Exhibit 99.1 Directors' responsibilities Directors' responsibilities for the preparation of the financial statements The directors are required by the Companies Act 1985 to prepare financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the group and the company at the end of each financial year and of its profit and cash flows for the year. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: . select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; . make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; . state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; . prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the group and the company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The directors confirm that the financial statements comply with the above requirements. G S Papworth Company Secretary 26 August 1998 13 Report of the Independent Chartered Accountants To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Rubicon Group Plc In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet, consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated cash flow statement present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Rubicon Group Plc and its subsidiaries at 31 May 1998 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom. These financial statements are the responsibility of the company's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United Kingdom which are substantially consistent to those followed in the United States. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material mis-statement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion expressed above. /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers Independent Chartered Accountants As of 26 August 1998 Birmingham, England 14 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 May 1998 Continuing Discontinued Total operations operations 1998 Notes (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 --------------------------------------------------------- Turnover 2 & 3 146,159 94,924 241,083 Cost of sales 3 (120,682) (76,568) (197,250) --------------------------------------------------------- Gross profit 25,477 18,356 43,833 Other operating income and expenses 3 (10,173) (12,989) (23,162) --------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit 2 & 3 15,304 5,367 20,671 Share of loss in associated undertaking (76) - (76) Loss on disposal of discontinued operations 6 - (37,315) (37,315) --------------------------------------------------------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before interest 15,228 (31,948) (16,720) Interest payable and similar charges 7 (2,149) ------------------ Loss on ordinary activities before taxation 8 (18,869) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 9 (3,628) ------------------ Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (22,497) Minority interests (55) ------------------ Loss for the year (22,552) Dividends 10 (6,680) Retained loss 22 (29,232) ------------------ Dividend per share 10 7.6p ------------------ Earnings per share 11 (25.7)p Adjustment for loss on sale or termination of discontinued operations after taxation 42.5p ------------------ Adjusted earnings per share 11 16.8p ------------------ There is no material difference between the profit on ordinary activities before taxation and the retained profit for the year stated above, and their historical cost equivalents. 15 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Consolidated balance sheet at 31 May 1998 1998 Notes (Pounds)000 --------------- Fixed assets Tangible assets 12 20,092 Investments 13 152 --------------- 20,244 Current assets Stocks 14 13,206 Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 15 25,024 Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year 15 11,528 Cash at bank and in hand 20,931 --------------- 70,689 --------------- Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 16 (53,409) --------------- Net current assets 17,280 --------------- Total assets less current liabilities 37,524 --------------- Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 17 (7,537) Provisions for liabilities and charges 19 (1,421) --------------- (8,958) --------------- Net assets 28,566 --------------- Capital and reserves Called-up share capital including non-equity shares 21 8,845 Share premium account 22 21,387 Merger reserve 22 18,760 Retained profits 31,004 Goodwill written off in respect of businesses sold 22 (51,485) --------------- Profit and loss account 22 (20,481) --------------- Shareholders' funds 23 28,511 Minority interests 55 --------------- 28,566 --------------- 16 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Company balance sheet at 31 May 1998 1998 Notes (Pounds)000 ----------- Fixed assets Tangible assets 12 1,470 Investments 13 159,825 ------- 161,295 Current assets Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 15 3,047 Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year 15 11,518 Cash at bank and in hand 13,629 ------- 28,194 ------- Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 16 (54,663) ------- Net current liabilities (26,469) ------- Total assets less current liabilities 134,826 ------- Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 17 (5,048) Provisions for liabilities and charges 19 (496) ------- (5,544) ------- Net assets 129,282 ------- Capital and reserves Called-up share capital including non-equity shares 21 8,845 Share premium account 22 21,387 Merger reserve 22 96,377 Profit and loss account 22 2,673 ------- Shareholders' funds 129,282 ------- 17 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 