SCHEDULE 14A

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                          PROXY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO

Filed by the registrant [X]

Filed by a party other than the registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary proxy statement

[_]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-

[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[_]  No fee required.

[X]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         Common Stock, Par Value $.001 per share, of Black Hawk Gaming &
         Development Company, Inc.

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         2,798,900 shares of common stock and 539,667 options to purchase shares
         of common stock.

     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

         The filing fee was determined based upon the sum of (a) the product of
         2,798,900 shares of common stock and the merger consideration of $12.00
         per share and (b) the difference between $12.00 and the exercise price
         per share of common stock of each of the 539,667 shares covered by
         outstanding options. In accordance with Rule 0-11 under the Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the filing fee was determined by
         multiplying the amount calculated pursuant to the preceding sentence by
         1/50 of one percent.

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid herewith:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:


[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount previously paid:


     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:


     (3) Filing Party:


     (4) Date Filed:



                                                                    July 9, 2001

                                                     PRELIMINARY PROXY STATEMENT
                                                              Dated July 9, 2001

                                240 Main Street
                          Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
                                (303) 582-1117

Dear Shareholder:                                             August _____, 2001

     You are cordially invited to attend a special meeting of shareholders of
Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc. to be held at the White Buffalo
Grille, The Lodge Casino, Black Hawk, Colorado on Thursday, August ___, at 10:00
a.m., Mountain Daylight Time.

     At the special meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote upon the
approval of the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of April 25, 2001, by and
among Gameco, Inc., BH Acquisition Corp. and Black Hawk, providing for the
merger of BH Acquisition, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gameco, with and into
Black Hawk with Black Hawk as the surviving corporation.  Pursuant to the merger
agreement, you will be entitled to receive $12 in cash, without interest, for
each of your shares of common stock of Black Hawk.  Gameco is and after the
merger will be controlled by Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Chairman of the Board of
Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Black Hawk.  The accompanying proxy
statement explains the proposed merger and provides specific information
concerning the special meeting.  Please read these materials carefully.

     In light of the conflicting interests of Mr. Jacobs and some of the other
board members, Black Hawk's board of directors formed a special committee of
independent directors to evaluate this merger proposal and other possible
proposals and indications of interest in Black Hawk, and to negotiate the
proposals, including the terms of the merger agreement with Gameco and BH
Acquisition and related agreements.

     The board of directors of Black Hawk, considering among other things the
unanimous recommendation of the special committee, has approved the merger
agreement and determined the merger to be advisable.  Board approval was
unanimous with the exception of Mr. Jacobs, who abstained in light of his
personal interest in the proposed transaction.  The special committee and the
board of directors believe that the terms and provisions of the merger agreement
and the proposed merger are fair to and in the best interests of Black Hawk's
public shareholders (which means the holders of Black Hawk stock other than
Gameco, BH Acquisition and their affiliates).  Therefore, the board of directors
recommends that you vote in favor of the approval of the merger agreement and
the transactions contemplated thereby.  Robertson Stephens, Inc., the special
committee's financial advisor, has provided its written opinion that, as of
April 23, 2001, based on and subject to the limitations, assumptions and
qualifications stated in its opinion, the $12 per share cash consideration to be
received by Black Hawk's public shareholders in the proposed merger was fair to
Black Hawk's public shareholders from a financial point of view.

     The proposed merger is an important decision for Black Hawk and its
shareholders.  The proposed merger cannot occur unless, among other things, the
merger agreement is approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of all outstanding shares of common stock of Black Hawk.  Whether or
not you plan to attend the special meeting, I urge you to sign, date and
promptly return the enclosed proxy card to ensure that your shares will be voted
at the special meeting.  Failure to return an executed proxy card will
constitute, in effect, a vote against approval of the merger agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.

     Your board of directors urges you to consider the enclosed materials
carefully and, based among other things on the recommendation of the special
committee and the board, recommends that you vote "for" approval of the merger
agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.


                                      J. Patrick McDuff
                                      Chairman of the Special Committee
                                      of the Board of Directors

     This transaction has not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and
Exchange Commission or any state securities regulator nor has the Commission or
any state securities regulator passed upon the fairness or merits of the
transaction or upon the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained in
this document.  Any representation to the contrary is unlawful.

     This proxy statement and proxy are being mailed to Black Hawk's
shareholders on or about August ____, 2001.


                                240 Main Street
                          Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
                                (303) 582-1117

                   Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders

                  Date:  August ____, 2001
                  Time:  10:00 a.m., Mountain Daylight Time
                  Place: White Buffalo Grill, The Lodge Casino
                         240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422

     A special meeting of the shareholders of Black Hawk Gaming & Development
Company, Inc. is being held for the following purposes:

     .  To consider and vote upon the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
        April 25, 2001, by and among Gameco, Inc., BH Acquisition Corp. and
        Black Hawk, and the transactions contemplated thereby, including the
        merger of BH Acquisition with and into Black Hawk, with Black Hawk as
        the surviving corporation and with the public shareholders of Black Hawk
        entitled to receive $12 in cash, without interest, for each share of
        Black Hawk's common stock that they own.

     .  To consider any other matter that may properly be brought before the
        special meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     Only shareholders of record on July ____, 2001 are entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the special meeting.  During the ten day period prior to the
special meeting, any shareholder may examine a list of Black Hawk's shareholders
of record, for any purpose related to the special meeting, during ordinary
business hours at the offices of Black Hawk located at 240 Main Street, Black
Hawk, Colorado 80422.

     Shareholders of Black Hawk who do not vote in favor of the merger agreement
will have the right to dissent and to seek appraisal of the fair value of their
shares if the merger is completed and they comply with the procedures under
Colorado law explained in the accompanying proxy statement.

     The merger is described in the accompanying proxy statement, which you are
urged to read carefully.  A copy of the Agreement and Plan of Merger is attached
as Annex A to the accompanying proxy statement.

                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                              Stanley Politano
Black Hawk, Colorado
August ____, 2001

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders...........................................................    i

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE MERGER..............................................................    1

SUMMARY.............................................................................................    4

 The Special Meeting................................................................................    4
 Special Factors....................................................................................    4
 Reasons for Engaging in the Transaction............................................................    4
 Recommendations of the Special Committee and our Board of Directors................................    5
 Opinion of Robertson Stephens......................................................................    5
 Black Hawk's Position as to the Fairness of the Merger.............................................    5
 Interests of our Directors and Executive Officers in the Merger....................................    5
 Primary Benefits and Detriments to Public Shareholders.............................................    6
 The Merger Agreement...............................................................................    6
   The Merger Consideration.........................................................................    6
   Conditions to the Merger.........................................................................    6
   Termination of the Merger Agreement..............................................................    6
   Acquisition Proposals............................................................................    7
   Fees and Expenses................................................................................    7
 Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal....................................................................    8
 Financing of Merger................................................................................    8
 Regulatory Approvals...............................................................................    8
 Accounting Treatment...............................................................................    8
 Tax Treatment......................................................................................    8
 Litigation.........................................................................................    8
 Selected Consolidated Financial Data of Black Hawk.................................................    9

THE PARTIES.........................................................................................   11

 Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.......................................................   11
 Gameco, Inc., BH Acquisition, Inc. and Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd.........................   11
 Colonial Holdings..................................................................................   12
 Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II..........................................................................   13
 Competition and Regulation.........................................................................   13

SPECIAL FACTORS.....................................................................................   14

 Background of the Merger...........................................................................   14
 Recommendation of the Special Committee and Board of Directors; Fairness of the Merger.............   19
   Special Committee................................................................................   19
   Board of Directors of Black Hawk.................................................................   22
 Buyers' Position as to Fairness of the Merger to Public Shareholders...............................   24
 Benefits and Detriments of the Merger..............................................................   25
   To Black Hawk's Public Shareholders..............................................................   25
   To the Buyers and Black Hawk.....................................................................   25
 Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special Committee..............................................   25
   Opinion and Analysis of Robertson Stephens.......................................................   26
   Comparable Companies Analysis....................................................................   28
   Selected Precedent Transactions..................................................................   29
   Premiums Paid Analysis...........................................................................   30
   Discounted Cash Flow Analysis....................................................................   31
   Other Factors....................................................................................   32
 The McDonald Preliminary Draft.....................................................................   33
   Situational Perspective..........................................................................   33
   Valuation Perspective............................................................................   33


   Strategic Alternatives...........................................................................   34
 Prospective financial information of black hawk....................................................   36
 Buyers' Purpose and Reason for the Merger..........................................................   37
 Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger; Certain Relationships..................................   37
   Retained Equity Interest.........................................................................   38
   Stock Options....................................................................................   38
   Directors and Management of the Surviving Corporation............................................   38
   Management Employment Agreements.................................................................   38
   Other Arrangements with Affiliates...............................................................   39
   Directors and Officers Indemnification and Insurance.............................................   39
 Certain Effects of the Merger......................................................................   40
 Plans for Black Hawk after the Merger..............................................................   40
 Conduct of the Business of the Company if the Merger is not Consummated............................   41
 Accounting Treatment...............................................................................   41
 Financing of the Merger............................................................................   41
 Regulatory Requirements; Third Party Consents......................................................   43
 Material Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger.............................................   43
   Sales Treatment for Holders of Common Stock......................................................   44
   Redemption Treatment for Dissenters and Other Shareholders.......................................   44
   Constructive Ownership of Stock and Other Issues.................................................   45
   Section 302 Tests................................................................................   45
   Treatment of Holders of Stock Options............................................................   46
   Backup Withholding...............................................................................   47
 Fees and Expenses..................................................................................   47

INFORMATION CONCERNING THE SPECIAL MEETING..........................................................   48

 Time, Place and Date...............................................................................   48
 Purpose of the Special Meeting.....................................................................   48
 Record Date; Voting at the Meeting; Quorum.........................................................   48
 Required Vote......................................................................................   48
 Voting and Revocation of Proxies...................................................................   49
 Action to be Taken at the Special Meeting..........................................................   49
 Proxy Solicitation.................................................................................   50

THE MERGER AGREEMENT................................................................................   51

 The Merger, Merger Consideration...................................................................   51
 Treatment of Certain Shares Held by the Buyers.....................................................   52
 The Exchange Fund; Payment for Shares of Black Hawk Common Stock...................................   52
 Transfers of Common Stock..........................................................................   53
 Treatment of Stock Options.........................................................................   53
 Conditions.........................................................................................   53
 Representations and Warranties.....................................................................   54
 Covenants..........................................................................................   55
 Termination........................................................................................   58
 Expenses and Fees..................................................................................   59
 Amendment/Waiver...................................................................................   60

THE VOTING AGREEMENTS...............................................................................   61

GAMING APPROVALS AND DELAYED CLOSING................................................................   61

 General............................................................................................   61
 Colorado Gaming Regulations........................................................................   61
 Nevada Gaming Regulations..........................................................................   62
 Louisiana and Virginia Gaming Regulations..........................................................   63
 Possible Delyaed Closing...........................................................................   63


DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL.....................................................................   64

 Right to Dissent...................................................................................   64
 Procedure for Exercise of Dissenters' Rights.......................................................   64
 Disseners' Notice..................................................................................   64
 Procedure to Demand Payment........................................................................   65
 Payment............................................................................................   65
 If Dissenter is Dissatisfied with Offer............................................................   65
 Judicial Appraisal of Shares.......................................................................   66
 Court and Counsel Fees.............................................................................   66

MARKET FOR THE COMMON STOCK.........................................................................   67

 Common Stock Market Price Information; Dividend Information........................................   67
 Common Stock Purchase Information..................................................................   67


DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT............................................................................   70

 Black Hawk.........................................................................................   70
 Gameco and BH Acquisition..........................................................................   72

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS...........................................   73

CERTAIN LITIGATION..................................................................................   74

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS................................................................................   75

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................................................  .75

WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION.................................................................   75

OTHER BUSINESS......................................................................................   75

SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS AND PROPOSALS..................................................................   76

AVAILABLE INFORMATION...............................................................................   76

PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION.....................................................................  F-1

ANNEX A   Agreement and Plan of Merger dated April 25, 2001 by and among Gameco,
          Inc., BH Acquisition, Inc. and Black Hawk Gaming & Development
          Company, Inc.

ANNEX B   Opinion of Robertson Stephens, Inc.

ANNEX C   Sections of the Colorado Business Corporation Act Regarding
          Dissenter's Rights (7-113-101 through 7-113-302)


                               QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE MERGER
Q:  What is the proposed transaction?                      shareholders, and the board of directors has
                                                           accordingly approved the merger agreement and
A:  Gameco will acquire Black Hawk by merging BH           determined the merger to be advisable. Approval of
    Acquisition, a wholly-owned subsidiary of              the board of directors was unanimous with the
    Gameco, into Black Hawk.  As a result of the           exception of Mr. Jacobs who abstained in light of
    merger, Black Hawk will become a wholly-owned          his personal interest in the proposed transaction.
    subsidiary of Gameco.                                  To review the background and reasons for the merger
                                                           in greater detail, see pages _____ to _____.
Q:  Who are Gameco and BH Acquisition?
                                                       Q:  When do you expect the merger to be completed?
A:  Gameco and BH Acquisition were formed in
    connection with the proposed merger by Jeffrey     A:  We are working to complete the merger as
    P. Jacobs, Chairman of the Board of Directors          quickly as possible.  If the merger agreement is
    and Chief Executive Officer of Black Hawk, and         approved and the other conditions to the merger are
    certain of his affiliated entities including           satisfied, we expect to complete the merger shortly
    Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., which            after receiving approval of the Colorado and Nevada
    presently owns 32.3% of Black Hawk's outstanding       gaming authorities, which is expected in November
    common stock.  Diversified and Gameco are owned        or December, 2001.  See "Gaming Approvals and
    beneficially by Mr. Jacobs and Richard E.              Delayed Closing," on pages ____ and ____.
    Jacobs, trustee under the Richard E. Jacobs
    Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated April 23,   Q:  What are the income tax consequences of the
    1987 (the "Trust").  Richard E. Jacobs is              merger to me?
    Jeffrey P. Jacobs' father.  All of Gameco, BH
    Acquisition, Diversified, Jeffrey P. Jacobs and    A:  The cash you receive for your shares generally
    the Trust are referred to herein as the "Buyers."      will be taxable for federal and state income tax
                                                           purposes.  To review a brief description of the
Q:  What will I receive in the merger?                     federal income tax consequences to shareholders,
                                                           see pages ____ to ____.
A:  Shareholders of Black Hawk, other than the
    Buyers and shareholders who dissent and seek       Q:  What conflicts of interest does the board of
    appraisal of the fair value of their shares,           directors have in recommending approval of the
    will be entitled to receive $12 in cash, without       merger agreement?
    interest, for each share of Black Hawk's common
    stock that they own.  If you own stock options     A:  One of the seven members of the board of
    of Black Hawk, you will be entitled to receive,        directors, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, has a conflict of
    for each stock option, the difference between          interest in recommending approval of the merger
    $12 and the exercise price of such stock option.       agreement because he is an equal beneficial owner
                                                           of Gameco along with the Trust.  Another director
Q:  Why is the board of directors recommending             of Black Hawk, Mr. Owendoff, performs legal
    that I vote for the merger?                            services for Mr. Jacobs and his affiliates and was
                                                           nominated to Black Hawk's board by Mr. Jacobs.  A
A:  In the opinion of the board of directors,              third director, Mr. Hughes, worked for Mr. Jacobs
    based upon the unanimous recommendation of the         until about three years ago; he also was nominated
    special committee and other factors described in       to Black Hawk's board by Mr. Jacobs.  A fourth
    this proxy statement, the terms and provisions         board member, Mr.
    of the merger agreement and the proposed merger
    are fair to and in the best interests of Black
    Hawk's public


    Knudsen, has had no direct or material             Q:  What vote is required to approve the merger
    indirect relationship with the Buyers but              agreement?
    was initially nominated to Black Hawk's
    board by Mr. Jacobs three years ago.  A            A:  The holders of a majority of all outstanding
    fifth board member, Mr. Roark, is an                   shares of Black Hawk's common stock must vote to
    executive officer of Black Hawk and may be             approve the merger agreement.  The Buyers currently
    an officer of Black Hawk or Gameco in the              own approximately 32.3% of Black Hawk's common
    future.  In light of the conflicting                   stock and have agreed to vote their shares for the
    interests of Mr. Jacobs and some of the                merger.  Robert D. Greenlee owns approximately
    other board members with Black Hawk's                  11.7% of Black Hawk's common stock and has entered
    public shareholders, the board of directors            into an agreement to vote his shares for the
    formed a special committee of three                    merger.  One director and a member of the special
    independent directors to evaluate the                  committee, Mr. Day, owns approximately 11.5% of
    proposed Merger and the alternatives                   Black Hawk's common stock and has stated that he
    available to Black Hawk and its                        presently intends to vote for the merger.  See "The
    shareholders.  To review the factors                   Voting Agreements" on pages _____ to _____ for more
    considered by the special committee and the            details.
    board of directors in approving the merger
    agreement, see pages _____ to _____.               Q:  What do I need to do now?

Q:  What did the board of directors do to make         A:  Please mark your vote on, sign, date and mail
    sure the price per share I will receive in the         your proxy card in the enclosed return envelope as
    proposed merger is fair to me?                         soon as possible, so that your shares may be
                                                           represented at the special meeting.
A:  The board of directors formed a special
    committee consisting of the three independent      Q:  What rights do I have if I oppose the merger?
    directors to evaluate Black Hawk's alternatives
    and ultimately to negotiate the terms of the       A:  Shareholders who oppose the merger may dissent
    merger agreement with the Buyers.  The special         and seek appraisal of the fair value of their
    committee independently selected and retained          shares (which could be more or less than $12 per
    separate legal and financial advisors to assist        share), but only if they comply with all of the
    in this process, and received an opinion from          procedures under Colorado law explained on pages
    its financial advisor, on which the special            ____ to ____ and in Annex C to this proxy statement.
    committee relied, stating that based on and
    subject to the limitations, assumptions and        Q:  Who can vote on the merger?
    qualifications stated in that opinion, as of
    April 23, 2001, the $12 per share the public       A:  All Black Hawk shareholders of record as of the
    shareholders of Black Hawk will receive in the         close of business on July ____, 2001 will be
    proposed merger was fair to those shareholders         entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the special
    from a financial point of view.                        meeting to approve the merger agreement and the
                                                           transactions contemplated thereby.
Q:  What are the disadvantages to me of merging
    Black Hawk with BH Acquisition?

A:  Following the merger, you will no longer
    benefit from any earnings, expansion,
    diversification or growth of Black Hawk.


Q:  Should I send in my stock certificates now?         Q:  Who can help answer my questions?

A:  No.  After the merger is completed, we will         A:  If you have more questions about the merger or
    send you a transmittal form and written                 would like additional copies of this proxy
    instructions for exchanging your share                  statement, you should contact Stanley Politano,
    certificates for cash.                                  Vice President and Secretary of Black Hawk at (303)
                                                            582-1117, ext. 7254.
Q:  If my shares are held in "street name" by my
    broker, will my broker vote my shares for me?       Q:  What happens if I do not return a proxy card?

A:  Your broker will vote your shares only if you       A:  You may attend the meeting in person and vote
    provide instructions on how to vote.  You should        your shares.  If you do not attend and do not
    follow the directions provided by your broker           return a proxy, your shares will not be counted in
    regarding how to instruct your broker to vote           determining whether a quorum is present for the
    your shares.                                            meeting or for any other purpose.  Since a majority
                                                            of Black Hawk's shares is required to approve the
Q:  May I change my vote after I have mailed my             merger, any failure of a holder to vote his or her
    signed proxy card?                                      shares is, in effect, a vote against the merger.

A:  Yes.  Just send a written revocation or
    another signed proxy card with a later date to
    Corporate Stock Transfer, Inc., Black Hawk's
    transfer agent, before the special meeting or
    simply attend the special meeting and vote in
    person.  Corporate Stock Transfer's address is
    3200 Cherry Creek Drive South, Suite 430,
    Denver, Colorado 80209.

Q:  What other matters will be voted on at the
    special meeting?

A:  We do not expect that any other matter will
    be voted on at the special meeting.



     The following summary highlights selected information contained elsewhere
in this proxy statement. This summary may not contain all of the information
that is important to you, and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed
information contained elsewhere in this proxy statement, including the annexes
to it, and in the documents incorporated by reference. To understand the
proposed merger fully and for a more complete description of the terms of the
proposed merger, you should carefully read this entire proxy statement,
including the annexes to it, and the documents incorporated by reference.

The Special Meeting (see page ___)
     A special meeting of shareholders of Black     approximately 1% of the outstanding shares) in
Hawk will be held at 10:00 a.m., Mountain           favor of the merger agreement.  Assuming that
Daylight Time, on Thursday, August ____, 2001       these parties vote in favor of the merger
at the White Buffalo Grill, The Lodge Casino,       agreement, approval of the merger agreement will
240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado.  At          be assured.  See "Voting Agreements."
the special meeting, you will be asked to
consider and vote on a proposal to approve          Special Factors (see page ____)
the merger agreement described in this proxy
statement.                                              There are a number of factors that you should
                                                    consider in connection with deciding how to vote
     Only Black Hawk shareholders of record at      your shares.  They include:
the close of business on the record date, July
___, 2001, will be entitled to notice of, and           .  the background of the merger;
to vote at, the special meeting.  On the                .  the factors considered by the special committee
record date, there were 4,132,233 shares of                and the board of directors;
common stock outstanding and entitled to one            .  the opinion of the financial advisor to the
vote per share at the special meeting.  Our                special committee;
shares are held by approximately 250                    .  the recommendation of the special committee and
shareholders of record, although there are                 the board of directors;
about 1,600 beneficial owners of our common             .  the purpose and effect of the merger;
stock.                                                  .  the interests of certain persons in the merger;
                                                        .  the financing of the merger; and
     Colorado law requires that the holders of          .  the need for gaming approvals and the
a majority of the outstanding shares of Black              possibility of a delayed closing.
Hawk common stock vote to approve the merger
agreement.  The Buyers currently own                    These factors, in addition to several other
1,333,333 shares of Black Hawk common stock,        factors to be considered in connection with the
representing approximately 32.3% of the             merger, are described in this proxy statement.
outstanding shares of common stock as of the        For a detailed discussion of each of these
record date and have agreed to vote their           factors, see pages _____ to _____.
shares in favor of the merger agreement.  For
a more detailed description of the interests        Reasons for Engaging in the Transaction (see page
of the Buyers, see pages _____ to _____.            _____)

     Robert D. Greenlee, a shareholder who owns         The principal purposes of the merger are to enable
approximately 11.7% of Black Hawk's common          Gameco to acquire all of the shares of common
stock, has agreed to vote all of his shares         stock of Black Hawk and to provide you the
in favor of the merger agreement.  Frank B.         opportunity to receive a cash price for your
Day, a director of Black Hawk and a member of       shares at a significant premium over the market
the special committee, who owns approximately       price at which the common stock traded before our
11.5% of Black Hawk's common stock, has             February 27, 2001 announcement of the Buyers'
stated that he presently intends to vote all        initial merger proposal.  Our board of directors
his shares in favor of the merger agreement.
The executive officers of Black Hawk who are not
Buyers also intend to vote all their shares
(35,203 shares in the aggregate, or


believes that the transaction is fair to and in     the proposed merger.  Robertson Stephens' full
the best interests of our public shareholders.      Black Hawk's opinion is attached as Annex B.

Recommendations of the Special Committee and our    Black Hawk's position as to the Fairness of the Merger
Board of Directors (see page _____)                 (see page _____)

     The special committee of our board of              We believe the merger and the merger consideration
directors, consisting of three independent          to be fair to our public shareholders.  In
directors, was formed to consider and               reaching this determination we considered a number
evaluate Black Hawk's alternatives, including       of factors, including:
the merger.  The special committee has
unanimously approved the merger agreement and
determined that the merger is in the best
interests of Black Hawk and its public
shareholders.  The special committee has            .   the fact that the merger consideration of $12 per
unanimously recommended to our board of                 share represents a substantial premium over the
directors that the board determine that the             $6.56 closing price of our co,,on stock on the
merger is advisable and in the best interests           last full trading day prior to our February 27,
of Black Hawk and our public shareholders and           2001 announcement of the initial offer by Gameco
that the merger consideration is fair to our            and exceeds the historical market prices of Black
public shareholders.  The special committee             Hawk's common stock for the last three years;
has also unanimously recommended that the           .   the fact that Robertson Stephens delivered an
board of directors approve the merger                   opinion to the special committee to the effect
agreement and that the board of directors               that as of April 23, 2001, and based on and
determine to submit the merger to our                   subject to the limitations, assumptions and
shareholders and recommend that our                     qualifications contained in that opinion, the
shareholders vote to adopt the merger                   merger consideration to be received by our public
agreement.  Our board of directors has                  shareholders in the merger was fair to those
determined that the merger is advisable and             shareholders from a financial point of view; and
in the best interests of Black Hawk and our         .   the fact that the merger was unanimously
public shareholders and that merger                     approved and recommended by the special committee
consideration is fair to Black Hawk and our             following their consideration of Black Hawk's
public shareholders.  Accordingly, our board            alternatives and negotiations with the Buyers.
of directors has approved the merger
agreement and recommends that you vote FOR          Interests of our Directors and Executive Officers
the proposal to adopt the merger agreement.         in the Merger (see page _____)

Opinion of Robertson Stephens (see pages _____          In considering the recommendation of our board of
to  _____)                                          directors with respect to the merger agreement and
                                                    the transactions contemplated thereby, you should
     In connection with the merger, the special     be aware that, in addition to the matters
committee considered the opinion of the special     discussed above, some of our executive officers
committee's financial advisor, Robertson Stephens,  and members of our board of directors have various
as to the fairness of the merger consideration to   interests in the merger that are in addition to or
our public shareholders from a financial point of   different from the interests of our shareholders
view. Robertson Stephens delivered its opinion to   generally and that such interests create potential
the special committee on April 23, 2001 that, as    conflicts of interest.
of that date and based on and subject to the
assumptions, limitations and qualifications stated      Our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey
in the opinion, the consideration to be received    P. Jacobs, is the controlling person of the entities
by our public shareholders pursuant to the merger   that are the Buyers.
agreement was fair to those shareholders from a
financial point of view.  Robertson Stephens'
opinion was provided for the information of the
special committee and does not constitute a
recommendation to any shareholder with respect
to any matter relating to


   Our executive officers and directors have                   Conditions to the Merger (See Page_______)
options to purchase common stock.  These options
will become fully vested at the time of the                    A number or conditions must be satisfied
merger.  Our executive officers and directors              before any of Black Hawk, Gameco or BH
will be entitled to receive, for each share                Acquisition is obligated to complete the
covered by their options, an amount in cash                merger, including, among others, the following:
equal to the difference between the $12 per
share merger consideration and the per share               .   the merger must be approved by the holders of
exercise price of the related option. Our                      a majority of the outstanding shares of common
executive officers and directors in the                        stock of Black Hawk;
aggregate hold options to purchase 446,750                 .   the merger must be approved by the Colorado and
shares and the aggregate amount to be paid in                  Nevada Gaming Commissions;
the merger with regard to those options is                 .   there must be no legal or judicial restraint or
$2,730,928.                                                    prohibition preventing completion of the merger;
                                                           .   if applicable, the waiting period prior to
   Our President is also a director and is                     consummation of the merger under the Hart-Scott-
entitled to receive severance payments if,                     Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act shall have
following the merger, his employment is                        expired or been terminated;
terminated under specified circumstances.  It              .   the absence of any occurrence which might reason-
is not presently expected that his employment                  ably be expected to result in a material adverse
will be terminated following the merger.                       effect on Black Hawk; and
                                                           .   holders of not more than 10% of Black Hawk's
   The members of the special committee have                   common stock shall have dissented from the merger
received compensation of $75 per hour (an                      in accordance with the Colorado Business Corporation
aggregate of $14,400 through the date hereof)                  Act
from Black Hawk in connection with serving on
the special committee                                          Other conditions, including compliance with
                                                           representations, warranties and covenants, must be
   Indemnification arrangements and directors'             satisfied by Black Hawk or waived by Gameco and Bh
and officers' liability insurance for our                  Acquisition before either Gameco or BH Acquisition
present and former directors and officers                  is obligated to complete the merger. Similarly,
will be continued by the surviving                         compliance with additional representations, warranties and
corporation after the merger.                              covenants must be satisfied by Gameco and Bh Acquisitions
                                                           or waived by Black Hawk before Black Hawk is obligated to
Primary Benefits and Detriments to Public                  complete the merger.
Shareholders (see page _____)
                                                               Termination of the Merger Agreement (see page_____)
   Our public shareholders will receive a cash
payment for their shares at a premium above                    Black Hawk and Gameco may agree at any time (including
the market price of our shares prior to                    any time after the special meeting but before
announcement of the merger proposal.  After                consummation of the merger) to terminate the merger
the merger, our public shareholders will no                agreement. In addition, the merger agreement may be
longer have an interest in Black Hawk or any               terminated:
of its future earnings growth or increase in
value.                                                     .   by either Black Hawk or Gameco if the merger is not
                                                               completed by December 31, 2001;
The Merger Agreement (see page _____)                      .   by either Black Hawk or Gameco if a court or governmental
                                                               agency or authority issues a non-appealable final ruling
   The Merger Consideration (see page ____)                    permanently restraining or prohibiting the merger;

   If the merger is completed, you will be
entitled to receive $12 per share in cash for
each share of Black Hawk common stock you
own, without interest.


 .  by either Black Hawk or Gameco if the merger            .   enter into another proposal which Black Hawk's
   agreement is not adopted by a majority of all               board of directors, in good faith, has determined
   outstanding shares of Black Hawk or by Gameco if            is reasonably likely to be consummated.
   holders of more than 10% of Black Hawk's common
   stock dissent from the merger;                                 We have agreed to keep Gameco informed of the
 .  by either Black Hawk or Gameco, if (x) there            status of any other proposals and negotiations.
   has been a breach by the other party of any
   representation or warranty contained in the                    Fees and Expenses (see page _____)
   merger agreement, or (y) there has been a breach
   of any of the covenants or agreements set forth                Each party will pay the costs and expenses
   in the merger agreement on the part of the other        incurred by it in connection with the merger and
   party;                                                  the parties will share certain printing costs and
 .  by Black Hawk if, prior to receiving                    filing fees.
   shareholder approval, Black Hawk receives and
   resolves to accept a proposal superior to the                  Black Hawk will pay Gameco a fee of $1 million if:
   merger and pays Gameco the fee described below
   under "Fees and Expenses"; or                           .   prior to obtaining shareholder approval, Black
 .  by Gameco, if the board of directors of Black               Hawk determines to accept a proposal superior to
   Hawk shall have failed to recommend, or shall               the merger and terminates the merger agreement; or
   have withdrawn, modified or amended in any              .   Black Hawk's board of directors fails to
   material respect its approval or recommendation             recommend the merger proposal, or withdraws,
   of, the merger, shall have recommended a                    modifies or amends its recommendation or
   different acquisition proposal, shall have                  recommends a competing proposal; or
   resolved to accept a proposal it deems superior         .   prior to the special meeting a competing
   to the proposed merger, or shall have                       proposal is announced, shareholders do not approve
   recommended to Black Hawk's shareholders that               the merger proposal and the announced proposal is
   they tender their shares in an offer commenced              consummated within 12 months after termination of
   by a third party.                                           the merger agreement.

   Acquisition Proposals (see page _____)                         Gameco will pay Black Hawk a fee of $2 million if
                                                            Gameco either:
   The merger agreement provides that neither
Black Hawk nor any of its representatives may               .  fails to provide prior to the mailing of this
take any action to initiate, solicit,                          proxy statement a letter from U.S. Bancorp Libra
negotiate, encourage or provide confidential                   or other similar lending institution that it is
information to facilitate any proposal                         "highly confident" that it can arrange financing
competing with the merger except as described                  sufficient to fund the merger and related expenses
below.                                                         [to come out in definitive]; or
                                                            .  fails to consummate the merger by 12:00 noon,
   Black Hawk may, prior to receipt of                         Mountain Time on December 31, 2001 if the
shareholder approval of the merger and in                      conditions to Gameco's obligation to close the
response to an unsolicited bona fide written                   merger have been satisfied (other than such
offer which Black Hawk's board of directors                    conditions not satisfied because of a breach of a
determines, in good faith and after                            representation, warranty or covenant of Gameco or
consultation with its independent financial                    BH Acquisition under the merger agreement).
advisor, would reasonably be expected to
result in a transaction more favorable to
Black Hawk's public shareholders than the

 .  furnish confidential or non-public information
   to,  and negotiate with a potential acquirer;
 .  terminate the merger agreement; and


    Any payment by Black Hawk or Gameco of the             Tax Treatment (see pages ____ and ____)
applicable fee described above will
constitute the other party's sole remedy for                   The cash you receive for your shares of our common
the circumstances giving rise to that payment.             stock generally will be taxable for federal and
                                                           state income tax purposes.  Any gain or loss will
Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal (see page _____)           be measured by the difference between $12 per
                                                           share and your tax basis in the shares.
    Any shareholder who does not wish to accept
the $12 per share cash consideration in the                Litigation (see pages ____ and ____)
merger has the right under Colorado law to
have his, her or its shares appraised by a                     Along with our directors, we have been named as a
Colorado state district court.  This "right                defendant in two lawsuits generally alleging that
of appraisal" is subject to a number of                    the merger consideration of $12 is grossly unfair
restrictions and technical  requirements.                  and that we do not have a process to maximize the
Generally, in order to exercise appraisal                  price attainable for the shares of our public
rights, among other things:                                shareholders.  We believe these allegations and
                                                           the suits are without merit and intend to contest
  .  you must not vote in favor of the merger              them vigorously.  We were also recently named in a
     agreement; and                                        suit brought by Central City, Colorado and several
  .  you must make a written demand for appraisal          plaintiffs against the City of Black Hawk and many
     in compliance with Colorado law before the vote       other defendants, including us.  See "Certain
     on the merger agreement.                              Litigation."

    Merely voting against the merger agreement
will not preserve your right of appraisal
under Colorado law.  Annex C to this proxy
statement contains the Colorado statute
relating to your right of appraisal.  Failure
to follow all of the steps required by this
statute will result in the loss of your right
of appraisal.

Financing of Merger (see pages _____ to _____)

    The Buyers anticipate financing for the merger
will be provided by the proceeds of an offering by
Gameco of high-yield senior debt securities.

Regulatory Approvals (see page _____)

    In order to complete the merger, we must
obtain approvals from the Colorado and Nevada
Gaming Commissions, which are expected in
November or December 2001.  See "Gaming
Approvals and Delayed Closing."  We must also
file articles of merger with the Colorado
Secretary of State.

Accounting Treatment (see page _____)

    The merger will be accounted for in accordance
with the purchase method of accounting under
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.


Selected Consolidated Financial Data of Black Hawk

     The following table sets forth selected consolidated financial data for
Black Hawk and its subsidiaries as of and for each of the five years in the
period ended December 31, 2000, and as of and for the quarters ended March 31,
2000 and March 31, 2001. No pro forma data giving effect to the proposed merger
is provided because Black Hawk does not believe such information is material to
shareholders in evaluating the proposed merger since (1) the proposed merger
consideration is all cash and (2) if the proposed merger is completed, the
common stock of Black Hawk would cease to be publicly traded.

     The financial information for Black Hawk as of and for each of the five
years in the period ended December 31, 2000 has been derived from the
consolidated financial statements of Black Hawk which have been audited by our
independent certified public accountants. The financial information for Black
Hawk as of and for the quarters ended March 31, 2000 and March 31, 2001 has been
derived from the unaudited consolidated financial statements of Black Hawk
which, in the opinion of Black Hawk's management, include all adjustments
necessary for a fair presentation of Black Hawk's financial position and results
of operations. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. The
results of operations for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 are not necessarily
indicative of the results that may be achieved for the full year, and cannot be
used to indicate financial performance for the entire year. The following
financial information should be read in conjunction with "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation" and the
Consolidated Financial Statements of Black Hawk and the notes thereto included
in Black Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2000, and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March
31, 2001 which are enclosed with this proxy statement and incorporated by
reference. Also please refer to "Additional Information."


                                                                                                          As of or for the
                                                                                                           Quarter Ended
                                                As of or for the Year Ended December 31,                      March 31,
                                 -------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------------------

                                      2000          1999          1998         1997         1996          2001           2000
                                      ----          ----          ----         ----         ----          ----           ----
Statements of Operations
 Net revenues                    $  86,375,765  $ 86,497,180  $ 49,974,960  $ 1,260,291  $ 1,263,887  $  24,087,213  $ 20,268,221
 Costs and expenses                 72,741,115    72,036,622    42,891,229    1,382,055    1,736,688     19,970,541    15,892,652
 Equity in earnings of
  joint venture                             --            --     1,017,789    2,812,858    2,255,635            --             --
 Net income                          5,460,958     5,422,798     3,212,024    1,706,321    1,046,941     1,396,074      1,800,171
 Net income per common share:
  Basic                                   1.33          1.32           .80          .64          .41           .34            .44
  Diluted                                 1.31          1.30           .75          .48          .39           .33            .44
 Diluted weighted average shares
  outstanding                        4,169,960     4,183,519     4,256,811    3,536,723    2,601,241     4,256,857      4,136,964

Balance Sheet Data:
 Current assets                   $ 10,906,515  $ 12,104,183  $ 12,423,756  $ 1,267,043  $ 5,016,658  $ 16,554,397   $ 13,531,414
 Total assets                       97,476,249   101,079,942   102,062,100   49,303,530   24,523,995   128,193,526    102,010,005
 Current liabilities                11,005,652    11,284,996    11,717,110    3,110,232      620,282    10,780,763     10,435,216
 Convertible note payable
  to shareholder                            --            --            --           --    1,500,000            --             --
 Long-term debt and
  other liabilities                 35,668,544    45,181,108    51,978,057   12,897,174    2,313,145    67,033,058     44,764,248
 Common stock subject to
  put options                               --            --            --           --      137,499            --             --
 Minority interest                   8,739,694     8,115,287     7,541,523    6,704,688    1,793,500     7,178,979      8,501,818
 Shareholders' equity               42,062,359    36,498,551    30,825,410   26,591,436   18,159,569    43,200,726     38,308,723

Other Data:
 Book value per share                    10.19           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A         10.46            N/A
 Ratio of earnings to
  fixed charges                           4.07          2.49           N/A          N/A          N/A          2.19           4.51


                                  THE PARTIES

Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.

     We are an owner, developer and operator of two gaming properties in Black
Hawk, Colorado and an owner and operator of one gaming property in Reno, Nevada.
We own the Gilpin Hotel Casino in Black Hawk, which we developed and have
operated since 1992.  Along with our strategic partner, Jacobs Entertainment
Ltd., an affiliate of Gameco, we developed and co-manage The Lodge Casino at
Black Hawk, a hotel/casino/parking complex completed in the second quarter of
1998.  We own, through a limited liability company, a 75% interest in The Lodge
Casino and affiliates of Jacobs Entertainment own the remaining 25% interest.
On January 4, 2001, we consummated the purchase of the Gold Dust West Casino in
Reno, Nevada, which we now operate through a wholly-owned Nevada subsidiary.  We
refer to the company herein as Black Hawk and the proposed transaction as the
Merger.  More complete information concerning Black Hawk can be found in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, a copy of which
is enclosed with this proxy statement and incorporated herein by this reference.
The principal office and business address of Black Hawk is Post Office Box 21,
240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422.  The business telephone number of
Black Hawk is (303) 582-1117.  For additional information concerning Black Hawk,
see "Where You Can Find More Information" and "Available Information."

Gameco, Inc., BH Acquisition, Inc. and Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd.

     Gameco, Inc. is a Delaware corporation organized by Jeffrey P. Jacobs.
Each of Mr. Jacobs and Richard E. Jacobs, trustee under the Richard E. Jacobs
Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated April 23, 1987 (the "Trust"), owns 50% of
Gameco's common stock.  Richard E. Jacobs is Jeffrey P. Jacobs' father.  Gameco
was formed to own and conduct the business of Black Hawk, which will be a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Gameco following the Merger, and other gaming
interests currently owned by Mr. Jacobs and the Trust, or to be acquired by
Gameco, as described below.  BH Acquisition is a Colorado corporation and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Gameco.  BH Acquisition was organized for the purpose
of effecting the Merger and will be merged with and into Black Hawk.

     Gameco also owns all of the common shares of CD Acquisition, Inc., a
Virginia corporation organized for the purpose of effecting Gameco's anticipated
acquisition of Colonial Holdings, Inc., a Virginia corporation.  Colonial
Holdings owns and operates Colonial Downs Racetrack in New Kent, Virginia and
four satellite wagering facilities in Virginia that provide simulcast pari-
mutuel wagering on thoroughbred and standardbred horse racing.  Gameco, CD
Acquisition and Colonial Holdings have entered into an Agreement and Plan of
Merger dated as of June 11, 2001 with respect to that acquisition.

     None of Gameco, BH Acquisition or CD Acquisition has any material assets,
owns any shares of Black Hawk or Colonial Holdings, or has conducted any
activity except that incident to its formation and in connection with the
Merger, the Colonial Holdings acquisition and the related transactions described
below.  The principal business of the Trust is the investment and management of
the Trust's assets for the benefit of the Trust's beneficiaries.  The business
address of Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Gameco and BH Acquisition is 1001 North U.S.
Highway One, #710, Jupiter, Florida 33477 and their business telephone number is
(561) 575-4006.  The business address of the Trust is 25425 Center Ridge Road,
Cleveland, Ohio 44145 and its business telephone number is (440) 871-4800.

