Exhibit 10(ii)

                                 THIRD AMENDMENT
                                     OF THE
                           NORTHERN TRUST CORPORATION
                            SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN

     WHEREAS, the Northern Trust Corporation (the "Corporation") sponsors the
Northern Trust Corporation Supplemental Pension Plan, as amended and restated
effective as of July 20, 1999, (the "Plan"); and

     WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6.1 of the Plan, the Corporation has the right
to amend the Plan when the Corporation deems such amendment to be advisable; and

     WHEREAS, the Corporation deems it advisable to amend the Plan;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:

1.   Section 1.1 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the
     following new Section 1.1 is substituted therefor:

     "1.1 "Beneficiary" means the individual designated by the Participant to
     receive any survivor benefits payable under the Plan. If the Participant
     does not designate a Beneficiary, or if the designation is for any reason
     ineffective, as determined by the Committee, the Participant's Beneficiary
     shall be:

     (i)   The Participant's Spouse or, if none,

     (ii)  the Participant's children (in equal amounts) or, if none,

     (iii) the Participant's parents (in equal amounts) or, if none,

     (iv)  the Participant's brothers and sisters (in equal amounts) or, if

     (v)   the Participant's estate."

2.   The following is hereby added at the end of Section 1.4:

     "In accordance with the Qualified Plan, each Participant's Supplemental
     Pension Benefit shall become fully vested and nonforfeitable upon the
     occurrence of a Change in Control. Any Supplemental Pension Benefit accrued
     for any such Participant following such Change in Control shall also be
     fully vested and nonforfeitable."

3.   Section 1.6 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following new Section
     1.6 is substituted therefor:

     "1.6 "Company" means The Northern Trust Company, an Illinois banking
     corporation; the Corporation; and such subsidiaries and affiliates of the
     Corporation as shall, with the consent of the Board, adopt the Plan."

4.   Section 1.9(b) of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the
     following new Section 1.9(b) is substituted therefor:

     "(b) Any amounts of the cash portion of performance-based incentive
          compensation under the Northern Trust Corporation Annual Performance
          Plan, the Northern Trust Corporation Management Performance Plan and
          the Specialized Incentive Plan, the receipt of which is deferred under
          the Northern Trust Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan, will be
          taken into account as Compensation as if such amounts were not so
          deferred; and"

5.   Section 1.10(b) of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the
     following new Section 1.1.0(b) is substituted therefor:

     "(b) Any amounts of the cash portion of performance-based incentive
          compensation under the Northern Trust Corporation Annual Performance
          Plan, the Northern Trust Corporation Management Performance Plan and
          the Specialized Incentive Plan, the receipt of which is deferred under
          the Northern Trust Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan, will be
          taken into account as Compensation as if such amounts were not so
          deferred; and"

6.   Section 1.12 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the
     following new Section 1.12 is substituted therefor:

     "1.12 "Annuity Starting Date" means the first day of the month following
          the month in which a Participant incurs a Break in Service under the
          Qualified Plan."

7.   Section 1.13 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and the
     following new Section 1.13 is substituted therefor:

     "1.13 "Payment Date" means: (a) with respect to a Participant who is
          retirement eligible under the Qualified Plan, the last business day of
          the calendar month next following the calendar month in which the
          Participant's employment with the Company and its affiliates
          terminates for any reason other than the Participant's death; or (b)
          with respect to a Vested Terminated Participant, the last business day
          of the third calendar month following the calendar month in which the
          Participant's employment with the Company and its affiliates
          terminates for any reason other than the Participant's death."

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8.   Section 1.14 is hereby amended to delete the term "Restated."

9.   Section 1.15 is hereby amended to delete the date "January 1, 1989" and to
     substitute the date "January 1, 2002" therefor.

10.  Section 1.17 is hereby amended to delete the phrase "Payment Entitlement
     Date" and to substitute the phrase "Annuity Starting Date" therefor.

11.  Sections 1.19 and 1.20 are hereby amended to delete the phrase "lump sum."

12.  The following is hereby added as new Section 3.1(c):

     "(c) In the event the Participant does not elect either an immediate lump
     sum distribution or an immediate annuity under the Qualified Plan, the
     amount of the Participant's Supplemental Pension Benefit shall be
     calculated and paid under Section 3.1(a) as if the Participant had elected
     an immediate lump sum distribution under the Qualified Plan."

