Exhibit 10.23

                           Dated 16th October, 1998

                     (1)  CHINA BEARING HOLDINGS LIMITED
                     (2)  ASEAN CAPITAL LIMITED
                     (3)  CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEARING
                          HOLDINGS LIMITED
                     (4)  SUNBASE ASIA, INC.
                     (5)  SMITH ACQUISITION COMPANY, INC.
                     (7)  EXTENSIVE RESOURCES LIMITED
                     (8)  GLORY MANSION LIMITED
                     (9)  WARDLEY CHINA INVESTMENT TRUST
                     (11) CHINE INVESTISSEMENT 2000


                             SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

                             in respect of certain
                       convertible debentures issued by

                        CHINA BEARING HOLDINGS LIMITED


                                CHAO AND CHUNG

                               Table of Contents

          Description                                          Page No.
          -----------                                          --------
1.        INTERPRETATION                                              2
2.        AGREEMENT                                                   3
3.        COMPLETION                                                  4
4.        SPECIFIC UNDERTAKING BY SIHL                                6
5.        SPECIFIC UNDERTAKING BY ACL                                 6
6.        UNDERTAKINGS                                                6
7.        SPECIFIC UNDERTAKINGS BY SAI                                7
8.        CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                        8
9.        NOTICES                                                     8
10.       EVENTS OF DEFAULT                                          11
11.       COSTS AND EXPENSES                                         11
12.       GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION                             11
13.       GENERAL PROVISIONS                                         14
14.       COUNTERPARTS                                               14

SCHEDULE 1                                                           15
Corporate Chart                                                      15

SCHEDULE 2                                                           16
Form of written resolution of the sole
shareholder of the Company                                           16

SCHEDULE 3                                                           17
Repayment Schedule                                                   17

SCHEDULE 4                                                           21
Form of Guarantee                                                    21

SCHEDULE 5                                                           30
Undertaking by ACL                                                   30

SCHEDULE 6                                                           38
Form of Deed of Share Mortgage                                       38

SIGNATURE PAGE                                                       49

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 16th day of October, 1998.

 (1) CHINA BEARING HOLDINGS LIMITED, the registered office of which is at Cedar
     House, 41 Cedar Avenue Hamilton HM12, Bermuda (the "Company");

 (2) ASEAN CAPITAL LIMITED, the registered office of which is at Omar Hodge
     Building, Wickhams Cay I, P.O. Box 362, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin
     Islands ("ACL");

     which is at 19th Floor, 51-57 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

 (4) SUNBASE ASIA, INC., the registered office of which is at 1280 Terminal Way,
     Suite 3, Reno Nevada 89502, United States of America ("SAI");

 (5) SMITH ACQUISITION COMPANY, INC., a California corporation doing business as
     Southwest Products Company, the registered office of which is at 2240 Buena
     Vista, Irwindale, CA 91706, United States of America ("SPC");

 (6) SUNBASE INTERNATIONAL (HOLDINGS) LIMITED the registered office of which is
     at 19th Floor, 51-57 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong ("SIHL");

 (7) EXTENSIVE RESOURCES LIMITED, the registered office of which is at P.O. Box
     71, Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("ERL");

(the parties at (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) hereinafter collectively referred to
as "Default Parties");

 (8) GLORY MANSION LIMITED, the registered office of which is at Craigmuir
     Chambers, P.O. Box 71, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands "(GML");

 (9) WARDLEY CHINA INVESTMENT TRUST, the registered office of which is at c/o
     Suite 1610, P.O. Box 1016, 885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C., V6C
     3E8, Canada ("WCIT");

(10) MC PRIVATE EQUITY PARTNERS ASIA LIMITED the registered office of which is
     at P.O. Box 309, Ugland House, South Church Street, Grand Cayman, Cayman
     Islands, British West Indies ("MC Partners"); and

(11) CHINE INVESTISSEMENT 2000, a Luxembourg-registered Unit Trust, the
     registered office of which is at L1118 Luxembourg, 14 Rue Aldringen ("CI

(the parties at (8), (9), (10) and (11) hereinafter collectively referred to as
the "Investors" and each an "Investor")


(A)  The parties hereto (except SIHL and ERL) entered into the Subscription
     Agreement (as defined below) under which the Investors subscribed for
     Debentures of an aggregate principal value of $11,500,000.

(B)  The Default Parties have breached certain of their obligations under the
     Subscription Agreement and the Investors have agreed not to exercise their
     rights under the Subscription Agreement in relation thereto subject to and
     upon the terms and conditions set out herein.



(A)  In this Agreement:-

     "ACL Undertaking"             means an undertaking or guarantee to be given
                                   by ACL in favour of the Investors in the form
                                   or substantially the same form as set out in
                                   Schedule 5 hereof;

     "Completion"                  means performance by the parties hereto of
                                   their respective obligations set out in
                                   Clause 3 upon the signing of this Agreement;

     "Deed of Share Mortgage"      means the form of share mortgage set out in
                                   Schedule 6;

     "Guarantee"                   means the guarantee to be given by the
                                   Guarantors in the form or substantially the
                                   same form set out in Schedule 4 hereof;

     "Hong Kong"                   means the Hong Kong Special Administrative
                                   Region of the People's Republic of China;

     "Principal"                   means the amount of $13,173,490, being the
                                   amount the Investors have, subject to and
                                   upon the terms and conditions set out herein,
                                   accepted as the principal aggregate amount
                                   due to the Investors as at the date of this


     "Repayment Schedule"          means the schedule of instalments of
                                   repayment to be made by the Company to
                                   the Investors set out in Schedule 3;

     "Subscription Agreement"      means an agreement dated 2nd August, 1996
                                   relating to the subscription by the Investors
                                   for the Debentures issued by the Company and
                                   made between the parties hereto; and

     "$"                           means United States dollars, the lawful
                                   currency of the United States of America.

(B)  In this Agreement, unless otherwise defined, words and expressions defined
     in the Subscription Agreement (including the schedules thereto), when used
     in this Agreement, bear the same respective meanings in this Agreement.


     In consideration of the Investors agreeing not to exercise their rights
     against the Default Parties in accordance with the terms and conditions of
     the Subscription Agreement and the Debentures:-

     (A)  the parties hereto agree that the Company shall repay by instalments
          to the Investors in respect of the Principal and interest on that part
          thereof that is outstanding for the time being calculated at 10% per
          annum in accordance with the Repayment Schedule PROVIDED THAT the
          right of the Company to repay an amount in addition to the what is
          provided in the Repayment Schedule ("Additional Payment") shall not be
          prejudiced and in which case the Repayment Schedule may be adjusted
          (based on the same interest rate and on the basis that the Additional
          Payment shall be applied towards discharging the part of the principal
          amount comprised in each outstanding repayment instalment which bears
          the same proportion to the said principal amount as stated in the
          Repayment Schedule as the total amount of the Additional Payment bears
          to the aggregate amount of the Principal and interest then
          outstanding) as to be advised by the Investors;

     (B)  SAI will, on Completion, issue in favour of the Investors (or as they
          may direct) 466,667 new shares in the common stock of SAI which may
          not be sold within a period of three years commencing from the date
          hereof (the certificates for which shall bear a legend to the same
          effect) ("SAI Shares");

     (C)  the Default Parties jointly and severally undertake to procure that
          50% of any public market funds raised by the Company or any member of
          the SAI Group shall be applied immediately towards discharging the


          then outstanding part of the Principal and the interest accrued
          thereon (whereupon the Repayment Schedule shall be adjusted as if the
          application of such funds was an Additional Payment subject to the
          provisions of sub-clause (A) of this Clause) as to be advised by the

     (D)  ERL shall grant a charge over one million issued shares in the capital
          of Tianjin Development Holdings Limited (the "Tianjin Shares") held by
          it in favour of Brilliant Future Holdings Limited (as trustee for and
          on behalf of the Investors) to secure the performance of the
          obligations of the Company under this Agreement upon such terms and
          conditions as set out in the Deed of Share Mortgage;

     (E)  the Investors agree that upon the Default Parties' fulfilment of all
          their obligations under this Agreement, the Debentures issued to the
          Investors pursuant to the Subscription Agreement shall be returned to
          the Company for cancellation and in the meantime provided that none of
          the Default Parties is in default of any of their respective
          obligations under this Agreement the Investors shall refrain from
          exercising any of their rights under the Subscription Agreement or
          under the Conditions; and

     (F)  the Investors agree that as amongst themselves, their respective
          entitlements thereunder to be repaid by the Company and/or issued with
          SAI Shares shall be in proportion to the principal amounts of the
          Debentures held by them respectively.


(A)  Completion shall take place at the offices of Chao and Chung at Suite 601,
     Asia Pacific Finance Tower, Citibank Plaza, 3 Garden Road, Hong Kong upon
     the signing of this Agreement.

