SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATION NO. 33-
                                INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT REGISTRATION NO. 811-5238
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                   FORM N-14
                          REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER
                           THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933
(Check Appropriate Box or Boxes)
[_] Pre-Effective Amendment No.
[_] Post-Effective Amendment No.
                 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606
(Address of Principal Executive Offices: Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code)
       Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code: (312) 917-7700
            James J. Wesolowski, Esq.--Vice President and Secretary
                             333 West Wacker Drive
                            Chicago, Illinois 60606
                    (Name and Address of Agent For Service)
                                With a copy to:
                                Cathy G. O'Kelly
                       Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz
                            222 North LaSalle Street
                            Chicago, Illinois 60601
                 Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:
   As soon as practicable after this Registration Statement becomes effective

                                           PROPOSED       PROPOSED
                             AMOUNT        MAXIMUM        MAXIMUM      AMOUNT OF
Common Stock, $.01 Par
Value Per Share........    3,500,000        $8.09      $28,327,691(2)    $9,769

(1) Represents the maximum additional number of shares to be issued in exchange
    for substantially all of the assets of Nuveen New York Municipal Income
    Fund, Inc. (the "Acquired Fund"), pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of
    Reorganization and Liquidation dated as of August 1, 1995, between the
    Registrant and the Acquired Fund (the "Agreement").
(2) Estimated solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee
    pursuant to Rule 457(f) under the Securities Act of 1933 based on $11.25,
    the average of the high and low prices, as reported in the consolidated
    reporting system on August 17, 1995, of the shares of the Acquired Fund to
    be cancelled in the transaction contemplated by the Agreement and 2,518,017
    outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund.

                             CROSS REFERENCE SHEET
                          (AS REQUIRED BY RULE 481(A))
                                     PART A

 -------- -----------------------    ---------------------------------------------
 Item 1.  Beginning of
           Registration Statement
           and Outside Front Cover
           Page of Prospectus.....   Cover Page
 Item 2.  Beginning and Outside
           Back Cover Page of
           Prospectus.............   Cover Page; Table of Contents
 Item 3.  Synopsis Information and   Summary; Risks and Special Considerations Regarding
           Risk Factors...........   the Reorganization
 Item 4.  Information about the
           Transaction............   Proposal No. 1--The Reorganization
 Item 5.  Information about the      Available Information; Proposal No. 1--The
           Registrant.............   Reorganization; Proposal No. 2--Election of
                                     Directors of Each Fund; Management of the Funds;
                                     Additional Information About the Funds
 Item 6.  Information about the
           Company being Acquired.   Available Information; Proposal No. 1--The
                                     Reorganization; Proposal No. 2--Election of
                                     Directors of Each Fund; Management of the Funds;
                                     Additional Information About the Funds
 Item 7.  Voting Information......   The Annual Meetings; Proposal No. 1--The
                                     Reorganization; Proposal No. 2--Election of
                                     Directors of Each Fund
 Item 8.  Interest of Certain
           Persons and Experts....   Legal Opinions; Experts
 Item 9.  Additional Information
           Required for Reoffering
           by Persons Deemed to be
           Underwriters...........   Not Applicable
                                     PART B

                                     LOCATION IN JOINT PROXY STATEMENT--PROSPECTUS
                                     ("PROSPECTUS") OR STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
 Item 10. Cover Page..............   SAI--Cover Page
 Item 11. Table of Contents.......   SAI--Cover Page
 Item 12. Additional Information     Prospectus--Proposal No. 2--Election of Directors of
           about the Registrant...   Each Fund; Management of the Funds; Additional
                                     Information About the Funds; Experts; SAI--All
 Item 13. Additional Information
           about the Company being   Prospectus--Proposal No. 2--Election of Directors of
           Acquired...............   Each Fund; Management of the Funds; Additional
                                     Information About the Funds; Experts; SAI--All
 Item 14. Financial Statements....   SAI--Index to Financial Statements

                                     PART C
Information required to be included in Part C is set forth under the
appropriate item, so numbered, in Part C of this Registration Statement.
(/1/)Some of the information to be included in Part B is contained in the

September   , 1995
Dear Shareholder:
We are pleased to invite you to the Annual Meetings of Shareholders of Nuveen
New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. and Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund,
Inc. The meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 1995 at 10:00 a.m.,
Central Time, in the 31st Floor conference room of John Nuveen & Co.
Incorporated, 333 West Wacker Drive in Chicago.
At the Annual Meetings, you will be asked to consider and approve a very
important proposal. Subject to shareholder approval, Nuveen New York Municipal
Value Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Fund") will acquire substantially all of the
assets and assume substantially all of the liabilities of Nuveen New York
Municipal Income Fund, Inc. (the "Acquired Fund") in exchange for newly issued
shares of the Acquiring Fund, which will be distributed to the shareholders of
the Acquired Fund.
The reorganization should lead to efficiencies of scale, providing benefits
such as:
    . Lower administrative expenses
    . Greater efficiency and flexibility in portfolio management
    . A more liquid trading market for shares of the combined fund
You will also be asked to elect directors and ratify the selection of
independent auditors.
The attached Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus has been prepared to give you
information about these proposals.
We appreciate your continued support and confidence in Nuveen and our family of
tax-free investments.
Very truly yours,
Richard J. Franke
Chairman of the Board

                 333 WEST WACKER DRIVE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606
                            TELEPHONE (312) 917-7700
                               NOVEMBER 14, 1995
                                                              September   , 1995
  Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of each of
Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Fund") and Nuveen
New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc. (the "Acquired Fund" and, together with
the Acquiring Fund, the "Funds"), will be held in the 31st Floor conference
room of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois, on Tuesday, November 14, 1995, at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, for the
following purposes:
  1. To approve or disapprove, in the case of the Acquiring Fund, the issuance
of additional shares pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and
Liquidation (the "Agreement") between the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund,
whereby the Acquiring Fund would acquire substantially all of the assets of the
Acquired Fund in exchange for up to 3,500,000 shares of the Acquiring Fund and
the Acquiring Fund's assumption of substantially all of the liabilities of the
Acquired Fund, and, to approve or disapprove, in the case of the Acquired Fund,
the Agreement.
  2. To elect three (3) directors.
  3. To ratify or reject the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent
auditors for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996.
  4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
  As more fully described in the accompanying Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus
shareholders of the Acquired Fund who do not vote to approve the Agreement and
who comply with certain other requirements of Minnesota law may, as an
alternative to receiving the consideration specified in the Agreement, dissent
from the transactions provided for therein and obtain the payment in cash of
the "fair value" of their shares, as defined under Minnesota law. The full text
of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 302A.471 and 302A.473, which set forth the
procedures to be followed by shareholders who choose to dissent under Minnesota
law, is included as Annex B to the Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus and should
be read in its entirety.
  Shareholders of record at the close of business on September 18, 1995 are
entitled to notice of and to vote at that Fund's Annual Meeting.
                                                    James J. Wesolowski

+ANY STATE.                                                                    +
                  SUBJECT TO COMPLETION--DATED AUGUST 23, 1995
                                NUVEEN NEW YORK
                           MUNICIPAL VALUE FUND, INC.
                                NUVEEN NEW YORK
                          MUNICIPAL INCOME FUND, INC.
                             JOINT PROXY STATEMENT
  This Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus is being furnished to the shareholders
of Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Fund") and Nuveen
New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc. (the "Acquired Fund" and, together with
the Acquiring Fund, the "Funds") in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by the Acquiring Fund's Board of Directors and the Acquired Fund's Board of
Directors for use at each Fund's Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
Tuesday, November 14, 1995, at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, and at any and all
adjournments thereof. At the Acquiring Fund's Annual Meeting, shareholders of
the Acquiring Fund will be asked to approve the issuance of up to 3,500,000
shares of common stock of the Acquiring Fund pursuant to an Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization and Liquidation dated as of August 1, 1995 by and between the
Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund (the "Agreement"). At the Acquired Fund's
Annual Meeting, shareholders of the Acquired Fund will also be asked to approve
the Agreement. The Agreement provides for (a) the Acquiring Fund's acquisition
of substantially all of the assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange for newly
issued shares of common stock (hereinafter referred to as "shares") and the
Acquiring Fund's assumption of substantially all of the liabilities of the
Acquired Fund and (b) the liquidation of the Acquired Fund and the distribution
of the Acquiring Fund shares held by the Acquired Fund to its shareholders. The
transactions contemplated by the Agreement are referred to herein as the
"Reorganization." The number of Acquiring Fund shares to be issued to the
Acquired Fund would be that number having an aggregate per share net asset
value equal to the aggregate value of the net assets of the Acquired Fund
transferred to the Acquiring Fund.
  In addition, at the Annual Meetings, shareholders of each Fund will be asked
to consider and vote upon the election of three (3) directors and the
ratification of the selection of independent auditors for their respective
Funds. Shareholders of the Acquired Fund are being asked to vote on these
additional matters in case the Reorganization is not consummated and the
Acquired Fund remains a separate entity.
  The Funds are both closed-end, diversified management investment companies,
with substantially similar investment objectives and policies. The primary
investment objective of the Acquiring Fund is to provide current interest
income exempt from both regular Federal and New York and New York City personal
income taxes; its secondary objective is to enhance portfolio value relative to
the New York municipal bond market. The principal executive office of each Fund
is located at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, and the telephone
number of each Fund is (312) 917-7700. The shares of the Acquiring Fund are
listed on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and the shares of the Acquired
Fund and listed on the American Stock Exchange ("AMEX"); reports, proxy
statements and other information concerning the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired
Fund can be inspected at the offices of the NYSE and the AMEX, respectively.
See "Additional Information."
  This Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus sets forth concisely the information
that shareholders of the Funds should know before voting on the proposals
described above. It should be read and retained for future reference. A
Statement of Additional Information dated September    , 1995 containing
additional information about the Funds has been filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the "Commission") and is hereby incorporated by reference
in its entirety into this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus. A copy of the
Statement of Additional Information may be obtained without charge by mailing a
written request to either of the Funds, Attention: Administration, 333 West
Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, or by calling (800) 257-8787.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY...................................................................   1
 The Annual Meetings......................................................   1
 The Reorganization.......................................................   1
 Reasons for the Reorganization...........................................   1
 Dissenting Shareholders' Rights of Appraisal.............................   2
 Tax Consequences of the Reorganization...................................   2
 Comparison of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund...................   2
   General................................................................   2
   Investment Objectives and Policies.....................................   3
   Management of the Funds................................................   3
   Dividends and Distributions............................................   3
   Comparative Fee Table..................................................   4
THE ANNUAL MEETINGS.......................................................   6
 General..................................................................   6
 Voting; Proxies..........................................................   6
AVAILABLE INFORMATION.....................................................   7
PROPOSAL NO. 1--THE REORGANIZATION........................................   7
 General..................................................................   7
 Terms of the Reorganization..............................................   8
 Reasons for the Reorganization...........................................   9
 Votes Required...........................................................  10
 Description of Shares Issued by the Acquiring Fund.......................  10
   General................................................................  10
   Distributions..........................................................  10
   Dividend Reinvestment Plan.............................................  11
   Odd Lot Holdings.......................................................  12
 Comparison of Rights of Holders of Shares of the Acquiring Fund and the
  Acquired Fund...........................................................  12
 Comparison of the Investment Objectives and Policies of the Acquiring
  Fund and the Acquired Fund..............................................  13
   General................................................................  13
   Municipal Obligations..................................................  14
   Special Considerations Relating to New York Municipal Obligations......  15
   Investment Restrictions................................................  15
 Surrender and Exchange of Acquired Fund Share Certificates...............  16
 Expenses Associated with the Reorganization..............................  16

 Dissenting Shareholders' Rights of Appraisal.............................  17
   General................................................................  17
   Procedure..............................................................  17
 Tax Consequences of the Reorganization...................................  18
   Exchange of Acquired Fund Shares Solely for Acquiring Fund Shares......  18
   Fractional Share Interests.............................................  19
   Dissenting Shareholders................................................  19
 Capitalization...........................................................  19
 Comparative Performance Information......................................  20
PROPOSAL NO. 2--ELECTION OF DIRECTORS OF EACH FUND........................  20
MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS...................................................  24
 Directors and Officers...................................................  24
 Investment Adviser.......................................................  24
 Portfolio Management.....................................................  25
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUNDS....................................  26
 Financial Highlights.....................................................  26
 General Information and History..........................................  27
 Repurchase of Fund Shares; Conversion to Open-End Fund...................  27
 Custodian, Transfer Agent, and Dividend Disbursing Agent.................  28
 Tax Matters Associated With Investment in the Funds......................  28
   Federal Income Tax Matters.............................................  28
   New York State and Local Tax Matters...................................  29
LEGAL OPINIONS............................................................  29
EXPERTS...................................................................  29
SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS.....................................................  29
GENERAL...................................................................  29
 Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation (ANNEX A)........... A-1
 Sections 302A.471 and 302A.473 of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act
  Relating to the Acquired Fund Dissenting Shareholders' Rights of
  Appraisal (ANNEX B)..................................................... B-1


  The following is a summary of certain information contained in this Joint
Proxy Statement--Prospectus. This summary is qualified in its entirety by the
more detailed information contained herein and in the attached Annexes.
Shareholders should read the entire Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus. Certain
capitalized terms used but not defined in this summary are defined elsewhere in
the text of this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus.
                              THE ANNUAL MEETINGS
  This Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus is being furnished to the shareholders
of each of the Funds in connection with the solicitation by the Boards of the
Funds of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meetings. Holders of record of
shares of each Fund as of the close of business on September 18, 1995 will be
entitled to notice of and to vote at their Fund's Annual Meeting, as described
elsewhere in this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus. Holders of outstanding
shares of the Acquiring Fund will be asked to approve the issuance of
additional Acquiring Fund shares pursuant to the Agreement and holders of
outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund will be asked to approve the Agreement.
Shareholders of each Fund also will be asked to consider and vote upon the
election of three (3) directors and the ratification of the selection of
independent auditors for their respective Funds. Shareholders of the Acquired
Fund are being asked to vote on these additional matters in case the
Reorganization is not consummated and the Acquired Fund remains a separate
entity. The details of each proposal to be voted on by the shareholders of each
Fund and the vote required for approval of each proposal are set forth under
the description of each proposal in this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus.
                               THE REORGANIZATION
  The Agreement provides that, subject to the satisfaction of certain
conditions, including shareholder approval, (a) the Acquiring Fund would
acquire substantially all of the assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange for
newly issued shares of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquiring Fund's assumption
of substantially all of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund, and (b) the
Acquired Fund would liquidate and distribute to its shareholders pro rata the
Acquiring Fund shares received. The number of Acquiring Fund shares to be
issued to the Acquired Fund would be that number having an aggregate per share
net asset value equal to the aggregate value of the assets of the Acquired Fund
transferred to, net of the Acquired Fund's liabilities assumed by, the
Acquiring Fund as of the time such assets and liabilities are transferred and
assumed (the "Effective Time"). As a result of the Reorganization, the assets
of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund would be combined and the
shareholders of the Acquired Fund would become shareholders of the Acquiring
Fund. The investment objectives and policies of each Fund are substantially
similar. The portfolio characteristics of the larger combined entity would
reflect the blended characteristics and certain differences of the constituent
  The Board of each Fund, including the directors of that Fund who are not
"interested persons," as that term is defined by the 1940 Act, has approved the
Reorganization based on its conclusion that the Reorganization is in the best
interests of the shareholders of that Fund and that the interests of those
shareholders would not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization.
"Proposal No. 1--The Reorganization" and "Additional Information About the
                         REASONS FOR THE REORGANIZATION
  In approving the Reorganization, the respective Boards of the Funds, which
consist of the same individuals, identified certain benefits that are likely to
result from the Reorganization, including lower administrative expenses,
greater efficiency and flexibility in portfolio management and a more liquid
trading market for shares of the combined Fund. The larger combined Fund that
would result from the Reorganization would have a significantly larger asset
base than either individual Fund has currently. Based

on data presented by management of the Funds, the Boards believe that
administrative expenses of a larger combined Fund comprised of the assets of
both Funds would be less than the aggregate expenses of the individual Funds,
resulting in a lower expense ratio for the combined Fund and corresponding
higher earnings for its shareholders. Based on the ten-month period ending July
31, 1995, the annualized expense ratios for the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired
Fund were 0.80% and 0.97%, respectively. The annualized expense ratio for the
combined Fund based upon the ten-month period ended July 31, 1995 would have
been .76%.
  The Boards also considered the possible adverse effects and estimated costs
of combining the Funds and determined that the Reorganization is likely to
provide benefits to the shareholders of each Fund that outweigh any possible
adverse effects and the costs presented by the Reorganization. See "Risks and
Special Considerations Regarding the Reorganization" and "Proposal No. 1--The
Reorganization--Reasons for the Reorganization."
  Shareholders of the Acquiring Fund have no dissenters' rights of appraisal
with respect to the Reorganization under Minnesota law. However, under
Minnesota law, shareholders of the Acquired Fund who do not vote to approve the
Agreement may elect to have the "fair value" of their shares (determined in
accordance with Minnesota law) judicially appraised and paid to them, provided
that (a) the Acquired Fund participates in the Reorganization and (b) such
Acquired Fund shareholders comply with the provisions of Sections 302A.471 and
302A.473 of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, which are attached hereto
as Annex B. Any deviation from such requirements may result in the loss of
dissenters' rights. See "Proposal No. 1--The Reorganization--Dissenting
Shareholders' Rights of Appraisal" and Annex B.
  The Funds have received an opinion of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz to
the effect that the Reorganization will qualify as a tax-free reorganization
under Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Code"). Accordingly, neither Fund will recognize gain or loss for Federal
income tax purposes as a result of the Reorganization. In addition,
shareholders of the Acquired Fund who receive Acquiring Fund shares pursuant to
the Reorganization will recognize no gain or loss for Federal income tax
purposes, except with respect to the cash received for a fractional Acquiring
Fund share interest, if any. Provided that the proposed Reorganization
qualifies as a tax-free reorganization under the Code, neither Fund will
recognize any gain or loss for New York income tax purposes as a result of the
Reorganization and shareholders of the Acquired Fund who receive Acquiring Fund
shares pursuant to the Reorganization will recognize no gain or loss for New
York and New York City personal income tax purposes, except with respect to
cash received for a fractional Acquiring Fund share interest. See "Proposal No.
1--The Reorganization--Tax Consequences of the Reorganization."
  The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund are both closed-end, diversified
management investment companies. The Acquiring Fund shares are listed and trade
on the NYSE under the symbol NNY and the Acquired Fund shares are listed and
trade on the AMEX under the symbol NNM. Each Fund is organized as a corporation
under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The shares of each Fund have similar
voting rights and equal rights with respect to the payment of dividends and
distribution of assets upon liquidation and have no preemptive, conversion or
exchange rights or rights to cumulative voting. See "Proposal No. 1--The
Reorganization." For more detailed information about the general business and
management of the Funds, see "Additional Information About the Funds."

  The investment objectives of the Funds are substantially similar. The
Acquiring Fund's primary investment objective is current interest income exempt
from both regular Federal and New York income taxes, and its secondary
investment objective is the enhancement of portfolio value relative to the New
York municipal bond market through investments in tax-exempt New York Municipal
Obligations that, in the opinion of Nuveen Advisory Corp. (the "Adviser"), are
underrated or that represent municipal markets that are undervalued. The
Acquired Fund's investment objective is to provide a high level of current
income exempt from both Federal and New York income taxes.
  The investment policies of the Funds are substantially similar. Each Fund, as
a fundamental policy, invests substantially all of its assets in a diversified
portfolio of long-term investment-grade quality New York Municipal Obligations.
The Acquired Fund may invest no more than 25% of its net assets in below
investment-grade or unrated equivalent obligations and the Acquiring Fund may
invest no more than 20% of its net assets in below investment-grade and unrated
obligations. Both Funds limit investment in obligations with specified ratings
below investment-grade and/or unrated equivalents as more fully described
herein. See "Risks and Special Considerations Regarding the Reorganization" for
a credit rating breakdown of the Funds' portfolio investments. As of July 31,
1995, the dollar-weighted average portfolio maturities of the Funds were 21.6
years for the Acquiring Fund and 21.3 years for the Acquired Fund and the
durations were 4.3 years for each Fund. See "Proposal No. 1--The
Reorganization--Comparison of the Investment Objectives and Policies of the
Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund."
  The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund have the same directors and
officers. In addition, the Adviser acts as the investment adviser for, and
manages the investment and reinvestment of the assets of, each Fund. Pursuant
to an Investment Management Agreement between the Adviser and each Fund, each
Fund pays an annual management fee for the services and facilities furnished by
the Adviser on a monthly basis. The Acquiring Fund pays an annual management
fee of .35% of the average weekly net assets of the Fund. The Acquiring Fund
also pays a fee of 4.125% of gross interest income. The Acquired Fund pays an
annual management fee of .65% of average daily net assets for net assets of up
to $125 million, .6375% in excess of $125 million (but less than $250 million),
 .625% in excess of $250 million (but less than $500 million), .6125% in excess
of $500 million (but less than $1 billion), .60% in excess of $1 billion (but
less than $2 billion), and .5875% in excess of $2 billion. For the fiscal year
ended September 30, 1994, the effective management fee rate for the Acquiring
and Acquired Funds, respectively, was 0.64% and 0.65%.
  The Funds have identical dividend policies with respect to the payment of
dividends on their shares. Each Fund's present policy, which may be changed by
its Board, is to make monthly cash distributions to holders of its shares at a
level rate that reflects the past and projected performance of such Fund, which
over time will result in the distribution of all net investment income of such
Fund. The Adviser expects the level of monthly distributions to the
shareholders of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund to be unaffected by
the Reorganization. There can be no assurance, however, that a stable level of
distributions may be maintained over the life of a Fund. Holders of shares of
each Fund may elect to have all distributions automatically reinvested in
shares of that Fund at the prevailing market price, plus customary brokerage
charges, pursuant to that Fund's Dividend Reinvestment Plan. See "Proposal No.
1--The Reorganization--Description of Shares Issued by the Acquiring Fund--
Distributions" and "--Dividend Reinvestment Plan" and "Additional Information
About the Funds--Tax Matters Associated with Investment in the Funds."


                                                    ACQUIRING ACQUIRED ACQUIRING
                                                      FUND      FUND     FUND
                                                    --------- -------- ---------
 (as a percentage of net assets)
Management Fees....................................   0.65%     0.65%    0.65%
Other Expenses.....................................   0.15      0.32     0.11
Total Annual Expenses..............................   0.80      0.97     0.76

The following table illustrates the expenses on a $1,000 investment based upon
the fees and expenses shown above and assuming a 5% annual return.

                                                 1 YEAR 3 YEARS 5 YEARS 10 YEARS
                                                 ------ ------- ------- --------
Acquiring Fund..................................  $ 8     $26     $44     $ 99
Acquired Fund...................................   10      31      54      119
Pro-Forma Acquiring Fund........................    8      24      42       94

The purpose of the comparative fee table is to assist you in understanding the
various costs and expenses of investing in shares of the Funds. The information
in the table is based upon annualized expenses for the ten-month period ending
July 31, 1995. The figures in the Examples are not necessarily indicative of
past or future expenses, and actual expenses may be greater or less than those
shown. The Funds' actual rate of return may be greater or less than the
hypothetical 5% annual return shown in the Example.

  The Boards of each of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund have
identified certain benefits to the respective shareholders of each Fund as a
result of the Reorganization. Nevertheless, the following risks and special
considerations should be considered by shareholders of each Fund in their
evaluation of the Reorganization:
    1. Each of the Fund's portfolios of Municipal Obligations has different
  maturity and yield characteristics, due in part to the different market
  conditions existing at the time each Fund was organized. As of July 31,
  1995 the yield for the Acquiring Fund's portfolio was 5.24% and for the
  Acquired Fund's portfolio was 5.95%. The yield provided for each Fund
  represents the average yield of the bonds in the portfolio derived by
  weighing each bond's "yield to worst" by the market value of the bond. The
  "yield to worst" of a bond is the lower of the yield to maturity and the
  yield to call of that bond. Additionally, as of July 31, 1995, the dollar-
  weighted average portfolio maturity of the Acquiring Fund was 21.6 years
  and of the Acquired Fund was 21.3 years and the duration was 4.3 years for
  each Fund. Both dollar-weighted average maturity and duration reflect the
  sensitivity of a Fund to interest rate fluctuations, whereby a Fund with a
  longer maturity and duration reacts more strongly to interest rate changes
  than a Fund with a shorter maturity and duration. The average dollar-
  weighted maturity of a Fund is the dollar-weighted average of the stated
  maturities of all debt instruments held by the Fund. Duration is the
  weighted present value of principal and interest payments expressed in
  years and may more accurately measure a Fund's sensitivity to incremental
  changes in interest rates than average maturity. For example, a Fund with a
  duration of 5.0 years should have half the interest rate sensitivity of a
  Fund with a duration of 10.0 years, because the Fund with the shorter
  duration will receive payments (and can reinvest at prevailing interest
  rates) twice as quickly. Assuming the Reorganization had occurred on July
  31, 1995, the portfolio yield, dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity
  and duration of the combined Funds would have been 5.4%, 21.4 years and 4.3
  years, respectively.
    2. Although the investment portfolio of each Fund must satisfy similar
  standards of credit quality and diversification, the securities owned by
  each Fund are different, resulting in certain differences in the
  composition of each Fund's portfolio. Of the Municipal Obligations owned by
  the Acquiring Fund as of July 31, 1995 (excluding temporary investments),
  44% are rated in the highest grade by Moody's Investors Service, Inc.
  ("Moody's") or Standard & Poor's Corporation ("S&P"), 55% in the highest
  two grades, 65% in the highest three grades, 97% in the highest four
  grades, and 3% are unrated. Of the Municipal Obligations owned by the
  Acquired Fund, as of July 31, 1995 (excluding temporary investments), 17%
  are in the highest grade, 26% in the highest two grades, 38% in the highest
  three grades, 91% in the highest four grades, and 9% are unrated. See Annex
  A to the Statement of Additional Information for a general description of
  Moody's and S&P's ratings of Municipal Obligations. Assuming the
  Reorganization had occurred on July 31, 1995, of the Municipal Obligations
  owned by the combined Funds, 39% would have been rated in the highest grade
  category by S&P or Moody's, 50% in the highest two grades, 60% in the
  highest three grades, 96% in the highest four grades and 4% would have been
    3. There are differences in concentration among the categories of
  industries and tax-exempt issuers of the Municipal Obligations held in the
  portfolios of the Funds. For the Acquiring Fund, as of July 31, 1995, the
  highest concentrations of Municipal Obligations were in the escrowed,
  housing, lease/rental and pollution control categories, accounting for 35%,
  16%, 14% and 12% of such Fund's portfolio, respectively. For the Acquired
  Fund, as of July 31, 1995, the highest concentrations were in the escrowed,
  pollution control, lease/rental and resource recovery categories,
  accounting for 27%, 21%, 13% and 12% of such Fund's portfolio,
  respectively. Assuming the Reorganization had occurred on July 31, 1995,
  the combined Funds would have had the highest concentrations in the
  escrowed, housing, lease/rental and pollution control categories,
  accounting for 34%, 15%, 14% and 13%, of the combined Funds portfolio,
    4. During the periods since the inception of the Funds, shares of the
  Acquiring Fund have generally traded at premiums to net asset value, with
  deep discounts being reflected at times, and the shares of the Acquired
  Fund have generally traded at premiums to net asset value, with deep
  discounts being reflected at times. As determined by the closing price at
  the end of each week, share prices for the Acquiring Fund have fluctuated
  between a maximum premium of 11.24% and a maximum discount of 11.27%; and
  share prices for the Acquired Fund have fluctuated between a maximum
  premium of 11.16% and a maximum discount of 9.49%. As of July 31, 1995, the
  Acquiring Fund shares were trading at a premium to net asset value of
  6.66%, and the Acquired Fund shares were trading at a premium to net asset
  value of 1.77%. It is not possible to state whether the Acquiring Fund
  shares will trade at a premium or discount to net asset value following the
  Reorganization, or what the extent of any such premium or discount might
    5. Each Fund is managed under a different management fee schedule. The
  Acquiring Fund pays an annual management fee of .35% of the average weekly
  net assets of the Fund. The Acquiring Fund also pays a fee of

  4.125% of gross interest income. The Acquired Fund pays an annual
  management fee of .65% of average daily net assets for net assets of up to
  $125 million, .6375% in excess of $25 million (but less than $250 million),
  .625% in excess of $250 million (but less than $500 million), .6125% in
  excess of $500 million (but less than $1 billion), .60% in excess of $1
  billion (but less than $2 billion), and .5875% in excess of $2 billion. For
  the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, the effective management fee rate
  for the Acquiring and Acquired Funds, respectively, was 0.64% and 0.65%.
  Based upon the foregoing, as well as the anticipated benefits of the
Reorganization described below, the Board of each Fund determined that the
Reorganization is likely to provide benefits to the shareholders of such Fund
that outweigh any adverse effects and the costs presented by the
Reorganization. See "Proposal No. 1--The Reorganization--Reasons for the
                              THE ANNUAL MEETINGS
  This Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus is furnished in connection with the
solicitation by the Boards of the Funds of proxies to be voted at the Funds'
Annual Meetings to be held in the 31st Floor conference room of John Nuveen &
Co. Incorporated ("Nuveen"), 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, on
Tuesday, November 14, 1995 at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, and at any and all
adjournments of such Annual Meetings. The cost of preparing, printing and
mailing the enclosed proxy, accompanying notice and Joint Proxy Statement--
Prospectus and all other costs in connection with the solicitation of proxies,
to the extent they are not incremental costs related to the Reorganization,
will be paid by the Funds pro rata based on their respective asset sizes.
Incremental costs related to the Reorganization will be paid by the Funds based
upon estimated savings to each Fund as a result of expected reduced operating
expenses resulting from the Reorganization. Additional solicitation may be made
by letter, telephone or telegraph by officers of the Funds, by officers or
employees of the Adviser or Nuveen, or by dealers and their representatives.
The Funds have engaged Tritech Services to assist in the solicitation of
proxies at a total estimated cost of $12,000.
  The Board of each Fund has fixed the close of business on September 18, 1995
as the record date (the "Record Date") for determining holders of such Fund's
shares entitled to notice of and to vote at that Fund's Annual Meeting. Each
shareholder will be entitled to one vote for each share held. At the close of
business on the Record Date, there were outstanding (a)            shares of
the Acquiring Fund, and (b)               shares of the Acquired Fund. This
Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus is first being mailed to shareholders of the
Funds on or about September   , 1995. EACH FUND WILL FURNISH, WITHOUT CHARGE, A
                                VOTING; PROXIES
  Shares of each Fund entitled to vote at that Fund's Annual Meeting that are
represented by properly executed proxies will, unless such proxies have been
revoked, be voted in accordance with the shareholder's instructions indicated
on such proxies. If no contrary instructions are indicated, all such shares
will be voted (1) FOR approval of, in the case of the Acquiring Fund, the
issuance of the Acquiring Fund shares pursuant to the Agreement and, in the
case of the Acquired Fund, the Agreement, (2) FOR the election of the three
nominees for director and (3) FOR ratification of the Acquiring Fund's
selection of independent auditors.
  A quorum of shareholders is required to take action at each Annual Meeting. A
majority of the shares entitled to vote at each Annual Meeting, represented in
person or by proxy, will constitute a quorum of shareholders at that Annual
Meeting. Votes cast by proxy or in person at each Annual Meeting will be
tabulated by the inspectors of election appointed for that Annual Meeting. The
inspectors of election will determine whether or not a quorum is present at
that Annual Meeting. The inspectors of election will treat abstentions and
"broker non-votes" (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees, typically in
"street name," as to which (i) instructions have not been received from the
beneficial owners or persons entitled to vote and (ii) the broker or nominee
does not have discretionary voting power on a particular matter) as present for
purposes of determining a quorum.
  For purposes of determining the approval of the matters submitted to
shareholders for a vote, abstentions and broker non-votes will be treated as
shares voted against approval of the proposal relating to the Agreement,

the election of directors and against ratification of a Fund's selection of
independent auditors. The details of each proposal to be voted on by the
shareholders of each Fund and the vote required for approval of each proposal
are set forth under the description of each proposal below. Shareholders of
either Fund who execute proxies may revoke them at any time before they are
voted by filing with their Fund a written notice of revocation, by delivering a
duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by attending the meeting and voting
in person.
                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION
  Each Fund is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and in accordance therewith
is required to file reports, proxy statements and other information with the
Commission. Any such reports, proxy statements and other information can be
inspected and copied at the public reference facilities of the Commission, Room
1024, Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, and at
the Commission's Northeast Regional Office, Suite 1300, Seven World Trade
Center, New York, New York 10048 and Midwest Regional Office, Suite 1400,
Citicorp Center, 500 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661-2511. Copies
of such materials can be obtained from the Public Reference Branch, Office of
Consumer Affairs and Information Services of the Commission at 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. The shares of the
Acquiring Fund are listed on the NYSE, and such reports, proxy statements and
other information concerning the Acquiring Fund can also be inspected at the
offices of the NYSE, 20 Broad Street, New York, New York 10005. The shares of
the Acquired Fund are listed on the AMEX, and such reports, proxy statements
and other information concerning the Acquired Fund can also be inspected at the
offices of the AMEX, 86 Trinity Place, New York, New York 10006.
  The Acquiring Fund has filed with the Commission a registration statement on
Form N-14 (herein, together with all amendments and exhibits, referred to as
the "Registration Statement") under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities Act"), relating to the Acquiring Fund shares to be issued pursuant
to the Reorganization. This Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus and the related
Statement of Additional Information does not contain all of the information set
forth in the Registration Statement, certain parts of which are omitted in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission. For further
information with respect to the Acquiring Fund shares to be issued pursuant to
the Reorganization, reference is hereby made to the Registration Statement.
Statements contained in the Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus and the related
Statement of Additional Information as to the content of any contract or other
document referred to are not necessarily complete, and in each instance
reference is made to the copy of such contract or other document included as an
Annex hereto or filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement.
  The information in this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus concerning the
Acquiring Fund has been furnished by the Acquiring Fund, and the information
concerning the Acquired Fund has been furnished by the Acquired Fund. This
Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus constitutes a prospectus of the Acquiring
Fund with respect to the Acquiring Fund Shares issued pursuant to the
                       PROPOSAL NO. 1--THE REORGANIZATION
  The terms and conditions of the Reorganization are set forth in the
Agreement. Significant provisions of the Agreement are summarized below;
however, this summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Annex A to this Joint Proxy
  The Agreement sets forth the terms of the Reorganization, under which (a) the
Acquiring Fund would acquire substantially all of the assets of the Acquired
Fund in exchange for newly issued shares of the Acquiring Fund and the
Acquiring Fund's assumption of substantially all of the liabilities of the
Acquired Fund; and (b) the Acquired Fund would liquidate and distribute to its
shareholders pro rata the Acquiring Fund shares received. As a result of the
Reorganization, the assets of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund would be
combined and the shareholders of the Acquired Fund would become shareholders of
the Acquiring Fund. The investment objectives and policies of the Acquiring
Fund are substantially similar to those of the Acquired Fund. The portfolio
characteristics of the Acquiring Fund, after the Reorganization, would reflect
the blended characteristics of the

constituent Funds. Compared to the Acquiring Fund, the combined portfolio would
have a higher yield, comparable maturity and lower credit quality. Compared to
the Acquired Fund, the combined portfolio would have a lower yield, comparable
maturity and higher overall quality. See "Risks and Special Considerations
Regarding the Reorganization." If the proposals relating to the Agreement are
approved, the Effective Time is expected to be the close of business on
December 19, 1995. Following the Reorganization, the Acquired Fund would
terminate its registration as an investment company under the 1940 Act by
filing a Form N-8F with the Commission.
                          TERMS OF THE REORGANIZATION
  If the Reorganization is approved and the other conditions are satisfied or
waived, at the Effective Time the Acquiring Fund will acquire substantially all
of the assets of the Acquired Fund, including cash (other than cash used to pay
expenses of the Acquired Fund, to pay shareholders exercising dissenters'
rights, if any, and to make a final distribution of net tax-exempt income, net
ordinary income and net capital gains to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund
as of the Effective Time), cash equivalents, Municipal Obligations and other
securities, receivables and other property owned by the Acquired Fund. In
exchange, the Acquiring Fund would assume from the Acquired Fund all debts,
liabilities, obligations and duties of the Acquired Fund (other than certain
expenses incurred by the Acquired Fund in connection with the Reorganization,
the payment of amounts to shareholders exercising dissenters' rights, if any,
and the Acquired Fund's obligation to distribute any net tax-exempt income, net
ordinary income and net capital gains accrued as of the Effective Time), and
the Acquiring Fund would issue to the Acquired Fund shares of the Acquiring
Fund. The number of Acquiring Fund shares to be issued to the Acquired Fund
would be that number having an aggregate per share net asset value equal to the
aggregate value of the Acquired Fund's assets transferred to, net of the
Acquired Fund's liabilities assumed by, the Acquiring Fund as of the Effective
  The value of the Acquired Fund's assets to be acquired and liabilities to be
assumed by the Acquiring Fund, and the net asset value per share to be issued
by the Acquiring Fund, will be determined by United States Trust Company of New
York ("U.S. Trust"), the custodian for each Fund, as of the Effective Time. Net
asset value per Acquiring Fund share shall be computed by dividing the value of
the Acquiring Fund's total assets, less liabilities, by the number of Acquiring
Fund shares outstanding. In determining net asset value per Acquiring Fund
share and the value of the Acquired Fund's assets, U.S. Trust utilizes the
valuations of portfolio securities furnished by a pricing service approved by
the Boards of the respective Funds. The pricing service values portfolio
securities at the mean between the quoted bid and asked price or the yield
equivalent when quotations are readily available. Securities for which
quotations are not readily available (which constitute a majority of the
securities held by the Funds) are valued at fair value as determined by the
pricing service using methods that include consideration of yields or prices of
municipal bonds of comparable quality, type of issue, coupon, maturity and
rating; indications as to value from dealers; and general market conditions.
The pricing service may employ electronic data processing techniques or a
matrix system, or both, to determine valuations. The procedures of the pricing
service and its valuations are reviewed periodically by the officers of each
Fund under the general supervision of that Fund's Board. The number of
Acquiring Fund shares to be issued to the Acquired Fund pursuant to the
Reorganization will be calculated based on the determinations of U.S. Trust.
  In the event the Reorganization is consummated, as soon as practicable after
the Effective Time, the Acquired Fund will liquidate and distribute pro rata to
its shareholders of record the Acquiring Fund shares it receives. Such
liquidation and distribution will be accomplished by opening accounts on the
books of the Acquiring Fund in the names of the shareholders of the Acquired
Fund and transferring to those shareholder accounts the Acquiring Fund shares
previously credited on those books to the account of the Acquired Fund. Each
shareholder account will receive the respective pro rata number of Acquiring
Fund shares (rounded down, in the case of fractional Acquiring Fund shares, to
the next largest number of whole Acquiring Fund shares) due such Acquired Fund
  No fractional Acquiring Fund shares will be issued. In lieu thereof, the
Acquired Fund's transfer agent, U.S. Trust, will aggregate all fractional
Acquiring Fund shares and sell the resulting whole Acquiring Fund shares on the
NYSE for the account of all shareholders of fractional interests, and each such
shareholder will be entitled to his or her pro rata share of the proceeds of
such sale upon surrender of his or her Acquired Fund share certificates.
  Following the Reorganization, every shareholder of the Acquired Fund would
own shares of the Acquiring Fund that, except for cash payments received in
lieu of fractional Acquiring Fund shares, will have an aggregate

per share net asset value immediately after the Effective Time equal to the
aggregate per share net asset value of that shareholder's Acquired Fund shares
immediately prior to the Effective Time. See "Description of Shares Issued by
the Acquiring Fund" for a description of the rights of such shareholders. Since
the Acquiring Fund shares issued to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund would
be issued at net asset value in exchange for net assets of the Acquired Fund
having a value equal to the aggregate per share net asset value of those
Acquiring Fund shares so issued, the net asset value of the Acquiring Fund
shares should remain virtually unchanged by the Reorganization. Thus, the
Reorganization should result in no dilution of net asset value of any
shareholder's holdings. See "Pro-Forma Financial Statements" in the Statement
of Additional Information. However, as a result of the Reorganization,
shareholders of both Funds would hold reduced percentages of ownership in the
larger combined entity than they held in the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired
Fund, as the case may be.
  Under the terms of the Agreement, the Reorganization is conditioned upon (a)
approval by the shareholders of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund, as
described under "Votes Required" below, (b) the Funds' receipt of an opinion to
the effect that the Reorganization will qualify as a tax-free reorganization
under the Code (which opinion has already been received), (c) the absence of
legal proceedings challenging the Reorganization and (d) the Funds' receipt of
certain routine certificates and legal opinions.
  The Agreement may be terminated and the Reorganization abandoned, whether
before or after approval by the Funds' shareholders, at any time prior to the
Effective Time (a) by the written consent of the Boards of both Funds, (b) by
either Fund if any condition to that Fund's obligations under the Agreement has
not been satisfied or waived and it reasonably appears that such condition will
not be satisfied or (c) by either Fund if the Reorganization has not occurred
by March 31, 1996.
                         REASONS FOR THE REORGANIZATION
  The respective Boards of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund, which
consist of the same individuals, have concluded that the Reorganization is in
the best interests of the shareholders of their respective Funds and
unanimously recommend that the shareholders of their respective Funds vote FOR
approval of the proposals relating to the Agreement.
  In approving the Reorganization, the Boards identified certain benefits that
are likely to result from combining the Funds, including lower administrative
expenses, greater efficiency and flexibility in portfolio management and a more
liquid trading market for shares of the combined Fund. The Boards also
considered the possible adverse effects and estimated costs of combining the
Funds. See "Risks and Special Considerations Regarding the Reorganization."
  Based on data presented by management of the Funds, the Boards believe that
administrative expenses of a larger combined Fund comprised of the assets of
both Funds will be less than the aggregate expenses of the individual Funds,
resulting in a lower expense ratio for the combined Fund and corresponding
higher earnings for its shareholders. For the ten-month period ended July 31,
1995, the annualized expense ratios for the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired
Fund were 0.80% and 0.97%, respectively. The pro-forma annualized expense ratio
for the combined Fund for that period would have been 0.76%.
  The larger asset base resulting from combining the Funds should also provide
benefits in portfolio management. The Acquiring Fund after the Reorganization
should be able to purchase larger amounts of Municipal Obligations at more
favorable prices than either of the Funds individually and, with this greater
purchasing power, be in a better position to request improvements in the terms
of Municipal Obligations (e.g., added indenture provisions covering call
protection, sinking funds or audits for the benefit of large holders) prior to
  The Reorganization would result in the Acquiring Fund's having a
significantly larger number of shares outstanding, and a significantly larger
number of shareholders, than either individual Fund. Data prepared by
management of the Funds indicates that market prices of shares of smaller funds
are likely to experience greater spreads between the bid and the offer than
market prices of shares of larger funds, and that increasing the size of the
Acquiring Fund by combining it with the Acquired Fund should result in a higher
average daily trading volume, a narrower average spread between the bid and the
offer and reduced price volatility for its shares. There can be no assurance
that the Reorganization will produce these anticipated benefits. However, the
Boards believe that these results, if obtained, would benefit holders of shares
by affording them a more liquid trading market for their shares and the
opportunity for more favorable price execution in trading the shares.

