

                                                    1996 ANNUAL REPORT



Kewaunee Scientific Corporation provides innovative products of high quality to 
the laboratory furniture marketplace. The Company's corporate headquarters are 
located in Statesville, North Carolina. Manufacturing facilities for steel and 
wood casework, fume hoods and worksurfaces are also based in Statesville. 
Operations in Lockhart, Texas produce technical workstations and workbenches for
light electronic assembly and testing.

The Company is celebrating 90 years as a recognized leader in the design, 
manufacture, and installation of laboratory furniture. Kewaunee products are 
utilized in laboratories worldwide,... encouraging new discovery.


 2    Letter to our Stockholders              18   Summary of Selected 
                                                    Financial Data
 4    Celebrating 90 Years of Service         20   Quaterly Financial Data
 6    Management's Discussion and Analysis    20   Stockholder Information
 8    Financial Statements and Notes               Corporate Information
17    Reports of Independent Auditors              (Inside Back Cover)
      and Management


                                                                          Page 1


We are pleased to report good progress in fiscal year 1996 over 1995. Earnings 
for the year were $361,000, or $.15 per share, which compares to a net loss of 
$1.1 million, or $.46 per share, for the prior year.

Our sales for the year were $57.6 million, down 7.9% from $62.5 million in the 
prior year. Substantially all of the sales decline for the year occurred in the 
low-margin contract-bid business. This was consistent with our strategy during 
the year intended to increase the profit margins on this business.

We continued our major emphasis on the development of new products and 
enhancements to existing products. The Supreme Air Series fume hood line was 
introduced, which allowed us to consolidate all fume hood products into one 
offering. This fume hood line was designed to provide a variety of models and 
options so that customers easily can select features and accessories to meet 
their needs.

Our wood product line was updated, adding three new styles. Buyers now may 
select from a choice of four styles to create an attractive working environment.
Our new solvent storage cabinet recently received the UL mark of safety, one of 
the very few such cabinets afforded this designation.

We made excellent progress during the year in strengthening and expanding our 
sales network. Fourteen new sales organizations or representatives were added as
part of an on-going effort to upgrade the quality of our agencies and 
representatives in all regions of the country.

The Lockhart facility reported excellent financial results for the year, and we 
are proud of their performance. Technical Products Group sales were up 10.6% 
from the prior year. We expect continued improvement from this group as new 
products for local area networks are accepted in the marketplace.

We constantly are striving throughout the organization to reduce costs and 
realize higher operating efficiencies. Significant progress was made this past 
year as improvements in manufacturing costs were attained as a result of 
increased usage of computerized manufacturing machinery in the factories. Cost 
reductions were realized in the last half of the year by moving the majority of 
our fume hood production from the Lockhart facility to Statesville. These 
efforts, together with realizing the full impact of operating expense reductions
made the previous year, resulted in an operating expense reduction of $1.1 
million, or 9.9%.

We must compliment our financial organization for strengthening our balance 
sheet during the year. Cash generated from collections was used to repay debt, 
which was reduced to $2.8 million at year-end, from $5.6 million the previous 
year. Receivables were reduced to $13.2 million at year-end, from $15.6 million 
at the end of last year. Unused credit available under our bank revolving credit
facility was $4.0 million at year-end.

Several key management changes were made during the year. D. Michael Parker was 
elected Vice President of Finance/CFO, Secretary and Treasurer, succeeding 
Robert M. Cecchini who retired; Ronald D. Popiel was promoted to Vice President 
of Manufacturing, replacing T. Ronald Gewin, who relocated to Texas to serve as 
Vice President of Operations for the Technical Products Group; and James J. 
Rossi was promoted to Vice President of Human Resources.

Page 2

During the coming year, we expect to continue our established momentum. We will 
maintain our pricing strategies for the contract-bid business, continue with the
introduction of several new products, continue strong emphasis on investment in 
our factories and, most importantly, continue with our focus on customer 
satisfaction in everything that we do.

Your Company has a proud heritage of providing products and services of the 
highest quality to the laboratory furniture marketplace. As we begin our 91st 
year, our entire team stands committed to continue our traditions. We thank you,
our valued stockholders, for your continuing confidence and support.


- -----------------------
    Eli Manchester, Jr.

July 1996


                                                                          Page 3



Shortly after the turn of the century, Kewaunee's founders recognized that 
equipment needs of an emerging scientific community far exceeded products 
available in the marketplace. The first catalog depicting our laboratory 
furniture stated that the designs "considered quality of material and 
construction, elegance of appearance, stability and careful attention to 
detail." Using those principles as a foundation, Kewaunee has continued as the 
leader in meeting the changing needs of the laboratory furniture industry. The 
photographs on these pages illustrate how catalog and product designs have 
changed with technology.