(B)  At Completion, the following transactions shall take place:-

     (1)  SAI in its capacity as the sole shareholder of the Company entitled to
          vote at its general meetings shall pass in writing the resolution as
          set out in Schedule 2 of this Agreement;

     (2)  the Company shall:-

          (i)  deliver to the Investors a certified copy of the Board resolution
               of the Company and SIHL (i) approving and authorising execution
               and completion of this Agreement; and (ii) resolving to effect
               and do all that is necessary to give effect to this Agreement;


          (ii)  deliver to the Investors a certified copy of the Board
                resolution of SAI (i) approving and authorising execution and
                completion of this Agreement; (ii) approving and authorising the
                execution of the Guarantee and the issue of the SAI Shares; and
                (iii) resolving to effect and do all that is necessary to give
                effect to this Agreement and the Guarantee;

          (iii) deliver to the Investors a certified copy of Board resolution
                from each of CIBHL and SPC in each approving and authorising the
                execution and completion of this Agreement and the Guarantee and
                resolving to effect and do all that is necessary to give effect
                to this Agreement and the Guarantee;

          (iv)  deliver to the Investors a certified copy of Board resolution
                from ACL approving and authorising the execution and completion
                of this Agreement and the ACL Undertaking and resolving to
                effect and do all that is necessary to give effect to this
                Agreement and the ACL Undertaking;

          (v)   deliver to the Investors a certified copy of Board resolution
                from ERL approving and authorising the execution and completion
                of this Agreement and resolving to effect and do all that is
                necessary to give effect to this Agreement; and

          (vi)  deliver evidence satisfactory to the Investors that the Company
                has effected payment by telegraphic transfer to the Investors of
                the amount of $520,000.00 required to be paid by the Company on
                completion as set out in the Repayment Schedule;

     (3)  ERL shall execute and deliver to Brilliant Future Holdings Limited the
          Deed of Share Mortgage and the Board resolution of ERL approving its
          execution of the same;

     (4)  SAI, CIBHL and SPC shall enter into the Guarantee in the form as set
          out in Schedule 4 hereof; and

     (5)  ACL shall enter into the ACL Undertaking in the form as set out in
          Schedule 5 hereof.

(C)  All the events which are to take place at Completion shall take place
     simultaneously and no party shall be obliged to complete this Agreement
     unless the other parties simultaneously comply with their respective
     obligations contained in sub-clause (B) of this clause.

(D)  For the avoidance of doubt, the continuing obligations of the Default
     Parties under this Agreement shall not cease as a result of Completion.



     SIHL hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to each of the
     Investors that for so long as any of the obligations of the Company under
     this Agreement remain outstanding, SIHL shall not, save with the prior
     written approval of each of the Investors, reduce its current issued
     beneficial shareholdings (being 100%) in the share capital of ACL carrying
     rights to vote in ACL's general meetings.


     ACL hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to each of the
     Investors that for so long as any of the obligations of the Company under
     this Agreement remain outstanding:-

     (i)  ACL shall, directly or indirectly, (save with the prior written
          approval of each of the Investors) remain the legal and beneficial
          owner of not less than 51% of the Deemed Total Issued Share Capital of
          SAI (as defined hereinafter) and retain control over not less than 51%
          of the voting rights of SAI (which for this purpose shall exclude
          Super-voting Rights but shall include a substitution of 100,000 votes
          per Series A Preferred Stock held for the purposes of calculation
          hereunder); and

     (ii) no amounts are to be repaid in respect of the ACL Promissory Notes
          save and except with the prior written approval of the Investors.

     For the purpose of this clause, "Deemed Total Issued Share Capital of SAI"
     means the total Share capital of SAI deemed to be in issue which for this
     purpose shall be the then actual existing total issued Shared capital of
     SAI and (if any Series A Preferred Stock or Series B Preferred Stock is
     left outstanding) that number of Shares that would have been issued in
     respect of Series A Preferred Stock and Series B Preferred Stock had the
     same been all converted immediately prior to the relevant date under
     consideration as if such Shares form part of the enlarged issued Share
     capital of SAI in aggregate.


6.1  Each of the Company, the Guarantors, SIHL and ACL hereby further undertakes
     and agrees that it shall procure that no member of the SAI Group shall at
     any time and for so long as the obligations of the Company under this
     Agreement remains outstanding (including the exercise of all such voting
     powers and control it has, directly or indirectly over the members of the
     SAI Group), save with the prior written approval from each of the
     Investors, do anything or suffer anything to be done which shall result in
     change(s) to the corporate structure of the SAI Group set out in Schedule

6.2  Each of SAI and the Company hereby covenants, undertakes and agrees with


              the Investors that:-

              (a)    certificates in respect of the SAI Shares shall be issued
                     and delivered to the respective Investors (or as they may
                     direct) no later than 90 days from the date of this
                     Agreement; and

              (b)    each Investor shall, if it is deemed to be an "affiliate"
                     under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 of SAI (which
                     interpretation shall be determined by a U.S. law firm to be
                     agreed between the Investors and SAI or the Securities and
                     Exchange Commission as the case may be), have the right to
                     require SAI and/or the Company to file a registration
                     statement under the Securities Act for a public offering /
                     resale of all or any number of the SAI Shares held by the
                     Investor, such rights to be exercisable by the delivery of
                     a written notice to SAI and/or the Company (the "Notice")
                     specifying in detail the number of the SAI Shares required
                     to be made the subject of the registration, the identity of
                     the Investor and the intended method of resale of the SAI
                     Shares and SAI and/or the Company shall take all reasonable
                     steps to commence the procedure for such filing within five
                     (5) Business Days of receipt of the Notice.


              SAI hereby undertakes and agrees to ensure that all of the SAI
              Shares will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and non-
              assessable and will not be subject to pre-emptive rights and that
              for a period of 3 years from the date hereof:-

              (a)    SAI shall not in any way modify the rights attached to the
                     Shares as a class or attach any special restrictions
                     thereto except with the prior written consent from the

              (b)    SAI shall procure that at no time shall there be an issue
                     of Shares of differing nominal value except with the prior
                     written consent from the Investors;

              (c)    SAI shall not do anything voluntarily or on its own
                     initiative which may result in (or can reasonably be
                     foreseen to result in) the delisting of the issued Shares
                     on NASDAQ;

              (d)    SAI shall provide the Investors with a copy of its annual
                     reports, annual financial statements, interim reports and
                     all other statements and circulars sent by SAI to its
                     shareholders within fourteen days after SAI sends the same
                     to its shareholders; and

              (e)    SAI shall provide each Investor with a copy of every
                     document filed from the date hereof with the Securities and
                     Exchange Commission and the same shall be so provided to
                     each Investors within fourteen days of


                   the date of the filing of such document.


         Unless the prior written approval from the Investors have been
         obtained, each of the Company, the Guarantors, SIHL and ACL undertakes
         that it shall and shall procure that each of them shall exercise all
         such voting rights and other powers of control as is or shall be
         available to them to procure that no member in the SAI Group (save and
         except Harbin Bearing Company Limited for the purposes of sub-clauses
         (a),(b),(c),(e) and (g) of this clause) shall:-

         (a)       acquire assets in excess of $3,000,000;

         (b)       borrow, lend or give any guarantee of any amount greater than

         (c)       sell assets having a fair market value in excess of

         (d)       make any dividend payments;

         (e)       give any charge, mortgage, pledge or other security interest
                   in excess of $3,000,000;

         (f)       enter into any related party transaction except where such
                   transaction (i) is a normal commercial arms length
                   transaction entered into in the ordinary course of the SAI
                   Group's business of the manufacturing and sales of bearing
                   products, or (ii) relates to the advancement of loan to any
                   member of the SAI Group for the purpose of enabling it to
                   fulfil its obligations under this Agreement;

         (g)       allow any of the events referred to in sub-clauses (a) to (e)
                   of this Clause to occur if such event will involve such an
                   amount or value (notwithstanding such amount may or may not
                   exceed the relevant limit specified for that event under this
                   Clause (a) to (e) hereof) when added to the existing
                   cumulative total of the value of that event occurring in the
                   preceding 12 months will take the overall cumulative total
                   over 15% of the net asset value of SAI as shown in the latest
                   audited consolidated accounts of SAI.

