ARTICLES OF RESTATEMENT

having its principal office in Baltimore City, Maryland (hereinafter referred to
as the "CORPORATION" or "AIMCO"), hereby certifies to the State Department of
Assessments and Taxation of Maryland that:

         FIRST: The Corporation desires to and does hereby restate its Charter
as currently in effect. The Charter as currently in effect is found in the
following charter documents filed with the State Department of Assessments and
Taxation of Maryland (the "SDAT"):

                  (1) Articles of Amendment and Restatement as filed with the
         SDAT on July 15, 1994 (as corrected by Certificates of Correction as
         filed with the SDAT on November 6, 1997 at 1:35 p.m., on November 30,
         1998 at 1:22 p.m., on May 24, 1999 at 1:38 p.m. and on May 24, 1999 at
         1:47 p.m., respectively);

                  (2) Articles of Amendment as filed with the SDAT on July 28,
         1994 at 11:33 a.m. (as corrected by Certificate of Correction as filed
         with the SDAT on November 6, 1997 at 1:37 p.m. and on May 24, 1999 at
         1:43 p.m.);

                  (3) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on August 4,
         1997 (Class B Preferred Stock);

                  (4) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on December
         22, 1997 (as corrected by Certificates of Correction as filed with the
         SDAT on February 18, 1998 and on November 30, 1998 at 1:24 p.m.,
         respectively) (Class C Preferred Stock);

                  (5) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on February
         18, 1998 (as corrected by Certificate of Correction as filed with the
         SDAT on November 30, 1998 at 1:26 p.m.) (Class D Preferred Stock);

                  (6) Articles of Amendment as filed with the SDAT on June 19,

                  (7) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on July 13,
         1998 (Class G Preferred Stock);

                  (8) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on August
         13, 1998 (Class H Preferred Stock);

                  (9) Articles of Merger as filed with the SDAT on October 1,
         1998 (as corrected by Certificate of Correction as filed with the SDAT
         on May 24, 1999 at 1:33 p.m.);

                  (10) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on November
         6, 1998 (Class J Preferred Stock);

                  (11) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on February
         17, 1999 (Class K Preferred Stock);


                  (12) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on May 25,
         1999 at 1:24 p.m. (Class I Preferred Stock); and

                  (13) Articles Supplementary as filed with the SDAT on May 25,
         1999 at l:29 p.m.

         SECOND: The Charter of the Corporation as restated in its entirety
(except to the extent that the provisions of Articles Supplementary referred to
in Article FIRST, paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (7), (8), (10), (11), and (12) above
relating to the various classes of Preferred Stock of the Corporation are
incorporated by reference) is as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                                   ARTICLE II

         The purpose for which the Corporation is formed is to engage in any
lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the general
laws of the State of Maryland authorizing the formation of corporations as now
or hereafter in force.

                                   ARTICLE III

         The post office address of the principal office of the Corporation in
the State of Maryland is c/o CSC -- Lawyers Incorporating Service Company, 11
East Chase Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. The name and address of the
resident agent of the Corporation in the State of Maryland is CSC -- Lawyers
Incorporating Service Company, 11 East Chase Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.
The resident agent is a Maryland corporation located in the State of Maryland.


                                   ARTICLE IV


                  1.1 CLASS AND NUMBER OF SHARES. The total number of shares of
stock that the Corporation from time to time shall have authority to issue is
510,587,500 shares of capital stock having a par value of $.01 per share,
amounting to an aggregate par value of $5,105,875, consisting of 480,937,500
shares currently classified as Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
(the "CLASS A COMMON STOCK") (the Class A Common Stock and all other classes or
series of common stock hereafter classified being referred to collectively
herein as the "COMMON STOCK"), 750,000 shares currently classified as Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "CLASS B
PREFERRED STOCK"), 2,400,000 shares currently classified as Class C Cumulative
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "CLASS C PREFERRED STOCK"),
4,200,000 shares currently classified as Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $.01 per share (the "CLASS D PREFERRED STOCK"), 4,050,000 shares currently
classified as Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the
"CLASS G PREFERRED STOCK"), 2,000,000 shares currently classified as Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "CLASS H PREFERRED
STOCK"), 10,000,000 shares currently classified as Class I Cumulative Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "CLASS I PREFERRED STOCK"), 1,250,000
shares currently classified as Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "CLASS J PREFERRED STOCK"), and 5,000,000 shares
currently classified as Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $.01 per share (the "CLASS K PREFERRED STOCK") (the Class B Preferred
Stock, the Class C Preferred Stock, the Class D Preferred Stock, the Class G
Preferred Stock, the Class H Preferred Stock, the Class J Preferred Stock, Class
K Preferred Stock, and all other classes or series of preferred stock hereafter
classified being referred to collectively herein as the "PREFERRED STOCK").(1)

- -----------------------

(1)       This section has been revised to reflect action taken in articles
supplementary filed since the section was last amended on June 19, 1998: (i) to
delete language relating to Class B Common Stock, the shares of which were
either cancelled or reclassified into Class A Common Stock; (ii) to add language
relating to Class G Preferred Stock, Class H Preferred Stock, Class I Preferred
Stock, Class J Preferred Stock, and Class K Preferred Stock which were
reclassified from Class A Common Stock; (iii) to adjust the number of shares and
aggregate par value of the authorized


Directors by resolution or resolutions from time to time may classify and
reclassify any unissued shares of capital stock by setting or changing in any
one or more respects the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends, qualifications or terms or conditions
of redemption of such shares of capital stock, including, but not limited to,
ownership restrictions consistent with the Ownership Restrictions with respect
to each such class or subclass of capital stock, and the number of shares
constituting each such class or subclass, and to increase or decrease the number
of shares of any such class or subclass.

         SECTION 2. NO PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS. No holder of shares of stock of the
Corporation shall, as such holder, have any preemptive right to purchase or
subscribe for any additional shares of the stock of the Corporation or any other
security of the Corporation that it may issue or sell.


                  3.1 DIVIDEND RIGHTS. The holders of shares of Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive such dividends as may be declared by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation out of funds legally available therefor.

                  3.2 RIGHTS UPON LIQUIDATION. Subject to the preferential
rights of Preferred Stock, if any, as may be determined by the Board of
Directors pursuant to Section l of this Article IV, in the event of any
voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of, or any
distribution of the assets of the Corporation, each holder of shares of Common
Stock shall be entitled to receive, ratably with each other holder of Common
Stock, that portion of the assets of the Corporation available for distribution
to its shareholders as the number of shares of the Common Stock held by such
holder bears to the total number of shares of Common Stock then outstanding.

- -----------------------

(1)       (...continued)
capital stock of the Corporation for those shares of Class B Common Stock that
were cancelled, and (iv) to adjust the number of shares of authorized Class A
Common Stock, Class C Preferred Stock, Class D Preferred Stock, Class H
Preferred Stock, Class I Preferred Stock, and Class K Preferred Stock for shares
reclassified into or from Class A Common Stock. Class E Preferred Stock was
authorized, issued, converted and reclassified into Class A Common Stock. Class
F Preferred Stock has not heretofore been used as class a designations.


                  3.3 VOTING RIGHTS. The holders of shares of Common Stock shall
be entitled to vote on all matters (on which a holder of shares of Common Stock
shall be entitled to vote) at the meetings of the shareholders of the
Corporation, and shall be entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock
entitled to vote at such meeting.

                  3.4 RESTRICTION ON OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFERS. The Beneficial
Ownership and Transfer of Common Stock shall be subject to the restrictions set
forth in this Section 3.4 of this Article IV.

                           3.4.1 RESTRICTIONS.

                                    (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP.
Except as provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV, from and after the date
of the Initial Public Offering, no Person (other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Common Stock in excess of
the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own shares of
Common Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity
shall Beneficially Own shares of Common Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit.

                                    (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT.
Except as provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV, from and after the date
of the Initial Public Offering (and subject to Section 3.4.12 of this Article
IV), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Common Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Common Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the Ownership Limit, and the
intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Common Stock.

                                    (C) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER
LIMIT. Except as provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV, from and after
the date of the Initial Public Offering (and subject to Section 3.4.12 of this
Article IV), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Common Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Common Stock that would be otherwise


Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder Limit,
and the Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Common Stock.

                                    (D) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF LOOK-THROUGH
OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV, from
and after the date of the Initial Public Offering (and subject to Section 3.4.12
of this Article IV), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Common
Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit shall be void ab initio as
to the Transfer of such shares of Common Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look- Through
Ownership Limit, and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Common Stock.

                                    (E) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN OWNERSHIP BY
FEWER THAN 100 PERSONS. Except as provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV,
from and after the date of the Initial Public Offering (and subject to Section
3.4.12 of this Article IV), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in the Common Stock being Beneficially Owned by less
than 100 Persons (determined without reference to any rules of attribution)
shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Common Stock that
would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by the transferee, and the intended
transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Common Stock.

                                    (F) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD"
STATUS. From and after the date of the Initial Public Offering, any Transfer
that, if effective, would result in the Corporation being "closely held" within
the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would otherwise result in the
Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including, without limitation, a
Transfer or other event that would result in the Corporation owning (directly or
constructively) an interest in a tenant that is described in Section
856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the Corporation from such
tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any of the gross income
requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of shares of Common Stock that would cause the Corporation (i) to be
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (ii)
otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and the intended
transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Common Stock.


                                    (G) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A
Transfer of a share of Common Stock that is null and void under Sections
3.4.1(B), (C), (D), (E) or (F) of this Article IV because it would, if
effective, result in (i) the ownership of Common Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit, the Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii)
the Common Stock being Beneficially Owned by less than 100 Persons (determined
without reference to any rules of attribution), (iii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iv) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Common Stock in the same or
any other related transaction.

                           3.4.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors
or a committee thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer
or other event has taken place in violation of Section 3.4.1 of this Article IV
or that a Person intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial
Ownership of any shares of Common Stock in violation of Section 3.4.1 of this
Article IV (whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors
or a committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems
advisable to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other
event, including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer
or other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to
redeem such shares at the then current Market Price and upon such terms and
conditions as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion
(including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term
indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any
distributions received in respect of shares of Common Stock acquired in
violation of Section 3.4.1 of this Article IV or instituting proceedings to
enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer;
provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in the case of
events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section
3.4.1 of this Article IV, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board
of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall
automatically result in the transfer described in Section 3.4.3 of this Article
IV; provided, further, that the provisions of this Section 3.4.2 shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 3.4.12 of this Article IV; provided,
further, that neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof may
exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Common Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section
3.4.8(D) of this Article IV.


                           3.4.3. TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                                    (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If,
notwithstanding the other provisions contained in this Article IV, at any time
after the date of the Initial Public Offering there is a purported Transfer (an
"EXCESS TRANSFER") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other change in the capital
structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any redemption of
Preferred Stock) or other event such that (a) any Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares of Common Stock
in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder would Beneficially
Own shares of Common Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any
Person that is a Look-Through Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Common
Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the
Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares
of Common Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Entity Limit is referred to as a "PROHIBITED TRANSFEREE"),
then, except as otherwise provided in Section 3.4.8 of this Article IV, such
shares of Common Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to
the nearest whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his
capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more
Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be
effective as of the close of business on the business day prior to the date of
the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or another event giving rise to
a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                                    (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee
shall be appointed by the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with
either the Corporation or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an
individual or a bank or trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                                    (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE.
Shares of Common Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding
shares of capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the event provided in
Section 3.4.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Common
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.


                                    (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee
shall have all voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of
Common Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit
of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the
discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Common Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and
any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void ab
initio with respect to such shares of Common Stock. Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Common
Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void ab initio
and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee acting for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at the time of
the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event giving rise to a
potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder Limit or Look-Through
Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an irrevocable proxy to the
Trustee to vote the shares of Common Stock for the benefit of the Charitable

                                    (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of
the Trust may transfer the shares held in the Trust to a person, designated by
the Trustee, whose ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership
Restrictions. If such a transfer is made, the interest of the Charitable
Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the
Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this
Section 3.4.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall receive the lesser of (l) the
price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited
Transferee did not give value for the shares (through a gift, devise or other
transaction), the Market Price of the shares on the day of the event causing the
shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the price per share received by the
Trustee from the sale or other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any
proceeds in excess of the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be
payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. if any of the transfer restrictions set
forth in this Section 3.4.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a
final judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having
jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the
option of the Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in
acquiring the Common Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Common Stock on behalf of the Corporation.


                                    (F) PURCHASE RIGHT IN STOCK TRANSFERRED TO
THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Common Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed
to have been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price
per share equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that
resulted in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the
Market Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on
the date the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation
shall have the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the
later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a
transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines
in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

                                    (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES.
By written notice to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more
nonprofit organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the
Trust relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Common Stock
held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the hands of
such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

                           3.4.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that
acquires or attempts to acquire shares of Common Stock in violation of Section
3.4.1 of this Article IV, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such
that stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 3.4.3 of this Article IV,
shall immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

                           3.4.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From
and after the date of the Initial Public Offering certain record and Beneficial
Owners and transferees of shares of Common Stock will be required to provide
certain information as set out below.

                                    (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and
Beneficial Owner of more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%,
as provided in the applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number
of Outstanding shares of Common Stock shall, within 30 days after January l of
each year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address
of such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Common Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full


description of how such shares are held. Each such record or Beneficial Owner of
Common Stock shall, upon demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation
in writing such additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership
of the Common Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding
the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each shareholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Common Stock on
behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the
written notice described in this Section 3.4.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

                                    (B) DISCLOSURE AT THE REQUEST OF THE
CORPORATION. Any Person that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Common Stock and
any Person (including the shareholder of record) that is holding shares of
Common Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Common Stock already Beneficially Owned by such shareholder or proposed
transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or affidavit shall
be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

                           3.4.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this
Article IV shall limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such
other action as it deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of
Section 3.4.12 of this Article IV) (i) to protect the Corporation and the
interests of its shareholders in the preservation of the Corporation's status as
a REIT and (ii) to insure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial
Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                           3.4.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the
application of any of the provisions of Section 3.4 of this Article IV, or in
the case of an ambiguity in any definition contained in Section 4 of this
Article IV, the Board of Directors shall have the power to determine the
application of the provisions of this Article IV with respect to any situation
based on its reasonable belief, understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.


                           3.4.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall
apply or may be established with respect to the limitations of Section 3.4.1 of
this Article IV.

                                    (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of
Directors, upon receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an
opinion of tax counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may
waive the application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person
subject to the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purpose
of Section 542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or
trust; provided, however, that in no event may any such exception cause such
Person's ownership, direct or indirect (without taking into account such
Person's ownership of interests in any partnership of which the Corporation is a
partner), to exceed 9.8% of the number of Outstanding shares of Common Stock. In
connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine
the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a

                                    (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article IV, the pledge by the
Initial Holder of all or any portion of the Common Stock directly owned at any
time or from time to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 3.4.1 of
this Article IV and the pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with
respect to the Common Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or
upon foreclosure.

                                    (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days
following the purchase of Common Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a
corporation or a partnership and (ii) participates in an offering of the Common
Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect
to the Common Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Common Stock purchased in connection with
market making activities.

                                    (D) OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFERS BY THE CMO
TRUSTEE. The Ownership Limit shall not apply to the initial holding of Common
Stock by the "CMO TRUSTEE" (as that term is defined in the "Glossary" to the
Prospectus) for the benefit of "HF FUNDING TRUST" (as that term is defined in
the "Glossary" to the Prospectus), to any subsequent acquisition of Common Stock
by the CMO Trustee in connection with any conversion of Preferred Stock or to
any transfer or assignment of all or any part of the legal or beneficial
interest in the Common Stock to the CMO Trustee, "FSA" (as that term is defined
in the "Glossary" to the Prospectus), any entity


controlled by FSA, or any direct or indirect creditor of HF Funding Trust
(including without limitation any reinsurer of any obligation of HF Funding
Trust) or any acquisition of Common Stock by any such person in connection with
any conversion of Preferred Stock.

                           3.4.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Common Stock shall
bear the following legend:

                  "The shares of Class A Common Stock represented by this
         certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
         Beneficially Own shares of Class A Common Stock in excess of the
         Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
         restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter. Any Person that
         attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class A Common Stock in excess
         of the applicable limitation must immediately notify the Corporation.
         All capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such
         terms in the Charter, as the same may be amended from time to time, a
         copy of which, including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent
         without charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the
         restrictions on transfer are violated, (i) the transfer of shares of
         Class A Common Stock represented hereby will be void in accordance with
         the Charter or (ii) the shares of Class A Common Stock represented
         hereby automatically be will transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for
         the benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

                           3.4.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article
IV or any application of any such provision is determined in a final and
unappealable judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or
state court having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity and enforceability
of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.

                           3.4.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in
this Article IV to the contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be
entitled to take or omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall
determine to be advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as
and continue to qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the Look- Through Ownership Limit
in the event of a change in law.

                           3.4.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 3.4 of
this Article IV shall be interpreted to preclude the settlement of any
transaction entered into through the

facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer
quotation system.

         SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS. The terms set forth below shall have the
meanings specified below when used in this Article IV or in Article V of the

shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of shares of Common Stock
equal to the sum of (i) the shares of Common Stock directly owned by such
Person, (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock indirectly owned by such
Person (if such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the
Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and (iii) the number of
shares of Common Stock that such Person is deemed to beneficially own pursuant
to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or that is attributed to such Person
pursuant to Section 318 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the
Code, provided that when applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the
Initial Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (b) of the
definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "BENEFICIAL OWNER,"
"BENEFICIALLY OWNS" and "BENEFICIALLY OWNED" shall have the correlative

shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust as determined pursuant to
Section 3.4.3 of this Article IV, each of which shall be an organization
described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

                  4.3 CODE. The term "CODE" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended from time to time, or any successor statute thereto.
Reference to any provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect
from time to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative pronouncements
as in effect from time to time.

                  4.4 COMMON STOCK. The term "COMMON STOCK" shall mean all
shares now or hereafter authorized of any class of Common Stock of the
Corporation and any other capital stock of the Corporation, however designated,
authorized after the Issue Date, that has the right (subject always to prior
rights of any class of Preferred Stock)

- ------------------------

(2)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."


to participate in the distribution of the assets and earnings of the Corporation
without limit as to per share amount.

                  4.5 EXCESS TRANSFER. The term "EXCESS TRANSFER" has the
meaning set forth in Section 3.4.3(A) of this Article IV.

                  4.6 EXCHANGE ACT. The term "EXCHANGE ACT" shall mean the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                  4.7 INITIAL HOLDER. The term "INITIAL HOLDER" shall mean Terry

                  4.8 INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT. The term "INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT"
shall mean 15% of the number of Outstanding shares of Common Stock applied, in
the aggregate, to the Initial Holder. From the date of the Initial Public
Offering, the secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available to the
representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of Directors, a schedule
that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial

                  4.9 INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING. The term "INITIAL PUBLIC
OFFERING" shall mean the first underwritten public offering of Class A Common
Stock registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, on a registration
statement on Form S-11 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                  4.10 LOOK-THROUGH ENTITY. The term "LOOK-THROUGH ENTITY" shall
mean a Person that is either (i) described in Section 401(a) of the Code as
provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code or (ii) registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

                  4.11 LOOK-THROUGH OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The term "LOOK-THROUGH
OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean 15% of the number of Outstanding shares of Common

                  4.12 MARKET PRICE. The term "MARKET PRICE" on any date shall
mean the Closing Price on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date. The
term "CLOSING PRICE" on any date shall mean the last sale price, regular way,
or, in case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing bid
and asked prices, regular way, in either case as reported in the principal
consolidated transaction reporting


system with respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or,
if the Common Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as
reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect
to securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on which the
Common Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the Common Stock is not
listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange, the last
quoted price, or if not so quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked
prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by the National Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no
longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system that may then be
in use or, if the Common Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a professional
market maker making a market in the Common Stock selected by the Board of
Directors of the Company. The term "TRADING DAY" shall mean a day on which the
principal national securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or
admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business or, if the Common
Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange,
shall mean any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking
institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or
executive order to close.

                  4.13 NYSE. The term "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock
Exchange, Inc.

                  4.14 OUTSTANDING. The term "OUTSTANDING" shall mean issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Corporation, provided that for
purposes of the application of the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership
Limit or the Initial Holder Limit to any Person, the term "OUTSTANDING" shall be
deemed to include the number of shares of Common Stock that such Person alone,
at that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible securities.

                  4.15 OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The term "OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean,
for any Person other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity, 8.7% of
the number of the Outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Corporation.

shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as applied to Persons other than the
Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities, the Initial Holder Limit as applied to
the Initial Holder and the Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to
Look-Through Entities.


                  4.17 PERSON. The term "PERSON" shall mean (A) an individual,
corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust qualifying under
Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association, private foundation within
the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint stock company or other entity,
and (B) also includes a group as that term is used for purposes of Section
13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act.

has the meaning set forth in Section 3.4.3(A) of this Article IV.

                  4.19 REIT. The term "REIT" shall mean a "real estate
investment trust" as defined in Section 856 of the Code.

                  4.20 TRANSFER. The term "TRANSFER" shall mean any sale,
transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other disposition of a share of Common
Stock (including (i) the granting of an option or any series of such options or
entering into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of
Common Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of any
securities or rights convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock), whether
voluntary or involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether
by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any transfer of
an interest in other entities that results in a change in the Beneficial
Ownership of shares of Common Stock). The term "TRANSFERS" and "TRANSFERRED"
shall have correlative meanings.

                  4.21 TRUST. The term "TRUST" shall mean the trust created
pursuant to Section 3.4.3 of this Article IV.

                  4.22 TRUSTEE. The term "TRUSTEE" shall mean the Person
unaffiliated with either the Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is
appointed by the Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

                  4.23 PROSPECTUS. The term "PROSPECTUS" shall mean the
prospectus that forms a part of the registration statement filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with the initial Public
Offering, in the form included in the registration statement at the time the
registration statement becomes effective; provided, however, that, if such
prospectus is subsequently supplemented or amended for use in connection with
the Initial Public Offering, "PROSPECTUS" shall refer to such prospectus as so
supplemented or amended.


                                    ARTICLE V
                             GENERAL REIT PROVISIONS

         SECTION 1. TERMINATION OF REIT STATUS. The Board of Directors shall
take no action to terminate the Corporation's status as a REIT until such time
as (i) the Board of Directors adopts a resolution recommending that the
Corporation terminate its status as a REIT, (ii) the Board of Directors presents
the resolution at an annual or special meeting of the shareholders and (iii)
such resolution is approved by the vote of a majority of the shares entitled to
be cast on the resolution.

this Article V shall preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into
through the facilities of the NYSE or other national securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system. The fact that the settlement of any
transaction is permitted shall not negate the effect of any other provision of
this Article V or any provision of Article IV, and the transferee, including but
not limited to any Prohibited Transferee, in such a transaction shall remain
subject to all the provisions and limitations of Article IV and this Article V.

         SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of Article IV or this Article
V or any application of any such provision is determined to be invalid by any
federal or state court having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.

         SECTION 4. WAIVER. The Corporation shall have authority at any time to
waive the requirement that the Corporation redeem shares of Preferred Stock if,
in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, any such redemption would
jeopardize the status of the Corporation as a REIT for federal income tax

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         SECTION 1. MANAGEMENT. The business and the affairs of the Corporation
shall managed under the direction of its Board of Directors.

         SECTION 2. NUMBER. The number of directors that will constitute the
entire Board of Directors shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided in, the
Bylaws but shall

in no event be less than three. Any increases or decreases in the size of the
board shall be apportioned equally among the classes of directors to prevent
stacking in any one class of directors. There are currently six directors in
office whose names are as follows: Terry Considine, Peter K. Kompaniez, Richard
S. Ellwood, J. Landis Martin, Thomas L. Rhodes and John D. Smith.(3)

         SECTION 3. Intentionally deleted.

         SECTION 4. VACANCIES. Except as otherwise provided in the Charter,(4)
newly created directorships resulting from any increase in the number of
directors may be filled by the majority vote of the Board of Directors, and any
vacancies on the Board of Directors resulting from death, resignation, removal
or other cause shall be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
remaining directors then in office, even if less than a quorum of the Board of
Directors, or, if applicable, by a sole remaining director. Any director elected
in accordance with the preceding sentence shall hold office until the next
annual meeting of the Corporation at which time a successor shall be elected to
fill the remaining term of the position filled by such director.

         SECTION 5. REMOVAL. Except as otherwise provided in the Charter,(5) any
director may be removed from office only for cause and only by the affirmative
vote of two-thirds of the aggregate number of votes then entitled to be cast
generally in the election of directors. For purposes of this Section 5, "CAUSE"
shall mean the willful and continuous failure of a director to substantially
perform the duties to the Corporation of such director (other than any such
failure resulting from temporary incapacity due to physical or mental illness)
or the willful engaging by a director in gross misconduct materially and
demonstrably injurious to the Corporation.

         SECTION 6. BYLAWS. The Board of Directors shall have power to adopt,
amend, alter, change and repeal any Bylaws of the Corporation by vote of the
majority of the Board of Directors then in office. Any adoption, amendment,
alteration, change or repeal of any Bylaws by the shareholders of the
Corporation shall require the affirmative vote

- ------------------------

(3)       See Article FORTH.

(4)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."

(5)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."


of a majority of the aggregate number of votes then entitled to be cast
generally in the election of directors. Notwithstanding anything in this Section
6 to the contrary, no amendment, alteration, change or repeal of any provision
of the Bylaws relating to the removal of directors or repeal of the Bylaws shall
be effected without the vote of two-thirds of the aggregate number of votes
entitled be cast generally in the election of Directors.

         SECTION 7. POWERS. The enumeration and definition of particular powers
of the Board of Directors included elsewhere in the Charter(6) shall in no way
be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any
other clause of this or any other Article of the Charter,(7) or construed as
excluding or limiting, or deemed by inference or otherwise in any manner to
exclude or limit, the powers conferred upon the Board of Directors under the
Maryland General Corporation Law ("MGCL") as now or hereafter in force.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                             LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

         No director or officer of the Corporation shall be liable to the
Corporation or its shareholders for money damages to the maximum extent that
Maryland law in effect from time to time permits limitation of the liability of
directors and officers. Neither the amendment nor repeal of this Article VII,
nor the adoption or amendment of any other provision of the charter or Bylaws of
the Corporation inconsistent with this Article VII, shall apply to or affect in
any respect the applicability of the preceding sentence with respect to any act
or failure to act that occurred prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption.

- ------------------------

(6)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."

(7)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         The Corporation shall indemnify, to the fullest extent permitted by
Maryland law, as applicable from time to time, all persons who at any time were
or are directors or officers of the Corporation for any threatened, pending or
completed action, suit or proceeding (whether civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative) relating to any action alleged to have been taken or omitted in
such capacity as a director or an officer. The Corporation shall pay or
reimburse all reasonable expenses incurred by a present or former director or
officer of the Corporation in connection with any threatened, pending or
completed action, suit or proceeding (whether civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative) in which the present or former director or officer is a party, in
advance of the final disposition of the proceeding, to the fullest extent
permitted by, and in accordance with the applicable requirements of, Maryland
law, as applicable from time to time. The Corporation may indemnify any other
persons permitted but not required to be indemnified by Maryland law, as
applicable from time to time, if and to extent indemnification is authorized and
determined to be appropriate, in each case in accordance with applicable law, by
the Board of Directors, the majority of the shareholders of the Corporation
entitled to vote thereon or special legal counsel appointed by the Board of
Directors. No amendment of the Charter(8) of the Corporation or repeal of any of
its provisions shall limit or eliminate any of the benefits provided to
directors and officers under this Article VIII in respect of any act or omission
that occurred prior to such amendment or repeal.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                         WRITTEN CONSENT OF SHAREHOLDERS

         Any corporate action upon which a vote of shareholders is required or
permitted may be taken without a meeting or vote of shareholders with the
unanimous written consent of shareholders entitled to vote thereon.

- ------------------------

(8)       This section has been revised to replace the term "these Articles of
Amendment and Restatement" with "the Charter."


                                    ARTICLE X

         The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter or repeal any
provision contained in this charter upon (i) adoption by the Board of Directors
of a resolution recommending such amendment, alteration, or repeal, (ii)
presentation by the Board of Directors to the shareholders of a resolution at an
annual or special meeting of the shareholders and (iii) approval of such
resolution by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority (or, as
applicable, a two-thirds vote) of the aggregate number of votes entitled to be
case generally in the election of directors. All rights conferred upon
shareholders herein are subject to this reservation.

                                   ARTICLE XI

         The Corporation is to have a perpetual existence.

                                   ARTICLE XII


                                  ARTICLE XIII
                             CLASS B PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class B Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class B Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
August 4, 1997.

                                   ARTICLE XIV
                             CLASS C PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class C Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class C Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
December 22, 1997 (as corrected by Certificates of Correction as filed with the
SDAT on February 18, 1998 and on November 30, 1998 at 1:24 p.m., respectively).

                                   ARTICLE XV
                             CLASS D PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class D Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class D Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
February 18, 1998 (as corrected by Certificate of Correction as filed with the
SDAT on November 30, 1998 at 1:26 p.m.).

                                   ARTICLE XVI
                             CLASS G PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class G Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other
distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by
the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles Supplementary relating
to the Class G Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on July 13, 1998.

                                  ARTICLE XVII
                             CLASS H PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class H Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class G Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
July 13, 1998.


                                  ARTICLE XVIII


                                   ARTICLE XIX

         In accordance with Section 15.4 of the Indenture, dated as of November
1, 1996. by and between Insignia Financial Group, Inc. ("INSIGNIA"), a Delaware
corporation (as Issuer) and First Union National Bank of South Carolina (as
Trustee)(the "INDENTURE"), upon effectiveness of the Merger (as defined in the
Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of May 26, 1998, by
and among the Corporation, Insignia, Insignia/ESG Holdings, Inc., a Delaware
corporation, and AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the
"MERGER AGREEMENT")), the 6 1/2% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due 2016
issued by Insignia (the "CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES") will become convertible into
the same consideration received by holders of Class A Common Stock, par value
$.01 per share, of Insignia, pursuant to the Merger (i.e., shares of Class E
Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, of AIMCO (the "AIMCO CLASS
E PREFERRED STOCK"), (or shares of Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per
share, of the Corporation (the "AIMCO COMMON STOCK"), if such Convertible
Debentures are converted after the AIMCO Class E Preferred Stock has been
converted into AIMCO Common Stock), the Cash Amount (as defined in the Merger
Agreement), if any, and cash in lieu of fractional shares). Furthermore, the
consideration to be received by holders of Convertible Debentures who convert
such Convertible Debentures subsequent to the effectiveness of the Merger shall
be adjusted as required by Article XV of the Indenture.(9)

- ------------------------

(9)       All of the outstanding shares of AIMCO Class E Preferred Stock were
converted into shares of AIMCO Common Stock on January 15, 1999 and all of the
authorized shares of AIMCO Class E Preferred Stock have been reclassified into
Class A Common Stock.


                                   ARTICLE XX
                             CLASS J PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class J Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class J Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
November 6, 1998.

                                   ARTICLE XXI
                             CLASS K PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class K Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class K Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
February 17, 1999.

                                  ARTICLE XXII
                             CLASS I PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class I Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, forth in the Articles Supplementary relating
to the Class K Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on February 17, 1999.

                                  ARTICLE XXII
                             CLASS I PREFERRED STOCK

         The terms of the Class I Preferred Stock (including the preferences,
conversion or other rights, voting powers restrictions, limitations as to
dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or conditions of
redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in the Articles
Supplementary relating to the Class I Preferred Stock, as filed with the SDAT on
May 25, 1999 at 1:24 p.m.

                                  * * * * * * *

         THIRD: The Board of Directors of the Corporation at a meeting or by a
unanimous consent in writing in lieu of a meeting under Section 2-408 of the
Maryland General Corporation Law adopted a resolution that set forth and
approved the foregoing restatement of the Charter.

         FOURTH: The Charter of the Corporation is not amended by these Articles
of Amendment and Restatement; provided, however, consistent with Section
2-608(b)(7) of the Maryland General Corporation Law, the current number and
names of directors are provided in the last sentence of Section 2 of Article VI
of the restated Charter of the Corporation.


caused these presents to be signed in its name and on its behalf by its Vice
Chairman and President and witnessed by its Secretary on April 21, 1999.

WITNESS:                                  APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                          MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ JOEL F. BONDER                         By: /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
- --------------------------------              ----------------------------------
Joel F. Bonder,                               Peter K. Kompaniez,
Secretary                                     Vice Chairman and President

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Vice Chairman and President of APARTMENT INVESTMENT
AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY, who executed on behalf of the Corporation the foregoing
Articles of Restatement of which this certificate is made a part, hereby
acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles of Restatement to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief the matters
and facts set forth therein with respect to the authorization and approval
thereof are true in all material respects under the penalties of perjury.

                                                /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
                                              Peter K. Kompaniez,
                                              Vice Chairman and President

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, the Board of Directors has duly divided and classified 750,000
authorized but unissued shares of the capital stock of the Corporation into a
class designated as Class B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock and has
provided for the issuance of such class.

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 750,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from
10,000,000 shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 9,250,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class
B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock may be decreased pursuant to Section 6
of Article Third of these Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in
any manner, or by retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversions or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class B Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Class B Preferred Stock") and Seven Hundred
Fifty Thousand (750,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such Class
B Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class B Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is
         under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Base Common Stock Dividend" shall have the meaning set forth in
         paragraph (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder,
         clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (ii) of the definition of
         "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner,"
         "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class B
         Preferred Stock.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Call Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 5 of this Article.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class B Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or


         any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of the Code
         shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the same
         may be amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any
         applicable regulations or other administrative pronouncements as in
         effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation or such shares of the Corporation's capital
         stock into which outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Common
         Stock for which each share of Class B Preferred Stock is convertible,
         as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to paragraph (d) of
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $30.45
         (equivalent to an initial conversion rate of 3.28407 shares of Common
         Stock for each share of Class B Preferred Stock).

         "Current Market Price" of publicly traded shares of Common Stock or any
         other class or series of capital stock or other security of the
         Corporation or of any similar security of any other issuer for any day
         shall mean the closing price, regular way on such day, or, if no sale
         takes place on such day, the average of the reported closing bid and
         asked prices regular way on such day, in either case as reported on the
         principal national securities exchange on which such securities are
         listed or admitted for trading, or, if such security is not quoted on
         any national securities exchange, on the National Market of the
         National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotations
         System ("NASDAQ") or, if such security is not quoted on the NASDAQ
         National Market, the average of the closing bid and asked prices on
         such day in the over-the-counter market as reported by NASDAQ or, if
         bid and asked prices for such security on such day shall not have been
         reported through NASDAQ, the average of the bid and asked prices on
         such day as furnished by any New York Stock Exchange or National
         Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. member firm regularly making a
         market in such security selected for such purpose by the Chief
         Executive Officer or the Board of Directors or if any class or series
         of securities are not publicly traded, the fair value of the shares of
         such class as determined reasonably and in good faith by the Board of
         Directors of the Corporation.

         "distribution" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (d)(iii)
         of Section 7 of this Article.

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean, with respect to each Dividend
         Period, (a) the date that cash dividends are paid on the Common Stock
         with respect to such Dividend Period; or (b) if such dividends have not
         been paid on the Common Stock by 9:00 a.m., New York City time, on the
         sixtieth day from and including the last day of such Dividend Period,
         then on such day; provided, further, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date.


         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year and ending on and
         including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         B Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the Call Date with respect to the Class B
         Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Fair Market Value" shall mean the average of the daily Current Market
         Prices of a share of Common Stock during five (5) consecutive Trading
         Days selected by the Corporation commencing not more than twenty (20)
         Trading Days before, and ending not later than, the earlier of the day
         in question and the day before the "ex" date with respect to the
         issuance or distribution requiring such computation. The term "'ex'
         date," when used with respect to any issuance or distribution, means
         the first day on which the share of Common Stock trades regular way,
         without the right to receive such issuance or distribution, on the
         exchange or in the market, as the case may be, used to determine that
         day's Current Market Price.

         "Issue Date" shall mean August 4, 1997.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including September 30,

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class B Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class B Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.


         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class B Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) by the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock
         other than Class B Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date. The term
         "Closing Price" on any date shall mean the last sale price, regular
         way, or, in case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of
         the closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case as
         reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system
         with respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE
         or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the
         NYSE, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting
         system with respect to securities listed on the principal national
         securities exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to
         trading or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on
         any national securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so
         quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked prices in the
         over-the-counter market, as reported by the National Association of
         Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system
         is no longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system
         that may then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any
         such organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as
         furnished by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity
         Stock selected by the Board of Directors of the Company.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at
         that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class B Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value


         of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class B Preferred Stock that
         are Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as
         applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and
         the Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of
         the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) also includes a
         group as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the
         Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this
         Article, any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity
         and shall include any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such

         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of
         this Article.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class B
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day", as to any securities, shall mean any day on which such
         securities are traded on the principal national securities exchange on
         which such securities are listed or admitted or, if such securities are
         not listed or admitted for trading on any national securities exchange,
         the NASDAQ National Market or, if such securities are not listed or
         admitted for trading on the NASDAQ National Market, any day other than
         a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in the
         State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or executive order
         to close.


         "Transaction" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (e) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class B Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         B Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class B Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class B Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class B Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class B Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9
         of this Article.

         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class B Preferred Stock equal to the greater of (i) the base
dividend of $1.78125 per quarter (the "Base Rate") or (ii) the cash dividends
declared on the number of shares of Common Stock, or portion thereof, into which
a share of Class B Preferred Stock is convertible. The dividends payable with
respect to the Initial Dividend Period shall be determined solely by reference
to the Base Rate. The amount referred to in clause (ii) of this paragraph (a)
with respect to each succeeding Dividend Period shall be determined as of the
applicable Dividend Payment Date by multiplying the number of shares of Common
Stock, or portion thereof calculated to the fourth decimal point, into which a
share of Class B Preferred Stock would be convertible at the opening of business
on such Dividend Payment Date (based on the Conversion Price then in effect) by
the aggregate cash dividends payable or paid for such Dividend Period in respect
of a share of Common Stock outstanding as of the record date for the payment of
dividends on the Common Stock with respect to such Dividend Period. If (A) the
Corporation pays a cash dividend on the Common Stock after the


Dividend Payment Date for the corresponding Dividend Period and (B) the dividend
on the Class B Preferred Stock for such Dividend Period calculated pursuant to
clause (ii) of this paragraph (a), taking into account the Common Stock dividend
referenced in clause (A), exceeds the dividend previously declared on the Class
B Preferred Stock for such Dividend Period, the Corporation shall pay an
additional dividend to the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock on the date
that the Common Stock dividend referenced in clause (A) is paid, in an amount
equal to the difference between the dividend calculated pursuant to clause (B)
and the dividends previously declared on the Class B Preferred Stock with
respect to such Dividend Period. Such dividends shall be cumulative from the
Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods such dividends
shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation legally available
for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on
the Dividend Payment Dates, commencing on the first Dividend Payment Date after
the Issue Date. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of
record of the Class B Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of
the Corporation at the close of business on a record date fixed by the Board of
Directors which shall be not more than 60 days prior to the applicable Dividend
Payment Date and, within such 60 day period, shall be the same date as the
record date for the regular quarterly dividend payable with respect to the
Common Stock for the Dividend Period to which such Dividend Payment Date relates
(or, if there is no such record date for Common Stock, then such date as the
Board of Directors may fix). Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any
past Dividend Periods may be declared and paid at any time, without reference to
any regular Dividend Payment Date, to holders of record on such date, which date
shall not precede by more than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed
by the Board of Directors.

                  Upon a final administrative determination by the Internal
Revenue Service that the Corporation does not qualify as a real estate
investment trust in accordance with Section 856 of the Code, the Base Rate set
forth in (a)(i) will be increased to $3.03125 until such time as the Corporation
regains its status as a real estate investment trust; provided, however, that if
the Corporation contests its loss of real estate investment trust status in
Federal Court, following its receipt of an opinion of nationally recognized tax
counsel to the effect that there is a reasonable basis to contest such loss of
status, the Base Rate shall not be increased during the pendency of such
judicial proceeding; provided further, however, that upon a final judicial
determination in Federal Tax Court, Federal District Court or the Federal Claims
Court that the Corporation does not qualify as a real estate investment trust,
the Base Rate will be increased as stated above from the date of such judicial

                  (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class B
Preferred Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter
than a full Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess of cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class B Preferred
Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in
respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class B Preferred Stock that
may be in arrears.


                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made
directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any class or series of
Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for such payment on the Class B Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating on or prior to the Dividend Payment
Date with respect to such class or series of Parity Stock. When dividends are
not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as
aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class B Preferred Stock and all
dividends declared upon any other class or series of Parity Stock shall be
declared ratably in proportion to the respective amounts of dividends
accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class B Preferred Stock and accumulated,
accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock) directly or indirectly by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or other
property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holder of
shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by the
Corporation unless in each case (i) the full cumulative dividends (including all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) on all outstanding shares of Class B
Preferred Stock and any other Parity Stock of the Corporation shall have been
paid or such dividends have been declared and set apart for payment for all past
Dividend Periods with respect to the Class B Preferred Stock and all past
dividend periods with respect to such Parity Stock and (ii) sufficient funds
shall have been paid or set apart for the payment of the full dividend for the
current Dividend Period with respect to the Class B Preferred Stock and the
current dividend period with respect to such Parity Stock.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution of the Corporation (whether capital or surplus) shall be made to or
set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive One Hundred Dollars ($100) per
share of Class B Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount
equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued
and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders; but such
holders shall not be entitled to any further payment. Until the holders of the
Class B Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus


amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated,
accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders, no
payment will be made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If, upon any liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or
proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of Class B Preferred Stock
shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential amount aforesaid and
liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or series of Parity Stock,
then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the
holders of Class B Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock ratably in
the same proportion as the respective amounts that would be payable on such
Class B Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if all amounts payable
thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a
consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a
sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or
(iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
B Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


                  (a) Shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation prior to August 4, 2002. On and after August 4, 2002, the
Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class B Preferred Stock, in
whole or from time to time in part, at a redemption price payable in cash equal
to 100% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus all accrued and unpaid
dividends to the Call Date.

                  (b) Shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall be redeemed by the
Corporation on the date specified in the notice to holders required under
paragraph (d) of this Section 5 (the "Call Date"). The Call Date shall be
selected by the Corporation, shall be specified in the notice of redemption and
shall be not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of
redemption is sent by the Corporation.

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class B Preferred Stock and any other class or series of Parity Stock of the
Corporation have not been paid or declared and set apart for payment, no shares
of Class B Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless


all outstanding shares of Class B Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed
and neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or
acquire shares of Class B Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase
or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock.

                  (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class B
Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such
redemption shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed.
Such notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such
holder's address as the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation.
Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any
defect therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect
the sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption
with respect to the other holders. Any notice which was mailed in the manner
herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the
date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice
shall state, as appropriate: (1) the Call Date; (2) the number of shares of
Class B Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held
by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from
such holder; (3) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are
to be surrendered for cash; and (4) the then-current Conversion Price. Notice
having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the Call Date (unless the
Corporation shall fail to make available the amount of cash necessary to effect
such redemption), (i) except as otherwise provided herein, dividends on the
shares of Class B Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to
accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class B Preferred Stock called for
redemption (except that, in the case of a Call Date after a dividend record date
and prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, holders of Class B Preferred
Stock on the dividend record date will be entitled on such Dividend Payment Date
to receive the dividend payable on such shares), (ii) said shares shall no
longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof
as holders of Class B Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall cease (except the
rights to receive the cash payable upon such redemption, without interest
thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their certificates if so required and
to receive any dividends payable thereon). The Corporation's obligation to make
available the redemption price in accordance with the preceding sentence shall
be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the Call Date, the Corporation shall
deposit with a bank or trust company (which may be an affiliate of the
Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a
capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary
for such redemption, in trust, with irrevocable instructions that such cash be
applied to the redemption of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock so called for
redemption. No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of
Class B Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the
Corporation. Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the
end of two years from the Call Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class B Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the


certificates for any such shares of Class B Preferred Stock to be so redeemed
(properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation shall so require
and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be exchanged for cash
(without interest thereon) for which such shares have been redeemed in
accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding shares of Class B
Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed shall be selected by
the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class B Preferred Stock not
previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to the number of shares
of Class B Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of such shares, pro
rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be determined by the
Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer than all the
shares of Class B Preferred Stock represented by any certificate are redeemed,
then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be issued
without cost to the holders thereof.


         All shares of Class B Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including shares of Class B
Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion into Common Stock)
shall be returned to the status of authorized, but unissued shares of Class B
Preferred Stock.

         7.       CONVERSION.

         At any time on or after August 4, 1998. Holders of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of such shares
into shares of Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7, a holder of shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall have the right,
at such holder's option, at any time on or after August 4, 1998 to convert such
shares, in whole or in part, into the number of fully paid and non-assessable
shares of authorized but previously unissued shares of Common Stock per each
share of Class B Preferred Stock obtained by dividing the Liquidation Preference
(excluding any accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class B
Preferred Stock by the Conversion Price (as in effect at the time and on the
date provided for in the last subparagraph of paragraph (b) of this Section 7)
and by surrendering such shares to be converted, such surrender to be made in
the manner provided in paragraph (b) of this Section 7; provided, however, that
the right to convert shares of Class B Preferred Stock called for redemption
pursuant to Section 5 shall terminate at the close of business on the Call Date
fixed for such redemption, unless the Corporation shall default in making
payment of cash payable upon such redemption under Section 5 of this Article.

                  (b) In order to exercise the conversion right, the holder of
each share of Class B Preferred Stock to be converted shall surrender the
certificate representing such share, duly endorsed or assigned to the
Corporation or in blank, at the office of the Transfer Agent, accompanied by
written notice to the Corporation that the holder thereof elects to convert such


share of Class B Preferred Stock. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are
to be issued in the same name as the name in which such share of Class B
Preferred Stock is registered, each share surrendered for conversion shall be
accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Corporation,
duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized attorney and an
amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or evidence reasonably
satisfactory to the Corporation demonstrating that such taxes have been paid).

         Holders of shares of Class B Preferred Stock at the close of business
on a dividend payment record date shall be entitled to receive the dividend
payable on such shares on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date
notwithstanding the conversion thereof following such dividend payment record
date and prior to such Dividend Payment Date. Except as provided above, the
Corporation shall make no payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or
not in arrears, on converted shares or for dividends on the shares of Common
Stock issued upon such conversion.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates for
shares of Class B Preferred Stock as aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and
shall deliver at such office to such holder, or send on such holder's written
order, a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of Common
Stock issuable upon the conversion of such shares of Class B Preferred Stock in
accordance with provisions of this Section 7, and any fractional interest in
respect of a share of Common Stock arising upon such conversion shall be settled
as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 7.

         Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected immediately prior
to the close of business on the date on which the certificates for shares of
Class B Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered and such notice received by
the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names
any certificate or certificates for shares of Common Stock shall be issuable
upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or holders of
record of the shares represented thereby at such time on such date and such
conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on such date
unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on that date,
in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder
or holders of record at the close of business on the next succeeding day on
which such stock transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at the
Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such shares shall have been
surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation. If the dividend payment
record date for the Class B Preferred Stock and Common Stock do not coincide,
and the preceding sentence does not operate to ensure that a holder of shares of
Class B Preferred Stock whose shares are converted into Common Stock does not
receive dividends on both the shares of Class B Preferred Stock and the Common
Stock into which such shares are converted for the same Dividend Period, then
notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it is the intent, and the
Transfer Agent is authorized to ensure that no conversion after the earlier of
such record dates will be accepted until after the latter of such record dates.


                  (c) No fractional share of Common Stock or scrip representing
fractions of a share of Common Stock shall be issued upon conversion of the
shares of Class B Preferred Stock. Instead of any fractional interest in a share
of Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable upon the conversion of
shares of Class B Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall pay to the holder of
such share an amount in cash based upon the Current Market Price of the Common
Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion. If more
than one share shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion
thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of shares of
Class B Preferred Stock so surrendered.

                  (d) The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to time
as follows:

                           (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A)
pay a dividend or make a distribution on its capital stock in shares of Common
Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding Common Stock into a greater number of
shares, (C) combine its outstanding Common Stock into a smaller number of shares
or (D) issue any shares of capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding
Common Stock, the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the
day following the date fixed for the determination of stockholders entitled to
receive such dividend or distribution or at the opening of business on the day
following the day on which such subdivision, combination or reclassification
becomes effective, as the case may be, shall be adjusted so that the holder of
any share of Class B Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall
be entitled to receive the number of shares of Common Stock (or fraction of a
share of Common Stock) that such holder would have owned or have been entitled
to receive after the happening of any of the events described above had such
share of Class B Preferred Stock been converted immediately prior to the record
date in the case of a dividend or distribution or the effective date in the case
of a subdivision, combination or reclassification. An adjustment made pursuant
to this paragraph (d)(i) of this Section 7 shall become effective immediately
after the opening of business on the day next following the record date (except
as provided in paragraph (h) below) in the case of a dividend or distribution
and shall become effective immediately after the opening of business on the day
next following the effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall issue after the Issue
Date rights, options or warrants to all holders of Common Stock entitling them
(for a period expiring within 45 days after the record date described below in
this paragraph (d)(ii) of this Section 7) to subscribe for or purchase Common
Stock at a price per share less than the Fair Market Value per share of the
Common Stock on the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled
to receive such rights, options or warrants, then the Conversion Price in effect
at the opening of business on the day next following such record date shall be
adjusted to equal the price determined by multiplying (A) the Conversion Price
in effect immediately prior to the opening of business on the day following the
date fixed for such determination by (B) a fraction, the numerator of which
shall be the sum of (X) the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding on the
close of business on the date fixed for such determination and (Y) the number of
shares that could be


purchased at such Fair Market Value from the aggregate proceeds to the
Corporation from the exercise of such rights, options or warrants for Common
Stock, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (XX) the number of
shares of Common Stock outstanding on the close of business on the date fixed
for such determination and (YY) the number of additional shares of Common Stock
offered for subscription or purchase pursuant to such rights, options or
warrants. Such adjustment shall become effective immediately after the opening
of business on the day next following such record date (except as provided in
paragraph (h) below). In determining whether any rights, options or warrants
entitle the holders of Common Stock to subscribe for or purchase Common Stock at
less than such Fair Market Value, there shall be taken into account any
consideration received by the Corporation upon issuance and upon exercise of
such rights, options or warrants, the value of such consideration, if other than
cash, to be determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.

                           (iii) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date
make a distribution on its Common Stock other than in cash or shares of Common
Stock (including any distribution in securities (other than rights, options or
warrants referred to in paragraph (d)(ii) of this Section 7)) (each of the
foregoing being referred to herein as a "distribution"), then the Conversion
Price in effect at the opening of business on the next day following the record
date for determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution
shall be adjusted to equal the price determined by multiplying (A) the
Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the opening of business on the
day following the record date by (B) a fraction, the numerator of which shall be
the difference between (X) the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding on
the close of business on the record date and (Y) the number of shares determined
by dividing (aa) the aggregate value of the property being distributed by (bb)
the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on the record date, and the
denominator of which shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
on the close of business on the record date. Such adjustment shall become
effective immediately after the opening of business on the day next following
such record date (except as provided below). The value of the property being
distributed shall be as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors;
provided, however, if the property being distributed is a publicly traded
security, its value shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure for
calculating the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock (calculated for a
period of five consecutive Trading Days commencing on the twentieth Trading Day
after the distribution). Neither the issuance by the Corporation of rights,
options or warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Corporation
nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed a distribution under this paragraph.

                           (iv) If after the Issue Date the Corporation shall
acquire, pursuant to an issuer or self tender offer, all or any portion of the
outstanding Common Stock and such tender offer involves the payment of
consideration per share of Common Stock having a fair market value (as
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors), at the last time (the
"Expiration Time") tenders may be made pursuant to such offer, that exceeds the
Current Market Price per share of Common Stock on the Trading Day next
succeeding the Expiration Time, then the Conversion Price in effect on the
opening of business on the day next succeeding the Expiration


Time shall be adjusted to equal the price determined by multiplying (A) the
Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the Expiration Time by (B) a
fraction, the numerator of which shall be (X) the number of shares of Common
Stock outstanding (including the shares acquired in the tender offer (the
"Acquired Shares")) immediately prior to the Expiration Time, multiplied by (Y)
the Current Market Price per share of Common Stock on the Trading Day next
succeeding the Expiration Time, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of
(XX) the fair market value (determined as aforesaid) of the aggregate
consideration paid to acquire the Acquired Shares and (YY) the product of (I)
the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding (less any Acquired Shares) at
the Expiration Time, multiplied by (II) the Current Market Price per share of
Common Stock on the Trading Day next succeeding the Expiration Time.

                           (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required unless such adjustment would require a cumulative increase or decrease
of at least 1% in such price; provided, however, that any adjustments that by
reason of this paragraph (d)(v) are not required to be made shall be carried
forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment until made; and
provided, further, that any adjustment shall be required and made in accordance
with the provisions of this Section 7 (other than this paragraph (d)(v)) not
later than such time as may be required in order to preserve the tax-free nature
of a distribution to the holders of shares of Common Stock. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this Section 7, the Corporation shall not be required to
make any adjustment of the Conversion Price for the issuance of (A) any shares
of Common Stock pursuant to any plan providing for the reinvestment of dividends
or interest payable on securities of the Corporation and the investment of
optional amounts in shares of Common Stock under such plan or (B) any options,
rights or shares of Common Stock pursuant to any stock option, stock purchase or
other stock-based plan maintained by the Corporation. All calculations under
this Section 7 shall be made to the nearest cent (with $.005 being rounded
upward) or to the nearest one-tenth of a share (with .05 of a share being
rounded upward), as the case may be. Anything in this paragraph (d) of this
Section 7 to the contrary notwithstanding, the Corporation shall be entitled, to
the extent permitted by law, to make such reductions in the Conversion Price, in
addition to those required by this paragraph (d), as it in its discretion shall
determine to be advisable in order that any stock dividends, subdivision of
shares, reclassification or combination of shares, distribution of rights or
warrants to purchase stock or securities, or a distribution of other assets
(other than cash dividends) hereafter made by the Corporation to its
stockholders shall not be taxable, or if that is not possible, to diminish any
income taxes that are otherwise payable because of such event.

                  (e) If the Corporation shall be a party to any transaction
(including without limitation a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange,
issuer or self tender offer for at least 30% of the shares of Common Stock
outstanding, sale of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets or
recapitalization of the Common Stock, but excluding any transaction as to which
paragraph (d)(i) of this Section 7 applies) (each of the foregoing being
referred to herein as a "Transaction"), in each case as a result of which shares
of Common Stock shall be converted into the right to receive stock, securities
or other property (including cash or any combination thereof), each share of
Class B Preferred Stock which is not converted into the right to receive


stock, securities or other property in connection with such Transaction shall
thereupon be convertible into the kind and amount of shares of stock, securities
and other property (including cash or any combination thereof) receivable upon
such consummation by a holder of that number of shares of Common Stock into
which one share of Class B Preferred Stock was convertible immediately prior to
such Transaction (without giving effect to any Conversion Price adjustment
pursuant to Section 7(d)(iv) of this Article). The Corporation shall not be a
party to any Transaction unless the terms of such Transaction are consistent
with the provisions of this paragraph (e), and it shall not consent or agree to
the occurrence of any Transaction until the Corporation has entered into an
agreement with the successor or purchasing entity, as the case may be, for the
benefit of the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock that will contain
provisions enabling the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock that remain
outstanding after such Transaction to convert into the consideration received by
holders of Common Stock at the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
such Transaction. The provisions of this paragraph (e) shall similarly apply to
successive Transactions.

                  (f) If:

                           (i) the Corporation shall declare a dividend (or any
other distribution) on the Common Stock (other than cash dividends and cash
distributions); or

                           (ii) the Corporation shall authorize the granting to
all holders of the Common Stock of rights or warrants to subscribe for or
purchase any shares of any class or series of capital stock or any other rights
or warrants; or

                           (iii) there shall be any reclassification of the
outstanding Common Stock or any consolidation or merger to which the Corporation
is a party and for which approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is
required, or a statutory share exchange, an issuer or self tender offer shall
have been commenced for at least 30% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
(or an amendment thereto changing the maximum number of shares sought or the
amount or type of consideration being offered therefor shall have been adopted),
or the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Corporation as an entirety; or

                           (iv) there shall occur the voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,

then the Corporation shall cause to be filed with the Transfer Agent and shall
cause to be mailed to each holder of shares of Class B Preferred Stock at such
holder's address as shown on the stock records of the Corporation, as promptly
as possible, a notice stating (A) the record date for the payment of such
dividend, distribution or rights or warrants, or, if a record date is not
established, the date as of which the holders of Common Stock of record to be
entitled to such dividend, distribution or rights or warrants are to be
determined or (B) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation,
merger, statutory share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or
winding up is expected to become effective, and the date as of which it is


that holders of Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their
shares of Common Stock for securities or other property, if any, deliverable
upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, statutory share exchange,
sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up or (C) the date on which
such tender offer commenced, the date on which such tender offer is scheduled to
expire unless extended, the consideration offered and the other material terms
thereof (or the material terms of any amendment thereto). Failure to give or
receive such notice or any defect therein shall not affect the legality or
validity of the proceedings described in this Section 7.

                  (g) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent an
officer's certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment
and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment which
certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such adjustment
absent manifest error. Promptly after delivery of such certificate, the
Corporation shall prepare a notice of such adjustment of the Conversion Price
setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date such
adjustment becomes effective and shall mail such notice of such adjustment of
the Conversion Price to each holder of shares of Class B Preferred Stock at such
holder's last address as shown on the stock records of the Corporation.

                  (h) In any case in which paragraph (d) of this Section 7
provides that an adjustment shall become effective on the day next following the
record date for an event, the Corporation may defer until the occurrence of such
event (A) issuing to the holder of any share of Class B Preferred Stock
converted after such record date and before the occurrence of such event the
additional Common Stock issuable upon such conversion by reason of the
adjustment required by such event over and above the Common Stock issuable upon
such conversion before giving effect to such adjustment and (B) paying to such
holder any amount of cash in lieu of any fraction pursuant to paragraph (c) of
this Section 7.

                  (i) There shall be no adjustment of the Conversion Price in
case of the issuance of any capital stock of the Corporation in a
reorganization, acquisition or other similar transaction except as specifically
set forth in this Section 7.

                  (j) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7, that in the opinion
of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the conversion
rights of the holders of Class B Preferred Stock, the Conversion Price for the
Class B Preferred Stock may be adjusted, to the extent permitted by law, in such
manner, if any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in its sole
discretion, may determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

                  (k) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued Common Stock solely for the purpose of effecting conversion of the
Class B Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of Common Stock deliverable
upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class B Preferred


Stock not theretofore converted into Common Stock. For purposes of this
paragraph (k), the number of shares of Common Stock that shall be deliverable
upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall
be computed as if at the time of computation all such outstanding shares were
held by a single holder (and without regard to the Ownership Limit set forth in
the Charter of the Corporation).

         The Corporation covenants that any shares of Common Stock issued upon
conversion of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall be validly issued,
fully paid and nonassessable.

         The Corporation shall use its best efforts to list the shares of Common
Stock required to be delivered upon conversion of the shares of Class B
Preferred Stock, prior to such delivery, upon each national securities exchange,
if any, upon which the outstanding shares of Common Stock are listed at the time
of such delivery.

                  (l) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp or
similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of the issue or delivery of
shares of Common Stock or other securities or property on conversion or
redemption of shares of Class B Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided,
however, that the Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax that may be
payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares
of Common Stock or other securities or property in a name other than that of the
holder of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock to be converted or redeemed, and
no such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the Person requesting
such issue or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount of any such tax or
established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Corporation, that such tax
has been paid.

                  (m) In addition to any other adjustment required hereby, to
the extent permitted by law, the Corporation from time to time may decrease the
Conversion Price by any amount, permanently or for a period of at least twenty
Business Days, if the decrease is irrevocable during the period.

                  (n) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section 7, conversion of Class B Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7
shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter), after
taking into account any waiver of such limitation granted to any holder of the
shares of Class B Preferred Stock.

