Exhibit 10.1

                                  HORACE MANN
                             SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYEE
                                RETIREMENT PLAN

                               1997 RESTATEMENT


                              ARTICLE I - GENERAL

1.1  Establishment.  Effective 01 January 1992, Horace Mann Educators
     Corporation and Horace Mann Service Corporation (collectively referred to
     as the "Company") established an unfunded, deferred compensation plan on
     behalf of certain designated management or highly compensated employees of
     the Company or any subsidiary of the Company which has adopted the Horace
     Mann Pension Plan ("HMPP"). This document defines the provisions of such
     plan and shall be known as the "Horace Mann Supplemental Employee
     Retirement Plan" (the "Plan" or "SERP").

     Effective 12 February 1997, the Plan was amended and restated to include
     the same vesting provisions as contained in the HMPP.

1.2  Purpose.  The Company maintains the HMPP which is intended to meet the
     requirements of a "qualified" retirement plan under Section 401(a) of the
     Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code").  The HMPP was amended
     effective 01 January 1992, to contain a new benefit formula designed to
     comply with the requirements for a qualified retirement plan as a result of
     the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and other legislative and regulatory
     developments.  As of 31 December 1991, the HMPP's original primary offset
     formula was frozen.  This Plan was established to replace benefits lost due
     to diminution of benefit accruals for the Eligible Employees.  Also, this
     Plan is intended to be an unfunded, deferred compensation plan for this
     select group of management or highly compensated employees, as described in
     Sections 201(2), 301(a)(3), and 401(s)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income
     Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").

1.3  Application of Plan.  The terms of this Plan are applicable only to the
     Eligible Employees who were in the active employ of the Company before
     August 29, 1989 and after January 1, 1992.

1.4  Sponsorship.  Horace Mann Service Corporation maintains and sponsors the

                           ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS

     The following terms, whenever used in the following capitalized form, shall
have the meaning set forth below unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,
or unless modified by an Appendix attached hereto:

2.1  "Committee" means the Committee appointed pursuant to the terms of the
     HMPP, with the responsibility and authority described therein.

2.2  "Company"means Horace Mann Educators Corporation and Horace Mann Service
     Corporation and any successors thereto.

2.3  "Compensation" means the Compensation recognized for a Participant under
     the HMPP at the same point in time.

2.4  "Eligible Employee" means those designated management or highly compensated
     Employees in the Appendix, but only for the period prior to their
     Termination of Employment.


2.5  "Employer"  or "HMSC" means Horace Mann Service Corporation.

2.6  "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as from
     time to time amended.

2.7  "Final Average Earnings" means the Final Average Earnings recognized for a
     Participant under the HMPP at the same point in time.

2.8  "HMPP" means the Horace Mann Pension Plan, as amended from time to time.

2.9  "Hour of Service" means each hour which an Eligible Employee is directly or
     indirectly paid or entitled to payment by the Employer for the performance
     of duties.

2.10 "Internal Revenue Code" or "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
     as amended, and any subsequent Internal Revenue Code.  If there is a
     subsequent Internal Revenue Code, any references herein to Internal Revenue
     Code sections shall be deemed to refer to comparable sections of any
     subsequent Internal Revenue Code.

2.11 "Joint and 50% Survivor Annuity" means a reduced monthly benefit payable as
     defined in the HMPP.

2.12 "Joint and Survivor Annuity" means a reduced Retirement Benefit payable as
     defined in the HMPP.

2.13 "MPPP" means the Horace Mann Money Purchase Pension Plan, as amended from
     time to time.

2.14 "Normal Form of Payment" has the same meaning as defined in the HMPP.

2.15 "Participant" means an Eligible Employee who has satisfied the requirements
     of the Plan to become a Participant or former Eligible Employee who has an
     Accrued Benefit under the Plan.

2.16 "Payment Date" means the relevant date for determining when the retirement
     benefits or death benefits shall be paid and the form of payment and shall
     be the first day of the month next following a Participant's Termination of

2.17 "Plan" means the Plan as herein set forth, or as may be amended hereafter
     from time to time.

2.18 "Plan Year" means each twelve-consecutive month period beginning 01 January

2.19 "Predecessor Employer" means CIGNA Corporation and each other company for
     whom employment would earn "eligible service" under the Prior Plan as
     defined in the HMPP.

2.20 "Primary Social Security Benefit" means the estimated monthly primary
     insurance amount as defined in Appendix I to the HMPP.

