Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

                  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        October 31, 1997                                         0-22906
- ---------------------------------                        -----------------------
     For the Quarter Ended                               Commission File Number

                         ABC Rail Products Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                          36-3498749
- ---------------------------------                        -----------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                           (I.R.S. Employer
  incorporation or organization)                         Identification Number)

              200 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL  60604-2402
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number                                (312) 322-0360

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                             Yes        X                  No
                                ------------------           ------------------

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

           Class                               Outstanding at November 28, 1997
- ----------------------------                   --------------------------------
Common Stock, $.01 par value                            8,976,304 Shares




Part I   Financial Information

         Item 1  Consolidated Financial Statements

                    Consolidated Balance Sheets                                       3

                    Consolidated Statements of Operations                             4

                    Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity                   5

                    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                             6

                    Notes to Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements         7 - 10

         Item 2  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                 and Results of Operations                                      11 - 14

Part II  Other Information

         Item 2  Changes in Securities                                               15

         Item 6  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                    15


                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                    As of October 31, 1997 and July 31, 1997

(In thousands, except share and per share data)

                                                                                   October 31,      July 31,
ASSETS                                                                                1997            1997
- ------                                                                             -----------      --------
CURRENT ASSETS:                                                                 
     Accounts receivable, less allowances of $1,219 and $1,006, respectively         $ 45,454       $ 38,208
     Inventories (Note 3)                                                              43,310         46,580
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                          3,007          1,964
     Prepaid income taxes                                                                 713            963
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Total current assets                                                         92,484         87,715
                                                                                     --------       --------
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT:                                                  
     Land                                                                               1,927          1,927
     Buildings and improvements                                                        12,491         12,491
     Machinery and equipment                                                           85,448         84,653
     Construction in progress                                                          44,603         36,421
                                                                                     --------       --------
     Less - Accumulated depreciation                                                  144,469        135,492
                                                                                      (39,703)       (37,480)
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Net property, plant and equipment                                           104,766         98,012
                                                                                     --------       --------
INVESTMENT IN UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURES                                     
                                                                                       15,400         14,684
                                                                                     --------       --------
OTHER ASSETS - net                                                                     29,884         30,196
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Total assets                                                               $242,534       $230,607
                                                                                     ========       ========
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            
- ------------------------------------                                            
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                            
     Cash overdrafts                                                                 $  5,087       $  2,991
     Current maturities of long-term debt                                               2,405          3,987
     Accounts payable                                                                  26,340         26,617
     Accrued liabilities                                                               13,396         11,273
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Total current liabilities                                                    47,228         44,868
                                                                                     --------       --------
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities                                         
                                                                                      104,041         95,011
                                                                                     --------       --------
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES                                                           
                                                                                        5,931          5,881
                                                                                     --------       --------
OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                                                     
                                                                                        4,133          4,351
                                                                                     --------       --------
COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Note 5)                                          
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:                                                           
     Preferred stock, $1.00 par value; 1,000,000 shares authorized;             
       no shares issued or outstanding                                                    -              -
     Common stock, $.01 par value; 25,000,000 shares authorized;                
       8,954,082 shares issued and outstanding as of October 31, 1997           
       and July 31, 1997                                                                   90             90
     Additional paid-in capital                                                        67,362         67,362
     Retained earnings                                                                 13,749         13,044
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Total stockholders' equity                                                   81,201         80,496
                                                                                     --------       --------
          Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                 $242,534       $230,607
                                                                                     ========       ========

The accompanying notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements are an
              integral part of these consolidated balance sheets.



              For the Three Months Ended October 31, 1997 and 1996

(In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                         October 31
                                                                   1997              1996
                                                                 -------            -------
NET SALES                                                        $67,885            $55,911
COST OF SALES                                                     61,093             50,538
                                                                 -------            -------
         Gross profit                                              6,792              5,373
SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                       3,622              3,242
                                                                 -------            -------
         Operating income                                          3,170              2,131
EQUITY INCOME OF UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURES                       401                  7
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                   2,185              1,275
AMORTIZATION OF DEFERRED FINANCING COSTS                             129                 53
                                                                 -------            -------
         Income before income taxes                                1,257                810
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                                           552                331
                                                                 -------            -------
         Net income                                              $   705            $   479
                                                                 =======            =======

NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE                                      $  0.08            $  0.06
                                                                 =======            =======

WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                         9,220              8,297
                                                                 =======            =======

The accompanying notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements are an
                integral part of these consolidated statements.



