Exhibit 99.2

                           OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.
                                 (THE "COMPANY")

                                 AMENDED NOTICE

YOU ARE HERBY NOTIFIED that there will be a Special General Meeting of the
Company to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, Washington Mall I,
22 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda on Monday the 5th day of June, 2000 at
11:00 a.m. (Bermuda time), 3:00 p.m. (U.K. time).


I.      Elect a Chairman, if necessary.

II.     Read Notice convening this meeting and confirm quorum.

III.    Consider, and if thought fit, approve the following actions recommended
        by the Board of Directors:


        On May 12, 2000, our Board of Directors adopted the Omninet
        International Ltd. 2000 Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan (the
        "Outside Directors' Plan"). We want to implement the Outside Directors'
        Plan for our non-employee directors ("Outside Directors"). The Outside
        Directors' Plan will enhance our ability to attract and retain key
        personnel by providing us with increased flexibility to grant
        equity-based compensation to Outside Directors. The following summary of
        the plan is qualified in its entirety by reference to the plan document
        attached hereto as Exhibit A:


        The Outside Directors' Plan is administered by a committee of the Board
        of Directors. The committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and
        will consist of at least two directors who are not eligible to
        participate in the plan.


        Outside Directors shall be eligible to receive stock options under the
        Outside Directors' Plan.



        Each Outside Director in the Outside Directors' Plan shall be granted an
        option to purchase 5,000 shares of common stock each year as of the date
        of the first Board of Directors meeting following each annual meeting of
        shareholders. The exercise price of each share of common stock pursuant
        to such option shall be the market value of the common stock as of the
        date the option is granted.


        Each award of non-qualified stock options may be exercised within ten
        years from the date of grant or upon the happening of the following

        1.     90 days from the date an Outside Director ceases to be either a
               director or an employee if such employment or position is not
               terminated for cause;

        2.     the date the Outside Director ceases to be a director or an
               employee if such employment or position is terminated for cause;

        3.     the date the Outside Director violates any nonsolicitation or
               non-complete agreement;

        4.     the date the Outside Director engages in competition with the

        5.     one year from the date the Outside Director ceases to be a
               director or an employee if such employment or position is
               terminated due to a disability.

        In addition, upon the sale of greater than 50% of the capital stock or
        property of the Company, the Company may terminate the option and pay
        Outside Directors the excess of the fair market value of any vested and
        unexercised options over the purchase price of the vested and
        unexercised option shares.


        The options granted pursuant to the Outside Directors' Plan shall vest
        as set forth below:

        Period of Service After Date of Grant                    Percentage Vested
        -------------------------------------                    -----------------
        91 days                                                           25%
        182 days                                                          50%
        273 days                                                          75%
        364 days                                                         100%

        The Outside Director will be credited with service for purposes of
        vesting for each day beginning on or after the date of grant and ending
        on the Outside Director's cessation of service as a director.



        The exercise price of each stock option granted must be paid with one of
        the following three methods, unless the Outside Director's agreement
        provides for an alternative form of payment: (1) cash; (2) by exchanging
        stock which the Outside Director has held for at least six months; or
        (3) by a cashless exercise whereby a broker sells a number of shares
        (which the broker has not yet received) sufficient to pay the exercise


        An Outside Director's tax consequences will depend upon where he or she
        lives. Outside Directors will need to consult a tax advisor who is
        familiar with the Outside Director's local tax laws.


        The number of shares of Company common stock reserved for issuance in
        connection with the grant or settlement of stock options or to which a
        stock option is subject, as the case may be, and the exercise price of
        each option are subject to adjustment in the event of any
        recapitalization of the Company or similar event effected without
        receipt of consideration by the Company. In the event of certain
        corporate reorganizations, stock options may be substituted, cancelled,
        accelerated, cashed-out or otherwise adjusted by the committee, provided
        such adjustment is not inconsistent with the express terms of the
        Outside Directors' Plan or the applicable award.


        The Company has reserved from its authorized but unissued shares of
        common stock 100,000 shares for awards pursuant to the Outside
        Directors' Plan. The number of shares of common stock reserved under the
        Outside Directors' Plan is subject to adjustment in the event of stock
        dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations and similar events. If any
        stock option expires or terminates without being exercised, the shares
        of common stock allocable to the unexercised portion of such stock
        option may again be subjected to a stock option under the Outside
        Directors' Plan.


        The Board of Directors may amend the Outside Directors' Plan or
        terminate the Outside Directors' Plan without shareholder approval;
        provided, however, that without the approval of those Outside Directors
        affected, no amendment or termination of the Outside Directors' Plan
        shall adversely affect the rights of an Outside Director with regard to
        stock options previously granted. The Board of Directors may condition
        any amendment on the approval of the shareholders if such approval is
        necessary or advisable with respect to tax, securities or other
        applicable laws to which the Company, the Outside Directors' Plan or
        Outside Directors are subject.


                           RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTORS

        The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of our
        common stock represented at a meeting at which a quorum is present is
        required for approval of the Outside Directors' Plan. THE BOARD OF


        On May 12, 2000 our Board of Directors approved the Omninet
        International Ltd. 2000 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Stock Incentive
        Plan"). We want to implement the Stock Incentive Plan for our employees.
        The Stock Incentive Plan will enhance our ability to attract and retain
        key personnel by providing us with increased flexibility to grant
        equity-based compensation to select employees. The following summary of
        the plan is qualified in its entirety by reference to the plan document
        attached hereto as Exhibit B:


        Awards under the Stock Incentive Plan will be determined by a committee
        of the Board of Directors, the members of which are selected by the
        Board of Directors.


        The Stock Incentive Plan permits the committee to make awards of shares
        of Company common stock and awards of derivative securities related to
        the value of the Company common stock. These discretionary awards may be
        made on an individual basis or pursuant to a program approved by the
        committee for the benefit of a group of eligible persons.

        The Stock Incentive Plan permits the committee to make awards of a
        variety of equity-based incentives, including stock awards, options to
        purchase shares of Company common stock, stock appreciation rights,
        phantom shares, dividend equivalent rights and similar rights (together,
        "Stock Incentives").

        The number of shares of Company common stock as to which a Stock
        Incentive is granted and to whom any Stock Incentive is granted shall be
        determined by the committee, subject to the provisions of the Stock
        Incentive Plan. Issuable Stock Incentives may be made exercisable or
        settled at such prices and may be made terminable under such terms as
        are established by the committee, to the extent not otherwise
        inconsistent with the terms of the Stock Incentive Plan.

        Stock Incentives are transferable or assignable during a holder's
        lifetime only with the consent of the committee.



        Options may be made exercisable at a price equal to, less than or more
        than the fair market value of the Company common stock on the date that
        the option is awarded, based upon an average fair market value of the
        Company common stock at the time the option is awarded or at the time
        the option is exercised, or based upon any other reasonable measure of
        fair market value. The Committee shall determine the fair market value
        of Company common stock until such time as the Company common stock is
        publicly traded.

        The Committee may permit an option exercise price to be paid in cash, by
        the delivery of previously-owned shares of Company common stock, through
        a cashless exercise executed through a broker or by having a number of
        shares of Company common stock otherwise issuable at the time of
        exercise withheld. The Stock Incentive Plan allows for the issuance of
        both non-qualified stock options and Incentive Stock Options, as defined
        under U.S. tax law ("Incentive Stock Options"). Incentive Stock Options
        are applicable only under U.S. tax laws.


        Stock appreciation rights may be granted separately or in connection
        with another Stock Incentive, and the Committee may provide that they
        are exercisable at the discretion of the holder or that they will be
        paid at a time or times certain or upon the occurrence or non-occurrence
        of certain events. Stock appreciation rights may be settled in shares of
        Company common stock or in cash, according to terms established by the
        committee with respect to any particular award.


        The committee may grant shares of Company common stock to a participant,
        subject to such restrictions and conditions, if any, as the committee
        shall determine.


        Dividend equivalent rights, performance units, and phantom shares may be
        granted in such numbers or units and may be subject to such conditions
        or restrictions as the Committee shall determine and shall be payable in
        cash or shares of Company common Stock, as the committee may determine.

        The terms of particular Stock Incentives may provide that they
        terminate, among other reasons, upon the holder's termination of
        employment or other status with respect to the Company and any
        affiliate, upon a specified date, upon the holder's death or disability,
        or upon the occurrence of a change in control of the Company. Stock
        Incentives may also include exercise, conversion or settlement rights to
        a holder's estate or personal representative in the event of the
        holder's death or disability. At the committee's discretion, Stock
        Incentives that are held by an employee who suffers a termination of
        employment may be cancelled, accelerated, paid or continued, subject to
        the terms of the applicable Stock Incentive agreement and to the
        provisions of the Stock Incentive Plan.



        The Company has reserved from its authorized but unissued shares of
        common stock 1,100,000 shares for awards pursuant to the Stock Incentive
        Plan. The number of shares of Company common stock reserved for issuance
        in connection with the grant or settlement of Stock Incentives or to
        which a Stock Incentive is subject, as the case may be, and the exercise
        price of each option are subject to adjustment in the event of any
        recapitalization of the Company or similar event effected without
        receipt of consideration by the Company.

        In the event of certain corporate reorganizations, Stock Incentives may
        be substituted, cancelled, accelerated, cashed-out or otherwise adjusted
        by the committee, provided such adjustment is not inconsistent with the
        express terms of the Stock Incentive Plan or the applicable Stock
        Incentive agreement.


        Although the Stock Incentive Plan may be amended by the Board of
        Directors without shareholder approval, the Board of Directors also may
        condition any such amendment upon shareholder approval if shareholder
        approval is deemed necessary or appropriate in consideration of tax,
        securities or other laws.


        The following discussion outlines generally the tax consequences of
        participation in the Stock Incentive Plan. Individual circumstances may
        vary and each participant should rely on his or her own tax counsel for
        advice regarding any taxation resulting from the Stock Incentive Plan.


        If the options granted under the Stock Incentive Plan are Incentive
        Stock Options, specific U.S. tax rules will apply to U.S. taxpayers. A
        participant will not be taxed upon the grant of an Incentive Stock
        Option or at the time he or she exercises the option or a portion
        thereof. Instead, he or she will be taxed at the time he or she sells
        the Company Common Stock purchased pursuant to the option. The
        participant will be taxed on the difference between the price he or she
        paid for the stock and the amount for which he or she sells the stock.
        If the participant does not sell the stock prior to two years from the
        date of grant of the option and one year from the date the stock is
        transferred to him or her, the participant will be entitled to capital
        gain or loss treatment based upon the difference between the amount
        realized on the disposition and the aggregate exercise price and the
        Company will not get a corresponding deduction. If the participant sells
        the stock at a gain prior to that time, the difference between the
        amount the participant paid for the stock and the lesser of the fair
        market value on the date of exercise or the amount for which the stock
        is sold, will be taxed as ordinary income and the Company will be
        entitled to a corresponding deduction. If the stock is sold for an
        amount in excess of the fair market value on the date of exercise, the
        excess amount is taxed as capital gain. If the participant sells the
        stock for less than the amount he or she paid for the stock prior to the
        one or two

        year periods indicated, no amount will be taxed as ordinary income and
        the loss will be taxed as a capital loss.


        Participants should see their local benefits counselor or a professional
        tax advisor for information on the potential tax consequences of any
        other Stock Incentives described in this Summary.

                           RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTORS

        The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of our
        common stock represented at a meeting at which a quorum is present is
        required for approval of the Stock Incentive Plan. THE BOARD OF


        Our proposed Bye-laws, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C
        (the "Revised Bye-laws"), will implement certain changes to our current
        Bye-laws that will alter the rights of members and the powers of
        management. The discussion below summarizes those changes that might
        have a material effect on the rights of members. These changes may have
        anti-takeover implications as described below. The following discussion
        is qualified in its entirety by reference to Exhibit C.

