Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   Form 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): September 22, 1999

Commission    Registrant; State of Incorporation;       IRS Employer
File Number       Address; and Telephone Number       Identification No.
- -----------   -------------------------------------   ------------------

1-11375        UNICOM CORPORATION                         36-3961038
               (an Illinois corporation)
               37th Floor, 10 South Dearborn Street
               Post Office Box A-3005
               Chicago, Illinois 60690-3005

1-1839         COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY                36-0938600
               (an Illinois corporation)
               37th Floor, 10 South Dearborn Street
               Post Office Box 767
               Chicago, Illinois 60690-0767

Item 5.  Other Events

  Merger Agreement.  On September 23, 1999, Unicom Corporation ("Unicom") and
PECO Energy Company ("PECO"), issued a joint press release announcing that
they, along with a wholly owned subsidiary of PECO ("Newco"), had entered into
an Agreement and Plan of Exchange and Merger, dated as of September 22, 1999
(the "Merger Agreement").

  Unicom is filing this Form 8-K to provide additional information about the
transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement before Unicom commences
repurchases of shares of its common stock, as more fully described below.
Nothing contained herein shall be considered a solicitation of any proxy to
approve such transactions.

  The Merger Agreement and an Amendment to Unicom's Rights Agreement were filed
by Unicom with the Securities and Exchange Commission as exhibits to the
Form 8-K filed September 28, 1999. The following description of the Merger
Agreement does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the provisions of the Merger Agreement.

  The Merger Agreement provides for (a) the mandatory exchange of the
outstanding common stock, no par value, of PECO ("PECO Common Stock") for common
stock of Newco ("Newco Common Stock") or cash (the "Share Exchange") and (b) the
merger of Unicom with and into Newco (the "Merger" and together with the Share
Exchange, the "Merger Transaction"). In the Merger, holders of the outstanding
common stock, no par value of Unicom ("Unicom Common Stock") will exchange their
shares for Newco Common Stock or cash. As a result of the Share Exchange, PECO
will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Newco. As a result of the Merger,
Unicom will cease to exist and its subsidiaries, including Commonwealth Edison
Company, an Illinois corporation ("ComEd"), will become subsidiaries of Newco.
Thus, following the Merger Transaction, Newco will be a holding company with two
principal utility subsidiaries, ComEd and PECO, and additional subsidiaries.


  Repurchase of Unicom Common Stock. The Merger Agreement requires that the
Merger be accounted for as a purchase of Unicom by PECO in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). Based on the number of shares
of PECO Common Stock and Unicom Common Stock outstanding as of the date hereof,
the number of shares of PECO Common Stock which PECO anticipates repurchasing
prior to the consummation of the Merger Transaction and other anticipated
changes in the number of outstanding shares (such as option exercises), Unicom
expects to purchase approximately six million shares of Unicom Common Stock
prior to the closing of the Merger Transaction. This number is in addition to
the 20.1 million shares of Unicom Common Stock that Unicom expects to repurchase
no later than February 2000 under certain forward purchase contracts.

  Unicom expects that it will commence share repurchases following the filing
hereof and will continue purchasing shares from time to time on the open market
or through negotiated purchases.

  Repurchase of PECO Common Stock. PECO expects to purchase approximately four
million shares of PECO Common Stock prior to the closing of the Merger
Transaction. This number is in addition to the 38.7 million shares of PECO
Common Stock that have been previously purchased with proceeds from its
securitization of stranded costs.

   PECO expects that it will commence share repurchases following the filing
hereof and will continue purchasing shares from time to time on the open market
or through negotiated purchases.

  Cost Savings. The combined companies expect to achieve net annual cost savings
of approximately $100 million in the first year after the close of the Merger
Transaction, which grow to over $180 million by the third year. The companies
expect that sixty percent of these savings will come from regulated operations
and forty percent will come from unregulated operations. These cost savings are
expected to result primarily from eliminating duplicate corporate and
administrative positions and programs and achieving efficiencies in operations,
business processes and purchasing. Based on these


cost savings, excluding one-time merger-related costs, the transaction is
expected to be accretive in the first year after closing. In addition, as a
result of the combination, the companies expect to achieve revenue enhancements.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits
 (b)  Pro Forma Financial Information

  Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements. The following
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements have been prepared
to reflect the acquisition of Unicom by PECO under the purchase method of
accounting. The historical consolidated financial statements of Unicom have been
adjusted to give effect to the sale of ComEd's fossil generating plants and
the annualized effects of Unicom's issuance of securitization notes and related
use of proceeds ("Unicom Pro Forma Adjustments"). ComEd expects to complete the
sale of its fossil generating plants during the fourth quarter of 1999. The
historical consolidated financial statements of PECO have been adjusted to give
effect to its use of the remaining proceeds from its securitization of stranded
costs ("PECO Pro Forma Adjustments"). The unaudited pro forma financial
statements do not give effect to the estimated cost savings and revenue
enhancements as a result of the Merger Transaction or the costs to achieve such
savings and revenue enhancements or one-time merger-related costs. The Unicom
and PECO Pro Forma Adjustments and the Merger Transaction are reflected in the
unaudited combined condensed pro forma balance sheet as if they occurred on June
30, 1999. The unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of income for
the six months ended June 30, 1999 and for the year ended December 31, 1998
assume that these transactions were completed on January 1, 1998.

  The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements do not reflect
potential adjustments to Unicom's assets and liabilities to reflect fair value,
as will be required upon consummation of the Merger Transaction under purchase
accounting. Such adjustments to the book value of assets and liabilities could
be significant, particularly with respect to Unicom's nuclear generating
stations. The fair value of the nuclear generating stations is expected to be
determined considering, among other things, independent appraisals or expected
cash flows. To the extent the fair value of Unicom's nuclear generating stations
is ultimately determined to be less than the June 30, 1999 book value of $6.9
billion, additional goodwill and/or an identifiable intangible asset will be
recorded. The results of the fair value determination are not currently known;
however, the ultimate determination is not expected to have a dilutive effect on
results of operations.

  The following unaudited pro forma financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated historical financial statements and related
notes of PECO and Unicom, which are included in their respective Annual Reports
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 and Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1999. PECO has provided all the information
included in this Form 8-K regarding PECO and its subsidiaries. Unicom has
provided all the information included in this Form 8-K regarding Unicom and its
subsidiaries. Neither PECO nor Unicom assumes any responsibility for the
accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the other party.

  The following unaudited pro forma financial statements are for illustrative
purposes only. They are not necessarily indicative of the financial position or
operating results that would have occurred had these transactions been completed
on January 1, 1998 or June 30, 1999, as assumed above; nor is the information
necessarily indicative of future financial position or operating results.
Results of operations and financial position in the first year after
consummation could differ significantly from the unaudited pro forma combined
condensed financial statements, which are based on past operations.


Future operations will be affected by various factors including operating
performance, energy market developments, and other matters.

  The unaudited pro forma financial statements assume that approximately $180
million of PECO available funds will be used to purchase approximately four
million shares of PECO Common Stock prior to the closing of the Merger
Transaction. Given the assumption of PECO share repurchases, the Merger
Transaction requires Unicom to purchase 26.1 million shares of Unicom Common
Stock prior to the closing of the Merger Transaction. Unicom expects to meet
this requirement through a currently existing pre-paid forward contract for the
purchase of 20.1 million shares and the purchase of approximately 6 million
additional shares from available funds. Unicom and PECO anticipate that the $750
million cash consideration to be paid to each company's shareholders in the
Merger Transaction will be provided from available funds of each company.

  The historical financial statements of PECO included in the accompanying pro
forma combined condensed financial statements for the six months ended June 30,
1999 are unaudited. The December 31, 1998 historical financial statements of
PECO and Unicom and the June 30, 1999 historical financial statements of Unicom
were derived from audited financial statements but do not include all
disclosures required by GAAP.

  Forward-looking statements.  Except for historical data, the information
contained in this Form 8-K constitutes forward-looking statements. Forward-
looking statements are inherently uncertain and subject to risks and the
statements should be viewed with caution.  Actual results or experience could
differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of many
factors, including without limitation, those factors discussed below or
elsewhere in this Form 8-K.

  The forward-looking statements in this Form 8-K include the statements
regarding the estimated number of shares of Unicom Common Stock to be purchased
by Unicom in order to comply with the Merger Agreement; the number of shares of
PECO Common Stock to be purchased prior to the closing of the Merger
Transaction; the expected source of funds necessary to provide the cash
consideration in the Merger Transaction and to acquire Unicom and PECO Common
Stock prior to the closing of the Merger Transaction; the estimated cost savings
to be achieved as a result of the Merger Transaction and the source of those
savings; the statement that the transaction is expected to be accretive in the
first year after closing (excluding one-time merger-related costs); and the
statement that the companies expect to achieve revenue enhancements.

