November 15, 1995


This Master Guest Video Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as this
"Agreement" or "Master Agreement"), is made this ------- day of November, 1995
("Effective Date") by and among Hyatt International (Europe Africa Middle East)
Ltd., a Switzerland corporation ("Hyatt"), and Hyatt Chain Services Limited, a
Hong Kong corporation ("Hyatt Services") (collectively the "Hyatt Parties"),
Guestserve Development Group, a California corporation ("GDG"), and MagiNet
International Corporation, a California corporation ("MagiNet"), which is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of MagiNet Corporation (all such signatories herein
being individually a "Party" and collectively the "Parties").

WHEREAS, the Hyatt Parties wish to arrange, for all hotels for which Hyatt has
and will have responsibility during the term of this Agreement (the "Hotels"),
for the procurement from GDG and MagiNet of consistent, high quality guest in-
room video and audio content and all necessary hardware and software that will
permit the transmission to hotel rooms and remote guest selection of such
content (the "System," as further defined in Section 4. below) over each Hotel's
video and audio transmission and receiving systems, including antenna systems
(the "MATV," which includes all required wiring to the guest rooms);

WHEREAS, the Hyatt Parties wish to arrange for the updating, installation,
operation and maintenance and current and future design and development of the
System for and in the Hotels, and the ongoing maintenance of the MATV
(collectively the "Activities");

WHEREAS, GDG owns or is licensed to provide software programs and related
hardware ("GDG Technology," as further described, represented and warranted in
sections 4.1. and 19.2. below) which GDG represents and warrants meets the
Technical Requirements (defined below) and will therefore permit GDG, MagiNet
and, to the extent desired and permitted hereunder, the Hyatt Parties and others
to perform the Activities;

WHEREAS, the Hyatt Parties and GDG recognize that GDG requires the assistance of
one or more other persons and entities located in the countries in which the
Hotels are or will be operated in undertaking the Activities;

WHEREAS, the System enables guests, in the privacy of the Hotels' guest rooms
(the "Rooms"), to obtain full audio and visual access to off-air broadcast,
satellite and cable television transmissions, on demand movies and televised
events, interactive games, advertising (including infomercials), informational
programs, product and services ordering systems, and other interactive
activities, services and programming as provided hereunder and as may be agreed
upon among the parties or between MagiNet and any Hotel (the "Content"), through
channels provided through the System (the "Channels") and transmitted to the
Rooms over the MATV, all in accordance with the specific requirements and
general guidelines of Exhibit A (the "Technical Requirements");

WHEREAS, MagiNet has been performing similar activities on similar systems,
providing Content in other hotels, and has represented that it is fully capable
of undertaking the Activities, and GDG has warranteed that it has assessed
MagiNet's capabilities and believes MagiNet is fully capable of performing its
obligations as defined herein;

WHEREAS, GDG and MagiNet will continue to work throughout the term of this

***  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
     treatment filed with the securities and exchange commission. Omitted
     portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                               November 15, 1995

for the Hyatt Parties in developing new technologies, services, enhancements,
hardware, software and Content for the Hyatt Parties, the Hotels and the System;

WHEREAS, MagiNet is willing to install, operate and maintain the System in the
Hotels, to upgrade and maintain the MATVs, and to procure movies, video games
and other Content, GDG is willing to provide all necessary technical support to
MagiNet to perform its obligations within respect to deployment of GDG
Technology hereunder, and the Hyatt Parties and the Hotels wish to accomplish
the same pursuant to this Master Agreement and separate individual agreements
("Individual Agreements") with each Hotel;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties do hereby warrant, covenant and agree for good and
valuable consideration duly received as follows:


     1.1. Consistent with the above recitals, which are incorporated herein as
          if set forth fully below, the Parties have agreed as follows:

          1.1.1.  MagiNet will procure, install, operate and maintain, and
                  undertake current and future design and development of, the
                  System, the Content and the related MATV for and in the
                  Hotels, with GDG's assistance with respect to the Activities
                  relating to GDG Technology and with the participation and
                  direction of the Hyatt Parties, Hotels and others, all as
                  further provided for in the Technical Requirements and
                  elsewhere in this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided
                  herein, MagiNet and GDG shall be solely responsible for all
                  capital and operating expenditures required to fulfill their
                  obligations hereunder;

          1.1.2.  GDG will provide all needed support on the GDG Technology to
                  MagiNet, the Hyatt Parties and the Hotels that is necessary to
                  accomplish the Activities;

          1.1.3.  GDG has licensed or will license the GDG Technology to MagiNet
                  so that the GDG Technology and any improvements thereon can be
                  provided to the Hyatt Parties, the Hotels and other Hyatt
                  entities according to the terms of this Agreement for as long
                  as the Master Agreement is in effect. GDG has retained
                  sufficient rights in the GDG Technology so that GDG can
                  continue (i) to work on and improve the GDG Technology and all
                  other necessary parts of the System, (ii) to select and work
                  on the Content, and (iii) to provide further and continuing
                  assistance to the Hyatt Parties and through MagiNet to the
                  Hotels in connection with the System and the Content;

          1.1.4.  The Hyatt Parties and the Hotels are hereby fully licensed as
                  provided herein by GDG and MagiNet for as long as the Master
                  Agreement is in effect to have and use the GDG Technology and
                  any improvements thereon made by GDG, MagiNet and/or any third
                  party acting under a license or contract from either party;


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          1.1.5.  The Hyatt Parties are hereby fully licensed by GDG and MagiNet
                  to have and use a software development tool kit (the "Tool
                  Kit") that enables the Hyatt Parties to create their own
                  Content for display on the System through the GDG Technology
                  (as described in Section 9.2 below). This license covers all
                  uses in the Hotels by the Hyatt Parties and any other entities
                  affiliated with the Hyatt Parties (the "Hyatt Affiliates")
                  throughout the duration of this Master Agreement and for such
                  time thereafter as permitted by this Agreement. Subject to GDG
                  and MagiNet's consent, not to be unreasonably withheld, the
                  Tool Kit will permit changes to the System required both to
                  work on the Activities, System features and the Hyatt Property
                  (defined below). Any Party making changes to the System will
                  ensure that there is as little disruption of the Hotels' and
                  others operations as possible. Any third parties selected by
                  Hyatt Parties to be licensed to use the Tool Kit under this
                  provision will enter into appropriate licensing and
                  confidentiality agreements with GDG and MagiNet, such licenses
                  to be at no cost and restricted to Hyatt Content (defined
                  below) production only.

     1.2. This Master Agreement governs the relationship of the Parties, and
          shall take precedence over the terms in each Individual Agreement
          insofar as the Parties' obligations are concerned unless all Parties
          hereto expressly agree in writing that such term(s) do not apply.

     1.3. The language in this Master Agreement shall take precedence in the
          event of any inconsistency with language used in any exhibit or other
          attachment to this Agreement.

     1.4. The Parties have entered into or have agreed to enter into agreements
          containing the same terms as herein with respect to Hyatt
          International properties in Asia, the Pacific and Latin America (the
          "Related Hyatt Agreements").


     2.1. The form that will be used for all Individual Agreements is attached
          as Exhibit B. As soon as practicable and legally permissible,
          beginning immediately with the signing of this Master Agreement, the
          Parties shall undertake commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that
          MagiNet and the Hotels have entered into Individual Agreements, and
          that GDG has entered into any needed agreements directly with each
          Hotel, so that the purposes of this Agreement can be achieved.

     2.2. MagiNet may have distributors and subsidiaries act on its behalf
          insofar as is necessary for the installation, operation and
          maintenance of the System and the MATV at each Hotel. MagiNet and GDG
          hereby fully and directly guarantee the performance of the GDG
          Technology at the Hotels. MagiNet hereby fully and directly guarantees
          the performance of the System at the Hotels and of all distributors
          and subsidiaries performing all or part of any Individual Agreement.
          Subject to the dispute resolution provisions of this Agreement and the


                                                               November 15, 1995

          Agreements, MagiNet and GDG agree that they remain fully obligated
          under the terms of this Agreement and all Individual Agreements for
          their respective obligations, so that the Hyatt Parties and each Hotel
          shall have full immediate and direct recourse against them for their
          respective obligations without ever being required first to proceed
          against any distributor, subsidiary or other third party.

     2.3. The Hyatt Parties shall have no payment or any other obligations under
          any Individual Agreement. Any payments to be paid by the Hotels are
          and shall be the sole responsibility of the Hotels.


     3.1. The term of this Master Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and
          will terminate seven (7) years after this date (the "Initial
          Termination Date"). This Master Agreement will continue thereafter for
          as long as any single Individual Agreement remains in effect. Upon
          termination, the Parties' obligations shall continue as to any
          required payments and audits not completed, and specifically as to
          sections 1.1.5., 4.5 (with respect to that portion of the manuals that
          deal with the tool kit), 9., 10., 15.7., 15.8., 20., 21., 28., and 30.
          of this Agreement.

     3.2. On or about the expiration of the fifth year of the Master Agreement,
          the Parties will commence discussions regarding the possible extension
          of the Master Agreement for an additional term. Should no agreement be
          reached concerning such an extension prior to the Initial Termination
          Date, the Master Agreement and all Individual Agreements will be
          automatically extended after the Initial Termination Date to a date at
          least ninety (90) days after MagiNet's receipt of written notice of
          the Hyatt Parties' and/or a given Hotel's intent to terminate the
          particular agreement(s) involved.

     3.3. Each Individual Agreement will continue to be effective at least until
          the Initial Termination Date. Upon the expiration of one or more
          Individual Agreements, or the refusal of MagiNet to install the System
          at a Hotel as permitted under section 3.4 of this Agreement, other
          guest video systems may be installed at those Hotels.

     3.4. MagiNet will not be required to sign any Individual Agreement if there
          are less than twenty-four (24) months remaining prior to the Initial
          Termination Date. If there are less than twenty-four (24) months
          remaining, MagiNet may, at its option exercised through written notice
          within thirty (30) days of any installation request, refuse to sign an
          Individual Agreement. If MagiNet determines not to go forward with any
          installation, then the Hyatt Parties may seek another vendor to
          install the guest video services system for any Hotel for which
          installation has been refused.

     3.5. The Parties agree that the System shall be installed in all existing
          Hotels in accordance with the timetable attached hereto as Exhibit C,
          and they shall take all commercially reasonable actions to achieve
          this goal. The Parties warrant


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          and agree that, except as set forth in Exhibit C, there are no known
          existing contractual obligations or legal restrictions that would
          prevent them or the Hotels from completing such installations within
          two (2) years from the Effective Date.

     3.6. MagiNet and GDG shall cooperate fully with any and all third party
          vendors chosen by the Hyatt Parties and/or the Hotels, including those
          hired as consultants, designers, advertising experts and programmers
          to assist in developing Content and to provide advice concerning the
          System, and the use of other vendors for another guest video services
          system when such system(s) can be installed in accordance with this


     4.1. The System shall include at least: (i) a module for each television
          set that can remotely control on demand requests made by guests from
          Rooms to central storage devices within the Hotel; (ii) a remote
          control and appropriate spares for each television in the Hotel; (iii)
          Content storage sufficient for the Content initially installed and a
          reasonable amount of expansion capability for additional Content that
          may be installed in the future; (iv) a front-desk personal computer,
          monitor and printer; and (v) all necessary software, electronic,
          computer and switching equipment, including GDG Technology to permit
          the receipt, transmission, monitoring and on demand remotely
          controlled interactive guest operated in-room display of the Content.
          GDG Technology shall include all technologies developed by GDG and
          currently available and, as further provided for herein, future
          technology developed by GDG, provided to or usable by hotel customers.

     4.2. MagiNet and GDG shall provide for use during the term of this
          Agreement at no charge one demonstration System, including the updated
          Content except for the Movies, for Hyatt International headquarters in
          Chicago, Illinois.

     4.3. As part of the consideration to MagiNet for installation of the
          Systems, in the absence of material breach by MagiNet, the Hyatt
          Parties agree that they will undertake their best efforts to ensure
          that the System will be the sole and exclusive in-room guest video
          services system provided to their guests for each Hotel during the
          term of its Individual Agreement (except as provided for herein,
          including section 4.16 of this Agreement). The Hyatt Parties will not
          either directly or indirectly solicit the installation of any video
          system in Hotels which might directly compete or cause transmission
          interference with the System. MagiNet will not be obligated to install
          the System in any Hotel that will not agree to such exclusivity.

     4.4. MagiNet and/or GDG shall develop and install software, and MagiNet
          shall repair, purchase, build and install all hardware required to
          operate the System, including all needed upgrades to Hotel MATVs. All
          installed and provided hardware and software shall be specified and
          listed as an exhibit to the Individual Agreements, and their presence
          shall be verified in each Individual


                                                               November 15, 1995


     4.5.  MagiNet and GDG shall provide documentation to provide the reader
           with sufficient information so that the System can be operated
           without further consultation (the "System Manual"). Two (2) copies of
           each System Manual shall be provided for each Hotel, with one copy to
           both Hyatt Parties.

     4.6.  Ten (10) copies of a manual that describes the Tool Kit sufficiently
           to permit its use shall be provided to the Hyatt Parties (the "Tool
           Kit Manual").

     4.7.  System Manuals and Tool Kit Manuals may be copied and printed in
           whole or in part by Hyatt Parties and Hotels on an as needed basis.
           All Manuals shall be marked and treated by all Parties as
           confidential. Notice of copying of each Manual shall, with best
           efforts, be given to MagiNet and/or GDG.

     4.8.  The System shall provide guests with the Content in as efficient and
           effective a manner as is reasonably and technically possible at the
           time the System is installed in each Hotel, and as further specified
           and described in the Technical Requirements.

     4.9.  The System shall accommodate, and MagiNet and GDG shall ensure the
           delivery of across the System and the MATVs, to the extent reasonable
           and commercially possible, all Content that the Hyatt Parties
           determine in the future would benefit Hotel guests or Hotel staffs
           and would be economically viable to add to each Hotel's services.

     4.10. The System will be multilingual, and shall permit displays and
           commands in at least three separate languages in any given Hotel. The
           selected languages have been preliminarily designated in Exhibit A
           for the Hotels identified, which designations can be modified at the
           Hyatt Parties' and/or Hotel's option and at the Hotel's or Hyatt
           Parties' expense for Hyatt Content.

     4.11. MagiNet and GDG shall at all times in the future ensure that the
           System and all other computer, reservations and information systems
           operated or used by the Hyatt Parties and Hotels ("Hyatt Systems")
           are interoperable, and each will ensure that it takes no action(s)
           that could jeopardize such interoperability provided that Hyatt
           Parties will ensure standard industry interfaces are provided by such
           Hyatt Systems for interface with GDG Technology. If such
           interoperability of the System and Hyatt Systems were threatened,
           then the Hyatt Parties and/or the Hotel(s) affected can immediately
           seek any assistance deemed necessary by the Hyatt Parties and/or
           those Hotel(s) to disconnect the System from the point of interface
           to such Hyatt System to avoid, prevent and/or cure any such threat or
           defect. In the event that any Hyatt Systems are modified after the
           System is installed, MagiNet and GDG shall be required, if necessary
           in order for the System to function with the Hyatt Systems, to use
           their best efforts to modify the System so that it operates in
           accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and any Individual
           Agreement that exists with the Hotel(s) involved. If such
           modifications are feasible, then MagiNet and GDG shall


                                                               November 15, 1995

           provide the Hotel(s) affected with an estimate of what is required to
           undertake the modifications. The estimate shall be binding upon
           MagiNet and GDG, but the affected Hotel(s) may seek other quotes for
           the work required, and are not bound by the estimate unless it
           indicates in writing that it agrees with the estimate.

     4.12. MagiNet and GDG understand and agree that the System must meet or
           exceed all Technical Requirements. MagiNet shall provide sufficient
           spare equipment to minimize the effect of component failure on guest
           services and to enable rapid repair and replacement of defective
           components, including spare converters and remote controls to enable
           Hotel staff to meet the short term needs of its guests if repair
           and/or replacement of components are required as further referenced
           in Section 12.8.

     4.13. The development and use of the System shall not interfere with the
           operations of the Hyatt Parties or any Hotel, including any
           interference with the continued operation of the Hotels during the
           period of installation except as may reasonably be required to
           effectuate the installation.

     4.14. Each Hotel will ensure the safety and security of the System and all
           related property of MagiNet at all times while the System is
           installed in the Hotel, and will be liable for any loss or damage to
           the System resulting from negligence on the part of Hotel's employees
           or third parties (excepting MagiNet and GDG and their associated
           entities) to which Hotel permits access to the System.

     4.15. The System shall not contain any undocumented features. MagiNet, GDG,
           the Hyatt Parties, the Hotels or any other person shall not adversely
           or improperly affect or alter either the Content or other materials
           being transmitted over the System and/or Hyatt Systems. MagiNet and
           GDG are specifically prohibited from knowingly including, and agree
           not to include, any virus, timer, clock, or limitations in design or
           routine designed to adversely affect or alter the Content or
           components of the System and/or Hyatt Systems, in particular any
           devices that destroy or otherwise make data inaccessible.

     4.16. Nothing in this Master Agreement nor any Individual Agreement shall
           be deemed to affect in any way, and/or preclude: (i) the Technical
           Requirements; (ii) the Hyatt Parties or the Hotels from entering into
           agreements in order to obtain other vendors as otherwise permitted by
           this Agreement; (iii) the complete and unfettered right and ability
           of the Hyatt Parties and the Hotels to install video devices, cd
           players and other devices, including telefax machines, computers and
           computer lines (collectively the "Devices"), in Hotels for guest or
           others' use provided that content made available by Hyatt Parties and
           the Hotels for such Devices does not compete with content provided
           via the System; (iv) the Hyatt Parties' and Hotels' rights and
           ability to connect other communications devices that will be able to
           communicate with guests through the guests' televisions and other
           forms of monitors; (v) the Hyatt Parties' and Hotels' rights to
           continue to broadcast the Hyatt Content after termination of this
           Agreement or any Individual Agreements; and (vi) guests' rights to
           have and use


                                                               November 15, 1995

           their own Devices with their own content in the Rooms. Any
           installation or use of Devices by Hotels and guests may not interfere
           with delivery, reception or use of Content anywhere else in the Hotel
           by any other guest, or violate any copyright restrictions of any
           other Content.


     5.1.  An Advisory Board (the "Advisory Board") shall be formed for the
           purpose of assisting in the administration of the relationships
           between the Parties contemplated by this Agreement.

     5.2.  The Advisory Board shall be comprised of at least three (3), not to
           exceed (4), voting persons, at least one of whom shall be designated
           by each of the two Hyatt Parties, MagiNet and GDG. Such number of
           Board members shall in no event be reduced below three. Each party
           shall be entitled to have as many nonvoting persons attend Advisory
           Board meetings as they desire.