     Immediately prior to the Merger, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, the Trust and Richard
E. Jacobs and entities that they control will transfer to Gameco their direct
and indirect interests in Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., an Ohio limited
liability company, and certain affiliated entities.  The business address and
business telephone number of Diversified are the same as for Gameco.
Diversified owns 1,333,333


shares, or 32.3%, of Black Hawk's outstanding common stock, and together with
those affiliated entities owns BH Entertainment Ltd., an Ohio limited liability
company. BH Entertainment owns a 25% interest in The Lodge Casino and shares
equally with Black Hawk the management fee payable by The Lodge Casino.

     Diversified and those entities also own CD Entertainment Ltd., an Ohio
limited liability company that owns 33% of the Class A voting common stock and
75% of the Class B voting common stock of Colonial Holdings.  In addition,
Diversified owns Jalou L.L.C., a Louisiana limited liability company that
operates four truck stop plazas in Louisiana that feature video gaming devices.
Simultaneously with the transfers described above, the Messrs. Jacobs will
transfer to Gameco their respective 50% interests in Jalou II, Inc., a Louisiana
corporation that also operates a Louisiana truck stop plaza featuring video
gaming devices.

     As a result of these transfers and the consummation of the Merger, Jeffrey
P. Jacobs and the Trust will retain their respective 50% ownership interests in
Gameco.  Black Hawk, Diversified and Jalou II will become wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Gameco, and Jalou L.L.C. will become an indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of Gameco.  While the Buyers expect that Gameco will acquire Colonial
Holdings simultaneously with the consummation of the Merger, that acquisition is
not a condition to consummation of the Merger.  Colonial Holdings will also
become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gameco if and when that acquisition is

     In light of the transfers described above and Gameco's and Diversified's
interests in Colonial Holdings, Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II following consummation
of the merger, certain additional information concerning the operations of
Colonial Holdings, Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II is set forth below.  For financial
information relating to these entities, see "Pro Forma Financial Information" in
this proxy statement.

     Colonial Holdings, Inc.

     Colonial Holdings, formerly Colonial Downs Holdings, Inc., owns and
operates Colonial Downs Racetrack in New Kent, Virginia, which primarily
conducts pari-mutuel wagering on thoroughbred and standardbred horse racing.
Colonial Holdings also owns or leases and operates satellite wagering facilities
in Chesapeake, Richmond, Hampton and Brunswick, Virginia, which provide
simulcast pari-mutuel wagering on thoroughbred and standardbred horse racing
from selected racetracks throughout the United States.  Colonial Holdings sends
its live race signal from the racetrack to out-of-state satellite wagering
facilities and receives race signals from out-of-state racetracks.  In February
2001, Colonial Holdings also began managing the Jalou truck stop plazas
described below.

     Colonial Holdings' revenues consist of:

     .    pari-mutuel commissions from wagering on races broadcast from out-of-
          state racetracks to Colonial Holdings' satellite facilities and the
          racetrack using import simulcasting;
     .    wagering at the racetrack and the satellite facilities on the
          racetrack's live races;
     .    admission fees, program and racing form sales, and certain other
          ancillary activities;
     .    commissions from food and beverage sales and concessions;
     .    fees from wagering at out-of-state locations on races run at the
          racetrack using export simulcasting; and
     .    management fees from the Jalou management activities referred to


     Colonial Holdings is currently subject to the information requirements of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and in accordance therewith files periodic
reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC relating to its
business, financial and other matters.  Additional information regarding
Colonial Holdings can be obtained as described under "Available Information."

     Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II

     Jalou L.L.C. owns and operates the Houma Truck Plaza and Pelican Palace
Casino ("Houma") in Houma, Louisiana, and the Cajun Haven Restaurant in Lake
Charles, Louisiana.  It also is party to an agreement that entitles it to a
portion of the gaming revenues from Cash's Truck Plaza and Casino ("Cash's") in
Lobdell, Louisiana.  Jalou II owns and operates Winner's Choice Casino
("Winner's Choice") in Sulphur, Louisiana.  Houma, Winner's Choice and Cash's
each feature a convenience store, fueling operations, a restaurant, and 50 video
gaming devices.  Cajun Haven is a restaurant serving breakfast and lunch on
weekdays and features three video gaming devices.  These properties produced for
Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II aggregated revenues of $2,163,000 for the period
February 8, 2001 (acquisition date) through March 31, 2001.  See "Pro Forma
Financial Information" in this proxy statement.

     The Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II operations primarily serve a local clientele
that management believes prefers the convenience, small crowds, and unique
settings of these facilities to the experience and atmosphere presented by
large-scale casinos.

     Competition and Regulation

     The Jalou operations, like those of Black Hawk and Colonial, are subject to
substantial competition from other gaming operations of various kinds, including
riverboats, racetracks, and casinos.  Similarly, the Jalou operations, like
those of Black Hawk and Colonial, are subject to extensive regulation and
substantial taxes on their gaming revenue, including a 32.5% state tax on all
gaming revenues.

     For a discussion of the competitive, regulatory and tax considerations
applicable to Black Hawk, see the discussion under the headings "Business -
General Gaming Information," " -- Competition in Colorado," " -- Competition in
Reno, Nevada," " - Gaming Regulation and Licensing in Colorado," " - Nevada
Regulation and Licensing - Nevada," " - Liquor Regulation," and " - Taxation,"
in Black Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000,
a copy of which is enclosed with this proxy statement.


                                SPECIAL FACTORS

Background of the Merger

     Robert D. Greenlee, along with Frank B. Day, provided the original funding
for Black Hawk and acquired his shareholdings in 1992.  Mr. Greenlee was
Chairman of Black Hawk's Board of Directors until 1996 when Mr. Jacobs was added
as Co-Chairman pursuant to the agreements described below.  On November 12,
1996, Black Hawk and Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., an entity owned and
controlled by Jeffrey P. Jacobs, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and
the Trust, entered into several agreements, including:

     .    an agreement under which Diversified ultimately purchased 1,333,333
          shares of Black Hawk's common stock at a price of $5.25 per share;

     .    a shareholders' agreement under which Black Hawk, Diversified, Robert
          D. Greenlee and Frank B. Day, who were then directors and controlling
          persons of Black Hawk, agreed to expand Black Hawk's Board of
          Directors to seven persons, allow Jeffrey P. Jacobs to appoint four
          persons to the Board, submit a staggered Board proposal to
          shareholders at the next annual meeting and appoint Mr. Jacobs as Co-
          Chairman of the Board (with Mr. Greenlee) and elect Mr. Jacobs as
          Black Hawk's Chief Executive Officer. The agreement also provided for
          customary buy-sell rights and rights of first refusal as to Black Hawk
          shares among Black Hawk, Diversified, Mr. Greenlee and Mr. Day;

     .    a master joint venture agreement that obligated each of Black Hawk and
          Diversified to offer to a joint venture to be formed by them any
          gaming opportunity coming to its attention, with Black Hawk having the
          right to own 51% or more of each joint venture and Diversified having
          the right to own up to 49% of each joint venture, which agreement was
          later amended to remove any obligation of Black Hawk to offer any part
          of its opportunities to Diversified; and

     .    agreements relating to the ultimate formation, operation and
          management of The Lodge Casino. Under these agreements, Black Hawk
          owns a 75% interest in The Lodge and Diversified owns the remaining
          25% interest. Black Hawk and Diversified share a management fee on a
          50-50 basis. These arrangements are more fully described in Black
          Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K included with this proxy statement.

     In spite of Black Hawk's profitable operating performance since the date of
these agreements, the price of its common stock in the trading market, the
volume of stock trading activity and its institutional and research following
have all been unsatisfactory, in the view of Black Hawk's management and Board
of Directors.  Many shareholders have also expressed these concerns to Black
Hawk's management.

     Mr. Greenlee resigned all of his positions with Black Hawk in 1998 but
retained his significant shareholdings.  In the spring and summer of 2000, Mr.
Greenlee initiated communications with Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Chairman of Black
Hawk, urging that Black Hawk create a "liquidity event" in order that
shareholders might have the opportunity to realize the value of their shares,
which Mr. Greenlee felt were undervalued in the marketplace.  In early August
2000, Mr. Jacobs discussed purchasing Mr. Greenlee's and Mr. Day's stock at $12
per share with extended closing dates of six months and nine months and subject
to other conditions.  The discussions did not result in an agreement or further
negotiations.  On August 29, 2000, Mr. Greenlee requested an opportunity to
address the Board of Directors to discuss possible means of maximizing and
realizing shareholder value.  On September 8, 2000, Mr. Jacobs


notified Mr. Greenlee that he was welcome to address the Board at its next
regularly scheduled meeting on September 29, 2000.

     At the Board meeting held on September 29, 2000, Mr. Greenlee stated that
he believed Black Hawk's shares to be significantly undervalued in the
marketplace.  He based this on preliminary observations of his investment
banking firm although it did not have enough information to do a comprehensive
analysis.  Mr. Greenlee further stated that in spite of Black Hawk's strong
operating performance and financial condition, it was unlikely that Black Hawk's
stock price would reflect its intrinsic value at any time in the foreseeable
future because of the low number of shares being publicly traded, Black Hawk's
small market capitalization and its lack of any significant institutional or
research interest.  Mr. Greenlee suggested that Black Hawk hire an investment
banker to explore ways to create a liquidity event for shareholders, including
the possible sale of Black Hawk.

     Following Mr. Greenlee's presentation, Mr. Jacobs informed the Board that
he had been considering making an offer to acquire all of the shares of Black
Hawk which he did not already own, but that  his financial advisors had
indicated to him that it would be difficult at that time to arrange financing on
acceptable terms.

     At the September 29, 2000 meeting, the Board considered conducting a self
tender offer for some of its shares to provide some liquidity to shareholders.
The Board instructed management to undertake an analysis of taking that action,
including the possible effects on the market, whether a self tender would
jeopardize Black Hawk's Nasdaq listing because of reduced public float and
whether a self tender would be feasible because it could only be financed with
advances from Black Hawk's revolving credit facility, not from cash reserves as
is usually the source of funding.

     At a Board meeting held on October 20, 2000, the Board determined that the
self tender proposal might not be feasible in light of the considerations set
forth above and because only a relatively small amount of liquidity could be
provided.  The Board decided that an investment banking firm should be engaged
to review strategic alternatives available to Black Hawk, including continuing
to pursue its business plan as an independent public company, conducting a
version of a self tender offer, or possibly undertaking an outright sale of
Black Hawk.

     Mr. Jacobs suggested that Black Hawk consider engaging McDonald
Investments, Inc., a full service investment banking firm and a subsidiary of
Key Corp, a large bank-based financial services company.  Mr. Jacobs disclosed
to the Board that McDonald had advised on other transactions in which Mr.
Jacobs' affiliates had been involved.  On November 8, 2000, McDonald was engaged
to examine strategic alternatives available to Black Hawk and report to the
Board when its work was complete.  Black Hawk issued a press release on that
date announcing McDonald's engagement.

     In a letter dated December 19, 2000, as supplemented by a letter dated
January 11, 2001, Mr. Greenlee demanded a shareholders' list from Black Hawk and
stated that he intended to offer his own slate of three nominees for election to
Black Hawk's Board at its annual meeting of shareholders in 2001.  On January 4,
2001, Mr. Greenlee further demanded that a resolution and supporting statement
be included in Black Hawk's proxy statement for its next annual meeting of
shareholders.  Mr. Greenlee's proposal, which he acknowledged would not be
binding on Black Hawk or the Board even if it were adopted, read as follows:
"To consider and vote upon a shareholder proposal to arrange for the prompt sale
of the Company [Black Hawk] to the highest bidder."  See "Shareholder

     On or about February 5, 2001, McDonald provided the Board with a
preliminary draft of its analyses and valuations, which members of the Board
began to review and consider in preparation for the forthcoming February 26,
2001 Board meeting.  At that meeting, McDonald reviewed its February 5,


2001 draft with the Board. A summary of the conclusions and recommendations
contained in the McDonald draft, including the difficulties of maximizing and
realizing Black Hawk shareholder value by continuing business as a small public
company, is set forth below under "The McDonald Preliminary Draft." At the
meeting, Mr. Jacobs stated that he had engaged U.S. Bancorp Libra, an investment
banking and advisory firm, to assist him in formulating an offer to acquire all
of the shares of Black Hawk not already owned by him and to determine the
feasibility of financing the acquisition in the high yield debt market which had
improved substantially in early 2001. Based on the comfort provided to him by
Libra, Mr. Jacobs presented a term sheet to the Board pursuant to which he
offered to purchase all Black Hawk shares not owned by him for $11 cash per
share. The offer was subject to a financing condition and various other terms
and conditions which are described in detail below under "The Merger Agreement."

     The McDonald draft identified a management or leveraged buy-out as a
feasible strategic alternative available to the Board in attempting to maximize
and realize shareholder value.  The Board determined that because Mr. Jacobs'
offer appeared to be sincere and credible, it was worth pursuing.  It further
determined that in view of the possible conflicts of interest attendant to any
buy-out proposal from an affiliate, it was advisable to form a special committee
of independent members of the Board (the "Special Committee").  The Special
Committee was formed and consists of J. Patrick McDuff, Chairman, and members
Frank B. Day and Timothy Knudsen.  The Special Committee was authorized by the
Board to entertain, analyze, negotiate and recommend (or recommend against) Mr.
Jacobs' offer and to consider other alternatives with a view to maximizing Black
Hawk's shareholder value.  The Special Committee was also authorized to engage a
financial advisory or investment banking firm and legal counsel to advise and
assist it.  The Special Committee began work immediately and conducted
interviews with two large Denver, Colorado law firms, selecting Davis Graham &
Stubbs LLP to represent it.

     Black Hawk issued a press release on February 27, 2001 announcing Mr.
Jacobs' offer of $11 per share.  Later in the same day, a lawsuit captioned
Joseph Brecher v. Timothy Knudsen, Robert H. Hughes, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Stephen
R. Roark, J. Patrick McDuff, Frank B. Day and Black Hawk Gaming & Development
Company, Inc., Case No, 01CV13, was filed in the Colorado District Court, Gilpin
County, Colorado.  On March 1, 2001, another purported class action lawsuit was
filed in the Colorado District Court, County of Gilpin, under the caption Mary
Bonsall v. Black Hawk Gaming & Development Co. [sic], Inc.; Jeffrey P. Jacobs;
Stephen R. Roark; Frank B. Day; J. Patrick McDuff; Robert H. Hughes; Timothy
Knudsen; and Stephen P. Owendoff, Case No. 01-CV-16.  The allegations in both
actions are essentially the same:  that the price offered by the Buyers is
grossly unfair, that Black Hawk does not have in place an adequate process to
achieve the highest price attainable for its shareholders and that the Board is
breaching its fiduciary duties.  The actions seek to enjoin merger, rescind it
if it is consummated and recover unspecified damages, legal fees and costs.  See
"Certain Litigation" for a discussion of both actions.

     During the period from March 1, 2001, to March 12, 2001, the Special
Committee contacted and interviewed seven financial advisory and investment
banking firms, including McDonald.  McDonald was eliminated from the process
after its interview, in part, because the Special Committee believed that
McDonald's previous work for, and relationships with, affiliates of the Buyers
arguably created at least the appearance of a lack of independence.  Moreover,
the Special Committee was aware that Mr. Jacobs had initially recommended
McDonald to conduct the November 2000 report on strategic alternatives and had
some input into the data used in the draft report.  During its deliberations and
review discussed below, the Special Committee and its advisors reviewed and
discussed the McDonald draft, but, because of McDonald's apparent lack of
independence, did not give significant consideration to the conclusions reached
by McDonald in that draft.


     On Monday, March 12, 2001, after much discussion about the relative merits
of the firms that the Special Committee thought were qualified to serve as its
financial advisor, the Special Committee selected Robertson Stephens to serve as
the financial advisor to the Special Committee, and to advise the Special
Committee in connection with Black Hawk's exploration of strategic alternatives
available to it, including a sale or possible business combination.

     A Board of Directors meeting was held on March 13, 2001, at which the
directors were apprised of the lawsuits described above and Black Hawk's
proposed responses and defenses.  The Special Committee reported on the
background and selection of its financial advisor and legal counsel as more
fully described above.  Mr. Jacobs informed the Board that Mr. Greenlee had
called him on March 10, 2001 and indicated that he was considering making a
competing offer.  The Special Committee expressed concern about the financing
condition in Mr. Jacobs' offer.  A representative of U.S. Bancorp Libra was
present by invitation at the meeting and stated that Libra could provide a
letter to the effect that Libra at that time was "highly confident" that
suitable financing could be obtained to complete the proposed Merger.

     From March 15, 2001 to March 20, 2001, Robertson Stephens conducted
preliminary due diligence, including but not limited to visiting the properties
owned by the company in Black Hawk, Colorado, touring competitive sites in the
Black Hawk area, and meeting with Black Hawk management. At the request of the
Special Committee, Robertson Stephens also initiated contacts with a number of
companies to determine if any of those companies might have an interest in a
transaction with Black Hawk.

     During the period March 21 to April 5, 2001, the Special Committee and its
representatives conducted negotiations with the Buyers over the terms of the
proposed Merger Agreement.  On March 21, 2001 and April 5, 2001, the Special
Committee met with its financial and legal advisors for the purposes of, among
other things, reviewing the status of the negotiations with the Buyers and the
interest of other prospective bidders.

     The Board of Directors held a meeting on April 5, 2001 at which the Special
Committee advised the Board of its activities to date.  Mr. McDuff, Chairman of
the Special Committee, informed the Board that Robertson Stephens, the Special
Committee's financial advisor, had identified 26 companies and persons which
might have an interest in a transaction with Black Hawk and had actively
attempted to initiate contact with each of them, offering an executive summary
prepared by Robertson Stephens and Black Hawk which contained relevant, publicly
available financial and other information concerning Black Hawk.  Six of these
companies and persons requested the executive summary.

     On April 9, 2001, the Special Committee received an oral report from
Robertson Stephens.  In this report, Robertson Stephens discussed with the
Special Committee the prospects for maintaining the current ownership and
publicly traded status of Black Hawk, the prospects for alternative
transactions, the status of negotiations with the Buyers, the interaction with
other potential bidders including Mr. Greenlee, and the progress in improving
both the terms and price of the transaction proposed by the Buyers.  Robertson
Stephens also discussed with the Special Committee its views on the valuation of
Black Hawk.

     On April 10, 2001, Mr. Greenlee informed the Special Committee that, based
on his preliminary analysis, he was prepared to offer $12 per share for shares
other than those held by him and members of any participating group that he
might form.  He further stated that any transaction would be subject to various
conditions including completion of due diligence and his ability to obtain
financing necessary for the transaction.


     On April 13, 2001 and April 17, 2001, the Special Committee met with its
legal and financial advisors to discuss the status of the proposal from the
Buyers and Mr. Greenlee's indication of interest and to determine a course of
action with respect to the competing alternatives.  The Special Committee
discussed, among other things, the differences between the two proposals,
including the differences in price, financing, feasibility and terms, and
potential regulatory approvals.  The Special Committee also discussed the status
of communications with other parties that had requested the executive summary.
After much discussion, the Special Committee concluded that, based on the
communications with other potential bidders and the lack of any offers from
those other entities, the Buyers' and Mr. Greenlee's proposals were the most
credible and fully developed and were deserving of the most attention by the
Special Committee and its advisors, by virtue of the greater likelihood of
leading to an outcome that would be advisable for Black Hawk and fair to Black
Hawk's public shareholders.  The Special Committee, however, concluded that it
was still interested in pursuing other communications and considering any
additional offers that might be made.

     At a Board meeting held on April 17, 2001, the Special Committee advised
the Board of its activities to date.  Mr. McDuff stated that the Special
Committee had held a meeting earlier in the day with Robertson Stephens and the
Special Committee's legal counsel to discuss the continuing negotiations with
Mr. Jacobs' counsel and to report that, in addition to Mr. Greenlee, two other
parties had signed confidentiality agreements and had requested due diligence
materials, but had not submitted offers for Black Hawk or otherwise indicated an
interest in pursuing a transaction with Black Hawk.

     Later that day, Mr. Day, acting on behalf of the Special Committee, spoke
separately to Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Greenlee about their respective proposals.
During these discussions, Mr. Greenlee indicated that he would be willing to
enter into a voting agreement with the Buyers to vote in favor the merger
proposed by the Buyers if, among other things, the Buyers increased their offer
to $12 per share. Mr. Jacobs indicated that the Buyers would be willing to
increase their offer to $12 per share if Mr. Greenlee were willing to enter into
a voting agreement to vote in favor of the merger proposed by the Buyers.

     On April 18, 2001, Mr. Day informed the Special Committee about his
discussions with Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Greenlee.  The Special Committee believed
that, assuming the Buyers and Mr. Greenlee could reach an agreement on that
voting agreement, the Merger Agreement proposed by the Buyers, as revised
through negotiations with the Special Committee, represented an offer that was
advisable for Black Hawk, fair to Black Hawk's public shareholders, and suitable
for being recommended to the Board.  Based on this view, the Chairman of the
Special Committee informed Black Hawk that the Special Committee intended to
meet with Robertson Stephens and the Special Committee's legal counsel on the
morning of April 23, 2001 and requested that a full Board meeting be called as
soon thereafter as feasible.

     On April 23, 2001, the Special Committee met telephonically with Mr. Day
and Mr. Knudsen participating.  Mr. McDuff was unable to participate because of
technical problems with international telephone communications.  The Special
Committee's legal and financial advisors provided the Special Committee with an
update on the status of the negotiations with the Buyers and Mr. Greenlee, and
Mr. Greenlee's decision to forego pursuit of his offer in favor of supporting
the Buyers' offer. Immediately after the conclusion of the telephonic meeting,
Mr. McDuff was able to reach counsel to the Special Committee.  Counsel reviewed
for Mr. McDuff the discussions, determinations, approvals, and recommendations
that occurred during the meeting.  Mr. McDuff informed counsel that he concurred
in all of the actions taken by the Special Committee and requested that the
minutes reflect his concurrence.

     Robertson Stephens delivered to the Special Committee its oral opinion,
subsequently confirmed in a written opinion dated as of April 23, 2001, that as
of that date and based on the assumptions made, matters considered and the
limitations on the review undertaken as described in the written opinion, the


$12 per share merger consideration was fair from a financial point of view to
the public shareholders of Black Hawk.  The opinion was premised on the material
terms of the April 20, 2001 draft of the Merger Agreement which were not altered
by the subsequent changes in the Merger Agreement.

     The Special Committee also reviewed the process by which the Buyers' offer,
initially made at $11 per share, was improved over the course of the
negotiations with the Buyers, from $11 to $11.50, from $11.50 to $11.75, and
finally, from $11.75 to $12.  The Special Committee also reviewed the negotiated
improvement in other terms of the proposed transaction, including covenants
relating to the Buyers' efforts to obtain financing and the ability of Black
Hawk to entertain offers that may arise subsequent to the execution of the
Merger Agreement.

     After considering, among other things, these factors and the Robertson
Stephens oral opinion, the Special Committee determined that the merger of BH
Acquisition with and into Black Hawk, with Black Hawk as the surviving
corporation, was in the best interests of Black Hawk and its public shareholders
and that the $12 per share merger consideration was fair to Black Hawk's public
shareholders.  The Special Committee approved the Merger Agreement and
recommended that the Board determine that the Merger is advisable and in the
best interests of Black Hawk and its public shareholders and that the merger
consideration is fair to the public shareholders.  The Special Committee also
recommended that the Board approve the Merger Agreement and determine to submit
the Merger Agreement to Black Hawk's shareholders and recommend that its
shareholders vote to adopt the Merger Agreement.

     The Board of Black Hawk held a meeting the afternoon of April 25, 2001.
The Special Committee discussed the information and oral opinion provided by
Robertson Stephens and the draft Merger Agreement with Gameco.  The Special
Committee also reported that a total of 26 companies and persons (including Mr.
Greenlee) had been contacted by Robertson Stephens to inquire if they had an
interest in acquiring Black Hawk.  The Special Committee reported earlier that
six parties had requested the executive summary and two (including Mr. Greenlee)
had signed confidentiality letters.  The Special Committee and its counsel
addressed several inquiries from the Board of Directors concerning aspects of
the negotiations, the Merger Agreement and the Robertson Stephens' opinion.
Considering, among other things, the recommendation of the Special Committee as
more fully discussed immediately below, the Board of Directors, with Mr. Jacobs
abstaining in light of his personal interest in the proposed transaction,
determined that the Merger and Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated therein were advisable, fair to and in the best interests of Black
Hawk's public shareholders.

Recommendation of the Special Committee and Board of Directors; Fairness of the

   Special Committee

     In recommending approval of the Merger Agreement and the Merger to the full
Board of Directors on April 23, 2001 (as described above), the Special Committee
considered a number of factors that it believed supported its recommendation,

     .    Market Price and Premium. The Special Committee considered the fact
          that the Merger would provide Black Hawk's public shareholders with a
          premium for their shares compared to the market price of Black Hawk's
          common stock because (1) the $12 per share to be received by Black
          Hawk's public shareholders in the Merger would exceed by $3.50 (41%)
          the highest price per share of the Black Hawk common stock as quoted
          by Nasdaq for the 24 months prior to February 26, 2001; and (2) the
          $12 per share represented a 83% premium to the closing sales price of
          the shares of common stock on February 23, 2001, the last day the
          stock traded prior to the public announcement of


          Gameco's proposal; and (3) a 79% premium to the average closing sales
          price for the period between January 1, 1999 and February 23, 2001;

     .    Limitations as a Public Company. The Special Committee considered the
          limitations Black Hawk suffered and could likely continue to suffer as
          a public company, including its limited trading volume, lack of
          institutional sponsorship, low public float, small market
          capitalization, and diminishing research attention from analysts, all
          of which adversely affect the trading market for and the value of
          Black Hawk common stock;

     .    Increasing Competition. The Special Committee considered the
          increasing competition faced by The Lodge Casino and the Gilpin Hotel
          Casino in Black Hawk, Colorado, including the two large casinos that
          opened in Black Hawk in 2000, another large casino that is expected to
          open in late 2001, and another large casino that is in the
          predevelopment stage;

     .    Absence of a Financing Contingency. The Special Committee considered
          the fact that if the Buyers are unable to obtain the financing
          necessary to complete the transaction, the Buyers do not have the
          right to unilaterally terminate the Merger Agreement and that failure
          to obtain that financing would entitle the Company to liquidated
          damages of $2 million;

     .    Differences Between Transaction Value and Public Company Value. The
          Special Committee considered the risks and factors identified above
          which are associated with remaining an independent public company and
          the Special Committee's belief that the proposed transaction values
          Black Hawk's cash flow generation more highly than would the public
          markets for the foreseeable future;

     .    Other Potential Buyers. The Special Committee believed that the length
          of time between the public announcement of the Gameco proposal and the
          date of the Merger Agreement provided a sufficient amount of time
          within which to gauge the level of interest in Black Hawk and to
          permit other potential buyers to come forward. The Special Committee
          also believed, based on the results of Robertson Stephens' discussions
          with other parties who might have an interest in a transaction with
          Black Hawk, that the prospects for a transaction between Black Hawk
          and potential unaffiliated strategic or financial third party buyers
          were limited due to Black Hawk's complex ownership structure and
          management fees pertaining to The Lodge Casino, that it would be
          difficult to attain value through the divestiture of separate Black
          Hawk gaming properties, and that there were limitations on the ability
          of a financial buyer to finance a leveraged buyout of Black Hawk at a
          price materially above the price offered by Gameco. Finally, the
          significant time and expense required to obtain necessary approvals
          from both Colorado and Nevada gaming authorities might constrain or
          greatly limit the interest of some potential buyers;

     .    Presentations of the Financial Advisor. The Special Committee
          considered the presentations of Robertson Stephens at various Special
          Committee meetings and its final presentation at the April 23, 2001
          meeting, including the oral and written opinion of Robertson Stephens
          as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the merger
          consideration to the public shareholders of Black Hawk;

     .    Financial Condition and Operating Prospects. The Special Committee
          considered its knowledge of Black Hawk's business, operations, assets,
          financial condition, operating


          results and prospects, in light of the premium offered under the terms
          of the Merger Agreement, including the lower fourth quarter earnings
          of Black Hawk in calendar year 2000 compared to the prior three
          quarters and to the same quarter in the prior year;

     .    Availability of Dissenters' Rights. The Special Committee considered
          the fact that Colorado law entitles Black Hawk shareholders who object
          to the Merger to dissenters' rights if the Merger is completed;

     .    Form of Merger Consideration. The Special Committee considered the
          fact that the consideration to be received by Black Hawk's
          shareholders in the Merger will consist entirely of cash;

     .    Ability to Entertain Proposals From Other Potential Buyers. The
          Special Committee considered the fact that the Merger Agreement, which
          generally prohibits Black Hawk from entertaining any proposal that
          would compete with the Merger, does permit Black Hawk to consider an
          unsolicited acquisition proposal and to modify or withdraw its
          recommendation of the Merger or recommend an alternative acquisition
          proposal and terminate the Merger Agreement, if the Board determines
          after consultation with its financial advisors that the alternative
          proposal would be more favorable to the Black Hawk shareholders;

     .    Effect of Termination Fee. The Special Committee considered the $1
          million termination fee payable to Gameco if the Merger Agreement is
          terminated because of, among other things, the Board of Directors'
          withdrawal or modification, in a manner adverse to Gameco, of its
          recommendation of the Merger or its recommendation of an alternative
          transaction, or its entry into a definitive agreement for an
          alternative transaction, and determined that the termination fee
          should not unduly discourage superior third-party offers;

     .    Past Performance and Reputation of Buyers. The Special Committee
          considered the past performance and reputation of the Buyers and their
          affiliates in making acquisitions; and

     .    Activities of Mr. Greenlee. The Special Committee considered the fact
          that Mr. Greenlee had agreed to enter into a voting agreement with
          affiliates of Mr. Jacobs to vote his shares in favor of the Merger,
          and had agreed to formally withdraw his offer to acquire Black Hawk
          and that Mr. Greenlee's withdrawal left the Special Committee with one
          offer to consider while making its deliberations.

     The Special Committee also considered a variety of risks and other
potentially negative factors concerning the Merger. These included the

     .    Capitalization of Acquiring Entity. The Special Committee considered
          that Black Hawk's only recourse in the event of a wrongful termination
          or material breach of the Merger Agreement is against Gameco, a
          company without assets; however, this risk is mitigated by the $2
          million letter of credit provided by U.S. Bank National Association to
          Black Hawk to bolster BH Acquisition's obligations to pursue and
          obtain the necessary financing to consummate the Merger;


     .    Taxation of Merger Consideration. The Special Committee considered
          that the cash consideration to be received by the Black Hawk public
          shareholders will be taxable to them;

     .    Loss of Equity Interest. The Special Committee considered the fact
          that if the Merger is consummated, Black Hawk's public shareholders
          will not participate in the future growth of Black Hawk. Because of
          the risks and uncertainties associated with Black Hawk's future
          prospects, the Special Committee concluded that the Merger was
          preferable to preserving for the holders of such stock a speculative
          potential future return; and

     .    Interests of Certain Parties. The Special Committee also recognized
          that the Buyers would have an opportunity, subject to the risks of
          Black Hawk's business, to benefit from any increases in the value of
          Black Hawk following the Merger. The Special Committee recognized that
          this represented a conflict between the interests of the Buyers and
          Black Hawk's public shareholders. The Special Committee was created in
          light of the conflicting interests of the Buyers.

     Federal securities laws require disclosure of whether transaction
participants considered specified factors in evaluating a transaction such as
the Merger.  For the reasons described below, the following factors were not
considered by the Special Committee:

     .    Relationship Between Merger Consideration and Liquidation / Net Book
          Value. The Special Committee did not consider whether the merger
          consideration offered to Black Hawk's public shareholders constitutes
          fair value in relation to the liquidation value or net book value of
          Black Hawk, because these factors are not indicative of the value of
          Black Hawk as a going concern; and

     .    Relationship Between Merger Consideration and Recent Acquisitions of
          Black Hawk Stock. The Special Committee did not consider whether the
          merger consideration offered to Black Hawk's public shareholders
          constitutes fair value in relation to the prices paid by Black Hawk or
          any of the Buyers in connection with purchases of Black Hawk common
          stock by any of such persons during the last two full fiscal years of
          Black Hawk, because no purchases of such kind were made during that

     The foregoing discussion of the information and factors discussed by the
Special Committee is not meant to be exhaustive, but includes the material
factors considered by the Special Committee to support its decision to recommend
the approval of the Merger Agreement and to determine that the transactions
contemplated thereby are in the best interests of Black Hawk and fair to Black
Hawk's public shareholders.  The Special Committee did not assign relative
weights or other quantifiable values to the above factors; rather, the Special
Committee viewed its position and recommendations as being based on the totality
of the information presented to and considered by the members, and that on
balance, the positive factors discussed above outweighed the negative factors
discussed above.

   Board of Directors of Black Hawk

     The Board formed the Special Committee to act solely on behalf of the
public shareholders of Black Hawk for purposes of considering alternatives to
maximize shareholder value and analyzing and negotiating the Merger Agreement
and related matters.  The Special Committee, in turn, retained Robertson
Stephens as its financial advisor and Robertson Stephens provided its opinion to
the Special Committee as to the fairness from a financial point of view of the
merger consideration of $12 cash per


share to Black Hawk's public shareholders as of April 23, 2001, subject to the
limitations, assumptions and qualifications stated therein.

     The Board reviewed each of the factors presented by the Special Committee
as described above and considered the Special Committee's process and actions in
arriving at its recommendation to the Board.  In reaching its determination, the
Board considered the Special Committee's determinations, recommendations,
unanimous approval of the Merger Agreement, and declaration of the Merger
Agreement's advisability.  It also carefully considered the report and fairness
opinion delivered by Robertson Stephens to the Special Committee.  The Board,
however, did not attempt to determine what weight should be given to each of the
factors described above.  The Board gave little, if any, weight to Black Hawk's
net book value or liquidation value since it believes Black Hawk's value as a
going concern is greater and more relevant.  The Board was also aware that
management had given over 50 face to face presentations to brokerage and
investment professionals over the past three years.  These efforts had produced
no new market makers, research or institutional following or any increased
trading activity.  Black Hawk's small market capitalization and low public float
were generally cited as factors making its stock unattractive in the
marketplace, factors not likely to change in the Board's view, in the
foreseeable future.

     Black Hawk is undertaking the transaction with Gameco at this time as a
result of the Special Committee's consideration of the factors outlined above
relating to the limitations on Black Hawk's growth as a public company, its
recent financial performance, the potential impact of competition on its future
prospects, and the long-standing concerns of the entire Board (including the
members of the Special Committee) regarding the continuing depressed price of
Black Hawk's common stock.  The Board also considered the apparent lack of
interest in Black Hawk on the part of third parties, including Mr. Greenlee, who
withdrew his preliminary offer as described above.

     The Board believes that sufficient procedural safeguards to ensure fairness
of the transaction and to permit the Special Committee to effectively represent
the interests of the holders of Black Hawk's  public shareholders were present,
and therefore there was no need to retain any additional unaffiliated
representative to act on behalf of Black Hawk's public shareholders or to
require the approval of at least a majority of Black Hawk's public shareholders.
The Board reached this conclusion in view of:

     .    the independent status of the members of the Special Committee, whose
          sole purpose was to represent the interests of Black Hawk's public
     .    retention by the Special Committee of independent financial advisors
          and legal counsel;
     .    the actions taken by the Special Committee in evaluating Black Hawk's
          other alternatives and in negotiating the price and terms of the
          proposed Merger with the Buyers and their representatives; and
     .    the fact that the Special Committee, even though consisting of
          directors of Black Hawk and therefore not completely unaffiliated with
          Black Hawk, is a mechanism well recognized under corporate law to
          provide for fairness in transactions of this type.

     The Merger Agreement was approved by the five members of Black Hawk's seven
member Board of Directors who are not employees.  Neither Black Hawk nor the
Buyers have made any provision to grant Black Hawk's public shareholders access
to their corporate files or to obtain counsel or appraisal services at their


     The Board believes that the Merger is advisable and is fair to and in the
best interests of Black Hawk and its public shareholders and, based upon the
factors set forth above and on the unanimous recommendation of the Special
Committee, recommends to Black Hawk's public shareholders that they vote FOR
approval of the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.

Buyers' Position as to Fairness of the Merger to Public Shareholders

     The SEC's rules require each of the Buyers to state whether it or he
believes the Merger is fair or unfair to Black Hawk's public shareholders, to
indicate the extent, if any, to which that belief is based on specific factors
enumerated in the rules, and to specify, to the extent practicable, the weight
assigned to each such factor.

     Each of the Buyers believes that the Merger is fair to Black Hawk's public
shareholders based on the factors set forth below, without having quantified or
otherwise assigned relative weights to those factors:

     .    The $12 per share merger consideration represents a premium of:
          .    83% over the closing sales price of Black Hawk's common stock on
               the last trading day before the public announcement of the
               Buyers' proposal to acquire the entire equity interest in Black
          .    82% over the average closing sales price of Black Hawk's common
               stock on the Nasdaq during the 24 months ending on the date of
               that announcement;
          .    66% over the highest closing sales price of Black Hawk's common
               stock on the Nasdaq in calendar 2000;
          .    41% over the highest closing sales price of Black Hawk's common
               stock on the Nasdaq in calendar 1999; and
          .    57% over the average closing sales price of Black Hawk's common
               stock on the Nasdaq during the three-year period ending on the
               date of that announcement.
     .    The $12 per share merger consideration exceeds the per share net book
          value of Black Hawk;
     .    The $12 per share merger consideration is within the range of values
          for Black Hawk set forth in the McDonald preliminary draft;
     .    Robertson Stephens has rendered its opinion to the Special Committee
          that, based on and subject to the limitations, assumptions and
          qualifications stated in the opinion, the $12 per share merger
          consideration is fair, from a financial point of view, to Black Hawk's
          public shareholders;
     .    Black Hawk's Board of Directors took effective steps to ensure the
          procedural fairness of the Merger, including the formation of an
          independent Special Committee to consider Black Hawk's alternatives
          and negotiate solely on behalf of Black Hawk's public shareholders the
          price and terms of any transaction, the Special Committee's retention
          of independent legal and financial advisors, and the Special
          Committee's and its advisors' arm's-length negotiations with the
          Buyers and their advisors of the price and terms of the Merger
          Agreement; and
     .    The Special Committee and the Board of Directors have unanimously
          determined the Merger to be advisable and in the best interests of
          Black Hawk and fair to its public shareholders (with abstention from
          the Board's action only by Jeffrey P. Jacobs, in light of his personal
          interests in the matter).


     None of the Buyers considered Black Hawk's going concern value,
independently of the trading prices of Black Hawk's common stock referred to
above, or Black Hawk's liquidation value, independently of its net book value as
referred to above, as factors material to its or his evaluation of the fairness
of the Merger to Black Hawk's public shareholders.

     None of the Buyers considered the purchase price of Black Hawk's common
stock purchased by any of the Buyers during the past two years, or firm offers
from any nonaffiliate of Black Hawk for a merger with, acquisition of assets
from, or purchase of a controlling equity interest in, Black Hawk during that
period as factors material to its or his evaluation of the fairness of the
Merger to Black Hawk's public shareholders, because no such purchase occurred
and no such offer was made.

     None of the Buyers considered the absence of a requirement that approval of
a majority of Black Hawk's public shareholders be obtained in order to effect
the Merger as a factor detracting from the fairness of the merger, in light of
the procedural fairness measures and other fairness considerations discussed

Benefits and Detriments of the Merger

     To Black Hawk's Public Shareholders

     Black Hawk and the Buyers believe that the primary benefit of the Merger to
Black Hawk's public shareholders is the realization of the value of their
investment in Black Hawk in cash at a price that represents a substantial
premium over current and historical market prices for the Black Hawk common
stock.  In addition, the Merger will eliminate the risk to those shareholders of
a future decline in the market value of Black Hawk's common stock.

     The primary detriment of the Merger to Black Hawk's public shareholders is
that they will cease to participate in any future earnings growth of Black Hawk
and to benefit from any increase in Black Hawk's value.  In addition, each of
Black Hawk's public shareholders will recognize a taxable gain on consummation
of the Merger if and to the extent that the amount of cash he, she or it
receives in the Merger exceeds his, her or its tax basis in his, her or its
Black Hawk common stock.

     To the Buyers and Black Hawk

     The primary benefit to the Buyers of the Merger is that they will
participate in all of any future earnings growth of Black Hawk and will benefit
from all of any increase in Black Hawk's value. The Buyers believe that Black
Hawk will benefit from the Merger by gaining more operating flexibility, because
it will no longer need to focus on the public trading market's quarterly
earnings expectations, and by reducing its operating and administrative costs
because of the elimination of its public reporting obligations.

     The primary detriments of the Merger to the Buyers and Black Hawk are the
cash outlay and associated debt burden required to pay the merger consideration,
and diminution of Black Hawk's ability to use Black Hawk common stock as
currency for acquisitions, substantial capital-raising efforts and incentive
option purposes.

Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special Committee

     The Special Committee engaged Robertson Stephens to provide financial
advisory and investment banking services to the Special Committee in connection
with Black Hawk's exploration of various strategic alternatives available to it,
including a possible sale or business combination.  Pursuant


to its engagement, Robertson Stephens rendered an opinion as to the fairness
from a financial point of view of the consideration to be received in the Merger
by shareholders of Black Hawk, other than Gameco, BH Acquisition, any other
affiliates of the Buyers and any members of management of Black Hawk who may
receive an ownership interest in Gameco (the shareholders, excluding such
persons, being referred to in the Robertson Stephens opinion as the
"Shareholders of the Company"). See Annex B for a copy of the full opinion.

     On April 23, 2001, at a meeting of the Special Committee held to evaluate
the proposed merger, Robertson Stephens delivered to the Special Committee its
oral opinion, subsequently confirmed in a written opinion dated as of April 23,
2001, that as of that date and based on the assumptions made, matters considered
and the limitations on the review undertaken described in the written opinion,
the merger consideration to be paid in connection with the Merger was fair from
a financial point of view to the Shareholders of the Company.