Laboratories of today must comply with new standards and regulations being 
implemented to protect the worker. The Company's newest line of Supreme Air fume
hoods and Signature Series wood satisfy these safety corners as well as address 
customer demand for innovative products and accessories. During the past year, 
we developed an extensive literature program to market these products, using the
theme, ...encouraging new discovery. This expresses Kewaunee's continued 
commitment to develop products and provide services that enhance the ability of 
our customers to achieve their objectives.


                                                                          Page 5



Sales for the year ended April 30, 1996 were $57.6 million, down 7.9% from
fiscal year 1995 sales of $62.5 million.  Substantially all of the sales decline
occurred in the low-margin contract-bid laboratory furniture business,
consistent with the Company's bidding strategy to increase the profitability of
this business.  Fiscal year 1995 sales decreased 5.4% from fiscal year 1994
sales of $66.1 million.  The 1995 sales decrease was primarily attributable to
the lower sales volume and lower selling prices of contract-bid laboratory
furniture, partially offset by increased sales of end-user products.

The Company's unfilled sales order backlog was $23.2 million at April 30, 1996,
as compared to $24.1 million at April 30, 1995 and $25.3 million at April 30,

Gross profit represented 18.6% of sales in fiscal year 1996, 16.2% of sales in
fiscal year 1995 and 19.3% of sales in fiscal year 1994.  As compared to fiscal
year 1995, the fiscal year 1996 gross profit margin was favorably affected by
several factors, including increased profit margins on contract-bid laboratory
furniture sales and continuing cost improvement programs.  As compared to fiscal
year 1994, the fiscal year 1995 gross profit margin was unfavorably affected by
the lower sales volume and lower profit margins on contract-bid laboratory
furniture sales. Gross profit margins were increased by LIFO adjustments of
$56,000 in fiscal year 1996, $291,000 in fiscal year 1995, and $925,000 in
fiscal year 1994, as a result of reductions in inventories during these years.

Operating expenses decreased to $9.8 million in fiscal year 1996, from $10.9
million in fiscal year 1995 and $12.8 million in 1994.  As a percent of sales,
these expenses were 17.1%, 17.4%, and 19.4% in fiscal years 1996, 1995 and 1994,
respectively.  The reductions in operating expenses in fiscal years 1996 and
1995 resulted from a variety of cost improvement actions, including in
particular, significant reductions in management and administrative personnel
which occurred in the second quarter of fiscal year 1995.

Other income was $158,000, $230,000 and $88,000 in fiscal years 1996, 1995 and
1994, respectively.  Other income in fiscal year 1996 was primarily attributable
to life insurance proceeds received in connection with one of the Company's
employee benefit plans. Other income in fiscal year 1995 was primarily
attributable to a cash settlement received related to an investment that had
been written-down in a prior year.  Interest expense was $694,000, $554,000 and
$291,000 in fiscal years 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  The increase in
interest expense in fiscal year 1996 resulted from higher levels of debt during
the first half of the year.  The significant increase in interest expense in
fiscal year 1995, as compared to fiscal year 1994, resulted from higher levels
of debt and higher interest rates, as well as costs associated with a debt
restructuring during the year.

No income tax expense or benefit was recorded for fiscal years 1996 or 1995.  An
income tax benefit of $44,000 was recorded in fiscal year 1994 related to the
operating loss reported for that year.  The effective tax rate for each of these
years differs from the related statutory rates primarily due to adjustments to
the deferred tax valuation allowance.  Because of the Company's prior years'
operating losses, valuation allowances of $1.0 million, $1.2 million,  and
$815,000 were provided at April 30, 1996, 1995, and 1994, respectively, to
reduce deferred tax assets at these dates to an amount which was considered more
likely than not to be realized.

The Company had net earnings of $361,000, or 15 cents per share, for fiscal year
1996.  This compares to a net loss of $1,097,000, or 46 cents per share, for
fiscal year 1995, and a net loss of $203,000, or 9 cents per share, for fiscal
year 1994.

Page 6


Historically, the Company's principal sources of liquidity have been funds
generated from operations, supplemented as needed by short-term borrowings.  The
Company believes that these sources will be sufficient to support ongoing
business levels, including capital expenditures and debt service requirements.

The Company had working capital of $5.0 million at April 30, 1996, as compared
to $6.7 million at April 30, 1995. This reduction occurred as cash generated
from collections of receivables was used to repay long-term debt. The ratio of
current assets to current liabilities was 1.5-to-1 at April 30, 1996, slightly
below the April 30, 1995 ratio of 1.6-to-1. The debt-to-equity ratio was .19-to-
1 at April 30, 1996, as compared to .39-to-1 at April 30, 1995.

At April 30, 1996, the Company had unused credit available of $4.0 million under
a revolving credit facility which extends through January 1997.  Management
anticipates this facility will be renewed or replaced in fiscal year 1997.

