WASHINGTON D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934



                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from                         to
                               -----------------------    ----------------------

                         Commission file number 1-13004

                                 CITIZENS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                Colorado                                  84-0755371
- ----------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
        (State of incorporation)               (IRS Employer Identification No.)

  400 East Anderson Lane, Austin, Texas                      78752
- ----------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 837-7100

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

 Title of each class                   Name of each exchange on which registered
Class A Common Stock                            American Stock Exchange
- --------------------                            -----------------------

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirement for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No | |.

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's knowledge in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. | |

As of March 15, 2002, aggregate market value of the Class A voting stock held by
non-affiliates of the Registrant was approximately $229,597,000.


Part III of this Report incorporates certain portions of the definitive proxy
material of the Registrant in respect of its 2002 Annual Meeting of

        Number of shares of common stock outstanding as of March 15, 2002
                               Class A: 24,417,118
                               Class B:    711,040

                                     PART I



            Citizens, Inc. (Citizens) operates primarily as an insurance holding
            company. It was incorporated in Colorado in 1977. Citizens is the
            parent company that directly or indirectly owns 100% of seven
            operating subsidiaries: Citizens Insurance Company of America
            (CICA), Computing Technology, Inc. (CTI), Insurance Investors, Inc.
            (III), Funeral Homes of America (FHA), Central Investors Life
            Insurance Company of Illinois (CILIC), First Investors Group, Inc.
            (Investors) and Excalibur Insurance Corporation (Excalibur) .
            Collectively, Citizens and its subsidiaries are referred to herein
            as the "Company." Pertinent information relating to Citizens'
            subsidiary companies is set forth below:

                              YEAR         STATE OF          BUSINESS
            ----------    ------------   -------------       --------
             CICA             1968         Colorado      Life insurance
             CILIC            1965         Illinois      Life insurance
             Investors        1996         Illinois      Holding company
             Excalibur        1996         Illinois      Life insurance
             CTI              1986         Colorado      Data processing
             III              1965         Texas         Aircraft transportation
             FHA              1989         Louisiana     Funeral home

            In June, 1997, CICA acquired American Investment Network, Inc.
            (AIN), a life insurance holding company and United Security Life
            Insurance Company (USLIC), its wholly-owned subsidiary,
            headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi with $7.5 million in assets,
            $3.4 million of stockholders' equity, annual revenues of $3.2
            million and $67 million of life insurance in-force. Subsequently,
            AIN was liquidated. USLIC was merged into CICA in October, 2000.

            To streamline corporate structure, in June, 1997, American Liberty
            Financial Corporation (ALFC), a wholly owned subsidiary, was merged
            into Citizens. American Liberty Life Insurance Company (ALLIC), a
            subsidiary of ALFC, was also merged into CICA.

            In November, 1997, Citizens purchased 100% of the issued and
            outstanding shares of National Security Life and Accident Insurance
            Company (NSLIC). NSLIC was a Texas-domiciled life and accident and
            health insurer with assets of approximately $5 million and revenues
            of approximately $5 million. It was merged into CICA in June, 2000.

            In January, 1999, Citizens acquired Investors, the parent of


            On November 20, 2001, Citizens announced that definitive agreements
            had been reached between Citizens and Combined Underwriters Life
            Insurance Company (Combined) and Citizens and Lifeline Underwriters
            Life Insurance Company (Lifeline). Pursuant to the terms of the
            agreements, which were approved by Combined's and Lifeline's
            shareholders and regulatory authorities, Citizens issued
            approximately 753,000 shares of its Class A Common Stock to acquire
            Combined and approximately 305,000 shares of its Class A Common
            Stock to acquire Lifeline. The aggregate market value of the
            consideration was approximately $12.1 million. The transactions
            closed on March 19, 2002 and were accounted for as purchases.

            Certain statements contained in this Annual Report on Form 10-K are
            not statements of historical fact and constitute forward-looking
            statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation
            Reform Act (the "Act"), including, without limitation, the
            italicized statements and the statements specifically identified as
            forward-looking statements within this document. Many of these
            statements contain risk factors as well. In addition, certain
            statements in future filings by the Company with the Securities and
            Exchange Commission, in press releases, and in oral and written
            statements made by or with the approval of the Company which are not
            statements of historical fact constitute forward-looking statements
            within the meaning of the Act. Examples of forward-looking
            statements, include, but are not limited to: (i) projections of
            revenues, income or loss, earnings or loss per share, the payment or
            non-payment of dividends, capital structure, and other financial
            items, (ii) statements of plans and objectives of the Company or its
            management or Board of Directors including those relating to
            products or services, (iii) statements of future economic
            performance and (iv) statements of assumptions underlying such
            statements. Words such as "believes", "anticipates", "expects",
            "intends", "targeted", "may", "will" and similar expressions are
            intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the
            exclusive means of identifying such statements.

            Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which
            may cause actual results to differ materially from those in such
            statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from
            those discussed in the forward-looking statements include, but are
            not limited to: (i) the strength of foreign and U.S. economies in
            general and the strength of the local economies in which operations
            are conducted; (ii) the effects of and changes in trade, monetary
            and fiscal policies and laws; (iii) inflation, interest rates,
            market and monetary fluctuations and volatility; (iv) the timely
            development of and acceptance of new products and services and
            perceived overall value of these products and services by existing
            and potential customers; (v) changes in consumer spending, borrowing
            and saving habits; (vi) concentrations of business from persons
            residing in third world countries; (vii) acquisitions; (viii) the
            persistency of existing and future insurance policies sold by the
            Company and its subsidiaries; (ix) the dependence of the Company on
            its Chairman of the Board; (x) the ability to control expenses; (xi)
            the effect of changes in laws and regulations (including laws and
            regulations concerning insurance) with which the Company and its
            subsidiaries must comply, (xii) the effect of changes in accounting
            policies and practices, as may be adopted by the regulatory agencies
            as well as the Financial Accounting Standards


            Board, (xiii) changes in the Company's organization and compensation
            plans; (xiv) the costs and effects of litigation and of unexpected
            or adverse outcomes in such litigation; and (xv) the success of the
            Company at managing the risks involved in the foregoing.

            Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which
            such statements are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation
            to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or
            circumstances after the date on which such statement is made to
            reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


            Citizens, through CICA, CILIC, and Excalibur, operates principally
            in two business segments: selling selected lines of individual life
            and accident and health (A&H) insurance policies in domestic markets
            and individual ordinary life insurance in international markets.
            Except for certain insignificant operations, Citizens has no present
            intention to engage in any non-insurance related business. The
            following tables set forth certain statistical information on the
            basis of accounting principles generally accepted in the United
            States of America (U.S. GAAP) concerning the operations of the
            Company for each of the five years ended December 31, 2001.

                                     TABLE I

The following table sets forth (i) life insurance in-force and (ii) mean life
insurance in-force.

                  IN-FORCE                                   MEAN LIFE
                  BEGINNING             IN-FORCE             INSURANCE
                   OF YEAR             END OF YEAR            IN-FORCE
                   (a) (b)               (a) (b)              (a) (b)
                 ----------            -----------           ----------
      2001       $2,240,523            $2,416,610            $2,328,567
      2000        2,197,844             2,240,523             2,219,184
      1999        2,340,744             2,197,844             2,269,294
      1998        2,250,197             2,340,744             2,295,471
      1997        2,231,017             2,250,197             2,240,607

- ----------
      (a)   In thousands (000s)
      (b)   Before assuming and ceding reinsurance from/to reinsurers

The increases in insurance in-force prior to 1999 reflect the volumes of new
business written by the Company as well as the impact of acquisitions. Economic
and other market disruptions in the Company's international markets had a
negative impact on the Company's persistency in 1999, contributing to the
decline in insurance in-force. Improved persistency in 2001 combined with
increased sale of new policies in 2000 and 2001 contributed to the growth in
insurance in-force during 2000 and 2001.


                                    TABLE II

The following table sets forth (i) the ratio of lapses and surrenders to mean
life insurance in-force and (ii) life reinsurance ceded.

                                   RATIO OF            REINSURANCE CEDED
                                  LAPSES AND     -------------------------------
                                  SURRENDERS         AMOUNT          REINSURANCE
                 LAPSES AND        TO MEAN             OF              PREMIUM
               SURRENDERS (a)      IN-FORCE      REINSURANCE (a)      CEDED (b)
               --------------     ----------     ---------------     -----------
      2001       $113,482             4.9%          $206,386         $ 2,312,232
      2000        112,676             5.1            272,150           2,494,798
      1999        115,018             5.1            278,689           2,539,155
      1998        100,906             4.4            306,070           3,368,690
      1997         95,684             4.3            318,630           2,257,556

- ----------
      (a)   In thousands (000s)
      (b)   Approximately 95 percent of the reinsurance is yearly renewable term
            insurance, with the remainder being coinsurance. Premiums reflect
            both life and accident and health business.

As described above, the disruption in certain international markets contributed
to the increased lapsation and surrender activity in 1999. The decline in ceded
premium in 1999 and 2000 was related to the termination of a substantial portion
of NSLIC's major medical business, much of which had been ceded. The decline in
ceded premium in 2001 related to an increase in the Company's retention from
$75,000 to $100,000. The increase in ceded premium in 1998 was due to the
cession of a substantial portion of the major medical accident and health
business of NSLIC.

                                    TABLE III

The following table sets forth information with respect to total insurance

                 ORDINARY        ANNUITY &                       ACCIDENT
                 LIFE (a)     UNIVERSAL LIFE     GROUP LIFE    & HEALTH (a)      TOTAL
                 --------     --------------     ----------    ------------      -----
      2001     $ 48,142,397   $  216,905         $  543,792    $  5,059,843   $ 53,962,937
      2000       45,892,621      228,479             95,068       7,235,685     53,451,853
      1999       47,687,414      261,880            484,746      10,886,317     59,320,357
      1998       48,801,081      263,994            231,410       9,857,844     59,154,329
      1997       49,412,066      366,135            284,632       5,299,783     55,362,616

- ----------
      (a)   After deduction for reinsurance ceded.

New sales of life insurance decreased slightly from 1997 to 1999. In 2000, new
life sales increased, but overall life premium declined due to the lower level
of sales in previous years coupled with the surrender activity shown in Table II
above. In 2001, new life sales increased and the ratio of lapses and surrenders
to mean in-force declined as shown in Table II above. Much of the 1998 increase
in accident and health premiums related to the acquisition of USLIC and NSLIC.
Additionally, much of the 2000 and 2001 decline in accident and health premiums
related to management's decision to cancel a large portion of USLIC's group
dental business and


NSLIC's major medical business during the third quarter of 1999 in order to
curtail both claims and operating expenses.

                                    TABLE IV

The following table sets forth information relating to the ratio of underwriting
and other expenses to insurance revenues.

                                                         COMMISSIONS, UNDERWRITING
                                                          AND OPERATING EXPENSES,
                                                         POLICY RESERVE INCREASES,
                            -------------------------   --------------------------
                                           RATIO TO                      RATIO TO
              INSURANCE                    INSURANCE                     INSURANCE
             PREMIUMS (a)      AMOUNT      PREMIUMS        AMOUNT        PREMIUMS
             ------------      ------      --------        ------        --------
2001         $ 53,962,937   $ 24,079,909     44.6%      $ 63,253,162       117.2%
2000           53,451,853     22,550,592     42.2         63,693,030       119.2
1999           59,320,357     22,563,049     38.0         68,043,243       114.7
1998           59,154,329     23,580,491     39.9         66,914,063       113.1
1997           55,362,616     18,910,594     34.2         58,865,744       106.3

- ----------
(a)   After premiums ceded to reinsurers.

The 1997 acquisitions of NSLIC and USLIC and their related conversion expenses
as well as increases in accident and health benefits were the primary reasons
for the 1998 and 1999 increases in policyholder benefits and the 1998 increase
in commission, underwriting and operating expenses. During 2000, accident and
health premiums and claims decreased as discussed above due to the cancellation
of major portions of the group dental and major medical business; however, due
to the development of a domestic ordinary life sales program and the
administrative costs of managing the run-off of the cancelled accident and
health business, the ratio of expenses to premium increased. During 2001, the
decrease in lapses and surrenders combined with the decrease in accident and
health claims offset increased commissions and administration expenses,
resulting in a decrease in the ratio of expenses and benefits to premium.

                                     TABLE V

The following table sets forth changes in new life insurance business produced
between participating and nonparticipating policies.

                                    PARTICIPATING             NONPARTICIPATING
              TOTAL NEW          --------------------       --------------------
             BUSINESS (a)        AMOUNT (a)   PERCENT       AMOUNT (a)   PERCENT
             ------------        ----------   -------       ----------   -------
2001           $346,132           235,847      68.1%         110,285      31.9%
2000            327,753           217,303      66.3          110,450      33.7
1999            287,238           180,800      62.9          106,438      37.1
1998            311,331           222,496      71.5           88,835      28.5
1997            286,698           245,547      85.6           41,151      14.4

- ----------
(a)   In thousands (000s)


The significant changes in 1998 and 1999 were due to the volume of credit life
business produced by NSLIC that is non-participating. During 2000 and 2001 the
percentage of participating new business grew due to increases in the issuance
of participating ordinary life policies internationally.

                                    TABLE VI

The following table sets forth changes in new life insurance business issued
according to policy types.

                           WHOLE LIFE
                          AND ENDOWMENT               TERM                 CREDIT
         TOTAL NEW     --------------------   --------------------  --------------------
- -----   ------------   ----------   -------   ----------   -------  ----------   -------
2001      $346,132      $238,765     69.0%     $71,900      20.8%    $35,467      10.2%
2000       327,753       220,691     67.3       56,747      17.3      50,315      15.4
1999       287,238       183,726     63.9       43,607      15.2      59,905      20.9
1998       311,331       224,918     72.2       51,531      16.6      34,882      11.2
1997       286,698       245,637     85.7       41,061      14.3          --        --

- ----------
(a)   In thousands (000s)

Most of the 1998 and 1999 increases were due to the credit life business sold by
NSLIC. The decline in 1998 and 1999 whole life production related to the
disruption in the Company's international market. In 2000, new life sales
measured in paid annualized premiums increased 21.4%. In 2001, new life sales
measured in paid annualized premiums increased 14.9%.

                                    TABLE VII

The following table sets forth deferred policy acquisition costs capitalized and
amortized compared to new business life insurance issued.

                                            DEFERRED POLICY
                      TOTAL NEW            ACQUISITION COSTS
                       BUSINESS         ------------------------
                        ISSUED          CAPITALIZED    AMORTIZED
                        ------          -----------    ---------
            2001     $346,132,000       $11,112,096   $ 8,568,445
            2000      327,753,000        10,056,287     8,521,972
            1999      287,238,000         9,287,457    10,028,806
            1998      311,331,000         7,941,829     7,789,513
            1997      286,698,000         9,804,022     9,630,705

The decrease in costs capitalized for 1998 reflected the reduction in the amount
of new business produced and lower commission expenses incurred as a result
thereof. Amortization in 1999 was high due to increased surrender activity. The
increase in 2000 and 2001 capitalized costs related to the increase in new
business issued, while the decrease in amortized costs was due to improved


                                   TABLE VIII

               The following table sets forth investment results.

                                                          RATIO OF NET
                                                       INVESTMENT INCOME
              INVESTED ASSETS (a)     INCOME (b)     OF INVESTED ASSETS (a)
              -------------------     ----------     ----------------------
      2001    $   200,449,569         $13,296,481            6.6%
      2000        184,270,944          12,550,754            6.8
      1999        175,305,342          11,636,940            6.6
      1998        169,461,908          11,279,125            6.7
      1997        150,481,414          10,038,736            6.7

- ----------
      (a)   The year 1997 includes assets acquired from NSLIC and USLIC.
      (b)   Does not include realized and unrealized gains and losses on

During 2000, the Company terminated its outside investment manager and changed
the mix of new investments, resulting in improved performance for the year.
During 2001, the significant decrease in yields in the bond market caused the
return on invested assets to drop slightly.


            (i)   BUSINESS OF CITIZENS

                  Citizens' principal business is ownership of CICA, Investors
                  and their affiliates. Additionally, it provides management
                  services to these companies under management services
                  agreements. At December 31, 2001, Citizens had approximately
                  90 full and part-time employees. All intercompany fees and
                  expenses have been eliminated in the consolidated financial

            (ii)  BUSINESS OF CICA

                  Historically, CICA's revenues have been derived from life
                  insurance premiums and revenues from investments. CICA is a
                  Colorado-domiciled life insurance company marketing primarily
                  ordinary whole-life products on an international basis through
                  marketing companies. Additionally, it offers specialty
                  individual accident and health policies to United States
                  residents, and following the merger of NSLIC in 2000, credit
                  life insurance policies to U.S. residents. All intercompany
                  fees and expenses have been eliminated in the consolidated
                  financial statements.

                  During the year ended December 31, 2001, 90.2% of CICA's
                  premium income was attributable to life, endowment and term
                  insurance, .4% to individual annuities and 9.4% to accident
                  and health insurance. During the year ended December 31, 2000,
                  86.0% of CICA's premium income was attributable to life,
                  endowment and term insurance, 0.4% to individual annuities,
                  and 13.6% to accident and health insurance. Of the life
                  policies in force at December 31, 2001


                  and 2000, 46.1% and 43.1%, were nonparticipating and 53.9% and
                  56.9%, respectively were participating.

                  From 1987 to 1997, CICA offered a series of participating
                  whole life policies designed for international markets.
                  Beginning January 1, 1998, CICA introduced a new series of
                  policies to replace the policies then offered. Ten plans make
                  up this series and, like those previously sold, are designed
                  for the international market. These plans maintain many of the
                  features of the previous series and incorporate several new
                  enhancements, such as terminal illness protection as well as
                  dismemberment provisions.

                  Additionally, following the merger with ALLIC, CICA began
                  offering specialty individual accident and health products as
                  well as ordinary whole life policies to residents of the
                  United States. The sale of these products is focused in
                  Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi.

                  In 1999, management began developing a domestic ordinary life
                  sales program and received regulatory approval of the product
                  and related sales material in Texas during April of 2000.
                  Management began recruiting efforts for associates in the
                  State of Texas for the new product in mid-2000 and sales began
                  late during second quarter 2000. This program, targeting rural
                  areas of the United States, is expected to provide a new entre
                  into the domestic life market for the Company. Due to changes
                  in agency management, this program's initial results have not
                  been as successful as management had anticipated; however, the
                  Company believes the program will ultimately be successful.
                  The Company intends to expand sales efforts beyond Texas to
                  other states in which CICA is licensed.

