Exhibit 10.18

                        KEY EXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE PLAN

                             1999 Payout Criteria

                         PAYOUT AS A PERCENT OF SALARY

 Improvement                    CEO          SVP             VP
 -----------                    ---          ---             --
($57,988,000)                   0.0%          0.0%          0.0%
($23,037,000)                  14.5%         11.1%          8.9%
 $11,963,000                   79.5%         61.1%         48.9%
 $11,963,001                  109.5%         84.3%         67.4%
 $46,963,000                  131.2%        100.9%         80.7%

 .    For Financial Improvement in excess of $47 million, the payout increases
     proportionally to the increase from $12 million to $47 million.

 .    The payout is interpolated on a straight line for Financial Improvement not
     shown in the table.

 .    Financial Improvement is measured by calculating the company's economic
     value added.

Economic Value Added  =  Net Operating Profit Before Tax - Capital Charge

Net Operating Profit
Before Tax (NOPBT)*   =  Income from operating assets
                         + Imputed interest of capitalized lease obligations
                         - Amortization of restructuring losses

*  Unusual nonrecurring and nonoperating income or expense items do not affect

Capital Charge        =  Capital x 16%

Capital**             =  Operating Capital
                         +  Imputed capital value of lease obligations
                         -  Gain from the sale of assets
                         +  Unamortized restructuring losses

**   Nonrecurring and nonoperating losses do not affect Operating Capital. There
     may be adjustments to Operating Capital for strategic investments while
     they are under construction and up to two additional years subject to
     approval by the Compensation Committee of the Board.

                         KEY EXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE PLAN

                              2000 Payout Criteria

                         PAYOUT AS A PERCENT OF SALARY

 Improvement                    CEO          SVP             VP
 -----------                    ---          ---             --
($36,651,500)                   0.0%         0.0%           0.0%
($25,000,000)                   7.2%         5.5%           4.4%
 $14,514,000                   80.6%        62.0%          49.6%
 $14,514,001                  107.5%        82.7%          66.2%
 $34,514,000                  129.2%        99.4%          79.5%

 .    For Financial Improvement in excess of $34 million, the payout increases
     proportionally to the increase from $14 million to $34 million.

 .    The payout is interpolated on a straight line for Financial Improvement not
     shown in the table.

 .    Financial Improvement is measured by calculating the company's economic
     value added.

Economic Value Added  =  Net Operating Profit Before Tax - Capital Charge

Net Operating Profit
Before Tax (NOPBT)*   =  Income from operating assets
                         + Imputed interest of capitalized lease obligations
                         - Amortization of restructuring losses

*  Unusual nonrecurring and nonoperating income or expense items do not affect

Capital Charge        =  Capital x 16%

Capital**             =  Operating Capital
                         + Imputed capital value of lease obligations
                         - Gain from the sale of assets
                         + Unamortized restructuring losses

**   Nonrecurring and nonoperating losses do not affect Operating Capital. There
     may be adjustments to Operating Capital for strategic investments while
     they are under construction and up to two additional years subject to
     approval by the Compensation Committee of the Board.