13.  Section 3.3 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following
     new Section 3.3 is substituted therefor:

     "3.3 Form of Benefit. For any Supplemental Pension Benefit payable on or
          after January 15, 2002:

     (a)  If the lump sum value of a Participant's Supplemental Pension Benefit
          is equal to or less than One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars
          ($125,000.00) (or, during the 2002 Plan Year, any lesser amount as may
          be designated from time to time by the Company's Chairman and Chief
          Executive Officer), such Supplemental Pension Benefit shall be paid in
          a single lump sum calculated pursuant to Sections 3.1 and 3.6(a).

     (b)  If the lump sum value of a Participant's Supplemental Pension Benefit
          exceeds One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00) (or,
          during the 2002 Plan Year, any lesser amount as may be designated from
          time to time by the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer),
          such Supplemental Pension Benefit shall be paid as a Five-Year Certain
          Annuity calculated pursuant to Sections 3.1 and 3.6(b); provided,
          however, that any Participant otherwise covered by this Section 3.3(b)
          who announced his retirement under the Qualified Plan on or before
          November 30, 2001 shall be given the opportunity to make a one-time,
          irrevocable election prior to January 1, 2002 to receive his or her
          Supplemental Pension Benefit in the form of either a single lump sum
          or Five-Year Certain Annuity."

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14.  Section 3.4 is hereby deleted in its entirely and the following new Section
     3.4 is substituted therefor:

     "3.4 Commencement and Duration of Benefits.

          (a)  If a Participant's Supplemental Pension Benefit is payable in the
               form of a lump sum, payment of such Supplemental Pension Benefit
               shall be made on the Participant's Payment Date.

          (b)  If a Participant's Supplemental Pension Benefit is payable in the
               form of a Five-Year Certain Annuity, the first annual installment
               shall be paid on the Participant's Payment Date and a subsequent
               annual installment shall be paid on each of the next four
               anniversary dates of such Payment Date. If the Participant dies
               before receiving all five annual installments of the Five-Year
               Certain Annuity, any remaining installments shall be paid to the
               Participant's Beneficiary in the same amounts and on the same
               dates as the Participant would have received such payments."

15.  The following new Section 3.6 is hereby added:

     "3.6 Calculation of Benefit. For any Supplemental Pension Benefit or
          Supplemental Survivor Benefit payable on or after January 15, 2002:

          (a)  The amount of any lump sum calculated under the Plan for any
               Participant or Beneficiary shall be determined on the basis of
               the rates, tables and factors (including any early retirement
               adjustment factors) which would be used to determine the
               Participant's or Beneficiary's lump sum payment under the
               Qualified Plan as of the Participant's or Beneficiary's Annuity
               Starting Date.

          (b)  The amount of any Five-Year Certain Annuity calculated under the
               Plan for any Participant or Beneficiary shall be determined: (1)
               by determining the lump sum value of such Participant's
               Supplemental Pension Benefit as provided in Sections 3.1 and
               3.6(a) or such Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor Benefit as
               provided in Sections 4.1 and 3.6(a) and, (2) by converting the
               lump sum calculated in paragraph (1) of this Section 3.6(b) to
               five guaranteed payments payable in equal annual installments
               using the greater of the annual yield on the monthly 5-year
               Treasury securities with constant maturity plus 150 basis points
               or the month-end Moody's Long Term Aa Corporate Index yield as an
               earnings factor. This earnings factor shall be determined as of
               the last month of the same calendar quarter as the interest rate
               used to

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               calculate the Participant's or Beneficiary's lump sum in
               paragraph (1) of this Section 3.6(b)."

16.  Section 4.1 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following
     new Section 4.1 is substituted therefor:

     "4.1 Amount. If a Participant dies prior to his Annuity Starting Date under
          circumstances in which a Qualified Plan Survivor Benefit is payable to
          his Beneficiary, then a Supplemental Survivor Benefit is payable to
          his Beneficiary as hereinafter provided. Any Supplemental Survivor
          Benefit payable on or after January 15, 2002, shall be calculated as

          (a)  In the event the Beneficiary elects a lump sum distribution under
               the Qualified Plan, such amount shall be the difference between
               (i) the lump sum value of the Beneficiary's Modified Survivor
               Benefit and (ii) the lump sum value of the Beneficiary's
               Qualified Plan Survivor Benefit.

          (b)  In the event the Beneficiary elects an annuity under the
               Qualified Plan, such amount shall be the lump sum value of the
               difference between (i) the monthly amount of the Beneficiary's
               Modified Survivor Benefit and (ii) the monthly amount of the
               Beneficiary's Qualified Survivor Benefit.

          (c)  In the event the Beneficiary does not elect either a lump sum
               distribution or an annuity under the Qualified Plan, the amount
               of the Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor Benefit shall be
               calculated and paid under Section 4.1(a) as if the Beneficiary
               had elected a lump sum distribution under the Qualified Plan."