    9.   NOTICES

         Any notice required or permitted to be given by or under this Agreement
         shall be in writing and shall be given by delivering it to the address
         or facsimile number of the relevant party connected shown below:-


     The Company      :       c/o China International Bearing
     -----------                  Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     SAI              :       c/o China International Bearing
     ---                          Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     ERL              :       c/o China International Bearing
     ---                          Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     SIHL             :       c/o China International Bearing
     ----                         Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     SPC              :       c/o China International Bearing
     ---                          Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     ACL              :       c/o China International Bearing
     ---                          Holdings Limited
                              19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                              51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li


     CIBHL          :         19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
     -----                    51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                              Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                              Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     GML            :         c/o HPEM, 10th Floor, Citibank Tower,
     ---                      3 Garden Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2845 7688
                              Fax: (852) 2845 9992
                              Attn.: Mr. George Raffini / Mr. Brian Law

     WCIT           :         c/o HPEM, 10th Floor, Citibank Tower,
     ----                     3 Garden Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2845 7688
                              Fax: (852) 2845 9992
                              Attn.: Mr. George Raffini / Mr. Brian Law

     MC Partners    :         c/o MC Capital Asia Pte Limited
     -----------              Unit No. 1002 C/D 10th Floor,
                              Tower 1, Admiralty Centre,
                              18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2866 3393
                              Fax: (852) 2866 2693
                              Attn.: Mr. Yuji Komiya
                                      / Mr. Tatsuya Kuroyanagi

     CI 2000        :         c/o Asian Asset Management Limited
     -------                  Suite 51, 5th Floor
                              New Henry House
                              10 Ice House Street
                              Central, Hong Kong
                              Tel: (852) 2804 6188
                              Fax: (852) 2804 6197
                              Attn.: Mr. Fabrice Jacob

     or to such other address or facsimile number as the party concerned may
     have notified to the other party pursuant to this Clause and may be given
     by sending it by hand to such address or by facsimile transmission to such
     facsimile number, or to such other address or facsimile number as the party
     concerned may have notified to the other party in accordance with this
     Clause. Such notice shall be deemed to be served on the day of delivery or
     facsimile transmission (or, if the day of delivery or transmission is not a
     Business Day or if the delivery or transmission is made after 5:00 p.m.
     Hong Kong time, deemed to be served on the immediately following Business
     Day), or if sooner


               upon acknowledgement of receipt by or on behalf of the party to
               which it is addressed.

     10.       EVENTS OF DEFAULT

     (A)       Notwithstanding the repayment obligations of the Company in
               accordance with the Repayment Schedule, if any of the following
               events ("Event of Default") occurs the Principal shall
               automatically become immediately due and payable in full by the
               Company at its principal amount outstanding together with any
               accrued but unpaid interest calculated up to and including the
               date of payment the aggregate amount of which shall be notified
               by the Investors to the Company and upon the settlement thereof
               in accordance with this clause by the Company the repayment
               obligations set out in the Repayment Schedule shall be deemed to
               have been discharged by the Company.

     (B)       An Event of Default occurs when:-

               (a)  the Company defaults in repayment pursuant to the Repayment

               (b)  any of the Default Parties fails to perform any of its
                    obligations under this Agreement;

               (c)  any of the Guarantors fails to perform any of its
                    obligations under the Guarantee, and

               (d)  ACL fails to perform any of its obligations under the ACL

     11.       COSTS AND EXPENSES

               The legal costs incurred in connection with the preparation and
               negotiation of this Agreement and ancillary documentation shall
               be borne as to one-half by the Company and as to the other half
               by the Investors.


     12.1      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
               with the laws of Hong Kong and each party hereby submits to the
               non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong as regards
               any claim or matter arising under this Agreement.

     12.2      Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees for the benefit of
               each of the Investors that the courts of Hong Kong shall have
               jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or
               proceeding, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or
               in connection with this Agreement and, for such purposes,


     irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such courts.

12.3 Each of the parties hereto irrevocably waives any objection it might now or
     hereinafter have to the courts referred to in sub-Clause 12.1 above
     nominated as the forum to hear and determine any suit, action or
     proceeding, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in
     connection with this Agreement and agrees not to claim that any such courts
     is not a convenient or appropriate forum.

12.4 Each of the Company, SAI, ACL, SIHL, ERL and SPC hereby irrevocably
     appoints CIBHL (details of which are set out below) and CIBHL hereby
     accepts such appointment as each of their process agent to receive and
     acknowledge on its behalf service of any writ, summons, order, judgement or
     other notice of legal process in Hong Kong. Each of GML, WCIT, MC Partners
     and CI 2000 also hereby irrevocably appoints the persons set out against
     its name below to be its process agent:-

     Company -           China International Bearing Holdings Limited
     -------             19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                         51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                         Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                         Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                         Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     SAI -               China International Bearing Holdings Limited
     ---                 19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                         51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                         Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                         Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                         Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     ERL                 c/o China International Bearing
     ---                 Holdings Limited
                         19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                         51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                         Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                         Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                         Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

     SIHL -              c/o China International Bearing
     ----                Holdings Limited
                         19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                         51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                         Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                         Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                         Attn.: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li


          ACL-          :    China International Bearing Holdings Limited
          ---                19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                             51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                             Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                             Attn: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

          SPC-          :    China International Bearing Holdings Limited
          ---                19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre,
                             51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2865 1511
                             Fax: (852) 2865 4293
                             Attn: Mr. Billy Kan / Mr. Roger Li

          GML-          :    HPEM, 10th Floor, Citibank Tower,
          ---                3 Garden Road, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2845 7688
                             Fax: (852) 2845 9992
                             Attn: Mr. George Raffini / Mr. Brian Law

          WCIT-         :    HPEM, 10th Floor, Citibank Tower,
          ----               3 Garden Road, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2845 7688
                             Fax: (852) 2845 9992
                             Attn: Mr. George Raffini / Mr. Brian Law

          MC Partners-  :    MC Capital Asia Pte Limited
          -----------        Unit No. 1002 C/D 10th Floor,
                             Tower 1, Admiralty Centre,
                             18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2866 3393
                             Fax: (852) 2866 2693
                             Attn: Mr. Yuji Komiya / Mr. Tatsuya Kuroyanagi

          CI 2000       :    Asian Asset Management Limited
          -------            Suite 51, 5th Floor
                             New Henry House
                             10 Ice House Street
                             Central, Hong Kong
                             Tel: (852) 2804 6188
                             Fax: (852) 2804 6197
                             Attn: Mr. Fabrice Jacob

12.5      Each of the parties hereby consent generally in respect of any legal
          action or proceeding arise out of or in connection with this Agreement
          to the giving of


       any relief or any issue of any process in connection with such action or
       proceeding including, without limitation, the making, enforcement or
       execution against any property whatsoever (irrespective of its use or
       intended use) of any order or judgement which may be made or given in
       such action or proceeding.


13.1   As regards any date or period time shall be of the essence of this

13.2   This Agreement shall be binding on and enure for the benefit of the
       successors of each of the parties and shall not be assignable.

13.3   The exercise of or failure to exercise any right to remedy in respect of
       any breach of this Agreement shall not, save as provided herein,
       constitute a waiver by such party or any other right or remedy it may
       have in respect of that breach.

13.4   Any right or remedy conferred by this Agreement on any party for breach
       of this Agreement (including without limitation the breach of any
       representations and warranties) shall be in addition and without
       prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to it in respect of
       that breach.

13.5   This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with
       respect to its subject matter and no variation of this Agreement shall be
       effective unless made in writing and signed by all of the parties.

13.6   This Agreement supersedes all and any previous agreements, arrangement or
       understanding between the parties relating to the matters referred to in
       this Agreement and all such previous agreements, understanding or
       arrangements (if any) shall cease and determine with effect from this
       date hereof.

13.7   If at any time any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal,
       void or unenforceable in any respect, the remaining provisions hereof
       shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby.


       This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in any number of
       counterparts and on separate counterparts, each of which when so executed
       shall be deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one and the
       same instrument and is binding on all parties.

AS WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been duly executed on the date first above


                                  SCHEDULE 1

     1.   Corporate Chart

                         Sunbase Asia, Inc.
                    100%                                   100%

           --------------------                  ---------------------
             China Bearing                        Smith Acquisition
           Holdings Limited                           Company Inc.
               ("CBH")                                 ("SPC")
           --------------------                  ---------------------
           China International
             Bearing Holdings
             Limited ("CIBHL")
               99%              99.90%
- --------------------         -----------------------
   Harbin Sunbase               Harbin Xinhengli
     Development                   Development
  Company Limited                Company Limited
 ("Harbin Sunbase")           ("Harbin Xinhengli")
- --------------------         -----------------------

                    10%               41.57%
                 Harbin Bearing
                Company Limited


                                  SCHEDULE 2

            Form of written resolution of the sole shareholder of
                        China Bearing Holdings Limited

Resolution of the sole shareholder of China Bearing Holdings Limited adopted in
writing on [.], 1998

We, being the sole shareholder of the Company for the time being, do HEREBY
RESOLVE the following:-


(a)  the Company be authorised to execute and complete the Settlement Agreement
     to be dated [.], 1998 in consideration of the Investors (as defined in the
     Settlement Agreement) agreeing not to exercise their rights against the
     Company and certain other parties under the Subscription Agreement dated
     2nd August, 1996;

(b)  Mr. Billy Kan be authorised to effect and do all that is necessary to give
     effect to the Settlement Agreement for and on behalf of the Company".