  These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks
and uncertainties.  Factors that may cause actual results to differ from those
indicated by such forward-looking statements include, among others, the

 . The fact that these forward-looking statements are based on information of a
  preliminary nature which may be subject to further and continuing review and

 . The risk of legislative, regulatory or other governmental action seeking to
  impose additional restrictions on the operations of Unicom or PECO or to
  increase the burden of necessary regulatory approvals for the Merger
  Transaction, or the imposition of unfavorable terms as a condition of approval
  of the Merger Transaction;

 . The risk of a significant delay in the expected completion of, and unexpected
  consequences resulting from the Merger Transaction, including the inability to
  close the transaction or unexpected difficulties in integrating the operations
  of the two companies; difficulties in achieving anticipated cost savings;


  difficulties in achieving other operational improvements and revenue

 . The risk that the assumptions and estimates underlying the anticipated cost
  savings may prove to be faulty or other factors may adversely affect the
  amount, nature or timing of anticipated cost savings;

 . The risk that competition, difficulties encountered by the companies in
  coordinating new business ventures or other difficulties could adversely
  affect the amount, nature or timing of anticipated revenue enhancements;

 . Changes in the number of shares of outstanding common stock of Unicom and
  PECO for reasons not foreseen at the date hereof;

 . Changes in the amount of proceeds received by the companies from asset sales,
  securitization transactions or other factors affecting the amount and timing
  of receipt of available funds to provide the cash consideration for the Merger
  Transaction or share repurchases;

 . The increasingly competitive nature of the electric, natural gas and energy
  industries, including the speed and degree to which competition enters these
  industries and the risk that other companies will further expand into markets
  in which Unicom or PECO operate;

 . The risk of unforeseen developments in the market for electricity in the areas
  in which Unicom and PECO conduct their business including changes resulting
  from regulatory changes, the influence of developments in the regulatory
  environments in other areas, adverse weather conditions and changes in the
  overall economy, any or all of which may affect revenues and margins;

 . The risks associated with Unicom's and PECO's nuclear generating stations
  including the capacity factor of those stations, which may affect the
  utilities' electricity generation and purchased power costs;

 . Other considerations that may be disclosed from time to time in Unicom's or
  PECO's publicly disseminated documents or filings.

     Unicom and PECO make no commitment to disclose any revisions to the
forward-looking statements, or any facts, events or circumstances after the date
hereof that may bear upon the forward-looking statements.

                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                 FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 1999

                                                                PECO            PECO
                                                  PECO      Securitization    Prior to
                                                   As          ProForma        Merger
                                                 Filed      Adjustments(1)    ProForma
                                                -------    ---------------    --------
Operating Revenues
 Electric                                       $ 2,144        $    --         $2,144
 Gas                                                307             --            307
                                                -------        ----------     --------

    Total Operating Revenues                    $ 2,451        $    --         $2,451
                                                -------        ----------     --------
Operating Expenses
 Fuel and Energy Interchange                    $   965        $    --         $  965
 Operation and Maintenance                          628             --            628
 Depreciation and Amortization                      114             --            114
 Goodwill Amortization                              --              --            --
 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes                      121             --            121
                                                -------        ----------     --------
    Total Operating Expenses                    $ 1,828        $    --         $1,828
                                                -------        ----------     --------
Operating Income                                $   623        $    --         $  623
                                                -------        ----------     --------
Other Income and Deductions
 Interest Expense                               $  (188)       $     (15)      $ (203)
 Preferred and Preference Stock Dividends           --              --            --
 Other, net                                         (59)              10          (49)
                                                -------        ----------     --------
    Total Other Income and Deductions           $  (247)       $      (5)      $ (252)
                                                -------        ----------     --------
Income Before Income Taxes
and Extraordinary Item                          $   376        $      (5)      $  371
Income Tax Expense                                  139               (2)         137
                                                -------        ----------     --------
Income Before Extraordinary Item                $   237        $      (3)      $  234
                                                =======        ==========     ========
 Preferred Stock Dividends                      $     7        $      (1)      $    6
                                                =======        ==========     ========
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item per Share                                 $  1.11
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item per Share-Diluted                         $  1.10
Average Basic Shares Outstanding                  207.6
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding                209.1


                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                 FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 1999

