ONCOR, INC.

                 This Employment and Management Continuity Agreement (the
"Agreement") is made and entered into effective as of September 29, 1997, by
and between Steven Turner (the "Executive") and Oncor, Inc., a Maryland
corporation (the "Company" or "Oncor").


                 A.       The Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board")
                          believes that it is in the best interests of the
                          Company and its stockholders to provide the Executive
                          with the incentive to continue his employment with
                          the Company and to motivate the Executive to maximize
                          the value of the Company.

                 B.       The Company has retained Lehman Brothers pursuant to
                          a letter dated June 3, 1997 (the "Lehman Letter"),
                          which contemplates the possibility of an acquisition
                          of the Company by another company or other change of
                          control.  The Board recognizes that such
                          consideration can be a distraction to the Executive
                          and can cause the Executive to consider alternative
                          employment opportunities.  The Board has determined
                          that it is in the best interests of the Company and
                          its stockholders to assure that the Company will have
                          the continued dedication and objectivity of the
                          Executive, notwithstanding the possibility, threat or
                          occurrence of a Change of Control (as defined below)
                          of the Company.  The Board has further determined
                          that it is in the best interests of the Company to
                          provide incentives to the Executive to maximize the
                          value of the Company in anticipation of any Change of

                 C.       The Board believes that it is imperative to provide
                          the Executive with certain benefits upon termination
                          of employment or upon a Change of Control, which
                          benefits are intended to provide the Executive with
                          financial security and provide sufficient incentive
                          and encouragement to the Executive to remain with the
                          Company notwithstanding the possibility of a Change
                          of Control.

                 D.       To accomplish the foregoing objectives, the Board has
                          directed the Company, upon execution of this
                          Agreement by the Executive, to agree to the terms
                          provided herein.

                 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants
                 herein contained, and in consideration of the continuing
                 employment of the Executive by the Company, the parties agree
                 as follows:
                 1.       DEFINITION OF TERMS.  The following terms referred to
                          in this Agreement shall have the following meanings:

                          (a)     Affiliate.  "Affiliate" means any
                                  corporation, firm or partnership directly or
                                  indirectly controlled by, controlling or
                                  under common control with the Company.

                          (b)     Base Compensation. "Base Compensation" shall
                                  mean base salary of the Executive, as
                                  adjusted from time to time by the Board, in
                                  its discretion.

                          (c)     Cause.  "Cause" shall mean (i) any act of
                                  personal dishonesty taken by the Executive in
                                  connection with his responsibilities as an
                                  employee that is intended to result in
                                  substantial personal enrichment of the
                                  Executive or his associates at the expense of
                                  the Company or its stockholders, (ii)
                                  committing a felony or an act of fraud
                                  against the Company or its affiliates, (iii)
                                  continued violations by the Executive of the
                                  Executive's obligations under this Agreement
                                  which are willful and deliberate on the
                                  Executive's part after there has been
                                  delivered to the Executive a written demand
                                  from the Company to cease such activities; or
                                  (iv) Executive purposely makes negative and
                                  inaccurate comments about the Company in
                                  circumstances where such information is
                                  likely to become available to the public.

                          (d)     Change of Control.  "Change of Control" shall
                                  mean a "Sale" of the Company as defined in
                                  the Lehman Letter, to wit:  A "Sale" of the
                                  Company shall mean any transaction or series
                                  or combination of transactions, other than in
                                  the ordinary course of business, whereby,
                                  directly or indirectly, control of or a
                                  majority interest in the Company or a
                                  majority of its assets, is transferred for
                                  consideration, including, without limitation,
                                  by means of a sale or exchange of capital
                                  stock or assets, a merger or consolidation, a
                                  tender or exchange offer, a leveraged buy-out
                                  or any similar transaction.