         8.       RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed
to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class B Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class B Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");


                  (b) on a parity with the Class B Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class B Preferred Stock, if the holders of such class of stock or
series and the Class B Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of
dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per
share or liquidation preferences, without preference or priority one over the
other ("Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class B Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if such stock or series shall be Common Stock or if the holders
of Class B Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case
may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or
series ("Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever (i) six quarterly dividends (whether or
not consecutive) payable on the Class B Preferred Stock or any series or class
of Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, or (ii) for two consecutive quarterly
dividend periods the Corporation fails to pay dividends on the Common Stock in
an amount per share at least equal to $0.4625 (subject to adjustment consistent
with any adjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7(d) of this
Article) (the "Base Common Stock Dividend") the number of directors then
constituting the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in
the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) (in each case if
not already increased by reason of similar types of provisions with respect to
Voting Preferred Stock (as defined below)) and the holders of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock, together with the holders of shares of every other series or
class of Parity Stock (any other such series, the "Voting Preferred Stock"),
voting as a single class regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the
two additional directors (in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in
clause (i)) or one (in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause
(ii)) to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders
or special meeting held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders
of the Class B Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as
hereinafter provided. Whenever (1) in the case of an arrearage in dividends
described in clause (i), all arrears in dividends on the Class B Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and
dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have been paid
or declared and set apart for payment, or (2) in the case of an arrearage in
dividends described in clause (ii), the Corporation makes a quarterly dividend
payment on the Common Stock in an amount per share equal to or exceeding the
Base Common Stock Dividend, then the


right of the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock to elect such additional two directors (in the case of an arrearage in
dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) shall cease (but subject always
to the same provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any
similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of all Persons elected as
directors by the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the
Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting
power shall have been so vested in the holders of Class B Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class B Preferred Stock (addressed
to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a
special meeting of the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and of the Voting
Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one director (in the case of
an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) to be elected by them as
herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the
Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as
required by law. If any such special meeting required to be called as above
provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of
any such request, then any holder of Class B Preferred Stock may call such
meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose shall have access
to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors or director elected at any
such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the
stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall not
have previously terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur among
the directors elected by the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors,
upon the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the holders of the
Class B Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the successor of such
remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders
or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not have
previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class B Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class B Preferred
Stock, given in Person or by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by
vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or

                           (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of these Articles Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the
Corporation that materially adversely affects the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock; provided, however,
that the amendment of the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or
create, or to increase the authorized amount of, any Junior Stock or any shares
of any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect
the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of Class B Preferred
Stock; or


                           (ii) The authorization, creation of, the increase in
the authorized amount of, or issuance of , any shares of any class of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class of Senior Stock
(whether or not such class of Senior Stock is currently authorized); provided,
however, that no such vote of the holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall be
required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or repeal
is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such prior shares or convertible
security is to be made, as the case may be, provision is made for the redemption
of all shares of Class B Preferred Stock at the time outstanding to the extent
such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of this Article.

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class B Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock shall have the right to vote with the Class B Preferred Stock as
a single class on any matter, then the Class B Preferred Stock and such other
class or series shall have with respect to such matters one (1) vote per $100 of
stated liquidation preference. Except as otherwise required by applicable law or
as set forth herein, the Class B Preferred Stock shall not have any relative,
participating, optional or other special voting rights and powers other than as
set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required
for the taking of any corporate action.

         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class B Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class B
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class B
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class B Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class B Preferred Stock.


provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class B Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class B Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class B Preferred

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class B
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class B Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no
rights in such shares of Class B Preferred Stock.

after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that
is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class B Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class B
Preferred Stock.

                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class B Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class B Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section


11.1 of this Article or that a Person intends to acquire or has attempted to
acquire Beneficial Ownership of any shares of Class B Preferred Stock in
violation of Section 11.1 of this Article (whether or not such violation is
intended), the Board of Directors or a committee thereof shall be empowered to
take any action as it deems advisable to refuse to give effect to or to prevent
such Transfer or other event, including, but not limited to, refusing to give
effect to such Transfer or other event on the books of the Corporation, causing
the Corporation to redeem such shares at the then current Market Price and upon
such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its
sole discretion (including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of
long-term indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the
repayment of any distributions received in respect of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or
instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or
attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers
(or in the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in
violation of Section 11.1 of this Article, regardless of any action (or
non-action) by the Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab
initio or (b) shall automatically result in the transfer described in Section
11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the provisions of this Section
11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this Article;
provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof
may exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Class B Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to
Section 11.8(d) of this Article.

         11.3.  TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other
change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited
to, any redemption of Preferred Stock) or other event (including, but not
limited to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would
Beneficially Own shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class B
Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is
a Look-Through Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class B Preferred Stock
in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person,
Initial Holder or Look-Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of
Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as a
"Prohibited Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of
this Article, such shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case
may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be automatically
transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive
benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee
shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the business day
prior to the Excess


Transfer, change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a
potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look
Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class B
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class B Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class B
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class B Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class B Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class B Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial
Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have
given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class B
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust
and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other
disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the
amount payable to the Prohibited


Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the
transfer restrictions set forth in this Section 11.3(E) or any application
thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable
by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may
be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the
Corporation in acquiring the Class B Preferred Stock as to which such
restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such Class B Preferred
Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

of Class B Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have
been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

                  (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class B Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class B Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class B
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class B Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record


or Beneficial Owner of Class B Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by the
Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional information
with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class B Preferred Stock as the
Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or necessary to
(i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the qualification of the
Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure compliance with the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit,
as applicable. Each stockholder of record, including without limitation any
Person that holds shares of Class B Preferred Stock on behalf of a Beneficial
Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the written notice described in
this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class B Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class B
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class B Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of
this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In


with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations
and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the
Board deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect, if any,
of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class B Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class B
Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon

                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days following the
purchase of Class B Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation
or a partnership and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class B Preferred
Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect
to the Class B Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection
with such offering and with respect to any Class B Preferred Stock purchased in
connection with market making activities.

         11.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class B Preferred Stock shall bear
the following legend:

                       "The shares of Class B Preferred Stock represented by
         this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
         Beneficially Own shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the
         Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
         restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Corporation's Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class B Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially Own
         shares of Class B Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable
         limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized
         terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
         Corporation's Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting
         forth the terms of the Class B Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated, the shares of
         Class B Preferred Stock represented hereby will be either (i) void in
         accordance with the Certificate or (ii) automatically transferred to a
         Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or more Charitable

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.


         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
set forth in Article Third hereof shall become Article XIII of the Charter.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Vice President and witnessed by its
Secretary on August 1, 1997.

WITNESS:                                      APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                              MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ Leeann Morein                             /s/ Patricia K. Heath
Leeann Morein,                                Patricia K. Heath,
Secretary                                     Vice President

COMPANY, who executed on behalf of the Corporation the Articles Supplementary of
which this Certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on
behalf of said Corporation the foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the
corporate act of said Corporation and hereby certifies that the matters and
facts set forth herein with respect to the authorization and approval thereof
are true in all material respects under the penalties of perjury.

                                              /s/ Patricia K. Heath
                                              Patricia K. Heath,
                                              Vice President


                           ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY

                          (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

    FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors of
the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the Corporation,
the Board of Directors has duly divided and classified 2,760,000 authorized but
unissued shares of the capital stock of the Corporation into a class designated
as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock and has provided for the issuance of such

    SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified as
Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,760,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from 9,250,000 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 6,490,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class C Cumulative
Preferred Stock may be decreased pursuant to Section 6 of Article Third of these
Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in any manner, or by
retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

    THIRD: The terms of the Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock (including the
preferences, conversions or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


    This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class C Cumulative
Preferred Stock (the "Class C Preferred Stock") and Two Million Seven Hundred
Sixty Thousand (2,760,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such
Class C Preferred Stock constituting such class.




    For purposes of the Class C Preferred Stock, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:

    "ACT" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

    "AFFILIATE" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly through
one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common
control with, the Person specified.

    "AGGREGATE VALUE" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity Stock, the
sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity Stock
within such block multiplied by (ii) the corresponding Market Price of one share
of Equity Stock of such class.

    "BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP" shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of
shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number of shares of Equity
Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the number of shares of Equity Stock
indirectly owned by such Person (if such Person is an "individual" as defined in
Section 542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into account the constructive ownership
rules of Section 544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the
Code, and (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d3 under the Exchange Act or that is
attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code, as modified by
Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, PROVIDED that when applying this definition of
Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and
clause (ii) of the definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms
correlative meanings.

    "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation or
any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to perform any of its
responsibilities with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock.

    "BUSINESS DAY" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on
which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New York, New York
are not required to be open.

    "CHARITABLE BENEFICIARY" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust
as determined pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Article, each of which shall be
an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of
the Code.

    "CLASS C PREFERRED STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1 of
this Article.

    "CODE" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of the Code
shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the same may be
amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any applicable



regulations or other administrative pronouncements as in effect from time to

    "COMMON STOCK" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
share, of the Corporation or such shares of the Corporation's capital stock into
which outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be reclassified.

    "DIVIDEND PAYMENT DATE" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and October
15 of each year; provided, further, that if any Dividend Payment Date falls on
any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment payable on such Dividend
Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day immediately following such
Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall accrue on such dividend from such
date to such Dividend Payment Date.

    "DIVIDEND PERIODS" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January 15,
April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and including the
day preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend Period, other than
the Dividend Period during which any Class B Preferred Stock shall be redeemed
pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption Date
with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock being redeemed.

    "EQUITY STOCK" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital stock
of the Corporation.

    "EXCESS TRANSFER" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this

    "EXCHANGE ACT" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

    "ISSUE DATE" shall mean December 23, 1997(1).

    "INITIAL DIVIDEND PERIOD" shall mean the period commencing on and including
the Issue Date and ending on and including April 14, 1998.

    "INITIAL HOLDER" shall mean Terry Considine.

    "INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
Class C Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in
excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares
of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
than Class B Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder.
From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as
shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of Directors, a
schedule that sets forth the then current Initial Holder Limit applicable to the
Initial Holder.



    "JUNIOR STOCK" shall mean the Common Stock and any other class or series of
capital stock of the Corporation over which the shares of Class C Preferred
Stock have preference or priority in the payment of dividends or in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

    "LOOK-THROUGH ENTITY" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described in
Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code or
(ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

    "LOOK-THROUGH OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
number of the Outstanding shares of Class C Preferred Stock of the Corporation
having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the
Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) by the
Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class B Preferred Stock
that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

    "MARKET PRICE" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of Equity
Stock, the Closing Price of share of that class of Equity Stock on the Trading
Day immediately preceding such date. The term "CLOSING PRICE" on any date shall
mean the last sale price, regular way, or, in case no such sale takes place on
such day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in
either case as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting
system with respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or,
if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as
reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect
to securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on which the
Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the Equity Stock is not
listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange, the last
quoted price, or if not so quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked
prices in the overthecounter market, as reported by the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no
longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system that may then be
in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a professional
market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected by the Board of
Directors of the Company. The term "TRADING DAY" shall mean a day on which the
principal national securities exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed or
admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business or, if the Equity
Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange,
shall mean any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking
institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or
executive order to close.

    "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

    "OUTSTANDING" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock of
the Corporation, PROVIDED that for purposes of the application of the Ownership
Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit to any
Person, the term "OUTSTANDING" shall be deemed to include the number of shares
of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time, could acquire pursuant to
any options or convertible securities.



    "OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial Holder
or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class C
Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of
the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of
Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
than Class C Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Person.

    "OWNERSHIP RESTRICTIONS" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as
applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities, the
Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and the Look-Through
Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

    "PARITY STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section
7 of this Article.  The Class B Preferred Stock shall be a Parity Stock.

    "PERSON" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i) an
individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust
qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association, private
foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint stock company
or other entity, and (ii) also includes a group as that term is used for
purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the
remaining Sections of this Article, any individual, firm, partnership,
corporation or other entity and shall include any successor (by merger or
otherwise) of such entity.

    "PROHIBITED TRANSFEREE" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of
this Article.

    "REDEMPTION DATE" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
Section 5 of this Article.

    "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in Section 856
of the Code.

    "SENIOR STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section
7 of this Article.

    "SET APART FOR PAYMENT" shall be deemed to include, without any action other
than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its accounting ledgers
of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which indicates, pursuant to a
declaration of dividends or other distribution by the Board of Directors, the
allocation of funds to be so paid on any series or class of capital stock of the
Corporation; provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series of
Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate
account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock
shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or delivering such funds to
a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

    "TRADING DAY", as to any securities, shall mean any day on which such
securities are traded on the principal national securities exchange on which
such securities are listed or admitted or, if such securities are not listed or
admitted for trading on any national securities exchange, the NASDAQ



National Market or, if such securities are not listed or admitted for trading on
the NASDAQ National Market, in the securities market in which such securities
are traded.

    "TRANSFER" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other
disposition of a share of Class C Preferred Stock (including (i) the granting of
an option or any series of such options or entering into any agreement for the
sale, transfer or other disposition of Class C Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale,
transfer, assignment or other disposition of any securities or rights
convertible into or exchangeable for Class C Preferred Stock), whether voluntary
or involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any transfer of an
interest in other entities that results in a change in the Beneficial Ownership
of shares of Class C Preferred Stock). The term "TRANSFERS" and "TRANSFERRED"
shall have correlative meanings.

    "TRANSFER AGENT" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the Board
of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the Class C Preferred
Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a transfer agent
then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the Class C Preferred

    "TRUST" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3 of this

    "TRUSTEE" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the Corporation to serve as
trustee of the Trust.

    "VOTING PREFERRED STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8 of
this Article.

    3.   DIVIDENDS.

         (a) The holders of Class C Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class C Preferred Stock equal to $2.25 per annum. Such dividends
shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period
or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the
Corporation legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be
payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on April
15, 1998. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of
record of the Class C Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of
the Corporation at the close of business on the January 1, April 1, July 1 or
October 1, as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment
Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more
than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

         (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class C Preferred
Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter than a full
Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30day months
and a 360 day



year. Holders of Class C Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to any dividends,
whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of cumulative dividends,
as herein provided, on the Class C Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money
in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of any dividend payment or
payments on the Class C Preferred Stock that may be in arrears.

         (c) So long as any of the shares of Class C Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made
directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any class or series of
Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for such payment on the Class C Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating on or prior to the Dividend Payment
Date with respect to such class or series of Parity Stock. When dividends are
not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as
aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class C Preferred Stock and all
dividends declared upon any other class or series of Parity Stock shall be
declared ratably in proportion to the respective amounts of dividends
accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class C Preferred Stock and accumulated,
accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

         (d) So long as any of the shares of Class C Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of,
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or rights to
subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by
the Corporation unless in each case the full cumulative dividends (including all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) on all outstanding shares of Class C
Preferred Stock shall have been paid or such dividends have been declared and
set apart for payment for all past Dividend Periods with respect to the Class C
Preferred Stock.

         Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3(d), the Corporation
shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for
payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii) or
redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if
such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.




         (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital or surplus) shall be made to
or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class C
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive TwentyFive Dollars ($25) per share
of Class C Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount equal
to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and
unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders; but such
holders shall not be entitled to any further payment. Until the holders of the
Class C Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If, upon any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets of the
Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of Class C
Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential amount
aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or series of
Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed
among the holders of Class C Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock
ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would be payable
on such Class C Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if all amounts
payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a
consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a
sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or
(iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

         (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class C Preferred
Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any other series or
class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective terms thereof,
be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or distributed,
and the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock shall not be
entitled to share therein.


         (a) Shares of Class C Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by the
Corporation prior to December 23, 2002(2) except as set forth in Section 10.2 of
this Article. On and after December 23, 2002(3), the Corporation, at its option,
may redeem shares of Class C Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in
part, at a redemption price payable in cash equal to 100% of the Liquidation
Preference thereof, plus all accrued and unpaid dividends to the date fixed for
redemption (the "Redemption Date"). In connection with any redemption pursuant
to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class C Preferred Stock (other
than any portion thereof consisting of accrued and unpaid dividends) shall be
payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the Corporation or AIMCO
Properties, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Operating Partnership")
of other capital shares of the Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether
or not such sale occurs concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the
preceding sentence, 'capital shares' means any common stock, preferred stock,
depositary shares, partnership or other interests, participations or other
ownership interests (however designated) and any rights (other than debt
securities convertible into or exchangeable at the option of the holder for
equity securities (unless and to the extent such debt securities are
subsequently converted into capital shares)) or options to purchase any of the
foregoing of or in the Corporation or the Operating Partnership.



         (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall be
specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

         (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class C
Preferred Stock have not been paid or declared and set apart for payment, no
shares of Class C Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares
of Class C Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed and neither the
Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares
of Class C Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange
offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class C Preferred

         (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class C Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption shall be
given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall
be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as
the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation.
 Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any
defect therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect
the sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption
with respect to the other holders. Any notice which was mailed in the manner
herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the
date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice
shall state, as appropriate: (1) the Redemption Date; (2) the number of shares
of Class C Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares
held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed
from such holder; and (3) the place or places at which certificates for such
shares are to be surrendered for cash. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid,
from and after the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make
available the amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) except as
otherwise provided herein, dividends on the shares of Class C Preferred Stock so
called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class
C Preferred Stock called for redemption (except that, in the case of a
Redemption Date after a dividend record date and prior to the related Dividend
Payment Date, holders of Class C Preferred Stock on the dividend record date
will be entitled on such Dividend Payment Date to receive the dividend payable
on such shares), (ii) said shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding,
and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class C Preferred
Stock of the Corporation shall cease (except the rights to receive the cash
payable upon such redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender and
endorsement of their certificates if so required and to receive any dividends
payable thereon). The Corporation's obligation to make available the redemption
price in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled if, on
or before the Call Date, the Corporation shall deposit with a bank or trust
company (which may be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an
affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at least
$50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption, in trust,
with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the
shares of Class C Preferred Stock so called for redemption. No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class C Preferred Stock to be
redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation. Subject to applicable
escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two years from the
Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after
which reversion the holders of shares of Class C Preferred Stock so called for
redemption shall look only to the general funds of the Corporation for the
payment of such cash.



    As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class C Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class C Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class C
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class C Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class C Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


    All shares of Class C Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized, but unissued shares of Class C Preferred Stock.

    7.   RANKING.

    Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to

         (a) prior or senior to the Class C Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
Class C Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

         (b) on a parity with the Class C Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class C Preferred Stock, if the holders of such class of stock or series and
the Class C Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion
to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority one over the other
("Parity Stock"); and

         (c) junior to the Class C Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if such stock or series shall be Common Stock or if the holders of
Class C Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of amounts
distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be,
in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or series
("Junior Stock").



    8.   VOTING.

         (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class C Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of any
other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class C Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on
the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting
held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class C
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided.
Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class C Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for
the current quarterly dividend period shall have been paid or declared and set
apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two directors shall
cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting of such voting
rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of
all Persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of
directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At
any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in the holders of
Class C Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the
Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request of any holder of
Class C Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of
the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the holders of the Class C
Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two
directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made by
notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special
meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting
required to be called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary
within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class C
Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for
that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The
directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as above provided. If any
vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders of the Class C
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by
the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then remaining director
elected by the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

         (b) So long as any shares of Class C Preferred Stock are outstanding,
in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required by law or by
the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least 662/3% of the
votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock voting
as a single class



with the holders of all other classes or series of Preferred Stock entitled to
vote on such matters, given in Person or by proxy, either in writing without a
meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be necessary for
effecting or validating:

              (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the provisions
of these Articles Supplementary, the Charter or the ByLaws of the Corporation
that materially adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of
the holders of the Class C Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the
amendment of the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to
increase the authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of
any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the
voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of Class C Preferred Stock;

              (ii) The authorization, creation of, the increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class of Senior Stock (whether or
not such class of Senior Stock is currently authorized); provided, however, that
no such vote of the holders of Class C Preferred Stock shall be required if, at
or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or repeal is to take
effect, or when the issuance of any such prior shares or convertible security is
to be made, as the case may be, provision is made for the redemption of all
shares of Class C Preferred Stock at the time outstanding to the extent such
redemption is authorized by Section 5 of this Article.

    For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights under
these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class C Preferred Stock shall have
one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of preferred
stock shall have the right to vote with the Class C Preferred Stock as a single
class on any matter, then the Class C Preferred Stock and such other class or
series shall have with respect to such matters one quarter of one (.25) vote per
$25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as otherwise required by applicable
law or as set forth herein, the Class C Preferred Stock shall not have any
relative, participating, optional or other special voting rights and powers
other than as set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not
be required for the taking of any corporate action.


    The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record holder
of any share of Class C Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner thereof for
all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary.




    (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in Section 10.8,
from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class C Preferred Stock in
excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own
shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit and no
Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class C Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.



          (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void AB INITIO as to the Transfer of such shares of Class C Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class C Preferred Stock.

          (C) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in the
Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess
of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void AB INITIO as to the Transfer of such
shares of Class C Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by
the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the Initial Holder
shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class C Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class C Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void AB INITIO as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class C Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class C Preferred Stock.

          (E) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD" STATUS. From and after the
Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void AB
INITIO as to the Transfer of shares of Class C Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class C
Preferred Stock.

          (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of Class
C Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C), (D), or (E)
of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the ownership of
Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the Ownership
Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely
held" within the



meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation otherwise failing
to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity of the Transfer of
any other share of Class C Preferred Stock in the same or any other related

    10.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee thereof
shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event has
taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class C Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of longterm indebtedness for the purpose of
such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class C Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or nonaction) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void AB INITIO or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 10.3 of this Article; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the
provisions of this Section 10.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
10.12 of this Article; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that
interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class C Preferred Stock that is
expressly authorized pursuant to Section 10.8(d) of this Article.


          (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "EXCESS TRANSFER") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated interdealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Preferred Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to,
any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other
than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares
of Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class C Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "PROHIBITED TRANSFEREE"), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 10.8 of this Article, such shares of Class C
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the



exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the
Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the
business day prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
another event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the
Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit.

          (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

          (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class C Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of capital
stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section 10.3(E), the
Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class C Preferred Stock held
by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit economically
from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall have no rights
to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other rights
attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

          (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class C Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the discovery
by the Corporation that the shares of Class C Preferred Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and
any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void AB
INITIO with respect to such shares of Class C Preferred Stock. Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class C
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
AB INITIO and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder
Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class C Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

          (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a person, designated by the Trustee, whose ownership
of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is
made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of
the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable
Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall
receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the
shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value for the shares
(through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price of the shares on
the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the
price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other disposition of
the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the amount payable to
the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any
of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section 10.3(E) or any
application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void, invalid or
unenforceable by any court



having jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at
the option of the Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in
acquiring the Class C Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by
their terms, apply, and to hold such Class C Preferred Stock on behalf of the

Class C Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

          (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice to the
Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit organizations to
be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust relating to such
Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class C Preferred Stock held in the
Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the hands of such
Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an organization
described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

    10.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or attempts to
acquire shares of Class C Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this
Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that stock is
transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall immediately
give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall provide to the
Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request in order to
determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer or other
event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such notice shall
not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors provided herein in
any way.

    10.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue Date
certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class C
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

          (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of more than
5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the applicable
regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding shares of Class
C Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each year, give
written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of such record or
Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class C Preferred Stock Beneficially
Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each such record or
Beneficial Owner of Class C Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by the
Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional information
with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class C Preferred Stock as the
Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or necessary to
(i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the qualification of the
Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure compliance with the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit,
as applicable. Each stockholder of record, including



without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class C Preferred Stock on
behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the
written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

Beneficial Owner of shares of Class C Preferred Stock and any Person (including
the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class C Preferred Stock for
a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares, shall provide such
information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may request in order to
determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with the requirements of
any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to determine any such
compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide a statement or
affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares of Class C
Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or proposed
transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or affidavit shall
be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

    10.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall limit the
authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it deems
necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

    10.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any of the
provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity in any
definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of Directors shall
have the power to determine the application of the provisions of this Article
with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief, understanding or
knowledge of the circumstances.

    10.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be established
with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

    (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon receipt of a
ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax counsel or other
evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the application, in whole or
in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to the Ownership Limit, if
such person is not an individual for purposes of Section 542(a) of the Code and
is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In connection with any such
exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations and
undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board
deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect, if any, of the
proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

    (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the Class C
Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall not
constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and the pledgee shall not
be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock so
pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.



          (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days following the purchase of
Class C Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation or a
partnership and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class C Preferred Stock,
such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class C Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class C Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

    10.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class C Preferred Stock shall bear the
following legend:

              "The shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock represented by
    this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
    Beneficially Own shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of
    the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further restrictions
    and exceptions set forth in the Corporation's Charter (including the
    Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class C Cumulative
    Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of
    Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation
    must immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
    legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Corporation's Charter
    (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class C
    Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from time to time, a
    copy of which, including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent without
    charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the restrictions on transfer
    are violated, the shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock represented
    hereby will be either (i) void in accordance with the Certificate or (ii)
    automatically transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or
    more Charitable Beneficiaries."

    10.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application of
any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

    10.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

    10.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
interdealer quotation system.

    FOURTH:  The terms of the Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth in
Article Third hereof shall become Article XIV of the Charter.



    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be signed
in its name and on its behalf by its Chairman and witnessed by its Secretary on
December 19, 1997.

WITNESS:                                              APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                                      MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ Leeann Morein                                     /s/ Terry Considine
- -----------------------                               --------------------------
Leeann Morein,                                        Terry Considine
Secretary                                             Chairman

who executed on behalf of the Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which
this Certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf
of said Corporation the foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act
of said Corporation and hereby certifies that the matters and facts set forth
herein with respect to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all
material respects under the penalties of perjury.

                                                      /s/ Terry Considine

                                                      Terry Considine



                           CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION
                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY
                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)
                            (A MARYLAND CORPORATION)

"Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby
certifies to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of Maryland that:

     FIRST: Articles Supplementary, dated December, 1997, of the Corporation
relating to its Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock (par value $.01 per share)
were filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of Maryland on
December 22, 1997, and said Articles Supplementary require correction as
permitted by Section 1-207 of the Corporations and Associations Article of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.

     SECOND: ARTICLE FIRST of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed
and to be corrected hereby read as follows:

          FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of
     the Corporation, the Board of Directors has duly divided and classified
     2,300,000 authorized but unissued shares of the capital stock of the
     Corporation into a class designated as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
     and has provided for the issuance of such class.

     THIRD: ARTICLE FIRST of the Articles Supplementary as corrected hereby is
as follows:

          FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of
     the Corporation, the Board of Directors has duly divided and classified
     2,760,000 authorized but unissued shares of the capital stock of the
     Corporation into a class designated as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
     and has provided for the issuance of such class.

     FOURTH: The inaccuracy or defect in ARTICLE FIRST of the Articles
Supplementary as previously filed is that ARTICLE FIRST contained the wrong
number of shares classified as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock.

       FIFTH:  ARTICLE SECOND of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed
and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

              SECOND:  The reclassification increases the number of shares
classified as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,300,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification.  The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from
9,250,000 shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 6,950,000
shares immediately after the reclassification.  The number of shares classified
as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock may be decreased pursuant to Section 6 of
Article Third of these Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in any
manner, or by retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

       SIXTH: ARTICLE SECOND of the Articles Supplementary as corrected
hereby is as follows:

              SECOND:  The reclassification increases the number of shares
classified as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,760,00 shares
immediately after the reclassification.  The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from
9,250,000 shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 6,490,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification.  The number of shares classified as
Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock may be decreases pursuant to Section 6 of
Article Third of these Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in any
manner, or by retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

       SEVENTH:  The inaccuracies or defects in ARTICLE SECOND of the Articles
Supplementary as previously filed are that ARTICLE SECOND contained the wrong
number of shares classified as Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock immediately
after the reclassification and the wrong number of shares classified as
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, immediately after the

       EIGHTH:  Section 1 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
previously filed and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

       1.  Number of Shares and Designation.

              This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class C
Cumulative Preferred Stock (the "Class C Preferred Stock") and Two Million
Three Hundred Thousand (2,300,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of
such Class C Preferred Stock constituting such class.

     NINTH: The first paragraph of Section 1 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles
Supplementary as corrected hereby is as follows:

     1. Number of Shares and Designation.

          This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class C
     Cumulative Preferred Stock (the "Class C Preferred Stock") and Two Million
     Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand (2,760,000) shall be the authorized number of
     shares of such Class C Preferred Stock constituting such class.

     TENTH: The inaccuracy or defect in Section 1 of ARTICLE THIRD of the
Articles Supplementary as previously filed is that Section 1 of ARTICLE FIRST
contained the wrong number of shares classified as Class C Cumulative Preferred

     ELEVENTH: The definition of "Dividend Periods" contained in Section 2 of
ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed and to be
corrected hereby reads as follows:

     "DIVIDEND PERIODS" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
     subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January
     15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and
     including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend
     Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class B Preferred
     Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on
     and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock
     being redeemed.

     TWELFTH: The definition of "Dividend Periods" contained in Section 2 of
ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as corrected hereby is as follows:

     "DIVIDEND PERIODS" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
     subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January
     15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and
     including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend
     Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class C Preferred
     Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on
     and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class C Preferred Stock
     being redeemed.

     THIRTEENTH: The inaccuracy or defect in the definition of "Dividend
Periods" contained in Section 2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary
as previously filed is that the reference to "Class B Preferred Stock" in the
fifth line thereof should be to "Class C Preferred Stock."

     FOURTEENTH: The definition of "Initial Holder Limit" contained in Section
2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed and to be
corrected hereby reads as follows:


     "INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
     Class C Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in
     excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding
     shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
     Stock other than Class B Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
     Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or
     such other person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall
     upon request make available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder
     and the Board of Directors' a schedule that sets forth the then-current
     Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

     FIFTEENTH: The definition of "Initial Holder Limit" contained in Section 2
of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as corrected hereby is as

     "INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
     Class C Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in
     excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding
     shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
     Stock other than Class C Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
     Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or
     such other person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall
     upon request make available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder
     and the Board of Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current
     Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

     SIXTEENTH: The inaccuracy or defect in the definition of "Initial Holder
Limit" contained in Section 2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
previously filed is that the reference to "Class B Preferred Stock" in the
fourth and fifth lines thereof should be to "Class C Preferred Stock."

     SEVENTEENTH: The definition of "Look-Through Ownership Limit" contained in
Section 2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed
and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

     "LOOK-THROUGH OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
     number of the Outstanding shares of Class C Preferred Stock of the
     Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x)
     15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over
     (y) by the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class B
     Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

     EIGHTEENTH: The definition of "Look-Through Ownership Limit" contained in
Section 2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as corrected hereby is
as follows:

     "LOOK-THROUGH OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
     number of the Outstanding shares of Class C Preferred Stock of the


     having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the (x) 15% of the Aggregate
     Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) by the Aggregate
     Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class C Preferred Stock that
     are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

     NINETEENTH: The inaccuracy or defect in the definition of "Look-Through
Ownership Limit" contained in Section 2 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles
Supplementary as previously filed is that the reference to "Class B Preferred
Stock" in the fifth line thereof should be to "Class C Preferred Stock."

     TWENTIETH: The provision in the Articles Supplementary as previously filed
and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
     signed in its name and on its behalf by its Chairman and witnessed by its
     Secretary on December ____, 1997.

     TWENTY-FIRST: The provision in the Articles Supplementary as corrected
hereby is as follows:

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
     signed in its name and on its behalf by its Chairman and witnessed by its
     Secretary on December 22, 1997.

     TWENTY-SECOND: The inaccuracy or defect in the provision of the Articles
Supplementary as previously filed is that such statement failed to state
correctly the date such Articles were signed.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Apartment Investment and Management Company has caused
this Certificate of Correction to be signed in its name and on its behalf by its
Chairman and witnessed by its Secretary on February 17, 1998.

WITNESS:                                     APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                             MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LEEANN MOREIN                            By:  TERRY CONSIDINE
- -----------------------------                -----------------------------
Leeann Morein, Secretary                     Terry Considine, Chairman

with respect to the foregoing Certificate of Correction of which this
certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges, in the name and on behalf of
said Corporation, the foregoing Certificate of Correction to be the act of said
Corporation and further certifies that, to the best of his knowledge,
information and belief, the matters and facts set forth therein with respect to
the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects, under
the penalties of perjury.

                                             /s/ TERRY CONSIDINE
                                             Terry Considine, Chairman


                            ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                          (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

     FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors of
the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the Corporation,
the Board of Directors has duly divided and classified 4,600,000 authorized but
unissued shares of the capital stock of the Corporation into a class designated
as Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock and has provided for the issuance of such

     SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified as
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 4,600,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from 6,490,000 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 1,890,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class D Cumulative
Preferred Stock may be decreased pursuant to Section 6 of Article Third of these
Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in any manner, or by
retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

     THIRD: The terms of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock (including the
preferences, conversions or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


     This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class D Cumulative
Preferred Stock (the "Class D Preferred Stock") and Four Million Six Hundred
Thousand (4,600,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such Class D
Preferred Stock constituting such class.


     2.   DEFINITIONS.

     For purposes of the Class D Preferred Stock, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:

     "ACT" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "AFFILIATE" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly through
     one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under
     common control with, the Person specified.

     "AGGREGATE VALUE" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity Stock,
     the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity
     Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the corresponding Market Price
     of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

     "BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP" shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of
     shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if such Person is an
     "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into
     account the constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the Code, as
     modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and (iii) the number of
     shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed to beneficially own
     pursuant to Rule 13d3 under the Exchange Act or that is attributed to such
     Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code, as modified by Section
     856(d)(5) of the Code, PROVIDED that when applying this definition of
     Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder, clause (iii) of this
     definition, and clause (ii) of the definition of "Person" shall be
     disregarded. The terms "BENEFICIAL OWNER," "BENEFICIALLY OWNS" and
     "BENEFICIALLY OWNED" shall have the correlative meanings.

     "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation
     or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to perform any of
     its responsibilities with respect to the Class D Preferred Stock.

     "BUSINESS DAY" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on
     which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New York, New
     York are not required to be open.

     "CHARITABLE BENEFICIARY" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust
     as determined pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Article, each of which shall
     be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and
     501(c)(3) of the Code.



     "CLASS D PREFERRED STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1 of
     this Article.

     "CODE" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
     to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of
     the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the
     same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any
     applicable regulations or other administrative pronouncements as in effect
     from time to time.

     "COMMON STOCK" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
     share, of the Corporation or such shares of the Corporation's capital stock
     into which outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be reclassified.

     "DIVIDEND PAYMENT DATE" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and
     October 15 of each year; provided, further, that if any Dividend Payment
     Date falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
     payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
     immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
     accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

     "DIVIDEND PERIODS" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
     subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January
     15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and
     including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend
     Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class D Preferred
     Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on
     and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class D Preferred Stock
     being redeemed.

     "EQUITY STOCK" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital stock
     of the Corporation.

     "EXCESS TRANSFER" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this

     "EXCHANGE ACT" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "ISSUE DATE" shall mean February 19, 1998.

     "INITIAL DIVIDEND PERIOD" shall mean the period commencing on and including
     the Issue Date and ending on and including April 14, 1998.

     "INITIAL HOLDER" shall mean Terry Considine.

     "INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
     Class D Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in



     of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares
     of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock
     other than Class D Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
     Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or
     such other person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall
     upon request make available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder
     and the Board of Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then current
     Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

     "JUNIOR STOCK" shall mean the Common Stock and any other class or series of
     capital stock of the Corporation over which the shares of Class D Preferred
     Stock have preference or priority in the payment of dividends or in the
     distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

     "LOOK-THROUGH ENTITY" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described in
     Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code
     or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     "LOOK-THROUGH OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
     number of the Outstanding shares of Class D Preferred Stock of the
     Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x)
     15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over
     (y) by the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class D
     Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

     "MARKET PRICE" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of Equity
     Stock, the Closing Price of share of that class of Equity Stock on the
     Trading Day immediately preceding such date. The term "CLOSING PRICE" on
     any date shall mean the last sale price, regular way, or, in case no such
     sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing bid and asked
     prices, regular way, in either case as reported in the principal
     consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed
     or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or
     admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in the principal consolidated
     transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed on the
     principal national securities exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed
     or admitted to trading or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to
     trading on any national securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if
     not so quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked prices in the
     overthecounter market, as reported by the National Association of
     Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is
     no longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system that may
     then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such
     organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished
     by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
     by the Board of



     Directors of the Company. The term "TRADING DAY" shall mean a day on which
     the principal national securities exchange on which the Equity Stock is
     listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business or,
     if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
     securities exchange, shall mean any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or
     a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized
     or obligated by law or executive order to close.

     "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

     "OUTSTANDING" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock of
     the Corporation, PROVIDED that for purposes of the application of the
     Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder
     Limit to any Person, the term "OUTSTANDING" shall be deemed to include the
     number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time,
     could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible securities.

     "OWNERSHIP LIMIT" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial Holder
     or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class D
     Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess
     of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares
     of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock
     other than Class D Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the

     "OWNERSHIP RESTRICTIONS" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as
     applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities,
     the Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and the
     Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

     "PARITY STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section
     7 of this Article.  The Class B Preferred Stock and the Class C Preferred
     Stock shall each be a Parity Stock.

     "PERSON" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i) an
     individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust
     qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association,
     private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint
     stock company or other entity, and (ii) also includes a group as that term
     is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act and (b) for
     purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article, any individual, firm,
     partnership, corporation or other entity and shall include any successor
     (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

     "PROHIBITED TRANSFEREE" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of
     this Article.



     "REDEMPTION DATE" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
     Section 5 of this Article.

     "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in Section
     856 of the Code.

     "SENIOR STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section
     7 of this Article.

     "SET APART FOR PAYMENT" shall be deemed to include, without any action
     other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
     accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which indicates,
     pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution by the Board
     of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any series or class
     of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however, that if any funds
     for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity
     Stock are placed in a separate account of the Corporation or delivered to a
     disbursing, paying or other similar agent, then "set apart for payment"
     with respect to the Class D Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds
     in a separate account or delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or
     other similar agent.

     "TRADING DAY", as to any securities, shall mean any day on which such
     securities are traded on the principal national securities exchange on
     which such securities are listed or admitted or, if such securities are not
     listed or admitted for trading on any national securities exchange, the
     NASDAQ National Market or, if such securities are not listed or admitted
     for trading on the NASDAQ National Market, in the securities market in
     which such securities are traded.

     "TRANSFER" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other
     disposition of a share of Class D Preferred Stock (including (i) the
     granting of an option or any series of such options or entering into any
     agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class D Preferred
     Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of any
     securities or rights convertible into or exchangeable for Class D Preferred
     Stock), whether voluntary or involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial
     Ownership, and whether by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not
     limited to, any transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a
     change in the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class D Preferred Stock).
     The term "TRANSFERS" and "TRANSFERRED" shall have correlative meanings.

     "TRANSFER AGENT" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
     Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the Class D
     Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a
     transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the
     Class D Preferred Stock.



     "TRUST" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3 of this

     "TRUSTEE" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
     the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the Corporation to serve as
     trustee of the Trust.

     "VOTING PREFERRED STOCK" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8 of
     this Article.

     3.   DIVIDENDS.

          (a) The holders of Class D Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class D Preferred Stock equal to $2.1875 per annum. Such dividends
shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period
or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the
Corporation legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be
payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on April
15, 1998. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of
record of the Class D Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of
the Corporation at the close of business on the January 1, April 1, July 1 or
October 1, as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment
Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more
than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

          (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class D Preferred
Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter than a full
Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30day months
and a 360day year. Holders of Class D Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of
cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class D Preferred Stock. No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class D Preferred Stock that may be in

          (c) So long as any of the shares of Class D Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made
directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any class or series of
Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for



such payment on the Class D Preferred Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating
on or prior to the Dividend Payment Date with respect to such class or series of
Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such
payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class D
Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any other class or series of
Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective amounts
of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class D Preferred Stock and
accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

          (d) So long as any of the shares of Class D Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of,
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or rights to
subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by
the Corporation unless in each case the full cumulative dividends (including all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) on all outstanding shares of Class D
Preferred Stock shall have been paid or such dividends have been declared and
set apart for payment for all past Dividend Periods with respect to the Class D
Preferred Stock.

          Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3(d), the Corporation
shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for
payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii) or
redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if
such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


          (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital or surplus) shall be made to
or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class D
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive TwentyFive Dollars ($25) per share
of Class D Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount equal
to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and
unpaid thereon to the date of final



distribution to such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any
further payment. Until the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock have been paid
the Liquidation Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends
(whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to
the date of final distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any
holder of Junior Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation. If, upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable
among the holders of Class D Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in
full the preferential amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other
shares of any class or series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds
thereof, shall be distributed among the holders of Class D Preferred Stock and
any such other Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective
amounts that would be payable on such Class D Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes
of this Section 4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or
more corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

          (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
D Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


          (a) Shares of Class D Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by the
Corporation prior to February 19, 2003, except as set forth in Section 10.2 of
this Article. On and after February 19, 2003, the Corporation, at its option,
may redeem shares of Class D Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in
part, at a redemption price payable in cash equal to 100% of the Liquidation
Preference thereof, plus all accrued and unpaid dividends to the date fixed for
redemption (the "Redemption Date"). In connection with any redemption pursuant
to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class D Preferred Stock (other
than any portion thereof consisting of accrued and unpaid dividends) shall be
payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the Corporation or AIMCO
Properties, L.P., a Delaware limited Partnership (the "Operating Partnership"),
of other capital shares of the Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether
or not such sale occurs concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the
preceding sentence, 'capital shares' means any common stock, preferred stock,
depositary shares, partnership or other interests, participations or other
ownership interests (however designated) and any rights (other than debt
securities convertible into or exchangeable at the option of the holder for
equity securities (unless



and to the extent such debt securities are subsequently converted into capital
shares)) or options to purchase any of the foregoing of or in the Corporation or
the Operating Partnership.

          (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall be
specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

          (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class D
Preferred Stock have not been paid or declared and set apart for payment, no
shares of Class D Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares
of Class D Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed and neither the
Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares
of Class D Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange
offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class D Preferred

          (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class D Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption shall be
given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall
be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as
the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the failure to
mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect therein or in the
mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the sufficiency of the
notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with respect to the
other holders. Any notice which was mailed in the manner herein provided shall
be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the date mailed whether or
not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (1) the Redemption Date; (2) the number of shares of Class D
Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held by such
holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from such
holder; and (3) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are to
be surrendered for cash. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after
the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the
amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) except as otherwise
provided herein, dividends on the shares of Class D Preferred Stock so called
for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class D
Preferred Stock called for redemption (except that, in the case of a Redemption
Date after a dividend record date and prior to the related Dividend Payment
Date, holders of Class D Preferred Stock on the dividend record date will be
entitled on such Dividend Payment Date to receive the dividend payable on such
shares), (ii) said shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii)
all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class D Preferred Stock of the
Corporation shall cease (except the rights to receive the cash payable upon such
redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their
certificates if so required and to receive any dividends payable thereon). The
Corporation's obligation to make available the redemption price in accordance
with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the Call
Date, the



Corporation shall deposit with a bank or trust company (which may be an
affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust
company that has, a capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of
cash as is necessary for such redemption, in trust, with irrevocable
instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the shares of Class
D Preferred Stock so called for redemption. No interest shall accrue for the
benefit of the holders of shares of Class D Preferred Stock to be redeemed on
any cash so set aside by the Corporation. Subject to applicable escheat laws,
any such cash unclaimed at the end of two years from the Redemption Date shall
revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after which reversion the
holders of shares of Class D Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall look
only to the general funds of the Corporation for the payment of such cash.

     As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class D Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class D Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class D
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class D Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class D Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


     All shares of Class D Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized, but unissued shares of Class D Preferred Stock.

     7.   RANKING.

     Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to

          (a) prior or senior to the Class D Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
Class D Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");



          (b) on a parity with the Class D Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class D Preferred Stock, if the holders of such class of stock or series and
the Class D Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion
to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority one over the other
("Parity Stock"); and

          (c) junior to the Class D Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if such stock or series shall be Common Stock or if the holders of
Class D Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of amounts
distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be,
in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or series
("Junior Stock").

     8.   VOTING.

          (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class D Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of any
other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class D Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on
the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting
held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class D
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided.
Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class D Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for
the current quarterly dividend period shall have been paid or declared and set
apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two directors shall
cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting of such voting
rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of
all Persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of
directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At
any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in the holders of
Class D Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the
Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request of any holder of
Class D Preferred



Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation)
shall, call a special meeting of the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock and
of the Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors to be
elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to
that provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting required to be
called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days
after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class D Preferred Stock
may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose
shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors elected
at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur
among the directors elected by the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of
Directors, upon the nomination of the then remaining director elected by the
holders of the Class D Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the
successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as provided above.

          (b) So long as any shares of Class D Preferred Stock are outstanding,
in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required by law or by
the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least 662/3% of the
votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock voting
as a single class with the holders of all other classes or series of Preferred
Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in Person or by proxy, either in
writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose,
shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

               (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the provisions
of these Articles Supplementary, the Charter or the ByLaws of the Corporation
that materially adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of
the holders of the Class D Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the
amendment of the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to
increase the authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of
any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the
voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of Class D Preferred Stock;

               (ii) The authorization, creation of, the increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class of Senior Stock (whether or
not such class of Senior Stock is currently authorized); provided, however, that
no such vote of the holders of Class D Preferred Stock shall be required if, at
or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or repeal is to take
effect, or when the issuance of any such prior shares or convertible security is
to be made, as the case may be, provision



is made for the redemption of all shares of Class D Preferred Stock at the time
outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of this

     For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights under
these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class D Preferred Stock shall have
one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of preferred
stock shall have the right to vote with the Class D Preferred Stock as a single
class on any matter, then the Class D Preferred Stock and such other class or
series shall have with respect to such matters one quarter of one (.25) vote per
$25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as otherwise required by applicable
law or as set forth herein, the Class D Preferred Stock shall not have any
relative, participating, optional or other special voting rights and powers
other than as set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not
be required for the taking of any corporate action.


     The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record holder
of any share of Class D Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner thereof for
all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary.


          (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in Section
10.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial Holder or
a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class D Preferred Stock
in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own
shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit and no
Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class D Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

          (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void AB INITIO as to the Transfer of such shares of Class D Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class D Preferred Stock.

          (C) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered



through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in the Initial
Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit shall be void AB INITIO as to the Transfer of such shares
of Class D Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by the
Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the Initial Holder
shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class D Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated interdealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class D Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void AB INITIO as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class D Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class D Preferred Stock.

          (E) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD" STATUS. From and after the
Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void AB
INITIO as to the Transfer of shares of Class D Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class D
Preferred Stock.

          (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of Class
D Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C), (D), or (E)
of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the ownership of
Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the Ownership
Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely
held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation
otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity
of the Transfer of any other share of Class D Preferred Stock in the same or any
other related transaction.

     10.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee thereof
shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event has
taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has



attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any shares of Class D Preferred
Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article (whether or not such
violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a committee thereof shall be
empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to refuse to give effect to
or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including, but not limited to,
refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on the books of the
Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at the then current
Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board
of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not limited to, by means of
the issuance of longterm indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption),
demanding the repayment of any distributions received in respect of shares of
Class D Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or
instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or
attempted Transfer; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers
(or in the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in
violation of Section 10.1 of this Article, regardless of any action (or
nonaction) by the Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void AB
INITIO or (b) shall automatically result in the transfer described in Section
10.3 of this Article; PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the provisions of this Section
10.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this Article;
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof
may exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Class D Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to
Section 10.8(d) of this Article.

     10.3.  TRANSFER IN TRUST.

            (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "EXCESS TRANSFER") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated interdealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Preferred Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to,
any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other
than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares
of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class D Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "PROHIBITED TRANSFEREE"), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 10.8 of this Article, such shares of Class D
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the



exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the
Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the
business day prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
another event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the
Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit.

            (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

            (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class D
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
10.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class D Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

            (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class D Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the discovery
by the Corporation that the shares of Class D Preferred Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and
any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void AB
INITIO with respect to such shares of Class D Preferred Stock. Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class D
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
AB INITIO and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder
Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class D Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

            (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a person, designated by the Trustee, whose ownership
of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is
made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of
the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable
Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall
receive the lesser of (1) the price



paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited
Transferee did not give value for the shares (through a gift, devise or other
transaction), the Market Price of the shares on the day of the event causing the
shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the price per share received by the
Trustee from the sale or other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any
proceeds in excess of the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be
payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set
forth in this Section 10.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a
final judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having
jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the
option of the Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in
acquiring the Class D Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by
their terms, apply, and to hold such Class D Preferred Stock on behalf of the

Class D Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

            (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice to
the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit organizations
to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust relating to such
Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class D Preferred Stock held in the
Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the hands of such
Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an organization
described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

     10.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or attempts to
acquire shares of Class D Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this
Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that stock is
transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall immediately
give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall provide to the
Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request in order to
determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer or other
event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such notice shall
not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors provided herein in
any way.

     10.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue Date
certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class D
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out



            (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of more
than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class D Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class D Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record or Beneficial Owner of Class D Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by
the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional
information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class D Preferred
Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or
necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class D Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain
the written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class D Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class D
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class D Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

     10.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall limit
the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it deems
necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

     10.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any of
the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity in
any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of Directors
shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of this
Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.



     10.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be established
with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

            (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon receipt
of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax counsel or
other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the application, in
whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to the Ownership
Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section 542(a) of the
Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In connection with any
such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations and
undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board
deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect, if any, of the
proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

            (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the
Class D Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall
not constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and the pledgee shall
not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class D Preferred
Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

            (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days following the purchase of
Class D Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation or a
partnership and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class D Preferred Stock,
such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class D Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class D Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

     10.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class D Preferred Stock shall bear the
following legend:

               "The shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock represented by
     this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
     Beneficially Own shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of
     the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
     restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Corporation's Charter
     (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class
     D Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially Own
     shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable
     limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms
     in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
     Corporation's Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth
     the terms of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
     amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on
     transfer, will be sent



     without charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the restrictions on
     transfer are violated, the shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock
     represented hereby will be either (i) void in accordance with the
     Certificate or (ii) automatically transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for
     the benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

     10.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application of
any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

     10.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

     10.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
interdealer quotation system.

     FOURTH:  The terms of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XV of the Charter.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be signed
in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer and witnessed by its Secretary on February 17, 1998.

WITNESS:                               APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                       MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ Leeann Morein                      /s/ Troy D. Butts
- ---------------------------            ------------------------------

Leeann Morein,                         Troy D. Butts
Secretary                              Senior Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer

     THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                        /s/ Troy D. Butts
                                       Troy D. Butts
                                       Senior Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer

                               ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in
Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and
Taxation of the State of Maryland that:

     FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has
duly divided and classified 4,050,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such class.

     SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified as
Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 4,050,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Class A Common Stock from 502,377,500 shares immediately prior to
the reclassification to 498,327,500 shares immediately after the

     THIRD: The terms of the Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock (including the
preferences, conversions or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms
or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


     This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class G Cumulative
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class G Preferred Stock") and
Four Million Fifty Thousand (4,050,000) shall be the authorized number of
shares of such Class G Preferred Stock constituting such class.
     2.   DEFINITIONS.

     For purposes of the Class G Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:

     "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly through
     one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under
     common control with, the Person specified.

     "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity Stock,
     the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity
     Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the corresponding Market Price
     of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

     "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of
     shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if such Person is an
     "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into
     account the constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the Code, as
     modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and (iii) the number of
     shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed to beneficially own
     pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or that is attributed to such
     Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code, as modified by Section
     856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when applying this definition of
     Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder, clause (iii) of this
     definition, and clause (ii) of the definition of "Person" shall be
     disregarded.  The terms "Beneficial Owner,""Beneficially Owns" and
     "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative meanings.

     "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation
     or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to perform any of
     its responsibilities with respect to the Class G Preferred Stock.

     "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on
     which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New York, New
     York are not required to be open.

     "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust
     as determined pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Article, each of which shall
     be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and
     501(c)(3) of the Code.

"Class G Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1 of this

"Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of the Code
shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the same may be
amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any applicable
regulations or other administrative pronouncements as in effect from time to

"Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per share,
of the Corporation or such shares of the Corporation's capital stock into which
outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be reclassified.

"Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15
of each year; provided, further, that if any Dividend Payment Date falls on any
day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment payable on such Dividend
Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day immediately following such
Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall accrue on such dividend from such
date to such Dividend Payment Date.

"Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each subsequent
quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January 15, April 15,
July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and including the day
preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend Period, other than the
Dividend Period during which any Class G Preferred Stock shall be redeemed
pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption
Date with respect to the Class G Preferred Stock being redeemed.

"Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital stock of
the Corporation.

"Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this Article.

"Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

"Issue Date" shall mean July 15, 1998.

"Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and including the
Issue Date and ending on and including October 15, 1998.

"Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

"Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of Class G
Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of
the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of

Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
than Class G Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Initial
Holder.  From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or such other
person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request
make available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder Limit
applicable to the Initial Holder.

"Junior Stock" shall mean the Common Stock and any other class or series of
capital stock of the Corporation over which the shares of Class G Preferred
Stock have preference or priority in the payment of dividends or in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

"Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described in
Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code or
(ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

"Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
number of the Outstanding shares of Class G Preferred Stock of the Corporation
having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the
Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) by the
Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class G Preferred
Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

"Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of Equity
Stock, the Closing Price of share of that class of Equity Stock on the Trading
Day immediately preceding such date.  The term "Closing Price" on any date
shall mean that last sale price, regular way, or, in case no such sale takes
place on such day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices, regular
way, in either case as reported in the principal consolidated transaction
reporting system with respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on
the NYSE or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the
NYSE, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system
with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities exchange
on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the Equity
Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange,
the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the average of the high bid and
low asked prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such
system is no longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system
that may then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such
organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected by the
Board of Directors of the Company.  The term "Trading Day" shall mean a day on
which the principal national securities exchange on which

the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading is open for the
transaction of business or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to
trading on any national securities exchange, shall mean any day other than a
Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in the State of New
York are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

"NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

"Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock of the
Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of the Ownership
Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit to any
Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to include the number of shares
of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time, could acquire pursuant to
any options or convertible securities.

"Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class G Preferred
Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess
of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock
over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class G
Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Person.

"Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as applied
to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities, the Initial
Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and the Look-Through Ownership
Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

"Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section 7
of this Article.  The Class B Preferred Stock, the Class C Preferred Stock and
the Class D Preferred Stock shall each be a Parity Stock.

"Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i) an
individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust
qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association, private
foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint stock
company or other entity, and (ii) also includes a group as that term is used
for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the
remaining Sections of this Article, any individual, firm, partnership,
corporation or other entity and shall include any successor (by merger or
otherwise) of such entity.

"Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this

"Redemption Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section
5 of this Article.

"REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in Section 856 of
the Code.

"Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 7
of this Article.

"set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action other
than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its accounting ledgers
of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which indicates, pursuant to a
declaration of dividends or other distribution by the Board of Directors, the
allocation of funds to be so paid on any series or class of capital stock of
the Corporation; provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series
of Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate
account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other
similar agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class G
Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

"Trading Day", as to any securities, shall mean any day on which such
securities are traded on the principal national securities exchange on which
such securities are listed or admitted or, if such securities are not listed or
admitted for trading on any national securities exchange, the NASDAQ National
Market or, if such securities are not listed or admitted for trading on the
NASDAQ National Market, in the securities market in which such securities are

"Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other
disposition of a share of Class G Preferred Stock (including (i) the granting of
an option or any series of such options or entering into any agreement for the
sale, transfer or other disposition of Class G Preferred Stock or (ii) the
sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of any securities or rights
convertible into or exchangeable for Class G Preferred Stock), whether
voluntary or involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and
whether by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in the
Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class G Preferred Stock).  The term
"Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

"Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the Board of
Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the Class G Preferred
Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a transfer agent
then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the Class G Preferred

"Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Article.

     "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
     the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the Corporation to serve as
     trustee of the Trust.

     "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8 of
     this Article.

     3.  DIVIDENDS.

         (a)  The holders of Class G Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class G Preferred Stock equal to $2.34375 per annum.  Such
dividends shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any
Dividend Period or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be
funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of such dividends,
and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date,
commencing on October 15, 1998.  Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears
to the holders of record of the Class G Preferred Stock, as they appear on the
stock records of the Corporation at the close of business on the January 1,
April 1, July 1 or October 1, as the case may be, immediately preceding such
Dividend Payment Date.  Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past
Dividend Periods may be declared and paid at any time, without reference to any
regular Dividend Payment Date, to holders of record on such date, which date
shall not precede by more than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed
by the Board of Directors.

         (b)  Any dividend payable on the Class G Preferred Stock for any
partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30-day
months and a 360-day year.  Holders of Class G Preferred Stock shall not be
entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess
of cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class G Preferred Stock.  No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class G Preferred Stock that may be in

         (c)  So long as any of the shares of Class G Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made
directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any class or series of
Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for such payment on the Class G Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating on or prior to the Dividend Payment
Date with respect to such class or series of Parity Stock.  When dividends are
not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as
aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class G Preferred Stock and all
dividends declared upon any

other class or series of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion
to the respective amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the
Class G Preferred Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity

          (d)  So long as any of the shares of Class G Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of,
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to
any shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption
of any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless in each case the full cumulative
dividends (including all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) on all
outstanding shares of Class G Preferred Stock shall have been paid or such
dividends have been declared and set apart for payment for all past Dividend
Periods with respect to the Class G Preferred Stock.

          Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3(d), the Corporation
shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for
payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii) or
redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if
such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation
as a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


          (a)  In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital or surplus) shall be made
to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class
G Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars ($25) per
share of Class G Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount
equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued
and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders; but such
holders shall not be entitled to any further payment. Until the holders of the
Class G Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

Corporation. If, upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable
among the holders of Class G Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in
full the preferential amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other
shares of any class or series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the
proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the holders of Class G Preferred
Stock and any such other Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the
respective amounts that would be payable on such Class G Preferred Stock and
any such other Parity Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.
For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the
Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or
substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share
exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up,
voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

          (b)  Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
G Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class G Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


          (a)  Shares of Class G Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by the
Corporation prior to July 15, 2008, except as set forth in Section 10.2 of this
Article. On and after July 15, 2008, the Corporation, at its option, may redeem
shares of Class G Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, at a
redemption price payable in cash equal to 100% of the Liquidation Preference
thereof, plus all accrued and unpaid dividends to the date fixed for redemption
(the "Redemption Date"). In connection with any redemption pursuant to this
Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class G Preferred Stock (other than
any portion thereof consisting of accrued and unpaid dividends) shall be payable
solely with the proceeds from the sale by the Corporation or AIMCO Properties,
L.P., a Delaware limited Partnership (the "Operating Partnership"), of other
capital shares of the Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether or not
such sale occurs concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the
preceding sentence, "capital shares" means any common stock, preferred stock,
depositary shares, partnership or other interests, participations or other
ownership interests (however designated) and any rights (other than debt
securities convertible into or exchangeable at the option of the holder for
equity securities (unless and to the extent such debt securities are
subsequently converted into capital shares)) or options to purchase any of the
foregoing of or in the Corporation or the Operating Partnership.

          (b)  The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall
be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

     (c)  If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class G
Preferred Stock have not been paid or declared and set apart for payment, no
shares of Class G Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares
of Class G Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed and neither the
Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares
of Class G Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange
offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class G Preferred

     (d)  If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class G Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption shall be
given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed.  Such notice shall
be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as
the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation.  Neither the failure
to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect therein or in
the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the sufficiency of
the notice of the validity of the proceedings for redemption with respect to
the other holders.  Any notice which was mailed in the manner herein provided
shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the date mailed
whether or not the holder receives the notice.  Each such notice shall state,
as appropriate: (1) the Redemption Date; (2) the number of shares of Class G
Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held by such
holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from such
holder; and (3) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are
to be surrendered for cash.  Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and
after the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available
the amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) except as
otherwise provided herein, dividends on the shares of Class G Preferred Stock
so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of
Class G Preferred Stock called for redemption(except that, in the case of a
Redemption Date after a dividend record date and prior to the related Dividend
Payment Date, holders of Class G Preferred Stock on the dividend record date
will be entitled to such Dividend Payment Date to receive the dividend payable
on such shares), (ii) said shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding,
and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class G Preferred
Stock of the Corporation shall cease (except the rights to receive the cash
payable upon such redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender and
endorsement of their certificates if so required and to receive any dividends
payable thereon). The Corporation's obligation to make available the redemption
price in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled if, on
or before the Call Date, the Corporation shall deposit with a bank or trust
company (which may be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an
affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at least
$50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption, in trust,
with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the
shares of Class G Preferred Stock so called for redemption.  No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class G Preferred Stock to
be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.  Subject to applicable
escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two years from the
Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after
which reversion the holders of shares of Class G Preferred

Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

     As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class G Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice.  If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class G Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class G
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class G Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable.  If
fewer than all the shares of Class G Preferred Stock represented by any
certificate are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed
shares shall be issued without cost to the holders thereof.