  In approving the Reorganization, the respective Boards determined that the
Reorganization should result in no dilution of the interests of the respective
Funds' existing shareholders. See "Pro Forma Financial Statements" in the
Statement of Additional Information. Although the Reorganization is expected to
result in a reduction in net asset value per Acquiring Fund share (and per
Acquired Fund share equivalent) of approximately $0.01 as a result of the
estimated costs of the Reorganization, management of the Funds has advised the
Boards that it expects that such costs will be recovered within approximately
19 months after the Effective Time. See "Expenses Associated with the
  In approving the Reorganization, the Boards considered a report of the Funds'
management indicating that the Reorganization should not have a materially
adverse overall effect on the financial status and ongoing performance of
either Fund, and considered such measures as gross portfolio yield, net
portfolio earnings rate as a percentage of net asset value, monthly net
earnings, monthly dividends, dividend rates as a percentage of the initial
offering and market price, management fees, expense ratios and undistributed
net investment income balances. The Boards also examined the relative credit
strength, maturity characteristics, mix of type and purpose, and yield of the
Funds' portfolios of Municipal Obligations and the costs involved in the
Reorganization. The Boards noted similarities between the Funds, including
their substantially similar investment objectives and policies, common
management and each of the Fund's respective portfolios of Municipal
Obligations. Based on these factors, the Boards determined that the
Reorganization is likely to provide benefits to the shareholders of each Fund,
as discussed above, that outweigh any possible adverse effects and the costs
(including relatively minor legal, accounting and administrative costs, some of
which have already been incurred in evaluating and analyzing the
Reorganization) presented by the Reorganization.
                                 VOTES REQUIRED
  Shareholders of the Acquiring Fund are being asked to approve the issuance of
up to 3,500,000 additional shares of the Acquiring Fund pursuant to the
Agreement. Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of the
holders of at least a majority of the Acquiring Fund shares voting on the
proposal, provided that the total vote cast on the proposal represents over 50%
of all Acquiring Fund shares entitled to vote on the proposal.
  Shareholders of the Acquired Fund are being asked to approve the Agreement.
Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of the holders of at
least a majority of the outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund entitled to
vote on the proposal.
  The Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") of the Acquiring Fund
authorizes the issuance of 250,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $.01
per share. As of July 31, 1995, there were issued and outstanding 11,903,229
shares of the Acquiring Fund. If the Reorganization is approved, at the
Effective Time the Acquiring Fund will issue additional shares. The number of
such additional Acquiring Fund shares will be based on the relative aggregate
per share net asset values of the Acquiring Fund on the one hand and the
Acquired Fund on the other hand, in each case as of the Effective Time. Based
on the relative per share net asset values as of July 31, 1995, the Acquiring
Fund would have issued approximately 2,718,705 additional shares if the
Reorganization had occurred as of that date.
  The terms of the Acquiring Fund shares to be issued pursuant to the
Reorganization will be identical to the terms of the Acquiring Fund shares that
are then outstanding. All of the Acquiring Fund shares have equal rights with
respect to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets upon
liquidation. The Acquiring Fund shares are, when issued, fully paid and, non-
assessable and have no preemptive, conversion or exchange rights or right to
cumulative voting.
  It is each Fund's present policy, which may be changed by its Board, to make
monthly cash distributions to the holders of its shares of net investment
income at a level rate that reflects past and projected performance of the
Fund, which over time will result in the distribution of all net investment
income of the Fund and to distribute at least annually net capital gains, if
any. Each Fund's distribution level is determined by the Board of such Fund

after giving consideration to a number of factors, including the Fund's
undistributed net investment income and historical and projected investment
income and expenses. Net investment income of each Fund consists of all
interest income accrued on portfolio assets less all expenses of such Fund.
Expenses of each Fund are accrued each day. To permit each Fund to maintain a
more stable monthly distribution, each Fund may from time to time distribute
less than the entire amount of net investment income earned in a particular
period. Such undistributed net investment income would be available to
supplement future distributions, including distributions which might otherwise
have been reduced by a decrease in such Fund's monthly net income due to
fluctuations in investment income or expenses. As a result, the distributions
paid by each Fund for any particular monthly period may be more or less than
the amount of net investment income actually earned by such Fund during such
period. Undistributed net investment income is added to each Fund's net asset
value, and, correspondingly, distributions from undistributed net investment
income are deducted from such Fund's net asset value. See "Tax Matters
Associated with Investment in the Funds" under "Additional Information About
the Funds" below.
  The Adviser expects the level of monthly distributions to the Shareholders of
the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund to be unaffected by the
Reorganization. There can be no assurance, however, that a stable level of
distributions may be maintained over the life of a Fund.
  Under each Fund's Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the "Plan"), each shareholder
of such Fund may elect to have all dividends or capital gains distributions, or
both, automatically reinvested by U.S. Trust, as agent for the shareholders of
the Fund (the "Plan Agent"), in additional Fund shares. A Fund shareholder may
make this election by completing a Dividend Reinvestment Plan Application Form.
Shareholders of the Acquired Fund who participate in the Acquired Fund's
Dividend Reinvestment Plan will automatically be enrolled in the Plan upon
consummation of the Reorganization and any unpaid dividends at the time of the
Reorganization will be reinvested in shares of the Acquiring Fund as if subject
to the Plan. Other shareholders of the Acquired Fund will be given the
opportunity to enroll in the Plan following the Effective Time. An Acquired
Fund shareholder who does not elect to participate in the Plan will receive all
dividends and capital gains distributions in cash paid by check mailed directly
to the record shareholder by U.S. Trust, as dividend paying agent.
  Under the plan, the number of shares equivalent to the cash distribution is
determined as follows:
    (a) If the Fund shares are trading at net asset value or at a premium
  above net asset value at the time of valuation, the Fund will issue new
  shares at the then current market price; or
    (b) If the Fund shares are trading at a discount from net asset value at
  the time of valuation, the Plan Agent will receive the dividend or
  distribution in cash and apply it to the purchase of Fund shares in the
  open market, on the NYSE or AMEX or elsewhere, for the participants'
  accounts. As a result of increases in the market price prior to the time
  the Plan Agent has completed its purchases, the average purchase price per
  share paid by the Plan Agent may exceed the market price at the time of
  valuation, resulting in the acquisition of fewer Fund shares than if the
  dividend or distribution had been paid in shares issued by the Fund. The
  Plan Agent will use all dividends and distributions received in cash to
  purchase Fund shares in the open market within 30 days of the dividend
  payment date. Interest will not be paid on any uninvested cash payments.
  Participants in the Plan may withdraw from the Plan upon written or telephone
notice to the Plan Agent. When a participant withdraws from the Plan or upon
termination of the Plan, certificates for whole Fund shares credited to his or
her account under the Plan will be issued and a cash payment will be made for
any fraction of a Fund share credited to such account; or, if a participant so
desires, the Plan Agent will sell his or her Fund shares in the Plan and send
the proceeds to the participant, less brokerage commissions and a $2.50 service
  The Plan Agent maintains all Fund shareholder accounts in the Plan and
furnishes written confirmation of all transactions in the accounts, including
information needed by such shareholders for tax records. The Fund shares in the
account of each Plan participant are held by the Plan Agent in non-certificated
form in the name of the participant, and each such shareholder's proxy includes
those Acquiring Fund shares received pursuant to the Plan.
  In the case of Fund shareholders such as banks, brokers or nominees that hold
Fund shares for others who are the beneficial owners, the Plan Agent
administers the Plan on the basis of the number of Fund shares certified from
time to time by the record shareholders as representing the total amount
registered in the record shareholder's name and held for the account of
beneficial owners who participate in the Plan.

  There will be no brokerage charges with respect to shares issued directly by
the Fund as a result of dividends or capital gains distributions payable either
in shares or in cash. However, each participant pays a pro rata share of
brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the Plan Agent's open market
purchases in connection with the reinvestment of dividends or capital gains
  The automatic reinvestment of dividends and distributions does not relieve
participants of any income taxes that may be payable on dividends or
  Experience under the Plan may indicate that changes are desirable.
Accordingly, each Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan. There
is no direct service charge to participants in the Plan; however, each Fund
reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a service charge payable by the
participants. Additional information about the Plan may be obtained from U.S.
Trust, 770 Broadway, New York, New York 10003.
  In connection with the Reorganization, a shareholder of the Acquired Fund
might receive a number of Acquiring Fund shares in the Reorganization which
consists of or includes an "odd lot" (i.e., less than 100 shares). Such odd lot
holders may participate in the Acquiring Fund's Dividend Reinvestment Plan for
the limited purpose of purchasing a sufficient number of Acquiring Fund shares
to bring their odd lot shares up to a 100-share "round lot." Each such odd lot
holder would send in the certificates representing his or her odd lot shares
and direct the Plan Agent to reinvest dividends only until a sufficient number
of Acquiring Fund shares have been acquired to form a round lot. When this is
accomplished, (a) certificates representing the round lot of Acquiring Fund
shares would be issued to the holder, (b) any excess Acquiring Fund shares or
fractional Acquiring Fund shares would be sold and a check for the sale issued
to the holder, and (c) dividend reinvestment on behalf of such shareholder
would be discontinued.
  The terms of the Acquiring Fund shares to be issued in the Reorganization are
identical to the terms of the outstanding Acquired Fund shares, including the
super-majority voting provisions contained in each Fund's Articles, except for
the voting provisions relating to the conversion to an open-end investment
company as described below.
  Each Fund's Articles include provisions that could have the effect of
limiting the ability of other entities or persons to acquire control of the
Fund. Specifically, the Board of Directors is divided into three classes, each
having a term of three years. At each annual meeting of shareholders the term
of one class will expire. This provision could delay for up to two years the
replacement of a majority of the Board of Directors. In addition, each Fund's
Articles require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the
shares then entitled to be voted to authorize any of the following
    (a) conversion of the Fund from a closed-end to an open-end investment
  company (except under certain circumstances in the case of the Acquired
  Fund as discussed below),
    (b) a merger or consolidation of the Fund with another corporation or a
  reorganization or recapitalization,
    (c) a sale, lease or transfer of all or substantially all of the Fund's
  assets (other than in the regular course of the Fund's investment
  activities), or
    (d) a liquidation or dissolution of the Fund,
unless such transaction has been authorized by the affirmative vote of 66 2/3%
of the total number of directors fixed in accordance with the By-Laws, in which
case the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Fund's
outstanding shares is required. The votes required under certain circumstances
to approve the conversion of each Fund from a closed-end to an open-end
investment company or to approve the other transactions described above is
higher than that required by the 1940 Act. Reference should be made to each
Fund's Articles on file with the Commission (which may be obtained as described
under "Available Information") for the full text of these provisions, which
could have the effect of depriving shareholders of the Fund of an opportunity
to sell their shares at a premium over prevailing market prices by discouraging
a third party from seeking to obtain control of the Fund.

  The Acquired Fund's Articles differ from those of the Acquiring Fund in that
they provide that if the Acquired Fund's shares trade at an average discount
from net asset value of more than 10%, determined on the basis of the discount
as of the end of the last trading day in each week during the 12 calendar weeks
preceding the beginning of such fiscal year, an amendment to the Acquired
Fund's Articles to convert the Acquired Fund to an open-end investment company
that is approved by a majority of the directors fixed in accordance with the
By-Laws will require for its adoption the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund.
  The investment objectives and policies set forth below for each of the
Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund are fundamental policies of such Fund and
may not be changed without the approval of the holders of a "majority of the
outstanding" shares of that Fund. For purposes of the following discussion and
"Investment Restrictions" below, "majority of the outstanding" means (a) 67% or
more of the shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the
shares are present or represented by proxy, or (b) more than 50% of the shares,
whichever is less. The following restrictions and other limitations discussed
herein and in the Statement of Additional Information apply only at the time of
purchase of securities and will not be considered violated unless an excess or
deficiency occurs or exists immediately after and as a result of an acquisition
of securities.
  During temporary defensive periods (e.g., times when temporary imbalances of
supply and demand or other temporary dislocations in the tax-exempt bond market
adversely affect the price at which New York Municipal Obligations are
available), each Fund may invest any percentage of its net assets in taxable
temporary investments, the income on which may be subject to New York and New
York City personal income taxes or to both Federal and New York and New York
City personal income taxes. Each Fund will invest only in temporary investments
which are U.S. Government securities or securities rated within the two highest
grades by Moody's or S&P (including tax-exempt securities issued in states
other than New York), and which mature within one year from the date of
purchase. Temporary investments of the Funds may also include repurchase
  Neither Fund has established any limit on the percentage of its portfolio
that may be invested in New York Municipal Obligations subject to the
alternative minimum tax provisions of Federal tax law, and a substantial
portion of the income produced by the Funds may be taxable under the
alternative minimum tax. The Funds, therefore, would not ordinarily be suitable
investments for investors who are subject to the alternative minimum tax. The
suitability of either Fund for these investors will depend upon a comparison of
the yield likely to be provided from the Funds, from comparable tax-exempt
investments not subject to the alternative minimum tax, and from comparable
fully taxable investments in light of each such investor's tax position.
  The Acquiring Fund. The Acquiring Fund's primary investment objective is to
provide, through investment in a professionally managed portfolio of tax-exempt
New York Municipal Obligations, current interest income exempt from both
Federal and New York and New York City personal income taxes. A secondary
objective of the Acquiring Fund is to achieve enhancement of portfolio value
through investments in tax-exempt New York Municipal Obligations that, in the
opinion of the Acquiring Fund's Adviser, are underrated or represent municipal
market sectors that are undervalued. Underrated Municipal Obligations are those
whose ratings do not, in the Adviser's opinion, reflect their true value.
Obligations may be underrated because of the time that has elapsed since their
most recent rating, or because of positive factors that may not have been fully
taken into account by the rating agencies, or for other similar reasons.
Undervalued municipal market sectors, on the other hand, refers to Municipal
Obligations of particular types or purposes (e.g., hospital bonds, industrial
revenue bonds, or bonds issued by a particular municipal issuer) that, in the
Adviser's opinion, are worth more than the value assigned to them in the
marketplace. Obligations may be undervalued because there is a temporary excess
of supply in a particular market sector, or because of a general decline in the
market price of Municipal Obligations of a market sector for reasons that do
not apply to the particular Municipal Obligations that are considered
undervalued. The Acquiring Fund's investment in underrated or undervalued New
York Municipal Obligations will be based on the Adviser's belief that the
prices of such Obligations should ultimately reflect their true value. Under
certain market conditions, such underrated or undervalued Municipal Obligations
may realize market appreciation, while in a declining market such Municipal
Obligations may experience less market depreciation than other Municipal
Obligations. Accordingly, "enhancement of portfolio value" does not merely
refer to market appreciation of portfolio securities, and the Acquiring Fund
does not suggest that capital appreciation is itself an objective of the

Acquiring Fund. Instead, the objective of enhancement of portfolio value is one
of seeking to outperform the market by prudent selection of Municipal
Obligations, regardless of which direction the market may move. A shareholder
of the Acquiring Fund will receive taxable income upon the sale of shares at an
appreciated value or in the event of capital gains distributions by the
Acquiring Fund.
  Except during temporary defensive periods, the Acquiring Fund will, as a
fundamental policy, invest 100% of its net assets in tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, of which 80% will be Municipal Obligations rated at the
time of purchase within the four highest grades (Baa or BBB or better) by
Moody's or S&P. Municipal Obligations rated Baa or BBB are considered
"investment grade" securities; Obligations rated Baa are considered medium
grade obligations which lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact
have speculative characteristics as well, while Obligations rated BBB are
regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay principal and interest. A
general description of Moody's and S&P's ratings of Municipal Obligations is
set forth in Annex A to the Statement of Additional Information. The Acquiring
Fund emphasizes investments in New York Municipal Obligations with long-term
maturities, but the degree of such emphasis will depend upon market conditions
existing at the time of investment.
  The Acquiring Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in unrated New York
Municipal Obligations or in New York Municipal Obligations rated lower than the
four highest grades, but no more than half of this amount (10% of the Fund's
net assets) will be invested in such lower rated New York Municipal
Obligations. To the extent it does so, there may be somewhat greater risk
because such unrated or lower rated Municipal Obligations, although generally
offering a higher current yield than higher rated securities, are generally
less liquid and involve a greater risk of non-payment of principal and interest
than higher rated securities. The Acquiring Fund will only invest in unrated
New York Municipal Obligations which, in the opinion of the Adviser, have
credit characteristics equivalent to Obligations rated Baa or BBB or better.
The Acquiring Fund will not invest in any rated New York Municipal Obligations
that are rated lower than Ba by Moody's or BB by S&P at the time of purchase.
  The Acquired Fund. The Acquired Fund's investment objective is to provide,
through investment in a professionally managed portfolio of tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, a high level of current interest income exempt from both
Federal and New York and New York City personal income taxes.
  Except during temporary defensive periods, the Acquired Fund will, as a
fundamental policy, invest 100% of its net assets in tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, of which 75% will be Municipal Obligations rated at the
time of purchase within the four highest grades (Baa or BBB or better) by
Moody's or S&P, or unrated Municipal Obligations which, in the opinion of the
Adviser, have credit characteristics equivalent to, and will be of comparable
quality to, Obligations rated within the four highest grades by Moody's or S&P,
provided that the Acquired Fund may not invest more than 10% of its net assets
in such unrated Municipal Obligations. The Acquired Fund emphasizes investments
in New York Municipal Obligations with long-term maturities, but the degree of
such emphasis will depend upon market conditions existing at the time of
  The Acquired Fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in New York
Municipal Obligations rated Ba or B by Moody's or BB or B by S&P at the time of
purchase, or in unrated New York Municipal Obligations that, in the Adviser's
opinion, have credit characteristics equivalent to Obligations so rated,
provided that no more than 10% of the Fund's net assets may be invested in New
York Municipal Obligations rated B by Moody's or B by S&P, or their unrated
equivalents. To the extent the Acquired Fund invests in these lower rated New
York Municipal Obligations, there may be somewhat greater risk because such
lower rated securities, although generally offering a higher current yield than
higher rated securities, are generally less liquid and involve a greater risk
of non-payment of principal and interest than higher rated securities.
Securities rated B by S&P have a greater vulnerability to default but presently
have the capacity to meet interest and principal payments, while securities
rated B by Moody's generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment.
The Acquired Fund will not invest in any New York Municipal Obligations that
are not rated at least B by either Moody's or S&P or that do not have credit
characteristics equivalent to Municipal Obligations so rated in the opinion of
the Adviser.
  "Municipal Obligations" are debt obligations issued by states, cities and
local authorities, and certain possessions and territories of the United
States, to obtain funds for various public purposes, including the construction
and maintenance of such public facilities as airports, bridges, highways,
housing, hospitals, mass transportation, schools, streets and water and sewer
works. Other public purposes for which Municipal Obligations may be issued
include the refinancing of outstanding obligations and the obtaining of funds
for general operating

expenses and for loans to other public institutions and facilities. In
addition, certain industrial development, private activity and pollution
control bonds may be included within the term Municipal Obligations if the
interest paid thereon qualifies as exempt from regular Federal income tax. The
two principal classifications of Municipal Obligations are "general obligation"
and "revenue" bonds. General obligation bonds are secured by the issuer's
pledge of its full faith, credit and taxing power for the payment of principal
and interest. Revenue bonds (e.g., industrial development bonds) are payable
only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of
facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special excise or other
specific revenue source. Also included within the general category of Municipal
Obligations are participations in lease obligations or installment purchase
contract obligations of municipal authorities or entities.
  "New York Municipal Obligations" are Municipal Obligations issued by the
State of New York and cities and local authorities in the State of New York
bearing interest that, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is exempt
from regular Federal income tax as well as New York and New York City personal
income taxes. Such interest may be subject to the Federal alternative minimum
tax. In addition, the Acquired Fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in
Municipal Obligations issued by United States possessions or territories, which
also bear interest that is exempt from both Federal and New York and New York
City personal income taxes and, for this purpose, are considered to be New York
Municipal Obligations.
  The yields on Municipal Obligations are dependent on a variety of factors,
including the condition of the general money market and the Municipal
Obligation market, the size of a particular offering, the maturity of the
obligation and the rating of the issue. The market value of Municipal
Obligations will vary with changes in prevailing interest rate levels and as a
result of changing evaluations of the ability of their issuers to meet interest
and principal payments.
  Each Fund may purchase and sell Municipal Obligations on a when-issued or
delayed delivery basis. When-issued and delayed delivery transactions arise
when securities are purchased or sold with payment and delivery beyond the
regular settlement date. On such transactions the payment obligation is fixed
at the time the buyer enters into the commitment. This involves an element of
risk to a Fund when it is the buyer because at the time of delivery the market
value of the Municipal Obligations may be less than such Fund's payment
obligation. Each Fund is required under the rules of the Commission to maintain
in a segregated account liquid assets, consisting of cash, U.S. government
securities or other high grade debt obligations, equal in value to the purchase
price due on the settlement date. Income generated by assets in such a
segregated account of a Fund may be taxable to shareholders of that Fund.
  Certain risks result from the financial condition of New York State, certain
of its public bodies and municipalities and New York City. Beginning in early
1975, New York State, New York City and other related entities faced serious
financial difficulties that jeopardized the credit standing and impaired the
borrowing abilities of these entities and contributed to high interest rates
on, and lower market prices for, debt obligations issued by them. A recurrence
of such financial difficulties or a failure of certain financial recovery
programs could result in defaults or declines in the market values of various
New York Municipal Securities in which the Funds may invest. If there were a
default or other financial crisis relating to New York State, New York City, a
State or City agency, or other municipality, the market value and marketability
of Municipal Securities in the portfolio of the Funds and the interest income
to the Funds could be adversely affected. A summary of the more significant
events and conditions affecting the financial situation in New York is included
under "Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds--Special Considerations
Relating to New York Municipal Obligations" in the Statement of Additional
  Neither Fund, as a fundamental policy, may, without the approval of the
holders of a "majority of the outstanding" shares:
    (1) Issue senior securities, as defined in the 1940 Act, except to the
  extent such issuance might be involved with respect to borrowings described
  under subparagraph (3) under "Investment Objectives and Policies of the
  Funds--Investment Restrictions" in the Statement of Additional Information
  or with respect to transactions involving futures contracts or the writing
  of options within the limits described in the Statement of Additional
  Information under "Certain Trading Strategies of the Funds--Financial
  Futures and Options Transactions;"

    (2) Invest more than 25% of its total assets in securities of issuers in
  any one industry; provided, however, that such limitation shall not apply
  to Municipal Obligations issued by governments or political subdivisions of
  governments (except, in the case of the Acquired Fund, this limitation
  shall apply to those Municipal Obligations backed only by the assets and
  revenues of non-governmental users) and obligations issued or guaranteed by
  the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities;
    (3) Invest in securities other than New York Municipal Obligations and
  temporary investments as described in the Statement of Additional
  Information under "Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds--
  Portfolio Investments;" or
    (4) Invest more than 5% of its total assets in securities of any one
  issuer, except that this limitation shall not apply to securities of the
  U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities or to the investment of
  25% of its total assets.
  See "Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds--Investment
Restrictions" in the Statement of Additional Information for a description of
additional investment restrictions.
  After the Effective Time, each holder of an outstanding certificate or
certificates formerly representing shares of the Acquired Fund ("Acquired Fund
Shares") will be entitled to receive, upon surrender of his or her
certificates, a certificate or certificates representing the number of
Acquiring Fund shares distributable with respect to such holder's Acquired Fund
Shares, together with cash in lieu of any fractional Acquiring Fund share.
Promptly after the Effective Time, the Transfer Agent will mail to each holder
of certificates formerly representing Acquired Fund Shares a letter of
transmittal for use in surrendering his or her certificates for certificates
representing Acquiring Fund shares and cash in lieu of any fractional Acquiring
Fund share.
  From and after the Effective Time, certificates formerly representing
Acquired Fund Shares will be deemed for all purposes to evidence ownership of
the number of full Acquiring Fund shares distributable with respect to such
Acquired Fund Shares in the Reorganization, provided that until such Acquired
Fund Share certificates have been so surrendered, no dividends payable to the
holders of record of Acquiring Fund shares as of any date subsequent to the
liquidation of the Acquired Fund shall be paid to the holders of such
outstanding Acquired Fund Share certificates. Dividends payable on Acquiring
Fund shares to holders of record as of any date after the liquidation of the
Acquired Fund and prior to the exchange of certificates by any Acquired Fund
shareholder will be paid to such shareholder, without interest, at the time
such shareholder surrenders his or her Acquired Fund Share certificates for
  From and after the Effective Time, there will be no transfers on the record
transfer books of the Acquired Fund. If, after the Effective Time, certificates
representing Acquired Fund Shares are presented to the Acquired Fund, they will
be cancelled and exchanged for certificates representing the Acquiring Fund
shares and, if applicable, the cash in lieu of fractional Acquiring Fund shares
distributable with respect to such Acquired Fund Shares in the Reorganization.
  In evaluating the Reorganization, management of the Funds estimated the
amount of additional expenses the Funds would incur, including additional stock
exchange listing fees, Commission registration fees, legal and accounting fees
and increased proxy and distribution costs. These estimates were based in part
on information provided by the Funds' independent auditors, as well as
historical expense information regarding expenses incurred by other funds
managed by the Funds' management in preparation for previous shareholder
meetings. The aggregate amount of estimated Reorganization expenses (estimated
to be $134,515), excluding annual stock exchange fees which will be borne by
the Acquiring Fund after the Reorganization, are to be allocated between the
Acquiring Fund (37.9%) and the Acquired Fund (62.1%) based upon estimated
savings to each Fund as a result of expected reduced operating expenses
resulting from the Reorganization.

  Reorganization expenses of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund have been
or will be expensed prior to the Effective Time. Management of the Funds
expects that reduced operating expenses resulting from the Reorganization
should allow the Acquiring Fund to recover the projected costs of the
Reorganization within approximately 19 months after the Effective Time.
  Under Minnesota law, shareholders of the Acquired Fund have dissenters'
rights of appraisal with respect to the Reorganization, but shareholders of the
Acquiring Fund do not have such rights.
  Sections 302A.471 and 302A.473 of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act
provide for rights of shareholders to dissent and obtain payment in cash of the
"fair value" of their shares, as defined in the statute, in the event of a sale
of substantially all of the assets of a Minnesota corporation. The procedures
for asserting dissenters' rights are set forth in such sections, the full texts
of which are reprinted as Annex B to this Joint Proxy Statement-Prospectus.
Shareholders of the Acquired Fund who wish to assert their dissenters' rights
must fully comply with the statutory requirements in order to preserve the
right to obtain payment for their shares under the statute. The following
summary of the applicable provisions of Section 302A.471 and 302A.473 is not
intended to be a complete statement of such provisions and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to such Sections.
  Any shareholder of the Acquired Fund who wishes to dissent and obtain payment
for his or her shares (a) must file with the Acquired Fund prior to the
shareholder vote with respect to the Agreement at the Annual Meeting, a written
notice stating the shareholder's intention to demand payment of the fair value
of his or her shares if the Reorganization is effectuated and (b) must not vote
his or her shares in favor of approval of the Agreement. Such notice must be
filed at the offices of the Acquired Fund at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60606. A vote against approval of the Agreement does not in itself
constitute the required written notice described in (a) above. A shareholder
must satisfy requirement (b) above either by voting against approval of the
Agreement in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting or by abstaining from
voting his or her shares. The shareholder can so abstain by not voting in favor
of approval of the Agreement at the Annual Meeting and either (i) not signing
and returning the proxy card or (ii) marking the space indicating "Abstain" on
the proxy card. If a shareholder returns a signed proxy card, unless such proxy
card indicates that the shareholder wishes to abstain or vote against approval
of the Agreement, such shareholder's shares will be voted in favor of approval
of the Agreement, and such shareholder will not be permitted to dissent.
  A shareholder of the Acquired Fund may not assert dissenters' rights as to
less than all of the shares registered in such holder's name, except in the
situation in which certain shares are beneficially owned by another person but
registered in such holder's name. If a shareholder wishes to dissent with
respect to shares beneficially owned by another person, such shareholder must
dissent with respect to all such shares and disclose the name and address of
the beneficial owner on whose behalf the holder is dissenting. A beneficial
owner who is not the shareholder of record may assert dissenters' rights with
respect to all of his or her shares if the beneficial owner submits a written
consent of the shareholder of record at the time of or prior to the assertion
of such dissenters' rights.
  If the Agreement is approved by the requisite shareholder vote, the Acquired
Fund will be required to mail a notice to each Acquired Fund shareholder who
filed a written notice of intent to demand payment and refrained from voting in
favor of approval of the Agreement. The notice shall state when and where a
demand for payment shall be sent and share certificates shall be deposited in
order to obtain payment. The notice shall also include a form to be completed
by the shareholder for demanding payment and certifying the date on which the
shareholder, or the beneficial owner on whose behalf the shareholder is
dissenting, acquired the shares. In order to receive the fair value of his or
her shares, a dissenting shareholder must demand payment and deposit his or her
share certificates within 30 days after the notice is mailed by the Acquired
Fund. A shareholder who fails to demand payment or fails to deposit share
certificates, as required by such notice, shall have no right to receive
payment for his or her shares under the dissenters' rights provisions.
  After the Reorganization takes effect or after receipt of a valid demand for
payment, whichever is later, the Acquired Fund shall remit to each shareholder
who has made such demand of the Acquired Fund and deposited his or her share
certificates, the amount that the Acquired Fund estimates to be the fair value
of the shares, plus

any interest that may have accrued commencing five days after the Effective
Time up to and including the date of payment at the judgment rate of interest
then in effect under Minnesota law (currently 6% per annum). The Acquired Fund
shall also include with such remittance, along with certain financial
statements of the Acquired Fund, a brief description of the method used to
reach the estimated fair value of the shares of the Acquired Fund. As used in
Section 302A.473, the term "fair value of the shares" means the value of the
shares immediately before the Effective Time.
  The Acquired Fund may withhold any remittance from a dissenting shareholder
who was not a shareholder (or who is dissenting on behalf of a person who was
not a beneficial owner) on July 27, 1995, the date of the first public
announcement of the Reorganization, if the Acquired Fund (a) provides to such
shareholder, along with the materials described in the preceding paragraph, a
statement of the reason for withholding the remittance and (b) offers to pay
the fair value of the shares, plus interest, if the dissenting shareholder
agrees to accept that amount in full satisfaction. The dissenting shareholder
may decline the offer and demand payment as described below. Failure to make
such demand entitles the dissenting shareholder only to the amount offered by
the Acquired Fund.
  If a dissenting shareholder of the Acquired Fund believes that the amount
remitted (or the amount offered in the case of certain dissenting shareholders)
by the Acquired Fund is less than the fair value of his or her shares of the
Acquired Fund, plus interest, the shareholder may, within 30 days after the
mailing date of the remittance (or the offer), give written notice to the
Acquired Fund of his or her own estimate of the fair value of the shares of the
Acquired Fund, plus interest, and demand payment of the difference. If the
shareholder fails to do so, the shareholder is entitled only to the amount
remitted (or offered).
  If the Acquired Fund receives a demand for supplemental payment from any
dissenting shareholder, it shall, within 60 days after receipt of such demand,
either (a) pay to the dissenter the amount demanded or agreed to by the
dissenter after settlement discussions or (b) file in a court of competent
jurisdiction in Hennepin County, Minnesota, a petition requesting that the
court determine the fair value of the shares, plus interest. All shareholders
of the Acquired Fund whose demands have not been settled with the Acquired Fund
shall be made parties to the proceeding. The court shall determine whether each
such dissenting shareholder has complied with all statutory requirements and
shall determine the fair value of the shares, taking into account any and all
factors the court finds relevant if the court determines that the fair value of
the shares exceeds the Acquired Fund's estimate of the fair value of the shares
of the Acquired Fund, then the court will enter judgment in favor of such
dissenting shareholders in an amount by which the value determined by the court
exceeds the Acquired Fund's estimated value.
  The costs and expenses of the proceeding, including the reasonable expense
and compensation of any appraisers appointed by the court, shall be determined
by the court and assessed against the Acquired Fund, except that the court may
assess part or all of such costs and expenses against any dissenting
shareholder whose action in demanding supplemental payment is found by the
court to be arbitrary, vexatious or not in good faith. If the court finds that
the Acquired Fund has failed to comply substantially with the statutory
requirements, the court may assess against the Acquired Fund all fees and
expenses of any experts or attorneys as the court deems equitable. In addition,
fees and expenses may be assessed against any party the court determines has
acted arbitrarily, vexatiously or not in good faith in bringing a proceeding
for supplemental payment.
  Cash received pursuant to the exercise of dissenters' rights may be subject
to Federal or state income tax. See "Tax Consequences of the Reorganization--
Dissenting Shareholders."
  The Funds have received the opinion of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz,
counsel to the Funds, to the effect that the Reorganization will qualify as a
tax-free reorganization under Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Code. Accordingly,
neither Fund will recognize gain or loss for Federal income tax purposes as a
result of the Reorganization. Provided that the proposed Reorganization
qualifies as a tax-free reorganization under the Code, neither Fund will
recognize any gain or loss for New York income tax purposes as a result of the
Reorganization. The following discussion summarizes the anticipated Federal
income and New York and New York City personal income tax treatment to
shareholders of the Acquired Fund.
  A shareholder of the Acquired Fund who receives shares of the Acquiring Fund
pursuant to the Reorganization will recognize no gain or loss for Federal
income or New York and New York City personal income

tax purposes, except with respect to the cash received for a fractional
Acquiring Fund share interest, if any, which will be taxable for Federal income
tax purposes and for New York and New York City personal income tax purposes.
See "Fractional Share Interests" below.
  The aggregate basis of the Acquiring Fund shares received by a shareholder of
the Acquired Fund (including any fractional Acquiring Fund share interest to
which he or she may be entitled) will be the same as the shareholder's
aggregate basis in the Acquired Fund Shares surrendered in exchange therefor,
decreased by any cash received and increased by the amount of gain recognized
on the exchange.
  The holding period of the Acquiring Fund shares received by a shareholder of
the Acquired Fund (including any fractional Acquiring Fund share interest to
which he or she may be entitled) will include the period during which the
shareholder's Acquired Fund Shares were held, provided such Acquired Fund
Shares were held as a capital asset at the Effective Time.
  For Federal income tax reasons, the Acquired Fund must declare a distribution
to its shareholders of all net tax-exempt income, investment company net
taxable income and net capital gain income, if any, prior to the end of its
fiscal year, which declaration will occur at or prior to the Effective Time.
  No fractional Acquiring Fund shares will be issued pursuant to the
Reorganization. Cash payments received by an Acquired Fund shareholder in lieu
of a fractional Acquiring Fund share will be treated as received by such
shareholder as a distribution in redemption by the Acquiring Fund of that
fractional share interest and will be treated as a distribution in full payment
in exchange for the fractional Acquiring Fund share interest, resulting in a
capital gain or loss for Federal income tax purposes and for New York and New
York City personal income tax purposes, assuming the Acquired Fund Shares
exchanged for cash in lieu of the fractional Acquiring Fund share were held as
a capital asset at the Effective Time.
  Cash payments received by an Acquired Fund shareholder as a result of the
exercise of his or her dissenters' rights of appraisal will be treated as
received by such shareholder as a distribution in redemption by the Acquired
Fund of his or her shares and will be treated as a distribution in full payment
in exchange for his or her shares, resulting in a capital gain or loss for
Federal income tax purposes and for New York and New York City personal income
tax purposes, assuming the Acquired Fund Shares exchanged for cash as a result
of the exercise of his or her dissenters' rights were held as a capital asset
at the Effective Time.
  The following table sets forth the unaudited capitalization of the Funds as
of July 31, 1995 and the pro forma combined capitalization of the combined Fund
as if the Reorganization had occurred on that date. The table reflects a pro
forma exchange ratio of approximately 1.0805585 shares of the Acquiring Fund
issued for each share of the Acquired Fund. If the Reorganization is
consummated, the actual exchange ratio may vary from the ratio indicated below.
See Pro Forma Financial Statements included in the Statement of Additional

                                     ACQUIRING FUND ACQUIRED FUND ACQUIRING FUND
                                        (ACTUAL)      (ACTUAL)    (AS ADJUSTED)
                                     -------------- ------------- --------------
Net Assets..........................  $124,124,615   $28,428,782   $152,407,041
Net Asset Value per Share...........        $10.43        $11.30         $10.42
Shares Outstanding..................    11,903,229     2,516,018     14,621,934
Shares Authorized...................   250,000,000   200,000,000    250,000,000


  Comparative investment performance for the Funds for certain periods ended
July 31, 1995 are shown below:

                            TOTAL INVESTMENT RETURN          TOTAL RETURN
                                ON MARKET VALUE           ON NET ASSET VALUE
                           -------------------------- --------------------------
                                                LIFE                       LIFE
                            ONE  THREE   FIVE    OF    ONE  THREE   FIVE    OF
                           YEAR  YEARS  YEARS   FUND  YEAR  YEARS  YEARS   FUND
                           ----- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ------
Acquiring Fund............ 6.59% 16.25% 48.64% 91.46% 5.92% 17.62% 45.46% 95.45%
Acquired Fund............. 1.17%  5.91% 34.80% 55.66% 6.44% 11.21% 36.34% 65.52%

  Total Investment Return on Market Value is the combination of reinvested
dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, and changes in
price per share. Total Return on Net Asset Value is the combination of
reinvested dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, and
changes in net asset value per share. Life of Fund is calculated from October
7, 1987 for the Acquiring Fund and April 20, 1988 from the Acquired Fund. Past
performance information is not necessarily indicative of future results.
  Shareholders of each Fund are being asked to vote for the election of three
(3) directors of their Fund to serve for three years, as described below, and
until their successors have been duly elected and qualified or, in the case of
the Acquired Fund, until the earlier liquidation of the Acquired Fund.
  It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed proxy to vote the
shares represented thereby for the election of the nominees listed below unless
the proxy is marked otherwise. Each of the nominees listed below has agreed to
serve as a director of each Fund if elected; however, should any nominee become
unable or unwilling to accept nomination or election, the proxies for each Fund
will be voted for one or more substitute nominees designated by each Fund's
present Board.
  Shareholders of each Fund will be entitled to one vote for each share held
for the election of directors. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares
present and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of each Fund will be
required to elect the directors for that Fund.
  The following table show each nominee's or continuing director's age,
address, principal occupation and other business affiliations as of July 31,
1995, the year in which each nominee or continuing director was first elected
or appointed a director of each Fund and the number of shares of each Fund and
of all funds managed by the Adviser (excluding money market funds) which each
nominee or continuing director beneficially owned as of July 31, 1995.
  The Board of Directors of each Fund is divided into three classes with the
terms of each of the first, second and third classes expiring at the Annual
Meetings of the Funds in the years indicated below. The members of the Board
and the nominees for election to the Board are the same for each Fund. Lawrence
H. Brown, Anne E. Impellizzeri, Margaret K. Rosenheim and Timothy R.
Schwertfeger were last elected to the Board of Directors at the 1994 annual
meeting of shareholders. Richard J. Franke was last elected to the Board of
Directors at the 1993 annual meeting of shareholders. Peter R. Sawers was last
elected to the Board of Directors at the 1992 annual meeting of shareholders.
If the Reorganization is consummated, the directors of the Acquired Fund will
cease to serve as such upon the liquidation of the Acquired Fund.
  The members of the Board of Directors mourn the recent passing of John E.
O'Toole, a director since 1989. Mr. O'Toole was a Class III director of the
Acquiring Fund and a Class II director of the Acquired Fund. There is currently
a vacancy on the Board of each Fund. The Fund's nominating committees are
considering candidates for the vacancy, and will report to the full Boards
later this year.


                                                                                    FULL SHARES OF
                                                                                     COMMON STOCK
                                                                                  BENEFICIALLY OWNED
                                                                                    JULY 31, 1995
                                                                     YEAR FIRST   --------------------
                                                            YEAR     ELECTED OR                ALL
     NAME, AGE AND ADDRESS              PRINCIPAL           TERM    APPOINTED A    THE       NUVEEN
      AS OF JULY 31, 1995            OCCUPATION(/1/)       EXPIRES    DIRECTOR    FUNDS    FUNDS(/2/)
     ---------------------      ------------------------   ------- -------------- -------  -----------
  Lawrence H. Brown (61)        Director of the Funds;      1998        1993             0        3,475
  201 Michigan Ave.              retired in August 1989
  Highwood, IL 60040             as Senior Vice
                                 President of The
                                 Northern Trust Company.
  Peter R. Sawers (62)          Director of the Funds;      1998        1991             0        7,934
  22 The Landmark                Adjunct Professor of
  Northfield, IL 60093           Business and Economics,
                                 University of Dubuque,
                                 Iowa (since January
                                 1991); Adjunct
                                 Professor, Lake Forest
                                 Graduate School of
                                 Management, Lake
                                 Forest, Illinois (since
                                 January 1992); prior
                                 thereto, Executive
                                 Director, Towers Perrin
                                 Australia (management
                                 consultant); Chartered
                                 Financial Analyst;
                                 Certified Management
  *Timothy R. Schwertfeger (46) Director and President      1998        1994             0       90,117
  333 W. Wacker Drive            of the Funds (since
  Chicago, IL 60606              July 1994); Executive
                                 Vice President and
                                 Director of The John
                                 Nuveen Company (since
                                 March 1992) and John
                                 Nuveen & Co.
                                 Incorporated; Director
                                 of Nuveen Advisory
                                                                              Corp. (since October
                       CONTINUING1DIRECTORS9OF9EACH2FUND) and Nuveen
                                                                              Institutional Advisory
                                 Corp. (since October
  Anne E. Impellizzeri (62)     Director of the Funds;      1996        1994             0        2,000
  3 W. 29th St.                  President and Chief
  New York, NY 10001             Executive Officer of
                                 Institutes of Religion
                                 and Health (since
                                 December 1990); prior
                                 thereto, Vice President
                                 of New York City
                                 Partnership (from 1988
                                 to 1990) and Vice
                                 President of
                                 Metropolitan Life
                                 Insurance Company (from
                                 1980 to 1988).
  Richard J. Franke (64)        Chairman of the Board       1996       1987 -            0       20,695
  333 W. Wacker Dr.              and Director of the               Acquiring Fund
  Chicago, IL 60606              Funds, The John Nuveen                1988 -
                                 Company (since March              Acquired Fund
                                 1992), John Nuveen &
                                 Co. Incorporated,
                                 Nuveen Advisory Corp.
                                 and Nuveen
                                 Institutional Advisory
                                 Corp. (since April
                                 1990); Certified
                                 Financial Planner.
  Margaret K. Rosenheim (69)    Director of the Funds;      1997       1987 -            0        5,091
  969 E. 60th St.                Helen Ross Professor of           Acquiring Fund
  Chicago, IL 60639              Social Welfare Policy,                1988 -
                                 School of Social                  Acquired Fund
                                 Service Administration,
                                 University of Chicago.

