Analyst contact:                         Media contact:
Cherie Rice                              William J. Plunkett
(630) 218-1850                           (630) 572-8898


Oak Brook, February 27, 1998 -- Waste Management, Inc., which earlier this week 
announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 
31, 1997, today provided the following supplementary proforma unaudited
financial data for the full year 1997:

                     Twelve Months ended December 31, 1997
                     (millions, except per share amounts)


     Loss from continuing operations before income taxes - as reported                         $(1,059)

     Proforma adjustments:
          - Special charges                                                                         144
          - Asset impairment loss                                                                 1,488
          - Estimated other unusual items included in operating, selling and
            administrative expenses(1)                                                              525
          - Minority interest impact of above items                                                 (66)
          - Estimated unusual sundry income(2)                                                     (147)

                      Subtotal - Proforma adjustments                                             1,944

     Proforma income before taxes from continuing operations                                        885

     Proforma income taxes(3)                                                                       453

     Proforma net income from continuing operations                                                $432

     Weighted average common shares outstanding                                                   466.6

     Proforma basic earnings per common share                                                     $0.93

     Depreciation and amortization                                                               $1,095

     Proforma earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization                     $2,490

     1) Primarily includes revaluation of recycling assets and unusual expenses
     related to loss contracts, self-insurance accruals and environmental and
     legal reserves.
     2) Unusual items of sundry income primarily include gains on the sale of
     certain North American solid waste assets and businesses and the Company's
     investment in ServiceMaster.
     3) Effective tax rate exceeds the statutory rates primarily due to goodwill
     amortization and other non-deductible expense.

The estimates included in the foregoing supplementary data reflect management's
current judgment regarding the extent to which certain items of income or
expense recorded in the twelve month period ended December 31, 1997 are unlikely
to recur in 1998.

This release is materially dependent upon forward-looking information as defined
by federal securities laws and such information is inherently uncertain and
subject to risks. Such information should be viewed with caution. Actual results
or experience could differ materially from the forward-looking information as a
result of many factors, including the company's ability to meet price-increase
and new business sales goals, fluctuation in recyclable commodity prices,
wheather conditions, slowing of the overall economy, increased interest costs
arising from a change in the Company's leverage, failure of the company's plans
to produce the cost savings anticipated by the Company, the timing and magnitude
of capital expenditures, inability to obtain or retain permits necessary to
operate disposal or other facilities or otherwise complete project development
activities, changes in environmental laws, technological, regulatory or
enforcement developments, the results of environmental studies, inability to
complete contemplated dispositions of Company businesses and assets at
anticipated prices and terms, and the cost and time of stock repurchases. The
Company makes no commitment to disclose any revisions to forward-looking
information, or any facts, events or circumstances after the date hereof that
may bear upon forward-looking information.