Group" and "PCS Group" set forth in
Section 10, except as otherwise provided by the resolution of the Board of
Directors fixing the preferences and relative, participating, optional or
other special rights of a series of Preferred Stock.
  13.7. Preferred Stock--First Series, Convertible.
  13.7.1. Amount. The number of shares to constitute the initial series of
Preferred Stock shall be 1,742,853 and the designation thereof shall be
Preferred Stock--First Series (hereafter "First Series").
  13.7.2. Dividends. Holders of shares of the First Series will be entitled to
receive cumulative cash dividends at the quarterly rate of $.37 1/2 per share.
All such payments will be made out of funds legally available for the payment
of such dividends, when and as declared, before any distribution shall be made
on the Corporation Common Stock.     
  13.7.3 Conversion Rights. The holders of shares of the First Series may
convert any or all of said shares into Common Stock at any time after December
7, 1989, on the basis of three (3) shares of the Common Stock of the
Corporation for each share of the First Series. Such ratio is herein referred
to as the "conversion rate."
  The conversion rate shall be subject to the following adjustments:
    A. In case the Corporation shall (i) pay a dividend in Common Stock or
  (ii) subdivide the outstanding shares of Common Stock into a greater number
  of shares of Common Stock or combine the outstanding shares of Common Stock
  into a smaller number of shares of Common Stock, the conversion rate in
  effect immediately prior to such stock dividend, subdivision or combination
  shall be proportionately increased or decreased as the case may be.
    B. No such adjustment shall be required, however, if the aggregate number
  of shares of Common Stock issued as dividends on the Common Stock since the
  most recent previous adjustment does not exceed 5% of the total number of
  shares of Common Stock outstanding; provided, however, that when the
  aggregate number of shares of Common Stock issued as dividends since the
  most recent previous adjustment shall exceed the foregoing 5%, the
  conversion rate shall be increased in proportion to the same percentage or
  ratio that the aggregate of all such dividends in shares of Common Stock
  since the most recent previous adjustment bears to the total number of
  shares of Common Stock outstanding.
    C. In the event the Corporation shall fix a record date for the purpose
  of determining the holders of shares of Common Stock entitled to receive
  any dividend in Common Stock, the conversion rate or any subsequent
  conversion rate in effect immediately prior to the record date fixed for
  the determination of shareholders entitled to such dividend shall be
  proportionately increased (subject to the limitation of subparagraph (B)
  above) and such adjustment will become effective immediately after the
  opening of business on the day following such record date.
    D. The conversion rate shall not be adjusted by reason of: (i) the
  issuance of shares pursuant to options and stock purchase agreements
  granted or entered into with officers or employees of the Corporation; and
  (ii) the issuance of shares for cash or in exchange for assets or stock of
  another company.
    E. Any adjustment in the conversion rate as herein provided shall be to
  the nearest, or if there shall be no nearest, then to the next lower, one-
  hundredth of a share of Common Stock, and shall remain in effect until
  further adjustment as required hereunder.
    F. In case the Corporation shall be recapitalized, or shall be
  consolidated with or merged into, or shall sell or transfer its property
  and assets as, or substantially as, an entirety to any other corporation,
  proper provisions shall be made as a part of the terms of such
  recapitalization, consolidation, merger, sale or transfer whereby the
  holder of any shares of the First Series at the time outstanding
  immediately prior to such event shall thereafter be entitled to such
  conversion rights, with respect to securities of the Corporation resulting
  from such recapitalization, consolidation or merger, or to which such sale
  or transfer shall be made, as shall be substantially equivalent to the
  conversion rights herein provided for.

    G. No fraction of a share of Common Stock shall be issued upon any
  conversion. In lieu of the fraction of a share to which the holder of
  shares of the First Series surrendered for conversion would otherwise be
  entitled, such holder shall receive, as soon as practicable after the date
  of conversion, an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the market
  value of a full share of Common Stock. For the purposes of this
  subparagraph, the market value of a share of Common Stock shall be the last
  recorded sale price of such a share on the New York Stock Exchange on the
  day immediately preceding the date upon which such shares of such series
  are surrendered for conversion, or if there be no such recorded sale price
  on such date, the last quoted bid price per share of Common Stock on such
  Exchange at the close of business on such date.
  13.7.4 Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation the holders of the First Series will be entitled
to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for distribution to
stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall be made to the
holders of Corporation Common Stock, the sum of $42.50 per share if such
liquidation is voluntary and the sum of $40.00 per share if such liquidation
is involuntary, plus in each case any accumulated unpaid dividends. If upon
any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts
payable with respect to the Preferred Stock are not paid in full, the holders
of the Preferred Stock will share ratably in any distribution of assets in
proportion to the full preferential amounts to which they are entitled.
  13.7.5. Redemption. The First Series may be redeemed by the Corporation, at
any time or from time to time, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at the
redemption price of $42.50 per share, plus any accumulated unpaid dividends.
If less than all the outstanding First Series is to be redeemed, the shares to
be redeemed shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed by the
Board of Directors. Shares so redeemed shall be retired and not reissued.     
  13.7.6. Voting Rights. Each holder of the First Series will be entitled to
one (1) vote for each share held.
  If six quarterly dividends on any series of the Preferred Stock are in
arrears, the number of directors of the Corporation shall be increased by two
(2) and the holders of all the Preferred Stock voting as a class will be
entitled to elect two (2) directors until all arrears in dividends have been
  Consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the then outstanding
Preferred Stock of all classes will be necessary to: (a) authorize any stock
ranking either as to payment of dividend or distribution of assets prior to
the First Series or any other Preferred Stock then outstanding or (b) amend,
alter, or change in any material respect prejudicial to the holders thereof
the preferences of any then outstanding Preferred Stock.
  Consent of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding Preferred Stock
of all classes will be necessary to: (a) increase the authorized amount of the
Preferred Stock or (b) create any other class of stock ranking on a parity
with the Preferred Stock.
  13.7.7. Preemptive Rights. No holder of Preferred Stock will have any
preemptive rights.
  13.8. Preferred Stock-Second Series, Convertible.
  13.8.1. Amount, Rank and Designation. The amount of shares to constitute the
Second Series of Preferred Stock shall be 8,758,472 shares plus such an
additional amount, if any, as shall be required under the Agreement and Plan
of Merger between the Company and Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company
dated as of July 18, 1968. The designation thereof shall be "Preferred Stock-
Second Series, Convertible" (hereinafter "Second Series"). Shares of the
Second Series shall rank on a parity with shares of the First Series of the
Preferred Stock as to dividends and upon liquidation and shall have a
preference over the shares of the Corporation Common Stock and any other class
or series of stock ranking junior to the Second Series as to dividends or upon

  13.8.2. Dividends. Holders of shares of the Second Series will be entitled
to receive cumulative cash dividends each calendar quarter payable in March,
June, September and December of each year, at the rate of $.37 1/2 per share
in each quarter.     
  All such payments will be made out of funds legally available for the
payment of such dividends, when and as declared by the Board of Directors of
the Corporation. Before any dividends on the Corporation Common Stock or any
other class or series of stock of the Corporation ranking junior to the Second
Series as to dividends shall be paid or declared and set apart for payment,
the holders of shares of the Second Series shall be entitled to receive the
full accumulated cash dividends for all quarterly dividend periods ending on
or before the date on which any dividend on any such class or series of stock
ranking junior to the Second Series as to dividends or upon liquidation is
declared or is to be paid.
  13.8.3 Conversion Rights. The holders of shares of the Second Series may
convert any or all of said shares into Common Stock at any time after February
27, 1996, on the basis of three and nine-one hundredths (3.09) shares of the
Common Stock of the Corporation for each one share of the Second Series. Such
ratio is herein referred to as the "conversion rate." In case of the
redemption of any shares of the Second Series, such right of conversion shall
cease and terminate as to the shares duly called for redemption, at the close
of business on the date fixed for redemption, unless default shall be made in
the payment of the redemption price. Upon conversion the Corporation shall
make no payment or adjustment on account of dividends accrued or in arrears on
the Second Series surrendered for conversion.
  The conversion rate in effect at any time shall be subject to adjustment as
    A. In case the Corporation shall (i) declare a dividend on its Common
  Stock in shares of its capital stock, (ii) subdivide its outstanding shares
  of Common Stock, (iii) combine its outstanding shares of Common Stock into
  a smaller number of shares, or (iv) issue any shares by reclassification of
  its shares of Common Stock (including any reclassification in connection
  with a consolidation or merger in which the Corporation is the continuing
  corporation), at the conversion rate in effect at the time of the record
  date for such dividend or of the effective date of such subdivision,
  combination or reclassification shall be proportionately adjusted so that
  the holder of any shares of the Second Series surrendered for conversion
  after such time shall be entitled to receive the number of shares which he
  would have owned or have been entitled to receive had such shares of the
  Second Series been converted immediately prior to such time. Such
  adjustment shall be made successively whenever any event listed above shall
    B. In case the Corporation shall fix a record date for the issuance of
  rights or warrants to all holders of its Common Stock entitling them (for a
  period expiring within 45 days after such record date) to subscribe for or
  purchase shares of Common Stock at a price per share less than the current
  market price per share of Common Stock (as defined in Paragraph D below) on
  such record date, the conversion rate after such record date shall be
  determined by multiplying the conversion rate in effect immediately prior
  to such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the
  number of shares of Common Stock outstanding on such record date plus the
  number of additional shares of Common Stock to be offered for subscription
  or purchase, and of which the denominator shall be the number of shares of
  Common Stock outstanding on such record date plus the number of shares of
  Common Stock which the aggregate offering price (without deduction for
  expenses or commissions of any kind) of the total number of shares so to be
  offered would purchase at such current market price. Such adjustment shall
  be made successively whenever such a record date is fixed; and in the event
  that such rights or warrants are not so issued, the conversion rate shall
  again be adjusted to be the conversion rate which would then be in effect
  if such record date had not been fixed.
    C. In case the Corporation shall fix a record date for the making of a
  distribution to all holders of its Common Stock (including any such
  distribution made in connection with a consolidation or merger in which the
  Corporation is the continuing corporation) of evidences of its indebtedness
  or assets (excluding dividends paid in, or distributions of, cash) or
  subscription rights or warrants (excluding those referred to in Paragraph B
  above), the conversion rate after such record date shall be determined by
  multiplying the

  conversion rate in effect immediately prior to such record date by a
  fraction, of which the numerator shall be the current market price per
  share of Common Stock (as defined in Paragraph D below) on such record
  date, and of which the denominator shall be such current market price per
  share of Common Capital Stock, less the fair market value (as determined by
  the Board of Directors whose determination shall be conclusive, and
  described in a statement filed with the transfer agent or agents for the
  Second Series and with the principal office of the Corporation) of the
  portion of the assets or evidences of indebtedness so to be distributed or
  of such subscription rights or warrants applicable to one share of Common
  Stock. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever such a record
  date is fixed; and in the event that such distribution is not so made, the
  conversion rate shall again be adjusted to the conversion rate which would
  then be in effect if such record date had not been fixed.
    D. For the purpose of any computation under Paragraphs B and C above, the
  current market price per share of Common Stock on any record date shall be
  deemed to be the average of the daily closing prices for the 30 consecutive
  business days commencing 45 business days before such date. The closing
  price for each day shall be the last sale price regular way or, in case no
  such sale takes place on such day, the mean between the closing bid and
  asked prices regular way, in either case on the New York Stock Exchange.
    E. The conversion rate shall not be adjusted by reason of: (i) the
  issuance of shares pursuant to options and stock purchase agreements
  granted or entered into with officers or employees of the Corporation; and
  (ii) the issuance of shares for cash (except as provided in Paragraph B
  above) or in exchange for assets or stock of another company.
    F. Any adjustment in the conversion rate as herein provided shall be to
  the nearest, or if there shall be no nearest, then to the next lower, one-
  hundredth of a share of Common Stock, and shall remain in effect until
  further adjustment as required hereunder.
    G. In case the Corporation shall be recapitalized, or shall be
  consolidated with or merged into, or shall sell or transfer its property
  and assets as, or substantially as, an entirety to any other corporation,
  proper provisions shall be made as a part of the terms of such
  recapitalization, consolidation, merger, sale or transfer whereby the
  holder of any shares of the Second Series at the time outstanding
  immediately prior to such event shall thereafter be entitled to such
  conversion rights, with respect to securities of the Corporation resulting
  from such recapitalization, consolidation or merger or to which such sale
  or transfer shall be made, as shall be substantially equivalent to the
  conversion rights herein provided for.
    H. No fraction of a share of Common Stock shall be issued upon any
  conversion. In lieu of the fraction of a share to which the holder of
  shares of the Second Series surrendered for conversion would otherwise be
  entitled, such holder shall receive, as soon as practicable after the date
  of conversion, an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the market
  value of a full share of Common Stock. For the purposes of this
  subparagraph, the market value of a share of Common Stock shall be the last
  recorded sale price of such a share on the New York Stock Exchange on the
  day immediately preceding the date upon which such shares of such series
  are surrendered for conversion, or if there be no such recorded sale price
  on such day, the last quoted bid price per share of Common Stock on such
  Exchange at the close of business on such date.
    I. Whenever there shall be an adjustment in the conversion rate as
  provided by the foregoing, the Corporation will file with each transfer
  agent for shares of the Second Series a certificate signed by the President
  or the chief financial or accounting officer of the Corporation, setting
  forth in reasonable detail the calculation of the adjustment, and shall
  mail to each holder of record thereof, a notice describing the adjustment
  and stating the applicable record or effective date therefor, at least 20
  days prior thereto.
    13.8.4. Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution
  or winding up of the Corporation the holders of the Second Series will be
  entitled to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for
  distribution to stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall
  be made to the holders of the Corporation Common Stock or any other class
  or series of stock ranking junior to the Second Series

  either as to dividends or upon liquidation, the sum of $35.42 per share if
  such liquidation is voluntary and the sum of $33.33 per share if such
  liquidation is involuntary, plus in each case any accumulated unpaid
  dividends (whether or not declared), to the end of the current quarterly
  dividend period in which the payment is made. If upon any liquidation,
  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts payable with
  respect to the Second Series and any other series of Preferred Stock which
  ranks on a parity with the Second Series are not paid in full, the holders
  of the Second Series and such parity Preferred Stock will share ratably in
  any distribution of assets in proportion to the full preferential amounts
  to which they are entitled.
    13.8.5. Redemption. Subject to the provisions herein and in the charter
  contained, the Second Series may be redeemed by the Corporation, at any
  time or from time to time, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at the
  redemption price of $50.00 per share, plus any accumulated unpaid dividends
  (whether or not declared), to the end of the current quarterly dividend
  period in which the payment is made. If less than all the outstanding
  Second Series is to be redeemed, the shares to be redeemed shall be
  selected by lot, in such equitable manner as may be prescribed by the Board
  of Directors. Shares so redeemed shall be retired and not reissued.     
    13.8.6. Reservation of Shares. The Corporation shall at all times keep
  available and reserved the number of shares of its Corporation Common Stock
  required for conversion of the outstanding and any reserved shares of the
  Second Series.
    13.8.7. Certain Protective Provisions. If at any time the full cumulative
  dividends on shares of the Second Series have not been paid or declared and
  set aside for payment for the current and all past quarterly dividend
  periods, the Corporation (a) will not declare, or pay, or set apart for
  payment any dividends or make any distribution, on any other class or
  series of stock of the Corporation ranking junior to the Second Series
  whether as to dividends or upon liquidation; (b) will not redeem, purchase
  or otherwise acquire, or permit any subsidiary to purchase or otherwise
  acquire, any shares of any junior class or series if the Corporation shall
  be in default with respect to any dividend payable on shares of the Second
  Series, provided that notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may at
  any time redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire shares of stock of any such
  junior class in exchange for, or out of the net cash proceeds from the
  substantially simultaneous sale of, other shares of stock of any junior
  class; and (c) will not redeem pursuant to redemption rights in the terms
  of such stock any stock ranking on a parity with the Second Series unless
  at the same time it redeems all the shares of the Second Series.
    Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required
  by law, the consent of the holders of at least two-thirds ( 2/3) of the
  then outstanding shares of the Second Series shall be necessary in order to
  liquidate or dissolve the Corporation voluntarily or by any other means
  involving the vote or consent of any stockholders of the Corporation.
    Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required
  by law, consent of the holders of at least two-thirds ( 2/3) of the then
  outstanding aggregate number of shares of the Second Series and each other
  series of the Preferred Stock whose terms provide for such consent, taken
  together, will be necessary to: (a) authorize (by whatever means) any stock
  ranking either as to payment of dividends or distribution of assets prior
  to the Second Series or any other Preferred Stock then outstanding; or (b)
  authorize any merger or consolidation (or transfer of all or substantially
  all of the assets of the Corporation in a transaction contemplating in
  substance and effect the exchange of shares of the Preferred Stock for
  stock of another corporation) unless the surviving, resulting or other
  corporation in such transaction shall have authorized no stock ranking
  prior to the Preferred Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation (unless
  such stock is a stock substantially the same as, and to be exchanged for,
  stock of the Corporation previously authorized pursuant to the preceding
  clause (a)); or (c) amend, alter, or change in any material respect adverse
  to the holders thereof the preferences of any then outstanding Preferred
  Stock; provided that in case of any such action described in the preceding
  clauses (a), (b) and (c) which, in any material respect, is adverse to the
  Second Series as a series and is not a term generally applicable to and
  with the same relative effect upon all series, the consent of the holders
  of two-thirds ( 2/3) of the then outstanding shares of the Second Series
  will be required.

    Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required
  by law, consent of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding
  aggregate number of shares of the Second Series and each other series of
  the Preferred Stock whose terms provide for such consent, taken together,
  will be necessary to: (a) increase the authorized amount of the Preferred
  Stock; (b) authorize any merger or consolidation (or transfer of all or
  substantially all the assets of the Corporation to another corporation
  contemplating in substance and effect the exchange of shares of the
  Preferred Stock for stock of another corporation) unless the surviving,
  resulting or other corporation in such transaction shall have no greater
  authorized amount of stock ranking on a parity with the Preferred Stock as
  to payment of dividends or upon liquidation than was authorized by the
  Corporation immediately prior to such transaction; or (c) create any other
  class of stock ranking on a parity with the Preferred Stock as to dividends
  or upon liquidation.
    13.8.8. Voting Rights. Each holder of the Second Series will be entitled
  to one (1) vote for each share held, and, in addition to the other class
  and series voting rights of the shares of the Second Series, shall have
  general voting power, share for share, with the Common Stock of the
  Corporation and any other shares having general voting power.
    If six quarterly dividends on any series of the Preferred Stock are in
  arrears, the number of directors of the Corporation shall be increased by
  two (2) and the holders of all the Preferred Stock voting as a class will
  be entitled to elect two (2) directors until all arrears in dividends have
  been paid. The Corporation will promptly take all such action as shall be
  necessary to permit such election to occur promptly after such arrearage
    13.9. Preferred Stock-Fifth Series.
    13.9.1. Designation; Number of Shares; Stated Value. The Series shall be
  designated as Preferred Stock-Fifth Series (the "Fifth Series") and shall
  consist of ninety-five (95) shares. The shares of such series are
  hereinafter sometimes called the "Fifth Series Shares." The stated value of
  the Fifth Series Shares shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)
  per share.
    13.9.2. Dividends. The rate of dividends upon the Fifth Series Shares
  (which shall be cumulative from the date of issue) and the time of payment
  thereof shall be 6.00% of the stated value per share per annum, payable
  quarterly on the last days of January, April, July and October in each
    13.9.3. Rank. The Fifth Series Shares shall rank on a parity with shares
  of the First Series and Second Series of the Preferred Stock as to
  dividends and upon liquidation.
    13.9.4. Voting Rights. Holders of Fifth Series Shares will be entitled to
  one vote for each share held and will be entitled to exercise such voting
  rights together with the holders of Corporation Common Stock of the
  Corporation, without distinction as to class. If no dividends or less than
  full cumulative dividends on the Fifth Series Shares shall have been paid
  for each of four consecutive dividend periods, or if arrearages in the
  payment of dividends on the Fifth Series Shares shall have cumulated to an
  amount equal to full cumulative dividends on the Fifth Series Shares for
  six quarterly dividend periods, the holders of the Fifth Series Shares
  shall, at all meetings held for the election of Directors until full
  cumulative dividends for all past quarterly dividend periods and the
  current quarterly dividend period on the Fifth Series Shares shall have
  been paid or declared and set apart for payment, possess voting power,
  acting alone, to elect the smallest number constituting a majority of the
  Directors then to be elected. The Corporation will promptly take all such
  action as shall be necessary to permit such election to occur promptly
  after such arrearage occurs.
    13.9.5. Non-Convertible. The Fifth Series Shares shall not be convertible
  into or exchangeable for stock of any other class or classes of the
    13.9.6. Repurchase by the Corporation. Upon six months' prior written
  notice, the holders of the Fifth Series Shares may tender all and not less
  than all of the Fifth Series Shares to the Corporation for purchase at a
  price per share equal to the stated value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
  ($100,000) per

  share plus accrued dividends to the date of repurchase by the Corporation
  (the Purchase Price). Upon such proper tender of all shares of the Fifth
  Series Shares by the holders, the Corporation shall purchase the Fifth
  Series Shares at the Purchase Price.     
    13.9.7. Tender Procedures. The Fifth Series Shares will not be deemed
  tendered unless and until the certificate or certificates therefor have
  been received by the Corporation or the bank or trust company designated
  for the purpose and, if payment upon acceptance of tender thereof is to be
  made other than to the record holders, such certificate or certificates
  have been duly endorsed and are in proper form for transfer, with all
  transfer taxes due in respect thereof paid or provided for.
    13.9.8. Redemption. If the holders have not theretofore tendered the
  Fifth Series Shares to the Corporation for purchase pursuant to paragraphs
  6 and 7 hereof by March 14, 2003, then the Corporation shall redeem all of
  the outstanding Fifth Series Shares at the Purchase Price on a date set
  forth in written notice to the holders as the redemption date (the
  Redemption Date). The Corporation shall give notice of such redemption not
  less than thirty (30) days prior to the Redemption Date, by mail to the
  holders of record of the outstanding shares at their respective addresses
  then appearing on the books of the Corporation. At any time before the
  Redemption Date, the Corporation may deposit in trust the funds necessary
  for such redemption with a bank or trust company to be designated in the
  notice of redemption, doing business in the City of Chicago and State of
  Illinois or in the City and State of New York, and having capital, surplus
  and undivided profits aggregating $25,000,000. In the event such deposit is
  made so that the deposited funds shall be forthwith available to the
  holders of the shares to be redeemed upon surrender of the certificates
  evidencing such shares, then, upon the giving of the notice of such
  redemption, as hereinabove provided, or upon the earlier delivery to such
  bank or trust company of irrevocable authorization and direction so to give
  such notice, all shares with respect to the redemption of which such
  deposit shall have been made and the giving of such notice effected shall,
  whether or not the certificates for such shares shall be surrendered for
  cancellation, be deemed to be no longer outstanding for any purpose and all
  rights with respect to such shares shall thereupon cease and terminate,
  except only the right of the holders of the certificates for such shares to
  receive, out of the funds so deposited in trust, from and after the time of
  such deposit, the amount payable upon the redemption thereof, without
    13.9.9. Cancelled Shares. The Fifth Series Shares, purchased upon tender
  or redeemed as herein provided, shall be cancelled and upon such
  cancellation shall be deemed to be authorized and unissued shares of
  Preferred Stock, without par value, of the Corporation but shall not be
  reissued as shares of the same or any theretofore outstanding series.
    13.9.10. Default. Default by the Corporation in complying with the
  provisions of paragraph 6 or 8 hereof shall preclude the declaration or the
  payment of dividends or the making of any other distribution whatsoever
  upon the Corporation Common Stock (other than a distribution in shares of
  its Corporation Common Stock) until the Corporation shall have cured such
  default by depositing the funds necessary therefor in the manner and upon
  the terms herein provided. The holders of the Fifth Series Shares shall not
  be entitled to apply to any court of law or equity for a money judgment or
  remedy on account of any such default other than to restrain the
  Corporation from the actions specified above upon the Corporation Common
  Stock until such default shall have been cured.
    13.9.11. Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution
  or winding up of the Corporation the holders of the Fifth Series will be
  entitled to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for
  distribution to stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall
  be made to the holders of Corporation Common Stock, the sum of $100,000 per
  share, plus an amount equal to cumulative dividends accrued and unpaid
  thereon to the date of distribution to holders of the Fifth Series. If upon
  any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts
  payable with respect to the Fifth Series and any other series of Preferred
  Stock which ranks on a parity with the Fifth Series are not paid in full,
  the holders of the Fifth Series and such parity Preferred Stock will share
  ratably in any distribution of assets in proportion to the full
  preferential amounts to which they are entitled.

  1. In addition to any affirmative vote required by law or these Articles of
Incorporation, and except as expressly provided in section 2 of this ARTICLE
SEVENTH, the affirmative vote of the holders of eighty (80) percent of the
outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote in an election of
Directors shall be required for the approval or authorization of any Business
Combination (as hereinafter defined).
  2. The provisions of Section 1 of this ARTICLE SEVENTH shall not be
applicable if:
    A. The Business Combination shall have been approved by a majority of the
  Continuing Directors (as hereinafter defined); provided, however, that such
  approval shall only be effective if obtained at a meeting of Directors at
  which at least seven Continuing Directors are present; or
    B. The Business Combination is a merger or consolidation and the cash or
  Fair Market Value (as hereinafter defined) of the property, securities or
  other consideration to be received per share by the stockholders of each
  class of stock of the Corporation in the Business Combination, if
  applicable, is not less than the highest per share price paid by the
  Interested Stockholder (as hereinafter defined), with appropriate
  adjustments for stock splits, stock dividends and like distributions, in
  the acquisition by the Interested Stockholder of any of its holdings of
  each class of the Corporation's capital stock.
  3. For purposes of this ARTICLE SEVENTH:
    A. The term "Business Combination" means:
      (i) any merger or consolidation of the Corporation or any subsidiary
    of the Corporation with (a) any Interested Stockholder or (b) any other
    corporation (whether or not itself an Interested Stockholder) which is,
    or after such merger or consolidation would be, an Affiliate (as
    defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")) of an Interested
      (ii) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, transfer or other
    disposition (in one transaction or a series of transactions) to or with
    any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    Stockholder of any assets of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the
    Corporation that have an aggregate Fair Market Value of $1,000,000 or
      (iii) the issuance or transfer by the Corporation or any subsidiary
    of the Corporation (in one transaction or a series of transactions) of
    any securities of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation
    to any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    Stockholder in exchange for cash, securities or other property (or a
    combination thereof) having an aggregate Fair Market Value of
    $1,000,000 or more;
      (iv) the adoption of any plan or proposal for the liquidation or
    dissolution of the Corporation proposed by or on behalf of an
    Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested Stockholder;
      (v) any reclassification of securities (including any reverse stock
    split), or recapitalization of the Corporation, or any merger or
    consolidation of the Corporation with any of its subsidiaries or any
    other transaction (whether or not with or into or otherwise involving
    an Interested Stockholder) which has the effect, directly or
    indirectly, of increasing the proportionate share of the outstanding
    shares of any class of equity or convertible securities of the
    Corporation or any subsidiary which is directly or indirectly owned by
    any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    B. The term "Continuing Director" means any member of the Board of
  Directors of the Corporation who is unaffiliated with the Interested
  Stockholder and was a member of the Board of Directors prior to the time
  that the Interested Stockholder became an Interested Stockholder, and any
  successor of a Continuing Director if the successor is unaffiliated with
  the Interested Stockholder and is recommended or elected to succeed a
  Continuing Director by a majority of Continuing Directors, provided that
  such recommendation or election shall only be effective if made at a
  meeting of Directors at which at least seven Continuing Directors are

    C. The term "Fair Market Value" means:
      (i) in the case of stock, the highest closing sale price during the
    30-day period immediately preceding the date in question of a share of
    such stock on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange-listed
    stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted on the Composite Tape, on the
    New York Stock Exchange, or, if such stock is not listed on such
    Exchange, on the principal United States securities exchange registered
    under the Exchange Act on which such stock is listed, or, if such stock
    is not listed on any such exchange, the highest closing bid quotation
    with respect to a share of such stock during the 30-day period
    preceding the date in question on the National Association of
    Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations System or any system then
    in use, or if no such quotations are available, the fair market value
    on the date in question of a share of such stock as determined in good
    faith by a majority of Continuing Directors, provided that such
    determination shall only be effective if made at a meeting of Directors
    at which at least seven Continuing Directors are present; or
      (ii) in the case of property or securities other than cash or stock,
    the fair market value of such property or securities on the date in
    question as determined in good faith by a majority of Continuing
    Directors, provided that such determination shall only be effective if
    made at a meeting of Directors at which at least seven Continuing
    Directors are present.
    D. The term "Interested Stockholder" means and includes, as of the date
  of any proposed Business Combination, any individual, corporation,
  partnership or other person or entity which, together with its "Affiliates"
  and "Associates" (as defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule 12b-2 under the
  Exchange Act), "Beneficially Owns" (as defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule
  13d-3 under the Exchange Act) in the aggregate ten percent or more of the
  outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote in an election of
  Directors, and any Affiliate or Associate of any such individual,
  corporation, partnership or other person or entity.
  1. Prevention of "Greenmail." Any direct or indirect purchase or other
acquisition by this Corporation of any Equity Security (as hereinafter
defined) of any class at a price above Market Price (as hereinafter defined)
from any Interested Securityholder (as hereinafter defined) who has
beneficially owned any Equity Security of the class to be purchased for less
than two years prior to the date of such purchase or any agreement in respect
thereof shall, except as hereinafter expressly provided, require the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of
the then outstanding shares of capital stock of this Corporation entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors (the "Voting Stock"), excluding
Voting Stock beneficially owned by such Interested Securityholder, voting
together as a single class (it being understood that for the purposes of this
ARTICLE EIGHTH, each share of the Voting Stock shall have the number of votes
granted to it pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation).
Such affirmative vote shall be required notwithstanding the fact that no vote
may be required, or that a lesser percentage may be specified, by law or any
agreement with any national securities exchange, or otherwise, but (i) no such
affirmative vote shall be required with respect to any purchase, redemption or
other acquisition by this Corporation of capital stock from FT, DT, any
Qualified Subsidiary or any Qualified Stock Purchaser pursuant to the
provisions of the Investment Documents (as such term is defined in Section 10
of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation) or these Articles of
Incorporation, (ii) no such affirmative vote shall be required with respect to
any purchase or other acquisition of securities made as part of a tender or
exchange offer by this Corporation to purchase securities of the same class
made on the same terms to all holders of such securities and complying with
the applicable requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
rules and regulations thereunder (or any subsequent provisions replacing such
Act, rules or regulations), and (iii) no such affirmative vote shall be
required with respect to any purchase, redemption, conversion or other
acquisition by this Corporation of Series 2 Common Stock or PCS Stock (as
defined in ARTICLE SIXTH) from a holder thereof pursuant to the provisions of
these Articles of Incorporation.
  2. Certain Definitions. For the purposes of this ARTICLE EIGHTH:
    A. A "person" means any individual, firm, corporation or other entity.

    B. "Interested Securityholder" means any person (other than the
  Corporation or any corporation of which a majority of any class of Equity
  Security is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation) who or
      (i) is the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 5% or more of
    the class of securities to be acquired; or
      (ii) is an Affiliate of the Corporation and at any time within the
    two-year period immediately prior to the date in question was the
    beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 5% or more of the class of
    securities to be acquired; or
      (iii) is an assignee or has otherwise succeeded to any shares of the
    class of securities to be acquired which were at any time within the
    two-year period immediately prior to the date in question beneficially
    owned by an Interested Securityholder, if such assignment or succession
    shall have occurred in the course of a transaction or transactions not
    involving a public offering within the meaning of the Securities Act of
    1933, as amended.
    C. A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any security of any class of
  the Corporation:
      (i) which such person or any of its Affiliates or Associates (as
    hereinafter defined) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly; or
      (ii) which such person or any of its Affiliates or Associates has (a)
    the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable immediately or
    only after the passage of time), pursuant to any agreement, arrangement
    or understanding or upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange
    rights, warrants or options, or otherwise, or (b) any right to vote
    pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding; or
      (iii) which are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by any
    other person with which such person or any of its Affiliates or
    Associates has any agreement, arrangement or understanding for the
    purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of any security of
    any class of the Corporation.
      D. For the purposes of determining whether a person is an Interested
    Securityholder pursuant to paragraph B of this Section 2, the relevant
    class of securities outstanding shall be deemed to comprise all such
    securities deemed owned through application of paragraph C of this
    Section 2, but shall not include other securities of such class which
    may be issuable pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or
    understanding, or upon exercise of conversion rights, warrants or
    options, or otherwise.
      E. "Affiliate" or "Associate" shall have the respective meanings
    ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and
    Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on
    October 1, 1982.
      F. "Equity Security" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
    Section 3(a)(11) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect
    on January 1, 1985.
      G. "Market Price" means the highest closing sale price during the
    thirty-day period immediately preceding the date in question, of a
    share of any Equity Security on the Composite Tape for New York Stock
    Exchange issues or, if such Equity Security is not quoted on the
    Composite Tape or is not listed on such Exchange, on the principal
    United States security exchange registered under the Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, on which such Equity Security is
    listed, or, if such Equity Security is not listed on any such exchange,
    the highest closing bid quotation with respect to a share of such
    Equity Security during the thirty-day period preceding the date in
    question on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
    Automated Quotations System or any system then in use, or, if no such
    quotations are available, the fair market value on the date in question
    of a share of such Equity Security.
  3. Compliance. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have the
power to determine the application of, or compliance with, this ARTICLE
EIGHTH, including, without limitation: (i) whether a person is an Interested
Securityholder; (ii) whether a person is a beneficial owner of any Equity
Security; and (iii) the Market Price of any Equity Security. Any decision or
action taken by the Board of Directors arising out of or in connection with
the construction, interpretation and effect of this ARTICLE EIGHTH shall lie
within its absolute discretion and shall be conclusive and binding, except in
circumstances involving bad faith.

  No Director of the Corporation shall be personally liable to the Corporation
or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty by such
Director as a Director; provided, however, that this ARTICLE NINTH shall not
eliminate or limit the liability of a Director to the extent provided by
applicable law (i) for any breach of the Director's duty of loyalty to the
Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith
or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii)
under Section 51 of the General Corporation Code of the State of Kansas, or
(iv) for any transaction from which the Director derived an improper personal
benefit. No amendment to or repeal of this ARTICLE NINTH shall apply to or
have any effect on the liability or alleged liability of any Director of the
Corporation for or with respect to any acts or omissions of such Director
occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of
said Corporation this    day of [JULY], 1998.
                                                       Don A. Jensen
                                                       Don A. Jensen
                                                      Vice President
                                                      Michael T. Hyde
                                                      Michael T. Hyde
                                                    Assistant Secretary
  Be it remembered that before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid
county and state, personally appeared: Don A. Jensen, Vice President, and
Michael T. Hyde, Assistant Secretary, of Sprint Corporation, a corporation,
who are known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Amended
and Restated Articles of Incorporation, and duly acknowledged the execution of
the same this    day of [JULY], 1998.
                                                       Notary Public
My appointment expires:

                             OF SPRINT CORPORATION
  We, Don A. Jensen, Vice President, and Michael T. Hyde, Assistant Secretary,
of Sprint Corporation (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, do hereby certify as follows:
  1. That the Corporation was originally incorporated in the State of Kansas
on November 15, 1938 under the name of United Utilities, Inc.
  2. That the Board of Directors of the Corporation, at a meeting of the Board
of Directors, adopted resolutions
    (i) approving a plan of recapitalization for the Corporation whereby each
  share of (1) the Corporation's existing Common Stock, par value $2.50 per
  share, may be reclassified and exchanged for (A) one share of FON Common
  Stock--Series 1, par value $2.00 per share, of the Corporation and (B) 1/2
  of a share of PCS Common Stock--Series 1, par value $1.00 per share of the
  Corporation, (2) the Corporation's Common Stock--Series 2, par value $2.50
  per share, may be reclassified and changed into FON Common Stock--Series 2,
  par value $2.00 per share, of the Corporation, (3) the Corporation's
  existing Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, shall remain
  outstanding but may be reclassified and exchanged into an equal number of
  shares of Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, of the
  Corporation (in each such case, such stock is designated as "Old Class A
  Common Stock"), (4) the Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock--Series
  DT, par value $2.50 per share, shall remain outstanding but may be
  reclassified and exchanged into an equal number of shares of Class A Common
  Stock--Series DT, par value $2.50, of the Corporation (in each such case,
  such stock is designated as "Class A Common Stock--Series DT"), and (5) (A)
  PCS Common Stock--Series 1, par value $1.00 per share, (B) PCS Common
  Stock--Series 2, par value $1.00 per share, and (C) PCS Common Stock--
  Series 3, par value $1.00 per share, would each remain outstanding; and
    (ii) if there are fractional shares of Series 1 PCS Stock to be issued in
  the Recapitalization, the Corporation shall pay cash in respect of such
  fractional shares in an amount equal to the Fair Value thereof on the
  Effective Date (for purposes of this clause (ii) only, "Fair Value" of any
  fractional share means the product of such fraction and the Market Value
  (as defined in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10) of one share of Series 1 PCS
  Stock); and
    (iii) providing for the adoption of these Amended and Restated Articles
  of Incorporation of the Corporation, which amend and restate the
  Corporation's Articles of Incorporation in their entirety, and
    (iv) declaring the advisability of such plan of recapitalization and
  these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation.
The resolutions further directed that the plan of recapitalization and these
Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation be submitted to the
stockholders of the Corporation for their consideration and approval.
  3. That thereafter, pursuant to the resolutions and in accordance with the
bylaws of the Corporation and the laws of the State of Kansas, the Board of
Directors called a meeting of stockholders for consideration of the plan of
recapitalization and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation, and
thereafter, pursuant to notice and in accordance with the statutes of the
State of Kansas, the stockholders convened and considered the plan of
recapitalization and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation.
  4. That at the meeting a majority of the outstanding stock entitled to vote
thereon voted in favor of, among other things, the proposed plan of
recapitalization effected by these Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation, and these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were
duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. (S) 17-6602.

  5. That these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation shall become
effective on the   day of    , 1998 (the "Effective Date") pursuant to the
provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. (S) 17-6003(d).
  6. That at the Effective Date,
    (i) each share of Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, of the
  Corporation (the "Old Common Stock") outstanding immediately prior to such
  filing of these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation is hereby
  automatically reclassified and exchanged without any action on the part of
  the stockholders of the Corporation so that each share of Old Common Stock
  becomes (A) one share of FON Common Stock--Series 1, par value $2.00 per
  share, of the Corporation and (B) 1/2 of a share of PCS Common Stock--
  Series 1, par value $1.00 per share, of the Corporation,     
    (ii) the Common Stock--Series 2, par value $2.50 per share, of the
  Corporation is hereby automatically reclassified and changed into FON
  Common Stock--Series 2, par value $2.00 per share, of the Corporation,
    (iii) the Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50
  per share, designated as "Old Class A Common Stock" herein, is hereby
  automatically reclassified and exchanged into an equal number of shares of
  Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, of the Corporation,     
    (iv) the Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock--Series DT, par
  value $2.50 per share, designated as "Class A Common Stock--Series DT"
  herein, is hereby automatically reclassified and exchanged into an equal
  number of shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, par value $2.50, of
  the Corporation,
    (v) (A) PCS Common Stock--Series 1, par value $1.00 per share, (B) PCS
  Common Stock--Series 2, par value $1.00 per share, and (C) PCS Common
  Stock--Series 3, par value $1.00 per share, would each remain unchanged by
  these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation, and
    (vi) if there are fractional shares of Series 1 PCS Stock to be issued in
  the Recapitalization, the Corporation shall pay cash in respect of such
  fractional shares in accordance with Section 2(ii) above.
  7. That the text of the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, as
previously restated and amended, is hereby amended and restated to read in its
entirety as follows:
  The name of the Corporation is SPRINT CORPORATION.
  This Corporation is organized for profit, and the purpose for which it is
formed is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may
be organized under the Kansas General Corporation Code (the "General
Corporation Code").
  The Corporation's registered office is located at 2330 Shawnee Mission
Parkway, Westwood, Johnson County, Kansas 66205; Mr. J. Richard Devlin is the
registered agent at said address.
  The Corporation shall have perpetual existence.

  Section 1. Number of Directors; Increases in Number of Directors. (a) The
number of Directors shall not be less than ten nor more than 20 (unless
increased to more than 20 pursuant to Section 1(b) or Section 6(e) of this
ARTICLE FIFTH) as may be determined from time to time by the affirmative vote
of the majority of the Board of Directors or as provided in Section 1(b) or in
Section 6(e) of this ARTICLE FIFTH.
  (b) If at any time the Class A Holders are entitled to elect a number of
Directors pursuant to Section 2(a) of this ARTICLE FIFTH that exceeds the sum
of the number of Directors elected by the Class A Holders then serving on the
Board of Directors and the number of vacancies on the Board of Directors which
the Directors elected by the Class A Holders or the Class A Holders are
entitled to fill, the total number of Directors shall automatically and
without further action be increased by the smallest number necessary to enable
the Class A Holders (and the Directors elected by the Class A Holders in the
case of vacancies) to elect the number of Directors that the Class A Holders
are entitled to elect pursuant to such Section 2(a).
  Section 2. Election of Directors. (a) Election of Directors by Class A
Holders. (i) Except as otherwise provided in Sections 8.5(b), 8.5(f) and
8.5(k) of ARTICLE SIXTH, the Class A Holders shall have the right, voting
together as a single class, to elect a number of Directors equal to the
greater of (x) two and (y) the product (rounded to the nearest whole number if
such product is not a whole number) of (i) the aggregate Percentage Ownership
Interests of the Class A Holders and (ii) the total number of Directors,
provided that so long as Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (or any successor provision of law) ("Section 310"), remains in
effect, under no circumstances shall (A) the Class A Holders have the right to
elect Aliens as Directors such that the total number of Aliens so elected by
them would exceed the maximum percentage of the total number of Directors of
this Corporation permitted under Section 310 to be Aliens or (B) the total
number of Directors elected by the Class A Holders and serving on the Board of
Directors exceed the maximum percentage of the total Directors of this
Corporation permitted under Section 310 to be elected by shareholders that are
Aliens. Such Directors elected by the Class A Holders shall not be divided
into classes.
  (ii) Upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class A Stock into
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, pursuant to
Section 8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH, the term of office of all Class A Directors then
in office shall thereupon terminate, the vacancy or vacancies resulting from
such termination shall be filled by the remaining Directors then in office,
acting by majority vote of such remaining Directors, and the Director or
Directors so elected to fill such vacancy or vacancies shall not be treated
hereunder or under the Bylaws of this Corporation as Class A Directors. If at
any time the number of Directors that the Class A Holders have the right to
elect pursuant to this Section 2(a) shall decrease other than as set forth in
the preceding sentence, and the Class A Holders shall not have removed or
caused to resign, in either case effective not later than the fifteenth day
following the event that resulted in such decrease, a number of Class A
Directors so that the total number of Directors elected by the Class A Holders
then in office does not exceed the number provided in the first sentence of
Section 2(a)(i), then the terms of office of all Class A Directors shall
terminate on such fifteenth date. The vacancy or vacancies resulting from such
termination of the terms of the Class A Directors shall be filled as follows:
(A) the vacancy or vacancies equal to the number of Directors that the Class A
Holders then have the right to elect pursuant to this Section 2(a) (after
giving effect to the decrease referred to in the preceding sentence) shall be
filled as provided in Section 4(b) of this ARTICLE FIFTH, and (B) the
remaining vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the remaining Directors
other than Class A Directors then in office, acting by majority vote of such
remaining Directors, and the Director or Directors so elected to fill such
vacancy or vacancies shall not be treated hereunder or under the Bylaws as
Class A Directors.
  (iii) (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2, but
subject to paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of this Section 2(a)(iii) and the
proviso set forth at the end of the first sentence of Section 2(a)(i) of this
ARTICLE FIFTH (the "Section 2(a) Proviso"), if the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the Class A Holders is 20% or greater, the Class A
Holders at all times shall have the right to elect not less than 20% of the
total number of Directors, provided that, if the Section 2(a) Proviso prevents
the Class A Holders from electing at least 20% of the total number of
Directors under such circumstances, this Corporation shall increase the total

number of Directors to a number not greater than 20 if such increase would
enable the Class A Holders to elect at least 20% of the total number of
Directors as increased.
  (2) The provisions of Section 2(a)(iii)(1) of this ARTICLE FIFTH (the
"Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions") shall terminate and be of no force and
effect (a "Nullification") unless reinstated in accordance with Section
2(a)(iii)(5), if either:
    (A) this Corporation delivers an opinion of nationally-recognized U.S.
  tax counsel to the effect that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are,
  with respect to both FT and DT, either not a Necessary Condition or not a
  Sufficient Condition to secure any Treaty Benefit and within 90 days of the
  delivery of such opinion by this Corporation there is not delivered to this
  Corporation by FT or DT an opinion of nationally-recognized U.S. tax
  counsel concluding that such provisions are a Necessary Condition and a
  Sufficient Condition for either FT or DT to secure a Treaty Benefit, or
    (B) this Corporation provides written notice to FT and DT in which it
  agrees to accord FT and DT those Treaty Benefits to which FT and DT would
  be entitled if the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions were in effect (the
  "Continuing Treaty Benefits") and to indemnify FT and DT on an after-tax
  basis against (a) any liability arising out of according FT and DT
  Continuing Treaty Benefits to the extent such liability would not arise if
  the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions were in effect and (b) the loss of
  those Continuing Treaty Benefits that this Corporation cannot directly
  accord; provided that this Corporation by written notice to FT and DT may
  revoke and withdraw such agreement to accord such Treaty Benefits and to
  provide such indemnification following the date of such notice and upon
  delivery of such notice the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall again
  become effective. Notwithstanding any revocation or withdrawal pursuant to
  the proviso contained in the immediately preceding sentence, this
  Corporation shall continue to indemnify FT and DT on an after-tax basis
  against any loss of Treaty Benefits to which FT or DT, as the case may be,
  would have been entitled had the Nullification described in this Section
  2(a)(iii)(2)(B) not taken place.
  If a Nullification occurs under the provisions of paragraph (A) of this
Section 2(a)(iii)(2), then after the date of any such Nullification, and until
such time as a change in facts or Applicable Law requires a different result,
this Corporation shall accord FT and DT Treaty Benefits under the relevant
treaties between the United States and France and the United States and
Germany, but only to the extent FT or DT, as the case may be, would have been
entitled to claim such benefits had such Nullification not occurred.
  (3) In addition to its rights under Section 2(a)(iii)(2), this Corporation
shall have the right, from time to time, to deliver to each of FT and DT a
written notice requesting that the chief tax officer of each of FT and DT
certify that FT, in the case of the request furnished to FT, and DT, in the
case of the request furnished to DT, is eligible to claim at least one Treaty
Benefit, and that such chief tax officer provide this Corporation with other
facts and information reasonably requested by this Corporation that are
reasonably necessary for this Corporation to determine whether the Section
2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are a Sufficient Condition or a Necessary Condition to
secure at least one Treaty Benefit. Unless within 60 days of delivery of any
such request, either FT or DT delivers such requested certificate to this
Corporation, and provides such requested facts or information, the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall terminate and be of no force or effect,
unless reinstated in accordance with Section 2(a)(iii)(5).
  (4) If FT and DT determine that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are,
with respect to both FT and DT, either not a Necessary Condition or not a
Sufficient Condition to secure at least one Treaty Benefit, FT and DT shall
deliver to this Corporation a certification to such effect, and the Section
2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall terminate and be of no force or effect, unless
reinstated in accordance with Section 2(a)(iii)(5).
  (5) Each of FT and DT shall have the right, at any time after the date the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are nullified pursuant to paragraph (A) (but
not paragraph (B)) of clause (2) or clause (3) or (4) of this
Section 2(a)(iii), to deliver to this Corporation a certificate signed by the
chief tax officer of either FT or DT to

the effect that FT or DT, as the case may be, is eligible to claim a Treaty
Benefit and an opinion of nationally-recognized U.S. tax counsel to the effect
that the Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are again a Necessary Condition and a
Sufficient Condition for any of FT or DT to secure a Treaty Benefit. Upon the
delivery of any such certificate and opinion, the Section 2(a)(iii)(1)
Provisions shall again become effective unless and until they become
ineffective pursuant to the other provisions of this Section 2(a)(iii).
  (6) For purposes of this Section 2(a)(iii), the term "FT" shall include any
Qualified Subsidiary of FT organized under the laws of France and the term
"DT" shall include any Qualified Subsidiary of DT organized under the laws of
  (7) The Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall be a "Necessary Condition"
with respect to any Treaty Benefit if FT or DT would not be entitled to claim
such Treaty Benefit unless such Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are in effect.
  (8) The Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions shall be a "Sufficient Condition"
with respect to any Treaty Benefit if FT and DT will otherwise fulfill all
other relevant conditions to claiming such Treaty Benefit if the
Section 2(a)(iii)(1) Provisions are in effect.
  (b) Election of Directors by Other Holders. (i) Subject to clause (ii)
below, the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock shall have the right to elect
that number of Directors equal to the excess of (x) the total number of
Directors over (y) the sum of the number of Directors the Class A Holders are
entitled to elect and the number of Directors, if any, that the holders of
Preferred Stock, voting separately by class or series, are entitled to elect
in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of
Incorporation. The Class A Holders shall have no right to vote for Directors
under this Section 2(b)(i).
  (ii) So long as Section 310 remains in effect, under no circumstances shall
an Alien Director elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock be
qualified to serve as a Director if the number of Aliens who would then be
serving as members of the Board of Directors, including such elected Alien,
would constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted by Section
310 on the Board of Directors.
  (iii) The Directors (other than the Directors elected by the Class A Holders
and any Directors elected by the holders of any one or more classes or series
of Preferred Stock having the right, voting separately by class or series, to
elect Directors) shall be divided into three classes, designated Class I,
Class II and Class III, with the term of office of one class expiring each
year. The number of Class I, Class II and Class III Directors shall consist,
as nearly as practicable, of one third of the total number of Directors (other
than the Directors elected by the Class A Holders and any Directors elected by
the holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred Stock having the
right, voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors). At each
annual meeting of stockholders of this Corporation, successors to the class of
Directors whose term expires at that annual meeting shall be elected for a
three-year term.
  (iv) Whenever the holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred
Stock shall have the right, voting separately by class or series, to elect
Directors at an annual or special meeting of stockholders, the election, term
of office, filling of vacancies and other features of such directorships shall
be governed by the terms of these Articles of Incorporation applicable
thereto, and such Directors so elected shall not be divided into classes
pursuant to this ARTICLE FIFTH unless expressly provided by such terms.
  Section 3. Change in Number of Directors. If the number of Directors (other
than Directors elected by Class A Holders and any Directors elected by the
holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred Stock having the
right, voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors) is changed,
any increase or decrease shall be apportioned among the classes so as to
maintain the number of Directors in each class as nearly equal as possible.

  Section 4. Term of Office. (a) Each Director shall be elected for a three-
year term. A Director shall hold office until the annual meeting for the year
in which his term expires and until his successor shall be elected and shall
qualify to serve, subject to prior death, resignation, retirement,
disqualification or removal from office.
  (b) Any vacancy on the Board of Directors (whether resulting from an
increase in the total number of Directors, the departure of one of the
Directors or otherwise) may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of
the Directors elected by the same class or classes of stockholders which would
be entitled to elect the Director who would fill such vacancy if the annual
meeting of stockholders of this Corporation were held on the date on which
such vacancy occurred, provided that at any time when there is only one such
Director so elected and then serving, such Director may fill such vacancy and,
provided further, that at any time when there are no such Directors then
serving, the stockholders of the class or classes entitled to elect the
Director who will fill such vacancy shall have the right to fill such vacancy
and, provided, further, that, so long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, any
vacancy to be filled by the Director or Directors elected by the holders of
Non-Class A Common Stock may not be filled with a Person who, upon his
election, would not be an Independent Director or would be an Alien, as the
case may be, if the effect of such election would be that less than a majority
of the Board of Directors following such election would be Independent
Directors, or that the number of Aliens who would then be serving on the Board
of Directors would constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted
on the Board of Directors under Section 310.
  (c) Any additional Director of any class elected to fill a vacancy resulting
from an increase in the number of Directors of such class shall hold office
for a term that shall coincide with the remaining term of the Directors of
that class, but, except as provided in Section 2(a)(ii) of this ARTICLE FIFTH,
in no case will a decrease in the number of Directors shorten the term of any
incumbent Director. Any Director elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from
an increase in the number of Directors shall have the same remaining term as
that of his predecessor.
  Section 5. Rights, Powers, Duties, Rules and Procedures; Amendment of
Bylaws. (a) Except to the extent prohibited by law or as set forth in these
Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have the
right (which, to the extent exercised, shall be exclusive) to establish the
rights, powers, duties, rules and procedures that from time to time shall
govern the Board of Directors and each of its members, including, without
limitation, the vote required for any action by the Board of Directors, and
that from time to time shall affect the Directors' power to manage the
business and affairs of this Corporation. Except to the extent required by law
or as set forth in these Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws, no Bylaw
shall be adopted by stockholders which shall impair or impede the
implementation of the foregoing.
  (b) The Board of Directors is expressly authorized and empowered, in the
manner provided in the Bylaws of this Corporation, to adopt, amend and repeal
the Bylaws of this Corporation in any respect to the full extent permitted by
the General Corporation Code not inconsistent with the laws of the General
Corporation Code or with these Articles of Incorporation, provided that
    (i) prior to the fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date,
  ARTICLE IV, SECTION 13 of the Bylaws may not be amended, altered, repealed,
  superseded or made inoperative or ineffective by adoption of other
  provisions to the Bylaws or these Articles of Incorporation (any such
  action, a "CP Covered Bylaws Amendment") without the affirmative vote of
  the holders of record of (i) a majority of the votes represented by the
  shares of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock then outstanding, voting
  together as a single class in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section
  3.2(d), and (ii) a majority of the votes represented by the shares of
  Corporation Common Stock, voting together as a single class, at any annual
  or special meeting of stockholders, the notice of which shall have
  specified or summarized the proposed CP Covered Bylaws Amendment; and     
    (ii) the following provisions of the Bylaws may not be amended, altered,
  repealed, superseded or made inoperative or ineffective by adoption of
  other provisions to the Bylaws or these Articles of Incorporation (any such
  action, a "Class A Covered Bylaws Amendment") without the affirmative vote
  of the holders of record of a majority of the votes represented by the
  shares of Class A Stock then outstanding, voting together as a single
  class, at any annual or special meeting of stockholders, the notice of
  which shall have     

  specified or summarized the proposed Class A Covered Bylaws Amendment:
  Section 6. Removal; Changes in Status; Preferred Stock Directors. (a) Except
as provided in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this Section 6, a Director (other than
a Director elected by the Class A Holders or by the holders of any class or
series of Preferred Stock having the right, voting separately by class or
series, to elect Directors) may be removed only for cause. No Director so
removed may be reinstated for so long as the cause for removal continues to
exist. Such removal for cause may be effected only by the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the votes represented by the shares of the class
or classes of stockholders which were entitled to elect such Director.     
  (b) A Director elected by the Class A Holders may be removed with or without
cause. If removed for cause, no Director so removed may be reinstated for so
long as the cause for removal continues to exist. Removal may be effected with
or without cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
votes represented by the shares of Class A Stock or with cause by the
affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the votes represented by the
shares of the Non-Class A Common Stock, the Class A Stock and other capital
stock of this Corporation entitled to general voting power, voting together as
a single class.     
  (c) If a Director elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock who was
not, at the time of his election to the Board of Directors, an Alien,
subsequently becomes an Alien, the effect of which would be that the number of
Aliens who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors,
including the Director who changed status, would constitute more than the
maximum number of Aliens permitted on the Board of Directors under Section
310, such Director shall upon his change in status automatically and without
further action be removed from the Board of Directors.
  (d) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if an Independent Director
elected by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock subsequently ceases to be
an Independent Director, the effect of which would be that the Independent
Directors who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors would
not constitute a majority of the Board of Directors, such Director shall
automatically and without further action upon his change in status be removed
from the Board of Directors.
  (e) (i) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if a Director elected
by the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock having the right,
voting separately by class or series, to elect Directors (a "Preferred Stock
Director") is an Alien, or after election becomes an Alien, the effect of
which would be that the number of Aliens who would then be serving as members
of the Board of Directors (including such Preferred Stock Director) would
constitute more than the maximum number of Aliens permitted on the Board of
Directors under Section 310, the total number of Directors shall automatically
and without further action be increased by the smallest number necessary to
enable the Class A Holders (and the Directors elected by the Class A Holders
in the case of vacancies) to elect Aliens as Directors to the fullest extent
that the Class A Holders are entitled to elect Directors pursuant to Section
2(a) of this ARTICLE FIFTH without violating the requirements of Section 310.
  (ii) So long as any Class A Stock is outstanding, if a Preferred Stock
Director is not an Independent Director, or after election ceases to be an
Independent Director, the effect of which would be that the Independent
Directors who would then be serving as members of the Board of Directors would
not constitute a majority of the Board of Directors, the total number of
Directors shall automatically and without further action be increased by the
smallest number necessary so that the number of Directors then serving who are
not Independent Directors (including such Preferred Stock Director and any
vacancies which the holders of Class A Stock have a right to fill) constitute
less than a majority of the Board of Directors.
  Section 7. Definitions. Certain capitalized terms used in this ARTICLE FIFTH
without definition have the meanings set forth in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.

  Section 1.1. Authorized Shares. The total number of shares of capital stock
which may be issued by this Corporation is 6,770,000,000, and the designation
of each class or series, the number of authorized shares of each class or
series and the par value of the shares of each class or series, are as

      DESIGNATION               CLASS                SERIES        NO. OF SHARES    PAR VALUE
      -----------        -------------------- -------------------- ------------- ---------------
The "Series 1 FON
 Stock"................. FON Common Stock           Series 1       2,500,000,000 $2.00 per share
The "Series 2 FON
 Stock"................. FON Common Stock           Series 2         500,000,000 $2.00 per share
The "Series 3 FON
 Stock"................. FON Common Stock           Series 3       1,200,000,000 $2.00 per share
The "Old Class A Common
 Stock"................. Class A Common Stock                        100,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Class A Common
 Stock-- Series DT"..... Class A Common Stock      Series DT         100,000,000 $2.50 per share
The "Series 1 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock           Series 1       1,250,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Series 2 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock           Series 2         500,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Series 3 PCS
 Stock"................. PCS Common Stock           Series 3         600,000,000 $1.00 per share
The "Preferred Stock"... Preferred Stock      See Section 13 below    20,000,000    No par value
  Section 1.2. Representation of Equity Value; Exchange of Interests in Class
A Common Stock. (a) The aggregate common equity value of the Corporation and
each Business Group shall, at any time, be represented as follows:
    (i) The total common equity value of the Corporation shall be represented
  by the sum of the outstanding shares of (A) the FON Stock, (B) the PCS
  Stock and (C) the Class A Common Stock.
    (ii) The total common equity value of the FON Group shall be represented
  by the sum of (A) the outstanding shares of the FON Stock and (B) the
  outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--
  Series DT (but only to the extent such stock represents a Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group
  and a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT
  Equity Interest In The FON Group, respectively).     
    (iii) The total common equity value of the PCS Group shall be represented
  by the sum of (A) the outstanding shares of the PCS Stock, (B) the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest, and
  (C) the outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common
  Stock--Series DT (but only to the extent such stock represents a Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group and a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series
  DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively).     
  (b) The Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall,
at all times, be deemed to represent, respectively, a number of shares of
Series 3 FON Stock and/or Series 3 PCS Stock equal to: (A) the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON
Group plus the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group and (B) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group plus the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The PCS Group.
  (c) Each holder of a share of Old Class A Common Stock shall have the right,
exercisable at any time and from time to time, to cause the Corporation to
issue the following:
    (i) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group, either a share of Series 3 FON Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 FON Stock to a
  designee of such holder, provided a transfer of such share to such designee
  is permitted under the Stockholders' Agreement; or
    (ii) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group, either a share of Series 3 PCS Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to a
  designee of such holder, provided a transfer of such share to such designee
  is permitted under the Stockholders' Agreement.
  A holder of Old Class A Common Stock may exercise its right to cause any
such issuance solely with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group,

solely with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, or any combination thereof;
    (x) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
  Equity Interest In The FON Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock may be issued pursuant to this
  Section 1.2(c),
    (y) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group is reduced to zero, no further shares of
  Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock may be issued pursuant to this
  Section 1.2(c), and
    (z) if at any time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
  Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group are both
  zero, the Old Class A Common Stock may be redeemed, at the Corporation's
  option, at a redemption price of $0.001 per share.
  (d) Each holder of a share of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall have the
right, exercisable at any time and from time to time, to cause the Corporation
to issue the following:
    (i) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
  The FON Group, either a share of Series 3 FON Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 FON Stock to a
  designee of such holder, provided a transfer of such share to such designee
  is permitted under the Stockholders' Agreement; and
    (ii) in respect of each share notionally represented in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
  The PCS Group, either a share of Series 3 PCS Stock to such holder (or to a
  Qualified Subsidiary of such holder) or a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to a
  designee of such holder, provided a transfer of such share to such designee
  is permitted under the Stockholders' Agreement.
  A holder of Class A Common Stock--Series DT may exercise its right to cause
any such issuance solely with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group, solely
with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, or any combination thereof;
    (i) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
  Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group is reduced to zero, no further
  shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock may be issued pursuant
  to this Section 1.2(d),
    (ii) when the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
  Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group is reduced to zero, no further
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock may be issued pursuant
  to this Section 1.2(d), and
    (iii) if at any time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
  The PCS Group are both zero, the Class A Common Stock--Series DT may be
  redeemed, at the Corporation's option, at a redemption price of $0.001 per
  (e) Automatic Reclassification and Adjustment to Par Value Amount.
    (i) Upon each issuance of any shares of Series 1 FON Stock and/or Series
  3 FON Stock, on the one hand, and Series 1 PCS Stock and/or Series 3 PCS
  Stock, on the other, in accordance with Section 1.2(c), each share of the
  Corporation's existing Old Class A Common Stock will be automatically
  reclassified into a share of Class A Common Stock with a par value amount
  equal to the Reduced Par Value Amount and the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest
  In The PCS Group, respectively, will be reduced in accordance with the
  definitions of such terms set forth in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10; provided
  that after each such reclassification, the sum of (x) the total number of

  shares of Series 1 FON Stock and/or Series 3 FON Stock, on the one hand, or
  Series 1 PCS Stock and/or Series 3 PCS Stock, on the other, so issued in
  accordance with Section 1.2(c) times the par value per share of such stock
  and (y) the total number of outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock
  immediately after such issuance times the Reduced Par Value Amount will
  always equal (z) the total number of outstanding shares of Old Class A
  Common Stock immediately prior to such issuance times the par value per
  share of such shares existing immediately prior to such issuance.
    (ii) Upon each issuance of any shares of Series 1 FON Stock and/or Series
  3 FON Stock, on the one hand, and Series 1 PCS Stock and/or Series 3 PCS
  Stock, on the other, in accordance with Section 1.2(d), each share of the
  Corporation's existing Class A Common Stock--Series DT will be
  automatically reclassified into a share of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
  with a par value amount equal to the Reduced Par Value Amount and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, will
  be reduced in accordance with the definitions of such terms set forth in
  ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10; provided that after each such reclassification,
  the sum of (x) the total number of outstanding shares of Series 1 FON Stock
  and/or Series 3 FON Stock, on the one hand, or Series 1 PCS Stock and/or
  Series 3 PCS Stock, on the other, so issued in accordance with Section
  1.2(d) times the par value per share of such stock and (y) the total number
  of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT immediately after
  such issuance times the Reduced Par Value Amount will always equal (z) the
  total number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
  immediately prior to such issuance times the par value per share of such
  shares existing immediately prior to such issuance.     
  (f) Notice Provisions; Issuance of Stock Certificates, etc.
    (i) A Class A Holder shall exercise its rights under this Section 1.2 by
  delivering a written notice to the Corporation (an "Issuance Notice")
  signed by an authorized officer of the Class A Holder specifying (1) the
  class and series of the Shares to be issued by the Corporation, (2) the
  number of shares of each to be issued pursuant to such request, and (3) the
  name of the Person in whose name the shares are to be issued (such a
  Person, a "Designee").
    (ii) As promptly as practical after receipt of an Issuance Notice, and in
  no event later than 5 Business Days thereafter, the Corporation will
  deliver or cause to be delivered a certificate or certificates representing
  the number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares issued
  pursuant to the Issuance Notice; provided, however, that the Corporation
  shall not be obligated to issue such shares if any material defect exists
  with respect to such Issuance Notice.
    (iii) Immediately upon the issuance of the shares of Series 1 FON Stock,
  Series 3 FON Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to
  an Issuance Notice, the Designee shall be treated for all purposes as
  having become the record holder of the shares of such stock so issued.
    (iv) This Corporation shall pay all United States federal, state or local
  documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of
  the issue or delivery of shares in connection with an Issuance Notice
  pursuant to this Section 1.2, provided that this Corporation shall not be
  required to pay any tax which may be payable in respect of any registration
  of Transfer involved in the issue or delivery of such shares in a name
  other than that of the registered holder of the Class A Common Stock that
  gave rise to the right to cause the issuance of such Shares, and no such
  issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the person requesting such
  issue has paid to this Corporation the amount of any such tax or has
  established, to the satisfaction of this Corporation, that such tax has
  been paid.
    (v) In addition to the obligations of the Corporation contained in these
  Articles of Incorporation to reserve and keep available Shares, this
  Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available, out of the
  aggregate of its authorized but unissued Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS
  Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 1 FON Stock and its issued Series 1
  FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock held in its treasury, Shares for the
  purpose of effecting the issuances of the Series 3 FON Stock, Series 1 FON
  Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock contemplated hereby.     

  Section 2. General Provisions Relating to All Stock.
  2.1. Preemptive Rights; Cumulative Voting. No holder of shares of capital
stock of any class or series of this Corporation or holder of any security or
obligation convertible into shares of capital stock of any class or series of
this Corporation shall have any preemptive right whatsoever to subscribe for,
purchase or otherwise acquire shares of capital stock of any class or series
of this Corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized; provided that this
provision shall not (i) prohibit this Corporation from granting, contractually
or otherwise, to any such holder, the right to purchase additional securities
of this Corporation or (ii) otherwise limit or otherwise modify any rights of
any such holder pursuant to any such contract or other agreement. Stockholders
of this Corporation shall not be entitled to cumulative voting of their shares
in elections of Directors.
  2.2. Redemption of Shares Held by Aliens. Notwithstanding any other
provision of these Articles of Incorporation to the contrary, outstanding
shares of Non-Class A Common Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens and Class A
Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens may be redeemed by this Corporation, by
action duly taken by the Board of Directors (with the approval of a majority
of the Continuing Directors (as defined in ARTICLE SEVENTH) at a meeting at
which at least seven Continuing Directors are present, except that no such
approval of the Continuing Directors shall be required if
    (i) the Fair Price Provisions have been deleted in their entirety,
    (ii) the Fair Price Provisions have been modified so as explicitly not to
  apply to any Class A Holder, or they have been modified in a manner
  reasonably satisfactory to FT and DT so as explicitly not to apply to any
  transactions with any Class A Holder contemplated under these Articles of
    (iii) the transaction in question is not a "Business Combination" within
  the meaning of the Fair Price Provisions, or
    (iv) the Class A Holder that is a party to the transaction, along with
  its Affiliates (as such term is defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities
  Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on October 1, 1982) and Associates (as
  such term is defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of
  1934, as in effect on October 1, 1982), is no longer an "Interested
  Stockholder" or "Affiliate" of an "Interested Stockholder" within the
  meaning of the Fair Price Provisions),     
to the extent necessary or advisable, in the judgment of the Board of
Directors, for this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries to comply with the
requirements of Section 310 (each of (i) through (iv), a "Fair Price
Condition"), provided that (i) for purposes of these Articles of
Incorporation, redemption of the Class A Common Stock is deemed to occur upon
the reduction, in consideration of payments otherwise made in respect of
redemptions under this Section 2.2, of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group that are represented by the Class
A Common Stock (with any such redemption of shares of Class A Common Stock
being referred to in this Section 2.2 as a redemption of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, as applicable)
and (ii) Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock, Shares Issuable With Respect
To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group may only be redeemed
if, and only to the extent that, they represent in the aggregate Votes
constituting greater than 20% of the aggregate Voting Power of this
Corporation immediately prior to the time of such redemption.     
  The terms and conditions of such redemption shall be as follows, subject in
any case to any other rights of a particular Alien or of this Corporation
pursuant to any contract or agreement between such Alien and this Corporation:
    (a) except as provided in Section 2.2(f), the redemption price of the
  shares to be redeemed pursuant to this Section 2.2 shall be equal to the
  Market Price of such shares on the third Business Day prior to the date
  notice of such redemption is given pursuant to Section 2.2(d), provided
  that, except as provided in Section 2.2(f), such redemption price as to any
  Alien who purchased such shares of Non-Class A Common Stock after November
  21, 1995 and within one year prior to the Redemption Date shall not (unless
  otherwise determined by the Board of Directors) exceed the purchase price
  paid by such Alien for such shares;

    (b) the redemption price of such shares may be paid in cash, Redemption
  Securities or any combination thereof;
    (c) if less than all of the shares Beneficially Owned by Aliens are to be
  redeemed, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected in such manner as
  shall be determined by the Board of Directors, which may include selection
  first of the most recently purchased shares thereof, selection by lot or
  selection in any other manner determined by the Board of Directors to be
  equitable, provided that this Corporation shall
      (i) in all cases be entitled to redeem shares of Non-Class A Common
    Stock Beneficially Owned by Aliens prior to redeeming any shares of
    Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock, Shares Issuable With Respect To
    The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable With
    Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group Beneficially
    Owned by Aliens,
      (ii) redeem Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
    Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
    A Equity Interest In The PCS Group of the holders of Old Class A Common
    Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series DT on a pro rata basis,
      (iii) redeem, on a pro rata basis, Shares Issuable With Respect To
    The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group based on the ratio of the
    Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
    Interest In The FON Group to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
    To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group,
      (iv) redeem, on a pro rata basis, Shares Issuable With Respect To The
    Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group based on the ratio of the
    Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
    Interest In The PCS Group to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
    To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, and
      (v) redeem shares of Series 3 PCS Stock and Series 3 FON Stock prior
    to redeeming Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
    Interest In The FON Group and Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
    A Equity Interest In The PCS Group;
    (d) this Corporation shall give notice of the Redemption Date at least 30
  days prior to the Redemption Date to the record holders of the shares
  selected to be redeemed (unless waived in writing by any such holder) by
  delivering a written notice by first class mail, postage pre-paid, to the
  holders of record of the shares selected to be redeemed, addressed to such
  holders at their last address as shown upon the stock transfer books of
  this Corporation (each such notice of redemption specifying the date fixed
  for redemption, the redemption price, the place or places of payment and
  that payment will be made upon presentation and surrender of the
  certificates representing such shares), provided that the Redemption Date
  may be the date on which written notice shall be given to record holders if
  the cash or Redemption Securities necessary to effect the redemption shall
  have been deposited in trust for the benefit of such record holders and
  subject to immediate withdrawal by them upon surrender of the stock
  certificates for their shares to be redeemed;
    (e) on the Redemption Date, unless this Corporation shall have defaulted
  in paying or setting aside for payment the cash or Redemption Securities
  payable upon such redemption, any and all rights of Aliens in respect of
  shares so redeemed (including without limitation any rights to vote or
  participate in dividends), shall cease and terminate, and from and after
  such Redemption Date such Aliens shall be entitled only to receive the cash
  or Redemption Securities payable upon redemption of the shares to be
  redeemed; and
    (f) such other terms and conditions as the Board of Directors shall
  determine to be equitable, provided that,
      (1) if any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
    Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
    A Equity Interest In The PCS Group are redeemed pursuant to this
    Section 2.2, (x) the redemption price, on a per share basis, of Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group
    shall be an amount equal to the redemption price of a share of Series 3
    FON Stock calculated pursuant to subsection (f)(2) of this Section 2.2,
    and (y) the redemption price, on a per share basis, of Shares Issuable
    With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group shall be
    an amount equal to the redemption price of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock
    calculated pursuant to subsection (f)(4) of this Section 2.2;     

      (2) if any shares of Series 3 FON Stock are redeemed pursuant to this
    Section 2.2, the redemption price thereof shall be a per share price
    equal to the greater of (A) the Market Price of a share of Series 1 FON
    Stock on the Redemption Date and (B) the Weighted Average Price paid by
    the Class A Holders for the Series 3 FON Stock (or Shares Issuable With
    Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group, if applicable)
    together with a stock appreciation factor thereon (calculated on the
    basis of a 365-day year) at the rate of 3.88% through and including the
    Redemption Date, such stock appreciation factor to be calculated, on an
    annual compounding basis, from (x) the date of purchase of such Series
    3 FON Stock or (y) in the case of either a share of Series 3 FON Stock
    issued in connection with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2 or any Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group,
    the date of purchase of the Class A Common Stock that represented such
    shares, until the Redemption Date, provided, that if this Corporation
    redeems any shares hereunder after April 26, 1999, the redemption price
    thereof shall be the Market Price of a share of Series 1 FON Stock on
    the Redemption Date;     
      (3) if any shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock, if
    applicable) are redeemed pursuant to this Section 2.2, the redemption
    price of any such shares redeemed shall be a per share price equal to
    the greater of (A) the Market Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock
    (or Series 1 FON Stock, if applicable) on the Redemption Date and (B)
    the Weighted Average Price paid by the holders thereof for the Series 2
    PCS Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock, if applicable)) together with a stock
    appreciation factor thereon (calculated on the basis of a 365-day year)
    at the rate of 3.88% through and including the Redemption Date, such
    stock appreciation factor to be calculated, on an annual compounding
    basis, from the date of purchase of such Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series
    2 FON Stock, if applicable) until the Redemption Date, provided, that
    if this Corporation redeems any shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series
    2 FON Stock, if applicable) after April 26, 1999, the redemption price
    of any such shares redeemed shall be the Market Price of a share of
    Series 1 PCS Stock (or Series 1 FON Stock, if applicable) on the
    Redemption Date; and
      (4) if any shares of Series 3 PCS Stock are redeemed pursuant to this
    Section 2.2, the redemption price thereof shall be a per share price
    equal to the greater of (A) the Market Price of a share of Series 1 PCS
    Stock on the Redemption Date and (B) the Weighted Average Price paid by
    the holders thereof for the Series 3 PCS Stock (or Shares Issuable With
    Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, if applicable)
    together with a stock appreciation factor thereon (calculated on the
    basis of a 365-day year) at the rate of 3.88% through and including the
    Redemption Date, such stock appreciation factor to be calculated, on an
    annual compounding basis, from (x) the date of purchase of such Series
    3 PCS Stock, or (y) in the case of a share of Series 3 PCS Stock issued
    in connection with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2 or Shares Issuable With
    Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, the date of
    purchase of the Class A Common Stock that represented such shares,
    until the Redemption Date, provided, that if this Corporation redeems
    any shares hereunder after April 26, 1999, the redemption price thereof
    shall be the Market Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock on the
    Redemption Date.     
  The redemption price to be paid to the Class A Holders shall be modified in
  accordance with Article IX of the Stockholders' Agreement if either (i)
  such redemption is effected on or prior to April 26, 1999, or (ii) such
  redemption is effected within the 120-day period described in the last
  sentence of Section 2.11 of the Stockholders' Agreement (as such period may
  be extended pursuant thereto) following an election by this Corporation to
  redeem shares in accordance with such Section.
  Any notice that is mailed as herein provided shall be conclusively presumed
to have been duly given, whether or not the holder of shares to be redeemed
received such notice, provided that all notices to be given to the Class A
Holders shall be made and deemed delivered in accordance with Section 11 of
ARTICLE SIXTH and failure to give such notice by mail, or any defect in such
notice, to holders of shares designated for redemption shall not affect the
validity of the proceedings for the redemption of any other shares.
  2.3. Beneficial Ownership Inquiry. (a) This Corporation may by written
notice require a Person that is a holder of record of Non-Class A Common Stock
or Class A Stock or that this Corporation knows to have, or has

reasonable cause to believe has, Beneficial Ownership of Non-Class A Common
Stock or Class A Stock, to certify that, to the knowledge of such Person:
    (i) no Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock as to which such Person
  has record ownership or Beneficial Ownership is Beneficially Owned by
  Aliens; or
    (ii) the number and class or series of shares of Non-Class A Common Stock
  or Class A Stock owned of record or Beneficially Owned by such Person that
  are owned of record or Beneficially Owned by Persons that are Aliens are as
  set forth in such certificate.
  (b) With respect to any Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock identified
by such Person in response to Section 2.3(a)(ii) above, this Corporation may
require such Person to provide such further information as this Corporation
may reasonably require in order to implement the provisions of Section 2.2 of
  (c) For purposes of applying Section 2.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH with respect to
any Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock, if any Person fails to provide
the certificate or other information to which this Corporation is entitled
pursuant to this Section 2.3, this Corporation in its sole discretion may
presume that the Non-Class A Common Stock or Class A Stock in question is, or
is not, Beneficially Owned by Aliens.
  2.4. Factual Determinations. The Board of Directors shall have the power and
duty to construe and apply the provisions of Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of ARTICLE
SIXTH and, with respect to shares of Non-Class A Common Stock, to make all
determinations necessary or desirable to implement such provisions, including
but not limited to: (a) the number of shares of Non-Class A Common Stock that
are Beneficially Owned by any Person; (b) whether a Person is an Alien; (c)
the application of any other definition of these Articles of Incorporation to
the given facts; and (d) any other matter relating to the applicability or
effect of Section 2.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  2.5. Loss of Voting Rights. If (a) there is a breach by FT, DT, any
Qualified Subsidiary, any Strategic Investor or any Qualified Stock Purchaser
of any of the provisions of Sections 3.1(a) or 3.2(b) (as it relates to
matters described in Section 3.1(a)) of the Standstill Agreement or any
corresponding provision of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement,
Strategic Investor Standstill Agreement or Qualified Stock Purchaser
Standstill Agreement, (b) there is a willful breach in any material respect by
FT, DT, any Qualified Subsidiary, any Strategic Investor or any Qualified
Stock Purchaser of any provision of Section 3.1 (other than Section 3.1(a)) of
the Standstill Agreement or any corresponding provision of any Qualified
Subsidiary Standstill Agreement, Strategic Investor Standstill Agreement or
Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement, or (c) a Government Affiliate
or Related Company (each as defined in the Standstill Agreement) takes an
action which if taken by FT or DT would violate Sections 3.1 or 3.2(b) (as it
relates to matters other than those described in Section 3.1(a)) of the
Standstill Agreement, then FT and its Qualified Subsidiaries (except in the
case of a breach arising from the action of a Government Affiliate of Germany,
a Related Company of DT or a Strategic Investor in a Qualified Subsidiary of
DT in which FT is not an investor), DT and its Qualified Subsidiaries (except
in the case of a breach arising from the action of a Government Affiliate of
France, a Related Company of FT or a Strategic Investor in a Qualified
Subsidiary of FT in which DT is not an investor) and each Qualified Stock
Purchaser shall not be entitled to vote any of their shares of capital stock
of this Corporation with respect to any matter or proposal arising from,
relating to or involving, such breach or action, and no such purported vote by
such Class A Holders on such matter shall be effective or shall be counted.
  Section 3. Voting Powers.
  Section 3.1. General. Except as otherwise provided by law or as expressly
set forth in ARTICLE FIFTH or in this ARTICLE SIXTH, each share of Corporation
Common Stock shall be entitled to vote, as provided in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section
3.2 and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d) (with respect to Class A Stock only), on
all matters in respect of which the holders of Corporation Common Stock are
entitled to vote, and, except as otherwise provided by the terms of any
outstanding series of Preferred Stock, the holders of Corporation Common Stock
shall vote together with the holders of all other classes or series of capital
stock which have general voting power on all such matters as a single class;
provided, however, that

    (i) holders of FON Stock and Class A Common Stock, voting together as a
  single class in accordance with Section 3.2(c), shall be entitled to vote
  upon a proposed amendment to these Articles of Incorporation if such
  amendment would (A) increase or decrease the aggregate number of authorized
  shares of FON Stock, (B) increase or decrease the par value of the shares
  of FON Stock or (C) alter or change the powers, preferences or special
  rights of the shares of FON Stock so as to affect them adversely, and
    (ii) holders of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock, voting together as a
  single class in accordance with Section 3.2(d), shall be entitled to vote
  upon a proposed amendment to these Articles of Incorporation if such
  amendment would (A) increase or decrease the aggregate number of authorized
  shares of PCS Stock, (B) increase or decrease the par value of shares of
  PCS Stock or (C) alter or change the powers, preferences or special rights
  of the shares of PCS Stock so as to affect them adversely.
  Section 3.2. Number of Votes. (a) On each matter to be voted on by the
holders of Non-Class A Common Stock and Class A Stock voting together as a
single class,
    (i) each outstanding share of Series 1 FON and Series 3 FON Stock is
  entitled to one vote (subject, in the case of the Series 3 FON Stock, to
  any increase in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d));
    (ii) subject to any increase resulting from the provisions of ARTICLE
  SIXTH, Section 7.5(d), each outstanding share of Old Class A Common Stock
  and Class A Common Stock--Series DT is entitled to a number of votes
  (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole vote and may
  include a fraction of a vote) equal to the sum of (A) in the case of the
  Old Class A Common Stock, the Old Class A FON Vote Per Share and the Old
  Class A PCS Vote Per Share (computed as of the tenth Trading Day preceding
  the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to vote,
  expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest three decimal
  places); and (B) in the case of the Class A Common Stock--Series DT, the
  Class A--Series DT FON Vote Per Share and the Class A--Series DT PCS Vote
  Per Share; (computed as of the tenth Trading Day preceding the record date
  for determining the stockholders entitled to vote, expressed as a decimal
  fraction rounded to the nearest three decimal places);     
    (iii) each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock is entitled to a
  number of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole
  vote and may include a fraction of a vote) (the "PCS Per Share Vote") equal
  to (x) if the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to vote
  is on or before December 31, 1998, the number of votes determined by
  multiplying one by the PCS Ratio and (y) if the record date for determining
  the stockholders entitled to vote is after December 31, 1998, the number of
  votes determined by multiplying one by the ratio of the Average Trading
  Price of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock to the Average Trading Price of
  one share of Series 1 FON Stock computed as of the tenth Trading Day
  preceding the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to
  vote, expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest three decimal
    (iv) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS Stock is entitled to a number
  of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole vote and
  may include a fraction of one vote) equal to ten percent of the applicable
  PCS Per Share Vote as determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(iii);
    (v) each outstanding share of Series 3 PCS Stock is entitled to a number
  of votes (which, at any time, may be more or less than one whole vote and
  may include a fraction of one vote) equal to the applicable PCS Per Share
  Vote as determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(iii) (subject to any
  increase in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d)); and
    (vi) each outstanding share of Series 2 FON Stock is entitled to ten
  percent of one vote.
  (b) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of Non-Class A Common Stock
voting together as a single class,
    (i) each outstanding share of Series 1 FON Stock is entitled to one vote;
    (ii) each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock is entitled to the PCS
  Per Share Vote determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(iii);
    (iii) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS Stock is entitled to a
  number of votes determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(iv); and
    (iv) each outstanding share of Series 2 FON Stock is entitled to ten
  percent of one vote.

