Exhibit 3.11

                                  CHIPPAC LTD.



These liquidity management, investment, hedging and administration policy and
operating guidelines ("Guidelines") set out the general principles pertaining to
the administration of the business of ChipPAC Ltd. (the "Company"). These
Guidelines were approved by Resolution of the Managing Director, dated the 5th
of August, 1999, and as amended from time to time by subsequent resolutions of
the Managing Director.

1.0  Definitions

     "Auditor" is the statutory auditor appointed in accordance with the terms
     of the appointment set out in the Deed of Foundation of the Company.

     "Borrowing Participant" is a Participant making a Funding Request in
     accordance with the applicable Liquidity Management Agreement entered into
     between the Borrowing Participant and the Company, a. sample of which is
     enclosed in Appendix A.

     "Company" is ChipPAC Ltd., a Hungarian limited liability company.

     "Director" is the managing director of the Company, with signing authority
     in matters relating to the Company as set out in the Deed of Foundation.

     "Financing Account" is the USD denominated account in the name of the
     Company with ABN AMRO Bank, London, U.K.

     "Member" is ChipPac Operating Limited, a company incorporated under the
     laws of US Tortola, or its successor as set out in an amended Deed of
     Foundation and whose rights and obligations in respect of the Company are
     determined in accordance with the Deed of Foundation and resolutions of the
     Member and the Company.

     "Governing Legislation" is Act CLXI on Business Associations and other
     applicable Hungarian law governing matters dealt with in these Guidelines.

     "Participants" are those companies which have entered into a Liquidity
     Management Agreement with the Company and whose rights and obligations are
     defined therein.

     "Operating Account" is the USD denominated bank account in the name of the
     Company with ABN AMRO Bank in Budapest which is used for settling local
     expenses and for paying Hungarian taxes.

     "Service Provider" is TMF Hungary Ltd., pursuant to the terms of a Service
     and Office Space Agreement, a sample of which is enclosed in Appendix B.

     Note: Other defined terms mentioned in these Guidelines but which are riot
     specifically defined in this section have the same meaning as provided for
     in the applicable Liquidity Management Agreement or the applicable Loan
     Agreement/Purchased Debt as those terms are defined in the Liquidity
     Management Agreement.

2.0  General Policy Objectives

     2.1  To provide liquidity and treasury management services to Participants
          under common control in a cost-effective manner.

     2.2  To realise a reasonable return on surplus fluids, if applicable, while
          maintaining adequate liquidity and a low level of overall investment

     2.3  To administer the Company in a way that is consistent with and adheres
          to agreements in place between the Company and other parties and to
          ensure that the offshore status of the Company under Hungarian law is

3.0  Liquidity Management re; Participants

     3.1  Any and all funds of the Company should be used for one of four
          purposes: financing and liquidity management of Participants,
          investment of surplus funds, payment of dividends or settlement of
          operational expenses.

     3.2  The Company should not lend funds to an entity which is not a
          Participant governed by a Liquidity Management Agreement except where
          fluids are advanced to the Member for the purpose of making expected
          or future dividend payments.

     3.3  Actual interest and principal repayments should be made both by
          accounting entries in the records of the Borrowing Participant and the
          Company as well as by the physical transfer of cash to the Financing
          Account of the Company. Outstanding interest or principal should not
          be refinanced. Payments should be made as and when required in
          accordance with the terms of any applicable Loan Agreement or
          Purchased Debt.

     3.4  The amount and source of funds to be used for the financing and
          liquidity management activities of the Company should be determined by
          the Director, from time to time, and in accordance with the guidelines
          pertaining to Capitalization of the Company in section 5.0, after due
          consideration of the anticipated borrowing requirements of Borrowing
          Participants, balance sheet funding restrictions, if applicable, and
          operational requirements of the Company.

4.0  Management of Surplus Funds

     4.1  Surplus funds may accumulate in the Financing Account from time to
          time as interest and/or principal receipts are received and approval
          in accordance with these Guidelines has not yet been given for either
          subsequent lending of the funds or their advance or payment as a
          dividend to the Member.

