Washington, D.C.  20549

                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Filed by Registrant  [X]
       Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [_]

Check the appropriate box:

  [X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
  [_]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
       Rule 14a-6(e)(2)
  [_]  Definitive Proxy Statement
  [_]  Definitive Additional Materials
  [_]  Soliciting Materials Pursuant to (S)240.14a-11(c) or (S)240.14a-12

                                IFX CORPORATION
            (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

  [X]  No fee required.
  [_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

            (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

            (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

            (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                 computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                 amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
                 was determined):

            (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

            (5)  Total fee paid:

  [_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
  [_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
       number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

            (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

            (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

            (3)  Filing Party:

            (4)  Date Filed:

                                IFX CORPORATION
                              200 W. Adams Street
                                  Suite 1460
                            Chicago, Illinois 60606
                                (312) 419-9530

                        TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 21, 1999

To:  Shareholders of IFX Corporation

     The annual meeting of the shareholders of IFX Corporation will be held at
the offices of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, Two N. LaSalle Street, 22nd floor,
Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, January 21, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. local time for the
following purposes:

     1.  to elect five directors to the Board of Directors, one of whom will be
         elected subject to shareholder approval of the transactions described
         in Proposal Two (Proposal One on the proxy card);

     2.  to consider and vote upon the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated by that certain Subscription and Joint Venture Agreement
         dated as of November 23, 1998 among IFX Corporation, Emerging Networks,
         Inc., International Technology Investments, LC ("International
         Technology"), and Lee S. Casty including, among other things, the
         issuance of 500,000 shares of common stock to International Technology,
         the grant of a right to purchase up to 5,500,000 additional shares of
         common stock to International Technology and the issuance of such
         shares upon exercise of the right (Proposal Two on the proxy card);

     3.  to approve the IFX Corporation 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
         (Proposal Three on the proxy card);

     4.  to ratify the appointment of Arthur Andersen LLP as independent
         auditors for the Company's fiscal year ending June 30, 1999 (Proposal
         Four on the proxy card); and

     5.  to transact such other business as may properly come before the

     The close of business on December 14, 1998, has been fixed as the record
date for determining the shareholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote
at the annual meeting.

     Accompanying this Notice and Proxy Statement is a copy of the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998 and the
Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,
1998, each as filed with the Securities Exchange Commission.

                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                       /s/ Colleen M. Downes

                                       COLLEEN M. DOWNES

December   , 1998
Chicago, Illinois

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

It is important that as many shares as possible be represented at the annual
meeting. Even if you plan to attend the annual meeting, please date, sign, and
promptly return the proxy in the enclosed envelope. You may revoke your proxy at
any time before it has been voted.

                                IFX CORPORATION
                              200 W. Adams Street
                                  Suite 1460
                            Chicago, Illinois 60606
                                (312) 419-9530

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                        ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                               January 21, 1999


     Solicitation of Proxies. This statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies to be used at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the
"Annual Meeting") of IFX Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("the Company" or
"IFX"), to be held on January 21, 1999 beginning at 2:00 p.m. local time, and at
any postponements or adjournments thereof, for the purposes set forth herein.
The principal executive offices of the Company are located at 200 West Adams
Street, Suite 1460, Chicago, Illinois 60606. These proxy materials, a copy of
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 1998 and a
copy of the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
September 30, 1998 are being mailed on or about December ___, 1998 to
shareholders of record at the close of business on December 14, 1998.

     The solicitation of proxies on the enclosed form is made on behalf of the
Board of Directors of the Company. As of the date of this Proxy Statement, Lee
S. Casty and International Technology Investments, LC, who collectively own
approximately 54% of the outstanding shares of common stock, par $.02 per share
("Common Stock"), have contractually agreed to vote all of their shares "FOR"
approval of Proposal Two, Proposal Three and Proposal Four, and "FOR" election
to the Company's Board of Directors of each nominee listed herein. Assuming they
vote as intended, no further shareholder action will be required for approval of
Proposals Two, Three and Four and for election as a director of each nominee
listed herein.

     Costs of Solicitation. The Company will pay all costs of preparing,
assembling and mailing the proxy material and will reimburse brokers, nominees
and fiduciaries for the out-of-pocket and clerical expenses incurred by them in
transmitting copies of the proxy material to the beneficial owners of shares
held of record by such persons. The Company does not intend to solicit proxies
other than by use of the mail, but certain officers and regular employees of the
Company or its subsidiaries, without additional compensation, may solicit
proxies by telephone or other means of communication.

     Shareholders Entitled to Vote and Outstanding Voting Shares. Only
shareholders of record at the close of business on December 14, 1998, are
entitled to notice of the Annual Meeting and to vote at the Annual Meeting or
any postponements or adjournments thereof. Each share of Common Stock entitles
the holder to one vote on each matter submitted for a vote of the shareholders.
As of November 30, 1998, there were 6,655,539 shares of the Company's Common
Stock issued and outstanding.

     Quorum and Vote Required for Approval. A simple majority of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock is required to be present, in person or by proxy, at the
Annual Meeting for there to be a quorum. Assuming the presence of a quorum, the
affirmative vote of a plurality of the shares represented at the meeting, in
person or by proxy, will be necessary for the election of directors and the
affirmative vote of a majority of the shares represented at the meeting, in
person or by proxy, will be necessary for (i) approval of consummation of the
transactions described in Proposal Two, (ii) approval of the 1998 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan, (iii) ratification of the engagement of Arthur Andersen LLP
as the Company's independent auditors for 1999, and (iii) the taking of all
other actions that may properly come before the meeting.

     Abstentions and withheld votes will be counted for purposes of determining
whether a quorum is present and will have the effect of votes against these
matters. If a broker or nominee holding shares in "street name" indicates on a
proxy that it does not have discretionary authority to vote as to a particular
proposal ("broker non-votes"), those shares will be counted for purposes of
determining a quorum but will not be treated as present and entitled to vote on
proposals set forth in the Proxy Statement or on any other matter considered at
the meeting. Lee S. Casty and International Technology Investments, LC, the
beneficial owners of an aggregate of approximately 54% of the issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock, have contractually agreed to vote "FOR" the
election to the Company's Board of Directors of all nominees named herein and
"FOR" each of Proposals Two, Three and Four. Accordingly, if they vote as
intended, no further shareholder action will be required for the approval of all
of the Proposals presented in this Proxy.

     Voting and Revoking Your Proxy. A shareholder signing and returning a proxy
on the enclosed form may revoke the proxy at any time before the shares subject
to it are voted at the Annual Meeting. A proxy may be revoked by notifying the
Secretary of the Company in writing of such revocation or by attending the
Annual Meeting and voting in person. All shares of common stock represented by
properly executed proxies will be voted at the meeting in accordance with the
directions marked on the proxies, unless such proxies previously have been
revoked. If a shareholder fails to indicate directions on the proxy with respect
to the proposals to be voted on, the proxy will be voted "FOR" the election of
each director named in these proxy materials (Proposal One) and "FOR" Proposals
Two, Three and Four. The persons named on the enclosed proxy also have
discretionary authority to vote with respect to any matters raised during the
meeting, if any, which the Company did not know, a reasonable period of time
prior to the time these proxy materials were first mailed to shareholders, would
be raised at the meeting.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The following table sets forth, as of December 1, 1998, certain information
regarding the common stock beneficially owned by (i) each director and each
nominee for director, (ii) the Company's President, who is the only executive
officer of the Company's whose compensation is required to be disclosed in the
"Executive Compensation" table contained elsewhere herein, (iii) each person
known by the Company to own more than five percent of the Common Stock of the
Company, and (iv) the executive officers and directors of the Company, as a

                                            Amount and Nature    Approximate
                                              of Beneficial      Percent of
Name/Address (1)                                Ownership           Class
- ----------------                            -----------------    -----------
Lee S. Casty..............................      3,092,891 (2)        46.5%
International Technology Investments, LC..        500,000 (3)(4)      7.5
Joseph M. Matalon.........................        500,000 (5)         7.5
Burton J. Meyer...........................        314,212             4.7
Joel M. Eidelstein........................         34,545 (6)          * 
Colleen M. Downes.........................              0              * 
Zalman LeKach.............................          1,500              *
George A. Myers...........................          1,600              *

All officers and directors as a
group (4 persons).........................         37,645              *



(1)  The address of each director and executive officer of the Company is in
     care of the Company, 200 West Adams Street, Suite 1460, Chicago, Illinois

(2)  Mr. Casty may be deemed a promoter of the Company, as defined under the
     Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Mr. Casty's address is in care of
     French-American Securities, Inc., 200 West Adams Street, Suite 1460,
     Chicago, Illinois 60606.

(3)  International Technology Investments, LC ("International Technology")
     acquired 500,000 shares of Common Stock on November 23, 1998 in connection
     with the transactions described in Proposal Two; however, consummation of
     such transactions are subject to shareholder approval. If Proposal Two is
     not approved, the Company intends to repurchase these 500,000 shares.

(4)  Does not include 5,500,000 additional shares of Common Stock that
     International Technology has the right to purchase (which, together with
     the 500,000 shares it currently owns, would constitute approximately 49.4%
     of the Common Stock issued and outstanding), which right will become
     exercisable only if Proposal Two is approved. See "Proposal Two--Approval
     of Share Issuances." If Proposal Two is approved, International
     Technology's purchase right will be exercisable immediately. International
     Technology's address is in care of Adorno & Zeder, 2801 S. Bayshore Drive,
     Suite 1600, Miami, Florida 33133.

(5)  Consists of 500,000 shares of Common Stock held by International
     Technology. See notes 3 and 4 above. Mr. Matalon may be deemed to be an
     "affiliate" of International Technology and, accordingly, he may be deemed
     to beneficially own the shares of Common Stock held by such entity.

(6)  Does not include 75,000 shares of Common Stock subject to an option granted
     to Mr. Eidelstein pursuant to the 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. The
     option is subject to shareholder approval of the Plan and, assuming such
     approval is obtained, such option vested immediately and will be
     immediately exercisable with respect to such shares. See "Proposal Three--
     Approval of 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan."