2.21 "QDRO" means a domestic relations order which the Committee has determined
     to be a qualified domestic relations order within the meaning of Section
     414(p) of the Code.


2.22  "Spouse" means a person who is the Participant's Spouse under the

2.23  "Termination of Employment" occurs when a person ceases to be employed by

2.24  "Years of Credited Service" or "Credited Service" means only those periods
      of service as defined in the HMPP for purposes of benefit calculation. Any
      service beyond 30 years will not be included in the benefit calculation.

2.25  "Years of Eligible Service" or "Eligible Service" means the number of full
      and fractional Years of Eligible Service recognized for a Participant as
      defined under the HMPP.

                          ARTICLE III - PARTICIPATION

3.1   Becoming a Participant.  Each Eligible Employee shall initially become a
      Participant on 01 January 1992.

3.2   Reemployment.

      (a) Following Retirement. If a Participant retires from the Company, and
      subsequently is re-employed as a full time, part time or temporary
      employee who works more than 10 days per month, the Participant's periodic
      SERP benefit will cease until he re-retires. Upon his subsequent
      retirement, his prior and additional service and earnings, plus any
      additional credit earned under the qualified plan(s) will be included in
      the recalculation of the Participant's SERP benefit.

      In the event the Participant retires and is re-employed and works less
      than 10 days a month, the Participant's periodic SERP payment will

      (b) Following Termination of Employment for reason(s) other than
      Retirement.  If an Eligible Employee's Termination of Employment is for
      reason(s) other than Early or Normal Retirement, then upon re-employment
      any prior service will be credited as it is credited under the HMPP.
      However, to the extent that the Participant received a Lump Sum
      distribution under the SERP, as defined in the HMPP, the Participant will
      not receive credit under this Plan for that prior service.
3.3   Ceasing to be a Participant.  A person will cease to be a Participant with
      respect to his Accrued Benefit earned prior to his Termination of

      (a) if he becomes a Participant in the Executive Supplemental Employee
      Retirement Plan (ESERP) then all benefits under this Plan will be

      (b) if he loses all of his Years of Credited Service under the HMPP; or
      (c) if he dies.

3.4   Appendix Provisions. Notwithstanding terms and provisions to the contrary,
      the terms and provisions of any Appendix shall govern.



4.1  Eligibility.  Benefits are payable under the SERP only if the Participant
     separates from service from the Company and would be considered to be
     vested under the HMPP  That eligibility would include early, normal, and
     postponed retirement.  As defined in the HMPP:

     (a)  For employees who separate from service and are immediately eligible
          for retirement benefits:

          (I)   Normal Retirement Date is the first day of the month coincident
          with or next following the month in which the Participant is at least
          65 years and has at least 5 years of service;

          (ii)  Early Retirement Date is the first day of the month coincident
          with or following the month in which the Participant is at least 55
          years and has at least 10 years of service. Benefits will be reduced
          according to the Early Retirement Adjustment Factor Table as contained
          in the HMPP; or

          (iii) Postponed Retirement Date is the first day of the month
          coincident with or next following the Participant's termination of
          employment with the Company after his Normal Retirement Date and the
          Participant will continue to accrue service under this Plan (up to 30
          years) and eligible compensation.

     (b)  For employees who separate from service, who are vested but not yet
          eligible for retirement benefits:

          (I)   Normal vested benefits are payable as of the first day of the
          month coincident with or next following the Participant's 65th
          birthday and the Participant has at least 5 years of service and are
          calculated in the same manner as provided in the HMPP at the time of
          the Participant's separation from service; or

          (ii)  Early vested benefits are payable as of the first day of the
          month coincident with or following the month in which the Participant
          is at least 55 years and has at least 10 years of service. Benefits
          are calculated in the same manner as provided in the HMPP at the time
          of the Participant's separation from service and will be reduced
          according to the Deferred Vested  Retirement Adjustment Factor Table
          as contained in the HMPP.

4.2  Vesting.  The SERP benefits are subject to the same vesting provisions as
     described in the HMPP.

4.3  Retirement Benefit Calculation.  The purpose of the SERP is to provide in
     conjunction with benefits payable from the HMPP and the MPPP, a retirement
     income equal to the benefit provided under the pre-01 January 1992 HMPP as
     stated in the "guaranteed benefit" at age 65 years.

