A copy of this Part A Statement was registered by the Australian Securities
Commission on 31 January 1996.  Neither the Commission nor any of its officers
takes any responsibility as to the contents of this Part A Statement.

                                PART A STATEMENT
                        COEUR D'ALENE MINES CORPORATION
                               (ARBN 072 498 125)

MINES NL (ACN 009 212 382) under Part 6.3 of the Corporations Law.

Terms used in this Statement are defined in clause 8 of this Statement



     Coeur d'Alene proposes making takeover offers in respect of all Gasgoyne
     Shares, together with all Rights attaching to them, whether on issue on
     the date of the offers or issued during the term of the offers pursuant to
     the exercise of any Gasgoyne Options.

     The consideration to be offered for each 100 Gasgoyne Shares is $60 plus 7
     Coeur d'Alene Shares.  The holders of Gasgoyne Shares who, as a result of
     accepting an offer or offers become entitled to an odd lot or fractional
     entitlement of Coeur d'Alene Shares, will be treated in the manner set out
     in clauses 12.2 and 2.4 respectively of the offer document accompanying
     this Statement.

     This offer may not be accepted for only a portion of the Gasgoyne Shares
     held by a person.  Acceptance must be made for all of such person's
     Gasgoyne Shares, including Gasgoyne Shares issued on exercise of Gasgoyne
     Options during the term of the offers.

     A copy of one of the proposed offers accompanies this Statement.


     The Offers are to remain open for the period commencing on the date of the
     Offers and ending at 5.00 pm (Perth time) on the day which is one month
     after that date unless the Offers are extended or withdrawn in accordance
     with the Corporations Law.



     The principal activity of Coeur d'Alene and of its subsidiaries ("GROUP")
     is the production of precious metals (ie gold and silver).

     Coeur d'Alene was founded in 1928 and is based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho,
     United States of America.  The Group currently employs more than 1,000
     people and has total assets exceeding A$590 million (US$440 million) at
     current exchange rates.

     The Group is a significant producer of silver and gold and operator of
     mines in the United States, Chile and New Zealand.

     Total Gold and Silver Production

                                   SILVER                         GOLD
     1995                          7.2 million ounces             168,000 ounces
     1996 (forecast)*              8.9 million ounces             224,000 ounces

     * The directors of Coeur d'Alene can give no assurance that these
     levels of production will be achieved.  The forecast above does not
     include production for Gasgoyne - refer to the full forecast in clause
     4.4.4 which includes forecast production for Gasgoyne.

     The Group has the following four operating mines:

     -    Rochester Mine, Nevada (USA)
     -    Golden Cross Mine (New Zealand)
     -    Fachinal Mine (Chile)
     -    El Bronce Mine (Chile)
     The Group also has interests in a number of other projects:
     -    Kensington, Alaska (USA)
     -    Silver Valley Resources Corp, Idaho (USA)
     -    Faride (Chile)

     Refer to the table in clause 2.4 for further details of the production,
     costs, ore reserves and mineral deposits of each mine.

     Rochester Mine

     The Rochester Mine is a silver and gold surface mine located in Nevada,
     USA.  The mine has been in continuous operation since 1986 and is wholly
     owned and operated by the Group.


     The mine is one of the largest and lowest cost primary silver mines in
     North America.  As at 31 December 1995:

     -    proven and probable reserves were 95.5 million ounces of silver and
          813,000 ounces of gold; and

     -    cash operating costs for the year were US$275 per gold equivalent

     The currently identified mine life is approximately ten years at current
     gold and silver prices.

     Golden Cross

     The Golden Cross mine is a gold and silver surface and underground mine
     located near Waihi on the North Island of New Zealand.

     The Group owns an 80% interest in the mine and has operatorship.  The
     balance of the interest in the mine is owned by The Todd Corporation of
     New Zealand.  Coeur d'Alene's interest was acquired in 1993 for
     approximately US$54 million and is a fully operating property.

     The mine had a low cost structure of US$232 per gold equivalent ounce for
     the year ended 31 December 1995.  Gold equivalent reserves increased by
     76% in 1994 to approximately 510,000 ounces.

     Fachinal Mine

     The Fachinal mine is a gold and silver open pit and underground mine
     located in southern Chile.  The mine is wholly owned and operated by the

     The mine commenced production in October 1995 on schedule and under
     budget.  The mine is expected to produce 44,000 ounces of gold and 2.8
     million ounces of silver in its first full year of operation (1996), at a
     forecast cash operating cost of US$225 per gold equivalent ounce.

     The mine has significant reserve expansion potential as the property
     contains 67 veins and at least five mineralized zones.

     El Bronce Mine

     The El Bronce mine is an underground gold and silver mine located in
     central Chile.

     In 1994 the Group acquired an interest in the mine entitling it to 51% of
     net profits and giving it operatorship.

     The Group will also be entitled to a 51% equity interest in the mine if it
     invests a total of US$25.5 million towards, among other things,
     exploratory and development activities over the 4 years to July 1997.  As
     at 30 September 1995 the Group had already invested US$16.7 million and is
     thus only required to pay a further US$8.8 million over the next two



     Since Coeur d'Alene assumed operatorship, cash operating costs have
     decreased from US$400 to US$314 per gold equivalent ounce.

     Proven and probable reserves at the mine are currently 69,000 ounces of
     gold and are expected by Coeur d'Alene to significantly increase.

     Kensington Property

     The Group has a 100% ownership interest in a major Alaskan development
     project known as the Kensington Property.

     The Property has proven and probable reserves of approximately 1,946,000
     ounces of gold.  An updated feasibility study is currently being conducted
     and development activities are being undertaken.  The Company believes
     that the remaining permits will be obtained and expects that a decision
     will be made as to commencement of production in the third quarter of

     Silver Valley Resources Corporation

     The Group owns 50% of the shares in Silver Valley Resources Corporation
     ("SILVER VALLEY").  The other 50% is owned by Asarco Inc.

     Silver Valley owns the Coeur and Galena silver mines in Idaho, USA.
     Operations at these mines were suspended (in July 1992 and April 1991
     respectively) due to the low price of silver.

     A US$25 million program to develop additional reserves is on-going and the
     first drilling results have encountered significant commercial grades of
     silver ore.  The mines are being maintained in a ready state and could be
     in production within 90 days of a decision to recommence production.

     Due to increased silver prices in 1995 and recent exploratory drilling
     which resulted in several high grade intercepts, Silver Valley may decide
     to commence production at one or both mines in the near future.

     Faride Mine

     The Group has a development property at a gold mine known as the Faride
     mine in Chile.

     The Group's Business Plan

     The Group's business plan is to continue to:

     -    expand its gold and silver production through exploration,
          development and acquisition of efficient mining properties; and

     -    acquire businesses with a favourable operating cost structure that
          are operational or expected to become operational in the near future
          so that they can reasonably



          be expected to contribute to the Group's near-term cash flow and net
          income and expand the Group's gold and/or silver production.

     However, there are no material acquisitions other than the Offers
     currently being negotiated by the Group.

     Listing of Coeur d'Alene Shares

     Coeur d'Alene Shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the
     symbol "CDE" and also on the Pacific Stock Exchange based in San
     Francisco, California.  It is the intention of Coeur d'Alene that Coeur
     d'Alene Shares will be listed on ASX.  Coeur d'Alene will apply to ASX for
     admission to the official list of ASX and for official quotation of Coeur
     d'Alene Shares.  Quotation is not guaranteed or automatic and the Offers
     are not subject to listing on ASX.

     As at 25 January 1996, Coeur d'Alene had a market capitalisation of
     US$437.4 million (A$592.7 million), the closing price of Coeur d'Alene
     Shares on New York Stock Exchange was US$21.375 (A$28.96) per share and
     net assets were in excess of US$230 million (A$311.7 million).  Coeur
     d'Alene has the equivalent of a "B-" credit rating on its outstanding debt
     from Standard & Poor's and "B2" from Moody's Investor Services.


     The names, US addresses and occupations of all the Directors of Coeur
     d'Alene are:

                 NAME                               ADDRESS                        OCCUPATION
     Dennis E Wheeler                   505 Front Street                 Chairman, President and
                                        Coeur d'Alene Idaho 83854        Chief Executive Officer

     James A Sabala                     505 Front Street                 Senior Vice President and
                                        Coeur d'Alene Idaho 83854        Chief Financial Officer

     Joseph C Bennett                   2725 W Stonecrop Road Wilson     Mining Consultant
                                        Wyoming 83014

     Duane B Hagadone                   111 South First Street           Chairman of the Board
                                        Coeur d'Alene  Idaho 83814       The Hagadone Corporation

     James J Curran                     1300 SW 5th Avenue               Chairman of the Board and
                                        Portland Oregon 97201            Chief Executive Officer -
                                                                         First Interstate Bank
                                                                         Northwest Region

     James A McClure                    201 Maryland Avenue NE           Attorney, Pursley & Huntley
                                        Washington  DC  20002            President - McClure Gerard &



     Jeffery T Grade                    13400 Bishops Lane               Chairman of the Board and
                                        Brookfield  Wisconsin  53005     Chief Executive Officer -
                                                                         Harnischfegar Industries,

     Cecil D Andrus                     1910 University Drive            Chairman-Andrus
                                        Boise  Idaho  83701              Center for Public Policy
                                                                         of Counsel Gallatin Group

     Background of Directors

     The background of each of the Directors of Coeur d'Alene is as follows:

     Dennis E Wheeler - Chairman of the Board of the company since May 1992;
     President since December 1980; Chief Executive Officer since December
     1986; Chief Administrative Officer from December 1980 to December 1986;
     Secretary from January 1980 to December 1980; Senior Vice President and
     General Counsel from 1978 to 1980.  Director of Sierra Pacific Resources
     (a public utility holding company listed on NYSE).  Mr. Wheeler is aged 53
     and has been a director since 1968.

     James A Sabala - Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the
     company since June 1989; Vice President - Finance from 1987 to June 1989;
     Treasurer since 1982; and Secretary from 1986 to March 1990.  Certified
     Public Accountant.  Mr. Sabala is aged 41 and has been a director since

     Joseph C Bennett - Mining Consultant.  Director of Conwest Exploration
     Company, Limited.  Mr. Bennett is aged 62 and has been a director since

     Duane B Hagadone - Chairman of the Board of The Hagadone Corporation, a
     company engaged in the newspaper and communications businesses, since
     1966; Chairman of the Board of Hagadone Hospitality Co., which is engaged
     in the hotel and restaurant businesses, since 1983.  Director of
     Washington Water Power Company, which is listed on NYSE.  Mr. Hagadone is
     aged 63 and has been a director since 1987.

     James J Curran - Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, First
     Interstate Bank, Northwest Region (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and
     Washington); Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, First
     Interstate Bank of Oregon, N.A. from February 1991 to October 1991;
     Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of First Interstate Bank
     of Denver, N.A., from April 1990 to January 1991; Chairman, President and
     Chief Executive Officer of First Interstate Bank of Idaho, N.A., from July
     1984 to March 1990.  Mr Curran is aged 56 and has been a director since

     James A McClure - Attorney with the Boise, Idaho law firm of Givens,
     Pursley & Huntley; President of the Washington, D.C. consulting firm of
     McClure, Gerard & Neuenschwander, Inc.; United States Senator from Idaho
     from 1972 to 1990; former Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural
     Resources Committee.  Director of Boise Cascade Corporation (a natural
     resources company listed on



     NYSE) and The Williams Companies (a petroleum and telecommunications
     company).  Mr McClure is aged 71 and has been a director since 1991.

     Jeffery T Grade - Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
     Harnischfeger Industries, Inc. (listed on NYSE) since 1993, which is
     engaged in the manufacture of mining and material handling equipment and
     paper-making machinery and in computerised information systems and
     engineering services; previously served as President and Chief Executive
     Officer of that corporation from 1992 to 1993 and President and Chief
     Operating Officer of that corporation from 1986 to 1992.  Also a director
     of Crucible Materials Corporation (a manufacturer of special materials),
     Measurex Corporation (a manufacturer of central systems) and Case
     Corporation (listed on NYSE).  Mr Grade is aged 52 and has been a director
     since 1993.

     Cecil D Andrus - Governor of Idaho (1971-1977; 1987-1995); Secretary of
     the Department of the Interior of the United States of America
     (1977-1981).  Director of Albertson's, Inc. (a nation-wide grocery retail
     chain listed on NYSE); Chairman of the Andrus Center for Public Policy at
     Boise State University; member "of counsel" of the Gallatin Group (a
     policy consulting firm).  Mr Andrus is aged 64 and was appointed a
     director in 1995.

     The senior management of Coeur d'Alene is as follows:

     NAME                            OCCUPATION
     Dennis E Wheeler        Chairman, President and
                             Chief Executive Officer

     Michael L Clark         Senior Vice President and
                             Chief Operating Officer

     James A Sabala          Senior Vice President and
                             Chief Financial Officer

     Michael C Tippett       Senior Vice President
                             Exploration & New Business

     William F Boyd          Vice President, Corporate
                             Counsel and Secretary

     Alan L Wilder           Vice President,
                             Engineering Operations

     Tom T Angelos           Controller


     The following table sets forth information concerning the beneficial
     ownership of Coeur d'Alene Shares by the only shareholders known on 25
     January 1996 by the Company to be a beneficial owner of a substantial
     proportion (both as a percentage of current outstanding shares and on a
     fully diluted basis) of Coeur d'Alene Shares outstanding or securities
     convertible into Coeur d'Alene Shares:



                                        NUMBER OF                                             
                                        SECURITIES            PERCENTAGE OF       PERCENT OF  
                                       BENEFICIALLY            OUTSTANDING           FULLY    
                                         OWNED(3)                SHARES           DILUTED(4)  
                                      -------------           --------------     -------------
     Fidelity Management &              2,009,852                 9.82%              7.64%
     Research Corp.(1)

     Franklin Resources, Inc. (2)       1,030,032                  N/A               3.92%

     (1)  FMR Corp. is an investment advisory firm that serves as
          investment advisor to several investment companies that beneficially
          own the above-reported shares.  Its address is 82 Devonshire Street,
          Boston, Massachusetts 02109 USA.

     (2)  Franklin Resources, Inc., is an investment advisory firm that serves
          as investment advisor to several investment companies that
          beneficially own the above-reported securities.  Its address is 777
          Mariners Island Boulevarde, P.O. Box 7777, San Mateo, California
          94403-7777 USA.  Franklin Resources, Inc. did not actually hold any
          Coeur d'Alene Shares at the date of its last filing (see note (3)).
          Rather, 992,368 shares may be acquired upon the conversion of  6 3/8%
          Debentures and 37,664 shares may be acquired upon the conversion of
          6% Debentures.

     (3)  The above securities holdings are based on beneficial ownership of
          securities filings with the SEC by Fidelity Management Research Corp
          dated 30 September 1995 and Franklin Resources, Inc. dated 10
          February 1995.

     (4)  Based on there being a total of 26,300,779 Coeur d'Alene Shares on a
          fully diluted basis (ie 20,464,882 outstanding Coeur d'Alene Shares,
          plus the issue of 5,835,897 shares on  conversion of outstanding
          convertible debentures).


     The accompanying table shows 1993 and 1994 information with respect to
     Coeur d'Alene's ownership of mines, production, costs, ore reserves and
     mineral deposits.

                       COEUR D'ALENE STATISTICAL SUMMARY   

                                                                    Production                       Cost per Ounce  
                            Interest              Tonnes                                                              
                                                  Mined         Grade       Recovery    Ounces                         
GOLD             Mine               %      year   Millions     g/Tonne          %      Produced       Cash     Noncash
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States    Rochester        100.0   1994          7.119        0.24      104.73       56,886                    
                                  100.0   1993          6.577        0.31      103.46       66,412                    
                 Kensington        50.0   1994                                                                        
                                   50.0   1993                                                                        
Chile            Fachinal         100.0   1994                                                                        
                                  100.0   1993                                                                        
                 El Bronce         51.0   1994          0.022        6.51       90.05        4,953    174.67     20.40
                 Faride            51.0   1994                                                                        
New Zealand      Golden Cross      80.0   1994          0.643        3.57       89.48       67,400    277.00    111.00
                                   80.0   1993          0.436        4.39       90.00       56,898    220.26    116.40
United States    Rochester        100.0   1994          7.119       49.33       53.18    5,938,000      3.57      0.59
                                  100.0   1993          6.577       52.62       53.43    5,944,000      3.55      0.54
                 Galena            50.0   1994                                                                       
                                   62.5   1993                                                                       
                 Coeur             50.0   1994                                                                       
                                   50.0   1993                                                                       
Chile            Fachinal         100.0   1994                                                                       
                                  100.0   1993                                                                       
                 Faride            51.0   1994                                                                       
                 El Bronce         51.0   1994          0.022       25.88       92.45       20,000                    
New Zealand      Golden Cross      80.0   1994          0.643       18.96       55.28      222,000                    
                                   80.0   1993          0.436       20.26       60.01      175,000                    

                                                                         Reserves                 Mineralized Material  
                            Interest                       Tonnes          Grade     Contained     Tonnes       Grade   
GOLD             Mine               %      year          Millions        g/Tonne    Ounces(1)    Millions     g/tonne   
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States    Rochester        100.0   1994             73.230           0.37       872,000                          
                                  100.0   1993             68.149           0.38       841,000                          
                 Kensington        50.0   1994             12.378           4.90  (2)1,946,000      2.893        5.04   
                                   50.0   1993             12.378           4.90       973,000                          
Chile            Fachinal         100.0   1994              4.126           2.40       319,000      1.387        2.40   
                                  100.0   1993              4.083           2.40       318,000                          
                 El Bronce         51.0   1994              0.357           5.90        35,000      0.569        6.17   
                 Faride            51.0   1994              1.074           2.67        47,000      0.513        1.37   
New Zealand      Golden Cross      80.0   1994              6.865           2.71       481,000      0.368        1.71   
                                   80.0   1993              4.356           3.12       345,600                          
                                                   Total Contained Gold Ounces                                          
                                                   1994                              3,700,000                          
                                                   Toal Contained Gold Ounces                                           
                                                   1993                              2,477,600                          
United States    Rochester        100.0    1994            73.230          43.16   101,601,000                          
                                  100.0    1993            68.058          45.25    99,200,000                          
                 Galena            50.0    1994             0.863         516.63     7,163,000      0.777       303.05  
                                   62.5    1993             0.863         516.63     8,953,750                          
                 Coeur             50.0    1994             0.342         594.10     3,262,500      0.156       487.14  
                                   50.0    1993             0.463         668.50     4,968,500                          
Chile            Fachinal         100.0    1994             4.126         110.35    14,634,000      1.387       110.73  
                                  100.0    1993             4.083         110.39    14,700,000                          
                 Faride            51.0    1994             1.074         130.96     2,307,000      0.513       154.27  
                 El Bronce         51.0    1994                                                                         
New Zealand      Golden Cross      80.0    1994             6.865          11.66     2,058,000                          
                                   80.0    1993             4.356          13.92     1,559,040                          
                                                   Total Contained Silver                                               
                                                   Ounces 1994                     131,025,500                          
                                                   Total Contained Silver                                               
                                                   Ounces 1993                     129,381,290                          


            (1) Represents Coeur d'Alene's share of the            
                Contained Ounces (Au and Ag)                       
                Rochester 100%                                        
                Kensington 50% in 1994, 100% in 1995 (7 July 1995)    
                Fachinal 100%                                         
                El Bronce 51% (net profits interest)                  
                Coeur 50%                                             
                Faride 51% (option)      Golden Cross 80%             
                Galena 50% in 1994, 62.5% in 1993                     
            (2) Gives pro forma effect, as of 1 January 1994, to      
                the acquisition of the remaining                      
                50% interest in the Kensington Mine on 7 July         



     US Definitions of Ore Reserves and Mineralized Materials

     Information in this Statement and the material accompanying it with
     respect to ore reserves and mineral deposits of the Group has been
     prepared and defined in accordance with SEC definitions, as follows.

