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                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K
      ACT OF 1934

                  FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

           FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM             TO

                         COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 1-4221

                            HELMERICH & PAYNE, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   DELAWARE                                      73-0679879
       (State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. employer
        incorporation or organization)                      identification no.)
   (Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (918) 742-5531

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

             -------------------                    ------------------------------------
        Common Stock ($0.10 par value)                    New York Stock Exchange
         Common Stock Purchase Rights                     New York Stock Exchange

       Securities registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  NONE

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [X]  No [ ]

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of the Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K.  [ ]

     At December 14, 2001, the aggregate market value of the voting stock held
by non-affiliates was $1,402,779,905.

     Number of shares of common stock outstanding at December 14, 2001:


(1) Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended September 30,
    2001 -- Parts I, II, and IV.

(2) Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of Security Holders to be held March 6,
    2002 -- Part III.

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              Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2001

                                     PART I


         Helmerich & Payne, Inc. (the "Registrant"), was incorporated under the
laws of the State of Delaware on February 3, 1940, and is successor to a
business originally organized in 1920. Registrant is primarily engaged in the
exploration, production, and sale of crude oil and natural gas and in contract
drilling of oil and gas wells for others. These activities account for the major
portion of its operating revenues. The Registrant is also engaged in the
ownership, development, and operation of commercial real estate.

         The Registrant is organized into three separate autonomous operating
divisions being contract drilling; oil & gas exploration and production
operations; and real estate. While there is a limited amount of intercompany
activity, each division operates essentially independently of the others. Each
of the divisions, except exploration and production, conducts their respective
business through wholly owned subsidiaries. Operating decentralization is
balanced by a centralized finance division, which handles all accounting, data
processing, budgeting, insurance, cash management, and related activities.

         Most of the Registrant's current exploration efforts are concentrated
in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Hugoton Field of western Kansas. The
Registrant also explores from time to time in the Rocky Mountain area, New
Mexico, Alabama, Michigan, and Mississippi. Substantially all of the
Registrant's gas production is sold to and resold by its marketing subsidiary.
This subsidiary also purchases gas from unaffiliated third parties for resale.

         The Registrant's domestic contract drilling is conducted primarily in
Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and Louisiana, and offshore from platforms in the Gulf
of Mexico and offshore California. The Registrant has also operated during
fiscal 2001 in six international locations: Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia,
Argentina, Bolivia and Equatorial Guinea.

         The Registrant's real estate investments are located in Tulsa,
Oklahoma, where the Registrant has its executive offices.


         The Registrant believes that it is one of the major land and offshore
platform drilling contractors in the western hemisphere. Operating principally
in North and South America, the Registrant specializes primarily in deep
drilling in major gas producing basins of the United States and in drilling for
oil and gas in remote international areas. For its international operations, the
Registrant operates certain rigs which are transportable by helicopter. In the
United States, the Registrant draws its customers primarily from the major oil
companies and the larger independents. The Registrant also drills for its own
oil and gas division. In South America, the Registrant's current customers
include the Venezuelan state petroleum company and major international oil

         In fiscal 2001, Registrant received approximately 45% of its
consolidated revenues from the Registrant's ten largest contract drilling
customers. BP and Shell Oil Co., including their affiliates, (respectively, "BP"
and "Shell") are the Registrant's two largest contract drilling customers. The

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Registrant performs drilling services for BP and Shell on a world-wide basis.
Revenues from drilling services performed for BP and Shell in fiscal 2001
accounted for approximately 15% and 8%, respectively, of the Registrant's
consolidated revenues for the same period. While the Registrant believes that
its relationship with all of these customers is good, the loss of BP or Shell or
a simultaneous loss of several of its larger customers would have a material
adverse effect on the drilling subsidiary and the Registrant.

         The Registrant provides drilling rigs, equipment, personnel, and camps
on a contract basis. These services are provided so that Registrant's customers
may explore for and develop oil and gas from onshore areas and from fixed and
tension leg platforms in offshore areas. Each of the drilling rigs consists of
engines, drawworks, a mast, pumps, blowout preventers, a drillstring, and
related equipment. The intended well depth and the drilling site conditions are
the principal factors that determine the size and type of rig most suitable for
a particular drilling job. A land drilling rig may be moved from location to
location without modification to the rig. Conversely, a platform rig is
specifically designed to perform drilling operations upon a particular platform.
While a platform rig may be moved from its original platform, significant
expense is incurred to modify a platform rig for operation on each subsequent
platform. In addition to traditional platform rigs, Registrant operates
self-moving minimum space platform drilling rigs and drilling rigs to be used on
tension leg platforms. The minimum space rig is designed to be moved without the
use of expensive derrick barges. The tension leg platform rig allows drilling
operations to be conducted in much deeper water than traditional fixed
platforms. A helicopter rig is one that can be disassembled into component part
loads of approximately 4,000-20,000 pounds and transported to remote locations
by helicopter, cargo plane, or other means.

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         The Registrant's workover rigs are equipped with engines, drawworks, a
mast, pumps, and blowout preventers. A workover rig is used to complete a new
well after the hole has been drilled by a drilling rig, and to remedy various
downhole problems that occur in producing wells.

         During fiscal 1998, Registrant put to work a new generation of six
highly mobile/depth flexible new rigs (individually the "FlexRig"TM). The
FlexRig has the potential to reduce rig move times by at least 50%. In addition,
the FlexRig allows a greater depth flexibility of between 8,000 to 18,000 feet
and provides greater operating efficiency. During fiscal 2000, the Registrant
ordered 12 new FlexRigs at an approximate cost of between $7.5 million and $8.25
million each. The Registrant took delivery of nine new FlexRigs through October
2001, and expects the final three FlexRigs to be delivered by the end of
calendar 2001. During fiscal 2001, the Registrant ordered an additional 25 new
FlexRigs at an approximate cost of $10 million each. These new rigs are the next
generation of FlexRigs which incorporate new drilling technology and new safety
design. The FlexRigs will be available for work in the Registrant's domestic and
international drilling operations. The Registrant expects that approximately 15
of these next generation rigs will be delivered between March and September,
2002, with the remaining rigs expected to be delivered by the end of fiscal

         The Registrant's drilling contracts are obtained through competitive
bidding or as a result of negotiations with customers, and sometimes cover
multi-well and multi-year projects. Each drilling rig operates under a separate
drilling contract. Most of the contracts are performed on a "daywork" basis,
under which the Registrant charges a fixed rate per day, with the price
determined by the location, depth, and complexity of the well to be drilled,
operating conditions, the duration of the contract, and the competitive forces
of the market. The Registrant has previously performed contracts on a
combination "footage" and "daywork" basis, under which the Registrant charged a
fixed rate per foot of hole drilled to a stated depth, usually no deeper than
15,000 feet, and a fixed rate per day for the

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remainder of the hole. Contracts performed on a "footage" basis involve a
greater element of risk to the contractor than do contracts performed on a
"daywork" basis. Also, the Registrant has previously accepted "turnkey"
contracts under which the Registrant charges a fixed sum to deliver a hole to a
stated depth and agrees to furnish services such as testing, coring, and casing
the hole which are not normally done on a "footage" basis. "Turnkey" contracts
entail varying degrees of risk greater than the usual "footage" contract.
Registrant did not accept a "footage" or "turnkey" contract during fiscal 2001.
The Registrant believes that under current market conditions "footage" and
"turnkey" contract rates do not adequately compensate contractors for the added
risks. The duration of the Registrant's drilling contracts are "well-to-well" or
for a fixed term. "Well-to-well" contracts are cancelable at the option of
either party upon the completion of drilling at any one site. Fixed-term
contracts customarily provide for termination at the election of the customer,
with an "early termination payment" to be paid to the contractor if a contract
is terminated prior to the expiration of the fixed term.

