Exhibit 3.9

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                        "ChipPAC Luxembourg S. a R.L."
                       societe a responsabilite limitee

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                          CONSTITUTION D'UNE SOCIETE
                           A RESPONSABILITE LIMITEE
                                du (18 mars 1999)
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     In the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, on the (eighteenth
of March.)

     Before Maitre Joseph ELVINGER, notary public residing at Luxembourg,
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, undersigned.

                                There appeared;

     ChipPAC Operating Limited, a company having its registered office at
Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands;

     hereby represented by Mr Dominique AUDIA, employee, residing at Luxembourg,
by virtue of a proxy given under private seal.

     The beforesaid proxy, being initialled "ne varietur" by the appearing
person and the undersigned notary, shall remain annexed to the present deed to
be filed at the same time with the registration authorities.

     This appearing party has incorporated a "societe a responsabilite limitee"
(limited liability partnership), the article of which it has established as

     Article one.- There is hereby formed a "societe a responsabilite limitee",
limited liability company,

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governed by the present articles of incorporation and by current Luxembourg
laws, especially the laws of August 10th, 1915 on commercial companies, of
September 18th, 1933 on "societes a responsabilite limitee", as amended, and
more particularly the law of December 28th, 1992 about unipersonal companies.

     At any moment, the partner may join with one or more joint partners and, in
the same way, the following partners may adopt the appropriate measures to
restore the unipersonal character of the Company.

     Article two.- The Company is incorporated under the name of "ChipPAC
Luxembourg S. a R.L. ".

     Article three.- The Company's purpose is to take participations, in any
form whatsoever, in other Luxembourg or foreign enterprises; to acquire any
securities and rights through participation, contribution, underwriting firm
purchase or option, negotiation or in any other way and namely to acquire
patents and licences, to manage and develop them; to grant to enterprises in
which the Company has an interest, any assistance, loans, advances or
guarantees, finally to perform any operation which is directly or indirectly
related to its purpose, however without taking advantage of the Act of July 31,
1929, on Holding Companies.

     The Company can perform all commercial, technical and financial operations,
connected directly or indirectly in all areas as described above in order to
facilitate the accomplishment.

     Article four.- The Company has its registered office in the City of
Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The registered office may be transferred
to any other place within the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg by a decision of the

     Article five.- The Company is constituted for an unlimited period.

     Article six.- The Company's capital is set at USD 15,000 (fifteen thousand
US dollars) represented by 300 (three hundred) shares of USD 50 (fifty US
dollars) each.

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     These shares have been subscribed and fully paid in by contribution in cash
by ChipPAC Operating Limited, a company having its registered office at
Craig-muir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, sole

     Article seven. - The shares are freely transferable among the partners.

     No transfer of shares to a non-partner may take place without the agreement
of the other partners and without having been first offered to them.

     Otherwise it is referred to the provisions of articles 189 and 190 of the
co-ordinate law on trading companies.

     The shares are indivisible with regard to the Company, which admit only one
owner for each of them.

     Article eight. - The life of the Company does not come to an end by death,
suspension of civil rights, bankruptcy or insolvency of any partner.

     Article nine.- The creditors, representatives, rightful owner or heirs of
any partner are neither allowed, in circumstances, to require the sealing of
the assets and documents of the Company, nor to interfere in any manner in the
administration of the Company. They must for the exercise of their rights refer
to financial statements and to the decisions of the meetings.

     Article ten. - The Company is managed by one or more managers either
partners or not, appointed by the partners with or without limitation of their
period of office.

     Each manager shall have individually and on his single signature the full
power to bind the Company for all acts within the bounds laid down by its
purpose and by the law.

     The powers and remuneration of any managers possibly appointed at a later
date in addition to or in the place of the first managers will be determined in
the act of nomination.

     Article eleven. - Any manager does not contract in his function any
personal obligation concerning the

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commitments regularly taken by him in the name of the Company; as a mandatory he
is only responsible for the execution of his mandate.

    Article twelve.- The sole partner exercises the powers devolved to the
meeting of partners by the dispositions of Section XII of the law of August
10th, 1915 on societes a responsabilite limitee.

    As a consequence thereof, all decisions which exceed the powers of the
managers are taken by the sole partner.

    In case of more partners, the decisions which exceed the powers of the
managers shall be taken by the meeting.