          "Mineral Deposit" or "Mineralized Material" is a mineralized
          underground body which has been intersected by sufficient closely
          spaced drill holes and/or underground sampling to support sufficient
          tonnage and average grade of metal(s) to warrant further
          exploration-development work.  This deposit does not qualify as a
          commercially mineable ore body ("Reserves"), as prescribed under SEC
          standards, until a final and comprehensive economic, technical, and
          legal feasibility study based upon the test results is concluded.

          "Ore Reserves" are that part of a mineral deposit which can be
          economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the
          reserve determination.

     For SEC purposes, ore reserves may be proven or probable:

          "Proven (Measured) Reserves" are those reserves for which (a)
          quantity is computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches,
          workings, or drill holes; grade and/or quality are computed from
          results of detailed sampling and (b) the sites for inspection,
          sampling, and measurement are so closely spaced and the geologic
          character is so well defined that size, shape, depth, and mineral
          content of reserves are well-established.

          "Probable (Indicated) Reserves" are those reserves for which quantity
          and grade and/or quality are computed from information similar to
          that for proven (measured) reserves, but the sites for inspection,
          sampling, and measurement are farther apart or are otherwise less
          adequately spaced.  The degree of assurance, although lower then that
          for proven (measured) reserves, is high enough to assume continuity
          between points of observation.

     Australian Definitions of Mineral Resources

     The JORC Code applicable in Australia provides that Australian companies
     reporting on mineralization are to prepare information on the following

          "Mineral Resource" is defined as an identified in-situ mineral
          occurrence from which valuable or useful minerals may be recovered.
          Mineral resources are subdivided into:

          -    Measured Mineral Resources;

          -    Indicated Mineral Resources; and



          -    Inferred Mineral Resources.

     The JORC Code provides that in defining a mineral resource, the competent
     person will only take into consideration geoscientific data if there is a
     clear implication that there are reasonable prospects for eventual
     economic exploitation.

          "Measured Mineral Resource" means a mineral resource intersected and
          tested by drill holes, underground openings or other sampling
          procedures at locations which are spaced closely enough to confirm
          continuity and where geoscientific data are reliably known.  A
          measured mineral resource estimate will be based on a substantial
          amount of reliable data, interpretation and evaluation of which
          allows a clear determination to be made of shapes, sizes, densities
          and grades.

          "Indicated Mineral Resource" means a mineral resource sampled by
          drill holes, underground opening or other sampling procedures at
          locations too widely spaced to ensure continuity but close enough to
          give a reasonable indication of continuity and where geoscientific
          data are known with a reasonable level of reliability.  An indicated
          mineral resource estimate will be based on more data, and therefore
          will be more reliable, than an inferred mineral resource estimate.

          "Inferred Mineral Resource" means a mineral resource inferred from
          geoscientific evidence, drill holes, underground openings or other
          sampling procedures where the lack of data is such that continuity
          cannot be predicted with confidence and where geoscientific data may
          not be known with a reasonable level of reliability.

     Under the JORC Code, "Ore Reserve" is defined as that part of a measured
     or indicated mineral resource which could be mined, inclusive of dilution,
     and from which valuable or useful minerals could be recovered economically
     under conditions realistically assumed at the time of reporting.  Ore
     reserves are subdivided into proved ore reserves and probable ore

          "Proved Ore Reserve" means an ore reserve stated in terms of mineable
          tonnes/volume and grade in which the corresponding identified mineral
          resource has been defined in three dimensions by excavation or
          drilling (including minor extensions beyond actual openings and drill
          holes), and where the geological factors that limit the ore body are
          known with sufficient confidence that the mineral resource is
          categorised as "measured".

          "Probable Ore Reserve" means an ore reserve stated in terms of
          mineable tonnes/volume and grades where the corresponding identified
          mineral resource has been defined by drilling, sampling or excavation
          (including extensions beyond actual openings and drill holes), and
          where the



          geological factors that control the ore body are known with
          sufficient confidence that the mineral resource is categorised as

     The Group believes that its ore reserve estimates, based on SEC
     definitions, are approximately the same as those that would result from
     the application of the JORC Code for determining proved and probable ore
     reserves.  The Group also believes that its mineral deposit estimates,
     based on SEC definitions, are approximately the same as would result from
     the application of the JORC Code for mineral resources, after deduction
     for proved and probable ore reserves.

     Although the Group's ore reserve and mineral deposit estimates are
     believed to have been prepared and evaluated reliably and professionally,
     ore reserve and mineral deposit estimates involve interpretation of known
     data and subjective judgments regarding grade, mineralization, continuity
     and, in the case of ore reserves, economic factors.

     The Group used US$375 and US$375-$400 per ounce as the gold price in
     evaluating the Group's ore reserves at the end of 1993 and 1994,
     respectively.  Future market price fluctuations, production costs,
     recovery rates and many other factors may result in an ore reserve
     becoming uneconomic or a mineral deposit being upgraded into an ore

     Information with respect to the Group's mineral deposits is included in
     this Statement and the material accompanying it to comply with Australian
     disclosure requirements applicable to the Offers.  SEC regulations do not
     permit possible or inferred mineral resource disclosures and limit mineral
     deposit disclosures in documents that are filed with the SEC under United
     States securities laws unless required by applicable foreign securities
     laws.  Coeur d'Alene's future SEC filings will only disclose the proven
     and probable ore reserve data and limited mineral deposit data permitted
     under United States securities laws.

     Gold Equivalent

     References in this Statement to gold equivalent ounces in respect of
     reserves or production means the number of ounces of gold plus one
     seventieth of the number of ounces of silver.  One seventieth
     approximately reflects the current relative spot prices of gold and


     The Group and its employees continue to be recognised for their leadership
     as environmental stewards.  The Group has received 14 awards relating to
     environmental care and compliance, including:

     -    Dennis E Wheeler, the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
          of Coeur d'Alene was awarded the 1994 Environmental Conservation
          Distinguished Service Award by the American Institute of Mining,
          Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, a 90,000 member US



     -    The Dupont/Conoco Environmental Leadership Award, which was awarded
          to the Company on 1 October 1991 by a judging panel that included
          representatives from environmental organisations and the US

     The receipt of such awards does not relieve the Company of its
     obligations to comply with all applicable environmental laws.

     In the 9 months ended 30 September 1995 the Group spent approximately
     US$2.1 million on environmental compliance activities and spent nearly
     US$3 million in the year ended 31 December 1994 at its operating


     Certain information on Coeur d'Alene's historical financial performance is
     set out in paragraph 4.4.1.  In addition Coeur d'Alene reported net income
     of US$2.3 million for the nine months ended 30 September 1995.  These
     results included a US$3.2 million gain relating to the delivery of gold
     and silver purchased in the open market to satisfy fixed price forward
     delivery contracts and US$2.4 million of income from discontinued
     operations (including the US$2.2 million after-tax gain from the sale of
     related non-mining assets).  The Group's accumulated deficit as of that
     date declined to approximately US$14.8 million.

     Coeur d'Alene's financial results over recent years have been
     significantly affected by a number of factors including interest expenses
     and certain non-recurring write-offs relating to mine closures.  In 1994
     the Company reported interest expense of US$11.4 million.  On 15 December
     1995, US$7.4 million of 7% Debentures were converted into Coeur d'Alene
     Shares.  As a result, in 1996, the Company's interest expense will decline
     by US$5.2 million or 46%.

     The following is an explanation of some of the reasons for Coeur d'Alene's
     losses in the 1990 through 1994 financial years.

     Coeur d'Alene acquired Callahan Mining Corporation ("CALLAHAN") by a
     merger transaction effective retroactively on 31 December 1991.  This
     acquisition was accounted for on a pooling of interests basis, and
     therefore the Group recorded losses of approximately US$4.2 million in
     1990, US$14.4 million in 1991 and US$759,000 in 1992.  Those losses
     largely reflect significant non-recurring write-offs relating to the
     closure of Callahan's Ropes Mine and Coeur d'Alene's Thunder Mountain Mine
     and expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition of Callahan, as
     well as interest expenses and the low silver and gold prices prevailing
     during these periods.  The mine closure write-offs amounted to
     approximately US$5.6 million in 1990 and US$5.7 million in 1991, and the
     expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition approximated US$5.2
     million.  Furthermore, a loss of approximately US$13.3 million before the
     cumulative effect of a change in accounting policy was recorded in the
     year ended 31 December 1993, which primarily resulted from approximately
     US$9.4 million of non-recurring write-offs relating to the settlement of
     litigation, resolution of an environmental matter and the



     write-off of uncollectable notes receivable.  A loss of approximately
     US$3.9 million was recorded in the year ended 31 December 1994 on which
     date the Group's accumulated deficit amounted to approximately US$17



     On a per share basis dividends or cash distributions (out of capital
     surplus) paid in respect of the last five years by Coeur d'Alene are as

         1991                 1992               1993              1994             1995

         US12 cents           US15 cents         US15 cents        US15 cents       US15 cents

     Past dividends or cash distributions have been paid in April.  See
     page 28 of annexure B  for additional information on net loss per share
     and dividends or cash distributions paid.  Further dividends or cash
     distributions, if any, will be determined by the Board of Directors of
     Coeur d'Alene and will depend primarily upon the Company's results of
     operations, financial condition and capital requirements.  No dividend or
     cash distribution has been included in the forecast for the periods ended
     31 December 1995 and 31 December 1996 - see note 9 under "Summary of
     Significant Forecast Assumptions" in clause 4.4.4.

     It is the policy of Coeur d'Alene's Board of Directors to discuss and
     consider the declaration of an annual dividend or cash distribution at its
     board meeting in March each year.

     Dividends payable by Coeur d'Alene will not be franked under Australian
     tax law.  The entire amount of the dividend will constitute assessable
     income for Australian income tax purposes, without any rebate for

     Dividends payable by Coeur d'Alene will also be subject to a 15%
     withholding tax in the United States, before being remitted to Australian
     resident shareholders.  That withholding tax generally may be claimed as a
     credit against Australian income taxes but is limited to the lesser of the
     actual dividend withholding tax paid and the Australian tax applicable to
     the dividend.

     The Australian taxation consequences of owning and disposing of Coeur
     d'Alene Shares are considered generally in clause 4.9.


     Further details on the Group's business and properties are contained in
     various public filings and reports in annexures B, C, D, E and F.  In
     particular, the section



     titled "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
     Results of Operations" appearing in each of those annexures (other than F)
     provides additional background.



     Gasgoyne is an Australian based gold producer with exploration projects
     located in Western Australia and Indonesia.  Gasgoyne's major assets are a
     50% interest in the Yilgarn Star joint venture at Marvel Loch, located
     south of Southern Cross, approximately 370 kilometres east of Perth, and a
     45% interest in the Awak Mas gold project, located in the South Sulawesi
     province of Indonesia.  Gasgoyne's other Western Australian interests
     include gold exploration projects at Laverton and Norseman.

     On the basis of Gasgoyne's most recent announcements to ASX, Gasgoyne's
     combined equity gold resource base was 834,842 contained ounces at Yilgarn
     Star and 811,800 contained ounces at Awak Mas, totalling 1,646,642
     contained ounces, of which 357,605 ounces are in the reserves category.

     On 6 September 1995, Gasgoyne made a full takeover offer for shares and
     options in Pilbara Mines NL, its subsidiary.  That offer was successful
     and Gasgoyne proceeded to compulsory acquisition of all outstanding shares
     in Pilbara Mines NL.  As a result, the financial position of Gasgoyne
     differs from its position as at 30 June 1995, the date of the last balance
     sheet laid before Gasgoyne shareholders in general meeting.  As part of
     the material sent to Pilbara Mines NL shareholders, Gasgoyne prepared an
     information memorandum, a copy of which is set out in annexure G.  That
     information memorandum contains pro forma and other information on
     Gasgoyne following the acquisition of Pilbara Mines NL.


     Other than as set out in annexures G and I, the financial position of
     Gasgoyne has not, so far as is known by Coeur d'Alene, materially changed
     since the date of the last balance sheet laid before Gasgoyne shareholders
     in general meeting except that:

     (a)  On 27 October 1995, Gasgoyne filed its quarterly report for the
          period ending 30 September 1995 with ASX.  A copy of that report is
          included as annexure I.  The following is an extract from the
          highlights identified by Gasgoyne in its release to ASX:

          "-   Gold production from the Yilgarn Star Gold Mine for the quarter
               was 27,901 fine ounces of gold, from 190,030 tonnes of ore at a
               recovered grade of 4.57 g/t gold.

          -    Cash operating costs were below forecast at $297.00 per ounce of
               gold produced and $43.50 per tonne of ore milled.  The higher



               operating costs [than in previous years] reflect a higher
               proportion of underground ore coming into the system.

          -    An additional 160,000 ounces of gold has been added to the
               resource base by the Southern Star discovery. Total resources 
               to a depth of about 100 metres are 1,164,000 tonnes at 
               4.3 g/t gold. Drilling is continuing between depths of 
               100 to 200 metres.

          -    An agreement has been finalised with CIM Gold NL to explore the
               Northern Star Prospect, E77/486 located from 2.5 to 10.5
               kilometres north of the Yilgarn Star Gold Mine.  Gasgoyne Gold
               Mines N.L. ("Gasgoyne Gold") and Orion Resources N.L. ("Orion")
               may earn a 74% interest in the 50.4 square kilometre area by
               expenditure of $1.5 million over 4 1/2 years.

          -    An additional 15,037 metres of RC and diamond holes were
               completed in the quarter at Awak Mas in Indonesia. Significant
               new zones of gold mineralization have been discovered in the
               Lematik Domain, with the best results of 24 metres at 2.38 g/t
               gold in AMD140 from surface."

     (b)  On 6 September 1995, Gasgoyne made the following announcement to ASX
          in relation to a cash/gold facility provided by Citibank Limited:

               "The Directors of Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL ("GGM") are pleased to
               announce that on 1 September 1995 GGM entered into a Facility
               Agreement with Citibank Limited to provide a line of credit to a
               maximum of $10,500,000, which may be drawn by GGM in cash or the
               gold equivalent thereof.  The facility is for a period of three
               years, with the maximum principal amount that may be
               outstanding, over that three year period, reducing on a
               quarterly basis.

               The Citibank facility will be used by GGM for the ongoing
               funding of its commitments on the Awak Mas Gold Project in South
               Sulawesi, Indonesia and for other working capital requirements.
               However, due to the substantial cash surplus being generated by
               GGM's interest in the Yilgarn Star Project, the Citibank
               facility is not anticipated to be required to its full extent
               and has only initially been drawn to the sum of $5,250,000.
               Prior to this recent drawing under the Citibank Facility, GGM
               was debt free.

               Security for the Citibank Facility is by way of a Fixed and
               Floating Charge over all the assets and undertaking of GGM."

          The facility documents contain a change in control provision, common
          to facilities of this nature.  It provides that if without the prior
          written consent of Citibank, effective control of Gasgoyne is altered
          from that subsisting on 1 September 1995, then the outstanding
          amounts under the facility may



          become due and payable.  For the purposes of the facility, a change
          in effective control occurs where control of the composition of the
          board of directors of Gasgoyne changes, control of more than one half
          of the voting power of Gasgoyne changes or control of more than one
          half of the Gasgoyne Shares changes.

          Coeur d'Alene believes that it is unlikely that Citibank would
          require the outstanding amounts under the facility to be repaid as a
          result of any change in effective control arising from the Takeover
          Scheme.  However, if Citibank required the amounts to be repaid,
          Coeur d'Alene believes that the borrowing could be refinanced without

     (c)  Coeur d'Alene's forecast results for the periods ending 31 December
          1995 and 31 December 1996 incorporate forecast results of Gasgoyne
          for those periods - see note 16 under "Summary of Significant
          Forecast Assumptions" in clause 4.4.4.



     The Offers are designed to enable Gasgoyne shareholders who accept the
     Offers, to realise a part of their investment in cash and also
     participate, via the holding of Coeur d'Alene Shares, in a larger
     corporation which will hold a significant, and possibly 100%, interest in
     Gasgoyne.  For existing Gasgoyne shareholders, potential advantages

     -    Participation in a group that:
          -    Has gold production which is approximately four times that of
          -    Has four currently producing gold and silver mines and a number
               of development stage projects.
          -    Is consistently expanding its gold production, while remaining
               one of the leading North American silver producers.
          -    Had a estimated reserve base of 5.57 million ounces of gold
               equivalent (3.7 million ounces of gold and 131 million ounces of
               silver) at 1 January 1995 (restated to include 100% of the
               Kensington Property).
          -    Has a considerably larger market capitalisation than Gasgoyne
               and a strong balance sheet.

     -    Access to a wider range of mine operating and project development
          experience and financial strength, which will place Gasgoyne in a
          position to become part of a larger precious metals group capable of
          developing Awak Mas and the Yilgarn Star tenements.



     -    Listing in both Australia and the USA.  Coeur d'Alene will apply to
          be listed on ASX (listing is not guaranteed or automatic) and is
          already listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Pacific Stock
          Exchange (San Francisco).

     -    Affiliation with a Group that has an established outstanding record
          of environmental protection and responsibility.


     It is the current intention of Coeur d'Alene, on the basis of the facts
     and information concerning Gasgoyne which presently are known to it and
     the existing circumstances affecting the business of Gasgoyne:

     (a)  to continue the business of Gasgoyne;

     (b)  not to make any major changes to the business of Gasgoyne nor to make
          any redeployment of the fixed assets of Gasgoyne; and

     (c)  to continue the future employment of the present employees of

     If Coeur d'Alene becomes entitled compulsorily to acquire Gasgoyne Shares,
     Coeur d'Alene presently intends to exercise those rights and to delist
     Gasgoyne from the official list of ASX.  As mentioned in clause 2.1, Coeur
     d'Alene intends to seek listing of Coeur d'Alene Shares on ASX regardless
     of whether compulsory acquisition is achieved.

     Coeur d'Alene views the Takeover Scheme as a major step in creating a
     competitive presence for the Group in Australia.  The Group has already
     established a significant base in the Australasian region through its 80%
     interest in the Golden Cross gold mine (see clause 2.1) and has
     considerable international experience in developing and operating mines
     both in North America and in Chile.  Coeur d'Alene intends to use its
     experience in assisting Gasgoyne to expand Gasgoyne's gold production.