*"Interested person" as defined in the 1940 Act by reason of being an officer
  or director of the Adviser.
(1) The nominees and continuing directors of the Funds are directors or
    trustees, as the case may be, of 21 Nuveen open-end funds and 55 Nuveen
    closed-end funds.
(2) The number shown reflects the aggregate number of shares beneficially
    owned by the nominee or continuing director in all of the Nuveen-sponsored
    funds referred to in note (1) above (excluding money market funds).
  The directors affiliated with Nuveen or the Adviser serve without any
compensation from either Fund. Directors who are not affiliated with Nuveen or
the Adviser receive a $45,000 annual retainer for serving as a director or
trustee, as the case may be, of all funds sponsored by Nuveen and managed by
the Adviser and a $1,000 fee per day plus expenses for attendance at all
meetings held on a day on which a regularly scheduled Board meeting

is held, a $1,000 fee per day plus expenses for attendance in person or a $500
fee per day plus expenses for attendance by telephone at a meeting held on a
day on which no regular Board meeting is held, and a $250 fee per day plus
expenses for attendance in person or by telephone at a meeting of the
executive committee. The annual retainer, fees and expenses are allocated
among each Fund and the other funds managed by the Adviser on the basis of
relative net assets. The Funds have each adopted a Directors' Deferred
Compensation Plan pursuant to which a director may elect to have all or a
portion of his or her director's fee deferred. Directors may defer fees for
any calendar year by the execution of a Participation Agreement prior to the
beginning of the calendar year during which the director wishes to begin
  The table below shows, for each director who is not affiliated with Nuveen
or the Adviser, the aggregate compensation paid by each Fund for its fiscal
year ended September 30, 1994 and the total compensation that Nuveen funds
accrued for each director during the calendar year 1994, including any
interest accrued for directors on deferred compensation. The rate of earnings
on deferred compensation is equivalent to the average net earnings rate,
computed on a quarterly basis, on the shares of such Nuveen fund.

                                      AGGREGATE COMPENSATION FROM THE FUNDS
                                                     TOTAL COMPENSATION NUVEEN
                                  ACQUIRING ACQUIRED           FUNDS
      NAME                          FUND      FUND   ACCRUED FOR DIRECTORS(/2/)
      ----                        --------- -------- --------------------------
Lawrence H. Brown................   $228      $145            $56,500
Anne E. Impellizzeri(1)..........   $ 79      $ 49             48,750
Margaret K. Rosenheim............   $332      $208             64,404(3)
Peter R. Sawers..................   $316      $204             56,000

(1) Anne E. Impellizzeri was appointed a director in April 1994.
(2) Includes compensation for service on the boards of 21 Nuveen open-end
    funds and 55 Nuveen closed-end funds. Also includes amounts for Nuveen
    funds that existed for part of the year, estimated as if the funds had
    existed for the entire year.
(3) Includes $1,404 in interest accrued on deferred compensation from prior
  Richard J. Franke, Timothy R. Schwertfeger and Margaret K. Rosenheim serve
as members of the executive committee of each Fund's Board. The executive
committee, which meets between regular meetings of the Board, is authorized to
exercise all of the powers of the Board. The executive committee of each Fund
held 13 meetings for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994. Most of the
executive committee meetings for each Fund were held for the sole purpose of
declaring a dividend on the Fund's shares.
  Each Fund's Board has an audit committee composed of Lawrence H. Brown, Anne
E. Impellizzeri, Margaret K. Rosenheim and Peter R. Sawers, directors of each
Fund who are not "interested persons." The audit committee reviews the work
and any recommendations of each Fund's independent public auditors. Based on
such review, it is authorized to make recommendations to the Board. The audit
committee of each Fund held two meetings for the fiscal year ended September
30, 1994.
  Nomination of those directors who are not "interested persons" of a Fund is
committed to a nominating committee composed of the directors who are not
"interested persons" of that Fund. It identifies and recommends individuals to
be nominated for election as non-interested directors. The nominating
committee of each Fund held one meeting for the fiscal year ended September
30, 1994. No policy or procedure has been established as to the recommendation
of director nominees by shareholders.
  The Board of each Fund held six meetings for the fiscal year ended September
30, 1994. During the last fiscal year, each director attended 75% or more of
each Fund's Board meetings and the committee meetings (if a member thereof),
except that Mr. Franke was unable to attend certain executive committee
meetings held solely to declared dividends. His attendance at executive
committee meetings that he was scheduled to attend was less than 75%.
  The Funds have the same executive officers. The following table sets forth
information as of July 31, 1995 with respect to each executive officer of the
Funds, other than executive officers who are directors and included in the
table relating to nominees for the Boards. The business address of each
executive officer listed below is 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois
60606. Officers of the Funds receive no compensation from the Funds. With
respect to each Fund, the term of office of all officers is expected to expire
at the meeting of the Board of such

Fund following the next regular meeting of shareholders. In the case of the
Acquired Fund, such term of office will expire upon liquidation of the Acquired
Fund in the event the Reorganization is consummated.

         ----            ---    --------------------------------                ---------------------
Kenneth C. Dunn          39  Vice President and Assistant Secretary  Vice President, Assistant Secretary and
                             (since July 1995)                        Assistant General Counsel of John Nuveen &
                                                                      Co. Incorporated (since May 1995); Vice
                                                                      President and Assistant Secretary of
                                                                      Nuveen Advisory Corp. and Nuveen
                                                                      Institutional Advisory Corp. (since May
                                                                      1995); Partner, Gardner, Carton & Douglas
                                                                      (from January 1990 to April 1995)
Kathleen M. Flanagan     48  Vice President (since 1994)             Vice President of John Nuveen & Co.
J. Thomas Futrell        40  Vice President (since 1991)             Vice President of Nuveen Advisory Corp.
                                                                      (since February 1991); prior thereto,
                                                                      Assistant Vice President of Nuveen
                                                                      Advisory Corp. (from August 1988 to
                                                                      February 1991); Chartered Financial
Steven J. Krupa          38  Vice President (since 1990)             Vice President of Nuveen Advisory Corp.
                                                                      (since October 1990); prior thereto, Vice
                                                                      President of John Nuveen & Co.
                                                                      Incorporated (from January 1989 to October
Anna R. Kucinskis        49  Vice President (since 1991)             Vice President of John Nuveen & Co.
Larry W. Martin          44  Vice President (since 1993) & Assistant Vice President (since September 1992),
                             Secretary (since 1987)                   Assistant Secretary and Assistant General
                                                                      Counsel of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated;
                                                                      Vice President (since May 1993) and
                                                                      Assistant Secretary of Nuveen Advisory
                                                                      Corp.; Vice President (since May 1993) and
                                                                      Assistant Secretary (since January 1992)
                                                                      of Nuveen Institutional Advisory Corp.;
                                                                      Assistant Secretary (since February 1993)
                                                                      of The John Nuveen Company; Director of
                                                                      Nuveen/Duff & Phelps Investment Advisors
                                                                      (since January 1995)
O. Walter Renfftlen      56  Vice President & Controller             Vice President and Controller of The John
                             (since each Fund's organization)         Nuveen Company (since March 1992), John
                                                                      Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, Nuveen Advisory
                                                                      Corp. and Nuveen Institutional Advisory
Thomas C. Spalding, Jr.  44  Vice President                          Vice President of Nuveen Advisory Corp. and
                             (since each Fund's organization)         Nuveen Institutional Advisory Corp. (since
                                                                      April 1990); Chartered Financial Analyst
H. William Stabenow      61  Vice President & Treasurer (since 1988) Vice President and Treasurer of The John
                                                                      Nuveen Company (since March 1992), John
                                                                      Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, Nuveen Advisory
                                                                      Corp. and Nuveen Institutional Advisory
                                                                      Corp. (since January 1992)
George P. Thermos        63  Vice President                          Vice President of John Nuveen & Co.
                             (since each Fund's organization)         Incorporated
James J. Wesolowski      45  Vice President & Secretary (since 1988) Vice President, General Counsel and
                                                                      Secretary of The John Nuveen Company
                                                                      (since March 1992), John Nuveen & Co.
                                                                      Incorporated, Nuveen Advisory Corp. and
                                                                      Nuveen Institutional Advisory Corp.
Gifford R. Zimmerman     39  Vice President (since 1993) & Assistant Vice President (since September 1992),
                             Secretary (since 1988)                   Assistant Secretary and Assistant General
                                                                      Counsel of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated;
                                                                      Vice President (since May 1993) and
                                                                      Assistant Secretary of Nuveen Advisory
                                                                      Corp.; Vice President (since May 1993) and
                                                                      Assistant Secretary (since January 1992)
                                                                      of Nuveen Institutional Advisory Corp.

  On July 31, 1995, directors and executive officers of the Acquiring Fund as a
group did not beneficially own any shares of either the Acquiring Fund or the
Acquired Fund. On July 31, 1995, directors and executive officers of the Funds
as a group beneficially owned 203,639 common shares of all funds managed by the
Adviser (excluding money market funds). As of July 31, 1995, no person is known
to the Funds to have owned beneficially more than 5% of the shares of either
  Section 30(f) of the 1940 Act and Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act require
the Funds' directors and officers, investment adviser, affiliated persons of
the investment adviser and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of either Fund's equity securities to file forms reporting
their affiliation with that Fund and reports of ownership and changes in
ownership of that Fund's shares with the Commission and the NYSE or AMEX, as
the case may be. These persons and entities are required by Commission
regulation to furnish each Fund with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they
file. Based on a review of these forms furnished to each Fund, each Fund
believes that for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, all Section 16(a)
filing requirements applicable to that Fund's directors and officers,
investment adviser and affiliated persons of the investment adviser were
complied with.

  The members of each Fund's Board who are not "interested persons" of that
Fund have unanimously selected Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, to
audit the books and records of that Fund for the fiscal year ending September
30, 1996. Ernst & Young LLP has served each Fund in this capacity since each
Fund was organized and has no direct or indirect financial interest in any Fund
except as independent auditors. The selection of Ernst & Young LLP as
independent auditors of each Fund is being submitted to the shareholders of
each Fund for ratification, which requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of the shares of each Fund present and entitled to vote on the matter. A
representative of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to be present at the Annual
Meetings and will be available to respond to any appropriate questions raised
at the Annual Meetings and to make a statement if he or she wishes. EACH FUND'S
                            MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS
                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS
  The same individuals constitute the Boards of both Funds, and the Funds have
the same officers. The management of each Fund, including general supervision
of the duties performed by the Adviser under the Investment Management
Agreement for each Fund, is the responsibility of its Board. There are
currently six directors of each Fund, two of whom are "interested persons" (as
defined in the 1940 Act) and four of whom are disinterested persons. The
continuing directors of the Acquiring Fund and those that are elected at the
Acquiring Fund's Annual Meeting will serve as directors of the Acquiring Fund
whether or not the Reorganization is approved and will hold office until their
successors have been duly elected and qualified. The continuing directors of
the Acquired Fund and those that are elected at the Acquired Fund's Annual
Meeting will hold office until their successors have been duly elected and
qualified or, if the Reorganization is consummated, the earlier liquidation of
the Acquired Fund. However, since the directors are the same for both Funds, if
the nominees for election at the Acquiring Fund's Annual Meeting are re-
elected, the Reorganization will not result in a change of directors for
shareholders of either Fund.
                               INVESTMENT ADVISER
  The Adviser, located at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, serves as
investment adviser and manager for each Fund. The Adviser is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Nuveen, 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Nuveen is
a subsidiary of The John Nuveen Company which in turn is approximately 75%
owned by The St. Paul Companies, Inc. ("St. Paul"). St. Paul is located at 385
Washington Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, and is principally engaged in
providing property-liability insurance through subsidiaries.
  Under the Management Agreement for the Acquiring Fund, the Acquiring Fund has
agreed to pay an annual management fee equal to the sum of .35% of the average
weekly net assets and 4.125% of the gross interest income of the Acquiring
  Under the Management Agreement for the Acquired Fund, the Acquired Fund has
agreed to pay an annual management fee as follows:

             ---------------------------------- ---
             ------------------------    -----
             Up to $125 million          .6500%
             $125 to $250 million        .6375
             $250 to $500 million        .6250
             $500 million to $1 billion  .6125
             $1 billion to $2 billion    .6000
             $2 billion and over         .5875

  The Acquiring Fund paid aggregate management fees of $800,465 for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1994, for an effective management fee rate of 0.64%.
The Acquired Fund paid aggregate management fees of $187,591 for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1994, for an effective management fee rate of 0.65%.

                              PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT
  The Adviser places orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio securities
for the accounts of the Funds. Consistent with Rule 10f-3 under the 1940 Act,
portfolio securities may be purchased from Nuveen or its affiliates.
  Thomas C. Spalding, Jr., a Vice President of the Acquiring Fund, the Acquired
Fund and the Adviser, has general supervisory responsibility with respect to
all Nuveen-sponsored open-end and exchange-traded funds managed by the Adviser.
Mr. Spalding has been employed by Nuveen since 1976 and by the Adviser since
  The day to day management of each Fund is currently the responsibility of
Stephen S. Peterson, an Assistant Portfolio Manager of the Adviser since 1991
and portfolio manager of each Fund since September 1, 1994. Prior to joining
Nuveen Advisory, Mr. Peterson was employed by John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated in
its research department. Mr. Peterson currently manages 9 Nuveen-sponsored
investment companies.

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
  Selected data for a Common share outstanding throughout each period is as

                        OPERATING PERFORMANCE
                                       IZED &
                                       UNREAL-                                            TOTAL
                         NET            IZED                                       PER   INVEST-
                        ASSET           GAIN                               NET    SHARE   MENT     TOTAL
                        VALUE    NET   (LOSS)   DIVIDENDS                 ASSET  MARKET  RETURN   RETURN
                       BEGIN-  INVEST-  FROM     FROM NET  DISTRIBUTIONS  VALUE   VALUE    ON     ON NET
                       PERIOD  INCOME   MENTS     INCOME       GAINS     PERIOD  PERIOD  VALUE**  VALUE**
 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (Unaudited)   $10.390  $.332  $(.015)    $(.336)     $(.001)+   $10.370 $10.500   3.33%    3.16%
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   10.990   .659   (.575)     (.669)      (.015)     10.390  10.500   (.77)     .78
 1993                   10.740   .664    .393      (.670)      (.137)     10.990  11.250   7.27    10.28
 2 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                10.870   .112   (.129)     (.113)         --      10.740  11.250  (2.29)    (.16)
 Year ended 7/31,
 1992                   10.270   .676    .727      (.676)      (.127)     10.870  11.625  17.77    14.28
 1991                   10.200   .679    .115      (.676)      (.048)     10.270  10.625   8.58     8.21
 1990                   10.370   .677   (.127)     (.676)      (.044)     10.200  10.500   7.08     5.61
 1989                    9.950   .675    .659      (.679)      (.235)     10.370  10.500  14.92    14.22
 10/7/87 to
 7/31/88                 9.350   .514    .541      (.455)         --       9.950  10.000   4.67    11.40

 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (Unaudited)    11.170   .346    .047      (.353)         --      11.210  11.125  10.88     3.63
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   11.960   .701   (.748)     (.743)         --      11.170  10.375 (13.43)    (.40)
 1993                   12.200   .755   (.185)     (.767)      (.043)     11.960  12.750   8.69     4.88
 10 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                11.940   .661    .325      (.655)      (.071)     12.200  12.500  12.82     8.54
 Year ended
 11/30/91               11.430   .795    .517      (.802)         --      11.940  11.750   8.02    11.92
 1 Mo. ended
 11/30/90               11.370   .068    .095      (.068)      (.035)     11.430  11.625    .94     1.44
 Year ended 10/31,
 1990                   11.710   .806   (.266)     (.810)      (.070)     11.370  11.625   8.75     4.77
 1989                   11.530   .806    .210      (.808)      (.028)     11.710  11.500   6.39     9.15
 4/20/88 to
 10/31/88               11.210   .358    .244      (.282)         --      11.530  11.625   (.66)    5.45

                           RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
                                         RATIO OF
                         NET               NET
                        ASSETS  RATIO OF INVEST-
                        END OF  EXPENSES   MENT   PORT-
                        PERIOD     TO     INCOME  FOLIO
                         (IN    AVERAGE  TO AVER- TURN-
                        THOU-     NET    AGE NET  OVER
                        SANDS)   ASSETS   ASSETS  RATE
 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (Unaudited)   $122,927    .81*%   6.53*%    4%
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   122,311    .84     6.16      4
 1993                   127,976    .85     6.16      5
 2 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                123,313    .84*    6.20*    --
 Year ended 7/31,
 1992                   124,620    .90     6.46      9
 1991                   116,236    .96     6.77     14
 1990                   114,368    .98     6.70     16
 1989                   115,379   1.03     6.75     24
 10/7/87 to
 7/31/88                109,750    .99*    6.54*    47

 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (Unaudited)     28,177    .98*    6.30*    --
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                    28,050   1.00     6.08     12
 1993                    29,769   1.07     6.31     17
 10 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                 30,075    .93*    6.58*     3
 Year ended
 11/30/91                29,187    .92     6.84     14
 1 Mo. ended
 11/30/90                27,736    .80*    7.26*     1
 Year ended 10/31,
 1990                    27,564    .86     6.99     11
 1989                    28,177    .90     6.95     36
 4/20/88 to
 10/31/88                27,689    .94*    6.21*    21

** Total Investment Return on Market Value is the combination of reinvested
   dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, and changes
   in stock price per share. Total Return on Net Asset Value is the combination
   of reinvested dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if
   any, and changes in net asset value per share.
 +The amount shown reflects a distribution in excess of capital gains of $.0010
  to Acquiring Fund shareholders.

  The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund are closed-end, diversified
management investment companies. The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund were
organized as corporations under the laws of the State of Minnesota on July 14,
1987 and February 26, 1988, respectively. Each Fund is registered under the
1940 Act. In October 1987, the Acquiring Fund issued an aggregate of 11,000,000
shares in an initial public offering and commenced operations. In April 1988,
the Acquired Fund issued an aggregate of 2,300,000 shares in an initial public
offering and commenced operations.
  The following table sets forth the number of outstanding shares, and certain
other share information, of each Fund as of July 31, 1995.

                                                (3)                     (4)
                                           AMOUNT HELD BY       AMOUNT OUTSTANDING
     (1)                  (2)               FUND FOR ITS        EXCLUSIVE OF AMOUNT
--------------     -----------------       --------------       -------------------
 common stock         250,000,000               0                   11,903,229
 common stock         200,000,000               0                   2,516,018

  The Acquiring Fund shares are listed and trade on the NYSE under the symbol
NNY. The Acquired Fund shares are listed and trade on the AMEX under the symbol
  The following table sets forth the high and low sales prices for each Fund's
shares as reported on the consolidated transaction reporting system for the
periods indicated.

                                                     FUND      ACQUIRED FUND
                                                 ------------- -------------
                                                  HIGH   LOW    HIGH   LOW
                                                 ------ ------ ------ ------
   1993 First Quarter..........................  12 1/8 11 1/8 13 1/4 12 1/2
        Second Quarter.........................  11 7/8 11 1/4 13 1/8 12 1/2
        Third Quarter..........................  12     11 1/4 13 1/4 12 5/8
        Fourth Quarter.........................  11 5/8 11     13 1/8 12 1/8
   1994 First Quarter..........................  12     10 1/8 13     11 1/4
        Second Quarter.........................  11 3/8 10 1/8 12 1/8 10 3/8
        Third Quarter..........................  11 1/4 10 3/8 12 1/8 10 3/8
        Fourth Quarter.........................  10 3/4  9 7/8 11      9 3/4
   1995 First Quarter..........................  10 5/8 10 1/8 11 5/8 10
        Second Quarter.........................  11 1/4 10 1/4 11 3/4 10 3/4

  On July 31, 1995, the closing sale prices of the Acquiring Fund shares and
Acquired Fund shares were $11.125 and $11.50, respectively. These prices
represent a premium to net asset value of the Acquiring Fund of 6.66% and a
premium to net asset value of the Acquired Fund of 1.77%.
  During the period since the inception of the Funds, shares of both Funds have
generally traded at prices close to net asset value, with varying premiums or
discounts to net asset value being reflected in the market value of the shares
from time to time. As determined by the closing price at the end of each week,
prices for the Acquiring Fund shares have fluctuated between a maximum premium
of 11.24% and a maximum discount of 11.27% and for the Acquired Fund shares
have fluctuated between a maximum premium of 11.16% and a maximum discount of
9.49%. It is not possible to state whether shares of the combined Fund will
trade at a premium or discount to net asset value following the Reorganization,
or what the extent of any such premium or discount might be.
  Each Fund is a closed-end management investment company and as such its
shareholders will not have the right to cause the Fund to redeem their shares.
Instead, shares will trade in the open market at a price that will be a
function of several factors, including net asset value and yield. The Board of
each Fund has currently determined that, at least annually, in the event the
shares are then trading at a material discount from net asset value, it will
consider action that might be taken to reduce or eliminate such discount, which
may include the repurchase of shares in the open market or in private
transactions, the making of a tender offer for such Shares at net asset value,
or the conversion of the Fund to an open-end management investment company.
There can be no assurance, however, that either Fund's Board will decide to
take any of these actions, or that share repurchases or tender offers, if
undertaken will reduce market discount.

  If a Fund converted to an open-end management investment company, the shares
would no longer be listed on the NYSE, in the case of the Acquiring Fund, or
the AMEX, in the case of the Acquired Fund. In contrast to a closed-end
management investment company, shareholders of an open-end management
investment company may require the company to redeem their shares at any time
(except in certain circumstances as authorized by or under the 1940 Act) at
their net asset value, less such redemption charge, if any, as might be in
effect at the time of redemption. See "Proposal No. 1--The Reorganization--
Comparison of Rights of Holders of Shares of the Acquiring Fund and the
Acquired Fund" for a discussion of the voting requirements applicable to the
conversion of a Fund to an open-end management investment company. See the
Statement of Additional Information under "Repurchase of Fund Shares;
Conversion to Open-End Fund" for a further discussion of conversion to an open-
end management investment company.
  Before deciding whether to take any action in response to a discount from net
asset value, the Board of each Fund would consider all relevant factors,
including the extent and duration of the discount, the liquidity of the Fund's
portfolio, the impact of any action that might be taken on the Fund or its
shareholders and market considerations. Based on these considerations, even if
the Fund's shares should trade at a discount, the Board may determine that, in
the interest of the Fund and its shareholders, no action should be taken. See
the Statement of Additional Information under "Repurchase of Fund Shares;
Conversion to Open-End Fund" for a further discussion of possible action to
reduce or eliminate such discount to net asset value.
  The Custodian of the assets of each Fund and the transfer agent and dividend
disbursing agent with respect to each Fund's shares is U.S. Trust, a trust
company organized under the laws of New York, with its principal place of
business at 114 West 47th Street, New York, New York 10036 and its corporate
transfer office at 770 Broadway, New York, New York 10003.
  The following is based upon the advice of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz,
counsel to the Funds.
  The tax implications for Acquired Fund shareholders who will own Acquiring
Fund shares after the Reorganization will be substantially the same as the tax
implications currently applicable to such shareholders with respect to their
ownership of Acquired Fund Shares. The Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund
qualify under Subchapter M of the Code as regulated investment companies and
satisfy conditions which enable dividends on shares that are attributable to
interest on Municipal Obligations to be exempt from Federal income tax in the
hands of owners of such shares, subject to the possible application of the
alternative minimum tax.
  Each year each Fund distributes substantially all of its net tax-exempt
income from Municipal Obligations, any ordinary taxable income, recognized
market discount and net realized short-term capital gains, and net realized
long-term capital gains, if any. Although dividends generally will be treated
as distributed when paid, dividends declared in October, November or December,
payable to shareholders of record on a specified date in one of those months
and paid during the following January will be treated as having been
distributed by each Fund (and received by the shareholders) on December 31 of
the year declared. For most shareholders, the sale or other disposition of
shares of a Fund will generally result in capital gain or loss.
  Federal tax law imposes an alternative minimum tax with respect to both
corporations and individuals. Interest on certain Municipal Obligations, such
as bonds issued to make loans for housing purposes or to private entities (but
not to certain tax-exempt organizations such as universities and non-profit
hospitals) is included as an item of tax preference in determining the amount
of a taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income. To the extent that a Fund
receives income from Municipal Obligations subject to the Federal alternative
minimum tax, a portion of the dividends paid by it, although otherwise exempt
from Federal income tax, will be taxable to its shareholders to the extent that
their tax liability is determined under the alternative minimum tax. Each Fund
will annually supply a report indicating the percentage of that Fund's income
attributable to Municipal Obligations subject to the Federal alternative
minimum tax. In addition, for certain corporations, alternative minimum taxable
income is increased by 75% of the difference between an alternative measure of
income ("adjusted current earnings") and the amount otherwise determined to be
the alternative minimum taxable income. Interest on all Municipal Obligations,
and therefore all distributions by each Fund that would otherwise be tax-
exempt, is included in calculating a corporation's adjusted current earnings.

  The foregoing is a general, abbreviated summary. A more detailed summary of
the provisions of the Code and regulations thereunder appears in the Statement
of Additional Information. Shareholders are advised to consult their own tax
advisers for more detailed information concerning Federal income tax matters.
  The following is based upon the advice of Edwards & Angell, special New York
counsel to the Funds.
  Dividends paid by each Fund representing net interest received on New York
Municipal Obligations will be exempt from New York and New York City personal
income taxes. Any short-term and long term capital gain dividends will be
included in New York State and New York City taxable income as dividend income
and long-term capital gain, respectively, and are taxed at ordinary personal
income tax rates. Dividends paid by each Fund, including capital gain
distributions, will be taxable to corporate shareholders that are subject to
New York State franchise taxation or New York City general corporate taxation.
  The foregoing is a general, abbreviated summary of certain of the provisions
of New York statutes and administrative interpretations presently in effect
governing the taxation of shareholders of each Fund. The New York and New York
City tax information above assumes that each Fund qualifies as a regulated
investment company for Federal income tax purposes under Subchapter M of the
Code and that dividends paid by each Fund representing net interest received on
New York Municipal Obligations qualify as "exempt-interest dividends" under
Section 852(b)(5) of the Code. A more detailed summary of certain of the
provisions of New York Statutes and administrative interpretations governing
the taxation of shareholders of each Fund appears in the Statement of
Additional Information. Shareholders are advised to consult with their own tax
advisers for more detailed information concerning New York tax matters.
                                 LEGAL OPINIONS
  Certain legal matters in connection with the shares of the Acquiring Fund to
be issued pursuant to the Reorganization will be passed upon by Vedder, Price,
Kaufman & Kammholz, Chicago, Illinois. Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz will
rely as to certain matters of Minnesota law on the opinion of Dorsey & Whitney,
P.L.L.P., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Edwards & Angell, New York, New York, is
special New York counsel to the Funds.
  The financial statements of the Funds as of September 30, 1994 appearing in
this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus, have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP,
independent auditors, as set forth in their reports thereon appearing elsewhere
herein, and are included in reliance upon such reports given upon the authority
of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing. Ernst & Young LLP audits
and reports on the Funds' annual financial statements, reviews certain
regulatory reports and the Funds' Federal income tax returns, and performs
other professional accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services when engaged
to do so by the Funds.
                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
  To be considered for presentation at a Fund's Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held in 1996, a shareholder proposal must be received at the offices of
such Fund, 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, not later than June
1, 1996.
  Management of the Funds does not intend to present and does not have reason
to believe that others will present any items of business at the Annual
Meetings, except as described in this Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus.
However, if other matters are properly presented at the meetings for a vote,
the proxies will be voted upon such matters in accordance with the judgment of
the persons acting under the proxies.
  A list of shareholders of each Fund entitled to be present and to vote at
that Fund's Annual Meeting will be available at the offices of the Funds, 333
West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, for inspection by any shareholder of that
Fund during regular business hours for ten days prior to the date of the Annual

  Failure of a quorum to be present at either Fund's Annual Meeting will
necessitate adjournment and will subject such Fund to additional expense. The
persons named in the enclosed proxy may also move for an adjournment of the
meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies with respect to any of the
proposals if they determine that adjournment and further solicitation is
reasonable and in the best interests of the shareholders. Under each Fund's By-
Laws, an adjournment of a meeting requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of the shares present in person or represented by proxy at such meeting.
                                        James J. Wesolowski

                                                                         ANNEX A
of the first day of August, 1995, by and between Nuveen New York Municipal
Value Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Fund"), a Minnesota corporation, and Nuveen
New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Acquired
Fund" and, together with the Acquiring Fund, the "Funds"). Each of the Funds
maintains its principal place of business at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60606.
  This Agreement is intended to be, and is adopted as, a plan of reorganization
(the "Reorganization") pursuant to Section 368(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal Revenue Code"). The Reorganization will
consist of (a) the acquisition by the Acquiring Fund of substantially all of
the assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange solely for shares of common stock,
par value $.01 per share, of the Acquiring Fund ("Acquiring Fund Shares"), and
the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of substantially all of the liabilities of
the Acquired Fund; and (b) the pro rata distribution, after the Closing Date
hereinafter referred to, of such Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of
the Acquired Fund in liquidation of the Acquired Fund as provided herein, all
upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth in this Agreement.
  In consideration of the premises and of the covenants and agreements set
forth herein, the parties covenant and agree as follows:
 1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth and on the basis of
     the representations and warranties contained herein, the Acquired Fund
     agrees to sell, assign, transfer and deliver, as of the close of business
     on the Closing Date (the "Effective Time"), substantially all of its
     assets as set forth in paragraph 1.2 to the Acquiring Fund, free and
     clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as otherwise provided herein,
     and in exchange therefor the Acquiring Fund agrees (a) to assume
     substantially all of the liabilities, if any, of the Acquired Fund, as
     set forth in paragraph 1.3 and (b) to issue and deliver to the Acquired
     Fund, for distribution in accordance with paragraph 1.5 to the Acquired
     Fund's shareholders, the number of Acquiring Fund Shares having an
     aggregate net asset value equal to the value of the assets, less the
     liabilities, of the Acquired Fund so transferred, assigned and delivered,
     all determined in the manner and as of the date and time provided in
     paragraph 2. Such transactions shall take place at the closing provided
     for in paragraph 3.1 (the "Closing").
 1.2 Except as otherwise provided herein, as of the Effective Time, the
     Acquiring Fund shall acquire the assets of the Acquired Fund (consisting
     without limitation of all cash, cash equivalents, municipal obligations
     and other portfolio securities, receivables (including interest and
     dividends receivable) and any deferred or prepaid expenses shown as
     assets) as set forth in the respective Statement of Net Assets referred
     to in paragraph 7.3 as of the Closing Date. Notwithstanding the
     foregoing, the assets to be acquired will not include cash in the amount
     necessary to pay expenses of the Acquired Fund in connection with the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement, to pay the dividends and/or
     other distributions contemplated by paragraph 1.4 or held to pay
     shareholders exercising dissenters' rights under Minnesota law. The
     Acquired Fund has no plan or intent to sell or otherwise dispose of any
     of its assets, other than in the ordinary course of business.
 1.3 Except as otherwise provided herein, as of the Effective Time, the
     Acquiring Fund will assume from the Acquired Fund all debts, liabilities,
     obligations and duties of the Acquired Fund of whatever kind or nature,
     whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, arising in the
     ordinary course of business, whether or not determinable as of the
     Effective Time and whether or not specifically referred to in this
     Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Acquiring Fund will not
     assume the Acquired Fund's obligation to pay certain expenses incurred by
     the Acquiring Fund in connection with the transactions contemplated by
     this Agreement, to pay shareholders exercising dissenters' rights to the
     extent of the cash held for such purpose as contemplated by paragraph 1.2
     hereof or assume the Acquired Fund's obligation to pay the dividends
     and/or other distributions contemplated by paragraph 1.4; and further
     provided that the Acquired Fund
                                   Annex A-1

    agrees to utilize its best efforts to discharge all of its known debts,
    liabilities, obligations and duties (other than pursuant to paragraph
    1.4) prior to the Effective Time.
 1.4 Prior to the Effective Time, the Acquired Fund will declare a dividend
     and/or other distribution to be paid within 30 days after the Closing
     Date to its shareholders of record so that, upon such payment, it will
     have distributed all of its investment company taxable income (computed
     without regard to any deduction for dividends paid), net tax-exempt
     income and realized net capital gains, if any, through and including the
     Closing Date.
 1.5 On a date as soon after the Closing Date as is conveniently practicable
     (the "Liquidation Date"), the Acquired Fund will liquidate and
     distribute pro rata to its shareholders of record, determined as of the
     Effective Time, the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Acquired Fund
     pursuant to paragraph 1.1 (together with any dividends declared with
     respect thereto to holders of record as of a time after the Effective
     Time and prior to the Liquidation Date ("Interim Dividends")), in
     exchange for shares of the Acquired Fund held by the shareholders of
     such Fund. Such liquidation and distribution will be accomplished by
     opening accounts on the books of the Acquiring Fund in the names of the
     shareholders of the Acquired Fund and transferring to each account such
     shareholder's pro rata share of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by
     the Acquired Fund (rounded down to the nearest whole Share).
 1.6 After the Liquidation Date, each holder of an outstanding certificate or
     certificates representing shares of the Acquired Fund will be entitled
     to receive, upon surrender of his or her certificates, a certificate or
     certificates representing the number of Acquiring Fund Shares, and a
     check for cash in lieu of any fractional Acquiring Fund Share as
     provided by paragraph 1.7, distributable with respect to the shares of
     the Acquired Fund that are surrendered. No dividends or other
     distributions payable to the holders of record of the Acquiring Fund
     Shares as of a date on or after the Liquidation Date shall be paid to
     any shareholder holding certificates representing shares of the Acquired
     Fund ("Acquired Fund Share Certificates") as of the Closing Date until
     the Acquiring Fund is notified by the Acquired Fund's transfer agent
     that such shareholder has surrendered his or her outstanding Acquired
     Fund Share Certificates or, in the event of lost, stolen or destroyed
     Acquired Fund Share Certificates, posted adequate bond or submitted an
     affidavit of lost certificate, or both. The Acquired Fund will, at its
     expense, request its shareholders to surrender their outstanding
     Acquired Fund Share Certificates, post adequate bond and/or submit an
     affidavit of lost certificate, as the case may be. Upon the surrender of
     Acquired Fund Share Certificates (or, if applicable, after the posting
     of a bond and/or submission of an affidavit of lost certificate), there
     shall be paid to the shareholder in whose name the Acquiring Fund Shares
     shall be registered all dividends or other distributions that shall have
     become payable with respect to such Acquiring Fund Shares between the
     Liquidation Date and the time of such surrender. In no event shall the
     shareholder entitled to receive such dividends and distributions be
     entitled to receive interest thereon.
 1.7 No certificates or scrip representing fractional Acquiring Fund Shares
     shall be distributed upon the surrender for exchange of Acquired Fund
     Share Certificates. In lieu of distributing any such fractional
     Acquiring Fund Shares, the Acquired Fund's transfer agent shall, on
     behalf of all holders of fractional Acquiring Fund Shares, on or before
     the tenth business day following the Liquidation Date, aggregate all
     such fractional Acquiring Fund Shares and sell the resulting whole
     Acquiring Fund Shares on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE") for
     the accounts of such holders, and each such holder shall be entitled to
     receive his or her respective pro rata share of the net proceeds of such
     sale upon surrender of his or her Acquired Fund Share Certificates in
     accordance with paragraph 1.6.
 1.8 Any transfer taxes payable upon issuance of Acquiring Fund Shares in a
     name other than the registered holder of the Acquired Fund shares
     surrendered in exchange therefor on the books of the Acquired Fund as of
     that time shall be paid by the person to whom such Acquiring Fund Shares
     are to be issued as a condition to the registration of such transfer.
 1.9 Any reporting responsibility of the Acquired Fund with the Securities
     and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), the American Stock Exchange (the
     "AMEX"), or any state securities commission is and shall remain the
     responsibility of the Acquired Fund up to and including the Liquidation
 1.10 All books and records of the Acquired Fund, including all books and
      records required to be maintained under the Investment Company Act of
      1940, as amended (the "Investment Company Act"), and the rules and
      regulations thereunder, shall be available to the Acquiring Fund from
      and after the Closing Date and shall be turned over to the Acquiring
      Fund on or prior to the Liquidation Date.
 1.11 The Acquired Fund will apply to terminate its registration under the
      Investment Company Act promptly following the Liquidation Date and
      thereafter shall be dissolved.
                                   Annex A-2

 2.1 The value of the Acquired Fund's assets and liabilities to be acquired
     and assumed, respectively, by the Acquiring Fund shall be computed as of
     the Effective Time, using the valuation procedures set forth in the
     Funds' Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus (the "Joint Proxy Statement--
     Prospectus") to be used in connection with the Reorganization.
 2.2 The net asset value of an Acquiring Fund Share shall be computed as of
     the Effective Time by dividing the value of the Acquiring Fund's total
     assets, less liabilities by the number of Acquiring Fund Shares
     outstanding (excluding shares issuable pursuant to the Reorganization),
     using the valuation procedures set forth in the Joint Proxy Statement--
 2.3 The number of Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued in exchange for the
     Acquired Fund's net assets shall be calculated by dividing the net asset
     value of the Acquired Fund (determined in accordance with paragraph 2.1)
     by the net asset value of an Acquiring Fund Share (determined in
     accordance with paragraph 2.2).
 2.4 All computations of net asset value shall be made by or under the
     direction of United States Trust Company of New York ("U.S. Trust") in
     accordance with its regular practice as custodian of the Funds.
 3.1 The Closing Date shall be December 19, 1995 or such later date as the
     parties may agree in writing. All acts taking place at the Closing shall
     be deemed to take place simultaneously as of the Effective Time unless
     otherwise provided. The Closing shall be at the office of the Acquiring
     Fund or at such other place as the parties may agree.
 3.2 U.S. Trust, as custodian for the Acquired Fund, shall deliver to the
     Acquiring Fund at the Closing a certificate of an authorized officer
     stating that (a) the Acquired Fund's portfolio securities, cash and any
     other assets have been transferred in proper form to the Acquiring Fund
     on the Closing Date and (b) all necessary taxes, if any, have been paid,
     or provision for payment has been made, in conjunction with the delivery
     of portfolio securities.
 3.3 In the event that on the proposed Closing Date (a) the NYSE or AMEX is
     closed to trading or trading thereon is restricted or (b) trading or the
     reporting of trading on the NYSE or AMEX or elsewhere is disrupted so
     that accurate appraisal of the value of the net assets of the Acquired
     Fund or of the net asset value per Acquiring Fund Share is
     impracticable, the Closing Date shall be postponed until the first
     business day after the date when such trading shall have been fully
     resumed and such reporting shall have been restored.
 3.4 The Acquired Fund shall deliver to the Acquiring Fund on or prior to the
     Liquidation Date a list of the names and addresses of its shareholders
     and the number of outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund owned by each
     such shareholder (the "Shareholder Lists"), all as of the Effective
     Time, certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Acquired
     Fund. The Acquiring Fund shall issue and deliver to the Acquired Fund at
     the Closing a confirmation or other evidence satisfactory to the
     Acquired Fund that Acquiring Fund Shares have been or will be credited
     to the Acquired Fund's account on the books of the Acquiring Fund. At
     the Closing each party shall deliver to the other such bills of sale,
     checks, assignments, stock certificates, receipts and other documents as
     such other party or its counsel may reasonably request to effect the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
 4.1 The Acquired Fund represents and warrants as follows:
   4.1.1 The Acquired Fund is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
         and in good standing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and
         has the power to own all of its properties and assets and, subject
         to approval of the shareholders of the Acquired Fund, to carry out
         the Agreement.
   4.1.2 The Acquired Fund is a closed-end diversified management investment
         company duly registered under the Investment Company Act, and such
         registration is in full force and effect.
   4.1.3 The Acquired Fund is not, and the execution, delivery and
         performance of this Agreement will not result, in violation of any
         provision of the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the
         Acquired Fund or of any material agreement, indenture, instrument,
         contract, lease or other undertaking to which the Acquired Fund is
         a party or by which the Acquired Fund is bound.
                                   Annex A-3