                  The CICA underwriting policy requires a medical examination of
                  applicants for ordinary insurance in excess of certain
                  prescribed limits. These limits are graduated according to the
                  age of the applicant and the amount of insurance. Generally,
                  the maximum amount of ordinary life insurance issued
                  domestically without a medical examination is $200,000 for
                  ages 0 through 35; $100,000 for ages 36 through 45; $50,000
                  for ages 46 through 50; $15,000 for ages 51 through 55; and
                  $10,000 for ages 56 and over. Non-United States applicants
                  ages 0 through 39 can obtain up to $150,000 of insurance
                  without a medical examination. Medical examinations are
                  required of all non-United States applicants age 40 and over .
                  The supplemental accident and health policies sold in the U.S.
                  have only minimal, field underwriting.

                  On life policies, CICA's maximum coverage on any one life is
                  not limited by Company policy. However, CICA reinsures the
                  amount of coverage, which is in excess of its retention
                  policy. See "Business of CICA - Reinsurance." CICA does not
                  accept substandard risks above Table 6 (generally
                  policyholders who cannot qualify for standard ordinary
                  insurance because of past medical history).

                  CICA has $31 million of insurance in-force on individuals that
                  are classified as substandard risks, the majority of such
                  business having been acquired in the purchase of other
                  companies. Management believes the exposure to loss as a


                  result of insuring these individuals is minimal, since the
                  premiums are increased to cover the nature of the risk,
                  additional reserves are established, and the amount of this
                  insurance represents approximately 1.0% of the total insurance


                  CICA makes available ordinary whole-life insurance products to
                  residents of foreign countries worldwide. Premium income from
                  non-U.S. residents accounted for approximately 82.4%, 82.7%
                  and 85.5% of total CICA premiums for the years ended December
                  31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

                  Premiums in excess of 10% of CICA's total premiums for the
                  years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were: Argentina -
                  23.3%, 27.7% and 32.3%; Columbia - 21.9%, 20.2% and 19.4%; and
                  Uruguay -10.2%, 11.8% and 14.3%, respectively.

                  The following table sets forth CICA's total yearly premium
                  income by geographic area for the years indicated.

                              AREA         2001    2000     1999
                              ----         ----    ----     ----
                        Oklahoma            4.6%    5.2%     5.4%
                        Texas               4.2%    4.4%     2.3%
                        Mississippi         4.0%    2.8%     1.6%
                        Louisiana           1.1%    1.1%     1.2%
                        All Other States    3.7%    3.8%     4.0%
                        Foreign            82.4%   82.7%    85.5%

                  The participating whole life policies accepted by CICA on high
                  net worth residents of foreign countries have an average face
                  amount of approximately $66,000 and are issued primarily to
                  individuals in the top 5% of the population in terms of
                  household income. CICA has neither offices nor employees
                  overseas. It accepts applications for international insurance
                  policies submitted by several independent firms in these
                  markets with whom CICA has non-exclusive consulting contracts.
                  These firms specialize in marketing life insurance products to
                  citizens of foreign countries and have many years of
                  experience marketing life insurance products. They provide
                  recruitment, training and supervision of their managers and
                  associates in the placement of dollar-denominated life
                  insurance products; however, all consultants and associates
                  contract directly with CICA and receive their compensation
                  from CICA. Accordingly, should the consulting arrangement
                  between any firm and CICA be canceled for any reason, CICA
                  believes it could continue suitable marketing arrangements
                  with the individuals of the consulting firms without
                  appreciable loss of present and future sales, as it has done
                  in the past. There is, however, always a risk that sales could
                  decrease. The contract with the consultants provides that they
                  are the representative of the prospective insured, have the
                  responsibility for recruiting and training their sales
                  associates and are responsible for all of their overhead costs
                  including the expense


                  of contests and awards. These firms guarantee any debts of
                  marketers and their associates. In consideration for the
                  services rendered, the marketing consultants receive a fee on
                  all new policies placed by them or their associates. See
                  "Business of CICA - Commissions." Either party may terminate
                  the marketing contracts for various causes at any time by
                  mutual consent of the parties or upon 30 days' notice.

                  At present, CICA is dependent on the non-U.S. markets for a
                  large percentage of its new life insurance business. This
                  subjects CICA to potential risks with regard to the continued
                  ability to write such business should adverse events occur in
                  the countries from which CICA receives applications. These
                  potential risks include lapses of policies if funds that flow
                  out of such countries were to become restricted. Based on more
                  than 35 years experience in the marketplace in which CICA
                  competes, management believes such risks are not material. The
                  Company maintains no assets outside the U.S. and requires all
                  premiums to be paid in the U.S. with U.S. dollars via drafts
                  drawn on banks in the U.S.; therefore, it could lose no funds
                  from currency devaluation or foreign appropriation. Many of
                  the inherent risks in foreign countries, such as political
                  instability, hyper-inflation and economic disruptions, tend to
                  improve rather than hurt CICA's business because it encourages
                  individuals to convert assets out of local currencies to the
                  more stable U.S. dollar.

                  MARKETING OPERATIONS

                  CICA holds licenses to do business in 15 states and accepts
                  applications for consideration from any foreign country.
                  CICA's operations are conducted on the independent contractor
                  basis, with 1,838 individuals contracted at December 31, 2001
                  and 1,302 at December 31, 2000 and 1,415 individuals at
                  December 31, 1999.


                  CICA's marketing managers are independent contractors,
                  responsible for their respective expenses, and are compensated
                  on a percentage of premium basis. Percentage amounts paid to
                  contractors on individual term, annuity and accident and
                  health insurance are substantially less than the levels paid
                  for individual ordinary life insurance. The marketing managers
                  receive overriding first year and renewal commissions on
                  business written by individuals under their supervision and
                  all marketing expenses related thereto are included in the
                  above percentages.


                  CICA establishes actuarial reserves as liabilities to meet
                  obligations on all outstanding policies. Reserves and deferred
                  acquisition costs are prepared in conformity with the American
                  Academy of Actuaries Committee on Financial Reporting
                  Principles and accounting principles generally accepted in the
                  United States of America. In determining such reserves CICA
                  used the 1955 to 1960,


                  1965 to 1970, and 1975 to 1980 Select and Ultimate Mortality
                  Tables with interest rates at 4% or in a range graded from 9%
                  to 5% with recent issues reserved at 7% graded to 6 1/2%.
                  Withdrawal assumptions are based primarily on actual
                  historical experience. Statutory reserves are used for paid-up
                  life business. Claims reserves include an amount equal to the
                  expected benefit to be paid on reported claims in addition to
                  an estimate of claims that are incurred but not reported based
                  on actual historical experience. CICA receives an independent
                  actuarial certification of its reserves prepared in accordance
                  with both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and
                  Statutory Accounting Practices. The certifications have noted
                  no deficiencies for the years presented herein.


                  CICA assumes and cedes insurance with other insurers,
                  reinsurers and members of various reinsurance pools.
                  Reinsurance arrangements are utilized to provide greater
                  diversification of risk and minimize exposure on larger risks.

                        (a) INSURANCE CEDED

                  CICA has historically retained $75,000 of risk on any one
                  person. Effective January 1, 2001, this amount was increased
                  to $100,000 based upon CICA's capital growth. The increase in
                  retention is based upon the relative size and financial
                  strength of CICA. As of December 31, 2001, the aggregate
                  amount of life insurance ceded amounted to $204,989,000 or
                  7.2% of total direct and assumed life insurance in-force, and
                  was $270,515,000 or 10.6% in 2000. CICA is contingently liable
                  with respect to ceded insurance should any reinsurer be unable
                  to meet the obligations reinsured.

                  As of December 31, 2001, CICA had in effect automatic
                  reinsurance agreements with reinsurers that provide for
                  cessions of ordinary insurance from CICA. Additionally, CICA
                  has reinsurance treaties in force with several reinsurers of
                  life and accident and health insurance. These treaties provide
                  for both automatic and facultative reinsurance of standard and
                  substandard risks ceded to them by CICA for life, accident and
                  health and supplemental benefits above CICA's retention limit
                  on a yearly renewable term, coinsurance or modified
                  coinsurance basis.

                  Treaties with Employers Reassurance (ERC) and Businessmen's
                  Assurance (BMA) historically have been the primary vehicles
                  utilized by CICA for its international business. The treaties
                  are structured in such a way as to allow CICA to "self
                  administer" the cessions on a reduced cost basis. During 1995,
                  a third carrier was added as a principal reinsurer, Riunione
                  Adriatica di Sicurta, of Italy (RAS). American United Life
                  Insurance Company (AUL) replaced RAS in 2000.

                  The ERC and BMA agreements provide that for risks reinsured in
                  specified countries, 70% of each risk in excess of CICA's
                  retention will be ceded to ERC and 30% to BMA. The RAS
                  agreement provided that on risks reinsured in specified
                  countries, 100% of the risk in excess of CICA's retention was
                  ceded to


                  RAS. AUL's treaty provides for the same share of business that
                  RAS previously reinsured. CICA pays premiums to ERC, BMA and
                  AUL on an annual basis and is responsible for the production
                  of the reporting monthly and annually to ERC and BMA to allow
                  proper accounting for the treaties. The RAS agreement
                  contained similar terms.

                  The cessions are on a yearly renewable term basis and are
                  automatic over the Company's retention up to $350,000 for ERC,
                  $150,000 for BMA and $500,000 for AUL, after which the
                  reinsurance is subject to a facultative review by the
                  reinsurers. At December 31, 2001, CICA had ceded $91,172,000
                  in face amount of insurance to ERC, $52,704,000 to RAS,
                  $28,895,000 to BMA and $28,285,000 to AUL under these

                  RAS is an unauthorized reinsurer in the state of Colorado;
                  however, RAS has agreed to comply with Colorado statutes
                  regarding such companies. Under these statutes, RAS will
                  provide a letter of credit, issued by a U.S. bank meeting the
                  Colorado requirements, equal to any liabilities it incurs
                  under this agreement. RAS notified CICA in late 1999 that it
                  was withdrawing from the reinsurance market effective January
                  1, 2001 and AUL replaced it.

                  A reinsurance treaty with Swiss Re Life & Health America, Inc.
                  (Swiss Re) covers all of CICA's accidental death insurance
                  supplementing its life insurance policies. These cessions are
                  on a yearly renewable term basis and occur automatically if
                  total accidental death benefits known to CICA are less than
                  $250,000 or otherwise on a facultative review basis. At
                  December 31, 2001, CICA had ceded $1.3 billion in face amount
                  of business to Swiss Re under this treaty.

                  CICA monitors the solvency of its reinsurers to minimize the
                  risk of loss in the event of a failure by one of the parties.
                  The primary reinsurers of CICA are large, well capitalized
                  entities .

                        (b) INSURANCE ASSUMED

                  At December 31, 2001, CICA had in-force reinsurance assumed as

                                                        TYPE OF        AMOUNT
                                                       BUSINESS     IN-FORCE AT
                     NAME OF COMPANY      LOCATION      ASSUMED     END OF YEAR
                     ---------------      --------      -------     -----------
                  Prudential Insurance     Newark,     Ordinary
                  Company (Prudential)   New Jersey    Group Life   $440,023,000

                  The reinsurance agreement with Prudential provides for CICA to
                  assume a portion of the insurance under a group insurance
                  policy issued by Prudential to the Administrator of Veterans'
                  Affairs. CICA's portion of the total insurance under the
                  policy is allocated to CICA in accordance with the criteria
                  established by the Administrator. The agreement continues in
                  full force and effect at December 31, 2001.


                  CICA has also entered into a Serviceman's Group Life Insurance
                  Conversion Pool Agreement with Prudential, under the above
                  described agreement, whereby CICA assumed a portion of the
                  risk of Prudential under the group policy due to excess
                  mortality under the conversion pool agreement resulting from
                  issuing conversion policies as prescribed for membership in
                  the conversion pool.


                  State insurance statutes prescribe the quality and percentage
                  of the various types of investments which may be made by
                  insurance companies and generally permit investment in
                  qualified state, municipal, federal and foreign government
                  obligations, high quality corporate bonds, preferred and
                  common stock, real estate and mortgage loans within certain
                  specified percentages. CICA's invested assets at December 31,
                  2001 were distributed as follows: fixed maturities - 88.9%,
                  equity securities .3%, mortgage loans - .6%, policy loans -
                  10.1% and other long-term investments - .1%. CICA did not
                  foreclose on any mortgage loans in 2001. All mortgage loans
                  are supported by independently appraised real estate. The
                  investment policy of CICA is consistent with the provisions of
                  the Colorado Insurance Code.

                  At December 31, 2001, 90.8% of CICA's investments in fixed
                  maturities were comprised of U.S. Treasury securities and
                  obligations of U.S. government corporations and agencies,
                  including U.S. government guaranteed mortgage-backed
                  securities, compared to 86.4% at December 31, 2000. Of these
                  mortgage-backed securities, all were guaranteed by U.S.
                  government agencies or corporations that are backed by the
                  full faith and credit of the U.S. government or that bear the
                  implied full faith and credit of the U.S. government.


                  CICA is subject to regulation and supervision by the insurance
                  department of each state or other jurisdiction in which it is
                  licensed to do business. These departments have broad
                  administrative powers relating to the granting and revocation
                  of licenses to transact business, the licensing of marketing
                  persons, the approval of policy forms, the advertising and
                  solicitation of insurance, the form and content of mandatory
                  financial statements, the reserve requirements, and the type
                  of investments which may be made. CICA is required to file
                  detailed annual reports with each such insurance department,
                  and its books and records are subject to examination at any
                  time. In accordance with state laws and the rules and
                  practices of the National Association of Insurance
                  Commissioners, CICA is examined periodically by examiners of
                  its domiciliary state and by representatives (on an
                  "association" or "zone" basis) of the other states in which it
                  is licensed to do business. An examination was concluded in
                  1998 for the five years ended December 31, 1996, by a public
                  accounting firm under contract with and supervision by the
                  Colorado Division of Insurance. CICA is audited annually by an
                  independent public accounting firm.


                  Various states, including Colorado, have enacted "Insurance
                  Holding Company" legislation, which requires the registration
                  and periodic reporting by insurance companies which control,
                  or are controlled by, other corporations or persons. Under
                  most of such legislation, control is presumed to exist with
                  the ownership of ten percent or more of an insurance company's
                  voting securities. The Company is subject to such regulation
                  and has registered under such statutes as a member of an
                  "insurance holding company system." The legislation typically
                  requires periodic disclosure concerning the transactions
                  between the registered insurer, the ultimate controlling
                  party, and all affiliates and subsidiaries of the ultimate
                  controlling party, and in many instances requires prior
                  approval of intercorporate transfers of assets (including in
                  some instances payment of dividends by the insurance
                  subsidiary) within the holding company system.

                  Since CICA does not physically conduct business in countries
                  outside the U.S. but rather accepts applications for
                  consideration from overseas marketers, it is not subject to
                  regulation in countries where most of its insureds are
                  residents. The prospect of such regulation is viewed as remote
                  by management of CICA because obtaining insurance through
                  application by mail outside of one's country is a common
                  practice in many foreign countries, particularly those where
                  CICA's insureds reside.


                  The life insurance business is highly competitive, and CICA
                  competes with a large number of stock and mutual life
                  companies both internationally and domestically. CICA competes
                  with 1,500 to 2,000 other life insurance companies in the
                  United States, some of which it also competes with
                  internationally. CICA believes that its premium rates and its
                  policies are generally competitive with those of other life
                  insurance companies selling similar types of ordinary
                  whole-life insurance, many of which are larger than CICA.

                  A large percentage of CICA's first year and renewal life
                  insurance premium income during the last five years came from
                  the international market. See "Business of CICA - Geographical
                  Distribution of Business." Management believes CICA to be a
                  significant competitor in the non-U.S. market and attributes
                  its market position to the expertise of management, the
                  uniqueness of CICA's life insurance products and the
                  competitiveness of its pricing methods.

                  Given the significance of CICA's international business, the
                  variety of markets in which CICA makes ordinary whole-life
                  insurance available and the impact that economic changes have
                  on these foreign markets, it is not possible to ascertain
                  CICA's competitive position.

                  CICA's international marketing plan stresses making available
                  dollar-denominated life insurance products available to high
                  net worth individuals residing in foreign countries and the
                  sale of individual, whole life and supplemental accident and
                  health products to United States residents.


                  CICA faces offshore competition from numerous American life
                  insurance companies that also sell U.S. dollar denominated
                  policies to non-U.S. citizens, with no one company being
                  dominant in the market. Some companies may be deemed to have a
                  competitive advantage due to histories of successful
                  operations and large agency forces. Management believes that
                  its experience, combined with the special features of its
                  unique policies, allows CICA to compete effectively in
                  pursuing new business.

                  Management believes that CICA competes indirectly with
                  non-U.S. companies, particularly with respect to Latin
                  American companies. CICA, as a U.S. domestic insurer paying
                  claims in U.S. dollars in the U.S., has a different clientele
                  and product than foreign-domiciled companies. CICA's product
                  is usually acquired by persons in the top 5% of income of
                  their respective countries. The policies sold by foreign
                  companies are sold broadly and are priced based on the
                  mortality of the entire populace of the respective geographic
                  region. Because of the predominance of lower incomes in most
                  of these countries, the mortality experience tends to be very
                  high on the average, causing mortality charges which are
                  considered unreasonable based on the life mortality experience
                  of the upper five percent of income of the population.

                  Additionally, the assets that back up the policies issued by
                  foreign companies are invested in the respective countries,
                  and thus, are exposed to the inflationary risks and economic
                  crises that historically have impacted many foreign countries.
                  Another reason that CICA experiences an advantage is that many
                  of its policyholders desire to transfer capital out of their
                  countries due to the perceived financial strength and security
                  of the United States.

                  Also, CICA competes indirectly with other U.S. and European
                  insurers in countries where CICA's insureds reside. CICA's
                  experience has been that its market niche is in attracting
                  insureds who want the safety and security of a U.S. domestic
                  insurer. Management of CICA considers it to be difficult and
                  speculative to estimate the potential of the foreign market
                  for U.S. insurers. However, based upon the volume of new
                  premium generated by CICA that originates from many countries
                  in Latin America, management believes that CICA receives a
                  substantial share of such business. However, CICA does not
                  have market share data to confirm management's belief.

                  CICA initiated a new domestic marketing program during 2000
                  focusing on the sale of individual ordinary life insurance
                  products to residents of rural communities. This program is
                  being initiated through one state at a time, and began in
                  Texas. Management believes this market is overlooked by the
                  majority of U.S. insurers. Competition from many U.S.
                  companies is significantly greater in the domestic market,
                  particularly as banking institutions enter the insurance
                  market due to the passage of the Graham Leach Bliley Act in


                  In CICA's block of accident and health insurance (9.4% of
                  total premium income), it is in competition with many
                  insurance companies as well as with voluntary and
                  government-sponsored plans for meeting hospitalization and
                  medical expenses such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, "Medicare"
                  and "Medicaid." Future expansion of such programs or the
                  establishment of additional government health programs could
                  adversely affect the future of accident and health insurance
                  on CICA's books, most of which has been acquired in the
                  acquisition of other companies.