        The current Bye-laws provide that directors are to be elected at an
        annual general meeting of members to serve until re-elected or their
        successors are appointed at the next annual general meeting. The Revised
        Bye-laws, however, will divide the Board of Directors into three classes
        of directors, each class to be as nearly equal in number of directors as
        possible. The term of office of the first class of directors will expire
        at the next annual general meeting, that of the second class of
        directors at the second succeeding annual general meeting and that of
        the third class of directors at the third succeeding annual general
        meeting. The Board of Directors believes that a classified Board of
        Directors will help to assure the continuity and stability of the Board
        of Directors as well as our business strategies and policies because a
        majority of the directors at any given time will have had prior
        experience with us. The Board of Directors believes that this, in turn,
        will permit the Board of Directors to more effectively represent the
        interests of members. With a classified Board of Directors, at least two
        annual general meetings, instead of one, will generally be required to
        effect a change in the majority of the Board of Directors. As a result,
        establishing a classified Board of Directors may discourage purchases of
        a substantial block of our common stock by preventing a change in
        control of the Board of Directors in a relatively short period of time.
        A classified Board of Directors could also have the effect of
        discouraging a third party from making a tender offer or otherwise
        attempting to obtain control of us.


        In addition, under the Revised Bye-laws a director can only be removed
        for cause by a vote of 75% of our members. The current Bye-laws permit
        directors to be removed by a 50% vote of the members with or without

        The current Bye-laws permit amendment of our Bye-laws in accordance with
        the Companies Act. If the Revised Bye-laws are approved, an affirmative
        vote of the Board of Directors and at least 75% of our members entitled
        to vote thereon will be required to amend the provisions establishing a
        classified Board of Directors and providing for removal of directors for

        The current Bye-laws also permit us to change the currency of
        denomination of, increase, alter or reduce our share capital by a
        resolution adopted by members representing not less than 50% of our
        issued and outstanding shares. The Revised Bye-laws will require a
        resolution adopted by members representing not less than 75% of our
        issued and outstanding shares to undertake the same actions.

        Finally, the current Bye-laws provide that two members shall constitute
        a quorum for purposes of holding an annual general meeting or a special
        general meeting. The Revised Bye-laws will require two members
        representing at least 50% of our voting stock to constitute a quorum.

                           RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTORS

        The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of our
        common stock represented at a meeting at which a quorum is present is
        required to approve the Revised Bye-laws. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS


        The Board of Directors wants to issue shares of the Company's common
        stock to certain of its directors to compensate them for past services
        and to give them a stake in the future success of the Company. With
        respect to this item, shares of common stock controlled by Mr. Kohn will
        be voted in proportion to the shares of the other members voting at the
        special general meeting.

        The Board of Directors has approved grants as follows:

        (i)    60,000 shares of the Company's common stock to Michael Schroter;

        (ii)   60,000 shares of the Company's common stock to Jeffrey G.
               Conyers; and

        (iii)  90,000 shares of the Company's common stock to Eric F. Kohn.


                           RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTORS

        The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of our
        common stock represented at a meeting at which a quorum is present is
        required to approve the issuances of common stock referenced above. THE

IV.     Consider any other business that might properly come before the meeting.

                                            By Order of the Directors

Dated:       12th May, 2000

To:         Shareholders and Directors


                                       Exhibit A

                              OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.
                       2000 OUTSIDE DIRECTORS' STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION

        The Omninet International Ltd. 2000 Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan
(the "Plan") provides Omninet International Ltd. (the "Company") with the
ability to grant each non-employee director nonqualified stock options
("Options") to purchase shares ("Option Shares") of common stock of the Company.

                                SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS

        2.1 Definitions. The following words and phrases shall, when used
herein, have the meanings set forth below:

        (a) "Affiliate" means (i) an entity that directly or through one or more
intermediaries is controlled by the Company, and (ii) any entity in which the
Company has a significant equity interest, as determined by the Company.

        (b) "Agreement" means a stock option agreement, which is an agreement
subject to the terms of the Plan.

        (c) "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

        (d) "Committee" means the committee appointed by the Board of Directors
to administer the Plan. If a Committee has not been appointed, "Committee" shall
mean the Board of Directors in their entirety.

        (e) "Common Stock" means the common stock, par value $.001 per share, of
the Company.

        (f) "Director" means a director of the Company.

        (g) "Employee" means any person who is listed on the payroll records of
the Company or an Affiliate as an employee.

        (h) "Fair Market Value" with regard to a date means:

            (1)    the average of the high and low prices at which Stock shall
                   have been sold on that date or the last trading date prior to
                   that date as reported by a generally accepted securities
                   exchange selected by the Committee on which the shares of
                   Stock are then actively


                   traded) and published in a publication designated by the
                   Committee for such purposes;

            (2)    if the Stock is not traded on a securities exchange, but is
                   reported by a generally accepted securities reporting service
                   designated by the Committee and market information is
                   published on a regular basis in a publication designated by
                   the Committee, the average of the published high and low
                   sales prices for that date or the last business day prior to
                   that date as published in that publication;

            (3)    if such market information is not published on a regular
                   basis, the average of the high bid and low asked prices of
                   Stock in an over-the-counter market on that date or the last
                   business day prior to that date, as reported by a generally
                   accepted reporting service designated by the Committee, or

            (4)    if Stock is not publicly traded, as determined in good faith
                   by the Committee with due consideration being given to (i)
                   the most recent independent appraisal of the Company, if such
                   appraisal is not more than twelve months old and (ii) the
                   valuation methodology used in any such appraisal provided
                   that, for purposes of granting awards other than Incentive
                   Stock Options, Fair Market Value of the shares of Stock may
                   be determined by the Committee by reference to the average
                   market value determined over a period certain or as of
                   specified dates, to a tender offer price for the shares of
                   Stock (if settlement of an award is triggered by such an
                   event) or to any other reasonable measure of fair market

        (i) "Option" means an option to purchase Shares of the Company granted
pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

        (j) "Optionee" means a Director who is granted an Option pursuant to and
in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

        (k) "Option Shares" means Shares subject to and issued pursuant to an
exercise of an Option granted under the Plan.

        (l) "Share" means a share of Common Stock of the Company.

                            SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATION

        3.1 Delegation to Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the
Committee which shall consist of at least two Directors who are not eligible to
participate in the Plan. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the
Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may from time to time remove members
from or add members to the Committee. Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled
by the Board of Directors.


        3.2 Committee Actions. The Committee shall select one of its members as
chairman, and shall hold meetings at such times and places as it may determine.
Acts approved by the majority of the Committee in a meeting at which a quorum is
present or acts reduced to or approved in writing by a majority of the members
of the Committee shall be the valid acts of the Committee. A quorum shall be
present at any meeting of the Committee which a majority of the Committee
members attend.

        3.3 Finality. The Committee shall have the authority in its sole
discretion to interpret the Plan, to grant Options under and in accordance with
the provisions of the Plan, and to make all other determinations and to take all
other actions it deems necessary or advisable for the implementation and
administration of the Plan or Agreements thereunder, except to the extent such
powers are herein reserved by the Board of Directors. All actions of the Board
of Directors and the Committee shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the
Optionees. No member of the Board of Directors or the Committee shall be liable
for any action taken or decision made in good faith relating to the Plan or any
grant of an Option thereunder. All Options granted pursuant to this Plan shall
be evidenced by an Agreement and shall be subject to the terms of the Plan and
such additional terms are as set forth in the Agreement.

        3.4 Eligibility. Directors who are not Employees of the Company or an
Affiliate shall be eligible to receive Options under the Plan on the terms and
subject to the restrictions hereinafter set forth.

        3.5 Exercise and Payment of Option Awards. All Options may be exercised
to the extent vested. All Options may be exercised only by written notice to the
Company. Payment for all shares of Stock purchased pursuant to exercise of an
Option shall be made (a) in cash; (b) by delivery to the Company of a number of
shares of Stock which have been beneficially owned by the Eligible Director for
at least six (6) months prior to the date of exercise having an aggregate Fair
Market Value of not less than the product of the exercise price multiplied by
the number of shares the Eligible Director intends to purchase upon exercise of
the Option on the date of delivery; or (c) to the extent available, in a
cashless exercise through a broker. Payment shall be made at the time that the
Option or any part thereof is exercised, and no shares shall be issued or
delivered upon exercise of an Option until full payment has been made. The
holder of an Option, as such, shall have none of the rights of a stockholder.

        3.6 Non-Transferability. Unless otherwise permitted by the Committee, an
Option shall not be transferable or assignable except by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution and shall be exercisable, during the Optionee's
lifetime, only by the Optionee, or in the event of the Optionee's Disability, by
his or her legal representative.

                        SECTION 4. SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

        The aggregate number of Option Shares which may be issued under the Plan
shall at no time exceed 100,000. The limitations established by this Section
shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. In
the event that an Option expires or is terminated for any reason, the Option
Shares allocable to the unexercised portion of such Option may again be subject
to an Option under the Plan. In the event


that an Optionee delivers Shares as payment of the exercise price for an Option,
such Shares may be subject to Options under this Plan.

                            SECTION 5. OPTION AWARDS

        Each Option contemplated by this Section 5 shall be evidenced by an
Agreement which shall incorporate the applicable terms of the Plan. The terms of
each Agreement shall provide: (a) that the per share purchase price for each
share of Stock subject to the Option shall be the Fair Market Value as of the
date of grant; (b) that the Option shall expire upon the earlier of the tenth
(10th) anniversary following the date of grant or the date set forth under the
terms of the Agreement; and (c) that the option shall be subject to the vesting
schedule set forth in the Agreement.

                            SECTION 6. FORMULA GRANTS

        Beginning with the date of the special general meeting of shareholders
on which the Plan is approved, and continuing each year thereafter until the
expiration of the Plan, on the date of the first meeting of the Board of
Directors which follows such Special General Meeting, each eligible director as
of such date shall be granted an Option to purchase 5,000 shares of Stock.

                             SECTION 7. TERM OF PLAN

        The Plan shall be effective on the date of its approval by the
shareholders of the Company and shall continue to be effective until ten (10)
years following the effective date of the Plan, unless sooner terminated by the
Board of Directors pursuant to Section 10 hereof. The Company shall submit the
Plan to its stockholders for approval within twelve (12) months of the approval
of the Plan by the Board of Directors.


        In addition to such other rights of indemnification that the members of
the Committee may have, each member of the Committee shall be indemnified by the
Company against the reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, actually and
necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit or
proceeding, or in connection with any appeal therein, to which it may be a party
by reason of any action taken or failure to act under or in connection with the
Plan or any Option granted thereunder, and against all amounts paid by it in
settlement thereof (provided the settlement has received the prior approval of
the Company) or paid by it in satisfaction of a judgment in any such action,
suit or proceeding, except in relation to matters as to which it shall be
adjudged in the action, suit or proceeding that the Committee member is liable
for negligence or misconduct in the performance of its duties; provided that
promptly after institution of the action, suit or proceeding the Committee
member shall in writing offer the Company the opportunity, at its own expense,
to handle and defend such matter. Upon the delivery to the Committee member of
written notice of assumption by the Company of the defense of such matter, the
Company will not be responsible to the Committee member for any further fees and
disbursements relating to the defense of such matter, including fees and
disbursements of counsel.



        The Board of Directors at any time may amend or terminate the Plan
without stockholder approval; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may
condition any amendment on the approval of the stockholders of the Company if
such approval is necessary or advisable with respect to tax, securities or other
applicable laws to which the Company, this Plan, optionees or eligible directors
are subject. No amendment or termination of the Plan shall adversely affect the
rights of an Optionee with regard to his Options without his consent.


        If (i) the number of Shares shall be increased or reduced by a change in
par value, split-up, stock split, reverse stock split, reclassification, merger,
consolidation, distribution of stock dividends or similar capital adjustments,
or (ii) the Company engages in a transaction for which the Committee determines
an adjustment is appropriate, then the Committee may make an adjustment in the
number and kind of Shares available for the granting of Options under the Plan.
In addition, the Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion, make an
adjustment in the number, kind and price of Shares as to which outstanding
Options, or the portions thereof then unexercised, shall be exercisable, to the
end that the Optionee's proportionate interest is maintained as before the
occurrence of the event. The adjustment in outstanding Options will be made
without change in the total price applicable to the unexercised portion of the
Option and, if necessary, with a corresponding adjustment in the exercise price
per share. Any fractional Shares resulting from such adjustments shall be
eliminated. All adjustments made by the Committee under this Section shall be

        In the event of a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the
Company or tender offer for Shares, the Committee may make such adjustments with
respect to Options and take such other action as it deems necessary or
appropriate to reflect such merger, consolidation, reorganization or tender
offer, including, without limitation, the substitution of new Options, or the
adjustment of outstanding Options, the acceleration of Options, the removal of
restrictions on outstanding Options, or the termination of outstanding Options
in exchange for the cash value determined in good faith by the Committee of the
Options. Any adjustment pursuant to this Section may provide, in the Committee's
discretion, for the elimination without payment therefor of any fractional
Shares that might otherwise become subject to any Options, but except as set
forth in this Section may not otherwise diminish the then value of the Options.

