CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC
                          EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN

                 1.       Purpose.  The purpose of the Carey Diversified LLC
Employee Share Purchase Plan (the "Plan") is to encourage and assist Employees
of (a) Carey Diversified LLC (the "Company"), (b) the Manager of the Company,
(c) W.P. Carey & Co., Inc. and (d) any other affiliate of the Company that
elects to participate in the Plan (with the consent of the Company), in
acquiring an ownership interest in the Company.  The Plan is not intended to be
an Employee Stock Purchase Plan under Section 423 of the Code.

                 2.       Definitions.  The following terms as used in this
Plan shall have the meaning specified below, unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise.

                   (a)    "Account" means the bookkeeping account established
for an Employee to which the following shall be credited:  (i) the funds
deducted or paid from the Employee's Compensation pursuant to the terms of the
Plan to purchase Shares; (ii) any purchased Shares; and (iii) any dividends on
Shares credited to the account which are to be used to purchase additional
Shares as permitted hereunder.

                   (b)    "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

                   (c)    "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, and any regulations thereunder.

                   (d)    "Committee" means the committee appointed by the
Board to administer the Plan.  The Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the
Board and the Board may appoint or remove Committee members at any time for any
reason.  Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Committee shall be the
Compensation Committee of the Board.

                   (e)    "Company" means Carey Diversified LLC, a Delaware
limited liability company, or any successor thereto.

                   (f)    "Compensation" means a Participant's total
compensation from the Company, Manager, W.P. Carey & Co., Inc.  or other
participating affiliate payable during the applicable Semi-Annual Period.

                   (g)    "Employee" means any officer or other common law
employee of the Company, the Manager, W.P. Carey & Co., Inc. or other affiliate
of the Company which participates  in the Plan with the consent of the Company.

                   (h)    "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended.  References to any provision of the Exchange Act include the
rules and regulations thereunder and successor provisions and rules and
regulations thereto.


                   (i)    "Fair Market Value" of a Share means, as of any given
date, (i) the average of the high and low price of a Share as reported on the
New York Stock Exchange (or if Shares were not traded on such date, on the
closest preceding date on which a trade occurred), or (ii) if the Shares are
not publicly traded, the fair market value of a Share as determined by the
Committee in good faith, using such criteria as the Committee may, in its sole
discretion, deem appropriate.

                   (j)    "Manager" means Carey Management LLC, the manager of
the Company, and any successor thereto.

                   (k)     "Participant" means each (i) Employee who is
eligible to, and elects to, participate in the Plan in accordance with the
terms of the Plan and (ii) any Employee or former Employee who has an Account
under the Plan.

                   (l)    "Plan" means the Carey Diversified LLC Employee Share
Purchase Plan, as amended from time to time.

                   (m)     "Semi-Annual Period" means the six (6) month period
ending on the last day of June and December of each year, with the first
Semi-Annual Period to commence on or about February 2, 1998.

                   (n)    "Shares" means the shares of the Company as described
in the Company's Limited Liability Operating Agreement.

                 3.       Shares Subject to the Plan.  Subject to adjustment
pursuant to Section 12 of the Plan, the aggregate number of Shares which may be
purchased under the Plan is 500,000.  The Shares may be authorized by unissued
shares, reacquired shares, or any combination thereof.

                 4.       Eligibility.  Any Employee of the Company, the
Manager, W.P. Carey & Co., Inc. or other participating affiliate is eligible to
become a Participant on the first day of the Semi-Annual Period following the
Employee's date of hire.

                 5.       Joining the Plan.

                   (a)    An eligible Employee's participation in the Plan
shall be effective as of the first day of the Semi-Annual Period following the
date on which the Employee completes, sign and returns to the Committee such
forms as may be required to enroll in the Plan (or at such other time as may be
permitted by the Committee in its sole discretion); provided, that for the
first Semi-Annual Period of the Plan, participation shall be effective as of
the first day of that period so long as the Employee completes and returns the
required forms before the last day of such period.

                   (b)    Notwithstanding subsection (a) above, an Eligible
Employee may elect to make a lump sum contribution (as provided in Section
6(a)(2)) at any time during a Semi-Annual Period in accordance with such rules
and procedures as may be established by the Committee in its sole discretion.

                   (c)    Participation by any Employee in the Plan is entirely

                   6.     Employee Contributions.

                   (a)    Each Employee may elect (on such forms as may be
required by the Committee in its sole discretion) to contribute by either (1)
payroll deduction of 1% to 10% (in whole percentages only) of his or her
Compensation payable during a Semi-Annual Period or (2) one lump sum payment
(or such additional lump sum payments as may be permitted by the Committee in
its sole discretion) of up to 10% of his or her Compensation payable during the
Semi-Annual Period.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Employee may contribute
more than $25,000 (or such higher limit as may be established by the Committee
from time to time) in any year.