     (a)  A Participant who attains his Normal Retirement Date as an Eligible
     Employee shall have a retirement benefit equal to his Accrued Benefit,
     defined in the same manner as the Accrued Benefit in the HMPP.  The SERP
     base benefit formula is:


     *an average of the Participant's highest 36 consecutive months of Eligible
     *times 2%;
     *times Years of Credited Service under the HMPP (up to 30 years);
     *minus 50% of the Primary Income Social Security Benefit;
     *equals the Participant's lifetime only benefit at age 65 years.

     (b)  To determine what benefit, if any, is due under the SERP, the
     following calculation would be performed.

     *SERP lifetime only base benefit;
     *minus the lifetime only benefit payable from the HMPP;
     *minus the lifetime only benefit payable from the MPPP, as defined in the
     *equals the lifetime only benefit payable from the SERP.

     If the combined payable benefits from the HMPP and the MPPP are greater
     than the SERP, then no benefits are payable from the SERP.  This would
     apply to any other forms of benefits payable (such as, early retirement or
     surviving spouse options).  In addition, the SERP will not pay supplemental
     benefits due to IRC statutory limitations.

4.4  Commencement of Retirement Benefits.  All Retirement Benefits will be paid
     as of the appropriate Payment Date.  In the event payment of a Retirement
     Benefit does not commence or is not made until after a Participant's
     Payment Date, the Plan will pay to such Participant all amounts due and
     unpaid since the Payment Date in accordance with the form of payment in
     effect on the Payment Date.

                          ARTICLE V - DEATH BENEFITS

5.1  Entitlement to Death Benefits.

     (a)  Amount and Conditions of Spouse's Death Benefit.  Upon the death on or
     after 01 January 1992 and prior to the Payment Date of any Retirement
     Benefit, of a Participant who has satisfied the Conditions hereinafter
     described, the Spouse of such Participant shall be entitled to a Death
     Benefit commencing on the Spouse's Payment Date and in the amount described

          (i)   With respect to a Participant who is not an Eligible Employee on
          his date of death, and whose death occurs after he has attained his
          Normal Retirement Date or Early Retirement Date, the Death Benefit
          shall be an amount that the Participant would have been paid had the
          Participant commenced to receive Retirement Benefits on what would
          have been the Participant's Payment Date and had he died the next day.

          (ii)  In the case of a Participant who is an Eligible Employee on the
          date of his death and who has accrued not less than five (5) Years of
          Eligible Service, the Death Benefit shall be an amount equal to fifty
          percent (50%) of the Participant's Accrued Benefit payable in a Single
          Life Annuity.

     (b)  No Death Benefit.  If a Death Benefit is not applicable in accordance
     with Section 5.1(a), or the Spouse dies before the Payment Date of such
     Death Benefit, no Death Benefit shall be paid from the Plan.


5.2  Claiming Death Benefits.  All Death Benefits will be paid commencing as of
     the appropriate Payment Date.  In the event payment of a Death Benefit does
     not commence or is not made until after the Payment Date, the Plan will pay
     to such Spouse all amounts due and unpaid since the Payment Date in
     accordance with the form of payment automatically in effect on the Payment
     Date.  Notwithstanding the request or election to the contrary, the Plan
     Administrator shall direct an immediate distribution of a Lump Sum payment
     (determined pursuant to the appropriate table as defined in the HMPP) if
     the value of the Death Benefit payable as of the Payment Date does not
     exceed the applicable limit as defined in the HMPP.


6.1  Form and Commencement.  As defined in the HMPP, benefits payable under this
     Plan shall be paid in the Normal Form of Payment beginning on the
     Participant's Payment Date.  However, in the manner described in Section
     6.2, any benefit due to a Participant under this Plan may be paid in the
     form of a Joint and Survivor Annuity or a Lump Sum payment.  Each alternate
     form of payment shall be in the Actuarial Equivalent as defined in the HMPP
     of a Single Life Annuity.

6.2  Participant Elections.  A Participant (or a Participant's spouse should the
     Participant pre-decease the Participant) shall have the right to elect, by
     delivery of written notice to the Plan Administrator at any time prior to
     his Payment Date, not to have the Retirement Benefit paid in the Normal
     Form of Payment.  Any election made by a person pursuant to this Section
     may be revoked by such person by delivering written notice to the Plan
     Administrator at any time prior to his Payment Date and, once revoked, may
     be made again at any time by delivering written notice to the Plan
     Administrator prior to his Payment Date.  An election to receive payment of
     his Retirement Benefit in the form of a Lump Sum shall be subject to the
     approval of the Plan Administrator in his or her absolute discretion.  The
     Plan Administrator shall only approve a Lump Sum form of payment when the
     Participant has demonstrated to the Plan Administrator's satisfaction that
     he is suffering or will soon be suffering a severe economic hardship due to
     severe and unexpected financial emergencies, as described in Section 6.3,
     and he has no readily available resources to meet the hardship.