May 1998 1998 Notes (Pounds)000 ------------------------ Net cash inflow from operating activities 25 13,968 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 25 (2,425) Taxation (3,017) Capital expenditure and financial investment 25 (11,634) Acquisitions and disposals 25 36,685 Equity dividends paid (5,968) ------- Cash inflow before financing 27,609 Financing 25 Issue of ordinary shares 274 Decrease in debt (11,967) ------- (11,693) ------- Increase in cash in the period 15,916 ------- Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash Increase in cash in the period 15,916 Cash outflow on bank term loans 9,779 Cash outflow on finance leases 2,188 ------- Change in net cash arising from cash flows 27,883 Finance leases disposed of with subsidiaries 152 Translation differences 317 ------- Increase in net cash in period 28,352 Net borrowings at 1 June (13,003) ------- Net cash at 31 May 18 15,349 ------- Statement of recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31 May 1998 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (22,497) Dividends (6,680) ----------- Retained loss for the year (29,177) Exchange gain on foreign currency borrowings 756 Exchange loss on foreign currency net assets (758) UK taxation on unrealised exchange gains (1,001) ----------- Total net recognised losses (30,180) ----------- 18 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 1 Principal accounting policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards in the United Kingdom. A summary of the more important group accounting policies, which have been applied consistently, is set out below. Basis of accounting The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified by the revaluation of certain fixed assets. As permitted by Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the holding company's profit and loss account has not been included in these financial statements. Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the company and its subsidiary undertakings. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from the date of acquisition or to the date of disposal. Intra-group sales and profits are eliminated fully on consolidation. Goodwill Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of the consideration paid over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is written off immediately against reserves. Fixed asset investments are stated at cost or directors' valuation. To the extent that the directors consider that the amount recoverable in respect of the investments is less than the value at which they are included in the balance sheet, a provision is made. Research and development Expenditure on research is charged against the profit and loss account in the period in which it is incurred. Development expenditure relating to specific start-up projects is carried forward where the ultimate viability has been assessed with reasonable certainty. Such expenditure is amortised over the period expected to benefit. Tangible fixed assets The cost of fixed assets is their purchase cost, together with any incidental costs of acquisition. Freehold and short leasehold land and buildings are stated at cost or valuation. Periodically, full valuations are made by independent professionally qualified valuers and in intervening years these valuations are updated by the directors with the assistance of independent professional advice as required. Valuations are made at open market value on an existing use basis. Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost, or valuation, of tangible fixed assets, less their estimated residual values, on a straight line basis over the expected useful economic lives of the assets concerned. The principal annual rates used for this purpose are: - - Freehold buildings - over 50 years - - Leasehold property - over the term of the lease - - Plant and machinery - at rates between 4% and 25% - - Fixture and fittings - at rates between 10% and 33% The estimated useful lives of certain individual items of plant and machinery have been extended during the year ended 31 May 1998. This does not represent a change in accounting policy as the revised estimated useful lives of the assets concerned remain consistent with the depreciation rates noted above. The impact of this change is not material to the results for the year. Operating leases Costs in respect of operating leases are charged on a straight line basis over the lease term. 19 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements Finance leases Leasing agreements, which transfer to the group substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership of an asset, are treated as if the asset had been purchased outright. The assets are included in fixed assets and the capital element of the leasing commitments is shown as obligations under finance leases. The lease rentals are treated as consisting of capital and interest elements. The capital element is applied to reduce the outstanding obligations and the interest element is charged against profit in proportion to the reducing capital element outstanding. Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of their estimated useful lives or their lease terms. Stocks and work in progress Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Finished goods and work in progress are valued at works cost which includes an appropriate proportion of overhead expenses. Grants Grants that relate to specific capital expenditure or specific projects are credited to the profit and loss account over the related asset's useful life or duration of the project. Other grants are credited to the profit and loss account when received. Foreign exchange Profit and loss accounts of overseas companies are translated at average exchange rates for the year. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Differences arising from the translation, at closing rates, of the net investment in overseas subsidiaries, less the applicable foreign currency borrowings raised to finance such investments, are taken to reserves. Exchange differences arising in the ordinary course of business are included in the trading profit for the year. Turnover Turnover, which excludes value added tax, represents the invoiced value of goods and services supplied to customers outside the group. Deferred tax Provision is made for deferred taxation, using the liability method, on all material timing differences to the extent that it is probable that a liability or asset will crystallise. Pension costs The group operates a number of defined contribution schemes and operated a defined benefit pension scheme until the divestment of the Lead Products and Specialist Castings division on 31 March 1998. Pension costs for the defined benefit scheme were accounted for on the basis of charging the expected cost of providing pensions over the period during which the group benefits from the employee's services. The effects of variations from regular cost were spread over the expected average remaining service lives of members of the schemes. Contributions to defined contribution schemes are charged to the profit and loss account as they fall due. 20 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 2 Segmental analysis a) By division 1998 Turnover Profit Net assets (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 -------------------------------------------------- Continuing operations Electronic Manufacturing Services 132,013 14,154 19,164 Magnetics 14,146 2,516 2,585 -------------------------------------------------- Continuing operations 146,159 16,670 21,749 Discontinued operations 94,924 5,367 - Holding companies - continuing - (1,366) (8,674) --------------------------------- 241,083 -------------- Operating profit 20,671 Associated undertaking (76) 142 Loss on sale or termination of discontinued operations (37,315) Net interest payable (2,149) ------------------- Group loss before taxation (18,869) ------------------- Capital employed 13,217 Net cash 15,349 ----------------- Net assets 28,566 ----------------- Group financing is undertaken centrally and group interest is not attributed to classes of business. Capital employed has been calculated on net assets excluding net borrowings. b) Geographically 1998 Operating Turnover profit Net assets (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------------------------- United Kingdom: Continuing operations including acquisitions 100,295 7,814 (21,569) Discontinued operations 59,842 2,441 - Other Europe and rest of world: Continuing operations including acquisitions 45,864 7,490 34,786 Discontinued operations 35,082 2,926 - ------------------------------------------------- 241,083 20,671 13,217 --------------------------------- Net cash 15,349 ----------- 28,566 ----------- c) Turnover by geographic market 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Continuing United Kingdom 93,345 Other Europe 45,563 USA 6,869 Rest of World 382 ----------- 146,159 ----------- Discontinued operations 94,924 ----------- 241,083 ----------- 21 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 3 Analysis of operations Continuing Discontinued 1998 operations operations Total (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 --------------------------------------------------- Turnover 146,159 94,924 241,083 Cost of sales (120,682) (76,568) (197,250) --------------------------------------------------- Gross profit 25,477 18,356 43,833 Distribution costs (1,154) (3,909) (5,063) Administrative expenses (9,378) (8,084) (17,462) Other operating income/(expenses) 359 (996) (637) --------------------------------------------------- (10,173) (12,989) (23,162) --------------------------------------------------- Operating profit 15,304 5,367 20,671 --------------------------------------------------- 4 Employee information The average monthly number of persons (including executive directors) employed by the group during the year was: 1998 Number ------ Management and administration 437 Production and sales 2,358 ------ 2,795 ------ 1998 Staff costs (for the above persons) (Pounds)000 ----------- Wages and salaries 39,227 Social security costs 4,492 Other pension costs (see note 20) 1,999 ----------- 45,718 ----------- 5 Directors' emoluments 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Aggregate emoluments 1,055 Pension contributions to defined contribution schemes 44 ----- 1,099 ----- No emoluments have been waived by any of the directors in the year. At 31 May 1998, two directors were members of defined benefit pension schemes and one director contributed to a money purchase scheme. Accrued entitlements and transfer values in respect of the defined benefit schemes are given below. 22 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 5 Directors' emoluments continued Additional Pension pension entitlement earned in Accrued transfer value the year entitlement for the year (Pounds) (Pounds) (Pounds) ---------------------------------------------------- A S Thompson 2,928 12,167 41,900 T R Wightman 2,924 7,300 42,600 1 The pension entitlement shown is that which would be paid annually on retirement based on service to the end of the year. 2 The increase in accrued pension during the year excludes any increase for inflation. 