   4.1.4 The Acquired Fund has no material contracts or other commitments
         (except this Agreement and the obligations to pay the dividends
         and/or distributions contemplated by paragraph 1.4) that will not
         be terminated on or prior to the Closing Date without any liability
         or penalty to the Acquired Fund or the Acquiring Fund.
   4.1.5 No material litigation or administrative proceeding or
         investigation of or before any court or governmental body is
         presently pending or, to the knowledge of the Acquired Fund,
         threatened against the Acquired Fund or any of its properties or
         assets. The Acquired Fund knows of no facts that might form the
         basis for the institution of such proceedings, and the Acquired
         Fund is not a party to or subject to the provisions of any order,
         decree or judgment of any court or governmental body that
         materially and adversely affects its business or its ability to
         consummate the transactions herein contemplated.
   4.1.6 The audited Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Operations,
         Statement of Changes in Net Assets, Financial Highlights and
         Portfolio of Investments of the Acquired Fund at September 30, 1994
         and for the period then ended and the unaudited statement of Net
         Assets, Statement of Operations, Statement of Changes in Net
         Assets, Financial Highlights and Portfolio of Investments of the
         Acquired Fund at March 31, 1995 and for the period then ended
         (copies of which have been furnished to the Acquiring Fund) have
         been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
         principles consistently applied and present fairly, in all material
         respects, the financial condition of the Acquired Fund as of such
         date, and there are no known material liabilities of the Acquired
         Fund (contingent or otherwise) not disclosed therein.
   4.1.7 Since March 31, 1995, there has not been any materially adverse
         change in the Acquired Fund's financial condition, assets,
         liabilities or business, other than changes occurring in the
         ordinary course of business, or any incurrence by the Acquired Fund
         of indebtedness maturing more than one year from the date such
         indebtedness was incurred, except as otherwise disclosed to and
         accepted by the Acquiring Fund. For the purposes of this paragraph
         4.1.7, a decline in net asset value or net asset value per share of
         the Acquired Fund as a result of changes in the value of
         investments held by the Acquired Fund or a distribution or payment
         of dividends shall not constitute a materially adverse change.
   4.1.8 All federal, state and other tax returns and reports of the
         Acquired Fund required by law to have been filed or furnished by
         the date hereof have been filed or furnished, and all federal,
         state and other taxes, interest and penalties shown as due on said
         returns and reports have been paid insofar as due, or provision has
         been made for the payment thereof, and, to the best of the Acquired
         Fund's knowledge, no such return is currently under audit and no
         assessment has been asserted with respect to such returns or
   4.1.9 Since it commenced operations, the Acquired Fund has met the
         requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code for
         qualification and treatment as a regulated investment company and
         intends to meet those requirements for the current taxable year.
   4.1.10 The authorized capital of the Acquired Fund consists of
          200,000,000 Acquired Fund shares of common stock. All issued and
          outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund are duly and validly
          issued and outstanding, fully paid and non-assessable. All issued
          and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund will, at the time of
          the Closing, be held by the persons and in the amounts set forth
          in the applicable Shareholder List submitted to the Acquiring Fund
          in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.4. The Acquired
          Fund does not have outstanding any options, warrants or other
          rights to subscribe for or purchase any shares of the Acquired
          Fund, nor is there outstanding any security convertible into
          shares of the Acquired Fund.
   4.1.11 At the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund will have good and
          marketable title to the assets to be transferred to the Acquiring
          Fund pursuant to paragraph 1.1 and full right, power and authority
          to sell, assign, transfer and deliver such assets hereunder free
          of any liens or other encumbrances, and, upon delivery and payment
          for such assets, the Acquiring Fund will acquire good and
          marketable title thereto.
   4.1.12 The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been
          duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Acquired Fund
          (including the determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the
          Investment Company Act) and by all necessary action, other than
          shareholder approval, on the part of the Acquired Fund, and,
          subject to shareholder approval, this Agreement constitutes a
          valid and binding obligation of the Acquired Fund.
                                   Annex A-4

   4.1.13 The information furnished and to be furnished by the Acquired Fund
          for use in applications for orders, registration statements, proxy
          materials and other documents which may be necessary in connection
          with the transactions contemplated hereby is, and shall be,
          accurate and complete in all material respects and is in
          compliance, and shall comply, in all material respects with
          applicable federal securities and other laws and regulations.
   4.1.14 On the effective date of the Registration Statement referred to in
          paragraph 5.5, at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Acquired
          Fund's shareholders and on the Closing Date, the Joint Proxy
          Statement--Prospectus (a) will comply in all material respects
          with the provisions and regulations of the Securities Act of 1933,
          as amended (the "1933 Act"), the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
          as amended (the "1934 Act"), and the Investment Company Act and
          the rules and regulations thereunder and (b) will not contain any
          untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
          fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
          statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they
          were made, not misleading; provided, however, that the
          representations and warranties in this paragraph 4.1.14 shall not
          apply to statements in or omissions from the Joint Proxy
          Statement--Prospectus made in reliance upon and in conformity with
          information furnished by the Acquiring Fund for use therein.
   4.1.15 No consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or
          governmental authority is required for the consummation by the
          Acquired Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
          except such as have been obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act
          and the Investment Company Act, and such as may be required under
          state securities laws.
   4.1.16 There are no brokers or finder's fees payable on behalf of the
          Acquired Fund in connection with the transactions provided for
 4.2 The Acquiring Fund represents and warrants as follows:
   4.2.1 The Acquiring Fund is a corporation duly organized, validly
         existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
         Minnesota and has the power to own all of its properties and assets
         and, subject to approval of the shareholders of the Acquiring Fund,
         to carry out the Agreement.
   4.2.2 The Acquiring Fund is a closed-end diversified management
         investment company duly registered under the Investment Company
         Act, and such registration is in full force and effect.
   4.2.3 The Acquiring Fund is not, and the execution, delivery and
         performance of this Agreement will not result, in violation of any
         provision of the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the
         Acquiring Fund or of any material agreement, indenture, instrument,
         contract, lease or other undertaking to which the Acquiring Fund is
         a party or by which the Acquiring Fund is bound.
   4.2.4 No material litigation or administrative proceeding or
         investigation of or before any court or governmental body is
         presently pending or, to the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund,
         threatened against the Acquiring Fund or any of its properties or
         assets. The Acquiring Fund knows of no facts that might form the
         basis for the institution of such proceedings, and the Acquiring
         Fund is not a party to or subject to the provisions of any order,
         decree or judgment of any court or governmental body that
         materially and adversely affects its business or its ability to
         consummate the transactions herein contemplated.
   4.2.5 The audited Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Operations,
         Statement of Changes in Net Assets, Financial Highlights and
         Portfolio of Investments of the Acquiring Fund at September 30,
         1994 and for the period then ended and the unaudited Statement of
         Net Assets, Statement of Operations, Statement of Changes in Net
         Assets, Financial Highlights and Portfolio of Investments of the
         Acquiring Fund March 31, 1995 and for the period then ended (copies
         of which have been furnished to the Acquired Fund) have been
         prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
         principles and present fairly, in all material respects, the
         financial condition of the Acquiring Fund as of such date, and
         there are no known material liabilities of the Acquiring Fund
         (contingent or otherwise) not disclosed therein.
   4.2.6 Since March 31, 1995, there has not been any materially adverse
         change in the Acquiring Fund's financial condition, assets,
         liabilities or business, other than changes occurring in the
         ordinary course of business, or any incurrence by the Acquiring
         Fund of indebtedness maturing more than one year from the date such
         indebtedness was incurred, except as otherwise disclosed to and
         accepted by the Acquired Fund. For the purposes of this paragraph
         4.2.6, a decline in net asset value or net asset value per
         Acquiring Fund Share as a result of changes in the value of
         investments held by the
                                   Annex A-5

        Acquiring Fund or a distribution or payment of dividends shall not
        constitute a materially adverse change.
   4.2.7 All federal, state and other tax returns and reports of the
         Acquiring Fund required by law to have been filed or furnished by
         the date hereof have been filed or furnished, and all federal,
         state and other taxes, interest and penalties shown as due on said
         returns and reports have been paid insofar as due, or provision has
         been made for the payment thereof, and, to the best of the
         Acquiring Fund's knowledge, no such return is currently under audit
         and no assessment has been asserted with respect to such returns or
   4.2.8 Since it commenced operations, the Acquiring Fund has met the
         requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code for
         qualification and treatment as a regulated investment company and
         intends to meet those requirements for the current taxable year.
   4.2.9 The authorized capital of the Acquiring Fund consists of
         250,000,000 Acquiring Fund Shares. All issued and outstanding
         Acquiring Fund Shares are, and all Acquiring Fund Shares to be
         issued in exchange for the net assets of the Acquired Funds
         pursuant to this Agreement will be when so issued, duly and validly
         issued and outstanding, fully paid and non-assessable. Except as
         contemplated by this Agreement, the Acquiring Fund does not have
         outstanding any options, warrants or other rights to subscribe for
         or purchase any Acquiring Fund Shares, nor is there outstanding any
         security convertible into any Acquiring Fund Shares.
   4.2.10 The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been
          duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Acquiring Fund
          (including the determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the
          Investment Company Act) and by all necessary action, other than
          shareholder approval, on the part of the Acquiring Fund, and,
          subject to shareholder approval, this Agreement constitutes a
          valid and binding obligation of the Acquiring Fund.
   4.2.11 The information furnished and to be furnished by the Acquiring
          Fund for use in applications for orders, registration statements,
          proxy materials and other documents which may be necessary in
          connection with the transactions contemplated hereby is, and shall
          be, accurate and complete in all material respects and is in
          compliance, and shall comply, in all material respects with
          applicable federal securities and other laws and regulations.
   4.2.12 On the effective date of the Registration Statement, at the time
          of the Annual Meeting of the Acquiring Fund shareholders and on
          the Closing Date, the Registration Statement and the Joint Proxy
          Statement--Prospectus (a) will comply in all material respects
          with the provisions of the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the
          Investment Company Act and the rules and regulations thereunder
          and (b) will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact
          or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
          necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the
          circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;
          provided, however, that the representations and warranties in this
          paragraph 4.2.12 shall not apply to statements in or omissions
          from the Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus and the Registration
          Statement made in reliance upon and in conformity with information
          furnished by the Acquired Fund for use therein.
   4.2.13 No consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or
          governmental authority is required for the consummation by the
          Acquiring Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
          except such as have been obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act
          and the Investment Company Act, and such as may be required under
          state securities laws.
   4.2.14 There are no brokers' or finders' fees payable on behalf of the
          Acquiring Fund in connection with the transactions provided for
 5.1 Except as may otherwise be required by paragraph 1.4, each Fund will
     operate its respective business in the ordinary course between the date
     hereof and the Closing Date, it being understood that the ordinary
     course of business will include declaring and paying customary dividends
     and other distributions.
 5.2 Each Fund will call a shareholders' meeting to consider and act upon
     this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein and to take all
     other action necessary to obtain approval of the transactions
     contemplated hereby.
 5.3 The Acquired Fund will assist the Acquiring Fund in obtaining such
     information as the Acquiring Fund reasonably requests concerning the
     beneficial ownership of the Acquired Fund's shares.
                                   Annex A-6

 5.4 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, each Fund will take or cause
     to be taken all action, and will do or cause to be done all things,
     reasonably necessary, proper or advisable to consummate and make
     effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
 5.5 Each Fund will prepare and file with the SEC the Joint Proxy Statement--
     Prospectus, and the Acquiring Fund will prepare and file with the SEC a
     registration statement on Form N-14 relating to the Acquiring Fund Shares
     to be issued hereunder (together with any amendments thereof and
     supplements thereto, the "Registration Statement"), in compliance with
     the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the Investment Company Act and the rules
     and regulations thereunder.
 5.6 Each Fund will, from time to time, as and when requested by the other
     Fund, execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered all such
     assignments and other instruments, and will take or cause to be taken
     such further action, as the other Fund may deem necessary or desirable in
     order to (a) vest in and confirm to the Acquiring Fund title to and
     possession of all the assets of the Acquired Fund to be sold, assigned,
     transferred and delivered to the Acquiring Fund pursuant to this
     Agreement, (b) vest in and confirm to the Acquired Fund title to and
     possession of all the Acquiring Fund Shares to be transferred to the
     Acquired Fund pursuant to this Agreement, (c) assume all of the Acquired
     Fund's liabilities in accordance with this Agreement, and (d) otherwise
     to carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement.
 5.7 The Acquiring Fund will use all reasonable efforts to obtain the
     approvals and authorizations required by the 1933 Act, the Investment
     Company Act and such of the state Blue Sky or securities laws as it may
     deem appropriate in order to continue its operations after the Closing
 5.8 The expenses incurred by the Funds in connection with this Agreement and
     the transactions contemplated hereby shall be allocated between the Funds
     in a fair and equitable manner based upon estimated savings to each Fund
     resulting from the transactions contemplated hereby, whether or not the
     transactions contemplated hereby are consummated.
  The obligations of the Acquired Fund to consummate the transactions provided
for herein shall, at its election, be subject to the performance by the
Acquiring Fund of all the obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or
before the Closing Date and the following further conditions.
 6.1 All representations and warranties of the Acquiring Fund contained in
     this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of
     the date hereof and, except as they may be affected by the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same
     force and effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date.
 6.2 The Acquiring Fund shall have delivered to the Acquired Fund a
     certificate executed in its name by the President or a Vice President of
     the Acquiring Fund, in form and substance satisfactory to the Acquired
     Fund and dated as of the Closing Date, to the effect that the
     representations and warranties of the Acquiring Fund in this Agreement
     are true and correct at and as of the Closing Date except as they may be
     affected by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and as to
     such other matters as the Acquired Fund shall reasonably request.
 6.3 The Acquired Fund shall have received an opinion from Vedder, Price,
     Kaufman & Kammholz, counsel to the Acquiring Fund, dated as of the
     Closing Date, to the effect that:
   6.3.1 The Acquiring Fund has been duly organized and is validly existing
         as a corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of
         Minnesota with requisite power and authority to own its properties
         and, to the knowledge of such counsel, to carry on its business as
         presently conducted;
   6.3.2 This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
         the Acquiring Fund and, assuming due authorization, execution and
         delivery of the Agreement by the Acquired Fund, constitutes a valid
         and binding obligation of the Acquiring Fund enforceable in
         accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency,
         fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium and similar laws of
         general applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights
         and to general equitable principles;
   6.3.3 The Acquiring Fund Shares to be distributed to shareholders of the
         Acquired Fund under this Agreement will, when issued in exchange
         for the net assets of the Acquired Fund as contemplated by this
         Agreement, be validly issued and outstanding and fully paid and
         non-assessable and free of preemptive rights;
                                   Annex A-7

   6.3.4 Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby violate (i)
         the Acquiring Fund's Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws or (ii)
         any federal law of the United States, the laws of the State of
         Illinois or the laws of the State of Minnesota applicable to the
         Acquiring Fund; provided, however, that such counsel may state that
         it expresses no opinion with respect to federal or state securities
         laws, other antifraud laws and fraudulent transfer laws; and
         provided, further that insofar as performance by the Acquiring Fund
         of its obligations under this Agreement is concerned such counsel
         may state that it expresses no opinion as to bankruptcy,
         insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws of general
         applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights;
   6.3.5 All regulatory consents, authorizations, approvals and filings
         required to be obtained or made by the Acquiring Fund under the
         federal laws of the United States, the laws of the State of
         Minnesota and state Blue Sky or securities laws for the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
         have been obtained or made;
   6.3.6 The Acquiring Fund has been registered with the SEC as an
         investment company and, to the knowledge of such counsel, no order
         has been issued or proceeding instituted to suspend such
         registration; and
   6.3.7 To the knowledge of such counsel, (a) no litigation or
         administrative proceeding or investigation of or before any court
         or governmental body is presently pending or threatened as to the
         Acquiring Fund or any of its properties or assets, and (b) the
         Acquiring Fund is not a party to or subject to the provision of any
         order, decree or judgment of any court or governmental body, which
         materially and adversely affects its business.
  The obligations of the Acquiring Fund to consummate the transactions provided
for herein with respect to the Acquired Fund shall, at its election, be subject
to the performance by the Acquired Fund of all the obligations to be performed
by it hereunder on or before the Closing Date and the following further
 7.1 All representations and warranties of the Acquired Fund contained in
     this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of
     the date hereof and, except as they may be affected by the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same
     force and effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date.
 7.2 The Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund a
     certificate executed in its name by the President or Vice President of
     the Acquired Fund, in form and substance satisfactory to the Acquiring
     Fund and dated as of the Closing Date, to the effect that the
     representations and warranties of the Acquired Fund in this Agreement
     are true and correct at and as of the Closing Date except as they may be
     affected by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and as to
     such other matters as the Acquiring Fund shall reasonably request.
 7.3 The Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund on the
     Closing Date a Statement of Net Assets, which Statement shall be
     prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
     consistently applied, together with a list of its portfolio securities
     showing the adjusted tax bases and holding periods of such securities as
     of the Closing Date, certified by the Treasurer of the Acquired Fund.
 7.4 On or immediately prior to the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall
     have declared the dividends and/or distributions contemplated by
     paragraph 1.4.
 7.5 The Acquiring Fund shall have received an opinion from Vedder, Price,
     Kaufman & Kammholz, counsel to the Acquired Fund, dated as of the
     Closing Date, to the effect that:
   7.5.1 The Acquired Fund has been duly organized and is validly existing
         as a corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of
         Minnesota with requisite power and authority to own its properties
         and, to the knowledge of such counsel, to carry on its business as
         presently conducted;
   7.5.2 This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
         the Acquired Fund and, assuming due authorization, execution and
         delivery of the Agreement by the Acquiring Fund, constitutes a
         valid and binding obligation of the Acquired Fund enforceable in
         accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency,
         fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium and similar laws of
         general applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights
         and to general equitable principles;
                                   Annex A-8

   7.5.3 Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby violate (i)
         the Acquired Fund's Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws or (ii)
         any federal law of the United States, the laws of the State of
         Illinois or the laws of the State of Minnesota applicable to the
         Acquired Fund; provided, however, that such counsel may state that
         it expresses no opinion with respect to federal or state securities
         laws, other antifraud laws and fraudulent transfer laws; and
         provided, further that insofar as performance by the Acquired Fund
         of its obligations under this Agreement is concerned such counsel
         may state that it expresses no opinion as to bankruptcy,
         insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws of general
         applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights;
   7.5.4 All regulatory consents, authorizations, approvals and filings
         required to be obtained or made by the Acquired Fund under the
         federal laws of the United States, the laws of the State of
         Minnesota and state Blue Sky or securities laws for the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
         have been obtained or made;
   7.5.5 The Acquired Fund has been registered with the SEC as an investment
         company, and, to the knowledge of such counsel, no order has been
         issued or proceeding instituted to suspend such registration; and
   7.5.6 To the knowledge of such counsel, (a) no litigation or
         administrative proceeding or investigation of or before any court
         or governmental body is presently pending or threatened as to the
         Acquired Fund or any of its properties or assets, and (b) the
         Acquired Fund is not a party to or subject to the provision of any
         order, decree or judgment of any court or governmental body, which
         materially and adversely affects its business.
  The obligations of each Fund hereunder are subject to the further conditions
that on or before the Closing Date:
 8.1 This Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein shall have been
     approved by the requisite votes of (a) the Board of Directors of the
     Acquiring Fund and the Board of Directors of the Acquired Fund,
     including as to the determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the
     Investment Company Act and (b) the holders of the outstanding shares of
     the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund in accordance with the
     provisions of the Acquiring Fund's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
     and the Acquired Fund's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and the
     requirements of the NYSE and AMEX as the case may be; each Fund shall
     have delivered certified copies of the resolutions evidencing such
     approvals to the other Fund; and the Acquiring Fund shall have given the
     Depository Trust Company or its successor, at least five business days
     notice of such approval.
 8.2 On the Closing Date no action, suit or other proceeding shall be pending
     before any court or governmental agency in which it is sought to
     restrain or prohibit, or obtain damages or other relief in connection
     with, this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein.
 8.3 All consents of other parties and all consents, orders and permits of
     federal, state and local regulatory authorities (including those of the
     SEC and of state Blue Sky or securities authorities, including "no-
     action" positions of such federal or state authorities) deemed necessary
     by the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund to permit consummation, in
     all material respects, of the transactions contemplated hereby shall
     have been obtained, except where failure to obtain any such consent,
     order or permit would not involve a risk of a materially adverse effect
     on the assets or properties of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund,
     provided that either party hereto may waive any part of this condition
     as to itself.
 8.4 The Registration Statement shall have become effective under the 1933
     Act, and no stop order suspending the effectiveness thereof shall have
     been issued, and, to the best knowledge of the Funds no investigation or
     proceeding under the 1933 Act for that purpose shall have been
     instituted or be pending, threatened or contemplated.
 8.5 The Funds shall have received an opinion of Vedder, Price, Kaufman &
     Kammholz satisfactory to the Funds and based on such reasonably
     requested representations and warranties as requested by counsel,
     substantially to the effect that, for federal income tax purposes:
   8.5.1 The acquisition by the Acquiring Fund of substantially all the
         assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange solely for Acquiring Fund
         Shares and the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of the
                                   Annex A-9

       Acquired Fund's liabilities, if any, followed by the distribution by
       the Acquired Fund of the Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of
       the Acquired Fund in exchange for their Acquired Fund shares in
       complete liquidation of the Acquired Fund, will constitute a
       "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the
       Internal Revenue Code, and the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund
       each will be "a party to a reorganization" within the meaning of
       Section 368(b) of the Internal Revenue Code;
   8.5.2 The Acquired Fund's shareholders will recognize no gain or loss
         upon the exchange of all of their Acquired Fund shares for
         Acquiring Fund Shares in complete liquidation of the Acquired Fund,
         except with respect to cash received for a fractional Acquiring
         Fund Share, if any;
   8.5.3 No gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquired Fund upon the
         transfer of substantially all its assets to the Acquiring Fund in
         exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption by the
         Acquiring Fund of the Acquired Fund's liabilities, if any, and with
         respect to the subsequent distribution of those Acquiring Fund
         Shares to the Acquired Fund shareholders in complete liquidation of
         the Acquired Fund;
   8.5.4 No gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquiring Fund upon the
         acquisition of substantially all the Acquired Fund's assets in
         exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption of the
         Acquired Fund's liabilities, if any;
   8.5.5 The basis of the assets acquired by the Acquiring Fund will be, in
         each instance, the same as the basis of those assets when held by
         the Acquired Fund immediately before the transfer, and the holding
         period of such assets acquired by the Acquiring Fund will include
         the holding period thereof when held by the Acquired Fund;
   8.5.6 The basis of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received by the
         Acquired Fund's shareholders upon liquidation of the Acquired Fund
         will be, in each instance, the same as the basis of the Acquired
         Fund shares surrendered in exchange therefor, decreased by any cash
         received and increased by the amount of gain recognized on the
         exchange; and
   8.5.7 The holding period of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received by
         the Acquired Fund's shareholders will include the period during
         which the Acquired Fund shares to be surrendered in exchange
         therefor were held, provided such Acquired Fund shares were held as
         capital assets by those shareholders on the date of the exchange.
 9.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Funds.
 9.2 The representations, warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement
     or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith
     shall survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective Time,
whether before or after approval of the shareholders of the Funds:
  10.1 By mutual agreement of the Funds;
  10.2 By either Fund, if a condition to the obligations of such Fund shall
       not have been met and it reasonably appears that it will not or cannot
       be met; or
  10.3 By either Fund, if the Closing shall not have occurred on or before
       March 31, 1996.
  In the event of any such termination, there shall be no liability for damages
on the part of either Fund (other than the liability of the Funds to pay
expenses pursuant to paragraph 5.8) or any Director or officer of either Fund.
  This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented only in writing by
the parties; provided, however, that following the shareholders' meetings
called by the Funds pursuant to paragraph 5.2, no such amendment may have the
effect of changing the provisions for determining the number of Acquiring Fund
Shares to be distributed to the Acquired Fund's shareholders under this
Agreement without their further approval and the further approval
                                   Annex A-10

of the Funds' Boards of Directors (including the determination required by Rule
17a-8(a) under the Investment Company Act), and provided further that nothing
contained in this paragraph 11 shall be construed as requiring additional
approval to amend this Agreement to change the Closing Date or the Effective
  Any notice, report, demand or other communication required or permitted by
any provision of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by hand
delivery, prepaid certified mail or overnight delivery service addressed to
John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606,
Attention: James J. Wesolowski.
  13.1 The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
       purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
       interpretation of this Agreement.
  13.2 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
       which will be deemed an original.
  13.3 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
       the laws of the State of Illinois.
  13.4 This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and
       their respective successors and assigns, and no assignment or transfer
       hereof or of any rights or obligations hereunder shall be made by
       either party without the written consent of the other party. Nothing
       herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer
       upon or give any person, firm or corporation other than the parties and
       their respective successors and assigns any rights or remedies under or
       by reason of this Agreement.
  13.5 All persons dealing with the Acquiring Fund must look solely to the
       property of the Acquiring Fund for the enforcement of any claims
       against the Acquiring Fund as neither the Directors, officers, agents
       or shareholders of the Acquiring Fund assume any personal liability for
       obligations entered into on behalf of the Acquiring Fund.
  13.6 All persons dealing with the Acquired Fund must look solely to the
       property of the Acquired Fund for the enforcement of any claims against
       the Acquired Fund as neither the Directors, officers, agents or
       shareholders of the Acquired Fund assume any personal liability for
       obligations entered into on behalf of the Acquired Fund.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has caused this Agreement to be
executed by the President or Vice President of each Fund.
INC.                                      FUND, INC.
    /s/ Timothy R. Schwertfeger               /s/ Timothy R. Schwertfeger
By: __________________________________    By: __________________________________
               President                                 President
                                   Annex A-11

                                                                         ANNEX B
  302A.471 RIGHTS OF DISSENTING SHAREHOLDERS.--Subdivision 1. Actions creating
rights. A shareholder of a corporation may dissent from, and obtain payment for
the fair value of the shareholder's shares in the event of, any of the
following corporate actions:
    (a) An amendment of the articles that materially and adversely affects
  the rights or preferences of the shares of the dissenting shareholder in
  that it:
      (1) alters or abolishes a preferential right of the shares;
      (2) creates, alters, or abolishes a right in respect of the redemption
    of the shares, including a provision respecting a sinking fund for the
    redemption or repurchase of the shares;
      (3) alters or abolishes a preemptive right of the holder of the shares
    to acquire shares, securities other than shares, or rights to purchase
    shares or securities other than shares;
      (4) excludes or limits the right of a shareholder to vote on a matter,
    or to cumulate votes, except as the right may be excluded or limited
    through the authorization or issuance of securities of an existing or
    new class or series with similar or different voting rights; except that
    an amendment to the articles of an issuing public corporation that
    provides that section 302A.671 does not apply to a control share
    acquisition does not give rise to the right to obtain payment under this
    (b) A sale, lease, transfer, or other disposition of all or substantially
  all of the property and assets of the corporation, but not including a
  transaction permitted without shareholder approval in section 302A.661,
  subdivision 1, or a disposition in dissolution described in section
  302A.725, subdivision 2, or a disposition pursuant to an order of a court,
  or a disposition for cash on terms requiring that all or substantially all
  of the net proceeds of disposition be distributed to the shareholders in
  accordance with their respective interests within one year after the date
  of disposition;
    (c) A plan of merger, whether under this chapter or under chapter 322B,
  to which the corporation is a party, except as provided in subdivision 3;
    (d) A plan of exchange, whether under this chapter or under chapter 322B,
  to which the corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be
  acquired by the acquiring corporation, if the shares of the shareholder are
  entitled to be voted on the plan; or
    (e) Any other corporate action taken pursuant to a shareholder vote with
  respect to which the articles, the bylaws, or a resolution approved by the
  board directs that dissenting shareholders may obtain payment for their
  Subdivision 2. Beneficial owners. (a) A shareholder shall not assert
dissenters' rights as to less than all of the shares registered in the name of
the shareholder, unless the shareholder dissents with respect to all the shares
that are beneficially owned by another person but registered in the name of the
shareholder and discloses the name and address of each beneficial owner on
whose behalf the shareholder dissents. In that event, the rights of the
dissenter shall be determined as if the shares as to which the shareholder has
dissented and the other shares were registered in the names of different
  (b) A beneficial owner of shares who is not the shareholder may assert
dissenters' rights with respect to shares held on behalf of the beneficial
owner, and shall be treated as a dissenting shareholder under the terms of this
section and section 302A.473, if the beneficial owner submits to the
corporation at the time of or before the assertion of the rights a written
consent of the shareholder.
  Subdivision 3. Rights not to apply. Unless the articles, the bylaws, or a
resolution approved by the board otherwise provide, the right to obtain payment
under this section does not apply to a shareholder of the surviving corporation
in a merger, if the shares of the shareholder are not entitled to be voted on
the merger.
  Subdivision 4. Other rights. The shareholders of a corporation who have a
right under this section to obtain payment for their shares do not have a right
at law or in equity to have a corporate action described in subdivision 1 set
aside or rescinded, except when the corporate action is fraudulent with regard
to the complaining shareholder or the corporation.
                                   Annex B-1

Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this
subdivision have the meanings given them.
  (b) "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter before
the corporate action referred to in section 302A.471, subdivision 1 or the
successor by merger of that issuer.
  (c) "Fair value of the shares" means the value of the shares of a corporation
immediately before the effective date of the corporate action referred to in
section 302A.471, subdivision 1.
  (d) "Interest" means interest commencing five days after the effective date
of the corporate action referred to in section 302A.471, subdivision 1 up to
and including the date of payment, calculated at the rate provided in section
549.09 for interest on verdicts and judgments.
  Subdivision 2. Notice of action. If a corporation calls a shareholder meeting
at which any action described in section 302A.471, subdivision 1 is to be voted
upon, the notice of the meeting shall inform each shareholder of the right to
dissent and shall include a copy of section 302A.471 and this section and a
brief description of the procedure to be followed under these sections.
  Subdivision 3. Notice of dissent. If a proposed action must be approved by
the shareholders, a shareholder who wishes to exercise dissenters' rights must
file with the corporation before the vote on the proposed action a written
notice of intent to demand the fair value of the shares owned by the
shareholder and must not vote the shares in favor of the proposed action.
  Subdivision 4. Notice of procedure; deposit of shares. (a) After the proposed
action has been approved by the board and, if necessary, the shareholders, the
corporation shall send to all shareholders who have complied with subdivision 3
and to all shareholders entitled to dissent if no shareholder vote was
required, a notice that contains:
    (1) The address to which a demand for payment and certificates of
  certificated shares must be sent in order to obtain payment and the date by
  which they must be received;
    (2) Any restrictions on transfer of uncertificated shares that will apply
  after the demand for payment is received;
    (3) A form to be used to certify the date on which the shareholder, or
  the beneficial owner on whose behalf the shareholder dissents, acquired the
  shares or an interest in them and to demand payment; and
    (4) A copy of section 302A.471 and this section and a brief description
  of the procedures to be followed under these sections.
  (b) In order to received the fair value of the shares, a dissenting
shareholder must demand payment and deposit certificated shares or comply with
any restrictions on transfer of uncertificated shares within 30 days after the
notice was given, but the dissenter retains all other rights of a shareholder
until the proposed action takes effect.
  Subdivision 5. Payment; return of shares. (a) After the corporate action
takes effect, or after the corporation receives a valid demand for payment,
whichever is later, the corporation shall remit to each dissenting shareholder
who has complied with subdivisions 3 and 4 the amount the corporation estimates
to be the fair value of the shares, plus interest, accompanied by:
    (1) the corporation's closing balance sheet and statement of income for a
  fiscal year ending not more than 16 months before the effective date of the
  corporate action, together with the latest available interim financial
    (2) an estimate by the corporation of the fair value of the shares and a
  brief description of the method used to reach the estimate; and
    (3) a copy of section 302A.471 and this section, and a brief description
  of the procedure to be followed in demanding supplemental payment.
  (b) The corporation may withhold the remittance described in paragraph (a)
from a person who was not a shareholder on the date the action dissented from
was first announced to the public or who is dissenting on behalf of a person
who was not a beneficial owner on that date. If the dissenter has complied with
subdivisions 3 and 4, the corporation shall forward to the dissenter the
materials described in paragraph (a), a statement of the reason for withholding
the remittance, and an offer to pay to the dissenter the amount listed in the
materials if the dissenter agrees to accept that amount in full satisfaction.
The dissenter may decline the offer and demand payment under subdivision 6.
Failure to do so entitles the dissenter only to the amount offered. If the
dissenter makes demand, subdivisions 7 and 8 apply.
                                   Annex B-2

  (c) If the corporation fails to remit payment within 60 days of the deposit
of certificates or the imposition of transfer restrictions on uncertificated
shares, it shall return all deposited certificates and cancel all transfer
restrictions. However, the corporation may again give notice under subdivision
4 and require deposit or restrict transfer at a later time.
  Subdivision 6. Supplemental payment; demand. If a dissenter believes that the
amount remitted under subdivision 5 is less than the fair value of the shares
plus interest, the dissenter may give written notice to the corporation of the
dissenter's own estimate of the fair value of the shares, plus interest, within
30 days after the corporation mails the remittance under subdivision 5, and
demand payment of the difference. Otherwise, a dissenter is entitled only to
the amount remitted by the corporation.
  Subdivision 7. Petition; determination. If the corporation receives a demand
under subdivision 6, it shall, within 60 days after receiving the demand,
either pay to the dissenter the amount demanded or agreed to by the dissenter
after discussion with the corporation or file in court a petition requesting
that the court determine the fair value of the shares, plus interest. The
petition shall be filed in the county in which the registered office of the
corporation is located, except that a surviving foreign corporation that
receives a demand relating to the shares of a constituent domestic corporation
shall file the petition in the county in this state in which the last
registered office of the constituent corporation was located. The petition
shall name as parties all dissenters who have demanded payment under
subdivision 6 and who have not reached agreement with the corporation. The
corporation shall, after filing the petition, serve all parties with a summons
and copy of the petition under the rules of civil procedure. Nonresidents of
this state may be served by registered or certified mail or by publication as
provided by law. Except as otherwise provided, the rules of civil procedure
apply to this proceeding. The jurisdiction of the court is plenary and
exclusive. The court may appoint appraisers, with powers and authorities the
court deems proper, to receive evidence on and recommend the amount of the fair
value of the shares. The court shall determine whether the shareholder or
shareholders in question have fully complied with the requirements of this
section, and shall determine the fair value of the shares, taking into account
any and all factors the court finds relevant, computed by any method or
combination of methods that the court, in its discretion, sees fit to use,
whether or not used by the corporation or by a dissenter. The fair value of the
shares as determined by the court is binding on all shareholders, wherever
located. A dissenter is entitled to judgment in cash for the amount by which
the fair value of the shares as determined by the court, plus interest, exceeds
the amount, if any, remitted under subdivision 5, but shall not be liable to
the corporation for the amount, if any, by which the amount, if any, remitted
to the dissenter under subdivision 5 exceeds the fair value of the shares as
determined by the court, plus interest.
  Subdivision 8. Costs; fees; expenses. (a) The court shall determine the costs
and expenses of a proceeding under subdivision 7, including the reasonable
expenses and compensation of any appraisers appointed by the court, and shall
assess those costs and expenses against the corporation, except that the court
may assess part or all of those costs and expenses against a dissenter whose
action in demanding payment under subdivision 6 is found to be arbitrary,
vexatious, or not in good faith.
  (b) If the court finds that the corporation has failed to comply
substantially with this section, the court may assess all fees and expenses of
any experts or attorneys as the court deems equitable. These fees and expenses
may also be assessed against a person who has acted arbitrarily, vexatiously,
or not in good faith in bringing the proceeding, and may be awarded to a party
injured by those actions.
  (c) The court may award, in its discretion, fees and expenses to an attorney
for the dissenters out of the amount awarded to the dissenters, if any.
                                   Annex B-3

                           NUVEEN NEW YORK MUNICIPAL
                                VALUE FUND, INC.
                           NUVEEN NEW YORK MUNICIPAL
                               INCOME FUND, INC.
                               SEPTEMBER   , 1995

+UNDER THE SECURITIES LAWS OF ANY SUCH STATE.                                  +
                  SUBJECT TO COMPLETION--DATED AUGUST 23, 1995
  This Statement of Additional Information relates to the shares of common
stock (the "Acquiring Fund Shares") to be issued by Nuveen New York Municipal
Value Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Fund") pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization and Liquidation dated as of August 1, 1995 (the "Agreement") by
and between the Acquiring Fund and Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc.
(the "Acquired Fund" and, together with the Acquiring Fund, the "Funds"),
providing for a reorganization (the "Reorganization") in which, among other
things, the Acquiring Fund would (a) acquire substantially all of the assets of
the Acquired Fund in exchange for newly issued Acquiring Fund Shares and (b)
assume substantially all of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund. This
Statement of Additional Information does not constitute a prospectus, but
should be read in conjunction with the Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus
relating to the Acquiring Fund Shares dated September   , 1995. This Statement
of Additional Information does not include all information that a shareholder
should consider before voting on the proposals contained in the Joint Proxy
Statement--Prospectus, and shareholders should obtain and read the Joint Proxy
Statement--Prospectus prior to voting. A copy of the Joint Proxy Statement--
Prospectus may be obtained without charge by mailing a written request to
either of the Funds, Attention: Administration, 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60606 or by calling (800) 257-8787.
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds............................ S-2
Certain Trading Strategies of the Funds.................................... S-14
Management of the Funds.................................................... S-16
Portfolio Transactions of the Funds........................................ S-18
Repurchase of Fund Shares; Conversion to Open-End Fund..................... S-19
Tax Matters Associated with Investment in the Funds........................ S-20
Index to Financial Statements.............................................. F-1
Index to Pro Forma Financial Statements.................................... P-1
Ratings of Investments (ANNEX A)........................................... A-1


  The Acquiring Fund's primary investment objective is to provide, through
investment in a professionally managed portfolio of tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, current interest income exempt from both Federal and New
York and New York City personal income taxes. A secondary objective of the
Acquiring Fund is to achieve enhancement of portfolio value through investments
in tax-exempt New York Municipal Obligations that, in the opinion of the Nuveen
Advisory Corp. (the "Adviser"), are underrated or represent municipal market
sectors that are undervalued. Underrated Municipal Obligations are those whose
ratings do not, in the Adviser's opinion, reflect their true value. Obligations
may be underrated because of the time that has elapsed since their most recent
rating, or because of positive factors that may not have been fully taken into
account by the rating agencies, or for other similar reasons. Undervalued
municipal market sectors, on the other hand, refers to Municipal Obligations of
particular types or purposes (e.g., hospital bonds, industrial revenue bonds,
or bonds issued by a particular municipal issuer) that, in the Adviser's
opinion, are worth more than the value assigned to them in the marketplace.
Obligations may be undervalued because there is a temporary excess of supply in
a particular market sector, or because of a general decline in the market price
of Municipal Obligations of a market sector for reasons that do not apply to
the particular Municipal Obligations that are considered undervalued. The
Acquiring Fund's investment in underrated or undervalued New York Municipal
Obligations will be based on the Adviser's belief that the prices of such
Obligations should ultimately reflect their true value. Under certain market
conditions, such underrated or undervalued Municipal Obligations may realize
market appreciation, while in a declining market such Municipal Obligations may
experience less market depreciation than other Municipal Obligations.
Accordingly, "enhancement of portfolio value" does not merely refer to market
appreciation of portfolio securities, and the Acquiring Fund does not suggest
that capital appreciation is itself an objective of the Fund. Instead, the
objective of enhancement of portfolio value is one of seeking to outperform the
market by prudent selection of Municipal Obligations, regardless of which
direction the market may move. A shareholder of the Acquiring Fund will receive
taxable income upon the sale of shares at an appreciated value or in the event
of capital gains distributions by the Fund.
  Except during temporary defensive periods, the Acquiring Fund will, as a
fundamental policy, invest 100% of its net assets in tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, of which 80% will be Municipal Obligations rated at the
time of purchase within the four highest grades (Baa or BBB or better) by
Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") or Standard & Poor's Corporation
("S&P"). Municipal Obligations rated Baa or BBB are considered "investment
grade" securities; Obligations rated Baa are considered medium grade
obligations which lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have
speculative characteristics as well, while Obligations rated BBB are regarded
as having an adequate capacity to pay principal and interest. A general
description of Moody's and S&P's ratings of Municipal Obligations is set forth
in Annex A hereto. The Acquiring Fund emphasizes investments in New York
Municipal Obligations with long-term maturities, but the degree of such
emphasis will depend upon market conditions existing at the time of investment.
  The Acquiring Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in unrated New York
Municipal Obligations or in New York Municipal Obligations rated lower than the
four highest grades, but no more than half of this amount (10% of the Fund's
net assets) will be invested in such lower rated New York Municipal
Obligations. To the extent it does so, there may be somewhat greater risk
because such unrated or lower rated Municipal Obligations, although generally
offering a higher current yield than higher rated securities, are generally
less liquid and involve a greater risk of non-payment of principal and interest
than higher rated securities. The Acquiring Fund will only invest in unrated
New York Municipal Obligations which, in the opinion of the Adviser, have
credit characteristics equivalent to Obligations rated Baa or BBB or better.
The Acquiring Fund will not invest in any rated New York Municipal Obligations
that are rated lower than Ba by Moody's or BB by S&P at the time of purchase.
  During temporary defensive periods (e.g., times when temporary imbalances of
supply and demand or other temporary dislocations in the tax-exempt bond market
adversely affect the price at which New York Municipal Obligations are
available), the Acquiring Fund may invest any percentage of its net assets in
taxable temporary investments, the income on which may be subject to New York
and New York City personal income taxes or to both Federal and New York and New
York City personal income taxes. The Acquiring Fund will invest only in
temporary investments which are U.S. Government securities or securities rated
within the two highest grades by Moody's or S&P (including tax-exempt
securities issued in states other than New York), and which mature within one
year from the date of purchase. Temporary investments of the Acquiring Fund may
also include repurchase agreements. The foregoing restrictions and other
limitations discussed herein will apply only at the time of purchase

of securities and will not be considered violated unless an excess or
deficiency occurs or exists immediately after and as a result of an acquisition
of securities.
  The Acquired Fund's investment objective is to provide, through investment in
a professionally managed portfolio of tax-exempt New York Municipal
Obligations, a high level of current interest income exempt from both Federal
and New York and New York City personal income taxes. The Acquired Fund has not
established any limit on the percentage of its portfolio that may be invested
in New York Municipal Obligations subject to the alternative minimum tax
provisions of Federal tax law, and a substantial portion of the income produced
by the Acquired Fund may be taxable under the alternative minimum tax. The
Acquired Fund therefore would not ordinarily be a suitable investment for
investors who are subject to the alternative minimum tax. The suitability of
the Acquired Fund for these investors will depend upon a comparison of the
yield likely to be provided from the Fund, from comparable tax-exempt
investments not subject to the alternative minimum tax, and from comparable
fully taxable investments in light of each such investor's tax position.
  Except during temporary defensive periods, the Acquired Fund will, as a
fundamental policy, invest 100% of its net assets in tax-exempt New York
Municipal Obligations, of which 75% will be Municipal Obligations rated at the
time of purchase within the four highest grades (Baa or BBB or better) by
Moody's or S&P, or unrated Municipal Obligations which, in the opinion of the
Adviser, have credit characteristics equivalent to, and will be of comparable
quality to, Obligations rated within the four highest grades by Moody's or S&P,
provided that the Acquired Fund may not invest more than 10% of its net assets
in such unrated Municipal Obligations. The Acquired Fund emphasizes investments
in New York Municipal Obligations with long-term maturities, but the degree of
such emphasis will depend upon market conditions existing at the time of
  The Acquired Fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in New York
Municipal Obligations rated Ba or B by Moody's or BB or B by S&P at the time of
purchase, or in unrated New York Municipal Obligations that, in the Adviser's
opinion, have credit characteristics equivalent to Obligations so rated,
provided that no more than 10% of the Fund's net assets may be invested in New
York Municipal Obligations rated B by Moody's or B by S&P, or their unrated
equivalents. To the extent the Acquired Fund invests in these lower rated New
York Municipal Obligations, there may be somewhat greater risk because such
lower rated securities, although generally offering a higher current yield than
higher rated securities, are generally less liquid and involve a greater risk
of non-payment of principal and interest than higher rated securities.
Securities rated B by S&P have a greater vulnerability to default but presently
have the capacity to meet interest and principal payments, while securities
rated B by Moody's generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment.
The Acquired Fund will not invest in any New York Municipal Obligations that
are not rated at least B by either Moody's or S&P.
  During temporary defensive periods (e.g., times when temporary imbalances of
supply and demand or other temporary dislocations in the tax-exempt bond market
adversely affect the price at which New York Municipal Obligations are
available), the Acquired Fund may invest any percentage of its net assets in
taxable temporary investments, income on which may be subject to New York and
New York City personal income taxes or to both federal and New York and New
York City personal income taxes. The Acquired Fund will invest only in
temporary investments which are U.S. Government securities or securities rated
within the two highest grades by Moody's or S&P (including tax-exempt
securities issued in states other than New York), and which mature within one
year from the date of purchase. Temporary investments of the Acquired Fund may
also include repurchase agreements. The foregoing restrictions and other
limitations discussed herein will apply only at the time of purchase of
securities and will not be considered violated unless an excess or deficiency
occurs or exists immediately after and as a result of an acquisition of
  "Municipal Obligations" are debt obligations issued by states, cities and
local authorities, and certain possessions and territories of the United
States, to obtain funds for various public purposes, including the construction
and maintenance of such public facilities as airports, bridges, highways,
housing, hospitals, mass transportation, schools, streets and water and sewer
works. Other public purposes for which Municipal Obligations may be issued
include the refinancing of outstanding obligations and the obtaining of funds
for general operating expenses and for loans to other public institutions and
facilities. In addition, certain industrial development, private activity and
pollution control bonds may be included within the term Municipal Obligations
if the interest paid thereon qualifies as exempt from regular Federal income
tax. The two principal classifications of Municipal