         While current fixed term contracts are for one to five year periods,
some fixed term and well-to-well contracts are expected to be continued for
longer periods than the original terms. However, the contracting parties have no
legal obligation to extend the contracts. Contracts generally contain renewal or
extension provisions exercisable at the option of the customer at prices
mutually agreeable to the Registrant and the customer. In most instances
contracts provide for additional payments for mobilization and demobilization.
Contracts for work in foreign countries generally provide for payment in United
States dollars, except for amounts required to meet local expenses. However,
government owned petroleum companies are more frequently requesting that a
greater proportion of these payments be made in local currencies. See
Regulations and Hazards, page I-8.

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         Domestic Drilling

         The Registrant believes it is a major land and offshore platform
drilling contractor in the domestic market. At the end of September, 2001, the
Registrant had 59 of its rigs (49 land rigs and 10 platform rigs) operating in
the United States and had management contracts for three customer-owned rigs.
The 11 rig increase from fiscal 2000 to 2001 is due to the delivery of seven new
FlexRigs, transfer of three rigs from Registrant's international operations, and
the assembly of one rig from existing components.

         During fiscal 2001, Registrant was awarded one term contract for the
construction and operation of one self-moving platform rig in the Gulf of Mexico
for a major oil company. Registrant expects that this rig will commence drilling
operations during calendar year 2002. Also, during fiscal 2001, Registrant
signed a letter of intent for the construction and operation of one self-moving
platform rig in the Gulf of Mexico for another major oil company. If a contract
is awarded, it is expected that drilling operations would commence during
calendar year 2002.

         International Drilling

         The Registrant's international drilling operations began in 1958 with
the acquisition of the Sinclair Oil Company's drilling rigs in Venezuela.
Helmerich & Payne de Venezuela, C.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Registrant, is one of the leading drilling contractors in Venezuela. Beginning
in 1972, with the introduction of its first helicopter rig, the Registrant
expanded into other Latin American countries.

         Venezuelan operations continue to be a significant part of the
Registrant's operations. At the end of fiscal 2001, the Registrant owned and
operated 14 land drilling rigs in Venezuela with a utilization rate of 37% for
such fiscal year. The Registrant worked for the Venezuelan state petroleum
company during fiscal 2001, and revenues from this work accounted for
approximately 3.5% of the

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Registrant's consolidated revenues during the fiscal year. During fiscal year
2001, Registrant moved three rigs from Venezuela to Houston, Texas, for
modifications and upgrades.

         Registrant's rig utilization rate in Venezuela has increased from
approximately 32% during the 2000 fiscal year to approximately 37% in fiscal
2001. Even though the Registrant is, at this time, unable to predict future
fluctuations in its utilization rates during fiscal 2002, the Registrant
believes that the prospects are good for returning at least three of its idle
rigs back to work during fiscal 20021.

         The Venezuelan government, in early 1996, permitted foreign exploration
and production companies to acquire rights to explore for and produce oil and
gas in Venezuela. Registrant has performed contract drilling services in
Venezuela for three independent oil companies during fiscal 2001.

         At the end of fiscal 2001, the Registrant owned and operated seven rigs
in Ecuador. The Registrant's utilization rate was 92% during fiscal 2001.
Revenues generated by Ecuadorian drilling operations contributed approximately
4.3% of the Registrant's consolidated revenue. The contracts are with large
international oil companies. During fiscal 2001, one rig was moved into Ecuador
from Venezuela.

         At the end of fiscal 2001, the Registrant owned and operated three
drilling rigs in Colombia. The Registrant's utilization rate in Colombia was 69%
during fiscal 2001. During fiscal 2001 the revenues generated by Colombian
drilling operations contributed approximately 3.3% of the Registrant's
consolidated revenues. During fiscal 2001, the Registrant moved four rigs from
Colombia to Houston, Texas, for modifications and upgrades. The Registrant
expects continued reduction in activity and revenues from Colombia.

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         In addition to its operations in Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia, the
Registrant in fiscal 2001 owned and operated six rigs in Bolivia and two rigs in
Argentina. In Bolivia and Argentina, the contracts are with large international
oil companies. During fiscal 2001, the Registrant continued operations under a
management contract for a customer-owned platform rig located offshore
Equatorial Guinea.


         The contract drilling business is highly competitive. Competition in
contract drilling involves such factors as price, rig availability, efficiency,
condition of equipment, reputation, and customer relations. Competition is
primarily on a regional basis and may vary significantly by region at any
particular time. Land drilling rigs can be readily moved from one region to
another in response to changes in levels of activity, and an oversupply of rigs
in any region may result.

         Although many contracts for drilling services are awarded based solely
on price, the Registrant has been successful in establishing long-term
relationships with certain customers which have allowed the Registrant to secure
drilling work even though the Registrant may not have been the lowest bidder for
such work. The Registrant has continued to attempt to differentiate its services
based upon its engineering design expertise, operational efficiency, safety and
environmental awareness.

         Regulations and Hazards

         The drilling operations of the Registrant are subject to the many
hazards inherent in the business, including blowouts and well fires. These
hazards could cause personal injury, suspend drilling operations, seriously
damage or destroy the equipment involved, and cause substantial damage to
producing formations and the surrounding areas.

         The Registrant believes that it has adequate insurance coverage for
comprehensive general liability, public liability, property damage (including
insurance against loss by fire and storm, blowout,

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and cratering risks), workers compensation and employer's liability. No
insurance is carried against loss of earnings or business interruption. The
Registrant is unable to obtain significant amounts of insurance to cover risks
of underground reservoir damage; however, the Registrant is generally
indemnified under its drilling contracts from this risk. The majority of the
Registrant's insurance coverage has been purchased through fiscal 2002, however,
rates and deductibles increased substantially for a number of coverages due to
general hardening in the energy insurance market as well as the events of
September 11, 2001. In view of these present conditions, no assurance can be
given that all or a portion of the Registrant's coverage will not be cancelled
during fiscal 2002 nor that insurance coverage will continue to be available at
rates considered reasonable.

         International operations are subject to certain political, economic,
and other uncertainties not encountered in domestic operations, including
increased risks of terrorism, expropriation of equipment as well as
expropriation of a particular oil company operator's property and drilling
rights, taxation policies, foreign exchange restrictions, currency rate
fluctuations, and general hazards associated with foreign sovereignty over
certain areas in which operations are conducted. There can be no assurance that
there will not be changes in local laws, regulations, and administrative
requirements or the interpretation thereof which could have a material adverse
effect on the profitability of the Registrant's operations or on the ability of
the Registrant to continue operations in certain areas. Because of the impact of
local laws, the Registrant's future operations in certain areas may be conducted
through entities in which local citizens own interests and through entities
(including joint ventures) in which the Registrant holds only a minority
interest, or pursuant to arrangements under which the Registrant conducts
operations under contract to local entities. While the Registrant believes that
neither operating through such entities nor pursuant to such arrangements would
have a material adverse effect on the Registrant's operations or revenues, there
can be no assurance that the Registrant will in all

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cases be able to structure or restructure its operations to conform to local law
(or the administration thereof) on terms acceptable to the Registrant. The
Registrant further attempts to minimize the potential impact of such risks by
operating in more than one geographical area and by attempting to obtain
indemnification from operators against expropriation, nationalization, and

         During fiscal 2001, approximately 18.7% of the Registrant's
consolidated revenues were generated from the international contract drilling
business. Approximately 93% of the international revenues were from operations
in South America and 51% of South American revenues were from Venezuela and
Ecuador. Exposure to potential losses from currency devaluation is minimal in
Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina. In those countries, all receivables
and payments are currently in U.S. dollars. Cash balances are kept at a minimum
which assists in reducing exposure.