3 The transfer value has been calculated on the basis of actuarial advice in accordance with Actuarial Guidance Note GN11. 4 Members of the scheme have the option to pay Additional Voluntary Contributions; neither the contributions nor the resulting benefits are included in the above table. 1998 The following amount were paid to the highest paid director: (Pounds)000 ----------- Aggregate emoluments and benefits under long-term executive schemes 313 ----------- Accrued pension at year end 7 6 Loss on termination of discontinued operations 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Loss on sale of businesses (37,315) ----------- The (Pounds)37.3m loss on disposal relates to the sale of the Lead Products and Specialist Castings divisions and includes goodwill previously written off to reserves of (Pounds)51.5m. There was no tax attributable to this transaction. 7 Interest payable and similar charges 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Bank and other interest on loans and overdrafts 2,189 Finance leases and hire purchase 182 Other interest 60 ----------- 2,431 Interest receivable (282) ----------- 2,149 ----------- 23 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 8 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after crediting: Grant income 406 And after charging: Depreciation charge for the year: Tangible owned fixed assets 3,968 Tangible fixed assets held under finance leases 717 Research, development and design expenditure 118 Auditors' remuneration (company (Pounds)39,000) 133 Fees to auditors for other services 396 Operating leases - plant and machinery 238 - other 568 ----------- 9 Tax on loss on ordinary activities 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- United Kingdom corporation tax at 31%: Current 2,084 Deferred 16 Irrecoverable ACT 822 Overseas corporation tax: Current 1,939 Over provision in respect of previous years: United Kingdom corporation tax (1,224) Overseas (9) ----------- 3,628 ----------- 10 Dividends 1998 (Pounds)000 ----------- Declared interim 2.7p per share 2,369 Proposed final 4.9p per share 4,309 4.2% cumulative preference (non-equity shares) 2 ----------- 6,680 ----------- pence ----------- Total dividend per ordinary share 7.6 ----------- Dividend per preference share 2.1 ----------- 24 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 11 Earnings per share a) The calculation of the earnings per ordinary share on the net basis is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation, minority interests, and preference dividends divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 87,749,343. b) The adjusted earnings per share has been recalculated to eliminate the net loss after taxation on sale or termination of discontinued operations. The adjusted earnings per share figures have been provided in addition to the disclosures required by SSAP 3 and FRS 3 since, in the opinion of the directors, this will allow shareholders to consider the results of the trading operations of the business. c) There is no material difference between earnings per share and fully diluted earnings per share in the year ended 31 May 1998. The deferred and contingent consideration in respect of acquisitions will be fully satisfied by cash payments rather than the issue of ordinary shares, and consequently no disclosure of comparative fully diluted earnings per share information has been made as the assumptions on which the calculation was based are no longer applicable. 12 Tangible fixed assets Fixtures Capital -------------Land and buildings----------- Plant and and work in Freehold Long lease Short lease machinery fittings progress Total Group (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cost At start of year 17,439 1,470 282 68,377 2,830 921 91,319 Disposal of subsidiaries (14,153) - - (44,909) (698) (441) (60,201) Exchange adjustments (632) (71) - (822) (17) (15) (1,557) Additions 725 55 3 10,235 271 1,288 12,577 Disposals (192) (339) (41) (5,420) (128) (18) (6,138) Reclassification - - - 238 (15) (223) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At end of year 3,187 1,115 244 27,699 2,243 1,512 36,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Depreciation At start of year (2,772) (390) (36) (38,809) (2,010) - (44,017) Disposal of subsidiaries 2,323 - - 24,112 577 - 27,012 Exchange adjustments 257 14 - 575 8 - 854 Charge for the year (95) (32) (16) (4,240) (302) - (4,685) Disposals 162 181 24 4,485 76 - 4,928 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At end of year (125) (227) (28) (13,877) (1,651) - (15,908) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net book value At 31 May 1998 3,062 888 216 13,822 592 1,512 20,092 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 12 Tangible fixed assets continued Land and buildings Plant and Fixtures Freehold Short lease machinery and fittings Total Company (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost At start of year 799 37 17 211 1,064 Additions 571 - - 37 608 Disposals - - - (3) (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------- At end of year 1,370 37 17 245 1,669 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Depreciation At start of year - - (9) (133) (142) Charge for the year - - (6) (51) (57) -------------------------------------------------------------------- At end of year - - (15) (184) (199) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Net book value At 31 May 1998 1,370 37 2 61 1,470 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Certain of the freehold land and buildings have been valued by the directors on acquisition and the valuation represents the cost to the group and the company. The net book value of tangible fixed assets includes an amount of (Pounds)4,399,000 in respect of assets held under finance leases. 