AMENDMENT NO. 1 dated as of June 20, 2000, made by and among (i) NEXTEL
ARGENTINA S.R.L. (the "Borrower"), a sociedad de responsabilidad limitada
organized under the laws of Argentina, (ii) NEXTEL INTERNATIONAL (ARGENTINA),
LTD. (the "Parent"), a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman
Islands, and (iii) NEXTEL INTERNATIONAL, INC. (the "Parent Shareholder"), a
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington, United States
of America.

     The Borrower, the Parent and the Parent Shareholder are parties to a
Capital Subscription Agreement dated as of March 17, 1998 (as amended and
restated by the Amended and Restated Capital Subscription Agreement dated as of
May 12, 1999 and as further modified, supplemented and in effect from time to
time, the "Capital Subscription Agreement") and wish to amend certain provisions
of the Capital Subscription Agreement.

     Accordingly, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as

     SECTION 1. Amendments.

     1.01. Definitions. The definition of "Equity Contribution" in Section 1 of
the Capital Subscription Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as

          "Equity Contribution" means, as to any Person (i) the amount of cash
     consideration paid to such Person in exchange for newly-issued Capital
     Stock of such Person, (ii) the amount of any contribution of cash to such
     Person in respect of its Capital Stock made by any then-existing
     equityholder, (iii) in the case of the Borrower, the value of equipment
     contributed to the Parent by the Parent Shareholder, and to the Borrower by
     the Parent, in respect of its capital stock, so long as such equipment is
     newly manufactured and has been purchased by the Parent Shareholder from
     third party vendor(s), not an Affiliate, within 30 days prior to the date
     of delivery of such equipment to the Borrower and (iv) the value of
     payments made by the Parent Shareholder to third party vendors in respect
     of software, software design and software licensing utilized by the
     Borrower and its Subsidiaries and set forth in a certification to such
     effect delivered to the Administrative Agent and signed jointly by an
     officer of the Parent Shareholder and the Borrower, provided that the
     aggregate amount of such payments during any single fiscal year that may be
     treated as Equity Contributions shall not exceed U.S. $3,000,000. For
     purposes hereof, the value of any equipment contributed to the Parent and
     the Borrower as contemplated by the foregoing clause (iii) shall be valued
     at the purchase price therefor reflected on the invoice of the respective
     vendor, and the value of any software, software design and software
     licensing referred to in the foregoing clause

                Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement

          (iv) shall be the amount thereof determined in good faith as being
     properly allocable to the Borrower and its Subsidiaries as set forth in the
     officers' certificate referred to in said clause (iv).

     1.02. New Equity Contributions. Section 2(c) of the Capital Subscription
Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

          "(c) New Equity Contributions. The Parent Equity Holders shall make
     additional Equity Contributions to the Parent, by remitting the same in
     U.S. Dollars and in immediately available funds to the Equity Contribution
     Account or, alternatively, by contributing equipment as permitted by clause
     (iii) of the definition of "Equity Contribution" in Section 1 (all such
     additional Equity Contributions to the Parent being herein referred to as
     the "New Equity Contributions"), from time to time as herein provided, to
     the extent necessary so that the aggregate amount of (x) the Pre-Closing
     Equity Contributions, plus (y) the New Equity Contributions, so made in the
     Parent on or before the dates set forth below shall each be equal to or
     greater than the respective amounts set forth below beside such dates (as
     such amounts shall be adjusted in accordance with the proviso set forth

                    Date                                       Amount
                    ----                                       ------
          Amendment No. 3 Effective Date                  U.S.$ 65,500,000

          December 31, 1999                               U.S.$ 83,500,000

          March 31, 2000                                  U.S.$ 90,500,000

          June 30, 2000                                   U.S.$135,000,000

          September 30, 2000                              U.S.$180,000,000

          December 31, 2000                               U.S.$218,000,000

          March 31, 2001                                  U.S.$242,000,000

          June 30, 2001                                   U.S.$275,000,000

          September 30, 2001                              U.S.$306,000,000

          December 31, 2001                               U.S.$328,000,000

          March 31, 2002                                  U.S.$346,000,000

          June 30, 2002                                   U.S.$362,000,000

          September 30, 2002                              U.S.$406,000,000

                Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement


                    Date                                       Amount
                    ----                                       ------
          December 31, 2002                               U.S.$445,000,000

     provided that the amount set forth above for any date shall be reduced or
     increased by the amounts set forth below in the event any of the following
     conditions shall be met (reductions and increases in the following clauses
     (i) and (ii) each to be independent of the other):

