Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )
Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_] 

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement         [_]  CONFIDENTIAL, FOR USE OF THE
                                              COMMISSION ONLY (AS PERMITTED BY
                                              RULE 14A-6(E)(2))

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement 

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials 

[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                            NIPSCO INDUSTRIES INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2)
     or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

[_]  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1) Amount Previously Paid:

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3) Filing Party:

     (4) Date Filed:



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                   March 8, 1996
To the Holders of Common Shares of
NIPSCO Industries, Inc.:
  The annual meeting of the shareholders of NIPSCO Industries, Inc. (the
"Company"), will be held at the Center for the Arts, Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, Indiana, on Wednesday, April 10, 1996, at 10:00 a.m., Central
Daylight Savings Time, for the following purposes:
  (1) to elect three members of the Board of Directors, each for a term of
three years; and
  (2) to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.
  Shareholders of record on February 20, 1996, will be entitled to vote at the
meeting. The stock transfer books will not close.
  The Company has approximately 37,100 common shareholders of record. In order
that there may be proper representation at the meeting, each shareholder is
requested to vote, sign and mail the enclosed proxy at once. If sufficient
proxies are not obtained, an adjournment will be necessary. Please help avoid
the expense and delay of adjourning the meeting by mailing your proxy promptly.
Shareholders attending the meeting may vote in person, and in such cases
proxies they have signed will not be voted.
  In order to facilitate arrangements for the meeting, we would like to know in
advance how many shareholders expect to attend in person. If you plan to
attend, please so indicate in the space provided on the proxy card.
  Please Vote, Date, Sign and Return the Enclosed Proxy Promptly.
                                        [SIGNATURE LOGO OF NINA M. RAUSCH]
                                                  Nina M. Rausch

                                PROXY STATEMENT
value, of the Company ("Common Shares") represented by the proxies will be
voted as directed, but in the absence of direction, proxies will be voted for
all of the nominees for director. The proxy statement and form of proxy are
first being sent to shareholders on March 8, 1996. The expense of this
solicitation will be borne by the Company. It is intended that the original
solicitation of proxies by mail and a reminder letter may be supplemented by
telephone, telegraph and personal solicitation by officers and regular
employees of the Company or its subsidiaries. In addition, the Company has
retained Morrow & Co., Inc., for a fee of $8,000 plus reimbursement of
expenses, to aid in the solicitation of proxies. Requests will also be made of
brokerage houses and other nominees and fiduciaries to forward proxy material
at the expense of the Company to the beneficial owners of stock held of record
by such persons.
  All of a shareholder's shares registered in the same name, including those
held for the shareholder as a participant in the Company's Automatic Dividend
Reinvestment and Share Purchase Plan and the Tax Deferred Savings Plan, will be
represented on one proxy.
  Proxies may be revoked at any time before a vote is taken or the authority
granted is otherwise exercised. Revocation of proxies may be accomplished by
delivering an instrument of revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later
date to the Secretary of the Company or by attending the meeting and voting in
person. Attendance at the meeting will not in and of itself revoke a proxy.
  If you are planning to attend the meeting in person, please indicate in the
space provided on the proxy card, so that the Company may facilitate
  The close of business on February 20, 1996, is the date for the determination
of the number of shares outstanding and of shareholders entitled to notice of
and to vote at the meeting. As of February 20, 1996, the Company had issued and
outstanding 62,345,093 Common Shares owned by approximately 37,100 shareholders
of record. Each Common Share is entitled to one vote on each matter voted upon.
  A quorum of shareholders is necessary to take action at the Annual Meeting. A
majority of the outstanding Common Shares, represented in person or by proxy,
will constitute a quorum of shareholders at the Annual Meeting. The judges of
election will determine whether or not a quorum is present. A plurality vote of
the shares represented at the meeting is required to elect a director. Votes
cast by proxy or in person at the meeting will be tabulated by the judges of
election appointed for the meeting.

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
  The Company's Board of Directors is composed of nine directors, who are
divided into three classes. One class is elected each year for a term of three
years. Upon recommendation of the Nominating and Compensation Committee, the
Board of Directors has nominated for reelection as directors Ian M. Rolland,
Edmund A. Schroer and John W. Thompson, each for a term of three years. The
Board of Directors does not anticipate that any of the nominees will be unable
to serve, but if such a situation should arise the proxies will be voted in
accordance with the best judgment of the person or persons acting thereunder.
  The following chart gives information about nominees (who have consented to
being named in the proxy statement and to serve if elected) and incumbent
directors. The dates shown for service as a director include service as a
director of Northern Indiana Public Service Company ("Northern Indiana") prior
to the March 3, 1988 share exchange with the Company. The Company's current
directors are also the directors of Northern Indiana, now a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company.