                   (b)    Subject to the limits set forth in (a) above, an
Employee may elect at any time (on such forms as may be required by the
Committee in its sole discretion) to increase or decrease his or her rate of
contribution.  Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, any such change shall
become effective as the first day of the Semi-Annual Period following receipt
of such election by the Committee (or at such other time as may be permitted by
the Committee in its sole discretion).

                   (c)    Any contributions made by an Employee under the Plan
shall be credited to the Employee's Account.  Except as otherwise provided by
the Committee, any dividends on Shares credited to a Participant's Account may,
at the election of the Participant, be used to purchase additional Shares
hereunder (at the market value at the time of purchase).

                 7.       Issuance of Shares.

                   (a)    On the last trading day of each Semi-Annual Period,
the contributions (and dividends to be reinvested, if any) credited to a
Participant's Account as of that date shall be applied to the purchase of
Shares; provided that if the Participant has previously elected in accordance
with Section 8(a) to cease participation, no such purchase shall be made on the
Participant's behalf.  Except as otherwise provided by the Committee,
fractional shares may be purchased and credited to Participant Accounts under
the Plan.

                   (b)    The per share cost for the Shares purchased pursuant
to the Plan shall be 85% of the lower of (i) the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the first trading day of the Semi-


Annual Period (the "date of the grant") and (ii) the Fair Market Value of a
Share on the last trading day of the Semi-Annual Period (the "date of

                   (c)    Any funds remaining in a Participant's Account after
the purchase of Shares at the conclusion of a Semi-Annual Period shall, unless
otherwise requested by the Participant, be carried over and applied in the next
Semi-Annual Period.  Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, Shares
purchased for any Semi-Annual Period shall be credited to Participant Accounts
as soon as administratively feasible after the date of purchase; provided, that
a Participant may request, upon such terms and conditions as may be established
by the Committee, a certificate for Shares credited to his or her Account.

                   (d)    If the aggregate number of Shares that all
Participants in the Plan desire to purchase in any Semi-Annual Period exceeds
the number of Shares then available under the Plan, the Shares available shall
be allocated among such Participants in proportion to their contributions
during the Semi-Annual.

                   (e)    Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the
contrary, the obligation to purchase, issue or deliver Shares under the Plan
shall be subject to (i) the effectiveness of a registration statement under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, with respect to such shares, if deemed
necessary or appropriate by the Company or Committee, (ii) the condition that
the Shares shall have been listed (or authorized for listing upon official
notice of issuance) on the New York Stock Exchange and (iii) any other
applicable law, regulation, rule or order.

                 8.       Termination of Contributions.

                   (a)    The contributions of an Employee under the Plan shall
terminate (and no further contributions shall be made on his or her behalf) as
of the date on which the Employee (i) elects to withdraw his or her
contributions for a Semi-Annual Period, (ii) ceases to be an Employee, (iii)
dies, (iv) ceases to receive Compensation for the remainder of a Semi-Annual
Period, or (v) to the extent required by law or regulation, receives a hardship
distribution under tax-qualified section 401(k) plan sponsored by Carey or any
affiliate.  Upon ceasing contributions under the Plan, an Employee shall (if
applicable) be entitled to recommence contributions in accordance with the
terms of Section 5; provided that in the case of a termination under (a)(v),
the terminated Participant may not do so for a period of 12 months following
the date of the hardship withdrawal (or other period specified under the
section 401(k) plan).

                   (b)    Other than for the cessation of contributions under
either Section 8(a)(i) or Section 8(a)(iii), if contributions are stopped prior
to the last trading day of a Semi-Annual Period, (i) Shares shall be credited
to the Participant's Account for that Semi-Annual Period based upon the balance
in the Participant's Account as of that date, and (ii) payment of any funds
remaining in the Account (after the purchase of Shares) shall be made as soon
as administratively feasible.


                   (c)    In the case of a cessation of contributions under
Section 8(a)(i), any funds remaining in the Participant's Account at the close
of the Semi-Annual Period in which the termination occurred shall be paid to
the Participant as soon as administratively feasible after the close of that
Semi-Annual Period.

                   (d)    In the case of a cessation of contributions under
Section 8(a)(iii), any funds remaining in the Participant's Account shall be
applied in accordance with Section 9(a).

                 9.       Death of a Participant

                   (a)    Upon the death of a Participant, the contributions
credited to a Participant's Account shall be retained and applied in accordance
with Section 7 and the Participant's beneficiary shall thereafter be entitled
to the Shares (and cash, if any) credited to the Participant's Account.  Any
distribution to a beneficiary hereunder shall be  in full satisfaction of the
obligations owing to the deceased participant under the Plan.  If more than one
beneficiary is designated, each beneficiary shall be entitled to the portion of
the Participant's Account designated by the Participant, or if no such
designation is made, each beneficiary shall receive an equal portion of the
Shares and proceeds.

                   (b)    Each Participant may designate (on such forms as may
be required by the Committee) a beneficiary under the Plan.  A previous
designation may be changed by a Participant at any time by the submission of a
new designation form to the Committee prior to the Participant's death.  If a
Participant has not designated a beneficiary or the designated beneficiary is
not living on the Participant's date of death, the Participant's beneficiary
shall be his or her estate.