Date                1998

- ----------------------------
Sunbase Asia, Inc.


                                  SCHEDULE 3

Repayment Schedule
- ------------------

1.   Completion   Principal repayment and Interest on Principal   $ 520,000.00

2.   23/12/1998   Principal repayment                             $  20,903.42
                  Interest on Principal $(13,091,590x10%/12)      $ 109,096.58
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

3.   23/1/1999    Principal repayment                             $  21,077.61
                  Interest on Principal $(13,070,686x10%/12)      $ 108,922.39
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

4.   23/2/1999    Principal repayment                             $  21,253.26
                  Interest on Principal $(13,049,609x10%/12)      $ 108,746.74
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

5.   23/3/1999    Principal repayment                             $ 831,430.37
                  Interest on Principal $(13,028,355x10%/12)      $ 108,569.63
                                                                  $ 940,000.00

6.   23/4/1999    Principal repayment                             $  28,358.96
                  Interest on Principal $(12,196,925x10%/12)      $ 101,641.04
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

7.   23/5/1999    Principal repayment                             $  28,595.28
                  Interest on Principal $(12,168,566x10%/12)      $ 101,404.72
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

8.   23/6/1999    Principal repayment                             $  28,833.58
                  Interest on Principal $(12,139,971x10%/12)      $ 101,166.42
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

9.   23/7/1999    Principal repayment                             $  29,073.86
                  Interest on Principal $(12,111,137x10%/12)      $ 100,926.14
                                                                  $ 130,000.00

10.  23/8/1999    Principal repayment                             $  29,316.14
                  Interest on Principal $(12,082,063x10%/12)      $ 100,683.86
                                                                  $ 130,000.00


11.  23/9/1999   Principal repayment                         $    299,560.44
                 Interest on Principal $(12,052,747x10%/12)  $    100,439.56
                                                             $    400,000.00

12.  23/10/1999  Principal repayment                         $    302,056.78
                 Interest on Principal $(11,753,187x10%/12)  $     97,943.22
                                                             $    400,000.00

13.  23/11/1999  Principal repayment                         $    304,573.92
                 Interest on Principal $(11,451,130x10%/12)  $     95,426.08
                                                             $    400,000.00

14.  23/12/1999  Principal repayment                         $    307,112.03
                 Interest on Principal $(11,146,556x10%/12)  $     92,887.97
                                                             $    400,000.00

15.  23/1/2000   Principal repayment                         $    309,671.30
                 Interest on Principal $(10,839,444x10%/12)  $     90,328.70
                                                             $    400,000.00

16.  23/2/2000   Principal repayment                         $    312,251,89
                 Interest on Principal $(10,529,773x10%/12)  $     87,748.11
                                                             $    400,000.00

17.  23/3/2000   Principal repayment                         $    314,853.99
                 Interest on Principal $(10,217,521x10%/12)  $     85,146.01
                                                             $    400,000.00

18.  23/4/2000   Principal repayment                         $    317,477.78
                 Interest on Principal $(9,902,667x10%/12)   $     82,522.22
                                                             $    400,000.00

19.  23/5/2000   Principal repayment                         $    320,123.42
                 Interest on Principal $(9,585,189x10%/12)   $     79,876.58
                                                             $    400,000.00

20.  23/6/2000   Principal repayment                         $    322,791.12
                 Interest on Principal $(9,265,066x10%/12)   $     77,208.88
                                                             $    400,000.00

21.  23/7/2000   Principal repayment                         $    325,481.05
                 Interest on Principal $(8,942,275x10%/12)   $     74,518.95
                                                             $    400,000.00


22.  23/8/2000      Principal repayment                          $   328,193.39
                    Interest on Principal $(8,616,793x10%/12)    $    71,806.61
                                                                 $   400,000.00

23.  23/9/2000      Principal repayment                          $   330,928.33
                    Interest on Principal $(8,288,600x10%/12)    $    69,071.67
                                                                 $   400,000.00

24.  23/10/2000     Principal repayment                          $   333,686.07
                    Interest on Principal $(7,957,672x10%/12)    $    66,313.93
                                                                 $   400,000.00

25.  23/11/2000     Principal repayment                          $   336,466.79
                    Interest on Principal $(7,623,986x10%/12)    $    63,533.21
                                                                 $   400,000.00

26.  23/12/2000     Principal repayment                          $   339,270.68
                    Interest on Principal $(7,287,518.88x10%/12) $    60,729.32
                                                                 $   400,000.00

27.  23/1/2001      Principal repayment                          $   342,097.93
                    Interest on Principal $(6,948,248x10%/12)    $    57,902.07
                                                                 $   400,000.00

28.  23/2/2001      Principal repayment                          $   344,948.75
                    Interest on Principal $(6,606,150x10%/12)    $    55,051.25
                                                                 $   400,000.00

29.  23/3/2001      Principal repayment                          $   347,823.32
                    Interest on Principal $(6,261,201x10%/12)    $    52,176.68
                                                                 $   400,000.00

30.  23/4/2001      Principal repayment                          $   350,721.85
                    Interest on Principal $(5,913,378x10%/12)    $    49,278.15
                                                                 $   400,000.00

31.  23/5/2001      Principal repayment                          $   353,644.53
                    Interest on Principal $(5,562,656x10%/12)    $    46,355.47
                                                                 $   400,000.00

32.  23/6/2001      Principal repayment                          $   356,591.57
                    Interest on Principal $(5,209,012x10%/12)    $    43,408.43
                                                                 $   400,000.00


33   23/7/2001   Principal repayment                          $  4,852,420.26
                 Interest on Principal $(4,852,420x10%/12)    $     40,436.84
                                                              $  4,892,857.10

                 Total Repayment & Interest
                 Principal                                    $ 13,173,490.00
                 Interest on Principal                        $  3,019,367.10
                                                              $ 16,192,857.10


                                  SCHEDULE 4

                               Form of Guarantee


THIS GUARANTEE dated the           day of         , 1998 is made between:-

(1)       SUNBASE ASIA, INC., of 1280 Terminal Way, Suite 3, Reno Nevada 89502,
          United States of America ("SAI");

          Avenue, Hamilton HM12, Bermuda ("CIBHL");

(3)       SMITH ACQUISITION COMPANY, INC. of 2240 Buena Vista, Irwindale, CA
          91706 ("SPC");

(The parties referred to at (1), (2) and (3) hereinafter referred to as the
"Guarantors" and each a "Guarantor".)

(4)       GLORY MANSION LIMITED, of Craigmuir Chambers, P.O. Box 71, Road Town,
          Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("GML");

(5)       WARDLEY CHINA INVESTMENT TRUST, of c/o Suite 1610, P.O. Box 1016 P.O.
          Box 1016, 885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C., V6C 3E8, Canada

(6)       MC PRIVATE EQUITY PARTNERS ASIA LIMITED of P.O. Box 309, Ugland House,
          South Church Street, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies
          ("MC Partners"); and

(7)       CHINE INVESTISSEMENT 2000, of L1118 Luxembourg, 14 Rue Aldringen ("CI

(The parties referred to at (4), (5), (6) and (7) hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Investors" and each an "Investor")


(A)       By a settlement agreement dated [*], 1998 (the "Settlement Agreement")
          and made between (1) China Bearing Holdings Limited (the "Company");
          (2) Asean Capital Limited ("ACL"); (3) China International Bearing
          Holdings Limited ("CIBHL"); (4) Sunbase Asia, Inc. ("SAI"); (5) Smith
          Acquisition Company Inc. ("SPC"); (6) Sunbase International (Holdings)
          Limited ("SIHL"); (7) Extensive Resources Limited ("ERL"); (8) Glory
          Mansion Limited ("GML"); (9) Wardley China Investment Trust ("WCIT");
          (10) MC Private Equity Partners Asia Limited ("MC Partners") and (11)
          Chine Investissement 2000 ("CI 2000"), the Investors agreed not to
          exercise their rights against the Default Parties under the
          Subscription Agreement.

(B)       It is stipulated in the Settlement Agreement that the Guarantors shall
          execute the Guarantee in respect of the obligations of the Company and
          the other parties (not being the Investors) under the Settlement
          Agreement at


     Completion. Accordingly, this Guarantee supplements the Settlement

(B)  Expressions defined in the Settlement Agreement shall, unless specifically
     defined or re-defined herein or the context otherwise requires, bear the
     same meanings when used herein.