     Following successful conclusion of its takeover offer Coeur d'Alene
     intends to work with the Gasgoyne management team and with the board of
     Orion Resources NL ("ORION") with a view to optimising the Yilgarn Star
     project.  Orion is a joint venture partner in the Yilgarn Star joint
     venture with a 45% interest and is also the operator of that project.

     Also, Coeur d'Alene intends to work with the Gasgoyne management team with
     a view to optimising the Awak Mas project in which Gasgoyne has a
     significant interest, together with other assets of Gasgoyne, in
     particular, exploration tenements adjacent to the Yilgarn Star project
     which are currently under the management of Gasgoyne.



     Orion is also a Western Australian based gold mining company, capitalised
     at approximately $127 million on 25 January 1996.  The Group increased its
     shareholding in Orion to approximately 13.1% of Orion's issued share
     capital on 23 January 1996 and at the same time purchased options which,
     if exercised, would increase the Group's shareholding in Orion to
     approximately 19.2%.

     It is also Coeur d'Alene's current intention to continue to evaluate its
     position in relation to Orion, in particular, as to whether it should seek
     to increase its shareholding.  In doing so, Coeur d'Alene would have
     regard to the relevant provisions of the Yilgarn Star Joint Venture
     Agreement which give Gasgoyne rights to become the operator of the Yilgarn
     Star joint venture in certain "change of control" situations including
     where a party becomes entitled to more than 20% of Orion's issued capital
     or on certain changes to the composition of the Board of Directors of

     Following successful conclusion of the Takeover Scheme it is the present
     intention of Coeur d'Alene  to seek the appointment of its nominees as
     directors of Gasgoyne and any company in respect of which Gasgoyne has
     nominee directors so that persons nominated by Coeur d'Alene will
     constitute at least a majority of those boards.  However, it is Coeur
     d'Alene's present intention to invite Mr Brian Hurley, the Chairman of the
     Board of Directors of Gasgoyne to remain as Chairman.  The present
     Managing Director of Gasgoyne, Mr Philip Crabb has indicated that he may
     step down from that position but remain active with Gasgoyne.  Mr Crabb
     has indicated that in any event he would remain as Chief Executive until
     such time as a suitable replacement was appointed.  If Mr Crabb steps
     down, Coeur d'Alene intends to appoint an appropriately experienced
     Australian executive as Mr Crabb's successor.  Coeur d'Alene also intends
     to request Mr Crabb to remain as a director of Gasgoyne following
     completion of the Takeover Scheme.


     Ownership of Coeur d'Alene Shares involves the following risks, which are
     both general and specific to Coeur d'Alene:


     The results of the Group's operations and the market price of Coeur
     d'Alene Shares are significantly affected by the market prices of gold and
     silver.  Those prices may fluctuate widely and are affected by factors
     beyond the Group's control, including interest rates, expectations
     regarding inflation, currency values, global and regional political and
     economic conditions, demand for jewellery, sales by central banks and
     other factors.

     Coeur d'Alene sells most of its gold and silver production at spot prices
     prevailing at the time of sale.  Coeur d'Alene has from time to time
     entered into forward contracts for the sale of a small portion of its gold
     and silver production. As at



     23 January 1996, Coeur d'Alene had entered into forward contracts to
     deliver a total of 46,772 ounces of gold in calender 1996 at an average
     price of US$416 representing 21% of its total 1996 forecast gold
     production, and less than 2% of its total gold reserves.


     Mineral exploration, particularly for gold and silver, involves many risks
     and frequently is non-productive.  Once mineralization is discovered, it
     may take a number of years from the initial phases until production is
     possible, during which time the economic feasibility of production may
     change.  Substantial developmental expenditures are required to establish
     ore reserves, to determine metallurgical processes to extract the metals
     from the ore and, in the case of new properties, to construct mining and
     processing facilities.

     The Group expended approximately US$23.0 million and US$49.7 million
     (excluding capitalised interest) in the year ended 31 December 1994 and
     the nine-month period ended 30 September 1995, respectively, in connection
     with the exploration and development of its mining properties.  Coeur
     d'Alene currently estimates that the Group's exploration and development
     expenditures on existing mining properties during the last quarter of 1995
     and the year ended 31 December 1996 will approximate US$4.5 million and
     US$8.8 million (excluding capitalised interest), respectively.


     Following the commencement of production, the mining business continues to
     be subject to risks and hazards, including quantity of production,
     environmental hazards, industrial accidents, encountering unusual or
     unexpected formations, cave-ins, flooding and periodic interruptions due
     to inclement or hazardous weather conditions.  Risks of this type could
     result in damage to, or destruction of, mineral properties or producing
     facilities, personal injury, environmental damage, reduced production and
     delays in mining, monetary losses and possible legal liability. Insurance
     fully covering certain environmental risks (including potential liability
     for pollution or other hazards as a result of disposal of waste products
     occurring from exploration and production) is not generally available to
     the Group or to other companies within the industry.  The Group has been
     recognised for its commitment to environmental responsibility and knows of
     no material environmental liabilities to which it currently is subject.
     Refer to the section below under the sub-heading "Government Regulation".


     Gold is sold throughout the world principally based on the US dollar
     price, but operating expenses for gold mining companies are incurred
     principally in local currencies.  The Group's operations are principally
     based in the United States, Chile and New Zealand.  As Coeur d'Alene is a
     United States-based corporation, it has conducted currency hedging
     programs for New Zealand dollars and Chilean pesos



     to protect against significant currency fluctuations relative to the US
     dollar and expects to continue to conduct those programs (including in
     Australian dollars) if Coeur d'Alene achieves control of Gasgoyne.

     As mentioned in clause 2.1 Coeur d'Alene will apply for official quotation
     of Coeur d'Alene Shares on ASX and hopes to be granted official quotation
     by ASX before the end of the offer period.  In addition, Coeur d'Alene
     Shares are traded principally in US dollars on the New York Stock Exchange
     and Pacific Stock Exchange.  For this reason, Australian residents who
     plan to hold Coeur d'Alene Shares can expect, through their shareholding,
     to be subject to the benefits and detriments of fluctuations in the US
     dollar-Australian dollar exchange rate and, to a lesser extent, the
     US-Chile and US-New Zealand dollar exchange rates.  In general, a
     weakening of the Australian dollar against the United States dollar would
     result in an increase in the value of Coeur d'Alene Shares in Australian
     dollars, while a strengthening of the Australian dollar against the United
     States dollar would result in a decrease in the value of Coeur d'Alene
     Shares in Australian dollars.  The Australian dollar value of any Coeur
     d'Alene dividends, would be declared in US dollars (but if declared will
     be paid to Australian resident shareholders in Australian dollars) are
     similarly affected by the relative value of the US dollar and the
     Australian dollar.

     Some of the more specific risks in relation to  Coeur d'Alene are as


     As mentioned above, Coeur d'Alene will apply to ASX for official quotation
     of Coeur d'Alene Shares.  If granted, this will enable Gasgoyne
     shareholders who accept an Offer to dispose of their Coeur d'Alene Shares
     in Australia through ASX at any time.  However, there can be no assurance
     that quotation will be granted by ASX.

     US securities law restrictions have the effect that the Coeur d'Alene
     Shares issued as part of the consideration under the Offers may not be
     offered or sold in the United States of America or to US persons until 40
     days after the end of the offer period (see clause 5.3).  However, they
     may be offered or sold through ASX as described above.


     In recent years world silver prices have risen from previous lows.  Over
     the last four years the silver price has risen from an average of US$3.98
     per ounce in 1992 to an average of US$5.18 (New York Comex close) in 1995.

     In order to conserve the ore reserves until silver prices improve, the
     Group suspended mining activity at the Group's Galena Mine (in July 1992,
     during which month the average price of silver was US$3.95 per ounce) and
     at the Group's Coeur Mine (in April 1991, during which month the average
     price of silver was US$3.97 per ounce).  Since then the Group has
     consolidated its holdings in the



     Coeur d'Alene mining district by the formation of Silver Valley Resources
     Corporation, a 50/50 venture with Asarco Inc.

     Coeur d'Alene anticipates that as the market price of silver approaches
     US$6.00 per ounce, it will propose to Asarco Inc that Silver Valley
     Resources Corporation resume operations at the mines, which have been kept
     in good condition in anticipation of re-starting production.  As of 25
     January 1996 the quoted market price for silver (New York Comex close) was
     US$5.55 per ounce.


     As mentioned above, the mining business continues to be subject to risks
     and hazards.  Coeur d'Alene recently became aware that the tailings
     impoundment at the Golden Cross Mine in New Zealand is situated upon a
     block of land that is apparently moving downslope at the rate of
     approximately 3.5cm (11/2 inches) per annum because of deep seated natural
     earth movements  Remedial measures are being implemented to ensure the
     stability of the tailings dam at a cost which, at the date of this
     Statement, is not known (see page 17 of annexure B for details regarding
     the Golden Cross Mine).


     The Group's producing projects are located in the United States, New
     Zealand and Chile.  Coeur d'Alene does not believe the Group's property
     interests in New Zealand or Chile currently expose it to any significant
     political risks.

     Gasgoyne's joint venture interests at Awak Mas are located in Indonesia,
     which has a system of government and law different to that in Australia.
     In the contract of works between the Indonesian Government and the joint
     venture parties at Awak Mas, there are provisions requiring the joint
     venture parties to progressively sell down a portion of their interests by
     offering interests first to the Indonesian Government and thereafter to
     Indonesian nationals.  The object of the sell down provision is that the
     Indonesian Government or nationals will hold 51% of the interests in the
     venture by no later than the 10th year of operations.  In order to do so
     they must pay fair market value for the interests.  However, it is
     believed that the Indonesian Government has relaxed its foreign investment
     policy on mining projects and that it would not commonly exercise its
     right to participate under these provisions.  In addition the Indonesian
     joint venture party currently participating in the project has waived its
     rights under these provisions.



     The Group's mining activities are subject to extensive federal, state and
     local laws governing the protection of the environment, prospecting,
     development, production, taxes, labour standards, occupational health,
     mine safety, toxic substances and other matters.  The costs associated
     with compliance with these regulatory requirements



     are substantial and possible future legislation and regulations could
     cause additional expense, capital expenditures, restrictions and delays in
     the development of the Group's properties, the extent of which cannot be

     Environmental Regulations

     The Group is subject to environmental regulation and natural resource laws
     in each of the places in which it operates.  Under certain environmental
     laws, any owner or operator of land that is contaminated may be held
     liable and forced to undertake or pay for remediation, even if it was not
     the owner or operator of that land at the time of contamination.

     Coeur d'Alene is not aware of any material environmental liability arising
     out of its present or former operations.

     Proposed Mining Legislation

     Legislation is presently being considered in the US Congress to change the
     United States Mining Law of 1872 (the "Mining Act") under which the Group
     holds mining claims on public lands.  It is considered possible that the
     Mining Act will be amended or be replaced by stricter legislation in the
     next few years.  The legislation under consideration contains new
     environmental standards and conditions, additional reclamation
     requirements and extensive new procedural steps which would be likely to
     result in delays in permitting.  Among the bills under consideration are
     bills calling for an 8% gross royalty; a 2.5% net smelter return royalty;
     or a 3.5% or 5% net proceeds royalty on the value of minerals mined on
     public lands, payable to the US Government.  Coeur d'Alene believes that
     if and when any royalty is imposed, it will not be a gross royalty.  A
     significant portion of the Group's US mining properties are on public
     lands.  Whether or when changes will be enacted or the extent of any
     changes is not presently known and the potential impact on the Group's
     United States activities is difficult to predict.


     During August 1995, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") completed an
     audit of the Group for the years 1992 and 1993.  Coeur d'Alene believes
     that all material issues arising from the IRS audit have been resolved.

     The Group's results may in the future be benefitted by income tax
     deductions in the form of loss carryforwards.  Refer to page 53 of
     annexure B for a brief explanation of the types of loss carryforwards
     available to Coeur d'Alene as at 31 December 1994.  No assurance can be
     given that these types of future income tax benefits will be able to be
     utilised in whole or in part.

     Due to the current and anticipated loss position of the Company,
     utilisation of foreign tax credits passed through from foreign
     subsidiaries will be likely to be subject to limitations.




     If the Offers are successful, Gasgoyne will become a subsidiary of Coeur
     d'Alene.  The Yilgarn Star Mine's production (through October 1995) was
     entirely attributable to surface mining operations.  The results of that
     performance are not necessarily indicative of the future production from
     the underground mining operations, the initial stages of which have
     recently commenced.


     The following is a summary of the historical, pro forma condensed
     consolidated, and forecast financial information in relation to Coeur
     d'Alene and Gasgoyne.

     An Independent Accountant's Report by Ernst & Young on the historical and
     forecast financial information is attached as annexure A.  In addition, a
     report by the US firm of Ernst & Young LLP on the pro forma condensed
     consolidated financial information is contained in clause 4.4.3.


     The following table sets forth certain financial information of Coeur
     d'Alene.  This information should be read in conjunction with (i) the
     historical financial statements of Coeur d'Alene, including the notes
     thereto, which are included in annexures B, C, D and E, (ii) annexure K --
     Differences Between US and Australian Generally Accepted Accounting
     Principles, and (iii) the Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial
     Statements, which are included in clause 4.4.3.



   (Tabular dollar amounts are in thousands of US dollars, except per share
                amounts.  Prepared in accordance with US GAAP)

                                                                            Year Ended 31 December                    
INCOME STATEMENT DATA:                                      1990       1991         1992         1993         1994    
         Sale of concentrates and dore                   $  53,125   $  49,035    $  41,414    $  67,990     $  79,606
         Less cost of mine operations                       45,375      44,072       37,829       59,804        67,802
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
         Gross profits                                       7,750       4,963        3,585        8,186        11,804
         Other income (1)                                    8,939       7,714        4,812        5,388        12,689
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
         Total income                                       16,689      12,677        8,397       13,574        24,493
Expenses                                                    23,118      29,178       14,118       31,548        29,493
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
Income (loss) from continuing                                                                                         
  operations before income taxes(2)                        (6,429)    (16,501)      (5,721)     (17,974)       (5,000)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes                       (1,528)     (1,198)      (4,233)      (3,932)         (264)
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
Loss from continuing operations                            (4,901)    (15,303)      (1,488)     (14,042)       (4,736)
         Income from discontinued operations                                                                          
           (net of taxes)(3)                                   711         904          729          752           793
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of change                                                                      
  in accounting method                                     (4,190)    (14,399)        (759)     (13,290)       (3,943)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting method(4)                                                5,181               
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
Net income (loss)                                        $ (4,190)   $(14,399)    $   (759)    $ (8,109)     $ (3,943)
                                                         =========   =========    =========    =========     =========
Per share data:(5)                                                                                                    
Earnings per share data:                                                                       
         Loss from continuing operations                 $  (0.35)   $  (1.00)    $  (0.10)    $  (0.92)     $  (0.31)
         Income from discontinued operations                                                                          
           (net of taxes)                                     0.05        0.06         0.05         0.05          0.05
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------     ---------
         Income (loss) before cumulative change in                                                                    
           accounting method                                (0.30)      (0.94)       (0.05)       (0.87)        (0.26)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting method                                                     .34              
                                                         ---------   ---------    ---------    ---------    ----------
Net income (loss)                                        $  (0.30)   $  (0.94)    $  (0.05)    $  (0.53)     $  (0.26)
                                                         =========   =========    =========    =========    ==========
         Cash dividends per share                        $    0.11   $    0.12    $    0.15    $    0.15     $    0.15
                                                         =========   =========    =========    =========    ==========
Weighted average number of shares of Common                                                                           
         Stock and equivalents used in calculation          13,792      15,308       15,317       15,328        15,388
                                                         =========   =========    =========    =========    ==========
BALANCE SHEET DATA:                                                                                                   
Total assets                                              $275,806   $ 261,034     $324,878    $ 325,249     $ 412,361
Working capital                                            151,385     129,883      179,370      104,883       166,607
Long-term debt                                              59,548      57,902      131,134      129,234       227,193
Shareholders' equity                                       200,040     183,938      180,991      170,849       160,292

                                                                    Six Months            
                                                                   Ended 30 June          
INCOME STATEMENT DATA:                                          1994           1995       
         Sale of concentrates and dore                          $ 39,673       $41,512    
         Less cost of mine operations                             33,825        33,972    
                                                                 -------       -------    
         Gross profits                                             5,848         7,540    
         Other income (1)                                          4,039         4,447    
                                                                 -------       -------    
         Total income                                              9,887        11,987    
Expenses                                                          14,363        14,757    
                                                                 -------       -------    
Income (loss) from continuing                                                             
  operations before income taxes(2)                              (4,476)       (2,770)    
Provision (benefit) for income taxes                               (196)         (642)    
                                                                 -------       -------    
Loss from continuing operations                                  (4,280)       (2,128)    
         Income from discontinued operations                                              
           (net of taxes)(3)                                         348         2,360    
                                                                 -------       -------    
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of change                                          
  in accounting method                                           (3,932)           232    
Cumulative effect of change in accounting method(4)                                       
                                                                --------       -------    
Net income (loss)                                               $(3,932)       $   232    
                                                                ========       =======    
Per share data:(5)                                                                        
Earnings per share data:                                                                  
         Loss from continuing operations                        $ (0.28)       $(0.14)    
         Income from discontinued operations                                              
           (net of taxes)                                           0.02           .15    
                                                                --------       -------    
         Income (loss) before cumulative change in                                        
           accounting method                                      (0.26)          0.01    
Cumulative effect of change in accounting method                                          
                                                                --------       -------    
Net income (loss)                                               $ (0.26)       $  0.01    
                                                                ========       =======    
         Cash dividends per share                               $   0.15       $  0.15    
                                                                ========       =======    
Weighted average number of shares of Common                                               
         Stock and equivalents used in calculation                15,347        15,597    
                                                                ========       =======    
BALANCE SHEET DATA:                                                                       
Total assets                                                    $415,067      $432,963    
Working capital                                                  185,496       147,673    
Long-term debt                                                   228,232       237,194    
Shareholders' equity                                             158,952       165,538    


     (1)  Other income for 31 December 1994 includes a gain on the sale
          of securities of US$2.7m, and an increase in investment income
          arising from the issuance of US$100 million of subordinated,
          convertible debentures in January 1994 which increased the Company's

    (2)   The income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
          include certain non-recurring items of expense and past property
          losses.  These items are discussed in clause 2.6.

    (3)   On 2 May 1995, the Company sold the assets of its flexible hose
          and tubing division, The Flexaust Company, and shares of a related
          subsidiary for approximately US$10.0 million payable in cash, of
          which approximately US$4 million was paid at the time of closing and
          the balance is payable over the next five years.  The results of
          operations and the gain on sale of Flexaust manufacturing segment are
          presented as "Discontinued Operations".  The Company recorded a
          pre-tax gain on the sale of approximately US$3.9 million (US$2.2
          million net of income taxes) during the second quarter of 1995.