                          SECTION 11. WITHHOLDING TAXES

        To the extent required by applicable law to which the Company is
subject, the Company shall have the right to require the recipient to remit to
the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy any tax requirement prior to the
delivery of any certificate or certificates for such Shares. An optionee must
pay the withholding tax in cash or by certified check or by the Company
deducting a sufficient number of Shares from the Option Shares issued to satisfy
withholding taxes, in accordance with the Agreement.


                       SECTION 12. RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER

        An Optionee or a transferee of an Optionee shall have no rights as a
stockholder with respect to any Option or Option Shares until the date of the
issuance of a stock certificate to him for the Option Shares. No adjustment
shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash,
securities or other property) or distributions or other rights for which the
record date is prior to the date the stock certificate is issued, except as
otherwise provided in the Plan.

                            SECTION 13. GOVERNING LAW

        The laws of Bermuda shall govern this Plan.

                           SECTION 14. EFFECTIVE DATE

        This Plan shall become effective upon its approval by the Company's
shareholders and the Company's Board of Directors.

                             OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.




                                       Exhibit B

                              OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.
                               2000 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

                                 SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS

        1.1    Definitions.  Whenever used herein, the masculine pronoun will
be deemed to include the feminine, and the singular to include the plural,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, and the following capitalized
words and phrases are used herein with the meaning thereafter ascribed:

               (a)    "Affiliate" means:

                      (1)    an entity that directly or through one or more
                             intermediaries is controlled by the Company, and

                      (2)    any entity in which the Company has a significant
                             equity interest, as determined by the Company.

               (b)    "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the

               (c)    "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

               (d)    "Committee" means the committee appointed by the Board of
        Directors to administer the Plan.  If a Committee has not been
        appointed, "Committee" shall mean the Board of Directors in their

               (e)    "Company" means Omninet International Ltd.

               (f)    "Disability" has the same meaning as provided in the
        long-term disability plan or policy maintained or, if applicable, most
        recently maintained, by the Company or, if applicable, any Affiliate of
        the Company for the Participant. If no long-term disability plan or
        policy was ever maintained on behalf of the Participant or, if the
        determination of Disability relates to an Incentive Stock Option,
        Disability means that condition described in Code Section 22(e)(3), as
        amended from time to time.  In the event of a dispute, the
        determination of Disability will be made by the Committee and will be
        supported by advice of a physician competent in the area to which such
        Disability relates.

               (g)    "Dividend Equivalent Rights" means certain rights to
        receive cash payments as described in Section 3.5.

               (h)    "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
        as amended from time to time.

               (i)    "Fair Market Value" with regard to a date means:


                      (1)    the average of the high and low prices at which
                             Stock shall have been sold on that date or the
                             last trading date prior to that date as reported
                             by a generally accepted securities exchange
                             selected by the Committee on which the shares of
                             Stock are then actively traded) and published in a
                             publication designated by the Committee for such

                      (2)    the Stock is not traded on a securities exchange,
                             but is reported by a generally accepted securities
                             reporting service designated by the Committee and
                             market information is published on a regular basis
                             in a publication designated by the Committee, the
                             average of the published high and low sales prices
                             for that date or the last business day prior to
                             that date as published in that publication;

                      (3)    if such market information is not published on a
                             regular basis, the average of the high bid and low
                             asked prices of Stock in the over-the-counter
                             market on that date or the last business day prior
                             to that date, as reported by a generally accepted
                             reporting service designated by the Committee, or

                      (4)    if Stock is not publicly traded, as determined in
                             good faith by the Committee with due consideration
                             being given to (i) the most recent independent
                             appraisal of the Company, if such appraisal is not
                             more than twelve months old and (ii) the valuation
                             methodology used in any such appraisal provided
                             that, for purposes of granting awards other than
                             Incentive Stock Options, Fair Market Value of the
                             shares of Stock may be determined by the Committee
                             by reference to the average market value
                             determined over a period certain or as of
                             specified dates, to a tender offer price for the
                             shares of Stock (if settlement of an award is
                             triggered by such an event) or to any other
                             reasonable measure of fair market value.

               (j)    "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option to purchase
        shares of Stock to the extent Code Section 422 applies.

               (k)    "Option" means a non-qualified stock option or an
        Incentive Stock Option.

               (l)    "Over 10% Owner" means an individual who at the time an
        Incentive Stock Option is granted owns Stock possessing more than 10%
        of the total combined voting power of the Company or one of its
        Subsidiaries, determined by applying the attribution rules of Code
        Section 424(d).

               (m)    "Participant" means an individual who receives a Stock
        Incentive hereunder.


               (n)    "Performance Unit Award" refers to a performance unit
        award as described in Section 3.6.

               (o)    "Phantom Shares" refers to the rights described in
        Section 3.7.

               (p)    "Plan" means the Omninet International Ltd. 2000 Stock
Incentive Plan.

               (q)    "Stock" means the Company's common stock.

               (r)    "Stock Appreciation Right" means a stock appreciation
        right described in Section 3.3.

               (s)    "Stock Award" means a stock award described in Section

               (t)    "Stock Incentive Agreement" means an agreement between
        the Company and a Participant or other documentation evidencing an
        award of a Stock Incentive.

               (u)    "Stock Incentive Program" means a written program
        established by the Committee, pursuant to which Stock Incentives are
        awarded under the Plan under uniform terms, conditions and restrictions
        set forth in such written program.

               (v)    "Stock Incentives" means, collectively, Dividend
        Equivalent Rights, Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock
        Options, Phantom Shares, Stock Appreciation Rights and Stock Awards.

               (w)    "Subsidiary" means any corporation (other than the
        Company) in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning with the
        Company if, with respect to Incentive Stock Options, at the time of the
        granting of the Option, each of the corporations other than the last
        corporation in the unbroken chain owns stock possessing 50% or more of
        the total combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the
        other corporations in the chain.

               (x)    "Termination of Employment" means the termination of the
        employee-employer relationship between a Participant and the Company
        and its Affiliates, regardless of whether severance or similar payments
        are made to the Participant for any reason, including, but not by way
        of limitation, a termination by resignation, discharge, death,
        Disability or retirement.  The Committee will, in its absolute
        discretion, determine the effect of all matters and questions relating
        to a Termination of Employment, including, but not by way of
        limitation, the question of whether a leave of absence constitutes a
        Termination of Employment.

                          SECTION 2 THE STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

        2.1    Purpose of the Plan.  The Plan is intended to (a) provide
incentive to officers and key employees of the Company and its Affiliates to
stimulate their efforts toward the continued success of the Company and to
operate and manage the business in


a manner that will provide for the long-term growth and profitability of the
Company; (b) encourage stock ownership by officers and key employees by
providing them with a means to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company,
acquire shares of Stock, or to receive compensation which is based upon
appreciation in the value of Stock; and (c) provide a means of obtaining,
rewarding and retaining key personnel and consultants.

        2.2    Stock Subject to the Plan.  Subject to adjustment in accordance
with Section 5.2, 1,100,000 shares of Stock (the "Maximum Plan Shares") are
hereby reserved exclusively for issuance pursuant to Stock Incentives.  At no
time may the Company have outstanding under the Plan, Stock Incentives subject
to Section 16 of the Exchange Act (to the extent U.S. laws apply) and shares of
Stock issued in respect of Stock Incentives under the Plan in excess of the
Maximum Plan Shares.  The shares of Stock attributable to the nonvested,
unpaid, unexercised, unconverted or otherwise unsettled portion of any Stock
Incentive that is forfeited or cancelled or expires or terminates for any
reason without becoming vested, paid, exercised, converted or otherwise settled
in full will again be available for purposes of the Plan.

        2.3    Administration of the Plan.  The Plan is administered by the
 Committee. The Committee has full authority in its discretion to determine the
 officers and key employees of the Company or its Affiliates to whom Stock
 Incentives will be granted and the terms and provisions of Stock Incentives,
 subject to the Plan.  Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee has
 full and conclusive authority to interpret the Plan; to prescribe, amend and
 rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan; to determine the terms and
 provisions of the respective Stock Incentive Agreements and to make all other
 determinations necessary or advisable for the proper administration of the
 Plan.  The Committee's determinations under the Plan need not be uniform and
 may be made by it selectively among persons who receive, or are eligible to
 receive, awards under the Plan (whether or not such persons are similarly
 situated).  The Committee's decisions are final and binding on all

        2.4    Eligibility and Limits.  Stock Incentives may be granted only to
officers, and key employees and consultants of the Company, or any Affiliate of
the Company; provided, however, that an Incentive Stock Option may only be
granted to an employee of the Company or any Subsidiary.  In the case of
Incentive Stock Options, the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as at the
date an Incentive Stock Option is granted) of stock with respect to which stock
options intended to meet the requirements of Code Section 422 become
exercisable for the first time by an individual during any calendar year under
all plans of the Company and its Subsidiaries may not exceed $100,000; provided
further, that if the limitation is exceeded, the Incentive Stock Option(s)
which cause the limitation to be exceeded will be treated as non-qualified
stock option(s).


        3.1    Terms and Conditions of All Stock Incentives.

               (a)    The number of shares of Stock as to which a Stock
        Incentive may be granted will be determined by the Committee in its
        sole discretion, subject to the provisions of Section 2.2 as to the
        total number of shares available for grants under the Plan.


               (b)    Each Stock Incentive will either be evidenced by a Stock
        Incentive Agreement in such form and containing such terms, conditions
        and restrictions as the Committee may determine to be appropriate, or
        be made subject to the terms of a Stock Incentive Program, containing
        such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Committee may determine
        to be appropriate. Each Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive
        Program is subject to the terms of the Plan and any provisions
        contained in the Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program
        that are inconsistent with the Plan are null and void.

               (c)    The date a Stock Incentive is granted will be the date on
        which the Committee has approved the terms and conditions of the Stock
        Incentive and has determined the recipient of the Stock Incentive and
        the number of shares covered by the Stock Incentive, and has taken all
        such other actions necessary to complete the grant of the Stock

               (d)    Any Stock Incentive may be granted in connection with all
        or any portion of a previously or contemporaneously granted Stock
        Incentive. Exercise or vesting of a Stock Incentive granted in
        connection with another Stock Incentive may result in a pro rata
        surrender or cancellation of any related Stock Incentive, as specified
        in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program.

               (e)    Unless, except as to Incentive Stock Options, otherwise
        permitted by the Committee, Stock Incentives are not transferable or
        assignable except by will or by the laws of descent and distribution
        and are exercisable, during the Participant's lifetime, only by the
        Participant; or in the event of the Disability of the Participant, by
        the legal representative of the Participant; or in the event of death
        of the Participant, by the legal representative of the Participant's
        estate or if no legal representative has been appointed, by the
        successor in interest determined under the Participant's will.

        3.2    Terms and Conditions of Options.  Each Option granted under the
Plan must be evidenced by a Stock Incentive Agreement.  At the time any Option
is granted, the Committee will determine whether the Option is to be an
Incentive Stock Option described in Code Section 422 or a non-qualified stock
option, and the Option must be clearly identified as to its status as an
Incentive Stock Option or a non-qualified stock option.  Incentive stock
options may only be granted to the employees of the Company or any Subsidiary.
At the time any Incentive Stock Option granted under the Plan is exercised, the
Company will be entitled to legend the certificates representing the shares of
Stock purchased pursuant to the Option to clearly identify them as representing
the shares purchased upon the exercise of an Incentive Stock Option.  An
Incentive Stock Option may only be granted within ten (10) years from the
earlier of the date the Plan is adopted or approved by the Company's

               (a)    Option Price.  Subject to adjustment in accordance with
        Section 5.2 and the other provisions of this Section 3.2, the exercise
        price (the "Exercise Price") per share of Stock purchasable under any
        Option must be as set forth in the applicable Stock Incentive
        Agreement, but in no event may it be less than the Fair Market Value on
        the date the Option is granted with respect to an


        Incentive Stock Option.  With respect to each grant of an Incentive
        Stock Option to a Participant who is an Over 10% Owner, the Exercise
        Price may not be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value on the date
        the Option is granted.