1.   Guarantee

(A)  In consideration of the Investors agreeing not to exercise their rights
     against the Default Parties, each of the Guarantors hereby as primary
     obligor, irrevocably and unconditionally and together with each of the
     other Guarantors (the "Other Guarantors") jointly and severally, guarantees
     to each of the Investors:-

     (i)    the full due and punctual observance and performance of all the
            terms, conditions and covenants on the part of the Company contained
            in the Settlement Agreement including the due and punctual payment
            of all sums now or subsequently payable under the Settlement
            Agreement and agrees to perform or procure the performance of such
            obligations of the Company from time to time and on demand by any of
            the Investors pay any and every sum or sums of money which the
            Company shall at any time be liable to pay to the Investors under or
            pursuant to the Settlement Agreement;

     (ii)   the full due and punctual observance and performance of all the
            terms, conditions and covenants on the part of each Other Guarantor
            which such Other Guarantor is a party to the Settlement Agreement
            and this Guarantee including the due and punctual payment of all
            sums now or subsequently payable under the Settlement Agreement or
            this Guarantee and agrees to perform or procure the performance of
            such obligations of the Other Guarantors from time to time and on
            demand by any of the Investors pay any and every sum or sums of
            money which the Other Guarantors shall at any time be liable to pay
            to the Investors under or pursuant to the Settlement Agreement or
            this Guarantee as the case may be; and

     (iii)  to indemnify the Investors from time to time on demand by any of the
            Investors from and against any loss incurred by the Investors or any
            of them as a result of any of the obligations of the Company under
            the Settlement Agreement or of any of the obligations of the Other
            Guarantors under or pursuant to the Settlement Agreement or this
            Guarantee not being fulfilled or performed or being or becoming


            voidable, unenforceable or ineffective as against the Company or any
            of the Other Guarantors as the case may be for any reason
            whatsoever, whether or not know to the Investors or any of them or
            any other person.

     The Guarantors' obligations hereunder is as if it is a principal debtor in
     respect of any amount and liability and obligation and not merely a surety,
     and without any requirement for the Investors first to have recourse
     against the Company or any of the Other Guarantors as the case may be and
     such liability shall not be impaired or reduced by any undertaking granted.

2.   Preservation of Rights

(A)  The obligations of the Guarantors herein contained shall be in addition to
     and independent of every other security which the Investors or any of them
     may at any time hold in respect of any of the Company or the Guarantors'
     obligations hereunder.

(B)  The obligations of each of the Guarantors herein contained shall constitute
     and be continuing obligations notwithstanding any settlement of account or
     other matter or thing whatsoever, and in particular but without limitation,
     shall not be considered satisfied by any intermediate payment or
     satisfaction of all or any of the obligations of the Company or any of the
     Other Guarantors and shall continue in full force and effect until final
     payment in full of all amounts owing by the Company or any of the Other
     Guarantors hereunder and total satisfaction of all the Company's or any of
     the Other Guarantors actual and contingent obligations hereunder.

(C)  None of the obligations of any of the Guarantors herein contained nor the
     rights, powers and remedies conferred upon the Investors by the Settlement
     Agreement or this Guarantee or by law shall be discharged, impaired or
     otherwise affected by:-

     (i)    the winding-up, dissolution, administration or re-organisation of
            the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other person or any
            change in its status, function, control or ownership;

     (ii)   any of the obligations of the Company or any of the Guarantors or
            any other person hereunder or under any other security taken in
            respect of any of its obligations hereunder being or becoming
            illegal, invalid, unenforceable or ineffective in any respect;

     (iii)  time or other indulgence being granted or agreed to be granted to
            the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other person in respect
            of its obligations hereunder or under any such other security;

     (iv)   any amendment to, or any variation, waiver or release of, any


            obligation of the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other
            person hereunder or under any such other security;

     (v)    any failure to take, or fully to take, any security contemplated
            hereby or otherwise agreed to be taken in respect of the Company,
            any of the Guarantor's or any other person's obligations hereunder;

     (vi)   any failure to realise or fully to realise the value of, or any
            release, discharge, exchange or substitution of, any security taken
            in respect of the Company, any of the Guarantor's or any other
            person's obligations hereunder; or

     (vii)  any other act, event or omission which, might operate to discharge,
            impair or otherwise affect any of the obligations of any of the
            Guarantors herein contained or any of the rights, powers or remedies
            conferred upon the Investors or any of them by the Subscription
            Agreement or the Debentures or by law.

(D)  None of the Investors shall be obliged before exercising any of the rights,
     powers or remedies conferred upon each of them hereunder or by law:-

     (i)    to make any demand of the Company or any of the Guarantors;

     (ii)   to take any action or obtain judgement in any court against the
            Company or any of the Guarantors;

     (iii)  to make or file any claim or proof in a winding-up or dissolution of
            the Company or any of the Guarantors; or

     (iv)   to enforce or seek to enforce any other security taken in respect of
            any of the obligations of the Company or any of the Guarantors

(E)  Each Guarantor agrees that, so long as any amounts are or may be owed by
     the Company or the Other Guarantors hereunder or when any of the Company or
     the Other Guarantors is under any actual or contingent obligations
     hereunder, it shall not exercise any rights which it may at any time have
     by reason of performance by it of its obligations hereunder:-

     (i)    to be indemnified by the Company or any of the Guarantors; and/or

     (ii)   to claim any contribution from the Other Guarantors; and/or

     (iii)  to take the benefit (in whole or in part and whether by way of
            subrogation or otherwise) of any rights of the Investors hereunder
            or of any other security taken pursuant to, or in connection with,
            the Settlement Agreement or the Debenture by all or any of the


3.   Representations and Warranties

     Each of the Guarantors hereby represents and warrants to each of the
     Investors that:-

     (a)  it is a company validly incorporated, duly organised and subsisting
          and of good standing under the law of the jurisdiction under which it
          was incorporated;

     (b)  it has the necessary capacity to give this Guarantee and to perform
          and observe the obligations contained herein. The execution, delivery
          and performance of this Guarantee have been duly authorised by all
          necessary corporate action of the Guarantor and do not contravene the
          constitution of the Guarantor under any applicable laws or
          regulations. This Guarantee, as executed and delivered, constitutes
          legal valid and binding obligations of the Guarantor;

     (c)  the execution and delivery of, and the performance of the provisions
          of, this Guarantee does not and will not during the continuance of
          this Guarantee (i) contravene any existing applicable laws, ordinance,
          regulation, decree, instrument, franchise, concession, licence or
          permit, or any order, judgement, decree or award, administrative or
          governmental authority, department or agency presently in effect and
          applicable, or (ii) contravene any contractual restrictions binding on
          the Guarantors or any of its assets, or (iii) cause any limit on any
          of the borrowing, guaranteeing, charging or other powers of the
          Guarantor, or (iv) create or result in or obliged the Guarantor to
          create any lien, charge, security interest or encumbrance on the whole
          or any part of the Guarantor's property;

     (d)  all necessary governmental and other consents, authorities and
          approvals to execute this Guarantee has been obtained and are in full
          force, validity and effect;

     (e)  no litigation, attribution, administrative or other proceedings
          pending before the court, tribunal, arbitrator or governmental agency
          has been threatened against any of the Guarantor; and

     (f)  the obligations of each of the Guarantors under this Guarantee are
          direct, general, and unconditional obligations and rank at least pari
          passu with all such Guarantor's other present and future unsecured and
          unsubordinated and other obligations.

4.   Further Preservation of rights

     Should any purported obligation of the Company or any of the Guarantors
     being the subject of this Guarantee be or become wholly or in part invalid


     unenforceable on any grounds whatsoever, the Guarantor shall nevertheless
     be liable to the Investors in respect of such purported obligation or
     liability as if the same were wholly valid and enforceable in each of the
     Guarantors as the principal debtor in respect thereof. Each of the
     Guarantors hereby agrees to keep each of the Investors fully indemnified
     against all damages, loss, costs and expenses arising from any failure of
     the Company or any of the Guarantors to carry out any of such purported

5.   Miscellaneous

(A)  This Guarantee shall be binding on and for the benefit of each of the
     parties' successor and assign and personal representatives (as the case may
     be) but no assignment may be made of any of the rights obligations
     hereunder of any party without the prior written consent of the other

(B)  This Guarantee may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which
     shall be binding on the party who shall have executed it but which together
     shall constitute one Agreement.

(C)  Any notice required to be sent must be in writing and shall be given by
     delivering it to the address or facsimile number as shown in Clause 9 of
     the Settlement Agreement.

(D)  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
     laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive
     jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. In relation to any legal action or
     proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Guarantee, each of
     the Guarantors has irrevocably submitted in the Settlement Agreement to the
     courts of Hong Kong and in relation thereto has appointed an agent for
     service of process.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantors have duly executed this Guarantee the date
and year first above written.