         In Venezuela, approximately 50% of the Registrant's invoice billings
are in U.S. dollars and the other 50% are in the local currency, the bolivar.
The Registrant is exposed to risks of currency devaluation in Venezuela as a
result of bolivar receivable balances and necessary bolivar cash balances. In
1994, the Venezuelan government established a fixed exchange rate in hopes of
stemming economic problems caused by a high rate of inflation. During the first
week of December, 1995, the government established a new exchange rate,
resulting in further devaluation of the bolivar. In April of 1996, the bolivar
was again devalued when the government decided to abolish its fixed rate policy
and to allow a floating market exchange rate. During fiscal 2000, the Registrant
experienced losses of approximately US$687,000 and in fiscal 2001 it experienced
losses of US$796,000 as a result of the devaluation of the bolivar. Registrant
is unable to predict future devaluation in Venezuela. In the event that fiscal
2002 activity levels are similar to fiscal 2001 and if a 25% to 50% devaluation
would occur, the Registrant could experience potential currency valuation losses
ranging from approximately US$1,600,000 to US$2,600,000.

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         During the mid-1970s, the Venezuelan government nationalized the
exploration and production business. At the present time it appears the
Venezuelan government will not nationalize the contract drilling business. Any
such nationalization could result in Registrant's loss of all or a portion of
its assets and business in Venezuela.

         Many aspects of the Registrant's operations are subject to government
regulation, including those relating to drilling practices and methods and the
level of taxation. In addition, various countries (including the United States)
have environmental regulations which affect drilling operations. Drilling
contractors may be liable for damages resulting from pollution. Under United
States regulations, drilling contractors must establish financial responsibility
to cover potential liability for pollution of offshore waters. Generally, the
Registrant is indemnified under drilling contracts from liability arising from
pollution, except in certain cases of surface pollution. However, the
enforceability of indemnification provisions in foreign countries may be

         The Registrant believes that it is in substantial compliance with all
legislation and regulations affecting its operations in the drilling of oil and
gas wells and in controlling the discharge of wastes. To date, compliance has
not materially affected the capital expenditures, earnings, or competitive
position of the Registrant, although these measures may add to the costs of
operating drilling equipment in some instances. Additional legislation or
regulation may reasonably be anticipated, and the effect thereof on operations
cannot be predicted.


         The Registrant engages in the origination of prospects; the
identification, acquisition, exploration, and development of prospective and
proved oil and gas properties; the production and sale of crude oil, condensate,
and natural gas; and the marketing of natural gas. The Registrant

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considers itself a medium-sized independent producer. All of the Registrant's
oil and gas operations are conducted in the United States.

         Most of the Registrant's current exploration and drilling effort is
concentrated in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Louisiana. The Registrant also
explores from time to time in New Mexico, Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, and
the Rocky Mountain area.

         The Registrant's exploration and production division includes
geographical exploitation/exploration teams comprised of geological,
engineering, and land personnel. These personnel primarily develop in-house oil
and gas prospects as well as review outside prospects and acquisitions for their
respective geographical areas. The Registrant believes that this structure
allows each team to gain greater expertise in its respective geographical area
and reduces risk in the development of prospects.

         The Registrant has been focusing on developing prospects using 3D
seismic technology. Currently, the Registrant is involved in 3D surveys covering
more than 1,480 square miles, of which approximately 1,180 square miles are
proprietary. Approximately 1,100 square miles of land covered by such surveys is
located near the Texas and Louisiana onshore Gulf Coast.

         Registrant's exploration and development program has covered a range of
prospects, from shallow "bread and butter" programs to deep, expensive, high
risk/high return wells. The Registrant continued its drilling program in
Oklahoma, Kansas, west Texas, south Texas and south Louisiana, participating in
a total of 123 wells during fiscal 2001.

         Of the 123 well total, 47 wells were development wells drilled in areas
where reserves were previously booked, and 29 wells were dry holes. Registrant
increased its development of proved undeveloped reserves in fiscal 2001 as the
result of high natural gas prices during the last half of calendar 2000. The
focus of this drilling was the Redfork play in western Oklahoma, additional

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development of Ashland Field in southeastern Oklahoma and the Hugoton Field in
Kansas, as well as additional drilling in the panhandle of Texas and in southern
Louisiana. Registrant's participation in these 47 development wells resulted in
the addition of approximately 15.7 BCF of gas and 75,826 barrels of oil
previously classified as proved undeveloped.

         Of the remaining 76 wells drilled during the year, 40 were wildcat
wells, 20 of which were successfully completed. These drilling efforts resulted
in new discoveries of approximately 12.8 BCF of gas and 1,145,195 barrels of oil
and condensate.

         A total of $80,040,769 was spent in the Registrant's exploration and
development program during fiscal 2001. This figure includes $7,838,770 of
geophysical expense, but is exclusive of expenditures for acreage and
acquisition of proved oil and gas reserves. The Registrant's total company-wide
acquisition cost for acreage in fiscal 2001 was $18,611,957.

         The Registrant also spent $737,500 for the acquisition of proved oil
and gas reserves during fiscal 2001. The reserves associated with these
acquisitions were 495,888 MCF of gas and 434 barrels of oil.

         The Registrant's fiscal 2002 exploration and production budget has been
reduced to approximately $50 million due to lower product prices, higher service
company costs and high-grading of existing prospects in order to reduce finding
costs. This is a 47.6% reduction from actual exploration and production
expenditures in fiscal 2001.

         During fiscal 2001, the Registrant continued to work with its
investment banker, Petrie Parkman & Co., to analyze strategic alternatives with
regard to the Registrant's oil and gas division. It is contemplated that a
successful transaction could, among other things, lead to the spinoff of the
Company's exploration and production business and the subsequent merger of such
business with a third party. The Registrant is unable to predict if and when
such a transaction may occur.

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         Market for Oil and Gas

         The Registrant does not refine any of its production. The availability
of a ready market for such production depends upon a number of factors,
including the availability of other domestic production, price, crude oil
imports, the proximity and capacity of oil and gas pipelines, and general
fluctuations in supply and demand. The Registrant does not anticipate any
unusual difficulty in contracting to sell its production of crude oil and
natural gas to purchasers and end-users at prevailing market prices and under
arrangements that are usual and customary in the industry. The Registrant and
its subsidiary, Helmerich & Payne Energy Services, Inc., have successfully
developed markets with end-users, local distribution companies, and natural gas
brokers for gas produced from successful wildcat wells and development wells.
Substantially all of Registrant's gas production is sold to and resold by
Helmerich & Payne Energy Services, Inc. During fiscal 2001, the price that
Registrant received for the sale of its natural gas has fluctuated. Registrant's
average per MCF natural gas sales price in fiscal 2001 for each of the first
through fourth quarters was $4.73, $6.49, $4.27 and $2.66, respectively.

         The Registrant is of the opinion that during the next 12 to 18 months,
the natural gas market will continue to be characterized by high volatility and
relatively lower or moderating prices as compared to the average prices of
natural gas in fiscal 2001.

         Last year's record high natural gas prices spawned an increase of
productive capacity and a dramatic increase in drilling. This increase in
productive capacity combined with a slowing economy and record storage levels is
expected to result in excess gas supplies for the next 12 to 18 months. During
the next two to three years, Registrant believes that there will be a more
balanced supply and demand of natural gas as the economy recovers and productive
capacity continues to decline.

         In the long-term, natural gas prices will be impacted by the decline in
deliverability of domestic supply; increased use of natural gas for electrical
generation; a recovery of U.S. economic growth; the

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increased usage and better management of natural gas storage; seasonal usage;
fuel switching; usage of gas as a feed stock; and importation of gas from Canada
and Mexico. All these factors will continue to influence the cyclical nature of
the supply/demand balance and will continue to occur as drilling activity and
productive capacity respond to the changing prices.

         Historically, the Registrant has had no long-term sales contracts for
its crude oil and condensate production. The Registrant continues its practice
of contracting for the sale of its Kansas and Oklahoma and portions of its west
Texas crude oil for terms of six to twelve months in an attempt to assure itself
of the best price in the area for crude oil production. During fiscal 2001, the
price that Registrant received for the sale of its crude oil has steadily
decreased. Registrant's average per barrel crude oil sales price in fiscal 2001
for each of the first through fourth quarters was $31.44, $28.09, $26.12 and
$25.33, respectively.