     You should consider the following when reading the discussion of the
opinion of Robertson Stephens in this document:

     .    We urge you to read carefully the entire opinion of Robertson
          Stephens, which is set forth in Annex B to this proxy statement and is
          incorporated by reference herein. The following description of the
          Robertson Stephens opinion is qualified by reference to the full
          opinion. The full opinion sets forth, among other things, the
          assumptions made, the matters considered and the limitations on the
          review undertaken by Robertson Stephens.

     .    The Robertson Stephens opinion was prepared for the information of the
          Special Committee in connection with its evaluation of the Merger and
          does not constitute a recommendation to the shareholders of Black Hawk
          as to how they should vote, or take any other action, with respect to
          the Merger.

     .    The Robertson Stephens opinion did not address the relative merits of
          the Merger and the other business strategies that Black Hawk's Board
          of Directors has considered or may be considering, nor does it address
          the decision of the Special Committee or Black Hawk's Board to proceed
          with the Merger.

     .    The Robertson Stephens opinion was necessarily based upon market,
          economic and other conditions that were in effect on, and information
          made available to Robertson Stephens as of, the date of the opinion.
          You should understand that subsequent developments may affect the
          conclusion expressed in the Robertson Stephens opinion, and that
          Robertson Stephens disclaims any undertaking or obligation to advise
          any person of any change in any matter affecting its opinion which may
          come or be brought to Robertson Stephens' attention after the date of
          its opinion.

     .    The Robertson Stephens opinion was limited to the fairness, from a
          financial point of view and as of the date thereof, of the merger
          consideration in the Merger to the Shareholders of the Company.

     Opinion and Analysis of Robertson Stephens

     In connection with the preparation of the Robertson Stephens opinion,
     Robertson Stephens:

     .    reviewed certain publicly available financial statements and other
          business and financial information of Black Hawk;


     .    reviewed certain internal financial statements and other financial and
          operating data, including certain financial forecasts and projections,
          concerning Black Hawk prepared by the management of Black Hawk;
     .    held discussions with the management of Black Hawk concerning the
          businesses, past and current operations, financial condition and
          future prospects of Black Hawk;
     .    reviewed the financial terms and conditions set forth in a draft,
          dated April 20, 2001, of the Merger Agreement;
     .    reviewed the stock price and trading history of Black Hawk common
     .    compared the financial performance of Black Hawk with that of certain
          other publicly traded gaming companies comparable with Black Hawk;
     .    compared the financial terms of the Merger with the financial terms,
          to the extent publicly available, of other transactions that Robertson
          Stephens deemed relevant;
     .    participated in discussions and negotiations among representatives of
          Black Hawk, the Buyers and their financial and legal advisors;
     .    made such other studies and inquiries, and reviewed such other data,
          as Robertson Stephens deemed relevant; and
     .    relied as to all legal matters relevant to rendering its opinion on
          the advice of counsel.

     In its review and analysis, and in arriving at its opinion, Robertson
Stephens assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the
financial and other information provided to it (including information furnished
to it orally or otherwise discussed with it by the management of Black Hawk) or
publicly available and neither attempted to verify, nor assumed responsibility
for verifying, any of such information.  Robertson Stephens relied upon the
assurances of the management of Black Hawk that they were not aware of any facts
that would make such information inaccurate or misleading.  Furthermore,
Robertson Stephens did not obtain or make, or assume any responsibility for
obtaining or making, any independent evaluation or appraisal of the properties,
assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of Black Hawk, nor was it
furnished with any such evaluation or appraisal.

     With respect to the financial forecasts and projections (and the
assumptions and bases therefor) for Black Hawk that Robertson Stephens reviewed,
Robertson Stephens has assumed that the forecasts and projections:

     .    were reasonably prepared in good faith on the basis of reasonable
     .    reflect the best currently available estimates and judgments as to the
          future financial condition and performance of Black Hawk; and
     .    would be realized in the amounts and in the time periods currently

In addition, Robertson Stephens assumed that:

     .    the Merger will be consummated upon the terms set forth in the draft
          of the Merger Agreement, dated April 20, 2001, without material
          alteration thereof; and
     .    the historical financial statements of Black Hawk reviewed by
          Robertson Stephens were prepared and fairly presented in accordance
          with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles consistently


     Robertson Stephens expressed no opinion as to:

     .    the value of any employment agreement or other arrangement entered
          into in connection with the Merger; or
     .    any tax or other consequences that may result from the Merger.

     The following is a summary of the material financial analyses performed by
Robertson Stephens in connection with rendering its opinion. The summary of the
financial analyses is not a complete description of all of the analyses
performed by Robertson Stephens. Certain of the information in this section is
presented in tabular form. In order to better understand the financial analyses
performed by Robertson Stephens, these tables must be read together with the
text accompanying each table. The opinion is based upon the totality of the
various analyses performed by Robertson Stephens and no particular portion of
the analyses has any merit standing alone.

     Comparable Companies Analysis

     Using publicly available information, Robertson Stephens analyzed, among
other things, the trading multiples of the following small capitalization
regional operators in the gaming industry which Robertson Stephens believed to
be reasonably comparable to Black Hawk:

       .  Argosy Gaming Company              .  Ameristar Casinos, Inc.
       .  Aztar Corporation                  .  Lakes Gaming, Inc.
       .  Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.        .  Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc.
       .  Boyd Gaming Corporation            .  Century Casinos, Inc.
       .  Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc.       .  Riviera Holdings Corporation
       .  Hollywood Casino Corporation       .  Sands Regent
       .  Penn National Gaming, Inc.         .  President Casinos, Inc.

     The foregoing analysis indicated that recent market prices for common stock
of these companies represented price/earnings ratios and enterprise value
multiples as set forth below.  In all cases, estimated 2001 and 2002 results of
operations for the comparable companies were obtained from generally available
third-party sources.  In general, the enterprise value of a company is equal to
the value of its fully-diluted common equity plus debt, minus cash.

                   Enterprise Value/EBITDA         Price/Earnings Ratio

                    2001           2002           2001           2002
                    ----           ----           ----           ----

High                5.9            5.0            19.3           13.1

Low                 4.4            4.2             5.4            5.7

Mean                5.1            4.6            10.3            8.6

Median              5.0            4.6             8.8            8.2


     The following table shows the range of implied values per share of Black
Hawk common stock calculated by multiplying Black Hawk's projected EBITDA and
net income by ranges of multiples derived from the trading multiples of the
comparable companies identified above.  In determining the ranges of trading
multiples, Robertson Stephens disregarded those from certain of the comparable
companies that were considered by Robertson Stephens to have been aberrational.
EBITDA means earnings before interest expense, taxes, depreciation and

                              Multiple Range          Implied Value per Share
                              --------------          -----------------------

     2001 EBITDA              4.0x -  5.5x             $6.67 - $13.80

     2002 EBITDA              3.5x -  5.0x             $4.75 - $12.07

     2001 Net Income          8.0x - 10.0x             $9.47 -  11.83

     2002 Net Income          7.0x -  9.0x             $8.04 - $10.34

     Selected Precedent Transactions

     Using publicly available information, Robertson Stephens reviewed and
analyzed, among other things, the consideration paid in the following selected
acquisition transactions in the gaming industry which Robertson Stephens
believed to be reasonably comparable to the Merger:

      Date                                             Date
   Announced           Target/Acquiror              Announced           Target/Acquiror
   ---------           ---------------              ---------           ---------------
     12/5/00       Fitzgerald Gaming                12/10/99       Hollywood Park (two
                   Corporation (three Casinos)                     Casinos) / Penn National
                   / Majestic Investor, LLC                        Gaming, Inc.

     10/18/00      Station Casinos, Inc. (two        10/6/99       Lady Luck Gaming
                   Casinos) / Ameristar                            Corporation / Isle of Capri
                   Casinos, Inc.                                   Casinos, Inc.

     7/31/00       CRC Holdings, Inc. / Penn         8/16/99       Players International, Inc.
                   National Gaming, Inc.                           / Harrah's Entertainment,

     7/20/00       Fiesta Casino Hotel /             11/1/99       Miss Marquette Casino /
                   Station Casinos, Inc.                           Lady Luck Gaming

     7/19/00       President Casinos                 6/28/99       Blue Chip Casino, Inc. /
                   (Davenport, IA) / Isle of                       Boyd Gaming Corporation
                   Capri Casinos, Inc.

     1/7/00        Gold Dust West Casino /
                   Black Hawk Gaming &
                   Development Company


     The foregoing analysis indicated that the consideration paid in the above
transactions represented the multiples of EBITDA for the latest 12 months (LTM)
and next 12 months (NTM) shown below.  In all cases, estimated next 12 month
results of operations for the acquired companies were obtained from generally
available third-party sources.

                                Consideration as a Multiple of:

                         LTM EBITDA                    NTM EBITDA
                         ----------                    ----------

High                        7.5x                          5.6x

Low                         4.1x                          5.3x

Mean                        5.4x                          5.5x

Median                      5.3x                          5.5x

     The following table sets forth the ranges of the implied Black Hawk prices
per share calculated by multiplying Black Hawk's EBITDA for the LTM and NTM by
ranges of multiples derived from the transactions referred to above and then
dividing by the number of fully-diluted Black Hawk shares outstanding using the
treasury stock method.   In determining the ranges of trading multiples,
Robertson Stephens disregarded those from certain of the comparable companies
that were considered by Robertson Stephens to have been aberrational.

     Selected Precedent                                      Implied Value
        Transaction                Multiple Range              per Share
     ------------------            --------------            -------------

         LTM EBITDA                 4.5x - 6.0x            $10.83 - $18.56

         NTM EBITDA                 4.5x - 6.0x            $ 9.05 - $16.18

     Premiums Paid Analysis

     Using publicly available information, Robertson Stephens reviewed and
analyzed, among other things, the purchase price premiums paid for companies in
a number of recent transactions, including:

     .    the selected precedent transactions referred to above;
     .    41 transactions of publicly held companies with announcement dates
          subsequent to October 2000 and a transaction value of less than $100
          million; and
     .    seven other going-private transactions since 1998.

     In all cases, the purchase price premiums paid were based on the closing
market price for the acquired company one day and one month prior to the
announcement date of the transaction.


     The following table sets forth the ranges of the implied Black Hawk prices
per share calculated by multiplying the closing market prices of Black Hawk
common stock on the dates indicated by the ranges of premiums determined from
the foregoing analyses.

                                     Premiums Paid Analysis

         Premium paid to stock       30% - 45%               $9.10 - $10.15
         price one month prior
         to date of

         Premium paid to stock       20% - 35%               $ 7.88 - $8.86
         price one day prior to
         date of announcement

     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

     Robertson Stephens performed a discounted cash flow analysis on the after-
tax free cash flows of Black Hawk for calendar years 2001 through 2005 using
estimates prepared by Black Hawk's management.  Robertson Stephens first
discounted the estimated after-tax free cash flows through the calendar year
ending 2005 using discount rates of 12.0%, 13.5% and 15.0%.  Robertson Stephens
then added to the present value of these after-tax free cash flows the terminal
value of Black Hawk in the calendar year ending 2005, discounted back to the
present at the same discount rates.  The terminal values were computed by
multiplying estimated EBITDA for calendar year 2005 by exit EBITDA multiples of
5.0x, 5.5x and 6.0x.  The range of exit EBITDA multiples selected reflects
Robertson Stephens' judgment as to an appropriate range of multiples at the end
of the referenced period.  Applying the above discount rates and exit revenue
multiples to the after-tax free cash flows of Black Hawk yielded the following

                            Implied Value Per Share

EBITDA Multiple   12.0% Discount Rate   13.5% Discount Rate  15.0% Discount Rate
- ---------------   -------------------   -------------------  -------------------

     5.0x                $10.58               $ 9.30                $ 8.12

     5.5x                $12.07               $10.70                $ 9.43

     6.0x                $13.56               $12.10                $10.74


     Other Factors

     No company, business or transaction referred to in any of the above
analyses is identical to Black Hawk or the Merger.  Accordingly, consideration
of the analyses described above is not entirely mathematical.  Rather it
involves complex considerations and judgments concerning differences in
financial and operating characteristics and other factors that could affect the
public trading, acquisition and other values of the comparable companies,
precedent transactions or the business segment, company or transaction to which
they are being compared.  In addition, various analyses performed by Robertson
Stephens incorporate projections prepared by research analysts using only
publicly available information.  These estimates may or may not prove to be

     While this summary describes the analysis and factors that Robertson
Stephens deemed material in its presentation to the Black Hawk Special
Committee, it is not a comprehensive description of all analyses and factors
considered by Robertson Stephens.  The preparation of a fairness opinion is a
complex process that involves various determinations as to the most appropriate
and relevant methods of financial analysis and the application of these methods
to the particular circumstances.  Therefore, a fairness opinion is not readily
susceptible to partial analysis or summary description.  In arriving at its
opinion, Robertson Stephens did not attribute any particular weight to any
analysis or factor considered by it, but rather made qualitative judgments as to
the significance and relevance of each analysis and factor.  Accordingly,
Robertson Stephens believes that its analyses must be considered as a whole and
that selecting portions of its analyses and of the factors considered by it,
without considering all analyses and factors, could create a misleading or
incomplete view of the evaluation process underlying its opinion.  Several
analytical methodologies were employed and no one method of analysis should be
regarded as critical to the overall conclusion reached by Robertson Stephens.
Each analytical technique has inherent strengths and weaknesses, and the nature
of the available information may further affect the value of particular
techniques.  The conclusion reached by Robertson Stephens is based on all
analyses and factors taken as a whole and also on application of Robertson
Stephens' own experience and judgment.  This conclusion may involve significant
elements of subjective judgment and qualitative analysis.  Robertson Stephens
expresses no opinion as to the value or merit standing alone of any one or more
parts of the analysis it performed.  In performing its analyses, Robertson
Stephens made numerous assumptions with respect to industry performance, general
business and other conditions and matters, many of which are beyond the control
of Black Hawk or Robertson Stephens.  Any estimates contained in these analyses
are not necessarily indicative of actual values or predictive of future results
or values, which may be significantly more or less favorable than those
suggested by these analyses.  Accordingly, analyses relating to the value of
businesses do not purport to be appraisals or to reflect the prices at which
these businesses actually may be sold in the future, and these estimates are
inherently subject to uncertainty.

     The engagement letter among Robertson Stephens, the Special Committee and
Black Hawk provides that, for its services, Robertson Stephens is entitled to
receive usual and customary fees in connection with the transaction and the
delivery of the fairness opinion, and with respect to the fee payable upon
delivery of the fairness opinion, such fee is payable without regard to the
conclusion reached in the opinion.  The payment of Robertson Stephens' fees,
other than the fee payable on the delivery of the opinion, is contingent upon
the consummation of the Merger.  Black Hawk has also agreed to reimburse
Robertson Stephens for its reasonable and customary out-of-pocket expenses
related to this work, including legal fees, and to indemnify and hold harmless
Robertson Stephens and its affiliates and any other person, director, employee
or agent of Robertson Stephens or any of its affiliates, or any person
controlling Robertson Stephens or its affiliates, for certain losses, claims,
damages, expenses and liabilities relating to or arising out of services
provided by Robertson Stephens as financial advisor to Black Hawk.  The terms of
the fee arrangement with Robertson Stephens, which Black Hawk and Robertson
Stephens believe are customary in transactions of this nature, were negotiated
at arm's-length


between the Special Committee and Robertson Stephens, and the Board of Directors
was aware of these fee arrangements.

     In the ordinary course of its business, Robertson Stephens may actively
trade securities of Black Hawk for its own account and for the account of its
customers and, accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short position in the
securities of Black Hawk.

     Robertson Stephens is an internationally recognized investment banking firm
and was retained based on its experience as a financial advisor in connection
with mergers and acquisitions and in securities valuations generally.  As part
of its investment banking business, Robertson Stephens is frequently engaged in
the valuation of businesses and their securities in connection with mergers and
acquisitions, negotiated underwritings, secondary distributions of securities,
private placements and for other purposes.

The McDonald Preliminary Draft

     At a meeting of Black Hawk's Board of Directors on February 26, 2001,
McDonald Investments, Inc. delivered a preliminary draft comprising a
situational analysis of Black Hawk, a valuation summary, and a discussion of
strategic alternatives. This draft was not prepared in anticipation of or in
support of the Gameco offer, nor is it a report or fairness opinion on the
Gameco proposal. The information is presented because it was available to the
Board of Directors of Black Hawk, the Special Committee, the Buyers and their
respective financial advisors. Shareholders of Black Hawk may consider the
following information but McDonald has not authorized shareholders or any other
person to rely on any of the information.

     Situational Perspective

     McDonald noted that:

     .    Black Hawk has been largely ignored by the investing public and
          institutional investors and has been "orphaned" by all research
     .    Black Hawk is a micro cap stock which suffers from a lack of
          liquidity, but by most valuation methods its stock is undervalued in
          the marketplace;
     .    an acquisition strategy for Black Hawk will require additional equity,
          which in turn requires a reasonable public market valuation to
     .    an attractive public company profile for Black Hawk will require
          significant diversification outside the Colorado market; and
     .    the gaming district of Black Hawk, Colorado has become highly
          competitive and a new Hyatt project brings more supply to the market
          later in 2001.

     Valuation Perspective

     McDonald stated that although no valuation methodology can precisely
calculate a "value" for Black Hawk, in its view certain methods are more
relevant than others in Black Hawk's situation:

     .    comparable company values are less relevant because of a lack of
     .    comparable transaction values are less relevant as a whole because of
          a lack of comparability of the properties, market dynamics and scale
          and scope of the companies involved in other transactions; and


     .    discounted cash flow analysis is always relevant, and in this instance
          especially so because of the lack of comparable public companies.

     McDonald stated that less tangible factors such as illiquidity, competitive
environment, Black Hawk's ownership of less than 100% of some of its assets and
the regulatory environment must be factored into any evaluation, although a
definitive standard does not exist for discounting for those factors.  McDonald
concluded that assuming a consolidated EBITDA of $21 million net to Black Hawk
in 2001 and $23 million net to Black Hawk annually thereafter, as reflected in
projections provided by Black Hawk management, valuation parameters would put
Black Hawk between $10 and $15 per share, with the upper end of the valuation
range suggesting an interested strategic buyer.

     McDonald's comparable company and comparable transaction analyses, both of
which it deems less relevant for the reasons stated above, and its discounted
cash flow analysis, yielded the following implied values per Black Hawk share:

                                 Low     Adjusted Average     High
                                -----    ----------------    ------

     Comparable company         $6.73         $12.81         $29.79
     Comparable transaction      7.30          26.58          85.72
     Discounted cash flow/(1)/   3.96          10.13          17.84
- ------------------

(1)  The terminal multiples used ranged from 4 to 6 and the discount rates from
     10% to 20%.  The adjusted average used above was derived from using a
     terminal multiple of 5 and a discount rate of 15%.

     Strategic Alternatives

     McDonald stated that in evaluating strategic alternatives, the Board must
use its business judgment to accommodate multiple objectives, including:

     .    maximizing long-term shareholder value;
     .    maintaining a fair, objective arm's-length process;
     .    minimizing failed transaction risks; and
     .    protecting Black Hawk's competitive position in the near term.

     McDonald suggested that the Board had two strategic alternatives to
consider for the benefit of Black Hawk's shareholders:

     .    maintain independence as a public company and
          --  grow its business internally and through acquisitions without
              making any immediate capital structure changes
          --  consider repurchasing stock in the open market at a premium to
              provide shareholder liquidity and perhaps improve valuation
     .    conduct market check (including possible sale or going private


     McDonald summarized the principal considerations in evaluating a decision
to remain independent and public:

                  Advantages                                     Disadvantages

 .  Realize benefits of existing initiatives       .  Continuing structural deficiencies for
   and growth prospects; shareholders retain         small-cap issues
   100% recovery in stock price                   .  Lack of investor interest or credit for
 .  Maintain ability to fund small                    positive strategic initiatives
   acquisitions over the next 1-2 years without   .  Public company expense/overhead
   incremental equity capital because of          .  Shareholder desire for liquidity
   existing borrowing capacity                    .  Continuing lack of access to equity market
 .  Maintain public platform for acquisition       .  Limited geographic diversity
   strategy                                       .  Very competitive market
 .  Management focuses on operating business       .  Capacity in Colorado market area increasing
   as opposed to sale process                        (Hyatt, Jackpot Springs)
 .  Minimizes cost of equity in any future         .  Limited stakes market in Colorado
   equity offering                                .  Limited growth prospects
 .  Stable cash flow                               .  Tight labor market
 .  Depressed valuation of stock                   .  Uncertain financing capability for a future
 .  Prospect of buyout                                acquisition program
 .  Solid profitability                            .  Poor public float
 .  Ownership by well capitalized groups           .  Complex ownership structure and management
 .  Dominance and growth of Black Hawk market         fee
   in Colorado                                    .  Threat of Indian gaming in N. California to
 .  Possibility of 24 hour gaming or higher           Reno market
   stakes                                         .  Possibility of improved access to Central
 .  Attractive recent acquisition in Reno             City, Colorado
 .  Limited gaming risks because of betting        .  Regulatory risks

     Finally, McDonald noted some of the advantages and disadvantages of its
second suggested strategic alternative, to consider a merger or sale

                  Advantages                                     Disadvantages
 .  Shareholders receive highest immediate         .  Selling off at a depressed price
   valuation                                      .  Future value may be much higher than
 .  Future operating risk eliminated from a           comparative buyout price
   shareholder perspective                        .  Possibility of limited interest and an
 .  Exits a public market environment which is        eventually unacceptable transaction price
   not and may not for some time provide a fair   .  Potentially disruptive to company
   valuation                                         operations and employee morale; could lose
 .  Provides greatest amount of liquidity for         management and employees to competition
   shareholder base
 .  New structure or owner may create better
   opportunity to incentivize employees


Prospective Financial Information of Black Hawk

     Black Hawk does not as a matter of course make public forecasts as to
future operations, but Black Hawk did prepare prospective financial information
which it provided to Robertson Stephens in connection with its analysis of the
Gameco proposal and the financial evaluation of Black Hawk.  The information set
forth below is included in this proxy statement solely because it was available
to the Buyers and provided by Black Hawk to Robertson Stephens in March 2001.
See "Special Factors--Background of the Merger" and "Special Factors--Opinion of
Financial Advisor to the Special Committee."

     The information set forth below was not prepared by Black Hawk with a view
to public disclosure or compliance with published guidelines of the SEC or the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants regarding prospective
financial information, nor was the information prepared with the assistance of
or reviewed, complied or examined by, independent accountants.  The information
reflects numerous assumptions, all made by management of Black Hawk, with
respect to competition, gaming industry performance, general business, economic,
gaming tax rates, market and financial conditions and other matters, all of
which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond Black Hawk's
control.   Accordingly, there can be no assurance that any assumption made in
preparing the information will prove accurate, and actual results may be
materially greater or less than those indicated below.  The inclusion of this
information should not be regarded as an indication that Black Hawk or the
Buyers or any of their respective financial advisors or other representatives,
or their respective officers and directors, consider such information to be an
accurate prediction of future events or necessarily achievable.   In light of
the uncertainties inherent in forward looking information of any kind, we
caution against reliance on such information.  Black Hawk does not intend to
update, revise or correct such information if it becomes inaccurate (even in the
short term).

                 Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
                  Forecasted Consolidated Statements of Income

                                                  Years Ending December 31,
                                2001          2002         2003         2004        2005
                                           (in thousands, except per share information)
Net revenues                    $105,777     $108,187     $108,187     $108,187     $108,187
Costs and expenses                95,030       95,674       94,858       94,626       94,226
Minority interest                  1,772        1,785        1,863        1,903        1,953
                                --------     --------     --------     --------     --------

Pre-tax income                     8,975       10,728       11,466       11,658       12,008
Provision for income taxes         3,321        3,969        4,242        4,314        4,443
                                --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
Net income                      $  5,654     $  6,759     $  7,224     $  7,344     $  7,565
                                ========     ========     ========     ========     ========
Net income per common share     $   1.34     $   1.60     $   1.72     $   1.74     $   1.80
                                ========     ========     ========     ========     ========
Diluted weighted average
common shares outstanding          4,212        4,212        4,212        4,212        4,212
                                ========     ========     ========     ========     ========

Consolidated Earnings
 before Interest,
Taxes, Depreciation and
and Minority Interest
 (EBITDA)                       $ 24,758     $ 26,570     $ 26,570     $ 26,570     $ 26,570

Less EBITDA attributable to
minority interest                  3,609        3,609        3,609        3,609        3,609
                                --------     --------     --------     --------     --------

Adjusted EBITDA of Black
 Hawk                           $ 21,149     $ 22,961     $ 22,961     $ 22,961     $ 22,961
                                ========     ========     ========     ========     ========


     The following is a list of assumptions used in the preparation of the above
 prospective financial information.

     .    It is assumed that casino revenues are constant for all years 2001 and
          beyond with the exception of the Gilpin Hotel Casino property. During
          2001, it is assumed that the Gilpin property is under construction for
          some of the year. Due to the enhancements at the Gilpin property after
          construction, a 10% increase in revenues is assumed for the year 2002
          with stable revenues for the remaining periods presented.
     .    The Gold Dust West Casino has been open for over 22 years and the
          projections are based on historical performance for that property.
     .    Cash flow available from the operation of the casino properties is
          used for on-going capital expenditures and debt reduction.
     .    Costs and expenses are assumed to remain flat. Interest expense is
          adjusted for reduced debt levels. Income tax expense is computed based
          upon an assumed combined federal and state income tax rate of 37%.
     .    EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
          and minority interest) is presented as supplemental disclosure to
          facilitate a more complete analysis of Black Hawk's forecasted
          financial performance
     .    Minority interest represents the 25% share of The Lodge Casino that is
          owned by the Buyers.

Buyers' Purpose and Reasons for the Merger

     The Buyers' purpose in undertaking the Merger is to obtain the benefits to
the Buyers and Black Hawk described under "Benefits and Detriments - To the
Buyers and Black Hawk."  The Buyers chose the merger structure because it was
the most efficient means to acquire the entire equity interest in Black Hawk and
provide cash to Black Hawk's public shareholders.

     Jeffrey P. Jacobs also considered a tender offer by Black Hawk for its own
common stock and a purchase of large blocks of Black Hawk common stock held by
other shareholders, but rejected those alternatives in part because of the
difficulties attendant to obtaining financing for those transactions and in part
because neither of those alternatives would accomplish fully the purposes of the

     The Buyers chose to undertake the Merger at this time because of their
desire to take advantage of the benefits referred to above, the availability of
financing for the transaction, their belief that Black Hawk's assets and trading
price were undervalued, and their knowledge of the gaming industry and of Black
Hawk's competitive needs and opportunities.

Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger; Certain Relationships

     In considering the recommendation of the Special Committee and the Board
with respect to the Merger, you should be aware that certain members of the
Board and of Black Hawk's management have interests that may present actual or
potential conflicts of interest in connection with the Merger.  The Special
Committee and the Board were aware of these potential or actual conflicts of
interest and considered them along with other matters described under "Special
Factors--Recommendation of the Special Committee and Board of Directors."


     Retained Equity Interest

     The Buyers beneficially own an aggregate of 1,333,333 shares of common
stock, representing approximately 32.3% of the total outstanding shares of
common stock. Upon consummation of the Merger, the Buyers will own directly or
indirectly all of the outstanding common stock of Black Hawk and will therefore
participate in all of its future earnings growth and any increase in value.

     Stock Options

     The value of Black Hawk stock and options held by members of the Board and
the Special Committee which will or may be realized upon consummation of the
Merger is as follows :

Name                    Number of Shares    Value     Number of Stock Options  Net Option Value
- ----                    ----------------  ----------  -----------------------  ----------------
Jeffrey P. Jacobs          1,333,333         N/A           115,000        $  695,200
Stephen R. Roark              28,571    $  342,852         197,500         1,204,975
Frank B. Day(1)              477,211     5,726,532          20,000           116,200
J. Patrick McDuff(1)           1,830        21,960          13,250            84,403
Timothy Knudsen(1)             1,424        17,088           1,000             4,250
Robert H. Hughes               2,051        24,612          15,000            95,550
Stephen P. Owendoff              708         8,496             ---               ---
- ------------------

(1)  Member of the Special Committee.

     Directors and Management of the Surviving Corporation

     After the Merger, Jeffrey P. Jacobs and Richard E. Jacobs will comprise the
Board of Directors of Black Hawk.  Jeffrey P. Jacobs will continue to serve as
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Stephen R. Roark will continue to serve
as President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.  See "Directors and
Management" for additional information.

     Management Employment Agreements

     Effective January 1, 2000, Black Hawk entered into three year employment
agreements with Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer and Stephen R. Roark,
President and Chief Financial Officer.  Each agreement provides for severance
pay of one year's base salary if a 50% change in ownership of Black Hawk's
common stock occurs, unless the employee is a participant in the transaction or
unless the employee continues his employment with Black Hawk.  Therefore, the
change of control provision will not apply to Mr. Jacobs and will apply to Mr.
Roark only if he is not offered, or declines, to continue his employment with
Black Hawk.  In such event, Mr. Roark will be entitled to $250,000 in severance
pay.  Mr. Roark presently intends to continue his employment with Black Hawk
after the Merger and Black Hawk intends to offer Mr. Roark the opportunity to so
continue.  Mr. Jacobs receives an annual salary of the greater of $300,000 or
1.5% of Black Hawk's EBITDA and an annual bonus of between 25% and 40% of his
annual salary as determined by Black Hawk's compensation committee.  Mr. Roark
receives an annual salary of the greater of $250,000 or 1.05% of EBITDA and a
bonus of between 25% and 40% of his annual salary as determined by Black Hawk's
compensation committee.


     On November 22, 1999 Black Hawk entered into a three year employment
agreement with Stanley Politano, Vice President and Secretary, which provides
for an annual salary of $111,000, with $5,000 per year increases in years two
and three and an annual bonus in the discretion of the compensation committee.

     Other Arrangements with Affiliates

     The Lodge Casino is owned 75% by Black Hawk and 25% by the Buyers.  Black
Hawk and Diversified share equally a management fee of 5% of adjusted gaming
proceeds from The Lodge's operations.  During the year ended December 31, 2000,
Diversified received $2,059,744 as its 25% share of the profits from The Lodge
Casino's operations and $1,453,473 as its share of the management fee.

     In order to assist Black Hawk in its efforts to research, develop, perform
due diligence on and possibly acquire new gaming opportunities, it entered into
a one year agreement with Premier One Development Company, Inc. effective
October 1, 1997.  Premier is an affiliate of the Buyers and employs several
people to perform these services.  Black Hawk paid or accrued $225,000 for these
services during the year ended December 31, 2000 and $112,500 through June 30,
2001.  The agreement expires, unless extended on December 31, 2001.

     Black Hawk and Diversified are parties to a master joint venture agreement
as discussed above under "Special Factors--Background of the Merger."  In 1999
and 2000 Black Hawk and Diversified evaluated, among other opportunities, a
potential gaming development opportunity in D'Iberville, Mississippi.  On August
21, 2000, Black Hawk and Diversified notified the landowners of the prospective
site that they had no further interest because of an adverse determination in an
environmental lawsuit affecting the site and because there did not appear to be
adequate site control from a development perspective.  In April 2001 Diversified
notified Black Hawk that it might have a renewed interest in the site and
offered Black Hawk the opportunity to participate in any further evaluation of
the site.  The Board of Black Hawk declined since it did not believe further
expenditures on the site were advisable.  However, Diversified volunteered and
Black Hawk accepted an option to acquire up to a 51% interest in the proposed
development at any time before April 18, 2002 by paying one-half of costs and
expenses incurred by Diversified in connection with any further evaluation of
the site.  The interest available to Black Hawk will be reduced to 50% if, at
the time the option is exercised, Jeffrey P. Jacobs and his affiliates are not
controlling persons of Black Hawk, or if he is no longer Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Black Hawk for reasons other than his voluntary

     Directors and Officers Indemnification and Insurance

     Gameco and Black Hawk have agreed to provide, or cause to be provided,
indemnification to each director, officer, employee and agent of Black Hawk
against any costs, expenses, losses, claims and damages arising out of or
relating to their activities on behalf of Black Hawk prior to or in connection
with the Merger.  Gameco and Black Hawk have agreed not to amend, repeal or
otherwise modify the indemnification provisions of Black Hawk's articles of
incorporation or bylaws for a period of six years from completion of the Merger.
In addition, Gameco and Black Hawk have agreed to maintain in effect Black
Hawk's current directors' and officers' liability insurance policies for a
period of six years after completion of the Merger.


Certain Effects of the Merger

     If the Merger is consummated, Black Hawk's public shareholders will no
longer have any interest in, and will not be shareholders of, Black Hawk and,
therefore, will not benefit from any future earnings growth of Black Hawk or
from any increase in its value and will no longer bear the risk of any decrease
in its value.  Instead, each public shareholder will have the right to receive
upon consummation of the Merger $12 in cash for each share of common stock he,
she or it holds, without interest.  The benefit of the transaction to our public
shareholders is the payment of a premium, in cash, above the market value for
such stock prior to the announcement of the transaction.  This cash payment
assures that all public shareholders will receive the same amount for their
shares, rather than taking the risks associated with attempting to sell their
shares in the open market.  The detriment to such holders is their inability to
participate as continuing shareholders in the possible future growth of Black

     If the Merger is consummated, the Buyers will indirectly hold the entire
equity interest in Black Hawk and will therefore be the sole beneficiaries of
any future earnings growth of Black Hawk and any increases in Black Hawk's
value.  However, the Buyers will bear the risk of any decrease in value of Black
Hawk and the risks associated with the significant amount of debt to be incurred
by Buyers in connection with the Merger and the lack of liquidity in the Buyers'
investment in Black Hawk.  See "Special Factors--Recommendation of the Special
Committee and the Board of Directors; Fairness of the Merger."

     Black Hawk's common stock is currently registered under the Exchange Act,
and is traded on the Nasdaq National Market.  As a result of the Merger, the
registration of the common stock under the Exchange Act will be terminated, and
the common stock will be delisted from Nasdaq.  Black Hawk will thereafter be
relieved of its obligation to comply with the proxy rules of Regulation 14A
under Section 14 of the Exchange Act, and its officers, directors and beneficial
owners of more than 10% of the common stock will be relieved of the reporting
requirements and "short swing" trading provisions under Section 16 of the
Exchange Act.  Further, Black Hawk will no longer be subject to periodic
reporting requirements under Section 13 of the Exchange Act and will cease
filing information with the SEC.

Plans for Black Hawk after the Merger

     Each of Gameco and the Buyers expects that, except as described in this
proxy statement, the business and operations of Black Hawk will be continued
substantially as they are currently being conducted by Black Hawk and its
subsidiaries.  However, Gameco expects that it may, from time to time, evaluate
and review Black Hawk's business, operations and properties and make such
changes as it considers appropriate.  Gameco also intends to pursue gaming and
other acquisition opportunities, and Jeffrey P. Jacobs and the Trust may pursue
gaming and other acquisition opportunities independently of Gameco.

     Except as described in this proxy statement, neither the Buyers nor Black
Hawk has any present plans or proposals involving Black Hawk or its subsidiaries
which relate to or would result in an extraordinary corporate transaction such
as a merger, reorganization, liquidation, sale or transfer of a material amount
of assets, or any material change in the present dividend policy, indebtedness
or capitalization, or any other material change in Black Hawk's corporate
structure or business.  After the Merger, the Buyers will review proposals or
may propose the acquisition or disposition of assets or other changes in Black
Hawk's business, corporate structure, capitalization, management or dividend
policy which they consider to be in the best interests of Black Hawk and its
shareholders.  Neither the Buyers nor Black Hawk has formulated any specific
plans regarding repayment of the indebtedness incurred in connection with the
Merger; however, such persons anticipate that such indebtedness will be repaid
primarily with or by means of cash flow and dividends from the operations of the
business of Black


Hawk, and other Buyer affiliated businesses, with proceeds from new debt or
equity financings, or such other means as they may determine in their sole

Conduct of the Business of the Company if the Merger is not Consummated

     If the Merger is not consummated, the Board expects to seek to retain Black
Hawk's current management team and continue business as usual.  There are no
plans in such circumstances to operate Black Hawk's business in a manner
substantially different than the manner in which it is presently operated.

Accounting Treatment

     The Merger will be accounted for in accordance with the purchase method of
accounting under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Financing of the Merger

     It is estimated that approximately $39 million will be required to complete
the Merger and pay related fees and expenses.  See "-- Fees and Expenses."

     Financing for the Merger and additional activities of Gameco will be
provided by the proceeds of an offering by Gameco of up to $130 million of high-
yield senior debt securities and up to $25 million from a revolving line of
credit with a commercial bank.

     The Buyers expect that the proceeds of the financing will be used to:

     .  finance the merger consideration payable to Black Hawk shareholders (and
        to option holders whose options will be cancelled);
     .  finance the merger consideration payable to Colonial Holdings
        shareholders (and to option holders whose options will be cancelled);
     .  finance the acquisition of up to five Louisiana-based truck stop video
        poker operations; and
     .  refinance approximately $86 million of the outstanding indebtedness of
        Black Hawk and Colonial Holdings;

     Gameco has engaged U.S. Bancorp Libra, a division of U.S. Bancorp
Investments, Inc., to act as underwriter, placement agent or initial purchaser
for the high-yield notes.  The Buyers expect that the high-yield notes will be
issued in a transaction which is not a public offering but which anticipates
resales to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act
and possibly to non-U.S. persons under Regulation S.  Accordingly, the notes
will not be registered under the Securities Act upon their original issuance,
but they will have registration rights.


     Gameco has received from U.S. Bancorp Libra a letter dated _____, 2001
indicating that, based upon market conditions existing at the time of delivery
of the letter, the structure and documentation for the acquisition of Black
Hawk, and subject to certain other terms and conditions, U.S. Bancorp Libra was
"highly confident" of its ability to sell or place senior debt securities of
Gameco in the aggregate principal amount of up to $130 million.  The letter from
U.S. Bancorp Libra is filed as an exhibit to the Schedule 13E-3 and is available
at the principal executive offices of Black Hawk for inspection and copying by
any Black Hawk shareholder or representative of any shareholder who has been so
designated in writing.

     The following description of the letter from U.S. Bancorp Libra is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the actual terms of the letter.  The
interest rate on the notes, and the other terms of the notes, will depend upon
interest rate and market conditions at the time the notes are placed.  Interest
rates on similar notes range from 10% to 12% as of the date of this proxy
statement.  It is anticipated that the notes will:

     .  have a maturity of seven years from the issue date;
     .  be secured by a lien on substantially all of the assets of Gameco and
        its subsidiaries;
     .  be senior in right of payment to all subordinate indebtedness of Gameco
        and its subsidiaries;
     .  be guaranteed on a senior basis by all of Gameco's subsidiaries;
     .  be non-callable for three years, and thereafter callable at a redemption
        premium to be determined; and
     .  be subject to a mandatory offer by Gameco to purchase the outstanding
        notes at 101% of their face amount, plus accrued interest, in the event
        of certain changes in control.

     We expect that the high-yield notes indenture will contain customary
covenants that will restrict, among other things, the ability of Gameco and its
subsidiaries to:

     .  incur additional debt;
     .  pay dividends or make some other restricted payments unless certain
        interest coverage ratios are met;
     .  incur liens;
     .  apply net proceeds from some asset sales;
     .  merge or consolidate with any other person, or sell, assign, transfer,
        lease, convey or otherwise dispose of substantially all of the assets of
        Gameco; and
     .  enter into various transactions with affiliates.

     We also expect that the high-yield notes indenture will contain events of
default that are customary in transactions of this type.  The letter from U.S.
Bancorp Libra states that the purchase of the notes will be subject to certain
customary conditions to closing.

     Conditions in the high-yield debt market may change after the date of the
letter from U.S. Bancorp Libra.  Accordingly, the terms of the high-yield
financing could be substantially different than those described in the letter.
Nevertheless, while changed terms could adversely affect the interests of
Gameco, they would not affect the consideration to be received by Black Hawk
shareholders or the other terms and conditions of the Merger.

     Negotiations with a commercial bank regarding the proposed revolving line
of credit are in process.  The Buyers have considered and will continue to
consider alternative financing arrangements if the primary financing plans fall
through, but no such alternative arrangements have been finalized.


     Gameco expects to repay the debt incurred in connection with the Merger
primarily from dividends from its subsidiaries.  In addition, Gameco may repay
this debt with proceeds from new debt or equity financings.  Black Hawk expects
to make dividend payments to Gameco from cash flow from operations.

Regulatory Requirements; Third Party Consents

     Black Hawk does not believe that any material federal or state regulatory
approvals, filings or notices are required by Black Hawk or Gameco in connection
with the Merger other than:

     .  such approvals, filings or notices required pursuant to federal and
        state securities laws;
     .  approvals of the Colorado Gaming Commission and the Nevada Gaming
        Commission, the status of which are discussed under "Gaming Approvals
        and Delayed Closing";
     .  the filing of a Premerger Notification under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
        Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, if required; and
     .  the filing of the articles of merger with the Secretary of State of the
        State of Colorado.

     Black Hawk's casinos' bars and restaurants are subject to licensing and
regulation by a number of governmental authorities regulating alcoholic
beverages.  As a result of the Merger, Black Hawk also will be required to
satisfy various notification requirements imposed by state and municipal
licensing authorities in Black Hawk, Colorado and Reno, Nevada.  Filing
requirements vary by agency.  Subject to the timely submission of notices, which
Black Hawk intends to do prior to the Merger, Black Hawk will be duly licensed
and able to continue business as usual throughout the notification period,
Failure to appropriately and timely file notices could pose a risk of loss or
suspension of the affected license.