The Common Seal of                      )
SUNBASE ASIA, INC.                      )
was hereunto affixed                    )
in the presence of:-                    )

The Common Seal of                      )
SMITH ACQUISITION                       )
COMPANY INC.                            )
was hereunto affixed                    )
in the presence of:-                    )

The Common Seal of                      )
CHINA INTERNATIONAL                     )
was hereunto affixed                    )
in the presence of:-                    )

SIGNED by                               )
duly authorised for and on behalf       )
of GLORY MANSION LIMITED                )
in the presence of:-                    )

SIGNED by                               )
dulty authorized for and on behalf      )
of WARDLEY CHINA                        )
INVESTMENT TRUST                        )
in the presence of:-                    )


SIGNED by                               )
duly authorised for and on behalf       )
ASIA LIMITED                            )
in the presence of:-                    )

SIGNED by                               )
duly authorized for and on behalf       )
of CHINE INVESTISSEMENT 2000            )
in the presence of:-                    )


                                  SCHEDULE 5

                              Undertaking by ACL


THIS UNDERTAKING dated the    day of         , 1998 is made between:-

(1)  ASEAN CAPITAL LIMITED, of Omar Hodge Building, Wickhams Cay I, P.O. Box
     362, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("ACL");

(2)  WARDLEY CHINA INVESTMENT TRUST, of c/o Suite 1610, P.O. Box 1016, 885 West
     Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C., V6C 3E8, Canada ("WCIT");

(3)  GLORY MANSION LIMITED, of Craigmuir Chambers, P.O. Box 71, Road Town,
     Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("GML");

     South Church Street, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies ("MC
     Partners"); and

(5)  CHINE INVESTISSEMENT 2000, of L1118 Luxembourg, 14 Rue Aldringen

(The parties referred to at (2), (3), (4) and (5) hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Investors" and each an "Investor").


(A)  By a settlement agreement dated [.], 1998 (the "Settlement Agreement") and
     made between (1) China Bearing Holdings Limited (the "Company"); (2) Asean
     Capital Limited ("ACL"); (3) China International Bearing Holdings Limited
     ("CIBHL"); (4) Sunbase Asia, Inc. ("SAI"); (5) Smith Acquistion Company
     Inc. ("SPC"); (6) Sunbase International (Holdings) Limited ("SIHL"); (7)
     Extensive Resources Limited ("ERL"); (8) Glory Mansion Limited ("GML"); (9)
     Wardley China Investment Trust ("WCIT"); (10) MC Private Equity Partners
     Asia Limited ("MC Partners") and (11) Chine Investissement 2000 ("CI
     2000"), the Investors agreed not to exercise their rights against the
     Default Parties under the Subscription Agreement.

(B)  It is stipulated in the Settlement Agreement that ACL shall execute the ACL
     Undertaking in respect of the payment obligations of the Company under the
     Settlement Agreement and accordingly, this Undertaking supplements the
     Settlement Agreement.

(C)  Expressions defined in the Settlement Agreement shall, unless specifically
     defined or re-defined herein or the context otherwise requires, bear the
     same meanings when used herein.



1.   Guarantee

     In consideration of the Investors agreeing not to exercise their rights
     against the Default Parties under the Subscription Agreement, ACL hereby as
     primary obligor, irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes
     to each of the Investors:-

     (i)  the full due and punctual payment of all sums now or subsequently
          payable under the Settlement Agreement by the Company and agrees to
          perform or procure the performance of such payment obligations of the
          Company from time to time and on demand by any of the Investors pay
          any and every sum or sums of money which the Company shall at any time
          be liable to pay to the Investors under or pursuant to the Settlement
          Agreement as the case may be; and

     (ii) to indemnify the Investors from time to time on demand by any of the
          Investors from and against any losses or costs incurred by the
          Investors or any of them as a result of any of the payment obligations
          of the Company under the Settlement Agreement or any payment
          obligations thereunder not being fulfilled or performed or being or
          becoming void, voidable, unenforceable or ineffective as against the
          Company or any of the Guarantors as the case may be for any reason
          whatsoever, whether or not known to the Investors or any of them or
          any other person.

     ACL's obligations hereunder is as if it is a principal debtor in respect of
     any amount and liability and obligation and not merely a surety, and
     without any requirement for the Investors first to have recourse against
     the Company or any of the Guarantors as the case may be and such liability
     shall not be impaired or reduced by any undertaking granted.

2.   Undertaking

     ACL hereby further undertakes to use its best endeavours (including the
     exercise of any voting rights and control it has) to ensure that the
     obligations of SAI, CBHL, CIBHL and SPC under the Settlement Agreement and
     of SAI, CIBHL and SPC under the Guarantee (including but without limitation
     to the specific undertakings under Clause 7 of the Settlement Agreement)
     will be observed, fulfilled and performed and shall do all that is
     necessary so as to give effect to, render possible or assist in the
     fulfilment or compliance with such provisions.


3.   Preservation of Rights

(A)  The obligations of ACL herein contained shall be in addition to and
     independent of every other security which the Investors or any of them may
     at any time hold in respect of any of the Company's or the Guarantors'
     obligations under the Guarantee.

(B)  The obligations of ACL herein contained shall constitute and be continuing
     obligations notwithstanding any settlement of account or other matter or
     thing whatsoever, and in particular but without limitation, shall not be
     considered satisfied by any intermediate payment or satisfaction of all or
     any of the obligations of the Company or any of the Guarantors and shall
     continue in full force and effect until final payment in full of all
     amounts owing by the Company.

(C)  None of the obligations of ACL herein contained nor the rights, powers and
     remedies conferred upon the Investors by the Settlement Agreement or this
     Undertaking or by law shall be discharged, impaired or otherwise affected

     (i)    the winding-up, dissolution, administration or re-organisation of
            the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other person or any
            change in its status, function, control or ownership;

     (ii)   any of the obligations of the Company or any of the Guarantors or
            any other person hereunder or under any other security taken in
            respect of any of its obligations hereunder being or becoming
            illegal invalid, unenforceable or ineffective in any respect;

     (iii)  time or other indulgence being granted or agreed to be granted to
            the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other person in respect
            of its obligations hereunder or under any such other security;

     (iv)   any amendment to, or any variation, waiver or release of, any
            obligation of the Company or any of the Guarantors or any other
            person hereunder or under any such other security;

     (v)    any failure to take, or fully to take, any security contemplated
            hereby or otherwise agreed to be taken in respect of the Company,
            any of the Guarantor's or any other person's obligations

     (vi)   any failure to realise or fully to realise the value of, or any
            release, discharge, exchange or substitution of, any security taken
            in respect of the Company, any of the Guarantor's or any other
            person's obligations hereunder; or

     (vii)  any other act, event or omission which, might operate to discharge,
            impair or otherwise affect any of the obligations of any of the


               Guarantors contained in the Guarantee or any of the rights,
               powers or remedies conferred upon the Investors or any of them by
               the Settlement Agreement or by law.

(D)  None of the Investors shall be obliged before exercising any of the rights,
     powers or remedies conferred upon each of them hereunder or by law:-

     (i)       to make any demand of the Company or any of the Guarantors;

     (ii)      to take any action or obtain judgement in any court against the
               Company or any of the Guarantors;

     (iii)     to make or file any claim or proof in a winding-up or dissolution
               of the Company or any of the Guarantors; or

     (iv)      to enforce or seek to enforce any other security taken in respect
               of any of the obligations of the Company or any of the

(E)  ACL agrees that, so long as any amounts are or may be owed by the Company
     or the Guarantors or when any of the Company or the Guarantors is under
     any actual or contingent obligations to any of the Investors, it shall not
     exercise any rights which it may at any time have reason of performance by
     it of its obligations hereunder:-

     (i)       to be indemnified by the Company or the Guarantors; and/or

     (ii)      to claim any contribution from the Company or the Guarantors;

     (iii)     to take the benefit (in whole or in part and whether by way of
               subrogation or otherwise) of any rights of the Investors
               hereunder or of any other security taken pursuant to, or in
               connection with, the Subscription Agreement or the Debenture by
               all or any of the Investors.

4.   Representations and Warranties

     ACL hereby represents and warrants to each of the Investors that:-

     (a)       it is a company validly incorporated, duly organised and
               subsisting and of good standing under the law of the jurisdiction
               under which it was incorporated;

     (b)       it has the necessary capacity to give this Undertaking and to
               perform and observe the obligations contained herein. The
               execution, delivery and performance of this Undertaking have been
               duly authorised by all necessary corporate action and do not
               contravene the constitution of ACL under any applicable laws or
               regulations. This Undertaking, as


          executed and delivered constitutes legal valid and binding obligations
          of ACL;

     (c)  the execution and delivery of, and the performance of the provisions
          of, this Undertaking does not and will not during the continuance of
          this Undertaking (i) contravene any existing applicable laws,
          ordinance, regulation, decree, instrument, franchise, concession,
          licence or permit, or any order, judgement, decree or award,
          administrative or governmental authority, department or agency
          presently in effect and applicable, or (ii) contravene any contractual
          restrictions binding on ACL or any of its assets, or (iii) cause any
          limit on any of the borrowing, guaranteeing, charging or other powers
          of ACL, or (iv) create or result in or obliged ACL to create any lien,
          charge, security interest or encumbrance on the whole or any part of
          the ACL's property;

     (d)  all necessary governmental and other consents, authorities and
          approvals to execute this Undertaking has been obtained and are in
          full force, validity and effect;

     (e)  no litigation, attribution, administrative or other proceedings
          pending before the court, tribunal, arbitrator or governmental agency
          has been threatened against ACL; and

     (f)  the obligations of ACL under this Undertaking are direct, general, and
          unconditional obligations and rank at least pari passu with all ACL's
          other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated and other

5.   Further Preservation of rights

     Should any purported payment obligation of the Company being the subject of
     this Undertaking be or become wholly or in part invalid or unenforceable on
     any grounds whatsoever, ACL shall nevertheless be liable to the Investors
     in respect of such purported payment obligation or liability as if the same
     were wholly valid and enforceable as the principal debtor in respect
     thereof. ACL hereby agrees to keep each of the Investors fully indemnified
     against all damages, loss, costs and expenses arising from any failure of
     the Company to carry out any of such purported payment obligations.