                                  PROPOSAL ONE
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Four directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting, and one additional
director will be elected if Proposal Two is approved, to serve for one year
terms expiring on the date of the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until
their successors are duly elected and qualified. The Board of Directors has
nominated each of the persons named below, and it is the intention of the
persons named in the enclosed proxy to vote FOR the election of all such
nominees, each of whom has consented to serve as a director if elected. If a
nominee is unwilling or unable to serve, which the Board of Directors has no
reason to expect, the persons named in the accompanying proxy intend to vote for
the balance of those named and, if they deem it advisable, for a substitute
nominee. Lee S. Casty and International Technology, the beneficial owners of an
aggregate of approximately 54% of the issued and outstanding shares of Common
Stock, have contractually agreed to vote "FOR" the election to the Company's
Board of Directors of all nominees named below.


Nominees for Election to the Board of Directors

     The following is information regarding nominees for election as directors
of the Company. Each of the nominees, other than Mr. Matalon, presently is
serving as a director of the Company.

     Joel M. Eidelstein, age 31, has served as a director of the Company since
November 1990 and, since November 9, 1996, he has served as the President of the
Company. Mr. Eidelstein graduated from Brandeis University in May 1988. From
June 1988 until June 1996, he was an independent commodity futures trader and a
floor manager with Index Futures Group, Inc. Mr. Eidelstein also is the owner
and sole officer of Alerica, Inc., a general partner of Telcom.Net, an Internet
communications software development company.

     Colleen M. Downes, age 35, became Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of
the Company in November 1998. She has served as a director and as the Treasurer
of the Company since February 1997, as a Vice President of the Company since
June 1998 and has been employed by the Company or its subsidiaries since January
1985. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree at DePaul University in Chicago,

     Zalman Lekach, age 31, has served as a director of the Company since
February 1997. He is President and Chief Operating Officer of Parlux Fragrances,
Inc. ("Parlux"). He became a director and an executive officer of Parlux, S.A.,
Parlux's French subsidiary, in May 1990. In May 1993, he resigned his executive
position and owned and operated a company exporting foods and health/beauty aids
to South America. In January of 1995, he rejoined Parlux as its Chief Operating
Officer and a director. In June 1996, Mr. Zalman Lekach also assumed the
position of President of Parlux.

     George A. Myers, age 47, has served as a director of the Company since
November 1990. Mr. Myers, since 1981, has been managing general partner of MC
Capital, a diversified real estate company with offices in Chicago, Illinois,
Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California.

Information Regarding the Nominee of International Technology

     Subject to shareholder approval and consummation of the Transactions,
Joseph M. Matalon will be elected, as International Technology's designee under
the Joint Venture Agreement, to fill the vacancy currently existing on the Board
of Directors. If Proposal Two is approved by the shareholders, Mr. Eidelstein
will serve as Lee Casty's designee under the Joint Venture Agreement. See
"Proposal Two--Approval of Share Issuances."

     Joseph M. Matalon, age 39, has served as the Director of Investments and
Chairman of the Finance Committee of Mechala Group Jamaica Limited, a
corporation, since January 1998. From January 1996 to December 1997, Mr. Matalon
served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Mechala Group
Jamaica Limited and, prior thereto, he served for 10 years as Senior Vice
President of the ICD Group, a         corporation. Mr. Matalon is a graduate of
the London School of Economics and also serves as a director of The Bank of Nova
Scotia Jamaica Limited; Scotiabank Jamaica Trust and Merchant Bank Limited;
Cable & Wireless Jamaica; the Gleaner Company Limited; and the Institute of
Management and Production. Mr. Matalon also is Chairman of Prime Life Assurance
Company Limited and British Caribbean Insurance Company Limited.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors of the Company recommends that shareholders vote FOR
all of the nominees for director.


Information Regarding the Board of Directors

     Directors are elected on an annual basis. Each director of the Company
holds office until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until that
director's successors has been elected and qualified. At present, the Company's
by-laws provide for five directors; however, currently there are four persons
serving as directors, all of whom have been nominated for reelection to the
Board. Officers of the Company are elected by the Board of Directors on an
annual basis and serve until the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors
and until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. During 1998,
the Board of Directors held four meetings and took all other actions pursuant to
unanimous written consents in lieu of meetings. Each of the current directors
attended at least 75% of all meetings of the Board of Directors called during
fiscal year 1998.

Compensation of Directors

     Directors are not currently compensated in connection with their duties as
directors, but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred by them, in connection
with their services as directors.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors has a standing Audit Committees to assist the Board
in the discharge of its responsibilities. The Audit Committee meets with the
Company's independent public accountants to discuss, and reports to the Board
regarding, the scope, fees and results of the annual audit and compliance with
the Company's accounting and financial policies and internal accounting
controls. The current members of the Audit Committee are George Myers and Zalman
Lekach, each of whom is a Non-Employee Director of the Company as defined in the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and Joel
Eidelstein, who is an employee of the Company. During 1998, the Audit Committee
held three meetings and took all other actions pursuant to unanimous written
consents. Each of the directors who is a member of the Audit Committee attended
at least 75% of all such meetings of the Committee.

     The Company does not have standing nominating or compensation committees of
the Board of Directors, or committees performing similar functions. However, if
the Plan is approved by the shareholders pursuant to Proposal Three, the Board
of Directors intends to establish a Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors and to appoint George Myers and Zalman LeKach as the initial members
of the committee.

                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The following individuals currently serve as executive officers of the

     Joel M. Eidelstein, age 31, has served as a director of the Company since
November 1990 and, since November 9, 1996, he has served as the President of the
Company. Mr. Eidelstein graduated from Brandeis University in May 1988. From
June 1988 until June 1996, he was an independent commodity futures trader and a
floor manager with Index Futures Group, Inc. Mr. Eidelstein also is the owner
and sole officer of Alerica, Inc., a general partner of Telcom.Net, which is an
Internet communications software development company.

     Colleen M. Downes, age 35, became Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of
the Company in November 1998. She has served as a director and as the Treasurer
of the Company since February 1997, as a Vice President of the Company since
June 1998 and has been employed by the Company or its subsidiaries since January
1985. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree at DePaul University in Chicago,



     The following table sets forth all cash compensation paid by the Company to
its President, who is acting in a capacity similar to a chief executive officer.
There were no executive officers of the Company whose compensation for fiscal
year 1998 exceeded $100,000.

                                      Year Ended
Name and Principal Position             June 30        Salary         Bonus
- ---------------------------             -------      ----------     ---------
Joel M. Eidelstein,
President & Director.............        1998         $24,000            -
                                         1997         $16,000            -
                                         1996         $68,000            -

Fiscal Year 1998 Option Grants and Exercises

     No options were granted to the Company's President during fiscal year 1998.
There were no options exercised during fiscal year 1998, and the Company's
President did not hold any options as of June 30, 1998. See "Proposal Three-
Approval of 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan."

                             CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     Effective November 30, 1985, Lee S. Casty, a principal shareholder of the
Company, made a $400,000 subordinated loan to the Company. The loan was
evidenced by a "satisfactory subordination agreement," approved by the
regulatory authorities to which the Company at that time was subject, and was
due on December 1, 1988. On March 5, 1986, the Company amended its Articles of
Incorporation to authorize 400,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $1.00
per share, with a 10% cumulative dividend. Thereafter, such 400,000 shares of
Preferred Stock were issued to Mr. Casty in satisfaction of the subordinated
loan. The Preferred Stock was redeemable at the option of the Company under
certain circumstances and upon payment of accrued dividends. In 1986, the
Articles of Incorporation of the Company were amended and the Preferred Stock
was redesignated "Class A Preferred Stock." On January 31, 1997, the Company
redeemed and retired the 400,000 shares of Class A Preferred Stock issued and
outstanding, for a price equal to $836,600, which constituted the aggregate par
value of such shares plus cumulative, accrued dividends. As payment, the Company
issued to Mr. Casty a promissory note in the amount of $836,600, bearing
interest at the prime rate and maturing on January 31, 1998. The Company repaid
this note in February 1998.

     In January 1997, the Company paid $940,000 to Mr. Casty as payment in full
of all other notes payable to Mr. Casty (excluding the promissory note issued in
connection with the Company's redemption of its Preferred Stock). During the
fiscal years ended June 30, 1998 and 1997, the Company paid Mr. Casty,
approximately $42,900 and $91,100 in interest on such notes payable.

     In January 1997, the Company extended to January 31, 1998 all notes payable
to French-American Securities, Inc., a company wholly-owned by Mr. Casty, which
had an aggregate principal amount of $5,450,000. In June and September 1997,
$4,700,000 and $750,000, respectively, of the notes payable to French-American
Securities, Inc. were repaid. During the fiscal years ended June 30, 1998 and
1997, the Company paid French-American Securities, Inc. $11,000 and $520,000 in
interest on such notes payable.

     Prior to fiscal year 1996, the Company made loans of $811,400 to C. Adam
Ltd. (successor in interest to SRC, Inc.), an entity affiliated with Mr. Casty.
The loans were evidenced by a demand note bearing interest at 8%, which rate
subsequently was amended to equal the prime rate. In October 1998, this note was
amended again


to provide that (i) the interest rate will be adjusted each month to equal the
interest rate actually earned by the Company on its short-term savings or money
market account during the immediately preceding month plus one-half percent, and
(ii) amounts outstanding under the note may be repaid by transfer to the Company
of shares of Common Stock with an aggregate fair market value equal to the
amount outstanding. The fair market value of shares tendered to repay the note
will be valued at the average of the closing bid and ask price of Common Stock
as reported by the Nasdaq Small Cap Market (or such other stock exchange on
which the Common Stock may then be listed) on each of the three trading days
ending on the trading date immediately prior to the delivery of the Common Stock
to the Company. The Company earned interest income of $52,400, $51,700 and
$53,500 on this note during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996,

     In November 1996, the Board of Directors granted options to purchase
250,000 shares of Common Stock to Burton J. Meyer, the Company's former
President, at an exercise price of $1.20 per share. The options were to expire
on June 30, 1998. In June 1998, the Company purchased these options for $200,000
and terminated them.

