CASE                                                                News Release
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CASE CORPORATION        700 STATE STREET       RACINE, WI 53404       U.S.A.

For more information, contact:

William B. Masterson  (414) 636-5793

For Immediate Release


     Racine, Wisconsin (June 2, 1999) -- Case Corporation (NYSE:CSE) announced
today that it is calling for redemption all 1.5 million outstanding shares of
its Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock on July 6, 1999. The
preferred stock was issued as part of the capital structure created for Case at
the time of its initial public offering in 1994, and is being redeemed by the
company at the first opportunity under the terms of the issue.

     Holders of preferred stock have two options regarding their shares. Holders
may convert each share of preferred stock for 2.2686 shares of Case common
stock. Based upon the closing price of Case common stock on the New York Stock
Exchange on June 1, 1999 ($47.1875), preferred stock holders would receive
common stock valued at $107.04956 for each share of preferred stock. The second
option for preferred stock holders is to accept the company's redemption price
of $51.286 per share of preferred stock, plus accrued and unpaid dividends of
$.0734 per share from July 1, 1999 to the redemption date, for a total
redemption price of $51.3594. The annual dividend on the preferred stock is
$4.50 per share. Case preferred stock holders of record on May 28, 1999, will
receive a second quarter dividend of $1.125 per share for the quarter ended June
30, 1999.

     Case has appointed First Chicago Trust Company of New York as its
Conversion and Redemption Paying Agent. A formal notice of redemption and
detailed procedural information are being sent to all holders of preferred stock
on June 2, 1999. After 5:00 p.m. E.S.T. on July 6, 1999, preferred stock will no
longer be convertible and dividends will cease to accrue thereon.

     Case Corporation is a leading worldwide designer, manufacturer and
distributor of agricultural and construction equipment and offers a broad array
of financial products and services. Headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, Case had
1998 revenues of $6.1 billion and sells its products in 150 countries through a
network of approximately 4,900 independent dealers.