6.   Miscellaneous

(A)  This Undertaking shall be binding on and for the benefit of each of the
     parties' successor and assign and personal representatives (as the case may
     be) but no assignment may be made of any of the rights obligations
     hereunder of any party without the prior written consent of the other


(B)  This Undertaking may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which
     shall be binding on the party who shall have executed it but which together
     shall constitute one Agreement.

(C)  Notices required to be sent pursuant to this Undertaking must be sent in
     writing to the addresses or facsimile number of the parties contained in
     Clause 9 of the Settlement Agreement.

(D)  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
     laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive
     jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. In relation to any legal action or
     proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Undertaking, ACL has
     irrevocably submitted in the Settlement Agreement to the courts of Hong
     Kong and in relation thereto has appointed an agent for service of process.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF ACL have duly executed this Undertaking the date and year
first above written.


The Common Seal of                 )
was hereunto affixed               )
in the presence of:-               )

SIGNED by                          )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )
in the presence of:-               )

SIGNED by                          )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )
of WARDLEY CHINA                   )
INVESTMENT TRUST                   )
in the presence of:-               )

SIGNED by                          )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )
ASIA LIMITED                       )
in the presence of:-               )

SIGNED by                          )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )
in the presence of:-               )


                                  SCHEDULE 6

                        Form of Deed of Share Mortgage


                         Dated                    1998

                          Extensive Resources Limited


                       Brilliant Future Holdings Limited


                               Deed of Mortgage
                                  relating to
                Shares in Tianjin Development Holdings Limited


                                Chao and Chung
                                   Hong Kong


THIS DEED is made on the      day of              , 1998


(1)  Extensive Resources Limited, a company incorporated in British Virgin
     Islands and having its registered address at P.O. Box 71, Craigmuir
     Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred
     to as the Chargor); and

(2)  Brilliant Future Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in British Virgin
     Islands and having its registered address at the offices of Offshore
     Incorporations Limited, P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road
     Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred to as the


(A)  The Chargor is the beneficial owner of the Mortgaged Shares (as defined

(B)  The Chargor has agreed pursuant to the Settlement Agreement to charge in
     favour of the Chargee the Mortgaged Shares.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:-

1.   Interpretation

1.1  Except as otherwise expressly provided, terms defined in the Settlement
     Agreement shall have the same respective meanings when used in this Deed.

1.2  In this Deed the following expressions shall have the following meanings

     "Disposal" means, any sale, assignment, exchange, transfer, concession,
     loan, lease, surrender of lease, tenancy, licence, direct or indirect
     reservation, waiver, compromise, release, dealing with or in or granting
     of any option, right of first refusal or other right or interest whatsoever
     or any agreement for any of the same and "Dispose" shall be construed

     "Encumbrance" means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien (other than a lien
     arising by statute or operation of law) or other encumbrance, priority or
     security interest, deferred purchase, title retention, leasing, sale-and
     repurchase or sale-and leaseback arrangement whatsoever or in any assets,
     rights or interest of whatsoever nature and includes any agreement for any
     of the same;


          "Mortgaged Shares" means the 1,000,000 shares in the capital of
          Tianjin Development held by the Chargor to be mortgaged hereunder and
          for the time being subject to the charge created hereunder;

          "Settlement Agreement" means and agreement dated [.], 1998 relating to
          the settlement of obligations of the Default Parties; and

          "Tianjin Development" means Tianjin Development Holdings Limited, a
          company incorporated in Hong Kong and listed on The Stock Exchange of
          Hong Kong Limited.

     1.3  In this Deed, unless the context otherwise requires:-

          (a)  words and expressions defined in the Companies Ordinance (Cap.
               32) of the Laws of Hong Kong shall bear the same meanings when
               used herein;

          (b)  references to any statutes or statutory provision shall include
               any statute or statutory provision which amends, replaces or re-
               enacts, or has amended, replaced or re-enacted, it, and vice
               versa, and shall include any statuary instrument, order,
               regulation or other subordinate legislation made thereunder.

          (c)  references to Clauses, paragraphs, Recitals and Schedules are to
               clauses and paragraphs of, and recitals and schedules to, this
               Agreement and reference to sub-clauses are to sub-clauses of the
               clause in which the reference appears;

          (d)  references to a "company' shall be construed so as to include any
               company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and
               however incorporated or established;

          (e)  references to a "person" shall be construed so as to include any
               individual, firm, company, government, state or agency of a
               state, local or municipal authority or government body or any
               joint venture, association or partnership (whether or not having
               separate legal personality); and

          (f)  words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa,
               words importing one gender include every gender.

     2.   Share Mortgage

     2.1  The Chargor as beneficial owner, mortgages and agrees to mortgage to
          the Chargee (as trustee for and on behalf of the Investors) by way of
          first mortgage all of the Mortgaged Shares as continuing security for
          the discharge of such obligations of the Company under the Settlement
          Agreement as shall fall to be


     performed in the period up to 31st March, 1999.

2.2  In furtherance of the security constituted by this Deed the Chargor shall
     deliver to the Chargee the share certificates representing the Mortgaged
     Shares together with duly executed but undated instruments of transfer in
     respect of the Mortgaged Shares in favour of the Chargee and/or its

3.   Covenants

3.1  The Chargor covenants with the Chargee:-

     (a)  to reimburse to the Chargee all costs, charges and expenses which may
          be incurred by it under or arising out of this Deed or in connection
          with the Mortgaged Shares (but excluding any costs, charges and
          expenses incurred by the Chargee in connection with the preparation
          and negotiation of this Deed);

     (b)  at all times to comply in all respects with any law or directive and
          any conditions in relation to this Deed and the Settlement Agreement;

     (c)  on demand made at any time after the security constituted by this Deed
          becomes enforceable, procure that the Mortgaged Shares are transferred
          into and registered in the share register of Tianjin Development in
          the name of the Chargee and/or its nominees.

3.2  The Chargor covenant with the Chargee that it will not create or permit to
     subsist any Encumbrance over or Dispose of the Mortgaged Shares (or the
     equity of redemption in relation to the same) except with the prior consent
     of the Chargee.

4.   Share Rights

4.1  Until the security constituted by this Deed becomes enforceable, the
     Chargor shall be entitled to exercise any voting rights in respect of the
     Mortgaged Shares provided that the Chargor will not exercise, or permit the
     exercise of, voting rights in respect of any of the Mortgaged Shares in
     such manner as will, in the opinion of the Chargee, contravene any of the
     provisions of, or jeopardise any of the security created by this Deed and
     the Settlement Agreement.

4.2  Upon the security constituted by this Deed becoming enforceable the Chargee
     or its nominees may (to the entire exclusion of the Chargor) at any time,
     at the Chargees's discretion, exercise any voting rights in respect of the
     Mortgaged Shares and all the powers given to trustees by Section 11(4) and
     (5) of the Trustee Ordinance (Cap.29) in respect of securities subject to a
     trust and all powers or rights which may be exercised by the person or
     persons in whose name or names the Mortgaged Shares are registered under
     the terms hereof or



43.    The Chargor (or as appropriate his nominee) shall be entitled to retain
       for its own benefit any dividends, distributions or other monies paid
       (and which the Chargee has agreed should be paid) on or in respect of the
       Mortgaged Shares prior to the security constituted by this Deed becoming
       enforceable. All dividends, distributions or other monies paid or payable
       on or in respect of the Mortgaged Shares at any other time or without the
       prior approval of the Chargee, if received by the Chargor or its nominee,
       shall be paid over to (and pending such payment shall be held on trust
       for) the Chargee.

5.     Enforcement

5.1    The Chargee shall be entitled to declare all or any part of the security
       constituted by this Deed enforceable at any time immediately upon the
       breach of any of the obligations of the Company as shall fall to be
       performed in the period up to 31st March, 1999 under the Settlement
       Agreement as the same is certified in writing by the Chargee.