                                                                        UNICOM               UNICOM                UNICOM
                                                    UNICOM           Fossil Sale         Securitization           Prior to
                                                      As               ProForma             ProForma               Merger
                                                    Filed           Adjustments(3)       Adjustments(4)           ProForma
                                                  ----------        --------------       --------------           --------
 Operating Revenues
         Electric                                   $  3,224          $        --            $      --             $ 3,224
         Gas                                              --                   --                   --                  --
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
            Total Operating Revenues                $  3,224          $        --            $      --             $ 3,224
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
 Operating Expenses
         Fuel and Energy Interchange                $    664          $        64            $      --             $   728
         Operation and Maintenance                     1,205                 (132)                  --               1,073
         Depreciation and Amortization                   498                   52                   --                 550
         Goodwill Amortization                            --                   --                   --                  --
         Taxes Other Than Income Taxes                   248                   (7)                  --                 241
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
            Total Operating Expenses                $  2,615          $       (23)           $      --             $ 2,592
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
 Operating Income                                   $    609          $        23            $      --             $   632
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
 Other Income and Deductions
         Interest Expense                           $   (287)         $        --            $      13             $  (274)
         Preferred and Preference Stock Dividends        (33)                  --                    3                 (30)
         Other, net                                       52                   42                    5                  99
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
            Total Other Income and Deductions       $   (268)         $        42            $      21             $  (205)
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------

 Income Before Income Taxes
 and Extraordinary Item                             $    341          $        65            $      21             $   427

 Income Tax Expense                                      124                   26                    7                 157
                                                    --------          -----------            ---------             -------
 Income Before Extraordinary Item                   $    217          $        39            $      14             $   270
                                                    ========          ===========            =========             =======

 Income Before Extraordinary
    Item per Share                                  $   1.00
 Income Before Extraordinary
    Item per Share - Diluted                        $   1.00

 Average Basic Shares Outstanding                      217.2
 Average Diluted Shares Outstanding                    218.1


                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                 FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 1999

                                            PECO         UNICOM
                                           Prior to     Prior to      Merger
                                            Merger       Merger     ProForma     Merger
                                           ProForma     ProForma    Adjustments  ProForma
                                           ---------    ---------   -----------  --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric                                  $2,144        $3,224     $  (30)(8)   $5,338
  Gas                                          307            --         --          307
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
    Total Operating Revenues                $2,451        $3,224     $  (30)      $5,645
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange               $  965        $  728     $  (30)(8)   $1,663
  Operation and Maintenance                    628         1,073         --        1,701
  Depreciation and Amortization                114           550        (90)(7)      574
  Goodwill Amortization                         --            --         38 (9)       38
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes                121           241         --          362
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
    Total Operating Expenses                $1,828        $2,592     $  (82)      $4,338
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
Operating Income                            $  623        $  632     $   52       $1,307
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense                          $ (203)       $ (274)    $   --       $ (477)
  Preferred and Preference Stock Dividends      --           (30)       (11)(10)     (41)
  Other, net                                   (49)           99          5 (10)      55
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------
    Total Other Income and Deductions       $ (252)       $ (205)    $   (6)      $ (463)
                                            ------        ------     ------       ------

Income Before Income Taxes
and Extraordinary Item                      $  371         $ 427     $   46       $  844

Income Tax Expense                             137           157         35          329
                                           -------        ------     ------       ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item            $  234         $ 270     $   11       $  515
                                           =======        ======     ======       ======
Preferred Stock Dividends                   $    6         $  --     $   (6)(10)  $   --
                                           =======        ======     ======       ======
Income Before Extraordinary
  Item per Share                                                                  $ 1.56
Income Before Extraordinary
  Item per Share - Diluted                                                        $ 1.55
Average Basic Shares Outstanding                                                   330.8(6)
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding                                                 333.2


                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                             PECO             PECO
                                            PECO       Securitization       Prior to
                                             As            ProForma          Merger
                                           Filed        Adjustments(1)      ProForma
                                           ------      ---------------      --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric                                 $4,811           $   -              $4,811
  Gas                                         399               -                 399
                                           ------           ------             ------
    Total Operating Revenues               $5,210           $   -              $5,210
                                           ------           ------             ------

Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange              $1,752           $   -              $1,752
  Operation and Maintenance                 1,253               -               1,253
  Depreciation and Amortization               643               -                 643
  Goodwill Amortization                        -                -                  -
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes               279               -                 279
                                           ------           ------             ------
    Total Operating Expenses               $3,927           $   -              $3,927
                                           ------           ------             ------
Operating Income                           $1,283           $   -              $1,283
                                           ------           ------             ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense                         $ (331)          $ (108)            $ (439)
  Other, net                                 (100)              20                (80)
                                           ------           ------             ------
    Total Other Income and Deductions      $ (431)          $  (88)            $ (519)
                                           ------           ------             ------

Income Before Income Taxes
and Extraordinary Item                     $  852           $  (88)            $  764

Income Tax Expense                            320              (35)               285
                                           ------           ------             ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item           $  532           $  (53)            $  479
                                           ======           ======             ======
Preferred Stock Dividends                  $   13           $   (2)            $   11
                                           ======           ======             ======
Income Before Extraordinary
Item per Share                             $ 2.33

Income Before Extraordinary
Item per Share - Diluted                   $ 2.32

Average Basic Shares Outstanding            223.2

Average Diluted Shares Outstanding          223.9


                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                          UNICOM           UNICOM       UNICOM
                                              UNICOM    Fossil Sale    Securitization  Prior to
                                                As       ProForma         ProForma      Merger
                                              Filed   Adjustments(3)   Adjustments(4)  ProForma
                                              ------  --------------   --------------  --------
Operating Revenues
  Electric                                     $7,151      $  -            $  -         $7,151
  Gas                                             -           -               -            -
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
    Total Operating Revenues                   $7,151      $  -            $  -         $7,151
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
Operating Expenses
  Fuel and Energy Interchange                  $1,888      $ 168           $  -         $2,056
  Operation and Maintenance                     2,286       (254)             -          2,032
  Depreciation and Amortization                   943        140              -          1,083
  Goodwill Amortization                           -           -                            -
  Taxes Other Than Income Taxes                   672        (65)             -            607
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
    Total Operating Expenses                   $5,789      $ (11)          $  -         $5,778
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
Operating Income                               $1,362      $  11           $  -         $1,373
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
Other Income and Deductions
  Interest Expense                             $ (464)     $  -            $ (76)       $ (540)
  Preferred and Preference Stock Dividends        (87)        -               50           (37)
  Other, net                                       49         88              11           148
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
    Total Other Income and Deductions          $ (502)     $  88           $ (15)       $ (429)
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------

Income Before Income Taxes
  and Extraordinary Item                       $  860      $  99           $ (15)       $  944

Income Tax Expense                                350         40             (26)          364
                                               ------      -----           -----        ------
Income Before Extraordinary Item               $  510      $  59           $  11        $  580
                                               ======      =====           =====        ======

Income Before Extraordinary
  Item per Share                               $ 2.35

Income Before Extraordinary
  Item per Share - Diluted                     $ 2.34

Average Basic Shares Outstanding                216.9

Average Diluted Shares Outstanding              217.7


                       (Millions Except Per Share Data)
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                       PECO      UNICOM
                                     Prior to   Prior to       Merger
                                      Merger     Merger       ProForma         Merger
                                     ProForma   ProForma     Adjustments      ProForma
                                     --------   --------     -----------      --------
Operating Revenues
 Electric                             $ 4,811    $ 7,151     $     (64)(8)     $11,898
 Gas                                      399       --              --             399
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
  Total Operating Revenues            $ 5,210    $ 7,151     $     (64)        $12,297
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
Operating Expenses
 Fuel and Energy Interchange          $ 1,752    $ 2,056     $     (64)(8)     $ 3,744
 Operation and Maintenance              1,253      2,032            --           3,285
 Depreciation and Amortization            643      1,083          (184)(7)       1,542
 Goodwill Amortization                    --         --             75 (9)          75
 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes            279        607            --             886
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
  Total Operating Expenses            $ 3,927    $ 5,778     $    (173)        $ 9,532
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
Operating Income                      $ 1,283    $ 1,373     $     109         $ 2,765
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
Other Income and Deductions
 Interest Expense                     $  (439)   $  (540)    $      --         $  (979)
 Preferred and Preference
  Stock Dividends                          --        (37)          (22)(10)        (59)
 Other, net                               (80)       148            11 (10)         79
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
  Total Other Income and Deductions   $  (519)   $  (429)    $     (11)        $  (959)
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
Income Before Income Taxes
  and Extraordinary Item              $   764    $   944     $      98         $ 1,806
Income Tax Expense                        285        364            73             722
                                     --------   --------     ----------       --------
Income Before Extraordinary Item      $   479    $   580     $      25         $ 1,084
                                     ========   ========     ==========       ========
 Preferred Stock Dividends            $    11    $    --     $     (11)(10)    $    --
                                     ========   ========     ==========       ========
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item per Share                                                                $  3.28
Income Before Extraordinary
 Item per Share - Diluted                                                      $  3.26
Average Basic Shares Outstanding                                                 330.8(6)
Average Diluted Shares Outstanding                                               332.2