The Company's operations provided cash of $3.1 million in fiscal year 1996,
primarily from operating earnings and a decrease in customer receivables.  The
Company's operations used cash of $329,000 in fiscal year 1995 and provided cash
of $1.9 million in fiscal year 1994.

Capital expenditures were $812,000 in fiscal year 1996, $840,000 in fiscal year
1995, and $933,000 in fiscal year 1994.  Capital expenditures of approximately
$1.6 million are planned for fiscal year 1997, primarily for the purchase of
production machinery.  It is anticipated that these expenditures will be funded
by cash flows from operations and, to a lesser extent, leasing or financing

The Company did not pay any dividends during fiscal years 1996, 1995, and 1994.
The payment of such dividends in the future will be evaluated by the Company's
Board of Directors on a periodic basis, giving consideration to the Company's
actual and anticipated future operating results.


In March 1995, the FASB issued Statement No.121, Accounting for the Impairment
of Long-lived Assets and for Long-lived Assets to be Disposed Of.  This
statement requires long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be
evaluated for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. The Company will
adopt SFAS No. 121 in fiscal year 1997 and does not believe that the
implementation of this Statement will have a material impact on the Company's
financial condition or results of operations.

                                                                          Page 7



$ and shares in thousands, except per share data       1996           1995           1994        
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales (Note 1)                                  $57,559        $62,475        $66,068        
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Costs of products sold (Note 2)                      46,835         52,347         53,325
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gross profit                                         10,724         10,128         12,743       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     

Operating expenses                                    9,827         10,901         12,787       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating earnings (loss)                               897        (   773)        (   44)    
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other income, net                                       158            230             88       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest expense                                        694)           554)        (  291)           
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Earnings (loss) before income taxes                     361         (1,097)        (  247)       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income tax benefit (Note 4)                               -              -         (   44)    
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings (loss)                                     361         (1,097)          (203)       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retained earnings at beginning of year                9,000         10,097         10,300       
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retained earnings at end of year                    $ 9,361        $ 9,000        $10,097       

Net earnings (loss) per share                         $0.15        $( 0.46)       $( 0.09)       

Weighted average number of                                                                        
       common shares outstanding                      2,367          2,367          2,368       

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Page 8


KEWAUNEE SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION                                         APRIL 30

ASSETS (Note 3)    $ and shares in thousands                           1996                    1995                        
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                             
Cash                                                               $     16                $     58                        
Short-term investments                                                    -                     350                        
Receivables, less allowance - $561 (1996); $624 (1995)               13,212                  15,571                  
Inventories  (Note 2)                                                 1,213                   1,336   
Prepaid  expenses and other current assets (Note 4)                   1,205                   1,115            
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                                                 15,646                  18,430
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                                  
Land                                                                    109                      97 
Buildings and improvements                                           13,383                  13,048  
Machinery and equipment                                              12,348                  12,088
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property, plant and equipment, at cost                               25,840                  25,233 
Accumulated depreciation                                            (15,532)                (14,113)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net property, plant and equipment                                    10,308                  11,120 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTHER ASSETS                                                            550                     524
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   $ 26,504                $ 30,074

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term borrowings (Note 3)                                     $  2,320                $  2,239 
Current portion of  long-term debt                                      180                     111  
Accounts payable                                                      4,505                   5,494   
Employee compensation and amounts withheld                            1,182                   1,378   
Accrued insurance costs                                                 605                   1,026  
Other accrued expenses                                                1,807                   1,454                               
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                            10,599                  11,702
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LONG-TERM DEBT (Note 3)                                                 328                   3,206
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   LIABILITIES (Notes 4 and 6)                                        1,062                   1,012 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMITMENTS (Note 7)            

Common stock, $2.50 par value 
   Authorized- 5,000 shares
   Issued- 2,620 shares                                               6,550                   6,550       
Additional paid-in-capital                                              116                     116   
Retained earnings                                                     9,361                   9,000  
Common stock in treasury, at cost (253 shares))                     ( 1,512)                ( 1,512)      
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total stockholders' equity                                           14,515                  14,154
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   $ 26,504                $ 30,074

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                          Page 9