               (b)    Option Term.  Any Incentive Stock Option granted to a
        Participant who is not an Over 10% Owner is not exercisable after the
        expiration of ten (10) years after the date the Option is granted.  Any
        Incentive Stock Option granted to an Over 10% Owner is not exercisable
        after the expiration of five (5) years after the date the Option is
        granted. The term of any Non-Qualified Stock Option must be as
        specified in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement.

               (c)    Payment.  Payment for all shares of Stock purchased
        pursuant to exercise of an Option will be made in any form or manner
        authorized by the Committee in the Stock Incentive Agreement or by
        amendment thereto, including, but not limited to, cash or, if the Stock
        Incentive Agreement provides:

                      (i)    by delivery to the Company of a number of shares
                             of Stock which have been owned by the holder for
                             at least six (6) months prior to the date of
                             exercise having an aggregate Fair Market Value of
                             not less than the product of the Exercise Price
                             multiplied by the number of shares the Participant
                             intends to purchase upon exercise of the Option on
                             the date of delivery;

                     (ii)    in a cashless exercise through a broker; or

                     (iii)   by having a number of shares of Stock withheld,
                             the Fair Market Value of which as of the date of
                             exercise is sufficient to satisfy the Exercise

        In its discretion, the Committee also may authorize (at the time an
        Option is granted or thereafter) Company financing to assist the
        Participant as to payment of the Exercise Price on such terms as may be
        offered by the Committee in its discretion.  Payment must be made at
        the time that the Option or any part thereof is exercised, and no
        shares may be issued or delivered upon exercise of an option until full
        payment has been made by the Participant. The holder of an Option, as
        such, has none of the rights of a stockholder.

               (d)    Conditions to the Exercise of an Option.  Each Option
        granted under the Plan is exercisable by whom, at such time or times,
        or upon the occurrence of such event or events, and in such amounts, as
        the Committee specifies in the Stock Incentive Agreement; provided,
        however, that subsequent to the grant of an Option, the Committee, at
        any time before complete termination of such Option, may accelerate the
        time or times at which such Option may be exercised in whole or in
        part, including, without limitation, upon a Change in Control and may
        permit the Participant or any other designated person to exercise the
        Option, or any portion thereof, for all or part of the remaining Option
        term, notwithstanding any provision of the Stock Incentive Agreement to
        the contrary.


               (e)    Termination of Incentive Stock Option.  With respect to
        an Incentive Stock Option, in the event of termination of employment of
        a Participant, the Option or portion thereof held by the Participant
        which is unexercised will expire, terminate, and become unexercisable
        no later than the expiration of three (3) months after the date of
        termination of employment; provided, however, that in the case of a
        holder whose termination of employment is due to death or Disability,
        one (1) year will be substituted for such three (3) month period;
        provided, further that such time limits may be exceeded by the
        Committee under the terms of the grant, in which case, the Incentive
        Stock Option will be a nonqualified option if it is exercised after the
        time limits that would otherwise apply.  For purposes of this
        Subsection (e), termination of employment of the Participant will not
        be deemed to have occurred if the Participant is employed by another
        corporation (or a parent or subsidiary corporation of such other
        corporation) which has assumed the Incentive Stock Option of the
        Participant in a transaction to which Code Section 424 is applicable.

               (f)    Special Provisions for Certain Substitute Options.
        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 3.2, any
        Option issued in substitution for an option previously issued by
        another entity, which substitution occurs in connection with a
        transaction to which Code Section 424(a) is applicable, may provide for
        an exercise price computed in accordance with any applicable laws or
        regulations and may contain such other terms and conditions as the
        Committee may prescribe to cause such substitute Option to contain as
        nearly as possible the same terms and conditions (including the
        applicable vesting and termination provisions) as those contained in
        the previously issued option being replaced thereby.

        3.3    Terms and Conditions of Stock Appreciation Rights.  Each Stock
Appreciation Right granted under the Plan must be evidenced by a Stock
Incentive Agreement.  A Stock Appreciation Right entitles the Participant to
receive the excess of (1) the Fair Market Value of a specified or determinable
number of shares of the Stock at the time of payment or exercise over (2) a
specified or determinable price which, in the case of a Stock Appreciation
Right granted in connection with an Option, may not be less than the Exercise
Price for that number of shares subject to that Option.  A Stock Appreciation
Right granted in connection with a Stock Incentive may only be exercised to the
extent that the related Stock Incentive has not been exercised, paid or
otherwise settled.

               (a)    Settlement.  Upon settlement of a Stock Appreciation
        Right, the Company must pay to the Participant the appreciation in cash
        or shares of Stock (valued at the aggregate Fair Market Value on the
        date of payment or exercise) as provided in the Stock Incentive
        Agreement or, in the absence of such provision, as the Committee may

               (b)    Conditions to Exercise.  Each Stock Appreciation Right
        granted under the Plan is exercisable or payable at such time or times,
        or upon the occurrence of such event or events, and in such amounts, as
        the Committee specifies in the Stock Incentive Agreement; provided,
        however, that subsequent to the grant of a Stock Appreciation Right,
        the Committee, at any time before complete termination of such Stock
        Appreciation Right, may accelerate the time


        or times at which such Stock Appreciation Right may be exercised or
        paid in whole or in part.

        3.4    Terms and Conditions of Stock Awards.  The number of shares of
Stock subject to a Stock Award and restrictions or conditions on such shares,
if any, will be as the Committee determines, and the certificate for such
shares will bear evidence of any restrictions or conditions.  Subsequent to the
date of the grant of the Stock Award, the Committee has the power to permit, in
its discretion, an acceleration of the expiration of an applicable restriction
period with respect to any part or all of the shares awarded to a Participant.
The Committee may require a cash payment from the Participant in an amount no
greater than the aggregate Fair Market Value of the shares of Stock awarded
determined at the date of grant in exchange for the grant of a Stock Award or
may grant a Stock Award without the requirement of a cash payment.

        3.5    Terms and Conditions of Dividend Equivalent Rights.  A Dividend
Equivalent Right entitles the Participant to receive payments from the Company
in an amount determined by reference to any cash dividends paid on a specified
number of shares of Stock to Company stockholders of record during the period
such rights are effective.  The Committee may impose such restrictions and
conditions on any Dividend Equivalent Right as the Committee in its discretion
shall determine, including the date any such right shall terminate and may
reserve the right to terminate, amend or suspend any such right at any time.

               (a)    Payment.  Payment in respect of a Dividend Equivalent
        Right may be made by the Company in cash or shares of Stock (valued at
        Fair Market Value on the date of payment) as provided in the Stock
        Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, or, in the absence of
        such provision, as the Committee may determine.

               (b)    Conditions to Payment.  Each Dividend Equivalent Right
        granted under the Plan is payable at such time or times, or upon the
        occurrence of such event or events, and in such amounts, as the
        Committee specifies in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or
        Stock Incentive Program; provided, however, that subsequent to the
        grant of a Dividend Equivalent Right, the Committee, at any time before
        complete termination of such Dividend Equivalent Right, may accelerate
        the time or times at which such Dividend Equivalent Right may be paid
        in whole or in part.

        3.6    Terms and Conditions of Performance Unit Awards.  A Performance
Unit Award shall entitle the Participant to receive, at a specified future
date, payment of an amount equal to all or a portion of the value of a
specified or determinable number of units (stated in terms of a designated or
determinable dollar amount per unit) granted by the Committee.  At the time of
the grant, the Committee must determine the base value of each unit, the number
of units subject to a Performance Unit Award, the performance factors
applicable to the determination of the ultimate payment value of the
Performance Unit Award and the period over which Company performance shall be
measured.  The Committee may provide for an alternate base value for each unit
under certain specified conditions.


               (a)    Payment.  Payment in respect of Performance Unit Awards
        may be made by the Company in cash or shares of Stock (valued at Fair
        Market Value on the date of payment) as provided in the applicable
        Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program or, in the absence
        of such provision, as the Committee may determine.

               (b)    Conditions to Payment.  Each Performance Unit Award
        granted under the Plan shall be payable at such time or times, or upon
        the occurrence of such event or events, and in such amounts, as the
        Committee shall specify in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or
        Stock Incentive Program; provided, however, that subsequent to the
        grant of a Performance Unit Award, the Committee, at any time before
        complete termination of such Performance Unit Award, may accelerate the
        time or times at which such Performance Unit Award may be paid in whole
        or in part.

        3.7    Terms and Conditions of Phantom Shares.  Phantom Shares shall
entitle the Participant to receive, at a specified future date, payment of an
amount equal to all or a portion of the Fair Market Value of a specified number
of shares of Stock at the end of a specified period.  At the time of the grant,
the Committee will determine the factors which will govern the portion of the
rights so payable, including, at the discretion of the Committee, any
performance criteria that must be satisfied as a condition to payment.  Phantom
Share awards containing performance criteria may be designated as Performance
Share Awards.

               (a)    Payment.  Payment in respect of Phantom Shares may be
        made by the Company in cash or shares of Stock (valued at Fair Market
        Value on the date of payment) as provided in the applicable Stock
        Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, or, in the absence of
        such provision, as the Committee may determine.

               (b)    Conditions to Payment.  Each Phantom Share granted under
        the Plan is payable at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of
        such event or events, and in such amounts, as the Committee specify in
        the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program;
        provided, however, that subsequent to the grant of a Phantom Share, the
        Committee, at any time before complete termination of such Phantom
        Share, may accelerate the time or times at which such Phantom Share may
        be paid in whole or in part.

        3.8    Treatment of Awards Upon Termination of Employment.  Except as
otherwise provided by Plan Section 3.2(e), any award under this Plan to a
Participant who has experienced a Termination of Employment may be cancelled,
accelerated, paid or continued, as provided in the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, or, in the absence of such provision, as
the Committee may determine.  The portion of any award exercisable in the event
of continuation or the amount of any payment due under a continued award may be
adjusted by the Committee to reflect the Participant's period of service from
the date of grant through the date of the Participant's Termination of
Employment or such other factors as the Committee determines are relevant to
its decision to continue the award.


                            SECTION 4 RESTRICTIONS ON STOCK

        4.1    Escrow of Shares.  Any certificates representing the shares of
Stock issued under the Plan will be issued in the Participant's name, but, if
the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program so
provides, the shares of Stock will be held by a custodian designated by the
Committee (the "Custodian").  Each applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or
Stock Incentive Program providing for transfer of shares of Stock to the
Custodian must appoint the Custodian as the attorney-in-fact for the
Participant for the term specified in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement
or Stock Incentive Program, with full power and authority in the Participant's
name, place and stead to transfer, assign and convey to the Company any shares
of Stock held by the Custodian for such Participant, if the Participant
forfeits the shares under the terms of the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement
or Stock Incentive Program.  During the period that the Custodian holds the
shares subject to this Section, the Participant is entitled to all rights,
except as provided in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock
Incentive Program, applicable to shares of Stock not so held.  Any dividends
declared on shares of Stock held by the Custodian must provide in the
applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, be paid
directly to the Participant or, in the alternative, be retained by the
Custodian or by the Company until the expiration of the term specified in the
applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program and shall then
be delivered, together with any proceeds, with the shares of Stock to the
Participant or to the Company, as applicable.

        4.2    Restrictions on Transfer.  The Participant does not have the
right to make or permit to exist any disposition of the shares of Stock issued
pursuant to the Plan except as provided in the Plan or the applicable Stock
Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program.  Any disposition of the shares
of Stock issued under the Plan by the Participant not made in accordance with
the Plan or the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program
will be void.  The Company will not recognize, or have the duty to recognize,
any disposition not made in accordance with the Plan and the applicable Stock
Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, and the shares so transferred
will continue to be bound by the Plan and the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program.

