Exhibit 10.31

                              COLLOCATION AGREEMENT

                                AGREEMENT NUMBER


                          U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.


                                  PATHNET, INC.



                              COLLOCATION AGREEMENT

            THIS COLLOCATION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and effective as of
August 12, 1999, by and between U S WEST Communications, Inc., a Colorado
corporation ("USW"), and Pathnet, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Pathnet").

            WHEREAS, USW is an incumbent local exchange carrier having a
statutory duty to provide for "Collocation" of equipment necessary for
interconnection or access to unbundled network elements at its Premises, in
accordance with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"); and

WHEREAS, Pathnet wishes to physically locate certain of its equipment within the
Space (as defined herein) and connect with USW in accordance with the Act;

WHEREAS, Pathnet must have a state approved Interconnection agreement with USW
in the states covered by this Agreement before Pathnet can order local
interconnection trunks for the purpose of exchanging traffic between the
Parties' networks.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants contained
herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged, USW and Pathnet (the "Parties") agree as follows:


This Agreement is prepared in order for USW to process Pathnet's Collocation
requests for the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska,
New Mexico, North Dakota and Wyoming (other states can be requested through a
general amendment to this contract) while the Parties finalize the
Interconnection Agreement between USW and Pathnet ("Interconnection Agreement").
The Parties intend to submit the Interconnection Agreement to the state public
utilities commissions having jurisdiction, for approval under the provisions of
47 U.S.C. Section 252. This Agreement will remain in effect until April 1, 2000,
or until approval of that Interconnection Agreement, whichever occurs first. At
such time of Commission approval of the Interconnection Agreement, this
Agreement will terminate and the terms and conditions of the approved
Interconnection Agreement will prevail. In the event the Interconnection
Agreement is not approved by the Commission Pathnet shall vacate the Space and
pay USW all of the expenses and costs that USW has incurred that have not been
fully reimbursed to USW by the nonrecurring charges paid by Pathnet to USW.
Pathnet shall have the option to convert cageless collocation to a virtual
collocation in this event as defined under the FCC tariffs dealing with the USW
Expanded Interconnection Services and shall pay charges for such conversion. USW
shall not refund any sum paid to it by or on behalf of Pathnet.


            2.1         Collocation allows for the placing of telecommunications
                        equipment owned by Pathnet within USW's Central Office
                        for the purpose of accessing Unbundled Network Elements
                        (UNEs) and/or terminating EAS/Local and ancillary


                        2.1.1       Virtual Collocation

                                    With a Virtual Collocation arrangement,
                                    Pathnet is responsible for the procurement
                                    of its own telecommunications equipment
                                    which USW installs and maintains. Pathnet
                                    does not have physical access to its
                                    equipment in the USW Central Office but will
                                    be granted access to the appropriate
                                    cross-connect for making any cross
                                    connections it may require for access to USW

                        2.1.2       Caged Physical Collocation

                                    Caged Physical Collocation allows Pathnet to
                                    lease caged floor space approximately in 100
                                    square foot increments, up to a maximum of
                                    400 square feet, for placement of its
                                    telecommunications equipment within USW's
                                    Central Office for the purpose of
                                    interconnecting with USW finished services
                                    or UNEs. Pathnet is responsible for the
                                    procurement, installation and on-going
                                    maintenance of its equipment as well as the
                                    cross connections required at the
                                    appropriate cross-connect device for
                                    connecting its equipment to USW UNEs.

                        2.1.3       Cageless Physical Collocation

                                    Cageless Physical Collocation is a non-caged
                                    area within a USW Central Office. Space will
                                    be made available in standard 9 square foot,
                                    single bay increments. Pathnet will be
                                    responsible for the procurement,
                                    installation and maintenance of the bays and
                                    telecommunications equipment. As with both
                                    Virtual and Caged Physical Collocation,
                                    Cageless Physical Collocation will also
                                    include access to the appropriate
                                    cross-connect device in which Pathnet can
                                    make connections to USW UNEs.

                        2.1.4       Shared Space Caged Physical Collocation

                                    Shared Space Caged Physical Collocation
                                    offers Co-Providers the opportunity to share
                                    a caged physical space with each other for
                                    the purpose of interconnecting with UNEs.
                                    Each collocator will be responsible for
                                    ordering entrance, power and terminations
                                    from USW at time of application. In order to
                                    address issues around warehousing of space,
                                    the original collocator will not be allowed
                                    to charge the shared occupant a per square
                                    foot charge in excess of the rate that the
                                    original collocator is presently charged by
                                    USW. There are some limitations set on the
                                    original collocator as to rates and terms of
                                    the arrangement such as a per square foot
                                    charge not exceeding the recurring amount
                                    that USW is charging.


                        2.1.5       Interconnection Distribution Frame (ICDF)

                                    Where Pathnet does not require its equipment
                                    to be placed in a USW Central Office, but
                                    wishes only to combine USW UNEs, ICDF
                                    Collocation is available, where allowed by

                                    The combination of the UNEs shall be
                                    completed at the appropriate USW
                                    cross-connect device. Such devices will be
                                    located within USW Central Offices for
                                    common or dedicated usage. The cross-connect
                                    devices accommodate DS0, DS1, DS3 and OCn
                                    terminations. Tie cable arrangements between
                                    the various USW distribution frames may be
                                    required and will be provided in a
                                    nondiscriminatory manner.

                        2.1.6       Microwave Collocation - See Attachment 1

                        2.1.7       Adjacent Collocation

                               USW will provide adjacent
                                                collocation arrangements
                                                ("Adjacent Arrangement") on
                                                contiguous property where space
                                                within the Central Office is
                                                legitimately exhausted, subject
                                                to technical feasibility, where
                                                the Adjacent Arrangement does
                                                not interfere with access to
                                                existing or planned structures
                                                or facilities on the Central
                                                Office property and where
                                                permitted by zoning and other
                                                applicable state and local
                                                regulations. The Adjacent
                                                Arrangement shall be constructed
                                                or procured by Pathnet and in
                                                conformance with USW's design
                                                and construction specifications.
                                                Further, Pathnet shall
                                                construct, procure, maintain and
                                                operate said Adjacent
                                                Arrangement(s) pursuant to all
                                                of the terms and conditions set
                                                forth in this Agreement. Rates
                                                shall be negotiated at the time
                                                of the request for Adjacent

                               Should Pathnet elect such
                                                option, Pathnet must arrange
                                                with a USW certified contractor
                                                to construct an Adjacent
                                                Arrangement structure in
                                                accordance with USW's guidelines
                                                and specifications. USW will
                                                provide guidelines and
                                                specifications upon request.
                                                Where local building codes
                                                require enclosure specifications
                                                more stringent than USW's
                                                standard specification, Pathnet
                                                and Pathnet's contractor must
                                                comply with local building code
                                                requirements. Pathnet's
                                                contractor shall be responsible
                                                for filing and receiving any and
                                                all necessary zoning, permits
                                                and/or licenses for such
                                                construction. Pathnet's USW
                                                Certified Vendor shall bill
                                                Pathnet directly for all work
                                                performed for Pathnet pursuant
                                                to this Agreement and USW shall
                                                have no liability for nor
                                                responsibility to pay such
                                                charges imposed by the Certified
                                                Vendor. Pathnet must provide the
                                                local USW building contact with
                                                two cards, keys or other access
                                                device used to enter the


                                                locked enclosure. Except in
                                                cases of emergency, USW shall
                                                not access Pathnet's locked
                                                enclosure prior to notifying

                               USW maintains the right to
                                                review Pathnet's plans and
                                                specifications prior to
                                                construction of an Adjacent
                                                Arrangement(s). USW may inspect
                                                the Adjacent Arrangement(s)
                                                following construction and prior
                                                to commencement, as defined in
                                                Section 4.1 following, to ensure
                                                the design and construction
                                                comply with USW's guidelines and
                                                specifications. USW may require
                                                Pathnet, at Pathnet's sole cost,
                                                to correct any deviations from
                                                USW's guidelines and
                                                specifications found during such
                                                inspection(s), up to and
                                                including removal of the
                                                Adjacent Arrangement, within
                                                five (5) business days of USW's
                                                inspection, unless the Parties
                                                mutually agree to an alternative
                                                time frame.

                               Pathnet shall provide a concrete
                                                pad, the structure housing the
                                                arrangement, HVAC, lighting, and
                                                all facilities that connect the
                                                structure (i.e. racking,
                                                conduits, etc.) to the USW point
                                                of interconnection. At Pathnet's
                                                option, and to the extent
                                                technically feasible, USW shall
                                                provide an AC power source and
                                                access to physical collocation
                                                services and facilities subject
                                                to the same nondiscriminatory
                                                requirements as applicable to
                                                any other physical collocation
                                                arrangement. Due to the distance
                                                limitations of power cable, USW
                                                will accommodate requests to a
                                                reasonable distance within 300
                                                feet of the Central Office power
                                                source, or 200 feet from the
                                                Central Office outside wall.