     5.3.  The Hyatt Parties representative(s) shall be entitled to cast a total
           of two (2) votes on any issue. MagiNet and GDG shall be entitled to
           cast one (1) vote each. No action voted upon and approved by a
           majority of the Advisory Board's votes shall be acted upon without
           subsequent written approval of the chief executive officer of each
           party or his or her designee.

     5.4.  Meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held not less than four times
           per year. A meeting of the Advisory Board may be called by any
           Advisory Board member by telephonic or written notice to all Advisory
           Board members at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting of the
           time, place and general purpose of such meeting. The meeting may be
           held telephonically.

     5.5.  The Advisory Board shall have specific authority to discuss and vote
           on the following matters:

           5.5.1.  Advertising Rates - The Advisory Board shall discuss standard
                   advertising rates for local, regional and global advertising.

           5.5.2.  System And New Technology Development and Implementation -The
                   Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory role in evaluating
                   System and new technology development and implementation
                   alternatives and schedules, and confirming the eligibility of
                   development expenditures for reimbursement from revenue
                   obtained from any approved new services revenue or otherwise.

           5.5.3.  Dispute Resolution - The Advisory Board shall consider all
                   disputes that arise during the day-to-day conduct of the
                   relationship, including the key account status of certain

          5.5.4.   General Oversight - The Advisory Board will generally oversee
                   the relationships and activities contemplated by this
                   Agreement, and will provide executive commitment and
                   direction to such relationships and


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                   activities. Such oversight shall include, but not be limited
                   to, considering issues arising concerning compliance by the
                   Parties with the terms of this Agreement.

     5.6.  Each party shall designate a senior executive of their respective
           organizations to serve as a senior executive affected by a particular
           issue ("Senior Executive"). The Senior Executives shall jointly hear
           appeals of issues which are submitted by the Advisory Board.

     5.7.  An affirmative vote is required from the Hyatt representative(s) in
           order for any vote to be binding.


     6.1.  The Hyatt Parties will have the exclusive right to develop, design,
           and implement, and obtain and retain full ownership rights of: (i)
           the design elements, including the color scheme used, for all Hyatt
           Content other than that covered by third party copyrights and
           approved by the Hyatt Parties, including all screens and displays;
           (ii) all materials and designs created for or by the Hyatt Parties
           for the System; and (iii) all Hyatt Parties' Intellectual Property
           that relates to these elements, including all those that are subject
           to trademark and trade dress ownership under United States or any
           local laws. All such elements shall be known as the "Hyatt

     6.2.  The Hyatt Interfaces may be changed by the Hyatt Parties at any time.
           Such changes shall be implemented within a reasonable time after the
           Hyatt Parties' written request to do so, and in any event no later
           than ninety (90) days after written notice thereof unless additional
           time is reasonably necessary and approved by the Parties.

     6.3.  The Hyatt Parties shall have the right and complete control to
           utilize the Hyatt designated System capacity in Hotels to display
           infomercials, programs on other hotels and resorts, and similar
           advertising and merchandising of hospitality industry products and
           services offered by Hyatt or Hyatt Affiliates ("Hyatt Products"),
           including Hyatt Interactive Services (see Section 7. below) and Hotel
           Services (see Section 8. below) (collectively, "Hyatt Content").

     6.4.  The Hyatt Parties may use the Tool Kit to develop, design and
           implement the Hyatt Interfaces and Hyatt Content. If the Hyatt
           Parties choose to do so, the Hyatt Parties may pay GDG and/or MagiNet
           their standard rates to undertake such development, design and
           implementation. Nothing herein shall relieve GDG and MagiNet from
           their obligation to install, operate and maintain the System and the
           MATVs, and to implement Hyatt Interfaces and Hyatt Content in
           accordance with this Agreement. All persons who work on such
           implementation shall sign all necessary documents to ensure that all
           ownership rights to Hyatt Interfaces and Hyatt Content vest fully and
           completely in the Hyatt Parties.

     6.5.  Hyatt Content shall not be directly competitive with any then
           currently available


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     6.6.  Except as specifically otherwise provided herein, all Content other
           than Movies must first be approved by the Hyatt Parties and the
           Hotels prior to installation on the System.


     7.1.  "Hyatt Interactive Services" shall mean those Interactive Services
           that relate to Hyatt Products that are developed for or by one or
           more of the Hyatt Parties or Hyatt Affiliates. Hyatt Interactive
           Services may be offered to guests and others through the System.

     7.2.  Any person or entity working for or related to any Hyatt Party or
           Hyatt Affiliate may develop Hyatt Interactive Services. Nothing in
           this Agreement shall be read to prohibit such independent

     7.3.  All specialized hardware and software not covered by this Agreement
           for the provision of or constituting Hyatt Interactive Services shall
           be paid for by and deemed to be the property of one of the Hyatt
           Parties or its designee or assignee.

     7.4.  MagiNet and GDG shall cooperate fully in providing and fully
           implementing all interfaces and operating procedures required so that
           any Hyatt Interactive Services may be used on the System.


     8.1.  "Hotel Services" shall mean those guest information and other
           services available now and in the future from Hyatt Parties, Hyatt
           Affiliates and Hotels, including the development, storage and
           transmission of information about: (1) guest billings status, (2)
           minibar consumption and other charges, (3) hotel, transportation, and
           restaurant reservations, (4) guest marketing information for or on
           behalf or third parties, and (5) guest messaging systems and

     8.2.  MagiNet shall ensure that Hotel Services are available through the
           System, and can be accessed with no more delay than may be
           experienced in order to obtain Interactive Services from MagiNet,
           including such assistance as may be needed for each Hotel so that all
           technical requirements are met for the transmission of Hotel Services
           through the System.

     8.3.  If any of the Hyatt Parties or any individual Hotel requires MagiNet
           or GDG to provide services requiring the modification of hardware or
           software interfaces other than those on the System in order to
           implement Hotel Services, then the party making such a request shall
           be solely responsible for such costs. If MagiNet or GDG satisfies
           such requirements, then any direct costs for the alteration of
           existing interfaces solely for the purpose of providing Hotel
           Services, and approved by the Hyatt Parties and one or more Hotels,
           shall be paid by the approving entity. The Hyatt Parties' own costs
           of development and


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           transmission of Hotel Services shall be borne by Hyatt or any
           specific Hotel or group of Hotels responsible for approving such


     9.1.  "Hyatt Systems" shall mean those hardware and software systems other
           than the System used by Hyatt Parties and the Hotels to deliver
           Content to guests in their rooms, including any transmitting devices
           and equipment, wiring, televisions, and cable or master antennae
           transmission systems, as well as all software and hardware used for
           each Hotel's PMS and MATV.

     9.2.  The Hyatt Interactive Services, Hyatt Interfaces, Hyatt Content,
           Hyatt Systems, all signal boosters, wiring and faceplates, and any
           portions of the System that are permanently installed, or installed
           in such a way that the removal of that part would cause more than
           incidental wear and tear to the premises, and all other property at
           the Hotels and with the Hyatt Parties apart from the System, shall be
           considered by the Parties to be the sole and exclusive property of
           the Hyatt Parties and/or the Hotels (the "Hyatt Property"). All Hyatt
           Property shall be considered by the Parties to be the property of the
           Hyatt Parties and/or the Hotels, irrespective of whether such
           information, materials, hardware and software systems are used on or
           developed by MagiNet and/or GDG and/or any affiliated entities or
           third parties.

     9.3.  The System and Content provided by MagiNet and/or GDG that is not
           Hyatt Property shall be either the property of MagiNet or GDG or
           property licensed to MagiNet or GDG by a third party.

     9.4.  Hotels will not allow any lien, encumbrance, mortgage, claim or
           security interest to be attached to or be made against those portions
           of the System owned by MagiNet and/or GDG. MagiNet and GDG and those
           working for these Parties shall not allow any lien, encumbrance,
           mortgage, claim or security interest to be attached to or be made
           against Hyatt Property.

     9.5.  Hotels will maintain all MagiNet notices or plaques affixed to the
           System's equipment, stating that all such equipment is the sole and
           exclusive property of MagiNet. If MagiNet elects to file documents
           with governmental agencies for the purpose of notifying potential
           creditors of Hotels that the equipment is the property of MagiNet,
           Hotels will assist with such filing at no expense to the Hotels, if
           requested to do so by MagiNet. Nothing herein shall require the
           expenditure of any time or resources by any Hotels beyond
           administrative assistance on any legally required and appropriate
           documents, which shall first be reviewed and approved by the Hyatt
           Parties for form and content relative to their own ownership

     9.6.  Equipment comprising part of the System and owned by MagiNet will not
           be removed from Hotels for any purpose whatsoever during the term of
           the Individual Agreements except for purposes of repair, and when
           otherwise permitted hereunder.


                                                               November 15, 1995

     9.7.  In the event the safety of the System is threatened due to
           earthquake, flood, fire, strike, civil disruption or similar force
           majeure causes, MagiNet will be entitled to enter upon Hotel premises
           and to remove the System from danger upon reasonable notice to Hotel.
           This provision shall not entitle MagiNet to disrupt normal guest
           services, nor to intrude on or violate the privacy of the Hotels'

     9.8.  Upon termination of its Individual Agreement, each Hotel will allow
           MagiNet to remove that portion of the Systems owned by MagiNet.
           MagiNet will undertake to remove the System from the premises within
           thirty (30) days after such termination, and, at Hotel's option, will
           return the premises affected by the installation and or removal of
           the System to their original condition, normal wear and tear
           excepted, at no cost to Hotel and with minimal disruption to the
           provision of Content to Rooms and other Hyatt Property. MagiNet also
           hereby agrees that if a new vendor is installing a system in the
           Rooms, that MagiNet will remove those portions of the System owned by
           MagiNet in a timely and efficient manner.


     10.1. "Intellectual Property" shall mean all trademarks, service marks,
           trade names, trade dress, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and
           other proprietary rights recognized under the laws of any nation.

     10.2. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all Intellectual
           Property owned by Hyatt Parties, the Hotels and any related entities
           shall be and remain the property of those entities. MagiNet and GDG
           and any related entities shall be provided the limited right to use
           and practice such Intellectual Property solely for the purpose of
           ensuring that they can perform the Activities.

     10.3. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all Intellectual
           Property of MagiNet and GDG and any related entities shall be and
           remain the property of those entities. Hyatt, Hyatt Services, the
           Hotels and any related entities shall be provided the limited right
           to use and practice such Intellectual Property solely for the
           purposes described in this Agreement and the Individual Agreements.

     10.4. The Parties recognize and agree that it is necessary for each party
           to use certain Intellectual Property of the other in their activities
           contemplated under this Agreement. The Parties shall protect the
           other parties' Intellectual Property to be same degree as they
           protect their own Intellectual Property, but in any event reasonable
           steps shall be taken to ensure its protection, including steps to
           prevent any reverse engineering of software, hardware, or other
           proprietary technology.

     10.5. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to transfer, convey or license
           any rights whatsoever in any party's Intellectual Property unless
           provision therefore is specifically provided for herein. No party
           shall have the right to use any trademarks or service marks in the
           absence of the owning party's specific


                                                               November 15, 1995

           written agreement to permit such use.


     11.1. MagiNet shall apply for and obtain all licenses, permits and other
           government approvals required to do work on each Hotel's premises,
           and shall at all times comply with the applicable legal and
           regulatory requirements for such work. It shall be MagiNet's
           responsibility to handle all such requirements, and also its
           responsibility to pay for any legal expenses and fines incurred due
           to MagiNet's failure to comply with such requirements.

     11.2. MagiNet and its subsidiaries and distributors shall carry and
           maintain for each installation, and any later work at the Hotels,
           worker's compensation insurance, or such other insurance as is
           required and or needed to pay for any actions of MagiNet's personnel
           and all such other personnel, in the amount of at least $1,000,000
           combined single limit comprehensive general contractual liability
           insurance, and at least $1,000,000 combined single limit vehicle
           liability insurance. Copies of all applicable policies and
           certificates of insurance shall be provided to the Hyatt Parties and
           the relevant Hotel prior to commencement of any work on the premises
           of any Hotel. All such policies and other contracts and certificates
           of insurance shall include the following provision, or wording with
           the same legal effect:

                "Hyatt International (Europe Africa Middle East) Limited, its
                affiliates and subsidiaries and the owners of Hyatt hotels are
                named as additional insureds under these policies; such
                insurance shall be primary to and not contributory with these
                entities' and persons' own insurance."

     11.3. An interface with each Hotel's PMS shall be completed by MagiNet and
           GDG during installation of the System. A front-desk personal computer
           and printer will be included as a part of the System for printing
           charges for each guest purchase or rental in case such interface
           fails at any time. MagiNet and GDG will ensure that the System will
           fully interface and integrate with the PMS. As a part of such
           integration, guest usage charges shall be automatically posted to
           each individual guest's bill, counts of access shall be available to
           the Hotel and centrally consolidated for all Hotels, and other
           reporting will be permitted. Each Hotel will cooperate with MagiNet
           and GDG for the purpose of successfully implementing the interface,
           and shall undertake its best efforts to insure cooperation between
           MagiNet and GDG and each PMS software vendor used by the Hotel. All
           interface protocol installation or maintenance charges asserted by
           the PMS software vendor and agreed upon in advance by the Hotel will
           be paid for by each Hotel.

     11.4. Each Hotel will provide such access as may be reasonably requested by
           authorized personnel to enable complete installation of the System in
           the Hotel, including without limitation providing all Hotel
           facilities set forth in Exhibit A within a reasonable time to permit
           complete installation. Each Hotel will make reasonable efforts to
           provide sufficient access to guest rooms for the purpose of


                                                               November 15, 1995

            equipment installation so that such installation is performed with a
            minimum of delay. During the installation process, each Hotel will
            provide complimentary or discounted rooms for out of town members of
            the installation team consistent with its practices for other

     11.5.  Appropriate fully qualified personnel of MagiNet and GDG shall
            perform MagiNet's and GDG's obligations hereunder in an efficient,
            courteous, effective and timely manner and all such personnel shall
            be bonded, trained and supervised in accordance with appropriate
            hospitality industry practices consistent with local practice and
            custom. All actions of any person acting for or on behalf of MagiNet
            and GDG shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as are
            applicable to Hotel staff. All such persons shall wear
            identification badges and shall be dressed in a proper fashion.

     11.6.  Upon completion of the installation, MagiNet and GDG will test and
            ensure that the System in each Hotel, and in all Rooms is fully
            functional without material defects. Upon the successful conclusion
            of such testing, MagiNet and GDG will each deliver to the Hotel and
            the Hyatt Parties a written Certification (the "Certification") that
            the System is fully functional and without material defects and
            meets all Technical Requirements. Such Certifications will be
            attached to the Individual Agreement and added to this Agreement as

     11.7.  MagiNet shall visit each Hotel and shall train all employees deemed
            by a Hotel to be appropriate in the use of the System at
            installation, as specified in Section 23.3.

     11.8.  Each Hotel will begin the process of billing guests for and
            generating revenue from the Content no later than the date of the

     11.9.  Each Hotel shall provide access to its MATV. MagiNet shall be
            responsible for all work required to and all costs incurred in
            upgrading MATVs as required for proper operation of the System,
            except that improvements required for in-wall cable and its
            installation in excess of [***] shall be paid by the Hotels. If
            these costs exceed [***] and MagiNet elects not to pay for such
            excess, then the Movie commission rate payable to the Hyatt Parties
            and/or the Hotels for the Movies shown at those Hotels shall be
            increased by [***] for a period of three years. Nothing herein shall
            be deemed to allow or require either the Hyatt Parties or any Hotel
            to submit any records beyond those showing the actual costs of the
            purchase and installation.

     11.10. The installation of the System and upgrading of MATVs shall not
            degrade MATVs, or impair the ordinary reception of broadcast
            programs or other services on the MATV. Any MATV hardware and
            equipment owned by Hotel which has been disconnected as a result of
            the installation will be taken to Hotel designated storage locations
            by the installation personnel.

     11.11. Hyatt Parties shall exercise best efforts to ensure that new Hotels
            to be added hereunder shall be constructed with MATV which comports
            with the Technical

***  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
     treatment filed with the securities and exchange commission. Omitted
     portions have been filed separately with the Commission.


                                                               November 15, 1995



     12.1.  MagiNet will promptly provide all maintenance, repairs and
            replacement of all software and hardware and other equipment
            necessary to ensure proper operation of the System and the MATV in
            each Hotel, including satisfactory signal quality and shall ensure
            that a qualified person is available on a twenty-four (24) hour
            basis to receive service requests. GDG will provide backup support
            to MagiNet as necessary to ensure proper maintenance, repair and
            replacement occurs. Such maintenance and technical assistance will
            be provided free of charge, unless the maintenance is occasioned by
            a breach by Hotel of any of its obligations as set forth in the
            Individual Agreement, or by unauthorized use, access, theft,
            negligence or damage caused by Hotel staff or third parties not
            under contract to MagiNet or GDG. Hotels shall be trained so that
            they can undertake routine maintenance as agreed upon by the Hotel
            and MagiNet. MagiNet shall not have any obligations under this
            paragraph for maintenance of hardware which the Hotel has contracted
            to other parties.

     12.2.  Each Hotel will, at the Hotel's expense, notify a person designated
            by MagiNet by telephone or by fax of any failure or degradation of
            any part of the System anywhere within the Hotel, including in any

     12.3.  The Hotel will notify MagiNet as soon as is reasonably possible and
            upon Hotel's actual notice of any unauthorized use, access, theft,
            damage or malfunction of or to the System.

     12.4.  Each Hotel will allow authorized personnel of MagiNet and GDG to
            have escorted access to the System at reasonable times in order to
            conduct routine maintenance, to observe and to monitor the System,
            to ensure suitable operating conditions, to implement improvements
            in the System, to conduct repairs, and to otherwise carry out
            MagiNet's and GDG's obligations set out in this Agreement or the
            Individual Agreement.

     12.5.  In the event that any malfunction, nonconformity or other defect in
            the System is believed to exist by Hotel or the Hyatt Parties, and
            notice of such defect is given, MagiNet shall promptly undertake
            their best efforts to have the defect corrected and in no event
            shall there be more than a four (4) hour delay in MagiNet's response
            and all repairs shall be made as quickly as possible. If Hotel does
            not provide prompt access to the System to correct System failures
            once MagiNet has been notified by Hotel of such System defects,
            MagiNet will not be liable for any delays so incurred.

     12.6.  Any repairs or replacements to any equipment supplied by MagiNet
            made necessary by any negligent or willful act by Hotel or any of
            its guests, employees, contractors, servants, and agents, or force
            majeure events, will be undertaken by MagiNet at Hotel's expense.


                                                               November 15, 1995

     12.7.  Hotels shall not permit any person to tamper with or attempt to make
            repairs to any equipment supplied by MagiNet, except for the
            replacement of televisions and such other circumstances agreed upon
            by the Hotels. In emergencies, Hotels may carry out repairs in
            accordance with instructions given by MagiNet.