                 NAME, AGE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS                   HAS BEEN
                   FOR PAST FIVE YEARS AND PRESENT                     DIRECTOR
                         DIRECTORSHIPS HELD                             SINCE
                 -----------------------------------                   --------
 Ian M. Rolland, 62--Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lincoln
   National Corporation, Fort Wayne, Indiana, an insurance and finan-
   cial services firm, since January 1, 1992, previously President
   and Chief Executive Officer of the Lincoln National Life Insurance
   Company. Mr. Rolland is also a director of Lincoln National Corpo-
   ration, Tokheim Corporation, Norwest Corporation and Norwest Bank
   Indiana, N.A......................................................    1978
 Edmund A. Schroer, 68--Retired March 1, 1993 as Chairman, President
   and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and Chairman and Chief
   Executive Officer of Northern Indiana.............................    1977
 John W. Thompson, 46--General Manager--Personal Software Products,
   IBM Corporation, Somers, New York. IBM is a worldwide corporation,
   whose offerings include services, software systems, products and
   technologies......................................................    1993
 Arthur J. Decio, 65--Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Offi-
   cer and Director of Skyline Corporation, Elkhart, Indiana, a manu-
   facturer of manufactured housing and recreational vehicles. Mr.
   Decio is also a director of Quality Dining, Inc...................    1991



                 NAME, AGE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS                   HAS BEEN
                   FOR PAST FIVE YEARS AND PRESENT                     DIRECTOR
                         DIRECTORSHIPS HELD                             SINCE
                 -----------------------------------                   --------
 Gary L. Neale, 56--Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
   of the Company and of Northern Indiana since March 1, 1993; prior
   thereto, Executive Vice President of the Company, and President
   and Chief Operating Officer of Northern Indiana. Mr. Neale is also
   a director of Modine Manufacturing Company........................    1991
 Robert J. Welsh, 60--President and Chief Executive Officer of Welsh,
   Inc., Merrillville, Indiana, a marketer of petroleum products
   through convenience stores and travel centers. Mr. Welsh is also a
   director of NBD Indiana, Inc......................................    1988
 Steven C. Beering, 63--President of Purdue University, West Lafay-
   ette, Indiana. Dr. Beering is also a director of Arvin Industries,
   Inc., American United Life Insurance Company and Eli Lilly and
   Company...........................................................    1986
 Ernestine M. Raclin, 68--Chairman of the Board, 1st Source Corpora-
   tion, a bank holding company, and 1st Source Bank, South Bend, In-
   diana.............................................................    1983
 Denis E. Ribordy, 66--Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the
   Chicago Motor Club, Chicago, Illinois; retired President of
   Ribordy Drugs, Inc., Merrillville, Indiana, a retail drugstore
   chain. Mr. Ribordy is also a director of Mercantile National Bank
   of Indiana........................................................    1981

  The Board of Directors of the Company met ten times during 1995. The Board
has the following six standing committees: the Executive Committee, the Audit
Committee, the Nominating and Compensation Committee, the Environmental Affairs
Committee, the Public Affairs and Employment Committee and the Corporate
Governance Committee.
  During 1995, each director except Mr. Thompson attended at least 83% of the
combined total number of the Company's Board meetings and the meetings of the
respective committees on which he or she was a member. Mr. Thompson attended
72% of his combined total number of Board and committee meetings.
  The Executive Committee has the authority to act on behalf of the Board at
such times as is reasonably necessary when the Board is not in session. The
Committee did not meet in 1995. Mr. Neale is Chairman and Messrs. Decio,
Ribordy, Rolland and Welsh were members of the Committee in 1995.

  The Audit Committee met five times in 1995. The Committee has reviewed and
made recommendations to the Board with respect to the engagement of the
independent public accountants, both for 1995 and 1996, and the fees relating
to audit services and other services performed by them. The Committee meets
with the independent public accountants and officers responsible for Company
financial matters. Members of the Committee in 1995 were Mr. Rolland, Chairman,
and Messrs. Decio, Schroer and Thompson.
  The Nominating and Compensation Committee met three times in 1995. The
Committee advises the Board with respect to nominations of directors and the
salary, compensation and benefits of directors and officers of the Company. Mr.
Ribordy was Chairman of the Committee, and Dr. Beering, Mrs. Raclin and Mr.
Welsh were members during 1995. The Committee considers nominees for directors
recommended by shareholders. The Company's By-laws require that shareholders
who desire to nominate a person for election as a director at the 1997 annual
meeting must deliver a written notice to the Secretary of the Company by
November 12, 1996. The notice of nomination must set forth (i) the name, age
and address of each nominee proposed, (ii) the principal occupation or
employment of the nominee, (iii) the number of Common Shares beneficially owned
by the nominee and (iv) such other information concerning the nominee as would
be required, under the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, in a
proxy statement soliciting proxies for the election of the nominee. The
nomination notice must also include the nominating shareholder's name and
address and the number of Common Shares beneficially owned by the shareholder.
The shareholder must also furnish the signed consent of the nominee to serve as
a director, if elected.
  The Environmental Affairs Committee met twice during 1995. The Committee
reviews the status of environmental compliance of the Company, and considers
Company public policy issues. Members of the Committee in 1995 were Mr. Welsh,
Chairman, Dr. Beering and Messrs. Decio and Schroer.
  The Public Affairs and Employment Committee met twice in 1995. The Committee
advises the Board regarding charitable and political contributions, employment
policies, shareholder proposals concerning matters of general public interest
and consumer and utility industry related issues. Members of the Committee in
1995 were Mrs. Raclin, Chairman, and Messrs. Ribordy, Rolland and Thompson.
  The Corporate Governance Committee met once in 1995. The Committee consists
of all members of the Board who are not also officers. The Committee meets once
a year to evaluate/advise the Board regarding the performance of the Board of
Directors and each of its members and the nature and amount of information
flowing between the Board, management and shareholders. Mr. Rolland was
Chairman of the Committee in 1995.

  Each director who is not receiving a salary from the Company is paid $15,000
per year, $3,000 annually per standing committee on which the director sits,
$1,000 annually for each committee chairmanship, $750 for each Board meeting
attended and $750 per committee meeting attended. Directors of the Company do
not receive any additional compensation for services as a director of any
Company subsidiary, including Northern Indiana. Under a deferred compensation
arrangement, directors may have their fees deferred in the current year and
credited to an interest-bearing account or to a phantom stock account for
payment in the future.
  The Company's Nonemployee Director Retirement Plan provides a retirement
benefit for each nonemployee director of the Company who has completed at least
five years of service on the Board. The benefit will be an amount equal to the
annual retainer for Board service in effect at the time of the director's
retirement from the Board, to be paid for the lesser of ten years or the number
of years of service as a nonemployee director of the Company.
  The Company's Nonemployee Director Stock Incentive Plan provides for grants
of restricted Common Shares to nonemployee directors of the Company. Initial
grants were made in 1992, following shareholder approval of the plan, at the
level of 250 shares for each year of service as a director, and 1,000
restricted Common Shares have been granted to each nonemployee director elected
or reelected since that date. A grant of 1,000 shares will be made in the
future to each person, other than an employee of the Company, who is elected or
reelected as a director of the Company. The grants of restricted shares vest in
20% annual increments, with full vesting five years after the date of award.
  The Company has adopted a Directors' Charitable Gift Program for nonemployee
directors. Under the program, the Company makes a donation to one or more
eligible tax-exempt organizations as designated by each eligible director. The
Company contributes up to an aggregate of $125,000 as designated by nonemployee
directors having served as a director of the Company for at least five years
and up to $250,000 as designated by those having served ten years or more.
Organizations eligible to receive a gift under the program include charitable
organizations and educational institutions located in Indiana and educational
institutions that the director attended or for which he or she serves on its
governing board. Individual directors derive no financial benefit from the
program, as all deductions relating to the charitable donations accrue solely
to the Company. All current nonemployee directors are eligible to participate
in the program.
  An agreement between the Company and Mr. Schroer, retired Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, provided that, for a period of
three years ended March 1, 1996, he was engaged by the Company as an
independent consultant for an annual fee of $200,000.

                         SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN
  The Company is not aware of any beneficial owner of more than 5% of its
Common Shares, as of January 31, 1996.
  The following table sets forth information as to the beneficial ownership of
Common Shares, as of January 31, 1996, for each of the named directors and
executive officers, and for all directors and executive officers as a group.

         NAME OF
       BENEFICIAL                                        AMOUNT AND NAME OF
          OWNER                                       BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP(/1/)
       ----------                                     -------------------------
      Steven C. Beering..............................            2,913
      Arthur J. Decio................................            3,250
      Gary L. Neale..................................          181,711(/2/)
      Ernestine M. Raclin............................           10,967
      Denis E. Ribordy...............................           27,600(/3/)
      Ian M. Rolland.................................            6,452
      Edmund A. Schroer..............................           20,900
      John W. Thompson...............................            1,249
      Robert J. Welsh................................            5,000
      Stephen P. Adik................................           98,298(/2/)
      Patrick J. Mulchay.............................           68,916(/2/)
      Jeffrey W. Yundt...............................           80,271(/2/)
      John W. Dunn...................................           70,118(/2/)
      All directors and executive officers as a
       group.........................................          927,204(/2/)

- --------
(/1/) The number of shares owned includes shares held in the Company's
  Automatic Dividend Reinvestment and Share Purchase Plan, shares held in the
  Company's Tax Deferred Savings Plan (the "401(k) Plan") and restricted
  shares awarded under the Company's 1988 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the
  "Incentive Plan") and Nonemployee Director Stock Incentive Plan, where
  applicable. The percentage of Common Shares owned by all directors and
  officers as a group is approximately 1.5 percent of the Common Shares
(/2/The)totals include shares for which the following executive officers have
    a right to acquire beneficial ownership, within 60 days after January 31,
    1996, by exercising stock options granted under the Incentive Plan: Gary
    L. Neale--100,000 shares; Stephen P. Adik--51,600 shares; Patrick J.
    Mulchay--37,200 shares; Jeffrey W. Yundt--46,000 shares; John W. Dunn--
    36,500 shares; and all executive officers as a group--427,800 shares.
(/3/Mr.)Ribordy disclaims beneficial ownership of 100 shares owned by his

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
  The Nominating and Compensation Committee's (the "Compensation Committee")
compensation policy for all executive officers, including the person who served
as Chief Executive Officer of the Company during 1995 and the four other most
highly compensated officers of the Company (the "Named Officers"), is designed
to relate total compensation (defined as base salary, incentive bonus and long-
term, stock-based compensation) to corporate performance. The Compensation
Committee has implemented a "pay-for-performance" program which is designed to
position the Company's executive compensation competitively and to reward
performance that creates additional shareholder value. The Compensation
Committee discusses and considers executive compensation matters, then makes
recommendations to the full Board of Directors, which takes the final action on
such matters. The Board accepted all of the Compensation Committee's
recommendations in 1995.
  The Compensation Committee has engaged an independent, nationally known,
compensation consulting firm, Hewitt Associates ("Hewitt"), to advise it and
provide surveys of comparative compensation practices for a group of similarly
sized energy companies, typically electric, gas or combination utility
companies, approximately half of which are located in the Midwest. The 1995
executive compensation comparative group consisted of 23 companies from which
data was available to Hewitt and which were believed to be competitors of the
Company for executive talent. The comparative compensation group is subject to
change in future years if information about any company included in the group
is not available, if it is determined that any energy companies included in the
group are no longer competitors for executive talent, or if different energy
companies are determined to be competitors. The Company's comparative
compensation group is not the same as the corporations which make up the Dow
Jones Utilities Index in the Stock Price Performance Graph included in this
proxy statement.
  The Compensation Committee considers the surveys provided by Hewitt in
determining base salary, incentive bonus and long-term stock-based
compensation. The Compensation Committee's philosophy is to set conservative
base salaries while providing performance-based variable compensation through
the Bonus and Incentive Plans described below to allow total compensation to
fluctuate according to the Company's financial performance. Long-term incentive
awards are stock-based (e.g., stock options or goal-based restricted stock
awards) to emphasize long-term stock price appreciation and the concomitant
increased shareholder value. In 1995, total compensation of the executive
officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, was targeted at or near the
75th percentile of the comparative compensation group. Total compensation would
reach this goal only if the Company met its earnings and operating expense
targets for the year and its long-

term stock price targets. Base salaries of the executive officers, as a group,
varied between 30% to 55% of total target compensation.
  In establishing Mr. Neale's base salary for 1995, the Compensation Committee
reviewed information provided by Hewitt regarding the chief executive officer
compensation practices of the group of 23 comparative energy companies
described above. The Compensation Committee determined to set base salary near
the median salary of the comparative group, giving regard to Mr. Neale's proven
abilities and strong performance with the Company since joining it as Executive
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in 1989. As with the other executive
officers, Mr. Neale's total compensation was targeted to be at about the 75th
percentile of the comparative compensation group, if the Company met its
targeted financial goals. The result of the Compensation Committee's
determination as to Mr. Neale's total compensation package was that more than
50% of Mr. Neale's total compensation was performance based and at risk,
dependent upon the Company's earnings per share, Northern Indiana's operating
expense level and the Company's stock price performance. The Compensation
Committee noted that this compensation only would be realized if specific
financial benchmarks were reached by the Company.
  Annual incentive awards for all executive officers are determined in
accordance with the Senior Management Incentive Plan (the "Bonus Plan"). The
Bonus Plan sets forth a formula established at the beginning of each fiscal
year by the Compensation Committee for awarding incentive bonuses, based upon
the Company's financial performance. Bonuses awarded to each of the Named
Officers (including the Chief Executive Officer) are based on overall corporate
financial performance, rather than individual performance of the executive. In
1995, the bonus formula (and the relative weight of the factors on which it was
based) was based upon attaining targets for both the Company's earnings per
share and the operating expense level of Northern Indiana. The range of awards
and levels of awards (as a percent of base salary), if financial performance
targets are achieved, are as follows:

                                                                      AWARD IF
                                                             RANGE   TARGETS MET
                                                            -------  -----------
     Chief Executive Officer............................... 0 to 70%      60%
     Executive Vice Presidents............................. 0 to 70%      50%
     Vice Presidents....................................... 0 to 60%      40%
     All other executive officers.......................... 0 to 45%      30%

The required financial performance levels of the Company necessary to attain
the maximum and target bonus levels have been increased annually since the
inception of the Bonus Plan in 1990. In 1995, the Company's actual earnings per
share equalled the targeted amount, and operating expense levels were slightly
more favorable than targeted.
  Executive officers are also eligible to receive awards under the Company's
Incentive Plan. Under the Incentive Plan, stock options, stock appreciation
rights, performance units, restricted

stock awards and supplemental cash payments may be awarded. Stock options and
restricted stock awards were awarded in 1995. Base salaries of the executive
officers, prior awards under the Incentive Plan, and the Company's total
compensation target are considered in establishing long-term incentive awards.
Options and restricted stock awards granted to executive officers are valued
using the Black-Scholes option pricing model at the time of grant for purposes
of determining the number of options to be granted to reach total target
compensation. In 1995, the number of options and restricted shares granted to
the Chief Executive Officer and other executive officers (including all Named
Officers) was based on these considerations. The compensation value of stock
options and restricted stock awards depends on actual stock price appreciation.
In addition, restricted stock awards are subject to performance vesting
criteria. The criteria for 1995 awards involve meeting a combination of target
earning per share goals and having a favorable stock price-to-earnings ratio
relative to other comparable energy companies, over a five-year period.
  Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code provides that, commencing in
1994, compensation in excess of $1,000,000 per year paid to the chief executive
officer or any of the four other most highly compensated executive officers
employed at year-end, other than compensation meeting the definition of
"performance based compensation," will not be deductible by a corporation for
federal income tax purposes. The Compensation Committee believes that the
Company's incentive bonus and long-term stock-based compensation constitutes
performance based compensation for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code. In
light of its emphasis on such performance based compensation, the Compensation
Committee does not anticipate that the limits of Section 162(m) will affect the
deductibility of any compensation paid by the Company. However, the
Compensation Committee will continue to review the deductibility of
compensation under Section 162(m) and related regulations.
  The Compensation Committee believes that its overall executive compensation
program has been successful in providing competitive compensation sufficient to
attract and retain highly qualified executives, while at the same time
encouraging increased performance from the executive officers which creates
additional shareholder value.
                                           Nominating and Compensation
                                           Denis E. Ribordy, Chairman
                                           Steven C. Beering
                                           Ernestine M. Raclin
                                           Robert J. Welsh
January 26, 1996


                         STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE GRAPH
  The following graph compares the yearly change in the Company's cumulative
total shareholder return on Common Shares, during the years 1991 through 1995,
with the cumulative total return on the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index and
the Dow Jones Utilities Average, assuming the investment of $100 on December
31, 1990 and the reinvestment of dividends.


                             [GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

Measurement Period           NIPSCO         S&P          DJ
(Fiscal Year Covered)        INDUSTRIES     500 INDEX    UTILITIES
- -------------------          ----------     ---------    ----------
Measurement Pt-
12/31/1990                   $100.0         $100.0       $100.0
FYE 12/31/91                 $143.8         $130.4       $115.2   
FYE 12/31/92                 $155.5         $140.3       $119.8
FYE 12/31/93                 $201.3         $154.4       $131.4
FYE 12/31/94                 $191.3         $156.5       $112.1
FYE 12/31/95                 $257.7         $215.1       $147.2


  Summary. The following table summarizes all annual and long-term
compensation for services to the Company and its subsidiaries, including
Northern Indiana, for the years 1995, 1994 and 1993 awarded to, earned by or
paid to each of the Named Officers.
                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                  ANNUAL COMPENSATION(/1/)     LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                 -------------------------- -----------------------------
                                                                  AWARDS         PAYOUTS
                                                            ------------------- ---------
                                                                        SECU-     TERM
                                                    OTHER               RITIES    STOCK     ALL
                                                    ANNUAL  RESTRICTED  UNDER-  INCENTIVE  OTHER
                                                   COMPEN-    STOCK     LYING     PLAN    COMPEN-
         POSITION           YEAR   ($)    ($)(/2/) ($)(/3/)    ($)     SARS (#) ($)(/4/)  ($)(/5/)
    ------------------      ----  ------  -------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- --------
Gary L. Neale, Chairman,    1995 $460,000 $286,120  $2,746       0      20,000  $527,812  $10,168
 President and              1994  460,000  230,000   1,903       0      25,000         0   11,190
 Chief Executive            1993  400,000  206,000   1,475       0      25,000         0   10,479
Stephen P. Adik,            1995  205,000  107,010   2,400       0      10,000   263,906    1,992
 Executive Vice President,  1994  205,000   82,000   1,118       0       8,000         0    1,927
 Chief Financial Officer    1993  185,000   87,875     476       0       8,000    32,563    2,877
 and Treasurer
Patrick J. Mulchay,         1995  175,000   91,350     756       0      10,000    87,968    3,344
 Executive Vice President   1994  175,000   70,000     852       0       8,000         0    3,078
 and Chief Operating        1993  140,000   66,500   1,057       0       8,000         0    4,332
Jeffrey W. Yundt            1995  175,000   91,350   1,217       0      10,000   263,906      800
 Executive Vice President   1994  175,000   70,000   1,174       0       8,000         0      739
 and Chief Operating        1993  157,000   74,575   1,028       0       8,000    32,563    1,134
John W. Dunn,               1995  165,000   68,904     450       0       5,000   263,906    2,506
 Group Vice President       1994  165,000   66,000     811       0       6,500         0    2,275
 and Chief Technology       1993  157,000   74,575     834       0       8,000    32,563      951

- --------
(/1/) Compensation deferred at the election of the Named Officer is reported
  in the category and year in which such compensation was earned.
(/2/) All bonuses are paid pursuant to the Bonus Plan. The Bonus Plan is
  designed to supplement a conservative base salary with incentive bonus
  payments if targeted financial performance is

  attained. The 1995 target aggregate payout for the Bonus Plan for the Named
  Officers was $619,500, which was slightly less than the actual aggregate
  payout for the Named Officers. See "Nominating and Compensation Committee
  Report on Executive Compensation."
(/3/) In accordance with applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules,
  the amounts shown for each of the Named Officers do not include perquisites
  and other personal benefits, as the aggregate amount of such benefits is less
  than the lesser of $50,000 and 10% of the total salary and bonus of such
  Named Officer.
(/4/) The payouts shown are based on the value, at date of vesting, of
  restricted shares awarded under the Incentive Plan which vested during the
  years shown. Vesting was based on meeting certain performance requirements.
  Total restricted shares held (assuming 100% vesting) and aggregate market
  value at December 29, 1995 (based on the average of the high and low prices
  for that date as reported in The Wall Street Journal) for the Named Officers
  from awards in 1991 and 1995 were as follows: Mr. Neale, 60,000 shares valued
  at $2,295,000; Messrs. Adik, Mulchay and Yundt, 27,500 shares each valued at
  $1,051,875; and Mr. Dunn, 19,500 shares valued at $745,875. Dividends on the
  restricted shares are paid to the Named Officers.
(/5/) The Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Vice
  Presidents and certain Vice Presidents of the Company and Northern Indiana
  have available to them a supplemental life insurance plan which provides
  split-dollar coverage of up to 3.5 times base compensation as of commencement
  of the plan in 1991 and could provide life insurance coverage after
  retirement if there is adequate cash value in the respective policy. "All
  other compensation" represents Company contributions to the 401(k) Plan and
  the dollar value of the benefit to the Named Officers of the remainder of the
  premiums paid by the Company during 1995 on behalf of the Named Officers
  under the supplemental life insurance plan, as follows: Mr. Neale--$9,195
  premium value and $973 term insurance cost; Mr. Adik--$940 401(k) Plan, $647
  premium value and $405 term insurance cost; Mr. Mulchay, $349 401(k) Plan,
  $2,634 premium value and $361 term insurance cost; Mr. Yundt, $474 premium
  value and $326 term insurance cost and Mr. Dunn--$193 401(k) Plan, $1,954
  premium value and $359 term insurance cost.
(/6/) Prior to March 1, 1993, Mr. Neale served as Executive Vice President of
  the Company and President and Chief Operating Officer of Northern Indiana.

  Option Grants in 1995. The following table sets forth grants of options to
purchase Common Shares made during 1995 to the Named Officers. No stock
appreciation rights were awarded during 1995.

                        INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
                            OF     PERCENT
                          SECU-   OF TOTAL
                          RITIES  OPTIONS/
                          UNDER-    SARS
                          LYING    GRANTED
                         OPTIONS/    TO
                           SARS   EMPLOYEES EXERCISE OR             GRANT DATE
      NAME                (#)(1)  YEAR(/2/) ($/SH)(/3/)    DATE      ($)(/4/)
      ----               -------- --------- ----------- ---------- -------------
Gary L. Neale...........  20,000     7.1%     $32.44     08/22/05     $74,200
Stephen P. Adik.........  10,000     3.5%      32.44     08/22/05      37,100
Patrick J. Mulchay......  10,000     3.5%      32.44     08/22/05      37,100
Jeffrey W. Yundt........  10,000     3.5%      32.44     08/22/05      37,100
John W. Dunn............   5,000     1.8%      32.44     08/22/05      18,550

- --------


(/1/All)options granted in 1995 are fully exercisable commencing one year from
    the date of grant. Vesting may be accelerated as a result of certain events
    relating to a change in control of the Company. The exercise price and tax
    withholding obligation related to exercise may be paid by delivery of
    already owned Common Shares or by reducing the number of Common Shares
    received on exercise, subject to certain conditions.
(/2/Based)on an aggregate of 282,450 options granted to all employees in 1995.
(/3/All)options were granted at the average of high and low prices as reported
    in The Wall Street Journal on the date of grant.
(/4/Grant)date present value is determined using the Black-Scholes option
    pricing model. The assumptions used in the Black-Scholes option pricing
    model were as follows: volatility--13% (calculated using daily Common Share
    prices for the twelve-month period preceding the date of grant); risk-free
    rate of return--6.49% (the rate for a ten-year U.S. treasury); dividend
    yield--$1.50; option term--ten years; vesting--100% one year after date of
    grant; and turnover--9% (to reflect the probability of forfeiture due to
    termination of employment prior to vesting) and 18% (to reflect the
    probability of a shortened option term due to termination of employment
    prior to the option expiration date). No assumptions relating to non-
    transferability or risk of forfeiture were made. Actual gains, if any, on
    option exercises and Common Shares are dependent on the future performance
    of the Common Shares and overall market condition. There can be no
    assurance that the amounts reflected in this table will be achieved.

  Option Exercises in 1995. The following table sets forth certain information
concerning the exercise of options or stock appreciation rights ("SARs")
during 1995 by each of the Named Officers and the number and value of
unexercised options and SARs at December 31, 1995.
                       AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                             NUMBER OF SECURITIES      VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                         ACQUIRED           OPTIONS/SARS AT FISCAL      AT FISCAL YEAR-END
                            ON     VALUE       YEAR-END (#)(/1/)             ($)(/2/)
                         EXERCISE REALIZED ------------------------- -------------------------
      ----               -------- -------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -------------
Gary L. Neale...........      0   $     0    100,000      20,000     $1,242,812    $116,250
Stephen P. Adik.........      0         0     51,600      10,000        796,700      58,125
Patrick J. Mulchay......  2,000    43,000     37,200      10,000        456,875      58,125
Jeffrey W. Yundt........  4,300    92,987     46,000      10,000        643,750      58,125
John W. Dunn............  2,500    44,375     36,500       5,000        460,875      29,052

- --------
(/1/) Includes some SARs granted in tandem with options.
(/2/) Represents the difference between the option exercise price and $38.25,
  the average of high and low prices of the Company's Common Shares on
  December 29, 1995, as reported in The Wall Street Journal.

  Long-Term Incentive Plan Awards in 1995. The following table sets forth
restricted shares awarded pursuant to the Incentive Plan during 1995 to each of
the Named Officers.

                                                 ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS UNDER
                                                  NON-STOCK PRICE-BASED PLANS
                        NUMBER    PERFORMANCE OR
                      OF SHARES,   OTHER PERIOD
                       UNITS OR        UNTIL
        NAME              (#)         PAYOUT        (#)       (#)        (#)
        ----         ------------ -------------- --------- ---------- ---------
Gary L. Neale.......    45,000       5 years          0      45,000    90,000
Stephen P. Adik.....    20,000       5 years          0      20,000    40,000
Patrick J. Mulchay..    20,000       5 years          0      20,000    40,000
Jeffrey W. Yundt....    20,000       5 years          0      20,000    40,000
John W. Dunn........    12,000       5 years          0      12,000    24,000

  The restrictions on shares awarded during 1995 lapse five years from the date
of grant. The vesting of the restricted shares is variable from 0% to 200% of
the number awarded, based upon a combination of meeting target earnings per
share goals and having a favorable stock price-to-earnings ratio relative to
other comparable energy companies over the five-year period. There is a two-
year holding period for the shares after the restrictions lapse.

  The following table shows estimated annual benefits, giving effect to the
Company's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (as described below), payable
upon retirement to persons in the specified remuneration and years-of-service
                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

                                                  YEARS OF SERVICE
REMUNERATION                           15       20       25       30       35
- ------------                        -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
$200,000........................... $ 79,500 $106,000 $111,000 $116,000 $116,000
 250,000...........................  102,000  136,000  142,250  148,500  148,500
 300,000...........................  124,500  166,000  173,500  181,000  181,000
 350,000...........................  147,000  196,000  204,750  213,500  213,500
 400,000...........................  169,500  226,000  236,000  246,000  246,000
 450,000...........................  192,000  256,000  267,250  278,500  278,500
 500,000...........................  214,500  286,000  298,500  311,000  311,000
 550,000...........................  237,000  316,000  329,750  343,500  343,500
 600,000...........................  259,500  346,000  361,000  376,000  376,000
 650,000...........................  282,000  376,000  392,250  408,500  408,500
 700,000...........................  304,500  406,000  423,500  441,000  441,000
 750,000...........................  327,000  436,000  454,750  473,500  473,500
 800,000...........................  349,500  466,000  486,000  506,000  506,000
 850,000...........................  372,000  496,000  517,250  538,500  538,500
 900,000...........................  394,500  526,000  548,500  571,000  571,000

  The credited years of service for the officers shown in the Summary
Compensation table, pursuant to the Supplemental Plan, are as follows: Gary L.
Neale--21 years; Stephen P. Adik--17 years; Patrick J. Mulchay--33 years;
Jeffrey W. Yundt--16 years; and John W. Dunn--24 years.
  Upon their retirement, regular employees and officers of the Company and its
subsidiaries which adopt the plan (including directors who are also full-time
officers) will be entitled to a monthly pension in accordance with the
provisions of the Company's pension plan, effective as of January 1, 1945. The
directors who are not and have not been officers of the Company are not
included in the pension plan. The pensions are payable out of a trust fund
established under the pension plan with The Northern Trust Company, trustee.
The trust fund consists of contributions made by the Company and the earnings
of the fund. Over a period of years the contributions are

intended to result in over-all actuarial solvency of the trust fund. The
pension plan of the Company has been qualified as non-discriminatory under
Sections 401 and 404 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code").
  Pension benefits are determined separately for each participant. The formula
for a monthly payment for retirement at age 65 is 1.7% of average monthly
compensation multiplied by years of service (to a maximum of 30 years) plus
0.6% of average monthly compensation multiplied by years of service over 30.
Average monthly compensation is the average for the 60 consecutive highest-paid
months in the employee's last 120 months of service. Covered compensation is
defined as wages reported as W-2 earnings plus any salary reduction
contributions made under the 401(k) Plan and an amount equivalent to base pay
for certain non-compensated periods of authorized leave of absence, minus any
amounts paid for unused vacations accrued.
  The Company also has a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for officers.
Participants in the Plan are selected by the Board of Directors. Benefits from
the Plan are to be paid from the general assets of the Company.
  The Supplemental Plan provides the larger of (i) 60% of five-year average pay
less Primary Social Security Benefits (prorated for less than 20 years of
service) and an additional 0.5% of 5-year average pay less Primary Social
Security Benefits per year for participants with between 20 and 30 years of
service, or (ii) the benefit formula under the Company's Pension Plan. In
either case, the benefit is reduced by the actual pension payable from the
Company's Pension Plan. In addition, the Supplemental Plan provides certain
disability and pre-retirement death benefits for the spouse of a participant.
  The Board of Directors of the Company has authorized Change in Control and
Termination Agreements (the "Agreements") with Mr. Neale and the Vice
Presidents of the Company (including each of the Named Officers) (each such
person being an "executive"). The Company believes that these Agreements and
related shareholder rights protections are in the best interests of the
shareholders, to insure that in the event of extraordinary events, totally
independent judgment is enhanced to maximize shareholder value. The Agreements,
which are terminable upon three years' notice, provide for the payment of three
times then current annual base salary and the continuation of certain employee
benefits for a period of 36 months (the "Severance Period"), if the executive's
employment is terminated within 24 months of certain changes in control of the
Company. Based on their 1995 base salaries, the amounts that would be payable
to the Named Officers would be as follows: Gary L. Neale--$1,380,000; Stephen
P. Adik--$615,000; Patrick J. Mulchay--$525,000; Jeffrey W. Yundt--$525,000;
and John W. Dunn--$495,000.

