WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 11-K


                 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993

                          COMMISSION FILE NO. 28-239


                           The Boston Company, Inc.
                               One Boston Place
                              Boston, MA  02108

            (Full title of the Plan and the address of the Plan)

                           American Express Company
                            World Financial Center
                             New York, NY  10285

                    (Name of the issuer of the securities
                      held pursuant to the Plan and the
                  address of its principal executive office)

                 THE BOSTON COMPANY, INC.
                 EMPLOYEE SAVINGS PLAN

                 Financial Statements and Schedules

                 December 31, 1993 and 1992

                 (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)


                 Index to Financial Statements and Schedules

                          December 31, 1993 and 1992

Independent Auditors' Report                                                1
Financial Statements:
 Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits                   2 - 3
 Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits        4 - 5
 Notes to Financial Statements                                          6 - 12
Schedule 1 - Assets Held for Investment Purposes (at end of plan year)    13
Schedule 2 - Loans or Fixed Income Obligations                            14
Schedule 3 - Reportable Transactions                                      15

Note:  All other schedules required by the Department of Labor's Rules and
       Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure have been omitted because 
       there is no information to report.

                         Independent Auditors' Report

Corporate Benefits Committee
Mellon Bank Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets available for plan
benefits of The Boston Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan (the "Plan") as of
December 31, 1993, and the related statement of changes in net assets available
for plan benefits for the year then ended.  These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Plan's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.  The financial
statements of the Plan as of December 31, 1992, were audited by other auditors
whose report thereon dated primarily May 7, 1993, expressed an unqualified
opinion on those financial statements.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the 1993 financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of The
Boston Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan as of December 31, 1993, and the
changes in net assets available for plan benefits for the year then ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audit for the year ended December 31, 1993, was made for the purpose of
forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole.  The
supplementary information included in Schedules 1 through 3 for the year ended
December 31, 1993, is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a
required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary information
required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and
Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  The
schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of
the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole
for the year ended December 31, 1993.

June 3, 1994

                                                      /s/ KPMG Peat Marwick

               Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                December 31, 1993

                                                 The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
                                             Cash    Government  Managed      Capital     Special    American
                                          Management   Money      Income    Appreciation   Growth    Express     
                                Total        Fund       Fund       Fund         Fund        Fund    Stock Fund   
                                -----        ----       ----       ----         ----        ----    ----------   
Investments, at fair
value (cost $40,213,749):
  Registered investment
    companies               $34,936,442   8,702,149  2,713,461   6,506,451  8,633,307     8,381,074          --  
  American Express common
    stock                     4,594,169          --         --          --         --            --   4,594,169  
  Loans to participants       2,502,348          --         --          --         --            --          --  
                            -----------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------     ---------  ----------  
          Total investments  42,032,959   8,702,149  2,713,461   6,506,451  8,633,307     8,381,074   4,594,169  
Cash (overdrafts)                10,108      15,269     (1,660)    317,550    (56,132)     (202,454)    (62,452) 
Due from broker for          
  securities sold               154,872          --         --          --         --            --     154,872  
Interest and dividends                                                                                        
  receivable                        354          --         --         285         --            --          69  
                            -----------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------     ---------  ----------  
          Total assets       42,198,293   8,717,418  2,711,801   6,824,286  8,577,175     8,178,620   4,686,658  
                            -----------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------     ---------  ----------  

Due to broker for securities
  purchased                      19,210      18,937         --         273         --            --          --  
Unallocated principal                                                                                         
  distribution                     (169)         --         --          --         --            --          --  
                            -----------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------     ---------  ----------  
          Total liabilities      19,041      18,937         --         273         --            --          --  
                            -----------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------     ---------  ----------  
          Net assets                                                                                          
           available for
           plan benefits    $42,179,252   8,698,481  2,711,801   6,824,013  8,577,175     8,178,620   4,686,658  
                            ===========   =========  =========   =========  =========     =========  ==========