     6.   Status of Reacquired Stock.

     All shares of Class G Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized, but unissued shares of Class G Preferred Stock.

     7.   Ranking.

     Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to

          (a)  prior or senior to the Class G Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
Class G Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

          (b)  on a parity with the Class G Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class G Preferred Stock, if the holders of such class of stock or series and
the Class G Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion
to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority one over the other
("Parity Stock"); and

       (c)    junior to the Class G Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if such stock or series shall be Common Stock or if the holders of
Class G Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of amounts
distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be,
in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or series
("Junior Stock").

  8.   VOTING.

       (a)    If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class G Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of any
other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class G Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on
the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting
held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the  Class G
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter
provided. Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class G Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends
thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have been paid or
declared and set apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class G
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two
directors shall cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting
of such voting rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the
terms of office of all Persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class
G Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and
the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced
accordingly. At any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in
the holders of Class G Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if
applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request
of any holder of Class G Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the
principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the
holders of the Class G Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the
election of the two directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such
call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the
Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If
any such special meeting required to be called as above provided shall not be
called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then
any holder of Class G Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice
above provided, and for that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the
Corporation.  The directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold
office until the next annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held
in lieu thereof if such office shall not have

previously terminated as above provided.  If any vacancy shall occur among the
directors elected by the holders of the Class G Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors, upon
the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the holders of the
Class G Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the successor of such
remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders
or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not have
previously terminated as provided above.

          (b)  So long as any shares of Class G Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class G
Preferred Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes
or series of Preferred Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in Person
or by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting
called for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

               (i)  Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of these Articles Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the
Corporation that materially adversely affects the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of the Class G Preferred Stock; provided, however,
that the amendment of the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or
create, or to increase the authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or
any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially
adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of
Class G Preferred Stock; or

               (ii) The authorization, creation of, the increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class of Senior Stock (whether or
not such class of Senior Stock is currently authorized); provided, however, that
no such vote of the holders of Class G Preferred Stock shall be required if, at
or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or repeal is to take
effect, or when the issuance of any such prior shares or convertible security
is to be made, as the case may be, provision is made for the redemption of all
shares of Class G Preferred Stock at the time outstanding to the extent such
redemption is authorized by Section 5 of this Article.

     For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights under
these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class G Preferred Stock shall have
one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of preferred
stock shall have the right to vote with the Class G Preferred Stock as a single
class on any matter, then the Class G Preferred Stock and such other class or
series shall have with respect to such matters one quarter of one(.25) vote per
$25 of stated liquidation preference.  Except as otherwise required by
applicable law or as set forth herein, the Class G Preferred Stock shall not
have any relative, participating, optional or other special voting rights and
powers other than as set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof
shall not be required for the taking of any corporate action.


     The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record holder
of any share of Class G Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner thereof for
all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary.


          (A)  LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP.  Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class G
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class G
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

          (B)  TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT.  Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class G Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class G Preferred Stock.

          (C)  TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT.  Except as provided
in Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in the
Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess
of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such
shares of Class G Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by
the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the Initial Holder
shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class G Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class G Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class G

Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through
Entity in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through
Entity shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class G Preferred Stock.

Date any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class G Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class G
Preferred Stock.

     (F)  SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of Class G
Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C), (D), or (E)
of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the ownership of
Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the Ownership
Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely
held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation
otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity
of the Transfer of any other share of Class G Preferred Stock in the same or
any other related transaction.

   10.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH.  If the Board of Directors or a committee thereof
shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event has
taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class G Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable
to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event,
including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or
other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem
such shares at the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions
as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion
(including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term
indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the repayment of
any distributions received in respect of shares of Class G Preferred Stock
acquired in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or instituting
proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted
Transfer; provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in
the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of
Section 10.1 of this Article, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the
Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall
automatically result in the transfer described in Section 10.3 of this

Article; provided, further, that the provisions of this Section 10.2 shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this Article; provided, further,
that neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof may exercise such
authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class G
Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section 10.8(d) of
this Article.


          (A)  ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST.  If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated interdealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Preferred Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to,
any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other
than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares
of Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class G Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited Transferee"), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 10.8 of this Article, such shares of Class G
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable
Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as
of the close of business on the business day prior to the Excess Transfer,
change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a potential
violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through
Entity Ownership Limit.

          (B)  APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.  The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

          (C)  STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE.   Shares of Class G
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation.  Except to the extent provided in Section
10.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class G
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not
benefit economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee,
shall have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or
other rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

     (D)  DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS.  The Trustee shall have all voting rights
and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class G Preferred Stock held
in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the Charitable
Beneficiary.  Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the discovery by the
Corporation that the shares of Class G Preferred Stock have been transferred to
the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and any dividend or
distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void ab initio with
respect to such shares of Class G Preferred Stock.  Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary.  Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class G
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder
Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class G Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

          (E)  RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER.  The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions.  If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E).  The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the
Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or
other disposition of the shares held in the Trust.  Any proceeds in excess of
the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the
Charitable Beneficiary.  If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this
Section 10.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgement
to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the
issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class G Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class G Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

Class G Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer.  The Corporation shall
have the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of
(i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to
the Trust and

(ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith that an
Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

              (G)  DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES.  By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class G Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

       10.4   NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER.  Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class G Preferred Stock in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may
request in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted
Transfer or other event on the Corporations's status as a REIT.  Failure to
give such notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of
Directors provided herein in any way.

       10.5   OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION.  From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class G
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

              (A)  ANNUAL DISCLOSURE.  Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class G Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class G Preferred
Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shared are held.
Each such record or Beneficial Owner of Class G Preferred Stock shall, upon
demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such
additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class G
Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code
regarding the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and
(ii) ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable.  Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class G Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to
obtain the written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial

that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class G Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class G
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial

Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares, shall provide such information as
the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may request in order to determine the
Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with the requirements of any taxing
authority or other governmental agency, to determine any such compliance or to
ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide a statement or affidavit to the
Corporation setting forth the number of shares of Class G Preferred Stock
already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or proposed transferee and any
related persons specified, which statement or affidavit shall be in the form
prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

     10.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED.    Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of
this Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its
stockholders in the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii)
to insure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

     10.7 AMBIGUITY.     In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions
of this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

     10.8 EXPECTATIONS.  The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

          (A)  WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT.    The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of
Section 542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust.
In connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion,
to determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

          (B)  PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER.     Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class G Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class G
Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon

          (C)  UNDERWRITERS.  For a period of 270 days following the purchase
of Class G Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation or a
partnership and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class G Preferred
Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with
respect to the Class G Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in
connection with such offering and with respect to any Class G Preferred Stock
purchased in connection with market making activities.

     10.9 LEGEND.   Each certificate for Class G Preferred Stock shall bear the
following legend:

                    "The shares of Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock
     represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer.
     No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class G Cumulative Preferred
     Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain
     further restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter (including
     the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class G
     Cumulative Preferred Stock).  Any Person that attempts to Beneficially
     Own shares of Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the
     applicable limitation must immediately notify the Corporation.  All
     capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms
     in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
     terms of the Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
     amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on
     transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so requests.
     If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer of the
     shares of Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will be
     void in accordance with the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary
     setting forth the terms of the Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii)
     the shares of Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
     automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one
     or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

     10.10     SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Article or any
application of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court
having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.

     10.11     BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION.  Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

     10.12     SETTLEMENT.    Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall
be interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into
through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

     FOURTH:   The terms of the Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth in
Article Third hereof shall become Article XVI of the Charter.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be signed
in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer and witnessed by its Secretary on July 13, 1998.

WITNESS:                                APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                        MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ JOEL BONDER                         /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
- ------------------------------          -----------------------------
Joel Bonder                             Troy D. Butts
Secretary                               Senior Vice President and
                                        Chief Financial Officer

     THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a
part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the
foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation
and hereby certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect
to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects
under the penalties of perjury.

                                        /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
                                        Troy D. Butts
                                        Senior Vice President and
                                        Chief Financial Officer


                              ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in
Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and
Taxation of the State of Maryland that:

        FIRST:  Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of
Directors of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has
duly divided and classified 2,300,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such class.

        SECOND:  The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,300,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification.  The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Class A Common Stock from 498,327,500 shares immediately prior to
the reclassification to 496,027,500 shares immediately after the

        THIRD:  The terms of the Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock (including
the preferences, conversions or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms
or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


        This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class H Cumulative
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class H Preferred Stock") and
Two Million Three Hundred Thousand (2,300,000) shall be the authorized number
of shares of such Class H Preferred Stock constituting such class.

        2.       DEFINITIONS.

        For purposes of the Class H Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:
         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or
         is under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial
         Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the
         definition of "Person" shall be disregarded.  The terms "Beneficial
         Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the
         correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class H
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 10.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class H Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         1 of this Article.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto.  Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation, and the Class B Common Stock, $.01 par
         value per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such
         Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and
         October 15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business
         Day immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest
         shall accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending
         on and including the day preceding the first day of the next
         succeeding Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during
         which any Class H Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to
         Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption Date
         with respect to the Class H Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean August 14, 1998.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including October 14, 1998.

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares
         of Class H Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate
         Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of
         all Outstanding shares of

         Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
         Stock other than Class H Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned
         by the Initial Holder.  From the Issue Date, the secretary of the
         Corporation, or such other person as shall be designated by the Board
         of Directors, shall upon request make available to the
         representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of Directors, a
         schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder Limit
         applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through
         Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class H Preferred Stock
         of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the
         excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of
         Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
         Stock other than Class H Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned
         by the Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.  The term
         "Closing Price," when used with respect to a share of any Equity Stock
         and for any date, shall mean the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect
         to securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in
         use, the principal other automated quotations system that may then be
         in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization,
         the average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
         professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
         by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.  The term "Trading Day,"
         when used with respect to the Closing Price of a share of any Equity
         Stock, shall mean (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to
         trading on the NYSE, a day on which the NYSE is open for the

         transaction of business, (ii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or
         admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or admitted to trading
         on another national securities exchange or automated quotation system,
         a day on which the principal national securities exchange or automated
         quotation system, as the case may be, on which the Equity Stock is
         listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business,
         or (iii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on
         any national securities exchange or automated quotation system, any
         day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking
         institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by
         law or executive order to close.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Operating Partnership" shall mean AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware
         limited partnership.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone,
         at that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class H Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class H Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article,
         (i) an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including
         a trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) also
         includes a group as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3)
         of the Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the remaining

         Sections of this Article, any individual, firm, partnership,
         corporation or other entity and shall include any successor (by merger
         or otherwise) of such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A)
         of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 5 of this Article.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other
         distribution by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be
         so paid on any series or class of capital stock of the Corporation;
         provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series of Junior
         Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate
         account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or
         other similar agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the
         Class H Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate
         account or delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other
         similar agent.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class H Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of
         Class H Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or
         other disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class H Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class H Preferred Stock).  The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class H Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class H Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8
         of this Article.

         3.      DIVIDENDS.

                 (a)      The holders of Class H Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of
funds legally available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash
in an amount per share of Class H Preferred Stock equal to $2.375 per annum
(equivalent to 9 1/2% per annum of the per share Liquidation Preference (as
hereinafter defined)).  Such dividends shall be cumulative from the Issue Date,
whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods such dividends shall be
declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation legally available for the
payment of such dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on each
Dividend Payment Date, commencing on October 15, 1998.  Each such dividend
shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of the Class H Preferred
Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the Corporation at the close of
business on the January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1, as the case may be,
immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.  Accumulated, accrued and
unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and paid at any
time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment Date, to holders of
record on such date, which date shall not precede by more than 45 days the
payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.

                 (b)      Any dividend payable on the Class H Preferred Stock
for any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of
twelve 30-day months and a 360-day year.  Holders of Class H Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or
stock, in excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class
H Preferred Stock.  No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class H Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                 (c)      So long as any of the shares of Class H Preferred
Stock are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following
sentence, no dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by
the Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to
any shares of Parity Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full
amount of accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares
of Class H Preferred Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid
or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been or
contemporaneously is set apart for payment of such dividends on the Class H
Preferred Stock for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such

or distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case
may be, with respect to such shares of Parity Stock.  When dividends are not
paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as
aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class H Preferred Stock and all
dividends declared upon any shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in
proportion to the respective amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and
unpaid on the Class H Preferred Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on
such Parity Stock.

                 (d)      So long as any of the shares of Class H Preferred
Stock are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid
in shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase
shares of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by
the Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to
any shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption
of any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the
full amount of all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding
shares of Class H Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such
dividends have been declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been set apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class H Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior
Stock in respect thereof, as the case may be.

                 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) or redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition
is necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the
Corporation as a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                 (a)      In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any
payment or distribution by

the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall be made to or
set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class H
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars ($25) per
share of Class H Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount
equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued
and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders; but such
holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.  Until the holders of the
Class H Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation.  If, upon any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets of the
Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of Class H
Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential amount
aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or series
of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class H Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that
would be payable on such Class H Preferred Stock and any such other Parity
Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.  For the purposes of
this Section 4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or
more corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed
to be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of
the Corporation.

                 (b)      Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of
Class H Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4,
any other series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the
respective terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining
to be paid or distributed, and the holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and
any Parity Stock shall not be entitled to share therein.


                 (a)      Shares of Class H Preferred Stock shall not be
redeemable by the Corporation prior to August 14, 2003, except as set forth in
Section 10.2 of this Article.  On and after August 14, 2003, the Corporation,
at its option, may redeem shares of Class H Preferred Stock, in whole or from
time to time in part, at a redemption price payable in cash equal to 100% of
the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus all accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends to the date fixed for redemption (the "Redemption Date"); provided,
however, that in the event of a redemption of shares of Class H Preferred
Stock, if the Redemption Date occurs after a dividend record date and on or
prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares called for redemption shall be
payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the holders of record at the close of

business on such dividend record date, and shall not be payable as part of the
redemption price for such shares.  In connection with any redemption pursuant
to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class H Preferred Stock
(other than any portion thereof consisting of accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends) shall be payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership, of other capital shares of the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether or not such sale occurs
concurrently with such redemption).  For purposes of the preceding sentence,
"capital shares" means any common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares,
partnership or other interests, participations or other ownership interests
(however designated) and any rights (other than debt securities convertible
into or exchangeable at the option of the holder for equity securities (unless
and to the extent such debt securities are subsequently converted into capital
shares)) or options to purchase any of the foregoing of or in the Corporation
or the Operating Partnership.

                 (b)      The Redemption Date shall be selected by the
Corporation, shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not
less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is
sent by the Corporation.

                 (c)     If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares
of Class H Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, no shares of Class H Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless
all outstanding shares of Class H Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed
and neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase
or acquire shares of Class H Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a
purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of
Class H Preferred Stock.

                 (d)     If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class H
Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such
redemption shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be
redeemed.  Such notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid,
at such holder's address as the same appears on the stock records of the
Corporation.  Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph
(d), nor any defect therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder,
shall affect the sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings
for redemption with respect to the other holders.  Any notice which was mailed
in the manner herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly
given on the date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice.  Each
such notice shall state, as appropriate: (1) the Redemption Date; (2) the
number of shares of Class H Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than
all such shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such
shares to be redeemed from such holder; (3) the place or places at which
certificates for such shares are to be surrendered for cash; and (4) the
redemption price payable on such Redemption Date, including, without
limitation, a statement as to whether or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends will be (x) payable as part of the redemption price, or (y) payable
on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record holder at the close of business
on the relevant record date as described in the next succeeding sentence.

Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the Redemption Date
(unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the amount of cash
necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares of Class H
Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on
the shares of Class H Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said shares
shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Class H Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall
cease except the rights to receive the cash payable upon such redemption,
without interest thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their certificates
if so required; provided, however, that if the Redemption Date for any shares
of Class H Preferred Stock occurs after any dividend record date and on or
prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the full dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class H Preferred Stock
called for redemption shall be  payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the
holders of record of such shares at the close of business on the corresponding
dividend record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of such shares.  The
Corporation's obligation to make available the redemption price in accordance
with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the
applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust
with a bank or trust company (which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation)
that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and
surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such
redemption plus, if such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date
and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is
necessary to pay the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect
of such shares of Class H Preferred Stock called for redemption, with
irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the
shares of Class H Preferred Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable,
the payment of such dividend.  No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the
holders of shares of Class H Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set
aside by the Corporation.  Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash
unclaimed at the end of two years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the
general funds of the Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares
of Class H Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the
general funds of the Corporation for the payment of such cash.

        As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class H Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice.  If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class H Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class H
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class H Preferred Stock held of record by each holder
of such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable.  If
fewer than all the shares of Class H Preferred Stock represented by any
certificate are redeemed,

then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be issued
without cost to the holders thereof.


        All shares of Class H Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized, but unissued shares of Class H Preferred Stock.

        7.       RANKING.

        Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed
to rank:

                 (a)     prior or senior to the Class H Preferred Stock, as to
the payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class H Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                 (b)     on a parity with the Class H Preferred Stock, as to
the payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class H Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, or Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock of
the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class of stock or series and the
Class H Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion
to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority of one over the other
(the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being
hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

                 (c)     junior to the Class H Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common
Stock or (ii) the holders of Class H Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
shares of such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i)
and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as
"Junior Stock").

        8.       VOTING.

                 (a)     If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or
not consecutive) payable on the Class H Preferred Stock or any series or class
of Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting
the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by
reason of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of
any other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the
"Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class H Preferred
Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock
then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class
regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors
to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or
special meeting held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders
of the Class H Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as
hereinafter provided.  Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class H
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been
paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have
been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, then the right
of the holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to
elect such additional two directors shall cease (but subject always to the same
provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any similar
future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as directors
by the holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock
shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the Board of
Directors shall be reduced accordingly.  At any time after such voting power
shall have been so vested in the holders of Class H Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class H Preferred Stock
(addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall,
call a special meeting of the holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and of the
Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors to be elected by
them as herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that
provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law.  If any such special meeting required to be
called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days
after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class H Preferred Stock
may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose
shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation.  The directors elected
at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as above provided.  If any vacancy shall occur
among the directors elected by the holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of
Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the
holders of the Class H Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the
successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as provided above.

                 (b)     So long as any shares of Class H Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66- 2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class H
Preferred Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes
or series of Parity Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or
by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called
for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

                         (i)      Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of
the provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of
the Class H Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of the
provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the
authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of
Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting
powers, rights or preferences of the holders of Class H Preferred Stock; or

                         (ii)     The authorization, creation of, increase in
the authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class H Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration
or repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class H Preferred Stock
at the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section
5 of this Article.

        For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class H Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class
H Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class H Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters
one quarter of one (.25) vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference.  Except
as otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the
Charter, the Class H Preferred Stock shall not have any relative,
participating, optional or other special voting rights and powers other than as
set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required
for the taking of any corporate action.

        9.       RECORD HOLDERS.

        The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class H Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all

purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be affected
by any notice to the contrary.


                 (A)  LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP.  Except as provided
in Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the
Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class
H Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall
not Beneficially Own shares of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class
H Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                 (B)  TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT.  Except as
provided in Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity) Beneficially Owning shares of Class H Preferred Stock in
excess of the Ownership Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class H Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by such Person in excess of the Ownership Limit, and the intended
transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class H Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of
Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class H Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial
Holder limit, and the Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of
Class H Preferred Stock.

Except as provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject
to Section 10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares
of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class H Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in
excess of the Look- Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall
acquire no rights in such shares of Class H Preferred Stock.

after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant
that is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by
the Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy
any of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be
void ab initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class H Preferred Stock that
would cause the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of
Section 856(h) of the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the
case may be, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares
of Class H Preferred Stock.

                 (F)  SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS.  A Transfer of a share
of Class H Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii)
the Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely
affect the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class H Preferred
Stock in the same or any other related transaction.

         10.2  REMEDIES FOR BREACH.  If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other
event has taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a
Person intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of
any shares of Class H Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this
Article (whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or
a committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable
to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event,
including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or
other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem
such shares at the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions
as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion
(including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term
indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the repayment of
any distributions received in respect of shares of Class H Preferred Stock
acquired in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or instituting
proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted
Transfer; provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in
the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of
Section 10.1 of this Article, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the
Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall
automatically result in the transfer described in Section 10.3 of this Article;
provided, further, that the provisions of this Section 10.2 shall be subject to
the provisions of Section 10.12 of this Article; provided, further, that
neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof may

exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Class H Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to
Section 10.8(C) of this Article.

        10.3.  TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                 (A)  ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST.  If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is
the result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or
other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or
other change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not
limited to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not
limited to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would
Beneficially Own shares of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class H
Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that
is a Look-Through Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class H Preferred
Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the
Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through Entity that would Beneficially Own
shares of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial
Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as
a "Prohibited Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 10.8
of this Article, such shares of Class H Preferred Stock in excess of the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit,
as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be
automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust
for the exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries.  Such
transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of
business on the Business Day prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital
structure or another event giving rise to a potential violation of the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Ownership

                 (B)  APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.  The Trustee shall be appointed
by the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the
Corporation or any Prohibited Transferee.  The Trustee may be an individual or
a bank or trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                 (C)  STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE.  Shares of Class H
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation.  Except to the extent provided in Section
10.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class H
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not
benefit economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee,
shall have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or
other rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

                 (D)  DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS.  The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class H
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.  Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class H Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class H Preferred Stock.  Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary.  Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class H Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.  The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure
or other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit,
Initial Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to
have given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class H
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                 (E)  RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER.  The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions.  If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E).  The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the
Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or
other disposition of the shares held in the Trust.  Any proceeds in excess of
the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the
Charitable Beneficiary.  If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this
Section 10.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to
be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the
issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class H Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class H Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

Shares of Class H Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to
have been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per
share equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that
resulted in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift,
the Market Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price
on the date the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer.  The
Corporation shall have the right to accept such offer for a period of

90 days after the later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event
resulting in a transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of
Directors determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event

notice to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class H Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         10.4    NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER.  Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class H Preferred Stock in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may
request in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted
Transfer or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT.  Failure to give
such notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         10.5    OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION.  From and after the
Issue Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of
Class H Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set
out below.

                 (A)  ANNUAL DISCLOSURE.  Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class H Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class H Preferred
Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held.
Each such record or Beneficial Owner of Class H Preferred Stock shall, upon
demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such
additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class H
Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code
regarding the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and
(ii) ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable.  Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class H Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to
obtain the written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial

that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class H Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class H
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply
with the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall
provide a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of
shares of Class H Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such
stockholder or proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which
statement or affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for
that purpose.

         10.6    REMEDIES NOT LIMITED.  Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of
this Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its
stockholders in the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii)
to insure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         10.7    AMBIGUITY.  In the case of an ambiguity in the application of
any of the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an
ambiguity in any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board
of Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the
provisions of this Article with respect to any situation based on its
reasonable belief, understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         10.8    EXCEPTIONS.  The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

                 (A)  WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT.  The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of
Section 542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust.
In connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion,
to determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

                 (B)  PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER.  Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class H Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and
the pledgee shall not be subject to the

Ownership Limit with respect to the Class H Preferred Stock so pledged to it
either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

                 (C)  UNDERWRITERS.  For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold
allotment of Class H Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class H
Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or
other legal entity and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class H
Preferred Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit
with respect to the Class H Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in
connection with such offering and with respect to any Class H Preferred Stock
purchased in connection with market making activities.

         10.9    LEGEND.  Each certificate for Class H Preferred Stock shall
bear substantially the following legend:

                          "The shares of Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer.  No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class H Cumulative
         Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock).  Any Person that
         attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class H Cumulative Preferred
         Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must immediately notify
         the Corporation.  All capitalized terms in this legend have the
         meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter (including the Articles
         Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class H Cumulative
         Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from time to time, a copy
         of which, including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent without
         charge to each stockholder that so requests.  If the restrictions on
         transfer are violated (i) the transfer of the shares of Class H
         Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will be void in
         accordance with the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary
         setting forth the terms of the Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock) or
         (ii) the shares of Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock represented
         hereby will automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for
         the benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         10.10   SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Article or any
application of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court
having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.

         10.11   BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION.  Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         10.12   SETTLEMENT.  Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall
be interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into
through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter- dealer quotation system.

        FOURTH:  The terms of the Class H Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XVII of the Charter.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on August 12,

WITNESS:                                  APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                          MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                       /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
- ----------------------------------        -------------------------------------
Kathleen Harvey                           Troy D. Butts
Assistant Secretary                       Senior Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer

        THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a
part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the
foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation
and hereby certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect
to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects
under the penalties of perjury.

                                          /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
                                          Troy D. Butts
                                          Senior Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in
Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and
Taxation of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of
Directors of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has
duly divided and classified 2,000,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,000,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 486,027,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 484,027,500 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions and
qualifications) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class J
Preferred Stock") and Two Million (2,000,000) shall be the authorized number of
shares of such Class J Preferred Stock constituting such class.


         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class J Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:

         "ABP Subscription Agreement" shall mean the Subscription Agreement
         dated as of November 6, 1998 between the Corporation and Stichting
         Pensioenfonds ABP.

         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or
         is under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial
         Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the
         definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial
         Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the
         correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class J
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.


         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class E Articles Supplementary" shall have the meaning set forth in
         Section 7.3 of this Article.

         "Class J Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         1 of this Article.

         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or,
         in case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the
         closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported
         in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with
         respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as
         reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system
         with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities
         exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading
         or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any
         national securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so
         quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked prices in the
         over-the-counter market, as reported by the National Association of
         Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ") or, if
         such system is no longer in use, the principal other automated
         quotations system that may then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is
         not quoted by any such organization, the average of the closing bid
         and asked prices as furnished by a professional market maker making a
         market in the Equity Stock selected by the Board of Directors of the

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation, and the Class B Common Stock, $.01 par
         value per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such
         Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class
         A Common Stock for which each share of Class J Preferred Stock is


         as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to Section 7 of this
         Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $40 (equivalent to a
         conversion rate of 2.50 shares of Class A Common Stock for each share
         of Class J Preferred Stock).

         "Current Market Price" of a share of any Equity Stock shall mean the
         closing price, regular way on such day, or, if no sale takes place on
         such day, the average of the reported closing bid and asked prices,
         regular way, on such day, in either case as reported on the principal
         national securities exchange on which such securities are listed or
         admitted for trading, or, if such security is not quoted on any
         national securities exchange, on the NASDAQ National Market or if such
         security is not quoted on the NASDAQ National Market, the average of
         the closing bid and asked prices on such day in the over-the-counter
         market as reported by NASDAQ or, if bid and asked prices for each
         security on such day shall not have been reported through NASDAQ, the
         average of the bid and asked prices on such day as furnished by any
         New York Stock Exchange or National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. member firm regularly making a market in such security selected
         for such purpose by the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation or
         the Board of Directors of the Corporation or if any class or series of
         securities are not publicly traded, the fair value of the shares of
         such class as determined reasonably and in good faith by the Board of
         Directors of the Corporation.

         "distribution" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a)(iii)
         of Section 7.3 of this Article.

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean, with respect to each Dividend
         Period, (a) the date that cash dividends are paid on the Class A
         Common Stock with respect to such Dividend Period; or (b) if such
         dividends have not been paid on the Class A Common Stock by 9:00 a.m.,
         New York City time, on the sixtieth day from and including the last
         day of such Dividend Period, then on such day; provided, that if any
         Dividend Payment Date falls on any day other than a Business Day, the
         dividend payment payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid
         on the Business Day immediately following such Dividend Payment Date
         and no interest shall accrue on such dividend from such date to such
         Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15 of each year and ending
         on and including the day preceding the first day of the next
         succeeding Dividend Period.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.


         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(a) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Fair Market Value" shall mean the average of the daily Current Market
         Prices of a share of Class A Common Stock during five (5) consecutive
         Trading Days selected by the Corporation commencing not more than
         twenty (20) Trading Days before, and ending not later than, the
         earlier of the day in question and the day before the "ex" date, if
         any, with respect to any issuance or distribution requiring such
         computation. The term "'ex' date," when used with respect to any
         issuance or distribution, means the first day on which the share of
         Class A Common Stock trades regular way, without the right to receive
         such issuance or distribution, on the exchange or in the market, as
         the case may be, used to determine that day's Current Market Price.

         "Issue Date" shall mean the date on which shares of Class J Preferred
         Stock are issued pursuant to the ABP Subscription Agreement and the OP
         Subscription Agreement.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including November 14,

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares
         of Class J Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate
         Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of
         all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of
         all shares of Equity Stock other than Class J Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make
         available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board
         of Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial
         Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Internal Rate of Return" shall mean, as of any determination date,
         the effective discount rate under which the present value of the
         Inflows associated with an outstanding share of Class J Preferred
         Stock equals the Outflow on the Issue Date associated with such share.
         For purposes of calculation of Internal Rate of Return:

                  (i) "Inflows" shall mean (a) all dividends (whether paid in
         cash, property or stock) that have been received on such share, (b)
         any other distributions that have been received on such share, and (c)
         as of the determination date, the average of the daily Current Market
         Prices of a share


         of the Corporation's Class A Common Stock during the five most recent
         Trading Days, such average multiplied by the Liquidation Preference
         (excluding any accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of
         Class J Preferred Stock, and such product divided by the Conversion
         Price. For purposes of calculating the amounts of any Inflows, all
         dividends or distributions received in property or stock shall be
         deemed to have a value equal to the fair market value of such
         dividends or distributions as of the date such dividend or
         distribution is received, as determined in good faith by the Board of
         Directors. All Inflows shall be deemed to have taken place on the date
         on which payment was actually received by the holder.

                  (ii) "Outflow" shall mean $100 plus an amount equal to one
         one-millionth of any and all out-of-pocket costs of Stichting
         Pensioenfonds ABP relating to the acquisition of 1,000,000 shares of
         the Corporation's Class J Preferred Stock on the Issue Date. Outflow
         shall be deemed to have taken place on the Closing Date of the ABP
         Subscription Agreement and the OP Subscription Agreement, and

                  (iii) Neither the fact of any transfer of Class J Preferred
         Stock nor the amount of any consideration received by the holder
         thereof or paid by any successor holder in connection with any
         transfer shall affect the calculation of Internal Rate of Return.

         Schedule A attached hereto shows the calculation of Internal Rate of
         Return at certain hypothetical dates of determination and given a
         certain hypothetical aggregate purchase price, certain hypothetical
         Inflows and certain hypothetical levels of the Current Market Price of
         the Corporation's Class A Common Stock.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "OP Subscription Agreement" shall mean the Stock Purchase Agreement
         dated as of November 6, 1998 between the Corporation and AIMCO
         Properties, L.P.


         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit to any Person, the
         term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to include the number of shares of
         Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time, could acquire
         pursuant to any options or convertible securities.

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class J Preferred Stock
         of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the
         excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of
         Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
         Stock other than Class J Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned
         by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean, collectively, the Ownership Limit
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder and the Initial
         Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder.

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article,
         (i) an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including
         a trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) also
         includes a group as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3)
         of the Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of
         this Article, any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other
         entity and shall include any successor (by merger or otherwise) of
         such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(a)
         of this Article.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other
         distribution by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be
         so paid on any series or class of capital stock of the Corporation;
         provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series of


         Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a
         separate account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing,
         paying or other similar agent, then "set apart for payment" with
         respect to the Class J Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds
         in a separate account or delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying
         or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to the Closing Price
         of a share of any Equity Stock, (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or
         admitted to trading on the NYSE, a day on which the NYSE is open for
         the transaction of business, (ii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or
         admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or admitted to trading
         on another national securities exchange or automated quotation system,
         a day on which the principal national securities exchange or automated
         quotation system, as the case may be, on which the Equity Stock is
         listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business,
         or (iii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on
         any national securities exchange or automated quotation system, any
         day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking
         institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by
         law or executive order to close.

         "Transaction" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3 of this

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class J Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of
         Class J Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or
         other disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class J Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class J Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class J Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class J Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.


         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9
         of this Article.

         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class J Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class J Preferred Stock equal to (i) 7% per annum of the per share
Liquidation Preference (as hereinafter defined) for the period beginning on and
including the Issue Date and lasting until November 15, 1998; (ii) 8% per annum
of the per share Liquidation Preference for the period beginning on and
including November 15, 1998 and lasting until November 15, 1999; (iii) 9% per
annum of the per share Liquidation Preference for the period beginning on and
including November 15, 1999 and lasting until November 15, 2000; and (iv) 9.5%
per annum of the per share Liquidation Preference thereafter. Such dividends
shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period
or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the
Corporation legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be
payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on
November 15, 1998. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the
holders of record of the Class J Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock
records of the Corporation at the close of business on a record date fixed by
the Board of Directors which shall not be more than 60 days prior to the
applicable Dividend Payment Date and, within such 60 day period, shall be the
same date as the record date for the regular quarterly dividend payable with
respect to the Class A Common Stock for the Dividend Period to which such
Dividend Payment Date relates (or if there is no such record date for Class A
Common Stock, then such date as the Board of Directors may fix). Accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and
paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment Date, to
holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more than 45
days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.

                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class J Preferred Stock for
any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class J Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class J
Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class J Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other


distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity Stock
unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class J Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a
sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set
apart for payment of such dividends on the Class J Preferred Stock for all
Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution
is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with
respect to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or
a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class J Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the
respective amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class J
Preferred Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to
any shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption
of any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the
full amount of all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding
shares of Class J Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such
dividends have been declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been set apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class J Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior
Stock in respect thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) redeeming, purchasing


or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if such declaration,
payment, setting apart for payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition
is necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the
Corporation as a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise)
shall be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of
shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive One Hundred
Dollars ($100) per share of Class J Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation
Preference"), plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or
declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any
further payment. Until the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock have been
paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends
(whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to
the date of final distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any
holder of Junior Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation. If, upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable
among the holders of Class J Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in
full the preferential amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other
shares of any class or series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the
proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the holders of Class J Preferred
Stock and any such other Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the
respective amounts that would be payable on such Class J Preferred Stock and
any such other Parity Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.
For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the
Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or
substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share
exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up,
voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
J Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any
other series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the
respective terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining
to be paid or distributed, and the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock and
any Parity Stock shall not be entitled to share therein.


         5.       REDEMPTION.

                  The Class J Preferred Stock is not redeemable, other than as
specified in Section 11.2 hereof.


         All shares of Class J Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including without limitation
shares of Class J Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion
into Class A Common Stock) shall be returned to the status of authorized, but
unissued shares of Class J Preferred Stock.

         7.       CONVERSION.

                  7.1  CONVERSION AT HOLDERS' OPTION.

                  At any time on or after the Issue Date, holders of shares of
Class J Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of
such shares into shares of Class A Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of
this Section 7, a holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall have the
right, at such holder's option, at any time on or after the Issue Date to
convert such shares, in whole or in part, into the number of fully paid and
non-assessable shares of authorized but previously unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock per each share of Class J Preferred Stock obtained by dividing the
Liquidation Preference (excluding any accumulated accrued and unpaid dividends)
per share of Class J Preferred Stock by the Conversion Price (as in effect at
the time and on the date provided for in subparagraph (b)(iv) of this Section
7.1) and by surrendering such shares to be converted, such surrender to be made
in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of this Section 7.1.

                  (b) (i) In order to exercise the conversion right, the holder
of each share of Class J Preferred Stock to be converted shall surrender the
certificate representing such share, duly endorsed or assigned to the
Corporation or in blank, at the office of the Transfer Agent, accompanied by
written notice to the Corporation that the holder thereof elects to convert
such share of Class J Preferred Stock. Unless the shares issuable on conversion
are to be issued in the same name as the name in which such share of Class J
Preferred Stock is registered, each share surrendered for conversion shall be
accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the
Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or


evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation demonstrating that such
taxes have been paid).

                      (ii) A holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall,
as of the date of the conversion of such shares to shares of Class A Common
Stock, be entitled to receive cash payment in respect of any dividends (whether
or not earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon as
of the time of such conversion, provided, however, that payment in respect of
any dividend on such shares that has been declared but for which the Dividend
Payment Date has not yet been reached shall be payable as of such Dividend
Payment Date. Except as provided above, the Corporation shall make no payment
or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on converted

                      (iii) As promptly as practicable after the surrender of
certificates for shares of Class J Preferred Stock as aforesaid, the
Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at such office to such holder, or
send on such holder's written order, a certificate or certificates for the
number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of
such shares of Class J Preferred Stock in accordance with provisions of this
Section 7, and any fractional interest in respect of a share of Class A Common
Stock arising upon such conversion shall be settled as provided in paragraph
(c) of this Section 7.1.

                      (iv) Each conversion shall be deemed to have been
effected immediately prior to the close of business on the date on which the
certificates for shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered
and such notice received by the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or
Persons in whose name or names any certificate or certificates for shares of
Class A Common Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to
have become the holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby
at such time on such date and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price
in effect at such time on such date unless the stock transfer books of the
Corporation shall be closed on that date, in which event such Person or Persons
shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of record at the close of
business on the next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are
open, but such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect on the
date on which such shares shall have been surrendered and such notice received
by the Corporation. If the dividend payment record date for the Class J
Preferred Stock and Class A Common Stock do not coincide, and the preceding
sentence does not operate to ensure that a holder of shares of Class J
Preferred Stock whose shares are converted into Class A Common Stock does not
receive dividends on both the shares of Class J Preferred Stock and the Class A
Common Stock into which such shares are converted for the same Dividend Period,
then notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it is the intent, and the
Transfer Agent is authorized to ensure, that no conversion after the earlier of
such record dates will be accepted until after the latter of such record dates.


                  (c) No fractional share of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock. Instead of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of shares of Class J Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall
pay to the holder of such share an amount in cash based upon the Current Market
Price of the Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding the
date of conversion. If more than one share shall be surrendered for conversion
at one time by the same holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common
Stock issuable upon conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the
aggregate number of shares of Class J Preferred Stock so surrendered.

                  7.2 MANDATORY CONVERSION.

                  (a) The Corporation shall have the right to require that all
or part of the issued and outstanding shares of Class J Preferred Stock be
converted into shares of Class A Common Stock under the following

                      (i) At any time on or prior to the fourth anniversary of
the Issue Date, in the event that the Internal Rate of Return exceeds 12.5%,
the Corporation shall have the right to require the issued and outstanding
shares of Class J Preferred Stock to be converted, in whole or in part, into
shares of Class A Common Stock as set forth in this Section 7.2.

                      (ii) At any time after the fourth anniversary of the
Issue Date, so long as the average of the daily Current Market Prices of the
issued and outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock during the five most
recent Trading Days is equal to or greater than $40, the Corporation shall have
the right to require the issued and outstanding shares of Class J Preferred
Stock to be converted, in whole or in part, into shares of Class A Common Stock
as set forth in this Section 7.2.

                  (b) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of
this Section 7, the Corporation shall have the right, under the circumstances
set forth in (a) (i) or (ii) above, to convert such shares, in whole or in
part, into the number of fully paid and non-assessable shares of authorized but
previously unissued shares of Class A Common Stock per each share of Class J
Preferred Stock obtained by dividing the Liquidation Preference (excluding any
accumulated accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class J Preferred Stock
by the Conversion Price (as in effect at the time and on the date provided for
in subparagraph (c)(v) of this Section 7.2).

                  (c) (i) In order to exercise the conversion right, the
Corporation shall, promptly upon the occurrence of an event described in (a)(i)
or (ii) above, and in no event later than the close of business on the next
succeeding business day, give notice of such conversion to each holder of
record of the shares to be converted. Such


notice shall be provided by facsimile or, if facsimile is not available, then
by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as the same
appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Any notice which was
transmitted or mailed in the manner herein provided shall be conclusively
presumed to have been duly given on the date received by the holder. Each such
notice shall state, as appropriate: (1) the date of conversion, which date may
be any date within one business day following the date on which the notice is
transmitted or mailed; (2) the number of shares of Class J Preferred Stock to
be converted and, if fewer than all such shares held by such holder are to be
converted, the number of such shares to be converted; (3) the event which gave
rise to the conversion right; and (4) the then current Conversion Price.

                      (ii) Upon receiving such notice of conversion, each such
holder shall promptly surrender the certificates representing such shares of
Class J Preferred Stock as are being converted on the conversion date, duly
endorsed or assigned to the Corporation or in blank, at the office of the
Transfer Agent; provided, however, that the failure to so surrender any such
certificates shall not in any way affect the validity of the conversion of the
underlying shares of Class J Preferred Stock into shares of Class A Common
Stock. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be issued in the same
name as the name in which such shares of Class J Preferred Stock are
registered, each such share surrendered following conversion shall be
accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the
Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation demonstrating that such
taxes have been paid).

                      (iii) A holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock
shall, as of the date of the conversion of such shares to shares of Class A
Common Stock, be entitled to receive cash payment in respect of any dividends
(whether or not earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid
thereon as of the time of such conversion, provided, however, that payment in
respect of any dividend on such shares that has been declared but for which the
Dividend Payment Date has not yet been reached shall be payable as of such
Dividend Payment Date. Except as provided above, the Corporation shall make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares.

                      (iv) As promptly as practicable after the surrender of
certificates for shares of Class J Preferred Stock as aforesaid, and in any
event no later than three business days after the date of such surrender, the
Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at such office to such holder, or
send on such holder's written order, a certificate or certificates for the
number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of
such shares of Class J Preferred Stock in accordance with the provisions of
this Section 7.2, and any fractional interest in respect of a share of Class A
Common Stock arising upon such conversion shall be settled as provided in
paragraph (d) of this Section 7.2.


                      (v) Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
immediately prior to the close of business on the date identified as the
conversion date in the notice of conversion sent by the Corporation as
aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names any certificate or
certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be issuable upon such
conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or holders of record of
the shares represented thereby at such time on such date and such conversion
shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on such date unless the
stock transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on that date, in which
event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or
holders of record at the close of business on the next succeeding day on which
such stock transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at the
Conversion Price in effect on the date identified as the conversion date in the
notice of conversion sent by the Corporation as aforesaid. If the dividend
payment record dates for the Class J Preferred Stock and Class A Common Stock
do not coincide, and the preceding sentence does not operate to ensure that a
holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock whose shares are converted into
Class A Common Stock does not receive dividends on both the shares of Class J
Preferred Stock and the Class A Common Stock into which such shares are
converted for the same Dividend Period, then notwithstanding anything herein to
the contrary, it is the intent, and the Transfer Agent is authorized to ensure,
that no conversion after the earlier of such record dates will be accepted
until after the latter of such record dates.

                  (d) No fractional share of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock. Instead of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of shares of Class J Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall
pay to the holder of such share an amount of cash based upon the Current Market
Price of the Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding the
date of conversion. If more than one of any holder's shares shall be converted
at one time, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class J Preferred Stock so surrendered.


                  (a) The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to time
as follows:

                      (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A) pay
a dividend or make a distribution on its capital stock in shares of Class A
Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding Class A Common Stock into a greater
number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding Class A Common Stock into a
smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of capital stock by
reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock, the Conversion Price
in effect at the opening of business on


the day following the date fixed for the determination of stockholders entitled
to receive such dividend or distribution or at the opening of business on the
day following the day on which such subdivision, combination or
reclassification becomes effective, as the case may be, shall be adjusted so
that the holder of any share of Class J Preferred Stock thereafter converted
shall be entitled to receive the number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or
fraction of a share of Class A Common Stock) that such holder would have owned
or have been entitled to receive after the happening of any of the events
described above had such share of Class J Preferred Stock been converted
immediately prior to the record date in the case of a dividend or distribution
or the effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or
reclassification. An adjustment made pursuant to this paragraph (a)(i) of this
Section 7.3 shall become effective immediately after the opening of business on
the day next following the record date (except as provided in paragraph (e)
below) in the case of a dividend or distribution and shall become effective
immediately after the opening of business on the day next following the
effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or reclassification.

                      (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
issue rights, options or warrants to all holders of Class A Common Stock
entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after the record date
described below in this paragraph (a)(ii) of this Section 7.3) to subscribe for
or purchase Class A Common Stock at a price per share less than the Fair Market
Value per share of the Class A Common Stock on the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to receive such rights, options or
warrants, then the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the
day next following such record date shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying (A) the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior
to the opening of business on the day following the date fixed for such
determination by (B) a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (X)
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of
business on the date fixed for such determination and (Y) the number of shares
that could be purchased at such Fair Market Value from the aggregate proceeds
to the Corporation from the exercise of such rights, options or warrants for
Class A Common Stock, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (XX) the
number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of business
on the date fixed for such determination and (YY) the number of additional
shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase pursuant to
such rights, options or warrants. Such adjustment shall become effective
immediately after the opening of business on the day next following such record
date (except as provided in paragraph (e) below). In determining whether any
rights, options or warrants entitle the holders of Class A Common Stock to
subscribe for or purchase Class A Common Stock at less than such Fair Market
Value, there shall be taken into account any consideration received by the
Corporation upon issuance and upon exercise of such rights, options or
warrants, the value of such consideration, if other than cash, to be determined
in good faith by the Board of Directors.



                      (iii) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date make
a distribution on its Class A Common Stock other than in cash or shares of
Class A Common Stock (including any distribution in securities (other than
rights, options or warrants referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) of this Section
7.3)) (each of the foregoing being referred to herein as a "distribution"),
then the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the next day
following the record date for determination of stockholders entitled to receive
such distribution shall be adjusted to equal the price determined by
multiplying (A) the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the opening
of business on the day following the record date by (B) a fraction, the
numerator of which shall be the difference between (X) the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of business on the record date
and (Y) the number of shares determined by dividing (aa) the aggregate value of
the property being distributed by (bb) the Fair Market Value per share of Class
A Common Stock on the record date, and the denominator of which shall be the
number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of business
on the record date. Such adjustment shall become effective immediately after
the opening of business on the day next following such record date (except as
provided below). The value of the property being distributed shall be as
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors; provided, however, if the
property being distributed is a publicly traded security, its value shall be
calculated in accordance with the procedure for calculating the Fair Market
Value of a share of Class A Common Stock (calculated for a period of five
consecutive Trading Days commencing on the twentieth Trading Day after the
distribution). Neither the issuance by the Corporation of rights, options or
warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Corporation nor the
exercise thereof shall be deemed a distribution under this paragraph.

                      (iv) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required unless such adjustment would require a cumulative increase or decrease
of at least 1% in such price: provided, however, that any adjustments that by
reason of this paragraph (a)(iv) are not required to be made shall be carried
forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment until made; and
provided, further, that any adjustment shall be required and made in accordance
with the provisions of this Section 7.3 (other than this paragraph (a)(iv)) not
later than such time as may be required in order to preserve the tax-free
nature of a distribution to the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section 7, the Corporation shall
not be required to make any adjustment of the Conversion Price for the issuance
of (A) any shares of Class A Common Stock pursuant to any plan providing for
the reinvestment of dividends or interest payable on securities of the
Corporation and the investment of optional amounts in shares of Class A Common
Stock under such plan or (B) any options, rights or shares of Class A Common
Stock pursuant to any stock option, stock purchases or other stock-based plan
maintained by the Corporation. All calculations under this Section 7 shall be
made to the nearest cent ($.005 being rounded upward) or to the nearest
one-tenth of a share (with .05 of a share being rounded upward), as the case
may be. Anything in this paragraph (a) of this Section 7 to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Corporation


shall be entitled, to the extent permitted by law, to make such reductions in
the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this paragraph (a), as
it in its discretion shall determine to be advisable in order that any stock
dividends, subdivision of shares, reclassification or combination of shares,
distribution of rights or warrants to purchase stock or securities, or a
distribution of other assets (other than cash dividends) hereafter made by the
Corporation to its stockholders shall not be taxable, or if that is not
possible, to diminish any income taxes that are otherwise payable because of
such event.

                  (b) If the Corporation shall be a party to any transaction
(including with limitation a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange,
sale of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets or
recapitalization of the Class A Common Stock, but excluding any transaction as
to which paragraph (a)(i) of this Section 7.3 applies) (each of the foregoing
being referred to herein as a "Transaction"), in each case as a result of which
shares of Class A Common Stock shall be converted into the right to receive
stock, securities or other property (including cash or any combination
thereof), each share of Class J Preferred Stock which is not converted into the
right to receive stock, securities or other property in connection with such
Transaction shall thereupon be convertible into the kind and amount of shares
of stock, securities and other property (including cash or any combination
thereof) receivable upon such consummation by a holder of that number of shares
of Class A Common Stock into which one share of Class J Preferred Stock was
convertible immediately prior to such Transaction. The Corporation shall not be
a party to any Transaction unless the terms of such Transaction are consistent
with the provisions of this paragraph (b), and it shall not consent or agree to
the occurrence of any Transaction until the Corporation has entered into an
agreement with the successor or purchasing entity, as the case may be, for the
benefit of the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock that will contain
provisions enabling the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock that remain
outstanding after such Transaction to convert into the consideration received
by holders of Class A Common Stock at the Conversion Price in effect
immediately apply to successive Transactions:

                  (c) If:

                      (i)   the Corporation shall declare a dividend (or any
other distribution) on the Class A Common Stock (other than cash dividends and
cash distributions); or

                      (ii)  the Corporation shall authorize the granting to all
holders of the Class A Common Stock of rights or warrants to subscribe for or
purchase any shares of any class or series of capital stock or any other rights
or warrants; or

                      (iii) there shall be any reclassification of the
outstanding Class A Common Stock or any consolidation or merger to which the
Corporation is a party and for which approval of any stockholders of the
Corporation is required, or a statutory share exchange, or the sale or transfer
of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation as an entirety; or


                      (iv) there shall occur the voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,

then the Corporation shall cause to be filed with the Transfer Agent and shall
cause to be mailed to each holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock at such
holder's address as shown on the stock records of the Corporation, as promptly
as possible, a notice stating (A) the record date for the payment of such
dividend, distribution or rights or warrants, or, if a record date is not
established, the date as of which the holders of Class A Common Stock of record
to be entitled to such dividend, distribution or rights or warrants are to be
determined or (B) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation,
merger, statutory share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or
winding up is expected to become effective, and the date as of which it is
expected that holders of Class A Common Stock of record shall be entitled to
exchange their shares of Class A Common Stock for securities or other property,
if any, deliverable upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, statutory
share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up. Failure
to give or receive such notice or any defect therein shall not affect the
legality or validity of the proceedings described in this Section 7.

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent an
officer's certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment
and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment
which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such
adjustment absent manifest error. Promptly after delivery of such certificate,
the Corporation shall prepare a notice of such adjustment of the Conversion
Price setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date such
adjustment becomes effective and shall mail such notice of such adjustment of
the Conversion Price to each holder of shares of Class J Preferred Stock at
such holder's address as shown on the stock record of the Corporation.

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.3
provides that an adjustment shall become effective on the day next following
the record date for an event, the Corporation may defer until the occurrence of
such event (A) issuing to the holder of any share of Class J Preferred Stock
converted after such record date and before the occurrence of such event the
additional Class A Common Stock issuable upon such conversion by reason of the
adjustment required by such event over and above the Class A Common Stock
issuable upon such conversion before giving effect to such adjustment and (B)
paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of any fraction pursuant to
Section 7.2(d) or Section 7.1(c).

                  (f) There shall be no adjustment of the Conversion Price in
case of the issuance of any capital stock of the Corporation except as
specifically set forth in


this Section 7. In addition, notwithstanding any other provision contained
in this Section 7, there shall be no adjustment of the Conversion Price upon
the payment of any cash dividends or distributions on any capital stock of the
Corporation, including, without limitation, the Special Dividend (as such term
is defined in the Class E Articles Supplementary) on the Corporation's Class E
Preferred Stock or upon the automatic conversion of the shares of such
Preferred Stock into shares of Class A Common Stock, as provided in the Class E
Articles Supplementary.

                  (g) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Class A Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7, that in
the opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class J Preferred Stock, the Conversion
Price for the Class J Preferred Stock may be adjusted, to the extent permitted
by law in such manner, if any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in
its sole discretion, may determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

                  (h) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued Class A Common Stock solely for the purpose of effecting
conversion of the Class J Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of Class A
Common Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class
J Preferred Stock not theretofore converted into Class A Common Stock. For
purposes of this paragraph (h), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
that shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of
Class J Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the time of computation all
such outstanding shares were held by a single holder (and without regard to the
Ownership Limit).

         The Corporation covenants that any shares of Class A Common Stock
issued upon conversion of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall be
validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

         The Corporation shall use its best efforts to list the shares of Class
A Common Stock required to be delivered upon conversion of the shares of Class
J Preferred Stock, prior to such delivery, upon each national securities
exchange, if any, upon which the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock are
listed at the time of such delivery.

                  (i) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp or
similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of the issue or delivery of
shares of Class A Common Stock or other securities or property on conversion of
shares of Class J Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the
Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect
of any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common
Stock or other securities or property in a name other than that of the holder
of the shares of Class J Preferred Stock to be converted, and no such issue or
delivery shall be made unless


and until the Person requesting such issue or delivery has paid to the
Corporation the amount of any such tax or established, to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

                  (j) In addition to any other adjustment required hereby, to
the extent permitted by law, the Corporation from time to time may decrease the
Conversion Price by any amount, permanently or for a period of at least twenty
Business Days, if the decrease is irrevocable during the period.

                  (k) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
this Section 7, conversion of Class J Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section
7 shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result
in a violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter), after
taking into account any waiver of such limitation granted to any holder of the
shares of Class J Preferred Stock.

         8.       RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be
deemed to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class J Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class J Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                  (b) on a parity with the Class J Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of the
Class J Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class D
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, or Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such
class of stock or series and the Class J Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued
and unpaid dividends per share or liquidation preferences, without preference
or priority of one over the other (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i)
and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as
"Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class J Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common Stock, (ii)
such capital stock is Class E Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock or (iii)
the holders of Class J


Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of amounts
distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be,
in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or series (the
capital stock referred to in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class J Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting
the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by
reason of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of
any other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the
"Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class J Preferred
Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock
then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class
regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors
to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or
special meeting held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders
of the Class J Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as
hereinafter provided. Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class J
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been
paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have
been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, then the right
of the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to
elect such additional two directors shall cease (but subject always to the same
provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any similar
future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as directors
by the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock
shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the Board of
Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting power
shall have been so vested in the holders of Class J Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class J Preferred Stock
(addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall,
call a special meeting of the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock and of the
Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors to be elected by
them as herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that
provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting required to be
called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days
after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class J Preferred Stock
may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose
shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors elected
at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu


thereof if such office shall not have previously terminated as above provided.
If any vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders of the
Class J Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be
elected by the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining
director elected by the holders of the Class J Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the
next annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place
thereof if such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class J Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class J
Preferred Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes
or series of Parity Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or
by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called
for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

                      (i)  Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of
the Class J Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of or
supplement to the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to
increase or decrease the authorized amount of, or to issue any Junior Stock,
Class J Preferred Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not be
deemed to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences
of the holders of Class J Preferred Stock; or

                      (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class J Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class
J Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class J Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters
one quarter of one (.25) vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except
as otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the
Charter, the Class J Preferred Stock shall not have any relative,
participating, optional or other special voting rights and powers other than as
set forth herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required
for the taking of any corporate action.


         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class J Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

         11.      OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFERS.


                       (a) Limitation on Beneficial Ownership. Except as
provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than
the Initial Holder) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class J Preferred Stock in
excess of the Ownership Limit and the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own
shares of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit.

                       (b) Transfers in Excess of Ownership Limit. Except as
provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in any Person (other than the Initial Holder)
Beneficially Owning shares of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the
Ownership Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of
Class J Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such
Person in excess of the Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall
acquire no rights in such shares of Class J Preferred Stock.

                       (c) Transfers in Excess of Initial Holder Limit. Except
as provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of
Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class J Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial
Holder limit, and the Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of
Class J Preferred Stock.

                       (d) Transfers Resulting in "Closely Held" Status. From
and after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant
that is described in Section


856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the Corporation from such
tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any of the gross income
requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of shares of Class J Preferred Stock that would cause the Corporation
(i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or
(ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and the intended
transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class J Preferred Stock.

                       (e) Severability on Void Transactions. A Transfer of a
share of Class J Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(b),
(c) or (d) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit or
the Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely held" within the
meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation otherwise
failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity of the
Transfer of any other share of Class J Preferred Stock in the same or any other
related transaction.

                  11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or
other event has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or
that a Person intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial
Ownership of any shares of Class J Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1
of this Article (whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of
Directors or a committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it
deems advisable to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or
other event, including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such
Transfer or other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the
Corporation to redeem such shares at the then Current Market Price and upon
such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its
sole discretion (including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of
long-term indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the
repayment of any distributions received in respect of shares of Class J
Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or
instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or
attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted
Transfers (or, in the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial
Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article, regardless of any
action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall
be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the transfer described
in Section 11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the provisions of this
Section 11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors nor any
committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with
any ownership or transfer of Class J Preferred Stock that is expressly
authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(c) of this Article.


                  11.3 TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                       (a) Establishment of Trust. If, notwithstanding the
other provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date
there is a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such
Transfer is the result of transactions entered into through the facilities of
the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation
system) or other change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including,
but not limited to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including,
but not limited to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a)
any Person (other than the Initial Holder) would Beneficially Own shares of
Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of
the Initial Holder Limit (in either such event, the Person or Initial Holder
that would Beneficially Own shares of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the
Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit, respectively, is referred to as a
"Prohibited Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of
this Article, such shares of Class J Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit or the Initial Holder Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the
nearest whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his
capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more
Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be
effective as of the close of business on the Business Day prior to the Excess
Transfer, change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a
potential violation of the Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit.

                       (b) Appointment of Trustee. The Trustee shall be
appointed by the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the
Corporation or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a
bank or trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                       (c) Status of Shares Held by the Trustee. Shares of
Class J Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding
shares of capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in
Section 11.3(e), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class J
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not
benefit economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee,
shall have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or
other rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

                       (d) Dividend and Voting Rights. The Trustee shall have
all voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class J
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class J Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class J Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable


Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by
the Corporation that the shares of Class J Preferred Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void ab initio and shall be
recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee acting for the benefit of
the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at the time of the Excess
Transfer, change in capital structure or other event giving rise to a potential
violation of the Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit shall be deemed to
have given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class J
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                       (e) Restrictions on Transfer. The Trustee of the Trust
may sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee,
whose ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If
such a sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate
and proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to
the Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(e). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the
Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or
other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of
the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the
Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this
Section 11.3(e) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to
be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the
issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class J Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class J Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

                       (f) Purchase Right in Stock Transferred to the Trustee.
Shares of Class J Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to
have been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per
share equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that
resulted in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift,
the Market Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price
on the date the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The
Corporation shall have the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days
after the later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting
in a transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors
determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

                       (g) Designation of Charitable Beneficiaries. By written
notice to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class J Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii)


each Charitable Beneficiary is an organization described in Sections
170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

                  11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires
or attempts to acquire shares of Class J Preferred Stock in violation of
Section 11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee
such that stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this
Article, shall immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event
and shall provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation
may request in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or
attempted Transfer or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT.
Failure to give such notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the
Board of Directors provided herein in any way.

                  11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after
the Issue Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares
of Class J Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as
set out below.

                       (a) Annual Disclosure. Every record and Beneficial Owner
of more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in
the applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class J Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class J Preferred
Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held.
Each such record or Beneficial Owner of Class J Preferred Stock shall, upon
demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such
additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class J
Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code
regarding the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and
(ii) ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit, as
applicable. Each stockholder of record, including without limitation any Person
that holds shares of Class J Preferred Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner,
shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the written notice described in this
Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

                       (b) Disclosure at the Request of the Corporation. Any
Person that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class J Preferred Stock and any
Person (including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class J
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply
with the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit
and the Initial Holder Limit, and shall provide a statement or affidavit to the
Corporation setting forth the number of shares of Class J Preferred Stock
already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or


proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

                  11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article
shall limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action
as it deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12
of this Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its
stockholders in the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii)
to insure compliance with the Ownership Limit and the Initial Holder Limit.