    Resolutions are validly adopted when taken by partners representing more
than half of the capital.

    However, decisions concerning a modification of the articles of
incorporation must be taken by a majority vote of partners representing the
three quarters of the capital. If this majority is not attained at a first
meeting, the partners are convened by registered letters to a second meeting
with at least thirty days notice, which will be held within three months from
the first meeting.

    At this second meeting, decisions will be taken at the majority of voting
partners whatever majority of capital be represented.

    Article thirteen.- The Company's financial year begins on January 1st and
closes on December 31st.

    Article fourteen.- Each year, as of the 31st of December, the management
will draw up the balance sheet which will contain a record of the properties of
the Company and the profit and loss account, as also an appendix according to
the prescriptions of the law in force.

    Article fifteen.- Each partner may inspect at the head office the
inventory, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account.

    Article sixteen.- The credit balance of the profit and loss account, after
deduction of the expenses,

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costs, amortizations, charges and provisions represents the net profit of the

     Every year five percent of the net profit will be transferred to the
statutory reserve.

     This deduction ceases to be compulsory when the statutory reserve amounts
to one tenth of the issued capital but must be resumed till the reserve fund is
entirely reconstituted if, at any time and for any reason whatever, it has been
broken into.

     The excess is distributed among the partners. However, the partners may
decide, at the majority vote determined by the relevant laws, that the profit,
after deduction of the reserve, be either carried forward or transferred to an
extraordinary reserve.

     Article seventeen.- In the event of a dissolution of the Company, the
liquidation will be carried out by the managers or a partner upon agreement
which are vested with the broadest powers for the realization of the assets and
payment of debts.

     When the liquidation of the Company is closed, the assets of the Company
will be attributed to the partners proportionally to the shares they hold.

     Article eighteen.- For all matters not provided for in the present articles
of incorporation, the partners refer to the existing laws.

                              TRANSITORY MEASURES

     Exceptionally the first financial year shall begin today and end on
December 31st, 1999.

                            PAYMENT - CONTRIBUTIONS

     The appearing person declares and acknowledges that each subscribed share
has been fully paid up in cash so that from now on the Company has at its free
and entire disposal the contributions referred to above.

     Proof thereof has been given to the undersigned notary who expressly
acknowledges it.

                               ESTIMATE OF COSTS

     The costs, expenses, fees and charges, in whatsoever form, which are to be
borne by the Company or which shall be charged to it in connection with its in-

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corporation, have been estimated at about fifty thousand Luxembourg Francs.

                         EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING

     Immediately after the incorporation of the Company, the above-named
person, representing the entirety of the subscribed capital and exercising the
powers of the meeting, passed the following resolutions:

     1) Is appointed as manager for an undetermined duration ChipPAC Operating
Limited, a company having its registered office at Craigmuir Chambers,
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands;

     2) The Company shall have its registered office at L-2453 Luxembourg, 16,
rue Eugene Ruppert.

     The undersigned notary who understands and speaks English, hereby states
that on request of the above appearing persons, the present incorporation deed
is worded in English, followed by a French version; on request of the same
persons and in case of discrepancies between the English and the French text,
the English version will prevail.

     In faith of which we, the undersigned notary have set hand and seal in

     On the day named at the beginning of this document.

     The document having been read to the person appearing, said person signed
with us, the Notary, the present original deed.


     L'an mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf, le (dix-huit mars) lisez dix-
neuf mars.

     Pardevant Maitre Joseph ELVINGER, notaire de residence a Luxembourg,

                                 Ont comparu:

     ChipPAC Operating Limited, une societe ayant son siege social etabli
a Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, Iles Vierges Britanniques;

     ici representee par Monsieur Dominique AUDIA, employe prive, demeurant a
Luxembourg, en vertu d'une procuration sous seing prive lui delivree;

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     Ladite procuration, paraphee "ne varietur" par le mandataire comparaissant
et le notaire instrumentant, restera annexee au present acte pour etre
formalisee avec lui.