                          (e)     Disability.  "Disability" shall mean that the
                                  Executive has been unable to perform his
                                  duties under this Agreement as the result of
                                  his incapacity due to physical or mental
                                  illness, and such inability, at least 180
                                  days after its commencement, is determined to
                                  be permanent by a physician selected by the
                                  Company or its insurers and is acceptable to
                                  the Executive or the Executive's legal
                                  representative (agreement regarding

                                  acceptability not to be unreasonably
                                  withheld).  Termination resulting from
                                  Disability may only be effected after at
                                  least 30 days' written notice to the
                                  Executive by the Company of its intention to
                                  terminate the Executive's employment.  In the
                                  event that the Executive resumes the
                                  performance of substantially all of his
                                  duties hereunder before the termination of
                                  his employment becomes effective, and
                                  continues to perform such duties for a period
                                  of at least 60 days, the notice of intent to
                                  terminate shall automatically be deemed to
                                  have been revoked.

                          (f)     Involuntary Termination.  "Involuntary
                                  Termination" shall mean the Executive's
                                  voluntary resignation within 3 months of the
                                  occurrence of any of the following events:
                                  (i) without the Executive's consent, the
                                  reduction of the Executive's duties or the
                                  removal of the Executive from his position
                                  and responsibilities as set forth in this
                                  Agreement; (ii) without the Executive's
                                  consent, a reduction of the facilities and
                                  perquisites (including office space, support
                                  staff and location) available to the
                                  Executive; (iii) a reduction by the Company
                                  in the Base Compensation of the Executive as
                                  in effect immediately prior to such
                                  reduction; (iv) a material reduction by the
                                  Company in the kind or level of employee
                                  benefits to which the Executive is entitled
                                  with the result that the Executive's overall
                                  benefits package is significantly reduced; or
                                  (v) the refusal by the Executive to relocate
                                  his principal place of employment to a
                                  facility or location more than 75 miles from
                                  the Executive's then present location
                                  following a written demand from the Company
                                  to undertake such relocation.  An Involuntary
                                  Termination will also include (i) any
                                  purported termination of the Executive by the
                                  Company which is not effected by Disability
                                  or for Cause, as those terms are defined
                                  herein, or any purported termination for
                                  which the grounds relied upon are not valid
                                  under this Agreement, or (ii) the failure of
                                  the Company to obtain the assumption of this
                                  Agreement by any successors as contemplated
                                  in Section 8 below.

                 2.       EMPLOYMENT; TERM.  The Company hereby agrees to
                          continue to employ the Executive, and the Executive
                          hereby agrees to continue such employment, as Chief
                          Executive Officer of the Company, for the period
                          effective September 29, 1997 and ending on September
                          28, 1999 unless terminated sooner.  For purposes
                          hereof, the period of Executive's employment
                          hereunder is referred to as the "Term".

                 3.       DUTIES AND EXTENT OF SERVICES.

                          (a)     During the Term, the Executive shall serve as
                                  Chief Executive Officer of the Company with
                                  such duties and responsibilities as are
                                  consistent with such positions, and shall so
                                  serve faithfully and to the best of his
                                  ability, under the direction and supervision
                                  of the Company's Board of Directors (the

                          (b)     The Executive shall continue to serve as a
                                  Director of the Company if elected to such
                                  position in accordance with law and hold such
                                  other positions and executive offices of the
                                  Company and/or of any of the Company's
                                  subsidiaries or affiliates as may from time
                                  to time be authorized by the Board of
                                  Directors of the Company, provided that each
                                  such position shall be commensurate with the
                                  Executive's standing in the business
                                  community as Chief Executive Officer of the
                                  Company.  The Executive shall not be entitled
                                  to any compensation other than the
                                  compensation provided for herein for serving
                                  during the Term as a Director of the Company
                                  or in any other office or position of the
                                  Company, or any of its subsidiaries or
                                  affiliates, unless the Board of Directors of
                                  the Company shall have specifically approved
                                  such additional compensation.