     12.8.  Each Hotel will be responsible for replacement of depleted batteries
            and for paying for replacement infrared remote control units in the
            event of theft, loss or damage in excess of twenty (20) units per
            year. Initial replacement cost is as set forth on Exhibit D, plus
            shipping, duties and taxes, and is subject to change upon written
            notice from MagiNet to Hotel, with an effective date at least thirty
            (30) days in advance of a change, in accordance with commercially
            reasonable and customary practices.


     13.1.  It is understood and agreed that, except as otherwise provided
            below, MagiNet shall have absolute control and discretion in the
            selection of the movies it contracts for with the movie studios or
            their distributors and provides to Hotels (the "Movies").

     13.2.  MagiNet shall provide a method whereby a guest will be able to
            electronically restrict persons from viewing any adult selections
            being offered in a Room.

     13.3.  When available from producing studios, the Content offered by
            MagiNet shall include first run Movies offered to Hotels that shall
            be no less current and offer no less variety of first run and other
            titles than those available at competing hotels in the relevant
            country. MagiNet shall consult with the Hotels on a regular basis to
            ensure the provision of a selection of titles properly suited to
            each Hotel's guest profile. Hotels and the Hyatt Parties may review
            the movies and other video materials being offered by MagiNet, and
            may object to Movies they feel violate the sensitivities of the
            guests at a particular Hotel, and any unresolved disputes will be
            adjudicated by the Advisory Board, pending which resolution the
            objectionable Movies shall not be offered at the Hotel.

     13.4.  MagiNet will be solely responsible for any royalty payable to Movie
            suppliers and any license fees for Movies made available on the

     13.5.  Each Hotel will be responsible for ensuring that access to the
            room(s) in which the central storage and transmission equipment for
            the System is located is restricted to persons accompanied by
            persons authorized by MagiNet to be present there except in cases of
            emergency. MagiNet shall authorize a sufficient number of persons
            employed by the Hotel for such purpose. Hotels will not authorize
            copying of any Movies and will undertake their best efforts to
            ensure that the Movies are exhibited in the Rooms only, and not in
            the public rooms and public areas (including lobbies, hallways,
            restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, etc.) of the Hotels. The Movies
            will not be exhibited other than in accordance with this Agreement.
            Each Hotel will use reasonable efforts to insure that only
            registered guests of the Hotel and their invitees may view the


                                                               November 15, 1995

     13.6.  Cassettes and other media that contain the Movies ("Cassettes") will
            be kept in a secure and locked area. Hotels will prevent
            unauthorized access to and use, exhibition or viewing of any
            Cassette by any person other than as set forth herein. Hotels will
            not permit any person to duplicate or make alterations of any kind
            to Cassettes. Hotels will promptly report to MagiNet any
            unauthorized use of the Cassettes as soon as a Hotel becomes aware
            of any such use. If a Hotel has videocassette recorders installed in
            the Rooms, the Hotel shall agree that MagiNet may, where required to
            do so as a result of its licensing agreements, as directed by the
            Hotel, either (i) disable the "record" function in such a way that
            does not permanently damage the videocassette equipment, but only to
            the extent required to comply with such restrictions, or (ii)
            disable the Movie function for such Rooms.

     13.7.  MagiNet shall be responsible to ensure that any of the transmissions
            on the System controlled by it do not violate any applicable laws,
            including those of the country in which each Hotel is located,
            including specifically any laws relating to copyright, pornography,
            and censorship of information or materials.


     14.1.  MagiNet and GDG shall at all times offer to the Hyatt Parties and
            each Hotel the most advanced guest video services and features (and
            associated technologies) either of these Parties or its competitors
            offers to any other hotel.

     14.2.  MagiNet and GDG shall provide the Hyatt Parties with written notice
            of any new guest video services and features (and associated
            technologies) within thirty (30) days of the party's first knowledge
            of such development(s).

     14.3.  The Parties agree that the Advisory Board will periodically, and at
            least quarterly hold a meeting to review the guest video services
            and features (and associated technologies) currently available to
            hotel chains and hotels competitive with the Hotels and the services
            and features (and associated technologies) which may become
            available in the industry, whether from MagiNet, GDG or otherwise.

     14.4.  Should Hyatt determine that it is commercially necessary in order to
            maintain its competitive position in the marketplace for one or more
            services or features (and associated technologies), or a more
            advanced version of existing services or features (and associated
            technologies), to be added to the System, then GDG and/or MagiNet
            shall within nine (9) months of written notice from the Hyatt
            Parties of such determination (which shall be six (6) months in
            cases where such service or feature and associated technology is in
            use in the marketplace), implement the service or feature and
            associated technology in all future Hotel installations and in any
            Hotels then subject to Individual Agreements. The failure of MagiNet
            or GDG to comply with this provision shall be a default under this
            Agreement and shall be subject to the remedies set forth in section
            26.3. hereof. The failure of MagiNet and/or GDG to comply with this
            provision shall also permit Hyatt and or Hotels to obtain from a
            third party those services


                                                               November 15, 1995

            or features (and associated technologies) not provided by MagiNet or
            GDG, notwithstanding the exclusivity provisions of section 4.3.

     14.5.  Should MagiNet or GDG add to the System a service or feature (and
            associated technology) requested by Hyatt or otherwise, such service
            or feature (and associated technology) will be implemented in such a
            way as not to prevent Hyatt from providing consistent guest services
            throughout its Hotels. The failure of MagiNet and GDG to comply with
            this provision shall also permit Hyatt and/or Hotel to obtain any
            assistance from a third party necessary to provide such consistent
            service, notwithstanding the exclusivity provisions of section 4.3.


     15.1.  Each Hotel will charge hotel guests for access to Movies and other
            pay per view or pay for service Content for which charges are
            assessed (the "Rental Fees"). The amount to be charged for Movies
            shall be set by MagiNet in consultation with and approved by each
            Hotel at the time of the execution of the Individual Agreements or,
            for other pay per view or pay for service Content, at the time the
            Content is made available. To the extent that the Hotel and MagiNet
            agree, such charges shall not commence until after a guest has been
            allowed to review the selection for five (5) minutes. In addition to
            the Rental Fee, each Hotel will collect from guests any taxes
            applicable to such receipts, and will pay those taxes to the
            appropriate government authorities.

     15.2.  From time to time, MagiNet may revise the Rental Fees after
            consultation with Hotels. Rental Fees shall be charged which are
            customary in each locale, and shall be increased annually in an
            amount at least equal to the increase in the local cost of living.
            MagiNet will notify each Hotel in writing of any new Rental Fee and
            the effective date at least thirty (30) days in advance of a

     15.3.  In the event any Hotel guest disputes the amount of Rental Fees in a
            situation in which Hotel personnel are otherwise unaware of any
            System malfunction (herein referred to as a "Denial"), each Hotel
            may in its sole discretion credit the disputed amount to the guest's
            account provided it provides MagiNet's local representative with a
            copy of the credit voucher showing room number, date, time of day,
            and reason for the disputed charge. Hotel will use its best efforts
            to limit Denials to not more than five percent (5%) of gross Rental
            Fees per month from Rental Fee payments otherwise due for Denials
            actually credited to guests. MagiNet will provide training and/or
            materials to assist Hotels in these efforts, and the Advisory Board
            will provide suitable guidelines to achieve this objective.

     15.4.  The System VAR generate an accurate record (the "Access Record") of
            the access to the System by any guests, including a record of the
            access charges for each individual guest's bill or Room account, the
            types of access made, and any other reasonably recordable
            information that may be requested. The Access Record will not retain
            the names of guests. MagiNet and GDG will be responsible at


                                                               November 15, 1995

            their own cost for programming the System to enable it to provide
            the aforesaid data. The Access Record for each Hotel will be held in
            confidence by the personnel of each Hotel. MagiNet and the Hyatt
            Parties may review and use the Access Record for such purposes as
            they may reasonably deem appropriate. Each party will indemnify the
            other against any and all claims as a result of their improper use
            of such Access Record.

     15.5.  Hotels will submit a report (via telefax) to MagiNet on the first
            day of each month which details the previous month's gross Rental
            Fees and itemizes deductions for all Denials allowed. MagiNet shall
            invoice the Hotels for gross Rental Fees less Denials allowed, Hotel
            commissions payable under Exhibit D, and unreimbursed tax payments
            ("Net Rental Fees"), all based upon guest useage as reported by the
            relevant PMS accounting records during each calendar month, which
            information shall be accessible and reviewable during the month by
            MagiNet, the Hotels and the Hyatt Parties. Hotels shall hand post
            any invoices printed in hard form as a result of PMS downtime to
            accurately capture those buys in PMS records. Both parties agree to
            mutually and amicably resolve any variances between their respective
            records of Rental Fees and Denials.

     15.6.  Each Hotel will pay to MagiNet or the designated subsidiary or
            distributor or other designated party within a reasonable time as
            established in the Individual Agreement the Net Rental Fees invoiced
            by MagiNet as provided in Section 15.5. The payment transmission
            will also specify the occupancy rate for the month.

     15.7.  Each Hotel will keep current, complete and accurate records of
            occupancy rates and all Net Rental Fees and other amounts due to
            MagiNet pursuant to this Agreement. Throughout the duration of this
            Agreement, each Hotel's books and records pertinent to the Rental
            Fees, Denials and Net Rental Fees for any month will be open to
            inspection and reproduction by MagiNet and, if necessary, to an
            audit by a mutually agreed upon certified public accountant as an
            authorized representative of MagiNet upon reasonable advance written
            notice to Hotel. No such records need to be retained beyond one
            year. MagiNet's right to inspect and audit the books and records of
            Hotel will not extend beyond one year from the expiration of its
            Individual Agreement. If any audit by MagiNet discloses any non-
            payment or underpayment of any amount payable to MagiNet, the
            audited Hotel will immediately pay to MagiNet any deficiency, plus
            the interest charges established in the Individual Agreement. If the
            deficiency is in excess of fifteen percent (15%) of the actual
            amount payable to MagiNet for the period for which the deficiency
            occurred, the audited Hotel will reimburse MagiNet for all costs
            incurred by MagiNet in conducting the audit.


                                                               November 15, 1995


     16.1.  The Parties intend to market advertising and merchandising system
            capacity for the System to third parties. All such Content, apart
            from that defined as Hyatt Content shall be known as "Third Party
            Content". GDG, the Hyatt Parties and MagiNet may solicit and enter
            into agreements to provide third parties with space for advertising
            and merchandising through the System for all Hotels.

     16.2.  A "Key Account" is a third party advertiser or merchandiser that is
            specifically reserved to Hyatt Parties, or which falls within an
            identified category of entities and persons about whom no Content is
            to be included on the System, or who are otherwise not appropriate
            for the System, all of which is to be determined at the Hyatt
            Parties' sole discretion. Such Key Accounts will be identified by
            the Advisory Board for a decision by the Hyatt Parties.

     16.3.  The Parties shall develop guidelines for the marketing of
            advertising and merchandising system capacity for the System through
            the Advisory Board. The Hyatt Parties shall have exclusive right to
            accept or reject any specific Third Party Content, and to control
            how and who makes any contact with a prospective marketer of
            products or services. Each prospective customer shall be identified
            prior to any approach being made by either MagiNet or GDG by
            providing to the Advisory Board: (i) the name of such customer, (ii)
            the name of the contact person at such customer, (iii) the
            individual unit for which the contact person has buying authority,
            and (iv) if applicable, an indication that such customer constitutes
            a Key Account, or that a determination with respect to Key Account
            status is pending.

     16.4.  GDG and its affiliates will offer to provide the production services
            for Hyatt Content and for Third Party Content but the Hyatt Parties
            and third parties are not obligated to use GDG's services. Any
            production services provided to third parties shall be on
            commercially reasonable terms to be mutually agreed upon between GDG
            and such third party. Production services provided to the Hyatt
            Parties shall be for the lowest fees offered to other customers of
            similar services.

     16.5.  Each party shall fully cooperate with each other party hereto, and
            any other person or entity involved in creating Third Party Content,
            in providing format information useful in the production of Third
            Party Content and in implementing any technical interfaces necessary
            to enable display of Third Party Content on the System.

     16.6.  For any Third Party Content utilizing the System at a Hotel, the
            Hyatt Parties and the Hotels shall be entitled to retain [***] and
            GDG and MagiNet shall be entitled to retain [***] of Net Content
            Revenues actually paid to one of the Parties and the Hotels hereto
            ("Content Commission"). The precise methods by which such payments
            are to be made, and the calculations of appropriate expenses to be
            charged for soliciting and obtaining Third Party Content prior to
            any distribution to the other parties, shall

***  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
     treatment filed with the securities and exchange commission, Omitted
     portions have been filed separately with the Commission.


                                                               November 15, 1995

            be determined by the Advisory Board.

     16.7.  The Parties agree to make and maintain complete books, records and
            accounts regarding sales of and expenses relating to Third Party
            Content. Each of the Hyatt Parties, GDG and MagiNet shall have the
            right to examine such books, records and accounts during the other
            party's normal business hours once annually to verify the reports on
            Content Commission payments due. If any such examination discloses a
            shortfall or overpayment, the appropriate party shall promptly pay
            the amount of such shortfall or refund such overpayment.

     16.8.  "Net Content Revenue" shall mean all revenues or other consideration
            received by any of the Parties and the Hotels from advertisers,
            merchandisers, hotel guests and others from the transmission of
            Third Party Content over the System, less allowable Denials,
            applicable unreimbursed tax payments, and any production costs,
            development costs, marketing costs or other expenditures which have
            been approved for reimbursement by the Advisory Board.


     17.1.  The Parties intend to develop and otherwise obtain interactive guest
            video products and services including games ("Interactive

     17.2.  The Parties shall develop and otherwise solicit and obtain
            Interactive Services for the System through the Advisory Board. The
            Hyatt Parties shall have exclusive right to accept or reject any
            specific Interactive Services.

     17.3.  GDG and its affiliates will offer to provide the production services
            for Hyatt interactive Services and for Interactive Services but the
            Hyatt Parties and third parties are not obligated to use GDG's
            services. Any production services provided to third parties shall be
            on commercially reasonable terms to be mutually agreed upon between
            GDG and such third party. Production services provided to the Hyatt
            Parties shall be for the lowest fees offered to other customers of
            similar services.

     17.4.  Each party shall fully cooperate with each other party hereto, and
            any other person or entity involved in creating Interactive
            Services, in providing format information useful in the production
            of Interactive Services and in implementing any technical interfaces
            necessary to enable display of Interactive Services on the System.

     17.5.  For any Interactive Services utilizing the System at a Hotel, the
            Hyatt Parties and the Hotels shall be entitled to retain [***] and
            GDG and MagiNet shall be entitled to retain [***] of Net Interactive
            Services Revenues actually paid to one of the Parties and the Hotels
            hereto ("Interactive Commission"). The precise methods by which such
            payments are to be made, and the calculations of appropriate
            expenses to be charged for soliciting and obtaining and developing
            Interactive Services prior to any distribution to the other parties,
            shall be determined by the Advisory Board.

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
    treatment filed with the securities and exchange commission. Omitted
    portions have been filed separately with the Commission.


                                                               November 15, 1995

     17.6.  The Parties agree to make and maintain complete books, records and
            accounts regarding sales of and expenses relating to Interactive
            Services. Each of the Hyatt Parties, GDG and MagiNet shall have the
            right to examine such books, records and accounts during the other
            party's normal business hours once annually to verify the reports on
            Interactive Commission payments due. If any such examination
            discloses a shortfall or overpayment, the appropriate party shall
            promptly pay the amount of such shortfall or refund such

     17.7.  "Net Interactive Services Revenues" shall mean all revenues or other
            consideration received by any of the Parties and the Hotels from
            interactive services providers, hotel guests and others from the
            provision of Interactive Services over the System, less allowable
            denials, applicable unreimbursed tax payments, and any production
            costs, development costs, marketing costs or other expenditures
            which have been approved for reimbursement by the Advisory Board.


     18.1.  Each Hotel shall represent and warrant as follows with MagiNet that
            throughout the duration of its Individual Agreement:

            18.1.1.  The Hotel warrants and represents that it has full legal
                     power and authority to enter into the Individual Agreement
                     and to perform all of is obligations thereunder. The Hotel
                     shall further warrant and represent that all necessary
                     corporate action has been taken to authorize it to enter
                     into the Individual Agreement and perform its obligations

          18.1.2.    The Hotel will comply, and will ensure that performance of
                     its obligations under the Individual Agreement complies,
                     with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations,
                     orders, licenses, permits or other requirements now or
                     hereafter in effect, of any governmental authority. Without
                     limiting the generality of the foregoing, to the extent any
                     filing with, or any license, approval or other agreement
                     of, any applicable authority is required for performance of
                     any of Hotel's obligations, Hotel will file the appropriate
                     documents and will maintain such documents on file, which
                     MagiNet may inspect upon demand.


     19.1.  Each of the Hyatt Parties, MagiNet and GDG represent and warrant to
            each other party on a continuing basis that:

            19.1.1.  It has full legal power and authority to enter into this
                     Agreement and to perform all of its obligations hereunder
                     and all necessary corporate action has been taken to
                     authorize it to enter into this Agreement and perform its
                     obligations hereunder.


                                                               November 15, 1995

            19.1.2.  It will comply, and will ensure that performance of its
                     obligations hereunder complies, with all applicable laws,
                     ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits
                     or other requirements now or hereafter in effect, of any
                     governmental authority.

     19.2.  Each of MagiNet and GDG separately represents and warrants to the
            Hyatt Parties on a continuing basis that:

            19.2.1.  The GDG Technology was developed, and is owned or properly
                     licensed, exclusively by GDG, and will be owned or licensed
                     exclusively by GDG as long as the Master Agreement is in
                     effect, except for licenses granted to MagiNet and other
                     licensees, or except as permitted under Section 30.3. No
                     person other than MagiNet, GDG or GDG's licensees or GDG's
                     licensors possesses any rights to any technology that has
                     been or would otherwise be considered GDG Technology, nor
                     will have any such rights as long as the Master Agreement
                     is in effect.

            19.2.2.  The publication or dissemination over the System of Content
                     other than Hyatt Content which is supplied by MagiNet or
                     GDG under this Agreement will not infringe any copyright or
                     other intellectual property rights of any person and the
                     Hyatt Parties will not be obliged to pay as a result of the
                     operation of the System under this Agreement any license
                     fees, royalties or other payments, nor will Hotels be
                     obligated to make such payments over and above the Rental
                     Fees payable by Hotels to MagiNet.

            19.2.3.  The value received under this Master Agreement is at least
                     equivalent to the best or better value provided to any
                     similar customer under similar terms and conditions.

            19.2.4.  The System and MATVs and all portions thereof shall be free
                     of material defects and operate in all material respects in
                     conformance with the Technical Requirements in Exhibit A.

            19.2.5.  MagiNet and/or GDG have full ownership or authority to
                     provide all hardware, software, transmissions and services
                     contemplated by this Agreement.

