DART GROUP CORPORATION

                    Resolution of the Executive Committee
            of the Board of Directors by Unanimous Written Consent

WHEREAS, plaintiff Ronald S. Haft and intervenors Alan R. Kahn and The Tudor
Trust have submitted a proposed settlement of Haft v. Dart Group Corporation,
C.A. No. 13736 (Del. Ch.) in which Ronald S. Haft sued to enforce the stock
option contained in his employment agreement and Dart counterclaimed for
recision of his agreement;

WHEREAS, this proposed settlement has been reviewed extensively by the
Executive Committee members in consultation with legal counsel;

WHEREAS, counsel for plaintiff has repeatedly requested that the Executive
Committee explain any reasons it may have for believing that the proposed
settlement is not in Dart's best interests, even though the Court has not
scheduled consideration of the merits of the proposal; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee favors a settlement of this action, if
possible, and wants the parties to understand fully the reasons why it cannot
accept the settlement proposed;


         (1)  that the Executive Committee has determined that the
settlement proposed by plaintiff and intervenors is not in the best interests
of Dart;

         (2)  that the attached submission sets forth the reasons for the
Executive Committee's rejection of this proposed settlement; and

         (3)  that this Resolution and submission should be disclosed to the
parties and the Court at this time to further understanding of the issues
implicated by the settlement proposal and facilitate efforts to resolve this

APPROVED:                                     DATE:
/S/ Douglas M. Bregman                        March 7, 1995             
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Douglas M. Bregman                            
/S/ Larry G. Schafran                         March 7, 1995             
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Larry G. Schafran                             
/S/ Bonita A. Wilson                          March 7, 1995             
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Bonita A. Wilson