              For the Three Months Ended October 31, 1997 and 1996

(In thousands)

                                                                       Common      Paid-in       Retained
                                                                        Stock      Capital       Earnings
                                                                       ------     ----------     --------
BALANCE, July 31, 1996                                                  $83         $55,251      $ 9,062
         Net income                                                      -             -             479
         Exercised stock options                                          1           1,259         -
         Income tax benefit from exercised stock options                 -              355         -
                                                                        ---         -------      -------
BALANCE, October 31, 1996                                               $84         $56,865      $ 9,541
                                                                        ===         =======      =======

BALANCE, July 31, 1997                                                  $90         $67,362      $13,044
         Net income                                                      -             -             705
                                                                        ---         -------      -------
BALANCE, October 31, 1997
                                                                        $90         $67,362      $13,749
                                                                        ===         =======      =======

The accompanying notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements are an
                integral part of these consolidated statements.



              For the Three Months Ended October 31, 1997 and 1996

(In thousands)

                                                                                                        Three Months Ended
                                                                                                            October 31
                                                                                                         1997        1996
                                                                                                        -------     -------
     Net income                                                                                         $   705     $   479
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
          Equity income of unconsolidated joint ventures                                                   (401)         (7)
          Depreciation and amortization                                                                   3,277       2,725
          Deferred income taxes                                                                             300         150
          Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
               Accounts receivable - net                                                                 (7,246)         57
               Inventories                                                                                3,270      (1,503)
               Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                                 (1,043)       (996)
               Other assets - net                                                                          (642)       (717)
               Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                                   1,858         (23)
               Other long-term liabilities                                                                 (218)         (1)
                                                                                                        -------     -------
                    Total adjustments                                                                      (845)       (315)
                                                                                                        -------     -------

                      Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                  (140)        164
                                                                                                        -------     -------
     Capital expenditures                                                                                (9,083)     (6,123)
     Investment in joint ventures                                                                          (321)     (2,271)
                                                                                                        -------     -------

                      Net cash used in investing activities                                              (9,404)     (8,394)
                                                                                                        -------     -------
     Change in cash overdrafts                                                                            2,096         936
     Activity under the Credit Agreement:
          Net activity under revolving line of credit                                                    10,041       4,494
          Repayment of acquisition facility                                                                -         (1,465)
          Draw on acquisition facility                                                                     -          1,750
     Issuance of other long-term debt                                                                      -          1,878
     Repayment of other long-term debt                                                                   (2,593)       (573)
     Payment of deferred financing costs                                                                   -            (50)
     Exercised stock options                                                                               -          1,260
                                                                                                        -------     -------
                      Net cash provided by financing activities                                           9,544       8,230
                                                                                                        -------     -------
                      Net change in cash                                                                   -           -

CASH, beginning of period                                                                                  -           -
                                                                                                        -------     -------

CASH, end of period                                                                                     $  -        $  -
                                                                                                        =======     =======
     Cash paid for interest                                                                             $ 1,698     $ 1,232
     Cash paid for income taxes                                                                              39          84

The accompanying notes to the unaudited consolidated financial statements are an
                integral part of these consolidated statements.




1.   Basis of Presentation

     ABC Rail Products Corporation (the "Company") is a leader in the
     engineering, manufacturing and marketing of replacement products and
     original equipment for the freight railroad and rail transit industries.
     The Company's products include specialty trackwork, such as rail crossings
     and switches; mechanical products, such as rail car, locomotive and idler
     wheels, mounted wheel sets and metal brake shoes; classification yard
     products and automation systems; and railway signal systems installation
     and maintenance services.

     The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements include, in
     the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting of only normal
     recurring adjustments) necessary for a fair statement of the results of
     operations and financial condition of the Company for and as of the interim
     dates. Results for the interim period are not necessarily indicative of
     results for the entire year.

     Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial
     statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
     principles have been condensed or omitted pursuant to the rules and
     regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Company
     believes that the disclosures contained herein are adequate to make the
     information presented not misleading.  These unaudited consolidated
     financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
     financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company's 1997
     Annual Report to Stockholders.

2.   Business Combinations

     Effective December 17, 1996, the Company acquired American Systems
     Technologies, Inc. ("AST") of Verona, Wisconsin for common stock.  AST
     provides railway signal system installation and maintenance to the short
     line, regional, commuter and transit railroads.  As part of the purchase
     agreement, the prior owners will be issued additional shares of common
     stock if certain earnings goals are met over the next three years.  For the
     three months ended October 31, 1997, the issuance of such contingent
     shares, based on AST's current level of earnings, has been assumed in the
     earnings per share computations.

