Washington, D.C.  20549


                                  FORM 8-K
                               Current Report

                   Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       Date of Report:   June 17, 1996

                          CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                              CAPITAL ONE BANK
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Virginia                        0-25762               54-1719855
- ------------------------------       ----------------      ------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of        (Commission            (IRS Employer
      incorporation)                   File Number)        Identification No.)

  11013 West Broad Street Road, Glen Allen, Virginia                23060  
  --------------------------------------------------            -----------
   (Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip Code)

            (Registrant's telephone number, including area code):
                               (804) 967-1000

       (Former name or former address, if changed since last report):
                               Not Applicable

                                                                    Page 1 of 30
               The May 1996 monthly Certificateholders Statements to investors
               were distributed June 17, 1996.


               The following are filed as exhibits to this Report under Exhibit

               1.  May Performance Summary
               2.  Series 1993-1 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               3.  Series 1993-3 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               4.  Series 1993-4 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               5.  Series 1994-1 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May, 1996.
               6.  Series 1994-2 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               7.  Series 1994-3 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               8.  Series 1994-4 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               9.  Series 1994-A Certificateholders' Statement for the month of
                   May 1996.
               10. Series 1995-1 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               11. Series 1995-2 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               12. Series 1995-3 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.
               13. Series 1995-4 Class A and Class B Certificateholder's
                   Statements for the month of May 1996.

                                                                    Page 2 of 30

           Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned there-unto duly authorized.

                              CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST

                              By:  CAPITAL ONE BANK

                              By:    /s/ David M. Willey     
                                    David M. Willey
                                    Vice President
Date:  June 17, 1996

                                                                    Page 3 of 30
                           Washington, D.C.  20549




                                  FORM 8-K

                          CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                              CAPITAL ONE BANK
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                                                                    Page 4 of 30
                              INDEX TO EXHIBITS

EXHIBIT                                                     NUMBERED
NUMBER       EXHIBITS                                       PAGE               
- ------       --------                                       ------------------
   1         May Performance Summary                              06          
   2         Series 1993-1 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        08          
   3         Series 1993-3 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        10          
   4         Series 1993-4 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        12          
   5         Series 1994-1 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        14          
   6         Series 1994-2 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        16          
   7         Series 1994-3 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        18          
   8         Series 1994-4 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        20          
   9         Series 1994-A Certificateholder's Statement for                  
             the month of May 1996                                22
   10        Series 1995-1 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996        23          
   11        Series 1995-2 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996.       25          
   12        Series 1995-3 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996.       27          
   13        Series 1995-4 Class A and Class B Certificate-                   
             holder's Statements for the month of May 1996.       29          

                                                                    Page 5 of 30

Beginning of the Month Principal Receivables :                                                                   8,579,578,815.96
Beginning of the Month Finance Charge Receivables :                                                                170,405,098.86
Beginning of the Month Discounted Receivables :                                                                              0.00
Beginning of the Month Total Receivables :                                                                       8,749,983,914.82

Removed Principal Receivables :                                                                                              0.00
Removed Finance Charge Receivables :                                                                                         0.00
Removed Total Receivables :                                                                                                  0.00

Additional Principal Receivables :                                                                                 418,852,784.25
Additional Finance Charge Receivables :                                                                              2,441,608.78
Additional Total Receivables :                                                                                     421,294,393.03

Discounted Receivables Generated this Period                                                                                 0.00

End of the Month Principal Receivables :                                                                         8,569,786,703.82
End of the Month Finance Charge Receivables :                                                                      170,956,177.05
End of the Month Discounted Receivables :                                                                                    0.00
End of the Month Total Receivables :                                                                             8,740,742,880.87

Excess Funding Account Balance                                                                                               0.00
Invested Amount of all Master Trust Series                                                                       7,323,801,103.58

End of the Month Seller Percentage                                                                                     14.539284%

