
     1.   Purpose.  The purposes of the Executive Annual Incentive Compensation
Plan ("Plan") are to provide a performance incentive to certain executive
officers and other key employees of Federated Investors, Inc. and its
subsidiaries, to encourage such executives and employees to remain in the employ
of Federated Investors, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and to qualify the
compensation paid under the Plan for tax deductibility under Internal Revenue
Code ("IRC") Section 162(m).

     2.   Definition.  For purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall be
defined as set forth below:

     (a)  "Award" shall mean a portion of the Incentive Pool payable to a
          Participant as determined pursuant to Section 4. Awards shall be paid
          in cash.

     (b)  "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of Federated.

     (c)  "CEO" shall mean the Chief Executive Officer of Federated.

     (d)  "Federated" shall mean Federated Investors, Inc. and shall include any
          corporation that is or hereafter becomes a subsidiary corporation of
          Federated Investors, Inc. within the meaning of IRC Section 424(f).

     (e)  "Incentive Pool" shall mean a pool of funds specified by the CEO in
          accordance with Section 4, out of which Awards may be made to

     (f)  "Operating Profits" shall mean Federated's (i) annual total revenues,
          less (ii) distributions to minority interests, and less (iii) total
          expenses excluding amortization of intangibles (including write-offs
          from revaluations) and debt expenses (including, without limitation,
          interest and loan fees), as reflected in Federated's audited annual
          financial statements.

     (g)  "Participant" shall mean the CEO and any executive officer of
          Federated who qualifies as a "covered person" for purposes of IRC
          Section 162(m), and who the CEO designates to participate in the Plan
          for a specific fiscal year.

     3.   Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by the CEO.  The CEO
is authorized, subject to the provisions of the Plan, in his discretion, from
time to time to 

select Participants; to grant Awards under the Plan; to establish, modify, or
rescind such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the proper
administration of the Plan; and to make such determinations and interpretations
and to take such steps in connection with the Plan or the Awards granted
thereunder as he deems necessary or advisable. All such actions by the CEO under
the Plan or with respect to the Awards granted thereunder shall be final and
binding on all persons. The CEO shall not be liable for any action taken, or
determination made in good faith.

     4.   Awards.

     (a)  Creation of Incentive Pool.  The Incentive Pool for each fiscal year
          shall equal 7.5% of Operating Profits.

     (b)  Allocation of Incentive Pool.  On or before on or before the 90th day
          of the fiscal year to which the Incentive Pool relates, the CEO shall
          allocate in writing on behalf of each Participant, a portion of the
          Incentive Pool (not to exceed 40% on behalf of any Participant) to be
          paid for each fiscal year.

     (c)  Adjustments.  The CEO is authorized at any time during or after the
          fiscal year and prior to the payment of the Awards for such fiscal
          year in his sole and absolute discretion, to reduce or eliminate the
          Incentive Pool or the portion of the Incentive Pool allocated to any
          Participant, for any reason, including without limitation changes in
          the position or duties of any Participant with Federated during the
          year, whether due to any termination of employment (including death,
          disability, retirement or termination with or without cause) or

     (d)  Payment of Awards.

          (i)    Following the completion of each fiscal year, the CEO shall
                 certify in writing the amount of the Incentive Pool and Awards
                 payable to Participants.

          (ii)   In the event a Participant terminates employment for any reason
                 during a fiscal year or prior to an Award payment, he or she
                 (or his or her beneficiary, in the case of death) shall not be
                 entitled to receive any Award for such year unless the CEO, in
                 his sole and absolute discretion, elects to pay an Award to
                 such Participant.

          (iii)  In the event of the death of a Participant, any payments
                 hereunder due to such Participants shall be paid to his or her
                 beneficiary as designated in writing to the CEO or failing such
                 designation, to his or her estate. No beneficiary designation
                 shall be effective unless it is in writing and received by the
                 CEO prior to the date of death of the Participant.

     5.   General Provisions.

     (a)  Taxes. Federated is authorized to withhold from any payment relating
          to an Award under the Plan, or any payroll or other payment to a
          Participant, amounts of withholding and other taxes due in connection
          with such Award or payment, and to take such other action as the CEO
          may deem advisable to enable Federated and Participants to satisfy
          obligations for the payment of withholding taxes and other tax
          obligations relating to any Award.

     (b)  Limitation on Rights Conferred under Plan and Beneficiaries. Status as
          Participants shall not be construed as a commitment that any Award
          will be payable under the Plan. Nothing contained in the Plan or in
          any documents related to the Plan or to any Award shall confer upon
          any Participant any right to continue in the employ of Federated or
          constitute any contract or agreement of employment, or interfere in
          any way with the right of Federated or a subsidiary to reduce such
          person's compensation, to change the position held by such person or
          to terminate the employment of such Participant, with or without
          cause, but nothing contained in this Plan or any document related
          thereto shall effect any other contractual right or any Participant.
          No benefit payable under, or interest in, this Plan shall be
          transferable by a Participant except by will or the laws of descent
          and distribution or otherwise be subject in any manner to
          anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge,
          encumbrance or charge.

     (c)  Changes to the Plan and Awards. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
          contrary, the Board may, at any time, terminate or, from time to time,
          amend, modify or suspend the Plan and the terms and provisions of any
          Award theretofore granted to any Participant which has not been paid.
          No award may be granted during any suspension of the Plan or after the
          termination. Any such amendment may be made without stockholder

     (d)  Unfunded Status of Awards; Creation of Trusts. The Plan is intended to
          constitute an "unfunded" plan for incentive and deferred compensation.
          With respect to any amounts payable to a Participant pursuant to an
          Award, nothing contained in the Plan (or in any documents related
          thereto), nor the creation or adoption of the Plan, the grant of any
          Award, or the taking of any other action pursuant to the Plan shall
          give any such Participants any rights that are greater than those of a
          general creditor of Federated, except the CEO may authorize the
          creation of trusts and deposit therein cash, stock, or other property
          or make other arrangements to meet Federated's obligations under the
          Plan. Such trusts or other arrangements shall be consistent with the
          "unfunded" status of the Plan unless the CEO otherwise determines with
          the consent of each affected Participant. The trustee of such trusts
          may be authorized to dispose of trust assets and 

          reinvest the proceeds in alternative investments, subject to such
          terms and conditions as the Committee may specify in accordance with
          applicable law.

     (e)  Non-Exclusivity of the Plan. Neither the adoption of the Plan by the
          Board nor its submission to the stockholders of Federated for approval
          shall be construed as creating any limitations on the power of the
          Board to adopt such other incentive arrangements as it may deem

     (f)  Governing Law. The validity, construction, and effect of the Plan, any
          rules and regulations relating to the Plan, and any Award shall be
          determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of
          Pennsylvania without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws,
          and applicable federal law.

     (g)  Effective Date.  The Plan shall become effective on approval by the
          Board and the vote of a majority of the outstanding voting stock of