1 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST (RECEIVABLES) MONTHLY PERIOD : April 1999 Beginning of the Month Principal Receivables : 10,772,695,380.77 ----------------- Beginning of the Month Finance Charge Receivables : 354,789,524.02 ----------------- Beginning of the Month Discounted Receivables : 0.00 ----------------- Beginning of the Month Total Receivables : 11,127,484,904.79 ----------------- Removed Principal Receivables : 0.00 ----------------- Removed Finance Charge Receivables : 0.00 ----------------- Removed Total Receivables : 0.00 ----------------- Additional Principal Receivables : 507,461,796.59 ----------------- Additional Finance Charge Receivables : 51,843,681.99 ----------------- Additional Total Receivables : 559,305,478.58 ----------------- Discounted Receivables Generated this Period 0.00 ----------------- End of the Month Principal Receivables : 10,506,381,157.49 ----------------- End of the Month Finance Charge Receivables : 349,554,234.60 ----------------- End of the Month Discounted Receivables : 0.00 ----------------- End of the Month Total Receivables : 10,855,935,392.09 ----------------- Excess Funding Account Balance 0.00 ----------------- Adjusted Invested Amount of all Master Trust Series 9,195,918,104.33 ----------------- End of the Month Seller Percentage 12.47% ----------------- CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST (DELINQUENCIES AND LOSSES) MONTHLY PERIOD : April 1999 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES -------- ----------- End of the Month Delinquencies : 30 - 59 Days Delinquent 140,658 174,933,779.79 ---------------- ----------------- 60 - 89 Days Delinquent 79,692 113,997,936.51 ---------------- ----------------- 90 + Days Delinquent 150,702 219,048,945.67 ---------------- ----------------- Total 30 + Days Delinquent 371,052 507,980,661.97 ---------------- ----------------- Delinquencies 30 + Days as a Percent of End of the Month Total Receivables 4.68% ----------------- Defaulted Accounts During the Month 51,199 54,254,399.65 ---------------- ----------------- Annualized Default Rate as a Percent of Beginning of the Month Principal Receivables 6.04% ----------------- Page 7 of 41 2 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST (COLLECTIONS) MONTHLY PERIOD : April 1999 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGES ----------- ----------- Total Collections and Gross Payment Rate 1,400,578,864.40 12.59% ---------------- ---------------- Collections of Principal Receivables and Principal Payment Rate 1,193,564,340.61 11.08% ---------------- ---------------- Prior Month Billed Finance Charge and Fees 170,167,799.39 ---------------- Amortized AMF Income 13,177,713.18 ---------------- Interchange Collected 12,095,159.12 ---------------- Recoveries of Charged Off Accounts 16,290,091.17 ---------------- Collections of Discounted Receivables 0.00 ---------------- Collections of Finance Charge Receivables and Annualized Yield 211,730,762.86 23.59% ---------------- ---------------- CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST (AMF COLLECTIONS) MONTHLY PERIOD : April 1999 Beginning Unamortized AMF Balance 49,511,124.34 ---------------- + AMF Slug 20,772,930.79 ---------------- + AMF Collections 8,461,474.11 ---------------- - - Amortized AMF Income 13,177,713.18 ---------------- Ending Unamortized AMF Balance 65,567,816.06 ---------------- CAPITAL ONE MASTER TRUST (DISCOUNTED RECEIVABLES) MONTHLY PERIOD : April 1999 Gross Principal Payment Rate 11.08% ---------------- May 17, 1994 3% Discount of Addition 50,184,973.92 ---------------- Total Discounted Receivables Collections as of Beginning of Month 50,184,973.92 ---------------- Collections of Discounted Receivables Current Month 0.00 ---------------- Discounted Receivables to be Collected 0.00 ---------------- /s/ Douglas C.H. Adamson ---------------------------- Douglas C.H. Adamson Securitization Manager Page 8 of 41