                               USW shall allow Shared
                                                (Subleased) Caged Collocation
                                                within an Adjacent Arrangement
                                                pursuant to the terms and
                                                conditions set forth in Section
                                                3.3 following. Pathnet shall
                                                make all necessary arrangements
                                                with a third party property


            3.1         With respect to any technical requirements or
                        performance standards specified in this Section, USW
                        shall provide Collocation in a nondiscriminatory manner
                        on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable
                        and nondiscriminatory.

            3.2         Pathnet will only collocate telecommunications equipment
                        which is necessary for interconnection and access to
                        unbundled elements. Pathnet must identify what
                        telecommunications equipment will be installed and the
                        vendor technical specifications of such equipment so
                        that USW may engineer the power, floor loading, heat
                        release, environmental particulate level, and HVAC.


            3.3         Collocation requests require that space be provided for
                        the placement of Pathnet telecommunications equipment
                        within or adjacent to USW's Central Office. USW will
                        also provide, at a cost to Pathnet, the structure that
                        is necessary in support of this equipment. This includes
                        but is not limited to, physical space, a cage (for Caged
                        Physical Collocation), HVAC, any required cabling
                        between Pathnet's telecommunications equipment and the
                        Distribution Frame and any other associated hardware.

            3.4         All equipment placed will meet NEBS Level 1 standards
                        and will be installed in accordance with USW Technical
                        Publications 77350, 77351, 77355, 77367, 77386 and
                        77390. USW shall provide standard Central Office
                        alarming pursuant to Technical Publication 77390.

            3.5         Collocation is offered on a first-come, first-served
                        basis. Requests for Collocation may be denied due to the
                        lack of sufficient space in a USW Central Office for
                        placement of Pathnet's equipment. If USW determines that
                        the amount of space requested by Pathnet for Caged
                        Physical Collocation is not available, Pathnet will be
                        offered Collocation in the closest 100 square foot
                        increment that is determined to be available in relation
                        to the original request, or Pathnet will be offered
                        Cageless Physical Collocation (bay at a time), or
                        Virtual Collocation as an alternative to Caged Physical

            3.6         Requests for Collocation from Pathnet will be
                        prioritized by USW, but in the event Pathnet submits
                        requests for Collocation, such that more than five (5)
                        requests per week, per state are in process by USW, the
                        following procedure shall apply:

                        3.6.1       USW and Pathnet shall work cooperatively and
                                    in good faith to establish a project plan
                                    and schedule to implement Pathnet's requests
                                    for Collocation. The project plan shall
                                    establish staggered due dates on both the
                                    up-front and ready-for-service dates, and
                                    outline responsibilities for each Party;

                        3.6.2       The project plan established by USW and
                                    Pathnet to implement Pathnet's request for
                                    Collocation may also be used by Pathnet to
                                    prioritize implementation of Collocation
                                    requests in the event that five (5) or fewer
                                    requests for Collocation per week, per state
                                    submitted by Pathnet are being processed by

                        3.6.3       Should the Parties not reach agreement on
                                    the project plan, Pathnet's requests for
                                    Collocation shall be addressed by USW on an
                                    individual case basis.

            3.7         If a request for Collocation is denied due to a total
                        lack of appropriate space in a USW Central Office,
                        Pathnet may request USW to provide a cost quote for the
                        reclamation of space and/or equipment, or an adjacent
                        collocation arrangement. Quotes will be developed within
                        sixty (60) business days including the estimated time
                        frames for the work that is required in order to satisfy
                        the Collocation request. Pathnet has thirty (30)
                        business days to accept the quote. If Pathnet


                        accepts the quote, work will begin on receipt of 50% of
                        the quoted charges, with the balance due on completion.

                                    Reclamation may include the following:

                                    Grooming - The moving of circuits from
                                    working equipment to other equipment bays
                                    with similar functionality for the purpose
                                    of providing space for Interconnection.

                                    Space Reclamation - Administrative space
                                    that can be reconditioned, downsized or
                                    modified for the placement of
                                    telecommunications equipment.

            3.8         Out of Space

                        USW will provide documentation with the specific state
                        Commission whenever a Collocation request is denied due
                        to insufficient space. Additionally, if Pathnet's
                        request is denied, and Pathnet requests the
                        documentation, USW will furnish a marked copy of that
                        Central Office floor plan to Pathnet. Tours of the
                        affected Central Office, when requested, will be
                        arranged through USW channels, including USW Legal
                        Department, State Interconnection Management, and
                        Account Management teams.

            3.9         All equipment and installation shall meet the state
                        specific earthquake rating requirements for Virtual or
                        Cageless Collocation.

            3.10        USW will designate the POI for network Interconnection
                        for Virtual, Physical, Adjacent, Cageless or Caged
                        Physical Collocation arrangements. Pathnet will be
                        allowed access to the POI on non-discriminatory terms.

            3.11        Pathnet is responsible for providing its own fiber
                        facilities to the POI outside USW's Central Office. USW
                        will extend the fiber facility from the POI on a USW
                        fiber cable from the POI to a Fiber Distribution Panel
                        (FDP). From the FDP additional fiber, conduit and
                        associated riser structure will then be provided by USW
                        to continue the run to Pathnet's telecommunications
                        equipment or Collocation area. Where there is an
                        adjacent collocation arrangement, the specifics will be
                        determined on a site to site basis.

            3.12        The Collocation entrance facility is assumed to be fiber
                        optic cable and meets industry standards (GR. 20 Core).
                        Metallic sheath cable is not considered a standard
                        Collocation entrance facility. Requests for non-standard
                        entrances will be considered on an individual case basis
                        including an evaluation of the feasibility of the
                        request. All costs and provisioning intervals will be
                        developed on an individual case basis.

            3.13        Dual entry into a USW Central Office will be provided
                        only when two entry points pre-exist and duct space is
                        available. USW will not initiate construction of a
                        second, separate Collocation entrance facility solely
                        for Collocation. If USW


                        requires a Collocation entrance facility for its own
                        use, then the needs of Pathnet will also be taken into

            3.14        Where Collocation entrance facilities are not available,
                        USW will offer Pathnet USW OCn, DS3, or DS1 Private Line
                        Transport Services in accordance with Tariff terms and
                        conditions, in lieu of entrance facilities to be
                        terminated at Pathnet's collocated equipment.

            3.15        USW will review the security requirements and hours of
                        access with Pathnet. This will include issuing keys, ID
                        cards, and explaining the access control processes,
                        including but not limited to the requirement that all
                        Pathnet approved personnel are subject to trespass
                        violations if outside of designated and approved areas
                        or if found to be providing access to unauthorized
                        individuals. Pathnet personnel found outside of
                        designated and approved areas, those being only those
                        areas directly adjacent to Pathnet equipment or Pathnet
                        terminated equipment, will be escorted away from those
                        non-approved areas and reported to USW Security.
                        Repeated violations will result in denial of access to
                        USW facilities and a possibility of criminal penalties.

            3.16        USW shall provide access to existing eyewash stations,
                        bathrooms, and drinking water within the collocated
                        facility on a twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7)
                        days per week basis for Pathnet personnel and its
                        designated agents.

            3.17        Pathnet shall be restricted to corridors, stairways, and
                        elevators that provide direct access to Pathnet's space,
                        or to the nearest restroom facility from Pathnet's
                        designated space, and such direct access will be
                        outlined during Pathnet's orientation meeting. Access
                        shall not be permitted to any other portion of the
                        building, except to the roof top where microwave
                        collocation has been installed.

            3.18        Nothing herein shall be construed to limit Pathnet's
                        ability to obtain any or all types of USW Caged Physical
                        Collocation in a single location, provided space is

            3.19        Conversion of the Virtual Collocation (e.g.,
                        Virtual-to-Cageless Physical) is available upon request
                        and submission of a Quote Preparation Fee (QPF) by
                        Pathnet. Pathnet must pay all associated conversion
                        charges. Conversions shall be in accordance with USW's
                        standard Collocation provisioning processes. If
                        required, Pathnet will submit separate service orders
                        for grooming Pathnet's existing end user circuits to the
                        new Collocation. Upon request, Pathnet may convert a
                        non-completed Virtual Collocation Order to a Cageless
                        Physical Collocation. USW will consider requests to use
                        existing time frames if possible; such requests shall
                        not be unreasonably denied.