17.  Section 4.2 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following new Section
     4.2 is substituted therefor:

     "4.2 Form and Commencement of Benefit. For any Supplemental Survivor
          Benefit payable on or after January 15, 2002:

          (a)  If the lump sum value of a Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor
               Benefit is equal to or less than One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand
               Dollars ($125,000.00) (or, during the 2002 Plan Year, any lesser
               amount as may be designated from time to time by the Company's
               Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), such Beneficiary's
               Supplemental Survivor Benefit shall be paid in a single lump sum
               calculated pursuant to Sections 4.1 and 3.6(a).

          (b)  If the lump sum value of a Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor
               Benefit exceeds One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars

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               ($125,000.00)(or, during the 2002 Plan Year, any lesser amount as
               may be designated from time to time by the Company's Chairman and
               Chief Executive Officer), such Beneficiary's Supplemental
               Survivor Benefit shall be paid as a Five-Year Certain Annuity
               calculated pursuant to Sections 4.1 and 3.6(b)."

          (c)  (1) If a Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor Benefit is payable
               in the form of a lump sum, payment of such Supplemental Survivor
               Benefit shall be made according to the schedule for payment of a
               Qualified Plan Survivor Benefit as though such Qualified Plan
               Survivor Benefit had commenced immediately.

               (2) If a Beneficiary's Supplemental Survivor Benefit is payable
               in the form of a Five-Year Certain Annuity, the first annual
               installment shall be paid on the date the Beneficiary would have
               received a lump sum payment as described in paragraph (1) of this
               Section 4.2(c). A subsequent annual installment shall be paid on
               each of the next four anniversary dates of such payment date. If
               the Beneficiary dies before receiving all five annual
               installments of the Five-Year Certain Annuity, any remaining
               installments shall be paid to the Beneficiary who would have been
               entitled to such Supplemental Survivor Benefit if the initial
               Beneficiary had predeceased the Participant. Such remaining
               installments shall be paid in the same amounts and on the same
               dates as the initial Beneficiary would have received such

18.  The following phrase shall be added to the end of the first sentence in
     Section 7.8: ", subject to the provisions of Section 6.1."

19.  The following phrase shall be added after the phrase "subject to the
     provisions of" in the last sentence in Section 7.8: "Section 6.1 and..."

20.  The following new Article VIII is hereby added:

                                  "ARTICLE VIII
                                CHANGE IN CONTROL

     8.1  Participants and Beneficiaries Receiving Benefits. Notwithstanding any
          other provision of the Plan, if a Change in Control occurs, each
          Participant or Beneficiary who began receiving a Supplemental Pension
          Benefit or a Supplemental Survivor Benefit prior to such Change in
          Control in the form of a Five-Year Certain Annuity shall receive any
          remaining installments of the Five-Year Certain Annuity in the form of
          a single lump sum payment, with the earnings factor described in
          Section 3.6(b) applied through the lump sum payment date. Any such
          lump sum payment shall

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          be made as soon as reasonably practicable after the Change in Control,
          but in any event no later than thirty (30) days after the Change in

     8.2  Participants and Beneficiaries Not Yet Receiving Benefits.
          Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, if a Change in
          Control occurs, the Supplemental Pension Benefit or Supplemental
          Survivor Benefit of any Participant or Beneficiary who has not begun
          to receive such Supplemental Pension Benefit or Supplemental Survivor
          Benefit prior to the Change in Control shall be payable in the form of
          a single lump sum, and no such Supplemental Pension Benefit or
          Supplemental Survivor Benefit shall be payable in the form of a
          Five-Year Certain Annuity regardless of the lump sum value of such
          Supplemental Pension Benefit or Supplemental Survivor Benefit. Any
          such lump sum Supplemental Pension Benefit shall be payable to such a
          Participant on the Participant's Payment Date. Any such lump sum
          Supplemental Survivor Benefit shall be payable to a Beneficiary on the
          date on which the Beneficiary is entitled to payment under Section

     Items 1, 3 through 10, 18 and 19 of this Third Amendment shall be effective
from and after January 1, 2002.

     Item 2 of this Third Amendment shall be effective from and after September
25, 2001.

     Items 11 through 17 and 20 of this Third Amendment shall be effective from
and after January 15, 2002.

     In all other respects, the Plan and the First and Second Amendments thereto
are hereby ratified and confirmed.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this amendment to be
executed on its behalf as of January 15, 2002.

                                  NORTHERN TRUST CORPORATION

                                  By:   /s/William A. Osborn
                                  Name: William A. Osborn
                                  Title:    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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