            19.2.6.  MagiNet has or can obtain all necessary licenses,
                     government approvals, and meet all other technical
                     standards and legal requirements in order to provide the
                     hardware, software, transmissions and services contemplated
                     by this Agreement.

            19.2.7.  MagiNet and GDG have not and will not place any
                     encumbrances on the software and hardware being provided
                     pursuant to this Agreement, except in connection with an
                     assignment permitted under Section 30.3.


                                                               November 15, 1995

            19.2.8.  MagiNet and GDG have full approval and support from their
                     related persons and entities so that MagiNet and GDG will
                     obtain the full cooperation of all necessary related
                     parties and contracted third parties to carry out the tasks
                     contemplated in this Agreement.

            19.2.9.  There are no existing contracts to which either MagiNet or
                     GDG, or any party related thereto, is a party that will be
                     in conflict with this Agreement.


     20.1.  The Parties recognize that they may come into contact with sensitive
            business and proprietary information regarding each other and third
            parties. By reason of certain provisions in the Agreement, the
            Parties are required to provide each other with access to such
            information, including information regarding software operation and
            Hotel customer information.

     20.2.  The Parties agree to take such steps as are reasonably necessary in
            order to protect Confidential Information from disclosure. Such
            actions shall include (1) providing the information to personnel on
            a need-to-know basis, and (2) the retention of all non-public
            information regarding software on machines and in a repository to
            which the general public does not have access.

     20.3.  The Packs will make reasonable efforts to identify the categories of
            information considered potentially confidential. The identification
            of such information is not deemed to be an admission by either party
            that such information is in fact confidential.

     20.4.  The Parties shall make a reasonable effort to identify all
            confidential information by marking the information as
            "Confidential." However, failure to mark information "Confidential"
            shall not preclude any party from asserting that the information is
            confidential. All confidential information of a party shall be
            returned to it upon termination of this Agreement.

     20.5.  Breach of confidentiality obligations shall permit the other party
            to seek relief in the first instance before any court of competent
            jurisdiction for the further protection of such information. This
            provision shall not affect the requirement that the Parties engage
            in arbitration of any dispute, and any court action taken shall be
            considered in aid of arbitration and shall terminate upon the
            designation of an arbitrator who may change any ruling made by a
            court in this connection.

     20.6.  All information pertaining to specific guests, groups of guests or
            all guests who use Hotels shall be treated as confidential.


     21.1.  (a) MagiNet agrees, at its own expense, to defend or at its option
            to settle, any claim, suit or proceeding brought against Hyatt
            Parties or Hotels including all


                                                               November 15, 1995

            affiliated companies of the foregoing entities and their respective
            officers, directors, employees and agents, for infringement of any
            third party's copyright, patents, or other Intellectual Property
            rights arising from Hyatt Parties' or Hotels use of the System as
            permitted in this Agreement, and to indemnify the foregoing persons
            and entities against any court awarded damages and costs (including
            reasonable attorneys' fees) for such infringement. MagiNet shall be
            relieved of the foregoing obligations unless Hyatt Parties or the
            applicable Hotel notifies MagiNet promptly in writing of such claim,
            suit or proceeding and gives MagiNet authority to proceed as
            contemplated herein, and, at MagiNet's expense (except for the value
            of the time of Hyatt Parties or Hotel employees), gives MagiNet
            proper and full information and reasonable assistance to settle
            and/or defend any such claim, suite or proceeding. MagiNet shall not
            be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior
            written authorization.

            (b) In the event that the System is held, or in MagiNet's reasonable
            opinion may be held, to constitute such an infringement, MagiNet at
            its option and expense, may do one or more of the following: (i)
            obtain for Hyatt Parties or Hotels, as applicable, the right to
            continue to use and distribute the infringing material as
            contemplated herein, (ii) modify such infringing material so that it
            becomes noninfringing, but without materially altering the
            functionality of such material, and/or (iii) replace the infringing
            material with functionally equivalent noninfringing products.

            (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses (a) and (b) above,
            MagiNet assumes no liability for infringement claims arising from
            (i) Content not developed by MagiNet, (ii) the combination of the
            System with other products not provided by MagiNet if such
            infringement would not have occurred but for such combination, (iii)
            the modification of the System unless such modification was made or
            authorized by MagiNet, when such infringement would not have
            occurred but for such modifications, or (iv) specifications,
            materials, products or Content provided solely by Hyatt Parties,
            Hotels or GDG to MagiNet hereunder.

            (d) The foregoing provisions of this Section 21.1 state the entire
            liability and obligation of MagiNet and the exclusive remedy of
            Hyatt Parties or Hotels with respect to any alleged or actual
            infringement of patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or other
            Intellectual Property or proprietary rights by the System.

     21.2.  (a) GDG agrees, at its own expense, to defend or at its option to
            settle, any claim, suit or proceeding brought against Hyatt Parties
            or Hotels including all affiliated companies of the foregoing
            entities and their respective officers, directors employees and
            agents, for infringement of any third party's copyright, patents or
            other Intellectual Property rights arising from Hyatt Parties' or
            Hotels use of the GDG Technology as permitted in this Agreement, and
            to indemnify the foregoing persons and entities against any court
            awarded damages and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) for
            such infringement. GDG shall be relieved of the foregoing
            obligations unless Hyatt Parties or the applicable Hotel notifies
            GDG promptly in writing of such claim, suit or proceeding and gives


                                                               November 15, 1995

            GDG authority to proceed as contemplated herein, and, at GDG's
            expense (except for the value of the time of Hyatt Parties or Hotel
            employees), gives GDG proper and full information and reasonable
            assistance to settle and/or defend any such claim, suit or
            proceeding. GDG shall not be liable for any costs or expenses
            incurred without its prior written authorization.

            (b) In the event that any GDG Technology is held, or in GDG's
            reasonable opinion may be held, ton constitute such an infringement,
            GDG, at its option and expense, may do one or more of the following:
            (i) obtain for Hyatt Parties or Hotels, as applicable, the right to
            continue to use and distribute the infringing material as
            contemplated herein, (ii) modify such infringing material so that it
            becomes non-infringing, but without materially altering the
            functionality of such material, and/or (iii) replace the infringing
            material with functionally equivalent non-infringing products.

            (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses (a) and (b) above, GDG
            assumes no liability for infringement claims arising from (i)
            combination of the GDG Technology with other products not provided
            by GDG if such infringement would not have occurred but for such
            combination, or (ii) the modification of such GDG Technology unless
            such modification was made or authorized by GDG, when such
            infringement would not have occurred but for such modifications, or
            (iii) specifications, materials or products provided solely by Hyatt
            Parties, Hotels or MagiNet to GDG hereunder.

            (d) The foregoing provisions of this Section 21.2 state the entire
            liability and obligation of GDG and the exclusive remedy of Hyatt
            Parties or Hotels with respect to any alleged or actual infringement
            of patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or other Intellectual
            Property or proprietary rights by the GDG Technology.

     21.3.  MagiNet Corporation, the sole shareholder of MagiNet, shall provide
            a full and completely binding guarantee of MagiNet's performance
            hereunder together with a formal representation and warranty letter
            acceptable to the Hyatt Parties respecting its license rights to the
            GDG Technology and related source code (collectively, the "MagiNet


     22.1.  Any marketing and promotion that occurs with respect to the System
            in connection with the Hyatt Parties or the Hotels shall be first
            approved by the Hyatt Parties or their designee.

     22.2.  No party is or shall act as the agent for any other party, and no
            statement may be made that can be attributable to a party, or any of
            its affiliated or related companies or entities, or any Hotel,
            without first obtaining such entity's permission for the statement.

     22.3.  The Parties agree to cooperate with each other to promote the use of
            the System.

                                                               November 15, 1995

     22.4.  Except as required by MagiNet and GDG licensing agreements with
            others, nothing herein may be used by MagiNet and GDG to limit the
            Hotels or the Hyatt Parties or any entity affiliated with the Hyatt
            Parties in their promotion of any Content whatsoever, which
            promotion shall be entirely within the Hyatt Parties and the Hotels'
            reasonable discretion.


     23.1.  MagiNet shall provide in each country at least one telephone number
            that can be called to obtain immediate assistance on a twenty-four
            (24) hour basis.

     23.2.  MagiNet shall designate at least one entity within each country that
            shall be responsible for maintenance of the System, which
            maintenance shall include periodic examinations (as advised by
            remote monitoring procedures called for in Exhibit A) of the
            machines used to ensure that they are all in proper working

     23.3.  To enable each Hotel to generate suitable promotional material
            related to the use of the System and to enable personnel of each
            Hotel to advise and encourage guests regarding their use of the
            System, MagiNet will provide a one-time training course on the use
            and operation of the System for as many employees as each Hotel
            deems desirable at no charge. GDG and MagiNet shall also, at no
            charge, train up to ten (10) individuals from the Hyatt Parties once
            per year in the use and operation of the System, and one person with
            each of the Hyatt Parties in the use of the off-site monitoring
            technology for the System. Such training shall take place within
            sixty (60) days of the first installation done under this Agreement.

     23.4.  Hotels will provide accommodations for MagiNet training personnel at
            the best rate offered to any customer, and shall offer discounted or
            complimentary rooms if consistent with their policies. In addition,
            MagiNet and GDG personnel will be reasonably available at no charge
            for telephone consultation to personnel of Hotels to provide further
            assistance regarding use and operation of the Systems.


     24.1.  Each Hotel shall agree to provide to visiting MagiNet and GDG
            employees present for Hotel business during the term of the
            Individual Agreement accommodations at the best rate offered to any
            customer and shall offer discounted or complimentary rooms if
            consistent with their policies.


                                                               November 15, 1995


     25.1.  Each Hotel shall be required insofar as is commercially reasonable
            to notify MagiNet of any video recording and/or playback devices
            that are provided by the Hotel to its guests.


     26.1.  It shall be an event of default if (a) any party or designated party
            acting on their behalf (i) breaches performance of any material
            term, condition, representation or warranty contained in this
            Agreement or any Individual Agreement and/or any Related Hyatt
            Agreement, and fails to cure, correct or remedy such breach or
            default within sixty (60) days after receipt of a written notice
            thereof, (ii) is adjudicated bankrupt or petitions for relief under
            any bankruptcy, reorganization receivership, liquidation, compromise
            arrangement or moratorium statute, (iii) makes an assignment for the
            benefit of its creditors, or (iv) petitions for the appointment of a
            receiver, liquidator, trustee or custodian for all or part of its
            assets; (b) all or any portion of the MagiNet Guarantees are revoked
            or terminated or otherwise fail to be of continuing force and
            effect; or (c) if MagiNet Corporation is adjudicated bankrupt or
            petitions for relief from or makes an assignment in favor of its

     26.2.  Some portion or all of this Agreement may be suspended by any entity
            signatory to or bound by this Agreement that is a part of the Hyatt
            Parties upon sending written notice of the destruction or renovation
            of Hotels, or the occurrence of any force majeure events as set
            forth in section 27. Any Individual Agreement may be suspended or
            terminated in part or in whole, at the Hyatt Parties' or each
            Hotel's sole option, due to any closure of any portion of the
            Hotel(s) involved, temporary cessation of business, termination of
            any other agreement between the Hotel(s) and the Hyatt Parties, and
            any force majeure events set forth in section 27 below. For any
            suspension that extends beyond ninety (90) days, MagiNet may, at its
            option, remove the System until the cause of the suspension is

     26.3.  If any of the events of default set out in section 26.1 above occur,
            the harmed party not in default may exercise any or all of the
            following remedies: (i) cancel and/or terminate any and all
            Individual Agreements, (ii) cancel and/or terminate the Master
            Agreement, (iii) undertake either steps (i) and/or (ii) while
            retaining the System in place (subject to continuance of all other
            material terms and conditions herein and until a replacement vendor
            can be selected in an orderly transition to that vendor's
            technology), (iv) obtain injunctive and other equitable


                                                               November 15, 1995

            relief, and (v) obtain such damages and other rights and remedies as
            the party not in default may have at law, provided that this
            provision shall not allow MagiNet or GDG to exercise such remedies
            against the Hyatt Parties or the Hotels in the event of a default by
            either MagiNet or GDG. The remaining nonbreaching Parties shall
            negotiate in good faith to determine how to proceed absent the
            terminated party.


     27.1.  Where a party is unable, wholly or in part, by reason of Force
            Majeure, to carry out any obligations under this Agreement and that
            party: (i) gives the affected party prompt notice of that Force
            Majeure with reasonably full particulars and, insofar as known, the
            probable extent to which it will be unable to perform or be delayed
            in performing that obligation; and (ii) uses all reasonable efforts
            to remove that Force Majeure as quickly as possible; then that
            obligation is suspended insofar as it is affected by the continuance
            of that Force Majeure provided that this section will not operate to
            relieve any party of an obligation to pay money.

     27.2.  For the purposes of this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means: (i) an
            act of God, strike, lockout or other interference, (ii) war declared
            or undeclared, blockade, disturbance, lightning, fire, earthquake,
            storm, flood, or explosion, (iii) governmental or quasi-governmental
            restraint, expropriation, prohibition, intervention, direction or
            embargo (iv) unavailability or delay in availability of equipment or
            transport not due to any action or inaction on behalf of the
            affected party, (v) unavailability or delay in obtaining
            governmental or quasigovernmental approvals, consents, permits,
            licenses, authorities or allocations and (vi) any other cause
            whether of the kind specifically enumerated in this section or
            otherwise which is not reasonably within the control of the party
            affected; and "all reasonable efforts" does not require the
            settlement of strikes, lockouts or other, labor disputes, or claims
            or demands by any government or quasi-government authority on terms
            contrary to the reasonable business judgment of the party affected.

     27.3.  In the event any Force Majeure prevents performance under this
            Agreement by either party which continues in existence for more than
            thirty (30) days, the Parties will meet in good faith to discuss the
            situation and to make all reasonable efforts to achieve a mutually
            satisfactory resolution of the problem so that Force Majeure no
            longer prevents performance under this Agreement, provided that the
            Hyatt Parties shall have the option to terminate any Individual
            Agreement for any Force Majeure event that lasts longer than one
            hundred and eighty (180) days, and to terminate the Master Agreement
            if such extended Force Majeure prevents performance at more than 25%
            of the Hotels.


                                                               November 15, 1995

     27.4.  In the event performance by any Hotel is prevented due to Force
            Majeure for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days or more
            during any twelve (12) month period, MagiNet will be entitled to
            remove the System from such Hotel until performance is no longer
            prevented by Force Majeure, or earlier as permitted under Section


     28.1.  The Parties hereby agree that any and all disputes arising under or
            in any way connected or related to this Agreement, and any subject
            matters covered by this Agreement, including the Intellectual
            Property, shall be finally adjudicated and resolved through final
            and binding arbitration.

     28.2.  The Parties shall provide each other with written notice of any
            dispute that arises and is deemed to be one that one or more Parties
            wishes to have resolved through arbitration.

     28.3.  The Parties shall wait for fifteen days subsequent to receipt of
            notice to take any action, during which time the Parties shall meet
            together in an effort to resolve the dispute.

     28.4.  Should no resolution be achieved within the fifteen day waiting
            period, then either party may submit the matter to the American
            Arbitration Association ("AAA") for arbitration in accordance with
            the rules of commercial arbitration then in effect.

     28.5.  The arbitration shall be tried in Chicago, Illinois, before a panel
            of three arbitrators, who shall be selected in accordance with the
            AAA Commercial Rules if not picked by agreement of the Parties
            within the fifteen days discussed above.

     28.6.  The arbitrators shall first decide if there exists a bona fide
            dispute between the parties capable of resolution in arbitration.

     28.7.  Interim court relief may be sought at any time by any party, and any
            request for interim relief shall not be considered a bar to
            arbitration, nor limit the power of the arbitrator to change any
            interim relief awarded during the course of the arbitration.


     29.1.  MagiNet and GDG recognize that the Hyatt Parties act as agents for
            the owners of the Hotels, and that any action that is to be
            undertaken by the Hyatt Parties is one that is on behalf of such
            owners. MagiNet and GDG recognize and agree that the Hyatt Parties'
            actions with respect to any Hotel are therefore only as agent for
            such owners.


                                                               November 15, 1995


     30.1.  No person has, or as a result of the transactions contemplated
            hereby will have, any right or valid claim against any of the
            Parties or the System for any commission, fee or other compensation
            as a finder or broker, or in any similar capacity, relating to the
            transactions contemplated herein.

     30.2.  This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of
            California without reference to its conflict of law principles. Each
            Individual Agreement shall also be governed by the laws of the State
            of California except to the extent that the laws of the country in
            which the Hotel is located override such governing law provision.

     30.3.  Except as otherwise set forth herein, the provisions hereof will be
            binding upon, and will inure to the benefit of, the respective
            successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Each of the Hyatt
            Parties shall have the right to assign this agreement to any of its
            affiliates, subsidiaries or a parent company. MagiNet shall have the
            right to assign this Agreement and any Individual Agreement to a
            bank or other financial institution as collateral for a loan
            (provided that such institutions agree to abide by the terms of this
            Agreement and the Individual Agreements) and to assign this
            Agreement and any Individual Agreement to an entity acquiring all or
            substantially all of MagiNets assets or voting securities.
            Notwithstanding any such assignment by MagiNet, none of MagiNet's
            property installed in a Hotel shall be removed therefrom prior to
            the Hyatt Parties' or Hotel's uncured default or termination of this
            Agreement or the Individual Agreement. GDG may assign this Agreement
            to an entity acquiring all or substantially all of its assets or
            voting securities.

     30.4.  This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written
            agreement signed by all Parties. No waiver by any party of any
            breach or default hereunder will be construed as a waiver of any
            precedent or subsequent breach or default.

     30.5.  This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of
            the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and merges and
            supersedes all prior discussions and understanding between the
            Parties related thereto, whether written or oral.

     30.6.  In the event that better value for the Activities contemplated
            herein are offered by MagiNet or GDG to any similar hotel chain or
            hotel as the Hyatt Parties and the Hotels, the Hyatt Parties and the
            Hotels will be offered all the same terms and conditions, and any
            less favorable payments made or receipts obtained subsequent to
            their being contracted with another customer but prior to the
            effective date of the change in the terms in this Master Agreement
            and the Individual Agreements shall be reimbursed to or for the
            Hyatt Parties and the


                                                               November 15, 1995

            Hotels. For purposes of this paragraph "value" shall mean the value
            of (i) all fees, allowances and commissions, (ii) all equipment,
            (iii) all software, software licenses and/or other Intellectual
            Property rights, (iv) all services including installation,
            maintenance, repair and replacement, and (v) all cost savings or
            other benefits provided to the Hotels, their parent companies or

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is entered into by the Parties hereto this 29
day of December 1995.

                                       AFRICA MIDDLE EAST) LTD.

By: /s/ Robert R. Creager              By: /s/ Andre Pury, Sr.     

Title: President                       Title: /s/ Andre Pury, Sr.  V.P.