     The Company had an employment agreement pursuant to which Philip A. Tanzar
served as the Company's Vice President and General Counsel for annual
compensation of $138,200 for a term ending December 31, 1996. In the event that
Mr. Tanzar's employment was not extended by the Company on substantially
equivalent terms for reasons other than "good cause", the Company was obligated
to pay Mr. Tanzar a severance of $100,000. Effective July 1, 1996, Mr. Tanzar
accepted employment with E.D.& F. Man International, Inc., thereby terminating
his employment contract with the Company. As an inducement for Mr. Tanzar to
accept employment with E.D.& F. Man International, Inc. and as a settlement of
his contract, the Company has agreed to pay Mr. Tanzar severance of up to
$100,000 if he is terminated by E.D.& F. Man International, Inc. prior to
January 1, 1999.

     The Company has guaranteed certain liabilities of Telcom.Net, L.P., a
limited partnership, that are owed to Qwest/LCI, International. One of the
general partners of Telcom.Net, L.P. is Alerica, Inc., a company that is wholly-
owned by Joel Eidelstein, the Company's President. There is no maximum amount
payable under this guarantee; however, the Company reasonably believes, based on
the business of the limited partnership, that its potential liability under this
guarantee will not exceed $100,000.

     On November 10, 1998 the Board of Directors (excluding Mr. Eidelstein, who
abstained from discussion or voting) granted to Joel M. Eidelstein, the
President of the Company, an option to purchase 300,000 shares of Common Stock,
which constitutes approximately 4.5% of the outstanding Common Stock on the date
of grant. Effectiveness of the option is subject to obtaining shareholder
approval of the 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. See "Proposal Three-
Approval of 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan." The option granted to Mr.
Eidelstein vested 25% on November 10, 1998 and will vest 25% on each of November
10, 1999, November 10, 2000 and January 1, 2001. The exercise price of the
option is $3.00 per share and the fair market value of the Common Stock on the
date of grant was $1.75 per share.

     In December 1998, the Company purchased from Alerica, Inc. a 25% limited
partnership interest in Telcom.Net, an Internet communications software
development company. Alerica, Inc. is wholly-owned by Joel Eidelstein, the
Company's President. The purchase price of such 25% limited partnership interest
was $200,000 plus the Company's assumption of outstanding indebtedness of
$50,000. The Board of Directors (excluding Mr. Eidelstein, who abstained from
discussion or voting) determined that this purchase was fair and in the best
interests of the shareholders.



     Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company's officers and
directors, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of the
Company's equity securities, to file reports of ownership and changes in
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and to provide copies of
such reports to the Company and to the Nasdaq Stock Market. Based solely on a
review of the copies of such forms furnished to the Company, or written
representations that no Form 5's were required, the Company believes that during
fiscal year 1998, all section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to officers,
directors and 10% beneficial owners were complied with.

          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in any of the
     Company's previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
     the Exchange Act that might incorporate future filings, including this
     proxy statement, in whole or in part, the report presented below and the
     performance graph following the report shall not be incorporated by
     reference into any such filings.

                            REPORT OF THE BOARD OF

     Historically, the Board of Directors has performed the functions typically
delegated to a compensation committee, including establishing and overseeing the
Company's compensation policy and approving salaries and annual bonuses for
senior management of the Company. Assuming the Company's 1998 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is approved by the shareholders (see "Proposal
Three"), the Board of Directors intends to establish a Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors (the "Compensation Committee") and to appoint George
Myers and Zalman LeKach as the initial members.

     Compensation Policy.  The Company's compensation policy for senior
management has consisted almost exclusively of cash salaries and, from time to
time, discretionary performance bonuses. Since the Company's business has
changed significantly following the sale of its primary subsidiary, Index
Futures Group, Inc., the Board of Directors believed that offering equity
compensation to senior management of the Company would not be particularly
effective. With the adoption of the Plan, the Board of Directors is implementing
a change in the Company's compensation policy to increase the long-term equity
component which, the Board expects, will strengthen the Company's ability to
recruit, motivate and retain highly qualified individuals. The Board of
Directors believes that stock options and restricted stock, which vest over time
and will be subject to forfeiture, will better align the interests of the
Company's senior management with the interests of the Company's shareholders.
The Board also believes that substantial equity ownership by individuals in
leadership positions within the Company will help to ensure that such
individuals remain focused on building shareholder value.

     Joel M. Eidelstein, the President of the Company, has authority to hire all
members of senior management of the Company and, subject to the Board of
Directors's approval, to establish the compensation to be paid to such
executives. In determining and approving the amount of annual salary and salary
increases for senior management, Mr. Eidelstein and the Board of Directors
consider factors such as the executive's contribution to the Company's operating
effectiveness and profitability; the level of responsibility, scope and
complexity of such executive's position relative to other executive management;
and the salary levels of other companies in the same industry.

     Compensation of the President.  The compensation paid to Joel M.
Eidelstein, the President of the Company, for the last three fiscal years is
listed in the Executive Compensation table located elsewhere in this Proxy
Statement. During fiscal years 1997 and 1998, Mr. Eidelstein accepted a
significantly reduced salary because the operations of the Company had decreased
materially following the Company's July 1996 sale of Index Futures Group, Inc.
In recognition of Mr. Eidelstein's pivotal role in evaluating the Company's
future business prospects,


negotiating the transactions described in Proposal Two and managing the
Company's transition into new businesses, the Board of Directors has authorized
an increase in Mr. Eidelstein's salary to $75,000 for fiscal year 1999.

     On November 10, 1998 the Board of Directors (excluding Mr. Eidelstein, who
abstained from discussion or voting) granted to Mr. Eidelstein an option to
purchase 300,000 shares of Common Stock, which constitutes approximately 4.5% of
the outstanding Common Stock on the date of grant. Effectiveness of the option
is subject to the Company obtaining shareholder approval of the Plan. See
"Proposal Three-Approval of 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan." The option
granted to Mr. Eidelstein will be an incentive stock option, to the extent it
qualifies for treatment as such. The option granted to Mr. Eidelstein vested 25%
on November 10, 1998 and will vest 25% on each of November 10, 1999, November
10, 2000 and January 1, 2001. The exercise price of the Option is $3.00 per
share and the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant was
$1.75 per share. The Board of Directors (excluding Mr. Eidelstein) approved the
option grant to Mr. Eidelstein in recognition of his dedication to the Company
during the Company's transition in business following the July 1996 sale of
Index Futures Group, Inc. and Mr. Eidelstein's acceptance of a below-market
salary during fiscal years 1997 and 1998.

     December ____, 1998

                                       SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                       Joel M. Eidelstein
                                       George A. Myers
                                       Colleen M. Downes
                                       Zalman Lekach


                         AND THE NASDAQ FINANCIAL INDEX

     The graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on the
Common Stock since consummation of the Company's initial public offering in June
1994 with the cumulative total return of the Nasdaq Stock Market (US) and the
Nasdaq Total Return for Nasdaq Financial Stocks over the same period (assuming
the investment on June 30, 1993 of $100 in each of Common Stock, the Nasdaq
Stock Market (US) and the Nasdaq Total Return for Nasdaq Financial Stocks).

                             (PERFORMANCE GRAPH )

        Measurement Period                  IFX        NASDAQ STOCK     NASDAQ
       (Fiscal year covered)            CORPORATION    MARKET (U.S.)   FINANCIAL
- -----------------------------------     -----------    -------------   --------- 
Measurement Point  6/30/93                 $100              $100         $100
FYE 6/30/94                                $200              $101         $113
FYE 6/30/95                                $125              $135         $129
FYE 6/30/96                                $125              $173         $168
FYE 6/30/97                                $150              $210         $246
FYE 6/30/98                                $305              $278         $319

*    $100 invested on 6/30/93 in Stock or Index - including reinvestment of
     dividends. Fiscal year ending June 30.

                           TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURNS
                             (Dividends Reinvested)

                                                       Annual Return Percentage
                                                             Years Ending
Company/Index                             Jun 94     Jun 95     Jun 96     Jun 97     Jun 98
- -------------                            ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
IFX Corporation                            100        (38)         0          20         103
NASDAQ Stock Market (U.S.)                   1         34         28          21          32
NASDAQ Financial Index                      13         14         30          46          30

                                 Base                     Cumulative Total Returns
                                Period                         Years Ending
Company/Index                   Jun 93     Jun 94     Jun 95     Jun 96      Jun 97      Jun 98
- --------------                 --------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------
IFX Corporation                  100         200       125         125         150         305
NASDAQ Stock Market (U.S.)       100         101       135         173         210         278
NASDAQ Financial Index           100         113       129         168         246         319


                                  PROPOSAL TWO
                          APPROVAL OF SHARE ISSUANCES

     Following is a summary description of the transactions contemplated by that
certain Subscription and Joint Venture Agreement dated as of November 23, 1998
(the "Joint Venture Agreement") among the Company, a wholly-owned indirect
subsidiary of the Company named Emerging Networks, Inc. and two significant
shareholders of the Company, International Technology Investments, LC
("International Technology") and Lee S. Casty.  Pursuant to the Joint Venture
Agreement, the Company has issued 500,000 shares of Common Stock to
International Technology, has granted to International Technology the right to
purchase up to 5,500,000 additional shares of Common Stock and has obligated
itself to issue such additional shares of Common Stock upon International
Technology's exercise of its purchase right (collectively, the "Transactions").
The following description of the Transactions is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the copy of the Joint Venture Agreement which was filed as an
exhibit to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 23, 1998
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 24, 1998.  The
Board of Directors believes that approval of the Transactions is in the best
interests of the Company and its shareholders and unanimously recommends that
the shareholders vote "FOR" the approval of the Transactions.  ALL SHAREHOLDERS

Background of the Transactions

     Historically, the Company's primary business was conducting a commodity
brokerage business through its subsidiary, Index Futures Group, Inc. ("Index").
On July 1, 1996, the Company sold substantially all of the brokerage accounts
maintained by Index, together with all positions, securities, and other assets
held in or for such accounts and other agreed-upon assets used in Index's
brokerage activities, for a purchase price consisting of cash earn-out payments
based upon Index's profitability during the sixty-six months following the sale.
The Company's revenues since July 1996 have consisted primarily of earn-out
payments, interest income and income from operations of the Company's majority-
owned British subsidiary, IFX Ltd.