                  CICA is a "small company" as that term is defined in Section
                  806 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"). As such, CICA
                  qualifies for a special small company deduction (presently
                  equal to 60% of "tentative life insurance company taxable
                  income") which serves to decrease significantly the amount of
                  tax, which might otherwise have to be paid.

                  The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990 revised the method by
                  which insurance companies claim deductions for policy
                  acquisition costs. Previously, insurance companies were
                  allowed to deduct actual policy acquisition costs as they were
                  incurred. Beginning in 1990, policy acquisition costs are
                  determined as a percentage of annual net premiums and are then
                  deductible on a straight-line basis over a ten-year period
                  rather than treated as an immediate deduction. This change in
                  treatment for acquisition costs has had a significant impact
                  on CICA's taxable income due to the relatively large amounts
                  of such deferrals caused by the increases in new business.

                  CICA files a consolidated Federal income tax return with
                  Citizens and its subsidiaries.

                  (iii) BUSINESS OF CILIC

                  CILIC is an Illinois domiciled life insurer admitted to do
                  business in four states. Dormant for several years, CILIC
                  services a closed block of life insurance policies. At
                  December 31, 2001, CILIC had assets of $3.0 million and annual
                  revenues of $197,000. All intercompany fees and expenses have
                  been eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.

                  (iv)  BUSINESS OF INVESTORS

                  Investors is an Illinois holding company that owns Excalibur.
                  All intercompany fees and expenses have been eliminated in the
                  consolidated financial statements. Management expects to
                  consolidate Investors with Citizens during 2002.

                  (v)   BUSINESS OF EXCALIBUR

                  Excalibur is an Illinois-domiciled life insurer. It services a
                  small block of ordinary life insurance. Excalibur is 100%
                  owned by Investors. At December 31,


                  2001, Excalibur had assets of $3.0 million and annual revenues
                  of $187,000. All intercompany fees and expenses have been
                  eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.

                  (vi)  BUSINESS OF CTI

                  CTI is a wholly owned subsidiary of CICA and engages in the
                  business of providing data processing services and acquisition
                  and leasing of furniture and equipment for its parent as well
                  as data processing services and software to other companies.
                  Pursuant to an Information Systems Management and Services
                  Contract dated October 1, 1991, and subsequently amended, CTI
                  provides data processing services to the Company for a fixed
                  fee of $85,000 per month. As of and for the year ended
                  December 31, 2001, CTI's total assets were approximately
                  $514,000 and revenues were $1.1 million. All intercompany fees
                  and expenses have been eliminated in the consolidated
                  financial statements.

                  (vii) BUSINESS OF III

                  III is a wholly owned subsidiary of CICA and engages in the
                  business of providing aviation transportation for its parent
                  and subsidiaries. As of and for the year ended December 31,
                  2001, III's total assets were $1.5 million and revenues were
                  $130,000. All intercompany fees and expenses have been
                  eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.

                  (viii) BUSINESS OF FHA

                  FHA owns and operates a funeral home in Baker, Louisiana. At
                  December 31, 2001, FHA had total assets of $547,000 and total
                  annual revenues of $540,000. All intercompany fees and
                  expenses have been eliminated in the consolidated financial


                  CICA owns its principal office in Austin, Texas, consisting of
                  an 80,000 square foot office building. Approximately 50,000
                  square feet is occupied or reserved for occupancy by CICA and
                  its affiliates with the remainder of the building being leased
                  to a single tenant under a multi-year lease.

                  The Company also owns a 6,324 square foot funeral home in
                  Baker, Louisiana with a total cost of $527,000. This facility,
                  acquired as a result of a 1995 acquisition, is owned and
                  operated by a subsidiary, FHA.

                  Because CICA owns its principal offices and FHA owns its
                  facilities, neither CICA nor FHA makes any lease payments on
                  these properties.



                  The Company from time to time may be a party to various legal
                  proceedings incidental to its business. Management does not
                  expect the ultimate resolution of these legal proceedings to
                  have a material adverse impact on the results of operations or
                  the financial condition of the Company.


                  No matters were submitted to shareholders of Citizens during
                  the fourth calendar quarter of 2001.

                                     PART II


                  Citizens' Class A common stock is traded on the American Stock
                  Exchange (AMEX) under the symbol CIA. The high and low prices
                  per share as supplied by the Amex Monthly Statistical Report
                  are as follows. These prices have been adjusted to reflect 7%
                  stock dividends paid in 1999 and 2000.

                                         2001             2000
                                    --------------   --------------
                   QUARTER ENDED    HIGH      LOW    HIGH      LOW
                   --------------   ----      ---    ----      ---
                   March 31         $7.00    $6.05   $6.72    $6.13
                   June 30           7.60     6.25    6.31     5.02
                   September 30     10.40     6.21    6.31     5.89
                   December 31      13.30     8.80    7.00     5.72

                  As of December 31, 2001, the approximate number of record
                  owners of Citizens' Class A common stock was 15,000.
                  Management estimates the number of beneficial owners to be
                  approximately 60,000.

                  On November 2, 1999, the Company's Board of Directors declared
                  a 7% stock dividend, payable on December 31, 1999 to holders
                  of record as of December 1, 1999. The dividend resulted in the
                  issuance of 1,763,805 Class A shares (including 136,091 shares
                  in treasury) and 43,474 Class B shares.

                  On October 31, 2000, the Board declared a 7% stock dividend
                  payable on December 31, 2000 to holders of record as of
                  December 1, 2000. The dividend resulted in the issuance of
                  1,887,265 Class A shares (including 145,613 shares in
                  treasury) and 46,517 Class B shares.

                  Citizens has not paid cash dividends in any of the past five
                  years and does not expect to pay such in the immediate future.
                  For restrictions on the present and future ability to pay
                  dividends, see Note 6 of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial



                  The table below sets forth, in summary form, selective data of
                  the Company. This data, which is not covered in the report of
                  the independent auditors, should be read in conjunction with
                  the consolidated financial statements and notes which are
                  included elsewhere herein (amounts in thousands except per
                  share amounts). The per share amounts have been adjusted
                  retroactively for all periods presented to reflect the change
                  in capital structure resulting from 7% common stock dividends
                  paid on December 31, 1999 and December 31, 2000, respectively.

                                             YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                       (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                2001       2000       1999        1998        1997
                              --------   --------   --------   ---------    --------
NET OPERATING REVENUES        $ 67,647   $ 66,678   $ 71,877   $  72,685    $ 65,027
NET INCOME (LOSS)             $  3,963   $  2,053   $  1,271   $  (6,721)   $  3,426
NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE   $    .16   $    .08   $    .05   $    (.27)   $    .14
TOTAL ASSETS                  $282,086   $267,842   $255,485   $ 253,384    $249,519
NOTES PAYABLE                 $     --   $     --   $     --   $     333    $    937
TOTAL LIABILITIES             $199,364   $190,529   $183,218   $ 178,480    $169,938
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY    $ 82,722   $ 77,313   $ 72,267   $  74,904    $ 79,581
BOOK VALUE PER SHARE          $   3.29   $   3.08   $   2.88   $    3.06    $   3.33

      See Part I (b) - Financial information regarding the insurance business
and Item 7 - Management's Discussion and Analysis.


                  On November 20, 2001, Citizens announced agreements to acquire
                  all outstanding shares of Combined Underwriters Life Insurance
                  Company ("Combined") and Lifeline Underwriters Life Insurance
                  Company ("Lifeline") for shares of Citizens Class A Common
                  stock. Both Combined and Lifeline are members of the Walden P.
                  Little Group of Tyler, Texas.

                  The agreement was approved by shareholders of Combined and
                  Lifeline and insurance regulatory authorities in Texas in
                  March, 2002. The exchange was based upon a market value of
                  $8.64 per share for Combined and $5.00 per share for Lifeline.
                  The price for Citizens shares of $11.479 was based upon its
                  average closing price for the 20-days preceding closing, which
                  occurred on March 19, 2002. The total aggregate consideration
                  issued by Citizens amounted to approximately 1.1 million
                  shares of Class A common stock.

                  Combined had revenues of $15.7 million for the year ended
                  December 31, 2000, the last full year such data was available,
                  and assets and stockholders' equity as of December 31,
                  2000 were $24.9 million and $6.3 million, respectively.


                  Lifeline had revenues of $838,000 for the year ended December
                  31, 2000 and assets and stockholders' equity as of December
                  31, 2000 were $4.1 million and $3.4 million, respectively.

                  Combined and Lifeline will continue to operate from their
                  offices in Tyler, with a combined management team. Management
                  believes that the acquisitions should enhance premium income
                  and total revenue and provide the Company an established
                  domestic marketing program. It is expected that the marketing
                  operations of these companies will continue to write the
                  supplemental accident and health products that have
                  historically been the foundation of their new business, but
                  will also provide a new division to offer the domestic
                  ordinary life products developed by CICA.

                  RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

                  Net income of $3,963,113 or $.16 per share was earned during
                  2001, compared to net income of $2,052,741 or $.08 per share
                  for the year ended December 31, 2000 and net income of
                  $1,271,072 or $.05 per share in 1999. Increased production of
                  new business coupled with improved persistency contributed to
                  the increased earnings in 2001.

                  Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2001 were
                  $67,646,824 compared to $66,678,116 in 2000, an increase of
                  1.5%. In 1999 revenues were $71,877,058. The 2001 increase in
                  revenues compared to 2000 was related to a 14.9% increase in
                  new life sales (measured in paid annualized premiums), a 3.4%
                  increase in renewal premiums and a 5.9% increase in net
                  investment income that offset a 30.1% decrease in accident and
                  health premiums (a decline from $7,235,685 in 2000 to
                  $5,059,843 in 2001). The decrease in 2000 revenues was related
                  to a 33.5% decrease in accident and health premiums (a decline
                  from $10,886,317 in 1999 to $7,235,685 in 2000) as a result of
                  the Company's termination of the book of individual major
                  medical and group dental business as well as decreased renewal
                  life premiums resulting from the lower persistency experienced
                  in 1999.

                  Premium income increased by 1.0% from $53,451,853 in 2000 to
                  $53,962,937 in 2001. Premium income decreased by 9.9% from
                  $59,320,357 in 1999 to $53,451,853 in 2000. The 2001 increase
                  is comprised of a $2,698,500 increase in life premiums offset
                  by a $2,175,842 decrease in accident and health premiums. The
                  2000 decrease was primarily attributable to a $3,650,632
                  decrease in accident and health premiums.

                  During the second half of 1998, the Company began to
                  experience a significant increase in the volume of accident
                  and health claims created by high early utilization by holders
                  of USLIC's group dental certificates. As a result of the
                  substantial increase in the volume of claims plus an increase
                  in the accident and health loss ratio, management moved to
                  cancel a large portion of the existing block of USLIC's group
                  dental business and NSLIC's individual major medical


                  business during the third quarter of 1999 in order to curtail
                  both claims and operating expenses. This action contributed to
                  the $3,650,632 decrease in accident and health premiums in
                  2000 and an additional $2,175,842 decrease in 2001. Because of
                  the increase in the loss ratio, management has implemented
                  significant rate increases on the remaining supplemental
                  non-cancelable accident and health products which has also
                  contributed to the decrease in accident and health premiums,
                  as some policyholders have elected to cancel their policies.

                  In January, 1998, CICA introduced a new line of international
                  products known as the Millennia 2000 series; however, in 1998
                  and 1999, CICA's international sales were hampered due to the
                  contraction of several Latin American economies, as well as
                  competition from new local companies, many of whom are
                  subsidiaries of large U.S. insurers. As a result, there was a
                  decrease in the Company's core book of ordinary life business.

                  Production of new life insurance premiums by the associates of
                  CICA measured in issued and paid annualized premiums increased
                  21.4% from 1999 to 2000 and 14.9% from 2000 to 2001. In
                  addition, management initiated a domestic ordinary life sales
                  program in late 2000. This program, targeting rural areas of
                  the United States, is expected to provide a new entree into
                  the domestic life market for the Company in future years. Due
                  to changes in agency management, this program's initial
                  results have not been as successful as management had
                  anticipated; however, the Company believes the program will
                  ultimately be successful. The Company intends to expand sales
                  efforts beyond Texas to other states in which CICA is

                  Net investment income increased 5.9% during 2001 to
                  $13,296,481 from $12,550,754 during 2000. The 2000 results
                  were up 7.9% compared to the $11,636,940 earned in 1999. The
                  2001, 2000 and 1999 results reflect the continuing expansion
                  of the Company's asset base, and the actions taken in previous
                  years to change the mix and duration of the Company's invested
                  assets to place less emphasis on government guaranteed
                  mortgage pass-through instruments and more emphasis on
                  investments in callable instruments issued by U.S. government
                  agencies. Management terminated the Company's outside
                  investment advisor effective March 31, 2000. The Company feels
                  it can more effectively achieve its investment objectives by
                  overseeing the investment activities in-house. During 2001,
                  significant decreases in interest rates occurred. As a result,
                  management expects returns on newly invested funds to decline
                  in the short-term. Management does not believe such declines
                  will have a materially adverse effect on future operating
                  results, and believes the yield earned on newly invested money
                  to be reasonable and in line with assumptions utilized in
                  new-product development.

                  During the fourth quarter of 2001, the Company realized losses
                  of approximately $390,000 before tax on the disposal of
                  approximately $9 million of U.S. Treasury notes which were
                  purchased in the early 1990s. The entire principal portion of
                  the notes could have been called in February of 2002, at par.
                  Management disposed


                  of the notes in order to reduce any potential loss in the
                  event the notes were called. This avoided an additional
                  $100,000 in losses when the notes were called in February
                  2002. The Company typically avoids investments in bonds and
                  notes at significant premiums in order to minimize the
                  potential for loss on early calls such as the situation
                  described above. Management does not believe any similar
                  condition exists within the Company's bond portfolio which
                  could result in any significant future losses. An analysis of
                  the Company's portfolio indicates that the total remaining
                  exposure from such calls in the future is approximately

                  Policyholder dividends increased to $3,294,899 in 2001, up
                  8.5% over 2000 dividends of $3,037,343. The 2000 amounts
                  represented an increase of 6.8% compared to $2,843,681 in
                  1999. Virtually all of CICA's policies that have been sold
                  since 1989 are participating. Participating policies represent
                  a large majority (53.9%) of the Company's business in-force,
                  although the percentage of participating business has declined
                  from approximately 91% in 1995 due to acquisitions in recent
                  years. Management expects continued growth in participating
                  policies because CICA will continue to focus on sales of
                  participating products internationally.

                  Claims and surrenders decreased 3.9% from $30,370,996 in 2000
                  to $29,189,132 in 2001. In 1999 claims and surrenders were
                  $34,747,480. Decline on claims in accident and health benefits
                  attributable to the respective blocks of business of NSLIC and
                  USLIC were responsible for the 2000 decrease. The decline in
                  claims on these blocks as a result of the above discussed
                  cancellation of a large block of business in 1999 and 2000
                  contributed to the 2001 improvement.

                  Death benefits increased 6.4% from $5,277,284 in 2000 to
                  $5,613,782 in 2001. Death benefits were $5,135,808 in 1999.
                  Management believes the increase in 2001 was reflective of the
                  increased business in force. The Company has historically
                  adhered to an underwriting policy which requires complete
                  medical examinations on all applicants who are foreign
                  residents, except children, regardless of age or face amount
                  of the policy applied for. Beginning in 1996, management
                  initiated a change to more selective medical examinations in
                  conjunction with dry spot blood tests and extensive medical
                  questions on the application in order to lower the cost of new
                  business without sacrificing necessary information for the
                  underwriter. Additionally, X-rays and electrocardiograms are
                  required depending on age and face amount of the policy. On
                  all policies of $150,000 or more, inspection reports are
                  required which detail the background resources and lifestyle
                  of the applicant. The Company has developed numerous contacts
                  throughout Latin America with which its underwriters can
                  validate information contained in the application, medical or
                  inspection report.

                  Accident and health benefits decreased 36.0% from $5,158,623
                  in 2000 to $3,301,341 in 2001. Such claims were $8,686,218 in
                  1999. As indicated above, as a result of the substantial
                  increase in the volume of USLIC's accident and health claims
                  plus an increase in the accident and health loss ratio,
                  management cancelled a large portion of the existing blocks of
                  USLIC's group dental and


                  NSLIC's individual major medical business during the third
                  quarter of 1999. This action contributed to the decrease of
                  $2,175,842 and $3,650,632 in accident and health premiums and
                  the $1,857,282 and $3,527,595 decrease in accident and health
                  claims in 2001 and 2000, respectively. Additionally,
                  significant rate increases have been imposed on the accident
                  and health business remaining in force.

                  Endowment benefits increased 10.1% from $4,895,492 in 2000 to
                  $5,389,082 in 2001. In 1999, such expenses were $5,048,973.
                  Beginning in late 1990, CICA introduced a new series of
                  international policies that carried an immediate endowment
                  benefit of an amount elected by the policyowner. This
                  endowment is factored into the premium of the policy and is
                  paid annually.

                  Policy surrenders increased 2.2% from $14,124,514 in 2000 to
                  $14,435,486 in 2001. Surrenders were $14,920,985 in 1999. The
                  relative stability in 2001, 2000 and 1999 is, in the opinion
                  of management, the result of a campaign begun in mid-1997 to
                  inform policyowners about the benefits of their policies.

                  Other claim expenses amounted to $449,441 in 2001, $915,083 in
                  2000 and, $955,496 in 1999. These expenses are comprised of
                  supplemental contract benefits, interest on policy funds and
                  assorted other miscellaneous policy benefits.

                  During 2001, commissions increased 8.3% to $13,444,270 from
                  $12,411,053 in 2000. In 1999, commission expense was
                  $12,234,053. The increases in 2001 and 2000 occurred because
                  of the increased production and related increased issuance of
                  new life policies.

                  Underwriting, acquisition and insurance expenses increased
                  4.9% to $10,635,639 in 2001 compared to $10,139,539 in 2000
                  and $10,328,996 in 1999. During 2000, overhead expenses were
                  incurred to develop the domestic ordinary life sales program
                  which offset reductions achieved following the termination of
                  the accident and health business described above and the
                  consolidation of NSLIC and USLIC. During 2001, the Company
                  incurred overhead expenses related to acquisition activities
                  combined with expenses incurred to continue to develop the
                  domestic ordinary life sales program.

                  In order to convert a majority of CICA's marketing overhead
                  from fixed to variable, management contracted in early 1997
                  with an independent international marketing company to serve
                  as managing agent for the Company's international marketing
                  activities. This firm receives an overriding commission on all
                  new business issued internationally in exchange for the
                  absorption of all marketing, management and promotion
                  activities. By taking such actions, management believes a
                  significant amount of fixed overhead has been converted to a
                  variable expense. Management has utilized firms such as this
                  in previous periods with success in obtaining increases in new
                  business production and expense reductions.