  (c) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of FON Stock and Class A
Common Stock, voting together as a single class, each outstanding share of (i)
Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON Stock is entitled to
one vote and (ii) Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series DT
is entitled to the Old Class A FON Vote Per Share and the Class A--Series DT
FON Vote Per Share, respectively.
  (d) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of the PCS Stock and Class
A Common Stock voting together as a single class, each outstanding share of
(i) Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is entitled
to one vote and (ii) Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series
DT is entitled to the Old Class A PCS Vote Per Share and the Class A--Series
DT PCS Vote Per Share, respectively.
  (e) On each matter to be voted on by the holders of the Class A Stock voting
together as a single class, each outstanding share of (i) Series 3 FON Stock
is entitled to one vote, (ii) Series 3 PCS Stock is entitled to the PCS Vote
Per Share determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(v), and (iii) Old Class
A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series DT is entitled to their
respective per share vote determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(ii).
  (f) In addition to the foregoing provisions of this Section 3, (i) if shares
of only one class or series of Corporation Common Stock are outstanding on the
record date for determining the holders of Corporation Common Stock entitled
to vote on any matter, then each share of that class or series shall be
entitled to one vote and (ii) if any class or any series of Corporation Common
Stock votes as a single class with respect to any matter, each share of that
class or series shall, for purposes of such vote, be entitled to one vote on
such matter except with respect to a vote of Old Class A Common Stock and
Class A Common Stock--Series DT voting together as a single class, in which
case each share of such stock shall be entitled to its per share vote
determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a)(ii) .     
  Section 4. Liquidation Rights. If any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of this Corporation occurs, then after payment or
provision for payment of the debts and other liabilities of this Corporation,
including the liquidation preferences of any series of Preferred Stock, the
holders of Corporation Common Stock shall be entitled to receive the remaining
assets of the Corporation, regardless of the Business Group to which such
assets are attributed in accordance with Section 10 of this ARTICLE SIXTH,
divided among such holders in accordance with the per share "Liquidation
Units" attributable to each such class or series of stock as follows:
    (i) each share of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON
  Stock is hereby attributed one "Liquidation Unit,"
    (ii) at the time of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this
  Corporation, each share of Old Class A Common Stock will be attributed a
  number of "Liquidation Units" (which may be more or less than one whole
  "Liquidation Unit" and may include a fraction of a "Liquidation Unit")
  equal to (A) the sum of (I) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and (II) the product of
  the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group and the PCS Ratio, divided by (B) the aggregate
  number of shares of Old Class A Common Stock outstanding;
    (iii) at the time of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this
  Corporation, each share of Class A Common Stock--Series DT will be
  attributed a number of "Liquidation Units" (which may be more or less than
  one whole "Liquidation Unit" and may include a fraction of a "Liquidation
  Unit") equal to (A) the sum of (I) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and (II)
  the product of the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
  Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the PCS Ratio, divided by
  (B) the aggregate number of shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
  outstanding; and
    (iv) each share of PCS Stock is hereby attributed the number of
  "Liquidation Units" determined by multiplying one by the PCS Ratio.

The per share "Liquidation Units" of each such class or series of stock are
subject to adjustment as determined by the Board of Directors to be
appropriate to reflect equitably (i) any subdivision (by stock split or
otherwise) or combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of such class
or series of stock or (ii) any dividend or other distribution of shares of
such class or series of stock to holders of shares of such class or series of
stock. Neither the merger nor consolidation of this Corporation, nor the
Transfer of all or part of its assets, shall be deemed to be a voluntary or
involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this Corporation within
the meaning of this Section 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any transaction
or series of related transactions which results in the distribution of all or
substantially all of the assets of the PCS Group (excluding any portion of
such assets retained by the Corporation or distributed to holders of FON Stock
in respect of the FON Group Intergroup Interest Fraction) to the holders of
the outstanding PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (to the extent of any
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group)
by way of the distribution of equity interests in one or more entities that
collectively hold, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all of the
assets of the PCS Group (including, without limitation, the PCS Group
Subsidiary) shall not constitute a voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation for purposes of this Section 4
but shall be subject to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.2.
  Section 5. Dividends. Dividends shall be declared and paid only out of net
income or surplus of this Corporation and may be declared and paid upon each
class and series of Corporation Common Stock, upon the terms with respect to
each such class and series, and subject to the limitations provided for in
this Section 5 and in Section 13, as the Board of Directors may determine.
  5.1. Generally. Dividends on Corporation Common Stock may be declared and
paid only out of the funds of the Corporation legally available therefor.
  5.1.1. The holders of the Series 1 FON Stock shall be entitled to receive,
when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this Section
5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 FON Stock equivalent on a per share
basis to those payable on the Series 2 FON Stock. Dividends on the Series 1
FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 2 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
Series 2 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 FON
Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 1 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively , or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.2. The holders of the Series 1 FON Stock shall be entitled to receive,
when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this Section
5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 FON Stock equivalent on a per share
basis to those payable on the Series 3 FON Stock. Dividends on the Series 1
FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 3 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
Series 3 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 1 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent     

corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 FON Stock
or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.3. The holders of shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 1 FON Stock. Dividends on the
Series 2 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 1 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 1 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 1 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 2 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.4. The holders of shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 3 FON Stock. Dividends on the
Series 2 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 3 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 3 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 2 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
respectively or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.5. The holders of shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 1 FON Stock. Dividends on the
Series 3 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 1 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 1 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 1 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 3 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     

  5.1.6. The holders of shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 2 FON Stock. Dividends on the
Series 3 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 2 FON Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 FON Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 2 FON Stock payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 FON
Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, then in each case,
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the Series 3 FON
Stock payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.7. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained in
Sections 5.1.16 through 5.1.18, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock equivalent on a Per Class A FON Share Basis to those payable on a
per share basis to the Series 1 FON Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 1 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, equal to (i) the full per share
amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 FON Stock plus (ii) the
full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 1 FON Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare
and pay any dividend on shares of Series 1 FON Stock payable in shares of
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1
PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the
same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend
on a Per Class A FON Share Basis on the Class A Common Stock payable in shares
of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 FON Stock
or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.8. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained in
Sections 5.1.16 through 5.1.18, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock equivalent on a Per Class A FON Share Basis to those payable on a
per share basis to the Series 2 FON Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, equal to (i) the full per share
amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 FON Stock plus (ii) the
full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 2 FON Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare
and pay any dividend on shares of Series 2 FON Stock payable in shares of
Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2
PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the
same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend
on a Per Class A FON Share Basis on the Class A Common Stock payable in shares
of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 FON Stock
or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     

  5.1.9. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained in
Sections 5.1.16 through 5.1.18, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, equal to those payable on a
per share basis to the Series 3 FON Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 FON Stock and shall be in an
amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, equal to (i) the full per share
amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 FON Stock plus (ii) the
full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 3 FON Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare
and pay any dividend on shares of Series 3 FON Stock payable in shares of
Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3
PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the
same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend
on a Per Class A FON Share Basis on the Class A Common Stock payable in shares
of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 FON Stock
or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.10. The holders of the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to receive,
when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this Section
5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock equivalent on a per share
basis to those payable on the Series 2 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 1
PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  5.1.11. The holders of the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to receive,
when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with this Section
5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock equivalent on a per share
basis to those payable on the Series 3 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Series 1
PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividends on shares of
Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  5.1.12. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 1 PCS Stock. Dividends on the
Series 2 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares

of Series 1 PCS Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay
any dividend on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS
Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series
1 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the
same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend
per share on the Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock,
or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.
  5.1.13. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 3 PCS Stock. Dividends on the
Series 2 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.
  5.1.14. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 1 PCS Stock. Dividends on the
Series 3 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.1.15. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable on the Series 2 PCS Stock. Dividends on the
Series 3 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of
the corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount per share equal to the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, plus the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend per share on the
Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent
corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.1.16. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained
in Sections 5.1.7 through 5.1.9, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock equivalent

on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to those payable on a per share basis to the
Series 1 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common Stock shall be payable on
the same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock and shall be in an amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, equal to (i) the full per share amount of any cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock plus (ii) the full per share amount (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, provided
that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock payable in shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, then in
each case, this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it
declares and pays any such dividend, an equivalent dividend on a Per Class A
PCS Share Basis on the Class A Common Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.1.17. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained
in Sections 5.1.7 through 5.1.9, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock equivalent on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to those payable on a
per share basis to the Series 2 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, equal to (i) the full per share
amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock plus (ii) the
full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare
and pay any dividend on shares of Series 2 PCS Stock payable in shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall
declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
an equivalent dividend on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis on the Class A Common
Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding
options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.1.18. In addition to the entitlement with respect to dividends contained
in Sections 5.1.7 through 5.1.9, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors
in accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A
Common Stock equivalent on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to those payable on a
per share basis to the Series 3 PCS Stock. Dividends on the Class A Common
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock and shall be in an
amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, equal to (i) the full per share
amount of any cash dividend paid on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock plus (ii) the
full per share amount (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare
and pay any dividend on shares of Series 3 PCS Stock payable in shares of
Series 3 PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
Series 3 PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall
declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
an equivalent dividend on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis on the Class A Common
Stock payable in shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding
options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.1.19. The holders of shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Old Class A Common Stock
equivalent, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, to those payable on the Class A Common Stock--Series DT. Dividends on
the Old Class A Common Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--
Series DT and shall be in an amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a
Per Class A PCS Share Basis, equal to the amount of any cash dividend paid on
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT,

plus the amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a Per Class A PCS
Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of
Class A Common Stock--Series DT, provided that if this Corporation shall
declare and pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
payable in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into
or exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case, this
Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays
any such dividend, an equivalent dividend, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis
and on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the Old Class A Common Stock payable
in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding
options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, respectively.
  5.1.20. The holders of shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall be
entitled to receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in
accordance with this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Class A Common
Stock--Series DT equivalent, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a Per
Class A PCS Share Basis, to those payable on the Old Class A Common Stock.
Dividends on the Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall be payable on the same
date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old
Class A Common Stock and shall be in an amount, on a Per Class A FON Share
Basis and on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, equal to the full amount of any
cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock, plus the full
amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis,
(payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A
Common Stock, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any
dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock payable in shares of FON Stock
or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of FON Stock
or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case, this Corporation shall declare and
pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend, an
equivalent dividend, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis and on a Per Class A PCS
Share Basis, on the Class A Common Stock--Series DT payable in shares of FON
Stock or PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, respectively,
or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, respectively.
  5.1.21. The holders of shares of Series 1 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only). Dividends
on the Series 1 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock
and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A
FON Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
Stock, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock,
provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
of Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only) payable
in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this
Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays
any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 1 FON Stock (equivalent
to that declared and paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock on a Per Class
A FON Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively,
or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.22. The holders of shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common

Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only). Dividends on the Series 2 FON
Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the payment of the
corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock and shall be in
an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share
Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock, plus
the full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any
non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock, provided that if
this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Old Class A
Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only) payable in shares of
FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall
declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
a dividend per share on the Series 2 FON Stock (equivalent to that declared
and paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock on a Per Class A FON Share
Basis) payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.23. The holders of shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only). Dividends
on the Series 3 FON Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock
and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A
FON Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
Stock, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock,
provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
of Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group only) payable
in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this
Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays
any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 3 FON Stock (equivalent
to that declared and paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock on a Per Class
A FON Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS
Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively,
or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.24. The holders of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only). Dividends
on the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock
and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A
PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
Stock, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock,
provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
of Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only) payable
in shares of PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS
Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same
time that it declares and pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the
Series 1 PCS Stock (equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Old
Class A Common Stock on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of
Series 1     

PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.
  5.1.25. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only). Dividends
on the Series 2 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock
and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A
PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
Stock, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock,
provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
of Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only) payable
in shares of PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS
Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same
time that it declares and pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the
Series 2 PCS Stock (equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Old
Class A Common Stock on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of
Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.     
  5.1.26. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the
Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only). Dividends
on the Series 3 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed for the
payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Old Class A Common Stock
and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount, on a Per Class A
PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common
Stock, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, (payable in
kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Old Class A Common Stock,
provided that if this Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares
of Old Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group only) payable
in shares of PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of
PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS
Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same
time that it declares and pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the
Series 3 PCS Stock (equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Old
Class A Common Stock on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of
Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.     
  5.1.27. The holders of shares of Series 1 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON
Group only). Dividends on the Series 1 FON Stock shall be payable on the same
date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, plus the full amount, on a
Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid
on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, provided that if this
Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group only)
payable in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into
or exchangeable     

for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall
declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays any such dividend,
a dividend per share on the Series 1 FON Stock (equivalent to that declared
and paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT on a Per Class A FON
Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or
equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or exchangeable for
shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively.     
  5.1.28. The holders of shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON
Group only). Dividends on the Series 2 FON Stock shall be payable on the same
date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, plus the full amount, on a
Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid
on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, provided that if this
Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group only)
payable in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into
or exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this
Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays
any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 2 FON Stock (equivalent
to that declared and paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT on a
Per Class A FON Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series
2 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or
rights to acquire shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock,
  5.1.29. The holders of shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 FON Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, on the
Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON
Group only). Dividends on the Series 3 FON Stock shall be payable on the same
date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT Stock and shall be in an amount per share equal to the
full amount, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, plus the full amount, on a
Per Class A FON Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid
on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT Stock, provided that if this
Corporation shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT Stock (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group only)
payable in shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in options, warrants or rights
to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, or in securities convertible into
or exchangeable for shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, then in each case this
Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and pays
any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 3 FON Stock (equivalent
to that declared and paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT on a
Per Class A FON Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series
3 PCS Stock, respectively, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or
rights to acquire shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
respectively, or equivalent corresponding securities convertible into or
exchangeable for shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
  5.1.30. The holders of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 1 PCS Stock

equivalent on a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, on the Class A Common Stock--Series DT (with respect to the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The
PCS Group only). Dividends on the Series 1 PCS Stock shall be payable on the
same date fixed for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of
Class A Common Stock--Series DT and shall be in an amount per share equal to
the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid
on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, plus the full amount, on a Per
Class A PCS Share Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, provided that if this Corporation
shall declare and pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series
DT (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group only) payable in shares of PCS
Stock, or in options, warrants or rights to acquire shares of FON Stock or PCS
Stock, or in securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS
Stock, then in each case this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same
time that it declares and pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the
Series 1 PCS Stock (equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to
acquire shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 1 PCS Stock.     
  5.1.31. The holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 2 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the
Class A Common Stock--Series DT (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group only).
Dividends on the Series 2 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed
for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount,
on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Class
A Common Stock--Series DT, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and
pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT (with respect to
the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The PCS Group only) payable in shares of PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS Stock, then in each case
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 2 PCS Stock
(equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--
Series DT on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 2 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants or rights to acquire
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 2 PCS Stock.     
  5.1.32. The holders of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and if declared by the Board of Directors in accordance with
this Section 5.1, dividends in respect of the Series 3 PCS Stock equivalent on
a per share basis to those payable, on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, on the
Class A Common Stock--Series DT (with respect to the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group only).
Dividends on the Series 3 PCS Stock shall be payable on the same date fixed
for the payment of the corresponding dividend on shares of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT and shall be in an amount per share equal to the full amount,
on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis, of any cash dividend paid on shares of Class
A Common Stock--Series DT, plus the full amount, on a Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, (payable in kind) of any non-cash dividend paid on shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT, provided that if this Corporation shall declare and
pay any dividend on shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT (with respect to
the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The PCS Group only) payable in shares of PCS Stock, or in options,
warrants or rights to acquire shares of PCS Stock, or in securities
convertible into or exchangeable for shares of PCS Stock, then in each case
this Corporation shall declare and pay, at the same time that it declares and
pays any such dividend, a dividend per share on the Series 3 PCS Stock
(equivalent to that declared and paid on shares of Class A Common Stock--
Series DT on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) payable in shares of Series 3 PCS
Stock, or equivalent corresponding options, warrants     

or rights to acquire shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, or equivalent corresponding
securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Series 3 PCS Stock.
  5.2. Separate Declaration of Dividends. The Board of Directors, in
accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 5.1, may at any time
declare and pay dividends (i) exclusively on the FON Stock and the Class A
Common Stock (on a Per Class A FON Share Basis), (ii) exclusively on the PCS
Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis) or (iii)
on the FON Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on a Per Class A FON Share
Basis), on the one hand, and the PCS Stock and the Class A Common Stock (on a
Per Class A PCS Share Basis), on the other, in equal or unequal per share
amounts, notwithstanding the amount of dividends previously declared on each
class or series of stock, the respective voting or liquidation rights of each
class or series of stock or any other factor.     
  5.3 Share Distributions. Subject to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 5 and except as
permitted by ARTICLE SIXTH, Sections 7.1 and 7.2, the Board of Directors may
declare and pay dividends or distributions of shares of Corporation Common
Stock (or Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of Corporation Common Stock) on shares of Corporation
Common Stock or shares of Preferred Stock only as follows:
    (A) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  Shares of Series 1 FON Stock), (ii) Series 2 FON Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for Shares of
  Series 2 FON Stock) and (iii) Series 3 FON Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 FON
  Stock) on shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) Series 2 FON Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 FON Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only in
  respect of the Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), respectively, as well as on Preferred Stock attributed
  to the Sprint FON Group exclusively in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH,
  Section 13;
    (B) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock), (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock) and (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock) on shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock, (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only in
  respect of the Shares Issuable with Respect to the Class A Equity Interest
  In The PCS Group), respectively, and Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS
  Group exclusively in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13;
    (C) dividends or distributions of shares of (i) Series 1 PCS Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock), (ii) Series 2 PCS Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock) and (iii) Series 3 PCS Stock (or Convertible Securities
  convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of Series 3 PCS
  Stock) on (x) shares of (i) Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) Series 2 FON Stock and
  (iii) Series 3 FON Stock and shares of Class A Common Stock (but only with
  respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), respectively, or (y) shares of FON Preferred Stock, but
  in any such case only if immediately prior to such dividend or distribution
  the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
  Interest is greater than or equal to the sum of (1) the amount of any
  decrease in the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group
  Intergroup Interest required by paragraph (B) of the definition of such
  term in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10 as a result of such dividend or
  distribution, plus (2) the number of shares of PCS Stock issuable upon
  conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities to be so
  issued or any other outstanding Convertible Securities that have been
  issued as a dividend or other distribution (including in connection with
  any reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of FON Stock or
  Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of
  Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the Sprint FON Group in
  accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13; and     

    (D) dividends or distributions of shares of PCS Preferred Stock (or
  Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
  shares of PCS Preferred Stock) on shares of FON Stock or Class A Common
  Stock (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of Preferred Stock to
  the extent attributed to the Sprint FON Group in accordance with ARTICLE
  SIXTH, Section 13, but in any such case only if immediately prior to such
  dividend or distribution the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  FON Group Intergroup Interest is greater than or equal to the sum of (1)
  the amount of any decrease in the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The FON Group Intergroup Interest required by paragraph (B) of the
  definition of such term in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10 as a result of such
  dividend or distribution plus (2) the number of shares of PCS Stock
  issuable upon conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible
  Securities that have been issued as a dividend or other distribution
  (including in connection with any reclassification or exchange of shares)
  to holders of FON Stock or Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to
  any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON
  Group) or shares of Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the Sprint
  FON Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13.     
  For purposes of this Section 5.3, any outstanding Convertible Securities
  that are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any other
  Convertible Securities which are themselves convertible into or
  exchangeable or exercisable for FON Stock (or other Convertible Securities
  that are so convertible, exchangeable or exercisable) or PCS Stock (or
  other Convertible Securities that are so convertible, exchangeable or
  exercisable) shall be deemed to have been converted, exchanged or exercised
  in full for such Convertible Securities.
  Section 6. No Dilution or Impairment; Certain Tender Offers.
  (a) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 1 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1 FON
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 2 FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 1 FON Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 1
FON Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 2 FON Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (b) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 1 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1 FON
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 3 FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 1 FON Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 1
FON Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 3 FON Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (c) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 1 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
same time the Series 2 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined on an
equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2 FON Stock

(i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 1
FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 2 FON Stock outstanding
immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
(ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 2 FON Stock set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the
right to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect
of shares of Series 1 FON Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (d) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 3 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
same time the Series 2 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined on an
equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2 FON Stock (i) are
entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 3
FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 2 FON Stock outstanding
immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
(ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 2 FON Stock set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the
right to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect
of shares of Series 3 FON Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (e) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 1 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
same time the Series 3 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined on an
equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 3 FON Stock (i) are
entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 1
FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 3 FON Stock outstanding
immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
(ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 3 FON Stock set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the
right to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect
of shares of Series 1 FON Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (f) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 2 FON Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including without limitation any reclassification, subdivision or combination
effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
same time the Series 3 FON Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined on an
equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 3 FON Stock (i) are
entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 2
FON Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 3 FON Stock outstanding
immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
(ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 3 FON Stock set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the
right to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect
of shares of Series 2 FON Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (g) No adjustment to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group (other
than with respect to any adjustments resulting from issuances made in
accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2) shall be effected directly or
indirectly unless at the same time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect
To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group is
adjusted on an equal Per Class A FON Share Basis or Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, as the case may be, so that the holders of the Old Class A Common Stock
(i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Class A
Common Stock--Series DT on an

equal Per Class A FON Share Basis or Per Class A PCS Share Basis, as the case
may be, as were represented by the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group as
calculated immediately prior to such adjustment and (ii) maintain all of the
rights associated with the Old Class A Common Stock set forth in these
Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the right to receive
dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and other
distributions) that are equivalent, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis or Per
Class A PCS Share Basis, to those payable in respect of shares of Class A
Common Stock--Series DT, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.     
  (h) No adjustment to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group (other than with
respect to any adjustments resulting from issuances made in accordance with
ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2) shall be effected directly or indirectly unless at
the same time the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group is
adjusted on an equal Per Class A FON Share Basis or Per Class A PCS Share
Basis, as the case may be, so that the holders of the Class A Common Stock--
Series DT (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes
representing the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation
relative to the Old Class A Common Stock on an equal Per Class A FON Share
Basis or Per Class A PCS Share Basis, as the case may be, as were represented
by the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group as calculated immediately
prior to such adjustment and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with
the Class A--Series DT Common Stock set forth in these Articles of
Incorporation, including without limitation the right to receive dividends and
other distributions (including liquidating and other distributions) that are
equivalent, on a Per Class A FON Share Basis or Per Class A PCS Share Basis,
to those payable in respect of shares of Old Class A Common Stock, subject to
the limitations, restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (i) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 1 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1 PCS
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 2 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 1
PCS Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (j) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 1 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on a equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 1 PCS
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 3 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 1
PCS Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (k) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or

effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation) unless at the
same time the Series 2 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or combined on an
equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2 PCS Stock (i) are
entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing the same
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the Series 1
PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 2 PCS Stock outstanding
immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or combination and
(ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 2 PCS Stock set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without limitation the
right to receive dividends and other distributions (including liquidating and
other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per share in respect
of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations, restrictions and
conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (l) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 2 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 2 PCS
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 3 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 2
PCS Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 3 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (m) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 3 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 3 PCS
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 1 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 3 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 3
PCS Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (n) No reclassification, subdivision or combination of the outstanding
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock shall be effected directly or indirectly
(including, without limitation, any reclassification, subdivision or
combination effected pursuant to a consolidation, merger or liquidation)
unless at the same time the Series 3 PCS Stock is reclassified, subdivided or
combined on an equal per share basis so that the holders of the Series 3 PCS
Stock (i) are entitled, in the aggregate, to a number of Votes representing
the same percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation relative to the
Series 2 PCS Stock as were represented by the shares of Series 3 PCS Stock
outstanding immediately prior to such reclassification, subdivision or
combination and (ii) maintain all of the rights associated with the Series 3
PCS Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation, including without
limitation the right to receive dividends and other distributions (including
liquidating and other distributions) that are equivalent to those payable per
share in respect of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, subject to the limitations,
restrictions and conditions on such rights contained herein.
  (o) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing paragraphs (a) through
(n), in the case of any consolidation or merger of this Corporation with or
into any other entity (other than a merger which does not result in any
reclassification, conversion, exchange or cancellation of the Non-Class A
Common Stock) or any reclassification of the Non-Class A Common Stock into any
other form of capital stock of this Corporation, whether in whole or in part,
each Class A Holder shall, after such consolidation, merger or
reclassification, have the right (but not the obligation), by notice delivered
to this Corporation or any successor thereto within 90 days after the
consummation of such consolidation, merger or reclassification, to convert
each share of Series 3 FON

Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock held by it into the kind
and amount of shares of stock and other securities and property which such
Class A Holder would have been entitled to receive upon such consolidation,
merger, or reclassification if such Class A Holder had (I) converted its
shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock into Series 1 FON Stock or
Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or (II) received shares of Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock in respect of the Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively,
represented by such Class A Common Stock immediately prior to such merger,
consolidation or reclassification and converted such shares in accordance with
clause (I). This Corporation shall not effect, directly or indirectly, any
such reclassification, subdivision or combination of outstanding shares of
Non-Class A Common Stock unless it delivers to the Class A Holders written
notice of its intent to take such action at least ten Business Days before
taking such action.     
  (p) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the case of any
consolidation or merger of this Corporation with or into any other entity
(other than a merger which does not result in any reclassification,
conversion, exchange or cancellation of the Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock) or any reclassification of the Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock
into any other form of capital stock of this Corporation, whether in whole or
in part, each holder of Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case
may be, shall, after such consolidation, merger or reclassification, have the
right (but not the obligation), by notice delivered to this Corporation or any
successor thereto within 90 days after the consummation of such consolidation,
merger or reclassification, to convert each share of Series 2 FON Stock or
Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be, held by such holder into the kind and
amount of shares of stock and other securities and property which such holder
would have been entitled to receive upon such consolidation, merger, or
reclassification if such holder had converted its shares of Series 2 FON Stock
or Series 2 PCS Stock into Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock,
respectively, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or
reclassification. This Corporation shall not effect, directly or indirectly,
any such reclassification, subdivision or combination of outstanding shares of
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock unless it delivers to the holders of
Series 2 FON Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock written notice of its intent to take
such action at least ten Business Days before taking such action.
  (q) Exclusionary Tender Offers. If the Board of Directors shall determine
not to oppose a tender offer by a Person other than a Cable Holder for Voting
Securities of this Corporation representing not less than 35 percent of the
Voting Power of this Corporation, and the terms of such tender offer do not
permit the holders of Series 2 PCS Stock to sell an equal or greater
percentage of their shares as the holders of Series 1 PCS Stock are permitted
to sell taking into account any proration, then each holder of Series 2 PCS
Stock shall have the right (but not the obligation) to deliver to this
Corporation a written notice requesting conversion of certain shares of Series
2 PCS Stock designated by such holder of Series 2 PCS Stock into Series 1 PCS
Stock, upon which delivery each share of Series 2 PCS Stock so designated in
such notice shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
Series 1 PCS Stock, provided that (i) unless the Series 2 PCS Stock shall have
otherwise been converted into Series 1 PCS Stock pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 7.5 upon or prior to the consummation or abandonment of the
transaction contemplated by such tender offer, immediately following the
consummation of such transaction or the delivery by this Corporation to each
holder of Series 2 PCS Stock of a notice that such transaction has been
abandoned, each share of Series 1 PCS Stock held by a holder of Series 2 PCS
Stock shall automatically reconvert (without the payment of any consideration)
into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 2 PCS
Stock, and (ii) only those shares of Series 2 PCS Stock related to shares of
Series 1 PCS Stock that were not so reconverted shall be deemed for any
purpose under these Articles of Incorporation to have been converted into
Series 1 PCS Stock, pursuant to this subparagraph (q) and the Series 2 PCS
Stock so reconverted shall be deemed to have been at all times outstanding
shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, provided, that if the Series 2 PCS Stock has
been converted into or redeemed for Series 2 FON Stock pursuant to ARTICLE
SIXTH, Section 7, then the terms "Series 2 FON Stock" and "Series 1 FON Stock"
shall be deemed to replace the terms "Series 2 PCS Stock" and "Series 1 PCS
Stock," respectively, in this subparagraph (q).
  (r) Issuer Tender Offers. The Corporation shall not conduct an issuer tender
offer (as defined on the Effective Date in Rule 13e-4 under the Exchange Act)
with respect to the Series 1 PCS Stock or the Series 1

FON Stock unless (i) such tender offer provides for the participation of the
holders of Series 2 PCS Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock
(with respect to the Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
Interest In The PCS Group), on the one hand, or Series 2 FON Stock, Series 3
FON Stock and Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group), on the other hand,
on an equal basis with the Series 1 PCS Stock or the Series 1 FON Stock,
respectively, and (ii) the Corporation accepts for repurchase the number of
shares tendered by the holders of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock,
Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group), on the
one hand, or Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock, Series 3 FON Stock and
Class A Common Stock (with respect to the Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group), on the other, in proportion to the
number of shares of each such class and series tendered; provided that the
terms of this subparagraph (r) shall not prevent the Corporation from
administering in good faith an "odd-lot" program in connection with such
issuer tender offer and shall not apply to customary acquisitions of
Corporation Common Stock made by the Corporation on the open market for
purposes of maintaining stock option plans of the Corporation.
  Section 7. Conversion or Redemption of PCS Stock. Except as otherwise
provided in Sections 2.2, 6(q) and 8.5, shares of PCS Stock are (i) subject to
conversion or redemption, as the case may be, upon the terms provided in this
Section 7 with respect to each class and (ii) otherwise not subject to
conversion or redemption.
  7.1. Conversion or Redemption of PCS Stock.
  (A) If the Corporation and/or its subsidiaries makes a Disposition, in one
transaction or a series of related transactions, of all or substantially all
of the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group to one or more
persons or entities (other than (w) the Disposition by the Corporation of all
or substantially all of its properties and assets in one transaction or a
series of related transactions in connection with the dissolution or the
liquidation and winding up of the Corporation and the distribution of assets
to stockholders pursuant to Section 4, (x) the redemption of the PCS Stock for
the stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary pursuant to Section 7.2, (y) to any
person or entity controlled (as determined by the Board of Directors) by the
Corporation or (z) pursuant to a Related Business Transaction), then the
Corporation shall, on or prior to the 85th Trading Day after the date of
consummation of such Disposition (the "PCS Group Disposition Date"), either
(I) pay a dividend on the PCS Stock or (II) redeem some or all of the PCS
Stock or convert PCS Stock into Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and
Series 3 FON Stock, as applicable (or another class or series of common stock
of the Corporation), in accordance with the following subparagraphs (1) and
(2) of this paragraph (A) and, to the extent applicable, in accordance with
Section 7.4, as the Board of Directors shall have selected among such
    (1) provided that there are funds of the Corporation legally available
      (a) pay to the holders of the shares of PCS Stock a dividend, as the
    Board of Directors shall have declared in accordance with Section 5.1
    of ARTICLE SIXTH, in cash and/or in securities (other than a dividend
    of Corporation Common Stock or other common equity securities of the
    Corporation) or other property having a Fair Value as of the PCS Group
    Disposition Date in the aggregate equal to the product of the
    Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the record date for determining holders
    entitled to receive such dividend multiplied by the Fair Value of the
    Net Proceeds of such Disposition; or
      (b) (i) subject to the last sentence of this paragraph (A), if such
    Disposition involves all (not merely substantially all) of the
    properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem as of the
    Redemption Date provided by Section 7.4(C) all outstanding shares of
    PCS Stock in exchange for cash and/or securities (other than
    Corporation Common Stock or other common equity securities of the
    Corporation) or other property having a Fair Value as of the PCS Group
    Disposition Date in the aggregate equal to the product of the
    Outstanding PCS Fraction as of such Redemption Date multiplied by the
    Fair Value of the Net Proceeds of such Disposition (such aggregate
    amount to be allocated to shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS
    Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock in the ratio of the number of shares of
    each such series outstanding to the other series (so that the amount of
    consideration paid for the redemption of each share of Series 1 PCS
    Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is the same)); or

      (ii) subject to the last sentence of this paragraph (A), if such
    Disposition involves substantially all (but not all) of the properties
    and assets attributed to the PCS Group, redeem as of the Redemption
    Date provided by Section 7.4(D) the number of whole shares of PCS Stock
    (which may be all of such shares outstanding) as have in the aggregate
    an average Market Value during the period of ten consecutive Trading
    Days beginning on the sixteenth Trading Day immediately succeeding the
    PCS Group Disposition Date closest to the product of the Outstanding
    PCS Fraction as of the date such shares are selected for redemption
    multiplied by the Fair Value as of the PCS Group Disposition Date of
    the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, in exchange for cash and/or
    securities (other than Corporation Common Stock or other common equity
    securities of the Corporation) or other property having a Fair Value in
    the aggregate equal to such product (such aggregate amount to be
    allocated to shares of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and
    Series 3 PCS Stock in the ratio of the number of shares of each such
    series outstanding to the other series (so that the amount of
    consideration paid for the redemption of each share of Series 1 PCS
    Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock is the same)); or
    (2) convert each outstanding share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS
  Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock as of the Conversion Date provided by Section
  7.4(E) into a number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3 FON Stock, respectively (or, if the
  Series 1 FON Stock is not Publicly Traded at such time and shares of
  another class or series of common stock of the Corporation (other than PCS
  Stock) are then Publicly Traded, of such other class or series of common
  stock as has the largest Total Market Capitalization as of the close of
  business on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of the notice of
  such conversion required by Section 7.4(E)) equal to 110% of the ratio,
  expressed as a decimal fraction rounded to the nearest five decimal places,
  of the average Market Value of one share of Series 1 PCS Stock over the
  period of ten consecutive Trading Days beginning on the sixteenth Trading
  Day following the PCS Group Disposition Date to the average Market Value of
  one share of Series 1 FON Stock (or such other class or series of common
  stock) over the same ten Trading Day period.     
    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (A), the
  Corporation may redeem PCS Stock as provided by subparagraph (1)(b)(i) or
  (1)(b)(ii) of this paragraph (A) only if the amount to be paid in
  redemption of such stock (and the Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
  A Equity Interest In The PCS Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH,
  Section 7.1(B)) is less than or equal to the sum of (i) the amount
  available for the payment of dividends on such shares to be redeemed in
  accordance with Section 5 of ARTICLE SIXTH measured as of the Redemption
  Date and (ii) the amount determined to be capital in respect of the shares
  to be redeemed in accordance with applicable corporation law as of the
  Redemption Date.
  (B) For purposes of this Section 7.1:
    (1) as of any date, "substantially all of the properties and assets"
  attributed to the PCS Group means a portion of such properties and assets
  that represents at least 80% of the Fair Value of the properties and assets
  attributed to the PCS Group as of such date;
    (2) in the case of a Disposition of the properties and assets attributed
  to the PCS Group in a series of related transactions, such Disposition
  shall not be deemed to have been consummated until the consummation of the
  last of such transactions;
    (3) the Board of Directors may pay any dividend or redemption price
  referred to in Section 7.1(A) in cash, securities (other than Corporation
  Common Stock or other common equity securities of the Corporation) or other
  property, regardless of the form or nature of the proceeds of the
  Disposition; provided that if such payment is made in Voting Securities
  (other than Corporation Common Stock or other common equity securities of
  the Corporation) of the Corporation or another entity, holders of Series 2
  PCS Stock shall receive Voting Securities with Voting Power equivalent on a
  per share basis to such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS Stock;
    (4) if the Corporation pays a dividend to the holders of shares of PCS
  Stock in accordance with Section 7.1(A)(1)(a), then the Corporation will
  pay a dividend equivalent on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to the holders
  of Class A Common Stock;

    (5) if the Corporation redeems all outstanding shares of PCS Stock in
  accordance with Section 7.1(A)(1)(b)(i), then the Corporation will pay an
  aggregate amount to the holders of Old Class A Common Stock and Class A
  Common Stock--Series DT equivalent on a Per Class A PCS Share Basis to the
  per share redemption amount paid in accordance with Section 7.1(A)(1)(b)(i)
  in respect of the total Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
  Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group,
    (6) if the Corporation redeems shares of PCS Stock in accordance with
  Section 7.1(A)(1)(b)(ii), then the Corporation will pay to the holders of
  Old Class A Common Stock and Class A Common Stock--Series DT an amount in
  accordance with subparagraph (5) immediately above but only in respect of
  the same proportion of the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group, respectively, as the PCS Stock redeemed in accordance with Section
  7.1(A)(7)(b)(ii); and
    (7) if the Corporation converts shares of PCS Stock in accordance with
  Section 7.1(A)(2), then (i) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group will convert into a Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  FON Group and (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
  A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group will convert into a Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest in
  the FON Group, each such conversion to be on the same basis as set forth in
  Section 7.1(A)(2).
  (C) If the payment of the dividend or the redemption price with respect to
the PCS Stock provided for by Section 7.1(A)(1) occurs prior to the third
anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, then the Board of Directors may
convert each share of Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS
Stock remaining outstanding, but only as of a Conversion Date (determined as
provided by Section 7.4(E) hereof) prior to the first anniversary of the
payment of such dividend or redemption price, into a number of fully paid and
nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3
FON Stock, respectively (or, if the Series 1 FON Stock is not Publicly Traded
at such time and shares of any other class or series of common stock of the
Corporation (other than PCS Stock) are then Publicly Traded, of such other
class or series of common stock as has the largest Total Market Capitalization
as of the close of business on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date
of the notice of such conversion required by Section 7.4(E)) equal to 110% of
the Optional Conversion Ratio as of the fifth Trading Day prior to the date of
the notice of such conversion required by Section 7.4(E); provided, that upon
such conversion, the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group will
convert, on the same basis, into a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and a Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON
Group, respectively.
  (D) At any time following the third anniversary of the Restructuring Closing
Date, the Board of Directors may convert each outstanding share of Series 1
PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as of the Conversion
Date provided by Section 7.4(E), into the number of fully paid and
nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 3
FON Stock, respectively (or, if the Series 1 FON Stock is not Publicly Traded
at such time and shares of any other class or series of common stock of the
Corporation (other than PCS Stock) are then Publicly Traded, of such other
class or series of common stock as has the largest Total Market Capitalization
as of the close of business on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date
of the notice of conversion required by Section 7.4(E)) equal to, on the
Conversion Date, (i) if following the third anniversary but prior to the
fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, 110% of the Optional
Conversion Ratio as of the fifth Trading Day prior to the date of the notice
of such conversion required by Section 7.4(E), or (ii) if on or after the
fourth anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date, at such conversion ratio
(if any) as the Board of Directors determines to be fair to holders of the PCS
Stock, taken as a separate class, and holders of FON Stock, taken as a
separate class, provided, that upon such conversion, the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and
the Number Of Shares

Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS
Group will convert, on the same basis, into a Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and a Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The
FON Group, respectively.
  7.2. Redemption of PCS Stock for Subsidiary Stock. At any time the Board of
Directors may redeem all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock, on a
Redemption Date of which notice is delivered in accordance with Section
7.4(F), in exchange for the number of shares of common stock of one or more
wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Corporation (collectively, the "PCS Group
Subsidiary") that collectively hold directly or indirectly all of the assets
and liabilities attributed to the PCS Group (and no other assets or
liabilities of the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof) equal to the product
of the Outstanding PCS Fraction and the number of shares of common stock of
such PCS Group Subsidiary to be outstanding immediately following such
exchange of shares (including any shares of such PCS Group Subsidiary which
will be retained by the Corporation in respect of the FON Group Intergroup
Interest Fraction), such PCS Group Subsidiary shares to be delivered to the
holders of shares of PCS Stock on the Redemption Date and to be divided among
the holders of PCS Stock pro rata in accordance with the number of shares of
PCS Stock held by each on such Redemption Date, each of which shares of common
stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary shall be, upon such delivery, fully paid
and nonassessable; provided, however, that
    (i) no such redemption pursuant to this Section 7.2 may occur prior to
  the second anniversary of the Restructuring Closing Date unless such
  redemption is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
  of shares of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock, voting together as a
  single class in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 3.2(d),
    (ii) holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
  outstanding immediately prior to the Redemption Date shall receive on a per
  share basis, pursuant to such redemption, shares of common stock of such
  PCS Group Subsidiary with Voting Power equivalent on a per share basis to
  such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS Stock and
    (iii) on such Redemption Date, the holders of Old Class A Common Stock
  and Class A Common Stock--Series DT will receive the number of shares of
  the PCS Group Subsidiary equal to the product of (A) the Old Class A PCS
  Interest Fraction, in the case of the holders of the Old Class A Common
  Stock, and the Class A--Series DT PCS Interest Fraction, in the case of
  holders of Class A Common Stock--Series DT and (B) the number of shares of
  common stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary to be outstanding immediately
  following such issuance of shares;
and provided further, that no such redemption pursuant to this Section 7.2 may
occur unless (i) the redemption is tax-free to the holders of PCS Stock or
(ii) such other arrangement exists for the benefit of the holders of PCS Stock
redeemed such that, net of all taxes related to such redemption and to such
other arrangement itself which are realized by such stockholders, such
stockholders will be in a position that is substantially equivalent
economically to the position such stockholders would be in after a tax-free
distribution described in the immediately preceding clause (i).
  7.3. Treatment of Convertible Securities. After any Conversion Date or
Redemption Date on which all outstanding shares of any class or series of PCS
Stock are converted or redeemed, any share of such class or series of PCS
Stock that is issued on conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible
Securities shall, immediately upon issuance pursuant to such conversion,
exchange or exercise and without any notice from or to, or any other action on
the part of, the Corporation or its Board of Directors or the holder of such
Convertible Security:
  (A) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on such
Conversion Date were converted into shares of another class or series of
Corporation Common Stock (or another class or series of common stock of the
Corporation) pursuant to subparagraph (A)(2) or paragraph (C) or (D) of
Section 7.1, be converted into the amount of cash and/or the number of shares
of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or property of

the Corporation that the number of shares of such class or series of PCS Stock
issued upon such conversion, exchange or exercise would have received had such
shares been outstanding on such Conversion Date; or
  (B) if the shares of such class or series of PCS Stock outstanding on such
Redemption Date were redeemed pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1)(b) or Section 7.2,
be redeemed, to the extent of funds of the Corporation legally available
therefor, for $ .01 per share in cash for each share of such class or series
of PCS Stock issued upon such conversion, exchange or exercise.
  The provisions of this Section 7.3 shall not apply to the extent that other
adjustments in respect of such conversion, exchange or redemption of a class
or series of PCS Stock are otherwise made pursuant to the provisions of such
Convertible Securities.
  7.4. Notice and Other Provisions.
  (A) Not later than the tenth Trading Day following the consummation of a
Disposition referred to in Section 7.1(A), the Corporation shall announce
publicly by press release (1) the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (2) the
number of shares outstanding of the PCS Stock, (3) the number of shares of PCS
Stock into or for which Convertible Securities are then convertible,
exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price
thereof and (4) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Old Class A PCS Interest
Fraction and the Class A--Series DT Interest Fraction on the date of such
notice. Not earlier than the 26th Trading Day and not later than the 30th
Trading Day following the consummation of such Disposition, the Corporation
shall announce publicly by press release which of the actions specified in
Section 7.1(A) it has irrevocably determined to take in respect of such
  (B) If the Corporation determines to pay a dividend on shares of PCS Stock
pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1)(a), the Corporation shall, not later than the
30th Trading Day following the consummation of the Disposition referred to in
such Section, cause notice to be given to each holder of PCS Stock, Class A
Common Stock and to each holder of Convertible Securities that are convertible
into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate
provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is
made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1)
the record date for determining holders entitled to receive such dividend,
which shall be not earlier than the 40th Trading Day and not later than the
50th Trading Day following the consummation of such Disposition, (2) the
anticipated payment date of such dividend (which shall not be more than 85
Trading Days following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the kind of
shares of capital stock, cash and/or other securities or property to be paid
as such dividend in respect of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock, (4) the
Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Old
Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the Class A--Series DT Interest Fraction on
the date of such notice, (6) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock and
the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible
Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the
conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof and (7) in the case of notice
to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect
that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be entitled to receive such
dividend only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or exercises such
Convertible Securities on or prior to the record date referred to in clause
(1) of this sentence. Such notice shall be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's address as the same appears on
the transfer books of the Corporation.
  (C) If the Corporation determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to Section
7.1(A)(1)(b)(i), the Corporation shall, not earlier than the 45th Trading Day
and not later than the 35th Trading Day prior to the Redemption Date, cause
notice to be given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock
and to each holder of Convertible Securities convertible into or exchangeable
or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to the
terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1) a statement that all
shares of PCS Stock outstanding on the Redemption Date shall be redeemed, (2)
the Redemption Date (which shall not be more than 85 Trading Days following
the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the kind of shares of capital
stock, cash and/or other securities or property in which the redemption price
for the shares to be redeemed is to be paid, (4) the Net     

Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Old Class
A PCS Interest Fraction and the Class A--Series DT Interest Fraction on the
date of such notice, (6) the place or places where certificates for shares of
PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless the Corporation
waives such requirement), are to be surrendered for delivery of cash and/or
securities or other property, (7) the number of outstanding shares of PCS
Stock and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which such outstanding
Convertible Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and
the conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof, (8) in the case of notice
to be given to holders of Convertible Securities, a statement to the effect
that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be entitled to participate
in such redemption only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or
exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to the Redemption Date
referred to in clause (2) of this sentence and a statement as to what, if
anything, such holder will be entitled to receive pursuant to the terms of
such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, this Section 7 if such holder
thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities and
(9) a statement to the effect that, except as otherwise provided by paragraph
(I) of this Section 7.4, dividends on such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to
be paid as of such Redemption Date. Such notice shall be sent by first-class
mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's address as the
same appears on the transfer books of the Corporation.     
  (D) If the Corporation determines to redeem PCS Stock pursuant to Section
7.1(A)(1)(b)(ii), the Corporation shall, not later than the 30th Trading Day
following the consummation of the Disposition referred to in such
subparagraph, cause notice to be given to each holder of shares of PCS Stock,
Class A Common Stock and to each holder of Convertible Securities that are
convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock
(unless alternate provision for such notice to the holders of such Convertible
Securities is made pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities)
setting forth (1) a date, not earlier than the 40th Trading Day and not later
than the 50th Trading Day following the consummation of the Disposition in
respect of which such redemption is to be made, on which shares of PCS Stock
shall be selected for redemption, (2) the anticipated Redemption Date (which
shall not be more than 85 Trading Days following the consummation of such
Disposition), (3) the kind of shares of capital stock, cash and/or other
securities or property in which the redemption price for the shares to be
redeemed is to be paid, (4) the Net Proceeds of such Disposition, (5) the
Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Old Class A PCS Interest Fraction and the Class
A--Series DT Interest Fraction on the date of such notice, (6) the number of
shares of PCS Stock outstanding and the number of shares of PCS Stock into or
for which outstanding Convertible Securities are then convertible,
exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or exercise price
thereof, (7) in the case of notice to be given to holders of Convertible
Securities, a statement to the effect that a holder of such Convertible
Securities shall be eligible to participate in such selection for redemption
only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible
Securities on or prior to the record date referred to in clause (1) of this
sentence, and a statement as to what, if anything, such holder will be
entitled to receive pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities or,
if applicable, this Section 7 if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or
exercises such Convertible Securities and (8) a statement that the Corporation
will not be required to register a transfer of any shares of PCS Stock for a
period of 15 Trading Days next preceding the date referred to in clause (1) of
this sentence. Promptly following the date referred to in clause (1) of the
preceding sentence, but not earlier than 40 Trading Days nor later than 50
Trading Days following the consummation of such Disposition, the Corporation
shall cause a notice to be given to each holder of record of shares of PCS
Stock to be redeemed setting forth (1) the number of shares of PCS Stock held
by such holder to be redeemed, (2) a statement that such shares of PCS Stock
shall be redeemed, (3) the Redemption Date, (4) the kind and per share amount
of cash and/or securities or other property to be received by such holder with
respect to each share of PCS Stock to be redeemed, including details as to the
calculation thereof, (5) the place or places where certificates for shares of
PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless the Corporation
shall waive such requirement), are to be surrendered for delivery of such cash
and/or securities or other property, (6) if applicable, a statement to the
effect that the shares being redeemed may no longer be transferred on the
transfer books of the Corporation after the Redemption Date and (7) a
statement to the effect that, subject to paragraph (I) of this Section 7.4,
dividends on such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to be paid as of the
Redemption Date. Such notices shall be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid, to each such holder at such holder's address as the same appears on
the transfer books of the Corporation.

  (E) If the Corporation determines to convert the PCS Stock pursuant to
Section 7.1(A)(2), Section 7.1(C) or Section 7.1(D), as the case may be, the
Corporation shall, not earlier than the 45th Trading Day and not later than
the 35th Trading Day prior to the Conversion Date, cause notice to be given to
each holder of shares of PCS Stock, Class A Common Stock and to each holder of
Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision for such
notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant to the
terms of such Convertible Securities) setting forth (1) a statement that all
outstanding shares of PCS Stock shall be converted, (2) the Conversion Date
(which, in the case of a conversion after a Disposition, shall not be more
than 85 Trading Days following the consummation of such Disposition), (3) the
per share number of shares of Series 1 FON Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock or
Series 3 FON Stock, if applicable) or another class or series of common stock
of the Corporation, as the case may be, to be received with respect to each
share of PCS Stock, including details as to the calculation thereof, (4) the
place or places where certificates for shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed
or assigned for transfer (unless the Corporation shall waive such
requirement), are to be surrendered for delivery of certificates for shares of
Series 1 FON Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock or Series 3 FON Stock, if
applicable) or another class or series of common stock of the Corporation, as
the case may be, (5) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock and the
number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible
Securities are then convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the
conversion, exchange or exercise price thereof, (6) a statement to the effect
that, subject to paragraph (I) of this Section 7.4, dividends on such shares
of PCS Stock shall cease to be paid as of such Conversion Date and (7) in the
case of notice to holders of such Convertible Securities, a statement to the
effect that a holder of such Convertible Securities shall be entitled to
receive shares of common stock upon such conversion only if such holder
properly converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities on or
prior to such Conversion Date and a statement as to what, if anything, such
holder will be entitled to receive pursuant to the terms of such Convertible
Securities or, if applicable, this Section 7.4 if such holder thereafter
converts, exchanges or exercises such Convertible Securities. Such notice
shall be sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each such holder at
such holder's address as the same appears on the transfer books of the
  (F) If the Corporation determines to redeem shares of PCS Stock pursuant to
Section 7.2, the Corporation shall cause notice to be given to each holder of
shares of PCS Stock to be redeemed, and to each holder of Class A Common Stock
and Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of such class of PCS Stock (unless alternate provision
for such notice to the holders of such Convertible Securities is made pursuant
to the terms of such Convertible Securities), setting forth (1) a statement
that all shares of PCS Stock outstanding on the Redemption Date shall be
redeemed in exchange for shares of common stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary,
(2) the Redemption Date, (3) the Outstanding PCS Fraction, the Old Class A PCS
Interest Fraction and the Class A--Series DT Interest Fraction on the date of
such notice, (4) the place or places where certificates for shares of PCS
Stock to be redeemed, properly endorsed or assigned for transfer (unless the
Corporation shall waive such requirement), are to be surrendered for delivery
of certificates for shares of the PCS Group Subsidiaries, (5) a statement to
the effect that, subject to paragraph (I) of this Section 7.4, dividends on
such shares of PCS Stock shall cease to be paid as of such Redemption Date,
(6) the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding and the number of shares of
PCS Stock into or for which outstanding Convertible Securities are then
convertible, exchangeable or exercisable and the conversion, exchange or
exercise price thereof and (7) in the case of notice to holders of Convertible
Securities, a statement to the effect that a holder of Convertible Securities
shall be entitled to receive shares of common stock of the PCS Group
Subsidiary upon redemption only if such holder properly converts, exchanges or
exercises such Convertible Securities on or prior to the Redemption Date and a
statement as to what, if anything, such holder will be entitled to receive
pursuant to the terms of such Convertible Securities or, if applicable, this
Section 7 if such holder thereafter converts, exchanges or exercises such
Convertible Securities. Such notice shall be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid, not less than 30 Trading Days nor more than 45 Trading Days prior to
the Redemption Date to each such holder at such holder's address as the same
appears on the transfer books of the Corporation. If any shares of Series 2
PCS Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock are outstanding immediately prior to the
Redemption Date, then the notice provided to each holder of Series 2 PCS Stock
or Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, pursuant to this Section 7.4(F)
will also indicate that such holders of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and
Series 3 PCS Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Redemption Date shall
receive on a per share basis, pursuant to

such redemption, shares of common stock of such PCS Group Subsidiary with
Voting Power equivalent to such shares received by holders of Series 1 PCS
  (G) If less than all of the outstanding shares of PCS Stock are to be
redeemed pursuant to Section 7.1(A)(1), then the shares to be redeemed by the
Corporation shall be selected from among the holders of shares of PCS Stock
outstanding at the close of business on the record date for such redemption on
a pro rata basis among each class or series of PCS Stock (including pro rata
among all holders of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock) or, if Series
2 PCS Stock is no longer outstanding, by lot or such other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation to be equitable.     
  (H) The Corporation shall not be required to issue or deliver fractional
shares of any capital stock or of any other securities to any holder of PCS
Stock upon any conversion, redemption, dividend or other distribution pursuant
to this Section 7. If more than one share of PCS Stock shall be held at the
same time by the same holder, the Corporation may aggregate the number of
shares of any capital stock that shall be issuable or any other securities or
property that shall be distributable to such holder upon any conversion,
redemption, dividend or other distribution (including any fractional shares).
If there are fractional shares of any capital stock or of any other securities
remaining to be issued or distributed to the holders of PCS Stock, the
Corporation shall, if such fractional shares are not issued or distributed to
the holder, pay cash in respect of such fractional shares in an amount equal
to the Fair Value thereof on the fifth Trading Day prior to the date such
payment is to be made (without interest). For purposes of the preceding
sentence only, "Fair Value" of any fractional share means (A) in the case of
any fraction of a share of capital stock of the Corporation, the product of
such fraction and the Market Value of one share of such capital stock and (B)
in the case of any other fractional security, such value as is determined by
the Board of Directors.
  (I) No adjustments in respect of dividends shall be made upon the conversion
or redemption of any shares of PCS Stock; provided, however, that if the
Conversion Date or Redemption Date, as the case may be, with respect to any
shares of PCS Stock shall be subsequent to the record date for the payment of
a dividend or other distribution thereon or with respect thereto, the holders
of such shares of PCS Stock at the close of business on such record date shall
be entitled to receive the dividend or other distribution payable on or with
respect to such shares on the date set for payment of such dividend or other
distribution, in each case without interest, notwithstanding the subsequent
conversion or redemption of such shares.
  (J) Before any holder of PCS Stock shall be entitled to receive any cash
payment and/or certificates or instruments representing shares of any capital
stock and/or other securities or property to be distributed to such holder
with respect to such shares of PCS Stock pursuant to this Section 7, such
holder shall surrender at such place as the Corporation shall specify
certificates for such shares of PCS Stock, properly endorsed or assigned for
transfer (unless the Corporation shall waive such requirement). The
Corporation shall as soon as practicable after receipt of certificates
representing such shares of PCS Stock deliver to the person for whose account
such shares of PCS Stock were so surrendered, or to such person's nominee or
nominees, the cash and/or the certificates or instruments representing the
number of whole shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or
property to which such person shall be entitled as aforesaid, together with
any payment in respect of fractional shares contemplated by Section 7.4(H), in
each case without interest. If less than all of the shares of PCS Stock
represented by any one certificate are to be redeemed or converted, then the
Corporation shall issue and deliver a new certificate for the shares of PCS
Stock not redeemed.
  (K) From and after any applicable Conversion Date or Redemption Date, as the
case may be, all rights of a holder of shares of PCS Stock that were converted
or redeemed shall cease except for the right, upon surrender of the
certificates representing such shares of PCS Stock as required by Section
7.4(J), to receive the cash and/or the certificates or instruments
representing shares of the kind of capital stock and/or other securities or
property for which such shares were converted or redeemed, together with any
payment in respect of fractional shares contemplated by Section 7.4(H) and
rights to dividends as provided in Section 7.4(I), in each case without
interest. Subject to the next sentence, any holder of a certificate that
immediately prior to the applicable Conversion Date or Redemption Date
represented shares of PCS Stock shall not be entitled to receive any

dividend or other distribution or interest payment with respect to shares of
any kind of capital stock or other security or instrument for which PCS Stock
was converted or redeemed until the surrender as required by this Section 7 of
such certificate in exchange for a certificate or certificates or instrument
or instruments representing such capital stock or other security. Upon such
surrender, there shall be paid to the holder the amount of any dividends or
other distributions (without interest) which theretofore became payable on any
class of capital stock of the Corporation as of a record date after the
Conversion Date or Redemption Date, but that were not paid by reason of the
foregoing, with respect to the number of whole shares of the kind of capital
stock represented by the certificate or certificates issued upon such
surrender. From and after a Conversion Date or Redemption Date, the
Corporation shall, however, be entitled to treat the certificates for PCS
Stock that have not yet been surrendered for conversion or redemption as
evidencing the ownership of the number of whole shares of the kind or kinds of
capital stock of the Corporation for which the shares of PCS Stock represented
by such certificates shall have been converted or redeemed, notwithstanding
the failure to surrender such certificates.
  (L) The Corporation shall pay any and all documentary, stamp or similar
issue or transfer taxes that may be payable in respect of the issuance or
delivery of any shares of capital stock and/or other securities upon
conversion or redemption of shares of PCS Stock pursuant to this Section 7.
The Corporation shall not, however, be required to pay any tax that may be
payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issuance or delivery of any
shares of capital stock and/or other securities in a name other than that in
which the shares of PCS Stock so converted or redeemed were registered, and no
such issuance or delivery shall be made unless and until the person requesting
such issuance or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount of any such
tax or has established to the satisfaction of the Corporation that such tax
has been paid.
  (M) Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this Section 7.4 to
any particular holder of PCS Stock or of Convertible Securities nor any defect
therein shall affect the sufficiency of any notice given to any other holder
of outstanding shares of PCS Stock or of Convertible Securities or the
validity of any such conversion or redemption.
  (N) The Board of Directors may establish such rules and requirements to
facilitate the effectuation of the transactions contemplated by this Section 7
as the Board of Directors shall determine to be appropriate.
  (O) If notices to Class A Holders are made pursuant to this Section 7, then
the Corporation will make such notices in compliance with the provisions of
Section 11 of ARTICLE SIXTH as well as with the provisions of this Section 7.
  7.5 Automatic Conversion of Series 2 PCS Stock and Series 2 FON Stock.
  (a) Below One Percent Voting Power. If the total number of Converted Votes
represented by the aggregate number of issued and outstanding shares of Series
2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be, is below one percent of
the outstanding Voting Power of the Corporation for more than 90 consecutive
days, then (i) the Corporation shall notify FT and DT, in accordance with
ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 11, of the date on which such conversion will occur as
soon as practicable following the date on which such 90-day period ends (the
"Conversion Trigger Date") but in no event later than ten Business Days after
the Conversion Trigger Date and (ii) each outstanding share of Series 2 PCS
Stock or Series 2 FON Stock will automatically convert (without the payment of
any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, respectively, such conversion to
take place on the 90th day following the Conversion Trigger Date.
  (b) Certain Transfers. Upon any Transfer of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or
Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be (other than a Transfer to a Cable
Holder) each such share so Transferred shall automatically convert (without
the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable share of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, respectively,
as of the date of such Transfer.

  (c) Notice of Automatic Conversion; Exchange of Stock Certificates; Effect
of Automatic Conversion of All Series 2 PCS Stock, etc.
    (i) In addition to the notice required in Section 7.5(a), as soon as
  practicable after a conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or, if
  applicable, Series 2 FON Stock) into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (or, if
  applicable, Series 1 FON Stock), pursuant to this Section 7, the
  Corporation shall notify FT and DT, in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH,
  Section 11, of the number of shares so converted and the date on which such
  conversion occurred.
    (ii) Immediately upon the conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock (or,
  if applicable, Series 2 FON Stock) into shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (or,
  if applicable, Series 1 FON Stock), pursuant to this Section 7 (such shares
  so converted hereinafter referred to as the "Converted Series Shares"), the
  rights of the holders of such Converted Series Shares, as such, shall cease
  and the holders thereof shall be treated for all purposes as having become
  the record owners of the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON
  Stock, as the case may be, issuable upon such conversion (the "Newly Issued
  Shares"), provided that such Persons shall be entitled to receive when paid
  any dividends declared on the Converted Series Shares as of a record date
  preceding the time the Converted Series Shares were converted (the "Series
  Conversion Time") and unpaid as of the Series Conversion Time. If the stock
  transfer books of this Corporation shall be closed at the Series Conversion
  Time, such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or
  holders of record of the Newly Issued Shares at the opening of business on
  the next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are open.
    (iii) As promptly as practicable after the Series Conversion Time, upon
  the delivery to this Corporation of the certificates formerly representing
  Converted Series Shares, this Corporation shall deliver or cause to be
  delivered, to or upon the written order of the record holder of such
  certificates, a certificate or certificates representing the number of duly
  issued, fully paid and nonassessable Newly Issued Shares into which the
  Converted Series Shares formerly represented by such certificates have been
  converted in accordance with the provisions of this Section 7.5.
    (iv) This Corporation shall pay all United States federal, state or local
  documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of
  the issue or delivery of Newly Issued Shares upon the conversion of
  Converted Series Shares pursuant to this Section 7.5, provided that this
  Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax which may be payable in
  respect of any registration of Transfer involved in the issue or delivery
  of Newly Issued Shares in a name other than that of the registered holder
  of shares converted or to be converted, and no such issue or delivery shall
  be made unless and until the person requesting such issue has paid to this
  Corporation the amount of any such tax or has established, to the
  satisfaction of this Corporation, that such tax has been paid.
    (v) This Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available, out
  of the aggregate of its authorized but unissued Series 1 PCS Stock,
  authorized but unissued Series 1 FON Stock, issued Series 1 PCS Stock held
  in its treasury and issued Series 1 FON Stock held in its treasury, for the
  purpose of effecting the conversion of the Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2
  FON Stock, as the case may be, contemplated hereby, the full number of
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 1 FON Stock then deliverable upon
  the conversion of all outstanding shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2
  FON Stock, as the case may be, and the full number of shares of Series 2
  PCS Stock the Cable Holders are permitted to acquire under the
  Restructuring Agreement and the Cable Holder Standstill Agreements.
    (d) Temporary Voting Power Adjustment for Class A Holders. If any
  conversions of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock into
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock, respectively, pursuant
  to this Section 7.5, or any increases in the per share vote of other Voting
  Securities of the Corporation upon a Transfer of such Voting Securities,
  occur on or after the tenth Trading Day preceding a record date for
  purposes of determining the stockholders entitled to vote or to receive the
  payment of a dividend, then the per share vote of the Class A Stock
  determined in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 3.2 shall be increased
  such that the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of each Class A
  Holder, including with respect to Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
  (or stock converting into     

  Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH,
  Section 8.5(i)) acquired prior to such record date, shall not be diluted as
  a result of such conversions until 12:01 a.m. on the day immediately
  following the date of such stockholder meeting or the dividend payment
  date, respectively.
  Section 8. Provisions Relating to Class A Stock.
  8.1. Rights and Privileges. Except as otherwise set forth in these Articles
of Incorporation, at all times (i) the holders of Series 3 FON Stock shall be
entitled to all of the rights and privileges pertaining to the ownership of
Series 1 FON Stock, (ii) the holders of Series 3 PCS Stock shall be entitled
to all of the rights and privileges pertaining to the ownership of Series 1
PCS Stock, and (iii) the holders of Class A Common Stock shall be entitled to
all of the rights and privileges pertaining to the ownership of Series 1 FON
Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock to the extent such Class A Common Stock
represents, at such time, Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity
Interest In The FON Group and Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group, in all such cases without any limitations,
prohibitions, restrictions or qualifications whatsoever, and such holders
shall be entitled to such other rights and privileges as are expressly set
forth in these Articles of Incorporation; provided that a holder of shares of
Class A Common Stock shall not have any rights or privileges under these
Articles of Incorporation or the General Corporation Code of Kansas, as
amended, or otherwise (whether in connection with the voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of this Corporation, in connection with
the declaration and/or payment of dividends, with respect to redemptions of
such shares or in connection with any other distributions by the Corporation
of any character on the Corporation Common Stock or otherwise) in respect of
such shares except such rights and privileges that such holder would have had
if all Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON
Group and all Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In
The PCS Group had been issued and all shares of Class A Common Stock had been
redeemed pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2(c) or 1.2(d), as applicable.
  8.2. Special Rights to Disapprove Certain Actions. At least 40 days prior to
the occurrence of a Subject Event (as defined below), this Corporation shall
deliver to each Class A Holder a notice (a "Notice") of such proposed Subject
Event, setting forth in reasonable detail the nature of such proposed Subject
Event. This Corporation shall thereafter be entitled to effect such proposed
Subject Event unless within 30 days of delivery of such Notice there shall
have been a Class A Action exercising the special rights of the Class A
Holders to disapprove such Subject Event, provided that the Class A Holders
shall have no special right to disapprove any action (x) which this
Corporation is required to take to comply with its obligations or exercise its
rights under the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Stockholders' Agreement,
the Standstill Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement or the Joint
Venture Agreement or any document executed pursuant to any such agreement or
the Class A Provisions, or (y) taken to comply with Applicable Law or the
rules of any exchange or market system on which securities of this Corporation
may be traded, and provided, further, that any action to be taken by this
Corporation in reliance on clause (y) of the foregoing proviso is the only
action commercially reasonably available to this Corporation to effect such
compliance, as certified to the Class A Holders by resolution of the
Independent Directors. For purposes of these Articles, the term "Subject
Event" means only the following transactions and only if such transactions are
consummated within the respective time periods indicated below:
    (a) Until January 31, 1998 or, in the case of clause (iv)below, April 26,
      (i) any transaction or series of related transactions (other than
    Exempt Asset Divestitures or Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures)
    that results, directly or indirectly, in Transfers of assets of this
    Corporation or its Subsidiaries with an aggregate Fair Market Value
    (calculated in the case of each Transfer as at the date this
    Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement
    to effect such Transfer) of more than 20 percent of Market
    Capitalization (calculated (x) in the case of a single transaction as
    at the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
    definitive agreement to effect such Transfer and (y) in the case of a
    series of related transactions, as at the date this Corporation or any
    such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect the last
    of such Transfers);
      (ii) any transaction or series of related transactions (including,
    without limitation, mergers, purchases of stock or assets, joint
    ventures or other acquisitions), but excluding any transaction

    constituting an Exempt Asset Divestiture or Exempt Long Distance Asset
    Divestiture, resulting, directly or indirectly, in the acquisition by
    this Corporation or its Subsidiaries for cash or debt securities
    maturing in less than one year from the date of issuance of (x) assets
    constituting or predominantly used in Core Businesses ("Core Business
    Assets") for a purchase price or, in the case of a series of related
    transactions, an aggregate purchase price that exceeds 20 percent of
    Market Capitalization (calculated as at the date this Corporation or
    any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to effect such
    transaction or, in the case of a series of related transactions, as at
    the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
    definitive agreement to effect the last of such related transactions)
    or (y) other assets for a purchase price or, in the case of a series of
    related transactions, for an aggregate purchase price that exceeds five
    percent of Market Capitalization (calculated as at the date this
    Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement
    to effect such transaction or, in the case of a series of related
    transactions, as at the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary
    enters into a definitive agreement to effect the last of such related
    transactions), provided that, if any such other assets are proposed to
    be obtained in the course of a proposed transaction in which both Core
    Business Assets and other assets are to be acquired and the ratio of
    the fair market value of the Core Business Assets to be acquired to the
    fair market value of the other assets to be acquired exceeds 1.75 to 1,
    then the holders of the Class A Stock shall not be entitled to
    disapproval rights with respect to such transaction except as provided
    in clause (x) of this Section 8.2(a)(ii);
      (iii) issuance by this Corporation of any capital stock or debt
    (including, without limitation, direct or indirect issuances such as
    pursuant to mergers and other business combinations) with both (x) a
    class vote to elect one or more Directors and (y) rights with respect
    to dispositions of Long Distance Assets or other assets, or share
    issuances, which rights are in scope and duration as extensive as or
    more extensive than the comparable related rights granted to the Class
    A Holders in these Articles of Incorporation or in the Stockholders'
    Agreement, provided that this Section 8.2(a)(iii) shall not apply to
    the extent that (a) such rights are required by Applicable Law, (b) the
    holders of any series of Preferred Stock have the right, voting
    separately as a class, to elect a number of Directors of this
    Corporation upon the occurrence of a default in payment of dividends or
    redemption price, or (c) such rights described in clause (y) are
    granted in connection with borrowings and are reflected in a loan
    agreement, credit agreement, trust indenture or similar agreement or
      (iv) declaration of any Extraordinary Dividends during any one year
    that, individually or in the aggregate, exceed five percent of Market
    Capitalization as at the Business Day immediately preceding the
    declaration of the last such dividend or distribution (other than in
    connection with transactions within the meaning of clause (e) of the
    definition of Exempt Asset Divestitures or clause (g) of the definition
    of Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures); or
      (v) any merger or other business combination in which this
    Corporation is not the surviving parent corporation.
    (b) Until the earliest of (i) January 31, 2001, (ii) such time as (A)
  legislation has been enacted repealing Section 310, (B) an FCC Order shall
  have been issued, or (C) outside counsel to this Corporation with a
  nationally recognized expertise in telecommunications regulatory matters
  delivers to each of FT and DT a legal opinion, addressed to each of them,
  in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to FT and DT, to the effect
  that Section 310 does not prohibit FT and DT from owning the Long Distance
  Assets proposed to be Transferred by this Corporation, (iii) the delivery
  by FT, DT, Atlas or any of their Affiliates (or a Permitted Designee (as
  such term is defined in the Joint Venture Agreement)) of a notice pursuant
  to Section 17.2(b) of the Joint Venture Agreement indicating the agreement
  to purchase all of the Sprint Venture Interests (as such term is defined in
  the Joint Venture Agreement) following an offer by this Corporation or
  Sprint Sub pursuant to Section 17.2(a) of the Joint Venture Agreement, and
  (iv) the delivery by this Corporation and/or Sprint Sub of a notice
  pursuant to Section 17.3(a) of the Joint Venture Agreement exercising the
  put right to sell all of their Sprint Venture Interests (as such term is
  defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) to FT, DT and Atlas (or a Permitted
  Designee (as such term is defined in the Joint Venture Agreement)), a
  direct or indirect Transfer (other than in connection with an Exempt Long

  Asset Divestiture) after January 31, 1996 by this Corporation or its
  Subsidiaries of Long Distance Assets with a Fair Market Value (calculated
  as at the date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a
  definitive agreement to effect such Transfer) that, when aggregated with
  the Fair Market Value of all other Long Distance Assets Transferred by this
  Corporation or its Subsidiaries since January 31, 1996 (other than in
  Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures) (calculated in each case as at the
  date this Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive
  agreement to effect each such respective Transfer) exceeds five percent of
  the Fair Market Value of the Long Distance Assets of this Corporation and
  its Subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis (calculated as at the date this
  Corporation or any such Subsidiary enters into a definitive agreement to
  effect the last such Transfer).
    (c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH, for so
  long as any shares of Class A Stock are outstanding:
      (i) any amendment to these Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws or
    the Rights Agreement that would adversely affect the rights of the
    Class A Holders under these Articlesof Incorporation or the Bylaws;
      (ii) issuance by this Corporation (including, without limitation,
    pursuant to mergers or other business combinations) of any series or
    class of capital stock or debt security with Supervoting Powers;
      (iii) any merger or other business combination involving this
    Corporation that results directly or indirectly in a Change of Control,
    unless the surviving corporation expressly (x) assumes all of this
    Corporation's obligations in respect of the rights of the Class A
    Holders under Section 8.2(b) of ARTICLE SIXTH and the provisions of
    Article III of the Stockholders' Agreement (except, in each case, as
    they may be otherwise terminated pursuant to these Articles of
    Incorporation or the Stockholders' Agreement) and all of the provisions
    of the Registration Rights Agreement and (y) agrees to be bound by any
    applicable Tie-Breaking Vote in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of
    the Joint Venture Agreement; or
      (iv) any merger or other business combination involving this
    Corporation that does not result directly or indirectly in a Change of
    Control unless:
        (x) this Corporation survives as the parent entity; or
        (y) the surviving corporation expressly assumes all of this
      Corporation's obligations in respect of the rights of the Class A
      Holders granted pursuant to these Articlesof Incorporation and under
      the Bylaws, the Stockholders' Agreement, the FT/DT Restructuring
      Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.
  8.3. Special Rights Regarding Major Issuances. So long as any Class A Stock
is outstanding, prior to effecting any Major Issuance:
    (a) occurring on or prior to January 31, 2001, this Corporation shall
  obtain the prior approval of two-thirds of the Independent Directors by
  resolution, certified to the Class A Holders; and
    (b) occurring after January 31, 2001, this Corporation shall obtain the
  prior approval of a majority of the Independent Directors.
  8.4. Special Rights Regarding Holdings by Major Competitors of FT or DT. (a)
Until January 31, 2006, at least 90 days prior to consummating any transaction
or taking any other action that, directly or indirectly, would result in, or
is taken for the purpose of encouraging or facilitating, a Major Competitor of
FT or DT or of the Joint Venture having, or being granted by this Corporation
any right, permission or approval to acquire (other than pursuant to a
Strategic Merger), a Percentage Ownership Interest of ten percent or more (a
"Major Competitor Transaction"), this Corporation shall provide each Class A
Holder with notice of such Major Competitor Transaction in the manner set
forth in Subsection (c) below and, if there is a Class A Action exercising the
special rights of the Class A Holders to disapprove such Major Competitor
Transaction within 75 days of the delivery of such notice, this Corporation
shall not consummate such Major Competitor Transaction.