                  11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the
application of any of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the
case of an ambiguity in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article,
the Board of Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the
provisions of this Article with respect to any situation based on its
reasonable belief, understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

                  11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may
be established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                       (a) Waiver of Ownership Limit. The Board of Directors,
upon receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may, but shall not
be required to, waive the application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership
Limit to a Person subject to the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an
individual for purposes of Section 542(a) of the Code and is a corporation,
partnership, estate or trust. In connection with any such exemption, the Board
of Directors may require such representations and undertakings from such Person
and may impose such other conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary,
in its sole discretion.

                       (b) Pledge by Initial Holder. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class J Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and
the pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class J Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or
upon foreclosure.

                       (c) Underwriters. For a period of 270 days (or such
longer period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold
allotment of Class J Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class J
Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or
other legal entity and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class J
Preferred Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit
with respect to the Class J Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in
connection with such offering and with respect to any Class J Preferred Stock
purchased in connection with market making activities.


                  11.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class J Preferred Stock
shall bear substantially the following legend:

                       "The shares of Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred
         Stock represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class J Cumulative
         Convertible Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions,
         as applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set
         forth in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting
         forth the terms of the Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred
         Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class J
         Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable
         limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized
         terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
         Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms
         of the Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock), as the same
         may be amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the
         restrictions on transfer, will be sent without charge to each
         stockholder that so requests. If the restrictions on transfer are
         violated (i) the transfer of the shares of Class J Cumulative
         Convertible Preferred Stock represented hereby will be void in
         accordance with the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary
         setting forth the terms of the Class J Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of Class J Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Stock represented hereby will automatically be transferred
         to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or more Charitable

                  11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any
application of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court
having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.

                  11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article
to the contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to
take or omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit
and the Initial Holder Limit in the event of a change in law.

                  11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article
shall be interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into
through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.


         FOURTH: The terms of the Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred
Stock set forth in Article Third hereof shall become Article XX of the Charter.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on November 6, 1998.

WITNESS:                          APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                  MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LUCY CORDOVA                  /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
- -------------------------         ---------------------------------------------

Lucy Cordova                      Troy D. Butts
Assistant Secretary               Senior Vice President and
                                  Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a
part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the
foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation
and hereby certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect
to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects
under the penalties of perjury.

                                  /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
                                  Troy D. Butts
                                  Senior Vice President and
                                  Chief Financial Officer

                           CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION
                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY
                       Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
                           (Par Value $.01 Per Share)
                            (a Maryland corporation)

(the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore City, Maryland,
hereby certifies to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of
Maryland that:

         FIRST: Articles Supplementary, dated December 22, 1997, of the
Corporation were filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of
Maryland on December 22, 1997, at 1:38 p.m. (as corrected by the Certificate of
Correction to Articles Supplementary of the Corporation, dated February 17,
1998 and filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of
Maryland on February 18, 1998) and said Articles Supplementary require
correction as permitted by Section 1-207 of the Corporations and Associations
Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

         SECOND:  Section 10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
previously filed and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

                  10.9 Legend. Each certificate for Class C Preferred Stock
         shall bear the following legend:

                           "The shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions
                  on transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class C
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
                  Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
                  restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Corporation's
                  Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth
                  the terms of the Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
                  Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class C
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable
                  limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All
                  capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed
                  to such terms in the Corporation's Charter (including the
                  Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class C
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from
                  time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on
                  transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder
                  that so requests. If the restrictions on transfer are
                  violated, the shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented hereby will be either (i)


                  void in accordance with the Certificate or (ii) automatically
                  transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or
                  more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         THIRD: Section 10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
corrected hereby is as follows:

                  10.9 Legend. Each certificate for Class C Preferred Stock
         shall bear the following legend:

                           "The shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions
                  on transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class C
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
                  Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
                  restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter
                  (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms
                  of the Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any Person that
                  attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class C Cumulative
                  Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
                  immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in
                  this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
                  Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth
                  the terms of the Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the
                  same may be amended from time to time, a copy of which,
                  including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent without
                  charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the
                  restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer of the
                  shares of Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock represented
                  hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter (including
                  the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
                  Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
                  Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
                  automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the
                  benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         FOURTH: The inaccuracy or defect in the legend contained in Section
10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed is
that the legend contains an inaccurate description of the effects of an
improper transfer as set forth elsewhere in the Charter.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Apartment Investment and Management Company has
caused this Certificate of Correction to be signed in its name and on its
behalf by its Vice Chairman and President and witnessed by its Secretary on
October 21, 1998.

WITNESS:                                    APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                            MANAGEMENT COMPANY

 /s/ JOEL F. BONDER                         By:  /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
- -------------------------------                 -----------------------------
Joel F. Bonder,                                     Peter K. Kompaniez,
Secretary                                           Vice Chairman and President

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Vice Chairman and President of APARTMENT INVESTMENT
AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY, with respect to the foregoing Certificate of Correction
of which this certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges, in the name and
on behalf of said Corporation, the foregoing Certificate of Correction to be
the act of said Corporation and further certifies that, to the best of his
knowledge, information and belief, the matters and facts set forth therein with
respect to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material
respects, under the penalties of perjury.

                                            By:  /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
                                               Peter K. Kompaniez,
                                               Vice Chairman and President



                           CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION
                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY
                       Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock
                           (Par Value $.01 Per Share)
                            (a Maryland corporation)

(the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore City, Maryland,
hereby certifies to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of
Maryland that:

         FIRST: Articles Supplementary, dated February 17, 1998, of the
Corporation were filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of
Maryland on February 18, 1998, at 1:40 p.m. and said Articles Supplementary
require correction as permitted by Section 1-207 of the Corporations and
Associations Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

         SECOND: Section 10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
previously filed and to be corrected hereby reads as follows:

                  10.9 Legend. Each certificate for Class D Preferred Stock
         shall bear the following legend:

                           "The shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions
                  on transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class D
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
                  Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
                  restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Corporation's
                  Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth
                  the terms of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
                  Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class D
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable
                  limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All
                  capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed
                  to such terms in the Corporation's Charter (including the
                  Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class D
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from
                  time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on
                  transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder
                  that so requests. If the restrictions on transfer are
                  violated, the shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented hereby will be either (i) void in accordance with
                  the Certificate or (ii) automatically transferred to a
                  Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or more Charitable


         THIRD: Section 10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as
corrected hereby is as follows:

                  10.9 Legend. Each certificate for Class D Preferred Stock
         shall bear the following legend:

                           "The shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock
                  represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions
                  on transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class D
                  Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
                  Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
                  restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter
                  (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms
                  of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any Person that
                  attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class D Cumulative
                  Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
                  immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in
                  this legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
                  Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth
                  the terms of the Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the
                  same may be amended from time to time, a copy of which,
                  including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent without
                  charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the
                  restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer of
                  shares of Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock represented
                  hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter (including
                  the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
                  Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
                  Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
                  automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the
                  benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries.

         FOURTH: The inaccuracy or defect in the legend contained in Section
10.9 of ARTICLE THIRD of the Articles Supplementary as previously filed is that
the legend contains an inaccurate description of the effects of an improper
transfer as set forth elsewhere in the Charter.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Apartment Investment and Management Company has
caused this Certificate of Correction to be signed in its name and on its
behalf by its Vice Chairman and President and witnessed by its Secretary on
October 21, 1998.

WITNESS:                                    APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                            MANAGEMENT COMPANY

 /s/ JOEL F. BONDER                         By:  /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
- -------------------------------                 -----------------------------
Joel F. Bonder,                                     Peter K. Kompaniez,
Secretary                                           Vice Chairman and President

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Vice Chairman and President of APARTMENT INVESTMENT
AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY, with respect to the foregoing Certificate of Correction
of which this certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges, in the name and
on behalf of said Corporation, the foregoing Certificate of Correction to be
the act of said Corporation and further certifies that, to the best of his
knowledge, information and belief, the matters and facts set forth therein with
respect to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material
respects, under the penalties of perjury.

                                            By: /s/ PETER K. KOMPANIEZ
                                               Peter K. Kompaniez,
                                               Vice Chairman and President



                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in
Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and
Taxation of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of
Directors of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has
duly divided and classified 5,750,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 5,750,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 484,027,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 478,277,500 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class K
Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class K
Preferred Stock"), and Five Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand (5,750,000)
shall be the authorized number of shares of such Class K Preferred Stock
constituting such class.

         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class K Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or
         is under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial
         Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the
         definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial
         Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the
         correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class K
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 9 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Cash Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any shares of
         Class K Preferred Stock to be redeemed, (i) if the Redemption Date
         occurs during the period from and including February 20, 2002, to but
         excluding February 18, 2003, 102% of the Liquidation Preference
         thereof, and (ii) if the Redemption Date occurs on or after February
         18, 2003, 100% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus, in the
         case of clause (i) or (ii), all accumulated, accrued and unpaid
         dividends (whether or not earned or declared), if any, to the
         Redemption Date.



         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class K Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         1 of this Article.

         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or,
         in case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the
         closing bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported
         in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with
         respect to securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as
         reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting system
         with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities
         exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading
         or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any
         national securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so
         quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked prices in the
         over-the-counter market, as reported by the National Association of
         Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system
         is no longer in use, the principal other automated quotation system
         that may then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any
         such organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as
         furnished by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity
         Stock selected by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation, and the Class B Common Stock, $.01 par
         value per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such
         Class A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class
         A Common Stock for which each share of Class K Preferred Stock is
         convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be
         $42.00 (equivalent to a



         conversion rate of 0.59524 shares of Class A Common Stock for each
         share of Class K Preferred Stock).

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and
         October 15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business
         Day immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest
         shall accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         February 18, May 18, August 18 and November 18 of each year and ending
         on and including the day preceding the first day of the next
         succeeding Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during
         which any Class K Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to
         Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption Date
         with respect to the Class K Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean February 18, 1999.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including May 17, 1999.

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares
         of Class K Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate
         Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of
         all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of
         all shares of Equity Stock other than Class K Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make
         available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board
         of Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial
         Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.



         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through
         Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class K Preferred Stock
         of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the
         excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of
         Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
         Stock other than Class K Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned
         by the Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Operating Partnership" shall mean AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware
         limited partnership.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone,
         at that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class K Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class K Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.



         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article,
         (i) an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including
         a trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section
         509(a) of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a
         "group," as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the
         Exchange Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this
         Article, any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other
         entity, including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such

         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A)
         of this Article.

         "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 3 of this Article.

         "Redemption Market Price" shall mean, with respect to any redemption
         of shares of Class K Preferred Stock, the lesser of (i) the average of
         the daily Closing Prices of the Class A Common Stock for the 20
         consecutive Trading Days immediately preceding the first Business Day
         immediately preceding the date of the applicable redemption notice and
         (ii) the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day
         immediately preceding the first Business Day immediately preceding the
         date of the applicable redemption notice.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class K Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other
         distribution by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be
         so paid on any series or class of capital stock of the Corporation;
         provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series of Junior
         Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate
         account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or
         other similar agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the
         Class K Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate
         account or delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other
         similar agent.



         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE,
         a day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii)
         if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE
         but is listed or admitted to trading on another national securities
         exchange or automated quotation system, a day on which the principal
         national securities exchange or automated quotation system, as the
         case may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to
         trading is open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange or automated quotation system, any day other than
         a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in the
         State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or executive
         order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class K Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of
         Class K Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or
         other disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class K Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class K Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class K Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class K Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9
         of this Article.

         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class K Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds
legally available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class K
Preferred Stock in an amount per share equal to (i) during the period from the
Issue Date through and including



February 17, 2002, the greater of $0.50 or the quarterly cash dividend paid or
payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date) on the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into which a share of Class K
Preferred Stock is convertible, and (ii) during the period from and after
February 18, 2002, the greater of $0.625 or the quarterly cash dividend paid or
payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date) on the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into which a share of Class K
Preferred Stock is convertible. Such dividends shall be cumulative from the
Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods such dividends
shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation legally available
for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on
each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on May 18, 1999. Each such dividend
shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of the Class K Preferred
Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the Corporation at the close of
business on the February 1, May 1, August 1 or November 1 (each a "Record
Date"), as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend
Payment Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede
by more than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class K Preferred Stock for
any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class K Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class K
Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class K Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class K Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class K Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a
sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set
apart for payment of such dividends on the Class K Preferred Stock for all
Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution
is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with
respect to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or
a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class K Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the
respective amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class K
Preferred Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.



                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class K Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to
any shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption
of any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the
full amount of all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding
shares of Class K Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such
dividends have been declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been set apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class K Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior
Stock in respect thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition
is necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the
Corporation as a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise)
shall be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of
shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five
Dollars ($25) per share of Class K Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation
Preference"), plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or
declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any
further payment. Until the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock have been
paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends
(whether or not



earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of
final distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of
Junior Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation. If, upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable
among the holders of Class K Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in
full the preferential amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other
shares of any class or series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the
proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the holders of Class K Preferred
Stock and any such other Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the
respective amounts that would be payable on such Class K Preferred Stock and
any such other Parity Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.
For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the
Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or
substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share
exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up,
voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
K Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid
or distributed, and the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and any Parity
Stock shall not be entitled to share therein.


                  (a) Shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation prior to February 20, 2002, except as set forth in Section
11.2 of this Article. During the period beginning on February 20, 2002, the
Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class K Preferred Stock, in
whole or from time to time in part, at a redemption price payable in cash equal
to the Cash Redemption Price applicable thereto. On and after February 20,
2002, the Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class K Preferred
Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, in exchange for a number of
shares of Class A Common Stock equal to (i) 105% of the applicable Cash
Redemption Price, divided by (ii) the Redemption Market Price applicable to
such redemption. In lieu of any fractional shares of Class A Common Stock which
would otherwise be issuable upon any redemption of Class K Preferred Stock, the
Corporation shall pay a cash adjustment in respect of such fractional interest
in an amount in cash (computed to the nearest cent) equal to the applicable
Redemption Market Price multiplied by the fractional interest (computed to the
nearest 1/100th of a percent) that otherwise would have been deliverable upon
such redemption of Class K Preferred Stock. In the event of a redemption of
shares of Class K Preferred Stock, if the Redemption Date occurs after a
dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the
dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares called
for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the holders of
record at the close of business on such dividend record



date notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable as
part of the redemption price for such shares. In connection with any redemption
for cash pursuant to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class K
Preferred Stock (other than any portion thereof consisting of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends) shall be payable solely with the proceeds from
the sale by the Corporation or the Operating Partnership of other capital
shares of the Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether or not such
sale occurs concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the preceding
sentence, "capital shares" means any common stock, preferred stock, depositary
shares, partnership or other interests, participations or other ownership
interests (however designated) and any rights (other than debt securities
convertible into or exchangeable at the option of the holder for equity
securities (unless and to the extent such debt securities are subsequently
converted into capital shares)) or options to purchase any of the foregoing of
or in the Corporation or the Operating Partnership.

                  (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation,
shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30
days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class K Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, no shares of Class K Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless
all outstanding shares of Class K Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed,
and neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase
or acquire shares of Class K Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a
purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of
Class K Preferred Stock.

                  (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class K
Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such
redemption shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be
redeemed. Such notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid,
at such holder's address as the same appears on the stock records of the
Corporation. Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph
(d), nor any defect therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder,
shall affect the sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings
for redemption with respect to the other holders. Any notice which has been
mailed in the manner herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have
been duly given on the date mailed whether or not the holder receives the
notice. Each such notice shall state, as appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date;
(ii) the number of shares of Class K Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if
fewer than all such shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number
of such shares to be redeemed from such holder; (iii) the place or places at
which certificates for such shares are to be surrendered for cash or shares of
Class A Common Stock; and (iv) the redemption price payable on such Redemption
Date (whether in cash or shares of Class A Common Stock), including, without
limitation, a statement as to whether or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends will be payable as part of the redemption price, or payable on the
next Dividend



Payment Date to the record holder at the close of business on the relevant
record date as described in the next succeeding sentence. Notice having been
mailed as aforesaid, from and after the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation
shall fail to make available the amount of cash necessary to effect such
redemption), (i) dividends on the shares of Class K Preferred Stock so called
for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class K
Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said shares shall no longer be
deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof as
holders of Class K Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall cease except the
right to receive the cash payable, or shares of Class A Common Stock issuable,
upon such redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender of their
certificates if so required; provided, however, that if the Redemption Date for
any shares of Class K Preferred Stock occurs after any dividend record date and
on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the full dividend payable on
such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class K Preferred Stock
called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the
holders of record of such shares at the close of business on the corresponding
dividend record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of such shares. At
the close of business on the Redemption Date, without any further action, each
holder of shares of Class K Preferred Stock redeemed for shares of Class A
Common Stock shall be deemed a holder of the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock for which such Class K Convertible Preferred Stock has been redeemed
(unless the Corporation defaults on its obligation to deliver shares of Class A
Common Stock or cash). The Corporation's obligation to make available the cash
necessary to effect such redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence
shall be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the
Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company
(which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an
affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at
least $50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption
plus, if such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date and on or
prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is necessary
to pay the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such
shares of Class K Preferred Stock called for redemption, with irrevocable
instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the shares of Class
K Preferred Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable, the payment of
such dividend. No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the holders of
shares of Class K Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by
the Corporation. Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at
the end of two years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds
of the Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class K
Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds
of the Corporation for the payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class K Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) or shares of Class A Common Stock
for which such shares have been



redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class K Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class K
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class K Preferred Stock held of record by each holder
of such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If
fewer than all the shares of Class K Preferred Stock represented by any
certificate are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed
shares shall be issued without cost to the holders thereof.

                  (e) All shares of Class A Common Stock that may be issued
upon redemption of shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall be duly and validly
issued and fully paid and non-assessable, and prior to giving any notice of
redemption the Corporation shall take any corporate action necessary therefor.


         All shares of Class K Preferred Stock that have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation,
shares of Class K Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion)
shall be returned to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class K
Preferred Stock.

         7.       CONVERSION.


         At any time on or after the Issue Date, holders of shares of Class K
Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of such shares
into shares of Class A Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of
this Section 7, each share of Class K Preferred Stock shall, at the option of
the holder thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for
redemption, then to and including but not after the close of business on the
date immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall
default in payment due upon redemption thereof), into that number of fully paid
and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock (calculated as to each
conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by dividing $25 by the
Conversion Price in effect at such time and by surrender of the certificate
representing such shares to be converted in the manner provided in subsection
(b) of this Section 7.1.

                  (b) In order to convert shares of Class K Preferred Stock,
the holder of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate
representing such shares at any office or agency maintained by the Corporation
for such purpose, accompanied by



the funds, if any, required by the last paragraph of this subsection (b), and
shall give written notice of conversion in the form provided on such
certificate representing shares of Class K Preferred Stock (or such other
notice as is acceptable to the Corporation) to the Corporation at such office
or agency that the holder elects to convert the shares of Class K Preferred
Stock specified in such notice. Such notice shall also state the name or names,
together with address or addresses, in which the certificate or certificates
for shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be issuable in such conversion
shall be issued. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be issued in
the same name as the name in which such share of Class K Preferred Stock is
registered, each certificate representing a share of Class K Preferred Stock
surrendered for conversion shall be accompanied by instruments of transfer, in
form satisfactory to the Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such
holder's duly authorized attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer
or similar tax.

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender of
certificates representing such shares of Class K Preferred Stock and the
receipt of such notice, instruments of transfer and funds, if any, as
aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at such office or
agency to such holder, or as designated in such holder's written instructions,
a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of Class A Common
Stock issuable upon the conversion of such share or shares of Class K Preferred
Stock in accordance with provisions of this Section 7, and a check or cash in
respect of any fractional interest in a share of Class A Common Stock arising
upon such conversion, as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 7.1.

                  Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
immediately prior to the close of business on the date on which certificates
representing such shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered
and such notice (and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required
taxes) received by the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in
whose name or names any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A
Common Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have
become the holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby at
such time on such date, and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in
effect at such time on such date, unless the stock transfer books of the
Corporation shall be closed on that date, in which event such Person or Persons
shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of record at the close of
business on the next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are
open, but such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect on the
date on which such shares shall have been surrendered and such notice received
by the Corporation.

                  Holders of Class K Preferred Stock at the close of business
on a Record Date will be entitled to receive an amount equal to the dividend
payable on such shares on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date
notwithstanding the conversion of such shares following such Record Date and
prior to such Dividend Payment Date; provided, however, that Class K Preferred
Stock surrendered for conversion during the period between the close of
business on any Record Date and the opening of business



on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date (except shares converted after the
issuance of a notice of redemption with respect to a Redemption Date during
such period or coinciding with such Dividend Payment Date, which will be
entitled to such dividend) must be accompanied by payment of an amount equal to
the dividend payable on such shares on such Dividend Payment Date. A holder of
Class K Preferred Stock on a Record Date who (or whose transferee) tenders any
such shares for conversion into shares of Class A Common Stock on such Dividend
Payment Date will receive the dividend payable by the Corporation on such
shares of Class K Preferred Stock on such date, and the converting holder need
not include payment of the amount of such dividend upon surrender of Class K
Preferred Stock for conversion. Except as provided herein, the Corporation will
make no payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears,
on converted shares or for dividends on the Class A Common Stock issued upon
such conversion.

                  (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class K Preferred Stock. If more than one share of
Class K Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the
same holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class K Preferred Stock so surrendered. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class K Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the
nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the
Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion, multiplied by the
fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable upon conversion
of such share.


                  (a)      The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to
                           time as follows:

                           (i)     If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date
(A) pay a dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares
of Class A Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock into a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of
capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock,
then, in each such case, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
such action shall be adjusted so that the holder of any share of Class K
Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to
receive the number of shares of Class A Common Stock or other capital stock of
the Corporation which such holder would have owned or been entitled to receive
immediately following such action had such share been converted immediately
prior to the occurrence of such event. An adjustment made pursuant to



this subsection (i) of this Section 7.2(a) shall become effective immediately
after the record date, in the case of a dividend or distribution, or
immediately after the effective date, in the case of a subdivision, combination
or reclassification. If, as a result of an adjustment made pursuant to this
subsection (i), the holder of any share of Class K Preferred Stock thereafter
surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to receive shares of two or
more classes of capital stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other
capital stock of the Corporation, the Board of Directors (whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent) shall determine the allocation of the
adjusted Conversion Price between or among shares of such classes of capital
stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other capital stock.

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
issue rights, options or warrants to all holders of its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after
the record date described below) to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A
Common Stock at a price per share less than the current market price per share
(determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A
Common Stock (other than pursuant to any stock option, restricted stock or
other incentive or benefit plan or stock ownership or purchase plan for the
benefit of employees, directors or officers or any dividend reinvestment plan
of the Corporation in effect at the time hereof or any other similar plan
adopted or implemented hereafter), then the Conversion Price in effect
immediately prior thereto shall be adjusted so that it shall equal the price
determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
the record date by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (A)
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and
(B) the number of shares which the aggregate proceeds to the Corporation from
the exercise of such rights, options or warrants for Class A Common Stock would
purchase at such current market price, and the denominator of which shall be
the sum of (A) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the
record date and (B) the number of additional shares of Class A Common Stock
offered for subscription or purchase pursuant to such rights, options or
warrants. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever any rights,
options or warrants are issued, and shall become effective immediately after
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such
rights, options or warrants; provided, however, that if all of the shares of
Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase are not delivered
upon the exercise of such rights, options or warrants, upon the expiration of
such rights, options or warrants, the Conversion Price shall be readjusted to
the Conversion Price which would have been in effect had the numerator and the
denominator of the foregoing fraction and the resulting adjustment been made
based upon the number of shares of Class A Common Stock actually delivered upon
the exercise of such rights, options or warrants rather than upon the number of
shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase. In
determining whether any rights, options or warrants entitle the holders to
subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A Common Stock at less than such
current market price, and in determining



the aggregate offering price of such shares of Class A Common Stock, there
shall be taken into account any consideration received by the Corporation for
such rights, options or warrants, with the value of such consideration, if
other than cash, determined by the Board of Directors (whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent).

                           (iii) In case the Corporation shall, by dividend or
otherwise, distribute to all holders of its outstanding Class A Common Stock
any capital stock (other than Class A Common Stock), evidences of its
indebtedness or assets or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase
securities of the Corporation (excluding (A) those referred to in subsections
(i) and (ii) of this Section 7.2(a), (B) dividends and distributions paid in
cash out of the retained earnings of the Corporation, and (C) distributions
upon mergers or consolidations to which subsection (b) of this Section 7.2
applies), then, in each such case, the Conversion Price shall be adjusted to
equal the price determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect
immediately prior to the record date of such distribution by a fraction, the
numerator of which shall be the current market price per share (determined
pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A Common
Stock, less the fair market value on such record date (determined by the Board
or Directors, whose determination shall be conclusive and shall be described in
a statement filed by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent) of the portion of
the capital stock or assets or the evidences of indebtedness or assets so
distributed to the holder of one share of Class A Common Stock or of such
subscription rights or warrants applicable to one share of Class A Common
Stock, and the denominator of which shall be such current market price per
share of Class A Common Stock. Such adjustment shall become effective
immediately after the record date for the determination of stockholders
entitled to receive such distribution.

                           (iv) For the purpose of any computation under
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2(a), the current market price per
share of Class A Common Stock on any date shall be the average of the Closing
Price of the Class A Common Stock for the shorter of (A) 20 consecutive Trading
Days ending on the last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination or
(B) the period commencing on the date next succeeding the first public
announcement of the issuance of such rights or warrants or such distribution
through such last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination. For
purposes of the foregoing, the term "Time of Determination" shall mean the time
and date of the earlier of (A) the record date for determining stockholders
entitled to receive the rights, warrants or distribution referred to in
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2, or (B) the commencement of
"ex-dividend" trading on the exchange or market referred to in the definition
of "Closing Price."

                           (v)     No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall
be required to be made unless such adjustment would require an increase or
decrease of at least one percent of such price; provided, however, that any
adjustment which by reason of this subsection (v) is not required to be made
shall be carried forward and taken into



account in any subsequent adjustment. All calculations under this Section 7.2
shall be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest 1/100th of a share, as the
case may be. Anything in this Section 7.2 to the contrary notwithstanding, the
Corporation shall be entitled to make such reduction in the Conversion Price,
in addition to those required by this Section 7.2, as it shall determine in its
discretion to be advisable in order that any stock dividend, subdivision of
shares, distribution of rights to purchase stock or securities, or distribution
of securities convertible into or exchangeable for stock hereafter made by the
Corporation to its stockholders shall not be taxable to the recipients. Except
as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) above, the Conversion Price
shall not be adjusted for the issuance of Class A Common Stock, or any
securities convertible into or exchangeable for Class A Common Stock or
carrying the right to purchase any of the foregoing, in exchange for cash,
property or services.

                  (vi) The Corporation from time to time may decrease the
Conversion Price by any amount for any period of time if the period is at least
20 days and if the decrease is irrevocable during the period. Whenever the
Conversion Price is so decreased, the Corporation shall mail to holders of
record of shares of Class K Preferred Stock a notice of the decrease at least
15 days before the date the decreased Conversion Price takes effect, and such
notice shall state the decreased Conversion Price and the period it will be in

                  (b) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the
contrary, in case of any merger or consolidation to which the Corporation is a
party (other than a merger or consolidation in which the Corporation is the
continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or the
securities or other property of another entity), or in the case of any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's property and assets
to another entity, there will be no adjustment of the Conversion Price, and
lawful provision shall be made by the entity formed by such consolidation or
the entity whose securities, cash or other property will immediately after the
merger or consolidation be owned, by virtue of the merger or consolidation, by
the holders of Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the merger or
consolidation, or the entity which shall have acquired such assets of the
Corporation, such that each share of Class K Preferred Stock then outstanding
will, without the consent of the holder thereof, become convertible into the
kind and amount of securities, cash or other property receivable upon such
merger, consolidation, sale or transfer by a holder of the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock into which such share of Class K Preferred Stock was
convertible immediately prior to such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer
assuming such holder of Class A Common Stock did not exercise his rights of
election, if any, as to the kind or amount of securities, cash or other
property receivable upon such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer. In the
case of a cash merger of the Corporation into another entity or any other cash
transaction of the type mentioned in this Section 7.2(b), each share of Class K
Preferred Stock will thereafter be convertible at the Conversion Price in
effect at such time into the same amount of cash per share into which each
share of Class K Preferred Stock would have been convertible had



such share been converted into Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the
effective date of such cash merger or other transaction. The foregoing
provisions of this Section 7.2(b) shall similarly apply to successive mergers,
consolidations, sales or transfers.

                  (c) If (i) the Corporation shall take any action that would
require an adjustment in the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.2; (ii) the
Corporation shall authorize the granting to the holders of the Class A Common
Stock generally of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares
of stock of any class or series or of any other rights or warrants; (iii) there
shall be any reorganization or reclassification of the Class A Common Stock
(other than an event to which subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a) applies) or any
consolidation or merger to which the Corporation is a party or any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, in each
case, for which approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is required; or
(iv) there shall be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation; then, in each such case, the Corporation shall
cause to be given to the holders of shares of Class K Preferred Stock and the
Transfer Agent as promptly as possible, but in any event at least 15 days prior
to the applicable date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (i) the date on
which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such action or granting of
rights or warrants, or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which
the holders of Class A Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend,
distribution, rights or warrants are to be determined, or (ii) the date on
which such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale,
transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up is expected to become
effective or occur, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of
Class A Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of
Class A Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon
such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer,
liquidation, dissolution or winding up. Failure to give such notice or any
defect therein shall not affect the legality or validity of the proceedings
described in this Section 7.2(c).

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, (i) the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent a
certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and a
brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment and the manner of
computing the same, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the
correctness of such adjustment, and (ii) the Corporation shall mail or cause to
be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, as soon as practicable to each
holder of record of shares of Class K Preferred Stock a notice stating that the
Conversion Price has been adjusted and setting forth the adjusted Conversion

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.2
shall require that an adjustment be made immediately following a record date or
an effective date, the Corporation may elect to defer (but only until the
filing by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent of the certificate required
by subsection 7.2(d)) (i) issuing to



the holder of any share of Class K Preferred Stock converted after such record
date or effective date the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion in excess of the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion on the basis of the Conversion Price prior to adjustment, and (ii)
paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of a fractional share.

                  (f) In the event that at any time, as a result of an
adjustment made pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a), the holder of any
share of Class K Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall
become entitled to receive any shares of the Corporation other than shares of
Class A Common Stock, thereafter the Conversion Price of such other shares so
receivable upon conversion of any share of Class K Preferred Stock shall be
subject to adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms as nearly
equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect to Class A Common
Stock contained in this Section 7.2.

                  (g) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock, for the purpose of effecting
conversion of shares of Class K Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares
of Class K Preferred Stock not theretofore converted and on or before (and as a
condition of) taking any action that would cause an adjustment of the
Conversion Price resulting in an increase in the number of shares of Class A
Common Stock deliverable upon conversion in excess of the number thereof
previously reserved and available therefor, the Corporation shall take all such
action so required. For purposes of this paragraph (g), the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock which shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all
outstanding shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the
time of computation all such outstanding shares of Class K Preferred Stock were
held by a single holder (and without regard to the Ownership Limit).

         Before taking any action which would cause an adjustment reducing the
Conversion Price below the then par value (if any) of the shares of Class A
Common Stock deliverable upon conversion of the shares of Class K Preferred
Stock, the Corporation shall take any corporate action which may, in the
opinion of its counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation may validly
and legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock
at such adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (h) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp,
issue or transfer taxes, and any other similar taxes, payable in respect of the
issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock upon conversion of shares
of Class K Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the
Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect
of any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common
Stock in a name other than that of the holder of the shares of Class K
Preferred Stock to be converted, and no such issue or delivery shall be made
unless and until the Person requesting such issue or delivery has paid to the
Corporation the amount of any such tax or established, to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Corporation, that such tax has been paid.



                  (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
this Section 7, conversion of Class K Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section
7 shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result
in a violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter).

         8.       RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be
deemed to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class K Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class K Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                  (b) on a parity with the Class K Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class K Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock or Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock of
the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class of stock or series and the
Class K Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of
amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion
to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority of one over the other
(the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being
hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class K Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common Stock or
(ii) the holders of Class K Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of
dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of
such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").



         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class K Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting
the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by
reason of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of
any other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the
"Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class K Preferred
Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock
then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class
regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors
to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or
special meeting held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders
of the Class K Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as
hereinafter provided. Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class K
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been
paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have
been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, then the right
of the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to
elect such additional two directors shall cease (but subject always to the same
provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any similar
future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as directors
by the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock
shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the Board of
Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting power
shall have been so vested in the holders of Class K Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class K Preferred Stock
(addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall,
call a special meeting of the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and of the
Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors to be elected by
them as herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that
provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting required to be
called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days
after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class K Preferred Stock
may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose
shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors elected
at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur
among the directors elected by the holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of
Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the
holders of the Class K Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the
successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of
the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall
not have previously terminated as provided above.



                  (b) So long as any shares of Class K Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class K
Preferred Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes
or series of Parity Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or
by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called
for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

                           (i)     Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any
of the provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of
the Class K Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of the
provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the
authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of
Parity Stock shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting
powers, rights or preferences of the holders of Class K Preferred Stock; or

                           (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of
Senior Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently
authorized); provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class K
Preferred Stock shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such
amendment, alteration or repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any
such Senior Stock or convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the
case may be, provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class K
Preferred Stock at the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is
authorized by Section 5 of this Article.

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class K Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class
K Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class K Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters
one quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class K Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating,
optional or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth
herein, and the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the
taking of any corporate action.

         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class K Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.




                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class K
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class
K Preferred Stock in excess of the Look- Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as
provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity) Beneficially Owning shares of Class K Preferred Stock in
excess of the Ownership Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class K Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by such Person in excess of the Ownership Limit, and the intended
transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class K Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of
Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class K Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial
Holder limit, and the Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of
Class K Preferred Stock.

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject
to Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if
effective, would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares
of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Look- Through Ownership limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class K Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look- Through Entity in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look- Through Entity shall
acquire no rights in such shares of Class K Preferred Stock.



after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant
that is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by
the Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy
any of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be
void ab initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class K Preferred Stock that
would cause the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of
Section 856(h) of the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the
case may be, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares
of Class K Preferred Stock.

                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class K Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii)
the Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely
affect the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class K Preferred
Stock in the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other
event has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a
Person intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of
any shares of Class K Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this
Article (whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or
a committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable
to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event,
including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or
other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem
such shares at the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions
as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion
(including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term
indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the repayment of
any distributions received in respect of shares of Class K Preferred Stock
acquired in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or instituting
proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted
Transfer; provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in
the case of events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of
Section 11.1 of this Article, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the
Board of Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall
automatically result in the transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article;
provided, further, that the provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to
the provisions of Section 11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that
neither the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof may exercise such
authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class K
Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(C) of
this Article.


         11.3.  TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is
the result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or
other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or
other change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not
limited to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not
limited to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would
Beneficially Own shares of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class K
Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that
is a Look-Through Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class K Preferred
Stock in excess of the Look- Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the
Person, Initial Holder or Look- Through Entity that would Beneficially Own
shares of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial
Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as
a "Prohibited Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8
of this Article, such shares of Class K Preferred Stock in excess of the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit,
as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be
automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust
for the exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such
transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of
business on the Business Day prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital
structure or another event giving rise to a potential violation of the
Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look- Through Entity Ownership

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class K
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class K
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not
benefit economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee,
shall have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or
other rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.


                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class K
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class K Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class K Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class K Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure
or other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit,
Initial Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to
have given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class K
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the
Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or
other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of
the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the
Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this
Section 11.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to
be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the
issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class K Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class K Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

Shares of Class K Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to
have been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per
share equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that
resulted in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift,
the Market Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price
on the date the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The
Corporation shall have the right to accept such offer for a period of


90 days after the later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event
resulting in a transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of
Directors determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event

notice to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class K Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class K Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may
request in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted
Transfer or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give
such notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class K
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class K Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class K Preferred
Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held.
Each such record or Beneficial Owner of Class K Preferred Stock shall, upon
demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such
additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class K
Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code
regarding the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and
(ii) ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look- Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class K Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to
obtain the written notice described in this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial


that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class K Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class K
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply
with the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look- Through Ownership Limit, and shall
provide a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number
of shares of Class K Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such
stockholder or proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which
statement or affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for
that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of
this Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its
stockholders in the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and
(ii) to insure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit
and the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions
of this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of
Section 542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust.
In connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion,
to determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class K Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and
the pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class K Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or
upon foreclosure.


                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold
allotment of Class K Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class K
Preferred Stock by an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or
other legal entity and (ii) participates in an offering of the Class K
Preferred Stock, such underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit
with respect to the Class K Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in
connection with such offering and with respect to any Class K Preferred Stock
purchased in connection with market making activities.

         11.9  LEGEND.  Each certificate for Class K Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

         "The shares of Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class K Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
         Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class K Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the
         transfer of the shares of Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
         Stock represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
         Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit
         of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any
application of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court
having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected and other applications of such
provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to comply with the
determination of such court.


         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of
a change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class K Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXI of the Charter.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on February 17,

WITNESS:                                       APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                               MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LUCY CORDOVA                               /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
- -----------------------------                  --------------------------------
Lucy Cordova                                   Troy D. Butts
Assistant Secretary                            Senior Vice President and
                                               Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a
part, hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the
foregoing Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation
and hereby certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect
to the authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects
under the penalties of perjury.

                                               /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
                                               Troy D. Butts
                                               Senior Vice President and
                                               Chief Financial Officer

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 10,000,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, par
value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such class.

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 10,000,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Class A Common Stock from 478,277,500 shares immediately prior to
the reclassification to 468,277,500 shares immediately after the

         THIRD: The terms of the Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock (including
the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class I Cumulative
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class I Preferred Stock") and
Ten Million (10,000,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such Class
I Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2. DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class I Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is
         under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder,
         clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the definition
         of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner,"
         "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class I
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 10(c) of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class I Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.



         "Closing Price," when used with respect to a share of any Equity Stock
         and for any date, shall mean the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ") or, if such system is no
         longer in use, the principal other automated quotations system that may
         then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such
         organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as
         furnished by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity
         Stock selected by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation, and the Class B Common Stock, $.01 par value
         per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class
         A Common Stock or Class B Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and
         October 15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
         accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         quarterly dividend period commencing on and including, January 15,
         April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on and
         including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         I Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant



         to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption Date
         with respect to the Class I Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 10(c)(i) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean the date on which shares of Class I Preferred
         Stock are first issued.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including the day preceding
         the first January 15, April 15, July 15, or October 15 to occur

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class I Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class I Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         Secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class I Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the



         Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class I
         Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Operating Partnership" shall mean AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware
         limited partnership.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at
         that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class I Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class I Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit as
         applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and
         the Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
         estate, trust (including a trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or
         501(c) of the Code), association, private foundation within the meaning
         of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and
         (ii) also includes a group as that term is used for purposes of Section
         13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act and (b) for purposes of the remaining
         Sections of this Article, any individual, firm, partnership, limited
         liability company, corporation or other entity and shall include any
         successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.



         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 10(c)(i)
         of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 5 of this Article.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust" as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class I
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day," when used with respect to the Closing Price of a share
         of any Equity Stock, shall mean (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or
         admitted to trading on the NYSE, a day on which the NYSE is open for
         the transaction of business, (ii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or
         admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or admitted to trading on
         another national securities exchange or automated quotation system, a
         day on which the principal national securities exchange or automated
         quotation system, as the case may be, on which the Equity Stock is
         listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of business,
         or (iii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on
         any national securities exchange or automated quotation system, any day
         other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions
         in the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or
         executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class I Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         I Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class I Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by



         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class I Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class I Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class I Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10(c) of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8
         of this Article.

         3. DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class I Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class I Preferred Stock equal to $2.00 per annum (equivalent to 8%
per annum of the per share Liquidation Preference (as hereinafter defined)). As
of any particular date, such dividends shall be cumulative from the later of (i)
the Issue Date or (ii) the first day after the most recent Dividend Period in
respective of which dividends have been paid or a sum sufficient for such
payment has been set apart for such payment, in each case, whether or not in any
Dividend Period or Dividend Periods such dividends shall be declared or there
shall be funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of such
dividends. Dividends shall be payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend
Payment Date. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of
record of the Class I Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of
the Corporation at the close of business on the January 1, April 1, July 1 or
October 1, as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment
Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more
than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of
Directors. All holders of record of shares of Class I Preferred Stock as of any
record date shall be entitled to receive the same per share dividend payment,
notwithstanding the fact that any of such shares were not outstanding during the
entire Dividend Period in respect of which such payment is made.



                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class I Preferred Stock for
any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class I Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class I
Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class I Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class I Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class I Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set apart
for payment of such dividends on the Class I Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum
sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class I Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective
amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class I Preferred
Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class I Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or rights to
subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by
the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class I
Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends have been
declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set apart for
such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class I Preferred Stock



for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior
Stock in respect thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) or redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, setting apart for payment, redemption,
purchase or other acquisition is necessary in order to maintain the continued
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class I Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class I Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class I Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class I Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class I Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class I Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class



Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in this Section 4, any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class I Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


                  (a) Shares of Class I Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation prior to March 1, 2005, except as set forth in Section 10(b)
of this Article. On and after March 1, 2005, the Corporation, at its option, may
redeem shares of Class I Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part,
at a redemption price payable in cash equal to 100% of the Liquidation
Preference thereof, plus all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends to the
date fixed for redemption (the "Redemption Date"); provided, however, that in
the event of a redemption of shares of Class I Preferred Stock, if the
Redemption Date occurs after a dividend record date and on or prior to the
related Dividend Payment Date, the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment
Date in respect of such shares called for redemption shall be payable on such
Dividend Payment Date to the holders of record at the close of business on such
dividend record date, and shall not be payable as part of the redemption price
for such shares. In connection with any redemption pursuant to this Section
5(a), the redemption price of the Class I Preferred Stock (other than any
portion thereof consisting of accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) shall
be payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the Corporation or the
Operating Partnership, of other capital shares of the Corporation or the
Operating Partnership (whether or not such sale occurs concurrently with such
redemption). For purposes of the preceding sentence, "capital shares" means any
common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares, partnership or other
interests, participations or other ownership interests (however designated) and
any rights (other than debt securities convertible into or exchangeable at the
option of the holder for equity securities (unless and to the extent such debt
securities are subsequently converted into capital shares)) or options to
purchase any of the foregoing of or in the Corporation or the Operating

                  (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation,
shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30
days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class I Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, no shares of Class I Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless
all outstanding shares of Class I Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed
and neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or
acquire shares of Class I Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase
or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class I
Preferred Stock.



                  (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class I
Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such
redemption shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed.
Such notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such
holder's address as the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation.
Neither the failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any
defect therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect
the sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption
with respect to the other holders. Any notice which was mailed in the manner
herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the
date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice
shall state, as appropriate: (1) the Redemption Date; (2) the number of shares
of Class I Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares
held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed
from such holder; (3) the place or places at which certificates for such shares
are to be surrendered for cash; and (4) the redemption price payable on such
Redemption Date, including, without limitation, a statement as to whether or not
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will be (x) payable as part of the
redemption price, or (y) payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record
holder at the close of business on the relevant record date as described in the
next succeeding sentence. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after
the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the
amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares
of Class I Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or
accrue on the shares of Class I Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said
shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Class I Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall
cease except the rights to receive the cash payable upon such redemption,
without interest thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their certificates
if so required; provided, however, that if the Redemption Date for any shares of
Class I Preferred Stock occurs after any dividend record date and on or prior to
the related Dividend Payment Date, the full dividend payable on such Dividend
Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class I Preferred Stock called for
redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the holders of
record of such shares at the close of business on the corresponding dividend
record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of such shares. The
Corporation's obligation to make available the redemption price in accordance
with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the
applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust
with a bank or trust company (which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation)
that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and
surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such
redemption plus, if such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date
and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is
necessary to pay the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect
of such shares of Class I Preferred Stock called for redemption, with
irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied to the redemption of the
shares of Class I Preferred Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable,
the payment of such dividend. No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the
holders of shares of Class



I Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.
Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two
years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class I Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class I Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class I Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class I
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class I Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class I Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


         All shares of Class I Preferred Stock which shall have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized, but unissued shares of Class I Preferred Stock.

         7. RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed
to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class I Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class I Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                  (b) on a parity with the Class I Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class I Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock or
Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock of the



Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class of stock or series and the Class
I Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts
distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion to
their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or
liquidation preferences, without preference or priority of one over the other
(the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being
hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class I Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common Stock or (ii)
the holders of Class I Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends
or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the
case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or
series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         8. VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class I Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of Parity Stock of any
other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class I Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on
the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting
held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class I
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided.
Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class I Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for
the current quarterly dividend period shall have been declared and paid, or
declared and set apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class I
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two
directors shall cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting
of such voting rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the
terms of office of all persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class
I Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and
the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced
accordingly. At any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in
the holders of Class I Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if
applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request
of any holder of



Class I Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of
the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the holders of the Class I
Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two
directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made by
notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special
meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting
required to be called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary
within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class I
Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for
that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The
directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as above provided. If any
vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders of the Class I
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by
the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining director
elected by the holders of the Class I Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class I Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class I Preferred
Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes or series
of Parity Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or by proxy,
either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the
purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

                      (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the
Class I Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of or supplement
to the provisions of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase or
decrease the authorized amount of, or to issue any Junior Stock, Class I
Preferred Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed
to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences of the
holders of Class I Preferred Stock; or

                      (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class I Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to



take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or convertible or
exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be, provision is made for
the redemption of all shares of Class I Preferred Stock at the time outstanding
to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of this Article.

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class I Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class I
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class I Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class I Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.

         9. RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class I Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


         (a) (i) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERS. Except as provided in Section
10(h), from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial Holder
or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class I Preferred
Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class I
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

             (ii) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10(h), from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10(l)), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class I Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class I Preferred Stock.



provided in Section 10(h), from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10(l)), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class I Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class I Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class I Preferred

provided in Section 10(h) from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10(l)), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class I Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class I Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class I Preferred Stock.

             (v) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD" SHARES. From and after
the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class I Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class I
Preferred Stock.

             (vi) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of
Class I Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10(a)(ii), (iii),
(iv), or (v) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class I Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.



         (b) REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors shall at any time
determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event has taken place in
violation of Section 10(a) of this Article or that a Person intends to acquire
or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any shares of Class I
Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10(a) of this Article (whether or not
such violation is intended), the Board of Directors shall be empowered to take
any action as it deems advisable to refuse to give effect to or to prevent such
Transfer or other event, including, but not limited to, refusing to give effect
to such Transfer or other event on the books of the Corporation, causing the
Corporation to redeem such shares at the then current Market Price and upon such
terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board of Directors in its sole
discretion (including, but not limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term
indebtedness for the purpose of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any
distributions received in respect of shares of Class I Preferred Stock acquired
in violation of Section 10(a) of this Article or instituting proceedings to
enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer;
provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in the case of
events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section
10(a) of this Article, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of
Directors (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 10(c) of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 10(b) shall be subject to the provisions of Section
10(l) of this Article; provided, further, that the Board of Directors may not
exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Class I Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to
Section 10(h)(iii) of this Article.

         (c)(i) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to, any
acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other than
the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares of
Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class I Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class I Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited Transferee"), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 10(h) of this Article, such shares of Class I
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the



exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the
Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the
Business Day prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
another event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the
Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit.

             (ii) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

             (iii) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class I
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
10(c)(v), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class I
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not
benefit economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee,
shall have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or
other rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

             (iv) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class I Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the discovery
by the Corporation that the shares of Class I Preferred Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and
any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void ab
initio with respect to such shares of Class I Preferred Stock. Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class I
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder
Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class I Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

             (v) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose ownership
of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is
made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of
the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable
Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10(c)(v). The Prohibited Transferee
shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for
the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee



did not give value for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction),
the Market Price of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be
held in the Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the
sale or other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in
excess of the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to
the Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in
this Section 10(c)(v) or any application thereof is determined in a final
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction
over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class I Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class I Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

Class I Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors or a committee thereof
determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

             (vii) REGISTRATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class I Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         (d) NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or attempts
to acquire shares of Class I Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10(a) of
this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that stock is
transferred to the Trustee under Section 10(c) of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         (e) OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class I
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out



             (i) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of more
than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class I Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class I Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record or Beneficial Owner of Class I Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by
the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional
information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class I Preferred
Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or
necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class I Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain
the written notice described in this Section 10(e) from the Beneficial Owner.

is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class I Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class I
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class I Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         (f) REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall limit
the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it deems
necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10(l) of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         (g) AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any of
the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity in
any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of Directors
shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of this
Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.



         (h) EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 10(a) of this Article.

             (i) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMITS. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In
connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to
determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

             (ii) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the
Class I Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall
not constitute a violation of Section 10(a) of this Article and the pledgee
shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class I
Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon

             (iii) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer period
of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment of
Class I Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class I Preferred Stock by an
underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class I Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class I Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class I Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

      (i) LEGEND. Each certificate for Class I Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

                 "The shares of Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock represented
         by this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person
         may Beneficially Own shares of Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock in
         excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain
         further restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter (including
         the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class I
         Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially
         Own shares of Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the
         applicable limitation must immediately notify the Corporation. All
         capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings ascribed to such
         terms in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting
         forth the terms of the Class I Cumulative Preferred



         Stock), as the same may be amended from time to time, a copy of which,
         including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent without charge to
         each stockholder that so requests. If the restrictions on transfer are
         violated (i) the transfer of the shares of Class I Cumulative Preferred
         Stock represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of Class I
         Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will automatically be
         transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or more
         Charitable Beneficiaries."

         (j) SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

         (k) BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         (l) SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXII of the Charter.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on April 21, 1999.

WITNESS:                                       APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                               MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LESLIE OBLAS                               /s/ JOEL BONDER
- ------------------------------                 ---------------------------------
Leslie Oblas
Assistant Secretary                            Senior Vice President and
                                               Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                               /s/ JOEL BONDER

                                               Senior Vice President and
                                               Chief Financial Officer

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 5,000,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 5,000,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 480,937,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 475,937,500 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class L
Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class L
Preferred Stock"), and Five Million (5,000,000) shall be the authorized number
of shares of such Class L Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class L Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is
         under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder,
         clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the definition
         of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner,"
         "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class L
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 9 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class L Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.



         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in use,
         the principal other automated quotation system that may then be in use
         or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
         average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
         professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
         by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par value per
         share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the Corporation's
         capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class A Common
         Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class A
         Common Stock for which each share of Class L Preferred Stock is
         convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $46.48
         (equivalent to a conversion rate of 0.5379 shares of Class A Common
         Stock for each share of Class L Preferred Stock).

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean February 28, May 28, August 28, and
         November 28 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
         accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.



         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         February 28, May 28, August 28, and November 28 of each year and ending
         on and including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         L Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the Optional Redemption Date or Mandatory
         Redemption Date, as applicable, with respect to the Class L Preferred
         Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean May 28, 1999.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including August 27, 1999.

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class L Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class L Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.



         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class L Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class L Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at
         that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class L Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class L Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group,"
         as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
         Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article,
         any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity,
         including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.



         "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of
         this Article.

         "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 3 of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class L Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.

         "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any shares of Class L
         Preferred Stock to be redeemed, (i) if the Redemption Date occurs
         during the period from and including May 28, 2002, to but excluding May
         27, 2003, 102.025% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, and (ii) if
         the Redemption Date occurs on or after May 28, 2003, 100.000% of the
         Liquidation Preference thereof, plus, in the case of clause (i) or
         (ii), all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared), if any, to the Redemption Date; provided, however,
         that if a Redemption Date occurs after a dividend record date and on or
         prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the dividend payable on
         such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares called for
         redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the
         holders of record at the close of business on such dividend record date
         notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable
         as part of the redemption price for such shares.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class L
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a
         day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if
         the Equity Stock is not



         listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or admitted to
         trading on another national securities exchange or automated quotation
         system, a day on which the principal national securities exchange or
         automated quotation system, as the case may be, on which the Equity
         Stock is listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of
         business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to
         trading on any national securities exchange or automated quotation
         system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
         banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or
         obligated by law or executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class L Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         L Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class L Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class L Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class L Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class L Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9
         of this Article.

         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class L Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally
available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class L Preferred
Stock in an amount per share equal to (i) during the period from the Issue Date
through and including May 27, 2002, the greater of $0.50625 or the quarterly
cash dividend paid or payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date by
reference to the dividend most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock) on
the number of shares of Class A



Common Stock (or portion thereof) into which a share of Class L Preferred Stock
is convertible, and (ii) during the period from and after May 28, 2002, the
greater of $0.625 or the quarterly cash dividend paid or payable (determined on
each Dividend Payment Date by reference to the dividend most recently declared
on the Class A Common Stock) on the number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or
portion thereof) into which a share of Class L Preferred Stock is convertible.
Such dividends shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any
Dividend Period or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be
funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of such dividends,
and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date,
commencing on August 28, 1999. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to
the holders of record of the Class L Preferred Stock, as they appear on the
stock records of the Corporation at the close of business on the tenth Business
Day immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date (each a "Record Date").
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment
Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more
than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class L Preferred Stock for
any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class L Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class L
Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class L Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class L Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class L Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set apart
for payment of such dividends on the Class L Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum
sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class L Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective
amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class L Preferred
Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.



                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class L Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or rights to
subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by
the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class L
Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends have been
declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set apart for
such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class L Preferred Stock for all
Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to such shares of
Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are redeemed, purchased or
otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available for any sinking fund for
such redemption, or the date any such cash or other property is paid or
distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior Stock in respect
thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class L Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class L Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class L Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not



earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class L Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class L Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class L Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
L Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class L Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.

         5.       REDEMPTION

                  (a) Shares of Class L Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation prior to May 28, 2002, except as set forth in Section 11.2 of
this Article. On or after May 28, 2002, the Corporation, at its option, may
redeem shares of Class L Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part,
for cash in an amount equal to the applicable Redemption Price.

                  (b) In the event of any redemption, the Redemption Date shall
be selected by the Corporation, shall be specified in the notice of redemption
and shall be not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the date notice
of redemption is sent by the Corporation.

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class L Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, for all preceding Dividend Periods no shares of Class L
Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares of Class L
Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed, and neither the Corporation nor any
affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares of Class L Preferred
Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange offer made on the same
terms to all holders of shares of Class L Preferred Stock.



                  (d) In the event of a redemption, notice of such redemption
shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such
notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's
address as the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the
failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect
therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the
sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with
respect to the other holders. Any notice which has been mailed in the manner
herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the
date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice
shall state, as appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the number of shares
of Class L Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares
held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed
from such holder; (iii) the place or places at which certificates for such
shares are to be surrendered for cash; and (iv) the Redemption Price payable on
such Redemption Date, including, without limitation, a statement as to whether
or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will be payable as part of the
Redemption Price, or payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record
holder at the close of business on the relevant record date as described in the
next succeeding sentence. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after
the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the
amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares
of Class L Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or
accrue on the shares of Class L Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said
shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Class L Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall
cease except the right to receive the cash payable upon such redemption, without
interest thereon, upon surrender of their certificates if so required. The
Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary to effect such
redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled
if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall
irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company (which may not be an
affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust
company that has, a capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of
cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if such Redemption Date occurs
after any dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment
Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay the dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class L Preferred Stock
called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied
to the redemption of the shares of Class L Preferred Stock so called for
redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend. No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class L Preferred Stock to be
redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation. Subject to applicable
escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two years from the
Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after
which reversion the holders of shares of Class L Preferred Stock so called for
redemption shall look only to the general funds of the Corporation for the
payment of such cash.



                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance
with such notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class L Preferred
Stock to be so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the
Corporation shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates
shall be exchanged for the cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares
have been redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the
outstanding shares of Class L Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be
redeemed shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class L
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class L Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class L Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


                  All shares of Class L Preferred Stock that have been issued
and reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation,
shares of Class L Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion)
shall be returned to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class L
Preferred Stock.

         7.       CONVERSION.


                  At any time on or after the Issue Date, holders of shares of
Class L Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of such
shares into shares of Class A Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7, each share of Class L Preferred Stock shall, at the option of the
holder thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for
redemption, then to and including but not after the close of business on the
date immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall
default in payment due upon redemption thereof), into that number of fully paid
and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock (calculated as to each
conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by dividing $25 by the
Conversion Price in effect at such time and by surrender of the certificate
representing such shares to be converted in the manner provided in subsection
(b) of this Section 7.1.

                  (b) In order to convert shares of Class L Preferred Stock, the
holder of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate
representing such shares at any office or agency maintained by the Corporation
for such purpose, accompanied by the funds, if any, required by the last
paragraph of this subsection (b) to be paid by



such holder, and shall give written notice of conversion in the form provided on
such certificate representing shares of Class L Preferred Stock (or such other
notice as is acceptable to the Corporation) to the Corporation at such office or
agency that the holder elects to convert the shares of Class L Preferred Stock
specified in such notice. Such notice shall also state the name or names,
together with address or addresses, in which the certificate or certificates for
shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be issuable in such conversion shall
be issued. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be issued in the same
name as the name in which such share of Class L Preferred Stock is registered,
each certificate representing a share of Class L Preferred Stock surrendered for
conversion shall be accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory
to the Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that such taxes have been

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates
representing such shares of Class L Preferred Stock and the receipt of such
notice and instruments of transfer as aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and
shall deliver at such office or agency to such holder, or as designated in such
holder's written instructions, a certificate or certificates for the number of
full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such share
or shares of Class L Preferred Stock in accordance with provisions of this
Section 7, and a check or cash in respect of (i) the cash amount payable to such
holder, if any, referred to in the last paragraph of this subsection (b), and
(ii) any fractional interest in a share of Class A Common Stock arising upon
such conversion, as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 7.1.

                  Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
immediately prior to the close of business on the date on which certificates
representing such shares of Class L Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered
and such notice (and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required
taxes) received by the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in
whose name or names any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common
Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the
holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby at such time on
such date, and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at
such time on such date, unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall
be closed on that date, in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to
have become such holder or holders of record at the close of business on the
next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are open, but such
conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such
shares shall have been surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation.

                  Except as provided herein, the Corporation will make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares or for dividends (other than dividends on the Class A Common
Stock the record date for



which is after the conversion date and which the Corporation shall pay in the
ordinary course to the record holder as of the record date) on the Class A
Common Stock issued upon such conversion. Holders of Class L Preferred Stock at
the close of business on a Record Date will be entitled to receive an amount
equal to the dividend payable on such shares on the corresponding Dividend
Payment Date notwithstanding the conversion of such shares following such Record
Date. If the Dividend Adjustment Amount (as defined below) with respect to any
shares of Class L Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion is positive, the
holders of such shares shall, as of the date of conversion, be entitled to
receive a cash payment equal to such Dividend Adjustment Amount. If the Dividend
Adjustment Amount with respect to any shares of Class L Preferred Stock
surrendered for conversion is negative, such shares must be accompanied by
payment of a cash amount equal to the absolute value of such Dividend Adjustment
Amount. As used herein, "Dividend Adjustment Amount" shall mean, with respect to
any share of Class L Preferred Stock that has been surrendered for conversion,
the sum of:

                   (i) the aggregate amount of any dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such
         share as of the time of such conversion; minus

                  (ii) if such share has been surrendered for conversion during
         the period between the close of business on any Record Date and the
         opening of business on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date, the
         amount of the dividend payable thereon on such Dividend Payment Date;

                  (iii) if such share has not been surrendered for conversion
         during the period between the close of business on any record date for
         the payment of a dividend on the Class A Common Stock and the opening
         of business on the corresponding dividend payment date, an amount equal
         to the product of (A) the quarterly cash dividend per share that was
         most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock, determined as of
         the date of conversion, and (B) a fraction, the numerator of which is
         the number of days in the period from and including the date of the
         most recent dividend payment date for the Class A Common Stock or the
         Class L Preferred Stock, whichever is later, to but excluding the date
         of such conversion, and the denominator of which is 90.

                  (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class L Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
L Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class L Preferred Stock so surrendered. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class L Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount



in cash (computed to the nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A
Common Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion,
multiplied by the fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable
upon conversion of such share.


