Exhibit 3.3

                           ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF
                                  CSNO, L.L.C.

          BE IT KNOWN, that on the date stated below, before me, the undersigned
Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the jurisdiction named
below, personally came and appeared JAMES A. STUCKEY (the "Organizer") as
organizer of CSNO, L.L.C. (the "Company") and adopts the following Articles of
Organization of the Company pursuant to Title 12, Chapter 22 of the Louisiana
Revised Statutes, the Louisiana Limited Liability Company law (the "LaLLCL").

          1. Name. The name of the Company is CSNO, L.L.C.

          2. Purpose. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful

          3. Management. The business of the Company shall be managed by or
under the authority of its member(s) or by one or more managers or directors
elected by its member(s) (who may but need not be a member(s)), as provided in
the operating agreement of the Company. The rights and duties, including any
restrictions thereof, of a member(s), if management is reserved to a member(s),
or the managers or directors, if management is vested in managers or directors,
shall be specified in the operating agreement.

          4. Limitation of Liability. The member(s), managers or directors of
the Company shall not be personally liable for any monetary damages or breach of
any duty, as and to the extent provided in Section 1315 of the LaLLCL. If the
LaLLCL is amended to authorize any further elimination or limitation of the
personal liability of member(s), managers or directors, then the liability of
the member(s) managers or directors of the Company shall be eliminated or
limited to the fullest extent permitted by the LaLLCL, as so amended. Any repeal
or modification of this Article by the member(s) of the Company shall not
adversely affect any right or protection of a member, manager or director of the
Company under this Article with respect to any act or omission occurring prior
to the time of such repeal or modification.

          5. Certificates of Authority. In accordance with Section 12:1305(C)(5)
of the LaLLCL, each of the members, the directors, the Secretary and the
Assistant Secretary is authorized to execute any certificate confirming the
membership of any member (including that of the certifying member), the
authenticity of any records of the Company or the identity of any member,
director, manager, person or entity authorized to take action on behalf of the
Company. Any person dealing with the Company may rely conclusively on any
certificate executed by a member, director, the Secretary or the Assistant
Secretary and shall not have any obligation to investigate or verify the
statements in the certificate or the member's, director's, the Secretary's or
the Assistant Secretary's authority to execute the certificate. This conclusive
right to rely applies even in the case of actions listed in Section 1318(B) of
the LaLLCL.

          6. Indemnification. The Company shall have the power to provide in its
operating agreement for indemnification of its member(s), managers, directors,
employees and agents to the fullest extent set forth in the LaLLCL. No amendment
to the operating agreement limiting the right to indemnification shall affect
the entitlement of any person to indemnification whose claim thereto results
from conduct occurring prior to the date of such amendment.

          7. Organizer. The name and post office address of the Organizer is:

                    James A. Stuckey
                    30th Floor - Texaco Center
                    400 Poydras Street
                    New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

          THUS DONE AND PASSED, on this 27th day of March, 2000, before me, the
undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for Orleans
Parish, Louisiana, by the personal appearance of James A. Stuckey as Organizer,
who acknowledged and declared under oath, in the presence of the two undersigned
witnesses, that he signed these Articles of Organization as his free act and
deed for the purposes stated herein.

/s/ Illegible                           /s/ James A. Stuckey
- ---------------------------             -------------------------------
Witness                                 James A. Stuckey

/s/ Illegible
- ---------------------------

                                /s/ DAWN M. RAWLS
                                  NOTARY PUBLIC

                                  DAWN M. RAWLS
                                  NOTARY PUBLIC
                               State of Louisiana
                        My Commission Is Issued For Life