EXHIBIT 99.4 [CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR LETTERHEAD] November 24, 1997 Mr. H. Ronald Nash Vice President, Perot Systems Corporation 12377 Merit Drive Suite 1100 Dallas, Texas 75251 Dear Ron: Many thanks for your and Chuck Bell's trip to Folsom last week to help work out the conflict of interest matter involving Perot's contemplated consulting services ("the Services") in conjunction with Policy Analysis Corporation ("PAC"). I belivee that we are in agreement on the need to move forward quickly to remedy the situation. Your recognition that the appearance of conflict weighs as heavily as actual conflict was most welcome. Public confidence in the fairness of the ISO and PX Systems must be one of its salient characteristics; it is a major and substantial interest of ours - and the FERC's - in the design and procurement of the system and the market. That the ISO is a quasi-public if not a public entity and the procurement funds for the system are quasi-public if not public funds, are important elements of the environment in which we are operating. Achievement of the December 5 deadline for having our conflict solution in place will be important, as I outlined. By way of summary, the elements that need to be available or in place are as follows: o The form as a disclaimer which will be issued to past future prospects for the Services. We are to have the total number of prospects approached and "pitched"; you will approach all past and future prospects and secure permission to disclose their identity, if possible. o Provide a set of Ethics Assurance Procedures to assure appropriate isolation of the ISO/Alliance Project from the offering and providing of the Services. We need to identify the Project personnel in their varying capacities and their exposure or access to protected or non-public information relating to the Project, and identify as well the appropriate applicatory time periods. o Provide a control process to assure the continuing implementation of the above. o Provide certification in appropriate form that no protected or non-public information has been released, either to PAC or to prospective clients in the course of soliciting clients for the services or actually providing the services, as well as that the above described activities are being implemented. - 2 - November 24, 1997 I appreciate your looking into the form of the "teaming" arrangements between Perot and PAC for provision of the services so that we can be aware of their circumstances. Also of importance is your continuing assessment regarding how the ISO can receive assurance that the system is free of any gratuitous insertions or "hooks" designed to enable some feature of the Services, both past and future. Again, Ron, thank you for your positive response to our concerns. We look forward to responding rapidly to the items set forth above, after we receive your draft proposal. Sincerely, /S/ JEFFREY TRANEN Jeffrey Tranen President and Chief Executive Officer