$ in thousands                                         1996               1995               1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings (loss)                                 $   361            $(1,097)           $(  203)
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings
 (loss) to net cash provided by (used in)
 operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                       1,624              1,793              1,760
  Bad debt provision (credit)                            39                125             (   67)
  Deferred income tax benefit                        (   71)           (     2)            (  143)
  Decrease (increase) in receivables                  2,320            (   569)            (  257)
  Decrease in inventories                               123                210                695
  (Decrease) increase in accounts
   payable and accrued expenses                      (1,253)           (   727)               350
  Other, net                                              5            (    62)            (  193)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by (used in)
 operating activities                                 3,148            (   329)             1,942
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Capital expenditures                                 (  474)           (   840)            (  771)  
Net decrease (increase) in                            
 short-term investments                                 350                455             (  305)  
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities                (  124)           (   385)            (1,076)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase in short-term   borrowings                  81              1,039                200  
Proceeds from revolving credit facility
 classified as long-term                                  -              3,000                  -   
Repayment of long-term debt
 (including current maturities)                      (3,147)            (3,429)            (1,071)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash (used in) provided by
 financing activities                                (3,066)               610             (  871)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
DECREASE IN CASH                                     (   42)           (   104)            (    5)
CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                                58                162                167
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
CASH AT END OF YEAR                                 $    16            $    58            $   162
  Interest paid                                     $   760            $   575)           $   313
  Income taxes refunded, net                        $(    4)           $(   94)           $(   29)
  Assets acquired under capital leases
   and equipment financing                          $   338            $     -            $   162

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Page 10



   Nature of Operations. Kenwaunee Scientific Corporation (the "Company") is a
   manufacturer of scientific and technical workstations including wood and
   steel furniture, fume hoods, worksurface, sinks and other accessories. Sales
   are made through purchase orders and contracts submitted by customers, the
   Company's commissioned dealers, competitive bids submitted by the Company and
   a national distributor. The majority of the Company's products are sold to
   customers located in North America, Primarily within the United States. The
   company's products are used in chemistry, physics, biology, and other general
   science laboratories in the industrial, commercial, educational, governmental
   and health-care markets.

   Cash. Cash includes highly-liquid investments with original maturities of
   three months or less. Cash excludes short-term investments consisting of bank
   certificates of deposits which are recorded at cost.

   Inventories. Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market. Cost has
   been determined using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for all

   Property, Plant and Equipment. Property, plant and equipment are stated at
   cost. Depreciation is determined for financial reporting purposes principally
   on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the individual
   assets or, for leaseholds, over the terms of the related leases if shorter.
   Straight-line and accelerated methods of depreciation have been used for
   income tax purposes.

   Use of Estimates. The presentation of financial statements in conformity with
   generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make
   estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial
   statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from these
   estimates. Significant estimates impacting the accompanying financial
   statements relate to the allowance for uncollectible accounts receivable and
   the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets.

   Fair Value of Financial Instruments. The Company's financial instruments
   include cash, short-term investments, long-term debt, accounts receivable and
   accounts payable. The carrying value of the cash and long-term debt
   approximates their estimated fair values based upon quoted market prices. The
   carrying amount of short-term investments, accounts receivable and accounts
   payable approximates fair value due to the short maturities of these

   Sales Recognition and Installation Services. Sales are generally recognized
   at the date of shipment and, at that time, provision is made for the cost to
   complete installations of products sold.

   Income Taxes. Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary
   differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for
   financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. If
   it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset
   will not be realized, a valuation allowance must be provided.

   Customer Concentration. Sales to the Company's national distributor
   represented 14%, 17% and 13% of the Company's fiscal years 1996, 1995, and
   1994 sales, respectively.

   Advertising Costs. The Company expenses advertising costs as incurred,
   including trade shows, training materials, sales samples, catalogs, and other
   related expenses. Advertising costs for the years ended April 30, 1996, 1995,
   and 1994 were $587,000, $340,000, and $781,000, respectively.

                                                                         Page 11

   Stock-Based Compensation. In October 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards
   Board issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.123,
   Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, which will be effective for the
   Company beginning May 1, 1996. SFAS No.123 requires expanded disclosures of
   stock-based compensation arrangements with employees and encourages (but does
   not require) compensation cost to be measured based on the fair value of the
   equity instrument awarded. Companies are permitted, however, to continue to
   apply APB Opinion No.25, which recognizes compensation cost based on the
   intrinsic value of the equity instrument awarded. The Company will continue
   to apply APB Opinion No.25 to its stock based compensation awards to
   employees and will disclose the required pro forma effect on net income and
   earnings per share.

   Recent Accounting Pronouncements. In March 1995, the FASB issued Statement
   No.121, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-lived Assets and for Long-
   lived Assets to be Disposed Of. This statement requires long-lived assets and
   certain identifiable intangibles to be evaluated for impairment whenever
   events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an
   asset may not be recoverable. The Company will adopt SFAS No. 121 in fiscal
   year 1997 and does not believe that the implementation of this Statement will
   have a material impact on the Company's financial condition or results of


   Inventories consisted of the following at April 30:

     $ in thousands                1996     1995
     Finished goods              $  253   $  280
     Work-in-process                280      345
     Materials and components       680      711
     Total inventories           $1,213   $1,336

   If inventories had been determined using the first-in, first-out (FIFO)
   method at April 30, 1996 and 1995, reported inventories would have been $2.2
   million greater in both years.