     Black Hawk does not believe any other material third party consents will be
required by Black Hawk in connection with the Merger.

Material Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger

     The following discussion is a summary of the material federal income tax
consequences expected to result to shareholders whose shares of common stock are
converted to cash in the Merger. This summary does not purport to be a complete
analysis of all potential tax effects of the Merger.  For example, the summary
does not consider the effect of any applicable state, local or foreign tax laws.
In addition, the summary does not address all aspects of federal income taxation
that may affect particular shareholders in light of their particular
circumstances and is not intended for shareholders (including insurance
companies, tax-exempt organizations, financial institutions or broker-dealers,
shareholders who hold their common stock as part of a hedge, straddle or
conversion transaction, shareholders who acquired their common stock pursuant to
the exercise of an employee stock option or otherwise as compensation, and
shareholders who are not citizens or residents of the United States or that are
foreign corporations, foreign partnerships or foreign estates or trusts as to
the United States) that may be subject to special federal income tax rules not
discussed below. The following summary also does not address tax consequences to
the Buyers.  The following summary assumes that shareholders have held their
common stock as "capital assets" (generally, property held for investment) under
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.


     This summary is based on the current provisions of the Code, applicable
Treasury Regulations, judicial authority and administrative rulings and
practice.  No ruling from the IRS has been or will be sought nor will an opinion
of counsel be obtained with respect to any aspect of the transactions described
herein.  Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the IRS will not challenge
the tax consequences expressed in this discussion or that a court would not
sustain this type of challenge.  Future  legislative, judicial or administrative
changes or interpretations could alter or modify the statements and conclusions
set forth herein, and any such changes or interpretations could be retroactive
and could affect the tax consequences of the Merger to shareholders.  We cannot
predict at this time whether any current proposed tax legislation will be
enacted or, if enacted, whether any tax law changes contained therein would
affect the tax consequences of the Merger to shareholders.  It is therefore
possible that the federal income tax treatment may differ from that described

     State and local tax laws may also impose income or other taxes upon
shareholders whose shares of common stock are converted to cash in the Merger.
State and local income tax laws vary from state to state and this discussion
does not address state or local tax issues.

   Sales Treatment for Holders of Common Stock

   Except as provided below, the conversion of common stock in the Merger will
be fully taxable to shareholders as a sale or exchange of such stock.
Accordingly, a shareholder who, pursuant to the Merger, converts such holder's
common stock into cash will recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference
between (1) the amount of cash received in the Merger and (2) such shareholder's
tax basis in the common stock.  Generally, a shareholder's tax basis in his
common stock will be equal to such shareholder's cost therefor.  In the case of
a shareholder who is an individual, such capital gain will be taxable at a
maximum capital gains rate of 20% if the holder held the common stock for more
than one year at the time of consummation of the Merger.  If the holder held the
common stock for less than one year at the time of consummation of the Merger,
in general the capital gain would be taxed at ordinary income tax rates.
Certain limitations apply to the deductibility of capital losses by
shareholders.  Gain or loss must be determined separately for each block of
common stock acquired at the same cost in a single transaction.

     Redemption Treatment for Dissenters and Other Shareholders

     For federal income tax purposes, Black Hawk may be deemed to be the source
of a portion of the cash consideration issued in the Merger (particularly if
debt used to fund the Merger is assumed by Black Hawk in the Merger) and Black
Hawk will be deemed to be the source of cash consideration for payments in
satisfaction of dissenters' rights.  Therefore, to the extent that cash received
by a shareholder is from Black Hawk or deemed to be from Black Hawk, the receipt
of cash in exchange for such shareholder's common stock in the Merger or in
satisfaction of dissenters' rights will be treated as a redemption of common
stock taxable for federal income tax purposes as determined under section 302 of
the Code.

     Section 302(d) of the Code provides that if the receipt of redemption
payments has the effect of a distribution of property, then cash distributed
will be treated as a dividend taxable under section 301 of the Code as ordinary
income to a shareholder receiving such cash payments, generally to the extent of
the shareholder's share of undistributed accumulated earnings and profits of the
company.  The remainder, if any, will be treated first as a recovery of basis in
a shareholder's common stock, and second as capital gain arising from the sale
or exchange of property.  The determination of whether or not the receipt of
cash payments has the effect of a distribution of a dividend will depend on each
shareholder's particular circumstances and is made by applying the dividend
equivalency tests of section 302 of the Code.


     Under section 302 of the Code, a shareholder receiving a cash payment as a
redemption will not be treated as having received a dividend equivalent
distribution if the transaction:

     .  results in a "complete redemption" of the shareholder's equity interest
        in the company;
     .  results in a "substantially disproportionate" redemption with respect to
        the shareholder; or
     .  is "not essentially equivalent to a dividend" with respect to the

Each of these section 302 tests is explained more fully below.

     Constructive Ownership of Stock and Other Issues

     In applying each of the section 302 tests, shareholders must take into
account not only shares that they actually own but also shares they are treated
as owning under the constructive ownership rules of section 318 of the Code.
Pursuant to the constructive ownership rules, a shareholder is treated as owning
any shares that are owned, actually and in some cases constructively, by certain
related individuals and entities as well as shares that the shareholder has the
right to acquire by exercise of an option or by conversion or exchange of a
security. Due to the factual nature of the section 302 tests described below,
shareholders should consult their tax advisors to determine whether the
conversion of their shares and receipt of a payment pursuant to the Merger will
be deemed dividend equivalent in their particular circumstances.

     Section 302 Tests

     One of the following tests must be satisfied in order for the distribution
not to be treated as the equivalent of a dividend for federal income tax

     .  Complete Termination Test. The distribution will result in a "complete
        redemption" of the shareholder's equity interest in the company only if
        all of the common stock that is actually owned by the shareholder is
        sold pursuant to the Merger and the shares that are constructively owned
        by the shareholder are sold or, with respect to shares owned by certain
        related individuals, the shareholder effectively waives, in accordance
        with section 302(c) of the Code, attribution of shares which otherwise
        would be considered as constructively owned by the shareholder. Certain
        restrictions apply to the waiver of attribution of shares. Shareholders
        wishing to satisfy the "complete redemption" test through waiver of the
        constructive ownership rules should consult their tax advisors.

     .  Substantially Disproportionate Test. The distribution will result in a
        "substantially disproportionate" redemption with respect to the
        shareholder if, among other things, the shareholder owns actually and
        constructively less than 50% of the total combined voting power of all
        classes of stock after the redemption, and the percentage of the then
        outstanding voting common stock actually and constructively owned by the
        shareholder immediately after the purchase is less than 80% of the
        percentage of the previously outstanding voting common stock actually
        and constructively owned by the shareholder immediately before the


     .  Not Essentially Equivalent to a Dividend Test. The distribution will be
        treated as "not essentially equivalent to a dividend" if the reduction
        in the shareholder's proportionate interest actually and constructively
        owned constitutes a "meaningful reduction" given the shareholder's
        particular circumstances. Whether the receipt of a cash payment will be
        "not essentially equivalent to a dividend" will depend upon the
        shareholder's particular facts and circumstances. Shareholders should
        consult their tax advisors as to the application of this test in their
        particular circumstances.

     If a shareholder receives only cash payments and satisfies any of the
section 302 tests described above, the shareholder will be treated as if it sold
its common stock and will recognize capital gain or loss as described above.

     If a shareholder does not satisfy any of the section 302 tests described
above, the purchase of a shareholder's common stock will not be treated as a
sale or exchange under section 302 of the Code.  Instead, the amount received by
a shareholder in the redemption will be treated as a dividend distribution under
section 301 of the Code, taxable at ordinary income tax rates, to the extent,
first, of the shareholder's applicable share of Black Hawk's current earnings
and profits, as defined for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and, second, of
the U.S. shareholder's applicable share of Black Hawk's current earnings and
profits, as defined for U.S. federal income tax purposes.  To the extent the
amount exceeds the shareholder's applicable share of current and accumulated
earnings and profits, the excess first will be treated as a tax free return of
capital to the extent of the shareholder's basis in its common stock and any
remainder will be treated as capital gain, which may be long term capital gain
as described above.  The determination of whether a corporation has earnings and
profits is complex and the legal standards to be applied are subject to
uncertainties and ambiguities.  Additionally, the amount of current earnings and
profits can be determined only at the end of the taxable year.  Accordingly, it
is unclear whether Black Hawk will have sufficient current and accumulated
earnings and profits to cover the amount of any payment made to shareholders.
To the extent that a redemption is treated as the receipt by the shareholder of
a dividend, the shareholder's tax basis in the redeemed shares will be added to
any shares of common stock retained or sold by the shareholder, and may be lost
if the shareholder does not actually retain any stock ownership in Black Hawk.

   Treatment of Holders of Stock Options

     The payments received by holders of stock options granted pursuant to Black
Hawk's incentive stock option plans will be taxed as compensation income taxable
at ordinary income tax rates.  Such income may be subject to withholding for
holders of stock options that are employees of Black Hawk.  Additionally, such
payments could be subject to a 20% excise tax under section 4999 of the Code on
payments made to the option holder that are deemed to be excess parachute
payments under section 280G of the Code.  In general, parachute payments are
payments made to officers, certain shareholders and other highly compensated
individuals that are contingent on a change in the ownership or effective
control of a corporation, and are in excess of three times an individual's
annualized compensation income.  If payments are deemed parachute payments, the
excess of such payments over the holder's applicable annualized income are
subject to the excise tax.  The excise tax may be subject to withholding for
holders of stock options that are employees.  There are exceptions for payments
that are established by clear and convincing evidence to be reasonable
compensation.  Whether payments to option holders will be deemed excess
parachute payments will depend on each such option holder's particular

     Each option holder should consult its own tax advisor to determine the
particular tax consequences to it of payments to be made with respect to its


   Backup Withholding

     A shareholder whose common stock is converted to cash pursuant to the
Merger may be subject to backup withholding at the rate of 31% with respect to
the gross proceeds from the conversion of such common stock unless such
shareholder (1) is a corporation or other exempt recipient and, when required,
establishes this exemption or (2) provides its correct taxpayer identification
number, certifies that it is not currently subject to backup withholding and
otherwise complies with applicable requirements of the backup withholding rules.
A shareholder who does not provide Black Hawk with its correct taxpayer
identification number may be subject to penalties imposed by the IRS.  Any
amount withheld under these rules will be credited against the shareholder's
federal income tax liability.

     Black Hawk will report to shareholders and to the IRS the amount of any
reportable payments, including payments made to shareholders pursuant to the
Merger, and any amount withheld pursuant to the Merger.

     Each shareholder or option holder should consult his, her or its own tax
advisor with respect to the particular tax consequences to it of the
transactions described herein, including the applicability and effect of state,
local and foreign tax law.

Fees and Expenses

     Whether or not the Merger is consummated and except as otherwise described
herein, all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the Merger will be
paid by the party incurring such fees and expenses, except that Black Hawk and
Gameco will share costs and expenses relating to the printing and mailing of
this proxy statement and certain filing fees.

     Estimated fees and expenses (rounded to the nearest thousand) to be
incurred by Black Hawk or Gameco in connection with the Merger, the financing
and related transactions are as follows:

                                                                Black Hawk   Gameco
     Financing fees/(1)/.....................................   $            $
     Special Committee's financial advisor's fees/(2)/.......
     Legal and accounting fees and expenses..................
     Printing and solicitation fees and expenses.............
     Special Committee fees..................................
     SEC filing fees.........................................
     Other expenses..........................................   ________     ________
         Total...............................................   $            $
                                                                ========     ========


(1)  See "Special Factors--Financing of the Merger."

(2)  See "Special Factors--Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special

     To the extent not paid by Gameco or Black Hawk prior to consummation of the
Merger, all such fees and expenses will be paid by Black Hawk if the Merger is
consummated.  If the Merger is not consummated, each party will bear its
respective fees and expenses, as provided in the Merger Agreement.  See "The
Merger Agreement--Fees and Expenses."



Time, Place and Date

     This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation by
the Board of Directors of proxies from Black Hawk shareholders for use at a
Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m., Mountain Daylight
Time, on Thursday, August _____, 2001, at The White Buffalo Grille, The Lodge
Casino, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422, or at any adjournment or postponement
thereof, pursuant to the enclosed Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders.

Purpose of the Special Meeting

     At the Special Meeting, the shareholders of the Company will be asked to
consider and vote upon the approval of the Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby.  A copy of the Merger Agreement is attached to this proxy
statement as Annex A.  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share
of common stock other than (1) common stock held by Gameco, BH Acquisition or
Diversified, or (2) common stock held by shareholders who perfect their rights
under Colorado law to dissent from the Merger and seek an appraisal of the fair
value of their shares will be converted into $12 per share, without interest.

     Based on the factors described above under "Special Factors--Recommendation
of the Special Committee and Board of Directors" and on the unanimous
recommendation of its Special Committee, the Board of Directors of Black Hawk
recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" approval of the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.

Record Date; Voting at the Meeting; Quorum

     The Board has fixed the close of business on July _____, 2001 as the record
date for the Special Meeting.  Only shareholders of record as of the close of
business on the record date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Special Meeting.

     As of the close of business on the record date, Black Hawk had outstanding
4,132,233 shares of its $.001 par value common stock, held of record by
approximately 250 registered holders, although Black Hawk believes it has about
1,600 beneficial owners of its common stock.  Holders of the common stock are
entitled to one vote per share.  The presence in person or by proxy of the
holders of not less than one-half of the voting power of the outstanding common
stock entitled to vote at the Special Meeting constitutes a quorum.  Broker non-
votes and shares present or represented but as to which a shareholder abstains
from voting will be included in determining whether there is a quorum at the
Special Meeting.

Required Vote

     Under Colorado law, the Merger Agreement must be approved by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of the
outstanding shares of common stock.  The affirmative vote of 2,066,117 shares of
common stock will be necessary to satisfy this voting requirement.  Approval of
the Merger Agreement does not require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of common stock held by persons other than the Buyers.  The
Buyers currenly own 1,333,333 shares of commom stock in the aggregate,
respresenting approximately 32.3% of the outstanding shares of common stock as
of the Record Date.  The directors and executive officers of Black Hawk who are
not Buyers have also stated that they presently intend to vote their shares
(512,414 shares in the aggregate, or approximately 12.4% of the outstanding
shares as of the Record Date) in favor of the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.  On April 27, 2001, Robert D. Greenlee and
Gameco entered


into a Voting Agreement under which Mr. Greenlee appointed Jeffrey P. Jacobs,
part of the Buyer group, to attend the special meeting of Black Hawk
shareholders described herein and to vote Mr. Greenlee's 486,113 shares (about
11.7% of the shares outstanding as of the record date) for the Merger. The
Buyers, through Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., have entered into a voting
agreement with Black Hawk under which Diversified will vote its 1,333,333 shares
of Black Hawk's common stock for the Merger. If Diversified and Mr. Greenlee
vote as agreed and Black Hawk's directors and officers vote as indicated,
approval of the Merger Agreement will be assured. See "The Voting Agreements"
below for further details.

     Because Colorado law requires the Merger Agreement to be approved by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of the
outstanding shares of common stock, failure to return an executed proxy card or
to vote in person at the Special Meeting or abstaining from the vote will
constitute, in effect, a vote against approval of the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.  Similarly, broker non-votes will have the
same effect as a vote against approval of the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.

Voting and Revocation of Proxies

     The enclosed proxy card is solicited on behalf of the Board. The giving of
a proxy does not preclude the right to vote in person should any shareholder
giving the proxy so desire.  Shareholders have an unconditional right to revoke
their proxy at any time prior to its exercise, either by filing with Black
Hawk's Secretary at Black Hawk's principal executive offices a written
revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by voting in person
at the Special Meeting.  Attendance at the Special Meeting without casting a
ballot will not, by itself, constitute revocation of a proxy.  Any written
notice revoking a proxy should be sent to Corporate Stock Transfer Inc., 3200
Cherry Creek Drive South, Suite 430, Denver, Colorado 80209.

Action to be Taken at the Special Meeting

     All shares of common stock represented at the Special Meeting by properly
executed proxies received prior to or at the Special Meeting, unless previously
revoked, will be voted at the Special Meeting in accordance with the
instructions on the proxies.  Unless contrary instructions are indicated,
proxies will be voted FOR the approval of the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby.  As explained below in the section entitled
"Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal," a vote in favor of the Merger Agreement means
that the shareholder owning those shares will not have the right to dissent and
seek appraisal of the fair value of such shareholder's shares. Black Hawk does
not know of any matters, other than as described in the Notice of Special
Meeting of Shareholders, which are to come before the Special Meeting.  If any
other matters are properly presented at the Special Meeting for action,
including, among other things, consideration of a motion to adjourn such meeting
to another time and/or place (including, without limitation, for the purpose of
soliciting additional proxies or allowing additional time for the satisfaction
of conditions to the Merger), the persons named in the enclosed proxy card and
acting thereunder generally will have discretion to vote on such matters in
accordance with their best judgment.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the persons
named in the enclosed proxy card will not use their discretionary authority to
use proxies voting against the Merger to vote in favor of adjournment or
postponement of the Special Meeting.  The Merger is also subject to a number of
additional conditions.  See "The Merger Agreement--Conditions."


Proxy Solicitation

     The cost of preparing this proxy statement will be borne by Black Hawk and
Black Hawk and Gameco will share the cost of its printing and filing.  Black
Hawk is requesting that banks, brokers and other custodians, nominees and
fiduciaries forward copies of the proxy material to their principals and request
authority for the execution of proxies.  Black Hawk may reimburse such persons
for their expenses in so doing.  In addition to the solicitation of proxies by
mail, the directors, officers and employees of Black Hawk and its subsidiaries
may, without receiving any additional compensation, solicit proxies by
telephone, telefax, telegram or in person.

     No person is authorized to give any information or make any representation
not contained in this proxy statement, and if given or made, such information or
representation should not be relied upon as having been authorized.

     Black Hawk shareholders should not send any certificates representing
shares of common stock with their proxy card. If the Merger is consummated, the
procedure for the exchange of certificates representing shares of common stock
will be as set forth in this proxy statement.  See "The Merger Agreement--The
Exchange Fund; Payment for Shares of Common Stock" and "The Merger Agreement--
Transfers of Common Stock."


                             THE MERGER AGREEMENT

     The following is a summary of the material provisions of the Merger
Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Annex A to this proxy statement. This
summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Merger

The Merger, Merger Consideration

     The Merger Agreement provides that the Merger will become effective upon
the filing of articles of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of
Colorado or at such other time, not to exceed 30 days after such filing, as the
parties may agree and specify in the certificate of merger (the "Effective
Time"). If the Merger is approved at the Special Meeting by the holders of a
majority of all outstanding shares of common stock, and the other conditions to
the Merger are satisfied, including approvals of the Colorado and Nevada Gaming
Commissions, it is currently anticipated that the Merger will be consummated in
November or December 2001; however, there can be no assurance as to the timing
of the consummation of the Merger or that the Merger will be consummated.

     At the Effective Time, BH Acquisition will be merged with and into Black
Hawk, the separate corporate existence of BH Acquisition will cease and Black
Hawk will continue as the surviving corporation. At the Effective Time:

     .    each share of Black Hawk common stock, issued and outstanding
          immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than common stock held
          by Gameco, BH Acquisition, Diversified or dissenting shareholders)
          will, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of
          the holder thereof, be converted into and become the right to receive
          $12 per share, without interest (the "Merger Consideration");

     .    each share of Black Hawk common stock issued and outstanding
          immediately priorto the Effective Time that is owned by Gameco, BH
          Acquisition or Diversified will automatically be canceled, retired and
          cease to exist and no payment will be made with respect thereto;

     .    each share of common stock of BH Acquisition issued and outstanding
          immediately prior to the Effective Time will be converted into and
          become one share of common stock of Black Hawk as the surviving
          corporation and will constitute the only outstanding share of capital
          stock of Black Hawk;

     .    dissenting shareholders who do not vote to approve the Merger
          Agreement and who otherwise strictly comply with the provisions of the
          Colorado Business Corporation Act regarding statutory appraisal rights
          have the right to seek a determination of the fair value of the shares
          of common stock and payment in cash therefor in lieu of the Merger
          Consideration (see "Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal"); and

     .    each certificate representing shares of Black Hawk common stock that
          have been converted to cash under the terms of the Merger Agreement (a
          "Certificate") will, after the Effective Time, evidence only the right
          to receive, upon the surrender of such Certificate, an amount of cash
          per share equal to $12, without interest.


Treatment of Certain Shares Held by the Buyers

     Prior to the Effective Time, each of Jeffrey P. Jacobs and the Trust will
contribute his or its interests in Diversified to Gameco in exchange for shares
of capital stock of Gameco.  The shares of Black Hawk common stock held by
Diversified will, pursuant to the Merger Agreement, be canceled in the Merger
and no consideration will be paid therefor.

The Exchange Fund; Payment for Shares of Black Hawk Common Stock

     On or before the closing date of the Merger, Gameco will enter into an
agreement with a bank, trust company or other exchange agent selected by Gameco
and reasonably satisfactory to Black Hawk (the "Exchange Agent"). As of the
Effective Time, Gameco or Black Hawk will deposit or cause to be deposited with
the Exchange Agent cash in the amount equal to the aggregate Merger
Consideration (such amount being defined as the number of shares to be purchased
multiplied by $12, and hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Fund") for the
benefit of holders of shares of Black Hawk common stock (other than common stock
held by dissenting shareholders and shares to be canceled without consideration
pursuant to the Merger Agreement).

     Within five days following the Effective Time, the Exchange Agent will mail
to each holder of record of shares of common stock that have been converted
pursuant to the Merger Agreement into the right to receive Merger Consideration,
a letter of transmittal and instructions for use in surrendering Certificates in
exchange for the Merger Consideration. No shareholder should surrender any
Certificate until the shareholder receives the letter of transmittal and other
instructions relating to surrender. Upon surrender of a Certificate for
cancellation to the Exchange Agent, together with a letter of transmittal, duly
executed, and such other customary documents as may be required pursuant to the
instructions, the holder of such Certificate will be entitled to receive in
exchange therefor the Merger Consideration into which the number of shares of
common stock previously represented by such Certificate shall have been
converted pursuant to the Merger Agreement, without any interest thereon, and
the Certificates so surrendered will be canceled.

     If payment of the Merger Consideration is to be made to a person other than
the person in whose name the Certificate surrendered is registered, it will be a
condition of payment that the Certificate so surrendered will be properly
endorsed (together with signature guarantees on such Certificate) or otherwise
be in proper form for transfer and that the person requesting such payment pay
to the Exchange Agent any transfer or other taxes required by reason of the
payment of the Merger Consideration to a person other than the registered holder
thereof or establish to the satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that such tax has
been paid or is not applicable.

     Shareholders should not send their Certificates now and should send them
only pursuant to instructions set forth in the letter of transmittal to be
mailed to shareholders promptly after the Effective Time. In all cases, the
Merger Consideration will be paid only in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this proxy statement and the letter of transmittal.

     Three hundred and sixty-five days after the Effective Time, the Exchange
Agent will deliver to Black Hawk, or otherwise at the direction of Black Hawk,
any portion of the Exchange Fund that remains undistributed to or unclaimed by
the holders of Certificates (including the proceeds of any investments thereof).
Any holders of Certificates who have not theretofore complied with the above-
described procedures to receive payment of the Merger Consideration may then
look only to Black Hawk for payment of the Merger Consideration to which they
are entitled.


Transfers of Common Stock

     After the Effective Time, Black Hawk's stock transfer books will be closed,
and there will be no further transfers of Certificates on the records of Black
Hawk or its transfer agent. If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are
presented to the Exchange Agent or Black Hawk, they will be canceled and
exchanged for the Merger Consideration as provided above and pursuant to the
terms of the Merger Agreement (subject to applicable law in the case of
dissenting shareholders).

Treatment of Stock Options

     At the Effective Time, each outstanding option to acquire common stock will
be canceled. In consideration of such cancellation, Black Hawk will pay to the
holder of each such canceled stock option a cash payment equal to the product of
(1) the excess, if any, of the Merger Consideration over the per share exercise
price of such stock option, multiplied by (2) the aggregate number of shares of
common stock then subject to such stock option, subject to any required
withholding of taxes. At the Effective Time, all such stock options will be
converted into, and will thereafter only represent the right to receive, the
cash payment described herein.

     Prior to the Effective Time, Black Hawk will use its best efforts to make
any amendments to the terms of any stock option agreements with the holder of
stock options granted under Black Hawk's stock option plans that are necessary
or appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Merger
Agreement, including the waiver of any vesting conditions.


     The respective obligations of Gameco and BH Acquisition and of Black Hawk
to consummate the Merger are subject to the fulfillment or waiver (to the extent
permitted by applicable law) at or prior to the Effective Time of certain
conditions including the following:

     .    the Merger Agreement shall have been adopted by the requisite vote of
          the shareholders of Black Hawk in accordance with Colorado Business
          Corporation Act;

     .    none of the parties to the Merger Agreement shall be subject to any
          order or injunction of any governmental authority of competent
          jurisdiction that prohibits the consummation of the Merger; if any
          such order or injunction shall have been issued, each party has agreed
          to use its reasonable best efforts to have such order overturned or
          injunction lifted; and

     .    the waiting period with respect to consummation of the Merger under
          the HSR Act, if applicable, shall have expired or been terminated.

     Unless waived by Black Hawk, the obligation of Black Hawk to effect the
Merger is also subject to the following additional conditions:

     .    Gameco and BH Acquisition shall have performed in all material
          respects their agreements contained in the Merger Agreement required
          to be performed on or prior to the Effective Time and the
          representations and warranties of Gameco and BH Acquisition contained
          in the Merger Agreement shall be true and correct on and as of the
          Effective Time as if made at and as of such date (except to the extent
          that such representations and warranties speak as of an earlier date),
          except for failures to perform or to be true and correct that would
          not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on


          Gameco or BH Acquisition, and Black Hawk shall have received a
          certificate of the chief executive officer or chief financial officer
          of Gameco to that effect; and

     .    all approvals of the Colorado and Nevada Gaming Commissions required
          to be obtained in order to permit consummation of the Merger under
          applicable law shall have been obtained, except for any approvals
          whose unavailability would not, singly or in the aggregate, reasonably
          be expected to (1) have a material adverse effect on Black Hawk after
          the Effective Time, or (2) result in Black Hawk or its subsidiaries
          failing to meet the standards for licensing, suitability or character
          under any gaming laws relating to the conduct of Gameco's or Black
          Hawk's business which (after taking into account the anticipated
          impact of such failure to so meet such standards on other authorities)
          would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
          Black Hawk (after giving effect to the Merger).

     Unless waived by Gameco and BH Acquisition, the obligations of Gameco and
BH Acquisition to effect the Merger are subject to the following additional

     .    Black Hawk shall have performed in all material respects its
          agreements contained in the Merger Agreement required to be performed
          on or prior to the Effective Time and the representations and
          warranties of Black Hawk contained in the Merger Agreement shall be
          true and correct on and as of the Effective Time as if made at and as
          of such date (except to the extent that such representations and
          warranties speak as of an earlier date), except for failures to
          perform and to be true and correct that would not reasonably be
          expected to have a material adverse effect on Black Hawk, and Gameco
          shall have received a certificate of the chief executive officer or
          the chief financial officer of Black Hawk to that effect;

     .    all approvals of the Colorado and Nevada Gaming Commissions required
          to be obtained in order to permit consummation of the Merger under
          applicable law shall have been obtained, except for any approvals
          whose unavailability would not reasonably be expected to (1) have a
          material adverse effect on Gameco, or (2) result in Gameco or its
          subsidiaries failing to meet the standards for licensing, suitability
          or character under any gaming laws relating to the conduct of Gameco's
          or Black Hawk's business which (after taking into account the
          anticipated impact of such failure to so meet such standards on other
          authorities) would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse
          effect on Gameco (after giving effect to the Merger); and

     .    the number of dissenting shares shall constitute not more than 10% of
          the shares of Black Hawk outstanding immediately prior to the
          Effective Time.

Representations and Warranties

     The Merger Agreement contains representations and warranties of Gameco and
BH Acquisition and Black Hawk.


     The representations and warranties of Gameco and BH Acquisition relate to,
among other things:

     .    their respective organization and qualification to do business;

     .    their authority to enter into and consummate the Merger Agreement and
          the transactions contemplated thereby;

     .    the absence of a conflict between the Merger Agreement and the
          transactions contemplated thereby, with laws applicable to, and
          material agreements of, Gameco and BH Acquisition;

     .    the consents and filings required with respect to the Merger Agreement
          and the transactions contemplated thereby;

     .    the accuracy of the information provided by Gameco and BH Acquisition
          for inclusion in this proxy statement and in filings to be made with
          the SEC with respect to the proposed Merger;

     .    approval of the Merger Agreement by the shareholders of Gameco and BH
          Acquisition; and

     .    the brokers used by Gameco and BH Acquisition.

     The representations and warranties of Black Hawk relate to, among other

     .    the organization and qualification to do business of Black Hawk and
          its subsidiaries;

     .    the capitalization of Black Hawk;

     .    Black Hawk's and its subsidiaries' authority to enter into and
          consummate the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated

     .    the absence of a conflict between the Merger Agreement and the
          transactions contemplated thereby, with laws applicable to, and
          material agreements of, Black Hawk and its subsidiaries;

     .    the consents and filings required with respect to the Merger Agreement
          and the transactions contemplated thereby;

     .    the accuracy of previous filings made with the SEC;

     .    compliance with law and contracts;

     .    the accuracy of the proxy statement and filings made with the SEC with
          respect to the proposed Merger;

     .    the absence of undisclosed liabilities and changes in the business of
          Black Hawk;

     .    the status of litigation;

     .    compliance with respect to taxes, employee plans and environmental

     .    title to properties;

     .    the required vote of shareholders of Black Hawk with respect to the
          proposed Merger; and

     .    the brokers used by Black Hawk.


     Black Hawk has agreed to operate, and to cause each of its subsidiaries to
operate, their respective businesses in the ordinary and usual course prior to
the Effective Time. In this regard, Black Hawk has agreed that it will not,
without the consent of Gameco, engage in certain types of transactions.
Specifically, Black Hawk has agreed that prior to the Effective Time, Black Hawk
shall, and shall cause its subsidiaries to:


     .    conduct their respective businesses in the ordinary and usual course
          of business and consistent with past practice, including with respect
          to casino credit policies;

     .    not (a) amend or propose to amend their respective articles of
          incorporation or bylaws or equivalent constitutional documents, (b)
          split, combine or reclassify their outstanding capital stock, or (c)
          declare, set aside or pay any dividend or distribution payable in
          cash, stock, property or otherwise, except for the payment of
          dividends or distributions to Black Hawk or a wholly-owned subsidiary
          of Black Hawk by a director or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
          Black Hawk;

     .    not issue, sell, pledge or dispose of, or agree to issue, sell, pledge
          or dispose of, any additional shares of, or any options, warrants or
          rights of any kind to acquire any shares of, their capital stock of
          any class or any debt or equity securities convertible into or
          exchangeable for any such capital stock, except that Black Hawk may
          issue shares upon the exercise of options outstanding on the date

     .    not (a) incur or become contingently liable with respect to any
          indebtedness for borrowed money other than borrowings in the ordinary
          course of business or borrowings under the existing credit facilities
          of Black Hawk or of any of its subsidiaries up to the existing
          borrowing limit, and borrowings to refinance existing indebtedness on
          terms which are reasonably acceptable to Gameco; provided that in no
          event shall the aggregate indebtedness of Black Hawk and its
          subsidiaries, net of all cash and cash equivalents, exceed
          $75,000,000, (b) redeem, purchase, acquire or offer to purchase or
          acquire any shares of its capital stock or any options, warrants or
          rights to acquire any of its capital stock or any security convertible
          into or exchangeable for its capital stock other than in connection
          with the exercise of outstanding options pursuant to the terms of
          Black Hawk's option plans, (c) without Gameco's consent, or except as
          previously disclosed to Gameco, make any acquisition of any assets or
          businesses other than expenditures for current assets in the ordinary
          course of business and expenditures for fixed or capital assets in the
          ordinary course of business, (d) without Gameco's consent acquire any
          gaming property in Colorado; (e) sell, pledge, dispose of or encumber
          any assets or businesses other than sales of businesses or assets
          disclosed to Gameco, pledges or encumbrances pursuant to existing
          credit facilities or other permitted borrowings, sales of real estate
          assets or facilities for cash consideration (including any debt
          assumed by the buyer of such real estate, assets or facilities) to
          non-affiliates of Black Hawk of less than $100,000 in each such case
          and $500,000 in the aggregate, sales or dispositions of businesses or
          assets as may be required by applicable law, and sales or dispositions
          of assets in the ordinary course, or (f) enter into any binding
          contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement with respect to any of
          the foregoing;

     .    use all reasonable efforts to preserve intact their respective
          business organizations and goodwill, keep available the services of
          their respective present officers and key employees, and preserve the
          goodwill and business relationships with customers and others having
          business relationships with them, other than as expressly permitted by
          the terms of the Merger Agreement;

     .    not enter into, amend, modify or renew any employment, consulting,
          severance or similar agreement with, or grant any salary, wage or
          other increase in compensation or increase in any employee benefit to,
          any director or officer of Black Hawk or of any of its subsidiaries,
          except (a) for changes that are required by applicable law, (b) to


          existing obligations, or (c) in the ordinary course of business
          consistent with past practice;

     .    not enter into, establish, adopt, amend or modify any pension,
          retirement, stock purchase, savings, profit sharing, deferred
          compensation, consulting, bonus, group insurance or other employee
          benefit, incentive or welfare plan, agreement, program or arrangement,
          in respect of any director, officer or employee of Black Hawk or of
          any of its subsidiaries, except in each such case as may be required
          by applicable law or by the terms of contractual obligations existing
          as of the date hereof, including any collective bargaining agreement;

     .    not make expenditures, including, but not limited to, capital
          expenditures, or enter into any binding commitment or contract to make
          expenditures, except (a) expenditures which Black Hawk or its
          subsidiaries are currently contractually committed to make, (b) other
          expenditures not exceeding $250,000 individually or $500,000 in the
          aggregate, (c) for emergency repairs and other expenditures necessary
          in light of circumstances not anticipated as of the date of the Merger
          Agreement which are necessary to avoid significant disruption to Black
          Hawk's business or operations consistent with past practice (and, if
          reasonably practicable, after consultation with Gameco), or (d) for
          repairs and maintenance in the ordinary course of business consistent
          with past practice;

     .    not make, change or revoke any material tax election unless required
          by law or make any agreement or settlement with any taxing authority
          regarding any material amount of taxes or which would reasonably be
          expected to materially increase the obligations of Black Hawk to pay
          taxes in the future; and

     .    not settle or compromise any litigation to which Black Hawk or any of
          its subsidiaries is a party or with respect to which they may incur
          liability in excess of $250,000 per action or claim or $500,000 for
          all actions and claims in the aggregate.

     Nothing contained in the Merger Agreement is intended to give Gameco,
directly or indirectly, rights to control or direct Black Hawk's operations
prior to the Effective Time. Prior to the Effective Time, Black Hawk will
exercise, consistent with the terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement,
complete control and supervision of its operations.

     Black Hawk and Gameco have made further agreements regarding, among other
things, advising each other of representations or warranties contained in the
Merger Agreement becoming untrue, of their respective failure to comply with or
satisfy covenants, conditions or agreements contained in the Merger Agreement,
and of any change, event or circumstance that could reasonably be expected to
have a material adverse effect on such party or on its ability to consummate the
proposed Merger, cooperating in the preparation of required governmental
filings, in obtaining required permits and regulatory approvals and in the
release of public announcements, and granting access to information and
maintaining confidentiality.

     The Merger Agreement provides that, prior to the Effective Time or earlier
termination of the Merger Agreement, except as described below, Black Hawk will
not, and will not permit any of its subsidiaries to, initiate, solicit,
negotiate, encourage or provide confidential information to facilitate, and
Black Hawk will use all reasonable efforts to cause any officer, director or
employee of Black Hawk, or any attorney, accountant, investment banker,
financial advisor or other agent retained by it or any of its subsidiaries not
to, initiate, solicit, negotiate, encourage or provide non-public or
confidential information


to facilitate, any proposal or offer to acquire all or any substantial part of
the business, properties or capital stock of Black Hawk, whether by merger,
purchase of assets, tender offer or otherwise, whether for cash, securities or
any other consideration or combination thereof (any such transactions being
referred to herein as an "Acquisition Transaction").

     Notwithstanding the limitations described above, Black Hawk may, prior to
receipt of Black Hawk's shareholders' approval of the Merger Agreement, in
response to an unsolicited bona fide written offer or proposal with respect to a
potential or proposed Acquisition Transaction ("Acquisition Proposal") from a
corporation, partnership, person or other entity or group (a "Potential
Acquirer") which Black Hawk's Board of Directors determines in good faith and
after consultation with the Special Committee's independent financial advisor,
could reasonably be expected to result (if consummated pursuant to its terms) in
an Acquisition Transaction more favorable to Black Hawk's shareholders than the
Merger (a "Qualifying Proposal"), furnish (subject to the execution of a
confidentiality agreement substantially similar to the confidentiality agreement
between Black Hawk and Gameco) confidential or non-public information to, and
negotiate with, such Potential Acquirer, may resolve to accept, or recommend,
and, upon termination of the Merger Agreement and after payment to Gameco of the
fee described under "--Termination" below, enter into agreements relating to, a
Qualifying Proposal which Black Hawk's Board of Directors, in good faith, has
determined is reasonably likely to be consummated. Black Hawk's Board of
Directors may also take and disclose to Black Hawk's shareholders a position
contemplated by Rule 14e-2 under the Exchange Act (stating Black Hawk's position
on any third-party tender offers) or otherwise make disclosure required by the
federal securities laws.


     The Merger Agreement may be terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at
any time prior to the Effective Time (notwithstanding any approval of the Merger
Agreement by the shareholders of Black Hawk):

     .    by mutual written consent of Black Hawk and Gameco;

     .    by either Black Hawk or Gameco, if the Merger has not been consummated
          by December 31, 2001, provided that the right to terminate the Merger
          Agreement is not available to any party whose failure to fulfill any
          of its obligations under the Merger Agreement has been the cause of or
          resulted in the failure to consummate the Merger by such date;

     .    by either Black Hawk or Gameco if any judgment, injunction, order or
          decree of a court or governmental agency or authority of competent
          jurisdiction restrains or prohibits the consummation of the Merger,
          and such judgment, injunction, order or decree becomes final and
          nonappealable and was not entered at the request of the terminating

     .    by either Black Hawk or Gameco, if (a) there has been a breach by the
          other party of any representation or warranty contained in the Merger
          Agreement which has not been cured in all material respects within 30
          days after written notice of such breach by the terminating party, or
          (b) there has been a breach of any of the covenants or agreements set
          forth in the Merger Agreement on the part of the other party, which is
          not curable or, if curable, is not cured within 30 days after written
          notice of such breach is given by the terminating party to the other

     .    by Black Hawk if, prior to receipt of Black Hawk shareholders'
          approval of the Merger Agreement, Black Hawk receives a Superior
          Proposal, resolves to accept such Superior


          Proposal, and gives Gameco two days' prior written notice of its
          intention to terminate the Merger Agreement, however such termination
          will not be effective until such time as the payment discussed below
          under "--Expenses and Fees" has been received by Gameco;

     .    by Gameco, if the Board of Directors of Black Hawk has failed to
          recommend, or withdraws, modifies or amends in any material respect
          its approval or recommendation of the Merger or resolves to do any of
          the foregoing, or has recommended another Acquisition Proposal or if
          the Board of Directors of Black Hawk has resolved to accept a Superior
          Proposal or has recommended to the shareholders of Black Hawk that
          they tender their shares in a tender or an exchange offer commenced by
          a third party (excluding any affiliate of Gameco or any group of which
          any affiliate of Black Hawk is a member); or

     .    by Black Hawk or Gameco if the shareholders of Black Hawk fail to
          approve the Merger at a duly held meeting of shareholders called for
          such purpose (including any adjournment or postponement thereof) or by
          Gameco if holders of more than 10% of Black Hawk's outstanding shares
          vote against the Merger and exercise their dissenters' rights.

Expenses and Fees

     All costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Merger Agreement and
the transactions contemplated thereby will be paid by the party incurring such
expenses, except that those expenses incurred in connection with the printing of
this proxy statement and certain filing fees will be shared equally.

     Black Hawk agreed to pay Gameco a fee in the amount of $1 million if:

     .    Black Hawk terminates the Merger Agreement because, prior to receipt
          of Black Hawk's shareholders' approval, it has received a Superior
          Proposal from a third party and resolves to accept the Superior

     .    Gameco terminates the Agreement because the Board of Directors of
          Black Hawk has failed to recommend, or withdraws, modifies or amends
          in any material respect its approval of the Merger, has recommended a
          Superior Proposal, has resolved to accept a Superior Proposal or has
          recommended a third party tender or exchange offer to shareholders; or

     .    the Merger Agreement is terminated for any reason at a time at which
          Gameco was not in material breach of its representations, warranties,
          covenants and agreements contained in the Merger Agreement and was
          entitled to terminate the Merger Agreement because Black Hawk
          shareholders failed to approve the Merger at a duly called meeting and
          (a) prior to the time of the shareholders' meeting a proposal by a
          third party relating to an Acquisition Transaction had been publicly
          proposed or publicly announced, and (b) on or prior to the 12 month
          anniversary of the termination of the Merger Agreement Black Hawk or
          any of its subsidiaries or affiliates enters into an agreement or
          letter of intent (or resolves or announces an intention to do so) with
          respect to an Acquisition Transaction involving a person, entity or
          group if such person, entity, group (or


                    any member of such group, or any affiliate of any of the
                    foregoing) made a proposal with respect to an Acquisition
                    Transaction on or after the date of the Merger Agreement and
                    prior to the shareholders' meeting and such Acquisition
                    Transaction is consummated.