    (4)   Effective 1 January 1993, the Company changed its method of
          accounting for income taxes by adopting US Statement of Financial
          Accounting Standards (FAS) 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes".  FAS
          109 requires an asset and liability approach to accounting for income
          taxes and establishes criteria for recognising deferred tax assets.
          Accordingly, the Company adjusted its existing deferred income tax
          assets and liabilities to reflect current statutory income tax rates
          and previously unrecognised tax benefits related to US federal and
          certain state net operating loss carryforwards.  FAS 109 also
          contains requirements regarding balance sheet classification and
          prior business combinations.  Hence, the Company adjusted the
          carrying values of an incremental interest in the Rochester Property
          acquired in 1988 and CDE Chilean Mining Corp. acquired in 1990 to
          reflect the gross purchase value previously reported net-of-tax.  The
          cumulative effect of the accounting change in prior years at 1
          January 1993 is a non-recurring gain of US$5.181 million, or US$.34
          per share, and is included in the Consolidated Statement of
          Operations for the year ended 31 December 1993.  Other than the
          cumulative effect, the accounting change had no material effect on
          the results of operations for the year ended 31 December 1993.

          As of 1 January 1993, after giving effect to the implementation of
          FAS 109, the significant components of the Company's net deferred
          tax liability were as follows:

                                                                                    Deferred Income Taxes
                                                                           Assets                         Liabilities
          Property, plant and equipment alternative 
             minimum tax credit carryforwards                    US$                938,672            US$         $16,756,918
          Business credit carryforwards                                             628,933
          Net operating loss carryforwards                                       17,721,115                                    
                                                                     ----------------------                -------------------
                  Total                                                          19,288,720                         16,756,918
          Less - valuation allowance                                            (7,927,904)                                       
                                                                     ----------------------                -------------------
                  Net                                            US$             11,360,816            US$          16,756,918
                                                                 ==========================            =======================

          As permitted by FAS 109, prior year financial statements have
          not been restated to reflect the change in accounting method.

    (5)   Earnings per share are calculated based on the weighted average
          number of Coeur d'Alene Shares outstanding and those equivalents that
          are deemed to be dilutive.  The 6% Debentures are considered to be
          equivalents.  Accordingly, such debentures are assumed to be
          converted, and interest expense on such debentures, net of tax
          expense, has been considered in the computation of earnings per
          share, except in those instances where the effects of conversion
          would be antidilutive.




          The following table sets forth certain financial information of
          Gasgoyne which has been extracted from the audited accounts of
          Gasgoyne for each of the 5 years ended 30 June 1995.  This
          information should be read in conjunction with (i) the audited
          financial statements of Gasgoyne, including the notes thereto, which
          are included in annexure H and (ii) annexure K -- Differences Between
          US and Australian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


(Tabular dollar amounts are in thousands of Australian dollars.  Prepared in
accordance with Australian GAAP)

                                                                             Year Ended 30 June
                                                       1991           1992           1993          1994         1995
         Gold sales                                           -      $    8,834     $  18,640    $  20,832    $  31,404
         Other                                       $       40             623           826        3,087        1,994
                                                     ----------      ----------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Total Revenue                                                40           9,457        19,466       23,919       33,398
Expenses                                                    533           7,189        11,818       15,852       19,993
                                                     ----------      ----------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating profit before income tax(1)                     (493)           2,268         7,648        8,067       13,405
Income Tax(2)                                                 -               -         2,706        2,759        4,734
                                                     ----------      ----------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating profit after tax                                (493)           2,268         4,942        5,308        8,671
Extraordinary item(3)                                         -               -             -        2,681            -
                                                     ----------      ----------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating profit after extraordinary item                 (493)           2,268         4,942        7,989        8,671
Outside equity interest in profit and
         extraordinary items(4)                               -               -             -           47          207
                                                     ----------      ----------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Operating profit and extraordinary items
         attributable to members of holding company  $    (493)      $    2,268     $   4,942    $   8,036    $   8,878
                                                     ==========      ==========     =========    =========    =========

     (1)  Operating profit before income tax includes an abnormal item in
          1994 comprising a gold call option fee of $1,000,000.

     (2)  No income tax is applicable in the year to 30 June 1992 due to the
          benefit of prior year tax losses reducing the income tax expense by

     (3)  The extraordinary item relates to a gain in reduction in ownership
          interest in controlled entity (Pilbara Mines NL).  No income tax is

     (4)  The minority interest relates to the share of loss attributable to
          the outside equity interest in Pilbara Mines NL.




          The following Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet has been
          prepared as of 30 June 1995, by Coeur d'Alene to illustrate the
          estimated effects of the proposed acquisition under the Offers (the
          "Acquisition") of the Gasgoyne Shares on issue (without regard to the
          Gasgoyne Shares that might be issued pursuant to the exercise of
          Gasgoyne Options but including shares issued during the Pilbara
          takeover - see clause 3.1) assuming the Acquisition occurred as of
          that date.

          The Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet is presented
          utilising the purchase method of accounting whereby the cost of
          acquiring the Gasgoyne Shares is determined by the market value of
          the Coeur d'Alene Shares and the cash which Coeur d'Alene will pay,
          plus the direct costs associated with the Acquisition, which are
          estimated at approximately US$2 million. All amounts in the Pro Forma
          Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet are stated in US dollars.  The
          Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet does not purport to
          represent what the financial position actually would have been if the
          Acquisition had occurred at 30 June 1995 or to project the financial
          position for any future date or period.

          The Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet should be read in
          conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements,
          including the notes thereto, of Coeur d'Alene, prepared in accordance
          with US GAAP, which are included as annexures B, C, D, and E. The Pro
          Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet also includes pro forma
          adjustments which are based on available information and certain
          assumptions that management of Coeur d'Alene believes are reasonable
          in the circumstances. Such pro forma adjustments reflect the effects
          of the acquisition of all of the Gasgoyne Shares on issue without
          regard to the Gasgoyne Shares that may be issued on exercise of
          Gasgoyne Options.

          In December 1995, the Company completed the conversion of US $74.9
          million of 7% Debentures into Coeur d'Alene Shares.  The pro forma
          balance sheet reflects this conversion of the debentures as though it
          had occurred at 30 June 1995.  The conversion, net of offering costs,
          results in a significant decrease in long term debt and a
          corresponding increase in shareholders' equity.

          Subsequent to 30 June 1995, Gasgoyne successfully completed its
          takeover of Pilbara Mines NL and acquired all of the shares in that
          company (see clause 3.1).  The Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated
          Balance Sheet has been adjusted to reflect the impact of this
          acquisition as if it had occurred at 30 June 1995.



                                 COEUR D'ALENE
                            30 JUNE 1995 (UNAUDITED)

                                               COEUR D'ALENE            PRO FORMA
                                                 HISTORICAL          ADJUSTMENTS (A)          PRO FORMA
                                               -------------         ---------------          ---------
Current Assets
         Cash and equivalents                      $47,135                   $8,234             $55,369
         Short-term investments                     75,595                        -              75,595
         Receivables                                12,218                      360              12,578
         Inventories                                33,390                    3,887              37,277
         Other                                       2,701                      144               2,845
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
         Total current assets                      171,039                   12,625             183,664
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
Property, Plant and Equipment - net                244,723                  106,530             351,253
                                                  --------                 --------            --------

Investments and Other Assets
         Net assets of discontinued                    160                        -                 160
         Other assets                               17,041                    6,078              23,119
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
         Total investments and other                
              assets                                17,201                    6,078              23,279
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
                                                  $432,963                 $125,233            $558,196
                                                  ========                 ========            ========
Current Liabilities                                $23,366                   $8,782             $32,148
Long-term Liabilities
         Long-term debt                            237,194                 (50,922)             186,272
         Other long-term obligations                 5,691                    2,461               8,152
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
         Total long-term liabilities               242,885                 (48,461)             194,424
Deferred Income and
         Mining Taxes                                1,174                   26,202              27,376
Shareholders' Equity                               165,538                  138,710             304,248
                                                  --------                 --------            --------
                                                  $432,963                 $125,233            $558,196
                                                  ========                 ========            ========



(A) To reflect the acquisition of 52,060,700 Gasgoyne Shares outstanding at 30
    June 1995 and including shares issued subsequent to 30 June 1995 as part of
    the takeover of Pilbara Mines NL (see clause 3.1) but excludes Gasgoyne
    Shares that may be issued on exercise of Gasgoyne Options.  This assumes the
    issue of 3,644,255 Coeur d'Alene Shares valued at US$67.4 million and the
    payment of US$23,114,991 in cash in connection with the Takeover Scheme.
    Accordingly the total pro forma acquisition cost is US$90.5 million compared
    to the book value for Gasgoyne of US$20.1 million. The actual acquisition
    cost will be determined based upon the value of the Coeur d'Alene Shares
    issued and cash paid for the purchase of Gasgoyne Shares. As discussed
    below, it is Coeur d'Alene's opinion that substantially all of the purchase
    price in excess of the net book value of Gasgoyne is attributable to the
    mineral property interests held by Gasgoyne. The excess acquisition cost
    paid over the net book value of assets acquired and related deferred taxes
    is allocated as follows:

    Total Acquisition Cost                                    US$90,534
    Net Book Value of Gasgoyne, 30 June 1995                     20,149
    Excess of Purchase Price Paid over Net Book Value
         of Assets Acquired Attributable to Mineral
         Properties                                              70,385
    Increase in Mineral Properties resulting from
         adjustment to conform to Coeur d'Alene
         accounting policies                                      5,447
    Transaction costs                                             2,000
    Increase in Mineral Properties due to the
         Recognition of the Deferred Tax Consequences
         of Differences Between the Assigned Values and
         Tax Bases of the Net Assets Acquired                    26,202
    Total Increase in Property, Plant and Equipment             104,034
    Increase in Deferred Taxes                                   26,202
    Excess of Acquisition Cost Paid over Net Book
         Value of Assets Acquired                             US$77,832

   With the exception of property, plant and equipment, the assets and
   liabilities of Gasgoyne included in Coeur d'Alene's consolidated financial
   statements consist primarily of working capital items, the carrying values
   of which are substantially at fair market value. Based on the history of the
   Yilgarn Star and Awak Mas properties and the identification and development
   of mineral deposits and their conversion to ore reserves, the financial
   analysis undertaken by Coeur d'Alene in connection with its decision to
   acquire Gasgoyne, and Coeur d'Alene's experience in ownership and operation
   of precious metals mines, it is Coeur d'Alene's opinion that all of the
   acquisition cost in excess of the net book value of assets acquired is
   attributable to mineral properties.

   The final allocation of the acquisition cost will be made when the
   acquisition is completed and when Coeur d'Alene completes its detailed
   analysis of Gasgoyne's assets. However, management does not expect the final
   actual allocation of the purchase price to be materially different from the
   pro forma balance sheet.

   In December 1995, the Company completed the balance sheet reflects this
   conversion of the debentures as though it had occurred at 30 June 1995.  The
   conversion, net of offering costs, results in a substantial decrease in long
   term debt and a corresponding increase in shareholders' equity.

   The Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 1995 is
   prepared on the basis that Coeur d'Alene acquires 100% of the Gasgoyne
   Shares on issue.  The effect on the Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance
   Sheet of an acquisition of less than 100% would be to reduce the
   shareholders' equity with an equal and off-setting increase in the amounts
   due to minority shareholders.


                         [ERNST & YOUNG LLP LETTERHEAD]

                  Review Report of Independent Accountants on
                        Pro Forma Financial Information

We have reviewed the pro forma adjustments reflecting the acquisition described
in Note A and the application of those adjustments to the historical amounts in
the accompanying pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet of Coeur
d'Alene Mines Corporation as of June 30, 1995.  The historical condensed
consolidated balance sheet is derived from the historical unaudited financial
statements of Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation which were reviewed by us, and of
Gasgoyne Gold Mines N.L., which were audited by other auditors, appearing
elsewhere herein.  Such pro forma adjustments are based on management's
assumptions described in Note A. Our review was conducted in accordance with
standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public

A review is substantially less in scope than an examination, the objective of
which is the expression of an opinion on management's assumptions, the pro
forma adjustments, and the application of those adjustments to historical
financial information.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

The objective of this pro forma financial information is to show what the
significant effects on the historical financial information might have been had
the acquisition occurred at an earlier date.  However, the pro forma condensed
consolidated balance sheet is not necessarily indicative of the effects on
financial position that would have occurred had the above-mentioned acquisition
actually occurred earlier.

Based on our review, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe
that management's assumptions do not provide a reasonable basis for presenting
the significant effects directly attributable to the above-mentioned
acquisition described in Note A, that the related pro forma adjustments do not
give appropriate effect to those assumptions, or that the pro forma column does
not reflect the proper application of those adjusments to the historical
financial statement amounts in the pro forma condensed consolidated balance
sheet as of June 30, 1995.

                                            /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP
January 29, 1996



     Set out below is the Forecasted Condensed Statements of Consolidated
     Operations and Cashflows of Coeur d'Alene (including Gasgoyne) for the six
     months ended 31 December 1995 and the year ending 31 December 1996.  A
     summary of significant forecast assumptions is also set out below.

                                 COEUR D'ALENE
                            CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS
                   FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1995
                      AND THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1996
              (thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts)

                                                              SIX MONTHS ENDED            YEAR ENDING
                                                                 31 DEC 1995              31 DEC 1996
    Sales of concentrates and dore                             $    58,605                 $   149,885
    Cost of mine operations                                         46,924                     118,794
            Gross profits                                           11,681                      31,091

    Other income                                                     6,585                       6,690
                                                               ------------                ------------
            Total income                                            18,266                      37,781

            Corporate expenses                                       6,643                      13,483
            Mining exploration                                       3,262                       5,882
            Idle facilities expense                                    889                       1,428
            Interest expense                                         2,695                       9,181
                                                               ------------                ------------
            Total expenses                                          13,489                      29,974

    Income before income taxes                                       4,777                       7,807
    Income taxes                                                     2,324                       1,222
                                                               ------------                ------------
    Net Income                                                 $     2,453                 $     6,585
                                                               ------------                ------------

    Net Income Per Share                                       $      0.10                 $      0.27
                                                               ============                ============

    Average shares Used in the Computation                      24,109,137                  24,109,137
                                                               ------------                ------------

           See "Summary of Significant Forecast Assumptions" below.



                                 COEUR D'ALENE
                           (thousands of US dollars)

                                                          SIX MONTHS ENDED              YEAR ENDING
                                                            31 DEC 1995                 31 DEC 1996
                                                          ----------------           -----------------
     Net Income                                              $    2,453              $        6,585
         Depreciation, depletion and amortization                12,289                      28,646
         Changes in working capital                               7,122                       (852)
                                                             ----------              --------------
     Net cash provided by operations                             21,864                      34,379
                                                             ----------              --------------
     Investment and Financing Activities
         Additions to property plant and equipment              (6,873)                    (13,732)
         Additions to development projects                     (53,303)                    (20,228)
         Increase in long-term debt                               9,093                     (5,601)
         Dividends                                              (1,003)                           -
         Other investing & financing activities                   9,858                           -
                                                             ----------              --------------
     Net cash used in Investment and Financing                 (42,228)                    (39,561)
                                                             ----------              --------------
     Net Decrease in Cash and Equivalents                    $ (20,364)              $      (5,182)
                                                             ==========              ==============

           See "Summary of Significant Forecast Assumptions" below.

The financial forecast has been prepared to comply with Australian legal
requirements which require a description of the prospects of Coeur d'Alene
where the consideration offered includes shares of Coeur d'Alene .  Coeur
d'Alene will not update this forecast in future regulatory filings. The
financial forecast has been prepared by Coeur d'Alene's management to provide
the reader with an indication of Coeur d'Alene's future production, earnings,
cash flow and dividends following the acquisition of Gasgoyne.

This financial forecast presents, to the best of management's knowledge and
belief, Coeur d'Alene's expected consolidated results of operations and
consolidated cash flows for the forecast periods. Accordingly, the forecast
reflects management's judgment as of 25 January 1996, the date of this
forecast, of the expected conditions and its expected course of action. The
assumptions disclosed herein are those that management believes are significant
to the forecast. There will usually be differences between forecasted and
actual results, because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as
expected, and those differences may be material. Coeur d'Alene's Consolidated
Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 1994, which are included in
annexure B, should be read for additional information.


Unless specifically stated otherwise, all comments and production statistics
relate to the Group.

The forecast has been prepared in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States and the accounting policies adopted by
Coeur d'Alene. (See note B to Coeur d'Alene's 31 December 1994 Consolidated
Financial Statements in annexure B and annexure K - Differences Between US and
Australian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.)




The following is a summary of the significant assumptions used in the
preparation of the forecast. These assumptions were based on Coeur d'Alene
management's judgment at 25 January 1996, the date the forecast was completed.
These assumptions should not be considered an all inclusive list of the
assumptions used in the preparation of the forecast.

1    That effective 1 July 1995, Coeur d'Alene acquired 100% of the Gasgoyne
     Shares and that approximately 75% of the Gasgoyne Shares acquired are
     exchanged for Coeur d'Alene Shares and approximately 25% are acquired for
     cash. Therefore, the acquisition cost has been assumed to consist of
     approximately 3.6 million Coeur d'Alene Shares and cash payments totalling
     US$23.1 million. Transaction costs associated with the acquisition of the
     Gasgoyne Shares are estimated to be US$2.0 million.

     Management has assumed that all cash payments made in the acquisition of
     the Gasgoyne Shares are funded from a revolving line of credit which bears
     interest at LIBOR + 1.5%.  LIBOR is assumed to be 5.625%.

2    Management assumes that Coeur d'Alene will produce 100,200 and 278,057
     ounces of gold in the six months ending 31 December 1995 and the year
     ending 31 December 1996, respectively.  In addition, it is assumed that
     Coeur d'Alene will produce 3,966,764 and 8,945,762 ounces of silver in the
     six months ending 31 December 1995 and in the year ending 31 December
     1996, respectively

3    (a)  The average spot market price of gold is assumed to be US$393.38 and
          US$400 per ounce in the 1995 and 1996 periods, respectively. The
          price of gold was US$387.90 per ounce on 21 December 1995, the day
          that the offer to acquire the Gasgoyne Shares was announced. The gold
          price has varied between US$374.80 and US$406.60 per ounce over the
          last twelve months preceding the date of preparation of this forecast
          (New York Comex close). In determining the gold price to be used in
          the forecast, Coeur d'Alene took into consideration many factors,
          including the price of gold available in the forward markets and
          consultations with gold market analysts and trading institutions. A
          sensitivity analysis is included in note 14 below to show the impact
          of 5% movements in the US dollar gold price.