     Following the sale of Index, the Company decided not to reinvest the sales
proceeds in the Company's commodities brokerage business and has been exploring
other industries and business opportunities. Based on such research, the Board
of Directors believes that the Internet and telecommunications industries
present significant opportunities for the Company's future investment and
growth. In particular, the Board of Directors believes that the market for
Internet services in Latin America presents substantial growth potential due to
the increasing demand for Internet services, current low market penetration and
the absence of any dominant regional service providers. Accordingly, the Company
intends to pursue the development and acquisition of Internet services and
telecommunication businesses with the proceeds from the sale of Index, joint
venture transactions and private equity offerings.

     During the past year, the Company has engaged in discussions with a number
of third parties regarding the possibility of such parties making significant
investments in the Company or entering into a strategic partnership with the
Company. The Company first began to discuss the possibility of entering into a
strategic venture with International Technology in October 1997; however,
serious discussions did not commence until May 1998. From May 1998 through
November 1998, senior management of the Company and International Technology met
on numerous occasions to evaluate various strategic business opportunities and
the manner in which the companies should pursue these opportunities, including a
possible business combination or joint venture. The Company chose to pursue a
joint venture with International Technology because of its extensive experience
and existing business relationships with participants in the computer
distribution and communications industries in Latin America.

     From late August 1998 until mid-November 1998, the parties drafted and
negotiated the Joint Venture Agreement. On November 10, 1998, after extensive
discussions, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the


Transactions and authorized the officers of the Company to complete negotiations
and execute the Joint Venture Agreement. The Joint Venture Agreement was signed
on November 23, 1998.

Description of the Joint Venture Agreement.

     Formation of Joint Venture. Pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement, each
of the Company and International Technology has contributed $1,000,000 to a
joint venture formed to provide Internet services, and to make investments in
Internet-related businesses, in Latin America and other international markets.
The joint venture will be conducted through Emerging Networks, Inc., a
corporation organized by the Company under the laws of the British Virgin
Islands ("ENI"). ENI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IFX/EN, Inc., which is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. International Technology's $1,000,000
initial contribution to ENI was paid indirectly, through International
Technology's purchase of 500,000 shares of Common Stock from the Company at a
purchase price of $2.00 per share. Upon receipt of payment for such shares, the
Company (i) contributed the $1,000,000 purchase price it received from
International Technology, plus an additional $1,000,000 for its own account, to
IFX/EN, Inc., and (ii) caused IFX/EN, Inc. to contribute to the capital of ENI
the sum of $2,000,000. In exchange for its contribution, the Company received
500,000 shares of common stock of ENI.

     It is currently contemplated that IFX and the International Technology each
will contribute up to an additional $3 million to the venture; however, neither
party is required to make additional capital contributions to ENI. For each
additional $2.00 contributed to ENI's capital, (i) ENI will issue one additional
share of ENI common stock to the Company, in the case of additional
contributions made by the Company, or (ii) the Company will issue one additional
share of Common Stock to International Technology, in the case of additional
contributions made by International Technology. All contributions in excess of
the parties' initial contributions are completely discretionary; however, the
Company may be obligated to dispose of its investment in ENI, or International
Technology may be obligated to dispose of its investment in the Company, if the
Company or International Technology, respectively, has not made additional
capital contributions of at least $3,000,000 prior to the expiration of the
Purchase Right (as defined below). See "-Terms of Purchase Right."

     Terms of Purchase Right. The Company also has granted to International
Technology the right, but not the obligation, to purchase up to an additional
5,500,000 shares of Common Stock for $2.00 per share, or a maximum total
purchase price of $11,000,000 (the "Purchase Right"). The number of shares of
Common Stock International Technology is entitled to purchase pursuant to the
Purchase Right will be reduced, share-for-share, by the number of shares of
Common Stock (if any) issued by the Company to International Technology in
consideration for additional capital contributions made by International
Technology. The Purchase Right will remain in effect for three years, commencing
in January 1999; however, if International Technology makes at least $3,000,000
in additional capital contributions before the last day of such three-year
period, then the exercisability of the Purchase Right, in respect of the shares
of Common Stock which remain subject thereto, automatically will be extended for
an additional 24 months.

     If the Purchase Right is exercised, International Technology may acquire up
to 6,000,000 shares of Common Stock pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement,
which would constitutes approximately 49.4% of the shares of Common Stock
outstanding as of November 30, 1998 (including such shares), and a "change of
control" of the Company may be deemed to have occurred. Accordingly, the
Transactions are subject to the parties obtaining all approvals, consents and
other authorizations of their respective shareholders, the Securities and
Exchange Commission, the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. and other applicable
governmental, regulatory or administrative authorities, if any, necessary for
the grant to International Technology of the Purchase Right and the future
issuance of Common Stock upon exercise of the Purchase Right. In the Joint
Venture Agreement, each of Lee S. Casty and International Technology has agreed
to vote all shares of Common Stock owned by him or it "FOR" approval of the
Transaction and to use his or its reasonable best efforts to ensure the approval
of the Joint Venture Agreement by the shareholders of IFX.


     Disposition of ENI.  The Joint Venture Agreement provides that, in certain
circumstances, either the Company or International Technology may be required to
sell all of its investment in ENI or in the Company respectively.  In the event
that (i) the Purchase Right expires before it is exercised, or International
Technology fails to make additional contributions of at least $3,000,000, and
(ii) the average trading price of the Common Stock (calculated pursuant to the
Joint Venture Agreement) as of the date the Purchase Right expires is less than
$2.00 per share, International Technology will have a period of time during
which to sell its shares of Common Stock to a bona fide purchaser who agrees to
contribute at least $3,000,000 (less any additional contributions previously
made by International Technology) to ENI.  If International Technology fails to
sell its shares of Common Stock, then the Company will be required to use its
commercially reasonable efforts to sell to a bona fide purchaser all or
substantially all of the capital stock, business or assets of ENI and to use a
pro rata position of the net proceeds of such sale to purchase all of
International Technology's Common Stock.  Conversely, in the event that the
Company fails to make additional capital contributions to ENI of at least
$3,000,000 before the Purchase Right expires, International Technology will be
entitled to (i) sell to the Company, and require the Company to purchase, all
shares of Common Stock owned by International Technology, and (ii) purchase from
the Company, and require the Company to sell, all of the shares of ENI Common
Stock owned by the Company.

     Registration Rights. None of the shares of Common Stock issued or to be
issued to International Technology under the Joint Venture Agreement and none of
the shares of Common Stock currently owned by Lee S. Casty has been registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). Mr. Casty
owns and, upon consummation of the Transactions, International Technology will
beneficially own more than 10% of the outstanding Common Stock. Accordingly,
each of International Technology and Mr. Casty may be deemed to be "affiliates"
of the Company (as defined in Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act) and
their respective abilities to publicly resell their shares will be limited. In
connection with the Transactions, the Company has agreed to register for resale,
on three separate occasions, all or any of the shares of Common Stock owned by
International Technology and Mr. Casty, upon a written request by either of
them. In addition, each of International Technology and Mr. Casty is entitled to
include shares of Common Stock owned by it or him (with some limitations) in any
registration requested by the other or in any registered offering undertaken by
the Company for its own account.

     Board Representation. The Joint Venture Agreement entitles each of
International Technology and the Company to nominate and elect two persons to
the board of directors of ENI. In addition, for so long as the Purchase Right
remains in effect and is exercisable, each of International Technology and Lee
S. Casty are entitled to nominate one person for election to the Board of
Directors of the Company and each of them has agreed to take all actions
reasonably necessary to ensure the election of such persons to the Board. Mr.
Casty's initial nominee is Joel Eidelstein and, subject to shareholder approval
of the Transactions, International Technology's initial nominee is Joseph M.
Matalon. See "Proposal One-Election of Directors."

     Information Regarding International Technology. The principals of
International Technology, including Joseph M. Matalon, previously were the
founders and owners of a group of companies that formed one of the largest
international distributors of computer equipment and computer peripherals. This
group of companies conducted business throughout Latin America. In June 1998,
the owners of this group of distribution companies sold their business to an
unaffiliated third party and, thereafter, formed International Technology. The
Board of Directors believes that International Technology will be a valuable
joint venture partner for the Company because the principals of International
Technology have extensive knowledge of, and existing business relationships with
companies operating in, the Latin American computer and peripheral distribution
market. The Company believes that International Technology's experience and
business relationships within the computer distribution and communications
industries can be extended to and will be invaluable in connection with the
Company's entry into Internet-related and telecommunications industries.


                                PROPOSAL THREE 

     In November 10, 1998 the Board of Directors of the Company adopted the IFX
Corporation 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), subject to
shareholder approval.  The purposes of the Plan are to (i) attract and retain
high quality directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries, (ii) motivate such persons to promote the long-term
success of the business of the Company and its subsidiaries, and (ii) reward
individual achievement and enable directors, officers, employees and consultants
of the Company and its subsidiaries to participate in the long-term growth and
financial success of the Company.  The Board of Directors believes that approval
of the Plan is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.  The
following summary description of the Plan is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix A.

     Types of Awards. Subject to obtaining shareholder approval of the Plan, an
aggregate of 900,000 shares of Common Stock have been reserved for issuance
under the Plan pursuant to the grant of (i) incentive stock options ("ISOs")
within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code"), (ii) stock options that are not intended to qualify under
Section 422 of the Code ("NSOs" and together with ISOs, "Options") and (iii)
shares of restricted Common Stock ("Restricted Stock"). The Plan also authorizes
the award of phantom stock and stock appreciation rights ("SARs").