By: /s/ Philip S. Knudsen              By: /s/ David Chan

Title: Director                        Title: Director


                                                               November 15, 1995

                                   EXHIBIT A

                            TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS



This exhibit describes the technical requirements for the hardware, software,
Content, and services to be provided under this Agreement.

At installation, the System, MATV, and televisions will meet the following

Video images transmitted and displayed across the System, MATV, and a good
quality brand new twenty-five inch (25") television set(provided by the hotel
for quality testing) must be observed to be similar quality as the same images
when the image source is directly connected to the television set.  The video
image source for quality tests shall be a full action, color movie on a new,
unused VHS tape provided by a major recording studio played back on a brand new
VHS tape player connected directly to the television with A/V connectors.

When compared to the same movie provided as part of the Content across the
System, MATV, and television set, there shall be no material degradation in
resolution, discoloration, focus, or brighten, nor multiple images (ghosting),
artifacting, or other negative differences in image quality.

Audio must meet the same quality and testing standard as for video images
described above, and must be clear, undistorted, and in perfect synchrony with
the video image. In addition, audio quality shall meet or exceed the following

1.   Audio Signal Level-8dBmV

2.   Output Impedance 600 ohm

3    Signal to Noise Ratio (weighted in SP Mode), more than 38 dB.

4.   Wow and Flutter (audio on VHS in SP mode), less than 0.2 WRMS

5.   Frequency Response (Ref to 1 Khz SP mode, 100 Hz - 15000 Hz (10dB down)

6.   Interactive programming shall be accompanied by CD quality audio and/or by
digitally synthesized voice software.  Digitized voice is required to be 8 bit
technology or greater to conform to highest standard prevailing at time of
installation.  Audio Frequency range is required to be at least 100 to 15000 Hz,
without perceivable distortion at normal listening levels (less than 1% THD).

                                                                    Page 1 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

1.   The maximum delay permitted between the guest executing a keystroke on the
     remote control, and the System, MATV, and television responding, shall be
     five (5) seconds for Movies or Hotel Services, unless response time is
     influenced by input from 3rd party interfaces.

2.   The System, MATV, and televisions must allow simultaneous access by at
     least 1.5% of available rooms at any time, and the minimum number of
     interactive ports shall be 4.

3.   At all times, all guests shall have access to the System, MATV, and
     televisions within 60 seconds of selecting or interacting with any Content.
     Guests denied immediate access shall be notified of the delay by a screen

4.   Response delays caused by equipment or Content not under the control of
     Maginet and GDG lasting longer than five(5) seconds, will trigger an
     appropriate intermediate screen message.  It must be possible to place
     text, graphics and sound on intermediate screens for notification purposes
     or for advertising.

5.   The delay between a guest pressing the final key to make a video on demand
     selection and the feature appearing on the screen shall not exceed IO

6.   The System, MATV, and televisions shall have imperceptible delays in
     response to video game control devices controlling interactive video game

Equipment supplied under the Agreement shall have a mean time between failure of
not less than three (3) years.

Manuals and Documentation supplied to each distributor at initial installation
shall consist of at minimum:

1.   Manufacturers product documentation and written performance specifications
     for each piece of equipment supplied under the Agreement.

2.   Operating and Repair manuals for each component of the System, including
     both hardware and software.

3.   Trouble-shooting diagnostic programs and guides for each component of the
     System, including both hardware and software.

                                                                    Page 2 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

4.   A simple user manual describing the integrated operation of the System in
     easily understood terms (the System Manual), will be provided for each

5.   A Tool Kit manual describing the operation of the Toot Kit will be provided
     to designated Hyatt Parties.

6.   A detailed interface protocol manual and source code examples of interfaces
     already developed for the System. Interface protocols for both connections
     to external systems, and interface protocols for intra-System connections
        --------                                      ------------------------
     (interactive controls) must be provided, to designated Hyatt Parties.

The System hardware at initial installation shall include at minimum the

1.   A Pentium 90 MHz Interactive server with 32 MB RAM and 1 GB hard drive
     shall be the minimum platform for the interactive server.

2.   External magnetic storage and/or CDi and/or CD ROM or other system as
     required to deliver Content.

3.   A high speed modem connection to the System for remote diagnostic testing,
     downloading of Content, etc.

4.   A PC work station suitable for operation of the Graphics generator for the
     exclusive use of the Hotel to update hotel related Content for use on the

5.   The above work station have a printer, and be connected to the System and
     located at the Hotel's direction for the creation and printing of guest
     charges for use of System Content in the event of failure of the PMS or
     interfaces to the PMS.

6.   Two-way communication protocol via MATV between Guest room Terminal and
     interactive file server.

7.   In room terminal, with standardized remote control and channel numbering

8.   VHS tape players as required operating within the following performance

     a.   Luminance Level: 1.0 +/- 30% Vp-p for machine to machine operation at
          75ohm terminated composite video of 140 IRE units source

                                                                    Page 3 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

     b.   Chrominance Level: 0 63 +/- 30% Vp-p for machine to machine operation
          at 75ohm terminated composite video of 140 [RE units source
     c.   Horizontal resolution: More than 360 lines, or as required for
          prevailing TV Standards
     d.   Frequency Response 2 Mhz - 10dB;
     e.   Signal to Noise Ratio (weighted) more than 43 dB in SP mode, more than
          41 dB in other modes, using Luminance by Rohde & Schwartz noise meter
     f.   Tape transport Speed: SP mode 33.35 mm/s +/- 0. 5%
     g.   Rewind Speed: SP mode for 120 minute tape less than 7 min.
     h.   Tape load Speed: Less than 5 seconds

9.   All other equipment as required to make up the complete System.

The System software at initial installation shall include at minimum the

1.   A "Toolkit" consisting of GDG's software which when combined with
     commercially available software applications operating in a windows
     environment, and packaged with a set of instructions, appropriate
     interfaces, help screens and telephone support, will be all that is
     required for the Hyatt Parties, Hotels, and authorized third parties to
     develop content from multimedia sources, and set up interactive sequences
     for use on the system for generating revenue or obtaining information.

     A sub-section of the Toolkit, called Graphics Generator shall be a desk top
     broadcasting application offering similar features and graphics capability
     as a product called Catview.  The application shall be provided to hotels
     not using the full Toolkit to enable them to make minor modifications to
     interactive programming, and to produce basic hotel information screens
     that have similar text and graphics as the interactive screens.

2.   Interactive Component
     This software shall enable guests to call up different screens from a
     selection of screen options so that an interactve program results. This
     interactive application and necessary programming will form the basis for
     making video on demand selections accessing hotel services, shopping,
     advertising, games and other revenue generating services defined within the

3.   Appropriate communications software to support item 1.6.3.

                                                                    Page 4 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

4.   A statistical information application sufficient to capture, manipulate,
     and report on the following System usage and performance data.

     a.  Number of guests denied access to selected movies, including room
     number, date, time, and the duration of the denial.
     b.  Number of guests denied access to Hotel Services, Hyatt Interactive
     Content, or Interactive Content, including the room number, date, time, and
     duration of the denial.
     c.  Room numbers where video on demand features were viewed, and the time
     and duration of viewing session.
     d.  Room numbers of those rooms accessing the interactive guest services,
     the time they spent browsing, and details of all selections made on the
     e.  Exception reports, the content of which is to be developed; including
     records of when the system was down, when dial up connections were made,
     their duration and a list of individual rooms that were out of order.
     f.  Guest survey results.
     g.  Viewing ratings of interactive content for marketing analysis purposes
     by Hyatt and authorized parties using the system for such purposes.  The
     detailed requirements of these rating reports are to be developed, but they
     shall include the number of guests viewing of each interactive content
     package, the time each viewer browsed, and any sales made as a result.

The MATV in each existing Hotel or Hotel currently under construction and where
MATV has already been installed as of date of master agreement, shall be
upgraded to meet or exceed the following specifications.  MATV systems will be
provided by the Hotel to meet the following specifications in all new Hotels (as
listed in Exhibit C). All equipment shall meet type and safety approvals and
radiation requirements. as required in each country. All installations shall be
made according to national and local electrical codes. Standard for signal
strength measurement shall be a calibrated field strength meter.

The MATV shall be capable of concurrently carrying all Content over the MATV
network, and at minimum will meet the following channel capacities and broadcast
a.   A minimum of 77 channels for NTSC and 60 channels for PAL/SECAM.

b.   Operation in compliance with local broadcast standards (NTSC, PAL or SECAM)
     and/or as required for the installed TV sets.

                                                                    Page 5 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

The MATV head-end shall meet or exceed the following specifications

a.   Single channel processors with AGC and aural carrier reduction will be used
     to process each off-air signal.  Pre-amplifiers will be used, where
     necessary, to achieve an input carrier level of sufficient amplitude to be
     within the range of the AGC in the channel processor.

i.   The output of individual strip amplifiers, modulators, or channel
     processors will be combined using a methodology which will provide a
     minimum of twenty (20) dB isolation between individual carriers.

ii.  Items providing less than twenty five (25) dB of isolation will not be used
     in the head-end environment to combine signals.

b.   A Broadband Amplifier having a band width of 5-550 MHZ, or greater, and
     equipped with Sub-Split Return will be used to amplify the combined output.
     The amplifier will be designed for two-way compatibility using sub-split
     return.  The forward direction designed for 54 to 550 MHZ or greater and
     the return designed for 5 to 30 MHZ.  The forward direction is to include
     both gain and tilt controls.

c.   UHF to VHF converters and VHF to VHF convertors will be completely solid-
     state with a self-contained power supply.  Input and output impedance shall
     be 75ohms.  The frequency of the output will be crystal controlled and will
     be within .005% of the desired output frequency for both components.

d.   All passive equipment shall not have less than 20dB port-to-port isolation
     and shall be capable of operating in a band width of 5-550 Mhz.

e.   Antennas will be selected and installed so as to produce the best picture
     obtainable.  Any local government permits required for antenna installation
     will be obtained prior to actual installations of the antennas.  Antennas
     and masts will be constructed and installed so as to withstand 100 mph
     winds.  All Antennas used will have an adapted impedance of 75 ohms and
     weather boots will be used to protect all outdoor antenna connections.

f.   When antennas are providing the signal source for "off-the-air" channels.
     Picture quality will be equal to or better than the picture quality
     available from local cable TV sources, as appropriate or applicable.  At
     minimum, local VHF and UHF channels required by each hotel will be
     available from the MATV.  UHF channels must be converted to VHF.  Closed
     caption service at the TV must be provided for each of the three principal
     network channels, given programming availability as provided by network

                                                                    Page 6 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

g.   Metal Cabinets designed for 19" rack mounted equipment will be used to
     enclose the head-end active equipment.  Suitable AC power outlets will be
     installed in the cabinet for the equipment powering, including two
     additional outlets for maintenance equipment.

h.   Pads, cable, and other miscellaneous equipment will be supplied and
     installed to make an operating head-end that meets all of the
     specifications as outlined.  All cable used in the head-end equipment rack
     will be of Tri or Quad Shield design and will provide a maximum available
     shielding from radiation and signal ingress or such other cable as to meet
     MATV standards of performance established herein.

i.   Maximum output after combining shall not exceed:

     i.     45dB Maximum highest frequency
     ii.    40dB Minimum lowest frequency
     iii.   6dB maximum amplifier tilt.

j.   Cross modulation shall be less than minus 60dB.

k.   Visual carrier to spurious signal response shall be greater than 50 db.
     Cross modulation shall be greater than 51 db.
l.   Visual/aural carrier ratio on any channel will be 15 dBmV to 17 dBmV

m.   Carrier to noise shall be no less than 41dB, 43dB optimum.

n.   Visual carrier levels shall differ by no more than 12dB through the band
     width (50-550 Mhz).

o.   Visual carrier level stability shall vary no more than 10dB over any 24
     hour period.

p.   Hum modulation shall be less than 2%.

q.   Second Order (spurious beats) shall be 50dB below the visual carrier.

r.   Frequency response shall be N/10 + 1.

s.   Adjacent channel visual carrier shall differ by no more than 3 dB.

t.   Amplitude response within any single TV channel (visual carrier to aural
     Carrier) Will be flat 2 dB).

                                                                    Page 7 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

The cable plant shall meet or exceed the following specifications:

a.   Frequency Response of the system (excluding amplifiers) will pass 5 Mhz to
     550 Mhz.  Amplitude response for this spectrum will be +-4 dB with respect
     to the line represented by normal cable tilt.  The system will be designed
     as two-way capable, i.e. sub-split return.

b.   Visual Carrier Level in each room will be no less than 2 dBmV on any single
     channel of the system.

     i.     The maximum allowable variance between any two adjacent channels
            will be 2 dBmV.
     ii.    The maximum allowable variance between any two non- adjacent
            channels will be 12 dBmV at 550 Mhz or 3 dB per 100 Mhz of band

c.   Room to Room isolation will be greater than 20 dB. isolation values of all
     devices separating any two given rooms will be used for the purpose of this
     calculation, as well as the structural return loss of all interconnecting

d.   Visual carrier-to-noise ratio on any channel (3 MHz bandwidth) will be at
     least 42 dB at any TV outlet for broadcast signal source of carrier to
     noise ration better than 56 dB.

e.   The visual carrier to coherent noise ratio (inter-modulation) will be
     greater than 46 dB, for the same signal source as in d.

f.   Reflections ingressing MATV distribution system, which may cause ghosts and
     shadows within the system, will be more than 40 dB below the respective
     picture carrier.

g.   Taps, splitters, and other passive equipment will be of the totally
     shielded type, using a sealed metal or aluminum case, so as to minimize
     radiation and ingress. All connections will be "F" for NTSC, or IEC for PAL
     type connectors.
     i.     Taps used will be designed to pass 5 MHz to 550 MHz, or greater.
     ii.    Splitters will be designed to pass 5 MHz to 550 MHz or greater.
     iii.   Where the last tap on the riser is not a terminated tap, 75 ohm
            terminations will be used to terminate the end of all riser lines at
            the through port output.

h.   Coaxial cable shall be of 75 ohm impedance with a return loss of 20 dB
     minimum from 5MHz to 550 MHz Cable construction will be solid copper or
     copper-clad steel center conductor and cellular polyethylene dielectric.
     Cables will be provided with two shields.  The first shield shall consist
     of .002 inch double aluminum coated mylar or polypropylene tape with 1/8"
     overlap, bonded to the dielectric.  The second shield shall be a minimum of
     60% coverage braid consisting of 34 AWG aluminum or tinned copper wire.
     The jacket shall be non-contaminating low temperature polyvinyl chloride
     cable having an effective shielding of 67% or greater will be utilized
     outside of all conduits.

                                                                    Page 8 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

i.    Cable sizes used in the system can be either RG-6 or RG-11. The RG-11 size
      is used for longer trunk lines and the RG-6 size is used for shorter
      feeder lines. Where conservation amplifiers will have their maximum full
      gain derated by a minimum of three dB. Further doubling of the cascade
      will result in additional gain reductions of three dB, each time the
      cascade is doubled.
j.    Cross modulation shall not exceed minus 57dB from any distribution
      amplifier with 77 channel loading.
k.    All new distribution feeder cable shall be. 500 or RG-11 cable only.
1.    No distribution (feeder) line shall feed in excess 550 television sets, or
      per limitations imposed on the system by segmentation.
m.    All distribution (feeder) lines shall begin at the head-end and end at a
      central distribution location.  No riser can be fed by a distribution be.
n.    All risers must originate at a central distribution location.  If risers
      must be extended, RG-56 cable with 90% shielding will be used from the
      splice to the central distribution location.
o.    All risers shall be identified to the rooms they feed.
p.    All jumper cables from the wall plates to the televisions shall be
      replaced as necessary with RG6 or RG-59 foam cable with ferrule type
q.    Sub-band return loss shall not exceed 40dB


a.    For in room directional tap outlets, all signal levels shall be 5-15db
      (and typically at 5dB) from 40 to 550 MHz.
b.    Cross modulation shall be less than minus 57dB.
c.    Carrier to noise shall be 41 dB.
d.    Adjacent channel visual carrier levels shall differ by no more than 3dB.
e.    Visual carrier levels shall differ by no more than 12dB through the
      bandwidth (50-550 Mhz).
F.    Visual carrier level stability shall vary no more than 10dB in any 24 hour

                                                                    Page 9 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

New Hotels (as listed in Exhibit B) will provide television sets meeting the
following specifications.  Maginet and GDG will make best efforts to ensure that
the System, MATV, and television sets in existing Hotels or Hotels currently
under construction operate as though the television sets met these
specifications.  Maginet and GDG will provide all required remote controls for
all Hotels.

a.   20 to 27 inch screens, at Hyatt's option.

b.   "Smart Plug" compatibility to accommodate the requirements of-the
     interactive system

c.   Closed caption capable

d.   Stereo sound

e.   Channel labeling

f.   Sleep timer

g.   Clone programming

h.   Non-volatile memory

i.   100+ channel capacity

j.   Remote interface connector

k.   TV'S will be capable of no few than 400 scan lines of resolution.

1.   Teletext compatible

m.   Multisystem where required or appropriate

n.   All television sets will be provided with full function infra red remote
     controls with the following minimum functions

     1.   Power on/off
     2.   Pay TV
     3.   Free TV
     4.   Hotel Services & Information
     5.   Interactive services
     6.   Channel up and channel down

                                                                   Page 10 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

     7.   Volume up and down buttons
     8.   Mute button
     9.   Numeric Channel control keyboard


Maginet, GDG, the Hotels, and the Hyatt parties shall work together to
coordinate the space requirements for installations in each Hotel prior to
beginning installation work in each hotel.  Each Hotel shall provide the agreed
upon space requirements.

Each Hotel shall provide at minimum, sufficient space to house the equipment and
accommodate a minimum of two people in an appropriate working environment (the
"control room").  Typical space requirements will include the following:

a.   One(1), line conditioned, dedicated, 30 amp AC circuit with provisions for
     6 duplex outlets (as determined by the computer rack locations).

b.   Two standard 30 amp, AC circuits with provisions for 3 duplex outlets (as
     determined by the work counter location).

c.   The space shall have sufficient air conditioning to maintain a constant
     temperature of between 68 degrees and 72 degrees fahrenheit at 40% relative

d.   The control room shall have sufficient telephone lines (both outside direct
     and in-house) and telephone instruments.

e.   Cable paths (ie: conduit, plenum, etc.) shall be provided from:
     i.     the control room to the head-end.
     ii.    the control room to the PMS.
     iii.   the control room to the PBX.
     iv.    the control room to the front desk.
     v.     if additional services are supplied, needed path must be provided,
            ie: food & beverage.

                                                                   Page 11 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

At installation, the Content will meet the following standards.


Maginet and GDG shall provide Movie instructions/access, Hotel Services, and
Hyatt Interactive Content in at minimum the three(3) languages listed on Exhibit
"C" for each Hotel installation.  Language requirements must be confirmed by the
hotel before final installation.  All language options shall be ready for the
first installation requiring that language according to the installation dates
listed in Exhibit "C".