     (b)  The average spot market price of silver is assumed to be US$5.44 and
          US$6.00 per ounce in the 1995 and 1996 periods, respectively.  The
          price of silver was US$5.12 per ounce on 21 December 1995, the day
          that the offer to acquire the Gasgoyne Shares was announced. The
          silver price has varied between US$4.38 and US$6.11 per ounce over
          the last twelve months preceding the date of preparation of this
          forecast (New York Comex close). In determining the silver price to
          be used in the forecast, Coeur d'Alene took into consideration many
          factors, including the price of silver available in the forward
          markets and consultations with silver market analysts and trading
          institutions. A sensitivity analysis is included in note 14 below to
          show the impact of 5% movements in the US dollar silver price.



4    Average exchange rates used throughout the forecast period were US$0.74
     for the Australian dollars, US$0.67 for the New Zealand dollar and
     US$0.002679 for the Chilean peso.

     The approximate percentage of Coeur d'Alene's forecast 1995 and 1996
     operating costs denominated in Australian, New Zealand and Chilean
     currencies are as follows:

                                AUSTRALIA    NEW ZEALAND    CHILE
                       1995         25           39           0
                       1996         20           35           24

     To help minimise the effects of fluctuation of the various currencies in
     relation to the US dollar, Coeur d'Alene has implemented a foreign
     currency protection program by entering into a series of foreign currency
     purchase contracts which establish fixed exchange rates under which US$
     may be exchanged for these currencies. See Note B to Coeur d'Alene's 31
     December 1994 Consolidated Financial Statements in annexure B for details
     of this program.

     A sensitivity analysis is included in note 14 below to show the impact of
     5% movements in the Australian, New Zealand and Chilean currencies in
     relation to the US dollar. This sensitivity analysis incorporates the
     effects of the foreign currency protection program described above.

5    Coeur d'Alene has engaged in some limited forward selling of gold to be
     produced in 1996. See note B to Coeur d'Alene's 31 December 1994
     Consolidated Financial Statements in annexure B for a description of Coeur
     d'Alene's policy on forward sales.

6    In determining operating cost levels used in the forecast, management took
     into consideration many factors, including historical operating
     performance, inflation and continuing cost improvements, at each of Coeur
     d'Alene's operating locations. A sensitivity analysis is included in note
     14 below to show the impact of 3% movements in production costs.

7    Income and mining taxes for the forecast period are based on forecast
     earnings and the statutory tax rates as presently enacted in the
     geographical and tax jurisdictions that Coeur d'Alene operates. Coeur
     d'Alene's actual consolidated income and mining tax rate can vary
     significantly as a result of numerous factors, including, but not limited
     to, changes in the geographical mix of pretax income or loss,
     nondeductible expenses, and changes in the tax rules, rates and
     regulations of the various taxing regulatory authorities. The applicable
     statutory income and mining tax rates (as reduced by applicable statutory
     mining incentives) utilised in the forecast are as follows:



     United States  . . . . . . . . . . . . 35%
     Chile  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49%
     New Zealand  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36%
     Australia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36%

     Currently, Coeur d'Alene has sufficient net operating loss carryforwards
     and other tax credits to offset applicable income taxes in the US, New
     Zealand and Chile.

     The lower effective tax rate reflected in the forecast for the year ending
     31 December 1996 is caused principally by the utilisation of certain US
     net operating loss carryforwards and the tax effect of accounting for the
     proposed acquisition under the Takeover Scheme.

8    Management assumes that Coeur d'Alene's current levels of exploration
     spending will continue throughout the forecast period. No benefits from
     this exploration have been included in the forecast.

9    Management has assumed that no dividends or cash dividends will be paid by
     Coeur d'Alene during the forecast period  As mentioned in clause 2.7, it
     is the policy of Coeur d'Alene's Board of Directors to discuss and
     consider the declaration of an annual dividend or cash distribution at its
     board meeting in March in each year.  Therefore a dividend has not been
     included in the forecasts at this time.

10   Assumptions as to short-term interest rates used for determining
     incremental interest income are as follows:

                                        Six Months Ended      Year Ending
                                        31 December 1995   31 December 1996
                                        ----------------   ----------------
         Short-term interest rates (US)       5.0%               5.0%

11   The excess of purchase price over the underlying book value of the
     Gasgoyne Shares to be acquired in the amount of US$104 million has been
     allocated to property, plant and equipment and deferred taxes in the
     amounts of US$77.8 million and US$26.2 million, respectively. Coeur
     d'Alene expects to allocate excess purchase price to property, plant and
     equipment and to the reserves portion of mineral properties. Coeur d'Alene
     will amortise the excess purchase price allocated to reserves on a
     units-of-production basis. Coeur d'Alene will amortise the excess purchase
     price of the properties on a units-of-production basis to the extent
     mineral deposits are upgraded to reserves or will expense the excess
     purchase price if and when and to the extent the carrying value of the
     other mineral deposits and mineral properties are determined to be

12   Coeur d'Alene currently is involved in several late stage
     exploration/development projects. Ongoing exploration, prefeasibility and
     feasibility study costs related to these projects are included in the

     Coeur d'Alene is actively developing the Kensington project located in the
     state of Alaska in the US.  If Coeur d'Alene proceeds with construction of
     the project, approximately US$200 million will be required over a 2-year
     period. No provisions for construction have been made in the forecast.  It
     is anticipated that a final production decision will be made in



     the third quarter of 1996 and that construction could commence in early
     1997, depending on whether the Company decides to proceed.

13   Coeur d'Alene currently has outstanding long-term debt obligations of
     US$174.0 million. No payments of principal are due under these obligations
     until the year 2002. (See note H to Coeur d'Alene's 31 December 1994
     Consolidated Financial Statements in annexure B for details of Coeur
     d'Alene's long-term debt.) Management assumes no debt repayments or
     additional borrowings (other than the indebtedness incurred in connection
     with the acquisition of the Gasgoyne Shares - see note 1 above) during the
     forecast period.

14   Sensitivity Analysis

     The following sensitivity analysis projects the estimated effects on
     results of operations and cash flows of changes in certain assumptions
     from those used in the preparation of the forecast. Except for the
     acquisition of Gasgoyne Shares, the sensitivities should not be
     interpreted as establishing lower and upper limits of possible outcomes.

     (Thousands  of US dollars, except per share amounts)

                              PRO FORMA NET INCOME

                                                          Six Months Ended                           Year Ending
                                                          31 December 1995                         31 December 1996
                                                  ----------------------------------     ---------------------------------
                                                  Net Income       EPS    Cash Flow      Net Income       EPS    Cash Flow
                                                  ----------------------------------     ---------------------------------
  5% increase in gold price                           $3,895     $0.16    ($18,924)          $9,961     $0.41     ($2,264)
  5% decrease in gold price                           $1,013     $0.04    ($21,806)          $3,212     $0.13     ($8,098)
  5% increase in silver price                         $3,427     $0.14    ($19,392)          $9,277     $0.38     ($2,490)
  5% decrease in silver price                         $1,481     $0.06    ($21,338)          $3,894     $0.16     ($7,873)
  A$ weakens against US$ by 5%                        $2,342     $0.10    ($21,964)          $6,271     $0.26     ($5,233)
  A$ strengthens against US$ by 5%                    $2,566     $0.11    ($21,867)          $6,899     $0.29     ($5,131)
  NZ$ weakens against US$ by 5% (a)                   $2,523     $0.10    ($21,847)          $7,085     $0.29     ($4,682)
  NZ$ strengthens against US$ by 5% (a)               $2,385     $0.10    ($21,985)          $6,086     $0.25     ($5,681)
  Chilean pesos weakens against US$ by 5% (a)         $2,454     $0.10    ($21,916)          $6,783     $0.28     ($4,984)
  Chilean pesos strengthens against US$ by 5% (a)     $2,454     $0.10    ($21,916)          $6,387     $0.26     ($5,380)
  Production costs increase by 3%                     $1,189     $0.05    ($23,180)          $4,427     $0.18     ($7,341)
  Production costs decrease by 3%                     $3,718     $0.15    ($20,651)          $8,743     $0.36     ($3,024)

     (a)    The sensitivity analysis incorporates the effect of the foreign
            currency protection program

15   While management has not prepared a financial forecast for the year ending
     31 December 1997, management is not aware of any non-recurring items.  No
     material change in gold or silver production is expected in that period
     which may have a significant effect on Coeur d'Alene's results from

16   The following financial information for Gasgoyne and its subsidiaries is
     incorporated into the forecasts (in A$ thousands):



                           SIX MONTHS      MONTHS
                             ENDED         ENDING
                          31 DECEMBER    31 DECEMBER
                              1995           1996
                          -----------    -----------
     Gold Sales              $14,699        $32,987
     Cost of Sales            $9,324        $18,813
     Other income             $1,483           $650
     Total other expenses     $2,128         $1,550
     Working capital                               
       changes                $2,255         $4,112
     Capital expenditure      $6,175         $8,704
       activities             $2,736        ($3,500)
     Dividends paid           $1,356              -
     Income tax rate              36%            36%

     This financial information has been derived following discussions with
     management of Gasgoyne and is generally in line with historic results.
     Nothing has come to the attention of Coeur d'Alene which causes it to
     believe that Gasgoyne's results over the periods referred to above will be
     materially different to those experienced in the immediately preceding
     corresponding periods.

     No dividend to be paid by Gasgoyne has been provided for the year ending
     31 December 1996 (see note 9 above).  In respect of the year ended 30 June
     1995, Gasgoyne paid fully franked dividends of 11 cents per Gasgoyne Share.



     The cash consideration for the acquisition of Gasgoyne Shares to which the
     Offers relate (including any Gasgoyne Shares issued on exercise of
     Gasgoyne Options) will, if all of the Offers are accepted, be not more
     than A$34,750,000.

     Coeur d'Alene has sufficient uncommitted liquid funds to pay the cash
     consideration specified above.  However, it has not earmarked those funds
     for any particular purpose, including in connection with the Takeover

     In addition, Coeur d'Alene has negotiated a standby loan facility with
     Rothschild Australia Limited ("ROTHSCHILD") as set out in a letter of
     offer dated 19 January 1996 ("FACILITY").  The letter of offer was
     accepted by Coeur d'Alene on 22 January 1996.  The specific purpose of the
     Facility is to fund the cash consideration specified above.

     The amount available to be drawn under the Facility is sufficient to meet
     the cash consideration specified above.  The Facility may be drawn in US$
     or A$.

     The Facility is subject to the following conditions precedent:

     (a)  Rothschild conducting a review, to its satisfaction, of the structure
          and documentation for the Takeover Scheme, including the bid

     (b)  finalisation and execution of security and loan documentation to the
          satisfaction of Rothschild;

     (c)  Rothschild being satisfied that Coeur d'Alene has complied with and
          will maintain all relevant governmental and statutory requirements in
          connection with the Facility and acquisition of Gasgoyne Shares; and

     (d)  legal opinions satisfactory to Rothschild from Rothschild's and Coeur
          d'Alene's counsel regarding the validity and enforceability of all
          the relevant loan documentation.

     There is no reason currently known to Coeur d'Alene why the above
     conditions will not be able to be satisfied.

     The Facility contains the following covenants and special conditions:

     (a)  net tangible worth of Coeur d'Alene to remain at or above US$160

     (b)  Coeur d'Alene's interest coverage ratio (operating profit plus
          interest receivable divided by interest payable) to be at or above

     (c)  current ratio (current assets divided by current liabilities) to be
          at or above 2.0;

     (d)  funded indebtedness (excluding subordinated debentures) divided by
          net tangible worth not to exceed 0.5;

     (e)  no material change in the nature of Coeur d'Alene's business or
          constituent documents, other than changes to the constituent
          documents necessary to obtain ASX listing;

     (f)  if Coeur d'Alene acquires less than 100% of the Gasgoyne Shares, the
          aggregate market value of the Gasgoyne Shares owned by Coeur d'Alene
          and its subsidiaries must at all times exceed two times the
          outstanding Facility balance;

     (g)  there must be no significant change in the ownership or control of
          Coeur d'Alene during the term of the Facility, without the approval
          of Rothschild;

     (h)  Rothschild has indicated that the security and loan documentation for
          the Facility will contain standard events of default for a facility
          of this nature, including breach of the share value ratio specified
          in (f) above and if in the sole discretion of  Rothschild there is a
          material adverse change in the financial condition of Coeur d'Alene.

     There is no reason currently known to Coeur d'Alene why the above
     covenants and special conditions will not be able to be satisfied, other
     than (g) which may be outside its control.

     The Facility also provides that if Coeur d'Alene acquires control of
     Gasgoyne, Coeur d'Alene will use its best endeavours to ensure that
     Gasgoyne does not do anything other than in the ordinary course of
     business and does not increase its net indebtedness (in a manner to be
     defined by Rothschild).

     Coeur d'Alene expects that a breach of any of the covenants and special
     conditions referred to above would permit Rothschild to require the
     Facility to be repaid either immediately or following a specified period
     to remedy the breach.

     At present Coeur d'Alene intends to pay the cash consideration from its
     own funds, but may draw down the Facility in whole or in part.


     Clauses 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 set out a summary of the rights attaching to
     Coeur d'Alene Shares, the rights attaching to Gasgoyne Shares and Gasgoyne
     Options and a comparison of the rights attaching to Coeur d'Alene Shares
     and Gasgoyne Shares.

     Coeur d'Alene Shares

     The share consideration for the acquisition of Gasgoyne Shares to which
     the Offers relate (including Gasgoyne Shares issued on exercise of
     Gasgoyne Options) will, if all of the Offers are accepted, require the
     issue of not more than 4,031,000 Coeur d'Alene Shares.  Coeur d'Alene
     Shares are shares of common stock in the capital of Coeur d'Alene.  The


     term "common stock" is equivalent to the term "ordinary shares" as used
     generally in Australia.

     Coeur d'Alene is authorised to issue up to 60,000,000 Coeur d'Alene
     Shares, of which, at 25 January 1996, 20,464,882 shares were outstanding
     and 1,059,211 shares were held as treasury stock (ie, held by the Company
     itself), 3,880,481 shares were authorised for issuance on the conversion
     of Coeur d'Alene's US$100 million principal amount of outstanding 6 3/8%
     Debentures, 1,955,416 shares were reserved for issuance on conversion of
     Coeur d'Alene's US$50 million principal amount of outstanding 6%
     Debentures, 751,136 shares were authorised for issuance under Coeur
     d'Alene's Executive Compensation Program and 200,000 shares were
     authorised for issuance under Coeur d'Alene's Non-Employee Directors Stock
     Option Plan (see clause 7.4).

     The holders of Coeur d'Alene Shares are entitled to one vote for each
     share held on each matter submitted to a vote of shareholders, and on
     giving notice required by law, may cumulate their votes in elections of
     directors (ie, may spread votes among some candidates only - see clause
     4.8).  Subject to preference that may be applicable to any shares of
     preferred stock of Coeur d'Alene outstanding at the time, holders of Coeur
     d'Alene Shares are entitled to receive ratably such dividends as may be
     declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally available
     therefore and, in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up
     of Coeur d'Alene, are entitled to share ratably in all assets remaining
     after payment of liabilities.  Holders of Coeur d'Alene Shares have no
     pre-emptive rights (ie, rights to purchase additional shares prior to the
     offering of such shares to other persons) and have no rights to convert
     their Coeur d'Alene Shares into any other securities.

     The Coeur d'Alene Shares to be issued are not permitted under US law to be
     sold in the US or to US persons for a period of 40 days commencing on the
     date of closing of the Offers.  Refer to clause 5.3 for further
     information on this restriction.

     Coeur d'Alene's articles of incorporation include a "fair price" provision
     applicable to certain business combination transactions in which Coeur
     d'Alene may be involved.  The provision requires that a holder of 10% or
     more of the outstanding Coeur d'Alene Shares ("INTERESTED STOCKHOLDER")
     not engage in certain specified transactions with respect to the Company
     (eg mergers, takeover offers, sales of assets, dissolution and
     liquidation) unless one of three conditions is met:

     (i)   a majority of the directors who are unaffiliated with the Interested
           Stockholder and were directors before the Interested Stockholder
           became an Interested Stockholder approve the transaction;

     (ii)  holders of 80% or more of the outstanding Coeur d'Alene Shares
           approve the transaction; or

     (iii) the shareholders are all paid a "fair price", ie generally the
           higher of the fair market value of the shares or the same price as
           the price paid to shareholders in the transaction in which the
           Interested Stockholder acquired its block.


     By discouraging certain types of hostile takeover bids, the fair price
     provision may tend to insulate current management against the possibility
     of removal.  Coeur d'Alene is not aware of any person or entity proposing
     or contemplating such a transaction.

     The transfer agent and registrar for Coeur d'Alene's Shares is First
     Interstate Bank of Oregon, NA, Portland, Oregon.  Deloitte Share Registry
     Services (a division of the firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) will serve
     as co-transfer agent with respect to Coeur d'Alene Shares issued in

     Preferred Stock

     Coeur d'Alene is authorised to issue up to 10,000,000 shares of preferred
     stock, none of which have been issued.  The Board of Directors has the
     authority to determine the dividend rights, dividend rates, conversion
     rights, voting rights, rights and terms of redemption and liquidation
     preferences, redemption prices, sinking fund terms on any series of
     preferred stock, the number of shares constituting any such series and the
     designation thereof.  Holders of preferred stock have no pre-emptive
     rights and have no rights to convert their preferred stock into any other
     securities.  While a series may be designated and preferred stock may be
     issued from time to time in the future, except upon exercise of the Rights
     (as described below), Coeur d'Alene has no present plans to issue any such

     On 24 May 1989 the Board of Directors of Coeur d'Alene declared a dividend
     distribution of one Right for each issued Coeur d'Alene Share to
     shareholders registered at the close of business on 16 June 1989.  Each
     Right entitles the registered holder to purchase from Coeur d'Alene one
     one-hundredth of a share of Series A Preferred Stock at a purchase price
     of US$100 in cash ("Purchase Price"), subject to adjustment. The Rights
     are not exercisable or detachable from the Coeur d'Alene Shares until ten
     days after any person or group acquires 20% or more (or commences a
     takeover offer for 30% or more) of Coeur d'Alene Shares.  If any person or
     group acquires 30% or more of the Coeur d'Alene Shares on issue or
     acquires Coeur d'Alene in a merger or other business combination, each
     Right (other than those held by the acquiring person) will entitle the
     holder to purchase preferred stock of Coeur d'Alene or common stock of the
     acquiring company having a market value of approximately two times the
     US$100 exercise price.  The Rights expire on 24 May 1999, and can be
     redeemed by Coeur d'Alene at any time prior to their becoming exercisable.


     Holders of Gasgoyne Shares who accept an Offer will, if the Offers become
     unconditional, be entitled to be issued Coeur d'Alene Shares (although
     foreign shareholders or odd-lots may be treated in accordance with clause
     12 of the Offers). Details of the rights attaching to Gasgoyne Shares and
     Gasgoyne Options are taken in part from the Part A Statement dated 30
     August 1995 given by Gasgoyne to Pilbara Mines NL.  On the basis of
     filings with ASX and the Commission as at the day immediately preceding
     the date of this Statement, there have been no changes to the rights
     attaching to Gasgoyne Shares or Gasgoyne Options since that date.



     The following is a broad summary (though not an exhaustive or definitive
     statement) of the rights, privileges and restrictions which attach to
     existing Gasgoyne Shares.

