Washington, D.C.  20549

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For quarterly period ended September 30, 1997     Commission File Number 0-21984

                           (Exact name of registrant)

                  New York                         13-7020026
           (State of organization)                (I.R.S. Employer
                                                Identification Number)

            444 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, New York  10022
             (Address of principal executive offices and zip code)

                                 (212) 317-8292
                        (Registrant's telephone Number)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes    X         No
    ------          ------

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents
and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan
confirmed by a court.

Yes    X         No 
    ------          ------

Number of Units of Beneficial Interest outstanding as of October 30, 1997 was
                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION



                     STATEMENT of NET ASSETS in LIQUIDATION

                       as of September 30, 1997 and 1996

                                 (In thousands)

                                                                        1997                      1996 
                                                                      -------                   -------
  Cash and temporary cash investments                                  $3,910                  $   948

  Restricted cash (Note 8)                                                                          83

  Interest receivable                                                      15                       13

  Assets, at estimated fair value                                                               10,559
                                                                      -------                  -------

          Total assets                                                  3,925                   11,603
                                                                      -------                  -------

  Estimated costs of liquidation (Notes 1, 2 and 3)                       178                      747
  Distributions payable                                                    60                         
                                                                      -------                  -------
          Total liabilities                                               238                      747
                                                                      -------                  -------
          Net assets in liquidation                                    $3,687                  $10,856
                                                                      =======                  =======

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.

                                     - 2 -


                                (In thousands)

                                                                       Three months              Nine months
                                                                          ended                     ended
                                                                    September 30, 1997        September 30, 1997
                                                                    ------------------        ------------------
Changes in net assets in liquidation before distributions:
  Increase in interest income                                              $   76                   $    85
  Increase in accrued interest income                                           7                        15
  Gain on receipt of proceeds from Thomson Litigation                                                 3,844
  Increase in estimated fair value of assets in liquidation                                             266
  Decrease in estimated costs of liquidation, net                             (26)                     (118)
                                                                           -------                  --------

    Net increase in net assets in
      liquidation before distributions                                         57                     4,092

Distributions                                                                  (7)                  (11,209)

Net assets in liquidation, beginning
  of period                                                                 3,624                    10,804 
                                                                           -------                  --------

    Net assets in liquidation, end of period                               $3,687                   $ 3,687
                                                                           =======                  ========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.

                                     - 3 -


                                (In thousands)

                                                                       Three months              Nine months
                                                                          ended                     ended
                                                                    September 30, 1997        September 30, 1997
                                                                    ------------------        ------------------
 Interest income                                                           $   76                   $    85
 Proceeds from Thomson litigation                                                                    14,669
                                                                           ------                   -------

     Total Receipts                                                            76                    14,754
                                                                           ------                   -------

 Payments of estimated costs of
     Trustee fees                                                             105                       240
     Professional fees                                                        124                       203
     Other                                                                     58                       132
                                                                           ------                   -------

     Total Disbursements                                                      287                       575
                                                                           ------                   -------

     (Decrease)/Increase in cash and temporary
        cash investments before distributions                                (211)                   14,179

Distributions                                                                  67                   (11,149)
                                                                           ------                   --------

     (Decrease)/Increase in cash                                             (144)                    3,030

Cash, beginning of period                                                   4,054                       880
                                                                           ------                   -------

     Cash, end of period                                                   $3,910                   $ 3,910
                                                                           ======                   ======= 

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.

                                     - 4 -

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.      Basis of Presentation:

        The Aerospace Creditors Liquidating Trust (the "Trust") was established
        on June 28, 1993 in accordance with the LTV Second Modified Joint Plan
        of Reorganization (the "Plan") confirmed by the United States
        Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the "Bankruptcy
        Court") by order dated May 26, 1993.  The purpose of the Trust is to
        marshal, liquidate and distribute the Trust assets in an expeditious
        and orderly manner.

        The Trust issued certificates of beneficial interest ("CBIs") to
        holders of allowed claims against the LTV Aerospace and Defense Company
        ("Aerospace") in exchange for receiving certain assets deemed
        distributed to the creditors and contributed to the Trust.  The
        Aerospace Creditors Liquidating Trust Agreement (the "Trust Agreement")
        provides that the Trust will terminate ten years from the date of the
        transfer of the Initial Trust Assets to the Trust, unless earlier
        termination is required by action of New York State law or CBI holders
        or by distribution of all Trust assets, unless extended for one-year
        renewal terms pursuant to the terms of the Trust Agreement.

