Exhibit 99.02

Media Contact:  Camilla L. Collova       Investor Contact:  Warren Posey
                V.P. & Director                             Assistant Treasurer
                Corporate Relations                         (717) 396-2216
                (717) 396-2169

                Tom Daly/David Kronfeld
                Kekst and Company
                (212) 521-4800

                        IN UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT

     LANCASTER, PA., June 9, 1997--Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (NYSE: ACK) 
announced today that it has filed a ten count complaint in the United States 
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Sommer Allibert,
S.A., a French corporation that is also the controlling shareholder of Domco 
Inc., a Canadian corporation (MSE:DOC; TSE:DOC). Earlier today, Armstrong 
announced its intention to commence an all cash offer to purchase all of the 
outstanding shares of Domco at CDN$23.00 per share.

     In its complaint, Armstrong seeks a preliminary and permanent injunction to
enjoin Sommer Allibert from merging its floor covering business, including 
Domco, with Tarkett A.G., a corporation organized under the laws of Germany, 
which also competes with Armstrong in the floor covering business. The proposed 
merger was announced on May 28, 1997.

     Armstrong's complaint alleges that Sommer Allibert fraudulently induced 
Armstrong to provide confidential information to Sommer Allibert during the 
course of negotiations between Armstrong and Sommer Allibert concerning a 
proposed acquisition of Sommer Allibert's world-wide floor covering business by
Armstrong for US$775 million (FF4.5 billion). The complaint further alleges that
Sommer Allibert (and other as-yet unnamed co-conspirators), contrary to the
express provisions of a confidentiality agreement entered into between it and
Armstrong, used certain confidential information provided by Armstrong,
including information concerning Armstrong's proposed cash acquisition of Sommer
Allibert's floor covering business, to fashion the Sommer Allibert/Tarkett
combination. Sommer Allibert's actions, according to the complaint, are in
breach not only of the confidentiality agreement, but also of Sommer Allibert's
obligation to deal and negotiate in good faith.

     In addition to asking the Court to enjoin Sommer Allibert from entering 
into an agreement with Tarkett, Armstrong also seeks to enjoin Sommer Allibert 
from continuing to misuse Armstrong's confidential information. The complaint 
also seeks compensatory, exemplary and punitive damages.

     Armstrong is a global manufacturer and marketer of interior furnishings, 
including floor coverings and ceilings systems, with sales of $2.156 billion in 