     Shares Available. Not more than 900,000 shares of Common Stock may be
issued pursuant to awards granted under the Plan. There is no minimum number of
shares that may be granted to any participant; however, no participant in the
Plan may be granted awards in any calendar year in respect of more than
____________ shares of Common Stock. Common Stock issued under the Plan may be
authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock, or shares that have been
reacquired by the Company and held in treasury. Upon the expiration or
termination of Options or other awards granted under the Plan, the shares of
Common Stock that were subject to such awards will be available to cover awards
subsequently granted under the Plan.

     Eligible Individuals. Awards under the Plan may be granted to officers,
employees, non-employee directors, independent contractors or consultants of the
Company or any subsidiary, and to persons who, at the time an award is granted,
are not yet officers or employees of the Company or any subsidiary but to whom
an offer of employment has been extended.

  Administration of the Plan. The Plan will be administered by a compensation
committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee") comprised of two or more
directors. Each member of the Committee will qualify as an outside or non-
employee director as defined by Section 162(m) of the Code and/or the Exchange
Act to the extent such qualification is deemed necessary for the grant of awards
under the Plan to qualify for favorable tax or securities treatment under
applicable law. The members of the Committee will be appointed by the Board of
Directors and initially will consist of George Myers and Zalman LeKach. Subject
to the express provisions of the Plan, the Committee will have sole discretion
to (i) select, from time to time, which individuals are eligible to participate
in the Plan, (ii) those eligible individuals who will receive awards under the
Plan, and (iii) the form and vesting schedule of awards and the number of
shares, exercise price, manner of payment and expiration date applicable to each
award. The Committee also has authority to construe and interpret the Plan and
to establish, amend and rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan.

     Terms and Conditions of Awards. The exercise price for each award under the
Plan will be determined by the Committee at the time the award is granted and
will be specified in an option or other applicable agreement. The exercise price
of an ISO may not be less than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the
date the ISO is granted; however, the exercise price of an NSO may be less than,
equal to or greater than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date
the NSO is granted. "Fair market value" under the Plan is determined by the
Committee, in good faith, taking into account the price of the Common Stock as
reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap


Market. The exercise price of Options granted under the Plan will be payable in
cash, by the participant's delivery to the Company of shares of Common Stock
with an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the aggregate exercise price,
pursuant to a cashless exercise arrangement with a broker or in such other form
of consideration as the Committee may approve.

     Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, awards under the Plan will be
(i) exercisable for ten years after the date of grant, (ii) vest, in specified
increments, over the three years following the date of grant, and (iii)
terminate on the earliest of (a) the participant's termination of employment
with the Company for cause, (b) 30 days after the participant's termination of
employment with the Company for any other reason, other than death or permanent
disability, and (c) one year following the participant's death or permanent
disability. Options, SARs and phantom stock granted under the Plan will be
transferable only by will or the laws of descent and distribution, or pursuant
to a qualified domestic relations order as defined in Section 414(p) of the

     Specific Grants Under the Plan. Subject to obtaining shareholder approval
of the Plan, on November 10, 1998 the Board of Directors (excluding Mr.
Eidelstein) granted to Joel M. Eidelstein an Option to purchase 300,000 shares
of Common Stock, which constitutes approximately of the outstanding Common Stock
on the date of grant. The Option granted to Mr. Eidelstein is an ISO, to the
extent it qualifies for treatment as such, with any portion of the Option that
does not qualify as an ISO being treated as an NSO. The option vested 25% on
November 10, 1998 and will vest 25% on each of November 10, 1999, November 10,
2000 and January 1, 2001. The exercise price of the Option is $3.00 per share
and the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant was $1.75 per
share. Mr. Eidelstein currently serves as the President and a director of the
Company and has been nominated for re-election as a director. See "Proposal One-
Election of Directors." The Board of Directors (excluding Mr. Eidelstein, who
abstained from any discussion or voting) approved the Option grant to Mr.
Eidelstein in recognition of his dedication to the Company during the Company's
business transition following the July 1996 sale of Index's business and Mr.
Eidelstein's acceptance of a below-market salary during fiscal years 1997 and
1998. See "Board of Directors Report on Executive Compensation."

     The Board of Directors has not granted any other awards under the Plan and
currently has no definitive plans to grant awards to any other specific
individuals. The grant of awards under the Plan is within the discretion of the
Committee; thus the names of individuals who may receive awards under the Plan
and the form, number of shares and exercise price applicable to any such award
currently cannot be determined.

     Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences. Following is a brief summary of
the principal federal income tax consequences of awards under the Plan. This
summary is not an exhaustive description and does not describe all applicable
federal, state or local tax laws.

          Incentive Stock Options. A Plan participant is not subject to federal
     income tax at the time of either the grant or the exercise of an ISO. In
     the year in which an ISO is exercised, however, the amount by which the
     fair market value of the shares of Common Stock received upon the exercise
     of an ISO exceeds the exercise price will constitute an adjustment to the
     optionholder's income in computing alternative minimum taxable income. Such
     adjustment could result in the imposition of, or increase the amount of,
     the optionholder's "alternative minimum tax" under the Code. If an
     optionholder does not dispose of such shares of Common Stock within two
     years after the ISO was granted or one year after the ISO was exercised,
     whichever is later (any such disposition, a "disqualifying event"), then
     any gain or loss recognized upon such disposition generally will be treated
     as long-term capital gain or loss. In such event, the Company will not
     receive a tax deduction on either the exercise of the ISO or on the sale of
     the underlying Common Stock.

          If an optionholder makes a "disqualifying disposition," the
     optionholder will realize ordinary income in an amount equal to the lesser
     of (i) the fair market value of the ISO Stock on the date the ISO is
     exercised minus the exercise price, or (ii) the sales price received by the
     optionholder on the disposition


     of the ISO Stock minus the exercise price. In such event, the Company will
     be entitled to a deduction in an amount equal to the ordinary income
     realized by the optionholder. If a sale is a disqualifying disposition, the
     optionholder also may realize short-term or long-term capital gain or loss,
     if such shares constitute capital assets in an optionholder's hands. The
     gain or loss will be measured by the difference between the fair market
     value of the shares on the date of exercise of the ISO and the sales price
     of the shares.

          Non-Qualified Stock Options. No income is realized by an optionholder
     upon the grant of an NSO. Upon the exercise of an NSO, however, the amount
     by which the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of exercise
     exceeds the exercise price will be taxed as ordinary income to an
     optionholder and the Company will be entitled to a deduction in an equal
     amount. Such amount will not be an adjustment to income in computing
     alternative minimum taxable income. Upon subsequent sales of NSO Stock, an
     optionholder may realize short-term or long-term capital gain or loss,
     depending upon the holding period of the shares, if such shares constitute
     capital assets in an optionholder's hands. The gain or loss will be
     measured by the difference between the sales price and the tax basis of the
     shares sold. The tax basis for this purpose will be the sum of the exercise
     price and the amount of ordinary income realized by the optionholder as a
     result of such exercise.

          Other Awards. No income is realized by a holder of SAR or phantom
     stock at the time the SAR or phantom stock is granted; however, upon
     exercise, the amount of cash or the fair market value of the shares of
     Common Stock received will be taxable as ordinary income to the holder
     thereof and the Company will be entitled to a deduction in an equal amount.

          Section 162(m). Section 162(m) of the Code limits the deductibility
     (under certain circumstances) of compensation that exceeds $1,000,000
     annually that is paid by the Company to its president and to its four most
     highly compensated officers (other than the president) as determined at the
     end of the Company's taxable year. Section 162(m) and the proposed
     regulations thereunder provide certain exclusions from the amounts included
     in the $1,000,000 limitation, including compensation that is "qualified
     performance-based compensation" within the meaning of the proposed
     regulations. The Plan generally is intended to satisfy the requirements set
     forth in the proposed regulations with respect to "qualified performance-
     based compensation" with respect to Options that are exercisable at an
     exercise price of not less than 100% of the fair market value of a share of
     Common Stock on the date of grant. However, if an option is exercisable at
     a price less than 100% of the price of a share of Common Stock on the date
     of grant, the compensatory element of such NSO (i.e., the excess of the
     such fair market value over the exercise price) will not constitute
     "qualified performance-based compensation.

          Miscellaneous. The Plan is not qualified under Section 401 of the
Code. In addition, the Plan is not subject to any of the provisions of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

          Vote Required. The Plan will be approved by the shareholders of the
Company if Proposal Three receives the affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock present, by person or by proxy, and entitled to vote on
the proposal. Any proxy card that is marked as abstaining from voting on
Proposal Three will be counted for purposes of determining a quorum and,
although such shares will be counted as unvoted for purposes of the proposal,
will have the effect of a vote against the proposal.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

          The Board of Directors of the Company unanimously recommends that
shareholders vote FOR Proposal Three and approval of the Plan.


                                 PROPOSAL FOUR
                             SELECTION OF AUDITORS

     The Board of Directors has engaged Arthur Andersen LLP to audit the
financial statements of the Company for fiscal year 1999, subject to
ratification by the shareholders. Arthur Anderson LLP audited the Company's
financial statements for fiscal years 1997 and 1998. It is expected that a
representative of Arthur Andersen LLP will be present at the Annual Meeting and
will have an opportunity to make a statement, if such representative so desires,
and to respond to appropriate questions.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors of the Company unanimously recommends that
shareholders vote FOR ratification of Arthur Andersen LLP as independent


     Proposals by shareholders for inclusion in the Company's Proxy Statement
and form of proxy relating to the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which is
currently scheduled to be held on December 15, 1999, should be addressed to the
Secretary, IFX Corporation, 200 West Adams Street, Suite 1460, Chicago,
Illinois, 60606, and must be received at such address no later than August 17,
1999. Upon receipt of any such proposal, the Company will determine whether or
not to include such proposal in the Proxy Statement and proxy in accordance with
applicable law. It is suggested that such proposal be forwarded by certified
mail, return receipt requested.


     The management of the Company knows of no other matters to be presented at
the meeting. Should any other matter requiring a vote of shareholders arise at
the meeting, the persons named in the proxy will vote the proxies in accordance
with their best judgement.