                          (c)     The Executive shall devote substantially full
                                  business time, attention and efforts to his
                                  duties hereunder, except to the extent
                                  specified below.  The Executive shall
                                  diligently perform to the best of his ability
                                  all of the duties required of him as Chief
                                  Executive Officer of the Company, and in the
                                  other positions or offices of the Company or
                                  its subsidiaries or affiliates required of
                                  him hereunder.  The Executive shall
                                  faithfully adhere to, execute and fulfill all
                                  policies established by the Company.
                                  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of
                                  this section, the Executive may participate
                                  in charitable, civic, political, social,
                                  trade, or other non-profit organizations to
                                  the extent such participation does not
                                  materially interfere with the performance of
                                  his duties hereunder, and may make personal
                                  investments in, and may serve as a
                                  non-management director or non-employee
                                  officer of, business corporations (or in a
                                  like capacity in other for-profit
                                  organizations) so long as it does not
                                  materially interfere with the Executive's
                                  obligations hereunder.

                          (d)     Company and Executive agree that if they
                                  agree that Executive shall change primary
                                  responsibilities to become a substantially

                                  full time chief executive officer or a
                                  similar position with a subsidiary of the
                                  Company such as Codon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                  ("New Company"), then New Company shall
                                  become the employer of Executive under this
                                  Agreement provided that (i) Company shall
                                  remain financially obligated for the
                                  obligations of New Company hereunder and (ii)
                                  if Executive's base salary for New Company is
                                  less than $240,000 annually, Company will
                                  make up the difference.

                 4.       BASE COMPENSATION.  The Company shall continue to pay
                          the Executive as compensation for his services a base
                          salary at the annualized rate of Two Hundred Forty
                          Thousand Dollars ($240,000), along with such
                          performance bonus amounts, if any, as the Board may
                          authorize, in its discretion, from time to time.
                          This annual salary and bonus (if any) may be raised,
                          or reduced (but only with consent of the Executive)
                          from time to time by the Board.  Such salary shall be
                          paid periodically in accordance with normal Company
                          payroll practices.

                                  If (a) Executive is still employed on March
                          1, 1998, or (b) prior to that time his employment is
                          terminated (i) by the Company without Cause, (ii) as
                          a result of a Change or Control, (iii) due to
                          disability or (iv) by Involuntary Termination, then
                          the Company shall reduce the outstanding indebtedness
                          of Executive to the Company by $75,000.  The parties
                          agree to provide such documentation of that reduction
                          of debt as may be necessary or appropriate under the
                          circumstances.  Any of such amount is not necessary
                          to reduce indebtedness shall paid to Executive in
                          cash, subject to the appropriate withholding

                 5.       EXECUTIVE BENEFITS.  The Executive shall be eligible
                          to participate in the employee benefit plans and
                          executive compensation programs maintained by the
                          Company and applicable to other key executives of the
                          Company, including, without limitation, retirement
                          plans, savings or profit-sharing plans, stock option
                          plans, incentive or other bonus plans, life,
                          disability, health, accident and other insurance
                          programs, paid vacations and similar programs or
                          plans, subject in each case to the generally
                          applicable terms and conditions of the applicable
                          plan or program in question, to the determination of
                          any committee administering such program or plan and
                          to the terms of this Agreement.

                 6.       SEVERANCE BENEFITS.

                          (a)     Termination Apart from Change of Control.  In
                                  the event the Executive's employment
                                  terminates in circumstances that

                                  constitute an Involuntary Termination prior
                                  to the occurrence of a Change of Control (the
                                  "No-Change Period"), then the Executive shall
                                  be entitled to receive severance pay equal to
                                  24 months' Base Compensation, to be paid out
                                  monthly at the same time as the Company's
                                  regular payroll is paid, and any other
                                  benefits that may then be established under
                                  the Company's existing severance and benefit
                                  plans and policies, if any, for employees
                                  generally at the time of such termination.
                                  In the event the Executive resigns under
                                  circumstances that do not constitute an
                                  Involuntary Termination during the No-Change
                                  Period, then no severance payment shall be
                                  due unless in accordance with the Company's
                                  existing severance and benefit plans and
                                  policies, if any, for employees generally at
                                  the time of such termination.