     Lequel fondateur comparant a declare avoir constitue une societe a
 responsabilite limitee dont il a arrete les statuts comme suit:

     Article premier.- Il est forme par les presentes une societe a
responsabilite limitee qui sera regie par les presents statuts et les lois
luxembourgeoises actuellement en vigueur, notamment par celles du 10 aout 1915
sur les societes commerciales et du 18 septembre 1933 sur les societes a
responsabilite limitee, telles que modifiees, et plus particuierement la loi du
28 decembre 1992 sur les societes unipersonnelles, ainsi que par les presents

     A tout moment, l'associe peut s'adjoindre un ou plusieurs coassocies et, de
meme, les futurs associes peuvent prendre les mesures appropriees tendant
a retablir le caractere initial unipersonnel de la Societe.

     Article deux.- La Societe prend la denomination de "ChipPAC Luxembourg
S. a R.L.".

     Article trois.- La Societe a pour objet la prise de participation sous
quelque forme que ce soit, dans toutes entreprises commerciales, industrielles,
financieres ou autres, luxembourgeoises ou etrangeres, l'acquisition de tous
titres et droits par voie de participation, d'apport, de souscription, de prise
ferme ou d'option d'achat, de negociation et de toute autre maniere et notamment
l'acquisition de brevets et licences, leur gestion et leur mise en valeur,
l'octroi aux entreprises auxquelles elle s'interesse, de tous concours, prets,
avances ou garanties, enfin toute activite et toutes operations generalement
quelconques se rattachant directement ou indirectement a son objet, sans vouloir
beneficier du regime fiscal particulier organise par la loi du 31 juillet 1929
sur les societes de participations financieres.

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    La Societe peut realiser toutes operations commerciales, techniques ou
financieres en relation directe ou indirecte avec tous les secteurs predecrits,
de maniere a en faciliter 1'accomplissement.

    Article quatre.- Le siege social est etabli a Luxembourg, Grand-Duche de

    Il pourra etre transfere en tout autre lieu du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg par
simple decision des associes.

    Article cinq.- La Societe est constituee pour une duree indeterminee.

    Article six.- Le capital social est fixe a USD 15.000,- (quinze mille
dollars US) divise en 300 (trois cents) parts sociales de USD 50,- (cinquante
dollars US) chacune.

    Ces parts ont ete integralement liberees et souscrites par la societe
ChipPAC Operating Limited, ayant son siege social etabli Craigmuir Chambers,
Road Town, Tortola, Iles Vierges Britanniques;

    Article sept.- Les parts sociales sont librement cessibles entre associes.

    Aucune cession de parts sociales entre vifs a un tiers non-associe ne peut
etre effectuee qu'avec l'agrement des autres associes et apres leur avoir ete
offerte en priorite.

    Pour le reste il est refere aux dispositions des articles 189 et 190 de la
loi coordonnee sur les societes commerciales.

    Les parts sont indivisibles a l'egard de la Societe, qui ne reconnait
qu'un seul proprietaire pour chacune d'elle

    Article huit.- Le deces, l'interdiction, la faillite ou la deconfiture d'un
des associes ne mettent pas fin a la Societe

    Article neuf.- Les creanciers, representants, ayants-droit ou heritiers des
associes ne pourront pour quelque motif que ce soit, requerir l'apposition de
scelles sur les biens et documents de la Societe, ni s'immiscer en aucune
maniere dans les actes de son administration. Ils doivent pour l'exercice de

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droits s'en rapporter aux inventaires sociaux et aux decisions des assemblees.

     Article dix.- La Societe est administree par un ou plusieurs gerants
associes ou non, choisis par les associes avec ou sans limitation de la duree de
leur mandat.

    Chaque gerant aura individuellement et sous sa seule signature les pleins
pouvoirs pour engager la Societe pour tous actes, dans les limites fixees par
son objet social ou la loi.

    Les pouvoirs et remunerations des gerants eventuellement nommes
posterieurement en sus ou en remplacement des premiers gerants seront determines
dans l'acte de nomination.

    Article onze.- Un gerant ne contracte en raison de ses fonctions, aucune
obligation personnelle quant aux engagements regulierement pris par lui au nom
de la Societe; simple mandataire, il n'est responsable que de l'execution de son

    Article douze.- L'associe unique exerce les pouvoirs devolus a l'assemblee
generale des associes par les dispositions de la section XII de la loi du 10
aout 1915 relatives aux societes a responsabilite limitees.

