ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

                                     TO THE

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION



         DeMarco Energy Systems of America, Inc., by and through the
undersigned, constituting the President and Secretary of such corporation,
hereby amends the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation as follows:

         1. The name of the corporation is DeMarco Energy Systems of America,

         2. Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation is amended to read as

                        Section 1. The authorized capital of this corporation
            shall consist of one hundred million (100,000,000) common shares,
            having $.001 par value. All such common shares are non-assessable
            and each share shall have equal rights as to voting and in the event
            of dissolution and liquidation.

                        Section 2. The shareholders shall have no preemptive
            rights to acquire any shares of this corporation. There shall be no
            cumulative voting by shareholders.

         3. Article XI of the Articles of Incorporation is repealed.

         4. A new Article XI of the Articles of Incorporation is adopted to read
            as follows:

                        To the fullest extent permitted by the Utah Revised
            Business Corporation Act or any other applicable law as now in
            effect or as it may hereafter be amended, a director of this
            corporation shall not be personally liable to the corporation or its
            shareholders for monetary damages for any action taken or any
            failure to take any action, as a director.

         5. The foregoing amendments were adopted by the shareholders at a
            meeting held on January 24, 1997.

         6. The number of shares of common stock outstanding and entitled to
            vote upon such amendments was 21,013,640. The number of votes
            indisputably represented at the meeting was 11,238,181.


         7. The number of shares voted for the amendment set forth in
            paragraph 2 above was 11,079,181; against was 159,000; and none
            abstained. The number of shares voted for each of the amendments set
            forth in paragraphs 3 and 4 above was 11,179,181; against was
            59,000; and none abstained.

         8. The foregoing amendments do not provide for an exchange,
            reclassification, or cancellation of issued shares of the

         9. At the special meeting of the shareholders held on January 24, 1997,
            a resolution was duly adopted to provide that the provisions of
            Section 16-10a-704 of the Utah Revised Business Corporation act may
            operate to permit a the corporation to take action by the written
            consent of fewer than all of the shareholders entitled to vote with
            respect to the subject matter of any action.

Dated: January 24, 1997

                                          /s/ Victor M. DeMarco
                                          Victor M. DeMarco, President


                                          /s/ John W. Wyatt
                                          John W. Wyatt, Secretary


                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

                                     TO THE

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                               FOUNTAIN HEAD, INC.

         Fountain Head, Inc., by and through the undersigned, constituting the
President and Secretary of Fountain Head, Inc., hereby amends the Articles of
Incorporation of said Corporation as follows:

         1. The name of the Corporation is Fountain Head, Inc.

         2. Article I of the Articles of Incorporation is amended to read as

         The name of the corporation is DeMarco Energy Systems of America, Inc.

         3. The foregoing amendment was adopted by the shareholders at a meeting
            held on November 17, 1989.

         4. The number of shares outstanding and entitled to vote upon such
            amendment was 38,000,000.

         5. The number of shares voted for the amendment was 22,486,500; against
            was 0; and abstained was 0.

         6. The foregoing amendment does not provide for an exchange,
            reclassification, or cancellation of issued shares of the
            Corporation. However, the shareholders also approved at the
            above-referenced meeting, a 1 for 40 reverse split of the
            outstanding common shares.

         7. The foregoing amendment does not effect a change in the amount of
            stated capital of the Corporation. However, the above-referenced
            reverse split will reduce the amount of stated capital from $38,000
            to approximately $950.

Dated: December 1, 1989

Attest:                                         FOUNTAIN HEAD, INC.

By:  /s/ John W. Wyatt                          By: /s/ Louis M. DeMarco
     ----------------------------                   ---------------------------
     John W. Wyatt, Secretary                       Louis M. DeMarco, President


The State of Texas         )
County of Travis           )

         On the 1st day of December, 1989, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
Public, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Louis M. DeMarco, known
to me to be the president of Fountain Head, Inc., who executed the within
instrument and known to me to be the person who affixed his name thereto as such
president and who acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and
voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

My Commission Expires:                       /s/
                                             Notary Public
                                             Residing in

The State of Texas         )
County of Travis           )

         On the 1st day of December, 1989, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
Public, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared John W. Wyatt, known to
me to be the secretary of Fountain Head, Inc., who executed the within
instrument and known to me to be the person who affixed his name thereto as such
president and who acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and
voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

My Commission Expires:                       /s/
                                             Notary Public
                                             Residing in



                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                               FOUNTAIN HEAD, INC.