                          (b)     Termination In Connection With A Change In
                                  Control.  (i) Subject to the limitation on
                                  payments set forth in Section 8 below, if the
                                  Company terminates the Executive's employment
                                  in connection with a Change in Control under
                                  circumstances that constitute an Involuntary
                                  Termination, then the Executive shall be
                                  entitled to receive severance pay in an
                                  amount equal to 24 months' Base Compensation.
                                  Any severance payments to which the Executive
                                  is entitled pursuant to this paragraph shall
                                  be paid in a lump sum within thirty (30) days
                                  after the Executive's termination.  (ii)
                                  Following a Sale, the Executive agrees to
                                  remain an Oncor employee (or an employee of
                                  Oncor's successor after a Sale) until six (6)
                                  months after the  Sale Date or earlier
                                  termination by Oncor (other than in cases of
                                  death or disability).

                                        The Executive is party to Option
                                  Agreements with the Company, pursuant to
                                  which he can purchase shares of the Company's
                                  common stock.  The Company's Stock Option
                                  Plan, pursuant to which the Option Agreement
                                  was entered into, provides for termination of
                                  the option period ninety days after the
                                  Executive ceases to perform services for the
                                  Company.  In consideration of the mutual
                                  promises and covenants contained herein and
                                  if permissible under the Sale transaction and
                                  the policies of the purchaser, the Executive
                                  shall be able to exercise options under the
                                  Option Agreements following a Sale at any
                                  time up to the scheduled expiration of the
                                  option period under the Option Agreement
                                  notwithstanding termination of employment.

                          (c)     Termination for Cause.  Notwithstanding
                                  anything else contained in this Agreement, if
                                  the Company terminates the Executive's
                                  employment for Cause, then the Executive
                                  shall not be entitled to receive severance or
                                  other benefits pursuant to this Agreement
                                  except for those benefits, if any, as then
                                  established under the Company's then existing
                                  severance and benefit plans and policies at
                                  the time of such termination.

                          (d)     Medical, Life and Disability Benefits.  In
                                  the event the Executive is entitled to
                                  severance benefits pursuant to this
                                  Agreement, then in addition to such severance
                                  benefits, the Executive shall receive
                                  Company-paid health, life and disability
                                  insurance coverage to the extent provided to
                                  such Executive immediately prior to the
                                  Executive's termination (the "Company-Paid
                                  Coverage") for two (2) years after the date
                                  of termination of employment or until the
                                  Executive becomes covered under another
                                  employer's group health, life or disability
                                  insurance plan, whichever occurs first.  If
                                  the Executive's health, life and disability
                                  insurance coverage included the Executive's
                                  dependent(s) immediately prior to the
                                  Executive's termination, such dependent(s)
                                  shall also be covered at Company expense.
                                  For purposes of the continuation health
                                  coverage covered under the federal statute
                                  known as COBRA, the date of the "qualifying
                                  event" triggering the Executive's Election
                                  Period (and that of his qualifying
                                  beneficiaries) shall be the last date on
                                  which the Executive receives Company-Paid
                                  Coverage under this Agreement.

                          (e)     Death.  If the Executive's employment is
                                  terminated due to the death of the Executive,
                                  then the Executive shall not be entitled to
                                  receive severance or other benefits pursuant
                                  to this Agreement except for those benefits
                                  (if any) as then established under the
                                  Company's then existing severance and
                                  benefits plans and policies at the time of

                          (f)     In connection with the provisions in this
                                  Agreement, the Executive acknowledges and
                                  agrees that he has no other claims or
                                  agreements relating to remuneration or
                                  compensation from the Company, except
                                  pursuant to existing written Company
                                  compensation plans and policies.


