[BRIGHAM LOGO]                                                      NEWS RELEASE

                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



         Austin, TX -- (Business Wire) - February 24, 2000 -- Brigham
Exploration Company (NASDAQ:BEXP) today announced initial production results for
two wells recently completed in its Gulf Coast exploration projects.


         As previously disclosed, Brigham discovered a potentially significant
new Vicksburg field, the Home Run Field, in its Diablo Project in Brooks County,
Texas during the fourth quarter of 1999. The Palmer State #2 well was drilled to
a depth of 12,550 feet and encountered 210 net feet of sand with greater than
15% density log porosity in four Lower Vicksburg sand intervals. During a
six-week period beginning in late December, Brigham perforated, fracture
stimulated and tested each of these four zones with average daily flow rates
ranging from 2.2 to 7.4 MMcf of natural gas and 130 to 430 barrels of condensate
per zone. Receipt of regulatory approvals from the Texas Railroad Commission was
delayed until mid-February, and the Company subsequently performed commingling
operations to produce the Palmer State #2 well from all four Lower Vicksburg

         On February 20th, the Palmer State #2 began flowing to sales as a
commingled producer. Currently, the well is producing at a rate of 10.1 MMcf of
natural gas and 650 barrels of condensate per day, or 14 MMcfe total (4.1 MMcfe
net to Brigham's revenue interest), with a flowing tubing pressure of 6,400 psi.
While the Palmer State #2 is capable of producing at significantly higher rates,
Brigham intends to monitor and evaluate actual production results to determine
the optimal rate at which to produce the well. Brigham operates the Palmer State
#2 well and has retained a 34% working and 29% net revenue interest in the
Diablo Project.

         Brigham plans to drill at least five additional locations in this
project in 2000, at least three of which will be developmental locations to the
Palmer State #2 on the same fault block, the first of which should spud in
March. Two of the five locations are exploratory wells planned to test fault
blocks that are immediately adjacent to Brigham's Home Run Field discovery.


         In its Southwest Danbury Project in Brazoria County, Texas, Brigham has
successfully completed another well in its Frio bright spot play. Brigham's
prospects in this play are supported by 3-D seismic direct detection techniques
including various amplitude attributes, such as amplitude versus offset (AVO)
analysis. In this project, Brigham recently completed and tested its third
consecutive well in the Upper Frio interval at a depth of approximately 10,700
feet. The Brigham-operated well, in which it retains a 56% working and 43% net
revenue interest, began flowing to sales in mid-February. The well is currently
producing at a rate of 2.9 MMcf of natural gas and 280 barrels of oil per day
with a flowing tubing pressure of 2,800 psi. Brigham intends to spud an offset
location to this Upper Frio discovery in April. In addition, the Company has
twelve other amplitude-related prospects in this project area, at least three of
which should be drilled in 2000.

         Brigham intends to release its year-end proved reserve estimates and
financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 1999 during the week of
March 6th.


         Brigham Exploration Company (www.bexp3d.com) is an independent
exploration and production company that applies 3-D seismic imaging and other
advanced technologies to systematically explore and develop onshore domestic
natural gas and oil provinces.

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         Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements that are based
upon current expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from those in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity prices, unforeseen engineering and mechanical or technological
difficulties in drilling wells, availability of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal and state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Contact:  Christopher A. Phelps, Vice President - Finance & Strategic Planning
          (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com