ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.

                             EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN

                           Personal and Confidential


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


       I.    Purpose___________________________________________  3

       II.   Overview__________________________________________  3

       III.  Short-Term Performance Plan (STPP)________________  4

       IV.   Long-Term Performance Plan (LTPP)_________________  6

       V.    Timing of Payouts_________________________________  8

       VI.   EBP Administration________________________________  8

       VII.  Financial Terms Explained_________________________  9

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     The Executive Bonus Program (EBP) provides an incentive for AMD's Vice
     Presidents and the Officer Staff to maximize short- and long-term financial
     and sales performance.


     o  The EBP has two separate elements: the Short-Term Performance Plan
        (STPP) which provides an annual incentive, and the Long-Term Performance
        Plan (LTPP) which rewards sustained Corporate performance over a three-
        year period.

     o  The STPP motivates participants to exceed Corporate Operating Income and
        selected Division objectives. Executives are assigned to different tiers
        of the STPP (with varying award targets and maximums) depending upon
        their roles.

     o  The LTPP measures AMD's 3-year performance on Return on Equity (ROE) and
        sales growth relative to the external marketplace.

     o  Expressed as percents of base salary, target and maximum awards for the
        EBP are as follows:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLAN ELEMENT                                              TARGET AWARD            MAXIMUM AWARD
                        PERFORMANCE MEASURE                (% OF BASE)             (% OF BASE)
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  STPP               Corporate Operating Income,            40% - 50%              80% -100%
                    Division Measures (may vary)
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  LTPP                  3 Year Relative ROE &                  30%                   60%
                            Sales Growth
Total EBP                                                   70% - 80%             140% - 160%
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     o  Calculations of STPP bonuses use the participant's annualized base
        salary as of December 31 of the plan year. For LTPP bonuses, the
        participant's annualized base salary as of December 31 of Plan Year 3 is
        used. The base salary amount is modified subject to the proration
        provisions as described in section VI., EBP Administration.

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     o  The EBP is funded by a maximum of 3 percent of AMD's reported Operating


     The STPP bonus is earned by achieving specific levels of Corporate
     performance against reported Operating Income. In addition, a portion of
     the STPP is based on the achievement of Division performance objectives as
     established by the Office of the CEO.

     STPP awards vary depending on actual performance against planned Operating
     Income and Division objectives.  Target awards are earned when planned
     objectives are achieved. If Operating Income and Division performance
     objectives are exceeded, then awards up to the maximum may be earned.
     Conversely, in poor performance years, STPP payouts will be greatly reduced
     or eliminated.


     o  The Corporate portion makes up a minimum of 80% of the STPP payout,
        while the Division portion comprises no more than 20% of the STPP

     o  For any payout to occur on the Corporate portion of the STPP, the 
        current year's actual Operating Income must be greater than 25% of the
        prior year's reported Operating Income (the "threshold"), and in no case
        be less than $0. The Office of the CEO retains discretion on payouts of
        the Division performance portion of the STPP.

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        First a target multiplier (ranging from 0 to 2) is calculated based on
        actual Operating Income against planned Operating Income.

        Then the actual STPP bonus amount for the Corporate portion of the
        plan is calculated as follows:

        Target  Multiplier x Target % x Base Salary = STPP Corporate Bonus Award

        Awards for the Corporate portion of the STPP are earned as follows:

          o  When actual Operating Income is equal to planned Operating Income,
             the target award is generated.

          o  When actual Operating Income is 125% or more than planned Operating
             Income, the maximum award is generated.

          o  When actual Operating Income is less than the threshold (or $0), no
             bonus is generated.

        The annual STPP threshold,  Operating Income goal, and target multiplier
        formulas are generated and communicated to the participants each year.


        The Division performance objectives are determined annually by the
        appropriate member of the Office of the CEO. The target and maximum
        payout amounts for the Division performance portion will not exceed 20%
        of the total STPP bonus.

        Specifics of the Division portion are communicated to participants each
        year, along with the objectives for the Corporate portion of the STPP.

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      The LTPP has a target bonus of 30% of base salary and a maximum
      opportunity of 60% for all participants. It is based on sustained
      Corporate performance on both financial and sales growth measures relative
      to AMD's competitive marketplace over a rolling three-year period.

      The actual LTPP bonus as a percent of salary is the product of two
      multipliers (the Financial Performance Multiplier and the Sales
      Performance Multiplier) times the 30% target payout. The multipliers are
      derived from a Financial Performance Delta and a Sales Performance Delta,
      both representing comparisons against the external marketplace. Their
      derivations are described as follows:

      A. Financial Performance Delta is the difference between AMD's Return
         on Equity, ROE (AMD), over a three-year period and the three-year
         average Return on Equity for the Standard and Poor's 500, ROE (S&P),
         for the same period.

