May 7, 1996

May 7, 1996

Mr. George D. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Brannon
Extended Stay America, Inc.
500 East Broward Boulevard
Suite 950
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33394-3073


Dear George and Bob:

The purpose of this commitment letter is to set forth the proposed terms
and conditions upon which "CS First Boston", or any of its affiliates (the
"Lender") will provide a line of credit up to $300 million.  Such terms and
conditions are as follows:

COMPANY:                Extended Stay America, Inc. ("STAY")

LOAN AMOUNT:            $300 million

SECURITY/UNDERWRITING:  The Line of Credit (the "Line") shall be secured by
                        first mortgages, assignments of leases and rents,
                        security deposits, etc. on certain extended stay hotels
                        (the "Properties") owned or to be owned by each
                        applicable Mortgagor as set forth below.

COMMITMENT FEE:         $3,000,000 (1.00%) of which $300,000 shall be earned and
                        paid upon execution of this Commitment and $2,700,000
                        shall be earned upon execution of the Credit Facility
                        Agreement (the "CFA").

DRAWDOWN FEE:           None

UNUSED LINE FEE:        None


                                  May 7, 1996


BORROWER/MORTGAGOR: Loans shall be made to individual bankruptcy-remote,
                    special-purpose entities controlled, directly or
                    indirectly and owned by STAY.

LOAN FUNDING:       Subject to the provisions below, the Borrower/Mortgagor,
                    at the time a loan is to be funded, may choose at its
                    sole discretion, the Fixed Rate or Floating Rate

                    Once a Program is selected, however, all loans will be
                    funded under the chosen Program until $50 million of
                    such loans have been made.  After each $50 million of
                    Loans have been advanced, Borrower/Mortgagor shall
                    again be free to choose the Fixed or Floating Rate
                    Program subject to the same $50 million aggregation

                    So long as Lender has not sold or participated loans
                    made under the Floating Rate Program and to the extent
                    that Borrower/Mortgagor has taken not less than $50
                    million in loans under such Floating Rate Program, it
                    may convert said loans into the Fixed Rate Program as
                    described below; provided, however, that Borrower may
                    not elect to convert loans hereunder, if after giving
                    effect to such conversion, the Lender would be left
                    holding Floating Rate Loans greater than $0 but less
                    than $50 million.  In the event of any such conversion,
                    Borrower and STAY shall be deemed to have selected the
                    Fixed Rate Program for the purposes of the preceeding
                    paragraph, unless, if after giving effect to such
                    conversion, Lender holds Fixed Rate Loans equal to an
                    integral multiple of $50 million.  Borrower/Mortgagor
                    shall pay for all closing costs relating to the
                    conversions hereunder.

- - -----------------------------

LOAN AMOUNT:        Loan amounts shall be made at the time of each property's
                    certificate of occupancy and shall be calculated based
                    on the 


                                  May 7, 1996

                         lowest of: (a) a maximum of 65% of the lesser of the
                         actual land acquisition and construction cost or
                         estimated budgeted cost; (b) 65% of Appraised Value as
                         determined by an MAI appraiser; or (c) a loan amount
                         based on 1.40x DSC (based on projected "underwritable
                         net cash flow" as defined below) using the greater of:
                         (i) a loan constant based on the actual interest rate
                         using a 25-year amortization or (ii) an 11.5% loan

                         To the extent that the Line encumbers any acquired
                         properties with over 12 months of operating history,
                         those loans shall be calculated based on the lowest of:
                         (a) a maximum of 65% of the acquisition cost; (b) 65%
                         of Appraised Value as determined by an MAI appraiser;
                         or (c) a loan amount based on 1.40x DSC (based on
                         "underwritable net cash flow" as defined below) using
                         the greater of:  (i) a loan constant based on the
                         actual interest rate using a 20-year amortization or
                         (ii) an 11.5% loan constant.

INTEREST RATE:           The interest rate will be fixed based on the
                         interpolated 7-year U.S. Treasury plus the spread as
                         outlined below.