     4.2  Each year the Director should, if applicable, makes decisions or set
          policies with respect to the retention and investment of surplus funds
          throughout the year, including matters relating to investment
          policies, currencies etc.

     4.3  The Company shall be responsible for the proper management of surplus
          funds in accordance with the decisions of the Director.

     4.4  All surplus funds available, from time to time, shall be, where
          necessary, converted into and/or kept in USD unless the Company has
          ascertained a specific requirement for funds in another currency in
          which event the Company may, with prior authorization of the Director,
          take steps in advance to acquire or maintain funds in such currency.

     4.5  Any surplus funds should be placed on deposit, at the best rates
          obtainable, for committed periods not exceeding two months with any
          financial institution with a minimum Standard & Poor's short term
          credit rating of A1. The Company may place surplus funds on deposit
          for committed periods of up to 3 months or more with the express
          authorization of the Director.

5.0  Capitalization of the Company

     5.1  The Director shall be responsible for ensuring that the Company is
          sufficiently capitalised such that it can meet its liquidity
          management and financing responsibilities in respect of Participants.

     5.2  The Company may be capitalized, from time to time, through equity
          contributions from the Member, borrowings from financial institutions
          approved by the Director or advances from Participants or other
          entities approved by the Director.

     5.3  The Member will usually make equity contributions to the Company
          either through cash contributions to registered capital, in-kind
          contributions to registered capital or cash or in-kind contributions
          to capital reserve.

     5.4  The Director must approve all borrowings by or credit facilities
          granted to the Company.

6.0  Hedging

     6.1  The Director shall be responsible for approving and providing for any
          and all hedging activities of the Company.

     6.2  Loans to Participants and advances from Participants and approved
          entities may be made in USD or any other freely tradable currency. Any
          loan or advance not denominated in USD may, at the determination of
          the Director, be hedged in USD with a financial institution with a
          minimum Standard & Poor's short term credit rating of Al or a minimum
          Standard & Poor's long term credit rating of AA for any hedging
          transaction over 12 months or as otherwise determined by the Director.
          Hedging may not be necessary where the currency of the loan is matched
          on the funding side.

     6.3  For foreign exchange exposures, only spot and forward foreign exchange
          contracts shall be entered into by the Company, upon approval by the
          Director. No speculative contracts shall be entered into. Hedge
          consolidation of net exposure may be undertaken.

     6.4  The hedging of interest rates on loans made and borrowings received
          shall be determined by the Director, on a case by case basis.

7.0   Banking and Disbursements


      7.1  The Company shall set up and maintain, at a minimum, one Operating
           Account in Hungary denominated in USD for the purpose of settling
           local expenses and paying taxes.

      7.2  The following expenses must be paid from the Operating Account and
           cannot be paid from any other account in the name of the HOC:

           a)  All remuneration of managing Director, employees etc.;
           b)  All statutory filing fees and other amounts paid to government
           bodies in Hungary;
           c)  All professional advisor's fees in Hungary for services
           relating to the Company;
           d)  All taxes payable to a Hungarian tax authority.

      7.3  The Company shall set up and maintain at least one Financing Account
           denominated in USD for the purpose of lending funds to Participants
           and for receiving principal and interest repayments on USD
           denominated, and, if necessary, other currency denominated lendings
           to Participant

      7.4  No funds may be disbursed from the Financing Account for purposes
           stated in sections 7.1 or 7.2 or for any other expense reasonably
           related to the operation or ongoing maintenance of the Company except
           as specifically set oat in section 7.3.

      7.5  The Company may set up arid maintain a non-USD denominated account
           for specific purposes.

      7.6  The Company is responsible for ensuring, by way of funds transfer
           from the Financing Account and in conjunction with the Service
           Provider, that sufficient funds are available in the Operating
           Account for settling anticipated local expenses. Any request for a
           transfer of funds from the Financing Account to the Operating Account
           must be authorized on a Financing Account Transfer Request a sample
           of which is enclosed in Appendix C.

      7.7  Person(s) designated in the Deed of Foundation of the Company should
           have signing authority over the Operating and Financing Account
           unless other arrangements are agreed to by the Director.