  (b) Until January 31, 2006, if a Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the
Joint Venture obtains a Percentage Ownership Interest of 20 percent or more as
a result, directly or indirectly, of a Strategic Merger:
    (i) if the Class A Holders have not made the commitment described in
  Article VI of the Stockholders' Agreement, this Corporation (or its
  successor in such Strategic Merger) shall, subject to the conditions
  contained in Sections 2.1(a)(ii)(D) and 2.2(a)(iv) of the Standstill
  Agreement, nonetheless take all action necessary or advisable to lift all
  restrictions, contractual or otherwise, imposed by this Corporation or such
  successor on the ability of the Class A Holders, at any time after April
  26, 1996, to purchase shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock,
  Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock or other Voting Securities from
  third parties sufficient to permit the Class A Holders to have a Percentage
  Ownership Interest equal to that of the Major Competitor of FT or DT or of
  the Joint Venture; and     
    (ii) this Corporation shall ensure that the Class A Holders have rights
  with regard to (w) a class vote to elect Directors, (x) class approval and
  disapproval rights, (y) any other special rights in respect of the business
  or operations of this Corporation and (z) any rights to receive special
  dividends, distributions or other rights from this Corporation, which are
  in scope and duration at least as extensive as any rights granted by this
  Corporation to such Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture
  (other than rights deriving solely from the number of Voting Securities
  owned), regardless of whether or not the Class A Holders purchase any
  additional Voting Securities.
  (c) Until January 31, 2006, this Corporation shall deliver to each Class A
Holder notice of its intent to issue Voting Securities in a Major Competitor
Transaction to any Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture at
least 30 days prior to such issuance, such notice to contain a complete and
correct description in reasonable detail of the transaction in question,
including, without limitation, the purchase price for such securities, the
nature of such securities, the identity of the Major Competitor of FT or DT or
of the Joint Venture and the rights (contractual and other) this Corporation
would grant such Major Competitor. This Corporation shall also deliver to each
Class A Holder notice of any such issuance within five days after it occurs,
such notice to contain a description of the transaction in question and be
accompanied by complete and correct copies of all agreements, instruments and
written understandings of this Corporation, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates
and such Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture and the
Subsidiaries and Affiliates of such Major Competitor executed in respect of
such transaction.
  8.5. Conversion of Shares. (a) Failure to Maintain Ownership. If the
aggregate Committed Percentage of the Class A Holders shall be below ten
percent (i) for more than 180 consecutive days or (ii) immediately following a
Transfer of Class A Stock by a Class A Holder, then
    (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock
  shall automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
  one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 1 FON Stock
  and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and
    (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Old Class A Common
  Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of
  Class A Common Stock--Series DT,
such conversion to take place on the next Business Day following the end of
such 180-day period in the case of clause (i) or on the date of such Transfer
in the case of clause (ii), provided that, if the aggregate Committed
Percentage of the Class A Holders shall fall below ten percent for more than
180 consecutive days following the

date of a Major Issuance as a result of the consummation of such Major
Issuance, then, unless all of the outstanding shares of Class A Stock shall
have been converted earlier pursuant to this Section 8.5, (x) the Shares of
Class A Stock shall not convert into either Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, as the case may be, until the third anniversary of the date of such
Major Issuance, and (y) the Class A Holders shall continue to be entitled to
elect Directors pursuant to ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation
until the third anniversary of the date of such Major Issuance, but (z) after
the expiration of 180 days following the date of such Major Issuance, the
Class A Holders shall no longer have their rights under Sections 8.2, 8.3,
8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH, and provided, further, that such conversion
shall not be considered to be an acquisition of Shares of Series 1 FON Stock
or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of
  (b) FT/DT Joint Venture Termination; Material Breach of Investment
Documents. (i) (A) Each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3
PCS Stock shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and (B) all (i)
outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall automatically convert
(without the payment of any consideration) into the number of duly issued,
fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS
Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively,
represented by such shares of Old Class A Common Stock, and (ii) outstanding
shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall automatically convert (without
the payment of any consideration) into the number of duly issued, fully paid
and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to
the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively,
represented by such shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, if:
    (t) the Sprint Parties receive the Tie-Breaking Vote pursuant to Section
  17.5 of the Joint Venture Agreement;
    (u) there is an FT/DT Joint Venture Termination;
    (v) FT or DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches in any material respect
  its obligations under Section 2.4 of the Stockholders' Agreement;
    (w) FT or DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches in any material respect
  its obligations under Article II (other than Section 2.4) of the
  Stockholders' Agreement;
    (x) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the provisions of
  Article 2 (other than Section 2.1(b)) of the Standstill Agreement or any
  corresponding provision of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement;
    (y) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the provisions of
  Sections 3.1 or 3.2 of the Standstill Agreement or any corresponding
  provisions of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement, in each case
  in a Control Context, or otherwise breaches Sections 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or
  (iv) or Section 3.1(g) of the Standstill Agreement or any corresponding
  provision of any Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement; or
    (z) FT, DT or any Qualified Subsidiary breaches any of the provisions of
  Sections 3.1 (except Section 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv), or Section 3.1(g))
  or 3.2 of the Standstill Agreement or any corresponding provisions of any
  Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement, in each case other than in a
  Control Context;
provided that, with respect to an alleged breach of the type described in
clauses (v), (w), (x), (y) or (z) above, the Class A Holders alleged to have
committed such breach (the "Breaching Holders") shall deliver a notice
    (I) except with respect to a breach of the type described in clause (y)
  above, in accordance with clauses (ii)(x) or (iii)(x) below, in which case
  no conversion of the Class A Stock shall take place unless such breach
  fails to be cured within the time provided for cure in such clause (ii) or
  (iii), as the case may be;

    (II) in accordance with clauses (ii)(y), (iii)(y) or (iv) below, in which
  case no conversion of the Class A Stock shall take place until there is
  issued a final nonappealable decision or order of a court of competent
  jurisdiction finding that such breach has occurred and, if applicable, was
  not cured within the time provided for cure in clauses (ii) or (iii) below,
  as the case may be; or
    (III) admitting that such a breach has occurred, and (if applicable)
  cannot be cured within the time periods provided for cure in clauses (ii)
  or (iii) below, in which case
      (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS
    Stock, as the case may be, shall automatically convert (without the
    payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
    nonassessable share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock,
    respectively, and
      (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
    automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
    the number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of
    Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON
    Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
    Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such
    shares of Old Class A Common Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of
    Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall automatically convert (without
    the payment of any consideration) into the number of duly issued, fully
    paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS
    Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
    A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The
    PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Class A Common
    Stock--Series DT,
    upon delivery of such notice; and
provided, further, that if the Breaching Holders fail to perform the actions
described in clauses (I) or (II) above within the time periods provided for
performing such actions in clauses (ii), (iii) or (iv) below, they shall be
deemed to have taken the action described in clause (III) above.
  (ii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clauses (w), (x) or (z)
of clause (i) above, the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within five
Business Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (ii), the "Breach
Notice Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to each Breaching Holder
by this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice either:
    (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case the
  Breaching Holders shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but in no
  event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice Date (or,
  with respect to an alleged breach of clauses (w) or (x), if such cure
  cannot be effected within such time period due to the anti-fraud rules of
  the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is reasonably necessary to
  cure such breach in a manner consistent with such rules), provided that
      (I) the Breaching Holders shall have no right to cure unless such
    breach is susceptible to cure;
      (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as each
    Breaching Holder shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in a
    diligent manner;
      (III) with respect to an alleged breach of clause (i)(x) above, this
    Corporation shall have the right at any time after the end of such 20-
    day period to purchase such number of shares of Non-Class A Common
    Stock or Class A Stock, as the case may be, as is necessary to return
    the Class A Holders to the ownership level permitted by the Standstill
    Agreement or a Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement, as the case
    may be, at a price equal to the lower of (A) the Market Price for such
    shares at the time of such redemption and (B) the price paid by the
    Breaching Holders for such shares, provided that this Corporation may
    only exercise such right if a majority of the Continuing Directors
    shall have first approved, at a meeting at which at least seven
    Continuing Directors are present, such a purchase of Shares, unless a
    Fair Price Condition has been satisfied; and
      (IV) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
    shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
    breach has been cured; or

    (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred, provided that during such
  time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent
  jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach has occurred and was not
  cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause (ii),
  the rights provided to the Class A Holders under Sections 8.2 (except
  8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and the
  right to elect members of the Board of Directors of the holders of the
  Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation shall
  be suspended and may not be exercised by the Class A Holders.
  (iii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (i)(v) above,
the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within five Business Days after
the date (for purposes of this clause (iii), the "Breach Notice Date") that
notice of such breach is delivered to each Breaching Holder by this
Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice either:
    (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case the
  Breaching Holders shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but in no
  event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice Date (or, if
  such cure cannot be effected within such time period due to the anti-fraud
  rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is reasonably
  necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent with such rules),
  provided that
      (I) the Breaching Holders shall have no right to cure unless such
    breach is susceptible to cure;
      (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as each
    Breaching Holder shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in a
    diligent manner; and
      (III) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
    shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
    breach has been cured; or
    (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred;
provided that, in each case, from the Breach Notice Date until the earlier to
occur of the cure of such breach and the issuance of a decision or order of a
court of competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has not occurred or
was cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause
(iii), the rights provided to the Class A Holders under Sections 8.2 (except
8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and the right
to elect members of the Board of Directors of the holders of the Class A Stock
under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and
may not be exercised by the Class A Holders; and provided, further, that
following such decision or order, such rights shall be suspended during such
time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction
is to the effect that such breach has occurred and was not cured within the
time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause (iii).
  (iv) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (i)(y) above,
the Breaching Holders shall have the right, within five Business Days after
the date (for purposes of this clause (iv), the "Breach Notice Date") that
notice of such breach is delivered to each Breaching Holder by this
Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice disputing that such a
breach has occurred, provided that from the Breach Notice Date until the
issuance of a decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction finding
that such breach has not occurred, the rights provided to the Class A Holders
under Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of
ARTICLE SIXTH and the right to elect members of the Board of Directors of the
holders of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by the Class A
Holders; and provided, further, that following such decision or order, such
rights shall be suspended during such time as the most recent decision or
order of a court of competent jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach
has occurred.
  (v) For purposes of this Section 8.5(b), an alleged breach shall be deemed
to have occurred in a "Control Context" if the action or actions alleged to
have given rise to such breach were taken in the context of efforts by any
Class A Holder or any other Person having the purpose or effect of changing or
influencing the control of this Corporation.
  (vi) No conversion pursuant to this Section 8.5(b) shall be considered an
acquisition for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.

  (c) Deleted.
  (d) Corporation Joint Venture Termination. Unless the Class A Stock shall
have been converted earlier pursuant to this Section 8.5, if there is a
Corporation Joint Venture Termination,
    (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock,
  as the case may be, shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and
    (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Old Class A Common
  Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of
  Class A Common Stock--Series DT,
on the third anniversary of the date of such Corporation Joint Venture
Termination, provided that any such conversion shall not be considered to be
an acquisition of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock for purposes of
Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  (e) Other Joint Venture Termination. If (i) there is a sale of all the
Venture Interests of the Sprint Parties or the FT/DT Parties pursuant to
Section 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 19.3, 20.6 or 20.11 of the Joint Venture Agreement
or (ii) the Joint Venture is otherwise terminated, in each case other than due
to (i) an FT/DT Joint Venture Termination or (ii) a Corporation Joint Venture
    (x) on the date of such termination, the rights provided to the Class A
  Holders in Sections 8.2 (except Sections 8.2(c)(i) and 8.2(c)(iii)), 8.3
  and 8.4 of ARTICLE SIXTH shall terminate; and
    (y) unless the Class A Stock shall have been converted pursuant to this
  Section 8.5,
      (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS
    Stock, as the case may be, shall automatically convert (without the
    payment of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and
    nonassessable share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock,
    respectively, and
      (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
    automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
    the number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of
    Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON
    Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
    Equity Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such
    shares of Old Class A Common Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of
    Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall automatically convert (without
    the payment of any consideration) into the number of duly issued, fully
    paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS
    Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
    A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares
    Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The
    PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Class A Common
    Stock--Series DT,
  on the third anniversary of the date of such termination, provided that any
  such conversion shall not be considered to be an acquisition of Series 1
  FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE
  (f) Change of Control. If there is a Change of Control within the meaning of
clause(a) of the definition of Change of Control, (i) the rights provided to
the Class A Holders in ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation, and
Sections 8.2 (except Sections 8.2(b), 8.2(c)(iii) (as to rights provided under
Section 8.2(b))

and 8.2(c)(iv) (as to rights provided under Section 8.2(b)), 8.3 and 8.4 of
ARTICLE SIXTH shall terminate upon the consummation of the transactions
contemplated thereby, provided that, prior to such consummation, this
Corporation shall engage in good faith negotiations with any potential
acquiror of Control to provide the Class A Holders with rights equivalent to
those provided in ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation and (ii)
all, but not less than all, of the Class A Holders shall have the right (but
not the obligation) to deliver to this Corporation a written notice upon which
    (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock,
  as the case may be, shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and
    (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Old Class A Common
  Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of
  Class A Common Stock--Series DT.
Any such conversion of Class A Stock pursuant to this clause (f) shall not be
considered to be an acquisition of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock
for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  (g) Unequal Ownership. (i) If (A) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the overall Voting Power of the Corporation of one of FT
or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage Ownership
Interest of the overall Voting Power of the Corporation of the other of FT or
DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) is greater than 3 to 2, (B) the ratio of
the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the Class A FON Shares of one
of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage
Ownership Interest of the other of FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries)
is greater than 4 to 1; or (C) the ratio of the aggregate Percentage Ownership
Interest of the Class A PCS Shares of one of FT or DT (and its Qualified
Subsidiaries) to the aggregate Percentage Ownership Interest of the other of
FT or DT (and its Qualified Subsidiaries) is greater than 4 to 1, for 60
consecutive days following a notice of such event delivered by this
Corporation to each of FT and DT, then     
    (A) each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock,
  as the case may be, shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and
    (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Old Class A Common
  Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of
  Class A Common Stock--Series DT;
provided that any such conversion shall not be considered to be an acquisition
of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, for purposes of
Section 8.5 (i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.

    (ii) For purposes of calculating the ratios in this Section 8.5(g), FT
  and DT shall be deemed to own shares of Class A Stock owned by a Qualified
  Subsidiary as follows:
      (x) if only one of FT or DT owns, directly or indirectly, Votes in
    such Qualified Subsidiary, FT or DT, as the case may be, shall be
    deemed to own all of the shares of Class A Stock owned by such
    Qualified Subsidiary; and
      (y) if both FT and DT own, directly or indirectly, Votes in such
    Qualified Subsidiary, each of FT and DT shall be deemed to own its
    respective Applicable Percentage of the shares of Class A Stock owned
    by such Qualified Subsidiary. As used herein, the "Applicable
    Percentage" means the percentage of the equity interests of such
    Qualified Subsidiary owned, directly or indirectly, by FT or DT, as the
    case may be.
  (h) Unauthorized Transfers. Unless approved by this Corporation, upon any
Transfer of shares of Class A Stock (other than a Transfer to a Qualified
Subsidiary, a Qualified Stock Purchaser or to FT or DT, in each case which
Transfer is effected in accordance with the provisions of Article II of the
Stockholders' Agreement),
    (A) each share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case
  may be, so Transferred shall automatically convert (without the payment of
  any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share
  of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and
    (B) (i) each share of Old Class A Common Stock so Transferred shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into (x) a
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock equal to the product of (I) the number of such shares of Old Class A
  Common Stock so Transferred and (II) a fraction the numerator of which is
  the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
  Interest In The FON Group and the denominator of which is the aggregate
  number of shares of Old Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately prior
  to such Transfer and (y) a number of duly issued, fully paid and
  nonassessable shares of Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the product of (I) the
  number of such shares of Old Class A Common Stock so Transferred and (II) a
  fraction the numerator of which is the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the
  denominator of which is the aggregate number of shares of Old Class A
  Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to such Transfer; and     
    (ii) each share of Class A Common Stock--Series DT so Transferred shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into (x) a
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock equal to the product of (I) the number of such shares of Class A
  Common Stock--Series DT so Transferred and (II) a fraction the numerator of
  which is the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series
  DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the denominator of which is the
  aggregate number of shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT outstanding
  immediately prior to such Transfer and (y) a number of duly issued, fully
  paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the product of
  (I) the number of such shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT so
  Transferred and (II) a fraction the numerator of which is the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
  The PCS Group and the denominator of which is the aggregate number of
  shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT outstanding immediately prior to
  such Transfer;     
as of the date of such Transfer, provided that no conversion of Class A Stock
pursuant to this Section 8.5(h) shall be considered to be an acquisition of
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of
  (i) Conversion into Class A Stock. Until the conversion of all of the shares
of Class A Stock pursuant to this Section 8.5, (x) each share of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be, acquired by a Class A Holder
shall automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into
one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 3 FON Stock at
the date of such acquisition and (y) each share of Series 1 PCS Stock or
Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be, acquired by a Class A Holder shall
automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 3 PCS Stock at the date
of such acquisition.

  (j) Notice of Conversion; Exchange of Stock Certificates; Effect of
Conversion of all Class A Stock, etc. (i) Immediately upon the conversion of
shares of Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock into
shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and, as applicable, shares of
both Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, or upon the
conversion of shares of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 2 FON Stock or Series 2
PCS Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock into shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3
PCS Stock, respectively, and in each case pursuant to this Section 8.5 (the
shares of Class A Common Stock, Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock, Series
1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock so
converted hereinafter referred to as the "Converted Shares"), the rights of
the holders of such Converted Shares, as such, shall cease and the holders
thereof shall be treated for all purposes as having become the record owners
of the shares of Series 1 FON Stock, Series 3 FON Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock or
Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, issuable upon such conversion (the
"New Shares"), provided that such Persons shall be entitled to receive when
paid any dividends declared on the Converted Shares as of a record date
preceding the time the Converted Shares were converted (the "Conversion Time")
and unpaid as of the Conversion Time, if such Persons were the record holders
of the Converted Shares on such record date. If the stock transfer books of
this Corporation shall be closed at the Conversion Time, such Person or
Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of record of the
New Shares at the opening of business on the next succeeding day on which such
stock transfer books are open.     
  (ii) As promptly as practicable after the Conversion Time, upon the delivery
to this Corporation of the certificates formerly representing Converted
Shares, this Corporation shall deliver or cause to be delivered, to or upon
the written order of the record holder of such certificates, a certificate or
certificates representing the number of duly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable New Shares into which the Converted Shares formerly represented
by such certificates have been converted in accordance with the provisions of
this Section 8.5.
  (iii) This Corporation shall pay all United States federal, state or local
documentary, stamp or similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of
the issue or delivery of New Shares upon the conversion of Converted Shares
pursuant to this Section 8.5, provided that this Corporation shall not be
required to pay any tax which may be payable in respect of any registration of
Transfer involved in the issue or delivery of New Shares in a name other than
that of the registered holder of shares converted or to be converted, and no
such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the person requesting
such issue has paid to this Corporation the amount of any such tax or has
established, to the satisfaction of this Corporation, that such tax has been
  (iv) This Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available, out of
the aggregate of its authorized but unissued Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS
Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 1 FON Stock and its issued Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock held in its treasury, for the purpose of effecting
the conversion of the Series 3 FON Stock, Series 1 FON Stock, Series 2 FON
Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock, Series 2 PCS Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock and Class A
Common Stock contemplated hereby, the full number of shares of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock then deliverable upon the conversion of all
outstanding shares of Series 3 FON Stock, Series 3 PCS Stock and Class A
Common Stock, and the full number of shares of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3
PCS Stock that would be deliverable upon conversion of all of the shares of
Series 1 FON Stock, Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 2 FON Stock and Series 2 PCS
Stock the Class A Holders are permitted to acquire hereunder and under the
Investment Agreement, the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Stockholders'
Agreement and the Standstill Agreement.
  (v) Following conversion of all outstanding shares of Class A Stock into
shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be,
pursuant to this Section 8.5, this Corporation shall not, directly or
indirectly, issue, or sell from the treasury, any shares of Class A Stock.
  (k) Class A Stock Held by Qualified Stock Purchasers. (i) If any Qualified
Stock Purchaser shall become a Major Competitor of this Corporation or of the
Joint Venture, on the date the writing referred to in the definition of Major
Competitor in this ARTICLE SIXTH is delivered to each Class A Holder, each
share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, owned
by a Qualified Stock Purchaser shall

automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1
PCS Stock, respectively.
  (ii) (A) Each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS
Stock, as the case may be, owned by a Qualified Stock Purchaser shall
automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1
PCS Stock, respectively, if:
    (v) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches in any material respect its
  obligations under Section 2.4 of the Stockholders' Agreement;
    (w) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches in any material respect its
  obligations under Article II (other than Section 2.4) of the Stockholders'
    (x) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
  Article 2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement;
    (y) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
  Section 3.1 or 3.2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement in
  a Control Context, or such Qualified Stock Purchaser otherwise breaches
  Sections 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv) or Section 3.1(g) of the Qualified Stock
  Purchaser Standstill Agreement; or
    (z) such Qualified Stock Purchaser breaches any of the provisions of
  Sections 3.1 (except Section 3.1(a)(ii), (iii) or (iv), or Section 3.1(g))
  or 3.2 of the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement, in each case
  other than in a Control Context;
provided, that such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall deliver a notice
    (I) except with respect to a breach of the type described in clause (y)
  above, in accordance with clauses (iii)(x) or (iv)(x) below, in which case
  no conversion of the Class A Stock owned by such Qualified Stock Purchaser
  shall take place unless such breach fails to be cured within the time
  provided for cure in such clause (iii) or (iv), as the case may be;
    (II) in accordance with clauses (iii)(y), (iv)(y) or (v) below, in which
  case no conversion of the Class A Stock owned by such Qualified Stock
  Purchaser shall take place until there is issued a final nonappealable
  decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction finding that such
  breach has occurred and, if applicable, was not cured within the time
  provided for cure in clauses (iii) or (iv) below, as the case may be; or
    (III) admitting that such a breach has occurred, and (if applicable)
  cannot be cured within the time periods provided for cure in clauses (iii)
  or (iv) below, in which case each outstanding share of Series 3 FON Stock
  and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case may be, owned by such Qualified Stock
  Purchaser shall automatically convert (without the payment of any
  consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
  Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively upon delivery of
  such notice; and
provided, further, that if such Qualified Stock Purchaser fails to perform the
actions described in clauses (I) or (II) above within the time periods
provided for performing such actions in clauses (iii), (iv) or (v) below, it
shall be deemed to have taken the action described in clause (III) above.
  (iii) For any alleged breach of the type described in clauses (w), (x) or
(z) of clause (ii) above, such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the right,
within five Business Days after the date (for purposes of this clause (iii),
the "Breach Notice Date") that notice of such breach is delivered to such
Qualified Stock Purchaser by this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation
a notice either:
    (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case such
  Qualified Stock Purchaser shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but
  in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice Date
  (or, with respect to an alleged breach of clauses (w) or (x), if such cure
  cannot be effected within such time period due to the anti-fraud rules of
  the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is reasonably necessary to
  cure such breach in a manner consistent with such rules), provided that

      (I) such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have no right to cure unless
    such breach is susceptible to cure;
      (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as such
    Qualified Stock Purchaser shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in
    a diligent manner;
      (III) with respect to an alleged breach of clause (ii)(x) above, this
    Corporation shall have the right at any time after the end of such 20-
    day period to purchase such number of shares of Class A Stock as is
    necessary to return such Qualified Stock Purchaser to the ownership
    level permitted by the Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement,
    at a price equal to the lower of (A) the Market Price for such Shares
    at the time of such redemption and (B) the price paid by such Qualified
    Stock Purchaser for such Shares, provided that this Corporation may
    only exercise such right if a majority of the Continuing Directors
    shall have first approved, at a meeting at which at least seven
    Continuing Directors are present, such a purchase of Shares, unless a
    Fair Price Condition has been satisfied; and
      (IV) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
    shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
    breach has been cured; or
    (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred, provided that during such
  time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent
  jurisdiction is to the effect that such breach has occurred and was not
  cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause (iii),
  the rights provided to such Qualified Stock Purchaser under Sections 8.2
  (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and
  the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to elect members of the Board
  of Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these
  Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by
  such Qualified Stock Purchaser.
  (iv) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (ii)(v) above,
such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the right, within five Business Days
after the date (for purposes of this clause (iv), the "Breach Notice Date")
that notice of such breach is delivered to such Qualified Stock Purchaser by
this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice either:
    (x) committing to effect a cure as soon as practical, in which case such
  Qualified Stock Purchaser shall effect such cure as soon as practical, but
  in no event later than the 20th Business Day from the Breach Notice Date
  (or, if such cure cannot be effected within such time period due to the
  anti-fraud rules of the U.S. securities laws, such longer period as is
  reasonably necessary to cure such breach in a manner consistent with such
  rules), provided that
      (I) such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have no right to cure unless
    such breach is susceptible to cure;
      (II) such cure period shall continue only for so long as such
    Qualified Stock Purchaser shall be undertaking to effect such a cure in
    a diligent manner; and
      (III) withdrawal of the action alleged to have caused such breach
    shall not, in and of itself, give rise to a presumption that such
    breach has been cured; or
    (y) disputing that such a breach has occurred;
provided that, in each case, from the Breach Notice Date until the earlier to
occur of the cure of such breach and the issuance of a decision or order of a
court of competent jurisdiction finding that such breach has not occurred or
was cured within the time provided for cure in clause (x) of this clause (iv),
the rights provided to such Qualified Stock Purchaser under Sections 8.2
(except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and
the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to elect members of the Board of
Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock under ARTICLE FIFTH of these
Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may not be exercised by such
Qualified Stock Purchaser; and provided, further, that following such decision
or order, such rights shall be suspended during such time as the most recent
decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction is to the effect that
such breach has occurred and was not cured within the time provided for cure
in clause (x) of this clause (iv).

  (v) For any alleged breach of the type described in clause (ii)(y) above,
such Qualified Stock Purchaser shall have the right, within five Business Days
after the date (for purposes of this clause (v), the "Breach Notice Date")
that notice of such breach is delivered to such Qualified Stock Purchaser by
this Corporation, to deliver to this Corporation a notice disputing that such
a breach has occurred, provided that from the Breach Notice Date until the
issuance of a decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction finding
that such breach has not occurred, the rights provided to such Qualified Stock
Purchaser under Sections 8.2 (except 8.2(a)(iii) and 8.2(c)), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
and 8.6 of ARTICLE SIXTH and the right of such Qualified Stock Purchaser to
elect members of the Board of Directors as a holder of the Class A Stock under
ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation shall be suspended and may
not be exercised by such Qualified Stock Purchaser and provided, further, that
following such decision or order, such rights shall be suspended during such
time as the most recent decision or order of a court of competent jurisdiction
is to the effect that such breach has occurred.
  (vi) For purposes of this Section 8.5(k), an alleged breach shall be deemed
to have occurred in a Control Context if the action or actions alleged to have
given rise to such breach were taken in the context of efforts by such
Qualified Stock Purchaser or any other Person having the purpose or effect of
changing or influencing the control of this Corporation.
  (vii) No conversion pursuant to this Section 8.5(k) shall be considered an
acquisition for purposes of Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  (l) Effect of Conversion. Upon the conversion of all of the shares of Class
A Stock pursuant to this Section 8.5,
    (A) each share of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock, as the case
  may be, issued by this Corporation pursuant to the Investment Agreement,
  the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Stockholders' Agreement or these
  Articles of Incorporation shall automatically convert (without the payment
  of any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable
  share of Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, and     
    (B) all (i) outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number
  Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The
  PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of Old Class A Common
  Stock, and (ii) outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT shall
  automatically convert (without the payment of any consideration) into the
  number of duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group, respectively, represented by such shares of
  Class A Common Stock--Series DT     
  provided that such conversion shall not be considered an acquisition of
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as the case may be, for purposes of
Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH.     
  (m) Exclusionary Tender Offer. If the Board of Directors shall determine not
to oppose a tender offer by a Person other than FT, DT or any of their
respective Affiliates for Voting Securities of this Corporation representing
not less than 35 percent of the Voting Power of this Corporation, and the
terms of such tender offer do not permit the Class A Holders to sell an equal
or greater percentage of:
    (i) if the tender offer involves only Series 1 FON Stock, Series 3 FON
  Stock (and Class A Common Stock to the extent it represents Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) as the
  holders of Series 1 FON Stock are permitted to sell taking into account any
    (ii) if the tender offer involves only Series 1 PCS Stock, Series 3 PCS
  Stock (and Class A Common Stock to the extent it represents Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group) as the
  holders of Series 1 PCS Stock are permitted to sell taking into account any
  proration, or

    (iii) if the tender offer involves both Series 1 FON Stock and Series 1
  PCS Stock, Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock (and Class A Common
  Stock to the extent it represents Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class
  A Equity Interest In The FON Group or Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Class A Equity Interest In the PCS Group) as the holders of Series 1 FON
  Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, are permitted to sell taking
  into account any proration,     
then all, but not less than all, of the Class A Holders shall have the right
(but not the obligation) to deliver to this Corporation a written notice
requesting conversion of certain shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS
Stock (including shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock issuable
pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH, Sections 1.2(c) and 1.2(d)) designated by the Class
A Holders into Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, upon
which delivery each share of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock so
designated in such notice shall automatically convert (without the payment of
any consideration) into one duly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of
Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, provided that (i)
conversion pursuant to this clause (m) shall not be considered to be an
acquisition of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock for purposes of
Section 8.5(i) of ARTICLE SIXTH, (ii) unless the Series 3 FON Stock or Series
3 PCS Stock shall have otherwise been converted into Series 1 FON Stock or
Series 1 PCS Stock, respectively, pursuant to Section 8.5 of ARTICLE SIXTH
upon or prior to the consummation or abandonment of the transaction
contemplated by such tender offer, immediately following the consummation of
such transaction or the delivery by this Corporation to each Class A Holder of
a notice that such transaction has been abandoned, each share of Series 1 FON
Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock held by a Class A Holder shall automatically
reconvert (without the payment of any consideration) into one duly issued,
fully paid and nonassessable share of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS
Stock, respectively; and (iii) only those shares of Series 3 FON Stock or
Series 3 PCS Stock related to shares of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, respectively, that were not so reconverted shall be deemed for any
purpose under these Articles of Incorporation, the Stockholders' Agreement,
the Investment Agreement, the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Standstill
Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement, or any agreement or document
related thereto to have been converted into Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS
Stock, respectively, pursuant to this Section 8.5(m) and the Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock so reconverted shall be deemed to have been at all
times outstanding shares of Series 3 FON Stock or Series 3 PCS Stock,
  8.6. Change of Control Procedures. As long as shares of Class A Stock are
outstanding, but subject to Sections 8.5(a), (b), (f) and (k) of ARTICLE
SIXTH, if this Corporation, directly or indirectly, (a) determines to sell all
or substantially all of the assets of this Corporation, (b) determines not to
oppose a third-party tender, exchange or other purchase offer for Voting
Securities with a number of Votes in excess of 35 percent of the Voting Power
of this Corporation, (c) determines to effect a merger or other business
combination involving this Corporation that would result in a Person (other
than any Class A Holder) holding Voting Securities of the resulting entity
representing 35 percent or more of the Voting Power of such entity or (d)
otherwise determines to sell Control of this Corporation, this Corporation
shall conduct such transaction in accordance with reasonable procedures to be
determined by the Board of Directors, and permit FT and DT to participate in
that process on a basis no less favorable than that granted any other
  8.7. Class Voting. Except as otherwise provided by law, in Section 2(a) of
ARTICLE FIFTH or in the Class A Provisions, the Class A Holders shall not
have, nor be entitled to, a class vote with respect to any matter to be voted
on by the stockholders of this Corporation.
  8.8. Amendment of Class A Provisions and ARTICLE FIFTH. The Class A
Provisions and Section 2(a)(iii) of ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
Incorporation may be amended in any manner which would not materially alter or
change the powers, preferences or rights of the holders of shares of Non-Class
A Common Stock or Preferred Stock so as to affect such powers, preferences or
rights adversely, by the Board of Directors of this Corporation with the
affirmative vote of only the holders of at least two-thirds of the votes
represented by the outstanding shares of Class A Stock, voting together as a
single class, and without the affirmative vote of the holders of shares of the
Non-Class A Common Stock or the Preferred Stock. Upon the retirement of shares
of Class A Common Stock, (i) such shares shall not resume the status of
authorized and unissued shares of that     

class, (ii) such shares shall not be reissued, and (iii) upon the execution,
acknowledgment and filing of a certificate in accordance with Kan. Stat. Ann.
(S) 17-6003 and (S) 17-6603 (or any successor provisions) stating that the
reissuance of such shares is prohibited, identifying the shares and reciting
their retirement, then the filing of such certificate shall have the effect of
amending these Articles of Incorporation so as to reduce accordingly the
number of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock or if such retired shares
constitute all of the authorized shares of such class, then the filing of such
certificate shall have the effect of amending these Articles of Incorporation
automatically so as to eliminate all references to such class of stock
  Section 9. Application of the Provisions of ARTICLE SIXTH
  9.1. Certain Determinations of the Board of Directors. In addition to the
determinations regarding Preferred Stock to be made by the Board of Directors
as provided by Section 13.6, the Board of Directors shall make such
determinations (i) with respect to the assets and liabilities to be attributed
to the Business Groups (in accordance with the definitions of "PCS Group" and
"Sprint FON Group" set forth in ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 10), (ii) with respect
to the application of the provisions of this ARTICLE SIXTH to transactions to
be engaged in by the Corporation and (iii) as may be or become necessary or
appropriate to the exercise of the powers, preferences and relative,
participating, optional and other special rights of the classes or series of
Corporation Common Stock, including, without limiting the foregoing, the
determinations referred to in the following paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
of this Section 9.1. A record of any such determination shall be filed with
the Secretary of the Corporation to be kept with the records of the actions of
the Board of Directors.
  (A) Upon any acquisition by the Corporation or its subsidiaries of any
assets or business, or any assumption of liabilities, outside of the ordinary
course of business of the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, as the case may
be, the Board of Directors shall determine whether such assets, business and
liabilities (or an interest therein) shall be for the benefit of the Sprint
FON Group or the PCS Group or that an interest therein shall be partly for the
benefit of the Sprint FON Group and partly for the benefit of the PCS Group
and, accordingly, shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group, or partly to each, in accordance with the definitions of "PCS Group,"
"Sprint FON Group," and "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON
Group Intergroup Interest" set forth in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  (B) Upon any issuance of any shares of PCS Stock at a time when the Number
Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest is more
than zero, the Board of Directors shall determine, based on the use of the
proceeds of such issuance and any other relevant factors, whether all or any
part of the shares of PCS Stock so issued should reduce the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest and the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest shall be
adjusted accordingly.
  (C) Upon any issuance by the Corporation or any subsidiary thereof of any
Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of PCS Stock, if at the time such Convertible
Securities are issued the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON
Group Intergroup Interest is greater than zero, the Board of Directors shall
determine whether, upon conversion, exchange or exercise thereof, the issuance
of shares of PCS Stock pursuant thereto shall, in whole or in part, reduce the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest,
taking into consideration the use of the proceeds of such issuance of
Convertible Securities in the business of the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group and any other relevant factors.
  (D) Upon any redemption or repurchase by the Corporation or any subsidiary
thereof of shares of any Preferred Stock of any class or series or of other
securities or debt obligations of the Corporation, if some of such shares,
other securities or debt obligations were attributed to the Sprint FON Group
and some of such shares, other securities or debt obligations were attributed
to the PCS Group, the Board of Directors shall determine which, if any, of
such shares, other securities or debt obligations redeemed or repurchased
shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group and which, if any, of such shares,
other securities or debt obligations shall be attributed to the PCS Group and,
accordingly, how many of the shares of such series of Preferred Stock or of

such other securities, or how much of such debt obligations, that remain
outstanding, if any, continue to be attributed to the Sprint FON Group or to
the PCS Group.
  9.2. Sources of Dividends and Distributions; Uses of Proceeds of Share
Issuances. Notwithstanding the attribution of properties or assets of the
Corporation to the Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group as provided in the
definitions of such terms in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH, the Board of
Directors (i) may cause dividends or distributions or other payments to the
holders of any class of Corporation Common Stock or any class or series of
Preferred Stock to be made out of the properties or assets attributed to any
Business Group, subject, however, to any contrary term of any series of
Preferred Stock fixed in accordance with Section 13 of ARTICLE SIXTH, and (ii)
may cause the proceeds of issuance of any shares of Non-Class A Stock or Class
A Stock or any class or series of Preferred Stock, to whichever Business Group
attributed in accordance with Section 13 of ARTICLE SIXTH, to be used in the
business of, and to be attributed to, either the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group in accordance with the definitions of "PCS Group," "Sprint FON Group,"
and "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
Interest" in Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  9.3. Certain Determinations Not Required. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Section 9, the provisions of Section 10 of ARTICLE SIXTH or
any other provision of this ARTICLE SIXTH, at any time when there are not
outstanding both (i) one or more shares of FON Stock (or Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or Convertible
Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for FON Stock and
(ii) one or more shares of PCS Stock (or Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group) or Convertible Securities
convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for PCS Stock, the Board of
Directors need not (A) attribute any of the assets or liabilities of the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries to the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group, (B) make any determination required in connection therewith, or (C)
make any of the determinations otherwise required by this ARTICLE SIXTH, and
in such circumstances the holders of the shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock
outstanding, as the case may be, shall (unless otherwise specifically provided
by the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation) be entitled to all the
voting powers, preferences, optional or other special rights of such classes
of Corporation Common Stock without differentiation between the FON Stock and
the PCS Stock and any provision of this ARTICLE SIXTH to the contrary shall no
longer be in effect or operative and the Board of Directors may cause the
Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation to be amended as permitted by law
to delete such provisions as are no longer operative or of further effect.
  9.4. Emergency Use of Business Group Assets. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Section 9 or any other provision of ARTICLE SIXTH, the
Board of Directors may transfer assets or properties from one Business Group
to another on such other basis as the Board of Directors shall determine,
consistent with its fiduciary duties to the Corporation and the holders of all
classes and series of the Corporation's common stock, provided that the Board
of Directors determines (i) that such transfer on such basis should be made to
prevent or mitigate material adverse consequences that would fundamentally
affect the transferee Business Group, (ii) that the benefit of such transfer
on such basis to the transferee Business Group is to materially exceed any
adverse effect of such transfer to the transferor Business Group, and (iii)
that such transfer on such basis is in the best interest of the Corporation as
a whole after giving fair consideration to the potentially divergent interests
of the holders of the separate classes of Corporation Common Stock.
  9.5. Board Determinations Binding. Subject to applicable law, any
determinations made in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation
under any provision of this Section 9 or otherwise in furtherance of the
application of this ARTICLE SIXTH shall be final and binding on all
  Section 10. Definitions. For purposes of ARTICLE FIFTH and ARTICLE SIXTH of
these Articles of Incorporation, the following terms have the following
meanings (with terms defined in the singular having comparable meaning when
used in the plural and vice versa), unless the context otherwise requires. As
used in this Section 10, a "contribution" or "transfer" of assets or
properties from one Business Group to another refers to the reattribution of
such assets or properties from the contributing or transferring Business Group
to the other Business Group and correlative phrases have correlative meanings.

  "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that
directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, Controls or is
Controlled by, or is under common Control with, such Person, provided that (a)
no JV Entity shall be deemed an Affiliate of any Class A Holder or this
Corporation unless (i) FT, DT and Atlas own a majority of the Voting Power of
such JV Entity and this Corporation does not have the Tie-Breaking Vote (as
defined in Section 18.1 of the Joint Venture Agreement), or (ii) FT, DT or
Atlas has the Tie-Breaking Vote; (b) FT, DT and this Corporation shall not be
deemed Affiliates of each other; (c) Atlas shall be deemed an Affiliate of FT
and DT; and (d) the term "Affiliate" shall not include any Governmental
Authority of France or Germany or any other Person Controlled, directly or
indirectly, by any such Governmental Authority except in each case for FT, DT,
Atlas and any other Person directly, or indirectly through one or more
intermediaries, Controlled by FT, DT or Atlas.
  "Alien" means "aliens," "their representatives," "a foreign government or
representatives thereof" or "any corporation organized under the laws of a
foreign country" as such terms are used in Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or as hereafter may be amended, or any
successor provision of law.
  "Applicable Law" has the meaning set forth in the Stockholders' Agreement.
  "Associate" has the meaning ascribed to such term in Rule 12b-2 under the
Exchange Act, provided that when used to indicate a relationship with FT or DT
or their respective Subsidiaries or Affiliates, the term "Associate" means (a)
in the case of FT, any Person occupying any of the positions listed on
Schedule A to the Stockholders' Agreement and (b) in the case of DT, any
Person occupying any of the positions listed on Schedule B to the
Stockholders' Agreement, provided, further, that, in each case, no Person
occupying any such position described in clause (a) or (b) hereof shall be
deemed an "Associate" of FT or DT, as the case may be, unless the Persons
occupying all such positions described in clauses (a) and (b) hereof
Beneficially Own, in the aggregate, more than 0.2% of the Voting Power of the
  "Atlas" means the company formed as a societe anonyme under the laws of
Belgium pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement, dated as of December 15,
1994, between FT and DT, as amended.
  "Average Trading Price" of a share of any class or series of capital stock
of the Corporation on any day means the average Closing Price of such capital
stock determined over the 20 Trading Days immediately preceding the date of
such determination; provided that for purposes of this definition only, in
determining the "Closing Price" of a share of any class or series of capital
stock for such 20 Trading Day period, (i) the "Closing Price" of a share of
capital stock on any day prior to any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date
occurring during such period for any dividend or distribution (other than any
dividend or distribution contemplated by clause (ii)(B) of this definition)
paid or to be paid with respect to such capital stock shall be reduced by the
Fair Value of the per share amount of such dividend or distribution and (ii)
the "Closing Price" of any share of capital stock on any day prior to (A) the
effective date of any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination
(by reverse stock split or otherwise) of outstanding shares of such class of
capital stock occurring during such period or (B) any "ex-dividend" date or
any similar date occurring during such period for any dividend or distribution
with respect to such capital stock to be made in shares of such class or
series of capital stock or Convertible Securities that are convertible,
exchangeable or exercisable for such class or series of capital stock, shall
be appropriately adjusted, as determined by the Board of Directors, to reflect
such subdivision, combination, dividend or distribution.
  "Beneficial Owner" (including, with its correlative meanings, "Beneficially
Own" and "Beneficial Ownership"), with respect to any securities, means any
Person which:
    (a) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, directly or
  indirectly, the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable
  immediately or only after the passage of time) such securities pursuant to
  any agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether or not in writing),
  including, without limitation, pursuant to the FT/DT Restructuring
  Agreement and the Stockholders' Agreement, or upon the exercise of
  conversion rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or otherwise;

    (b) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, directly or
  indirectly, the right to vote or dispose of (whether such right is
  exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time) or has
  "beneficial ownership" of (as determined pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
  Exchange Act but including all such securities which a Person has the right
  to acquire beneficial ownership of whether or not such right is exercisable
  within the 60-day period specified therein) such securities, including
  pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding (whether or not in
  writing); or
    (c) has, or any of whose Affiliates or Associates has, any agreement,
  arrangement or understanding (whether or not in writing) for the purpose of
  acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of any securities which are
  Beneficially Owned, directly or indirectly, by any other Person (or any
  Affiliate thereof),
provided that (i) Class A Stock, Non-Class A Common Stock and Preferred Stock
held by one of FT or DT or its Affiliates or Associates shall not also be
deemed to be Beneficially Owned by the other of FT or DT or its Affiliates or
Associates, (ii) FON Stock and PCS Stock shall not be deemed to be
Beneficially Owned by FT, DT or their Affiliates or Associates by virtue of
the top up rights and standby commitments granted under the Purchase Rights
Agreement (as defined in the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement) except to the
extent that FT, DT or their Affiliates or Associates have (A) acquired shares
of FON Stock or PCS Stock pursuant to the Purchase Rights Agreement, or (B)
become irrevocably committed to acquire, and the Cable Holders have become
irrevocably committed to sell, shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock pursuant to
the Purchase Rights Agreement (with such Beneficial Ownership being determined
on a full-voting basis), subject only to customary closing conditions, if any;
(iii) FT, DT and their Affiliates and Associates shall not be deemed to
Beneficially Own any incremental Voting Power resulting solely from the
increase in Voting Power provided for by the application of ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 7.5(d) and (iv) prior to the conversion thereof (other than during the
90-day period following the Conversion Trigger Date set forth in ARTICLE
SIXTH, Section 7.5(a)), a holder of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock
shall not be deemed to beneficially own the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock or
Series 1 FON Stock issuable upon conversion thereof.
  "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of this Corporation.
  "Business Day" means any day other than a day on which commercial banks in
The City of New York, Paris, France, or Frankfurt am Main, Germany, are
required or authorized by law to be closed.
  "Business Group" means, as of any date, the Sprint FON Group or the PCS
Group, as the case may be.
  "Bylaws" means the Bylaws of this Corporation as amended or supplemented
from time to time.
  "Cable Holder" means any of
    (i) Tele-Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, Comcast
  Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation, or Cox Communications, Inc., a
  Delaware corporation,
    (ii) any Affiliate of an entity identified in clause (i) of this
    (iii) any successor (by operation of law or otherwise) of an entity
  identified in clauses (i) or (ii) of this definition so long as such
  successor remains an Affiliate of an entity identified in clause (i) or
    (iv) any entity controlled by two or more entities identified in clauses
  (i) through (iii) of this definition or this clause (iv) even if such
  entity is not considered an Affiliate of any individual entity so
  identified and
    (v) for purposes of ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(b) only, with respect to
  any Transfer of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, the transferee of such shares
  if (A) at the time of such Transfer, the transferor was a Cable Holder
  under any of the clauses (i) through (iv) of this definition, (B) after
  giving effect to such Transfer, the transferee was an Associate of the
  transferor, (C) immediately prior to such Transfer, the transferee was
  identified in writing by the transferor as a "Cable Holder" under this
  clause (v), and (D) the transferor and transferee satisfied the conditions
  set forth in Section 2.4 of the applicable Cable Holder Standstill

  "Cable Holder Standstill Agreements" means the Standstill Agreements, dated
as of May 26, 1998, entered into between this Corporation and each of certain
Cable Holders, and any Standstill Agreements in the form thereof entered into
from time to time between this Corporation and certain transferee Affiliates
and Associates of such Cable Holders.
  "Cellular and Wireless Division" means the former Cellular and Wireless
Communications Services Division of this Corporation.
  "Change of Control" means a:
    (a) decision by the Board of Directors to sell Control of this
  Corporation or not to oppose a third party tender offer for Voting
  Securities of this Corporation representing more than 35% of the Voting
  Power of this Corporation; or
    (b) change in the identity of a majority of the Directors due to (i) a
  proxy contest (or the threat to engage in a proxy contest) or the election
  of Directors by the holders of Preferred Stock; or (ii) any unsolicited
  tender, exchange or other purchase offer which has not been approved by a
  majority of the Independent Directors,
provided that a Strategic Merger shall not be deemed to be a Change of Control
and provided, further, that any transaction between this Corporation and FT
and DT or otherwise involving FT and DT and any of their direct or indirect
Subsidiaries which are party to a Contract therefor shall not be deemed to be
a Change of Control.
  "Class A Action" means action by the holders of a majority of the Votes
represented by the Class A Stock taken by a vote at either a regular or
special meeting of the stockholders of this Corporation or of the holders of
the Class A Stock or by written consent delivered to the Secretary of this
  "Class A Common Stock" means the Old Class A Common Stock and the Class A
Common Stock--Series DT.
  "Class A Common Stock--Series DT" has the meaning set forth in the
"Designation" column in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Class A Director" means any Director elected by the Class A Holders
pursuant to Sections 2(a) or 4(b) of ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of
Incorporation or appointed by Class A Directors pursuant to Section 4(b) of
ARTICLE FIFTH of these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Class A FON Shares" means, with respect to FT, shares of Series 3 FON Stock
and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
Interest In The FON Group, and, with respect to DT, shares of Series 3 FON
Stock and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT
Equity Interest In The FON Group.
  "Class A Holders" means (a) the holders of the Class A Stock, and (b) any
Qualified Stock Purchaser who has executed with this Corporation a Qualified
Stock Purchaser Assumption Agreement (as such term is defined in the
Stockholders' Agreement), for so long as such Person holds Class A Stock.
  "Class A PCS Shares" means, with respect to FT, shares of Series 3 PCS Stock
and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity
Interest In The PCS Group and, with respect to DT, shares of Series 3 PCS
Stock and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT
Equity Interest In The PCS Group.
  "Class A Provisions" means Section 5 (but only with respect to those
provisions addressing the Class A Stock), Section 6 (but only with respect to
those provisions addressing the Class A Stock), Section 8, Section 9 (but only
with respect to those provisions addressing the Class A Stock), Section 10,
Section 11 and Section 12 of ARTICLE SIXTH.

  "Class A--Series DT FON Vote Per Share" means, on any date, a number equal
to X/Y, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group and "Y" equals the
aggregate number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT.
  "Class A--Series DT PCS Interest Fraction," as of any date, means the
fraction the numerator of which shall be the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such
date and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (i) the number of shares
of PCS Stock outstanding on such date, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest on such date, (iii) the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group on such date and (iv) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date.     
  "Class A--Series DT PCS Vote Per Share" means, on any date, a number equal
to (X/Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To
The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group, "Y" equals the
aggregate number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT and
"Z" equals, in the case of ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 3.2(d), one, and in all
other cases, the applicable PCS Per Share Vote on such date.     
  "Class A Stock" means the Class A Common Stock, the Series 3 FON Stock and
the Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Closing Price" means, with respect to a security on any day, the last sale
price, regular way, or in case no such sale takes place on such day, the
average of the closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case as
reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with
respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on The New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. or, if such security is not listed or admitted to trading on
such exchange, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting
system with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities
exchange on which the security is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange, the last quoted sale price or, if not so quoted, the average of the
high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by
the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations
System or such other system then in use, or, if on any such date such security
is not quoted by any such organization, the average of the closing bid and
asked prices as furnished by a professional market maker making a market in
the security selected in good faith by the Board of Directors. If the security
is not publicly held or so listed or publicly traded, "Closing Price" means
the Fair Market Value of such security.
  "Committed Percentage" means, as to any Class A Holder, the percentage
obtained by dividing the aggregate number of Votes represented or to be
represented by the Voting Securities of this Corporation (a) owned of record
by such Class A Holder or by its nominees; and (b) which such Class A Holder
has committed to this Corporation to purchase pursuant to Articles V and VI or
Sections 7.3 and 7.8 of the Stockholders Agreement (but not pursuant to the
FT/DT Restructuring Agreement until such shares are acquired pursuant to such
agreement), by the sum of (i) the Voting Power of this Corporation, and (ii)
the Votes to be represented by any Voting Securities of this Corporation such
Class A Holder has committed to this Corporation to purchase from this
Corporation pursuant to Articles V or VI or Section 7.3 of the Stockholders'
Agreement (but not pursuant to the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement until such
shares are acquired pursuant to such agreement).
  "Continuing Director" has the meaning set forth in the Fair Price
  "Contract" means any loan or credit agreement, note, bond, indenture,
mortgage, deed of trust, lease, franchise, contract, or other agreement,
obligation, instrument or binding commitment of any nature.
  "Control" means, with respect to a Person or Group, any of the following:
    (a) ownership by such Person or Group of Votes entitling it to exercise
  in the aggregate more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of the entity in
  question; or

    (b) possession by such Person or Group of the power, directly or
  indirectly, (i) to elect a majority of the board of directors (or
  equivalent governing body) of the entity in question; or (ii) to direct or
  cause the direction of the management and policies of or with respect to
  the entity in question, whether through ownership of securities, by
  contract or otherwise.
  "Conversion Date" means the date fixed by the Board of Directors as the
effective date for the conversion of shares of PCS Stock into shares of FON
Stock (and Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The
PCS Group into Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In
The FON Group) as shall be set forth in the notice to holders of shares of PCS
Stock and to holders of any Convertible Securities that are convertible into
or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of PCS Stock required pursuant to
Section 7.4(E).
  "Conversion Time" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5(j) of ARTICLE
  "Converted Series Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.5(c) of
  "Converted Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5(j) of ARTICLE
  "Converted Votes" means, on any particular day, (i) in the case of a share
of Series 2 PCS Stock, the applicable PCS Per Share Vote a share of Series 1
PCS Stock would have had if the computation described in Section 3.2(a)(iii)
had occurred on such day and (ii) in the case of a share of Series 2 FON
Stock, one vote per share.
  "Convertible Securities" at any time means any securities of the Corporation
or of any subsidiary thereof (other than shares of Corporation Common Stock),
including warrants and options, outstanding at such time that by their terms
are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for or evidence the right
to acquire any shares of any class or series of Corporation Common Stock,
whether convertible, exchangeable or exercisable at such time or a later time
or only upon the occurrence of certain events, pursuant to antidilution
provisions of such securities or otherwise.
  "Core Businesses" means all businesses in the fields of telecommunications
and information technology and applications, and equipment, software
applications and consumer and business services related thereto or making use
of the technology thereof, including value-added consumer and business
services generated through or as a result of underlying telecommunications
services using all technology (voice, data and image) and physical transport,
network intelligence, and software applications, and cable television (but not
including any programming or content-related activities with respect thereto).
  "Corporation Common Stock" means the Series 1 FON Stock, the Series 2 FON
Stock, the Series 3 FON Stock, the Class A Common Stock, the Series 1 PCS
Stock, the Series 2 PCS Stock and the Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Corporation Joint Venture Termination" means any of the following:
    (a) the sale of Venture Interests by a Sprint Party pursuant to Section
  20.5(a) of the Joint Venture Agreement; or
    (b) the receipt by the FT/DT Parties of the Tie-Breaking Vote due to a
  Funding Default, Material Non-Funding Default or Bankruptcy (as such terms
  are defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) on the part of any of the
  Sprint Parties.
  "Director" means a member of the Board of Directors.
  "Disposition" means a sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition
(whether by merger, consolidation, sale or contribution of assets or stock or
otherwise) of properties or assets.
  "DT" means Deutsche Telekom AG, an Aktiengesellschaft formed under the laws
of Germany.

  "Effective Date" means the date on which these Amended and Restated Articles
of Incorporation become effective.
  "ESMR" means any commercial mobile radio service, and the resale of such
service, of the type authorized under the rules for Specialized Mobile Radio
Services designated under Subpart S of Part 90 of the FCC's rules or similar
Applicable Laws of any other country in effect on the date hereof, including
the networking, marketing, distribution, sales, customer interface and
operations functions relating thereto.
  "Europe" means the current geographic area covered by the following
countries and territories located on the European continent, plus, in the case
of France, its territories and possessions located outside the European
continent: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
  "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
the rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission promulgated thereunder.
  "Exempt Asset Divestitures" means, with respect to this Corporation and its
    (a) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) to joint ventures approved by FT and DT prior to
  January 31, 1996;
    (b) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) to (i) any entity in exchange for equity interests in
  such entity if, after such transaction, this Corporation owns at least 51
  percent of both the Voting Power and equity interests in such entity or
  (ii) any joint venture that is an operating joint venture not controlled by
  any of its principals and in which (x) this Corporation has the right,
  acting alone, to disapprove (and thereby prohibit) decisions relating to
  acquisitions and divestitures involving more than 20 percent of the Fair
  Market Value of such entity's assets, mergers, consolidations and
  dissolution or liquidation of such entity and the adoption of such entity's
  business plan, and (y) Major Competitors of the Joint Venture do not in the
  aggregate own more than 20 percent of the equity interests or Voting Power;
    (c) transactions in which this Corporation exchanges one or more (i)
  local exchange telephone businesses for one or more such businesses or (ii)
  public cellular or wireless radio telecommunications service systems for
  one or more such systems, provided that this Corporation shall not,
  directly or indirectly, receive cash in any such transaction in an amount
  greater than 20 percent of the Fair Market Value of the property or
  properties Transferred by it;
    (d) Transfers of assets, shares or other equity interests (other than
  Long Distance Assets) by this Corporation to any of its Subsidiaries, or by
  any of its Subsidiaries to this Corporation or any other Subsidiary of this
    (e) any Spin-off of equity interests of a wholly-owned Subsidiary that is
  not a Subsidiary which, directly or indirectly, owns Long Distance Assets
  (for purposes of this definition, the "Spun-off Entity"), provided that the
  Class A Holders receive securities in the Spun-off Entity of a separate
  class with rights no less favorable to the Class A Holders than those
  applicable to the Class A Stock set forth in these Articles of
  Incorporation and the Bylaws;
    (f) Transfers of assets (other than Long Distance Assets) of this
  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries that are primarily or exclusively
  used in connection with providing information technology or data processing
  functions or services (collectively, for purposes of this definition, the
  "IT Assets") to any Person that regularly provides information technology
  or data processing functions or services on a commercial basis, in
  connection with a contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition,
  an "IT Service Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to
  provide information technology or data processing

  functions or services to this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of
  substantially the same nature as the services associated with the use of
  such assets prior to such Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms
  to this Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation,
  provided that (i) the term of such IT Service Contract shall be for a
  period at least as long as the weighted average useful life of such assets,
  or this Corporation or such Subsidiary shall have the right to cause such
  IT Service Contract to be renewed or extended for a period at least as long
  as such weighted average useful life upon commercially reasonable terms to
  this Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation, and (ii)
  the Transfer of such assets will not materially and adversely affect the
  operation of this Corporation; or
    (g) Transfers of assets (other than Long Distance Assets or IT Assets) of
  this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries to any Person in connection
  with any contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition, a "Non-
  IT Service Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to provide
  services to this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of substantially
  the same nature as the services associated with the use of such assets
  prior to such Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms to this
  Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation, provided, that
  (i) the Fair Market Value of such assets, together with the Fair Market
  Value of assets of this Corporation Transferred to such Person or other
  Persons in related transactions, do not represent more than five percent of
  the Fair Market Value of the assets of this Corporation, (ii) the Transfer
  of such assets will not materially and adversely affect the operation of
  this Corporation, and (iii) the term of such Non-IT Service Contract shall
  be for a period at least as long as the weighted average useful life of the
  assets so Transferred or this Corporation or such Subsidiary has the right
  to cause such Non-IT Service Contract to be renewed or extended for a
  period at least as long as such weighted average useful life upon
  commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in good
  faith by this Corporation.
  "Exempt Long Distance Asset Divestitures" means, with respect to this
Corporation and its Subsidiaries:
    (a) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to a Qualified Joint Venture;
    (b) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to any entity if this Corporation
  and its Subsidiaries after such transaction own at least 70 percent of both
  the Voting Power and equity interests of such entity, provided that if a
  Major Competitor of FT or DT or of the Joint Venture holds equity interests
  in such entity, such Major Competitor's equity interests and Votes in such
  entity as a percentage of the Voting Power of such entity shall not,
  directly or indirectly, exceed 20 percent;
    (c) Transfers of Long Distance Assets pursuant to an underwritten,
  widely-distributed public offering at the conclusion of which this
  Corporation and its Subsidiaries shall own at least 51 percent of both the
  Voting Power and equity interests in the entity that owns such Long
  Distance Assets;
    (d) Transfers in the ordinary course of business of Long Distance Assets
  determined by this Corporation to be unnecessary for the orderly operation
  of this Corporation's business, and sale-leasebacks of Long Distance Assets
  and similar financing transactions after which this Corporation and its
  Subsidiaries continue in possession and control of the Long Distance Assets
  involved in such transaction;
    (e) Transfers of Long Distance Assets by this Corporation to any of its
  Subsidiaries, or by any of its Subsidiaries to this Corporation or any
  other Subsidiary of this Corporation;
    (f) Transfers of Long Distance Assets to FT or DT or any assignee thereof
  pursuant to the Stockholders' Agreement;
    (g) any Spin-off of equity interests of a wholly-owned Subsidiary which,
  directly or indirectly, owns Long Distance Assets (for purposes of this
  definition, the "Spun-off Entity"), provided that the Class A Holders
  receive securities in the Spun-off Entity of a separate class with rights
  no less favorable to the Class A Holders than those applicable to the Class
  A Stock set forth in these Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws;
    (h) Transfers of Long Distance Assets of this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries that are primarily or exclusively used in connection with
  providing information technology or data processing functions or services
  (collectively, for purposes of this definition, the "IT Assets") to any
  Person that regularly provides

  information technology or data processing functions or services on a
  commercial basis, in connection with a contractual arrangement (for
  purposes of this definition, an "IT Service Contract") pursuant to which
  such Person undertakes to provide information technology or data processing
  functions or services to this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of
  substantially the same nature as the services associated with the use of
  such Long Distance Assets prior to such Transfer and upon commercially
  reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in good faith by this
  Corporation, provided that (i) the term of such IT Service Contract shall
  be for a period at least as long as the weighted average useful life of
  such Long Distance Assets, or this Corporation or such Subsidiary shall
  have the right to cause such IT Service Contract to be renewed or extended
  for a period at least as long as such weighted average useful life upon
  commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in good
  faith by this Corporation, and (ii) the Transfer of such Long Distance
  Assets will not materially and adversely affect the operation of the Long
  Distance Business. Any such IT Service Contract involving Transfers of Long
  Distance Assets, including any renewal or extension thereof, shall be
  deemed to be a Long Distance Asset; or
    (i) Transfers of Long Distance Assets (other than IT Assets) of this
  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries to any Person in connection with any
  contractual arrangement (for purposes of this definition, a "Non-IT Service
  Contract") pursuant to which such Person undertakes to provide services to
  this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries of substantially the same
  nature as the services associated with the use of such Long Distance Assets
  prior to such Transfer and upon commercially reasonable terms to this
  Corporation as determined in good faith by this Corporation, provided, that
  (i) the Fair Market Value of such Long Distance Assets, together with the
  Fair Market Value of Long Distance Assets Transferred to such Person or
  other Persons in related transactions, do not represent more than three
  percent of the Fair Market Value of the Long Distance Assets of this
  Corporation, (ii) the Transfer of such Long Distance Assets will not
  materially and adversely affect the operation of the Long Distance
  Business, and (iii) the term of such Non-IT Service Contract shall be for a
  period at least as long as the weighted average useful life of the Long
  Distance Assets so Transferred or this Corporation or such Subsidiary has
  the right to cause such Service Contract to be renewed or extended for a
  period at least as long as such weighted average useful life upon
  commercially reasonable terms to this Corporation as determined in good
  faith by this Corporation. Any such Non-IT Service Contract involving
  Transfers of Long Distance Assets, including any renewal or extension
  thereof, shall be deemed to be a Long Distance Asset.
  "Extraordinary Dividend" means, with respect to capital stock of this
Corporation, a cash dividend or other cash distribution, other than (a) a
regular periodic dividend payable in cash; or (b) a dividend payable in
accordance with the terms of the Preferred Stock.
  "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to any asset, shares or other
property, the cash price at which a willing seller would sell and a willing
buyer would buy such asset, shares or other property in an arm's-length
negotiated transaction without undue time restraints, as determined in good
faith by a majority of the Independent Directors as certified in a resolution
delivered to all of the Class A Holders.
  "Fair Price Condition" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2 of ARTICLE
  "Fair Price Provisions" means ARTICLE SEVENTH of these Articles of
Incorporation, and any successor provision thereto.
  "Fair Value" means, in the case of equity securities or debt securities of a
class that has previously been Publicly Traded for a period of at least 15
months, the Market Value thereof (if such value, as so defined, can be
determined) or, in the case of an equity security or debt security that has
not been Publicly Traded for at least such period, means the fair value per
share of stock or per other unit of such other security, on a fully
distributed basis, as determined by an independent investment banking firm
experienced in the valuation of securities selected in good faith by the Board
of Directors; provided, however, that in the case of property other than
securities, the "Fair Value" thereof shall be determined in good faith by the
Board of Directors based upon such appraisals or valuation reports of such
independent experts as the Board of Directors shall in good faith

determine to be appropriate in accordance with good business practice. Any
such determination of Fair Value shall be described in a statement filed with
the records of the actions of the Board of Directors.
  "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission.
  "FCC Order" means, with respect to any proposed Transfer of Long Distance
Assets by this Corporation, either:
    (a) an effective written order or other final action from the FCC (either
  in the first instance or upon review or reconsideration) either declaring
  that FT and DT are not prohibited by Section 310 from owning such Long
  Distance Assets or stating that no such declaration is required, and as to
  which no Proceeding shall be pending or threatened that presents a
  substantial possibility of resulting in a reversal thereof; or
    (b) an effective written order from, or other final action taken by, the
  FCC pursuant to delegated authority (either in the first instance or upon
  review or reconsideration) either declaring that FT and DT are not
  prohibited by Section 310 from owning such Long Distance Assets, or stating
  that no such declaration is required, which order or final action shall no
  longer be subject to further administrative review, and as to which no
  Proceeding shall be pending or threatened that presents a substantial
  possibility of resulting in a reversal thereof; For purposes of clause (b)
  of this definition, an order from, or other final action taken by, the FCC
  pursuant to delegated authority shall be deemed no longer subject to
  further administrative review:
      (x) if no petition for reconsideration or application for review by
    the FCC of such order or final action has been filed within thirty days
    after the date of public notice of such order or final action, as such
    30-day period is computed and as such date is defined in Sections 1.104
    and 1.4 (or any successor provisions), as applicable, of the FCC's
    rules, and the FCC has not initiated review of such order or final
    action on its own motion within forty days after the date of public
    notice of the order or final action, as such 40-day period is computed
    and such date is defined in Sections 1.117 and 1.4 (or any successor
    provisions) of the FCC's rules; or
      (y) if any such petition for reconsideration or application for
    review has been filed, or, if the FCC has initiated review of such
    order or final action on its own motion, the FCC has issued an
    effective written order or taken final action to the effect set forth
    in clause (a) above.
  "FON Group Intergroup Interest Fraction" as of any date means a fraction the
numerator of which is the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON
Group Intergroup Interest on such date and the denominator of which is the sum
of (A) such Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
Interest, (B) the aggregate number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding on such
date, (iii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date and (iv) the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS
Group on such date. A statement setting forth the FON Group Intergroup
Interest Fraction as of the record date for any dividend or distribution on
the PCS Stock, as of the end of each fiscal quarter of the Corporation and as
of any date otherwise required under these Articles of Incorporation or by the
Board of Directors shall be filed by the Secretary of the Corporation in the
records of the Board of Directors of the Corporation not later than fifteen
Business Days after such date.     
  "FON Preferred Stock" means Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the
Sprint FON Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13.
  "FON Stock" means the Series 1 FON Stock, the Series 2 FON Stock and the
Series 3 FON Stock.
  "France" means the Republic of France, including French Guiana, Guadeloupe,
Martinique and Reunion, and its territories and possessions.
  "FT" means France Telecom SA, a societe anonyme formed under the laws of
  "FT/DT Joint Venture Termination" means any of the following:
    (a) the sale of Venture Interests by an FT/DT Party pursuant to Section
  20.5(b), 20.5(c) or 20.5(d) of the Joint Venture Agreement; or

    (b) the receipt by the Sprint Parties of the Tie-Breaking Vote due to a
  Funding Default, Material Non-Funding Default or Bankruptcy (as such terms
  are defined in the Joint Venture Agreement) on the part of any of the FT/DT
  "FT/DT Party" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "FT/DT Restructuring Agreement" means the Master Restructuring and
Investment Agreement, dated as of May 26, 1998, among FT, DT and this
Corporation, as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Germany" means the Federal Republic of Germany.
  "Governmental Authority" means any federation, nation, state, sovereign, or
government, any federal, supranational, regional, state or local political
subdivision, any governmental or administrative body, instrumentality,
department or agency or any court, tribunal, administrative hearing body,
arbitration panel, commission or other similar dispute resolving panel or
body, and any other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial,
regulatory or administrative functions of a government, provided that the term
"Governmental Authority" shall not include FT, DT, Atlas or any of their
respective Subsidiaries.
  "Group" means any group within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the
Exchange Act.
  "Independent Director" means any member of the Board of Directors who (a) is
not an officer or employee of this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any
of their respective Subsidiaries, (b) is not a former officer of this
Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any of their respective Subsidiaries,
(c) does not, in addition to such person's role as a Director, act on a
regular basis, either individually or as a member or representative of an
organization, serving as a professional adviser, legal counsel or consultant
to this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or their respective Subsidiaries,
if, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors of
this Corporation (the "Nominating Committee") or the Board of Directors if a
Nominating Committee is not in existence, such relationship is material to
this Corporation, any Class A Holder, or the organization so represented or
such person, and (d) does not represent, and is not a member of the immediate
family of, a person who would not satisfy the requirements of the preceding
clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this sentence. A person who has been or is a
partner, officer or director of an organization that has customary commercial,
industrial, banking or underwriting relationships with this Corporation, any
Class A Holder, or any of their respective Subsidiaries, that are carried on
in the ordinary course of business on an arms-length basis and who otherwise
satisfies the requirements set forth in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the
first sentence of this definition, may qualify as an Independent Director,
unless, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee or the Board of Directors
if a Nominating Committee is not in existence, such person is not independent
of the management of this Corporation, or any Class A Holder, or any of their
respective Subsidiaries, or the relationship would interfere with the exercise
of independent judgment as a member of the Board of Directors. A person who
otherwise satisfies the requirements set forth in clauses (a), (b), (c) and
(d) of the first sentence of this definition and who, in addition to
fulfilling the customary director's role, also provides additional services
directly for the Board of Directors and is separately compensated therefor,
would nonetheless qualify as an Independent Director. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in this definition, each Director as of the date of
the execution of the Investment Agreement who is not an executive officer of
this Corporation shall be deemed to be an Independent Director hereunder.
  "Investment Agreement" means the Investment Agreement, dated as of July 31,
1995, among FT, DT and this Corporation (and all exhibits and schedules
thereto), as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Investment Documents" means the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement and the
Stockholders' Agreement.
  "Joint Venture" means the joint venture formed by FT, DT, this Corporation
and Sprint Sub, as provided in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Joint Venture Agreement" means the Joint Venture Agreement, dated as of
June 22, 1995 among FT, DT, Sprint Sub, and this Corporation, as amended or
supplemented from time to time.