A guest's preferred language will be selected from a list of the available
options in the hotel property management system (PMS).  Language choice will be
set by the front office clerk when a guest checks in, so that Hotel Services,
Hyatt Interactive Content and Movie selections will appear on the TV in the
guest's preferred language.  On check-out, the default language shall be re-set
automatically to the default language selected by the Hotel.

The System, MATV, and televisions shall deliver up to Twenty (20) free-to-guest
channels at the Hotels option, to include any combination of the sources listed
below.  Free-to-guest channel sources shall be selected and approved by the
Hotel at Hotel's expense from provider of choice, prior to final installation
Free to guest programming shall be available at all public area and back of
house MATV points throughout the hotel GDG and Maginet shall make best efforts
to optimize signals from free-to-guest sources, and program them according to
the standard channel numbering sequence.  These sources and their processing
equipment will by provided by Hotel or Hotel's third party contractor.

a.   Satellite programming
b.   Local Broadcast TV
c.   Local Cable TV
d.   In house Video programs
e.   Guest-room background Music

Access free-to-guest channels must be possible using the remote control and on
screen menus.  Channel numbering shall be standardized to the extent that is
practical throughout all of the Hotels.

Free to guest programming shall include wherever possible, CNN and other
international news and sport satellite and cable programming and a
representative selection of local broadcast TV.

In house video sources include VHS playback, live camera inputs, and desk top
broadcast programming

                                                                   Page 12 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


1.   Quantity
The minimum number of movie selections simultaneously available from the System
at installation shall be as shown in the table below.

     Number of Guest-        Video on Demand      Scheduled Movies
           rooms                 Movies
       less than 250               24                     3

        250 TO 550                 36                     3

         Over 551           Additional 12 for             3
                             each 250 rooms

Minimum requirements for movie programming to be provided by Maginet at each
hotel shall be defined by the following criteria:

a.   Number of copies of each title and title selections shall be established by
     Maginet based on the latest movie title release window provided by the
     studios for the given regions.  Hyatt International and the hotels will
     review these selections for quality assurance purposes.  The frequency of
     such reviews shall be at quarterly intervals during the first year of
     operation, and as required after that.  The objective will be to maximize
     revenue, maintain programming and system delivery quality standards and
     keep up with the competition.

b.   Maginet shall update titles such that at least four (4) "blockbuster"
     selections are available in every hotel.  A blockbuster title is considered
     to be a movie that is released within the same theatrical release window or
     that immeadiatley following those movies shown on the major international
     airlines.  Where the above criteria cannot be met because of censorship, or
     limitations imposed by the recording studios, each hotel must have at least
     four (4) of the latest release fides that are available in that country at
     competing international hotels, irrespective of which system they are

c.   Other video program content shall be such that it remains generally
     equivalent to those titles offered by competing hotels, regardless of their
     supplier, providing their programming is legal. Foreign language and ethnic
     programming are also required, where it is offered by competing hotels
     and/or where it can increase the revenue generating potential of the

                                                                   Page 13 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

Maginet and GDG shall develop and produce a standard Hyatt User Interface
package for use by each Hotel as the basis for the Hotel Services Content
delivery in the Hotel.  Each Hotel will be responsible for the development and
production of hotel specific elements of the Hyatt User Interface, and Maginett
and GDG will be responsible for the coordination and incorporation of these
hotel specific elements into the Hyatt User Interface.  Hotel Services Content
at initial installation shall include at minimum:

a.   Guest Folio Review & Video Check-out

b.   Guest-room compendium / hotel services directory minimum twenty screens
     and/or images each.

c.   Worldwide Hyatt Hotels Video Directory with capacity for at least five
     interactive screens or images per property, callback prompt, and
     reservations office notification.

d.   Room Service Menu Ordering.

e.   Food & Beverage outlet menu review.

f.   Message Center Display (Notification on voice mail and display message
     information on PMS).

g.   Guest Welcome channel.

h.   Interactive Guest Survey report format and delivery to appropriate
     application interface and/or printer.

i.   Interactive event information screens for groups, tours, meetings, etc.

j.   Airline departure and arrival information for those airport hotel locations
     identified in exhibit "C", where such database information is available and
     provided by the hotel.

k.   Standard formats and interactive tree/branches structures ready for
     interactive content input.

Hyatt parties will be responsible for the development and production expense of
Hyatt Parties Content.

                                                                   Page 14 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

Maginet and GDG shall develop and produce a standard interface package for use
on the System as the basis for the Interactive Services delivery in the Hotels.
The standard interface package shall be available at initial system
installation, and shall include standard means for authorized parties to
interact with the guest and the System in one or more of the following ways:

a.   Receive notification from a guest requiring callback
b.   Disseminate or collect information
c.   Post charges for goods and services delivered

Interactive applications that must be supported by the system include Shopping,
Video Games, Advertising

Maginet and GDG shall develop and implement interfaces between the System and
the following Hyatt systems.

SYSTEM                    REQUIRED FUNCTIONALITY              PRODUCTS
Property           Guest Preferred Language               Fidelio, Maxial,
Management         Guest Folio Review/Check-out           and CLS
System             Bill posting for movies and
                   interactive services
                   Message Center screen, including
                   information, hard copy messages,
                   voice and fax notification
                   Other service required within
                   PMS capabilities
Point of Sale      Room Service menu selection and bill   Micros, Maxial,
System             posting                                CLS and
Voice Mail         On screen voice mail message waiting   TMS Voicelink,
System             indication                             Nortel HVS

Maginet and GDG are not responsible for limitations that result from
deficiencies in other systems but shall make their best efforts to minimize the
impact of such deficiencies.

                                                                   Page 15 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


The services specified below shall be provided as required:

Maginet and GDG are required to design and supply and Maginet is required to
install and set up the complete system as described in this agreement as
required for the hotel without cost to the hotel. These services are to
include, as needed, upgrade to existing MATV system, and cabling where it
effects system segmentation.

This network is required for, but not limited to, monitoring remote system and
equipment performance, distributing media, collecting system usage statistics,
diagnosing system problems and providing on line support, assistance and repair.
The network shall allow two-way real time communication between systems and any
one of the locations.  Maginet's local office is required to dial in to the
system every 24 hours to verify defects.

Maginet and GDG are required to maintain a qualified technician on call 24 hours
per day 365 days per year to provide second line support for the local offices
and the installed systems; and to distribute expedited content upgrade.

Maginet are required to maintain local field services to provide first line
support to each site.  The local field services shall be equipped with the
appropriate facilities (space, tools, equipment and expertise) to carry out all
service requirements for all systems located in the field service facility's
territory.  Each Field Service Facility is required to maintain a technician on
24 hour call, who shall be provided with second line support via modem and phone
from the central technical support facility mentioned in 3.3. Maginet and GDG
will be responsible for maintaining hardware, software and training resources in
their field offices to the latest specification.

The System shall be upgraded by Maginet to meet the minimum criteria as defined

1.   In order to add more capacity to the system if the statistical information
     application described in 1.7.4 indicates that the following conditions have
     been reached:

i.   Video on demand
The number of simultaneous video on demand channels shall be increased by a
minimum of 12 outputs when the daily requests for movies on demand exceed the
installed number of outputs by 12 or more, on 90 days out of a consecutive
period of 365 days.

                                                                   Page 16 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

ii.  Interactive services
The number of guests denied immediate access to the system, exceeds two percent
(2%) of the available rooms on 30 days within a consecutive period of 90 days.
Immediate access is access within 5 seconds of hitting the appropriate remote
control button.

2.   To provide features and functionality that are offered at competing hotels,
     to comply with section 14 of the master agreement and section 6 of this

3.   To add hardware and software enhancements in order to maintain all the
     installed systems to the latest current standard.  Such upgrades shall take
     place on an annual basis, according to a software release schedule to be
     posted by Maginet and GDG.

4.   As required to rectify software problems.

Maginet and GDG, shall coordinate and deliver all content for use on the system
to meet the following requirements:

1.   Bulk Content Update Service
Generally, System Content is required to be updated every month, according to a
publicized schedule to be produced by Maginet and made available to GDG, Hyatt
parties and authorized parties.  Deadlines no more than 7 days prior to shipment
must be established for content submissions. All content packages shall be
installed in hotels by midnight on the publicized scheduled day. Content update
is to take place with minimum effect on Guest Access to the system

2.   Interim Update Services
Interim content upgrade services must be provided to any or all hotels to cover
the following requirements:

     a.   On-line Interactive Content upgrade
          It must be possible to download interactive files from Toolkits to
          installed systems so that content update can be completed and on line
          within 15 minutes, and without taking the System off-line.

     b.   Defective Content Replacement
          Content where the video quality deteriorates below the standards
          established within this exhibit shall be replaced, within the time
          limits set for unscheduled maintenance services (standard service)
          within this section.

                                                                   Page 17 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

     c.   Incorrect Content Replacement
          Where video content is incorrect, such that it effects the image of
          Hyatt, or is misrepresentative, offensive, or effects revenue, or for
          other reasons deemed important by authorized parties using the system,
          the offending content shall be removed within the time limits set for
          unscheduled maintenance services (critical component failure) within
          this section.

Equipment manufacturers' repair manuals and specifications are to be furnished
as a reference to be used by all parties to establish standards or maintenance
practices and operating tolerances.  Maginet and GDG shall repair or replace
components as needed to maintain consistency with the minimum criteria defined
in section 1.1.

Critical equipment no longer meeting manufacturer's performance specifications,
or as required under the requirements to keep current with technology in the
master agreement, is to be replaced as part of the ongoing maintenance and
upgrade procedure.  Maginet and GDG shall be responsible for ensuring that field
services facilities are capable of carrying out work to the above standard.

Maginet and GDG shall develop a preventive maintenance program for use by field
offices, and this shall be provided to the hotels who will provide notification
of non compliance to Hyatt parties.  This program is to include MATV system
performance monitoring on a twice annual basis, and as required to maintain

Field response time following critical component failure must be within four
hours.  Standard service must be provided within 24 hours of a non critical
fault being reported, Emergency service must be provided 365 days per year / 24
hour per day basis.  Standard service must be provided on a five (or six days
where local working practices dictate) per week eight hours per day basis.  On
line support as well is live first and second line phone support must be
guaranteed as available at each hotel.  The local representative provides first
line support for the hotels, while the US office will provide second -line

1.   ON SITE
- -------------
Maginet shall provide adequate spare parts on-site at each hotel to facilitate
change out of in-room devices and remote control by the hotel engineering staff,
which includes in room devices (begin with 5% stock) and other site replaceable
items (jumper cables, connectors, etc.( begin with at least 2% stock).

                                                                   Page 18 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

2.   At field Services Facility
- --------------------------------

Details of the minimum spare parts inventory must be provided to show that
inventory levels are being held at 2% of the installed levels in that location,
except where demand for parts is greater, in which case stock must be maintained
at five (5) percent of installed inventory,

Maginet shall adjust spare parts inventory to sustain the levels of service
identified throughout this section.

The local field services facility shall hold a detailed service history
containing all records pertaining to the system

The technical responsibility for the hotels shall be limited to the following
actions to be carried out by the engineering department and those hotel
employees monitoring the system:

1.   Removing and replacing defective in-room components and handing them over
     to Maginet and GDG'S field staff during site visits

2.   Reporting problems observed on the MATV system to Maginet's agents.

Hotel will not be responsible for any matters relating to other aspects of the
interactive services, but will cooperate fully with the vendors and his agent to
maximize system performance and revenue.

                                                                   Page 19 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


1.   Hardware
- --------------
     The system and components are to be designed such that they can be upgraded
     to adapt to developing technologies.  As a minimum it must be possible to
     retrofit to already installed systems those items listed under section four
     of this exhibit to comply with the terms of the master agreement.

2.   Software
- --------------
     Maginet and GDG will be responsible for keeping all sites in a region
     current with the latest software release.  These details will be agreed
     between Hyatt International and Maginet and GDG.  Generally software
     upgrades shall be expected and installed in all sites on an annual basis,
     except where required sooner to correct observed software problems that
     adversely effect the system performance, Hyatt's Image and/or revenue
     generating capacity.

3.   Future Development
- --------------------
     Hyatt International is committed to developing a global marketing
     communications database.  Maginet and GDG shall commit to establish and
     maintain compatibility with these requirements and to cooperate with Hyatt
     International, Regency Systems Solutions and other software vendors and
     consultants on an ongoing basis to further develop this concept under the
     terms of the master agreement.


1.   December 31, 1995 Release
- -------------------------------
The following items we not yet incorporated into the Maginet GDG platform at
this time, but already offered in some markets by the competition.  It has
therefore been agreed that they will be incorporated into the installations to
be completed after January 1996, and provided as an upgrade to those
installations completed before that date, by January 1, 1997.

Installations shall be upgraded to incorporate the following by December 31

a.   Access to nationally available teletext where available.
b.   Video games from one of the market leaders in this field.  The current
     generation of products from either Sega, Nintendo, 3DO or approved
     alternative are to be provided.  It shall be possible to charge for games
     on a unit time or number of plays basis.
c.   In-room terminals that can be tuned from a central location, that they
     bypass the TV tuning device where A/V outputs are provided in the TV sets.
     They shall also be concealed with a sensor no larger that 30 mm high x 50
     mm long x 30 mm deep will be visible from the guest room.

                                                                   Page 20 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

d.   Hotel information channels which can be set up for and accessed by all
     guests or by particular groups which can be individually addressed by the
     hotel staff except as limited by the PMS.

2.   July 31, 1996 Release
- ---------------------------

The following advanced interface requirements are already provided in some
markets and are required at the latest to be implemented in new installations by
July 31,1996 and retro-fitted where required in existing hotels by July 31,

Hyatt Parties will identify a preferred solution, or present a similar system
installed at a competing hotel and will make best efforts to obtain interface
protocol, for use by Maginet and/or GDG to develop the required interface.
Maginet & GDG shall deliver the required interface, to comply with section 14 of
the master agreement.

a.   Advanced Interface Development Requirements that shall be installed by
     Maginet/GDG are:

i.   Interface to fax server and in-room printer/scanner interfaces for the in
     room terminal.
ii.  Assistance in developing means to post minibar charges using MATV network.
iii. Interface to allow access to voicemail system features, via TV remote as
     well as telephone.
iv.  Interface to Screen format application for collecting data entered via
     remote control, such as maintenance information and room status update and
     similar applications.
v.   Interface to remote printer or application associated with the Hyatt
     Reservations network.

b.   Other Screen captures will be developed according to requirements Selected
     Internet screens, Public information system like teletext, Minitel and
     Airline Information Systems on line hotel signage systems, and similar
     applications will be required to be captured and displayed on the hotel.

                                                                   Page 21 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


Below is an indication of technology  that is known to be under development.
These are items that may be required as upgrades to installations to comply with
section 14 of the Master Agreement and section 6 of this exhibit.  Upgrades may
also be required for services that may be offered at competing hotels. but that
are not yet identified at this time or listed below.

5.1  Movie & interactive content in compressed digital format, such as MPEG 2,
     when use of such a format is made available.  This may include headend
     upgrade to incorporate digital MATV signal delivery to the guest rooms to
     the extent permitted by the MATV systems in each hotel.
5.2  Satellite, frame relay, ISDN, ATM and/or other advanced networking methods
     that would enable on line downloading of movie & interactive content, in
     those areas where it becomes the accepted norm.
5.3  Increasing simultaneous access to pay video and interactive services as
     demand for them increases and as technology facilitates increased
5.4  Incorporation of newly developed broadcast and video standards as and when
     adopted by the multimedia and television industries. examples include but
     are not limited to HDTV, advanced digital video formats up to and beyond
     MPEG 2, Studio movie master formats, such as Do, updated operating systems
     such as Windows NT.
5.5  Upgrading System communication protocol to take advantage of Increased
     bandwidth and the switching capability offered by advanced networks.
     Examples include fast ethernet and ATM.
5.6  Provide full motion video for interactive services content.
5.7  Provision to accommodate increased number of viewing channels as MATV
     technology updates dictate.
5.8  Use of the pay TV gateway to charge for programming provided by third
     parties like satellite, and cable TV providers to increase revenue for
     Maginet, GDG and the hotel for example.
5.9  Cooperative development of other interfaces on an as need basis, this is to
     include full interface with the Hyatt Spirit Reservations system including
     on screen reservations, using the interactive system.
5.10 Provide interface with hotel fax server software to enable faxes to be
     displayed on screen; and the option to print them on a printer located in
     the guest rooms.  Print outs of coupons and folios will also be required.
5.11 To keep Hyatt International Technical Services abreast of the latest
     industry trends to give them the opportunity to update MATV system
     specifications in new projects, so as to be ready for the above.
5.12 Interface with and communication between on-line hotel and signage systems,
     as any be installed in the hotels.
5.13 Multi-media interface with voicemail system to duplicate phone and
     voicemail capability via MATV system, for link to video-teleconferencing
5.14 Upgrade head-end to provide Stereo Audio delivery
5.15 Development of more foreign Language Content, especially Malaysian,
     Indonesian and other Asian languages.

                                                                   Page 22 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS


The master agreement requires that Maginet shall keep the system up to date to
ensure that installed systems have die features and functionality butt in to the
latest Systems, or systems provided by a competitor.

The following are key features and functions defined in the minimum technical
specification, that if improved upon by a competitor would render the System
inferior; whereby Maginet and GDG would be required to modify the system to
deliver the same or better features and functionality, under the terms of the
master agreement:

In cases where competing hotels offer materially better video quality in a
system with similar features then the system video and audio shall be upgraded
to match that level of quality. In cases where it is difficult to quantify
improvements to video quality, the following criteria will be used to establish
the acceptable minimum quality:

Video images transmitted and displayed across the system, MATV, and a good
quality brand now twenty-five inch (25") television set must be observed to be
similar quality as the same images when the image source is directly connected
to the television set.  The video image source for quality tests shall be a full
action, color movie on a new; unused S-VHS tape provided by a major recording
studio played back on a brand new s-vhs tape player connected directly to the
television with A/V connectors.

When compared to the same movie provided as part of the Content across the
System, MATV, and television set, there shall be no material degradation in
resolution, discoloration, focus, or brightness, nor multiple be images
(ghosting), artifacting, or other negative differences in image quality.

When a competing hotel offers features and functionality that it is determined
by the Advisory Board provide the competing hotel. with a competitive advantages
then Maginet and GDG shall implement equivalent or alternative technology to owe
that the System delivers those additional features and functionality enjoyed by
the competing hotel; where those features and functionalities improve revenue
from the system or are perceived as an incentive for guests to stay at the
competing hotel.

                                                                   Page 23 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

If a competing hotel is able to offer lower rates for movies and services of an
equivalent quality, Maginet and GDG shall use reasonable best efforts, including
employing new or alternative technologies to lower operating costs such that
rates can be lowered without effecting Hyatt profitability.

If a competing hotel generates higher revenues by offering a greater variety of
interactive or video on demand content, of equivalent quality, maginet shall
increase programming and system capacity to match the usage rates enjoyed by the
competing hotel.