      7.8  No funds may be disbursed as a loan to a Borrowing Participant from
           the Financing Account unless a Funding Request has been submitted and
           approved by the Director.

      7.9  No funds may be disbursed from the Operating Account pursuant to an
           approved Funding Request.

     7.10  The Service Provider shall provide, to the Company, originals or
           reasonable copies of all invoices or supporting documentation for
           approval prior to payment of expenses out of the Operating Account.
           Pre-approval of such expenditures, including pre-authorized payment
           or payment by standing order may be approved by the Director.

8.0   Dividends to the Member

      8.1  The Director shall declare and pay dividends to the Member at their
           discretion and in accordance with the Deed of Foundation, any
           applicable resolutions and pursuant to and in accordance with
           applicable Hungarian law.

      8.2  The Director should (where possible) declare and pay dividends no
           more than once per year, after completion and approval of the annual
           audited financial statements and submission of the audited financial
           statements to the Hungarian authorities.

      8.3  Interim dividend payments may be made, but must be supported by a
           resolution of the Director and based on approved interim audited
           financial statements showing sufficient profit reserves to support
           the dividend.

      8.4  During the course of the year, the Director may approve interim
           advances to the Member. These advances must be paid from the
           Financing Account pursuant to a completed Financing Account Transfer
           Request. All advances to the Member outstanding at the end of the
           year must be settled first through the declaration and payment of a
           dividend in accordance with section 8.1 and Hungarian law.

      8.5  The Company is responsible for withholding all taxes on dividends
           paid to the Member and remitting these withholdings to the
           appropriate Hungarian authorities.

      8.6  The Company must file an authenticated document of domicile with the
           Hungarian tax authorities enabling the Company to withhold at the
           rate of withholding appropriate for the applicable treaty.

9.0   Accounting and Bookkeeping

      9.1  The Service Provider shall be responsible for all record keeping and
           accounting functions in respect of the Company in accordance with the
           Service and Office Space Agreement.

      9.2  The Service Provider shall be responsible for processing all invoices
           and requests for payment in the normal course for settlement in
           accordance with these Guidelines.

      9.3  The Service Provider and/or other designated individual or company
           shall be responsible for administering and maintaining the registered
           office of the Company in accordance with the terms of the applicable
           lease or rental agreement.

      9.4  The Service Provider shall be responsible for administering and
           maintaining a business office of the Company in accordance with the
           terms of the Service and Office Space Agreement.

10.0  Financial Reporting

     10.1  The Service Provider should be responsible for completion of internal
           and external financial reporting requirements for the Company.

     10.2  A report should be provided to the Company by the Service Provider
           detailing management accounts on a quarterly or other basis to be
           determined by the Company and in a format to be agreed upon in
           consultation with the Company.

     10.3  A report should be provided to the Director by the Service Provider
           detailing receipts and disbursements and reconciliations in respect
           of the Operating and Financing Accounts of the Company on a monthly
           or other basis to be determined by the Company and in a format to be
           agreed upon in consultation with the Company.

     10.4  A report should be provided to the Director by the Company in
           consultation with the Service Provider which sets out the status of
           all requests for funding awaiting approval on an annual or other
           basis to be determined by the Company and in a format to be agreed
           upon in consultation with the Company.

     10.5  The Service Provider in conjunction with the Company shall prepare
           final year end accounts and financial statements for presentation to
           the Company within a reasonable time after year end.

     10.6  The Service Provider shall be responsible for providing all necessary
           and requested information on a timely basis to the Auditor for
           purposes of completion of the annual audit.

     10.7  The Service Provider shall provide any and all information or reports
           requested by the Company or the Director.

     10.8  The Service Provider should provide financial statements for the pre-
           Company to the Auditor on a timely basis.


     THESE GUIDELINES including the enclosed Appendices are hereby acknowledged
     as constituting the Policy and Operating Guidelines of ChipPAC Ltd. as at
     the date below with retroactive effect to the date of incorporation of
     ChipPAC Ltd.

     Date: August 5, 1999

     On behalf of ChipPAC Ltd.,

     /s/ Jozsef Veress
     Jozsef Veress
     Managing Director