- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    Form 8-K


                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): January 7, 2000

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;               IRS Employer
File Number          Address; and Telephone Number               Identification No.
- -----------       -----------------------------------            ------------------
  1-11375                  UNICOM CORPORATION                        36-3961038
                       (an Illinois corporation)
                  37th Floor, 10 South Dearborn Street
                         Post Office Box A-3005
                      Chicago, Illinois 60690-3005
  1-1839              COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY                    36-0938600
                       (an Illinois corporation)
                  37th Floor, 10 South Dearborn Street
                          Post Office Box 767
                      Chicago, Illinois 60690-0767

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 5. Other Events

   Amended Merger Agreement. On September 23, 1999, Unicom Corporation
("Unicom") and PECO Energy Company ("PECO"), issued a joint press release
announcing that they, along with a wholly owned subsidiary of PECO ("Exelon"),
had entered into an Agreement and Plan of Exchange and Merger, dated as of
September 22, 1999 (the "Merger Agreement"). On January 7, 2000, the Agreement
and Plan of Exchange and Merger was amended and restated (the "Amended Merger
Agreement") to: (a) accelerate approximately $1.5 billion of common stock
repurchases of which Unicom intends to repurchase approximately $1.0 billion
(in addition to the 26.3 million shares of Unicom common stock that Unicom
expects to repurchase no later than February 2000 under certain forward
purchase contracts), and PECO intends to repurchase approximately $500 million
(in addition to the 44.0 million shares of PECO common stock that was
purchased in 1999 with proceeds from its 1999 securitization of stranded
costs) and (b) amend the consideration Unicom common shareholders will receive
in the merger to consist of 0.875 shares of Exelon common stock plus $3.00 in
cash per share of Unicom common stock. The dual cash election available to
PECO and Unicom shareholders has been eliminated. The above description of the
Amended Merger Agreement does not purport to be complete and is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the provisions of the Amended Merger Agreement
which is being filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an exhibit
to this Current Report on Form 8-K.

   Unicom is filing this Form 8-K to provide additional information about the
transactions contemplated by the Amended Merger Agreement before Unicom
commences repurchases of shares of its common stock. Nothing contained herein
shall be considered a solicitation of any proxy to approve such transactions.

   Unicom expects that it will commence share repurchases following the filing
hereof and will continue purchasing shares from time to time on the open
market or through negotiated purchases.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

 (b) Pro Forma Financial Information

   Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements. The following
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements have been prepared
to reflect the acquisition of Unicom by PECO under the purchase method of
accounting. The historical consolidated financial statements of Unicom have
been adjusted to give effect to the sale of ComEd's fossil generating plants
and the annualized effects of Unicom's issuance of securitization notes and
related use of proceeds ("Unicom Pro Forma Adjustments"). ComEd completed the
sale of its fossil generating plants during the fourth quarter of 1999. The
historical consolidated financial statements of PECO have been adjusted to
give effect to its use of the remaining proceeds from its securitization of
stranded costs ("PECO Pro Forma Adjustments"). The unaudited pro forma
financial statements do not give effect to the estimated cost savings and
revenue enhancements as a result of the merger or the costs to achieve such
savings and revenue enhancements or one-time merger-related costs. The Unicom
and PECO Pro Forma Adjustments and the merger are reflected in the unaudited
combined condensed pro forma balance sheets as if they occurred on September
30, 1999. The unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of income for
the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and for the year ended December 31,
1998 assume that these transactions were completed on January 1, 1998.

   The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements do not
reflect potential adjustments to Unicom's assets and liabilities to reflect
fair value, as will be required upon consummation of the merger under purchase
accounting. Such adjustments to the book value of assets and liabilities could
be significant, particularly with respect to Unicom's nuclear generating
stations. The fair value of the nuclear generating stations is expected to be
determined considering, among other things, independent appraisals or expected
cash flows. To the extent the fair value of Unicom's nuclear generating
stations is ultimately determined to be less than the September 30, 1999 book
value of $6.9 billion, additional goodwill and/or an identifiable intangible
asset will be recorded.


   The following unaudited pro forma financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated historical financial statements and related
notes of PECO and Unicom, which are included in their respective Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 and Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1999. PECO has provided all the
information included in this Form 8-K regarding PECO and its subsidiaries.
Unicom has provided all the information included in this Form 8-K regarding
Unicom and its subsidiaries. Neither PECO nor Unicom assumes any
responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by
the other party.