Obligations are "general obligation" and "revenue" bonds. General obligation
bonds are secured by the issuer's pledge of its full faith, credit and taxing
power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue bonds (e.g.,
industrial development bonds) are payable only from the revenues derived from a
particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds
of a special excise or other specific revenue source. Also included within the
general category of Municipal Obligations are participations in lease
obligations or installment purchase contract obligations of municipal
authorities or entities.
  Municipal Obligations also include participations in lease obligations or
installment purchase contract obligations (hereinafter collectively called
"Municipal Lease Obligations") of municipal authorities or entities. Although
Municipal Lease Obligations do not constitute general obligations of the
municipality for which the municipality's taxing power is pledged, a Municipal
Lease Obligation is ordinarily backed by the municipality's covenant to budget
for, appropriate and make the payments due under the Municipal Lease
Obligation. However, certain Municipal Lease Obligations contain "non-
appropriation" clauses which provide that the municipality has no obligation to
make lease or installment purchase payments in future years unless money is
appropriated for such purpose on a yearly basis. In the case of a "non-
appropriation" lease, a Fund's ability to recover under the lease in the event
of non-appropriation or default will be limited solely to the repossession of
the leased property, without recourse to the general credit of the lessee, and
disposition or releasing of the property might prove difficult. Each Fund seeks
to minimize these risks by not investing more than 5% of its total investment
assets in Municipal Lease Obligations that contain "non-appropriation" clauses,
and by only investing in those "non-appropriation" Municipal Lease Obligations
where (a) the nature of the leased equipment or property is such that its
ownership or use is essential to a governmental function of the municipality,
(b) the lease payments will commence amortization of principal at an early date
that results in an average life of seven years or less for the Municipal Lease
Obligation, (c) appropriate covenants will be obtained from the municipal
obligor prohibiting the substitution or purchase of similar equipment if lease
payments are not appropriated, (d) the lease obligor has maintained good market
acceptability in the past, (e) the investment is of a size that will be
attractive to institutional investors and (f) the underlying leased equipment
has elements of portability or use, or both, that enhance its marketability in
the event foreclosure on the underlying equipment were ever required.
  Certain Municipal Obligations may carry variable or floating rates of
interest whereby the rate of interest is not fixed but varies with changes in
specified market rates or indexes, such as a bank prime rate or a tax-exempt
money market index. The term Municipal Obligations also includes obligations,
such as tax-exempt notes, municipal commercial paper and Municipal Lease
Obligations, having relatively short-term maturities, although, as noted above,
each Fund emphasizes investments in Municipal Obligations with long-term
  The yields on Municipal Obligations are dependent on a variety of factors,
including the condition of the general money market and the Municipal
Obligation market, the size of a particular offering, the maturity of the
obligation and the rating of the issue. The ratings of Moody's and S&P
represent their opinions as to the quality of the Municipal Obligations which
they undertake to rate. It should be emphasized, however, that ratings are
general and are not absolute standards of quality. Consequently, Municipal
Obligations with the same maturity, coupon and rating may have different yields
while obligations of the same maturity and coupon with different ratings may
have the same yield. The market value of outstanding Municipal Obligations will
vary with changes in prevailing interest rate levels and as a result of
changing evaluations of the ability of their issuers to meet interest and
principal payments.
  Obligations of issuers of Municipal Obligations are subject to the provisions
of bankruptcy, insolvency and other laws affecting the rights and remedies of
creditors, such as the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, as amended. In addition,
the obligations of such issuers may become subject to laws enacted in the
future by Congress, state legislatures or referenda extending the time for
payment of principal or interest, or both, or imposing other constraints upon
enforcement of such obligations or upon municipalities to levy taxes. There is
also the possibility that, as a result of legislation or other conditions, the
power or ability of any issuer to pay, when due, the principal of and interest
on its Municipal Obligations may be materially affected.
  As described above, except to the extent a Fund invests in temporary
investments, it invests substantially all of its assets in New York Municipal
Obligations. Each Fund is therefore susceptible to political, economic or
regulatory factors affecting New York State and governmental bodies within New
York State. Some of the more significant events and conditions relating to the
financial situation in New York are summarized below. The following information
provides only a brief summary of the complex factors affecting the financial
situation in New

York, is derived from sources that are generally available to investors and
believed to be accurate. It is based on information drawn from official
statements and prospectuses issued by, and other information reported by, the
State of New York (the "State"), by its various public bodies (the "Agencies"),
and by other entities located within the State, including the City of New York
(the "City"), in connection with the issuance of their respective securities.
  There can be no assurance that current or future statewide or regional
economic difficulties, and the resulting impact on State or local government
finances generally, will not adversely affect the market value of New York
Municipal Obligations held in the portfolio of each Fund or the ability of
particular obligors to make timely payments of debt service on (or relating to)
those obligations.
  (1) The State: The State has historically been one of the wealthiest states
in the nation. For decades, however, the State economy has grown more slowly
than that of the nation as a whole, gradually eroding the State's relative
economic affluence. Statewide, urban centers have experienced significant
changes involving migration of the more affluent to the suburbs and an influx
of generally less affluent residents. Regionally, the older Northeast cities
have suffered because of the relative success that the South and the West have
had in attracting people and business. The City has also had to face greater
competition as other major cities have developed financial and business
capabilities which make them less dependent on the specialized services
traditionally available almost exclusively in the City.
  The State has for many years had a very high state and local tax burden
relative to other states. The burden of State and local taxation, in
combination with the many other causes of regional economic dislocation, has
contributed to the decisions of some businesses and individuals to relocate
outside, or not locate within, the State.
  Slowdown of Regional Economy. A national recession commenced in mid-1990. The
downturn continued throughout the State's 1990-91 fiscal year and was followed
by a period of weak economic growth during the 1991 calendar year. For calendar
year 1992, the national economy continued to recover, although at a rate below
all post-war recoveries. For calendar year 1993, the economy grew faster than
in 1992, but still at a very moderate rate, as compared to other recoveries.
Moderate economic growth continued in calendar year 1994. The State has
projected the rate of economic growth to slow within New York during 1995, as
the expansion of the national economy moderates. Economic recovery started
considerably later in the State than in the nation as a whole due in part to
the significant retrenchment in the banking and financial services industries,
downsizing by several major corporations, cutbacks in defense spending, and an
oversupply of office buildings. Many uncertainties exist in forecasts of both
the national and State economies and there can be no assurance that the State
economy will perform at a level sufficient to meet the State's projections of
receipts and disbursements.
  1995-96 Fiscal Year. The State Legislature enacted the State's 1994-95 fiscal
year budget on June 7, 1995, more than two months after the start of that
fiscal year. The budget provides for a balanced general fund and receipts and
disbursements of $33.1 billion and $33.0 billion, respectively. The delay in
the enactment of the budget may negatively affect certain proposed actions and
reduce projected savings.
  The 1995-96 State Financial Plan provides for the closing of a projected $4.7
billion budget gap in the 1995-96 fiscal year by cost-containment savings in
social welfare programs, savings from State agency restructurings, savings from
reforms in some categories of local aid and new revenue measures.
  The State's budget and the Financial Plan for the 1995-96 fiscal year may be
impacted negatively by uncertainties relating to the economy and tax
collections, although recent signs of improvement in the national economy could
lead to short-term increases in State receipts.
  1994-1995 Fiscal Year. The State Legislature enacted the State's 1994-95
fiscal year budget on June 7, 1994, more than two months after the start of
that fiscal year. The State ended its 1994-95 fiscal year with a $158 million
general fund balance, based on general fund receipts and disbursements of $33.2
billion and $33.4 billion, respectively. While actual receipts during the
fiscal year were over $1 billion less than projected, reductions in
disbursements were effected so that the 1994-95 fiscal year budget remained
substantially balanced.
  Future Fiscal Years. There can be no assurance that the State will not face
substantial potential budget gaps in the future resulting from a significant
disparity between tax revenues projected from a lower recurring receipts base
and the spending required to maintain State programs at current levels. To
address any potential budgetary imbalance, the State may need to take
significant actions to align recurring receipts and disbursements.
  Indebtedness. As of March 31, 1995, the total amount of long-term State
general obligation debt authorized but unissued stood at $1.8 billion. As of
the same date, the State had approximately $5.2 billion in general obligation
bonds including $149 million of bond anticipation notes outstanding.

  The State projects that its borrowings for capital purposes during the
State's 1995-96 fiscal year will consist of $248 million in general obligation
bonds and bond anticipation notes and $186 million in general obligation
commercial paper. The Legislature has authorized the issuance of up to $47
million in certificates of participation in pools of leases for equipment and
real property to be utilized by State agencies. The projections of the State
regarding its borrowings for any fiscal year are subject to change if actual
receipts fall short of State projections or if other circumstances require.
  In June 1990, legislation was enacted creating the "New York Local Government
Assistance Corporation" ("LGAC"), a public benefit corporation empowered to
issue long-term obligations to fund certain payments to local governments
traditionally funded through the State's annual seasonal borrowing. As of June
1995, LGAC has issued its bonds to provide net proceeds of $4.7 billion. The
LGAC is authorized to provide net proceeds of $529 million, during the State's
1995-96 fiscal year.
  Financing of capital programs by other public authorities of the State is
also obtained from lease-purchase and contractual-obligation financing
arrangements, the debt service for which is paid from State appropriations. As
of March 31, 1995, there were $18.0 billion of such other financing
arrangements outstanding and additional financings of this nature by public
authorities are projected to total $2.7 billion during the 1995-96 fiscal year.
In addition, certain agencies had issued and outstanding approximately $7.0
billion of "moral obligation financings" as of March 31, 1995, which are to be
repaid from project revenues. While there has never been a default on moral
obligation debt of the State, the State would be required to make up any
shortfall in debt service.
  Ratings. The $850 million in TRANs issued by the State in April 1993 were
rated SP-1-Plus by S&P and MIG-1 by Moody's which represent the highest ratings
given by such agencies and the first time the State's TRANs have received these
ratings since its May 1989 TRANs issuance. Both agencies cited the State's
improved fiscal position as a significant factor in the upgrading of the April
1993 TRANs.
  Moody's rating of the State's general obligation bonds stood at A on February
28, 1994, and S&P's rating stood at A- with a positive outlook on February 28,
1994, an improvement from S&P's stable outlook from April 1993 through February
1994 and negative outlook prior to April 1993. Previously, Moody's lowered its
rating to A on June 6, 1990, its rating having been A1 since May 27, 1986. S&P
lowered its rating from A to A- on January 13, 1992. S&P's previous ratings
were A from March 1990 to January 1992, AA- from August 1987 to March 1990 and
A+ from November 1982 to August 1987.
  Moody's maintained its A rating and S&P continued its A- rating in connection
with the State's issuance of $537 million of its general obligation bonds in
March 1995.
  (2) The City and the Municipal Assistance Corporation ("MAC"): The City
accounts for approximately 40% of the State's population and personal income,
and the City's financial health affects the State in numerous ways.
  In response to the City's fiscal crisis in 1975, the State took a number of
steps to assist the City in returning to fiscal stability. Among other actions,
the State Legislature (i) created MAC to assist with long-term financing for
the City's short-term debt and other cash requirements and (ii) created the
State Financial Control Board (the "Control Board") to review and approve the
City's budgets and City four-year financial plans (the financial plans also
apply to certain City-related public agencies (the "Covered Organizations")).
  In recent years, the rate of economic growth in the City slowed substantially
as the City's economy entered a recession. While by some measures the City's
economy may have begun to recover, a number of factors, including poor
performance by the City's financial services companies, may prevent a
significant improvement in the City's economy and may in fact negatively impact
upon the City's finances by reducing tax receipts. The City Comptroller has
issued reports concluding that the recession of the City's economy may be
ending, but there is little prospect of any significant improvement in the near
  Fiscal Year 1996 and the 1996-1999 Financial Plan. The City adopted its
budget for the 1996 fiscal year on June 14, 1995 and submitted its 1996-1999
Financial Plan to the Control Board on July 11, 1995. The 1996 budget provides
for expenditures of $31.4 billion and includes $3.1 billion of deficit
reduction measures. These deficit reduction measures include a $400 million
reduction in mandated welfare and Medicaid expenditures from the State, a $1.2
billion reduction in expenditures by city agencies and the Board of Education
budget, $600 million in personnel related savings and other measures.

  The 1996-1999 Financial Plan (the "Plan") projects budget gaps of $888
million, $1.5 billion and $1.6 billion for the 1997, 1998 and 1999 fiscal
years, respectively. Gap closing measures in the Plan assume agreement with
City unions as to an additional $100 million of benefit savings and no wage
increases without productivity increases, $275 million of additional State and
federal aid in each year, savings by City hospitals to offset a $254 million
annual reduction in Medicaid revenues and unspecified agency expenditure
reductions in each year of between $388 million and $684 million, as well as
other savings.
  In late July 1995, both the Control Board and the City Controller criticized
the City's 1996 budget for relying on as much as $1 billion in savings over
which the City has no control. Both identified projected savings in education
expenses as of particular concern. The Control Board also noted the potential
for a deficit of as much as $400 million in the operating budgets of City
hospitals. The Control Board also reported budget risks of $2.1 billion, $2.8
billion and $2.8 billion in the 1997, 1998 and 1999 fiscal years, respectively.
At the same time the OSDC also questioned the City's 1996 budget, indicating
that the budget gap for the year was approximately $392 million because the
City had not yet achieved unspecified labor and other savings and that there
were additional budget risks of $409 million in fiscal year 1996.
  The City successfully negotiated concessions with a number of unions in order
to ensure that the fiscal year 1995 budget remained in balance. The Mayor has
indicated that to avoid additional lay-offs, higher than the number referred to
above, reductions will be necessary in the benefit plans of City employees to
close the budget gaps for fiscal years 1996 and thereafter. Union leadership
has publicly opposed such "givebacks". With respect to fiscal year 1995 the
City was also successful in obtaining additional funds and relief from certain
mandated expenditures from the State for various programs, including Medicaid.
However, the amount of gap closing measures requiring State action set forth in
the Plan is well in excess of proposed assistance to the City outlined in the
current State budget.
  The extended delay by the State in adopting its 1995-96 fiscal year budget
could negatively impact upon the City's financial condition and ability to
close budget gaps for fiscal years 1996 and thereafter.
  Given the foregoing factors, there can be no assurance that the City will
continue to maintain a balanced budget, or that it can maintain a balanced
budget without additional tax or other revenue increases or reductions in City
services, which could adversely affect the City's economic base.
  Pursuant to State law, the City prepares a four-year annual financial plan,
which is reviewed and revised on a quarterly basis and which includes the
City's capital, revenue and expense projections. The City is required to submit
its financial plans to review bodies, including the Control Board. If the City
were to experience certain adverse financial circumstances, including the
occurrence or the substantial likelihood and imminence of the occurrence of an
annual operating deficit of more than $100 million or the loss of access to the
public credit markets to satisfy the City's capital and seasonal financial
requirements, the Control Board would be required by State law to exercise
certain powers, including prior approval of City financial plans, proposed
borrowings and certain contracts.
  The City depends on the State for State aid both to enable the City to
balance its budget and to meet its cash requirements. If the State experiences
revenue shortfalls or spending increases beyond its projections during its
1995-96 fiscal year or subsequent years, such developments could result in
reductions in projected State aid to the City. In addition, there can be no
assurance that State budgets in the 1996-97 or future fiscal years will be
adopted by the April 1 statutory deadline and that there will not be adverse
effects on the City's cash flow and additional City expenditures as a result of
such delays.
  The City projections set forth in the Plan are based on various assumptions
and contingencies which are uncertain and which may not materialize. Changes in
major assumptions could significantly affect the City's ability to balance its
budget as required by State law and to meet its annual cash flow and financing
requirements. Such assumptions and contingencies include the timing of any
regional and local economic recovery, the absence of wage increases in excess
of the increases assumed in its financial plan, employment growth, provision of
State and Federal aid and mandate relief, State legislative approval of future
State budgets, levels of education expenditures as may be required by State
law, adoption of future City budgets by the New York City Council, and approval
by the Governor or the State Legislature and the cooperation of MAC with
respect to various other actions proposed in the Plan.

  The City's ability to maintain a balanced operating budget is dependant on
whether it can implement necessary service and personnel reduction programs
successfully. As discussed above, the City must identify additional expenditure
reductions and revenue sources to achieve balanced operating budgets for fiscal
years 1996 and thereafter. Any such proposed expenditure reductions will be
difficult to implement because of their size and the substantial expenditure
reductions already imposed on City operations in the past two years.
  Attaining a balanced budget is also dependent upon the City's ability to
market its securities successfully in the public credit markets. The City's
financing program for fiscal years 1996 through 1999 contemplates capital
spending of $13.6 billion, which will be financed through issuance of $9.3
billion of general obligation bonds and the balance through Water Authority
Revenue Bonds and Covered Organization obligations, and will be utilized
primarily to reconstruct and rehabilitate the City's infrastructure and
physical assets and to make capital investments. A significant portion of such
bond financing is used to reimburse the City's general fund for capital
expenditures already incurred. In addition, the City issues revenue and tax
anticipation notes to finance its seasonal working capital requirements. The
terms and success of projected public sales of City general obligation bonds
and notes will be subject to prevailing market conditions at the time of the
sale, and no assurance can be given that the credit markets will absorb the
projected amounts of public bond and note sales. In addition, future
developments concerning the City and public discussion of such developments,
the City's future financial needs and other issues may affect the market for
outstanding City general obligation bonds and notes. If the City were unable to
sell its general obligation bonds and notes, it would be prevented from meeting
is planned operating and capital expenditures.
  Fiscal Year 1995. New York City adopted its fiscal year 1995 budget on June
21, 1994, which provided for spending of $31.6 billion and closed a budget gap
of $2.3 billion. However, following adoption of the fiscal year 1995 budget,
additional unexpected budget gaps totaling approximately $2.0 billion were
identified. The widening of the budget gap for fiscal year 1995 resulted from
shortfalls in tax revenues and State and federal aid. As of July 21, 1995, the
City's modified projections for fiscal year 1995 forecast a balanced budget
with revenues and expenditures of $32.2 billion.
  Fiscal Years 1990 through 1994. The City achieved balanced operating results
as reported in accordance with GAAP for its fiscal years 1990 through 1994. The
City was required to close substantial budget gaps in these fiscal years to
maintain balanced operating results.
  The City is a defendant in a significant number of lawsuits. Such litigation
includes, but is not limited to, actions commenced and claims asserted against
the city arising out of alleged constitutional violations, torts, breaches of
contracts, and other violations of law and condemnation proceedings. While the
ultimate outcome and fiscal impact, if any, on the proceedings and claims are
not currently predictable, adverse determinations in certain of them might have
a material adverse effect upon the City's ability to carry out its financial
plan. As of June 30, 1994, the City estimated its potential future liability to
be $2.6 billion.
  On January 30, 1995, Robert L. Schulz and other defendants commenced a
federal district court action seeking among other matters to cancel the
issuance on January 31, 1995 of $659 million of City bonds. While the federal
courts have rejected requests for temporary restraining orders and expedited
appeals, the case is still pending. The City has indicated that it believes the
action to be without merit as it relates to the City and has moved to dismiss
any claims against it, but there can be no assurance as to the outcome of the
litigation and an adverse ruling or the granting of a permanent injunction
would have a negative impact on the City's financial condition and its ability
to fund its operations.
  Ratings. As of the date of this prospectus, Moody's rating of the City's
general obligation bonds stood at Baa1 and S&P's rating stood at BBB+. On
February 11, 1991, Moody's had lowered its rating from A. S&P's lowered its
rating from A- on July 10, 1995 after placing the City on "negative credit
watch" in January 1995.
  On March 13, 1995, Moody's confirmed its Baa1 rating in connection with a
scheduled March 1995 sale of $795 million of the City's general obligation
  In dropping the City's rating in July 1995, S&P's cited the "sluggish"
economy and the poor outlook for job growth, as well as the continued use of
"one-time measures" to close budget gaps. The lowered rating could increase the
City's borrowing costs by forcing it to offer higher interest rates on its
bonds thereby adding further pressures to the City's budget problems. In
addition, the lowered rating may prevent certain institutional investors from
purchasing the City's bonds reducing demand for future offerings, which could
also force the City to increase interest rates on its bonds.

  On October 12, 1993, Moody's increased its rating of the City's issuance of
$650 million of Tax Anticipation Notes ("TANs") to MIG-1 from MIG-2. Prior to
that date, on May 9, 1990, Moody's revised downward its rating on outstanding
City revenue anticipation notes from MIG-1 to MIG-2 and rated the $900 million
Notes then being sold MIG-2. S&P's rating of the October 1993 TANS issue
increased to SP-1 from SP-2. Prior to that date, on April 29, 1991, S&P revised
downward its rating on City revenue anticipation notes from SP-1 to SP-2.
  As of June 30, 1995, the City and MAC had, respectively, $23.2 billion and
$4.1 billion of outstanding net long-term indebtedness.
  (3) The State Agencies: Certain Agencies of the State have faced substantial
financial difficulties which could adversely affect the ability of such
Agencies to make payments of interest on, and principal amounts of, their
respective bonds. The difficulties have in certain instances caused the State
(under so-called "moral obligation" provisions which are non-binding statutory
provisions for State appropriations to maintain various debt service reserve
funds) to appropriate funds on behalf of the Agencies. Moreover, it is expected
that the problems faced by these Agencies will continue and will require
increasing amounts of State assistance in future years. Failure of the State to
appropriate necessary amounts or to take other action to permit those Agencies
having financial difficulties to meet their obligations could result in a
default by one or more of the Agencies. Such default, if it were to occur,
would be likely to have a significant adverse effect on investor confidence in,
and therefore the market price of, obligations of the defaulting Agencies. In
addition, any default in payment on any general obligation of any Agency whose
bonds contain a moral obligation provision could constitute a failure of
certain conditions that must be satisfied in connection with Federal guarantees
of City and MAC obligations and could thus jeopardize the City's long-term
financing plans.
  As of September 30, 1994, the State reported that there were eighteen
Agencies that each had outstanding debt of $100 million or more and an
aggregate of $70.3 billion of outstanding debt, some of which was state-
supported, state-related debt.
  (4) State Litigation: The State is a defendant in numerous legal proceedings
pertaining to matters incidental to the performance of routine governmental
operations. Such litigation includes, but is not limited to, claims asserted
against the State arising from alleged torts, alleged breaches of contracts,
condemnation proceedings and other alleged violations of State and Federal
laws. Included in the State's outstanding litigation are a number of cases
challenging the constitutionality or the adequacy and effectiveness of a
variety of significant social welfare programs primarily involving the State's
mental hygiene programs. Adverse judgments in these matters generally could
result in injunctive relief coupled with prospective changes in patient care
which could require substantial increased financing of the litigated programs
in the future.
  The State is also engaged in a variety of claims wherein significant monetary
damages are sought. Actions commenced by several Indian nations claim that
significant amounts of land were unconstitutionally taken from the Indians in
violation of various treaties and agreements during the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. The claimants seek recovery of approximately six million
acres of land as well as compensatory and punitive damages.
  The State has entered into a settlement agreement with Delaware,
Massachusetts and all other parties with respect to State of Delaware v. State
of New York, an action by Delaware and other states to recover unclaimed
property from New York-based brokers, which has escheated to the State pursuant
to its Abandoned Property Law. Annual payments under this settlement will be
made through the State's 2002-03 fiscal year in amounts not exceeding $48.4
million in any fiscal year subsequent to the State's 1994-95 fiscal year.
  In Schulz v. State of New York, commenced May 24, 1993 ("Schulz 1993"),
petitioners have challenged the constitutionality of mass transportation
bonding programs of the New York State Thruway Authority and the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority. On May 24, 1993, the Supreme Court, Albany County,
temporarily enjoined the State from implementing those bonding programs.
  Petitioners in Schulz asserted that issuance of bonds by the two Authorities
is subject to approval by statewide referendum. By decision dated October 21,
1993, the Appellate Division, Third Department, affirmed the order of the
Supreme Court, Albany County, granting the State's motion for summary judgment,
dismissing the complaint and vacating the temporary restraining order. On June
30, 1994, the Court of Appeals, the State's highest court, upheld the decisions
of the Supreme Court and Appellate Division in Schulz, Plaintiffs' motion for
reargument was denied by the Court of Appeals on September 1, 1994 and their
writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied on January 23, 1995.

  Adverse developments in the foregoing proceedings or new proceedings could
adversely affect the financial condition of the State in the future.
  (5) Other Municipalities: Certain localities in addition to New York City
could have financial problems leading to requests for additional State
assistance. The potential impact on the State of such actions by localities is
not included in projections of State receipts and expenditures in the State's
1995-96 fiscal years.
  Fiscal difficulties experienced by the City of Yonkers ("Yonkers") resulted
in the creation of the Financial Control Board for the City of Yonkers (the
"Yonkers Board") by the State in 1984. The Yonkers Board is charged with
oversight of the fiscal affairs of Yonkers. Future actions taken by the
Governor or the State Legislature to assist Yonkers could result in allocation
of State resources in amounts that cannot yet be determined.
  Municipalities and school districts have engaged in substantial short-term
and long-term borrowings. In 1993, the total indebtedness of all localities in
the State (other than New York City) was approximately $17.7 billion. State law
requires the Comptroller to review and make recommendations concerning the
budgets of those local government units other than New York City authorized by
State law to issue debt to finance deficits during the period that such deficit
financing is outstanding. Fifteen localities had outstanding indebtedness for
state financing at the close of their fiscal year ending in 1993.
  Certain proposed Federal expenditure reductions could reduce, or in some
cases eliminate, Federal funding of some local programs and accordingly might
impose substantial increased expenditure requirements on affected localities.
If the State, New York City or any of the Agencies were to suffer serious
financial difficulties jeopardizing their respective access to the public
credit markets, the marketability of notes and bonds issued by localities
within the State, including notes or bonds in the Funds, could be adversely
affected. Localities also face anticipated and potential problems resulting
from certain pending litigation, judicial decisions, and long-range economic
trends. The longer-range potential problems of declining urban population,
increasing expenditures, and other economic trends could adversely affect
localities and require increasing State assistance in the future.
  (6) Other Issuers of New York Municipal Obligations: There are a number of
other agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivisions of the State that
issue Municipal Obligations, some of which may be conduit revenue obligations
payable from payments from private borrowers. These entities are subject to
various economic risks and uncertainties, and the credit quality of the
securities issued by them may vary considerably from the credit quality of
obligations backed by the full faith and credit of the State.
  Neither Fund, as a fundamental policy, may, without the approval of the
holders of a "majority of the outstanding" shares:
    (1) Issue senior securities, as defined in the 1940 Act, except to the
  extent such issuance might be involved with respect to borrowings described
  under subparagraph (3) below or with respect to transactions involving
  futures contracts or the writing of options within the limits described
  under "Certain Trading Strategies of the Funds--Financial Futures and
  Options Transactions" below;
    (2) Make short sales of securities or purchase any securities on margin
  (except for such short-term credits as are necessary for the clearance of
  transactions), or write or purchase put or call options, except to the
  extent that the purchase of a standby commitment may be considered the
  purchase of a put, and except for transactions involving options within the
  limits described under "Certain Trading Strategies of the Funds--Financial
  Futures and Options Transactions" below;
    (3) Borrow money, except from banks for temporary or emergency purposes
  or for repurchase of its shares, and then only in an amount not exceeding
  one-third of the value of its total assets including the amount borrowed;
  while any such borrowings exceed 5% of its total assets, no additional
  purchases of investment securities will be made;
    (4) Underwrite any issue of securities, except to the extent that the
  purchase of Municipal Obligations in accordance with its investment
  objective(s), policies and limitations may be deemed to be an underwriting;
    (5) Invest more than 25% of its total assets in securities of issuers in
  any one industry; provided, however, that such limitation shall not apply
  to Municipal Obligations issued by governments or political subdivisions of
  governments (except, in the case of the Acquired Fund, this limitation
  shall apply to those Municipal Obligations backed only by the assets and
  revenues of non-governmental users) and obligations issued or guaranteed by
  the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities;

    (6) Purchase or sell real estate, but this shall not prevent it from
  investing in Municipal Obligations secured by real estate or interests
  therein or foreclosing upon and selling such security;
    (7) Purchase or sell commodities or commodities contracts, except for
  transactions involving futures contracts within the limits described under
  "Certain Trading Strategies of the Funds--Financial Futures and Options
  Transactions" below;
    (8) Make loans, other than by entering into repurchase agreements and
  through the purchase of Municipal Obligations or temporary investments in
  accordance with its investment objective(s), policies and limitations;
    (9) Invest in securities other than New York Municipal Obligations and
  temporary investments as described under "Investment Objectives and
  Policies of the Funds--Portfolio Investments" above;
    (10) Invest more than 5% of its total assets in securities of any one
  issuer, except that this limitation shall not apply to securities of the
  U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities or to the investment of
  25% of its total assets;
    (11) Pledge, mortgage or hypothecate its assets, except that, to secure
  borrowings permitted by subparagraph (3) above, it may pledge securities
  having a market value at the time of pledge not exceeding 20% of the value
  of its total assets;
    (12) Invest more than 10% of its total assets in repurchase agreements
  maturing in more than seven days; and
    (13) Purchase or retain the securities of any issuer other than its own
  securities if, to its knowledge, those of its directors or trustees, or
  those officers and directors of the Adviser, who individually own
  beneficially more than 1/2 of 1% of the outstanding securities of such
  issuer, together own beneficially more than 5% of such outstanding
For the purposes of the foregoing, "majority of the outstanding," when used
with respect to particular shares of a particular Fund, means (i) 67% or more
of the shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the
shares are present or represented by proxy, or (ii) more than 50% of the
shares, whichever is less.
  For the purpose of applying the limitation set forth in subparagraph (10)
above, an issuer shall be deemed a separate issuer when its assets and revenues
are separate from other governmental entities and its securities are backed
only by its assets and revenues. Similarly, in the case of a non-governmental
user, such as an industrial corporation or a privately owned or operated
hospital, if the security is backed only by the assets and revenues of the non-
governmental user then such non-governmental user would be deemed to be the
sole issuer. Where a security is also backed by the enforceable obligations of
a superior governmental entity, it shall be included in the computation of
securities owned that are issued by such superior governmental entity. If
however, a security is guaranteed by a governmental entity or some other
entity, such as a bank guarantee or letter of credit, such a guarantee or
letter of credit would be considered a separate security and would be treated
as an issue of such government, other entity or bank.
  In addition to the foregoing restrictions, neither Fund will, as a matter of
operating policy, (i) invest more than 5% of its total assets in unsecured
obligations of issuers which, together with their predecessors, have been in
operation for less than three years, (ii) invest for the purpose of exercising
control or management, or (iii) invest more than 10% of its total assets in
unmarketable securities (including repurchase agreements maturing in more than
seven days). In addition, the Acquired Fund will not invest more than 20% of
its total assets in securities which are not readily marketable. These policies
are not fundamental and may be changed by either Fund without shareholder
  The restrictions and other limitations set forth above will apply only at the
time of purchase of securities and will not be considered violated unless an
excess or deficiency occurs or exists immediately after and as a result of an
acquisition of securities.
  Portfolio trading will be undertaken to accomplish the investment objectives
of each Fund in relation to actual and anticipated movements in interest rates.
Each Fund may also engage to a limited extent in short-term trading consistent
with its investment objectives. Securities may be sold in anticipation of a
market decline (a rise in interest rates) or purchased in anticipation of a
market rise (a decline in interest rates) and later sold, but neither Fund will
engage in trading solely to recognize a gain. In addition, a security may be
sold and another of comparable quality purchased at approximately the same time
to take advantage of what the Adviser believes to be a temporary disparity in
the normal yield relationship between the two securities.

  Subject to the foregoing, each Fund will attempt to achieve its investment
objectives by prudent selection of New York Municipal Obligations with a view
to holding them for investment. While there can be no assurance thereof, each
Fund anticipates that its annual portfolio turnover rate will generally not
exceed 100%. However, the rate of turnover will not be a limiting factor when a
Fund deems it desirable to sell or purchase securities. Therefore, depending
upon market conditions, the annual portfolio turnover rate of each Fund may
exceed 100% in particular years.
  Each Fund may attempt to hedge its investment portfolio against market risk
by engaging in transactions in financial futures contracts, options on
financial futures or options that either are based on an index of long-term
Municipal Obligations (i.e,, those with remaining maturities averaging 20-30
years) or relate to debt securities whose prices are anticipated by the Adviser
to correlate with the prices of the Municipal Obligations owned by such Fund.
Neither Fund has any present intention to engage in such hedging transactions
and in no event does it expect that any material portion of its assets would be
so committed. To accomplish such hedging, a Fund may take an investment
position in a futures contract or in an option which is expected to move in the
opposite direction from the position being hedged. Hedging may be utilized to
reduce the risk that the value of securities owned by a Fund may decline on
account of an increase in interest rates and to hedge against increases in the
cost of the securities such Fund intends to purchase as a result of a decline
in interest rates. A Fund's use of futures and options for hedging purposes can
be expected to result in taxable income or gain to its shareholders. See "Tax
Matters Associated with Investment in the Funds."
  The sale of financial futures or the purchase of put options on financial
futures or on debt securities or indexes is a means of hedging against the risk
of rising interest rates, whereas the purchase of financial futures or of call
options on financial futures or on debt securities or indexes is a means of
hedging a Fund's portfolio against an increase in the price of securities such
Fund intends to purchase. Writing a call option on a futures contract or on
debt securities or indexes may serve as a hedge against a modest decline in
prices of Municipal Obligations held in a Fund's portfolio, and writing a put
option on a futures contract or on debt securities or indexes may serve as a
partial hedge against an increase in the value of Municipal Obligations a Fund
intends to acquire. The writing of such options provides a hedge to the extent
of the premium received in the writing transaction.
  Although certain risks are involved in futures and options transactions (as
discussed under "Risks of Futures and Options Transactions" below), because
these transactions will be engaged in by a Fund only for hedging purposes,
these futures and options portfolio strategies should not subject such Fund to
those risks frequently associated with speculation in futures or options
transactions. Regulations of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the
"CFTC") applicable to each Fund require that transactions in futures and
options on futures be engaged in only for bona fide hedging purposes or if the
aggregate initial margin deposits and premiums paid by such Fund do not exceed
5% of the market value of its assets. Neither Fund will purchase futures unless
it has segregated cash, government securities or high grade liquid debt equal
to the contract price of the futures less any margin on deposit, or unless the
long futures position is covered by the purchase of a put option. Neither Fund
will sell futures unless such Fund owns the instruments underlying the futures
or owns options on such instruments or owns a portfolio whose market price may
be expected to move in tandem with the market price of the instruments or index
underlying the futures. In addition, each Fund is subject to the Federal income
tax requirement that it derive less than 30% of its gross income from the gain
on the sale or other disposition of securities held for less than three months.
With respect to its engaging in transactions involving the purchase or writing
of put and call options on debt securities or indexes, neither Fund will
purchase such options if more than 5% of its assets would be invested in the
premiums for such options, and it will only write "covered" or "secured"
options, wherein the securities or cash required to be delivered upon exercise
are held by such Fund, with such cash being maintained in a segregated account.
These requirements and limitations may limit a Fund's ability to engage in
hedging transactions.
contract between a seller and a buyer for the sale and purchase of specified
property at a specified future date for a specified price. An option is a
contract that gives the holder of the option the right, but not the obligation,
to buy (in the case of a call option) specified property from, or to sell (in
the case of a put option) specified property to, the writer of the option for a
specified price during a specified period prior to the option's expiration.
Financial futures contracts and options cover specified debt securities (such
as U.S. Treasury securities) or indexes designed to correlate with price
movements in certain categories of debt securities. At least one exchange
trades futures contracts on an index designed to correlate with the long-term
municipal bond market. Financial futures contracts and options on financial
futures contracts are traded on exchanges regulated by the CFTC. Options on
certain financial instruments and financial indexes are traded on securities
markets regulated by the Commission. Although futures contracts and options on

specified financial instruments call for settlement by delivery of the
financial instruments covered by the contracts, in most cases positions in
these contracts are closed out in cash by entering into offsetting liquidating
or closing transactions. Index futures and options are designed for cash
settlement only.
  RISKS OF FUTURES AND OPTIONS TRANSACTIONS. There are certain risks associated
with the use of financial futures and options to hedge investment portfolios.
There may be an imperfect correlation between price movements of the futures
and options and price movements of the portfolio securities being hedged.
Losses may be incurred in hedging transactions, which could reduce the
portfolio gains that might have been realized if the hedging transactions had
not been entered into. The ability to close out positions in futures and
options depends upon the existence of a liquid secondary market, which may not
exist for all futures and options at all times. If a Fund engages in futures
transactions or in the writing of options on futures, it will be required to
maintain initial margin and maintenance margin and may be required to make
daily variation margin payments in accordance with applicable rules of the
exchanges and the CFTC. If a Fund purchases a financial futures contract or a
call option or writes a put option in order to hedge the anticipated purchase
of Municipal Obligations, and if such Fund fails to complete the anticipated
purchase transaction, such Fund may experience a loss or a gain on the futures
or options transaction that will not be offset by price movements in the
Municipal Obligations that were the subject of the anticipatory hedge. The cost
of put options on debt securities or indexes effectively increases the cost of
the securities subject to them, thereby reducing the yield otherwise available
from such securities. If a Fund decides to use futures contracts or options on
futures contracts for hedging purposes, such Fund will be required to establish
an account for such purposes with one or more CFTC-registered futures
commission merchants. A futures commission merchant could establish initial and
maintenance margin requirements for a Fund that are greater than those which
would otherwise be applicable to such Fund under applicable rules of the
exchanges and the CFTC.
  As temporary investments, a Fund may invest in repurchase agreements. A
repurchase agreement is a contractual agreement whereby the seller of
securities (U.S. government securities or Municipal Obligations) agrees to
repurchase the same security at a specified price on a future date agreed upon
by the parties. The agreed-upon repurchase price determines the yield during
such Fund's holding period. Repurchase agreements are considered to be loans
collateralized by the underlying security that is the subject of the repurchase
contract. Income generated from transactions in repurchase agreements by a Fund
is taxable to shareholders of that Fund. See "Tax Matters Associated with
Investment in the Funds." A Fund will enter into repurchase agreements only
with registered securities dealers or domestic banks that, in the opinion of
the Adviser, present minimal credit risk. The risk to a Fund is limited to the
ability of the issuer to pay the agreed-upon repurchase price on the delivery
date; however, although the value of the underlying collateral at the time the
transaction is entered into always equals or exceeds the agreed-upon repurchase
price, if the value of the collateral declines, there is a risk of loss of both
principal and interest. In the event of default, the collateral may be sold but
a Fund might incur a loss if the value of the collateral declines, and might
incur disposition costs or experience delays in connection with liquidating the
collateral. In addition, if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect
to the seller of the security, realization upon the collateral by a Fund may be
delayed or limited. The Adviser will monitor the value of the collateral at the
time the transaction is entered into and at all times subsequent during the
term of the repurchase agreement in an effort to determine that such value
always equals or exceeds the agreed-upon repurchase price. In the event the
value of the collateral declines below the repurchase price, the Adviser will
demand additional collateral from the issuer to increase the value of the
collateral to at least that of the repurchase price, including interest.
                            MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS
  The Management Agreements provide that the Adviser shall act as investment
adviser for each Fund, manage the Funds' respective investments, administer
their business affairs, provide office facilities and equipment and certain
clerical, bookkeeping and administrative services, and permit any of its
officers and employees to serve without compensation as directors and officers
of the Funds if elected to such positions. Under its respective Management
Agreement, each Fund has agreed to pay all other costs and expenses of its
operations, including the compensation of its directors (other than those
affiliated with the investment adviser), custodian, transfer, dividend
disbursing and service agent expenses, legal fees, expenses of independent
auditors, costs of acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities, expenses of
preparing, printing and distributing reports to shareholders and governmental
agencies, and taxes, if any.