            4.1         USW is responsible for installing and maintaining
                        Virtually Collocated equipment for the purpose of
                        Interconnection of the mutual networks and to access


            4.2         Pathnet will be responsible for obtaining and providing
                        to USW administrative codes, (e.g., common language
                        codes, for all equipment provided by Pathnet and
                        installed in Wire Center buildings).

            4.3         Pathnet shall ensure that upon receipt of Pathnet's
                        Virtually Collocated equipment by USW, all warranties
                        and access to ongoing technical support are passed
                        through to USW, all at Pathnet's expense. Pathnet shall
                        advise the manufacturer and seller of the virtually
                        collocated equipment that Pathnet's equipment will be
                        possessed, installed and maintained by USW.

            4.4         Pathnet's virtually collocated equipment must comply
                        with the Bellcore Network Equipment Building System
                        (NEBS) Level 1 Generic Equipment Requirements
                        TR-NWT-000063, USW Wire Center environmental and
                        transmission standards and any statutory (local, state
                        or federal) and/or regulatory requirements in effect at
                        the time of equipment installation or that subsequently
                        become effective. Pathnet shall provide USW interface
                        specifications (e.g., electrical, functional, physical
                        and software) of Pathnet's virtually collocated

            4.5         Pathnet must specify all software options and associated
                        plug-ins for its virtually collocated equipment.

            4.6         Pathnet will be responsible for payment of USW Direct
                        Training Charges associated with training USW employees
                        for the maintenance, operation and installation of
                        Pathnet's Virtually Collocated equipment when such
                        equipment is different than the standard equipment used
                        by USW in that Central Office. This includes per diem
                        charges (i.e., expenses based upon effective USW labor
                        agreements), travel and lodging incurred by USW
                        employees attending a vendor-provided training course.

            4.7         Pathnet will be responsible for payment of charges
                        incurred in the maintenance and/or repair of Pathnet's
                        virtually collocated equipment.


            5.1         USW shall provide Caged Physical Collocation to Pathnet
                        for access to UNEs and/or terminating EAS/Local traffic,
                        except that USW may provide for Cageless Physical or
                        Virtual Collocation if USW demonstrates to the
                        Commission that Caged Physical Collocation is not
                        practical for technical reasons such as space
                        limitations, as provided in Section 251(c)(6) of the
                        Act. USW shall provide basic telephone service with a
                        connection jack at the request of Pathnet for the
                        Physical or Cageless Physical Collocated space. Upon
                        Pathnet's request, this service shall be available per
                        standard USW business service provisioning processes.

            5.2         Caged Physical Collocation is offered in Wire Centers on
                        a space-available, first come, first-served basis.


            5.3         The minimum standard amount of leased floor space is 100
                        square feet. Pathnet must begin equipment installation
                        within sixty (60) days of cage acceptance and actively
                        use 50% of the space to provide telecommunication
                        services within twelve (12) months of acceptance. If USW
                        identifies under utilized space, in caged collocation
                        installations over 100 square feet, USW reserves the
                        right to reclaim the unused portion and allocate it to
                        another Co-Provider if a request is pending and an out
                        of space condition exists in that Central Office,
                        provided that the space granted to the Co-Provider shall
                        not be less than 100 square feet unless agreed to by
                        both Parties.

            5.4         Pathnet's leased floor space will be separated from
                        other Co-Providers and USW space through a cage
                        enclosure unless the space is provided under a shared
                        space Collocation arrangement in which case there will
                        not be any cage delineation. USW will construct the cage
                        enclosure. All Pathnet equipment placed will meet NEBS
                        Level 1 standards, will be installed in accordance USW
                        Technical Publications 77390 and 77367, and will comply
                        with any local, state, or federal regulatory
                        requirements in effect at the time of equipment
                        installation or that subsequently become effective.
                        These two Technical Publications must be in the
                        possession of Pathnet and its agents at the site during
                        all work activities.

            5.5         USW will designate and design the floor space within
                        each Wire Center which will constitute Pathnet's leased

            5.6         When USW constructs the Caged Physical space, USW will
                        ensure that the necessary construction work (racking,
                        ducting, caging, grounding, terminations, environmental
                        designs, AC and DC power, etc.) is performed to build
                        Pathnet's leased physical space and the riser from the
                        vault to the leased physical space, pursuant to
                        Technical Publication 77350.

            5.7         Pathnet owns and is responsible for the installation,
                        maintenance and repair of its telecommunications
                        equipment located within the physically collocated space
                        rented from USW.

            5.8         Shared Space Caged and Cageless Physical Collocation is
                        covered in subsequent Sections of this Agreement.

            5.9         For Collocation entrance facilities, USW will extend
                        USW-provided and owned fiber optic cable from the POI to
                        Pathnet's leased physical space. Pathnet will procure,
                        install and maintain all fiber optic facilities up to
                        the USW designated POI.

            5.10        Testing of the completed Collocation components will be
                        performed. USW will test to the demarcation points of
                        its portion of affected circuits. Subsequent joint
                        testing between the Parties will be conducted in
                        accordance with the rates and terms of this Agreement.


            5.11        If, during installation, USW determines Pathnet
                        activities or equipment do not comply with the NEBS
                        standards listed in this Section or are otherwise
                        unsafe, non-standard or in violation of any applicable
                        laws or regulations, USW has the right to stop all
                        Collocation work until the situation is remedied. If
                        such conditions pose an immediate threat to the safety
                        of USW employees, interfere with the performance of
                        USW's service obligations, or pose an immediate threat
                        to the physical integrity of the conduit system, cable
                        facilities or other equipment in the Central Office, USW
                        may perform such work and/or take action as is necessary
                        to correct the condition at Pathnet's expense.

            5.12        If, at any time, USW determines that the equipment or
                        the installation does not meet technical standard
                        requirements, Pathnet will be responsible for the costs
                        associated with the removal (should Pathnet opt for
                        removal as resolution), modification to, or installation
                        of the equipment to bring it into compliance. If Pathnet
                        fails to correct any non-compliance within fifteen (15)
                        calendar days of written notice of non-compliance, USW
                        will have the equipment removed or the condition
                        corrected at Pathnet's expense.


            6.1         Pathnet owns and is responsible for the installation,
                        maintenance and repair of its telecommunications bays
                        and equipment located within the space leased from USW.
                        Pathnet may access its own Collocated equipment.

            6.2         Requests for multiple bay space will be provided in
                        adjacent bays where possible. When contiguous space is
                        not available, bays may be commingled with other
                        Co-Providers' equipment bays. Pathnet may request
                        through the USW Space Reclamation Policy, a price quote
                        to rearrange USW equipment to provide Pathnet with
                        adjacent space.

            6.3         All equipment placed will be subject to random audits
                        conducted by USW. These audits will determine whether
                        the equipment meets the standards required by this
                        Agreement. Pathnet will be notified of the results of
                        this audit and shall rectify all non-conformities within
                        thirty (30) calendar days of notification. All
                        non-conforming items remaining after this thirty (30)
                        day period may be rectified by USW and the cost assessed
                        to Pathnet.


            7.1         USW will recover Collocation costs through both
                        recurring and nonrecurring charges. The charges are
                        determined by the scope of work to be performed based on
                        the information provided by Pathnet on the Collocation
                        Order Form. If feasibility determines space is
                        available, a quote is then developed by USW for the work
                        to be performed.


            7.2         The following elements as specified in Exhibit 1 of this
                        Agreement are used to develop a price quotation in
                        support of Collocation.

            7.3         Quote Preparation Fee. A non-refundable charge for the
                        work required to verify space and develop a price quote
                        for the total costs to Pathnet for its Collocation
                        request. The QPF is not credited against the total
                        nonrecurring charges of the job and recovers the
                        engineering and processing costs of the order.

            7.4         Collocation Entrance Facility Charge. Depending on the
                        number of Entrance Facilities requested (single or dual)
                        the Entrance Facility charge is applied per fiber pair.
                        At each entrance Pathnet will deliver a minimum 12
                        strand fiber cable to the USW POI. The facilities from
                        the POI to the collocated equipment are owned, provided,
                        engineered, installed and maintained by USW. The
                        Collocation Entrance Facility includes riser, racking,
                        fiber placement, splicing, entrance closure,
                        conduit/innerduct, and core drilling.

            7.5         Cable Splicing Charge. Represents the labor and
                        equipment to perform a subsequent splice to Pathnet
                        provided fiber optic cable after the initial
                        installation splice. Includes per-setup and
                        per-fiber-spliced rate elements.