   The following unaudited pro forma financial statements are for illustrative
purposes only. They are not necessarily indicative of the financial position
or operating results that would have occurred had these transactions been
completed on January 1, 1998 or September 30, 1999, as assumed above; nor is
the information necessarily indicative of future financial position or
operating results.

   Results of operations and financial position in the first year after
consummation could differ significantly from the unaudited pro forma combined
condensed financial statements, which are based on past operations.

   Future operations will be affected by various factors including operating
performance, energy market developments, and other matters.

   The historical financial statements of PECO included in the accompanying
pro forma combined condensed financial statements for the nine months ended
September 30, 1999 are unaudited. The December 31, 1998 historical financial
statements of PECO and Unicom and the September 30, 1999 historical financial
statements of Unicom were derived from audited financial statements but do not
include all disclosures required by GAAP.

   Forward-looking statements. Except for historical data, the information
contained in this Form 8-K constitutes forward-looking statements. Forward-
looking statements are inherently uncertain and subject to risks and the
statements should be viewed with caution. Actual results or experience could
differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of many
factors, including without limitation, those factors discussed below or
elsewhere in this Form 8-K.

   The forward-looking statements in this Form 8-K include the statements
regarding the estimated number of shares of Unicom common stock to be
purchased by Unicom under the terms of the Amended Merger Agreement; the
estimated number of shares of PECO common stock expected to be purchased under
the terms of the Amended Merger Agreement; the expected source of funds
necessary to provide the cash consideration in the merger and to acquire
Unicom and PECO common stock prior to the closing of the merger.

   These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks
and uncertainties. Factors that may cause actual results to differ from those
indicated by such forward-looking statements include, among others, the

  . The fact that these forward-looking statements are based on information
    of a preliminary nature which may be subject to further and continuing
    review and adjustment,

  . The risk of legislative, regulatory or other governmental action seeking
    to impose additional restrictions on the operations of Unicom or PECO or
    Exelon or to increase the burden of necessary regulatory approvals for
    the merger, or the imposition of unfavorable terms as a condition of
    approval of the merger,

  . The risk of a significant delay in the expected completion of, and
    unexpected consequences resulting from the merger, including the
    inability to close the transaction or unexpected difficulties in
    integrating the operations of the two companies,

  . Changes in the number of shares of outstanding common stock of Unicom and
    PECO for reasons not foreseen at the date hereof,


  . Changes in the amount of proceeds received by the companies from asset
    sales, securitization transactions or other factors affecting the amount
    and timing of receipt of available funds to provide the cash
    consideration for the merger or share repurchases,

  . Future state and federal regulatory and/or legislative initiatives,

  . The development of competition in the utility industry, including;
    legislative and regulatory restructuring initiatives, industry
    restructuring initiatives, transmission system operation, recovery of
    investments made under traditional regulation, nature of competitors
    entering the industry, retail wheeling, new pricing structures and former
    customers entering the generation market,

  . Economic conditions, including inflation rates, generally and in the
    markets served by PECO and Unicom,

  . Trade, monetary, fiscal, taxation and environmental policies of
    governments, agencies and similar organizations in geographic areas where
    PECO or Unicom has a financial interest,

  . Financial or regulatory accounting principles or policies imposed by the
    Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Securities and Exchange
    Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Nuclear
    Regulatory Commission and similar agencies with regulatory oversight,

  . Factors affecting utility and nonutility operations such as unusual
    weather conditions, catastrophic weather-related damage, unscheduled
    generation outages, maintenance or repairs, unanticipated changes to
    fossil fuel, nuclear fuel or gas supply costs or availability due to
    higher demand, shortages, transportation problems or other developments,
    nuclear or environmental incidents, or electric transmission or gas
    pipeline system constraints, all of which may affect revenues and

  . Employee workforce factors, including loss or retirement of key
    executives, collective bargaining agreements with union employees, union
    organizing activities or work stoppages,

  . Nuclear plant operating risks and nuclear regulatory policies and
    procedures, including nuclear decommissioning costs and related funding
    requirements, operating regulations and spent nuclear fuel storage,

  . Cost and other effects of legal and administrative proceedings,
    settlements, investigations and claims,

  . Technology developments resulting in competitive disadvantages and
    creating the potential for impairment of existing assets,

  . Factors associated with unregulated investments, including government
    actions, economic risks, partnership actions, competition, operating
    risks, dependence on certain suppliers and customers, and environmental
    and energy regulations, and

  . Changes in the number of shares of common stock of Unicom and PECO that
    will be repurchased prior to completion of the merger caused by changing
    market prices for those shares or other factors.