                  Capitalized deferred policy acquisition costs increased 10.5%
                  from $10,056,287 in 2000 to $11,112,096 in 2001. These costs
                  were $9,287,457 in 1999. The increase in 2001 reflects
                  increased sales throughout the year of traditional whole life
                  policies internationally. The 2000 increase reflects increased
                  fourth quarter sales activity. Amortization of these costs was
                  $8,568,445, $8,521,972 and $10,028,806, respectively in 2001,
                  2000 and 1999.

                  Amortization of cost of insurance acquired, excess of cost
                  over net assets acquired and other intangibles decreased from
                  $1,995,660 in 2000 to $1,908,683 in 2001. In 1999, such
                  amortization was $2,120,017.

                  A charge of $9.5 million was recorded in the third quarter of
                  1998 related to the non-recoverability of a portion of the
                  excess of cost over net assets acquired ("goodwill") on the
                  Company's books. The writedown was related to the goodwill
                  recorded in the 1995 acquisition of American Liberty Financial
                  Corporation (ALFC) and was caused by a decline in new
                  production from insurance agents formerly associated with
                  American Liberty. Subsequent to the acquisition, management
                  implemented a 50% reduction in the amount of commission paid
                  to these agents in order to preserve the profitability of the
                  accident and health business which was negatively impacted by
                  changes in state laws that severely limited profit margins, as
                  well as mandated change in interest rates used to compute
                  reserves on this business. In order to ascertain the
                  recoverability of the goodwill balance, the Company performed
                  an analysis of the relevant cash flows based upon estimated
                  production, net of policy acquisition costs, policyholder
                  benefits and other general expenses. As a result of this
                  analysis, it was determined that an impairment of goodwill
                  had occurred and a write-down to goodwill was necessary.

                  Management has continued to monitor production associated with
                  these products. Through 2001, management was successful in
                  reviving production from some of the largest producers of
                  American Liberty. Should production by the former agents of
                  American Liberty, now representing CICA, not meet expected
                  amounts due to the rate increases described above, additional
                  write-offs could result. At December 31, 2001, approximately
                  $2.6 million of goodwill related to American Liberty remained
                  on the balance sheet. New accounting rules regarding
                  amortization of goodwill were promulgated by the Financial
                  Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during 2001 as discussed
                  below and became effective January 1, 2002. Under the new FASB
                  pronouncement, annual amortization of such amounts would cease
                  since goodwill has an indefinite life, and a charge would
                  occur only if goodwill on the balance sheet was determined to
                  be impaired. The Company has approximately $6.8 million of
                  goodwill recorded at December 31, 2001. During 2001, $595,410
                  of goodwill was amortized.


                  Stockholders' equity increased from $77,313,031 at December
                  31, 2000 to $82,721,798 at December 31, 2001. The increase was
                  attributable to net income


                  of $3,963,113 earned in 2001 and unrealized gains (losses),
                  net of tax, changing by $1,445,654 during 2001. Increases in
                  the market value of the Company's bond portfolio caused by
                  higher bond prices resulted in the change in unrealized

                  The Company paid a 7% stock dividend on December 31, 2000 to
                  holders of record as of December 1, 2000. A similar 7%
                  dividend was paid on December 31, 1999 to holders of record as
                  of December 1, 1999. Both dividends were paid using Class A
                  and B shares that were previously authorized but unissued. The
                  dividends had the effect of transferring $11,497,886 and
                  $10,649,736 respectively in 2000 and 1999 from retained
                  earnings to Common Stock and Treasury Stock.

                  Invested assets increased to $206,695,811 in 2001 from
                  $194,203,327 in 2000, an increase of 6.4%. An 8.2% increase in
                  fixed maturities available-for-sale more than offset a 4.3%
                  decrease in policy loans. At December 31, 2001 and 2000, fixed
                  maturities have been categorized into two classifications:
                  fixed maturities held-to-maturity, which are valued at
                  amortized cost, and fixed maturities available-for-sale which
                  are valued at fair value. Fixed maturities held to maturity,
                  amounting to $5,569,899 at December 31, 2001 consist of U.S.
                  Treasury securities. Management has the intent and believes
                  the Company has the ability to hold the securities to

                  Policy loans comprise 9.7% of invested assets at December 31,
                  2001 compared to 10.8% at December 31, 2000. These loans,
                  which are secured by the underlying policy values, have yields
                  ranging from 5% to 10% percent and maturities that are related
                  to the maturity or termination of the applicable policies.
                  Management believes that the Company maintains more than
                  adequate liquidity despite the uncertain maturities of these

                  Cash balances of the Company in its primary depository, Chase
                  Bank, were significantly in excess of Federal Deposit
                  Insurance Corporation (FDIC) coverage at December 31, 2001 and
                  2000. Management monitors the solvency of all financial
                  institutions in which it has funds to minimize the exposure
                  for loss. At December 31, 2001, management does not believe
                  the Company is at significant risk for such a loss. During
                  2002, the Company intends to continue to utilize callable
                  securities issued by Federal agencies as cash management tools
                  to minimize excess cash balances and enhance return.

                  In the wake of recent bankruptcy filings by large
                  corporations, concern has been raised regarding the use of
                  certain off-balance sheet special purpose entities such as
                  partnerships to hedge or conceal losses related to investment
                  activity. The Company does not utilize special purpose
                  entities as investment vehicles. Nor are there any such
                  entities which the Company has an investment in that engage in
                  speculative activities of any description, and the Company
                  does not use such investments to hedge the Company or CICA
                  positions. Furthermore, there are no commitments nor
                  guarantees that provide for the potential issuance of the
                  Company's stock.


                  CICA owned 2,085,244 shares of Citizens Class A common stock
                  at both December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000. In the
                  Citizens consolidated financial statements, the shares of
                  Citizens Class A Common Stock owned by CICA are combined with
                  the other treasury shares and the aggregate treasury shares
                  are reported at cost in conformity with U.S. GAAP. The
                  Statutory Accounting Practices for these shares prescribed by
                  the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and
                  the State of Colorado are not applicable to the U.S. GAAP
                  consolidated financial statements of Citizens. Those Statutory
                  Accounting Practices are only followed with respect to filings
                  made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
                  various state insurance departments and the NAIC and require
                  that CICA carry its investment in Citizens shares at market
                  value reduced by the percentage ownership of Citizens by CICA,
                  limited to 2% of admitted assets.

                  The NAIC has established minimum capital requirements in the
                  form of Risk-Based Capital ("RBC"). Risk-based capital factors
                  the type of business written by a company, the quality of its
                  assets, and various other factors into account to develop a
                  minimum level of capital called "authorized control level
                  risk-based capital" and compares this level to an adjusted
                  statutory capital that includes capital and surplus as
                  reported under Statutory Accounting Principles, plus certain
                  investment reserves. Should the ratio of adjusted statutory
                  capital to control level risk-based capital fall below 200%, a
                  series of actions by the Company would begin. At December 31,
                  2001, CICA, CILIC and Excalibur were above required minimum

                  Effective January 1, 2001, the NAIC implemented codified rules
                  for statutory accounting. These rules were approved and
                  implemented by each state in which CICA's, CILIC's and
                  Excalibur's operations are domiciled. CICA is domiciled in
                  Colorado and CILIC and Excalibur are domiciled in Illinois.
                  CICA follows certain Colorado state laws that differ from
                  NAIC's codified rules. The primary difference between the
                  Colorado statutes and the codified rules involve the
                  establishment of a liability for future policy dividends
                  payable. Under codification such reserve is mandated; however,
                  Colorado has an exception if the difference between the
                  premium charged and the mortality factor included in the
                  premium on participating policies exceeds the reserve that
                  would be established. Such is the case for CICA. As a result,
                  CICA did not establish the reserve of approximately $3 million
                  in its statutory financial statements as of and for the year
                  ended December 31, 2001 or December 31, 2000. In Illinois,
                  codified rules must be followed unless the Commissioner of
                  Insurance of the State of Illinois permits specific practices
                  that differ from the codified rules. CILIC and Excalibur have
                  not requested explicit permission to deviate from the NAIC
                  codified rules. Overall, the implementation of codification
                  increased the Company's surplus on a statutory accounting
                  basis by 1.0% related to the statutory accounting practices
                  with respect to deferred income taxes.


                  SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TERRORIST ATTACKS

                  The tragedies of September 11, 2001 significantly impacted the
                  life insurance industry's operating results. None of the
                  Company's life insurance subsidiaries have ever written
                  business in New York, Pennsylvania or Washington, D.C. The
                  Company is unaware of any claims related to such events, and
                  therefore, does not expect any adverse effects as a result.
                  The Company may, however, be inadvertently subject to claims
                  from such attacks should they be assessed by various state
                  Guaranty Funds as a result of any insurance company
                  insolvencies triggered by those attacks.


                  The Company's critical accounting policies are as follows:

                        POLICY LIABILITIES

                  Future policy benefit reserves have been computed by the net
                  level premium method with assumptions as to investment yields,
                  dividends on participating business, mortality and withdrawals
                  based upon the Company's and industry experience. The
                  preparation of financial statements requires management to
                  make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount
                  of policy liabilities and the increase in future policy
                  benefit reserves. Management's judgments and estimates for
                  future policy benefit reserves provide for possible
                  unfavorable deviation.

                  The Company continues to use the original assumptions
                  (including a provision for the risk of adverse deviation) in
                  subsequent periods to determine the changes in the liability
                  for future policy benefits (the "lock-in concept") unless a
                  premium deficiency exists. Management closely monitors these
                  assumptions and has determined that a premium deficiency does
                  not exist. Management believes that the Company's policy
                  liabilities and increase in future policy benefit reserves as
                  of and for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999
                  are based upon assumptions, including a provision for the risk
                  of adverse deviation, that do not warrant revision. The
                  relative stability of these assumptions is discussed below.

                  In Table II presented earlier, the ratio of lapses and
                  surrenders to mean life insurance in-force has varied between
                  4.3% to 5.1% for the past five years. Table IV illustrates
                  that during the past five years the ratio of commissions,
                  underwriting and operating expenses to insurance premiums has
                  ranged from 34.2% to 44.6% and the ratio of commissions,
                  underwriting and operating expenses, policy reserves
                  increases, policyholder benefits and dividends to
                  policyholders to insurance premiums has ranged from 106.3% to
                  119.2%. Table VIII also shows that the ratio of net investment
                  income to mean amount of invested assets has varied from 6.6%
                  to 6.8% during the past five years. As presented above in
                  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                  and Results of Operations, death benefits for the years ended
                  December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 have been $5,613,782,
                  $5,277,284 and $5,135,808, respectively.



                  Acquisition costs, consisting of commissions and policy
                  issuance, underwriting and agency expenses that relate to and
                  vary with the production of new business, are deferred. These
                  deferred policy acquisition costs are amortized primarily over
                  the estimated premium paying period of the related policies in
                  proportion to the ratio of the annual premium recognized to
                  the total premium revenue anticipated using the same
                  assumptions as were used in computing liabilities for future
                  policy benefits.

                  The Company utilizes the factor method to determine the amount
                  of costs to be capitalized and the ending asset balance. The
                  factor method is based on the ratio of premium revenue
                  recognized for the policies in force at the end of each
                  reporting period compared to the premium revenue recognized
                  for policies in force at the beginning of the reporting
                  period. The factor method ensures that policies that lapsed or
                  surrendered during the reporting period are no longer included
                  in the deferred policy acquisition costs calculation. The
                  factor method limits the amount of deferred costs to its
                  estimated realizable value, provided actual experience is
                  comparable to that contemplated in the factors.

                  Inherent in the capitalization and amortization of deferred
                  policy acquisition costs are certain management judgments
                  about what acquisition costs are deferred, the ending asset
                  balance and the annual amortization. Use of the factor method,
                  as discussed above, limits the amount of unamortized deferred
                  policy acquisition costs to its estimated realizable value
                  provided actual experience is comparable to that contemplated
                  in the factors and results in amortization amounts such that
                  policies that lapse or surrender during the period are no
                  longer included in the ending deferred policy acquisition cost
                  balance. A recoverability test which considers among other
                  things, actual experience and projected future experience, is
                  performed at least annually. Management believes that the
                  Company's deferred policy acquisition costs and related
                  amortization as of and for the years ended December 31, 2001,
                  2000 and 1999 limits the amount of deferred costs to its
                  estimated realizable value.


                  Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) No. 133,
                  "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
                  Activities," as amended, was effective January 1, 2001. The
                  Company adopted SFAS No. 133, as amended during 2001.
                  Implementation did not have an impact on the Company's
                  financial statements since it has no derivative instruments
                  and does not participate in any hedging activities. Based on
                  current operations, the Company does not anticipate that SFAS
                  No. 133 will have a material effect on the financial position,
                  results of operation or liquidity of the Company.

                  SFAS No. 140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of
                  Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - A
                  Replacement of FASB Statement 125" was


                  effective after March 31, 2001. The Company adopted SFAS No.
                  140 during 2001. Implementation did not have an impact on the
                  Company's financial statements since it was not involved in
                  any such transfers, servicing or extinguishments. Based on
                  current operations, the Company does not anticipate that SFAS
                  No. 140 will have a material effect on the financial position,
                  results of operation or liquidity of the Company.

                  In December 2000, the American Institute of Certified Public
                  Accountants (AICPA) issued Statement of Position (SOP) 00-3,
                  "Accounting by Insurance Enterprises for Demutualizations and
                  Formations of Mutual Life Insurance Holding Companies and for
                  Certain Long-Duration Participating Contracts." SOP 00-3
                  provided guidance on accounting by insurance enterprises for
                  demutualizations and the formation of mutual insurance holding
                  companies. SOP 00-3 also applies to stock insurance
                  enterprises that apply SOP 95-1, "Accounting for Certain
                  Insurance Activities of Mutual Life Insurance Enterprises" to
                  account for participating policies. This SOP is effective for
                  financial statements for fiscal years ending after December
                  15, 2001. Management does not believe that SOP 00-3 will have
                  any impact on the Company since it is already a stock life
                  insurance company and does not pay dividends based on actual
                  experience of the Company. The Company utilizes contractual
                  life insurance dividend scales as shown in published dividend
                  illustrations at the date the insurance contracts are issued
                  in determining policyholder dividends.

                  In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, "Business
                  Combinations," (SFAS No. 141) and SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and
                  Other Intangible Assets" (SFAS No. 142). SFAS No. 141 requires
                  that the purchase method of accounting be used for all
                  business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001, as well
                  as all purchase method business combinations completed after
                  June 30, 2001. SFAS No. 141 also specifies criteria that
                  intangible assets acquired in a business combination must meet
                  to be recognized and reported separately from goodwill. SFAS
                  No. 142 will require that goodwill and intangible assets with
                  indefinite useful lives no longer be amortized, but instead
                  tested for impairment at least annually in accordance with the
                  provisions of SFAS No. 142. SFAS No. 142 also requires that
                  intangible assets with estimable useful lives be amortized
                  over their respective estimated useful lives to their
                  estimated residual values, and reviewed for impairment in
                  accordance with SFAS No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment
                  of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed
                  of and subsequently, SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the
                  Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets," after its

                  The Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 141 as of July
                  1, 2001, and SFAS No. 142 is effective January 1, 2002.
                  Goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business
                  combinations completed before July 1, 2001 continued to be
                  amortized and tested for impairment in accordance with the
                  appropriate pre-SFAS No. 142 accounting literature prior to
                  the full adoption of SFAS No. 142.


                  Upon adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company is required to
                  evaluate its existing intangible assets and goodwill that were
                  acquired in purchase business combinations, and to make any
                  necessary reclassifications in order to conform with the new
                  classification criteria in SFAS No. 141 for recognition
                  separate from goodwill. The Company will be required to
                  reassess the useful lives and residual values of all
                  intangible assets acquired, and make any necessary
                  amortization period adjustments by the end of the first
                  interim period after adoption. If an intangible asset is
                  identified as having an indefinite useful life, the Company
                  will be required to test the intangible asset for impairment
                  in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142 within the
                  first interim period. Impairment is measured as the excess of
                  carrying value over the fair value of an intangible asset with
                  an indefinite life. Any impairment loss will be measured as of
                  the date of adoption and recognized as the cumulative effect
                  of a change in accounting principle in the first interim

                  In connection with the transitional goodwill impairment
                  evaluation of SFAS No. 142, the Statement requires the Company
                  to perform an assessment of whether there is an indication
                  that goodwill is impaired as of the date of adoption. To
                  accomplish this, the Company must identify its reporting units
                  and determine the carrying value of each reporting unit by
                  assigning the assets and liabilities, including the existing
                  goodwill and intangible assets, to those reporting units as of
                  January 1, 2002. The Company will then have up to six months
                  from January 1, 2002 to determine the fair value of each
                  reporting unit and compare it to the carrying amount of the
                  reporting unit. To the extent the carrying amount of a
                  reporting unit exceeds the fair value of the reporting unit,
                  an indication exists that the reporting unit goodwill may be
                  impaired and the Company must perform the second step of the
                  transitional impairment test. The second step is required to
                  be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of
                  the year of adoption. In the second step, the Company must
                  compare the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill
                  with the carrying amount of the reporting unit goodwill, both
                  of which would be measured as of the date of adoption. The
                  implied fair value of goodwill is determined by allocating the
                  fair value of the reporting unit to all of the assets
                  (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities of the reporting
                  unit in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation, in
                  accordance with SFAS No. 141. The residual fair value after
                  this allocation is the implied fair value of the reporting
                  unit goodwill. Any transitional impairment loss will be
                  recognized as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting
                  principle in the Company's statement of operations.

                  As of the date of adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company
                  expects to have unamortized goodwill in the amount of
                  $6,767,244 and unamortized identifiable intangible assets in
                  the amount of $1,368,125, all of which will be subject to the
                  transition provisions of SFAS No. 141 and 142. Amortization
                  expense related to goodwill was $595,410, $658,390 and
                  $658,458 for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999,
                  respectively. In addition, the amortization expense related to
                  intangible assets was $307,200 for each of the years ended
                  December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. Because of the extensive
                  effort needed to comply with adopting


                  SFAS No. 141 and No. 142, it is not practicable to reasonably
                  estimate the impact of adopting the Statements on the
                  Company's financial statements at the date of this report,
                  including whether it will be required to recognize any
                  transitional impairment losses as the cumulative effect of a
                  change in accounting principle.

                  In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, "Accounting for
                  Asset Retirement Obligations." SFAS No. 143 addresses
                  financial accounting and reporting for obligations associated
                  with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets that result
                  from the acquisition, construction, development or normal
                  operations of a long-lived asset. SFAS No. 143 is effective
                  for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2002. Management
                  does not believe SFAS No. 143 will have a significant effect
                  on the financial position, results of operations or liquidity
                  of the Company.