     Gameco will pay Black Hawk a fee of $2 million if Gameco either: (a) fails
to provide prior to mailing this proxy statement a letter from U.S. Bancorp
Libra or other similar lending institution that it is "highly confident" it can
arrange financing sufficient to fund the Merger and related expenses [to come
out in definitive]; or (b) fails to consummate the Merger by 12:00 noon,
Mountain Time on December 31, 2001 if Black Hawk has satisfied the conditions to
closing the Merger required of it, unless the failure to do so resulted from
breach of a representation, warranty or covenant of Gameco or BH Acquisition
under the Merger Agreement. If Gameco fails to close the Merger because it
cannot obtain financing, payment of the $2 million fee will be considered Black
Hawk's liquidated damages.


     Before or after approval of the Merger Agreement by the shareholders, the
Merger Agreement may be amended by the written agreement of the parties thereto
at any time prior to the Effective Time if such amendment is approved by their
respective boards of directors.

     At any time prior to the Effective Time, Black Hawk, Gameco and BH
Acquisition may extend the time for performance of any of the obligations or
other acts of the other parties to the Merger Agreement, waive any inaccuracies
in the representations and warranties contained in the Merger Agreement or in
any document delivered pursuant to the Merger Agreement, or waive compliance
with any agreements or conditions contained in the Merger Agreement. Any
extension or waiver will be valid only if set forth in writing and signed by the
party making such extension or waiver.


                             THE VOTING AGREEMENTS

     Gameco and Robert D. Greenlee, a shareholder of Black Hawk, entered into a
Voting Agreement on April 27, 2001. The agreement covers 486,113 shares, or
approximately 11.7% of Black Hawk's outstanding shares representing all of Mr.
Greenlee's share holdings in Black Hawk. Mr. Greenlee has agreed that during the
term of the voting agreement he will not initiate, solicit, negotiate, encourage
or provide confidential information to facilitate any other acquisition
transaction involving Black Hawk.

     During the term of the voting agreement, Mr. Greenlee has agreed that he
will vote for the Merger Agreement described in this proxy statement and, to
that end, he has appointed Jeffrey P. Jacobs as his proxy to attend and vote his
shares at the special meeting contemplated herein.

     The agreement and the proxy granted by Mr. Greenlee to Mr. Jacobs will
terminate automatically on the earliest of:

     .    the date on which any amendment or modification to the Merger
          Agreement is made that reduces the Merger Consideration to less than
          $12 cash per share;
     .    the date on which the Merger Agreement is terminated;
     .    the closing of the Merger Agreement; and
     .    February 11, 2002.

     Effective April 25, 2001, Diversified entered into a voting agreement with
Black Hawk under which Diversified will vote its 1,333,333 shares, or
approximately 32.3% of Black Hawk's shares outstanding, for the Merger
Agreement. The term and termination provisions in this agreement are similar to
those described above with respect to Mr. Greenlee's voting agreement.



     Black Hawk owns and operates casinos in Colorado and Nevada. Black Hawk,
its directors, key officers and principal shareholders are subject to the gaming
laws, rules and regulations of both states. A summary of these extensive gaming
laws, rules and regulations is set forth in Item 1 of Black Hawk's Annual Report
on Form 10-K included with this proxy statement.

Colorado Gaming Regulations

     Black Hawk's operations in Colorado are subject to the Colorado Limited Act
of 1991, as amended, and the regulations of the Colorado Limited Gaming Control
Commission (collectively, the "Colorado gaming law") and various local
ordinances and regulations. Black Hawk's operations are subject to the licensing
and regulatory control of the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission
("Colorado Gaming Commission") and the Colorado Division of Gaming, as well as
the City of Black Hawk.

     Under Colorado gaming law, the Colorado Gaming Commission must provide
prior approval of a change of ownership of any licensee or any sale, lease,
purchase, conveyance, or acquisition of an interest in a licensee. Gameco has
filed applications with the Colorado Gaming Commission, seeking the necessary
approvals of the transfer of ownership of The Lodge Casino and the Gilpin Hotel
& Casino through the Merger. The Colorado Division of Gaming reviews and
investigates applications for approval and makes recommendations on those
applications to the Colorado Gaming Commission for


final action. There can be no assurance that these approvals will be granted or
will be granted on a timely basis or without burdensome conditions. Furthermore,
any such approval, if granted, does not constitute a finding, recommendation or
approval by the Colorado Gaming Commission as to the merits of the Merger.

     In seeking approval of the transfer of ownership of The Lodge Casino and
the Gilpin Hotel & Casino, Gameco must satisfy the Colorado Gaming Commission as
to a variety of stringent standards. In deciding whether to approve or deny
Gameco's application, the Colorado Gaming Commission may consider any facts that
are deemed material to the qualifications of the applicant, including whether
the applicant is of good moral character.

     The shareholders, officers and directors of Gameco at the time of
completion of the Merger may be required to be licensed or found suitable by the
Colorado Gaming Commission. The Director of the Division of Gaming may require
any person applying to acquire an interest in a licensee to provide background
information, the source of funding used to obtain such interest, and a sworn
statement that such person is not holding the interest for another party. The
Colorado Gaming Commission may require any person applying to acquire an
interest in a licensee to undergo a complete background investigation.

     In determining whether to approve or deny an application, the Colorado
Gaming Commission may consider whether the applicant is suitable to hold the
license applied for. To be suitable under Colorado gaming law, an applicant must
be able to be licensed in light of his prior acts, associations, and financial
conditions. An applicant must provide all information requested by the Colorado
Gaming Commission and permit investigation into his background; failure to do so
is grounds for denial of the license. There can be no assurances that the
Commission will make a finding of suitability or approve an application for a
license in a timely manner or at all.

Nevada Gaming Regulations

     Black Hawk's operations in Nevada are subject to the Nevada Gaming Control
Act and the regulations of the Nevada Gaming Commission and the Nevada State
Gaming Control Board (collectively, the "Nevada Act") and various local
ordinances and regulations. Black Hawk's operations are subject to the licensing
and regulatory control of the Nevada Gaming Commission, the Nevada State Gaming
Control Board and the City of Reno (collectively, the "Nevada Gaming

     Regulations of the Nevada Gaming Commission provide that control of a
registered publicly traded corporation such as Black Hawk cannot be acquired
through a tender offer, merger, consolidation, acquisition of assets, management
or consulting agreements or any form of takeover whatsoever without the prior
approval of the Nevada Gaming Commission. Gameco has filed applications seeking
the necessary approvals with the Nevada State Gaming Control Board and the
Nevada Gaming Commission. The Nevada State Gaming Control Board reviews and
investigates applications for approval and makes recommendations on those
applications to the Nevada Gaming Commission for final action. There can be no
assurance that these approvals will be granted or will be granted on a timely
basis or without burdensome conditions. Furthermore, any such approval, if
granted, does not constitute a finding, recommendation or approval by the Nevada
State Gaming Control Board or the Nevada Gaming Commission as to the merits of
the Merger. Any representation to the contrary is unlawful.

     In seeking approval to acquire control of Black Hawk, Gameco must satisfy
the Nevada Gaming Commission as to a variety of stringent standards. The Nevada
State Gaming Control Board and the Nevada Gaming Commission will consider all
relevant material facts in determining whether to grant this approval, and may
consider not only the effects of the Merger but also any other facts that are
deemed relevant. Such facts may include, among others, (a) the business history
of the applicant, including its


record of financial stability, integrity and success of its operations, as well
as its current business activities, (b) the adequacy of the proposed financing,
and (c) whether the Merger will create a significant risk that Black Hawk or its
subsidiary will not satisfy their financial obligations as they become due or
satisfy all financial and regulatory requirements imposed by the Nevada Act.

     Gameco has filed an application with the Nevada State Gaming Control Board
and the Nevada Gaming Commission seeking approval to acquire control of Black
Hawk and seeking that it be found suitable as the sole shareholder of Black Hawk
at the time of completion of the Merger. In addition, the shareholders, officers
and directors of Gameco at the time of completion of the Merger will be required
to be found suitable or licensed by the Nevada Gaming Authorities. The Nevada
Gaming Authorities may deny an application for licensing, a finding of
suitability or registration for any cause that they deem reasonable. A finding
of suitability is comparable to licensing, and both require the submission of
detailed personal and financial information followed by a thorough
investigation. All individuals required to file applications for findings of
suitability as officers and directors of Black Hawk and its subsidiary, Gold
Dust West Casino, Inc., at the time of completion of the Merger will file
applications with the Nevada State Gaming Control Board and the Nevada Gaming
Commission. Certain approvals will also be required to be obtained in connection
with the financing of the Merger and such approvals will be applied for. There
can be no assurances that these approvals will be granted, or will be granted on
a timely basis.

Louisiana and Virginia Gaming Regulations

     The activities of Gameco, Colonial and the Jalou entities are also subject
to the gaming laws and regulations of the states of Louisiana and Virginia.
Black Hawk has been advised that the Buyers described above under "The Parties--
Gameco, Inc., BH Acquisition, Inc. and Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd.",
"--Colonial Holdings, Inc." and "--Jalou L.L.C. and Jalou II" are in the process
of seeking approvals from the appropriate gaming authorities in Louisiana and
Virginia with regard to the transactions and such approvals should have no
material impact on the consummation of the Merger.

Possible Delayed Closing

     Applications for gaming approvals have been filed in Colorado and Nevada.
Each jurisdiction will assign staff personnel to conduct their respective
investigations. Black Hawk cannot predict how long these investigations will
take. When staff personnel have completed their work, hearings will be held by
the gaming commissions in Colorado and Nevada. Generally, these commissions meet
monthly and matters coming before the commissions must be scheduled in advance.
Black Hawk presently anticipates the application and investigation processes
will be completed, and approvals of the Colorado and Nevada Gaming Commissions
obtained, in November or December 2001, but cannot provide assurance in that

     If the Merger Agreement is approved by shareholders of Black Hawk at the
special meeting to be held on August ___, 2001 as described in this proxy
statement, it may be three or four months, or perhaps longer, before the gaming
approvals described above are obtained, the Merger is closed and payment for
your shares is made. Although Black Hawk has received a letter from U.S. Bancorp
Libra dated June 28, 2001 in which Libra states that, given current market
conditions, it is "highly confident" that it can arrange financing for the
Buyers to complete the Merger, there is no assurance that the financial markets
may not change during that time, adversely affecting the Buyers' financing
plans. See "Special Factors--Financing the Merger."


                        DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

     The following is a summary of dissenters' rights available to Black Hawk
shareholders, which summary is not intended to be a complete statement of
applicable Colorado law and is qualified in its entirety by reference to Article
113 of the Colorado Business Corporation Act ("CBCA"), which is set forth in its
entirety as Annex C.

Right to Dissent

     Black Hawk shareholders are entitled to dissent from the Merger and obtain
payment of the fair value of their shares if and when the Merger is effectuated.
"Fair value," with respect to a dissenter's shares, means the value of the
shares immediately before the Effective Time of the Merger, excluding any
appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of the Merger except to the extent
that exclusion would be inequitable. Under Article 113 of the CBCA, a
shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for his, her or its shares
may not also challenge the corporate action creating the right to dissent unless
the action is unlawful or fraudulent with respect to the shareholder or the

     Under Section 7-113-103 of the CBCA a record shareholder may assert
dissenters' rights as to fewer than all shares registered in the record
shareholder's name only if the record shareholder dissents with respect to all
shares beneficially owned by any one person and causes the corporation to
receive written notice which states such dissent and the name, address and
federal taxpayer identification number, if any, of each person on whose behalf
the record shareholder asserts dissenters' rights.

     Section 7-113-103(2) of the CBCA provides that a beneficial shareholder may
assert dissenters' rights as to the shares held on the beneficial shareholder's
behalf only if (a) the beneficial shareholder causes the corporation to receive
the record shareholder's written consent to the dissent not later than the time
the beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights and (b) the beneficial
shareholder dissents with respect to all shares beneficially owned by the
beneficial shareholder.

     Black Hawk will require that, when a record shareholder dissents with
respect to the shares held by any one or more beneficial shareholders, each such
beneficial shareholder must certify to Black Hawk that the beneficial
shareholder has asserted, or will timely assert, dissenters' rights as to all
such shares as to which there is no limitation on the ability to exercise
dissenters' rights.

Procedure for Exercise of Dissenters' Rights

     The notice accompanying this proxy statement states that shareholders of
Black Hawk are entitled to assert dissenters' rights under Article 113 of the
CBCA. A Black Hawk shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall:
(a) cause Black Hawk to receive before the vote is taken on the Merger at the
special meeting, written notice of the shareholder's intention to demand payment
for the shareholder's shares if the Merger is effectuated; and (b) not vote the
shares in favor of the Merger. A Black Hawk shareholder who does not satisfy the
foregoing requirements will not be entitled to demand payment for his or her
shares under Article 113 of the CBCA.

Dissenters' Notice

     If the Merger is approved at the special meeting, Black Hawk will send
written notice to dissenters who are entitled to demand payment for their
shares. The notice required by Black Hawk will be given no later than 10 days
after the Effective Time and will: (a) state that the Merger was authorized and
state the Effective Time or proposed effective date of the Merger, (b) set forth
an address at which Black Hawk will receive payment demands and the address of a
place where certificates must be


deposited, (c) supply a form for demanding payment, which form shall request a
dissenter to state an address to which payment is to be made, (d) set the date
by which Black Hawk must receive the payment demand and certificates for shares,
which date will not be less than 30 days after the date the notice is given, (e)
state that if a record Black Hawk shareholder dissents with respect to the
shares held by any one or more beneficial shareholders each such beneficial
shareholder must certify to Black Hawk that the beneficial shareholder and the
record shareholder or record shareholders of all shares owned beneficially by
the beneficial shareholder have asserted, or will timely assert, dissenters'
rights as to all such shares as to which there is no limitation of the ability
to exercise dissenters' rights, and (f) be accompanied by a copy of Article 113
of the CBCA.

Procedure to Demand Payment

     A shareholder who is given a dissenters' notice to assert dissenters'
rights will, in accordance with the terms of the dissenters' notice, (a) cause
Black Hawk to receive a payment demand (which may be a demand form supplied by
Black Hawk and duly completed or other acceptable writing) and (b) deposit the
shareholder's stock certificates. A shareholder who demands payment in
accordance with the foregoing retains all rights of a shareholder, except the
right to transfer the shares until the Effective Time, and has only the right to
receive payment for the shares after the Effective Time. A demand for payment
and deposit of certificates is irrevocable except that if the Effective Time
does not occur within 60 days after the date set by Black Hawk by which it must
receive the payment demand, Black Hawk will return the deposited certificates
and release the transfer restrictions imposed. If the Effective Time occurs more
than 60 days after the date set by Black Hawk by which it must receive the
payment demand, then Black Hawk will send a new dissenters' notice. A Black Hawk
shareholder who does not demand payment and deposit his or her Black Hawk share
certificates as required by the date or dates set forth in the dissenters'
notice will not be entitled to demand payment for his, her or its Black Hawk
shares under Article 113 of the CBCA, in which case, pursuant to the Merger
Agreement, he, she or it will receive cash consideration for each of his, her or
its shares equal to the per share price received by non-dissenting shareholders.


     At the Effective Time or upon receipt of a payment demand, whichever is
later, Black Hawk will pay each dissenter who complied with the notice
requirements referenced in the preceding paragraph, the Black Hawk estimate of
the fair value of the dissenter's shares plus accrued interest. Payment shall be
accompanied by an audited balance sheet as of the end of the most recent fiscal
year of Black Hawk or, an audited income statement for that year, and an audited
statement of changes in shareholders' equity for that year and an audited
statement of cash flow for that year, as well as the latest available financial
statements, if any, for the interim period, which interim financial statements
will be unaudited. Payment will also be accompanied by a statement of the
estimate by Black Hawk of the fair value of the shares and an explanation of how
the interest was calculated, along with a statement of the dissenter's right to
demand payment and a copy of Article 113 of the CBCA. With respect to a
dissenter who acquired beneficial ownership of his, her or its shares after
Black Hawk's first announcement of the terms of the transaction on April 27,
2001, or who does not certify that his, her or its shares were acquired before
that date, Black Hawk may, in lieu of making the payment described above, offer
to make such payment if the dissenter agrees to accept it in full satisfaction
of the demand.

If Dissenter is Dissatisfied with Offer

     If a dissenter disagrees with the Black Hawk payment or offer, such
dissenter may give notice to Black Hawk in writing of the dissenter's estimate
of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and of the amount of interest due
and may demand payment of such estimate, less any payment made prior thereto,


or reject the offer of Black Hawk and demand payment of the fair value of the
shares and interest due if: (a) the dissenter believes that the amount paid or
offered is less than the fair value of the shares or that the interest due was
incorrectly calculated, (b) Black Hawk fails to make payment within 60 days
after the date set by Black Hawk by which it must receive the payment demand or
(c) Black Hawk does not return deposited certificates if the Effective Time is
60 days after the date set by Black Hawk by which the payment demand must be
received by the shareholder asserting dissenter's rights. A dissenter waives the
right to demand payment under this paragraph unless he or she causes Black Hawk
to receive the notice referenced in this paragraph within 30 days after Black
Hawk makes or offers payment for the shares of the dissenter, in which event,
such dissenter will receive all cash for his or her Black Hawk shares in an
amount equal to the amount paid or offered by Black Hawk.

Judicial Appraisal of Shares

     If a demand for payment made by a dissenter as set forth above is
unresolved, Black Hawk may, within 60 days after receiving the payment demand,
commence a proceeding and petition a court to determine the fair value of the
shares and accrued interest. If Black Hawk does not commence the proceeding
within the 60 day period, it shall pay to each dissenter whose demand remains
unresolved the amount demanded. Black Hawk must commence any proceeding
described above in the District Court of the County of Gilpin, Colorado. Black
Hawk must make all dissenters whose demands remain unresolved parties to the
proceeding as in an action against their shares, and all parties shall be served
with a copy of the petition. Jurisdiction in which the proceeding is commenced
is plenary and exclusive. One or more persons may be appointed by the court as
appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision on the question of fair
value. The appraisers will have the power described in the court order
appointing them. The parties to the proceeding will be entitled to the same
discovery rights as parties in other civil proceedings. Each dissenter made a
party to the proceeding will be entitled to judgment for the amount, if any, by
which the court finds the fair value of the dissenter's shares, plus interest,
to exceed the amount paid by Black Hawk, or for the fair value, plus interest,
of a dissenter's shares for which Black Hawk elected to withhold payment.

Court and Counsel Fees

     The court in an appraisal proceeding shall determine all costs of the
proceeding, including the reasonable compensation and expenses of appraisers
appointed by the court. The court will assess the costs against Black Hawk;
except that the court may assess costs against all or some of the dissenters, in
the amount the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds that the
dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith in demanding
payment. The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel and experts
for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable: (a) against
Black Hawk and in favor of the dissenters if the court finds that Black Hawk did
not substantially comply with its obligations under the dissenter's rights
statute, or (b) against either Black Hawk or one or more dissenters, in favor of
any other party, if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and
expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously or not in good faith with
respect to the rights provided by Article 113 of the CBCA. If the court finds
that the services of counsel for any dissenter were of substantial benefit to
the other dissenters similarly situated, and that the fees for those services
should not be assessed against Black Hawk, the court may award to such counsel
reasonable fees to be paid out of the amount awarded to the dissenters who were

     Any written notice required to be sent to Black Hawk by a Black Hawk
shareholder electing to exercise his or her dissenter's rights under Article 113
of the CBCA should be to Stanley Politano at the offices of Black Hawk, 240 Main
Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422.


                          MARKET FOR THE COMMON STOCK

Common Stock Market Price Information; Dividend Information

     Black Hawk's common stock is traded on the Nasdaq National Market under the
symbol "BHWK." The following table shows, for the calendar quarters indicated,
the per share high and low closing sale prices of the common stock on the Nasdaq
National Market based on published financial sources. Black Hawk has not paid
any dividends on its common stock since its initial public offering in 1993.

               1999                   High    Low
               ----                   ----    ---
          First Quarter             $ 8.38   $6.25
          Second Quarter              8.50    5.63
          Third Quarter               7.75    5.50
          Fourth Quarter              7.63    5.38

               2000                   High    Low
               ----                   ----    ---
          First Quarter             $ 7.00   $5.38
          Second Quarter              7.25    5.63
          Third Quarter               7.13    6.00
          Fourth Quarter              7.06    6.00

               2001                   High    Low
               ----                   ----    ---
          First Quarter             $ 9.75   $6.50
          Second Quarter             10.95    8.50
          Third Quarter (through
           July _____)

     On February 23, 2001, the last day Black Hawk's stock traded prior to the
public announcement of the Merger transaction described in this proxy statement,
the closing sales price of its common stock on the Nasdaq National Market was
$6.56. On April 26, 2001, the last full trading day prior to the day on which
the execution of the Merger Agreement was publicly announced, the closing sales
price for the common stock on the Nasdaq National Market was $10.28. On July
_____, 2001, the closing sales price for the common stock on the Nasdaq National
Market was $________. The market price for Black Hawk common stock is subject to
fluctuation and shareholders are urged to obtain current market quotations.

Common Stock Purchase Information

     Neither Black Hawk nor any of its executive officers or directors, or the
Buyers or any of their affiliates, has engaged in any transaction with respect
to Black Hawk's common stock within the past 60 days. Since December 31, 1998,
none of the foregoing persons has purchased any of Black Hawk's common stock,
except that Black Hawk has issued an aggregate of 5,024 shares of its common
stock to its four outside directors (including the three members of the Special
Committee) as one-half of their $1,000 per meeting director's fees.


                                AND MANAGEMENT

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of Black Hawk's common stock as of June 30, 2001 for: (a) each of its
directors and executive officers, (b) all of the directors and executive
officers as a group, and (c) each person known by Black Hawk to be a beneficial
owner of more than 5% of its common stock. All information with respect to
beneficial ownership by our directors, executive officers or beneficial owners
has been furnished by the respective director, officer or beneficial owner, as
the case may be. Unless indicated otherwise, each of the shareholders has sole
voting and investment power with respect to the shares of common stock
beneficially owned.

                                                                                                  Percentage of
                                                                                                   Common Stock
                                                          Beneficially Owned                 Beneficially Owned/(3)/
                                               ----------------------------------------      -----------------------

            Name                                 Shares                  Options/(1)/
            ----                                 ------                  ------------
Jeffrey P. Jacobs                              1,333,333  /(2)(4)/          85,000                    33.7%
Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd.
1001 North U.S. Highway One, #710
Jupiter, Florida 33477

Stephen R. Roark                                  28,571                   182,500                     4.9%
240 Main Street
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422

Stanley Politano                                     619                    75,000                     1.8%
240 Main Street
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422

Frank B. Day                                     477,211                    20,000                    12.0%
248 Centennial Parkway, Suite 100
Louisville, Colorado 80302

J. Patrick McDuff                                  1,830                    13,250                       *
1375 Walnut
Boulder, Colorado 80302

Robert H. Hughes                                   2,051                    15,000                       *
27459 Hemlock Drive
Westlake, Ohio 44145

Timothy Knudsen                                    1,424                     1,000                       *
213 Vista Circle
North Olmstead, Ohio 44070


Stephen P. Owendoff, Esq.               708 /(5)/             --            *
Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
3300 BPAmerica Building
300 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2301

Robert D. Greenlee                  486,113                   --         11.7%
2060 Broadway, Suite 400
Boulder, Colorado 80302

Officers and Directors as         1,845,747              391,750         49.5%
  a group (eight persons)


*less than 1%

(1)  Represents shares underlying options which are exercisable within 60 days
     and therefore does not include unvested options which will be deemed vested
     upon consummation of the Merger.
(2)  These shares are held by Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., an affiliate
     of Mr. Jacobs, and are therefore deemed beneficially owned by him.
(3)  All percentages are computed in accordance with Rule 13d-3 adopted under
     the Exchange Act.
(4)  Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd., one of the Buyers, owns 25% of the
     membership interests in Black Hawk/Jacobs Entertainment LLC, which owns and
     operates The Lodge Casino in Black Hawk, Colorado.  Black Hawk owns 75% of
     the membership interests and profits and losses are shared between Black
     Hawk and Diversified based on their membership interests.
(5)  Mr. Owendoff disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares, which are
     owned by his law firm.


                           DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT

Black Hawk

     Set forth below are the name and business address of each director and
executive officer of Black Hawk and his position with Black Hawk. Also set forth
below are the material occupations, positions, offices and employment of each
such person and the name of any corporation or other organization in which any
material occupation, position, office or employment of each such person was held
during the last five years. All directors and officers are citizens of the
United States.

          Name                           Age         Position(s) Held
          ----                           ---         ----------------
Jeffrey P. Jacobs                         47      Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
1001 North U.S. Highway One, #710
Jupiter, Florida 33477
Business Telephone: 561-575-4006

Stephen R. Roark                          53      President, Chief Financial Officer and a Director
240 Main Street
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
Business Telephone: 303-582-1117

Stanley Politano                          51      Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
240 Main Street
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
Business Telephone: 303-582-1117

Frank B. Day                              67      A Director
248 Centennial Parkway
Suite 100
Louisville, Colorado 80302
Business Telephone: 303-664-4121

J. Patrick McDuff                         52      A Director
1375 Walnut
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Business Telephone: 303-443-0018

Robert H. Hughes                          60      A Director
27459 Hemlock Drive
Westlake, Ohio 44145
Business Telephone: 440-835-3193

Timothy Knudsen                           47      A Director
213 Vista Circle
North Olmstead, Ohio 44070
Business Telephone: 216-781-5000


Stephen P. Owendoff                       57      A Director
Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
3300 BP America Building
300 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2301
Business Telephone: 216-621-0150

     JEFFREY P. JACOBS became our Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman on
November 12, 1996 and became Chairman on December 31, 1997. From 1995 to
present, served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Jacobs Entertainment,
Inc., a company based in Cleveland, Ohio that has investments in gaming
companies and ventures, including Black Hawk and Colonial Holdings, Inc., which
operates a horse-racing track and satellite wagering facilities. Mr. Jacobs and
his father co-founded Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd. in 1996. Diversified
is owned equally by Jacobs Entertainment, Inc. and the Richard E. Jacobs
Revocable Trust. From 1975 to present, he has also served as President and Chief
Executive Officer of Jacobs Investments, Inc., a company engaged in the
development, construction and operation of residential and commercial real
estate projects in Ohio. He is also involved in a variety of private equity
transactions and investments. Mr. Jacobs also served in the Ohio House of
Representatives from 1982 until 1986. He is also Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Colonial Holdings, Inc. which is a reporting company under the
Exchange Act.

     STEPHEN R. ROARK has been employed as Chief Financial Officer since August
1993. Mr. Roark became a director in 1994. He was elected as our President in
September 1995. Prior to that time he was an independent consultant in the
Denver area rendering financial and accounting assistance to companies in the
public marketplace. Mr. Roark has 17 years of public accounting experience
having served as a partner with a large local accounting firm and as a partner
with a national accounting firm. Mr. Roark was with Hanifen, Imhoff and
Prudential Securities, Inc. for three years and is a member of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Colorado Society of Certified
Public Accountants. Mr. Roark obtained his B.S.B.A. in Accounting from the
University of Denver in 1973.

     STANLEY POLITANO has been our Vice President since August 1994 and was a
director from 1995 to 1996. He was appointed Secretary and Treasurer in April
1998. He received his B.S. degree in Business, majoring in finance, from the
University of Colorado in 1972. He has 22 years of experience in the securities
industry, working in both retail and wholesale capacities. He has worked for
Rauscher Pierce Securities Corporation and Prudential Securities, Inc. and was a
vice president with E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. and Hanifen Imhoff Securities
Corporation. He has also served as Treasurer for Mission Corps International, a
non-profit organization.

     FRANK B. DAY has been one of our directors since 1992. Mr. Day is Chairman
of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President of Rock Bottom Restaurants,
Inc., has been employed since January 1980 as President of Concept Restaurants,
Inc., and Managing General Partner of the Hotel Boulderado in Boulder, Colorado
since August 1982. Concept Restaurants, Inc. owns or operates 12 full service
restaurants in Colorado front range communities. From 1959 to present, Mr. Day
has owned and operated food service and hospitality facilities in Illinois,
Michigan, Wisconsin, and Colorado. He attended Harvard University from 1950 to
1956 and received B.A. and M.B.A. degrees. Mr. Day is also an active real estate
investor and is active in many civic and nonprofit organizations, having served
as a director of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce (September 1988 to September
1991) and Downtown Boulder, Inc. (from June 1987 to June 1990).

     J. PATRICK McDUFF has served as a director and Chairman of our Audit
Committee since 1994 and has over 28 years of executive level management
experience in community and regional commercial


banks. He also has extensive experience in lending to companies in the
hospitality and restaurant industries. Mr. McDuff was instrumental in the
formation of a community bank, Vectra Bank, which became a publicly traded
company. Subsequently that startup bank was sold to Zion's Bancorporation. Mr.
McDuff was also instrumental in the formation of ClearSpring Pharmacy, LTD.,
which is a new retail concept that combines traditional prescription
pharmaceuticals with homeopathic medicines and non-prescription drugs. Its first
store opened in January of 2001. Mr. McDuff is currently President of McDuff
Interests, LLC, a business consulting firm that specializes in financial
management, marketing and sales and is also a direct participant in various real
estate development projects.

     Mr. McDuff attended the University of Arkansas from 1966 to 1972 and
received a B.S.B.A. degree in Finance and Commercial Banking. Mr. McDuff is
active in many civic and non-profit organizations, having served as a director
of Boulder Center YMCA, Boulder Valley Rotary Club, and Longs Peak Council of
the Boy Scouts of America. Additionally, Mr. McDuff served as President of the
Boulder Valley Rotary Club.

     ROBERT H. HUGHES has been one of our directors since November 12, 1996. Mr.
Hughes served as Chief Financial Officer of Jacobs Investments, Inc. from 1993
until May 1999 when he retired. Mr. Hughes was a partner in charge of the audit
department of the Cleveland office of the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche
LLP until his retirement in 1991. Mr. Hughes serves as a member of the Board of
Directors of Colonial Holdings, Inc., a reporting company under the Exchange

     TIMOTHY KNUDSEN was elected as one of our directors in February, 1998. Mr.
Knudsen has been associated with Knudsen, Gardner & Howe, a Cleveland, Ohio
based marketing communications agency for 21 years. He was elected President of
the agency in 1984. Mr. Knudsen holds a B.S. degree in Marketing from Dyke
Business College and has studied toward an advanced degree at Cleveland State

     STEPHEN P. OWENDOFF has been a director since May 2000. Mr. Owendoff is a
Partner in the Cleveland law firm of Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP. He has been a
partner in this firm since 1977, and prior to that was an associate. He heads
the Business Practice Area of this firm, and has a general corporate practice,
including public and private security offerings for issuers and underwriters,
acquisitions and sales of businesses, including branch acquisitions and
dispositions for financial institutions. He received his undergraduate degree
from Kent State University, Kent, Ohio and his law degree from Georgetown
University Law Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Owendoff is active in many civic
and non-profit organizations in Cleveland, Ohio.

Gameco and BH Acquisition

     Richard E. Jacobs and Jeffrey P. Jacobs comprise the Board of Directors of
Gameco and BH Acquisition. Jeffrey P. Jacobs serves as President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer of both companies. After the Merger, Richard
E. Jacobs and Jeffrey P. Jacobs will comprise the Board of Directors of Black
Hawk. Jeffrey P. Jacobs will continue to serve as Black Hawk's Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer and Stephen R. Roark will continue to serve as
President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. The resumes of Jeffrey P.
Jacobs and Mr. Roark are set forth above.

     Richard E. Jacobs was Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Cleveland Indians Baseball Company, Inc. from its inception in 1998
to February 2000. From 1986 to 1998, Mr. Jacobs was Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Cleveland Baseball Corporation, which
previously served as the general partner of the partnership which now owns the
Cleveland Indians Baseball team. Mr. Jacobs is also Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer of The Richard E. Jacobs Group Inc., a real estate
management and development company.



     This proxy statement contains or incorporates by reference certain forward-
looking statements and information relating to Black Hawk that are based on the
beliefs of management as well as assumptions made by and information currently
available to Black Hawk. Forward-looking statements include statements
concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance,
and underlying assumptions and other statements which are other than statements
of historical facts, including statements regarding the completion of the
proposed Merger. When used in this document, the words "anticipate," "believe,"
"estimate," "expect," "plan," "intend," "project," "predict," "may," and
"should" and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking
statements. Such statements reflect the current view of Black Hawk with respect
to future events, including the completion of the proposed Merger, and are
subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could
cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Black Hawk to be
materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that
may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including:

     .    delays in receiving required gaming, regulatory and other approvals;
     .    the ability of Gameco to obtain funding necessary to consummate the
          proposed Merger;
     .    the failure of shareholders to approve the Merger Agreement;
     .    intensity of competition, particularly including the opening of new
          casinos by competitors in Black Hawk's market area in 2000 and those
          to be opened in 2001;
     .    adverse weather conditions;
     .    the possible expansion of gaming on Indian lands in California;
     .    levels of gaming activity in general and in Black Hawk, Colorado and
          Reno, Nevada in particular;
     .    Black Hawk's ability to meet debt obligations;
     .    regulatory compliance in both Colorado and Nevada;
     .    taxation levels;
     .    effects of national and regional economic and market conditions, labor
          and marketing costs;
     .    Black Hawk's ability to integrate and operate its recent Reno, Nevada
          acquisition and the ultimate outcome of litigation matters described
          in Item 3 of Black Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K enclosed with
          this proxy statement; and
     .    various other factors, otherwise referenced in this proxy statement
          and the Appendices and Exhibits attached hereto.

     Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should
underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from
those described herein as anticipated, believed, estimated, expected, planned or
intended. Black Hawk does not intend, or assume any obligation, to update these
forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or
changes in the factors affecting such forward-looking statements.


                              CERTAIN LITIGATION

     On February 27, 2001, a shareholder of Black Hawk filed a purported
shareholder class action lawsuit against us and our directors in Colorado
District Court for the County of Gilpin under the caption Joseph Brecher v.
Timothy Knudsen, Robert H. Hughes, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Stephen R. Roark, J.
Patrick McDuff, Frank B. Day and Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.,
Case No. 01CV13. The plaintiff alleges, among other things, that the price
offered by the Buyers is unconscionable, unfair and grossly inadequate, that
there is no adequate process to insure that shareholders will receive the
highest price attainable and that the defendants, acting in concert and
utilizing non-public information, are violating their fiduciary duties. The
plaintiff seeks preliminary and permanent injunctive relief restraining the
defendants from proceeding with the transaction described in this proxy
statement and unspecified compensatory or recissory damages, and, if such
transaction is consummated, rescinding the transaction, together with
unspecified compensatory or rescissory damages, and attorneys' fees and costs.

     On March 1, 2001, another purported class action lawsuit was filed in the
Colorado District Court, County of Gilpin, under the caption Mary Bonsall v.
Black Hawk Gaming & Development Co. [sic], Inc.; Jeffrey P. Jacobs; Stephen R.
Roark; Frank B. Day; J. Patrick McDuff; Robert H. Hughes; Timothy Knudsen; and
Stephen P. Owendoff, Case No. 01-CV-16. The allegations in this case are
essentially the same as those described in the Brecher case above. The plaintiff
in this action also seeks preliminary and permanent injunctive relief
restraining the defendants from proceeding under the transaction described in
this proxy statement and, if such transaction is consummated, rescinding the
transaction, together with unspecified compensatory or rescissory damages, and
attorneys' and experts' fees and costs.

     Our Board of Directors believes that it and the Special Committee it has
appointed have met and will continue to meet their respective fiduciary
obligations. We believe both suits are without merit and both will be vigorously

     On May 25, 2001, a lawsuit was filed in The United States District Court
for the District of Colorado (Case No. 01-D-0964) by Central City, several
casino operators located in Central City and others against the City of Black
Hawk, the Black Hawk Casino Owners Association and several casino operators
located in Black Hawk, including Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.,
and others. The suit alleges that the defendants caused economic harm to the
plaintiffs by engaging in a conspiracy and scheme to harm competition, restrain
trade and monopolize the gaming industry in the Gilpin County, Colorado market
in violation of federal and state constitutional law, statutory and common law.
The plaintiffs allege that the purpose of the Constitutional amendment
authorizing limited stakes gaming in Colorado was to promote the historical
preservation of Central City, Black Hawk and Cripple Creek, Colorado, but that
the City of Black Hawk encouraged and facilitated large Las Vegas style casinos.
Also, the complaint alleges that starting in 1996 the City of Black Hawk began
interfering in Central City's plans to construct a road directly from I-70 to
Central City (the "Southern Access"). It is further alleged that all the
defendants entered into a conspiracy in 1998 to block construction of the
Southern Access by purchasing four mining claims located within properties
sought to be annexed by Central City. Black Hawk believes the suit is without
merit and intends to vigorously defend it.


                             INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP has served as Black Hawk's independent
auditors since 1991. The consolidated financial statements of Black Hawk for
each of the years in the three year period ended December 31, 2000 included in
Black Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000
enclosed with this proxy statement, have been audited by Deloitte & Touche as
stated in their reports appearing therein. It is expected that representatives
of Deloitte & Touche will be present at the Special Meeting, both to respond to
appropriate questions of shareholders of Black Hawk and to make a statement if
they so desire.

                             FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     See the financial statements for Black Hawk included in its Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and in its Quarterly Report on
Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001, both of which are
enclosed with this proxy statement.


     The SEC allows Black Hawk to "incorporate by reference" information into
this proxy statement, which means that Black Hawk can disclose important
information by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC.
The following documents previously filed by Black Hawk with the SEC are
incorporated by reference in this proxy statement and are deemed to be a part

     (1)  Black Hawk's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
          31, 2000;

     (2)  Black Hawk's Current Reports on Form 8-K dated January 10, March 9,
          March 19, March 22, March 26, April 16, April 27, May 5, and June 4,
          2001; and

     (3)  Black Hawk's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
          31, 2001.

     Any statement contained in a document incorporated by reference herein
shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for all purposes to the extent that
a statement contained in this proxy statement modifies or replaces such
statement. The forward-looking statements made in the incorporated documents are
not protected by the safe harbor for forward-looking statements.

     Black Hawk undertakes to provide by first class mail, without charge and
within one business day of receipt of any written or oral request, to any person
to whom a copy of this proxy statement has been delivered, a copy of any or all
of the documents referred to above which have been incorporated by reference in
this proxy statement, other than exhibits to such documents (unless such
exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference herein). Requests for such
copies should be directed to Corporate Secretary, Black Hawk Gaming &
Development Company, Inc., 240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80224;
telephone number (303) 582-1117 (extension 7254).

                                OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board does not know of any other matters to be presented for action at
the special meeting other than as set forth in this proxy statement. If any
other business should properly come before the special meeting, the persons
named in the enclosed proxy card intend to vote thereon in accordance with their
best judgment on the matter.



     Black Hawk has decided not to hold its 2001 annual meeting of shareholders,
which is generally held in the summer, because of the merger proposal described
in this proxy statement and the related special meeting of shareholders. If the
Merger is consummated, there will no longer be any public shareholders of Black
Hawk and no public participation in any future meetings of shareholders.
However, if the Merger is not consummated, Black Hawk's public shareholders will
continue to be entitled to attend and participate in Black Hawk's shareholders'
meetings. In such case, its next annual meeting would be held in May or June
2001. Pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act promulgated by the SEC, any
shareholder of Black Hawk who wished to present a proposal at the next Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of Black Hawk (in the event the Merger is not
consummated), and who wished to have such proposal included in Black Hawk's
proxy statement for that meeting, must have delivered a copy of such proposal to
Black Hawk at 240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422, Attention: Corporate
Secretary, so that it was received no later than January 9, 2001. Robert D.
Greenlee has submitted such a proposal as described above under "Special
Factors--Background of the Merger." A shareholder proposal submitted outside the
Rule 14a-8 process will be considered untimely if not received by Black Hawk
within a reasonable time prior to the mailing of proxy material relating to the
annual meeting.

                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     No person is authorized to give any information or to make any
representations, other than as contained in this proxy statement, in connection
with the Merger Agreement or the Merger, and, if given or made, such information
or representations may not be relied upon as having been authorized by Black
Hawk, Gameco or BH Acquisition. The delivery of this proxy statement shall not,
under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in
the information set forth herein or in the affairs of Black Hawk since the date

     Because the Merger is a "going private" transaction, Gameco, BH
Acquisition, the Buyers and Black Hawk have filed with the SEC a Rule 13e-3
Transaction Statement on Schedule 13E-3 under the Exchange Act with respect to
the Merger. This proxy statement does not contain all of the information set
forth in the Schedule 13E-3 and the exhibits thereto. Copies of the Schedule
13E-3 and the exhibits thereto are available for inspection and copying at the
principal executive offices of Black Hawk during regular business hours by any
interested shareholder of Black Hawk, or a representative who has been so
designated in writing, and may be inspected and copied, or obtained by mail, by
written request directed to Corporate Secretary, Black Hawk Gaming & Development
Company, Inc., 240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80224.

     Black Hawk is currently subject to the information requirements of the
Exchange Act and in accordance therewith files periodic reports, proxy
statements and other information with the SEC relating to its business,
financial and other matters. Copies of such reports, proxy statements and other
information, as well as the Schedule 13E-3 and the exhibits thereto, may be
copied (at prescribed rates) at the public reference facilities maintained by
the SEC at:

     .    Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Judiciary Plaza, Washington, D.C.
     .    500 West Madison Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661; and
     .    Seven World Trade Center, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10048.


     For further information concerning the SEC's public reference rooms, you
may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. Some of this information may also be
accessed on the World Wide Web through the SEC's Internet address at
""  Black Hawk's common stock is listed on the Nasdaq
National Market (ticker symbol: BHWK), and materials may also be inspected at
Nasdaq's offices, 1735 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.


Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements of Gameco, Inc.

The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements are presented to show
the Gameco, Inc. financial statements after the impact of the transactions
described below. The following unaudited pro forma consolidated statements of
income for the year ended December 31, 2000 and for the three months ended March
31, 2001 and the unaudited pro forma consolidated balance sheet as of March 31,
2001 give effect to the following transactions:

     .  The contribution of the historical assets and liabilities of Diversified
        Opportunities Group Ltd. into Gameco, Inc. Diversified Opportunities'
        consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Colonial
        Holdings, Inc. since Diversified owns over 50% voting control of
        Colonial's shares
     .  The contribution to capital in Gameco of a related party debt
     .  The contribution of the assets and liabilities of Jalou II, Inc. into
     .  The acquisition of the publicly held shares of Colonial Holdings, Inc.
     .  The acquisition of the publicly held shares of Black Hawk Gaming &
        Development Company, Inc.
     .  The acquisition of the Louisiana entities which occurred in February,
        2001 by Diversified Opportunities, Jalou, LLC and Jalou II, Inc.
     .  The acquisition of certain other Louisiana entities which are considered
     .  The completion of an assumed $120.0 million debt offering and an assumed
        $25.0 million new line of credit facility used to finance the
        acquisition of the publicly held shares of Colonial and Black Hawk and
        to repay certain existing debt

All of the above acquisitions were accounted for using the purchase method of
accounting. Accordingly, the results of Diversified Opportunities and Jalou II
for the period ended March 31, 2001 include the completed Louisiana properties
from the date of acquisition. The unaudited pro forma statements of income have
been prepared assuming the above transactions occurred on January 1, 2000. The
unaudited pro forma balance sheet as of March 31, 2001 has been prepared
assuming the above transactions occurred on such date.

The purchase method of accounting requires the aggregate purchase price to be
allocated to assets acquired based on their estimated fair value. For purposes
of the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements the allocation of
the purchase price is based on management's best estimate. The final allocation
of the purchase price for the assets acquired will be determined in a reasonable
time after the consummation of the transactions and will be based on a complete
evaluation of the assets acquired. Accordingly, the information presented herein
may differ from the final purchase price allocation; however, such allocation is
not expected to differ materially from the preliminary estimates. For the Jalou
completed acquisitions, amortization expense has been recorded for the goodwill
arising from the acquisitions. As all other acquisitions will occur after June
30, 2001, based on the Financial Accounting Standards Board's proposed rules for
business combinations and amortization of goodwill, no goodwill


amortization has been presented in the pro forma financial statements. The
unaudited pro forma financial statements of income do not include the impact of
nonrecurring charges or credits directly attributable to the transactions. In
the opinion of management, all adjustments have been made that are necessary to
present fairly the pro forma data.

The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the related notes. The unaudited pro forma consolidated
financial statements are presented for illustrative purposes only and are not
necessarily indicative of the results of operations or financial position that
would have been achieved had the transactions reflected therein been consummated
as of the date indicated, or of the results of operations or financial position
for any future periods.


    Three Months Ended March 31, 2001                                                                             Jalou II
                                                      Diversified         Black Hawk                            (Period prior
                                                     Opportunities          Gaming         Jalou II (a)        to
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------
    Gaming revenues                                          $ 7,686           $ 24,236             $ 372                  $ 127
    Other                                                      1,287              3,914               609                    413
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

    Total revenue                                              8,973             28,150               981                    540
    Less: promotional allowances                                   -             (4,063)                -                      -
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

    Net revenues                                               8,973             24,087               981                    540
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Costs and expenses
    Direct expenses                                            6,253             10,253               647                    383
    Selling, general and administrative                        1,313              7,809               206                     58
    Depreciation and amortization                                526              1,909                32                     32
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

                                                               8,092             19,971               885                    473
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Operating income                                                 881              4,116                96                     67
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Interest expense                                                (866)            (1,496)              (64)                   (17)
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Income before equity interest in investments,
    minority interest and income taxes                            15              2,620                32                     50
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Equity in earnings of investments                                893                  -                 -                      -
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Minority interests                                                48               (439)                -                      -
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Income before income taxes                                       956              2,181                32                     50

Income taxes                                                       -               (785)                -                      -
                                                   -----------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------------

Net income                                                     $ 956            $ 1,396              $ 32                   $ 50
                                                   =================   ================   ===============    ===================

                                                     (Comp. Acq. period             Jalou             Proforma            Gameco
                                                   prior to (b)    (Probable Acq.) (d)     Adjustments       Consolidated
                                                   ----------------------    -------------------     -----------       ------------
    Gaming revenues                                                $ 350                 $ 1,515   (7)   $ 1,547          $ 35,833
    Other                                                            302                   4,089   (4)      (467)           10,147
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------
    Total revenue                                                    652                   5,604           1,080            45,980
    Less: promotional allowances                                       -                       -               -            (4,063)
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

    Net revenues                                                     652                   5,604           1,080            41,917
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Costs and expenses
    Direct expenses                                                  265                   3,496   (7)     1,226            22,523
    Selling, general and administrative                              169                   1,198   (4)      (467)           10,286
    Depreciation and amortization                                     22                     278   (1)        19             2,735
                                                                                                   (5)       (83)
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------  --------------       ------------

                                                                     456                   4,972             695            35,544
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Operating income                                                     196                     632             385             6,373
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Interest expense                                                     (14)                   (198)  (3)    (1,613)           (3,893)
                                                                                                   (6)       375
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------  --------------       ------------

Income before equity interest in investments,
    minority interest and income taxes                               182                     434            (853)            2,480
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Equity in earnings of investments                                      -                       -   (4)      (893)                -
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Minority interests                                                     -                       -   (4)       391                 -
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Income before income taxes                                           182                     434          (1,355)            2,480

Income taxes                                                           -                       -   (2)       785                 -
                                                   ---------------------     -------------------     -----------       ------------

Net income                                                         $ 182                   $ 434          $ (570)        $   2,480
                                                   ======================    ===================     ===========       ============

    (a) Includes the accounts of Winner's Choice Truck Stop, Inc. since its
        February 2001 acquisition date.
    (b) Includes the accounts of Houma Truck Stop and Casino and Cash's Casino
        management contract revenue for the period prior to their February 2001
        acquisition date.
    (c) Includes the accounts of Winner's Choice Truck Stop, Inc.contract for
        the period prior to its February 2001 acquisition date.
    (d) Includes the accounts of the proposed truck stop acquisitions described
        in Note 1 to these financial statements.

    See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial


 March 31, 2001

                                         Diversified   Black Hawk    Jalou      Jalou II        Jalou        Proforma      Gameco
                                        Opportunities    Gaming   (Comp. Acq.)(Comp. Acq.) (Probable Acq.)  Adjustments Consolidated
                                        -------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------  ----------- ------------
   Cash and equivalents                 $      6,478   $   12,640  $       -   $     434    $       1,154 (1) $   (404) $    20,390
                                                                                                          (3)       88

   Other                                       2,470        3,915          -         322            1,337 (2)     (777)       7,267
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

                                               8,948       16,555          -         756            2,491       (1,093)      27,657
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Property and equipment, net                   65,516       88,222          -       3,262           11,532 (1)    2,300      157,452
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------               -----------
                                                                                                          (5)  (13,380)

Other assets
   Goodwill, net                              10,162       20,760          -         850              427 (1)    7,120       47,099
                                                                                                          (5)    7,780

   Investments                                19,407            -          -           -                - (4)  (19,316)          91
   Other                                       1,098        2,657          -          36               34            -        3,825
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

                                              30,667       23,417          -         886              461       (4,416)      51,015
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Total assets                            $    105,131   $  128,194  $       -   $   4,904    $      14,484     $(16,589) $   236,124
                                        ============   ==========  =========   =========    =============     ========  ===========

              Liabilities and Equity
Current liabilities
   Accounts payable and accrued
     expenses                           $      6,653   $   10,596  $       -   $     220    $         420 (1) $   (420)      17,469
   Advances from affiliates                        -            -          -           -            4,506 (1)   (4,506)           -
   Notes payable - related parties,
     current                                   1,217            -          -           -                - (3)   (1,217)           -
   Current maturities of long-term debt        1,127          185          -           6            1,105 (1)   (1,105)         547
                                                                                                          (3)     (771)
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

                                               8,997       10,781          -         226            6,031       (8,019)      18,016
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Long-term liabilities
   Long-term debt                              4,617       65,699          -           -            8,424 (1)   (8,424)     164,218
                                                                                                          (1)   23,500
                                                                                                          (3)   70,402

   Notes payable - related parties            40,086            -          -       3,499                - (3)  (23,385)           -
                                                                                                          (6)  (20,200)

   Other liability                                 -        1,334          -           -                - (2)     (649)         685
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

                                              44,703       67,033          -       3,499            8,424       41,244      164,903
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

   Total Liabilities                          53,700       77,814                  3,725           14,455       33,225      182,919
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Minority interests                            18,511        7,179          -           -                - (4)  (25,690)           -
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Equity                                        32,920       43,201          -       1,179               29      (24,124)      53,205
                                        ------------   ----------  ---------   ---------    -------------     --------  -----------

Total liabilities and equity            $    105,131   $  128,194  $       -   $   4,904    $      14,484     $(16,589) $   236,124
                                        ============   ==========  =========   =========    =============     ========  ===========

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statemants.


     Year Ended December 31, 2000

                                                       Diversified        Black Hawk          Jalou           Jalou II
                                                      Opportunities         Gaming         (Comp. Acq.)     (Comp. Acq.)
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------
     Gaming revenues                                          $ 27,419         $ 81,988         $ 3,367            $ 1,295
     Other                                                       3,289           10,945           2,622              4,287
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

     Total revenue                                              30,708           92,933           5,989              5,582
     Less: promotional allowances                                    -           (6,557)              -                  -
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

     Net revenues                                               30,708           86,376           5,989              5,582
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Costs and expenses
     Direct expenses                                            23,703           34,224           2,128              3,936
     Selling, general and administrative                         5,126           32,771           1,049                748
     Depreciation and amortization                               1,719            5,746             300                219
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

                                                                30,548           72,741           3,477              4,903
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Operating income (loss)                                            160           13,635           2,512                679
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Interest expense, net                                           (3,104)          (3,139)           (118)              (228)
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Income before equity interest in investments,
     minority interest and income taxes                         (2,944)          10,496           2,394                451
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Equity in earnings of investments                                3,833                -               -                  -
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Minority interests                                               1,566           (2,059)              -                  -
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Income before income taxes                                       2,455            8,437           2,394                451

Income taxes                                                         -           (2,976)              -                  -
                                                    ------------------- ----------------  --------------  -----------------

Net income (loss)                                             $  2,455         $  5,461         $ 2,394            $   451
                                                    =================== ================  ==============  =================

                                                           Jalou                    Proforma                Gameco
                                                      (Probable Acq.)(a)          Adjustments            Consolidated
                                                    --------------------        -----------------      ------------------
     Gaming revenues                                             $ 1,998           (7)   $ 4,156               $ 120,223
     Other                                                        12,234           (4)    (1,453)                 31,924
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

     Total revenue                                                14,232                   2,703                 152,147
     Less: promotional allowances                                      -                       -                  (6,557)
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

     Net revenues                                                 14,232                   2,703                 145,590
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Costs and expenses
     Direct expenses                                              10,766           (7)     3,194                  77,951
     Selling, general and administrative                           3,013           (4)    (1,453)                 41,254
     Depreciation and amortization                                   562           (1)        77                   8,291
                                                    ---------------------                              ------------------
                                                                                   (5)      (332)

                                                                  14,341                   1,486                 127,496
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Operating income (loss)                                             (109)                  1,217                  18,094
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Interest expense, net                                               (581)          (3)    (9,792)                (15,436)
                                                    ---------------------                              ------------------
                                                                                   (6)     1,526

Income before equity interest in investments,
     minority interest and income taxes                             (690)                 (7,049)                  2,658
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Equity in earnings of investments                                      -           (4)    (3,833)                      -
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Minority interests                                                     -           (4)       493                       -
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Income before income taxes                                          (690)                (10,389)                  2,658

Income taxes                                                           -           (2)     2,976                       -
                                                    ---------------------       -----------------      ------------------

Net income (loss)                                                 $ (690)               $ (7,413)                $ 2,658
                                                    =====================       =================      ==================

     (a) Includes the accounts of the proposed truck stop acquisitions described
     in Note 1 to these financial statements.

     See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial


                             FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(1)  To record probable acquisitions of the assets of Jalou video poker truck
     stops which include the following five entities:

          Jace, Inc., Lucky Magnolia Truck Stop and Casino, Bayou Vista Truck
          Plaza and Casino, LLC, Plantation, LLP and Raceland Truck Plaza and
          Casino, LLC

          $23.5 million purchase price, estimated $2.3 million write-up of fixed
          assets to fair value. Excess of purchase price over fair value of
          assets acquired of $7.12 million allocated to non-amortizing goodwill.
          Debt of $23.5 million incurred to fund the acquisition. Pro forma
          adjustments to record the acquisition are as follows (in thousands):

             Reduce cash to amount acquired                                     $    (404)
             Eliminate liabilities not assumed                                     14,455
             Estimated fair value of fixed assets in excess of book value           2,300
             Record goodwill                                                        7,120
             Record acquisition debt                                              (23,500)
             Eliminate existing equity                                                (29)

          Additional depreciation expense of $77,000 and $19,000 recorded for
          the year and three months ended December 31, 2000 and March 31, 2001
          due to the write-up of fixed assets.

(2)  Eliminate deferred income taxes and tax expense as Gameco, Inc will be a
     Subchapter "S" corporation and therefore its owners will be liable for the
     taxes on their share of the corporation's taxable income.

(3)  Eliminate refinanced debt, record new funding and classify current
     maturities of new funding ,including estimated additional interest expense
     (in millions):

     New funding:

                                                               Principal Balance    Interest Rate
                                                               -----------------    -------------
     Debt securities                                                $ 120.0             11.25%
     Credit line                                                       25.0               7.5
     Claude Penn notes (probable acquisitions)                          6.5               8.0

     Total new funding                                                151.5

     Existing funding which will not be refinanced:

     Black Hawk bonds                                                   5.7               6.7
     Claude Penn notes (completed acquisitions)                         4.8               8.0
     Maryland Jockey Club and other                                     2.7              7.75

     Total pro forma debt outstanding                               $ 164.7


                             FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(3) cont. Estimated uses of new funding are as follows (in millions):

           Total new funding                                    $ 151.50
           Pay-off Black Hawk line of credit                      (60.40)
           Pay-off Diversified notes to affiliates                (21.10)
           Pay-off other debt in aggregate                         (2.55)
           Purchase of Black Hawk shares, including
             estimated expenses                                   (38.85)
           Purchase of Colonial shares, including
             estimated expenses                                    (5.02)
           Proposed Jalou acquisitions (Note 1)                   (23.50)

           Remaining funds credited to cash                     $    .08

(4)  Eliminate intercompany investments, minority interest, earnings and
     management fees.

(5)  Record acquisition of unowned Colonial Holdings and Black Hawk Gaming
     shares summarized as follows (in millions):

                                                                           Black Hawk
                                                                            Gaming &
                                                  Colonial Holdings       Development
                                                  -----------------       -----------
     Purchase price, including costs                   $   5.02             $38.85

     Diversified Opportunities Group
        existing investment balance                       14.15              12.13
                                                        -------            -------

     Total investment                                     19.17              50.98
     Net assets acquired                                  32.55              43.20
                                                        -------            -------

     Excess (deficiency) of total investment
        over net assets acquired                        $(13.38)            $ 7.78
                                                        =======             ======

Excess of total investment for Black Hawk is allocated to non-amortizing
goodwill and deficiency for Colonial Holdings is allocated to property and
equipment (also results in reduction of depreciation expense of $332,000 and
$83,000 for the year ended December 31, 2000 and three months ended March 31,
2001, respectively).

(6)  To transfer an existing affiliated loan of $20.2 million to equity, and
     eliminate the related interest expense for the periods presented
     ($1,526,000 and $375,000, for December 31, 2000 and March 31, 2001,
     respectively) as it will be contributed to capital in conjunction with the

(7)  To eliminate third party management contracts related to the truck stops
     that will be cancelled upon the acquisitions, and record expense that will
     be incurred to perform the services provided under the cancelled contracts
     as well as reclass state gaming taxes which had been netted against gaming
     revenue under the former contracts.


                                                                         ANNEX A

                         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                  DATED AS OF

                                April 25, 2001



                                 GAMECO, INC.


                             BH ACQUISITION, INC.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I      THE MERGER; CLOSING................................................     1
     Section 1.01.    The Merger..................................................     1
     Section 1.02.    Effective Time..............................................     1
     Section 1.03.    Effects of the Merger.......................................     1
     Section 1.04.    Conversion of Shares........................................     1
     Section 1.05.    Payment of Shares...........................................     2
     Section 1.06.    Stock Options...............................................     3
     Section 1.07.    The Closing.................................................     4
     Section 1.08.    Dissenters' Rights..........................................     4

     Section 2.01.    Articles of Incorporation...................................     4
     Section 2.02.    Bylaws......................................................     4
     Section 2.03.    Directors and Officers......................................     4

     Section 3.01.    Organization and Qualification..............................     4
     Section 3.02.    Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals.....................     5
     Section 3.03.    Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings.......................     6

     Section 4.01.    Organization and Qualification..............................     6
     Section 4.02.    Capitalization..............................................     7
     Section 4.03.    Subsidiaries................................................     7
     Section 4.04.    Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals.....................     8
     Section 4.05.    Reports and Financial Statements............................     9
     Section 4.06.    Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities..........................     9
     Section 4.07.    Absence of Certain Changes or Events........................     9
     Section 4.08.    Litigation..................................................     9
     Section 4.09.    Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings.......................     9
     Section 4.10.    No Violation of Law.........................................    10
     Section 4.11.    Compliance with Agreements..................................    10
     Section 4.12.    Taxes.......................................................    10
     Section 4.13.    Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA...............................    11
     Section 4.14.    Labor Controversies.........................................    12
     Section 4.15.    Environmental Matters.......................................    12
     Section 4.16.    Title to Assets.............................................    13
     Section 4.17.    Company Stockholders' Approval..............................    13
     Section 4.18.    Brokers and Finders.........................................    13


ARTICLE V      COVENANTS.........................................................................   14
     Section 5.01.    Conduct of Business by the Company Pending the Merger......................   14
     Section 5.02.    Control of the Company's Operations........................................   15
     Section 5.03.    Acquisition Transactions...................................................   15
     Section 5.04.    Access to Information......................................................   16
     Section 5.05.    Notices of Certain Events..................................................   16
     Section 5.06.    Meeting of the Company's Stockholders......................................   17
     Section 5.07.    Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings......................................   17
     Section 5.08.    Public Announcements.......................................................   18
     Section 5.09.    Expenses and Fees..........................................................   18
     Section 5.10.    Agreement to Cooperate.....................................................   18
     Section 5.11.    Directors' and Officers' Indemnification...................................   19
     Section 5.12.    Financing..................................................................   21
     Section 5.13.    Parent Letter of Credit....................................................   21

ARTICLE VI     CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER..........................................................   21
     Section 6.01.    Conditions to the Obligations of Each Party................................   21
     Section 6.02.    Conditions to Obligation of the Company to Effect the Merger...............   22
     Section 6.03.    Conditions to Obligations of Parent and Subsidiary to Effect the Merger....   22

ARTICLE VII    TERMINATION.......................................................................   23
     Section 7.01.    Termination................................................................   23

ARTICLE VIII   MISCELLANEOUS.....................................................................   24
     Section 8.01.    Effect of Termination......................................................   24
     Section 8.02.    Nonsurvival of Representations and Warranties..............................   24
     Section 8.03.    Notices....................................................................   24
     Section 8.04.    Interpretation.............................................................   25
     Section 8.05.    Miscellaneous..............................................................   25
     Section 8.06.    Counterparts...............................................................   25
     Section 8.07.    Amendments; No Waivers.....................................................   25
     Section 8.08.    Entire Agreement...........................................................   26
     Section 8.09.    Severability...............................................................   26
     Section 8.10.    Specific Performance.......................................................   26


                         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

     This AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER (this "Agreement") is entered into as of
April 25, 2001 by and among Gameco, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Parent"), BH
Acquisition, Inc., a Colorado corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Parent
("Merger Subsidiary"), and Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc., a
Colorado corporation (the "Company"). Parent, Merger Subsidiary and the Company
are referred to collectively herein as the "Parties."

     WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of Parent, Merger Subsidiary
and the Company have each approved the merger of Merger Subsidiary with and into
the Company on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this
Agreement (the "Merger");

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective
representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth herein, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I
                              THE MERGER; CLOSING

     Section 1.01.  The Merger. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of
this Agreement, and in accordance with the Colorado Business Corporation Act,
Articles 101 to 117 of Title 7 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (the "CBCA"),
Merger Subsidiary shall be merged with and into the Company at the Effective
Time (as defined in Section 1.02). Following the Merger, the separate existence
of Merger Subsidiary shall cease and the Company shall continue as the surviving
corporation (the "Surviving Corporation") and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Parent, and shall succeed to and assume all the rights and obligations of Merger
Subsidiary in accordance with the CBCA.

     Section 1.02.  Effective Time. The Merger shall become effective when
articles of merger (the "Articles of Merger"), executed in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the CBCA, are filed with the Secretary of State of the
State of Colorado; provided, however, that, upon mutual consent of the
constituent corporations to the Merger, the Articles of Merger may provide for a
later date of effectiveness of the Merger not more than 30 days after the date
the Articles of Merger are filed. When used in this Agreement, the term
"Effective Time" shall mean the date and time at which the Articles of Merger
are accepted for record or such later time established by the Articles of
Merger. The filing of the Articles of Merger shall be made on the date of the
Closing (as defined in Section 1.07).

     Section 1.03.  Effects of the Merger. The Merger shall have the effects set
forth in Section 7-111-106 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.

     Section 1.04.  Conversion of Shares. At the Effective Time, by virtue of
the Merger and without any action on the part of Parent, Merger Subsidiary, the
Company or the holders of any of the following securities:

          (a)  each issued and outstanding share of the Company's common stock,
par value $.001 per share ("Company Common Stock"), held by the Company as
treasury stock and each issued and outstanding share of Company Common Stock
owned by any subsidiary of the Company, Parent, Merger Subsidiary or any other
subsidiary of Parent shall be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist, and
no payment or consideration shall be made with respect thereto;

          (b)  each issued and outstanding share of Company Common Stock, other
than shares of Company Common Stock referred to in paragraph (a) above, shall be
converted into the right to receive an amount in cash, without interest, equal
to $12.00 (the "Merger Consideration"). At the Effective Time, all such shares
of Company Common Stock shall no longer be outstanding and shall automatically
be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist, and each holder of a
certificate representing any such shares

of Company Common Stock shall cease to have any rights with respect thereto,
except the right to receive the Merger Consideration, without interest; and

          (c) each issued and outstanding share of capital stock or ownership
interest of Merger Subsidiary shall be converted into one fully paid and
nonassessable share of common stock, par value $.001 per share, of the Surviving

     Section 1.05.  Payment of Shares. (a) Prior to the Effective Time, Parent
shall appoint a bank or trust company reasonably satisfactory to the Company to
act as disbursing agent (the "Disbursing Agent") for the payment of Merger
Consideration upon surrender of certificates representing the shares of Company
Common Stock. Parent will enter into a disbursing agent agreement with the
Disbursing Agent, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Company. At
or prior to the Effective Time, Parent shall deposit or cause to be deposited
with the Disbursing Agent in trust for the benefit of the Company's stockholders
cash in an aggregate amount necessary to make the payments pursuant to Section
1.04 to holders of shares of Company Common Stock (such amounts being
hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Fund"). The Disbursing Agent shall
invest the Exchange Fund, as the Surviving Corporation directs, in direct
obligations of the United States of America, obligations for which the full
faith and credit of the United States of America is pledged to provide for the
payment of all principal and interest or commercial paper obligations receiving
the highest rating from either Moody's Investors Service, Inc. or Standard &
Poor's, a division of The McGraw Hill Companies, or a combination thereof,
provided that, in any such case, no such instrument shall have a maturity
exceeding three months. Any net profit resulting from, or interest or income
produced by, such investments shall be payable to the Surviving Corporation. The
Exchange Fund shall be used only as provided in this Agreement.

          (b) Promptly (but no later than five days) after the Effective Time,
the Surviving Corporation shall cause the Disbursing Agent to mail to each
person who was a record holder as of the Effective Time of an outstanding
certificate or certificates which immediately prior to the Effective Time
represented shares of Company Common Stock (the "Certificates"), and whose
shares were converted into the right to receive Merger Consideration pursuant to
Section 1.04(b), a form of letter of transmittal (which shall specify that
delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the Certificates shall
pass, only upon proper delivery of the Certificates to the Disbursing Agent) and
instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the Certificates in exchange
for payment of the Merger Consideration. Upon surrender to the Disbursing Agent
of a Certificate, together with such letter of transmittal duly executed and
such other documents as may be reasonably required by the Disbursing Agent, the
holder of such Certificate shall be paid promptly in exchange therefor cash in
an amount equal to the product of the number of shares of Company Common Stock
represented by such Certificate multiplied by the Merger Consideration, and such
Certificate shall forthwith be canceled. No interest will be paid or accrue on
the cash payable upon the surrender of the Certificates. If payment is to be
made to a person other than the person in whose name the Certificate surrendered
is registered, it shall be a condition of payment that the Certificate so
surrendered be properly endorsed or otherwise be in proper form for transfer and
that the person requesting such payment pay any transfer or other taxes required
by reason of the payment to a person other than the registered holder of the
Certificate surrendered or establish to the satisfaction of the Surviving
Corporation that such tax has been paid or is not applicable. Until surrendered
in accordance with this Section 1.05, each Certificate (other than Certificates
representing shares of Company Common Stock owned by any subsidiary of the
Company, Parent, Merger Subsidiary or any other subsidiary of Parent and shares
of Company Common Stock held in the treasury of the Company, which have been
canceled) shall represent for all purposes only the right to receive the Merger
Consideration in cash multiplied by the number of shares of Company Common Stock
evidenced by such Certificate, without any interest thereon.

          (c) From and after the Effective Time, there shall be no registration
of transfers of shares of Company Common Stock which were outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time on the stock transfer books of the
Surviving Corporation. From and after the Effective Time, the holders of


shares of Company Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
Time shall cease to have any rights with respect to such shares of Company
Common Stock except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or by applicable
law. All cash paid upon the surrender of Certificates in accordance with this
Article I shall be deemed to have been paid in full satisfaction of all rights
pertaining to the shares of Company Common Stock previously represented by such
Certificates. If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are presented to the
Surviving Corporation for any reason, such Certificates shall be canceled and
exchanged for cash as provided in this Article I. At the close of business on
the day of the Effective Time the stock ledger of the Company shall be closed.

          (d) At any time more than 365 days after the Effective Time, the
Surviving Corporation shall be entitled to require the Disbursing Agent to
deliver to it any funds which had been made available to the Disbursing Agent
and not disbursed in exchange for Certificates (including, without limitation,
all interest and other income received by the Disbursing Agent in respect of all
such funds). Thereafter, holders of shares of Company Common Stock shall look
only to the Surviving Corporation (subject to the terms of this Agreement,
abandoned property, escheat and other similar laws) as general creditors thereof
with respect to any Merger Consideration that may be payable, without interest,
upon due surrender of the Certificates held by them. If any Certificates shall
not have been surrendered prior to five years after the Effective Time (or
immediately prior to such time on which any payment in respect hereof would
otherwise escheat or become the property of any governmental unit or agency),
the payment in respect of such Certificates shall, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, become the property of the Surviving Corporation, free and clear
of all claims or interest of any person previously entitled thereto.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of Parent, the Company, the Surviving
Corporation nor the Disbursing Agent shall be liable to any holder of a share of
Company Common Stock for any Merger Consideration in respect of such share of
Company Common Stock delivered to a public official pursuant to any abandoned
property, escheat or other similar law.

          (e) If any Certificate has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon the
making of an affidavit of that fact by the person claiming such Certificate to
be lost, stolen, or destroyed and, if required by the Surviving Corporation, the
posting by such person of a bond in such reasonable amount as the Surviving
Corporation may direct as indemnity against any claim that may be made against
the Surviving Corporation with respect to such Certificate, the Disbursing Agent
will deliver in exchange for such lost, stolen, or destroyed Certificate, the
appropriate Merger Consideration with respect to the shares of Company Common
Stock formerly represented by that Certificate.

          (f) The Surviving Corporation or the Disbursing Agent, as the case may
be, may deduct and withhold from the consideration otherwise payable pursuant to
this Agreement to any holder of shares of Company Common Stock such amounts as
the Surviving Corporation or the Disbursing Agent, as the case may be, may be
required to deduct and withhold with respect to the making of any such payment
under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any provision of state,
local, or foreign tax law, including without limitation withholdings required in
connection with payments under Section 1.06. To the extent withheld by the
Surviving Corporation or the Disbursing Agent, such withheld amounts shall be
treated for all purposes of this Agreement as having been paid to the holders of
the shares of Company Common Stock in respect of which such deduction and
withholding was made.

     Section 1.06.  Stock Options. At the Effective Time, each unexercised
option, whether or not then vested or exercisable in accordance with its terms,
to purchase shares of Company Common Stock (the "Options") previously granted by
the Company or any of its subsidiaries shall be canceled automatically and the
Parent shall or shall cause the Surviving Corporation to provide the holder
thereof with a lump sum cash payment equal to the product of (i) the total
number of shares of Company Common Stock subject to such Option immediately
prior to the Effective Time and (ii) the excess (if any) of the Merger
Consideration over the exercise price per share of Company Common Stock subject
to such Option.


     Section 1.07.  The Closing. The closing of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement (the "Closing") shall take place at the executive offices of the
Company in Denver, Colorado, commencing at 9:00 a.m. local time on the second
business day following the satisfaction or waiver of all conditions to the
obligations of the Parties to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby
(other than conditions with respect to actions the Parties will take at the
Closing) or such other place and date as the Parties may mutually determine (the
"Closing Date").

     Section 1.08.  Dissenters' Rights. Notwithstanding anything in this
Agreement to the contrary, shares of Company Common Stock outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time and held by a holder who has not voted
in favor of the Merger and who has dissented from the Merger in accordance with
Article 113 of the CBCA ("Dissenting Shares") shall not be converted into the
right to receive the Merger Consideration as provided in Section 1.04(b), unless
and until such holder fails to perfect or withdraws or otherwise loses his right
to payment under the CBCA. If, after the Effective Time, any such holder fails
to perfect or withdraws or loses his right to such payment, such Dissenting
Shares shall thereupon be treated as if they had been converted as of the
Effective Time into the right to receive the Merger Consideration, if any, to
which such holder is entitled, without interest thereon. The Company shall give
Parent and Merger Subsidiary prompt notice of any notice of dissent received by
Company and, prior to the Effective Time, Parent and Merger Subsidiary shall
have the right to participate in all negotiations and proceedings with respect
to such dissents. Prior to the Effective Time, Company shall not, except with
the prior written consent of Parent and Merger Subsidiary, make any payment with
respect to, or settle or offer to settle, any such dissents.

                                  ARTICLE II

     Section 2.01.  Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation of
the Company in effect at the Effective Time shall be the articles of
incorporation of the Surviving Corporation until amended in accordance with
applicable law and this Agreement.

     Section 2.02.  Bylaws. The bylaws of Merger Subsidiary in effect at the
Effective Time shall be the bylaws of the Surviving Corporation, until amended
in accordance with applicable law and this Agreement.

     Section 2.03.  Directors and Officers. The directors of Merger Subsidiary
immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the directors of the Surviving
Corporation as of the Effective Time. The officers of the Company shall be the
officers of the Surviving Corporation as of the Effective Time, subject to the
right of the Board of Directors of the Surviving Corporation to appoint or
replace officers.

                                  ARTICLE III

     Parent and Merger Subsidiary jointly and severally represent and warrant to
the Company that, except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule dated as of the
date hereof and signed by an authorized officer of Parent (the "Parent
Disclosure Schedule"), it being agreed that disclosure of any item on the Parent
Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed disclosure with respect to all Sections of
this Agreement if the relevance of such item is reasonably apparent from the
face of the Parent Disclosure Schedule:

     Section 3.01.  Organization and Qualification. Parent is a corporation and
Merger Subsidiary is a corporation, in each case duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation
and has the requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate
its assets and properties and to carry on its business as it is now being
conducted. Each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary is qualified to transact
business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the properties
owned, leased or operated by it or the nature of the business conducted by it
makes such


qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so qualified and in good
standing would not reasonably be expected to have Parent Material Adverse
Effect. In this Agreement, the term "Parent Material Adverse Effect" means an
effect that is materially adverse to (i) the business, financial condition or
ongoing operations of Parent and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole or (ii) the
ability of Parent or any of its subsidiaries to obtain financing for or to
consummate any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 3.02.  Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals. (a) Each of Parent
and Merger Subsidiary has full corporate power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, including
without limitation, the consummation of the financing of the Merger pursuant to
the Financing Arrangement (as defined in Section 3.04) (the "Financing"). This
Agreement and the Merger have been approved and adopted by the Boards of
Directors of Parent and Merger Subsidiary and Parent as the sole stockholder of
Merger Subsidiary, and no other corporate or similar proceeding on the part of
Parent or Merger Subsidiary is necessary to authorize the execution and delivery
of this Agreement or the consummation by Parent and Merger Subsidiary of the
transactions contemplated hereby, including without limitation, the Financing.
This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each of Parent and Merger
Subsidiary and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery hereof by
the Company, constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement of each of Parent
and Merger Subsidiary enforceable against each of them in accordance with its
terms, except that such enforcement may be subject to (i) bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws affecting or
relating to enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (ii) general
equitable principles.

          (b)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by each
of Parent and Merger Subsidiary and the consummation of the Merger and the
transactions contemplated hereby, including without limitation the Financing, do
not and will not violate, conflict with or result in a breach of any provision
of, or constitute a default (or an event which, with notice or lapse of time or
both, would constitute a default) under, or result in the termination of, or
accelerate the performance required by, or result in a right of termination or
acceleration under, or result in the creation of any lien, security interest or
encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of Parent or any of its
subsidiaries under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of (i) the
respective certificates of incorporation or bylaws of Parent or any of its
subsidiaries, (ii) any statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment,
decree, order, injunction, writ, permit or license of any court or governmental
authority applicable to Parent or any of its subsidiaries or any of their
respective properties or assets, subject, in the case of consummation, to
obtaining (prior to the Effective Time) the Parent Required Statutory Approvals
(as defined in Section 3.02(c)), or (iii) any note, bond, mortgage, indenture,
deed of trust, license, franchise, permit, concession, contract, lease or other
instrument, obligation or agreement of any kind (each a "Contract" and
collectively "Contracts") to which Parent or any of its subsidiaries is now a
party or by which Parent or any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective
properties or assets may be bound or affected, except, with respect to any item
referred to in clause (ii) or (iii), for any such violation, conflict, breach,
default, termination, acceleration or creation of liens, security interests or
encumbrances that would not reasonably be expected to have a Parent Material
Adverse Effect and would not materially delay the consummation of the Merger.

          (c)  Except for (i) the filings by Parent required by the Hart-Scott-
Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act"), if any,
(ii) applicable filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC")
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"), (iii) filing of Articles of Merger with the Secretary of State of the
State of Colorado in connection with the Merger, and (iv) filings with and
approvals by any regulatory authority with jurisdiction over the Company's,
Parent's or any Parent affiliate's gaming operations required under any Federal,
state, local or foreign statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, permit, consent,
approval, license, judgment, order, decree, injunction or other authorization
governing or relating to the current or contemplated casino and gaming
activities and operations of the Company, Parent or any Parent affiliate,


including the Nevada Gaming Control Act and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder, and the Colorado Limited Gaming Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder and all other rules and regulations, statutes
and ordinances having authority or with which compliance is required for the
conduct of gambling, gaming and casino activities (collectively, the "Gaming
Laws") (the filings and approvals referred to in clauses (i) through (iv) being
collectively referred to as the "Parent Required Statutory Approvals"), no
declaration, filing or registration with, or notice to, or authorization,
consent or approval of, any governmental or regulatory body or authority is
necessary for the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Parent or Merger
Subsidiary, or the consummation by Parent or Merger Subsidiary of the
transactions contemplated hereby, including without limitation, the Financing,
other than such declarations, filings, registrations, notices, authorizations,
consents or approvals which, if not made or obtained, as the case may be, would
not reasonably be expected to have a Parent Material Adverse Effect and would
not materially delay the consummation of the Merger.

     Section 3.03.  Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings. None of the
information supplied by Parent or its subsidiaries for inclusion in (i) any
proxy statement to be distributed in connection with the Company's meeting of
stockholders to vote upon this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby (the "Proxy Statement"), at the time of the mailing of the Proxy
Statement and any amendments or supplements thereto, or at the time of the
meeting of stockholders of the Company to be held in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or (ii) the Schedule 13E-3 with
respect to the transactions contemplated hereby (the "Transaction Statement") at
the time of the filing thereof with the SEC or at any time the Transaction
Statement is amended or supplemented, will contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the
circumstances under which they are made, not misleading.

     Section 3.04.  Brokers and Finders. Except as disclosed in the Parent
Disclosure Schedule, Parent has not entered into any contract, arrangement or
understanding with any person or firm which may result in the obligation of the
Company to pay any investment banking fees, finder's fees or brokerage fees in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                  ARTICLE IV

     The Company represents and warrants to Parent and Merger Subsidiary that,
except as set forth in the disclosure schedule dated as of the date hereof and
signed by an authorized officer of the Company (the "Company Disclosure
Schedule"), it being agreed that disclosure of any item on the Company
Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed disclosure with respect to all Sections of
this Agreement if the relevance of such item is reasonably apparent from the
face of the Company Disclosure Schedule:

     Section 4.01. Organization and Qualification. The Company is a corporation
duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
State of Colorado and has the requisite corporate power and authority to own,
lease and operate its assets and properties and to carry on its business as it
is now being conducted. The Company is qualified to transact business and is in
good standing in each jurisdiction in which the properties owned, leased or
operated by it or the nature of the business conducted by it makes such
qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so qualified and in good
standing would not reasonably be expected to have a Company Material Adverse
Effect. In this Agreement, the term "Company Material Adverse Effect" means an
effect that is materially adverse to (i) the business, financial condition or
ongoing operations of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole or (ii)
the ability of the Company to consummate any of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement or the ability of the Parties hereto to retain any Material
Gaming License. A "Material Gaming License" is a license or similar
authorization under any Gaming Law without which Parent or the Company, as the
case may be, would be prohibited from operating any of its gaming properties in
the state in which such property is located. True, accurate and complete copies
of the Company's Articles of


Incorporation and bylaws, in each case as in effect on the date hereof,
including all amendments thereto, have heretofore been delivered to Parent.

     Section 4.02.  Capitalization.  (a) The  authorized  capital  stock of the
Company  consists  of (1)  40,000,000  shares of  Company  Common  Stock and (2)
10,000,000  shares  of  preferred  stock,  par value  $.001 per share  ("Company
Preferred Stock").  As of March 31, 2001, (i) 4,126,757 shares of Company Common
Stock were issued and  outstanding,  all of which shares of Company Common Stock
were validly  issued and are fully paid,  nonassessable  and free of  preemptive
rights,  and no shares of Company  Preferred Stock were issued and  outstanding,
(ii) no shares of Company Common Stock and no shares of Company  Preferred Stock
were held in the treasury of the Company, (iii) 543,750 shares of Company Common
Stock  were  reserved  for  issuance   upon  exercise  of  Options   issued  and
outstanding.  Assuming the exercise of all outstanding  options, as of March 31,
2001,  there  would be  4,670,507  shares of  Company  Common  Stock  issued and
outstanding.  Since March 31, 2001,  except as permitted by this Agreement or as
set forth in the Company Disclosure Schedule,  (i) no shares of capital stock of
the  Company  have been issued  except in  connection  with the  exercise of the
instruments  referred to in the second sentence of this Section 4.02(a) and (ii)
no options,  warrants,  securities convertible into, or commitments with respect
to the  issuance  of,  shares of capital  stock of the Company have been issued,
granted or made.

          (b)  Except as set forth in Section 4.02(a), as of the date hereof,
there are no outstanding subscriptions, options, calls, contracts, commitments,
understandings, restrictions, arrangements, rights or warrants, including any
right of conversion or exchange under any outstanding security, instrument or
other agreement and including any rights plan or other anti-takeover agreement,
obligating the Company or any subsidiary of the Company to issue, deliver or
sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or sold, additional shares of the capital
stock of the Company or obligating the Company or any subsidiary of the Company
to grant, extend or enter into any such agreement or commitment. There are no
outstanding stock appreciation rights or similar derivative securities or rights
of the Company or any of its subsidiaries. Except as disclosed in the Company
SEC Reports or as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement, there are no voting
trusts, irrevocable proxies or other agreements or understandings to which the
Company or any subsidiary of the Company is a party or is bound with respect to
the voting of any shares of capital stock of the Company.