   Unicom and PECO make no commitment to disclose any revisions to the
forward-looking statements, or any facts, events or circumstances after the
date hereof that may bear upon the forward-looking statements.


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)


                                                             PECO        PECO
                                                 PECO   Securitization Prior to
                                                  As       ProForma     Merger
                                                Filed   Adjustments(1) ProForma
                                                ------  -------------- --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric..................................... $3,826      $ --        $3,826
  Gas..........................................    357        --           357
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Operating Revenues................... $4,183      $ --        $4,183
                                                ------      -----       ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange.................. $1,739      $ --        $1,739
  Operation and Maintenance....................    964        --           964
  Depreciation and Amortization................    171        --           171
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes................    196        --           196
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Operating Expenses................... $3,070      $ --        $3,070
                                                ------      -----       ------
Operating Income............................... $1,113      $ --        $1,113
                                                ------      -----       ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense............................. $ (296)     $ (17)      $ (313)
  Other, net...................................    (69)        12          (57)
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Other Income and Deductions.......... $ (365)     $  (5)      $ (370)
                                                ------      -----       ------
Income Before Income Taxes and Extraordinary
 Item.......................................... $  748      $  (5)      $  743
Income Tax Expense.............................    278         (2)         276
                                                ------      -----       ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item............... $  470      $  (3)      $  467
                                                ======      =====       ======
Preferred Stock Dividends...................... $   10      $  (2)      $    8
                                                ======      =====       ======
Income Before Extraordinary Item per Share..... $ 2.30
Income Before Extraordinary Item per Share-
 Diluted....................................... $ 2.28
Average Basic Shares Outstanding...............  200.5
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding.............  202.0


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)


                                              UNICOM         UNICOM      UNICOM
                                  UNICOM   Fossil Sale   Securitization Prior to
                                    As       ProForma       ProForma     Merger
                                  Filed   Adjustments(3) Adjustments(4) ProForma
                                  ------  -------------- -------------- --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric......................  $5,308      $ --            $--        $5,308
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Operating Revenues....  $5,308      $ --            $--        $5,308
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange...  $1,216      $ 258           $--        $1,474
  Operation and Maintenance.....   1,788       (183)           --         1,605
  Depreciation and Amortization.     700        (57)            43          686
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes.     407        (14)           --           393
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Operating Expenses....  $4,111      $   4           $ 43       $4,158
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Operating Income................  $1,197      $  (4)          $(43)      $1,150
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense..............  $ (426)     $ --            $ 24       $ (402)
  Preferred and Preference Stock
   Dividends....................     (42)       --              10          (32)
  Other, net....................      52        --               3           55
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Other Income and
     Deductions.................  $ (416)     $ --            $ 37       $ (379)
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Income Before Income Taxes and
 Extraordinary Item.............  $  781      $  (4)          $ (6)      $  771
Income Tax Expense..............     285        --              (6)         279
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item...........................  $  496      $  (4)          $--        $  492
                                  ======      =====           ====       ======
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share......................  $ 2.29
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share--Diluted.............  $ 2.28
Average Basic Shares
 Outstanding....................   217.2
Average Diluted Shares
 Outstanding....................   218.1


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)


                                        PECO    UNICOM
                                      Prior to Prior to   Merger
                                       Merger   Merger   ProForma      Exelon
                                      ProForma ProForma Adjustments   ProForma
                                      -------- -------- -----------   --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric...........................  $3,826   $5,308     $(47)(8)    $9,087
  Gas................................     357      --       --            357
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
    Total Operating Revenues.........  $4,183   $5,308     $(47)       $9,444
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange........  $1,739   $1,474     $(47)(8)    $3,166
  Operation and Maintenance..........     964    1,605      --          2,569
  Depreciation and Amortization......     171      686      (43)(7)       814
  Goodwill Amortization..............     --       --        46 (9)        46
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes......     196      393      --            589
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
    Total Operating Expenses.........  $3,070   $4,158     $(44)       $7,184
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
Operating Income.....................  $1,113   $1,150     $ (3)       $2,260
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense...................  $ (313)  $ (402)    $(27)(11)   $ (742)
  Preferred and Preference Stock
   Dividends.........................     --       (32)     (15)(10)      (47)
  Other, net.........................     (57)      55     $  7 (10)        5
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
    Total Other Income and
     Deductions......................  $ (370)  $ (379)    $(35)       $ (784)
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
Income Before Income Taxes and
 Extraordinary Item..................  $  743   $  771     $(38)       $1,476
Income Tax Expense...................     276      279        6           561
                                       ------   ------     ----        ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item.....  $  467   $  492     $(44)       $  915
                                       ======   ======     ====        ======
Preferred Stock Dividends............  $    8   $  --      $ (8)(10)   $  --
                                       ======   ======     ====        ======
Income Before Extraordinary Item per
 Share...............................                                  $ 2.92
Income Before Extraordinary Item per
 Share--Diluted......................                                  $ 2.90
Average Basic Shares Outstanding.....                                   313.5(6)
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding...                                   315.9