                  (a)      The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to
                           time as follows:

                           (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A)
pay a dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares of
Class A Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock into a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of
capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock
(including a reclassification pursuant to a merger or consolidation in which the
Corporation is the continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged
for cash, or securities or other property of another entity), then, in each such
case, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such action shall be
adjusted so that the holder of any share of Class L Preferred Stock thereafter
surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to receive the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock or other capital stock of the Corporation which such holder
would have owned or been entitled to receive immediately following such action
had such share been converted immediately prior to the occurrence of such event.
An adjustment made pursuant to this subsection (i) of this Section 7.2(a) shall
become effective immediately after the record date, in the case of a dividend or
distribution, or immediately after the effective date, in the case of a
subdivision, combination or reclassification. If, as a result of an adjustment
made pursuant to this subsection (i), the holder of any share of Class L
Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to
receive shares of two or more classes of capital stock or shares of Class A
Common Stock and other capital stock of the Corporation, the Board of Directors
(whose determination shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement
filed by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent) shall determine the allocation
of the adjusted Conversion Price between or among shares of such classes of
capital stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other capital stock.

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
issue rights, options or warrants to all holders of its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after
the record date described below) to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A
Common Stock at a price per share less than the current market price per share
(determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A
Common Stock (other than pursuant to any stock option, restricted stock or other
incentive or benefit plan or stock ownership or purchase plan for the benefit of
employees, directors or officers or any dividend



reinvestment plan of the Corporation in effect at the time hereof or any other
similar plan adopted or implemented hereafter), then the Conversion Price in
effect immediately prior thereto shall be adjusted so that it shall equal the
price determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior
to the record date by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (A)
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and
(B) the number of shares which the aggregate proceeds to the Corporation from
the exercise of such rights, options or warrants for Class A Common Stock would
purchase at such current market price, and the denominator of which shall be the
sum of (A) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the
record date and (B) the number of additional shares of Class A Common Stock
offered for subscription or purchase pursuant to such rights, options or
warrants. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever any rights,
options or warrants are issued, and shall become effective immediately after the
record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such
rights, options or warrants; provided, however, that if all of the shares of
Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase are not delivered upon
the exercise of such rights, options or warrants, upon the expiration of such
rights, options or warrants, the Conversion Price shall be readjusted to the
Conversion Price which would have been in effect had the numerator and the
denominator of the foregoing fraction and the resulting adjustment been made
based upon the number of shares of Class A Common Stock actually delivered upon
the exercise of such rights, options or warrants rather than upon the number of
shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase. In
determining whether any rights, options or warrants entitle the holders to
subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A Common Stock at less than such
current market price, and in determining the aggregate offering price of such
shares of Class A Common Stock, there shall be taken into account any
consideration received by the Corporation for such rights, options or warrants,
with the value of such consideration, if other than cash, determined by the
Board of Directors (whose determination shall be conclusive and shall be
described in a statement filed by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent).

                           (iii) In case the Corporation shall, by dividend or
otherwise, distribute to all holders of its outstanding Class A Common Stock any
capital stock (other than Class A Common Stock), evidences of its indebtedness
or assets or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the
Corporation (excluding (A) those referred to in subsections (i) and (ii) of this
Section 7.2(a), (B) dividends and distributions paid in cash out of the retained
earnings of the Corporation, and (C) distributions upon mergers or
consolidations to which subsection (b) of this Section 7.2 applies), then, in
each such case, the Conversion Price shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
the record date of such distribution by a fraction, the numerator of which shall
be the current market price per share (determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of
this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A Common Stock, less the fair market value on
such record date (determined by the Board or Directors, whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent) of



the portion of the capital stock or assets or the evidences of indebtedness or
assets so distributed to the holder of one share of Class A Common Stock or of
such subscription rights or warrants applicable to one share of Class A Common
Stock, and the denominator of which shall be such current market price per share
of Class A Common Stock. Such adjustment shall become effective immediately
after the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive
such distribution.

                           (iv) For the purpose of any computation under
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2(a), the current market price per
share of Class A Common Stock on any date shall be the average of the Closing
Price of the Class A Common Stock for the shorter of (A) 20 consecutive Trading
Days ending on the last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination or
(B) the period commencing on the date next succeeding the first public
announcement of the issuance of such rights or warrants or such distribution
through such last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination. For
purposes of the foregoing, the term "Time of Determination" shall mean the time
and date of the earlier of (A) the record date for determining stockholders
entitled to receive the rights, warrants or distribution referred to in
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2, or (B) the commencement of
"ex-dividend" trading on the exchange or market referred to in the definition of
"Closing Price."

                           (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required to be made unless such adjustment would require an increase or decrease
of at least one percent of such price; provided, however, that any adjustment
which by reason of this subsection (v) is not required to be made shall be
carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. All
calculations under this Section 7.2 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the
nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. Anything in this Section 7.2 to
the contrary notwithstanding, the Corporation shall be entitled to make such
reduction in the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this Section
7.2, as it shall determine in its discretion to be advisable in order that any
stock dividend, subdivision of shares, distribution of rights to purchase stock
or securities, or distribution of securities convertible into or exchangeable
for stock hereafter made by the Corporation to its stockholders shall not be
taxable to the recipients. Except as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and
(iii) above, the Conversion Price shall not be adjusted for the issuance of
Class A Common Stock, or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
Class A Common Stock or carrying the right to purchase any of the foregoing, in
exchange for cash, property or services.

                           (vi) The Corporation from time to time may decrease
the Conversion Price by any amount for any period of time if the period is at
least 20 days and if the decrease is irrevocable during the period. Whenever the
Conversion Price is so decreased, the Corporation shall mail to holders of
record of shares of Class L Preferred Stock a notice of the decrease at least 15
days before the date the decreased Conversion Price takes effect, and such
notice shall state the decreased Conversion Price and the period it will be in



                  (b) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the
contrary, in case of any merger or consolidation to which the Corporation is a
party (other than a merger or consolidation in which the Corporation is the
continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or the
securities or other property of another entity), or in the case of any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's property and assets to
another entity, there will be no adjustment of the Conversion Price, and lawful
provision shall be made by the entity formed by such consolidation or the entity
whose securities, cash or other property will immediately after the merger or
consolidation be owned, by virtue of the merger or consolidation, by the holders
of Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the merger or consolidation, or the
entity which shall have acquired such assets of the Corporation, such that each
share of Class L Preferred Stock then outstanding will, without the consent of
the holder thereof, become convertible into the kind and amount of securities,
cash or other property receivable upon such merger, consolidation, sale or
transfer by a holder of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock into which
such share of Class L Preferred Stock was convertible immediately prior to such
merger, consolidation, sale or transfer assuming such holder of Class A Common
Stock did not exercise his rights of election, if any, as to the kind or amount
of securities, cash or other property receivable upon such merger,
consolidation, sale or transfer. In the case of a cash merger of the Corporation
into another entity or any other cash transaction of the type mentioned in this
Section 7.2(b), each share of Class L Preferred Stock will thereafter be
convertible at the Conversion Price in effect at such time into the same amount
of cash per share into which each share of Class L Preferred Stock would have
been convertible had such share been converted into Class A Common Stock
immediately prior to the effective date of such cash merger or other
transaction. The foregoing provisions of this Section 7.2(b) shall similarly
apply to successive mergers, consolidations, sales or transfers.

                  (c) If (i) the Corporation shall take any action that would
require an adjustment in the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.2; (ii) the
Corporation shall authorize the granting to the holders of the Class A Common
Stock generally of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of
stock of any class or series or of any other rights or warrants; (iii) there
shall be any reorganization or reclassification of the Class A Common Stock
(other than an event to which subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a) applies) or any
consolidation or merger to which the Corporation is a party or any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, in each
case, for which approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is required; or
(iv) there shall be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation; then, in each such case, the Corporation shall
cause to be given to the holders of shares of Class L Preferred Stock and the
Transfer Agent as promptly as possible, but in any event at least 15 days prior
to the applicable date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (i) the date on
which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such action or granting of
rights or warrants, or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the
holders of Class A Common Stock of record to be entitled to such



dividend, distribution, rights or warrants are to be determined, or (ii) the
date on which such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger,
sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up is expected to become
effective or occur, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of
Class A Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of
Class A Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon
such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer,
liquidation, dissolution or winding up. Failure to give such notice or any
defect therein shall not affect the legality or validity of the proceedings
described in this Section 7.2(c).

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, (i) the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent a
certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and a brief
statement of the facts requiring such adjustment and the manner of computing the
same, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such
adjustment, and (ii) the Corporation shall mail or cause to be mailed by first
class mail, postage prepaid, as soon as practicable to each holder of record of
shares of Class L Preferred Stock a notice stating that the Conversion Price has
been adjusted and setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.2
shall require that an adjustment be made immediately following a record date or
an effective date, the Corporation may elect to defer (but only until the filing
by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent of the certificate required by
subsection 7.2(d)) (i) issuing to the holder of any share of Class L Preferred
Stock converted after such record date or effective date the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such conversion in excess of the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such conversion on the basis of the Conversion Price
prior to adjustment, and (ii) paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu
of a fractional share.

                  (f) In the event that at any time, as a result of an
adjustment made pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a), the holder of any
share of Class L Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall
become entitled to receive any shares of the Corporation other than shares of
Class A Common Stock, thereafter the Conversion Price of such other shares so
receivable upon conversion of any share of Class L Preferred Stock shall be
subject to adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms as nearly
equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect to Class A Common Stock
contained in this Section 7.2.

                  (g) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock, for the purpose of effecting
conversion of shares of Class L Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares
of Class L Preferred Stock not theretofore converted and on or before (and as a
condition of) taking any action that



would cause an adjustment of the Conversion Price resulting in an increase in
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock deliverable upon conversion in
excess of the number thereof previously reserved and available therefor, the
Corporation shall take all such action so required. For purposes of this
paragraph (g), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be
deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class L Preferred
Stock shall be computed as if at the time of computation all such outstanding
shares of Class L Preferred Stock were held by a single holder (and without
regard to the Ownership Limit).

                  Before taking any action which would cause an adjustment
reducing the Conversion Price below the then par value (if any) of the shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon conversion of the shares of Class L
Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall take any corporate action which may, in
the opinion of its counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation may
validly and legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common
Stock at such adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (h) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp,
issue or transfer taxes, and any other similar taxes, payable in respect of the
issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock upon conversion of shares of
Class L Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the Corporation
shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any
transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock in
a name other than that of the holder of the shares of Class L Preferred Stock to
be converted, and no such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the
Person requesting such issue or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount
of any such tax or established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

                  (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section 7, conversion of Class L Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7
shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter).

                  (j) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Class A Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7, that in the
opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class L Preferred Stock, the Board of
Directors may, but shall have no obligation to, adjust the Conversion Price for
the Class L Preferred Stock to the extent permitted by law in such manner, if
any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, may
determine to be equitable under the circumstances.



         8.       RANKING.

                  Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall
be deemed to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class L Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class L Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                  (b) on a parity with the Class L Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class L Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock or Class K Convertible Cumulative
Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class of stock
or series and the Class L Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of
dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per
share or liquidation preferences, without preference or priority of one over the
other (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class L Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common Stock or (ii)
the holders of Class L Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends
or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the
case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or
series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class L Preferred Stock shall be in arrears (which
shall, with respect to any such quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend
has not been paid in full), whether or not earned or declared, the number of
directors then constituting the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if
not already increased by reason of similar types of provisions with respect to
shares of Parity Stock of any



other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class L Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on
the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting
held in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class L
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided.
Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class L Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for
the current quarterly dividend period shall have been declared and paid, or
declared and set apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class L
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two
directors shall cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting
of such voting rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the
terms of office of all persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class
L Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and
the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced
accordingly. At any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in
the holders of Class L Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if
applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request
of any holder of Class L Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the
principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the
holders of the Class L Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the
election of the two directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such
call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the
Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If
any such special meeting required to be called as above provided shall not be
called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then
any holder of Class L Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice
above provided, and for that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the
Corporation. The directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold office
until the next annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in
lieu thereof if such office shall not have previously terminated as above
provided. If any vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders
of the Class L Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall
be elected by the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining
director elected by the holders of the Class L Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the
next annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof
if such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class L Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class L Preferred
Stock voting as a single class, given in person or by proxy, either in writing
without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be
necessary for effecting or validating:



                           (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the
Class L Preferred Stock (including any amendment, alteration or repeal effected
pursuant to a merger, consolidation or similar transaction) or would convert the
Class L Preferred Stock into cash or any other security other than a preferred
stock with terms and provisions equivalent to those set forth in these Articles
Supplementary; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions of the
Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized amount of,
or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not
be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of Class L Preferred Stock; or

                           (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class L Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class L Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

                  For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting
rights under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class L Preferred Stock
shall have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class L
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class L Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class L Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.

         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

                  The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the
record holder of any share of Class L Preferred Stock as the true and lawful
owner thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer
Agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.




                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class L
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class L
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look- Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class L Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class L Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class L Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class L Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class L Preferred

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class L
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look- Through Ownership limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class L Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look- Through Entity in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look- Through Entity shall acquire no
rights in such shares of Class L Preferred Stock.

after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being



"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class L Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class L
Preferred Stock.

                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class L Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class L Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class L Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class L Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that
interferes with any ownership or transfer of



Class L Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(C)
of this Article.

         11.3.    TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other
change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited
to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited
to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person
(other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own
shares of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the
Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class L Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through
Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the
Look- Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or
Look- Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class L Preferred
Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited
Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of this
Article, such shares of Class L Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case
may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be automatically
transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive
benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee
shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the Business Day
prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or another event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look- Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class L
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class L Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.



                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class L
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class L Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class L Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class L Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial
Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have
given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class L
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust
and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other
disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the
amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable
Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section
11.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void,
invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the
Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have
acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the Class L Preferred Stock
as to which such restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such
Class L Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

of Class L Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have
been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of



90 days after the later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event
resulting in a transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of
Directors determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event

                  (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class L Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class L Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class L
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class L Preferred Stock shall, upon written request by the
Corporation, such request to be made within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class L Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record or Beneficial Owner of Class L Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by
the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional
information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class L Preferred
Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or
necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-
Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record, including
without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class L Preferred Stock on
behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the
written notice described in this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.



that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class L Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class L
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall
provide a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of
shares of Class L Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder
or proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of
this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In
connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to
determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class L Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the



Ownership Limit with respect to the Class L Preferred Stock so pledged to it
either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment
of Class L Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class L Preferred Stock by
an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class L Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class L Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class L Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

         11.9  LEGEND. Each certificate for Class L Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

         "The shares of Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class L Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
         Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class L Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer
         of the shares of Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
         Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of
         one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.



         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look- Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class L Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXIII of the Charter.

(the next page is the signature page)



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on May 28, 1999.

WITNESS:                                             APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                                     MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                                  /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
- -------------------------                            ---------------------------
Kathleen Harvey                                      Troy D. Butts
Assistant Secretary                                  Senior Vice President and
                                                     Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                                     /s/ TROY D. BUTTS
                                                     Troy D. Butts
                                                     Senior Vice President and
                                                     Chief Financial Officer


                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

     FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors of
the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the Corporation,
as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly divided and
classified 1,600,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock of
the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common Stock"), into a
class designated as Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value
$.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such class.

     SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified as
Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from
no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 1,600,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 475,937,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 474,337,500 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

     THIRD: The terms of the Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


     This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class M Preferred
Stock"), and One Million, Six Hundred Thousand (1,600,000) shall be the
authorized number of shares of such Class M Preferred Stock constituting such



     For purposes of the Class M Preferred Stock, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:

     "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly through
     one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under
     common control with, the Person specified.

     "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity Stock,
     the sum of the product of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity
     Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the corresponding Market Price
     of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

     "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of
     shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the number of shares of
     Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if such Person is an
     "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into
     account the constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the Code, as
     modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and (iii) the number of
     shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed to beneficially own
     pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, provided that when applying
     this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder, clause (iii)
     of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the definition of "Person" shall
     be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and
     "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative meanings.

     "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation
     or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to perform any of
     its responsibilities with respect to the Class M Preferred Stock; provided
     that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of Section 9 of this Article, the term
     "Board of Directors" shall not include any such committee.

     "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on
     which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New York, New
     York are not required to be open.

     "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust
     as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of which shall
     be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and
     501(c)(3) of the Code.

     "Class M Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1 of
     this Article.


     "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any Equity
     Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in case no
     such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing bid and asked
     prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the principal
     consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed
     or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or
     admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in the principal consolidated
     transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed on the
     principal national securities exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed
     or admitted to trading or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to
     trading on any national securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if
     not so quoted, the average of the high bid and low asked prices in the
     over-the-counter market, as reported by the National Association of
     Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is
     no longer in use, the principal other automated quotation system that may
     then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such
     organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished
     by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
     by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

     "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
     to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of
     the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the
     same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any
     applicable regulations or other administrative pronouncements as in effect
     from time to time.

     "Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per
     share, of the Corporation, and such other shares of the Corporation's
     capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class A Common Stock
     shall be reclassified.

     "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class A
     Common Stock for which each share of Class M Preferred Stock is
     convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to Section 7
     of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $44.00 (equivalent
     to a conversion rate of approximately 0.5681818 shares of Class A Common
     Stock for each share of Class M Preferred Stock).

     "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 13, April 13, July 13 and
     October 13 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date falls
     on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment payable on such
     Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day immediately
     following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall accrue on such
     dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

     "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
     subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including January
     13, April 13, July 13 and October 13 of each year and ending on and
     including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend
     Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class M


     Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall
     end on and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class M
     Preferred Stock being redeemed.

     "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital stock
     of the Corporation.

     "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of this

     "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Issue Date" shall mean January 13, 2000.

     "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and including
     the Issue Date and ending on and including April 12, 2000.

     "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

     "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
     Class M Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in
     excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding
     shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity
     Stock other than Class M Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
     Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or
     such other person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, shall
     upon request make available to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder
     and the Board of Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current
     Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

     "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of Section
     8 of this Article.

     "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a)
     of Section 4 of this Article.

     "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described in
     Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code
     or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a
     number of the Outstanding shares of Class M Preferred Stock of the
     Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x)
     15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity


     Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than
     Class M Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Look-Through

     "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of Equity
     Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity Stock on the
     Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

     "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

     "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock of
     the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of the
     Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder
     Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to include the
     number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time,
     could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible securities.

     "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial Holder
     or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class M
     Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess
     of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares
     of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock
     other than Class M Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the

     "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit, as
     applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities,
     the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder, and the
     Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through Entities.

     "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section
     8 of this Article.

     "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i) an
     individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust
     qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association,
     "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code,
     joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group," as that term is
     used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act, and (b) for
     purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article, any individual, firm,
     partnership, corporation or other entity, including any successor (by
     merger or otherwise) of such entity.

     "Prohibited Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of
     this Article.

     "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section
     3 of this Article.


     "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any shares
     of Class M Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of such shares.

     "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any shares of Class M
     Preferred Stock to be redeemed, (i) if the Redemption Date occurs during
     the period from and including January 13, 2003, to but excluding January
     13, 2004, 102% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, and (ii) if the
     Redemption Date occurs on or after January 13, 2004, 100% of the
     Liquidation Preference thereof, plus, in the case of clause (i) or (ii),
     all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or not earned or
     declared), if any, to the Redemption Date.

     "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in Section
     856 of the Code.

     "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section
     8 of this Article.

     "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
     other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
     accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which indicates,
     pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution by the Board
     of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any series or class
     of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however, that if any funds
     for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity
     Stock are placed in a separate account of the Corporation or delivered to a
     disbursing, paying or other similar agent, then "set apart for payment"
     with respect to the Class M Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds
     in a separate account or delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or
     other similar agent.

     "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock, (i)
     if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a day on
     which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if the Equity
     Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or
     admitted to trading on another national securities exchange or automated
     quotation system, a day on which the principal national securities exchange
     or automated quotation system, as the case may be, on which the Equity
     Stock is listed or admitted to trading is open for the transaction of
     business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading
     on any national securities exchange or automated quotation system, any day
     other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which banking institutions in
     the State of New York are authorized or obligated by law or executive order
     to close.


     "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other
     disposition of a share of Class M Preferred Stock (including (i) the
     granting of an option or any series of such options or entering into any
     agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class M Preferred
     Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of any
     securities or rights convertible into or exchangeable for Class M Preferred
     Stock), whether voluntary or involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial
     Ownership, and whether by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not
     limited to, any transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a
     change in the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class M Preferred Stock).
     The term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

     "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
     Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the Class M
     Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a
     transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the
     Class M Preferred Stock.

     "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

     "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
     the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the Corporation to serve as
     trustee of the Trust.

     "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9 of
     this Article.

     3. DIVIDENDS.

        (a) The holders of Class M Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally
available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class M Preferred
Stock in an amount per share equal to (i) during the period from the Issue Date
through and including January 13, 2003, the greater of $0.53125 or the quarterly
cash dividend paid or payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date by
reference to the dividend most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock) on
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into which a
share of Class M Preferred Stock is then convertible, and (ii) during the period
from and after January 13, 2003, the greater of $0.578125 or the quarterly cash
dividend paid or payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date by reference
to the dividend most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock) on the
number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into which a share
of Class M Preferred Stock is then convertible. Such dividends shall be
cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods
such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation
legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable
quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on April 13,
2000. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of
the Class M Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the
Corporation at the close of business on the tenth Business Day immediately
preceding such Dividend Payment


Date (each a "Record Date"). Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any
past Dividend Periods may be declared and paid at any time, without reference to
any regular Dividend Payment Date, to holders of record on such date, which date
shall not precede by more than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed
by the Board of Directors.

        (b) Any dividend payable on the Class M Preferred Stock for any partial
dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30-day months
and a 360-day year. Holders of Class M Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of full
cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class M Preferred Stock. No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class M Preferred Stock that may be in

        (c) So long as any of the shares of Class M Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class M Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set apart
for payment of such dividends on the Class M Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum
sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class M Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective
amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class M Preferred
Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

        (d) So long as any of the shares of Class M Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of,
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or
benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any
moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (except by
conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or rights to
subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by


Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class M
Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends have been
declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set apart for
such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class M Preferred Stock for all
Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to such shares of
Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are redeemed, purchased or
otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available for any sinking fund for
such redemption, or the date any such cash or other property is paid or
distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior Stock in respect
thereof, as the case may be.

         Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the Corporation shall
not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for payment any
dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii) redeeming,
purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if such
declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is necessary in
order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under
Section 856 of the Code.


        (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class M Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive the greater of (i)
Twenty-Five Dollars ($25) per share of Class M Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation
Preference"), plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or
declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, or (ii) the amount that would be payable to the
holders of Class M Preferred Stock if they had converted all outstanding shares
of Class M Preferred Stock into shares of Common Stock immediately prior to such
liquidation, dissolution or winding up; but such holders shall not be entitled
to any further payment. Until the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock have
been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all
dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid
thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders, no payment will be
made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation. If, upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof,
distributable among the holders of Class M Preferred Stock shall be insufficient
to pay in full the preferential amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any
other shares of any class or series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the
proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the holders of Class M Preferred
Stock and any such other Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the
respective amounts that would be payable on such Class M Preferred Stock and any
such other Parity Stock if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For
the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a


consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a
sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or
(iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

        (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class M Preferred
Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other series or
class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective terms thereof,
be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or distributed,
and the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock shall not be
entitled to share therein.


        (a) Shares of Class M Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by the
Corporation prior to January 13, 2003, except as set forth in Section 11.2 of
this Article. On and after January 13, 2003, except as set forth in paragraph
(e) below, the Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class M
Preferred Stock, in whole but not in part, at a redemption price payable in cash
equal to the Redemption Price applicable thereto. In the event of a redemption
of shares of Class M Preferred Stock, if the Redemption Date occurs after a
dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the
dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares called
for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the holders of
record at the close of business on such dividend record date notwithstanding the
redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable as part of the redemption
price for such shares.

        (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall be
specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

        (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class M
Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for
payment, no shares of Class M Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all
outstanding shares of Class M Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed.
Neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or
acquire shares of Class M Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase
or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock.

        (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class M Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption shall be
given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall
be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as
the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the failure to
mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect


therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the
sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with
respect to the other holders. Any notice which has been mailed in the manner
herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the
date mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice
shall state, as appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the place or places
at which certificates for such shares are to be surrendered for cash; and (iii)
the redemption price payable on such Redemption Date, including, without
limitation, a statement as to whether or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends will be payable as part of the redemption price, or payable on the
next Dividend Payment Date to the record holder at the close of business on the
relevant record date as described in the next succeeding sentence. Notice having
been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the Redemption Date (unless the
Corporation shall fail to make available the amount of cash necessary to effect
such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares of Class M Preferred Stock so
called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class
M Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said shares shall no longer be
deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof as holders
of Class M Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall cease except the right to
receive the cash payable upon such redemption, without interest thereon, upon
surrender of their certificates if so required; provided, however, that if the
Redemption Date for any shares of Class M Preferred Stock occurs after any
dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the
full dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of
Class M Preferred Stock called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend
Payment Date to the holders of record of such shares at the close of business on
the corresponding dividend record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of
such shares. The Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary
to effect such redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be
deemed fulfilled if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the
Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company
(which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate
of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at least
$50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if
such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date and on or prior to
the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay
the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of
Class M Preferred Stock called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions
that such cash be applied to the redemption of the shares of Class M Preferred
Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend.
No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.
Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two
years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class M Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class M Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed


or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation shall so require and the notice
shall so state), such certificates shall be exchanged for cash (without interest
thereon) for which such shares have been redeemed in accordance with such


     All shares of Class M Preferred Stock that have been issued and reacquired
in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation, shares of Class
M Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion) shall be returned
to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class M Preferred Stock.



        At any time on or after the Issue Date, except as set forth in Section
7.2(i) of this Article, holders of shares of Class M Preferred Stock shall have
the right to convert all or a portion of such shares into shares of Class A
Common Stock, as follows:

        (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this Section
7, each share of Class M Preferred Stock shall, at the option of the holder
thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for redemption,
then to and including but not after the close of business on the date
immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall default
in payment due upon redemption thereof), into that number of fully paid and
non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock (calculated as to each conversion
to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by dividing $25 by the Conversion
Price in effect at such time and by surrender of the certificate representing
such shares to be converted in the manner provided in subsection (b) of this
Section 7.1.

        (b) In order to convert shares of Class M Preferred Stock, the holder
of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate representing such
shares at any office or agency maintained by the Corporation for such purpose,
accompanied by the funds, if any, required by the last paragraph of this
subsection (b) to be paid by such holder, and shall give written notice of
conversion in the form provided on such certificate representing shares of Class
M Preferred Stock (or such other notice as is acceptable to the Corporation) to
the Corporation at such office or agency that the holder elects to convert the
shares of Class M Preferred Stock specified in such notice. Such notice shall
also state the name or names, together with address or addresses, in which the
certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be
issuable in such conversion shall be issued. Unless the shares issuable on
conversion are to be issued in the same name as the name in which such share of
Class M Preferred Stock is registered, each certificate representing a share of
Class M Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion shall be accompanied by
instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the


Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that such taxes have been

        As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates
representing such shares of Class M Preferred Stock and the receipt of such
notice, instruments of transfer and funds, if any, as aforesaid, the Corporation
shall issue and shall deliver at such office or agency to such holder, or as
designated in such holder's written instructions, a certificate or certificates
for the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the
conversion of such share or shares of Class M Preferred Stock in accordance with
provisions of this Section 7, and a check or cash in respect of (i) the cash
amount payable to such holder, if any, referred to in the last paragraph of this
subsection (b), and (ii) any fractional interest in a share of Class A Common
Stock arising upon such conversion, as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section

        Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected immediately prior
to the close of business on the date on which certificates representing such
shares of Class M Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered and such notice
(and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required taxes) received by
the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names
any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be
issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or
holders of record of the shares represented thereby at such time on such date,
and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on
such date, unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on
that date, in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become
such holder or holders of record at the close of business on the next succeeding
day on which such stock transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at
the Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such shares shall have been
surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation.

        Except as provided herein, the Corporation will make no payment or
allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on converted shares
or for dividends (other than dividends on the Class A Common Stock the record
date for which is after the conversion date and which the Corporation shall pay
in the ordinary course to the record holder as of the record date) on the Class
A Common Stock issued upon such conversion. Holders of Class M Preferred Stock
at the close of business on a Record Date will be entitled to receive an amount
equal to the dividend payable on such shares on the corresponding Dividend
Payment Date notwithstanding the conversion of such shares following such Record
Date. In addition to any such dividend, if the Dividend Adjustment Amount (as
defined below) with respect to any shares of Class M Preferred Stock surrendered
for conversion is positive, the holders of such shares shall, as of the date of
conversion, be entitled to receive a cash payment equal to the Dividend
Adjustment Amount. If the Dividend Adjustment Amount with respect to any shares
of Class M Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion is negative, such shares
must be accompanied by payment of a cash amount equal to the absolute value of
the Dividend Adjustment Amount. As used herein,


the "Dividend Adjustment Amount" shall mean, with respect to any share of Class
M Preferred Stock that has been surrendered for conversion, the sum of:

               (i) the aggregate amount of any dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such share as of the
time of such conversion; minus

               (ii) if such share has been surrendered for conversion during the
period between the close of business on any Record Date and the opening of
business on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date, the amount of the dividend
payable thereon on such Dividend Payment Date; minus

               (iii) an amount equal to the product of (A) the number (which may
be a fraction) of shares of Class A Common Stock into which a share of Class M
Preferred Stock is then convertible, multiplied by (B) the quarterly cash
dividend per share that was most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock,
determined as of the date of conversion, and if the date of such conversion is
not a record date for the payment of a dividend on the Class A Common Stock,
multiplied by (C) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in
the period from and including the date of the most recent record date for the
payment of a dividend on the Class A Common Stock to but excluding the date of
such conversion, and the denominator of which is 90.

        (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip representing
fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon conversion of
shares of Class M Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class M Preferred
Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same holder, the
number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon conversion thereof
shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock so surrendered. In lieu of any fractional interest in a share of
Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable upon the conversion of
any share of Class M Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall pay to the holder of
such shares an amount in cash (computed to the nearest cent) equal to the
Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day immediately
preceding the date of conversion, multiplied by the fractional interest that
otherwise would have been deliverable upon conversion of such share.


        (a) The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to time as

               (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A) pay a
dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares of Class A
Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock into
a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock into a smaller number of shares or (D)


issue any shares of capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding Class A
Common Stock, then, in each such case, the Conversion Price in effect
immediately prior to such action shall be adjusted so that the holder of any
share of Class M Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall be
entitled to receive the number of shares of Class A Common Stock or other
capital stock of the Corporation which such holder would have owned or been
entitled to receive immediately following such action had such share been
converted immediately prior to the occurrence of such event. An adjustment made
pursuant to this subsection (i) of this Section 7.2(a) shall become effective
immediately after the record date, in the case of a dividend or distribution, or
immediately after the effective date, in the case of a subdivision, combination
or reclassification. If, as a result of an adjustment made pursuant to this
subsection (i), the holder of any share of Class M Preferred Stock thereafter
surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to receive shares of two or
more classes of capital stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other
capital stock of the Corporation, the Board of Directors (whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent) shall determine the allocation of the
adjusted Conversion Price between or among shares of such classes of capital
stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other capital stock.

               (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date, issue
rights, options or warrants to all holders of its outstanding shares of Class A
Common Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after the
record date described below) to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A
Common Stock at a price per share less than the current market price per share
(determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A
Common Stock (other than pursuant to any stock option, restricted stock or other
incentive or benefit plan or stock ownership or purchase plan for the benefit of
employees, directors or officers or any dividend reinvestment plan of the
Corporation in effect at the time hereof or any other similar plan adopted or
implemented hereafter), then the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior
thereto shall be adjusted so that it shall equal the price determined by
multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the record date
by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (A) the number of
shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and (B) the number
of shares which the aggregate proceeds to the Corporation from the exercise of
such rights, options or warrants for Class A Common Stock would purchase at such
current market price, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (A) the
number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and (B)
the number of additional shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription
or purchase pursuant to such rights, options or warrants. Such adjustment shall
be made successively whenever any rights, options or warrants are issued, and
shall become effective immediately after the record date for the determination
of stockholders entitled to receive such rights, options or warrants; provided,
however, that if all of the shares of Class A Common Stock offered for
subscription or purchase are not delivered upon the exercise of such rights,
options or warrants, upon the expiration of such rights, options or warrants,
the Conversion Price shall be readjusted to the Conversion Price which would
have been in effect had the numerator and the denominator of the foregoing
fraction and the resulting adjustment been made based upon the number of shares
of Class A Common


Stock actually delivered upon the exercise of such rights, options or warrants
rather than upon the number of shares of Class A Common Stock offered for
subscription or purchase. In determining whether any rights, options or warrants
entitle the holders to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A Common Stock
at less than such current market price, and in determining the aggregate
offering price of such shares of Class A Common Stock, there shall be taken into
account any consideration received by the Corporation for such rights, options
or warrants, with the value of such consideration, if other than cash,
determined by the Board of Directors (whose determination shall be conclusive
and shall be described in a statement filed by the Corporation with the Transfer

               (iii) In case the Corporation shall, by dividend or otherwise,
distribute to all holders of its outstanding Class A Common Stock any capital
stock (other than Class A Common Stock), evidences of its indebtedness or assets
or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Corporation
(excluding (A) those referred to in subsections (i) and (ii) of this Section
7.2(a), (B) dividends and distributions paid in cash out of the retained
earnings of the Corporation, and (C) distributions upon mergers or
consolidations to which subsection (b) of this Section 7.2 applies), then, in
each such case, the Conversion Price shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
the record date of such distribution by a fraction, the numerator of which shall
be the current market price per share (determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of
this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A Common Stock, less the fair market value on
such record date (determined by the Board or Directors, whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent) of the portion of the capital stock or
assets or the evidences of indebtedness or assets so distributed to the holder
of one share of Class A Common Stock or of such subscription rights or warrants
applicable to one share of Class A Common Stock, and the denominator of which
shall be such current market price per share of Class A Common Stock. Such
adjustment shall become effective immediately after the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution.

               (iv) For the purpose of any computation under subsections (ii)
and (iii) of this Section 7.2(a), the current market price per share of Class A
Common Stock on any date shall be the average of the Closing Price of the Class
A Common Stock for the shorter of (A) 10 consecutive Trading Days ending on the
last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination or (B) the period
commencing on the date next succeeding the first public announcement of the
issuance of such rights or warrants or such distribution through such last full
Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination. For purposes of the foregoing,
the term "Time of Determination" shall mean the time and date of the earlier of
(A) the record date for determining stockholders entitled to receive the rights,
warrants or distribution referred to in subsections (ii) and (iii) of this
Section 7.2, or (B) the commencement of "ex-dividend" trading on the exchange or
market referred to in the definition of "Closing Price."


               (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be required to be
made unless such adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at least
one percent of such price; provided, however, that any adjustment which by
reason of this subsection (v) is not required to be made shall be carried
forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. All calculations
under this Section 7.2 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest
1/100th of a share, as the case may be. Anything in this Section 7.2 to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Corporation shall be entitled to make such
reduction in the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this Section
7.2, as it shall determine in its discretion to be advisable in order that any
stock dividend, subdivision of shares, distribution of rights to purchase stock
or securities, or distribution of securities convertible into or exchangeable
for stock hereafter made by the Corporation to its stockholders shall not be
taxable to the recipients. Except as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and
(iii) above, the Conversion Price shall not be adjusted for the issuance of
Class A Common Stock, or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
Class A Common Stock or carrying the right to purchase any of the foregoing, in
exchange for cash, property or services.

               (vi) The Corporation from time to time may decrease the
Conversion Price by any amount for any period of time if the period is at least
20 days and if the decrease is irrevocable during the period. Whenever the
Conversion Price is so decreased, the Corporation shall mail to holders of
record of shares of Class M Preferred Stock a notice of the decrease at least 15
days before the date the decreased Conversion Price takes effect, and such
notice shall state the decreased Conversion Price and the period it will be in

        (b) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the contrary, in case
of any merger or consolidation to which the Corporation is a party (other than a
merger or consolidation in which the Corporation is the continuing entity and in
which the Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the merger or
consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or the securities or other property of
another entity), or in the case of any sale or transfer of all or substantially
all of the Corporation's property and assets to another entity, there will be no
adjustment of the Conversion Price, and lawful provision shall be made by the
entity formed by such consolidation or the entity whose securities, cash or
other property will immediately after the merger or consolidation be owned, by
virtue of the merger or consolidation, by the holders of Class A Common Stock
immediately prior to the merger or consolidation, or the entity which shall have
acquired such assets of the Corporation, such that each share of Class M
Preferred Stock then outstanding will, without the consent of the holder
thereof, become convertible into the kind and amount of securities, cash or
other property receivable upon such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer by a
holder of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock into which such share of
Class M Preferred Stock was convertible immediately prior to such merger,
consolidation, sale or transfer (without regard to any Ownership Restrictions as
defined in Article IV of the Charter) assuming such holder of Class A Common
Stock did not exercise his rights of election, if any, as to the kind or amount
of securities, cash or other property receivable upon such merger,
consolidation, sale or transfer. In the case of a cash merger of the Corporation
into another entity or any other cash transaction of the type mentioned in this


Section 7.2(b), each share of Class M Preferred Stock will thereafter be
convertible at the Conversion Price in effect at such time into the same amount
of cash per share into which each share of Class M Preferred Stock would have
been convertible had (without regard to any Ownership Restrictions as defined in
Article IV of the Charter) such share been converted into Class A Common Stock
immediately prior to the effective date of such cash merger or other
transaction. The foregoing provisions of this Section 7.2(b) shall similarly
apply to successive mergers, consolidations, sales or transfers.

        (c) If (i) the Corporation shall take any action that would require an
adjustment in the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.2; (ii) the Corporation
shall authorize the granting to the holders of the Class A Common Stock
generally of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of stock
of any class or series or of any other rights or warrants; (iii) there shall be
any reorganization or reclassification of the Class A Common Stock (other than
an event to which subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a) applies) or any consolidation
or merger to which the Corporation is a party or any sale or transfer of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, in each case, for which
approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is required; or (iv) there shall
be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation; then, in each such case, the Corporation shall cause to be given to
the holders of shares of Class M Preferred Stock and the Transfer Agent as
promptly as possible, but in any event at least 15 days prior to the applicable
date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (i) the date on which a record is
to be taken for the purpose of such action or granting of rights or warrants,
or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of Class A
Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distribution, rights or
warrants are to be determined, or (ii) the date on which such reorganization,
reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, liquidation,
dissolution or winding up is expected to become effective or occur, and the date
as of which it is expected that holders of Class A Common Stock of record shall
be entitled to exchange their shares of Class A Common Stock for securities,
cash or other property deliverable upon such reorganization, reclassification,
consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up.
Failure to give such notice or any defect therein shall not affect the legality
or validity of the proceedings described in this Section 7.2(c).

        (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein provided, (i)
the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent a certificate
setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and a brief statement
of the facts requiring such adjustment and the manner of computing the same,
which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such
adjustment, and (ii) the Corporation shall mail or cause to be mailed by first
class mail, postage prepaid, as soon as practicable to each holder of record of
shares of Class M Preferred Stock a notice stating that the Conversion Price has
been adjusted and setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective
date thereof.

        (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.2 shall require
that an adjustment be made immediately following a record date or an effective
date, the Corporation


may elect to defer (but only until the filing by the Corporation with the
Transfer Agent of the certificate required by subsection 7.2(d)) (i) issuing to
the holder of any share of Class M Preferred Stock converted after such record
date or effective date the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion in excess of the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion on the basis of the Conversion Price prior to adjustment, and (ii)
paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of a fractional share.

        (f) In the event that at any time, as a result of an adjustment made
pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a), the holder of any share of Class M
Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to
receive any shares of the Corporation other than shares of Class A Common Stock,
thereafter the Conversion Price of such other shares so receivable upon
conversion of any share of Class M Preferred Stock shall be subject to
adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms as nearly equivalent as
practicable to the provisions with respect to Class A Common Stock contained in
this Section 7.2.

        (g) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available, free
from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized but unissued
shares of Class A Common Stock, for the purpose of effecting conversion of
shares of Class M Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of Class A Common
Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class M
Preferred Stock not theretofore converted and on or before (and as a condition
of) taking any action that would cause an adjustment of the Conversion Price
resulting in an increase in the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
deliverable upon conversion in excess of the number thereof previously reserved
and available therefor, the Corporation shall take all such action so required.
For purposes of this paragraph (g), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
which shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of
Class M Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the time of computation all
such outstanding shares of Class M Preferred Stock were held by a single holder
(and without regard to the Ownership Limit).

     Before taking any action which would cause an adjustment reducing the
Conversion Price below the then par value (if any) of the shares of Class A
Common Stock deliverable upon conversion of the shares of Class M Preferred
Stock, the Corporation shall take any corporate action which may, in the opinion
of its counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation may validly and
legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock at
such adjusted Conversion Price.

        (h) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp, issue or
transfer taxes, and any other similar taxes, payable in respect of the issue or
delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock upon conversion of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the Corporation shall
not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any transfer
involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock in a name
other than that of the holder of the shares of Class M Preferred Stock to be
converted, and no

such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the Person requesting such
issue or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount of any such tax or
established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Corporation, that such tax
has been paid.

        (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section
7, conversion of Class M Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7 shall be
permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in Article IV of the
Charter), after taking into account any applicable waivers. This limitation
shall not, however, be taken into account in determining any amounts to which
the holders of any shares of Class M Preferred Stock may be entitled under
Sections 3, 4 or 5.

        (j) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the Class A
Common Stock, other than an action described in this Section 7, that in the
opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class M Preferred Stock, the Board of
Directors may, but shall have no obligation to, adjust the Conversion Price for
the Class M Preferred Stock to the extent permitted by law in such manner, if
any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, may
determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

     8. RANKING.

     Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to

        (a) prior or senior to the Class M Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
Class M Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

        (b) on a parity with the Class M Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class M Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class D
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock or Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or
(ii) the holders of such class of stock or series and the Class M Preferred
Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion to their respective
amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or liquidation preferences,
without preference or priority of one over the other (the capital stock referred
to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter referred to,
collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and


        (c) junior to the Class M Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Common Stock or (ii)
the holders of Class M Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of dividends
or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the
case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of such class or
series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

     9. VOTING.

        (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class M Preferred Stock shall be in arrears (which
shall, with respect to any such quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend
has not been paid in full), whether or not earned or declared, the number of
directors then constituting the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (if
not already increased by reason of similar types of provisions with respect to
shares of Parity Stock of any other class or series which is entitled to similar
voting rights (the "Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class
M Preferred Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting
Preferred Stock then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a
single class regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional
directors to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual meeting of
stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof, or at a special meeting
of the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock
called as hereinafter provided. Whenever all arrears in dividends on the Class M
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall have been
paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period shall have
been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, then the right of
the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to
elect such additional two directors shall cease (but subject always to the same
provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any similar
future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as directors
by the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock
shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the Board of
Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting power
shall have been so vested in the holders of Class M Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and
upon the written request of any holder of Class M Preferred Stock (addressed to
the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a special
meeting of the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and of the Voting
Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors to be elected by them as
herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the
Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as
required by law. If any such special meeting required to be called as above
provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of
any such request, then any holder of Class M Preferred Stock may call such
meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose shall have access
to the


stock books of the Corporation. The directors elected at any such special
meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the stockholders or
special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall not have previously
terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur among the directors
elected by the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors, upon the
nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the holders of the Class M
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the successor of such
remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders
or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not have
previously terminated as provided above.

        (b) So long as any shares of Class M Preferred Stock are outstanding,
in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required by law or by
the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least 66-2/3% of the
votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class M Preferred Stock voting
as a single class, given in person or by proxy, either in writing without a
meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be necessary for
effecting or validating:

               (i) Any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the provisions
of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles Supplementary, the
Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially adversely affects the
voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the Class M Preferred
Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions of the Charter so
as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized amount of, or issue any
Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to
materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences of the
holders of Class M Preferred Stock; or

               (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the authorized
amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior Stock
(whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently authorized);

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class M Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class M Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

     For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights under
these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class M Preferred Stock shall have
one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of preferred
stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class M Preferred
Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class M Preferred Stock and such
other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one quarter of one


vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as otherwise required by
applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter, the Class M Preferred
Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional or other special
voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and the consent of the
holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any corporate action.


     The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record holder
of any share of Class M Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner thereof for
all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary.


           (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in Section
11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial Holder or
a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class M Preferred Stock
in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own
shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit and no
Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class M Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

           (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class M Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class M Preferred Stock.

           (C) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in the
Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess
of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such
shares of Class M Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by
the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the Initial Holder
shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class M Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any


Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class M Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class M Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class M Preferred Stock.

           (E) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD" STATUS. From and after the
Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class M Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class M
Preferred Stock.

           (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of Class
M Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C), (D), or (E)
of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the ownership of
Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the Ownership
Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely
held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation
otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity
of the Transfer of any other share of Class M Preferred Stock in the same or any
other related transaction.

     11.2. REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee thereof
shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event has
taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class M Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class M Preferred Stock acquired


in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to
enjoin such Transfer or to rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer;
provided, however, that any Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in the case of
events other than a Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1
of this Article, regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of
Directors or such committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall
automatically result in the transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article;
provided, further, that the provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to
the provisions of Section 11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither
the Board of Directors nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in
a manner that interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class M Preferred
Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(C) of this Article.


           (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to, any
acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other than
the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares of
Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class M Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited Transferee"), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of this Article, such shares of Class M
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable
Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as
of the close of business on the Business Day prior to the Excess Transfer,
change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a potential
violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through
Entity Ownership Limit.

           (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

           (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class M Preferred


Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of capital
stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section 11.3(E), the
Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class M Preferred Stock held
by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit economically
from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall have no rights
to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other rights
attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

         (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class M Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the discovery
by the Corporation that the shares of Class M Preferred Stock have been
transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand, and
any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void ab
initio with respect to such shares of Class M Preferred Stock. Any dividends or
distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class M
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder
Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class M Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

         (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose ownership
of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is
made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of
the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable
Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall
receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the
shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value for the shares
(through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price of the shares on
the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the
price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other disposition of
the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the amount payable to
the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any
of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section 11.3(E) or any
application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void, invalid or
unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited
Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have acted as the
agent of the Corporation in acquiring the Class M Preferred Stock as to which
such restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such Class M
Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.


M Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

         (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice to the
Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit organizations to
be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust relating to such
Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class M Preferred Stock held in the
Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the hands of such
Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an organization
described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

     11.4. NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or attempts
to acquire shares of Class M Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of
this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that stock is
transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall immediately
give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall provide to the
Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request in order to
determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer or other
event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such notice shall
not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors provided herein in
any way.

     11.5. OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue Date
certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

         (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of shares of
Class M Preferred Stock convertible into more than 5% (or such other percentage
between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the applicable regulations adopted under the
Code) of the number of Outstanding shares of Equity Stock shall upon written
request by the Corporation, such request to be made within 30 days after January
1 of each year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and
address of such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class M
Preferred Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares
are held. Each such record or Beneficial Owner of Class M Preferred Stock shall,
upon demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such
additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class M
Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding
the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership


Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record, including without limitation
any Person that holds shares of Class M Preferred Stock on behalf of a
Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the written notice
described in this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class M Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class M
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class M Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

     11.6. REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall limit
the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it deems
necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

     11.7. AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any of
the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity in
any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of Directors
shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of this
Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

     11.8. EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

               (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code (as modified to exclude qualified trusts from treatment as
individuals pursuant to Section 856(h)(3) of the Code) and is a corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, estate or trust. In connection with any
such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations and
undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board
of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect,
if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.


               (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the
Class M Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall
not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the pledgee shall
not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class M Preferred
Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

               (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer period
of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment of
Class M Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class M Preferred Stock by an
underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class M Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class M Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class M Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

     11.9. LEGEND. Each certificate for Class M Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

         "The shares of Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class M Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
         Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class M Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer
         of the shares of Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
         Class M Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of
         one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

     11.10. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application of
any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable


by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction over the issues, the validity
and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and other
applications of such provision shall be affected only to the extent necessary to
comply with the determination of such court.

     11.11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

     11.12. SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class M Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXIV of the Charter.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be signed
in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on January   , 2000.

WITNESS:                           APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                   MANAGEMENT COMPANY

                                   /s/ JOEL BONDER
- -------------------                ---------------------------------------------
Barb Foster                        Joel Bonder
Assistant Secretary                Executive Vice President, General Counsel and

     THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                   /s/ JOEL BONDER
                                   Joel Bonder
                                   Executive Vice President, General Counsel and



                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 4,000,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 4,000,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 474,337,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 470,337,500 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class N
Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class N
Preferred Stock"), and Four Million (4,000,000) shall be the authorized number
of shares of such Class N Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class N Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person shall mean a Person that directly, or
         indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is
         controlled by, or is under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Base Common Stock Dividend" shall have the meaning set forth in
         paragraph (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

         "Base Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend payment in an amount per
         share equal to $0.5625; provided, however, that from and after the date
         of a Change of Control, the "Base Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend
         payment in an amount per share equal to (i) for all Dividend Periods
         commencing after the date of such Change of Control, the greater of (a)
         $0.75 or (b) the product of (x) $6.25 and (y) the sum of 800 basis
         points plus the greater of (x) the annual yield to maturity of U.S.
         Treasury securities with a five year maturity and (y) the annual yield
         to maturity of U.S. Treasury securities with a ten year maturity, in
         each case as compiled by and published in the most recent Federal
         Reserve Statistical Release H.15(519) which has become publicly
         available on the second Business Day prior to the date of such Change
         of Control (or, if such Statistical Release is no longer published, any
         publicly available source of similar data), and (ii) for the Dividend
         Period in which such Change of Control occurs, a weighted average
         (based on the number of days in such Dividend Period occurring before
         and after the date of such Change of Control) of (a) the Base Rate in
         effect prior thereto and (b) the Base Rate determined in accordance
         with the foregoing clause (i).

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder,
         clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the definition
         of "Person" shall be


         disregarded.  The terms "Beneficial Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and
         "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class N
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 9 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Change of Control" shall mean the occurrence of any of the following:
         (i) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, by any individual or
         entity or group (as such term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the
         Exchange Act) (other than a holder of the Class N Preferred Stock or
         any of its affiliates) of beneficial ownership (as defined in Rule
         13d-3 under the Exchange Act, except that such individual or entity
         shall be deemed to have beneficial ownership of all shares that any
         such individual or entity has the right to acquire, whether such right
         is exercisable immediately or only after passage of time) of more than
         25% of the Corporation's outstanding capital stock with voting power,
         under ordinary circumstances, to elect directors of the Corporation;
         (ii) other than with respect to the election, resignation or
         replacement of any director designated, appointed or elected by the
         holders of the Class N Preferred Stock (each, a "Preferred Director"),
         during any period of two consecutive years, individuals who at the
         beginning of such period constituted the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation (together with any new directors whose election by such
         Board of Directors or whose nomination for election by the stockholders
         of the Corporation was approved by a vote of 66-2/3% of the directors
         of the Corporation (excluding Preferred Directors) (the "Incumbent
         Board") then still in office who were either directors at the beginning
         of such period, or whose election or nomination for election was
         previously so approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority
         of the Board of Directors of the Corporation then in office, provided,
         however, that no individual shall be considered a member of the
         Incumbent Board if such individual initially assumed office as a result
         of either an actual or threatened "Election Contest" (as described in
         Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or
         threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a
         Person other than the Board (a "Proxy Contest") including by reason of
         any agreement intended to avoid or settle any Election Contest or Proxy
         Contest; (iii) the Corporation or one of its subsidiaries is not the
         general partner of the Operating Partnership; or (iv) (A) the
         Corporation consolidating with or merging with or into another entity
         or conveying, transferring or leasing all or substantially all of its
         assets (including, but not limited to, real property investments) to
         any individual or entity, or (B) any


         corporation consolidating with or merging into the Corporation which,
         in either event (A) or (B), is pursuant to a transaction in which the
         outstanding voting capital stock of the Corporation is reclassified or
         changed into or exchanged for cash, securities or other property;
         provided, however, that the events described in clause (iv) shall not
         be deemed to be a Change of Control (a) if the sole purpose of such
         event is that the Corporation is seeking to change its domicile or to
         change its form of organization from a corporation to a statutory
         business trust or (b) if (x) the holders of the exchanged securities of
         the Corporation immediately after such transaction beneficially own at
         least a majority of the securities of the merged or consolidated entity
         normally entitled to vote in elections of directors, (y) the chairman
         and the president of the Corporation immediately prior to the execution
         of the transaction agreement are the chairman and the president of the
         merged or consolidated company, and (z) the individuals who were
         members of the Incumbent Board immediately prior to the execution of
         the transaction agreement constitute at least a majority of the members
         of the board of directors of the merged or consolidated company.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class A Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par
         value per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class
         A Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Class N Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.

         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in use,
         the principal other automated quotation system that may then be in use
         or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any


         such organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as
         furnished by a professional market maker making a market in the Equity
         Stock selected by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class A
         Common Stock for which each share of Class N Preferred Stock is
         convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $52.50
         (equivalent to a conversion rate of 0.4762 shares of Class A Common
         Stock for each share of Class N Preferred Stock).

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 1, April 1, July 1 and
         October 1 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
         accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year and ending on and
         including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         N Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the date on which the Class N Preferred Stock
         is redeemed in accordance with Section 5 hereof.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A)
         of this Article.

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean September 12, 2000.


         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including September 30,

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class N Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class N Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Internal Rate of Return" shall mean, as of any determination date, the
         effective discount rate (compounded monthly) under which the present
         value of the Inflows associated with an outstanding share of Class N
         Preferred Stock equals the Outflow on the Issue Date associated with
         such share. For purposes of calculation of Internal Rate of Return:

                  (i) "Inflows" shall mean (a) all dividends (whether paid in
         cash, property or stock (other than Class N Preferred Stock)) that have
         been received on such share, (b) any other distributions that have been
         received on such share, and (c) as of the determination date, the
         Weighted Average Trading Price (as defined below) of a share of Class A
         Common Stock during the 45 most recent Trading Days, such weighted
         average multiplied by the Liquidation Preference (excluding any
         accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class N
         Preferred Stock, and such product divided by the Conversion Price;
         provided, that notwithstanding the foregoing, "Inflows" shall not
         include (x) any commitment or placement fees payable in connection with
         the issuance of shares of Class N Preferred Stock and (y) the amount of
         any dividends or distributions (in excess of the dividends or
         distributions otherwise payable) resulting from an increase in the Base
         Rate upon the occurrence of a Change of Control. For purposes of the
         preceding sentence, the "Weighted Average Trading Price" shall be
         determined by dividing (a) the sum of, for each reported sale of Class
         A Common Stock on the NYSE during such 45 Trading Day period, the
         product of (i) the sale price per share of Class A Common Stock and
         (ii) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock sold, by (b) the
         total number of shares of Class A Common Stock sold on the NYSE during
         such 45 Trading Days. For purposes of calculating the amounts of any
         Inflows, all dividends or distributions received in property or stock
         (other than Class N Preferred Stock) shall be deemed to have a value
         equal to the fair market value of such dividends or distributions as of
         the date such dividend or distribution is received, as


         determined in good faith by the Board of Directors. All Inflows shall
         be deemed to have taken place on the date on which payment was actually
         received by the holder.

                  (ii) "Outflow" shall mean $25 and shall be deemed to have
         taken place on the Closing Date of the Subscription Agreement.

                  (iii) Neither the fact of any transfer of Class N Preferred
         Stock nor the amount of any consideration received by the holder
         thereof or paid by any successor holder in connection with any transfer
         shall affect the calculation of Internal Rate of Return.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class N Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class N Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at
         that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class N Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess


         of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding
         shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of
         Equity Stock other than Class N Preferred Stock that are Beneficially
         Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group,"
         as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
         Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article,
         any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity,
         including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         11.3(A) of this Article.

         "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 3 of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class N Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.

         "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any shares of Class N
         Preferred Stock to be redeemed, (i) if the Redemption Date occurs
         during the period from the Issue Date to but excluding September 12,
         2003, 105% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, (ii) if the
         Redemption Date occurs during the period from and including September
         12, 2003 to but excluding September 12, 2004, 104% of the Liquidation
         Preference thereof, and (iii) if the Redemption Date occurs on or after
         September 12, 2004, 102% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus,
         in the case of clause (i), (ii) or (iii), all accumulated, accrued and
         unpaid dividends (whether or not earned or declared), if any, to the
         Redemption Date; provided, however, that if a Redemption Date occurs
         after a dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend
         Payment Date, the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in
         respect of such shares called for redemption shall be payable on such
         Dividend Payment Date to the holders of record at the close of business
         on such dividend record date


         notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable
         as part of the redemption price for such shares.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class N
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Subscription Agreement" shall mean the Class N Convertible Cumulative
         Preferred Stock Subscription Agreement, dated as of September 12, 2000,
         by and among the Corporation and GE Capital Equity Investments, Inc.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a
         day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but
         is listed or admitted to trading on another national securities
         exchange or automated quotation system, a day on which the principal
         national securities exchange or automated quotation system, as the case
         may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading is
         open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is
         not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange
         or automated quotation system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday
         or a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are
         authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class N Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         N Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class N Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by


         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class N Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" shall mean such transfer agent as may be designated by
         the Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class N Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class N Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3(A) of
         this Article.

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class N Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally
available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class N Preferred
Stock in an amount per share equal to the greater of (i) the Base Rate, or (ii)
the quarterly cash dividend paid or payable (determined on each Dividend Payment
Date by reference to the dividend most recently declared on the Class A Common
Stock) on the number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into
which a share of Class N Preferred Stock is convertible. Such dividends shall be
cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods
such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation
legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable
quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on October 1,
2000. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of
the Class N Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the
Corporation at the close of business on the tenth Business Day immediately
preceding such Dividend Payment Date (each a "Record Date"). Accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and
paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment Date, to
holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more than 45
days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.

                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class N Preferred Stock for
any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30
day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class N Preferred Stock shall not be
entitled to any


dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of full
cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class N Preferred Stock. No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class N Preferred Stock that may be in

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class N Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class N Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set apart
for payment of such dividends on the Class N Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum
sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class N Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective
amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class N Preferred
Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class N Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Class A Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive
or benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of
any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full
amount of all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding
shares of Class N Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends
have been declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set
apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class N Preferred Stock for
all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are


purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available for any
sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other property is
paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior Stock in
respect thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class N Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class N Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class N Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class N Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class N Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
N Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the


holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock shall not be
entitled to share therein.

         5.       REDEMPTION

                  (a) The Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class
N Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, for cash in an amount
equal to the applicable Redemption Price (i) at any time on or after September
12, 2003, (ii) on or after the occurrence of a Change of Control, or (iii) as
set forth in Section 11.2 of this Article.

                  (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation,
shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30
days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class N Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, for all preceding Dividend Periods no shares of Class N
Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares of Class N
Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed, and neither the Corporation nor
any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares of Class N
Preferred Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange offer made on
the same terms to all holders of shares of Class N Preferred Stock.

                  (d) In the event of a redemption of Class N Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) above, notice of such redemption shall be given to
each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall be
provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as the
same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the failure to
mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect therein or in the
mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the sufficiency of the
notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with respect to the
other holders. Any notice which has been mailed in the manner herein provided
shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the date mailed
whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the number of shares of Class N
Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held by such
holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from such
holder; (iii) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are to
be surrendered for cash; and (iv) the Redemption Price payable on such
Redemption Date, including, without limitation, a statement as to whether or not
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will be payable as part of the
Redemption Price, or payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record
holder at the close of business on the relevant record date as described in the
next succeeding sentence. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after
the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the
amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the


shares of Class N Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to
accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class N Preferred Stock called for
redemption, (ii) said shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and
(iii) all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class N Preferred Stock of
the Corporation shall cease except the right to receive the cash payable upon
such redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender of their certificates
if so required. The Corporation's obligation to make available the cash
necessary to effect such redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence
shall be deemed fulfilled if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the
Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company
(which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate
of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at least
$200,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if
such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date and on or prior to
the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay
the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of
Class N Preferred Stock called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions
that such cash be applied to the redemption of the shares of Class N Preferred
Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend.
No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class N
Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.
Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two
years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class N Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance
with such notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class N Preferred
Stock to be so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the
Corporation shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates
shall be exchanged for the cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares
have been redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the
outstanding shares of Class N Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be
redeemed shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class N
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class N Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class N Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


                  All shares of Class N Preferred Stock that have been issued
and reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation,
shares of


Class N Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion) shall be
returned to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class N Preferred

         7.       CONVERSION.


                  At any time on or after the Issue Date, holders of shares of
Class N Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of such
shares into shares of Class A Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7, each share of Class N Preferred Stock shall, at the option of the
holder thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for
redemption, then to and including but not after the close of business on the
date immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall
default in payment due upon redemption thereof), into that number of fully paid
and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock (calculated as to each
conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by dividing $25 by the
Conversion Price in effect at such time and by surrender of the certificate
representing such shares to be converted in the manner provided in subsection
(b) of this Section 7.1.