                             SECTION 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS

        5.1    Withholding.  The Company must deduct rom all cash distributions
under the Plan any taxes required to be withheld.  Whenever the Company
proposes or is required to issue or transfer shares of Stock under the Plan or
upon the vesting of any Stock Award, the Company has the right to require the
recipient to remit to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy any tax
withholding requirements prior to the delivery of any certificate or
certificates for such shares or the vesting of such Stock Award.  A Participant
may pay the tax withholding in cash, or, if the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program provides, a Participant may elect to have
the number of shares of Stock he is to receive reduced by, or with respect to a
Stock Award, tender back to the Company, the smallest number of whole shares of
Stock which, when multiplied by the Fair Market Value of the shares of Stock
determined as of the Tax Date (defined below), is sufficient to satisfy any tax
withholding arising from exercise or payment of a Stock Incentive (a
"Withholding Election").  A Participant may make a Withholding Election only if
both of the following conditions are met:


               (a)    The Withholding Election must be made on or prior to the
        date on which the amount of tax required to be withheld is determined
        (the "Tax Date") by executing and delivering to the Company a properly
        completed notice of Withholding Election as prescribed by the
        Committee; and

               (b)    Any Withholding Election made will be irrevocable except
        on six months advance written notice delivered to the Company; however,
        the Committee may in its sole discretion disapprove and give no effect
        to the Withholding Election.

        5.2    Changes in Capitalization; Merger; Liquidation.

               (a)    The number of shares of Stock reserved for the grant of
        Options, Dividend Equivalent Rights, Performance Unit Awards, Phantom
        Shares, Stock Appreciation Rights and Stock Awards; the number of
        shares of Stock reserved for issuance upon the exercise or payment, as
        applicable, of each outstanding Option, Dividend Equivalent Right,
        Phantom Share and Stock Appreciation Right and upon vesting or grant,
        as applicable, of each Stock Award; the Exercise Price of each
        outstanding Option and the specified number of shares of Stock to which
        each outstanding Dividend Equivalent Right, Phantom Share and Stock
        Appreciation Right pertains must be proportionately adjusted for any
        increase or decrease in the number of issued shares of Stock resulting
        from a subdivision or combination of shares or the payment of a stock
        dividend in shares of Stock to holders of outstanding shares of Stock
        or any other increase or decrease in the number of shares of Stock
        outstanding effected without receipt of consideration by the Company.

               (b)    In the event of a merger, consolidation or other
        reorganization of the Company or tender offer for shares of Stock, the
        Committee may make such adjustments with respect to awards and take
        such other action as it deems necessary or appropriate to reflect such
        merger, consolidation, reorganization or tender offer, including,
        without limitation, the substitution of new awards, or the adjustment
        of outstanding awards, the acceleration of awards, the removal of
        restrictions on outstanding awards, or the termination of outstanding
        awards in exchange for the cash value determined in good faith by the
        Committee of the vested portion of the award.  Any adjustment pursuant
        to this Section 5.2 may provide, in the Committee's discretion, for the
        elimination without payment therefor of any fractional shares that
        might otherwise become subject to any Stock Incentive, but except as
        set forth in this Section may not otherwise diminish the then value of
        the Stock Incentive.

               (c)    The existence of the Plan and the Stock Incentives
        granted pursuant to the Plan must not affect in any way the right or
        power of the Company to make or authorize any adjustment,
        reclassification, reorganization or other change in its capital or
        business structure, any merger or consolidation of the Company, any
        issue of debt or equity securities having preferences or priorities as
        to the Stock or the rights thereof, the dissolution or liquidation of
        the Company, any sale or transfer of all or any part of its business or
        assets, or any other corporate act or proceeding.


        5.3    Cash Awards.  The Committee may, at any time and in its
discretion, grant to any holder of a Stock Incentive the right to receive, at
such times and in such amounts as determined by the Committee in its
discretion, a cash amount which is intended to reimburse such person for all or
a portion of any taxes imposed upon such person as a consequence of the receipt
of the Stock Incentive or the exercise of rights thereunder.

        5.4    Compliance with Code.  All Incentive Stock Options to be granted
hereunder are intended to comply Code Section 422 and all provisions of the
Plan and all Incentive Stock Options granted hereunder must be construed in
such manner as to effectuate that intent.

        5.5    Right to Terminate Employment.  Nothing in the Plan or in any
Stock Incentive confers upon any Participant the right to continue as an
employee or officer of the Company or any of its Affiliates or affect the right
of the Company or any of its Affiliates to terminate the Participant's
employment at any time.

        5.6    Non-alienation of Benefits.  Other than as specifically provided
with regard to the death of a Participant, no benefit under the Plan may be
subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment,
pledge, encumbrance or charge; and any attempt to do so shall be void.  No such
benefit may, prior to receipt by the Participant, be in any manner liable for
or subject to the debts, contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts of the

        5.7    Restrictions on Delivery and Sale of Shares; Legends.  Each
Stock Incentive is subject to the condition that if at any time the Committee,
in its discretion, shall determine that the listing, registration, or
qualification of the shares covered by such Stock Incentive upon any securities
exchange or under the laws of a country is necessary or desirable as a
condition of or in connection with the granting of such Stock Incentive or the
purchase or delivery of shares thereunder, the delivery of any or all shares
pursuant to such Stock Incentive may be withheld unless and until such listing,
registration or qualification shall have been effected.  If a registration
statement is not in effect under the applicable securities laws with respect to
the shares of Stock purchasable or otherwise deliverable under Stock Incentives
then outstanding, the Committee may require, as a condition of exercise of any
Option or as a condition to any other delivery of Stock pursuant to a Stock
Incentive, that the Participant or other recipient of a Stock Incentive
represent, in writing, that the shares received pursuant to the Stock Incentive
are being acquired for investment and not with a view to distribution and agree
that the shares will not be disposed of except pursuant to an effective
registration statement, unless the Company shall have received an opinion of
counsel that such disposition is exempt from such securities laws.  The Company
may include on certificates representing shares delivered pursuant to a Stock
Incentive such legends referring to the foregoing representations or
restrictions or any other applicable restrictions on resale as the Company, in
its discretion, shall deem appropriate.

        5.8    Listing and Legal Compliance.  The Committee may suspend the
exercise or payment of any Stock Incentive so long as it determines that
securities exchange listing or registration or qualification under any
securities laws is required in connection therewith and has not been completed
on terms acceptable to the Committee.


        5.9    Termination and Amendment of the Plan.  The Board of Directors
at any time may amend or terminate the Plan without stockholder approval;
provided, however, that the Board of Directors may condition any amendment on
the approval of stockholders of the Company if such approval is necessary or
advisable with respect to tax, securities or other applicable laws.  No such
termination or amendment without the consent of the holder of a Stock Incentive
may adversely affect the rights of the Participant under such Stock Incentive.

        5.10   Stockholder Approval.  The Plan must be submitted to the
stockholders of the Company for their approval within twelve (12) months before
or after the adoption of the Plan by the Board of Directors of the Company.  If
such approval is not obtained, any Stock Incentive granted hereunder will be

        5.11   Choice of Law.  The laws of Bermuda shall govern the Plan.

        5.12   Effective Date of Plan.  The Plan shall become effective upon
the approval of the Plan by the Company's shareholders and Board of Directors.
Stock Incentives granted hereunder prior to such approval shall be conditioned
upon such approval.  Unless such approval is obtained within one year after the
effective date of this Plan and any Stock Incentives awarded hereunder shall
become void thereafter.

                             OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.



                                       Exhibit C

                                    B Y E - L A W S


                              OMNINET INTERNATIONAL LTD.



1.1     In these Bye-Laws:

        "ACT" means the Companies Act 1981 as amended from time to time;

        "ALTERNATE DIRECTOR" means an alternate Director appointed in
        accordance with these Bye-laws;

        "BERMUDA" means the Islands of Bermuda;

        "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the Company comprising the
        Class I Directors, the Class II Directors and the Class III Directors
        and acting by resolution in accordance with the Act and these Bye-laws
        or the Directors present at a meeting of Directors at which there is a
        quorum present and acting throughout;

        "CLASS I DIRECTOR" means a director of the Company appointed or
        elected, and classified as a "Class I" director, in each case in
        accordance with these Bye-laws;

        "CLASS II DIRECTOR" means a director of the Company appointed or
        elected, and classified as a "Class II" director, in each case in
        accordance with these Bye-laws;

        "CLASS III DIRECTOR" means a director of the Company appointed or
        elected, and classified as a "Class III" director, in each case in
        accordance with these Bye-laws;

        "COMPANY" means OMNINET International Ltd.;

        "DIRECTOR" means a Class I Director, a Class II Director or a Class III

        "MEMBER" means a member of the Company holding one or more shares and,
        when two or more persons are registered as joint holders of shares,
        means the person whose name stands first in the Register of Members as
        one of such joint holders or all of such persons as the context


        "OFFICER" means any person appointed by the Board to hold an office in
        the Company;

        "ORDINARY RESOLUTION" means a resolution of the Members, or where
        required, of a separate class or separate classes of Members, either
        adopted in general meeting by Members (or separate class or classes of
        Members, as the case may be) together holding or representing not less
        than 50% of the issued and outstanding shares carrying the right to
        vote at such meeting or adopted by written resolution in accordance
        with these Bye-Laws;

        "REGISTER OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS" means the register of directors
        and officers of the Company maintained by the Company in Bermuda;

        "REGISTER OF MEMBERS" means the register of Members of the Company
        maintained by the Company in Bermuda;

        "REGISTERED OFFICE" means the registered office of the Company which
        shall be at such place in Bermuda as the Directors shall from time to
        time appoint;

        "RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE" means any person appointed to act as resident
        representative and includes any deputy or assistant resident

        "SEAL" means the Common Seal of the Company and includes any duplicate

        "SECRETARY" means (subject to the provisions of the Act) the person for
        the time being appointed to perform the duties of the Secretary of the
        Company and includes an Assistant, Acting or Deputy Secretary; and

        "SPECIAL RESOLUTION" means a resolution of the Members, or where
        required, of a separate class or separate classes of Members, either
        adopted in general meeting by Members (or separate class or classes of
        Members, as the case may be) together holding or representing not less
        than 75% of the issued and outstanding shares carrying the right to
        vote at such meeting or adopted by written resolution in accordance
        with these Bye-Laws.

1.2     In these Bye-laws, unless inconsistent with the context or the contrary
        intention appears, a reference to:

        (a)    "PAID UP" means paid up or credited as paid up;

               "MAY" shall be construed as permissive;

               "SHALL" shall be construed as imperative; and

               a "SHARE" means a share in the capital of the Company.

        (b)    any meeting (whether of the Directors, a committee appointed by
               the Board, the Members or any class of the Members) includes any
               adjournment of that meeting;


        (c)    the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

        (d)    the masculine includes the feminine and neuter respectively;

        (e)    persons include companies, associations or bodies of persons,
               whether corporate or not;

        (f)    writing includes typewriting, printing, lithography, photography
               and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a
               legible and non-transitory form;

        (g)    a bye-law is a reference to a Bye-law of these Bye-laws; and

        (h)    a statute or law is a reference to a Bermuda statute or law and
               a provision of any statute or law is a reference to that
               provision as amended or re-enacted.

1.3     Unless otherwise provided in these Bye-laws, any terms defined in the
        Act in force at the date when these Bye-Laws or any part hereof are
        adopted and used in these Bye-laws shall bear the same meaning in these
        Bye-Laws or such part (as the case may be).

1.4     For the purposes of these Bye-laws a corporation shall be deemed to be
        present in person if its representative duly authorised pursuant to the
        Act is present.

1.5     The index to and the headings in these Bye-laws are for convenience
        only and are to be ignored in construing these Bye-laws.

                         SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARE RIGHTS


        Subject to any special rights conferred on the holders of any share or
        class of shares, any share in the Company may be issued with or have
        attached thereto such preferred, deferred, qualified or other special
        rights or such restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting,
        return of capital or otherwise, as the Company may by Ordinary
        Resolution determine or, if there has not been any such determination
        or so far as the same shall not make specific provision, as the Board
        may determine.


3.1     Subject to the Act, all or any of the rights for the time being
        attached to any class of shares for the time being issued may from time
        to time (whether or not the Company is being wound up) be altered or
        abrogated with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than
        75% of the issued shares of that class or with the sanction of a
        Special Resolution of the holders of such shares voting in person or by
        proxy at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of
        that class in accordance with Section 47(7) of the Act.