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)

                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                             PECO        PECO
                                                 PECO   Securitization Prior to
                                                  As       ProForma     Merger
                                                Filed   Adjustments(1) ProForma
                                                ------  -------------- --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric..................................... $4,811      $ --        $4,811
  Gas..........................................    399        --           399
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Operating Revenues................... $5,210      $ --        $5,210
                                                ------      -----       ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange.................. $1,752      $ --        $1,752
  Operation and Maintenance....................  1,253        --         1,253
  Depreciation and Amortization................    643        --           643
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes................    279        --           279
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Operating Expenses................... $3,927      $ --        $3,927
                                                ------      -----       ------
Operating Income............................... $1,283      $ --        $1,283
                                                ------      -----       ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense............................. $ (331)     $(108)      $ (439)
  Other, net...................................   (100)        20          (80)
                                                ------      -----       ------
    Total Other Income and Deductions.......... $ (431)     $ (88)      $ (519)
                                                ------      -----       ------
Income Before Income Taxes and Extraordinary
 Item.......................................... $  852      $ (88)      $  764
Income Tax Expense.............................    320        (35)         285
                                                ------      -----       ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item............... $  532      $ (53)      $  479
                                                ======      =====       ======
Preferred Stock Dividends...................... $   13      $  (2)      $   11
                                                ======      =====       ======
Income Before Extraordinary Item per Share..... $ 2.33
Income Before Extraordinary Item per Share--
 Diluted....................................... $ 2.32
Average Basic Shares Outstanding...............  223.2
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding.............  223.9


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)

                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                             UNICOM      UNICOM
                                  UNICOM  UNICOM Fossil  Securitization Prior to
                                    As    Sale ProForma     ProForma     Merger
                                  Filed   Adjustments(3) Adjustments(4) ProForma
                                  ------  -------------- -------------- --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric......................  $7,151      $ --            $--        $7,151
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Operating Revenues....  $7,151      $ --            $--        $7,151
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange...  $1,888      $ 168           $--        $2,056
  Operation and Maintenance.....   2,286       (254)           --         2,032
  Depreciation and Amortization.     943        148              8        1,099
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes.     700        (21)           --           679
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Operating Expenses....  $5,817      $  41           $  8       $5,866
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
  Operating Income..............  $1,334      $ (41)          $ (8)      $1,285
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense..............  $ (464)     $ --            $(63)      $ (527)
  Preferred and Preference Stock
   Dividends....................     (87)       --              74          (13)
  Other, net....................      49        --               4           53
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
    Total Other Income and
     Deductions.................  $ (502)     $ --            $ 15       $ (487)
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Income Before Income Taxes and
 Extraordinary Item.............  $  832      $ (41)          $  7       $  798
Income Tax Expense..............     322        (41)           (26)         255
                                  ------      -----           ----       ------
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item...........................  $  510      $ --            $ 33       $  543
                                  ======      =====           ====       ======
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share......................  $ 2.35
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share--Diluted.............  $ 2.34
Average Basic Shares
 Outstanding....................   216.9
Average Diluted Shares
 Outstanding....................   217.7


                        (Millions Except Per Share Data)