         WE, THE UNDERSIGNED natural persons of the sage of twenty-one years or
more, acting as incorporators of a corporation under the Utah Business
Corporation Act adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for such
                                    ARTICLE I
                                 CORPORATE NAME

         The name of this corporation is Fountain Head, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II
                             DURATION OF CORPORATION

         The duration of this corporation is "perpetual".

                                   ARTICLE III
                               CORPORATE PURPOSES

         The purpose for which this corporation is organized is the purchase,
lease and sell real property for investment and to acquire other business
entities or investments, and all matters related or ancillary thereto and to do
all things and engage in all lawful transactions which a corporation organized
under the laws of the State of Utah might do or engage in, even though not
expressly stated herein.
                                   ARTICLE IV

         The aggregate number of shares which this corporation shall have
authority to issue is FIFTY MILLION (50,000,000) shares of $0.001 par value
Common Stock. All stock of the corporation shall be of the same class and shall
have the same rights and preferences. Fully paid stock of this corporation shall
not be liable to any further call or assessment.


                                    ARTICLE V
                          PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHTS ABOLISHED

         The authorized and treasury stock of this corporation may be issued at
such time, upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration as the
Board of Directors shall determine. Shareholders shall not have pre-emptive
rights to acquire unissued shares of the stock of this corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               COMMENCING BUSINESS

         This corporation will not commence business until consideration of a
value of at least $1,000 has been received for the issuance of shares.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                                INTERNAL AFFAIRS

         The Directors shall adopt Bylaws which are not inconsistent with law or
these Articles for the regulation and management of the affairs of the
corporation. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time or repealed pursuant
to laws.
                                  ARTICLE VIII
                           REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT

         The address of this corporation's initial registered office and name of
its original registered agent at such address is:

                               Richard J. Lawrence
                                    Suite 500
                              175 South West Temple
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

                                   ARTICLE IX

         The Board of Directors consist of not less than three (3) nor more than
nine (9) members as the Board of Directors may itself from time to time
determine. The names and addresses of persons who are to serve as Directors
until the first meeting of stockholders, or until their successors be elected
and qualify are:


                  NAME                                   ADDRESS
                  ----                                   -------
          William L. Jorgensen                     2778 South 100 West
                                                   Bountiful, Utah 84010

          Reed T. Searle                           9226 South 2490 West
                                                   West Jordan, Utah 84084

          Alan K. Tibbitts                         2672 South 50 West
                                                   Bountiful, Utah 84010

                                    ARTICLE X

The name and address of each Incorporator is:

                  NAME                                   ADDRESS
                  ----                                   -------
          William L. Jorgensen                     2778 South 100 West
                                                   Bountiful, Utah 84010

          Reed T. Searle                           9226 South 2490 West
                                                   West Jordan, Utah 84084

          Alan K. Tibbitts                        2672 South 50 West
                                                  Bountiful, Utah 84010

                                   ARTICLE XI

         No contract or other transaction between this corporation and any other
corporation shall be affected by the fact that a Director or officer of this
corporation is interested in or is a Director or officer of such other
corporation; and any Director, individually or jointly, may be a party to or may
be interested in any corporation or transaction of this corporation or in which
this corporation is interested; and no contract or other transaction of this
corporation with any person, firm or corporation shall be affected by this fact
that any Director of this corporation is a party to or is interested in such
contract, act or transaction or any way connected with such person, firm or
corporation, and every person who may become a Director of this corporation is
hereby relieved from liability that might otherwise exist from contracting with
the corporation for the benefit of himself or any firm, association or
corporation in which he may be in any way interested, provided said Director
acts in good faith.



         DATED this 13th day of January, 1983.

                                      /s/ William L. Jorgensen
                                      William L. Jorgensen

                                      /s/ Reed T. Searle
                                      Reed T. Searle

                                      /s/ Alan K. Tibbitts
                                      Alan K. Tibbitts

STATE OF UTAH              )
                           : ss.

         I, THE UNDERSIGNED, a Notary Public, hereby certify that on the 13th
day of January, 1993, William L. Jorgensen, Reed T. Searle and Alan K. Tibbitts,
personally appeared before me who being by me first duly sworn severally
declared that they are the persons who signed the foregoing document as
incorporators and that the statements therein contained are true.

         DATED this 13th day of January, 1983.

                                      /s/ Sharon E. Vance
                                      Notary Public

My commission expires:                Residing at:

September 20, 1986                    Salt Lake City, Utah
