Exhibit 10.39(A)

                         EXTENSION OF CHANGE OF CONTROL
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     Pursuant to Section 1(b) of your Change of Control Employment Agreement
(the "Agreement"), dated as of November 12, 1999, the term of the Agreement, as
stated in Section 1(b) thereof, is hereby extended by three (3) years, so that
the Agreement, as extended, will end on the sixth anniversary of its effective
date (specifically on November 12, 2005) rather than on the third anniversary

     In all other respects, the Agreement is reaffirmed and remains unchanged.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Extension Agreement, pursuant to authorization
from the Board of Directors of the Company, is executed in the Company's name
and on its behalf as of the day and year shown herein.

     Date: June 25, 2002

                                     /s/ D. Michael Parker
                                         D. Michael Parker

                                KEWAUNEE SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION

                                By:  /s/ William A. Shumaker
                                         William A. Shumaker
                                    Its: President and Chief Executive Officer