Service Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 5th day of August, 1999 by and between Hyundai
Electronics Industries Co. Ltd. ("HEI") having its principal office at San 136-
1, Ami-ri Bubal-cup, Ichon-si, Kyungki-do and ChipPAC Limited (""ChipPAC BVI")
having its principal office at the same address of HEI;

WHEREAS, HEI desires to appoint ChipPAC BVI as its provider of assembly services
for uBGA packages for RDRAM and [redacted*] which HEI will ramp up production
from 1999;

WHEREAS, ChipPAC BVI desires to provide HEI with uBGA packaging services for
RDRAM and [redacted*];

The parties hereto, having consulted, agree to the following.

Article 1      Purposes

     The purpose of the Agreement is to provide for the details necessary for
     HEI to provide the Chips and for ChipPAC BVI to provide HEI with its uBGA
     packaging service to the Chips provided.

Article 2      Packaging Service Equipment

     ChipPAC BVI will invest the capital expenditures to meet HEI's ramp up
     schedule, up to a maximum capacity of [redacted*] RDRAM equivalent units
     per month, subject to HEI's approval. The equipment acquired to provide HEI
     with [redacted*] RDRAM equivalent units ("the Equipment") will be dedicated
     to HEI use.

Article 3      Products

     The semiconductor products ("Products") needed to ChipPAC BVI's packaging
     service under this Agreement shall be listed in Appendix I and the list is
     subject to addition or deletion in accordance with mutual agreement.

Article 4      Order and Purchase of the Products by HEI

     4.1   HEI will ramp up production in 1999 and provide a ramp up schedule
           for 2999 to ChipPAC BVI, which is estimated to be about [redacted*],
           of which [redacted*] units are expected to be [redacted*] and
           [redacted*] in units are to be [redacted*].

     *Confidential treatment requested.

     4.2   HEI commits to purchase [redacted*] RDRAM equivalent uBGA packages
           per month from [redacted*].

     4.3   If HEI does not purchase the number of RDRAM equivalent uBGA packages
           for which ChipPAC BVI has made a capacity commitment to provide
           exclusively to HEI in any one month period between [redacted*], HEI
           shall reimburse ChipPAC BVI for the depreciation for unused capacity
           which had been committed by ChipPAC BVI. The depreciation period for
           the Equipment will be [redacted*] and the calculation of depreciation
           or the Equipment will be made using straight line depreciation with
           no residual value. Any charge for unabsorbed depreciation will be
           reduced by capacity used for other ChipPAC BVI customers. ChipPAC BVI
           will use its best efforts to find customers to utilize such unused

     4.4   The production schedule and purchasing volume commitment time
           prescribed in Article 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 may be changed depending upon
           the introduction schedule of Intel's RDRAM and, in such event, the
           term and other timing parameters of this agreement shall be revised

     4.5   HEI will send ChipPAC BVI a written notice containing HEI's planed
           packaging contract amount for the next three months by 15 days prior
           to the end of each month.

     4.6   ChipPAC BVI shall notify HEI of acceptance of a order within seven
           (7) days from the date of HEI's written order. No response from
           ChipPAC BVI with respect to such order without any special reasons
           hall be regarded as acceptance of an order.

     4.7   HEI shall provide ChipPAC BVI with a rolling 6 month unit forecast.
           These forecasts will be subject to the following limits of accuracy:

           Forecast within one month:             +/- 10%
           Forecast within two months:            +/- 25%
           Forecast within three months:          +/- 50%

           HEI will be financially responsible for inventory and purchase
           commitments for unique

     *Confidential treatment requested.


           material made by ChipPAC BVI ordered on the basis of these forecasts,
           provided that such financial compensation will be limited to the
           amount of the Products which were produced for recent 45 days out of
           the amount of the Product committed to be purchased by HEI under this

Article 5      Purchase Price

     5.1   The committed prices at which HEI will purchase under this Agreement
           are as follows:

           a.  1999:     [redacted*]
           b.  2000:     [redacted*]
           c.  2001:     [redacted*]
           d.  2002:     [redacted*]

           The unit prices of all RDRAM will be set on the basis of [redacted*]
           balls per unit.

     5.2   The purchase price shall be determined by the mutual agreement
           between HEI and ChipPAC BVI considering the market circumstances by
           fifteen (15) days prior to the date when the relevant year commences
           and the determined purchase price will be applied through the year

     5.3   Should no agreement be reached on the purchase price an independent
           accounting firm will be appointed by the consultation of HEI and
           ChipPAC BVI to determine the purchase price and either party shall
           not raise objection to the result thereof.