     Section 4.03.  Subsidiaries.  Each direct and indirect  subsidiary  of the
Company is duly organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of its jurisdiction of incorporation or organization and has the requisite power
and authority to own,  lease and operate its assets and  properties and to carry
on its business as it is now being  conducted and each subsidiary of the Company
is qualified to transact business, and is in good standing, in each jurisdiction
in which the  properties  owned,  leased or  operated by it or the nature of the
business  conducted by it makes such  qualification  necessary;  except,  in all
cases,  where the failure to be so  organized,  existing,  qualified and in good
standing  would not,  singly or in the aggregate  with all other such  failures,
reasonably be expected to have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect.  All of the
outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock of or  other  equity  interests  in each
subsidiary of the Company are validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable and free
of preemptive rights.  There are no subscriptions,  options,  warrants,  rights,
calls,   contracts  or  other  commitments,   understandings,   restrictions  or
arrangements  relating  to the  issuance  or sale with  respect to any shares of
capital  stock of or other equity  interests in any  subsidiary  of the Company,
including any right of conversion or exchange  under any  outstanding  security,
instrument or agreement.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "subsidiary"
means,  with respect to any  specified  person (the "Owner") any other person of
which  more than 50% of the total  voting  power of shares of  capital  stock or
other  equity  interests  entitled  (without  regard  to the  occurrence  of any
contingency) to vote in the election of directors,  managers,  trustees or other
governing  body  thereof  is at  the  time  owned  or  controlled,  directly  or
indirectly,  by such  Owner  or one or more of the  other  subsidiaries  of such


     Section 4.04.  Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals. (a) The Company has
the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and,
subject to the Company Stockholders' Approval (as defined in Section 6.01(a))
with respect solely to the Merger, to consummate the transactions contemplated
hereby. This Agreement and the Merger have been approved and adopted by the
Board of Directors of the Company, and no other corporate proceedings on the
part of the Company are necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of
this Agreement or, except for the Company Stockholders' Approval with respect
solely to the Merger, the consummation by the Company of the transactions
contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the
Company, and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery hereof by
Parent and Merger Subsidiary, constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement
of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms,
except that such enforcement may be subject to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws affecting or relating to
enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (ii) general equitable

          (b)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the
Company and the consummation of the Merger and the transactions contemplated
hereby do not and will not violate, conflict with or result in a breach of any
provision of, or constitute a default (or an event which, with notice or lapse
of time or both, would constitute a default) under, or result in the termination
of, or accelerate the performance required by, or result in a right of
termination or acceleration under, contractually require any offer to purchase
or any prepayment of any debt, or result in the creation of any lien, security
interest or encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of (i)
the respective articles or certificates of incorporation or bylaws or other
governing instruments of the Company or any of its Material Subsidiaries, (ii)
any statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, decree, order,
injunction, writ, permit or license of any court or governmental authority
applicable to the Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective
properties or assets, subject, in the case of consummation, to obtaining (prior
to the Effective Time) the Company Required Statutory Approvals (as defined in
Section 4.04(c)) and the Company Stockholders' Approval, or (iii) any Contract
to which the Company or any of its subsidiaries is now a party or by which the
Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or
assets may be bound or affected, subject, in the case of consummation, to
obtaining (prior to the Effective Time) consents required from commercial
lenders, lessors or other third parties as specified in Section 4.04(b) of the
Company Disclosure Schedule, except, with respect to any item referred to in
clause (ii) or (iii), for any such violation, conflict, breach, default,
termination, acceleration or creation of liens, security interests or
encumbrances that would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the
aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse Effect and would not materially
delay the consummation of the Merger.

          (c)  Except for (i) the filings by the Company required by the HSR
Act, (ii) the filing of the Proxy Statement and the Transaction Statement with
the SEC pursuant to the Exchange Act, (iii) the filing of Articles of Merger
with the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado in connection with the
Merger, (iv) any filings with or approvals from authorities required solely by
virtue of the jurisdictions in which Parent or its subsidiaries conduct any
business or own any assets, and (v) filings with and approvals in respect of
Gaming Laws (the filings and approvals referred to in clauses (i) through (v)
and those disclosed in Section 4.04(c) of the Company Disclosure Schedule being
collectively referred to as the "Company Required Statutory Approvals"), no
declaration, filing or registration with, or notice to, or authorization,
consent or approval of, any governmental or regulatory body or authority is
necessary for the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Company or the
consummation by the Company of the transactions contemplated hereby, other than
such declarations, filings, registrations, notices, authorizations, consents or
approvals which, if not made or obtained, as the case may be, would not
reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect and would not materially delay the consummation of the


     Section 4.05.  Reports and Financial Statements. Since January 1, 1998, the
Company has filed with the SEC all forms, statements, reports and documents
(including all exhibits, post-effective amendments and supplements thereto) (the
"Company SEC Reports") required to be filed by it under each of the Securities
Act, the Exchange Act and the respective rules and regulations thereunder, all
of which, as amended if applicable, complied when filed in all material respects
with all applicable requirements of the applicable act and the rules and
regulations thereunder. As of their respective dates, the Company SEC Reports
did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements
therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not
misleading. The audited consolidated financial statements of the Company
included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000
(the "Company Financial Statements") have been prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis (except
as may be indicated therein or in the notes thereto) and present fairly in all
material respects the financial position of the Company and its subsidiaries as
of the dates thereof and the results of their operations and changes in
financial position for the periods then ended.

     Section 4.06.  Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.  Except as disclosed in
the Company SEC Reports or the Company Disclosure Schedule, neither the Company
nor any of its subsidiaries had at December 31, 2000, or has incurred since that
date and as of the date hereof, any liabilities or obligations (whether
absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) of any nature, except (a)
liabilities, obligations or contingencies (i) which are accrued or reserved
against in the Company Financial Statements or reflected in the notes thereto or
(ii) which were incurred after December 31, 2000 in the ordinary course of
business and consistent with past practice, (b) liabilities, obligations or
contingencies which (i) would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the
aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse Effect, or (ii) have been
discharged or paid in full prior to the date hereof in the ordinary course of
business, and (c) liabilities, obligations and contingencies which are of a
nature not required to be reflected in the consolidated financial statements of
the Company and its subsidiaries prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles consistently applied.

     Section 4.07.  Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Since the date of the
most recent  Company SEC Report filed prior to the date of this  Agreement  that
contains  consolidated  financial statements of the Company,  there has not been
any Company Material Adverse Effect.

     Section 4.08.  Litigation. Except as referred to in the Company SEC
Reports, there are no claims, suits, actions or proceedings pending or, to the
knowledge of the Company, threatened against, relating to or affecting the
Company or any of its subsidiaries, before any court, governmental department,
commission, agency, instrumentality or authority, or any arbitrator that would
reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect. Except as referred to in the Company SEC Reports,
neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries is subject to any judgment,
decree, injunction, rule or order of any court, governmental department,
commission, agency, instrumentality or authority, or any arbitrator which
prohibits the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or would
reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect.

     Section 4.09.  Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings. None of the
information supplied by the Company or any of its subsidiaries for inclusion in
(i) the Proxy Statement, at the time of the mailing of the Proxy Statement and
any amendments or supplements thereto, or at the time of the meeting of
stockholders of the Company to be held in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, or (ii) the Transaction Statement at the time of
the filing thereof with the SEC or at any time the Transaction Statement is
amended or supplemented, will contain any untrue statement of a material fact or
omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in
order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under
which they are made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement and the Transaction
Statement will comply as to form in all material respects with all


applicable laws, including the provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder, except that no representation is made by the
Company with respect to information supplied by Parent, Merger Subsidiary or any
stockholder of Parent for inclusion therein.

     Section 4.10.  No Violation of Law. Except as disclosed in the Company SEC
Reports filed prior to the date of this Agreement, neither the Company nor any
of its subsidiaries is in violation of or has been given written (or, to the
knowledge of the Company's executive officers, oral) notice of any violation of,
any law, statute, order, rule, regulation, ordinance or judgment (including,
without limitation, any applicable environmental law, ordinance or regulation)
of any governmental or regulatory body or authority, except for violations which
would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a
Company Material Adverse Effect. Except as disclosed in the Company SEC Reports
filed prior to the date of this Agreement, to the knowledge of the Company, no
investigation or review by any governmental or regulatory body or authority is
pending or threatened, nor has any governmental or regulatory body or authority
indicated an intention to conduct the same, other than, in each case, those the
outcome of which would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the
aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse Effect. The Company and its
subsidiaries are not in violation of the terms of any permit, license,
franchise, variance, exemption, order or other governmental authorization,
consent or approval necessary to conduct their businesses as presently conducted
(collectively, the "Company Permits"), except for delays in filing reports or
violations which would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the
aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

     Section 4.11.  Compliance with Agreements. Except as disclosed in the
Company SEC Reports, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries is in
breach or violation of or in default in the performance or observance of any
term or provision of, and no event has occurred which, with lapse of time or
action by a third party, would result in a default under, any Contract to which
the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them is
bound or to which any of their property is subject, other than breaches,
violations and defaults which would not reasonably be expected, individually or
in the aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of
the Company's executive officers, the Company's insurance policies relating to
directors' and officers' liability are in full force and effect.

     Section 4.12.  Taxes. (a) The Company and its subsidiaries have (i) duly
filed with the appropriate governmental authorities all Tax Returns required to
be filed by them, and such Tax Returns are true, correct and complete, and (ii)
duly paid in full or reserved in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles on the Company Financial Statements all Taxes required to be paid,
except in each such case as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
Company Material Adverse Effect. Except as would not, individually or in the
aggregate, have a Company Material Adverse Effect, there are no liens for Taxes
upon any property or asset of the Company or any subsidiary thereof, other than
liens for Taxes not yet due or Taxes contested in good faith and reserved
against in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. There are
no unresolved issues of law or fact arising out of a notice of deficiency,
proposed deficiency or assessment from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS")
or any other governmental taxing authority with respect to Taxes of the Company
or any of its subsidiaries which would individually or in the aggregate,
reasonably be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect. Except as
would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Company Material Adverse
Effect, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has agreed to an
extension of time with respect to a Tax deficiency, other than extensions which
are no longer in effect. Except as would not, individually or in the aggregate,
have a Company Material Adverse Effect, neither the Company nor any of its
subsidiaries is a party to any agreement providing for the allocation or sharing
of Taxes with any entity that is not, directly or indirectly, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company, other than agreements the consequences of which are
fully and adequately reserved for in the Company Financial Statements.

          (b) Except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
Company Material Adverse Effect, the Company and each of its subsidiaries has
withheld or collected and has paid over to


the appropriate governmental entities (or is properly holding for such payment)
all material Taxes required to be collected or withheld.

          (c) For purposes of this Agreement, "Tax" (including, with correlative
meaning, the term "Taxes") means all federal, state, local and foreign income,
profits, franchise, gross receipts, environmental, customs duty, capital stock,
communications services, severance, stamp, payroll, sales, employment,
unemployment, disability, use, property, withholding, excise, production, value
added, occupancy and other taxes, duties or assessments of any nature
whatsoever, together with all interest, penalties and additions imposed with
respect to such amounts and any interest in respect of such penalties and
additions, and includes any liability for Taxes of another person by contract,
as a transferee or successor, under Treas. Reg. 1.1502-6 or analogous state,
local or foreign law provision or otherwise, and "Tax Return" means any return,
report or similar statement (including attached schedules) required to be filed
with respect to any Tax, including without limitation, any information return,
claim for refund, amended return or declaration of estimated Tax.

     Section 4.13.  Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA.  (a) The Company SEC Reports
or the Company Disclosure Letter set forth each employee or director benefit
plan, arrangement or agreement, including without limitation any employee
welfare benefit plan within the meaning of Section 3(1) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), any employee
pension benefit plan within the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA (whether or not
such plan is subject to ERISA) and any bonus, incentive, deferred compensation,
vacation, stock purchase, stock option, severance, employment, change of control
or fringe benefit plan, program or agreement (excluding any multi-employer plan
as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA (a "Multi-employer Plan") and any multiple
employer plan within the meaning of Section 413(c) of the Code) that is
sponsored, maintained or contributed to by the Company or any of its
subsidiaries or by any trade or business, whether or not incorporated, all of
which together with the Company would be deemed a "single employer" within the
meaning of Section 4001 of ERISA (the "Company Plans").

          (b) Except as disclosed in the Company SEC Reports or in the Company
Disclosure Schedule, (i) there have been no prohibited transactions within the
meaning of Section 406 or 407 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code with respect
to any of the Company Plans that could result in penalties, taxes or liabilities
which would, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a
Company Material Adverse Effect, (ii) no Company Plan is subject to Title IV of
ERISA, (iii) each of the Company Plans has been operated and administered in
accordance with all applicable laws during the period of time covered by the
applicable statute of limitations, except for failures to comply which would not
reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect, (iv) each of the Company Plans which is intended to be
"qualified" within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code has been determined
by the IRS to be so qualified and such determination has not been revoked by
failure to satisfy any condition thereof or by a subsequent amendment thereto or
a failure to amend, except that it may be necessary to make additional
amendments retroactively to maintain the "qualified" status of such Company
Plans, and the period for making any such necessary retroactive amendments has
not expired, (v) to the knowledge of the Company and its subsidiaries, there are
no pending, threatened or anticipated claims involving any of the Company Plans
other than claims for benefits in the ordinary course or claims which would not
reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect, (vi) no Company Plan provides post-retirement medical
benefits to employees or directors of the Company or any of its subsidiaries
beyond their retirement or other termination of service, other than coverage
mandated by applicable law, (vii) all material contributions or other amounts
payable by the Company or its subsidiaries as of the date hereof with respect to
each Company Plan in respect of current or prior plan years have been paid or
accrued in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, (viii) with
respect to each Multi-employer Plan contributed to by the Company, to the
knowledge of the Company and its subsidiaries, as of the date hereof, none of
the Company or any of its subsidiaries has received any notification that any
such Multi-employer Plan is in reorganization, has been terminated or is
insolvent, (ix) the Company and each of its


subsidiaries has complied in all respects with the Worker Adjustment and
Retraining Notification Act, except for failures which would not reasonably be
expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse
Effect, and (x) no act, omission or transaction has occurred with respect to any
Company Plan that has resulted or could result in any liability of the Company
or any subsidiary under Section 409 or 502(c)(1) or (l) of ERISA or Chapter 43
of Subtitle (A) of the Code, except for liabilities which would not reasonably
be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company Material
Adverse Effect.

          (c) Except as set forth in the Company Disclosure Schedule, and
excluding payments in respect of outstanding Options, neither the execution and
delivery of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby will (i) result in any payment (including, without limitation, any
severance or "excess parachute payment" (within the meaning of Section 280G of
the Code)) becoming due to any director or employee of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries under any Company Plan, (ii) increase any benefits otherwise
payable under any Company Plan, or (iii) result in any acceleration of the time
of payment or vesting of any such benefits.

     Section 4.14.  Labor Controversies. Except as disclosed in the Company SEC
Reports, (a) there are no significant controversies pending or, to the knowledge
of the Company, threatened between the Company or any of its subsidiaries and
any representatives (including unions) of any of their employees, and (b) to the
knowledge of the Company, there are no organizational efforts presently being
made involving any of the presently unorganized employees of the Company or any
of its subsidiaries.

     Section 4.15.  Environmental Matters. (a) Except as disclosed in the
Company SEC Reports or the Company Disclosure Schedule and for other matters
that would not, singly or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a
Company Material Adverse Effect, (i) the Company and its subsidiaries have
conducted their respective businesses in compliance with all applicable
Environmental Laws, including, without limitation, having all permits, licenses
and other approvals and authorizations necessary for the operation of their
respective businesses as presently conducted, (ii) none of the properties owned
by the Company or any of its subsidiaries contain any Hazardous Substance in
amounts exceeding the levels permitted by applicable Environmental Laws, (iii)
since January 1, 1998, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has
received any notices, demand letters or requests for information from any
Federal, state, local or foreign governmental entity indicating that the Company
or any of its subsidiaries may be in violation of, or liable under, any
Environmental Law in connection with the ownership or operation of their
businesses, (iv) there are no civil, criminal or administrative actions, suits,
demands, claims, hearings, investigations or proceedings pending or threatened,
against the Company or any of its subsidiaries relating to any violation, or
alleged violation, of any Environmental Law, (v) no Hazardous Substance has been
disposed of, released or transported in violation of any applicable
Environmental Law from any properties owned by the Company or any of its
subsidiaries as a result of any activity of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries during the time such properties were owned, leased or operated by
the Company or any of its subsidiaries, and (vi) neither the Company, its
subsidiaries nor any of their respective properties are subject to any
liabilities or expenditures (fixed or contingent) relating to any suit,
settlement, court order, administrative order, regulatory requirement, judgment
or claim asserted or arising under any Environmental Law.

          (b) As used herein, "Environmental Law" means any federal, state,
local or foreign law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, code, license,
permit, authorization, approval, consent, legal doctrine, order, judgment,
decree, injunction, requirement or agreement with any governmental entity
relating to (x) the protection, preservation or restoration of the environment
(including, without limitation, air, water vapor, surface water, groundwater,
drinking water supply, surface land, subsurface land, plant and animal life or
any other natural resource) or to human health or safety, or (y) the exposure
to, or the use, storage, recycling, treatment, generation, transportation,
processing, handling, labeling, production, release or disposal of Hazardous
Substances, in each case as amended and as in effect at the Effective Time. The
term "Environmental Law" includes, without limitation, (i) the Federal
Comprehensive Environmental


Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, the
Federal Clean Air Act, the Federal Clean Water Act, the Federal Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (including the Hazardous and Solid Waste
Amendments thereto), the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act and the Federal Toxic
Substances Control Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act,
and the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, each as amended and
as in effect at the Effective Time, and (ii) any common law or equitable
doctrine (including, without limitation, injunctive relief and tort doctrines
such as negligence, nuisance, trespass and strict liability) that may impose
liability or obligations for injuries or damages arising from or threatened as a
result of, the presence of, effects of or exposure to any Hazardous Substance.

          (c) As used herein, "Hazardous Substance" means any substance
presently or hereafter listed, defined, designated or classified as hazardous,
toxic, radioactive, or dangerous, or otherwise regulated, under any
Environmental Law. Hazardous Substance includes any substance to which exposure
is regulated by any government authority or any Environmental Law including,
without limitation, any toxic waste, pollutant, contaminant, hazardous
substance, toxic substance, hazardous waste, special waste, industrial substance
or petroleum or any derivative or by-product thereof, radon, radioactive
material, asbestos, or asbestos-containing material, urea formaldehyde foam
insulation, lead or polychlorinated biphenyls.

     Section 4.16.  Title to Assets. The Company and each of its subsidiaries
has good and valid title in fee simple to all its real property and good title
to all its leasehold interests and other properties, as reflected in the most
recent balance sheet included in the Company Financial Statements, except for
properties and assets that have been disposed of in the ordinary course of
business since the date of such balance sheet, free and clear of all mortgages,
liens, pledges, charges or encumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except (i) the
lien for current taxes, payments of which are not yet delinquent, (ii) such
imperfections in title and easements and encumbrances, if any, as are not
substantial in character, amount or extent and do not materially detract from
the value, or interfere with the present use of the property subject thereto or
affected thereby, or otherwise materially impair the Company's business
operations (in the manner presently carried on by the Company), or (iii) as
disclosed in the Company SEC Reports, and except for such matters which would
not reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company
Material Adverse Effect. All leases under which the Company or any of its
subsidiaries leases any real or personal property are in good standing, valid
and effective in accordance with their respective terms, and there is not, under
any of such leases, any existing default or event which with notice or lapse of
time or both would become a default other than failures to be in good standing,
valid and effective and defaults under such leases which would not reasonably be
expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Company Material Adverse

     Section 4.17.  Company Stockholders' Approval. The affirmative vote of
stockholders of the Company required for approval and adoption of this Agreement
and the Merger is a majority of the outstanding shares of Company Common Stock
entitled to vote thereon.

     Section 4.18.  Brokers and Finders. The Company has not entered into any
contract, arrangement or understanding with any person or firm which may result
in the obligation of the Company to pay any investment banking fees, finder's
fees or brokerage fees in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby,
other than fees payable to Robertson Stephens, Inc. (the "Special Committee
Financial Advisor"), or as disclosed in Section 4.18 of the Company Disclosure
Schedule. An accurate copy of any fee agreement with the Company Financial
Advisor has been made available to Parent.


                                   ARTICLE V

     Section 5.01.  Conduct of Business by the Company Pending the Merger.
Except as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement or disclosed in Section 5.01
of the Company Disclosure Schedule, after the date hereof and prior to the
Effective Time or earlier termination of this Agreement, unless Parent shall
otherwise agree in writing, the Company shall, and shall cause its subsidiaries

          (a) conduct their respective businesses in the ordinary and usual
course of business and consistent with past practice, including with respect to
casino credit policies;

          (b) not (i) amend or propose to amend their respective articles of
incorporation or bylaws or equivalent constitutional documents, (ii) split,
combine or reclassify their outstanding capital stock or (iii) declare, set
aside or pay any dividend or distribution payable in cash, stock, property or
otherwise, except for the payment of dividends or distributions to the Company
or a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company by a direct or indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company;

          (c) not issue, sell, pledge or dispose of, or agree to issue, sell,
pledge or dispose of, any additional shares of, or any options, warrants or
rights of any kind to acquire any shares of, their capital stock of any class or
any debt or equity securities convertible into or exchangeable for any such
capital stock, except that the Company may issue shares upon the exercise of
Options outstanding on the date hereof;

          (d) not (i) incur or become contingently liable with respect to any
indebtedness for borrowed money other than (A) borrowings in the ordinary course
of business or borrowings under the existing credit facilities of the Company or
of any of its subsidiaries up to the existing borrowing limit on the date
hereof, and (B) borrowings to refinance existing indebtedness on terms which are
reasonably acceptable to Parent; provided that in no event shall aggregate
indebtedness of the Company and its subsidiaries, net of all cash and cash
equivalents, exceed $75,000,000, (ii) redeem, purchase, acquire or offer to
purchase or acquire any shares of its capital stock or any options, warrants or
rights to acquire any of its capital stock or any security convertible into or
exchangeable for its capital stock other than in connection with the exercise of
outstanding Options pursuant to the terms of the Company Option Plans, (iii)
except as disclosed in Section 5.01(d)(i) of the Company Disclosure Schedule,
make any acquisition of any assets or businesses other than expenditures for
current assets in the ordinary course of business and expenditures for fixed or
capital assets in the ordinary course of business, (iv) without Parent's
consent, acquire any gaming property in the State of Colorado, (v) sell, pledge,
dispose of or encumber any assets or businesses other than (A) sales of
businesses or assets disclosed in Section 5.01 of the Company Disclosure
Schedule, (B) pledges or encumbrances pursuant to Existing Credit Facilities or
other permitted borrowings, (C) sales of real estate, assets or facilities for
cash consideration (including any debt assumed by the buyer of such real estate,
assets or facilities) to non-affiliates of the Company of less than $100,000 in
each such case and $500,000 in the aggregate, (D) sales or dispositions of
businesses or assets as may be required by applicable law, and (E) sales or
dispositions of assets in the ordinary course or (vi) enter into any binding
contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement with respect to any of the

          (e) use all reasonable efforts to preserve intact their respective
business organizations and goodwill, keep available the services of their
respective present officers and key employees, and preserve the goodwill and
business relationships with customers and others having business relationships
with them other than as expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement;

          (f) not enter into, amend, modify or renew any employment, consulting,
severance or similar agreement with, or grant any salary, wage or other increase
in compensation or increase in any employee benefit to, any director or officer
of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries, except (i) for


changes that are required by applicable law, (ii) to satisfy obligations
existing as of the date hereof, or (iii) in the ordinary course of business
consistent with past practice;

          (g) not enter into, establish, adopt, amend or modify any pension,
retirement, stock purchase, savings, profit sharing, deferred compensation,
consulting, bonus, group insurance or other employee benefit, incentive or
welfare plan, agreement, program or arrangement, in respect of any director,
officer or employee of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries, except, in
each such case, as may be required by applicable law or by the terms of
contractual obligations existing as of the date hereof, including any collective
bargaining agreement;

          (h) not make expenditures, including, but not limited to, capital
expenditures, or enter into any binding commitment or contract to make
expenditures, except (i) expenditures which the Company or its subsidiaries are
currently contractually committed to make, (ii) other expenditures not exceeding
$250,000 individually or $500,000 in the aggregate, (iii) for emergency repairs
and other expenditures necessary in light of circumstances not anticipated as of
the date of this Agreement which are necessary to avoid significant disruption
to the Company's business or operations consistent with past practice (and, if
reasonably practicable, after consultation with Parent), or (iv) for repairs and
maintenance in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice.
With respect to the subject matter of this paragraph (h), if the Company
requests approval of Parent to exceed the limits set forth herein, Parent shall
respond to such request and grant or withhold approval promptly following
receipt of such request;

          (i) not make, change or revoke any material Tax election unless
required by law or make any agreement or settlement with any taxing authority
regarding any material amount of Taxes or which would reasonably be expected to
materially increase the obligations of the Company or the Surviving Corporation
to pay Taxes in the future; and

          (j) not settle or compromise any litigation to which the Company or
any Company subsidiary is a party or with respect to which the Company or any
Company subsidiary may have or incur liability, at an aggregate cost to the
Company in excess of $250,000 with respect to any action or claim or in excess
of $500,000 with respect to all applicable actions and claims in the aggregate.

     Section 5.02.  Control of the Company's Operations. Nothing contained in
this Agreement shall give to Parent, directly or indirectly, rights to control
or direct the Company's operations prior to the Effective Time. Prior to the
Effective Time, the Company shall exercise, consistent with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, complete control and supervision of its

     Section 5.03.  Acquisition Transactions. (a) After the date hereof and
prior to the Effective Time or earlier termination of this Agreement, except in
accordance with Section 5.03(b), the Company shall not, and shall not permit any
of its subsidiaries to, initiate, solicit, negotiate, encourage or provide
confidential information to facilitate, and the Company shall use all reasonable
efforts to cause any officer, director or employee of the Company, or any
attorney, accountant, investment banker, financial advisor or other agent
retained by it or any of its subsidiaries, not to initiate, solicit, negotiate,
encourage or provide non-public or confidential information to facilitate, any
proposal or offer to acquire all or any substantial part of the business,
properties or capital stock of the Company, whether by merger, purchase of
assets, tender offer or otherwise, whether for cash, securities or any other
consideration or combination thereof (any such transactions being referred to
herein as an "Acquisition Transaction").

                  (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) above, (i)
the Company may, prior to receipt of the Company Stockholders' Approval, in
response to an unsolicited bona fide written offer or proposal with respect to a
potential or proposed Acquisition Transaction ("Acquisition Proposal") from a
corporation, partnership, person or other entity or group (a "Potential
Acquirer") which the Company's Board of Directors determines, in good faith and
after consultation with its independent financial advisor,


would reasonably be expected to result (if consummated pursuant to its terms) in
an Acquisition Transaction more favorable to the Company's stockholders than the
Merger (a "Qualifying Proposal"), furnish (subject to the execution of a
confidentiality agreement substantially similar to the confidentiality
provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement (as defined in Section 5.04))
confidential or non-public information to, and negotiate with, such Potential
Acquirer, may resolve to accept, or recommend, and, upon termination of this
Agreement in accordance with Section 7.01(v) and after payment to Parent of the
fee pursuant to Section 5.09(b), enter into agreements relating to, a Qualifying
Proposal which the Company's Board of Directors, in good faith, has determined
is reasonably likely to be consummated (such Qualifying Proposal being a
"Superior Proposal") and (ii) the Company's Board of Directors may take and
disclose to the Company's stockholders a position contemplated by Rule 14e-2
under the Exchange Act or otherwise make disclosure required by the federal
securities laws. It is understood and agreed that negotiations and other
activities conducted in accordance with this paragraph (b) shall not constitute
a violation of paragraph (a) of this Section 5.03.

          (c) The Company shall promptly notify Parent after receipt of any
Acquisition Proposal, indication of interest or request for non-public
information relating to the Company or its subsidiaries in connection with an
Acquisition Proposal or for access to the properties, books or records of the
Company or any subsidiary by any person or entity that informs the Board of
Directors of the Company or such subsidiary that it is considering making, or
has made, an Acquisition Proposal. Such notice to Parent shall be given orally
and in writing and shall indicate in reasonable detail the identity of the
offeror and the material terms and conditions of such proposal, inquiry or

     Section 5.04.  Access to Information. The Company and its subsidiaries
shall afford to Parent and Merger Subsidiary and their respective accountants,
counsel, financial advisors, sources of financing and other representatives (the
"Parent Representatives") reasonable access during normal business hours with
reasonable notice throughout the period prior to the Effective Time to all of
their respective properties, books, contracts, commitments and records
(including, but not limited to, Tax Returns) and, during such period, shall
furnish promptly (i) a copy of each report, schedule and other document filed or
received by any of them pursuant to the requirements of federal or state
securities laws or filed by any of them with the SEC in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and (ii) such other information
concerning its businesses, properties and personnel as Parent or Merger
Subsidiary shall reasonably request and will obtain the reasonable cooperation
of the Company's officers, employees, counsel, accountants, consultants and
financial advisors in connection with the investigation of the Company by Parent
and the Parent Representatives. All nonpublic information provided to, or
obtained by, Parent or any Parent Representative in connection with the
transactions contemplated hereby shall be "Information" for purposes of the
Confidentiality Agreement dated April 23, 2001 between Parent and the Company
(the "Confidentiality Agreement"), provided that Parent, Merger Subsidiary and
the Company may disclose such information as may be necessary in connection with
seeking the Parent Required Statutory Approvals, the Company Required Statutory
Approvals and the Company Stockholders' Approval. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the Company shall not be required to provide any information which it reasonably
believes it may not provide to Parent by reason of applicable law, rules or
regulations, which constitutes information protected by attorney/client
privilege, or which the Company or any subsidiary is required to keep
confidential by reason of contract, agreement or understanding with third
parties entered into prior to the date hereof.

     Section 5.05.  Notices of Certain Events. (a) The Company shall as promptly
as reasonably practicable after executive officers of the Company acquire
knowledge thereof, notify Parent of: (i) any notice or other communication from
any person alleging that the consent of such person (or another person) is or
may be required in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement which consent relates to a material Contract to which the Company or
any of its subsidiaries is a party or which if not obtained would materially
delay consummation of the Merger; (ii) any notice or other communication from
any governmental or regulatory agency or authority in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and (iii) any actions, suits,
claims, investigations or


proceedings commenced or, to the best of its knowledge threatened against,
relating to or involving or otherwise affecting the Company or any of its
subsidiaries that, if pending on the date of this Agreement, would have been
required to have been disclosed pursuant to Section 4.08 or 4.10 or which relate
to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (b) Each of Parent and Merger Subsidiary shall as promptly as
reasonably practicable after executive officers of the Parent acquire knowledge
thereof, notify the Company of: (i) any notice or other communication from any
person alleging that the consent of such person (or other person) is or may be
required in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
which consent relates to a material Contract to which Parent or any of its
subsidiaries is a party or which if not obtained would materially delay the
Merger, (ii) any notice or other communication from any governmental or
regulatory agency or authority in connection with the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, and (iii) any actions, suits, claims, investigations or
proceedings commenced or, to the best of its knowledge threatened, against
Parent or Merger Subsidiary, which relate to consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

          (c) Each of the Company, Parent and Merger Subsidiary agrees to give
prompt notice to each other of, and to use commercially reasonable efforts to
remedy, (i) the occurrence or failure to occur of any event which occurrence or
failure would be likely to cause any of its representations or warranties in
this Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate at the Effective Time unless such
failure or occurrence would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect or a
Parent Material Adverse Effect, as the case may be, and (ii) any failure on its
part to comply with or satisfy any covenant, condition or agreement to be
complied with or satisfied by it hereunder unless such failure or occurrence
would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect or a Parent Material Adverse
Effect, as the case may be. The delivery of any notice pursuant to this Section
5.05(c) shall not limit or otherwise affect the remedies available hereunder to
the party receiving such notice.

     Section 5.06.  Meeting of the Company's Stockholders. The Company shall as
promptly as practicable after the date of this Agreement take all action
necessary in accordance with the CBCA and its Articles of Incorporation and
bylaws to convene a meeting of the Company's stockholders (the "Company
Stockholders' Meeting") to act on this Agreement. The Board of Directors of the
Company shall recommend that the Company's stockholders vote to approve the
Merger and adopt this Agreement; provided, however, that the Company may change
its recommendation in any manner if its recommendation of the Merger would be
inconsistent with the board of directors' fiduciary duties under applicable law,
as determined by the board of directors in good faith after consultation with
its financial and legal advisors.

     Section 5.07.  Proxy Statement and Other SEC Filings. As promptly as
practicable after execution of this Agreement, the parties shall cooperate and
promptly prepare and the Company shall file the Proxy Statement and the
Transaction Statement with the SEC under the Exchange Act, and the parties shall
use all reasonable efforts to have the Proxy Statement and the Transaction
Statement cleared by the SEC. The Company shall notify Parent of the receipt of
any comments of the SEC with respect to the Proxy Statement or Transaction
Statement and of any requests by the SEC for any amendment or supplement thereto
or for additional information, and shall provide to Parent promptly copies of
all correspondence between the Company or any representative of the Company and
the SEC. The Company shall give Parent and its counsel the opportunity to review
the Proxy Statement and Transaction Statement prior to their being filed with
the SEC and shall give Parent and its counsel the opportunity to review all
amendments and supplements to the Proxy Statement and Transaction Statement and
all responses to requests for additional information and replies to comments
prior to their being filed with, or sent to, the SEC. Each of the Company,
Parent and Merger Subsidiary agrees to use its reasonable best efforts, after
consultation with the other parties hereto, to respond promptly to all such
comments of and requests by the SEC. As promptly as practicable after the Proxy
Statement and Transaction Statement have been cleared by the SEC, the Company
shall mail the Proxy Statement to the stockholders of the Company.


Prior to the date of approval of the Merger by the Company's stockholders, each
of the Company, Parent and Merger Subsidiary shall correct promptly any
information provided by it to be used specifically in the Proxy Statement or the
Transaction Statement that shall have become false or misleading in any material
respect and the Company shall take all steps necessary to file with the SEC and
cleared by the SEC any amendment or supplement to the Proxy Statement or the
Transaction Statement so as to correct the same and to cause the Proxy Statement
as so corrected to be disseminated to the stockholders of the Company, in each
case to the extent required by applicable law.

     Section 5.08.  Public Announcements. Parent and the Company will consult
with each other before issuing any press release or making any public statement
with respect to this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby and,
except as may be required by applicable law or any listing agreement with the
NASDAQ -National Market System, will not issue any such press release or make
any such public statement prior to such consultation.

     Section 5.09.  Expenses and Fees. (a) All costs and expenses incurred in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be
paid by the party incurring such expenses, except that those expenses incurred
in connection with printing and filing the Proxy Statement and the Transaction
Statement or with any filing under the HSR Act shall be shared equally by Parent
and the Company.

          (b) The Company agrees to pay to Parent a fee equal to $1,000,000 if:

                    (i)   the Company terminates this Agreement pursuant to
          clause (v) of Section 7.01;

                    (ii)  Parent terminates this Agreement pursuant to clause
          (vi) of Section 7.01, which fee shall be payable within two business
          days of such termination;

                    (iii) this Agreement is terminated for any reason at a time
          at which Parent was not in material breach of its representations,
          warranties, covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement and
          was entitled to terminate this Agreement pursuant to clause (vii) of
          Section 7.01, and (A) prior to the time of the Company Stockholders'
          Meeting a proposal by a third party relating to an Acquisition
          Transaction had been publicly proposed or publicly announced, and (B)
          on or prior to the 12 month anniversary of the termination of this
          Agreement the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates enters
          into an agreement or letter of intent (or resolves or announces an
          intention to do) with respect to an Acquisition Transaction involving
          a person, entity or group if such person, entity, group (or any member
          of such group, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing) made a
          proposal with respect to an Acquisition Transaction on or after the
          date hereof and prior to the Company Stockholders' Meeting and such
          Acquisition Transaction is consummated.

          (c) Parent agrees to pay the Company a fee equal to $2,000,000 if
Parent either (i) breaches its representation and covenant under Section 5.12 or
(ii) fails to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement on or
before 12:00 noon, Mountain Time, on the Outside Date notwithstanding the
satisfaction of the conditions to Parent's obligation to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement on or before the Outside Date (not
including conditions whose failure to be satisfied is the result of a breach of
a representation, warranty or covenant of Parent or Merger Subsidiary

     Section 5.10.  Agreement to Cooperate. (a) Subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, including Section 5.03, each of the parties hereto
shall use all reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all action
and to do, or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under
applicable laws and regulations (including the HSR Act and the Gaming Laws) to
consummate and


make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including using
its reasonable best efforts to obtain all necessary or appropriate waivers,
consents or approvals of third parties required in order to preserve material
contractual relationships of Parent and the Company and their respective
subsidiaries, all necessary or appropriate waivers, consents and approvals to
effect all necessary registrations, filings and submissions and to lift any
injunction or other legal bar to the Merger (and, in that case, to proceed with
the Merger as expeditiously as possible). In addition, subject to the terms and
conditions herein provided and subject to the fiduciary duties of the respective
boards of directors of the Company and Parent, none of the parties hereto shall
knowingly take or cause to be taken any action (including, but not limited to,
in the case of Parent, (x) the incurrence of material debt financing, other than
the financing in connection with the Merger and related transactions and other
than debt financing incurred in the ordinary course of business, and (y) the
acquisition of businesses or assets) which would reasonably be expected to delay
materially or prevent consummation of the Merger.

          (b) Without limitation of the foregoing, each of Parent and the
Company undertakes and agrees to file as soon as practicable, if required, a
Notification and Report Form under the HSR Act with the United States Federal
Trade Commission (the "FTC") and the Antitrust Division of the United States
Department of Justice (the "Antitrust Division"), and to make such filings and
apply for such approvals and consents as are required under the Gaming Laws.
Each of Parent and the Company shall (i) respond as promptly as practicable to
any inquiries received from the FTC or the Antitrust Division or any authority
enforcing applicable Gaming Laws for additional information or documentation and
to all inquiries and requests received from any State Attorney General or other
governmental authority in connection with antitrust matters or Gaming Laws, and
(ii) not extend any waiting period under the HSR Act or enter into any agreement
with the FTC or the Antitrust Division not to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, except with the prior written consent of the
other parties hereto. Each party shall (i) promptly notify the other party of
any written communication to that party from the FTC, the Antitrust Division,
any State Attorney General or any other governmental entity and, subject to
applicable law, permit the other party to review in advance any proposed written
communication to any of the foregoing; (ii) not agree to participate in any
substantive meeting or discussion with any governmental authority in respect of
any filings, investigation or inquiry concerning this Agreement or the Merger
unless it consults with the other party in advance and, to the extent permitted
by such governmental authority, gives the other party the opportunity to attend
and participate thereat; and (iii) furnish the other party with copies of all
correspondence, filings, and communications (and memoranda setting forth the
substance thereof) between them and their affiliates and their respective
representatives on the one hand, and any government or regulatory authority or
members or their respective staffs on the other hand, with respect to this
Agreement and the Merger.

     Section 5.11.  Directors' and Officers' Indemnification. (a) The
indemnification provisions of the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the
Company as in effect at the Effective Time shall not be amended, repealed or
otherwise modified for a period of six years from the Effective Time in any
manner that would adversely affect the rights thereunder of individuals who at
the Effective Time were directors, officers, employees or agents of the Company.

          (b) Without limiting Section 5.11(a), after the Effective Time, the
Surviving Corporation shall, and Parent shall cause the Surviving Corporation
to, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, indemnify and hold
harmless, each present and former director, officer, employee and agent of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries (each, together with such person's heirs,
executors or administrators, an "Indemnified Party" and collectively, the
"Indemnified Parties") against any costs or expenses (including attorneys'
fees), judgments, fines, losses, claims, damages, liabilities and amounts paid
in settlement in connection with any actual or threatened claim, action, suit,
proceeding or investigation, whether civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative (collectively, "Costs and Expenses"), arising out of, relating to
or in connection with (i) any action or omission occurring or alleged to occur
prior to the Effective Time (including, without limitation, acts or omissions in
connection with such persons serving as an officer, director or other fiduciary
in any entity if such service was at the request or for the benefit of


the Company) or (ii) the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this
Agreement or arising out of or pertaining to the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement or the events and developments between Parent and the Company
leading up to this Agreement. Any Indemnified Party hereunder will (1) give
prompt notice to the Surviving Corporation of any claim which arises from or
after the Effective Time with respect to which it seeks indemnification and (2)
permit the Surviving Corporation to assume the defense of such claim with
counsel reasonably satisfactory to a majority of the Indemnified Parties. In
connection with the selection of counsel to represent the Indemnified Parties in
connection with clause (2) above, the Surviving Corporation shall propose
counsel to represent the Indemnified Parties. The applicable Indemnified Parties
shall have the right to approve such counsel, but such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld. If the proposed counsel is not approved, the Surviving
Corporation shall continue to propose counsel until counsel is approved by the
applicable Indemnified Parties. Any Indemnified Party shall have the right to
employ separate counsel and to participate in the defense of such claim, but the
fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such person unless:
(x) the Surviving Corporation has agreed, in writing, to pay such fees or
expenses; (y) the Surviving Corporation shall have failed to assume the defense
of such claim after the receipt of notice from the Indemnified Party as required
above and failed to employ counsel reasonably satisfactory to a majority of the
Indemnified Parties or (z) based upon advice of counsel to such Indemnified
Party and concurrence therewith by counsel for the group of Indemnified Parties
in such matter, there shall be one or more defenses available to such
Indemnified Party that are not available to the Surviving Corporation or there
shall exist conflicts of interest between such Indemnified Party and the
Surviving Corporation or the other Indemnified Parties (in which case, if the
Indemnified Party notifies the Surviving Corporation in writing that such
Indemnified Party elects to employ separate counsel at the expense of the
Surviving Corporation, the Surviving Corporation shall not have the right to
assume the defense of such claim on behalf of such Indemnified Party), in each
of which events the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel (which counsel
shall be reasonably acceptable to the Surviving Corporation) shall be at the
expense of the Surviving Corporation.