     This acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.
     Accordingly, certain recorded assets and liabilities of AST were revalued
     to estimated fair market values as of the acquisition date.  Management has
     used its best judgment and available information in estimating the fair
     market value of those assets and liabilities.  Any changes to these
     estimates are not expected to be material.  The operating results of AST
     are included in the consolidated statement of operations from the date of




3.   Inventories

     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined
     using the first-in, first-out method for substantially all inventories.
     Inventory costs include material, labor and manufacturing overhead.
     Supplies and spare parts primarily consist of manufacturing supplies and
     equipment replacement parts.

     Inventories at October 31, 1997, and July 31, 1997, consisted of the
     following (in thousands):

                                            October 31,    July 31,
                                               1997          1997
                                            -----------    --------
                Raw materials                 $23,629      $27,734
                Work in process                 9,096        8,575
                Finished goods                  6,246        5,983
                Supplies and spare parts        4,339        4,288
                                              -------      -------
                                              $43,310      $46,580
                                              =======      =======

4.   Debt

     On November 15, 1996, the Company filed a Registration Statement with the
     Securities and Exchange Commission for the issuance of up to $100 million
     of Subordinated Debt Securities and/or shares of its Common Stock. On
     February 1, 1997, the Company completed an offering (the "Offering") of $50
     million of 9-1/8% Senior Subordinated Notes (the "Notes"). The Company used
     the $47.9 million of net proceeds of the Offering to repay certain
     outstanding indebtedness under its primary and other credit facilities. A
     $0.3 million extraordinary after-tax loss was recognized in the third
     quarter of fiscal year 1997 upon the early retirement of this indebtedness.
     Financing costs of $2.2 million were deferred in connection with the
     issuance of the Notes. The Notes are general unsecured obligations of the
     Company and are subordinated in right of payment to all existing and future
     senior indebtedness of the Company and other liabilities of the Company's
     subsidiaries. The Notes will mature in 2004, unless repurchased earlier at
     the option of the Company after January 15, 1999 at 102% of face value
     prior to January 14, 2000, or at 100% face value thereafter. The Notes are
     subject to mandatory repurchase or redemption prior to maturity upon a
     Change of Control (as defined). The Indenture under which the Notes were
     issued subjects the Company to various financial covenants which, among
     other things, require the Company to maintain (all as defined) (i) a
     minimum Consolidated Net Worth, (ii) a minimum Operating Coverage Ratio and
     (iii) a maximum Funded Debt to Consolidated Capitalization Ratio and limits
     the Company's ability to (i) incur additional indebtedness, (ii) complete
     certain mergers, consolidations and sales of assets, and (iii) pay
     dividends or other distributions. The Company was in compliance with all of
     its covenants under this obligation as of October 31, 1997.




     Prior to the Offering, the Company's primary credit facilities included a
     five year credit agreement (the "Credit Agreement") and two term loans. The
     Credit Agreement included a $15.0 million non-amortizing term loan, a $50.0
     million (as amended) revolving credit line and a $17.8 million (as amended)
     acquisition facility.

     Simultaneous with the consummation of the Offering, the Company amended and
     restated the Credit Agreement. Under the amended Credit Agreement (i) the
     non-amortizing term loan and the acquisition facility that existed under
     the Credit Agreement were paid in full and canceled, (ii) the revolving
     credit line that existed under the Credit Agreement was increased to $90
     million and (iii) the terms of certain financial covenants were modified.

     The modified financial covenants under the amended Credit Agreement are
     similar to those under the Notes Indenture. The Company was in compliance
     with the new debt covenants as of October 31, 1997, except for the
     limitation on Capital Expenditures, for which a waiver was obtained.

     Interest on all amounts borrowed under the amended Credit Agreement is
     payable at the option of the Company at either the base rate (as defined)
     plus 0.5%, or LIBOR (as defined) plus 2.0% and is payable monthly while the
     base rate is in effect or every one to six months while the LIBOR rate is
     in effect. As of October 31, 1997, the weighted average interest rate of
     outstanding borrowings under the Credit Agreement was 8.2%. The Company has
     pledged as collateral under the Credit Agreement substantially all of its
     property, plant and equipment, eligible accounts receivable and
     inventories, intellectual property and capital stock of its subsidiaries.
     As of October 31, 1997, availability under the amended Credit Agreement was
     $15.3 million.