SPREAD:                  The applicable spread for each loan shall be based upon
                         the rate set on the date the loan is funded, it being
                         understood that once a Fixed Rate Spread has been
                         determined for a loan, in no event shall it be reduced.
                         The Spread shall be as follows: 

                             Aggreate Fixed                 Spread
                             Rate Loans Funded              in Basis Points
                             -----------------              ---------------
                             $0 - 75 MM                        +385
                             $75.01 - 150 MM                   +375
                             $150.01 - 225 MM                  +365
                             $225.01 - 300 MM                  +355
FUNDING TERM:            STAY may draw under the Line during the three year
                         period following execution of the CFA.


                                  May 7, 1996

LOAN TERM:               All loans shall be due the earlier of 7 years and 3
                         months from the date of the first loan funding or 8
                         years from the execution of the CFA.
PREPAYMENT:              Years 1-5:                  Locked out
                         Year 6:                      1% penalty
                         Year 7 (First 6 months):    .5% penalty
                         Year 7 (Last 6 months):     Prepayable at par.

                         Notwithstanding the above, all Prepayment provisions
                         for purposes of the Fixed Rate Program shall be based
                         on the date on which the applicable loan actually funds
                         and shall allow that said loan to be prepayable at par
                         during its final six months.

AMORTIZATION:            Based on a 15-year schedule.

- - --------------------------------

LOAN AMOUNT:             Loan amounts shall be made at the time of each
                         property's certificate of occupancy and shall be
                         calculated based on the lowest of: (a) a maximum of 65%
                         of the lesser of the actual land acquisition and
                         construction cost or estimated budgeted cost; (b) 65%
                         of Appraised Value as determined by an MAI appraiser;
                         or (c) a loan amount based on 1.40x DSC (based on
                         projected "underwritable net cash flow" as defined
                         below) using the greater of: (i) a loan constant based
                         on the actual interest rate using a 25-year
                         amortization or (ii) an 11.5% loan constant.

                         To the extent that the Line encumbers any acquired
                         properties with over 12 months operating history, those
                         loans shall be calculated based on the lowest of: (a) a
                         maximum of 65% of the acquisition cost; (b) 65% of
                         Appraised Value as determined by an MAI appraiser; or

                                  May 7, 1996

                                a loan amount based on 1.40x DSC (based on
                                "underwritable net cash flow" as defined below)
                                using the greater of: (i) a loan constant based
                                on the actual interest rate using a 20-year
                                amortization or (ii) an 11.5% loan constant.

     INTEREST RATE:             The interest rate will float monthly based on 
                                the 30-day LIBOR plus 300 basis points.

     FUNDING TERM:              STAY may draw under the Line during the 3-year
                                period following the execution of the CFA.

     LOAN TERM:                 All loans shall be due 3 years from the date 
                                following execution of the CFA.

     PREPAYMENT:                Year 1: Locked out
                                Years 2-3:  Prepayable at par

                                Notwithstanding the above, all Prepayment
                                provisions for purposes of the Floating Rate
                                Program shall be based on the date on which the
                                applicable loan actually funds and shall allow
                                that said loan shall be prepayable at par during
                                its final six months.  Additionally, the
                                Borrower/Mortgagor shall be liable for any
                                prepayment penalty created with regard to any
                                LIBOR contract breakage costs.

     AMORTIZATION:              Based on a 20-year schedule and an assumed 9.90%
                                interest rate.


     CROSS-COLLATERALIZATION:   Properties encumbered by the Line shall be 
                                cross-defaulted and cross-collateralized with
                                one another. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
                                Lender may modify and release the cross-
                                collateralization and cross-defaulting of
                                individual loans in its sole discretion to
                                create separate pools of Loans.


                                  May 7, 1996

     RECOURSE:                  The Lender will have recourse to STAY equal to
                                25% of the aggregate, non-securitized principal
                                balance outstanding under the Line at the time
                                of the default.  Said recourse shall be released
                                (for the loans that have been securitized) upon
                                securitization provided there have been no
                                defaults that have not been cured under the
                                Line.  In addition, STAY and Borrower/Mortgagor
                                shall be responsible for any interest due on any
                                loan which has not been securitized.