13 Fixed assets: investments Interest in associated undertaking Other Total Group (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ----------------------------------------------------------- At start of year 217 10 227 Exchange adjustments 1 - 1 Share of loss for the year (76) - (76) ----------------------------------------------------------- At end of year 142 10 152 ----------------------------------------------------------- Interest in associated Investment in undertaking subsidiaries Total Company (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cost or valuation At start of year 51 158,279 158,330 Acquisitions - 17,000 17,000 Disposals - (17,000) (17,000) Deferred consideration adjustments - 1,520 1,520 Amortisation of set up costs (25) - (25) ----------------------------------------------------------- At end of year 26 159,779 159,825 ----------------------------------------------------------- 26 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 13 Fixed assets: investments continued The company indirectly holds all the ordinary allotted share capital of the following principal subsidiaries: Country of incorporation Principal activities -------------------------------------------------------------- Rubicon HSP Limited England Electronic Manufacturing Services J Higgins Engineering (Galway) Limited Ireland Electronic Manufacturing Services Higgins Manufacturing Inc Canada Electronic Manufacturing Services Arelec SA France Magnetics Magnet Applications Limited England Magnetics Magnet Applications Inc USA Magnetics Rubicon Netherlands BV Netherlands International holding company The group holds 50% of the issued share capital of an associated undertaking, Airspeed LLC, which is incorporated in North Carolina, USA, and which is engaged in design and project management. 14 Stocks Group 1998 (Pounds)000 ------------------- Raw materials and consumables 5,940 Work in progress 2,814 Finished goods and goods for resale 4,452 ------------------- 13,206 ------------------- At the year end the directors were not aware of any significant difference between book value and the replacement cost of stocks. 15 Debtors Group Company 1998 1998 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ---------------------------------- Amounts falling due within one year Trade debtors 18,994 2 Amounts owed by group undertakings - 96 Other debtors 2,749 1,761 Prepayments and accrued income 1,681 42 Corporation tax recoverable 820 59 Advance corporation tax recoverable 780 1,087 ---------------------------------- 25,024 3,047 Amounts falling due after one year Other debtors 528 518 Deferred consideration 11,000 11,000 ---------------------------------- 11,528 11,518 ---------------------------------- 36,552 14,565 ---------------------------------- 27 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 15 Debtors continued Debtors falling due after more than one year include (Pounds)11m of secured loan notes receivable no later than 2005 in respect of the disposal of the Lead Products and Specialist Castings divisions. Intercompany debtors included in the holding company's balance sheet at 31 May 1997 have been restated by (Pounds)420,000 to (Pounds)16,872,000 as a result of an adjustment to intragroup dividends. A prior year adjustment has been made in this respect to the profit and loss account (see note 22). 16 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Group Company 1998 1998 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------- Bank loans and overdrafts 1,736 1,736 Obligations under finance leases 720 3 ECSC loans 156 - Deferred consideration 11,222 11,222 Trade creditors 23,122 551 Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings - 34,651 Corporation tax 3,672 - ACT payable 1,669 1,077 Other taxation and social security 1,515 53 Other creditors 903 145 Accruals and deferred income 4,385 916 Dividends payable 4,309 4,309 ------------------------------- 53,409 54,663 ------------------------------- The bank loans and overdrafts are subject to a cross guarantee between the parent company and certain of its subsidiaries. 17 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year Group Company 1998 1998 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------- Bank loans and overdrafts 1,736 1,736 Obligations under finance leases 984 - ECSC loans 250 - Deferred consideration 3,312 3,312 Corporation tax 682 - Accruals and deferred income 573 - ------------------------------- 7,537 5,048 ------------------------------- 28 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 18 Net (cash)/borrowings Group Company 1998 1998 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ---------------------------------------- Due within one year Bank term loans 1,736 1,736 Obligations under finance leases 720 3 ECSC loans 156 - Due within one to two years Bank term loans 1,736 1,736 Obligations under finance leases 510 - ECSC loans 125 - Due within two to five years Obligations under finance leases 474 - ECSC loans 125 - ---------------------------------------- Total borrowings 5,582 3,475 Cash at bank and in hand (20,931) (13,629) ---------------------------------------- Net (cash)/borrowings (15,349) (10,154) ---------------------------------------- Bank term loans comprise foreign currency borrowings from Barclays Bank PLC, all of which are repayable in fixed instalments falling due over the next two years. The interest rate on these loans is the London interbank offer rate for deposits in the respective currencies plus 0.75%. ECSC loans represent borrowings from UK clearing banks, the funding cost of which is supported by the European Coal and Steel Community. The loans are fully secured by a charge over one of the group's freehold properties. The interest rates on the ECSC loans range from 5.34% to 10.00%. 