  "JV Entity" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Lien" means any mortgage, pledge, security interest, adverse claim,
encumbrance, lien (statutory or otherwise) or charge of any kind (including
any agreement to give any of the foregoing, any conditional sale or other
title retention agreement, any lease in the nature thereof, and the filing of
or agreement to give any financing statement under the Uniform Commercial Code
or similar Applicable Law of any jurisdiction) or any other type of
preferential arrangement for the purpose, or having the effect, of protecting
a creditor against loss or securing the payment or performance of an
  "Lien Transfer" means the granting of any Lien on any Long Distance Asset,
other than:
    (a) a Lien securing purchase money indebtedness that does not have a term
  longer than the estimated useful life of such Long Distance Asset;
    (b) Liens or other comparable arrangements relating to the financing of
  accounts receivable; and
    (c) Liens securing any other indebtedness for borrowed money, provided
  that (i) the amount of such indebtedness, when added to the aggregate
  amount of purchase money indebtedness referred to in clause (a) above, does
  not exceed 30% of the total book value of the Long Distance Assets as at
  the date of the most recently published balance sheet of this Corporation,
  (ii) the indebtedness secured by such Liens is secured only by Liens on
  Long Distance Assets, (iii) the face amount of such indebtedness does not
  exceed the book value of the Long Distance Assets subject to such Liens,
  and (iv) such indebtedness is for a term no longer than the estimated
  useful life of the Long Distance Assets subject to such Liens.
  "Local Exchange Division" means the Local Communications Services Division
of this Corporation.
  "Long Distance Assets" means:
    (a) the assets reflected in this Corporation's balance sheet for the year
  ended December 31, 1994 as included in the Long Distance Division;
    (b) any assets acquired by this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries
  following December 31, 1994 that are reflected in this Corporation's
  balance sheet as included in the Long Distance Division;
    (c) any assets of this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries that are
  not reflected in this Corporation's balance sheet for the year ended
  December 31, 1994 as included in the Long Distance Division, which after
  December 31, 1994 are transferred by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries to, or reclassified by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries as part of, the Long Distance Division;
    (d) any assets acquired by this Corporation after December 31, 1994 that
  are used or held for use primarily for the benefit of the Long Distance
  Business; and
    (e) any assets referred to in clauses (a) through (c) above that are used
  or held for use primarily for the benefit of the Long Distance Business
  which are transferred or reclassified by this Corporation or any of its
  Subsidiaries outside of the Long Distance Division, but which continue to
  be owned by this Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries;
provided that the term "Long Distance Assets" shall not include (i) any assets
that are used or held for use primarily for the benefit of any Non-Long
Distance Business, or (ii) any other assets reflected in this Corporation's
balance sheet for the year ended December 31, 1994 as included in the Cellular
and Wireless Division or the Local Exchange Division (other than as such
assets in the Cellular and Wireless Division or the Local Exchange Division
may be transferred or reclassified in accordance with paragraph (c) of this
  "Long Distance Business" means all long distance telecommunications
activities and services of this Corporation and its Subsidiaries at the
relevant time, including (but not limited to) all long distance transport
services, switching and value-added services for voice, data, video and
multimedia transmission, migration paths and intelligent overlapping
architectures, provided that the term "Long Distance Business" shall not
include any activities or services primarily related to any Non-Long Distance

  "Long Distance Division" means the Long Distance Communications Services
Division of this Corporation.
  "Major Competitor" means (a) with respect to FT or DT, a Person that
materially competes with a major portion of the telecommunications services
business of FT or DT in Europe or a Person that has taken substantial steps to
become such a Major Competitor and which FT or DT has reasonably concluded, in
its good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future in
France or Germany, provided that FT and/or DT furnish in writing to this
Corporation reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps; (b) with
respect to this Corporation, a Person that materially competes with a major
portion of the telecommunications services business of this Corporation in
North America, or a Person that has taken substantial steps to become such a
Major Competitor and which this Corporation has reasonably concluded, in its
good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future in the
United States of America provided that this Corporation furnish in writing to
each Class A Holder reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps; and
(c) with respect to the Joint Venture, a Person that materially competes with
a major portion of the telecommunications services business of the Joint
Venture, or a Person that has taken substantial steps to become such a Major
Competitor and which FT, DT or this Corporation has reasonably concluded, in
its good faith judgment, will be such a competitor in the near future,
provided that FT, DT or this Corporation furnish in writing to the other two
of them reasonable evidence of the occurrence of such steps.
  "Major Competitor Transaction" has the meaning set forth in ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 8.4.
  "Major Issuance" means any transaction, including, but not limited to, a
merger or business combination, resulting, directly or indirectly, in the
issuance (or sale from treasury) in connection with such transaction of Voting
Securities of this Corporation with a number of Votes equal to or greater than
30 percent of the Voting Power of this Corporation immediately prior to such
  "Market Capitalization" means, with respect to this Corporation at any date,
the sum of the average Market Price over the immediately preceding 20 Business
Days of each share of outstanding capital stock of this Corporation,
securities convertible into such capital stock and options, warrants or other
rights to acquire such capital stock.
  "Market Price" means with respect to a security on any date, the Closing
Price of such security on the Trading Day immediately prior to such date. The
Market Price shall be deemed to be equal to, (i) in the case of a share of
Series 3 FON Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be, the Market Price
of a share of Series 1 FON Stock and (ii) in the case of a share of Series 3
PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be, the Market Price of a
share of Series 1 PCS Stock. The Market Price of (x) any options, warrants,
rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for Series 3 FON
Stock or Series 2 FON Stock shall be equal to the Market Price of options,
warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for
Series 1 FON Stock upon the same terms and otherwise containing the same terms
as such options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or
exercisable for Series 3 FON Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be,
and (y) any options, warrants, rights or other securities convertible into or
exercisable for Series 3 PCS Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be,
shall be equal to the Market Price of options, warrants, rights or other
securities convertible into or exercisable for Series 1 PCS Stock upon the
same terms and otherwise containing the same terms as such options, warrants,
rights or other securities convertible into or exercisable for Series 3 PCS
Stock or Series 2 PCS Stock, as the case may be.
  "Market Value" of a share of any class or series of capital stock of the
Corporation on any day means the average of the high and low reported sales
prices regular way of a share of such class or series on such day (if such day
is a Trading Day, and if such day is not a Trading Day, on the Trading Day
immediately preceding such day) or, in case no such reported sale takes place
on such Trading Day, the average of the reported closing bid and asked prices
regular way of a share of such class or series on such Trading Day, in either
case as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape or, if the
shares of such class or series are not listed or admitted to trading on such
Exchange on such Trading Day, on the principal national securities exchange in
the United States on which the shares of such class or series are listed or
admitted to trading or, if not listed or

admitted to trading on any national securities exchange on such Trading Day,
on the National Market tier of The Nasdaq Stock Market or, if the shares of
such class or series are not listed or admitted to trading on any national
securities exchange or quoted on such National Market System on such Trading
Day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices of a share of such class
or series in the over-the-counter market on such Trading Day as furnished by
any New York Stock Exchange member firm selected from time to time by the
Board of Directors or, if such closing bid and asked prices are not made
available by any such New York Stock Exchange member firm on such Trading Day,
the Fair Value of a share of such class or series; provided that, for purposes
of determining the Market Value of a share of any class or series of capital
stock for any period,
    (i) the "Market Value" of a share of capital stock on any day prior to
  any "ex-dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period for
  any dividend or distribution (other than any dividend or distribution
  contemplated by clause (ii)(B) of this definition) paid or to be paid with
  respect to such capital stock shall be reduced by the Fair Value of the per
  share amount of such dividend or distribution and
    (ii) the "Market Value" of any share of capital stock on any day prior to
  (A) the effective date of any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of outstanding shares of
  such class of capital stock occurring during such period or (B) any "ex-
  dividend" date or any similar date occurring during such period for any
  dividend or distribution with respect to such capital stock to be made in
  shares of such class or series of capital stock or Convertible Securities
  that are convertible, exchangeable or exercisable for such class or series
  of capital stock shall be appropriately adjusted, as determined by the
  Board of Directors, to reflect such subdivision, combination, dividend or
  "Net Proceeds" means, as of any date with respect to any Disposition of any
of the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group, an amount, if any,
equal to what remains of the gross proceeds of such Disposition after payment
of, or reasonable provision is made as determined by the Board of Directors
for, (A) any taxes payable by the Corporation (or which would have been
payable but for the utilization of tax benefits attributable to the Sprint FON
Group) in respect of such Disposition or in respect of any resulting dividend
or redemption pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.1(A)(1)(a) or (b), (B) any
transaction costs, including, without limitation, any legal, investment
banking and accounting fees and expenses and (C) any liabilities (contingent
or otherwise) of or attributed to the PCS Group, including, without
limitation, any liabilities for deferred taxes or any indemnity or guarantee
obligations of the Corporation incurred in connection with the Disposition or
otherwise, and any liabilities for future purchase price adjustments and any
preferential amounts plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends in respect of
Preferred Stock attributed to the PCS Group. For purposes of this definition,
any properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group remaining after such
Disposition shall constitute "reasonable provision" for such amount of taxes,
costs and liabilities (contingent or otherwise) as the Board of Directors
determines can be expected to be supported by such properties and assets.
  "Non-Class A Common Stock" means the Series 1 FON Stock, the Series 2 FON
Stock, the Series 1 PCS Stock and the Series 2 PCS Stock.
  "Non-Long Distance Business" means (a) the ownership of any equity or other
interests in the Joint Venture or any of the JV Entities; the enforcement or
performance of any of the rights or obligations of this Corporation or any
Subsidiary of this Corporation pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement; or any
activities or services of the Joint Venture or any of the JV Entities; (b) the
interests, assets, properties and businesses attributed to the PCS Group in
accordance with this Section 10; (c) any activities or services primarily
related to the provision of subscriber connections to a local exchange or
switch providing access to the public switched telephone network; (d) any
activities or services primarily related to the provision of exchange access
services for the purpose of originating or terminating long distance
telecommunications services; (e) any activities or services primarily related
to the resale by the Local Exchange Division of long distance
telecommunications services of this Corporation or other carriers; (f) any
activities or services primarily related to the provision of inter-LATA long
distance telecommunications services that are incidental to the local exchange
services business of the Local Exchange Division; (g) any activities or
services primarily related to the provision of intra-LATA long distance
telecommunications services; (h) any activities or services (whether local,
intra-LATA or inter-LATA) primarily related to the provision of cellular, PCS,
ESMR or paging services, mobile telecommunications

services or any other voice, data or voice/data wireless services, whether
fixed or mobile, or related to telecommunications services provided through
communications satellite systems (whether low, medium or high orbit systems);
and (i) the use of the "Sprint" brand name or any other brand names, trade
names or trademarks owned or licensed by this Corporation or any of its
  "North America" means the current geographic area covered by the following
countries: Canada, the United States of Mexico and the United States of
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The FON Group" means, as of the Effective Date, a number equal to
the aggregate number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT
as of the Effective Date; provided, however, that such number shall from time
to time thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the FON Stock or any reclassification of FON
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of shares of Series 1 FON Stock
  or Series 3 FON Stock issued in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2
  and any reduction required to reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group pursuant to
  Section 2.2 to the extent allocated to shares of Class A Common Stock--
  Series DT; and
    (C) adjusted by the Board of Directors to properly reflect any other
  necessary changes on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis.
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity
Interest In The PCS Group" means, as of the Effective Date, a number (rounded
up to the nearest whole share) equal to one-half of the aggregate number of
outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT as of the Effective
Date; provided, however, that such number shall from time to time thereafter
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Board of Directors by (1) the
  amount of any payment made to the holders of Class A Common Stock--Series
  DT pursuant to Section 7.1(B)(5) or Section 7.1(B)(6) divided by the
  corresponding redemption price per share of PCS Stock pursuant to Section
  7.1(A)(1)(b)(i) or Section 7.1(A)(1)(b)(ii), (2) any reduction required to
  reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable With Respect To Class A Equity
  Interest In The PCS Group pursuant to Section 2.2 to the extent allocated
  to shares of Class A Common Stock--Series DT, (3) the amount necessary to
  reflect the conversion of some or all of this number into a Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
  The FON Group in accordance with Sections 7.1(B)(7), 7.1(C) and 7.1(D), and
  (4) the amount necessary to reflect the redemption thereof in exchange for
  the issuance of shares of common stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary in
  accordance with Section 7.2;     
    (C) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
  or Series 3 PCS Stock issued by the Corporation in accordance with ARTICLE
  SIXTH, Section 1.2; and     
    (D) adjusted by the Board of Directors to properly reflect any other
  necessary changes on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis.     
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
Interest" means, as of the Effective Date, a number equal to 220,000,000 less
the sum of (i) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A
Common Equity Interest In The PCS Group, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable

Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group (iii) one-
half of the number of shares of Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share,
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Date, and (iv) one-half of the
number of shares of Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, held as treasury
shares by the Corporation immediately prior to the Effective Date; provided,
however, that such number shall from time to time thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, as determined by the Board of Directors to be appropriate
  to reflect equitably any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or
  combination (by reverse stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any
  dividend or other distribution of shares of PCS Stock to holders of shares
  of PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS Stock;     
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Board of Directors by (1) the
  number of shares of PCS Stock issued or sold by the Corporation that,
  immediately prior to such issuance or sale, were included (as determined by
  the Board of Directors pursuant to paragraph (C) of this definition) in the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
  Interest, (2) the number of shares of PCS Stock issued upon conversion,
  exchange or exercise of Convertible Securities that, immediately prior to
  the issuance or sale of such Convertible Securities, were included in the
  Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
  Interest, (3) the number of shares of PCS Stock issued by the Corporation
  as a dividend or other distribution (including in connection with any
  reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of FON Stock and Class A
  Common Stock (but only with respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To
  The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or shares of FON Preferred
  Stock, as the case may be, (4) the number of shares of PCS Stock issued
  upon the conversion, exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities
  issued by the Corporation as a dividend or other distribution (including in
  connection with any reclassification or exchange of shares) to holders of
  FON Stock or Class A Common Stock (but only with respect to any Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group) or
  shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be, (5) the quotient of (a)
  the aggregate Fair Value of any PCS Preferred Stock (or Convertible
  Securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares of
  PCS Preferred Stock) issued by the Corporation as a dividend or other
  distribution (including in connection with any classification or exchange
  of shares) to holders of FON Stock, Class A Common Stock (but only with
  respect to any Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest
  In The FON Group), or shares of FON Preferred Stock, as the case may be,
  divided by (b) the Market Value of one share of PCS Stock as of the date of
  issuance of such PCS Preferred Stock (or Convertible Securities), or (6)
  the number (rounded, if necessary, to the nearest whole number) equal to
  the quotient of (a) the aggregate Fair Value as of the date of contribution
  of properties or assets (including cash) transferred from the PCS Group to
  the Sprint FON Group in consideration for a reduction in the Number Of
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest divided
  by (b) the Market Value of one share of PCS Stock as of the date of such
  transfer; and
    (C) increased by (1) the number of outstanding shares of PCS Stock
  repurchased by the Corporation for consideration that had been attributed
  to the Sprint FON Group, (2) the number (rounded, if necessary, to the
  nearest whole number) equal to the quotient of (a) the Fair Value of
  properties or assets (including cash) theretofore attributed to the Sprint
  FON Group that are contributed, by action of the Board of Directors, to the
  PCS Group in consideration of an increase in the Number Of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest, divided by (b) the
  Market Value of one share of PCS Stock as of the date of such contribution
  and (3) the number of shares of PCS Stock into or for which Convertible
  Securities are deemed converted, exchanged or exercised pursuant to the
  penultimate sentence of the definition of "Sprint FON Group";     
provided, further, that the Board of Directors may make such subsequent
changes to the calculations made pursuant to subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C)
immediately above as may be required for purposes of accurately determining
such number.     
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest
In The FON Group" means, as of the Effective Date, a number equal to the
aggregate number of outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock as of the
Effective Date; provided, however, that such number shall from time to time
thereafter be:

    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the FON Stock or any reclassification of FON
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of Shares of Series 1 FON Stock
  or Series 3 FON Stock issued in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 1.2
  and any reduction required to reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable
  With Respect To Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group pursuant to
  Section 2.2 to the extent allocated to shares of Old Class A Common Stock;
    (C) adjusted by the Board of Directors to properly reflect any other
  necessary changes on an equivalent Per Class A FON Share Basis.
  "Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest
In The PCS Group" means, as of the Effective Date, a number (rounded up to the
nearest whole share) equal to one-half of the aggregate number of outstanding
shares of Old Class A Common Stock as of the Effective Date; provided,
however, that such number shall from time to time thereafter be:
    (A) adjusted, on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis, to reflect
  any subdivision (by stock split or otherwise) or combination (by reverse
  stock split or otherwise) of the PCS Stock or any reclassification of PCS
  Stock; and
    (B) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by action of the Board of Directors by (1) the
  amount of any payment made to the holders of Old Class A Common Stock
  pursuant to Section 7.1(B)(5) or Section 7.1(B)(6) divided by the
  corresponding redemption price per share of PCS Stock pursuant to Section
  7.1(A)(1)(b)(i) or Section 7.1(A)(1)(b)(ii), (2) any reduction required to
  reflect the redemption of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A
  Equity Interest In The PCS Group pursuant to Section 2.2 to the extent
  allocated to shares of Old Class A Common Stock, (3) the conversion of some
  or all of this number into a Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
  Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group in accordance with Sections
  7.1(B)(7), 7.1(C) and 7.1(D), and (4) the redemption thereof in exchange
  for the issuance of shares of common stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary in
  accordance with Section 7.2;     
    (C) decreased (but to not less than zero), if before such decrease such
  number is greater than zero, by the number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock
  or Series 3 PCS Stock issued by the Corporation in accordance with ARTICLE
  SIXTH, Section 1.2; and     
    (D) adjusted by the Board of Directors to properly reflect any other
  necessary changes on an equivalent Per Class A PCS Share Basis.     
  "Old Class A Common Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation"
column in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Old Class A FON Vote Per Share" means, on any date, a number equal to X /
Y, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and "Y" equals the aggregate number
of outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock.
  "Old Class A PCS Interest Fraction," as of any date, means the fraction the
numerator of which shall be the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date and the denominator
of which shall be the sum of (i) the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding
on such date, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group
Intergroup Interest on such date, (iii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date and
(iv) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT
Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date.
  "Old Class A PCS Vote Per Share" means, on any date, a number equal to (X /
Y) x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group, "Y" equals the aggregate number of
outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock and "Z" equals the applicable
PCS Per Share Vote on such date.

  "Optional Conversion Ratio" as of any date means the ratio of the Average
Trading Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock to the Average Trading Price of
a share of Series 1 FON Stock; provided, that such ratio would be determined
over a 60-Trading Day period if the 20-Trading Day period normally used to
determine the Average Trading Price is less than 90% of such ratio as
determined over a 60-Trading Day period.
  "Outstanding PCS Fraction," as of any date, means the fraction the numerator
of which shall be the number of shares of PCS Stock outstanding on such date
and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (i) the number of shares of
PCS Stock outstanding on such date, (ii) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest on such date, (iii) the Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group on such date and (iv) the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group on such date. A statement
setting forth the Outstanding PCS Fraction as of the record date for the
payment of any dividend or distribution on PCS Stock and as of the end of each
fiscal quarter of the Corporation shall be filed by the Secretary of the
Corporation in the records of the actions of the Board of Directors not later
than fifteen Business Days after such date.
  "PCS" means a radio communications system of the type authorized under the
rules for broadband personal communications services designated as Subpart E
of Part 24 of the FCC's rules or similar Applicable Laws of any other country,
including the network, marketing, distribution, sales, customer interface and
operations functions relating thereto.
  "PCS Group" means, as of any date from and after the Effective Date:
    (A) the interest on such date of the Corporation and any of its
  subsidiaries in any of the following Persons or any of their respective
  subsidiaries (including any successor thereto by merger, consolidation or
  sale of all or substantially all of its assets, whether or not in
  connection with a Related Business Transaction) (the "PCS Group Companies")
  and the corresponding interests in their respective assets and liabilities
  and the businesses conducted by such entities: SWV Six, Inc. (fka TCI
  Spectrum Holdings, Inc.); SWV One, Inc. (fka Com Telephony Services, Inc.);
  SWV Two, Inc. (fka Comcast Telephony Services, Inc.); SWV Three, Inc. (fka
  Cox Telephony Partners, Inc.); SWV Four, Inc. (fka Cox Communications
  Wireless, Inc.); Comcast Telephony Services; Cox Telephony Partnership;
  Sprint Enterprises, L.P.; MinorCo, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Holding Company,
  L.P.; American PCS, L.P.; Cox Communications PCS, L.P.; NewTelco, L.P.;
  Sprint Spectrum L.P.; American Personal Communications Holdings, Inc.;
  American PCS Communications, LLC; APC PCS, LLC; APC Realty and Equipment
  Company, LLC; Sprint Spectrum Finance Corporation; Sprint Spectrum
  Equipment Company, L.P.; Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, L.P.; WirelessCo,
  L.P.; SWV Five, Inc. (fka TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc.); PhillieCo
  Partners I, L.P.; PhillieCo Partners II, L.P.; PhillieCo Sub, L.P.;
  PhillieCo., L.P.; PhillieCo Equipment & Realty Company, L.P.; SprintCom,
  Inc.; SprintCom Equipment Company L.P.; PCS Leasing Co., L.P.; Cox PCS
  Assets, L.L.C.; and Cox PCS License, L.L.C.;
    (B) all assets and liabilities of the Corporation and its subsidiaries
  attributed by the Board of Directors to the PCS Group, whether or not such
  assets or liabilities are or were also assets or liabilities of any of the
  PCS Group Companies;
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the
  Sprint FON Group (other than a transaction pursuant to paragraph (D) of
  this definition) after the Effective Date pursuant to transactions in the
  ordinary course of business of both the Sprint FON Group and the PCS Group
  or otherwise as the Board of Directors may have directed as permitted by
    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the PCS Group from the
  Sprint FON Group in connection with an increase in the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest; and
    (E) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries in any
  business or asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by the Corporation
  or any of its subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business and
  attributed to the PCS Group, as determined by the Board of Directors as
  contemplated by Section 9.1(A) of ARTICLE SIXTH;

provided that
    (1) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other distribution
  with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend or other
  distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to which
  adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number Of Shares
  Issuable In Respect Of The FON Group Intergroup Interest," or in securities
  of the Corporation attributed to the PCS Group, for which provision shall
  be made as set forth in clause (2) of this proviso), the PCS Group shall no
  longer include an amount of assets or properties previously attributed to
  the PCS Group of the same kind as so paid in such dividend or other
  distribution with respect of shares of PCS Stock as have a Fair Value on
  the record date for such dividend or distribution equal to the product of
  (a) the Fair Value on such record date of the aggregate of such dividend or
  distribution to holders of shares of PCS Stock declared multiplied by (b) a
  fraction the numerator of which is equal to the FON Group Intergroup
  Interest Fraction in effect on the record date for such dividend or
  distribution and the denominator of which is equal to the Outstanding PCS
  Fraction in effect on the record date for such dividend or distribution
  (and in such eventuality such assets as are no longer included in the PCS
  Group shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group in accordance with the
  definition of "Sprint FON Group"), and
    (2) if the Corporation shall pay a dividend or make some other
  distribution with respect to shares of PCS Stock payable in securities of
  the Corporation that are attributed to the PCS Group for purposes of this
  ARTICLE SIXTH (other than PCS Stock), there shall be excluded from the PCS
  Group an interest in the PCS Group equivalent to the number or amount of
  such securities that is equal to the product of the number or amount of
  securities so distributed to holders of PCS Stock multiplied by the
  fraction specified in clause 1(b) of this proviso (determined as of the
  record date for such distribution) (and such interest in the PCS Group
  shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group) and, to the extent interest is
  or dividends are paid on the securities so distributed, the PCS Group shall
  no longer include a corresponding ratable amount of the kind of assets paid
  as such interest or dividends as would have been paid in respect of the
  securities equivalent to such interest in the PCS Group deemed held by the
  Sprint FON Group if the securities equivalent to such interest were
  outstanding (and in such eventuality such assets as are no longer included
  in the PCS Group shall be attributed to the Sprint FON Group in accordance
  with the definition of "Sprint FON Group").
The Corporation may also, to the extent a dividend or distribution on the PCS
Stock has been paid in Convertible Securities that are convertible into or
exchangeable or exercisable for PCS Stock, cause such Convertible Securities
as are deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group in accordance with the third-
to-last sentence of the definition of "Sprint FON Group" and clause (2) of the
proviso to the immediately preceding sentence to be deemed to be converted,
exchanged or exercised as provided in the penultimate sentence of the
definition of "Sprint FON Group," in which case such Convertible Securities
shall no longer be deemed to be held by the Sprint FON Group.
  "PCS Group Disposition Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(A) of
  "PCS Group Subsidiary" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.2 of ARTICLE
  "PCS IPO" means the initial primary underwritten public offering of Series 1
PCS Stock conducted by the Corporation.
  "PCS IPO Price" means the initial price per share at which shares of Series
1 PCS Stock are purchased by the public in the PCS IPO.
  "PCS IPO Pricing Date" means the date on which the PCS IPO Price is
  "PCS Per Share Vote" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2 of ARTICLE
  "PCS Preferred Stock" means Preferred Stock to the extent attributed to the
PCS Group in accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 13.

  "PCS Ratio" means the ratio of [THE PCS IPO PRICE TO THE CLOSING PRICE ON
  "PCS Stock" means the Series 1 PCS Stock, the Series 2 PCS Stock and the
Series 3 PCS Stock.
  "Per Class A FON Share Basis" means, with respect to Old Class A Common
Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT, an amount per share equal to (X / Y)
x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group,
respectively, "Y" equals the number of shares outstanding of Old Class A
Common Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT, respectively, and "Z" equals
the per share number of votes or dividend amount, redemption amount or other
payment paid to the class or series of FON Stock to which the Old Class A
Common Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT is being compared.     
  "Per Class A PCS Share Basis" means, with respect to Old Class A Common
Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT, an amount per share equal to (X / Y)
x Z, where "X" equals the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old
Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group or the Number Of Shares Issuable With
Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group,
respectively, "Y" equals the number of shares outstanding of Old Class A
Common Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT, respectively, and "Z" equals
the per share number of votes or dividend amount, redemption amount or other
payment paid to the class or series of PCS Stock to which the Old Class A
Common Stock or Class A Common Stock--Series DT is being compared.     
  "Percentage Ownership Interest" means, with respect to any Person, that
percentage of the Voting Power of this Corporation represented by Votes
associated with the Voting Securities of this Corporation owned of record by
such Person or by its nominees.
  "Person" means an individual, a partnership, an association, a joint
venture, a corporation, a business, a trust, any entity organized or existing
under Applicable Law, an unincorporated organization or any Governmental
  "Preferred Stock" has the meaning set forth in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Preferred Stock Director" has the meaning set forth in ARTICLE FIFTH of
these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Proceeding" means any action, litigation, suit, proceeding or formal
investigation or review of any nature, civil, criminal, regulatory or
otherwise, before any Governmental Authority.
  "Publicly Traded" with respect to any security means (i) registered under
Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (or any
successor provision of law), and (ii) listed for trading on the New York Stock
Exchange or the American Stock Exchange (or any national securities exchange
registered under Section 7 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(or any successor provision of law), that is the successor to either such
exchange) or quoted in the National Association of Securities Dealers
Automation Quotation System (or any successor system).
  "Qualified Joint Venture" has the meaning set forth in Article I of the
Investment Agreement.

  "Qualified Stock Purchaser" means a Person that (a) FT and DT reasonably
believe has the legal and financial ability to purchase shares of Class A
Stock from this Corporation in accordance with Article VI of the Stockholders'
Agreement and (b)would not be a Major Competitor of this Corporation or of the
Joint Venture immediately following such purchase.
  "Qualified Stock Purchaser Standstill Agreement" has the meaning set forth
in the Standstill Agreement.
  "Qualified Subsidiary" has the meaning set forth in the Investment
  "Qualified Subsidiary Standstill Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the
Investment Agreement.
  "Recapitalization" means the reclassification of, among other things,
certain outstanding shares of Sprint capital stock to be effected pursuant to
the terms set forth in the Restructuring Agreement and the FT/DT Restructuring
  "Redemption Date" means the date fixed by the Board of Directors for the
redemption of (i) any shares of capital stock of this Corporation pursuant to
ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 2.2 or (ii) shares of PCS Stock as shall be set forth
in the notice to holders of shares of PCS Stock and to holders of any
Convertible Securities that are convertible into or exchangeable or
exercisable for shares of PCS Stock required pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH,
Section 7.4.
  "Redemption Securities" means any debt or equity securities of this
Corporation, any of its Subsidiaries, or any combination thereof having such
terms and conditions as shall be approved by the Board of Directors and which,
together with any cash to be paid as part of the redemption price pursuant to
Section 2.2(b) of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation, in the
opinion of an investment banking firm of recognized national standing selected
by the Board of Directors (which may be a firm which provides other investment
banking, brokerage or other services to this Corporation), have a Market
Price, at the time notice of redemption is given pursuant to Section 2.2(d) of
ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation, at least equal to the
redemption price required to be paid by such Section 2.2(a).
  "Reduced Par Value Amount" means, at any time and only with respect to
either the Old Class A Common Stock or the Class A Common Stock--Series DT
following an issuance of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock in accordance with ARTICLE
SIXTH, Sections 1.2(c) or (d), the amount resulting from (X - Y) / Z, where
    "X" equals Z times the par value per share of either the Old Class A
  Common Stock or the Class A Common Stock--Series DT, as applicable,
  immediately prior to an issuance of shares of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock in
  accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Sections 1.2(c) or (d),     
    "Y" equals the number of shares of FON Stock and/or PCS Stock issued in
  accordance with ARTICLE SIXTH, Sections 1.2(c) or (d) times the par value
  of such shares so issued, and     
    "Z" equals the aggregate outstanding shares of Old Class A Common Stock
  or the Class A Common Stock--Series DT, as applicable.
  "Registration Rights Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Registration
Rights Agreement, dated as of       , 1998, among FT, DT and this Corporation,
as amended from time to time.
  "Related Business Transaction" means any Disposition of all or substantially
all the properties and assets attributed to the PCS Group in a transaction or
series of related transactions that result in the Corporation receiving in
consideration of such properties and assets primarily equity securities
(including, without limitation, capital stock, debt securities convertible
into or exchangeable for equity securities or interests in a general or
limited partnership or limited liability company, without regard to the voting
power or other management or governance rights associated therewith) of any
entity which (i) acquires such properties or assets or succeeds (by merger,
formation of a joint venture or otherwise) to the business conducted with such
properties or assets or controls such acquiror or successor and (ii) which the
Board of Directors determines is primarily engaged or

proposes to engage primarily in one or more businesses similar or
complementary to the businesses conducted by such Business Group prior to such
  "Restructuring Agreement" means the Restructuring and Merger Agreement dated
as of May 26, 1998, by and among certain Cable Holders, this Corporation and
the other parties listed therein, as amended or supplemented from time to
  "Restructuring Closing Date" means the Closing Date, as such term is defined
in the Restructuring Agreement.
  "Rights Agreement" means the Rights Agreement, dated as of       , 1998,
between this Corporation and UMB Bank, N.A., as amended or supplemented from
time to time.
  "Section 310" has the meaning set forth in Section 2(a) of ARTICLE FIFTH of
these Articles of Incorporation.
  "Series 1 FON Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 1 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 2 FON Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 2 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 3 FON Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Series 3 PCS Stock" has the meaning set forth in the "Designation" column
in Section 1 of ARTICLE SIXTH.
  "Shares" means (a) shares of Class A Stock, Non-Class A Common Stock,
Preferred Stock or any other Voting Securities of this Corporation, (b)
securities of this Corporation convertible into Voting Securities of this
Corporation and (c) options, warrants or other rights to acquire such Voting
Securities, but in the case of clause (c) excluding any rights of the Class A
Holders or FT and DT to acquire Voting Securities of this Corporation pursuant
to the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement, the Purchase Rights Agreement (as
defined in the FT/DT Restructuring Agreement) and the Stockholders' Agreement
(but not excluding any Voting Securities received upon the exercise of such
  "Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The FON
Group" means, at any time, the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Old Class A Equity Interest In The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The FON Group.
  "Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
Group" means, at any time, the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The
Old Class A Equity Interest In The PCS Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group.
  "Spin-off" means any spin-off or other pro rata distribution of equity
interests of a wholly-owned direct or indirect Subsidiary of this Corporation
to the stockholders of this Corporation.
  "Sprint FON Group" means, as of any date from and after the Effective Date:
    (A) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries on such
  date in all of the assets, liabilities and businesses of the Corporation or
  any of its subsidiaries (and any successor companies), other than any
  assets, liabilities and businesses attributed in accordance with this
  Section 10 to the PCS Group;

    (B) a proportionate undivided interest in each and every business, asset
  and liability attributed to the PCS Group equal to the FON Group Intergroup
  Interest Fraction as of such date;
    (C) all properties and assets transferred to the Sprint FON Group from
  the PCS Group (other than pursuant to paragraph (D) or (F) of this
  definition) after the Effective Date pursuant to transactions in the
  ordinary course of business of both the Sprint FON Group and the PCS Group
  or otherwise as the Board of Directors may have directed as permitted by
    (D) all properties and assets transferred to the Sprint FON Group from
  the PCS Group in connection with a reduction of the Number Of Shares
  Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest;
    (E) the interest of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries in any
  business or asset acquired and any liabilities assumed by the Corporation
  or any of its subsidiaries outside the ordinary course of business and
  attributed to the Sprint FON Group, as determined by the Board of Directors
  as contemplated by Section 9.1(A) of ARTICLE SIXTH; and
    (F) from and after the payment date of any dividend or other distribution
  with respect to shares of PCS Stock (other than a dividend or other
  distribution payable in shares of PCS Stock, with respect to which
  adjustment shall be made as provided in the definition of "Number Of Shares
  Issuable In Respect Of The FON Group Intergroup Interest," or in securities
  of the Corporation attributed to the PCS Group, for which provision shall
  be made as set forth in the third to last sentence of this definition), an
  amount of assets or properties previously attributed to the PCS Group of
  the same kind as were paid in such dividend or other distribution with
  respect to shares of PCS Stock and Class A Common Stock (with respect to
  Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A Equity Interest In The PCS
  Group) as have a Fair Value on the record date for such dividend or
  distribution equal to the product of (1) the Fair Value on such record date
  of such dividend or distribution to holders of shares of PCS Stock declared
  on a per share basis multiplied by (2) the Number Of Shares Issuable With
  Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest (determined as of the record
  date for such dividend or distribution);
provided that from and after any transfer of any assets or properties from the
Sprint FON Group to the PCS Group, the Sprint FON Group shall no longer
include such assets or properties so transferred (other than as reflected in
respect of such a transfer by the FON Group Intergroup Interest Fraction, as
provided by paragraph (B) of this definition).
  If the Corporation shall pay a dividend or make some other distribution with
respect to shares of PCS Stock payable in securities of the Corporation that
are attributed to the PCS Group for purposes of this ARTICLE SIXTH (other than
PCS Stock), the Sprint FON Group shall be deemed to hold an interest in the
PCS Group equivalent to the number or amount of such securities that is equal
to the product of the number or amount of securities so distributed to holders
of PCS Stock on a per share basis multiplied by the Number Of Shares Issuable
With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest (determined as of the record
date for such distribution) and, to the extent interest is or dividends are
paid on the securities so distributed, the Sprint FON Group shall include, and
there shall be transferred thereto out of the PCS Group, a corresponding
ratable amount of the kind of assets paid as such interest or dividends as
would have been paid in respect of such securities so deemed to be held by the
Sprint FON Group if such securities were outstanding.
  The Corporation may also, to the extent the securities so paid as a dividend
or other distribution to the holders of PCS Stock are Convertible Securities
and at the time are convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for shares
of PCS Stock, treat such Convertible Securities as are so deemed to be held by
the Sprint FON Group to be deemed to be converted, exchanged or exercised, and
shall do so to the extent such Convertible Securities are mandatorily
converted, exchanged or exercised (and to the extent the terms of such
Convertible Securities require payment of consideration for such conversion,
exchange or exercise, the Sprint FON Group shall then no longer include an
amount of the kind of properties or assets required to be paid as such
consideration for the amount of Convertible Securities deemed converted,
exchanged or exercised (and such properties or assets shall be attributed to
the PCS Group)), in which case, from and after such time, the securities into
or for which such Convertible Securities so deemed to be held by the Sprint
FON Group were so considered

converted, exchanged or exercised shall be deemed held by the Sprint FON Group
(as provided in clause (3) of paragraph (C) of the definition of "Number Of
Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest") and such
Convertible Securities shall no longer be deemed to be held by the Sprint FON
Group. A statement setting forth the election to effectuate any such deemed
conversion, exchange or exercise of Convertible Securities so deemed to be
held by the Sprint FON Group and the properties or assets, if any, to be
attributed to the PCS Group in consideration of such conversion, exchange or
exercise (if any) shall be filed in the records of the actions of the Board of
Directors and, upon such filing, such deemed conversion, exchange or exercise
shall be effectuated.
  "Sprint Party" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.
  "Sprint Sub" means Sprint Global Venture, Inc.
  "Standstill Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Standstill Agreement,
dated as of       , 1998, among FT, DT and this Corporation, as amended or
supplemented from time to time.
  "Stockholders' Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Stockholders'
Agreement, dated as of       , 1998, among FT, DT and this Corporation (and
all exhibits thereto), as amended or supplemented from time to time.
  "Strategic Investor" has the meaning set forth in the Investment Agreement.
  "Strategic Merger" means a merger or other business combination involving
this Corporation (a) in which the Class A Holders are entitled to retain or
receive, as the case may be, voting equity securities of the surviving parent
entity in exchange for or in respect of (by conversion or otherwise) such
Class A Stock, with an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to at least 75% of
the sum of (i) the Fair Market Value of all consideration which such Class A
Holders have a right to receive with respect to such merger or other business
combination, and (ii) if this Corporation is the surviving parent entity, the
Fair Market Value of the equity securities of the surviving parent entity
which the Class A Holders are entitled to retain, (b) immediately after which
the surviving parent entity is an entity whose voting equity securities are
registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act or
which otherwise has any class or series of its voting equity securities held
by at least 500 holders and (c) immediately after which no Person or Group
(other than the Class A Holders) owns Voting Securities of such surviving
parent entity with Votes equal to more than 35 percent of the Voting Power of
such surviving parent entity.
  "Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person (the "Parent"), any other
Person in which the Parent, one or more direct or indirect Subsidiaries of the
Parent, or the Parent and one or more of its direct or indirect Subsidiaries
(a) have the ability, through ownership of securities individually or as a
group, ordinarily, in the absence of contingencies, to elect a majority of the
directors (or individuals performing similar functions) of such other Person,
and (b) own more than 50% of the equity interests, provided that Atlas shall
be deemed to be a Subsidiary of each of FT and DT.
  "Supervoting Powers" means, as to the capital stock and debt securities of
this Corporation:
    (a) FON Stock entitled to more than one Vote per share (other than
  pursuant to the Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d));     
    (b) PCS Stock entitled to a number of Votes per share greater than the
  PCS Per Share Vote of the Series 3 PCS Stock measured as of the same record
  date in accordance with Section 3.2 of ARTICLE SIXTH (other than pursuant
  to the Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d)); or     
    (c) Voting Securities of this Corporation other than Non-Class A Common
  Stock entitled to a number of Votes per share or unit, as the case may be
  and measured as of the same record date, greater than both

  (x) the quotient of (i) the price per share or unit, as the case may be, at
  which such security will be issued by this Corporation divided by (ii) the
  Market Price per share of Series 1 FON Stock on the date of issuance of
  such Voting Securities and (y) the quotient of (i) the price per share or
  unit, as the case may be, at which such security will be issued by this
  Corporation divided by (ii) the Market Price per share of Series 1 PCS
  Stock on the date of issuance of such Voting Securities (other than
  pursuant to the Rights Agreement and ARTICLE SIXTH, Section 7.5(d)).     
  "Tie-Breaking Vote" has the meaning set forth in Section 18.1(a) of the
Joint Venture Agreement, and shall include any successor provision thereto.
  "Total Market Capitalization" of any class or series of common stock on any
date means the product of (i) the Market Value of one share of such class or
series of common stock on such date and (ii) the number of shares of such
class or series of common stock outstanding on such date.
  "Trading Day" means, with respect to any security, any day on which the
principal national securities exchange on which such security is listed or
admitted to trading or The Nasdaq Stock Market, if such security is listed or
admitted to trading thereon, is open for the transaction of business (unless
such trading shall have been suspended for the entire day) or, if such
security is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange or The Nasdaq Stock Market, any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or
a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or
obligated by law or executive order to close.
  "Transfer" means any act pursuant to which, directly or indirectly, the
ownership of the assets or securities in question is sold, transferred,
conveyed, delivered or otherwise disposed, but shall not include (a) any grant
of Liens, (b) any conversion or exchange of any security of this Corporation
pursuant to a merger or other business combination involving this Corporation,
(c) any transfer of ownership of assets to the surviving entity in a Strategic
Merger or pursuant to any other merger or other business combination not
prohibited by the Class A Provisions, or (d) any foreclosure or other
execution upon any of the assets of this Corporation or any of its
Subsidiaries other than foreclosures resulting from Lien Transfers.
  "Treaty Benefit" means:
    (a) the 5% rate of dividend withholding (or any successor rate applicable
  to non-portfolio investments);
    (b) the exemption from income tax with respect to dividends paid or
  profits distributed by this Corporation;
    (c) the exemption from income tax with respect to gains or profits
  derived from the sale, exchange, or disposal of stock in this Corporation;
    (d) the exemption from taxes on capital with respect to stock in this
    under, in the case of (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, either (i) the
  relevant income tax treaty between the United States and France, in the
  case of FT, and the United States and Germany, in the case of DT, or (ii)
  any provisions of French statutory law, in the case of FT, or German
  statutory law, in the case of DT, which refers to, or is based on or
  derived from, any provision of such treaty, or
    (e) any other favorable treaty benefit or statutory benefit, that
  specifically requires the ownership of a certain amount of voting power or
  voting interest in this Corporation, under a provision of the relevant
  income tax treaty between the United States and France or the statutory
  laws of France, in the case of FT, or the relevant income tax treaty
  between the United States and Germany or the statutory laws of Germany, in
  the case DT, provided that the chief tax officer of FT or DT certifies that
  such benefit is reasonably expected to provide to FT or DT, as the case may
  be, combined tax savings in the year such certification is made and in
  future years of at least U.S. $15 million.
  "Venture Interests" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture

  "Vote" means, with respect to any entity, the ability to cast a vote at a
stockholders', members' or comparable meeting of such entity with respect to
the election of directors, managers or other members of such entity's
governing body, or the ability to cast a general partnership or comparable
vote, provided that with respect to this Corporation, the term "Vote" means
the ability to exercise general voting power (as opposed to the exercise of
special voting or disapproval rights such as those set forth in this ARTICLE
SIXTH) with respect to matters other than the election of directors at a
meeting of the stockholders of this Corporation.
  "Voting Power" means, with respect to any entity as at any date, the
aggregate number of Votes outstanding as at such date in respect of such
  "Voting Securities" means, with respect to an entity, any capital stock or
debt securities of such entity if the holders thereof are ordinarily, in the
absence of contingencies, entitled to a Vote, even though the right to such
Vote has been suspended by the happening of such a contingency, and in the
case of this Corporation, shall include, without limitation, the Non-Class A
Common Stock and the Class A Stock, but shall not include any shares issued
pursuant to the Rights Agreement to the extent such issuance is caused by
action of a Class A Holder.
  "Weighted Average Price" means the weighted average per unit price paid by
the purchasers of any capital stock, debt instrument or security of this
Corporation; provided, that (i) the price paid by the purchasers of Series 2
PCS Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock acquired on the Restructuring Closing Date
will be the first to be determined of the PCS IPO Price and the Average
Trading Price of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock as of the 21st Trading Day
following the commencement of regular way trading in connection with the
Recapitalization, (ii) the original purchase price paid by the purchasers of
Old Class A Common Stock shall be allocated as of the Effective Date among the
Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class A Equity Interest In
The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Old Class
A Equity Interest In The PCS Group represented by such Old Class A Common
Stock in the same proportion per share of Old Class A Common Stock as the per
share reclassification and exchange of a share of Common Stock, par value
$2.50 per share, outstanding immediately prior to the Recapitalization, into
one share of Series 1 FON Stock and one-half of a share of Series 1 PCS Stock
and (iii) the original purchase price paid by the purchasers of Class A Common
Stock--Series DT shall be allocated as of the Effective Date among the Number
Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--Series DT Equity Interest In
The FON Group and the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The Class A--
Series DT Equity Interest In The PCS Group represented by such Class A Common
Stock--Series DT in the same proportion per share of Class A Common Stock as
the per share reclassification and exchange of a share of Common Stock, par
value $2.50 per share, outstanding immediately prior to the Recapitalization,
into one share of Series 1 FON Stock and a portion of a share of Series 1 PCS
Stock. In determining the price of shares of Non-Class A Common Stock or Class
A Stock issued upon the conversion or exchange of securities or issued upon
the exercise of options, warrants or other rights, the consideration for such
shares shall be deemed to include the price paid to purchase the convertible
security or the warrant, option or other right, plus any additional
consideration paid upon conversion or exercise. If any portion of the price
paid is not cash, the Independent Directors (acting by majority vote) shall
determine in good faith the Fair Market Value of such non-cash consideration.
If any new shares of Non-Class A Common Stock are issued together with other
shares or securities or other assets of this Corporation for consideration
which covers both the new shares and such other shares, securities or other
assets, the portion of such consideration allocable to such new shares shall
be determined in good faith by the Independent Directors (acting by majority
vote), in each case as certified in a resolution sent to all Class A Holders
or holders of Series 2 PCS Stock or Series 2 FON Stock, as the case may be.
  Section 11. Notices. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.4, all
notices to Class A Holders made by this Corporation pursuant to this ARTICLE
SIXTH shall be made in writing and any such notice shall be deemed delivered
when the same has been delivered in person to, or transmitted by telex or
telefacsimile communication to, or seven days after it has been sent by air
mail to the addresses of, all of the Class A Holders as indicated on the stock
transfer books of this Corporation. Communications by telex or telefacsimile
communication also shall be sent concurrently by air mail, but shall in any
event be effective as stated above.

  Section 12. No Other Beneficiaries. The Class A Provisions are intended for
the benefit of the Class A Holders only, and nothing in the Class A Provisions
is intended or will be construed to confer upon or to give any third party or
other stockholder of this Corporation any rights or remedies by virtue hereof.
Any term of the Class A Provisions may be waived by the holders of at least
two-thirds of the votes represented by the outstanding shares of Class A
Stock, voting together as a single class.     
  Section 13. General Provisions Relating to Preferred Stock
  13.1. The Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in one or more
series, each of such series to have such voting powers (full or limited or
without voting powers) designation, preferences and relative, participating,
optional or other special rights and qualifications, limitations or
restrictions thereof as are stated and expressed herein, or in a resolution or
resolutions providing for the issue of such series adopted by the Board of
Directors as hereinafter provided.
  13.2. Authority is hereby granted to the Board of Directors, subject to the
provisions of this ARTICLE SIXTH, to create one or more series of Preferred
Stock and, with respect to each series, to fix or alter as permitted by law,
by resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such series:
    (a) the number of shares to constitute such series and the distinctive
  designation thereof;
    (b) the dividend rate on the shares of such series, the dividend payment
  dates, the periods in respect of which dividends are payable ("dividend
  periods") whether such dividends shall be cumulative, and if cumulative,
  the date or dates from which dividends shall accumulate;
    (c) whether or not the shares of such series shall be redeemable, and, if
  redeemable, on what terms, including the redemption prices which the shares
  of such series shall be entitled to receive upon the redemption thereof;
    (d) whether or not the shares of such series shall be subject to the
  operation of retirement or sinking funds to be applied to the purchase or
  redemption of such shares for retirement and, if such retirement or sinking
  fund or funds be established, the annual amount thereof and the terms and
  provisions relative to the operation thereof;
    (e) whether or not the shares of such series shall be convertible into,
  or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or classes or of any other
  series of the same or any other class or classes of stock of the
  Corporation and the conversion price or prices or rate or rates, or the
  rate or rates at which such exchange may be made, with such adjustments, if
  any, as shall be stated and expressed or provided in such resolution or
    (f) the voting power, if any, of the shares of such series; and
    (g) such other terms, conditions, special rights and protective
  provisions as the Board of Directors may deem advisable.
  13.3. No dividend shall be declared and set apart for payment on any series
of Preferred Stock in respect of any dividend period unless there shall
likewise be or have been paid, or declared and set apart for payment, on all
shares of Preferred Stock of each other series entitled to cumulative
dividends at the time outstanding which rank equally as to dividends with the
series in question, dividends ratably in accordance with the sums which would
be payable on the said shares through the end of the last preceding dividend
period if all dividends were declared and paid in full.
  13.4. If upon any dissolution of the Corporation, the assets of the
Corporation distributable among the holders of any one or more series of
Preferred Stock which are (i) entitled to a preference over the holders of the
Corporation Common Stock upon such dissolution, and (ii) rank equally in
connection with any such distribution, shall be insufficient to pay in full
the preferential amount to which the holders of such shares shall be entitled,
then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the
holders of each such series of the

Preferred Stock ratably in accordance with the sums which would be payable on
such distribution if all sums payable were discharged in full.
  13.5. In the event that the Preferred Stock of any series shall be
redeemable, then, at the option of the Board of Directors, the Corporation may
at such time or times as may be specified by the Board of Directors as
provided in Section 13.2(c) of this ARTICLE SIXTH redeem all, or any number
less than all, of the outstanding shares of such series at the redemption
price thereof and on the other terms fixed herein or by the Board of Directors
as provided in said Section 13.2(c) (the sum so payable upon any redemption of
Preferred Stock being herein referred to as the "redemption price").     
  13.6. Attribution of Preferred Stock to Groups. As of the Effective Date,
the outstanding shares of Preferred Stock-First Series, Preferred Stock-Second
Series, and Preferred Stock-Fifth Series shall be attributed entirely to the
shares of Preferred Stock of any series after the Effective Date, the Board of
Directors shall attribute for purposes of this ARTICLE SIXTH the shares so
issued entirely to the Sprint FON Group or entirely to the PCS Group or partly
to the Sprint FON Group and partly to the PCS Group in such proportion as the
Board of Directors shall determine and, further, in case of the issuance of
shares of Preferred Stock that are exchangeable or exercisable for PCS Stock,
if at the time such shares of Preferred Stock are issued the Number Of Shares
Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup Interest shall be greater
than zero, then the Board of Directors shall also determine what portion
(which may be some, all or none) of such shares of Preferred Stock shall
reduce the Number Of Shares Issuable With Respect To The FON Group Intergroup
Interest, taking into consideration the use of the proceeds of such issuance
of shares of Preferred Stock in the business of the Sprint FON Group or the
PCS Group and any other relevant factors. Upon any redemption or repurchase of
shares of Preferred Stock, the Board of Directors shall determine the proper
attribution thereof in accordance with Section 9.1(D) of ARTICLE SIXTH.
Notwithstanding any such attribution of shares of Preferred Stock to the
Sprint FON Group or the PCS Group, any dividends or distributions or other
payments which are made by the Corporation on such shares of Preferred Stock
may be made, and as required by the preferences and relative, participating,
optional or other special rights thereof shall be made, out of any of the
properties or assets of the Corporation, regardless of the Business Group to
which such properties or assets are attributed in accordance with the
definitions of "Sprint FON Group" and "PCS Group" set forth in Section 10,
except as otherwise provided by the resolution of the Board of Directors
fixing the preferences and relative, participating, optional or other special
rights of a series of Preferred Stock.     
  13.7. Preferred Stock-First Series, Convertible.
  13.7.1. Amount. The number of shares to constitute the initial series of
Preferred Stock shall be 1,742,853 and the designation thereof shall be
Preferred Stock-First Series (hereafter "First Series").
  13.7.2. Dividends. Holders of shares of the First Series will be entitled to
receive cumulative cash dividends at the quarterly rate of $.37 1/2 per share.
All such payments will be made out of funds legally available for the payment
of such dividends, when and as declared, before any distribution shall be made
on the Corporation Common Stock.     
  13.7.3 Conversion Rights. The holders of shares of the First Series may
convert any or all of said shares into Corporation Common Stock at any time
after the Effective Date on the basis of three (3) shares of Series 1 FON
Stock and one and fifty one-hundredths (1.50) shares of Series 1 PCS Stock of
the Corporation for each share of the First Series. Such ratio is herein
referred to as the "conversion rate."     
  The conversion rate shall be subject to the following adjustments:
    A. In case the Corporation shall (i) pay a dividend in the FON Stock or
  the PCS Stock or (ii) subdivide the outstanding shares of FON Stock or PCS
  Stock into a greater number of shares of FON Stock or PCS

  Stock, respectively, or combine the outstanding shares of FON Stock or PCS
  Stock into a smaller number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
  respectively, the conversion rate into FON Stock or PCS Stock, as
  applicable, in effect immediately prior to such stock dividend, subdivision
  or combination shall be proportionately increased or decreased as the case
  may be.     
    B. No such adjustment shall be required, however, if the aggregate number
  of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock issued as dividends on the FON Stock or
  PCS Stock, respectively, since the most recent previous adjustment does not
  exceed 5% of the total number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
  respectively, outstanding; provided, however, that when the aggregate
  number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, issued as
  dividends since the most recent previous adjustment shall exceed the
  foregoing 5%, the conversion rate shall be increased in proportion to the
  same percentage or ratio that the aggregate of all such dividends in shares
  of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, since the most recent previous
  adjustment bears to the total number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
  as applicable, outstanding.     
    C. In the event the Corporation shall fix a record date for the purpose
  of determining the holders of shares of Corporation Common Stock entitled
  to receive any dividend in Corporation Common Stock, the conversion rate or
  any subsequent conversion rate in effect immediately prior to the record
  date fixed for the determination of shareholders entitled to such dividend
  shall be proportionately increased (subject to the limitation of
  subparagraph (B) above) and such adjustment will become effective
  immediately after the opening of business on the day following such record
    D. The conversion rate shall not be adjusted by reason of: (i) the
  issuance of shares pursuant to options and stock purchase agreements
  granted or entered into with officers or employees of the Corporation; and
  (ii) the issuance of shares for cash or in exchange for assets or stock of
  another company.
    E. Any adjustment in the conversion rate as herein provided shall be to
  the nearest, or if there shall be no nearest, then to the next lower, one-
  hundredth of a share of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, and shall
  remain in effect until further adjustment as required hereunder.
    F. In case the Corporation shall be recapitalized, or shall be
  consolidated with or merged into, or shall sell or transfer its property
  and assets as, or substantially as, an entirety to any other corporation,
  proper provisions shall be made as a part of the terms of such
  recapitalization, consolidation, merger, sale or transfer whereby the
  holder of any shares of the First Series at the time outstanding
  immediately prior to such event shall thereafter be entitled to such
  conversion rights, with respect to securities of the Corporation resulting
  from such recapitalization, consolidation or merger, or to which such sale
  or transfer shall be made, as shall be substantially equivalent to the
  conversion rights herein provided for.
    G. No fraction of a share of FON Stock or PCS Stock shall be issued upon
  any conversion. In lieu of the fraction of a share to which the holder of
  shares of the First Series surrendered for conversion would otherwise be
  entitled, such holder shall receive, as soon as practicable after the date
  of conversion, an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the market
  value of a full share of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as
  applicable. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the market value of a
  share of Series 1 FON Stock or Series 1 PCS Stock, as applicable, shall be
  the last recorded sale price of such a share on the New York Stock Exchange
  on the day immediately preceding the date upon which such shares of such
  series are surrendered for conversion, or if there be no such recorded sale
  price on such date, the last quoted bid price per share of such Corporation
  Common Stock on such Exchange at the close of business on such date.
  13.7.4 Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation the holders of the First Series will be entitled
to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for distribution to
stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall be made to the
holders of Corporation Common Stock, the sum of $42.50 per share if such
liquidation is voluntary and the sum of $40.00 per share if such liquidation
is involuntary, plus in each case any accumulated unpaid dividends. If upon
any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts
payable with respect to the Preferred Stock are not paid in full, the holders
of the Preferred Stock will share ratably in any distribution of assets in
proportion to the full preferential amounts to which they are entitled.

  13.7.5. Redemption. The First Series may be redeemed by the Corporation, at
any time or from time to time, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at the
redemption price of $42.50 per share, plus any accumulated unpaid dividends.
If less than all the outstanding First Series is to be redeemed, the shares to
be redeemed shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed by the
Board of Directors. Shares so redeemed shall be retired and not reissued.     
  13.7.6. Voting Rights. Each holder of the First Series will be entitled to
one (1) vote for each share held.
  If six quarterly dividends on any series of the Preferred Stock are in
arrears, the number of directors of the Corporation shall be increased by two
(2) and the holders of all the Preferred Stock voting as a class will be
entitled to elect two (2) directors until all arrears in dividends have been
  Consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the then outstanding
Preferred Stock of all classes will be necessary to: (a) authorize any stock
ranking either as to payment of dividend or distribution of assets prior to
the First Series or any other Preferred Stock then outstanding or (b) amend,
alter, or change in any material respect prejudicial to the holders thereof
the preferences of any then outstanding Preferred Stock.
  Consent of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding Preferred Stock
of all classes will be necessary to: (a) increase the authorized amount of the
Preferred Stock or (b) create any other class of stock ranking on a parity
with the Preferred Stock.
  13.7.7. Preemptive Rights. No holder of Preferred Stock will have any
preemptive rights.
  13.8. Preferred Stock-Second Series, Convertible.
  13.8.1. Amount, Rank and Designation. The amount of shares to constitute the
Second Series of Preferred Stock shall be 8,758,472 shares plus such an
additional amount, if any, as shall be required under the Agreement and Plan
of Merger between the Company and Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company
dated as of July 18, 1968. The designation thereof shall be "Preferred Stock-
Second Series, Convertible" (hereinafter "Second Series"). Shares of the
Second Series shall rank on a parity with shares of the First Series of the
Preferred Stock as to dividends and upon liquidation and shall have a
preference over the shares of the Corporation Common Stock and any other class
or series of stock ranking junior to the Second Series as to dividends or upon
  13.8.2. Dividends. Holders of shares of the Second Series will be entitled
to receive cumulative cash dividends each calendar quarter payable in March,
June, September and December of each year, at the rate of $.37 1/2 per share
in each quarter.     
  All such payments will be made out of funds legally available for the
payment of such dividends, when and as declared by the Board of Directors of
the Corporation. Before any dividends on the Corporation Common Stock or any
other class or series of stock of the Corporation ranking junior to the Second
Series as to dividends shall be paid or declared and set apart for payment,
the holders of shares of the Second Series shall be entitled to receive the
full accumulated cash dividends for all quarterly dividend periods ending on
or before the date on which any dividend on any such class or series of stock
ranking junior to the Second Series as to dividends or upon liquidation is
declared or is to be paid.
  13.8.3 Conversion Rights. The holders of shares of the Second Series may
convert any or all of said shares into Corporation Common Stock at any time
after the Effective Date on the basis of three and nine-one hundredths (3.09)
shares of Series 1 FON Stock and one and fifty-four one hundredths (1.54)
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock of the Corporation for each one share of the
Second Series. Such ratios are herein referred to individually as the "FON
conversion rate" and the "PCS conversion rate" and, collectively, the
"conversion rates." In case of the redemption of any shares of the Second
Series, such right of conversion shall cease and terminate as to the shares
duly called for redemption, at the close of business on the date fixed for
redemption, unless default shall be made in the payment of the redemption
price. Upon conversion the Corporation shall make     

no payment or adjustment on account of dividends accrued or in arrears on the
Second Series surrendered for conversion.
  The conversion rates in effect at any time shall be subject to adjustment as
    A. In case the Corporation shall (i) declare a dividend on its
  Corporation Common Stock in shares of its capital stock, (ii) subdivide its
  outstanding shares of Corporation Common Stock, (iii) combine its
  outstanding shares of Corporation Common Stock into a smaller number of
  shares, or (iv) issue any shares by reclassification of its shares of
  Corporation Common Stock (including any reclassification in connection with
  a consolidation or merger in which the Corporation is the continuing
  corporation), the conversion rates in effect at the time of the record date
  for such dividend or of the effective date of such subdivision, combination
  or reclassification shall be proportionately adjusted so that the holder of
  any shares of the Second Series surrendered for conversion after such time
  shall be entitled to receive the number of shares which he would have owned
  or have been entitled to receive had such shares of the Second Series been
  converted immediately prior to such time. Such adjustment shall be made
  successively whenever any event listed above shall occur.     
    B. In case the Corporation shall fix a record date for the issuance of
  rights or warrants to all holders of its FON Stock or to all holders of its
  PCS Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after such
  record date) to subscribe for or purchase shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock,
  as the case may be, at a price per share less than the current market price
  per share of such FON Stock or PCS Stock (as defined in Paragraph D below)
  on such record date, the applicable conversion rate after such record date
  shall be determined by multiplying the conversion rate in effect
  immediately prior to such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator
  shall be the number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as the case may
  be, outstanding on such record date plus the number of additional shares of
  FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, to be offered for subscription or
  purchase, and of which the denominator shall be the number of shares of FON
  Stock or PCS Stock, as the case may be, outstanding on such record date
  plus the number of shares of FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable, which
  the aggregate offering price (without deduction for expenses or commissions
  of any kind) of the total number of shares so to be offered would purchase
  at such current market price. Such adjustment shall be made successively
  whenever such a record date is fixed; and in the event that such rights or
  warrants are not so issued, the conversion rate shall again be adjusted to
  be the applicable conversion rate which would then be in effect if such
  record date had not been fixed.     
    C. In case the Corporation shall fix a record date for the making of a
  distribution to all holders of its FON Stock or PCS Stock, as applicable,
  (including any such distribution made in connection with a consolidation or
  merger in which the Corporation is the continuing corporation) of evidences
  of its indebtedness or assets (excluding dividends paid in, or
  distributions of, cash) or subscription rights or warrants (excluding those
  referred to in Paragraph B above), the FON conversion rate or the PCS
  conversion rate, as applicable, after such record date shall be determined
  by multiplying the conversion rate in effect immediately prior to such
  record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the current
  market price per share (as defined in Paragraph D below) of FON Stock or
  PCS Stock, as the case may be, on such record date, and of which the
  denominator shall be such current market price per share of FON Stock or
  PCS Stock, as applicable, less the fair market value (as determined by the
  Board of Directors whose determination shall be conclusive, and described
  in a statement filed with the transfer agent or agents for the Second
  Series and with the principal office of the Corporation) of the portion of
  the assets or evidences of indebtedness so to be distributed or of such
  subscription rights or warrants applicable to one share of FON Stock or PCS
  Stock, as applicable. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever
  such a record date is fixed; and in the event that such distribution is not
  so made, the applicable conversion rate shall again be adjusted to the
  conversion rate which would then be in effect if such record date had not
  been fixed.     
    D. For the purpose of any computation under Paragraphs B and C above, the
  current market price per share of FON Stock or PCS Stock on any record date
  shall be deemed to be the average of the daily closing prices of a share of
  FON Stock or PCS Stock, respectively, for the 30 consecutive business days

  commencing 45 business days before such date. The closing price for each
  day shall be the last sale price regular way or, in case no such sale takes
  place on such day, the mean between the closing bid and asked prices
  regular way, in either case on the New York Stock Exchange.     
    E. The conversion rates shall not be adjusted by reason of: (i) the
  issuance of shares pursuant to options and stock purchase agreements
  granted or entered into with officers or employees of the Corporation; and
  (ii) the issuance of shares for cash (except as provided in Paragraph B
  above) or in exchange for assets or stock of another company.     
    F. Any adjustment in the conversion rates as herein provided shall be to
  the nearest, or if there shall be no nearest, then to the next lower, one-
  hundredth of a share of Corporation Common Stock, and shall remain in
  effect until further adjustment as required hereunder.     
    G. In case the Corporation shall be recapitalized, or shall be
  consolidated with or merged into, or shall sell or transfer its property
  and assets as, or substantially as, an entirety to any other corporation,
  proper provisions shall be made as a part of the terms of such
  recapitalization, consolidation, merger, sale or transfer whereby the
  holder of any shares of the Second Series at the time outstanding
  immediately prior to such event shall thereafter be entitled to such
  conversion rights, with respect to securities of the Corporation resulting
  from such recapitalization, consolidation or merger or to which such sale
  or transfer shall be made, as shall be substantially equivalent to the
  conversion rights herein provided for.
    H. No fraction of a share of Corporation Common Stock shall be issued
  upon any conversion. In lieu of the fraction of a share to which the holder
  of shares of the Second Series surrendered for conversion would otherwise
  be entitled, such holder shall receive, as soon as practicable after the
  date of conversion, an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the
  market value of a full share of such Corporation Common Stock. For the
  purposes of this subparagraph, the market value of a share of the
  applicable Corporation Common Stock shall be the last recorded sale price
  of such a share on the New York Stock Exchange for such stock on the day
  immediately preceding the date upon which such shares of such series are
  surrendered for conversion, or if there be no such recorded sale price on
  such day, the last quoted bid price per share of the applicable Corporation
  Common Stock on such Exchange at the close of business on such date.
    I. Whenever there shall be an adjustment in the conversion rates as
  provided by the foregoing, the Corporation will file with each transfer
  agent for shares of the Second Series a certificate signed by the President
  or the chief financial or accounting officer of the Corporation, setting
  forth in reasonable detail the calculation of the adjustment, and shall
  mail to each holder of record thereof, a notice describing the adjustment
  and stating the applicable record or effective date therefor, at least 20
  days prior thereto.     
  13.8.4. Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation the holders of the Second Series will be
entitled to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for
distribution to stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall be
made to the holders of the Corporation Common Stock or any other class or
series of stock ranking junior to the Second Series either as to dividends or
upon liquidation, the sum of $35.42 per share if such liquidation is voluntary
and the sum of $33.33 per share if such liquidation is involuntary, plus in
each case any accumulated unpaid dividends (whether or not declared), to the
end of the current quarterly dividend period in which the payment is made. If
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts
payable with respect to the Second Series and any other series of Preferred
Stock which ranks on a parity with the Second Series are not paid in full, the
holders of the Second Series and such parity Preferred Stock will share
ratably in any distribution of assets in proportion to the full preferential
amounts to which they are entitled.
  13.8.5. Redemption. Subject to the provisions herein and in the charter
contained, the Second Series may be redeemed by the Corporation, at any time
or from time to time, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at the
redemption price of $50.00 per share, plus any accumulated unpaid dividends
(whether or not declared), to the end of the current quarterly dividend period
in which the payment is made. If less than all the outstanding Second Series
is to be redeemed, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected by lot, in such
equitable manner as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Shares so
redeemed shall be retired and not reissued.     

  13.8.6. Reservation of Shares. The Corporation shall at all times keep
available and reserved the number of shares of its Corporation Common Stock
required for conversion of the outstanding and any reserved shares of the
Second Series.
  13.8.7. Certain Protective Provisions. If at any time the full cumulative
dividends on shares of the Second Series have not been paid or declared and
set aside for payment for the current and all past quarterly dividend periods,
the Corporation (a) will not declare, or pay, or set apart for payment any
dividends or make any distribution, on any other class or series of stock of
the Corporation ranking junior to the Second Series whether as to dividends or
upon liquidation; (b) will not redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire, or
permit any subsidiary to purchase or otherwise acquire, any shares of any
junior class or series if the Corporation shall be in default with respect to
any dividend payable on shares of the Second Series, provided that
notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may at any time redeem,
purchase or otherwise acquire shares of stock of any such junior class in
exchange for, or out of the net cash proceeds from the substantially
simultaneous sale of, other shares of stock of any junior class; and (c) will
not redeem pursuant to redemption rights in the terms of such stock any stock
ranking on a parity with the Second Series unless at the same time it redeems
all the shares of the Second Series.
  Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required by
law, the consent of the holders of at least two-thirds ( 2/3) of the then
outstanding shares of the Second Series shall be necessary in order to
liquidate or dissolve the Corporation voluntarily or by any other means
involving the vote or consent of any stockholders of the Corporation.
  Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required by
law, consent of the holders of at least two-thirds ( 2/3) of the then
outstanding aggregate number of shares of the Second Series and each other
series of the Preferred Stock whose terms provide for such consent, taken
together, will be necessary to: (a) authorize (by whatever means) any stock
ranking either as to payment of dividends or distribution of assets prior to
the Second Series or any other Preferred Stock then outstanding; or (b)
authorize any merger or consolidation (or transfer of all or substantially all
of the assets of the Corporation in a transaction contemplating in substance
and effect the exchange of shares of the Preferred Stock for stock of another
corporation) unless the surviving, resulting or other corporation in such
transaction shall have authorized no stock ranking prior to the Preferred
Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation (unless such stock is a stock
substantially the same as, and to be exchanged for, stock of the Corporation
previously authorized pursuant to the preceding clause (a)); or (c) amend,
alter, or change in any material respect adverse to the holders thereof the
preferences of any then outstanding Preferred Stock; provided that in case of
any such action described in the preceding clauses (a), (b) and (c) which, in
any material respect, is adverse to the Second Series as a series and is not a
term generally applicable to and with the same relative effect upon all
series, the consent of the holders of two-thirds ( 2/3) of the then
outstanding shares of the Second Series will be required.
  Unless the consent of all or a greater number of such shares is required by
law, consent of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding aggregate
number of shares of the Second Series and each other series of the Preferred
Stock whose terms provide for such consent, taken together, will be necessary
to: (a) increase the authorized amount of the Preferred Stock; (b) authorize
any merger or consolidation (or transfer of all or substantially all the
assets of the Corporation to another corporation contemplating in substance
and effect the exchange of shares of the Preferred Stock for stock of another
corporation) unless the surviving, resulting or other corporation in such
transaction shall have no greater authorized amount of stock ranking on a
parity with the Preferred Stock as to payment of dividends or upon liquidation
than was authorized by the Corporation immediately prior to such transaction;
or (c) create any other class of stock ranking on a parity with the Preferred
Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation.
  13.8.8. Voting Rights. Each holder of the Second Series will be entitled to
one (1) vote for each share held, and, in addition to the other class and
series voting rights of the shares of the Second Series, shall have general
voting power, share for share, with the Common Stock of the Corporation and
any other shares having general voting power.

  If six quarterly dividends on any series of the Preferred Stock are in
arrears, the number of directors of the Corporation shall be increased by two
(2) and the holders of all the Preferred Stock voting as a class will be
entitled to elect two (2) directors until all arrears in dividends have been
paid. The Corporation will promptly take all such action as shall be necessary
to permit such election to occur promptly after such arrearage occurs.
  13.9. Preferred Stock--Fifth Series.
  13.9.1. Designation; Number of Shares; Stated Value. The Series shall be
designated as Preferred Stock--Fifth Series (the "Fifth Series") and shall
consist of ninety-five (95) shares. The shares of such series are hereinafter
sometimes called the "Fifth Series Shares." The stated value of the Fifth
Series Shares shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per share.
  13.9.2. Dividends. The rate of dividends upon the Fifth Series Shares (which
shall be cumulative from the date of issue) and the time of payment thereof
shall be 6.00% of the stated value per share per annum, payable quarterly on
the last days of January, April, July and October in each year.
  13.9.3. Rank. The Fifth Series Shares shall rank on a parity with shares of
the First Series and Second Series of the Preferred Stock as to dividends and
upon liquidation.
  13.9.4. Voting Rights. Holders of Fifth Series Shares will be entitled to
one vote for each share held and will be entitled to exercise such voting
rights together with the holders of Corporation Common Stock of the
Corporation, without distinction as to class. If no dividends or less than
full cumulative dividends on the Fifth Series Shares shall have been paid for
each of four consecutive dividend periods, or if arrearages in the payment of
dividends on the Fifth Series Shares shall have cumulated to an amount equal
to full cumulative dividends on the Fifth Series Shares for six quarterly
dividend periods, the holders of the Fifth Series Shares shall, at all
meetings held for the election of Directors until full cumulative dividends
for all past quarterly dividend periods and the current quarterly dividend
period on the Fifth Series Shares shall have been paid or declared and set
apart for payment, possess voting power, acting alone, to elect the smallest
number constituting a majority of the Directors then to be elected. The
Corporation will promptly take all such action as shall be necessary to permit
such election to occur promptly after such arrearage occurs.
  13.9.5. Non-Convertible. The Fifth Series Shares shall not be convertible
into or exchangeable for stock of any other class or classes of the
  13.9.6. Repurchase by the Corporation. Upon six months' prior written
notice, the holders of the Fifth Series Shares may tender all and not less
than all of the Fifth Series Shares to the Corporation for purchase at a price
per share equal to the stated value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)
per share plus accrued dividends to the date of repurchase by the Corporation
(the Purchase Price). Upon such proper tender of all shares of the Fifth
Series Shares by the holders, the Corporation shall purchase the Fifth Series
Shares at the Purchase Price.     
  13.9.7. Tender Procedures. The Fifth Series Shares will not be deemed
tendered unless and until the certificate or certificates therefor have been
received by the Corporation or the bank or trust company designated for the
purpose and, if payment upon acceptance of tender thereof is to be made other
than to the record holders, such certificate or certificates have been duly
endorsed and are in proper form for transfer, with all transfer taxes due in
respect thereof paid or provided for.
  13.9.8. Redemption. If the holders have not theretofore tendered the Fifth
Series Shares to the Corporation for purchase pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 7
hereof by March 14, 2003, then the Corporation shall redeem all of the
outstanding Fifth Series Shares at the Purchase Price on a date set forth in
written notice to the holders as the redemption date (the Redemption Date).
The Corporation shall give notice of such redemption not less than thirty (30)
days prior to the Redemption Date, by mail to the holders of record of the
outstanding shares at their respective addresses then appearing on the books
of the Corporation. At any time before the Redemption

Date, the Corporation may deposit in trust the funds necessary for such
redemption with a bank or trust company to be designated in the notice of
redemption, doing business in the City of Chicago and State of Illinois or in
the City and State of New York, and having capital, surplus and undivided
profits aggregating $25,000,000. In the event such deposit is made so that the
deposited funds shall be forthwith available to the holders of the shares to
be redeemed upon surrender of the certificates evidencing such shares, then,
upon the giving of the notice of such redemption, as hereinabove provided, or
upon the earlier delivery to such bank or trust company of irrevocable
authorization and direction so to give such notice, all shares with respect to
the redemption of which such deposit shall have been made and the giving of
such notice effected shall, whether or not the certificates for such shares
shall be surrendered for cancellation, be deemed to be no longer outstanding
for any purpose and all rights with respect to such shares shall thereupon
cease and terminate, except only the right of the holders of the certificates
for such shares to receive, out of the funds so deposited in trust, from and
after the time of such deposit, the amount payable upon the redemption
thereof, without interest.
  13.9.9. Cancelled Shares. The Fifth Series Shares, purchased upon tender or
redeemed as herein provided, shall be cancelled and upon such cancellation
shall be deemed to be authorized and unissued shares of Preferred Stock,
without par value, of the Corporation but shall not be reissued as shares of
the same or any theretofore outstanding series.
  13.9.10. Default. Default by the Corporation in complying with the
provisions of paragraph 6 or 8 hereof shall preclude the declaration or the
payment of dividends or the making of any other distribution whatsoever upon
the Corporation Common Stock (other than a distribution in shares of its
Corporation Common Stock) until the Corporation shall have cured such default
by depositing the funds necessary therefor in the manner and upon the terms
herein provided. The holders of the Fifth Series Shares shall not be entitled
to apply to any court of law or equity for a money judgment or remedy on
account of any such default other than to restrain the Corporation from the
actions specified above upon the Corporation Common Stock until such default
shall have been cured.
  13.9.11. Liquidation Rights. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation the holders of the Fifth Series will be entitled
to receive out of the assets of the Corporation available for distribution to
stockholders, before any distribution of the assets shall be made to the
holders of Corporation Common Stock, the sum of $100,000 per share, plus an
amount equal to cumulative dividends accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of
distribution to holders of the Fifth Series. If upon any liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation the amounts payable with respect
to the Fifth Series and any other series of Preferred Stock which ranks on a
parity with the Fifth Series are not paid in full, the holders of the Fifth
Series and such parity Preferred Stock will share ratably in any distribution
of assets in proportion to the full preferential amounts to which they are
  1. In addition to any affirmative vote required by law or these Articles of
Incorporation, and except as expressly provided in section 2 of this ARTICLE
SEVENTH, the affirmative vote of the holders of eighty (80) percent of the
outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote in an election of
Directors shall be required for the approval or authorization of any Business
Combination (as hereinafter defined).
  2. The provisions of Section 1 of this ARTICLE SEVENTH shall not be
applicable if:
    A. The Business Combination shall have been approved by a majority of the
  Continuing Directors (as hereinafter defined); provided, however, that such
  approval shall only be effective if obtained at a meeting of Directors at
  which at least seven Continuing Directors are present; or
    B. The Business Combination is a merger or consolidation and the cash or
  Fair Market Value (as hereinafter defined) of the property, securities or
  other consideration to be received per share by the

  stockholders of each class of stock of the Corporation in the Business
  Combination, if applicable, is not less than the highest per share price
  paid by the Interested Stockholder (as hereinafter defined), with
  appropriate adjustments for stock splits, stock dividends and like
  distributions, in the acquisition by the Interested Stockholder of any of
  its holdings of each class of the Corporation's capital stock.
  3. For purposes of this ARTICLE SEVENTH:
    A. The term "Business Combination" means:
      (i) any merger or consolidation of the Corporation or any subsidiary
    of the Corporation with (a) any Interested Stockholder or (b) any other
    corporation (whether or not itself an Interested Stockholder) which is,
    or after such merger or consolidation would be, an Affiliate (as
    defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")) of an Interested
      (ii) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, transfer or other
    disposition (in one transaction or a series of transactions) to or with
    any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    Stockholder of any assets of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the
    Corporation that have an aggregate Fair Market Value of $1,000,000 or
      (iii) the issuance or transfer by the Corporation or any subsidiary
    of the Corporation (in one transaction or a series of transactions) of
    any securities of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation
    to any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    Stockholder in exchange for cash, securities or other property (or a
    combination thereof) having an aggregate Fair Market Value of
    $1,000,000 or more;
      (iv) the adoption of any plan or proposal for the liquidation or
    dissolution of the Corporation proposed by or on behalf of an
    Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested Stockholder;
      (v) any reclassification of securities (including any reverse stock
    split), or recapitalization of the Corporation, or any merger or
    consolidation of the Corporation with any of its subsidiaries or any
    other transaction (whether or not with or into or otherwise involving
    an Interested Stockholder) which has the effect, directly or
    indirectly, of increasing the proportionate share of the outstanding
    shares of any class of equity or convertible securities of the
    Corporation or any subsidiary which is directly or indirectly owned by
    any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    B. The term "Continuing Director" means any member of the Board of
  Directors of the Corporation who is unaffiliated with the Interested
  Stockholder and was a member of the Board of Directors prior to the time
  that the Interested Stockholder became an Interested Stockholder, and any
  successor of a Continuing Director if the successor is unaffiliated with
  the Interested Stockholder and is recommended or elected to succeed a
  Continuing Director by a majority of Continuing Directors, provided that
  such recommendation or election shall only be effective if made at a
  meeting of Directors at which at least seven Continuing Directors are
    C. The term "Fair Market Value" means:
      (i) in the case of stock, the highest closing sale price during the
    30-day period immediately preceding the date in question of a share of
    such stock on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange-listed
    stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted on the Composite Tape, on the
    New York Stock Exchange, or, if such stock is not listed on such
    Exchange, on the principal United States securities exchange registered
    under the Exchange Act on which such stock is listed, or, if such stock
    is not listed on any such exchange, the highest closing bid quotation
    with respect to a share of such stock during the 30-day period
    preceding the date in question on the National Association of
    Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations System or any system then
    in use, or if no such quotations are available, the fair market value
    on the date in question of a share of such stock as determined in good
    faith by a majority of Continuing Directors, provided that such
    determination shall only be effective if made at a meeting of Directors
    at which at least seven Continuing Directors are present; or

      (ii) in the case of property or securities other than cash or stock,
    the fair market value of such property or securities on the date in
    question as determined in good faith by a majority of Continuing
    Directors, provided that such determination shall only be effective if
    made at a meeting of Directors at which at least seven Continuing
    Directors are present.
    D. The term "Interested Stockholder" means and includes, as of the date
  of any proposed Business Combination, any individual, corporation,
  partnership or other person or entity which, together with its "Affiliates"
  and "Associates" (as defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule 12b-2 under the
  Exchange Act), "Beneficially Owns" (as defined on October 1, 1982 in Rule
  13d-3 under the Exchange Act) in the aggregate ten percent or more of the
  outstanding shares of the Corporation entitled to vote in an election of
  Directors, and any Affiliate or Associate of any such individual,
  corporation, partnership or other person or entity.
  1. Prevention of "Greenmail." Any direct or indirect purchase or other
acquisition by this Corporation of any Equity Security (as hereinafter
defined) of any class at a price above Market Price (as hereinafter defined)
from any Interested Securityholder (as hereinafter defined) who has
beneficially owned any Equity Security of the class to be purchased for less
than two years prior to the date of such purchase or any agreement in respect
thereof shall, except as hereinafter expressly provided, require the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of
the then outstanding shares of capital stock of this Corporation entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors (the "Voting Stock"), excluding
Voting Stock beneficially owned by such Interested Securityholder, voting
together as a single class (it being understood that for the purposes of this
ARTICLE EIGHTH, each share of the Voting Stock shall have the number of votes
granted to it pursuant to ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation).
Such affirmative vote shall be required notwithstanding the fact that no vote
may be required, or that a lesser percentage may be specified, by law or any
agreement with any national securities exchange, or otherwise, but (i) no such
affirmative vote shall be required with respect to any purchase, redemption or
other acquisition by this Corporation of capital stock from FT, DT, any
Qualified Subsidiary or any Qualified Stock Purchaser pursuant to the
provisions of the Investment Documents (as such term is defined in Section 10
of ARTICLE SIXTH of these Articles of Incorporation) or these Articles of
Incorporation, (ii) no such affirmative vote shall be required with respect to
any purchase or other acquisition of securities made as part of a tender or
exchange offer by this Corporation to purchase securities of the same class
made on the same terms to all holders of such securities and complying with
the applicable requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
rules and regulations thereunder (or any subsequent provisions replacing such
Act, rules or regulations), and (iii) no such affirmative vote shall be
required with respect to any purchase, redemption, conversion or other
acquisition by this Corporation of Series 2 FON Stock or PCS Stock (as defined
in ARTICLE SIXTH) from a holder thereof pursuant to the provisions of these
Articles of Incorporation.
  2. Certain Definitions. For the purposes of this ARTICLE EIGHTH:
    A. A "person" means any individual, firm, corporation or other entity.
    B. "Interested Securityholder" means any person (other than the
  Corporation or any corporation of which a majority of any class of Equity
  Security is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation) who or
      (i) is the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 5% or more of
    the class of securities to be acquired; or
      (ii) is an Affiliate of the Corporation and at any time within the
    two-year period immediately prior to the date in question was the
    beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 5% or more of the class of
    securities to be acquired; or
      (iii) is an assignee or has otherwise succeeded to any shares of the
    class of securities to be acquired which were at any time within the
    two-year period immediately prior to the date in question

    beneficially owned by an Interested Securityholder, if such assignment
    or succession shall have occurred in the course of a transaction or
    transactions not involving a public offering within the meaning of the
    Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
    C. A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any security of any class of
  the Corporation:
      (i) which such person or any of its Affiliates or Associates (as
    hereinafter defined) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly; or
      (ii) which such person or any of its Affiliates or Associates has (a)
    the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable immediately or
    only after the passage of time), pursuant to any agreement, arrangement
    or understanding or upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange
    rights, warrants or options, or otherwise, or (b) any right to vote
    pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding; or
      (iii) which are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by any
    other person with which such person or any of its Affiliates or
    Associates has any agreement, arrangement or understanding for the
    purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of any security of
    any class of the Corporation.
    D. For the purposes of determining whether a person is an Interested
  Securityholder pursuant to paragraph B of this Section 2, the relevant
  class of securities outstanding shall be deemed to comprise all such
  securities deemed owned through application of paragraph C of this Section
  2, but shall not include other securities of such class which may be
  issuable pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding, or upon
  exercise of conversion rights, warrants or options, or otherwise.
    E. "Affiliate" or "Associate" shall have the respective meanings ascribed
  to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and Regulations under the
  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on October 1, 1982.
    F. "Equity Security" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
  Section 3(a)(11) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on
  January 1, 1985.
    G. "Market Price" means the highest closing sale price during the thirty-
  day period immediately preceding the date in question, of a share of any
  Equity Security on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange issues
  or, if such Equity Security is not quoted on the Composite Tape or is not
  listed on such Exchange, on the principal United States security exchange
  registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, on which
  such Equity Security is listed, or, if such Equity Security is not listed
  on any such exchange, the highest closing bid quotation with respect to a
  share of such Equity Security during the thirty-day period preceding the
  date in question on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
  Automated Quotations System or any system then in use, or, if no such
  quotations are available, the fair market value on the date in question of
  a share of such Equity Security.
  3. Compliance. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have the
power to determine the application of, or compliance with, this ARTICLE
EIGHTH, including, without limitation: (i) whether a person is an Interested
Securityholder; (ii) whether a person is a beneficial owner of any Equity
Security; and (iii) the Market Price of any Equity Security. Any decision or
action taken by the Board of Directors arising out of or in connection with
the construction, interpretation and effect of this ARTICLE EIGHTH shall lie
within its absolute discretion and shall be conclusive and binding, except in
circumstances involving bad faith.