3.2     The special rights conferred upon the holders of any shares or class of
        shares shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided in the rights
        attaching to or the terms or issue of such shares, be deemed to be
        altered by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu


4.1     The Company may from time to time by Resolution change the currency of
        denomination of, increase, alter or reduce its share capital in
        accordance with Sections 45 and 46 of the Act.

4.2     Where any fraction of a share or other difficulty arises on any
        alteration, the Board may settle the same as it thinks fit including,
        without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, the issue to
        Members of fractions of shares and/or arranging for the sale and
        transfer of fractions of shares of Members.


5.1     Subject to the Act, any preference shares may be issued or converted
        into shares that, at a determinable date or at the option of the
        Company, are liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner as
        the Company before the issue or conversion may by Ordinary Resolution

5.2     Subject to the provisions of these Bye-Laws, the unissued shares of the
        Company (whether forming part of the original capital or any increased
        capital) shall be at the disposal of the Board, which may offer, allot,
        grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, at
        such times and for such consideration and upon such terms and
        conditions as the Board may determine.

5.3     The Board may in connection with the issue of any shares exercise all
        powers of paying commission and brokerage conferred or permitted by


6.1     The Company may treat the registered holder of any share as the
        absolute owner thereof and shall not be bound to recognize (even when
        having notice thereof) any equitable or other claim to, or interest in,
        any share on the part of any other person.

6.2     Any dividend, interest or other monies payable in cash in respect of
        shares may be paid by cheque or draft sent through the post directed to
        the Member at that Member's address in the Register of Members or, in
        the case of joint holders, to such address of the holder first named in
        the Register of Members, or to such person and to such address as the
        holder or joint holders may in writing direct.  If two or more persons
        are registered as joint holders of any shares any one of such holders
        can give an effective receipt for any dividend paid in respect of those


        The Secretary shall establish and maintain the Register of Members at
        the Registered Office in the manner prescribed by the Act. Unless the
        Board otherwise determines, the Register of Members shall be open to
        inspection in the manner prescribed by the Act between 10.00 a.m. and
        12.00 noon on every working day. Unless the Board so determines, no
        Member or intending Member shall be entitled to have entered in the
        Register of Members any indication of any trust or any equitable,
        contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any interest in
        any fractional part of a share and if any such entry exists or is
        permitted by the Board it shall not be deemed to abrogate any of the
        provisions of Bye-Law 6.1.


8.1     The preparation, issue and delivery of certificates shall be
        governed by the Act. In the case of a share held jointly by several
        persons, delivery of a certificate to one of several joint holders shall
        be sufficient delivery to all.

8.2     The Company shall not be obliged to complete or deliver a share
        certificate unless specifically called upon to do so by the person to
        whom such shares have been allotted or transferred.

8.3     If a share certificate shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Board
        to have been defaced, lost, worn out or destroyed the Board may cause a
        new certificate to be issued and request an indemnity for the lost
        certificate if it sees fit.


9.1     The Company shall have a first lien on every share (not being a fully
        paid share) for all moneys called or payable in respect of such share,
        and the Company shall also have a first lien on every share (other than
        a fully paid share) registered in the name of a Member, whether singly
        or jointly, for all the debts and liabilities, whether actual or
        contingent or owed singly or jointly with any other person, of that
        Member to the Company. The Company's lien on a share shall extend to all
        dividends payable thereon. The Board may at any time waive any lien that
        has arisen or declare any share to be wholly or in part exempt from the
        provisions of this Bye-law.

9.2     The Company may sell, in such manner as the Board may think fit, any
        share on which the Company has a lien but no sale shall be made unless
        some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable nor
        until the expiration of fourteen days after a notice in writing, stating
        and demanding payment of the sum presently payable and giving notice of
        the intention to sell in default of such payment, has been served on the
        holder for the time being of the share.

9.3     The net proceeds of sale by the Company of any shares on which it has a
        lien shall be applied in or towards payment or discharge of the debt or
        liability in respect of which the lien exists so far as the same is
        presently payable, and any residue shall (subject to a like lien for
        debts or liabilities not presently payable as


        existed upon the share prior to the sale) be paid to the holder of the
        share immediately before such sale. For giving effect to any such sale
        the Board may authorise some person to transfer the share sold to the
        purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall be registered as the holder of
        the share and he shall not be bound to see to the application of the
        purchase money, nor shall his title to the share be affected by any
        irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale.


10.1    The Board may from time to time make calls upon a Member in respect of
        any moneys unpaid on the shares allotted to or held by that Member and
        if a call is not paid on or before the day appointed for payment, the
        Member may at the discretion of the Board be liable to pay to the
        Company interest on the unpaid amount of any such call at such rate as
        the Board may determine, from the date on which that call was payable to
        the actual date of payment. The joint holders of a share shall be
        jointly and severally liable to pay all calls in respect thereof. A call
        may be revoked or postponed as the Board may determine.

10.2    The Board may on the issue of shares differentiate between the allottees
        or holders as to the amount of calls to be paid and the times of


11.1    If a Member fails to pay any call on the day appointed for payment
        thereof, the Board may at any time thereafter during such time as any
        part of the call remains unpaid serve a notice on him requiring payment
        of so much of the call as is unpaid, together with any interest which
        may have accrued.

11.2    The notice shall name a further day (not being less than 14 days from
        the date of the notice) on or before which, and the place where, the
        payment is to be made and shall state that, if the payment is not paid
        on or before the day and at the place appointed, the shares in respect
        of which such call is payable will be liable to be forfeited. The Board
        may accept the surrender of any share liable to be forfeited and, in
        such case, references in these Bye-Laws to forfeiture shall include

11.3    If the requirements of any such notice are not complied with, any such
        share may at any time thereafter before payment of such call and
        interest due in respect thereof be forfeited by a resolution of the
        Board to that effect whereupon such share shall become the property of
        the Company and may be disposed of as the Board shall determine. Any
        forfeiture shall include all dividends declared in respect of the
        forfeited shares and not actually paid before the forfeiture.

11.4    A Member whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a Member in
        respect of the forfeited shares but shall, notwithstanding the
        forfeiture, remain liable to pay to the Company all calls owing on such
        shares at the time of forfeiture and all interest due thereon and the
        Company may enforce payment without being obliged to make any allowance
        for the value of the shares forfeited.


                                  TRANSFER OF SHARES


        Subject to the Act and to any applicable restrictions in these Bye-Laws,
        any Member may transfer all or any of his shares by an instrument of
        transfer in the usual common form or in any other form which the Board
        may approve.


        The instrument of transfer of a share shall be signed by or on behalf of
        the transferor alone except where the shares the subject of the
        instrument of transfer have not been fully paid up in which case the
        instrument of transfer shall be signed by the transferor and the
        transferee, and the transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of
        the share until the name of the transferee is entered in the Register of
        Members in respect thereof. All instruments of transfer when registered
        may be retained by the Company.


        The Board may, in its absolute discretion and without assigning any
        reason therefor refuse to register the transfer of a share which has not
        been fully paid up. The Board shall refuse to register any transfer
        unless all applicable consents, authorisations and permissions (if any)
        of any governmental agency or body in Bermuda have been obtained.


        The joint holders of any share may transfer that share to one or more of
        those joint holders, and the surviving holder or holders of any share
        previously held by them jointly with a deceased Member may transfer any
        such share to the executors or administrators of that deceased Member.

                                TRANSMISSION OF SHARES


        In the case of the death of a Member, the survivor or survivors, where
        the deceased Member was a joint holder, and the legal personal
        representatives of the deceased Member, where he was sole holder, shall
        be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his
        shares. Nothing contained in these Bye-laws shall release the estate of
        a deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect
        of any share held by him solely or jointly with other persons. Subject
        to Section 52 of the Act, for the purpose of this Bye-Law, legal
        personal representative means the executor or administrator of a
        deceased Member or such other person as the Board may in its absolute
        discretion determine to be the person properly authorised to deal with
        the shares of a deceased Member.



17.1    Any person becoming entitled to a share on the death or bankruptcy of a
        Member may be registered as a Member on such evidence as the Board may
        deem sufficient or may elect to have some person nominated by him
        registered as the transferee thereof. If the person so entitled elects
        to be registered himself, he shall deliver to the Company a notice in
        writing to that effect signed by him. If he elects to have his nominee
        registered, he shall execute in favour of his nominee an instrument of
        transfer of such share. On presentation of the notice or instrument of
        transfer (as the case may be) to the Board together with such evidence
        as the Board may require to prove the title of the person so entitled,
        the person so entitled or the transferee (as the case may be) shall be
        registered as a Member but the Board shall, in either case, have the
        same right to decline or suspend registration as it would have had in
        the case of a transfer of the share by that Member before his death or
        bankruptcy (as the case may be).

17.2    Subject to any directions of the Board from time to time in force, the
        Secretary may exercise the powers and discretions of the Board under
        Bye-Law 17.1.

                                GENERAL MEETINGS


        An annual general meeting of the Company shall be held in each calendar
        year in accordance with the requirements of the Act at such time and
        place as the Board shall appoint. At least 30 days' (excluding the day
        on which it is served or deemed to be served and the day for which it is
        given) notice in writing shall be given to each Member entitled to
        receive notice thereof specifying the place, date and time of the
        meeting, that the election and classification of Directors will take
        place at the meeting and, as far as practicable, the general nature of
        the business to be considered.


19.1    General meetings other than annual general meetings, which shall be
        special general meetings, may be convened by the President of the
        Company and shall be convened by the President or the Secretary at the
        request in writing of not less than two thirds of the members of the

19.2    The Board shall, on the requisition of Members holding at the date of
        deposit of the requisition not less than one-tenth of such of the
        paid-up share capital of the Company as at the date of deposit carries
        the right to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company,
        forthwith proceed to convene a special general meeting of the Company
        and Section 74 of the Act shall apply.

19.3    A special general meeting shall be convened by the Board on not less
        than 30 days' (excluding the day on which it is served or deemed to be
        served and the day for which it is given) notice in writing to each
        Member entitled to receive notice thereof specifying the place, date and
        time of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be
        considered at the meeting.



        Notwithstanding that a meeting of the Company is called by shorter
        notice than that specified in Bye-laws 18 or 19, it shall be deemed to
        have been duly called if it is so agreed:

        (a)   in the case of a meeting called as an annual general meeting, by
              all the Members entitled to attend and vote at the meeting;

        (b)   in the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of the
              Members having the right to attend and vote at the meeting, being
              a majority together holding not less than 95 percent in nominal
              value of the shares giving that right.


        The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting or (in cases where
        instruments of proxy are sent out with the notice) the accidental
        omission to send such instrument of proxy to, or the non-receipt of
        notice of a meeting or such instrument of proxy by, any person entitled
        to receive such notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that


        No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum
        is present. Save as otherwise provided by these Bye-Laws, at least two
        Members representing not less than 50% of the issued and outstanding
        shares of the Company carrying the right to receive notice of, and
        attend and vote at, general meetings of the Company, present in person
        or by proxy shall be a quorum for all purposes provided that if the
        Company shall have only one Member, one Member present in person or by
        proxy shall constitute the necessary quorum. If within half an hour from
        the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting
        shall stand adjourned to the same day one week later, at the same time
        and place or to such other day, time and place as the Secretary may


        The chairman of a general meeting may, with the consent of the Members
        at any general meeting at which a quorum is present (and shall if so
        directed), adjourn the meeting. Unless the meeting is adjourned to a
        specific date and time, fresh notice of the date, time and place for the
        resumption of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each Member
        entitled to attend and vote at general meetings in accordance with these


        Members may participate in any general meeting by attendance in person
        or attendance in person of their duly appointed proxy. Attendance by
        telephone, electronic or other communication facilities which permit all
        persons participating


        in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously and
        instantaneously shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.


        The Directors shall upon written request deposited at the Registered
        Office be entitled to receive notice of, attend and speak at, general
        meetings of the Company.


        The Chairman or President of the Company shall preside as chairman at
        every general meeting. If at any meeting neither the Chairman nor the
        President is present within five minutes after the time appointed for
        holding the meeting, the Directors present shall choose one of their
        number to act or if one Director only is present he shall preside as
        chairman if willing to act. If no Director is present or, if no Director
        is willing to act as chairman, the persons present and entitled to vote
        on a poll shall elect one of their number to be chairman.