     Voting Rights

     Subject to any rights or restrictions for the time being attached to any
     class or classes of shares (at present there are none), at a general
     meeting of Gasgoyne every member present in person or by attorney,
     representative or proxy has one vote on a show of hands and on a poll one
     vote for each fully paid share held in the capital of Gasgoyne.  A member
     who holds an ordinary share which is not fully paid shall on a poll have
     such number of votes as bears the same proportion to the total of such
     shares registered in the member's name as the amount of the issue price
     thereof paid up bears to the total issue price.

     However, in the event of a breach of any escrow agreement entered into by
     Gasgoyne under the ASX Listing Rules in relation to any shares which are
     classified under the Listing Rules or by ASX as restricted securities, the
     member holding the shares in question shall cease to be entitled to any
     voting rights in respect of those shares for so long as the breach

     Dividend Rights

     Subject to the rights of holders of shares issued with any special or
     preferential rights (at present there are none), the profits of Gasgoyne
     which the directors of Gasgoyne may from time to time determine to
     distribute by way of dividend are divisible among the shareholders in
     proportion to the numbers of shares held by them respectively and are paid
     irrespective of the amount paid or credited as paid on those shares.

     Rights on Winding Up

     Subject to the rights of holders of shares issued on special terms and
     conditions (at present there are none), if Gasgoyne is wound up, the
     liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution, divide among
     the members in kind the whole or any part of the property of Gasgoyne, and
     may for that purpose set such value as he or she considers fair on any
     property to be so divided, and may determine how the division is to be
     carried out as between the members or different classes of members.

     The liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution, vest the
     whole or any part of any such property in trustees on such trusts for the
     benefit of the contributories as the liquidator thinks fit, but so that no
     member is compelled to accept any shares or other securities in respect of
     which there is no liability.

     Subject to the rights of members (if any) entitled to shares with special
     rights in a winding-up, all moneys and property that are to be distributed
     among shareholders on a winding-up, shall be so distributed in proportion
     to the shares held by them respectively, irrespective of the amount paid
     up or credited as paid up on the shares.


     Transfer of Shares

     Subject to the articles of association of Gasgoyne, the Corporations Law,
     or any other laws and the Listing Rules, Gasgoyne Shares are freely

     Issue of Further Shares

     The allotment and issue of any new shares is under the control of the
     directors from time to time of Gasgoyne.  Subject to restrictions on the
     allotment of shares to directors or their associates contained in the
     Listing Rules, the articles of association of Gasgoyne and the
     Corporations Law, the directors may allot or otherwise dispose of shares
     on such terms and conditions as they see fit.

     Classes of Shares

     If at any time the share capital of Gasgoyne is divided into different
     classes of shares, the rights attached to any class (unless otherwise
     provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class) may be varied,
     whether or not Gasgoyne is being wound up, with the consent in writing of
     the holders of three quarters of the issued shares of that class, or if
     authorised by a special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the
     holders of the shares of the class.  Any variation of rights of that type
     is subject to section 197 of the Corporations Law.  The provisions of
     Gasgoyne's articles of association relating to general meetings apply so
     far as they are capable of application and with necessary alterations to
     every separate meeting of that type except that a quorum is constituted by
     two persons who together hold or represent by proxy one-third of the
     issued shares of the class.


     As at 25 January 1996, Coeur d'Alene understands that Gasgoyne had on
     issue the following Gasgoyne Options to subscribe for Gasgoyne Shares:

                     NUMBER        EXERCISE PRICE     EXPIRY DATE
                    735,000             0.47            30 June 1997
                  1,990,000             1.30        22 December 1997
                    100,000             1.47           28 April 1998
                     30,000             1.45            29 June 1997
                     84,000             2.24            28 June 1997
                    100,000             1.56          10 August 1998
                    125,000             1.81       14 September 1998
                    525,000             2.08        15 December 1998
          Total   3,689,000

     The above Gasgoyne Options were issued pursuant to Gasgoyne's Employee
     Option Plan.  Refer to page 10 of annexure L for details of the rules of
     the Employee Option Plan.

     Each Option entitles the holder to apply for and be allotted one Gasgoyne
     Share at the relevant exercise price on the following terms and


     -    The Options may be exercised by notice in writing to Gasgoyne
          received at any time from the date of issue to the relevant expiry
          date ("exercise period").

     -    There are no participating rights or entitlements inherent to the
          option to participate in any new issue of capital which may be
          offered to shareholders of Gasgoyne from time to time prior to expiry
          date.  Gasgoyne has indicated that it will ensure that during the
          exercise period for the purpose of determining entitlements to any
          such new issue, the book's closing date will be at least 12 business
          days after such new issue is announced.  This will afford the
          optionholder an opportunity to exercise the option prior to the
          book's closing date of any such new issue.

     -    The optionholder may not except with the approval of the board of
          directors (in its absolute discretion) sell, transfer, assign, give
          or otherwise dispose in equity or in law the benefit of the option.

     -    A certificate will be issued for each option.  On the reverse side of
          the certificate there will be enclosed a notice that is to be
          completed when exercising the option.  If there is more than one
          option on a certificate and prior to the expiry date the option is
          exercised in part, Gasgoyne has indicated that it will issue another
          certificate for the balance of the options held and not yet

     -    The options are not listed on the official list of ASX.

     -    It is a condition of each option that in the event of a
          reconstruction (including consolidation, subdivision, reduction or
          return) of the issued capital of Gasgoyne, the number of options and
          the exercise price of options will be reconstructed in the same
          proportion as the issued capital of Gasgoyne is reconstructed and in
          the manner which will not result in any additional benefits being
          conferred on optionholders which are not conferred on shareholders,
          (subject to the provisions with respect to the rounding of
          entitlements as sanctioned by the meeting of shareholders approving
          the reconstruction of capital) but in all other respects the terms
          for the exercise of options shall remain unchanged.


      Gasgoyne shareholders who accept the Offer will become shareholders of an
      Idaho corporation and will have rights and privileges as set out in the
      Idaho constitution, Idaho Code and Idaho Business Corporation Act ("IDAHO
      CODE") and the Coeur d'Alene articles of incorporation and by-laws.

      The rights and privileges of shareholders of an Idaho corporation are
      comparable to those of shareholders of an Australian corporation,
      however, there are some material differences, some of which are
      summarised below.


      Under Gasgoyne's articles of association three shareholders present in
      person or by proxy, attorney or representative constitutes a quorum for a


      Under Coeur d'Alene's by-laws, holders of a majority of the outstanding
      shares in person or by proxy, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of
      business at a meeting of shareholders.

      Vote Required for Ordinary Transactions

      Under the Idaho Code and Coeur d'Alene's articles of incorporation, most
      matters requiring shareholder approval must be approved by the vote of
      holders of a majority of the outstanding shares represented in person or
      by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote.

      Under Australian law, matters which are decided by a general meeting of
      shareholders generally require the approval of the shareholders by
      ordinary resolution, which is a resolution passed by the majority of
      shares present in person or by proxy.  Some matters (such as amendments
      to the articles of association) require approval by special resolution,
      which is a resolution passed by the holders of at least 75% of the shares
      represented in person or by proxy, where at least 21 days of notice of
      the resolution has been given.


      As mentioned in clause 4.6 Coeur d'Alene's articles of incorporation
      include a "fair price" provision applicable to certain business
      combination transactions.  Where those provisions are applicable, holders
      of at least 80% of the outstanding Coeur d'Alene Shares need to approve
      the relevant transaction.  Generally, a merger or consolidation to which
      Coeur d'Alene is a party requires the approval of the holders of a
      majority of the outstanding shares of each of the corporations involved
      under the Idaho Code.

      Under Australian law, a merger or consolidation of Gasgoyne with another
      company cannot be implemented in the same way as under the Idaho Code,
      however, corporate combinations can be effected by a scheme of
      arrangement under the Corporations Law.  A scheme of arrangement requires
      approval by majorities of 50% in number and 75% in value of all
      shareholders and each class of shareholders, together with court

      A dissolution or a sale of substantially all of a corporation's assets
      requires the approval of the holders of a majority of the outstanding
      shares under the Idaho Code and in Australia the ASX Listing Rules
      require approval by ordinary resolution.


      Under Gasgoyne's articles of association, directors of Gasgoyne may be
      appointed by ordinary resolution and must be voted on individually.  In
      addition, the directors have the power to fill a casual vacancy or
      appoint additional directors up to the maximum number specified in the
      articles of association (currently 10).


      Under Coeur d'Alene's by-laws, at any election of Directors, every
      shareholder entitled to vote has the right to vote, in person or by
      proxy, in respect of the number of shares held for as many persons as
      there are Directors to be elected, or to cumulate votes by giving either
      one candidate the number of votes multiplied by the number of candidates,
      or by distributing those votes on the same principle among any number of
      candidates.  This is common to US corporations and is referred to as
      "cumulative voting".


      The Corporations Law also prohibits a public company or an entity
      controlled by it from giving any type of financial benefit to a "related
      party" (including parent companies, controlling entities, directors and
      their families, and entities which they control) unless the financial

      (i)   constitutes reasonable remuneration to an officer;

      (ii)  is an advance of less than $2,000;

      (iii) is given between wholly owned entities;

      (iv)  is given on arm's length terms or pursuant to a court order;

      (v)   constitutes a benefit given to shareholders in their capacity as
            shareholders and does not discriminate unfairly between
            shareholders (eg a dividend); or

      (vi)  is approved by a general meeting of shareholders.

      The Idaho Code has no equivalent provisions. The Code however provides
      that certain contracts or transactions between a corporation and one or
      more of its directors or related entities will not be void or voidable
      because of a financial interest where, amongst other things, it is
      approved by shareholders.  The Idaho Code does require that the issuance
      of stock options to, or adoption of a stock option plan providing for the
      issuance of options to, directors or officers must be approved by the
      holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares.  Furthermore,
      the NYSE listing rules require shareholder approval for certain
      transactions in which directors or officers, or their affiliates, have an
      interest.  In addition, the ASX Listing Rules contain restrictions on
      certain transactions involving certain related parties, substantial
      shareholders and associates which currently apply to Gasgoyne and may
      apply to Coeur d'Alene, if ASX approves it for listing and those
      provisions are not waived.

      As noted in clause 4.6, the Coeur d'Alene articles of incorporation
      contain a "fair price" provision which will apply to business
      combinations between Coeur d'Alene and "Interested Stockholders" as
      referred to in that clause.



      The Idaho Code generally entitles a shareholder voting against the
      following corporate actions to exercise dissenters' appraisal rights if
      the shareholder complies with certain procedural requirements:

      (i)   a plan of merger or consolidation to which the corporation is a

      (ii)  a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or
            substantially all of the property and assets of the corporation not
            made in the usual or regular course of its business, including a
            sale of dissolution;

      (iii) any plan of exchange to which the corporation is a party
            which provides for the acquisition of the corporation's shares; and

      (iv)  an amendment to the articles of incorporation which materially and
            adversely affects the rights of the shares as to certain specified

      Limitation of Director Liability

      The Corporations Law provides that a company or related body corporate
      must not indemnify a person who is or has been an officer (including a
      director) or auditor against a liability incurred in that capacity, or
      exempt such a person from such a liability.  However, a person may be

      (i)   against a liability (other than to the company) unless the
            liability arises out of conduct involving a lack of good faith; or

      (ii)  against a liability for costs and expenses incurred in defending
            civil or criminal proceedings where judgment is given in favour of
            the person, the person is acquitted or the court grants relief to
            the person under the Corporations Law.

      Gasgoyne's articles of association provide broad rights of
      indemnification to the extent permitted under the Corporations Law, for
      officers (including directors), employees and auditors.

      The Coeur d'Alene articles of incorporation contain a provision,
      permitted by the Idaho Code, limiting the personal liability of Directors
      for breach of fiduciary duties provided the breach does not involve:

      (a)   any breach of the Director's duty of loyalty to Coeur d'Alene or
            its shareholders;

      (b)   acts of omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional
            misconduct or a knowing violation of law;


      (c)   any transaction from which the director derived an improper
            personal benefit; or

      (d)   certain declarations of dividends, distributions of assets or
            repurchases of the corporation's shares in violation of the Idaho

      Under Coeur d'Alene's by-laws, Coeur d'Alene must indemnify Directors and
      officers to the fullest extent permitted by law.  This is not exclusive
      of any right which may exist under any by-law, agreement, vote of
      shareholders or disinterested Directors, or otherwise.

      Distributions and Dividends

      Under the Corporations Law, a corporation may only pay dividends out of
      profits, as determined under Australian law, or, in certain instances,
      out of the share premium account.

      Under the Idaho Code, a corporation may pay dividends in cash or its own
      shares except when the corporation is insolvent or when the payment would
      render the corporation insolvent.  Generally, cash dividends may be paid
      only out of the unreserved and unrestricted earned surplus of the
      corporation.  In addition, a corporation generally may make cash
      distributions to its shareholders out of capital surplus of the
      corporation; provided, however, that no such distribution may be made
      when the corporation is insolvent or when the distribution would render
      the corporation insolvent.


      Under Coeur d'Alene's articles of incorporation the Directors have a wide
      power to repurchase shares.

      In general terms the Corporations Law permits buy-backs in more limited
      circumstances.  In particular, buy-backs can be made without shareholders
      approval if:

      (a)   all ordinary shareholders have a reasonable opportunity to accept
            the offer ("equal access buy-back"); and

      (b)   less than 10% of voting shares are bought back during a 12 month

      Equal access buy-backs of more than 10% of voting shares in a 12 month
      period require approval by an ordinary resolution of shareholders.

      Buy-backs which favour some shareholders over others ("selective
      buy-backs") require approval by a special resolution of shareholders.

      The Corporations Law also permits, in certain circumstances, odd-lot,
      employee and on market buy-backs without shareholder approval.



     The following opinions are not exhaustive of all possible Australian
     income tax considerations that could apply to particular shareholders.  In
     particular, the summary does not address all tax considerations applicable
     to shareholders that may be subject to special tax rules, such as banks,
     insurance companies, tax exempt organisations, superannuation funds or
     dealers in securities.


     The following is the opinion of Mallesons Stephen Jaques of Sydney,
     Australia, Australian solicitors to Coeur d'Alene, as to the principal
     Australian income tax consequences generally applicable to a Gasgoyne
     shareholder who disposes of Gasgoyne Shares under the Offer.  The opinion
     reflects Mallesons Stephen Jaques' interpretation of the current
     provisions of the Australian Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (the "Act")
     and the regulations made under it, the convention between the Government
     of Australia and the Government of the United States for the Avoidance of
     Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes
     and Income (the "Australia/United States Tax Treaty"), taking into account
     currently proposed amendments and Mallesons Stephen Jaques' understanding
     of the current administrative practices of the Australian Taxation Office.
     The opinion does not otherwise take into account or anticipate changes in
     the law, whether by way of judicial decision or legislative action, nor
     does it take into account tax legislation of other countries.

     Australian Resident Shareholders

     The Australian tax consequences for holders of Gasgoyne Shares, who are
     residents of Australia for tax purposes, are as follows:

     (i)  Disposal of Gasgoyne Shares

          The sale of Gasgoyne Shares pursuant to acceptance of the Offer will
          generally result in a disposal of Gasgoyne Shares for capital gains
          tax purposes.  A taxable capital gain would arise if the Gasgoyne
          Shares are disposed of at a price in excess of their indexed cost
          base.  In this regard, the price received for the Gasgoyne Shares
          disposed of is the sum of the market value of the Coeur d'Alene
          Shares received under the Offer, calculated at the time the Offer is
          accepted, plus the cash received under the Offer.  If the Gasgoyne
          Shares have been held for more than 12 months, the indexed cost base
          will include an adjustment for inflation over the period for which
          the Gasgoyne Shares have been held and hence any taxable capital gain
          would be reduced by that amount as well as the cost base.


          Shareholders in Gasgoyne who dispose of their Gasgoyne Shares should
          incur a capital loss if the cost of the Gasgoyne Shares disposed of
          was greater than the sum of the market value of the Coeur d'Alene
          Shares received and the cash received under the Offer.  A capital
          loss may be offset against taxable capital gains arising in the
          current or future years of income.  A capital loss cannot be offset
          against ordinary income or carried back to offset taxable capital
          gains arising in earlier years.

          Profits realised by certain categories of shareholders, such as
          sharetraders, banks and insurance companies, may be taxed as ordinary
          income without any adjustment for inflation.

     (ii) Coeur d'Alene Shares held by Australian Residents

          Dividends paid on Coeur d'Alene Shares would generally be subject to
          US withholding tax at the rate of 15%.  This tax would be deducted by
          Coeur d'Alene when the dividend is paid.

          Generally, such dividends would also be subject to Australian income
          tax.  The entire amount of the dividend would be taxable including
          the amount representing US withholding tax.  The Australian tax
          payable on such dividends would generally be reduced by the lesser of
          the amount of any US tax withheld and the Australian tax attributable
          to the dividends received.

          Dividends paid by Coeur d'Alene cannot be franked for Australian
          purposes and a shareholder will not be entitled to franking credit

          Dividends paid by Coeur d'Alene will not qualify for the
          inter-corporate dividend rebate.

          Dividends may be exempt from Australian tax if paid to an Australian
          resident company on Coeur d'Alene Shares which confer a voting
          interest of greater than 10%.

          Because Coeur d'Alene Shares are listed on New York Stock Exchange
          and Pacific Stock Exchange, the rules relating to the taxation of
          foreign investment funds do not currently apply to investors who hold
          Coeur d'Alene Shares in respect of those shares.

     (iii) Subsequent Sale of Coeur d'Alene Shares

          Gain or loss from the sale or other disposal of Coeur d'Alene Shares
          will generally be subject to the same tax rules as those referred to
          at item (i) above.

          If Coeur d'Alene Shares are granted official quotation on ASX, the
          sale of Coeur d'Alene Shares on ASX will generally be subject to
          share transfer duty at the rate of 0.3% (half of which is borne by
          both buyer and seller).  The transfer of Coeur d'Alene Shares on a
          branch register of Coeur d'Alene in Australia (other than


          pursuant to a sale on ASX) generally will be subject to share
          transfer duty at the rate of 0.3% if Coeur d'Alene Shares are granted
          official quotation on ASX and 0.6% if not (in each case borne wholly
          by the buyer generally).

     Non-Australian Resident Shareholders

     The Australian tax consequences for holders of Gasgoyne Shares, who are
     not Australian residents for tax purposes, are as follows:

     (i)  Disposal of Gasgoyne Shares

          Generally, if the Gasgoyne Shares held by a shareholder (plus any
          Gasgoyne Shares held by an "associate" for the purposes of the Act)
          during the five years preceding the sale of such shares pursuant to
          the Offer represent less than 10% of the issued shares in Gasgoyne,
          their sale pursuant to the Offer will not give rise to any liability
          under the Australian capital gains tax provisions in the Act.