                                 (In Millions)
                              AS OF JUNE 30, 1999

                                                           PECO          PECO
                                             PECO     Securitization   Prior to
                                              As         ProForma       Merger
                                             Filed    Adjustments(1)   ProForma
                                           -------   ---------------- ----------
Utility Plant
  Plant                                    $ 7,549         $ -            $ 7,549
  Accumulated Provision for Depreciation     3,008           -              3,008
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 4,541         $ -            $ 4,541
  Nuclear Fuel, net                            297           -                297
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 4,838         $ -            $ 4,838
                                           -------         -----          -------
Current Assets
  Cash and Temporary Cash Investments      $   900         $(652)         $   248
  Accounts Receivable, net                     589           -                589
  Inventories, at average cost                 172           -                172
  Other Current Assets                         116           -                116
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 1,777         $(652)         $ 1,125
                                           -------         -----          -------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
  Regulatory Assets                        $ 6,046         $ -            $ 6,046
  Goodwill                                     -             -                -
  Investments and Other Property, net          555           -                555
  Other                                        131           -                131
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 6,732         $ -            $ 6,732
                                           -------         -----          -------
  TOTAL                                    $13,347         $(652)         $12,695
                                           =======         =====          =======

  Common Stock Equity                      $ 1,688         $(177)         $ 1,511
  Preferred and Preference Stock               231           (37)             194
  Company Obligated Mandatorily
    Redeemable Preferred Securities            340          (212)             128
  Long-Term Debt                             6,092           -              6,092
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 8,351         $(426)         $ 7,925
                                           -------         -----          -------
Current Liabilities
  Notes Payable, Bank                      $   226         $(226)         $   -
  Accounts Payable                             358           -                358
  Other Current Liabilities                    700           -                700
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 1,284         $(226)         $ 1,058
                                           -------         -----          -------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes                    $ 2,355         $ -            $ 2,355
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credits           293           -                293
  Other                                      1,064           -              1,064
                                           -------         -----          -------
                                           $ 3,712         $ -            $ 3,712
                                           -------         -----          -------
  TOTAL                                    $13,347         $(652)         $12,695
                                           =======         =====          =======


                                                     UNAUDITED PRO FORMA CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET
                                                                  AS OF JUNE 30, 1999

                                                              UNICOM            UNICOM          UNICOM
                                                  UNICOM    Fossil Sale      Securitization    Prior to
                                                    As       ProForma          ProForma         Merger
                                                  Filed    Adjustments(2)    Adjustments(4)    ProForma
                                                 -------   --------------    --------------    --------
Utility Plant
  Plant                                          $28,245      $(3,423)          $    -          $24,822
  Accumulated Provision for Depreciation          15,662       (2,107)               -           13,555
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $12,583      $(1,316)          $    -          $11,267
  Nuclear Fuel, net                                  856           -                 -              856
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $13,439      $(1,316)          $    -          $12,123
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------

Current Assets
  Cash and Temporary Cash Investments            $   739      $ 4,271           $  (326)        $ 4,684
  Accounts Receivable, net                         2,087           -               (695)          1,392
  Inventories, at average cost                       386         (141)               -              245
  Other Current Assets                                79           -                 -               79
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $ 3,291      $ 4,130           $(1,021)        $ 6,400
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
  Regulatory Assets                              $ 4,433      $(2,765)          $    -          $ 1,668
  Goodwill                                            -            -                 -               -
  Investments and Other Property, net              2,763           -                 -            2,763
  Other                                               71          (49)               -               22
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $ 7,267      $(2,814)          $    -          $ 4,453
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
    TOTAL                                        $23,997      $    -            $(1,021)        $22,976
                                                 =======      =======           =======         =======

