EXHIBIT 4.8 (b)

                              SPECIAL TAX NOTICE

This notice contains important information you will need before you decide how
to receive your payment from the Thrift-Incentive Plan, the Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan, or the Pension Plan (the Plans).


A payment from the Plans that is eligible for "rollover" can be taken in two
ways. You can have all or any portion of your payment either

A rollover is a payment of your Plan benefits to your individual retirement 
arrangement (IRA) or to another employer plan. This choice will affect the tax 
you owe.

  If you choose a DIRECT ROLLOVER:
     . Your payment will not be taxed in the current year and no income tax
       will be withheld.
     . Your payment will be made directly to your IRA or, if you choose, to
       another employer plan that accepts your rollover.
     . Your payment will be taxed later when you take it out of the IRA or the
       employer plan. 

  If you choose to have your Plan benefits PAID TO YOU:
     . You will receive only 80% of the payment, because the Northern Trust is
       required to withhold 20% of the payment and send it to the IRS as
       income tax withholding to be credited against your taxes.
     . Your payment will be taxed in the current year unless you roll it over.
       You may be able to use special tax rules that could reduce the tax you
       owe. (see pg. 3) However, if you receive the payment before age 59 1/2,
       you also may have to pay an additional 10% tax.
     . You can roll over the payment to your IRA or to another employer plan
       that accepts your rollover within 60 days of receiving the payment. The
       amount rolled over will not be taxed until you take it out of the IRA
       or employer plan.
     . If you want to roll over 100% of the payment to an IRA or an employer
       plan, you must find other money to replace the 20% that was withheld.
       If you roll over only the 80% that you received, you will be taxed on
       the 20% that was withheld and that is not rolled over.

       Although funds that come out of TIP as an in-service withdrawal are
       eligible for rollover, the funds will not be accepted for rollover back
       into TIP.

                               MORE INFORMATION

    II. DIRECT ROLLOVER.............................................. 2
   III. PAYMENT PAID TO YOU.......................................... 2
    IV. SPECIAL TAX TREATMENT........................................ 3
     V. OUTSTANDING TIP LOAN BALANCES................................ 4


Payments from the Plans may be "eligible rollover distributions." This means
that they can be rolled over to an IRA or another employer plan that accepts
rollovers. In general, any payment from the Plans (including an in-service
withdrawal) is considered an eligible rollover distribution, EXCEPT for the
following types of payments which CANNOT be rolled over: 

Non-taxable Payments
  In general, only the "taxable portion" of your payment is an eligible 
  rollover distribution. If you have made "after-tax" employee contributions 
  to the Plans, these contributions will be non-taxable when they are paid to 
  you, and they cannot be rolled over.

Required Minimum Payments

  Beginning in the year you reach age 70 1/2, you are required to take an
  annual distribution from each plan. These required  minimum distributions
  cannot be rolled over.

Monthly Payments From the Pension Plan 

  You cannot roll over monthly annuity payments you receive from the Pension
  Plan. These payments are part of a series of equal (or almost equal) payments
  that are made at least once a year and that will last for your lifetime, you
  and your beneficiary's lifetimes or a period of ten years or more. 

ESOP Dividend Payments 

  The dividend check you receive each November from the ESOP cannot be rolled
  over and is considered taxable income in the year you receive it.

                                DIRECT ROLLOVER

You can choose a direct rollover of all or any portion of your payment that is
an "eligible rollover distribution," as described above. In a direct rollover,
the eligible rollover distribution is made payable directly from the Plan to
an IRA or another employer plan that accepts rollovers. If you choose a direct
rollover, you are not taxed on a payment until you later take it out of the IRA
or the employer plan.

Direct Rollover to an IRA

  You can open an IRA to receive the direct rollover. (The term "IRA" as used in
  this notice, includes individual retirement accounts and individual
  retirement annuities.) If you choose to have your payment made directly to
  an IRA, contact an IRA sponsor (usually a financial institution) to obtain
  an account number. Supply the name of the institution and the account number
  on your distribution or withdrawal form. The check and or shares of stock
  will then be made payable to the IRA and sent to you for delivery to the IRA

Direct Rollover to a Plan 

  If you are employed by a new employer that has a plan, and you want a direct
  rollover to that plan, ask the administrator of that plan whether it will
  accept your rollover. If the plan will accept your rollover, supply the name
  of the plan and the company name on your distribution or withdrawal form. An 
  employer plan is not legally required to accept a rollover. If your new
  employer's plan does not accept a rollover, you can choose a direct rollover
  to an IRA.