          (c) If the Surviving Corporation or Parent or any of their successors
or assigns (i) consolidates with or merges into any other person and shall not
be the continuing or surviving corporation or entity of such consolidation or
merger, or (ii) transfers all or substantially all of its properties and assets
to any person, then and in each such case, proper provision shall be made so
that the successors and assigns of the Surviving Corporation or Parent shall
assume the obligations of the Surviving Corporation or the Parent, as the case
may be, set forth in this Section 5.11.

          (d) For a period of six years after the Effective Time, Parent shall
cause to be maintained or shall cause the Surviving Corporation to maintain in
effect the current policies of directors' and officers' liability insurance
maintained by the Company and its subsidiaries (provided that Parent may
substitute therefor policies of at least the same coverage and amounts
containing terms and conditions that are no less advantageous to the Indemnified
Parties, and which coverages and amounts shall be no less than the coverages and
amounts provided at that time for Parent's directors and officers) with respect
to matters arising on or before the Effective Time; provided, however, that
Parent and the Surviving Corporation shall not be required to expend in any year
an amount in excess of 125% of the annual aggregate premiums currently paid by
the Company for such insurance; and provided, further, that if the annual
premiums of such insurance coverage exceed such amount, Parent and the Surviving
Corporation shall be obligated to obtain a policy with the best coverage
available, in the reasonable judgment of the Parent's board of directors, for a
cost not exceeding such amount.

          (e) The indemnification rights of the Indemnified Parties granted
under (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Articles and Bylaws of the Surviving
Corporation, as amended, and (iii) the CBCA, are the only indemnification rights
available to the Indemnified Parties and supersede any other rights to
indemnification under any other agreement. The provisions of this Section 5.11
shall survive the consummation of the Merger and expressly are intended to
benefit and be binding upon each of the Indemnified Parties.


          (f) Parent hereby fully and unconditionally guarantees the performance
of the Surviving Company's obligations under Sections 5.11(a)-(c). This guaranty
is a guaranty of payment and not performance.

     Section 5.12.  Financing. As a condition precedent to the Company's
obligation to mail the Proxy Statement to the Company's stockholders in
accordance with Section 5.07 of this Agreement, Parent shall deliver to the
Company an executed, written "highly confident" letter from U.S. Bancorp Libra
or one or more similar lending institutions (each, a "Letter") that it can
arrange, in the aggregate, financing sufficient to fund the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, without limitation, the
Merger, and to satisfy all other costs and expenses arising in connection with
this Agreement (the "Financing"). Parent shall use its reasonable efforts to
consummate the Financing on terms and conditions consistent with the Letters or
such other Financing on terms as shall be reasonably satisfactory to Parent, on
or before the Closing Date; but reasonable efforts of Parent as used in this
Section 5.12 shall in no event require Parent to agree to financing terms
materially more adverse to Parent than those provided for in the Letters. Parent
shall use its reasonable efforts to satisfy before the Closing Date all
requirements that are conditions to the closing of the transactions that
constitute the Financing and to obtaining the cash proceeds of the Financing.
Parent shall keep the Company informed about the status of the Financing,
including, but not limited to, providing copies of financing documents and
informing the Company of the termination of any Letter. The Company shall use
its reasonable efforts to assist and cooperate with Parent to satisfy on or
before the Closing Date all of the conditions to closing the transactions
constituting the Financing that are applicable to the Company.

         Section 5.13. Parent Letter of Credit. Contemporaneously with the
execution of this Agreement, Parent shall provide the Company with a letter of
credit in favor of the Company in the amount of $2,000,000 and issued by a bank
acceptable to the Company, to secure Parent's obligations under Section 5.09(c)
of this Agreement. Parent shall maintain that letter of credit until the earlier
of the Effective Time and the Outside Date. The Company is entitled to draw
against the letter of credit only if (i) its Board of Directors has determined
in good faith, after consultation with the Company's counsel, that the Company
has become entitled, or is reasonably likely to become entitled by a specified
date and time, to the fee payable under Section 5.09(c) of this Agreement (the
"Fee"), (ii) the Company has given to Parent written notice, at least one
business day in advance, of its intention to draw against the letter of credit
at a specified date and time and has endeavored in good faith to consult with
Parent concerning whether the Fee is payable, and (iii) Parent has neither
consummated the transactions contemplated by this Agreement nor paid the Fee by
the later of (x) 24 hours after the notice referred to in clause (ii), above,
has been delivered (or deemed delivered in accordance with Section 8.03 of this
Agreement) and (y) the date and time specified in that notice. Nothing in this
Agreement is intended to preclude Parent from contesting in a court of competent
jurisdiction the Company's entitlement to the Fee or the Company's entitlement
to draw against the letter of credit if Parent determines in good faith, after
consultation with its counsel, that the Company is not entitled to the Fee.

                                  ARTICLE VI
                           CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER

     Section 6.01.  Conditions to the Obligations of Each Party. The obligations
of the Company, Parent and Merger Subsidiary to consummate the Merger are
subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:

          (a) this Agreement and the Merger shall have been adopted by the
requisite vote of the stockholders of the Company in accordance with CBCA (the
"Company Stockholders' Approval");

          (b) none of the parties hereto shall be subject to any order or
injunction of any governmental authority of competent jurisdiction that
prohibits the consummation of the Merger. In the


event any such order or injunction shall have been issued, each party agrees to
use its reasonable best efforts to have any such order overturned or injunction
lifted; and

          (c) the waiting period with respect to consummation of the Merger
under the HSR Act, if applicable, shall have expired or been terminated.

     Section 6.02.  Conditions to Obligation of the Company to Effect the
Merger. Unless waived by the Company, the obligation of the Company to effect
- ------
the Merger shall be subject to the fulfillment at or prior to the Effective Time
of the following additional conditions:

          (a) Parent and Merger Subsidiary shall have performed in all material
respects their agreements contained in this Agreement required to be performed
on or prior to the Effective Time and the representations and warranties of
Parent and Merger Subsidiary contained in this Agreement shall be true and
correct on and as of the Effective Time as if made at and as of such date
(except to the extent that such representations and warranties speak as of an
earlier date), except for such failures to perform or to be true and correct
that would not reasonably be expected to have a Parent Material Adverse Effect,
and the Company shall have received a certificate of the chief executive officer
or the chief financial officer of Parent to that effect; and

          (b) all Parent Statutory Approvals and Company Statutory Approvals
required to be obtained in order to permit consummation of the Merger under
applicable law shall have been obtained, except for any such Parent Statutory
Approvals or Company Statutory Approvals whose unavailability would not, singly
or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to (i) have a Company Material
Adverse Effect after giving effect to the Merger, or (ii) result in the Company
or its subsidiaries failing to meet the standards for licensing, suitability or
character under any Gaming Laws relating to the conduct of Parent's or the
Company's business which (after taking into account the anticipated impact of
such failure to so meet such standards on other authorities) would reasonably be
expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect (after giving effect to the

     Section 6.03.  Conditions to Obligations of Parent and Subsidiary to Effect
the Merger. Unless waived by Parent and Merger Subsidiary, the obligations of
- ----------
Parent and Merger Subsidiary to effect the Merger shall be subject to the
fulfillment at or prior to the Effective Time of the additional following

          (a) the Company shall have performed in all material respects its
agreements contained in this Agreement required to be performed on or prior to
the Effective Time and the representations and warranties of the Company
contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct on and as of the Effective
Time as if made at and as of such date (except to the extent that such
representations and warranties speak as of an earlier date), except for such
failures to perform and to be true and correct that would not reasonably be
expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect or, in the case of Section
4.02(a), shall be true and correct when made except for immaterial exceptions
thereto, and Parent shall have received a certificate of the chief executive
officer or the chief financial officer of the Company to that effect; and

          (b) all Parent Statutory Approvals and Company Statutory Approvals
required to be obtained in order to permit consummation of the Merger under
applicable law shall have been obtained, except for any such Parent Statutory
Approvals or Company Statutory Approvals whose unavailability would not
reasonably be expected to (i) have a Parent Material Adverse Effect, or (ii)
result in Parent or its subsidiaries failing to meet the standards for
licensing, suitability or character under any Gaming Laws relating to the
conduct of Parent's or the Company's business which (after taking into account
the anticipated impact of such failure to so meet such standards on other
authorities) would reasonably be expected to have a Parent Material Adverse
Effect (after giving effect to the Merger).


          (c) The number of Dissenting Shares shall constitute not more than 10%
of the shares of Company Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the
Effective Time.

                                  ARTICLE VII

     Section 7.01.  Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger
may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time (notwithstanding any
approval of this Agreement by the stockholders of the Company):

                    (i)   by mutual written consent of the Company, Parent and
                  Merger Subsidiary;

                    (ii)  by either the Company or Parent, if the Merger has not
                  been consummated by December 31, 2001, provided that the right
                  to terminate this Agreement under this clause (ii) shall not
                  be available to any party whose failure to fulfill any of its
                  obligations under this Agreement has been the cause of or
                  resulted in the failure to consummate the Merger by such date
                  (the "Outside Date");

                    (iii) by either the Company or Parent if any judgment,
                  injunction, order or decree of a court or governmental agency
                  or authority of competent jurisdiction shall restrain or
                  prohibit the consummation of the Merger, and such judgment,
                  injunction, order or decree shall become final and
                  nonappealable and was not entered at the request of the
                  terminating party;

                    (iv)  by either the Company or Parent, if (x) there has been
                  a breach by the other party of any representation or warranty
                  contained in this Agreement which has not been cured in all
                  material respects within 30 days after written notice of such
                  breach by the terminating party, or (y) there has been a
                  breach of any of the covenants or agreements set forth in this
                  Agreement on the part of the other party, which is not curable
                  or, if curable, is not cured within 30 days after written
                  notice of such breach is given by the terminating party to the
                  other party;

                    (v)   by the Company if, prior to receipt of the Company
                  Stockholders' Approval, the Company receives a Superior
                  Proposal, resolves to accept such Superior Proposal, and shall
                  have given Parent two days' prior written notice of its
                  intention to terminate pursuant to this provision; provided,
                  however, that such termination shall not be effective until
                  such time as the payment required by Section 5.09(b) shall
                  have been received by Parent;

                    (vi)   by the Parent, if the Board of Directors of the
                  Company shall have failed to recommend, or shall have
                  withdrawn, modified or amended in any material respect its
                  approval or recommendation of the Merger or shall have
                  resolved to do any of the foregoing, or shall have recommended
                  another Acquisition Proposal or if the Board of Directors of
                  the Company shall have resolved to accept a Superior Proposal
                  or shall have recommended to the stockholders of the Company
                  that they tender their shares in a tender or an exchange offer
                  commenced by a third party (excluding any affiliate of Parent
                  or any group of which any affiliate of Parent is a member); or

                    (vii) by Parent or the Company if the stockholders of the
                  Company fail to approve the Merger pursuant to the CBCA at a
                  duly held meeting of stockholders called for such purpose
                  (including any adjournment or postponement thereof).


                                 ARTICLE VIII

     Section 8.01.  Effect of Termination. In the event of termination of this
Agreement by either Parent or the Company pursuant to Section 7.01, this
Agreement shall forthwith become void and there shall be no liability or further
obligation on the part of the Company, Parent, Merger Subsidiary or their
respective officers or directors (except as set forth in this Section 8.01, in
the second sentence of Section 5.04 and in Section 5.09, all of which shall
survive the termination). Nothing in this Section 8.01 shall relieve any party
from liability for any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or
agreement of such party contained in this Agreement, except that if the fee
provided for in Section 5.09(b) or the fee provided for in Section 5.09(c)
becomes payable in accordance therewith, that fee will constitute the exclusive
remedy of and the sole amount payable to the party entitled thereto with respect
to the event or circumstances in connection with which that fee becomes so

     Section 8.02.  Nonsurvival of Representations and Warranties. No
representation, warranty or agreement in this Agreement or in any instrument
delivered pursuant to this Agreement shall survive the Merger, and after
effectiveness of the Merger neither the Company, Parent, Merger Subsidiary nor
any of their respective officers or directors shall have any further obligation
with respect thereto except for the agreements contained in Articles I, II and
VIII and Section 5.11.

     Section 8.03.  Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be considered given if delivered personally,
mailed by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) or sent via
facsimile to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address
for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

         If to the Company:

                   Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
                   P.O. Box 21
                   240 Main Street
                   Black Hawk, Colorado  80422
                   Attention:  Stephen R. Roark, President
                   Telephone:  303/582-1117
                   Telecopier: 303/582-0239

         with a copy to:

                   Samuel E. Wing, Esq.
                   Jones & Keller, P.C.
                   1625 Broadway, Suite 1600
                   Denver, Colorado 80202
                   Telephone:  303/573-1600
                   Telecopier: 303/573-0769

                   J. Patrick McDuff, Chairman
                   Special Committee of the Board of Directors
                           Of Black Hawk Gaming & Development
                           Company, Inc.
                   McDuff Interests, LLC
                   2909 4/th/ Street
                   Boulder, Colorado 80304
                   Telephone:  303/443-0018
                   Telecopier: 419/791-9181


                   Ronald R. Levine, II
                   Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP
                   Suite 500, 1550 17/th/ Street
                   Denver, Colorado  80202
                   Telephone:  303/892-7514
                   Telecopier: 303/893-1379

          If to Parent or Merger Subsidiary:

                   1001 North U.S. Highway One, No. 710
                   Jupiter, Florida 33477
                   Attention:  Jeffrey P. Jacobs
                   Telephone:  561/575-4006
                   Telecopier: 561/575-1526

          with a copy to:

                   Baker & Hostetler LLP
                   3200 National City Center
                   1900 East Ninth Street
                   Cleveland, Ohio 44114-3485
                   Telephone:  216/861-7553
                   Telecopier: 216/696-0740
                   Attn:  Edward G. Ptaszek, Jr.

     Section 8.04.  Interpretation. The headings contained in this Agreement are
for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement. In this Agreement, unless a contrary intention
appears, (i) the words "herein," "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of
similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular
Article, Section or other subdivision, (ii) "knowledge" shall mean actual
knowledge of the executive officers of the Company or Parent, as applicable, and
(iii) reference to any Article or Section means such Article or Section hereof.

     Section 8.05.  Miscellaneous. This Agreement (including the documents and
instruments referred to herein) shall not be assigned by operation of law or
otherwise except that Merger Subsidiary may assign its obligations under this
Agreement to any other wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent subject to the terms of
this Agreement, in which case such assignee shall become the "Merger Subsidiary"
for all purposes of this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED IN ALL

     Section 8.06.  Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be considered to be an original, but all of
which shall constitute one and the same agreement.

     Section 8.07.  Amendments; No Waivers. (a) Any provision of this Agreement
may be amended or waived prior to the Effective Time if, and only if, such
amendment or waiver is in writing and signed, in the case of an amendment, by
the Company, Parent and Merger Subsidiary or, in the case of a waiver, by the
party against whom the waiver is to be effective; however, any waiver or


shall be effective against a party only if the board of directors of such party
approves such waiver or amendment.

          (b) No failure or delay by any party in exercising any right, power or
privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or
partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
exercise of any other right, power or privilege. The rights and remedies herein
provided shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies
provided by law.

     Section 8.08.  Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Confidentiality
Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to
the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, understandings and
negotiations, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the
subject matter of this Agreement. No representation, inducement, promise,
understanding, condition or warranty not set forth herein has been made or
relied upon by either party hereto. Neither this Agreement nor any provision
hereof is intended to confer upon any person other than the parties hereto any
rights or remedies hereunder except for Section 5.11, which is intended for the
benefit of the Company's former and present officers, directors, employees and
agents, and Articles I and II, which are intended for the benefit of the
Company's stockholders, including holders of Options.

     Section 8.09.  Severability. If any term or other provision of this
Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, all other provisions of this
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal
substance of the transactions contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner
materially adverse to any party.

     Section 8.10.  Specific Performance. The parties hereto agree that
irreparable damage would occur if any of the provisions of this Agreement were
not to be performed in accordance with the terms hereof and that the parties
shall be entitled to specific performance of the terms hereof in addition to any
other remedies at law or in equity.

                          [Signature page to follow]


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed by their respective authorized officers as of the day and year
first above written.

                              BLACK HAWK GAMING & DEVELOPMENT
                              COMPANY, INC.

                              /s/ Stephen R. Roark
                              Name:  Stephen R. Roark
                              Title:  President

                              GAMECO, INC.

                              /s/ Jeffrey P. Jacobs
                              Name:  Jeffrey P. Jacobs
                              Title:  President

Merger Subsidiary:

                              BH ACQUISITION, INC.

                              /s/ Jeffrey P. Jacobs
                              Name:  Jeffrey P. Jacobs
                              Title:  President


                                                                         ANNEX B

                                                      April 23, 2001

Special Committee of the Board of Directors
Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
240 Main Street Black
Hawk, Colorado 80422

Members of the Special Committee:

We understand that Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc. (the
"Company"), Gameco, Inc. ("Acquiror"), and BH Acquisition, Inc. (a wholly owned
subsidiary of Acquiror, "Merger Subsidiary") are proposing to enter into an
Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Agreement") which will provide, among other
things, for the merger (the "Merger") of Merger Subsidiary with and into the
Company. We have been furnished a draft of the Agreement dated April 20, 2001
(the "Draft Agreement"). Upon consummation of the Merger, the Company will
become a wholly owned subsidiary of Acquiror. Under the terms, and subject to
the conditions, set forth in the Agreement, at the effective time of the Merger,
the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company, par value $.001 per share
("Company Common Stock") other than certain shares to be canceled pursuant to
the Agreement and shares held by stockholders who properly exercise dissenters'
rights ("Dissenting Shares"), will be converted into the right to receive an
aggregate of $12.00 per share in cash (the "Merger Consideration").

Acquiror has been organized for the purpose of acquiring the Company pursuant to
the Merger by Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company and the beneficial owner of approximately 33.6% of the
outstanding Company Common Stock. We understand that Mr. Jacobs is the owner of
the majority of the outstanding capital stock of Acquiror.

You have asked us whether, in our opinion, the Merger Consideration is fair from
a financial point of view and as of the date hereof to the Stockholders of the
Company. As used herein, the term "Stockholders of the Company" does not include
Acquiror, Merger Subsidiary, any other affiliates of Mr. Jacobs and any members
of management of the Company who may receive an ownership interest in Acquiror.

For purposes of this opinion we have, among other things:

     (i)   reviewed the Company's annual reports to stockholders and its annual,
           quarterly and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
           Commission for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1999, December 31,
           2000 and up to and including the date of this letter;

     (ii)  reviewed certain internal financial statements and other financial
           and operating data, including certain financial forecasts and other
           forward looking information, concerning the Company prepared by the
           management of the Company;

Special Committee of the Board of Directors
Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
April 23, 2001
Page 2

          (iii)  held discussions with the management of the Company concerning
                 the business, past and current operations, financial condition
                 and future prospects of the Company;

          (iv)   reviewed the financial terms and conditions set forth in the
                 Draft Agreement;

          (v)    reviewed the stock price and trading history of the Company
                 Common Stock;

          (vi)   compared the financial performance of the Company and the
                 prices and trading activity of the Company Common Stock with
                 those of certain other publicly traded companies comparable
                 with the Company;

          (vii)  compared the financial terms of the Merger with the financial
                 terms, to the extent publicly available, of other transactions
                 that we deemed relevant;

          (viii) prepared a discounted cash flow analysis of the Company;

          (ix)   participated in discussions and negotiations among
                 representatives of the Company and Acquiror and their financial
                 and legal advisors; and

          (x)    made such other studies and inquiries, and reviewed such other
                 data, as we deemed relevant.

In our review and analysis, and in arriving at our opinion, we have assumed and
relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the financial and other
information provided to us (including information furnished to us orally or
otherwise discussed with us by the Company's management) or publicly available
and have neither attempted to verify, nor assumed responsibility for verifying,
any of such information. We have relied upon the assurances of the Company's
management that it is not aware of any facts that would make such information
inaccurate or misleading. Furthermore, we did not obtain or make, or assume any
responsibility for assuming or making, any independent evaluation or appraisal
of the properties, assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of the
Company, nor were we furnished with any such evaluation or appraisal. With
respect to the financial forecasts and projections (and the assumptions and
bases therefor) for the Company that we have reviewed, we have assumed that such
forecasts and projections have been reasonably prepared in good faith on the
basis of reasonable assumptions and reflect the best currently available
estimates and judgments as to the future financial condition and performance of
the Company, and we have further assumed that such projections and forecasts
will be realized in the amounts and in the time periods currently estimated. We
have assumed that the Merger will be consummated upon the terms set forth in the
Draft Agreement without material alteration thereof. In addition, we have
assumed that the historical financial statements of the Company reviewed by us
have been prepared and fairly presented in accordance with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles consistently applied. We have relied as to all
legal matters relevant to rendering our opinion on the advice of counsel.

Special Committee of the Board of Directors
Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
April 23, 2001
Page 3

This opinion is necessarily based upon market, economic and other conditions as
in effect on, and information made available to us as of, the date hereof. It
should be understood that subsequent developments may affect the conclusion
expressed in this opinion and that we disclaim any undertaking or obligation to
advise any person of any change in any matter affecting this opinion which may
come or be brought to our attention after the date of this opinion. Our opinion
is limited to the fairness of the Merger Consideration, from a financial point
of view and as to the date hereof, to the Stockholders of the Company. We do not
express any opinion as to (i) the value of any employee agreement or other
arrangement entered into in connection with the Merger or (ii) any tax or other
consequences that might result from the Merger. Our opinion does not address the
relative merits of the Merger and any alternative transaction or business
strategies that the Company's Board of Directors has considered or might
consider, nor does it address the decision of the Company's Board of Directors
to proceed with the Merger.

We are acting as financial advisor to the Special Committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company in connection with the Merger and will receive (i) a
fee contingent upon the delivery of this opinion and (ii) an additional fee
contingent upon the consummation of the Merger. In addition, the Company has
agreed to indemnify us for certain liabilities that may arise out of our
engagement. In the ordinary course of business, we may trade in the Company's
securities for our own account and the account of our customers and,
accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short position in the Company's

Our opinion expressed herein is provided for the information of the Special
Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company in connection with its
evaluation of the Merger. Our opinion is not intended to be and does not
constitute a recommendation to any stockholder of the Company as to how such
stockholder should vote, or take any other action, with respect to the Merger.
This opinion may not be summarized, described or referred to or furnished to any
party except with our express prior written consent.

Based upon and subject to the foregoing considerations, it is our opinion that,
as of the date hereof, the Merger Consideration is fair to the Stockholders of
the Company from a financial point of view.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                 /S/ ROBERTSON STEPHENS, INC.

                                    ANNEX C

            Dissenter's Rights Under the Colorado Business Corporation Act

(S) 7-113-101. Definitions

For purposes of this article:
     (1)    "Beneficial shareholder" means the beneficial owner of shares held
            in a voting trust or by a nominee as the record shareholder.
     (2)    "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter
            before the corporate action, or the surviving or acquiring domestic
            or foreign corporation, by merger or share exchange of that issuer.
     (3)    "Dissenter" means a shareholder who is entitled to dissent from
            corporate action under section 7-113-102 and who exercises that
            right at the time and in the manner required by part 2 of this
     (4)    "Fair value", with respect to a dissenter's shares, means the value
            of the shares immediately before the effective date of the corporate
            action to which the dissenter objects, excluding any appreciation or
            depreciation in anticipation of the corporate action except to the
            extent that exclusion would be inequitable.
     (5)    "Interest" means interest from the effective date of the corporate
            action until the date of payment, at the average rate currently paid
            by the corporation on its principal bank loans or, if none, at the
            legal rate as specified in section 5-12-101, C.R.S.
     (6)    "Record shareholder" means the person in whose name shares are
            registered in the records of a corporation or the beneficial owner
            of shares that are registered in the name of a nominee to the extent
            such owner is recognized by the corporation as the shareholder as
            provided in section 7-107-204.
     (7)    "Shareholder" means either a record shareholder or a beneficial

(S) 7-113-102. Right to dissent

     (1)    A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to
            dissent and obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's
            shares in the event of any of the following corporate actions:
            (a)  Consummation of a plan of merger to which the corporation is a
                 party if:
                 (I)  Approval by the shareholders of that corporation is
                      required for the merger by section 7-111-103 or 7-111-104
                      or by the articles of incorporation; or
                 (II) The corporation is a subsidiary that is merged with its
                      parent corporation under section 7-111-104;
            (b)  Consummation of a plan of share exchange to which the
                 corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be
            (c)  Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition
                 of all, or substantially all, of the property of the
                 corporation for which a shareholder vote is required under
                 section 7-112-102(1); and
            (d)  Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition
                 of all, or substantially all, of the property of an entity
                 controlled by the corporation if the shareholders of the
                 corporation were entitled to vote upon the consent of the
                 corporation to the disposition pursuant to section 7-112-
     (1.3)  A shareholder is not entitled to dissent and obtain payment, under
            subsection (1) of this section, of the fair value of the shares of
            any class or series of shares which either were listed on a national
            securities exchange registered under the federal "Securities
            Exchange Act of 1934", as amended, [FN1] or on the national market
            system of the national


            association of securities dealers automated quotation system, or
            were held of record by more than two thousand shareholders, at the
            time of:
            (a)  The record date fixed under section 7-107-107 to determine the
                 shareholders entitled to receive notice of the shareholders'
                 meeting at which the corporate action is submitted to a vote;
            (b)  The record date fixed under section 7-107-104 to determine
                 shareholders entitled to sign writings consenting to the
                 corporate action; or
            (c)  The effective date of the corporate action if the corporate
                 action is authorized other than by a vote of shareholders.

     (1.8)  The limitation set forth in subsection (1.3) of this section shall
            not apply if the shareholder will receive for the shareholder's
            shares, pursuant to the corporate action, anything except:
            (a)  Shares of the corporation surviving the consummation of the
                 plan of merger or share exchange;
            (b)  Shares of any other corporation which at the effective date of
                 the plan of merger or share exchange either will be listed on a
                 national securities exchange registered under the federal
                 "Securities Exchange Act of 1934", as amended, or on the
                 national market system of the national association of
                 securities dealers automated quotation system, or will be held
                 of record by more than two thousand shareholders;
            (c)  Cash in lieu of fractional shares; or
            (d)  Any combination of the foregoing described shares or cash in
                 lieu of fractional shares.
     (2)    Deleted by Laws 1996, H.B.96-1285, (S) 30, eff. June 1, 1996.
     (2.5)  A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to
            dissent and obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's
            shares in the event of a reverse split that reduces the number of
            shares owned by the shareholder to a fraction of a share or to scrip
            if the fractional share or scrip so created is to be acquired for
            cash or the scrip is to be voided under section 7-106-104.
     (3)    A shareholder is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of the fair
            value of the shareholder's shares in the event of any corporate
            action to the extent provided by the bylaws or a resolution of the
            board of directors.
     (4)    A shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for the
            shareholder's shares under this article may not challenge the
            corporate action creating such entitlement unless the action is
            unlawful or fraudulent with respect to the shareholder or the

(S) 7-113-103. Dissent by nominees and beneficial owners

     (1)    A record shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to fewer than
            all the shares registered in the record shareholder's name only if
            the record shareholder dissents with respect to all shares
            beneficially owned by any one person and causes the corporation to
            receive written notice which states such dissent and the name,
            address, and federal taxpayer identification number, if any, of each
            person on whose behalf the record shareholder asserts dissenters'
            rights. The rights of a record shareholder under this subsection (1)
            are determined as if the shares as to which the record shareholder
            dissents and the other shares of the record shareholder were
            registered in the names of different shareholders.
     (2)    A beneficial shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to the
            shares held on the beneficial shareholder's behalf only if:
            (a)  The beneficial shareholder causes the corporation to receive
                 the record shareholder's written consent to the dissent not
                 later than the time the beneficial shareholder asserts
                 dissenters' rights; and


          (b)  The beneficial shareholder dissents with respect to all shares
               beneficially owned by the beneficial shareholder.
     (3)  The corporation may require that, when a record shareholder dissents
          with respect to the shares held by any one or more beneficial
          shareholders, each such beneficial shareholder must certify to the
          corporation that the beneficial shareholder and the record shareholder
          or record shareholders of all shares owned beneficially by the
          beneficial shareholder have asserted, or will timely assert,
          dissenters' rights as to all such shares as to which there is no
          limitation on the ability to exercise dissenters' rights.  Any such
          requirement shall be stated in the dissenters' notice given pursuant
          to section 7-113-203.

(S) 7-113-201. Notice of dissenters' rights

     (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
          section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting,
          the notice of the meeting shall be given to all shareholders, whether
          or not entitled to vote. The notice shall state that shareholders are
          or may be entitled to assert dissenters' rights under this article and
          shall be accompanied by a copy of this article and the materials, if
          any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this title, are required to be
          given to shareholders entitled to vote on the proposed action at the
          meeting.  Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (1)
          shall not affect any action taken at the shareholders' meeting for
          which the notice was to have been given, but any shareholder who was
          entitled to dissent but who was not given such notice shall not be
          precluded from demanding payment for the shareholder's shares under
          this article by reason of the shareholder's failure to comply with the
          provisions of section 7- 113-202(1).
     (2)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
          section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders
          pursuant to section 7-107-104, any written or oral solicitation of a
          shareholder to execute a writing consenting to such action
          contemplated in section 7-107-104 shall be accompanied or preceded by
          a written notice stating that shareholders are or may be entitled to
          assert dissenters' rights under this article, by a copy of this
          article, and by the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117
          of this title, would have been required to be given to shareholders
          entitled to vote on the proposed action if the proposed action were
          submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting.  Failure to give
          notice as provided by this subsection (2) shall not affect any action
          taken pursuant to section 7-107-104 for which the notice was to have
          been given, but any shareholder who was entitled to dissent but who
          was not given such notice shall not be precluded from demanding
          payment for the shareholder's shares under this article by reason of
          the shareholder's failure to comply with the provisions of section 7-

(S) 7-113-202.  Notice of intent to demand payment

     (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
          section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting
          and if notice of dissenters' rights has been given to such shareholder
          in connection with the action pursuant to section 7-113-201(1), a
          shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall:
          (a)  Cause the corporation to receive, before the vote is taken,
               written notice of the shareholder's intention to demand payment
               for the shareholder's shares if the proposed corporate action is
               effectuated; and
          (b)  Not vote the shares in favor of the proposed corporate action.
     (2)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
          section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders
          pursuant to section 7-107-104 and if notice of dissenters' rights has
          been given to such shareholder in connection with the action


          pursuant to section 7-113-201(2) a shareholder who wishes to assert
          dissenters' rights shall not execute a writing consenting to the
          proposed corporate action.
     (3)  A shareholder who does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (1)
          or (2) of this section is not entitled to demand payment for the
          shareholder's shares under this article.

(S) 7-113-203.  Dissenters' notice

     (1)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
          section 7-113-102 is authorized, the corporation shall give a written
          dissenters' notice to all shareholders who are entitled to demand
          payment for their shares under this article.
     (2)  The dissenters' notice required by subsection (1) of this section
          shall be given no later than ten days after the effective date of the
          corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102
          and shall:
          (a)  State that the corporate action was authorized and state the
               effective date or proposed effective date of the corporate
          (b)  State an address at which the corporation will receive payment
               demands and the address of a place where certificates for
               certificated shares must be deposited;
          (c)  Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer
               of the shares will be restricted after the payment demand is
          (d)  Supply a form for demanding payment, which form shall request a
               dissenter to state an address to which payment is to be made;
          (e)  Set the date by which the corporation must receive the payment
               demand and certificates for certificated shares, which date shall
               not be less than thirty days after the date the notice required
               by subsection (1) of this section is given;
          (f)  State the requirement contemplated in section 7-113-103(3), if
               such requirement is imposed; and
          (g)  Be accompanied by a copy of this article.

(S) 7-113-204. Procedure to demand payment

     (1)  A shareholder who is given a dissenters' notice pursuant to section 7-
          113- 203 and who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall, in
          accordance with the terms of the dissenters' notice:
          (a)  Cause the corporation to receive a payment demand, which may be
               the payment demand form contemplated in section 7-113-203(2)(d),
               duly completed, or may be stated in another writing; and
          (b)  Deposit the shareholder's certificates for certificated shares.
     (2)  A shareholder who demands payment in accordance with subsection (1) of
          this section retains all rights of a shareholder, except the right to
          transfer the shares, until the effective date of the proposed
          corporate action giving rise to the shareholder's exercise of
          dissenters' rights and has only the right to receive payment for the
          shares after the effective date of such corporate action.
     (3)  Except as provided in section 7-113-207 or 7-113-209(1)(b), the demand
          for payment and deposit of certificates are irrevocable.
     (4)  A shareholder who does not demand payment and deposit the
          shareholder's share certificates as required by the date or dates set
          in the dissenters' notice is not entitled to payment for the shares
          under this article.

(S) 7-113-205. Uncertificated shares


     (1)  Upon receipt of a demand for payment under section 7-113-204 from a
          shareholder holding uncertificated shares, and in lieu of the deposit
          of certificates representing the shares, the corporation may restrict
          the transfer thereof.
     (2)  In all other respects, the provisions of section 7-113-204 shall be
          applicable to shareholders who own uncertificated shares.

(S) 7-113-206. Payment

     (1)  Except as provided in section 7-113-208, upon the effective date of
          the corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-
          102 or upon receipt of a payment demand pursuant to section 7-113-204,
          whichever is later, the corporation shall pay each dissenter who
          complied with section 7-113-204, at the address stated in the payment
          demand, or if no such address is stated in the payment demand, at the
          address shown on the corporation's current record of shareholders for
          the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, the amount the
          corporation estimates to be the fair value of the dissenter's shares,
          plus accrued interest.
     (2)  The payment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be
          accompanied by:
          (a)  The corporation's balance sheet as of the end of its most recent
               fiscal year or, if that is not available, the corporation's
               balance sheet as of the end of a fiscal year ending not more than
               sixteen months before the date of payment, an income statement
               for that year, and, if the corporation customarily provides such
               statements to shareholders, a statement of changes in
               shareholders' equity for that year and a statement of cash flow
               for that year, which balance sheet and statements shall have been
               audited if the corporation customarily provides audited financial
               statements to shareholders, as well as the latest available
               financial statements, if any, for the interim or full-year
               period, which financial statements need not be audited;
          (b)  A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of
               the shares;
          (c)  An explanation of how the interest was calculated;
          (d)  A statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment under
               section 7- 113-209; and
          (e)      A copy of this article.

(S) 7-113-207. Failure to take action

     (1)  If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters'
          rights under section 7-113-102 does not occur within sixty days after
          the date set by the corporation by which the corporation must receive
          the payment demand as provided in section 7-113-203, the corporation
          shall return the deposited certificates and release the transfer
          restrictions imposed on uncertificated shares.
     (2)  If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters'
          rights under section 7-113-102 occurs more than sixty days after the
          date set by the corporation by which the corporation must receive the
          payment demand as provided in section 7-113-203, then the corporation
          shall send a new dissenters' notice, as provided in section 7-113-203,
          and the provisions of sections 7-113-204 to 7-113-209 shall again be


(S) 7-113-208. Special provisions relating to shares acquired after
announcement of proposed corporate action

     (1)  The corporation may, in or with the dissenters' notice given pursuant
          to section 7-113-203, state the date of the first announcement to news
          media or to shareholders of the terms of the proposed corporate action
          creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and state that the
          dissenter shall certify in writing, in or with the dissenter's payment
          demand under section 7-113-204, whether or not the dissenter (or the
          person on whose behalf dissenters' rights are asserted) acquired
          beneficial ownership of the shares before that date.  With respect to
          any dissenter who does not so certify in writing, in or with the
          payment demand, that the dissenter or the person on whose behalf the
          dissenter asserts dissenters' rights acquired beneficial ownership of
          the shares before such date, the corporation may, in lieu of making
          the payment provided in section 7-113-206, offer to make such payment
          if the dissenter agrees to accept it in full satisfaction of the
     (2)  An offer to make payment under subsection (1) of this section shall
          include or be accompanied by the information required by section 7-

(S) 7-113-209. Procedure if dissenter is dissatisfied with payment or offer

     (1)  A dissenter may give notice to the corporation in writing of the
          dissenter's estimate of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and
          of the amount of interest due and may demand payment of such estimate,
          less any payment made under section 7-113-206, or reject the
          corporation's offer under section 7-113-208 and demand payment of the
          fair value of the shares and interest due, if:
          (a)  The dissenter believes that the amount paid under section 7-113-
               206 or offered under section 7-113-208 is less than the fair
               value of the shares or that the interest due was incorrectly
          (b)  The corporation fails to make payment under section 7-113-206
               within sixty days after the date set by the corporation by which
               the corporation must receive the payment demand; or
          (c)  The corporation does not return the deposited certificates or
               release the transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated
               shares as required by section 7-113-207(1).
     (2)  A dissenter waives the right to demand payment under this section
          unless the dissenter causes the corporation to receive the notice
          required by subsection (1) of this section within thirty days after
          the corporation made or offered payment for the dissenter's shares.

(S) 7-113-301. Court action

     (1)  If a demand for payment under section 7-113-209 remains unresolved,
          the corporation may, within sixty days after receiving the payment
          demand, commence a proceeding and petition the court to determine the
          fair value of the shares and accrued interest.  If the corporation
          does not commence the proceeding within the sixty-day period, it shall
          pay to each dissenter whose demand remains unresolved the amount
     (2)  The corporation shall commence the proceeding described in subsection
          (1) of this section in the district court of the county in this state
          where the corporation's principal office is located or, if the
          corporation has no principal office in this state, in the district
          court of the county in which its registered office is located.  If the
          corporation is a foreign corporation without a registered office, it
          shall commence the proceeding in the county where the registered
          office of the domestic corporation merged into, or whose shares were
          acquired by, the foreign corporation was located.


     (3)  The corporation shall make all dissenters, whether or not residents of
          this state, whose demands remain unresolved parties to the proceeding
          commenced under subsection (2) of this section as in an action against
          their shares, and all parties shall be served with a copy of the
          petition.  Service on each dissenter shall be by registered or
          certified mail, to the address stated in such dissenter's payment
          demand, or if no such address is stated in the payment demand, at the
          address shown on the corporation's current record of shareholders for
          the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, or as provided
          by law.
     (4)  The jurisdiction of the court in which the proceeding is commenced
          under subsection (2) of this section is plenary and exclusive.  The
          court may appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive
          evidence and recommend a decision on the question of fair value.  The
          appraisers have the powers described in the order appointing them, or
          in any amendment to such order.  The parties to the proceeding are
          entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other civil
     (5)  Each dissenter made a party to the proceeding commenced under
          subsection (2) of this section is entitled to judgment for the amount,
          if any, by which the court finds the fair value of the dissenter's
          shares, plus interest, exceeds the amount paid by the corporation, or
          for the fair value, plus interest, of the dissenter's shares for which
          the corporation elected to withhold payment under section 7-113-208.

(S) 7-113-302. Court costs and counsel fees

     (1)  The court in an appraisal proceeding commenced under section 7-113-301
          shall determine all costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable
          compensation and expenses of appraisers appointed by the court.  The
          court shall assess the costs against the corporation; except that the
          court may assess costs against all or some of the dissenters, in
          amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds the
          dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith in
          demanding payment under section 7-113-209.
     (2)  The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel and experts
          for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:
          (a)  Against the corporation and in favor of any dissenters if the
               court finds the corporation did not substantially comply with the
               requirements of part 2 of this article; or
          (b)  Against either the corporation or one or more dissenters, in
               favor of any other party, if the court finds that the party
               against whom the fees and expenses are assessed acted
               arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith with respect to
               the rights provided by this article.
     (3)  If the court finds that the services of counsel for any dissenter were
          of substantial benefit to other dissenters similarly situated, and
          that the fees for those services should not be assessed against the
          corporation, the court may award to said counsel reasonable fees to be
          paid out of the amounts awarded to the dissenters who were benefitted.


                              Post Office Box 21
                                240 Main Street
                          Black Hawk, Colorado 80422


     The undersigned shareholder of Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company,
Inc., a Colorado corporation (the "Company"), hereby appoints J. Patrick McDuff
and Frank B. Day, and each of them, as proxies, each with the power to appoint
his substitute, and hereby authorizes each of them to represent, and to vote as
designated on the reverse side, all the shares of common stock of the Company
held of record by the undersigned on _______________, 2001 at the Special
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, to be held at White Buffalo Grill, The
Lodge Casino, 240 Main Street, Black Hawk, Colorado 80422, on ____________, 2001
at 10:00 a.m., Mountain Daylight Time and at all adjournments or postponements
thereof upon the following matters, as set forth in the Notice of Special
Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, each dated ________, 2001, copies
of which have been received by the undersigned, hereby revoking any proxy
heretofore given.


     The board of directors of the Company recommends a vote for the Agreement
and Plan of Merger.

        1.  Proposal to approve and adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,
            dated as of April 25, 2001, by and among Gameco, Inc., BH
            Acquisition Corp. and the Company, as heretofore and hereafter
            amended, and the transactions contemplated thereby:

            / /  FOR              / /  AGAINST          / /  ABSTAIN

        2.  The proxies are hereby authorized to vote in their discretion upon
            all other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting.

                                        Please sign exactly as your name appears
                                        on this proxy. If the shares represented
                                        by this proxy are held by joint tenants,
                                        both must sign. When signing as
                                        attorney, executor, administrator,
                                        trustee or guardian, please give full
                                        title as such. If the shareholder is a
                                        corporation, please sign in full
                                        corporate name by President or other
                                        authorized officer. If shareholder is a
                                        partnership, please sign in partnership
                                        name by authorized person.

DATED:___________________ 2001          ____________________________________

DATED:___________________ 2001          ____________________________________