            7.6         -48 Volt DC Power Charge. Provides -48 volt DC power to
                        Pathnet collocated equipment. Charged on a per ampere

            7.7         -48 Volt DC Power Cable Charge. Provides for the
                        transmission of -48 volt DC power to the collocated
                        equipment. It includes engineering, furnishing and
                        installing the main distribution bay power breaker,
                        associated power cable, cable rack and local power bay
                        to the closest power distribution bay. It also includes
                        the power cable (A and B feeds) from the local power
                        distribution bay to the leased physical space (for
                        Cageless or Caged Physical Collocation) or to the
                        collocated equipment (for Virtual Collocation). Charged
                        per A and B feeder, per foot.

            7.8         Inspector Labor Charge. Provides for USW qualified
                        personnel, acting as an inspector, when Pathnet requires
                        access to the POI after the initial installation. A
                        call-out of an inspector after business hours is subject
                        to a minimum charge of three (3) hours. The minimum
                        call-out charge shall apply when no other employee is
                        present in the location, and an 'off-shift' USW employee
                        (or contract employee) is required to go 'on-shift' on
                        behalf of Pathnet.

            7.9         Channel Regeneration Charge. Required when the distance
                        from the leased physical space (for Caged Physical
                        Collocation or Cageless Physical Collocation) or from
                        the collocated equipment (for Virtual Collocation) to
                        the USW network is of sufficient length to require
                        regeneration. The cost associated with regeneration will
                        be borne by Pathnet.


            7.10        Cross-Connect Terminations

                        7.10.1      If USW provides the equipment cable for
                                    Pathnet, terminations of that cable,
                                    including hardware and installation, will be
                                    provided in the following increments:

                                    DS0 - In blocks of 100 terminations.
                                    DS1 - In increments of 28 terminations
                                    DS-3 - In increments of 1 coax pair
                                    OCn Level Terminations - In increments of 1
                                    fiber pair

                                    These elements include USW provided
                                    equipment cables, terminating blocks,
                                    installation labor and associated racking
                                    required between Pathnet collocated
                                    equipment and the appropriate cross-connect

                        7.10.2      If Pathnet elects to provide the equipment
                                    cable, rates are applied on a per
                                    termination basis for DS0, DS1, and DS3s as
                                    shown below:

                                    DS0 Per Termination
                                    DS1 Per Termination
                                    DS3 Per Termination
                                    OCn Level Per Termination

                                    These elements include USW provided
                                    termination blocks, installation labor and
                                    associated racking between Pathnet
                                    collocated equipment and the appropriate
                                    cross-connect device .

            7.11        Collocation Cable Racking. A charge for cable racking
                        required for placement of Pathnet's supplied equipment
                        cables from its equipment to the appropriate
                        cross-connect device which is provided in conjunction
                        with the DS0, DS1, DS3 and OCn terminations. Cable
                        Racking is assessed on a per foot charge based on number
                        of cable pairs terminated at the various cross-connect

            7.12        Collocation Grounding Charge. A charge associated with
                        providing grounding for Pathnet's cage enclosure and
                        equipment. Recurring and nonrecurring charges are
                        assessed per foot to Pathnet's cage enclosure or common
                        space where required.

            7.13        Heating and Air Conditioning Charge. Environmental
                        temperature control required for proper operation of
                        electronic telecommunications equipment.

            7.14        Security Charge- The keys/card readers and video cameras
                        as may be required for Pathnet access to the USW Central
                        Office for the purpose of Collocation. Flat rate charges
                        are assessed per Pathnet, per each USW Central Office to
                        which access is required. If Pathnet desires to enter
                        unauthorized area and an escort is required, additional
                        charges will apply.



The following rate elements apply uniquely to Virtual Collocation.

            8.1         Maintenance Labor -- Provides for the labor necessary
                        for repair of out of service and/or service-affecting
                        conditions and preventative maintenance of Pathnet
                        virtually collocated equipment. Pathnet is responsible
                        for ordering and delivering maintenance spares. USW will
                        perform maintenance and/or repair work upon receipt of
                        the replacement maintenance spare and/or equipment from
                        Pathnet. A call-out of a maintenance technician after
                        business hours is subject to a minimum charge of three
                        (3) hours.

            8.2         Training Labor -- Provides for the billing of
                        vendor-provided training for USW personnel on a
                        metropolitan service area basis, necessary for Pathnet
                        virtually collocated equipment which is different from
                        USW provided equipment. USW will require three USW
                        employees to be trained per metropolitan service area in
                        which Pathnet virtually collocated equipment is located.
                        If, by an act of USW, trained employees are relocated,
                        retired, or are no longer available, USW will not
                        require Pathnet to provide training for additional USW
                        employees for the same virtually collocated equipment in
                        the same metropolitan area.

            8.3         Equipment Bay -- Provides mounting space for Pathnet
                        virtually collocated equipment. Each bay includes the 7
                        foot bay (or metric equivalent), its installation, and
                        all necessary environmental supports. Mounting space on
                        the bay, including space for the fuse panel and air gaps
                        necessary for heat dissipation is limited to 78 inches.
                        The monthly rate is applied per shelf.

            8.4         Engineering Labor -- Provides the planning and
                        engineering of Pathnet virtually collocated equipment at
                        the time of installation, change or removal.

            8.5         Installation Labor -- Provides for the installation,
                        change or removal of Pathnet virtually collocated


            9.1         Cage Enclosure. The Cage Enclosure element includes the
                        material and labor to construct the enclosure. Pathnet
                        may choose from USW approved contractors to construct
                        the cage, in accordance with USW's installation
                        Technical Publication 77350. It includes a nine foot
                        cage enclosure available in increments of 100, 200, 300
                        or 400 square feet, (or other size mutually agreed to),
                        air conditioning (to support Pathnet loads specified),
                        lighting (not to exceed 2 watts per square foot), and
                        convenience outlets (3 per cage or number required by
                        building code). Pricing for the Cage Enclosure will be
                        provided on an individual basis due to the uniqueness of
                        Pathnet's requirements, Central Office structure and


            9.2         Floor Space Lease. Provides the monthly lease for the
                        leased physical space, property taxes and base operating
                        cost without -48 volt DC power. Includes convenience 110
                        AC, 15 amp electrical outlets provided in accordance
                        with local codes and may not be used to power
                        telecommunications equipment or -48 volt DC power
                        generating equipment. Also includes maintenance for the
                        leased space; provides for the preventative maintenance
                        (climate controls, filters, fire and life systems and
                        alarms, mechanical systems, standard HVAC); biweekly
                        housekeeping services (sweeping, spot cleaning, trash
                        removal) of USW Wire Center areas surrounding the leased
                        physical space and general repair and maintenance. The
                        Floor Space Lease includes required aisle space on each
                        side of the cage enclosure, as applicable.

            9.3         AC Power Charge- Standard AC outlet used by Pathnet for
                        the purpose of powering test equipment, tools etc.

            9.4         Grounding Charge- Used to connect the Central Office
                        common ground to Pathnet's equipment.


The supporting structure and rate elements for Cageless Physical Collocation are
the same as Caged Physical Collocation, excluding the nonrecurring cage
enclosure and grounding charge. The minimum square footage is 9 square feet per
bay. AC power outlet will be provided to every other bay in the lineup. In those
instances where single bays are requested and placed, the single bay will have
it's own AC outlet.


            11.1        The nonrecurring rates for the appropriate cross-connect
                        device recover USW's investment (including engineering
                        and installation) for all DS0, DS1, DS3 terminations,
                        including tie cables, appropriate cross-connect device
                        terminations, and terminations on the applicable USW

            11.2        The recurring rate element for the appropriate
                        cross-connect device recovers USW's expense for the
                        maintenance and administration for all DS0, DS1, DS3
                        terminations, including tie cables, appropriate
                        cross-connect device terminations, and termination on
                        the applicable USW frame.


            12.1        Upon receipt of a Collocation Order Form and QPF, USW
                        will perform a feasibility study to determine if
                        adequate space can be found for the placement of
                        Pathnet's equipment within the Central Office. The
                        feasibility study will be completed within seven (7)
                        calendar days of receipt of the QPF. If space is
                        available, USW will develop a price quotation within
                        thirty five (35) calendar days of completion of the
                        feasibility study. Subsequent requests to augment an
                        existing Collocation also require receipt of a Change
                        Order Form and QPF. Adding plug-ins, e.g., DS1 or


                        DS3 cards to existing Virtually Collocated equipment
                        will be processed with a shorter interval.

