Exhibit 10.27


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                                 AUGUST 13, 2002

                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

1. Concept          Roundy's, Inc. ("Roundy's") created this Plan, effective as
                    of March 19, 1996, as revised October 23, 2001 and March 19,
                    2002, and as amended and restated as of August 13, 2002, to
                    assist eligible employees in deferring income until their
                    retirement, death, or other termination of employment.

2. Administrator    The Vice President--Chief Financial Officer of Roundy's is
                    the Administrator for employees of Roundy's participating in
                    the Plan. If the Administrator is also a participant, then
                    the Chief Executive Officer of Roundy's is the Administrator
                    as to that person.

3. Eligibility      Participation in the Plan is limited to a select group of
                    management or highly compensated employees. These employees
                    are defined as the Elected Officers of Roundy's who are
                    elected by Roundy's Board of Directors. The Administrator
                    determines eligibility and may revise the eligibility
                    requirement if necessary to assure that the Plan continues
                    to be exempt from the eligibility, vesting, and funding
                    requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
                    of 1974, as amended.

4. Participation    Eligible persons must complete Deferred Compensation
   Requirements     Agreements and Participant Acknowledgment Forms, in the
                    forms attached as Exhibits A and B, respectively, in order
                    to participate. Agreements completed by newly-eligible
                    participants within 30 days of becoming eligible will be
                    effective either immediately, or as of a later designated
                    date, but only as to compensation payable after the date of
                    the Agreement.

                    --An eligible person may complete more than one Deferred
                    Compensation Agreement. Each Agreement will be treated as a
                    separate program under the Plan and the person completing an
                    additional Agreement will be treated as a newly-eligible
                    participant as to each Agreement.

                    --A person who ceases to be eligible has no further right to
                    complete additional Deferred Compensation Agreements.
                    Agreements in effect at the time eligibility is lost will
                    remain in effect subject to the terms of the Plan.

                    --The Administrator makes all final decisions regarding
                    eligibility and compliance with the participation

5. Compensation     Each Deferred Compensation Agreement must designate either a
   Deferral         specific dollar amount of deferral or a percentage amount of
                    deferral, and whether the amount is to be deducted from
                    salary or bonus, or from both. Each Agreement shall also
                    specify the time period during which the deferral is to take
                    place. A participant may make annual elections to indicate
                    the amount of deferral for the year following such election.
                    Roundy's will make the corresponding reductions in
                    compensation and credit the Deferred Benefit Account of the

   5.1 Minimum      Each Deferred Compensation Agreement must provide for an
       Deferrals    aggregate deferral commitment that is not less than $10,000
                    in the aggregate over a period not more than 7 years from
                    the effective date of the Agreement, and not less than
                    $2,000 in any one year. Only whole percentages may be
                    elected as percentage deferrals. The Administrator may
                    adjust this minimum in the Administrator's discretion.

                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

      5.2  Maximum                 Roundy's Board of Directors may establish, in
           Annual                  its discretion, a limit on the aggregate
           Aggregate               amount of the deferrals that may be elected
           Deferral                by all participants combined for any calendar
                                   year. Any such limit, once so established,
                                   shall continue in effect until and unless
                                   changed by the Roundy's, Inc. Board of

6.    Deferral Elections are       A deferral election under the Plan (including
      Irrevocable Except           an election applicable to future years)
      for Unforeseen               evidenced by a signed Deferred Compensation
      Emergency                    Agreement is irrevocable and not subject to
                                   change unless the participant separates from
                                   service with Roundy's or incurs an Unforeseen
                                   Emergency, in which latter event the
                                   provisions of Section 15, below, shall apply.

      6.1  Reinstatement           A participant whose deferral has been reduced
           of Deferrals            or suspended for Unforeseen Emergency, as
           Reduced for             provided in Section 15 below, may elect,
           Unforeseen              prior to termination of employment, to
           Emergency               reinstate his or her original deferral by
                                   written notice to that effect to the
                                   Administrator, in which event the
                                   participant's deferrals shall be reinstated,
                                   in accordance with the terms of the
                                   applicable Deferred Compensation Agreement,
                                   commencing with the payroll next following
                                   the Administrator's receipt of such notice.