         Mid-East tensions, disputes among OPEC and non-OPEC countries over
production quotas, and sluggish economies have created a continued mixed market
in crude oil trading. Although a change in any of these factors could
dramatically affect pricing, it is anticipated that crude oil prices may remain
in the low $20's over the coming year.


         The Registrant competes with numerous other companies and individuals
in the acquisition of oil and gas properties and the marketing of oil and gas.
The Registrant believes that it should continue to prepare for increased
exploration activity without committing to a definite drilling timetable. The
Registrant also believes that competition for the acquisition of gas producing
properties will continue. Considering the Registrant's conservative acquisition
strategy, the Registrant believes that it may be unable to acquire significant
proved developed producing reserves from third parties. The Registrant intends
to continue its review of properties in areas where the Registrant has
expertise. The

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Registrant's competitors include major oil companies, other independent oil
companies, and individuals. Many of these competitors have financial resources,
staffs, and facilities substantially larger than those of the Registrant. The
effect of these competitive factors on the Registrant cannot be predicted.

         Title to Oil and Gas Properties

         The Registrant undertakes title examination and performs curative work
at the time properties are acquired. The Registrant believes that title to its
oil and gas properties is generally good and defensible in accordance with
standards acceptable in the industry.

         Oil and gas properties in general are subject to customary royalty
interests contracted for in connection with the acquisitions of title, liens
incident to operating agreements, liens for current taxes, and other burdens and
minor encumbrances, easements, and restrictions. The Registrant believes that
the existence of such burdens will not materially detract from the general value
of its leasehold interests.

         Governmental Regulation in the Oil and Gas Industry

         The Registrant's domestic operations are affected from time to time in
varying degrees by political developments and federal and state laws and
regulations. In particular, oil and gas production operations and economics are
affected by price control, tax, and other laws relating to the petroleum
industry; by changes in such laws; and by constantly changing administrative
regulations. Most states in which the Registrant conducts or may conduct oil and
gas activities regulate the production and sale of oil and natural gas,
including regulation of the size of drilling and spacing units or proration
units, the density of wells which may be drilled, and the unitization or pooling
of oil and gas properties. In addition, state conservation laws establish
maximum rates of production from oil and natural gas wells, generally prohibit
the venting or flaring of natural gas, and impose certain requirements regarding

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ratability of production. The effect of these regulations is to limit the
amounts of oil and natural gas the Registrant can produce from its wells, and to
limit the number of wells or locations at which the Registrant can drill. In
addition, legislation affecting the natural gas and oil industry is under
constant review. Inasmuch as such laws and regulations are frequently expanded,
amended, or reinterpreted, the Registrant is unable to predict the future cost
or impact of complying with such regulations. The Registrant believes that
compliance with existing federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations
will not have a material adverse effect upon its capital expenditures, earnings
or competitive position.

         Regulatory Controls

         Historically, the transportation and sale for resale of natural gas in
interstate commerce have been regulated under the Natural Gas Act ("NGA") and
the regulations promulgated thereunder. Furthermore, the various states have
regulated the production of natural gas and the gathering of natural gas, i.e.,
those activities which are not subject to Federal jurisdiction.

         Specifically, as to sales by the Registrant, under the NGA prior to
November 1978 the Federal Power Commission and its successor, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), established ceiling prices for sales of natural
gas for resale in interstate commerce by the Registrant. In November 1978, the
U.S. Congress enacted the Natural Gas Policy Act ("NGPA") which adopted certain
FERC ceiling prices and established additional price ceiling categories (such
ceiling prices called maximum lawful prices - "MLPs"). In addition, the NGPA
provided for a phased removal of certain ceiling prices.

         In 1989, the U.S. Congress enacted the Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol
Act which provided a process for the phased decontrol of all first sales of
natural gas, with complete removal of price ceilings on first sales by January
1, 1993. Since the Registrant believes that all of its sales of natural gas are
first sales, such sales are no longer subject to Federal regulation. However,
there may still be

                                     I - 17

issues of compliance with price ceilings as to prior periods. At this point, the
only such issue, that the Registrant is aware of, relates to the Registrant's
collection of reimbursement from certain interstate pipelines of Kansas ad
valorem taxes paid by Registrant for sales prior to decontrol.

         Prior to decontrol of first sales, the Registrant made first sales to
several interstate pipelines for which it received reimbursement for Kansas ad
valorem taxes based upon the understanding (supported by prior agency case law)
that such reimbursements were permitted under NGPA Section 110. In September
1997, FERC reversed its prior rulings and found that the Kansas ad valorem tax
was not a tax which was reimbursable under Section 110 of the NGPA. Therefore,
FERC found that to the extent that a producer collected an amount for a first
sale in excess of the applicable MLP, as a result of reimbursement for Kansas ad
valorem taxes, then such producer was required to make refunds, with interest,
to the interstate pipeline purchaser which had paid the reimbursements. The
pipeline was then required to disburse such refunds to its customers.

         Initially, reports of the affected pipelines listed refund liabilities
of the Registrant based upon the total sales from wells which Registrant
operated. Initial claims against the Registrant, as operator, totaled in excess
of $13 million. During this period, Registrant estimated that its share of such
refund liability totaled approximately $6.7 million. Subsequently, FERC issued
clarifying orders providing that a producer was only responsible for refunds
attributable to its own working interest ownership (and the related royalty
interests) in production sold. Based upon that clarification, the interstate
pipelines subsequently adjusted their refund claims to reflect only the
respective producers' working interest share (with related royalty).
Subsequently the pipelines made further adjustments to the claims based on
corrected data.

         In response to the pipeline claims and prior to FERC's clarification as
discussed above, the Registrant paid, under protest, approximately $1,379,000 to
four interstate pipelines and placed

                                     I - 18

approximately $6,384,000 in an escrow account pending FERC's and the courts'
decisions on various related legal issues and challenges. During calendar years
2000 and 2001, settlement negotiations have occurred among the affected
pipelines, producers, and other interested parties. Settlement agreements
resolving the refund claims have been reached in connection with four of the
five pipelines which have made claims against the Registrant. Those settlements,
with Colorado Interstate Gas Company, Northern Natural Gas Company, Williams Gas
Pipelines Central, Inc. and Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, are final and
the settlement payments have been made by the Registrant out of the escrow
account. Since the aggregate amount of the four settlements were less than the
amounts escrowed for such liability, the Registrant, in May of 2001, was
refunded approximately $3,240,252 of excess escrowed funds. A settlement in the
fifth case, with Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC, is being
negotiated. Based upon the total potential liability of the Registrant in the
Kinder Morgan case, Registrant believes there is more than sufficient funds
remaining in the Registrant's escrow account to cover any settlement liability

         Commencing in 1992, FERC implemented a requirement that interstate
pipelines must provide open access transportation of natural gas. Interstate
pipelines have implemented this requirement by modifying their tariffs and
implementing new services and rates. These changes have provided the Registrant
with additional market access and more fairly applied transportation services
and rates. FERC continues to review and modify its open access and other
regulations applicable to interstate pipelines.

         Under the NGA, natural gas gathering facilities are expressly exempt
from FERC jurisdiction; what constitutes "gathering" under the NGA has evolved
through FERC decisions and judicial review of such decisions. The Registrant
believes that its gathering systems meet the test for non-jurisdictional
"gathering" systems under the NGA. Therefore, the Registrant believes that its
gathering facilities are

                                     I - 19

not subject to Federal NGA regulation. A number of states have either enacted
new laws or are considering the adequacy of existing laws affecting gathering
rates and/or services that are not Federally regulated under the NGA. Although
exempt from Federal regulatory oversight, the Registrant's natural gas gathering
systems and services may receive regulatory scrutiny by state agencies.