                                  Loan      Forfeiture
                                  Fund         Fund
                                  ----      ----------
Investments, at fair
value (cost $40,213,749):
  Registered investment
    companies                         --         --
  American Express common
    stock                             --         -- 
  Loans to participants        2,502,348         --
                               ---------   --------
          Total investments    2,502,348         --
Cash (overdrafts)                    (13)        --
Due from broker for          
  securities sold                     --         --
Interest and dividends                                                                                        
  receivable                          --         --
                               ---------   --------
          Total assets         2,502,335         --
                               ---------   --------

Due to broker for securities
  purchased                           --         --
Unallocated principal                                                                                         
  distribution                      (169)        --
                               ---------   --------
          Total liabilities         (169)        --
                               ---------   --------
          Net assets                                                                                          
           available for
           plan benefits       2,502,504        --
                               =========   ========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


               Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                                December 31, 1992

                                                        The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
                                             Cash      Government   Managed      Capital      Special    American
                                          Management      Money      Income    Appreciation   Growth     Express      Distribution
                                Total        Fund         Fund        Fund         Fund        Fund     Stock Fund        Fund
                                -----        ----         ----        ----         ----        ----     ----------        ----

Investments, at fair value                                                                                              
(cost $38,702,218):
  Registered investment        
    companies                $32,085,826 $10,578,653     3,091,915   5,534,862    7,578,424   5,301,972         --           --
  American Express common       
    stock                      4,415,263          --            --          --           --          --  4,415,263           --
  Loans to participants        1,966,816          --            --          --           --          --         --           --
  Other                          190,965          --            --          --           --          --      1,940       25,674
                             ----------- -----------     ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------  ---------      -------
          Total investments   38,658,870  10,578,653     3,091,915   5,534,862    7,578,424   5,301,972  4,417,203       25,674
Cash (overdrafts)                397,685     393,713        22,906          --           --          --         --      (25,748)
Due from broker for
  securities sold                805,210          --            --     415,571      140,778      63,824    185,037           -- 
Interest and dividends                                                                                                  
  receivable                      68,481      24,952         6,464      36,694            5           3         78           74
                             ----------- -----------     ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------  ---------      -------
          Total assets        39,930,246  10,997,318     3,121,285   5,987,127    7,719,207   5,365,799  4,602,318           --  
                             ----------- -----------     ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------  ---------      -------
Distributions payable             75,000          --            --          --           --          --         --           -- 
Due to broker for securities
  purchased                       68,098      24,945         6,462      36,691           --          --         --           -- 
Unallocated principal                                                                                                   
  distribution                      (237)         --            --          --           --          --         --           -- 
                             ----------- -----------     ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------  ---------      -------
          Total liabilities      142,861      24,945         6,462      36,691           --          --         --           --
                             ----------- -----------     ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------  ---------      -------
          Net assets                                                                                                    
           available for
           plan benefits      39,787,385 $10,972,373     3,114,823   5,950,436    7,719,207   5,365,799  4,602,318           -- 
                             =========== ===========     =========   =========    =========   =========  =========      =======  

                                   Loan     Forfeiture
                                   Fund        Fund
                                   ----        ----  

Investments, at fair value                                                                                              
(cost $38,702,218):
  Registered investment        
    companies                        --             --
  American Express common       
    stock                            --             --
  Loans to participants       1,966,816             --
  Other                              --        163,351
                              ---------        -------    
          Total investments   1,966,816        163,351
Cash (overdrafts)                   (38)         6,852
Due from broker for
  securities sold                    --             --
Interest and dividends                                                                                                  
  receivable                         --            211
                              ---------        -------    
         Total assets         1,966,778        170,414
                              ---------        -------    
Distributions payable                --         75,000
Due to broker for securities
  purchased                          --             --
Unallocated principal                                                                                                   
  distribution                     (237)            --
                              ---------        -------    
          Total liabilities        (237)        75,000
                              ---------        -------    
          Net assets                                                                                                    
           available for
           plan benefits      1,967,015         95,414 
                              =========        =======