MONTHLY PERIOD : MAY 1996                                                            ACCOUNTS                  RECEIVABLES
                                                                                     --------                  -----------
End of the Month Delinquencies :
   30 - 59 Days Delinquent                                                                  47,345                 115,934,171.45
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------
   60 - 89 Days Delinquent                                                                  26,619                  71,073,547.15
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------
   90 + Days Delinquent                                                                     62,133                 166,302,396.33
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------

   Total 30 + Days Delinquent                                                              136,097                 353,310,114.93
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------

   Delinquencies 30 + Days as a Percent of End of the Month Total Receivables                                               4.04%

Defaulted Accounts During the Month                                                         14,226                  36,073,101.76
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------

Annualized Default Rate as a Percent of Beginning of the Month Principal Receivables                                        5.05%

                                                                    Page 6 of 30

MONTHLY PERIOD : MAY 1996                                                           COLLECTIONS                  PERCENTAGES
                                                                                    -----------                  -----------
Total Collections and Gross Payment Rate                                            817,569,992.31                          9.34%
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------

Collections of Principal Receivables and Principal Payment Rate                     702,348,587.54                          8.19%
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------

   Prior Month Billed Finance Charge and Fees                                       104,231,827.90
   Amortized AMF Income                                                               4,058,295.31
   Interchange Collected                                                              4,974,274.00
   Recoveries of Charged Off Accounts                                                 2,452,389.95
   Collections of Discounted Receivables                                                      0.00

Collections of Finance Charge Receivables and Annualized Yield                      115,716,787.16                         16.18%
                                                                                 -----------------            -------------------


Beginning Unamortized AMF Balance                                                                                   22,177,255.20
 + AMF Slug for Added Accounts                                                          383,566.52
 + AMF Collections                                                                    3,562,912.92
 - Amortized AMF Income                                                               4,058,295.31
Ending Unamortized AMF Balance                                                                                      22,065,439.33


Gross Principal Payment Rate                                                                 8.19%

May 17, 1994   3% Discount of Addition                                                                              50,184,973.92
   Total Discounted Receivables Collections as of Beginning of Month                 50,184,973.92
   Collections of Discounted Receivables Current Month                                        0.00
Discounted Receivables to be Collected                                                                                       0.00

                            CAPITAL ONE BANK
                            as Servicer

                            By :              /s/ John Schmohl
                            Name :            John Schmohl
                            Title :           Director of External Reporting

                                                                    Page 7 of 30
                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1993-1

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                       4.333333333
2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                          4.333333333

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                          0.000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                0.000000000

2)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                  0.000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                    0.000000000

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-1 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                                0.000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
     exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                      4.500000000

2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                         4.500000000

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                         0.000000000

                                                                   Page 8 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                0.000000000

2)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                  0.000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                    0.000000000

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-1 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                                0.000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
     exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

                                 CAPITAL ONE BANK
                                 as Servicer

                                 By :     /s/ John Schmohl
                                 Name :   John Schmohl
                                 Title :  Director of External Reporting

                                                                   Page 9 of 30
                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1993-3

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                      4.0416666667

2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                         4.0416666667

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                         0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                       0.00

2)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                 0.0000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                           0.00

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-3 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                               0.0000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
     exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                     4.3750000000

2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                        4.3750000000

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                        0.0000000000

                                                                  Page 10 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                       0.00

2)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                 0.0000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                           0.00

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-3 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                               0.0000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
     exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

                                CAPITAL ONE BANK
                                as Servicer

                                By :     /s/ John Schmohl
                                Name :   John Schmohl
                                Title :  Director of External Reporting

                                                                  Page 11 of 30
                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1993-4

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                      5.2063824959

2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                         5.2063824959

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                         0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                       0.00

2)   The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                 0.0000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                           0.00

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-4 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                               0.0000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
     exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1)   The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
     per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                     4.8333332967

2)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
     on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                        4.8333332967

3)   The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
     of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                        0.0000000000

                                                                  Page 12 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                       0.00