            12.2        Virtual Collocation price quotes will be honored for
                        thirty (30) calendar days from the date the quote is
                        provided to Pathnet. During this period the Collocation
                        entrance facility and space is reserved pending
                        Pathnet's approval of the quoted charges. If Pathnet
                        agrees to terms as stated in the Collocation Price
                        Quote, Pathnet must respond within 30 calendar days with
                        a signed quote, a down payment check for 50% down of the
                        quoted charges and proof of insurance. Under normal
                        conditions, USW will complete the installation within
                        ninety (90) calendar days from receipt of Pathnet's
                        equipment provided that space and power is available.
                        Depending on specific Wire Center conditions, shorter
                        intervals may be available. Any portions that cannot be
                        completed within ninety (90) calendar days will be
                        negotiated with Pathnet on an individual case basis. The
                        installation of line cards and other minor modifications
                        shall be performed by USW on shorter intervals and in no
                        instance shall any such interval exceed thirty (30)
                        calendar days. Final Payment is due upon completion.
                        Recurring monthly charges for the Collocation commences
                        upon completion of the Collocation.


            13.1        Upon receipt of a Collocation Order Form and QPF, USW
                        will perform a feasibility study to determine if
                        adequate space can be found for the placement of
                        Pathnet's equipment within the Central Office. The
                        feasibility study will be provided within ten (10)
                        calendar days from date of receipt of the QPF. If
                        Collocation entrance facilities and office space are
                        found to be available, USW will develop a quote for the
                        supporting structure within thirty five (35) calendar
                        days of providing the feasibility study. Caged Physical
                        Collocation price quotes will be honored for thirty (30)
                        calendar days from the date the quote is provided. Upon
                        receipt of the signed quote, 50% down and proof of
                        insurance, space will be reserved and construction by
                        USW will begin. The cage will be available to Pathnet
                        for placement of its equipment within ninety (90)
                        calendar days of receipt of the 50% down payment.
                        Depending on specific Wire Center conditions, shorter
                        intervals may be available. Final payment is due upon
                        completion of work. Recurring monthly charges for the
                        Collocation commence upon the completion of the

            13.2        Due to variables in equipment availability and scope of
                        the work to be performed, additional time may be
                        required for implementation of the structure required to
                        support the Collocation request. Examples of structure
                        that may not be completed within ninety (90) calendar
                        days may include additional time for placement of a POI,
                        DC power upgrades and space reclamation required to meet
                        Pathnet's Collocation request.


            14.1        Upon receipt of a Collocation Order Form and QPF, USW
                        will perform a feasibility study to determine if
                        adequate space can be found for the placement of
                        Pathnet's equipment within the Central Office. The
                        feasibility study will be provided within


                        ten (10) calendar days from date of receipt of the
                        Collocation Order Form and QPF. If Collocation entrance
                        facilities and office space are found to be available,
                        USW will develop a quote for supporting structure within
                        thirty-five (35) calendar days of providing the
                        feasibility study. Cageless Physical Collocation price
                        quotes will be honored for thirty (30) calendar days
                        from the date the quote is provided. If Pathnet agrees
                        to terms as stated in the Collocation Price Quote,
                        Pathnet must respond within thirty (30) calendar days
                        with a signed quote, a check for 50% of the quoted
                        charges and proof of insurance. Upon receipt of the
                        signed quote, 50% payment and proof of insurance,
                        construction by USW will begin. The cageless, physical
                        space including equipment bays provided by Pathnet and
                        associated apparatus provided by USW, will be available
                        to Pathnet for placement of its equipment within ninety
                        (90) calendar days of receipt of the 50% down payment.
                        Depending on specific Wire Center conditions, shorter
                        intervals may be available. Final payment is due upon
                        completion of work. Recurring monthly charges for the
                        Collocation commence upon the completion of the

            14.2        Due to variables in equipment availability and scope of
                        the work to be performed, additional time may be
                        required for implementation of the structure required to
                        support the Collocation request. Examples of structure
                        that may not be completed within ninety (90) calendar
                        days may include additional time for placement of a POI,
                        DC power upgrades and space reclamation required to meet
                        Pathnet's Collocation request.


            15.1        Upon receipt of a Collocation Order Form, USW will
                        verify if ICDF capacity is available at the requested
                        Central Office. Verification of cross-connection
                        capacity will be completed within seven (7) calendar
                        days. USW will develop a cost quotation for the
                        requested Collocation within thirty five (35) calendar
                        days from verification. Should the requested Central
                        Office require additional cross-connection capability
                        for capacity, USW will make such additional capacity
                        available as soon as reasonably possible.

            15.2        Within thirty five (35) calendar days of the receipt by
                        USW from Pathnet of a request for appropriate
                        cross-connect device and tie cable capacity, USW will
                        provide Pathnet with a quotation for all recurring,
                        nonrecurring and construction charges associated with
                        the request. The estimated date of the appropriate
                        cross-connect device availability will also be included.

            15.3        Within thirty (30) calendar days of USW providing the
                        quotation, Pathnet will accept or reject the quotation.
                        Acceptance shall require payment to USW of fifty percent
                        of the nonrecurring and construction charges provided on
                        the quotation.

            15.4        As part of the ordering process, Pathnet will provide at
                        a minimum an eighteen month non-binding forecast for
                        each Wire Center in which it intends to utilize the
                        appropriate cross-connect device. Included in this
                        forecast will be the termination type (DS0, DS1, DS3)
                        and the quantity of each termination required.


                        cross-connect device terminations must be ordered in
                        multiples of the following quantities:

                                    100 DSO terminations
                                    28 DS1 terminations
                                    1 DS3 termination


Any changes, modifications or additional engineering requested by Pathnet,
subsequent to its initial order, as to the type and quantity of equipment or
other aspects of the original Collocation request, must be submitted with a
subsequent QPF and Collocation Change Form. Such requests will cause the
original Collocation job to vary from the committed ready for service date.


            17.1        Upon completion of the Collocation construction
                        activities and payment of the remaining nonrecurring
                        balance, USW will provide Pathnet a completion package
                        that will initiate the recurring Collocation charges.
                        USW will begin billing the monthly recurring charges
                        stated in the quote and completion package.

            17.2        In the event USW has completed all associated
                        construction activities and Pathnet has not completed
                        its associated activities (e.g., delivering fiber to the
                        POI, providing tie cables for connecting to the
                        distribution frames, etc.), and provided that no such
                        Pathnet delays are directly caused by any act or
                        omission of USW in the provision of information
                        necessary to complete the engineering necessary to bring
                        Pathnet's fiber to the POI, USW will begin billing for
                        all monthly Collocation charges. When Pathnet is ready
                        to complete its activities, final test and turn-up will
                        be performed under the maintenance and repair process
                        contained herein.


Virtual Collocation will be considered complete when the POI has been
constructed, the shared fiber Collocation entrance facility has been
provisioned, and the collocated equipment has been installed. Cooperative
testing between Pathnet and USW may be negotiated and performed to ensure
continuity and acceptable transmission parameters in the facility and equipment.
Any additional joint testing can be provided under rates and terms specified in
this Agreement.


Upon completion of USW construction activities and Pathnet payment of the
remainder of the nonrecurring charges, USW will allow Pathnet access to the
Collocation space. USW will activate monthly billing for the leased space and
turn over access to the space with all security and access privileges. Pathnet
will sign off on the completion of the physical space via the Caged or Cageless
Physical Collocation completion package. Pathnet may then proceed with the
installation of its equipment in the Collocation space. Once Pathnet's equipment
has been installed and cable is provided for the Pathnet's equipment
terminations, USW will complete all remaining work activities.



            20.1        Virtual Collocation

                        20.1.1        Maintenance Labor, Inspector Labor,
                                      Engineering Labor and Equipment Labor
                                      business hours are considered to be Monday
                                      through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm (local
                                      time) and after business hours are after
                                      5:00pm and before 8:00am (local time),
                                      Monday through Friday, all day Saturday,
                                      Sunday and holidays.

                        20.1.2        Installation and maintenance of Pathnet's
                                      virtually collocated equipment will be
                                      performed by USW or a USW authorized

                        20.1.3        Upon failure of Pathnet's virtually
                                      collocated equipment, Pathnet is
                                      responsible for transportation and
                                      delivery of maintenance spares to USW at
                                      the Wire Center housing the failed
                                      equipment. Pathnet is responsible for
                                      purchasing and maintaining a supply of

            20.2        Caged Physical Collocation

                        Pathnet is solely responsible for the maintenance and
                        repair of its equipment located within Pathnet's caged
                        space. If two or more Co-Providers agree to a Shared
                        Space Caged Physical Collocation arrangement, such
                        collocators are solely responsible for any and all
                        maintenance, security and repair arrangements
                        necessitated by such sharing. USW assumes no liability
                        for any damages of any kind relating to Shared Space
                        Caged Physical Collocation or related personnel disputes
                        among the parties to those arrangements.

            20.3        Cageless Physical Collocation

                        Pathnet is solely responsible for the maintenance and
                        repair of its equipment located within Pathnet's
                        cageless physical space.