                 10.      Administration of the Plan.

                   (a)    The Plan shall be administered by the Committee.  The
Committee shall have the full discretion to interpret and administer the Plan
and to adopt such rules, regulations and procedures as it deems necessary or
advisable from time to time.  The Committee may delegate any or all of its
powers and duties under the Plan to employees of the Company, the Manager, W.P.
Carey & Co., Inc. or other Company affiliate.

                   (b)    A majority of the Committee shall constitute a
quorum, and the acts of a majority of the members of the Committee present at
any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing by a
majority of the members of the Committee, shall be deemed the acts of the

                   (c)    All costs and expenses of administering the Plan
shall be paid by the Company and the other participating employers (as
determined by the Company in its sole discretion).


                   11.    Amendment.

                   (a)    The Board shall have the right to amend the Plan at
any time and from time to time; provided, that no such amendment of the Plan
shall, without stockholder approval, be effective if stockholder approval of
the amendment is required at such time in order for the purchase of Shares
under the Plan  to qualify for any available exemption from Section 16 of the
Exchange Act or by any other applicable law, regulation, rule or order.

                   (b)    No amendment may be made that would cause the
purchase of Shares under the Plan not to qualify for exemption under Section

                   (c)    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
Board shall have the power to amend the Plan in any manner deemed necessary or
advisable for the purchase of Shares under the Plan to qualify for any
exemption provided under Section 16 and any such amendment shall, to the extent
deemed necessary or advisable by the Board, be applicable to any existing

                 12.      Termination.  The Board shall have the right to
terminate the Plan at any time. Upon termination, each Participant shall be
entitled to payment of his or her Account balance as soon as administratively
feasible after the date the Plan is terminated and Participants shall have no
further rights hereunder. Unless terminated earlier by action of the Board, the
Plan shall remain in effect until such time as no Shares remain available for
issuance under the Plan and the Participants and their employers have no
further rights or obligations (as applicable) under the Plan.

                 13.      Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization.
Appropriate and proportionate adjustments shall be made in the number and class
of shares of shares subject to this Plan in the event of a shares dividend,
shares split, reverse shares split, recapitalization, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, acquisition, separation or like change in the capital structure
of the Company.

                 14.      Transferability of Rights.  No rights of a
Participant (or his or her beneficiary) under this Plan shall be transferable,
by operation of law or otherwise, except upon the death of a Participant as
provided in Section 9.

                 15.      Participation in Other Benefit Plans.  Nothing herein
contained shall affect an Employee's rights to participate in and receive
benefits under and in accordance with the then current provisions of any
pension, insurance or other employee benefit plan or program offered by his or
her employer.


                 16.      No Right to Continued Employment.  Nothing in this
Plan shall confer upon any Employee any right to continued employment with the
Company, Manager, W.P. Carey & Co., Inc. or other participating affiliate, or
interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company, Manager, W.P.
Carey & Co.,  Inc. or other participating affiliate to discharge the Employee
at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause.

                 17.      No Shareholder Rights Conferred.  Nothing contained
in the Plan shall confer upon a Participant (or his or her beneficiary) any
rights of a holder of Shares unless and until Shares are issued to the
Participant (or his or her beneficiary).

                 18.      Governing Law.  To the extent not preempted by
Federal law, the Plan shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the
internal laws of the State of New York.

                 19.      Severability.  In the event any provision of the Plan
or any action taken pursuant to the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid for
any reason, the illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts
of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal or
invalid provision had not been included, and the illegal or invalid action
shall be deemed null and void.

                 20.      Withholding Taxes.  To the extent required by
applicable law or regulation, each Participant shall arrange with his or her
employer for the payment of any required federal, state or local income or
other tax withholding applicable to the receipt of Shares under the Plan prior
to the delivery of the Shares to the Employee.

                 21.      Notices.  Any notice or other communication required
or permitted to be given pursuant to the Plan must be in writing and may be
given by registered or certified mail, and if given by registered or certified
mail, shall be determined to have been given and received on the date three
days after a registered or certified letter containing such notice, properly
addressed with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mails; and if
given other than by registered or certified mail, it shall be deemed to have
been given when delivered to and received by the party to whom addressed.
Notice shall be given to Participants at their most recent addresses shown in
the Company's records.  Notice to the Committee shall be sent to the Committee
at the Company's principal executive offices to the attention of the Chief
Financial Officer of the Company.  Notice to an employer shall be sent to the
employer's principal executive offices to the attention of its Chief Financial

                 22.      Construction.  Titles and headings of sections and
articles of this Plan are for convenience of  reference only and shall not
affect the construction of any provision of this Plan.  Unless the context
clearly requires otherwise, the singular shall include the plural.


                 23.      Effective Date of Plan.  The Plan shall become
effective as of February 2, 1998.

                 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC has caused this
document to be executed by its duly authorized officer this 14th day of April,

                                          CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC
                                          By:  /s/ Steven M. Berzin
                                          Title:  Vice Chairman