                          (a)     The Executive understands and agrees that due
                                  to the Executive's position with the Company,
                                  both prior to and subsequent to the effective
                                  date of this Agreement, the Executive has
                                  been and will be exposed to, and has received
                                  and will receive, confidential and
                                  proprietary information of the company
                                  relating to the Company's business affairs
                                  (collectively, the "Trade Secrets"),
                                  including, but not limited to, technical
                                  information, product information and
                                  formulae, processes, business and marketing
                                  plans, strategies, customer information,
                                  other information concerning the Company's
                                  products, promotions, development, financing,
                                  expansion plans, business policies and
                                  practices, salaries and benefits, and other
                                  forms of information considered by the
                                  Company to be proprietary and confidential
                                  and in the nature of trade secrets.  Except
                                  to the extent that the proper performance of
                                  the Executive's duties, services and
                                  responsibilities hereunder may require
                                  disclosure, and except as such information
                                  (i) was known to the Executive prior to his
                                  employment by the Company, or (ii) was or
                                  becomes generally available to the public
                                  other than as a result of a disclosure by the
                                  Executive in violation of the provisions of
                                  this paragraph, the Executive agrees that
                                  during his employment with the Company and at
                                  all times thereafter the Executive will keep
                                  such Trade Secrets confidential and will not
                                  disclose such information, either directly or
                                  indirectly, to any third person or entity
                                  without the prior written consent of the
                                  Company or use such information for the
                                  benefit of himself or any third person or
                                  entity without the prior written consent of
                                  the Company.  This confidentiality
                                  restriction, has no temporal, geographical or
                                  territorial restrictions, provided, however,
                                  that if in the written opinion of counsel,
                                  the Executive is legally compelled to
                                  disclose Trade Secrets to any tribunal of
                                  only those Trade Secrets which such counsel
                                  advises in writing are legally required to be
                                  disclosed shall not constitute a Prohibited
                                  Activity provided that the Executive shall
                                  give the Company as much advance notice of
                                  such disclosure as is reasonably practicable.

                          (b)     On the effective date of any termination of
                                  the Executive's employment with the Company,
                                  the Executive will promptly supply to the
                                  Company all property, including, but not
                                  limited to, keys, notes, memoranda, writings,
                                  lists, files, reports, customer lists,
                                  correspondence, tapes, disks, cards, surveys,
                                  maps, logs, machines, technical data,
                                  formulae, or any other

                                  tangible product or document, and any and all
                                  copies, duplicates or reproductions thereof,
                                  which has been produced by, received by or
                                  otherwise submitted to the Executive in the
                                  course of his employment with the Company
                                  other than personal items.

                          (c)     The Executive and the Company recognize that
                                  due to the nature of the Executive's position
                                  with the Company and the relationship of the
                                  Executive and the Company, both prior to and
                                  subsequent to the date of this Agreement, the
                                  Executive has had and will have access to,
                                  has had and will acquire, and has assisted
                                  and may continue to assist in developing
                                  confidential and proprietary information
                                  relating to the business and operations of
                                  the Company and its affiliates, including
                                  Trade Secrets.  The Executive acknowledges
                                  that such information has been and will be of
                                  central importance to the business of the
                                  Company and its affiliates and that
                                  disclosure of it to, or its use by, others
                                  (including, without limitation, the
                                  Executive, other than in furtherance of the
                                  Company's business and affairs ), could cause
                                  substantial loss to the Company.  The
                                  Executive and the Company also recognize that
                                  an important part of the Executive's duties
                                  has been to develop goodwill for the Company
                                  and its affiliates through his personal
                                  contact with Customers (as defined below),
                                  employees, and others having business
                                  relationships with the Company, and that
                                  there is a danger that this goodwill, a
                                  proprietary asset of the Company, may follow
                                  the Executive if and when his relationship
                                  with the Company is terminated.  The
                                  Executive accordingly agrees that, during the
                                  balance of his employment with the Company,
                                  and for a period of one (1) year after the
                                  Sale Date, he will not:

                                  (i)         directly or indirectly, whether
                                              for his own account or for the
                                              account of any other person or
                                              entity, solicit, divert or
                                              endeavor to entice away Customers
                                              from the Company or any entity
                                              controlled by the Company, or
                                              otherwise engage in any activity
                                              intended to terminate, disrupt or
                                              interfere with the Company's or
                                              any of its affiliates'
                                              relationship with Customers, or
                                              otherwise adversely affect the
                                              Company's or any of its
                                              affiliates' relationship with
                                              Customers or other business
                                              relationships of the Company or
                                              any affiliate thereof;

                                  (ii)        publish or make any statement
                                              critical of the Company or any
                                              shareholder, officer, director or
                                              affiliate, or in

                                              any way adversely affect or
                                              otherwise malign the business or
                                              personal reputation of any of
                                              such parties; and the Company
                                              agrees not to publish or make any
                                              statement critical of Executive
                                              or in any way adversely affect or
                                              otherwise malign the business or
                                              personal reputation of Executive.

                                  (iii)       directly or indirectly solicit
                                              any person who, at the time of
                                              such solicitation, is employed by
                                              the Company or any affiliate
                                              thereof, for employment at any
                                              employer other than the Company,
                                              or recommend to any subsequent
                                              employer of the Executive the
                                              solicitation for employment of
                                              any such employee of the company
                                              or affiliate; or

                                   (iv)       engage in any "Competitive
                                              Activity," as defined below.

                          (d)     Customers.  "Customers" shall mean those
                                  persons or entities who, at any time during
                                  the Executive's employment with the Company,
                                  and/or during the period one (1) year after
                                  the termination of the Executive's
                                  employment, are or were customers or clients
                                  of the Company or any affiliate thereof or
                                  any predecessor of any of the foregoing.

                          (e)     Competitive Activity.  "Competitive Activity"
                                  means engaging in any of the following
                                  activities, singly or in any combination:

                                  (i)         serving as a director of a
                                              "Competitor" (as defined below);

                                  (ii)        directly or indirectly either
                                              controlling any Competitor, or
                                              owning any equity or debt
                                              interests in any Competitor
                                              (other than equity or debt
                                              interests which are publicly
                                              traded and, at the time of any
                                              acquisition, do not exceed five
                                              percent (5%) of the particular
                                              class of interests outstanding,
                                              it being understood that, if
                                              interests in any Competitor are
                                              owned by an investment vehicle or
                                              other entity in which the
                                              Executive owns an equity
                                              interest, a portion of the
                                              interests in such Competitor
                                              owned by such entity shall be
                                              attributed to the Executive, such
                                              portion shall be determined by
                                              applying the percentage

                                              of the equity interest in such
                                              entity owned by the Executive to
                                              the interests in such Competitor
                                              owned by such entity);

                                  (iii)       employment by, including serving
                                              as an officer or partner of,
                                              providing consulting services to
                                              (including, without limitation,
                                              as an independent contractor),
                                              or, managing or operating the
                                              business or affairs of any
                                              Competitor; or

                                  (iv)        participating in the ownership,
                                              management, operation or control
                                              of or being connected in any
                                              manner with any Competitor.

                          (f)     Competitor.  "Competitor" means any person
                                  (other than the Company or any of its
                                  affiliates) that competes, either directly or
                                  indirectly, with any of the business
                                  conducted by the Company or any of its
                                  affiliates in the United States, such
                                  business being, without limitation, those
                                  related to the development, production and
                                  marketing of cancer-oriented genetic probes,
                                  related reagents, molecular biology products
                                  and diagnostic products for the detection and
                                  management of certain cancers, it being
                                  agreed that the list of parties conclusively
                                  deemed to be the Competitors covered hereby
                                  are Boehringer-Mannheim, Hoffman LaRoche,
                                  Vysis, Inc. and their respective affiliates.