     The Company entered into a seven-year term loan agreement on July 20, 1995,
     to finance up to $12.5 million of capital expenditures for the rail mill
     center located in Chicago Heights, Illinois. Through October 31, 1997,
     $10.8 million had been drawn under this term loan. The term loan is secured
     by the related fixed assets, bears weighted average interest at 7.4% as of
     October 31, 1997 and contains financial covenants which require the Company
     to maintain minimum levels of net worth and a minimum fixed charge coverage
     ratio. A second, similar term loan was repaid in full with a portion of the
     proceeds from the Offering. Except for the interest coverage ratio, the
     Company was in compliance with all of its covenants under the term loan as
     of October 31, 1997. A waiver was obtained from the lender for the non-
     compliance on the interest coverage ratio.




5.   Commitments and Contingencies

     In connection with its formation and the purchase of certain assets and
     liabilities from the Railroad Products Group of Abex Corporation ("Abex")
     in 1987, the Company obtained a comprehensive environmental indemnity from
     Abex. The indemnity covers environmental conditions, whether or not then
     known, in existence at the time of purchase, without dollar or time limit.
     In October, 1994, the Company filed suit against Abex which asserts that
     Abex is required to indemnify the Company for the reduction in value of one
     of the sold properties (a Pennsylvania manufacturing facility formerly
     owned by the Company) caused by the environmental contamination at that

     The Company is also a party to various other legal proceedings arising in
     the ordinary course of business, none of which is expected to have a
     material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition or
     results of operations.

6.   China Joint Venture

     In May 1996, the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with
     China's Ministry of Railroads to establish the Datong ABC Castings Company
     Ltd. The joint venture will manufacture wheels in China primarily for the
     rapidly growing Chinese railway markets. The Company's contribution of its
     40% share in the joint venture will consist of technical know-how,
     expertise and cash. The Company's cash infusion of $9.2 million has been
     contributed to the joint venture and additional amounts have been deferred
     in organizing the venture. The cash funding is being used to construct a
     manufacturing facility which is expected to be operational by mid 1998.

7.   Subsequent Events

     Shortly after the end of the first quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company
     acquired United Railway Signal Group, Inc. ("URSG") headquartered in
     Jacksonville, Florida for a combination of cash and the Company's common
     stock totaling $1.4 million. URSG provides independent signal engineering
     services to the railroad industry. As part of the purchase agreement, the
     prior owners will be issued additional shares of common stock if certain
     earnings goals are met over the next three years. This acquisition will be
     accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.


                    Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                 Financial Condition and Results of Operations

The following is management's discussion and analysis of certain significant
factors which have affected the Company's financial condition and results of
operations during the interim periods included in the accompanying unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements.

- ---------------------

Three Months Ended October 31, 1997 Compared to Three Months Ended October 31,

Net Sales.  Net sales increased 21.4% to $67.9 million from $55.9 million. The
increase in sales is due primarily to a general increase in sales in the Track
Products Division ($8.6 million). Approximately one-half of the Track Product
Division increase is related to the additional sales associated with the
December 1996 acquisition of AST.

Gross Profit and Cost of Sales.  Gross profit increased 26.4% to $6.8 million
from $5.4 million. The $1.4 million increase was primarily due to the sales
changes discussed above.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses.  Selling, general and
administrative expenses increased $0.4 million. The small increase in expenses
between quarters reflects additional expense in the customer support area (field
sales and customer service) to meet the expanding needs of our customers and the
additional effort required to support the Company's new information systems
(SAP's R/3 enterprise-wide software).

Operating Income.  Operating income increased 48.3% to $3.2 million from $2.1
million. The increase resulted largely from the 26.4% ($1.4 million) increase in
gross profit, offset by the increase in selling, general and administrative
expenses ($0.4 million). In addition to these factors, the Company's sales and
profits are typically lower during the first half of the Company's fiscal year
than during the second half of the fiscal year. See "Seasonality."

Other.  Equity earnings from unconsolidated joint ventures were $0.4 million
during the current quarter primarily due to the Anchor Brake Shoe joint venture
established on July 31, 1995. Prior quarter's equity earnings were not
significant. Interest expense increased 71.4%, or $0.9 million, due primarily to
an overall higher level of outstanding debt to support acquisitions, capital
projects and expanding operations, along with the marginally higher interest
rate on the new Senior Subordinated Notes.