  No Director of the Corporation shall be personally liable to the Corporation
or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty by such
Director as a Director; provided, however, that this ARTICLE NINTH shall not
eliminate or limit the liability of a Director to the extent provided by
applicable law (i) for any breach of the Director's duty of loyalty to the
Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith
or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii)
under Section 51 of the General Corporation Code of the State of Kansas, or
(iv) for any transaction from which the Director derived an improper personal
benefit. No amendment to or repeal of this ARTICLE NINTH shall apply to or
have any effect on the liability or alleged liability of any Director of the
Corporation for or with respect to any acts or omissions of such Director
occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of
said Corporation this    day of [   ], 1998.
                                          Don A. Jensen, Vice President
                                          Michael T. Hyde, Assistant Secretary
  Be it remembered that before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid
county and state, personally appeared: Don A. Jensen, Vice President, and
Michael T. Hyde, Assistant Secretary, of Sprint Corporation, a corporation,
who are known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Amended
and Restated Articles of Incorporation, and duly acknowledged the execution of
the same this    day of [   ], 1998.
                                          Notary Public
My appointment expires:
- ------------------------------------------

  THIS RESTRUCTURING AND MERGER AGREEMENT is made as of this 26th day of May,
1998, by and among TELE-COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("TCI"),
COMCAST CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania corporation ("Comcast"), COX
COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Cox", and together with TCI and
Comcast, the "Cable Parents"), SPRINT CORPORATION, a Kansas corporation
("Sprint", and together with the Cable Parents, the "Parents"), TCI SPECTRUM
HOLDINGS, INC., a Colorado corporation ("TCI Partner"), COMCAST TELEPHONY
SERVICES, a Delaware general partnership ("Comcast Partner"), COX TELEPHONY
PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware general partnership ("Cox Partner", and together with
TCI Partner and Comcast Partner, the "Cable Partners"), SPRINT ENTERPRISES,
L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Sprint Partner", and together with the
Cable Partners, the "PCS Partners"), TCI PHILADELPHIA HOLDINGS, INC., a
Delaware corporation ("TCI PhillieCo Sub"), COM TELEPHONY SERVICES, INC., a
Delaware corporation ("Comcast HoldCo Sub1"), COMCAST TELEPHONY SERVICES,
INC., a Delaware corporation ("Comcast HoldCo Sub2"), COX TELEPHONY PARTNERS,
INC., a Delaware corporation ("Cox HoldCo Sub1") and COX COMMUNICATIONS
WIRELESS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Cox HoldCo Sub2", and together with
TCI PhillieCo Sub, Comcast HoldCo Sub1, Comcast HoldCo Sub2 and Cox HoldCo
Sub1, the "HoldCo Entities"), SWV ONE, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Comcast
Merger Sub1"), SWV TWO, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Comcast Merger Sub2"),
SWV THREE, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Cox Merger Sub1"), SWV FOUR, INC., a
Delaware corporation ("Cox Merger Sub2"), SWV FIVE, INC., a Delaware
corporation ("TCI Merger Sub1"), and SWV SIX, INC., a Colorado corporation
("TCI Merger Sub2", and together with Cox Merger Sub1, Cox Merger Sub2,
Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger Sub2 and TCI Merger Sub1, the "Merger
  WHEREAS, each of the PCS Partners is a general partner and a limited partner
of each of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership ("Sprint PCS GP"), and MinorCo, L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership ("Sprint PCS LP");
  WHEREAS, Sprint PCS GP is the sole general partner and Sprint PCS LP is the
sole limited partner of Sprint Spectrum, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership
("Sprint PCS");
  WHEREAS, TCI Partner is an indirect Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of TCI, Comcast
Partner is wholly owned by Comcast HoldCo Sub1 and Comcast HoldCo Sub2 (which
in turn are indirect Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries of Comcast), and Cox Partner is
wholly owned by Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2 (which in turn are Wholly-
Owned Subsidiaries of Cox);
  WHEREAS, TCI PhillieCo Sub, Cox HoldCo Sub2 and Sprint Partner
(collectively, the "PhillieCo Partners") are the sole partners, each holding a
general partnership and a limited partnership interest, in PhillieCo Partners
I, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("PhillieCo GP"), and PhillieCo
Partners II, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("PhillieCo LP");
  WHEREAS, PhillieCo GP is the sole general partner and PhillieCo LP is the
sole limited partner of PhillieCo Sub, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership
("PhillieCo Sub"), which in turn is the sole general partner of PhillieCo,
L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("PhillieCo1"), and PhillieCo Equipment &
Realty Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("PhillieCo2") (PhillieCo
Sub, PhillieCo1 and PhillieCo2 are collectively referred to herein as
  WHEREAS, each of the Merger Subs is a direct Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of
  WHEREAS, SprintCom, Inc., a Kansas corporation ("SprintCom"), and SprintCom
Equipment Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("EquipmentCo"), are
Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries of Sprint;

  WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of each of the Parents, TCI Partner, the
HoldCo Entities and the Merger Subs has determined that it is in the best
interests of their respective stockholders for (A) TCI Merger Sub1 to merge
with and into TCI PhillieCo Sub, (B) TCI Merger Sub2 to merge with and into
TCI Partner, (C) Comcast Merger Sub1 to merge with and into Comcast HoldCo
Sub1, (D) Comcast Merger Sub2 to merge with and into Comcast HoldCo Sub2, (E)
Cox Merger Sub1 to merge with and into Cox HoldCo Sub1 and (F) Cox Merger Sub2
to merge with and into Cox HoldCo Sub2, all upon the terms and subject to the
conditions of this Agreement (each, a "Merger" and together, the "Mergers");
  WHEREAS, the outstanding stock of TCI Partner and the HoldCo Entities will
be converted in the Mergers into (i) shares of a special series of a new class
of common stock of Sprint that will reflect the performance of the PCS Group
(as defined herein), (ii) certain warrants to acquire additional shares of
such special series of common stock and (iii) in certain cases, shares of a
new series of preferred stock of Sprint;
  WHEREAS, concurrently with the Closing of the Mergers, Sprint currently
intends to complete the IPO (as defined herein) and, within 120 days
thereafter, to complete the Recapitalization (as defined herein);
  WHEREAS, if the IPO is not completed on the Closing Date, Sprint will effect
the Recapitalization concurrently with the Closing and intends to complete the
IPO within 120 days following the Closing;
  WHEREAS, immediately following the Mergers, TCI, Comcast and Cox will hold
(directly or indirectly through their respective Subsidiaries) shares of such
special series of common stock and Warrants (as defined herein) representing
Initial PCS Group Percentage Interests (as defined herein) of 23.83074%,
11.42370%, and 11.91537%, respectively, and the Sprint FON Group (as defined
herein) will hold a notional equity "intergroup" interest in the PCS Group
equal to a 52.83019% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest; and
  WHEREAS, in connection with the Mergers, the parties hereto intend to enter
into other agreements and covenants as specified herein;
  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the representations,
warranties, covenants and agreements contained herein and in the Other
Agreements (as defined herein), and for other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties
hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
                                   ARTICLE 1
  Section 1.1 Certain Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following
terms shall have the meanings specified below:
  "Act" means the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, as set
forth in Del. Code Ann. tit. 6, (S)(S)17-101 to 17-1111.
  "Additional Capital Contribution" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.10
of the PCS Partnership Agreement.
  "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that
directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with such Person. For purposes of
this definition, the term "controls" (including its correlative meanings
"controlled by" and "under common control with") shall mean the possession,
direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting
securities, by contract or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i)
neither Sprint PCS LP, Sprint PCS GP, Sprint PCS or any of its Subsidiaries,
PhillieCo GP, PhillieCo LP, PhillieCo or any of its Subsidiaries nor any
Person controlled by any of such entities, shall be deemed to be an Affiliate
of any Parent or of any Affiliate of any Parent prior to the

Closing and (ii) no Parent or any Affiliate thereof shall be deemed to be an
Affiliate of any other Parent or any Affiliate thereof solely by virtue of the
ownership by such Parent or any of its Affiliates of interests in Sprint PCS
LP, Sprint PCS GP, PhillieCo GP or PhillieCo LP.
  "Agreement" means this Restructuring and Merger Agreement, including the
Schedules and Exhibits attached hereto.
  "Business Day" means a day of the year on which banks are not required or
authorized to be closed in the State of New York.
  "Capital Contribution" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.10 of the PCS
Partnership Agreement.
  "CBCA" means the Colorado Business Corporation Act.
  "Certificate of Designations" means the form of certificate of designations
attached hereto as Exhibit A setting forth the rights, preferences and
limitations of the PCS Preferred Stock, which will be filed with the Kansas
Secretary of State on the Closing Date.
  "Certificates of Merger" means, collectively, the Colorado Articles of
Merger and the Delaware Certificates of Merger.
  "Class A Stock" means the Class A Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share,
of Sprint, as provided for in the Current Sprint Charter.
  "Closing" means the consummation of the Mergers and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement (including those set forth in Article 9),
concurrently with either the IPO or the Recapitalization, as contemplated by
this Agreement, held on the date and at the place fixed in accordance with
Article 9.
  "Closing Date" means the date of the Closing.
  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  "Colorado Articles of Merger" means the articles of merger in the form of
Exhibit B-2, to be filed with the Colorado Secretary of State to effect the
Merger of TCI Merger Sub2 with and into TCI Partner.
  "Colorado Plan of Merger" means the plan of merger in the form of Annex 1 to
Exhibit B-2, to be filed with the Colorado Secretary of State to effect the
Merger of TCI Merger Sub2 with and into TCI Partner.
  "Comcast" means Comcast Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation, and any
successor (by merger, consolidation, Transfer or otherwise) to all or
substantially all of its business or assets.
  "Controlled Affiliate" of (i) any Person (other than a Parent or any
Subsidiary of a Parent) means the Parent Entity of such Person as of the date
of this Agreement and each Subsidiary of such Parent Entity as of the date of
determination, and (ii) any Parent or its Subsidiary means such Parent and
each Subsidiary of such Parent as of the date of determination.
  "Cox" means Cox Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any
successor (by merger, consolidation, Transfer or otherwise) to all or
substantially all of its business or assets.
  "Cox L.A. Amendments" means (i) the amendment to the Agreement of Limited
Partnership of Cox Communications PCS, L.P. by and between Sprint PCS GP and
Cox Pioneer Partnership dated as of December 31, 1996, as amended, in the form
of Exhibit C-1, to be entered into at the Closing among Sprint,

Sprint PCS GP and Cox Pioneer Partnership; and (ii) the amendment to the
Affiliation Agreement by and between Sprint PCS and Cox Communications PCS,
L.P. dated as of December 31, 1996, as amended, in the form of Exhibit C-2, to
be entered into at the Closing by Sprint PCS and Cox Communications PCS, L.P.
  "Current Sprint Charter" means the Restated Articles of Incorporation of
Sprint as in effect on the date hereof.
  "Delaware Certificates of Merger" means each of the five certificates of
merger in the form of Exhibit B-1 to be filed with the Delaware Secretary of
State to effect the Mergers other than the Merger of TCI Merger Sub2 with and
into TCI Partner.
  "DGCL" means the Delaware General Corporation Law.
  "DT" means Deutsche Telekom AG, an Aktiengesellschaft formed under the laws
of Germany.
  "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
  "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission.
  "FT" means France Telecom, S.A., a societe anonyme formed under the laws of
  "FT/DT Agreements" means the following agreements to be entered into among
Sprint, FT and DT in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement: (i) Master Restructuring Agreement; (ii) Amended and Restated
Stockholders' Agreement; (iii) Amended and Restated Registration Rights
Agreement; (iv) Amended and Restated Standstill Agreement; (v) Amended and
Restated Acquiring Person's Statement; (vi) Amended and Restated Investor
Confidentiality Agreement (DT only); and (vii) Amended and Restated Investor
Confidentiality Agreement (FT only).
  "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles in effect from time to
time in the United States of America.
  "Governmental Authority" means any federation, nation, state, sovereign, or
government, any federal, supranational, regional, state, local or political
subdivision, any governmental or administrative body, instrumentality,
department or agency or any court, administrative hearing body, arbitration
tribunal, commission or other similar dispute resolving panel or body, and any
other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or
administrative functions of a government.
  "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  "Initial Charter Amendment" means the Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation of Sprint effecting the creation of the PCS Stock and the
creation of the PCS Group and the Sprint FON Group, the form of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit E.
  "Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest" means, for any Person, the PCS Group
Percentage Interest owned by such Person at the Effective Time, after giving
effect to the issuance of the Series 2 PCS Stock and the Warrants in the
Mergers and the creation of the Warrant Intergroup Interest, but without
giving effect to (i) the IPO, (ii) the Recapitalization, (iii) the issuance of
the PCS Preferred Stock, (iv) the creation of the Preferred Intergroup
Interest, or (v) the exercise of any Top-Up Rights.
  "IPO" means the initial primary underwritten public offering of Series 1 PCS
Stock, proposed to be conducted by Sprint in accordance with Sections 6.2 and
  "IPO Price" means the initial price per share at which shares of Series 1
PCS Stock are purchased by the public in the IPO.

  "Knowledge", or any phrase or term of similar meaning, when used with
respect to any of the Parents, means the actual knowledge of the executive
officers of such Parent, without having made any special investigation or
inquiry regarding the applicable subject matter.
  "IRS" means the Internal Revenue Service or any successor agency or entity
performing substantially the same functions.
  "Law" means any foreign or domestic law, statute, code, ordinance, rule or
regulation promulgated, or any order, judgment, writ, stipulation, award,
injunction or decree entered, by a Governmental Authority.
  "Lien" means any lien, pledge, claim, encumbrance, mortgage or security
interest in real or personal property.
  "Management and Allocation Policies" means those policies in the form of
Exhibit F (which include the Tax Sharing Agreement) to be adopted by the
Sprint Board of Directors, effective as of the Closing Date, addressing the
relationship between the PCS Group (on the one hand) and the Sprint FON Group
(on the other hand).
  "Material Adverse Effect" on any party hereto means (i) with respect to any
party to this Agreement an adverse change in, or an adverse effect on, the
ability of such party to perform its obligations in any material respect under
this Agreement or the Other Agreements and (ii) with respect to PhillieCo GP,
PhillieCo LP, PhillieCo, SprintCom, EquipmentCo, any of the HoldCo Entities,
or the Cable Partners, a material adverse effect on the business, properties,
operations or financial condition of such party and its Subsidiaries taken as
a whole, other than any such effect resulting primarily from (A) general
economic or industry conditions (including any changes in applicable Law), (B)
the announcement or proposed consummation of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement or (C) any adverse change in the business, properties,
operations or financial condition of Sprint PCS or PhillieCo.
  "MinorCo Partnership Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Agreement of
Limited Partnership of MinorCo, L.P. dated as of January 31, 1996, among
Sprint Partner, TCI Partner, Comcast Partner and Cox Partner.
  "Mutual Release and Waiver" means the Mutual Release and Waiver to be
executed at the Closing by Sprint and the Cable Parents, in the form of
Exhibit G.
  "Other Agreements" means (i) the Registration Rights Agreement, (ii) the
Standstill Agreements, (iii) the Tax Sharing Agreement, (iv) the Cox L.A.
Amendments, (v) the Warrant Agreements, (vi) the Mutual Release and Waiver,
(vii) the FT/DT Purchase Rights Agreement and (viii) the Voting Agreements,
(ix) the Cable Parent PCS Notes, (x) the Sprint PCS Notes and (xi) the
SprintCom Notes.
  "Parent Entity" of any Person means the ultimate parent entity (as
determined in accordance with the HSR Act) of such Person.
  "Parent" (i) with respect to Cox (and its Controlled Affiliates) means Cox,
(ii) with respect to Comcast (and its Controlled Affiliates) means Comcast,
(iii) with respect to TCI (and its Controlled Affiliates) means TCI and (iv)
with respect to Sprint (and its Controlled Affiliates) means Sprint.
  "Parents Agreements" means the three Parents Agreements, dated January 31,
1996, between Sprint and each Cable Parent.
  "PCS Group" has the meaning set forth in the Initial Charter Amendment.
  "PCS Group Percentage Interest" means, with respect to any Person at any
given time, the percentage of the notional equity interest in the PCS Group
owned by such Person, taking into account (i) the outstanding

shares of PCS Stock, (ii) the shares of PCS Stock that would be outstanding if
the intergroup interest in the PCS Group then held by the Sprint FON Group
were represented by shares of PCS Stock, (iii) after the Recapitalization, the
shares of PCS Stock that would be outstanding if all of the outstanding shares
of Class A Stock were converted into Series 3 PCS Stock and Series 3 FON Stock
pursuant to Article SIXTH, Section 8.5 of the Subsequent Charter Amendment,
and (iv) the maximum number of shares of PCS Stock that are issuable upon the
exercise, conversion or exchange of the PCS Options (or that would be issuable
in the case of a PCS Option represented by an intergroup interest held by the
Sprint FON Group in the PCS Group), excluding from clause (iv) any Pre-Closing
Options to the extent reflected as part of the intergroup interest referred to
in clause (ii).
  "PCS Interest" means, as to any PCS Partner, all of the interests of such
PCS Partner in Sprint PCS GP and Sprint PCS LP, including any and all benefits
to which the holder of an interest in Sprint PCS GP and Sprint PCS LP may be
entitled as provided in the PCS Partnership Agreement and the MinorCo
Partnership Agreement and under the Act, together with all obligations of such
PCS Partner to comply with the terms and provisions of the PCS Partnership
Agreement and the MinorCo Partnership Agreement.
  "PCS Options" means, at any time of determination, (i) the options, warrants
or other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled Affiliates outstanding
at such time that are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into
shares of PCS Stock, but excluding (A) any rights of Cox Pioneer Partnership
or its Affiliates under the Agreement of Limited Partnership of Cox
Communications, PCS, L.P., dated as of December 31, 1996, as it is to be
amended pursuant to the Cox L.A. Amendments,(B) the outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock, and (C) any such options, warrants or other securities
that will be satisfied by Sprint without the allocation of any cost or expense
to the PCS Group or otherwise economically diluting the PCS Group Percentage
Interest of any Cable Parent, and (ii) the Preferred Intergroup Interest, the
Warrant Intergroup Interest and any other intergroup interests held by the
Sprint FON Group in the PCS Group that have the same effect as the options,
warrants and other securities referred to in clause (i) above.
  "PCS Partner" means Sprint Partner and the Cable Partners in their
capacities as general and/or limited partners of Sprint PCS GP and Sprint PCS
  "PCS Partnership Agreement" means the Amended and Restated Agreement of
Limited Partnership of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P. dated as of
January 31, 1996, among Sprint Partner, TCI Partner, Comcast Partner and Cox
  "PCS Percentage Interest" means, with respect to any PCS Partner as of any
relevant date prior to the Closing, the "Percentage Interest" of such PCS
Partner as defined in Section 1.10 of the PCS Partnership Agreement.
  "PCS Preferred Stock" means the Seventh Series, Convertible Preferred Stock
of Sprint, no par value, which shall be created by the filing of the
Certificate of Designations.
  "PCS Stock" means the Series 1 PCS Stock, the Series 2 PCS Stock, the Series
3 PCS Stock and any other series of common stock hereafter created by Sprint
that tracks the performance of the PCS Group.
  "Permitted Liens" means (i) Liens for Taxes not yet due and payable, (ii)
Liens for Taxes, the validity of which is being contested in good faith in
appropriate proceedings and with respect to which appropriate reserves have
been set aside on the books of the party against which such Liens have been
created and (iii) Liens arising under this Agreement, the Other Agreements,
the PCS Partnership Agreement, the MinorCo Partnership Agreement, the
PhillieCo Partnership Agreement and the PhillieCo LP Partnership Agreement.
  "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability
company, trust, unincorporated association or other entity.

  "PhillieCo Interest" means, as to any PhillieCo Partner, all of the
interests of such partner in PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP, including any and
all benefits to which the holder of an interest in PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo
LP may be entitled as provided in the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement, the
PhillieCo LP Partnership Agreement and under the Act, together with all
obligations of such PhillieCo Partner to comply with the terms and provisions
of the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement and the PhillieCo LP Partnership
  "PhillieCo LP Partnership Agreement" means the Agreement of Limited
Partnership of PhillieCo Partners II, L.P., dated March 12, 1997, among the
PhillieCo Partners.
  "PhillieCo Parents" means Sprint, TCI and Cox.
  "PhillieCo Partners" means TCI PhillieCo Sub, Cox HoldCo Sub2 and Sprint
Partner in their capacities as general and/or limited partners of PhillieCo GP
and PhillieCo LP.
  "PhillieCo Partnership Agreement" means the Agreement of Limited Partnership
of PhillieCo Partners I, L.P., dated March 12, 1997, by and among the
PhillieCo Partners.
  "Pre-Closing Options" means the options, warrants and other securities of
Sprint or any of its Subsidiaries that were issued prior to and are
outstanding as of the Closing and that are exercisable or exchangeable for or
convertible into shares of Sprint Common Stock, which, in connection with the
Recapitalization, will become, in whole or in part, options, warrants or other
securities that are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares
of Series 1 PCS Stock (but excluding any PCS Options held by FT or DT).
  "Preferred Intergroup Interest" means the intergroup interest of the Sprint
FON Group in the PCS Group created by the Sprint Board of Directors in
accordance with Section 6.6 hereof that will have terms equivalent to the PCS
Preferred Stock.
  "Recapitalization" means (i) the reclassification of each outstanding share
of Sprint Common Stock into one share of FON Stock and a certain number of
shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and (ii) the amendment of the terms of the Class
A Stock to represent interests in the PCS Group and the Sprint FON Group, in
each case to be effected by the filing of the Subsequent Charter Amendment.
  "Registration Rights Agreement" means the Registration Rights Agreement in
the form of Exhibit H to be entered into at the Closing among Sprint, TCI,
Comcast and Cox.
  "Registration Rights Commencement Date" has the meaning set forth in the
Registration Rights Agreement.
  "Required Approvals" means the events contemplated in Sections 8.1(a),
8.1(b) and 8.1(d).
  "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
  "Series 1 FON Stock" means the Series 1 FON Group Common Stock, par value
per share to be determined, of Sprint, which will be created by the filing of
the Subsequent Charter Amendment and which, together with the Series 1 PCS
Stock, will be exchanged for the outstanding Sprint Common Stock upon
completion of the Recapitalization.
  "Series 3 FON Stock" means the Series 3 FON Group Common Stock, par value
per share to be determined, of Sprint, which will be created by the filing of
the Subsequent Charter Amendment.
  "Series 1 PCS Stock" means the Series 1 PCS Group Common Stock, par value
per share to be determined, of Sprint, which will be created on the Closing
Date by the filing of the Initial Charter Amendment.

  "Series 2 PCS Stock" means the Series 2 PCS Group Common Stock, par value
per share to be determined, of Sprint, which will be created on the Closing
Date by the filing of the Initial Charter Amendment.
  "Series 3 PCS Stock" means the Series 3 PCS Group Common Stock, par value
per share to be determined, of Sprint, which will be created on the Closing
Date by the filing of the Initial Charter Amendment.
  "Sprint" means Sprint Corporation, a Kansas corporation, and any successor
(by merger, consolidation, Transfer or otherwise) to all or substantially all
of its business or assets.
  "Sprint Common Stock" means the Common Stock, par value $2.50 per share, of
Sprint, as provided for in the Current Sprint Charter.
  "Sprint FON Group" has the meaning set forth in the Initial Charter
  "Standstill Agreements" means the Standstill Agreements in the form of
Exhibit I entered into on the date hereof between Sprint and each of TCI,
Comcast and Cox.
  "Subsequent Charter Amendment" means the Amendment to the Restated Articles
of Incorporation of Sprint effecting the Recapitalization, the form of which
is attached hereto as Exhibit J.
  "Subsidiary" of any Person as of any relevant date means a corporation,
company or other entity (i) more than 50% of whose outstanding shares or
equity securities are, as of such date, owned or controlled, directly or
indirectly through one or more Subsidiaries, by such Person, and the shares or
securities so owned entitle such Person and/or its Subsidiaries to elect at
least a majority of the members of the board of directors or other managing
authority of such corporation, company or other entity notwithstanding the
vote of the holders of the remaining shares or equity securities so entitled
to vote or (ii) which does not have outstanding shares or securities, as may
be the case in a partnership, joint venture or unincorporated association, but
more than 50% of whose ownership interest is, as of such date, owned or
controlled, directly or indirectly through one or more Subsidiaries, by such
Person, and in which the ownership interest so owned entitles such Person
and/or Subsidiaries to make the decisions for such corporation, company or
other entity.
  "Surviving Corporation" means the surviving corporation in each Merger as
set forth herein.
  "Tax" or "Taxes" means all federal, state, local and foreign income,
profits, franchise, gross receipts, payroll, sales, employment, use, property,
withholding, excise and other taxes, duties or assessments of any nature
whatsoever, together with all interest, penalties and additions imposed with
respect to such amounts; provided, however, that "Tax" and "Taxes" shall not
include amounts paid to municipalities with respect to operating franchise
  "Tax Return" or "Tax Returns" means all returns or reports required to be
filed under any statute, rule or regulation relating to Taxes.
  "Tax Sharing Agreement" means the Tax Sharing Agreement in the form of
Exhibit K to be executed at the Closing by Sprint for the benefit of each
entity in the PCS Group and the Sprint FON Group.
  "TCI" means Tele-Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any
successor (by merger, consolidation, Transfer or otherwise) to all or
substantially all of its business or assets.
  "Top-Up Rights" means (i) the "Equity Purchase Rights" of FT and DT pursuant
to Article 5 of the Amended and Restated Stockholders Agreement to be entered
into on the Closing Date among Sprint, FT and DT and (ii) the Equity Purchase
Rights of the Cable Parents pursuant to Section 6.8 of this Agreement.
  "Transfer" means any act pursuant to which, directly or indirectly, the
ownership of assets or securities in question is sold, exchanged, assigned,
transferred, conveyed, delivered or otherwise disposed of.

  "Voting Agreements" means the three Irrevocable Proxy and Voting Agreements
in the form of Exhibit M to be entered into at the Closing between Sprint and
each of the Cable Parents.
  "Warrant Agreements" means the three Warrant Agreements in the form of
Exhibit N to be entered into at the Closing between Sprint and each initial
holder of the Warrants.
  "Warrant Intergroup Interest" means the intergroup interest of the Sprint
FON Group in the PCS Group created by the Sprint Board of Directors in
accordance with Section 4.3 hereof on terms equivalent to the Warrants.
  "Warrants" means those warrants to be issued in the Mergers as described in
Section 4.1, which shall be in the form attached to the Warrant Agreement.
  "Wholly-Owned Subsidiary" means, as to any Person, a Subsidiary of such
Person in which 100% of the equity and voting interest is owned, directly or
indirectly, by such Person.
  "Year 2000 Liability" means, with respect to any Person, any cost, expense,
liability or obligation (actual, potential, contingent or otherwise) of such
Person and its Subsidiaries arising out of the failure or inability of any
software, hardware, or systems (whether owned or used by such Person and its
Subsidiaries or any of their vendors, customers or other third parties) to
correctly (i) process, provide and receive date data within and between the
years 1999 and 2000 and (ii) account for all required leap year calculations
for the year 2000.
  Section 1.2 Other Defined Terms.

         DEFINED TERM               DEFINED IN
         ------------               ----------
         "Acquired PCS Sub"         Section 7.10(a)
         "Additional Securities"    Section 6.8(a)
         "Affiliated Group"         Section 5.2(g)(i)
         "Allocated Cash Proceeds"  Section 6.6(d)(v)(D)
         "Available Cash Proceeds"  Section 6.6(d)(v)(A)
         "Available Proceeds"       Section 6.6(v)(A)
         "Basket Claims"            Section 11.2(a)
         "Basket Limitation"        Section 11.2(a)
         "Bylaw Amendment"          Section 5.3(c)
         "Cable Holder"             Section 6.8(a)
         "Cable Parent PCS Loan"    Section 6.4(b)
         "Cable Parent PCS Notes"   Section 6.4(b)
         "Cable Partners"           Recitals
         "Cash Request Amount"      Section 6.6(d)(ii) and (iii)
         "Chairman"                 Section 6.13
         "Claim Notice"             Section 11.4(a)
         "Colorado Plan of Merger"  Section 2.2
         "Comcast HoldCo Sub1"      Recitals
         "Comcast HoldCo Sub2"      Recitals
         "Comcast Merger Sub1"      Recitals
         "Comcast Merger Sub2"      Recitals
         "Comcast Partner"          Recitals
         "Contractual Liens"        Section 5.2(a)
         "Contribution Date"        Section 6.4(a)
         "Cox HoldCo Sub1"          Recitals
         "Cox HoldCo Sub2"          Recitals
         "Cox L.A. Amendments"      Recitals
         "Cox Merger Sub1"          Recitals



         DEFINED TERM                    DEFINED IN
         ------------                    ----------
         "Cox Merger Sub2"               Recitals
         "Cox Partner"                   Recitals
         "CP Contracts"                  Section 5.2(f)
         "CP Representatives"            Section 6.11(b)
         "Determination Date"            Section 7.10(i)(ii)
         "Determination Summary"         Section 7.10(f)
         "Effective Time"                Section 2.2
         "Election Period"               Section 11.4(a)
         "EquipmentCo"                   Recitals
         "Equity Purchase Right"         Section 6.8(a)
         "Historic Sprint PCS Business"  Section 7.10(a)
         "HoldCo Entities"               Recitals
         "Indemnified Loss"              Section 11.2(a)
         "Indemnified Party"             Section 11.2(a)
         "Indemnitor"                    Section 11.2(a)
         "Indemnity Notice"              Section 11.4(d)
         "IPO Prospectus"                Section 6.2(a)
         "Loss"                          Section 11.2(a)
         "Merger"                        Recitals
         "Merger Subs"                   Recitals
         "Net Equity"                    Section 10.2(b)
         "Non-Basket Claim"              Section 11.2(a)(i)
         "Non-Controlled Affiliate"      Section 6.19(a)
         "Overpayment Rate"              Section 7.11(a)
         "Owned Interests"               Section 5.2(b)
         "Parent Response"               Section 6.6(d)(ii)
         "PCS Group Constituents"        Section 5.3(f)
         "PCS Partners"                  Recitals
         "PhillieCo"                     Recitals
         "PhillieCo1"                    Recitals
         "PhillieCo2"                    Recitals
         "PhillieCo GP"                  Recitals
         "PhillieCo Licenses"            Section 5.4(c)
         "PhillieCo Loss"                Section 11.6
         "PhillieCo LP"                  Recitals
         "PhillieCo Sub"                 Recitals
         "Proposed Term"                 Section 6.4(d)
         "Proxy Statement"               Section 6.2(a)
         "Registration Statement"        Section 6.2(a)
         "Rights"                        Section 5.2(a)
         "Share Consideration"           Section 4.1(b)
         "Sprint Contracts"              Section 5.3(h)(v)
         "Sprint Notice"                 Section 6.6(d)(i)
         "Sprint Partner                 Recitals
         "Sprint PCS"                    Recitals
         "Sprint PCS Loan"               Section 6.4(b)
         "Sprint PCS Notes"              Section 6.4(b)
         "Sprint PCS GP"                 Recitals
         "Sprint PCS LP"                 Recitals
         "SprintCom"                     Recitals
         "SprintCom Licenses"            Section 5.5(c)



         DEFINED TERM               DEFINED IN
         ------------               ----------
         "SprintCom Loans"          Section 6.5
         "SprintCom Notes"          Section 6.5
         "Sprint Representatives"   Section 6.11
         "Sprint SEC Reports"       Section 5.3(i)
         "SRLY Entity"              Section 7.10(a)
         "SRLY Measurement Period"  Section 7.10(f)
         "SRLY Tax Benefit"         Section 7.10(b)
         "SRLY Tax Savings"         Section 7.10(c)
         "Stockholders Meeting"     Section 6.2(a)
         "Tax Benefit"              Section 11.2(c)
         "TCI Merger Sub1"          Recitals
         "TCI Merger Sub2"          Recitals
         "TCI Partner"              Recitals
         "TCI PhillieCo Sub"        Recitals
         "TCI Spectrum"             Section 2.2
         "Third Party Claim"        Section 11.4(a)
         "Total Proceeds"           Section 6.3(a)
         "Trigger Date"             Section 6.2(c)
         "Underwriters"             Section 6.3(a)

  Section 1.3 Terms Generally. The definitions in Article 1 and elsewhere in
this Agreement shall apply equally to both the singular and plural forms of
the terms defined. Whenever the context may require, any pronoun shall include
the corresponding masculine, feminine and neuter forms. The words "include",
"includes" and "including" shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase
"without limitation." The words "herein", "hereof", "hereto" and "hereunder"
and words of similar import refer to this Agreement (including the Schedules
and Exhibits) in its entirety and not to any part hereof unless the context
shall otherwise require. All references herein to Articles, Sections, Exhibits
and Schedules shall be deemed references to Articles and Sections of, and
Exhibits and Schedules to, this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise
require. Unless the context shall otherwise require, any references to any
agreement or other instrument (other than in the Schedules hereto) or statute
or regulation are to it as amended and supplemented from time to time (and, in
the case of a statute or regulation, to any corresponding provisions of
successor statutes or regulations). Any reference in this Agreement to a "day"
or number of "days" (without the explicit qualification of "Business") shall
be interpreted as a reference to a calendar day or number of calendar days. If
any action or notice is to be taken or given on or by a particular calendar
day, and such calendar day is not a Business Day, then such action or notice
shall be deferred until, or may be taken or given on, the next Business Day.
                                   ARTICLE 2
                          THE MERGERS; EFFECTIVE TIME
  Section 2.1 The Mergers. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement (including the conditions set forth in Article 8), on the Closing
Date, (a) TCI Merger Sub1 will be merged with and into TCI PhillieCo Sub, (b)
Comcast Merger Sub1 will be merged with and into Comcast HoldCo Sub1, (c) Cox
Merger Sub1 will be merged with and into Cox HoldCo Sub1, (d) TCI Merger Sub2
will be merged with and into TCI Partner, (e) Comcast Merger Sub2 will be
merged with and into Comcast HoldCo Sub2, and (f) Cox Merger Sub2 will be
merged with and into Cox HoldCo Sub2, all in accordance with the provisions of
applicable Law. The separate corporate existence of each Merger Sub shall
thereupon cease. Each of TCI PhillieCo Sub, TCI Partner, Comcast HoldCo Sub1,
Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2 shall be the
Surviving Corporation in the applicable Merger and shall continue its
corporate existence as a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Sprint. Each Merger shall
have the effects specified in the DGCL or the CBCA, as applicable.

  Section 2.2 The Mergers; Adoption and Approval; Effective Time. This
Agreement constitutes an agreement of merger for the purposes of Section
251(b) of the DGCL with respect to each of the Mergers other than the Merger
of TCI Merger Sub1 with and into TCI Partner (the "Colorado Merger"). The plan
of merger attached hereto as Annex 1 to Exhibit B-2 constitutes a plan of
merger for the purposes of Section 7-111-101 of the CBCA with respect to the
Colorado Merger (the "Colorado Plan of Merger"). Also, by executing and
delivering this Agreement, Sprint, as the sole shareholder of TCI Merger Sub2,
hereby approves and adopts, and TCI, as the Parent Entity of TCI Spectrum
Investment, Inc. ("TCI Spectrum"), the sole shareholder of TCI Partner, hereby
agrees to cause TCI Spectrum to approve and adopt, the Colorado Plan of
Merger. Each Merger shall become effective (a) if clause (b) does not apply,
at the time of filing of (i) the Colorado Articles of Merger with the
Secretary of State of the State of Colorado in accordance with the provisions
of the CBCA, in the case of the Colorado Merger, or (ii) the appropriate
Delaware Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of
Delaware in accordance with the provisions of the DGCL, in the case of the
other Mergers, or (b) at the time specified as the effective time in the
applicable Delaware Certificate of Merger or Colorado Articles of Merger. The
Delaware Certificates of Merger and Colorado Articles of Merger shall be filed
on the Closing Date. The date and time when each Merger shall become effective
is hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Time".
                                   ARTICLE 3
                             TERMS OF THE MERGERS
  Section 3.1 Charters. At the Effective Time, the charter of each of TCI
PhillieCo Sub, TCI Partner, Comcast HoldCo Sub1, Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox
HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2 shall be amended pursuant to the respective
Certificates of Merger to be identical to the charter of TCI Merger Sub1, TCI
Merger Sub2, Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger Sub2, Cox Merger Sub1 and Cox
Merger Sub2, respectively, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective
Time. With respect to each Merger, such charter as so amended shall be the
charter of the Surviving Corporation, until duly amended in accordance with
the terms thereof and applicable Law.
  Section 3.2 The By-Laws. The By-Laws of each of TCI PhillieCo Sub, TCI
Partner, Comcast HoldCo Sub1, Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox
HoldCo Sub2 shall be amended at the Effective Time to be identical to the By-
Laws of TCI Merger Sub1, TCI Merger Sub2, Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger
Sub2, Cox Merger Sub1 and Cox Merger Sub2, respectively, as in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time. With respect to each Merger, such By-
Laws as so amended shall be the By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation, until
duly amended in accordance with the terms thereof, of the charter of the
Surviving Corporation and applicable Law.
  Section 3.3 Directors. The directors of each of TCI Merger Sub1, TCI Merger
Sub2, Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger Sub2, Cox Merger Sub1 and Cox Merger
Sub2 immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, from and after the
Effective Time, serve as the directors of TCI PhillieCo Sub, TCI Partner,
Comcast HoldCo Sub1, Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2,
respectively, until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and
qualified or until their earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance
with each such entity's charter and By-Laws.
  Section 3.4 Officers. The officers of each of TCI Merger Sub1, TCI Merger
Sub2, Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger Sub2, Cox Merger Sub1 and Cox Merger
Sub2 immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, from and after the
Effective Time, serve as the officers of TCI PhillieCo Sub, TCI Partner,
Comcast HoldCo Sub1, Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2,
respectively, until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and
qualified or until their earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance
with each such entity's charter and By-Laws.

                                   ARTICLE 4
  Section 4.1 Share Consideration; Conversion or Cancellation of Shares in the
    (a) Subject to the provisions of this Article 4, at the Effective Time,
  by virtue of the Mergers and without any action on the part of the holders
  thereof, the shares of TCI Partner, TCI PhillieCo Sub, Comcast HoldCo Sub1,
  Comcast HoldCo Sub2, Cox HoldCo Sub1 and Cox HoldCo Sub2 shall be converted
  into shares of Series 2 PCS Stock, the Warrants and (in certain cases)
  shares of the PCS Preferred Stock in the following manner:
      (i) Each share of common stock of TCI Partner issued and outstanding
    immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into (A) a
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such number of
    shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective Time a
    21.47655% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the
    number of outstanding shares of common stock of TCI Partner at the
    Effective Time, (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such number of
    Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 1.37085% Initial PCS
    Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of outstanding
    shares of common stock of TCI Partner at the Effective Time and (C) a
    number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to (x) the aggregate
    number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock (if any) to be issued in the
    Mergers with respect to the common stock of TCI Partner pursuant to
    Section 6.6 divided by (y) the number of outstanding shares of common
    stock of TCI Partner at the Effective Time.
      (ii) Each share of common stock of TCI PhillieCo Sub issued and
    outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted
    into (A) a number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective
    Time a 0.92434% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y)
    the number of outstanding shares of common stock of TCI PhillieCo Sub
    at the Effective Time and (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such
    number of Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 0.05900%
    Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of
    outstanding shares of common stock of TCI PhillieCo Sub at the
    Effective Time.
      (iii) Each share of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub1 issued and
    outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted
    into (A) a number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective
    Time a 0.10738% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y)
    the number of outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub1
    at the Effective Time, (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such
    number of Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 0.00685%
    Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of
    outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub1 at the
    Effective Time and (C) a number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal
    to (x) the aggregate number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock (if any)
    to be issued in the Mergers with respect to the common stock of Comcast
    HoldCo Sub1 pursuant to Section 6.6 divided by (y) the number of
    outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub1 at the
    Effective Time.
      (iv) Each share of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub2 issued and
    outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted
    into (A) a number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective
    Time a 10.63090% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y)
    the number of outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub2
    at the Effective Time, (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such
    number of Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 0.67857%
    Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of
    outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub2 at the
    Effective Time and (C) a number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal
    to (x) the aggregate number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock (if any)
    to be issued in the Mergers with respect to the

    common stock of Comcast HoldCo Sub2 pursuant to Section 6.6 divided by
    (y) the number of outstanding shares of common stock of Comcast HoldCo
    Sub2 at the Effective Time.
      (v) Each share of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub1 issued and
    outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted
    into (A) a number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective
    Time a 0.10738% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y)
    the number of outstanding shares of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub1 at
    the Effective Time and (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such
    number of Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 0.00685%
    Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of
    outstanding shares of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub1 at the Effective
      (vi) Each share of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub2 issued and
    outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted
    into (A) a number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock equal to (x) such
    number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock as represents at the Effective
    Time a 11.09307% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest divided by (y)
    the number of outstanding shares of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub2 at
    the Effective Time, (B) a number of Warrants equal to (x) such number
    of Warrants as represents at the Effective Time a 0.70807% Initial PCS
    Group Percentage Interest divided by (y) the number of outstanding
    shares of common stock of Cox HoldCo Sub2 at the Effective Time and (C)
    a number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to (x) the aggregate
    number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock (if any) to be issued in the
    Mergers with respect to the Common Stock of Cox HoldCo Sub2 pursuant to
    Section 6.6 divided by (y) the number of outstanding shares of common
    stock of Cox HoldCo Sub2 at the Effective Time.
      (vii) Each share of capital stock other than common stock of each of
    the HoldCo Entities and TCI Partner shall be cancelled.
    (b) All shares of the HoldCo Entities and TCI Partner to be converted
  into Series 2 PCS Stock, Warrants and (if applicable) PCS Preferred Stock
  pursuant to this Section 4.1 shall, at the Effective Time, cease to be
  outstanding, shall be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist, and
  shall thereafter represent only the right to receive for each of such
  shares, upon the surrender of such certificate in accordance with Section
  4.2, the amount of Series 2 PCS Stock, Warrants and (if applicable) PCS
  Preferred Stock specified above (the "Share Consideration"). No fractional
  shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or PCS Preferred Stock or fractional Warrants
  shall be issued as a result of the Mergers, and the number of shares of
  Series 2 PCS Stock and PCS Preferred Stock and Warrants to be received by
  any shareholder of the HoldCo Entities or TCI Partner shall be rounded to
  the nearest whole number of shares or Warrants.
    (c) Each share of common stock of TCI Merger Sub1, TCI Merger Sub2,
  Comcast Merger Sub1, Comcast Merger Sub2, Cox Merger Sub1 and Cox Merger
  Sub2 issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall
  at the Effective Time be converted into one share of common stock of the
  applicable Surviving Corporation.
  Section 4.2 Payment for Shares in the Mergers. At the Closing, Sprint will
deliver to the holders of shares of the HoldCo Entities and TCI Partner stock
and warrant certificates representing the Share Consideration (together with
the executed Warrant Agreements) in exchange for certificates representing all
of the outstanding shares of the HoldCo Entities and TCI Partner. Such
certificates representing the outstanding shares of the HoldCo Entities and
TCI Partner shall forthwith be canceled.
  Section 4.3 Warrant Intergroup Interest. Effective at the Effective Time,
the Sprint Board of Directors will create an intergroup interest of the Sprint
FON Group in the PCS Group that will have terms equivalent to the Warrants and
will represent a 2.83019% Initial PCS Group Percentage Interest.

                                   ARTICLE 5
  Section 5.1 Mutual Representations. Each Parent hereby represents and
warrants to each other Parent, as to itself and each of its Controlled
Affiliates that is a party to this Agreement, as follows:
    (a) Due Incorporation or Formation; Authorization of Agreements. Such
  party is duly organized or formed and validly existing under the laws of
  the jurisdiction of its organization or formation and has the corporate or
  partnership power and authority to own its property and carry on its
  business as owned and carried on at the date hereof. Such party is duly
  qualified to do business and in good standing (if applicable) in each
  jurisdiction in which it conducts business or in which it is otherwise
  required to be qualified, except for failures to be so qualified which,
  individually or in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect
  on such party. Such party has the corporate or partnership power and
  authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and the Other Agreements to
  which it is or will be a party, to perform its obligations hereunder and
  thereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and
  thereby. This Agreement and the Other Agreements to which it is or will be
  a party have been (or at the Closing will be) duly executed and delivered
  by such party, and the execution, delivery and performance of this
  Agreement and such Other Agreements by such party have been duly authorized
  by all necessary corporate or partnership action. This Agreement and the
  Other Agreements to which it is or will be a party constitute (or, as to
  Other Agreements not executed on or prior to the date hereof and (in the
  case of Sprint) the Warrants, will constitute) the legal, valid and binding
  obligation of such party, enforceable in accordance with its terms (except
  as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency (including
  all laws relating to fraudulent transfers), reorganization, moratorium and
  similar laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors generally and
  the application of general principles of equity).
    (b) No Conflict; No Default. Except as to clauses (i), (iii), (iv) and
  (v) below, as would not have a Material Adverse Effect on such party,
  neither the execution or delivery of this Agreement or the Other Agreements
  to which it is a party or (in the case of Sprint) the Warrants by such
  party nor (assuming the Required Approvals have been obtained) the
  performance of this Agreement or the Other Agreements by such party or the
  consummation by such party of the transactions contemplated hereby or
  thereby in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof and thereof (i)
  will conflict with, violate or result in a breach of any of the terms,
  conditions or provisions of any Law applicable to such party or any of its
  Controlled Affiliates, (ii) will conflict with, violate, result in a breach
  of or constitute a default under any of the terms, conditions or provisions
  of the certificate or articles of incorporation, bylaws or partnership
  agreement (or other governing documents) of such party or any of its
  Controlled Affiliates, (iii) will conflict with, violate, result in a
  breach of or constitute a default under any of the terms, conditions or
  provisions of any material agreement or instrument to which such party or
  any of its Controlled Affiliates is a party or by which such party or any
  of its Controlled Affiliates is or may be bound or to which any of its
  material properties or assets is subject, (iv) will conflict with, violate,
  result in a breach of, constitute a default under (whether with notice or
  lapse of time or both), accelerate or permit the acceleration of the
  performance required by, give to others any interests or rights or require
  any consent, authorization or approval under any indenture, mortgage, lease
  agreement or similar instrument to which such party or any of its
  Controlled Affiliates is a party or by which such party or any of its
  Controlled Affiliates is or may be bound, or (v) will result in the
  creation or imposition of any Lien upon any of the other material
  properties or assets of such party or any of its Controlled Affiliates.
    (c) Litigation. Except for the Petition of Sprint Spectrum Partners and
  Sprint Spectrum, L.P. d/b/a Sprint PCS for Declaratory Relief filed on
  March 13, 1997, with the FCC, there are no actions, suits, proceedings or
  investigations pending or, to the knowledge of such Parent, threatened
  against such party or any of its properties, assets or businesses (other
  than any actions, suits or proceedings pending or threatened against Sprint
  PCS, PhillieCo, SprintCom or EquipmentCo or their respective properties,
  assets or businesses) before or by any Governmental Authority which would,
  individually or in the aggregate, if adversely determined (or, in the case
  of an investigation, could lead to any action, suit or proceeding, which

  if adversely determined would), have a Material Adverse Effect on such
  party, and such party has not received any currently effective notice of
  any default, and such party is not in default, under any applicable order,
  writ, injunction, decree, permit, determination or award of any
  Governmental Authority, which default would have a Material Adverse Effect
  on such party.
    (d) Finders Fees. Other than Merrill Lynch & Co. (whose fees other than
  in connection with its role as underwriter (if any) in the IPO shall be
  paid by the Cable Parents) and Salomon Smith Barney and SBC Warburg Dillon
  Read, Inc. (whose fees shall be paid by Sprint and allocated to the Sprint
  FON Group, except as provided in Section 12.4), there is no investment
  banker, broker or finder that has been retained by or is authorized to act
  on behalf of any Parent or its Controlled Affiliates who would be entitled
  to any fee or commission upon consummation of or otherwise in connection
  with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided that the
  Parents acknowledge that they have previously jointly retained Salomon
  Smith Barney with respect to services provided prior to October 10, 1997,
  and each Parent will pay its pro rata share (based on the PCS Percentage
  Interest of its respective Partner) of the fees and expenses for such
  services (which, in the case of Sprint, will be allocated to the Sprint FON
  Section 5.2 Representations and Warranties of the Cable Parents. Each Cable
Parent hereby represents and warrants to each other Parent, as to itself and
each of its Controlled Affiliates that is a party to this Agreement, as
    (a) Interests in Sprint PCS Owned by the Cable Partners. Such Cable
  Parent's respective Cable Partner has good legal title to, and beneficial
  ownership of, the PCS Interest indicated as owned by it on Schedule 5.2(a),
  free and clear of all Liens other than Liens described in clause (iii) of
  the definition of Permitted Liens ("Contractual Liens"). Except as provided
  in the PCS Partnership Agreement and the MinorCo Partnership Agreement,
  such Cable Partner has the sole right to vote and dispose of the PCS
  Interest indicated as owned by it on Schedule 5.2(a). Such Cable Partner
  has no assets or liabilities or obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent
  or otherwise, including any liability for Taxes of itself or any other
  Person) except (i) its PCS Interest, (ii) as contemplated by Section 6.4,
  (iii) obligations under the CP Contracts, (iv) certain other intercompany
  indebtedness that will be extinguished by means of capital contribution
  prior to the Effective Time and (v) obligations imposed solely as a matter
  of Laws to which such Cable Partner is subject. Such Cable Partner has not
  engaged in any business or activities of any type or kind whatsoever except
  as relates to its ownership of the PCS Interest. Except as provided in the
  CP Contracts and in Section 6.4, there are no subscriptions, options,
  warrants, call rights or rights of conversion or other rights, agreements,
  arrangements or commitments (collectively, "Rights") obligating such Cable
  Partner to issue additional capital stock or interests in such Cable
  Partner to any party or to Transfer its PCS Interest or any equity or
  voting interest therein in whole or in part, or any voting agreement,
  voting trust agreement or similar agreement relating to the voting by such
  Cable Partner of any of its PCS Interests.
    (b) Partnership Interests in Cable Partners Owned by HoldCo
  Entities. Each of such Cable Parent's respective HoldCo Entities has good
  legal title to, and record and beneficial ownership of, all capital stock
  and all general partnership, limited partnership and any other equity
  interests indicated as owned by it on Schedule 5.2(b) (the "Owned
  Interests"), free and clear of all Liens (other than Contractual Liens).
  Other than the Owned Interests and, in the case of Cox HoldCo Sub 2, its
  PhillieCo Interest, such HoldCo Entity has no assets or liabilities or
  obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, including any
  liability for Taxes of itself or any other Person) except for (i) its
  rights and obligations under the CP Contracts and obligations imposed
  solely as a matter of Laws to which such HoldCo Entity is subject, (ii) as
  provided in Section 6.4 and (iii) certain other intercompany indebtedness
  that will be extinguished by means of capital contribution prior to the
  Effective Time. Such HoldCo Entity has not engaged in any business or
  activities of any type or kind whatsoever except as relates to its
  ownership of its respective Owned Interests. The Owned Interests held by
  such HoldCo Entity are duly authorized and validly issued and were not
  issued in violation of any preemptive rights or any applicable securities
  laws. Following the Mergers, such HoldCo Entity will continue to have good
  legal title to, and beneficial ownership of, its Owned Interests, free and
  clear of any Lien arising as a result of the Mergers. Except as provided in
  the CP Contracts and in

  Section 6.4, there are no Rights obligating such HoldCo Entity to issue
  additional capital stock or other securities of such HoldCo Entity,
  Transfer any of its Owned Interests or any equity or voting interest
  therein in whole or in part, or any voting agreement, voting trust
  agreement or similar agreement relating to the voting by such HoldCo Entity
  of any such Owned Interests. Solely for the purposes of this Section
  5.2(b), TCI PhillieCo Sub will be excluded from the definition of HoldCo
  Entities, and TCI Parent shall not make any representation with respect to
  this Section.
    (c) Capital Stock of the HoldCo Entities and TCI Partner. The number of
  authorized and outstanding shares of each series and class of capital stock
  of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entity and TCI Partner, as to TCI, is set
  forth on Schedule 5.2(c). All issued shares of such capital stock are duly
  authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and were not
  issued in violation of any preemptive rights or securities laws. Such Cable
  Parent (as to Cox with respect to Cox HoldCo Sub2) or the Subsidiary of
  such Cable Parent indicated on Schedule 5.2(c) has good legal title to, and
  beneficial ownership of, the shares of capital stock of its respective
  HoldCo Entity and TCI Partner, as to TCI, indicated as owned by it on
  Schedule 5.2(c), free and clear of all Liens (other than Contractual
  Liens). Except as provided in the CP Contracts, such Cable Parent (as to
  Cox with respect to Cox HoldCo Sub2) or such Subsidiary of the Cable Parent
  has the sole right to vote and dispose of such capital stock. There are no
  Rights obligating such Cable Parent (as to Cox with respect to Cox HoldCo
  Sub2) or such Subsidiary of the Cable Parent to Transfer any such shares of
  capital stock or any equity or voting interest therein in whole or in part,
  or any voting agreement, voting trust agreement or similar agreement
  relating to the voting by such Subsidiary of the Cable Parent of any of
  such shares of capital stock.
    (d) Availability. Such Cable Parent has made available to Sprint true and
  correct copies of the charter, bylaws, stockholders agreements, partnership
  agreement and other constituent documents, as applicable, of each HoldCo
  Entity and Cable Partner.
    (e) Consents, Approvals and Authorizations. The execution, delivery and
  performance of this Agreement and the Other Agreements by such Cable Parent
  and its respective Controlled Affiliates do not and will not require any
  consent, approval, authorization or other action by, or filing with or
  notification to, any Governmental Authority or any other Person on the part
  of such Cable Parent or its respective Controlled Affiliates, except (i)
  for (to the extent applicable to such Person) the Required Approvals or
  (ii) to the extent the failure to obtain or make any of the foregoing,
  individually or in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect
  on such party.
    (f) Contracts.
      (i) Except as set forth on Schedule 5.2(f)(i) and for promissory
    notes representing the loans referred to in Section 6.4, none of such
    Cable Parent's respective HoldCo Entities or Cable Partner is a party
    to, nor are its properties or assets bound by, any contracts or
    agreements except written contracts to which Sprint or its Controlled
    Affiliates is a party (the "CP Contracts").
      (ii) Neither the Cable Partner of such Cable Parent nor any of its
    Controlled Affiliates is in material breach of Section 6.6 of the PCS
    Partnership Agreement.
    (g) Taxes. For the purposes of this Section, any tax item shown on a
  return or report furnished by Sprint, Sprint PCS GP, Sprint PCS LP, Sprint
  PCS, PhillieCo GP, PhillieCo LP or PhillieCo (or their respective
  predecessors) to any Cable Parent or any member of its Affiliated Group (as
  defined herein) shall be deemed correct.
      (i) Since its formation, each of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities
    (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) has been a member of an affiliated group,
    as defined in Code section 1504, of which its respective Cable Parent
    (or an Affiliate of its Cable Parent) is the common parent, which has
    elected to file consolidated federal income tax returns for all taxable
    periods ending after the formation of such entity and on or prior to
    the last day of the first taxable year of such affiliated group to
    close after the Closing Date (each, an "Affiliated Group").

      (ii) Except as set forth on Schedule 5.2(g)(ii), since its formation,
    each of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to
    TCI) has derived no material item of income, loss, deduction or credit
    during its existence other than such items which were or are included
    in its direct or indirect distributive share of such items of Sprint
    PCS GP, Sprint PCS LP, PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP. Each of such
    Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) has no
    subsidiaries other than direct interests or interests in partnerships
    which hold direct interests (or indirect interests through other
    partnerships) in Sprint PCS GP, Sprint PCS LP, PhillieCo GP and
    PhillieCo LP.
      (iii) Such Cable Parent's Affiliated Group has filed all federal
    income tax returns that it was required to file for each period during
    which its respective HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) was a
    member of the Affiliated Group. All such returns were correct and
    complete in all material respects in so far as they relate to such
    Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI). All
    material federal income taxes owed by such Cable Parent's Affiliated
    Group with respect to its HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI)
    (whether or not shown on a Tax Return) have been paid for each taxable
    period during which such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI
    Partner, as to TCI) was a member of its respective Affiliated Group.
      (iv) If the income of any of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (or
    TCI Partner, as to TCI) is required under state, local, or foreign tax
    rules, to be included on a consolidated, unitary, combined or other
    such tax returns filed by an entity other than such HoldCo Entities or
    TCI Partner, each such group has filed all income tax returns that it
    was required to file with respect to such HoldCo Entity (or TCI
    Partner, as to TCI) for each period during which its respective HoldCo
    Entities or TCI Partner was a member of such group. All such returns
    were correct and complete in all material respects in so far as they
    relate to such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to
    TCI). All material income taxes owed by such group with respect to such
    HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI) (whether or not shown on a
    Tax Return) have been paid for each taxable period during which such
    Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) was a
    member of its respective group.
      (v) Except as set forth on Schedule 5.2(g)(v), each of such Cable
    Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) and each of its
    Subsidiaries (if any) have filed all Tax Returns that it was required
    to file through the date hereof. All such Tax Returns were correct and
    complete in all material respects. All Taxes owed by each of such Cable
    Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) or its
    Subsidiaries (if any) (whether or not shown on any Tax Return) have
    been paid. Except as provided in Schedule 5.2(g)(v) and except for any
    extension relating to the entire Affiliated Group or any consolidated,
    unitary, combined or other such group of which such HoldCo Entity or
    TCI Partner is a member, none of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities
    (nor TCI Partner, as to TCI) nor its respective Subsidiaries (if any)
    is currently the beneficiary of any extension of time within which to
    file a Tax Return. No claim has ever been made by an authority, in a
    jurisdiction where such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner,
    as to TCI) or its respective Subsidiaries (if any) do not file Tax
    Returns, that it or they may be subject to taxation by that
    jurisdiction. There are no security interests on any of the assets of
    such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI) or its
    respective Subsidiaries (if any) that arose in connection with any
    failure (or alleged failure) to pay any Tax.
      (vi) Each of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as
    to TCI) and each of the respective Subsidiaries (if any) of such Cable
    Parent's HoldCo Entities has withheld and paid all Taxes required to
    have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or owing to
    any employee, independent contractor, creditor, stockholder, or other
    third party.
      (vii) There is no dispute or claim concerning any Tax Liability of
    such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI) or its
    respective Subsidiaries (if any) either claimed or raised by any
    authority in writing to such HoldCo Entity (or TCI Partner, as to TCI)
    (or its respective Cable Parent) or as to which any of such entities
    has knowledge based upon direct personal contact with any agent of such

      (viii) Schedule 5.2(g)(viii) lists all Tax Returns filed by such
    Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (and TCI Partner, as to TCI) and each of
    the respective Subsidiaries (if any) of such Cable Parent's HoldCo
    Entities for all taxable periods ending on or before the date hereof
    and indicates those Tax Returns that have been audited and those which
    are currently under audit, except that such schedule does not include
    consolidated, unitary, combined or other such Tax Returns filed by a
    Cable Parent (or an Affiliate of a Cable Parent) which includes such
    Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI). Each Cable
    Parent has delivered (or will deliver within 30 days following the date
    hereof) to Sprint correct and complete copies of all Tax Returns
    (except for those Tax Returns not required to be included in Schedule
    5.2(g)(viii)), examination reports, and statements of deficiencies
    assessed against or agreed to by its respective HoldCo Entities (or TCI
    Partner, as to TCI) and its respective Subsidiaries (if any).
      (ix) Except for waivers and extensions that apply to such Cable
    Parent's HoldCo Entities (or TCI Partner, as to TCI) or its
    Subsidiaries (if any) with respect to consolidated, unitary or combined
    Tax Returns that include the income of any such entities and the income
    of their respective Cable Parents (or Affiliates of the Cable Parents),
    the normal period within which to examine and/or assess Taxes on the
    income of any such entity has not been extended with respect to any
    such entity by waiver of, or agreement to extend, the applicable
    statute of limitations or otherwise.
      (x) None of such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities (nor TCI Partner, as
    to TCI) nor any of the respective Subsidiaries (if any) of such Cable
    Parent's HoldCo Entities has filed a consent under Code section 341(f)
    concerning collapsible corporations, or has made or is required to make
    any payments, or is a party to any agreement that under certain
    circumstances could obligate it to make any payment that will not be
    deductible under Code section 280G.
    (h) Tax Opinions. On the date hereof, each of the Cable Parents has
  received from its respective outside counsel an opinion to the effect that,
  although not free from doubt, the Mergers involving such Cable Parent's
  respective HoldCo Entities or Cable Partner (as applicable) should
  constitute a "reorganization" under Section 368(a) of the Code. In
  rendering such opinions, outside counsel for each of the Cable Parents has
  received and relied upon representations contained in (A) certificates of
  such Cable Parent in form and substance reasonably acceptable to such
  counsel and (B) the certificate referred to in Section 6.12(c).
    (i) Ownership of Sprint Securities. Except as provided in this Agreement
  and the Other Agreements, neither such Cable Parent nor any of its
  Subsidiaries owns or has a contractual right or obligation to acquire any
  shares of Sprint Common Stock or any other capital stock of Sprint or any
  security convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for Sprint Common
  Stock or any other capital stock of Sprint.
  Section 5.3 Representations and Warranties of Sprint. Sprint hereby
represents and warrants that:
    (a) Merger Subs.
      (i) The Merger Subs were formed by Sprint solely for the purpose of
    engaging in the transactions contemplated hereby.
      (ii) All of the issued and outstanding capital stock of each Merger
    Sub is directly owned beneficially and of record by Sprint free and
    clear of any Liens (other than Contractual Liens).
      (iii) Except for obligations or liabilities arising under this
    Agreement, each Merger Sub has not incurred any obligations or
    liabilities or engaged in any business or activities of any type or
    kind whatsoever or entered into any agreements or arrangements with any
    (b) Consents, Approvals and Notifications. The execution, delivery and
  performance of this Agreement and the Other Agreements by Sprint and its
  respective Controlled Affiliates do not and will not require any consent,
  approval, authorization or other action by, or filing with or notification
  to, any Governmental Authority or any other Person on the part of Sprint on
  its Controlled Affiliates, except (i) for the Required Approvals or (ii) to
  the extent the failure to obtain or make any of the foregoing, individually
  or in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on such

    (c) Sprint Board Action. Prior to the date hereof, the Board of Directors
  of Sprint has approved (i) an amendment to Sprint's Bylaws, to be effective
  at the Closing, in the form of Exhibit O (the "Bylaw Amendment"), (ii) the
  Management and Allocation Policies, to be effective at the Closing, (iii)
  the Initial Charter Amendment and the Subsequent Charter Amendment and (iv)
  this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement and
  the transactions contemplated hereby (including the future exercise by the
  Cable Holders of their respective Equity Purchase Rights) have been
  approved by the Board of Directors of Sprint (including by a majority of
  the "Continuing Directors" of Sprint at a meeting at which at least seven
  of such Continuing Directors were present, as contemplated by Article
  Seventh of the Current Sprint Charter). With respect to those matters
  described in clauses (i), (iii) and (iv) above, the Board of Directors of
  Sprint has directed that such matters be submitted for the approval of the
  stockholders of Sprint at the Stockholders Meeting and has recommended to
  the stockholders of Sprint that such matters be approved.
    (d) FT/DT Agreements. Attached hereto as Exhibit P are true and correct
  copies of the FT/DT Agreements. The execution and delivery of this
  Agreement and the Other Agreements (including the Registration Rights
  Agreement), and the consummation and performance of the transactions
  contemplated hereby and thereby, by Sprint and its Controlled Affiliates
  will not violate or conflict with the FT/DT Agreements (including the
  Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement included therein) or any
  other agreement between Sprint or any of its Controlled Affiliates (on the
  one hand) and FT or DT or any of their respective Controlled Affiliates (on
  the other hand), or conflict with the consummation and performance by
  Sprint and its Controlled Affiliates of the transactions contemplated
    (e) PCS Percentage Group Interests; Intergroup Interests. At the
  Effective Time, the number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock and Warrants
  held by each of the Cable Parents and its Subsidiaries will represent the
  following Initial PCS Group Percentage Interests: TCI Parent--23.83074%;
  Comcast Parent--11.42370%; and Cox Parent--11.91537%. Immediately following
  the Recapitalization, the Sprint FON Group will not hold an intergroup
  interest in the PCS Group except for (i) the Preferred Intergroup Interest,
  (ii) the Warrant Intergroup Interest, and (iii) any intergroup interest
  retained by Sprint relating to Pre-Closing Options (which, in the case of
  clause (iii), will represent a PCS Group Percentage Interest of less than
  5.0%). Sprint covenants that all Pre-Closing Options shall be satisfied out
  of the Sprint FON Group's intergroup interest in the PCS Group or otherwise
  satisfied by Sprint without the allocation of any cost or expense to the
  PCS Group and without otherwise economically diluting the PCS Group
  Percentage Interest of any Cable Parent.
    (f) PCS Group Constituents. Assuming the accuracy of the representations
  and warranties of the Cable Parents contained in this Agreement,
  immediately following the Closing, the PCS Group shall consist of the
  entities and ownership interests therein shown on Schedule 5.3(f) (other
  than Sprint, UCOM, Inc., US Telecom, Inc., UC PhoneCo, Inc. and UST
  PhoneCo, Inc.) and the corresponding interests in their respective assets
  and liabilities and the businesses conducted by such entities ("PCS Group
    (g) King & Spalding Opinion. On the date hereof, Sprint has received from
  King & Spalding its opinion to the effect that (i) the Recapitalization
  will constitute a recapitalization within the meaning of Section
  368(a)(1)(E) of the Code, (ii) any outstanding stock which is designated as
  common stock of Sprint in Sprint's Articles of Incorporation will
  constitute voting stock of Sprint for federal income tax purposes, and
  (iii) except with respect to cash paid in lieu of fractional shares, if
  any, the holders of such stock of Sprint will not recognize income, gain or
  loss in and as a result of the Recapitalization. In rendering such opinion,
  King & Spalding has received and relied upon representations contained in
  certificates of Sprint in form and substance reasonably acceptable to King
  & Spalding.
    (h) Representations and Warranties Regarding Sprint Partner. With respect
  to Sprint Partner, Sprint hereby represents and warrants to each other
  Parent as follows:
      (i) Sprint Partner has good legal title to, and beneficial ownership
    of, a 40% PCS Interest (consisting of a 40% interest in Sprint PCS GP
    and a 40% interest in Sprint PCS LP), free and clear of all Liens
    (other than Contractual Liens). Except as provided in the PCS
    Partnership Agreement and the

    MinorCo Partnership Agreement, Sprint Partner has the sole right to
    vote and dispose of such PCS Interest. Other than such PCS Interest and
    its PhillieCo Interest, Sprint Partner has no assets or liabilities or
    obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, including any
    liability for Taxes of itself or any other Person) except for
    obligations under the Sprint Contracts, obligations imposed solely as a
    matter of Laws to which Sprint Partner is subject and liabilities and
    obligations attributable to its PCS Interest and PhillieCo Interest.
    Sprint Partner has not engaged in any business or activities of any
    type or kind whatsoever except as relates to its ownership of the PCS
    Interest and its PhillieCo Interest. There are no Rights obligating
    Sprint Partner to issue additional interests in Sprint Partner to any
    party or (except as provided in the PCS Partnership Agreement and the
    MinorCo Partnership Agreement) to Transfer its PCS Interest or any
    equity or voting interest therein in whole or in part, or (except for
    the Sprint Contracts) any voting agreement, voting trust agreement or
    similar agreement relating to the voting by Sprint Partner of any of
    its PCS Interests.
      (ii) Interests in Sprint Partner. The subsidiaries of Sprint holding
    direct interests in Sprint Partner have good legal title to all of the
    general partnership and limited partnership interests in Sprint Partner
    indicated as owned by them on Schedule 5.3(h)(ii), free and clear of
    all Liens (other than Contractual Liens). Such interests are duly
    authorized and validly issued and were not issued in violation of any
    preemptive rights or any applicable securities laws. There are no
    Rights obligating such subsidiaries to issue additional interests in,
    or capital stock of, such subsidiaries, Transfer any of their interests
    in Sprint Partner or any equity or voting interest therein in whole or
    in part, or (except for the Sprint Contracts) any voting agreement,
    voting trust agreement or similar agreement relating to the voting by
    such subsidiaries of any of the general or limited partnership
    interests of Sprint Partner.
      (iii) Availability. Sprint has made available to each Cable Parent
    true and correct copies of the charter, bylaws, stockholders
    agreements, partnership agreement and other constituent documents, as
    applicable, of Sprint Partner.
      (iv) Consents, Approvals and Authorizations. The execution, delivery
    and performance of this Agreement and the Other Agreements by Sprint
    Partner do not and will not require any consent, approval,
    authorization or other action by, or filing with or notification to,
    any Governmental Authority or any other Person on the part of Sprint
    Partner, except (i) for the Required Approvals or (ii) to the extent
    the failure to obtain or make any of the foregoing, individually or in
    the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Sprint
      (v) Contracts.
        (A) Sprint Partner is not a party to, nor are its properties or
      assets bound by, any contracts or agreements except those to which
      one or more of the Cable Partners or their Affiliates are a party
      (the "Sprint Contracts").
        (B) Neither Sprint Partner nor any of its Controlled Affiliates is
      in material breach of Section 6.6 of the PCS Partnership Agreement.
      (vi) Taxes.
        (A) Since its formation, SprintCom has been a member of an
      Affiliated Group of which Sprint is the common parent, which has
      elected to file consolidated federal income tax returns.
        (B) Since its formation, Sprint Partner has not derived any
      material item of income, loss, deduction or credit during its
      existence other than such items which were or are included in its
      direct or indirect distributive share of such items of Sprint PCS
      GP, Sprint PCS LP, PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP. Neither SprintCom
      nor Sprint Partner has Subsidiaries other than interests in
      partnerships which hold direct interests (or indirect interests
      through other partnerships) in Sprint PCS GP, Sprint PCS LP,
      PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP.

        (C) Sprint's Affiliated Group has filed all federal income tax
      returns that it was required to file for each period during which
      SprintCom was a member of the Affiliated Group. All such returns
      were correct and complete in all material respects insofar as they
      relate to SprintCom.
        (D) If the income of SprintCom or Sprint Partner is required under
      state, local, or foreign tax rules, to be included on a
      consolidated, unitary, combined or other tax return filed by an
      entity other than itself, each such group has filed all income tax
      returns that it was required to file with respect to SprintCom or
      Sprint Partner for each period during which SprintCom or Sprint
      Partner was a member of such group. All such returns were correct
      and complete in all material respects insofar as they relate to
      SprintCom or Sprint Partner. All material income taxes owed by such
      group with respect to SprintCom or Sprint Partner (whether or not
      shown on a Tax Return) have been paid for each taxable period during
      which SprintCom or Sprint Partner was a member of its respective
        (E) Each of SprintCom and Sprint Partner (and each of their
      Subsidiaries (if any)) has filed all Tax Returns that it was
      required to file through the date hereof. All such Tax Returns were
      correct and complete in all material respects. All Taxes owed by
      each of such entities (or its Subsidiaries (if any)) (whether or not
      shown on any Tax Return) have been paid. No claim has ever been made
      by an authority, in a jurisdiction where SprintCom or Sprint Partner
      (or their respective Subsidiaries (if any)) do not file Tax Returns,
      that it or they may be subject to taxation by that jurisdiction.
      There are no security interests on any of the assets of SprintCom or
      Sprint Partner (or their respective Subsidiaries (if any)) that
      arose in connection with any failure (or alleged failure) to pay any
        (F) Each of Sprint Com and Sprint Partner (and each of their
      respective Subsidiaries (if any)) has withheld and paid all Taxes
      required to have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts
      paid or owing to any employee, independent contractor, creditor,
      stockholder, or other third party.
        (G) There is no dispute or claim concerning any Tax Liability of
      SprintCom or Sprint Partner (or their respective Subsidiaries (if
      any)) either claimed or raised by any authority in writing to such
      entity as to which any of such entities has knowledge based upon
      direct personal contact with any agent of such authority.
        (H) Neither SprintCom nor Sprint Partner (nor any of their
      respective Subsidiaries (if any)) has filed a consent under Code
      section 341(f) concerning collapsible corporations, or has made or
      is required to make any payments, or is a party to any agreement
      that under certain circumstances could obligate it to make any
      payment, that will not be deductible under Code section 280G.
    (i) Reports and Financial Statements. Sprint has filed all reports
  (including proxy statements) and registration statements required to be
  filed with the SEC since January 1, 1996 (collectively, the "Sprint SEC
  Reports"). None of the Sprint SEC Reports (including the financial
  statements contained therein), as of their respective dates, contained any
  untrue statement of material fact or omitted to state a material fact
  required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein,
  in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
  All of the Sprint SEC Reports, as of their respective dates, complied in
  all material respects with the requirements of the Exchange Act, the
  Securities Act and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder. Except
  (i) as and to the extent disclosed or reserved against on the balance sheet
  of Sprint as of December 31, 1997 included in the Sprint SEC Reports, (ii)
  as incurred after the date thereof in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with prior practice and not prohibited by this Agreement and
  (iii) as may result from any Year 2000 Liability, Sprint does not have any
  liabilities or obligations of any nature, absolute, accrued, contingent or
  otherwise and whether due or to become due, that, individually or in the
  aggregate, have or would have a Material Adverse Effect on Sprint. During
  the period since December 31, 1997, except as disclosed in the Sprint SEC
  Reports filed prior to the date hereof, there has not been, and nothing has
  occurred that has had, a Material Adverse Effect on Sprint.

