We consent to the use in this Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 
333-57013 of Nationwide Electric, Inc. of our report dated June 12, 1998 related
to the combined financial statements of Nationwide Electric, Inc., appearing in
the Prospectus, which is part of such Registration Statement, and to the
reference to us under the heading "Experts" in such Prospectus.

We consent to the use in this Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 
333-57013 of Nationwide Electric, Inc. of our report dated August 21, 1998 
related to the consolidated financial statements of The Allison Company,
appearing in the Prospectus, which is part of such Registration Statement, and
to the reference to us under the heading "Experts" in such Prospectus.

We consent to the use in this Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 333-
57013 of Nationwide Electric, Inc. of our report dated June 12, 1998 related to
the consolidated financial statements of Henderson Electric Co., Inc. and
Subsidiaries, appearing in the Prospectus, which is part of such Registration
Statement, and to the reference to us under the heading "Experts" in such


Kansas City, Missouri
August 25, 1998