                          (g)     Remedies.  The Executive agrees that any
                                  breach of the terms of this Section 7 would
                                  result in irreparable injury and damage to
                                  the Company for which the Company would have
                                  no adequate remedy at law; the Executive
                                  therefore also agrees that in the event of
                                  said breach or any threatened breach, the
                                  Company shall be entitled to an immediate
                                  injunction and restraining order to prevent
                                  such breach and/or threatened breach and/or
                                  continued breach by the Executive and/or any
                                  and all persons and/or entities acting for
                                  and/or with the Executive, without having to
                                  prove damages, in addition to any other
                                  remedies to which the Company may be entitled
                                  at law or in equity.  The terms of this
                                  paragraph shall not prevent the Company from
                                  pursuing any other available remedies for any
                                  breach or threatened breach hereof,
                                  including, without limitation, the recovery
                                  of damages from the Executive.  The Company
                                  shall have the right to seek injunctive or
                                  other relief for the breach or

                                  threatened breach by the Executive of this
                                  Section 7 in any court of competent
                                  jurisdiction.  The provisions of this Section
                                  7 shall survive any termination of this
                                  Agreement.  The existence of any claim or
                                  cause of action by the Executive against the
                                  Company, whether predicated on this Agreement
                                  or otherwise, shall not constitute a defense
                                  to the enforcement by the Company of the
                                  covenants and agreements in this Section 7.

                 8.       LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS.  To the extent that any of
                          the payments and benefits provided for this Agreement
                          or otherwise payable to the Executive constitute
                          "parachute payments" within the meaning of Section
                          280G of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and,
                          but for this Section 8, would be subject to the
                          excise tax provided for by Section 4999 of that Code,
                          then the Executive's benefits under Section 6 above,
                          as applicable, shall be payable either

                          (a)     in full, or

                          (b)     as to such lesser amount as would result in
                                  no portion of such severance benefits being
                                  subject to the excise tax under Section 4999
                                  of the Code,

                          whichever of the foregoing amounts, taking into
                          account the applicable federal, state and local
                          income taxes and the excise tax imposed under Section
                          4999, results in the receipt by the Executive on an
                          after-tax basis of the greatest amount of severance
                          benefits under Section 6 above, notwithstanding that
                          all or some portion of such severance benefits may be
                          taxable under Section 4999.  Unless the Company and
                          the Executive otherwise agree in writing, any
                          determination required under this Section 8 shall be
                          made in writing by an independent public accounting
                          firm reasonably acceptable to the Company other than
                          that used by the Company (the "Accountants"), whose
                          determination shall be conclusive and binding upon
                          the Executive and the Company for all purposes.  For
                          purposes of making the calculations required by this
                          Section 8, the Accountants may make reasonable
                          assumptions and approximations concerning applicable
                          taxes and may rely on reasonable, good faith
                          interpretations concerning the application of
                          Sections 280G and 4999.  The Company and the
                          Executive shall furnish to the Accountants such
                          information and documents as the Accountants may
                          reasonably request in order to make a determination
                          under this Section.  The Company shall bear all costs
                          the Accountants may reasonably incur in connection
                          with any calculations provided for by this Section 8.

                 9.       SUCCESSORS.

                          (a)     Company's Successors.  Any successor to the
                                  Company (whether direct or indirect and
                                  whether by purchase of stock, purchase of
                                  assets, lease, merger, consolidation,
                                  liquidation or otherwise) to all or
                                  substantially all of the Company's business
                                  and assets shall assume the obligations under
                                  this Agreement and agree expressly to perform
                                  the obligations under this Agreement in the
                                  same manner and to the same extent as the
                                  Company would be required to perform such
                                  obligations in the absence of a succession.
                                  For all purposes under this Agreement, the
                                  term "Company" shall include any successor to
                                  the Company's business and assets which
                                  executes and delivers the assumption
                                  agreement described in this paragraph or
                                  which becomes bound by the terms of this
                                  Agreement by operation of law.