                                The Lender will have full recourse to

     RELEASES:                  Individual releases of Properties from the Line
                                shall be allowed within 12 months of a loan
                                funding at Borrower/Mortgagor's request to the
                                extent that said loan(s) have less than 1.25X
                                DSC and (i) the Lender receives the greater of
                                1% of the outstanding principal balance or yield
                                maintenance to the extent that said loan is
                                subject to lock out provisions plus any relevant
                                LIBOR contract breakage costs and (ii) the
                                remaining loans in the pool have not less than
                                1.55X DSC.

                                After the lock out period, any loan may be
                                released from the line such that Lender
                                receives: (i) (x) the greater of 120% of its
                                original allocated loan amount and (y) 95% of
                                any net sales proceeds (with such excess in
                                either instance to be used to paydown the
                                aggregate loan balance), (ii) any required
                                prepayment penalty and (iii) an opinion from
                                Borrower/Mortgagor's counsel acceptable to
                                Lender and its counsel regarding the continued
                                nonconsolidation of STAY with any

                                Upon a Release as described above, Line capacity
                                shall remain unchanged.


     CASH FLOW:                 "Underwritable Net Cash Flow" shall be defined
                                as the most recent 12 months of actual revenues
                                (or reasonable projected revenues, as
                                appropriate) at the lower of actual or


                                  May 7, 1996

                                95% occupancy, less actual (or projected, as
                                appropriate) expenses including a 4% management
                                fee and a 5% FF&E reserve.  The management
                                agreement shall also include an additional 1%
                                management fee, subordinated to Lender's debt
                                service.  In addition, the management agreement
                                shall be terminable, at Lender's option, upon

     COSTS AND EXPENSES:        Borrower/Mortgagor shall be responsible for all
                                customary loan closing related expenses,
                                including, but not limited to, the cost of title
                                insurance, transfer and recording fees, and the
                                fees and expenses of Lender's counsel.
                                Borrower/Mortgagor shall reimburse Lender and
                                Servicer for any out of pocket expenses,
                                including travel, due diligence (including
                                appraisal, architectural, environmental and
                                engineering reports), legal costs and
                                miscellaneous expenses.  Lender and STAY shall
                                agree on reasonable, per asset limits on such

     RESERVES:                  The Lender shall hold as additional collateral
                                for its loan (i) reserves from loan proceeds at
                                closing, if required, for deferred maintenance,
                                capital improvements, and environmental
                                remediation, (ii) any required real estate tax
                                and insurance premium escrow account, (iii) a 
                                to-be-agreed upon FF&E reserve, and (iv) a
                                liquidity reserve for 4 month's debt service (to
                                be reduced and released upon certain specified
                                property performance).

     RIGHT OF REFUSAL:          STAY, prior to funding of the first loan, must
                                deliver to Lender proof, to be determined in its
                                sole discretion, that it has fulfilled its
                                obligations to other parties regarding required
                                financings under other credit lines or has
                                received a waiver thereto.

                                With regard to the Line, in the event STAY
                                finances in excess of $175 million of secured
                                hotel debt (excluding construction financing,
                                the existing $100 million mortgage facility, and
                                the financing of any loans rejected by Lender)
                                with another lender within the Funding Term,


                                  May 7, 1996

                                financing at least $100 million of hotel debt
                                under the Line, Lender's obligations under the
                                Line shall be terminated at Lender's option.

     OTHER INDEBTEDNESS:        The Borrower/Mortgagor will not incur any other
                                indebtedness related to the Properties (i.e.,
                                Properties securing loans under the Line.)

     LOAN DOCUMENTATION:        All documentation shall be in form and content
                                acceptable to Lender and its counsel, and shall
                                be supported by acceptable representations and
                                warranties of the Borrower/Mortgagor, opinions
                                of counsel and proof of related matters that
                                counsel shall deem necessary.