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


         Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1993

                                           The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
                                            Cash     Government  Managed    Capital     Special    American
                                         Management     Money    Income   Appreciation   Growth     Express     Loan   Forfeiture
                                Total       Fund        Fund      Fund        Fund        Fund    Stock Fund    Fund      Fund
                                -----       ----        ----      ----        ----        ----    ----------    ----      ----
  Employer matching          
    contribution             $  957,073     247,756     72,773    150,453     210,589    181,953     93,549        --          --
  Employee contribution       2,316,466     584,894    170,403    373,396     511,455    456,614    219,704        --          --
  Rollover contributions        648,464      37,311     11,921    284,131      36,833    277,933        335        --          --
                            -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------   --------- ----------  --------- ---------     -------
      Total contributions     3,922,003     869,961    255,097    807,980     758,877    916,500    313,588        --          --
Investment income:                                                                                            
  Dividend and interest       1,260,372     257,323     74,401    444,921      95,070         36    169,996   217,604       1,021
  Net realized gain (loss)                                                                                    
    and unrealized
    (depreciation)            3,989,339          --         --    452,782   1,165,008  1,313,228  1,048,994        --       9,327
                            -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------   --------- ----------  --------- ---------     -------
          Total investment   
            income            5,249,711     257,323     74,401    897,703   1,260,078  1,313,264  1,218,990   217,604      10,348   
Distributions to      
  participants                5,164,440   2,155,386    347,778    575,623     607,849    773,779    522,915   181,110          --

Distribution to Plan         
  Administrator (note 4)        132,502          --         --         --          --         --         --        --     132,502
Forfeitures                          --       5,584      3,541      4,014       7,549      4,595      1,457        --     (26,740)
Net interfund transfers
  out (in)                           --     820,298    353,236   (197,439)    303,388 (1,510,777)   730,289  (498,995)         --
                            -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------   --------- ----------  --------- ---------     -------
          Net increase         
           (decrease)         3,874,772  (1,853,984)  (375,057) 1,323,485   1,100,169  2,962,167    277,917   535,489     (95,414)
Net transfers from the Plan  (1,482,905)   (419,908)   (27,965)  (449,908)   (242,201)  (149,346)  (193,577)       --          --
Net assets available for                                                                                      
  plan benefits:
  Beginning of year          39,787,385  10,972,373  3,114,823  5,950,436   7,719,207  5,365,799  4,602,318 1,967,015      95,414
                            -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------   --------- ----------  --------- ---------     -------
  End of year               $42,179,252   8,698,481  2,711,801  6,824,013   8,577,175  8,178,620  4,686,658 2,502,504          --
                            ===========  ==========  =========  =========   ========= ==========  ========= =========     =======