        When a quorum is present at any general meeting, the vote of the holders
        of a majority of the issued and outstanding shares carrying the right to
        vote at general meetings present in person or represented by proxy shall
        decide any question brought before the meeting, unless the question is
        one upon which by express provision of the Act or these Bye-laws a
        different vote is required, in which case such express provision shall
        govern and control the decision of such question.


        In the case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall
        not have a second or casting vote and the proposed resolution shall


        In the case of joint holders the vote of the senior who tenders a vote,
        whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the
        votes of the other joint holders, and for this purpose seniority shall
        be determined by the order in which the names stand in the Register of


        If at a general meeting:

        (a)    any objection is raised to the qualification of any voter; or

        (b)    any votes are counted which should not have been counted or
               which may have been rejected; or

        (c)    any votes are not counted which should have been counted,


        the objection or error shall not vitiate the decision of the meeting on
        any resolution unless the objection or error is raised or pointed out at
        the meeting at which the vote is given or tendered or at which the error
        occurs. Any objection or error shall be referred to the chairman of the
        meeting and shall only vitiate the decision of the meeting on any
        resolution if the chairman decides that the same may have affected the
        decision of the meeting. The decision of the chairman on such matters
        shall be final and conclusive.


31.1    A Member may appoint a standing proxy or (if a corporation)
        representative by depositing at the Registered Office a proxy or (if a
        corporation) an authorisation and such proxy or authorisation shall be
        valid for all general meetings or resolutions in writing until notice of
        revocation is received at the Registered Office. Where a standing proxy
        or authorisation exists, its operation shall be deemed to have been
        suspended at any general meeting at which the Member is present or in
        respect to which the Member has specially appointed a proxy or
        representative. The Board may from time to time require such evidence as
        it shall deem necessary as to the due execution and continuing validity
        of a standing proxy or authorisation and the operation of that standing
        proxy or authorisation shall be deemed to be suspended until the Board
        confirms that it has received and is satisfied with the requested

31.2    The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing in any common form
        or in such other form as the Board may approve, under the hand of the
        appointor or of his attorney authorised by him in writing or, if the
        appointor is a corporation, either under its seal or under the hand of
        an officer, attorney or other person authorised to sign the same.

31.3    Subject to Bye-law 31.1, the instrument appointing a proxy together with
        such evidence of due execution as the Board may from time to time
        require, shall be delivered to the Registered Office (or to such place
        as may be specified in the notice convening the meeting, or, in the case
        of a written resolution, in any document sent therewith) prior to the
        holding of the relevant meeting or, in the case of a poll taken
        subsequent to the date of a meeting, before the time appointed for
        taking the poll or, in the case of a written resolution, prior to the
        effective date of the written resolution and in default the instrument
        of proxy shall not be treated as valid.

31.4    Subject to the Act, the Board may at its discretion waive any of the
        provisions of these Bye-laws relating to proxies or authorisations and,
        in particular, may accept such verbal or other assurances as it thinks
        fit as to the right of any person to attend and vote on behalf of any
        Member at general meetings or to sign written resolutions.


32.1    Subject to Bye-law 32.5, anything which may be done by Ordinary
        Resolution or Special Resolution of the Company in general meeting or by
        Ordinary Resolution


        or Special Resolution of a meeting of any class of the Members of the
        Company may, without a meeting and without any previous notice being
        required, be done by a resolution in writing, signed by all of the
        Members or their proxies, or in the case of a Member that is a
        corporation (whether or not a company within the meaning of the Act) on
        behalf of such Member, being all of the Members of the Company who at
        the date of the resolution in writing would be entitled to attend a
        meeting and vote on the resolution.

32.2    A written resolution may be signed by, or in the case of a Member that
        is a corporation (whether or not a company within the meaning of the
        Act), on its behalf, all the Members of the Company, or any class
        thereof, in as many counterparts as may be necessary.

32.3    For the purposes of this Bye-law 32, the date of a written resolution is
        the date when the resolution is signed by, or in the case of a Member
        that is a corporation (whether or not a company within the meaning of
        the Act), on its behalf, the last Member to sign and any reference in
        any Bye-law to the date of passing of a resolution is, in relation to a
        resolution in writing made in accordance with this Bye-law, a reference
        to such date.

32.4    A resolution in writing made in accordance with this Bye-Law 32 is as
        valid as if it has been passed by the Company in general meeting or, if
        applicable, by a meeting of the relevant class of Members of the
        Company, as the case may be, and shall constitute minutes for the
        purposes of the Act and these Bye-Laws.

32.5    This Bye-law 32 shall not apply to:

        (a)    a resolution passed pursuant to Section 89(5) of the Act; or

        (b)    a resolution passed for the purpose of removing a Director
               before the expiration of his term of office under these

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS


34.1    The Board shall consist of not less than 2 Directors nor more than such
        number in excess thereof as the Company by Ordinary Resolution may from
        time to time determine who shall be elected or appointed in the first
        place at the statutory meeting and thereafter, except in the case of a
        casual vacancy, by an Ordinary Resolution of the Members passed at the
        annual general meeting or any special general meeting called for the
        purpose in accordance with the following Bye-laws.

34.2    The Board shall comprise three classes of Directors, namely the Class I
        Directors, the Class II Directors and the Class III Directors. Each
        Director shall be classified as a Class I Director, a Class II Director
        or a Class III Director either at the time of that Director's election
        or appointment or by written resolution of the Members, so that each
        Class of Directors shall, as nearly as possible, consist of the same
        number of Directors. The term of office for each initial Class I


        shall expire at the next annual general meeting of the Company, that of
        each initial Class II Director at the second succeeding annual general
        meeting of the Company and that of each initial Class III Director at
        the third succeeding annual general meeting of the Company, in each case
        after the initial appointment or classification of the relevant
        Director, unless that Director is otherwise removed from office or
        his/her office is otherwise vacated in accordance with these Bye-laws.
        At each annual general meeting after the initial classification of
        Directors, Directors to replace those whose terms expire at such annual
        general meeting shall be elected to hold office for the relevant term
        according to those Director's classification.

34.3    Without prejudice to the power of the Company by Ordinary Resolution to
        appoint any person to be a Director in accordance with these Bye-laws,
        the Board, so long as a quorum of Directors remains in office, shall
        have power at any time and from time to time to appoint any individual
        to be a Director so as to fill a casual vacancy, whether arising as a
        result of the retirement or removal of an existing Director or the
        increase in the authorized number of Directors consequent upon an
        Ordinary Resolution of the Members in accordance with Bye-law 34.1. An
        individual appointed to fill a casual vacancy on the Board arising from
        the retirement or removal of a Director shall be classified in the same
        Class of Directors as the Director whose retirement or removal created
        the vacancy, and any individual appointed to fill any other vacancy on
        the Board shall be classified by the Board upon his/her appointment, so
        that each Class of Directors shall, as nearly as possible, consist of
        the same number of Directors.

34.4    The Company may by a Special Resolution of the Members in general
        meeting remove a Director for cause provided notice of any such meeting
        shall be served upon the Director concerned not less than 21 days'
        before the meeting and he shall be entitled to be heard at that meeting.
        Any vacancy created by the removal of a Director at a general meeting
        may be filled at the meeting by the election of another Director in his
        place or, in the absence of any such election, by the Board in
        accordance with Bye-law 34.3.


        The office of a Director shall be vacated if the Director:

        (a)    resigns by notice in writing to the Company;

        (b)    is or becomes of unsound mind or dies;

        (c)    is or becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition
               with his creditors;

        (d)    is prohibited by law from being a Director;

        (e)    ceases to be a Director by virtue of the Act or is removed from
               office pursuant to these Bye-Laws.



36.1    The Company may by Ordinary Resolution elect any person or persons to
        act as Directors in the alternative to any of the Directors or may
        authorise the Board to appoint such Alternate Directors. Unless the
        Members otherwise resolve by Ordinary Resolution, any Director may
        appoint and remove his own Alternate Director by written or verbal
        notice to the Secretary. Any Alternate Director may be removed by
        Ordinary Resolution of the Company and, if appointed by the Board, may
        be removed by the Board. Subject as aforesaid, the office of Alternate
        Director shall continue until the next annual election of Directors or,
        if earlier, the date on which the Director for which that person is an
        Alternate ceases to be a Director. An Alternate Director may also be a
        Director in his own right and may act as alternate to more than one

36.2    An Alternate Director shall have the rights and powers of the Director
        or Directors for whom such person is appointed in the alternative
        provided that such person shall not be counted more than once in
        determining whether or not a quorum is present at a meeting of the

36.3    An Alternate Director shall be entitled to receive notice of all
        meetings of the Board and to attend and vote at any such meeting at
        which any Director for whom he is alternate is not personally present,
        and generally to perform all the functions of any Director to whom he is

36.4    A person acting as an Alternate Director shall (except as regards powers
        to appoint an alternate and remuneration) be subject in all respects to
        the provisions of these Bye-Laws relating to Directors and shall alone
        be responsible to the Company for his acts and defaults and shall not be
        deemed to be the agent of or for any Director for whom he is alternate.
        An Alternate Director may be paid expenses and shall be entitled to be
        indemnified by the Company to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he
        were a Director. Every person acting as an Alternate Director shall have
        one vote for each Director for whom he acts as alternate (in addition to
        his own vote if he is also a Director). The signature of an Alternate
        Director to any resolution in writing of the Board or a committee of the
        Board shall, unless the terms of his appointment provides to the
        contrary, be as effective as the signature of the Director or Directors
        to whom he is alternate.


        The Secretary shall establish and maintain a Register of Directors and
        Officers as required by the Act. The Register of Directors and Officers
        shall be open to inspection in the manner prescribed by the Act between
        10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on every working day.


        The remuneration (if any) of the Directors shall be determined from time
        to time by the Company by Ordinary Resolution and shall be deemed to
        accrue from day to day. A Director may also be paid all travel, hotel
        and incidental expenses properly incurred in attending and returning
        from meetings of the Board,


        committees appointed by the Board, general meetings of the Company, or
        in connection with the business of the Company or his duties as a
        Director generally.


39.1    A Director, or a Director's firm, partner or any company with whom a
        Director is associated, may act in a professional capacity for the
        Company and that Director or that Director's firm, partner or such
        company shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as
        if such Director were not a Director, provided that nothing in this
        Bye-law shall authorise a Director or a Director's firm, partner or
        company to act as Auditor of the Company.

39.2    A Director who is directly or indirectly interested in a contract or
        proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the
        nature of his interest at the first opportunity at a meeting of the
        Board or by writing to the Directors as required by the Act.

39.3    Following a declaration being made pursuant to Bye-law 39.2, and unless
        disqualified by the chairman of the relevant Board meeting, a Director
        may vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract or arrangement
        in which such Director is interested and may be counted in the quorum at
        such meeting.

                            POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD


40.1    In managing the business of the Company, the Board may exercise all such
        powers of the Company as are not by statute or by these Bye-laws
        required to be exercised by the Company in general meeting subject to
        the Act, these Bye-Laws and to any directions given by the Company by
        Ordinary Resolution.

40.2    No direction or alteration of these Bye-Laws made by the Company in
        general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the Board which would
        have been valid if that direction or alteration had not been made. The
        powers given by this Bye-Law shall not be limited by any special power
        given to the Board by these Bye-Laws and a meeting of the Board at which
        a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all the powers,
        authorities and discretions for the time being vested in or exercisable
        by the Board.

40.3    The Board may procure that the Company pays all expenses incurred in
        promoting and incorporating the Company.


        The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money and
        to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and
        assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and to
        issue debentures and other securities, whether outright or as collateral
        security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any
        other persons.



        The Board on behalf of the Company may provide benefits for any person
        including any Director or former Director who has held any executive
        office or employment with the Company or with any body corporate which
        is or has been a subsidiary or affiliate of the Company or a predecessor
        in the business of the Company or of any such subsidiary or affiliate,
        and to any member of his family or any person who is or was dependent on
        him, and may contribute to any fund and pay premiums for the purchase or
        provision of any such benefit, or for the insurance of any such person.