    (j) Capitalization of Sprint. The certificate delivered to the Cable
  Parents at the Closing as contemplated by Section 9.1(xvi) will be true and
  correct. All such issued and outstanding shares of Sprint capital stock
  immediately following the Effective Time will have been duly authorized and
  validly issued, and will be fully paid and nonassessable, and issued in
  compliance with all applicable state and federal securities laws. All PCS
  Options outstanding immediately following the Effective Time will have been
  duly authorized and validly issued, and will be fully paid and
  nonassessable (except as to the payment of any exercise price for the
  underlying securities) and issued in compliance with all applicable state
  and federal securities laws.
  Section 5.4 Representations and Warranties Concerning PhillieCo. Each
PhillieCo Parent hereby represents and warrants to each other Parent (in the
case of Sections 5.4(a) and (b)) and to Comcast only (in the case of Sections
5.4(c)-(l)), as to itself and its respective PhillieCo Partner, as follows:
    (a) Due Organization. Such PhillieCo Partner is duly formed and validly
  existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and has the corporate or
  partnership power (as applicable) and authority to own its property and
  carry on its business as owned and carried on at the date hereof. Such
  PhillieCo Partner is duly qualified to do business in each jurisdiction in
  which it conducts business or in which it is otherwise required to be
  qualified, except for failures to be so qualified which, individually or in
  the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on such PhillieCo
    (b) Interests in PhillieCo Owned by the PhillieCo Partners. Such
  PhillieCo Partner has good legal title to, and beneficial ownership of, the
  PhillieCo Interest indicated as owned by it on Schedule 5.4(b), free and
  clear of all Liens (other than Contractual Liens). Except as provided in
  the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement and the PhillieCo LP Partnership
  Agreement, such PhillieCo Partner has the sole right to vote and dispose of
  the PhillieCo Interest indicated as owned by it on Schedule 5.4(b). Other
  than (i) its PhillieCo Interest, (ii) notes receivable from PhillieCo GP,
  (iii) in the case of Sprint Partner, its PCS Interest, (iv) in the case of
  Cox HoldCo Sub2, its interest in Cox Partner (and liabilities and
  obligations attributable to Cox Partner's PCS Interest) and the note
  receivable from Cox HoldCo Sub1 that will be contributed to Cox HoldCo Sub2
  prior to Closing pursuant to Section 6.6, and (v) as contemplated by
  Section 6.4 and (in the case of Cox HoldCo Sub2) as contemplated by Section
  6.6(a)(i)(A), such PhillieCo Partner has no assets or liabilities or
  obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, including any
  liability for Taxes of itself or any other Person) other than obligations
  imposed solely as a matter of Laws to which such PhillieCo Partner is
  subject. Such PhillieCo Partner has not engaged in any business or
  activities of any type or kind whatsoever except as relates to its
  ownership of the PhillieCo Interest (and, in the case of Cox HoldCo Sub2
  and Sprint Partner, its PCS Interest). Except as set forth in the CP
  Contracts and Section 6.4, there are no Rights obligating such PhillieCo
  Partner to issue additional capital stock or interests in such PhillieCo
  Partner to any party or to Transfer its PhillieCo Interest or any equity or
  voting interest therein in whole or in part, or any voting agreement,
  voting trust agreement or similar agreement relating to the voting by such
  PhillieCo Partner of any of its PhillieCo Interests.
    (c) Licenses. PhillieCo1 holds the licenses issued by the FCC that are
  listed on Schedule 5.4(c) (the "PhillieCo Licenses") and has satisfied all
  terms and conditions required to be satisfied on or before the date hereof
  imposed by the FCC, by any other Governmental Authority, or by federal law
  as a condition of the award of the PhillieCo Licenses, the failure to
  satisfy of which could reasonably be expected to cause PhillieCo1 to
  forfeit its right to hold or use the PhillieCo Licenses, including: the
  payment of all lump sums due the FCC under 47 C.F.R. (S) 24.708 in payment
  for award of the PhillieCo Licenses; the payment of all withdrawal,
  disqualification or default penalties associated with participation in
  competitive bidding for the PhillieCo Licenses; and the satisfaction of all
  FCC technical requirements for construction and operation of the PhillieCo
  Licenses, including frequency coordination, microwave relocation, antenna
  height and power limitations.
    (d) Compliance with Laws. PhillieCo GP and its Controlled Affiliates have
  not made any untrue statement of fact, or omitted to disclose any facts, to
  the FCC or any other Governmental Authority or taken or failed to take any
  action, which misstatements, omissions, actions or failures to act,
  individually or in the

  aggregate, could reasonably be expected to cause PhillieCo1 to forfeit its
  right to hold or use the PhillieCo Licenses or that, insofar as can
  reasonably be foreseen, could have a material adverse effect on the ability
  of Sprint to allocate the business of PhillieCo and the PhillieCo Licenses
  to the PCS Group or otherwise have the PhillieCo Licenses attributed to the
  PCS Group.
    (e) Litigation. Except for the Petition of Sprint Spectrum Partners and
  Sprint Spectrum, L.P. d/b/a Sprint PCS for Declaratory Relief filed on
  March 13, 1997 with the FCC, there are no actions, suits, proceedings or
  investigations pending or, to the knowledge of the PhillieCo Parents,
  threatened against PhillieCo in, before or by any Governmental Authority or
  any arbitrator that could, if adversely determined (or, in the case of an
  investigation could lead to any action, suit or proceeding, that, if
  adversely determined, could), reasonably be expected to have a material
  adverse effect on the right of PhillieCo1 to hold or use the PhillieCo
  Licenses or for PhillieCo1 to allocate the PhillieCo Licenses to the PCS
  Group, or impose any material adverse restrictions or limitations on the
  operation of the business attributed to the PCS Group; PhillieCo1 has not
  received any currently effective notice of any default, and PhillieCo is
  not in default, under any applicable order, writ, injunction, decree,
  permit, determination or award of any Governmental Authority or any
  arbitrator that could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse
  effect on the right of PhillieCo1 to hold or use the PhillieCo Licenses or
  for PhillieCo1 to allocate the PhillieCo Licenses to the PCS Group or a
  material adverse effect on PhillieCo.
    (f) Title to Licenses. On the Closing Date, the PhillieCo Licenses will
  be owned by PhillieCo1 free and clear of all Liens, except for any
  Permitted Liens and Liens that, individually or in the aggregate, are not
  material to the PhillieCo Licenses (taken as a whole).
    (g) No Breach. As of the date of this Agreement, (i) each material
  permit, license, contract, agreement, lease and insurance policy held by
  PhillieCo or to which PhillieCo is a party (whether evidenced by a written
  document or otherwise), is in full force and effect in accordance with its
  terms, and (ii) there does not exist under any such permit, license,
  contract, agreement, lease or insurance policy any default, or event which,
  with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both, would become a
  breach or default, the consequences of which (in the case of either (i) or
  (ii) above) would result in a Material Adverse Effect on PhillieCo.
    (h) Environmental Protection. The PhillieCo Partners do not have
  knowledge of, nor has PhillieCo received notice of, any events, conditions,
  circumstances, activities, practices, incidents, actions or plans that
  PhillieCo Partners reasonably expect would result in claims or liabilities,
  (A) based on or related to alleged on-site or off-site contamination with
  respect to or affecting the assets of PhillieCo or (B) arising out of or
  related to the assets of PhillieCo under any law, statute, rule,
  regulation, order, decree or judgment related to public or occupational
  safety and health, pollution and/or protection of the environment,
  including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 and the
  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of
  1980, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of
  1986 (collectively, "Environmental Laws"), in each case that, individually
  or in the aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on PhillieCo. As
  of the date of this Agreement, PhillieCo has owned and operated its assets
  in compliance with all Environmental Laws except where any such
  noncompliance, individually or in the aggregate, would not have a Material
  Adverse Effect on PhillieCo.
    (i) Intellectual Property. To the knowledge of the PhillieCo Partners,
  PhillieCo is not using any copyright, patent, proprietary information,
  technical information or other similar intangible property right that is
  owned by any Person in a manner that is not in compliance in all material
  respects with the applicable license of such intangible property right to
  PhillieCo, except where such noncompliance would not result in a Material
  Adverse Effect on PhillieCo.
    (j) Financial Information. Incorporated by reference into this Agreement
  are (i) the unaudited combined balance sheets of PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo
  LP as of December 31, 1997, and the related unaudited combined statements
  of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, including the notes
  thereto and (ii) the unaudited combined balance sheets of PhillieCo GP and
  PhillieCo LP as of March 31, 1998, and the related unaudited combined
  statement of operations for the three months then ended (the

  documents referred to in (i) and (ii) being collectively, the "PhillieCo
  Financial Statements"). The PhillieCo Financial Statements present fairly
  in all material respects the financial position and results of operations
  of PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP at the dates and for the periods to which
  they relate and have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
  accounting principles consistently followed throughout the periods
  involved. Except (i) as and to the extent disclosed or reserved against on
  the combined balance sheets of PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP as of December
  31, 1997, (ii) as incurred after the date thereof in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with prior practice and not prohibited by this
  Agreement and (iii) as may result from any Year 2000 Liability, PhillieCo
  GP and PhillieCo LP and their Subsidiaries (taken as a whole) do not have
  any liabilities or obligations of any nature, absolute, accrued, contingent
  or otherwise and whether due or to become due, that, individually or in the
  aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on PhillieCo GP and
  PhillieCo LP and their Subsidiaries (taken as a whole). During the period
  since December 31, 1997, there has not been, and nothing has occurred that
  has had, a Material Adverse Effect on PhillieCo GP and PhillieCo LP and
  their Subsidiaries (taken as a whole).
    (k) Sole Line of Business. PhillieCo conducts no material businesses or
  activities other than those relating to the provision of wireless telephony
  services pursuant to the PhillieCo Licenses.
    (l) Liabilities. Except as shown on the PhillieCo Financial Statements,
  to the knowledge of the PhillieCo Partners, PhillieCo is not subject to any
  liabilities arising outside the ordinary course of business that might
  reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PhillieCo.
  Section 5.5 Representations and Warranties Concerning SprintCom and
EquipmentCo. Sprint hereby represents and warrants to the Cable Parents as
    (a) Due Organization; Title. Each of SprintCom and EquipmentCo is a
  corporation and limited partnership, respectively, duly organized and
  validly existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and Delaware,
  respectively, and has the corporate and partnership, respectively, power
  and authority to own its property and carry on its business as owned and
  carried on at the date hereof. Each of SprintCom and EquipmentCo is duly
  qualified to do business in each jurisdiction in which it conducts business
  or in which it is otherwise required to be qualified, except for failures
  to be so qualified which, individually or in the aggregate, would not have
  a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom and EquipmentCo (taken as a whole).
  Sprint (through its Wholly Owned Subsidiaries) has good legal title to, and
  record and beneficial ownership of, all the outstanding capital stock of
  SprintCom free and clear of all Liens. There are no Rights obligating
  Sprint to issue additional capital stock or other securities of SprintCom.
  Sprint has good legal title to, and beneficial ownership of, the general
  partnership and limited partnership interests in EquipmentCo, free and
  clear of all Liens. There are no Rights obligating Sprint or its
  Subsidiaries to Transfer any of its interests in EquipmentCo.
    (b) Licenses. SprintCom holds the licenses issued by the FCC that are
  listed on Schedule 5.5(b) (the "SprintCom Licenses") and has satisfied all
  terms and conditions required to be satisfied on or before the date hereof
  imposed by the FCC, by any other Governmental Authority, or by federal law
  as a condition of the award of the SprintCom Licenses, the failure to
  satisfy of which could reasonably be expected to cause SprintCom to forfeit
  its right to hold or use the SprintCom Licenses, including: the payment of
  all lump sums due the FCC under 47 C.F.R. (S) 24.708 in payment for award
  of the SprintCom Licenses; the payment of all withdrawal, disqualification
  or default penalties associated with participation in competitive bidding
  for the SprintCom Licenses; and the satisfaction of all FCC technical
  requirements for construction and operation of the SprintCom Licenses,
  including frequency coordination, microwave relocation, antenna height and
  power limitations.
    (c) Compliance with Laws. SprintCom and its Controlled Affiliates have
  not made any untrue statement of fact, or omitted to disclose any facts, to
  the FCC or any other Governmental Authority or taken or failed to take any
  action, which misstatements, omissions, actions or failures to act,
  individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to cause
  SprintCom to forfeit its right to hold or use the SprintCom Licenses or
  that, insofar as can reasonably be foreseen, could have a material adverse
  effect on the ability

  of Sprint to allocate the business of SprintCom and the SprintCom Licenses
  to the PCS Group or otherwise have the SprintCom Licenses attributed to the
  PCS Group.
    (d) Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.5(d), there are no
  actions, suits, proceedings or investigations pending or, to the knowledge
  of Sprint, threatened against SprintCom or EquipmentCo in, before or by any
  Governmental Authority or any arbitrator that could, if adversely
  determined (or, in the case of an investigation could lead to any action,
  suit or proceeding, that, if adversely determined, could), reasonably be
  expected to have a material adverse effect on the right of SprintCom to
  hold or use the SprintCom Licenses or for Sprint to allocate the SprintCom
  Licenses to the PCS Group, or impose any material adverse restrictions or
  limitations on the operation of the business attributed to the PCS Group;
  and none of Sprint, SprintCom or EquipmentCo have received any currently
  effective notice of any default, and SprintCom and EquipmentCo are not in
  default, under any applicable order, writ, injunction, decree, permit,
  determination or award of any Governmental Authority or any arbitrator that
  could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the right
  of SprintCom to hold or use the SprintCom Licenses or for Sprint to
  allocate the SprintCom Licenses to the PCS Group or a material adverse
  effect on SprintCom and Equipment Co (taken as a whole).
    (e) Title to Licenses. On the Closing Date, the SprintCom Licenses will
  be owned by SprintCom free and clear of all Liens, except for any Permitted
  Liens and Liens that, individually or in the aggregate, are not material to
  the SprintCom Licenses (taken as a whole).
    (f) No Breach. As of the date of this Agreement, (i) each material
  permit, license, contract, agreement, lease and insurance policy held by
  SprintCom or EquipmentCo or to which either of them is a party (whether
  evidenced by a written document or otherwise), is in full force and effect
  in accordance with its terms, and (ii) there does not exist under any such
  permit, license, contract, agreement, lease or insurance policy any
  default, or event which, with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or
  both, would become a breach or default, the consequences of which (in the
  case of either (i) or (ii) above) would result in a Material Adverse Effect
  on SprintCom and EquipmentCo (taken as a whole).
    (g) Environmental Protection. Sprint does not have knowledge of, nor has
  Sprint or any of its Controlled Affiliates received notice of, any events,
  conditions, circumstances, activities, practices, incidents, actions or
  plans that Sprint reasonably expects would result in claims or liabilities,
  (A) based on or related to alleged on-site or off-site contamination with
  respect to or affecting the assets of SprintCom or EquipmentCo or (B)
  arising out of or related to the assets of SprintCom and EquipmentCo under
  any Environmental Laws, in each case that, individually or in the
  aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom and
  EquipmentCo (taken as a whole). As of the date of this Agreement, SprintCom
  and EquipmentCo have owned and operated their assets in compliance with all
  Environmental Laws except where any such noncompliance, individually or in
  the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom and
  EquipmentCo (taken as a whole).
    (h) Intellectual Property. To the knowledge of Sprint, neither SprintCom
  nor EquipmentCo is using any copyright, patent, proprietary information,
  technical information or other similar intangible property right that is
  owned by any Person in a manner that is not in compliance in all material
  respects with the applicable license of such intangible property right to
  Sprint or its Controlled Affiliate, except where such noncompliance would
  not result in a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom and EquipmentCo (taken
  as a whole).
    (i) Financial Information. Sprint has delivered to the Cable Parents
  copies of (i) the combined balance sheet of SprintCom and EquipmentCo as of
  December 31, 1997, and the related combined statements of operations,
  changes in equity (deficit) and cash flows for the year then ended,
  certified by independent auditors, including the notes thereto and (ii) the
  unaudited combined balance sheet of SprintCom and EquipmentCo as of March
  31, 1998, and the related combined statement of operations for the three
  months then ended (the documents referred to in (i) and (ii) being
  collectively, the "SprintCom and EquipmentCo Financial Statements"). The
  SprintCom and EquipmentCo Financial Statements present fairly in all
  material respects the combined financial position and combined results of
  operations of

  SprintCom and EquipmentCo at the dates and for the periods to which they
  relate and have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
  accounting principles consistently followed throughout the periods
  involved. Except (i) as and to the extent disclosed or reserved against on
  the combined balance sheet of SprintCom and EquipmentCo as of December 31,
  1997, (ii) as incurred after the date thereof in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with prior practice (including leveraged lease
  transactions that have heretofore been disclosed to the Cable Partners) and
  not prohibited by this Agreement and (iii) as may result from any Year 2000
  Liability, SprintCom and EquipmentCo do not have any liabilities or
  obligations of any nature, absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise and
  whether due or to become due, that, individually in the aggregate, would
  have a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom and EquipmentCo taken as a
  whole. During the period since December 31, 1997, there has not been, and
  nothing has occurred that has had, a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom
  and EquipmentCo taken as a whole.
    (j) Sole Line of Business. Neither SprintCom nor EquipmentCo conducts any
  material businesses or activities other than those relating to the
  provision of wireless telephony services pursuant to the SprintCom Licenses
  (including any acquisitions of PCS licenses and related assets and
  leveraged lease financing programs that have heretofore been disclosed to
  the Cable Parents).
    (k) Liabilities. Except as shown on the SprintCom and EquipmentCo
  Financial Statements, to the knowledge of Sprint, neither SprintCom nor
  EquipmentCo is subject to any liabilities arising outside the ordinary
  course of business that might reasonably be expected to have a Material
  Adverse Effect on SprintCom and EquipmentCo, taken as a whole, other than
  any acquisitions of PCS licenses and related assets and leveraged lease
  transactions that have heretofore been disclosed to the Cable Parents.
                                   ARTICLE 6
                           COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES
  Section 6.1 Cooperation.
    (a) Between the date hereof and the earlier of the Closing or the
  termination of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of this
  Agreement, the parties shall cooperate with each other and use all
  commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all necessary consents and
  approvals for the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and
  otherwise to satisfy the conditions to closing set forth in Article 8.
  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, (A) each PCS Partner
  shall vote its PCS Interest at any meeting of the PCS Partners and shall
  cause its representatives to vote at any meeting of the Partnership Board
  of Sprint PCS GP, and each PhillieCo Partner shall vote its PhillieCo
  Interest at any meeting of the PhillieCo Partners and shall cause its
  representatives to vote at any meeting of the Partnership Board of
  PhillieCo GP, so as to facilitate the completion of the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement, (B) each party hereto shall use its
  commercially reasonable efforts, and shall cause each of Sprint PCS and
  PhillieCo to use its commercially reasonable efforts, to obtain all
  consents and authorizations of third parties and Governmental Authorities
  and to make all filings with and give all notices to third parties and
  Governmental Authorities which may be necessary or reasonably required in
  order to effect the transactions contemplated hereby, and (C) the Cable
  Parents shall, and the PCS Partners shall cause Sprint PCS to, and the
  PhillieCo Partners shall cause PhillieCo to, make qualified personnel
  available to Sprint for (i) supplying all information reasonably requested
  by Sprint for inclusion in the Proxy Statement and the other filings
  contemplated by Section 6.2, (ii) meetings or correspondence with counsel
  for Sprint and the underwriters for purposes of conducting customary due
  diligence in connection with the IPO and (iii) with respect to Sprint PCS
  and PhillieCo only, meetings with underwriters and potential investors. In
  addition, subject to the other provisions of this Section 6.1, none of the
  parties shall take any action that such party knows would cause any of such
  party's representations and warranties in this Agreement to be inaccurate
  or that such party knows would prevent or materially delay the satisfaction
  of the conditions to closing set forth in Article 8 of this Agreement or
  the receipt of any required approvals or consents; provided that no party

  be required to conduct itself in a manner that is not commercially
  reasonable. "Commercially reasonable efforts" as used in this Agreement
  shall not require any party to undertake extraordinary or unreasonable
  measures to obtain any consents or other authorizations, including
  requiring such party to make any material expenditures (other than normal
  filing fees or the like) or to accept any material changes in the terms of
  the contract, license or other instrument for which a consent is sought.
    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with any filing or
  submission required or action to be taken by either Sprint or a Cable
  Parent or its respective Controlled Affiliates to effect the Mergers and to
  consummate the other transactions contemplated hereby no Parent nor any of
  its Affiliates shall be required to divest or hold separate or otherwise
  take (or refrain from taking) or commit to take (or refrain from taking)
  any action that limits its freedom of action with respect to, or its
  ability to retain, any of the businesses, product lines or assets of such
  Parent or any of its Affiliates (including, in the case of Sprint, TCI
  Partner and the HoldCo Entities and their respective Subsidiaries.)
  Section 6.2 Certain Actions by Sprint.
    (a) SEC Filings. As soon as is reasonably practicable after the execution
  of this Agreement, Sprint shall prepare and file with the SEC (i) a proxy
  statement (the "Proxy Statement") to be mailed to Sprint stockholders in
  connection with a special meeting (the "Stockholders Meeting") to be held
  for the purpose of approving this Agreement and the transactions
  contemplated hereby, the Initial Charter Amendment, the Subsequent Charter
  Amendment, the Bylaw Amendment and amendments to certain of Sprint's
  equity-based incentive plans in connection with the creation of the PCS
  Stock, among other things, and (ii) a registration statement on Form S-3
  (the "Registration Statement") containing a prospectus (the "IPO
  Prospectus") covering the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock to be sold in the
  IPO. Sprint shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the
  Proxy Statement to be approved for mailing and the Registration Statement
  to become effective under the Securities Act, each as promptly as
  practicable after such filing, and shall take all commercially reasonable
  actions required to be taken under any applicable state blue sky or
  securities laws in connection with the IPO and the Recapitalization. Sprint
  shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Series 1 PCS
  Stock required to be issued in the IPO and the Recapitalization to be
  approved for listing or quotation in satisfaction of the condition to
  Closing set forth in Section 8.1(d).
    Sprint will provide the Cable Parents with a reasonable opportunity to
  review and comment upon drafts of the Proxy Statement and the Registration
  Statement and any amendments thereto prior to filing any such documents
  with the SEC. Sprint shall not make any changes to the Proxy Statement from
  the draft dated May 18, 1998 (which has been reviewed by the Cable Parents)
  or include any statements in the Registration Statement that are
  inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, the Other Agreements,
  the Management and Allocation Policies and the Bylaw Amendment. Attached
  hereto as Exhibit Q are certain provisions that Sprint will include in the
  Proxy Statement (in any form filed with the SEC) relating to the Management
  and Allocation Policies, the Tax Sharing Agreement and related matters.
  Sprint will not include in the Proxy Statement or the Registration
  Statement any language reasonably objected to by any Cable Parent that
  changes, limits or qualifies, or is otherwise inconsistent with, such
  provisions on Exhibit Q or the "Risk Factors" section of the May 18 draft
  of the Proxy Statement. Also included as part of Exhibit Q is language that
  reflects Sprint's current expectation for disclosure in the Proxy Statement
  regarding SprintCom's rollout schedule.
    Each of the Cable Parents covenants that none of the information supplied
  or to be supplied by such Cable Parent or its Subsidiaries in writing at
  the request of Sprint for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the
  Registration Statement or the Proxy Statement will, at the respective times
  such documents are filed and (in the case of the Registration Statement) at
  the time such document becomes effective or at the time any amendment or
  supplement thereto becomes effective and (in the case of the Proxy
  Statement) at the time it is mailed to the stockholders of Sprint, contain
  any untrue statement of a material fact, or omit to state any material fact
  required or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of
  the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. However, a
  Cable Parent will not be deemed

  in breach of this covenant due to any misstatement or omission that is
  attributable to information supplied to such Cable Parent or any of its
  Subsidiaries by Sprint PCS GP, PhillieCo GP or any of their Subsidiaries.
    Sprint covenants that (i) the Registration Statement, when it becomes
  effective and at the time any amendment or supplement thereto becomes
  effective, will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact, or
  omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
  in order to make the statements therein not misleading; (ii) the Proxy
  Statement, when first mailed to the stockholders of Sprint, will not
  contain any untrue statement of a material fact, or omit to state any
  material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make
  the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
  made, not misleading; and (iii) the Proxy Statement and the Registration
  Statement will comply as to form in all material respects with the
  provisions of applicable law and any applicable rules or regulations
  thereunder, except that no representation is made by Sprint with respect to
  statements made therein based on information supplied by any Cable Parent
  or its Subsidiary in writing at the request of Sprint for inclusion in the
  Registration Statement or the Proxy Statement. Sprint acknowledges that the
  Cable Parents, in entering into this Agreement and agreeing to consummate
  the transactions contemplated hereby, are relying on the covenant contained
  in this paragraph and the information to be contained in the Proxy
  Statement and the Registration Statement as if the forms of final Proxy
  Statement and Registration Statement were delivered in connection herewith.
    (b) Stockholders Meeting. Sprint shall cause the Stockholders' Meeting to
  be held as soon as practicable after the date hereof (without regard to the
  condition of the equity markets, including the market for initial public
  offerings, wireless communications companies or tracking stocks). The Board
  of Directors of Sprint shall recommend that its stockholders approve this
  Agreement, the Initial Charter Amendment, the Subsequent Charter Amendment,
  and the other matters related thereto presented for a vote in the Proxy
  Statement, and Sprint shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
  such stockholder approval. Sprint shall not be deemed to have breached any
  obligation under this Agreement by reason of the disclosure of information
  in the Proxy Statement or any public announcement or other communication
  with Sprint's stockholders if such disclosure is required by Law, so long
  as the Board of Directors of Sprint shall not have withdrawn, limited,
  conditioned or qualified the recommendation referred to above. Sprint's
  conclusion that any such disclosure is required by Law will be final and
  binding on all the parties hereto if Sprint has received a written opinion
  of counsel that such disclosure or communication is required by Law.
  "Commercially reasonable" efforts shall not be deemed to require any action
  that would prevent Sprint's compliance with Section 3(a)(9) of the
  Securities Act in connection with the Recapitalization.
    (c) Concurrent IPO. Sprint intends to close the IPO as soon as
  practicable following the date that the conditions to Closing set forth in
  Sections 8.1(a), 8.1(b) and 8.1(d) have been satisfied (subject to Section
  6.2(e), the "Trigger Date"), assuming that the other conditions to Closing
  have been satisfied or are capable of being satisfied at or prior to the
  Closing; provided that the determination to proceed with the IPO at any
  time shall remain in Sprint's sole discretion. If the IPO occurs prior to
  the Recapitalization, the Closing shall occur simultaneously with the
  closing of the IPO. If Sprint causes the IPO to be completed simultaneously
  with the Closing, (i) Sprint shall complete the Recapitalization by filing
  the Subsequent Charter Amendment with the Kansas Secretary of State within
  120 days following the Closing, and (ii) each Cable Parent will, and will
  cause its Controlled Affiliates to, for a period of one hundred eighty
  (180) days following the Closing Date, refrain from engaging in any public
  sale or distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible into, or
  exchangeable or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to or is
  based upon, PCS Stock.
    (d) Concurrent Recapitalization. Subject to Section 6.2(e), if the IPO is
  not completed on or prior to the 30th day following the Trigger Date, then
  Sprint shall, on the earlier of (i) the date which is 10 days following
  such date subsequent to the Trigger Date that Sprint reasonably determines
  that the IPO is not capable of being completed on or prior to the 30th day
  following the Trigger Date or (ii) the 40th day following the Trigger Date,
  effect the Recapitalization by filing the Initial Charter Amendment, the
  Subsequent Charter Amendment and the Certificate of Designations with the
  Kansas Secretary of State, assuming that the other conditions to Closing
  have been satisfied or are capable of being satisfied at the

  Closing. If Sprint causes the Recapitalization to be completed as provided
  in this Section 6.2(d), the Closing shall occur simultaneously with the
  completion of the Recapitalization. In such event, Sprint currently intends
  to complete the IPO within 120 days after the Closing Date. If Sprint
  completes the Recapitalization simultaneously with the Closing and the IPO
  is completed within such 120-day period, each Cable Parent will, and will
  cause its Controlled Affiliates to, for a period commencing at the time of
  Closing and ending on the later of (i) 90 days following the closing of the
  IPO and (ii) 180 days following the Closing Date, refrain from engaging in
  any public sale or distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible
  into, or exchangeable or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to
  or is based upon, PCS Stock. If the IPO is not completed within 120 days
  following the Closing, Sprint will not engage in any public sale or
  distribution of any PCS Stock or securities convertible into, or
  exchangeable or exercisable for, or the value of which relates to or is
  based upon, PCS Stock until after the Registration Rights Commencement
  Date, and then, only after (i) providing notices to the Cable Parents (and
  any required Affiliates) as required by Section 3(a) of the Registration
  Rights Agreement, (ii) providing the Cable Parents with priority in such
  sale or distribution in accordance with Section 3 thereof, and (iii)
  amending the Registration Statement (and amending or supplementing the
  related preliminary prospectus if preliminary prospectuses have been
  distributed) if necessary to register and offer the shares that the Cable
  Parents have elected to sell in such sale or distribution in accordance
  with the Registration Rights Agreement.
    (e) Extension of Trigger Date. If the Trigger Date would occur (but for
  this Section 6.2(e)) after August 1, 1998, and before September 1, 1998,
  the Trigger Date will be deemed to occur on the earlier of (i) September 1,
  1998 or (ii) such date after August 1, 1998, that Sprint reasonably
  determines that the IPO is not capable of being completed on or prior to
  October 1, 1998.
  Section 6.3 IPO Matters.
    (a) All of the net proceeds of the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock sold in
  the IPO will be allocated to the PCS Group. Sprint will select the lead
  (book-running) managing underwriter(s) for the IPO, and the Cable Partners
  shall select a co-lead managing underwriter (who shall be reasonably
  acceptable to Sprint) (such underwriters as selected by Sprint and the
  Cable Partners being the "Underwriters"). Except as provided in Section 6.2
  and this Section 6.3, Sprint will have sole discretion to determine the
  pricing and other terms of the IPO. The total proceeds raised in the IPO
  (net of underwriting commissions and discounts and excluding the proceeds
  from any exercise of the Top-Up Rights) are referred to herein as the
  "Total Proceeds".
    (b) Prior to the filing of the Registration Statement, the Underwriters
  will advise the Parents as to the expected range of the IPO Price. Sprint
  will be entitled to sell in the IPO without any further approval of the
  Cable Parents a number of shares of Series 1 PCS Stock up to the greater of
  (i) $500 million divided by the midpoint of the price range indicated on
  the cover of the "red herring" prospectus used to market such shares,
  regardless of the Total Proceeds that would result from the sale of such
  shares and (ii) such number of shares as is required to be sold in the IPO
  to achieve Total Proceeds of between $500 million and $525 million (in
  Sprint's discretion).
    (c) In addition, prior to filing of the Registration Statement, the
  Underwriters will advise the Parents as to the aggregate proceeds that, in
  the opinion of the Underwriters, could be raised in the IPO without
  adversely affecting the IPO Price or the after-market trading price of the
  Series 1 PCS Stock. If such recommendation is for Total Proceeds of more
  than $525 million and any of the Parents notifies the other Parents within
  ten days following the receipt of such advice from the Underwriters that
  such Parent is unwilling to proceed with an IPO of the size recommended by
  the Underwriters, then the Total Proceeds of the IPO shall not exceed $525
  million unless a larger amount is permitted by clause (i) of Section 6.3(b)
  or a larger amount of Total Proceeds is thereafter unanimously agreed to by
  the Parents.
    (d) The dollar amounts set forth above in this Section 6.3 do not include
  a 15% over-allotment option on the shares sold to the public in the IPO or
  any amounts paid by FT, DT or the Cable Partners on exercise of their Top-
  Up Rights in connection with the IPO, which will be incremental to the
  amounts specified above and may be effected by Sprint without the approval
  of any of the Cable Parents.

  Section 6.4 Capital Requirements of Sprint PCS Prior to Closing.
    (a) The capital requirements of Sprint PCS GP and its Subsidiaries during
  the period from the date of this Agreement through the Closing Date will be
  satisfied by capital contributions from the PCS Partners to Sprint PCS GP
  to be made from time to time pursuant to this Section 6.4(a) up to an
  aggregate amount of $400 million (the "PCS Contributions"). The chief
  executive officer of Sprint PCS GP may call all or a portion of the PCS
  Contributions at any time prior to the Closing Date by giving written
  notice to each of the PCS Partners specifying (i) the aggregate amount
  required to be contributed to Sprint PCS GP and (ii) the date (the
  "Contribution Date") that such amount is required to be contributed to
  Sprint PCS GP, which shall be at least 20 Business Days following the date
  of such notice. On each Contribution Date, each PCS Partner will contribute
  (by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated
  by Sprint PCS GP) its pro rata portion of any PCS Contribution based on its
  PCS Interest on the date of such contribution.
    (b) The PCS Contributions will be funded by loans from the Parents as
  follows: (i) Sprint (directly or through its Subsidiaries) will lend Sprint
  Partner's portion of any PCS Contribution to Sprint Partner (the "Sprint
  PCS Loan"); (ii) TCI will lend TCI Partner's portion of any PCS
  Contribution to TCI Partner; (iii) Comcast agrees that Comcast Telephony
  Communications, Inc. will lend Comcast Partner's portion of any PCS
  Contribution to either or both of its respective HoldCo Entities; and (iv)
  Cox will lend Cox Partner's portion of any PCS Contribution to Cox HoldCo
  Sub1 (each such loan described in clauses (ii), (iii), and (iv) is referred
  to herein as a "Cable Parent PCS Loan"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in
  no event will the Cable Parent PCS Loans be made to a direct Subsidiary of
  the lending entity. The HoldCo Entity or Entities of Comcast that receive a
  Cable Parent PCS Loan will in turn loan the proceeds of Comcast's Cable
  Parent PCS Loan to Comcast Partner, and Cox HoldCo Sub1 will in turn loan
  the proceeds of Cox's Cable Parent PCS Loan to Cox Partner. Each entity
  receiving a Cable Parent PCS Loan will issue to the lender in consideration
  for such loans promissory notes in the form of Exhibit R (the "Cable Parent
  PCS Notes"). Sprint Partner will issue similar promissory notes to Sprint
  for the Sprint PCS Loans (the "Sprint PCS Notes").
    (c) The PCS Partners hereby agree that, notwithstanding any requirements
  of the PCS Partnership Agreement, except as provided in this Section 6.4,
  or otherwise agreed in writing by all the PCS Partners simultaneously with
  or subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, no further Additional
  Capital Contributions under the PCS Partnership Agreement shall be required
  prior to the Closing; provided that if this Agreement is terminated prior
  to Closing, the provisions of the PCS Partnership Agreement with respect to
  Additional Capital Contributions will be fully restored. Any failure of a
  PCS Partner to fund its pro rata share of the PCS Contributions (which
  obligation shall be deemed a material covenant for all purposes hereunder)
  will give rise to a remedy of the other parties for breach of this
  Agreement, but will not trigger an "Adverse Act" or other remedies under
  the PCS Partnership Agreement.
    (d) If the PCS Contributions are not adequate to meet the capital
  requirements of Sprint PCS GP and its Subsidiaries pending the Closing, the
  PCS Partners will cause Sprint PCS GP to obtain a financing proposal from a
  financial institution or an opinion from an investment banking firm as to
  the terms on which such additional required capital would be available in a
  placement of debt securities by Sprint PCS GP. Any such financing proposal
  must contemplate debt with a maturity of at least three years, except that
  such debt must be payable in full at the closing of the buy-sell
  arrangements set forth in Section 14.7 of the PCS Partnership Agreement
  (but shall not otherwise mature or accelerate as a result of a termination
  of this Agreement) (the "Proposed Term"). Upon its receipt of written
  notice from the Sprint PCS chief executive officer or the Sprint PCS
  Partnership Board specifying the terms of third party financing proposed to
  be obtained by Sprint PCS GP, Sprint Partner will have the right to provide
  debt financing to Sprint PCS GP (directly or through an Affiliate) on terms
  that result in substantially the same net economic cost to Sprint PCS GP as
  the terms contemplated by such proposed financing (including any expenses
  that would be incurred by Sprint PCS GP in effecting financing through a
  third party). Sprint Partner or its Affiliate may elect to provide such
  financing for a term equivalent to the Proposed Term. At the Effective
  Time, any such

  debt financing provided by Sprint Partner or its Affiliate would become
  debt of the PCS Group owed to the Sprint FON Group.
  Section 6.5 Capital Requirements of SprintCom Prior to Closing. Subject to
the next sentence, the capital requirements of SprintCom and EquipmentCo
during the period from the date of this Agreement through the Closing Date
will be provided by loans from Sprint or its Affiliate or third party
financing. The minimum aggregate amount of loans from Sprint or its Affiliates
will be (i) $110.6 million times (ii) a fraction, the numerator of which
equals the total amount of PCS Contributions between the date of this
Agreement and the Closing Date and the denominator of which equals $400
million. Such minimum aggregate amount (determined in accordance with the
formula set forth above) of the loans made by Sprint or its Affiliates
pursuant to this Section 6.5 is referred to herein as the "SprintCom Loans."
The SprintCom Loans shall be evidenced by promissory notes (the "SprintCom
Notes") in the form of Exhibit S hereto. Any indebtedness of SprintCom or
EquipmentCo to Sprint or its Affiliates that was advanced or otherwise existed
prior to January 1, 1998, shall be contributed to the equity of SprintCom or
EquipmentCo on the Closing Date, and any such indebtedness advanced on or
after January 1, 1998 and through the Closing Date (other than the SprintCom
Loans), shall on the Closing Date become intergroup debt of the PCS Group on
terms consistent with the Management and Allocation Policies.
  Section 6.6 Capitalization or Purchase of PCS Notes and SprintCom Loans.
    (a) Each Cable Parent may elect to capitalize all or any portion of its
  Cable Parent PCS Loans, subject to and in accordance with the following
  terms and conditions:
      (i) Such capitalization shall be effected no later than immediately
    prior to Closing in the following manner:
        (A) to the extent Cox elects to capitalize any portion of its
      Cable Parent PCS Loans, Cox shall contribute such portion of its
      Cable Parent PCS Loans to Cox HoldCo Sub2, and
        (B) to the extent either Comcast or TCI elects to capitalize any
      portion of its Cable Parent PCS Loans, Comcast or TCI, as
      applicable, shall contribute such portion of its Cable Parent PCS
      Loans as sequential capital contributions through all intermediate
      corporations from the creditor to the obligor of such Cable Parent
      PCS Loans, including a capital contribution by the owner of the
      stock of such obligor to such obligor.
      (ii) In the Mergers, pursuant to Section 4.1, the holder of the
    common stock of any entity to which any Cable Parent PCS Loans have
    been contributed pursuant to this Section 6.6(a) will receive, as
    consideration in the Merger of such entity, for the equity representing
    the Cable Parent PCS Loans contributed to such entity, a number of
    shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to the aggregate principal amount
    of the Cable Parent PCS Loans and accrued and unpaid interest thereon
    contributed to such entity, divided by $1,000.
      (iii) If the IPO is to be completed concurrently with the Closing and
    a Cable Parent has elected pursuant to Section 6.6(d)(ii) to receive
    any Available Cash Proceeds, then such Cable Parent may not capitalize
    that portion of its Cable Parent PCS Loans at the Closing.
    (b) At the Closing, Sprint will purchase any Cable Parent PCS Loans that
  (i) have not been capitalized pursuant to Section 6.6(a) and (ii) are not
  required to be purchased by Sprint for cash at the Closing pursuant to
  Section 6.6(d)(vi)(A). Sprint shall pay the purchase price for any Cable
  Parent PCS Loans that it is required to purchase pursuant to this Section
  6.6(b) by delivering to the holder of such Cable Parent PCS Loans a number
  of shares of PCS Preferred Stock equal to the aggregate principal amount of
  such Cable Parent PCS Loans, plus all accrued and unpaid interest thereon,
  divided by $1,000.
    (c) At the Closing, any portion of the Sprint PCS Notes and SprintCom
  Loans that is not required to be repaid at the Closing pursuant to Section
  6.6(d)(vii)(A), will be repaid by the creation of the Preferred Intergroup
  Interest, which shall be the economic equivalent of a number of shares of
  PCS Preferred Stock

  equal to the outstanding principal amount of such Sprint PCS Notes and
  SprintCom Loans, plus all accrued unpaid interest thereon, divided by
    (d) In connection with the consummation of the IPO (which term, for
  purposes of this Section 6.6, includes any initial primary offering of
  shares of Series 1 PCS Stock prior to the Registration Rights Commencement
  Date), each Cable Parent may elect to require that Sprint purchase for cash
  all or any portion of its Cable Parent PCS Loans, or all or any portion of
  the shares of PCS Preferred Stock issued to such Cable Parent or any
  Subsidiary of such Cable Parent at the Closing pursuant to Section 6.6(b),
  but not any shares of PCS Preferred Stock issued as consideration in any of
  the Mergers in accordance with Section 6.6(a)(ii), subject to and in
  accordance with the following terms and conditions:
      (i) Not later than twelve Business Days prior to the scheduled
    commencement of the road show for the IPO, Sprint will notify each
    Cable Parent in writing (the "Sprint Notice") of Sprint's good faith,
    reasonable estimate of the net proceeds of the IPO (not including the
    proceeds of any exercise by FT, DT or any Cable Parent of its Top-Up
      (ii) Each Cable Parent will, at least seven Business Days prior to
    the scheduled commencement of the road show for the IPO (but in any
    event within two Business Days following the date that Sprint notifies
    the Cable Parents that Sprint is prepared to print the "red herring"
    prospectus to be used in connection with the IPO roadshow (but for
    inclusion of the information contained in the Parent Responses)),
    deliver a binding written response (each, a "Parent Response") to
    Sprint indicating the total cash that such Cable Parent desires to have
    paid to it and its Subsidiaries in consideration for the purchase of
    its Cable Parent PCS Loans or PCS Preferred Stock issued at Closing
    pursuant to Section 6.6(b), as applicable (such Cable Parent's "Cash
    Request Amount"). If Sprint proposes to consummate the IPO concurrently
    with the Closing and, after receiving each Cable Parent's Parent
    Response, (A) Sprint elects to postpone commencing the road show or
    printing the "red herring" prospectus by more than 10 Business Days
    from the schedule contemplated at the time of the giving of the Sprint
    Notice or (B) delays in consummating the IPO require that Sprint
    reprint the "red herring" prospectus, then, in either such case, any
    Cable Parent may amend its Parent Response by written notice to Sprint
    given prior to the printing or reprinting, respectively, of the "red
    herring" prospectus, as applicable, to reduce its Cash Request Amount.
    If the IPO is proposed to be consummated after the Closing, a Cable
    Parent's Cash Request Amount may not exceed the product of $1,000 times
    the number of shares of PCS Preferred Stock issued to such Cable Parent
    and its Subsidiaries at Closing pursuant to Section 6.6(b).
      (iii) Within five Business Days after giving the Sprint Notice,
    Sprint will notify each of the Cable Parents of the total cash that
    Sprint desires to receive in repayment of its Sprint PCS Notes and
    SprintCom Loans or for the reduction of the Preferred Intergroup
    Interest created pursuant to Section 6.6(c), as applicable (Sprint's
    "Cash Request Amount").
      (iv) If the IPO is proposed to be consummated simultaneously with the
    Closing, neither Sprint's nor a Cable Parent's Cash Request Amount may
    exceed the balance of principal and unpaid and accrued interest on its
    Cable Parent PCS Loans (in the case of the Cable Parents) or its Sprint
    PCS Loans and SprintCom Loans (in the case of Sprint).
      (v) The Available Cash Proceeds shall be allocated among the Parents
    for purposes of this Section 6.6(d) in accordance with the following:
        (A) "Available Cash Proceeds" means the amount by which the net
      proceeds of the IPO (not including the proceeds of any exercise by
      FT or DT of its Top-Up Rights but including the proceeds of any
      exercise by any Cable Parent of its Top-Up Rights ) exceed $500
        (B) The Available Cash Proceeds shall first be allocated (1) to
      Sprint, to the extent of the lesser of 53% of the Available Cash
      Proceeds or Sprint's Cash Request Amount, (2) to TCI, to the extent
      of the lesser of 23.5% of the Available Cash Proceeds or TCI's Cash
      Request Amount, (3) to Comcast, to the extent of the lesser of
      11.75% of the Available Cash Proceeds or Comcast's

      Cash Request Amount, and (4) to Cox, to the extent of the lesser of
      11.75% of the Available Cash Proceeds or Cox's Cash Request Amount.
        (C) After the allocations pursuant to Section 6.6(d)(v)(B), if all
      of the Available Cash Proceeds have not been allocated and any
      Parent has not been allocated a portion of the Available Cash
      Proceeds equal to its Cash Request Amount, then the portion of the
      Available Cash Proceeds that was not allocated pursuant to the
      preceding paragraph shall be allocated among those Parents that have
      not been allocated all of their respective Cash Request Amounts, in
      proportion to their Cash Request Amounts, until (1) each Parent has
      been allocated its Cash Request Amount or (2) all of the Available
      Cash Proceeds have been allocated among the Parents.
        (D) The sum of the portion of the Available Cash Amount allocated
      to a Parent pursuant to 6.6(d)(v)(B) plus the portion of the
      Available Cash Amount allocated to a Parent pursuant to 6.6(d)(v)(C)
      is such Parent's "Allocated Cash Proceeds."
      (vi) Upon the consummation of the IPO, Sprint shall pay to each Cable
    Parent in cash the amount of such Cable Parent's Allocated Cash
    Proceeds as consideration for the purchase from such Cable Parent or
    any Subsidiary of such Cable Parent of:
        (A) in the case of an IPO consummated concurrently with the
      Closing, a portion of such Cable Parent's Cable Parent PCS Loans
      having a principal amount, together with all accrued and unpaid
      interest thereon, equal to such Cable Parent's Allocated Cash
      Proceeds, and
        (B) in the case of an IPO consummated after the Closing, that
      number of shares of the PCS Preferred Stock issued to such Cable
      Parent or any Subsidiary of such Cable Parent at the Closing
      pursuant to Section 6.6(b) having a Liquidation Preference (as
      defined in the Certificate of Designations), plus accumulated unpaid
      dividends, equal to such Cable Parent's Allocated Cash Proceeds.
      (vii) Upon the consummation of the IPO,
        (A) in the case of an IPO consummated concurrently with the
      Closing, an amount equal to Sprint's Allocated Cash Proceeds shall
      be used to repay any outstanding Sprint PCS Loans and SprintCom
      Loans and to pay accrued interest thereon (which payment shall be
      allocated to the Sprint FON Group), and
        (B) in the case of an IPO consummated after the Closing, an amount
      equal to Sprint's Allocated Cash Proceeds shall be used to reduce
      the Preferred Intergroup Interest created pursuant to Section
      6.6(c), in a manner comparable to a redemption of PCS Preferred
      Stock pursuant to Section 6.6(d)(vi)(B).
    (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 6.6, Sprint will
  in no event issue any fractional shares of PCS Preferred Stock. Any
  fractional share of PCS Preferred Stock otherwise required to be issued
  pursuant to this Section 6.6 shall be rounded to the nearest whole share.
  Section 6.7 Loans to PhillieCo. The Parents of the PhillieCo Partners have
loaned to PhillieCo GP in proportion to the respective PhillieCo Interests of
the PhillieCo Partners $50 million in the aggregate pursuant to promissory
notes dated as of April 13, 1998. Sprint will arrange for or provide any
additional financing required by PhillieCo GP on the same basis as
contemplated with respect to Sprint PCS GP in Section 6.4(d). The parties
hereto agree that Sprint shall cause all loans advanced by the Parents of the
PhillieCo Partners or their respective Affiliates to PhillieCo GP prior to the
Closing (whether included in the $50 million or otherwise) to be repaid by
PhillieCo GP (together with accrued interest) on the 90th day following the
Closing Date, and the PhillieCo Parents will cause PhillieCo GP and their
respective Affiliates to enter into agreements prior to May 31, 1998,
extending the maturity of the notes representing such loans to such date. Such
agreements will provide that, if this Agreement is terminated prior to
Closing, such financing (and all secured interest thereon) will be repayable
to the applicable PhillieCo Partner or its Affiliate at the closing of the
buy/sell arrangements set forth in Section 14.7 of the PhillieCo Partnership

  Section 6.8 Equity Purchase Rights.
    (a) From and including the Closing Date, each Cable Parent and any
  Subsidiary of a Cable Parent that holds shares of PCS Stock (a "Cable
  Holder"), shall have the right (an "Equity Purchase Right") to purchase
  from Sprint:
      (i) if on or after the Closing Date (including in connection with the
    IPO), Sprint shall issue shares of PCS Stock for cash, that number of
    additional shares of Series 2 PCS Stock sufficient for such Cable
    Holder to avoid any reduction in its PCS Group Percentage Interest as
    in effect immediately prior to the issuance of such shares (which, for
    the purposes of the IPO, shall be determined as if the Mergers occurred
    immediately prior to the consummation of the IPO) solely as a result of
    such issuance; such shares of Series 2 PCS Stock to be purchased from
    Sprint at a per share purchase price equal to the purchase price paid
    for such shares of PCS Stock whose issuance gave rise to such Equity
    Purchase Right, which purchase price shall be net of any underwriting
    discounts in connection with a public offering of shares of PCS Stock;
      (ii) if after the Closing, Sprint shall issue for cash options,
    warrants or other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled
    Affiliates that are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into
    shares of PCS Stock, that number of such options, warrants or other
    securities sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any reduction in
    its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately prior to
    such issuance solely as a result of such issuance; such options,
    warrants or other securities to be purchased from Sprint at a price per
    unit equal to the per unit purchase price paid for such options,
    warrants or other securities whose issuance gave rise to such Equity
    Purchase Right, which purchase price shall be net of any underwriting
    discounts in connection with a public offering of such options,
    warrants or other securities;
      (iii) if after the Closing, the Sprint FON Group contributes to the
    PCS Group cash or other assets in exchange for an increase in the
    Sprint FON Group common intergroup interest in the PCS Group, that
    number of additional shares of Series 2 PCS Stock sufficient for such
    Cable Holder to avoid any reduction in its PCS Group Percentage
    Interest as in effect immediately prior to such contribution solely as
    a result of such contribution, such Series 2 PCS Stock to be purchased
    at a price per share based on the corresponding per unit price used by
    the Sprint Board of Directors or its Capital Stock Committee in
    determining the appropriate adjustment to the Sprint FON Group common
    intergroup interest as a result of such contribution of cash or assets;
      (iv) if after the Closing, the Sprint FON Group contributes to the
    PCS Group cash or other assets in exchange for a preferred or other
    intergroup interest that is convertible into or exchangeable for a
    common intergroup interest in the PCS Group, that number of securities
    having substantially the same terms as such preferred or other
    intergroup interest sufficient for such Cable Holder to avoid any
    reduction in its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect immediately
    prior to such contribution solely as a result of such contribution;
    such securities to be purchased at a price per share based on the
    corresponding per unit price used by the Sprint Board of Directors or
    its Capital Stock Committee in determining the amount of the Sprint FON
    Group intergroup interest as a result of such contribution of cash or
    The additional shares, options, warrants or other securities to be
  purchased pursuant to paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above are
  referred to herein as the "Additional Securities."
    (b) Sprint shall deliver to each Cable Parent written notice of any
  proposed action that would give rise to Equity Purchase Rights not less
  than fifteen days prior to such action, such notice to describe in
  reasonable detail the price per share of PCS Stock (or price per warrant,
  option or security exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into
  shares of PCS Stock) reflected in such transaction and contain the
  calculation thereof (or, in the case of a public offering, the anticipated
  price per share or other unit); provided, that no such notices need be
  given (and the Cable Holders shall not have any rights under this Section
  6.8) with respect to shares of PCS Stock issued pursuant to (i) the
  Recapitalization, (ii) exercises of

  the Warrants, (iii) conversion of the PCS Preferred Stock, (iv) qualified
  or non-qualified employee and director benefit plans, arrangements or
  contracts (including stock purchase plans), (v) dividend reinvestment
  plans, (vi) conversion rights under capital stock of Sprint outstanding as
  of the date hereof or (vii) purchase rights that are exercised by FT and/or
  DT as a result of the issuance of PCS Stock in connection with any of the
  matters described in clauses (ii)-(vi) above. In addition, a Cable Holder
  shall have no rights under this Section 6.8 with respect to the exercise of
  purchase rights by FT or DT that are triggered by sales of Series 2 PCS
  Stock by such Cable Holder or any of its Affiliates.
    (c) The Cable Holders may exercise their Equity Purchase Rights pursuant
  to Section 6.8(a) by binding written notice (subject to consummation of the
  underlying transaction) to Sprint delivered prior to the fifteenth day
  after the date of the related notice provided for in Section 6.8(b)
  specifying the number of Additional Securities to be purchased.
      (i) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with a public
    offering of PCS Stock by Sprint to which this Section 6.8 is
    applicable, at least twelve (12) Business Days prior to the printing of
    the "red herring" prospectus for such offering, Sprint shall give
    written notice to the Cable Parents setting forth Sprint's then-current
    estimate of the number of shares of PCS Stock Sprint intends to offer
    and the anticipated per share range for the offering price (the "Price
    Range"). If the midpoint of the Price Range is $15 or less, the Price
    Range shall extend not more than $1 above the midpoint nor more than $1
    below the midpoint. At least seven (7) Business Days prior to the
    printing of the "red herring" prospectus for such offering, each Cable
    Parent shall be required to deliver a binding notice to Sprint (the
    "EPR Notice") stating whether and as to how many shares the Cable
    Parent and its Subsidiaries will exercise their Equity Purchase Rights
    as follows:
        (A) for the IPO, whether Equity Purchase Rights will be exercised
      if the actual price per share at which shares are sold in the IPO is
      in a range (the "Decision Range") as follows: (x) if the midpoint of
      the Price Range is $15 or less, the Price Range; (y) if the midpoint
      of the Price Range is $15 or more, then from a price per share 10%
      above the midpoint of the Price Range (but in no event more than $1
      above the high point) to a price per share 10% below the midpoint of
      the Price Range (but in no event lower than $1 below the low point);
        (B) for other primary offerings, whether and as to how many shares
      the Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries will exercise Equity Purchase
      Rights without regard to a price range (subject to Section
      (ii) In the case of (i)(A): (I) if the actual price per share in the
    IPO is greater than the high point of the Decision Range, (1) a
    decision to not exercise Equity Purchase Rights shall nevertheless be
    binding and (2) any Cable Holder that originally exercised its Equity
    Purchase Rights with respect to the IPO, in whole or in part, shall be
    entitled to rescind such exercise, in whole or in part, at the time of
    pricing of the IPO; and (II) if the actual price per share in the IPO
    is less than the low point of the Decision Range, (1) an exercise of
    Equity Purchase Rights shall nevertheless be binding and (2) any Cable
    Holder that originally declined to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights
    with respect to the IPO, or originally exercised its Equity Purchase
    Rights with respect to the IPO only in part, will be entitled to
    exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with respect to the IPO, in whole
    or in part (or in greater part, if its Equity Purchase Rights were
    previously exercised), at the time of pricing of the IPO.
      (iii) In the case of (i)(B): (I) if the actual price per share in
    such offering is less than 95% of the closing price of the Series 1 PCS
    Stock on the date of pricing of such offering, (1) an exercise of
    Equity Purchase Rights shall nevertheless be binding and (2) any Cable
    Holder that originally declined to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights
    with respect to such public offering, or originally exercised its
    Equity Purchase Rights with respect to such public offering only in
    part, will be entitled to exercise its Equity Purchase Rights with
    respect to such public offering, in whole or in part (or in greater
    part, if its Equity Purchase Rights were previously exercised), at the
    time of pricing of such public offering.

      (iv) With respect to any decision to be made by a Cable Holder at the
    time of pricing pursuant to paragraph (ii) or (iii) above or with
    respect to any primary public offerings by Sprint of securities that
    are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of PCS
    Stock, Sprint and each affected Cable Holder will cooperate to develop
    procedures that will permit such Cable Holder to exercise its rights
    under paragraph (ii) or (iii) or with respect to such offerings
    concurrently with the applicable pricing decision without any
    disruption or delay to the public offering.
      (v) Payment for any Additional Securities purchased by the Cable
    Holders that exercise their Equity Purchase Rights shall be made as
    provided in Section 6.8(e) hereof. The total number of Additional
    Securities specified by each exercising Cable Holder shall be issued
    and delivered to such Cable Holder against delivery to Sprint of the
    purchase price therefor as provided in Section 6.8(e) hereof.
    (d) If Sprint issues to the Cable Holders upon exercise of their Equity
  Purchase Rights Additional Securities on a date after the date the related
  PCS Stock is issued, then (i) the per share purchase price paid by the
  Cable Holders shall be reduced to reflect the fair market value (as
  determined by the Board of Directors of Sprint) of any dividend or
  distribution made in respect of the PCS Stock after the date the related
  PCS Stock is issued and prior to such issuance and (ii) such purchase price
  and the number of shares of Additional Securities purchased shall be
  appropriately adjusted to reflect any stock split, stock dividend or other
  combination or reclassification of the PCS Stock.
    (e) The closing of purchases of Additional Securities pursuant to the
  exercise of Equity Purchase Rights by the exercising Cable Holders shall
  take place on a date specified by the exercising Cable Holders, which date
  shall be within 30 days after the exercise of such Equity Purchase Rights
  or (if later) within 10 days after the receipt of all required regulatory
  approvals (in each case assuming the action giving rise to such Equity
  Purchase Rights has occurred), at the executive offices of Sprint, at 10:00
  a.m., Kansas City time, or at such other date, time or place as Sprint and
  such exercising Cable Holder may otherwise agree. At such closing:
      (i) Sprint shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to such
    exercising Cable Holder, certificates representing the shares of
    Additional Securities to be purchased by such exercising Cable Holder,
    in the name of such holder, against payment of the purchase price
    therefor, as provided below; and
      (ii) such exercising Cable Holder shall deliver to Sprint an amount
    in cash by wire transfer in immediately available funds equal to the
    product of (i) the applicable price per share determined pursuant to
    Section 6.8(a) (as adjusted pursuant to Section 6.8(d)) and (ii) the
    number of shares of Additional Securities to be acquired by such
    exercising Cable Holder.
    (f) In connection with the occurrence of any issuance or contribution
  that gives rise to Equity Purchase Rights and to purchase rights of FT and
  DT, Sprint shall use its reasonable efforts to coordinate the exercise of
  purchase rights by the Cable Holders and FT and DT to avoid a series of
  successive exercises of purchase rights triggered by a single issuance or
    (g) The Equity Purchase Rights of a Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries
  shall terminate simultaneously with the termination of the Standstill
  Agreement between Sprint and such Cable Parent.
    (h) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Standstill Agreement, with
  respect to each action giving rise to Equity Purchase Rights, if a Cable
  Holder elects not to purchase all of the Additional Securities that it is
  entitled to purchase after such action, such Cable Holder will thereafter
  be entitled to purchase, in open market purchases on the New York Stock
  Exchange or other applicable exchange or otherwise from a third party:
      (i) as to Sections 6.8(a)(i) and (iii), a number of shares of Series
    1 PCS Stock equal to the number of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock that
    such Cable Holder was entitled to purchase from Sprint and elected not
    to so purchase; or

      (ii) as to Sections 6.8(a)(ii) and (iv), either (A) a number of
    shares of Series 1 PCS Stock equal to the number of shares of PCS Stock
    into which the options, warrants or other securities that such Cable
    Holder elected not to purchase would have been convertible, exercisable
    or exchangeable on the date of the action giving rise to such Equity
    Purchase Rights (disregarding for such purpose any time or other
    limitations on the holder's right to convert, exercise, or exchange) or
    (B) that number of such securities (other than PCS Stock) that such
    Cable Holder was entitled to purchase and elected not to so purchase;
  in each case as adjusted to reflect any stock split, stock dividend or
  other combination or reclassification of the PCS Stock or other security.
    (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Standstill Agreement, if after
  the Closing Date Sprint shall issue shares of PCS Stock (or options,
  warrants or other securities of Sprint or any of its Controlled Affiliates
  that are exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of PCS
  Stock) other than for cash (including pursuant to a merger, acquisition,
  share exchange or similar transaction), each Cable Holder shall thereafter
  have the right to acquire, in open market purchases on the New York Stock
  Exchange or other applicable exchange or otherwise, that number of
  additional shares of Series 1 PCS Stock sufficient for such Cable Holder to
  avoid any reduction in its PCS Group Percentage Interest as in effect
  immediately prior to the issuance of such shares solely as a result of such
  issuance, assuming that any such options, warrants or other securities were
  converted into shares of PCS Stock as of the date of issuance of such
  options, warrants or other securities, and appropriately adjusted to
  reflect any stock split, stock dividend or other combination or
  reclassification of the PCS Stock.
    (j) Any shares of Series 1 PCS Stock acquired by any Cable Holder will be
  subject to the applicable Voting Agreement.
  Section 6.9 Conduct of Business of the HoldCo Entities and Cable
Partners. From and including the date hereof to the Effective Time (or the
earlier termination of this Agreement), except as expressly contemplated by
this Agreement and the Other Agreements, none of the HoldCo Entities or Cable
Partners will, and none of the Cable Parents will permit any of its respective
HoldCo Entities or its respective Cable Partner to:
    (a) transfer, issue, deliver, sell, dispose of, pledge or otherwise
  encumber, or authorize or propose the Transfer, issuance, sale, disposition
  or pledge or other encumbrance of (i) any additional shares of capital
  stock of any class, or any securities or rights convertible into,
  exchangeable for, or evidencing the right to subscribe for any shares of
  capital stock, or any rights, warrants, options, calls, commitments or any
  other agreements of any character to purchase or acquire any shares of
  capital stock or any securities or rights convertible into, exchangeable
  for, or evidencing the right to subscribe for, any shares of capital stock
  of such HoldCo Entity or Cable Partner (as the case may be), or (ii) any
  other securities in respect of, in lieu of, or in substitution for, shares
  of capital stock of such HoldCo Entity or Cable Partner (as the case may
  be) outstanding on the date hereof;
    (b) acquire or dispose of any property or assets of such HoldCo Entity or
  Cable Partner (as the case may be) or enter into any contracts,
  arrangements or understandings;
    (c) adopt any amendments to the charter or By-Laws of such HoldCo Entity
  or Cable Partner (as the case may be) or alter through merger, liquidation,
  reorganization, restructuring or in any other fashion the corporate
  structure or ownership of such HoldCo Entity or Cable Partner;
    (d) incur any indebtedness, liabilities or obligations of any kind,
  except those imposed solely as a matter of Law without any action of such
  HoldCo Entity or Cable Partner (as the case may be); provided that the
  HoldCo Entities and the Cable Partners may incur intercompany indebtedness
  that will be extinguished by means of capital contribution prior to the
  Effective Time;
    (e) engage in any conduct or business other than holding the general and
  limited partnership interests in the respective Cable Partner, Sprint PCS
  GP, Sprint PCS LP, PhillieCo GP or PhillieCo LP (as applicable); or

    (f) enter into any contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement to do
  any of the foregoing.
  Section 6.10 Conduct of Business of SprintCom and EquipmentCo. From and
including the date hereof to the earlier to occur of the Closing Date or the
termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 10.1, except as expressly
contemplated by this Agreement or the Other Agreements and excluding third
party affiliation arrangements that will be entered into by SprintCom, Sprint
shall cause SprintCom and EquipmentCo:
    (a) to operate the business of SprintCom and EquipmentCo in the ordinary
  course of business;
    (b) not to transfer, issue, deliver, sell, dispose of, pledge or
  otherwise encumber, or authorize the transfer, issuance, sale, disposition
  or pledge or other encumbrance of (i) any additional shares of capital
  stock of any class or other equity interests (including limited or general
  partnership interests in the case of EquipmentCo), or any securities or
  rights convertible into, exchangeable for, or evidencing the right to
  subscribe for any shares of capital stock or other equity interests
  (including limited or general partnership interests in the case of
  EquipmentCo), or any rights, warrants, options, calls, commitments or any
  other agreements of any character to purchase or acquire any shares of
  capital stock or other equity interests (including limited or general
  partnership interests in the case of EquipmentCo) or any securities or
  rights convertible into, exchangeable for, or evidencing the right to
  subscribe for, any shares of capital stock or other equity interests
  (including limited or general partnership interests in the case of
  EquipmentCo), or (ii) any other securities in respect of, in lieu of, or in
  substitution for, shares of capital stock or other equity interests
  (including limited or general partnership interests in the case of
  EquipmentCo) outstanding on the date hereof;
    (c) not to acquire or dispose of any property or assets or enter into any
  contracts, arrangements or understandings other than in the ordinary course
  of business (which shall include any acquisitions of PCS licenses and
  related assets and leveraged lease transactions that have heretofore been
  disclosed to Cable Parents);
    (d) not to adopt any amendments to the charter or By-Laws or
  organizational documents or alter through merger, liquidation,
  reorganization, restructuring or in any other fashion the corporate
  structure or ownership of SprintCom or EquipmentCo;
    (e) not to incur any indebtedness other than in the ordinary course of
  business (which shall include any acquisitions of PCS licenses and related
  assets and leveraged lease transactions that have heretofore been disclosed
  to the Cable Parents);
    (f) not to enter in any contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement to
  do any of the foregoing;
    (g) not to take any other action that could be reasonably expected to
  have a Material Adverse Effect on SprintCom or EquipmentCo, whether
  individually or taken as a whole; and
    (h) not to take any action or knowingly fail to take any action
  (including actions relating to the buildout of PCS systems) within its
  control that would result in the revocation of Sprint's or SprintCom's
  right to hold or use the SprintCom licenses.
  Section 6.11 Access to Information.
    (a) Upon reasonable notice, each Cable Partner and HoldCo Entity will
  afford to officers, employees, counsel, accountants and other authorized
  representatives of Sprint ("Sprint Representatives") reasonable access,
  during normal business hours throughout the period prior to the Effective
  Time, to its properties, books and records (including, subject to execution
  of appropriate access letters, the work papers of independent accountants),
  and, during such period, shall (and shall cause each of its Subsidiaries
  to) furnish promptly to such Sprint Representatives all information
  concerning its business, properties and personnel as may reasonably be
  requested, provided that no investigation pursuant to this Section 6.11(a)
  shall affect or be deemed to modify any of the respective representations
  or warranties made herein by such Cable Parents, HoldCo Entities or Cable
  Partners thereof. Sprint agrees that it will not, and will cause the Sprint
  Representatives not to, use any information obtained pursuant to this
  Section 6.11(a) for any purpose

  unrelated to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
  Agreement. Sprint will keep confidential, and will cause the Sprint
  Representatives to keep confidential, all information and documents
  obtained pursuant to this Section 6.11(a) except as otherwise consented to
  by the applicable Cable Parent; provided, however, that Sprint shall not be
  precluded from making any disclosure which it deems required by Law in
  connection with the Mergers, the IPO or the Recapitalization. In the event
  Sprint is required to disclose any information or documents pursuant to the
  immediately preceding sentence, Sprint shall promptly give prior written
  notice of such disclosure that is proposed to be made to the applicable
  Cable Parent so that Sprint and such Cable Parent can work together to
  limit the disclosure to the greatest extent possible and, in the event that
  Sprint is legally compelled to disclose any information, to seek a
  protective order or other appropriate remedy or both. Upon any termination
  of this Agreement, as and when requested by the applicable Cable Parent,
  Sprint will collect and deliver to such Cable Parent all documents obtained
  pursuant to this Section 6.11(a) by Sprint or the Sprint Representatives
  then in their possession and any copies thereof.
    (b) Upon reasonable notice, Sprint will afford to officers, employees,
  counsel, accountants and other authorized representatives of any of the
  Cable Parents ("CP Representatives") reasonable access, during normal
  business hours throughout the period prior to the Effective Time, to the
  properties, books and records of SprintCom and EquipmentCo (including,
  subject to execution of appropriate access letters, the work papers of
  independent accountants), and, during such period, shall furnish promptly
  to such CP Representatives all information concerning the business,
  properties and personnel of SprintCom and EquipmentCo as may reasonably be
  requested, provided that no investigation pursuant to this Section 6.11(b)
  shall affect or be deemed to modify any of the respective representations
  or warranties made herein by Sprint. Each of the Cable Parents agrees that
  it will not, and will cause its respective CP Representatives not to, use
  any information obtained pursuant to this Section 6.11(b) for any purpose
  unrelated to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
  Agreement. The Cable Parents will keep confidential, and will cause its
  respective CP Representatives to keep confidential, all information and
  documents obtained pursuant to this Section 6.11(b) except as otherwise
  consented to by Sprint; provided, however, that any Cable Parent shall not
  be precluded from making any disclosure which it deems required by Law in
  connection with the Mergers. In the event a Cable Parent is required to
  disclose any information or documents pursuant to the immediately preceding
  sentence, such Cable Parent shall promptly give prior written notice of
  such disclosure that is proposed to be made to Sprint so that Sprint and
  such Cable Parent can work together to limit the disclosure to the greatest
  extent possible and, in the event that such Cable Parent is legally
  compelled to disclose any information, to seek a protective order or other
  appropriate remedy or both. Upon any termination of this Agreement, as and
  when requested by Sprint, each Cable Parent will collect and deliver to
  Sprint all documents obtained pursuant to this Section 6.11(b) by any Cable
  Parent or its CP Representatives then in their possession and any copies
  Section 6.12 Tax Matters.
    (a) Each of the parties shall use all reasonable efforts to cause each of
  the Mergers to constitute a "reorganization" under Section 368(a) of the
  Code. Each party agrees that it will not take any action, and will not
  permit any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates to take any action, that such
  party knows would cause the Mergers to fail to qualify as a reorganization
  under Section 368(a) of the Code. Each party agrees to report the Mergers
  on all tax returns and other filings as a reorganization under Section
  368(a) of the Code.
    (b) Sprint shall use all reasonable efforts to cause the Recapitalization
  to constitute a recapitalization as defined in Code section 368(a)(1)(E).
  Sprint agrees that it will not take any action, and will not permit any of
  its Subsidiaries or Affiliates to take any action, that Sprint knows would
  cause the Recapitalization to fail to qualify as a recapitalization under
  Code section 368(a)(1)(E).
    (c) On the date hereof Sprint has, and on the Closing Date Sprint will,
  execute and deliver to counsel to each Cable Parent a certificate
  substantially in the form attached as Exhibit T, signed by an officer of
  Sprint, setting forth factual representations and covenants (stated in such
  Exhibit) that will serve as the basis of the tax opinions required pursuant
  to Section 5.2(h).