                                 ANNUAL REPORT

     The Company's 1998 Annual Report to Stockholders has been mailed to the
shareholders of the Company prior to the mailing of, or is being mailed
concurrently with, this Proxy statement. A copy of the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 1998 (excluding exhibits), as filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, may be obtained without charge upon
request made to the Secretary, IFX Corporation, 200 West Adams Street, Suite
1460, Chicago, Illinois, 60606, telephone (312) 419-9530.


     The Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended
September 30, 1998 accompanies this Proxy and is incorporated in this Proxy by
this reference. The Company will provide without charge to each beneficial owner
of Common Stock to whom a copy of this Proxy is delivered a copy of any or all
of the information that has been incorporated by reference in this Proxy
(excluding exhibits to such information). Requests for such information should
be directed to the Secretary, IFX Corporation, 200 West Adams Street, Suite
1460, Chicago, Illinois, 60606, telephone (312) 419-9530.


                                                                      Appendix A

                                IFX CORPORATION
                        STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

1.   Preamble.

     IFX Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), hereby establishes
the IFX Corporation Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "Plan") as a means
whereby the Company may, through awards of (i) incentive stock options within
the meaning of section 422 of the Code (as herein defined), (ii) stock
appreciation rights, (iii) non-qualified stock options, (iv) restricted stock,
and (v) phantom stock:

           (a)  provide employees of the Company and its subsidiaries with
     additional incentive to promote the success of the Company's and its
     subsidiaries' businesses and encourage such employees to remain in the
     employ of the Company and its subsidiaries;

           (b)  provide incentive for potential employees to accept employment
     with the Company;

           (c)  provide Directors of the Company who are not otherwise employees
     of the Company with additional incentive to promote the success of the
     Company's business; and

           (d)  provide consultants and other independent contractors who
     provide services to the Company with additional incentive to promote the
     success of the Company's business.

     The provisions of this Plan do not apply to or affect any option, stock
appreciation right, or stock heretofore or hereafter granted under any other
stock plan of the Company or any subsidiary, and all such options, stock
appreciation right or stock continue to be governed by and subject to the
applicable provisions of the plan or agreement under which they were granted.

2.   Definitions.

     2.01  "Board" or "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the

     2.02  "Cause" means, as determined in the sole discretion of the Board, a
Participant's (a) commission of a felony; (b) material or repeated dishonesty or
misrepresentation involving the Company or any Subsidiary; (c) serious
misconduct in the performance or non-performance of Participant's
responsibilities as an employee, Officer, Director, consultant or independent
contractor; (d) violation of a material condition of employment; (e)
unauthorized use of trade secrets or confidential information; or (f) aiding a
competitor of the Company or any Subsidiary.

     2.03  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it exists now and
as it may be amended from time to time.

     2.04  "Committee" means the committee comprised of two or more Directors
appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

     2.05  "Common Stock" means the common stock of the Company, $.02 par value
per share.

     2.06  "Company" means IFX Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and any
successor thereto.

     2.07  "Director" means a member of the Board.

     2.08  "Exchange Act"  means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as it
exists now or from time to time may hereafter be amended.

     2.09  "Fair Market Value" means for the relevant day:

           (a) If shares of Common Stock are listed or admitted to unlisted
     trading privileges on any national or regional securities exchange, the
     last reported sale price, regular way, on the composite tape of that
     exchange on the day Fair Market Value is to be determined;

           (b) If the Common Stock is not listed or admitted to unlisted trading
     privileges as provided in paragraph (a), and if sales prices for shares of
     Common Stock are reported by the National Association of Securities
     Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations, Inc. National Market System ("Nasdaq
     System"), then the last sale price for Common Stock reported as of the
     close of business on the day Fair Market Value is to be determined, or if
     no such sale takes place on that day, the average of the high bid and low
     asked prices so reported and, if Common Stock is not traded on that day,
     the next preceding day on which such stock was traded; or

           (c) If trading of the Common Stock is not reported by the Nasdaq
     System or on a stock exchange, Fair Market Value will be determined by the
     Committee in its discretion based upon the best available data.

     2.10  "ISO" means incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422
of the Code.

     2.11  "Naked SAR" means a SAR issued not in connection with an ISO or NSO.

     2.12  "NSO" means non-qualified stock options, which are not intended to
qualify under Section 422 of the Code.


     2.13  "Option" means the right of a Participant, whether granted as an ISO
or an NSO, to purchase a specified number of shares of Common Stock, subject to
the terms and conditions of the Plan.

     2.14  "Option Date" means the date upon which an Option, SAR, Restricted
Stock or Phantom Stock is awarded to a Participant under the Plan.

     2.15  "Option Price" means the price per share at which an Option may be

     2.16  "Participant" means an individual to whom an Option, SAR, Phantom
Stock or Restricted Stock has been granted under the Plan.

     2.17  "Phantom Stock" means a hypothetical share of Common Stock issued as
phantom stock under the Plan.

     2.18  "Plan" means the IFX Corporation Stock Option Plan, as set forth
herein and as from time to time amended.

     2.19  "Restricted Stock" means Common Stock awarded to a Participant
pursuant to this Plan and subject to the restrictions contained in Section 9.

     2.20  "SAR" means a stock appreciation right.  A SAR may be a Naked SAR or
a Tandem SAR.

     2.21  "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as it exists now
or from time to time may hereinafter be amended.

     2.22  "Subsidiary" means any corporation or other entity of which the
majority voting power or equity interest is owned directly or indirectly by the

     2.23  "Tandem SAR" means a SAR associated with and issued in connection
with an ISO or NSO.

     2.24  Rules of Construction.

           (a) Governing Law.  The construction and operation of this Plan are
     governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

           (b) Undefined Terms.  Unless the context requires another meaning,
     any term not specifically defined in this Plan has the meaning given to it
     by the Code.

           (c) Headings.  All headings in this Plan are for reference only and
     are not to be utilized in construing the Plan.


           (d)  Gender.  Unless clearly appropriate, all nouns of whatever
     gender refer indifferently to persons of any gender.

           (e)  Singular and Plural.  Unless clearly inappropriate, singular
     terms refer also to the plural and vice versa.

           (f)  Severability.  If any provision of this Plan is determined to be
     illegal or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue
     in full force and effect and shall be construed and enforced as if the
     illegal or invalid provision did not exist, unless the continuance of the
     Plan in such circumstances is not consistent with its purposes.

           (g)  Termination of Employment.  For all purposes of this Plan, an
     employee will have terminated employment with the Company when the
     employee's employment relationship with the Company and all of its
     subsidiaries is terminated. Additionally, with respect to consultants and
     independent contractors, for all purposes of the Plan such consultant's or
     independent contractor's "employment with the Company" shall be considered
     terminated upon the termination of any consulting or independent contractor
     agreement, or when the consultant or independent contractor no longer
     performs any services for the Company.

3.   Stock Subject to the Plan.

     Except as otherwise provided in Section 13, the aggregate number of shares
of Common Stock that may be issued under Options or as Restricted Stock under
this Plan may not exceed 900,000 shares of Common Stock. Reserved shares may be
either authorized but unissued shares or treasury shares, in the Board's
discretion. If any awards hereunder shall terminate or expire, as to any number
of shares, new Options, and Restricted Stock may thereafter be awarded with
respect to such shares. Except as otherwise provided in Section 13, no
Participant may be granted awards under the Plan in any calendar year in respect
of more than shares of Common Stock.

4.   Administration.

     The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. In addition to any other
powers set forth in this Plan, the Committee has the exclusive authority:

           (a)  to construe and interpret the Plan, and to remedy any
     ambiguities or inconsistencies therein;

           (b)  to establish, amend and rescind appropriate rules and
     regulations relating to the Plan;


           (c)  subject to the express provisions of the Plan, to determine the
     individuals who will receive awards of Options, Restricted Stock, Phantom
     Stock and/or SARs, the times when they will receive them, the number of
     shares to be subject to each award and the Option Price, payment terms,
     payment method, and expiration date applicable to each award;

           (d)  to contest on behalf of the Company or Participants, at the
     expense of the Company, any ruling or decision on any matter relating to
     the Plan or to any awards of ISOs, NSOs, Restricted Stock, Phantom Stock
     and/or SARs;

           (e)  generally, to administer the Plan, and to take all such steps
     and make all such determinations in connection with the Plan and the awards
     of ISOs, NSOs, Restricted Stock, Phantom Stock and/or SARs granted
     thereunder as it may deem necessary or advisable;

           (f)  to determine the form in which payment of a SAR or a Phantom
     Stock award granted hereunder will be made (i.e., cash, Common Stock or a
     combination thereof) or to approve a participant's election to receive cash
     in whole or in part in settlement of the SAR or Phantom Stock award;

           (g)  to determine the form in which tax withholding under Section 16
     of this Plan will be made; and

           (h)  to amend the Plan or any Option, Restricted Stock, Phantom Stock
     or SAR granted or awarded hereunder as may be necessary in order for any
     business combination involving the Company to qualify for pooling-of-
     interest treatment under APB No. 16.

5.   Eligible Participants.

     Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall determine from
time to time (a) those employees, officers, Directors, consultants and
independent contractors of the Company or a Subsidiary, and non-employees and
non-officers to whom the Company or any Subsidiary has extended an offer of
employment, who shall be designated as Participants, and (b) the number of
Options, SARs, Restricted Stock, and Phantom Stock, or any combination thereof,
to be awarded to each such Participant; provided, however, that no ISOs or
Tandem SARs granted with respect to ISOs shall be awarded under the Plan more
than ten years after the date this Plan is adopted by the Board. In addition, no
ISOs may be awarded to a Participant who is not an employee of the Company or a

6.   Terms and Conditions of Incentive Stock Options.

     The Committee, in its discretion, may grant ISOs to any Participant under
the Plan; provided, however, that no ISOs may be granted to a Director or other
Participant who is not


an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary. Each ISO shall be evidenced by an
agreement between the Company and the Participant in a form approved by the
Committee. Unless the Committee, in its discretion, determines otherwise, each
ISO agreement shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and to such
other terms and conditions as the Committee may deem appropriate;

           (a)  Option Period.  Each ISO will expire as of the earliest of:

          (i)    the date on which it is forfeited under the provisions of
                 Section 12;

          (ii)   10 years (or five years as specified in Section 6(e)) from the
                 Option Date;

          (iii)  three months after the Participant's termination of employment
                 for any reason other than death; or

          (iv)   six months after the Participant's death.