                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                       PECO    UNICOM
                                     Prior to Prior to   Merger
                                      Merger   Merger   ProForma      Exelon
                                     ProForma ProForma Adjustments   ProForma
                                     -------- -------- -----------   --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric.........................   $4,811   $7,151     $ (64)(8)  $11,898
  Gas..............................      399      --        --           399
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
    Total Operating Revenues.......   $5,210   $7,151     $ (64)     $12,297
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange......   $1,752   $2,056     $ (64)(8)  $ 3,744
  Operation and Maintenance........    1,253    2,032       --         3,285
  Depreciation and Amortization....      643    1,099      (203)(7)    1,539
  Goodwill Amortization............      --       --         61 (9)       61
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes....      279      679       --           958
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
    Total Operating Expenses.......   $3,927   $5,866     $(206)     $ 9,587
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
Operating Income...................   $1,283   $1,285     $ 142      $ 2,710
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense.................   $ (439)  $ (527)    $ (36)(11) $(1,002)
  Preferred and Preference Stock
   Dividends.......................      --       (13)      (22)(10)     (35)
  Other, net.......................      (80)      53        11 (10)     (16)
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
    Total Other Income and
     Deductions....................   $ (519)  $ (487)    $ (47)     $(1,053)
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
Income Before Income Taxes and
 Extraordinary Item................   $  764   $  798     $  95      $ 1,657
Income Tax Expense.................      285      255        66          606
                                      ------   ------     -----      -------
Income Before Extraordinary Item...   $  479   $  543     $  29      $ 1,051
                                      ======   ======     =====      =======
Preferred Stock Dividends..........   $   11   $  --      $ (11)(10) $   --
                                      ======   ======     =====      =======
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share.........................                                  $  3.35
Income Before Extraordinary Item
 per Share--Diluted................                                  $  3.34
Average Basic Shares Outstanding...                                    313.5 (6)
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding.                                    314.9


                                 (In Millions)

                            AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

                                                                   PECO        PECO
                                                              Securitization Prior to
                                                      PECO As    ProForma     Merger
                       ASSETS                          Filed  Adjustments(1) ProForma
                       ------                         ------- -------------- --------
Utility Plant
  Plant.............................................. $ 7,623     $ --       $ 7,623
  Accumulated Provision for Depreciation.............   3,063       --         3,063
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 4,560     $ --       $ 4,560
  Nuclear Fuel, net..................................     286       --           286
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 4,846     $ --       $ 4,846
                                                      -------     -----      -------
Current Assets
  Cash and Temporary Cash Investments................ $   642     $(320)     $   322
  Accounts Receivable, net...........................     632       --           632
  Inventories, at average cost.......................     181       --           181
  Other Current Assets...............................      71       --            71
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 1,526     $(320)     $ 1,206
                                                      -------     -----      -------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
  Regulatory Assets.................................. $ 6,056     $ --       $ 6,056
  Investments and Other Property, net................     605       --           605
  Other..............................................     131       --           131
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 6,792     $ --       $ 6,792
                                                      -------     -----      -------
      TOTAL.......................................... $13,164     $(320)     $12,844
                                                      =======     =====      =======

  Common Stock Equity................................ $ 1,873     $(198)     $ 1,675
  Preferred and Preference Stock.....................     194       --           194
  Company Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred
   Securities........................................     128       --           128
  Long-Term Debt.....................................   6,051       --         6,051
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 8,246     $(198)     $ 8,048
                                                      -------     -----      -------
Current Liabilities
  Notes Payable, Bank................................ $   122     $(122)     $   --
  Accounts Payable...................................     373       --           373
  Other Current Liabilities..........................     683       --           683
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 1,178     $(122)     $ 1,056
                                                      -------     -----      -------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes.............................. $ 2,383     $ --       $ 2,383
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credits.................     289       --           289
  Other..............................................   1,068       --         1,068
                                                      -------     -----      -------
                                                      $ 3,740     $ --       $ 3,740
                                                      -------     -----      -------
      TOTAL.......................................... $13,164     $(320)     $12,844
                                                      =======     =====      =======



                            AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

                                                                   UNICOM      UNICOM
                                        UNICOM  UNICOM Fossil  Securitization Prior to
                                          As    Sale ProForma     ProForma     Merger
                ASSETS                   Filed  Adjustments(2) Adjustments(4) ProForma
                ------                  ------- -------------- -------------- --------
Utility Plant
  Plant...............................  $28,501    $(3,645)       $   --      $24,856
  Accumulated Provision for
   Depreciation.......................   15,750     (2,152)           --       13,598
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $12,751    $(1,493)       $   --      $11,258
  Nuclear Fuel, net...................      864        --             --          864
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $13,615    $(1,493)       $   --      $12,122
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
Current Assets
  Cash and Temporary Cash Investments.  $   689    $ 4,632        $  (464)    $ 4,857
  Accounts Receivable, net............    2,072        --            (671)      1,401
  Inventories, at average cost........      374       (138)           --          236
  Other Current Assets................       68        --             --           68
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $ 3,203    $ 4,494        $(1,135)    $ 6,562
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
  Regulatory Assets...................  $ 4,474    $(2,756)       $   --      $ 1,718
  Investments and Other Property, net.    2,693        --             --        2,693
  Other...............................      113        (59)           --           54
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $ 7,280    $(2,815)       $   --      $ 4,465
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
      TOTAL...........................  $24,098    $   186        $(1,135)    $23,149
                                        =======    =======        =======     =======