7.    Effect of Change of          In the event of a Change of Control, all
      Control Event on             deferral elections under the Plan shall
      Deferral Elections           continue in force and effect, unless the
                                   Board of Directors, by specific resolution,
                                   determines that they shall terminate (in
                                   which event they shall automatically
                                   terminate as of the last day of the month
                                   preceding the occurrence of a Change of
                                   Control). The benefits of each participant
                                   affected by any such automatic termination of
                                   deferrals will be adjusted to reflect the
                                   reduced deferral. The method of adjustment is
                                   as described and illustrated in Schedule A to
                                   the Plan. The definition of Change of Control
                                   Event is as set forth in Schedule B to the
                                   Plan, which may be revised from time to time,
                                   by the Administrator, to be consistent with
                                   the definition of this term as used by
                                   Roundy's in other plans, agreements and
                                   arrangements wherein the same or a similar
                                   concept is involved.

8.    Deferred Benefit             Roundy's will establish on its books a
      Accounts; Credit of          Deferred Benefit Account for each Plan
      Interest Yield               Participant.

                                   Deferred compensation shall be credited to
                                   this account as the date on which such
                                   compensation otherwise would have been paid.
                                   Interest at the Plan's Interest Yield will be
                                   credited to the account no less often than
                                   monthly. Interest will be calculated by
                                   applying the Interest Yield to the varying
                                   balances of the Account during the month or
                                   other period for which interest is credited.

                                   Distributions shall be charged to the Account
                                   as they are made.

      8.1  Definition of           Interest Yield means, for each fiscal year of
           Interest Yield          Roundy's, a per annum rate equal to the
                                   Interest Yield Moody's Long Term Bond Rate in
                                   effect on the first day of such fiscal year,
                                   plus 2%.


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

9.    Withholding on               In the event Roundy's is required to withhold
      Deferrals                    any employment or other taxes on any amounts
                                   deferred under the Plan, Roundy's may deduct
                                   such taxes from other non-deferred
                                   compensation of the Participant.

10.   Trust Fund Created           A participant's Deferred Benefit Account is a
                                   means of measuring the value of the
                                   participant's deferred compensation. Roundy's
                                   has established a Trust (the "Trust") dated
                                   March 19, 1996, to hold assets to be used to
                                   pay benefits under the Plan, and will from
                                   time to time contribute assets to the Trust.
                                   Any assets designated by Roundy's to pay
                                   benefits under this Plan shall at all times
                                   remain the property of Roundy's or the Trust.
                                   A participant has no property interest in
                                   specific assets of Roundy's or the Trust by
                                   virtue of the Plan. The rights of any
                                   participant, any beneficiary, or any estate
                                   to benefits under the Plan shall be solely
                                   those of an unsecured creditor of Roundy's.

                                   On September 23, 2002, Roundy's deposited
                                   $1,100,000.00 to the Trust in connection with
                                   the Change of Control that occurred on June
                                   6, 2002. This amount, together with all
                                   future earnings on such amount, the insurance
                                   policies held in the Trust prior to that
                                   date, and all future increases in the value
                                   of such policies (collectively, the "2002
                                   Fund Balance"), is intended to and shall be
                                   available for payment of benefits under the
                                   Plan to the extent of Participants' Account
                                   balances existing as of June 5, 2002 and
                                   Interest Yield credited on such balances for
                                   periods after that date ("2002 Funded
                                   Benefits"). The 2002 Fund Balance will be
                                   available for the payment of other benefits
                                   under the Plan, attributable to deferrals
                                   after June 5, 2002 and Interest Yield
                                   thereon, only to the extent that all 2002
                                   Funded Benefits have been paid in full.

                                   Roundy's contribution of funds or assets to
                                   the Trust shall not to any degree limit
                                   Roundy's obligation to pay any and all
                                   benefits due to participants under this Plan.

11.   Payment of Benefits          Upon a participant's termination of
      Other Than Upon              employment, for any reason other than death,
      Death                        Roundy's will pay to the participant, as
                                   compensation for prior services, an amount
                                   equal to the participant's Deferred Benefit
                                   Account measured as of the last day of the
                                   month in which employment terminated (the
                                   "Termination Account Balance"). The form of
                                   payment will be as provided below:

      11.1 Forms of                At the time a participant completes a
           Benefit                 Deferred Compensation Agreement the
           Payment                 participant is entitled to select the number
                                   of years over which benefits are to be paid
                                   to the participant, up to a maximum of 15
                                   years, and the age (not later than age 65) at
                                   which the payment of benefits is to commence
                                   ("Designated Commencement Age"). The payment
                                   period and Designated Commencement Age so
                                   selected shall not thereafter be subject to
                                   change by the participant. If no Designated
                                   Commencement Age is specified in a Deferred
                                   Compensation Agreement, then the Designated
                                   Commencement Age with respect to that
                                   Agreement shall be age 65.