2)   The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
     Original Principal Amount                                                                                 0.0000000000

3)   The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                           0.00

4)   The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
     have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1993-4 Investor Certificateholder's
     Investment)                                                                                               0.0000000000

5)   The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
     exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date             0.00

                   CAPITAL ONE BANK
                   as Servicer

                   By :     /s/ John Schmohl
                   Name :   John Schmohl
                   Title :  Director of External Reporting

                                                                  Page 13 of 30

                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1994-1

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June
   17, 1996 per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                      5.0917991746
2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of
   interest on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                         5.0917991746

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of
   principal of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                        0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above,
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                               0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-1 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                              5.5000000000

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 5.5000000000

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 14 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-1 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                               47,848,091

F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                     47,848,091

                                                                   Page 15 of 30
                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1994-2

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                               5.1238825079

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  5.1238825079

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-2 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                              5.7916666667

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 5.7916666667

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 16 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-2 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                               47,848,091

F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                     47,848,091

                                                                   Page 17 of 30
                           FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                            CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                 SERIES 1994-3

     Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                               5.1605491748

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  5.1605491748

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-3 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                              6.1250001228

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 6.1250001228

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 18 of 30

D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

2) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-3 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00

E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                               54,303,682

F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                     54,303,682

                                                                   Page 19 of 30
                          FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1994-4

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                             5.6666666600
2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                5.6666666600

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                              0.00

2) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                        0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                  0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-4 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                      0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                    0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                            5.9166666667

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                               5.9166666667

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                               0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 20 of 30


D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                              0.00

2) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                        0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                  0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1994-4 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                      0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                    0.00

E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                             59,880,240

F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                   59,880,224

                                                                   Page 21 of 30

                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1994-A

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

1)  The total amount of the distribution to Investor Certificateholders of 1994-A on the
Payment Date is                                                                                                     5.1131698875

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
on the Investor Certificate is                                                                                      0.0000000000

3)  The amount of the distribution set forth in  paragrah 1 above in respect of interest
on the Investor Certificates                                                                                        5.1131698875

                                                                   Page 22 of 30
                          FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1995-1

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                             5.1513825000

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                5.1513825000

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                0.0000000000

B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's

1) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                              0.00

2) The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                        0.0000000000

3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                  0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1995-1 Investor Certificateholder's
   Investment)                                                                                                      0.0000000000

5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                    0.00

C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

1) The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                            5.2522158025

2) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                               5.2522158025

3) The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                       0.00

                                                                   Page 23 of 30


D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                         0.00

1) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's

2) The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                           
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                        0.0000000000
3) The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                  0.00

4) The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1995-1 Investor Certificateholder's                      
   Investment)                                                                                                      0.0000000000
5) The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates                                   
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                    0.00
E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after                        
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                          99,000,000.00
F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to 
any withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such              99,000,000.00

                                                                   Page 24 of 30
                          FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1995-2

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                               5.0780491667
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                             
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  5.0780491667
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                            
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  0.0000000000
B)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders                                           
(Stated on the Basis of $10,000 Original Principal Amount)                                                          
 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996                              
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                             
   on the Class A Certificates                                                                                       50.7804916667
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                            
   of the Class A Certificates                                                                                        0.0000000000
C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders                                           
(Stated on the Basis of $100,000 Original Principal Amount)                                                         
 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996                              507.8049166667
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                             
   on the Class A Certificates                                                                                      507.8049166667
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                            
   of the Class A Certificates                                                                                        0.0000000000
D)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                 
 1)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00

                                                                   Page 25 of 30


 2)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                           
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                      
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1995-2 Investor Certificateholder's           
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates                       
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00
E)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders                                           
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)                                                           
 1)exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date            
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                              5.1788824615
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                             
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 5.1788824615
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                            
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 0.0000000000
F)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                 
 1)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00
 2)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                           
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                      
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1995-2 Investor Certificateholder's          
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates                       
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00
 G)The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after            
   giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                            26,250,000
H) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any 
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such                   
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                     26,250,000