  The Adviser is a wholly-owned subsidiary of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
("Nuveen"), located at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, the
oldest and largest investment banking firm specializing in the underwriting and
distribution of tax-exempt securities. Nuveen, which maintains the largest
research department of all investment banking firms devoted exclusively to
municipal securities, has issued over $34 billion of tax-exempt unit trusts
since 1961 and currently sponsors 76 management investment company portfolios
(including the Funds) with approximately $30 billion in tax-exempt securities
under management. Over 1,000,000 individuals have invested to date in Nuveen's
tax-exempt funds and trusts. Founded in 1898, Nuveen is a majority-owned
subsidiary of The John Nuveen Company, which, in turn, is approximately 75%
owned by The St. Paul Companies, Inc., 385 Washington Street, St. Paul,
Minnesota 55102, a management company of St. Paul, Minnesota, principally
engaged in providing property-liability insurance through subsidiaries. Nuveen
acted as co-managing underwriter for the Acquiring Fund in its initial public
offering of shares in October 1987, and for the Acquired Fund in its initial
public offering of shares in April and May 1988.
  Under the Management Agreement for the Acquiring Fund, the Acquiring Fund has
agreed to pay an annual management fee in an amount equal to the sum of .35% of
the average weekly net assets and 4.125% of the gross interest income of the
Acquiring Fund.
  Under the Management Agreement for the Acquired Fund, the Acquired Fund has
agreed to pay an annual management fee as follows:

                     MANAGEMENT FEE SCHEDULE
             AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS           RATE
             ------------------------           -----
             Up to $125 million................ .6500%
             $125 to $250 million.............. .6375
             $250 to $500 million.............. .6250
             $500 million to $1 billion........ .6125
             $1 billion to $2 billion.......... .6000
             $2 billion and over............... .5875

  The Acquiring Fund paid aggregate management fees of $800,465 for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1994, for an effective management fee rate of 0.64%.
The Acquired Fund paid aggregate management fees of $187,591 for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1994, for an effective management fee rate of 0.65%.
For the fiscal years ended September 30, 1993 and September 30, 1992, the
Acquiring Fund paid aggregate management fees of $798,249 and $132,134 (2
months) and the Acquired Fund paid aggregate management fees of $192,645 and
$141,710 (10 months).
  The names, addresses and principal occupations of the principal executive
officers and the directors of the Adviser are as follows:

NAME AND ADDRESS                                  PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS
----------------                                  ---------------------
Richard J. Franke........................ Chairman of the Board and Director,
Chairman of the Board and Director         John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
(Principal Executive Officer)
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Donald E. Sveen.......................... President and Director,
President and Director                     John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Anthony T. Dean.......................... Executive Vice President and Director,
Director                                   John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Timothy R. Schwertfeger.................. Executive Vice President and Director,
Director                                   John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606

  Messrs. Franke and Schwertfeger, directors of each Fund, are "interested
persons" of the Adviser. The remaining directors and nominees to the Board of
each Fund are not "interested persons" of the Adviser. The other officers of
the Funds are officers or employees of the Adviser. See also "Proposal No. 2--
Election of Directors of Each Fund" in the Joint Proxy Statement--Prospectus.

  The Adviser, in effecting purchases and sales of portfolio securities for the
account of each Fund, places orders in such manner as, in the opinion of the
Adviser's management, offers the best price and market for the execution of
each transaction. Portfolio securities are normally purchased directly from an
underwriter or in the over-the-counter market from the principal dealers in
such securities, unless it appears that a better price or execution may be
obtained elsewhere. Portfolio securities are not purchased from Nuveen or its
affiliates except in compliance with the 1940 Act.
  Generally, all portfolio transactions are effected on a principal (as opposed
to an agency) basis and, accordingly, the Funds have not paid and do not expect
to pay any brokerage commissions. Purchases from underwriters include a
commission or concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases
from dealers include the spread between the bid and asked price. Given the best
price and execution obtainable, it is the practice of each Fund to select
dealers which, in addition, furnish research information (primarily credit
analyses of issuers) and statistical and other services to the Adviser. It is
not possible to place a dollar value on information, statistical and other
services received from dealers. Since it is only supplementary to the Adviser's
own research efforts, the receipt of research information is not believed to
reduce significantly the Adviser's expenses. Any research benefits obtained are
available to all of the Adviser's other clients. While the Adviser is primarily
responsible for the placement of the business of each Fund, the policies and
practices of the Adviser in this regard must be consistent with the foregoing
and are at all times subject to review by the Board of each Fund.
  The Adviser reserves the right to, and does, manage other investment accounts
and investment companies for other clients which may have investment objectives
similar or identical to those of the Funds. Subject to applicable laws and
regulations, the Adviser will attempt to allocate equitably portfolio
transactions among each Fund and the portfolios of its other clients purchasing
or selling securities whenever decisions are made to purchase or sell
securities by a Fund or Funds and one or more of such other clients
simultaneously. In making such allocations, the main factors to be considered
will be the respective investment objectives of the Funds and such other
clients, the relative size of the portfolio holdings of the same or comparable
securities, the availability of cash for investment by a Fund and such other
clients, the size of investment commitments generally held by such Fund and
such other clients and opinions of the persons responsible for recommending
investments to such Fund and such other clients. While this procedure could
have a detrimental effect on the price or amount of the securities available to
a Fund from time to time, it is the opinion of the Board of each Fund that the
benefits available from the Adviser's organization will outweigh any
disadvantage that may arise from exposure to simultaneous transactions.
Notwithstanding the similarity of the investment objectives of the Funds with
those of other funds managed by the Adviser, each of these funds will be
separately managed and the composition of their investment portfolios will
differ. Accordingly, the investment performance of each of these funds will
likely not be the same.
  Under the 1940 Act, a Fund may not purchase portfolio securities from any
underwriting syndicate of which Nuveen is a member except under certain limited
conditions set forth in Rule 10f-3. The Rule sets forth requirements relating
to, among other things, the terms of an issue of Municipal Obligations
purchased by a Fund, the amount of Municipal Obligations which may be purchased
in any one issue and the assets of such Fund which may be invested in a
particular issue. In addition, purchases of securities made pursuant to the
terms of the Rule must be approved at least quarterly by the Board of a Fund,
including a majority of the members thereof who are not interested persons of
such Fund.
  For the fiscal years ended September 30, 1994, September 30, 1993 and
September 30, 1992, neither Fund paid any brokerage commissions.
  Each Fund is a closed-end investment company and as such its shareholders
will not have the right to cause such Fund to redeem their shares. Each Fund's
shares trade in the open market at a price that is a function of several
factors, including net asset value and yield. The shares of each Fund have
traded at both premiums and discounts to net asset value. The Board of each
Fund has currently determined that, at least annually, it will consider actions
that might be taken to reduce or eliminate any material discount from net asset
value in respect of such Fund's shares, which may include the repurchase of
such shares in the open market or in private transactions, the making of a
tender offer for such shares at net asset value or the conversion of such Fund
to an open-end investment company. There can be no assurance, however, that
either Fund's Board will decide to take any of

these actions, or that share repurchases or tender offers, if undertaken, will
reduce market discount. The staff of the Commission currently requires that any
tender offer made by a closed-end investment company for its shares must be at
a price equal to the net asset value of such shares on the close of business on
the last day of the tender offer. Any service fees incurred in connection with
any tender offer made by a Fund would be borne by that Fund and would not
reduce the stated consideration to be paid to tendering shareholders.
  Subject to its investment limitations, either Fund may borrow to finance the
repurchase of its shares or to make a tender offer. Interest on any borrowings
to finance share repurchase transactions or the accumulation of cash by either
Fund in anticipation of share repurchases or tenders will reduce that Fund's
net income. Any share repurchase, tender offer or borrowing that might be
approved by a Fund's Board would have to comply with the Exchange Act and the
1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.
  Although the decision to take action in response to a discount from net asset
value will be made by a Fund's Board at the time it considers such issue, it is
each Board's present policy, which may be changed by such Board, not to
authorize repurchases of such Fund's shares or a tender offer for such shares
if (a) such transactions, if consummated, would (i) result in the delisting of
such shares from the NYSE or the AMEX, as the case may be, or (ii) impair such
Fund's status as a regulated investment company under the Code (which would
make such Fund a taxable entity, causing its income to be taxed at the
corporate level in addition to the taxation of shareholders who receive
dividends from such Fund) or as a regulated closed-end investment company under
the 1940 Act; (b) such Fund would not be able to liquidate portfolio securities
in an orderly manner and consistent with its investment objectives and policies
in order to repurchase shares; or (c) there is, in such Board's judgment, any
(i) material legal action or proceeding instituted or threatened challenging
such transactions or otherwise materially adversely affecting such Fund, (ii)
general suspension of or limitation on prices for trading securities on the
NYSE or the AMEX, as the case may be, (iii) declaration of a banking moratorium
by Federal or state authorities or any suspension of payment by United States
or New York State banks in which such Fund invests, (iv) material limitation
affecting such Fund or the issuers of its portfolio securities by Federal or
State authorities on the extension of credit by lending institutions or on the
exchange of foreign currency, (v) commencement of war, armed hostilities or
other international or national calamity directly or indirectly involving the
United States, or (vi) other event or condition which would have a materially
adverse effect (including any adverse tax effect) on such Fund or its
shareholders if shares of such Fund were repurchased. The Board of each Fund
may in the future modify these conditions in light of experience.
  For each Fund, conversion to an open-end company would require the approval
of the holders of such Fund's outstanding shares. See "Proposal No. 1--The
Reorganization--Comparison of Rights of Holders of Shares of the Acquiring Fund
and the Acquired Fund" for a discussion of voting requirements applicable to
conversion of a Fund to an open-end company. In addition, such Fund would be
required to liquidate portfolio securities to meet required and requested
redemptions, and its shares would no longer be listed on the NYSE or the AMEX,
as the case may be. Shareholders of an open-end investment company may require
the company to redeem their shares at any time (except in certain circumstances
as authorized by or under the 1940 Act) at their net asset value, less such
redemption charge, if any, as might be in effect at the time of redemption. In
order to avoid maintaining large cash positions or liquidating favorable
investments to meet redemptions, open-end companies typically engage in a
continuous offering of their shares. Open-end companies are thus subject to
periodic asset in-flows and out-flows that can complicate portfolio management.
The Board of either Fund may at any time propose conversion of such Fund to an
open-end company depending upon its judgment as to the advisability of such
action in light of circumstances then prevailing.
  The repurchase by a Fund of its shares at prices below net asset value would
result in an increase in the net asset value of those shares that remain
outstanding. However, there can be no assurance that share repurchases or
tenders at or below net asset value would result in a Fund's shares trading at
a price equal to their net asset value. Nevertheless, the fact that a Fund's
shares may be the subject of repurchase or tender offers at net asset value
from time to time, or that a Fund may be converted to an open-end company, may
reduce any spread between market price and net asset value that might otherwise
exist. Shares that have been repurchased by a Fund will be retired
automatically and shall have the status of authorized but unissued shares.
  In addition, a purchase by a Fund of its shares will decrease that Fund's
total assets, which would likely have the effect of increasing such Fund's
expense ratio.
  Before deciding whether to take any action in response to a discount from net
asset value, a Fund's Board would consider all relevant factors, including the
extent and duration of the discount, the liquidity of such Fund's

portfolio, the impact of any action that might be taken on such Fund or its
shareholders and market considerations. Based on these considerations, even if
a Fund's shares should trade at a discount, such Fund's Board may determine
that, in the interest of such Fund and its shareholders, no action should be
  The following is based upon the advice of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz,
counsel to the Funds.
  The Federal income tax implications for Acquired Fund shareholders who will
own Acquiring Fund Shares after the Reorganization will be substantially the
same as the Federal income tax implications currently applicable to such
shareholders with respect to their ownership of Acquired Fund Shares. The
Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund each qualify under Subchapter M of the
Code as regulated investment companies and satisfy conditions which enable
dividends on shares that are attributable to interest on Municipal Obligations
to be exempt from Federal income tax in the hands of owners of such shares,
subject to the possible application of the alternative minimum tax.
  To qualify under Subchapter M for tax treatment as a regulated investment
company, each Fund must, among other things: (a) distribute to its shareholders
at least 90% of its investment company taxable income (as that term is defined
in the Code determined without regard to the deduction for dividends paid) and
90% of its net tax-exempt income; (b) derive less than 30% of its annual gross
income from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities, options,
futures, or forward contracts held for less than three months; and (c)
diversify its holdings so that, at the end of each fiscal quarter of such Fund
(i) at least 50% of the market value of such Fund's assets is represented by
cash, cash items, U.S. government securities and securities of other regulated
investment companies, and other securities, with these other securities
limited, with respect to any one issuer, to an amount not greater in value than
5% of such Fund's total assets, and to not more than 10% of the outstanding
voting securities of such issuer; and (ii) not more than 25% of the market
value of such Fund's assets is invested in the securities of any one issuer
(other than U.S. government securities or securities of other regulated
investment companies). In meeting these requirements of Subchapter M of the
Code, each Fund may be restricted in the selling of portfolio securities held
for less than three months and in the utilization of certain of the investment
techniques described under "Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds"
above. If in any year a Fund should fail to qualify under Subchapter M for tax
treatment as a regulated investment company, that Fund would incur a regular
Federal corporate income tax upon its taxable income for that year, and
distributions to its shareholders would be taxable to such holders as ordinary
income to the extent of the earnings and profits of such Fund. A regulated
investment company that fails to distribute, by the close of each calendar
year, an amount equal to the sum of 98% of its ordinary taxable income for such
year and 98% of its capital gain net income for the one year period ending
October 31 in such year, plus any shortfalls from the prior year's required
distribution, is liable for a 4% excise tax on the portion of the undistributed
amount of such income that is less than the required amount for such
distributions. To avoid the imposition of this excise tax, each Fund generally
makes the required distributions of its ordinary taxable income, if any, and
its capital gain net income, to the extent possible, by the close of each
calendar year.
  Each Fund intends to qualify to pay "exempt-interest" dividends on its shares
as defined under the Code. Under the Code, at the close of each quarter of its
taxable year, if at least 50% of the value of its total assets consists of
Municipal Obligations, each Fund shall be qualified to pay exempt-interest
dividends to its shareholders. Exempt-interest dividends are dividends or any
part thereof (other than a capital gain dividend) paid by each Fund which are
attributable to interest on Municipal Obligations and are so designated by the
Fund. Exempt-interest dividends will be exempt from Federal income tax, subject
to the possible application of the Federal alternative minimum tax. Insurance
proceeds received by each Fund under any insurance policies in respect of
scheduled interest payments on defaulted Municipal Obligations, as described
herein, will be excludable from Federal gross income under Section 103(a) of
the Code. In the case of non-appropriation by a political subdivision, however,
there can be no assurance that payments made by the issuer representing
interest on such "non-appropriation" Municipal Lease Obligations will be
excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. See "Investment
Objectives and Policies of the Funds--Municipal Obligations" above. Gains of a
Fund that are attributable to market discount on certain Municipal Obligations
acquired after April 30, 1993 are treated as ordinary income. Distributions to
shareholders by each Fund of net income received, if any, from taxable
temporary investments and net short-term capital gains, if any, realized by
such Fund will be taxable to its shareholders as ordinary income. Distributions
by each Fund of net capital gains, if any, are taxable as long-term capital

regardless of the length of time the shareholder has owned shares of such Fund
and regardless of whether the distribution is received in additional shares or
in cash. As long as a Fund qualifies as a regulated investment company under
the Code, no part of its distributions to shareholders will qualify for the
dividends-received deduction for corporations.
  The Code provides that interest on indebtedness incurred or continued to
purchase or carry a Fund's shares to which exempt-interest dividends are
allocated is not deductible. Under rules used by the IRS for determining when
borrowed funds are considered used for the purpose of purchasing or carrying
particular assets, the purchase or ownership of shares may be considered to
have been made with borrowed funds even though such funds are not directly used
for the purchase or ownership of such shares.
  The interest on private activity bonds in most instances is not Federally
tax-exempt to a person who is a "substantial user" of a facility financed by
such bonds or a "related person" of such "substantial user." As a result, a
Fund may not be an appropriate investment for shareholders who are considered
either a "substantial user" or a "related person" within the meaning of the
Code. In general, a "substantial user" of a facility includes a "non-exempt
person who regularly uses a part of such facility in his trade or business."
"Related persons" are in general defined to include persons among whom there
exists a relationship, either by family or business, which would result in a
disallowance of losses in transactions among them under various provisions of
the Code (or if they are members of the same controlled group of corporations
under the Code), including a partnership and each of its partners (and their
spouses and minor children), an S corporation and each of its shareholders (and
their spouses and minor children) and various combinations of these
relationships. The foregoing is not a complete statement of all of the
provisions of the Code covering the definitions of "substantial user" and
"related person."
  Nonresident alien individuals and certain foreign corporations and other
entities ("foreign investors") generally are subject to U.S. withholding tax at
the rate of 30% (or possibly a lower rate provided by an applicable tax treaty)
on distributions of taxable net investment income and net short-term capital
gains. To the extent received by foreign investors, exempt-interest dividends
and distributions of net long-term capital gains generally are exempt from U.S.
taxation. Different tax consequences may result if the owner is engaged in a
trade or business in the United States or is present in the United States for
more than 182 days during a taxable year.
  Although dividends generally will be treated as distributed when paid,
dividends declared in October, November or December, payable to shareholders of
record on a specified date in one of those months and paid during the following
January will be treated as having been distributed by each Fund (and received
by the shareholders) on December 31 of the year declared.
  The sale or other disposition of shares of a Fund will normally result in
capital gain or loss to shareholders. Generally, a shareholder's gain or loss
will be a long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one
year. Present law taxes both long-term and short-term capital gains of
corporations at the rates applicable to ordinary income. For non-corporate
taxpayers, however, under current law net capital gains will be taxed at a
maximum rate of 28%, while short-term capital gains and other ordinary income
will be taxed at a maximum rate of 39.6%. However, because of the limitations
on itemized deductions and the deduction for personal exemptions applicable to
higher income taxpayers, the effective rate of tax may be higher in certain
circumstances. Losses realized by a shareholder on the sale or exchange of
shares of a Fund held for six months or less are disallowed to the extent of
any distribution of exempt-interest dividends received with respect to such
shares, and, if not disallowed, such losses are treated as long-term capital
losses to the extent of any distribution of long-term capital gain received
with respect to such shares.
  Federal tax law imposes an alternative minimum tax with respect to both
corporations and individuals. Interest on certain Municipal Obligations, such
as bonds issued to make loans for housing purposes or to private entities (but
not to certain tax-exempt organizations such as universities and non-profit
hospitals) is included as an item of tax preference in determining the amount
of a taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income. To the extent that a Fund
receives income from Municipal Obligations subject to the Federal alternative
minimum tax, a portion of the dividends paid by it, although otherwise exempt
from Federal income tax, will be taxable to its shareholders to the extent that
their tax liability is determined under the alternative minimum tax. Each Fund
will annually supply a report indicating the percentage of that Fund's income
attributable to Municipal Obligations subject to the Federal alternative
minimum tax.
  In addition, for certain corporations, alternative minimum taxable income is
increased by 75% of the difference between an alternative measure of income
("adjusted current earnings") and the amount otherwise determined to be the
alternative minimum taxable income. Interest on all Municipal Obligations, and
therefore all distributions by each Fund that would otherwise be tax-exempt, is
included in calculating a corporation's adjusted current earnings.

  For taxable years beginning before 1996, the Code imposes a separate tax on
corporations (other than regulated investment companies such as the Funds) at a
rate of 0.12% on the excess of such corporation's "modified alternative minimum
taxable income" over $2,000,000. A portion of the tax-exempt interest,
including exempt-interest dividends from the Funds, is includable in modified
alternative minimum taxable income. This tax will be imposed even if the
corporation is not required to pay an alternative minimum tax because the
corporation's regular income tax liability exceeds its minimum tax liability.
  Tax-exempt income, including exempt-interest dividends paid by each Fund, is
taken into account in calculating the amount of social security and railroad
retirement benefits that may be subject to Federal income tax.
  Each Fund is required in certain circumstances to withhold 31% of taxable
dividends and certain other payments paid to non-corporate holders of that
Fund's shares who do not furnish to that Fund their correct taxpayer
identification number (in the case of individuals, their social security
number) and certain certifications, or who are otherwise subject to backup
  The Code provides that every shareholder required to file a tax return must
include for information purposes on such return the amount of tax-exempt
interest received during the taxable year, including any exempt-interest
dividends received from each Fund.
  The value of shares acquired pursuant to a Fund's Dividend Reinvestment Plan
will generally be excluded from gross income to the extent that the cash amount
reinvested would be excluded from gross income.
  The foregoing is a general, abbreviated summary of the provisions of the Code
and regulations thereunder presently in effect as they directly govern the
Federal income taxation of each Fund and its shareholders. These provisions are
subject to change by legislative or administrative action, and any such change
may be retroactive with respect to each Fund's transactions. Moreover, the
foregoing does not address many of the factors that may be determinative of
whether an investor will be liable for the alternative minimum tax.
Shareholders are advised to consult their own tax advisers for more detailed
information concerning Federal income tax matters.
  The following is based upon the advice of Edwards & Angell, special New York
counsel to the Funds.
  New York State (or New York City) Personal Income Taxation. Individual
shareholders of each Fund who are subject to New York State (or New York City)
personal income taxation will not be required to include in their New York
adjusted gross income that portion of their exempt-interest dividends (as
determined for Federal income tax purposes) which each Fund clearly identifies
as directly attributable to interest earned on Municipal Obligations which are
specifically exempted from personal income taxation in New York State (or New
York City), or interest earned on obligations of United States territories or
possessions to the extent interest earned on such obligations is exempt from
taxation by the states pursuant to Federal law. Distributions to individual
shareholders of the Fund of dividends derived from interest that does not
qualify as an exempt-interest dividend (as determined for Federal income tax
purposes), distributions of exempt-interest dividends (as determined for
Federal income tax purposes) which are derived from interest earned on
Municipal Obligations issued by governmental authorities in states other than
New York State and distributions derived from interest earned on Federal
obligations will be included in their New York adjusted gross income as
ordinary income.
  Distributions to individual shareholders of each Fund of capital gain
dividends (as determined for Federal income tax purposes) will be included in
their New York adjusted gross income as long-term capital gains. Distributions
to individual shareholders of each Fund of dividends derived from any net
income received from taxable temporary investments and any net short-term
capital gains realized by the Fund will be included in their New York adjusted
gross income as ordinary income. Present New York law taxes long-term capital
gains at the rates applicable to ordinary income.
  Gain or loss, if any, resulting from a sale or redemption of shares of a Fund
that is recognized by an individual shareholder of the Fund for Federal income
tax purposes will be recognized for purposes of New York State (or New York
City) personal income taxation.
  Other New York State (or New York City) Taxes. Generally, corporate
shareholders of each Fund which are subject to New York State franchise
taxation (or New York City general corporation taxation) will be taxed upon

their entire net income, business and investment capital, or at a flat rate
minimum tax. Entire net income will include dividends received from a Fund (as
determined for Federal income tax purposes), as well as any gain or loss
resulting from a sale or redemption of shares of a Fund. Investment capital
will include the corporate shareholder's shares of the Fund. Corporate
shareholders of each Fund, which are subject to the temporary metropolitan
transportation surcharge, will be required to pay a tax surcharge on the
franchise taxes imposed by New York State.
  Shareholders of each Fund will not be subject to New York City unincorporated
business taxation solely by reason of their ownership of shares of each Fund.
If a shareholder of a Fund is subject to the New York City unincorporated
business tax, income and gains derived from that Fund, as well as any gain
resulting from the sale or redemption of shares of the Fund, will be subject to
such tax, except for exempt-interest dividends (as determined for Federal
income tax purposes) which the Fund clearly identifies as directly attributable
to interest earned on New York Municipal Obligations.
  Shares of each Fund will be exempt from local property taxes in New York
State and New York City, but will be includable in the New York gross estate of
a deceased individual shareholder who is a resident of New York for purposes of
the New York Estate Tax.
  The foregoing is a general, abbreviated summary of certain of the provisions
of New York statutes and administrative interpretations presently in effect
governing the taxation of shareholders of each Fund. The New York State and New
York City tax information above assumes that each Fund qualifies as a regulated
investment company for Federal income tax purposes under Subchapter M of the
Code, and that amounts so designated by each Fund to its shareholders qualify
as "exempt-interest dividends" under Section 852(b)(5) of the Code. These
provisions are subject to change by legislative or administrative action, and
any such change may be retroactive with respect to Fund transactions.
Shareholders are advised to consult with their own tax advisers for more
detailed information concerning New York tax matters.

                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Unaudited Statements of Net Assets of the Funds............................  F-2
Unaudited Statements of Operations of the Funds............................  F-3
Unaudited Statements of Changes in Net Assets of the Funds.................  F-4
Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements of the Funds.......................  F-5
Unaudited Portfolio of Investments of the Acquiring Fund...................  F-9
Unaudited Portfolio of Investments of the Acquired Fund.................... F-12
Report of Independent Auditors of the Funds................................ F-15
Audited Statements of Net Assets of the Funds.............................. F-16
Audited Statements of Operations of the Funds.............................. F-17
Audited Statements of Changes in Net Assets of the Funds................... F-18
Notes to Audited Financial Statements of the Funds......................... F-19
Audited Portfolio of Investments of the Acquiring Fund..................... F-23
Audited Portfolio of Investments of the Acquired Fund...................... F-26


                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                            STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
                                 MARCH 31, 1995

                                                           NNY          NNM
                                                       ------------ -----------
Investments in municipal securities, at market value
 (note 1)............................................. $118,544,159 $26,693,499
Temporary investments in short-term municipal
 securities, at amortized cost
 (note 1).............................................      400,000         --
Cash..................................................       43,647      73,488
  Interest............................................    2,410,171     600,559
  Investments sold....................................    5,133,086   1,020,000
Other assets..........................................       20,019         --
                                                       ------------ -----------
    Total assets......................................  126,551,082  28,387,546
                                                       ------------ -----------
Payable for investments purchased.....................    2,779,916         --
Accrued expenses:
  Management fees (note 6)............................       66,960      15,495
  Other...............................................      113,389      48,333
Share dividends payable...............................      663,757     147,065
                                                       ------------ -----------
    Total liabilities.................................    3,624,022     210,893
                                                       ------------ -----------
Net assets (note 7)................................... $122,927,060 $28,176,653
                                                       ============ ===========
Shares outstanding....................................   11,852,801   2,513,939
                                                       ============ ===========
Net asset value per share outstanding (net assets
 divided by shares outstanding)....................... $      10.37 $     11.21
                                                       ============ ===========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                            STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                        SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1995

                                                             NNY         NNM
                                                          ----------  ----------
Interest income (note 1)................................  $4,415,187  $1,002,898
                                                          ----------  ----------
  Management fees (note 6)..............................     392,875      89,524
  Shareholders' servicing agent fees and expenses.......      25,861       4,479
  Custodian's fees and expenses.........................      22,906      17,952
  Directors' fees and expenses (note 6).................         633         548
  Professional fees.....................................       7,851      11,003
  Shareholders' reports--printing and mailing expenses..      15,090       5,504
  Stock exchange listing fees...........................      12,329       3,241
  Investor relations expense............................       3,867       1,786
  Other expenses........................................       3,577       1,530
                                                          ----------  ----------
    Total expenses......................................     484,989     135,567
                                                          ----------  ----------
      Net investment income.............................   3,930,198     867,331
                                                          ----------  ----------
Net realized gain from investment transactions (note 3).     116,211      20,000
Net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of
 investments............................................    (264,927)    101,715
                                                          ----------  ----------
      Net gain (loss) from investments..................    (148,716)    121,715
                                                          ----------  ----------
Net increase in net assets from operations..............  $3,781,482  $  989,046
                                                          ==========  ==========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS

                                     NNY                         NNM
                         ---------------------------  --------------------------
                         6 MONTHS ENDED               6 MONTHS ENDED
                            3/31/95      YEAR ENDED      3/31/95     YEAR ENDED
                          (UNAUDITED)     9/30/94      (UNAUDITED)     9/30/94
                         -------------- ------------  -------------- -----------
Net investment income..   $  3,930,198  $  7,722,232   $   867,331   $ 1,754,584
Net realized gain
 (loss) from investment
 transactions..........        116,211      (262,676)       20,000      (123,390)
Net change in
 appreciation or
 depreciation of
 investments...........       (264,927)   (6,594,626)      101,715    (1,777,178)
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
    Net increase
     (decrease) in net
     assets from
     operations........      3,781,482       864,930       989,046     (145,984)
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
From undistributed net
 investment income.....     (3,971,532)   (7,836,491)     (885,561)   (1,856,829)
From accumulated net
 realized gains from
 transactions..........            --       (176,312)          --            --
In excess of
 accumulated net
 realized gains from
 transactions..........        (11,813)          --            --            --
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
Decrease in net assets
 from distributions to
 shareholders..........     (3,983,345)   (8,012,803)     (885,561)   (1,856,829)
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
Net proceeds from
 shares issued to
 shareholders due to
 reinvestment of
 distributions from net
 investment income and
 from net realized
 gains from investment
 transactions..........        818,275     1,482,971        23,096       284,173
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
  Net increase in net
   assets derived from
   capital share
   transactions........        818,275     1,482,971        23,096       284,173
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
    Net increase
     (decrease) in net
     assets............        616,412    (5,664,902)      126,581    (1,718,640)
Net assets at beginning
 of period.............    122,310,648   127,975,550    28,050,072    29,768,712
                          ------------  ------------   -----------   -----------
Net assets at end of
 period................   $122,927,060  $122,310,648   $28,176,653   $28,050,072
                          ============  ============   ===========   ===========
Balance of
 undistributed net
 investment income at
 end of period.........   $    459,124  $    500,458   $    23,966   $    42,196
                          ============  ============   ===========   ===========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
  At March 31, 1995, the New York Funds (the "Funds") covered in this report
and their corresponding stock exchange symbols are Nuveen New York Municipal
Value Fund, Inc. (NNY) and Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc. (NNM).
NNY is traded on the New York Stock Exchange while NNM is traded on the
American Stock Exchange.
  The Funds are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as closed-
end, diversified management investment companies.
  The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the
Funds in the preparation of their financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles.
 Securities Valuation
  Portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available are
valued at the mean between the quoted bid and asked prices or the yield
equivalent. Portfolio securities for which market quotations are not readily
available are valued at fair value by consistent application of methods
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors. Temporary investments in
securities that have variable rate and demand features qualifying them as
short-term securities are traded and valued at amortized cost.
 Securities Transactions
  Securities transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains
and losses from such transactions are determined on the specific identification
method. Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis
may be settled a month or more after the transaction date. The securities so
purchased are subject to market fluctuation during this period. The Funds have
instructed the custodian to segregate assets in a separate account with a
current value at least equal to the amount of their purchase commitments. At
March 31, 1995, NNY had outstanding purchase commitments of $2,779,916 there
were no such purchase commitments in NNM.
 Interest Income
  Interest income is determined on the basis of interest accrued, adjusted for
amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts on long-term debt
securities when required for federal income tax purposes.
 Income Taxes
  The Funds intend to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code
applicable to regulated investment companies by distributing all of their net
investment income, in addition to any significant amounts of net realized gains
from investments, to shareholders. The Funds currently consider significant net
realized gains as amounts in excess of $.01 per Common share. Furthermore, each
Fund intends to satisfy conditions which will enable interest from municipal
securities, which is exempt from regular federal and New York State income
taxes, to retain such tax-exempt status when distributed to shareholders of the
 Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders
  Net investment income is declared as a dividend monthly and payment is made
or reinvestment is credited to shareholder accounts after month-end. Net
realized gains from securities transactions are distributed to shareholders not
less frequently than annually only to the extent they exceed available capital
loss carryovers.
  Distributions to shareholders of net investment income and net realized
capital gains are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount and timing of
such distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax
regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles.
Accordingly, temporary over-distributions as a result of these differences may
result and will be classified as either distributions in excess of net
investment income or distributions in excess of accumulated net realized
capital gains, if applicable.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
  Transactions in shares were as follows:

                                          NNY                       NNM
                               ------------------------- -------------------------
                               6 MONTHS ENDED YEAR ENDED 6 MONTHS ENDED YEAR ENDED
                                  3/31/95      9/30/94      3/31/95      9/30/94
                               -------------- ---------- -------------- ----------
      Shares issued to
       shareholders due to
       reinvestment of
       distributions from net
       investment income and
       from net realized gains
       from investment
       transactions...........     78,374      131,414       2,053        23,425
                                   ------      -------       -----        ------
      Net increase............     78,374      131,414       2,053        23,425
                                   ======      =======       =====        ======

  Purchases and sales (including maturities) of investments in municipal
securities and temporary municipal investments during the six months ended
March 31, 1995, were as follows:

                                                              NNY        NNM
                                                           ---------- ---------
      Investments in municipal securities................. $4,725,740 $     --
      Temporary municipal investments.....................  1,400,000   200,000
      Investments in municipal securities.................  5,143,086 1,020,000
      Temporary municipal investments.....................  2,600,000   300,000
                                                           ========== =========

  At March 31, 1995, the identified cost of investments owned for federal
income tax purposes was the same as the cost for financial reporting purposes
for each Fund.
  At September 30, 1994, the Funds' last fiscal year end, the following Funds
had unused capital loss carryovers available for federal income tax purposes to
be applied against future security gains, if any. If not applied, the
carryovers will expire as follows:

                                                                 NNY      NNM
                                                               -------- --------
      Expiration Year:
        2001.................................................. $    --  $ 59,477
        2002..................................................  262,676  123,390
        2003..................................................      --       --
                                                               -------- --------
      Total................................................... $262,676 $182,867
                                                               ======== ========

  On April 3, 1995, the Funds declared share dividend distributions from their
ordinary income which were paid May 1, 1995, to shareholders of record on April
15, 1995, as follows:

                                                                    NNY    NNM
                                                                   ------ ------
      Dividend per share.......................................... $.0560 $.0585
                                                                   ====== ======

  Gross unrealized appreciation and gross unrealized depreciation of
investments at March 31, 1995, were as follows:

                                                           NNY          NNM
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Gross unrealized:
        Appreciation.................................. $11,605,316  $ 1,728,552
        Depreciation..................................    (224,577)  (1,347,833)
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)...... $11,380,739  $   380,719
                                                       ===========  ===========


                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
  Under the Funds' investment management agreements with the Nuveen Advisory
Corp. (the "Adviser"), a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Nuveen Company,
each Fund pays to the Adviser an annual management fee, payable monthly, at the
rates set forth below, which are based upon the average daily net asset value
of each Fund:

      AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSET VALUE                                      NNY
      -----------------------------                                   ---------
      For the first $500,000,000..................................... .35% of 1%
      For the next $500,000,000...................................... .325 of 1
      For net assets over $1,000,000,000.............................   .3 of 1


      AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSET VALUE                                     NNM
      -----------------------------                                  ----------
      For the first $125,000,000....................................   .65 of 1%
      For the next $125,000,000..................................... .6375 of 1
      For the next $250,000,000.....................................  .625 of 1
      For the next $500,000,000..................................... .6125 of 1
      For the next $1,000,000,000...................................    .6 of 1
      For net assets over $2,000,000,000............................ .5875 of 1

  In addition, NNY pays to the Adviser an annual management fee, payable
monthly, based on gross interest income. The management fee in effect
throughout the period was as follows:

      GROSS INTEREST INCOME                                                NNY
      ---------------------                                               -----
      For the first $50,000,000.......................................... 4.125%
      For the next $50,000,000........................................... 4.000
      For income over $100,000,000....................................... 3.875

  The fee compensates the Adviser for overall investment advisory and
administrative services and general office facilities. The Funds pay no
compensation directly to those Directors who are affiliated with the Adviser or
to their officers, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the
Funds from the Adviser.
  At March 31, 1995, net assets consisted of:

                                                          NNY           NNM
                                                      ------------  -----------
      Shares, $.01 par value per share..............  $    118,528  $    25,139
      Paid-in surplus...............................   111,127,065   27,910,017
      Balance of undistributed net investment
       income.......................................       459,124       23,966
      Accumulated net realized gain (loss) from
       investment transactions......................      (146,583)    (163,188)
      Distributions in excess of accumulated net
       realized gains from investment transactions..       (11,813)         --
      Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of
       investments..................................    11,380,739      380,719
                                                      ------------  -----------
        Net assets..................................  $122,927,060  $28,176,653
                                                      ============  ===========
      Authorized shares.............................   250,000,000  200,000,000
                                                      ============  ===========


                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
  Each Fund invests in municipal securities which include general obligation,
escrowed and revenue bonds. At March 31, 1995, the revenue sources by municipal
purpose for these investments, expressed as a percent of total investments,
were as follows:

                                                                       NNY  NNM
                                                                       ---  ---
      Revenue Bonds:
        Pollution Control Facilities..................................  12%  22%
        Housing Facilities............................................  14   11
        Educational Facilities........................................   4    4
        Lease Rental Facilities.......................................  15   10
        Transportation................................................   3    4
        Health Care Facilities........................................   2   --
        Electric Utilities............................................   1   --
        Other.........................................................   6   16
      General Obligation Bonds........................................   6    4
      Escrowed Bonds..................................................  37   29
                                                                       ---  ---
                                                                       100% 100%
                                                                       ===  ===

  Certain long-term and intermediate-term investments owned by the Funds are
covered by insurance issued by several private insurers or are backed by an
escrow or trust containing U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency
securities, either of which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest
in the event of default (41% for NNY and 29% for NNM). Such insurance or
escrow, however, does not guarantee the market value of the municipal
securities or the value of any of the Fund's shares.
  Certain temporary investments in short-term municipal securities have credit
enhancements (letters of credit, guarantees or insurance) issued by third party
domestic or foreign banks or other institutions (33% for NNY).
  For additional information regarding each investment security, refer to the
Portfolio of Investments of each Fund.