6.3  Hardship.  A severe economic hardship shall include:

     (a) unreimbursed medical expenses for the Participant, the Participant's
     Spouse, or the Participant's dependents;

     (b) unreimbursed expense for the Participant, Participant's Spouse or the
     Participant's dependents for long-term care, custodial care, or elder care;

     (c) purchase of a Participant's primary residence;

     (d) mortgage or rent payments to prevent the Participant's eviction from,
     or foreclosure on, his principal residence;

     (e) unreimbursed educational expense for the Participant or the
     Participant's dependents;

     (f) payment of expenses in order to prevent the Participant's bankruptcy;


     (g) in the cases of terminal illness of the Participant, the Spouse or the
     Participant's Dependents;

     (h) other financial emergencies of an unforeseen nature, that would impose
     severe hardship on the Participant as determined in a nondiscriminatory

     Hardships for purposes of the Plan would not include purchase of a
     secondary residence or similar types of real estate, meeting outstanding
     credit indebtedness, mortgage balloon payments, refinancing, and other
     similar types of events.

     In order to qualify for a Lump Sum distribution for the above hardships,
     the Participant must not have any other readily available resources that
     would meet the Participant's unforeseen, immediate financial need.  This
     would not include the forced selling of property significantly below its
     true value or incurring a substantial penalty because of an early surrender
     of a certificate of deposit.  If the Participant requests a "hardship" Lump
     Sum distribution, he will be required to make the request in writing and to
     submit documentation of the financial need and certification of the
     unavailability of other resources to meet the need.

     The review and approval of the hardship Lump Sum distribution is made by
     the Plan Administrator.  Should the Participant's request be denied, and he
     feels that denial is in error, he should appeal his request within sixty
     (60) days of the denial to the Plan Administrator and the Chairperson of
     the Pension Committee.  Any decision made subsequent to the appeal review
     process will be considered final.

     Subsequent to review and approval, benefits will be paid approximately
     thirty (30) days later by draft without interest from the Payment Date.

6.4  Facility of Payment.  All benefits under the Plan shall be paid to the
     Participant or Spouse entitled thereto ("Payee") by a check which shall be
     endorsed personally by the Payee.

6.5  Effect of Return of Benefit Checks.  Each person entitled to benefits under
     this Plan shall furnish the Plan Administrator with the address to which
     his benefit checks shall be mailed.  If any benefit check is mailed by
     regular United States Mail to the last address appearing on the Plan
     Administrator's record is returned because the addressee is not found at
     that address, the mailing of benefit checks shall stop.  Thereafter, if the
     Plan Administrator receives written notice of the proper address of the
     person entitled to receive such benefit checks and is furnished with
     evidence satisfactory to the Plan Administrator that such person is living,
     all amounts then due shall be forwarded to such person.

6.6  Small Pensions.  Notwithstanding a Participant's election otherwise or any
     other provision of this Plan, if the Lump Sum value (determined pursuant to
     the appropriate Table contained in the HMPP) of a Participant's Retirement
     Benefit does not exceed the applicable limit prescribed by the HMPP, the
     Plan Administrator shall make full payment of such Retirement Benefit in a
     Lump Sum.

                         ARTICLE VII - PLAN FINANCING

7.1  Funding.  All benefits payable under the Plan constitute general corporate
     obligations of


     the Employer.  The amounts payable under the Plan shall be reflected on the
     accounting records of the Employer but shall not be construed to create or
     require the creation of a trust, custodial, or escrow account.  No
     Participant (or Spouse of a Participant) shall have any right, title, or
     interest whatever in or to any investment reserves, accounts, or funds that
     an Employer may purchase, establish, or accumulate to aid in providing
     benefits under this Plan.  Nothing contained in this Plan, and no action
     taken pursuant to its provisions, shall create a trust or fiduciary
     relationship of any kind between an Employer and a Participant or any other
     person.  Neither a Participant or Spouse of a Participant shall acquire any
     interest greater than that of an unsecured creditor.