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


         Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1992

                                                               The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
                                                Cash       Government    Managed      Capital      Special
                                              Management      Money      Income     Appreciation   Growth
                                  Total         Fund          Fund        Fund         Fund         Fund 
                                  -----         ----          ----        ----         ----         ---- 
 Employer matching                                                                                 
  contribution                 $2,120,971        633,025      176,491     287,407      469,256      318,907
 Employee contribution          5,511,234      1,581,720      474,849     763,227    1,174,375      882,241
                              -----------     ----------    ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------
    Total contributions         7,632,205      2,214,745      651,340   1,050,634    1,643,631    1,201,148
Investment income:                                                                         
  Dividend and interest                     
   income                       1,394,231        383,776      100,450     421,820       96,856       40,549
  Net realized gain (loss)                                                                             
   and unrealized                                                                          
   (depreciation)               1,967,639             --           --      15,940      210,742      979,470
                              -----------     ----------    ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------
     Total investment                                                                           
       income                   3,361,870        383,776      100,450     437,760      307,598    1,020,019
Distributions to                                                                           
  participants                  3,880,152      1,747,204      352,860     397,895      625,735      223,086
Distribution to successor                                                                                 
 trustee                          548,062        190,761       56,660      69,175      113,807       86,979
Distribution to Plan              150,000             --           --          --           --           --
 Administrator (note 4)                                            
Forfeitures                            (1)        20,823        8,512      12,768       13,264        9,002
Net interfund                                                                              
 transfers out (in)                    --      1,337,675      158,630    (541,838)    (237,679)    (376,211)
                              -----------     ----------    ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------
     Net increase                                                                          
      (decrease)                6,415,862       (697,942)     175,128   1,550,394     1,436,102   2,278,311
Net assets available for                                                                             
 plan benefits:                                                                            
 Beginning of year             33,371,523     11,670,315    2,939,695   4,400,042     6,283,105   3,087,488
                              -----------     ----------    ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------
 End of year                  $39,787,385     10,972,373    3,114,823   5,950,436     7,719,207   5,365,799
                              ===========     ==========    =========   =========    ==========   =========
                                 Express     Distribution      Loan       Forfeiture 
                                Stock Fund      Fund           Fund          Fund    
                                ----------      ----           ----          ----    
 Employer matching             
  contribution                     235,882           --             --              3                                             
 Employee contribution             634,822           --             --             -- 
                                 ---------      -------      ---------       -------- 
    Total contributions            870,704           --             --              3  
Investment income:                                                        
  Dividend and interest                                                  
   income                          131,416        1,371        213,429          4,564                                             
  Net realized gain (loss)     
   and unrealized                                                         
   (depreciation)                  755,173           --             --          6,314                                             
                                 ---------      -------      ---------       --------                                             
     Total investment          
       income                      886,589        1,371        213,429         10,878  
Distributions to                                                          
  participants                     330,935       45,777        156,660             --                                             
Distribution to successor           30,612           --             68             --                                         
Distribution to Plan                    --           --             --        150,000                                        
 Administrator (note 4)                                  
Forfeitures                         10,449           --             --        (74,819)   
Net interfund                                                            
 transfers out (in)                 (7,973)          --       (332,604)            -- 
                                 ---------      -------      ---------       --------                                         
     Net increase                
      (decrease)                 1,393,270      (44,406)       389,305        (64,300)  
Net assets available for                                                 
 plan benefits:                                                          
 Beginning of year               3,209,048       44,406      1,577,710        159,714                                         
 End of year                     ---------      -------      ---------       --------
                                 4,602,318           --      1,967,015         95,414
                                 =========      =======      =========       ========                                          
See accompanying notes to financial statements.  


                        Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 1993 and 1992

(1)  Description of the Plan

     The following description of The Boston Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan
        (the "Plan") provides only general information.  Participants should 
        refer to the Plan documents for a more complete description of the 
        Plan's provisions.

     On May 21, 1993, Mellon Bank Corporation (the "Corporation") acquired The
        Boston Company, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Shearson Lehman 
        Brothers Inc., which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of the 
        American Express Company.  As a result of the acquisition by the 
        Corporation, the Plan was amended effective on May 31, 1993 (the 
        "Effective Date").

     As of the Effective Date, the Retirement, Compensation and Benefits 
        Committee of The Boston Company, Inc. approved a resolution which 
        provides that the Plan will no longer accept contributions but will 
        remain in existence as long as necessary to pay vested benefits.  
        Subsequent to the Effective Date, employees of The Boston Company, Inc.
        are eligible to participate in the Mellon Bank Corporation Retirement 
        Savings Plan.

     The Plan is a defined contribution savings plan established on January 1,
        1983, for the benefit of employees of The Boston Company, Inc. and 
        subsidiaries. The Plan is subject to the requirements of the Employee 
        Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").  Through December 31,
        1993, the Plan was administered by the Retirement, Compensation and 
        Benefits Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors 
        of The Boston Company, Inc.  Effective January 1, 1994, the Plan is 
        administered by the Corporate Benefits Committee of the Corporation 
        (the "Committee"), all of whose members are appointed by the
        Board of Directors of the Corporation.  The Committee is the Named 
        Fiduciary and the Plan Administrator.  The members of the Committee 
        receive no remuneration from the Plan with respect to their service in
        such capacity.  Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, a wholly owned 
        subsidiary of The Boston Company, Inc., is the Trustee.