           (b)  Option Price.  Subject to the provisions of Section 6(e), the
     Option Price per share shall be determined by the Committee at the time any
     ISO is granted, and shall not be less than the Fair Market Value of the
     Common Stock subject to the ISO on the Option Date.

           (c)  Other Option Provisions.  The form of ISO authorized by the Plan
     may contain such other provisions as the Committee may, from time to time,
     determine; provided, however, that such other provisions may not be
     inconsistent with any requirements imposed on qualified stock options under
     Section 422 of the Code.

           (d)  Limitations on Awards.  The aggregate Fair Market Value,
     determined as of the Option Date, of Common Stock with respect to which
     ISOs are exercisable by a Participant for the first time during any
     calendar year under all ISO plans of the Company and any Subsidiary shall
     not exceed $100,000.

           (e)  Awards to Certain Stockholders.  Notwithstanding Sections 6(a)
     and 6(b) hereof, if an ISO is granted to a Participant who owns stock
     representing more than 10% of the voting power of all classes of stock of
     the Company or a Subsidiary (as determined under the Code), the exercise
     period specified in the ISO agreement for which the ISO thereunder is
     granted shall not exceed five years from the Option Date and the Option
     Price shall be at least 110% of the Fair Market Value (as of the Option
     Date) of the Common Stock subject to the ISO.


7.   Terms and Conditions of Non-Qualified Stock Option.

     The Committee, in its discretion, may grant NSOs to any Participant under
the Plan. Each NSO shall be evidenced by an agreement between the Company and
the Participant in a form approved by the Committee. Unless the Committee, in
its discretion, determines otherwise, each NSO agreement shall be subject to the
following terms and conditions and to such other terms and conditions as the
Committee may deem appropriate:

           (a)  Option Period.  Each NSO will expire as of the earliest of:

          (i)    the date on which it is forfeited under the provisions of
                 Section 12;

          (ii)   the date three months after the Participant's termination of
                 employment for any reason other than death; or

          (iii)  the date six months after the Participant's death.

           (b)  Option Price.  At the time when the NSO is granted, the
     Committee will fix the Option Price. The Option Price may be greater than,
     less than, or equal to Fair Market Value on the Option Date, as determined
     in the sole discretion of the Committee.

           (c)  Other Option Provisions.  The form of NSO authorized by the Plan
     may contain such other provisions as the Committee may from time to time

8.   Terms and Conditions of Stock Appreciation Rights.

     The Committee may, in its discretion, grant a SAR to any Participant under
the Plan. Each SAR shall be evidenced by an agreement between the Company and
the Participant, in a form approved by the Committee, and may be a Naked SAR or
a Tandem SAR. Unless the Committee, in its discretion, determines otherwise,
each SAR awarded to Participants under the Plan shall be subject to the
following terms and conditions and to such other terms and conditions as the
Committee may deem appropriate:

          (a)  Tandem SARs.  Tandem SARs shall terminate on the same date as the
     related ISO or NSO. A Tandem SAR shall be exercisable only if the Fair
     Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of surrender exceeds
     the Option Price for the related Option, and then shall be exercisable to
     the extent, and only to the extent, that the related Option is exercisable.
     A Tandem SAR shall entitle the Participant to whom it is granted the right
     to elect, so long as such Tandem SAR is exercisable and subject to such
     limitations as the Committee shall have imposed, to surrender any then
     exercisable portion of his related Option, in whole or in part, and receive
     from the Company in exchange, without any payment of cash (except for
     applicable employee withholding taxes), that number of shares of Common
     Stock having an aggregate Fair Market Value on the date of surrender equal
     to the product of (i) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a share of
     Common Stock on the date of surrender over the per share


     Option Price, and (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock subject to such
     Option or portion thereof which is surrendered. Any Option or portion
     thereof which is surrendered shall no longer be exercisable. The Committee,
     in its sole discretion, may allow the Company to settle all or part of the
     Company's obligation arising out of the exercise of a Tandem SAR by the
     payment of cash equal to the aggregate Fair Market Value of the shares of
     Common Stock which the Company would otherwise be obligated to deliver.

           (b)  Naked SARs.  Naked SARs shall terminate as provided in the
     Participant's SAR agreement. The Committee may at the time of granting any
     Naked SAR add such conditions and limitations to the Naked SAR as it shall
     deem advisable, including but not limited to, limitations on the period
     within which the Naked SAR shall be exercisable and the maximum amount of
     appreciation to be recognized with regard to such Naked SAR.

           (c)  Other Conditions.  If a Participant is subject to Section 16(a)
     and Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act, the Committee may at any time add
     such additional conditions and limitations to such SAR which the Committee,
     in its discretion, deems necessary or desirable in order to comply with
     Section 16(a) or Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act and the rules and
     regulations issued thereunder, or in order to obtain any exemption

9.   Terms and Conditions of Restricted Stock Awards.

     The Committee, in its discretion, may grant Restricted Stock to any
Participant under the Plan. Each grant of Restricted Stock shall be evidenced by
an agreement between the Company and the Participant in a form approved by the
Committee. Unless the Committee, in its discretion, determines otherwise, all
shares of Common Stock awarded to Participants under the Plan as Restricted
Stock shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and to such other
terms and conditions as the Committee may deem appropriate:

           (a)  Restricted Period.  Shares of Restricted Stock awarded to
     Participants may not be sold, transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered
     before they vest. Subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c)
     below and any other restrictions imposed by law, certificates evidencing
     shares of Restricted Stock that vest will be transferred to the Participant
     or, in the event of his death, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries
     designated by writing filed by the Participant with the Committee for such
     purpose or, if none, to his estate.

           (b)  Forfeitures.  A Participant shall forfeit all unpaid accumulated
     dividends and all shares of Restricted Stock which have not vested prior to
     the date that his employment with the Company is terminated for any reason.

           (c)  Certificates Deposited With Company.  Each certificate issued in
     respect of shares of Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan shall be
     registered in the name of


     the Participant and deposited with the Company. Each such certificate shall
     bear the following (or a similar) legend:

     "The transferability of this certificate and the shares of stock
     represented hereby are subject to the terms and conditions (including
     forfeiture) relating to Restricted Stock contained in the IFX Corporation
     Stock Option Plan and an agreement entered into between the registered
     owner and IFX Corporation.  Copies of such Plan and agreement are on file
     at the principal office of IFX Corporation."

           (d) Stockholder Rights.  Subject to the foregoing restrictions, each
     Participant shall have all the rights of a stockholder with respect to his
     shares of Restricted Stock including, but not limited to, the right to vote
     such shares.

           (e) Dividends.  On each Common Stock dividend payment date, each
     Participant shall receive an amount equal to the dividend paid on that date
     on a share of Common Stock, multiplied by his number of shares of
     Restricted Stock.

10.  Terms and Conditions of Phantom Stock.

     The Committee may, in its discretion, award Phantom Stock to any
Participant under the Plan.  Each award of Phantom Stock shall be evidenced by
an agreement between the Company and the Participant.  The Committee may at the
time of awarding any Phantom Stock add such additional conditions and
limitations to the Phantom Stock as it shall deem advisable, including, but not
limited to, the right for Participants to receive dividends equivalent to those
paid on Common Stock, limitations on the period or periods within which the
Phantom Stock may be surrendered, and the maximum amount of appreciation to be
recognized with regard to such Phantom Stock.  An award of Phantom Stock shall
entitle the Participant to whom it is awarded the right to elect, so long as
such Phantom Stock is vested and subject to such limitations as the Committee
shall have imposed, to surrender any then vested portion of the Phantom Stock,
in whole or in part, and receive from the Company in exchange therefor the Fair
Market Value on the date of surrender of the Common Stock to which the
surrendered Phantom Stock relates in cash or in shares of Common Stock as the
Committee may determine.  If a Participant is subject to Section 16(a) and
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act, the Committee may at any time add such
additional conditions and limitations to such Phantom Stock which, in its
discretion, the Committee deems necessary or desirable in order to comply with
Section 16(a) or Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder, or in order to obtain any exemption therefrom.

11.  Manner of Exercise of Options.
     To exercise an Option in whole or in part, a Participant, any permitted
transferee of a Participant or, after his death, a Participant's executor or
administrator must give written notice to the Committee, stating the number of
shares to which he intends to exercise the Option.  The Company will issue the
shares with respect to which the Option is exercised upon payment in 


full of the Option Price. The Option Price may be paid (i) in cash, (ii) in
shares of Common Stock having an aggregate Fair Market Value, as determined on
the date of delivery, equal to the Option Price, or (iii) by delivery of
irrevocable instructions to a broker to promptly deliver to the Company the
amount of sale or loan proceeds necessary to pay for all Common Stock acquired
through such exercise and any tax withholding obligations resulting from such
exercise. The Option Price may be paid in shares of Common Stock which were
received by the Participant upon the exercise of one or more Options. The Option
Price may be paid in shares of Common Stock which were received by the
Participant as an award of Restricted Stock under the Plan. The Option Price may
be paid by surrender of Tandem SARs equal to the Option Price.
12.  Vesting.