   Reductions in LIFO inventory values in fiscal years 1996 and 1995 increased
   operating earnings by $56,000 and $291,000, respectively. 

Page 12


   Long-term debt consisted of the following at April 30:

     $ in thousands                                     1996           1995
     Borrowings under revolving credit facility
      classified as long-term                          $   -         $3,000
     Equipment financing, 10.5% payable in
      monthly installments through the year 2000         302              -
     Capital lease obligations                           206            317
     Total long-term debt                                508          3,317
     Less: current portion                              (180)        (  111)
     Long-term portion                                 $ 328         $3,206

   The revolving credit facility ("the facility") allows the Company to borrow
   the lesser of $8.5 million, or that available under certain eligibility
   formulas using qualifying receivables and inventories, as defined under the
   credit arrangement. At April 30, 1996, borrowings outstanding under the
   facility were $2.3 million and letters of credit issued and outstanding under
   the facility were $500,000, leaving $4.0 million of unused credit available
   as of that date.

   Under the facility, the Company makes monthly interest payments at a rate of
   the greater of 8% or 1% over the lender's prime rate, calculated on the
   greater of $3.0 million or the average loan balance outstanding during each
   month. The prime rate was 8.25% at April 30, 1996. The Company's receivables,
   inventories, and property, plant and equipment are pledged to the lender as
   collateral securing borrowings under the facility.

   The facility extends through January 1997. Management anticipates this
   facility will be renewed or replaced in fiscal year 1997. Due to the
   facility's maturity date, all borrowings outstanding under the facility at
   April 30, 1996 were classified as short-term borrowings.


   The Company has entered into two lease agreements for machinery and equipment
   that are classified as capital leases for financial reporting purposes. These
   leases provide the Company with certain early cancellation rights, as well as
   renewal and purchase options. Under the terms of the agreements, future
   minimum lease payments for years ended April 30 and the present value of such
   payments as of April 30, 1996 are as follows:

     $ in thousands                              Amount
     1997                                        $  136
     1998                                            33
     1999                                            33
     2000                                            33
     Total minimum lease payments                   235
     Less - amount representing interest           ( 29)
     Present value of net minimum lease payments    206)
     Less: current portion                         (122)
     Long-term portion                           $   84)
                                                                         Page 13


   Income tax expense (benefit) consisted of the following:

      $ in thousands                                 1996      1995      1994
     Current tax expense                           $   71)   $    2)   $   99)
     Deferred tax expense (benefit)                   140)    ( 412)    ( 192)
     Increase (decrease) in valuation allowance
      on deferred tax assets                        ( 211)      410        49
     Net income tax benefit                        $    -    $    -    $(  44)

  The reasons for the differences between the above net income tax benefit and
  the amounts computed by applying the statutory federal income tax rates to
  earnings (loss) before income taxes are as follows:

     $ in thousands                                     1996     1995     1994
     Income tax expense (benefit) at statutory rate   $  123   $( 373)  $ ( 91)
     State and local taxes, net of federal
      income tax expense (benefit)                        24    (  43)    ( 11)
     Increase (decrease) in valuation allowance
      on deferred tax assets                           ( 211)     410       49
     Other                                                64        6        9
     Net income tax benefit                           $    -   $    -   $ ( 44)

   As of April 30, 1996, the Company had general tax credit carryforwards of
   $448,000 and alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards of $338,000
   available to offset future taxes payable. The general tax credit
   carryforwards expire in 2002.

   Significant items comprising the Company's deferred tax assets and
   liabilities as of April 30 were as follows:

     $ in thousands                                   1996        1995
     Deferred tax assets:
      Tax credit carryforwards                    $    786    $    893
      Accrued retirement plans expense                 434         376
      Accrued insurance plans expense                  280         423
      Allowance for doubtful accounts                  233         241
      Inventory reserves and capitalized costs         181         184
      Net operating loss carryforwards                  67          70
      Other                                            147         195
                                                     2,128       2,382

      Valuation allowance                           (1,014)     (1,225)
      Total deferred tax assets                      1,114       1,157
     Deferred tax liabilities:
      Difference between book and tax basis
       of property, plant and equipment             (  916)     (  964)
      Tax lease benefits                            (   66)        115
      Other                                         (   12)     (   29)
      Total deferred tax liabilities                (  994)     (1,108)
     Net deferred tax assets                      $    120    $     49

     Page 14


   During fiscal year 1992, stockholders approved the 1991 Key Employee Stock
   Option Plan, which replaced the expiring 1982 Incentive Stock Option Plan.
   This plan allows the Company to grant options on 130,000 shares of the
   Company's common stock to officers and other key employees. Options are
   granted at not less than the fair market value at the date of grant. Options
   are exercisable in such installments, for such terms (up to ten years) and at
   such times as the Board of Directors may determine at the time of the grant.
   At April 30, 1996, there were 28,500 shares available for future grants under
   the plan.