  Please Note: Although, taxable funds that come out of TIP as an in-service
  withdrawal are eligible for rollover, the funds will not be accepted for
  rollover back into TIP. 

                          PAYMENT MADE PAYABLE TO YOU

If you have the payment made to you, it is subject to 20% income tax 
withholding. The payment is taxed in the year you receive it unless, within 60 
days,you roll it over to an IRA or another plan that accepts rollovers. If you 
do not roll it over, special tax rules may apply. 

Mandatory Tax Withholding  

  If any portion of the payment to you is an eligible rollover distribution, 
  the Plans are required by law to withhold 20% of that amount. This amount is 
  sent to the IRS as income tax withholding. For example, if your eligible 
  rollover distribution is $10,000, only $8,000 will be paid to you because the 
  Plan must withhold $2,000 as income tax. However, when you prepare your 
  income tax return for the year, you will report the full $10,000 as a payment 
  from the Plan. You will report the $2,000 as tax withheld, and it will be 
  credited against any income tax you owe for the year. 

Sixty-Day Rollover Option 

  If you have an eligible rollover distribution paid to you, you can still
  decide to roll over all or part of it to an IRA or another employer plan that
  accepts rollovers. If you decide to roll over, you must make the rollover
  within 60 days after you receive the payment. The portion of your payment that
  is rolled over will not be taxed until you take it out of the IRA or the
  employer plan. 

  You can roll over up to 100% of the eligible rollover distribution, including 
  an amount equal to the 20% that was withheld. If you choose to roll over 100%,
  you must find other money within the 60-day period to contribute to the IRA or
  the employer plan to replace the 20% that was withheld. On the other hand, if 
  you roll over only the 80% that you received, you will be taxed on the 20%
  that was withheld. 

       Your eligible rollover distribution is $10,000, and you choose to have it
       paid to you. You will receive $8,000, and $2,000 will be sent to the IRS 
       as income tax withholding. Within 60 days after receiving the $8,000, you
       may roll over the entire $10,000 to an IRA or employer plan. To do this, 
       you roll over the $8,000 you received from the Plans, and you will have
       to find $2,000 from other sources (your savings, a loan, etc.). In this
       case,  the entire $10,000 is not taxed until you take it out of the IRA
       or employer plan. If you roll over the entire $10,000, when you file
       your income tax return you may get a refund of the $2,000 withheld. 

       If on the other hand, you roll over only $8,000, the $2,000 you did not 
       roll over is taxed in the year it was withheld. When you file your income
       tax return you may get a refund of part of the $2,000 withheld. (However,
       any refund is likely to be larger if you roll over the entire $10,000.) 

Additional 10% Tax If You Are Under Age 59 1/2 

  If you receive a payment before you reach age 59 1/2 and you do not roll it 
  over, then, in addition to the regular income tax, you may have to pay an 
  extra tax equal to 10% of the taxable portion of the payment. The additional 
  10% tax does not apply to your payment if it is (see IRS Form 5329 for more 
  information on the additional 10%):

     . Paid to you because you separate service with your employer during or 
       after the year you reach age 55 

     . Paid because you retire due to disability 

     . Paid to you as equal (or almost equal) payments over your life or life 

     . Used to pay certain medical expenses 

     . Paid to you as the beneficiary of the employee 

     . Paid to you under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

Special Tax Treatment

If your eligible rollover distribution is not rolled over, it will be taxed in 
the year you receive it. However, if it qualifies as a "lump sum distribution" 
it may be eligible for special tax treatment. A lump sum distribution is a 
payment, within one year, of your entire balance under the Plans that is 
payable to you because you have reached age 59 1/2 or separated from service 
with your employer. For a payment to qualify as a lump sum distribution, you 
must have been a participant in the Plan for at least 5 years. Prior to the 
year of distribution, the special tax treatment for lump sum distributions is 
described below.

Five-Year Averaging

  If you receive a lump sum distribution after you are age 59 1/2, you may be 
  able to make a one-time election to figure the tax on the payment by using 
  "5-year averaging." Five-year averaging often reduces the tax you owe because 
  it treats the payment much as if it were paid over 5 years.

Ten-Year Averaging If You Were Born Before January 1, 1936 

  If you receive a lump sum distribution and you were born before January 1, 
  1936, you can make a one-time election to figure the tax on the payment by 
  using "10-year averaging" (using 1986 tax rates). Like the 5-year averaging 
  rules, 10-year averaging often reduces the tax you owe. 

