Exhibit (12)
                                                     Commonwealth Edison Company
                                                     Form 10-Q  File No. 1-1839

       Commonwealth Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies Consolidated

              Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                  and Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
             Preferred and Preference Stock Dividend Requirements

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                                                 Twelve Months Ended
Line                                                                                         September 30,   December 31,
 No.                                                                                             2000           1999
- ----                                                                                         -------------   ------------
  1       Net income before extraordinary items                                                $  694,936     $  650,308
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

  2       Net provisions for income taxes and investment tax credits deferred
  3         charged to-
  4           Operations                                                                       $  229,387     $  353,477
  5           Other income                                                                          4,725        (25,544)
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

  6                                                                                            $  234,112     $  327,933
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

  7       Fixed charges-
  8         Interest on debt                                                                   $  522,321     $  567,567
  9         Estimated interest component of nuclear fuel and
 10           other lease payments, rentals and other interest                                     64,217         65,705
 11         Amortization of debt discount, premium and expense                                      9,499         10,083
 12         Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities
 13           dividend requirements of subsidiary trusts holding solely the
 14           Company's subordinated debt securities                                               29,710         29,710
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 15                                                                                            $  625,747     $  673,065
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 16       Preferred and preference stock dividend requirements-
 17         Provisions for preferred and preference stock dividends                            $    6,359     $   23,756
 18         Taxes on income required to meet provisions for
 19           preferred and preference stock dividends                                              4,160         15,543
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 20                                                                                            $   10,519     $   39,299
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 21       Fixed charges and preferred and preference stock
 22         dividend requirements                                                              $  636,266     $  712,364
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 23       Earnings for fixed charges and preferred and preference stock
 24         dividend requirements                                                              $1,554,795     $1,651,306
                                                                                               ----------     ----------

 25       Ratios of earnings to fixed charges (line 24 divided by line 15)                           2.48           2.45
                                                                                                     ====           ====

 26       Ratios of earnings to fixed charges and preferred and preference
 27         stock dividend requirements (line 24 divided by line 22)                                 2.44           2.32
                                                                                                     ====           ====