   During fiscal year 1994, the stockholders approved the 1993 Stock Option Plan
   for Directors. This plan allows the Company to grant options to non-employee
   directors on 40,000 shares of the Company's common stock. Each such director
   of the Company is eligible to receive an option to purchase 5,000 shares of
   the Company's common stock on the effective date of the plan or on the date
   of commencement of service as a director. Options are exercisable in four
   equal, annual installments and expire five years from date of grant. Options
   are granted at the fair market value at the date of the grant. At April 30,
   1996, there were 10,000 shares available for future grants under the plan.

   Stock option activity is summarized as follows:

                                                   1996        1995       1994
     Grants outstanding at beginning of year    130,000     162,500     94,500
     Granted                                     63,000       2,000     81,000
     Canceled                                 (  16,500)  (  34,500) (  13,000)
     Grants outstanding at end of year*         176,500     130,000    162,500
     Exercisable at end of year                  41,625      54,750     15,625
     Exercise price range per share of
      options outstanding at end of year         $2.313       $3.25      $3.75
                                              to $ 6.50    to $6.50   to $6.50

     *Includes an option on 45,000 shares under the 1982 Incentive Stock Option
     Plan which was unexercisable at April 30, 1996 and will expire in February


   The Company has non-contributory defined benefit pension plans covering
   substantially all salaried and hourly employees. The defined benefit plan for
   salaried employees provides pension benefits that are based on each
   employee's years of service and average annual compensation during the last
   10 consecutive calendar years of employment. The benefit plan for hourly
   employees provides benefits at stated amounts based on years of service. The
   Company's funding policy is to make quarterly contributions to fund the plans
   during the participant's working lifetime. The quarterly contributions have
   met ERISA's funding requirements. Plan assets consist primarily of common
   stocks, government securities and fixed-income funds.

                                                                         Page 15

   The components of net pension expense consisted of the following:

     $ in thousands                                    1996    1995     1994
     Service cost for the benefits earned
      during the year                                 $ 266   $ 298   $  324
     Interest cost on projected benefit obligations     384     356      317
     Investment return on plan assets                  (308)   (178)   ( 176)
     Net amortization and deferral                     ( 57)   (137)   (  98)
     Net pension expense                              $ 285   $ 339   $  367

   Accumulated plan benefits, projected benefit obligations, plan net assets and
   funded status as of April 30 were as follows:

     $ in thousands                                1996      1995       1994
     Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit obligations
      (assumes no future salary increases):
         Vested                                  $3,962    $3,453    $ 2,947
         Non-vested                                 186     11279        271
     Accumulated plan benefits                   $4,148    $3,732     $3,218
     Actuarial present value of projected benefit
      obligations for service provided to date
      (assumes future salary increases):         $5,378    $5,045     $4,574
     Transition gain                                128       160        192
     Unrecognized net loss                       (  523)   (  902)    (  754)
     Plan net assets at fair value               (4,416)   (3,751)    (3,128)
     Accrued pension cost                        $  567)   $  552)    $  884)

   The weighted average discount rate and the rate of increase in future
   compensation utilized in determining the actuarial present value of the
   projected benefit obligations are 8% and 5%, respectively. The assumed rate
   of return on plan assets is 9%.

   The Company also had an unfunded supplemental executive retirement program
   which was terminated in fiscal year 1990. This was a nonqualified plan that
   provided certain retired officers with defined pension benefits. At April 30,
   1996, 1995 and 1994, the projected benefit obligations recorded in the
   balance sheets for this plan totaled $132,907, $154,107, and $173,062,
   respectively. Expenses for the plan were not material for the periods


   The Company has entered into various operating lease agreements for machinery
   and equipment. Under the terms of these agreements, future minimum lease
   payments for the years ended April 30 are as follows:

     $ in thousands                                              Amount  
     1997                                                        $  434  
     1998                                                           413  
     1999                                                           404  
     2000                                                           393  
     2001                                                           165  
     Thereafter                                                      14  
     Total minimum lease payments                                $1,823  

   Most leases provide the Company with certain early cancellation rights, as
   well as renewal and purchase options. Rent expense under all operating leases
   for machinery and equipment was $530,000, $455,000 and $448,000 in fiscal
   years 1996, 1995, and 1994, respectively.