     Eligibility and Contributions

     Prior to the Effective Date, employees with one year or more of service 
        were eligible to participate in the Plan by making voluntary salary 
        reduction contributions equal to at least 2% but not more than 12% of 
        compensation. Further, the Plan provided that, beginning the next 
        fiscal year after each participant's date of hire, The Boston Company, 
        Inc. would contribute an amount equal to 50% of each participant's 
        salary reduction contributions up to 6% of compensation.  Any such 
        contributions were payable as of year end.  Forfeitures of The Boston 
        Company, Inc. contributions by participants were used to reduce
        the amount of future Boston Company, Inc. contributions.  All 
        contributions were invested in mutual funds managed by The Boston 
        Company, Inc. or in the American Express Company Common Stock Fund at 
        the direction of the participants.

     The Plan has been amended so that no contributions can be made as of and
        after the Effective Date.


                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

     Prior to the Effective Date, any participant who terminated employment was
        vested in and entitled to a portion of the participant's account that 
        consisted of the entire amount attributable to participant 
        contributions, plus a percentage of that portion attributable to The 
        Boston Company, Inc. contributions determined in accordance with the 
        Plan Agreement.  The Boston Company, Inc. contributions were 100% 
        vested after five years.  As of the Effective Date, all participants 
        with account balances were granted full vesting in the Plan and all 
        contributions to the Plan were discontinued.

     In service withdrawals from participant accounts are not allowed prior to
        age 59-1/2 except for financial hardship, as defined in the Plan 

     Account balances in the Plan as of the Effective Date are maintained and
        participants are able to direct their account balances among The Boston
        Company, Inc. Funds; however, no transfers into the American Express 
        Company Common Stock Fund are permitted.

     Loans to Participants
     Participants in the Plan may borrow against their vested balances.  The
        minimum amount a participant could borrow was $1,000 and the maximum was
        determined as follows:

              If vested amount in
                  in account is              Maximum loans
              --------------------           -------------
              Over $100,000                  $50,000
              Less than $100,000             50% of balance

     All loans must, under the terms of the Plan, be paid back within five years
        unless the funds are used to purchase a primary residence.  All loans 
        are fixed rate loans based on the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company
        prime rate plus 3.5%.  Such loans must be evidenced by the 
        participant's interest-bearing promissory note, the terms and 
        conditions of which were established by the Retirement, Compensation 
        and Benefits Committee prior to the Effective Date and the Committee 
        after the Effective Date.


                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

     Administrative Expenses
     No administrative expenses are paid by the Plan.

(2)  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
     Basis of Financial Statements
     The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual
        basis.  As discussed in note 1 to the financial statements, the 
        Retirement, Compensation and Benefits Committee of The Boston Company,
        Inc. approved a resolution which provides that the Plan will no longer 
        accept contributions but will remain in existence as long as necessary
        to pay vested benefits.  In accordance with generally accepted 
        accounting principles, the Plan has changed its basis of accounting 
        from the ongoing plan basis to the liquidation basis. This change had 
        no effect on the Plan's 1993 financial statements.

     Investments in shares of each of the funds of The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
        are valued at the net asset value per share for each fund based on the
        respective fair values of the underlying assets invested therein.  
        Investments in common stock in the American Express Company Common 
        Stock Fund are traded on a national securities exchange and are valued 
        at the last reported price on the last business day of the year.

     Short-term investments in the Forfeiture Fund and the Distribution Fund are
        valued at the net asset value per share of the Daily Liquidity Fund.  
        This is a short-term investment fund sponsored by The Boston Company, 
        Inc. valued at amortized cost which approximates market.

     Purchases and sales of securities are reflected on a trade-date basis.

     All interest, dividends and capital gains are reinvested.  Dividend income
        is recorded on the declaration date.  Income from other investments is 
        recorded as earned on an accrual basis.

     Reclassification of Prior Year's Statements
     Certain items previously reported have been reclassified to conform with 
        the current year's reporting format.


                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

(3)  Investment Programs
     The Boston Company, Inc. Fund
     Participants' salary reduction contributions are invested in The Boston
        Company, Inc. Fund.  The Boston Company, Inc. Fund is a mutual fund 
        consisting of seven separate portfolios.  Under the Plan, a participant
        may elect to invest in any of the following five portfolios:

     (a)  Cash Management Fund
          A money market fund investing in a diversified portfolio of high-grade
          money market instruments.