                  (b) In order to convert shares of Class N Preferred Stock, the
holder of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate
representing such shares at any office or agency maintained by the Corporation
for such purpose, accompanied by the funds, if any, required by the last
paragraph of this subsection (b) to be paid by such holder, and shall give
written notice of conversion in the form provided on such certificate
representing shares of Class N Preferred Stock (or such other notice as is
acceptable to the Corporation) to the Corporation at such office or agency that
the holder elects to convert the shares of Class N Preferred Stock specified in
such notice. Such notice shall also state the name or names, together with
address or addresses, in which the certificate or certificates for shares of
Class A Common Stock which shall be issuable in such conversion shall be issued.
Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be issued in the same name as
the name in which such share of Class N Preferred Stock is registered, each
certificate representing a share of Class N Preferred Stock surrendered for
conversion shall be accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory
to the Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax (or
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that such taxes have been

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates
representing such shares of Class N Preferred Stock and the receipt of such
notice and instruments of transfer as aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and
shall deliver at such office or agency to such holder, or as designated in such
holder's written


instructions, a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of
Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such share or shares of
Class N Preferred Stock in accordance with provisions of this Section 7, and a
check or cash in respect of (i) the cash amount payable to such holder, if any,
referred to in the last paragraph of this subsection (b), and (ii) any
fractional interest in a share of Class A Common Stock arising upon such
conversion, as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 7.1.

                  Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
immediately prior to the close of business on the date on which certificates
representing such shares of Class N Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered
and such notice (and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required
taxes) received by the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in
whose name or names any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common
Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the
holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby at such time on
such date, and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at
such time on such date, unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall
be closed on that date, in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to
have become such holder or holders of record at the close of business on the
next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are open, but such
conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such
shares shall have been surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation.

                  Except as provided herein, the Corporation will make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares or for dividends (other than dividends on the Class A Common
Stock the record date for which is after the conversion date and which the
Corporation shall pay in the ordinary course to the record holder as of the
record date) on the Class A Common Stock issued upon such conversion. Holders of
Class N Preferred Stock at the close of business on a Record Date will be
entitled to receive an amount equal to the dividend payable on such shares on
the corresponding Dividend Payment Date notwithstanding the conversion of such
shares following such Record Date. If the Dividend Adjustment Amount (as defined
below) with respect to any shares of Class N Preferred Stock surrendered for
conversion is positive, the holders of such shares shall, as of the date of
conversion, be entitled to receive a cash payment equal to such Dividend
Adjustment Amount. If the Dividend Adjustment Amount with respect to any shares
of Class N Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion is negative, such shares
must be accompanied by payment of a cash amount equal to the absolute value of
such Dividend Adjustment Amount. As used herein, "Dividend Adjustment Amount"
shall mean, with respect to any share of Class N Preferred Stock that has been
surrendered for conversion, the sum of:

                  (i) the aggregate amount of any dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such
         share as of the time of such conversion; minus


                  (ii) if such share has been surrendered for conversion during
         the period between the close of business on any Record Date and the
         opening of business on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date, the
         amount of the dividend payable thereon on such Dividend Payment Date;

                  (iii) an amount equal to the product of (A) the number of
         shares of Class A Common Stock (or fraction thereof) into which such
         share of Class N Preferred Stock has been converted, (B) the quarterly
         cash dividend per share that was most recently declared on the Class A
         Common Stock, determined as of the date of conversion, and (C) a
         fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in the period
         from and including the date of the most recent dividend payment date
         for the Class A Common Stock to but excluding the date of such
         conversion, and the denominator of which is 90.

                  (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class N Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
N Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class N Preferred Stock so surrendered. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class N Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the
nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the
Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion, multiplied by the
fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable upon conversion
of such share.

         7.2      MANDATORY CONVERSION.

                  (a) The Corporation shall have the right to require that all
or part of the issued and outstanding shares of Class N Preferred Stock be
converted into shares of Class A Common Stock under the following circumstances:

                           (i) at any time from and including the first
anniversary of the Issue Date to but excluding the second anniversary of the
Issue Date, if the Internal Rate of Return exceeds 20.0% per annum from and
including the Issue Date (such condition, the "Conversion Condition"), on one
occasion only the Corporation shall have the right, upon 30 days advance written
notice, to require that up to 2,000,000 shares of Class N Preferred Stock be
converted into shares of Class A Common Stock as set forth in this Section 7.2;

                           (ii) at any time from and including the second
anniversary of the Issue Date to but excluding the third anniversary of the
Issue Date, if the Internal


Rate of Return exceeds 20.0% per annum from and including the Issue Date, on one
occasion only the Corporation shall have the right, upon 30 days advance written
notice, to require that all or any portion of the outstanding shares of Class N
Preferred Stock be converted into shares of Class A Common Stock as set forth in
this Section 7.2;

provided, however, that

                  (A) if a Conversion Condition occurs and the Corporation is
entitled to require the conversion referred to in Section 7.2(a)(i) and does not
so convert, then the Corporation's right to require the conversion referred to
in Section 7.2(a)(ii) will be limited to a right to require that up to 2,000,000
shares of Class N Preferred Stock be converted into shares of Class A Common
Stock as set forth in this Section 7.2(a)(ii);

                  (B) if the Corporation receives a Liquidity Failure Notice
pursuant to Section 7.2(c)(vi), then the right to cause a conversion under
Section 7.2(a)(ii) shall thereupon terminate; and

                  (C) the Corporation may not exercise its right to convert
under Section 7.2(a)(ii) unless and until at least 90 days have transpired since
the date of any conversion under Section 7.2(a)(i).

                  (b) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7.2, the Corporation shall have the right, under the circumstances set
forth in (a)(i) or (ii) above, to convert such shares, in whole or in part, into
the number of fully paid and non-assessable shares of authorized but previously
unissued shares of Class A Common Stock per each share of Class N Preferred
Stock obtained by dividing the Liquidation Preference (excluding any accumulated
accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class N Preferred Stock by the
Conversion Price (as in effect at the time and on the date provided for in
subparagraph (c)(v) of this Section 7.2).

                  (c) (i) In order to exercise the conversion right, the
Corporation shall, promptly upon the Corporation exercising its right to require
conversion pursuant to (a)(i) or (ii) above, and in no event later than the
close of business on the next succeeding business day, give notice of such
conversion to each holder of record of the shares to be converted. Such notice
shall be provided by facsimile or, if facsimile is not available, then by first
class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as the same appears on the
stock records of the Corporation. Any notice which was transmitted or mailed in
the manner herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly
given on the date received by the holder. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (1) the date of conversion, which date may be any date within
thirty days following the date on which the notice is transmitted or mailed; (2)
the number of shares of Class N Preferred Stock to be converted and, if fewer
than all such shares held by such holder are to be converted, the number of such
shares to be converted; and (3) the then current Conversion Price.


                           (ii) Upon receiving such notice of conversion, each
such holder shall promptly (and in any event, within 30 days) surrender the
certificates representing such shares of Class N Preferred Stock as are being
converted on the conversion date, duly endorsed or assigned to the Corporation
or in blank, at the office of the Transfer Agent; provided, however, that the
failure to so surrender any such certificates shall not in any way affect the
validity of the conversion of the underlying shares of Class N Preferred Stock
into shares of Class A Common Stock. Unless the shares issuable on conversion
are to be issued in the same name as the name in which such shares of Class N
Preferred Stock are registered, each such share surrendered following conversion
shall be accompanied by instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the
Corporation, duly executed by the holder or such holder's duly authorized
attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any transfer or similar tax, if any (or
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that such taxes have been

                           (iii) A holder of shares of Class N Preferred Stock
shall, as of the date of the conversion of such shares to shares of Class A
Common Stock, be entitled to receive a cash payment in respect of any dividends
(whether or not earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid
thereon as of the time of such conversion, provided, however, that payment in
respect of any dividend on such shares that has been declared but for which the
Dividend Payment Date has not yet been reached shall be payable as of such
Dividend Payment Date. Except as provided above, the Corporation shall make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares.

                           (iv) As promptly as practicable after the surrender
of certificates for shares of Class N Preferred Stock as aforesaid, and in any
event no later than three business days after the date of such surrender, the
Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at such office to such holder, or send
on such holder's written order, a certificate or certificates for the number of
full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such shares
of Class N Preferred Stock in accordance with the provisions of this Section
7.2, and any fractional interest in respect of a share of Class A Common Stock
arising upon such conversion shall be settled as provided in paragraph (d) of
this Section 7.2.

                           (v) Each conversion shall be deemed to have been
effected immediately prior to the close of business on the date identified as
the conversion date in the notice of conversion sent by the Corporation as
aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names any certificate or
certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be issuable upon such
conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or holders of record of the
shares represented thereby at such time on such dates and such conversion shall
be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on such date unless the stock
transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on that date, in which event
such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of
record at the close of business on the next succeeding day on which such stock
transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in


on the date identified as the conversion date in the notice of conversion sent
by the Corporation as aforesaid. If the dividend payment record dates for the
Class N Preferred Stock and Class A Common Stock do not coincide, and the
preceding sentence does not operate to ensure that a holder of shares of Class N
Preferred Stock whose shares are converted into Class A Common Stock does not
receive dividends on both the shares of Class N Preferred Stock and the Class A
Common Stock into which such shares are converted for the same Dividend Period,
then notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it is the intent, and the
Transfer Agent is authorized to ensure, that no conversion after the earlier of
such record dates will be accepted until after the latter of such record dates.

                           (vi) In the event that the Corporation has elected to
cause a conversion of the shares of Class N Preferred Stock pursuant to Section
7.2(a)(i) above, and the holders of a majority of the shares of Class N
Preferred Stock so converted provide a written notice (a "Liquidity Failure
Notice") to the Corporation within 90 days after the date of conversion that
during such 90 day period, such holders were unable (based on commercially
reasonable efforts, taking into account volume) to sell the shares of Class A
Common Stock received upon conversion on the open market at price(s) that would
have provided such holder(s) with an Internal Rate of Return of at least 20% per
annum thereon from the Issue Date through the date of sale of all such shares of
Class A Common Stock (provided that in calculating the Inflows, instead of
calculating the Weighted Average Trading Prices as provided in clause (i) of the
definition of Internal Rate of Return, the Internal Rate of Return shall be
calculated using the actual sale prices obtained by the holder(s)), then from
and after the delivery of the Liquidity Failure Notice, the right of the
Corporation to convert shares of Class N Preferred Stock under Section 7.2(ii)
shall terminate. The Liquidity Failure Notice shall include a list of dates on
which shares of Class A Common Stock were sold, the number and price per share
so sold and shall include a calculation of the Internal Rate of Return on the
aggregate number of shares of Class A Common Stock so sold during the period.

                  (d) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class N Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
N Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class N Preferred Stock so converted. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class N Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the
nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the
Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion, multiplied by the
fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable upon conversion
of such share.



                  (a) The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to time
as follows:

                           (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A)
pay a dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares of
Class A Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock into a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of
capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock
(including a reclassification pursuant to a merger or consolidation in which the
Corporation is the continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged
for cash, or securities or other property of another entity), then, in each such
case, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such action shall be
adjusted so that the holder of any share of Class N Preferred Stock thereafter
surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to receive the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock or other capital stock of the Corporation which such holder
would have owned or been entitled to receive immediately following such action
had such share been converted immediately prior to the occurrence of such event.
An adjustment made pursuant to this subsection (i) of this Section 7.3(a) shall
become effective immediately after the record date, in the case of a dividend or
distribution, or immediately after the effective date, in the case of a
subdivision, combination or reclassification. If, as a result of an adjustment
made pursuant to this subsection (i), the holder of any share of Class N
Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to
receive shares of two or more classes of capital stock or shares of Class A
Common Stock and other capital stock of the Corporation, the Board of Directors
(whose determination shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement
filed by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent) shall determine the allocation
of the adjusted Conversion Price between or among shares of such classes of
capital stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other capital stock.

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
issue rights, options or warrants to all holders of its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after
the record date described below) to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A
Common Stock at a price per share less than the current market price per share
(determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.3(a)) of the Class A
Common Stock (other than pursuant to any stock option, restricted stock or other
incentive or benefit plan or stock ownership or purchase plan for the benefit of
employees, directors or officers or any dividend reinvestment plan of the
Corporation in effect at the time hereof or any other similar plan adopted or
implemented hereafter), then the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior
thereto shall be adjusted so that it shall equal the price determined by
multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the record date
by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (A) the number of
shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and (B) the number
of shares which the aggregate proceeds to the Corporation from the exercise of
such rights,


options or warrants for Class A Common Stock would purchase at such current
market price, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (A) the number of
shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and (B) the number
of additional shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or
purchase pursuant to such rights, options or warrants. Such adjustment shall be
made successively whenever any rights, options or warrants are issued, and shall
become effective immediately after the record date for the determination of
stockholders entitled to receive such rights, options or warrants; provided,
however, that if all of the shares of Class A Common Stock offered for
subscription or purchase are not delivered upon the exercise of such rights,
options or warrants, upon the expiration of such rights, options or warrants,
the Conversion Price shall be readjusted to the Conversion Price which would
have been in effect had the numerator and the denominator of the foregoing
fraction and the resulting adjustment been made based upon the number of shares
of Class A Common Stock actually delivered upon the exercise of such rights,
options or warrants rather than upon the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock offered for subscription or purchase. In determining whether any rights,
options or warrants entitle the holders to subscribe for or purchase shares of
Class A Common Stock at less than such current market price, and in determining
the aggregate offering price of such shares of Class A Common Stock, there shall
be taken into account any consideration received by the Corporation for such
rights, options or warrants, with the value of such consideration, if other than
cash, determined by the Board of Directors (whose determination shall be
conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the Corporation with
the Transfer Agent).

                           (iii) In case the Corporation shall, by dividend or
otherwise, distribute to all holders of its outstanding Class A Common Stock any
capital stock (other than Class A Common Stock), evidences of its indebtedness
or assets or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the
Corporation (excluding (A) those referred to in subsections (i) and (ii) of this
Section 7.3(a), (B) dividends and distributions paid in cash out of the retained
earnings of the Corporation, and (C) distributions upon mergers or
consolidations to which subsection (b) of this Section 7.3 applies), then, in
each such case, the Conversion Price shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
the record date of such distribution by a fraction, the numerator of which shall
be the current market price per share (determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of
this Section 7.3(a)) of the Class A Common Stock, less the fair market value on
such record date (determined by the Board or Directors, whose determination
shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the
Corporation with the Transfer Agent) of the portion of the capital stock or
assets or the evidences of indebtedness or assets so distributed to the holder
of one share of Class A Common Stock or of such subscription rights or warrants
applicable to one share of Class A Common Stock, and the denominator of which
shall be such current market price per share of Class A Common Stock. Such
adjustment shall become effective immediately after the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution.


                           (iv) For the purpose of any computation under
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.3(a), the current market price per
share of Class A Common Stock on any date shall be the average of the Closing
Price of the Class A Common Stock for the shorter of (A) 20 consecutive Trading
Days ending on the last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination or
(B) the period commencing on the date next succeeding the first public
announcement of the issuance of such rights or warrants or such distribution
through such last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination. For
purposes of the foregoing, the term "Time of Determination" shall mean the time
and date of the earlier of (A) the record date for determining stockholders
entitled to receive the rights, warrants or distribution referred to in
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.3, or (B) the commencement of
"ex-dividend" trading on the exchange or market referred to in the definition of
"Closing Price."

                           (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required to be made unless such adjustment would require an increase or decrease
of at least one percent of such price; provided, however, that any adjustment
which by reason of this subsection (v) is not required to be made shall be
carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. All
calculations under this Section 7.3 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the
nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. Anything in this Section 7.3 to
the contrary notwithstanding, the Corporation shall be entitled to make such
reduction in the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this Section
7.3, as it shall determine in its discretion to be advisable in order that any
stock dividend, subdivision of shares, distribution of rights to purchase stock
or securities, or distribution of securities convertible into or exchangeable
for stock hereafter made by the Corporation to its stockholders shall not be
taxable to the recipients. Except as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and
(iii) above, the Conversion Price shall not be adjusted for the issuance of
Class A Common Stock, or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
Class A Common Stock or carrying the right to purchase any of the foregoing, in
exchange for cash, property or services.

                           (vi) The Corporation from time to time may decrease
the Conversion Price by any amount for any period of time if the period is at
least 20 days and if the decrease is irrevocable during the period. Whenever the
Conversion Price is so decreased, the Corporation shall mail to holders of
record of shares of Class N Preferred Stock a notice of the decrease at least 15
days before the date the decreased Conversion Price takes effect, and such
notice shall state the decreased Conversion Price and the period it will be in

                  (b) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the
contrary, in case of any merger or consolidation to which the Corporation is a
party (other than a merger or consolidation in which the Corporation is the
continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or the
securities or other property of another entity), or in the case of any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's property and assets to
another entity, there will be no adjustment of the Conversion


Price, and lawful provision shall be made by the entity formed by such
consolidation or the entity whose securities, cash or other property will
immediately after the merger or consolidation be owned, by virtue of the merger
or consolidation, by the holders of Class A Common Stock immediately prior to
the merger or consolidation, or the entity which shall have acquired such assets
of the Corporation, such that each share of Class N Preferred Stock then
outstanding will, without the consent of the holder thereof, become convertible
into the kind and amount of securities, cash or other property receivable upon
such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer by a holder of the number of shares
of Class A Common Stock into which such share of Class N Preferred Stock was
convertible immediately prior to such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer
assuming such holder of Class A Common Stock did not exercise his rights of
election, if any, as to the kind or amount of securities, cash or other property
receivable upon such merger, consolidation, sale or transfer. In the case of a
cash merger of the Corporation into another entity or any other cash transaction
of the type mentioned in this Section 7.3(b), each share of Class N Preferred
Stock will thereafter be convertible at the Conversion Price in effect at such
time into the same amount of cash per share into which each share of Class N
Preferred Stock would have been convertible had such share been converted into
Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the effective date of such cash merger
or other transaction. The foregoing provisions of this Section 7.3(b) shall
similarly apply to successive mergers, consolidations, sales or transfers.

                  (c) If (i) the Corporation shall take any action that would
require an adjustment in the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.3; (ii) the
Corporation shall authorize the granting to the holders of the Class A Common
Stock generally of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of
stock of any class or series or of any other rights or warrants; (iii) there
shall be any reorganization or reclassification of the Class A Common Stock
(other than an event to which subsection (i) of Section 7.3(a) applies) or any
consolidation or merger to which the Corporation is a party or any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, in each
case, for which approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is required; or
(iv) there shall be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the Corporation; then, in each such case, the Corporation shall
cause to be given to the holders of shares of Class N Preferred Stock and the
Transfer Agent as promptly as possible, but in any event at least 15 days prior
to the applicable date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (i) the date on
which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such action or granting of
rights or warrants, or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the
holders of Class A Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend,
distribution, rights or warrants are to be determined, or (ii) the date on which
such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer,
liquidation, dissolution or winding up is expected to become effective or occur,
and the date as of which it is expected that holders of Class A Common Stock of
record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of Class A Common Stock for
securities, cash or other property deliverable upon such reorganization,
reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, liquidation,
dissolution or winding up. Failure to give such


notice or any defect therein shall not affect the legality or validity of the
proceedings described in this Section 7.3(c).

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, (i) the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent a
certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and a brief
statement of the facts requiring such adjustment and the manner of computing the
same, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such
adjustment, and (ii) the Corporation shall mail or cause to be mailed by first
class mail, postage prepaid, as soon as practicable to each holder of record of
shares of Class N Preferred Stock a notice stating that the Conversion Price has
been adjusted and setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.3
shall require that an adjustment be made immediately following a record date or
an effective date, the Corporation may elect to defer (but only until the filing
by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent of the certificate required by
subsection 7.3(d)) (i) issuing to the holder of any share of Class N Preferred
Stock converted after such record date or effective date the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such conversion in excess of the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such conversion on the basis of the Conversion Price
prior to adjustment, and (ii) paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu
of a fractional share.

                  (f) In the event that at any time, as a result of an
adjustment made pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 7.3(a), the holder of any
share of Class N Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall
become entitled to receive any shares of the Corporation other than shares of
Class A Common Stock, thereafter the Conversion Price of such other shares so
receivable upon conversion of any share of Class N Preferred Stock shall be
subject to adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms as nearly
equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect to Class A Common Stock
contained in this Section 7.3.

                  (g) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock, for the purpose of effecting
conversion of shares of Class N Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares
of Class N Preferred Stock not theretofore converted and on or before (and as a
condition of) taking any action that would cause an adjustment of the Conversion
Price resulting in an increase in the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
deliverable upon conversion in excess of the number thereof previously reserved
and available therefor, the Corporation shall take all such action so required.
For purposes of this paragraph (g), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
which shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of
Class N Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the time


of computation all such outstanding shares of Class N Preferred Stock were held
by a single holder (and without regard to the Ownership Limit).

                  Before taking any action which would cause an adjustment
reducing the Conversion Price below the then par value (if any) of the shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon conversion of the shares of Class N
Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall take any corporate action which may, in
the opinion of its counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation may
validly and legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common
Stock at such adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (h) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp,
issue or transfer taxes, and any other similar taxes, payable in respect of the
issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock upon conversion of shares of
Class N Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the Corporation
shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any
transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock in
a name other than that of the holder of the shares of Class N Preferred Stock to
be converted, and no such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the
Person requesting such issue or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount
of any such tax or established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

                  (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section 7, conversion of Class N Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7
shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter).

                  (j) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Class A Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7, that in the
opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class N Preferred Stock, the Board of
Directors may, but shall have no obligation to, adjust the Conversion Price for
the Class N Preferred Stock to the extent permitted by law in such manner, if
any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, may
determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

         8.       RANKING.

                  Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall
be deemed to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class N Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class N Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");


                  (b) on a parity with the Class N Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class N Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock or Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class
of stock or series and the Class N Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid
dividends per share or liquidation preferences, without preference or priority
of one over the other (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock");

                  (c) junior to the Class N Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Class A Common Stock
or (ii) the holders of Class N Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of
dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of
such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever (i) six quarterly dividends (whether or
not consecutive) payable on the Class N Preferred Stock or any series or class
of Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, or (ii) for two consecutive quarterly
dividend periods the Corporation fails to pay dividends on the Class A Common
Stock in an amount per share at least equal to $0.5950 (subject to adjustment
consistent with any adjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.3
of this Article) (the "Base Common Stock Dividend") the number of directors then
constituting the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in
the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii) (in each case if
not already increased by reason of similar types of provisions with respect to
shares of any other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights
(the "Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class N Preferred
Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock
then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class
regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors
(in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one (in
the case of an arrearage in


dividends described in clause (ii)) to serve on the Board of Directors at any
annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof, or at a
special meeting of the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided. Whenever (1) in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i), all arrears in dividends on the
Class N Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall
have been paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period
shall have been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, or (2)
in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii), the
Corporation makes a quarterly dividend payment on the Class A Common Stock in an
amount per share equal to or exceeding the Base Common Stock Dividend, then the
right of the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock to elect such additional two directors (in the case of an arrearage in
dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) shall cease (but subject always
to the same provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any
similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as
directors by the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the
Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting
power shall have been so vested in the holders of Class N Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class N Preferred Stock (addressed
to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a
special meeting of the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and of the Voting
Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one director (in the case of
an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) to be elected by them as
herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the
Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as
required by law. If any such special meeting required to be called as above
provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of
any such request, then any holder of Class N Preferred Stock may call such
meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose shall have access
to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors or director elected at any
such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the
stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall not
have previously terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur among
the directors elected by the holders of the Class N Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors,
upon the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the holders of
the Class N Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the successor of
such remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the
stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not
have previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class N Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class N Preferred
Stock voting as a single


class, given in person or by proxy, either in writing without a meeting or by
vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or

                           (i) any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the
Class N Preferred Stock (including any amendment, alteration or repeal effected
pursuant to a merger, consolidation, or similar transaction) or would convert
the Class N Preferred Stock into cash or any other security other than a
preferred stock with terms and provisions equivalent to those set forth in these
Articles Supplementary; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions
of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized
amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock
shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of Class N Preferred Stock; or

                           (ii) the authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class N Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class N Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

                  For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting
rights under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class N Preferred Stock
shall have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class N
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class N Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class N Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.

         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

                  The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the
record holder of any share of Class N Preferred Stock as the true and lawful
owner thereof


for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary.


                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class N
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class N
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class N Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class N Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class N Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class N Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class N Preferred

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class N
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class N Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no
rights in such shares of Class N Preferred Stock.


after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that
is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class N Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class N
Preferred Stock.

                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class N Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class N Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class N Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class N Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may


exercise such authority in a manner that interferes with any ownership or
transfer of Class N Preferred Stock that is expressly authorized pursuant to
Section 11.8(C) of this Article.

         11.3.  TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other
change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited
to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited
to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person
(other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own
shares of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the
Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class N Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through
Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the
Look- Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or
Look- Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class N Preferred
Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited
Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of this
Article, such shares of Class N Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case
may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be automatically
transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive
benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee
shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the Business Day
prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or another event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class N
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class N Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.


                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class N
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class N Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class N Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class N Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial
Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have
given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class N
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust
and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other
disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the
amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable
Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section
11.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void,
invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the
Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have
acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the Class N Preferred Stock
as to which such restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such
Class N Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

of Class N Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have
been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of


90 days after the later of (i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event
resulting in a transfer to the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of
Directors determines in good faith that an Excess Transfer or other event

                  (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class N Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class N Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class N
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class N Preferred Stock shall, upon written request by the
Corporation, such request to be made within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class N Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record or Beneficial Owner of Class N Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by
the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional
information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class N Preferred
Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or
necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-
Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record, including
without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class N Preferred Stock on
behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain the
written notice described in this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.


that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class N Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class N
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall
provide a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of
shares of Class N Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder
or proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of
this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In
connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to
determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class N Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the


Ownership Limit with respect to the Class N Preferred Stock so pledged to it
either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment
of Class N Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class N Preferred Stock by
an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class N Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class N Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class N Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

         11.9  LEGEND.  Each certificate for Class N Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

         "The shares of Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class N Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
         Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class N Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer
         of the shares of Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
         Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of
         one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.


         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.


         FOURTH: The terms of the Class N Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXV of the Charter.

                      (the next page is the signature page)


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on September 12,

WITNESS:                                     APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                             MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                          /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
- --------------------------                   ------------------------------
Kathleen Harvey                              Paul J. McAuliffe
Assistant Secretary                          Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                             /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
                                             Paul J. McAuliffe
                                             Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer


                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

corporation (hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office
in Baltimore City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments
and Taxation of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 1,904,762 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share, into a class
designated as Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per
share, and has provided for the issuance of such class.

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 1,904,762 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 470,337,500 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 468,432,738 shares immediately
after the reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class O
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock may be decreased pursuant to Section 6 of
Article Third of these Articles Supplementary upon reacquisition thereof in any
manner, or by retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class O Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Class O Preferred Stock") and One Million Nine
Hundred Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Two (1,904,762) shall be the
authorized number of shares of such Class O Preferred Stock constituting such


         2.       DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class O Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:

         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is
         under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the product of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity
         Stock within such block and (ii) the corresponding Market Price of one
         share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Base Common Stock Dividend" shall have the meaning set forth in
         paragraph (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

         "Base Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend payment in an amount per
         share equal to $1.18125; provided, however, that, if the Corporation
         gives notice of its election to make a Dividend Increase following a
         Change of Control in accordance with Section 6.5(a) of the Purchase
         Agreement, then, from and after the date of such notice, the "Base
         Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend payment in an amount per share
         equal to (i) for all Dividend Periods commencing after the date such
         notice is given, the greater of (a) $1.575 or (b) the product of (x)
         $13.125 and (y) the sum of 800 basis points plus the greater of (x) the
         annual yield to maturity of U.S. Treasury securities with a five year
         maturity and (y) the annual yield to maturity of U.S. Treasury
         securities with a ten year maturity, in each case as compiled by and
         published in the most recent Federal Reserve Statistical Release
         H.15(519) which has become publicly available at least two business
         days prior to the date of such notice (or, if such Statistical Release
         is no longer published, any publicly available source of similar data),
         and (ii) for the Dividend Period in which such notice is given, a
         weighted average (based on the number of days in such Dividend Period
         occurring before and after the date of such notice) of (a) the Base
         Rate in effect prior thereto and (b) the Base Rate determined in
         accordance with the foregoing clause (i).

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (without
         duplication) (i) the number of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by
         such Person, (ii) the number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned
         by such Person (if such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section
         542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into account the constructive ownership
         rules of Section 544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B)
         of the Code, and (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such
         Person is deemed to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
         Exchange Act, or that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section
         318 of


         the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that
         when applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial
         Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (ii) of the
         definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial
         Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the
         correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class O
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 9 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Change of Control" shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class A Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, par value
         $.01 per share, of the Corporation, and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class
         A Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Class O Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.

         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in use,
         the principal other automated quotation system that may then be in use
         or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
         average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
         professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
         by the Board of Directors of the Corporation or, if the Equity Stock is
         not publicly traded,


         the fair value of a share of such Equity Stock as reasonably determined
         in good faith by the Board of Directors.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class A
         Common Stock for which each share of Class O Preferred Stock is
         convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $52.50
         (equivalent to a conversion rate of one share of Class A Common Stock
         for each share of Class O Preferred Stock).

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean, with respect to each Dividend
         Period, (a) the date that cash dividends are paid on the Class A Common
         Stock with respect to such Dividend Period; or (b) if such dividends
         have not been paid on the Class A Common Stock by 11:00 a.m., New York
         City time, on the sixtieth day from and including the last day of such
         Dividend Period, then on such day; provided, further, that if any
         Dividend Payment Date falls on any day other than a Business Day, the
         dividend payment payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on
         the Business Day immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and
         no interest shall accrue on such dividend from such date to such
         Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year and ending on and
         including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         O Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class
         O Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A) of this

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Fair Market Value" shall mean the average of the daily Closing Prices
         of a share of Class A Common Stock during the twenty (20) consecutive
         Trading Days before, and ending not later than, the earlier of the day
         in question and the day before the "ex date" with respect to the
         issuance or distribution requiring such computation. The term "ex
         date," when used with respect to any issuance or distribution, means
         the first day on


         which the share of Class A Common Stock trades regular way, without the
         right to receive such issuance or distribution, on the exchange or in
         the market, as the case may be, used to determine that day's Closing

         "Issue Date" shall mean September 15, 2000.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including September 30,

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class O Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class O Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Internal Rate of Return" shall mean, as of any determination date, the
         effective discount rate under which the present value of the Inflows
         associated with an outstanding share of Class O Preferred Stock equals
         the Outflow on the Issue Date associated with such share. For purposes
         of calculation of Internal Rate of Return:

                  (i) "Inflows" shall mean (a) all dividends (whether paid in
         cash, property or stock (other than stock of the Corporation)) that
         have been received on such share, (b) any other distributions that have
         been received on such share, and (c) as of the determination date, the
         weighted average price of a share of the Class A Common Stock during
         the forty-five most recent Trading Days, such weighted average
         multiplied by the Liquidation Preference (excluding any accumulated,
         accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class O Preferred Stock, and
         such product divided by the Conversion Price; provided, that
         notwithstanding the foregoing, "Inflows" shall not include (x) any
         commitment or placement fees payable in connection with the issuance of
         shares of Class O Preferred Stock and (y) the amount of any dividends
         or distributions (in excess of the dividends or distributions otherwise
         payable) resulting from an increase in the Base Rate upon the
         occurrence of a Change of Control. For purposes of calculating the
         amounts of any Inflows, the weighted average price of a share of Class
         A Common Stock is determined by dividing (a) the sum of the product for
         all sales of Class A Common Stock during such 45 Trading Days of (i)
         the sale price per share of Class A Common Stock and (ii) the number of
         shares of Class A Common Stock sold by (b) the total number of shares
         of Class A Common Stock sold during such 45 Trading Days. For purposes
         of calculating the amounts of any Inflows, all dividends or
         distributions received in property or stock (other than stock of the
         Corporation) shall be deemed to have a value equal to


         the fair market value of such dividends or distributions as of the date
         such dividend or distribution is received, as determined in good faith
         by the Board of Directors. All Inflows shall be deemed to have taken
         place on the date on which payment was actually received by the holder.

                  (ii) "Outflow" shall mean $52.50 and shall be deemed to have
         taken place on the Closing Date of the Purchase Agreement.

                  (iii) Neither the fact of any transfer of Class O Preferred
         Stock nor the amount of any consideration received by the holder
         thereof or paid by any successor holder in connection with any transfer
         shall affect the calculation of Internal Rate of Return.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class O Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class O Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean The New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided, however, that for purposes of the
         application of the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or
         the Initial Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be
         deemed to include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person
         alone, at that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or
         convertible securities.

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class O Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the


         Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the
         Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class O
         Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean, collectively, the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group,"
         as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
         Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article,
         any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity,
         including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         11.3(A) of this Article.

         "Purchase Agreement" shall mean the Class O Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Share Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 13, 2000, by
         and among Security Capital Preferred Growth Incorporated, the
         Corporation and AIMCO Properties, L.P.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class O Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.

         "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any share of Class O
         Preferred Stock to be redeemed, (i) if the Redemption Date occurs
         during the period from and including the third anniversary of the Issue
         Date, to but excluding the fourth anniversary of the Issue Date, 104%
         of the Liquidation Preference thereof, and (ii) if the Redemption Date
         occurs on or after the fourth anniversary of the Issue Date, 102% of
         the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus, in the case of clause (i) or
         (ii), all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared), if any, to the Redemption Date.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Repurchase Offer" shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.


         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class O
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a
         day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but
         is listed or admitted to trading on another national securities
         exchange or automated quotation system, a day on which the principal
         national securities exchange or automated quotation system, as the case
         may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading is
         open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is
         not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange
         or automated quotation system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday
         or a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are
         authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class O Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         O Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class O Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record ownership or Beneficial Ownership, and
         whether by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited
         to, any transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a
         change in the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class O Preferred
         Stock). The term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative

         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class O Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class O Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3 of this

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9
         of this Article.


         3.       DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class O Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally
available for that purpose, cumulative dividends payable in cash in an amount
per share of Class O Preferred Stock equal to the greater of (i) the Base Rate,
or (ii) the cash dividends declared on the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock, or portion thereof, into which a share of Class O Preferred Stock is
convertible. The dividends payable with respect to the Initial Dividend Period
shall be determined solely by reference to the Base Rate. The amount referred to
in clause (ii) of this paragraph (a) with respect to each succeeding Dividend
Period shall be determined as of the applicable Dividend Payment Date by
multiplying the number of shares of Class A Common Stock, or portion thereof
calculated to the fourth decimal point, into which a share of Class O Preferred
Stock would be convertible at the opening of business on such Dividend Payment
Date (based on the Conversion Price then in effect) by the aggregate cash
dividends payable or paid for such Dividend Period in respect of a share of
Class A Common Stock outstanding as of the record date for the payment of
dividends on the Class A Common Stock with respect to such Dividend Period. If
(A) the Corporation pays a cash dividend on the Class A Common Stock after the
Dividend Payment Date for the corresponding Dividend Period and (B) the dividend
on the Class O Preferred Stock for such Dividend Period calculated pursuant to
clause (ii) of this paragraph (a), taking into account the Class A Common Stock
dividend referenced in clause (A), exceeds the dividend previously declared on
the Class O Preferred Stock for such Dividend Period, the Corporation shall pay
an additional dividend to the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock on the date
that the Class A Common Stock dividend referenced in clause (A) is paid, in an
amount equal to the difference between the dividend calculated pursuant to
clause (B) and the dividends previously declared on the Class O Preferred Stock
with respect to such Dividend Period. Such dividends shall be cumulative from
the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods such dividends
shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation legally available
for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on
the Dividend Payment Dates, commencing on the first Dividend Payment Date after
the Issue Date. Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of
record of the Class O Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of
the Corporation at the close of business on a record date fixed by the Board of
Directors which shall be not more than 60 days prior to the applicable Dividend
Payment Date and, within such 60 day period, shall be the same date as the
record date for the regular quarterly dividend payable with respect to the Class
A Common Stock for the Dividend Period to which such Dividend Payment Date
relates (or, if there is no such record date for Class A Common Stock, then such
date as the Board of Directors may fix). Accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and paid at any time,
without reference to any regular Dividend Payment Date, to holders of record on
such date, which date shall not precede by more than 45 days the payment date
thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.

                  (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class O
Preferred Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter
than a full Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve
30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class O Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or


stock, in excess of cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class O
Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments on the Class O Preferred
Stock that may be in arrears.

                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made
directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any class or series of
Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for such payment on the Class O Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating on or prior to the Dividend Payment
Date with respect to such class or series of Parity Stock. When dividends are
not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as
aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class O Preferred Stock and all
dividends declared upon any other class or series of Parity Stock shall be
declared ratably in proportion to the respective amounts of dividends
accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class O Preferred Stock and accumulated,
accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of
Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made directly or indirectly by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Class A Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive
or benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of
any shares of any such stock) directly or indirectly by the Corporation (except
by conversion into or exchange for Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or
other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any
holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by
the Corporation unless in each case (i) the full cumulative dividends (including
all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends) on all outstanding shares of
Class O Preferred Stock and any other Parity Stock of the Corporation shall have
been paid or such dividends have been declared and set apart for payment for all
past Dividend Periods with respect to the Class O Preferred Stock and all past
dividend periods with respect to such Parity Stock and (ii) sufficient funds
shall have been paid or set apart for the payment of the full dividend for the
current Dividend Period with respect to the Class O Preferred Stock and the
current dividend period with respect to such Parity Stock.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the


holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares of Class O Preferred Stock shall
be entitled to receive Fifty Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($52.50) per share of
Class O Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus an amount equal to
all dividends (whether or not earned or declared) accumulated, accrued and
unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to such holders; but such
holders shall not be entitled to any further payment. Until the holders of the
Class O Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation Preference in full, plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior Stock upon the
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If, upon any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets of the
Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of Class O
Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential amount
aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or series of
Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed
among the holders of Class O Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock
ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would be payable
on such Class O Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if all amounts
payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section 4, (i) a
consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more corporations, (ii) a
sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets, or
(iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to be a liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the Corporation.

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
O Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


                  (a) Shares of Class O Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable
by the Corporation prior to the third anniversary of the Issue Date, except as
set forth in Section 11.2 of this Article. On and after the third anniversary of
the Issue Date, the Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class O
Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, at a price payable in
cash equal to the Redemption Price applicable thereto.

                  (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation,
shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30
days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class O Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, no shares of Class O Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless
all outstanding shares of Class O Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed.
Neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may


purchase or acquire shares of Class O Preferred Stock, other than pursuant to a
purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of
Class O Preferred Stock.

                  (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class O
Preferred Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such
redemption shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed.
Such notice shall be provided by recognized overnight courier at such holder's
address as the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the
failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect
therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the
sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with
respect to the other holders. Any notice mailed in the manner herein provided
shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the day after the date
mailed whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice shall
state, as appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the number of shares of
Class O Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held
by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from
such holder; (iii) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are
to be surrendered for cash; (iv) the then-current Conversion Price; (v) the
Redemption Price payable on such Redemption Date; and (vi) a statement as to
whether or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will be payable as part
of the Redemption Price, or payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the
record holder at the close of business on the relevant record date as described
in the next sentence. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the
Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the amount
of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares of
Class O Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or
accrue on the shares of Class O Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said
shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Class O Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall
cease (except the right to receive the cash payable upon such redemption,
without interest thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their certificates
if so required); provided, however, that if the Redemption Date for any shares
of Class O Preferred Stock occurs after any dividend record date and on or prior
to the related Dividend Payment Date, the full dividend payable on such Dividend
Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class O Preferred Stock called for
redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the holders of
record of such shares at the close of business on the corresponding dividend
record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of such shares. The
Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary to effect the
redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled
if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall
irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company (which may not be an
affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust
company that has, a capital and surplus of at least $200,000,000, such amount of
cash as is necessary for such redemption, plus, if such Redemption Date occurs
after any dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment
Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay the dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class O Preferred Stock
called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied
to the redemption of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock so called for
redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend. No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class O Preferred Stock to be
redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.


Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two
years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class O Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class O Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares have been
redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class O Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class O
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class O Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class O Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


         All shares of Class O Preferred Stock that have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation,
shares of Class O Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion)
shall be returned to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class O
Preferred Stock.

         7.       CONVERSION.


         At any time on or after the Issue Date, except as set forth in Section
7.2 of this Article, holders of shares of Class O Preferred Stock shall have the
right to convert all or a portion of such shares into shares of Class A Common
Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7, each share of Class O Preferred Stock shall, at the option of the
holder thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for
redemption, then to and including but not after the close of business on the
date immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall
default in payment due upon redemption thereof), in whole or in part, into the
number of fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock
(calculated as to each conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by
dividing the Liquidation Preference (excluding any accumulated, accrued and
unpaid dividends) per share of Class O Preferred Stock by the Conversion Price
(as in effect at the time and on the date provided for in paragraph (b) of this
Section 7.1) and by surrendering such shares to be converted, such surrender to
be made in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of this Section 7.1; provided,
however, that the right to convert shares of Class O Preferred Stock called for
redemption pursuant to Section 5 shall terminate at


the close of business on the Redemption Date fixed for such redemption, unless
the Corporation shall default in making payment of cash payable upon such
redemption under Section 5 of this Article.

                  (b) To convert shares of Class O Preferred Stock, the holder
of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate representing such
shares at the office of the Transfer Agent, accompanied by the funds, if any,
required by the last paragraph of this subsection (b) to be paid by such holder,
and shall give written notice of conversion in the form provided on such
certificate representing shares of Class O Preferred Stock (or such other notice
as is reasonably acceptable to the Corporation) to the Corporation at such
office or agency that the holder elects to convert the shares of Class O
Preferred Stock specified in such notice. Such notice shall also state the name
or names, together with address or addresses, in which the certificate or
certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be issuable on such
conversion shall be issued. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be
issued in the same name as the name in which such share of Class O Preferred
Stock is registered, each certificate representing a share of Class O Preferred
Stock surrendered for conversion shall be accompanied by instruments of
transfer, in form satisfactory to the Corporation, duly executed by the holder
or such holder's duly authorized attorney and an amount sufficient to pay any
transfer or similar tax (or evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation
that such taxes have been paid).

         As promptly as practicable, but in no event later than three Business
Days after the surrender of certificates representing such shares of Class O
Preferred Stock and the receipt of such notice, instruments of transfer and
funds, if any, as aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at
such office or agency to such holder, or as designated in such holder's written
instructions, a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of
Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such share or shares of
Class O Preferred Stock in accordance with provisions of this Section 7.1, and a
check or cash in respect of the cash amount payable to such holder, if any,
referred to in subsection (c), below.

         Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected immediately prior
to the close of business on the date on which certificates representing such
shares of Class O Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered and such notice
(and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required taxes) received by
the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names
any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be
issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or
holders of record of the shares represented thereby at such time on such date,
and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on
such date, unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on
that date, in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become
such holder or holders of record at the close of business on the next succeeding
day on which such stock transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at
the Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such shares shall have been
surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation.

                  Except as provided herein, the Corporation will make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares or for dividends (other


than dividends on the Class A Common Stock the record date for which is after
the conversion date and which the Corporation shall pay in the ordinary course
to the record holder as of the record date) on the Class A Common Stock issued
upon such conversion. Holders of Class O Preferred Stock at the close of
business on a record date for the payment of dividends on the Class O Preferred
Stock will be entitled to receive an amount equal to the dividend payable on
such shares on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date notwithstanding the
conversion of such shares following such record date. If the Dividend Adjustment
Amount (as defined below) with respect to any shares of Class O Preferred Stock
surrendered for conversion is positive, the holders of such shares shall, as of
the date of conversion, be entitled to receive a cash payment equal to such
Dividend Adjustment Amount. If the Dividend Adjustment Amount with respect to
any shares of Class O Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion is negative,
such shares must be accompanied by payment of a cash amount equal to the
absolute value of such Dividend Adjustment Amount. As used herein, "Dividend
Adjustment Amount" shall mean, with respect to any share of Class O Preferred
Stock that has been surrendered for conversion, the sum of:

                  (i) the aggregate amount of any dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such
         share as of the time of such conversion; minus

                  (ii) if such share has been surrendered for conversion during
         the period between the close of business on any dividend record date
         and the opening of business on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date,
         the amount of the dividend payable thereon on such Dividend Payment
         Date; minus

                  (iii) an amount equal to the product of (A) the number of
         shares of Class A Common Stock (or fraction thereof) into which such
         share of Class O Preferred Stock has been converted, (B) the quarterly
         cash dividend per share that was most recently declared on the Class A
         Common Stock, determined as of the date of conversion, and (C) a
         fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in the period
         from and including the date of the most recent dividend payment date
         for the Class A Common Stock to but excluding the date of such
         conversion, and the denominator of which is 90.

                  (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class O Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
O Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class O Preferred Stock so converted. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class O Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the
nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on


the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion, multiplied by the
fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable upon conversion
of such share.

         7.2      MANDATORY CONVERSION.

                  (a) The Corporation shall have the right to require that all
or part of the issued and outstanding shares of Class O Preferred Stock be
converted into shares of Class A Common Stock under the following circumstances:

                           (i) At any time from and including the first
anniversary of the Issue Date to but excluding the second anniversary of the
Issue Date, if the Internal Rate of Return exceeds 20.0% per annum, from and
including the Issue Date (such condition the "Conversion Condition) on one
occasion only, the Corporation shall have the right, upon 30 days advance
written notice, to require that up to 952,381 shares of Class O Preferred Stock
be converted into shares of Class A Common Stock as set forth in this Section

                           (ii) At any time from and including the second
anniversary of the Issue Date to but excluding the third anniversary of the
Issue Date, if the Internal Rate of Return exceeds 20.0% per annum, from and
including the Issue Date, on one occasion only, the Corporation shall have the
right, upon 30 days advance written notice, to require that all or any portion
of the outstanding shares of Class O Preferred Stock be converted into shares of
Class A Common Stock as set forth in this Section 7.2;

provided, however, that

                  (A) if a Conversion Condition occurs and the Corporation is
entitled to require the conversion referred to in Section 7.2(a)(i) and does not
so convert, then the Corporation's right to require the conversion referred to
in Section 7.2(a)(ii) will be limited to a right to require that up to 952,381
shares of Class O Preferred Stock be converted into shares of Class A Common
Stock as set forth in this Section 7.2(a)(ii);

                  (B) if the Corporation receives a Liquidity Failure Notice
pursuant to Section 7.2(c)(vi), then the right to cause a conversion under
Section 7.2(a)(ii) shall thereupon terminate; and

                  (C) the Corporation may not exercise its right to convert
under Section 7.2(a)(ii) unless and until at least 90 days have transpired since
the date of any conversion under Section 7.2(a)(i).

                  (b) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7.2, the Corporation shall have the right, under the circumstances set
forth in (a)(i) or (ii) above, to convert such shares, in whole or in part, into
the number of fully paid and non-assessable shares of authorized but previously
unissued shares of Class A Common Stock per each share of Class O Preferred
Stock obtained by dividing the Liquidation Preference (excluding any accumulated


accrued and unpaid dividends) per share of Class O Preferred Stock by the
Conversion Price (as in effect at the time and on the date provided for in
subparagraph (c)(v) of this Section 7.2).

                       (c) (i) In order to exercise the conversion right, the
Corporation shall, promptly upon the Corporation exercising its right to require
conversion pursuant to (a)(i) or (ii) above, and in no event later than the
close of business on the next succeeding business day, give notice of such
conversion to each holder of record of the shares to be converted. Such notice
shall be provided by facsimile or, if facsimile is not available, then by
recognized overnight courier at such holder's address as the same appears on the
stock records of the Corporation. Any notice which was transmitted or mailed in
the manner herein provided shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly
given on the date received by the holder. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (1) the date of conversion, which date may be any date at least two
business days following the date on which the notice is transmitted or mailed;
(2) the number of shares of Class O Preferred Stock to be converted and, if
fewer than all such shares held by such holder are to be converted, the number
of such shares to be converted, and (3) the then current Conversion Price.

                           (ii) Upon receiving such notice of conversion, each
such holder shall promptly surrender the certificates representing such shares
of Class O Preferred Stock as are being converted on the conversion date, duly
endorsed or assigned to the Corporation or in blank, at the office of the
Transfer Agent; provided, however, that the failure to so surrender any such
certificates shall not in any way affect the validity of the conversion of the
underlying shares of Class O Preferred Stock into shares of Class A Common
Stock. Unless the shares issuable on conversion are to be issued in the same
name as the name in which such shares of Class O Preferred Stock are registered,
each such share surrendered following conversion shall be accompanied by
instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Corporation, duly executed
by the holder or such holder's duly authorized attorney and an amount sufficient
to pay any transfer or similar tax, if any (or evidence reasonably satisfactory
to the Corporation that such taxes have been paid).

                           (iii) A holder of shares of Class O Preferred Stock
shall, as of the date of the conversion of such shares to shares of Class A
Common Stock, be entitled to receive a cash payment in respect of any dividends
(whether or not earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid
thereon as of the time of such conversion, provided, however, that payment in
respect of any dividend on such shares that has been declared but for which the
Dividend Payment Date has not yet been reached shall be payable as of such
Dividend Payment Date. Except as provided above, the Corporation shall make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares.

                           (iv) As promptly as practicable after the surrender
of certificates for shares of Class O Preferred Stock as aforesaid, and in any
event no later than three business days after the date of such surrender, the
Corporation shall issue and shall deliver at such office to such holder, or send
on such holder's written order, a certificate or certificates for the number of
full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such shares
of Class O Preferred Stock in accordance with the provisions of this Section
7.2, and any fractional interest


in respect of a share of Class A Common Stock arising upon such conversion shall
be settled as provided in paragraph (d) of this Section 7.2.

                           (v) Each conversion shall be deemed to have been
effected immediately prior to the close of business on the date identified as
the conversion date in the notice of conversion sent by the Corporation as
aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in whose name or names any certificate or
certificates for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be issuable upon such
conversion shall be deemed to have become the holder or holders of record of the
shares represented thereby at such time on such dates and such conversion shall
be at the Conversion Price in effect at such time on such date unless the stock
transfer books of the Corporation shall be closed on that date, in which event
such Person or Persons shall be deemed to have become such holder or holders of
record at the close of business on the next succeeding day on which such stock
transfer books are open, but such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in
effect on the date identified as the conversion date in the notice of conversion
sent by the Corporation as aforesaid. If the dividend payment record dates for
the Class O Preferred Stock and Class A Common Stock do not coincide, and the
preceding sentence does not operate to ensure that a holder of shares of Class O
Preferred Stock whose shares are converted into Class A Common Stock does not
receive dividends on both the shares of Class O Preferred Stock and the Class A
Common Stock into which such shares are converted for the same Dividend Period,
then notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it is the intent, and the
Transfer Agent is authorized to ensure, that no conversion after the earlier of
such record dates will be accepted until after the latter of such record dates.

                           (vi) In the event that the Corporation has elected to
cause a conversion of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock pursuant to Section
7.2(a)(i) above, and the holders of a majority of the shares of Class O
Preferred Stock so converted provide a written notice (a "Liquidity Failure
Notice") to the Corporation within 90 days after the date of conversion that
during such 90 day period, such holders were unable (based on commercially
reasonable efforts, taking into account volume) to sell the shares of Class A
Common Stock received upon conversion on the open market at price(s) that would
have provided such holder(s) with an Internal Rate of Return of at least 20% per
annum thereon from the Issue Date through the date of sale of all such shares of
Class A Common Stock (provided that in calculating the Inflows, instead of
calculating the weighted average price as provided in clause (i) of the
definition of Internal Rate of Return, the Internal Rate of Return shall be
calculated using the actual sale prices obtained by the holder(s)), then from
and after the delivery of the Liquidity Failure Notice, the right of the
Corporation to convert shares of Class O Preferred Stock under Section 7.2(ii)
shall terminate. The Liquidity Failure Notice shall include a list of dates on
which shares of Class A Common Stock were sold, the number and price per share
so sold and shall include a calculation of the Internal Rate of Return on the
aggregate number of shares of Class A Common Stock so sold during the period.

                  (d) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class O Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
O Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for


conversion at one time by the same holder, the number of full shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of
the aggregate number of shares of Class O Preferred Stock so converted. In lieu
of any fractional interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would
otherwise be deliverable upon the conversion of any share of Class O Preferred
Stock, the Corporation shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash
(computed to the nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common
Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion,
multiplied by the fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable
upon conversion of such share.


                  (a)      The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to
time as follows:

                           (i) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
(A) pay a dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares
of Class A Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding Class A Common Stock into
a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding Class A Common Stock
into a smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of capital stock by
reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock (including a
reclassification pursuant to a merger or consolidation in which the Corporation
is the continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock outstanding
immediately prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or
securities or other property of another entity), then, in each such case the
Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the day following the
date fixed for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such
dividend or distribution or at the opening of business on the day following the
day on which such subdivision, combination or reclassification becomes
effective, as the case may be, shall be adjusted so that the holder of any share
of Class O Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall be
entitled to receive the number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or fraction of
a share of Class A Common Stock) that such holder would have owned or have been
entitled to receive after the happening of any of the events described above had
such share of Class O Preferred Stock been converted immediately prior to the
record date in the case of a dividend or distribution or the effective date in
the case of a subdivision, combination or reclassification. An adjustment made
pursuant to this paragraph (a)(i) of this Section 7.3 shall become effective
immediately after the opening of business on the day next following the record
date (except as provided in paragraph (e) below) in the case of a dividend or
distribution and shall become effective immediately after the opening of
business on the day next following the effective date in the case of a
subdivision, combination or reclassification.

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall issue, after the Issue
Date, rights, options or warrants to all holders of Class A Common Stock
entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after the record date
described below in this paragraph (a)(ii) of this Section 7.3) to subscribe for
or purchase Class A Common Stock at a price per share less than the Fair Market
Value per share of the Class A Common Stock on the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to receive such rights, options or
warrants, then the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the
day next following such record date shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying (A) the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior


to the opening of business on the day following the date fixed for such
determination by (B) a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the sum of (X)
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of
business on the date fixed for such determination and (Y) the number of shares
that could be purchased at such Fair Market Value from the aggregate proceeds to
the Corporation from the exercise of such rights, options or warrants for Class
A Common Stock, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (XX) the number
of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of business on the
date fixed for such determination and (YY) the number of additional shares of
Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase pursuant to such
rights, options or warrants. Such adjustment shall become effective immediately
after the opening of business on the day next following such record date (except
as provided in paragraph (e) below). In determining whether any rights, options
or warrants entitle the holders of Class A Common Stock to subscribe for or
purchase Class A Common Stock at less than such Fair Market Value, there shall
be taken into account any consideration received by the Corporation upon
issuance and upon exercise of such rights, options or warrants, the value of
such consideration, if other than cash, to be determined in good faith by the
Board of Directors.

                           (iii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock other than in cash or shares of
Class A Common Stock (including any distribution in securities (other than
rights, options or warrants referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) of this Section
7.3)) (each of the foregoing being referred to herein as a "distribution"), then
the Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the next day
following the record date for determination of stockholders entitled to receive
such distribution shall be adjusted to equal the price determined by multiplying
(A) the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to the opening of business
on the day following the record date by (B) a fraction, the numerator of which
shall be the difference between (X) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
outstanding on the close of business on the record date and (Y) the number of
shares determined by dividing (aa) the aggregate value of the property being
distributed by (bb) the Fair Market Value per share of Class A Common Stock on
the record date, and the denominator of which shall be the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock outstanding on the close of business on the record date.
Such adjustment shall become effective immediately after the opening of business
on the day next following such record date (except as provided below). The value
of the property being distributed shall be as determined in good faith by the
Board of Directors; provided, however, that if the property being distributed is
a publicly traded security, its value shall be calculated in accordance with the
procedure for calculating the Fair Market Value of a share of Class A Common
Stock (calculated for a period of five consecutive Trading Days commencing on
the twentieth Trading Day after the distribution). Neither the issuance by the
Corporation of rights, options or warrants to subscribe for or purchase
securities of the Corporation nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed a
distribution under this paragraph.

                           (iv) If, after the Issue Date, the Corporation shall
acquire, pursuant to an issuer or self tender offer, all or any portion of the
outstanding Class A Common Stock and such tender offer involves the payment of
consideration per share of Class A Common Stock having a fair market value (as
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors), at the last


time (the "Expiration Time") tenders may be made pursuant to such offer, that
exceeds the Closing Price per share of Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day
next succeeding the Expiration Time, then the Conversion Price in effect on the
opening of business on the day next succeeding the Expiration Time shall be
adjusted to equal the price determined by multiplying (A) the Conversion Price
in effect immediately prior to the Expiration Time by (B) a fraction, the
numerator of which shall be (X) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
outstanding (including the shares acquired in the tender offer (the "Acquired
Shares")) immediately prior to the Expiration Time, multiplied by (Y) the
Closing Price per share of Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day next
succeeding the Expiration Time, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of
(XX) the fair market value (determined as aforesaid) of the aggregate
consideration paid to acquire the Acquired Shares and (YY) the product of (I)
the number of shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding (less any Acquired
Shares) at the Expiration Time, multiplied by (II) the Closing Price per share
of Class A Common Stock on the Trading Day next succeeding the Expiration Time.

                           (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required unless such adjustment would require a cumulative increase or decrease
of at least 1% in such price; provided, however, that any adjustments that by
reason of this paragraph (a)(v) are not required to be made shall be carried
forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment until made;
provided, further, that any adjustment shall be required and made in accordance
with the provisions of this Section 7.3 (other than this paragraph (a)(v)) not
later than such time as may be required in order to preserve the tax-free nature
of a distribution to the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section 7.3, the Corporation shall
not be required to make any adjustment of the Conversion Price for the issuance
of (A) any shares of Class A Common Stock pursuant to any plan providing for the
reinvestment of dividends or interest payable on securities of the Corporation
and the investment of optional amounts in shares of Class A Common Stock under
such plan or (B) any options, rights or shares of Class A Common Stock pursuant
to any stock option, stock purchase or other stock-based plan maintained by the
Corporation. All calculations under this Section 7.3 shall be made to the
nearest cent (with $.005 being rounded upward) or to the nearest one-tenth of a
share (with .05 of a share being rounded upward), as the case may be. Anything
in this paragraph (a) of this Section 7.3 to the contrary notwithstanding, the
Corporation shall be entitled, to the extent permitted by law, to make such
reductions in the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this
paragraph (a), as it in its discretion shall determine to be advisable in order
that any stock dividends, subdivision of shares, reclassification or combination
of shares, distribution of rights or warrants to purchase stock or securities,
or a distribution of other assets (other than cash dividends) hereafter made by
the Corporation to its stockholders shall not be taxable, or if that is not
possible, to diminish any income taxes that are otherwise payable because of
such event.

                  (b) If the Corporation shall be a party to any transaction
(including without limitation a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange,
issuer or self tender offer for at least 30% of the shares of Class A Common
Stock outstanding, sale of all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets
or recapitalization of the Class A Common Stock, but excluding any transaction
as to which paragraph (a)(i) of this Section 7.3 applies) (each of the foregoing
being referred to herein as a "Transaction"), in each case, as a result of which
shares of Class A


Common Stock shall be converted into the right to receive stock, securities or
other property (including cash or any combination thereof), each share of Class
O Preferred Stock which is not converted into the right to receive stock,
securities or other property in connection with such Transaction shall thereupon
be convertible into the kind and amount of shares of stock, securities and other
property (including cash or any combination thereof) receivable upon such
consummation by a holder of that number of shares of Class A Common Stock into
which one share of Class O Preferred Stock was convertible immediately prior to
such Transaction (without giving effect to any Conversion Price adjustment
pursuant to Section 7.3(a)(iv) of this Article). The Corporation shall not be a
party to any Transaction unless the terms of such Transaction are consistent
with the provisions of this paragraph (b), and it shall not consent or agree to
the occurrence of any Transaction until the Corporation has entered into an
agreement with the successor or purchasing entity, as the case may be, for the
benefit of the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock that will contain
provisions enabling the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock that remain
outstanding after such Transaction to convert into the consideration received by
holders of Class A Common Stock at the Conversion Price in effect immediately
prior to such Transaction. The provisions of this paragraph (b) shall similarly
apply to successive Transactions.