          In addition, the Registrant may use third-party gathering services or
interstate transmission facilities (owned and operated by interstate pipelines)
to ship the Registrant's gas to markets. In the past decade, FERC has approved
the shift of certain interstate transmission facilities to unregulated gathering
through the approval of abandonment of the jurisdictional facilities. The
subsequent owner/operator of the gathering facilities may be an independent
entity or an affiliate of the interstate pipeline company. This shift of a
facility from a jurisdictional transmission facility to a non-jurisdictional
gathering facility could result in the ability of the unregulated gathering
entities to compete more effectively, and could result in changes in services
and/or rates. It is not possible to predict the ultimate affect of these shifts
on the Registrant's own gathering services or on the Registrant's use of
third-party gathering/transmission facilities.

         In February, 1994, the Kansas Corporation Commission issued an order
which modified allowables applicable to wells within the Hugoton Gas Field so
that those proration units upon which infill wells had been drilled would be
assigned a larger allowable than those units without infill wells. As a
consequence of this order, the Registrant has participated in the drilling of
160 infill wells.

         Additional proposals and proceedings that might affect the oil and gas
industry are pending before the U. S. Congress, FERC, state legislatures, state
agencies, and the courts. The Registrant cannot predict when or whether any such
proposals may become effective and what effect they will have on operations of
the Registrant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Registrant does not
anticipate that compliance with existing Federal, state and local laws, rules or
regulations will have a

                                     I - 20

material adverse effect upon the capital expenditures, earnings or competitive
position of the Registrant.

         Federal Income Taxation

         The Registrant's oil and gas operations, and the petroleum industry in
general, are affected by certain federal income tax laws. The Registrant has
considered the effects of such federal income tax laws on its operations and
does not anticipate that there will be any material impact on the capital
expenditures, earnings or competitive position of the Registrant.

         Environmental Laws

         The Registrant's activities are subject to existing federal and state
laws and regulations governing environmental quality and pollution control. Such
laws and regulations may substantially increase the costs of exploring,
developing, or producing oil and gas and may prevent or delay the commencement
or continuation of a given operation. In the opinion of the Registrant's
management, its operations substantially comply with applicable environmental
legislation and regulations. The Registrant believes that compliance with
existing federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations regulating the
discharge of materials into the environment or otherwise relating to the
protection of the environment will not have any material effect upon the capital
expenditures, earnings, or competitive position of the Registrant.

         Natural Gas Marketing

         Helmerich & Payne Energy Services, Inc. ("HPESI") continues its
emphasis on the purchase of the Registrant's natural gas production. In
addition, HPESI purchases third-party gas for resale and provides compression,
gathering services and processing for a fee. During fiscal year 2001, HPESI's
sales of third-party gas constituted approximately 12% of the Registrant's
consolidated revenues.

                                     I - 21

         HPESI sells natural gas to markets in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain
areas. HPESI's term gas sales contracts are for varied periods ranging from
three months to seven years. However, recent contracts have tended toward
shorter terms. The remainder of HPESI's gas is sold under spot market contracts
having a duration of 30 days or less. For fiscal 2001, HPESI's term gas sales
contracts provided for the sale of approximately 17 BCF of gas at prices which
were indexed to market prices. For fiscal 2002, HPESI currently has
approximately 7 BCF contracted at prices which are indexed to market prices. The
balance of HPESI's gas is selling at spot prices or is not yet contracted. HPESI
presently intends to fulfill such term sales contracts with a portion of the gas
reserves purchased from the Registrant as well as from its purchases of
third-party gas. See pages I-14 through I-21 regarding the market, competition,
and regulation of natural gas.


         The Registrant's real estate operations are conducted exclusively
within the metropolitan area of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its major holding is Utica
Square Shopping Center, consisting of fifteen separate buildings, with parking
and other common facilities covering an area of approximately 30 acres. Fourteen
of these buildings provide approximately 405,709 square feet of net leasable
retail sales and storage space (97% of which is currently leased) and
approximately 18,590 square feet of net leasable general office space (99% of
which is currently leased). Approximately 24% of the general office space is
occupied by the Registrant's real estate operations. The fifteenth building is
an eight-story medical office building which provides approximately 76,379
square feet of net leasable medical office space (44% of which is currently
leased). Due to increased operating costs and related business considerations,
the Registrant intends to close the Medical Building in January 2002. All tenant
leases in the Medical Building shall have expired prior to such date. The
Registrant has not decided as to the future use of the area upon which the
Medical Building is located.

                                     I - 22

         In September, 2001, the Registrant purchased one of its long-time Utica
Square Shopping Center tenants, Miss Jackson's. Miss Jackson's is a retailer of
fine women's clothing, accessories and gifts. The purchase price was $4,500,000.

         At the end of the 2001 fiscal year the Registrant owned 11 of a total
of 73 units in The Yorktown, a 16-story luxury residential condominium with
approximately 150,940 square feet of living area located on a six-acre tract
adjacent to Utica Square Shopping Center. Ten of the Registrant's units are
currently leased.

         The Registrant owns an eight-story office building located diagonally
across the street from Utica Square Shopping Center, containing approximately
87,000 square feet of net leasable general office space. This building houses
the Registrant's principal executive offices. Approximately 11% of this building
was leased to a third party during fiscal 2001. However, such third party's
lease was not renewed and it vacated the leased premises in November of 2001.
The vacated space will be used as general office space by Registrant.

         Registrant leases approximately 29,000 square feet of office space in
Tulsa for Registrant's oil and gas division.

         The Registrant also owns and leases multi-tenant warehouse space. Three
warehouses known as Space Center, each containing approximately 165,000 square
feet of net leasable space, are situated in the southeast part of Tulsa at the
intersection of two major limited-access highways. Present occupancy is 100%.
The Registrant also owns approximately 1.5 acres of undeveloped land lying
adjacent to such warehouses.

         Registrant owns approximately 253.5 acres in Southpark consisting of
approximately 240.5 acres of undeveloped real estate and approximately 13 acres
of multi-tenant warehouse area. The warehouse area is known as Space Center East
and consists of two warehouses, one containing

                                     I - 23

approximately 90,000 square feet and the other containing approximately 112,500
square feet. Occupancy has decreased from 100% to 93%. The Registrant believes
that a high quality office park, with peripheral commercial, office/warehouse,
and hotel sites, is the best development use for the remaining land. However, no
development plans are currently pending.

         Registrant is a party to a condemnation proceeding initiated during
fiscal 2000 by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation ("ODOT") which seeks to
acquire approximately 15.14 acres of undeveloped real property adjacent to a
major expressway in Southpark. In this proceeding, court appointed appraisers
estimated the value of this tract to equal $2,800,000. ODOT, in January of 2001,
was required to pay Registrant this amount, but continues to litigate the fair
market value of this tract. If ODOT was successful at trial, Registrant would be
required to reimburse up to $750,000 of such proceeds. It is expected that this
matter will be concluded during calendar 2002.

         The Registrant also owns a five-building complex called Tandem Business
Park. The project is located adjacent to and east of the Space Center East
facility and contains approximately six acres, with approximately 88,084 square
feet of office/warehouse space. Occupancy has decreased from 100% to 94% during
fiscal 2001. The Registrant also owns a twelve-building complex, consisting of
approximately 204,600 square feet of office/warehouse space, called Tulsa
Business Park. The project is located south of the Space Center facility,
separated by a city street, and contains approximately 12 acres. During fiscal
2001, occupancy has remained steady at 93%. However, on October 1, 2001,
Registrant added a new tenant and increased total occupancy to 96%.