5.2    Upon or at any time after the security constituted by this Deed has
       become enforceable, the Chargee shall have the right, at any time,
       without notice or any other action with respect to the Chargor, to take
       such steps as are necessary to effect a transfer of the Mortgaged Shares
       to itself (and/or its nominees) and/or sell the Mortgaged Shares or any
       of them in such manner, at such price or prices, without being
       responsible for any loss, as the Chargee may at its absolute discretion
       deem expedient, and the Chargee shall not be responsible for any loss
       from or through brokers or others employed in the sale of the Mortgaged
       Shares or for any loss or depreciation in value of any of the Mortgaged
       Shares arising from or through any cause whatsoever. The Chargee shall be
       entitled to reimburse itself out of the proceeds of sale all costs,
       charges and expenses incurred by it in such sale and is authorised to
       apply any net proceeds of the Mortgaged Shares towards payment of the
       outstanding principal and interest due from the Company to the Investors
       under the Settlement Agreement in proportion to the principal amounts of
       the Debentures held by each of the Investors respectively.

5.3    The Chargor agrees that upon any Disposal of the Mortgaged Shares or any
       other rights under this Deed, the Chargee may make or purport to make a
       statement in writing signed by the Chargee that this Deed is enforceable
       and that the power of sale has become exercisable which statement shall
       be conclusive evidence of the fact in favour of any purchaser or other
       person acquiring any of the Mortgaged Shares or other rights and every
       purchaser will take the same free of any rights of the Chargor. The
       Chargor shall indemnify the Chargee against any claims or demands which
       may be made against the Chargee by such purchaser and any liability,
       loss, cost or expense which the Chargee may suffer or incur by reason of
       any defect in the Chargor's title to the Mortgaged Shares.


5.4  the Chargor agrees to waive any right to require that, prior to the
     enforcement of the security constituted by this Deed, proceedings be taken
     against the Chargor so that action be taken to realize the security held
     pursuant to this Deed.

6.   Power of Attorney

6.1  The Chargor, by way of security, irrevocably appoints the Chargee and each
     of its directors, officers and managers for the time being, with full power
     of substitution and delegation, to be his attorney acting singly or
     together and in his name, on his behalf to do all such assurances, acts or
     things as he ought to do under the covenants and provisions contained in
     this Deed and generally in his name and on his behalf to exercise all or
     any of the powers, authorities and discretions conferred by or pursuant to
     this Deed on the Chargee and generally to execute, seal and deliver and
     otherwise perfect any deed, assignment, transfer, assurance, agreement,
     instrument, or act which may in the opinion of the Chargee (or any
     substitute attorney) be required or considered proper, necessary or
     desirable for any of the purposes of this Deed.

6.2  The Chargor ratifies and confirms and agrees to ratify and confirm whatever
     any attorney mentioned in this clause does in the exercise or purported
     exercise of all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions under
     this clause.

7.   Termination

     This Deed shall terminate automatically upon performance of all the
     obligations of the Company under the Settlement Agreement as shall fall to
     be performed in the period up to 31st March, 1999 whereupon the Chargee

     (a)  redeliver to the Chargor the share certificates and instruments of
          transfer in respect of the Mortgaged Shares or the remainder of them
          (if any);

     (b)  generally take such other action as may be reasonably required at the
          cost of the Chargor to release the Chargor from and to discharge this

8.   Indulgence

     This Deed and the rights of the Chargee under it shall not be discharged or
     in any way affected by:-

     (a)  any time, indulgence, waiver or consent at any time given to, or any
          compromise or composition entered into or made with, the Chargor or
          any other person or any other release (conditional or otherwise) of


          Chargor or any other person;

     (b)  any amendment, variation, supplement or notation, to or of the
          Settlement Agreement or any of them (whether or not the change
          effected by such amendment, variation, supplement or notation is

     (c)  any assignment by the Chargee of their rights and obligations under
          the Settlement Agreement;

     (d)  any defect, irregularity or deficiency in any provision of any of the
          Settlement Agreement, or the obligations of any party thereunder being
          or becoming terminated, invalid, illegal or unenforceable at any item
          and/or for any reason (whether or not known to the Subscriber);

     (e)  any party thereto not being bound by the terms of the Settlement
          Agreement, whether as a result of any failure to execute, or any
          deficiency in the execution of, the same or as a result of any defect
          in or insufficiency or want of the necessary powers or any irregular
          or improper exercise thereof, whether or not known to the Chargee or
          for any other reason whatsoever; or

     (f)  the insolvency, bankruptcy, dissolution, winding-up, liquidation,
          amalgamation, reconstruction, reorganization, charge in constitution,
          death or incapacity of the Chargor.

9.   General

9.1  The rights and remedies provided in this Deed are cumulative and not
     exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law or under the Settlement

9.2  Any provision of this Deed may be amended only if the Chargor and the
     Chargee agree in writing.

9.3  (A)  Any notice or other communication given or made under this Agreement
          shall be in writing.

     (B)  Any such notice or other communication shall be addressed as provided
          in sub-clause (C) and, if so addressed, shall be deemed to have been
          duly given or made as follows:-

          (i)  if sent by personally delivery, upon delivery at the address of
               the relevant party;

          (ii) if sent by post, two clear Business Days (if within Hong Kong) or
               7 Business Days (if overseas) after the date of posting;



               (iii) if sent by facsimile, when despatched;

               PROVIDED THAT if, in accordance with the above provisions, any
               such notice or other communication would otherwise be deemed to
               be given or made outside working hours, such notice or other
               communication shall be deemed to be given or made at the start of
               working hours on the next Business Day. "Working hours" means
               9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. on the Business Day.

     (C)  The relevant addressee, address and facsimile number of each party for
          the purposes of this Agreement are:-

          (i)  in the case of the Chargor:-

               Address:       c/o China International Bearing Holdings Limited
                                  19th Floor, First Pacific Bank Centre
                                  51-57 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong

               Facsimile:     (852) 2865 4293
               Attention:     Mr. Billy Kan

          (ii) in the case of the Chargee:-

               Address:       c/o HPEM, 10th Floor, Citibank Tower
                                  3 Garden Road, Hong Kong

               Facsimile:     (852) 2845 9992
               Attention:     Mr. George Raffini/Mr. Brian Law

          or in each case at or to such other address, facsimile number of
          individual as the receiving party may have notified the sending party
          provided that such notification shall only be effective on the date
          specified in the notification as the date on which the change is to
          take place or if no date is specified or the date specified is fewer
          than five clear Business Days after the date on which notice if given,
          the date falling five clear Business Days after notice of any change
          has been given.

     9.4  The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of
          this Deed under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its
          legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other
          jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other

     9.5  This Deed shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
          respective permitted successors, assignees and transferees.


9.6  The Chargor and the Chargee may not assign or transfer any or all of their
     rights or obligations under this Deed.

10.  Law

     This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
     Hong Kong.

AS WITNESS whereof this Deed has been duly executed on the date first above


in the presence of:-                  )

SIGNED BY                             )
FOR AND ON BEHALF OF                  )
in the presence of:-                  )


                                SIGNATURE PAGE

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy           )
duly authorised for and on behalf      )   /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
of CHINA BEARING                       )
HOLDINGS LIMITED                       )
in the presence of:-                   )

 /s/ Desmond Chow
  Desmond Chow
  Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy           )
duly authorised for and on behalf      )   /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
of ASEAN CAPITAL LIMITED               )
in the presence of:-                   )

 /s/ Desmond Chow
  Desmond Chow
  Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy           )
duly authorised for and on behalf      )   /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
of CHINA INTERNATIONAL                 )
in the presence of:-                   )

 /s/ Desmond Chow
  Desmond Chow
  Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy           )
duly authorised for and on behalf      )   /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
of SUNBASE ASIA, INC.                  )
in the presence of:-                   )

 /s/ Desmond Chow
  Desmond Chow
  Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy           )
duly authorised for and on behalf      )   /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
in the presence of:-                   )
 /s/ Desmond Chow
  Desmond Chow
  Hong Kong SAR


SIGNED by Tien-yo Chao, as attorney)
duly authorised for and on behalf  )     /s/ Tien-yo Chao
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Brian Law                )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )     /s/ Brian Law
of WARDLEY CHINA                   )
INVESTMENT TRUST                   )
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Tatsuya Kuroyanagi       )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )     /s/ Tatsuya Kuroyanagi
ASIA LIMITED                       )
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Fabrice Jacob            )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )     /s/ Fabrice Jacob
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR

SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy       )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )     /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
of EXTENSIVE RESOURCES             )
LIMITED                            )
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR


SIGNED by Kan Chi Kin, Billy       )
duly authorised for and on behalf  )
of SUNBASE INTERNATIONAL           )         /s/ Billy Kan Chi Kin
(HOLDINGS) LIMITED                 )
in the presence of:-               )

          /s/ Desmond Chow
            Desmond Chow
            Hong Kong SAR