  Common Stock Equity                            $ 5,101      $    -            $(1,021)        $ 4,080
  Preferred and Preference Stock                       2           -                 -                2
  Company Obligated Mandatorily
   Redeemable Preferred Securities                   350           -                 -              350
  Long-Term Debt                                   7,374           -                 -            7,374
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $12,827      $    -            $(1,021)        $11,806
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
Current Liabilities
  Notes Payable, Bank                            $   412      $    -            $    -          $   412
  Accounts Payable                                   491           -                 -              491
  Other Current Liabilities                        1,963        1,332                -            3,295
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $ 2,866        1,332           $    -          $ 4,198
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Deferred Income Taxes                          $ 3,732      $(1,352)          $    -          $ 2,380
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credits                 544          (47)               -              497
  Nuclear Decommissioning Liab. For
   Retired Plants                                  1,252           -                 -            1,252
  Other                                            2,776           67                -            2,843
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
                                                 $ 8,304      $(1,332)          $    -          $ 6,972
                                                 -------      -------           -------         -------
    TOTAL                                        $23,997           -            $(1,021)        $22,976
                                                 =======      =======           =======         =======


                                 (In Millions)
                              AS OF JUNE 30, 1999

                                                PECO                 UNICOM
                                                Prior to             Prior to           Merger                  Merger
                                                Merger               Merger             ProForma                ProForma
                                                ProForma             ProForma         Adjustments               Balance
                                              ----------           ----------        ------------            ----------
Utility Plant
 Plant                                        $    7,549           $   24,822          $(13,555) (7)       $   18,816
 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation            3,008               13,555           (13,555) (7)            3,008
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    4,541           $   11,267          $    -              $   15,808
 Nuclear Fuel, net                                   297                  856               -                   1,153
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    4,838           $   12,123          $    -              $   16,961
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
Current Assets
 Cash and Temporary Cash Investments          $      248           $    4,684          $   (850) (5)       $    4,082
 Accounts Receivable, net                            589                1,392               -                   1,981
 Inventories, at average cost                        172                  245               -                     417
 Other Current Assets                                116                   79               -                     195
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    1,125           $    6,400          $   (850)           $    6,675
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
Deferred Debits and Other Assets
 Regulatory Assets                            $    6,046           $    1,668          $    -              $    7,714
 Goodwill                                            -                    -               3,006 (7)             3,006
 Investments and Other Property, net                 555                2,763               -                   3,318
 Other                                               131                   22               -                     153
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    6,732           $    4,453          $  3,006            $   14,191
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
 TOTAL                                        $   12,695           $   22,976          $  2,156            $   37,827
                                              ==========           ==========          ========            ==========

 Common Stock Equity                          $    1,511           $    4,080          $  1,506 (5,7)      $    7,097
 Preferred and Preference Stock                      194                    2                 -                   196
 Company Obligated Mandatorily
    Redeemable Preferred Securities                  128                  350                 -                   478
 Long-Term Debt                                    6,092                7,374                 -                13,466
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    7,925           $   11,806          $  1,506            $   21,237
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
Current Liabilities
 Notes Payable, Bank                          $        -           $      412          $    650 (5)        $    1,062
 Accounts Payable                                    358                  491                                     849
 Other Current Liabilities                           700                3,295                 -                 3,995
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    1,058           $    4,198          $    650            $    5,906
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
 Deferred Income Taxes                        $    2,355           $    2,380          $      -            $    4,735
 Unamortized Investment Tax Credits                  293                  497                 -                   790
 Nuclear Decommissioning Liab. For
    Retired Plants                                     -                1,252                 -                 1,252
 Other                                             1,064                2,843                 -                 3,907
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
                                              $    3,712           $    6,972          $      -            $   10,684
                                              ----------           ----------          --------            ----------
  TOTAL                                       $   12,695           $   22,976          $  2,156            $   37,827
                                              ==========           ==========          ========            ==========



Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements

  1. Represents the use of the remaining balance of the proceeds from the
securitization of stranded costs to repurchase approximately four million shares
of PECO Common Stock, PECO obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred
securities, preferred stock and short-term debt. This adjustment also reflects
the effects of PECO's securitization of its stranded costs on its statements of
income as a net increase to interest expense, decrease to interest on PECO's
obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities and related aggregate tax

  2.  Reflects the accounting impacts related to the sale of the fossil
generating plants. The sale is expected to produce an after-tax gain of
approximately $1.7 billion, after settling commitments associated with certain
coal contracts, recognition of employee-related costs and funding certain
environmental initiatives. The gain on the sale will be utilized to recover
certain regulatory assets and, as a result, the sale is not expected to have a
significant impact on Unicom net income in 1999.