Article 6      Supply of Chip

     6.1   In case of acceptance of order by ChipPAC BVI, HEI shall provide
           ChipPAC BVI with Chips required for the packaging of relevant
           Products according to the definite order amount.

     6.2   Chips, provided by HEI under Article 6.1 shall be transported by HEI
           or HEI's designated forwarding

     *    Confidential treatment requested.


           agent to ChipPAC BVI's plant on HEI's own responsibility and at its
           own costs thereof.

     6.3   ChipPAC BVI's inspection of Chips provided by HEI shall be pursuant
           to Appendix II "Chip Inspection Specification" agreed to by HEI and
           ChipPAC BVI in advance. ChipPAC BVI shall notify HEI of the
           inspection result within five (5) days from the date of provision of
           Chips by HEI. Failure to notify during the given period shall be
           deemed as acceptance by ChipPAC BVI and ChipPAC BVI shall no longer
           be entitled to claim for defectiveness of Chips.

     6.4   ChipPAC BVI, in principle, shall procure on its own all raw and
           subsidiary materials that are required for packaging, other than
           Chips provided by HEI. Nonetheless, HEI may be entitled to
           instruct ChipPAC BVI to use certain materials or to provide some
           materials to ChipPAC BVI.

Article 7      Packaging Process

     Process for packaging service which ChipPAC BVI shall provide to HEI under
     the Agreement shall be pursuant to Appending III "Process Baseline
     Specification and other related Specification," agreed to by HEI and
     ChipPAC BVI in advance.

Article 8      Required Date and Delivery

     8.1   ChipPAC BVI shall deliver finished Products to HEI within [redacted*]
           in 1999 and within [redacted*] thereafter from the date of the
           provision of Chips (and Schedule) by HEI provided that the said
           period can be changed upon mutual consent of both parties.

     8.2   Packaging methods for Products shall be pursuant to Appendix IV
           "Packaging Specification."

     8.3   Products, provided to HEI by ChipPAC BVI under Article 8.1, shall be
           forwarded to HEI plants or warehouses which HEI designates by ChipPAC
           BVI or ChipPAC BVI's designated forwarding agents on ChipPAC BVI's
           own responsibility and at its own costs thereof.

     *Confidential treatment requested.

     8.4   The waste materials produced during the packaging process shall be
           provided to HEI.

     8.5   the status of the production of the Products and the information on
           the quality of the Products shall be provided to HEI from time to
           time by ChipPAC BVI.

Article 9      Inspection

     9.1   HEI' inspection of Products provided by ChipPAC BVI shall be
           pursuant to Appendix V : Semiconductor Inspection Specification,"
           agreed to by HEI and ChipPAC BVI in advance.

     9.2   HEI shall send ChipPAC BVI a written notice stating the inspection
           result conducted as prescribed in the Article 9.1 within five (5)
           days from the date of delivery of Products. No notice within the
           given period shall be deemed as acceptance by HEI of the provided

Article 10     Payment

     10.1  ChipPAC BVI shall deliver to HEI invoices for the products supplied
           during the relevant month after completing the provision of Product
           to HEI in accordance with the Agreement within five (5) days from
           the end of such month. In case that HEI does not raise any objection
           to such invoice, HEI shall pay ChipPAC BVI the amount within five (5)
           days from the receipt of such invoice.

     10.2  In the event that HEI has opened a letter of credit in consideration
           of selling to its customers the Products which has been provided by
           ChipPAC BVI to HEI, HEI shall, open a domestic letter of credit in
           favor of ChipPAC BVI by the payment date as set forth in Article
           10.1. HEI shall pay cash in US dollar currency or issue a check to
           ChipPAC BVI for the amount not paid by such domestic letter of

     10.3  [redacted*]

     *Confidential treatment requested.


     10.4  All payments to be made pursuant to this agreement shall be made in
           US dollar currency.

Article 11     Compensation to HEI for damages

     11.1  In the event the provision of the Products are not completed within
           the time agreed between the Parties, which is attributable to ChipPAC
           BVI's responsibility, ChipPAC BVI shall pay to HEI the liquidated
           damage per one day of delay equal to [redacted*] of the die cost plus
           assembly cost of the Products.