          Profits realised by certain categories of shareholders, such as
          sharetraders, banks and insurance companies, may be taxed in
          Australia as ordinary income depending on whether or not those
          profits have an Australian source.  Determining the source of income
          is a factual matter which depends on all the surrounding
          circumstances.  However, if the shareholder is resident in a country
          with which Australia has a double tax treaty, it is possible that the
          terms of the particular treaty could deem any profit arising on the
          acceptance of the Offer to have an Australian source.  For example
          that may be likely under the Australia/United States Tax Treaty
          because the assets of Gasgoyne consist wholly or principally of real
          property (including leaseholder interests in land and rights to
          exploit or explore for natural resources) situated in Australia.

     (ii) Dividends

          Any dividend paid by Coeur d'Alene to a non-Australian resident
          shareholder will generally not be taxable in Australia.

     (iii) Subsequent Sale of Coeur d'Alene Shares

          Gain or loss from the sale or other disposal of Coeur d'Alene Shares
          by a non-Australian resident shareholder will generally not be
          subject to Australian tax.

          If Coeur d'Alene Shares are granted official quotation on ASX, the
          sale of Coeur d'Alene Shares on ASX in Australia will generally be
          subject to share transfer duty at the rate of 0.3% (half of which is
          borne by both buyer and seller).  The transfer of Coeur d'Alene
          Shares on a branch register of Coeur d'Alene in Australia (other than
          pursuant to a sale on ASX) generally will be subject to share
          transfer duty at the rate of 0.3% if Coeur d'Alene Shares are granted
          official quotation on ASX and 0.6% if not (in each case borne wholly
          by the buyer generally).



     In all cases, regard should be given to the foreign consequences (if any)
     of disposal of Gasgoyne Shares and the acquisition of and possible
     subsequent disposal of Coeur d'Alene Shares.

     Gasgoyne shareholders and optionholders are advised to contact a suitably
     qualified taxation expert if in doubt as to the tax consequences of
     accepting the Offer.



     Coeur d'Alene is at the date of this Statement entitled to 10,621,300
     Gasgoyne Shares.  This entitlement arises as follows:

     -    On 31 August 1995, Callahan Mining Corporation, a wholly owned US
          subsidiary of Coeur d'Alene, acquired 10,000 Gasgoyne Shares
          on-market at $1.90 per share.  Coeur d'Alene and Callahan Mining
          Corporation are related bodies corporate and therefore Coeur d'Alene
          is entitled to the shares held by Callahan.

     -    On 20 December 1995, Coeur d'Alene entered into a call option
          agreement with Ioma Pty Limited under which Ioma Pty Limited granted
          to Coeur d'Alene an option to purchase 10,611,300 Gasgoyne Shares for
          $60 plus 7 Coeur d'Alene Shares for each 100 Gasgoyne Shares (ie the
          same consideration as under the Offers). Ioma Pty Limited was, and is
          at the date of this Statement, the largest shareholder of Gasgoyne
          and is a company controlled by two directors of Gasgoyne, PG and RW
          Crabb.  The call option agreement automatically terminates if Ioma
          Pty Limited accepts, in respect of all of the Gasgoyne Shares covered
          by the agreement, a takeover offer made by Coeur d'Alene prior to the
          option being exercised.  The option can only be exercised if a
          takeover offer is made by Coeur d'Alene under which the consideration
          offered is not substantially less favourable than under the call
          option agreement and foreign investment approval is obtained.

     Except for the Gasgoyne Shares described in clause 5.1, Coeur d'Alene is
     not at the date of this Statement entitled to any other marketable
     securities of Gasgoyne, including Gasgoyne Options.

     There have been no acquisitions or disposals of Gasgoyne Shares or
     Gasgoyne Options by Coeur d'Alene, or any of its associates, in the 4
     months ending on the day immediately before the day on which this
     Statement was lodged with the Commission for registration except as set
     out in clause 5.1.


     There have been no acquisitions or disposals of shares in Coeur d'Alene by
     any person included in, or any associate of it, in the 4 months ending on
     the day immediately before the


     day on which this Statement was lodged with the Commission for
     registration except as follows:

     The following officers of Coeur d'Alene or its subsidiaries were granted
     stock options on 5 December, 1995 pursuant to the Coeur d'Alene Executive
     Compensation Program (see clause 7.4):

                                                NUMBER       EXERCISE
                                                  OF        PRICE PER
         NAME                 POSITION(1)       SHARES       SHARE (2)
     ----------------       --------------     --------     ----------
     Dennis E Wheeler       Chairman,           37,114          18.00
                            President and
                            Chief Executive

     Michael L Clark        Senior Vice         17,280          18.00
                            President and
                            Chief Operating

     Michael C Tippett      Senior Vice         13,953          18.00
                            and New

     James A Sabala         Senior Vice         10,844          18.00
                            President and
                            Chief Financial

     William F Boyd         Corporate            8,989          18.00
                            Counsel and

     Robert Martinez        Vice President       3,402          18.00
                            and General
                            Manager of
                            Coeur Rochester,

     Tom T Angelos          Controller           1,841          18.00

     (1)  All of the positions listed above are positions with Coeur d'Alene
          unless otherwise indicated.

     (2)  The exercise price of the above options is equal to the average of
          the high and low sale prices of the Coeur d'Alene Shares on the date
          of grant on the New York Stock Exchange. The options become
          exercisable cumulatively to the extent of 25% after the first,
          second, third and fourth anniversaries of the date of grant and
          expire ten years after the date of the grant.


     Coeur d'Alene has not registered the Coeur d'Alene Shares being offered in
     the Offer under the US Securities Act 1933 ("SECURITIES ACT") and,
     consequently, the Shares may not be offered or sold by former Gasgoyne
     shareholders to "US persons" (as defined in Regulation S under the
     Securities Act) or in the USA unless the securities are registered under
     the Securities Act or an exemption from such registration requirement is


     Pursuant to Rule 903(c)(2) of Regulation S made under the Securities Act,
     the Coeur d'Alene Shares issued to Gasgoyne shareholders may not be
     offered or sold to a US person prior to the expiration of a 40-day
     restricted period commencing on the date of closing of the Offers.
     Following the expiration of the 40-day restricted period, former Gasgoyne
     shareholders will be able to sell their Coeur d'Alene Shares to US persons
     in reliance upon the exemption from registration provided by section 4(1)
     of the Securities Act for a person that is neither an issuer, underwriter
     or dealer.  That 40-day restricted period requirement also applies to
     former Gasgoyne shareholders that became "affiliates" of Coeur d'Alene (ie
     an officer, director or 10% shareholder of Coeur d'Alene). Such a person
     will be required to conform his or her US resales of Coeur d'Alene Shares
     to Rule 144 under the Securities Act.  Under that rule, an affiliate may
     not sell during any three-month period more than the greater of (i) 1% of
     the Coeur d'Alene Shares on issue or (ii) the average weekly volume of
     trading in the shares during the preceding four calendar weeks on the New
     York and Pacific Stock Exchanges.


     Coeur d'Alene has not sent, nor does it propose to send, while the Offers
     remain open, offers or invitations relating to the acquisition of shares
     in Gasgoyne (whether voting shares or not) of a different class from the
     Gasgoyne Shares or relating to the acquisition of renounceable options or
     convertible notes granted or issued by Gasgoyne.

     To the best of the knowledge of Coeur d'Alene, Gasgoyne had on issue on 25
     January 1996 3,689,000 options to subscribe for Gasgoyne Shares.  Those
     options have been issued to directors and employees of Gasgoyne and are
     non-renounceable.  As mentioned in clause 6.6(b), the Commission has
     granted an exemption to enable Coeur d'Alene to acquire Gasgoyne Shares
     issued on exercise of any of those options.



     There is no restriction on the right to transfer Gasgoyne Shares to which
     the Offers relate contained in the constitution of Gasgoyne that has the
     effect of requiring the holders of Gasgoyne Shares, before transferring
     them, to offer them for purchase to members of Gasgoyne or to any other


     Coeur d'Alene does not propose in connection with the Offers that:

     (a)  a prescribed benefit (other than an excluded benefit) will or may be
          given to a person in connection with the retirement of a person from
          a prescribed office in relation to Gasgoyne; or

     (b)  a prescribed benefit will or may be given to a prescribed person in
          relation to Gasgoyne in connection with the transfer of the whole or
          any part of the undertaking or property of Gasgoyne.



     There is no agreement made between Coeur d'Alene and any of the directors
     of Gasgoyne in connection with or conditional upon the outcome of the

     However, as mentioned in clause 5.1, Coeur d'Alene has entered into a call
     option agreement with Ioma Pty Limited, a company associated with two
     directors of Gasgoyne, PG and RW Crabb, under which 10,611,300 Gasgoyne
     Shares held by Ioma Pty Limited may be acquired by Coeur d'Alene for $60
     plus 7 Coeur d'Alene Shares per 100 Gasgoyne Shares (the same
     consideration as under the Takeover Scheme).

     Also, Coeur d'Alene's present intention is to invite Mr Brian Hurley to
     remain as Chairman of the board of directors, and Mr Philip Crabb to
     remain as a director of Gasgoyne following successful conclusion of the
     Takeover Scheme (see clause 4.2).


     There is no agreement whereby any Gasgoyne Shares acquired by Coeur
     d'Alene pursuant to the Offers by Coeur d'Alene will or may be transferred
     to any other person, except that, in accordance with ordinary banking
     practice in connection with any security granted under a facility,
     Rothschild as mortgagee may be entitled to take a transfer of Gasgoyne
     Shares under the facility referred to in clause 4.5.  Coeur d'Alene
     understands that Rothschild does not hold any Gasgoyne Shares nor are any
     Gasgoyne Shares held on Rothschild's behalf.


     There is no agreement for the acquisition of Gasgoyne Shares by Coeur
     d'Alene or by an associate, being an agreement under which the person, or
     either or any of the persons, from whom the Gasgoyne Shares have been or
     are to be acquired or an associate of that person or of either or any of
     those persons may, at any time after an Offer is sent, become entitled to
     any benefit, whether by way of receiving an increased price for those
     Gasgoyne Shares or by payment of cash or otherwise, that is related to,
     dependent on, or calculated in any way by reference to, the consideration
     payable for Gasgoyne Shares acquired after the agreement was entered into.


     The Commission on 24 January 1996 made the following declarations under
     section 728 and 730 of the Corporations Law, that the Corporations Law in
     its application to the Takeover Scheme be varied:

     (a)  to permit the payment of cash only to foreign shareholders of
          Gasgoyne Shares and holders of Gasgoyne Shares who would, as a result
          of acceptance of the Offers, hold less than a marketable parcel of


     (b)  to permit offers to be made in respect of Gasgoyne Shares issued as a
          result of the exercise of any Gasgoyne Options during the offer
          period which were capable of being exercised on or before the date of
          despatch of the Offers;

     (c)  to permit the execution of documents in relation to the Takeover
          Scheme by agents of directors of Coeur d'Alene.

     See annexure J for copies of the relevant instruments from the Commission.



     There is no other information material to the making of a decision by an
     offeree whether or not to accept an Offer, being information that is
     within the knowledge of Coeur d'Alene and has not previously been
     disclosed to the holders of Gasgoyne Shares except as follows:

     Announcements to ASX

     -    On 4 July 1995, Gasgoyne announced to ASX that:

          "The Participants in the Yilgarn Star Production Joint Venture, being
          Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL ("GGM"), Orion Resources NL ("ORR") and Gemini
          Mining Pty Ltd ("GEMINI") were recently served with a writ issued by
          Boral out of the Supreme Court of Western Australia claiming damages
          for alleged breach of contract in the sum of $4,991,832.03, together
          with interest and costs.

          GGM, ORR and Gemini ("Yilgarn Star Participants") intend to
          vigorously defend the action by Boral.  Based upon advice received by
          the solicitors and Counsel engaged to review Boral's claims, it is
          the view of the Yilgarn Star Participants that Boral's claims have no
          foundation and that the Yilgarn Star Participants have no liability
          whatsoever to Boral."

          No provision is made in Gasgoyne's accounts for this litigation.

     -    On 10 August 1995, Gasgoyne declared a fully franked dividend of 6
          cents per Gasgoyne Share.  The dividend was payable on 1 November
          1995 with books closing to determine entitlements to the dividend on
          25 October 1995.

     -    On 13 September 1995 Gasgoyne lodged its Proforma Preliminary Final
          Statement for the financial year ended 30 June 1995.

     -    On 13 September 1995, Gasgoyne announced that:

          "In accordance with the terms of the Masmindo Option Agreement,
          Gasgoyne and its joint venture partner, Lone Star Exploration NL
          ("LONE STAR") have now given notice of exercise of the Option and the
          first payment of US$1 million has been paid.


          As a result of the above and other transactions as approved by the
          shareholders of Lone Star on 25 August 1995, the beneficial holding
          in the Awak Mas Gold Project is as follows:

                Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL        45
                Lone Star Exploration NL      45
                PT Asminco Bara Utama         10
                TOTAL                        100%

          The balance of the consideration for the Masmindo Option Agreement
          (US$3 million) will be paid in accordance with the terms of the
          Option Agreement, being US$1 million on 15 September 1996 and US$2
          million on 15 September 1997.  These payments will be accelerated
          should the project proceed to production prior to that date".

     -    On 13 November 1995, Gasgoyne announced to ASX a proposal to upgrade
          the Star Mill.  JR Engineering was commissioned to undertake a
          preliminary plant upgrade investigation of the Star Mill to 1.0
          million tonnes per annum from the current 760,000 tonnes per annum
          capacity.  The total cost of the upgrade is estimated at $5 million.

     -    On 18 December 1995, Gasgoyne lodged with ASX a prospectus offering
          525,000 free options to directors and offering shares in Gasgoyne to
          vendors of mining tenements.  In consideration of this issue of
          shares, Gasgoyne acquired:

          (i)   a 100% legal and beneficial interest in the Blackstone Licences;

          (ii)  the 10% legal and beneficial interest of William Robert Richmond
                in Wilga Well (West) Exploration Licence; and

          (iii) the 10% joint legal and beneficial interest of Brian Dudley
                Richardson, John Sautul and Andrew Huxtable in the Wilga Well
                (West) Exploration Licence and the Wilga Well Exploration

     -    On 11 January 1996 Gasgoyne announced to ASX that:

               "The Directors of Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL are pleased to advise
               that following a 23,473 metre drilling programme conducted at
               Awak Mas by Joint Venture Partners Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL (45%),
               Lone Star Exploration NL (45%) and PT Asminco Bara Utama (10%)
               throughout 1995 it has been possible to update the total
               estimated resource for the Awak Mas Gold Project.

               Total In-Situ Resources (in all categories) at a 0.7 g/tonne
               gold cut off have increased by 147% from 829,000 ounces as
               reported in December 1994 to 2,048,000 ounces as at 31 December




           cut off                1.0 g/tonne Gold                       0.7 g/tonne Gold
           --------        --------------------------------      ---------------------------------
           CATEGORY        TONNES        GRADE       OUNCES      TONNES       GRADE         OUNCES
                            (Mt)       (g/t gold)     (oz)        (Mt)      (g/t gold)       (oz)
          INDICATED         15.1         2.07       1,005,000     21.0         1.65      1,113,000
           INFERRED         12.7         1.95         799,000     19.4         1.50        935,000
            TOTAL           27.8         2.02       1,804,000     40.4         1.58      2,048,000

          * This resource was calculated by Resource Service Group Pty Ltd
          using the Geostatistical Technique of Indicator Kriging.  The
          stated Resource is the estimate based on complete selectivity using
          a 2.5 metre bench composite sample support and represents the
          in-situ, undiluted resource.

          *      Tonnes rounded to the nearest 100,000

          *      Ounces rounded to the nearest 1,000

               At a 1.0 g/tonne gold cut off, the resources has increased
               from 660,000 ounces to 1,804,000 ounces.  An increase of 173%.

               The increase in Mineral Resources has occurred by in-fill
               drilling within the Rante and Lematik Domains previously
               identified and expanding the boundaries of the mineralisation in
               all areas and all directions.

               As at 31 December 1995, the mineralisation is open generally in
               all directions.  The partners intend to continue drilling
               throughout the first half of 1996 and have planned a further
               drilling programme of greater than 20,000 metres with a view to
               extending the mineralisation boundaries to the west and south of
               Lematik and further drilling in Ongan to the north, and Mapacing
               to the west.  Centrally, the Tanjung Domain that lies between
               Rante and Lematik will be in-filled to better define the
               resource in that area.  To date only fifty percent of the
               identified gold in soil anomaly has been systematically drilled
               and has been included in the resource statement.  Potential for
               further resource upgrade exists in the western half of the

     -    On 17 January 1996 Sons of Gwalia Ltd ("SOG") and Burmine Limited
          ("BURMINE") made a joint announcement to ASX that:

          *    SOG and Burmine would merge by way of a scheme of arrangement,
               with SOG to issue one share for every two Burmine shares;

          *    SOG agreed to take a placement of 10% of Burmine's issued
               capital, at a price of $3.50 per Burmine share; and

          *    SOG, in agreement with Burmine, would bid for Gasgoyne, with SOG
               issuing one share for every three Gasgoyne shares.


     Substantial Shareholders

     -    As set out in the 1995 annual report of Gasgoyne, the substantial
          shareholders of Gasgoyne as at 18 September 1995 were as follows:

                                                  NUMBER OF
                                                   SHARES          % HELD
                                                ------------      --------
                     Ioma Pty Limited and         13,839,682       29.53
                     ANZ Nominees Limited          3,822,173        8.15
                     Pendal Nominees Pty Ltd       2,762,546        5.89

          *    Associates represent R J Dunn, S A Dunn, P G Crabb, R W Crabb,
               Gemini Mining Pty Limited and Barcfin Pty Limited.

     -    Since this date, substantial shareholder notices have been lodged
          reflecting the following changes:

          *    On 12 December 1995, Bankers Trust Australia Limited ("BANKERS
               TRUST") lodged a Notice of Change of Interest of Substantial
               Shareholder.  The notice stated that Bankers Trust held relevant
               interests in 3,299,566 fully paid ordinary Gasgoyne Shares,
               which represents 6.22% of the total number of Gasgoyne Shares.
               On 11 January 1996, Bankers Trust lodged a Notice of Person
               Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder.

          *    On 20 December 1995, Ioma Pty Limited ("IOMA") lodged a Notice
               of Change of Interest of Substantial Shareholders.  The notice
               stated that Ioma and its associates held relevant interests in
               14,543,792 Gasgoyne Shares, which represents 27.27% of the total
               number of Gasgoyne Shares.

          *    On 5 January 1996, Mercury Asset Management plc ("MERCURY")
               lodged a Notice of Change of Interest of Substantial
               Shareholder.  The notice stated that Mercury held relevant
               interests in 7,784,577 Gasgoyne Shares, which represents 14.60%
               of the total number of Gasgoyne Shares.

          *    On 9 January 1996, Burmine Limited ("BURMINE") lodged a Notice
               of Interest of Substantial Shareholder.  The notice stated that
               Burmine held relevant interests in 4,923,709 Gasgoyne shares,
               which represents 9.23% of the total number of Gasgoyne shares.