     PROCESS:                   Borrower/Mortgagor shall submit detailed 
                                information (per a to-be-determined schedule)
                                regarding a prospective property to Lender and
                                Lender shall have 5 business days to approve or
                                decline said request upon receipt of selected
                                information provided that Lender has, prior
                                thereto, received substantially all of the
                                information not less than 15 business days prior
                                thereto.  Said time periods described above 
                                shall be doubled for the initial four
                                prospective Properties presented to Lender.  At
                                the time that the Commitment is executed, form
                                loan documents shall have been prepared to
                                facilitate quick turnaround.

     ASSUMABILITY:              Loans under the Line may be assumed subject to 
                                Lender and Rating Agency approval (if
                                applicable), defeasance reserves, other Rating
                                Agency (if applicable) and Lender requirements,
                                and upon payment of a 1% (of outstanding
                                balance) transfer fee at the time of the

     LOAN COVENANTS:            Pre-conditions of funding of the first loan 
                                under the Line: STAY shall have completed at
                                least $100 million in a follow-on equity or
                                quasi-equity offering.

                                Pre-conditions of funding of any loan under the
                                Line: 1) STAY's stock market capitalization
                                shall at all times be at


                                  May 7, 1996

                                least $300 million; 2) the current Board of
                                Directors shall always constitute a majority of
                                the Board; 3) both Wayne Huizenga and George
                                Johnson shall be Board members to the extent
                                that they are living and have not been declared
                                judicially incompetent; 4) neither STAY nor any
                                of its subsidiaries shall have had a bankruptcy
                                filing; 5) STAY's overall debt service coverage
                                shall always exceed 1.40x (not including cash
                                flows and associated debt related to properties
                                in service for less than nine months); 6) STAY's
                                overall book debt/total capitalization ratio
                                cannot exceed 70%; 7) STAY's tangible net worth
                                shall always exceed $50 million; 8) the dividend
                                payout by STAY shall not be in excess of 50% of
                                the difference between net income over
                                cumulative losses not included in the previous
                                definition of net income; 9) STAY shall at all
                                times have unrestricted and unpledged cash on
                                hand of not less than $20 million; 10) a
                                declared default or acceleration under other
                                STAY financings which financings are in
                                principal amount exceeding $10 million, and 11)
                                other customary loan covenants.

                                Events of Default/Acceleration: 1) the current
                                Board of Directors shall not constitute a
                                majority of the Board; 2) either Wayne Huizenga
                                or George Johnson shall cease to be Board
                                members to the extent that they are living and
                                have not been declared judicially incompetent;
                                3) a bankruptcy filing by either STAY or any of
                                its subsidiaries; 4) STAY's tangible net worth
                                shall always exceed $50 million; 5) the dividend
                                payout by STAY shall be in excess of 50% of the
                                difference between net income over cumulative
                                losses not included in the previous definition
                                of net income; 6) a declared default or
                                acceleration under other STAY financings which
                                financings are in principal amount exceeding $10
                                million, and 7) other customary loan covenants.


                                  May 7, 1996

     SECURITIZATION:            CS First Boston shall have a right of first 
                                refusal with regard to the securitized financing
                                of the Floating Rate Loans.  Such right of first
                                refusal shall be based upon the then-
                                competitive fees for said engagement based on
                                the size, complexity and other relevant
                                conditions.  In addition, STAY will cooperate
                                with Lender in any securitization it undertakes
                                of STAY-sponsored loans in terms of Rating
                                Agency and investor meetings, site inspections,
                                management interviews, provision of additional
                                information, etc.

     Please acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions relating to
     the financing described herein by executing the acknowledgment below.  By
     your signature below, you agree to work exclusively with CS First Boston
     and CS First Boston Mortgage Capital Corporation to proceed in good faith
     to mutually acceptable Loan Documents.  This Agreement may be executed in
     one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered
     shall be deemed an original.


     William S. Pitofsky
     Managing Director


     By:                                By: /s/ Robert A. Brannon 
        ------------------------------     -----------------------------------
         Mr. George D. Johnson, Jr.         Mr. Robert A. Brannon
         Chief Executive Officer            Chief Financial Officer