                                                                   Page 26 of 30

                          FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1995-3

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                              5.1147158333
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                              
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                 5.1147158333
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                             
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                 0.0000000000
B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                  
 1)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                               0.00
 2)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                            
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                         0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                   0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                       
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1995-3 Investor Certificateholder's            
   Investment)                                                                                                       0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates                        
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                     0.00
C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders                                            
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)                                                            
 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996                               
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                             5.2155491575
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                              
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                5.2155491575
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                             
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 27 of 30


D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                  
 1)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                               0.00
 2)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                            
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                         0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                   0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                       
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1995-3 Investor Certificateholder's           
   Investment)                                                                                                       0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates                        
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                     0.00
E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after             
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                              73,500,000
F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any  
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such                    
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                    73,500,000

                                                                   Page 28 of 30

                          FORM OF MONTHLY STATEMENT
                           CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST
                                SERIES 1995-4

        Pursuant to the Master Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 30, 1993 (hereinafter as such agreement may have been or may be from
time to time, supplemented, amended or otherwise modified, the "Pooling and
Servicing Agreement"), between Capital One Bank (as successor to Signet
Bank/Virginia), and The Bank of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee"), Capital
One as Servicer is required to prepare certain information each month regarding
current distributions to Certificateholders and the performance of the Capital
One Master Trust (the "Trust") during the previous month.  The information which
is required to be prepared with respect to the Distribution Date of June 17,
1996, and with respect to the performance of the Trust during the month of May,
1996 is set forth below.  Certain of the information is presented on the basis
of an original principal amount of $1,000 per investor Certificate (a
"Certificate").  Certain other information is presented based on the aggregate
amounts for the Trust as a whole.  Capitalized terms used in this Certificate
have their respective meanings set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

A)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class A Certificateholders
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)

 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class A Certificateholders on June 17, 1996
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                                               5.0649958333
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                               
   on the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  5.0649958333
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                              
   of the Class A Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount                                                  0.0000000000
B)  Class A Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                   
 1)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00
 2)The amount of Class A Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                             
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class A Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                        
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series 1995-4 Investor Certificateholder's             
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class A Certificates                         
   exceeds the Class A Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00
C)  Information Regarding Distributions to the Class B Certificateholders                                             
(Stated on the Basis of $1,000 Original Principal Amount)                                                             
 1)The total amount of the distribution to Class B Certificateholders on June 17, 1996                                
   per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                                              5.1605491282
 2)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of interest                               
   on the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 5.1605491282
 3)The amount of the distribution set forth in paragraph 1 above in respect of principal                              
   of the Class B Certificates, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount.                                                 0.0000000000

                                                                   Page 29 of 30


D)  Class B Investor Charge Off's and Reimbursement of Charge Off's                                                   
 1)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                                                                0.00
 2)The amount of Class B Investor Charge Off's set forth in paragraph 1 above, per $1,000                             
   Original Principal Amount                                                                                          0.0000000000
 3)The total amount of reimbursed to the Trust in respect of Class B Investor Charge Off's                                    0.00
 4)The amount set forth in paragraph 3 above, per $1,000 Original Principal Amount (which will                        
   have the effect of increasing, pro rata, the amount of each Series  1995-4 Investor Certificateholder's            
   Investment)                                                                                                        0.0000000000
 5)The amount, if any, by which the outstanding principal balance of the Class B Certificates                         
   exceeds the Class B Invested Amount after giving effect to all transactions on such Distribution Date                      0.00
E) The Available Collateral Amount as of the close of business on the preceding Distribution Date (after              
giving effect to any withdrawal from the Collateral Account) was equal to                                               52,500,000
F) The Required Collateral Amount as of the close of business on such Distribution Date, after giving effect to any   
withdrawal from the Collateral Account and payments to the Collateral Indebtedness Holder on such                     
Distribution Date, will be equal to                                                                                     52,500,000

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