
     The purpose of this Plan is to provide non-interested directors of Nuveen's
     existing open-end and closed-end Funds and all future such Funds (the
     "Funds") the opportunity to defer all or a portion of amounts payable to
     them as compensation for services rendered as members of the Board of
     Directors of each of the Funds ("directors' fees").


     Any non-interested director for one or more of the Funds shall be eligible
     to participate under this Plan.  "Director" shall mean any person duly
     elected as a member of the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of any
     of the Funds at the annual meeting of shareholders thereof.  "Non-
     interested director" shall mean any director who is not an "interested
     person" of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated or any affiliate thereof within
     the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.


     Each non-interested director may elect to have all of his director's fee
     for one or more of the Funds for any calendar year deferred under this
     Plan.  Such election shall be made by such director by the execution of a
     written election to participate prior to the beginning of the calendar year
     during which the director wishes to begin deferral, except that for any
     person who is nominated as a non-interested director of any of the Funds
     and was not a director on the December 31st immediately prior to his
     election may, at any time prior to commencement of his term, elect to defer
     all or any portion of the director's fee to which he may thereafter be
     entitled with respect to the calendar year in which he is so elected.  All
     elections to defer directors' fees shall be made by the execution of a
     Participation Agreement in the form attached to this Plan and made a part
     hereof.  A participating director's election to defer a particular year's
     fee shall not be subject to amendment or withdrawal unless the amendment or
     withdrawal is executed prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which
     the fee is accrued.  An election, once made, shall be irrevocable for the
     next calendar year and shall continue in effect for subsequent years during
     the deferral period until changed prospectively by the participating
     director.  Each non-interested director may elect to defer until the end of
     a specified calendar year or until he or she is no longer a director of the
     Funds.  A director will be deemed to have elected to defer until the first
     to occur of such events if he or she checks both such options in the
     deferral period section of the Participation Agreement.


     Each of the Funds shall establish on its books a deferred liability
     directors account for each participating director to accurately reflect its
     liability to each such director.  Title to, and beneficial ownership of,
     any assets which each such Fund may earmark to pay the amount deferred
     hereunder, shall at all times remain in such Fund and neither the
     participating director nor any beneficiary of such director shall have any
     property interest whatsoever in any specific assets of such Fund.  Amounts
     credited to such accounts shall not be construed to be held in trust or
     escrow or in any form of asset segregation, it being understood that the
     participating director's only interest hereunder is a contractual right to
     receive the payments credited to his or her deferred liability directors
     account.  No director or any other person acquiring the right to receive
     payments from any of the Funds under this Plan shall have greater rights
     than the right of an unsecured general creditor of such Fund.  Within a
     reasonable time after each calendar year, each participating director shall
     receive a statement from each Fund in which he has elected to defer

     fees detailing the amount of director's fees credited to such director's
     account during the prior calendar year, the amount of earnings credited
     thereto and the total amount credited to such director's account as of the
     preceding December 31.


     With respect to each Fund in which the director has elected to defer
     director's fees and which has an accrued balance, on the last day of each
     calendar quarter earnings at the average net earnings rate for that
     calendar quarter on the shares of each such Fund shall be credited to the
     deferred liability directors account for such Fund.  The Administrators are
     empowered to change the rate of earnings to be credited to deferred
     liability directors accounts to a rate equivalent to the prevailing 90-day
     U.S. Treasury bill rate at the beginning of each calendar quarter.


     All payments of deferred amounts under this Plan, together with earnings
     accrued thereon, shall be made in cash out of the general assets of the
     applicable Fund.  Payment shall be made as specified by the director in his
     Participation Agreement.


     Amounts deferred hereunder, together with interest accrued thereon, may
     become payable in the discretion of the Administrators:

     A.   to the participating director in the event of such director's total
          disability.  Such disability shall be deemed to have occurred if the
          Administrators find on the basis of medical evidence satisfactory to
          them that the participating director is prevented from engaging in any
          suitable gainful employment or occupation and that such disability
          will be permanent and continuous during the remainder of his or her

     B.   to the participating director or any beneficiary entitled to receive
          payment hereunder to alleviate demonstrated financial hardship.  For
          this purpose, hardship refers to circumstances beyond the control of
          and severely affecting the director's or beneficiary's financial
          affairs or clearly endangering his or her family with present or
          impending want or privation.  Any such payment shall be limited to an
          amount necessary to relieve the immediate needs created by such


     The Administrators of this Plan shall consist of the individuals holding
     the office of Chairman of the Board, President and Executive Vice President
     of the Funds and such other person or persons as the Board of Directors of
     the Funds may, from time to time, designate except that no participating
     director may serve as an Administrator.  A majority of the Administrators
     shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


     A.   In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of a Fund
          or the distribution of all or substantially all of a Fund's assets and
          property to its shareholders (for this purpose a sale, conveyance or
          transfer of a Fund's assets to a trust, partnership, association or
          another corporation in exchange for cash, shares or other securities
          with the transfer being made subject to, or with the assumption by the
          transferee of, the liabilities of such Fund shall not be deemed a
          termination of such Fund or such a distribution), the entire unpaid
          balance of the deferred liability directors accounts of the Fund shall
          be paid in a lump sum as of the effective date thereof.


     B.   The Administrators of the Plan are empowered to accelerate the payment
          of deferred amounts to all participating directors and beneficiaries
          in the event that there is a change in law which would have the effect
          of working a financial hardship on participating directors if such
          acceleration did not occur.


     The Board of Directors of each Fund may in its sole discretion amend or
     terminate this Plan at any time.  No amendment or termination shall
     adversely affect any then existing deferred amounts or rights under this


     The rights and benefits of participating directors under this Plan and any
     other person or persons to whom payments may be made pursuant to the Plan
     shall not be subject to alienation, assignment, pledge, transfer or other
     disposition, except as otherwise provided by law.  Participation in this
     Plan by any director shall not confer any right to be nominated for
     election or re-election to the Board of Directors of any of the Funds.