            20.4        ICDF Collocation

                        Pathnet is responsible for block and jumper maintenance
                        at the appropriate cross-connect device and using
                        correct procedures to dress and terminate jumpers on the
                        appropriate cross-connect device, including using
                        fanning strips, retaining rings, and having jumper wire
                        on hand, as needed. Additionally, Pathnet is required to
                        provide its own tools for such operations.


            21.1        Amounts payable under this Agreement are due and payable
                        within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of


            21.2        Should Pathnet dispute, in good faith, any portion of
                        the monthly billing under this Agreement, Pathnet will
                        notify USW in writing within thirty (30) calendar days
                        of the receipt of such billing, identifying the amount,
                        reason and rationale of such dispute. Pathnet shall pay
                        all amounts due. Both Pathnet and USW agree to expedite
                        the investigation of any disputed amounts in an effort
                        to resolve and settle the dispute prior to initiating
                        any other rights or remedies. Should the dispute be
                        resolved in Pathnet's favor and the resolved amount did
                        not appear as a credit on Pathnet's next invoice from
                        USW, USW will reimburse Pathnet the resolved amount plus
                        interest from the date of payment. The amount of
                        interest will be calculated using the late payment
                        factor that would have applied to such amount had it not
                        been paid on time. Similarly, in the event Pathnet
                        withholds payment for a disputed charge, and upon
                        resolution of the matter it is determined that such
                        payments should have been made to USW, USW is entitled
                        to collect interest on the withheld amount, subject to
                        the above provisions.

            21.3        USW will determine Pathnet's credit status based on
                        previous payment history with USW or credit reports such
                        as Dun and Bradstreet. If Pathnet has not established
                        satisfactory credit with USW or if Pathnet is repeatedly
                        delinquent in making its payments, USW may require a
                        deposit to be held as security for the payment of
                        charges. "Repeatedly delinquent" means being thirty (30)
                        calendar days or more delinquent for three (3)
                        consecutive months. The deposit may not exceed the
                        estimated total monthly charges for a two (2) month
                        period. The deposit may be a surety bond, a letter of
                        credit with terms and conditions acceptable to USW or
                        some other form of mutually acceptable security such as
                        a cash deposit. Required deposits are due and payable
                        within ten (10) calendar days after demand in accordance
                        with Commission requirements.

            21.4        Interest will be paid on cash deposits at the rate
                        applying to deposits under applicable Commission rules,
                        regulations, or Tariffs. Cash deposits and accrued
                        interest will be credited to Pathnet's account or
                        refunded, as appropriate, upon the earlier of the
                        termination of this Agreement or the establishment of
                        satisfactory credit with USW, which will generally be
                        one full year of timely payments in full by Pathnet. The
                        fact that a deposit has been made does not relieve
                        Pathnet from any requirements of this Agreement.

            21.5        USW may review Pathnet's credit standing and modify the
                        amount of deposit required.

            21.6        The late payment charge for amounts that are billed
                        under this Agreement shall be in accordance with
                        Commission requirements.


Each Party purchasing services hereunder shall pay or otherwise be responsible
for all federal, state, or local sales, use, excise, gross receipts, transaction
or similar taxes, fees or surcharges levied against or upon such purchasing
Party (or the providing Party when such providing Party is permitted to pass
along to the purchasing Party such taxes, fees or surcharges), except for any
tax on either Party's corporate existence, status or income. Whenever possible,


amounts shall be billed as a separate item on the invoice. To the extent a sale
is claimed to be for resale tax exemption, the purchasing Party shall furnish
the providing Party a proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or
required by statute or regulation by the jurisdiction providing said resale tax
exemption. Until such time as a resale tax exemption certificate is provided, no
exemptions will be applied.


Pathnet shall at all times during the term of this Agreement, at its own cost
and expense, carry and maintain the insurance coverage listed below with
insurers having a "Best's" rating of B+XIII.

            23.1        Workers' Compensation with statutory limits as required
                        in the state of operation; and Employers' Liability
                        insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 each

            23.2        Commercial General Liability insurance covering claims
                        for bodily injury, death, personal injury or property
                        damage occurring or arising out of the use or occupancy
                        of the premises, including coverage for independent
                        contractor's protection (required if any work will be
                        subcontracted), premises-operations, products and/or
                        completed operations and contractual liability with
                        respect to the liability assumed by Pathnet hereunder.
                        The limits of insurance shall not be less than
                        $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general
                        aggregate limit.

            23.3        Comprehensive automobile liability insurance covering
                        the ownership, operation and maintenance of all owned,
                        non-owned and hired motor vehicles with limits of not
                        less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury
                        and property damage.

            23.4        Umbrella/Excess Liability insurance in an amount of
                        $10,000,000 excess of Commercial General Liability
                        insurance specified above. These limits may be obtained
                        through any combination of primary and excess or
                        umbrella liability insurance so long as the total limit
                        is $11,000,000.

            23.5        "All Risk" Property coverage on a full replacement cost
                        basis insuring all of Pathnet personal property situated
                        on or within the premises. Pathnet may elect to purchase
                        business interruption and contingent business
                        interruption insurance. USW has no liability for loss of
                        profit or revenues should an interruption of service

            23.6        Pathnet and USW each waive any and all rights of
                        recovery against the other, or against the officers,
                        employees, agents, representatives or the other, or
                        other tenants for loss or damage to such waiving Party
                        arising from any cause covered by any property insurance
                        required to be carried by such Party. Each Party shall
                        give notice to insurance carrier(s) that the mutual
                        waiver of subrogation is contained in this Agreement.

            23.7        Upon the execution hereof, Pathnet shall provide
                        certificate(s) of insurance evidencing coverage, and
                        annually thereafter within ten (10) calendar days of
                        renewal of any coverage maintained pursuant to this
                        Section. Such certificates


                        shall; (1) name USW as an additional insured under
                        commercial general liability coverage as respects USW's
                        interests; (2) provide USW thirty (30) calendar days
                        prior written notice of cancellation of, material change
                        or exclusions in the policy(s) to which certificate(s)
                        relate; (3) indicate that coverage is primary and not
                        excess of, or contributory with, any other valid and
                        collectible insurance purchased by USW; and (4)
                        policy(s) provide severability of interest/cross
                        liability coverage.


Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any
part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault
or negligence including, without limitation, acts of nature, acts of civil or
military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrorist
acts, riots, insurrections, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents,
floods, work stoppages, equipment failure, power blackouts, volcanic action,
other major environmental disturbances, unusually severe weather conditions,
inability to secure products or services of other persons or transportation
facilities or acts or omissions of transportation carriers (collectively, a
"Force Majeure Event"). The Party affected by a Force Majeure Event shall give
prompt notice to the other Party, shall be excused from performance of its
obligations hereunder on a day to day basis to the extent those obligations are
prevented by the Force Majeure Event, and shall use reasonable efforts to remove
or mitigate the Force Majeure Event. In the event of a labor dispute or strike
the Parties agree to provide service to each other at a level equivalent to the
level they provide themselves.


            25.1        Each Party shall be liable to the other for direct
                        damages for any loss, defect or equipment failure
                        resulting from the causing Party's conduct or the
                        conduct of its agents or contractors in performing the
                        obligations contained in this Agreement.

            25.2        Neither Party shall be liable to the other for indirect,
                        incidental, consequential, or special damages, including
                        (without limitation) damages for lost profits, lost
                        revenues, lost savings suffered by the other Party
                        regardless of the form of action, whether in contract,
                        warranty, strict liability, tort, including (without
                        limitation) negligence of any kind and regardless of
                        whether the Parties know the possibility that such
                        damages could result.

            25.3        Except for indemnity obligations, each Party's liability
                        to the other Party for any loss relating to or arising
                        out of any act or omission in its performance of this
                        Agreement, whether in contract or in tort, shall be
                        limited to the total amount that is or would have been
                        charged to the other Party by such breaching Party for
                        the service(s) or function(s) not performed or
                        improperly performed.

            25.4        Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either
                        Party's liability to the other for intentional,
                        malicious misconduct.


            25.5        Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either
                        Party's obligations of indemnification as specified in
                        the Indemnity Section of this Agreement.

            25.6        Neither Party shall be liable to the other under any
                        theory including indemnity on account of such Party's
                        failure or neglect to have or maintain a system or
                        systems that are Year 2000 compliant. As the Parties
                        approach the Year 2000, date information associated with
                        any interfaces between the Parties is expected to remain
                        as it is. Any changes in the interface format associated
                        with date information will be negotiated and agreed to
                        by the Parties prior to any changes.