                  In October 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for
                  the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." SFAS No. 144
                  supersedes and amends SFAS No. 121 and relevant portions of
                  SFAS No. 30. SFAS No. 144 is required to be adopted on January
                  1, 2002. Because of the extensive effort needed to comply with
                  adopting SFAS No. 144, and its close relationship to SFAS No.
                  141 and 142, it is not practicable to reasonably estimate the
                  impact of adopting the Statement on the Company's financial
                  statements at the date of this report.


                  The unrealized gains (losses) that could be caused by
                  decreases and increases in the interest rates of 100, 200 and
                  300 basis points, respectively, on the Company's
                  available-for-sale fixed maturities is as follows at December
                  31, 2001 and 2000:

                                               DECREASES IN INTEREST RATES
                                        100 BASIS       200 BASIS       300 BASIS
                                          POINTS          POINTS          POINTS
                                          ------          ------          ------
                  December 31, 2001   $  8,042,000    $ 17,013,000    $ 27,015,000
                                      ============    ============    ============
                  December 31, 2000   $  2,505,000    $  5,865,000    $  9,515,000
                                      ============    ============    ============

                                               INCREASES IN INTEREST RATES
                                        100 BASIS       200 BASIS       300 BASIS
                                          POINTS          POINTS          POINTS
                                          ------          ------          ------
                  December 31, 2001   $(16,938,000)   $(28,041,000)   $(38,030,000)
                                      ============    ============    ============
                  December 31, 2000   $ (6,502,000)   $(12,330,000)   $(18,141,000)
                                      ============    ============    ============

                  There are no fixed maturities or other investments that the
                  Company classifies as trading instruments. At December 31,
                  2001 and 2000, there were no investments in derivative
                  instruments. Approximately 90.8% of the fixed maturities owned
                  by the Company at December 31, 2001 are instruments of the
                  United States government or are backed by U.S. government
                  agencies or private corporations


                  carrying the implied full faith and credit backing of the U.S.
                  government. The Company has minimal investment in equity
                  securities. See also Item 7. Management's Discussion and
                  Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.



                          FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES

      Independent auditors' report                                            38
      Consolidated statements of financial position at
           December 31, 2001 and 2000                                       39-40
      Consolidated statements of operations
           - years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999                   41-42
      Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity and comprehensive
           Income (loss)- years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999        43
      Consolidated statements of cash flows
           - years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999                   44-45
      Notes to consolidated financial statements                            46-67
      Schedules at December 31, 2001 and 2000:

           Schedule II - Condensed Financial
           Information of Registrant                                        68-70
      Schedules for each of the years in the three-year
           period ended December 31, 2001:
               Schedule III - Supplementary  Insurance Information          71-72
      Schedules for each of the years in the three-year period ended
           December 31, 2001
               Schedule IV - Reinsurance                                      73

      All other schedules have been omitted as the required information is
      inapplicable or the information required is presented in the financial
      statements or the notes thereto filed elsewhere herein.


      During the 24 months preceding the date of the audited financial
      statements of the Company included herein, there has been no change of
      accountants made by the Company, nor has it reported on Form 8-K any
      disagreements between the Company and its independent accountants.


                                    PART III

Items 10, 11, 12, and 13 of this Report incorporate by reference the information
in the Company's definitive proxy material under the headings "Stock and
Principal Stockholders," "Control of the Company," "Election of Directors,"
"Executive Officers," "Executive Officer and Director Compensation" and "Certain
Reports" to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days
after December 31, 2001.

                                     PART IV


      (a)   1 AND 2


            The financial statements and schedules listed on the following index
            to financial statements and financial statement schedules are filed
            as part of this Form 10-K.

      (a)   3 EXHIBITS

            The following exhibits are incorporated by reference herein or filed
            herewith as indicated.

EXHIBIT NO.                       DESCRIPTION                           PAGE NO.
- -----------                       -----------                           --------
     (1)       Underwriting Agreement                                      N/A
     (2)       Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement,
               liquidation or succession                                   N/A
     (3)       3.1 Articles of Incorporation; as amended                   (e)
               3.2 Bylaws                                                  (d)
     (4)       Instruments defining the rights of security holders,
               including indentures                                        N/A
     (5)       Opinion re: Legality                                        N/A
     (6)       (Removed and Reserved)                                      N/A
     (7)       (Removed and Reserved)                                      N/A
     (8)       Opinion re: Tax Matters                                     N/A
     (9)       Voting Trust Agreement                                      N/A
    (10)       Material Contracts


               10.1  Automatic Yearly Renewable term Life Reinsurance
                     Agreement between Citizens Insurance Company of
                     America and The Centennial Life Insurance Company
                     dated March 1, 1982                                   (a)
               10.2  Stock Purchase Agreement between Citizens
                     Insurance Company of America and Citizens, Inc.       (a)
               10.3  Plan and Agreement of Merger and Exchange by and
                     among Insurance Investors & Holding Co., Central
                     Investors Life Insurance Company of Illinois,
                     Citizens, Inc. and Citizens Acquisition, Inc.         (g)
               10.4  Self-Administered Automatic Reinsurance Agreement
                     - Citizens Insurance Company of America and
                     Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta, S.p.A.                 (h)
               10.5  Plan and Agreement of Exchange dated October 28,
                     1996 between Citizens, Inc. and American
                     Investment Network, Inc.                              (h)
               10.6  Agreement and Plan of Merger dated October 31,
                     1996 between Citizens Insurance Company of
                     America, CICA Acquisition, Inc., and First
                     American Investment Corporation                       (h)
               10.7  Plan and Agreement of Merger dated November 22,
                     1996 between Citizens, Inc. and American Liberty
                     Financial Corporation, as amended                     (i)
               10.8  Plan and Agreement of Merger dated November 22,
                     1996 between Citizens Insurance Company of
                     America and American Liberty Life Insurance
                     Company, as amended                                   (i)
               10.9  Bulk Accidental Death Benefit Reinsurance
                     Agreement between Connecticut General Life
                     Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company
                     of America, as amended Plan and Agreement of
                     Exchange dated October 28, 1996                       (i)
               10.10 between American Investment Network, Inc., United
                     Security Life Insurance Co., Inc. and Citizens
                     Insurance Company of America Plan and Agreement
                     of Merger dated September 10, 1998 between First
                     Investors Group, Inc., Citizens, Inc., and            (j)
               10.11 Excalibur Acquisition, Inc. Plan and Agreement of
                     Exchange between Citizens, Inc. and Combined
                     Underwriters Life Insurance Company                   (k)
               10.12 Plan and Agreement of Exchange between Citizens,
                     Inc. and Lifeline Underwriters Life Insurance
                     Company                                               (l)
               10.13 Plan and Agreement of Exchange between Citizens,
                     Inc. and Lifeline Underwriters Life Insurance
                     Company                                               (l)
    (11)       Statement re: Computation of per share earnings             N/A
    (12)       Statement re: Computation of ratios                         N/A


    (13)       Annual report to security holders, Form 10-Q or             N/A
               quarterly report to security holders
    (14)       (Removed and Reserved)                                      N/A
    (15)       Letter re: Unaudited interim financial statements           N/A
    (16)       Letter re: Change in certifying accountant                  N/A
    (17)       Letter re: Director resignation                             N/A
    (18)       Letter re: Change in accounting principles                  N/A
    (19)       Report furnished to security holders                        N/A
    (20)       Other documents or statements to security holders           N/A
    (21)       Subsidiaries of the registrant                            Filed
    (22)       Published report regarding matters submitted to a vote
               of security holders                                         N/A
    (23)       Consents of expert and counsel                            Filed
    (24)       Power of Attorney                                          See
    (25)       Statement of eligibility of trustee                         N/A
    (26)       Invitations for competitive bids                            N/A
    (27)       (Removed and Reserved)                                      N/A
    (99)       Additional Exhibits                                         N/A

- ----------
(a)   Filed as a part of the Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form
      S-4, SEC File No. 33--4753, filed on or about June 19, 1992 and
      incorporated herein by reference.
(b)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 1991 and incorporated herein by reference.
(c)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference.
(d)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference.
(e)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K
      dated December 9, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference.
(f)   Filed as a part of the Registration Statement on Form S-4, SEC File No.
      33--59039, filed on or about May 2, 1995.
(g)   Filed as a part of the Registration Statement on Form S-4, SEC File No.
      33--63275, filed on or about October 6, 1995 and incorporated herein by
(h)   Filed as a part of the Registration Statement on Form S-4, SEC File No.
      333--16163, filed on or about November 14, 1996 and incorporated herein by
(i)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 1996 and incorporated herein by reference.
(j)   Filed with or referenced in the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference.
(k)   Filed as a part of the Registration Statement on Form S-4, SEC File No.
      333--67091, on or about November 10, 1998 and incorporated herein by
(l)   Filed as a part of the Registration Statement on Form S-4, SEC File No.
      333-76926, on or about January 18, 2002 and incorporated herein by


      (b)   REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 26, 2001 filed under "Item 5. Other
Events," regarding the execution of the Plans and Agreements of Exchange with
Combined Underwriters Life Insurance Company and Lifeline Underwriters Life
Insurance Company.

                                 CITIZENS, INC.

                          FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES

      Independent auditors' report                                               38

      Consolidated statements of financial position at
           December 31, 2001 and 2000                                           39-40

      Consolidated statements of operations
           - years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999                       41-42

      Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity and comprehensive
           income (loss)- years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999            43

      Consolidated statements of cash flows
           - years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999                       44-45

      Notes to consolidated financial statements                                46-67

      Schedules at December 31, 2001 and 2000:

           Schedule II - Condensed Financial
           Information of Registrant                                            68-70

      Schedules for each of the years in the three-year
           period ended December 31, 2001:
               Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information               71-72
      Schedules for each of the years in the three-year period ended
               December 31, 2001:
               Schedule IV - Reinsurance                                         73

All other schedules have been omitted as the required information is
inapplicable or the information required is presented in the financial
statements or the notes thereto filed elsewhere herein.


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Citizens, Inc.:

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Citizens, Inc. and
consolidated subsidiaries as listed in the accompanying index. In connection
with our audits of the consolidated financial statements, we also have audited
the financial statement schedules as listed in the accompanying index. These
consolidated financial statements and financial statement schedules are the
responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these consolidated financial statements and financial statement
schedules based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Citizens, Inc. and
subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period
ended December 31, 2001, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the related
financial statement schedules, when considered in relation to the basic
consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly, in all
material respects, the information set forth therein.

                                                KPMG LLP
                                                /s/ KPMG LLP

Dallas, Texas
March 19, 2002




                           DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                ASSETS                        2001           2000
                                ------                        ----           ----
   Fixed maturities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost   $  5,569,899   $  5,582,802
   Fixed maturities available-for-sale, at fair value      178,447,347    164,945,698
   Equity securities available-for-sale, at fair value         568,398        675,726
   Mortgage loans on real estate                             1,109,547      1,178,668
   Policy loans                                             19,984,477     20,884,136
   Other long-term investments                               1,016,143        936,297
                                                          ------------   ------------
                  Total investments                        206,695,811    194,203,327

Cash and cash equivalents                                    6,793,852      4,064,035
Accrued investment income                                    2,021,469      2,222,583
Reinsurance recoverable                                      2,450,015      2,662,724
Deferred policy acquisition costs                           40,596,003     38,052,352
Other intangible assets                                      1,368,125      1,675,325
Federal income tax recoverable                                      --        174,978
Deferred federal income tax                                  3,465,138      4,628,750
Cost of insurance acquired                                   5,150,351      6,156,424
Excess of cost over net assets acquired                      6,767,244      7,362,654
Property, plant and equipment                                5,946,806      5,469,583
Other assets                                                   831,449      1,169,629
                                                          ------------   ------------
                  Total assets                            $282,086,263   $267,842,364
                                                          ============   ============





                           DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                  LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY        2001             2000
                  ------------------------------------        ----             ----
   Future policy benefit reserves:
       Life insurance                                    $ 170,381,823    $ 161,869,267
       Annuities                                             3,839,023        4,170,884
       Accident and health                                   7,580,448        9,229,156

   Dividend accumulations                                    4,779,329        4,749,321
   Premium deposits                                          4,316,149        3,033,514
   Policy claims payable                                     2,982,469        2,866,110
   Other policyholders' funds                                2,485,461        2,245,947
                                                         -------------    -------------
                 Total policy liabilities                  196,364,702      188,164,199

   Commissions payable                                       1,506,700        1,009,416
   Federal income tax payable                                  484,430               --
   Other liabilities                                         1,008,633        1,355,718
                                                         -------------    -------------
                 Total liabilities                         199,364,465      190,529,333
                                                         -------------    -------------
Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock:
       Class A, no par value, 50,000,000 shares
         authorized, 26,642,938 shares issued
         in 2001 and in 2000, including shares in
         treasury of 2,225,820 in 2001 and in 2000          79,701,590       79,701,590
       Class B, no par value, 1,000,000 shares
         authorized, 711,040 shares issued and
         outstanding in 2001 and in 2000                       910,482          910,482
   Retained earnings                                         5,274,768        1,311,655
   Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss):
      Unrealized investment income (loss), net of tax          727,519         (718,135)
                                                         -------------    -------------
                                                            86,614,359       81,205,592
   Treasury stock, at cost                                  (3,892,561)      (3,892,561)
                                                         -------------    -------------
                 Total stockholders' equity                 82,721,798       77,313,031
                                                         -------------    -------------

                                                         $ 282,086,263    $ 267,842,364
                                                         =============    =============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                              2001            2000            1999
                                              ----            ----            ----
     Life insurance                       $ 48,686,189    $ 45,987,689    $ 48,172,160
     Accident and health                     5,059,843       7,235,685      10,886,317
     Annuity and universal life
       considerations                          216,905         228,479         261,880
   Net investment income                    13,296,481      12,550,754      11,636,940
   Realized gains (losses)                    (148,415)         86,569         310,890
   Other income                                535,821         588,940         667,320
   Interest expense                                 --              --         (58,449)
                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
         Total revenues                     67,646,824      66,678,116      71,877,058
                                          ------------    ------------    ------------

Benefits and expenses:
   Insurance benefits paid or provided:
     Increase in future
       policy benefit reserves               6,483,706       7,265,347       7,371,214
     Policyholders' dividends                3,294,899       3,037,343       2,843,681
     Claims and surrenders                  29,189,132      30,370,996      34,747,480
     Annuity expenses                          205,516         468,752         517,819
                                          ------------    ------------    ------------
         Total insurance benefits           39,173,253      41,142,438      45,480,194
           paid or provided
   Commissions                              13,444,270      12,411,053      12,234,053
   Other underwriting, acquisition
     and insurance expenses                 10,635,639      10,139,539      10,328,996
   Capitalization of deferred policy
     acquisition costs                     (11,112,096)    (10,056,287)     (9,287,457)
   Amortization of deferred policy
     acquisition costs                       8,568,445       8,521,972      10,028,806
   Amortization of cost of insurance
     acquired, excess of cost
     over net assets acquired
     and other intangibles                   1,908,683       1,995,660       2,120,017
                                          ------------    ------------    ------------

         Total benefits and expenses        62,618,194      64,154,375      70,904,609
                                          ------------    ------------    ------------





                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                          2001         2000          1999
                                          ----         ----          ----
Income before Federal income
   tax                                 $5,028,630   $2,523,741   $   972,449
Federal income tax expense (benefit)    1,065,517      471,000      (298,623)
                                       ----------   ----------   -----------

   Net income                          $3,963,113   $2,052,741   $ 1,271,072
                                       ==========   ==========   ===========

   Basic and diluted earnings per
      share of common stock            $      .16   $      .08   $       .05
                                       ==========   ==========   ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                          COMMON STOCK                           OTHER          TOTAL
                                     ----------------------     RETAINED     COMPREHENSIVE     TREASURY     STOCKHOLDERS'
                                       CLASS A      CLASS B     EARNINGS     INCOME (LOSS)      STOCK          EQUITY
                                       -------      -------     --------     -------------      -----          ------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1998         $52,790,643   $283,262   $ 20,135,464    $ 3,623,464    $(1,929,154)   $ 74,903,679
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------

Comprehensive loss:
 Net income                                   --         --      1,271,072             --             --       1,271,072
 Unrealized investment losses, net            --         --             --     (7,334,920)            --      (7,334,920)
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------
Comprehensive loss                            --         --      1,271,072     (7,334,920)            --      (6,063,848)
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------
Acquisition of Investors               3,427,138         --             --             --             --       3,427,138
Stock dividend                        11,292,245    301,601    (10,649,736)            --       (944,110)             --
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1999         $67,510,026   $584,863   $ 10,756,800    $(3,711,456)   $(2,873,264)   $ 72,266,969
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------

Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                  --         --      2,052,741             --             --       2,052,741
  Unrealized investment gains, net            --         --             --      2,993,321             --       2,993,321
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------
Comprehensive income                          --         --      2,052,741      2,993,321             --       5,046,062
Stock dividend                        12,191,564    325,619    (11,497,886)            --     (1,019,297)             --
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------

BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2000         $79,701,590   $910,482   $  1,311,655    $  (718,135)   $(3,892,561)   $ 77,313,031
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------

Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                  --         --      3,963,113             --             --       3,963,113
  Unrealized investment gains, net            --         --             --      1,445,654             --       1,445,654
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------
Comprehensive income                          --         --      3,963,113      1,445,654             --       5,408,767
                                     -----------   --------   ------------    -----------    -----------    ------------

BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2001         $79,701,590   $910,482   $  5,274,768    $   727,519    $(3,892,561)   $ 82,721,798
                                     ===========   ========   ============    ===========    ===========    ============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                             2001             2000            1999
                                                             ----             ----            ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income                                         $   3,963,113    $  2,052,741    $  1,271,072
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to
         net cash provided by operating activities,
           net of assets acquired:
             Realized (gains) losses                          148,415         (86,569)       (310,890)
             Net deferred policy acquisition costs         (2,543,651)     (1,534,315)        741,349
             Amortization of cost of insurance
                acquired, excess cost over
                net assets acquired and other
                intangibles                                 1,908,683       1,995,660       2,120,017
             Depreciation                                     738,451         608,533         510,755
             Deferred federal income tax                      418,881          12,000      (1,704,321)
Change in:
     Reinsurance recoverable                                  212,709        (478,995)       (427,811)
     Future policy benefit reserves                         6,531,987       7,856,111       7,169,153
     Other policy liabilities                               1,668,516        (347,198)        (25,336)
     Accrued investment income                                201,114        (461,512)         79,319
     Federal income tax                                       659,408      (1,304,945)       (404,302)
     Commissions payable and other liabilities                150,199         932,570      (1,763,567)
     Other, net                                               466,384         157,828         376,787
                                                        -------------    ------------    ------------
           Net cash provided by operating activities       14,524,209       9,401,909       7,632,225
                                                        -------------    ------------    ------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Sale of fixed maturities, available-for-sale          11,626,961      10,325,965       1,630,775
     Maturity of fixed maturities, available-for-sale      77,169,119      30,559,981      10,260,075
     Purchase of fixed maturities, available-for-sale    (100,516,704)    (57,178,261)    (18,742,695)
     Sale of equity securities, available-for-sale             97,500              88          92,500
     Principal payments on mortgage loans                     240,891         195,536         186,553
     Mortgage loans funded                                   (171,770)             --              --
     Guaranteed student loans funded                               --              --          (6,287)
     Guaranteed student loans sold                                 --              --          10,960
     Sale of other long-term investments and
         property, plant and equipment                        352,490          10,949          13,799