19 Provisions for liabilities and charges Vacant Reorganisation Post leasehold and retirement Deferred property rationalisation 1998 benefits taxation provisions provisions Total Group (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At start of year 2,843 1,059 663 1,034 5,599 Disposal of subsidiary undertakings (2,708) (359) (127) (200) (3,394) Charged to profit and loss account 126 16 (160) (584) (602) Utilised in the year (82) - (56) - (138) Exchange movement (19) (25) - - (44) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At end of year 160 691 320 250 1,421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant Reorganisation leasehold and property rationalisation 1998 provisions provisions Total Company (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ----------------------------------------------- At start of year 311 - 311 Charged to profit and loss account (14) 250 236 Utilised in the year (51) - (51) At end of year 246 250 496 ----------------------------------------------- 29 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 19 Provisions for liabilities and charges continued The vacant leasehold property provisions have been assessed by the directors in consultation with their property advisers and reflect anticipated future costs to be incurred, discounted to their present value. Group Amount Full potential provided liability 1998 1998 Deferred taxation (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 --------------------------------------- Accelerated capital allowances 1,818 1,846 Other short-term timing differences 71 71 Losses available for relief (186) (186) --------------------------------------- 1,703 1,731 Advance corporation tax recoverable (1,012) (1,012) --------------------------------------- 691 719 --------------------------------------- There is no potential net liability for deferred tax in the holding company and none has been provided. 20 Pension and similar obligations The group operates a number of defined contribution pension schemes and operated a defined benefit scheme until the divestment of the Lead Products and Specialist Castings divisions on 31 March 1998. The assets of funded schemes are held separately from the group in the name of the trustees. Certain overseas schemes are unfunded. Contributions to all schemes are paid monthly and at 31 May 1998 there were outstanding contributions of (Pounds)83,000. Employer contributions during the period to 31 May 1998 were (Pounds)1,999,000. Calder Group Pension Scheme The pension contributions paid by the group for the defined benefit scheme (Calder Group Pension Scheme) were at the rate of 10.6% of pensionable payroll. This rate was determined by a professionally qualified actuary and was determined at the Scheme's valuation at 31 March 1997 which was consistent with the funding method known as the projected unit method. The assumptions that have the most significant effect on the valuations are return on assets and those relating to the rates of increases in salaries. These may be summarised as follows: Calder Group Pension Scheme ----------------------- Administrators Scottish Amicable Date of actuarial review 31 March 1997 Basis of valuation: Return on assets 9.5% Salary growth 7.5% Value of investments - (Pounds)000 (Pounds)20,610 Value of accrued liabilities - (Pounds)000 (Pounds)20,150 ----------------------- Surplus - (Pounds)000 (Pounds)460 ----------------------- Level of funding 102% Employers' contributions during the period were (Pounds)1,189,000. Defined contribution schemes The group operates defined contribution pension schemes in the UK covering certain of its employees. Contributions to these schemes are charged to the profit and loss account in the period as they fall due. The group's total contributions to these funds for the year ending 31 May 1998 were (Pounds)412,000. 30 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 20 Pension and similar obligations continued Overseas schemes Certain overseas subsidiaries operate defined benefit pension schemes. An actuarial assessment has been made of the funding position of these schemes and full provisions have been made. Contributions to overseas defined benefit schemes and defined contribution schemes were (Pounds)398,000. Dormant schemes There are several schemes which are in the process of being wound up. These are: - - Beeley Wood Holdings Limited Pension Scheme - - Frederick Sage & Co Limited Retirement Benefits Scheme - - Rubicon Group Directors Pension Plan - - Strathclyde Fabricators Retirement Benefits Scheme At 31 May 1998 the above schemes are all fully funded. 