               (i) in the event that the Borrower shall elect to reduce the
          cumulative permitted amount of Capital Expenditures through any
          December 31 as contemplated by clause (i) of Section 7.08(c) of the
          Credit Agreement by sending a "Notice of Capital Expenditure
          Reduction" to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders as provided
          therein, then the amount of required New Equity Contributions as at
          said December 31 and each date set forth in the schedule above after
          such December 31 shall be reduced by an equivalent amount; and

               (ii) in the event that the cumulative amount of EBITDA for the
          period (treated for these purposes as a single accounting period)
          commencing on January 1, 2000 through and including the fiscal quarter
          ending on any date set forth in the schedule below shall (x) be
          greater than the projected EBITDA for such period set forth in the
          schedule below, then the amount of required New Equity Contributions
          as at said date and each date set forth in the schedule above after
          such date shall be reduced by an equivalent amount and (y) be less
          than the projected EBITDA for such period set forth in the schedule
          below, then the amount of required New Equity Contributions as at said
          date and each date set forth in the schedule above after such date
          shall be increased by an equivalent amount:

                 Period Ending                                Amount
                 -------------                                ------
               March 31, 2000                             U.S.$ (3,653,390)

               June 30, 2000                              U.S.$(12,113,100)

               September 30, 2000                         U.S.$(17,449,154)

               December 31, 2000                          U.S.$(22,606,002)

               March 31, 2001                             U.S.$(25,675,686)

               June 30, 2001                              U.S.$(27,151,089)

               September 30, 2001                         U.S.$(27,333,601)

               December 31, 2001                          U.S.$(26,306,524)

               March 31, 2002                             U.S.$(24,903,776)

               Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement



                  Period Ending                  Amount
                  -------------                  ------
               June 30, 2002                U.S.$(21,556,744)

               September 30, 2002           U.S.$(16,236,247)

               December 31, 2002            U.S.$ (8,771,888)

          The amounts set forth above in the first schedule above (as so
     adjusted) shall be referred to in this Agreement as the "Equity Holder
     Commitments" of the Parent Equity Holders. The Parent may from time to
     time, upon not less than 10 days' prior written notice, require that the
     Parent Equity Holders make the New Equity Contributions contemplated hereby
     in advance of any date specified above, and if any such notice is given,
     the Parent Equity Holders shall so make such New Equity Contributions on
     the date and in the amount so required in such notice."

     SECTION 2. Miscellaneous. Except as herein provided, the Amended and
Restated Capital Subscription Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force
and effect. This Amendment No. 1 may be executed in counterparts which, taken
together, shall constitute a single document and any of the parties hereto may
execute this Amendment No. 1 by signing nay such counterpart. Terms defined in
the Amended and Restated Capital Subscription Agreement are used herein as
defined therein. This Amendment No. 1 shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the law of the State of New York.

                Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Amendment No. 1 to be
executed by their duly authorized signatures in counterparts all as of the date
first above written.

                                          NEXTEL ARGENTINA S.R.L.


                                          NEXTEL INTERNATIONAL (ARGENTINA), LTD.


                                          NEXTEL INTERNATIONAL, INC.


                Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement


     Pursuant to Section 3(b)(ii) of the Amended and Restated Consent Agreement
dated as of May 12, 1999 between the Parent, the Parent Shareholder and The
Chase Manhattan Bank, as administrative agent (the "Administrative Agent") for
the Lenders party to the Credit Agreement referred to therein, the undersigned
hereby consents to the amendments provided for in this Amendment No. 1.



                Amendment No. 1 to Capital Subscription Agreement