                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                           2001            2000            1999
                                                           ----            ----            ----
Cash and cash equivalents provided by
   mergers and acquisitions                            $         --    $         --    $  1,512,255
(Increase) decrease in policy loans, net                    899,659         672,208        (559,425)
Purchase of other long-term investments
   and property, plant and equipment                     (1,492,538)     (1,073,424)       (717,046)
                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
      Net cash used in investing activities             (11,794,392)    (16,486,958)     (6,318,536)
                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------

Cash flows used by financing activities:
   Payments on notes payable                                     --              --        (333,333)
                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents      2,729,817      (7,085,049)        980,356
                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year            4,064,035      11,149,084      10,168,728
                                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year               $  6,793,852    $  4,064,035    $ 11,149,084
                                                       ============    ============    ============


                                                           2001            2000            1999
                                                           ----            ----            ----
      Cash paid (recovered) during the year for:
        Interest                                       $         --    $         --    $     43,810
                                                       ============    ============    ============
        Income taxes                                   $    (12,772)   $  1,763,945    $  1,810,000
                                                       ============    ============    ============

Supplemental disclosures of non-cash investing and financing activities:

The Company issued Class A common stock and cash to purchase all of the capital
stock of Investors in 1999. In conjunction with the acquisition, cash and cash
equivalents were provided as follows:

      Fair value of capital stock issued            $ 3,427,138
      Fair value of tangible assets acquired
        excluding cash and cash equivalents          (1,658,547)
      Fair value of intangible assets acquired         (353,703)
      Liabilities assumed                                97,367
      Cash and cash equivalents provided by
        mergers and acquisitions                    $ 1,512,255

      Issuance of 609,269 Class A shares            $ 3,427,138

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




                        DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999



            The consolidated financial statements include the accounts and
            operations of Citizens, Inc. (Citizens), incorporated in the state
            of Colorado on November 8, 1977 and its wholly-owned subsidiaries,
            Citizens Insurance Company of America (CICA), Computing Technology,
            Inc. (CTI), Funeral Homes of America, Inc. (FHA), Insurance
            Investors, Inc. (III), Central Investors Life Insurance Company of
            Illinois (CILIC), First Investors Group, Inc. (Investors), Excalibur
            Insurance Corporation (Excalibur) and Industrial Benefits, Inc
            (IBI). Citizens and its consolidated subsidiaries are collectively
            referred to as "the Company."

            American Liberty Financial Corporation (ALFC) and its subsidiaries,
            American Liberty Life Insurance Company (ALLIC), First American
            Investment Corp. (FAIC) and American Liberty Exploration Company
            (ALEC) were acquired by Citizens in September 1995. Effective
            January 1, 1997, ALFC was merged into Citizens and ALLIC was merged
            into CICA. American Investment Network (AIN), which was acquired in
            June 1997, owned United Security Life Insurance Company (USLIC).
            During 1998, AIN was liquidated into CICA. Insurance Investors and
            Holding Company (IIH), which was acquired in March 1996, owned
            CILIC. During 1998, IIH was liquidated and merged into CICA.
            National Security Life and Accident Insurance Company (NSLIC) was
            merged into CICA effective January 1, 2000 and USLIC was merged into
            CICA effective October 1, 2000.

            Citizens provides life and health insurance policies through three
            of its subsidiaries - CICA, CILIC and Excalibur. CICA sells ordinary
            whole-life policies internationally, and burial insurance, pre-need
            policies, accident and health specified disease, hospital indemnity
            and accidental death policies, throughout the southern United
            States. Excalibur sells life insurance business throughout the State
            of Illinois. CILIC does not actively market insurance policies, but
            administers an in-force block of life insurance.

            III provides aviation transportation to the Company. CTI provides
            data processing systems and services to the Company. FHA is a
            funeral home operator. IBI is inactive and has minimal assets and



            The accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Company
            and its wholly owned subsidiaries have been prepared in conformity
            with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
            of America (U.S. GAAP). All significant intercompany accounts and
            transactions have been eliminated.


            Fixed maturities consist primarily of bonds. Fixed maturities, which
            the Company has the ability and intent to hold to maturity, are
            carried at amortized cost. Fixed maturities, which may be sold prior
            to maturity to support the Company's investment strategies, are
            considered held as available-for-sale and carried at fair value as
            of the balance sheet date. Equity securities (including
            non-redeemable preferred stock) are considered available-for-sale
            and are reported at fair value.

            Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of equity securities and
            fixed maturities held as available-for-sale is shown as a separate
            component of stockholders' equity, net of tax, and is a separate
            component of comprehensive income.

            Mortgage loans on real estate, policy loans, and guaranteed student
            loans are reported at unpaid principal balances less an allowance
            for uncollectible amounts. Mortgage loans have an allowance for
            uncollectible amounts of $50,000 at December 31, 2001 and 2000 which
            was estimated by the Company based upon historical amounts that
            proved uncollectible.

            Other long-term investments consist primarily of real estate that is
            recorded at the lower of fair value, minus estimated costs to sell,
            or cost. If the fair value of the real estate minus estimated costs
            to sell is less than cost, a valuation allowance is provided for the
            deficiency. Increases in the valuation allowance are charged to

            A decline in the fair value of any available-for-sale or
            held-to-maturity security below cost that is deemed other than
            temporary is charged to earnings resulting in the establishment of a
            new cost basis for the security.

            Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of
            the related security as an adjustment to yield using the effective
            interest method. Dividend and interest income is recognized when
            earned. Realized gains and losses for securities classified as
            available-for-sale and held-to-maturity are included in earnings and
            are derived using the specific identification method for determining
            the cost of securities sold.

            Policy loans and other investments are primarily reported at cost.

            The Company has assets with a fair value of $9,538,429 at December
            31, 2001 and $9,420,063 at December 31, 2000 on deposit with various
            state regulatory authorities to fulfill statutory requirements.



            Premiums on life and accident and health policies are reported as
            earned when due or, for short duration contracts, over the contract
            periods. Benefits and expenses are associated with earned premiums
            so as to result in recognition of profits over the estimated life of
            the contracts. This matching is accomplished by means of provisions
            for future benefits and the capitalization and amortization of
            deferred policy acquisition costs.

            Annuities are accounted for in a manner consistent with accounting
            for interest bearing financial instruments. Premium receipts are not
            reported as revenues but rather as deposit liabilities to annuity


            Acquisition costs, consisting of commissions and policy issuance,
            underwriting and agency expenses that relate to and vary with the
            production of new business, are deferred. These deferred policy
            acquisition costs are amortized primarily over the estimated premium
            paying period of the related policies in proportion to the ratio of
            the annual premium recognized to the total premium revenue
            anticipated using the same assumptions as were used in computing
            liabilities for future policy benefits.

            The Company utilizes the factor method to determine the amount of
            costs to be capitalized and the ending asset balance. The factor
            method ensures that policies that lapsed or surrendered during the
            reporting period are no longer included in the deferred policy
            acquisition costs or the cost of insurance acquired calculation. The
            factor method limits the amount of deferred costs to its estimated
            realizable value, provided actual experience is comparable to that
            contemplated in the factors. A recoverability test which considers
            among other things, actual experience and projected future
            experience, is performed at least annually.

            The value of insurance acquired in the Company's various
            acquisitions, which is included in cost of insurance acquired in the
            accompanying consolidated financial statements, was determined based
            on the present value of future profits discounted at a risk rate of
            return. The cost of insurance acquired is being amortized over the
            anticipated premium paying period of the related policies.

            Deferred policy acquisition costs on universal life contracts are
            capitalized and amortized over the life of the contract at a
            constant rate based on the present value of the estimated gross
            profit amounts expected to be earned over the life of the universal
            life contracts.



            Future policy benefit reserves have been computed by the net level
            premium method with assumptions as to investment yields, dividends
            on participating business, mortality and withdrawals based upon the
            Company's and industry experience, which provide for possible
            unfavorable deviation.

            Annuity benefits are carried at accumulated contract values based on
            premiums paid by participants, annuity rates of return ranging from
            3.0% to 7.0% (primarily at 4.0% to 5.5%) and annuity withdrawals.

            Premium deposits accrue interest at rates ranging from 3.5% to 8.25%
            per annum. Cost of insurance is included in premium when collected
            and interest is credited annually to the deposit account.

            Policy and contract claims are based on case-basis estimates for
            reported claims, and on estimates, based on experience, for incurred
            but unreported claims and loss expenses.

            Premiums collected on universal life contracts are not reported as
            revenues in the statement of operations but are included in the
            liability for policy benefits for universal life contracts based on
            policyholders' account balances. Revenues from universal life
            contracts are amounts assessed the policyholder for mortality and
            expenses and are reported when assessed based upon one-year service
            periods. Amounts assessed for services to be provided in future
            periods are reported as unearned revenue and are recognized in
            income over the benefit period.

            The liability for policy benefits for universal life contracts is
            based on the balance that accrues to the benefit of policyholders.
            It includes any amounts assessed to compensate the Company for
            services to be performed over future periods, any amounts previously
            assessed by the Company against the policyholders that are
            refundable at termination of the contract and any premium


            The excess of cost over the fair value of net assets acquired in
            mergers and acquisitions is amortized on a straight-line basis
            ranging from 5 to 20 years. Other intangible assets, primarily the
            value of state licenses, are amortized on a straight-line basis
            ranging from 10 to 20 years.

            The Company continually monitors long-lived assets and certain
            intangible assets, such as excess of cost over net assets acquired
            and cost of insurance acquired, for impairment. An impairment loss
            is recorded in the period in which the carrying value of the assets
            exceeds the fair value or expected future cash flows. Any amounts
            deemed to be impaired are charged, in the period in which such
            impairment was determined, as an expense against earnings.



            At December 31, 2001 and 2000, participating business approximated
            54% and 57%, respectively, of life insurance in-force and premium

            Policyholder dividends are determined based on the discretion of the
            Company's Board of Directors. The Company utilizes contractual life
            insurance dividend scales as shown in published dividend
            illustrations at the date the insurance contracts are issued
            (unrelated to the Company's net income) in determining policyholder
            dividends. Policyholder dividends are accrued over the premium
            paying periods of the insurance contracts.


            Basic and diluted earnings per share have been computed using the
            weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during
            each period. The weighted average shares outstanding for the years
            ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were 25,128,158, 25,128,158
            and 25,057,913, respectively. The per share amounts have been
            adjusted retroactively for all periods presented to reflect the
            change in capital structure resulting from a 7% stock dividend paid
            in 2000 and a 7% stock dividend paid in 1999. The 2000 stock
            dividend resulted in the issuance of 1,887,265 Class A shares
            (including 145,613 shares in treasury) and 46,517 Class B shares and
            the 1999 stock dividend resulted in the issuance of 1,763,805 Class
            A shares (including 136,091 shares in treasury) and 43,474 Class B

      (j)   INCOME TAXES

            For the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company plans to file
            three separate tax returns as follows: 1) Citizens, Inc., CICA and
            all direct non-life subsidiaries, 2) Excalibur and 3) CILIC.

            For the year ended December 31, 2000, the Company filed three
            separate tax returns as follows: 1) Citizens, Inc., CICA and all
            direct non-life subsidiaries, 2) Excalibur and 3) CILIC.

            For the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company filed five
            separate tax returns as follows: 1) Citizens, Inc., CICA and all
            direct non-life subsidiaries, 2) Excalibur, 3) USLIC, 4) NSLIC and
            5) CILIC.

            Deferred tax asset and liabilities are recognized for the estimated
            future tax consequences attributable to differences between the
            financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and
            liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and
            liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates in effect for the
            year in which those temporary differences are expected to be
            recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and
            liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the
            period that includes the enactment date.



            Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) No. 133,
            "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as
            amended, was effective January 1, 2001. The Company adopted SFAS No.
            133, as amended during 2001. Implementation did not have an impact
            on the Company's financial statements since it has no derivative
            instruments and does not participate in any hedging activities.
            Based on current operations, the Company does not anticipate that
            SFAS No. 133 will have a material effect on the financial position,
            results of operation or liquidity of the Company.

            SFAS No. 140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial
            Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - A Replacement of FASB
            Statement 125" was effective after March 31, 2001. The Company
            adopted SFAS No. 140 during 2001. Implementation did not have an
            impact on the Company's financial statements since it was not
            involved in any such transfers, servicing or extinguishments. Based
            on current operations, the Company does not anticipate that SFAS No.
            140 will have a material effect on the financial position, results
            of operation or liquidity of the Company.

            In December 2000, the American Institute of Certified Public
            Accountants (AICPA) issued Statement of Position (SOP) 00-3,
            "Accounting by Insurance Enterprises for Demutualizations and
            Formations of Mutual Life Insurance Holding Companies and for
            Certain Long-Duration Participating Contracts." SOP 00-3 provided
            guidance on accounting by insurance enterprises for demutualizations
            and the formation of mutual insurance holding companies. SOP 00-3
            also applies to stock insurance enterprises that apply SOP 95-1,
            "Accounting for Certain Insurance Activities of Mutual Life
            Insurance Enterprises" to account for participating policies. This
            SOP is effective for financial statements for fiscal years ending
            after December 15, 2001. Management does not believe that SOP 00-3
            will have any impact on the Company since it is already a stock life
            insurance company and does not pay dividends based on actual
            experience of the Company. The Company utilizes contractual life
            insurance dividend scales as shown in published dividend
            illustrations at the date the insurance contracts are issued in
            determining policyholder dividends.

            In June 2001, The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
            SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations," (SFAS No. 141) and SFAS No.
            142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets" (SFAS No. 142). SFAS No.
            141 requires that the purchase method of accounting be used for all
            business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001, as well as all
            purchase method business combinations completed after June 30, 2001.
            SFAS No. 141 also specifies criteria that intangible assets acquired
            in a business combination must meet to be recognized and reported
            separately from goodwill. SFAS No. 142 will require that goodwill
            and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives no longer be
            amortized, but instead tested for impairment at least annually in
            accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142. SFAS No. 142 also
            requires that intangible assets with estimable useful lives be
            amortized over their respective estimated useful lives to their
            estimated residual values, and reviewed for


            impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121, "Accounting for the
            Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be
            Disposed Of" and subsequently, SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the
            Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets," after its adoption.

            The Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 141 as of July 1,
            2001, and SFAS No. 142 is effective January 1, 2002. Goodwill and
            intangible assets acquired in business combinations completed before
            July 1, 2001 continued to be amortized and tested for impairment in
            accordance with the appropriate pre-SFAS No. 142 accounting
            literature prior to the full adoption of SFAS No. 142.

            Upon adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company is required to evaluate
            its existing intangible assets and goodwill that were acquired in
            purchase business combinations, and to make any necessary
            reclassifications in order to conform with the new classification
            criteria in SFAS No. 141 for recognition separate from goodwill. The
            Company will be required to reassess the useful lives and residual
            values of all intangible assets acquired, and make any necessary
            amortization period adjustments by the end of the first interim
            period after adoption. If an intangible asset is identified as
            having an indefinite useful life, the Company will be required to
            test the intangible asset for impairment in accordance with the
            provisions of SFAS No. 142 within the first interim period.
            Impairment is measured as the excess of carrying value over the fair
            value of an intangible asset with an indefinite life. Any impairment
            loss will be measured as of the date of adoption and recognized as
            the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the
            first interim period.

            In connection with transitional goodwill impairment evaluation of
            SFAS No. 142, the Statement requires the Company to perform an
            assessment of whether there is an indication that goodwill is
            impaired as of the date of adoption. To accomplish this, the Company
            must identify its reporting units and determine the carrying value
            of each reporting unit by assigning the assets and liabilities,
            including the existing goodwill and intangible assets, to those
            reporting units as of January 1, 2002. The Company will then have up
            to six months from January 1, 2002 to determine the fair value of
            each reporting unit and compare it to the carrying amount of the
            reporting unit. To the extent the carrying amount of a reporting
            unit exceeds the fair value of the reporting unit, an indication
            will exist that the reporting unit goodwill may be impaired and the
            Company must perform the second step of the transitional impairment
            test. The second step is required to be completed as soon as
            possible, but no later than the end of the year of adoption. In the
            second step, the Company must compare the implied fair value of the
            reporting unit goodwill with the carrying amount of the reporting
            unit goodwill, both of which would be measured as of the date of
            adoption. The implied fair value of goodwill is determined by
            allocating the fair value of the reporting unit to all of the assets
            (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities of the reporting unit
            in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation, in accordance
            with SFAS No. 141. The residual fair value after this allocation is
            the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill. Any
            transitional impairment loss will be recognized as the cumulative
            effect of a change in accounting principle in the Company's
            statement of operations.


            As of the date of adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company expects to
            have unamortized goodwill in the amount of $6,767,244 and
            unamortized identifiable intangible assets in the amount of
            $1,368,125, all of which will be subject to the transition
            provisions of SFAS No. 141 and 142. Amortization expense related to
            goodwill was $595,410, $658,390 and $658,458 for the years ended
            December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively. In addition, the
            amortization expense related to intangible assets was $307,200 for
            each of the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. Because of
            the extensive effort needed to comply with adopting SFAS No. 141 and
            No. 142, it is not practicable to reasonably estimate the impact of
            adopting the Statements on the Company's financial statements at the
            date of this report, including whether the Company will be required
            to recognize any transitional impairment losses as the cumulative
            effect of a change in accounting principle.

            In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, "Accounting for Asset
            Retirement Obligations." SFAS No. 143 addresses financial accounting
            and for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible
            long-lived assets that result from the acquisition, construction,
            development or normal operations of a long-lived asset. SFAS No. 143
            is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2002.
            Management does not believe SFAS No. 143 will have a significant
            effect on the financial position, results of operations or liquidity
            of the Company.

            In October 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the
            Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." SFAS No. 144
            supersedes and amends SFAS No. 121 and relevant portions of SFAS No.
            30. SFAS No. 144 is required to be adopted on January 1, 2002.
            Because of the extensive effort needed to comply with adopting SFAS
            No. 144, and its close relationship to SFAS No. 141 and 142, it is
            not practicable to reasonably estimate the impact of adopting the
            statement of the Company's financial statements at the date of this


            The Company considers as cash equivalents all securities whose
            duration does not exceed 90 days at the date of acquisition.

      (m)   DEPRECIATION

            Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis using estimated
            useful lives ranging from 3 to 10 years. Leasehold improvements are
            depreciated over the estimated life of 30 years.