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

                                   A participant will receive payment of his or
                                   her Termination Account Balance upon
                                   termination of employment in annual
                                   installments, commencing within 30 days of
                                   the later of (i) the date of termination of
                                   employment, or (ii) the Participant's
                                   attaining his or her Designated Commencement
                                   Age. The number of annual installments shall
                                   be 10, unless the participant shall have
                                   designated a different number of installments
                                   (not greater than 15) in a Deferred
                                   Compensation Agreement, in which event the
                                   number so designated shall apply.

                                   The amount to be distributed annually will be
                                   determined under one of two alternatives, as
                                   elected by the participant (by written notice
                                   to the Administrator) at any time prior to,
                                   but not later than, ninety (90) days prior to
                                   the date on which payments of benefits to
                                   such Participant hereunder are scheduled to
                                   commence. These alternatives are referred to
                                   as the "Declining Balance Method" and the
                                   "Annuity Method," and are described below. In
                                   the absence of an effective election by a
                                   participant with respect to any Deferred
                                   Compensation Agreement, the Declining Balance
                                   Method shall apply to amounts deferred under
                                   that agreement.

                                   Under the Declining Balance Method, the
                                   amount to be distributed annually will be
                                   determined by multiplying the aggregate
                                   balance of the participant's Account by a
                                   fraction, the numerator of which is one (1)
                                   and the denominator of which is the number of
                                   years remaining for the payments to be made
                                   (e.g., 1/10, 1/9, 1/8, etc.). Additional
                                   earnings are to be credited to the Account
                                   during the installment payment period in the
                                   same way that earnings are credited while the
                                   participant is employed.

                                   Under the Annuity Method, the amounts of each
                                   annual installment will be equal. The amount
                                   of each installment will that amount which
                                   will fully amortize the amount of the
                                   Termination Account Balance over the
                                   applicable number of annual installments,
                                   assuming an interest rate applied to the
                                   declining balance at a rate equal to the
                                   Interest Yield in effect as of the
                                   participant's termination date.

12.   Benefits Upon                Upon the death of a participant prior to
      Death Before                 termination of employment, and before any
      Termination of               periodic payments have begun, Roundy's will
      Employment                   pay to the participant's Designated
                                   Beneficiary, as designated on a Beneficiary
                                   Designation Form in the form of that attached
                                   as Exhibit B, as compensation for services
                                   rendered prior to the date of death, a
                                   pre-retirement death benefit that is equal to
                                   the greater of (i) the participant's Deferred
                                   Benefit Account measured as of the last day
                                   of the month coincident with or immediately
                                   preceding the date of death or, (ii) subject
                                   to the following paragraph, an amount equal
                                   to 5 times the total aggregate deferral
                                   commitment of the participant. For this
                                   purpose, a participant's "aggregate deferral
                                   commitment" means the total amount of
                                   compensation he or she has deferred or has
                                   agreed to defer in the future, pursuant to
                                   all Deferred Compensation Agreements to which
                                   he or she is a party as the date of his or
                                   her death, exclusive of any Interest Yield


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

                      For purposes of clause (ii) above, in the case of any
                      participant who is not insurable for a death benefit
                      larger than the "guaranteed issue" amount available to
                      Roundy's at standard rates when the participant completes
                      a Deferred Compensation Agreement, such participant's
                      amount referred to in such clause (ii) will be limited to
                      such "guaranteed issue" amount.

                      The form of payment will be as set forth below in this
                      Section 12.

    12.1 Forms of     If a participant's death benefit is the participant's
         Payment      pre-retirement Deferred Benefit Account, payment will be
         Upon Death   made in 10 annual installments commencing within 30 days
                      of the date of death, with payment being made under the
                      Declining Balance Method in the manner provided in Section
                      11.1 above.

                      If a participant's pre-retirement death benefit is the
                      multiple of deferral commitment or guaranteed issue
                      formula amount, payment of the benefit will be made in 10
                      equal annual installments commencing within 30 days of the
                      date of death. No additional earnings or interest will be
                      credited during the installment payment period when the
                      death benefit amount is determined as the multiple of
                      deferral commitment or guaranteed issue formula amount.