            26.1        With respect to third party claims, the Parties agree to
                        indemnify each other as follows:

                        26.1.1      Except for claims made by end users of one
                                    Party against the other Party, which claims
                                    are based on defective or faulty services
                                    provided by the other Party to the one
                                    Party, each of the Parties agrees to
                                    release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless
                                    the other Party and each of its officers,
                                    directors, employees and agents (each an
                                    "Indemnitee") from and against and in
                                    respect of any loss, debt, liability,
                                    damage, obligation, claim, demand, judgment
                                    or settlement of any nature or kind, known
                                    or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated
                                    including, but not limited to, costs and
                                    attorneys' fees, whether suffered, made,
                                    instituted, or asserted by any other party
                                    or person, for invasion of privacy, personal
                                    injury to or death of any person or persons,
                                    or for loss, damage to, or destruction of
                                    property, whether or not owned by others,
                                    resulting from the indemnifying Party's
                                    performance, breach of applicable law, or
                                    status of its employees, agents and
                                    subcontractors; or for failure to perform
                                    under this Agreement, regardless of the form
                                    of action.

                        26.1.2      Where the third party claim is made by (or
                                    through) an end user of one Party against
                                    the other Party, which claim is based on
                                    defective or faulty services provided by the
                                    other Party to the one Party then there
                                    shall be no obligation of indemnity unless
                                    the act or omission giving rise to the
                                    defective or faulty services is shown to be
                                    intentional, malicious misconduct of the
                                    other Party.

                        26.1.3      If the claim is made by (or through) an end
                                    user and where a claim is in the nature of a
                                    claim for invasion of privacy, liable,
                                    slander, or other claim based on the content
                                    of a transmission, and it is made against a
                                    Party who is not the immediate provider of
                                    the Telecommunications Service to the end
                                    user (the indemnified provider), then in the
                                    absence of fault or neglect on the part of
                                    the indemnified provider, the Party who is
                                    the immediate seller of such
                                    Telecommunications Service shall indemnify,
                                    defend and hold harmless the indemnified
                                    provider from such claim.


            26.2        The indemnification provided herein shall be conditioned

                        26.2.1               The indemnified Party shall
                                             promptly notify the indemnifying
                                             Party of any action taken against
                                             the indemnified Party relating to
                                             the indemnification. Failure to so
                                             notify the indemnifying Party shall
                                             not relieve the indemnifying Party
                                             of any liability that the
                                             indemnifying Party might have,
                                             except to the extent that such
                                             failure prejudices the indemnifying
                                             Party's ability to defend such

                        26.2.2               The indemnifying Party shall have
                                             sole authority to defend any such
                                             action, including the selection of
                                             legal counsel, and the indemnified
                                             Party may engage separate legal
                                             counsel only at its sole cost and

                        26.2.3               In no event shall the indemnifying
                                             Party settle or consent to any
                                             judgment pertaining to any such
                                             action without the prior written
                                             consent of the indemnified Party.




            28.1        Neither Party may assign or transfer (whether by
                        operation of law or otherwise) this Agreement (or any
                        rights or obligations hereunder) to a third party
                        without the prior written consent of the other Party.
                        Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may assign
                        or transfer this Agreement to a corporate affiliate or
                        an entity under its common control; however, if
                        Pathnet's assignee or transferee has an Interconnection
                        Agreement with USW, no assignment or transfer of this
                        Agreement shall be effective without the prior written
                        consent of USW. Such consent shall include appropriate
                        resolutions of conflicts and discrepancies between the
                        assignee's or transferee's Interconnection agreement and
                        this Agreement. Any attempted assignment or transfer
                        that is not permitted is void ab initio. Without
                        limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement
                        shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
                        the Parties' respective successors and assigns.

            28.2        Without limiting the generality of the foregoing
                        subsection, any merger, dissolution, consolidation or
                        other reorganization of Pathnet, or any sale, transfer,
                        pledge or other disposition by Pathnet of securities
                        representing more than 50% of the securities entitled to
                        vote in an election of Pathnet's board of directors or
                        other similar governing body, or any sale, transfer,
                        pledge or other disposition by Pathnet of substantially
                        all of its assets, shall be deemed a transfer of
                        control. If


                        any entity, other than Pathnet, involved in such merger,
                        dissolution, consolidation, reorganization, sale,
                        transfer, pledge or other disposition of Pathnet has an
                        Interconnection Agreement with USW, the Parties agree
                        that only one agreement, either this Agreement or the
                        Interconnection Agreement of the other entity, will
                        remain valid. All other interconnection agreements will
                        be terminated. The Parties agree to work together to
                        determine which Interconnection Agreement should remain
                        valid and which should terminate. In the event the
                        Parties cannot reach agreement on this issue, the issue
                        shall be resolved through the Dispute Resolution process
                        contained in this Agreement.


If either Party defaults in the payment of any amount due hereunder, or if
either Party violates any other material provision of this Agreement, and such
default or violation shall continue for thirty (30) calendar days after written
notice thereof, the other Party may seek relief in accordance with the Dispute
Resolution provision of this Agreement. The failure of either Party to enforce
any of the provisions of this Agreement or the waiver thereof in any instance
shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any
such provision, but the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in full force
and effect.


Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Party to act for another,
nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a Party as a legal representative or
agent of the other Party, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to
assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or
implied, against or in the name or on behalf of the other Party unless otherwise
expressly permitted by such other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided
in this Agreement, no Party undertakes to perform any obligation of the other
Party whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsibility for the
management of the other Party's business.


            31.1        All information, including but not limited to
                        specifications, microfilm, photocopies, magnetic disks,
                        magnetic tapes, drawings, sketches, models, samples,
                        tools, technical information, data, employee records,
                        maps, financial reports, and market data, (i) furnished
                        by one Party to the other Party dealing with end user
                        specific, facility specific, or usage specific
                        information, other than end user information
                        communicated for the purpose of providing directory
                        assistance or publication of directory database, or (ii)
                        in written, graphic, electromagnetic, or other tangible
                        form and marked at the time of delivery as
                        "Confidential" or "Proprietary", or (iii) communicated
                        and declared to the receiving Party at the time of
                        delivery, or by written notice given to the receiving
                        Party within ten (10) calendar days after delivery, to
                        be "Confidential" or "Proprietary" (collectively
                        referred to as "Proprietary Information"), shall remain
                        the property of the disclosing Party. A Party who
                        receives Proprietary Information via an oral
                        communication may request written confirmation that the
                        material is Proprietary Information. A Party who
                        delivers Proprietary Information via an oral


                        communication may request written confirmation that the
                        Party receiving the information understands that the
                        material is Proprietary Information.

            31.2        Upon request by the disclosing Party, the receiving
                        Party shall return all tangible copies of Proprietary
                        Information, whether written, graphic or otherwise,
                        except that the receiving Party may retain one copy for
                        archival purposes.

            31.3        Each Party shall keep all of the other Party's
                        Proprietary Information confidential and shall use the
                        other Party's Proprietary Information only in connection
                        with this Agreement. Neither Party shall use the other
                        Party's Proprietary Information for any other purpose
                        except upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed
                        upon between the Parties in writing.

            31.4        Unless otherwise agreed, the obligations of
                        confidentiality and non-use set forth in this Agreement
                        do not apply to such Proprietary Information as:

                        31.4.1      was at the time of receipt already known to
                                    the receiving Party free of any obligation
                                    to keep it confidential evidenced by written
                                    records prepared prior to delivery by the
                                    disclosing Party; or

                        31.4.2      is or becomes publicly known through no
                                    wrongful act of the receiving Party; or

                        31.4.3      is rightfully received from a third person
                                    having no direct or indirect secrecy or
                                    confidentiality obligation to the disclosing
                                    Party with respect to such information; or

                        31.4.4      is independently developed by an employee,
                                    agent, or contractor of the receiving Party
                                    which individual is not involved in any
                                    manner with the provision of services
                                    pursuant to the Agreement and does not have
                                    any direct or indirect access to the
                                    Proprietary Information; or

                        31.4.5      is disclosed to a third person by the
                                    disclosing Party without similar
                                    restrictions on such third person's rights;

                        31.4.6      is approved for release by written
                                    authorization of the disclosing Party; or

                        31.4.7      is required to be made public by the
                                    receiving Party pursuant to applicable law
                                    or regulation provided that the receiving
                                    Party shall give sufficient notice of the
                                    requirement to the disclosing Party to
                                    enable the disclosing Party to seek
                                    protective orders.

            31.5        Nothing herein is intended to prohibit a Party from
                        supplying factual information about its network and
                        Telecommunications Services on or connected to its
                        network to regulatory agencies including the Federal
                        Communications Commission and the Commission so long as
                        any confidential obligation is protected.