      (n)   USE OF ESTIMATES

            The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP
            requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
            the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
            contingent assets and liabilities at the date of


            the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and
            expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ
            from these estimates.


            Certain reclassifications have been made to the 2000 and 1999
            amounts to conform to the 2001 presentation.

(2)         INVESTMENTS

            The cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and fair value of
            investments of fixed maturities and equity securities
            available-for-sale, as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, are as

                                                                GROSS           GROSS
                                                              UNREALIZED     UNREALIZED           FAIR
                                                   COST         GAINS         (LOSSES)           VALUE
                                                   ----         -----         --------           -----
Fixed maturities held-to-maturity:
     US Treasury securities                    $  5,569,899   $   252,001    $          --    $  5,821,900
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============

Fixed maturities available-for-sale:
US Treasury securities and
     obligations of US government
     corporations and agencies                   18,521,452     1,075,165          (13,980)     19,582,637
Public utilities                                  1,935,441         4,440         (106,807)      1,833,074
Debt securities issued by States
    of the United States and political
    subdivisions of the States                    1,021,298        39,551             (781)      1,060,068
Corporate securities                             13,678,178       147,958         (315,003)     13,511,133
Securities not due at a single maturity date    142,168,570     1,994,409       (1,702,544)    142,460,435
                                               ------------   -----------    -------------    ------------
              Total fixed maturities
                  available-for-sale           $177,324,939   $ 3,261,523    $  (2,139,115)   $178,447,347
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============
              Total equity securities
                  available-for-sale           $    588,505   $     1,082    $     (21,189)   $    568,398
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============


                                                                GROSS           GROSS
                                                              UNREALIZED     UNREALIZED           FAIR
                                                   COST         GAINS         (LOSSES)           VALUE
                                                   ----         -----         --------           -----
Fixed maturities held-to-maturity:
     US Treasury securities                    $  5,582,802   $     6,198    $          --    $  5,589,000
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============

Fixed maturities available-for-sale:
US Treasury securities and
     obligations of US government
     corporations and agencies                   36,355,133       467,241         (422,705)     36,399,669
Public utilities                                  2,327,073           793         (141,665)      2,186,201
Debt securities issued by States
      of the United States and
      political subdivisions of the States        3,583,666        17,216          (28,583)      3,572,299

Corporate securities                             17,235,989       135,458         (869,857)     16,501,590
Securities not due at a single maturity date    106,494,411       946,837       (1,155,309)    106,285,939
                                               ------------   -----------    -------------    ------------
              Total fixed maturities
                  available-for-sale           $165,996,272   $ 1,567,545    $  (2,618,119)   $164,945,698
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============
              Total equity securities
                  available-for-sale           $    713,235   $    15,872    $     (53,381)   $    675,726
                                               ============   ===========    =============    ============

      The amortized cost and fair value of fixed maturities at December 31, 2001
      by contractual maturity are shown below. Expected maturities will differ
      from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call
      or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.


                                                        COST         FAIR VALUE
                                                        ----         ----------
Due after ten years                                 $  5,569,899    $  5,821,900
                                                    ============    ============


                                                        COST         FAIR VALUE
                                                        ----         ----------
Due in one year or less                             $    680,465    $    705,040
Due after one year through five years                  6,135,543       6,312,951
Due after five years through ten years                 9,704,400       9,961,924
Due after ten years                                   18,635,961      19,006,997
                                                    ------------    ------------
                                                      35,156,369      35,986,912
Securities not due at a single maturity date         142,168,570     142,460,435
                                                    ------------    ------------
         Totals                                     $177,324,939    $178,447,347
                                                    ============    ============


      The Company had no investments in any one entity that exceeded 10% of
      stockholders' equity at December 31, 2001 other than investments
      guaranteed by the U.S. Government.

      The Company's investment in mortgage loans is concentrated 28% in
      Colorado, 41% in Texas and 31% in Mississippi as of December 31, 2001.

      Major categories of net investment income are summarized as follows:

                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001            2000            1999
                                           ----            ----            ----
Investment income on:
   Fixed maturities                $ 11,673,562    $ 10,885,567    $  9,795,297
   Equity securities                     47,745          51,401          52,252
   Mortgage loans on real estate         99,049         124,092         121,818
   Policy loans                       1,508,733       1,532,238       1,571,863
   Long-term investments                825,329         852,117         829,599
   Other                                176,221         191,354         451,411
                                   ------------    ------------    ------------
                                     14,330,639      13,636,739      12,822,240
Investment expenses                  (1,034,158)     (1,086,015)     (1,185,300)
                                   ------------    ------------    ------------
Net investment income              $ 13,296,481    $ 12,550,754    $ 11,636,940
                                   ============    ============    ============

Proceeds and gross realized gains (losses) from sales and maturities of fixed
maturities available-for-sale for 2001, 2000 and 1999 are summarized as follows:

                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001            2000            1999
                                           ----            ----            ----
Proceeds                           $ 88,796,080    $ 40,885,946    $ 11,890,850
                                   ============    ============    ============
Gross realized gains               $    337,169    $    284,038    $    344,002
                                   ============    ============    ============
Gross realized (losses)            $   (613,826)   $   (193,801)   $    (36,325)
                                   ============    ============    ============

Proceeds and gross realized gains (losses) from sales of equity securities
available-for-sale for 2001, 2000 and 1999 are summarized as follows:

                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001            2000            1999
                                           ----            ----            ----
Proceeds                           $     97,500    $         88    $     92,500
                                   ============    ============    ============
Gross realized gains               $         --    $         --    $         --
                                   ============    ============    ============
Gross realized (losses)            $    (27,230)   $     (2,970)   $     (6,477)
                                   ============    ============    ============

Realized gains (losses) are as follows:


                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001            2000            1999
                                           ----            ----            ----
Realized gains (losses):
   Fixed maturities                $   (276,657)   $     90,237    $    307,677
   Equity securities                    (27,230)         (2,970)         (6,477)
   Other                                155,472            (698)          9,690
                                   ------------    ------------    ------------
Net realized gains (losses)        $   (148,415)   $     86,569    $    310,890
                                   ============    ============    ============


      Cost of insurance acquired is summarized as follows:

                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001            2000            1999
                                           ----            ----            ----
Balance at beginning of period     $  6,156,424    $  7,186,494    $  8,290,853
Increase (decrease) related to:
   Acquisitions                              --              --          50,000
   Interest                             461,732         538,988         625,251
   Amortization                      (1,467,805)     (1,569,058)     (1,779,610)
                                   ------------    ------------    ------------
Balance at end of period           $  5,150,351    $  6,156,424    $  7,186,494
                                   ============    ============    ============

Accretion of interest on cost of insurance acquired is calculated based on the
rates of interest used in setting the related policy reserves. These rates range
from 6.5% to 8.5%. Estimated amortization in each of the next five years is as
follows. These amounts are equal to the carrying value due and exclude interest
accretion at rates ranging from 6.5% to 8.5%. Actual future amortization will
differ from these estimates due to variances from estimated future withdrawal

                              YEAR                AMOUNT
                              ----                ------
                              2002            $1,043,703
                              2003               756,874
                              2004               674,825
                              2005               597,711
                              2006               555,132
                              Thereafter       1,522,106


      Excess of cost over net assets acquired is summarized as follows:

                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                GROSS       AMORTIZATION       NET
                                                -----       ------------       ---
Balance at December 31, 1998                $ 11,531,840    $(3,156,041)   $ 8,375,799

         Increase related to acquisitions        303,703             --        303,703
         Amortization                                 --       (658,458)      (658,458)
                                            ------------    -----------    -----------
Balance at December 31, 1999                $ 11,835,543    $(3,814,499)   $ 8,021,044

         Amortization                                 --       (658,390)      (658,390)
                                            ------------    -----------    -----------
Balance at December 31, 2000                $ 11,835,543    $(4,472,889)   $ 7,362,654

            Amortization                              --       (595,410)      (595,410)
                                            ------------    -----------    -----------
Balance at December 31, 2001                $ 11,835,543    $(5,068,299)   $ 6,767,244
                                            ============    ===========    ===========


      Various assumptions used to determine the future policy benefit reserves
      include the following: a) valuation interest rates from 4 to 9%, b)
      mortality assumptions are from the 1955 to 1960, 1965 to 1970, and 1975 to
      1980 Select and Ultimate mortality tables and c) withdrawals are based
      primarily on actual historical termination rates.


The following table presents information on changes in the liability for
accident and health policy and contract claims for the years ended December 31,
2001 and 2000.

                                                           2001           2000
                                                           ----           ----
      Policy and contract claims payable at January 1   $ 1,370,419    $ 2,009,144

      Add claims incurred, related to:
        Current year                                      3,565,692      5,176,481
        Prior years                                        (264,351)       (17,858)
                                                        -----------    -----------
                                                          3,301,341      5,158,623
      Deduct claims paid, related to:
        Current year                                      2,512,382      4,080,331
        Prior years                                       1,092,188      1,717,017
                                                        -----------    -----------
                                                          3,604,570      5,797,348
                                                        -----------    -----------
      Policy and contract claims payable, December 31   $ 1,067,190    $ 1,370,419
                                                        ===========    ===========

      The development of prior year claim reserves reflects normal changes in
      actuarial estimates.

      A summary of the policy claims payable is as follows:

                                                              DECEMBER 31
                                                           2001         2000
                                                           ----         ----
      Liability for accident and health policy and
         contract claims                                $1,067,190   $1,370,419
      Liability for life policy and contract claims      1,915,279    1,495,691
                                                        ----------   ----------
         Policy claims payable                          $2,982,469   $2,866,110
                                                        ==========   ==========


      In the normal course of business, the Company reinsures portions of
      certain policies that it underwrites to limit disproportionate risks.
      During 2001, the Company retained varying amounts of individual insurance
      up to a maximum retention of $100,000 on any life. On health policies
      there are varying retention limits ranging from $25,000 to $75,000
      depending on the product with some of the supplemental hospital and
      surgical policies reinsured on a quota share basis. The Company's share of
      risk on the quota share reinsurance is 50%. The Company remains
      contingently liable to the extent that the reinsuring companies cannot
      meet their obligations under these reinsurance treaties.

      Assumed and ceded reinsurance activity for 2001 and 2000 is summarized as

                                                 2001                 2000
                                                 ----                 ----
      Aggregate assumed life insurance
      in-force                             $   440,023,000      $   326,267,000
                                           ===============      ===============
      Aggregate ceded life insurance
      in-force                             $  (206,386,000)     $  (272,150,000)
                                           ===============      ===============
      Total life insurance in-force        $ 2,650,247,000      $ 2,294,640,000
                                           ===============      ===============


      Premiums and claims and surrenders assumed and ceded for the years ended
      December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999:

                                          2001           2000           1999
                                          ----           ----           ----
      Premiums assumed                $   543,792    $    95,068    $   484,746
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========
      Premiums ceded                  $(2,312,232)   $(2,494,798)   $(2,539,155)
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========

      Claims and surrenders assumed   $   533,452    $    87,025    $   481,899
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========
      Claims and surrenders ceded     $(1,554,866)   $(1,710,160)   $(1,762,195)
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========

      Amounts paid or deemed to have been paid for reinsurance contracts are
      recorded as reinsurance receivables. The cost of reinsurance related to
      long duration contracts is accounted for over the life of the underlying
      reinsured policies using assumptions consistent with those used to account
      for the underlying policies.


      The two classes of stock of Citizens are equal in all respects, except (a)
      each Class A share receives twice the cash dividends paid on a per share
      basis to the Class B common stock; and (b) the Class B common stock elects
      a simple majority of the Board of Directors of Citizens and the Class A
      common stock elects the remaining directors.

      Generally, the net assets of the insurance subsidiaries available for
      transfer to Citizens are limited to the greater of the subsidiary net gain
      from operations during the preceding year or 10% of the subsidiary net
      statutory surplus as of the end of the preceding year as determined in
      accordance with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by insurance
      regulatory authorities. Payments of dividends in excess of such amounts
      would generally require approval by the regulatory authorities. Based upon
      statutory net gain from operations and surplus of the individual insurance
      companies as of and for the year ended December 31, 2001 approximately
      $6,100,000 of dividends could be paid to Citizens without prior regulatory

      CICA, CILIC and Excalibur have calculated their risk based capital (RBC)
      in accordance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners'
      Model Rule and the RBC rules as adopted by their respective state of
      domicile. The RBC as calculated for CICA, CILIC and Excalibur as of
      December 31, 2001 exceeded levels requiring company or regulatory action.


      On January 26, 1999 Citizens acquired Investors in exchange for 609,269
      shares of its Class A Common stock. The excess of cost over net assets
      acquired amounted to $303,703 and is being amortized over 10 years.

      Effective January 1, 2000, NSLIC was merged with and into CICA.
      Additionally, effective October 1, 2000, USLIC was merged with and into


      On November 20, 2001, Citizens announced that definitive agreements had
      been reached between Citizens and Combined Underwriters Life Insurance
      Company (Combined) and between Citizens and Lifeline Underwriters Life
      Insurance Company (Lifeline), whereby Citizens would acquire 100% of the
      outstanding shares of both Combined and Lifeline.

      Pursuant to the terms of the agreements, which were approved by Combined's
      and Lifeline's shareholders and regulatory authorities, Citizens issued
      approximately 753,000 shares of its Class A Common Stock to acquire
      Combined and approximately 305,000 shares of its Class A Common Stock to
      acquire Lifeline. The transactions closed on March 19, 2002 and were
      accounted for as purchases.


      The Company is a party to various legal proceedings incidental to its
      business. The Company has been named as a defendant in various legal
      actions seeking payments for claims denied by the Company and other
      monetary damages. In the opinion of management, the ultimate liability, if
      any, resulting from any contingent liabilities that might arise from
      litigation are not considered material in relation to the financial
      position or results of operations of the Company.

      Reserves for claims payable are based on the expected claim amount to be
      paid after a case by case review of the facts and circumstances relating
      to each claim. A contingency exists with regard to these reserves until
      such time as the claims are adjudicated and paid.


      The Company has two reportable segments identified by geographic area:
      International Business and Domestic Business. International Business,
      consisting of ordinary whole-life business, is sold primarily throughout
      Central and South America. The Company has no assets, offices or employees
      outside of the United States of America (U.S.) and requires that all
      transactions be in U.S. dollars paid in the U.S. Domestic Business,
      consisting of traditional life and burial insurance, pre-need policies,
      accident and health specified disease, hospital indemnity and accidental
      death policies, is sold throughout the southern U.S. The accounting
      policies of the segments are in accordance with U.S. GAAP and are the same
      as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. The
      Company evaluates performance based on U.S. GAAP net income before federal
      income taxes for its two reportable segments.

      Geographic Areas - The following summary represents financial data of the
      Company's continuing operations based on their location.

                                 2001             2000             1999
                                 ----             ----             ----
      U.S.                   $11,991,619      $14,340,251      $19,844,710
      Non-U.S.                55,655,205       52,337,865       52,032,348
                             -----------      -----------      -----------
         Total Revenues      $67,646,824      $66,678,116      $71,877,058
                             ===========      ===========      ===========


      The following summary, representing revenues and pre-tax income from
      continuing operations and identifiable assets for the Company's reportable
      segments as of and for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999,
      is as follows:

             YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31                     2001           2000          1999
                                                         ----           ----          ----
      Revenue, excluding net investment income and
        realized gains (losses)
          Domestic                                   $  9,660,887    $11,622,382   $16,546,005
          International                                44,837,871     42,418,411    43,383,223
                                                     ------------    -----------   -----------
      Total consolidated revenue                     $ 54,498,758    $54,040,793   $59,929,228
                                                     ============    ===========   ===========

      Net investment income:
        Domestic                                     $  2,357,041    $ 2,699,251   $ 3,212,871
        International                                  10,939,440      9,851,503     8,424,069
                                                     ------------    -----------   -----------
      Total consolidated net investment
        income                                       $ 13,296,481    $12,550,754   $11,636,940
                                                     ============    ===========   ===========

      Amortization expense:
        Domestic                                     $  1,896,086    $ 1,922,308   $ 1,766,439
        International                                   8,581,042      8,595,324    10,382,384
                                                     ------------    -----------   -----------
      Total consolidated amortization
        expense                                      $ 10,477,128    $10,517,632   $12,148,823
                                                     ============    ===========   ===========

      Realized gains (losses)
        Domestic                                     $    (26,309)   $    18,618   $    85,834
        International                                    (122,106)        67,951       225,056
                                                     ------------    -----------   -----------
      Total consolidated realized gains
        (losses)                                     $   (148,415)   $    86,569   $   310,890
                                                     ============    ===========   ===========

      Income before federal income tax:
        Domestic                                     $    829,277    $   290,577   $    67,571
        International                                   4,199,353      2,233,164       904,878
                                                     ------------    -----------   -----------
      Total consolidated income before federal
        income taxes                                 $  5,028,630    $ 2,523,741   $   972,449
                                                     ============    ===========   ===========

                                                 2001             2000
                                                 ----             ----
      Assets as of December 31:
           Domestic                          $ 93,652,639     $ 93,476,985
           International                      188,433,624      174,365,379
                                             ------------     ------------
      Total                                  $282,086,263     $267,842,364
                                             ============     ============


Major categories of premiums are summarized as follows:

                                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2001           2000           1999
    Ordinary life                      $48,142,397    $45,892,621    $47,687,414
    Annuity and universal life             216,905        228,479        261,880
    Group life                             543,792         95,068        484,746
    Accident and health                  5,059,843      7,235,685     10,886,317
                                       -----------    -----------    -----------
Total premiums                         $53,962,937    $53,451,853    $59,320,357
                                       ===========    ===========    ===========


      A reconciliation of Federal income tax expense computed by applying the
      Federal income tax rate of 34% to income before Federal income tax expense
      is as follows:

                                               2001          2000          1999
                                               ----          ----          ----
      Computed normal tax expense       $ 1,709,734     $ 858,072     $ 330,633
      Small life insurance company
        deduction                          (612,000)     (573,000)     (597,755)
      Change in valuation allowance              --            --      (173,350)
      Amortization of excess of costs
        over net assets acquired            202,439       224,000       223,876
      Adjustment of prior year taxes       (276,492)           --            --
      Other                                  41,836       (38,072)      (82,027)
                                        -----------     ---------     ---------
      Federal income tax expense
        (benefit)                       $ 1,065,517     $ 471,000     $(298,623)
                                        ===========     =========     =========

      Income tax expense (benefit) for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000
      and 1999 consists of:

                                    2001           2000              1999
                                    ----           ----              ----
      Current                 $  646,636      $ 459,000       $ 1,405,698
      Deferred                   418,881         12,000        (1,704,321)
                              ----------      ---------       -----------
                              $1,065,517      $ 471,000       $  (298,623)
                              ==========      =========       ===========


      The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant
      portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at
      December 31, 2001 and 2000 are presented below.