                  (c)      If:

                           (i) the Corporation shall declare a dividend (or any
other distribution) on the Class A Common Stock (other than cash dividends and
cash distributions); or

                           (ii) the Corporation shall authorize the granting to
all holders of the Class A Common Stock of rights or warrants to subscribe for
or purchase any shares of any class or series of capital stock or any other
rights or warrants; or

                           (iii) there shall be any reclassification of the
outstanding Class A Common Stock or any consolidation or merger to which the
Corporation is a party and for which approval of any stockholders of the
Corporation is required, or a statutory share exchange, an issuer or self tender
offer shall have been commenced for at least 30% of the outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock (or an amendment thereto changing the maximum number of
shares sought or the amount or type of consideration being offered therefor
shall have been adopted), or the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of
the assets of the Corporation as an entirety; or

                           (iv) there shall occur the voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,

then the Corporation shall cause to be filed with the Transfer Agent and shall
cause to be mailed to each holder of shares of Class O Preferred Stock at such
holder's address as shown on the stock records of the Corporation, as promptly
as possible, a notice stating (A) the record date for the payment of such
dividend, distribution or rights or warrants, or, if a record date is not
established, the date as of which the holders of Class A Common Stock of record
to be entitled to such dividend, distribution or rights or warrants are to be
determined or (B) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation,
merger, statutory share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation,


dissolution or winding up is expected to become effective, and the date as of
which it is expected that holders of Class A Common Stock of record shall be
entitled to exchange their shares of Class A Common Stock for securities or
other property, if any, deliverable upon such reclassification, consolidation,
merger, statutory share exchange, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or
winding up or (C) the date on which such tender offer commenced, the date on
which such tender offer is scheduled to expire unless extended, the
consideration offered and the other material terms thereof (or the material
terms of any amendment thereto). Failure to give or receive such notice or any
defect therein shall not affect the legality or validity of the proceedings
described in this Section 7.3.

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent an
officer's certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment
and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment which
certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such adjustment
absent manifest error. Promptly after delivery of such certificate, the
Corporation shall prepare a notice of such adjustment of the Conversion Price
setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date such
adjustment becomes effective and shall mail such notice of such adjustment of
the Conversion Price to each holder of shares of Class O Preferred Stock at such
holder's last address as shown on the stock records of the Corporation.

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.3
provides that an adjustment shall become effective on the day next following the
record date for an event, the Corporation may defer until the occurrence of such
event (A) issuing to the holder of any share of Class O Preferred Stock
converted after such record date and before the occurrence of such event the
additional Class A Common Stock issuable upon such conversion by reason of the
adjustment required by such event over and above the Class A Common Stock
issuable upon such conversion before giving effect to such adjustment and (B)
paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of any fraction pursuant to
paragraph (c) of Section 7.1 or paragraph (d) of Section 7.2, as the case may

                  (f) There shall be no adjustment of the Conversion Price in
case of the issuance of any capital stock of the Corporation in a
reorganization, acquisition or other similar transaction except as specifically
set forth in this Section 7.3.

                  (g) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Class A Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7.3, that in
the opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class O Preferred Stock, the Conversion
Price for the Class O Preferred Stock may be adjusted, to the extent permitted
by law, in such manner, if any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in
its sole discretion, may determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

                  (h) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued Class A Common Stock solely for the purpose of effecting conversion
of the Class O Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of Class A Common
Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of


Class O Preferred Stock not theretofore converted into Class A Common Stock. For
purposes of this paragraph (h), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
that shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class
O Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the time of computation all such
outstanding shares were held by a single holder (and without regard to the
Ownership Limit set forth in the Charter of the Corporation).

         The Corporation covenants that any shares of Class A Common Stock
issued upon conversion of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock shall be validly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

         The Corporation shall use its best efforts to list the shares of Class
A Common Stock required to be delivered upon conversion of the shares of Class O
Preferred Stock, prior to such delivery, upon each national securities exchange,
if any, upon which the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock are listed at
the time of such delivery.

                  (i) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp or
similar issue or transfer taxes payable in respect of the issue or delivery of
shares of Class A Common Stock or other securities or property on conversion or
redemption of shares of Class O Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided,
however, that the Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax that may be
payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares
of Class A Common Stock or other securities or property in a name other than
that of the holder of the shares of Class O Preferred Stock to be converted or
redeemed, and no such issue or delivery shall be made unless and until the
Person requesting such issue or delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount
of any such tax or established, to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

                  (j) In addition to any other adjustment required hereby, to
the extent permitted by law, the Corporation from time to time may decrease the
Conversion Price by any amount, permanently or for a period of at least twenty
Business Days, if the decrease is irrevocable during the period.

                  (k) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section 7.3, conversion of Class O Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7.3
shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter), after
taking into account any waiver of such limitation granted to any holder of the
shares of Class O Preferred Stock.

         8.       RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed
to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class O Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends or of amounts


distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be,
in preference or priority to the holders of Class O Preferred Stock ("Senior

                  (b) on a parity with the Class O Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class O Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock or Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class
of stock or series and the Class O Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid
dividends per share or liquidation preferences, without preference or priority
of one over the other (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock");

                  (c) junior to the Class O Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Class A Common Stock
or (ii) the holders of Class O Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of
dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of
such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever (i) six quarterly dividends (whether or
not consecutive) payable on the Class O Preferred Stock or any series or class
of Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, or (ii) for two consecutive quarterly
dividend periods the Corporation fails to pay dividends on the Class A Common
Stock in an amount per share at least equal to Fifty-Nine and One-Half Cents
($0.595) (subject to adjustment consistent with any adjustment of the Conversion
Price pursuant to Section 7.3 of this Article) (the "Base Common Stock
Dividend") the number of directors then constituting the Board of Directors
shall be increased by two (in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in
clause (i)) or one additional director (in the case of an arrearage in dividends
described in clause (ii) (in each case if not already increased by reason of
similar types of provisions with respect to shares of any other class or series
of Parity Stock which is entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting
Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class O Preferred Stock,
together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then
entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless
of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors (in the case
of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) to serve on the Board of
Directors at any


annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof, or at a
special meeting of the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided. Whenever (1) in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i), all arrears in dividends on the
Class O Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then outstanding shall
have been paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly dividend period
shall have been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for payment, or (2)
in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii), the
Corporation makes a quarterly dividend payment on the Class A Common Stock in an
amount per share equal to or exceeding the Base Common Stock Dividend, then the
right of the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock to elect such additional two directors (in the case of an arrearage in
dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) shall cease (but subject always
to the same provision for the vesting of such voting rights in the case of any
similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of all persons elected as
directors by the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors constituting the
Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time after such voting
power shall have been so vested in the holders of Class O Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may,
and upon the written request of any holder of Class O Preferred Stock (addressed
to the Secretary at the principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a
special meeting of the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and of the Voting
Preferred Stock for the election of the two directors (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one director (in the case of
an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) to be elected by them as
herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the
Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as
required by law. If any such special meeting required to be called as above
provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of
any such request, then any holder of Class O Preferred Stock may call such
meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose shall have access
to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors or director elected at any
such special meeting shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the
stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if such office shall not
have previously terminated as above provided. If any vacancy shall occur among
the directors elected by the holders of the Class O Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors,
upon the nomination of the then-remaining director elected by the holders of the
Class O Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock or the successor of such
remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders
or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not have
previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class O Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class O Preferred
Stock, voting as a single class, given in person or by proxy, either in writing
without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be
necessary for effecting or validating:


                           (i) any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the
Class O Preferred Stock (including any amendment, alteration or repeal effected
pursuant to a merger, consolidation or similar transaction) or would convert the
Class O Preferred Stock into cash or any other security other than a preferred
stock with terms and provisions equivalent to those set forth in these Articles
Supplementary; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions of the
Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized amount of,
or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not
be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of Class O Preferred Stock; or

                           (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class O Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class O Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class O Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class O
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class O Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class O Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.

         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class O Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class O
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess


of the Initial Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own
shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class O Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class O Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class O Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class O Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class O Preferred

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class O
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class O Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no
rights in such shares of Class O Preferred Stock.

after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that
is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class O Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class O
Preferred Stock.


                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class O Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class O Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class O Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class O Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that
interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class O Preferred Stock that is
expressly authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(C) of this Article.

         11.3     TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such
Transfer is the result of transactions entered into through the facilities of
the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation
system) or other change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including,
but not limited to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including,
but not limited to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a)
any Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would
Beneficially Own shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class O
Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is
a Look-Through


Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or
Look-Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class O Preferred
Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited
Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of this
Article, such shares of Class O Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case
may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be automatically
transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive
benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee
shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the Business Day
prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or another event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class O
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class O Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class O
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class O Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class O Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class O Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial
Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have
given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class O
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not


violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is made, the interest of the
Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of the sale shall be payable
to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable Beneficiary as provided in
this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1)
the price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited
Transferee did not give value for the shares (through a gift, devise or other
transaction), the Market Price of the shares on the day of the event causing the
shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the price per share received by the
Trustee from the sale or other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any
proceeds in excess of the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be
payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set
forth in this Section 11.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a
final judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having
jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the
option of the Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in
acquiring the Class O Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by
their terms, apply, and to hold such Class O Preferred Stock on behalf of the

of Class O Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have
been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

                  (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class O Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class O Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.

         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class O
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out


                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record holder or Beneficial Owner
of shares of Class O Preferred Stock convertible into more than 5% (or such
other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the applicable regulations
adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding shares of Equity Stock
shall upon written request by the Corporation, such request to be made within 30
days after January 1 of each year, give written notice to the Corporation
stating the name and address of such record holder or Beneficial Owner, the
number of shares of Class O Preferred Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full
description of how such shares are held. Each such record holder or Beneficial
Owner of Class O Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by the Corporation, disclose
to the Corporation in writing such additional information with respect to the
Beneficial Ownership of the Class O Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors,
in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the
provisions of the Code regarding the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT
under the Code and (ii) ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial
Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each
stockholder of record, including without limitation any Person that holds shares
of Class O Preferred Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all
reasonable steps to obtain the written notice described in this Section 11.5
from the Beneficial Owner.

that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class O Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class O
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class O Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of
this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.


                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code (as modified to exclude qualified trusts from treatment as
individuals pursuant to Section 856(h)(3) of the Code) and is a corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, estate or trust. In connection with any
such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations and
undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board
of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect,
if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class O Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class O
Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon

                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment
of Class O Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class O Preferred Stock by
an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class O Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class O Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class O Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

         11.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class O Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

                           "The shares of Class O Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Stock represented by this certificate are subject to
         restrictions on transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of
         Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock in excess of the
         Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
         restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter (including the
         Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class O
         Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to
         Beneficially Own shares of Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred
         Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must immediately notify
         the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this legend have the meanings
         ascribed to such terms in the Charter (including the Articles
         Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class O Cumulative
         Convertible Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from time to
         time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on transfer, will be
         sent without charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the
         restrictions on transfer are violated, (i) the transfer of the shares
         of Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock represented hereby
         will be void in accordance with the Charter (including the Articles
         Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class O Cumulative
         Convertible Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of Class O


         Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of
         one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
set forth in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXVI of the Charter.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on September 15,

WITNESS:                                     APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                             MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                          /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
- --------------------------                   ------------------------------
Kathleen Harvey                              Paul J. McAuliffe
Assistant Secretary                          Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                             /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
                                             Paul J. McAuliffe
                                             Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer


                           [STATE OF MARYLAND STAMP]

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 4,000,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share (the "Class A Common
Stock"), into a class designated as Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the issuance of such

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,
from no shares immediately prior to the reclassification to 4,000,000 shares
immediately after the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the
number of shares classified as Class A Common Stock from 468,432,738 shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 464,432,738 shares immediately
after the reclassification.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
(including the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends and other distributions,
qualifications, or terms or conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of
Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class P
Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class P
Preferred Stock"), and Four Million (4,000,000) shall be the authorized number
of shares of such Class P Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2. DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class P Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person shall mean a Person that directly, or
         indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is
         controlled by, or is under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each
         class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the
         corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

         "Base Common Stock Dividend" shall have the meaning set forth in
         paragraph (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

         "Base Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend payment in an amount per
         share equal to $.5625; provided, however, that from and after the date
         of a Change of Control, the "Base Rate" shall mean a quarterly dividend
         payment in an amount per share equal to (i) for all Dividend Periods
         commencing after the date of such Change of Control, the greater of (a)
         $0.75 or (b) the product of (x) $6.25 and (y) the sum of 800 basis
         points plus the greater of (x) the annual yield to maturity of U.S.
         Treasury securities with a five year maturity and (y) the annual yield
         to maturity of U.S. Treasury securities with a ten year maturity, in
         each case as compiled by and published in the most recent Federal
         Reserve Statistical Release H.15(519) which has become publicly
         available on the second Business Day prior to the date of such Change
         of Control (or, if such Statistical Release is no longer published, any
         publicly available source of similar data), and (ii) for the Dividend
         Period in which such Change of Control occurs, a weighted average
         (based on the number of days in such Dividend Period occurring before
         and after the date of such Change of Control) of (a) the Base Rate in
         effect prior thereto and (b) the Base Rate determined in accordance
         with the foregoing clause (i).

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (i) the number
         of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the
         number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if
         such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the
         Code) taking into account the constructive ownership rules of Section
         544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person is deemed
         to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
         that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of the Code,
         as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
         applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder,
         clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (a) (ii) of the definition
         of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner,"
         "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the correlative


         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class P
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 9 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Change of Control" shall mean the occurrence of any of the following:
         (i) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, by any individual or
         entity or group (as such term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the
         Exchange Act) (other than a holder of the Class P Preferred Stock or
         any of its affiliates) of beneficial ownership (as defined in Rule
         13d-3 under the Exchange Act, except that such individual or entity
         shall be deemed to have beneficial ownership of all shares that any
         such individual or entity has the right to acquire, whether such right
         is exercisable immediately or only after passage of time) of more than
         25% of the Corporation's outstanding capital stock with voting power,
         under ordinary circumstances, to elect directors of the Corporation;
         (ii) other than with respect to the election, resignation or
         replacement of any director designated, appointed or elected by the
         holders of the Class P Preferred Stock (each, a "Preferred Director"),
         during any period of two consecutive years, individuals who at the
         beginning of such period constituted the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation (together with any new directors whose election by such
         Board of Directors or whose nomination for election by the stockholders
         of the Corporation was approved by a vote of 66-2/3% of the directors
         of the Corporation (excluding Preferred Directors) (the "Incumbent
         Board") then still in office who were either directors at the beginning
         of such period, or whose election or nomination for election was
         previously so approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority
         of the Board of Directors of the Corporation then in office, provided,
         however, that no individual shall be considered a member of the
         Incumbent Board if such individual initially assumed office as a result
         of either an actual or threatened "Election Contest" (as described in
         Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or
         threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a
         Person other than the Board (a "Proxy Contest") including by reason of
         any agreement intended to avoid or settle any Election Contest or Proxy
         Contest; (iii) the Corporation or one of its subsidiaries is not the
         general partner of the Operating Partnership; or (iv) (A) the
         Corporation consolidating with or merging with or into another entity
         or conveying, transferring or leasing all or substantially all of its
         assets (including, but not limited to, real property investments) to
         any individual or entity, or (B) any corporation consolidating with or
         merging into the Corporation which, in either event (A) or (B), is
         pursuant to a transaction in which the outstanding voting capital stock
         of the Corporation


         is reclassified or changed into or exchanged for cash, securities or
         other property; provided, however, that the events described in clause
         (iv) shall not be deemed to be a Change of Control (a) if the sole
         purpose of such event is that the Corporation is seeking to change its
         domicile or to change its form of organization from a corporation to a
         statutory business trust or (b) if (x) the holders of the exchanged
         securities of the Corporation immediately after such transaction
         beneficially own at least a majority of the securities of the merged or
         consolidated entity normally entitled to vote in elections of
         directors, (y) the chairman and the president of the Corporation
         immediately prior to the execution of the transaction agreement are the
         chairman and the president of the merged or consolidated company, and
         (z) the individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board immediately
         prior to the execution of the transaction agreement constitute at least
         a majority of the members of the board of directors of the merged or
         consolidated company.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 11.3 of this Article, each of
         which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class A Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, $.01 par
         value per share, of the Corporation and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class
         A Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Class P Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.

         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in use,
         the principal other automated quotation system that may then be in use
         or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
         average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
         professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
         by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.


         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Conversion Price" shall mean the conversion price per share of Class A
         Common Stock for which each share of Class P Preferred Stock is
         convertible, as such Conversion Price may be adjusted pursuant to
         Section 7 of this Article. The initial Conversion Price shall be $56.00
         (equivalent to a conversion rate of 0.4464 shares of Class A Common
         Stock for each share of Class P Preferred Stock).

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean January 15, April 15, July 15 and
         October 15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
         accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including
         January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of each year and ending on
         and including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         P Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the date on which the Class P Preferred Stock
         is redeemed in accordance with Section 5 hereof.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.3(A)
         of this Article.

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean March 26, 2001.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including April 14, 2001.

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class P Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the



         excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of
         Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock
         other than Class P Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation,
         or such other person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors,
         shall upon request make available to the representative(s) of the
         Initial Holder and the Board of Directors, a schedule that sets forth
         the then-current Initial Holder Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class P Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class P Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "Merger" shall mean the merger of AIMCO/OTEF, LLC with and into Oxford
         Tax Exempt Fund II Limited Partnership.

         "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation, provided that for purposes of the application of
         the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial
         Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to
         include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at
         that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or convertible

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class P Preferred Stock of the


         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class P Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean collectively the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 11 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group,"
         as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
         Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article,
         any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity,
         including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         11.3(A) of this Article.

         "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 3 of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class P Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.

         "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any shares of Class P
         Preferred Stock to be redeemed, 100% of the Liquidation Preference
         thereof plus all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or
         not earned or declared), if any, to the Redemption Date; provided,
         however, that if a Redemption Date occurs after a dividend record date
         and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the dividend
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares called
         for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the
         holders of record at the close of business on such dividend record date
         notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable
         as part of the redemption price for such shares.


         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class P
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a
         day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but
         is listed or admitted to trading on another national securities
         exchange or automated quotation system, a day on which the principal
         national securities exchange or automated quotation system, as the case
         may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading is
         open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is
         not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange
         or automated quotation system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday
         or a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are
         authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class P Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         P Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class P Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record or Beneficial Ownership, and whether by
         operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any
         transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a change in
         the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class P Preferred Stock). The
         term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

         "Transfer Agent" shall mean such transfer agent as may be designated by
         the Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class P Preferred Stock;



         provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a transfer agent
         then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the Class P
         Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 11.3(A) of
         this Article.

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 9 of this Article.

               3. DIVIDENDS.

                  (a) The holders of Class P Preferred Stock shall be entitled
         to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of
         funds legally available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on
         the Class P Preferred Stock in an amount per share equal to the greater
         of (i) the Base Rate, or (ii) the quarterly cash dividend paid or
         payable (determined on each Dividend Payment Date by reference to the
         dividend most recently declared on the Class A Common Stock) on the
         number of shares of Class A Common Stock (or portion thereof) into
         which a share of Class P Preferred Stock is convertible. Such dividends
         shall be cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend
         Period or Periods such dividends shall be declared or there shall be
         funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of such
         dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in arrears on each Dividend
         Payment Date, commencing on April 15, 2001. Each such dividend shall be
         payable in arrears to the holders of record of the Class P Preferred
         Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the Corporation at the
         close of business on the tenth Business Day immediately preceding such
         Dividend Payment Date (each a "Record Date"). Accumulated, accrued and
         unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be declared and paid
         at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment Date, to
         holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more
         than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

                  (b) Any dividend payable on the Class P Preferred Stock for
         any partial dividend period shall be computed ratably on the basis of
         twelve 30-day months and a 360-day year. Holders of Class P Preferred
         Stock shall not be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash,
         property or stock, in excess of full cumulative dividends, as herein
         provided, on the Class P Preferred Stock. No interest, or sum of money
         in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of any dividend
         payment or payments on the Class P Preferred Stock that may be in


                  (c) So long as any of the shares of Class P Preferred Stock
are outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Parity
Stock unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class P Preferred
Stock have been or contemporaneously are declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is set apart
for payment of such dividends on the Class P Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such shares of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or a sum
sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class P Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
shares of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to the respective
amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class P Preferred
Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

                  (d) So long as any of the shares of Class P Preferred Stock
are outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in
shares of, or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares
of, Junior Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the
Corporation and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be
declared or made, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any
shares of Junior Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other
acquisition of Class A Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive
or benefit plan of the Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or
any moneys be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of
any shares of any such stock), directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
(except by conversion into or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants or
rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any
other cash or other property otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the
benefit of any holder of shares of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or
indirectly, by the Corporation unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full
amount of all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding
shares of Class P Preferred Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends
have been declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set
apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class P Preferred Stock for
all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or


distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior Stock in respect
thereof, as the case may be.

                  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the
Corporation shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting
apart for payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or
(ii) redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each
case, if such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class P Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class P Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class P Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class P Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class P Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class P Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

                  (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
P Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be


entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or distributed, and
the holders of the Class P Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock shall not be
entitled to share therein.

              5.  REDEMPTION

                  (a) The Corporation, at its option, may redeem shares of Class
P Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, for cash in an amount
equal to the Redemption Price (i) at any time on or before March 26, 2004, if
the Market Price of the Class A Common Stock is $56 or higher, in which case the
Corporation may redeem shares of Class P Preferred Stock pursuant to this
Section 5(a)(i) for 6 months following any date on which such Market Price
exceeds $56, (ii) at any time after March 26, 2004, (iii) on or after the
occurrence of a Change of Control, or (iv) as set forth in Section 11.2 of this

                  (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation,
shall be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30
days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

                  (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of
Class P Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set
apart for payment, for all preceding Dividend Periods no shares of Class P
Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all outstanding shares of Class P
Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed, and neither the Corporation nor any
affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or acquire shares of Class P Preferred
Stock, otherwise than pursuant to a purchase or exchange offer made on the same
terms to all holders of shares of Class P Preferred Stock.

                  (d) In the event of a redemption of Class P Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) above, notice of such redemption shall be given to
each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall be
provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as the
same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the failure to
mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect therein or in the
mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the sufficiency of the
notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with respect to the
other holders. Any notice which has been mailed in the manner herein provided
shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the date mailed
whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the number of shares of Class P
Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held by such
holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from such
holder; (iii) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are to


surrendered for cash; and (iv) the Redemption Price payable on such Redemption
Date, including, without limitation, a statement as to whether or not
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will be payable as part of the
Redemption Price, or payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record
holder at the close of business on the relevant record date as described in the
next succeeding sentence. Notice having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after
the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail to make available the
amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares
of Class P Preferred Stock so called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or
accrue on the shares of Class P Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said
shares shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the
holders thereof as holders of Class P Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall
cease except the right to receive the cash payable upon such redemption, without
interest thereon, upon surrender of their certificates if so required. The
Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary to effect such
redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled
if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall
irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company (which may not be an
affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust
company that has, a capital and surplus of at least $200,000,000, such amount of
cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if such Redemption Date occurs
after any dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment
Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay the dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class P Preferred Stock
called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied
to the redemption of the shares of Class P Preferred Stock so called for
redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend. No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class P Preferred Stock to be
redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation. Subject to applicable
escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two years from the
Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after
which reversion the holders of shares of Class P Preferred Stock so called for
redemption shall look only to the general funds of the Corporation for the
payment of such cash.

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance
with such notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class P Preferred
Stock to be so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the
Corporation shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates
shall be exchanged for the cash (without interest thereon) for which such shares
have been redeemed in accordance with such notice. If fewer than all the
outstanding shares of Class P Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be
redeemed shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class P
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class P Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method


as may be determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be
equitable. If fewer than all the shares of Class P Preferred Stock represented
by any certificate are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the
unredeemed shares shall be issued without cost to the holders thereof.


                  All shares of Class P Preferred Stock that have been issued
and reacquired in any manner by the Corporation (including, without limitation,
shares of Class P Preferred Stock which have been surrendered for conversion)
shall be returned to the status of authorized but unissued shares of Class P
Preferred Stock.

              7.  CONVERSION.


                  At any time on or after the Issue Date, holders of shares of
Class P Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert all or a portion of such
shares into shares of Class A Common Stock, as follows:

                  (a) Subject to and upon compliance with the provisions of this
Section 7, each share of Class P Preferred Stock shall, at the option of the
holder thereof, be convertible at any time (unless such share is called for
redemption, then to and including but not after the close of business on the
date immediately prior to the Redemption Date, unless the Corporation shall
default in payment due upon redemption thereof), into that number of fully paid
and non-assessable shares of Class A Common Stock (calculated as to each
conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) obtained by dividing $25 by the
Conversion Price in effect at such time and by surrender of the certificate
representing such shares to be converted in the manner provided in subsection
(b) of this Section 7.1.

                  (b) In order to convert shares of Class P Preferred Stock, the
holder of the shares to be converted shall surrender the certificate
representing such shares at any office or agency maintained by the Corporation
for such purpose, accompanied by the funds, if any, required by the last
paragraph of this subsection (b) to be paid by such holder, and shall give
written notice of conversion in the form provided on such certificate
representing shares of Class P Preferred Stock (or such other notice as is
acceptable to the Corporation) to the Corporation at such office or agency that
the holder elects to convert the shares of Class P Preferred Stock specified in
such notice. Such notice shall also state the name or names, together with
address or addresses, in which the certificate or certificates for shares of
Class A Common Stock which shall be issuable in such conversion shall be issued.
Unless the shares issuable on

conversion are to be issued in the same name as the name in which such share of
Class P Preferred Stock is registered, each certificate representing a share of
Class P Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion shall be accompanied by
instruments of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Corporation, duly executed
by the holder or such holder's duly authorized attorney and an amount sufficient
to pay any transfer or similar tax (or evidence reasonably satisfactory to the
Corporation that such taxes have been paid).

                  As promptly as practicable after the surrender of certificates
representing such shares of Class P Preferred Stock and the receipt of such
notice and instruments of transfer as aforesaid, the Corporation shall issue and
shall deliver at such office or agency to such holder, or as designated in such
holder's written instructions, a certificate or certificates for the number of
full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of such share
or shares of Class P Preferred Stock in accordance with provisions of this
Section 7, and a check or cash in respect of (i) the cash amount payable to such
holder, if any, referred to in the last paragraph of this subsection (b), and
(ii) any fractional interest in a share of Class A Common Stock arising upon
such conversion, as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 7.1.

                  Each conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
immediately prior to the close of business on the date on which certificates
representing such shares of Class P Preferred Stock shall have been surrendered
and such notice (and any applicable instruments of transfer and any required
taxes) received by the Corporation as aforesaid, and the Person or Persons in
whose name or names any certificate or certificates for shares of Class A Common
Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion shall be deemed to have become the
holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby at such time on
such date, and such conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect at
such time on such date, unless the stock transfer books of the Corporation shall
be closed on that date, in which event such Person or Persons shall be deemed to
have become such holder or holders of record at the close of business on the
next succeeding day on which such stock transfer books are open, but such
conversion shall be at the Conversion Price in effect on the date on which such
shares shall have been surrendered and such notice received by the Corporation.

                  Except as provided herein, the Corporation will make no
payment or allowance for unpaid dividends, whether or not in arrears, on
converted shares or for dividends (other than dividends on the Class A Common
Stock the record date for which is after the conversion date and which the
Corporation shall pay in the ordinary course to the record holder as of the
record date) on the Class A Common Stock issued upon such conversion. Holders of
Class P Preferred Stock at the close of business on a Record Date will be
entitled to receive an amount equal to the dividend


payable on such shares on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date
notwithstanding the conversion of such shares following such Record Date. If the
Dividend Adjustment Amount (as defined below) with respect to any shares of
Class P Preferred Stock surrendered for conversion is positive, the holders of
such shares shall, as of the date of conversion, be entitled to receive a cash
payment equal to such Dividend Adjustment Amount. If the Dividend Adjustment
Amount with respect to any shares of Class P Preferred Stock surrendered for
conversion is negative, such shares must be accompanied by payment of a cash
amount equal to the absolute value of such Dividend Adjustment Amount. As used
herein, "Dividend Adjustment Amount" shall mean, with respect to any share of
Class P Preferred Stock that has been surrendered for conversion, the sum of:

                  (i) the aggregate amount of any dividends (whether or not
         earned or declared) that are accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such
         share as of the time of such conversion; minus

                  (ii) if such share has been surrendered for conversion during
         the period between the close of business on any Record Date and the
         opening of business on the corresponding Dividend Payment Date, the
         amount of the dividend payable thereon on such Dividend Payment Date;

                  (iii) an amount equal to the product of (A) the number of
         shares of Class A Common Stock (or fraction thereof) into which such
         share of Class P Preferred Stock has been converted (B) the quarterly
         cash dividend per share that was most recently declared on the Class A
         Common Stock, determined as of the date of conversion, and (C) a
         fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in the period
         from and including the date of the most recent dividend payment date
         for the Class A Common Stock to but excluding the date of such
         conversion, and the denominator of which is 90.

                  (c) No fractional shares of Class A Common Stock or scrip
representing fractions of a share of Class A Common Stock shall be issued upon
conversion of shares of Class P Preferred Stock. If more than one share of Class
P Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at one time by the same
holder, the number of full shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of
shares of Class P Preferred Stock so surrendered. In lieu of any fractional
interest in a share of Class A Common Stock that would otherwise be deliverable
upon the conversion of any share of Class P Preferred Stock, the Corporation
shall pay to the holder of such shares an amount in cash (computed to the
nearest cent) equal to the Closing Price of the Class A Common Stock on the
Trading Day immediately preceding the date of conversion,


multiplied by the fractional interest that otherwise would have been deliverable
upon conversion of such share.

              7.2 Adjustments to Conversion Price

                  (a) The Conversion Price shall be adjusted from time to time
as follows:

                           (i) If the Corporation shall after the Issue Date (A)
pay a dividend or make a distribution on its Class A Common Stock in shares of
Class A Common Stock, (B) subdivide its outstanding shares of Class A Common
Stock into a greater number of shares, (C) combine its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (D) issue any shares of
capital stock by reclassification of its outstanding Class A Common Stock
(including a reclassification pursuant to a merger or consolidation in which the
Corporation is the continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged
for cash, or securities or other property of another entity), then, in each such
case, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such action shall be
adjusted so that the holder of any share of Class P Preferred Stock thereafter
surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to receive the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock or other capital stock of the Corporation which such holder
would have owned or been entitled to receive immediately following such action
had such share been converted immediately prior to the occurrence of such event.
An adjustment made pursuant to this subsection (i) of this Section 7.2(a) shall
become effective immediately after the record date, in the case of a dividend or
distribution, or immediately after the effective date, in the case of a
subdivision, combination or reclassification. If, as a result of an adjustment
made pursuant to this subsection (i), the holder of any share of Class P
Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall become entitled to
receive shares of two or more classes of capital stock or shares of Class A
Common Stock and other capital stock of the Corporation, the Board of Directors
(whose determination shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement
filed by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent) shall determine the allocation
of the adjusted Conversion Price between or among shares of such classes of
capital stock or shares of Class A Common Stock and other capital stock.

                           (ii) If the Corporation shall, after the Issue Date,
issue rights, options or warrants to all holders of its outstanding shares of
Class A Common Stock entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after
the record date described below) to subscribe for or purchase shares of Class A
Common Stock at a price per share less than the current market price per share
(determined pursuant to subsection (iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A
Common Stock (other than pursuant to any stock option, restricted stock or other
incentive or benefit plan or


stock ownership or purchase plan for the benefit of employees, directors or
officers or any dividend reinvestment plan of the Corporation in effect at the
time hereof or any other similar plan adopted or implemented hereafter), then
the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior thereto shall be adjusted so
that it shall equal the price determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in
effect immediately prior to the record date by a fraction, the numerator of
which shall be the sum of (A) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
outstanding on the record date and (B) the number of shares which the aggregate
proceeds to the Corporation from the exercise of such rights, options or
warrants for Class A Common Stock would purchase at such current market price,
and the denominator of which shall be the sum of (A) the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock outstanding on the record date and (B) the number of
additional shares of Class A Common Stock offered for subscription or purchased
pursuant to such rights, options or warrants. Such adjustment shall be made
successively whenever any rights, options or warrants are issued, and shall
become effective immediately after the record date for the determination of
stockholders entitled to receive such rights, options or warrants; provided,
however, that if all of the shares of Class A Common Stock offered for
subscription or purchase are not delivered upon the exercise of such rights,
options or warrants, upon the expiration of such rights, options or warrants,
the Conversion Price shall be readjusted to the Conversion Price which would
have been in effect had the numerator and the denominator of the foregoing
fraction and the resulting adjustment been made based upon the number of shares
of Class A Common Stock actually delivered upon the exercise of such rights,
options or warrants rather than upon the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock offered for subscription or purchase. In determining whether any rights,
options or warrants entitle the holders to subscribe for or purchase shares of
Class A Common Stock at less than such current market price, and in determining
the aggregate offering price of such shares of Class A Common Stock, there shall
be taken into account any consideration received by the Corporation for such
rights, options or warrants, with the value of such consideration, if other than
cash, determined by the Board of Directors (whose determination shall be
conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by the Corporation with
the Transfer Agent).

                           (iii) In case the Corporation shall, by dividend or
otherwise, distribute to all holders of its outstanding Class A Common Stock any
capital stock (other than Class A Common Stock), evidences of its indebtedness
or assets or rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase securities of the
Corporation (excluding (A) those referred to in subsections (i) and (ii) of this
Section 7.2(a), (B) dividends and distributions paid in cash out of the retained
earnings of the Corporation, and (C) distributions upon mergers or
consolidations to which subsection (b) of this Section 7.2 applies), then, in
each such case, the Conversion Price shall be adjusted to equal the price
determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior


to the record date of such distribution by a fraction, the numerator of which
shall be the current market price per share (determined pursuant to subsection
(iv) of this Section 7.2(a)) of the Class A Common Stock, less the fair market
value on such record date (determined by the Board or Directors, whose
determination shall be conclusive and shall be described in a statement filed by
the Corporation with the Transfer Agent) of the portion of the capital stock or
assets or the evidences of indebtedness or assets so distributed to the holder
of one share of Class A Common Stock or of such subscription rights or warrants
applicable to one share of Class A Common Stock, and the denominator of which
shall be such current market price per share of Class A Common Stock. Such
adjustment shall become effective immediately after the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution.

                           (iv) For the purpose of any computation under
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2(a), the current market price per
share of Class A Common Stock on any date shall be the average of the Closing
Price of the Class A Common Stock for the shorter of (A) 20 consecutive Trading
Days ending on the last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination or
(B) the period commencing on the date next succeeding the first public
announcement of the issuance of such rights or warrants or such distribution
through such last full Trading Day prior to the Time of Determination. For
purposes of the foregoing, the term "Time of Determination" shall mean the time
and date of the earlier of (A) the record date for determining stockholders
entitled to receive the rights, warrants or distribution referred to in
subsections (ii) and (iii) of this Section 7.2, or (B) the commencement of
"ex-dividend" trading on the exchange or market referred to in the definition of
"Closing Price."

                           (v) No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be
required to be made unless such adjustment would require an increase or decrease
of at least one percent of such price; provided, however, that any adjustment
which by reason of this subsection (v) is not required to be made shall be
carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. All
calculations under this Section 7.2 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the
nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. Anything in this Section 7.2 to
the contrary notwithstanding, the Corporation shall be entitled to make such
reduction in the Conversion Price, in addition to those required by this Section
7.2, as it shall determine in its discretion to be advisable in order that any
stock dividend, subdivision of shares, distribution of rights to purchase stock
or securities, or distribution of securities convertible into or exchangeable
for stock hereafter made by the Corporation to its stockholders shall not be
taxable to the recipients. Except as set forth in subsections (i), (ii) and
(iii) above, the Conversion Price shall not be adjusted for the issuance of
Class A Common Stock, or any


securities convertible into or exchangeable for Class A Common Stock or carrying
the right to purchase any of the foregoing, in exchange for cash, property or

                           (vi) The Corporation from time to time may decrease
the Conversion Price by any amount for any period of time if the period is at
least 20 days and if the decrease is irrevocable during the period. Whenever the
Conversion Price is so decreased, the Corporation shall mail to holders of
record of shares of Class P Preferred Stock a notice of the decrease at least 15
days before the date the decreased Conversion Price takes effect, and such
notice shall state the decreased Conversion Price and the period it will be in

                  (b) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the
contrary, in case of any merger or consolidation to which the Corporation is a
party (other than a merger or consolidation in which the Corporation is the
continuing entity and in which the Class A Common Stock outstanding immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation is not exchanged for cash, or the
securities or other property of another entity), or in the case of any sale or
transfer of all or substantially all of the Corporation's property and assets to
another entity, there will be no adjustment of the Conversion Price, and lawful
provision shall be made by the entity formed by such consolidation or the entity
whose securities, cash or other property will immediately after the merger or
consolidation be owned, by virtue of the merger or consolidation, by the holders
of Class A Common Stock immediately prior to the merger or consolidation, or the
entity which shall have acquired such assets of the Corporation, such that each
share of Class P Preferred Stock then outstanding will, without the consent of
the holder thereof, become convertible into the kind and amount of securities,
cash or other property receivable upon such merger, consolidation, sale or
transfer by a holder of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock into which
such share of Class P Preferred Stock was convertible immediately prior to such
merger, consolidation, sale or transfer assuming such holder of Class A Common
Stock did not exercise his rights of election, if any, as to the kind or amount
of securities, cash or other property receivable upon such merger,
consolidation, sale or transfer. In the case of a cash merger of the Corporation
into another entity or any other cash transaction of the type mentioned in this
Section 7.2(b), each share of Class P Preferred Stock will thereafter be
convertible at the Conversion Price in effect at such time into the same amount
of cash per share into which each share of Class P Preferred Stock would have
been convertible had such share been converted into Class A Common Stock
immediately prior to the effective date of such cash merger or other
transaction. The foregoing provisions of this Section 7.2(b) shall similarly
apply to successive mergers, consolidations, sales or transfers.

                  (c) If (i) the Corporation shall take any action that would
require an adjustment in the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.2; (ii) the


shall authorize the granting to the holders of the Class A Common Stock
generally of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of stock
of any class or series or of any other rights or warrants; (iii) there shall be
any reorganization or reclassification of the Class A Common Stock (other than
an event to which subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a) applies) or any consolidation
or merger to which the Corporation is a party or any sale or transfer of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, in each case, for which
approval of any stockholders of the Corporation is required; or (iv) there shall
be a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation; then, in each such case, the Corporation shall cause to be given to
the holders of shares of Class P Preferred Stock and the Transfer Agent as
promptly as possible, but in any event at least 15 days prior to the applicable
date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (i) the date on which a record is
to be taken for the purpose of such action or granting of rights or warrants,
or, if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of Class A
Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distribution, rights or
warrants are to be determined, or (ii) the date on which such reorganization,
reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, liquidation,
dissolution or winding up is expected to become effective or occur, and the date
as of which it is expected that holders of Class A Common Stock of record shall
be entitled to exchange their shares of Class A Common Stock for securities,
cash or other property deliverable upon such reorganization, reclassification,
consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, liquidation, dissolution or winding up.
Failure to give such notice or any defect therein shall not affect the legality
or validity of the proceedings described in this Section 7.2(c).

                  (d) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein
provided, (i) the Corporation shall promptly file with the Transfer Agent a
certificate setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and a brief
statement of the facts requiring such adjustment and the manner of computing the
same, which certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such
adjustment, and (ii) the Corporation shall mail or cause to be mailed by first
class mail, postage prepaid, as soon as practicable to each holder of record of
shares of Class P Preferred Stock a notice stating that the Conversion Price has
been adjusted and setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (e) In any case in which paragraph (a) of this Section 7.2
shall require that an adjustment be made immediately following a record date or
an effective date, the Corporation may elect to defer (but only until the filing
by the Corporation with the Transfer Agent of the certificate required by
subsection 7.2(d)) (i) issuing to the holder of any share of Class P Preferred
Stock converted after such record date or effective date the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such conversion in excess of the shares of Class A
Common Stock issuable upon such


conversion on the basis of the Conversion Price prior to adjustment, and (ii)
paying to such holder any amount of cash in lieu of a fractional share.

                  (f) In the event that at any time, as a result of an
adjustment made pursuant to subsection (i) of Section 7.2(a), the holder of any
share of Class P Preferred Stock thereafter surrendered for conversion shall
become entitled to receive any shares of the Corporation other than shares of
Class A Common Stock, thereafter the Conversion Price of such other shares so
receivable upon conversion of any share of Class P Preferred Stock shall be
subject to adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms as nearly
equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect to Class A Common Stock
contained in this Section 7.2.

                  (g) The Corporation shall at all times reserve and keep
available, free from preemptive rights, out of the aggregate of its authorized
but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock, for the purpose of effecting
conversion of shares of Class P Preferred Stock, the full number of shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares
of Class P Preferred Stock not theretofore converted and on or before (and as a
condition of) taking any action that would cause an adjustment of the Conversion
Price resulting in an increase in the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
deliverable upon conversion in excess of the number thereof previously reserved
and available therefor, the Corporation shall take all such action so required.
For purposes of this paragraph (g), the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
which shall be deliverable upon the conversion of all outstanding shares of
Class P Preferred Stock shall be computed as if at the time of computation all
such outstanding shares of Class P Preferred Stock were held by a single holder
(and without regard to the Ownership Limit).

                  Before taking any action which would cause an adjustment
reducing the Conversion Price below the then par value (if any) of the shares of
Class A Common Stock deliverable upon conversion of the shares of Class P
Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall take any corporate action which may, in
the opinion of its counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation may
validly and legally issue fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class A Common
Stock at such adjusted Conversion Price.

                  (h) The Corporation will pay any and all documentary stamp,
issue or transfer taxes, and any other similar taxes, payable in respect of the
issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock upon conversion of shares of
Class P Preferred Stock pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the Corporation
shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any
transfer involved in the issue or delivery of shares of Class A Common Stock in
a name other than that of the holder of the shares of Class P Preferred Stock to
be converted, and no such issue or


delivery shall be made unless and until the Person requesting such issue or
delivery has paid to the Corporation the amount of any such tax or established,
to the reasonable satisfaction of the Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

                  (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section 7, conversion of Class P Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 7
shall be permitted only to the extent that such conversion would not result in a
violation of the Ownership Restrictions (as defined in the Charter).

                  (j) If the Corporation shall take any action affecting the
Class A Common Stock, other than action described in this Section 7, that in the
opinion of the Board of Directors would materially adversely affect the
conversion rights of the holders of Class P Preferred Stock, the Board of
Directors may, but shall have no obligation to, adjust the Conversion Price for
the Class P Preferred Stock to the extent permitted by law in such manner, if
any, and at such time as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, may
determine to be equitable under the circumstances.

         8.       RANKING.

                  Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall
be deemed to rank:

                  (a) prior or senior to the Class P Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class P Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

                  (b) on a parity with the Class P Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment
dates or redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from
those of the Class P Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class D Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock or
Class O Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the
holders of such class of stock or series and the Class P Preferred Stock shall
be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts


distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion to their
respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or liquidation
preferences, without preference or priority of one over the other (the capital
stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter
referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

                  (c) junior to the Class P Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Class A Common Stock
or (ii) the holders of Class P Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of
dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of
such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         9.       VOTING.

                  (a) If and whenever (i) six quarterly dividends (whether or
not consecutive) payable on the Class P Preferred Stock or any series or class
of Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, or (ii) for two consecutive quarterly
dividend periods the Corporation fails to pay dividends on the Class A Common
Stock in an amount per share at least equal to $0.5950 (subject to adjustment
consistent with any adjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to Section 7.2
of this Article) (the "Base Common Stock Dividend") the number of directors then
constituting the Board of Directors shall be increased by two (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in
the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii) (in each case if
not already increased by reason of similar types of provisions with respect to
shares of any other class or series which is entitled to similar voting rights
(the "Voting Preferred Stock")) and the holders of shares of Class P Preferred
Stock, together with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock
then entitled to exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class
regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors
(in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one (in
the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) to serve on the
Board of Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting held
in place thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class P
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided.
Whenever (1) in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (i),
all arrears in dividends on the Class P Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for the
current quarterly dividend period shall have been declared and paid, or declared
and set apart for


payment, or (2) in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause
(ii), the Corporation makes a quarterly dividend payment on the Class A Common
Stock in an amount per share equal to or exceeding the Base Common Stock
Dividend, then the right of the holders of the Class P Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two directors (in the case of an
arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or one additional director (in
the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii)) shall cease (but
subject always to the same provision for the vesting of such voting rights in
the case of any similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of all
persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class P Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors
constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time
after such voting power shall have been so vested in the holders of Class P
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of
the Corporation may, and upon the written request of any holder of Class P
Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the
Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the holders of the Class P
Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two
directors (in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (i)) or
one director (in the case of an arrearage in dividends described in clause (ii))
to be elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made by notice similar
to that provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting required to be
called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary within 20 days
after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class P Preferred Stock
may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for that purpose
shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The directors or
director elected at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as above provided. If any
vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders of the Class P
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by
the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining director
elected by the holders of the Class P Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

                  (b) So long as any shares of Class P Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class P Preferred
Stock voting as a single class, given in person or by proxy, either in writing
without a meeting or by


vote at any meeting called for the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or

                           (i) any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the
provisions of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles
Supplementary, the Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially
adversely affects the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the
Class P Preferred Stock (including any amendment, alteration or repeal effected
pursuant to a merger, consolidation, or similar transaction) or would convert
the Class P Preferred Stock into cash or any other security other than a
preferred stock with terms and provisions equivalent to those set forth in these
Articles Supplementary; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions
of the Charter so as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized
amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock
shall not be deemed to materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or
preferences of the holders of Class P Preferred Stock; or

                           (ii) the authorization, creation of, increase in the
authorized amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock or any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior
Stock (whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class P Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class P Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

                  For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting
rights under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class P Preferred Stock
shall have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class P
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class P Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class P Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.


         10.      RECORD HOLDERS.

                  The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the
record holder of any share of Class P Preferred Stock as the true and lawful
owner thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer
Agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


                  (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class P
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial
Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class P
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

                  (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided
in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 11.12),
any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class P Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class P Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 11.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class P Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class P Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class P Preferred

Except as provided in Section 11.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to
Section 11.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of


transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective,
would result in any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class P
Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class P Preferred Stock that would
be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no
rights in such shares of Class P Preferred Stock.

after the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the
Corporation being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the
Code, or would otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT
(including, without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in
the Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that
is described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class P Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class P
Preferred Stock.

                  (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share
of Class P Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 11.1(B), (C),
(D), or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class P Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         11.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class P Preferred Stock in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be


specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class P Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or, in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 11.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 11.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 11.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
11.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that
interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class P Preferred Stock that is
expressly authorized pursuant to Section 11.8(C) of this Article.

         11.3. TRANSFER IN TRUST.

                  (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other
change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited
to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited
to, any acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person
(other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own
shares of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the
Initial Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class P Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through
Entity would Beneficially Own shares of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the
Look-Through Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or
Look-Through Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class P Preferred
Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Entity Limit, respectively, is referred to as a "Prohibited
Transferee"), then, except as otherwise provided in Section 11.8 of this
Article, such shares of Class P Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case
may be, (rounded up to the nearest whole share) shall be automatically
transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive
benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee
shall be deemed to be effective as of the close of business on the Business Day
prior to the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or another event


rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit
or the Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit.

                  (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by
the Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation
or any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or
trust company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

                  (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class P
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
11.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class P Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

                  (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all
voting rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class P
Preferred Stock held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the
benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior
to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class P Preferred Stock
have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon
demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded
as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class P Preferred Stock. Any
dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the
Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a
Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares
of Class P Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be
rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires
of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner
of the shares at the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or
other event giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial
Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have
given an irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class P
Preferred Stock for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

                  (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may
sell the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 11.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee


did not give value for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction),
the Market Price of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be
held in the Trust and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the
sale or other disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in
excess of the amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to
the Charitable Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in
this Section 11.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final
judgment to be void, invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction
over the issue, the Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the
Corporation, to have acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the
Class P Preferred Stock as to which such restrictions would, by their terms,
apply, and to hold such Class P Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

of Class P Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have
been offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share
equal to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted
in such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

                  (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice
to the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit
organizations to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust
relating to such Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class P Preferred
Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the
hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an
organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the

         11.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class P Preferred Stock in violation of Section
11.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 11.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer
or other event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such
notice shall not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors
provided herein in any way.


         11.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class P
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

                  (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record and Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class P Preferred Stock shall, upon written request by the
Corporation, such request to be made within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class P Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares are held. Each
such record or Beneficial Owner of Class P Preferred Stock shall, upon demand by
the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing such additional
information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the Class P Preferred
Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or
necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding the
qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class P Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain
the written notice described in this Section 11.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

that is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class P Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class P
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class P Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         11.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 11.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the


Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure compliance with the Ownership
Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         11.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 11 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 11 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of
this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         11.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 11.1 of this Article.

                  (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code and is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust. In
connection with any such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such
representations and undertakings from such Person and may impose such other
conditions as the Board of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to
determine the effect, if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's
status as a REIT.

                  (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any
portion of the Class P Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time
to time shall not constitute a violation of Section 11.1 of this Article and the
pledgee shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class P
Preferred Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon

                  (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer
period of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment
of Class P Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class P Preferred Stock by
an underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class P Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class P Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class P Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

         11.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class P Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:


         "The shares of Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented by this certificate are subject to restrictions on
         transfer. No person may Beneficially Own shares of Class P Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Restrictions, as
         applicable, with certain further restrictions and exceptions set forth
         in the Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the
         terms of the Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any
         Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of Class P Convertible
         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be
         amended from time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions
         on transfer, will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so
         requests. If the restrictions on transfer are violated (i) the transfer
         of the shares of Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock
         represented hereby will be void in accordance with the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of
         Class P Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will
         automatically be transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of
         one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         11.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

         11.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         11.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 11 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through


facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer
quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class P Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXVII of the Charter.

                      (the next page is the signature page)


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on March __, 2001.

WITNESS:                               APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                       MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                    /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
- ------------------------               ------------------------------
Kathleen Harvey                        Paul J. McAuliffe
Assistant Secretary                    Executive Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                       /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
                                       Paul J. McAuliffe
                                       Executive Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


                           (PAR VALUE $.01 PER SHARE)

(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 2,530,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A
Common Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share, into a class
designated as Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, and
has provided for the issuance of such class.

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 2,530,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Class A Common Stock from 464,432,738 shares immediately prior to
the reclassification to 461,902,738 shares immediately after the
reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class Q Cumulative
Preferred Stock may be decreased upon reacquisition thereof in any manner, or by
retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock (including
the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


         This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class Q Cumulative
Preferred Stock (the "Class Q Preferred Stock") and Two Million Five Hundred
Thirty Thousand (2,530,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such
Class Q Preferred Stock constituting such class.

         2. DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of the Class Q Preferred Stock, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:

                               STATE OF MARYLAND

I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of the 23 page document
on file in this office. DATED: 3/15/01.                       --

BY: /s/ ANN CUSTIS, Custodian
This stamp replaces our previous certification system. Effective: 6/95


         "Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly
         through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is
         under common control with, the Person specified.

         "Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity
         Stock, the product of (i) the number of shares of Equity Stock within
         such block and (ii) the corresponding Market Price of one share of
         Equity Stock of such class.

         "Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
         ownership of shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (without
         duplication) (i) the number of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by
         such Person, (ii) the number of shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned
         by such Person (if such Person is an "individual" as defined in Section
         542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into account the constructive ownership
         rules of Section 544 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(h)(1)(B)
         of the Code, and (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock that such
         Person is deemed to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
         Exchange Act, or that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section
         318 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided
         that when applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the
         Initial Holder, clause (iii) of this definition, and clause (ii) of the
         definition of "Person" shall be disregarded. The terms "Beneficial
         Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially Owned" shall have the
         correlative meanings.

         "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation or any committee authorized by such Board of Directors to
         perform any of its responsibilities with respect to the Class Q
         Preferred Stock; provided that, for purposes of paragraph (a) of
         Section 8 of this Article, the term "Board of Directors" shall not
         include any such committee.

         "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a
         day on which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New
         York, New York are not required to be open.

         "Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the
         Trust as determined pursuant to Section 10.3(G) of this Article, each
         of which shall be an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A),
         170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         "Class A Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, par value
         $.01 per share, of the Corporation, and such other shares of the
         Corporation's capital stock into which outstanding shares of such Class
         A Common Stock shall be reclassified.

         "Class Q Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1
         of this Article.



         "Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any
         Equity Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in
         case no such sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing
         bid and asked prices, regular way, in either case, as reported in the
         principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity
         Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, as reported in
         the principal consolidated transaction reporting system with respect to
         securities listed on the principal national securities exchange on
         which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
         Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national
         securities exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the
         average of the high bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter
         market, as reported by the National Association of Securities Dealers,
         Inc. Automated Quotation System or, if such system is no longer in use,
         the principal other automated quotation system that may then be in use
         or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such organization, the
         average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
         professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected
         by the Board of Directors of the Corporation or, if the Equity Stock is
         not publicly traded, the fair value of a share of such Equity Stock as
         reasonably determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
         time to time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any
         provision of the Code shall mean such provision as in effect from time
         to time, as the same may be amended, and any successor thereto, as
         interpreted by any applicable regulations or other administrative
         pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

         "Dividend Payment Date" shall mean March 15, June 15, September 15, and
         December 15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date
         falls on any day other than a Business Day, the dividend payment
         payable on such Dividend Payment Date shall be paid on the Business Day
         immediately following such Dividend Payment Date and no interest shall
         accrue on such dividend from such date to such Dividend Payment Date.

         "Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each
         subsequent quarterly dividend period commencing on and including March
         15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 of each year and ending on
         and including the day preceding the first day of the next succeeding
         Dividend Period, other than the Dividend Period during which any Class
         Q Preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which
         shall end on and include the Redemption Date with respect to the Class
         Q Preferred Stock being redeemed.

         "Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital
         stock of the Corporation.

         "Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this



         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         "Issue Date" shall mean March 19, 2001.

         "Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and
         including the Issue Date and ending on and including June 15, 2001.

         "Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.

         "Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class Q Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class Q Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From the Issue Date, the
         secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall be
         designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available
         to the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of
         Directors, a schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder
         Limit applicable to the Initial Holder.

         "Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph
         (a) of Section 4 of this Article.

         "Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described
         in Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of
         the Code or (ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         "Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity,
         a number of the Outstanding shares of Class Q Preferred Stock of the
         Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of
         (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
         Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other
         than Class Q Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the
         Look-Through Entity.

         "Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of
         Equity Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity
         Stock on the Trading Day immediately preceding such date.

         "NYSE" shall mean The New York Stock Exchange, Inc.



         "Operating Partnership" shall mean AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware
         limited partnership.

         "Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock
         of the Corporation; provided, however, that for purposes of the
         application of the Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or
         the Initial Holder Limit to any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be
         deemed to include the number of shares of Equity Stock that such Person
         alone, at that time, could acquire pursuant to any options or
         convertible securities.

         "Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial
         Holder or a Look- Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of
         Class Q Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value
         not in excess of the excess of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all
         Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
         shares of Equity Stock other than Class Q Preferred Stock that are
         Beneficially Owned by the Person.

         "Ownership Restrictions" shall mean, collectively, the Ownership Limit,
         as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through
         Entities, the Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder,
         and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through

         "Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i)
         an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a
         trust qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code),
         association, "private foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a)
         of the Code, joint stock company or other entity, and (ii) a "group,"
         as that term is used for purposes of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
         Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining Sections of this Article,
         any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity,
         including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

         "Prohibited Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         10.3(A) of this Article.

         "Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 3 of this Article.

         "Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any
         shares of Class Q Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of
         such shares.



         "Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any share of Class Q
         Preferred Stock to be redeemed, 100% of the Liquidation Preference
         thereof, plus all accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or
         not earned or declared), if any, to the Redemption Date.

         "REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in
         Section 856 of the Code.

         "Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
         Section 7 of this Article.

         "set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action
         other than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its
         accounting ledgers of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which
         indicates, pursuant to a declaration of dividends or other distribution
         by the Board of Directors, the allocation of funds to be so paid on any
         series or class of capital stock of the Corporation; provided, however,
         that if any funds for any class or series of Junior Stock or any class
         or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate account of the
         Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
         agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class Q
         Preferred Stock shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or
         delivering such funds to a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

         "Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock,
         (i) if the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a
         day on which the NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if
         the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but
         is listed or admitted to trading on another national securities
         exchange or automated quotation system, a day on which the principal
         national securities exchange or automated quotation system, as the case
         may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading is
         open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is
         not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange
         or automated quotation system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday
         or a day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are
         authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

         "Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or
         other disposition of a share of Class Q Preferred Stock (including (i)
         the granting of an option or any series of such options or entering
         into any agreement for the sale, transfer or other disposition of Class
         Q Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale, transfer, assignment or other
         disposition of any securities or rights convertible into or
         exchangeable for Class Q Preferred Stock), whether voluntary or
         involuntary, whether of record ownership or Beneficial Ownership, and
         whether by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited
         to, any transfer of an interest in other entities that results in a
         change in the Beneficial Ownership of shares of Class Q Preferred
         Stock). The term "Transfers" and "Transferred" shall have correlative



         "Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the
         Board of Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the
         Class Q Preferred Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not
         designated a transfer agent then the Corporation shall act as the
         transfer agent for the Class Q Preferred Stock.

         "Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3(A) of
         this Article.

         "Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the
         Corporation or the Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the
         Corporation to serve as trustee of the Trust.

         "Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8
         of this Article.

         3. DIVIDENDS.

             (a) The holders of Class Q Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally
available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class Q Preferred
Stock in an amount per share equal to $0.63125. Such dividends shall be
cumulative from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods
such dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation
legally available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable
quarterly in arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on June 15, 2001.
Each such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of the
Class Q Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the Corporation
at the close of business on March 1, June 1, September 1 or December 1 (each a
"Record Date"), as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment
Date. Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods
may be declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend
Payment Date, to holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by
more than 45 days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of

             (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class Q Preferred
Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter than a full
Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30-day months
and a 360-day year. Holders of Class Q Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of
cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class Q Preferred Stock. No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class Q Preferred Stock that may be in

             (c) So long as any of the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any class or series
of Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid, or declared



and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been or contemporaneously is
set apart for such payment, on the Class Q Preferred Stock for all Dividend
Periods terminating on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is
declared, paid, set apart for payment or made, as the case may be, with respect
to such class or series of Parity Stock. When dividends are not paid in full or
a sum sufficient for such payment is not set apart, as aforesaid, all dividends
declared upon the Class Q Preferred Stock and all dividends declared upon any
other class or series of Parity Stock shall be declared ratably in proportion to
the respective amounts of dividends accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class
Q Preferred Stock and accumulated, accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

             (d) So long as any of the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior
Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation and
no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Junior
Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed, purchased or otherwise
acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other acquisition of Class A
Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or benefit plan of the
Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any moneys be paid to
or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any shares of any
such stock) directly or indirectly by the Corporation (except by conversion into
or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants, or rights to subscribe for or
purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or other property
otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holder of shares
of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of all accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class Q Preferred
Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends have been declared and a
sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set apart for such payment, on
all outstanding shares of Class Q Preferred Stock for all Dividend Periods
ending on or prior to the date such dividend or distribution is declared, paid,
set apart for payment or made with respect to such shares of Junior Stock, or
the date such shares of Junior Stock are redeemed, purchased or otherwise
acquired or monies paid to or made available for any sinking fund for such
redemption, or the date any such cash or other property is paid or distributed
to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior Stock in respect thereof, as the
case may be.

             Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the Corporation
shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for
payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii)
redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if
such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.




            (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class Q Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class Q Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class Q Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class Q Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class Q Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

            (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
Q Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall, subject to the respective
terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all assets remaining to be paid or
distributed, and the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock
shall not be entitled to share therein.