7.2  Employer Contributions.  The Employer shall make payments from its general
     assets to pay benefits under this Plan in such amounts and at such times as
     the Committee, in accordance with the Plan, shall from time to time direct.

7.3  Benefits Payable Only From Corporate Assets.  All benefits provided by this
     Plan shall be paid solely out of the corporate assets of the Employer.

                         ARTICLE VIII - ADMINISTRATION

8.1  Pension Committee.  The same membership structure, actions, responsibility
     and authority shall apply to this Plan as described in the HMPP and the
     MPPP.  The decision of the Pension Committee in matters within its
     jurisdiction shall be final, binding, and conclusive upon the Company and
     upon each Eligible Employee, Participant, spouse, and every other person or
     party interested or concerned.

8.2  Plan Administrator.  The Plan Administrator shall have the same duties and
     authority pursuant to this Plan as are described in the HMPP and the MPPP.
     All affairs of calculation, payment and administration of the SERP are
     conducted by the Plan Administrator.  No benefits will be paid under the
     terms of this Plan without the authorization of the Plan Administrator.
     The Plan Administrator shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon all
     tables, valuations, certificates, opinions and reports furnished by any
     actuary, accountant, controller, counsel or other person employed or
     engaged by the Company with respect to the Plan.

8.3  Liability.  The Committee and Plan Administrator shall be free from all
     liability, joint and several, for their acts as members of such Committee,
     except to the extent that they may have committed wilful misconduct or
     otherwise required by federal law.


9.1  Amendment or Termination.  The Company and Pension Committee intend the
     Plan to be permanent but reserve the right to amend or terminate the Plan
     when, in the sole opinion of the Pension Committee, such amendment or
     termination is advisable.  Any such amendment or termination shall be made
     pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company and shall
     be effective as of the date of such resolution.  No amendment or
     termination of the Plan shall directly or indirectly deprive any
     Participant or surviving spouse of all or any portion of any SERP Benefit
     payment which has commenced prior to the effective date of the resolution
     amending or terminating the Plan.

     Unless expressly provided for in this Plan, the Pension Committee may only


     modify, change or revise the Plan by amendment if such amendment could have
     been adopted under the first paragraph of this Section and it does not
     cause a change in the level or type of expenses to be made to the Plan or
     otherwise materially increase the duties and obligation of the Employer
     with respect to the Plan.

9.2  Change of Control.  In the event of a Change of Control of HMEC (the parent
     company of HMSC), certain protection will apply.  Any Participant who is
     employed by HMSC when a Change of Control occurs, who has signed a
     severance agreement and who is discharged for reasons other than cause,
     during a three year period subsequent to the Change of Control, will
     receive their benefit from the SERP in a lump sum payment equal to their
     accrued benefit under the SERP, as defined in Article 4, at the  time of
     severance.  Should this Plan be terminated and not replaced due to a Change
     of Control of HMEC, all SERP Participants will receive a lump sum payment
     as defined in the HMPP of their accrued benefit as of the date of
     termination of the SERP.  All payments  will be made in a reasonable period
     after the triggering event has occurred.

     A Change of Control shall be deemed to have occurred if (i) there shall be
     consummated (1) any consolidation or merger of the Company in which the
     Company is not the continuing or surviving corporation, or pursuant to
     which shares of the Company's common stock would be converted into cash,
     securities or other property, other than a merger of the Company in which
     no Company shareholder's ownership percentage in the surviving corporation
     immediately after the merger is less than such shareholder's ownership
     percentage in the Company immediately prior to such merger by ten percent
     (10%) or more, or (2) any sale, lease exchange or other transfer (in one
     transaction or a series of related transactions) of all, or substantially
     all of the assets of the Company; (ii) the shareholders of the Company
     approve any plan or proposal for the liquidation or dissolution of the
     Company which is a part of a sale of assets, merger, or reorganization of
     the Company or other similar transaction; (iii) any "person" as such term
     is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     as amended (the "Exchange Act"), is or becomes, directly or indirectly, the
     "beneficial owner," as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, of
     securities of the Company that represent 51% or more of the combined voting
     power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or (iv) a majority of
     the members of the Company's Board of Directors are persons who are then
     serving on the Board of Directors without having been elected by the Board
     of Directors or having been nominated by the Company for election by its

9.3  Corporate Successors.  The Plan shall not be automatically terminated by a
     transfer or sale of assets of the Company or by the merger or consolidation
     of the Company into or with any other corporation or other entity, but the
     Plan shall be continued after such sale, merger or consolidation only if
     and to the extent that the transferee, purchaser or successor entity agrees
     to continue the Plan.  In the event the Plan is not continued by the
     transferee, purchaser or successor entity, then the Plan shall terminate
     subject to the provisions of paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2.