Capital Gains Treatment If You Were Born Before January 1, 1936 

  In addition, if you receive a lump sum distribution and you were born before 
  January 1, 1936, you may elect to have the part of your payment that is 
  attributable to your pre-1974 participation in the Plans (if any) taxed as 
  long term capital gain at a rate of 20%. 

  There are other limits on the special tax treatment for lump sum 
  distributions. For example, you can generally elect this special tax 
  treatment only once in your lifetime and the election applies to all lump 
  sum distributions you receive in that same year. If you have previously 
  rolled over a payment from the Plans, you cannot use this special tax 
  treatment for later payments from the Plans. If you roll over your payment to 
  an IRA, you will not be able to use this special tax treatment for later 
  payments from the IRA. Also, if you roll over only a portion of your payment 
  to an IRA, this special tax treatment is not available for the rest of the 
  payment. Additional restrictions are described in IRS Form 4972, which has 
  more information on lump sum distributions and how you elect the special tax 

Employer Stock or Securities 

  There is a special tax rule that applies to distributions of Northern Trust 
  Common Stock from ESOP and from TIP Fund D. To use this special rule, the 
  payment must qualify as a lump sum distribution, as described above (except 
  that you do not have to have 5 years participation in the plan). Under this 
  special rule, you may have the option of not paying tax on the "net 
  unrealized appreciation" of the stock until you sell the stock. Net 
  unrealized appreciation generally is the increase in the value of the 
  employer stock while it was held by the Plans. For example, if the stock was 
  worth $1,000 when it was contributed to the Plan, but it was worth $1,200 
  when you received it, you would not have to pay tax on the $200 increase in 
  value until you later sold the stock.

  The stock can be rolled over to an IRA or another employer plan either in a 
  direct rollover or a rollover that you make yourself. If you choose to have 
  your shares registered in your name, rather than directly transferred, the 
  Plans are required by law to withhold 20% of the cost basis of the shares in 
  income taxes. However, the taxes will be withheld only to the extent there is 
  cash available in the distribution. Shares will not be sold to satisfy the 
  withholding requirement. See "Payment Paid To You" for more details on how 
  the withholding works. The special tax treatment options described above may 
  also apply to shares that are not rolled over.

                         OUTSTANDING TIP LOAN BALANCES

A loan from TIP is not considered a taxable payment unless the entire balance 
is not repaid to the plan. 

Active Employees 

  If a loan amount is not repaid and is declared defaulted while you are 
  employed, the defaulted amount that was originally from taxable funds, is 
  reported as a taxable loan distribution. The taxable loan distribution is not 
  subject to the 20% withholding and is not eligible for rollover. 

Terminated Employees 

  If a loan is not repaid in full by the end of the calendar quarter in which 
  you terminate, the remaining balance that originally came from taxable funds, 
  will be taxable.

  The election you make regarding the payment of your remaining account balances
  will determine the tax withholding on the taxable loan distribution amount.

                            TAXABLE LOAN DISTRIBUTION
                              20% Tax Withholding         Eligible for Rollover
       Payment Option                                         within 60 days
                                  Yes     No                   Yes     No
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1. Defer payment of 
      account balance                      x                    x
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2. Direct Rollover account 
      balance to IRA/Employer 
      Plan                                 x                    x
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3. Distribute account balance 
      payable to you (or any 
      portion paid to you)         x                            x 


In general the rules summarized above that apply to payments to employees also 
apply to spouses and former spouses who receive payments on account of an 
employee's death under a "Qualified Domestic Relations Order". Some of the 
rules summarized above also apply to a deceased employee's beneficiary who is 
not a spouse. 

If you are a spouse or former spouse who receive a payment under the Qualified 
Domestic Relations Order, you may choose to have an eligible rollover 
distribution paid in a direct rollover to an IRA or paid to you. If you are a 
beneficiary other than the surviving spouse, you cannot choose a direct 
rollover, and you cannot roll over the payment yourself. 

If you are a surviving spouse, an alternate payee, or another beneficiary, 
your payment is not subject to the additional 10% tax described above, even if 
you are younger than age 59 1/2 and you may be able to use the special tax 
treatment for lump sum distributions and distributions in employer stock also 
described above.


This notice summarizes only the federal (not state or local) tax rules that 
might apply to your payment. The rules described above are complex and contain 
many conditions and exceptions that are not included in this notice. Therefore, 
you may want to consult with a professional tax advisor before you take payment 
of your benefits from the Plans. Also, you can find more specific information 
on the tax treatment of payments from qualified retirement plans in IRS 
Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income, and IRS Publication 590, 
Individual Retirement Arrangements. These publications are available from your 
local IRS office or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORMS.