RETIREMENT PLAN

                       AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          MAY 17, 1994

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
PREAMBLE                                                       1

SECTION 1  -  DEFINITIONS                                      3

 1.1 Accrued Benefit                                           3
 1.2 Actuarially Equivalent/Actuarially                        3
 1.3 Affiliated Companies                                      4
 1.4 Annuity Starting Date                                     4
 1.5 Beneficiary                                               4
 1.6 Code                                                      4
 1.7 Committee                                                 5
 1.8 Compensation                                              5
 1.9 Credited Service                                          6
 1.10 Disabled                                                 6
 1.11 Earnings                                                 6
 1.12 Effective Date                                           8
 1.13 Eligible Employee                                        9
 1.14 Employee                                                 9
 1.15 Employer                                                 9
 1.16 Employment Commencement Date                             9
 1.17 ERISA                                                   10
 1.18 Final Average Monthly Earnings                          10
 1.19 Foreign Employee                                        10
 1.20 Hour of Service                                         10
 1.21 Participant                                             11
 1.22 Period of Service                                       11
 1.23 Period of Severance                                     11
 1.24 Plan                                                    12
 1.25 Plan Administrator                                      12
 1.26 Plan Year                                               12
 1.27 Service                                                 12
 1.28 Severance From Service Date                             12
 1.29 Social Security Retirement Age                          12
 1.30 Temporarily Terminated                                  12
 1.31 Terminated                                              13
 1.32 Trust or Trust Fund                                     13
 1.33 Trustee                                                 13
 1.34 Additional Definitions in Plan                          13

SECTION 2   -  PARTICIPATION                                  15

 2.1 Eligibility for Participation                            15
 2.2 Reemployment After a Termination                         15
 2.3 Employees in a Bargaining Unit                           15

SECTION 3   -  RETIREMENT DATES                               16

 3.1 Normal Retirement Date                                   16
 3.2 Early Retirement Date                                    16
 3.3 Deferred Retirement Date                                 16
 3.4 Retirement Date                                          16
 3.5 Vested Termination Date                                  16

SECTION 4   -  RETIREMENT BENEFITS                            17

 4.1 Accrued Benefit                                          17
 4.2 Normal Retirement Benefit                                18
 4.3 Early Retirement Benefit                                 19
 4.4 Deferred Retirement Benefit                              19
 4.5 Vested Termination Benefit                               19
 4.6 Reemployment After Retirement                            19
 4.7 Benefits For Terminated Participants                     19
 4.8 Benefits Payable From SpaceLabs Medical, Inc. 
     Retirement Plan                                          20

SECTION 5   -  FORMS OF PAYMENT                               21

 5.1 Forms of Payment                                         21
 5.2 Automatic Form of Benefit                                22
 5.3 Limitation on Forms of Payment                           22
 5.4 Explanation of Benefit Election and Waiting Period       23
 5.5 Directed Rollovers                                       23


 6.1 Spouse's Death Benefit                                   25
 6.2 Disability Benefits                                      26

SECTION 7   -  VESTING                                        27

 7.1 Vesting                                                  27
 7.2 Termination Prior to Vesting                             27
 7.3 Forfeitures                                              28

SECTION 8   -  LIMITATIONS ON BENEFITS                        29

 8.1 Limitation on Benefits                                   29
 8.2 Maximum Annual Benefit Payable Under the Plan            30
 8.3 Additional Limitation Relating to Defined Contribution
     Plans                                                    33

SECTION 9   -  TOP HEAVY PROVISIONS                           35

 9.1 Scope                                                    35
 9.2 Top Heavy Status                                         35
 9.3 Minimum Benefit                                          37
 9.4 Benefit Limitation                                       38
 9.5 Vesting                                                  39

SECTION 10   -  ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN                    40

 10.1 Plan Administrator                                      40
 10.2 Organization and Procedures                             40
 10.3 Duties and Authority of the Committee                   40
 10.4 Expenses                                                42
 10.5 Bonding and Insurance                                   42
 10.6 Commencement of Benefits                                42
 10.7 Appeal Procedure                                        43
 10.8 Plan Administration - Miscellaneous                     44
 10.9 Domestic Relations Orders                               46
 10.10 Plan Qualification                                     47
 10.11 Deductible Contribution                                47
 10.12 Payment of Benefits Through Purchase of Annuity 
       Contract                                               47

SECTION 11   -  AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION                     49

 11.1 Amendment General                                       49
 11.2 Amendment - Consolidation or Merger                     49
 11.3 Termination of the Plan                                 49
 11.4 Allocation of the Trust Fund on Termination of Plan     49

SECTION 12   -  FUNDING                                       51

 12.1 Contributions to the Trust                              51
 12.2 Trust Fund for Exclusive Benefit of Participants        51
 12.3 Disposition of Credits and Forfeitures                  51
 12.4 Trustee                                                 51
 12.5 Investment Manager                                      51

SECTION 13   -  FIDUCIARIES                                   53

 13.1 Limitation of Liability of the Employer and Others      53
 13.2 Indemnification of Fiduciaries                          53
 13.3 Scope of Indemnification                                53

SIGNATURE PAGE                                                54

APPENDIX 1                                                    55


     THIS RETIREMENT PLAN (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan,"
formerly   known  as  the  Westmark  International   Incorporated
Retirement   Plan  and  now  known  as  the  Advanced  Technology
Laboratories,  Inc.  Retirement Plan)  is  amended  and  restated
effective  May  17,  1994,  by Advanced Technology  Laboratories,
Inc., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter "Employer").

      WHEREAS,  the purpose of the Plan is to provide  retirement
benefits to Employees who become covered under the Plan; and

      WHEREAS,  the  Plan was originally known  as  the  Advanced
Technology  Laboratories Floor Retirement Plan, and  was  adopted
effective  January  1, 1981 by Advanced Technology  Laboratories,
Inc.; and

     WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated effective January
1,  1987,  the  name  was  changed to the Westmark  International
Incorporated  Floor  Retirement Plan, and Westmark  International
Incorporated  became  the plan sponsor, in  connection  with  the
distribution of shares of Westmark International Incorporated  to
the shareholders of Squibb Corporation; and

     WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated effective January
1,  1990  and  the name was changed to the Westmark International
Incorporated Retirement Plan; and

      WHEREAS,  effective June 26, 1992, the  corporate  name  of
Westmark  International  Incorporated  was  changed  to  Advanced
Technology Laboratories, Inc., and assets and liabilities of  the
Plan  attributable to SpaceLabs, Inc. as a participating employer
in  this  Plan were spun off to form the SpaceLabs Medical,  Inc.
Retirement Plan; and

      WHEREAS,  effective June 26, 1992 the Plan was amended  and
restated   to   change  the  name  to  the  Advanced   Technology
Laboratories,  Inc. Retirement Plan and to effect  certain  other
changes; and

     WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated effective January
1, 1994;

      WHEREAS,  the Employer acquired Interspec, Inc.,  including
Echo  Ultrasound, a division of Interspec, Inc., as  of  May  17,
1994 (the "Acquisition"); and

      WHEREAS, the Employer desires to amend and restate the Plan
to reflect the Acquisition and to effect certain changes; and

      WHEREAS,  the  Plan shall be maintained for  the  exclusive
benefit of covered Employees, and is intended to comply with  the
Internal   Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  the   Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974, as amended,  and  other
applicable law;

NOW,  THEREFORE,  except  as  otherwise  specified  herein,   the
Employer  does hereby amend and restate the Plan as set forth  in
the  following  pages  effective May 17, 1994,  except  that  any
change  required  by  federal law, including  without  limitation
amendments  to the Internal Revenue 


Code, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Age 
Discrimination in Employment Act and regulations or rulings 
issued pursuant thereto shall be effective on the latest date 
on which such change may become effective and comply with 
such laws.


                            SECTION 1

The  following  terms when used herein shall have  the  following
meaning,  unless a different meaning is plainly required  by  the
context.  Capitalized terms are used throughout the Plan text for
terms defined by this and other sections.

1.1  Accrued Benefit

     "Accrued Benefit" means, on any date, the benefit determined
     under the formula specified in Section 4.1 as of such date.

1.2  Actuarially Equivalent/Actuarially

     (a)  General

          "Actuarially   Equivalent"  and  similar   terms   (for
          purposes  other than determining contributions  to  the
          Trust  Fund) means that the present value  of  two  (2)
          payments or series of payments shall be of equal  value
          when computed at an eight percent (8%) rate of interest
          and  on  the basis of the 1984 Unisex Pension Mortality
          Table;  provided, however, that the interest rates  and
          mortality  table  below shall apply  for  the  purposes

     (b)  Before January 1, 1996

          With respect to Participants who terminate employment
          before January 1, 1996, the interest rate for immediate
          or deferred annuities that would be used by the Pension
          Benefit  Guaranty Corporation to determine the  present
          value of the Participant's benefit upon termination  of
          an  insufficient trusteed single employer plan,  as  of
          the  first  day  of  the Plan Year  that  contains  the
          Annuity Starting Date shall be used for calculating the
          Actuarial   Equivalent   value   of   any   lump    sum

     (c)  On or After January 1, 1996

          Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,   with   respect   to
          Participants  who  terminate  employment  on  or  after
          January 1, 1996, the Actuarial Equivalent value of  any
          lump  sum  distribution shall be determined  using  the
          following interest rate and mortality table:
          Interest: the  annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury
                    securities  as determined under Code  Section
                    417  (which, as of  January 1, 1996, is   the  
                    average  annual  yield  on  30-year  Treasury   
                    Constant   Maturities)   for   the  November  
                    before the Plan Year which contains the Annuity 
                    Starting Date; and


          Mortality:      the  prevailing Commissioner's standard
                    table     (described    in    Code    Section
                    807(d)(5)(A)), without regard  to  any  other
                    subparagraphs of Code Section 807(d)(5)) used
                    to   determine  reserves  for  group  annuity
                    contracts issued on the date as of which  the
                    present  value is being determined (which  as
                    of  the  date of this amendment is  the  1983
                    Group  Annuity Mortality Table, 50% male  and
                    50% female).

1.3  Affiliated Companies

     "Affiliated Companies" means:

     (a)  the Employer,

     (b)  any other corporation which is a member of a controlled
          group of corporations which includes the Employer (as defined in
          Section 414(b) of the Code),

     (c)  any other trade or business under common control with the
          Employer (as defined in Section 414(c) of the Code), or

     (d)  any  other member of an affiliated service group  which
          includes the Employer (as defined in Section 414(m) of 
          the Code).

          For  purposes of the limitation on benefits in Sections
          8.2 and 8.3, the determination of whether an entity  is
          an   Affiliated  Company  will  be  made  by  modifying
          Sections  414(b)  and (c) of the Code as  specified  in
          Section 415(h) of the Code.

1.4  Annuity Starting Date
     "Annuity  Starting Date" means the first day  of  the  first
     period for which a Plan benefit is payable as an annuity, or
     any other form.

1.5  Beneficiary

     "Beneficiary" means the person or persons designated  to  be
     the  Beneficiary  by  the  Participant  in  writing  to  the
     Benefits  Committee.   In the event  a  married  Participant
     designates  someone  other  than  his  or  her   spouse   as
     Beneficiary,  such initial designation or subsequent  change
     shall  be invalid unless the spouse signs a written  consent
     that  acknowledges the effect of the designation  and  names
     the  designated Beneficiary, and the spouse's  signature  is
     notarized or witnessed by a Plan representative.

1.6  Code

     "Code"  means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as  amended
     and including all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.


1.7  Committee

     "Committee" means the Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc.
     Benefits  Committee  as from time to  time  constituted  and
     appointed  by  the Compensation Committee of  the  Board  of
     Directors of the Employer to administer the Plan.

1.8  Compensation

     "Compensation"  means  all of the following  listed  in  (a)
     through  (f) below excluding the items listed in (g) through
     (j) below.

     (a)  wages, salaries, fees for professional services and other
          amounts received (without regard to whether or not an amount is
          paid in cash) for personal services actually rendered in the
          course of employment with the Employer to the extent that the
          amounts are includible in gross income (including, but not
          limited to, commissions paid salesmen, compensation for services
          on the basis of a percentage of profits, commissions on insurance
          premiums, tips, bonuses, fringe benefits, and reimbursements, or
          other expense allowances under a nonaccountable plan (as
          described in Treas. Reg. Section 1.62-2(c));

     (b)  in case of an Employee who is an employee within the meaning
          of Code Section 401(c)(1) and the regulations thereunder, the
          Employee's earned income (as described in Code Section 401(c)(2)
          and the regulations thereunder);

     (c)  amounts described in Code Sections 104(a)(3), 105(a), and
          105(h), but only to the extent that these amounts are includible
          in the gross income of the Employee;

     (d)  amounts  paid or reimbursed by the Employer for  moving
          expenses incurred by an Employee, but only to the extent that at
          the time of the payment it is reasonable to believe that these
          amounts are not deductible by the Employee under Code Section

     (e)  the value of a non-qualified stock option granted to an
          Employee by the Employer, but only to the extent that the value
          of the option is includible in the gross income of the Employee
          for the taxable year in which granted; and

     (f)  the amount includible in the gross income of an Employee
          upon making the election described in Code Section 83(b).

          Paragraphs  (a)  and  (b) of this Section  1.8  include
          foreign  earned  income  (as defined  in  Code  Section
          911(b)),  whether or not excludible from  gross  income
          under  Code  Section  911.  Compensation  described  in
          paragraph  (a)  of  this Section is  to  be  determined
          without  regard to the exclusions from gross income  in
          Code Sections 931 and 933.  Similar principle are to be
          applied with respect to income subject to Code 

          Sections 931  and  933 in determining Compensation described  
          in paragraph (b) of this Section:
     (g)  Employer contributions to a plan of deferred compensation
          which are not includible in the Employee's gross income for the
          taxable year in which contributed, or Employer contributions
          under a simplified employee pension plan to the extent such
          contributions  are deductible by the Employee,  or  any
          distributions from a plan of deferred compensation;

     (h)  amounts realized from the exercise of a non-qualified stock
          option, or when restricted stock (or property) held by the
          Employee either becomes freely transferable or is no longer
          subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture;

     (i)  amounts  realized  from  the sale,  exchange  or  other
          disposition of stock acquired under a qualified stock option; and

     (j)  other  amounts which receive special tax  benefits,  or
          contributions made by the Employer (whether or not under a salary
          reduction agreement) towards the purchase of an annuity contract
          described  in Code Section 403(b) (whether or  not  the
          contributions are actually excludible from the gross income of
          the Employee).

     For  purposes  of applying the limitations of  Section  8.2,
     Compensation  for  a  limitation year  is  the  compensation
     actually paid or made available during such limitation year.

1.9  Credited Service

     "Credited Service" means all completed years and fractions
     of years of Service for the Employer during a Period of
     Service, excluding Periods of Service forfeited due to a
     Period of Severance.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, Service while a Foreign
     Employee which is completed before January 1, 1987 shall be
     disregarded for purposes of determining a Participant's
     Credited Service.

1.10 Disabled

     "Disabled" means a Participant is entitled to benefits under
     an Employer-sponsored long term disability plan, or a long
     term disability plan to which the Employer contributes on
     behalf of the Participant.

1.11 Earnings

     "Earnings" for each Plan Year means:

     (a)  for all Participants who are not Foreign Employees, for
          Credited Service prior to January 1, 1989: the straight-time 
          pay earned by an Employee from the


          Employer prior to reduction for any contributions determined 
          on a salary reduction basis under a flexible benefit plan 
          established pursuant to Section 125 of the Code or under the 
          Westmark International Incorporated Incentive Savings and Stock 
          Ownership Plan, including shift differentials, special 
          geographical location allowances, holiday pay, sick leave
          pay (exempt and non-exempt), short-term disability (exempt and
          non-exempt), retroactive pay as it applies to any of the above,
          and pay for vacation hours taken.  Earnings will not include non-
          refundable draw, bonuses, commissions, employee referral bonuses,
          stock option payments, special bonuses, lump-sum payments or cash
          payoffs for unused vacation, severance pay, hiring bonus, long-
          term disability payments (exempt and non-exempt), finder's fees,
          any relocation payments in the form of reimbursement or
          relocation bonus and overtime.

     (b)  for all Participants who are not Foreign Employees, for
          Credited Service after December 31, 1988:  the straight-time pay
          earned by an Employee from:

          (i)  the Employer; and

          (ii) from Interspec, Inc. from January 1, 1994 to May 17, 1994
               when Interspec, Inc. became an Employer,

               prior   to   reduction   for   any   contributions
               determined  on  a salary reduction basis  under  a
               flexible  benefit  plan  established  pursuant  to
               Section  125  of  the Code or under  the  Westmark
               International Incorporated Incentive  Savings  and
               Stock   Ownership  Plan  or  Advanced   Technology
               Laboratories,  Inc. Incentive  Savings  and  Stock
               Ownership Plan, including:

               (1)  special geographical location allowances, holiday pay, 
                    sick leave pay (exempt and non-exempt), short-term 
                    disability (exempt and non-exempt), retroactive pay as 
                    it applies to any of the above, and pay for vacation 
                    hours taken;

               (2)  overtime pay, shift differentials, and bonuses (including
                    MICP and bullet bonuses) not in excess of fifty percent 
                    (50)% of annualized straight-time pay prior to reduction 
                    as described above;

               (3)  for Credited Service after December 31, 1988 and before
                    January 1, 1993: salesperson commissions and service
                    commissions/incentives to the extent such amounts when 
                    added to the amount determined under (ii) above do not 
                    exceed one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of 
                    annualized straight-time pay prior to reduction as 
                    described above; and

               (4)  for Credited Service after December 31, 1992, salesperson
                    commissions and service commissions/incentives.


               Earnings  will  not  include non-refundable  draw,
               employee  referral bonuses, Performance Unit  Plan
               awards,  car  allowances, stock  option  payments,
               restricted stock awards, lump-sum payments or cash
               payoffs   for  unused  vacation,  severance   pay,
               retention    bonus,   hiring   bonus,    long-term
               disability  payments (exempt and non-exempt),  and
               any   relocation   payments   in   the   form   of
               reimbursement or relocation bonus.

     (c)  For all Foreign Employees,  the annual notional salary and
          the actual bonus, if any, stated in U.S. dollars established in a
          uniform and nondiscriminatory manner for each Foreign Employee,
          on or after January 1, 1987.  Notional salary shall not include
          any special relocation or foreign assignment allowances.

          Notional  salary shall include an equitable  adjustment
          to  reflect any retirement benefit which is expected to
          be earned under a foreign retirement plan to the extent
          attributable  to  contributions by an Employer  or  any
          foreign subsidiary of an Employer.

          Notional  salary  for each Foreign  Employee  shall  be
          approved  by  the President of the applicable  business

          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  annual  Earnings   in
          excess   of   the  limit  indicated  below   shall   be
          disregarded; provided, however, that the $150,000 limit
          for  1994  shall be automatically adjusted  for  future
          years in accordance with Code Section 401(a)(17)(B)  to
          the maximum permissible dollar limitation permitted  by
          the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.

                    Plan Year                Dollar Limitation
                   -------------             -----------------         
                   1989 - 1993                 $235,840
                   1994 and later              $150,000 (indexed)

          In  determining Earnings of a Participant for  purposes
          of  this  limitation, the family aggregation  rules  of
          Section  414(q)(6) of the Code shall apply,  except  in
          applying  such  rules, the term "family" shall  include
          only  the  spouse  of the Participant  and  any  lineal
          descendants  of the Participant who have  not  attained
          age nineteen (19) before the close of the year.  If  as
          a   result  of  the  application  of  such  rules   the
          limitation  is exceeded, then the limitation  shall  be
          prorated  among the affected individuals in  proportion
          to  each such individual's Earnings as determined under
          this  Section  1.11 prior to the applications  of  this

1.12 Effective Date

     "Effective  Date" means January 1, 1981, or with respect  to
     any  Employer specified in appendices to this Plan, the date
     such Employer adopted the Plan.

1.13 Eligible Employee

     "Eligible Employee" means any Employee who is on the active,
     regular payroll of the Employer, provided, however, the term
     "Eligible   Employee"  does  not  include   any   temporary,
     cooperative or leased employee.  A temporary employee within
     the  meaning of the previous sentence is an Employee who  is
     hired  to  complete  a specific project  or  to  accommodate
     business  cycle fluctuations without exceeding  the  maximum
     number of Employees permitted under the Employer's corporate

1.14 Employee

     "Employee"  means  any  person  (including  any  officer  or
     director) who is employed by, and as such is enrolled on the
     active payroll of the Employer and is performing services in
     the United States, and any person who is a Foreign Employee.

     "Employee"  shall  include any leased  employee  within  the
     meaning  of  Code Section 414(n)(2); provided,  however,  if
     leased employees constitute twenty percent (20%) or less  of
     the  Employer's non-highly compensated work force, the  term
     "Employee"  shall  not  include a  leased  employee  who  is
     covered  by  a  plan maintained by the leasing  organization
     which meets the requirements of Code Section 414(n)(5).

1.15 Employer

     "Employer" means Advanced Technology Laboratories,  Inc.,  a
     Delaware corporation.  For purposes other than Sections  10,
     11  and  12,  the term "Employer" shall also  include  other
     Affiliated  Companies that adopt the Plan with the  approval
     of   the   Board   of   Directors  of  Advanced   Technology
     Laboratories, Inc. (Delaware), as provided from time to time
     in Appendix I to this Plan.

1.16 Employment Commencement Date

     "Employment Commencement Date" means the later of:

     (a)  the Effective Date;

     (b)  the date on which an Employee first completes an Hour of
          Service for the Employer or an Affiliated Company during the
          current period of employment; and

     (c)  the date the individual's employer became an Employer or an
          Affiliated Company.  "Hour of Service" for purposes of this
          definition means each hour for which an Employee is paid or
          entitled to payment for the performance of duties for the
          Employer or any Affiliated Companies.


1.17 ERISA

     "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
     1974, as amended, including all regulations thereunder.

1.18 Final Average Monthly Earnings

     "Final  Average Monthly Earnings" means one twelfth  of  the
     highest  average annual Earnings received by the Participant
     during  any  sixty (60) consecutive month  period.   In  the
     event the Participant has less than 60 consecutive months of
     employment, the computation period shall be based  upon  (1)
     the most recent sixty (60) months of employment (whether  or
     not  consecutive), or (2) the total Period of  Service  with
     the Employer, whichever is less.  Earnings for partial years
     are pro-rated.

1.19 Foreign Employee

     "Foreign Employee" means any person (including an officer or
     director)  who is employed by, and as such is on the  active
     payroll of the Employer or a foreign subsidiary or branch of
     an  Employer, who relocates to a country outside the  United
     States  and outside such individual's country of citizenship
     to  complete  a  temporary assignment for an Employer  or  a
     foreign  subsidiary  or  branch  of  an  Employer  which  is
     expected  to  be  completed within five (5) years  from  the
     initial date of the assignment.

1.20 Hour of Service

     "Hour  of Service" means each hour for which an Employee  is
     paid or entitled to payment by the Company or any Affiliated
     Companies on account of:

     (a)  Performance of duties;

     (b)  A  period  of time during which no duties are performed
          (irrespective of whether the employment relationship has
          terminated) due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity
          (including disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty, or
          leave of absence.  No more than 501 Hours of Service shall be
          credited under this paragraph for any single continuous period
          (whether or not such period occurs in a single computation
          period).  Hours under this paragraph shall be calculated and
          credited pursuant to 29 CFR 2530.200b-2(b) and (c), which are
          incorporated herein by this reference; and

     (c)  An award of back pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages,
          agreed to by the Participating Company or any Affiliated Company.
          However, hours credited under (a) or (b) above shall not also be
          credited under this subsection (c).


1.21 Participant

     "Participant" means any Eligible Employee who qualifies  for
     participation pursuant to Section 2.1 or 2.2.   A  nonvested
     Participant shall cease to be a Participant on the  date  he
     or  she incurs a one-year (1) Period of Severance.  A vested
     Participant shall cease to be a Participant when his or  her
     benefit payments from the Plan are completed.
1.22 Period of Service

     "Period of Service" means the period of time commencing with
     the Employment Commencement Date and ending on the Severance
     From  Service  Date, provided that Periods of  Service  with
     Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc. beginning before  the
     Effective  Date  shall be included.  Non-successive  periods
     are  aggregated to determine the Employee's total Period  of

     For vesting and participation purposes, an Employee's Period
     of Service shall also include the following:

     (a)  Periods not in Service due to Temporary Terminations;

     (b)  Periods of Service with an Affiliated Company; and

     (c)  Periods of Service prior to May 17, 1994 with Interspec,
          Inc. and Periods of Service with Echo Ultrasound, currently a
          division of Interspec, Inc. and formerly a division of General
          Electric Company, determined as if such companies were Employers
          prior to that date.

     Notwithstanding the above, for an individual with respect to
     whom assets and liabilities are transferred to the SpaceLabs
     Medical,  Inc. Retirement Plan between June 26 and  December
     31,  1992,  the  individual's  Period  of  Service  for  all
     purposes  under  the  Plan shall begin on  the  individual's
     first  Employment Commencement Date following  the  date  of
     such transfer.

1.23 Period of Severance

     "Period of Severance" means the period of time commencing on
     the  Severance From Service Date and ending on the date  the
     Employee again performs an Hour of Service for the Employer;
     provided  however, such period shall commence one  (1)  year
     later  if  a  male  or  female Employee  is  absent  due  to
     pregnancy,  birth or adoption of a child, or  caring  for  a
     child immediately following birth or adoption.

     Notwithstanding any Plan provision to the contrary, a Period
     of  Severance for an employee of Interspec, Inc. on May  16,
     1994  shall  be  determined  for vesting  and  participation
     purposes  only  as  if Interspec, Inc. and Echo  Ultrasound,
     which  is  currently  a  division  of  Interspec,  Inc.  and
     formerly  was  a division of General Electric Company,  were
     Employers prior to May 17, 1994.


1.24 Plan

     "Plan"  means  the  Advanced Technology  Laboratories,  Inc.
     Retirement Plan either in its previous or present form or as
     amended from time to time.

1.25 Plan Administrator

     "Plan  Administrator" means the person or entity  designated
     in Section 10 to administer the Plan.

1.26 Plan Year

     "Plan  Year"  means the twelve (12) month period  commencing
     each January 1 and ending each December 31.

1.27 Service

     "Service"  means periods for which an Employee  is  paid  or
     entitled  to payment for the performance of duties  for  the
     Employer or an Affiliated Company.

     For  purposes  of Section 2 (Participation)  and  Section  7
     (Vesting)  only,  Service  for  an  Employee  who  transfers
     employment  from  an  employing  company  under  the  Squibb
     Corporation Pension Plan to the Employer on or before August
     31,   1987,  without  intervening  employment  with  another
     employer,  shall also include any prior period of employment
     with  an  employing  company under  the  Squibb  Corporation
     Pension  Plan to the extent such employment was credited  as
     "service"  for vesting purposes under the Squibb Corporation
     Pension Plan.

1.28 Severance From Service Date

     "Severance From Service Date" means the earlier of the  date
     on  which an Employee quits, retires, is discharged or dies,
     or  the first anniversary of absence from work for any other
     reason.   An  individual employed by an  Affiliated  Company
     other than the Employer shall incur a Severance from Service
     Date if the individual's employer ceases to be an Affiliated
     Company of the Employer.

1.29 Social Security Retirement Age

     "Social  Security Retirement Age" means the  following  ages
     depending  on  the Participant's year of  birth:   age  (65)
     sixty-five  for Participants born prior to 1938, age  sixty-
     six (66) for Participants born after 1937 but prior to 1955,
     and age sixty-seven (67) for Participants born after 1954.

1.30 Temporarily Terminated

     Termination is deemed "Temporary" if the Employee is rehired
     and  in  Service within one (1) year of the initial date  of
     absence from work.


1.31 Terminated

     "Terminated"  means no longer in Service or employed  as  an
     Employee  with the Employer for reasons of quit, retirement,
     discharge  or  death.   An Employee  shall  also  be  deemed
     Terminated on the first anniversary of the initial  date  of
     absence for any other reason, provided such absence lasts at
     least twelve (12) months.

1.32 Trust or Trust Fund

     "Trust"  or  "Trust Fund" means the trust  fund  into  which
     shall  be paid all contributions and from which all benefits
     shall be paid under this Plan.

1.33 Trustee

     "Trustee"  means the trustee or trustees who receive,  hold,
     invest  and  disburse the assets of the Trust in  accordance
     with   the  terms  and  provisions  set  forth  in  a  trust

1.34 Additional Definitions in Plan

     The following terms are defined in the following sections of
     the Plan:


     Aggregate Account                                      9.2
     Aggregation Group                                      9.2
     Benefit                                             8.1(c)
     Deferred Retirement Benefit                            4.5
     Deferred Retirement Date                               3.3
     Determination Date                                     9.2
     Early Retirement Benefit                               4.4
     Early Retirement Date                                  3.2
     Highly Compensated Employee                      8.1(c)(3)
     Investment Manager                                    12.5
     Joint and Survivor Annuity                          5.1(b)
     Key Employee                                           9.2
     Lump Sum                                            5.1(d)
     Normal Retirement Benefit                              4.3
     Normal Retirement Date                                 3.1
     Present Value of Accrued Benefits                      9.2
     Qualified Domestic Relations Order                    10.9
     Restricted Group                                    8.1(c)
     Retirement Date                                        3.4
     Statutory 50% Joint and Survivor Annuity Option     5.2(a)
     Super Top Heavy                                        9.2
     Top Heavy                                              9.2
     Valuation Date (for Top Heavy)                         9.2


     Vested Termination Date                                3.5
     Vested Termination Benefit                             4.6
     Whole Life Annuity                                  5.1(a)


                            SECTION 2

2.1  Eligibility for Participation

     (a)  Full-Time Employees

          Each Eligible Employee (other than a Part-time Employee
          as  described  below) who is not already a  Participant
          shall become a Participant under this Plan on the later
          of  the first day of the first month coinciding with or
          next  following completion of a one-year (1) Period  of
          Service  and  the date his or her employer  becomes  an
          Employer for Plan purposes.

     (b)  Part-Time Employees

          An  Eligible Employee who is a Part-Time Employee shall
          become  a Participant on the later of the first day  of
          the  first  month coinciding with or next  following  a
          twelve-month  (12) period during which  he  or  she  is
          credited with at least 1,000 Hours of Service  and  the
          date  his or her employer becomes an Employer for  plan
          purposes.  Such twelve-month (12) period shall commence
          on the Employee's Employment Commencement Date and each
          January 1 thereafter.

          "Part-Time Employee" means an Employee who is  employed
          for  less than a full-time basis based on uniform rules
          established  by the Committee and consistently  applied
          to all persons similarly situated.

2.2  Reemployment After a Termination

     Upon the reemployment of a Terminated former Participant  as
     an  Eligible Employee, he or she shall immediately become  a

     An  Employee  who Terminates prior to becoming a Participant
     and  is  later  reemployed shall become a  Participant  upon
     satisfying  the  requirements  of  Section  2.1.    If   the
     Employee's  Period of Severance equals or exceeds  five  (5)
     years,  the  Period  of  Service  preceding  the  Period  of
     Severance shall be disregarded.  If the Employee's Period of
     Severance is less than five (5) years, the Period of Service
     before the Period of Severance shall be aggregated with  the
     subsequent Period of Service.

2.3  Employees in a Bargaining Unit

     An Employee belonging to a collective bargaining unit, which
     has  entered an agreement with the Employer which  does  not
     provide  for retirement benefits under this Plan, shall  not
     qualify for participation and the period of employment shall
     not  be included in determining his or her Credited Service.
     If  such an Employee is a Participant when such an agreement
     is  entered,  the  Employee shall cease to  accrue  Credited
     Service  on  the effective date of the bargaining agreement.
     If  such  an  agreement provides for Plan  participation,  a
     covered  Employee  may continue or resume participation  and
     accrual of Credited Service.

                            SECTION 3
                         RETIREMENT DATES

3.1  Normal Retirement Date
     The  Normal Retirement Date for a Participant shall  be  the
     first day of the month coinciding with or next following the
     attainment of age sixty-five (65).

3.2  Early Retirement Date

     Each  Participant  who  attains age fifty-five  (55)  either
     before  or  after Termination and who completes a  five  (5)
     year  Period  of  Service may elect, in  writing,  an  Early
     Retirement Date.  Such Early Retirement Date shall be before
     the  Normal  Retirement Date and after  Termination  on  the
     first day of any month coinciding with or following the date
     the early retirement requirements are met.

3.3  Deferred Retirement Date

     The Deferred Retirement Date for a Participant who continues
     working after the Normal Retirement Date shall be the  first
     day  of  the month coinciding with or next following his  or
     her   Termination  date;  provided,  however,  the  Deferred
     Retirement  Date shall not be later than April  1  following
     the  calendar  year  in  which the Participant  attains  age
     seventy and a half (70 1/2).

3.4  Retirement Date

     The  Retirement Date for a Participant shall be one  of  the
     dates  specified in Sections 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 above, on which
     benefits  are  to  commence.   The  Retirement  Date  for  a
     Participant who Terminates prior to retirement with a vested
     Accrued Benefit shall be Normal Retirement Date, unless such
     Participant qualifies for and elects to receive benefits  at
     an Early Retirement Date.

3.5  Vested Termination Date

     A   vested  Participant,  whose  Accrued  Benefit   has   an
     Actuarially  Equivalent  present  value  not  in  excess  of
     $10,000, who Terminates employment with the Employer and any
     Affiliated  Companies  prior to Early  Retirement  Date  may
     elect  in writing to receive the Vested Termination  Benefit
     either  as  a Lump Sum or an annuity on a Vested Termination
     Date, which is the first day of any month following the date
     of  Termination and prior to his or her earliest  Retirement
     Date.   In the event a married Participant elects to receive
     benefits on a Vested Termination Date and his or her  Vested
     Termination Benefit exceeds $3,500, such election  shall  be
     void  unless  the  election is signed by  the  Participant's
     spouse,  acknowledges the effect of the  election,  and  the
     spouse's  signature  is notarized or  witnessed  by  a  Plan


                            SECTION 4
                       RETIREMENT BENEFITS

4.1  Accrued Benefit

     The Accrued Benefit for any Participant shall be the excess,
     if  any, of the monthly benefit (as described in (a)  below)
     over  the  frozen monthly amount determined by reference  to
     the  former  Westmark Discretionary Contribution  Retirement
     Plan  offset (as described in (b) below), and then  adjusted
     for  any  prior  distribution (Section 4.6) and/or  form  of
     payment (Section 5.1).

     (a)  Monthly Benefit

          The  monthly  benefit payable to a Participant  at  the
          Normal  Retirement Date shall equal the greater of  (i)
          or (ii) below:

          (i)  One percent (1.0%) of Final Average Monthly Earnings as of
               December 31, 1993, multiplied by Credited Service as of 
               December 31, 1993, plus One percent (1.0%) of Final Average 
               Monthly Earnings taking into account all periods, but 
               disregarding Earnings in excess of $150,000 for Plan Years 
               prior to January 1, 1994, multiplied by Credited Service 
               earned after December 31, 1993, or

          (ii) One percent (1.0%) of Final Average Monthly Earnings, but
               disregarding Earnings in excess of $150,000 for Plan Years 
               prior to January 1, 1994, multiplied by the Participant's 
               Credited Service.

     (b)  Frozen Discretionary Contribution Plan Offset

          The  monthly  frozen  discretionary  contribution  plan
          offset   shall   equal  the  amount  determined   under
          subparagraph  (i)  less  the  amount  determined  under
          subparagraph (ii) below, accumulated with eight percent
          (8%)  interest  compounded annually  to  the  later  of
          January 1, 1989 and the Normal Retirement Date and then
          divided by 100:

          (i)  The  Participant's account balance in the Westmark
               International Incorporated Discretionary Contribution Plan on
               December 31, 1988.

          (ii) The greater of (A) or (B) below:

               (A)  the amount determined under subparagraph (1) less the 
                    amount determined under subparagraph (2) below, 
                    accumulated with eight percent (8%) interest compounded 
                    annually from December 31, 1982 through December 31, 1988.


                    (1)  the Participant's account balance in the Westmark
                         International Incorporated Discretionary Contribution 
                         Plan as of December 31, 1982.

                    (2)  the maximum amount of the Participant's account 
                         balance in the Westmark International Incorporated 
                         Discretionary Contribution Plan (exceeding any 
                         rollover or transfer amount), as of December 31, 
                         1982, which, when accumulated with eight percent
                         (8%) interest compounded annually to the later of 
                         January 1, 1989 and the Normal Retirement Date and 
                         then divided by one hundred (100), does not exceed 
                         the Participant's floor benefit under the 
                         Predecessor Plan as of December 31, 1982.

               (B)  The amount determined under subparagraph (1) less the 
                    amount determined under subparagraph (2) below:

                    (1)  the Participant's account balance in the Westmark
                         International Incorporated Discretionary 
                         Contribution Plan as of December 31, 1988.

                    (2)  the maximum amount of the Participant's account 
                         balance in the Westmark International Incorporated 
                         Discretionary Contribution Plan (excluding any 
                         rollover or transfer amount), as of December 31, 
                         1988, which, when accumulated with eight percent 
                         (8%) interest compounded annually to the later of 
                         January 1, 1989 and the Normal Retirement Date and 
                         then divided by one hundred (100), does not exceed 
                         the Participant's monthly benefit under this Plan 
                         as of December 31, 1988.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  a  Participant's   Accrued
     Benefit shall not be less than his or her Accrued Benefit on
     the  date  immediately preceding the date on which any  Plan
     term that affects the Accrued Benefit is amended.

     The  Accrued Benefit is payable in the form of a Whole  Life
     Annuity commencing at Normal Retirement Date.

4.2  Normal Retirement Benefit

     A  Participant's  monthly  Normal Retirement  Benefit  shall
     equal  his or her vested Accrued Benefit as of the  date  of
     Termination,  and  then Actuarially  adjusted  for  form  of


4.3  Early Retirement Benefit

     A Participant's monthly Early Retirement Benefit shall equal
     his  or  her  vested  Accrued Benefit  as  of  the  date  of
     Termination,  reduced by half (1/2) of one  percent  (1%)  for
     each  month  that  the Early Retirement  Date  precedes  the
     Normal  Retirement Date, and then Actuarially  adjusted  for
     form of payment.

4.4  Deferred Retirement Benefit

     A  Participant's monthly Deferred Retirement  Benefit  shall
     equal  his or her vested Accrued Benefit as of the  date  of
     Termination,  and  then Actuarially  adjusted  for  form  of
     payment.   Service and Earnings beyond the Normal Retirement
     Date  shall be taken into consideration.  In no event  shall
     the  benefit provided under this paragraph be less than  the
     retirement benefit to which the Participant would have  been
     entitled  if  he or she had actually retired on  the  Normal
     Retirement  Date,  Actuarially  increased  to  reflect   the
     deferred commencement of payments.

     In  the event a Participant continues working after the date
     benefits are required to commence following age seventy  and
     a  half (70 1/2) pursuant  to  Section  10.6,  the  Deferred
     Retirement  Benefit  shall  be  recalculated  and   adjusted

4.5  Vested Termination Benefit

     A  Participant's Vested Termination Benefit shall equal  his
     or  her  Accrued  Benefit  as of the  date  of  Termination,
     Actuarially  reduced  to reflect the early  commencement  of
     payment of benefits, and then Actuarially adjusted for  form
     of payment.

4.6  Reemployment After Retirement

     Upon   reemployment,  a  retired  Participant  shall   cease
     receiving  retirement benefits under  the  Plan,  until  the
     earlier  of subsequent Termination or the date benefits  are
     required to commence following age seventy and a half (70 1/2)
     pursuant  to Section 10.6.  At the Participant's  subsequent
     retirement, benefits payable shall be based on  his  or  her
     total   Credited  Service  and  Earnings  at  the  time   of
     subsequent   retirement,  and  shall  be  reduced   by   the
     Actuarially Equivalent value of benefits previously received
     by  the  Participant.  In no event shall  the  benefit  upon
     subsequent  retirement, after any reduction  for  previously
     received  benefits,  be  less than  the  initial  retirement

4.7  Benefits For Terminated Participants

     Benefits  under  the Plan shall be determined  and  paid  in
     accordance with the provisions of the Plan as in  effect  on
     the most recent date of a Termination of employment.


4.8  Benefits Payable From SpaceLabs Medical, Inc. Retirement Plan

     Notwithstanding  anything herein  to  the  contrary,  if  an
     individual  was  a Participant in this Plan and  assets  and
     liabilities attributable to the individual's Accrued Benefit
     under  this  Plan  were transferred from this  Plan  to  the
     SpaceLabs Medical, Inc. Retirement Plan between June 26  and
     December  31,  1992, the Accrued Benefit of such  individual
     with  respect  to  Credited Service  earned  prior  to  such
     transfer  shall be payable from the SpaceLabs Medical,  Inc.
     Retirement Plan and shall not be payable from this Plan.

                            SECTION 5
                        FORMS OF PAYMENT

5.1  Forms of Payment

      The following forms of benefit payments are available under
this Plan:

     (a)  Whole Life Annuity

          A  Whole Life Annuity shall be payable monthly from the
          Retirement  Date  to the first of the  month  preceding
          death.   The amount of the monthly benefit shall  equal
          the   monthly  Normal,  Early  or  Deferred  Retirement
          Benefit, whichever applies.

     (b)  Joint and Survivor Annuity

          A  reduced Joint and Survivor Annuity shall be  payable
          monthly  to  a retired Participant from the  Retirement
          Date  or  Vested Termination Date to the first  of  the
          month  preceding  death.  Following  the  Participant's
          death,  a  retirement benefit equal  to  fifty  percent
          (50%)  or  one  hundred percent (100%) of  the  reduced
          amount  payable  to  the retired Participant  shall  be
          payable  for life to the joint annuitant, if living  at
          the time of the Participant's death.  A Participant may
          elect, before benefits commence, which percentage shall
          be payable to the joint annuitant.

          If  the  joint  annuitant dies after the  Participant's
          retirement  income  begins, the Participant's  payments
          will  be  in  the same reduced amount as  is  otherwise
          payable under the Joint and Survivor Annuity.   If  the
          joint annuitant dies prior to the date as of which  the
          Participant's retirement income begins, any election of
          a  form  of benefit under this Section 5.1(b) shall  be
          automatically canceled.  If the Participant dies  prior
          to the date as of which his or her retirement income is
          to  begin, the joint annuitant shall not be entitled to
          receive   any  payments  under  this  Section   5.1(b).
          However, a spouse joint annuitant may be entitled to  a
          benefit under Section 6.1.

          The  Joint  and  Survivor Annuity shall be  Actuarially
          Equivalent  to  the  Participant's  retirement  benefit
          payable in the form of a Whole Life Annuity.

     (c)  Lump Sum

          A  Lump Sum distribution shall be a single sum payment.
          The   Lump   Sum  distribution  shall  be   Actuarially
          Equivalent  to  the  Participant's  retirement  benefit
          payable in the form of a Whole Life Annuity, and  shall
          represent  the  Participant's entire  interest  in  the
          Plan.  Lump Sum distributions may not exceed $10,000.


5.2  Automatic Form of Benefit

      Unless  a Participant elects otherwise, benefits  shall  be
paid as provided below:

     (a)  Married Participants

          Any  Participant who is married on his or  her  Annuity
          Starting   Date  or  Vested  Termination   Date   shall
          automatically  be  deemed to  have  elected  the  fifty
          percent   (50%)  Joint  and  Survivor  Annuity  option,
          effective  as of such date, with his or her  spouse  on
          the  Annuity Starting Date as the joint annuitant  (the
          "Statutory  fifty  percent  (50%)  Joint  and  Survivor
          Annuity Option").

          A  married  Participant may reject the Statutory  fifty
          percent  (50%)  Joint and Survivor Annuity  Option,  or
          elect  a  nonspouse joint annuitant pursuant to Section
          5.3,  by  filing  a written notice with  the  Committee
          within  ninety  (90) days prior to his or  her  Annuity
          Starting  Date.  Such notice must specify the  form  of
          payment elected, name the non-spouse joint annuitant if
          any,  acknowledge the effect of the election, and  must
          be  signed  by the Participant's spouse.  The  spouse's
          signature  must  be notarized or witnessed  by  a  Plan

          A  married  Participant may file a rejection  or  joint
          annuitant election notice or revoke any such notice  at
          any  time  during  the ninety-day (90) election  period
          immediately preceding the Annuity Starting Date.

     (b)  Other Participants

          An  unmarried  Participant shall  receive  his  or  her
          retirement  benefits  in  the  form  of  a  Whole  Life

          An  unmarried  Participant may reject  the  Whole  Life
          Annuity  option and elect either a Joint  and  Survivor
          Annuity or a Lump Sum option by filing a written notice
          with the Committee within ninety (90) days prior to his
          or her Annuity Starting Date.  An unmarried Participant
          may file or revoke such a notice at any time during the
          ninety-day   (90)  period  immediately  preceding   the
          Annuity Starting Date.

5.3  Limitation on Forms of Payment
     Notwithstanding  any  Plan provision to  the  contrary,  all
     distributions will be made in accordance with  Code  Section
     401(a)(9)  and the regulations under Code Section 401(a)(9),
     including  Section 1.401(a)(9)-2 of the proposed Income  Tax
     Regulations.   A  Participant may elect  a  joint  annuitant
     other  than his or her spouse.  A Participant must  elect  a
     form  of  payment  under which payments  will  be  completed
     within the Participant's and joint annuitant's life times or
     within  their life expectancies.  If a 


     Participant elects  a joint annuitant other than his or her 
     spouse, the percentage selected  by  the  Participant to be 
     payable  to  the  joint annuitant  cannot  exceed the 
     percentage in  the  table  set forth  in  Q&A A-6 of Section 
     1.401(a)(9)-2 of the  proposed Income  Tax  Regulations, 
     determined according  to  the  age  difference between  the 
     Participant and the joint annuitant.

5.4  Explanation of Benefit Election and Waiting Period

     (a)  Explanation

          The  Committee  shall furnish each Participant  with  a
          written  explanation of benefit commencement dates  and
          the terms and conditions of the forms of payment before
          the  Annuity Starting Date andat least thirty (30)  but
          not  more  than  ninety (90) days prior to  either  the
          Participant's Annuity Starting Date or the date benefit
          distribution commences.  The explanation shall  clearly
          indicate  that the Participant has a right to  consider
          his  or  her benefit election for at least thirty  (30)
          days.  Any election made by a Participant or consent by
          the  Participant's spouse more than  ninety  (90)  days
          before the Annuity Starting Date is void.

     (b)  Waiting Period Waiver

          A  Participant  may elect to commence  benefits  sooner
          than  thirty  (30) days after receiving the explanation
          described  above.   A Participant or the  Participant's
          spouse may revoke a benefit election at any time during
          the  seven (7) day period that begins immediately after
          the  date the written explanation is provided or at any
          time before the Annuity Starting Date, if later.  Also,
          a   Participant   may   elect  a  retroactive   benefit
          commencement date as long as the date is not before the
          explanation is provided, and the first payment  is  not
          made  until  the  ninth day (9th) after  the  date  the
          explanation was provided.

5.5  Directed Rollovers

     (a)  General Rule

          Effective  for  distributions made after  December  31,
          1992,  a  Participant  or  spouse  Beneficiary  who  is
          entitled  to  a  Lump Sum benefit pursuant  to  Section
          10.8(c), or who elects a Lump Sum distribution pursuant
          to  Section 5.1(c) may direct the Committee to pay part
          or  all  of  the benefit to a trustee or  custodian  of
          another  employer's qualified plan which  accepts  such
          directed rollovers or an individual retirement  account
          (IRA), subject to the following provisions:

          (i)  Participant or Beneficiary may only direct such a rollover
               if the expected benefit payment during the Plan Year is 
               $200 or more.

          (ii) A Participant or Beneficiary may not request a directed
               rollover of an amount distributed due to the minimum required
               distribution provision under Section 10.6(b).


         (iii) The rollover of a distribution may only be directed to
               one qualified plan or IRA.

          (iv) A Participant or Beneficiary may direct the rollover of a
               portion of the distribution and elect to receive the remaining
               portion of a distribution only if the rollover amount is at 
               least $200.

          (v)  A surviving spouse Beneficiary or a former spouse who is an
               alternate payee pursuant to Section 10.9 may direct a rollover
               under the same terms and conditions as a Participant, except 
               that a surviving spouse Beneficiary may only direct a rollover 
               to an IRA.

          (vi) A non-spouse Beneficiary may not direct a rollover pursuant
               to this section.

         (vii) A Participant or Beneficiary provides the information
               or documentation reasonably requested by the Committee.

     (b)  Notice to Participants

          The   Committee  shall  furnish  each  Participant  and
          Beneficiary eligible for a directed rollover under this
          Section  5.5 with a written explanation of the directed
          rollover    opportunity   and    related    withholding
          consequences of not choosing a directed rollover within
          a  reasonable period (at least thirty (30) but not more
          than  ninety  (90) days) prior to the Participant's  or
          Beneficiary's  Annuity Starting Date.  The  explanation
          shall   clearly   indicate  that  the  Participant   or
          Beneficiary  has a right to a thirty-day  (30)  waiting
          period  to  consider the election.   A  Participant  or
          Beneficiary  may  waive  the  thirty-day  (30)  waiting
          period by an affirmative election to make or not make a
          directed rollover in writing on form(s) provided by the


                            SECTION 6
6.1  Spouse's Death Benefit

     In  the event a vested Participant dies before commencing to
     receive  retirement benefits or Vested Termination  Benefits
     under   the  Plan,  his  or  her  spouse  shall  receive   a
     pre-retirement  death  benefit provided  they  were  married
     throughout  the one (1) year period ending on  the  date  of
     death.   The  amount  of the spouse's benefit  and  time  of
     commencement is described below.  The spouse of a  nonvested
     Participant,  or  a Participant who has started  to  receive
     benefits,  or  a  spouse who was married to the  Participant
     less  than  one  (1)  year, is not entitled  to  this  death

     (a)  Death Following Early Retirement Date

          If  the  Participant  dies  after  he  or  she  becomes
          eligible  to  elect  an  Early  Retirement  Date,   the
          spouse's  benefit shall be paid monthly from the  first
          of   the   month  coinciding  with  or  following   the
          Participant's  death through the  first  of  the  month
          preceding the spouse's death.  The benefit shall  equal
          the  amount  payable to the surviving  spouse  under  a
          fifty percent (50%) Joint and Survivor Annuity form  of
          payment  if  the  Participant had  commenced  receiving
          retirement  benefit  payments as  of  the  date  spouse
          benefits commence, based upon the Participant's  vested
          Accrued Benefit at the date of death.

     (b)  Death Prior to Early Retirement Date

          If  the Participant dies prior to becoming eligible  to
          elect  an  Early Retirement Date, the spouse's  benefit
          shall  be  paid monthly from the Participant's earliest
          Retirement  Date  (determined  as  if  he  or  she  had
          survived) through the first of the month preceding  the
          spouse's  death.   The benefit shall equal  the  amount
          payable  to the surviving spouse under a fifty  percent
          (50%) Joint and Survivor Annuity form of payment if the
          Participant  had  Terminated  on  the  date  of  death,
          survived  to  the  date  spouse benefits  commence  and
          commenced receiving retirement benefit payments on such

     (c)  Small Benefits

          Notwithstanding  Section 6.1(a)  and  6.1(b)  above,  a
          spouse's  death benefit shall be paid  in  a  Lump  Sum
          distribution  if  it is a small benefit  under  Section

     Notwithstanding  the foregoing, in the event  a  Participant
     dies  prior to Normal Retirement Date, a spouse entitled  to
     benefits under (a) or (b) above, may elect prior to the date
     benefits  commence thereunder, to postpone  commencement  of
     benefits  to  the first day of any month on  or  before  the
     Participant's Normal Retirement Date 


     determined as if he  or she  had  survived.   The benefit  
     payable  at  such  delayed commencement date shall be the 
     Actuarial Equivalent  of  the spouse's death benefit payable  
     at the terms specified  under (a) or (b) above.
6.2  Disability Benefits

     A  Participant who becomes Disabled shall be deemed to be in
     Service  for  purposes of vesting and benefit accrual  until
     the  earlier  of  (i) the date of recovery from  Disability,
     (ii) an Early Retirement Date elected by the Participant, or
     (iii) Normal Retirement Date.  For purposes of determining a
     Participant's  Accrued  Benefit, average  Earnings  for  the
     twelve  (12)  months  preceding commencement  of  short-term
     disability  benefits  are deemed  to  be  in  effect  during


                            SECTION 7
7.1  Vesting

     Each  Participant shall have a vested, nonforfeitable  right
     to  his or her Accrued Benefit multiplied by the appropriate
     vesting percentage in accordance with the following table:

           Periods of Service         Percent Vested
           ------------------         --------------
           Less than 5 years                0%
            5 years or more                100%

     In  addition,  each  Participant shall have  a  one  hundred
     percent  (100%) nonforfeitable right to his or  her  Accrued
     Benefit on the first day of the month preceding his  or  her
     Normal Retirement Date, provided he or she is an Employee on
     such  date.   An Employee who Terminates with  zero  percent
     (0%) vested shall be deemed "nonvested."

7.2  Termination Prior to Vesting

     (a)  Forfeiture of Service

          In the event a nonvested Participant incurs a Period of
          Severance,  and the number of years in such  Period  of
          Severance equals or exceeds five (5) consecutive years,
          his  or  her  Period  of Service and  Credited  Service
          preceding  the  Severance from Service  Date  shall  be
          disregarded,  and any Accrued Benefit earned  prior  to
          the Severance from Service Date shall be forfeited.

          If  a  vested Participant incurs a Period of Severance,
          all  Periods of Service and Credited Service before and
          after the Period of Severance shall be aggregated.

     (b)  Deemed Cash-Out of Accrued Benefit

          If  aParticipant Terminates at a time when the  present
          value  of  the Participant's vested Accrued Benefit  is
          zero,  the Participant shall be deemed to have received
          a  distribution  of  such vested Accrued  Benefit,  and
          shall  no  longer be a Participant.  If the  individual
          resumes employment with the Employer before incurring a
          five-consecutive-year (5) Period of Severance,  his  or
          her  Period  of Service and Credited Service  preceding
          the  Period of Severance and any Accrued Benefit earned
          prior  to  the Period of Severance shall be  reinstated
          upon reemployment.


7.3  Forfeitures

     Any  forfeitures arising under this Plan shall be used  only
     to offset future Employer contributions and shall not affect
     any Participant's Accrued Benefit.

                            SECTION 8
                     LIMITATIONS ON BENEFITS
8.1  Limitation on Benefits

     (a)  General Rule

          In  the  event the Plan terminates, the benefit of  any
          Highly  Compensated  Employee (and  any  former  Highly
          Compensated  Employee) shall be limited  to  a  benefit
          that is nondiscriminatory under Code Section 401(a)(4).

     (b)  Limit on Annual Payments

          Annual  payments  to  an Employee  in  the  "Restricted
          Group"  (as defined below) are restricted to an  amount
          equal  to the payments that would be made on behalf  of
          the Employee:

          (i)  under a single life annuity that is Actuarially Equivalent
               to the sum of the Employee's Accrued Benefit and the 
               Employee's other benefits under the Plan (other than a Social 
               Security supplement); plus

          (ii) the amount of any Social Security supplements the Employee
               is entitled to receive.  This restriction will not apply if:

               (1)  after payment to an Employee in the Restricted Group of 
                    all "Benefits" (as defined below), the value of Plan 
                    assets equals or exceeds one hundred ten percent (110%) 
                    of the value of current liabilities, as defined in Code 
                    Section 412(l)(7)

               (2)  the value of the Benefits for an Employee in the 
                    Restricted Group is less than one percent (1%) of the 
                    value of current liabilities before distribution of such 
                    Benefits; or

               (3)  the value of the Benefits for an Employee in the 
                    Restricted Group does not exceed the small benefit amount
                    described in Section 10.8(c).

     (c)  Definitions

          (i)  The "Restricted Group" consists of the twenty-five highest-
               paid current and former Highly Compensated Employees (as 
               defined in Code Section 414(q)), or all current and former 
               Highly Compensated Employees if less than twenty-five.


          (ii) "Benefit" means loans in excess of the amounts set forth in
               Code Section 72(p)(2)(A), any periodic income, any withdrawal
               values payable to a living employee or former Employee, and 
               any non-insured death benefits.

     (d)  Limitations Not Effective

          The limitations contained in this Section 8.1 shall not
          restrict the annual amount paid to a Participant in the
          Restricted  Group  provided the Participant  agrees  to
          repay  an  amount  necessary for  the  distribution  of
          assets  upon  Plan termination to satisfy Code  Section
          401(a)(4).   Such  Participant  must  agree  to   repay
          amounts  paid to him or her to the extent  they  exceed
          the  amount  he  or  she  would have  received  if  the
          restrictions  under this Section 8.1 had been  applied.
          The  agreement to repay must be secured by  deposit  in
          escrow of property having a market value of one hundred
          twenty-five  percent (125%) of the  amount  subject  to
          repayment.   If the value of the property  falls  below
          one hundred ten percent (100%) of the repayment amount,
          the  Participant  must deposit additional  property  to
          again  satisfy  the  one  hundred  twenty-five  percent
          (125%)  requirement.  Alternatively, the  agreement  to
          repay  may  be secured or collateralized by  posting  a
          bond  or letter of credit equal to at least one hundred
          percent (100%) of the repayment amount. Such bond  must
          be furnished by an insurance company or bonding company
          or  other  surety  approved by the U.S.  Department  of
          Treasury as an acceptable surety for federal bonds.

          Any  such  repayment agreement shall be terminated  and
          any  property in escrow shall be returned and any  bond
          or letter of credit may be canceled in the event one of
          the  three  conditions set forth in Section  8.1(b)  is
          satisfied or the Plan terminates and benefits  received
          by  the Participant are nondiscriminatory in accordance
          with Section 401(a)(4).

     (e)  Regulatory Authority

          This  Section 8.1 is intended to comply  with  Treasury
          Regulation  1.401(a)(4)-5(b), and shall  be  superseded
          to   the   extent  any  provision  of  such  regulation
          conflicts with the limitations stated herein.

8.2  Maximum Annual Benefit Payable Under the Plan

     For  purposes  of  this Section 8.2, the  Employer  and  any
     Affiliated Companies shall be considered a single  employer,
     to the extent required by the Code.

     (a)  Primary Rule

          Notwithstanding  any  other  Plan  provision   to   the
          contrary, the annual Employer provided benefit  payable
          to  or on behalf of a Participant under the Plan (after
          any  adjustments  required under the  Plan  to  reflect
          commencement   of  benefits  


          other than at Normal Retirement Date, an optional form of 
          payment or death benefit coverage) after 1982  shall  not  
          exceed the lesser of:

          (1)  $90,000 (adjusted in accordance with this Section 8.2) or,
               if greater, the Participant's current Accrued Benefit on 
               December 31, 1982, or

          (2) the Participant's average annual Compensation from the
               Employer for the consecutive calendar years (not in excess of
               three such years) during which he or she was an active
               Participant in the Plan and for which such average is highest.

     (b)  Cost-of-Living Adjustment

          The   $90,000   limit   prescribed   above   shall   be
          automatically adjusted for cost-of-living increases, to
          the maximum permissible dollar limitation determined by
          the  Commissioner  of  Internal  Revenue.   The  dollar
          amount  applicable in computing the benefit payable  to
          any  Participant shall be the dollar amount  in  effect
          for  the  calendar year in which the benefit commences.
          For 1994, the limit is $118,800.

     (c)  Adjustment for Early or Late Retirement

          (i)  Early Retirement

               For  purposes of 8.2 and 8.3, if the Participant's
               benefit    commences   before   Social    Security
               Retirement  Age, the limit prescribed  in  Section
               8.2(a)(1)  shall be reduced to reflect such  early

               If  benefits  commence on or after  the  date  the
               Participant attains age sixty-two (62) but  before
               the Participant attains Social Security Retirement
               Age, such limit shall be reduced:

               (1)  five ninths (5/9) of one percent (1%) for each of the first
                    thirty-six (36) months prior to Social Security Retirement 
                    Age that benefits commence; and

               (2)  five twelfth (5/12) of one percent (1%) for each 
                    additional month (up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) 
                    months) that benefits commence prior to Social Security 
                    Retirement Age.  If benefits commence prior to the 
                    Participant attaining age sixty-two (62), the limitation 
                    for benefits commencing at age sixty-two (62) (determined
                    under the preceding sentence) is further reduced to
                    reflect earlier commencement using the reduction factors 
                    used to calculate early retirement benefits pursuant to 
                    Section 4.3, provided that the interest rate used shall 
                    not be less than five percent (5%).  Any reduction shall 
                    not reflect the 


                    mortality decrement to the extent that benefits will 
                    not be forfeited upon the death of the participant.

          (ii) Late Retirement

               If   the  Participant's  benefit  commences  after
               Social   Security  Retirement   Age,   the   limit
               prescribed   in   Section   8.2(a)(1)   shall   be
               Actuarially increased for purposes of Section  8.2
               and Section 8.3 to reflect such late commencement.

     (d)  Annual Benefit

          Notwithstanding  the foregoing, if the  benefit  to  be
          paid to a Participant under the Plan is not in the form
          of  an  Annual Benefit as described below, the  benefit
          considered  to  be payable to a Participant  under  the
          Plan  for  purposes of Sections 8.2 and  8.3  shall  be
          Actuarially  adjusted  to  the  extent  required  under
          Section  415(b)(2) of the Code.  For  purposes  of  the
          foregoing,  Annual  Benefit means the  benefit  payable
          annually in the form of a straight life annuity without
          ancillary  benefits or in the Statutory  fifty  percent
          (50%) Joint and Survivor Annuity Option.

     (e)  Interest Rate

          Any  Actuarial adjustments under this Section 8.2 shall
          be  based  on  the  Actuarial  factors  applicable  for
          comparable  purposes under the Plan on  the  applicable
          date, except that;

          (1)  the interest rate assumption for purposes of adjusting the
               term of payment pursuant to Section 8.2(d) and adjusting the
               $90,000 limitation for benefits commencing before Social 
               Security Retirement Age shall be the greater of five percent 
               (5%) or the Plan rate; and

          (2) the interest rate assumption for purposes of adjusting the
               $90,000 limitation for benefits commencing after Social 
               Security Retirement Age shall be the lesser of five (5%) or 
               the Plan rate.

     (f)  Special Provisions Regarding Participants With Fewer Than
          Ten Years of Participation or Service

          In  the case of any Participant who participated in the
          Plan  for fewer than ten (10) years, the maximum dollar
          benefit  otherwise  applicable under Section  8.2(a)(i)
          shall  be  multiplied by a fraction whose numerator  is
          the  Participant's years of participation in  the  Plan
          (including  fractions thereof, but not less  than  one)
          and whose denominator is ten.


          In  the case of any Participant who was employed by the
          Employer  for  fewer than ten (10) years,  the  maximum
          benefit  otherwise applicable under Sections 8.2(a)(ii)
          and  8.3  shall  be  multiplied  by  a  fraction  whose
          numerator is the Participant's years of employment with
          the Employer (including fractions thereof, but not less
          than one) and whose denominator is ten.

     (g)  Transition Rule
          The limitations of this Section 8.2 shall not reduce  a
          Participant's annual benefit to less than  his  or  her
          Accrued  Benefit as of December 31, 1986,  disregarding
          any  change  in the terms of the Plan and any  cost-of-
          living adjustments after May 5, 1986.

     (h)  Aggregation With Other Defined Benefit Plans

          If a Participant also participates in any other defined
          benefit  pension  plan  qualified  under  Code  Section
          401(a)   that  is  maintained  by  the  Employer,   the
          provisions  of Section 8.2 and 8.3 shall be applied  on
          an  aggregate basis to the benefits payable under  this
          Plan  and each such other plan.  Any reduction  in  the
          aggregate benefits payable under this Plan and any such
          other plan due to the application of this Section shall
          be made on a pro-rata basis.

8.3  Additional Limitation Relating to Defined Contribution Plans

     (a)  Primary Rule

          For  Participants who participate in this  Plan  and  a
          defined  contribution plan maintained by the  Employer,
          the  sum of (1) and (2) below for any calendar year may
          not exceed 1.0.

          (1)  The defined benefit plan fraction for any year is equal to
               the quotient of (i) divided by (ii) below expressed as a

               (i)  The projected annual benefit (determined by projecting
                    service, but not Earnings, to normal retirement age) of 
                    the Participant under the Plan determined as of the close
                    of the year.

               (ii) The lesser of:  (a) 1.25 multiplied by the limitation
                    determined under Section 8.2(a)(1) in effect for such 
                    year, or (b) 1.4 multiplied by the limitation determined 
                    under Section 8.2(a)(2) (generally one hundred percent 
                    (100%) of the Participant's average annual Compensation).

          (2)  The defined contribution plan fraction for any year is equal
               to the quotient of (i) divided by (ii) below expressed as a


               (i)  The sum of the annual additions to the Participant's
                    accounts for the current year, as of the close of the 
                    year, and for all prior years.

               (ii) The sum of the lesser of the following amounts for such 
                    year and for each prior year of service with the Employer 
                    (regardless of whether a plan was in existence during 
                    those years):  (a) 1.25 multiplied by the dollar 
                    limitation in effect for defined contribution plans under
                    Section 415 of the Code for such year, or (b) 1.4 
                    multiplied by twenty-five (25%) of a Participant's
                    Compensation for such year.

     (b)  Remedy
          If such sum exceeds 1.0, the benefit under this defined
          benefit  Plan shall be reduced to the extent  necessary
          to satisfy the limitations of this section.


                            SECTION 9
                      TOP HEAVY PROVISIONS

9.1  Scope

     Notwithstanding any Plan provision to the contrary, for  any
     Plan  Year in which the Plan is Top Heavy within the meaning
     of  Section  416(g)  of  the Code, the  provisions  of  this
     Section  9 shall govern to the extent they conflict with  or
     specify  additional  requirements  to  the  Plan  provisions
     governing Plan Years which are not Top Heavy.

9.2  Top Heavy Status

     (a)  Top Heavy

          This   Plan  shall  be  "Top  Heavy"  if,  as  of   the
          Determination  Date,  (1)  the  sum  of  the  Aggregate
          Accounts of Key Employees, or (2) the Present Value  of
          Accrued  Benefits of Key Employees under this Plan  and
          any plan of an Aggregation Group, exceeds sixty percent
          (60%) of the Aggregate Accounts or the Present Value of
          Accrued  Benefits of all Participants under  this  Plan
          and any plan of an Aggregation Group.

          The  Present Value of Accrued Benefits and/or Aggregate
          Account  balance of a Participant who was previously  a
          Key Employee but is no longer a Key Employee (or his or
          her  Beneficiary), shall not be taken into account  for
          purposes  of determining Top Heavy status.  Further,  a
          Participant's Present Value of Accrued Benefits  and/or
          Aggregate  Account  balance shall  not  be  taken  into
          account if he or she has not performed services for the
          Affiliated  Companies during the five (5)  year  period
          ending on the Determination Date.

     (b)  Super Top Heavy

          This  Plan  shall be "Super Top Heavy" if,  as  of  the
          Determination  Date,  (1)  the  sum  of  the  Aggregate
          Accounts of Key Employees, or (2) the Present Value  of
          Accrued  Benefits of Key Employees under this Plan  and
          any  plan  of  an  Aggregation  Group,  exceeds  ninety
          percent  (90%) of the Aggregate Accounts or the Present
          Value  of  Accrued  Benefits of all Participants  under
          this Plan and any plan of an Aggregation Group.

     (c)  Determination Date

          Whether  the Plan is Top Heavy for any Plan Year  shall
          be   determined   as   of   the   Determination   Date.
          "Determination  Date" means (a) the  last  day  of  the
          preceding  Plan Year, or (b) in the case of  the  first
          Plan Year, the last day of such Plan Year.


     (d)  Valuation Date

          "Valuation Date" means, for purposes of determining Top
          Heaviness, the Determination Date.

     (e)  Aggregate Account

          "Aggregate   Account"  means,   with   respect   to   a
          Participant, his or her adjusted account balance  in  a
          defined contribution plan, as determined under the  top
          heavy provisions of such plan.

     (f)  Present Value of Accrued Benefits

          "Present Value of Accrued Benefits" means the sum of:

          (i)  the Actuarial Equivalent present value of the accrued normal
               retirement benefit under the Plan as of the Valuation Date, 

          (ii) distributions prior to the Valuation Date, made during the
               Plan Year that contains the Determination Date and the four
               preceding Plan Years.  Unrelated rollovers or transfers from 
               this plan shall be considered distributions.  A related 
               rollover or transfer from this Plan shall not be considered a 

          An  unrelated rollover or transfer is one which is both
          initiated  by  the Employee and made between  plans  of
          different employers.  A related rollover or transfer is
          one  which  is either not initiated by the Employee  or
          made between plans of the same employer.

     (g)  Key Employee

          "Key  Employee"  means an Employee or  former  Employee
          (and  his or her Beneficiaries) who, at any time during
          the  Plan Year containing the Determination Date or any
          of the four preceding Plan Years, is included in one of
          the  following  categories as  within  the  meaning  of
          Section 416(i) of the Code and regulations thereunder.

          (i)  an  officer of the Employer whose annual aggregate
               Compensation from the Affiliated Companies exceeds fifty 
               percent (50%) of the dollar limitation under Section 
               415(b)(1)(A) of the Code ($59,400 for the Plan Year ending 
               in 1994), provided that no more than 50 Employees shall be 
               considered officers, or if less, the greater of ten percent 
               (10%) of the Employees or 3,

          (ii) one of the ten Employees owning the largest interest in the
               Employer who owns more than a half percent (0.5%) interest of 
               the Employer, and whose annual aggregate Compensation from the


               Companies exceeds the dollar limitation under Section 
               415(c)(1)(A) of the Code ($30,000 for the Plan Year ending 
               in 1994),

         (iii) an Employee who owns more than five percent (5%) of the
               Employer, or

          (iv) an Employee who owns more than one percent (1%) of the
               Employer with annual aggregate Compensation from the 
               Affiliated Companies that exceeds $150,000.

     (h)  Aggregation Group

          "Aggregation Group" means the group of plans that  must
          be   considered  as  a  single  plan  for  purposes  of
          determining whether the plans within the group are  Top
          Heavy  (Required Aggregation Group), or  the  group  of
          plans  that may be aggregated for purposes of Top Heavy
          testing    (Permissive   Aggregation    Group).     The
          Determination Date for each plan must fall  within  the
          same calendar year in order to aggregate the plans.

          (i)  The Required Aggregation Group includes each plan of the
               Affiliated Companies in which a Key Employee is a participant 
               in the Plan Year containing the Determination Date or any of 
               the four preceding Plan Years, and each other plan of the 
               Affiliated Companies which, during this period, enables any 
               plan in which a Key Employee participates to meet the minimum 
               participation standards or nondiscriminatory contribution 
               requirements of Code Sections 401(a)(4) and 410.

          (ii) A Permissive Aggregation Group may include any plan
               sponsored by an Affiliated Company, provided the group as a 
               whole continues to satisfy the minimum participation standards 
               and nondiscriminatory contribution requirements of Code 
               Sections 401(a)(4) and 410.

          Each  plan  belonging to a Required  Aggregation  Group
          shall   be  deemed  Top  Heavy  or  non-Top  Heavy   in
          accordance  with the group's status.  In  a  Permissive
          Aggregation  Group that is determined  Top  Heavy  only
          those plans that are required to be aggregated shall be
          Top  Heavy.  In a Permissive Aggregation Group that  is
          not Top Heavy, no plan in the group shall be Top Heavy.

9.3  Minimum Benefit

     (a)  General Rule

          For  any  Top  Heavy Plan Year, a non-Key Employee  who
          completes  a one-year (1) Period of Service shall  have
          an  Accrued  Benefit  at least  equal  to  the  minimum
          benefit  described herein.  The minimum Accrued Benefit
          at any point in time equals the lesser of:


          (i)  two percent (2%) multiplied by Top Heavy years of Service,

          (ii) twenty percent (20%),

          multiplied     by    such    Participant's     "average
          Compensation."    "Average   Compensation"   means    a
          Participant's  average Compensation for  the  five  (5)
          consecutive years when such Participant had the highest
          aggregate  Compensation  from the  Employer.   However,
          Compensation  received  for non-Top  Heavy  Plan  Years
          shall be disregarded.  The benefit described herein  is
          expressed as an annual benefit in the form of a  single
          life  annuity (with no ancillary benefits),  commencing
          at normal retirement age.

          A  non-Key  Employee shall not be denied  this  minimum
          benefit  because  he  or  she was  not  employed  on  a
          specified  date, failed to make any mandatory  Employee
          contribution, or failed to earn a specified  amount  of

     (b)  Special Two Plan Rule

          Where  this Plan and a defined contribution plan belong
          to  an  Aggregation Group that is determined Top Heavy,
          the  Employer  shall  not be required  to  provide  the
          minimum  benefit  under  (a) above  on  behalf  of  any
          non-Key  Participant  who  also  participates  in   the
          defined contribution plan if the Employer contributions
          and  forfeitures  under the defined  contribution  plan
          equal  five  percent (5%) of each non-Key Participant's

9.4  Benefit Limitation

     For  any Top Heavy Plan Year in which the Employer does  not
     make  the extra minimum allocation provided below, 1.0 shall
     replace  the  1.25 factor found in the denominators  of  the
     defined benefit and defined contribution plan fractions  for
     purposes  of calculating the combined limitation on benefits
     under  a  defined  benefit  and  defined  contribution  plan
     pursuant to Section 415(e) of the Code (see Section 8.3).

     If  this Plan is Top Heavy, but is not Super Top Heavy,  the
     above  referenced fractions shall remain unchanged  provided
     the  Employer provides an extra minimum Accrued Benefit  for
     each  non-Key Employee.  The extra benefit (in  addition  to
     the  minimum  benefit set forth in Section 9.3) shall  equal
     the lesser of:

     (a)  one percent (1%) multiplied by Top Heavy years of Service,

     (b)  ten percent (10%),

     multiplied by such Participant's "average Compensation",  as
     defined in Section 9.3.


9.5  Vesting

     (a)  Top Heavy Schedule

          For  any  Top  Heavy  Plan Year, each  Participant  who
          completes an Hour of Service in such Year shall  become
          vested  and  have a nonforfeitable right to  retirement
          benefits  he  or  she  has earned  under  the  Plan  in
          accordance with the following table:

          Periods of Service    Vesting Percentage
          ------------------    ------------------
          Less than 2 Years            0%
               2 Years                20%
               3 Years                40%
               4 Years                60%
               5 Years               100%

          Provided,   however,   that  a  Participant's   vesting
          percentage  shall  not  be  less  than  the  percentage
          determined under the table in Section 7.1.

     (b)  Return to Non-Top Heavy Status

          If  the  Plan becomes Top Heavy and ceases  to  be  Top
          Heavy in any subsequent Plan Year, the vesting schedule
          shall  automatically revert to the vesting schedule  in
          effect   before  the  Plan  became  Top  Heavy.    Such
          reversion shall be treated as a Plan amendment pursuant
          to  the  terms  of  the Plan, and  shall  not  cause  a
          reduction of any Participant's nonforfeitable  interest
          in the Plan on the date of such amendment.

          A  Participant with three or more one-year (1)  Periods
          of  Service  with the Employer as of  the  end  of  the
          election period, may elect to remain covered by the Top
          Heavy  vesting  schedule.  The  Participant's  election
          period  shall  commence on the  adoption  date  of  the
          amendment  and  shall  end sixty (60)  days  after  the
          latest of:

          (i)  the adoption date of the amendment,

          (ii) the effective date of the amendment, or

         (iii) the date the Participant receives written notice of the
               amendment from the Committee.


                           SECTION 10

10.1 Plan Administrator

     The  Plan  Administrator and named fiduciary  shall  be  the
     Employer.   The  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  of
     Directors of the Employer shall appoint a Committee composed
     of  one  or  more persons which shall carry out the  general
     administration of the Plan.  Every member of  the  Committee
     shall be deemed a fiduciary.  No Committee member who is  an
     Employee shall receive compensation with respect to  his  or
     her  service on the Committee.  Any member of the  Committee
     may   resign  by  delivering  written  resignation  to   the
     Compensation  Committee of the Board  of  Directors  of  the
     Employer  and to the Committee.  The Compensation  Committee
     of  the  Board  of Directors of the Employer may  remove  or
     replace any member of the Committee at any time.

10.2 Organization and Procedures

     The  Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the
     Employer shall designate a chairman from the members of  the
     Committee.  The Committee shall appoint a secretary, who may
     or  may  not  be  a member of the Committee.  The  secretary
     shall  have the primary responsibility for keeping a  record
     of  all  meetings and acts of the Committee and  shall  have
     custody of all documents, the preservation of which shall be
     necessary or convenient to the efficient functioning of  the
     Committee.  The chairman of the Committee shall be the agent
     of  the  Plan  for  service of legal process.   All  reports
     required  by law may be signed by the chairman on behalf  of
     all members of the Committee.

     The  Committee  shall act by a majority of  its  members  in
     office  and such action may be taken by a vote at a  meeting
     or   in  writing  without  a  meeting.   The  Administration
     Committee may adopt such by-laws and regulations as it deems
     desirable for the conduct of its affairs.

10.3 Duties and Authority of the Committee

     (a)  Administrative Duties

          The   Committee  shall  administer  the   Plan   in   a
          nondiscriminatory manner for the exclusive  benefit  of
          Participants  and their Beneficiaries.   The  Committee
          shall  perform  all  such duties as  are  necessary  to
          supervise the administration of the Plan and to control
          its  operation  in accordance with the  terms  thereof,
          including, but not limited to, the following:

          (i)  Make and enforce such rules and regulations as it shall deem
               necessary or proper for the efficient administration of the 


          (ii) Interpret the provisions of the Plan and determine any
               question arising under the Plan, or in connection with the
               administration or operation thereof;

         (iii) Determine all considerations affecting the eligibility
               of any Employee to be or become a Participant;

          (iv) Determine eligibility for and amount of benefits for any
               Participant, Beneficiary, or alternate payee pursuant to a
               domestic relations order (including determining the qualified
               status of a domestic relations order);

          (v)  Authorize and direct the Trustee with respect to all
               disbursements of benefits under the Plan;

          (vi) Employ and engage such persons, counsel and agents and
               obtain such administrative, clerical, medical, legal, audit 
               and actuarial services as it may deem necessary in carrying 
               out the provision of the Plan;

         (vii) Delegate and allocate specific responsibilities and
               duties imposed by the Plan to one or more Employees, officers 
               or such other persons as the Committee deems appropriate.

     (b)  Investment Authority

          The  Trustee and/or designated Investment Manager shall
          have  responsibility or authority with respect  to  the
          management,  acquisition, disposition or investment  of
          Plan assets.

     (c)  General Authority

          The  Committee  shall  have  all  powers  necessary  or
          appropriate  to  carry  out its duties,  including  the
          discretionary authority to interpret the provisions  of
          the  Plan and the facts and circumstances of claims for
          benefits.   Any  interpretation or construction  of  or
          action  by the Committee with respect to the  Plan  and
          its administration shall be conclusive and binding upon
          any  and  all  parties  and  persons  affected  hereby,
          subject to the exclusive appeal procedure set forth  in
          Section 10.7.

     (d)  Amendment Authority

          The  Committee shall have responsibility and  authority
          to  approve  documents  for the  Plan  and  to  approve
          amendments that may be required to the Plan  from  time
          to  time  to keep the Plan in compliance with  relevant
          law  or  to facilitate the administration of the  Plan.
          The  Chairman of the Committee is authorized to execute
          any  such  documents or amendments  on  behalf  of  the


10.4 Expenses
     All  reasonable expenses which are necessary to operate  and
     administer the Plan may be deducted from the Trust Fund  or,
     at  the  election  of  the Employer, paid  directly  by  the

10.5 Bonding and Insurance

     To the extent required by law, every Committee member, every
     fiduciary  of the Plan and every person handling Plan  funds
     shall be bonded.  The Committee shall take such steps as are
     necessary  to  assure  compliance  with  applicable  bonding
     requirements.   The  Committee  may  apply  for  and  obtain
     fiduciary  liability  insurance insuring  the  Plan  against
     damages  by reason of breach of fiduciary responsibility  at
     the  Plan's  expense  and  insuring each  fiduciary  against
     liability to the extent permissible by law at the Employer's

10.6 Commencement of Benefits

     (a)  Conditions of Payment

          Benefit  payments under the Plan shall not  be  payable
          prior to the fulfillment of the following conditions:

          (i)  the Committee has been furnished with such applications,
               proofs of birth or death, address, form of benefit election,
               spouse consent if required, and other information the 
               Committee deems necessary;

          (ii) the Participant has Terminated employment with the Employer,
               reached age seventy and a half (70 1/2) or died; and

         (iii) the Participant or Beneficiary is eligible to receive
               benefits under the Plan as determined by the Committee.

     (b)  Commencement of Payment
          Unless  a Participant elects otherwise, the payment  of
          benefits  shall commence no later than sixty (60)  days
          after  the end of the Plan Year in which the latest  of
          the following occurs:

          (i)  the Participant reaches Normal Retirement Date;

          (ii) the tenth anniversary of the year in which the Participant
               commences participation in the Plan; or

         (iii) the Participant Terminates employment with the
               Employer; provided that  notwithstanding any other Plan
               provision, payments shall not commence later than the April 1
               following the calendar year in which 


               the Participant reaches age seventy and a half (70 1/2).  
               The amount of any payments required following age seventy 
               and a half (70 1/2) or Termination shall at least satisfy 
               the minimum required distribution amount under Code
               Section 401(a)(9)(A)(ii) and related regulations.

          In  no  event shall payments commence in a  form  other
          than  the automatic form described in Section 5.2 prior
          to  the  Participant's  Normal Retirement  Age  if  the
          Actuarially   Equivalent   present   value    of    the
          Participant's  Accrued Benefit  at  the  time  benefits
          commence exceeds $3,500 without the written consent  of
          the Participant and the spouse, if any.  Spouse consent
          must  acknowledge the effect of such election and  must
          be notarized or witnessed by a Plan representative.

          If the information required in subsection 10.6(a) above
          is  not  available prior to such date,  the  amount  of
          payment will not be ascertainable.  In such event,  the
          commencement of payment shall be delayed until no  more
          than  sixty (60) days after the date the amount of such
          payment is ascertainable.

10.7 Appeal Procedure

     (a)  Submission of Claim

          A  claim for benefit payment shall be considered  filed
          when an application form is submitted to the Committee.

     (b)  Notice of Denial

          Any  time  a claim for benefits is wholly or  partially
          denied,  the  Participant  or Beneficiary  (hereinafter
          "Claimant")  shall  be  given written  notice  of  such
          action  within  ninety (90) days  after  the  claim  is
          filed,   unless   special  circumstances   require   an
          extension  of  time for processing.  (If  there  is  an
          extension,  the  Claimant  shall  be  notified  of  the
          extension  and the reason for the extension within  the
          initial  ninety  (90) day period.  The extension  shall
          not  exceed  one  hundred eighty (180) days  after  the
          claim  is filed.)  Such notice will indicate the reason
          for  denial,  the pertinent provisions of the  Plan  on
          which the denial is based, an explanation of the claims
          appeal procedure set forth herein, and a description of
          any  additional  material or information  necessary  to
          perfect  the  claim  and  an explanation  of  why  such
          material or information is necessary.

     (c)  Right to Request Review

          Any  person who has had a claim for benefits denied  by
          the  Committee,  who  disputes the  amount  of  benefit
          payment  determined  by  the  Committee,  or   who   is
          otherwise   adversely  affected  by   action   of   the
          Committee,  shall have the right to request  review  by
          the  Committee.  Such request must be in  writing,  and
          must  be made within sixty (60) days after such  person
          is  advised  of  the  


          Committee's action.   If  written request for review is 
          not made within such  sixty-day (60)  period,  the 
          Claimant shall forfeit  his  or  her right  to  review.  
          The Claimant or a  duly  authorized representative of the 
          Claimant may review all pertinent documents and submit 
          issues and comments in writing.

     (d)  Review of Claim

          The Committee shall then review the claim.  It may hold
          a  hearing if it deems it necessary and shall  issue  a
          written  decision  reaffirming,  modifying  or  setting
          aside  its  former action within sixty (60) days  after
          receipt  of  the  written request for  review,  or  one
          hundred  twenty  (120)  days if special  circumstances,
          such  as a hearing, require an extension.  The Claimant
          shall  be  notified  in writing of any  such  extension
          within  sixty  (60)  days  following  the  request  for
          review.   A copy of the decision shall be furnished  to
          the Claimant.  The decision shall set forth its reasons
          and  pertinent Plan provisions on which  it  is  based.
          The  decision  shall  be final  and  binding  upon  the
          Claimant  and  the  Committee  and  all  other  persons

10.8 Plan Administration - Miscellaneous

     (a)  Limitations on Assignments

          Benefits  under  the  Plan may not be  assigned,  sold,
          transferred, or encumbered, and any attempt  to  do  so
          shall  be  void.   The  interest of  a  Participant  in
          benefits  under the Plan shall not be subject to  debts
          or  liabilities of any kind and shall not be subject to
          attachment, garnishment or other legal process,  except
          as  provided  in  Section  10.8  relating  to  Domestic
          Relations Orders, or otherwise permitted by law.

     (b)  Masculine and Feminine, Singular and Plural

          Whenever  used  herein,  pronouns  shall  include   the
          opposite  gender,  and the singular shall  include  the
          plural  and  the  plural  shall  include  the  singular
          whenever the context shall plainly so require.

     (c)  Small Benefits

          Notwithstanding any other provisions of this  Plan,  in
          cases where the Actuarially Equivalent present value of
          a  vested  or payable benefit is less than or equal  to
          the maximum permissible amount under the Code which may
          be  distributed without the consent of a Participant or
          his  or  her spouse (in 1994, this amount was  $3,500),
          the  Committee shall direct such present value be  paid
          in  a  Lump  Sum  distribution  as  soon  as  practical
          following termination and prior to the Annuity Starting


     (d)  No Additional Rights

          No  person  shall have any rights in or  to  the  Trust
          Fund,  or  any part thereof, or under the Plan,  except
          as,  and only to the extent, expressly provided for  in
          the  Plan.  Neither the establishment of the Plan,  the
          accrual  of benefits under the Plan nor any  action  of
          the  Employer  or  the  Committee  shall  be  held   or
          construed  to confer upon any person any  right  to  be
          continued as an Employee, or, upon dismissal, any right
          or  interest  in  the Trust Fund other than  as  herein
          provided.  The Employer expressly reserves the right to
          discharge any Employee at any time.

     (e)  Governing Law

          This   Plan  shall  be  construed  in  accordance  with
          applicable  federal law and the laws of  the  State  of
          Washington,  wherein venue shall lie  for  any  dispute
          arising hereunder.

     (f)  Disclosure to Participants

          Each  Participant  shall  be  advised  of  the  general
          provisions  of  the  Plan  and,  upon  written  request
          addressed  to  the  Committee, shall be  furnished  any
          information   requested  regarding  the   Participant's
          status, rights and privileges under the Plan as may  be
          required by law.

     (g)  Income Tax Withholding Requirements

          Any  retirement  benefit payment made  under  the  Plan
          shall   be   subject  to  any  applicable  income   tax
          withholding   requirements.   For  this  purpose,   the
          Committee   shall   provide  the   Trustee   with   any
          information   the   Trustee  needs  to   satisfy   such
          withholding  obligations and with any other information
          that  may be required by regulations promulgated  under
          the Code.

     (h)  Severability

          If  any provision of this Plan shall be held illegal or
          invalid  for any reason, such determination  shall  not
          affect  the  remaining provisions of  this  Plan  which
          shall  be  construed  as  if said  illegal  or  invalid
          provision had never been included.

     (i)  Facility of Payment
          In  the  event  any benefit under this  Plan  shall  be
          payable to a person who is under legal disability or is
          in  any  way incapacitated so as to be unable to manage
          his  or her financial affairs, the Committee may direct
          payment  of such benefit to a duly appointed  guardian,
          committee or other legal representative of such person,
          or   in   the   absence   of  a   guardian   or   legal
          representative, to a custodian for such person under  a
          Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or to any 


          relative of such person by blood or marriage, for such 
          person's benefit. Any  payment  made  in  good  faith  
          pursuant  to  this provision  shall fully discharge the 
          Employer  and  the Plan of any liability to the extent 
          of such payment.

     (j)  Correction of Errors
          Any  Employer contribution to the Trust Fund made under
          a  mistake  of  fact (or investment  proceeds  of  such
          contribution if a lesser amount) shall be  returned  to
          the  Employer within one (1) year after payment of  the
          contribution.  In the event an incorrect amount is paid
          to a Participant or Beneficiary, any remaining payments
          may  be  adjusted to correct the error.  The  Committee
          may  take  such  other  action it deems  necessary  and
          equitable to correct any such error.

10.9 Domestic Relations Orders

     Notwithstanding  any  Plan  provisions  to   the   contrary,
     benefits  under the Plan may be paid to someone  other  than
     the Participant, Beneficiary or joint annuitant, pursuant to
     a  Qualified  Domestic Relations Order, in  accordance  with
     Section  414(p) of the Code.  A Qualified Domestic Relations
     Order  is a judgement, decree, or order ("Order") (including
     approval of a property settlement agreement) that:

     (a)  relates to the provision of child support, alimony payments
          or marital property rights to a spouse, former spouse, child or
          other dependent of a Participant;

     (b)  is  made  pursuant  to a state domestic  relations  law
          (including a community property law);

     (c)  creates or recognizes the existence of an alternate payee's
          right to, or assigns to an alternate payee the right to, receive
          all or a portion of the benefits payable to a Participant under
          the Plan;

     (d)  specifies the name and last known address of the Participant
          and each alternate payee;

     (e)  specifies the amount or method of determining the amount of
          benefit payable to an alternate payee;

     (f)  specifies the number of payments or period during which
          payments are to be made;

     (g)  names each plan to which the order applies;

     (h)  does not require any form, type or amount of benefit not
          otherwise provided under the Plan; and


     (i)  does not conflict with a prior Domestic Relations Order that
          meets the requirements of this section.

     Payments  to  an  alternate payee pursuant  to  a  Qualified
     Domestic  Relations Order may commence after the Participant
     becomes  vested and on or after the earlier of (a) the  date
     the Participant attains age fifty-five (55), or (b) the date
     the  Participant  is eligible to elect to receive  a  Vested
     Termination Benefit.  The Alternate Payee may elect any form
     of  payment  available under the Plan at  the  time  benefit
     payments  commence other than a joint and survivor  annuity,
     provided  that a Lump Sum form of payment is available  only
     if the Alternate Payee's benefit does not exceed $10,000.

     The  Committee  shall determine whether an order  meets  the
     requirements  of  this section within  a  reasonable  period
     after  receiving an order.  The Committee shall  notify  the
     Participant and any alternate payee that an order  has  been
     received  and  with respect to benefits  which  are  in  pay
     status shall establish a separate account under the Plan for
     any  alternate  payee pending determination  that  an  order
     meets  the requirements of this section.  If within eighteen
     (18)  months after such separate account is established  the
     order  has not been determined to be a qualified Order,  the
     amount  in the separate account shall be distributed to  the
     individual  who would have been entitled to such  amount  if
     there had been no order.

10.10     Plan Qualification
     Any  modification  or  amendment of the  Plan  may  be  made
     retroactive,  as necessary or appropriate, to establish  and
     maintain a "qualified plan" pursuant to Section 401  of  the
     Code,  and  ERISA and regulations thereunder and the  exempt
     status of the Trust Fund under Section 501 of the Code.

10.11     Deductible Contribution

     Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to  the   contrary,   any
     contribution   by  the  Employer  to  the  Trust   Fund   is
     conditioned  upon the deductibility of the  contribution  by
     the  Employer  under the Code and, to the  extent  any  such
     deduction  is  disallowed, the Employer may within  one  (1)
     year  following  a final determination of the  disallowance,
     demand  repayment  of such disallowed contribution  and  the
     Trustee  shall  return  such contribution  less  any  losses
     attributable  thereto to the Employer within  one  (1)  year
     following the disallowance.

10.12       Payment of Benefits Through Purchase of Annuity Contract
     In lieu of paying benefits directly from the Trust Fund to a
     Participant  or his Beneficiary, the Trustee  may  purchase,
     with  Trust Fund assets, an individual annuity contract from
     an  insurance  company rated A+ by A.M. Best  Company,  Inc.
     which,  as far as possible, provides benefits equal  to  (or
     Actuarially  Equivalent to) those provided in the  Plan  for
     such  Participant or Beneficiary, but provides  no  optional
     form  of  retirement income or benefit which  would  not  be
     permitted  under  the Plan, whereupon the liability  of  the
     Trust  Fund  and  of the Plan will cease and terminate  


     with respect to such benefits that are so purchased and for 
     which the premiums are duly paid.  Such an individual annuity
     contract may be purchased by the Trustee on a single-premium
     basis  or  on  the basis of annual premiums payable  over  a
     period of years and may be purchased at any time on or after
     the  Participant's Vested Termination Date, Retirement  Date
     or  death to provide the benefits due under the Plan to  the
     Participant  or  Beneficiary on or after the  date  of  such

     Any  annuity  contract  distributed  by  the  Trustee  to  a
     Participant or Beneficiary under the provisions of the  Plan
     shall  bear  on  the  face  thereof  the  designation   "NOT
     TRANSFERABLE", and such contract shall contain  a  provision
     to  the  effect that the contract may not be sold, assigned,
     discounted  or  pledged  as collateral  for  a  loan  or  as
     security  for the performance of an obligation  or  for  any
     other purpose to any person other than the issuer thereof.


                           SECTION 11

11.1 Amendment General

     The  Employer  shall have the right to amend, terminate,  or
     partially  terminate this Plan by action  of  its  Board  of
     Directors or by the Committee pursuant to Section 10.3(d) at
     any time subject to any advance notice or other requirements
     of ERISA.

11.2 Amendment - Consolidation or Merger

     In  the  event the Plan's assets and liabilities are  merged
     into,  transferred  to  or otherwise consolidated  with  any
     other retirement plan, then such must be accomplished so  as
     to   ensure  that  each  Participant  would  (if  the  other
     retirement   plan   then  terminated)  receive   a   benefit
     immediately  after  the merger, transfer  or  consolidation,
     which is  equal to or greater than the benefit the  Partici-
     pant  would have been entitled to receive immediately before
     the  merger, transfer or consolidation (as if the  Plan  had
     then terminated).  This provision shall not be construed  as
     limiting  the powers of the Employer to appoint a  successor

11.3 Termination of the Plan

     The  termination of the Plan shall not cause or  permit  any
     part of the Trust Fund to be diverted to purposes other than
     for  the exclusive benefit of the Participants, or cause  or
     permit  any portion of the Trust Fund to revert to or become
     the  property  of  the Employer at any  time  prior  to  the
     satisfaction  of  all  liabilities  with  respect   to   the

     Upon  termination of this Plan, the Committee shall continue
     to act for the purpose of complying with the preceding para-
     graph  and  shall have all power necessary or convenient  to
     the  winding  up  and  dissolution of  the  Plan  as  herein
     provided.   While so acting, the Committee shall be  in  the
     same status and position with respect to other persons as if
     the Plan remained in existence.

11.4 Allocation of the Trust Fund on Termination of Plan

     (a)  Complete Termination

          In  the event of a complete Plan termination, the right
          of  each Participant to benefits accrued to the date of
          such  termination  that  would  be  vested  under   the
          provisions  of  the  Plan  in  the  absence   of   such
          termination   shall   continue   to   be   vested   and
          nonforfeitable;  and the right of each  Participant  to
          any  other  benefits accrued to the date of termination
          shall  be fully vested and nonforfeitable to the extent
          then  funded  under  the priority rules  set  forth  in
          Section 4044 of ERISA.


          In any event, a Participant or a Beneficiary shall have
          recourse  only against Plan assets for the  payment  of
          benefits   thereunder,  subject   to   any   applicable
          guarantee  provisions  of  Title  IV  of  ERISA.    The
          Committee  shall direct the Trustee to  allocate  Trust
          assets to those affected Participants to the extent and
          in the order of preference set forth in Section 4044 of
          ERISA.   The  assets so allocated shall be distributed,
          as  determined by the Committee, either  wholly  or  in
          part  by  purchase of nontransferable annuity contracts
          or  lump-sum payments.  If Trust Fund assets as of  the
          date  of  Plan termination exceed the amounts  required
          under  the priority rules set forth in Section 4044  of
          ERISA, such excess shall, after all liabilities of  the
          Plan have been satisfied, revert to the Employer to the
          extent permitted by applicable law.

     (b)  Partial Termination
          If  at any time the Plan is terminated with respect  to
          any  group of Participants under such circumstances  as
          to  constitute  a partial Plan termination  within  the
          meaning of Section 411(d)(3) of the Code, each affected
          Participant's  right to benefits that have  accrued  to
          the  date  of partial termination that would be  vested
          under the provisions of the Plan in the absence of such
          termination  shall continue to be so  vested;  and  the
          right   of  each  affected  Participant  to  any  other
          benefits accrued to the date of such termination  shall
          be  vested  to the extent assets would be allocable  to
          such  benefits under the priority rules  set  forth  in
          Section  4044 of ERISA in the event of a complete  Plan
          termination.  In any event, affected Participants shall
          have  recourse only against Plan assets for payment  of
          benefits   thereunder,  subject   to   any   applicable
          guarantee provisions of Title IV of ERISA.  Subject  to
          the foregoing, the vested benefits of such Participants
          shall  be  payable as though such termination  had  not
          occurred; provided, however, that the Committee, in its
          discretion,   subject  to  any  necessary  governmental
          approval, may direct that the amounts held in the Trust
          Fund  that are allocable to the Participants as to whom
          such  termination occurred be segregated by the Trustee
          as  a separate plan.  The assets thus allocated to such
          separate plan shall be applied for the benefit of  such
          Participants  in the manner described in the  preceding

     (c)  Merged Plan Assets

          For  a period of five (5) years after the date the Plan
          is  combined in a merger with one or more other defined
          benefit  plans,  assets shall be  allocated  upon  Plan
          termination   according  to  a  special   schedule   in
          accordance  with Treas. Reg. 1.414(l)-1(e) through  (k)
          to  prevent  any  Participant  from  receiving  smaller
          benefits  on  a  termination basis as a result  of  the


                           SECTION 12

12.1 Contributions to the Trust

     As  a part of this Plan the Employer shall maintain a Trust.
     From   time   to   time,  the  Employer  shall   make   such
     contributions to the Trust as the Committee determines, with
     the advice of its actuary, are required to maintain the Plan
     on a sound actuarial basis.

12.2 Trust Fund for Exclusive Benefit of Participants

     The  Trust  is  for  the exclusive benefit of  Participants.
     Except  as  provided  in  Sections  10.7(j)  (Correction  of
     Errors),   10.9  (Domestic  Relations  Orders)   and   10.11
     (Deductible Contributions), no portion of the Trust shall be
     diverted to purposes other than this or revert to or  become
     the  property  of  the Employer at any  time  prior  to  the
     satisfaction  of  all  liabilities  with  respect   to   the

12.3 Disposition of Credits and Forfeitures

     In no event shall any credits or forfeitures which may arise
     under the Plan be used to increase benefits under the Plan.

12.4 Trustee
     As  a  part  of this Plan, the Employer has entered  into  a
     trust  agreement with a Trustee.  The Employer has the power
     and  duty to appoint the Trustee and it shall have the power
     to  remove  the Trustee and appoint successors at any  time.
     As a condition to exercising its power to remove any Trustee
     hereunder,  the Employer must first enter into an  agreement
     with a successor Trustee.

12.5 Investment Manager

     The Employer has the power to appoint, remove or change from
     time  to time an Investment Manager to direct the investment
     of  all  or a portion of the Trust Fund held by the Trustee.
     For purposes of this section "Investment Manager" shall mean
     any fiduciary (other than the Trustee) who:

     (a)  has the power to manage, acquire, or dispose of any asset of
          the Plan;

     (b)  is either

          (i)  registered as an investment adviser under the Investment
               Advisers Act of 1940, or


          (ii) is a bank, or

         (iii) is an insurance company qualified under the laws of
               more than one state to perform the services described in
               subparagraph (a); and

     (c)  has acknowledged in writing that he, she or it is a
          fiduciary with respect to the plan.



                           SECTION 13

13.1 Limitation of Liability of the Employer and Others

     No Participant shall have any claim against the Employer, or
     the   Committee,  or  against  their  directors,   officers,
     members,  agents or representatives, for any benefits  under
     the Plan, and such benefits shall be payable solely from the
     Trust;  nor,  to  the extent permitted  by  law,  shall  the
     Employer,   the  Committee  or  their  directors,  officers,
     members,  agents or representatives incur any  liability  to
     any person for any action taken or suffered or omitted to be
     taken by them under the Plan in good faith.

13.2 Indemnification of Fiduciaries

     In   order   to  facilitate  the  recruitment  of  competent
     fiduciaries,  the  Employer adopting  this  Plan  agrees  to
     provide  the  indemnification  as  described  herein.   This
     provision  shall apply to Employees who are considered  Plan
     fiduciaries including without limitation, Committee members,
     any agent of the Committee, or any other officers, directors
     or Employees.  Notwithstanding the preceding, this provision
     shall not apply and indemnification will not be provided for
     any  Trustee or Investment Manager appointed as provided  in
     this Plan.

13.3 Scope of Indemnification

     The  Employer  agrees to indemnify an Employee fiduciary  as
     described above for all acts taken in good faith in carrying
     out his or her responsibilities under the terms of this Plan
     or  other  responsibilities imposed upon such  fiduciary  by
     ERISA.   This  indemnification for all acts is intentionally
     broad but shall not provide indemnification for embezzlement
     or  diversion of Plan assets for the benefit of the Employee
     fiduciary.   The  Employer  agrees  to  indemnify   Employee
     fiduciaries  described herein for all expenses of  defending
     an  action  by  a  Participant,  Beneficiary  or  government
     entity,  including all legal fees for counsel selected  with
     the consent of the Employer and other costs of such defense.
     The  Employer will also reimburse an Employee fiduciary  for
     any   monetary   recovery  in  any  court   or   arbitration
     proceeding.   In  addition, if the claim is settled  out  of
     court  with  the concurrence of the Employer,  the  Employer
     will  indemnify  an  Employee  fiduciary  for  any  monetary
     liability  under said settlement.  The Employer  shall  have
     the right, but not the obligation, to conduct the defense of
     such  persons  in any proceeding to which this Section  13.3
     applies.   The  Employer may satisfy its  obligations  under
     this  Section 13.3 in whole or in part through the  purchase
     of  a  policy or policies of insurance providing  equivalent


      The  Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc. Retirement Plan
is adopted by Advanced Technology Laboratories, Inc.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Employer has caused this Plan to be
duly executed on this 15th day of March, 1996.

                                   FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
                                   LABORATORIES, INC.

/s/ Annette King                    /s/ Harvey N. Gillis
- ----------------------             -----------------------------
Witness                            Authorized Officer

                                   Senior Vice President & CFO

                           APPENDIX I
                             TO THE
                         RETIREMENT PLAN

"Employer"  as defined in Section 1.15 of the Advanced Technology
Laboratories,  Inc.  Retirement  Plan  shall  also  include   the
following companies during the specified period of time.
     Company                                    Beginning        Ending
     -------                                    ---------        ------

1.   Advanced Technology Laboratories,            1/1/81
     Inc. (Washington)

2.   Interspec, Inc., including Echo Ultrasound,
     a division of Interspec, Inc.                5/17/94


By: /s/ Harvey N. Gillis

Title: Senior V.P. & CFO

Date:  3/15/96