     (a) A Participant may not exercise an Option, surrender a SAR or Phantom
Stock or transfer, pledge or dispose of any Restricted Stock until it has become
vested.  The portion of an Option, SAR or Phantom Stock award or Restricted
Stock that is vested depends upon the period that has elapsed since the Option
Date.  Unless the Committee establishes a different vesting schedule at the time
an Option is granted or the Restricted Stock, SAR or Phantom Stock is awarded,
all Options granted under this Plan, Restricted Stock, SARs and Phantom Stock
awarded under this Plan shall vest according to the following schedule:

                 Period Elapsed               Cumulative Vested Percentage
          --------------------------------    ----------------------------
          First Anniversary of Option Date                 25%
          Second Anniversary of Option Date                50%
          Third Anniversary of Option Date                 75%
          Fourth Anniversary of Option Date               100%

Except as provided below, if a Participant's employment with the Company or its
Subsidiaries is terminated, for any reason, such Participant automatically
forfeits any Options, Restricted Stock, SARs and/or Phantom Stock that are not
yet vested. A transfer of employment from the Company to a Subsidiary or
affiliate, or vice versa, is not a termination of employment for purposes of
this Plan. Unless the Committee in its sole discretion specifically waives the
application of this sentence, then notwithstanding the vesting schedule
contained herein or in the Participant's agreement, if the Participant's
employment, or if a Director, his membership on the Board, is terminated for
Cause, all Options, SARs, Restricted Stock and/or Phantom Stock granted or
awarded to the Participant will be immediately cancelled and forfeited by the
Participant upon delivery to him of notice of such termination.

     (b) If it determines that special circumstances exist, the Committee, in
its sole discretion, may accelerate the time in which an award under the Plan
vests, even if, under its existing terms, such award would not then be


13. Adjustments to Reflect Changes in Capital Structure.

     If there is any change in the corporate structure or shares of the Company,
the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, make any adjustments necessary to
prevent accretion, or to protect against dilution, in the number and kind of
shares authorized by the Plan and, with respect to outstanding Options,
Restricted Stock, Phantom Stock and/or SARs, in the number and kind of shares
covered thereby and in the applicable Option Price; provided, however, no
adjustment will be made for the issuance of preferred stock or the conversion of
convertible preferred stock.  For the purpose of this Section 13, a change in
the corporate structure or shares of the Company includes, without limitation,
any change resulting from a recapitalization, stock split, stock dividend,
consolidation, rights offering, spin-off, reorganization, or liquidation and any
transaction in which shares of Common Stock are changed into or exchanged for a
different number or kind of shares of stock or other securities of the Company
or another corporation.

14.  Non-Transferability of Options, SARs and Phantom Stock.

     The Options and SARs granted or Phantom Stock awarded under the Plan are
not transferable, voluntarily or involuntarily, other than by will or the laws
of descent and distribution, or to the extent permissible under Section 422 of
the Code, pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order as defined in Section
414(p) of the Code; provided, however, that the Compensation Committee, in its
discretion, may permit Options to be transferrable by a Participant to members
of such Participant's immediate family or to family trusts, partnerships and
other entities comprised solely of the Participant or members of the
Participant's immediate family.

15.  Rights as Stockholder.

     No Common Stock may be delivered upon the exercise of any Option until full
payment of the Option Price has been made and all income tax withholding
requirements thereon have been satisfied.  A Participant has no rights
whatsoever as a stockholder with respect to any shares covered by an Option
until the date of the issuance of a stock certificate for the shares.  A
Participant who has been granted SARs or Phantom Stock shall have no rights
whatsoever as a stockholder with respect to such SARs or Phantom Stock.

16.  Withholding Tax.

     The Company shall have the right to withhold or to require a Participant to
remit to the Company, in cash or shares of Common Stock, with respect to any
payments made to Participants under the Plan, any taxes required by law to be
withheld because of such payments.  Subject to the consent of the Committee with
respect to (a) the exercise of an NSO, (b) the lapse of restrictions on
Restricted Stock, (c) a "disqualifying disposition" of an ISO, as determined
pursuant to the Code, or (d) the issuance of any other stock award under the
Plan, a Participant may make an irrevocable election (an "Election") to (i) have
shares of Common Stock otherwise 


issuable withheld, or (ii) tender back to the Company shares of Common Stock
received pursuant to (a), (b), or (d), or (iii) deliver back to the Company
pursuant to (a), (b), or (d) previously acquired shares of Common Stock having a
Fair Market Value sufficient to satisfy all or part of the Participant's
estimated tax obligations. Such Election must be made by a Participant prior to
the date on which the relevant tax obligation arises. The Committee may
disapprove of any Election, may suspend or terminate the right to make
Elections, or may provide with respect to any award under this Plan that the
right to make Elections shall not apply to such award.

17. No Right To Employment.

     Participation in the Plan will not give any Participant a right to be
retained as an employee of the Company or any subsidiary, or any right or claim
to any benefit under the Plan, unless the right or claim has specifically
accrued under the Plan.

18. Amendment of the Plan.

     The Committee may from time to time amend or revise the terms of this Plan
in whole or in part and may without limitation, adopt any amendment deemed
necessary, subject only to applicable laws, regulations and the rules and
regulations of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange or any national stock exchange upon
which the Common Stock may be listed; provided, however, that (a) except as
provided in Section 4(h), no change in any award previously granted to a
Participant may be made that would impair the rights of the Participant without
the Participant's consent, or (b) no amendment may extend the period during
which a Participant may exercise an ISO beyond the period set forth in Section
6(a)(ii) or 6(e). Approval of the Company's stockholders to any amendment under
part (c)(i) shall require a favorable vote by the majority of the shares of the
Company's Common Stock and preferred stock voting separately as a class, and to
all other amendments requiring stockholder approval shall require a vote of the
majority of the shares of the Company's Common Stock and preferred stock voting
together as one class, present in person or by proxy at a duly held stockholders
meeting or by written consent. If any amendment requiring stockholder approval
for the Committee to act under part (c) of the previous sentence is made
subsequent to the first registration of any class of equity securities by the
Company under Section 12 of the Exchange Act, such stockholder approval shall be
solicited as described in Section 19. All amendments shall be in writing and
consented to by a majority of the members of the Committee.

19. Stockholder Approval.

     Continuance of the Plan shall be subject to approval by the stockholders of
the Company within 12 months before or after the date the Plan is adopted by the
Committee. If such stockholder approval is obtained at a duly held stockholder's
meeting, it may be obtained by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of the shares of Common Stock present at the meeting or represented and entitled
to vote thereon.


20. Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares.

     An Option shall not be exercisable, a share of Common Stock shall not be
issued pursuant to the exercise of an Option, and Restricted Stock shall not be
awarded until such time as the Plan has been approved by the Stockholders of the
Company and unless the award of Restricted Stock, exercise of such Option and
the issuance and delivery of such share pursuant thereto shall comply with all
relevant provisions of law, including, without limitation, the Securities Act,
the Exchange Act, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and the
requirements of any stock exchange upon which the shares of Common stock may
then be listed, and shall be further subject to the approval of counsel for the
Company with respect to such compliance. As a condition to the exercise of an
Option, the Company may require the person exercising such Option to represent
and warrant at the time of any such exercise that the Common Stock is being
purchased only for investment and without any present intention to sell or
distribute such shares if, in the opinion of counsel for the Company, such a
representation is required by any of the aforementioned relevant provisions of

21. Effective Date and Termination of Plan.

     (a) Effective Date. This Plan is effective as of the later of the date of
its adoption by the Committee, or the date it is approved by the stockholders of
the Company, pursuant to Section 18.

     (b) Termination of the Plan. The Committee may terminate the Plan at any
time with respect to any shares that are not then subject to Options or
Restricted Stock. Termination of the Plan will not affect the rights and
obligations of any Participant with respect to Options, SARs, Phantom Stock or
Restricted Stock awarded before termination.


REVOCABLE PROXY                                                  REVOCABLE PROXY

                                IFX CORPORATION

                       THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF
                          OF THE BOARD OF  DIRECTORS

     The undersigned hereby appoint(s) Joel Eidelstein and Colleen M. Downes, or
either of them, with full power of substitution, as proxies of the undersigned,
with all the powers that the undersigned would possess if personally present to
cast all votes that the undersigned would be entitled to vote at the annual
meeting of shareholders of IFX Corporation (the "Company") to be held on January
21, 1999, at the offices of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, Two N. LaSalle Street,
Suite 2200, Chicago, IL 60602 at 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, and any and
all adjournments and postponements thereof (the "Annual Meeting"), including
(without limiting the generality of the foregoing) to vote and act as follows on
the reverse side.

     This proxy will be voted at the annual meeting or any adjournments or
postponements thereof as specified. IF NO SPECIFICATIONS ARE MADE, THIS PROXY
This proxy hereby revokes all prior proxies given with respect to the shares of
the undersigned.

                 (Continued and to be signed on reverse side.)

                                IFX CORPORATION



     1.  Approval of the transactions described in              For        Against          Abstain
         Proposal One, which may result in a change of         [__]          [__]            [__]
         control of the Company

                                                                                           For All
     2.  Election of Directors:                                            Withhold     Except Those
         Nominees: Joel Eidelstein, Zalman Lekach, George                 Authority      Whose Name
         Myers, Colleen Downes and, subject to shareholder    For All      For All      Appears Below
         approval of the Transactions described in             [__]         [__]        _____________
         Proposal One, Joseph M. Matalon.                                               _____________

      3. Approval of the adoption of the 1998 Stock Option      For       Against           Abstain
         and Incentive Plan                                    [__]        [__]              [__]

     4.  Ratification of the appointment of Arthur              For       Against           Abstain
         Andersen LLP as the Company's independent auditor     [__]        [__]              [__]
         for fiscal year 1999

     5.  The persons named in this proxy also may vote, in
         their discretion, upon such other matters as may
         properly come before the meeting or any
         adjournment thereof.

Please complete, sign and mail this proxy promptly in the enclosed envelope. No
postage is required for mailing in the United States.

Dated:________________, 1998


IMPORTANT: Please date this proxy and sign exactly as your name appears on this
proxy. If shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give title as
such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president, or
authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
authorized person.

                               Admission Ticket

                                ANNUAL MEETING
                                IFX CORPORATION

                          Thursday, January 21, 1999
                             2:00 p.m. Local Time
                           Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg
                     Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 2200
                              Chicago, IL  60602


                             Election of Directors
                          Approval of Share Issuances
               Approval of 1998 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
                     Ratification of Independent Auditors