                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1995

 PRINCIPAL                                    OPT. CALL                MARKET
 $1,000,000 New York Local Goverment
             Assistance Corporation,
             7.500%, 4/01/20 (Pre-
             refunded to 4/01/01).......       4/01 at 102    Aaa    $1,143,090
            New York State Certificates
             of Participation
             (Commissioner of Office of
             Mental Health):
  1,000,000 8.250%, 9/01/07.............       9/97 at 102   Baa1     1,106,270
  3,000,000 8.300%, 9/01/12.............       9/97 at 102   Baa1     3,192,990
  1,000,000 New York State Energy
             Research and Development
             Authority, Gas Facilities
             (The Brooklyn Union Gas
             Company), Alternative
             Minimum Tax, 5.600%,
             6/01/25....................       7/03 at 102    Aaa       915,930
  3,000,000 New York State Energy
             Research and Development
             Authority, Pollution
             Control (Central Hudson Gas
             and Electric Corporation),
             Alternative Minimum Tax,
             8.375%, 12/01/28...........      12/98 at 102     A3     3,267,900
  3,500,000 New York State Energy
             Research and Development
             Authority, Pollution
             Control (Rochester Gas and
             Electric Corporation),
             Alternative Minimum Tax,
             8.375%, 12/01/28...........      12/98 at 102   Baa1     3,841,005
  1,000,000 New York State Energy
             Research and Development
             Authority, Pollution
             Control (New York Electric
             and Gas Corporation),
             Alternative Minimum Tax,
             5.950%, 12/01/27...........      12/03 at 102   Baa1       885,400
  1,000,000 New York State Energy
             Research and Development
             Authority, Electric
             Facilities (Consolidated
             Edison Company),
             Alternative Minimum Tax,
             6.000%, 3/15/28............       3/03 at 102    Aaa       948,570
  1,425,000 New York State Environmental
             Facilities Corporation,
             Water Facilities (The New
             Rochelle Water Company
             Project), Alternative
             Minimum Tax,
             6.400%, 12/01/24...........       6/02 at 102     A3     1,398,851
  4,000,000 New York State Housing
             Finance Agency, Health
             Facilities (New York City),
             8.000%, 11/01/08...........      11/00 at 102   BBB+     4,432,000
  2,500,000 New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency,
             Hospital and Nursing Home
             Insured Mortgage (St.
             Vincent's Hospital),
             8.000%, 2/15/27 (Pre-
             refunded to 8/15/97).......       8/97 at 102    Aaa     2,723,575
  4,980,000 New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency,
             Hospital and Nursing Home
             Insured Mortgage (Albany
             Medical Center), 8.000%,
             2/15/28....................       8/98 at 102    AAA     5,500,908
  5,000,000 New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency,
             Hospital and Nursing Home,
             FHA-Insured (Catholic
             Medical Center), 8.300%,
             2/15/22 (Pre-refunded to
             2/15/98)...................       2/98 at 102    AAA     5,558,250
  5,250,000 New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency
             8.000%, 2/15/25 (Pre-
             refunded to 8/15/97) ......       8/97 at 102    Aaa     5,736,885
  1,800,000 New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency
             (Hospital and Nursing
             Home), 6.550%, 8/15/12 (DD)
             ...........................       8/02 at 102     AA     1,835,136
            New York State Medical Care
             Facilities Finance Agency,
             Mental Health Services:
  1,650,000  8.875%, 8/15/07 (Pre-
             refunded to 8/15/97).......       8/97 at 102    AAA     1,833,117
  1,850,000  8.875%, 8/15/07............       8/97 at 102   Baa1     2,012,504
  1,000,000  6.375%, 8/15/17............      12/02 at 102    Aaa     1,019,900
            New York State Mortgage
     20,000  9.750%, 10/01/10...........   4/95 at 102 1/2     Aa        20,607
    455,000  8.625%, 4/01/11............      10/95 at 102     Aa       471,967
  1,375,000  8.375%, 10/01/17...........       1/98 at 102     Aa     1,461,254
            New York State Mortgage
             Agency, Homeowner Mortgage,
             Alternative Minimum Tax:
  1,550,000  8.125%, 4/01/20............      10/97 at 102     Aa     1,641,776
    495,000  8.250%, 4/01/22............       4/99 at 102     Aa       520,210
  1,500,000  7.950%, 4/01/22............       6/00 at 102     Aa     1,580,010
  8,205,000  0.000%, 10/01/23...........    10/01 at 13/32     Aa       983,451
            New York State Urban
             Development Corporation
             (Correctional Facilities):
  1,500,000  8.000%, 1/01/16 (Pre-
             refunded to 1/01/96).......       1/96 at 102   Baa1     1,570,230
  1,500,000  7.000%, 1/01/16 (Pre-
             refunded to 1/01/96).......       1/96 at 102    Aaa     1,554,285
  2,000,000 New York State Urban
             Development Corporation
             (Center for Industrial
             Innovation), 7.000%,
             1/01/13....................       1/96 at 102   Baa1     2,044,160
  5,000,000 New York State Urban
             Development Corporation
             (Onondaga County Convention
             Center), 7.875% 1/01/20....       1/01 at 102   Baa1     5,439,150
  1,000,000 New York State Urban
             Development Corporation,
             State Facilities,
             7.500%, 4/01/20............       4/01 at 102   Baa1     1,072,970
  1,000,000 New York State Power
             Authority, General Purpose,
             8.000%, 1/01/17............       1/98 at 102    AA-     1,089,200



  PRINCIPAL                                 OPT. CALL
 $  1,000,000 Brookhaven Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility (St.
               Joseph's College),
               8.100%, 4/01/08........        4/98 at 102       A   $  1,098,500
    1,500,000 Cattaraugus County
               (Olean Office
               Facility), Certificates
               of Participation,
               8.500%, 8/01/09 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/01/98)...        8/98 at 102    BBB-      1,693,050
    4,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Judicial Facilities
               Lease, 7.375%, 7/01/16.       No Opt. Call     Aaa      4,774,400
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York
               (City University):
    5,000,000  8.125%, 7/01/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 7/01/97)...        7/97 at 102     Aaa      5,453,350
    1,000,000  5.750%, 7/01/18........       No Opt. Call    Baa1        928,630
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Educational Facilities
               (State University):
    1,000,000  7.400%, 5/15/01........        5/00 at 102    Baa1      1,086,710
    1,250,000  5.250%, 5/15/19........       No Opt. Call    Baa1      1,077,175
    1,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Court Facilities Lease,
               5.700%, 5/15/22........    5/03 at 101 1/2    Baa1        906,780
    5,000,000 Hempstead Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Resource Recovery
               (American Ref-Fuel
               Company), 7.375%,
               12/01/05...............       12/96 at 102      A-      5,172,000
    1,000,000 Metropolitan
               Authority, Transit
               Facilities, 5.500%,
               7/01/22 (DD)...........        7/02 at 100     Aaa        920,660
              New York City General
       25,000  6.300%, 8/01/03........    8/02 at 101 1/2     Aaa         26,595
    1,135,000  6.600%, 2/01/04........       No Opt. Call      A-      1,154,261
    2,500,000  8.125%, 11/01/06 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97)..   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,754,550
    2,500,000  8.500%, 11/01/11 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97)..   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,774,575
    2,500,000  7.000%, 2/01/15........        2/96 at 102      A-      2,518,950
    1,455,000 New York City Housing
               Development Corporation
               (South Bronx
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 8.100%, 9/01/23...        9/00 at 102      Aa      1,548,062
    1,000,000 New York City Housing
               Corporation, Multi-
               Family Mortgage (FHA-
               Insured), 6.550%,
               10/01/15...............        4/03 at 102     AAA      1,015,370
              New York City Municipal
               Water Finance
               Authority, Water and
               Sewer System:
    3,750,000  9.000%, 6/15/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 6/15/97)...        6/97 at 102     Aaa      4,157,175
    1,000,000  7.750%, 6/15/20 (Pre-
               refunded to 6/15/01)...    6/01 at 101 1/2     Aaa      1,150,890
    1,600,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility (YMCA of
               Greater New York),
               8.000%, 8/01/16........        8/01 at 102     N/R      1,691,216
    1,000,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency
               (American Airlines,
               Inc.), Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 8.000%,
               7/01/20................        1/99 at 102    Baa3      1,047,460
    1,955,000 Newark-Wayne Community
               Hospital, 7.600%,
               9/01/15................        9/03 at 102     N/R      1,974,374
    1,000,000 Port Authority of New
               York and New Jersey,
               Special Project,
               LaGuardia Airport
               Passenger Terminal
               (Delta Air Lines),
               6.950%, 6/01/08........        6/02 at 102     Ba1      1,006,590
    2,000,000 St. Lawrence County,
               Solid Waste Disposal
               Authority, 8.875%,
               1/01/08................        1/98 at 102     Baa      2,215,640
    2,000,000 Triborough Bridge and
               Tunnel Authority,
               General Purpose,
               8.125%, 1/01/12........        1/98 at 102      Aa      2,199,380
    1,275,000 Triborough Bridge and
               Tunnel Authority,
               Mortgage Recording Tax,
               8.000%, 1/01/18 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/98)...    1/98 at 101 1/2     Aaa      1,396,265
 $118,000,000 Total Investments-(cost
               $107,163,420)--96.4%...                               118,544,159
 $    400,000 New York City General
               Obligation, Variable
               Rate Demand Bonds,
               4.500%, 8/01/21+.......                     VMIG-1        400,000
              Other Assets Less
               Liabilities--3.3%......                                 3,982,901
              Net Assets--100%........                              $122,927,060



                 STANDARD &                           NUMBER                MARKET
                   POOR'S             MOODY'S        OF ISSUES MARKET VALUE PERCENT
SUMMARY OF                 AAA                   Aaa     20    $ 51,358,340    43%
RATINGS**         AA+, AA, AA-     Aa1, Aa, Aa2, Aa3     11      13,351,053    11
PORTFOLIO OF             A, A-             A, A2, A3      6      14,610,462    13
INVESTMENTS    BBB+, BBB, BBB- Baa1, Baa, Baa2, Baa3     17      34,552,124    29
(EXCLUDING        BB+, BB, BB-     Ba1, Ba, Ba2, Ba3      1       1,006,590     1
TEMPORARY            Non-rated             Non-rated      2       3,665,590     3
   TOTAL                                                 57    $118,544,159   100%

*Optional Call Provisions: Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest
optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying
prices at later dates.
**Ratings: Using the higher of Standard & Poor's or Moody's rating.
N/R--Investment is not rated.
(DD) Security purchased on a delayed delivery basis (note 1).
+The security has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and
demand features which qualify it as a short-term security.
The rate disclosed is that currently in effect. This rate changes periodically
based on market conditions or a specified market index.
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1995

  PRINCIPAL                                 OPT. CALL                 MARKET
 $ 1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and
              Development Authority,
              Electric Facilities
              (Consolidated Edison
              Company), Alternative
              Minimum Tax, 7.500%,
              1/01/26................         1/00 at 101    Aa3    $ 1,054,650
   1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and
              Development Authority,
              Pollution Control
              (Central Hudson Gas and
              Electric Corporation),
              Alternative Minimum
              Tax, 8.375%, 12/01/28..        12/98 at 102     A3      1,089,300
   1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and
              Development Authority,
              Pollution Control
              (Rochester Gas and
              Electric Corporation),
              Alternative Minimum
              Tax, 8.375%, 12/01/28..        12/98 at 102   Baa1      1,097,430
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency (State
              Construction), 8.100%,
              11/01/10 (Pre-refunded
              to 11/01/98)...........        11/98 at 102    Aaa      1,124,970
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency (H. E.
              L. P.-Suffolk Housing),
              Alternative Minimum
              Tax, 8.100%, 11/01/05..        11/99 at 100    Baa      1,078,880
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency, Health
              Facilities (New York
              City), 8.000%,
              11/01/08...............        11/00 at 102   BBB+      1,108,000
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency, Service
              Contract, 6.375%,
              9/15/14................         9/04 at 102   Baa1        997,200
   1,000,000 New York State Medical
              Care Facilities Finance
              Agency (Huntington
              Hospital), 8.125%,
              11/01/14 (Pre-refunded
              to 11/01/97)...........        11/97 at 102    BBB      1,100,080
   1,000,000 New York State Medical
              Care Facilities Finance
              Agency (Columbia-
              Presbyterian), 8.000%,
              2/15/25 (Pre-refunded
              to 8/15/97)............         8/97 at 102    Aaa      1,092,740
     865,000 New York State Mortgage
              Agency, Homeowner
              Mortgage, Alternative
              Minimum Tax, 8.125%,
              4/01/20................        10/97 at 102     Aa        916,217
   1,250,000 New York State Urban
              Correctional Capital
              Facilities, 5.500%,
              1/01/15................         1/03 at 102   Baa1      1,126,025
   2,955,000 Babylon Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Resource Recovery,
              8.500%, 1/01/19........         7/98 at 103   Baa1      3,221,748
     250,000 Battery Park City
              Authority, Junior
              Revenue, 5.800%,
              11/01/22...............        11/03 at 102      A        224,443
   1,000,000 Cattaraugus County
              (Olean Office
              Facility), Certificates
              of Participation,
              8.500%, 8/01/09 (Pre-
              refunded to 8/01/98)...         8/98 at 102   BBB-      1,128,700
   1,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York
              (City University),
              8.200%, 7/01/12........         7/98 at 102   Baa1      1,107,030
     250,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York,
              Judicial Facilities
              Lease (Suffolk County),
              9.500%, 4/15/14........   4/95 at 116 15/32   Baa1        292,283
   1,250,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York
              (State University),
              5.250%, 5/15/19........        No Opt. Call   Baa1      1,077,175
   1,000,000 Geneva Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility (Finger
              Lakes Cerebral Palsy),
              8.500%, 11/01/16.......        11/01 at 102    N/R      1,032,380
   1,000,000 Metropolitan
              Authority, Transit
              Facilities Service
              Contract, 8.500%,
              7/01/17 (Pre-refunded
              to 7/01/97)............         7/97 at 102    AAA      1,098,580
             New York City General
     945,000  8.500%, 8/01/12 (Pre-
              refunded to 8/01/96)...         8/96 at 102     A-      1,009,506
      55,000  8.500%, 8/01/12........         8/96 at 102     A-         58,081
     495,000 New York City Housing
              Development Corporation
              (South Williamsburg
              Alternative Minimum
              Tax, 7.900%, 2/01/23...         2/00 at 102     Aa        520,438
     500,000 New York City Housing
              Corporation, Multi-
              Family Mortgage (FHA-
              Insured), 6.550%,
              10/01/15...............         4/03 at 102    AAA        507,685
   1,000,000 New York City Municipal
              Water Finance
              Authority, Water and
              Sewer System, 7.875%,
              6/15/16 (Pre-refunded
              to 6/15/96)............         6/96 at 102    Aaa      1,060,340
   1,850,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility
              (International Center
              for Integrative
              Studies, Inc.-The Door
              Project), 9.000%,
              3/01/09++..............         3/97 at 103    N/R        555,000
   1,000,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility (YMCA of
              Greater New York),
              8.000%, 8/01/16........         8/01 at 102    N/R      1,057,009
   1,000,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency
              (Terminal One Group),
              Alternative Minimum
              Tax, 6.125%, 1/01/24...         1/04 at 102      A        957,609
 $26,665,000 Total Investments--(cost $26,312,780)--94.7%.........   26,693,499
             Other Assets Less Liabilities--5.3%..................    1,483,154
             Net Assets--100%.....................................  $28,176,653


                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1995

                                                                 NUMBER               MARKET
                      STANDARD & POOR'S        MOODY'S        OF ISSUES MARKET VALUE PERCENT
SUMMARY OF RATINGS**               AAA                    Aaa      5    $ 4,884,315     18%
 INVESTMENTS:             AA+, AA, AA-      Aa1, Aa, Aa2, Aa3      3      2,491,305      9
                                 A, A-              A, A2, A3      5      3,338,939     13
                       BBB+, BBB, BBB-  Baa1, Baa, Baa2, Baa3     11     13,334,551     50
                             Non-rated              Non-rated      3      2,644,389     10
   TOTAL                                                          27    $26,693,499    100%

*Optional Call Provisions: Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest
optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying
prices at later dates.
**Ratings: Using the higher of Standard & Poor's or Moody's rating.
N/R--Investment is not rated.
++The Fund received $72,000 of the $83,000 interest coupon payment due March 1,
1994. Interest income has not been accrued since that date. Legal proceedings
have been initiated to enforce the rights of the Fund and all other
bondholders, which include the right to obtain the property that secures the
obligation of the issuer.
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
  Selected data for a Common share outstanding throughout each period is as

                        OPERATING PERFORMANCE
                                       IZED &
                                       UNREAL-                                            TOTAL
                         NET            IZED                                       PER   INVEST-
                        ASSET           GAIN                               NET    SHARE   MENT     TOTAL
                        VALUE    NET   (LOSS)   DIVIDENDS                 ASSET  MARKET  RETURN   RETURN
                       BEGIN-  INVEST-  FROM     FROM NET  DISTRIBUTIONS  VALUE   VALUE    ON     ON NET
                       PERIOD  INCOME   MENTS     INCOME       GAINS     PERIOD  PERIOD  VALUE**  VALUE**
 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (unaudited)   $10.390  $.332  $(.015)    $(.336)     $(.001)+   $10.370 $10.500   3.33%    3.16%
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   10.990   .659   (.575)     (.669)      (.015)     10.390  10.500   (.77)     .78
 1993                   10.740   .664    .393      (.670)      (.137)     10.990  11.250   7.27    10.28
 2 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                10.870   .112   (.129)     (.113)         --      10.740  11.250  (2.29)    (.16)
 Year ended 7/31,
 1992                   10.270   .676    .727      (.676)      (.127)     10.870  11.625  17.77    14.28
 1991                   10.200   .679    .115      (.676)      (.048)     10.270  10.625   8.58     8.21
 1990                   10.370   .677   (.127)     (.676)      (.044)     10.200  10.500   7.08     5.61
 1989                    9.950   .675    .659      (.679)      (.235)     10.370  10.500  14.92    14.22
 10/7/87 to
 7/31/88                 9.350   .514    .541      (.455)         --       9.950  10.000   4.67    11.40

 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (unaudited)    11.170   .346    .047      (.353)         --      11.210  11.125  10.88     3.63
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   11.960   .701   (.748)     (.743)         --      11.170  10.375 (13.43)    (.40)
 1993                   12.200   .755   (.185)     (.767)      (.043)     11.960  12.750   8.69     4.88
 10 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                11.940   .661    .325      (.655)      (.071)     12.200  12.500  12.82     8.54
 Year ended
 11/30/91               11.430   .795    .517      (.802)         --      11.940  11.750   8.02    11.92
 1 Mo. ended
 11/30/90               11.370   .068    .095      (.068)      (.035)     11.430  11.625    .94     1.44
 Year ended 10/31,
 1990                   11.710   .806   (.266)     (.810)      (.070)     11.370  11.625   8.75     4.77
 1989                   11.530   .806    .210      (.808)      (.028)     11.710  11.500   6.39     9.15
 4/20/88 to
 10/31/88               11.210   .358    .244      (.282)         --      11.530  11.625   (.66)    5.45

                           RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
                                         RATIO OF
                         NET               NET
                        ASSETS  RATIO OF INVEST-
                        END OF  EXPENSES   MENT   PORT-
                        PERIOD     TO     INCOME  FOLIO
                         (IN    AVERAGE  TO AVER- TURN-
                        THOU-     NET    AGE NET  OVER
                        SANDS)   ASSETS   ASSETS  RATE
 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (unaudited)   $122,927    .81*%   6.53*%    4%
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                   122,311    .84     6.16      4
 1993                   127,976    .85     6.16      5
 2 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                123,313    .84*    6.20*    --
 Year ended 7/31,
 1992                   124,620    .90     6.46      9
 1991                   116,236    .96     6.77     14
 1990                   114,368    .98     6.70     16
 1989                   115,379   1.03     6.75     24
 10/7/87 to
 7/31/88                109,750    .99*    6.54*    47

 6 Mos. ended
 3/31/95 (unaudited)     28,177    .98*    6.30*    --
 Year ended 9/30,
 1994                    28,050   1.00     6.08     12
 1993                    29,769   1.07     6.31     17
 10 Mos. ended
 9/30/92                 30,075    .93*    6.58*     3
 Year ended
 11/30/91                29,187    .92     6.84     14
 1 Mo. ended
 11/30/90                27,736    .80*    7.26*     1
 Year ended 10/31,
 1990                    27,564    .86     6.99     11
 1989                    28,177    .90     6.95     36
 4/20/88 to
 10/31/88                27,689    .94*    6.21*    21

** Total Investment Return on Market Value is the combination of reinvested
   dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, and changes
   in stock price per share. Total Return on Net Asset Value is the combination
   of reinvested dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if
   any, and changes in net asset value per share.
 +The amount shown reflects a distribution in excess of capital gains of $.0010
  to NNY shareholders.

                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc.
Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc.
  We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets, including the
portfolios of investments, of Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. and
Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund, Inc. as of September 30, 1994, and the
related statements of operations, changes in net assets and the financial
highlights for the periods indicated therein. These financial statements and
financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and
financial highlights based on our audits.
  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial
highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. Our procedures included confirmation of investments owned as of
September 30, 1994, by correspondence with the custodian. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our
  In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial positions of
Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. and Nuveen New York Municipal Income
Fund, Inc. at September 30, 1994, and the results of their operations, changes
in their net assets and their financial highlights for the periods indicated
therein in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
                                        Ernst & Young LLP
Chicago, Illinois
November 4, 1994

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                            STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

                                                           NNY          NNM
                                                       ------------ -----------
Investments in municipal securities, at market value
 (note 1)............................................. $119,069,901 $27,589,625
Temporary investments in short-term municipal
 securities, at market value which equals cost (note
 1)...................................................    1,600,000     100,000
Cash..................................................       22,503         --
  Interest............................................    2,349,934     619,263
  Investments sold....................................      134,157         --
Other assets..........................................        7,134         --
                                                       ------------ -----------
    Total assets......................................  123,183,629  28,308,888
                                                       ------------ -----------
Cash overdraft........................................          --       29,353
Accrued expenses:
  Management fees (note 6)............................       65,591      15,069
  Other...............................................      148,022      63,681
  Share dividends payable.............................      659,368     150,713
                                                       ------------ -----------
    Total liabilities.................................      872,981     258,816
                                                       ------------ -----------
Net assets (note 7)................................... $122,310,648 $28,050,072
                                                       ============ ===========
Shares outstanding....................................   11,774,427   2,511,886
                                                       ============ ===========
Net asset value per share outstanding (net assets
 divided by shares outstanding)....................... $      10.39 $     11.17
                                                       ============ ===========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                            STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

                                                           NNY          NNM
                                                       -----------  -----------
Interest income (note 1).............................  $ 8,773,382  $ 2,043,645
                                                       -----------  -----------
  Management fees (note 6)...........................      800,465      187,591
  Shareholders' servicing agent fees and expenses....       61,310       12,330
  Custodian's fees and expenses......................       47,288       36,665
  Board members' fees and expenses (note 6)..........        2,704        1,255
  Professional fees..................................       19,271       18,930
  Shareholders' reports--printing and mailing
   expenses..........................................       74,697       21,807
  Stock exchange listing fees........................       21,144        6,380
  Investor relations expense.........................       19,672        1,835
  Other expenses.....................................        4,599        2,268
                                                       -----------  -----------
    Total expenses...................................    1,051,150      289,061
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Net investment income..........................    7,722,232    1,754,584
                                                       -----------  -----------
Net realized gain (loss) from investment transactions
 (note 3)............................................     (262,676)    (123,390)
Net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation
 of investments......................................   (6,594,626)  (1,777,178)
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Net gain (loss) from investments...............   (6,857,302)  (1,900,568)
                                                       -----------  -----------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from
 operations..........................................  $   864,930  $  (145,984)
                                                       ===========  ===========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS

                                     NNY                        NNM
                          --------------------------  ------------------------
                           YEAR ENDED    YEAR ENDED   YEAR ENDED   YEAR ENDED
                            9/30/94       9/30/93       9/30/94      9/30/93
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ---
Net investment income...  $  7,722,232  $  7,696,881  $ 1,754,584  $ 1,872,458
Net realized gain (loss)
 from investment
 transactions...........      (262,676)      177,673     (123,390)     (59,477)
Net change in unrealized
 appreciation or
 depreciation of
 investments............    (6,594,626)    4,273,343   (1,777,178)    (420,878)
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
  Net increase
   (decrease) in net
   assets from
   operations...........       864,930    12,147,897     (145,984)   1,392,103
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
From net investment
 income.................    (7,836,491)   (7,750,927)  (1,856,829)  (1,899,078)
From net realized gains
 from investment
 transactions...........      (176,312)   (1,572,018)         --      (106,704)
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
  Decrease in net assets
   from distributions to
   shareholders.........    (8,012,803)   (9,322,945)  (1,856,829)  (2,005,782)
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
Net proceeds from shares
 issued to shareholders
 due to reinvestment of
 distributions from net
 investment income and
 from net realized gains
 from investment
 transactions...........     1,482,971     1,837,190      284,173      307,075
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
Net increase in net
 assets derived from
 capital share
 transactions...........     1,482,971     1,837,190      284,173      307,075
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
  Net increase
   (decrease) in net
   assets...............    (5,664,902)    4,662,142   (1,718,640)    (306,604)
Net assets at beginning
 of year................   127,975,550   123,313,408   29,768,712   30,075,316
                          ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------
Net assets at end of
 year...................  $122,310,648  $127,975,550  $28,050,072  $29,768,712
                          ============  ============  ===========  ===========
Balance of undistributed
 net investment income
 at end of year.........  $    500,458  $    614,717  $    42,196  $   144,441
                          ============  ============  ===========  ===========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
  At September 30, 1994, the New York Funds (the "Funds") covered in this
report and their corresponding stock exchange symbols are Nuveen New York
Municipal Value Fund, Inc. (NNY) and Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund,
Inc. (NNM). NNY is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, while NNM is traded
on the American Stock Exchange.
  The Funds are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as closed-
end, diversified management investment companies.
  The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the
Funds in the preparation of their financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles.
 Securities Valuation
  Portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available are
valued at the mean between the quoted bid and asked prices or the yield
equivalent. Portfolio securities for which market quotations are not readily
available are valued at fair value by consistent application of methods
determined in good faith by the Board members. Temporary investments in
securities that have variable rate and demand features qualifying them as
short-term securities are traded and valued at principal amount.
 Securities Transactions
  Securities transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains
and losses from such transactions are determined on the specific identification
method. Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis
may be settled a month or more after the transaction date. The securities so
purchased are subject to market fluctuation during this period. The Funds have
instructed the custodian to segregate assets in a separate account with a
current value at least equal to the amount of the purchase commitments. At
September 30, 1994, there were no such purchase commitments in either of the
 Interest Income
  Interest income is determined on the basis of interest accrued and discount
earned, adjusted for amortization of premiums or discounts on long-term debt
securities when required for federal income tax purposes.
 Income Taxes
  The Funds intend to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code
applicable to regulated investment companies by distributing all of their net
investment income, in addition to any significant amounts of net realized gains
from investments, to shareholders. The Funds currently consider significant net
realized gains as amounts in excess of $.01 per share. Furthermore, each Fund
intends to satisfy conditions which will enable interest from municipal
securities, which is exempt from regular federal and New York State income
taxes, to retain such tax-exempt status when distributed to shareholders of the
Funds. All income dividends paid during the period ended September 30, 1994,
have been designated Exempt Interest Dividends.
 Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders
  Net investment income is declared as a dividend monthly and payment is made
or reinvestment is credited to shareholder accounts after month-end. Net
realized gains from securities transactions are distributed to shareholders not
less frequently than annually only to the extent they exceed available capital
loss carryovers.
  Distributions to shareholders of net investment income and net realize
capital gains are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount and timing of
such distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax
regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles.
Accordingly, temporary over-distributions as a result of these differences may
result and will be classified as either distributions in excess of net
investment income or distributions in excess of accumulated net realized
capital gains, if applicable.

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
  Transactions in shares were as follows:

                                              NNY                   NNM
                                     --------------------- ---------------------
                                     YEAR ENDED YEAR ENDED YEAR ENDED YEAR ENDED
                                      9/30/94    9/30/93    9/30/94    9/30/93
                                     ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      Shares issued to shareholders
       due to reinvestment of
       distributions from net
       investment income and from
       net realized gains from
       investment transactions.....   131,414    159,771     23,425     24,174
                                      =======    =======     ======     ======

  Purchases and sales (including maturities) of investments in municipal
securities and temporary municipal investments during the year ended September
30, 1994, were as follows:

                                                             NNY        NNM
                                                          ---------- ----------
      Investments in municipal securities................ $7,155,423 $3,892,363
      Temporary municipal investments....................  7,300,000  3,200,000
      Investments in municipal securities................  5,258,036  3,384,513
      Temporary municipal investments....................  6,100,000  3,300,000
                                                          ========== ==========

  At September 30, 1994, the identified cost of investments owned for federal
income tax purposes was the same as the cost for financial reporting purposes
for each Fund.
  At September 30, 1994, the Funds had unused capital loss carryovers available
for federal income tax purposes to be applied against future security gains, if
any. If not applied, the carryovers will expire as follows:

                                                                 NNY      NNM
                                                               -------- --------
      Expiration year:
      2001.................................................... $    --  $ 59,477
      2002....................................................  262,676  123,390
                                                               -------- --------
          Total............................................... $262,676 $182,867
                                                               ======== ========

  On October 3, 1994, the Funds declared dividend distributions from their
ordinary income that were paid November 1, 1994, to shareholders of record on
October 15, 1994, as follows:

                                                                    NNY    NNM
                                                                   ------ ------
      Dividend per share.......................................... $.0560 $.0600
                                                                   ====== ======

  Gross unrealized appreciation and gross unrealized depreciation of
investments at September 30, 1994, were as follows:

                                                           NNY          NNM
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Gross unrealized:
        Appreciation.................................. $12,035,390  $ 1,737,856
        Depreciation..................................    (389,724)  (1,458,852)
                                                       -----------  -----------
      Net unrealized appreciation..................... $11,645,666  $   279,004
                                                       ===========  ===========


  Under the Funds' investment management agreements with the Nuveen Advisory
Corp. (the "Adviser"), a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Nuveen Company,
each Fund pays to the Adviser an annual management fee, payable monthly, at the
rates set forth below, which are based upon the average daily net asset value
of each Fund:

      AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSET VALUE                                      NNY
      -----------------------------                                   ----------
      For the first $500,000,000.....................................  .35 of 1%
      For the next $500,000,000...................................... .325 of 1%
      For net assets over $1,000,000,000.............................   .3 of 1%


      AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSET VALUE                                      NNM
      -----------------------------                                  -----------
      For the first $125,000,000....................................   .65 of 1%
      For the next $125,000,000..................................... .6375 of 1%
      For the next $250,000,000.....................................  .625 of 1%
      For the next $500,000,000..................................... .6125 of 1%
      For the next $1,000,000,000...................................    .6 of 1%
      For net assets over $2,000,000,000............................ .5875 of 1%

  In addition, NNY pays to the Adviser a management fee based on gross interest
income. The management fee in effect throughout the period was as follows:

      GROSS INTEREST INCOME                                                NNY
      ---------------------                                               -----
      For the first $50,000,000.......................................... 4.125%
      For the next $50,000,000........................................... 4.000
      For income over $100,000,000....................................... 3.875

  The fee compensates the Adviser for overall investment advisory and
administrative services and general office facilities. The Funds pay no
compensation directly to those Board members who are affiliated with the
Adviser or to their officers, all of whom receive remuneration for their
services to the Funds from the Adviser.
  At September 30, 1994, net assets consisted of:

                                                         NNY           NNM
                                                     ------------  -----------
      Shares, $.01 par value per share.............. $    117,744  $    25,119
      Paid-in surplus...............................  110,309,456   27,886,620
      Undistributed net investment income...........      500,458       42,196
      Undistributed net realized gain (loss) from
       investment transactions......................     (262,676)    (182,867)
      Net unrealized appreciation of investments....   11,645,666      279,004
                                                     ------------  -----------
        Net assets.................................. $122,310,648  $28,050,072
                                                     ============  ===========
      Authorized shares.............................  250,000,000  200,000,000
                                                     ============  ===========


  Each Fund invests in municipal securities which include general obligation,
escrowed and revenue bonds. At September 30, 1994, the revenue sources by
municipal purpose for these investments, expressed as a percent of total
investments, were as follows:

                                                                       NNY  NYM
                                                                       ---  ---
      Revenue Bonds:
        Housing Facilities............................................  12%  11%
        Pollution Control Facilities..................................  11   21
        Educational Facilities........................................   3    8
        Transportation................................................   7    7
        Lease Rental Facilities.......................................  15   10
        Health Care Facilities........................................   2   --
        Electric Utilities............................................   1   --
        Other.........................................................   6   11
      General Obligation Bonds........................................   5    4
      Escrowed Bonds..................................................  38   28
                                                                       ---  ---
                                                                       100% 100%
                                                                       ===  ===

  Certain long-term and intermediate-term investments owned by the Funds are
covered by insurance issued by several private insurers or are backed by an
escrow or trust containing U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency
securities, either of which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest
in the event of default (39% for NNY and 28% for NNM). Such insurance or
escrow, however, does not guarantee the market value of the municipal
securities or the value of any of the Funds' shares.
  All of the temporary investments in short-term municipal securities have
credit enhancements (letters of credit, guarantees or insurance) issued by
third party domestic or foreign banks or other institutions.
  For additional information regarding each investment security, refer to the
Portfolio of Investments of each Fund.

                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS

  PRINCIPAL                                  OPT. CALL
 $  1,000,000 New York State Dormitory
               Authority (Court
               5.700%, 5/15/22........     5/03 at 101 1/2   Baa1    $    862,540
    1,000,000 New York Local
               Government Assistance
               7.500%, 4/01/20 (Pre-
               refunded to 4/01/01)...         4/01 at 102    Aaa       1,140,450
              New York State
               (Commissioner of Office
               of Mental Health),
               Certificates of
    1,000,000  8.250%, 9/01/07........         9/97 at 102   Baa1       1,105,090
    3,000,000  8.300%, 9/01/12........         9/97 at 102   Baa1       3,299,490
    3,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and
               Development Authority,
               Pollution Control
               (Central Hudson Gas and
               Electric Corporation),
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 8.375%, 12/01/28..        12/98 at 102     A3       3,310,560
    3,500,000 New York State Energy
               Research and
               Development Authority,
               Pollution Control
               (Rochester Gas and
               Electric Corporation),
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 8.375%, 12/01/28..        12/98 at 102   Baa1       3,818,920
    1,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and
               Development Authority,
               Pollution Control (New
               York Electric and Gas
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 5.950%, 12/01/27..        12/03 at 102   Baa1         868,620
    1,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and
               Development Authority,
               Electric Facilities
               (Consolidated Edison
               Company), Alternative
               Minimum Tax,
               6.000%, 3/15/28........         3/03 at 102    Aaa         928,250
    1,425,000 New York State
               Facilities Corporation,
               Water Facilities (The
               New Rochelle Water
               Company Project),
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 6.400%, 12/01/24..         6/02 at 102     A3       1,373,315
    4,000,000 New York State Housing
               Finance Agency, Health
               Facilities (New York
               City), 8.000%,
               11/01/08...............        11/00 at 102   BBB+       4,485,600
    2,500,000 New York State Medical
               Care Facilities Finance
               Agency, Hospital and
               Nursing Home Insured
               Mortgage (St. Vincent's
               8.000%, 2/15/27 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/15/97)...         8/97 at 102    Aaa       2,752,300
    4,980,000 New York State Medical
               Care Facilities Finance
               Agency, Hospital and
               Nursing Home Insured
               Mortgage (Albany
               Medical Center),
               8.000%, 2/15/28........         8/98 at 102    AAA       5,451,008
    5,000,000 New York State Medical
               Care Facilities Finance
               Agency, Hospital and
               Nursing Home, FHA-
               Insured Mortgage
               (Catholic Medical
               8.300%, 2/15/22 (Pre-
               refunded to 2/15/98)...         2/98 at 102    AAA       5,614,050
    5,250,000 New York State Medical
               Care Facilities Finance
               Agency (Columbia-
               Presbyterian), 8.000%,
               2/15/25 (Pre-refunded
               to 8/15/97)............         8/97 at 102    Aaa       5,796,263
              New York State Medical
               Care Facilities Finance
               Agency, Mental Health
               Services Facilities:
    1,650,000  8.875%, 8/15/07 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/15/97)...         8/97 at 102    AAA       1,866,249
    1,850,000  8.875%, 8/15/07........         8/97 at 102   Baa1       2,040,197
    1,000,000  6.375%, 8/15/17........        12/02 at 102    Aaa         995,730
              New York State Mortgage
       20,000  9.750%, 10/01/10.......     4/95 at 102 1/2     Aa          20,837
      455,000  8.625%, 4/01/11........        10/95 at 102     Aa         469,728
    1,375,000  8.375%, 10/01/17.......         1/98 at 102     Aa       1,418,739
              New York State Mortgage
               Agency, Homeowner
               Mortgage, Alternative
               Minimum Tax:
    1,550,000 8.125%, 4/01/20.........        10/97 at 102     Aa       1,659,709
      495,000 8.250%, 4/01/22.........         4/99 at 102     Aa         519,344
    1,500,000 7.950%, 4/01/22.........         6/00 at 102     Aa       1,562,580
    8,490,000 0.000%, 10/01/23........   10/01 at 19 13/32     Aa         973,718
              New York State Urban
    1,500,000 8.000%, 1/01/06 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/96)...         1/96 at 102   Baa1       1,593,840
    1,500,000 7.000%, 1/01/16 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/96)...         1/96 at 102    Aaa       1,570,965
    2,000,000 New York State Urban
               Development Corporation
               (Center for Industrial
               Innovation), 7.000%,
               1/01/13................         1/96 at 102   Baa1       2,057,460
    5,000,000 New York State Urban
               Development Corporation
               (Onondaga County
               Convention Center),
               7.875%, 1/01/20........         1/01 at 102   Baa1       5,433,750
    1,000,000 New York State Urban
               Corporation, State
               7.500%, 4/01/20........         4/01 at 102   Baa1       1,065,200
    1,000,000 New York State Power
               Authority, General
               Purpose, 8.000%,
               1/01/17................         1/98 at 102    AA-       1,099,910


                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS

  PRINCIPAL                                 OPT. CALL
 $  1,000,000 Brookhaven Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility (St.
               Joseph's College),
               8.100%, 4/01/08........        4/98 at 102       A   $  1,084,990
    1,500,000 Cattaraugus County
               (Olean Office
               Facility), Certificates
               of Participation,
               8.500%, 8/01/09 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/01/98)...        8/98 at 102    BBB-      1,656,135
    4,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Judicial Facilities
               Lease, 7.375%, 7/01/16.       No Opt. Call     Aaa      4,630,560
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York
               (City University):
    5,000,000 8.125%, 7/01/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 7/01/97)...        7/97 at 102     Aaa      5,535,050
    1,000,000 5.750%, 7/01/18.........       No Opt. Call    Baa1        888,800
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Educational Facilities
               (State University):
    1,000,000 7.400%, 5/15/01.........        5/00 at 102    Baa1      1,086,510
    1,250,000 5.250%, 5/15/19.........       No Opt. Call    Baa1      1,024,988
    5,000,000 Hempstead Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Resource Recovery
               (American Ref-Fuel
               Company), 7.375%,
               12/01/05...............       12/96 at 102      A-      5,206,700
              New York City General
       25,000 6.300%, 8/01/03.........    8/02 at 101 1/2     Aaa         26,135
    2,500,000 8.125%, 11/01/06 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97)..   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,774,125
    2,500,000 8.500%, 11/01/11 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97)..   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,808,025
    2,500,000 7.000%, 2/01/15.........        2/96 at 102      A-      2,526,175
    1,465,000 New York City Housing
               Development Corporation
               (South Bronx
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 8.100%, 9/01/23...        9/00 at 102      Aa      1,553,354
    1,000,000 New York City Housing
               Corporation, FHA-
               Insured Multi-Family
               Mortgage, 6.550%,
               10/01/15...............        4/03 at 102     AAA      1,000,740
              New York City Municipal
               Water Finance Authority
               Water and Sewer System:
    3,750,000  9.000%, 6/15/17 (Pre-          6/97 at 102
               refunded to 6/15/97)...                        Aaa      4,230,488
    1,000,000  7.750%, 6/15/20 (Pre-      6/01 at 101 1/2
               refunded to 6/15/01)...                        Aaa      1,153,990
    1,600,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility (YMCA of
               Greater New York),
               8.000%, 8/01/16........        8/01 at 102     N/R      1,685,984
    1,000,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Special Facility
               (American Airlines,
               Inc.), Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 8.000%,
               7/01/20................        1/99 at 102    Baa3      1,038,010
    1,955,000 Newark-Wayne Community          9/03 at 102
               Hospital, 7.600%,
               9/01/15................                        N/R      1,959,203
    1,000,000 Port Authority of New
               York and New Jersey,
               Special Project,
               LaGuardia Airport
               Passenger Terminal
               (Delta Air Lines),
               6.950%, 6/01/08........        6/02 at 102     Ba1        982,590
    5,000,000 Port Authority of New
               York and New Jersey,
               Consolidated Bonds,
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 8.250%, 4/01/23...        4/95 at 102     AA-      5,187,650
    2,000,000 St. Lawrence Country,           1/98 at 102
               Solid Waste Disposal
               Authority, 8.875%,
               1/01/08................                        Baa      2,259,280
    2,000,000 Triborough Bridge and           1/98 at 102
               Tunnel Authority,
               General Purpose,
               8.125%, 1/01/12........                         Aa      2,204,060
    1,275,000 Triborough Bridge and
               Tunnel Authority,
               Mortgage Recording Tax,
               8.000%, 1/01/18 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/98)...    1/98 at 101 1/2     Aaa      1,411,947
 $118,360,000 Total Investments--(cost
               $107,424,235)--97.4%...                               119,069,901
 $    300,000 New York City General
               Obligation, Variable
               Rate Demand Bonds,
               3.800%, 8/01/11+.......                     VMIG-1        300,000
      900,000 New York City General
               Obligation, Variable
               Rate Demand Bonds,
               3.800%, 8/01/15+.......                     VMIG-1        900,000
      400,000 Port Authority of New
               York and New Jersey,
               Special Obligation
               Versatile Structure,
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, Variable Rate
               Demand Bonds, 3.650%,
               8/01/28+...............                     VMIG-1        400,000
 $  1,600,000 Total Temporary
               Investments--1.3%......                                 1,600,000
              Other Assets Less
               Liabilities--1.3%......                                 1,640,747
              Net Assets--100%........                              $122,310,648



                          STANDARD & POOR'S        MOODY'S        OF ISSUES MARKET VALUE MARKET PERCENT
SUMMARY OF RATINGS**                   AAA                    Aaa     18    $ 49,686,325       42%
PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS      AA+, AA, AA-      Aa1, Aa, Aa2, Aa3     11      16,669,629       14
(EXCLUDING TEMPORARY                 A, A-              A, A2, A3      5      13,501,740       11
INVESTMENTS):              BBB+, BBB, BBB-  Baa1, Baa, Baa2, Baa3     17      34,584,430       29
                              BB+, BB, BB-      Ba1, Ba, Ba2, Ba3      1         982,590        1
                                 Non-rated              Non-rated      2       3,645,187        3
   TOTAL                                                              54    $119,069,901      100%

*Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent auditors):
 Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption.
 There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates.
**Ratings (not covered by the report of independent auditors): Using the higher
 of Standard & Poor's or Moody's rating.
N/R--Investment is not rated.
+The security has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and
 demand features which qualify it as a short-term security. The rate disclosed
 is that currently in effect. This rate changes periodically based on market
 conditions or a specified market index.
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS

  PRINCIPAL                              OPT. CALL                MARKET
 $ 1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and Development
              Authority, Electric
              Facilities (Consolidated
              Edison Company),
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              7.500%, 1/01/26.........    1/00 at 101     Aa3   $ 1,063,250
   1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and Development
              Authority, Pollution
              Control (Central Hudson
              Gas and Electric
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              8.375%, 12/01/28........   12/98 at 102      A3     1,103,520
   1,000,000 New York State Energy
              Research and Development
              Authority, Pollution
              Control (Rochester Gas
              and Electric
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              8.375%, 12/01/28........   12/98 at 102    Baa1     1,091,120
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency (State
              Construction), 8.100%,
              11/01/10 (Pre-refunded
              to 11/01/98)............   11/98 at 102     Aaa     1,135,930
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency (H. E. L.
              P.-Suffolk Housing),
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              8.100%, 11/01/05........   11/99 at 100     Baa     1,079,730
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency, Health
              Facilities (New York
              City), 8.000%, 11/01/08.   11/00 at 102    BBB+     1,121,400
   1,000,000 New York State Housing
              Finance Agency, Service
              6.375%, 9/15/14.........    9/04 at 102    Baa1       975,190
   1,000,000 New York State Medical
              Care Facilities Finance
              Agency (Huntington
              Hospital), 8.125%,
              11/01/14 (Pre-refunded
              to 11/01/97)............   11/97 at 102     BBB     1,078,810
   1,000,000 New York State Medical
              Care Facilities Finance
              Agency (Columbia-
              Presbyterian), 8.000%,
              2/15/25 (Pre-refunded to
              8/15/97)................    8/97 at 102     Aaa     1,104,050
     865,000 New York State Mortgage
              Agency, Homeowner
              Mortgage, Alternative
              Minimum Tax, 8.125%,
              4/01/20.................   10/97 at 102      Aa       926,225
   1,250,000 New York State Urban
              Development Corporation,
              Correctional Capital
              Facilities, 5.500%,
              1/01/15.................    1/03 at 102    Baa1     1,078,713
   2,955,000 Babylon Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Resource Recovery,
              8.500%, 1/01/19.........    7/98 at 103    Baa1     3,208,953
     250,000 Battery Park City
              Authority, Junior
              Revenue, 5.800%,
              11/01/22................   11/03 at 102       A       221,103
   1,000,000 Cattaraugus County (Olean
              Office Facility),
              Certificates of
              Participation, 8.500%,
              8/01/09 (Pre-refunded to
              8/01/98)................    8/98 at 102    BBB-     1,104,090
   1,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York
              (City University),
              8.200%, 7/01/12.........    7/98 at 102    Baa1     1,120,000
     250,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York,
              Judicial Facilities
              Lease (Suffolk County),        10/94 at
              9.500%, 4/15/14.........      116 11/16    Baa1       292,858
   1,250,000 Dormitory Authority of
              the State of New York
              (State University),
              5.250%, 5/15/19.........   No Opt. Call    Baa1     1,024,988
   1,000,000 Geneva Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility (Finger
              Lakes Cerebral Palsy),
              8.500%, 11/01/16........   11/01 at 102     N/R       994,240
   1,000,000 Metropolitan
              Authority, Transit
              Facilities Service
              Contract, 8.500%,
              7/01/17 (Pre-refunded to
              7/01/97)................    7/97 at 102     AAA     1,116,600
             New York City General
     945,000 8.500%, 8/01/12 (Pre-
              refunded to 8/01/96)....    8/96 at 102      A-     1,027,345
      55,000 8.500%, 8/01/12..........    8/96 at 102      A-        59,853
     495,000 New York City Housing
              Development Corporation
              (South Williamsburg
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              7.900%, 2/01/23.........    2/00 at 102      Aa       508,177
     500,000 New York City Housing
              Dvelopment Corporation,
              FHA Insured, Multi-
              Family Mortgage, 6.550%,
              10/01/15................    4/03 at 102     AAA       500,370
   1,000,000 New York City Municipal
              Water Finance Authority,
              Water and Sewer System,
              7.875%, 6/15/16 (Pre-
              refunded to 6/15/96)....    6/96 at 102     Aaa     1,075,480
   1,850,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility
              (International Center
              for Integrative Studies,
              Inc.-The Door Project),
              9.000%, 3/01/09++.......    3/97 at 103     N/R       555,000
   1,000,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency,
              Civic Facility (YMCA of
              Greater New York),
              8.000%, 8/01/16.........    8/01 at 102     N/R     1,053,740
   1,000,000 New York City Industrial
              Development Agency
              (Terminal One Group),
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              6.125%, 1/01/24.........    1/04 at 102       A       931,360
   1,000,000 Port Authority of New
              York and New Jersey,
              Alternative Minimum Tax,
              8.250%, 4/01/23.........    4/95 at 102     AA-     1,037,530
 $27,665,000 Total Investments--(cost
              $27,310,621)--98.3%.....                           27,589,625
             New York City General
              Obligation, Variable
              Rate Demand Bonds,
 $   100,000  3.800%, 8/01/11+........                 VMIG-1       100,000
             Other Assets Less
              Liabilities--1.3%.......                              360,447
             Net Assets--100%.........                          $28,050,072



                                                                   NUMBER                MARKET
                          STANDARD & POOR'S        MOODY'S        OF ISSUES MARKET VALUE PERCENT
SUMMARY OF RATINGS**                   AAA                    Aaa      5    $ 4,932,430     18%
PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS      AA+, AA, AA-      Aa1, Aa, Aa2, Aa3      4      3,535,182     13
(EXCLUDING                           A, A-              A, A2, A3      5      3,343,181     12
TEMPORARY                  BBB+, BBB, BBB-  Baa1, Baa, Baa2, Baa3     11     13,175,852     48
INVESTMENTS):                    Non-rated              Non-rated      3      2,602,980      9
   TOTAL                                                              28    $27,589,625    100%

*Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent auditors):
 Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption.
 There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates.
**Ratings (not covered by the report of independent auditors): Using the higher
 of Standard & Poor's or Moody's rating.
 N/R--Investment is not rated.
+The security has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and
 demand features which qualify it as a short-term security. The rate disclosed
 is that currently in effect. This rate changes periodically based on market
 conditions or a specified market index.
++The Fund received $72,000 of the $83,000 interest coupon payment due March 1,
 1994. Interest income has not been accrued since that date. Legal proceedings
 have been initiated to enforce the rights of the Fund and all other
 bondholders, which include the right to obtain the property that secures the
 obligation of the issuer.
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          NUVEEN EXCHANGE-TRADED FUNDS
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
  Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period is as follows:

                             OPERATING PERFORMANCE
                                              REALIZED                                      PER
                                                 AND                                NET    SHARE    TOTAL     TOTAL
                        NET ASSET            UNREALIZED  DIVIDENDS                 ASSET  MARKET  INVESTMENT RETURN
                        OF PERIOD   INCOME   INVESTMENTS   INCOME       GAINS     PERIOD  PERIOD   VALUE**   VALUE**
 Year ended 9/30/94      $10.990    $.659      $(.575)     $(.669)     $(.015)    $10.390 $10.500     (.77)%    .78%
 Year ended 9/30/93       10.740     .664        .393       (.670)      (.137)     10.990  11.250     7.27    10.28
 2 Mos. ended 9/30/92     10.870     .112       (.129)      (.113)         --      10.740  11.250    (2.29)    (.16)
 Year ended 7/31,
  1992                    10.270     .676        .727       (.676)      (.127)     10.870  11.625    17.77    14.28
 1991                     10.200     .679        .115       (.676)      (.048)     10.270  10.625     8.58     8.21
 1990                     10.370     .677       (.127)      (.676)      (.044)     10.200  10.500     7.08     5.61
 1989                      9.950     .675        .659       (.679)      (.235)     10.370  10.500    14.92    14.22
 10/7/87 to 7/31/88        9.350     .514        .541       (.455)         --       9.950  10.000     4.67    11.40
 Year ended 9/30/94       11.960     .701       (.748)      (.743)         --      11.170  10.375   (13.43)    (.40)
 Year ended 9/30/93       12.200     .755       (.185)      (.767)      (.043)     11.960  12.750     8.69     4.88
 10 Mos. ended 9/30/92    11.940     .661        .325       (.655)      (.071)     12.200  12.500    12.82     8.54
 Year ended 11/30/91      11.430     .795        .517       (.802)         --      11.940  11.750     8.02    11.92
 1 Mo. ended 11/30/90     11.370     .068        .095       (.068)      (.035)     11.430  11.625      .94     1.44
 Year ended 10/31,
  1990                    11.710     .806       (.266)      (.810)      (.070)     11.370  11.625     8.75     4.77
 1989                     11.530     .806        .210       (.808)      (.028)     11.710  11.500     6.39     9.15
 4/20/88 to 10/31/88      11.210     .358        .244       (.282)         --      11.530  11.625     (.66)    5.45

                                 RATIOS/SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
                                               RATIO OF
                        NET ASSETS  RATIO OF  INVESTMENT
                          END OF    EXPENSES  INCOME TO  PORTFOLIO
                        PERIOD (IN TO AVERAGE  AVERAGE   TURNOVER
                        THOUSANDS) NET ASSETS NET ASSETS   RATE
 Year ended 9/30/94      $122,311      .84%      6.16%        4%
 Year ended 9/30/93       127,976      .85       6.16         5
 2 Mos. ended 9/30/92     123,313      .84*      6.20*        0
 Year ended 7/31,
  1992                    124,620      .90       6.46         9
 1991                     116,236      .96       6.77        14
 1990                     114,368      .98       6.70        16
 1989                     115,379     1.03       6.75        24
 10/7/87 to 7/31/88       109,750      .99*      6.54*       47
 Year ended 9/30/94        28,050     1.00       6.08        12
 Year ended 9/30/93        29,769     1.07       6.31        17
 10 Mos. ended 9/30/92     30,075      .93*      6.58*        3
 Year ended 11/30/91       29,187      .92       6.84        14
 1 Mo. ended 11/30/90      27,736      .80*      7.26*        1
 Year ended 10/31,
  1990                     27,564      .86       6.99        11
 1989                      28,177      .90       6.95        36
 4/20/88 to 10/31/88       27,689      .94*      6.21*       21

**Total Investment Return on Market Value is the combination of reinvested
 dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, and changes
 in stock price per share. Total Return on Net Asset Value is the combination
 of reinvested dividend income, reinvested capital gains distributions, if any,
 and changes in net asset value per share.