  Common Stock Equity.................  $ 5,296    $   --         $  (995)    $ 4,301
  Preferred and Preference Stock......        2        --             --            2
  Company Obligated Mandatorily
   Redeemable Preferred Securities....      350        --             --          350
  Long-Term Debt......................    7,196        --            (140)      7,056
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $12,844    $   --         $(1,135)    $11,709
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
Current Liabilities
  Notes Payable, Bank.................  $   449    $   --         $   --      $   449
  Accounts Payable....................      499        --             --          499
  Other Current Liabilities...........    2,004      1,409            --        3,413
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $ 2,952      1,409        $   --      $ 4,361
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes...............  $ 3,720    $(1,239)       $   --      $ 2,481
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credits..      535        (45)           --          490
  Nuclear Decommissioning Liab. For
   Retired Plants.....................    1,267        --             --        1,267
  Other...............................    2,780         61            --        2,841
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
                                        $ 8,302    $(1,223)       $   --      $ 7,079
                                        -------    -------        -------     -------
      TOTAL...........................  $24,098    $   186        $(1,135)    $23,149
                                        =======    =======        =======     =======


                                 (In Millions)

                            AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

                                              PECO    UNICOM
                                            Prior to Prior to   Merger         Exelon
                                             Merger   Merger   ProForma       ProForma
                  ASSETS                    ProForma ProForma Adjustments     Balance
                  ------                    -------- -------- -----------     --------
Utility Plant
  Plant.................................... $ 7,623  $24,856   $(13,598)(7)   $18,881
  Accumulated Provision for Depreciation...   3,063   13,598    (13,598)(7)     3,063
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 4,560  $11,258   $    --        $15,818
  Nuclear Fuel, net........................     286      864        --          1,150
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 4,846  $12,122   $    --        $16,968
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
Current Assets
  Cash and Temporary Cash Investments...... $   322  $ 4,857   $   (300)(5)
                                                                 (1,000)(11)  $ 3,879
  Accounts Receivable, net.................     632    1,401        --          2,033
  Inventories, at average cost.............     181      236        --            417
  Other Current Assets.....................      71       68        --            139
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 1,206  $ 6,562   $ (1,300)      $ 6,468
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
  Regulatory Assets........................ $ 6,056  $ 1,718   $    --        $ 7,774
  Goodwill.................................     --       --       2,432 (7)     2,432
  Investments and Other Property, net......     605    2,693        --          3,298
  Other....................................     131       54        --            185
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 6,792  $ 4,465   $  2,432       $13,689
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
      TOTAL................................ $12,844  $23,149   $  1,132       $37,125
                                            =======  =======   ========       =======

  Common Stock Equity...................... $ 1,675  $ 4,301   $   (500)(5)
                                                                  2,432 (7)   $ 6,408
  Preferred and Preference Stock...........     194        2        --            196
  Company Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable
   Preferred Securities....................     128      350        --            478
  Long-Term Debt...........................   6,051    7,056        500 (11)   13,607
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 8,048  $11,709   $    932       $20,689
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
Current Liabilities
  Notes Payable, Bank...................... $   --   $   449   $    200 (5)   $   649
  Accounts Payable.........................     373      499        --            872
  Other Current Liabilities................     683    3,413        --          4,096
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 1,056  $ 4,361   $    200       $ 5,617
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes.................... $ 2,383  $ 2,481   $    --        $ 4,864
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credits.......     289      490        --            779
  Nuclear Decommissioning Liab. For Retired
   Plants..................................     --     1,267        --          1,267
  Other....................................   1,068    2,841        --          3,909
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
                                            $ 3,740  $ 7,079   $    --        $10,819
                                            -------  -------   --------       -------
      TOTAL................................ $12,844  $23,149   $  1,132       $37,125
                                            =======  =======   ========       =======



   1. Represents the use of the remaining proceeds from the securitization of
stranded costs as follows: (a) repurchased approximately 5.3 million shares of
PECO common stock at a cost of $198 million in October and November 1999 and
(b) repaid $122 million of short-term debt in October and December 1999.