        The Financial Performance Delta is calculated as follows:

        3-Year ROE (AMD) - 3-Year ROE (S&P) = Financial Performance Delta

        Three-year ROE (AMD) is calculated by dividing AMD's total Net Income
        (N.I.) earned over the three-year period (Year 1 through Year 3) by the
        sum of AMD's average annual Shareholders' Equity (S.E.) over the same
        period. Average annual S.E. is the simple average of the year-beginning
        and year-ending S.E.

        Three-year ROE (S&P) is calculated by averaging ROE reported for the S&P
        500 for the period (Year 1 through Year 3):

           3-Year ROE (S&P)  =  ROE Year 1 + ROE Year 2 + ROE Year 3

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     The Financial Performance Multiplier is derived from the equations shown

               If:  delta is less than -6.0                                   Then multiplier            = 0
                    -6.0 is less than delta and less than or equal to 6.0                                = 0.1667 x delta + 1
                    delta is greater than 6.0                                                            = 2


B.   Sales Performance Delta is the difference between AMD's three-year sales
     growth and the three-year semiconductor industry sales growth, as published
     by Worldwide Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS). Three-year Sales Growth
     for both AMD and the semiconductor industry is determined as follows:

         3-Year Sales Growth  =   Year 3 Sales - Year 0 Sales   x 100
                                         Year 0 Sales

     The percentage point difference (Sales Performance Delta) between AMD Sales
     Growth and WSTS Sales Growth is then computed. 

     When the Delta is known, the Sales Performance Multiplier is then
     determined using the following equations.

               If:   delta is less than or equal to -30.0                     Then multiplier            = 0
                     -30.0 is less than delta and less than or equal to 0.0                              = 0.0333 x delta + 1
                      0.0  is less than delta and less than or equal to 20.0                             = 0.05 x delta + 1
                      delta is greater than 20.0                                                         = 2

C.   The Total LTPP Bonus as a percent of salary is calculated as follows:

       Financial Performance Multiplier  x  Sales Performance Multiplier

             x Target Percent =  LTPP Bonus as a Percent of Salary

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     All awards earned under the STPP and LTPP are paid out by the end of Q1,
     following the close of the fiscal year.


     o  For the STPP, individuals who participate for less than the full plan
        year (fiscal year) have their awards prorated to reflect their actual
        participation period. For the LTPP, executives with less than one year
        of participation are ineligible to receive an award. During subsequent
        fiscal years, LTPP awards are prorated based on the actual number of
        fiscal months in the plan relative to 36 months of participation,
        subject to the provision below.

     o  Participants must be full-time, active employees at the time of the
        bonus distribution to qualify for a bonus award. In case of retirement,
        death, or disability, award amounts are prorated for the fiscal year
        only if participants were on active employment status for less than six
        months. If participants were on active status for six months or more,
        they receive the payout for the whole year.

     o  The EBP is funded by no more than 3 percent of reported Operating
        Income. If the calculated EBP payouts exceed that figure, awards are
        adjusted downward to stay within this funding limit.

     o  There is no vested entitlement to any bonuses as described above.
        Payment of any bonuses are made at the sole discretion of the Office of
        the CEO.

     o  AMD reserves the right to modify or terminate the plan or participation
        of any individual at its sole discretion.

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     o  Reported Operating Income is total Operating Income as reported on
        external financial statements.

     o  Return on Equity (ROE) is calculated by dividing Net Income for the
        period by average Shareholders' Equity (i.e., the average of the fiscal
        year's beginning and ending Shareholders' Equity). For the purposes of
        the LTPP, ROE for AMD will be calculated over a three-year period as
        described in Section IV. A.

        "Net Income" is income after all expenses, including those not shown on
        the internal (product line) P&L. Expenses shown on the P&L are operating
        expenses (the costs of operating the business), interest expenses (the
        costs of financing the business), and income taxes. Besides these P&L
        expenses, profit sharing, bonus accruals, and foreign exchange gain/loss
        expenses are included in the calculation of Net Income. Thus, reported
        Net Income is income that is available to shareholders, which the
        company can pay out in dividends or reinvest on their behalf. The
        denominator, Shareholder Equity, is the book value of the shareholders'
        investment in the company.

     o  The Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500) is a composite of 500 companies
        chosen by Standard and Poor's Corporation because they tend to be
        leaders in important industries within the U.S. economy. It consists of
        400 industrial, 40 financial, 40 public utilities, and 20 transportation
        companies. In addition to being used to measure AMD's Financial
        performance for the LTPP, the S&P 500 is the comparator group used in
        analyzing AMD's performance in the annual report and proxy statement.

     o  Worldwide Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS), Inc. collects,
        consolidates and publishes data (such as shipments and bookings) on a
        monthly basis from the vast majority of semiconductor companies
        worldwide. WSTS data are widely accepted benchmarks for performance
        throughout the industry. The data used for EBP purposes are worldwide
        semiconductor sales figures.

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