    Il s'ensuit que toutes decisions qui excedent les pouvoirs reconnus aux
gerants sont prises par l'associe unique.

    En cas de pluralite d'associes, les decisions qui excedent les pouvoirs
reconnus aux gerants sont prises en assemblee.

    Les resolutions ne sont valablement adoptees que pour autant qu'elles soient
prises par les associes representant plus de la moitie du capital social.

    Toutefois, les decisions ayant pour objet une modification des statuts ne
pourront etre prises qu'a la majorite des associes representant les trois quarts
du capital social. Si ce quorum n'est pas atteint lors de la premiere assemblee,
une seconde assemblee sera convoquee par lettres recommandees avec un preavis
d'un mois au moins et tenue dans un delai de trois mois a dater de la premiere

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    Lors de cette deuxieme assemblee, les resolutions seront adoptees a la
majorite des associes votant quelle que soit la portion du capital represente.

    Article treize.- L'exercice social commence le premier janvier et se
termine le 31 decembre.

    Article quatorze. - Chaque annee avec effet au 31 decembre la gerance
etablit le bilan qui contiendra l'inventaire des avoirs de la Societe et de
toutes les dettes actives et passives, et le compte de profits et pertes ainsi
qu'une annexe conforme aux dispositions de la loi en vigueur.

    Article quinze. - Tout associe peut prendre communication au siege social
de la Societe de l'inventaire, du bilan et du compte de profits et pertes.

    Article seize. - L'excedent favorable du compte de profits et pertes, apres
deduction des frais, charges et amortissements et provisions, constitue le
benefice net de la Societe.

    Chaque annee, cing pour cent du benefice net seront affectes a la reserve

    Ces prelevements cesseront d'etre obligatoires lorsque la reserve legale
aura atteint un dixieme du capital social, mais devront etre repris jusqu'a
entiere reconstitution, si a un moment donne et pour quelque cause que ce soit,
le fonds de reserve se trouve entame.

    Le solde du benefice net est distribue entre les associes. Neanmoins, les
associes peuvent, a la majorite prevue par la loi, decider qu'apres deduction de
la reserve legale, le benefice sera reporte a nouveau ou transfere a une
reserve speciale.

    Article dix-sept.- En cas de dissolution de la Societe pour quelque raison
que ce soit, la liquidation sera faite par les gerants ou un associe designe et
qui auront les pouvoirs les plus larges pour realiser les actifs et regler le
passif de la Societe.

    La liquidation terminee, les avoirs de la Societe seront attribues aux
associes en proportion des parts sociales qu'ils detiennent.

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    Article dix-huit.- Pour tout ce qui n'est pas prevu par les presents
statuts, les associes se referent aux dispositions legales en vigueur.

                            DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE

    Exceptionnellement le premier exercice commencera le jour de la constitution
pour finir le 31 decembre 1999.

                             LIBERATION - APPORTS

    Le comparant declare et reconnait que chacune des parts sociales souscrites
a ete integralement liberee en especes, de sorte que les apports susmentionnes
sont des a present a l'entiere et libre disposition de la Societe.

    Preuve en a ete apportee au notaire instrumentant qui le constate


    Le montant des frais, depenses, remunerations ou charges, sous quelque forme
que ce soit qui incombent a la Societe ou qui sont mis a sa charge en raison de
sa constitution, s'eleve a environ cinquante mille francs luxembourgeois.


    Immediatement apres la constitution de la Societe, le comparant precite,
representant la totalite du capital social, exercant les pouvoirs de
l'assemblee, a pris les resolutions suivantes:

    1) Est nomme gerant pour une duree indeterminee ChipPAC Operating Limited,
une societe ayant son siege social etabli a Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town,
Tortola, Iles Vierges Britanniques;

    2) Le siege social de la Societe est etabli a L-2453 Luxembourg, 16, rue
Eugene Ruppert.

    Le notaire soussigne qui comprend et parle l'anglais constate par le present
qu'a la requete des personnes comparantes les presents statuts sont rediges en
anglais suivis d'une version francaise, a la requete des memes personnes et en
cas de divergences entre le texte anglais et francais, la version anglaise fera

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     Dont acte, fait et passe a Luxembourg, date qu'en tete des presentes.

     Et apres lecture faite et interpretation donnee au comparant, il a signe
avec nous notaire la presente minute.


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