     Redemption of Debentures by Coeur d'Alene

     -    On 19 December 1995, Coeur d'Alene made the following press release
          in relation to completion of an underwritten call for redemption of
          its 7% Debentures (which were converted into Coeur d'Alene Shares):


               "Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE:CDE) announced that it
               has completed the underwritten call for redemption of its $75
               million principal amount of 7% convertible subordinated
               debentures due 2002, with the entire debenture indebtedness
               converted into equity.

               Prior to December 15, 1995, the holders of $74,649,000 principal
               amount of the debentures had converted the debentures into a
               total of approximately 4,844,000 shares of Coeur common stock.
               Converting Debentureholders received approximately 64.9 shares
               of Common Stock for each of $1,000 principal amount, with cash
               paid in lieu of any fractional shares.  The balance of $351,000
               principal amount of the Debentures was redeemed  by Coeur on
               December 15, 1995 at a price of $1,070 for each of $1,000
               principal amount of Debentures.

               Pursuant to a standby agreement with UBS Securities Inc., that
               firm purchased from Coeur on December 19, 1995 a total of
               approximately 20,000 shares of Common Stock of the Corporation,
               representing the number of shares of Common Stock that would
               have been issued upon conversion of those Debentures that were
               not surrendered for conversion.  As a result of that standby
               arrangement, the entire principal amount of the outstanding
               debenture indebtedness was converted into equity.

               Coeur issued a total of approximately 4,864,000 new shares of
               Common Stock in connection with the Debenture conversions and
               standby arrangement, increasing its total shares of outstanding
               Common Stock to approximately 20.5 million shares.

               Coeur is an international gold and silver mining company with
               operating mines in Nevada, New Zealand and Chile."

          All amounts referred to above are in US dollars.

     Awak Mas Feasibility Study

     -    Under the contract of works between the Indonesian Government and the
          joint venture parties involved in the Awak Mas joint venture project,
          a feasibility study was required to be completed by 24 October 1995.
          That feasibility study has not been completed.  While under certain
          circumstances the Indonesian Government may have the right to
          terminate the contract of works, no such notice has been given.  It
          is Coeur d'Alene's understanding that it is unlikely the Indonesian
          Government would take such steps while the joint venture parties are
          actively involved in exploration and other activities involving the
          expenditure of development funds.  In any event, the Indonesian
          Government is required to give notice of any default, and a period of
          up to 180 days to remedy the default, before it is able to terminate
          the contract of works.

          In its 1995 annual report Gasgoyne advised that its preliminary
          estimate of the capital cost of the Awak Mas project was US$35
          million.  Coeur d'Alene


          understands that this does not include the estimated costs of the
          mining fleet or power station.  Until completion of the final
          feasibility study, a final estimated cost of the project will not be
          known.  However, it is Coeur d'Alene's belief that the final capital
          cost may substantially exceed Gasgoyne's estimate.  Because of the
          need to complete the feasibility study, related work and construction
          time, Coeur d'Alene believes that production at Awak Mas is unlikely
          to commence prior to 1998.

     Star Mill Environmental Reclamation

     -     Milling operations for the Yilgarn Star joint venture, in which
           Gasgoyne has a 50% interest, are conducted at the Star Mill
           (formerly known as Great Victoria Gold Mines milling facility).
           Coeur d'Alene believes that environmental reclamation of the
           tailings storage facility stockpiles at that mill may cost between
           $1.78 million and $4.42 million.  Gasgoyne has not made a provision
           for its share of any reclamation expenses in respect of that site
           other than the provision of bonds to the Minister of Mines,
           totalling $205,000 in respect of its share of such reclamation

     Foreign Investment Approval

     -    Coeur d'Alene has despatched a notification to the Takeover Scheme,
          and the call option agreement referred to in clause 5.1, to the
          Treasurer in accordance with the requirements of the Foreign
          Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Clth).


     Coeur d'Alene Shares currently trade on the New York Stock Exchange
     ("NYSE") and Pacific Stock Exchange.

     On 25 January 1996, the latest available recorded sale price of Coeur
     d'Alene Shares on the NYSE on the date on which this Statement was lodged
     for registration was US$21.375.

     During the 3 months ending on the day immediately before the date on which
     this Statement was lodged with the Commission for registration:

     -    the highest recorded sale price of Coeur d'Alene Shares on the NYSE
          was US$21.625 on 25 January 1996; and

     -    the lowest recorded sale price of Coeur d'Alene Shares on the NYSE
          was US$16.625 on each of 27 October 1995, 30 October 1995, 1 November
          1995 and 28 December 1995.

     The last recorded sale price of Coeur d'Alene Shares on the NYSE on 20
     December 1995 (the last trading day before the public announcement of the
     Offers) was US$18.125.


     Coeur d'Alene Shares are also listed on Pacific Stock Exchange (based in
     San Francisco, California).  The number of recorded dealings in Coeur
     d'Alene Shares on that securities exchange in the 3 months ending on the
     day immediately before the day on which this Statement was served on
     Gasgoyne was significantly lower than on NYSE.

     As mentioned in clause 2.1, Coeur d'Alene intends to seek official
     quotation of Coeur d'Alene Shares on ASX.  As at the date this Statement
     was lodged for registration, no sale of Coeur d'Alene Shares has taken
     place on ASX.

     The following table sets out the high and low closing sales prices of the
     Coeur d'Alene Shares for the periods indicated, as reported by the NYSE
     Composite Tape.

                                     High           Low
          First Quarter               $18.500        $14.750
          Second Quarter               21.500         17.500
          Third Quarter                20.875         17.250
          Fourth Quarter               20.875         16.625

          First Quarter               $23.000        $18.375
          Second Quarter               21.750         16.625
          Third Quarter                22.125         17.500
          Fourth Quarter               21.375         14.750

          First Quarter               $16.000        $10.000
          Second Quarter               21.000         15.375
          Third Quarter                23.750         15.750
          Fourth Quarter               22.000         17.500

          First Quarter               $16.625        $14.000
          Second Quarter               18.375         13.875
          Third Quarter                17.625         14.875
          Fourth Quarter               15.250         11.000

          First Quarter               $19.375        $14.000
          Second Quarter               22.250         17.500
          Third Quarter                22.875         15.750
          Fourth Quarter               16.625         13.375

     Coeur d'Alene paid per share cash distributions or dividends of US15c. on
     each Coeur d'Alene Share on each of 21 April 1995, 15 April 1994, 16 April
     1993 and 15 April 1992; US12c. on 12 April 1991 and US11c. on each of 20
     April 1990 and 21 April 1989.  Future distributions or dividends on the
     Coeur d'Alene Shares, if any, will be determined by Coeur d'Alene's Board
     of Directors and will depend primarily on Coeur d'Alene's results of
     operations, financial condition and capital requirements.


     At 23 January 1996, there were 8,359 registered holders of Coeur d'Alene


     (a)  Coeur d'Alene

     During the five years ending on the day immediately before the day on
     which this Part A statement was lodged with the Commission, the following
     changes in the capital structure of Coeur d'Alene have occurred.  All
     shares or stock referred to are Coeur d'Alene Share unless otherwise

     DATE                        PARTICULARS


     25 February    Coeur d'Alene issued 500 shares to executive officers and
                    key employees exercising non-qualified stock options
                    pursuant to the Executive Compensation Plan for a total
                    consideration of US$8,250.

     19 March       Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 8,300 shares of restricted
                    stock to executive officers and key employees pursuant to
                    the Executive Compensation Plan.

     19 March       Coeur d'Alene granted a total of 31,100 stock options to
                    executives officers and key employees pursuant to the
                    Executive Compensation Plan.

     31 December    Coeur d'Alene issued 3,322,061 shares in consideration for
                    the merger of all of the outstanding shares of Callahan
                    Mining Company.


     12 May         Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 12,000 shares of
                    restricted stock to executive officers and key employees
                    pursuant to the Executive Compensation Plan.

     12 May         Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 43,100 stock options to
                    executive officers and key employees pursuant to the
                    Executive Compensation Plan.


     12 May         Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 10,374 shares of
                    restricted stock to executive officers and key employees
                    pursuant to the Executive Compensation Plan.



     29 June        Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 8,675 shares to employees
                    exercising stock options for a total consideration of

     30 July        Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 2,675 shares to employees
                    exercising stock options for a total consideration of


     18 March       Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 18,778 shares to executive
                    officers and key employees pursuant to the Executive
                    Compensation Plan.

     12 December    Coeur d'Alene settled a class action shareholder lawsuit
                    by issuing 220,083 shares (valued at US$4 million) to the
                    class members in partial payment of the settlement amount.


     5 January      Coeur d'Alene granted a total of 43,806 stock options to
                    executive officers and key employees pursuant to the
                    Executive Compensation Plan.

     19 January     Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 675 shares to employees
                    exercising stock options for a total consideration of

     16 March       Coeur d'Alene issued a total of 21,656 shares to executive
                    officers and key employees pursuant to the Executive
                    Compensation Plan.

     31 March       Coeur d'Alene authorised to be issued an additional
                    500,000 shares under the Company's Executive Compensation

     31 March       Coeur d'Alene authorised to be issued an additional
                    200,000 shares under the Non-Employee Directors' Stock
                    Option Plan.

     18 April       Coeur d'Alene issued 2,750 shares to executive officers
                    and key employees exercising stock options pursuant to the
                    Executive Compensation Plan for a total consideration of

     19 December    Coeur d'Alene issued 4,866,929 shares to debenture holders
                    in connection with the redemption of its 7% Debentures.

     31 December    Coeur d'Alene granted options to purchase a total of
                    53,484 shares to executive officers and key employees
                    pursuant to the Executive Compensation Program.


     Callahan Mining Company became a subsidiary on 31 December 1991.


     DATE                          PARTICULARS

     31 December    Callahan Mining Company issued 1,000 shares to Coeur
     1991           d'Alene for a total consideration of US$1,000.

     Compania Minera CDE Fachinal Limitada became a subsidiary on 18 May, 1995.

     8 May 1994     Compania Minera CDE Fachinal Limitada issued 99,990 shares
                    to Coeur d'Alene for a total consideration of US$99,990
                    and 10 shares issued to CDE Chilean Mining Company
                    (another subsidiary of Coeur d'Alene).

     Silver Valley Resources Corporation became a subsidiary on 1 January 1995.

     1 January 1995 Silver Valley Resources issued 315 shares to Coeur d'Alene
                    for a total consideration of US$3.15.


     Coeur New Zealand, Inc. became a subsidiary of Callahan Mining Company on
     22 March  1993.

     DATE                       PARTICULARS


     22 March       Coeur New Zealand, Inc. issued 100 shares to Callahan
                    Mining Company for a total consideration of US$1.00 in
                    connection with the acquisition of Coeur Gold New Zealand

     22 March       Coeur Gold New Zealand, Ltd. issued 4,790,000 to Coeur New
                    Zealand, Inc. for a total consideration of US$1.00 in
                    connection with the acquisition of the Golden Cross Joint

     Silver Valley Resources became a subsidiary on 1 January 1995.


     1 January      Silver Valley Resources issued 155 shares to Callahan
                    Mining Company for a total consideration of US$1.85


     Paterson Ord Minnett Limited and Poynton Corporate Limited have been
     retained by Coeur d'Alene to assist with promotion of Coeur d'Alene and in
     soliciting acceptances of the Offers, each of whom will be paid a monthly
     retainer of $25,000 and additional fees of up to $150,000 to perform those


     Paterson Ord Minnett Limited and Poynton Corporate Limited have been
     involved only in the preparation of clause 7.3 of Statement and have
     authorised or cause the issue of only this clause.

     Coeur d'Alene will also pay to each broker whose name appears in the
     appropriate space in each Form of Acceptance and Transfer with respect to
     a valid acceptance of an Offer, 3 cents for each Gasgoyne Share
     accepted, subject to a maximum fee of $500 with respect to any single
     accepting shareholder.  Where a Gasgoyne shareholder is a custodian,
     trustee or nominee, and holds Gasgoyne Shares in two or more distinct
     portions, Coeur d'Alene will pay a soliciting broker's fee with respect to
     each distinct portion.  The fee will not be payable in respect of Gasgoyne
     Shares in which the broker or an associate holds a relevant interest, and
     the fee cannot be shared with or passed on to Gasgoyne shareholders.


     Coeur d'Alene has an Executive Compensation Program (the "PROGRAM"), under
     which 571,136 Coeur d'Alene Shares presently are authorised for possible
     issue.  The Program is administered by the Compensation Committee of the
     Company's Board of Directors and consists of three plans - the Annual
     Incentive Plan ("AIP"), the Long-Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") and the
     Long-Term Performance Share Plan ("LTPSP").  Executive officers and key
     employees of the Group designated by the Committee are eligible to
     participate in the Program.  The Company also has a Non-Employee
     Directors' Stock Option Plan ("NED OPTION PLAN") administered by the Board
     of Directors under which 200,000 Coeur d'Alene Shares presently are
     authorised for possible issue.  Non-executive Directors are eligible to
     receive options under the NED Option Plan.

     The Program

     As stated above, the AIP, the LTIP and the LTPSP are the three plans that
     constitute the Program.  The AIP provides for annual incentive
     compensation awards, one-half of which are based on the financial
     performance of the Company and one-half on the individual officer's
     performance.  One-half of each AIP award is paid in cash and one-half in
     Coeur d'Alene Shares.  The LTIP provides for the grant of stock options
     that are based on a percentage of base salary and vest cumulatively at a
     rate of 25% per year.  The exercise price of options granted under the
     LTIP is equal to the average of the high and low prices of Coeur d'Alene
     Shares on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant.  Although the
     LTIP also provides for the possible granting of stock appreciation rights,
     none have been granted to date.  The LTPSP provides for the issue of
     performance share awards (60% of which are payable in Coeur d'Alene Shares
     and 40% are payable in cash after a four-year performance period) and are
     based on long-term shareholder value enhancement relative to industry
     competitors over a four-year period.

     Change in control provisions exist under the Program and also under
     certain executive severance agreements entered into between Coeur d'Alene
     and certain executive officers and key managerial employees of the Group.
     A summary of those provisions appears on pages 14 and 15 of annexure F.


     NED Option Plan

     The NED Option Plan provides for the granting of options to Non-Executive
     Directors in lieu of directors' fees.  Each Non-Executive Director
     receives at least $5,000 of his directors' fees in the form of a stock
     option, and is able to elect to receive a stock option in lieu of cash
     fees for up to the $45,000 balance of his annual directors' fees.
     Generally, options are automatically granted under the Plan on the third
     business day of each year.  The value of the options is determined by an
     independent consultant or other expert applying the Black-Scholes option
     valuation method designed to value a right to acquire Coeur d'Alene Shares
     at an exercise price equal to fair market value on the date of grant,
     which right is exercisable at any time beginning six months and ending ten
     years from the date of grant. The option exercise price is equal to the
     average of the high and low prices of Coeur d'Alene Shares as reported by
     the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant.


     In this Statement, the Offer and the Acceptance Form unless the contrary
     intention appears:

     "ASX" means Australian Stock Exchange Limited.

     "COMMISSION" means the Australian Securities Commission.

     "COEUR D'ALENE" or the "COMPANY" means Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation, an
     Idaho, United States of America corporation having its principal office at
     505 Front Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316 United States of America
     and whose ARBN is 072 498 125.

     "COEUR D'ALENE SHARES" means fully paid shares of common stock in the
     capital of Coeur d'Alene.

     "6% DEBENTURES" means the Company's 6% convertible subordinated debentures
     due 2002.

     "6 3/8% DEBENTURES" means the Company's 6 3/8% convertible subordinated
     debentures due 2004.

     "7% DEBENTURES" means the Company's former 7% convertible subordinated
     debentures due 2002 and converted into Coeur d'Alene Shares in December

     "FINANCIAL FORECAST" means the Forecasted Condensed Statements of
     Consolidated Operations and the Forecasted Condensed Statements of
     Consolidated Cash Flows set out in clause 4.4.4.

     "GAAP", "US GAAP" and "AUSTRALIAN GAAP" are used in this Statement in the
     same way as they are used in annexure K.


     "GASGOYNE" means Gasgoyne Gold Mines NL, a company having its registered
     office at Level 33, QVI Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
     and whose ACN is 009 212 382.

     "GASGOYNE OPTIONS" mean non-renounceable options to subscribe for one
     Gasgoyne Share issued by Gasgoyne prior to 21 December 1995.

     "GASGOYNE SHARES" means fully paid ordinary shares of 20 cents each in the
     capital of Gasgoyne.

     "GROUP" means Coeur d'Alene and each of its subsidiaries.

     "JORC CODE" means the Australasian Code for reporting of Identified
     Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, September 1992 prepared by the Joint
     Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
     Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Australian Mining Industry

     "NYSE" means New York Stock Exchange.

     "OFFERS" means the offers by Coeur d'Alene to acquire Gasgoyne Shares
     referred to in clause 1.1 of this Statement.

     "ODD LOT" means the number of Coeur d'Alene Shares designated as less than
     a marketable parcel, determined under ASX business rules (understood by
     Coeur d'Alene to be 50 Coeur d'Alene Shares), or if Coeur d'Alene is not
     approved for inclusion in the official list of ASX at the date Coeur
     d'Alene Shares are to be allotted to the Nominee under clause 12.3(a) of
     the Offer, under NYSE business rules (understood by Coeur d'Alene to be
     100 Coeur d'Alene Shares).

     "OUTSTANDING", in relation to Coeur d'Alene Shares, means the Coeur
     d'Alene Shares on issue less any held in treasury (ie held by Coeur
     d'Alene itself).

     "RIGHTS" means all accretions, rights or benefits of whatever kind
     attaching to or arising from Gasgoyne Shares directly or indirectly after
     the date of this Statement, including, without limitation, all dividends
     or other distributions and all rights to receive any dividends or other
     distributions, or to receive or subscribe for shares, stock units, notes,
     bonds, options or other securities, declared, paid or made by Gasgoyne or
     any of its subsidiaries.

     "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "STATEMENT" means this Part A statement.

     "TAKEOVER SCHEME" means the takeover scheme constituted by the Offers to
     which this Statement relates.

     A word or phrase to which a meaning is given by the Corporations Law has
     that meaning.  A reference to a section or provision is to a section or
     provision of the Corporations Law.


     References to $, A$ and to cents are to Australian dollars and cents
     respectively.  Where A$ and US$ comparisons are made in this Statement,
     current exchange rates have been used unless otherwise indicated.

     The singular includes the plural and vice-versa.

     Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of
     this Statement.

     Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to an annexure is a
     reference to an annexure to this Statement and terms used in an annexure
     have the same meaning as the meaning attributed to the term in this
     Statement.  The annexures form part of this Statement.

This Part A Statement is dated 29 January 1996 and is signed on behalf of Coeur
d'Alene by two Directors authorised so to sign under a resolution passed at a
meeting of the Directors of Coeur d'Alene on 26 January 1996.

                      /s/ DENNIS E WHEELER       /s/ JAMES A SABALA
                      ----------------------     --------------------
                      Dennis E Wheeler           James A Sabala
                      Director                   Director