21 Called-up share capital 1998 Group and company (Pounds)000 ----------------- Authorised 100,000 4.2% cumulative preference shares of 50p each 50 114,339,548 ordinary shares of 10p each 11,434 ----------------- 11,484 ----------------- Allotted, called-up and fully paid At start of year - 87,724,038 ordinary shares of 10p each 8,772 Options exercised in the year - 224,147 ordinary shares of 10p 23 ----------------- At end of year - 87,948,185 ordinary shares of 10p each 8,795 100,000 4.2% cumulative preference shares of 50p each 50 ----------------- 8,845 ----------------- The cumulative preference shares are non-voting and have a preferential right to return of capital on a winding up. The amount of shareholders' funds attributable to these non-equity interest is (Pounds)50,000. Options to subscribe for ordinary shares of 10p each have been granted to certain directors and executives under the executive share option schemes. Details of options granted to the directors are given in the Directors' report. At 31 May 1998 other executives held options to subscribe for 704,929 ordinary shares of 10p each, under this scheme. These options may be exercised at the price and, during the periods, identified below. Option Number - -----------Dates of exercise------------- price of Earliest Latest (pence) options - ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 11 August 1998 10 August 2005 182.00 46,500 21 August 1999 20 August 2006 175.00 34,284 5 August 2000 5 August 2007 103.50 493,000 27 November 2000 25 November 2007 109.50 39,145 25 March 2001 25 March 2008 195.50 92,000 ---------------- 704,929 ---------------- 31 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 21 Called-up share capital continued In addition to the options granted under the share option agreement and disclosed in the Directors' report, other options over 224,147 ordinary shares were exercised during the year under the terms of agreement. Since 31 May 1998, no share options have been granted under the revenue approved Rubicon Group plc Executive Share Option Scheme or under the unapproved Rubicon Group plc 1996 Executive Share Option Scheme. Shares to be issued At 31 May 1997 future consideration in respect of entities acquired during the year to 31 May 1996 could, at the company's option, be satisfied by means of the issue of ordinary shares of 10p each. The amount of the future consideration payable was dependent on the trading results of the entities acquired and the number of shares to be issued was estimated based on the expectations of those future results. Following the disposal of the Lead Products and Specialist Castings divisions in the year ended 31 May 1998, it is now the intention of the directors that future consideration will be settled by way of cash payments. It is therefore not envisaged that shares will be issued in future periods and the liability for future consideration is included within creditors in the balance sheet at 31 May 1998. 22 Reserves Share Profit and premium Merger loss account reserve account Group (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ---------------------------------------------------- At start of year 21,136 (30,965) 9,754 Premium arising on the issue of additional shares 251 - - Goodwill realised on disposal of businesses - 51,485 - Goodwill adjustment arising from re-evaluation of deferred consideration - (1,519) - Goodwill on acquisitions - (241) - Exchange adjustments - - (1,003) Retained profit for the year - - (29,232) ---------------------------------------------------- At end of year 21,387 18,760 (20,481) ---------------------------------------------------- Company At start of year 21,136 96,377 4,025 Prior year adjustment/intragroup dividends - - (420) --------------------------------------------------- At start of year as restated 21,136 96,377 3,605 Premium arising on the issue of additional shares 251 - - Retained profit for the year - - (5,044) Exchange adjustment - - 4,112 --------------------------------------------------- At end of year 21,387 96,377 2,673 --------------------------------------------------- The amount of the consolidated loss after tax which is dealt with in the financial statements of Rubicon Group plc was (Pounds)1,636,000 profit. At 31 May 1998 the group reserves are stated after writing off goodwill of (Pounds)82.5m. 32 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 23 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 1998 (Pounds)000 ------------------- Loss for the financial year (22,552) Dividends (6,680) Exchange rate adjustment (1,003) ------------------- Movement in profit and loss reserves (30,235) New share capital subscribed less expenses 274 Goodwill arising on acquisitions (241) Other goodwill adjustments (1,519) Goodwill crystallised on disposal of businesses 51,485 Adjustment to shares to be issued (20,371) ------------------- Net reduction to shareholders' funds (607) Opening shareholders' funds 29,118 ------------------- Closing shareholders' funds 28,511 ------------------- 24 Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings On 28 January 1998, the group acquired Aspen Motion Technologies Inc. The net assets at acquisition were (Pounds)63,000 and no provisions were necessary to restate the assets to their fair values. Goodwill of (Pounds)241,000 arose at acquisition. Additional future consideration of up to $17.7 million may become payable if the business were to achieve $266 million operating profits. Further details of this contingent liability are given in note 27. The results of Aspen Motion Technologies Inc for the period to 31 May 1998 are not material to the group's performance. 25 Cash flow statement 1998 a) Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows (Pounds)000 ------------------- Operating profit before exceptional items 20,671 Depreciation charges 4,685 Amortisation of government grants (406) Other non-cash items 22 Increase in stocks (4,642) Increase in debtors (8,798) Increase in creditors 3,506 ------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional items 15,038 Cash paid in respect of exceptional items and property provisions (1,070) ------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 13,968 ------------------- 33 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 25 Cash flow statement continued 1998 b) Analysis of cash flows netted in the cash flow statement (Pounds)000 ----------- Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (2,617) Interest received 192 ----------- Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing of finance (2,425) =========== Capital expenditure and financial investment Fixed asset additions (12,577) Fixed asset sale proceeds 757 Government grants received 186 ----------- Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (11,634) =========== Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (241) Deferred consideration paid for acquisitions (7,356) Disposal of subsidiary undertakings 44,282 ----------- Net cash inflow for acquisitions and disposals 36,685 =========== Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 274 Repayment of principal under term loans (9,779) Net increase of principal under finance leases (2,188) ----------- Decrease in borrowings (11,967) ----------- Net cash outflow from financing (11,693) =========== Purchases Disposals 1998 1998 c) Purchase and disposal of subsidiary undertakings (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ---------------------------- Net assets (acquired)/sold (63) 43,009 Goodwill including costs (241) 51,485 ---------------------------- (304) 94,494 Loss on disposal - (37,315) Bank overdrafts less cash 63 (288) Deferred consideration (7,356) (12,609) ---------------------------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow (7,597) 44,282 ============================ Group treasury is undertaken centrally and the treasury functions of acquisitions during the year have been absorbed into the group arrangements. As a result it is impracticable to isolate the cash flows of acquisitions and disposals in a manner which is meaningful. 34 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 25 Cash flow statement continued Beginning Exchange End of of year Cash flow differences year d) Analysis of borrowings (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash at bank and in hand 6,860 14,510 (439) 20,931 Overdrafts (1,406) 1,406 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,454 15,916 (439) 20,931 Borrowings due within one year (3,827) 1,399 536 (1,892) Borrowings due after one year (10,586) 8,380 220 (1,986) Finance leases - continuing (4,044) 2,188 - (1,704) - disposed of with subsidiaries - 152 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (13,003) 28,035 317 15,349 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Capital commitments Group 1998 (Pounds)000 ------------------- Capital expenditure that has been contracted for but has not been provided for in the accounts 5,574 ------------------- There is no capital expenditure contracted for but not provided in the holding company. 27 Contingent liabilities On 28 January 1998, Rubicon Group plc entered into an agreement for the acquisition of the whole of the issued share capital of Aspen Motion Technologies Inc. The initial consideration for this acquisition was $496,000. Additional consideration will become payable over the period to 31 May 2008. The amount of the additional consideration is dependent on the achievement of specified rates of return on the group's investment and on the operating profit achieved by Aspen Motion Technologies Inc over the period to 31 May 2008. Aspen Motion Technologies Inc was originally established to exploit technological developments in processes for the production of injection moulded magnets. The company is in the later stages of the development of its products and the extent of their success in the market place is currently difficult to assess. Consequently, it is not possible for the directors to determine with any certainty the future trading performance of Aspen Motion Technologies Inc and, therefore, the level of the additional payments of consideration, if any, that will become due under the terms of the share purchase agreement. As a result, a specific provision for this liability has not been included in the balance sheet of the group at 31 May 1998. However, the directors do not expect the total liability for future consideration in respect of Aspen Motion Technologies Inc to exceed $17.7m which would be self funding and would be payable only if the business were to achieve operating profits of $266m. The group's bankers have guaranteed certain of its obligations in respect of deferred consideration for acquisitions amounting to (Pounds)8.7m and have recourse to the company in the event that those guarantees crystallise. The group has obtained certain grant assistance and is liable to repay amounts received if it fails to comply with the terms of the grant assistance for a period of 18 months from completion of the relevant project. The company has provided irrevocable guarantees covering the payment of all the liabilities of its subsidiary companies in Ireland in accordance with Section 17 Companies (Amendment) Act 1986 (Ireland). 35 Rubicon Group plc Report and accounts 1998 Notes to the financial statements 27 Contingent liabilities continued Under a group VAT registration, the company is jointly and severally liable for the VAT liabilities of its UK subsidiaries. The contingent liability at the year end was (Pounds)837,000. 28 Financial commitments 1998 Land and buildings Other (Pounds)000 (Pounds)000 ------------------------------- On leases expiring: Within one year 47 25 Between two and five years inclusive 414 369 After five years 567 - ------------------------------- 1,028 394 ------------------------------- 36