  Section 6.13 Chairman of Sprint PCS. Concurrently with the execution of this
Agreement, the PCS Partners will appoint Ronald T. LeMay as Chairman of the
Partnership Board of Sprint PCS GP (the "Chairman").
  Section 6.14 Agreement Not to Trigger Buy/Sell. Until the termination of
this Agreement, (i) each of the PCS Partners agrees that the provisions of
Section 5.8 of the PCS Partnership Agreement shall be suspended and (ii) none
of the PCS Partners will take any action to implement the determination of Net
Equity (as defined in the Partnership Agreement) of each PCS Partner pursuant
to Section 14.7 of the Partnership Agreement, or take any other action that
would cause a Liquidating Event (as defined in the Partnership Agreement).
  Section 6.15 Management and Allocation Policies. Sprint will not make any
change in or amendment to the Management and Allocation Policies or the Bylaw
Amendment (or waive or otherwise disregard any provision thereof) prior to the
Recapitalization without the consent of each of the Cable Parents.
  Section 6.16 Informational Rights.
    (a) Until the later to occur of (i) the termination of the Standstill
  Agreement between Sprint and the applicable Cable Parent and (ii) the
  earliest time that such Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries beneficially own
  securities of Sprint representing a number of Votes (as defined in the
  Standstill Agreement) that is less than 1.5% of the number of Votes (as
  defined in the Standstill Agreement) represented by all outstanding capital
  stock of Sprint (assuming for this purpose that each share of Series 2 PCS
  Stock had the same voting right as a share of Series 1 PCS Stock and that
  each share of Series 2 FON Stock had the same voting rights as a share of
  Series 1 FON Stock), Sprint will provide such Cable Parent with
  substantially the same informational rights that Sprint provides to its
  major institutional stockholders. In addition, Sprint will provide such
  Cable Parent with any information regarding the PCS Group as may be
  reasonably requested by such Cable Parent to permit it to comply with
  disclosure and financial reporting requirements under applicable securities
    (b) If Sprint is required to include audited financial statements of the
  HoldCo Entities and their Subsidiaries and TCI Partner in the Proxy
  Statement or the Registration Statement, each Cable Parent shall provide
  such financial statements in the necessary form at such Cable Parent's
  expense, promptly following the request of Sprint.
  Section 6.17 Transfer of Series 2 PCS Stock. Each of the Cable Parents
agrees that it will not (nor will it permit any of its Subsidiaries to)
Transfer any Series 2 PCS Stock, the Warrants or any other securities of
Sprint acquired by such Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries pursuant to this
Agreement unless such Transfer complies with applicable federal and state
securities laws.
  Section 6.18 Spin-off. In the event of a Spin-off (as defined in the Initial
Charter Amendment) of all or substantially all of the PCS Group or in case of
a redemption of PCS Stock in exchange for stock of the PCS Group Subsidiary of
the type set forth in Section 7.2 of the Initial Charter Amendment, Sprint or
its Subsidiary will enter into a trademark license agreement with the PCS
Group on substantially the same terms as the Amended and Restated Sprint
Trademark License, dated as of January 31, 1996, between Sprint Communications
Company L.P. and Sprint PCS GP, except that, notwithstanding the termination
provisions of such agreement, such trademark license (i) will be non-exclusive
and (ii) will terminate in its entirety on the date that is six months
following the effective date of the Spin-off.
  Section 6.19 Parents Agreements: Non-Competition.
    (a) The parties agree that for purposes of the Parents Agreements, the
  terms "Subsidiary" and "Controlled Affiliate" and (with respect to the
  Cable Parents) "Cable Subsidiary" shall not include any Person in which a
  Cable Parent or Sprint, directly or indirectly, holds an equity interest of
  not more than 50% so long as such Cable Parent or Sprint, respectively,
  does not have direct or indirect control over the management of the day-to-
  day operations of such Person (each, a "Non-Controlled Affiliate"). In

  the parties agree that the release or waiver by a party of any obligations
  of a Non-Controlled Affiliate of such party comparable to the obligations
  of a Controlled Affiliate, Subsidiary or Cable Subsidiary under the Parents
  Agreement (and the engaging in activities by such Non-Controlled Affiliate
  that would otherwise have been inconsistent with such obligations) shall
  not be deemed to be inconsistent with the obligations of such party under
  the applicable Parents Agreement. The parties further agree that each of
  the Parents Agreements and the rights and obligations of the parties
  thereunder shall terminate at the Effective Time pursuant to clause (ii) of
  Section 13 of the Parents Agreements.
    (b) The parties agree that, for the purposes of Section 6.3(c) of the PCS
  Partnership Agreement, no PCS Partner (nor any of its Controlled
  Affiliates) is required in connection with the acquisition of an equity
  interest in any Person that does not represent a majority of the
  outstanding equity or voting interests in such Person to require such
  Person not to engage in Competitive Activities (as defined in the PCS
  Partnership Agreement) so long as (i) such person is not engaged in any
  Competitive Activities as of the date of the acquisition of such equity
  interest and (ii) neither such PCS Partner nor any of its Controlled
  Affiliates allows its name to be used in connection with any Competitive
  Activities engaged in by such Person. The applicable parties agree that the
  prior sentences shall also be applied with respect to the noncompetition
  restrictions contained in the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement and the
  partnership agreement of Cox Communications PCS, L.P.
    (c) The provisions of Sections 6.19(a) and 6.19(b) shall survive any
  termination of this Agreement, but only with respect to any equity interest
  acquired (or subject to a binding agreement to be acquired) by a Cable
  Parent or its Subsidiaries or Sprint or its Subsidiaries prior to such
  termination, whether or not such equity interest was acquired prior to the
  date of this Agreement.
  Section 6.20 Confidentiality. Each Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries shall
be bound by the provisions of Sections 6.6(a), (b), (d) and (g) of the PCS
Partnership Agreement, as if references to the "Partners" therein referred to
the Cable Parents. The provisions of Section 6.6(c) and (e) of the PCS
Partnership Agreement shall not apply to any Cable Parent. Section 6.6(f) of
the PCS Partnership Agreement shall also apply to each Cable Parent and its
Subsidiaries, except that the two (2) year period referred to therein shall be
deemed to commence on the Closing Date.
  Section 6.21 Conduct of Business of PhillieCo. From and including the date
hereof to the earlier to occur of the Closing Date or the termination of this
Agreement pursuant to Section 10.1, each PhillieCo Parent through its
respective PhillieCo Partner shall cause PhillieCo:
    (a) to operate the business of PhillieCo in the ordinary course of
    (b) not to transfer, issue, deliver, sell, dispose of, pledge or
  otherwise encumber, or authorize the transfer, issuance, sale, disposition
  or pledge or other encumbrance of (i) any additional limited or general
  partnership interests or other equity interests or any securities or rights
  convertible into, exchangeable for, or evidencing the right to subscribe
  for any limited or general partnership interests or other equity interests
  or any commitments or other agreements of any character to purchase or
  acquire any limited or general partnership interests or other equity
  interests, or (ii) any other securities in respect of, in lieu of, or in
  substitution for, limited or general partnership interests or other equity
  interests outstanding on the date hereof;
    (c) not to acquire or dispose of any property or assets or enter into any
  contracts, arrangements or understandings other than in the ordinary course
  of business;
    (d) not to adopt any amendments to the PhillieCo LP Partnership Agreement
  or PhillieCo Partnership Agreement or organizational documents or alter
  through merger, liquidation, reorganization, restructuring or alter in any
  other fashion the partnership structure or ownership of PhillieCo;
    (e) not to incur any indebtedness other than in the ordinary course of
    (f) not to enter in any contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement to
  do any of the foregoing;

    (g) not to engage in any other activities, except the provisions of
  wireless telephone service pursuant to the PhillieCo Licenses; and
    (h) not to take any action or knowingly fail to take any action
  (including actions relating to the buildout of PCS systems) within its
  control that would result in the revocation of PhillieCo's right to hold or
  use the PhillieCo Licenses.
  Section 6.22 Intergroup Interests. Sprint agrees that it will effect such
changes from time-to-time to the Preferred Intergroup Interest and the Warrant
Intergroup Interest as may be necessary to reflect any changes to the terms,
rights, powers or privileges of the PCS Preferred Stock and the Warrants,
respectively, including as a result of the redemption of the PCS Preferred
  Section 6.23 Rights Plan. Sprint agrees that under the applicable governing
documents for any stockholder rights plan in effect for stockholders of Sprint
following the Closing:
    (a) a holder of Series 2 PCS Stock (or Series 2 FON Stock) shall not be
  deemed to "beneficially own" the shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (or Series 1
  FON Stock) issuable upon conversion thereof prior to the time of such
  conversion (including for purposes of calculating the voting power of the
  shares held by such holder);     
    (b) the beneficial ownership by a Cable Parent or its Affiliates of the
  shares of common stock of Sprint acquired by such Cable Parent or its
  Affiliates pursuant to this Restructuring Agreement (including Article 4,
  Section 6.8 and Section 7.10 and including any other shares of common stock
  of Sprint acquired upon conversion or reclassification thereof, or upon
  payment of any dividend or other distribution thereon), or acquired upon
  the conversion of any such shares, shall not in and of itself constitute
  beneficial ownership of shares sufficient so as to result in such Cable
  Parent or its Affiliates being an "acquiring person" or the like
  thereunder; and     
    (c) in the event any transferee of shares of common stock of Sprint from
  a Cable Parent or any of its Affiliates (whose beneficial ownership of
  common stock of Sprint (and the voting power thereof) did not exceed the
  applicable threshold as of the time of the acquisition of such shares
  (including following any conversion of shares of Series 2 PCS Stock or
  Series 2 FON Stock into Series 1 PCS Stock or Series 1 FON Stock in
  connection therewith) so as to make such an "acquiring person" or the like
  thereunder) subsequently exceeds such threshold as a result of the
  operation of the provisions of Section 3.2 (or any successor provisions) of
  the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Sprint, Sprint shall
  provide such holder with a period of 30 days in which to divest itself of a
  sufficient number of shares (or to make other appropriate arrangements
  reasonably acceptable to Sprint) to decrease its beneficial ownership to
  below the applicable threshold prior to such holder's becoming an
  "acquiring person" or the like thereunder.     
                                   ARTICLE 7
                                  TAX MATTERS
  Section 7.1 Tax Returns. Each Cable Parent has made available (or, in the
case of Tax Returns filed after the Closing Date, will make available) to
Sprint all Tax Returns, and any amendments thereto, filed by or on behalf of
the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) (or with
respect to their assets or businesses) for all taxable years or applicable
periods ending on or prior to the Closing Date, in each case, to the extent
such Tax Returns are relevant in the preparation by or on behalf of the HoldCo
Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) of Tax Returns
subsequent to the Closing Date.
  Section 7.2 Termination of Prior Tax Settlement Agreements. Except with
respect to the Tax Sharing Agreement, all tax settlement and tax-sharing
agreements, arrangements, policies and guidelines, formal or informal, express
or implied, that may exist between the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their
Subsidiaries (if any) and any person or between any entity that will be part
of the PCS Group and any person ("Settlement

Agreements") and all obligations thereunder shall terminate prior to the
Closing, and after the Closing Date, none of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner
and their Subsidiaries (if any) on any such entities in the PCS Group shall be
bound by such Settlement Agreements or have any liability thereunder.
  Section 7.3 Pre-Closing Taxes.
    (a) Each of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if
  any) shall continue to be included for all taxable periods (or portions
  thereof) ending on or before the Closing Date in the consolidated Federal
  income Tax Return and any required state or local consolidated or combined
  income or franchise Tax Returns of any affiliated group of which any of
  them is or was a member (each of which is herein referred to as a "Selling
  Affiliated Group") which Tax Returns include any of the HoldCo Entities,
  TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) (all such Tax Returns including
  taxable periods (or portions thereof) of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner
  and their Subsidiaries (if any) ending on or before the Closing Date are
  hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Pre-Closing Consolidated
  Returns"). Each Cable Parent or Cox Partner shall cause its Selling
  Affiliated Group to timely prepare and file (or cause to be prepared and
  filed) all Pre-Closing Consolidated Returns and shall timely pay all Taxes
  shown as due and payable on Pre-Closing Consolidated Returns (including any
  Taxes with respect to any deferred income triggered into income by Treasury
  Regulations (S)(S)1.1502-13, -14 and any excess loss accounts taken into
  income under Treasury Regulation (S)1.1502-19). Without limiting the
  generality of the foregoing, Sprint and the Cable Parents acknowledge that,
  pursuant to Treasury Regulation (S)1.1502-76(b)(2)(v), (i) Sprint shall
  include on its consolidated federal income tax return for the first year
  ending after the Closing Date that portion of the distributive share of
  each HoldCo Entity and TCI Partner for the current taxable year of each
  partnership in which any HoldCo Entity or TCI Partner is a partner that
  relates to the portion of such taxable year beginning on the day after the
  Closing Date, and (ii) each Cable Parent, with respect to any HoldCo Entity
  or TCI Partner of which it is the former Parent following the Closing,
  shall include on its consolidated federal income tax return for the first
  year ending after the Closing Date that portion of the distributive share
  of such HoldCo Entity or TCI Partner for the current taxable year of each
  partnership in which such HoldCo Entity or TCI Partner is a partner that
  relates to the portion of such taxable year ending on the Closing Date.
  Sprint, the Cable Parents, and Cox Partner agree that any such distributive
  share shall be allocated between the portion of the applicable taxable year
  ending on the Closing Date and the portion of the applicable taxable year
  beginning on the day after the Closing Date by hypothetically closing the
  books of all relevant entities as of the Closing Date.     
    (b) Each Cable Parent shall timely prepare (or cause to be so prepared)
  all other Tax Returns of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their
  Subsidiaries (if any) which such Cable Parent formerly owned or controlled
  that are required by Law for all taxable periods ending on or before the
  Closing Date ("Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Returns"). All Pre-Closing Non-
  Consolidated Returns shall be prepared in a manner consistent with prior
  practice and shall properly include and reflect the income, activities,
  operations and transactions of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their
  Subsidiaries (if any), as applicable. No Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated
  return shall be amended in a manner inconsistent with prior practice except
  as required by applicable Law. Each Cable Parent shall timely file (or
  cause to be so filed) all Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Returns which are
  due on or before the Closing Date and shall pay (or cause the HoldCo
  Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) to pay as each may be
  liable) all Taxes due thereon. Each Cable Parent shall also pay (or cause
  the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) to pay as
  each may be liable) the full amount of any Tax which is payable by the
  HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) without the
  filing of a Tax Return ("Non-Return Taxes"), payment of which is due on or
  before the Closing Date.
    (c) With respect to each Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Return due after
  the Closing Date, each Cable Parent shall deliver (or cause to be so
  delivered) each such Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Return to Sprint at least
  15 days prior to the due date of such Tax Return, together with a payment
  in an amount equal to the amount of Tax shown as due and payable on such
  Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Return (after giving effect to any credits for
  the amount of Tax, if any, previously paid as shown on such Tax Return).
  Subject to the

  foregoing, Sprint shall cause the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their
  Subsidiaries (if any) to file all such Pre-Closing Non-Consolidated Returns
  that are due after the Closing Date and to pay the amount of Tax shown as
  due and payable thereon to the extent each is liable for such payment
  (after giving effect to any credits for the amount of Tax, if any,
  previously paid as shown on such Tax Return).
    (d) In the event that after the Closing Date, any HoldCo Entity, TCI
  Partner or their Subsidiaries (if any) is required to pay any Taxes for any
  period ending on before the Closing Date, the former Cable Parent of such
  entity shall promptly pay to the applicable taxing authority the amount of
  such Taxes, or indemnify any other person required to pay such Taxes for
  the amount so paid pursuant to Section 7.11. For purposes of the preceding
  sentence, the portion of the taxable year of any partnership described in
  clause (ii) of the penultimate sentence of Section 7.3(a) shall be treated
  as a period ending on the Closing Date.
    (e) Except as provided in Section 7.3(d), all Taxes required to be paid
  by Sprint and its Subsidiaries with respect to all periods ending on or
  before the Closing Date and that portion of any period which includes but
  does not end on such Closing Date shall be charged to the Sprint FON Group.
  Section 7.4 Transfer Taxes. All sales, use, transfer, stamp, value added,
duty, excise, stock transfer, real property transfer, recording and other
similar taxes and fees arising out of or in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement shall be paid by each Cable Parent to the
extent such taxes or fees directly result from the transfer of the stock of
such Cable Parent's HoldCo Entities or (in the case of TCI) TCI Partner.
  Section 7.5 Post-Closing Taxes. Sprint shall timely prepare and file (or
cause to be so prepared and filed) all Tax Returns required by Law for all
Taxes, covering solely the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries
(if any), for taxable periods ending after the Closing Date ("Post-Closing
Returns"). Sprint shall timely pay or cause to be paid all Taxes relating to
Post-Closing Returns ("Post-Closing Taxes"). Each Cable Parent shall reimburse
Sprint for (i) the amount of Post-Closing Taxes reported as payable on each
Post-Closing Return that is attributable to the portion of the period covered
by such Tax Return ending on the close of business on the Closing Date (the
"Pre-Closing Tax Period"), determined by treating the close of business on the
Closing Date as the last date of the taxable period and (ii) the amount of any
Non-Return Tax payable after the Closing Date that is attributable to the
portion of the period covered by such payment which ends on or before the
close of business on the Closing Date (pro rata based upon the number of days
covered by such payment), in each case after giving effect to any credits for
the amount of such Post-Closing Tax or such Non-Return Tax, if any, previously
paid by such Cable Parent, the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner or their
Subsidiaries (if any) or any of their predecessors or affiliates. Such
reimbursements shall be made on or before the later of the date on which such
return is filed or 15 days after receipt of a copy of such return or evidence
of such payment, and Sprint shall provide Cable Parent with copies of
workpapers which will permit Cable Parent to review and substantiate the
accuracy of such return or such payment.
  Section 7.6 Carrybacks. If any HoldCo Entity, or TCI Partner or any of their
Subsidiaries (if any) incurs a net operating loss, net capital loss, or other
tax benefit with respect to any taxable period beginning on or after the
Closing Date which tax benefit may be carried back to a period ending on or
before such date and a refund of Taxes attributable to such benefit is
required to be requested by the former Cable Parent owning or controlling such
HoldCo Entity or TCI Partner or would be paid to such Cable Parent, then, upon
request by Sprint, such former Cable Parent will cooperate fully with Sprint
to file, process and pursue such refund and will immediately pay over to such
HoldCo Entity or TCI Partner any refund resulting therefrom.
  Section 7.7 Tax Cooperation.
    (a) Sprint, the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if
  any) and the Cable Parents shall cooperate fully, as and to the extent
  reasonably requested by the other party, in connection with the filing of
  Tax Returns and any audit, litigation or other proceeding with respect to
  Taxes. Such cooperation shall include providing information necessary or
  appropriate to the filing of such Tax Returns, the retention and (upon the
  other party's request) the provision of records and information which are
  reasonably relevant to any such audit, litigation or other proceeding and
  making employees available on a mutually convenient

  basis to provide additional information and explanation of any material
  provided hereunder. The HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries
  (if any) and Cable Partners agree (A) to retain all books and records with
  respect to Tax matters pertinent to the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and
  their respective Subsidiaries (if any) relating to any taxable period
  beginning before the Closing Date until the expiration of the statute of
  limitations (and, to the extent notified by Sprint or the Cable Parents,
  any extensions thereof) of the respective taxable periods, and to abide by
  all record retention agreements entered into with any taxing authority, and
  (B) to give the other party reasonable written notice prior to
  transferring, destroying or discarding any such books and records and, if
  the other party so requests, the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner and their
  Subsidiaries (if any) or the Cable Partners, as the case may be, shall
  allow the other party to take possession of such books and records.
    (b) Sprint and the Cable Parents further agree, upon request, to use
  their best efforts to obtain any certificate or other document from any
  Governmental Authority or any other Person as may be necessary to mitigate,
  reduce or eliminate any Tax that could be imposed.
    (c) Sprint and the Cable Parents further agree, upon request, to provide
  the other party with all information that either party may be required to
  report pursuant to Section 6043 of the Code and all Treasury Department
  Regulations promulgated thereunder.
  Section 7.8 Notification of Proceedings. In the event that Sprint or any of
the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) receive
notice, whether orally or in writing, of any pending or threatened United
States federal, state, local, municipal or foreign tax examinations, claims
settlements, proposed adjustments, assessments or reassessments or related
matters with respect to Taxes that could affect any of the Cable Parents or
their Subsidiaries, or if any of the Cable Parents or any of their
Subsidiaries receive notice of any matter that could affect Sprint or any of
the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner or their Subsidiaries (if any), the party
receiving notice shall notify in writing the potentially affected party within
10 calendar days thereof. The failure of any party to give the notice required
by this Section 7.8 shall not impair that party's rights under this Agreement
except to the extent that the other party demonstrates that it has been
damaged thereby.
  Section 7.9 Audits.
    (a) Except as provided in Section 7.9(b), each of Cable Parents and
  Sprint shall have the right to control any audit or examination by any
  taxing authority, initiate any claim for refund, file any amended return,
  contest, resolve and defend against any assessment, notice of deficiency or
  other adjustment or proposed adjustment relating or with respect to any
  Taxes, the ultimate liability for which is the responsibility of that party
  or its Affiliates under this Agreement, and each of Cable Parents and
  Sprint shall be entitled to, and to the extent received by the other shall
  be promptly paid by the other, all refunds with respect to any such Taxes.
    (b) With respect to any examination of Sprint PCS GP, PhillieCo GP or
  their respective Subsidiaries for periods before the Closing Date, Sprint
  shall act as the "tax matters partner." Sprint shall take reasonable action
  to cause each other Parent to be treated as a "notice partner" within the
  meaning of Section 6231(a)(9) of the Code. All reasonable expenses incurred
  by Sprint while acting in its capacity as tax matters partner of Sprint PCS
  GP and its Subsidiaries shall be paid or reimbursed by each Parent pro rata
  based on the PCS Percentage Interest of its PCS Partner immediately prior
  to Closing, and in its capacity as tax matters partner of PhillieCo GP
  shall be paid or reimbursed by Sprint, TCI and Cox based on the respective
  percentage interests of the PhillieCo Partners in PhillieCo GP immediately
  prior to Closing. Each Parent (except, with respect to PhillieCo GP,
  Comcast) shall be given at least five (5) Business Days advance notice from
  Sprint of the time and place of, and shall have the right to participate in
  (i) any material aspect of any administrative proceeding relating to the
  determination of partnership items at the Sprint PCS GP level or PhillieCo
  GP level (or at the level of any Subsidiary thereof) and (ii) any material
  discussions with the Internal Revenue Service relating to the allocations
  pursuant to Section 3 of the PCS Partnership Agreement or the PhillieCo
  Partnership Agreement or pursuant to the partnership agreement of any
  Subsidiary. Sprint shall not, and neither Sprint PCS GP nor PhillieCo GP
  shall permit the

  tax matters partner of any Subsidiary to, initiate any action or proceeding
  in any court, extend any statute of limitations, or take any other action
  contemplated by Sections 6222 through 6232 of the Code that would legally
  bind any other Parent, Sprint PCS GP, PhillieCo GP or any Subsidiary
  without approval (in the case of Sprint PCS GP and its Subsidiaries) of TCI
  and either of Cox or Comcast and (in the case of PhillieCo GP and its
  Subsidiaries), TCI and Cox. Sprint shall from time to time upon reasonable
  request of any other Parent confer, and cause Sprint PCS GP's and PhillieCo
  GP's and any Subsidiary's tax attorneys and accountants to confer, with
  such other Parent and its attorneys and accountants on any matters relating
  to a Sprint PCS GP or PhillieCo GP or Subsidiary tax return or any tax
  Section 7.10 SRLY Losses.
    (a) As a result of the transactions contemplated hereby, certain assets
  and businesses of Sprint and its Subsidiaries will be allocated to the PCS
  Group (all of such assets and businesses being referred to in this Section
  7.10 collectively as the "Historic Sprint PCS Business"). Further, TCI
  Partner and each of the HoldCo Entities will become direct Wholly-Owned
  Subsidiaries of Sprint and will be allocated to the PCS Group (each of such
  acquired corporations being referred to in this Section 7.10 as an
  "Acquired PCS Sub"). The Historic Sprint PCS Business and the Acquired PCS
  Subs are each referred to in this Section 7.10 as a "SRLY Entity."
    (b) For purposes of this Section 7.10, a "SRLY Tax Benefit" is any item
  of federal or state income Tax or state franchise Tax benefit which (1) was
  realized by a SRLY Entity on or before the Closing Date, but which Tax
  benefit was not utilized on or before the Closing Date, (2) is available
  for use by Sprint or a Subsidiary of Sprint after the Closing Date, and (3)
  if utilized on the day after the Closing Date, would (but for this Section
  7.10) be allocated to the PCS Group. Without limitation, a Tax benefit
  includes any realized but unused item of Tax loss, deduction or credit that
  may be applied to offset income, gain or Tax (or any item thereof) under
  any applicable federal or state Tax regime. Unrealized losses or deductions
  shall not be treated as SRLY Tax Benefits. In the event that the Historic
  Sprint PCS Business has previously realized Tax benefits that, for Tax
  purposes, are attributable to Subsidiaries of Sprint that will not be
  allocated to the PCS Group, Sprint agrees that any such benefits that have
  not been utilized, but exist as carryovers, on the day after the Closing
  Date shall be allocated to the PCS Group to the same extent as if they were
  attributed for Tax purposes to an entity that was allocated to the PCS
  Group as of such date, and that such benefits shall be treated as SRLY Tax
  Benefits. For purposes of the preceding sentence, whether a previously
  realized Tax benefit of the Historic Sprint PCS Business exists as a
  carryover on the day after the Closing Date shall be determined as if the
  entity to which such benefit is attributed for Tax purposes ceased on the
  Closing Date to be a member of the affiliated group (as defined by Section
  1504 of the Code) of which Sprint is the common parent. Accordingly, except
  as otherwise provided in this Section 7.10, any Tax savings resulting from
  any SRLY Tax Benefit attributable to the Historic Sprint PCS Business will
  be allocated to the PCS Group.
    (c) For purposes of this Section 7.10, a "SRLY Tax Savings" means, for
  any SRLY Measurement Period, the amount by which (i) the aggregate amount
  of Taxes required to be paid by Sprint and all Subsidiaries of Sprint that,
  during the SRLY Measurement Period, are members of the affiliated group (as
  defined in Section 1504 of the Code) (or any consolidated, unitary or
  combined group under corresponding provisions of state tax laws) of which
  Sprint (or a Subsidiary of Sprint) is the common parent, for such SRLY
  Measurement Period, is less than (ii) the amount of Taxes that would have
  been required to be paid by Sprint and all such Subsidiaries for such SRLY
  Measurement Period if no SRLY Tax Benefits existed.
    (d) The parties hereto hereby agree that, if SRLY Tax Savings exist for
  any SRLY Measurement Period, the following shall occur:
      (i) To the extent that the SRLY Tax Savings result from a SRLY Tax
    Benefit attributable to an Acquired PCS Sub, Sprint shall issue to the
    Cable Parent or Subsidiary of a Cable Parent that owned such Acquired
    PCS Sub before the Merger (or its successor-in-interest) a number of
    fully paid and nonassessable shares of Sprint common stock (or other
    voting common stock permitted by Section 7.10(j)(i)) having a value
    equal to sixty percent (60%) of such SRLY Tax Savings. The remaining

    percent (40%) of such SRLY Tax Savings shall be retained by Sprint and
    allocated to the PCS Group or such other business group of Sprint to
    which the Acquired PCS Sub from which such SRLY Tax Benefit was derived
    or its successor was allocated on the last day of the SRLY Measurement
    Period in which such SRLY Tax Savings arose.
      (ii) To the extent that the SRLY Tax Savings results from a SRLY Tax
    Benefit attributable to the Historic Sprint PCS Business, sixty percent
    (60%) of such SRLY Tax Savings shall be allocated to the Sprint FON
    Group (or any successor thereto). The remaining forty percent (40%) of
    such SRLY Tax Savings shall be allocated to the PCS Group or such other
    business group of Sprint to which the Historic Sprint PCS Business or
    relevant part thereof is allocated on the last day of the SRLY
    Measurement Period in which such SRLY Tax Savings arose.
    (e) Whether a SRLY Tax Benefit has resulted in a SRLY Tax Savings shall
  be determined by Sprint, taking into account all of the relevant facts and
  circumstances, including (for example, but without limitation), whether
  such SRLY Tax Benefit has been utilized on a nominal or prima facie basis
  to reduce the amount of Taxes that Sprint (or any of its Subsidiaries) is
  required to pay; whether, but for such use, other Tax benefits realized
  during or prior to such SRLY Measurement Period would be available to
  offset the Taxes nominally offset by such SRLY Tax Benefit; and whether the
  nominal savings from the utilization of a SRLY Tax Benefit in computing
  Taxes due to one jurisdiction is offset by a corresponding Tax detriment in
  the same or another jurisdiction. Time value considerations and any Tax
  benefits that have not been realized as of the end of the SRLY Measurement
  Period (even if then projected to be realized in future periods from which
  such Tax benefits could be carried back to the SRLY Measurement Period)
  shall not be taken into account in making the determinations required by
  the preceding sentence.
    (f) Sprint shall make the determination required by Section 7.10(e)
  within ninety days after the filing of each Sprint consolidated federal
  income Tax Return and each such determination shall relate to the federal
  Tax period covered by such Tax Return and to any state Tax periods ending
  simultaneously with or before such federal Tax period that were not
  included in a prior SRLY Measurement Period (such federal and state Tax
  periods, collectively, the "SRLY Measurement Period"). A written overview
  summary of each such determination (a "Determination Summary") shall be
  provided within the ninety day period described in the preceding sentence
  to each Cable Parent, which summary shall be accompanied by a statement by
  the incumbent senior financial officer of Sprint that he or she has
  reviewed and is familiar such determination and the bases therefor and
  believes that such determination applies the requirements of this Section
  7.10. If such determination is that a SRLY Tax Savings has resulted from a
  SRLY Tax Benefit attributable to an Acquired PCS Sub, the Determination
  Summary shall also state the number of shares and class of voting common
  stock in which payment will be made and shall set forth the calculation of
  the value of such shares.
    (g) The obligations imposed hereby apply only to Sprint and shall not be
  binding on any other party, except that, if Sprint distributes to some or
  all of its shareholders, with respect to or in redemption of, some or all
  of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Sprint, stock of a
  corporation that owns, directly or indirectly, substantially all of the
  assets and businesses constituting the Historic Sprint PCS Business and the
  outstanding capital stock of the Acquired PCS Subs, then Sprint shall cause
  such corporation to assume the obligations of Sprint hereunder and such
  obligations shall be binding upon such corporation as if it were "Sprint"
    (h) The parties hereto agree and acknowledge that Sprint is not required
  or expected to take any action, or refrain from taking any action, in order
  to preserve or accelerate or enhance the use of any SRLY Tax Benefit, and
  that Sprint may take, or refrain from taking, any action without
  considering any adverse effect thereof on its ability to realize a SRLY Tax
  Savings from a SRLY Tax Benefit. Sprint agrees to use its reasonable
  efforts to account for both federal and non-federal SRLY Tax Benefits and
  SRLY Tax Savings; provided that Sprint may, in its sole discretion, cease
  to track and account for non-federal SRLY Tax Benefits and non-federal SRLY
  Tax Savings at such time as the aggregate amount of potential remaining
  non-federal SRLY Tax Savings is reasonably estimated to be less than

    (i) Readjustments.
      (i) If, as a result of any post-filing adjustment to any Tax Return
    taken into account in computing the SRLY Tax Savings for any SRLY
    Measurement Period, the amount of such SRLY Tax Savings, as originally
    determined for such SRLY Measurement Period, differs from the amount of
    such SRLY Tax Savings that would have been determined if the
    adjustments had been included on such original Tax Return, then
    payments required by this Section 7.10 for such SRLY Measurement Period
    shall also be adjusted as provided in this Section 7.10(i). If such
    adjustment results in or is associated with adjustments to other Tax
    Returns taken into account with respect to other SRLY Tax Measurement
    Periods (or is made at the same time as adjustments are made to returns
    taken into account with respect to other SRLY Measurement Periods), the
    cumulative differences in SRLY Tax Savings for all affected SRLY
    Measurement Periods shall be recomputed for each SRLY Entity; provided
    that, in making such all such computations, tax benefits realized after
    a SRLY Measurement Period, such as a later operating loss that can be
    carried back to a prior period, shall be ignored.
      (ii) If for all the Acquired PCS Subs that were previously
    Subsidiaries of a single Cable Parent (such Acquired PCS Subs being
    referred to in this Section 7.10(i) as such Cable Parent's Acquired PCS
    Subs), taken in the aggregate, as a result of such recomputations, the
    SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period (or the cumulative
    SRLY Tax Savings attributable to all SRLY Measurement Periods involved
    in such related adjustments) exceeds the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY
    Measurement Period (or the cumulative SRLY Tax Savings for all such
    periods) as originally computed for such SRLY Measurement Period or
    SRLY Measurement Periods, as applicable, then Sprint, within ninety
    days after such adjustment or adjustments become final, shall make an
    incremental payment to such Cable Parent (for itself or on behalf of
    any Subsidiary of such Cable Parent that owned the relevant Acquired
    PCS Sub before the Merger), in the form described in Section
    7.10(d)(i), in an amount equal to 60 percent of such increase (or
    cumulative increase).
      (iii) If for the Historic Sprint PCS Business, as a result of such
    recomputations, the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period
    (or the cumulative SRLY Tax Savings attributable to all SRLY
    Measurement Periods involved in such related adjustments) exceeds the
    SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period (or the cumulative
    SRLY Tax Savings for all such periods) as originally computed for such
    SRLY Measurement Period or SRLY Measurement Periods, as applicable,
    then sixty percent of such net increase (or cumulative increase) shall
    be allocated to the Sprint FON Group (or any successor thereto),
    effective no earlier than the date that payments, if any, are made to
    the Cable Parents with respect to any adjustments for such SRLY
    Measurement Period or SRLY Measurement Periods pursuant to Section
      (iv) If, for any Cable Parent's Acquired PCS Subs, as a result of
    such recomputations, the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement
    Period (or the cumulative SRLY Tax Savings attributable to all SRLY
    Measurement Periods involved in such related adjustments) is exceeded
    by the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period (or the
    cumulative SRLY Tax Savings for all such periods) as originally
    computed for such periods, then such Cable Parent (for itself or on
    behalf of any Subsidiary of such Cable Parent that owned the relevant
    Acquired PCS Sub before the Merger), shall promptly pay to Sprint for
    the benefit of the PCS Group (or any successor) an amount in either
    cash or shares of the voting common stock issued pursuant to Section
    7.10(j) equal in value to 60 percent of the amount of such excess
    (without interest). For these purposes, the voting common stock will be
    valued as contemplated by the last sentence of Section 7.10(j)(ii),
    with the "Determination Date" being five Business Days prior to the
    delivery of such shares to Sprint.
      (v) If, for the Historic PCS Business, as a result of such
    recomputations, the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period
    (or the cumulative SRLY Tax Savings attributable to all SRLY
    Measurement Periods involved in such related adjustments) is exceeded
    by the SRLY Tax Savings for such SRLY Measurement Period (or the
    cumulative SRLY Tax Savings for all such periods) as

    originally computed for such periods, then an amount in cash equal to
    60 percent of the amount of such excess (without interest) shall be
    reallocated from the FON Group to the PCS Group.
    (j) Any issuances of common stock required by Section 7.10(d) and Section
  7.10(i) to be made to a Cable Parent or Subsidiary of a Cable Parent shall
  be made as follows:
      (i) If the SRLY Tax Savings with respect to which such stock is being
    issued resulted from a SRLY Tax Benefit that is attributable to a
    business as to which, at the time such issuance is to be made, Sprint
    has outstanding a class of publicly traded voting common stock that is
    intended to track the performance of a business group to which such
    business is attributed, then payment shall be made in shares of such
    voting common stock, and such shares shall be deemed to have been
    issued for the benefit of such business group. If such SRLY Tax Benefit
    is attributable to a business as to which, at the time such issuance is
    to be made, Sprint does not have outstanding a class of publicly traded
    voting common stock that is intended to track the performance of a
    business group to which such business is attributed, then payment shall
    be made in shares of any class of outstanding publicly traded Sprint
    voting common stock or, if Sprint does not have any such outstanding
    class of common stock, in shares of the publicly traded voting common
    stock of the Parent Entity of Sprint or of any Subsidiary of such
    Parent Entity.
      (ii) The value of the shares of voting common stock issued to a Cable
    Parent or Subsidiary of a Cable Parent shall be established as of (A)
    the last Trading Day (as defined in the Initial Charter Amendment) of
    the SRLY Measurement Period with respect to the relevant SRLY Tax
    Benefit or (B) in the case of shares of voting common stock issued
    pursuant to Section 7.10(i), the date on which the relevant adjustments
    described in Section 7.10(i) become final (the "Determination Date").
    Such value will equal the average of the Closing Prices (as defined in
    the Initial Charter Amendment) for the relevant stock for the period of
    30 consecutive Trading Days ending on the Determination Date.
      (iii) Sprint shall issue any shares of voting common stock required
    to be issued by it under this Section 7.10 within 60 days after the
    delivery of a Determination Summary which includes a determination that
    a Cable Parent or Subsidiary of a Cable Parent is entitled to receive
    shares of voting common stock under this Section 7.10.
      (iv) The shares of voting common stock issued by Sprint under this
    Section 7.10 shall not reduce the Number of Shares Issuable With
    Respect to the Intergroup Interest as defined in the Initial Charter
      (v) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 7.10 to the contrary, no
    rights or obligations regarding the issuance of voting common stock
    under this Section 7.10 shall accrue or become fixed with respect to
    any Cable Parent, and the applicable Determination Date for purposes of
    clause (ii) above which would otherwise cause the same to occur shall
    automatically be delayed with respect to such Cable Parent, for a
    period up to six months from the otherwise applicable Determination
    Date if the accrual or fixing of such rights would cause such Cable
    Parent or Subsidiary of a Cable Parent to be subject to liability under
    Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act; provided that such period shall not
    exceed the minimum period necessary for any such Cable Parent to be
    exempt from such liability.
  Section 7.11 Tax Indemnification
    (a) After the Closing Date, each Cable Parent, with respect only to its
  formerly owned or controlled HoldCo Entities and their respective
  Subsidiaries and (in the case of TCI) TCI Partner, shall indemnify and hold
  harmless Sprint, the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, their Subsidiaries (if
  any) and each of their respective affiliates, successors and assigns from
  and against any Tax liability with respect to any Pre-Closing Non-
  Consolidated Return and with respect to any Tax liability for the Pre-
  Closing Tax Period on a Post-Closing Return (determined by treating the
  Closing Date as the last date of the taxable period) and with respect to
  any Non-Return Taxes attributable to the portion of the period covered by
  any payment of such Taxes which ends on or before the Closing Date
  (determined on a pro rata basis based upon the number of days covered by
  such payment which are on or before the Closing Date and the total number
  of days

  covered by such payment), in each case, to the extent such amount exceeds
  any amount previously paid to Sprint, the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, or
  their Subsidiaries (if any) with respect to such Tax pursuant to Section
  7.3 or 7.5, as applicable. Each Cable Parent shall pay such amounts as it
  is obligated to pay to Sprint or the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner or their
  Subsidiaries (if any) within 10 calendar days after payment of any
  applicable Tax liability by Sprint or the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, or
  their Subsidiaries (if any) and to the extent not paid by each Cable Parent
  within such 10-day period, the amount due shall thereafter include interest
  thereon at a rate per annum equal to the "overpayment rate" under Section
  6621(a) of the Code (the "Overpayment Rate"), adjusted as and when changes
  to such Overpayment Rate shall occur, compounded semi-annually. Each Cable
  Parent shall indemnify and hold harmless Sprint and the HoldCo Entities,
  TCI Partner and their Subsidiaries (if any) and each of their respective
  affiliates, successors and assigns, from and against (i) any Tax liability
  for periods prior to and including the Closing Date resulting from the
  HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) which such
  Cable Parent formerly owned or controlled being severally liable for any
  Taxes of any consolidated group of which any of the HoldCo Entities, TCI
  Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) are or were members pursuant to
  Treasury Regulations (S) 1.1502-6 or any analogous state or local tax
  provision (including, without limitation, any Tax liability with respect to
  any Pre-Closing Consolidated Return), and (ii) any Tax liability resulting
  from the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) which
  such Cable Parent formerly owned or controlled ceasing to be a member of
  any Selling Affiliated Group filing consolidated or combined Tax Returns.
  Any indemnification payments made by a Cable Parent under this Section
  7.11(a) shall be allocated to the PCS Group.
    (b) After the Closing Date, Sprint and each of the HoldCo Entities and
  their Subsidiaries and TCI Partner, jointly and severally shall indemnify
  and hold harmless each Cable Parent and its Affiliates, successors and
  assigns from and against any Tax liability with respect to Post-Closing
  Taxes, other than Post-Closing Taxes for which a Cable Parent is
  responsible pursuant to Section 7.11(a). Sprint shall cause the appropriate
  HoldCo Entity, TCI Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) to pay such
  amounts within 10 calendar days after payment of any such Tax liability by
  each Cable Parent and, to the extent not paid by such HoldCo Entity, TCI
  Partner, or their Subsidiaries (if any) within such 10-day period, the
  amount due shall thereafter include interest thereon at the Overpayment
  Rate, compounded semi-annually. Any indemnification payments made by
  Sprint, any of the HoldCo Entities, TCI Partner or their Subsidiaries under
  this Section 7.11(b) shall be charged to the PCS Group.
    (c) All claims for indemnification under this Section 7.11 (i) will be
  asserted and resolved as provided in Section 11.4 and (ii) shall be subject
  to the limitations set forth in Sections 11.2(b) and 11.2(c). The right of
  the parties to commence a claim for indemnification under this Section 7.11
  shall survive until the 30th day following the expiration of the applicable
  statute of limitations period with respect to the subject matter of such
                                   ARTICLE 8
                             CONDITIONS TO CLOSING
  Section 8.1 Conditions of All Parties to Closing. The respective obligations
of each party to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
are subject to the fulfillment at or prior to the Effective Time of each of
the following conditions, any or all of which may be waived in whole or in
part by the party being benefitted thereby, to the extent permitted by
applicable Law:
    (a) Sprint Stockholder Approval. The following matters presented for a
  vote of the stockholders of Sprint at the Stockholders Meeting shall have
  been duly approved by the requisite holders of capital stock in accordance
  with applicable Law and the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of
  Sprint: (i) the Initial Charter Amendment; (ii) the Subsequent Charter
  Amendment; (iii) this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby
  and (iv) the Bylaw Amendment.

    (b) HSR Act; FCC. Any waiting period applicable to the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement under the HSR Act shall have expired or
  termination thereof shall have been granted, and all consents required from
  the Federal Communications Commission shall have been granted, in each case
  without any material limitation, restriction, requirement or condition on
  Sprint PCS, any HoldCo Entity, any PCS Partner or on any Parent or any of
  its Subsidiaries.
    (c) No Injunction. No preliminary or permanent injunction or other order,
  decree or ruling issued by a Governmental Authority, nor any statute, rule,
  regulation or executive order promulgated or enacted by any Governmental
  Authority, shall be in effect that enjoins the consummation of the
  transactions to be effected at the Closing and which would result in
  material adverse consequences to any Parent or any of its Subsidiaries if
  the Closing occurred in violation thereof or imposes any material
  restrictions or requirements thereon or on any of the parties in connection
    (d) Listing of Series 1 PCS Stock. The Series 1 PCS Stock required to be
  issued in the IPO or in the Recapitalization (whichever Sprint has elected
  to complete simultaneously with the Closing) hereunder shall have been
  approved for listing on the New York Stock Exchange, or if not so approved,
  shall have been approved for listing on the American Stock Exchange or
  approved for quotation on the National Market Tier of The Nasdaq Stock
  Market, subject only to official notice of issuance.
    (e) IPO or Recapitalization. The IPO or the Recapitalization (whichever
  Sprint has elected to complete simultaneously with the Closing) shall be
  consummated simultaneously with the Closing.
    (f) Initial Charter Amendment; Certificate of Designations. The Initial
  Charter Amendment and the Certificate of Designations (and, if the
  Recapitalization occurs on the Closing Date, the Subsequent Charter
  Amendment) shall have been filed with the Kansas Secretary of State.
    (g) Certificates of Merger. Each of the Certificates of Merger shall have
  been filed with the Delaware Secretary of State or the Colorado Secretary
  of State, as applicable.
  Section 8.2 Sprint's Conditions Precedent to Closing. The obligations of
Sprint and its Subsidiaries to effect the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement are subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the Closing Date, of
each of the following conditions, compliance with which or the occurrence of
which may be waived in whole or in part by Sprint:
    (a) Correctness of Representations and Warranties.
      (i) The representations and warranties of each Cable Parent contained
    in this Agreement shall be accurate in all material respects on the
    Closing Date with the same effect as if made on the Closing Date
    (except that any such statements which are expressly made as of a
    particular date shall have been accurate as of such particular date);
    provided that with respect to the representations and warranties
    contained in Section 5.2(g), any inaccuracies, individually or in the
    aggregate, shall not be considered material unless such inaccuracies
    have a material adverse effect on the ability of a Cable Parent to
    perform its obligations under Section 7.3(d) or 7.11(a). For purposes
    of the last clause of the preceding sentence, in determining whether an
    inaccuracy is material, it is presumed that any tax item shown on a
    return or report furnished by Sprint, Sprint PCS GP, Sprint PCS LP,
    PhillieCo GP or PhillieCo LP is correct.
      (ii) At the Closing, Sprint shall be provided with a certificate to
    such effect from each of the Cable Parents, signed by a duly authorized
    officer thereof.
    (b) Performance of Agreements. All covenants and agreements of each Cable
  Parent and its respective Subsidiaries contained in this Agreement and
  required to be performed on or before the Closing Date shall have been
  performed in all material respects on or prior to the Closing Date. At the
  Closing, Sprint shall be provided with a certificate to such effect from
  each of the Cable Parents, signed by a duly authorized officer thereof.

    (c) Tax Opinion. There shall not have occurred any change in applicable
  Law or any change in facts beyond Sprint's reasonable control, in either
  case occurring after the date hereof, that would prevent King & Spalding
  from reaffirming to Sprint at the Closing its opinion described in Section
  5.3(g). For purposes of this Section 8.2(c), Law also includes any Revenue
  Ruling, proposed regulations or official notice of intent to propose
  regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service, or a bill introduced in
  the House of Representatives or Senate of the United States, or legislation
  proposed by the United States Treasury Department.
  Section 8.3 Cable Parents' Conditions Precedent to Closing. The obligations
of each Cable Parent and its Subsidiaries to effect the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement are subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to
the Closing Date, of the following conditions, compliance with which or the
occurrence of which may be waived in whole or in part by unanimous action of
the Cable Parents.
    (a) Correctness of Representations and Warranties. All representations
  and warranties of Sprint and the other Cable Parents shall be accurate in
  all material respects on the Closing Date with the same effect as if made
  on the Closing Date (except that any such statements which are expressly
  made as of a particular date shall have been accurate as of such particular
  date). At the Closing, the Cable Parents shall be provided with a
  certificate to such effect from Sprint with respect to its representations
  and warranties, signed by a duly authorized officer thereof.
    (b) Performance of Agreements. All covenants and agreements of Sprint and
  its Subsidiaries contained in this Agreement and required to be performed
  on or before the Closing Date shall have been performed in all material
  respects on or prior to the Closing Date. At the Closing, the Cable Parents
  shall be provided with a certificate to such effect from Sprint, signed by
  a duly authorized officer thereof.
    (c) Tax Opinions. There shall not have occurred any change in applicable
  Law or any change in facts beyond the respective Cable Parent's reasonable
  control, in either case occurring after the date hereof, that would prevent
  outside counsel for such Cable Parent from reaffirming to such Cable Parent
  at the Closing its opinion described in Section 5.2(h). For purposes of
  this Section 8.3(c), Law also includes any Revenue Ruling, proposed
  regulations or official notice of intent to propose regulations issued by
  the Internal Revenue Service, or a bill introduced in the House of
  Representatives or Senate of the United States, or legislation proposed by
  the United States Treasury Department.
                                   ARTICLE 9
  Section 9.1 Closing. The Closing shall take place at the offices of King &
Spalding, 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, at 10:00 a.m.
(local time at the place of Closing) on the date determined by Sprint in
accordance with Sections 6.2(c), 6.2(d) and 6.2(e) or at such other location
or on such other date or time as the parties hereto shall agree. At the
Closing, the IPO or Recapitalization shall be consummated, and the parties
shall take such actions and execute and deliver such documents and agreements
as are contemplated herein or as may be reasonably requested by any other
party hereto, including the following actions:
      (i) The Initial Charter Amendment and the Certificate of Designations
    and (if the Recapitalization is to occur simultaneously with the
    Closing) the Subsequent Charter Amendment shall be filed with the
    Kansas Secretary of State.
      (ii) (A) Sprint shall deliver to each of the Cable Partners copies of
    the resolutions adopted by the Sprint Board of Directors in connection
    with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, which resolutions
    shall (among other things) (v) appoint the Capital Stock Committee and
    delegate to it the powers described on Exhibit Q, (w) adopt the
    Management and Allocation Policies, (x) approve the Bylaw Amendment,
    (y) approve the formation of the PCS Group and the Sprint FON Group and
    (z) create the Preferred Intergroup Interest and the Warrant Intergroup
    Interest, certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of
    Sprint, and (B) each of the Cable Parents shall deliver to Sprint
    copies of

    the resolutions adopted by such Cable Parent's Board of Directors in
    connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
    certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of such Cable Parent.
      (iii) Each of the Parents shall deliver to each of the other Parents
    a certification that such Parent's representations and warranties set
    forth herein are true and accurate as of the Closing Date, as though
    such representations and warranties were made on and as of the Closing
      (iv) Each of the Parents shall deliver to each of the other Parents a
    certification that the covenants contained herein that are required to
    be performed by such Parent or its Subsidiaries prior to the Closing
    have been performed in all material respects.
      (v) (A) Certificates representing the shares of Series 2 PCS Stock
    and the Warrants and (if applicable) PCS Preferred Stock to be issued
    in the Mergers (and, if applicable, pursuant to Equity Purchase Rights
    exercised by the Cable Partners in connection with the IPO) shall be
    delivered by Sprint to each of the Cable Partners, (B) the cash and/or
    certificates representing PCS Preferred Stock consisting of the
    purchase price for the Cable Parent PCS Notes pursuant to Section 6.6
    shall be paid or delivered by Sprint to the Cable Parents or their
    Subsidiaries and (C) the cash and/or Preferred Intergroup Interest
    consisting of the purchase price for the Sprint PCS Loans and the
    SprintCom Loans shall be paid to Sprint or its Subsidiaries and/or
    created for the benefit of the Sprint FON Group.
      (vi) The Warrant Agreements shall be duly executed and delivered by
    the parties thereto.
      (vii) The Voting Agreements shall be duly executed and delivered by
    the parties thereto.
      (viii) The Cox L.A. Amendments shall be duly executed and delivered
    by the parties thereto.
      (ix) The Certificates of Merger shall be duly executed and delivered
    by the parties thereto for filing with the Delaware and Colorado
    Secretaries of State.
      (x) The Tax Sharing Agreement shall be duly executed and delivered by
      (xi) The Registration Rights Agreement shall be duly executed and
    delivered by the parties thereto.
      (xii) The Mutual Release and Waiver shall be duly executed and
    delivered by the parties thereto.
      (xiii) The PCS Partners and the PhillieCo Partners shall enter into
    amended restated partnership agreements for Sprint PCS GP and PhillieCo
    GP in form reasonably satisfactory to the Cable Parents.
      (xiv) Sprint shall deliver to the Cable Parents a certificate signed
    by an executive officer of Sprint setting forth (i) the number of
    shares of each class and series of capital stock of Sprint that will be
    authorized and outstanding immediately following the Effective Time,
    (ii) a list of all PCS Options that will be outstanding immediately
    following the Effective Time, (iii) a list of all shares of each class
    and series of capital stock of Sprint that will be held in treasury by
    Sprint immediately following the Effective Time and (iv) the number of
    shares of each class and series of PCS Stock that will have been
    reserved for issuance by the Board of Directors of Sprint immediately
    following the Effective Time. Such certificate shall further certify
    that, other than (i) the PCS Options, (ii) the rights of Cox Pioneer
    Partnership and its Affiliates under the Agreement of Limited
    Partnership of Cox Communications PCS, L.P., dated as of December 31,
    1996, as amended, (iii) the rights of FT and DT under the FT/DT
    Agreements and (iv) the rights of the Cable Parents and their
    Affiliates under this Agreement and the Other Agreements, there are no
    preemptive rights, rights of first refusal, participation rights or
    other similar rights outstanding at the Effective Time to purchase any
    of the authorized but unissued PCS Stock or any PCS Stock held in
All of the actions contemplated to occur at the Closing (including each of the
Mergers) shall be deemed to have occurred simultaneously, and none of such
actions shall be effective unless all of such actions have occurred or are
waived by the necessary parties (or, in the case of any of the Mergers, by
unanimous written consent of each party hereto).

                                  ARTICLE 10
  Section 10.1 Events of Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the
transactions contemplated hereby abandoned at any time prior to the Closing:
    (a) by mutual written consent of the Parents;
    (b) by any Parent, by notice to the other Parents, if the Closing shall
  be prohibited by any final, nonappealable order, decree or injunction of a
  Governmental Authority, which would result in material adverse consequences
  to any Parent or any of its Subsidiaries if the Closing occurred in
  violation of such order, decree or injunction;
    (c) by any Parent that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in this Agreement, by notice to the other Parents if the Closing
  has not occurred on or before December 31, 1998;
    (d) by any Parent that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in this Agreement, by notice to the other Parents following the
  time that any condition to closing set forth in Article 8 has become
  incapable of being satisfied on or prior to December 31, 1998; or
    (e) by any Parent that is not in material breach of any material covenant
  contained in this Agreement, by notice to the other Parents following a
  material breach of any material covenant contained in this Agreement by any
  other Parent or its Subsidiary if such breach remains uncured in any
  material respect for thirty (30) days following the giving of notice of the
  breach of such material covenant from the Parent seeking to terminate this
  Agreement to each other party; provided, that the Parent seeking to
  terminate this Agreement gives written notice of such termination to each
  other Parent within thirty (30) days following the end of such thirty (30)
  day cure period.
  Section 10.2 Effect of Termination.
    (a) If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 10.1, then
  this Agreement shall become null and void and have no further effect,
  without any liability of any party to any other party, except that the
  obligations of the parties pursuant to Article 12 and under any provision
  of this Agreement that expressly provides for certain actions to occur
  simultaneously with or following the termination of this Agreement shall
  survive the termination of this Agreement indefinitely; provided, that no
  such termination shall release or relieve any party hereto from liability
  for any willful material breach of any material provision of this Agreement
  occurring prior to such termination.
    (b) If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 10.1, the
  PCS Partnership Agreement, the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement and the
  Parents Agreements shall continue in full force and effect until terminated
  in accordance with their respective terms, without any amendment to the
  rights and obligations of the parties thereto, except (i) the PCS Partners
  agree that an event described in Section 14.1(a)(iii) of the PCS
  Partnership Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred simultaneously with
  such termination such that the PCS Partners proceed immediately to the
  determination of "Net Equity" under Section 14.7 of the PCS Partnership
  Agreement, thus bypassing the escalation procedures of Section 5.8 of the
  PCS Partnership Agreement and (ii) the PhillieCo Partners agree that an
  event described in Section 14.1(a)(iii) of the PhillieCo Partnership
  Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred simultaneously with such
  termination such that the PhillieCo Partners proceed immediately to the
  determination of "Net Equity" under Section 14.7 of the PhillieCo
  Partnership Agreement, thus bypassing the escalation procedures of Section
  5.8 of the PhillieCo Partnership Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE 11
  Section 11.1 Scope of Representations of the Parties. Except as and to the
extent set forth in this Agreement, none of the parties makes any
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement whatsoever, and each party
disclaims all liability and responsibility for any representation, warranty,
covenant, agreement or statement made or information communicated (orally or
in writing) to any other party (including any opinion, information or advice
which may have been provided to any other party or any Affiliate thereof by
any stockholder, partner, director, officer, employee, accounting firm, legal
counsel or any other agent, consultant or representative of a party). Each of
the parties expressly agrees and acknowledges that, in consummating the
transactions contemplated hereby, it is only relying on the representations
and warranties of the other parties made in this Agreement, the Other
Agreements and any other agreements or certificates expressly contemplated by
this Agreement, and is not relying on any representation or warranty of any
present, former or future stockholder or partner, director, officer, employee,
accounting firm, legal counsel or any other agent, consultant or
representative of any of the parties or any of their respective Affiliates.
Each of the parties further acknowledges and agrees that it has access to all
available information about Sprint PCS and its Subsidiaries and that such
party is not relying on any representation or warranty whatsoever, except as
expressly provided in this Agreement, or any other party hereto or any of
their Affiliates with respect to Sprint PCS and its Subsidiaries.
  Section 11.2 Indemnification of Parties.
    (a) Following the Closing and subject to the other terms and conditions
  of this Agreement, each party (as applicable with respect to any specific
  party, the "Indemnitor") agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless each
  other party hereto that is not an Affiliate of the Indemnitor and their
  respective successors and assigns (each an "Indemnified Party" and
  collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all
  losses, claims, costs, fines, damages (excluding consequential and special
  damages other than amounts paid as consequential or special damages to a
  third party pursuant to a Third Party Claim), Taxes (other than those for
  which indemnity is provided under Section 7.11), liabilities and
  deficiencies, including (subject to Section 11.4) reasonable legal and
  other fees and expenses incurred in the investigation and defense of claims
  and actions, and amounts paid as indemnification to directors, officers,
  employees or agents, whether such claims and actions are brought by third
  parties or parties hereto (each a "Loss" and collectively, "Losses"),
  incurred by an Indemnified Party and arising out of or resulting from (A)
  any inaccuracy in the representations and warranties of the Indemnitor set
  forth in this Agreement or in any Other Agreement or (B) any failure to
  perform by the Indemnitor of any of its covenants or agreements contained
  in this Agreement or any Other Agreement (any such Loss or Losses being
  referred to herein as an "Indemnified Loss" or "Indemnified Losses").
  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Indemnitor shall be required to indemnify
  the Indemnified Parties with respect to any Indemnified Loss arising under
  clause (A) above unless and until the aggregate amount of the Indemnified
  Losses incurred by all Indemnified Parties with respect to the
  representations and warranties made by such Indemnitor and its Affiliates,
  if any, as finally determined pursuant to Section 11.4 (other than Losses
  with respect to Non-Basket Claims) exceeds $50 million; provided, however,
  that at such time as the aggregate amount of Indemnified Losses from such
  claims other than Non-Basket Claims ("Basket Claims") exceeds $50 million,
  the Indemnified Parties shall be entitled to indemnification for the full
  amount of the Indemnified Losses, if any, as finally determined pursuant to
  Section 11.4 from Basket Claims in excess of $10 million (the limitation
  contained in this sentence referred to herein as the "Basket Limitation").
  As used herein the term "Non-Basket Claim" means any claim arising out of
  an inaccuracy of any of the representations and warranties set forth in
  Sections 5.1(a), 5.1(b), 5.2(a), 5.2(b), 5.2(c), 5.3(a), the second
  sentence of 5.3(c), 5.3(d), 5.3(e), 5.3(f), 5.3(h)(i), 5.3(h)(ii), 5.4(b),
  5.5(a) and 5.5(b). The Basket Limitation shall not apply to any Indemnified
  Losses from claims that are Non-Basket Claims.
    (b) The amount of any Indemnified Loss shall be reduced by any insurance
  proceeds and any indemnity, contribution or other similar payment recovered
  by the Indemnified Parties from any third party

  with respect to the facts or circumstances which gave rise to the
  Indemnified Loss (net of any Taxes thereon). If any indemnification payment
  is payable by an Indemnitor pursuant to Section 11.4 prior to the date of
  the receipt of any payment referred to in this paragraph by an Indemnified
  Party, the Indemnified Party will be required to reimburse an appropriate
  portion thereof to the Indemnitor upon its receipt of such payment.
    (c) If any Indemnitor's obligation under this Section 11.2 arises in
  respect to an adjustment that makes allowable to any Indemnified Party, or
  any Affiliate of an Indemnified Party, any present or future deduction,
  amortization, exclusion from income or other allowance (a "Tax Benefit")
  that would not, but for such adjustment, have been allowable, then any
  payment by the Indemnitor to the relevant Indemnified Party or Indemnified
  Parties shall be an amount equal to the Indemnified Loss minus the sum of
  the present values (calculated using a 5.77% discount rate) of all Tax
  Benefits that arise as a consequence of the relevant adjustment multiplied,
  in each case, by (i) the maximum federal, state, local or foreign, as the
  case may be, corporate tax rate in effect at the time of the payment of
  such Indemnified Loss or (ii) in the case of a credit, 100%.
  Section 11.3 Survival. The representations and warranties set forth in this
Agreement will terminate and expire on the first anniversary of the Closing
Date, after which time no party may institute any action or present any claim
for an inaccuracy of such statements; provided that the representations and
warranties set forth in Sections 5.1(a), 5.1(b), 5.2(a), 5.2(b), 5.2(c),
5.2(g), 5.3(a), the second sentence of 5.3(c), 5.3(d), 5.3(e), 5.3(f),
5.3(h)(i), 5.3(h)(ii), 5.4(b), 5.5(a) and 5.5(b) will survive until the
expiration of the applicable statute of limitations period with respect to
claims made thereunder for any inaccuracy thereof. Any action or claim for the
breach of any covenant or agreement contained herein must be instituted or
presented prior to the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations
period with respect to such claim or action.
  Section 11.4 Indemnification Procedures. Except to the extent otherwise
provided herein, all claims for indemnification under this Agreement will be
asserted and resolved as follows:
    (a) An Indemnified Party claiming indemnification under this Agreement
  will promptly (i) notify the Indemnitor from whom indemnification is sought
  of any third party claim or claims ("Third Party Claim") asserted against
  the Indemnified Party which could give rise to a right of indemnification
  under this Agreement and (ii) transmit to the Indemnitor a written notice
  ("Claim Notice") describing in reasonable detail the nature of the Third
  Party Claim, a copy of all papers served with respect to such claim (if
  any), an estimate of the amount of damages attributable to the Third Party
  Claim, if reasonably possible, and the basis of the Indemnified Party's
  request for indemnification under this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days
  after receipt of any Claim Notice (the "Election Period"), the Indemnitor
  will notify the Indemnified Party (i) whether the Indemnitor disputes its
  potential liability to the Indemnified Party under this Agreement with
  respect to such Third Party Claim and (ii) whether the Indemnitor desires
  to defend the Indemnified Party against such Third Party Claim.
    (b) If the Indemnitor notifies the Indemnified Party within the Election
  Period that the Indemnitor does not dispute its potential liability to the
  Indemnified Party under this Agreement and that the Indemnitor elects to
  assume the defense of the Third Party Claim, then the Indemnitor will have
  the right to defend, at its sole cost and expense, such Third Party Claim
  by all appropriate proceedings, which proceedings will be prosecuted
  promptly and diligently by the Indemnitor to a final conclusion or settled
  at the discretion of the Indemnitor in accordance with this Section
  11.4(b). Subject to the last sentence of this Section 11.4(b), the
  Indemnitor will have full control of such defense and proceedings,
  including any compromise or settlement thereof. The Indemnified Party is
  hereby authorized, at the sole cost and expense of the Indemnitor (but only
  if the Indemnified Party is ultimately determined to be actually entitled
  to indemnification hereunder with respect to such Third Party Claim or if
  the Indemnitor assumes the defense with respect to the Third Party Claim),
  to file, during the Election Period, any motion, answer or other pleadings
  which the Indemnified Party deems necessary or appropriate to protect its
  interests or those of the Indemnitor and which are not unnecessarily
  prejudicial to the Indemnitor. If requested by the Indemnitor, the
  Indemnified Party will, at the sole cost and expense of the Indemnitor,
  cooperate with the Indemnitor and its counsel in

  contesting any Third Party Claim which the Indemnitor elects to contest,
  including the making of any bona fide directly related counterclaim against
  the person asserting the Third Party Claim or any cross-complaint against
  any Person. The Indemnified Party may participate in, but not control, any
  defense or settlement of any Third Party Claim controlled by the Indemnitor
  pursuant to this Section 11.4(b) and, except as permitted above or pursuant
  to Section 11.4(c), will bear its own costs and expenses with respect to
  such participation; provided, however, that if the Indemnified Party
  asserts that there exists a conflict of interest that would make it
  inappropriate for the same counsel to represent the Indemnitor, then the
  Indemnitor shall reimburse the Indemnified Party for the reasonable fees
  and expenses of separate counsel, to the extent such fees and expenses are
  incurred solely in connection with the matters with respect to which there
  is a conflict of interest. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 11.4 to
  the contrary, the Indemnitor will not, without the written consent of the
  Indemnified Party, (i) settle or compromise any action, suit or proceeding
  or consent to the entry of any judgment which does not include as an
  unconditional term thereof the delivery by the claimant or plaintiff to the
  Indemnified Party of a written release from all liability in respect of
  such action, suit or proceeding or (ii) settle or compromise any action,
  suit or proceeding in any manner that (A) involves the sale, forfeiture or
  loss of, or the creation of any Lien on, any property of such Indemnified
  Party, (B) involves an award which together with previous awards would
  exceed the available amount of the indemnity hereunder, or (C) involves
  equitable remedies against the Indemnified Party or any of its Affiliates.
    (c) If the Indemnitor fails to notify the Indemnified Party within the
  Election Period that the Indemnitor elects to assume the defense of a Third
  Party Claim pursuant to Section 11.4(b), or if the Indemnitor elects to
  assume such defense pursuant to Section 11.4(b) but fails to diligently and
  promptly defend the Third Party Claim, then the Indemnified Party will have
  the right to defend, at the sole cost and expense of the Indemnitor, the
  Third Party Claim by all appropriate proceedings, which proceedings will be
  promptly and diligently prosecuted by the Indemnified Party to a final
  conclusion or settled. The Indemnified Party will have full control of such
  defense and proceedings; provided, however, that the Indemnified Party will
  not, without the Indemnitor's written consent, settle or compromise any
  action, suit or proceeding in any manner that (A) involves the sale,
  forfeiture or loss of, or the creation of any Lien on, any property of such
  Indemnitor or (B) involves equitable remedies against the Indemnitor or any
  of its Affiliates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Indemnitor has
  delivered a written notice to the Indemnified Party to the effect that the
  Indemnitor disputes its potential liability to the Indemnified Party under
  this Agreement with respect to such Third Party Claim and if such dispute
  is resolved in favor of the Indemnitor, the Indemnitor will not be required
  to bear the costs and expenses of the Indemnified Party's defense pursuant
  to this Section 11.4(c) or of the Indemnitor's participation therein at the
  Indemnified Party's request, and the Indemnified Party will reimburse the
  Indemnitor in full for all costs and expenses of such litigation. The
  Indemnitor may participate in, but not control, any defense or settlement
  controlled by the Indemnified Party pursuant to this Section 11.4(c), and
  the Indemnitor will bear its own costs and expenses with respect to such
    (d) If an Indemnified Party has a claim against an Indemnitor hereunder
  which does not involve a Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Party will
  transmit to the Indemnitor a written notice (the "Indemnity Notice")
  describing in reasonable detail the nature of the claim, an estimate of the
  amount of damages attributable to such claim, and the basis of the
  Indemnified Party's request for indemnification under this Agreement. If
  the Indemnitor does not notify the Indemnified Party within sixty (60) days
  from its receipt of the Indemnity Notice that the Indemnitor disputes such
  claim, the claim specified by the Indemnified Party in the Indemnity Notice
  will be deemed a liability of the Indemnitor hereunder. If the Indemnitor
  has timely disputed such claim, as provided above, such dispute will be
  resolved by litigation in an appropriate court of competent jurisdiction.
    (e) No Indemnitor will be obligated to make any payment of indemnity
  under this Agreement except pursuant to the procedures set forth in this
  Article 11. Payments of all amounts owing by the Indemnitor pursuant to
  Sections 11.4(b) and (c) will be made within ten (10) days after (A) if the
  Indemnitor gives the notice contemplated by Section 11.4(a) stating that it
  does not dispute its liability hereunder or fails to give the notice
  contemplated by Section 11.4(a) within the Election Period, (i) the
  effective date of a settlement

  of the Third Party Claim or (ii) the date an adjudication of such Third
  Party Claim becomes final and nonappealable, as the case may be, or (B) if
  the Indemnitor does give the notice contemplated by Section 11.4(a) that it
  disputes its liability hereunder, (i) the date an adjudication of the
  Indemnitor's liability to the Indemnified Party under this Agreement
  becomes final and nonappealable or (ii) the effective date of a settlement
  between the Indemnitor and the Indemnified Party as to such liability, as
  the case may be. Payments of all amounts owing by the Indemnitor pursuant
  to Section 11.4(d) will be made within ten (10) days after (X) if the
  Indemnitor has disputed the relevant claim, (i) the date an adjudication of
  the Indemnitor's liability to the Indemnified Party under this Agreement
  becomes final and nonappealable or (ii) the effective date of a settlement
  between the Indemnitor and the Indemnified Party as to the Indemnitor's
  liability under this Agreement, as the case may be, or (Y) if the relevant
  claim has not been disputed by the Indemnitor, the expiration of the sixty
  (60) day Indemnity Notice period.
    (f) The failure by a party to give a notice required pursuant to this
  Section 11.4 shall not relieve the other party or parties of its
  obligations under this Section 11.4 or result in the loss of any rights of
  such party under this Section 11.4, except to the extent that such failure
  results in the failure of such other party or parties to receive actual
  notice of the events or circumstances giving rise to such notice
  requirement and such other party or parties are damaged solely as a result
  of the failure of such party to give such notice, and then only to the
  extent of such damage.
  Section 11.5 Acknowledgment of the Parties. Each of the parties hereto
expressly agrees and acknowledges that after the Closing, such party's sole
and exclusive remedies with respect to any and all claims under this Agreement
shall be pursuant to Section 7.11 and this Article 11, except that specific
performance with respect to breaches of covenants may be sought as provided in
Section 12.13(d).
  Section 11.6 Limitation on Obligation to Indemnify. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement, none of the PhillieCo Partners shall be
liable or bear responsibility for any portion of an Indemnified Loss
attributable to any breach of the representations and warranties set forth in
Section 5.4 with respect to PhillieCo (a "PhillieCo Loss") for more than a
percentage of the total amount of any such Indemnified Loss equal to such
PhillieCo Partner's PhillieCo Percentage Interest. In the event that any
PhillieCo Partner shall be required, other than by reason of such PhillieCo
Partner's gross negligence, fraud or willful misconduct, to pay, discharge or
otherwise bear responsibility for any amount of any PhillieCo Loss pursuant to
this Article 11 in excess of such PhillieCo Partner's proportionate share
thereof, the other PhillieCo Partners hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless
and reimburse such PhillieCo Partner against and for such other PhillieCo
Partners' share of such excess. It is the intention of the PhillieCo Partners
that, following the operation of this Section, each PhillieCo Partner will
have borne exactly its proportionate share (determined as provided in the
first sentence of this Section) of the PhillieCo Loss at issue.
  Section 11.7 Allocation of Losses. Any payment made by Sprint or any of its
Subsidiaries under this Article 11 shall be charged to the Sprint FON Group.
Any payments received by Sprint or any of its Subsidiaries under this Section
11 shall be allocated to the PCS Group. If any claim for Loss by a Cable
Parent or any of its Subsidiaries against Sprint under this Article 11 derived
in whole or in part from any Loss sustained by the PCS Group the derivative
portion of such claim will be satisfied to the extent that Sprint allocates
from the Sprint FON Group to the PCS Group an amount of cash equal to the Loss
suffered by the PCS Group.
                                  ARTICLE 12
  Section 12.1 Notices. Except as expressly provided herein, all notices,
consents, waivers and other communications required or permitted to be given
by any provision of this Agreement shall be in writing and mailed (certified
or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested) or sent by hand
or overnight courier, or by facsimile transmission (with acknowledgment
received and confirmation sent as provided below),

charges prepaid and addressed to the intended recipient as follows, or to such
other address or number as such Person may from time to time specify by like
notice to the parties:
    (a) If to TCI or any of its Subsidiaries:
      Tele-Communications, Inc.
      5619 DTC Parkway
      Englewood, Colorado 80111
      Telecopy: (303) 488-3200
      Attention: President
      with copies to:
      Tele-Communications, Inc.
      5619 DTC Parkway
      Englewood, Colorado 80111
      Telecopy: (303) 488-3245
      Attention: General Counsel
      Baker & Botts, L.L.P.
      599 Lexington Avenue
      New York, New York 10022-6030
      Te1ecopy: (212) 705-5125
      Attention: John L. Graham
    (b) If to Cox or any of its Subsidiaries:
      Cox Communications, Inc.
      1400 Lake Hearn Drive
      Atlanta, Georgia 30319-1464
      Telecopy: (404) 847-6336
      Attention: Dallas Clement
      with a copy to:
      Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
      1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
      Suite 800
      Washington, D.C. 20036-6802
      Telecopy: (202) 776-2222
      Attention: David D. Wild
    (c) If to Comcast or any of its Subsidiaries:
      Comcast Corporation
      1500 Market Street
      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102-2148
      Telecopy: (215) 981-7794
      Attention: General Counsel
      with a copy to:
      Davis Polk & Wardwell
      450 Lexington Avenue
      New York, New York 10017
      Telecopy: (212) 450-4800
      Attention: Dennis S. Hersch

    (d) If to Sprint or any of its Subsidiaries:
      Sprint Corporation
      2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
      Westwood, Kansas 66205
      Telecopy: (913) 624-8426
      Attention: Chief Financial Officer
      with copies to:
      Sprint Corporation
      2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
      Westwood, Kansas 66205
      Telecopy: (913) 624-2256
      Attention: Corporate Secretary
      King & Spalding
      191 Peachtree Street, N.E.
      Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1763
      Telecopy: (404) 572-5146
      Attention: Bruce N. Hawthorne
  Any party may from time to time specify a different address for notices by
like notice to the other parties. All notices and other communications given
in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have
been given and received (i) four (4) Business Days after the same are sent by
certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, (ii)
when delivered by hand or transmitted by facsimile (with acknowledgment
received and, in the case of a facsimile only, a copy of such notice is sent
no later than the next Business Day by a reliable overnight courier service,
with acknowledgment of receipt) or (iii) one (1) Business Day after the same
are sent by a reliable overnight courier service, with acknowledgment of
  Section 12.2 Binding Effect. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,
this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
and their respective successors, permitted transferees, and permitted assigns.
  Section 12.3 Construction. This Agreement shall be construed simply
according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party.
  Section 12.4 Expenses. Whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby
are consummated, each of the parties shall bear the fees and expenses relating
to its compliance with the various provisions of this Agreement, and each of
the parties agrees to pay all of its own expenses (including all legal and
accounting fees) incurred in connection with this Agreement, the transactions
contemplated hereby, the negotiations leading to the same and the preparation
made for carrying the same into effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing and
Section 5.1(d), if and only to the extent that Sprint makes a cash capital
contribution prior to Closing to a Subsidiary of Sprint that will be a member
of the PCS Group after the Closing, the fees and expenses will be paid by such
Subsidiary of Sprint in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement and will be allocated to the PCS Group. Neither this Section nor
Section 5.1(d) limits in any way the discretion of Sprint to allocate expenses
relating to the IPO to the PCS Group in accordance with the Management and
Allocation Policies.
  Section 12.5 Table of Contents; Headings. The table of contents and section
and other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only
and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or limit the scope, extent
or intent of this Agreement.

  Section 12.6 Governing Law. The validity of this Agreement, the construction
of its terms and the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties
shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Delaware without regard
to principles of conflict of laws.
  Section 12.7 Severability. Every provision of this Agreement is intended to
be severable. If any term or provision hereof is illegal, invalid or
unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, that term or provision will be
enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the
parties, and such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect
the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement.
If necessary to effect the intent of the parties hereto, the parties hereto
will negotiate in good faith to amend this Agreement to replace the
unenforceable language with enforceable language which as closely as possible
reflects such intent.
  Section 12.8 Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a
written amendment signed by Persons authorized to so bind each party hereto.
  Section 12.9 Entire Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement and any
other agreements executed by the parties concurrently herewith set forth the
entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto as to the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, oral or written, and
other communications between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter
  Section 12.10 Confidentiality. Each party hereto agrees that, with respect
to any non-public information obtained in connection with this Agreement or
the transactions contemplated hereunder, the use or treatment of such
information shall be fully subject to the terms and provisions of Section 6.6
of the PCS Partnership Agreement.
  Section 12.11 Assignment. No party shall assign any of its rights under this
Agreement or delegate its duties hereunder unless it obtains the prior written
consent of the other parties hereto, which consent may be withheld at such
party's absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding
sentence, any party may assign its rights (but not its obligations) under this
Agreement to any Controlled Affiliate of such party.
  Section 12.12 Waivers; Remedies. The observance of any term of this
Agreement may be waived (either generally or in a particular instance and
either retroactively or prospectively) by the party or parties entitled to
enforce such term, but any such waiver shall be effective only if in a writing
signed by the party or parties against which such waiver is to be asserted.
Except as otherwise provided herein, no failure or delay of any party hereto
in exercising any power or right under this Agreement shall operate as a
waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or
power, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such right or
power, preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any
other right or power.
  Section 12.13 Consent to Jurisdiction; Specific Performance.
    (a) Each party hereto irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself
  and its property, to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of any New York State
  court sitting in the County of New York or any Federal court of the United
  States of America sitting in the Southern District of New York, and any
  appellate court from any such court, in any suit, action or proceeding
  arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or for recognition or
  enforcement of any judgment, and each party hereto irrevocably and
  unconditionally agrees that all claims in respect of any such suit, action
  or proceeding may be heard and determined in such New York State court or,
  to the extent permitted by law, in such Federal court.
    (b) Each party hereto irrevocably and unconditionally waives, to the
  fullest extent it may legally do so, any objection which it may now or
  hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceeding
  arising out of or relating to this Agreement in any New York State court
  sitting in the County of New York or any Federal court sitting in the
  Southern District of New York. Each party hereto irrevocably waives, to

  the fullest extent permitted by law, the defense of an inconvenient forum
  to the maintenance of such suit, action or proceeding in any such court and
  further waives the right to object, with respect to such suit, action or
  proceeding, that such court does not have jurisdiction over such party.
    (c) Each party hereto irrevocably consents to service of process in the
  manner provided for the giving of notices pursuant to this Agreement;
  provided, that such service shall be deemed to have been given only when
  actually received by such party. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the
  right of a party to serve process in any other manner permitted by law.
    (d) Each party hereto agrees with the other parties that the other
  parties would be irreparably damaged if any of the provisions of this
  Agreement are not performed in accordance with their specific terms and
  that monetary damages would not provide an adequate remedy in such event.
  Accordingly, in addition to any other remedy to which the non-breaching
  parties may be entitled, at law or in equity, the non-breaching parties
  shall be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent breaches of this
  Agreement and specifically to enforce the terms and provisions hereof.
  Section 12.15 Further Assurances. Upon reasonable request from time to time,
each party hereto shall execute, acknowledge and deliver any documents and
perform all further acts that may be reasonably necessary, appropriate or
desirable to carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement.
  Section 12.16 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts with the same effect as if all parties hereto had signed the same
document. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute
one agreement.
  Section 12.17 Limitation on Rights of Others. Nothing in this Agreement,
whether express or implied, shall be construed to give any Person other than
the parties hereto any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in
respect of this Agreement.
  Section 12.18 Restrictive Legends.
    (a) Upon original issuance of any certificate issued pursuant to this
  Agreement representing the Series 2 PCS Stock, PCS Preferred Stock, the
  Warrants or any other securities of Sprint issued in connection with this
  Agreement, such certificate shall bear the following restrictive legend:
    (b) After such time as the above legend is no longer required to appear
  on any certificate representing a security of Sprint issued in connection
  with this Agreement, at the request of the holder of such certificate,
  Sprint shall cause such certificate to be exchanged for a certificate that
  does not bear such legend.
    (c) Sprint may make a notation on its records or give instructions to any
  transfer agents or registrars for the securities of Sprint issued in
  connection with this Agreement that bear the above legend reflecting the
  restrictions set forth in such legend.