        In accordance with the Trust Agreement, each Trustee shall be
        indemnified by and receive reimbursement from the Trust against and
        from any and all loss, liability or damage, including payment of
        attorney's fees and other costs of defending himself, which such
        Trustee may inure or sustain, without gross negligence or willful
        misconduct, in the exercise and performance of any of the powers and
        duties of such Trustee under the Trust Agreement.

        Preparation of the financial statements on the liquidating basis
        required that the Trustees make a number of assumptions regarding the
        value of the Trust's assets and the projected total cost of liquidating
        such assets and winding up the affairs of the Trust.  There may be
        differences between the assumptions and the actual results because
        events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected.  Those
        differences, if any, could result in a change in the net assets
        reflected in the statements of net assets in liquidation as of
        September 30, 1997 and 1996.

2.      Significant Accounting Principles:

        Temporary cash investment alternatives are limited to certain
        securities that comply with guidelines and regulations of the Internal
        Revenue Service ("IRS") concerning investments by liquidating trusts.

        Dividend and interest income is recorded as earned.

        The present value discount recorded in the estimated costs of
        liquidation is amortized using the interest method.

                                     - 5 -
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

3.      Estimated Costs of Liquidation:

        The estimated costs of liquidation represent the projected costs of
        operating the Trust through its expected economic life, which the
        Trustees estimate will extend to December 31, 1997, discounted using a
        5.5% present value factor.  These costs, which include staff, office
        space, professional fees, trustee fees and transfer agent fees are
        based on various assumptions regarding the administrative obligations,
        use of professionals and other matters.  Actual costs are likely to
        differ from estimated costs.

4.      Trust Assets:

        The Trust assets were distributed to the Aerospace Creditors on June
        28, 1993, (the "Effective Date") and immediately thereafter were
        transferred to the Trust which then issued CBIs to the Aerospace

        INITIAL THOMSON LITIGATION PROCEEDS.  The Initial Thomson Litigation
        Proceeds are the first $10 million in proceeds, plus a pro rata portion
        of any interest actually received by LTV under any judgment or
        settlement (to be paid without any deduction for legal fees or costs
        incurred by LTV) actually received pursuant to the contractual claims
        of Aerospace in the action entitled LTV Aerospace and Defense Co. v.
        Thomson-CSF S.A., Adv. Proc. No. 920-9531A (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.) (the
        "Thomson Litigation").

        On April 28, 1997, the Trust received a cash payment of $14,669,480 of
        the proceeds paid by Thomson (the "Thomson Payment"), which consisted
        of $10,000,000, plus the Trust's pro rata portion of interest on the
        judgment in the amount of $4,669,480.  The Thomson Payment resulted in
        a gain of $3,844,000 from the estimated fair value of $10,826,000 at
        March 31, 1997.

5.      Taxes:

        The Trust was formed as a grantor trust, and thus, in its filings with
        the IRS, the Trust itself is not a taxable entity.  Accordingly, each
        initial holder of a CBI is required to report on his federal tax return
        his allocable share of any income, gain, loss, deduction or credit
        recognized or incurred by the Trust.  The Trust's tax basis in assets
        transferred from holders of claims against Aerospace in connection with
        the Plan generally equals the fair market value of such assets as of
        June 28, 1993.

6.      Certificates of Beneficial Interest:

        The Trust issued 3,302,250 units of beneficial interest (the "Units")
        on September 30, 1993 to holders of allowed claims in Classes 4.30,
        5.30 and 7.30, the date registration of the Trust's Units became
        effective on Form 10.  During 1997, the Trust canceled 3,966 Units
        pursuant to the terms of the Plan and the Trust Agreement.  As of
        September 30, 1997, 3,298,284 Units were outstanding.

                                     - 6 -
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

        Upon a motion made by the Trust, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order
        on September 24, 1997 that determined that all undeliverable CBIs or
        cash distributions, and cash distribution checks that have not been
        cashed, were to be declared Unclaimed Distributions (as defined in the
        Plan) as of October 31, 1997.  The Trust was ordered to cancel, as of
        October 31, 1997, the undeliverable CBIs and the CBIs associated with
        the undeliverable or uncashed distribution checks, to stop payment on
        and cancel all outstanding checks that evidence such cash Unclaimed
        Distributions, and to distribute such cash Unclaimed Distributions on a
        pro rata basis to the identified and located CBI holders as part of the
        final distribution of cash to CBI holders.  The Trust expects to cancel
        1,177 Units as a result of this order.