   The effects of the use of proceeds on the pro forma combined condensed
statements of income were as follows:

                                                        Nine Months Ended     Year Ended
                                                        September 30, 1999 December 31, 1998
                                                        ------------------ -----------------
                                                                   (in millions)
      Transition Bond Interest Expense................         $180              $ 240
      Interest Savings Associated with Higher Cost
       Debt that was Repurchased......................          (92)              (132)
      Transition Bond Interest Expense Included in
       Historical Interest Expense....................         (130)               --
      Interest Savings Included in Historical Interest
       Expense........................................           59                --
                                                               ----              -----
                                                               $ 17              $ 108
                                                               ====              =====
      PECO Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred
       Securities ($221 million @ 9%).................         $(15)             $ (20)
      Interest Savings Included in Historical
       Financial Statements...........................            3                --
                                                               ----              -----
                                                               $(12)             $ (20)
                                                               ====              =====
      Preferred Stock Dividends ($37 million @ 6.12%).         $ (2)             $  (2)
                                                               ====              =====

   2. Reflects the accounting impacts related to the December 1999 sale of the
fossil generating plants. The sale is expected to result in an after-tax gain
of approximately $1.6 billion, after settling commitments associated with
certain coal contracts ($350 million), recognition of employee severance costs
($112 million) and funding certain environmental initiatives as required by
Illinois law upon the closing of the sale ($250 million).

   The employee related costs reflect employee severance costs associated with
selling the fossil generating plants. Such costs include certain pension and
post-retirement welfare benefits, transition allowances and retention payments
offered to employees whose positions were eliminated as of the date of the
asset sale in December 1999.

   The gain on the sale was utilized to recover certain regulatory assets and,
as a result, the sale is not expected to have a significant impact on Unicom
net income in 1999. Both the amortization of regulatory assets and the gain on
the fossil sale are reflected on the depreciation and amortization line of the
pro forma income statement.

   3. Reflects the continuing impact of the sale of ComEd's fossil generating

  . Fuel and Energy Interchange: Reflects the elimination of fossil fuel
    expense and the replacement impact of purchasing power under the power
    purchase agreements entered into with the purchaser of the fossil assets
    at the time of the fossil sale, as provided below:

                                            Nine Months Ended     Year Ended
                                            September 30, 1999 December 31, 1998
                                            ------------------ -----------------
                                                       (in millions)
      Fossil Fuel Expense..................       $(509)             $(768)
      Energy Interchange Expense...........         767                936
                                                  -----              -----
      Total................................       $ 258              $ 168
                                                  =====              =====

  . Operation and Maintenance: Reflects the elimination of the fossil
    generating plants operation and maintenance expenses.


    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements--

  . Depreciation and Amortization: For the year ended December 31, 1998,
    depreciation and amortization expense includes the following amounts (in

      Fossil Sale Transaction:
        Amortization of Regulation Assets.............................. $ 2,756
        Amortization of Regulatory Liabilities.........................  (2,713)
      Continuing Impacts:
        Elimination of Fossil Plant Depreciation.......................     (91)
        Additional Amortization of Regulatory Assets...................     196
          Total........................................................ $   148

   Amortization of regulatory liabilities represents the application of the
   gain on the sale of the fossil plants to recover regulatory assets. The
   total pre-tax gain on the fossil sale used to recover regulatory assets
   is $2,756 million, which includes $43 million of Investment Tax Credit
   (ITC) amortization related to fossil plant. The amortization of ITC's is
   reflected in income taxes. The Unicom Fossil Sale Pro forma adjustments
   include increased regulatory asset amortization because those adjustments
   on a prior-to-merger, pro forma basis would result in ComEd's earnings
   exceeding the earnings cap provision of the Illinois Public Utilities

   For the nine-month period ended September 30, 1999, depreciation and
   amortization expense includes the following (in millions):

      Continuing Impacts:
        Elimination of Fossil Plant Depreciation......................... $(57)

  . Taxes Other Than Income Taxes: Reflects the elimination of real estate
    and payroll taxes related to the ownership of the fossil plants.

   The pro forma adjustments do not reflect the income effects of the
reinvestment of cash proceeds received from the fossil sale.