         The Registrant also owns two service center properties located adjacent
to arterial streets in south central Tulsa. The first, called Maxim Center,
consists of one office/warehouse building containing approximately 40,800 square
feet and located on approximately 2.5 acres. During fiscal 2001, occupancy has
decreased from 94% to 79%. On October 1, 2001, Registrant added one

                                     I - 24

new tenant bringing the occupancy to 94%. The second, called Maxim Place,
consists of one office/warehouse building containing approximately 33,750 square
feet and located on approximately 2.25 acres. During fiscal 2000, this property
was 100% occupied by one tenant. During fiscal 2001, this tenant significantly
reduced the size of its operation with such property presently being 17%


         The Registrant has numerous competitors in the multi-tenant leasing
business. The size and financial capacity of these competitors range from one
property sole proprietors to large international corporations. The primary
competitive factors include price, location and configuration of space.
Registrant's competitive position is enhanced by the location of its properties,
its financial capability and the long-term ownership of its properties. However,
many competitors have financial resources greater than Registrant and have more
contemporary facilities.


         Information relating to Revenue and Operating Profit by Business
Segments may be found on pages 9 and 31 through 32 of the Registrant's Annual
Report to Shareholders for fiscal 2001, which is incorporated herein by


         The Registrant had 3,043 employees within the United States (11 of
which were part-time employees) and 1,202 employees in international operations
as of September 30, 2001.

                                     I - 25



         The following table sets forth certain information concerning the
Registrant's domestic drilling rigs as of September 30, 2001:

              Rig            Registrant's         Optimum Working      Present
         Designation        Classification        Depth in Feet        Location
         -----------        --------------        ---------------      --------
             158            Medium Depth              10,000            Wyoming
             110            Medium Depth              12,000            Oklahoma
             156            Medium Depth              12,000            Texas
             159            Medium Depth              12,000            Wyoming
             141            Medium Depth              14,000            Texas
             142            Medium Depth              14,000            Texas
             143            Medium Depth              14,000            Texas
             145            Medium Depth              14,000            Texas
             155            Medium Depth              14,000            Texas
              96            Medium Depth              16,000            Oklahoma
             118            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             119            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             120            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             146            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             147            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             154            Medium Depth              16,000            Wyoming
             162            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             164            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             165            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             166            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             167            Medium Depth              16,000            Oklahoma
             168            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             169            Medium Depth              16,000            Texas
             108            Medium Depth              18,000            Gulf of Mexico
             178            Medium Depth              18,000            Texas
             179            Medium Depth              18,000            Wyoming
             180            Medium Depth              18,000            Wyoming
             181            Medium Depth              18,000            Texas
             182            Medium Depth              18,000            Texas
             183            Medium Depth              18,000            Texas
             184            Medium Depth              18,000            Texas
              79            Deep                      20,000            Louisiana
              80            Deep                      20,000            Oklahoma
              89            Deep                      20,000            Texas

                                     I - 26

              Rig            Registrant's         Optimum Working   Present
         Designation        Classification        Depth in Feet     Location
         -----------        --------------        ---------------   --------
              91            Deep                  20,000            Gulf of Mexico
              92            Deep                  20,000            Oklahoma
              94            Deep                  20,000            Texas
              98            Deep                  20,000            Oklahoma
             122            Deep                  20,000            Texas
             203            Deep                  20,000            Gulf of Mexico
              97            Deep                  26,000            Texas
              99            Deep                  26,000            Texas
             137            Deep                  26,000            Texas
             149            Deep                  26,000            Texas
             170            Deep (Heli Rig)       26,000            Texas
              72            Very Deep             30,000            Mississippi
              73            Very Deep             30,000            Texas
             100            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             105            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             106            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             107            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             134            Very Deep             30,000            Texas
             136            Very Deep             30,000            Louisiana
             157            Very Deep             30,000            Texas
             161            Very Deep             30,000            Louisiana
             163            Very Deep             30,000            Louisiana
             201            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             202            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico
             204            Very Deep             30,000            Gulf of Mexico

         The following table sets forth information with respect to the
utilization of the Registrant's domestic drilling rigs for the periods

                                                               Years ended September 30,
                                                       1997     1998     1999     2000     2001
                                                       ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Number of rigs owned at end of
  period                                                38       46       50       48       59
Average rig utilization rate
  during period (1)                                     88%      95%      75%      87%      97%

(1)      A rig is considered to be utilized when it is operated or being moved,
         assembled, or dismantled under contract.

                                     I - 27

         The following table sets forth certain information concerning the
Registrant's international drilling rigs as of September 30, 2001:

               Rig         Registrant's           Optimum Working       Present
           Designation    Classification           Depth in Feet        Location
           -----------    --------------           -------------        --------
               14       Workover/drilling              6,000            Venezuela
               19       Workover/drilling              6,000            Venezuela
               20       Workover/drilling              6,000            Venezuela
              140       Medium Depth                  10,000            Venezuela
              171       Medium Depth                  16,000            Bolivia
              172       Medium Depth                  16,000            Bolivia
               22       Medium Depth (Heli Rig)       18,000            Ecuador
               23       Medium Depth (Heli Rig)       18,000            Ecuador
              132       Medium Depth                  18,000            Ecuador
              176       Medium Depth                  18,000            Ecuador
              121       Deep                          20,000            Ecuador
              173       Deep                          20,000            Bolivia
              117       Deep                          26,000            Ecuador
              123       Deep                          26,000            Bolivia
              138       Deep                          26,000            Ecuador
              148       Deep                          26,000            Venezuela
              160       Deep                          26,000            Venezuela
              190*      Deep                          26,000            Texas
              191*      Deep                          26,000            Texas
              192*      Deep                          26,000            Texas
              113       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              115       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              116       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              125*      Very Deep                     30,000            Texas
              127       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              128       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              129       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              133       Very Deep                     30,000            Colombia
              135       Very Deep                     30,000            Colombia
              150       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              151       Very Deep                     30,000            Bolivia
              152       Very Deep                     30,000            Colombia
              153       Very Deep                     30,000            Venezuela
              174       Very Deep                     30,000            Argentina
              175       Very Deep                     30,000            Bolivia
              177       Very Deep                     30,000            Argentina
              139*      Super Deep                    30,000+           Texas

                                     I - 28

*Rigs returned to the United States for major modifications and upgrades.

         The following table sets forth information with respect to the
utilization of the Registrant's international drilling rigs for the periods

                                                                Years ended September 30,
                                                        1997     1998     1999     2000     2001
                                                        ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Number of rigs owned at end of
  period                                                 39       44       39       40       37
Average rig utilization rate
  during period (1)(2)                                   91%      88%      53%      47%      56%

(1)      A rig is considered to be utilized when it is operated or being moved,
         assembled, or dismantled under contract.

(2)      Does not include rigs returned to United States for major modifications
         and upgrades.


         All of the Registrant's oil and gas operations and holdings are located
within the continental United States.

         Crude Oil Sales

         The Registrant's net sales of crude oil and condensate for the fiscal
years 1999 through 2001 are shown below:

                                                               Average Sales            Average Lifting
                  Year              Net Barrels               Price per Barrel          Cost per Barrel
                  ----              -----------               ----------------          ---------------
                  1999               649,370                       $14.60                    $7.02
                  2000               880,304                       $27.95                    $6.06
                  2001               818,356                       $27.88                    $7.76

                                     I - 29

         Natural Gas Sales

         The Registrant's net sales of natural and casinghead gas for the three
fiscal years 1999 through 2001 are as follows:

                                                     Average Sales         Average Lifting
         Year                 Net MCF                Price per MCF           Cost per MCF
         ----              ------------              -------------         ---------------
         1999              44,240,332                      $1.83               $0.3300
         2000              46,922,752                      $2.79               $0.3704
         2001              42,386,796                      $4.55               $0.6019

         Following is a summary of the net wells drilled by the Registrant for
the fiscal years ended September 30, 1999, 2000, and 2001:

                         Exploratory Wells                                 Development Wells
                         -----------------                                 -----------------

                       1999      2000      2001                          1999      2000      2001
                       ----      ----      ----                          ----      ----      ----
Productive            2.917     9.735     9.0382                        13.846    23.862    43.4622
Dry                   2.615     5.7017    9.9618                         4.502     3.403     7.0031

         On September 30, 2001, the Registrant was in the process of drilling or
completing eight gross or 4.6342 net wells.