- -----------

The peak season for installation of specialty trackwork extends from March
through October, when weather conditions are generally favorable for
installation and, as a result, net sales of specialty trackwork have
historically been more concentrated in the period from January through June, a
period roughly corresponding to the second half of the Company's fiscal year. In
addition, a number of the Company's facilities close for regularly scheduled
maintenance in the late summer and late December, which tends to reduce
operating results during the first half of the Company's fiscal year. Transit
industry practice with respect to specialty trackwork generally involves the
periodic shipment of large quantities, which may be unevenly distributed
throughout the year. The Company does not expect any significant departure from
the historical demand patterns during the present fiscal year ending July 31,

- --------------------------------

Cash generated from operations, structured borrowings and equity offerings have
been the major sources of funds for working capital, capital expenditures and
acquisitions. For the three months ended October 31, 1997 and 1996, net cash
provided by (used in) operating activities totaled $(0.1) million and $0.2
million, respectively. The decrease in operating cash flow is due primarily to a
net increase in working capital items, partially offset by increased recorded

Capital expenditures during the first quarter of fiscal 1998 and 1997 were $9.1
million and $6.1 million, respectively.

In May 1996, the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with China's
Ministry of Railroads to establish the Datong ABC Castings Company Ltd. The
joint venture will manufacture wheels in China primarily for the rapidly growing
Chinese railway markets. The Company's contribution of its 40% share in the
joint venture will consist of technical know-how, expertise and cash. The
Company's total cash infusion of $9.2 million has already been contributed to
the joint venture. The cash funding is being used to construct a manufacturing
facility which is expected to be operational by mid 1998.

Shortly after the end of the first quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company acquired
United Railway Signal Group, Inc. ("URSG") headquartered in Jacksonville,
Florida for a combination of cash and the Company's common stock totaling $1.4
million. URSG provides independent signal engineering services to the railroad
industry. As part of the purchase agreement, the prior owners will be issued
additional shares of common stock if certain earnings goals are met over the
next three years. This acquisition will be accounted for under the purchase
method of accounting.

For the three months ended October 31, 1997 and 1996, net cash provided by
financing activities totaled $9.5 million and $8.2 million, respectively. The
increase in financing cash flows is due primarily to the net borrowings under
the Credit Agreement to support the reduced cash from operating activities and
the increased use of cash for investing activities.


On November 15, 1996, the Company filed a Registration Statement with the
Securities and Exchange Commission for the issuance of up to $100 million of
Subordinated Debt Securities and/or shares of its Common Stock. On February 1,
1997, the Company completed an offering (the "Offering") of $50 million of 
9-1/8% Senior Subordinated Notes (the "Notes"). The Company used the $47.9
million of net proceeds of the Offering to repay certain outstanding
indebtedness under its primary and other credit facilities. A $0.3 million
extraordinary after-tax loss was recognized in the third quarter of fiscal year
1997 upon the early retirement of this indebtedness. Financing costs of $2.2
million were deferred in connection with the issuance of the Notes. The Notes
are general unsecured obligations of the Company and are subordinated in right
of payment to all existing and future senior indebtedness of the Company and
other liabilities of the Company's subsidiaries. The Notes will mature in 2004,
unless repurchased earlier at the option of the Company after January 15, 1999
at 102% of face value prior to January 14, 2000, or at 100% face value
thereafter. The Notes are subject to mandatory repurchase or redemption prior to
maturity upon a Change of Control (as defined). The Indenture under which the
Notes were issued subjects the Company to various financial covenants which,
among other things, require the Company to maintain (all as defined) (i) a
minimum Consolidated Net Worth, (ii) a minimum Operating Coverage Ratio and
(iii) a maximum Funded Debt to Consolidated Capitalization Ratio and limits the
Company's ability to (i) incur additional indebtedness, (ii) complete certain
mergers, consolidations and sales of assets, and (iii) pay dividends or other
distributions. The Company was in compliance with all of its covenants under
this obligation as of October 31, 1997.

Prior to the Offering, the Company's primary credit facilities included a five-
year credit agreement (the "Credit Agreement") and two term loans. The Credit
Agreement included a $15.0 million non-amortizing term loan, a $50.0 million (as
amended) revolving credit line and a $17.8 million (as amended) acquisition

Simultaneous with the consummation of the Offering, the Company amended and
restated the Credit Agreement. Under the amended Credit Agreement (i) the non-
amortizing term loan and the acquisition facility that existed under the Credit
Agreement were paid in full and canceled, (ii) the revolving credit line that
existed under the Credit Agreement was increased to $90 million and (iii) the
terms of certain financial covenants were modified.