  The executive would receive full benefits under any supplemental retirement
plan of the Company, offset by amounts paid to the executive from any qualified
retirement plans of the Company. All stock options held by the executive would
become immediately exercisable upon the date of termination of employment, and
the restrictions would lapse on all restricted shares awarded to the executive.
If any penalty tax under the Code is imposed on the payment of three times base
salary, the Company would increase the payment to the extent necessary to
compensate the executive for the imposition of such tax.
  During the Severance Period, the executive and spouse would continue to be
covered by applicable health or welfare plans of the Company. If the executive
died during the Severance Period, all amounts payable to the executive would be
paid to a named beneficiary. No amounts would be payable under the Agreements
if the executive's employment were terminated by the Company for Good Cause (as
defined in the Agreements).
  The Agreement with Mr. Neale also provides for the same severance payments as
above described in the event his employment is terminated at any time by the
Company (other than for Good Cause) or due to death or disability, or if he
voluntarily terminates employment with Good Reason (as defined in the
  Any holder of Common Shares who wishes to submit a proposal to be voted upon
by shareholders at the 1997 annual meeting of the Company, and who wishes the
proposal to be included in the Company's proxy materials, must submit the
proposal to the Secretary of the Company by November 12, 1996. The notice must
include a brief description of the business desired to be brought before the
meeting, the reasons for conducting such business at the meeting and any
material interest in such business of such shareholder and the beneficial
owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made. The notice must also
include the nominating shareholder's name and address and the number of Common
Shares beneficially owned by the shareholder. Any proposal submitted will also
be subject to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding
shareholder proposals.
  Based solely upon its review of the Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished to the Company
pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Company
believes that all of its directors, officers and beneficial owners of more than
10% of its Common Shares filed all such reports on a timely basis during 1995.

  Attention is directed to the financial statements contained in the Company's
Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 1995. A copy of the Annual Report
has been sent, or is concurrently being sent, to all shareholders of record as
of February 20, 1996.
                           AVAILABILITY OF FORM 10-K
  A copy of the Company's annual report for 1995 to the Securities and Exchange
Commission on Form 10-K, without exhibits, will be provided without charge to
any shareholder or beneficial owner of the Company's shares upon written
request to Nina M. Rausch, Secretary, NIPSCO Industries, Inc., 5265 Hohman
Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46320.
  Arthur Andersen LLP has been selected by the Board of Directors to serve as
the Company's independent public accountants for the year 1996, as they have
served for many years past. A representative of that firm will be present at
the annual meeting and will be given an opportunity to make a statement if he
so desires. The Company has been informed by the representative that he does
not presently intend to make such a statement. The representative will also be
available to respond to questions from shareholders.
                                 OTHER BUSINESS
  The Board of Directors does not intend to bring any other matters before the
meeting and does not know of any matters which will be brought before the
meeting by others. If any matters properly come before the meeting it is the
intention of the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy to vote the proxy
in accordance with their judgment on such matters.
  It is important that proxies be returned promptly. Therefore, shareholders
are urged to vote, date, sign and return the enclosed proxy. No postage need be
affixed if mailed in the United States,
                                       By Order of the Board of Directors
                                                 Nina M. Rausch
Dated: March 8, 1996

                                                 NIPSCO INDUSTRIES, INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             OFFICERS                            NOTICE OF ANNUAL 
             Gary L. Neale                       MEETING AND      
              Chairman, President and            PROXY STATEMENT  
              Chief Executive Officer                             
             Stephen P. Adik
              Executive Vice President and   
              Chief Financial Officer, and

             Patrick J. Mulchay
              Executive Vice President and
              Chief Operating Officer, 

             Jeffrey W. Yundt
              Executive Vice President and
              Chief Operating Officer, Gas

             William R. Elliott
              Vice President, Subsidiary
              Operations, Electric

             Owen C. Johnson, Jr.
              Vice President, 
              Human Resources

             David A. Kelly
              Vice President,
              Real Estate and Taxes

             Jerry M. Springer
              Controller and Assistant

             Dennis E. Senchak
              Assistant Treasurer

             Nina M. Rausch

             5265 Hohman Avenue
             Hammond, Indiana 46320-1775                                   LOGO
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROXY                                                                      PROXY
                            NIPSCO INDUSTRIES, INC.
The undersigned hereby appoints Gary L. Neale, Stephen P. Adik and Jerry M.
Springer, or any of them, the attorneys and proxies of the undersigned, with
full power of substitution, for and in the name of the undersigned to represent
and vote the shares of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
the Company, to be held at the Center for the Arts, Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, Indiana, on Wednesday, April 10, 1996, at 10 a.m., CDST, and at any
adjournment or adjournments thereof, upon the matter more fully described in
the Notice and Proxy Statement:
                 (Continued and to be signed on reverse side.)

                            NIPSCO INDUSTRIES, INC.

1. Election of Directors
   Nominees: Ian M. Rolland, Edmund A. Schroer and John W. Thompson
    For     Withheld     For All
    [_]       [_]          [_]

  (Except Nominee(s) written below)
2. Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
   any adjournment or adjournments thereof.


     Dated: _____________________________________________________________ , 1996

Signature(s) ___________________________________________________________________

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------