                                     I - 30

         Acreage Holdings

         The Registrant's holdings of acreage under oil and gas leases, as of
September 30, 2001, were as follows:

                             Developed Acreage            Undeveloped Acreage
                             -----------------            -------------------
                             Gross         Net            Gross          Net
                             -----         ---            -----          ---
Arkansas                   3,068.23       1,725.11            -0-            -0-
Colorado                        -0-            -0-         320.00         160.00
Kansas                   119,633.07      84,079.86      13,081.82      12,752.60
Louisiana                  3,481.48       1,589.14      80,020.27      23,166.46
Michigan                        -0-            -0-       4,123.64       4,123.64
Montana                    1,997.19         377.99       2,708.95         969.73
Nebraska                     480.00         168.00            -0-            -0-
Nevada                          -0-            -0-       4,864.04       4,864.04
New Mexico                   760.00          96.63         121.88          40.22
North Dakota                 200.00          11.52            -0-            -0-
Oklahoma                 123,559.86      49,647.24      27,138.98      16,664.45
Texas                     87,692.92      43,885.47     190,421.95      87,554.14
Wyoming                         -0-            -0-         440.00         105.59
                         ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
    Total                340,872.75     181,580.96     323,241.53     150,400.87

         Acreage is held under leases which expire in the absence of production
at the end of a prescribed primary term, and is, therefore, subject to
fluctuation from year to year as new leases are acquired, old leases expire, and
other leases are allowed to terminate by failure to pay annual delay rentals. As
shown in the above table, the Registrant has a significant portion of its
undeveloped acreage in Texas, with nine major project areas accounting for
40,517 net acres. The average minimum remaining term of leases in these nine
project areas is approximately 16 months.

                                     I - 31

         Productive Wells

         The Registrant's total gross and net productive wells as of September
30, 2001, were as follows:

               Oil Wells                              Gas Wells
               ---------                              ---------
           Gross         Net                     Gross             Net

           3,438         168                     1,026             493

         Additional information required by this item with respect to the
Registrant's oil and gas operations may be found on pages I-11 through I-22 of
Item 1. BUSINESS, and pages 23 through 34 of the Registrant's Annual Report to
Shareholders for fiscal 2001, "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" and
"Note 15 Supplementary Financial Information for Oil and Gas Producing

         Estimates of oil and gas reserves, future net revenues, and present
value of future net revenues were prepared by Netherland, Sewell & Associates,
Inc., 4950 Three Allen Center, 333 Clay Street, Houston, Texas 77002. Total oil
and gas reserve estimates do not differ by more than 5% from the total reserve
estimates filed with any other federal authority or agency.


         See Item 1.  BUSINESS, pages I-22 through I-25.

                                     I - 32


         As of December 14, 2001:

         The Registrant owned 312,546 shares of the common stock of SUNOCO, Inc.
and 150,000 shares of Kerr McGee Corporation.

         The Registrant owned 3,000,000 shares of the common stock of Atwood
Oceanics, Inc., a Houston, Texas based company engaged in offshore contract
drilling. The Registrant owns approximately 22% of Atwood.

         The Registrant owned 1,480,000 shares of the common stock of
Schlumberger, Ltd.

         The Registrant owned 240,000 shares of the common stock of Phillips
Petroleum Company, Inc.

         The Registrant owned 150,000 shares of the common stock of Occidental
Petroleum Corporation, Inc.

         The Registrant owned 175,000 shares of the common stock of Banc One

         The Registrant owned 450,000 shares of the common stock of ONEOK Inc.

         The Registrant owned 286,528 shares of the common stock of Transocean
Sedco Forex, Inc., which it received in a merger between Transocean Offshore and
the contract drilling division of Schlumberger.

         The Registrant owned 168,350 shares of the common stock of Protein
Design Labs, Inc.

         The Registrant also owned lesser holdings in several other publicly
traded corporations.


         There are no material legal proceedings pending against the Registrant
or its subsidiaries.



                                     I - 33


         The following table sets forth the names and ages of the Registrant's
executive officers, together with all positions and offices held with the
Registrant by such executive officers. Officers are elected to serve until the
meeting of the Board of Directors following the next Annual Meeting of
Stockholders and until their successors have been elected and have qualified or
until their earlier resignation or removal.

W. H. Helmerich, III, 78            Director since 1949; Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the Board               since 1960

Hans Helmerich, 43                  Director  since  1987; President and Chief
President                           Executive Officer since 1989

George S. Dotson, 60                Director since 1990; Vice President,
Vice President                      Drilling since 1977 and President and
                                    Chief Operating Officer of Helmerich &
                                    Payne International Drilling Co. since 1977

Douglas E. Fears, 52                Vice President, Finance, since 1988
Vice President

Steven R. Mackey, 50                Secretary since 1990; Vice President and
Vice President and                  General Counsel since 1988

Steven R. Shaw, 50                  Vice  President, Production, since 1985;
Vice President                      Vice President, Exploration and Production since 1996

Gordon K. Helm, 48                  Chief Accounting Officer of the Registrant;
Controller                          Controller since December 10, 1993

                                     I - 34

                                     PART II


         The principal market on which the Registrant's common stock is traded
is the New York Stock Exchange. The high and low sale prices per share for the
common stock for each quarterly period during the past two fiscal years as
reported in the NYSE - Composite Transaction quotations follow:

                               2000                       2001
                         ------------------        -----------------
         Quarter         High           Low        High          Low
         -------         ----           ---        ----          ---
         First          27.44          19.13       44.19        28.94
         Second         31.00          20.00       58.51        39.63
         Third          37.75          29.06       51.23        30.82
         Fourth         38.31          30.06       32.77        23.74

         The Registrant paid quarterly cash dividends during the past two years
as shown in the following table:

                                      Paid per Share                      Total Payment
                                     ------------------              ----------------------

                                           Fiscal                            Fiscal
                                     ------------------              ----------------------
         Quarter                     2000          2001              2000              2001
         -------                     ----          ----              ----              ----
         First                      $0.070         $0.075          $3,474,612      $3,748,896
         Second                      0.070          0.075           3,475,623       3,776,612
         Third                       0.070          0.075           3,484,189       3,796,489
         Fourth                      0.075          0.075           3,740,863       3,765,488

         The Registrant paid a cash dividend of $.075 per share on December 3,
2001, to shareholders of record on November 15, 2001. Payment of future
dividends will depend on earnings and other factors.

         As of December 14, 2001, there were 1,090 record holders of the
Registrant's common stock as listed by the transfer agent's records.



                                      Five-year Summary of Selected Financial Data

                              1997         1998          1999           2000           2001
                              ----         ----          ----           ----           ----
                                                      (in thousands)
Sales, operating,
and other revenues        $  517,859     $636,640     $  564,319     $  631,095     $  826,854

Income from con-
tinuing operations            84,186      101,154         42,788         82,300        144,254

Income from con-
tinuing operations
per common share:

         Basic                  1.69         2.03           0.87           1.66           2.88
         Diluted                1.67         2.00           0.86           1.64           2.84

Total assets               1,033,595    1,090,430      1,109,699      1,259,492      1,364,507

Long-term debt                   -0-       50,000         50,000         50,000         50,000

Cash dividends
declared per
common share                    0.26        0.275           0.28          0.285           0.30


         Information required by this item may be found on pages 10 through 17,
Management's Discussion & Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial
Condition, in the Registrant's Annual Report to Shareholders for fiscal 2001,
which is incorporated herein by reference.



         Information required by this item may be found on the following pages
of Management's Discussion & Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial
Condition and in Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, in the Registrant's
Annual Report to Shareholders for fiscal 2001, which is incorporated herein by

         Market Risk                                 Page
         -----------                                 ----
o        Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk         13-14, 23
o        Commodity Price Risk                        14-15, 29
o        Interest Rate Risk                          17, 24
o        Equity Price Risk                           17, 23


         Information required by this item may be found on pages 18 through 34
in the Registrant's Annual Report to Shareholders for fiscal 2001, which is
incorporated herein by reference.