        The Units were approved by the Pacific Exchange, Inc. on August 3,
        1993, with trading activity authorized as of September 22, 1993.  The
        last trade on the Pacific Exchange, Inc. through September 30, 1997
        occurred on August 8, 1997 and was for $1.38.

7.      Distributions from the Trust:

        The Trust Agreement provides for distributions to be made as often as,
        and in the discretion and judgment of the Trustees, there are monies in
        an amount sufficient to render feasible a distribution of cash or other
        property to CBI holders, but no less often than annually (subject to
        there being at least $3 million in cash or other non-cash property
        designated by the Trustees available for distribution).  Such
        distributions are made to CBI holders based upon the number of Units
        owned as of the record date determined by the Trustees.

        Since inception, the Trust has made the following cash distributions,
        in the aggregate amount of $83,766,291.30 ($25.37 per Unit):

        (i)      $4,590,127.50 ($1.39 per Unit) on March 15, 1994 to holders of
                 record as of March 7, 1994;

        (ii)     $2,245,530 ($0.68 per Unit) on June 3, 1994 to holders of
                 record as of May 23, 1994;

        (iii)    $2,972,025 ($0.90 per Unit) on February 24, 1995 to holders of
                 record as of February 10, 1995;

        (iv)     $42,268,800 ($12.80 per Unit) on June 14, 1995 to holders of
                 record as of May 31, 1995;

        (v)      $20,473,950 ($6.20 per Unit) on December 8, 1995 to holders of
                 record as of November 24, 1995; and

        (vi)     $11,215,858.80 ($3.40 per Unit) on June 13, 1997 to holders of
                 record as of May 30, 1997.

                                     - 7 -
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

        The Trust established an Escrow Account for the purpose of holding
        undistributed Units and distributions allocated to such Units.
        Pursuant to the terms of the Plan and the Trust Agreement, such funds
        are no longer required to be segregated for the benefit of the
        undistributed Units.  Therefore, the Escrow Account was closed on
        December 31, 1996 with the balance of $82,593 transferred to the
        Trust's custodian account.

8.      Subsequent Events

        The Trustees have declared a record date of December 15, 1997 for the
        final distribution of cash to CBI holders on or about December 29,
        1997.  The amount of cash to be distributed to CBI holders is subject
        to Bankruptcy Court approval.

        The Trust, by its counsel. will move the Bankruptcy Court on
        December 11, 1997 for the entry of an order (the "Final Order"):  (a)
        authorizing the establishment of a windup reserve; (b) approving the
        final distribution to CBI holders on or about December 29, 1997; (c)
        approving the appointment of an administrator for the windup reserve;
        (d) approving disposition of the remaining Trust assets; (e) confirming
        the termination of the Trust as of December 31, 1997; (f) approving the
        Final Report to CBI holders; and (g) releasing and discharging Trustees
        from all claims arising from their duties as Trustees.

        If the Bankruptcy Court enters the Final Order, the Trust will make a
        final distribution of cash to CBI holders on December 29, 1997, all
        issued and outstanding Units will be canceled as of that same date, the
        Trustees will be released from all claims arising from their duties as
        Trustees and will be discharged from further responsibility to the
        Trust, and the Trust will terminate as of December 31, 1997.

                                     - 8 -

        The Trust was established for the purpose of liquidating certain
assets.  The Trust Agreement prohibits the Trustees from engaging in any
business.  No part of the assets of the Trust or the proceeds, revenue or
income therefrom can be used or disposed of by the Trustees in furtherance of
any business.

        As of September 30, 1997, the assets of the Trust consisted of the Cash
Reserve in the amount of approximately $3,910,000.  The Trust's source of funds
as of September 30, 1997 is the Cash Reserve and interest income from temporary
cash investments.  The Trust had interest income from the Trust's temporary
cash investments of $76,000 during the three month period and $85,000 during
the nine month period ended September 30, 1997 (and accrued interest of $15,000
as of September 30, 1997), as compared to interest income of $4,000 and $7,000
received during the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 1996 (and
accrued interest of $13,000 as of September 30, 1996).  The increase in
interest income is a result of the earnings on the Thomson Payment prior to the
distribution to CBI holders in June of 1997, as compared to lower cash
investments during the same period in 1996.  The Trust will not receive any
further income other than interest income from the Trust's temporary cash

        The Trust incurred liquidation costs of $287,000 and $575,000 during
the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 1997, as compared to
$159,000 and $568,000 during the same period in 1996, consisting primarily of
professional fees (including fees related to reporting under the securities
laws and accounting fees), fees to the Trustees of the Trust, and fees for
office space.  The increase in liquidation costs for the three months ended
September 30, 1997 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 1996 is
primarily due to the increase in professional fees associated with the winding
up of the Trust, some of which were prepaid during this quarter in anticipation
of the winding up of the Trust by the end of December 1997.  The increase also
reflects the payment of professional fees that had accrued during the previous
quarter, but were not paid until the current quarter.