The modified financial covenants under the amended Credit Agreement are similar
to those under the Notes Indenture. The Company was in compliance with the new
debt covenants as of October 31, 1997, except for the limitation on Capital
Expenditures for which a waiver was obtained.

Interest on all amounts borrowed under the Credit Agreement is payable at the
option of the Company at either the base rate (as defined) plus 0.5%, or LIBOR
(as defined) plus 2.0% and is payable monthly while the base rate is in effect
or every one to six months while the LIBOR rate is in effect. As of October 31,
1997, the weighted average interest rate of outstanding borrowings under the
Credit Agreement was 8.2%. The Company has pledged as collateral under the
Credit Agreement substantially all of its property, plant and equipment,
eligible accounts receivable and inventories, intellectual property and capital
stock of its subsidiaries. As of October 31, 1997, availability under the
amended Credit Agreement was $15.3 million.


The Company entered into a seven-year term loan agreement on July 20, 1995, to
finance up to $12.5 million of capital expenditures for the rail mill center
located in Chicago Heights, Illinois. Through October 31, 1997, $10.8 million
had been drawn under this term loan. The term loan is secured by the related
fixed assets, bears weighted average interest at 7.4% as of October 31, 1997 and
contains financial covenants which require the Company to maintain minimum
levels of net worth and a minimum fixed charge coverage ratio. A second, similar
term loan was repaid in full with a portion of the proceeds from the Offering.
Except for the interest coverage ratio, the Company was in compliance with all
of its covenants under the term loan as of October 31, 1997. A waiver was
obtained from the lender for the non-compliance on the interest coverage ratio.

- ------------------------------------

The foregoing contains forward-looking statements that are based on current
expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual
results could differ materially from current expectations due to a number of
factors, including general economic conditions; competitive factors and pricing
pressures; shifts in market demand; the performance and needs of industries
served by the Company's businesses; actual future costs of operating expenses
such as rail and scrap steel, self-insurance claims and employee wages and
benefits; actual costs of continuing investments in technology; the availability
of capital to finance possible acquisitions and to refinance debt; the ability
of management to implement the Company's strategy of acquisitions, rebuilding
and process improvements; and the risks described from time to time in the
Company's SEC reports.


Part II                      OTHER INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 2  -  Changes in Securities

           Shortly after the end of the first quarter of fiscal 1998, the
           Company issued 22,222 shares of common stock to the prior owners of
           United Railway Signal Group, Inc. ("URSG") as part of the
           consideration paid for the Company's acquisition of URSG. In
           addition, pursuant to the purchase agreement, the Company agreed to
           issue additional shares of common stock to the prior owners of URSG
           if certain earnings goals are met over the next three years. The
           Company relied upon the exemption provided by Section 4(2) of the
           Securities Act of 1933, as amended, for such issuances.

Item 6  -  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

           (A)  Exhibits

                     3.1   Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
                     3.2   Bylaws of the Company (2)

                     10.1  Amendment No. 2 dated as of October 31, 1997 to the
                           Second Amended and Restated Loan and Security
                           Agreement, dated as of January 3, 1997 among the
                           Company, ABC Deco Inc. and American Systems
                           Technologies, Inc., as borrowers, the financial
                           institutions named therein, as lenders, and American
                           National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, as agent,
                           as amended by Amendment No. 1 thereto dated as of
                           August 8, 1997.

                     27.1  Financial Data Schedule.

                (1)  Incorporated by reference to the same numbered exhibit
                     filed with the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
                     S-1 originally filed with the Securities and Exchange
                     Commission on April 13, 1994 (SEC File No. 33-77652).

                (2)  Incorporated by reference to the same numbered exhibit
                     filed with the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                     the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994 (SEC File No. 0-22906).

           (B)  Reports on Form 8-K




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        ABC RAIL PRODUCTS CORPORATION

                                            /s/  D. Chisholm MacDonald
                                        D. Chisholm MacDonald
                                        Executive Vice President -- 
                                        Administration and Business Development
                                        and Chief Financial Officer 
                                        (Duly authorized Officer and Principal
                                        Financial and Accounting Officer)

Date:     December 10, 1997