If a competing hotel generates higher revenues by offering a greater number of
simultaneous outputs to deliver the content, Maginet shall increase programming
and system capacity to match the usage rates enjoyed by the competing hotel.

If a competing hotel offers better revenues and/or improved features such that
the revenue generating potential of the system is greater, Maginet and GDG shall
employ similar or alternative technology, to ensure that the System remains
competitive in this sector of its revenue generating capability.

If a competing hotel offers alternative technology that substantially improves
revenue and/or offers, features and benefits that are determined to be an
incentive for guests to stay at the competing hotel, then Maginet and GDG shall
provide similar or alternative technology so that System delivers features and
functions that would not be perceived as inferior or outdated by guests and
vendors using the system when compared with the competition.

In cases where such technology involves digital video delivery, the following
criteria is intended to set a minimum standard, in cases where it is not
possible to define the system used by the competition:

     a.   Movies will be delivered to the viewer at 400 lines of resolution or
          better, with color clarity and definition. superior to the current
          vendor's VHS product.
     b.   Transmission of movie signals will be sufficient to provide "flicker
          free" video images.
     c.   The units shall be capable of providing simultaneous access to any or
          all of the available number of ports on the system.
     d.   It must be possible to pause and rewind for a total of 15 minutes of
          the movie showing time, using the remote control (subject to studio

                                                                   Page 24 of 25

EXHIBIT "A"                                               TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

     e.   Additionally it shall meet or exceed other performance criteria
          indicated below as applicable to video tape based systems, where not
          specified under this section and as required to comply with the
          requirements of the master agreement.

To comply with the terms within the master agreement, maginet shall deliver the
system upgrade within nine months of written notice from Hyatt Parties that the
competitor's advantage was determined to exist.

                                                                   Page 25 of 25

                                                               November 15, 1995

                                   EXHIBIT B

                         FORM OF INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENT


                        HOTEL GUEST SERVICES AGREEMENT

This Hotel Guest Services Agreement, ("Agreement") between ____________________,
a Company duly incorporated in ____________________, having its principal place
of business at _____________________________________, and a   [wholly-owned
subsidiary/licensed distributor] of MagiNet International Corporation
(hereinafter referred to as "Provider"), and the Hyatt _________________ Hotel,
having its principal place of business at ___________________________ ("Hotel"),
sets forth the terms for installation, operation and maintenance by Provider of
an ondemand guest video system and related services in the Hotel.


     (A)  The Hotel operates a hotel for the lodging of guests in separate,
private rooms and suites which are customarily available for overnight sleeping

     (B)  The Hotel wishes to enhance the guests' stay by giving them the
opportunity to view pre-recorded entertainment programs and movies and standard
off-air broadcast or cable television channels available to the Hotel without
special equipment, and other programming and interactive service offerings,
conveniently in the privacy of their own rooms using an on-demand video system
provided by MagiNet;

     (C)  Hyatt International (Europe Africa Middle East), Limited ("Hyatt
International"), Hyatt Chain Services Limited ("Hyatt Chain"), Guestserve
Development Group ("GDG"), and MagiNet International Corporation ("MagiNet")
have entered into an exclusive Master Guest Video Services Agreement dated
August __, 1995, (the "Master Agreement") whereby MagiNet, using on demand video
and interactive services technology of GDG ("GDG Technology"), has agreed to
provide on-demand video services and interactive services pursuant to the terms
therein and herein;

Now, therefore, the parties do hereby agree as follows:


          (a)  Provider shall, with the support of magiNet and GDG, provide to
the hotel through the System (defined below) and the Hotel's video and audio
transmission and receiving and antenna and wiring systems ("MATV") on-demand
video and interactive services pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in
the Master Agreement and herein. All terms and provisions in the Master
Agreement applicable to the parties hereto, including obligations of MagiNet and
GDG to the Hotel thereunder, are hereby incorporated

                                      -1-                             (02/15/95)

into this Agreement by reference and made a part hereof.  In the event of any
conflicts between this Agreement and the Master Agreement, the Master Agreement
shall control.

          (b)  The Hotel is hereby fully licensed by Provider, GDG and MagiNet
for as long as this Agreement is in effect to have the use of the GDG
Technology, and any improvements thereon made by GDG, MagiNet and/or any third
party acting under a license or contract from either on the terms provided

          (c)  The Hotel is hereby fully licensed by Provider, GDG and MagiNet
to have and use a graphics generator (the "Graphics Generator") that enables the
Hotel to update its own Hotel Content for display on the System through the GDG
Technology as provided in subsection (p) below. "Content" shall mean off-air
activities, services and programming as provided hereunder and as may be agreed
upon pursuant to the Master Agreement. This license covers all uses in the Hotel
by any entities affiliated with Hyatt International (the "Hyatt Affiliates")
throughout the duration of the Master Agreement and for such time thereafter as
permitted by this Agreement.

          (d)  "System" as referred to herein, shall include at least: A) a
module for each television set that can remotely control on demand requests made
by guests from Hotel rooms ("Rooms") to central storage devices within the
Hotel; (ii) a remote control and appropriate spares for each television in the
Hotel; (iii) Content storage sufficient for the Content initially installed and
a reasonable amount of expansion capability for additional Content that may be
installed in the future; (iv) a front-desk personal computer, monitor and
printer; and (v) all necessary software, electronic, computer and switching
equipment, including GDG Technology to permit the receipt, transmission,
monitoring and on demand remotely controlled guest operated in-room display of
the Content.

          (e)  Subject to the right of Hotel and its guests to use other non-
competing video devices, cd players, computers, telefax machines, and similar
devices in the Rooms, the Hotel will ensure that the System will be the sole and
exclusive in-room pay per view guest video services system provided to their
guests during the term of this Agreement (except as otherwise provided for
herein, or in the Master Agreement). The Hotel will not either directly or
indirectly solicit the installation of any video system in the Hotel which might
directly compete with or cause transmission interference with the System.

          (f)  Subject to paragraph (j) following, Provider shall develop,
repair, purchase, build and install all hardware and software required to
operate the System at its sole cost, including any MATV upgrades required for
the System to perform according to specification, and shall install, operate and
maintain the System

                                   -2-                         (02/15/95)

and such MATV at the Hotel as provided herein.  All required hardware and
software and other equipment and specifications for the System and the MATV are
specified and listed in Exhibit A hereto (the "Technical Requirements").

          (g) Provider shall provide documentation to provide the reader With
sufficient information so that the System can be operated without further
consultation (the "System Manual"). Two (2) copies of each System Manual shall
be provided for the Hotel.

          (h) One (1) copy of a manual that describes the Graphics Generator
sufficiently to permit its use shall be provided to the Hotel (the "Graphics
Generator Manual").

          (i) System Manuals and Graphics Generator Manuals may be copied and
printed in whole or in part by Hotel on an as needed basis. All Manuals shall be
marked and treated by all parties as confidential. Notice of copying of each
Manual shall, with best efforts, be given to Provider.

          (j) The System shall provide guests with the Content in as efficient
and effective a manner as is reasonably and technically possible at the time the
System is installed in each Hotel, and as further specified and described in the
Technical Requirements.

          (k) The System shall accommodate, and Provider shall ensure the
delivery of across the System and the MATV, to the extent reasonably and
commercially possible, all Content that the Hotel determines in the future would
benefit Hotel guests or Hotel staffs and would be economically viable to add to
each Hotel's services.

          (l) The System will be multilingual, and shall permit displays and
commands in at least three separate languages. The selected languages are
preliminarily designated in English, Japanese, and the primary local language
used in the country in which the Hotel is located. If Hotel desires a different
set of languages it shall designate its selections by written notice to MagiNet
on the date of execution of this Agreement and such notice shall become attached
hereto as an Exhibit. Subsequent changes or additions to such languages shall be
mutually agreed in accordance with Customer demand.

          (m) Provider shall at all times in the future ensure that the System
and all other Hyatt International or Hyatt Chain contracted computer,
reservations and information systems operated or used by, the Hotel are
interoperable, and will ensure that it takes no action(s) that could jeopardize
such interoperability.

          (n) Provider understands and agrees that the System must meet or
exceed all applicable Technical Requirements described in

                                 -3-                         (02/15/95)

Exhibit A. Provider shall provide sufficient spare equipment to minimize the
effect of component failure on guest services and to enable rapid repair and
replacement of defective components, including spare converters and remote
controls to enable Hotel staff to meet the short term needs of its guests if
repair and/or replacement of components are required.

          (o)  Each Hotel will ensure the safety and security of the System and
all related property of Provider at all times while the System is installed in
the Hotel, and will be liable for any loss or damage to the System resulting
from willful misconduct on the part of Hotel's guests, employees or third
parties (excepting third parties associated with MagiNet or GDG).

          (p)  The Hotel shall have the right to utilize the System in the Hotel
to display informercials, programs on other hotels and resorts, and similar
advertising and merchandising of hospitality industry products and services
offered by Hyatt International or any Hyatt Affiliates ("Hyatt Products"),
including Interactive Services (see below) and Hotel Services (see below)
(collectively, "Hotel Content").

          (q)  Hotel Content shall not be directly competitive with any then
currently available Content.

          (r)  Except as specifically otherwise provided herein, all Content
other than movies must first be approved by the Hotel prior to installation on
the System.

          (s)  "Hotel Services" shall mean those guest information and other
services available now and in the future from the Hotels or Hyatt International
and Hyatt Affiliates, including the development, storage and transmission of
information about: (1) guest billings status, (2) minibar consumption and other
charges, (3) hotel, transportation, and restaurant reservations, (4) guest
marketing information for or on behalf or third parties, and (5) guest messaging
systems and services.

          (t)  Provider shall ensure that Hotel Services are available through
the System, and can be accessed with no more delay than may be experienced in
order to obtain Interactive Services (defined below) from Provider, include such
assistance as may be needed for the Hotel so that all Technical Requirements are
met for the transmission of Hotel Services through the System,

          (u)  "Interactive Services" shall mean all interactive guest video
products and services, including games, made available to the Hotel by Provider
pursuant to the Master Agreement.
          (v)  If Hotel requires Provider to provide services requiring the
modification of hardware or software interfaces other than those on the System
in order to implement future Hotel

                                 -4-                        (02/15/95)

Services, then the Hotel shall be solely responsible for such costs. if Provider
satisfies such requirements, then any direct costs for the alteration of
existing interfaces solely for the purpose of providing future Hotel Services,
and approved by the Hotel, shall be paid by Hotel.

          (w)  After execution of this Agreement, Provider will perform at its
expense a site evaluation at Hotel to determine whether any upgrading of the
Hotel master television antenna system ("MATV") will be required. If such
upgrading is required, this shall be provided and funded by MagiNet, as provided
in Section 4(i).


          (a)  The term of this Agreement will begin on the Term Commencement
Date as defined in Section 2(b) below and will continue until the expiration or
earlier termination of the Master Agreement (the "Term").

          (b)  Upon the installation of the System, Provider will test the
System to ensure functionality as provided in Section 4(f). Upon the successful
conclusion of such test, Provider and Hotel will sign a statement acknowledging
that the System is functional. Such statement will be attached hereto when
completed as provided in Section 4(f), and the "Term Commencement Date" will be
the date of such statement.


During the Term, Hotel shall provide a designated room for installation of the
System; signal wiring and connections; electrical power and sockets; cooling
facilities; and a secure location for all equipment comprising the System
(collectively, the "Hotel Facilities"); all in accordance with the Technical


          (a)  Installation shall commence within ______( ) days following
execution of this Agreement.

          (b)  Provider shall apply for and obtain all licenses, permits and
other government approvals required to do work on Hotel's premises, and shall at
all times comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements for such
work. It shall be Provider's responsibility to handle all such requirements, and
also its responsibility to pay for any legal expenses and fines incurred due to
Provider's failure to comply with such requirements.

          (c)  An interface with Hotel's PMS shall be completed during
installation of the System. A front-desk personal computer

                                  -5-                         (02/15/95)

and printer will be included as a part of the System for printing charges for
each guest purchase or rental in case such interface fails at any time.
Provider will ensure that the System will fully interface and integrate with the
PMS.  As a part of such integration, guest usage charges shall be automatically
posted to each individual guest's bill, counts of access shall be available to
the Hotel and other reporting will be permitted.  Hotel will cooperate with
Provider for the purpose of successfully implementing the interface, and shall
undertake its best efforts to insure cooperation between Provider and each PMS
software vendor used by the Hotel.  All interface protocol installation or
maintenance charges asserted by the PMS software vendor and agreed upon in
advance by the Hotel will be paid for by Hotel.

          (d)  Hotel will provide such access as may be reasonably requested by
authorized personnel to enable complete installation of the System in the Hotel,
including without limitation providing all Hotel Facilities, within a reasonable
time to permit complete installation. Hotel will make reasonable efforts to
provide sufficient access to guest rooms for the purpose of equipment
installation so that such installation is performed with a minimum of delay.
During the installation process, Hotel will exercise best efforts to provide
complimentary rooms for out of town members of the installation team.

          (e)  Appropriate fully qualified personnel shall perform Provider's
obligations hereunder in an efficient, courteous, effective and timely manner
and all such personnel shall be bonded, trained and supervised in accordance
with appropriate hospitality industry practices consistent with local practice
and custom. All actions of any person acting for or on behalf of Provider shall
be subject to the same rules and regulations, which will be made known to
Provider, as are applicable to Hotel staff. All such persons shall wear
identification badges, and shall be dressed in a proper fashion.

          (f)  Upon completion of the installation, Provider will test and
ensure that the System in each Hotel, and in all Rooms is fully functional
without material defects and meets all applicable Technical Requirements. Upon
the successful conclusion of such testing, Provider will deliver to the Hotel
and the Hyatt Parties a written Certification (the "Certification"), that the
System is fully functional and without material defects and meets all applicable
Technical Requirements. Such Certifications will be attached to this Agreement
as an exhibit.

          (g)  At the time of installation, Provider shall train all employees
deemed by Hotel to be appropriate in the use of the System.

          (h)  Hotel will begin the process of billing guests for and generating
revenue from the Content no later than the date of

                                  -6-                         (02/15/95)

the Certification.

          (i)  Hotel shall provide access to its MATV. Provider shall be
responsible for all work required to and all costs incurred in upgrading the
MATV as required for proper operation of the System, except that improvements
required for in-wall cable and its installation in excess of [***] shall be
paid by the Hotel. If these costs exceed [***] and Provider elects not to pay
for such excess, then the Movie commission rate payable to the Hotel for the
Movies shown at Hotels shall be increased by [***] for a period of three years.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to allow or require Hotel to submit any records
beyond those showing the actual costs of the purchase and installation.

          (j)  The installation of the System and MATV upgrade shall not degrade
the MATV, or impair the ordinary reception of broadcast programs or other
services on the MATV. Any MATV hardware and equipment owned by Hotel which has
been disconnected as a result of the installation will be taken to Hotel
designated storage locations by the installation personnel.


          (a)  Provider will promptly provide all maintenance, repairs and
replacement of all software and hardware and other equipment necessary to ensure
proper operation of the System and the related MATV in the Hotel, including
satisfactory signal quality, and shall insure that a qualified person is
available on a twenty-four (24) hour basis to receive service requests. MagiNet
and GDG will provide backup support to Provider as necessary to ensure proper
maintenance, repair and replacement occurs. Such maintenance and technical
assistance will be provided free of charge, unless the maintenance is occasioned
by a breach by Hotel of any of its obligations as set forth in this Agreement,
or by unauthorized use, access, theft, negligence or damage caused by Hotel
staff or third parties not under contract to Provider, MagiNet or GDG. Hotel
staff shall be trained so that they can undertake routine maintenance as agreed
upon by the Hotel and Provider. Provider shall not be obligated to maintain
hardware already contracted by Hotel to a third party.

          (b)  Hotel will, at the Hotel's expense, notify a person designated by
Provider by telephone or by fax of any failure or degradation of any part of the
System anywhere within the Hotel, including in any Room.

          (c)  The Hotel will notify Provider as soon as is reasonably possible
and upon Hotel's actual notice of any unauthorized use, access, theft, damage or
malfunction of or to the System.

          (d)  Each Hotel will allow authorized personnel of

***  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
     treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
     portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                  -7-                         (02/15/95)

Provider, MagiNet and GDG to have escorted access to the System at reasonable
times in order to conduct routine maintenance, to observe and to monitor the
System, to ensure suitable operating conditions, to implement improvements in
the System, to conduct repairs, and to otherwise carry out Provider's, MagiNet's
and GDG's obligations set out in this Agreement and the Master Agreement.

          (e)  In the event that any malfunction, nonconformity or other defect
in the System is believed to exist by Hotel and notice of such defect is given,
Provider shall promptly undertake best efforts to have the defect corrected and
in no event shall there be more than a four (4) hour delay in Provider's
response and all repairs shall be made as quickly as possible. If Hotel does not
provide prompt access to the System to correct System failures once Provider has
been notified by Hotel of such System defects, Provider will not be liable for
any delays so incurred.

          (f)  Any repairs or replacements to any equipment supplied by Provider
made necessary by any negligent or willful act by Hotel or any of its guests,
employees, contractors, servants, and agents, or force majeure events, will be
undertaken by Provider at Hotel's expense.

          (g)  Hotel shall not permit any person to tamper with or attempt to
make repairs to any equipment supplied by Provider. In emergencies, Hotel may
carry out repairs in accordance with instructions given by Provider.

          (h)  Each Hotel will be responsible for replacement of depleted
batteries and for paying for replacement infrared remote control units in the
event of theft, loss or damage in excess of twenty (20) units per year. Initial
replacement cost is as set forth on Exhibit B, plus shipping, duties and taxes,
and is subject to change upon written notice from Provider or MagiNet to Hotel,
with an effective date at least thirty (30) days in advance of a change, in
accordance with commercially reasonable and customary practices.


          (a)  Hotel will charge hotel guests for access to movies and other pay
per view and pay for service Content (collectively the "Programs") for which
charges are assessed (the "Rental Fees"). The amount to be charged for Movies
shall be set by Provider in consultation with and approved by Hotel at the time
of the execution of the Agreement or, for other pay per view and pay for service
Content, at the time the Content is made available. Such charges shall not
commence until after a guest has been allowed to review the selection for an
initial period to be mutually agreed by Hotel and Provider. In addition to the
Rental Fee, Hotel will collect from guests any taxes applicable to such
receipts, and will pay those taxes to the appropriate government authorities.

                                 -8-                                 (02/15/95)

          (b)  From time to time, Provider may revise the Rental Fees after
consultation with Hotel. Rental Fees shall be charged which are customary in
each locale, and may be increased annually in an amount at least equal to the
increase in the local cost of living. Provider will notify each Hotel in writing
of any new Rental Fee and the effective date at least thirty (30) days in
advance of a revision.