        The Trustees have declared a record date of December 15, 1997 for the
final distribution of cash to CBI holders on or about December 29, 1997.  The
Trust by its counsel will move the Bankruptcy Court before the Honorable Burton
R. Lifland, Bankruptcy Judge for the Southern District of New York, on December
11, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. (the "Hearing Date") or as soon thereafter as counsel
can be heard, in a courtroom to be announced on the Hearing Date and located at
the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of  New York,
Alexander Hamilton Customs House, One Bowling Green, New York, New York 10004,
for the entry of an order (the "Final Order"):  (a) authorizing the
establishment of a windup reserve; (b) approving the final distribution to CBI
holders on or about December 29, 1997; (c) approving the appointment of an
administrator for the windup reserve; (d) approving disposition of the
remaining Trust assets; (e) confirming the termination of the Trust as of
December 31, 1997; (f) approving the Final Report to CBI holders; and (g)
releasing and discharging Trustees from all claims arising from their duties as
Trustees.  The Trustees expect to begin mailing the Final Report to CBI holders
no later than November 21, 1997.

        If the Bankruptcy Court enters the Final Order, the Trust will make a
final distribution of cash to CBI holders on December 29, 1997, all issued and
outstanding Units will be canceled as of that same date, the Trustees will be
released from all claims arising from their duties as Trustees and will be
discharged from further responsibility to the Trust, and the Trust will 
terminate as of December 31, 1997.  If the Trust incurs all of the current 
estimated costs of liquidation, the final distribution of cash to CBI
holders would consist  of approximately $3,705,000 ($1.12 per Unit).  While the
Trust may not incur  all of the

                                     - 9 -
estimated costs of liquidation, there can be no assurance that the Trust will
not incur a greater amount, thereby reducing the actual distribution to CBI

        The Trust assets consist solely of the Cash Reserve of approximately
$3,910,000 as of September 30, 1997.  In order to maintain the listing of the
Units on the Pacific Exchange, Inc., the Units must trade at no less than $1.00
per Unit.  If the trading price falls below $1.00 prior to the date of the
final distribution, the Pacific Exchange, Inc. may commence delisting
proceedings.  There can be no assurance that the Units will continue to trade
at $1.00 per Unit or more during the period prior to the final distribution.
Subject to certain conditions, the Pacific Exchange, Inc. may suspend trading
of the Units prior to the final distribution.  Effective as of the date of the
final distribution to CBI holders, the Units will be removed from listing on 
the Pacific Exchange, Inc. and all Units will be canceled as of that same date.

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


        Upon a motion made by the Trust, and after notice of the hearing was
provided to all CBI holders of record, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order on
September 24, 1997 that determined that all undeliverable CBIs or cash
distributions, and cash distribution checks that have not been cashed, were to
be declared Unclaimed Distributions (as defined in the Plan) as of October 31,
1997.  The Trust was ordered (i) to cancel, as of October 31, 1997, the
undeliverable CBIs and the CBIs associated with the undeliverable or uncashed
distribution checks, (ii) to stop payment on and cancel all outstanding checks
that evidence such cash Unclaimed Distributions, and (iii) to distribute such
cash Unclaimed Distributions on a pro rata basis to the identified and located
CBI holders as part of the final distribution of cash to CBI holders.  The
Trust expects to cancel 1,177 Units as a result of this order.


        (a)      Exhibits:

                 27     Financial Data Schedule

        (b)      Reports on Form 8-K

                 No reports on Form 8-K were filed by the Trust during the
                 third quarter of 1997.

                                     - 10 -

                 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    AEROSPACE CREDITORS LIQUIDATING TRUST
                                    BY:   /s/ MARK M. FELDMAN                   
                                          Mark M. Feldman
                                    BY:   /s/ BRADFORD T. WHITMORE             
                                          Bradford T. Whitmore
                                    BY:   /s/ PAUL S. WOLANSKY                 
                                          Paul S. Wolansky

Dated: November 14, 1997

                                     - 11 -