        The Board may from time to time appoint one or more of the Directors to
        be managing director or chief executive officer of the Company who
        shall, subject to control of the Board, supervise and administer all of
        the general business and affairs of the Company. The terms of any such
        appointment as to period and remuneration (if any) shall be determined
        by the Board.


44.1    The Board may appoint a person to act as manager of the Company's day to
        day business and may entrust and confer upon such manager such powers
        and duties as it deems appropriate for the transaction or conduct of
        such business.

44.2    The Board may appoint, suspend or remove any employee of the Company and
        may fix his remuneration and determine his duties.


45.1    The Board may from time to time and at any time authorise any person to
        act on behalf of the Company for any specific purpose and in connection
        therewith to execute any agreement, document or instrument on behalf of
        the Company.

45.2    The Board may from time to time and at any time by power of attorney
        appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons,
        whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be an attorney
        of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and
        discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board
        under these Bye-Laws) and for such period and subject to such conditions
        as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such
        provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with
        any such attorney and of such attorney as the Board may think fit, and
        may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the
        powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.


46.1    The Board may entrust and confer on any Director or officer any of the
        powers exercisable by it on such terms and conditions and with such
        restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the
        exclusion of, its own powers, and


        may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such powers but no
        person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation or
        variation shall be affected thereby.

46.2    The Board may delegate any of its powers to a committee appointed by the
        Board which may consist partly or entirely of non-Directors and every
        such committee shall conform to such directions as the Board may impose
        on it.


        The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to:

        (a)    purchase all or any of its own shares in accordance with Section
               42A of the Act; and

        (b)    continue the Company in a named country or jurisdiction outside
               Bermuda in accordance with Section 132G of the Act.


48.1    The Board may hold meetings, both regular and special, for the despatch
        of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks

48.2    Regular meetings of the Board may be held without notice at such time
        and at such place as shall from time to time be determined by the Board.
        The President or any two Directors may, and the Secretary, on the
        requisition of the President or any two Directors, shall, at any time
        summon a special board meeting on not less than two days' notice.

48.3    Questions arising at any Board meeting shall be determined by a majority
        of votes and, in the event of an equality of votes, the resolution shall

48.4    A meeting of the Board or a committee appointed by the Board may be held
        by means of such telephone, electronic or other communication facilities
        as permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with
        each other simultaneously and instantaneously and participation in such
        a meeting shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.


49.1    Where notice of a Board meeting is required under these Bye-laws, such
        notice shall be given in writing to each Director within the appropriate
        time period specifying the date, time and place of the meeting and a
        brief description of the business to be conducted at the meeting.

49.2    Notice of a Board meeting where required shall be deemed to be duly
        given to a Director if it is given to him personally or sent to him by
        post, facsimile, e-mail or other mode of representing or reproducing
        words in a legible and non-transitory form at his last known address or
        any other address given by him to the Company for this purpose.


49.3    A Director may waive notice of any meeting where required either
        prospectively or retrospectively.


        The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board
        shall be a majority of the members of the Board of Directors in office
        (but in no case less than two Directors). A Director who to his
        knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a
        contract or proposed contract, transaction or arrangement with the
        Company and has complied with the provisions of the Act and these
        Bye-Laws with regard to disclosure of his interest shall be entitled to
        vote in respect of any contract, transaction or arrangement in which he
        is so interested and if he shall do so his vote shall be counted, and he
        shall be taken into account in ascertaining whether a quorum is present.


        The Chairman (if any) of the Board or, in his absence, the Deputy
        Chairman shall preside as chairman at every meeting of the Board. If
        there is no such Chairman or Deputy Chairman, or if at any meeting the
        Chairman or the Deputy Chairman is not present within five minutes after
        the time appointed for holding the meeting, or is not willing to act as
        chairman, the Directors present may chose one of their number to be
        chairman of the meeting.


        The meetings and proceedings of any committee appointed by the Board
        consisting of two or more persons shall be governed by the provisions in
        these Bye-Laws for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Board
        so far as the same are applicable and are not superceded by any
        regulations imposed by the Board.


        A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors or by all the
        members of a committee which may be in counterparts shall be as valid as
        if it had been passed at a duly called and constituted meeting of the
        Board or committee, as the case may be, such resolution to be effective
        on the date on which the last Director signs the resolution.



        All acts done by the Board, any committee, any person acting as a
        Director or member of a committee or any person duly authorised by the
        Board or any committee, shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards
        discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any member
        of the Board or such committee or person acting as aforesaid or that
        they or any of them were disqualified or had vacated their office, be as
        valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified
        and had continued to be a Director, member of such committee or person
        so authorised.

                                OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY


        The officers of the Company shall include a President and a
        Vice-President or a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman (who shall be
        Directors), a Secretary and such additional Officers (including, without
        limitation, assistant or deputy secretaries) as the Board may from time
        to time determine all of whom shall be deemed to be Officers for the
        purposes of these Bye-laws.


        The President and Vice-President or Chairman and Deputy Chairman shall
        be elected by the Board as soon as possible after the statutory meeting
        and after each annual general meeting. Any person elected or appointed
        pursuant to this Bye-Law shall hold office until the close of the next
        annual general meeting or for such other period and upon such terms as
        the Board may determine and the Board may revoke or terminate any such
        election or appointment.


        Save as provided in the Act or these Bye-Laws, the powers, duties and
        remuneration of the Officers of the Company shall be such (if any) as
        are determined from time to time by the Board. A provision of the Act or
        these Bye-Laws requiring or authorising a thing to be done by or to a
        Director and the Secretary shall not be satisfied by its being done by
        or to the same person acting both as Director and as, or in the place
        of, the Secretary.

58.     MINUTES

        The Directors shall cause minutes to be made and books kept for the
        purpose of recording:

        (a)    all appointments of Officers made by the Directors;

        (b)    the names of the Directors and other persons (if any) present at
               each meeting of Directors and of any committee;


        (c)    of all proceedings at meetings of the Company, of the holders of
               any class of shares in the Company, and of committees;

        (d)    of all proceedings of managers (if any).


                                    THE SEAL

59.     THE SEAL

        The Seal shall be in such form as the Board may from time to time
        determine. The Board may adopt one or more duplicate seals for use
        outside Bermuda.


        A Seal shall only be used by authority of the Board or of a committee
        constituted of the Board. Subject to these Bye-Laws, any instrument to
        which a Seal is affixed shall be signed by two Directors or the
        Secretary and one Director, or by any two persons whether or not
        Directors or the Secretary who have been authorised either generally or
        specifically to attest to the use of the Seal provided that any Officer,
        Director or Resident Representative may affix a Seal attested with his
        signature only to authenticate copies of these Bye-Laws, the minutes of
        any meeting or any other documents requiring authentication.



        The Board may, subject to these Bye-laws and in accordance with Section
        54 of the Act, declare a dividend to be paid to Members, in proportion
        to the number of shares held by them, and such dividend may be paid in
        cash or wholly or partly in specie in which case the Board may fix the
        value for distribution in specie of any assets.


        The Board may declare and make such other distributions (in cash or in
        specie) to the Members as may be lawfully made out of the assets of the


        The Board may from time to time before declaring a dividend set aside,
        out of the surplus or profits of the Company, such sum as it thinks
        proper as a reserve fund to be used to meet contingencies or for
        equalising dividends or for any other special purpose.


        The Board may deduct from any dividend, distribution or other moneys
        payable to a Member by the Company on or in respect of any shares all
        sums of money (if any) presently payable by him to the Company on
        account of calls on or in respect of shares of the Company or otherwise
        in respect of monies owed by him to the Company.



        Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-Laws, the Company may
        by Ordinary Resolution or the Board may fix any date as the record date
        for the payment of any dividend or distribution or the making of any
        allotment or issue of shares and for the purpose of identifying the
        persons entitled to receive notices of general meetings. Any such record
        date may be on or at any time before or after any date on which such
        dividend, distribution, allotment or issue is declared, paid or made or
        such notice is dispatched.

                            CAPITALISATION OF PROFITS


66.1    The Board may resolve to capitalise all or any part of any amount for
        the time being standing to the credit of any of the Company's share
        premium or other reserve accounts or to the credit of the profit and
        loss account or otherwise available for distribution by applying such
        sum in paying up unissued shares to be allotted as fully paid bonus
        shares pro rata to the Members.

66.2    The Company may capitalise any sum standing to the credit of a reserve
        accounts or otherwise available for distribution by applying such sum in
        paying up in full partly paid shares of those Members who would have
        been entitled to such sums if they were distributed by way of dividend
        or distribution.



        The Board shall cause to be kept proper accounting records in accordance
        with the requirements of the Act. The records of account shall be kept
        at the Registered Office or, subject to Section 83(2) of the Act, at
        such other place as the Board thinks fit and shall at all times be open
        to inspection by the Directors during normal business hours.


        The financial year end of the Company may be determined by resolution of
        the Board and failing such resolution shall be 31st December in each


        Subject to any rights to waive laying of accounts pursuant to Section 88
        of the Act, financial statements made out in accordance with the
        provisions as required by the Act shall be laid before the Members in
        general meeting.



70.     AUDITORS

        Subject to any rights to waive an audit pursuant to Section 88 of the
        Act, auditors shall be appointed by the Members or the Directors in
        accordance with Section 89 of the Act and their duties shall be
        regulated in accordance with the Act, any other applicable law and such
        requirements not inconsistent with the Act as the Board may from time to
        time determine.



        A notice or other document (including a share certificate) may be served
        on or delivered to a Member either personally or by post to that Member
        at his address appearing in the Register of Members or to such other
        address given for the purpose. Notices or documents to be given or
        delivered to joint holders of a share shall be deemed to be properly
        given to all joint holders by delivery on or to one of the joint
        holders. Any notice or other document sent by post shall be deemed to
        have been served or delivered seven days after it was put in the post,
        and in proving such service or delivery, it shall be sufficient to prove
        that the notice or document was properly addressed, stamped and put in
        the post.


        A notice of a general meeting shall be deemed to be duly given to a
        Member if it is sent to him by telex, facsimile, e mail or other mode of
        representing or reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form
        to his address appearing in the Register of Members or any other address
        given by him to the Company for this purpose. Any such notice shall be
        deemed to have been served twenty-four hours after its despatch.

                                      WINDING UP


        If the Company is wound up, the liquidator may, with the sanction of an
        Ordinary Resolution of the Members and any other sanction required by
        the Act, divide amongst the Members in specie or kind the whole or any
        part of the assets of the Company (whether they shall consist of
        property of the same kind or not) and may for such purposes set such
        values as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and
        may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the
        Members or different classes of Members. The liquidator may, with the
        like sanction, vest the whole or any part of such assets in trustees
        upon such trust for the benefit of the contributories as the liquidator,
        with the like sanction, shall think fit, but so that no Member shall be
        compelled to accept any shares or other assets upon which there is any




        Subject to the proviso below, every Director, Officer and member of a
        committee appointed by the Board shall be indemnified out of the funds
        of the Company against all:

        (a)    civil liabilities loss damage or expense (including but not
               limited to liabilities under contract, tort and statute or any
               applicable foreign law or regulation and all reasonable legal
               and other costs and expenses properly payable) incurred or
               suffered by him as a Director, Officer or committee member; and

        (b)    liabilities incurred by him as such Director, officer or
               committee member in defending any proceedings, whether civil or
               criminal, in which judgment is given in his favour, or in which
               he is acquitted, or in connection with any application under the
               Act in which relief from liability is granted to him by the

        and this indemnity shall extend to any person acting as a Director,
        Officer or committee member in the reasonable belief that he has been so
        appointed or elected notwithstanding any defect in such appointment or
        election provided that this indemnity shall not extend to any matter
        which would render it void pursuant to the Act. Any indemnity pursuant
        to these Bye-Laws in respect of amounts paid or discharged by the person
        claiming the indemnity shall take effect as an obligation of the Company
        to reimburse the person making such payment or effecting such discharge.

                             ALTERATION OF BYE-LAWS


        Save for any amendment to Bye-laws 32 (Written resolutions), 34
        (Appointment, classification and removal of Directors) or this Bye-law
        75 which shall require a resolution of the Board and a Special
        Resolution of the Members in general meeting, any provision of these
        Bye-Laws may be amended from time to time by a resolution of the
        Directors and by an Ordinary Resolution of the Members in a general
        meeting of the Company.