                                    PART III


         Information required under this item with respect to Directors and with
respect to delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is
incorporated by reference from the Registrant's definitive Proxy Statement for
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held March 6, 2002, to be filed with
the Commission not later than 120 days after September 30, 2001. See page I-34
for information covering the Registrant's Executive Officers.


         This information is incorporated by reference from the Registrant's
definitive Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
March 6, 2002, to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after
September 30, 2001.


         This information is incorporated by reference from the Registrant's
definitive Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
March 6, 2002, to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after
September 30, 2001.


         This information is incorporated by reference from the Registrant's
definitive Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
March 6, 2002, to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after
September 30, 2001.

                                     III - 1

                                     PART IV


(a)      Document List

         1.       The financial statements called for by Item 8 are incorporated
                  herein by reference from the Registrant's Annual Report to
                  Shareholders for fiscal 2001.

         2.       Exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K:

                  Exhibit Number:

                  3.1      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and Amendment
                           to Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the
                           Registrant are incorporated herein by reference to
                           Exhibit 3.1 of the Registrant's Annual Report on Form
                           10-K to the Securities and Exchange Commission for
                           fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

                  3.2      By-Laws of the Registrant are incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 3.2 of the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

                  4.1      Rights Agreement dated as of January 8, 1996, between
                           the Registrant and The Liberty National Bank and
                           Trust Company of Oklahoma City, N.A. is incorporated
                           herein by reference to the Registrant's Form 8-A,
                           dated January 18, 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.1     Consulting Services Agreement between W. H.
                           Helmerich, III, and the Registrant effective January
                           1, 1990, as amended is incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 10.3 of the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.2     Supplemental Retirement Income Plan for Salaried
                           Employees of Helmerich & Payne, Inc. is incorporated
                           herein by reference to Exhibit 10.6 of the
                           Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K to the
                           Securities and Exchange Commission for fiscal 1996,
                           SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.3     Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1990 Stock Option Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.7 of
                           the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K to the
                           Securities and Exchange Commission for fiscal 1996,
                           SEC File No. 001- 04221.

- -----------------------

 *       Compensatory Plan or Arrangement.


         *        10.4     Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement for
                           the 1990 Stock Option Plan is incorporated by
                           reference to Exhibit 99.2 to the Registrant's
                           Registration Statement No. 33-55239 on Form S-8,
                           dated August 26, 1994.

         *        10.5     Supplemental Savings Plan for Salaried Employees of
                           Helmerich and Payne, Inc. is incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1999, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.6     Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-34939 on
                           Form S-8 dated September 4, 1997.

         *        10.7     Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement for
                           Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-34939 on
                           Form S-8 dated September 4, 1997.

         *        10.8     Form of Restricted Stock Agreement for Helmerich &
                           Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is incorporated
                           by reference to Exhibit 10.12 to the Registrant's
                           Annual Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and
                           Exchange Commission for fiscal 1997, SEC File No.

         *       10.9      Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 2000 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to
                           the Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-
                           63124 on Form S-8 dated June 15, 2001.

         *       10.10     Form of Agreements for Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 2000
                           Stock Incentive Plan being (i) Restricted Stock Award
                           Agreement, (ii) Incentive Stock Option Agreement and
                           (iii) Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement are
                           incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-63124 on
                           Form S-8 dated June 15, 2001.

                  13.      The Registrant's Annual Report to Shareholders for
                           fiscal 2001.

                  21.      Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

- -----------------------

 *       Compensatory Plan or Arrangement.


                  23.1     Consent of Independent Auditors.

(b)      Report on Form 8-K


- -----------------------

 *       Compensatory Plan or Arrangement.



         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized:


By   Hans Helmerich
     Hans Helmerich, President
     (Chief Executive Officer)
     Date:  December 27, 2001

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this Report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

By  William L. Armstrong                 By  Glenn A. Cox
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
    William L. Armstrong, Director           Glenn A. Cox, Director
    Date:  December 27, 2001                 Date:  December 27, 2001

By  George S. Dotson                     By  Hans Helmerich
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
    George S. Dotson, Director               Hans Helmerich, Director and CEO
    Date:  December 27, 2001                 Date:  December 27, 2001

By  W. H. Helmerich, III                 By  L. F. Rooney, III
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
    W. H. Helmerich, III, Director           L. F. Rooney, III, Director
    Date:  December 27, 2001                 Date:  December 27, 2001

By  Edward B. Rust, Jr.                  By  George A. Schaefer
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
    Edward B. Rust, Jr., Director            George A. Schaefer, Director
    Date:  December 27, 2001                 Date:  December 27, 2001

By  John D. Zeglis                       By  Douglas E. Fears
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
    John D. Zeglis, Director                 Douglas E. Fears
    Date:  December 27, 2001                 (Principal Financial Officer)
                                             Date:  December 27, 2001

By  Gordon K. Helm
    Gordon K. Helm, Controller
    (Principal Accounting Officer)
    Date:  December 27, 2001

                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS

 NUMBER                            DESCRIPTION
- --------                           -----------
                  3.1      Restated Certificate of Incorporation and Amendment
                           to Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the
                           Registrant are incorporated herein by reference to
                           Exhibit 3.1 of the Registrant's Annual Report on Form
                           10-K to the Securities and Exchange Commission for
                           fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

                  3.2      By-Laws of the Registrant are incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 3.2 of the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

                  4.1      Rights Agreement dated as of January 8, 1996, between
                           the Registrant and The Liberty National Bank and
                           Trust Company of Oklahoma City, N.A. is incorporated
                           herein by reference to the Registrant's Form 8-A,
                           dated January 18, 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.1     Consulting Services Agreement between W. H.
                           Helmerich, III, and the Registrant effective January
                           1, 1990, as amended is incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 10.3 of the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1996, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.2     Supplemental Retirement Income Plan for Salaried
                           Employees of Helmerich & Payne, Inc. is incorporated
                           herein by reference to Exhibit 10.6 of the
                           Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K to the
                           Securities and Exchange Commission for fiscal 1996,
                           SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.3     Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1990 Stock Option Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.7 of
                           the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K to the
                           Securities and Exchange Commission for fiscal 1996,
                           SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.4     Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement for the
                           1990 Stock Option Plan is incorporated by reference
                           to Exhibit 99.2 to the Registrant's Registration
                           Statement No. 33-55239 on Form S-8, dated August 26,

         *        10.5     Supplemental Savings Plan for Salaried Employees of
                           Helmerich and Payne, Inc. is incorporated herein by
                           reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Registrant's Annual
                           Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission for fiscal 1999, SEC File No. 001-04221.

         *        10.6     Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-34939 on
                           Form S-8 dated September 4, 1997.

         *        10.7     Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement for
                           Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-34939 on
                           Form S-8 dated September 4, 1997.

         *        10.8     Form of Restricted Stock Agreement for Helmerich &
                           Payne, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan is incorporated
                           by reference to Exhibit 10.12 to the Registrant's
                           Annual Report on Form 10-K to the Securities and
                           Exchange Commission for fiscal 1997, SEC File No.

         *        10.9     Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 2000 Stock Incentive Plan is
                           incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to
                           the Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-
                           63124 on Form S-8 dated June 15, 2001.

         *        10.10    Form of Agreements for Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 2000
                           Stock Incentive Plan being (i) Restricted Stock Award
                           Agreement, (ii) Incentive Stock Option Agreement and
                           (iii) Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement are
                           incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2 to
                           Registrant's Registration Statement No. 333-63124 on
                           Form S-8 dated June 15, 2001.

                  13.      The Registrant's Annual Report to Shareholders for
                           fiscal 2001.

                  21.      Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

                  23.1     Consent of Independent Auditors.

- -----------------------

 *       Compensatory Plan or Arrangement.