          (c)  In the event any Hotel guest disputes the amount of Rental Fees
in a situation in which Hotel personnel are otherwise unaware of any System
malfunction (herein referred to as a "Denial"), Hotel may in its sole discretion
credit the disputed amount to the guest's account provided it provides Provider
with a copy of the credit voucher showing room number, date, time of day, and
reason for the disputed charge. Hotel will use its best efforts to limit Denials
to not more than five percent (5%) of gross Rental Fees per month.

          (d)  The System will generate an accurate record (the "Access Record")
of the access to the System by any guests, including a record of the access
charges for each individual guest's bill or Room account, the types of access
made, and any other reasonably recordable information that may be requested. The
Access Record will not retain the names of guests. Provider will be responsible
at their own cost for programming the System to enable it to provide the
aforesaid data. The Access Record for Hotel will be held in confidence by the
personnel of Hotel. Provide and Hotel may review and use the Access Record for
such purposes as they may reasonably deem appropriate. Each party will indemnify
the other against any and all claims as a result of their improper use of such
Access Record.

          (e)  Hotel will submit a report (via telefax) to Provider on the first
day of each month which details the previous month's gross Rental Fees and
itemizes deductions for all Denials allowed. Provider shall invoice the Hotel
for gross Rental Fees less Denials allowed, Hotel commissions payable under
Exhibit B (which Exhibit shall be supplemented and amended from time to time as
new Programs are added to the System) and unreimbursed tax payments ("Net Rental
Fees"), all based upon guest usage as reported by the relevant PMS accounting
records during each calendar month which information shall be accessible and
reviewable during the month by Provider and Hotel. Hotel shall hand post any
invoices printed in hard form as a result of PMS downtime to accurately capture
those buys in PMS records. If Hotel's PMS report differs from the automatic
record kept by the System, both parties agree to mutually and amicably resolve
any variances between their respective records of Rental Fees and Denials.

          (f)  Hotel will pay to Provider or the designated subsidiary or
distributor or other designated party within ten (10) days, the Net Rental Fees
invoiced by- Provider as provided in

                                  -9-                         (02/15/95)

paragraph (e) preceding. The payment transmission will also specify the
occupancy rate for the month.

          (g)  Hotel will keep current, complete and accurate records (of
occupancy rates and all Net Rental Fees and other amounts due to Provider
pursuant to this Agreement. Throughout the duration of this Agreement, Hotel's
book and records pertinent to the Rental Fees, Denials and Net Rental Fees for
any month will be open to inspection and reproduction by Provider and, if
necessary, to an audit by a mutually agreed upon certified public accountant as
an authorized representative of Provider upon reasonable advance written notice
to Hotel. No such records need to be retained beyond one year, Provider's right
to inspect and audit the books and records of Hotel will not extend beyond one
year from the expiration of the Agreement. If any audit by Provider discloses
any non-payment or underpayment of any amount payable to Provider, the Hotel
will immediately pay to Provider any deficiency, plus interest charges at the
rate of 1.5% per month or the maximum interest allowed by local law, whichever
is less. If the deficiency is in excess of fifteen percent (15%) of the actual
amount payable to Provider for the period for which the deficiency occurred, the
Hotel will reimburse Provider for all costs incurred by Provider in conducting
the audit.


          (a)  It is understood and agreed that, except as otherwise provided
below, Provider shall have absolute control and discretion in the selection of
the movies it contracts for with the movie studios or their distributors and
provides to Hotel (the "Movies").

          (b)  Provider shall provide a method whereby a guest will be able to
electronically restrict persons from viewing any adult selections being offered
in a Room.

          (c)  When available from producing studios, the Content offered by
Provider shall include first run Movies offered to Hotel that shall be no less
current and offer no less variety of first run and other titles than those
available at competing hotels in the country where the Hotel is located.
Provider shall consult with the Hotel on a regular basis to ensure the provision
of a selection of titles properly suited to each Hotel's guest profile. Hotels
may review the movies and other video materials being offered by Provider, and
may object to Movies it feels violate the sensitivities of the guests at a
particular Hotel, and any unresolved disputes will be adjudicated by the
Advisory Board established pursuant to the Master Agreement, pending which
resolution the objectionable Movies shall not be offered at the Hotel.

          (d)  Provider will be solely responsible for any royalty

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payable to Movie suppliers and any license fees for Movies made available on the

          (e)  Each Hotel trill be responsible for ensuring that access to the
room(s) in which the central storage and transmission equipment for the System
is located is restricted to persons accompanied by persons authorized by
Provider to be present there except in cases of emergency. Provider shall
authorize a sufficient number of persons employed by the Hotel for such purpose.
Hotels will not authorize copying of any Movies and will undertake their best
efforts to ensure that the Movies are exhibited in the Rooms only, and not in
the public rooms and public areas (including "lobbies, hallways, restaurants,
bars, meeting rooms, etc.) of the Hotel. The Movies will not be exhibited other
than in accordance with this Agreement. Hotel will use reasonable efforts to
insure that only registered guests of the Hotel and their invitees may view the

          (f)  Cassettes and other media that contain the Movies ("Cassettes")
will be kept in a secure and locked area. Hotel will prevent unauthorized access
to and use, exhibition or viewing of any Cassette by any person other than as
set forth herein. Hotel will not permit any person to duplicate or make
alterations of any kind to Cassettes. Hotel will promptly report to Provider any
unauthorized use of the Cassettes as soon as a Hotel becomes aware of any such
use. If Hotel has videocassette recorders installed in the Rooms, the Hotel
shall agree that Provider may, where required to do so as a result of its
licensing agreements, as directed by the Hotel, either (i) disable the "record"
function in such a way that does not permanently damage the videocassette
equipment, but only to the extent required to comply with such restrictions, or
(ii) disable the Movie function for such Rooms.

          (g)  Provider shall be responsible to ensure that any of the
transmissions on the System controlled by it do not violate any applicable laws,
including those of the country in which Hotel is located, including specifically
any laws relating to copyright, pornography, and censorship of information or

          (h)  Provider Shall at all times offer to the Hotel the most advanced
guest video services and features (and associated technologies) it or its
competitors offers to any other hotel.


          (a)  The parties agree that the System and all equipment, materials
and engineering related thereto (excepting the MATV) and which are provided by
Provider are the sole and exclusive property of Provider.

          (b)  Hotel shall exercise best efforts to ensure the safety and
security of the System and all related property of

                                  -11-                        (02/15/95)

Provider at all times while the System is installed at the Hotel.  Hotel will
use its reasonable efforts to prevent any vandalism, theft, or damage of (Dr to
any of the equipment supplied by Provider.

          (c)  Hotel shall not allow any lien, encumbrance, mortgage, claim or
security interest to be attached to or be made against the System. The Hotel
shall allow Provider to affix a notice or plaque to the System stating that the
System is the sole and exclusive property of Provider and/or MagiNet.

          (d)  Hotel shall allow authorized personnel of Provider, MagiNet or
GDG, or their independent contractors to have access to the System at all times
in order to conduct routine maintenance, observation and monitoring of the
System, to ensure suitable operating conditions and to implement improvements in
the system. Upon termination of this Agreement, Hotel will take all reasonable
actions necessary to allow Provider to remove the System promptly and Provider
shall remove the System no later than thirty (30) days after such termination
and shall return the premises to their original condition, normal wear and tear
excepted at no cost to Hotel.

          (e)  In the event the safety of the System is threatened due to
earthquake, flood, fire, strike, civil disruption or similar causes, Provider
shall be entitled to enter upon the Hotel premises and to remove the System from
danger upon reasonable notice to Hotel.

          (f)  "Hotel Systems" shall mean those hardware and software systems
other than the System used by Hyatt International and Hyatt Affiliates and the
Hotel to deliver Content to guests in their rooms, including any transmitting
devices and equipment, wiring, televisions, and cable or master antennae
transmission systems, as well as all software and hardware used for Hotel's PMS
and MATV.

          (g)  Hotel Content, Hotel Systems, all signal boosters, wiring and
faceplates, and any portions of the System that are permanently installed, or
installed in such a way that the removal of that part would cause more than
incidental wear and tear to the premises, and all other property at the Hotels
apart from the System, shall be considered by the parties to he the sole and
exclusive property of the Hotel (the "Hotel Property") . All Hotel Property
shall be considered to be the property of the Hotel, irrespective of whether
such information, materials, hardware and software systems are used on or
developed by anyone related to MagiNet and/or GDG and/or any third parties.

          (h)  The System and Content provided by Provider, MagiNet and/or GDG
that is not Hotel Property shall be either the property of Provider, MagiNet, or
GDG or properly licensed to Provider,

                                 -12-                         (02/15/95)

MagiNet or GDG by a third party.

          (i)  Equipment comprising part of the System and owned by Provider
will not be removed from Hotel for any purpose whatsoever during the term of the
Agreement except for purposes of repair, and when removal is necessary to ensure
safety of such equipment.


          (a)  Provider will maintain general business risk insurance on the
System at its expense.

          (b)  Provider shall carry and maintain for installation, and any later
work at the Hotel, worker's compensation insurance, or such other insurance as
is required and or needed to pay for any actions of Provider's personnel and all
such other personnel, in the amount of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit
comprehensive general contractual liability insurance, and at least $1,000,000
combined single limit vehicle liability insurance. Copies of all applicable
policies and certificates of insurance shall be provided to the Hotel prior to
commencement of any work on the premises of any Hotel.

          (c)  Hotel shall include the System in any assessment of the real
estate or personal property of the Hotel and pay such taxes as are assessed, to
the extent required by law.

          (d)  To the extent permitted under its existing insurance policies,
Hotel shall include the System as part of its insured property and equipment.


Hotel and the staff and the employees of the Hotel shall adequately publicize
the existence of the System and access to the Programs for use by guests as
determined by Hotel in its sole discretion.  Hotel hereby acknowledges that the
success of the System installed by Provider depends on the response of the
Hotel's employees to guests' inquiries in a proper manner to encourage guests'
use and enjoyment of the System.  If Provider shall develop and provide to Hotel
in-room or other advertising materials to encourage use of the System by guests
of the Hotel, Hotel shall place such material in the Rooms or elsewhere at the
Hotel, provided that Hotel Provider finds such materials to be suitable to the
decorum of the Rooms.


          (a)  To enable each Hotel to generate suitable promotional material
related to the use of the System and to enable personnel of each Hotel to advise
and encourage guests regarding

                                 -13-                       (02/15/95)

their use of the System, Provider will provide a one-time training course on the
use and operation of the System for as many employees as Hotel deems desirable
at no charge. Such training shall take place within sixty (60) days of the
installation done under this Agreement.

          (b)  Hotel will exercise best efforts to provide complimentary
accommodations for Provider training personnel. In addition, Provider, MagiNet
and GDG personnel will be reasonably available at no charge for telephone
consultation to personnel of Hotels to provide further assistance regarding use
and operation of the Systems, including an in-country telephone number staffed
on a twenty-four hour basis.


The parties agree that the functions and components of the System, facts
regarding the equipment and materials related thereto, the manner of operation
thereof and the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Rental
Fees payable hereunder, all constitute proprietary information of Provider.
Hotel shall not permit any third party to have access to the System other than
such of the Hotel's maintenance personnel as may be reasonably necessary to
enable Hotel to provide the Hotel Facilities and otherwise as expressly
permitted by Provider in writing.


The Parties represent, undertake and covenant with each other that throughout
the duration of this Agreement:

          (a)  Authority.  The Parties warrant and represent that each has 
full legal power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform all
of its obligations hereunder and that this Agreement is within its authority and
that all necessary corporate action has been taken to authorize it to enter into
this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder.

          (b)  Compliance.  Each party will comply, and will ensure that 
performance of its obligations hereunder complies, with all applicable laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits or other requirements
now or hereafter in effect, of any governmental authority. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, to the extent any filing with, or any license,
approval or other agreement of, any applicable authority is required for
performance of any of the either party's obligations, such party will file the
appropriate documents and will maintain such documents on file, which Provider
may inspect upon demand.

     14.  DEFAULT

                                 -14-                         (02/15/95)

          (a)  Default.  Either Hotel or Provider shall be in default under this
Agreement if it (i) shall be adjudicated bankrupt or petition for relief under
any bankruptcy, reorganization receivership, liquidation, compromise arrangement
or moratorium statute, or (ii) shall petition for the appointment of a receiver,
liquidation, compromise arrangement or moratorium statute, or (iii) shall
petition for the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, trustee or custodian for
all or part of its assets,

          (b)  Notice of Non-performance.  Hotel or Provider shall also be in 
default under this Agreement if it (or any associated or affiliated entity so
required) should fail to perform or comply with any material obligation under
this Agreement or under the Master Agreement intended to benefit either party
and either (i) such failure is not remedied within sixty (60) days after receipt
of notice from the other party of such failure or (ii) if such default is of a
nature that it cannot, with due diligence and in good faith, be cured within
sixty (60) days, the non-performing party fails to proceed promptly and with due
diligence and in good faith to cure such failure of performance. In each
instance the non-performing party shall be informed in writing by the other
party of the circumstances of such non-performance.

          (c)  Remedies.  If any of the events of default set out in Section 
14(a) or (b) above should occur, the party not in default may exercise any or
all of the following remedies: (i) cancel and terminate this Agreement (which
termination for purposes of Section 6(b) shall become effective sixty (60) days
after the original notice to the defaulting party of the failure to perform or
comply) , (ii) obtain injunctive and other equitable relief, and (iii) obtain
such damages and other rights and remedies as the party not in default may have
at law, and (iv) undertake either step(s) (i) and/or (ii) while retaining the
System in place (subject to continuance of all other material terms and
conditions herein and until a replacement vendor can be selected in an orderly
transition to that vendor's technology).

          (d)  Master Agreement.  In the event the Master Agreement is 
terminated for any reason Hotel shall have the option, exercisable within thirty
(30) days, to terminate this Agreement, otherwise this Agreement shall continue
in full force and effect according to the terms herein. Default under or
termination of this Agreement shall not be considered a default for the purposes
of the Master Agreement except as specifically provided therein.


          (a)  Any marketing and promotion that occurs with respect to the
System in connection with the Hotel shall be first approved by the Hotel.

                                 -15-                           (02/15/95)

          (b)  No party is or shall act as the agent for any other party, and no
statement may be made that can be attributable to a party, or any of its
affiliated or related companies or entities, without first obtaining such
entity's permission for the statement.

          (c)  The parties agree to cooperate with each other to promote the use
of the System.


          (a)  Provider shall indemnify and hold the Hotel, and all related
entities and persons, including their affiliates, agents, officers, directors
and employees, harmless from any and all actions, costs, losses, expenses and/or
damages resulting from Provider's activities and the activities of any entity
for which they have assumed responsibility hereunder, pursuant to (or relating
or incidental to this Agreement. Such indemnification shall specifically include
any, and all actions alleged to involve intellectual property and any other
action of any kind.

          (b)  Provider agrees to be fully responsible for all subcontractors
who may be chosen for actions to be taken under this Agreement, including full
indemnity for the actions of any subcontractor or any of the subcontractor's

          (c)  Hotel shall be required insofar as is commercially reasonable to
notify Provider of any video recording and/or playback devices and related
content that are provided by the Hotel to its guests.

          (d)  Except as required by Provider, MagiNet or GDG licensing
agreements with others, nothing herein may be used by Provider or MagiNet or GDG
to limit the Hotel in their promotion of any Content whatsoever, which promotion
shall be entirely within the Hotels' reasonable discretion.

          (e)  This Hotel Agreement will be governed by the laws of

          (f)  Except as otherwise set forth herein, the provisions hereof will
be binding upon, and will inure to the benefit of, the respective successors and
assigns of the parties hereto; provided that no assignment of this Agreement
will be made by Provider without the express prior written consent of Hotel,
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. It is expressly understood that
Provider may assign this Agreement without consent, specifically including: (i)
an assignment by Provider to a creditor for debt financing purposes, provided
that such creditor has agreed in writing to abide by the terms of this
Agreement, and (ii) an assignment to a subsidiary or related entity of Provider,
so long as Provider remains primarily liable. Notwithstanding any

                                -16-                                 (02/15/95)

assignment, none of the System or other Provider property may be removed from
the Hotel prior to the Hotel's uncured default or termination of this Agreement,
free of any claims on the System.

          (g)  This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written
agreement signed by both parties. No waiver by either party of any breach or
default hereunder will be construed as a waiver of any precedent or subsequent
breach or default.

          (h)  This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding
of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes
all prior discussions and understanding between the parties related thereto,
whether written or oral.

          (i)  Where at party is unable, wholly or in part, by reason of Force
Majeure, to carry out any obligations under this Agreement and that party; (i)
gives the affected party prompt notice of that Force Majeure with reasonably
full particulars and, insofar as known, the probable extent to which it will be
unable to perform or be delayed in performing that obligation; and (ii) uses all
reasonable efforts to remove that Force Majeure as quickly as possible; then
that obligation is suspended insofar as it is affected by the continuance of
that Force Majeure provided that this section will not operate to relieve any
party of any obligation to pay money. In the event any Force Majeure prevents
performance under this Agreement by either party which continues in existence
for more than thirty (30) days, the parties will meet in good faith to discuss
the situation and to make all reasonable efforts to achieve a mutually
satisfactory resolution of the problem so that Force Majeure no longer prevents
performance under this Agreement, provided that the Hotel shall have the option
to terminate the Agreement for any Force Majeure event that last longer than one
hundred and eighty (180) days.

          (j)  Any and all disputes arising under or in any way connected or
related to this Agreement, and any subject matters covered by this Agreement,
shall be finally adjudicated and resolved through final and binding arbitration
in ____________, in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the United
Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Interim court relief
may be sought at any time by any party, and any request for interim relief shall
not be considered a bar to arbitration, nor limit the power of the arbitrator to
change any interim relief awarded during the course of the arbitration.

          (k)  In the event that materially better terms than those stated
herein are offered by Provider to any similar hotel located in the same city as
the Hotel, the Hotel will be offered all the same terms and conditions, and any
less favorable payments made or receipts obtained subsequent to their being
contracted with another customer but prior to the effective date of the change
in the terms in this Agreement shall be reimbursed to or for the Hotel.

                                 -17-                         (02/15/95)

          (1)  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all Intellectual
Property owned by Hyatt Parties, the Hotels and any related entities shall be
and remain the property of those entities. MagiNet and GDG and any related
entities shall be provided the limited right to use and practice such
Intellectual Property solely for the purpose of ensuring that they can perform
the Activities.

          (m)  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all Intellectual
Property of MagiNet and GDG and any related entities shall be and remain the
property of those entities. Hyatt International, Hyatt Services, the Hotels and
any related entities shall be provided the limited right to use and practice
such Intellectual Property solely for the purposes described in this Agreement
and the Individual Agreements.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Hotel Agreement is entered into by the parties
hereto this ___ day of________________________, 19___.

[PROVIDER]                             [HOTEL]

By:                                    By:

Title:                                 Title:

                                  -18-                         (02/15/95)

                                   EXHIBIT A

                            TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

                                  -19-                       (02/15/95)