  Page 16


To the Stockholders and Board of Directors
Kewaunee Scientific Corporation

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Kewaunee Scientific
Corporation as of April 30, 1996 and 1995, and the related statements of
operations and retained earnings and of cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended April 30, 1996.  These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of Kewaunee Scientific Corporation as of April
30, 1996 and 1995, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each
of the three years in the period ended April 30, 1996 in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

Charlotte, North Carolina
May 31, 1996


The financial statements and accompanying notes were prepared by management,
which is responsible for their integrity and objectivity.  Management believes
the financial statements, which include amounts based on judgments and
estimates, fairly reflect the Company's financial position and operating
results, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  All
financial information in this annual report is consistent with the financial

Management maintains internal accounting control systems and related policies
and procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are
safeguarded, that transactions are properly recorded and executed in accordance
with management's authorization and that accounting records may be relied upon
for the preparation of financial statements and other financial information.
The design, monitoring, and revision of internal accounting control systems
involve, among other things, management's judgment with respect to the relative
cost and expected benefits of specific control measures.

The Company's financial statements have been audited by independent auditors who
have expressed their opinion with respect to the fairness of those statements.
Their audits included consideration of the Company's internal accounting control
systems and related policies and procedures.  They advise management and the
Audit Committee of significant matters resulting from their audits.

D. Michael Parker
Vice President, Finance
Chief Financial Officer

                                                                         Page 17



$ and shares in thousands, except per share data                 1996       1995       1994             
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPERATING STATEMENT DATA:                                                
Net sales                                                     $57,559    $62,475    $66,068 
Costs of products sold                                         46,835     52,347     53,325 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross profit                                                   10,724     10,128     12,743 
Operating expenses                                              9,827     10,901     12,787     
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings (loss)                                         897     (  773)    (   44)  
Other income, net                                                 158        230         88 
Interest expense                                               (  694)    (  554)    (  291) 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (loss) before income taxes                               361     (1,097)    (  247) 
Income tax expense (benefit)                                        -          -     (   44) 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings (loss)                                           $   361    $(1,097)   $(  203) 
Average shares outstanding                                      2,367      2,367      2,368 
PER SHARE DATA:                                                          
Net earnings (loss)                                           $  0.15    $( 0.46)   $( 0.09) 
Cash dividends                                                      -          -          - 
Year-end book value                                              6.13       5.98       6.43 
BALANCE SHEET DATA:                                                      
Current assets                                                $15,646    $18,430    $19,009 
Current liabilities                                            10,599     11,702     11,914
Net working capital                                             5,047      6,728      7,095 
Net property, plant and  equipment                             10,308     11,120     12,073 
Total assets                                                   26,504     30,074     31,566 
Long-term debt                                                    328      3,206      3,111 
Stockholders' equity                                           14,515     14,154     15,237 
OTHER DATA:                                                              
Capital expenditures                                          $   812    $   840    $   933(d)  
Year-end stockholders of record                                   409        439        458 
Year-end employees                                                499        575        595 

(a) Operating expense for fiscal year 1991 includes a restructuring charge in
    the amount of $1.1 million.

(b) Income tax expense for fiscal year 1989 includes a $106,000 charge
    representing the cumulative effect of the Company's change in accounting for
    income taxes. Prior years' financial statements have not been restated for
    this accounting change.

(c) Income tax expense for fiscal year 1988 includes a $331,000 extraordinary
    credit resulting from the utilization of operating loss carryforwards. 

(d) Capital expenditures for fiscal years 1996, 1994, and 1992 include assets 
    acquired under capital leases and equipment financing.

Page 18

      1993          1992            1991            1990            1989               1988               1987       
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $ 66,984       $74,944         $71,104         $74,023         $68,895            $68,578           $ 59,450
    56,364        59,538          55,029          58,087          50,606             49,111             50,701
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10,620        15,406          16,075          15,936          18,289             19,467              8,749
    13,647        14,396          15,876 (a)      15,161          15,744             18,151             19,436
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (3,027)        1,010             199             775           2,545              1,316            (10,687)
       166           475             499             489             261                276                124
    (  300)      (   330)        (   473)        (   575)        (   643)           (   740)           (   703)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    (3,161)        1,155             225             689           2,163                852            (11,266)
    (  693)          354             145             217             566(b)              66(c)         ( 3,531)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 $  (2,468)      $   801         $    80         $   472         $ 1,597            $   786            ($7,735)
     2,368         2,412           2,591           2,586           2,587              2,587              2,573

 $   (1.04)        $0.33           $0.03           $0.18           $0.62              $0.30             ($3.01
      0.08          0.16            0.16            0.16            0.04                 NN              0.275
      6.49          7.44            7.24            7.48            7.46               6.88               6.62

 $  18,334       $22,344         $24,693         $23,191         $22,880            $20,294           $ 22,874
    11,777        11,943          12,318          11,651          11,510             11,104             15,892
     6,557        10,401          12,375          11,540          11,370              9,190              6,982
    12,900        13,214          12,383          14,902          15,280             16,181             17,915
    31,776        36,066          37,593          38,193          38,925             37,256             42,175
     3,607         4,657           5,090           5,873           6,656              7,439              8,222
    15,372        17,955          18,979          19,355          19,297             17,808             17,022