   4. Reflects Unicom's expected obligation to purchase, at prevailing market
prices, approximately 26.3 million shares of Unicom common stock that are
subject to certain forward purchase contracts and are expected to settle no
later than February 2000. Also reflects the use of securitization proceeds to
retire $140 million of long-term debt in October 1999. In addition, reflects
adjustments to net interest expense and preferred and preference stock
dividends related to the use of securitization proceeds. The Unicom
Securitization Pro Forma adjustments include increased regulatory asset
amortization because those adjustments on a prior-to-merger, pro forma basis
would result in ComEd's earnings exceeding the earnings cap provision of the
Illinois Public Utilities Act.

   5. Reflects the payment of the cash portion of the merger consideration to
Unicom common shareholders. PECO's pro forma cash balance as of September 30,
1999 was insufficient to fully fund this cash payment. Accordingly, for pro
forma purposes, it was assumed that PECO would borrow $200 million from its
available revolving credit facility and that this borrowing would be repaid
immediately following the merger. The amount of actual borrowing, if any, at
the time of consummation of the merger will depend on PECO's actual cash
available at that time.

   6. Reflects issuance of Exelon shares in exchange for PECO and Unicom
common stock net of shares which were repurchased by PECO and Unicom as


    Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements--

                                                     PECO    Unicom   Pro Forma
                                                    -------  -------  ---------
                                                        (Shares in 000's)
      Actual shares outstanding at September 30,
       1999.......................................  186,617  217,433       --
      Shares repurchased--Notes (1), (4) and (11).  (17,717) (52,183)      --
                                                    -------  -------
      Remaining shares to be exchanged............  168,900  165,250       --
      Exchange factor.............................      1.0     .875
                                                    -------  -------
      Remaining shares to be exchanged............  168,900  144,600   313,500
                                                    =======  =======   =======

   7. A pro forma adjustment has been made to recognize estimated goodwill in
connection with the merger. The goodwill represents the excess of the purchase
consideration of $5.7 billion, including PECO's estimated transaction costs
resulting from the merger, over the book value of Unicom's assets and
liabilities at September 30, 1999. The adjustment reflects the merger
consideration including approximately 144.6 million shares of Exelon Common
Stock at a price of $35.96 based on the average closing price of PECO Common
Stock between January 4 and 11, 2000, (the most current data available as of
the date of this 8-K filing). PECO's transaction costs of approximately $32.5
million represent the estimated costs to be incurred for the merger that meet
the requirements for inclusion in the purchase price. Actual goodwill recorded
upon consummation will consider the fair value of Unicom's assets and
liabilities at that future date, including the fair value determination of
nuclear generating stations, and may differ significantly from the amount
recorded in these pro forma financial statements. The pro forma adjustment
also relates to the elimination of accumulated depreciation reflected on
Unicom's books in accordance with purchase accounting as prescribed by GAAP.
As a result of the increased merger pro forma common stock equity balance, the
merger pro forma adjustments include a reversal of the increased regulatory
asset amortization related to the Unicom Pro Forma Adjustments discussed in
Notes 3 and 4.

   8. Reflects the elimination of purchased power and off-system sales
transactions between PECO and Unicom.

   9. Reflects amortization of goodwill over a 40-year period.

   10. Reflects the reclassification of PECO preferred stock dividends and
interest on PECO obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities for
consistent presentation.

   11. Reflects the repurchase of approximately $1.0 billion of Unicom's
outstanding common shares and approximately $500 million of PECO's outstanding
common shares prior to closing. PECO's pro forma cash balance as of September
30, 1999 was insufficient to fully fund its repurchase. Accordingly, for pro
forma purposes, it was assumed that PECO would borrow $500 million of long
term debt at an interest rate of approximately 7.25% in order to fund this
transaction. The amount of the borrowing, if any, at the time of consummation
of the merger will depend on PECO's actual cash available at that time.



   Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrants have duly caused this report to be signed on their behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          Unicom Corporation (Registrant)

                                                     Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                     Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                                   Senior Vice President

Date: January 7, 2000

                                          Commonwealth Edison Company

                                                     Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                          By: _________________________________
                                                     Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                                   Senior Vice President

Date: January 7, 2000


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

 Number                           Description of Exhibit
 -------                          ----------------------
 1.       None

 2.1      Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Exchange and Merger, dated
          as of January 7, 2000, among Unicom, PECO and Newco.

 4.       None

 16.      None

 17.      None

 20.      None

 23.      None

 24.      None

 27.      None

 99.      None