Exhibit 3.20

                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                                   PPI, INC.

     The undersigned incorporator hereby forms a corporation under Chapter 607
of the laws of the State of Florida.

                                ARTICLE I. NAME

     The name of the corporation shall be:

                                   PPI, INC.

The address of the principal office of this corporation shall be 2200 Corporate
Boulevard, Northwest, Suite 310, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, and the mailing
address of the corporation shall be the same.

                        ARTICLE II. NATURE OF BUSINESS

     This corporation may engage or transact in any or all lawful activities or
business permitted under the laws of the Untied States, the State of Florida or
any other state, country, territory or nation.

                          ARTICLE III. CAPITAL STOCK

     The maximum number of shares of stock that this corporation is authorized
to have outstanding at any one time is 10,000 shares of common stock having $.01
par value per share.

                         ARTICLE IV. REGISTERED AGENT

     The street address of the initial registered office of the corporation
shall be 1201 Hays Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, and the name of the
initial registered agent of the corporation at that address is Corporation
Information Services, Inc.

                         ARTICLE V. TERM OF EXISTENCE

     This corporation is to exist perpetually.


     This corporation shall have one officer and one director, initially. The
name and street address of the initial officer and director who shall hold
office for the first year of the corporation, or until his successor is elected
or appointed is:

Allan B. Solomon                 2200 Corporate Boulevard, Northwest
Pres./Sec./Treas./Dir.           Suite 310
                                 Boca Raton, Florida  33431

                           ARTICLE VII. INCORPORATOR

     The name and street address of the incorporator to these Articles of

                    Corporation Information Services, Inc.
                               1201 Hays Street
                          Tallahassee, Florida 32301


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned agent of Corporation Information
Services, Inc., has hereunto set their hand and seal of Corporation Information
Services, Inc., on November, 14, 1994.

                                       CORPORATION INFORMATION SERVICES, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Gail Shelby

                                           Its Agent, Gail Shelby

                         IN ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

     Corporation Information Services, Inc., a Florida corporation authorized to
transact business in this State, having a business office identical with the
registered office of the corporation named above, and having been designated as
the Registered Agent in the above and foregoing Articles, is familiar with and
accepts the obligations of the position of Registered Agent under Section
607.0505, Florida Statutes.

                                       CORPORATION INFORMATION SERVICES, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Gail Shelby

                                           Its Agent, Gail Shelby