                          (b)     Executive's Successors.  Except as otherwise
                                  specifically provided in this Agreement, the
                                  terms of this Agreement and all rights of the
                                  Executive hereunder shall inure to the
                                  benefit of, and be enforceable by, the
                                  Executive's personal or legal
                                  representatives, executors, administrators,
                                  successors, heirs, devicees and legatees.

                 10.      NOTICE.

                          (a)     General.  Notices and all other
                                  communications contemplated by this Agreement
                                  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
                                  have been duly given when personally
                                  delivered or three (3) days after being
                                  mailed by U.S. registered or certified mail,
                                  return receipt requested and postage prepaid.
                                  In the case of the Executive, mailed notices
                                  shall be addressed to him at the home address
                                  which he most recently communicated to the
                                  Company in writing.  In the case of the
                                  Company, mailed notices shall be addressed to
                                  its corporate headquarters, and all notices
                                  shall be directed to the attention of its

                          (b)     Notice of Termination.  Any termination by
                                  the Company for Cause shall be communicated
                                  by a written notice of termination to the
                                  Executive given in accordance with the notice
                                  provisions of this Agreement.  Such notice
                                  shall indicate the specific termination
                                  provision in this Agreement relied upon,
                                  shall set forth in reasonable detail the
                                  facts and circumstances that

                                  provide a basis for termination under the
                                  provision so indicated, and shall specify the
                                  termination date.

                 11.      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.

                          (a)     No Duty to Mitigate.  The Executive shall not
                                  be required to mitigate the amount of any
                                  severance payment contemplated by this
                                  Agreement (whether by seeking new employment
                                  or otherwise), nor shall any such payment be
                                  reduced by any earnings that the Executive
                                  may receive from any other source.

                          (b)     Waiver.  No provision of this Agreement shall
                                  be modified, waived or discharged unless the
                                  modification, waiver or discharge is agreed
                                  to in writing and signed by the Executive and
                                  by an authorized officer of the Company
                                  (other than the Executive).  No waiver by
                                  either party of any breach of, or compliance
                                  with, any condition or provision of this
                                  Agreement by the other party shall be
                                  considered a waiver of any other condition or
                                  provision or of the same condition or
                                  provision at another time.

                          (c)     Whole Agreement.  No agreements,
                                  representations or understandings (whether
                                  oral or written and whether express or
                                  implied) which are not expressly set forth in
                                  this Agreement have been made or entered into
                                  by either party with respect to the subject
                                  matter hereof.

                          (d)     Choice of Law.  The validity, interpretation,
                                  construction and performance of this
                                  Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
                                  the State of Maryland.

                          (e)     Severability.  The invalidity or
                                  unenforceability of any provision or
                                  provisions of this Agreement shall not effect
                                  the validity or enforceability of any other
                                  provision herein, which shall remain in full
                                  force and effect.

                          (f)     No Assignment of Benefits.  The rights of any
                                  person to payments or benefits under this
                                  Agreement shall not be made subject to option
                                  or assignment, either by voluntary or
                                  involuntary assignment or operation of law,
                                  including, without limitation, bankruptcy,
                                  garnishment, attachment or other creditor's
                                  process, and any action in violation of this
                                  paragraph shall be void.

                          (g)     Employment Taxes.  All payments made pursuant
                                  to this Agreement will be subject to
                                  withholding of applicable income and
                                  employment taxes.

                          (h)     Assignment by Company.  The Company may
                                  assign its rights under this Agreement to an
                                  affiliate, and an affiliate may assign its
                                  rights under this Agreement to another
                                  affiliate of the Company or to the Company.

                          (i)     Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed
                                  in counterparts, each of which shall be
                                  deemed an original, but all of which other
                                  will constitute one and the same instrument.

                 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has executed this
Agreement, in the case of the Company by its duly authorized officer, as of the
day and year first above written.

                         ONCOR, INC.                                   
                         By: /s/ Cecil Kost                            
                         Title: President and Chief Operating Officer         
                         By: /s/ Stephen Turner                               
                         Title: Chief Executive Officer                       