    (d) Sprint shall not incur any liability for any delay in recognizing any
  transfer of any certificate bearing the above legend and representing a
  security of Sprint issued in connection with this Agreement if Sprint
  reasonably believes in good faith that such transfer may have been or would
  be in violation of the provisions of applicable securities law or this
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Restructuring
and Merger Agreement as of the day and year first above written.
                                          TELE-COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                 /s/ Stephen M. Brett     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                               Executive Vice President     
                                          COMCAST CORPORATION
                                                 /s/ Arthur R. Block     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     
                                          COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                 /s/ James O. Robbins     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                               President and Chief Executive
                                          SPRINT CORPORATION
                                                  /s/ Don A. Jensen     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     
                                          TCI SPECTRUM HOLDINGS, INC.
                                                 /s/ Stephen M. Brett     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     

                                          COMCAST TELEPHONY SERVICES
                                          By: Comcast Telephony Services, Inc.,
                                              Its General Partner
                                                 /s/ Arthur R. Block     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     
                                          COX TELEPHONY PARTNERSHIP
                                          By: Cox Communications Wireless, Inc.
                                              Its Managing General Partner
                                                 /s/ James O. Robbins     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                          SPRINT ENTERPRISES, L.P.
                                          By: US Telecom, Inc.,
                                              Its Managing General Partner
                                                  /s/ Don A. Jensen     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     
                                          TCI PHILADELPHIA HOLDINGS, INC.
                                                 /s/ Stephen M. Brett     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     
                                          COM TELEPHONY SERVICES, INC.
                                                 /s/ Arthur R. Block     
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                    Vice President     

                                          COMCAST TELEPHONY SERVICES, INC.
                                               /s/ Arthur R. Block         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     
                                          COX TELEPHONY PARTNERS, INC.
                                               /s/ James O. Robbins         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                          COX COMMUNICATIONS WIRELESS, INC.
                                               /s/ James O. Robbins         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                          SWV ONE, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     
                                          SWV TWO, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     
                                          SWV THREE, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     

                                          SWV FOUR, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     
                                          SWV FIVE, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen         
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     
                                          SWV SIX, INC.
                                                /s/ Don A. Jensen          
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                   Vice President     

  THIS TAX SHARING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated as of the Closing Date,
is entered into and undertaken by Sprint Corporation, a Kansas corporation
("Sprint"), for the benefit of those entities and businesses that are now or
hereafter allocated to the PCS Group (the "PCS Group Entities") on the
Closing Date and thereafter and those entities that are allocated on the
Closing Date and thereafter to the FON Group and any Other Group.
  IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein,
Sprint agrees and undertakes as follows:
                                  ARTICLE 1.
  Section 1.1 Certain Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise
defined herein have the meanings as set forth in Sprint's Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation, as in effect on the date hereof (the "Charter").
For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings
specified below:
    "Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
    "Business Day" means a day of the year on which banks are not required or
  authorized to be closed in the State of New York.
    "Calculation Date" means any date, after the Closing Date, on which (i) a
  payment (or refund) of Taxes (including estimated Taxes) is made by (or to)
  Sprint or any affiliate of Sprint having assets which are included in
  either the FON Group or the PCS Group (including any date on which a
  payment of Taxes (including estimated Taxes) would be required to be made
  by the FON Group if the FON Group filed a separate return without the PCS
  Group or any PCS Group Entities) or (ii) an adjustment in respect of such
  Taxes (e.g., as a result of a carryback or a Final Determination by any
  Governmental Authority) is made or determined. The term Calculation Date
  shall include any date a federal, state, or local estimated tax payment is
  required to be made (or, if no tax is due, would be required if tax were
  due), and the date a Tax Return for any Calculation Period is filed.
    "Calculation Period" means any taxable period for which Sprint must
  calculate its Taxes (including estimated Taxes) in respect of a Tax Return
  which takes into account one or more items of income, deduction, loss,
  credit or any other item.
    "Capital Stock Committee" means the committee established pursuant to
  Article IV, Section 13 of the Bylaws of Sprint.
    "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in the Restructuring Agreement.
    "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
    "Cumulative FON/PCS Tax Liability" has the meaning set forth in Section
    "Cumulative FON Group Tax Liability" has the meaning set forth in Section
    "Cumulative Other Group Core Business Income (or Loss)" has the meaning
  set forth in Section 3.2.1.
    "Cumulative Stacked FON Group Income (or Loss)" has the meaning set forth
  in Section 3.2.2.
    "Current PCS Tax Benefit" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.
    "Current PCS Tax Burden" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.

    "Effective Time" means the time of the Closing on the Closing Date as
  defined in the Restructuring Agreement.
    "Final Determination" means the final resolution of liability for any Tax
  for a taxable period, (i) pursuant to any binding agreement with the IRS
  (e.g. Form 870-AD), or by a comparable agreement form under the laws of any
  state, local or foreign government or the rules or regulations of any
  state, local or foreign taxing authority, except that a Form 870-AD or
  comparable form that reserves the right of the taxpayer to file a claim for
  refund and/or the right of the taxing authority to assert a further
  deficiency shall not constitute a Final Determination with respect to the
  items so reserved; (ii) by a decision, judgment, decree or other order by a
  court of competent jurisdiction, which has become final and nonappealable;
  (iii) by a closing agreement or offer in compromise under Section 7121 or
  7122 of the Code, or comparable agreements under the laws of any state,
  local or foreign government or the rules or regulations of any state, local
  or foreign taxing authority; (iv) by any allowance of a refund or credit in
  respect of an overpayment of Tax, but only after the expiration of all
  periods during which such refund may be recovered by the jurisdiction
  imposing the Tax (including a refund or credit allowed as a result of the
  filing of an amended return); or (v) by any other final disposition by
  reason of the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations.
    "FON Group" has the meaning given for Sprint FON Group in the Charter, as
  amended from time to time.
    "FON Group Tax Liability" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.3.
    "FON/PCS Group Tax Liability" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.1.
    "Governmental Authority" means the IRS or any U.S. state or local or
  foreign taxing authority or jurisdiction.
    "IRS" means the Internal Revenue Service or any successor agency or
  entity performing substantially the same functions.
    "Other Group" has the meaning given for Other Group in the Policy
  Statement Regarding Tracking Stock Matters, adopted by the Sprint Board of
  Directors as of the Signing Date and effective on the Closing Date.
    "Other Group Core Business" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.1.
    "PCS Group" has the meaning given for PCS Group in the Charter. For
  purposes of this Agreement, the PCS Group shall be treated as existing no
  earlier than the Closing Date.
    "PCS Group Entities" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
    "PCS Tax Benefit" shall be the amount calculated under Section 3.1.
    "PCS Tax Burden" shall be the amount calculated under Section 3.1.
    "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust,
  unincorporated association or other entity.
    "Prior PCS Tax Benefit" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.
    "Prior PCS Tax Burden" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.
    "Restructuring Agreement" means the Restructuring and Merger Agreement
  dated May 26, 1998, by and among Sprint, Tele-Communications, Inc., Comcast
  Corporation, Cox Communications, Inc., Sprint Enterprises, L.P., TCI
  Spectrum Holdings, Inc., Comcast Telephony Services, Cox Telephony
  Partnership, TCI Philadelphia Holdings, Inc., Comcast Telephony Services,
  Inc., Com Telephony Services, Inc., Cox Telephony Partners, Inc., Cox
  Communications Wireless, Inc., SWV One, Inc., SWV Two, Inc., SWV Three.
  Inc., SWV Four, Inc., SWV Five, Inc., and SWV Six, Inc.     

    "Signing Date" means the date as of which the Restructuring Agreement is
    "Stacked FON Business" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
    "Tax" or "Taxes" means all U.S. federal, state, or local or foreign
  income, profits, or other net income taxes, together with all interest,
  penalties, and additions imposed with respect to such amounts.
    "Tax Return" or "Tax Returns" means all returns or reports required to be
  filed under any statute, rule or regulation relating to Taxes, including
  year end returns or quarterly estimated payments.
    "Tax Sharing Payment" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.
    "Unencumbered Value" means the net purchase price of the business or
  entity acquired, plus the amount of any liabilities assumed as part of such
  acquisition (whether directly or indirectly as part of the acquisition of
  the outstanding equity interests in any entity). If the Unencumbered Value
  is not readily ascertainable from the terms of the acquisition, then the
  Unencumbered Value shall be determined by a method selected by the Capital
  Stock Committee.
  Section 1.2 Terms Generally. The definitions in Section 1.1 and elsewhere in
this Agreement shall apply equally to both the singular and plural forms of
the terms defined. Whenever the context may require, any pronoun shall include
the corresponding masculine, feminine and neuter forms. The words "include",
"includes" and "including" shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase
"without limitation". The words "herein", "hereof", "hereto" and "hereunder"
and words of similar import refer to this Agreement (including any Schedules
and Exhibits) in its entirety and not to any part hereof unless the context
shall otherwise require. All references herein to Articles, Sections, Exhibits
and Schedules shall be deemed references to Articles and Sections of, and
Exhibits and Schedules to, this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise
require. Unless the context shall otherwise require, any references to any
agreement or other instrument (other than in the Schedules hereto) or statute
or regulation are to it as amended and supplemented from time to time (and, in
the case of a statute or regulation, to any corresponding provisions of
successor statutes or regulations). Any reference in this Agreement to a "day"
or number of "days" (without the explicit qualification of "Business") shall
be interpreted as a reference to a calendar day or number of calendar days. If
any action or notice is to be taken or given on or by a particular calendar
day, and such calendar day is not a Business Day, then such action or notice
shall be deferred until, or may be taken or given on, the next Business Day.
                                  ARTICLE 2.
                                 STACKING RULE
  Section 2.1 Stacked FON Business: For purposes of this Agreement, a Stacked
FON Business shall mean (i) any business or entity otherwise included in the
FON Group (but for the application of this Agreement), which is acquired
directly or indirectly after the Signing Date in one transaction or in a
series of related transactions and having an Unencumbered Value at the time of
acquisition in excess of $500,000,000, and (ii) any business or entity
attributed to an Other Group (other than any Other Group Core Business that as
of the applicable Calculation Date has Cumulative Other Group Core Business
Income, as provided by the penultimate sentence of Section 3.2.1)
  Section 2.2 Business Expansion: For the purposes of Section 2.1, any assets
acquired that do not constitute an operating business or an interest in an
operating business shall not constitute a Stacked FON Business. Whether any
acquired assets constitute an operating business shall be determined by
reference to the status of such assets in the hands of the seller thereof,
based on all the facts and circumstances, including, without limitation,
whether goodwill is attributable to such assets, whether such assets generated
revenues, whether significant employees were associated with such assets,
whether significant customers were associated with such assets or such assets
consist in part of customers, and whether such assets had other
characteristics associated with a business operating as a business unit or

                                  ARTICLE 3.
                             TAX SHARING PAYMENTS
  Section 3.1 Calculation of PCS Tax Benefit or Burden: For every Calculation
Date, a PCS Tax Benefit or a PCS Tax Burden shall be determined as follows:
    3.1.1 First, the tax liability of the Sprint federal consolidated group
  for the current and each prior Calculation Period shall be calculated in
  accordance with the tax elections it actually used in calculating its tax
  payments on the Calculation Dates (the " FON/PCS Group Tax Liability").
    3.1.2 Second, the Cumulative FON/PCS Group Tax Liability shall be
  determined by totaling the FON/PCS Group Tax Liability for each Calculation
  Period as determined in Section 3.1.1.
    3.1.3 Third, the calculation required in Section 3.1.1 shall be
  recomputed after excluding from such computation any income, deduction,
  loss, credit or any other item attributable to the PCS Group and taken into
  account after the Effective Time (the "FON Group Tax Liability").
    3.1.4 Fourth, the Cumulative FON Group Tax Liability shall be determined
  by totaling the FON Group Tax Liability for each Calculation Period as
  determined in Section 3.1.3.
    3.1.5 Except as required by Section 3.2 the income, deduction, loss and
  other items of Stacked FON Businesses shall not be taken into account in
  making calculations under this Section 3.1 or the calculation of Tax
  Sharing Payments under Section 3.3.
    3.1.6 If the Cumulative FON Group Tax Liability exceeds the Cumulative
  FON/PCS Group Tax Liability, the dollar amount of the excess shall be a PCS
  Tax Benefit. If the Cumulative FON/PCS Group Tax Liability exceeds the
  Cumulative FON Group Tax Liability, the dollar amount of the excess shall
  be a PCS Tax Burden.
  Section 3.2 Adjustments for Other Group Core Businesses and Stacked FON
    3.2.1 Profitable FON Core Businesses. If any core business(es) included,
  on the Closing Date, in the FON Group is hereafter allocated to an Other
  Group (each such business an "Other Group Core Business"), then, as of each
  Calculation Date, all income, deductions, loss and other items attributable
  to each such Other Group Core Business shall be separately calculated on a
  cumulative basis (from the date such business became an Other Group Core
  Business) to determine the Cumulative Other Group Core Business Income (or
  Loss) of such Other Group Core Business through such Calculation Date. If,
  as of a Calculation Date, there is Cumulative Other Group Core Income with
  respect to any such Other Group Core Business, then all items of income,
  deduction, loss and other items of such Other Group Core Business shall be
  taken into account for purposes of making all calculations required by
  Section 3.1 as of such Calculation Date. If, as of a Calculation Date,
  there is Cumulative Other Group Core Loss with respect to any such Other
  Group Core Business, then all items of income, deduction, loss and other
  items of such Other Group Core Business shall be taken into account for
  purposes of making all calculations required by Section 3.2.2 as of such
  Calculation Date as if such Other Group Core Business were a Stacked FON
    3.2.2 Cumulative Stacked FON Group Income (or Loss). As of each
  Calculation Date, all income, deductions, losses and other items of each
  Stacked FON Group Business shall be separately calculated on a cumulative
  basis (from the date such business became a Stacked FON Group Business) and
  combined, on such Calculation Date, with the cumulative income, deductions,
  loss and other items of all Stacked FON Group Businesses as of such date to
  determine Cumulative Stacked FON Group Income (or Loss) as of such
  Calculation Date. If, as of a Calculation Date, there is Cumulative Stacked
  FON Group Income, then all items of income, deduction, loss and other items
  of such Stacked FON Group Businesses shall be taken into account for
  purposes of making all calculations required by Section 3.1 as of such
  Calculation Date. If, as of a Calculation Date, there is Cumulative Stacked
  FON Group Loss, then (except as provided in Section 3.2.1) no items
  attributable to Stacked FON Group Businesses shall be taken into account in
  making calculations required by Section 3.1. and the calculation of the
  amount of Tax Sharing Payments under Section 3.3.

  Section 3.3 Tax Sharing Payment: For the first Calculation Date, Sprint
shall cause the FON Group to pay the PCS Group the amount of any PCS Tax
Benefit or Sprint shall cause the PCS Group to pay the FON Group the amount of
any PCS Tax Burden (either payment being a "Tax Sharing Payment"). Thereafter,
for each Calculation Date, the PCS Tax Benefit or the PCS Tax Burden
determined on such date (the "Current PCS Tax Benefit" or "Current PCS Tax
Burden") shall be compared to the PCS Tax Benefit or the PCS Tax Burden as
determined for the most recent preceding Calculation Date (the "Prior PCS Tax
Benefit" or "Prior PCS Tax Burden") and shall result in the following Tax
Sharing Payments:
    3.3.1 If there is a Current PCS Tax Benefit, Sprint shall cause the FON Group to pay the PCS Group (i) if
    there is a Prior PCS Tax Benefit the amount, if any, by which the
    Current PCS Tax Benefit exceeds the Prior PCS Tax Benefit, or (ii) if
    there is a Prior PCS Tax Burden, an amount equal to the sum of the
    Current PCS Tax Benefit and the amount of the Prior PCS Tax Burden. Sprint shall cause the PCS Group to pay the FON Group the
    amount, if any, by which the Prior PCS Tax Benefit exceeds the Current
    PCS Tax Benefit.
    3.3.2 If there is a Current PCS Tax Burden, Sprint shall cause the FON Group to pay the PCS Group the
    amount, if any, by which the Prior PCS Tax Burden exceeds the Current
    PCS Tax Burden. Sprint shall cause the PCS Group to pay the FON Group (i) if
    there is a Prior PCS Tax Burden, the amount, if any, by which the
    Current PCS Tax Burden exceeds the Prior PCS Tax Burden, or (ii) if
    there is a Prior PCS Tax Benefit an amount equal to the sum of the
    Current PCS Tax Burden and the amount of the Prior PCS Tax Benefit.
  Section 3.4 State, Local, or Foreign Tax Sharing Payments: In order to
determine the Tax Sharing Payment for state, local or foreign Taxes, all
calculations under this Article 3 shall, subject to any appropriate
adjustments necessary to take into account the nature of the Tax Return, be
repeated for the relevant taxing jurisdiction.
                                  ARTICLE 4.
  Section 4.1 Modification or Alteration of the Agreement: The principles of
Article 2 and 3 of this Agreement shall not be modified or rescinded, nor
shall any exception be made to such principles, with respect to any tax year
ending on or before December 31, 2001.
  Section 4.2 Termination of the Agreement: This Agreement shall terminate as
to all tax years ending after December 31, 2001.
                                  ARTICLE 5.
                           ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS
  Section 5.1 Administration: All calculations and determinations under this
Agreement shall be made by Sprint as soon as reasonably practical following
the Calculation Date and shall be subject to review and approval by the
Capital Stock Committee. In resolving all tax matters with respect to all
calculation periods, Sprint shall inform the Capital Stock Committee of the
status of any material tax matters under this Agreement and all resolutions
shall be subject to the review and approval or ratification by the Capital
Stock Committee.
  Section 5.2 Payments: All payments due under this Agreement shall be accrued
as of the relevant Calculation Date.

                                   ARTICLE 6
  This Agreement is binding on Sprint and Sprint shall cause it to be legally
binding on each legal entity which on the Closing Date or thereafter is
allocated in whole or in part to the PCS Group, the FON Group or any Other
Group. Sprint further agrees to take such steps as may be necessary or
appropriate to assure that each such entity is legally bound to, and does,
take all actions and make all payments that may be necessary to assure that
payments required to be made hereunder are appropriately paid or allocated to
or for the benefit of the PCS Group, or FON Group as required by this
                                          Sprint Corporation
                                          By: ________________________________

(AS AMENDED APRIL 18, 1995, AUGUST 8, 1995, AUGUST 12, 1996, FEBRUARY 11, 1997
  1. Establishment and Purpose. Sprint Corporation, a Kansas corporation (the
"Company"), hereby establishes a stock option plan to be named the Management
Incentive Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"). The purpose of the Plan is to permit
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries who are eligible to receive
annual incentive compensation to receive nonqualified stock options in lieu of
a portion of the target incentive under the Company's management incentive
plans ("MIPs"), thereby encouraging the employees to focus on the growth and
profitability of the Company and the performance of its common stock. Subject
to approval of the Company's stockholders, the Plan provides for options to be
granted beginning March 15, 1995, and ending April 18, 2005. Stock options
granted prior to or as of April 18, 2005, may extend beyond that date.
  2. Administration. The Plan shall be administered by the Organization and
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee"). The
Company shall grant options under the Plan in accordance with determinations
made by the Committee pursuant to the provisions of the Plan. The Committee
from time to time may adopt (and thereafter amend and rescind) such rules and
regulations for carrying out the Plan and take such action in the
administration of the Plan, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan,
as it shall deem proper. The Committee may correct any defect, supply any
omission or reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan, or in any option or
restricted shares of common stock granted or issued pursuant to the Plan, in
the manner and to the extent it shall deem desirable to effect the terms of
the Plan. The interpretation and construction of any provisions of the Plan by
the Committee shall, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors of
the Company, be final and conclusive. No member of the Board of Directors or
the Committee shall be liable for any action or determination made in good
faith with respect to the Plan or any option granted under it. The Corporate
Secretary shall act as Plan Administrator carrying out the day-to-day
administration of the Plan unless the Committee appoints another officer or
employee of the Company as Plan Administrator.
  3. Eligibility. The Committee will determine each year whether options will
be granted in such year, whether participation will be elective or automatic,
which class or classes of common stock will be subject to purchase by
participants (which may different for different groups of employees) and the
amount of incentive compensation to be given up for each stock option. Any
salaried employee of the Company and its subsidiaries shall be eligible to be
selected for participation in the MIPs. The Committee will, in its discretion,
determine the employees who participate in the MIPs and, therefore, who will
be eligible for options, the dates on which options shall be granted, and any
conditions on the exercise of the options.
  No option may be granted to any individual who immediately after the option
grant owns directly or indirectly stock possessing more than five percent (5%)
of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock of the
Company or any subsidiary.
  4. Common Stock Subject to the Plan. The shares of any class of publicly
traded common stock of the Company to be issued upon the exercise of a
nonqualified option to purchase such common stock granted in lieu of MIP
payout may be made available from the authorized but unissued common stock of
the Company, shares of common stock held in the treasury, or common stock
purchased on the open market or otherwise.
  Approval of the Plan by the Stockholders of the Company shall constitute
authorization to use such shares for the Plan subject to the discretion of the
Board or as such discretion may be delegated to the Committee.
  Subject to the provisions of the following paragraph, the total number of
shares for which options may be granted under the Plan each year shall be 0.9%
of the total outstanding shares of each class of common stock of the Company
(including, with respect to the PCS Stock, both Series 1 and Series 2 PCS
Stock) as of the first day

of such year; provided, however, that such number shall be increased in any
year by the number of shares available in previous years for which options
have not been granted. If and when an option granted under the Plan is
terminated without having been exercised in full, the unpurchased or forfeited
shares shall become available for grant to other employees.
  The number and kind of shares subject to the Plan may be appropriately
adjusted by the Committee in the circumstances outlined in Section 5(k).
  5. Stock Options; Terms and Conditions. Each option will represent the right
to purchase a specific class and number of shares of common stock of the
Company and shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and to such
additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan,
as the Committee shall deem desirable:
    a. Consideration for and Class and Number of Options. Each option shall
  be granted in lieu of a portion of the optionee's cash payout under the
  MIPs. The Committee shall determine class and the number of shares or the
  manner of determining the class and number of shares available for each
  option each year, subject to the total number of shares available under the
  Plan for such year, and the amount or the method of determining the amount
  of annual incentive compensation to be given up by each participant in
  return for an option, taking into consideration appropriate factors in
  making such determinations, such as interest rates, volatility of the
  market price of the class of common stock of the Company and the term of
  the option, provided, however that shares subject to options granted to any
  individual employee during any calendar year shall not exceed a total of
  500,000 shares of FON Stock (as defined in the Company's articles of
  incorporation) or 250,000/1/ shares of Series 1 PCS Stock (as defined in
  the Company's articles of incorporation).     
    b. Participation in the Plan. Participation in the Plan may be voluntary
  or automatic, as determined by the Committee. The rules and procedures for
  voluntary participation, when applicable, shall be established and
  implemented by the Plan Administrator.
    c. Exercise Price. The price at which each share covered by an option may
  be purchased shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the fair market value
  of the Company's common stock on the date the option is granted. Fair
  market value shall be deemed to be the average of the high and low prices
  of the Company's common stock for composite transactions as published by
  major newspapers for the date the option is granted or, if no sale of the
  Company's common stock shall have been made on that day, the next preceding
  day on which there was a sale of such stock.
    d. Vesting. Unless the Committee determines otherwise, stock option
  grants shall provide that the total number of shares subject to an option
  shall become exercisable December 31 in the year of the date of grant.
    e. Term of Option. Options shall not be exercisable after the expiration
  of ten (10) years from the date of grant.
    f. Payment of Exercise Price. Options shall be exercisable only upon
  payment to the Company of the full purchase price of the shares with
  respect to which options are exercised. Payment for the shares shall be
  either in United States dollars, payable in cash or by check, or by
  surrender of stock certificates representing the same class of common stock
  of the Company having an aggregate fair market value, determined as of the
  date of exercise, equal to the number of shares with respect to which such
  options are exercised multiplied by the exercise price per share. The fair
  market value of common stock on the date of exercise of options shall be
  determined in the same manner as the fair market value of common stock on
  the date of grant of options is determined. Certain optionees may use
  restricted stock as payment for the exercise price in accordance with
  Section 6 hereof. In that event, fair market value of the shares of
  restricted stock will be determined as if the shares were not restricted.
  In lieu of the delivery of physical certificates,
- --------
/1/This figure assumes a Distribution Ratio in the Recapitalization of 1/2.

  the optionee may deliver shares in payment of the exercise price by
  attesting, on a form established for such purpose by the Secretary, to the
  ownership, either outright or through ownership of a broker account, of a
  sufficient number of shares held for a period of at least six months to pay
  the exercise price. The attestation must be notarized and signed by the
  optionee's spouse if the spouse is a joint owner of the shares with respect
  to which such attestation is made and must be accompanied by such
  documentation as the Corporate Secretary may consider necessary to evidence
  actual ownership of such shares.
    g. Manner of Exercise. A completed exercise form and the exercise price,
  whether in the form of cash or stock, must be delivered to the Plan
  Administrator in order to exercise an option. An option shall be deemed
  exercised on the date such exercise form and payment are received by the
  Plan Administrator.
    h. Time for Exercise. Each option expires if it has not been exercised
  within its term. Once an option has expired for any reason, it can no
  longer be exercised. If the grantee's employment with the Company or a
  subsidiary of the Company is terminated, the optionee may exercise options
  that are exercisable on the date of termination of employment until the
  earlier of (1) the date on which the option expires and (2) the end of the
  applicable period below, beginning on the grantee's:
      (i) retirement: five years after the grantee's retirement date.
      (ii) disability (qualifying for long-term disability benefits under
    the Company's Basic Long-Term Disability Plan): five years after the
    grantee's qualification date.
      (iii) death: one year after the grantee's death for the estate or
    designated beneficiary to exercise the decedent's options.
      (iv) involuntary termination other than for cause: the date on which
    the option expires.
      (v) voluntary termination: three months from the grantee's date of
    termination of employment.
    If a grantee's employment is terminated for a reason constituting good
  cause, any outstanding options granted under the Plan shall automatically
  terminate. For this purpose, "good cause" means conduct by the grantee that
  reflects adversely on the grantee's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as
  an employee, or the grantee's willful engagement in conduct which is
  demonstrably and materially injurious to the Company.
    If a grantee becomes associated with, becomes employed by, renders
  services to, or owns any interest in (other than an insubstantial interest,
  as determined by the Committee) any business in competition with the
  Company, all outstanding options granted to the grantee whether vested or
  unvested shall automatically terminate and shares of restricted stock
  received upon the exercise of an option pursuant to Section 6 hereof that
  continue to be restricted shall be forfeited. For purposes of this Plan, an
  employee who becomes employed by certain non-subsidiary affiliates
  designated by the Committee (each, together with their subsidiaries, an
  "Affiliated Entity"), shall not, except with respect to incentive stock
  options, be considered to have terminated employment with the Company or a
  subsidiary of the Company until his employment is terminated with all
  Affiliated Entities without becoming re-employed by the Company or
  its subsidiaries.
    i. Restricted Stock. Certain grantees may elect to deliver restricted
  shares or receive restricted shares in connection with an exercise of an
  option by the grantee, as provided in Section 6 hereof.
    j. Beneficiary Designations. The grantee of an option may designate a
  beneficiary or beneficiaries to exercise unexpired options held by the
  grantee and to own shares issued upon any such exercise after the grantee's
  death without order of any probate court or otherwise. A beneficiary so
  designated may exercise an option upon presentation to the Company of
  evidence satisfactory to the Corporate Secretary of (1) the beneficiary's
  identity and (2) the death of the grantee. A grantee may change any
  beneficiary designation of options held by the grantee at anytime before
  his death but may not do so by testamentary designation in his will or
  otherwise. Beneficiary designations must be made in writing on a form
  provided by the Corporate Secretary. Beneficiary designations shall become
  effective on the date that the form, properly completed, signed and
  notarized, is received by the Secretary. Any designation of a beneficiary
  with respect to any

  option shall be deemed canceled upon the transfer of such option to a trust
  in accordance with the terms of the Plan.
    k. Change in Stock, Adjustments. In the event of any merger,
  reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization, stock dividend, spin-off,
  or other change in the corporate structure affecting the shares, such
  adjustment shall be made in the aggregate number and class of shares that
  may be delivered under the Plan, in the number and class of shares that may
  be subject to an option granted to any individual in any year under the
  Plan, and in the number, class, and option price of shares subject to
  outstanding options granted under the Plan, as may be determined to be
  appropriate by the Committee, in its sole discretion, provided that the
  number of shares subject to any option shall always be a whole number.
    l. Limitations on Transfer. Options may not be transferred, levied,
  garnished, executed upon, subjected to a security interest, or assigned to
  any person other than the grantee, except that the grantee may transfer an
  option to a trust of the kind described in Section 6(b). Any such trust as
  transferee of an option may not (1) dispose of shares received in an
  exercise of such options until such shares are validly registered or exempt
  from registration under any applicable exemption from registration under
  the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in the opinion of the Corporate
  Secretary or (2) while continuing to hold options issued under this plan,
  be amended to change beneficiaries to persons other than those permissible
  under Section 6(b). Documents evidencing the transfer of any option and the
  identity of the transferee shall be in such form as may be required by the
  Corporate Secretary.
  6. Restricted Stock. Certain grantees, as determined by the Committee, may
elect to receive restricted shares upon payment for the exercise of an option
in the form of unrestricted common stock. The grantee will receive the same
number of unrestricted shares as the number of shares surrendered to pay the
exercise price, while the shares received in excess of the number surrendered
to pay the exercise price may be restricted. Such grantees may also elect to
deliver restricted shares of the Company's common stock in payment of the
exercise price notwithstanding restrictions on transferability to which such
shares are subject. The Company shall be authorized to issue restricted shares
of common stock upon such exercises of stock options, subject to the following
    a. The grantee shall elect a vesting period for the restricted common
  stock to be received upon exercise of the option of between 6 months and 10
  years, subject to rules and procedures established by the Plan
  Administrator, but in no event may a grantee elect a vesting period shorter
  than the period provided in paragraph (d) of this Section 6. At any time on
  or before the 13th calendar month preceding the date on which restrictions
  on shares of restricted stock would otherwise lapse, the grantee may elect
  to extend the vesting period on all but not a portion of such shares by six
  months or any multiple of six months.
    b. The grantee who receives restricted stock may not sell, transfer,
  assign, pledge or otherwise encumber or dispose of shares of restricted
  stock until such time as all restrictions on such stock have lapsed except:
  (i) to the Company in payment of the exercise price of a stock option
  issued by the Company under any employee stock option plan adopted by the
  Company that provides for payment of the exercise price in the form of
  restricted stock, provided that such payment is made in accordance with the
  terms of such plan; or (ii) to a trust of which the grantee, the grantee's
  spouse, or descendants (by blood, adoption, or marriage) of the grantee are
  the primary beneficiaries and which is a grantor trust treated as owned by
  the grantee under Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code, upon the
  following terms:
      (A) the Company receives, prior to such transfer, a true copy of the
    trust agreement and an opinion from grantee's counsel (1) that the
    trust will be treated as a grantor trust owned by the grantee under
    Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code at all times until the
    restrictions on such stock lapse or the stock is forfeited under the
    terms of its grant, (2) that the terms of the trust provide that upon
    the forfeiture of the restricted stock under the terms of its grant or
    the earlier termination of the trust for whatever reason, ownership of
    the restricted stock shall revert to the grantee or to the Company,
    (3) that the trustee of such trust may not, prior to the lapsing of
    restrictions on such stock, sell, transfer, assign, pledge, or
    otherwise encumber or dispose of shares of restricted stock except to
    the Company

    or to the grantee, subject to the restrictions provided for in this
    Plan, and (4) that, until the restrictions lapse, the trustee is not
    authorized to incur liabilities on behalf of the trust, other than to
    the beneficiaries of the trust; and
      (B) the grantee and the trustee of the trust shall execute stock
    powers in blank to be held in the custody of the Company; and
      (C) the Corporate Secretary of the Company may, in his discretion,
    enforce the foregoing transfer restrictions by maintaining physical
    custody of the certificate or certificates representing such shares of
    restricted stock, by placing a restrictive legend on such certificates,
    by requiring the grantee and the trustee to execute other documents as
    a pre-condition to such transfer, or otherwise.
    c. A grantee who elects to receive restricted common stock upon an
  exercise shall have the right to satisfy tax withholding obligations in the
  manner provided in Section 8 hereof.
    d. Restricted common stock received in such an exercise or from an
  election to receive a Long-Term Incentive Plan payout in restricted stock,
  or any Restricted Stock Award granted pursuant to the Long-Term Stock
  Incentive Program, shall be eligible for use in payment of the exercise
  price of a stock option to purchase shares of the same class, so long as
  all the shares received as a result of such an exercise are restricted for
  a period at least as long as, and with terms at least as restrictive as the
  terms of, the restricted common stock used in payment.
    e. The shares of restricted common stock received in an exercise of a
  stock option that continue to be restricted shall be forfeited in the event
  that vesting conditions are not satisfied, subject to the discretion of the
  Committee, except in the case of death, disability, normal retirement, or
  involuntary termination for reasons other than cause, in which case all
  restrictions lapse; provided, however, that in no event shall restrictions
  lapse if the restrictions on shares used to pay for the exercise have not
  lapsed under the same conditions. If restricted shares are forfeited, the
  grantee or his representative shall sign any document and take any other
  action required to assign said restricted shares back to the Company.
    f. The grantee will have all the rights of a stockholder with respect to
  shares of restricted stock received upon the exercise of an option,
  including the right to vote the shares of stock and the right to dividends
  on the stock. Unless the Plan Administrator establishes alternative
  procedures, the shares of restricted stock will be registered in the name
  of the grantee and the certificates evidencing such shares shall bear an
  appropriate legend referring to the terms, conditions and restrictions
  applicable to the award and shall be held in escrow by the Company. The
  grantee shall execute a stock power or powers assigning the shares of
  restricted stock back to the Company, which stock powers shall be held in
  escrow by the Company and used only in the event of the forfeiture of any
  of the shares of restricted stock. A certificate evidencing unrestricted
  shares of common stock shall be issued to the grantee promptly after the
  restrictions lapse on any restricted shares.
    g. The Plan Administrator shall have the discretion and authority to
  establish any rules in connection with the use of restricted stock,
  including but not limited to regulating the timing of the lapse of
  restrictions within the six-month to ten-year period and prescribing
  election forms as the Plan Administrator deems necessary or desirable for
  the orderly administration of such exercises.
  7. Reload Options. The Committee may provide that optionees have the right
to a reload option, which shall be subject to the following terms and
    a. Grant of the Reload Option; Number of Shares; Price. Subject to
  subsections (b) and (c) of this Section 7 and to the availability of shares
  to be optioned under the Plan, if an optionee has an option to purchase
  shares of any class of common stock (the "original option") with reload
  rights and pays for the exercise of the original option by surrendering
  common stock of the same class, the optionee shall receive a new option
  ("reload option") to purchase the number and class of shares so surrendered
  (or, if applicable, the number of shares provided for in paragraph (h) of
  this Section 7) at an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the
  stock on the date of the exercise of the original option.

    b. Minimum Purchase Required. A reload option will be granted only if the
  exercise of the original option is an exercise of at least 25% of the total
  number of shares granted under the original option (or an exercise of all
  the shares remaining under the original option if less than 25% of the
  shares remain to be exercised).
    c. Other Requirements. A reload option: (1) will not be granted if the
  market value of the common stock of the Company on the date of exercise of
  the original option is less than the exercise price of the original option;
  (2) will not be granted if the grantee is not, on the exercise date, an
  employee of Sprint or a Sprint subsidiary; (3) will not be granted if the
  original option is exercised less than one year before the expiration of
  the original option; and (4) with respect to options transferred by the
  grantee to another person in accordance with this Plan, reload options
  shall be granted to the grantee upon a stock-for-stock exercise by the
  optionee to the same extent as if the grantee had exercised the option in a
  similar manner.
    d. Term of Option. The reload option shall expire on the same date as the
  original option.
    e. Type of Option. The reload option shall be a nonqualified option to
  purchase shares of the same class of shares as the original option.
    f. No Additional Reload Options. The reload options shall not include any
  right to a second reload option.
    g. Date of Grant, Vesting. The date of grant of the reload option shall
  be the date of the exercise of the original option. The reload options
  shall be exercisable in full beginning one year from date of grant;
  provided, however, that all shares purchased upon the exercise of the
  original option (except for any shares withheld for tax withholding
  obligations) shall not be sold, transferred or pledged within six months
  from the date of exercise of the original option. In no event shall a
  reload option be exercised after the original option expires as provided in
  subsection (d) of this Section 7.
    h. Stock Withholding; Grants of Reload Options. If the other requirements
  of this Section 7 are satisfied, and if shares are withheld or shares
  surrendered for tax withholding, a reload option will be granted for the
  number of shares surrendered as payment for the exercise of the original
  option plus the number of shares surrendered or withheld to satisfy tax
  withholding. In connection with reload options for officers who are subject
  to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Committee may at
  any time impose any limitations which, in the Committee's sole discretion,
  are necessary or desirable in order to comply with Section 16(b) of the
  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder,
  or in order to obtain any exemption therefrom.
    i. Other Terms and Conditions. Except as otherwise provided in this
  Section 7, all the provisions of the Plan shall apply to reload options.
  8. Such election is irrevocable after the Tax Date. Any fractional share
amount and any additional withholding not paid by the withholding or surrender
of shares must be paid in cash. If no timely election is made, cash must be
delivered to satisfy all tax withholding requirements.
  If the exercise of an option by an optionee other than the grantee after
transfer of the option pursuant to this plan from the grantee to the optionee
results in a withholding obligation on the part of the grantee, the grantee
may elect to satisfy his withholding obligation by delivery of shares to the
Company as permitted in clause (i) above.
  9. Miscellaneous.
  a. Amendment. The Company reserves the right to amend the Plan at any time
by action of the Board of Directors provided that no such amendment may
materially and adversely affect any outstanding stock options without the
consent of the optionee, and provided that, without the approval of the
stockholders, no such amendment may increase the total number of shares
reserved for the purposes of the Plan.

  b. Effectiveness of Plan. This Plan shall be effective as of February 18,
1995, subject to approval of Stockholders of the Company prior to February 18,
  c. Rights in Securities. All certificates for shares delivered under the
Plan shall be subject to such stock-transfer orders and other restrictions as
the Committee may deem advisable under the rules, regulations, and other
requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, any stock exchange
upon which the shares are then listed, and any applicable federal or state
securities law, and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be put on
any such certificates to make appropriate reference to such restrictions. No
optionee or optionee's beneficiary, executor or administrator, legatees or
distributees, as the case may be, will be, or will be deemed to be, a holder
of any shares subject to an option unless and until a stock certificate or
certificates for such shares are issued to such person or persons under the
terms of the Plan. No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or
extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property) or distributions
or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date such stock
certificate is issued, except as provided in Section 5(k) hereof.
  d. Date of Grant. The grant of an option shall be effective no earlier than
the date the Committee decides to grant the option, except that grants of
reload options shall be effective as provided in Section 7(g) hereof.
  e. Application of Funds. The proceeds received by the Company from the sale
of stock subject to option are to be added to the general funds of the Company
and used for its corporate purposes.
  f. No Obligation to Exercise Option. Granting of an option shall impose no
obligation on the optionee to exercise such option.
                    1997 LONG-TERM STOCK INCENTIVE PROGRAM
  Section 1. Purpose. The purposes of the Sprint 1997 Long-Term Stock
Incentive Program (the "Plan") are to encourage Directors of Sprint
Corporation (the "Company") and officers and selected key employees of the
Company and its Affiliates to acquire a proprietary and vested interest in the
growth and performance of the Company, to generate an increased incentive to
contribute to the Company's future success and prosperity, thus enhancing the
value of the Company for the benefit of stockholders, and to enhance the
ability of the Company and its Affiliates to attract and retain individuals of
exceptional talent upon whom, in large measure, the sustained progress, growth
and profitability of the Company depends.
  Section 2. Definitions. As used in the Plan, the following terms shall have
the meanings set forth below:
    (a) "Affiliate" shall mean (i) any Person that directly, or through one
  or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common
  control with, the Company or (ii) any entity in which the Company has a
  significant equity interest, as determined by the Committee.
    (b) "Award" shall mean any Option, Restricted Stock Award, Performance
  Share, Performance Unit, Dividend Equivalent, Other Stock Unit Award, or
  any other right, interest, or option relating to Shares granted pursuant to
  the provisions of the Plan.
    (c) "Award Agreement" shall mean any written agreement, contract, or
  other instrument or document evidencing any Award granted hereunder and
  signed by both the Company and the Participant or by both the Company and
  an Outside Director.
    (d) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.
    (e) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
  time to time.
    (f) "Committee" means the Organization, Compensation, and Nominating
  Committee of the Board, composed of not less than two directors each of
  whom is a Non-Employee Director.
    (g) "Company" shall mean Sprint Corporation.

    (h) "Non-Employee Director" shall have the meaning provided for in Rule
  16b-3(b)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 17 CFR (S) 240.16b-
  3(b)(3), as amended.
    (i) "Dividend Equivalent" shall mean any right granted pursuant to
  Section 14(h) hereof.
    (j) "Employee" shall mean any employee of the Company or of any
    (k) "Fair Market Value" shall mean, with respect to any property, the
  market value of such property determined by such methods or procedures as
  shall be established from time to time by the Committee; except that the
  "Fair Market Value" of a share of common stock of the Company for purposes
  of Section 10 and Section 11 shall mean the average of the high and low
  prices of the common stock for composite transactions, as published by
  major newspapers, for the date in question or, if no trade of the common
  stock shall have been made on that date, the next preceding date on which
  there was a trade of common stock.
    (l) "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean an Option granted under Section 6
  hereof that is intended to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Code
  or any successor provision thereto.
    (m) "Nonstatutory Stock Option" shall mean an Option granted to a
  Participant under Section 6 hereof, and an Option granted to an Outside
  Director pursuant to Section 10 hereof, that is not intended to be an
  Incentive Stock Option.
    (n) "Option" shall mean any right granted to a Participant under the Plan
  allowing such Participant to purchase Shares at such price or prices and
  during such period or periods as the Committee shall determine. "Option"
  shall also mean the right granted to an Outside Director under Section 10
  hereof allowing such Outside Director to purchase shares of the common
  stock of the Company on the terms set forth in Section 10.
    (o) "Other Stock Unit Award" shall mean any right granted to a
  Participant by the Committee pursuant to Section 9 hereof.
    (p) "Outside Director" shall mean a member of the Board who is not an
  Employee of the Company or of any Affiliate.
    (q) "Participant" shall mean an Employee or Outside Director who is
  selected to receive an Award under the Plan.
    (r) "Performance Award" shall mean any Award of Performance Shares or
  Performance Units pursuant to Section 8 hereof.
    (s) "Performance Period" shall mean that period established by the
  Committee at the time any Performance Award is granted or at any time
  thereafter during which any performance goals specified by the Committee
  with respect to such Award are to be measured.
    (t) "Performance Share" shall mean any grant pursuant to Section 8 hereof
  of a unit valued by reference to a designated number of Shares, which value
  may be paid to the Participant by delivery of such property as the
  Committee shall determine, including, without limitation, cash, Shares, or
  any combination thereof, upon achievement of such performance goals during
  the Performance Period as the Committee shall establish at the time of such
  grant or thereafter.
    (u) "Performance Unit" shall mean any grant pursuant to Section 8 hereof
  of a unit valued by reference to a designated amount of property other than
  Shares, which value may be paid to the Participant by delivery of such
  property as the Committee shall determine, including, without limitation,
  cash, Shares, or any combination thereof, upon achievement of such
  performance goals during the Performance Period as the Committee shall
  establish at the time of such grant or thereafter.
    (v) "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership,
  association, joint-stock company, trust, unincorporated organization, or
  government or political subdivision thereof.

    (w) "Restricted Stock" shall mean any Share issued with restrictions on
  the holder's right to sell, transfer, pledge, or assign such Share and with
  such other restrictions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
  impose (including, without limitation, any restriction on the right to vote
  such Share, and the right to receive any cash dividends), which
  restrictions may lapse separately or in combination at such time or times,
  in installments or otherwise, as the Committee may deem appropriate.
    (x) "Restricted Stock Award" shall mean an award of Restricted Stock
  under Section 7 hereof.
    (y) "Senior Officer" shall mean any employee of the Company holding the
  office of Vice President or higher.
    (z) "Shares" shall mean shares of any class of common stock of the
  Company publicly traded on an established securities market, including but
  not limited to FON Stock and Series 1 PCS Stock (the "PCS Stock") and such
  other securities of the Company as the Committee may from time to time
    (aa) "Stockholders Meeting" shall mean the annual meeting of stockholders
  of the Company in each year.
    (bb) "1989 Plan" shall mean the Long-Term Stock Incentive Program adopted
  by the Company's stockholders in 1989, as amended.
    (cc) "total outstanding Shares" means, with respect to the FON Stock the
  total shares outstanding of FON Stock and, with respect to the PCS Stock,
  the total outstanding shares of Series 1 PCS Stock and Series 2 PCS Stock.
  Section 3. Administration. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee.
The Committee shall have full power and authority, subject to such orders or
resolutions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan as may from time
to time be adopted by the Board, to: (i) select the Participants to whom
Awards may from time to time be granted hereunder; (ii) determine the type or
types of Awards to be granted to each Participant hereunder; (iii) determine
the number of Shares to be covered by each Award granted hereunder; provided,
however, that Shares subject to Options granted to any individual Participant
during any calendar year shall not exceed a total of 3,000,000 shares of FON
Stock nor 1,500,000 shares of PCS Stock; (iv) determine the terms and
conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, of any Award
granted hereunder; (v) determine whether, to what extent and under what
circumstances Awards may be settled in cash, Shares or other property, or
canceled or suspended; (vi) determine whether, to what extent and under what
circumstances cash, Shares and other property and other amounts payable with
respect to an Award under this Plan shall be deferred either automatically or
at the election of the Participant; (vii) interpret and administer the Plan
and any instrument or agreement entered into under the Plan; (viii) establish
such rules and regulations and appoint such agents as it shall deem
appropriate for the proper administration of the Plan; and (ix) make any other
determination and take any other action that the Committee deems necessary or
desirable for administration of the Plan. Decisions of the Committee shall be
final, conclusive and binding upon all persons, including the Company, any
Participant, any stockholder, and any employee of the Company or of any
  The Committee shall appoint an administrator of the Plan for purposes of
interpreting and administering the provisions of Section 11 of the Plan.
  Section 4. Shares Subject to the Plan.
  (a) Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4(b), the total number of
Shares available for grant under the Plan in a calendar year shall be nine
tenths of one percent (0.9%) of the total outstanding Shares as of the first
day of calendar year 1997, plus a number of Shares equal to the number of
Shares available for grant under the 1989 Plan as of the close of business on
the date of the 1997 Stockholders Meeting, for calendar year 1997, and one and
one-half percent (1.5%) of the total outstanding Shares as of the first day of
each such year for

which the Plan is in effect beginning with calendar year 1998 plus 10,000,000
shares of PCS Stock; provided that such number shall be increased in any year
by the number of Shares available for grant hereunder in previous years but
not covered by Awards granted hereunder in such years; and provided further,
that no more than four million (4,000,000) shares of FON Stock and no more
than two million shares of PCS Stock (2,000,000) shall be cumulatively
available for the grant of Incentive Stock Options under the Plan. In
addition, any Shares issued by the Company through the assumption or
substitution of outstanding grants from an acquired company shall not reduce
the shares available for grants under the Plan. Any Shares issued hereunder
may consist, in whole or in part, of authorized and unissued shares or
treasury shares. If any Shares subject to any Award granted hereunder are
forfeited or such Award otherwise terminates without the issuance of such
Shares or of other consideration in lieu of such Shares, the Shares subject to
such Award, to the extent of any such forfeiture or termination, shall again
be available for grant under the Plan.
  (b) In the event of any merger, reorganization, consolidation,
recapitalization, stock dividend, spin-off, or other change in the corporate
structure affecting the Shares, such adjustment shall be made in the aggregate
number and class of Shares which may be delivered under the Plan, in the
number and class of shares that may be subject to an option granted to any
individual in any year under the Plan, in the number, class and option price
of Shares subject to outstanding Options granted under the Plan, and in the
value of, or number or class of Shares subject to, Awards granted under the
Plan as may be determined to be appropriate by the Committee, in its sole
discretion, provided that the number of Shares subject to any Award shall
always be a whole number.
  Section 5. Eligibility. Any Employee or Outside Director shall be eligible
to be selected as a Participant.
  Section 6. Stock Options. Options may be granted hereunder to Participants
either alone or in addition to other Awards granted under the Plan. Any Option
granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be evidenced by an Award
Agreement in such form as the Committee may from time to time approve. Any
such Option shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and to such
additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of the
Plan, as the Committee shall deem desirable:
    (a) Exercise Price. The exercise price per Share purchasable under an
  Option shall be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion;
  provided that such exercise price shall not be less than the Fair Market
  Value of the Share on the date of the grant of the Option.
    (b) Option Period. The term of each Option shall be fixed by the
  Committee in its sole discretion; provided that no Incentive Stock Option
  shall be exercisable after the expiration of ten years from the date the
  Option is granted.
    (c) Exercisability. Options shall be exercisable at such time or times as
  determined by the Committee at or subsequent to grant. Unless otherwise
  determined by the Committee at or subsequent to grant, no Incentive Stock
  Option shall be exercisable until the first anniversary date of the
  granting of the Incentive Stock Option.
    (d) Method of Exercise. Subject to the other provisions of the Plan and
  any applicable Award Agreement, any Option may be exercised by the
  Participant in whole or in part at such time or times, and the Participant
  may pay the exercise price in such form or forms, including, without
  limitation, payment by delivery of cash, Shares or other consideration
  (including, where permitted by law and the Committee, Awards) having a Fair
  Market Value on the exercise date equal to the total exercise price, or by
  any combination of cash, Shares and other consideration, as the Committee
  may permit.
    (e) Incentive Stock Options. In accordance with rules and procedures
  established by the Committee, the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined
  as of the time of grant) of the Shares with respect to which Incentive
  Stock Options held by any Participant that are exercisable for the first
  time by such Participant during any calendar year under the Plan (and under
  any other benefit plans of the Company or of any parent

  or subsidiary corporation of the Company) shall not exceed $100,000 or, if
  different, the maximum limitation in effect at the time of grant under
  Section 422 of the Code, or any successor provision, and any regulations
  promulgated thereunder. The terms of any Incentive Stock Option granted
  hereunder shall comply in all respects with the provisions of Section 422
  of the Code, or any successor provision, and any regulations promulgated
    (f) Form of Settlement. In its sole discretion, the Committee may
  provide, at the time of grant, that the shares to be issued upon an
  Option's exercise shall be in the form of Restricted Stock or other similar
  securities, or may reserve the right so to provide after the time of grant,
  or the Committee may provide that the Participant may elect to receive
  Restricted Stock upon an Option's exercise.
  Section 7. Restricted Stock.
  (a) Issuance. Restricted Stock Awards may be issued hereunder to
Participants, for such consideration as the Committee may determine, not less
than the minimum consideration required by applicable law, either alone or in
addition to other Awards granted under the Plan. The provisions of Restricted
Stock Awards need not be the same with respect to each recipient.
  (b) Registration. Any Restricted Stock issued hereunder may be evidenced in
such manner as the Committee in its sole discretion shall deem appropriate,
including, without limitation, book-entry registration or issuance of a stock
certificate or certificates. In the event any stock certificate is issued in
respect of shares of Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan, such certificate
shall be registered in the name of the Participant, and shall bear an
appropriate legend referring to the terms, conditions, and restrictions
applicable to such Award or shall be held in escrow by the Company until all
restrictions on the Restricted Stock have lapsed.
  (c) Forfeiture. Except as otherwise determined by the Committee at the time
of grant, upon termination of employment for any reason during the restriction
period, all shares of Restricted Stock still subject to restriction shall be
forfeited by the Participant and reacquired by the Company; provided that in
the event of a Participant's retirement, permanent disability, other
termination of employment or death, or in cases of special circumstances, the
Committee may, in its sole discretion, when it finds that a waiver would be in
the best interests of the Company, waive in whole or in part any or all
remaining restrictions with respect to such Participant's shares of Restricted
  Section 8. Performance Awards.
  Performance Awards may be issued hereunder to Participants, for such
consideration as the Committee may determine, not less than the minimum
consideration required by applicable law, either alone or in addition to other
Awards granted under the Plan. The performance criteria to be achieved during
any Performance Period and the length of the Performance Period shall be
determined by the Committee upon the grant of each Performance Award. Except
as provided in Section 12, Performance Awards will be paid only after the end
of the relevant Performance Period. Performance Awards may be paid in cash,
Shares, other property or any combination thereof, in the sole discretion of
the Committee at the time of payment. The performance levels to be achieved
for each Performance Period and the amount of the Award to be distributed
shall be conclusively determined by the Committee. Performance Awards may be
paid in a lump sum or in installments following the close of the Performance
Period or, in accordance with procedures established by the Committee, on a
deferred basis.
  Section 9. Other Stock Unit Awards.
  (a) Stock and Administration. Other Awards of Shares and other Awards that
are valued in whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise based on,
Shares or other property ("Other Stock Unit Awards") may be granted hereunder
to Participants, either alone or in addition to other Awards granted under the
Plan. Other Stock Unit Awards may be paid in Shares, cash or any other form of
property as the Committee shall determine. Subject to the provisions of the
Plan, the Committee shall, subject to Section 3, have sole and complete

to determine the Employees or Outside Directors to whom and the time or times
at which such Awards shall be made, the number of Shares to be granted
pursuant to such Awards, and all other conditions of the Awards. The
provisions of Other Stock Unit Awards need not be the same with respect to
each recipient.
  (b) Terms and Conditions. Subject to the provisions of this Plan and any
applicable Award Agreement, Shares subject to Awards made under this Section 9
may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered prior
to the date on which the Shares are issued, or, if later, the date on which
any applicable restriction, performance or deferral period lapses. Shares
granted under this Section 9 may be issued for such consideration as the
Committee may determine, not less than the minimum consideration required by
applicable law. Shares purchased pursuant to a purchase right awarded under
this Section 9 shall be purchased for such consideration as the Committee
shall in its sole discretion determine, which shall not be less than the Fair
Market Value of such Shares as of the date such purchase right is awarded.
  Section 10. [Deleted]
  Section 11. Outside Directors' Shares.
  Outside Directors may elect, on an annual basis, to purchase shares of any
class of common stock of the Company from the Company in lieu of receiving all
or part (in 10% increments) of their annual retainer, meeting fees and
committee meeting fees in cash. The purchase price of such shares shall be the
Fair Market Value of the stock for the last trading day of the month in which
the retainer, meeting fees, and committee meeting fees are earned.
  Commencing May 1, 1997, the annual retainer, meeting fees and committee
meeting fees payable to each Outside Director for service on the Board may, at
the election of the Outside Director (the "Annual Election"), be payable to a
trust in shares of any class of common stock of the Company. The Annual
Election: (i) shall be irrevocable in respect of the one-year period to which
it pertains (the "Plan Year") and shall specify the applicable percentage (in
increments of 10%) of such annual retainer and meeting fees that such Outside
Director wishes to direct to the trust; (ii) must be received in writing by
the administrator of the Plan by the established enrollment deadline of any
year in which this Plan is in effect in order to cause the next succeeding
Plan Year's annual retainer and fees to be subject to the provisions of this
Plan; and (iii) must specify whether the ultimate distribution of the shares
of common stock to the Outside Directors will be paid, following the Outside
Director's death or termination of Board service, in a lump sum or in equal
annual payments over a period of two to twenty years.
  The shares shall be purchased from the Company at the Fair Market Value of
the stock for the last trading day of the month in which the fees are earned
and shall be credited by the trustee to the account of the Outside Director.
The certificates for common stock shall be issued in the name of the trustee
of the trust and shall be held by such trustee in trust for the benefit of the
Outside Directors; provided, however, that each Outside Director shall be
entitled to vote the shares. The trustee shall retain all dividends (which
shall be reinvested in shares of the same class of common stock) and other
distributions paid or made with respect thereto in the trust. The shares
credited to the account of an Outside Director shall remain subject to the
claims of the Company's creditors, and the interests of the Outside Director
in the trust may not be sold, hypothecated or transferred (including, without
limitation, transferred by gift or donation) while such shares are held in the
  If the Outside Director elects to receive a lump sum distribution, the
trustee of the trust shall distribute such shares of common stock free of
restrictions within 60 days after the Outside Director's termination date or a
later date elected by the Outside Director (no later than the mandatory
retirement age of the Outside Director). If the Outside Director elects to
receive a lump sum distribution, the Outside Director may, by delivering
notice in writing to the administrator of the Plan no later than December 31
of the year prior to the year in which the Outside Director terminates service
as a Director, elect to receive any portion or all of the common stock in the
form of cash determined by reference to the Fair Market Value of the common
stock as of the termination date. Any such notice to the administrator must
specify whether the distribution will be entirely in cash or whether the

distribution will be in a combination of common stock and cash (in which case
the applicable percentage must be specified). In the case of termination of
the Outside Director's service as a result of his death, payment of the
Outside Director's account shall be in shares of common stock and not in cash.
If an Outside Director elects to receive payments in installments, the
distribution will commence within 60 days after the Outside Director's
termination date and will be made in shares of common stock and not in cash.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, any fractional
shares of common stock shall be distributed in cash to the Outside Director.
  Section 12. Change in Control.
  (a) In order to maintain the Participants' rights in the event of any Change
in Control of the Company, as hereinafter defined, the Committee may, in its
sole discretion, as to any Award, either at the time an Award is made
hereunder or any time thereafter, take any one or more of the following
actions: (i) provide for the acceleration of any time periods relating to the
exercise or realization of any such Award so that such Award may be exercised
or realized in full on or before a date fixed by the Committee; (ii) provide
for the purchase of any such Award, upon the Participant's request, for an
amount of cash equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of the property
that could have been received upon the exercise of such Award or realization
of the Participant's rights had such Award been currently exercisable or
payable over the amount which would have been paid, if any, by the Participant
for such property; (iii) make such adjustment to any such Award then
outstanding as the Committee deems appropriate to reflect such Change in
Control; or (iv) cause any such Award then outstanding to be assumed, or new
rights substituted therefor, by the acquiring or surviving corporation after
such Change in Control. The Committee may, in its discretion, include such
further provisions and limitations in any agreement documenting such Awards as
it deems equitable and in the best interests of the Company.
  (b) Unless the Committee determines otherwise with respect to any Award, a
"Change in Control" shall be deemed to have occurred if (i) any person (as
defined in Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules
thereunder) other than a trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under
an employee benefit plan of the Company, and other than the Company or a
corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by the stockholders of the Company
in substantially the same proportions as their ownership of stock of the
Company, is or becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), directly or indirectly, of securities of
the Company representing 20% or more of the combined voting power of the
Company's then outstanding securities; or (ii) during any period of two
consecutive years, individuals who at the beginning of such period constitute
the Board and any new Director (other than a Director designated by a person
who has entered into an agreement with the Company to effect a transaction
described in (i) above) whose election by the Board or nomination for election
by the Company's stockholders was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (
2/3) of the Directors then still in office who either were Directors at the
beginning of the period or whose election or nomination for election was
previously so approved, cease for any reason to constitute a majority thereof.
  Section 13. Amendments and Termination. The Board may amend, alter or
discontinue the Plan, but no amendment, alteration, or discontinuation shall
be made that would impair the rights of a Participant under an Award
theretofore granted, without the Participant's consent, or that without the
approval of the Stockholders would, except as is provided in Section 4(b) of
the Plan, increase the total number of Shares reserved for the purposes of the
  The Committee may amend the terms of any Award theretofore granted,
prospectively or retroactively, but no such amendment shall impair the rights
of any Participant without his consent. The Committee may also substitute new
Awards for Awards previously granted to Participants, including without
limitation previously granted Options having higher option prices.
  Section 14. General Provisions.
  (a) No Award shall be assignable or transferable by a Participant otherwise
than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, except that
Restricted Stock may be used in payment of the exercise price of a stock

option issued by the Company and may be otherwise transferred in a manner that
protects the interests of the Company as the Committee may determine; provided
that, if so determined by the Committee, each Participant or Outside Director
may, in the manner established by the Committee, designate a beneficiary to
exercise the rights of the Participant or Outside Director with respect to any
Award upon the death of the Participant or Outside Director and to receive the
Shares or other property issued upon such exercise.
  (b) The term of each Award shall be for such period from the date of its
grant as may be determined by the Committee; provided that in no event shall
the term of any Incentive Stock Option exceed a period of ten (10) years from
the date of its grant.
  (c) No Participant shall have any claim to be granted any Award under the
Plan, and there is no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Participants
under the Plan.
  (d) The prospective recipient of any Award under the Plan shall not, with
respect to such Award, be deemed to have become a Participant, or to have any
rights with respect to such Award, until and unless such recipient shall have
executed an agreement or other instrument evidencing the Award and delivered a
fully executed copy thereof to the Company, and otherwise complied with the
then applicable terms and conditions.
  (e) The Committee shall be authorized to make adjustments in performance
award criteria or in the terms and conditions of other Awards in recognition
of unusual or nonrecurring events affecting the Company or its financial
statements or changes in applicable laws, regulations or accounting
principles. The Committee may correct any defect, supply any omission or
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or any Award in the manner and to the
extent it shall deem desirable to carry it into effect. In the event the
Company shall assume outstanding employee benefit awards or the right or
obligation to make future such awards in connection with the acquisition of
another corporation or business entity, the Committee may, in its discretion,
make such adjustments in the terms of Awards under the Plan as it shall deem
  (f) The Committee shall have full power and authority to determine whether,
to what extent and under what circumstances any Award shall be canceled or
suspended. In particular, but without limitation, all outstanding Awards to
any Participant shall be canceled if the Participant, without the consent of
the Committee, while employed by the Company or after termination of such
employment, becomes associated with, employed by, renders services to, or owns
any interest in (other than any nonsubstantial interest, as determined by the
Committee), any business that is in competition with the Company or with any
business in which the Company has a substantial interest as determined by the
Committee or any one or more Senior Officers or committee of Senior Officers
to whom the authority to make such determination is delegated by the
  (g) All certificates for Shares delivered under the Plan pursuant to any
Award shall be subject to such stock-transfer orders and other restrictions as
the Committee may deem advisable under the rules, regulations, and other
requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, any stock exchange
upon which the Shares are then listed, and any applicable Federal or state
securities law, and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be put on
any such certificates to make appropriate reference to such restrictions.
  (h) Subject to the provisions of this Plan and any Award Agreement, the
recipient of an Award may, if so determined by the Committee, be entitled to
receive, currently or on a deferred basis, interest or dividends, or interest
or dividend equivalents, with respect to the number of shares covered by the
Award, as determined by the Committee, in its sole discretion, and the
Committee may provide that such amounts (if any) shall be deemed to have been
reinvested in additional Shares or otherwise reinvested.
  (i) Except as otherwise required in any applicable Award Agreement or by the
terms of the Plan, recipients of Awards under the Plan shall not be required
to make any payment or provide consideration other than the rendering of
  (j) The Committee may delegate to one or more Senior Officers or a committee
of Senior Officers the right to grant Awards to Employees who are not officers
or Directors of the Company and to cancel or suspend Awards to Employees who
are not officers or Directors of the Company.

  (k) The Company shall be authorized to withhold from any Award granted or
payment due under the Plan the amount of withholding taxes due with respect to
an Award or payment hereunder and to take such other action as may be
necessary in the opinion of the Company to satisfy all obligations for the
payment of such taxes. The Company shall also be authorized to accept the
delivery of Shares by a Participant in payment for the withholding of taxes.
  (l) Nothing contained in this Plan shall prevent the Board of Directors from
adopting other or additional compensation arrangements, subject to stockholder
approval if such approval is required; and such arrangements may be either
generally applicable or applicable only in specific cases.
  (m) The validity, construction, and effect of the Plan and any rules and
regulations relating to the Plan shall be determined in accordance with the
laws of the State of Kansas and applicable Federal law.
  (n) If any provision of this Plan is or becomes or is deemed invalid,
illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, or would disqualify the Plan or
any Award under any law deemed applicable by the Committee, such provision
shall be construed or deemed amended to conform to applicable laws or if it
cannot be construed or deemed amended without, in the determination of the
Committee, materially altering the intent of the Plan, it shall be stricken
and the remainder of the Plan shall remain in full force and effect.
  Section 15. Effective Date of Plan. The Plan shall be effective as of April
15, 1997.
  Section 16. Term of Plan. No Award shall be granted pursuant to the Plan
after April 15, 2007, but any Award granted on or before such date may extend
beyond that date.

[Letterhead of SBC Warburg Dillion Read Inc.]
May 26, 1998
Board of Directors
Sprint Corporation
2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Westwood, Kansas 66205
Ladies and Gentlemen:
  You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point of
view, to Sprint Corporation ("the Company"), of the consideration to be paid
by the Company in connection with the proposed mergers (the "Mergers") of: (1)
SWV One, Inc. with and into COM Telephony Services, Inc., (ii) SWV Two, Inc.
with and into Comcast Telephony Services, Inc., (iii) SWV Three, Inc. with and
into Cox Telephony Partners, Inc., (iv) SWV Four, Inc. with and into Cox
Communications Wireless, Inc., (v) SWV Five, Inc. with and into TCI
Philadelphia Holdings, Inc., and (vi) SWV Six, Inc. with and into TCI Spectrum
Holdings, Inc., in each case pursuant to the Restructuring and Merger
Agreement dated as of May 26, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among the
Cable Parents, the PCS Partners, the Holdco Entities, the Merger Subs (each,
as defined in the Merger Agreement) and the Company. In connection with the
Mergers, all shares of the common stock of TCl Spectrum Holdings, Inc. and the
Holdco Entities (together, the "Acquired Entities") outstanding immediately
prior to the effectiveness of the Mergers will be converted into the right to
receive: (i) an aggregate number of shares of the Series 2 PCS Group Common
Stock, par value $1.00 per share, of the Company (the "Series 2 PCS Stock"),
which class of stock will reflect the performance of the PCS Group (as defined
in the Merger Agreement) and will be authorized by amendments to the articles
of incorporation of the Company to be effective prior to the effectiveness of
the Mergers, and (ii) warrants to acquire an aggregate number of shares of the
Series 2 PCS Stock determined at the time and exercise price specified in
Section 4.1 of the Merger Agreement, which will be issued pursuant to warrant
agreements to be entered into between the Company and each of the Cable
Partners (as defined in the Merger Agreement). Upon consummation of the
Mergers, each of the Acquired Entities will become wholly owned, indirect
subsidiaries of the Company.
  In arriving at our opinion, we have reviewed and analyzed, among other
things, the following: (i) the Merger Agreement and its related exhibits and
schedules; (ii) certain business and financial information, including
projections, concerning the business and operations of the Company and the
Acquired Entities that was provided to us by the Company and the Acquired
Entities; (iii) certain publicly available information with respect to certain
other companies that we believe to be comparable to the Company and the
Acquired Entities; and (iv) certain publicly available information concerning
the nature and terms of certain other transactions that we consider relevant
to our inquiry. We have discussed the foregoing, as well as the past and
current operations and financial condition and prospects of the Company and
the Acquired Entities, with members of senior management of such companies. We
have also considered such other information, financial studies, analyses,
investigations and financial, economic, market and trading criteria which we
deemed relevant.
  We have assumed and relied on the accuracy and completeness of the
information reviewed by us for the purpose of this opinion and we have not
assumed any responsibility for independent verification of such information or
for any independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets of the Company or
the Acquired Entities. With respect to the Company's and the Acquired
Entities' financial projections, we have been informed by the managements of
the Company and the Acquired Entities that they have been reasonably prepared
on bases

reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
Company's and the Acquired Entities' management and we express no opinion with
respect to such projections or the assumptions on which they are based. We
have not made or obtained, and we have not assumed any responsibility for
making or obtaining, any independent evaluation or appraisal of any of the
assets (including properties and facilities) or liabilities of the Company or
the Acquired Entities.
  Our opinion is necessarily based upon business, market, economic and other
conditions as they exist on, and can be evaluated as of, the date of this
letter. Our opinion as expressed below does not imply any conclusion as to the
likely trading range for the Company's common stock following the consummation
of the Mergers, which range may vary depending on, among other factors,
changes in interest rates, dividend rates, market conditions, general economic
conditions and other factors that generally influence the price of securities.
Our opinion does not address the Company's underlying business decision to
effect the Mergers or the strategic and operational benefits of the Mergers.
Our opinion is directed only to the fairness, from a financial point of view,
of the consideration to be paid by the Company in connection with the Mergers
and does not constitute a recommendation to any holder of the common stock of
the Company as to how such holder should vote with respect to the Initial
Charter Amendment (as defined in the Merger Agreement), the Merger Agreement
or the Mergers.
  We have acted as financial advisor to the Board of Directors of the Company
in connection with the Mergers and will receive a fee for our services, a
substantial part of which is contingent upon consummation of the Mergers. We
have from time to time acted as financial advisor to the Cable Parents for
which we have received customary compensation. In the ordinary course of our
business, we actively trade the debt and equity securities of the Company and
of each of the Cable Parents and the debt securities of Sprint Spectrum L.P.,
a subsidiary of the Company, in each case for our own account and for the
accounts of customers and, accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short
position in such securities. In addition, we and our affiliates may maintain
business relationships with the Company and the Cable Parents.
  Our advice and the opinion expressed herein may not be published or
otherwise used or referred to, nor shall any public reference to SBC Warburg
Dillon Read Inc. be made, without our prior written consent.     
  Based upon and subject to the foregoing, it is our opinion that, as of the
date hereof, the consideration to be paid by the Company in connection with
the Mergers is fair to the Company from a financial point of view.
                                          Very truly yours,
                                          SBC WARBURG DILLON READ INC.
                                                 /s/ F. Davis Terry, Jr.
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                       F. Davis Terry, Jr.
                                                       Managing Director
                                                /s/ Dominic B. E. Lester
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                      Dominic B. E. Lester

[Letterhead of Salomon Smith Barney]
May 26, 1998
Board of Directors
Sprint Corporation
2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Westwood, Kansas 66205
Ladies and Gentlemen:
  You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point of
view, to Sprint Corporation ("the Company"), of the consideration to be paid
by the Company in connection with the proposed mergers (the "Mergers") of: (i)
SWV One, Inc. with and into COM Telephony Services, Inc., (ii) SWV Two, Inc.
with and into Comcast Telephony Services, Inc., (iii) SWV Three, Inc. with and
into Cox Telephony Partners, Inc., (iv) SWV Four, Inc. with and into Cox
Communications Wireless, Inc., (v) SWV Five, Inc. with and into TCI
Philadelphia Holdings, Inc., and (vi) SWV Six, Inc. with and into TCI Spectrum
Holdings, Inc., in each case pursuant to the Restructuring and Merger
Agreement dated as of May 26, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among the
Cable Parents, the PCS Partners, the Holdco Entities, the Merger Subs (each,
as defined in the Merger Agreement) and the Company. In connection with the
Mergers, all shares of the common stock of TCl Spectrum Holdings, Inc. and the
Holdco Entities (together, the "Acquired Entities") outstanding immediately
prior to the effectiveness of the Mergers will be converted into the right to
receive: (i) an aggregate number of shares of the Series 2 PCS Group Common
Stock of the Company (the "Series 2 PCS Stock"), which class of stock will
reflect the performance of the PCS Group (as defined in the Merger Agreement)
and will be authorized by amendments to the articles of incorporation of the
Company to be effective prior to the effectiveness of the Mergers, and (ii)
warrants to acquire an aggregate number of shares of the Series 2 PCS Stock
determined at the time and exercise price specified in Section 4.1 of the
Merger Agreement, which will be issued pursuant to warrant agreements to be
entered into between the Company and each of the Cable Partners (as defined in
the Merger Agreement). Upon consummation of the Mergers, each of the Acquired
Entities will become wholly owned, indirect subsidiaries of the Company.
  In arriving at our opinion, we have reviewed and analyzed, among other
things, the following: (i) the Merger Agreement and its related exhibits and
schedules; (ii) certain business and financial information, including
projections, concerning the business and operations of the Company and the
Acquired Entities that was provided to us by the Company and the Acquired
Entities; (iii) certain publicly available information with respect to certain
other companies that we believe to be comparable to the Company and the
Acquired Entities; and (iv) certain publicly available information concerning
the nature and terms of certain other transactions that we consider relevant
to our inquiry. We have discussed the foregoing, as well as the past and
current operations and financial condition and prospects of the Company and
the Acquired Entities, with members of senior management of such companies. We
have also considered such other information, financial studies, analyses,
investigations and financial, economic, market and trading criteria which we
deemed relevant.
  We have assumed and relied on the accuracy and completeness of the
information reviewed by us for the purpose of this opinion and we have not
assumed any responsibility for independent verification of such information or
for any independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets of the Company or
the Acquired Entities. With respect to the Company's and the Acquired
Entities' financial projections, we have been informed by the managements of
the Company and the Acquired Entities that they have been reasonably prepared
on bases

reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
Company's and the Acquired Entities' management and we express no opinion with
respect to such projections or the assumptions on which they are based. We
have not made or obtained, and we have not assumed any responsibility for
making or obtaining, any independent evaluation or appraisal of any of the
assets (including properties and facilities) or liabilities of the Company or
the Acquired Entities.
  Our opinion is necessarily based upon business, market, economic and other
conditions as they exist on, and can be evaluated as of, the date of this
letter. Our opinion as expressed below does not imply any conclusion as to the
likely trading range for the Company's common stock following the consummation
of the Mergers, which range may vary depending on, among other factors,
changes in interest rates, dividend rates, market conditions, general economic
conditions and other factors that generally influence the price of securities.
Our opinion does not address the Company's underlying business decision to
effect the Mergers or the strategic and operational benefits of the Mergers.
Our opinion is directed only to the fairness, from a financial point of view,
of the consideration to be paid by the Company in connection with the Mergers
and does not constitute a recommendation to any holder of the common stock of
the Company as to how such holder should vote with respect to the Initial
Charter Amendment (as defined in the Merger Agreement), the Merger Agreement
or the Mergers.
  We have acted as financial advisor to the Board of Directors of the Company
in connection with the Mergers and will receive a fee for our services, a
substantial part of which is contingent upon consummation of the Mergers. We
have from time to time acted as financial advisor to the Cable Parents for
which we have received customary compensation. In the ordinary course of our
business, we actively trade the debt and equity securities of the Company and
of each of the Cable Parents and the debt securities of Sprint Spectrum L.P.,
a subsidiary of the Company, in each case for our own account and for the
accounts of customers and, accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short
position in such securities. In addition, we and our affiliates (including
Travelers Group Inc. and its affiliates) may maintain business relationships
with the Company and the Cable Parents.
  Our advice and the opinion expressed herein may not be published or
otherwise used or referred to, nor shall any public reference to Salomon Smith
Barney be made, without our prior written consent.     
  Based upon and subject to the foregoing, it is our opinion that, as of the
date hereof, the consideration to be paid by the Company in connection with
the Mergers is fair to the Company from a financial point of view.
                                          Salomon Smith Barney


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              SPRINT CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1 and 2.

Mark the box at the right if your address has changed and note the   [_]
change(s) in the space provided on the reverse side of this card.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.           , 1998

Signature(s) _______________________________________________


1.  To approve and adopt the Tracking Stock Proposal      FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
    (as more fully described in the accompanying proxy    [_]     [_]      [_]
    statement) which includes:

    (a)  an amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation that will, among
         other things: (i) allocate the business of Sprint between the FON Group
         and the PCS Group; (ii) establish a new class of stock, the PCS Common
         Stock, consisting of three series; (iii) establish a new class of
         stock, the Preferred Stock-Seventh Series, Convertible; (iv) reclassify
         each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock that is held by Deutsche
         Telekom AG into one share of Class A Common Stock-Series DT; and (v)
         establish a new class of stock, the Series 2 Common Stock;

    (b)  an additional amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation that
         will, among other things: (i) reclassify each outstanding share of
         Existing Common Stock into 1/2 share of Series 1 PCS Stock and one
         share of Series 1 FON Stock; (ii) redesignate the authorized shares of
         Series 2 Common Stock as Series 2 FON Stock; and (iii) reclassify each
         existing share of Class A Common Stock - Series DT and each share of
         Existing Class A Common Stock held by France Telecom S.A. so that each
         share will, among other things, represent an issuable number of shares
         of Series 3 FON Stock and Series 3 PCS Stock;

    (c)  the Restructuring Agreement and the performance by Sprint of all
         obligations thereunder including, among other things, Sprint's
         acquisition of the interests in Sprint Spectrum Holding Company, L.P.,
         MinorCo, L.P., PhillieCo Partners I, L.P. and PhillieCo. Partners II,
         L.P. that it does not currently own;

    (d)  the issuance of shares of (i) Series 2 PCS Stock and Warrants as
         consideration for the above acquisitions; (ii) Series 1 PCS Stock in an
         underwritten initial public offering; (iii) PCS Preferred Stock for the
         purchase of certain indebtedness of Sprint Spectrum Holding Company,
         L.P., or as consideration for the above acquisitions; and (iv) PCS
         Stock pursuant to equity purchase rights granted in connection with the

    (e)  the creation of the Warrant Inter-Group Interest and the PCS Preferred
         Inter-Group Interest.

2.  To approve the Incentive Plans Proposal (as more       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
    fully described in the accompanying proxy statement).  [_]    [_]      [_]

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        /\   FOLD AND DETACH HERE   /\

                              SPRINT CORPORATION
                  P.O. Box 11315, Kansas City, Missouri 64112

                         MEETING ON SEPTEMBER __, 1998


The undersigned hereby appoints W. T. Esrey, J. R. Devlin and A.B. Krause, and
each of them, with full power of substitution, as proxies, to vote all the
shares of Common and Preferred Stock of Sprint Corporation (Sprint) that the
undersigned is entitled to vote at a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held
September __, 1998, and any adjournment thereof, upon the matters set forth on
the reverse side, and in their discretion upon such other matters as may
properly come before the meeting.

This Proxy, if signed and returned, will be voted as specified on the reverse
side. If this card is signed and returned without specifications, your shares
will be voted FOR items 1 and 2. A majority of said proxies, or any substitute
or substitutes, who shall be present and act at the meeting (or if only one
shall be present and act, then that one) shall have all the powers of said
proxies hereunder.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               ENCLOSED ENVELOPE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on the reverse side of this card.
If your shares are held jointly, any one of the joint owners may sign. 
Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators, trustees, guardians or corporation
officers should indicate the capacity in which they are signing. PLEASE SIGN,
DATE AND MAIL THIS PROXY PROMPTLY whether or not you expect to attend the
meeting. You may, nevertheless, vote in person if you do attend.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------

- -----------------------------------

- -----------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        /\   FOLD AND DETACH HERE   /\

                              SPRINT CORPORATION

                       SEPTEMBER __, 1998 ST 10:00 A.M.

                           SPRINT WORLD HEADQUARTERS
                         2330 SHAWNEE MISSION PARKWAY
                            WESTWOOD, KANSAS 66205