                      Example 1 (Death Benefit Equal to Multiple Of Deferral
                      Participant age 50 elects to defer $10,000 each year for 7

                      Stated Deferral ($10,000) x Deferral Period (7) = Total
                      Aggregate Deferral Commitment ($70,000)

                      Total Aggregate Deferral Commitment ($70,000) x Multiple
                      (5) = Total Pre-Retirement Death Benefit ($350,000)

                      Total Pre-Retirement Death Benefit ($350,000) divided by
                      number of years over which benefit payable (10) =
                      $35,000/year for 10 years.

                      Example 2 (Death Benefit Equal to Guaranteed Issue
                      Assume that the guaranteed issue life insurance available
                      to Roundy's is $300,000 per person.

                      Assume that an "uninsurable at standard rates" 45-year old
                      participant elects to defer $70,000 over 7 years.

                      The participant's formula pre-retirement death benefit of
                      $350,000 is not available because of the lack of

                      Instead, the participant's pre-retirement death benefit
                      would be $300,000 divided by 10 years, or $30,000 per year
                      for 10 years.


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

13. Designated        All payments by Roundy's will be made to the participant,
    Beneficiary       if living. If the participant has died, then any payment
                      under the Plan will be made to the Designated Beneficiary
                      of the participant. All beneficiary designations must be
                      made in writing, in substantially the form of Exhibit B
                      attached hereto, and acknowledged by the Administrator. If
                      there is no beneficiary designation in force when Plan
                      benefits become payable to a beneficiary, the deemed
                      beneficiary shall be the participant's spouse, or if no
                      spouse is then living, the participant's estate. If a
                      beneficiary dies before receiving all payments due, the
                      remaining payments will be made to the beneficiary's

14. Incapacity        If the Administrator shall find that any person to whom
                      any payment is payable under this Plan is unable to manage
                      his or her affairs because of illness or other physical or
                      mental incapacity, or is a minor, any payment due (unless
                      a prior claim therefore shall have been made by a duly
                      appointed guardian, committee or other legal
                      representative) may be paid to the spouse, child, a
                      parent, or a brother or sister of such person, or to any
                      person deemed by the Administrator to have incurred
                      expense for such person otherwise entitled to payment in
                      such manner and proportions as the Administrator may
                      determine. Any such payment shall be a complete discharge
                      of the liabilities of Roundy's under this Plan to the
                      extent of such payment.

15. Reduction of      In the event a Participant incurs an Unforeseen Emergency
    Deferrals and     (as defined below), the Administrator shall first consider
    Payments for      reducing the amount of or ceasing future deferrals under
    Unforeseen        the Plan to allow the participant to deal with the severe
    Emergency         financial hardship resulting from such Unforeseen
                      Emergency. If in the Administrator's sole discretion the
                      Participant still faces a severe financial hardship
                      resulting from such Unforeseen Emergency, the
                      Administrator may permit such participant to withdraw all
                      or such portion of such participant's Deferred Benefit
                      Account as of the withdrawal date which the Administrator
                      determines is reasonably needed to satisfy the emergency
                      hardship. Withdrawals of amounts because of an Unforeseen
                      Emergency shall only be permitted to the extent reasonably
                      necessary to satisfy the emergency need.

                      An "Unforeseen Emergency" is defined as severe financial
                      hardship to the participant resulting from a sudden and
                      unexpected illness or accident of the participant or of a
                      dependent of the participant (as defined in Section 152(a)
                      of the Internal Revenue Code), loss of the participant's
                      property due to casualty, or other similar extraordinary
                      and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result of
                      events beyond the control of the participant. The presence
                      or absence of an Unforeseen Emergency for this purpose
                      will be determined in the sole discretion of the
                      Administrator, whose decision on the issue will be final
                      and binding for all purposes hereunder.


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

                            The circumstances which will constitute an
                            Unforeseen Emergency will depend on the facts of
                            each case, but in any case payment from the Plan may
                            not be made to the extent that such hardship is or
                            may be relieved: (i) through reimbursement or
                            compensation through insurance or otherwise; (ii) by
                            liquidation of the participant's assets, to the
                            extent the liquidation of such assets would not
                            itself cause severe financial hardship; or (iii) by
                            cessation of deferrals under the Plan.