             (a) Shares of Class Q Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by
the Corporation prior to March 19, 2006, except as set forth in Section 10.2 of
this Article. On and after March 19, 2006, the Corporation, at its option, may
redeem shares of Class Q Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part,
at a redemption price payable in cash equal to the Redemption Price applicable
thereto. In the event of a redemption of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock, if
the Redemption Date occurs after a Record Date and on or prior to the related
Dividend Payment Date, the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in
respect of such shares called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend
Payment Date to the holders of record at the close of business on such Record
Date notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable as
part of the redemption price for such shares. In connection with any redemption
pursuant to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class Q Preferred



(other than any portion thereof consisting of accumulated, accrued and unpaid
dividends) shall be payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership of other capital shares of the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether or not such sale occurs
concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the preceding sentence,
"capital shares" means any common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares,
partnership or other interests, participations or other ownership interests
(however designated) and any rights (other than debt securities convertible into
or exchangeable at the option of the holder for equity securities (unless and to
the extent such debt securities are subsequently converted into capital shares))
or options to purchase any of the foregoing of or in the Corporation or the
Operating Partnership.

             (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall
be specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

             (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class
Q Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for
payment, no shares of Class Q Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all
outstanding shares of Class Q Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed.
Neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or
acquire shares of Class Q Preferred Stock, other than pursuant to a purchase or
exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock.

             (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class Q Preferred
Stock pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption
shall be given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such
notice shall be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's
address as the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the
failure to mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect
therein or in the mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the
sufficiency of the notice or the validity of the proceedings for redemption with
respect to the other holders. Any notice mailed in the manner herein provided
shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given on the date mailed
whether or not the holder receives the notice. Each such notice shall state, as
appropriate: (i) the Redemption Date; (ii) the number of shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if fewer than all such shares held by such
holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to be redeemed from such
holder; (iii) the place or places at which certificates for such shares are to
be surrendered; and (iv) the Redemption Price payable on such Redemption Date,
including, without limitation, a statement as to whether or not accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends will be payable as part of the Redemption Price, or
payable on the next Dividend Payment Date to the record holder at the close of
business on the relevant record date as described in the next sentence. Notice
having been mailed as aforesaid, from and after the Redemption Date (unless the
Corporation shall fail to make available the amount of cash necessary to effect
such redemption), (i) dividends on the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock so
called for redemption shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class
Q Preferred Stock called for redemption, (ii) said shares shall no longer be
deemed to be outstanding, and (iii)



all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class Q Preferred Stock of the
Corporation shall cease (except the right to receive the cash payable upon such
redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender and endorsement of their
certificates if so required); provided, however, that if the Redemption Date for
any shares of Class Q Preferred Stock occurs after any dividend record date and
on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the full dividend payable on
such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock
called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend Payment Date to the
holders of record of such shares at the close of business on the corresponding
dividend record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of such shares. The
Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary to effect the
redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed fulfilled
if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the Corporation shall
irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company (which may not be an
affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate of a bank or trust
company that has, a capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000, such amount of
cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if such Redemption Date occurs
after any dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment
Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay the dividend payable on such
Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock
called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions that such cash be applied
to the redemption of the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock so called for
redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend. No interest shall
accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock to be
redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation. Subject to applicable
escheat laws, any such cash un claimed at the end of two years from the
Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the Corporation, after
which reversion the holders of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock so called for
redemption shall look only to the general funds of the Corporation for the
payment of such cash.

         As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such certificates shall be
exchanged for cash (without interest thereon). If fewer than all the outstanding
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, shares to be redeemed
shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot or, with respect to
the number of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock held of record by each holder of
such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any other method as may be
determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to be equitable. If fewer
than all the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock represented by any certificate
are redeemed, then a new certificate representing the unredeemed shares shall be
issued without cost to the holders thereof.


         All shares of Class Q Preferred Stock that have been issued and
reacquired in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of
authorized but unissued shares of Class Q Preferred Stock.



         7. RANKING.

         Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed
to rank:

            (a) prior or senior to the Class Q Preferred Stock, as to the
payment of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be
entitled to the receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of Class Q Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

            (b) on a parity with the Class Q Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class Q Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class D
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock or Class P Convertible Cumulative
Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or (ii) the holders of such class of stock
or series and the Class Q Preferred Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of
dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up in proportion to their respective amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per
share or liquidation preferences, without preference or priority of one over the
other (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph
being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

            (c) junior to the Class Q Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Class A Common Stock or
(ii) the holders of Class Q Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receipt of
dividends or of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of shares of
such class or series (the capital stock referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of
this paragraph being hereinafter referred to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

         8. VOTING.

            (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class Q Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of any other class or
series of Parity Stock which is



entitled to similar voting rights (the "Voting Preferred Stock") and the holders
of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock, together with the holders of shares of all
other Voting Preferred Stock then entitled to exercise similar voting rights,
voting as a single class regardless of series, shall be entitled to elect the
two additional directors to serve on the Board of Directors at any annual
meeting of stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof, or at a
special meeting of the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided. Whenever all arrears in
dividends on the Class Q Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock then
outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for the current quarterly
dividend period shall have been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for
payment, then the right of the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock and the
Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two directors shall cease (but
subject always to the same provision for the vesting of such voting rights in
the case of any similar future arrearages), and the terms of office of all
persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock and
the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and the number of directors
constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced accordingly. At any time
after such voting power shall have been so vested in the holders of Class Q
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if applicable, the Secretary of
the Corporation may, and upon the written request of any holder of Class Q
Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the principal office of the
Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the holders of the Class Q
Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the election of the two
directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made by
notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation for a special
meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If any such special meeting
required to be called as above provided shall not be called by the Secretary
within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then any holder of Class Q
Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice above provided, and for
that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the Corporation. The
directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold office until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in lieu thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as above provided. If any
vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders of the Class Q
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall be elected by
the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining director
elected by the holders of the Class Q Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock or the successor of such remaining director, to serve until the next
annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if
such office shall not have previously terminated as provided above.

            (b) So long as any shares of Class Q Preferred Stock are
outstanding, in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required
by law or by the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least
66-2/3% of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class Q Preferred
Stock voting as a single class with the holders of all other classes or series
of Parity Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or by proxy,
either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the
purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:



                (i) any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the provisions
of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles Supplementary, the
Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially adversely affects the
voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the Class Q Preferred
Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions of the Charter so
as to authorize or create, or to increase the authorized amount of, or issue any
Junior Stock or any shares of any class of Parity Stock shall not be deemed to
materially adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences of the
holders of Class Q Preferred Stock; or

                (ii) The authorization, creation of, increase in the authorized
amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior Stock
(whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently authorized);

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class Q Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class Q Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

         For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting rights
under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class Q Preferred Stock shall
have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class Q
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class Q Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class Q Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.

         9. RECORD HOLDERS.

         The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class Q Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


              (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not
Beneficially Own shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess



of the Initial Holder Limit and no Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

              (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
the Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in
excess of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of
such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially
Owned by the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the
Initial Holder shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class Q Preferred

provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock.

              (E) TRANSFERS RESULTING IN "CLOSELY HELD" STATUS. From and after
the Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of



the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock.

              (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of
Class Q Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C), (D),
or (E) of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the
ownership of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the
Ownership Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being
"closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the
Corporation otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect
the validity of the Transfer of any other share of Class Q Preferred Stock in
the same or any other related transaction.

         10.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 10.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 10.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
10.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a manner that
interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class Q Preferred Stock that is
expressly authorized pursuant to Section 10.8(C) of this Article.

         10.3 TRANSFER IN TRUST.

              (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other
provisions contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is
a purported Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the
result of transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other
securities exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other
change in the capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited
to, any redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited
to, any acquisition of



any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other than the Initial
Holder or a Look- Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial Holder
would Beneficially Own shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a <-1- 34>Prohibited Transferee<-1- 34>),
then, except as otherwise provided in Section 10.8 of this Article, such shares
of Class Q Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to
the nearest whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his
capacity as trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more
Charitable Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be
effective as of the close of business on the Business Day prior to the Excess
Transfer, change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a
potential violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look
Through Entity Ownership Limit.

              (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

              (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section
10.3(E), the Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class Q Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit
economically from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall
have no rights to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other
rights attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

              (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class Q Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution paid prior to the
discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock have
been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the Corporation upon demand,
and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid shall be rescinded as void
ab initio with respect to such shares of Class Q Preferred Stock. Any dividends
or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall be paid over to the Trustee and
held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary. Any vote cast by a Prohibited
Transferee prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee will be rescinded as void
ab initio and shall be recast in accordance with the desires of the Trustee
acting for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at
the time of the Excess Transfer, change in capital structure or other event
giving rise to a potential violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder



Limit or Look-Through Entity Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an
irrevocable proxy to the Trustee to vote the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock
for the benefit of the Charitable Beneficiary.

              (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell
the shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose
ownership of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a
sale is made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and
proceeds of the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the
Charitable Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E). The Prohibited
Transferee shall receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited
Transferee for the shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value
for the shares (through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price
of the shares on the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust
and (2) the price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other
disposition of the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the
amount payable to the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable
Beneficiary. If any of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section
10.3(E) or any application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void,
invalid or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the
Prohibited Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have
acted as the agent of the Corporation in acquiring the Class Q Preferred Stock
as to which such restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such
Class Q Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

Class Q Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall
have the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of
(i) the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to
the Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

              (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice to
the Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit organizations
to be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust relating to such
Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of Class Q Preferred Stock held in the
Trust would not violate the Ownership Restrictions in the hands of such
Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each Charitable Beneficiary is an organization
described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

         10.4 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or
attempts to acquire shares of Class Q Preferred Stock in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that
stock is transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall
immediately give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall
provide to the Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request
in order to determine



the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer or other event on the
Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such notice shall not limit the
rights and remedies of the Board of Directors provided herein in any way.

         10.5 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

              (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record holder or Beneficial Owner of
more than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class Q Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record holder or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares
are held. Each such record holder or Beneficial Owner of Class Q Preferred Stock
shall, upon demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing
such additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the
Class Q Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding
the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class Q Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain
the written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

is a Beneficial Owner of shares of Class Q Preferred Stock and any Person
(including the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class Q
Preferred Stock for a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares,
shall provide such information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may
request in order to determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with
the requirements of any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to
determine any such compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide
a statement or affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares
of Class Q Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or
proposed transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or
affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.

         10.6 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall
limit the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it
deems necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.



         10.7 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any
of the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity
in any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions
of this Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

         10.8 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

              (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon
receipt of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax
counsel or other evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the
application, in whole or in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to
the Ownership Limit, if such person is not an individual for purposes of Section
542(a) of the Code (as modified to exclude qualified trusts from treatment as
individuals pursuant to Section 856(h)(3) of the Code) and is a corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, estate or trust. In connection with any
such exemption, the Board of Directors may require such representations and
undertakings from such Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board
of Directors deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect,
if any, of the proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

              (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the
Class Q Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall
not constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and the pledgee shall
not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class Q Preferred
Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

              (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer period
of time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment of
Class Q Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class Q Preferred Stock by an
underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class Q Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class Q Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class Q Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.

         10.9 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class Q Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

              "The shares of Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock represented by
         this certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
         Beneficially Own shares of Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess
         of the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
         restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter (including the
         Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class Q
         Cumulative Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially
         Own shares of Class Q



         Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation must
         immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
         legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter
         (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the
         Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from
         time to time, a copy of which, including the restrictions on transfer,
         will be sent without charge to each stockholder that so requests. If
         the restrictions on transfer are violated, (i) the transfer of the
         shares of Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will be
         void in accordance with the Charter (including the Articles
         Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class Q Cumulative
         Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of Class Q Cumulative Preferred
         Stock represented hereby will automatically be transferred to a Trustee
         of a Trust for the benefit of one or more Charitable Beneficiaries."

         10.10 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

         10.11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

         10.12 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

         FOURTH: The terms of the Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXVIII of the Charter.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on March 15, 2001.

WITNESS:                                 APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                         MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ KATHLEEN HARVEY                      /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
Kathleen Harvey                          Paul J. McAuliffe
Assistant Secretary                      Executive Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer

         THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                         /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
                                         Paul J. McAuliffe
                                         Executive Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer



                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY



(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

     FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors of
the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the Corporation,
as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly divided and
classified 4,140,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock of
the Corporation, par value $.01 per share, into a class designated as Class R
Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, and has provided for the
issuance of such class.

     SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified as
Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, from no shares
immediately prior to the reclassification to 4,140,000 shares immediately after
the reclassification. The reclassification decreases the number of shares
classified as Class A Common Stock from 461,902,738 shares immediately prior to
the reclassification to 457,762,738 shares immediately after the
reclassification. The number of shares classified as Class R Cumulative
Preferred Stock may be decreased upon reacquisition thereof in any manner, or by
retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

     THIRD: The terms of the Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock (including the
preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:


     This class of Preferred Stock shall be designated as Class R Cumulative
Preferred Stock (the "Class R Preferred Stock") and Four Million One Hundred
Forty Thousand (4,140,000) shall be the authorized number of shares of such
Class R Preferred Stock constituting such class.


     For purposes of the Class R Preferred Stock, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:

"Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               STATE OF MARYLAND

I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of the 22 page document
on file in this office. DATED: 8-3-01.


BY: Ann Custis, Custodian
This stamp replaces our previous certification system. Effective: 6/95

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly, or indirectly through one
or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control
with, the Person specified.

"Aggregate Value" shall mean, with respect to any block of Equity Stock, the
product of (i) the number of shares of Equity Stock within such block and (ii)
the corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

"Beneficial Ownership" shall mean, with respect to any Person, ownership of
shares of Equity Stock equal to the sum of (without duplication) (i) the number
of shares of Equity Stock directly owned by such Person, (ii) the number of
shares of Equity Stock indirectly owned by such Person (if such Person is an
"individual" as defined in Section 542(a)(2) of the Code) taking into account
the constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the Code, as modified by
Section 856(h)(1)(B) of the Code, and (iii) the number of shares of Equity Stock
that such Person is deemed to beneficially own pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
Exchange Act, or that is attributed to such Person pursuant to Section 318 of
the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, provided that when
applying this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the Initial Holder, clause
(iii) of this definition, and clause (ii) of the definition of "Person" shall be
disregarded. The terms "Beneficial Owner," "Beneficially Owns" and "Beneficially
Owned" shall have the correlative meanings.

"Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation or any
committee authorized by such Board of Directors to perform any of its
responsibilities with respect to the Class R Preferred Stock; provided that, for
purposes of paragraph (a) of Section 8 of this Article, the term "Board of
Directors" shall not include any such committee.

"Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on
which state or federally chartered banking institutions in New York, New York
are not required to be open.

"Charitable Beneficiary" shall mean one or more beneficiaries of the Trust as
determined pursuant to Section 10.3(G) of this Article, each of which shall be
an organization described in Section 170(b)(1)(A), 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of
the Code.

"Class A Common Stock" shall mean the Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per
share, of the Corporation, and such other shares of the Corporation's capital
stock into which outstanding shares of such Class A Common Stock shall be

"Class R Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1 of this

"Closing Price" shall mean, when used with respect to a share of any Equity
Stock and for any date, the last sale price, regular way, or, in case no such
sale takes place on such day, the average of the closing bid and asked prices,
regular way, in either case, as reported in the principal consolidated
transaction reporting system with respect to securities listed or admitted to
trading on the NYSE or, if the Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading


on the NYSE, as reported in the principal consolidated transaction reporting
system with respect to securities listed on the principal national securities
exchange on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading or, if the
Equity Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange, the last quoted price, or if not so quoted, the average of the high
bid and low asked prices in the over-the-counter market, as reported by the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or,
if such system is no longer in use, the principal other automated quotation
system that may then be in use or, if the Equity Stock is not quoted by any such
organization, the average of the closing bid and asked prices as furnished by a
professional market maker making a market in the Equity Stock selected by the
Board of Directors of the Corporation or, if the Equity Stock is not publicly
traded, the fair value of a share of such Equity Stock as reasonably determined
in good faith by the Board of Directors.

"Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time, or any successor statute thereto. Reference to any provision of the Code
shall mean such provision as in effect from time to time, as the same may be
amended, and any successor thereto, as interpreted by any applicable regulations
or other administrative pronouncements as in effect from time to time.

"Dividend Payment Date" shall mean March 15, June 15, September 15, and December
15 of each year; provided, that if any Dividend Payment Date falls on any day
other than a Business Day, the dividend payment payable on such Dividend Payment
Date shall be paid on the Business Day immediately following such Dividend
Payment Date and no interest shall accrue on such dividend from such date to
such Dividend Payment Date.

"Dividend Periods" shall mean the Initial Dividend Period and each subsequent
quarterly dividend period commencing on and including March 15, June 15,
September 15, and December 15 of each year and ending on and including the day
preceding the first day of the next succeeding Dividend Period, other than the
Dividend Period during which any Class R Preferred Stock shall be redeemed
pursuant to Section 5 hereof, which shall end on and include the Redemption Date
with respect to the Class R Preferred Stock being redeemed.

"Equity Stock" shall mean one or more shares of any class of capital stock of
the Corporation.

"Excess Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of this Article.

"Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

"Issue Date" shall mean July 20, 2001.

"Initial Dividend Period" shall mean the period commencing on and including the
Issue Date and ending on and including September 15, 2001.

"Initial Holder" shall mean Terry Considine.


"Initial Holder Limit" shall mean a number of the Outstanding shares of Class R
Preferred Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of
the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity
Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than
Class R Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Initial Holder. From
the Issue Date, the secretary of the Corporation, or such other person as shall
be designated by the Board of Directors, shall upon request make available to
the representative(s) of the Initial Holder and the Board of Directors, a
schedule that sets forth the then-current Initial Holder Limit applicable to the
Initial Holder.

"Junior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (c) of Section 7 of
this Article.

"Liquidation Preference" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of
Section 4 of this Article.

"Look-Through Entity" shall mean a Person that is either (i) described in
Section 401(a) of the Code as provided under Section 856(h)(3) of the Code or
(ii) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

"Look-Through Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Look-Through Entity, a number
of the Outstanding shares of Class R Preferred Stock of the Corporation having
an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess of (x) 15% of the Aggregate Value
of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock over (y) the Aggregate Value of all
shares of Equity Stock other than Class R Preferred Stock that are Beneficially
Owned by the Look-Through Entity.

"Market Price" on any date shall mean, with respect to any share of Equity
Stock, the Closing Price of a share of that class of Equity Stock on the Trading
Day immediately preceding such date.

"NYSE" shall mean The New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

"Operating Partnership" shall mean AIMCO Properties, L.P., a Delaware limited

"Outstanding" shall mean issued and outstanding shares of Equity Stock of the
Corporation; provided, however, that for purposes of the application of the
Ownership Limit, the Look-Through Ownership Limit or the Initial Holder Limit to
any Person, the term "Outstanding" shall be deemed to include the number of
shares of Equity Stock that such Person alone, at that time, could acquire
pursuant to any options or convertible securities.

"Ownership Limit" shall mean, for any Person other than the Initial Holder or a
Look-Through Entity, a number of the Outstanding shares of Class R Preferred
Stock of the Corporation having an Aggregate Value not in excess of the excess
of (x) 8.7% of the Aggregate Value of all Outstanding shares of Equity Stock
over (y) the Aggregate Value of all shares of Equity Stock other than Class R
Preferred Stock that are Beneficially Owned by the Person.


"Ownership Restrictions" shall mean, collectively, the Ownership Limit, as
applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities, the
Initial Holder Limit, as applied to the Initial Holder, and the Look-Through
Ownership Limit, as applied to Look-Through Entities.

"Parity Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (b) of Section 7 of
this Article.

"Person" shall mean (a) for purposes of Section 10 of this Article, (i) an
individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust (including a trust
qualifying under Section 401(a) or 501(c) of the Code), association, "private
foundation," within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Code, joint stock
company or other entity, and (ii) a "group," as that term is used for purposes
of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act, and (b) for purposes of the remaining
Sections of this Article, any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or
other entity, including any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

"Prohibited Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 10.3(A) of
this Article.

"Record Date" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 3 of
this Article.

"Redemption Date" shall mean, in the case of any redemption of any shares of
Class R Preferred Stock, the date fixed for redemption of such shares.

"Redemption Price" shall mean, with respect to any share of Class R Preferred
Stock to be redeemed, 100% of the Liquidation Preference thereof, plus all
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends (whether or not earned or declared),
if any, to the Redemption Date.

"REIT" shall mean a "real estate investment trust," as defined in Section 856 of
the Code.

"Senior Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 7 of
this Article.

"set apart for payment" shall be deemed to include, without any action other
than the following, the recording by the Corporation in its accounting ledgers
of any accounting or bookkeeping entry which indicates, pursuant to a
declaration of dividends or other distribution by the Board of Directors, the
allocation of funds to be so paid on any series or class of capital stock of the
Corporation; provided, however, that if any funds for any class or series of
Junior Stock or any class or series of Parity Stock are placed in a separate
account of the Corporation or delivered to a disbursing, paying or other similar
agent, then "set apart for payment" with respect to the Class R Preferred Stock
shall mean placing such funds in a separate account or delivering such funds to
a disbursing, paying or other similar agent.

"Trading Day" shall mean, when used with respect to any Equity Stock, (i) if the
Equity Stock is listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE, a day on which the
NYSE is open for the transaction of business, (ii) if the Equity Stock is not
listed or admitted to trading on the NYSE but is listed or admitted to trading
on another national securities exchange or automated quotation system, a


day on which the principal national securities exchange or automated quotation
system, as the case may be, on which the Equity Stock is listed or admitted to
trading is open for the transaction of business, or (iii) if the Equity Stock is
not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange or
automated quotation system, any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on
which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or obligated
by law or executive order to close.

"Transfer" shall mean any sale, transfer, gift, assignment, devise or other
disposition of a share of Class R Preferred Stock (including (i) the granting of
an option or any series of such options or entering into any agreement for the
sale, transfer or other disposition of Class R Preferred Stock or (ii) the sale,
transfer, assignment or other disposition of any securities or rights
convertible into or exchangeable for Class R Preferred Stock), whether voluntary
or involuntary, whether of record ownership or Beneficial Ownership, and whether
by operation of law or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any transfer of
an interest in other entities that results in a change in the Beneficial
Ownership of shares of Class R Preferred Stock). The term "Transfers" and
"Transferred" shall have correlative meanings.

"Transfer Agent" means such transfer agent as may be designated by the Board of
Directors or their designee as the transfer agent for the Class R Preferred
Stock; provided, that if the Corporation has not designated a transfer agent
then the Corporation shall act as the transfer agent for the Class R Preferred

"Trust" shall mean the trust created pursuant to Section 10.3(A) of this

"Trustee" shall mean the Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or the
Prohibited Transferee that is appointed by the Corporation to serve as trustee
of the Trust.

"Voting Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8 of this

     3. DIVIDENDS.

          (a) The holders of Class R Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors, out of funds legally
available for that purpose, quarterly cash dividends on the Class R Preferred
Stock in an amount per share equal to $0.625. Such dividends shall be cumulative
from the Issue Date, whether or not in any Dividend Period or Periods such
dividends shall be declared or there shall be funds of the Corporation legally
available for the payment of such dividends, and shall be payable quarterly in
arrears on each Dividend Payment Date, commencing on September 15, 2001. Each
such dividend shall be payable in arrears to the holders of record of the Class
R Preferred Stock, as they appear on the stock records of the Corporation at the
close of business on March 1, June 1, September 1 or December 1 (each a "Record
Date"), as the case may be, immediately preceding such Dividend Payment Date.
Accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends for any past Dividend Periods may be
declared and paid at any time, without reference to any regular Dividend Payment
Date, to


holders of record on such date, which date shall not precede by more than 45
days the payment date thereof, as may be fixed by the Board of Directors.

          (b) The amount of dividends payable per share of Class R Preferred
Stock for the Initial Dividend Period, or any other period shorter than a full
Dividend Period, shall be computed ratably on the basis of twelve 30-day months
and a 360-day year. Holders of Class R Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to
any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of
cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Class R Preferred Stock. No
interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be payable in respect of
any dividend payment or payments on the Class R Preferred Stock that may be in

          (c) So long as any of the shares of Class R Preferred Stock are
outstanding, except as described in the immediately following sentence, no
dividends shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation
and no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any class or series
of Parity Stock for any period unless dividends equal to the full amount of
accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends have been or contemporaneously are
declared and paid, or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has
been or contemporaneously is set apart for such payment, on the Class R
Preferred Stock for all Dividend Periods terminating on or prior to the date
such dividend or distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made,
as the case may be, with respect to such class or series of Parity Stock. When
dividends are not paid in full or a sum sufficient for such payment is not set
apart, as aforesaid, all dividends declared upon the Class R Preferred Stock and
all dividends declared upon any other class or series of Parity Stock shall be
declared ratably in proportion to the respective amounts of dividends
accumulated, accrued and unpaid on the Class R Preferred Stock and accumulated,
accrued and unpaid on such Parity Stock.

          (d) So long as any of the shares of Class R Preferred Stock are
outstanding, no dividends (other than dividends or distributions paid in shares
of or options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase shares of, Junior
Stock) shall be declared or paid or set apart for payment by the Corporation and
no other distribution of cash or other property shall be declared or made,
directly or indirectly, by the Corporation with respect to any shares of Junior
Stock, nor shall any shares of Junior Stock be redeemed, purchased or otherwise
acquired (other than a redemption, purchase or other acquisition of Class A
Common Stock made for purposes of an employee incentive or benefit plan of the
Corporation or any subsidiary) for any consideration (or any moneys be paid to
or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any shares of any
such stock) directly or indirectly by the Corporation (except by conversion into
or exchange for shares of, or options, warrants, or rights to subscribe for or
purchase shares of, Junior Stock), nor shall any other cash or other property
otherwise be paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holder of shares
of Junior Stock in respect thereof, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation
unless, in each case, dividends equal to the full amount of all accumulated,
accrued and unpaid dividends on all outstanding shares of Class R Preferred
Stock have been declared and paid, or such dividends have been declared and a
sum sufficient for the payment thereof has


been set apart for such payment, on all outstanding shares of Class R Preferred
Stock for all Dividend Periods ending on or prior to the date such dividend or
distribution is declared, paid, set apart for payment or made with respect to
such shares of Junior Stock, or the date such shares of Junior Stock are
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or monies paid to or made available
for any sinking fund for such redemption, or the date any such cash or other
property is paid or distributed to or for the benefit of any holders of Junior
Stock in respect thereof, as the case may be.

          Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 3, the Corporation
shall not be prohibited from (i) declaring or paying or setting apart for
payment any dividend or distribution on any shares of Parity Stock or (ii)
redeeming, purchasing or otherwise acquiring any Parity Stock, in each case, if
such declaration, payment, redemption, purchase or other acquisition is
necessary in order to maintain the continued qualification of the Corporation as
a REIT under Section 856 of the Code.


          (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, before any payment or
distribution by the Corporation (whether of capital, surplus or otherwise) shall
be made to or set apart for the holders of Junior Stock, the holders of shares
of Class R Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive Twenty-Five Dollars
($25) per share of Class R Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus
an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned or declared)
accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final distribution to
such holders; but such holders shall not be entitled to any further payment.
Until the holders of the Class R Preferred Stock have been paid the Liquidation
Preference in full, plus an amount equal to all dividends (whether or not earned
or declared) accumulated, accrued and unpaid thereon to the date of final
distribution to such holders, no payment will be made to any holder of Junior
Stock upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. If,
upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the assets
of the Corporation, or proceeds thereof, distributable among the holders of
Class R Preferred Stock shall be insufficient to pay in full the preferential
amount aforesaid and liquidating payments on any other shares of any class or
series of Parity Stock, then such assets, or the proceeds thereof, shall be
distributed among the holders of Class R Preferred Stock and any such other
Parity Stock ratably in the same proportion as the respective amounts that would
be payable on such Class R Preferred Stock and any such other Parity Stock if
all amounts payable thereon were paid in full. For the purposes of this Section
4, (i) a consolidation or merger of the Corporation with one or more
corporations, (ii) a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or (iii) a statutory share exchange shall not be deemed to
be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up, voluntary or involuntary, of the

          (b) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation, after payment shall have been made in full to the holders of Class
R Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock, as provided in Section 4(a), any other
series or class or classes of Junior Stock shall,


subject to the respective terms thereof, be entitled to receive any and all
assets remaining to be paid or distributed, and the holders of the Class R
Preferred Stock and any Parity Stock shall not be entitled to share therein.


          (a) Shares of Class R Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable by the
Corporation prior to July 20, 2006, except as set forth in Section 10.2 of this
Article. On and after July 20, 2006, the Corporation, at its option, may redeem
shares of Class R Preferred Stock, in whole or from time to time in part, at a
redemption price payable in cash equal to the Redemption Price applicable
thereto. In the event of a redemption of shares of Class R Preferred Stock, if
the Redemption Date occurs after a Record Date and on or prior to the related
Dividend Payment Date, the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in
respect of such shares called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend
Payment Date to the holders of record at the close of business on such Record
Date notwithstanding the redemption of such shares, and shall not be payable as
part of the redemption price for such shares. In connection with any redemption
pursuant to this Section 5(a), the redemption price of the Class R Preferred
Stock (other than any portion thereof consisting of accumulated, accrued and
unpaid dividends) shall be payable solely with the proceeds from the sale by the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership of other capital shares of the
Corporation or the Operating Partnership (whether or not such sale occurs
concurrently with such redemption). For purposes of the preceding sentence,
"capital shares" means any common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares,
partnership or other interests, participations or other ownership interests
(however designated) and any rights (other than debt securities convertible into
or exchangeable at the option of the holder for equity securities (unless and to
the extent such debt securities are subsequently converted into capital shares))
or options to purchase any of the foregoing of or in the Corporation or the
Operating Partnership.

          (b) The Redemption Date shall be selected by the Corporation, shall be
specified in the notice of redemption and shall be not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the date notice of redemption is sent by the

          (c) If full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of Class R
Preferred Stock have not been declared and paid, or declared and set apart for
payment, no shares of Class R Preferred Stock may be redeemed unless all
outstanding shares of Class R Preferred Stock are simultaneously redeemed.
Neither the Corporation nor any affiliate of the Corporation may purchase or
acquire shares of Class R Preferred Stock, other than pursuant to a purchase or
exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of shares of Class R
Preferred Stock.

          (d) If the Corporation shall redeem shares of Class R Preferred Stock
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section 5, notice of such redemption shall be
given to each holder of record of the shares to be redeemed. Such notice shall
be provided by first class mail, postage prepaid, at such holder's address as
the same appears on the stock records of the Corporation. Neither the failure to
mail any notice required by this paragraph (d), nor any defect therein or in the
mailing thereof to any particular holder, shall affect the sufficiency of the
notice or the


validity of the proceedings for redemption with respect to the other holders.
Any notice mailed in the manner herein provided shall be conclusively presumed
to have been duly given on the date mailed whether or not the holder receives
the notice. Each such notice shall state, as appropriate: (i) the Redemption
Date; (ii) the number of shares of Class R Preferred Stock to be redeemed and,
if fewer than all such shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number
of such shares to be redeemed from such holder; (iii) the place or places at
which certificates for such shares are to be surrendered; and (iv) the
Redemption Price payable on such Redemption Date, including, without limitation,
a statement as to whether or not accumulated, accrued and unpaid dividends will
be payable as part of the Redemption Price, or payable on the next Dividend
Payment Date to the record holder at the close of business on the relevant
record date as described in the next sentence. Notice having been mailed as
aforesaid, from and after the Redemption Date (unless the Corporation shall fail
to make available the amount of cash necessary to effect such redemption), (i)
dividends on the shares of Class R Preferred Stock so called for redemption
shall cease to accumulate or accrue on the shares of Class R Preferred Stock
called for redemption, (ii) said shares shall no longer be deemed to be
outstanding, and (iii) all rights of the holders thereof as holders of Class R
Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall cease (except the right to receive the
cash payable upon such redemption, without interest thereon, upon surrender and
endorsement of their certificates if so required); provided, however, that if
the Redemption Date for any shares of Class R Preferred Stock occurs after any
dividend record date and on or prior to the related Dividend Payment Date, the
full dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of
Class R Preferred Stock called for redemption shall be payable on such Dividend
Payment Date to the holders of record of such shares at the close of business on
the corresponding dividend record date notwithstanding the prior redemption of
such shares. The Corporation's obligation to make available the cash necessary
to effect the redemption in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be
deemed fulfilled if, on or before the applicable Redemption Date, the
Corporation shall irrevocably deposit in trust with a bank or trust company
(which may not be an affiliate of the Corporation) that has, or is an affiliate
of a bank or trust company that has, a capital and surplus of at least
$50,000,000, such amount of cash as is necessary for such redemption plus, if
such Redemption Date occurs after any dividend record date and on or prior to
the related Dividend Payment Date, such amount of cash as is necessary to pay
the dividend payable on such Dividend Payment Date in respect of such shares of
Class R Preferred Stock called for redemption, with irrevocable instructions
that such cash be applied to the redemption of the shares of Class R Preferred
Stock so called for redemption and, if applicable, the payment of such dividend.
No interest shall accrue for the benefit of the holders of shares of Class R
Preferred Stock to be redeemed on any cash so set aside by the Corporation.
Subject to applicable escheat laws, any such cash unclaimed at the end of two
years from the Redemption Date shall revert to the general funds of the
Corporation, after which reversion the holders of shares of Class R Preferred
Stock so called for redemption shall look only to the general funds of the
Corporation for the payment of such cash.

     As promptly as practicable after the surrender in accordance with such
notice of the certificates for any such shares of Class R Preferred Stock to be
so redeemed (properly endorsed or assigned for transfer, if the Corporation
shall so require and the notice shall so state), such


certificates shall be exchanged for cash (without interest thereon). If fewer
than all the outstanding shares of Class R Preferred Stock are to be redeemed,
shares to be redeemed shall be selected by the Corporation from outstanding
shares of Class R Preferred Stock not previously called for redemption by lot
or, with respect to the number of shares of Class R Preferred Stock held of
record by each holder of such shares, pro rata (as nearly as may be) or by any
other method as may be determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion to
be equitable. If fewer than all the shares of Class R Preferred Stock
represented by any certificate are redeemed, then a new certificate representing
the unredeemed shares shall be issued without cost to the holders thereof.


     All shares of Class R Preferred Stock that have been issued and reacquired
in any manner by the Corporation shall be returned to the status of authorized
but unissued shares of Class R Preferred Stock.

     7. RANKING.

     Any class or series of capital stock of the Corporation shall be deemed to

          (a) prior or senior to the Class R Preferred Stock, as to the payment
of dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if the holders of such class or series shall be entitled to the
receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution
or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or priority to the holders of
Class R Preferred Stock ("Senior Stock");

          (b) on a parity with the Class R Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, whether or not the dividend rates, dividend payment dates or
redemption or liquidation prices per share thereof be different from those of
the Class R Preferred Stock, if (i) such capital stock is Class B Cumulative
Convertible Preferred Stock, Class C Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class D
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class G Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class H
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class I Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class J
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class K Convertible Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Class L Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class M Convertible
Cumulative Preferred Stock, Class N Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock,
Class O Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, Class P Convertible Cumulative
Preferred Stock or Class Q Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Corporation, or
(ii) the holders of such class of stock or series and the Class R Preferred
Stock shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends and of amounts distributable
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up in proportion to their respective
amounts of accrued and unpaid dividends per share or liquidation preferences,
without preference or priority of one over the other (the capital stock referred
to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter referred to,
collectively, as "Parity Stock"); and

          (c) junior to the Class R Preferred Stock, as to the payment of
dividends and as to the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding up, if (i) such capital stock or series shall be Class A Common Stock or
(ii) the holders of Class R Preferred Stock


shall be entitled to receipt of dividends or of amounts distributable upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, as the case may be, in preference or
priority to the holders of shares of such class or series (the capital stock
referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph being hereinafter referred
to, collectively, as "Junior Stock").

     8. VOTING.

          (a) If and whenever six quarterly dividends (whether or not
consecutive) payable on the Class R Preferred Stock or any series or class of
Parity Stock shall be in arrears (which shall, with respect to any such
quarterly dividend, mean that any such dividend has not been paid in full),
whether or not earned or declared, the number of directors then constituting the
Board of Directors shall be increased by two if not already increased by reason
of similar types of provisions with respect to shares of any other class or
series of Parity Stock which is entitled to similar voting rights (the _Voting
Preferred Stock_) and the holders of shares of Class R Preferred Stock, together
with the holders of shares of all other Voting Preferred Stock then entitled to
exercise similar voting rights, voting as a single class regardless of series,
shall be entitled to elect the two additional directors to serve on the Board of
Directors at any annual meeting of stockholders or special meeting held in place
thereof, or at a special meeting of the holders of the Class R Preferred Stock
and the Voting Preferred Stock called as hereinafter provided. Whenever all
arrears in dividends on the Class R Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred
Stock then outstanding shall have been paid and dividends thereon for the
current quarterly dividend period shall have been declared and paid, or declared
and set apart for payment, then the right of the holders of the Class R
Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock to elect such additional two
directors shall cease (but subject always to the same provision for the vesting
of such voting rights in the case of any similar future arrearages), and the
terms of office of all persons elected as directors by the holders of the Class
R Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock shall forthwith terminate and
the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall be reduced
accordingly. At any time after such voting power shall have been so vested in
the holders of Class R Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, if
applicable, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the written request
of any holder of Class R Preferred Stock (addressed to the Secretary at the
principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the
holders of the Class R Preferred Stock and of the Voting Preferred Stock for the
election of the two directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such
call to be made by notice similar to that provided in the Bylaws of the
Corporation for a special meeting of the stockholders or as required by law. If
any such special meeting required to be called as above provided shall not be
called by the Secretary within 20 days after receipt of any such request, then
any holder of Class R Preferred Stock may call such meeting, upon the notice
above provided, and for that purpose shall have access to the stock books of the
Corporation. The directors elected at any such special meeting shall hold office
until the next annual meeting of the stockholders or special meeting held in
lieu thereof if such office shall not have previously terminated as above
provided. If any vacancy shall occur among the directors elected by the holders
of the Class R Preferred Stock and the Voting Preferred Stock, a successor shall
be elected by the Board of Directors, upon the nomination of the then-remaining
director elected by the holders of the Class R Preferred Stock and the Voting
Preferred Stock or the successor of



such remaining director, to serve until the next annual meeting of the
stockholders or special meeting held in place thereof if such office shall not
have previously terminated as provided above.

          (b) So long as any shares of Class R Preferred Stock are outstanding,
in addition to any other vote or consent of stockholders required by law or by
the Charter of the Corporation, the affirmative vote of at least 66-2/3% of the
votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Class R Preferred Stock voting
as a single class with the holders of all other classes or series of Parity
Stock entitled to vote on such matters, given in person or by proxy, either in
writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for the purpose,
shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

               (i) any amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the provisions
of, or the addition of any provision to, these Articles Supplementary, the
Charter or the By-Laws of the Corporation that materially adversely affects the
voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of the Class R Preferred
Stock; provided, however, that the amendment of the provisions of the Charter so
as to increase the authorized amount of Class R Preferred Stock, or to authorize
or create, or to increase the authorized amount of, or issue any Junior Stock or
any shares of any class of Parity Stock, shall not be deemed to materially
adversely affect the voting powers, rights or preferences of the holders of
Class R Preferred Stock; or

               (ii) the authorization, creation of, increase in the authorized
amount of, or issuance of any shares of any class or series of Senior Stock or
any security convertible into shares of any class or series of Senior Stock
(whether or not such class or series of Senior Stock is currently authorized);

provided, however, that no such vote of the holders of Class R Preferred Stock
shall be required if, at or prior to the time when such amendment, alteration or
repeal is to take effect, or when the issuance of any such Senior Stock or
convertible or exchangeable security is to be made, as the case may be,
provision is made for the redemption of all shares of Class R Preferred Stock at
the time outstanding to the extent such redemption is authorized by Section 5 of
this Article.

                  For purposes of the foregoing provisions and all other voting
rights under these Articles Supplementary, each share of Class R Preferred Stock
shall have one (1) vote per share, except that when any other class or series of
preferred stock of the Corporation shall have the right to vote with the Class R
Preferred Stock as a single class on any matter, then the Class R Preferred
Stock and such other class or series shall have with respect to such matters one
quarter of one vote per $25 of stated liquidation preference. Except as
otherwise required by applicable law or as set forth herein or in the Charter,
the Class R Preferred Stock shall not have any relative, participating, optional
or other special voting rights and powers other than as set forth herein, and
the consent of the holders thereof shall not be required for the taking of any
corporate action.




     The Corporation and the Transfer Agent may deem and treat the record
holder of any share of Class R Preferred Stock as the true and lawful owner
thereof for all purposes, and neither the Corporation nor the Transfer Agent
shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.


         (A) LIMITATION ON BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP. Except as provided in Section
10.8, from and after the Issue Date, no Person (other than the Initial Holder or
a Look-Through Entity) shall Beneficially Own shares of Class R Preferred Stock
in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder shall not Beneficially Own
shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit and no
Look-Through Entity shall Beneficially Own shares of Class R Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership Limit.

         (B) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in any
Person (other than the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) Beneficially
Owning shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit shall
be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such shares of Class R Preferred Stock
that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by such Person in excess of the
Ownership Limit, and the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class R Preferred Stock.

         (C) TRANSFERS IN EXCESS OF INITIAL HOLDER LIMIT. Except as provided in
Section 10.8, from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section 10.12), any
Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions entered
into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an
automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in the
Initial Holder Beneficially Owning shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess
of the Initial Holder Limit shall be void ab initio as to the Transfer of such
shares of Class R Preferred Stock that would be otherwise Beneficially Owned by
the Initial Holder in excess of the Initial Holder limit, and the Initial Holder
shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class R Preferred Stock.

provided in Section 10.8 from and after the Issue Date (and subject to Section
10.12), any Transfer (whether or not such Transfer is the result of transactions
entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or
an automated inter-dealer quotation system) that, if effective, would result in
any Look-Through Entity Beneficially Owning shares of Class R Preferred Stock in
excess of the Look-Through Ownership limit shall be void ab initio as to the
Transfer of such shares of Class R Preferred Stock that would be otherwise
Beneficially Owned by such Look-Through Entity in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit and such Look-Through Entity shall acquire no rights in such
shares of Class R Preferred Stock.


Issue Date, any Transfer that, if effective would result in the Corporation
being "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code, or would
otherwise result in the Corporation failing to qualify as a REIT (including,
without limitation, a Transfer or other event that would result in the
Corporation owning (directly or constructively) an interest in a tenant that is
described in Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code if the income derived by the
Corporation from such tenant would cause the Corporation to fail to satisfy any
of the gross income requirements of Section 856(c) of the Code) shall be void ab
initio as to the Transfer of shares of Class R Preferred Stock that would cause
the Corporation (i) to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of
the Code or (ii) otherwise fail to qualify as a REIT, as the case may be, and
the intended transferee shall acquire no rights in such shares of Class R
Preferred Stock.

         (F) SEVERABILITY ON VOID TRANSACTIONS. A Transfer of a share of Class R
Preferred Stock that is null and void under Sections 10.1(B), (C), (D), or (E)
of this Article because it would, if effective, result in (i) the ownership of
Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the Initial Holder Limit, the Ownership
Limit, or the Look-Through Ownership Limit, (ii) the Corporation being "closely
held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code or (iii) the Corporation
otherwise failing to qualify as a REIT, shall not adversely affect the validity
of the Transfer of any other share of Class R Preferred Stock in the same or any
other related transaction.

     10.2 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. If the Board of Directors or a committee
thereof shall at any time determine in good faith that a Transfer or other event
has taken place in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article or that a Person
intends to acquire or has attempted to acquire Beneficial Ownership of any
shares of Class R Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article
(whether or not such violation is intended), the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof shall be empowered to take any action as it deems advisable to
refuse to give effect to or to prevent such Transfer or other event, including,
but not limited to, refusing to give effect to such Transfer or other event on
the books of the Corporation, causing the Corporation to redeem such shares at
the then current Market Price and upon such terms and conditions as may be
specified by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion (including, but not
limited to, by means of the issuance of long-term indebtedness for the purpose
of such redemption), demanding the repayment of any distributions received in
respect of shares of Class R Preferred Stock acquired in violation of Section
10.1 of this Article or instituting proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or to
rescind such Transfer or attempted Transfer; provided, however, that any
Transfers or attempted Transfers (or in the case of events other than a
Transfer, Beneficial Ownership) in violation of Section 10.1 of this Article,
regardless of any action (or non-action) by the Board of Directors or such
committee, (a) shall be void ab initio or (b) shall automatically result in the
transfer described in Section 10.3 of this Article; provided, further, that the
provisions of this Section 10.2 shall be subject to the provisions of Section
10.12 of this Article; provided, further, that neither the Board of Directors
nor any committee thereof may exercise such authority in a



manner that interferes with any ownership or transfer of Class R Preferred Stock
that is expressly authorized pursuant to Section 10.8(C) of this Article.


         (A) ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST. If, notwithstanding the other provisions
contained in this Article, at any time after the Issue Date there is a purported
Transfer (an "Excess Transfer") (whether or not such Transfer is the result of
transactions entered into through the facilities of the NYSE or other securities
exchange or an automated inter-dealer quotation system) or other change in the
capital structure of the Corporation (including, but not limited to, any
redemption of Equity Stock) or other event (including, but not limited to, any
acquisition of any share of Equity Stock) such that (a) any Person (other than
the Initial Holder or a Look-Through Entity) would Beneficially Own shares of
Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, or (b) the Initial
Holder would Beneficially Own shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the
Initial Holder Limit, or (c) any Person that is a Look-Through Entity would
Beneficially Own shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess of the Look-Through
Ownership Limit (in any such event, the Person, Initial Holder or Look-Through
Entity that would Beneficially Own shares of Class R Preferred Stock in excess
of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look-Through Entity
Limit, respectively, is referred to as a _Prohibited Transferee_), then, except
as otherwise provided in Section 10.8 of this Article, such shares of Class R
Preferred Stock in excess of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or
the Look-Through Ownership Limit, as the case may be, (rounded up to the nearest
whole share) shall be automatically transferred to a Trustee in his capacity as
trustee of a Trust for the exclusive benefit of one or more Charitable
Beneficiaries. Such transfer to the Trustee shall be deemed to be effective as
of the close of business on the Business Day prior to the Excess Transfer,
change in capital structure or another event giving rise to a potential
violation of the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the Look Through
Entity Ownership Limit.

         (B) APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be appointed by the
Corporation and shall be a Person unaffiliated with either the Corporation or
any Prohibited Transferee. The Trustee may be an individual or a bank or trust
company duly licensed to conduct a trust business.

         (C) STATUS OF SHARES HELD BY THE TRUSTEE. Shares of Class R Preferred
Stock held by the Trustee shall be issued and outstanding shares of capital
stock of the Corporation. Except to the extent provided in Section 10.3(E), the
Prohibited Transferee shall have no rights in the Class R Preferred Stock held
by the Trustee, and the Prohibited Transferee shall not benefit economically
from ownership of any shares held in trust by the Trustee, shall have no rights
to dividends and shall not possess any rights to vote or other rights
attributable to the shares held in the Trust.

         (D) DIVIDEND AND VOTING RIGHTS. The Trustee shall have all voting
rights and rights to dividends with respect to shares of Class R Preferred Stock
held in the Trust, which rights shall be exercised for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. Any dividend or distribution


paid prior to the discovery by the Corporation that the shares of Class R
Preferred Stock have been transferred to the Trustee shall be repaid to the
Corporation upon demand, and any dividend or distribution declared but unpaid
shall be rescinded as void ab initio with respect to such shares of Class R
Preferred Stock. Any dividends or distributions so disgorged or rescinded shall
be paid over to the Trustee and held in trust for the Charitable Beneficiary.
Any vote cast by a Prohibited Transferee prior to the discovery by the
Corporation that the shares of Class R Preferred Stock have been transferred to
the Trustee will be rescinded as void ab initio and shall be recast in
accordance with the desires of the Trustee acting for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary. The owner of the shares at the time of the Excess
Transfer, change in capital structure or other event giving rise to a potential
violation of the Ownership Limit, Initial Holder Limit or Look-Through Entity
Ownership Limit shall be deemed to have given an irrevocable proxy to the
Trustee to vote the shares of Class R Preferred Stock for the benefit of the
Charitable Beneficiary.

         (E) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Trustee of the Trust may sell the
shares held in the Trust to a Person, designated by the Trustee, whose ownership
of the shares will not violate the Ownership Restrictions. If such a sale is
made, the interest of the Charitable Beneficiary shall terminate and proceeds of
the sale shall be payable to the Prohibited Transferee and to the Charitable
Beneficiary as provided in this Section 10.3(E). The Prohibited Transferee shall
receive the lesser of (1) the price paid by the Prohibited Transferee for the
shares or, if the Prohibited Transferee did not give value for the shares
(through a gift, devise or other transaction), the Market Price of the shares on
the day of the event causing the shares to be held in the Trust and (2) the
price per share received by the Trustee from the sale or other disposition of
the shares held in the Trust. Any proceeds in excess of the amount payable to
the Prohibited Transferee shall be payable to the Charitable Beneficiary. If any
of the transfer restrictions set forth in this Section 10.3(E) or any
application thereof is determined in a final judgment to be void, invalid or
unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the issue, the Prohibited
Transferee may be deemed, at the option of the Corporation, to have acted as the
agent of the Corporation in acquiring the Class R Preferred Stock as to which
such restrictions would, by their terms, apply, and to hold such Class R
Preferred Stock on behalf of the Corporation.

R Preferred Stock transferred to the Trustee shall be deemed to have been
offered for sale to the Corporation, or its designee, at a price per share equal
to the lesser of (i) the price per share in the transaction that resulted in
such transfer to the Trust (or, in the case of a devise or gift, the Market
Price at the time of such devise or gift) and (ii) the Market Price on the date
the Corporation, or its designee, accepts such offer. The Corporation shall have
the right to accept such offer for a period of 90 days after the later of (i)
the date of the Excess Transfer or other event resulting in a transfer to the
Trust and (ii) the date that the Board of Directors determines in good faith
that an Excess Transfer or other event occurred.

         (G) DESIGNATION OF CHARITABLE BENEFICIARIES. By written notice to the
Trustee, the Corporation shall designate one or more nonprofit organizations to
be the Charitable Beneficiary of the interest in the Trust relating to such
Prohibited Transferee if (i) the shares of



Class R Preferred Stock held in the Trust would not violate the Ownership
Restrictions in the hands of such Charitable Beneficiary and (ii) each
Charitable Beneficiary is an organization described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A),
170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the Code.

     10.5 NOTICE OF RESTRICTED TRANSFER. Any Person that acquires or attempts
to acquire shares of Class R Preferred Stock in violation of Section 10.1 of
this Article, or any Person that is a Prohibited Transferee such that stock is
transferred to the Trustee under Section 10.3 of this Article, shall immediately
give written notice to the Corporation of such event and shall provide to the
Corporation such other information as the Corporation may request in order to
determine the effect, if any, of such Transfer or attempted Transfer or other
event on the Corporation's status as a REIT. Failure to give such notice shall
not limit the rights and remedies of the Board of Directors provided herein in
any way.

     10.6 OWNERS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. From and after the Issue
Date certain record and Beneficial Owners and transferees of shares of Class R
Preferred Stock will be required to provide certain information as set out

         (A) ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. Every record holder or Beneficial Owner of more
than 5% (or such other percentage between 0.5% and 5%, as provided in the
applicable regulations adopted under the Code) of the number of Outstanding
shares of Class R Preferred Stock shall, within 30 days after January 1 of each
year, give written notice to the Corporation stating the name and address of
such record holder or Beneficial Owner, the number of shares of Class R
Preferred Stock Beneficially Owned, and a full description of how such shares
are held. Each such record holder or Beneficial Owner of Class R Preferred Stock
shall, upon demand by the Corporation, disclose to the Corporation in writing
such additional information with respect to the Beneficial Ownership of the
Class R Preferred Stock as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, deems
appropriate or necessary to (i) comply with the provisions of the Code regarding
the qualification of the Corporation as a REIT under the Code and (ii) ensure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit or the
Look-Through Ownership Limit, as applicable. Each stockholder of record,
including without limitation any Person that holds shares of Class R Preferred
Stock on behalf of a Beneficial Owner, shall take all reasonable steps to obtain
the written notice described in this Section 10.5 from the Beneficial Owner.

Beneficial Owner of shares of Class R Preferred Stock and any Person (including
the stockholder of record) that is holding shares of Class R Preferred Stock for
a Beneficial Owner, and any proposed transferee of shares, shall provide such
information as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may request in order to
determine the Corporation's status as a REIT, to comply with the requirements of
any taxing authority or other governmental agency, to determine any such
compliance or to ensure compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder
Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit, and shall provide a statement or
affidavit to the Corporation setting forth the number of shares of Class R
Preferred Stock already Beneficially Owned by such stockholder or proposed
transferee and any related persons specified, which statement or affidavit shall
be in the form prescribed by the Corporation for that purpose.



     10.7 REMEDIES NOT LIMITED. Nothing contained in this Article shall limit
the authority of the Board of Directors to take such other action as it deems
necessary or advisable (subject to the provisions of Section 10.12 of this
Article) (i) to protect the Corporation and the interests of its stockholders in
the preservation of the Corporation's status as a REIT and (ii) to insure
compliance with the Ownership Limit, the Initial Holder Limit and the
Look-Through Ownership Limit.

     10.8 AMBIGUITY. In the case of an ambiguity in the application of any of
the provisions of Section 10 of this Article, or in the case of an ambiguity in
any definition contained in Section 10 of this Article, the Board of Directors
shall have the power to determine the application of the provisions of this
Article with respect to any situation based on its reasonable belief,
understanding or knowledge of the circumstances.

     10.9 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions shall apply or may be
established with respect to the limitations of Section 10.1 of this Article.

         (A) WAIVER OF OWNERSHIP LIMIT. The Board of Directors, upon receipt of
a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of tax counsel or other
evidence or undertaking acceptable to it, may waive the application, in whole or
in part, of the Ownership Limit to a Person subject to the Ownership Limit, if
such person is not an individual for purposes of Section 542(a) of the Code (as
modified to exclude qualified trusts from treatment as individuals pursuant to
Section 856(h)(3) of the Code) and is a corporation, partnership, limited
liability company, estate or trust. In connection with any such exemption, the
Board of Directors may require such representations and undertakings from such
Person and may impose such other conditions as the Board of Directors deems
necessary, in its sole discretion, to determine the effect, if any, of the
proposed Transfer on the Corporation's status as a REIT.

         (B) PLEDGE BY INITIAL HOLDER. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Article, the pledge by the Initial Holder of all or any portion of the
Class R Preferred Stock directly owned at any time or from time to time shall
not constitute a violation of Section 10.1 of this Article and the pledgee shall
not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the Class R Preferred
Stock so pledged to it either as a result of the pledge or upon foreclosure.

         (C) UNDERWRITERS. For a period of 270 days (or such longer period of
time as any underwriter described below shall hold an unsold allotment of Class
R Preferred Stock) following the purchase of Class R Preferred Stock by an
underwriter that (i) is a corporation, partnership or other legal entity and
(ii) participates in an offering of the Class R Preferred Stock, such
underwriter shall not be subject to the Ownership Limit with respect to the
Class R Preferred Stock purchased by it as a part of or in connection with such
offering and with respect to any Class R Preferred Stock purchased in connection
with market making activities.



     10.10 LEGEND. Each certificate for Class R Preferred Stock shall bear
substantially the following legend:

          "The shares of Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock represented by this
     certificate are subject to restrictions on transfer. No person may
     Beneficially Own shares of Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of
     the Ownership Restrictions, as applicable, with certain further
     restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Charter (including the
     Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class R Cumulative
     Preferred Stock). Any Person that attempts to Beneficially Own shares of
     Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock in excess of the applicable limitation
     must immediately notify the Corporation. All capitalized terms in this
     legend have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Charter (including
     the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of the Class R
     Cumulative Preferred Stock), as the same may be amended from time to time,
     a copy of which, including the restrictions on transfer, will be sent
     without charge to each stockholder that so requests. If the restrictions on
     transfer are violated, (i) the transfer of the shares of Class R Cumulative
     Preferred Stock represented hereby will be void in accordance with the
     Charter (including the Articles Supplementary setting forth the terms of
     the Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock) or (ii) the shares of Class R
     Cumulative Preferred Stock represented hereby will automatically be
     transferred to a Trustee of a Trust for the benefit of one or more
     Charitable Beneficiaries."

     10.11 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Article or any application
of any such provision is determined in a final and unappealable judgment to be
void, invalid or unenforceable by any Federal or state court having jurisdiction
over the issues, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions
shall not be affected and other applications of such provision shall be affected
only to the extent necessary to comply with the determination of such court.

     10.12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DISCRETION. Anything in this Article to the
contrary notwithstanding, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take or
omit to take such actions as it in its discretion shall determine to be
advisable in order that the Corporation maintain its status as and continue to
qualify as a REIT, including, but not limited to, reducing the Ownership Limit,
the Initial Holder Limit and the Look-Through Ownership Limit in the event of a
change in law.

     10.13 SETTLEMENT. Nothing in this Section 10 of this Article shall be
interpreted to preclude the settlement of any transaction entered into through
the facilities of the NYSE or other securities exchange or an automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

     FOURTH: The terms of the Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock set forth
in Article Third hereof shall become Article XXIX of the Charter.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and witnessed by its Assistant Secretary on July 17, 2001.

WITNESS:                                      APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                              MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LUCY CORDOVA                              /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
- --------------------------------              ----------------------------------
Lucy Cordova                                  Paul J. McAuliffe
Assistant Secretary                           Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Financial Officer

     THE UNDERSIGNED, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Corporation the Articles Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part,
hereby acknowledges in the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing
Articles Supplementary to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby
certifies that the matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the
authorization and approval thereof are true in all material respects under the
penalties of perjury.

                                                 /s/ PAUL J. MCAULIFFE
                                                 Paul J. McAuliffe
                                                 Executive Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer

                            ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY



(hereinafter called the "Corporation"), having its principal office in Baltimore
City, Maryland, hereby certifies to the Department of Assessments and Taxation
of the State of Maryland that:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by Section 1.2 of Article IV of the Charter of the
Corporation, as amended to date (the "Charter"), the Board of Directors has duly
divided and classified 800,000 authorized but unissued shares of Class A Common
Stock of the Corporation, par value $.01 per share, into additional shares of
preferred stock heretofore designated as "Class R Cumulative Preferred Stock,
par value $.01 per share," (the "Class R Preferred Stock") and has provided for
the issuance of such additional shares.

         SECOND: The reclassification increases the number of shares classified
as Class R Preferred Stock from 4,140,000 shares immediately prior to the
reclassification to 4,940,000 shares immediately after the reclassification. The
reclassification decreases the number of shares classified as Class A Common
Stock from 457,762,738 shares immediately prior to the reclassification to
456,962,738 shares immediately after the reclassification. The number of shares
classified as Class R Preferred Stock may be decreased upon reacquisition
thereof in any manner, or by retirement thereof, by the Corporation.

         THIRD: The terms of the Class R Preferred Stock (including the
preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions,
limitations as to dividends and other distributions, qualifications, or terms or
conditions of redemption) as set by the Board of Directors are as set forth in
Article THIRD of the Articles Supplementary to the Charter (dated July 17, 2001
and filed with the MSDAT on July 18, 2001) and remain unchanged by these
Articles Supplementary.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               STATE OF MARYLAND

I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of the 3 page document
on file in this office. DATED: 8-3-01.


BY: Ann Custis, Custodian
This stamp replaces our previous certification system. Effective: 6/95

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be
signed in its name and on its behalf by its Chairman of the Board and witnessed
by its Assistant Secretary on July 31, 2001.

WITNESS:                                APARTMENT INVESTMENT AND
                                        MANAGEMENT COMPANY

/s/ LUCY CORDOVA                        /s/ TERRY CONSIDINE
- -------------------                     ------------------------
Lucy Cordova                            Terry Considine
Assistant Secretary                     Chairman of the Board

MANAGEMENT COMPANY, who executed on behalf of the Corporation the Articles
Supplementary of which this Certificate is made a part, hereby acknowledges in
the name and on behalf of said Corporation the foregoing Articles Supplementary
to be the corporate act of said Corporation and hereby certifies that the
matters and facts set forth herein with respect to the authorization and
approval thereof are true in all material respects under the penalties of

                                        /s/ TERRY CONSIDINE
                                        Terry Considine
                                        Chairman of the Board