  3.  Reflects the effects of the sale of ComEd's fossil generating plants. The
increase in energy interchange expense reflects the net incremental energy cost
that ComEd would have incurred under transitional power purchase agreements to
purchase replacement power in the absence of its own generating capacity.
Additionally, "Other, net" reflects interest income related to the unused
proceeds from the sale of the fossil generating plants. The Unicom Pro Forma
Adjustments include increased regulatory asset amortization because those
adjustments on a prior-to-merger, pro forma basis would result in ComEd's
earnings exceeding the earnings cap provisions of the Illinois Public Utilities


     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements

  4. Reflects Unicom's expected obligation to purchase, at prevailing market
prices, approximately six million shares of Unicom Common Stock prior to the
closing of the Merger Transaction and the 20.1 million shares of Unicom Common
Stock that are subject to certain forward purchase contracts and are expected to
settle no later than February 2000. In addition, reflects adjustments to net
interest expense and preferred and preference stock dividends related to the use
of securitization proceeds.

  5. Reflects cash consideration paid to PECO and Unicom common shareholders who
choose the cash election, subject to proration. The amount of the adjustment
assumes a payment of $750 million at a cash price of $45.00 per share to PECO
shareholders and a payment of $750 million at a cash price of $42.75 per share
to Unicom shareholders. PECO's pro forma cash balance as of June 30, 1999 was
insufficient to fully fund this cash election. Accordingly, for pro forma
purposes, it was assumed that PECO would borrow $650 million from its available
revolving credit facility and that this borrowing would be repaid immediately
following the Merger Transaction. The amount of actual borrowing, if any, at the
time of consummation of the Merger Transaction will depend on PECO's actual cash
available at that time.


     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements

  6. Reflects issuance of Newco shares in exchange for PECO and Unicom Common
Stock net of shares which were exchanged for cash or repurchased by PECO and
Unicom as follows:

                                                       As of June 30, 1999
                                                        (Shares in 000's)
                                                 PECO         Unicom      Pro Forma
                                               --------       ---------   ---------
Actual shares outstanding at June 30, 1999     186,603        217,287            --

Shares exchanged for cash or repurchased-
 Notes (1), (4) and (5)                        (20,900)       (43,487)           --
                                               -------        -------

Remaining shares to be exchanged               165,703        173,800            --

Exchange factor                                    1.0            .95
                                               -------        -------

Estimated Share consideration                  165,703        165,110       330,813

  7.  A pro forma adjustment has been made to recognize goodwill in connection
with the Merger. The goodwill represents the excess of the purchase
consideration of $6.3 billion, including PECO's estimated transaction costs
resulting from the Merger, over the assumed value of Unicom's assets and
liabilities at June 30, 1999. The adjustment reflects the share consideration
equal to approximately 165.1 million shares of Newco Common Stock at a price of
$38.18 based on the average closing price of PECO Common Stock between September
16, 1999 and September 29, 1999. PECO's transaction costs of approximately $32.5
million represent the estimated costs to be incurred for the Merger that meet
the requirements for inclusion in the purchase price. Actual goodwill recorded
upon consummation will consider the fair value of Unicom's assets and
liabilities at that future date, including the fair value determination of
nuclear generating stations, and may differ significantly from the amount
recorded in these pro forma statements. The pro forma adjustment also relates to
the elimination of accumulated depreciation reflected on Unicom's books in
accordance with purchase accounting as prescribed by GAAP. As a result of the
increased merger pro forma common stock equity balance, the merger pro forma
adjustments include a reversal of the increased regulatory asset amortization
related to the Unicom Pro Forma Adjustments discussed in Note 3.


     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements

  8. Reflects the elimination of purchased power and off-system sales
transactions between PECO and Unicom.

  9. Reflects amortization of goodwill over a 40-year period.

 10. Reflects the reclassification of PECO preferred stock dividends and
interest on PECO obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities for
consistent presentation.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits
  (c)  Exhibits

 99. A cover letter explaining the correction being made to the original Current
Report on Form 8-k filed October 12, 1999 is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrants have duly caused this report to be signed on their behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              UNICOM CORPORATION

Date: October 12, 1999             By:         Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                               Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                             Senior Vice President

                                          COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY

Date: October 12, 1999             By:         Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                               Ruth Ann M. Gillis
                                             Senior Vice President