16. Statement of Account    Following the close of each year the Administrator
                            will provide statements of account to each

17. Assignment              No participant or beneficiary may assign the right
                            to receive benefits under the Plan, except as
                            provided herein with respect to Designated

18. Not An Employment       Neither this Plan nor any Deferred Compensation
    Contract                Agreement shall be construed as conferring upon any
                            individual any rights to continued employment, nor
                            shall it interfere with the rights of Roundy's or
                            any subsidiary of Roundy's to terminate the
                            employment of any individual or to take any other
                            action affecting such individual.

19. Taxes on Benefits       Roundy's will withhold from all benefit payments all
    Paid                    employment, income and other taxes required by
                            applicable law.

20. Amendment and           Roundy's may, at any time, amend or terminate the
    Termination             Plan by action of Roundy's Board of Directors.
                            Roundy's may not, however, reduce any benefit
                            payment to a participant based on deferrals already
                            made, nor may the Interest Yield applicable to
                            deferrals already made be reduced, without the
                            participant's consent. Termination of the Plan shall
                            not effect the rights of Participants or the
                            obligations of Roundy's hereunder with respect to
                            Participants' Deferred Benefit Accounts as they
                            exist on the date of such termination. Upon any such
                            termination all deferral elections then in effect
                            shall automatically terminate, and the benefits of
                            each participant will be adjusted as provided on
                            Schedule A to the Plan.

21. Limitation on           No officer, director or employee of Roundy's, nor
    Liability               the Administrator, shall be liable to any person for
                            any action taken or omitted in connection with the
                            administration of this Plan, unless attributable to
                            his or her own fraud or willful misconduct; nor
                            shall Roundy's be liable to any person for any such
                            action or omission (other than the obligation to pay
                            benefits under this Plan in accordance with its

22. Indemnification         Roundy's shall indemnify the Administrator for, and
                            hold him or her harmless against, any and all
                            claims, liabilities, charges and expenses (including
                            reasonable attorneys' fees) in connection with or
                            arising out of the individual's performance of his
                            or her duties hereunder.

23. Construction            The Plan is to be construed under the laws of the
                            State of Wisconsin.

24. Binding Agreement       This Plan is binding upon Roundy's and participants
                            and their respective successors, assigns, heirs,
                            executors, and beneficiaries (subject to the right
                            of Roundy's to amend or terminate the Plan as
                            provided in Section 20 above).


                                 ROUNDY'S INC.

ADOPTED pursuant to authorization of the Board of Directors of Roundy's, Inc. as
of March 19, 1996, amended pursuant to authorization of the Board of Directors
as of October 23, 2001 and March 19, 2002, and amended and restated pursuant to
authorization of the Board of Directors as of August 13, 2002.

                                        ROUNDY'S, INC.

                                           Robert A. Mariano, President & Chief
                                           Executive Officer


                                 ROUNDY'S INC.

                                   SCHEDULE A


         X is healthy and under age 45.
         X elects to defer $10,000/year for 7 years.
         X's pre-retirement death benefit is:

                  Aggregate Deferral                        $10,000 x 7 years =   $ 70,000
                  Death Benefit Multiple                                               x 5
                  Pre-retirement Death Benefit                                    $350,000

Further Assume:

         After 4 years of deferral X stops contributing either because of
         unforeseen emergency or Change of Control Event.

         X's adjusted pre-retirement death benefit is based on his actual

                  Aggregate Deferral                        $10,000 x 4 years =   $ 40,000
                  Death Benefit Multiple                                               x 5
                  Pre-retirement Death Benefit (adjusted)                         $200,000

Further Assume:

         After 4 years of deferral X did not stop all deferrals but had them
         reduced by one-half due to unforeseen emergency.

         X's adjusted pre-retirement death benefit is based on his actual

                  (one-half for all years)                  $5,000 x 7 years =    $ 35,000
                                                                                       x 5

                  (one-half for years 1-4)                  $5,000 x 4 years =    $ 20,000
                                                                                       x 5

                  Total Adjusted Pre-retirement Death Benefit                     $275,000


                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.