     (b)  Government Money Fund
          A money market fund investing exclusively in obligations issued or
          guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the U.S. government 
          or backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.

     (c)  Managed Income Fund

          An income fund investing primarily in investment-grade corporate and
          U.S. government obligations and in obligations having maturities of
          10 years or less.

     (d)  Capital Appreciation Fund

          An equity fund seeking long-term growth of capital, with current
          income as a secondary objective, through investments primarily in
          common stocks.

     (e)  Special Growth Fund

          An equity fund seeking above-average capital growth without regard to
          income through investments principally in securities of issuers
          thought to have significant growth potential.

     American Express Company Common Stock Fund
     This fund includes employer matching contributions, through the Effective
         Date, in American Express Company common stock.

     Distribution Fund
     This fund included amounts carried over from a predecessor profit-sharing
         plan for which participants had made elections to have their interests
         invested in interest-bearing instruments pending distribution to such
         participants.  The fund invested in money market accounts, obligations
         of the U.S. government, time or demand deposits with banks and money
         market funds.



                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

     Loan Fund
     The Loan Fund represents a separate fund administered in connection with
         loans to participants of the Plan.  Participants may borrow from their
         accounts a portion of their account balance.

(4)  Distributions From Plan
     The Boston Company, Inc. transferred a group of employees to an affiliate
         in a prior year.  The distribution to successor trustee in 1992
         represents the balance for these participants transferred to the
         affiliate's employee savings plan.

     The distribution to Plan Administrator represents the amount of the
         Forfeiture Fund withdrawn by The Boston Company, Inc..  Prior to the
         Effective Date, The Boston Company, Inc. was permitted to use these
         funds to reduce The Boston Company, Inc.'s matching contribution.

(5)  Federal Income Taxes

     The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued its latest determination on June
         9, 1986, which stated that the Plan was qualified under section 401(a)
         of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code), and the related trust is
         exempt from tax under section 501(a) of the Code.  The Plan and its
         underlying trust have since been amended to conform with tax law
         changes.  The amended Plan instruments will be submitted to the IRS
         for a letter of determination.  In the opinion of the Plan
         Administrator, the Plan and the related trust have operated in
         accordance with the terms of the Plan and in conformity with the
         applicable provisions of the Code.  Accordingly, the accompanying
         financial statements do not include a provision for federal income

(6)  Distribution of Excess Contributions

     It is The Boston Company, Inc.'s intention to operate the Plan in
         accordance with the requirements of Code sections 401(k) and 401(m)
         which outline the application of the discrimination test to qualified
         profit-sharing plans.  It was determined that the Plan met the
         discrimination test for the 1993 and 1992 plan years.



                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued
(7)  Investments
     Investments held by the Plan as of December 31, 1993, were
     as follows:

                                                             Market value
                              Number of                    -----------------
                                shares                     Per                
      Description              or units       Cost         unit        Total
      -----------             ---------       ----         ----        -----
Cash Management Fund:
  Boston Company, Inc. Fund
    Cash Management Fund                                                        
    Institutional Shares      8,702,149    $8,702,149       1.00     $8,702,149*
Government Money Fund:
  Boston Company, Inc. Fund
    Government Money Fund
    Institutional Shares      2,713,461     2,713,461       1.00      2,713,461*
Managed Income Fund:
  Boston Company, Inc. Fund
    Managed Income Fund                                                         
    Institutional Shares        571,744     6,512,158      11.38      6,506,451*
Capital Appreciation Fund:
  Boston Company, Inc. Fund
    Capital Appreciation Fund
    Institutional Shares        310,551     8,457,318      27.80      8,633,307*
Special Growth Fund:
  Boston Company, Inc. Fund
    Special Growth Fund                                                         
    Institutional Shares        464,068     7,624,136      18.06      8,381,074*
American Express Stock Fund:
  American Express                                                              
    Company common stock        148,799     3,702,179      30.88      4,594,169*
Loan Fund:                                                                      
  Loans to participants       2,502,348      2,502,348      1.00      2,502,348*
                                           -----------              -----------
        Total investments                  $40,213,749              $42,032,959 
                                           ===========              ===========


*  Investments greater than 5% of net assets available for plan benefits at the
   end of the plan year.