     11.3  In the event any Product provided to HEI by ChipPAC BVI shall not
           satisfy the target yield rate for each period set forth below, which
           is attributable to ChipPAC BVI's responsibility, ChipPAC BVI shall
           pay to HEI the cost to manufacture the Chips used in the Products
           which did not satisfy the yield rate below.

           a.  [redacted*] within the first quarter from the first ordered date;

           b.  [redacted*] within the second quarter from the end of first

           c.  [redacted*] in the event that the number of the product ChipPAC
               BVI provides is [redacted*] or more per month;

           d.  [redacted*] in the event that the number of the product ChipPAC
               BVI provides is [redacted*] or more month;

     Even in the first or second quarter from the first ordered date, if the
     number of the product ChipPAC BVI provides is [redacted*] or more per month
     or [redacted*] or more per month, the target yield rate of [redacted*] will
     be applicable respectively.

Article 12.    Term

     This Agreement shall be effective upon execution and remain in effect until
     June 30, 2002 and it can be renewed by mutual agreement of both parties.

     *    Confidential treatment requested.

Article 13.    Termination

     13.1  This Agreement can be terminated with just causes by either party and
           either Party who intends to terminate this Agreement shall give a
           written notice to the other Party describing the details on the
           breach of the Agreement which, for HEI, shall be limited to
           deficiencies in quality, delivery, yield or competitive price.

     13.2  Either Party in default will have 30 days (hereinafter the
           "correction period") to put forth corrective action plan from the
           date of receipt of above notice. Unless the breach of either Party in
           default is corrected with the correction period or the extended
           correction period set forth below, the other Party can cancel this
           Agreement by providing 90 days written notice. Provided that ChipPAC
           BVI may ask HEI additional period to correct its breach of contract
           within above period and such correction period can be extended
           ("extended correction period") subject to HEI's consent not to be
           unreasonably withheld.

     13.3  If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article 13,

     13.4  After the transferor ownership of the Equipment to HEI in accordance
           with Article 13.2 and 13.3, HEI will permit the ChipPAC BVI to use
           the Equipment to provide the product with other customers until new
           equipment necessary to provide the ordered products by its customers
           are installed in ChipPAC BVI. In any case, the period for HEI to
           permit ChipPAC BVI to use the Equipment will not exceed [redacted*].

Article 14     Audit on charges for unutilized capacity and materials

     Charges from ChipPAC BVI for [redacted*] and for excess/obsolete material
     purchased for HEI production will be subject to audit by a mutually agreed
     external auditor.

     *Confidential treatment requested.


Article 15     Strategic Relations

     Both parties agree to form strategic relationship to develop next
     generation memory package in which ChipPAC BVI will support future volume.

Article 16     Confidentiality

     16.1  Both parties agree that the contents of this Agreement and certain
           information that each party may supply to the other in the course of
           this Agreement are confidential. Except when it is required for a
           financial audit, or for obtaining financing, or when its disclosure
           is legally required, such as a United States SEC registration
           statement, such confidential information shall not be disclosed to
           third parties without the written consent of the other party. Both
           parties will ensure that information obtained in the course of this
           Agreement will be used only for fulfilling this Agreement, and that
           any employees, consultants, advisors, and financial institutions
           which receive such information are bound by this Article.

     16.2  The obligation for Article 16.1 shall exist during one (1) year after
           the expiation or termination of the Agreement.

Article 17     Force Majeure

     Each party shall not be responsible for failure to perform hereunder due
     to acts of God, national emergency situations, road or port blockades,
     strikes, wars, internal tumult, or force majeure; provided, however, the
     party shall immediately notify of such occurrence to the other party.

Article 18     Others

     18.1  HEI and ChipPAC BVI shall make their best efforts to cooperate with
           each other for the performance of this Agreement.

     18.2  For the matters not provided in this Agreement or the parts where
           there are different opinions for interpretation hereof, both parties
           shall settle them by mutual consultation.

Article 19     Governing Law


     19.1  This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Korea.

     19.2  Any disputes arising in connection with and out of to the Agreement
           shall be submitted to Seoul District Court.

                            *      *      *      *


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Service Agreement on the day
and year first above written.

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.:

San 136-1,. Ami-ri, Bubal-cup, ichon-si, Kyungki-do
Hyundai Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd.
Representative: Young Hwan Kim
Position: Representative Director, President

/s/ Y.H. Kim

ChipPAC Limited
Craigmuir Chambers
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands
Representative: Richard Parsons, for Westlaw Limited
Position: Director

/s/ R. Parsons
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Appendices do not exist.