                                   SCHEDULE B

Change of Control Event means any one of the following:

(a)   Any person or group of persons (as defined in Rule 13d-5 under the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934), together with its affiliates (but not
      including the Roundy's, Inc. Voting Trust), become the beneficial owner,
      directly or indirectly, of 30% or more of the then outstanding Common
      Stock of Roundy's, Inc. or 30% or more of the then outstanding securities
      of Roundy's, Inc. entitled generally to vote for the election of directors
      ("Voting Securities") provided, that if the person so acquiring such
      Common Stock or Voting Securities is itself a corporation or other entity
      such acquisition shall constitute a Change of Control Event only if less
      than 70% of the outstanding Common Stock or Voting Securities of such
      corporation or other entity are held by persons who, immediately before
      such acquisition, held Common Stock or Voting Securities of Roundy's,

(b)   The merger or share exchange of Roundy's, Inc. with any other corporation,
      the sale or other disposition of substantially all of the assets of
      Roundy's, Inc., or the liquidation or dissolution, of Roundy's, Inc.,
      unless immediately thereafter at least 70% of the outstanding Common Stock
      and 70% of the outstanding Voting Securities of the corporation or entity
      surviving such merger or share exchange, or acquiring such assets, is held
      beneficially by persons who, immediately before such merger or share
      exchange or acquisition, held beneficially Common Stock or Voting
      Securities of Roundy's, Inc., or

(c)   At least 2/3 of the directors of Roundy's, Inc. in office immediately
      prior to any other action proposed to be taken by Roundy's, Inc.
      stockholders or by Roundy's, Inc. Board of Directors determines that such
      proposed action, if taken, would constitute a change of control of
      Roundy's, Inc. and such action is taken.

                                                                      EXHIBIT A

                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN


INFORMATION: Name:___________________________  Social Security #:_______________



Total Deferral Commitment $______________________ over the next seven (7) years,
e.g. by the year ending December 31, ________. (Minimum deferral is $10,000 over
7 years)

                                             [mark one box only]

ANNUAL DEFERRAL ELECTION: $________________    during the following year only,
                                               or during each of the following
                                               years, until revoked or modified,
                                               through the year ending December
                                               31, ______.
Select One:

   1.  This deferral shall be deducted from my base salary during the year at
       the rate of $______________ per pay period.
   2.  This deferral shall be deducted from my annual bonus payment.
   3.  This deferral shall be deducted from my base salary and any bonus
       payments paid to me during the year at the rate of ______% per salary
       and bonus payment. The total amount deferred for any year will not
       exceed the annual deferral amount stated above.

I understand that Roundy's intends to purchase life insurance on my life in
order to cover its liability under the Plan.

NON-PARTICIPATION:    I elect NOT to participate in the Deferred Compensation
Plan at this time.

BENEFIT PAYMENT ELECTION. If no alternative benefit payment period is elected
below, your benefits at or after age 65 will be paid to you over 10 years. If
you elect an alternative payment period you must specify the payment period and
age at which benefits are to begin. The available alternatives include a lump
sum payment or periodic payments over a period of up to 15 years, beginning at
age 55 to 65.

       Select One:
          1. I do not choose to elect an alternative benefit payment period.
          2. I choose the following as my alternative benefit payment period:
             _____ Lump Sum
             _____ Payment over _______ years (Enter number of years not to
                   exceed 15 years).
             _____ Age at which benefits are to begin (enter age from 55 to 65).

I agree to execute a Participant Acknowledgement   Receipt Acknowledged:
                                                   ROUNDY'S, INC.
Signature ______________________________
                    Participant                    By:__________________________

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN
                          BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION FORM

         I, the undersigned _______________________________, am a Participant in
the Roundy's, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan dated March 19, 1996, as amended
October 23, 2001 and August 13, 2002.

         Under certain conditions set forth in the Plan, benefits thereunder may
be payable to beneficiaries named by me. I hereby designate the following
beneficiaries to receive payments under the Plan in case of my death.

         1.  Initial Beneficiary.  The Initial Beneficiary shall be:

                       Name                            Relationship, if any

             __________________________          ______________________________

         2.  Contingent Beneficiary.  If I am not survived by the Initial
Beneficiary, or if said Beneficiary shall die before receiving any benefits
under the Plan, the Contingent Beneficiary shall be:

                       Name                            Relationship, if any

             ___________________________         ______________________________

Dated this ________ day of __________________, _______.

_____________________________________________    ______________________________
Signature of Witness (Cannot be a Beneficiary)   Participant Signature

Witness (Printed Name)

Receipt Acknowledged this ______ day of

_____________________  ________.


By: ___________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________

                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                                 ROUNDY'S, INC.
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN
                           PARTICIPANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

         I, the undersigned _____________________________________, am a
Participant in the Roundy's, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan. I have received
and have read a copy of the Plan document and agree to be bound by all the terms
and provisions of the Plan.

         Dated this _________ day of ____________________, ________.

_____________________________________       ____________________________________
Witness Signature                           Participant Signature

Witness (Printed Name)