10.1 Maximum Pensions.  The provisions of Section 14.11 of the HMPP (or
     successor provisions thereof) which impose the Code Section 415 limits on
     benefit accruals and all related definitions in the HMPP are incorporated
     herein by reference, made a part hereof, and made applicable to limit a
     Participant's Retirement Benefit or his Spouse's Death Benefit hereunder.


10.2 Nonalienation of Benefits.  No benefit payable at any time under this Plan
     shall be subject to any manner to alienation, sale, transfer, assignment,
     pledge, attachment, or other legal processes, or encumbrance of any kind.
     Any attempt to alienate, sell, transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise
     encumber any such benefits, whether currently or thereafter payable, shall
     be void.  No benefit, nor any fund which may be established for the payment
     of such benefits, shall, in any manner, be liable for or subject to the
     debts or liabilities of any person entitled to such benefits.  If any
     person shall attempt to, or shall, alienate, sell, transfer, assign, pledge
     or otherwise encumber his benefits under this Plan, or if by reason of his
     bankruptcy or other event happening at any time, such benefits would
     devolve upon any other person or would not be enjoyed by the person
     entitled thereto under the Plan, then the Committee, in its discretion, may
     terminate the interest in any such benefits of the person entitled thereto
     under the Plan and hold or apply them to or for the benefit of such person
     entitled thereto under the Plan in such manner as the Committee may deem

10.3 No Contract of Employment.  Nothing contained in this Plan shall be
     construed as a contract of employment between any Employer and any person
     or as creating a right of any person to be continued in the employment of
     any Employer.

10.4 Termination of Employment.  When a person incurs a Termination of
     Employment his right to benefits from this Plan shall be determined only by
     the terms of this Plan.

10.5 No Duplication of Benefits.  No benefits shall be paid to any person under
     more than one provision of this Plan for the same period of time.

10.6 Limitations on Liability and Indemnification.  Notwithstanding any of the
     preceding provisions of the Plan, neither the Company, Plan Administrator,
     nor any individual acting as an employee or agent of the Company or as a
     member of the Pension Committee shall be liable to any Participant, former
     Participant, surviving spouse or any other person for any claim, loss,
     liability or expense incurred in connection with the Plan.

     Further, the Company shall indemnify and hold harmless each member of the
     Board of Directors, each member of the Pension Committee, the Plan
     Administrator, and each officer and employee of the Company to whom are
     delegated duties, responsibilities and authority with respect to the Plan
     against all claims, liabilities, fines and penalties, and all expenses
     reasonably incurred by or imposed upon him (including but not limited to
     reasonable attorney fees) which are not the result of intentional acts
     knowingly in violations of the Plan or the law.

10.7 Reduction for Overpayment.  The Committee shall, whenever it determines
     that a person has received benefit payments under this Plan in excess of
     the amount to which the person is entitled under the terms of the Plan,
     make two reasonable attempts to collect such overpayment from the person.
     If the person to whom such overpayments were made does not, within a
     reasonable time, make the requested repayment to the Plan Administrator,
     the overpayment shall be considered as an advance payment of benefits and
     the Committee shall direct the Plan Administrator to reduce all future
     benefits payable to that person by the actuarial equivalent value of the
     overpayment.  The Actuarial Equivalency is defined in the same manner as
     the HMPP.

10.8 Gender and Number.  Except when the context indicates to the contrary when
     used herein, masculine terms shall be deemed to include the feminine, and
     singular the plural.


10.9  Invalidity of Certain Provisions. If any provision of this Plan shall be
      held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall
      not affect any other provisions hereof and the Plan shall be construed and
      enforced as if such provisions, to the extent invalid or unenforceable,
      had not been included.

10.10 Headings. The headings of articles are included solely for convenience of
      reference, and if there is any conflict between such headings and the text
      of this Plan, the text shall control.

10.11 Law Governing. The Plan shall be construed and enforced according to the
      laws of the State of Illinois (other than its laws respecting choice of

Executed in two counterpart originals effective as of 12 February 1997.

                                        HORACE MANN SERVICE CORPORATION

                                        By:    /s/ Kathryn Karr
                                                   Plan Administrator