 $   1,316       $ 2,189(d)      $ 2,279         $   521         $   791            $   384           $  2,031
       480           492             512             519             560                600                603
       636           747             722             784             826                828                820


  Selected quarterly financial data for fiscal years 1996 and 1995 were as
  $ in thousands,                   First     Second     Third    Fourth
    except per share data          Quarter    Quarter   Quarter  Quarter*
  Net sales                        $15,548)  $ 15,385)  $12,719   $13,907
  Gross profit                       2,673)     2,996)    2,428     2,627
  Net earnings                          70)       148)       87        56
  Net earnings per share              0.03)      0.06)     0.04      0.02
  Net sales                        $16,383)  $ 15,043)  $15,877   $15,172
  Gross profit                       2,825)     2,041)    2,700     2,562
  Net earnings (loss)               (  111     (1,201)       70       145
  Net earnings (loss) per share     ( 0.05)    ( 0.51)     0.03      0.06

 *Reductions in LIFO inventory values increased gross profits by $56,000 and
  $291,000 in the fourth quarter of fiscal years 1996 and 1995, respectively.


  Kewaunee's common stock is traded in the NASDAQ/Over-the-Counter Market, under
  the symbol KEQU. The following table sets forth the quarterly high and low
  prices reported on the NASDAQ National Market System.

                                 First      Second        Third       Fourth
                                Quarter     Quarter      Quarter      Quarter
  1996      High                 31/8        31/2         35/8         41/4
            Low                  21/8        21/4         25/8         35/8
            Close               25/16        37/8         35/8         35/8
  1995      High                 35/8        37/8         27/8         25/8
            Low                  31/4        23/4         27/8         21/8
            Close                35/8        27/8        25/16         21/2



2700 West Front Street
P.O. Box 1842
Statesville, NC  28687-1842
Telephone: 704-873-7202


The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Kewaunee Scientific Corporation will be
held in the 37th floor Annual Meeting Room at Harris Trust & Savings Bank,
Chicago, IL on August 28, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time.


All shareholder inquiries, including transfer-related matters, should be
directed to:
ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C.
Overpeck Centre
85 Challenger Road
Ridgefield Park, NJ  07660


Deloitte & Touche LLP
Charlotte, NC


This detailed financial report, filed annually with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, may be obtained by stockholders without charge by writing the
Secretary of the Company, Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, P.O. Box 1842,
Statesville, NC  28687-1842.

Page 20 


BOARD OF DIRECTORS                       EXECUTIVE OFFICERS                    
MARGARET BARR BRUEMMER (1)(2)(3)         ELI MANCHESTER, JR.                   
     Attorney                                 President and Chief Executive    
     Madison, WI                              Officer                          
                                         T. RONALD GEWIN                       
WILEY N. CALDWELL (3)(4)                      Vice President, Operations       
     Retired President                        Technical Products Group         
     W. W. Grainger, Inc.                                                       
     Skokie, IL                          D. MICHAEL PARKER                     
                                              Vice President, Finance,         
JOHN C. CAMPBELL, JR. (1)(2)                  Chief Financial Officer,         
     Private Consultant                       Treasurer, Secretary             
     Arlington, TX                                                              
                                         RONALD D. POPIEL                      
KINGMAN DOUGLASS (2)(3)(4)                    Vice President, Manufacturing    
     Corporate Counselor                                                        
     Summerland, CA                      JAMES J. ROSSI                        
                                              Vice President, Human Resources  
ELI MANCHESTER, JR. (1)(3)                                                      
     President/CEO                       WILLIAM A. SHUMAKER                   
     Kewaunee Scientific Corporation          Vice President, Sales & Marketing 
     Statesville, NC                     
     Chairman, President, CEO
     RAYOVAC Corporation
     Madison, WI

     Counsel to Bell, Boyd & Lloyd
     Chicago, IL

(1) Executive Committee
(2) Audit Committee
(3) Financial/Planning Committee
(4) Compensation Committee


People interested in exploring careers with Kewaunee in management, sales and
other areas should contact the Vice President of Human Resources, Kewaunee
Scientific Corporation,   P.O. Box 1842, Statesville, NC   28687-1842.  Kewaunee
Scientific Corporation is an equal opportunity employer.


Kewaunee Scientific Corporation products are available through a network of
sales representatives and a national stocking distributor.  For more
information, please contact our Marketing Services Department in Statesville,
North Carolina.
Telephone: 704-873-7202


BasikBench, Evolution, FlexTech, Instalab, Kemresin, Kemrock, Kemshield,
Silhouette, Sturdilite, TechStat, Versalab and Visionaire are registered
trademarks of Kewaunee Scientific Corporation.