                                                                       2001          2000
                                                                       ----          ----
      Deferred tax assets:
           Future policy benefit reserves                          $16,186,294   $15,472,000
           Net operating loss carryforwards                             87,000       760,000
           Due and accrued dividends and expenses                      656,333       139,000
           Investments available-for-sale                                   --       369,948
           Other                                                       128,217       697,802
                                                                   -----------   -----------
               Total gross deferred tax assets                      17,057,844    17,438,750
       Deferred tax liabilities:
           Deferred policy  acquisition costs, cost of insurance
           acquired and intangible assets                          $12,253,001   $11,847,000
           Reinsurance                                                 673,826       671,160
           Investments available-for-sale                              374,782            --
           Other                                                       291,097       291,840
                                                                   -----------   -----------
               Total gross deferred tax liabilities                 13,592,706    12,810,000
                                                                   -----------   -----------
               Net deferred tax asset                              $ 3,465,138   $ 4,628,750
                                                                   ===========   ===========

      During 1999, the Company released the valuation allowance associated with
      NSLIC net operating losses. These losses have been utilized in 2001 by the
      Company and CICA.

      The Company and its subsidiaries had net operating losses at December 31,
      2001 available to offset future taxable income of approximately $87,000
      for Federal income tax substantially all of which expire through 2020. A
      portion of the net operating loss carryforward is subject to limitations
      under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code.

      At December 31, 2001, the Company had accumulated approximately $3,291,000
      in its "policyholders' surplus account." This is a special memorandum tax
      account into which certain amounts not previously taxed, under prior tax
      laws, were accumulated. No new additions will be made to this account.
      Federal income taxes will become payable thereon at the then current tax
      rate (a) when and if distributions to the shareholder, other than stock
      dividends and other limited exceptions, are made in excess of the
      accumulated previously taxed income; or (b) when a company ceases to be a
      life insurance company as defined by the Internal Revenue Code and such
      termination is not due to another life insurance company acquiring its
      assets in a nontaxable transaction. The Company does not anticipate any
      transactions that would cause any part of this amount to become taxable.
      However, should the balance at December 31, 2001 become taxable, the tax
      computed at present rates would be approximately $1,119,000.


      Estimates of fair values are made at a specific point in time, based on
      relevant market prices and information about the financial instrument. The
      estimated fair values of financial instruments presented below are not
      necessarily indicative of the amounts the Company might realize in actual
      market transactions. The carrying amount and fair value


      for the financial assets and liabilities on the consolidated balance
      sheets at each year-end were.

                                2001                          2000
                    ---------------------------   ---------------------------

                      CARRYING          FAIR        CARRYING          FAIR
                       AMOUNT          VALUE         AMOUNT          VALUE
                       ------          -----         ------          -----
Financial assets:
Fixed maturities    $184,017,246   $184,269,247   $170,528,500   $170,534,698
Equity securities        568,398        568,398        675,726        675,726
Cash and cash
 equivalents           6,793,852      6,793,852      4,064,035      4,064,035
Mortgage Loans         1,109,547      1,109,547      1,178,668      1,178,668

Annuities              3,839,023      3,839,023      4,170,884      4,170,884

      Fair values for fixed income securities and equity securities are based on
      quoted market prices. In cases where quoted market prices are not
      available, fair values are based on estimates using present value or other
      assumptions, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash

      Mortgage loans are secured principally by residential properties. Weighted
      average interest rates for these loans as of December 31, 2001 and 2000,
      were approximately 8.7% and 8.6%, respectively, with maturities ranging
      from one to fifteen years. Management believes that reported amounts
      approximate fair value.

      The carrying value and fair values for the Company's liabilities under
      annuity contract policies are the same as the interest rates credited to
      these products and are periodically adjusted by the Company to reflect
      market conditions. The fair value of liabilities under all insurance
      contracts are taken into consideration in the overall management of
      interest rate risk, which minimizes exposure to changing interest rates
      through the matching of investment maturities with amounts due under
      insurance contracts.

      Policy loans have a weighted average interest rate of 7.6% and 7.5% as of
      December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively, and have no specified maturity
      dates. The aggregate fair value of policy loans approximates the carrying
      value reflected on the consolidated balance sheet. These loans typically
      carry an interest rate that is tied to the crediting rate applied to the
      related policy and contract reserves. Policy loans are an integral part of
      the life insurance policies which the Company has in-force and cannot be
      valued separately.

      For cash, accrued investment income, amounts recoverable from reinsurers,
      other assets, federal income tax payable and receivable, dividend
      accumulations, commissions payable, amounts held on deposit, and other
      liabilities, the carrying amounts approximate fair value because of the
      short maturity of such financial instruments.



      The changes in the components of other comprehensive income (loss) are
      reported net of income taxes of 34% for the periods indicated as follows:

                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001
                                                PRE-TAX           TAX            NET
                                                 AMOUNT          EFFECT         AMOUNT
                                                 ------          ------         ------
Unrealized gain on securities:
    Unrealized holding gain
    arising during the period                 $  1,886,498    $  (641,409)   $ 1,245,089
Add:  reclassification adjustment for
    losses included in net income                  303,887       (103,322)       200,565
                                              ------------    -----------    -----------
Other comprehensive income                    $  2,190,385    $  (744,731)   $ 1,445,654
                                              ============    ===========    ===========

                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000
                                                PRE-TAX           TAX            NET
                                                 AMOUNT          EFFECT         AMOUNT
                                                 ------          ------         ------
Unrealized gain on securities:
    Unrealized holding gain
    arising during the period                 $  4,622,602    $(1,571,685)   $ 3,050,917
Less:  reclassification adjustment for
    gains included in net income                   (87,267)        29,671        (57,596)
                                              ------------    -----------    -----------
Other comprehensive income                    $  4,535,335    $(1,542,014)   $ 2,993,321
                                              ============    ===========    ===========

                                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                                                PRE-TAX           TAX            NET
                                                 AMOUNT          EFFECT         AMOUNT
                                                 ------          ------         ------
Unrealized loss on securities:
    Unrealized holding loss
    arising during the period                 $(10,812,316)   $ 3,676,186    $(7,136,130)
Add:  reclassification adjustment for gains
    included in net income                        (301,200)       102,410       (198,790)
                                              ------------    -----------    -----------

Other comprehensive loss                      $(11,113,516)   $ 3,778,596    $(7,334,920)
                                              ============    ===========    ===========



      The following table contains selected unaudited consolidated financial
      data for each calendar quarter.

                                   FOURTH          THIRD           SECOND          FIRST
                                  QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER
                                  -------         -------         -------         -------
Revenues                        $ 18,228,560    $ 17,582,734    $ 16,353,749    $ 15,481,781
Expenses                          16,593,461      15,637,391      15,617,737      14,769,605
Federal income tax expense           135,517         585,000         155,000         190,000
Net income                         1,499,582       1,360,343         581,012         522,176
Basic and diluted earnings
    per share                            .06             .06             .02             .02

                                   FOURTH          THIRD           SECOND          FIRST
                                  QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER
                                  -------         -------         -------         -------
Revenues                        $ 17,621,342    $ 17,010,084    $ 16,468,250    $ 15,578,440
Expenses                          15,224,838      17,631,964      15,298,624      15,998,949
Federal income tax expense
    (benefit)                        705,398        (335,073)        220,512        (119,837)
Net income (loss)                  1,691,106        (286,807)        949,114        (300,672)
Basic and diluted earnings
    (loss) per share                     .07            (.01)            .03            (.01)

                                   FOURTH          THIRD           SECOND          FIRST
                                  QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER         QUARTER
                                  -------         -------         -------         -------
Revenues                        $ 18,883,005    $ 17,946,816    $ 18,229,167    $ 16,818,070
Expenses                          19,150,093      16,816,910      18,455,771      16,481,835
Federal income tax expense
    (benefit)                       (481,050)        239,427        (115,484)         58,484
Net income (loss)                    213,962         890,479        (111,120)        277,751
Basic and diluted earnings
    (loss) per share                     .01             .04            (.01)            .01


                                                                     SCHEDULE II



                         CITIZENS, INC. (PARENT COMPANY)


                           DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                                         2001            2000
                                                         ----            ----

Investment in subsidiaries (1)                       $ 77,922,929    $ 72,435,637
Fixed maturities available-for-sale, at fair value      2,690,942       2,583,419
Accrued investment income                                  30,277          44,683
Real estate                                               817,584         800,114
Cash                                                      950,614         220,273
Notes receivable (1)                                           --         200,000
Other assets                                            1,142,365       1,449,198
                                                     ------------    ------------
                                                     $ 83,554,711    $ 77,733,324
                                                     ============    ============
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Liabilities -
    Accrued expense and other                        $    832,913    $    420,293
                                                     ------------    ------------

Stockholders' equity:
    Common stock:
       Class A                                         79,701,590      79,701,590
       Class B                                            910,482         910,482
    Retained earnings                                   5,274,768       1,311,655
    Accumulated other comprehensive income:
       Unrealized investment gain (loss) of
       securities held by subsidiaries, net
       of tax                                             727,519        (718,135)
    Treasury stock                                     (3,892,561)     (3,892,561)
                                                     ------------    ------------
                                                       82,721,798      77,313,031
                                                     ------------    ------------
                                                     $ 83,554,711    $ 77,733,324
                                                     ============    ============

(1)   Eliminated in consolidation.

                 See accompanying independent auditors' report.


                                                          SCHEDULE II, CONTINUED



                         CITIZENS, INC. (PARENT COMPANY)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                 YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000 AND 1999

                                            2001           2000           1999
                                            ----           ----           ----
  Management service fees (1)           $ 13,529,199    $12,252,079   $ 13,333,733
  Investment income                          178,815        129,515         79,872
  Other                                        6,541         35,174          6,437
  Realized gain (loss)                        18,857             --         (7,281)
                                        ------------    -----------   ------------
                                          13,733,412     12,416,768     13,412,761
                                        ------------    -----------   ------------
  General                                 12,273,653     11,047,326     12,126,181
  Interest                                        --             --         18,537
  Taxes                                    1,495,025        806,657        812,896
                                        ------------    -----------   ------------
                                          13,768,678     11,853,983     12,957,614
                                        ------------    -----------   ------------

Income (loss) before equity in income
  of unconsolidated subsidiaries             (35,266)       562,785        455,147
Equity in income of unconsolidated
  subsidiaries                             3,998,379      1,489,956        815,925
                                        ------------    -----------   ------------
                    Net income          $  3,963,113    $ 2,052,741   $  1,271,072
                                        ============    ===========   ============

- ----------
(1)   Eliminated in consolidation.

                 See accompanying independent auditors' report.


                                                          SCHEDULE II, CONTINUED



                        CITIZENS, INC. (PARENT COMPANY)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                    2001           2000           1999
                                                                    ----           ----           ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income                                                  $ 3,963,113    $ 2,052,741    $ 1,271,072
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used by
       operating activities:
          Realized (gains) losses on sales                          (18,857)            --          7,281
          Equity in net income of unconsolidated subsidiaries    (3,998,379)    (1,489,956)      (815,925)
          Accrued expenses and other liabilities                    412,620        251,494        104,018
          Change in accrued investment income                        14,406        (30,273)            --
          Other                                                     354,325        300,896       (138,184)
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
              Net cash provided by operating activities             727,228      1,084,902        428,262
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Purchase of fixed maturities, available-for-sale             (3,022,974)    (2,540,066)            --
    Maturities of fixed maturities, available-for-sale            2,865,000             --             --
    Payments on notes receivable                                    200,000         66,667         66,666
    Investment in real estate                                       (38,913)       (58,280)      (284,153)
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
              Net cash provided (used) by investing
                 activities                                           3,113     (2,531,679)      (217,487)
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Payment on notes payable                                             --             --       (333,333)
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
              Net cash used by financing activities                      --             --       (333,333)
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash                                     730,341     (1,446,777)      (122,558)
Cash at beginning of year                                           220,273      1,667,050      1,789,608
                                                                -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash at end of year                                             $   950,614    $   220,273    $ 1,667,050
                                                                ===========    ===========    ===========

See accompanying independent auditors' report.


                                                                    SCHEDULE III



                        AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                                                    DECEMBER 31
                                                                2001           2000
                                                                ----           ----
Deferred policy acquisition cost:
      Domestic                                              $ 13,477,873   $ 13,280,271
      International                                           27,118,130     24,772,081
                                                            ------------   ------------
Total consolidated deferred policy
   acquisition costs:                                       $ 40,596,003   $ 38,052,352
                                                            ============   ============

Future policy benefits, losses, claims and loss expenses:
      Domestic                                              $ 61,348,209   $ 62,169,261
      International                                          123,435,554    115,966,156
                                                            ------------   ------------
Total consolidated future policy benefits, losses,
   claims, and loss expenses                                $184,783,763   $178,135,417
                                                            ============   ============

Unearned premiums:
      Domestic                                              $    113,451   $    131,554
      International                                              228,270        245,392
                                                            ------------   ------------
Total consolidated unearned premiums                        $    341,721   $    376,946
                                                            ============   ============

Other policy claims and benefits payable:
      Domestic                                              $  3,731,420   $  3,368,491
      International                                            7,507,798      6,283,345
                                                            ------------   ------------
Total consolidated other policy claims
   and benefits payable                                     $ 11,239,218   $  9,651,836
                                                            ============   ============

See accompanying independent auditors' report.





                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                 2001          2000          1999
                                                                 ----          ----          ----
Premium revenue:
      Domestic                                               $ 9,565,894   $11,495,721   $16,377,900
      International                                           44,397,043    41,956,132    42,942,457
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
Total consolidated premium revenue                           $53,962,937   $53,451,853   $59,320,357
                                                             ===========   ===========   ===========

Net investment income:
      Domestic                                               $ 2,357,041   $ 2,699,251   $ 3,212,871
      International                                           10,939,440     9,851,503     8,424,069
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
Total consolidated net investment income                     $13,296,481   $12,550,754   $11,636,940
                                                             ===========   ===========   ===========

Benefits, claims, losses and settlement expenses:
      Domestic                                               $ 9,699,316   $11,244,773   $13,763,602
      International                                           29,473,937    29,897,665    31,716,592
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
Total consolidated benefits, claims, losses and              $39,173,253   $41,142,438   $45,480,194
    expenses settlement                                      ===========   ===========   ===========

Amortization of deferred policy
  Acquisition costs:
      Domestic                                               $ 1,512,837   $ 1,477,795   $ 2,660,970
      International                                            7,055,608     7,044,177     7,367,836
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
Total consolidated amortization of deferred policy
       acquisition costs                                     $ 8,568,445   $ 8,521,972   $10,028,806
                                                             ===========   ===========   ===========

Other operating expenses:
      Domestic                                               $ 1,937,713   $ 2,647,320   $ 3,965,367
      International                                            8,697,926     7,492,219     6,363,629
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
Total consolidated other operating expenses                  $10,635,639   $10,139,539   $10,328,996
                                                             ===========   ===========   ===========

See accompanying independent auditors' report.


                                                                     SCHEDULE IV



                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                            CEDED         ASSUMED                        PERCENTAGE
                                           GROSS           TO OTHER     FROM OTHER          NET          OF AMOUNT
                                           AMOUNT         COMPANIES      COMPANIES        AMOUNT       ASSUMED TO NET
                                           ------         ---------      ---------        ------       --------------
Year ended December 31, 2001:
    Life insurance in-force            $2,416,610,000   $206,386,000   $440,023,000   $2,650,247,000        16.6%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============
       Life insurance                      49,865,195      1,722,798        543,792       48,686,189         1.1%
       Accident and health insurance        5,649,277        589,434             --        5,059,843          --
                                       --------------   ------------   ------------   --------------
    Total premiums                     $   55,514,472   $  2,312,232   $    543,792   $   53,746,032         1.0%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============

Year ended December 31, 2000
    Life insurance in-force            $2,240,523,000   $272,150,000   $326,267,000   $2,294,640,000        14.2%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============
       Life insurance                      48,046,655      2,154,034         95,068       45,987,689          .2%
       Accident and health insurance        7,576,449        340,764             --        7,235,685          --
                                       --------------   ------------   ------------   --------------
    Total premiums                     $   55,623,104   $  2,494,798   $     95,068   $   53,223,374          .2%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============

Year ended December 31, 1999
    Life insurance in-force            $2,197,844,000   $278,689,000   $273,146,000   $2,192,301,000        12.5%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============
       Life insurance                      49,654,207      1,966,793        484,746       48,172,160         1.0%
       Accident and health insurance       11,458,679        572,362             --       10,886,317          --
                                       --------------   ------------   ------------   --------------
    Total premiums                     $   61,112,886   $  2,539,155   $    484,746   $   59,058,477          .8%
                                       ==============   ============   ============   ==============

                 See accompanying independent auditors' report.



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                        CITIZENS, INC.

Date: March 26, 2002                    By: /s/ MARK A. OLIVER
                                            Mark A. Oliver, President

                                        By: /s/ JEFFREY J. WOOD
                                            Jeffrey J. Wood, Executive Vice
                                            President, Chief Financial Officer
                                            and Secretary / Treasurer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Each individual whose signature appears below hereby designates and appoints
Harold E. Riley and Mark A. Oliver, and each of them, as such person's true and
lawful attorney's-in-fact and agents (the "Attorneys-in-Fact") with full power
of substitution and resubstitution, for each person and in such person's name,
place, and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign any and all amendments
(including post-effective amendments) to this Annual Report on Form 10-K, which
amendments may make such changes in this Annual Report on Form 10-K as either
Attorney-in-Fact deems appropriate and to file therewith, with the Securities
and Exchange Commission, granting unto such Attorneys-in-Fact and each of them,
full power and authority to do and perform each and every act and think
requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all
intents and purposes as such person might or could do in person, hereby
ratifying and confirming all that such Attorneys-in-Fact or either of them, in
their substitute or substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue

/s/ MARK A. OLIVER                                          March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Mark A. Oliver, Director

/s/ RALPH M. SMITH                                          March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Ralph M. Smith, Director

/s/ DR. RICHARD C. SCOTT                                    March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Dr. Richard C. Scott, Director

/s/ RICK D. RILEY                                           March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Rick D. Riley, Director

/s/ DR. E. DEAN GAGE                                        March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Dr. E. Dean Gage, Director

/s/ HAROLD E. RILEY                                         March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Harold E. Riley, Chairman of the
Board and Director

/s/ WALDEN P. LITTLE                                        March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Walden P. Little, Director

/s/ TIMOTHY T. TIMMERMAN                                    March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Timothy T. Timmerman

/s/ STEVE SHELTON                                           March 26, 2002
- ----------------------------------------
Steve Shelton, Director


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                  EXHIBIT              DESCRIPTION
                  -------              -----------
                  Exhibit 21           Subsidiaries of Registrant
                  Exhibit 23           Independent Auditors' Consent