                   Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

Investments held by the Plan as of December 31, 1992, are summarized as follows:

            Description                              Cost        Fair value
            -----------                              ----        ----------

The Boston Company, Inc. Pooled Employee Funds:
  Daily Liquidity Fund                            $   190,965        190,965
The Boston Company, Inc. Fund                      32,191,653     32,085,826*
Common Stock - American Express Company             4,352,784      4,415,263*
Loans to participants                             
                                                    1,966,816      1,966,816
                                                  -----------     ----------
                                                  $38,702,218     38,658,870
                                                  ===========     ==========

* Investments greater than 5% of net assets available for plan
  benefits at the end of the plan year.

(8)  Reconciliation of Financial Statements and Form 5500

     Benefits payable to withdrawing participants of $309,865 in
         1993 are included as a component of net assets available for plan
         benefits in the financial statements which differs from the basis used
         to prepare the Plan's Form 5500. Accordingly, reconciliations are
         presented below for the year ended December 31, 1993:

           Reconciliation of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                                                    As reported
                                As reported                        in financial
                                in Form 5500        Adjustment       statements
                                ------------        ----------     ------------
     1993 Benefits payable       $309,865           (309,865)              -

      Reconciliation of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                                                    As reported
                                      As reported                   in financial
                                      in Form 5500   Adjustment       statements
                                      ------------   ----------     ------------
     1993 Participant withdrawals     $ 5,474,305    (309,865)       5,164,440 
           End of year - net assets
              available for plan       41,869,387     309,865       42,179,252


                                                                      Schedule 1

                               EIN:  04 2371833
                               Plan Number:  001
Item 27(a) - Assets Held for Investment Purposes (at the end of the plan year)
                               December 31, 1993

Column A        Column B                                 Column C                                 Column D         Column E
- --------        --------                                 --------                                 --------         --------

            Identity of issue, borrower,                                                                            Current
               lessor or similar party               Description of investment                      Cost             value
               -----------------------               -------------------------                      ----             -----

                                                  Registered investment companies
    *       The Boston Company, Inc. Fund        Capital Appreciation Fund                        $ 8,457,318         8,633,307
    *       The Boston Company, Inc. Fund        Managed Income Fund                                6,512,158         6,506,451
    *       The Boston Company, Inc. Fund        Special Growth Fund                                7,624,136         8,381,074
    *       The Boston Company, Inc. Fund        Government Money Fund                              2,713,461         2,713,461
                                                                                                  -----------        ----------
                                                     Total registered investment companies         25,307,073        26,234,293

                                                     Common/collective trusts
    *       The Boston Company, Inc. Fund        Cash Management Fund                               8,702,149         8,702,149
                                                                                                  -----------        ---------- 
                                                     Total common/collective trusts                 8,702,149         8,702,149 

                                                           Common stocks
            American Express Company             American Express Stock Fund                        3,702,179         4,594,169
                                                                                                  -----------        ----------
                                                     Total common stocks                            3,702,179         4,594,169
                                                       Loans to participants

    *       The Boston Company, Inc.             Employee Savings Plan Loans                        2,502,348         2,502,348
                                                                                                  -----------        ----------
                                                     Total loans to participants                    2,502,348         2,502,348
                                                                                                  -----------        ----------
                                                     Total investments                            $40,213,749        42,032,959
                                                                                                  ===========        ==========

*  Party-in-interest

Note:  The range of interest rates on loans to participants as of December 31,
       1993, was 9.5% to 15%, and the range of maturity dates was January 15,
       1994, to May 15, 2024.