            31.6        Effective Date Of This Section. Notwithstanding any
                        other provision of this Agreement, the Proprietary
                        Information provisions of this Agreement shall apply to
                        all information furnished by either Party to the other
                        in furtherance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if
                        furnished before the date of this Agreement.


Any liabilities or obligations of a Party for acts or omissions prior to the
cancellation or termination of this Agreement; any obligation of a Party under
the provisions regarding indemnification, Confidential or Proprietary
Information, limitations of liability, and any other provisions of this
Agreement which, by their terms, are contemplated to survive (or to be performed
after) termination of this Agreement, shall survive cancellation or termination


            33.1        If any claim, controversy or dispute between the
                        Parties, their agents, employees, officers, directors or
                        affiliated agents should arise, and the Parties do not
                        resolve it in the ordinary course of their dealings (the
                        "Dispute"), then it shall be resolved in accordance with
                        the dispute resolution process set forth in this
                        Section. Each notice of default, unless cured within the
                        applicable cure period, shall be resolved in accordance

            33.2        At the written request of either Party, and prior to any
                        other formal dispute resolution proceedings, each Party
                        shall designate an officer-level employee, at no less
                        than the vice president level, to review, meet, and
                        negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the Dispute. The
                        Parties intend that these negotiations be conducted by
                        non-lawyer, business representatives, and the locations,
                        format, frequency, duration, and conclusions of these
                        discussions shall be at the discretion of the
                        representatives. By mutual agreement, the
                        representatives may use other procedures, such as
                        mediation, to assist in these negotiations. The
                        discussions and correspondence among the representatives
                        for the purposes of these negotiations shall be treated
                        as Confidential Information developed for purposes of
                        settlement, and shall be exempt from discovery and
                        production, and shall not be admissible in any
                        subsequent arbitration or other proceedings without the
                        concurrence of both of the Parties.

            33.3        If the vice-presidential level representatives have not
                        reached a resolution of the Dispute within thirty (30)
                        calendar days after the matter is referred to them, then
                        either Party may demand that the Dispute be settled by
                        arbitration. Such an arbitration proceeding shall be
                        conducted by a single arbitrator, knowledgeable about
                        the telecommunications industry. The arbitration
                        proceedings shall be conducted under the then current
                        rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA").
                        The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Sections 1-16, not
                        state law, shall govern the arbitrability of the
                        Dispute. The arbitrator shall not have authority to
                        award punitive damages. All expedited procedures
                        prescribed by the AAA rules shall apply. The
                        arbitrator's award shall be final and binding and may be
                        entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each
                        Party shall bear its own costs and


                        attorneys' fees, and shall share equally in the fees and
                        expenses of the arbitrator. The arbitration proceedings
                        shall occur in the state where the dispute is taking
                        place in a mutually agreed upon city. It is acknowledged
                        that the Parties, by mutual, written agreement, may
                        change any of these arbitration practices for a
                        particular, some, or all Dispute(s).

            33.4        Should it become necessary to resort to court
                        proceedings to enforce a Party's compliance with the
                        dispute resolution process set forth herein, and the
                        court directs or otherwise requires compliance herewith,
                        then all of the costs and expenses, including its
                        reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the Party
                        requesting such enforcement shall be reimbursed by the
                        non-complying Party to the requesting Party.

            33.5        Nothing in this Section is intended to divest or limit
                        the jurisdiction and authority of the Commission or the
                        Federal Communications Commission as provided by state
                        or federal law.

            33.6        No Dispute, regardless of the form of action, arising
                        out of this Agreement, may be brought by either Party
                        more than two (2) years after the cause of action


This Agreement was negotiated by the Parties in accordance with the terms of the
Act and the laws of the state where service is provided hereunder. It shall be
interpreted solely in accordance with the terms of the Act and the applicable
state law in the state where the service is provided.


This Agreement is the joint work product of the Parties and has been negotiated
by the Parties and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in
accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences
shall be drawn against either Party.


Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any costs whatsoever resulting
from the presence or release of any environmental hazard that either Party did
not introduce to the affected work location. Both Parties shall defend and hold
harmless the other, its officers, directors and employees from and against any
losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and
expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or result from
(i) any environmental hazard that the indemnifying Party, its contractors or
agents introduce to the work locations or (ii) the presence or release of any
environmental hazard for which the indemnifying Party is responsible under
applicable law.



Any notices required by or concerning this Agreement shall be sent to the
Parties at the addresses shown below:

                        Director - Interconnection Compliance
                        1801 California Street, Suite 2410
                        Denver, CO  80202

                        With copy to:
                        U S WEST Law Department
                        Attention:  General Counsel, Interconnection
                        1801 California Street, Suite 5100
                        Denver, CO  80202

                        General Counsel
                        Suite 500
                        1015 31st Street NW
                        Washington, DC  20007

            Each Party shall inform the other of any changes in the above


Each Party is an independent contractor, and has and hereby retains the right to
exercise full control of and supervision over its own performance of its
obligations under this Agreement and retains full control over the employment,
direction, compensation and discharge of all employees assisting in the
performance of such obligations. Each Party will be solely responsible for all
matters relating to payment of such employees, including compliance with social
security taxes, withholding taxes and all other regulations governing such
matters. Each Party will be solely responsible for proper handling, storage,
transport and disposal at its own expense of all (i) substances or materials
that it or its contractors or agents bring to, create or assume control over at
work locations or, (ii) waste resulting therefrom or otherwise generated in
connection with its or its contractors' or agents' activities at the work
locations. Subject to the limitations on liability and except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for (i) its own acts
and performance of all obligations imposed by applicable law in connection with
its activities, legal status and property, real or personal and, (ii) the acts
of its own affiliates, employees, agents and contractors during the performance
of that Party's obligations hereunder.


This Agreement does not provide and shall not be construed to provide third
parties with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action, or
other privilege.



All references to Sections shall be deemed to be references to Sections of this
Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require. Whenever any provision of
this Agreement refers to a technical reference, technical publication, Pathnet
practice, USW practice, any publication of telecommunications industry
administrative or technical standards, or any other document specifically
incorporated into this Agreement, it will be deemed to be a reference to the
most recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda,
or successors) of such document that is in effect, and will include the most
recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or
successors) of each document incorporated by reference in such a technical
reference, technical publication, Pathnet practice, USW practice, or publication
of industry standards. The existing configuration of either Party's network may
not be in immediate compliance with the latest release of applicable referenced


Neither Party shall publish or use any publicity materials with respect to the
execution and delivery or existence of this Agreement without the prior written
approval of the other Party.


Pathnet and USW may mutually agree to amend this Agreement in writing. Since it
is possible that amendments to this Agreement may be needed to fully satisfy the
purposes and objectives of this Agreement, the Parties agree to work
cooperatively, promptly and in good faith to negotiate and implement any such
additions, changes and corrections to this Agreement.


This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute one
and the same instrument.


The headings of Sections of this Agreement are for convenience of reference
only, and shall in no way define, modify or restrict the meaning or
interpretation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement.


Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,
rules and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement.
Without limiting the foregoing, USW and Pathnet agree to take all action
necessary to keep and maintain in full force and effect all permits, licenses,
certificates, and other authorities needed to perform their respective
obligations hereunder.


1994 ("CALEA")

Each Party represents and warrants that any equipment, facilities or services
provided to the other Party under this Agreement comply with CALEA. Each Party
shall indemnify and hold the other Party harmless from any and all penalties
imposed upon the other Party for such noncompliance and shall at the
non-compliant Party's sole cost and expense, modify or replace any equipment,
facilities or services provided to the other Party under this Agreement to
ensure that such equipment, facilities and services fully comply with CALEA.


The Parties agree that this Agreement involves the provision of USW services in
ways such services were not previously available and the introduction of new
processes and procedures to provide and bill such services. Accordingly, the
Parties agree to work jointly and cooperatively in testing and implementing
processes for pre-ordering, ordering, maintenance, provisioning and billing and
in reasonably resolving issues which result from such implementation on a timely


This Agreement and all exhibits, schedules, and amendments and supplements
hereto and including, but not limited to any Adjacent Collocation Arrangements,
constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior
oral or written agreements, representations, statements, negotiations,
understandings, proposals and undertakings with respect to the subject matter

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized representatives.

PATHNET, INC.                                   U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

/s/ MICHAEL A. LUBIN                            /s/ KATHY FLEMMING
- ----------------------------                    --------------------------------
Signature                                       Signature

Michael A. Lubin                                Kathy Flemming
- ----------------------------                    --------------------------------
Name Printed/Typed                              Name Printed/Typed

V.P. and General Counsel                        V.P. Interconnect Implementation
- ----------------------------                    --------------------------------
Title                                           Title

   8/16/99                                         8/18/99
- ----------------------------                    --------------------------------
Date                                            Date