Pro Forma Portfolio of Investments.......................................... P-2
Pro Forma Financial Information............................................. P-6
  Pro Forma Capitalization.................................................. P-6
  Pro Forma Condensed Balance Sheet......................................... P-7
  Pro Forma Condensed Income Statement...................................... P-7



  PRINCIPAL                                  OPT. CALL                MARKET
 $  1,000,000 New York Local Government
               Assistance Corporation,
               7.500%, 4/01/20 (Pre-
               refunded to 4/01/01)......    4/01 at 102    Aaa    $  1,162,940
              New York State,
               Certificates of
               (Commissioner of Office of
               Mental Health):
    1,000,000  8.250%, 9/01/07...........    9/97 at 102   Baa1       1,086,720
    3,000,000  8.300%, 9/01/12...........    9/97 at 102   Baa1       3,251,220
    1,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and Development
               Authority, Gas Facilities
               (The Brooklyn Union Gas
               Company), Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 5.600%,
               6/01/25...................    7/03 at 102    Aaa         917,520
    4,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and Development
               Authority, Pollution
               Control (Central Hudson
               Gas and Electric
               Corporation), Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 8.375%,
               12/01/28..................   12/98 at 102     A3       4,436,760
    4,500,000 New York State Energy
               Research and Development
               Authority, Pollution
               Control (Rochester Gas and
               Electric Corporation),
               Alternative Minimum Tax,
               8.375%, 12/01/28..........   12/98 at 102   Baa1       4,991,355
    1,000,000 New York State Energy
               Research and Development
               Authority, Pollution
               Control (New York Electric
               and Gas Corporation),
               Alternative Minimum Tax,
               5.950%, 12/01/27..........   12/03 at 102   Baa1         918,440
              New York State Energy
               Research and Development
               Authority (Consolidated
               Edison Company),
               Alternative Minimum Tax:..
    1,000,000  7.500%, 1/01/26...........    1/00 at 101    Aa3       1,071,890
    1,000,000  6.000%, 3/15/28...........    3/03 at 102    Aaa         966,630
    1,425,000 New York State
               Environmental Facilities
               Corporation, Water
               Facilities (The New
               Rochelle Water Company
               Project), Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 6.400%,
               12/01/24..................    6/02 at 102     A3       1,415,495
    1,000,000 New York State Housing
               Finance Agency, State
               University Construction,
               8.100%, 11/01/10 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/98).....   11/98 at 102    Aaa       1,139,630
    1,000,000 New York State Housing
               Finance Agency, H.E.L.P.-
               Suffolk Housing,
               Alternative Minimum Tax,
               8.100%, 11/01/05..........   11/99 at 100    Baa       1,083,850
    5,000,000 New York State Housing
               Finance Agency, Health
               Facilities (New York
               City), 8.000%, 11/01/08...   11/00 at 102   BBB+       5,562,700
    1,000,000 New York State Housing
               Finance Agency, Service
               6.375%, 9/15/14...........    9/04 at 102   Baa1       1,002,670
    2,500,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency,
               Hospital and Nursing Home
               Insured Mortgage (St.
               Vincent's Hospital),
               8.000%, 2/15/27 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/15/97)......    8/97 at 102    Aaa       2,671,675
    4,980,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency,
               Hospital and Nursing Home,
               Insured Mortgage (Albany
               Medical Center),
               8.000%, 2/15/28...........    8/98 at 102    AAA       5,499,763
    5,000,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency,
               Hospital and Nursing Home,
               FHA-Insured Mortgage
               (Catholic Medical Center),
               8.300%, 2/15/22 (Pre-
               refunded to 2/15/98)......    2/98 at 102    AAA       5,600,550
    6,250,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency
               8.000%, 2/15/25 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/15/97)......    8/97 at 102    Aaa       6,886,313
    1,000,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency
               (Huntington Hospital),
               8.125%, 11/01/14 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97).....   11/97 at 102    BBB       1,109,320
    1,800,000 New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency
               (Hospital and Nursing
               Home), 6.550%, 8/15/12....    8/02 at 102     Aa       1,849,284
              New York State Medical Care
               Facilities Finance Agency
               (Mental Health Services):
    1,650,000  8.875%, 8/15/07 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/15/97)......    8/97 at 102    AAA       1,841,219
    1,850,000  8.875%, 8/15/07...........    8/97 at 102   Baa1       2,022,975
    1,000,000  6.375%, 8/15/17...........   12/02 at 102    Aaa       1,021,390



  PRINCIPAL                                 OPT. CALL                  MARKET
 $  3,305,000 New York State Medical
               Care Facilities
               Financing Agency
               (Hospital and Nursing
               Home, FHA Insured),
               6.250%, 2/15/15........        8/05 at 102    AAA    $  3,327,110
              New York State Mortgage
       20,000  9.750%, 10/01/10.......    4/95 at 102 1/2     Aa          20,620
      455,000  8.625%, 4/01/11........       10/95 at 102     Aa         468,896
    1,375,000  8.375%, 10/01/17.......        1/98 at 102     Aa       1,480,133
              New York State Mortgage
               Agency, Homeowner
               Mortgage, Alternative
               Minimum Tax:
    2,415,000  8.125%, 4/01/20........       10/97 at 102     Aa       2,566,324
      305,000  8.250%, 4/01/22........        4/99 at 102     Aa         324,889
    1,500,000  7.950%, 4/01/22........        6/00 at 102     Aa       1,598,145
    8,205,000  0.000%, 10/01/23.......    10/01 at 19 2/5     Aa         977,216
    1,000,000 New York State Power
               Authority, General
               8.000%, 1/01/17........        1/98 at 102     Aa       1,106,690
              New York State Urban
               Correctional Capital
    1,500,000  8.000%, 1/01/06 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/96)...        1/96 at 102   Baa1       1,557,585
    1,250,000  5.500%, 1/01/15........        1/03 at 102   Baa1       1,127,150
    5,000,000 New York State Urban
               Development Corporation
               (Onondaga County
               Convention Center),
               7.875%, 1/01/20........        1/01 at 102   Baa1       5,495,450
              New York State Urban
               Corporation, State
    1,000,000  7.500%, 4/01/11........        4/01 at 102   Baa1       1,077,340
    1,000,000  7.500%, 4/01/20........        4/01 at 102   Baa1       1,086,850
    2,955,000 Babylon Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Resource Recovery,
               8.500%, 1/01/19........        7/98 at 103   Baa1       3,260,429
      250,000 Battery Park City
               Authority, Junior
               5.800%, 11/01/22.......       11/03 at 102      A         230,443
    1,000,000 Brookhaven Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility,
               St. Joseph's College,
               8.100%, 4/01/08........        4/98 at 102      A       1,096,290
    2,500,000 Cattaraugus County,
               Certificates of
               Participation (Olean
               Office Facility),
               8.500%, 8/01/09 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/01/98)...        8/98 at 102   BBB-       2,844,950
    4,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Judicial Facilities
               Lease, 7.375%, 7/01/16.       No Opt. Call    Aaa       4,650,160
      250,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Judicial Facilities
               Lease (Suffolk County),
               9.500%, 4/15/14........   10/95 at 116 1/2   Baa1         293,588
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York
               (City University):
    1,000,000  8.200%, 7/01/12........        7/98 at 102   Baa1       1,126,390
    5,000,000  8.125%, 7/01/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 7/01/97)...        7/97 at 102    Aaa       5,483,000
    1,000,000  5.750%, 7/01/18........       No Opt. Call   Baa1         941,770
              Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Educational Facilities
               (State University):
    1,000,000  7.400%, 5/15/01........        5/00 at 102   Baa1       1,097,660
    2,500,000  5.250%, 5/15/19........       No Opt. Call   Baa1       2,195,050
    1,000,000 Dormitory Authority of
               the State of New York,
               Court Facilities,
               5.700%, 5/15/22........    5/03 at 101 1/2   Baa1         913,120
    1,000,000 Geneva Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility, (Finger
               Lakes Cerebral Palsy),
               8.500%, 11/01/16.......       11/01 at 102    N/R       1,035,660
    5,000,000 Hempstead Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Resource Recovery
               (American Ref-Fuel
               7.375%, 12/01/05.......       12/96 at 102     A-       5,173,850
               Authority, Transit
    1,000,000  8.500%, 7/01/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 7/01/97)...        7/97 at 102    AAA       1,103,460
    1,000,000  5.500%, 7/01/22........        7/02 at 100    Aaa         938,640



  PRINCIPAL                                 OPT. CALL                  MARKET
              New York City General
 $  3,500,000  9.500%, 8/01/02........    8/01 at 101 1/2    Baa1   $  4,222,505
       25,000  6.300%, 8/01/03........    8/02 at 101 1/2     Aaa         27,328
    1,135,000  6.600%, 2/01/04........       No Opt. Call      A-      1,193,226
    2,500,000  8.125%, 11/01/06 (Pre-
               refunded 11/01/97).....   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,761,850
    2,500,000  8.500%, 11/01/11 (Pre-
               refunded to 11/01/97)..   11/97 at 101 1/2     Aaa      2,781,850
      945,000  8.500%, 8/01/12 (Pre-
               refunded to 8/01/96)...        8/96 at 102      A-      1,006,671
       55,000  8.500%, 8/01/12........        8/96 at 102    Baa1         58,046
    2,500,000  7.000%, 2/01/15........        2/96 at 102    Baa1      2,560,425
    1,455,000 New York City Housing
               Development Corporation
               (South Bronx
               Alternative Minimum
               8.100%, 9/01/23........        9/00 at 102      Aa      1,554,434
      495,000 New York City Housing
               Corporation, (South
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 7.900%, 2/01/23...        2/00 at 102      Aa        522,427
    1,500,000 New York City Housing
               Corporation, Multi-
               Family Mortgage, (FHA
               Insured), 6.550%,
               10/01/15...............        4/03 at 102     AAA      1,551,900
              New York City Municipal
               Water Finance
               Authority, Water and
    1,000,000  7.875%, 6/15/16 (Pre-
               refunded to 6/15/96)...        6/96 at 102     Aaa      1,054,900
    3,750,000  9.000%, 6/15/17 (Pre-
               refunded to 6/15/97)...       11/97 at 102     Aaa      4,164,450
    1,000,000  7.750%, 6/15/20 (Pre-
               refunded to 6/15/01)...    6/01 at 101 1/2     Aaa      1,176,420
    1,850,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility
               (International Center
               for Integrative Studies
               Inc., The Door
               Project), 9.000%,
               3/01/09................        3/97 at 103     N/R        555,000
    2,600,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency,
               Civic Facility (YMCA of
               Greater New York),
               8.000%, 8/01/16........        8/01 at 102     N/R      2,773,185
    1,000,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency
               (American Airlines,
               Inc.), Alternative
               Minimum Tax,
               8.000%, 7/01/20........        1/99 at 102    Baa3      1,067,940
    1,000,000 New York City Industrial
               Development Agency
               (Terminal One Group),
               Alternative Minimum
               Tax, 6.125%, 1/01/24...        1/04 at 102       A        957,840
    1,930,000 Newark-Wayne Community
               Hospital, 7.600%,
               9/01/15................        9/03 at 102     N/R      1,969,255
    2,000,000 St. Lawrence County
               Solid Waste Disposal
               Authority, Solid Waste
               Disposal, 8.875%,
               1/01/08................        1/98 at 102     Baa      2,236,980
    2,000,000 Triborough Bridge and
               Tunnel Authority,
               General Purpose,
               8.125%, 1/01/12........        1/98 at 102      Aa      2,212,220
    1,275,000 Triborough Bridge and
               Tunnel Authority,
               Mortgage Recording Tax,
               8.000%, 1/01/18 (Pre-
               refunded to 1/01/98)...       1/98 101 1/2     Aaa      1,407,115
 $147,755,000 Total Investments--(cost $137,810,817)--
               98.3%....................................             149,925,134
 ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------
               MUNICIPAL SECURITIES--0.4%
 $    100,000 New York City General Obligation,
               Variable Rate Demand Bonds,
               3.350%, 8/01/21+.........................   VMIG-1        100,000
      500,000 New York City Industrial Development
               Agency (Japan Airlines Company),
               Variable Rate Demand Bonds, Alternative
               Minimum Tax, 3.450%, 11/01/15+...........     A-1+        500,000
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
 $    600,000 Total Temporary Investments--0.4%                          600,000
 ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------
              Other Assets Less Liabilities--1.3%.......               1,881,907
              Net Assets--100%..........................            $152,407,041



                                                       NUMBER                MARKET
 RATINGS**                 AAA                    Aaa     23    $ 58,135,813   39%
 INVESTMENTS      AA+, AA, AA-      Aa1, Aa, Aa2, Aa3     13      15,753,168   11
 TEMPORARY               A, A-              A, A2, A3      8      15,510,575   10
INVESTMENT):   BBB+, BBB, BBB-  Baa1, Baa, Baa2, Baa3     27      54,192,478   36
                     Non-rated              Non-rated      4       6,333,100    4
TOTAL                                                    75     $149,925,134  100%

* Optional Call Provisions: Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest
 optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying
 prices at later dates.
**Ratings: Using the higher of Standard & Poor's or Moody's rating.
N/R--Investment is not rated.
+ The security has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and
 demand features which qualify it as a short-term security. The rate disclosed
 is that currently in effect. This rate changes periodically based on market
 conditions or a specified market index.
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

  The following tables set forth the unaudited capitalization, net asset value
per share and income of the Funds as of July 31, 1995 and for the ten-month
period then ended and as adjusted to give effect to the Reorganization, as
well as the unaudited portfolio of investments as of July 31, 1995 as adjusted
to give effect to the Reorganization.

                                                               ACQUIRING FUND
                                 ACQUIRING FUND ACQUIRED FUND        (AS
                                    (ACTUAL)      (ACTUAL)     ADJUSTED)(/1/)
                                 -------------- ------------- -----------------
Shareholders' Equity:
 Common shares, $.01 par value
  per share; 250,000,000 shares
  authorized: 11,903,229 shares
  outstanding for Acquiring
  Fund (Actual); 2,516,018
  shares outstanding for
  Acquired Fund (Actual);
  14,621,934 shares outstanding
  for Acquiring Fund (As
  Adjusted).....................  $    119,032   $    25,160  $    146,219(/2/)
 Paid-in surplus................   111,715,140    27,933,844   139,512,442(/3/)
 Undistributed net investment
  income........................       380,079        11,841       380,079(/4/)
 Net realized gain (loss) from
  investment transactions.......       466,851      (162,867)      303,984(/5/)
 Net unrealized appreciation of
  investments...................    11,443,513       620,804         12,064,317
                                  ------------   -----------  -----------------
   Net Assets...................  $124,124,615   $28,428,782  $     152,407,041
                                  ============   ===========  =================

(1) The adjusted balances are presented as if the Reorganization were
    effective as of July 31, 1995 for information purposes only. The actual
    Effective Time of the Reorganization is expected to be                 ,
    at which time the results would be reflective of the actual composition of
    shareholders' equity at that date.
(2) Assumes the issuance of 2,718,705 Acquiring Fund common shares in exchange
    for the net assets of the Acquired Fund, which number is based on the net
    asset value of the Acquiring Fund common shares, and the net asset value
    of the Acquired Fund, as of July 31, 1995, after adjustment for the
    distributions referred to in (4) and (5) below. The issuance of such
    number of Acquiring Fund common shares would result in the distribution of
    1.0805585 Acquiring Fund common shares for each Acquired Fund common share
    upon liquidation of the Acquired Fund.
(3) Includes the impact of (a) estimated Reorganization costs of $134,515 and
    (b) $(2,027) due to the effect of the exchange ratio on the value of new
    shares issued in excess of the value of shares liquidated. None of the
    estimated Reorganization costs described in (a) above, of which $56,890 of
    this amount is an expense of the Acquiring Fund and $77,625 is an expense
    of the Acquired Fund, are recurring expenses.
(4) Assumes the Acquired Fund distributes all of its undistributed net
    investment income to its shareholders.
(5) Assumes the Acquired Fund carries forward its net realized losses from
    investment transactions to the Acquiring Fund, as permitted under
    applicable tax regulations.


                             (ACTUAL)      (ACTUAL)    ADJUSTMENTS      (AS ADJUSTED)
                          -------------- ------------- -----------      --------------
Investments in municipal
 securities, at market
 value..................   $121,807,995   $28,117,139   $  --            $149,925,134
Temporary investments in
 short-term municipal
 securities, at market
 value..................        100,000       500,000      --                 600,000
Cash....................        379,207       188,708    (146,356)(/2/)       421,559
Other assets less
 liabilities............      1,837,413      (377,065)     --               1,460,348
                           ------------   -----------   ---------        ------------
Net assets..............   $124,124,615   $28,428,782   $(146,356)       $152,407,041
                           ============   ===========   =========        ============
Common shares
 outstanding............     11,903,229     2,516,018     202,687 (/3/)    14,621,934
                           ============   ===========   =========        ============
Net asset value per
 common share:
 As of July 31, 1995....         $10.43        $11.30
                           ============   ===========
 After distribution of
  ordinary income.......         $10.43        $11.29
                           ============   ===========
 After Reorganization
  related expenses......         $10.42        $11.26                          $10.42
                           ============   ===========                    ============

(1) See note (1) to Pro Forma Capitalization table on preceding page as to the
    Effective Time of the Reorganization. Assumes sales of investments in
    municipal securities and temporary investments to provide additional cash
    needed to make distributions of ordinary income and to pay estimated
    Reorganization related expenses.
(2) Net effect on cash after payment of estimated Reorganization costs.
(3) None of the Reorganization costs, estimated to be $134,515 ($56,890 of
    which is an expense of the Acquiring Fund and $77,625 of which is an
    expense of the Acquired Fund), are recurring expenses.
(4) See note (1) to Pro Forma Capitalization table. Based on the issuance of
    2,718,705 additional Acquiring Fund common shares and the cancellation of
    2,516,018 Acquired Fund common shares.

                             (ACTUAL)      (ACTUAL)    ADJUSTMENTS (AS ADJUSTED)
                          -------------- ------------- ----------- --------------
Investment Income:
 Interest income........    $7,328,838    $1,663,085     $ --        $8,991,923
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
 Management fees........       658,101       151,199      (1,192)       808,108
 All other expenses.....       157,393        73,329     (50,514)       180,208
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
   Total expenses.......       815,494       224,528     (51,706)       988,316
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
     Net investment
      income............     6,513,344     1,438,557      51,706      8,003,607
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
Realized and Unrealized
 Gain (Loss) on
 Net realized gain from
  transactions..........       741,340        20,000       --           761,340
 Net change in
  appreciation or
  depreciation of
  investments...........      (152,154)      341,800       --           189,646
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
     Net gain on
      investments.......       589,186       361,800       --           950,986
                            ----------    ----------     -------     ----------
Net Increase in Net
 Assets from Operations.    $7,102,530    $1,800,357     $51,706     $8,954,593
                            ==========    ==========     =======     ==========

(1) Reflects the management fee of .35% of net assets for the first
    $500,000,000 and 4.125% of gross interest income for the first $50,000,000
    for the acquiring fund and .65% of net assets for the first $125 million
    for the acquired fund.
(2) Represents estimated reduction in operating expenses, including audit,
    legal, custodian, stock exchange and report printing. The Acquiring Fund
    (As Adjusted) would have a much larger asset base than either Fund
    currently has. Certain operating expenses would have been reduced had they
    been applied to the larger asset base for one Fund, rather than to two
    smaller separate Funds.

                                                                         ANNEX A
                             RATINGS OF INVESTMENTS
  STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION--A brief description of the applicable Standard
& Poor's Corporation ("S&P") rating symbols and their meanings (as published by
S&P) follows:
  An S&P corporate or municipal debt rating is a current assessment of the
creditworthiness of an obligor with respect to a specific obligation. This
assessment may take into consideration obligors such as guarantors, insurers,
or lessees. The debt rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell, or hold
a security, inasmuch as it does not comment as to market price or suitability
for a particular investor. The ratings are based on current information
furnished by the issuer or obtained by S&P from other sources it considers
reliable. S&P does not perform an audit in connection with any rating and may,
on occasion, rely on unaudited financial information. The ratings may be
changed, suspended, or withdrawn as a result of changes in, or unavailability
of, such information, or based on other circumstances. The ratings are based,
in varying degrees, on the following considerations:
    1. Likelihood of default--capacity and willingness of the obligor as to
  the timely payment of interest and repayment of principal in accordance
  with the terms of the obligation;
    2. Nature of and provisions of the obligation;
    3. Protection afforded by, and relative position of, the obligation in
  the event of bankruptcy, reorganization, or other arrangement under the
  laws of bankruptcy and other laws affecting creditors' rights.
AAA   Debt rated "AAA' has the highest rating assigned by S&P. Capacity to pay
      interest and repay principal is extremely strong.
AA    Debt rated "AA' has a very strong capacity to pay interest and repay
      principal and differs from the highest rated issues only in small degree.
A     Debt rated "A' has a strong capacity to pay interest and repay principal
      although it is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of
      changes in circumstances and economic conditions than debt in higher
      rated categories.
BBB   Debt rated "BBB' is regarded as having an adequate capacity to pay
      interest and repay principal. Whereas it normally exhibits adequate
      protection parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing
      circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay
      interest and repay principal for debt in this category than in higher
      rated categories.
  Debt rated "BB', "B', "CCC', "CC' and "C' is regarded as having predominantly
speculative characteristics with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay
principal. "BB' indicates the least degree of speculation and "C' the highest.
While such debt will likely have some quality and protective characteristics
these are outweighed by major uncertainties or major exposures to adverse
BB    Debt rated "BB' has less near-term vulnerability to default than other
      speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or
      exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which
      could lead to inadequate capacity to meet timely interest and principal
      payments. The "BB' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to
      senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied "BBB-' rating.
B     Debt rated "B' has a greater vulnerability to default but currently has
      the capacity to meet interest payments and principal repayments. Adverse
      business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair capacity
      or willingness to pay interest and repay principal.
    The "B' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior
    debt that is assigned an actual or implied "BB' or "BB-' rating.

CCC   Debt rated "CCC' has a currently identifiable vulnerability to default,
      and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic
      conditions to meet timely payment of interest and repayment of principal.
      In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, it
      is not likely to have the capacity to pay interest and repay principal.
    The "CCC' rating category is also used for debt subordinated to senior
    debt that is assigned an actual or implied "B' or "B-' rating.
CC    The rating "CC' typically is applied to debt subordinated to senior debt
      that is assigned an actual or implied "CCC' debt rating.
C     The rating "C' typically is applied to debt subordinated to senior debt
      which is assigned an actual or implied "CCC-' debt rating. The "C' rating
      may be used to cover a situation where a bankruptcy petition has been
      filed, but debt service payments are continued.
CI    The rating "CI' is reserved for income bonds on which no interest is
      being paid.
D     Debt rated "D' is in payment default. The "D' rating category is used
      when interest payments or principal payments are not made on the date due
      even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless S&P believes
      that such payments will be made during such grace period. The "D' rating
      also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition if debt
      service payments are jeopardized.
  PLUS (+) OR MINUS (-): The ratings from "AA' to "CCC' may be modified by the
addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major
rating categories.
  PROVISIONAL RATINGS: The letter "p" indicates that the rating is provisional.
A provisional rating assumes the successful completion of the project financed
by the debt being rated and indicates that payment of debt service requirements
is largely or entirely dependent upon the successful and timely completion of
the project. This rating, however, while addressing credit quality subsequent
to completion of the project, makes no comment on the likelihood of, or the
risk of default upon failure of, such completion. The investor should exercise
judgment with respect to such likelihood and risk.
L     The letter "L' indicates that the rating pertains to the principal amount
      of those bonds to the extent that the underlying deposit collateral is
      federally insured and interest is adequately collateralized.* In the case
      of certificates of deposit the letter "L' indicates that the deposit,
      combined with other deposits being held in the same right and capacity,
      will be honored for principal and accrued pre-default interest up to the
      federal insurance limits within 30 days after closing of the insured
      institution or, in the event that the deposit is assumed by a successor
      insured institution, upon maturity.
NR    Indicates no rating has been requested, that there is insufficient
      information on which to base a rating, or that S&P does not rate a
      particular type of obligation as a matter of policy.
  An S&P note rating reflects the liquidity concerns and market access risks
unique to notes. Notes due in 3 years or less will likely receive a note
rating. Notes maturing beyond 3 years will most likely receive a long-term debt
rating. The following criteria will be used in making that assessment:
    --Amortization schedule (the larger the final maturity relative to other
     maturities, the more likely it will be treated as a note).
    --Source of payment (the more dependent the issue is on the market for
     its refinancing, the more likely it will be treated as a note).
SP-1  Very strong or strong capacity to pay principal and interest. Those
      issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics will be
      given a plus (+) designation.
   *Continuance of the rating is contingent upon S&P's receipt of an executed
   copy of the escrow agreement or closing documentation confirming investments
   and cash flow.

SP-2  Satisfactory capacity to pay principal and interest.
SP-3  Speculative capacity to pay principal and interest.
  A note rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell, or hold a security
inasmuch as it does not comment as to market price or suitability for a
particular investor. The ratings are based on current information furnished to
S&P by the issuer or obtained by S&P from other sources it considers reliable.
S&P does not perform an audit in connection with any rating and may, on
occasion, rely on unaudited financial information. The ratings may be changed,
suspended, or withdrawn as a result of changes in or unavailability of such
information or based on other circumstances.
  An S&P commercial paper rating is a current assessment of the likelihood of
timely payment of debt having an original maturity of no more than 365 days.
  Ratings are graded into several categories, ranging from "A-1" for the
highest quality obligations to "D" for the lowest. These categories are as
A-1   This highest category indicates that the degree of safety regarding
      timely payment is strong. Those issues determined to possess extremely
      strong safety characteristics are denoted with a plus sign (+)
A-2   Capacity for timely payment on issues with this designation is
      satisfactory. However, the relative degree of safety is not as high as
      for issues designated "A-1."
A-3   Issues carrying this designation have adequate capacity for timely
      payment. They are, however, more vulnerable to the adverse effects of
      changes in circumstances than obligations carrying the higher
B     Issues rated "B" are regarded as having only speculative capacity for
      timely payment.
C     This rating is assigned to short-term debt obligations with a doubtful
      capacity for payment.
D     Debt rated "D" is in payment default. The "D" rating category is used
      when interest payments or principal payments are not made on the date
      due, even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless S&P
      believes that such payments will be made during such grace period.
  A commercial paper rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell, or hold
a security inasmuch as it does not comment as to market price or suitability
for a particular investor. The ratings are based on current information
furnished to S&P by the issuer or obtained by S&P from other sources it
considers reliable. S&P does not perform an audit in connection with any rating
and may, on occasion, rely on unaudited financial information. The ratings may
be changed, suspended, or withdrawn as a result of changes in or unavailability
of such information or based on other circumstances.
  MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC.--A brief description of the applicable
Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") rating symbols and their meanings
(as published by Moody's) follows:
AAA   Bonds which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They
      carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred
      to as "gilt edge." Interest payments are protected by a large or by an
      exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure. While the various
      protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be
      visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position
      of such issues.
AA    Bonds which are rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all
      standards. Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are generally
      known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best bonds
      because margins of protection may not be as large as in Aaa securities or
      fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there
      may be other elements present which make the long-term risks appear
      somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

A     Bonds which are rated A possess many favorable investment attributes and
      are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors giving
      security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements
      may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment sometime in
      the future.
BAA   Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium grade obligations,
      i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest
      payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but
      certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically
      unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding
      investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics
      as well.
BA    Bonds which are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their
      future cannot be considered as well assured. Often the protection of
      interest and principal payments may be very moderate and thereby not well
      safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty
      of position characterizes bonds in this class.
B     Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable
      investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of
      maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time
      may be small.
CAA   Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing. Such issues may be in
      default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to
      principal or interest.
CA    Bonds which are rated Ca represent obligations which are speculative in a
      high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked
C     Bonds which are rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and issues so
      rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever
      attaining any real investment standing.
CON(...) Bonds for which the security depends upon the completion of some act
         or the fulfillment of some condition are rated conditionally. These
         are bonds secured by (a) earnings of projects under construction, (b)
         earnings of projects unseasoned in operation experience, (c) rentals
         which begin when facilities are completed, or (d) payments to which
         some other limiting condition attaches. Parenthetical rating denotes
         probable credit stature upon completion of construction or elimination
         of basis of condition.
NOTE: Those bonds in the Aa, A, Baa, Ba, and B groups which Moody's believes
      possess the strongest investment attributes are designated by the symbols
      Aa1, A1, Baa1, Ba1 and B1.
MIG 1/VMIG 1 This designation denotes best quality. There is present strong
             protection by established cash flows, superior liquidity support
             or demonstrated broad based access to the market for refinancing.
MIG 2/VMIG 2 This designation denotes high quality. Margins of protection are
             ample although not so large as in the preceding group.
MIG 3/VMIG 3 This designation denotes favorable quality. All security elements
             are accounted for but there is lacking the undeniable strength of
             the preceding grades. Liquidity and cash flow protection may be
             narrow and market access for refinancing is likely to be less
MIG 4/VMIG 4 This designation denotes adequate quality. Protection commonly
             regarded as required of an investment security is present and
             although not distinctly or predominantly speculative, there is
             specific risk.
S.G.         This designation denotes speculative quality. Debt instruments in
             this category lack margins of protection.

  Issuers rated PRIME-1 (or related supporting institutions) have a superior
capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. Prime-1 repayment
capacity will normally be evidenced by the following characteristics:
    --Leading market positions in well established industries.
    --High rates of return on funds employed.
    --Conservative capitalization structures with moderate reliance on debt
     and ample asset protection.
    --Broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and high
     internal cash generation.
    --Well-established access to a range of financial markets and assured
     sources of alternate liquidity.
  Issuers rated PRIME-2 (or related supporting institutions) have a strong
capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. This will normally
be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree.
Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, will be more subject to
variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more
affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained.
  Issuers rated PRIME-3 (or related supporting institutions) have an acceptable
capacity for repayment of short-term promissory obligations. The effect of
industry characteristics and market composition may be more pronounced.
Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of
debt protection measurements and the requirement for relatively high financial
leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained.
  Issuers rated NOT PRIME do not fall within any of the Prime rating

                           PART C--OTHER INFORMATION
  Article EIGHTH of the Registrant's Articles of Incorporation provides as
    EIGHTH: To the maximum extent permitted by the Minnesota Business
  Corporation Act, as from time to time amended, the Corporation shall
  indemnify its currently acting and its former directors, officers,
  employees and agents, and those persons who, at the request of the
  Corporation, serve or have served another corporation, partnership, joint
  venture, trust or other enterprise in one or more such capacities. The
  indemnification provided for herein shall not be deemed exclusive of any
  other rights to which those seeking indemnification may otherwise be
    Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in defending a civil or
  criminal action, suit or proceeding (including costs connected with the
  preparation of a settlement) may be paid by the Corporation in advance of
  the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding, if authorized by
  the Board of Directors in the specific case, upon receipt of an undertaking
  by or on behalf of the director, officer, employee or agent to repay that
  amount of the advance which exceeds the amount which it is ultimately
  determined that he is entitled to receive from the Corporation by reason of
  indemnification as authorized herein; provided, however, that prior to
  making any such advance at least one of the following conditions shall have
  been met: (1) the indemnitee shall provide a security for his undertaking,
  (2) the Corporation shall be insured against losses arising by reason of
  any lawful advances, or (3) a majority of a quorum of the disinterested,
  non-party directors of the Corporation, or an independent legal counsel in
  a written opinion, shall determine, based on a review of readily available
  facts, that there is reason to believe that the indemnitee ultimately will
  be found entitled to indemnification.
    Nothing in these Articles of Incorporation or in the By-Laws shall be
  deemed to protect or provide indemnification to any director or officer of
  the Corporation against any liability to the Corporation or to its security
  holders to which he would otherwise be subject by reason of willful
  misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the
  duties involved in the conduct of his office ("disabling conduct"), and the
  Corporation shall not indemnify any of its officers or directors against
  any liability to the Corporation or to its security holders unless a
  determination shall have been made in the manner provided hereafter that
  such liability has not arisen from such officer's or director's disabling
  conduct. A determination that an officer or director is entitled to
  indemnification shall have been properly made if it is based upon (1) a
  final decision on the merits by a court or other body before whom the
  proceeding was brought that the indemnitee was not liable by reason of
  disabling conduct or, (2) in the absence of such a decision, a reasonable
  determination, based upon a review of the facts, that the indemnitee was
  not liable by reason of disabling conduct, by (a) the vote of a majority of
  a quorum of directors who are neither "interested persons" of the
  Corporation as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 nor parties to
  the proceeding, or (b) an independent legal counsel in a written opinion.
  The directors and officers of the Registrant are covered by an Investment
Trust Errors and Omission policy in the aggregate amount of $20,000,000 (with a
maximum deductible of $350,000) against liability and expenses of claims of
wrongful acts arising out of their position with the Registrant, except for
matters which involve willful acts, bad faith, gross negligence and willful
disregard of duty (i.e., where the insured did not act in good faith for a
purpose he or she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of Registrant
or where he or she had reasonable cause to believe this conduct was unlawful).
  The exhibits to this Registration Statement are set forth on the Index to
Exhibits attached hereto.
  1. The undersigned Registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering of
the securities registered through the use of a prospectus which is a part of
this registration statement by any person or party who is deemed to be an
underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act, the
reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable
registration form for reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters, in
addition to the information called for by the other items of the applicable
                                    Part C-1

  2. The undersigned Registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed
under paragraph (1) above will be filed as a part of an amendment to the
registration statement and will not be used until the amendment is effective,
and that, in determining any liability under the 1933 Act, each post-effective
amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement for the securities
offered therein, and the offering of the securities at that time shall be
deemed to be the initial bona fide offering of them.
  3. Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities
Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of
the Registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the
Registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the
Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for
indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the
Registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling
person of the Registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or
proceeding) is asserted by such directors, officer or controlling person in
connection with the securities being registered, the Registrant will, unless in
the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling
precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether
such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and
will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.
                                    Part C-2

                                        Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund,
                                        /s/ Larry W. Martin
                                        Larry W. Martin, Vice President
        SIGNATURE                 TITLE                    DATE
/s/ O. Walter Renfftlen    Vice President and         August 22, 1995
-----------------------     Controller
    O. Walter Renfftlen     (Principal Financial
                            and Accounting
Richard J. Franke          Chairman of the
                            Board and Trustee
                            Executive Officer)
                                               By /s/ Larry W. Martin
                                                      Larry W. Martin,

Timothy R. Schwertfeger    President and Trustee
Lawrence H. Brown          Director                   August 22, 1995
Anne E. Impellizzeri       Director
Margaret K. Rosenheim      Director
Peter R. Sawers            Director
                                    Part C-3

                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS

 EXHIBIT                                                              NUMBERED
 NUMBER                           EXHIBIT                               PAGE
 ------- --------------------------------------------------------   ------------
  1.1    Articles of Incorporation of Registrant, as amended.....
  2.     By-Laws of Registrant, as amended.......................
  3.     Not Applicable..........................................
  4.1    Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
         (incorporated by reference to Annex A to the Joint Proxy
  5.     Terms and Conditions of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan..
  6.1    Investment Management Agreement, dated May 1, 1989 by
         and between Registrant and Nuveen Advisory Corp. as
         amended and renewed as of May 9, 1995...................
  7.     Not Applicable..........................................
  8.     Directors' Deferred Compensation Plan...................
  9.1    Mutual Fund Custody Agreement, dated January 1, 1991, by
         and between Registrant and United States Trust Company
         of New York as amended and renewed as of February 25,
  9.2    Fund Accounting Agreement, dated January 1, 1991, by and
         between Registrant and United States Trust Company of
         New York................................................
  9.3    Form of Shareholder Transfer Agency Agreement, dated
         January 1, 1991, by and between Registrant and United
         States Trust Company of New York........................
 10.     Not Applicable..........................................
 11.1    Opinion and consent of Vedder, Price, Kaufman &
 11.2    Opinion and consent of Dorsey & Whitney, P.L.L.P........
 12.     Tax opinion and consent of Vedder, Price, Kaufman &
 13.     Not Applicable..........................................
 14.1    Consent of Ernst & Young LLP............................
 14.2    Consent of Edwards & Angell.............................
 15.     Not Applicable..........................................
 16.1    Power of Attorney of Richard J. Franke..................
 16.2    Power of Attorney of Timothy R. Schwertfeger............
 16.3    Power of Attorney of Lawrence H. Brown..................
 16.4    Power of Attorney of Anne E. Impellizzeri...............
 16.5    Power of Attorney of Margaret K. Rosenheim..............
 16.6    Power of Attorney of Peter R. Sawers....................
 17.1    Form of Proxy for the Acquiring Fund shareholders.......
 17.2    Form of Proxy for the Acquired Fund shareholders........