                                                                      Schedule 2
                                EIN:  04 2371833
                                Plan Number:  001
                 Item 27(b) - Loans or Fixed Income Obligations
                                December 31, 1993

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 Amount received during                                   
              Identity             Original           reporting year              Unpaid                  
             and address            amount       --------------------------     balance at 
             of obligor            of loan         Principal    Interest        end of year
            ------------          ---------      ------------- ------------     -----------
   N/A     Mary E. Martens                                                                 
           304 Pearl Street                                                                
           Malden, MA 02148        $3,000            0.00         0.00           2,240.81  
   N/A     Christopher Ober                                                                
           220 Essex Street #4      3,000            0.00         0.00           2,534.44  
           Melrose, MA 02176        3,000            0.00         0.00           1,414.80  

                                   Detailed description of loan                                             Amout overdue
   Identity             ----------------------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------------
  and address             Date of    Maturity      Interest                     Renegotiation                     
  of obligor            origination    date          rate       Collateral          terms            Principal        Interest     
 ------------           -----------    ----          ----       ----------          -----            ---------        --------
Mary E. Martens                      
304 Pearl Street                                                                                                               
Malden, MA 02148          1/31/91      2/2/96       %13.50     401(k) balance       none               $723.83         325.57 
Christopher Ober                                                                                                               
220 Essex Street #4       9/24/91     9/27/96        12.00     401(k) balance       none                655.03         328.65 
Melrose, MA 02176         8/22/89      9/2/94        14.50     401(k) balance       none                874.83         180.77 

N/A - Not a party-in-interest transaction.


                                                                      Schedule 3
                                EIN:  04 2371833
                                Plan Number:  001
                      Item 27(d) - Reportable Transactions
                          Year Ended December 31, 1993

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Series Transactions, When Aggregated, Involving an Amount in Excess of Five
Percent of the Current Value of Plan Assets

                                                               Number    Number     Total dollar    Total dollar
         Identity of                                             of        of         value of        value of       Net gain or
       party involved             Description of assets       purchases   sales      purchases         sales           (loss)  
       --------------             ---------------------       ---------  ------      ---------         -----           ------
American Express Company          American Express Company        6         34      $  421,087       2,010,936          225,809
                                    Common Stock                                                                
Boston Safe Deposit and Trust     Special Growth Fund             64        33       2,709,864       1,101,175          210,931 


              Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants

The Board of Directors
Mellon Bank Corporation:

We consent to incorporation by reference in the Prospectus to the Registration
Statement (No. 33-43695) on Form S-8 of American Express Company of our report
dated June 3, 1994, that is included in the Annual Report on Form 11-K of The
Boston Company Employee Savings Plan.

                                          /s/ KPMG Peat Marwick

June 28, 1994

[Logo of Ernst & Young] Ernst & Young

200 Clarendon Street
Massachusetts 02116-5072

Phone: 617 266 2000
Fax:   617 266 5843

                        Report of Independent Auditors

The Retirement, Compensation and Benefits Committee
 of the Boston Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for
plan benefits of The Boston Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan (the Plan)
as of December 31, 1992, and the related statements of changes in net assets
available for plan benefits for the year ended December 31, 1992. These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable
basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of
the Plan at December 31, 1992, and the changes in its net assets available
for plan benefits for the year ended December 31, 1992, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                      ERNST & YOUNG

                                                  /s/ ERNST & YOUNG
May 7, 1993, except for the second
  paragraph of Note 1 as to which
  the date is May 21, 1993


We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement
(Form S-8, No. 33-43695) pertaining to The Boston Company, Inc. Employee
Savings Plan and in the related Prospectus of our report dated May 7, 1993,
except for the second paragraph of Note 1 as to which the date is May 21,
1993, with respect to the financial statements and schedules of The Boston
Company, Inc. Employee Savings Plan included in this Annual Report (Form
11-K) for the year ended December 31, 1993.

                                                    ERNST & YOUNG

                                                /s/ ERNST & YOUNG

Boston, Massachusetts
June 21, 1994


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Retirement, Compensation and Benefits Committee of The Boston Company, Inc., has
duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
hereunto authorized.

                                                    THE BOSTON COMPANY, INC.
                                                    EMPLOYEE SAVINGS PLAN
                                                     /s/ Willis F. Williams    
                                                By: ---------------------------
                                                        Willis F. Williams     
                                                    Member of Retirement,      
                                                    Compensation and Benefits  
                                                    Committee of The Boston    
                                                    Company, Inc.

Date:  June 24, 1994